T H E ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATION DEALING WITH ALL BRANCHES OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 95 1970 PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 9/10 Savile Row, London, W1X lAF, EnglandT H E ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATION DEALING WITH ALL BRANCHES OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 95 1970 PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 9/10 Savile Row, London, W1X lAF, EnglandTHE ANALYST EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Chairman: A. A. SMALES, O.B.E. (Harwell) *T. ALLEN (Bradford) *L. S. BARK (SaZford) R. BELCHER (Rivmingham) L. J . BELLAMY, C.B.E. (Waltham Abbey) L. S. BIRKS (U.S.A.) E. BISHOP (Exeter) *R. C. CHIRNSIDE (Wembley) *A. C.DOCHERTY (Billingham) *W. T. ELWELL (Birmingham) *D. C. GARRATT (London) * R. GOULDEN (Sittingbourne) D. DYRSSEN (Sweden) J. HOSTE (Belgium) D. N. HUME (U.S.A.) H. M. N. H. IRVING (Leeds) *A. G. JONES (Welwyn Garden City) M. T. KELLEY (U.S.A.) w. IiEMULA (Poland) *G. F. KIRKBRIGHT (London) *G. W. C . MILNER (Harwell) G. H. MORRISON (U.S.A.) *G. NICKLESS (Bristol) S. A. PRICE (Tadworth) D. I. REES (Lodon) E. B. SANDELL (U.S.A.) W. SCHONIGER (Switzerland) H. E. STAGG (Manchester) E. STAHL (Germany) A. WALSH (Australia) *T. S. WEST (London) P. ZUMAN ( U . S . A . ) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman: A. A. SMALES, O.B.E. Members of the Editorial Advisory Board whose names are marked with an asterisk (*) The President and Honorary Officers of the Society President of the Society T.S. WEST, BSc., Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. Hon. Secretary of the Society W. H. C. SHAW, F.P.S., F.R.I.C. Hon. Treasurer of the Society G. W. C. MILNER, D.Sc., F.R.I.C., A.1nst.P. Hon. Assistant Secretary of the Society D. I. COOMBER, BSc., Ph.D., A.R.I.C. Editor J. B. ATTRILL, M.A., F.R.I.C. Assistant Editor M. F. TREMBERTH, B.A. Regional Advisory Editors S. E. Q. ASHLEY (U.S.A.) Professor G. CHARLOT (France) Professor L. GIERST (Belgium) Professor R. HERRMANN (Germany) Professor Axel JOHANSSON (Sweden) Professor W. E. -4. MCBRYDE (Canada) Dr. W. Wayne MEINKE (U.S.A .) Professor I<. MINCZEWSKI (Poland) Dr. D. D. PERRIN (Australia) Dr. A. STRASHEIM (South Africa) Professor K. UENO (Japan)THE ANALYST EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Chairman: A. A. SMALES, O.B.E.(Harwell) *T. ALLEN (Bradford) *L. S. BARK (SaZford) R. BELCHER (Rivmingham) L. J . BELLAMY, C.B.E. (Waltham Abbey) L. S. BIRKS (U.S.A.) E. BISHOP (Exeter) *R. C. CHIRNSIDE (Wembley) *A. C. DOCHERTY (Billingham) *W. T. ELWELL (Birmingham) *D. C. GARRATT (London) * R. GOULDEN (Sittingbourne) D. DYRSSEN (Sweden) J. HOSTE (Belgium) D. N. HUME (U.S.A.) H. M. N. H. IRVING (Leeds) *A. G. JONES (Welwyn Garden City) M. T. KELLEY (U.S.A.) w. IiEMULA (Poland) *G. F. KIRKBRIGHT (London) *G. W. C . MILNER (Harwell) G. H. MORRISON (U.S.A.) *G. NICKLESS (Bristol) S. A. PRICE (Tadworth) D. I. REES (Lodon) E. B. SANDELL (U.S.A.) W. SCHONIGER (Switzerland) H. E. STAGG (Manchester) E. STAHL (Germany) A. WALSH (Australia) *T. S. WEST (London) P. ZUMAN ( U . S . A . ) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman: A.A. SMALES, O.B.E. Members of the Editorial Advisory Board whose names are marked with an asterisk (*) The President and Honorary Officers of the Society President of the Society T. S. WEST, BSc., Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. Hon. Secretary of the Society W. H. C. SHAW, F.P.S., F.R.I.C. Hon. Treasurer of the Society G. W. C. MILNER, D.Sc., F.R.I.C., A.1nst.P. Hon. Assistant Secretary of the Society D. I. COOMBER, BSc., Ph.D., A.R.I.C. Editor J. B. ATTRILL, M.A., F.R.I.C. Assistant Editor M. F. TREMBERTH, B.A. Regional Advisory Editors S. E. Q. ASHLEY (U.S.A.) Professor G. CHARLOT (France) Professor L. GIERST (Belgium) Professor R. HERRMANN (Germany) Professor Axel JOHANSSON (Sweden) Professor W. E. -4. MCBRYDE (Canada) Dr. W. Wayne MEINKE (U.S.A .) Professor I<.MINCZEWSKI (Poland) Dr. D. D. PERRIN (Australia) Dr. A. STRASHEIM (South Africa) Professor K. UENO (Japan)INDEX TO VOLUME 95 INDEX TO AUTHORS A Adam, 1. R. See Wood, D. F. Adcock, L. H., and Hope, W. G. Method for determination of tin in range 0.2 to 1-6 p g , and its application to determination of organotin stabiliscr in certain foodstuffs, SW. Al-Ani, K., and Leonard, M. A. Improved syn- thesis of alizarin fluorine blue, 1039. Aldous, K. M., Dagnall, R. M., and West, T. S. Flame-spectroscopic determination of sulphur and phosphorus in organic and aqueous matrices by using simple filter photometer, 417. Alexander, W. A., Mash, C. J., and McAuley, -A. Use of enthalpimetric titration to study reaction of thiourea and its N-substituted derivatives with cerium(IV), 657. lievicw of vaii der Maas’s Basic Infrared Spectroscopy, 973.Review of Flaschka and Barnard jun.’s Chelates in Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 2, 222 ; Review of Calder’s Photometric Methods of Analysis, 621. Andrew, P., and Wood, R. Simple field test for determination of isophoronc vapour in air, 691. Arents, J. S. See Labowita, L. C. Ashworth, M. R. F. Translator of Stahl’s Thin- Layer Chromatography. Laboratory Handbook. 2nd Edn. (Review), 972. Awad, A. S. See Milham, P. J. Awadallah, R. See Khalifa, K. Anderson, D. M. W. Anderson, R. G. B Baiulescu, Gh., Marinescu, D., and Greff, C. Spec- trophotometric study of reaction of uranium(V1) with new salicylazochromotropic acid derivative, 661. Baker, K. F. Automated system for determination of pH of soil, 885.Bane, R. W. Further analytical applications of perxenate, 722. Bannister, D. W., and Burns, .A. B. Adaptation of Rergman and Loxley technique for hydroxypro- line determination to AutoAnalyzer and its use in determining plasma hydroxyproline in domestic fowl, 596. Bard, A. J. Electroanalytical Chemistry. Vol. 3. (Review), 1 1 1. Barenboim, G. M., Domanskii, A. N., and Turoverov, K. K. Luminescence of Bipolymers and Cells. Translation Editor R. F. Chen. (Review), 832. Bark, L. S. Review of Marcus and Kertes’s I o n Exchange and Solvent Extraction of Metal Com- plexes, 110; Review of Tsutsui’s Characterisation of Organometallic Compounds. I, 110; Review of Pattison’s Programmed Introduction to Gas- Liquid Chromatography, 317 ; Review of Tranchant Huzon, Guichard, Lebbe, l’revot and Serpinet’s Practical Manual of Gas Chromatography, 766 ; Review of Kertes and Marcus’s Solvent Extraction Research, 972 ; Review of Stahl’s Thin-Layer Chromatography. Laboratory Handbook.2nd Edn., 972. - and Bark, S. M. Thermometric Titrimetry. (Review), 22 1. - and Rixon, A. Spectrofluorimetric determina- tion of sulphides, 786. Bark, S. M. Barman, T. E. Enzyme Handbook. Vols. I and Barnard, A. J., jun. Barratt, M. S. See Hughes, D. 0. Bartecki, A. See Lfmg, L. Bates, T. H., and Boyd, T. H. Determination of sulphur and sulphur-35 in milk, 955. Baynes, J. A., and Cartwright, P. F. S. Precipita- tion of lead chromate from homogeneous solution by pH increase with urea in prescncc of organic acids, 706. Benedict, R. C., and Stedman, R.L. Ellman’s reagent : interference in mercspto group determin- ation, with special reference to cigarette smoke, 296. Titrimetric determin- ation of alumina in ceramic materials by using DCTA in place of EDTA, 541. Bennett, W. H. Review of Maxwell’s Rock and lltineral Analysis, 414. Benson, D. Mechanisms of Inorganic Reactions in Solution. An Introduction. (Review), 11 1. Berry, C. T., and Crossland, R. J. Automated method for determination of cyclohexylamine in cyclamates, 291. Bertin, E. P. Principles and Practice of X-ray Spectrometric Analysis. (Review), 1047. Bhattacharyya, D. See Chakrabarty, 1. M. Bhattarai, D. R. See Ottawas, J. M. Bird, P. R., and Fountain, R. D. Method for determination of sulphur in some biological materials, 98. Blackmore, D.J. Determination of carbon mon- oxide in blood and tissue, 439. Bluman, N. See McLeod, H. A. Boar, P. L., and Ingram, L. I(. See Bark, L. S. 11. (Review), 766. See Flaschka, H. A. Bennett, H., and Reed, R. A. Comprehensive analysis of coal ash and silicate rocks by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry by fusion tech- nique, 113. Booth, M. D., and Fleet, B. Determination of aliphatic ketones by polarography of their Girard T derivatives, 649. Bottle, R. T. Use of Chemical Literature. 2nd Edn. (Review), 620. Bowen, H. J. M. Determination of sulphate ion by replacement of iodate in iodine-131 labelled barium iodate, 665 ; Chemical Applications of Radioisotopes. (Review), 976. Boyd, T. H. See Bates, T. H. Boyden, J. W., and Deacon, M. T. Gas-chromato- graphic determination of tetra-aryl pyrophos- phates and diary1 phosphorochloridates in triaryl phosphate, 935.Boyne, A. W. See Davidson. J. Brame, E. G., jun. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews. Vol. 2. (Review), 317. Brand, M. ‘J. D., ’and Fleet, B. Application of polarography and related electroanalytical tech- niques to determination of ethylenebisdithio- carbamates, 905 ; Application of polarography and related electroanalytical techniques to determination of tetramethylthiuram disulphide, 1023. -- and Weaver, M. R. H. Determination of cinnamic acid by coulometric titration with aniperometric end-point detection, 387.vi INDEX TO VOLUME 95 Breiter, 1. W. Electrochemical Processes in Fuel Cells. Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie in Einzeldarstellungen. Band IX. (Review), 319.Broadbridge, R. A. See Thomas, A. H. Brookes, A., and Townshend, A. Studies on analytical chemistry of hafnium and zirconium. I. Review of methods for determination of hafnium and zirconium in admixture, 529; 11. Fluorimetric determination of hafnium in presence of zirconium by using quercetin, 781. Broughton, P. M. G. See Dawson, J. B. Brumblay, R. U. First Course in Qualitative Analysis. (Review), 1046. Bull, J. H. See Milham, P. J. Burgess, C. See Fogg, A. G. Burgess, G. H. O., McLachlan, T., Tatterson, I. N., and Windsor, M. L. New approach to the analysis of fish cakes, 47 1. Burns, A. B. See Bannister, D. W. Burns, T. D. See Thorburn Burns, D. Businelli, 1. See Tafuri, F. Buzon, J. See Tranchant, J. Byrnes, B. H. See Keeney, D. R. C Calder, A. B. Photometric Methods of Analysis.(Review), 62 1. Cameron, J. D., and Francis, B. J. Automated method for determination of lactic acid, 481. Carmichael, I. A., and Whitleg, J. E. Determination of fluoride by substoicheiometric isotope dilution, 393. Carpenter, L. G. Vacuum Technology : Intro- duction. (Review), 903. Carr-Brion, K. G. Review of Bertin’s Principles and Practice of X-ray Spectrometric A nalysis, 1047. - and Payne, K. W. X-ray fluorescence analysis: review, 977. Carswell, D. 3. See Hughes, K. C. Carter, J. M., and Nickless, G. Solvent-extraction technique with Technicon AutoAnalyzcr, 148. Cartwright, P. F. S. See Baynes, J. A. Cattrall, R. W., Neill, K. G., Walkeley, J. E. A., and Tregellas-Williams, J. Second Australian Con- ference on Electrochemistry.Melbourne, 1968. (Review), 975. Cavendish, C. D. See Mulley, V. 3. Chakrabarty, M. M., Bhattacharyya, D., and Kundu, M. K. Micro-titrimetric method for determina- tion of oxirane functional group, 85. Chalmers, R. A. Translation Editor of Eckschla- ger’s Errors, Measurement and Results in Chemical Analysis. (Review), 767. - and Wadds, G. A. Spectrofluorimetric analysis of mixtures of principal opium alkaloids, 234. Charlot, G., and Tremillon, B. Chemical Reactions in Solvents and Melts. Translated by P. J. J. Harvey, (Review), 22 1. Chen, R. F. Translation Editor of Barenboim, Domanskii and Turoverov’s Luminescence of Bipolymers and Cells. (Review), 832. Chester, J. E., Dagnall, R. M., and Taylor, M. R. G. Theoretical assessment of nitrous oxide - hydro- gen flame in spectroscopic analysis, 702.Chesters, G. See Hance, R. J. Chirnside, R. C. Review of Dolezal, Povondra and Sulcek’s Decovzposition Techniques in Inorganic ,4 nalysis, 4 12. Christie, A. A., Lidzey, R. G., and Radford, D. W. F, Field methods for determination of nitrogen dioxide in air, 519. Christie, W. W., Noble, R. C., and Moore, J. H. Determination of lipid classes by gas-chromato- graphic procedure, 940. ChromQ, V., and Groagovti, A. Potentiometric titration of some naphthyl hydrogen sulphates and naphthyl dihydrogen phosphates, 652. - See also Groagovti, A. Clarke, J. 0. E. Computers a t Work. (Rcview), 619. Clarke, W. E. Fluorimetric determination of selenium in cast iron with naphthalene-2,3-di- amine, 65. Clay, A. F. See Price, W. J. Cocks, L. V., Devine, J., and Gibbs, F.B. Determin- ation of MONG in place of organic residue for glycerine analysis, 278. Cohen, S. R. See Saleberg, H. W. Coker, D. T. See Ottaway, J. M. Cooke, B. E. Determination of diosgenin i n Dioscorea deltoidea and Dioscorea sylvatica by using gas-liquid chromatography, 95. Coomber, R., and Webb, J. R. Comparison of low temperature radiofrequency ashing with other methods of organic sample oxidation for determination of sodium in acrylic fibre, 668. Cox, D. L. See Hargreaves, J. A. Crompton, T. R. Analysis of Organoaluminium and Organozinc Compounds. (Review), 623. Crossland, R. J. See Berry, C. T. Crumpton, D. See Partington, D. Cule Davies, W. Review of Brame’s Applied Spectroscopy Reviews. Vol. 2, 317. Curry, A. S. Poison Detection in Human Organs.2nd Edn. (Review), 525; Review of Kametani’s Clzernistry of Isoquinoline Alkaloids, 416. D Dagnall, R. M. Review of Kortum’s RefEectance Spectroscopy. Pvinciples, Methods, Applications, 527. - Kirkbright, G. F., West, T..S., and Wood, R. Investigation of determination of germanium by flame photometry and atomic-fluorescence spectroscopy by using separated nitrous oxide - acetylene flame, 425. - See also Aldous, K. M.; Chester, J. E. Davey, J. E. See Hughes, D. J. Davidson, J., Mathieson, J., and. Boyne, A. W. Use of automation in deterrmning nitrogen by Kjeldahl method, with final calculations by computer, 181. Davies, J., and Owen, J. W. Laboratory Pro- cedures : Weighing. (Review), 624 ; Laboratory Procedures : Pipette, Volumetric Flask and Burette.(Review), 624. Davies, W. C. See Cule Davies, W. Dawoud, A. F., and Gadalla, A. A. Rapid determin- ation of small amounts of sulphate in cellulose nitrate by water-digestion procedure, 823. Dawson, J. B., and Broughton, P. M. G. Review of X X I s t International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Prague 1967. Congress Lec- tures, 415. Deacon, M. T. See Boyden, J. W. Dean, J. A., and Rains, T. C. Flame Emission and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Vol. 1. Theory. (Review), 318.INDEX TO VOLUME 95 vii Defrstes, J. H. Review of Plews’s Analytical Methods Used in Sugar Refining, 1047. Delves, H. T. Micro-sampling method for rapid determination of lead in blood by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry, 431. Dessouky, Y. M., Tbth, E., and Pungor, E. Appli- cation of anion-selective membrane electrodes in pharmaceutical analysis.I. Halogenated pharmaceutical compounds, 1027. Computer Programs for Chemistry. Vol. I. (Review), 109; Vol. 11. (Review), 109. Detar, D. F. Devine, J. See Cocks, L. V. Dfy, A. K. See Ghose, A. K. Dixon, E. J. Determination of microgram amounts of fluoride with zirconium and Solochrome cyanine R, 272. - Grisley, L. M., and Sawyer, R. Purification of Solochrome cyanine R, 945. - See also Sawyer, R. Dixon, J. P. Modern Methods in Organic Micro- analysis. (Review), 622. Dobinson, B., Hofmann, W., and Stark, B. P. Determination of Epoxide Groups. Monographs in Organic Functional Group Analysis. Vol. I . (Review), 108. Dolezal, J., Povondra, P., and Sulcek, Z. Decompo- sition Techniques in Inorganic Analysis.(Re- view), 412. Domanskii, A. N. See Barenboim, G. M. DOSS, H. See Khalifa, K. Double, G., Ferroni, G., and Petrocchi, A. Travaux Pratiques de Chimie MinQale Prkcis d’ Analyse Qualitative. (Review), 1048. E Eckschlager, K. Errors, Measurement and Results in Chemical Analysis. Translation Editor R. A. Chalmers. (Review), 767. Review of Manuel Suisse des Denre’es Alimentaires. 5th Edn. Vol. I. Partie Gknkrale, 4 16 ; Review of Schweizerisches Lebeizsmittelbuch. Vol. 11. Pt. 1, 527. Elgar, K. E., Marlow, R. G., and lathews, B. L. Determination of residues of dichlorvos in crops and tissues, 875. Ellis, J. R., and Wragg, J. S. Determination of ethanol in official drug preparations. I. Com- parison of distillation and gas-chromatographic methods, 16.Review of Reilley and McLaffery’s A dvances in Analytical Chemistry and Instrumen- tation. Vol. 7, 320; Review of Carpenter’s Vacuum Technology: Introduction, 903. Emsley, J. W., Feeney, J., and Sutcliffe, L. H. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectro- scopy. Vol. 3. (Review), 223; Vol. 4. (Review), 223; Vol. 5. (Review), 970. Evans, C. C. X-ray fluorescence analysis for light elements in plant and faecal materials, 919. Evans, P. L. Review of Clarke’s Comfiuters at Wovk, 619; Review of Solomon’s Mathenzatics, 619. Instrumental Methods in Chemical Analysis. 3rd Edn. (Review), 622. Egan, H. Elwell, W. T. Ewing, G. W. F Feeney, J. See Emsley, J. W. Ferraro, J. R., and Ziomek, J. 8. Introductory Group Theory and its Application to Molecular Structure. (Review-), 112.Ferris, A. P., Jepson, W. B., and Shapland, R. C. Evaluation and correction of interference between aluminium, silicon and iron in atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, 574. Ferroni, G. See Double, G. Flaschka, H. A., and Barnard, A. J., jun. Chelates in Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 2. (Revicw), 232. - _- and Sturrock, P. E. Quantitative Analytical Chemistry. Vol. I. Introduction to Principles ; Vol. 11. Short Introduction to Practice. (Re- view), 619. Review of Zuman and Perrin’s Organic Poiarography, 767. Fleet, B. - See also Booth, 116. D.; Brand, M. J. D. Floyd, P. A. Fogg, A. G., Burgess, C., and Thorburn Burns, D. Critical study of Brilliant green as spectrophoto- metric reagent : determination of perrhenate and gold, 1012. - Marriott, D. R., and Thorburn Burns, D.Spectrophotometric determination of tungsten with thiocyanate. I. Review of procedures, 848; 11. Experimental assessment of procedures : recommended procedure for determination of tungsten in steel, 854. Foreman, J. K., Gough, T. A., and Walker, E. A. Determination of traces of beryllium in human and rat urine samples by gas chromatography, 797. See Hughes, D. 0. Forster, T. E. See Jennings, V. J. Fountain, R. D. See Bird, P. R. Francis, B. J. See Cameron, J. D. Frazer, J. W. See Hill, J. H. Freeland, G. N., and Hoskinson, R. 1. Non- aqueous atomic-absorption spectrophotometric determination of organometallic biocides, 579. Fuge, R. Automated method for determination of molybdenum in geological and biological samples, 17 1. Fuller, C. W., and Ottaway, J.M. Analytical and kinetic investigation of vanadium(V)-catalysed bromate oxidation of Bordeaux. I. Kinetics of uncatalysed bromate oxidation of Bordeaux, 28 : 11. Kinetics of vanadium(V)-catalysed bro- mate oxidation of Bordeaux, 34; 111. Catalytic determination of vanadium(V), 41 ; Kinetic and analytical investigations of chlorate and iodate oxidations of vanadium(1V) in perchloric acid medium, 791. G Gadalla, A. A. See Dawoud, A. F. Genson, J. J. Gerritsen, T. Modern Separation Methods of Macromolecules and Particles. Progress in Separation and Purification. Vol. 2. (Review), 526. Scheme of qualitative analysis for twenty common cations, 698. Spectrophotometric determination of propoxur residues on vegetable matter, 88; Detection of chloramine-T in dairy products, 91.Giusquiani, P. L. See Tafuri, F. Glick, D. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. 17. (Review), 219; Vol. 18. (Review), 969. Glover, M. J. Identification and determination of sucrose octa-acetate and cetrimide in industrial methylated spirit preparations, 950. See Keeney, D. R. Ghose, A: K., and Dey, A. K. Gibbs, F. B. Gils, W. F. van. See Cocks, L. V.viii INDEX TO VOLUME 95 Giiriig, S., and Szepesi, G. Differential spectro- photometric method for determination of Grig- nard reagent concentration, 727. Gough, T. A., and Walker, E. A. Techniques in gas chromatography. 111. Choice of detectors, 1. - See also Foreman, J. K. Goulden, J. D. S., and Manning, D. J. Determina- tion of water in methanol by near infrared absorption, 308. Graham, R. A. See McLeod, H. A.Gray, C. H. Review of Barman’s Enzyme Handbook. Vols. I and 11, 766; Review of Portcr’s Gas Clzronzatography i n Biology arzd Medicine. (’iba Foundation Symposium, 1045. Green, M. E. See Salzberg, H. W. Green, T. See Litchfield, M. H. Greff, C. See Baiulescu, Gh. Grimshaw, 3. J., and Jones, A. Automated microbiological assay. 11. Design of assay procedure, 466. Grisley, L. M. GroagovA, A., and Chromf, V. Potentiometric titration of naphthyl esters of carboxylic acids in non-aqueous solvent, 548. - See also Chromg, V. Groves, M. J. See Dixon, E. J. Review of Gerritsen’s ModerM Sep- aration Methods of Macromolecules and Particles. Progress in Separation and Purification. Vol. 2, 526. Guichard, N. See Tranchant, J. Guilbault, G. G. Enzymatic Methods of Analvsis.International Series of Monographs in Analytical Chemistry. T’ol. 34. (Review), 832. Guiochon, C. Translator from Russian of Kiselev and Yashin’s Chromatographie Gaz-Solide. (Re- view), 975. Guiochon, G. Translator from Russian of liiselev and Yashin’s Chronzatograplaie Gaz-Solide. (Rc- view), 976. Simple colori- metric method for determination of iron in serum, 614. Guirgis, F. K., and Habib, Y. A. Guldner, W. G. See Murt, E. M. Gunther, F. A. See Jaglan, P. S. Gutsche, B., and Herrmann, R. Flame-photo- metric determination of bromine in urine, 805. H Habib, Y. A. See Guirgis, F. K. Haddock, L. A. Analysis in Chemical Industry. (Review), 97 1. Haldemanakis, E. D. Electronic Structures in Solids. (Review), 704. Hance, R. J., and Chesters, G. Extraction of hydroxyatrazine from soil, 106.Hargreaves, J. A., Ingram, G. S., and Cox, D. L. Automatic determination of fluoride in urine, 177. Harris, J. R. Determination of ethanol in essences, tinctures and toilet preparations by gas chromato- graphy, 158; Erratum, 832. Harrison, M., Roughton, C. L., and Surfleet, B. Transistorised radiofrequency polarograph : rise for determination of tin and lead, 894. Hart, H. V., and Willis, K. H. Determination of thiamine in flour fortification mixtures, 312 ; Erratum, 528. Harvey, P. J. J. Translator of Charlot and Tremil- lon’s Chemacal Reactions in Solvents and Melts. (Review), 22 1. Haslam, J.. Review of Annual Reports on Progress of Chemzstry for 1968. Vol. 65. Section A, 318; Review of Annual Reports on Progress of Chemistry f o r 1968.Vol. 65. Section B. Organic Chem- istry, 416. Headridge, J. B., and Richardson, .J’. Determina- tion of trace amounts of bismuth in ferrous alloys by solvent extraction followed by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry, 930. - and Wilson, J. Titrimetric study of reaction of quinones in fluoride solution with iron(II), 164. Healg, C. See Parker, A. Hedvig, P., and Zantai, G. Microwave Study of Chemical Structures and Reactions. Translated by E. D. Morgan. Hendra, P. J., and Vear, C. J. Laser Ramaii spectroscopy : review, 321. Henriksen, A. Determination of total nitrogen, phosphorus and iron in fresh water by photo- oxidation with ultraviolet radiation, 601. - and Selmer-Olsen, A. R. Automatic methods for determining nitrate and nitrite in water ant1 soil extracts, 514.Herrmann, R. See Gutsche, B. Hill, 3. H., Morris, C. J., and Frazer, J. W. Cathodic etching to prepare metals for oxygen determina- tion, 215. Hills, G. J. Review of Bard’s Electroanalyticul chemistry. Vol. 3, 111. Hoffmann, 0. See ZAtka, V. Hofmann, W. See Dobinson, B. Holding, S. T., and Noar, J. W. Mixed-solvent systems for flame analysis of petroleum materials, 1041. Hoodless, R. A., and Weston, R. E. Gas-chromato- graphic determination of ethyl 6,7-di-isobutoxy- 4-hydroxyquinoline-3-carboxylate in animal feeding stuffs, 253. (Review), 411. Hope, W. G. See Adcock, L. H. Horvath, G. See Lhg, L. Hoskinson, R. M. See Freeland, G. N. Hughes, D. J., and Davey, J. E. X-ray fluorescence determination of light elements in volatile liquids i n vaczio with newly designed sample cell, 992.Hughes, D. O., Floyd, P. A., and Barratt, M. S- Editors of Dolezal, Povondra and Sulcek’s Decomposition Techniques in Inorganic Analysis. (Review), 412. Separation of principal components in monazite, 302. Bathocuproine reagent-paper for rapid semi-quantitative determination of copper in 1 to 70 p.p.m. range, 351. Hughes, K. C., and Carswell, D. J. Hulthe, P. Hunt, S. E. See Partington, D. I Ince, A. D. See Perl, A. M. J. Ingold, C. K. Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry. 2nd Edn. (Review), 976. Ingram, G. S. See Hargreaves, 3. A. Ingram, L. I(. See Boar, P. L. Irving, H. M. N. H. - See also Smith, J. S. Itoh, A., and Ueno, K. Review of Ingold’s Structure 2nd Edn.. and hfechan.zsm zn Organic Chemistry. 976. Evaluation of 2-hydroxy- 1 - (2-hydroxy-4-sulph o- 1 -naphthylazo) -3-naph- thoic acid and hydroxynaphthol blue as metallo- chromic indicators in EDTA titration of calcium, 583.Iwata, S. See Ohno, S.INDEX TO J Jablonski, W. Z., and Watson, C. A. Spectrophoto- metric determination of microgram amounts of antimony with rhodamine S, with application to its determination in titanium dioxide, 131. Jackman, L. M., and Sternhell, S. Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Organic Chemistry Vol. 5, 2nd Edn. (Review), 904. Jacobs, S. Improved system for automatic amino- acid analysis, 370. Jaglan, P. S., and Gunther, F. A. Determination of partitioning values of parathion-methyl and related compounds, 763. Jeffery, P. G. Review of Volborth’s Elemenfal Analysis in Geochemistry.Part A . Major Ele- ments. Methods in Geocheinistry and Geophysics, 413. Jeffs, A. R. Review of Purnell’s .ildvances i n -4 nalytical Chemistry and Tnstrztme,nta.tion. Vol. 6. Progress in Gas Chromatography, 107. Jennings, V. J. Review of Salzberg, Morrow, Chhen and Green’s Modern Laboratory Course. Physical Chemistry, 831 ; Review of Labowitz and Arents’s Problenzs and Solutions. Physical Chemistry, 832 ; Review of Cattrall, Neill, Walke- ley and Tregellas-Williams’s Second Australian Conference on Electrochemistry. Melbourne, 1968, 975. Investigation of polarographic determination of S-ethylanthra- quinone, 713 ; Study of voltammetric behaviour of 2-ethylanthraquinone by using vitreous carbon electrode, 718. - Forster, T. E., and Williams, J. Jepson, W.B. Johansson, A. Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant. I. Basic principles, 535. -- and Pehrsson, L. Automatic titration bq- stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant. II. Automatic titration system, 662. Johns, P., and Price, W. J. Determination of major components in oxides and oxide mixtures by precision automatic spectrophotometry, 138. Johnson, E. M. See Walters, C. L. Johnson, G. W., and Vickers, C. Examination of organomercury compounds and their formulations by thin-layer chromatography, 356 ; Errata, 624. Jones, A., and Palmer, G. Automated microbio- logical assay. I. Experiences in assaying ampi- cillin and carbenicillin, 463. - See also Grimshaw, J. J. Jones, A. G. Review of Dobinson, Hofmann and Stark’s Determination of Epoxide Groups.Mono- graphs in Organic Functional Group Analysis. Vol. I, 105; Review of Crompton’s Analysis of Organoaluminium and Organozinc Compounds, 623. Review of MoKillop’s Introduction to the Chemistry of the Alkaloids, 831; Review of Tiwari and Sharma’s Detevnziizafion of Carboxylic Functional Groups, 976. See Ferris, A. .P. Jones, J. I. M. Jones, P. R. See Phillips, J. P. K Kalckar, H. M., Klenow, H., Munch-Petersen, A., Ottesen, M., and Thaysen, J. H. Role of Nucleo- tides for Function and Conformation of Enzymes. (Review), 902. Kametani, T. Chemistry of Isoquinoline Alka- loids. (Review), 416. VOLUME 95 ix Introduction to Thermogravimetry. (Review), 624; Review of Mackenzie’s Difleren- tzal Thermal Analysis. Vol. 1. Fundamental Aspects, 974. Keay, J., and Menage, P.1. A. Automated determination of ammonium and nitrate in soil extracts by distillation, 379. Keeney, D. R., Byrnes, B. H., and Genson, J. J. Determination of nitrate in waters with nitrate- selective ion electrode, 383. Kendrick, E. Advances in Mass Spectrometry. 1’01. 4. (Review), 319. Kertes, A. S., and Marcus, Y. Solvent Extraction Research. (Review), 972. - See also Marcus, Y. Khalifa, K., Doss, H., and Awadallah, B. Simple micro method for determination of copper in blood serum, 207. Killer, F. C. A,, and Underhill, K. E. Micro- coulometric determination of trace sulphur in light petroleum products, 505. Kirkbright, G. F. Review of Dean and Rains’s Flame Emission and Atomic Absorption Spectro- metry. Vol. 1. Theory, 318; Review of Bottle’s Use of Chemical Literature.2nd Edn., 620; Review of Rollwagen’s Chemische Spektralanalyse: Eine A nleitung sur Erlernung und A u s fiihring i’ou Emissions-Spektralanalysen. Vol. 1. 6th Edn., 830. Analytical flame spectroscopy by using two-flame system. I. Suppression of spectral interferences from resonance lines in flame-emission spectroscopy, 833. Keattch, C. J. - and Wilson, S. J. - See also Dagnall, R. M. Kiselev, A. V., and Yashin, Ya, I. Chromatographie Gaz-Solide. Translated from Russian by G. Guiochon, C. Guiochon and 4. V. Kouznetsov. (Review), 975. Klenow, H. See Kalckar, H. M. Knauer, G. A. Determination of magnesium, manganese, iron, copper and zinc in marine shrimp, 476. Korkisch, J. Modern Methods for Separation of Rarer Metal Ions. (Review), 902.Kortum, G. Reflectance Spectroscopy. Prin- ciples, Methods, Applications. Translated by J. E. Lohr. (Review), 527. Kouznetsov, A. V. Translator from Russian of Kiselev and Yashin’s Chrornatogvaphie Gas-Solide. (Review), 975. Kundu, M. K. See Chakrabarty, M. M. L Labowitz, E. C., and Arents, J. S. Problems and Solutions. Physical Chemistry. (€Z,eview), 832. Lambie, D. A. Review of Bowen s Chemical Applications of Radioisotopes, 976. Lfing, L. Absorption Spectra in Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Vol. XII. (Review), 768; Vol. XIII. (Review), 903. - Bartecki, A,, Horvath, G., Szoke, J., and Varsanyi, G. Absorption Spectra in Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Vol. XI. (Review), 704. Latham, J. L. Elementary Reaction Kinetics. 2nd Edn. (Review), 704. Lebbe, J.See Tranchant, J. L6grBdi, L. 4-Nitrophenylacetonitrile, sensitive reagent for quinones, hydroquinone and pyro- catechol, 590. Leonard, M. A. See A l - h i , K.X INDEX TO VOLUME 95 Leong, C. L. Spectrophotometric determination of molybdenum with gallein and cetyltrimethyl- ammonium bromide, 1018. Lidzey, R. G. See Christie, A. A.; Sawyer, R. Lindstedt, G. Rapid method for determination of mercury in urine, 264; Errata, 528. Lionnel, L. J. Automated method for determina- tion of boron in sewage, sewage ef‘fluents and river waters, 194. Litchfield, M. H., and Green, T. Gas-chromato- graphic determination of cyclohexylamine in blood as the trifluoroacetyl derivative, 168. Littlewood, A. B. Review of IGselev and Yashin’s Chromatographie Gaz-Solide, 975. Lloyd-Jones, C.P. Determination of carbon-14 in biological material by flask combustion and suspension scintillation counting of carbon-14 labelled calcium carbonate, 366. Lohr, J. E. Translator of Kortum’s RefEectance Spectroscopy. Principles, Methods, Applications. (Review), 627. Lyle, R. E. See Phillips, J. P. M Maas, J. H. van der. Basic Infrared Spectroscopy. (Review), 973. McAuley, A. See Alexander, W. A. Mackenzie, R. C. Differential Thermal Analysis. Vol. 1. Fundamental Aspects. (Review), 974. McKillop, A. Introduction to the Chemistry of the Alkaloids. (Review), 831. McLachlan, T. See Burgess, G. H. 0. McLaffery, F. W. See Reilley, C. N. McLeod, H. A., Wales, P. J., Graham, R. A., Osad- chuk, M., and Bluman, N. Analytical Methods for Pesticide Residues in Foods.(Review), 830. Maddix, C., Norton, R. L., and Nicolson, N. J. Automatic determination of orthophosphate, ammoniacal nitrogen and total carbohydrate in fermentation media, 738. Manning, D. J. See Goulden, J. D. S. Marcus, Y., and Kertes, A. S. Ion Exchange and Solvent Extraction of Metal Complexes. (Review), 110. - See also Kertes, A. S. Marinescu, D. See Baiulescu, Gh. Markin, T. L. Review of Breiter’s Electrochemical Processes in Fuel Cells. Anorganische und A llgemeine Chemie in Einzeldarstellungen. Band IX, 319. Marlow, R. G. See Elgar, K. E. Marriott, D. R. See Fogg, A. G. Marshall, G. B., and West, T. S. Determination of chromium in aluminium salts by atomic- absorption spectroscopy, 343. Martin, A. E. See ROSS, P. J. Mash, C. J. See Alexander, W. A. Mathews, B.L. See Elgar, K. E. Mathieson, J. See Davidson, J. Maxwell, J. A. Rock and Mineral Analysis. (Review), 414. Meddle, D. W., and Wood, R. Method for deter- mination of aromatic isocyanates in air in presence of primary aromatic amines, 402. Menage, P. M. A. See Keay, J. Michailova, T. P., and Rezepina, V. A. Determina- tion of gold and silver in plant liquors and electrolytes by atomic-absorption spectrophoto- metry, 769. Milham, P. J. Potentiometric nitrate analysis. flow-through electrode unit, 758. - Awad, A. S., Paull, R. E., and Bull, J. H. Analy- sis of plants, soils and waters for nitrate by using ion-selective electrode, 751. Millen, D. J. Review of Ferraro and Ziomek’s Introductory Group Theory and its Application to Molecular Structure, 112. Milton, R.F. Review of Barenboim, Domanskii and Turoverov’s Luminescence of Bipolymers and Cells, 832; Review of Guilbault’s Enzymatic Methods of Analysis. International Series of Monographs in Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 34, 832 ; Review of Kalckar, Klenow, Munch-Petersen, Ottesen and Thaysen’s Role of Nucleotides for Function and Conformation of Enzymes, 902. Mirna, A. Routine method for determination of low caesium-137 activities in biological samples, 1000. Mitchell, A. D., and Taylor, I. E. P. Spectrophoto- metric determination of hydroxyproline : analyti- cal investigation, 1003. Moody, B. J. Review of Davies and Owen’s Laboratory Procedures: Weighing, 624 ; Review of Davies and Owen’s Laboratory Procedures: Pipette, Volumetric Flask and Burette, 624 ; Review of Brumblay’s First Course in Quantita- tive Analysis, 1046; Review of Double, Ferroni and Petrocchi’s Travaux Pratiques de Chimie Mine’yale Pre’cis d’analyse Qualitative, 1048.Moody, G. J., Oke, R. B., and Thomas, J. D. R. Calcium-sensitive electrode based on liquid ion exchanger in poly(viny1 chloride) matrix, 910. Mooney, P. F. Annual Review of NMR Spectro- scopy. Vol. 2. (Rfview), 224. Moore, J. H. See Chnstie, W. W. Morgan, E. D. Translator and editor of Hedvig and Zantai’s Microwave Study of Chemical Structures and Reactions. Morris, C. J. Morrow, J. I. See Salzberg, H. W. Morton, R. A. Review of Glick’s Methods of Bzochemzcal Analysis. Vol. 17, 219; Review of Phillips, Lyle and Jones’s Organic Electronic Spectral Data. Vol. 5, 1960-1961, 623; Review of LBng’s Absorption Spectra in Ultraviolet and Visible Region.Vol. XI, 704; Vol. XII, 768; Vol. XIII, 903; Review of Glick’s Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. 18, 969. Mulley, V. J., and Cavendish, C. D. Thermogravi- metric method for analysis of mixtures of brushite and monetite, 304. Munch-Petersen, A. Munro, J. D. See Woodroffe, G. L. Murt, E. M., and Guldner, W. G. Progress in Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 2. Physical Meas- urement and Analysis of Thin Films. (Review), 111. (Review), 41 1. See Hill, J. H. See Kalckar, H. M. N Neeb, R. Neill, K. G. See Cattrall, R. W. Nestoridis, A. Rapid method for analysis of Nickless, G. See Carter, J. M. Nicolson, N. J. See Maddix, C. Noar, J. W. See Holding, 5. T. Noble, R. C. See Christie, W. W. Norton, E. J., Turner, L., and Salmon, D.G. Deter- mination of hydroxyl-group content of epoxy resins, 80. Inverse Polarographie und Voltammetrie. (Review), 107. Portland cement, 51.INDEX TO VOLUME 95 xi Norton, R. L. See Maddix, C. Hutbourne, D. M. Use of paired ion-sensitive electrodes to measure gradients of pH and of sodium and chloride ions across actively trans- porting membranes, 609. 0 Ohno, S.,aSuz+i, M., Sasajima, K., and Iwata, S. Determination of fluorine in urine by photo- nuclear-activation analysis, 260. -- and Yatazawa, M. Simultaneous determina- tion of copper and manganese in plants by neutron-activation analysis, 995. - and Tsutsui, T. Rapid determination of nitrogen- 13 and fluorine-18 in reactor cooling water by ion-exchange method, 396. Oke, R. B. See Moody, G. J. Osadchuk, M.See McLeod, H. A. Ottaway, J. M. Review of Benson’s iWechanisms of Inorganic Reactions in Solution. An Introduc- tion, 111; Review of Latham’s Elementary Re- action Kinetics. 2nd Edn.. 704. - Cokef, D. T., Rowston, W. B., and Bhattarai, D. R. Interference of cobalt, nickel and copper in determination of iron by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry in air - acetylene flame, 567. - See also Fuller, C. W. Ottesen, 1. See Kalckar, H. M. Owen, J. W. See Davies, J. Owen, N. L. Review of Hedvig and Zantai’s Microwave Study of Chemical Structures and Reactions, 41 1. P Palmer, G. See Jones, A. Panalaks, T. Gas-chromatographic method for determination of vitamin D in fortified non-fat dried milk, 862. Parker, A., and Healy, C. Determination of nitrogen in silicon nitride, 204.Partington, D., Crumpton, D., aiid Hunt, S. E. Determination of energy dependence of 63Cu (n,2n) 62Cu and 27Al (n,p) 27Mg cross-sections, and their application to measurement of 14-MeV neutron fluxes, 2.57. Patterson, R. Introduction to Ion Exchange. (Review), 97 1. Pattison, J. B. Programmed Introduction to Gas-Liquid Chromatography. (Review), 317. Paull, R. E. Payne, K. W. See Carr-Brion, K. G. Pehrsson, L. See Johansson, A. Perl, A. M. J., Ince, A. D., and Wiggall, P. H. Rapid determination of fat in cocoa products by using differential density technique, 809. Perrin, C. L. Petrocchi, A. See Double, G. Peutrell, B., and Wragg, J. S. See Milham, P. J. See Zuman, P. Determination of ethanol in official drug preparations. 11. Evalu- ation of multiple internal reflectance infrared spectrophotometry, 225.Phillips, J. P., Lyle, R. E., and Jones, P. R. Organic Electronic Spectral Data. Vol. 5, 1960- 196 1. (Review), 623. Plews, R. W. Analytical Methods Used in Sugar Refining. (Review), 1047. Poon Yew Chin. See Vsrley, J. A. Porter, R. Gas Chromatography in Biology and Medicine. Ciba Foundation Symposium. (Re- view), 1045. Povondra, P. See Dolezal, J. Prevot, A. See Tranchant, J. Price, W. J., ROOS, J. T. H., and Clay, A. F. Rapid determination of nickel in edible fats by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, 760. - See also Johns, P. Primavesi, Gi. R. Concentration, detection and identification of late gas-chromatographic peaks, 242. Pugh, H. Review of Haddock’s Analysis in Chemical Industry, 97 1. Pungor, E., and Toth, K.Ion-selective membrane electrodes: review, 625. - See also Dessouky, Y. M. Purnell, J. H. Advances in Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation. Vol. 6. Progress in Gas Chromatography. (Review), 107. Q Quigg, R. K. See Scott, W. J. R Radford, D. W. F. Rains, T. C. See Dean, J. A. Rajzman, A. Colorimetric method for micro determination of 2-phenylphenol, 490. Ray, N. See Walters, C. L. Redfern, J. P. Review of Keattch’s Introduction to l‘hermogravimetry, 624. Reed, R. A. See Bennett, H. Reilley, C. N., and McLaffery, F. W. Advances in Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation. Vol. 7. (Review), 320. Rezepina, V. A. See Michailova, T. P. Richardson, J. See Headridge, J. B. Rixon, A. Rollwagen, W. Chemische Spektralanalyse : Eine Anleitung zur Erlernung und Ausfiihrung von Emissions-Spektralanalysen. Vol.1. 6th Edn. (Review), 830. Review of Neeb’s Inzwse Polaro- grapkae und Voltanzmetrie, 107. See Price, W. J. See Christie, A. A. See Bark, L. S. Rooney,. R. C. ROOS, J. T. H. Ross, P. J., and Martin, A. E. Rapid procedure for preparing gas samples for nitrogen-15 determina- tion, 817. Roughton, C. L. See Harrison, M. Rowlinson, J. S. Liquids and Liquid Mixtures. 2nd Edn. (Review), 220. Rowston, W. B. See Ottaway, J. M. Ruzicka, J. H. Review of Mcleod, Wales, Graham, Osadchuk and Bluman’s A nalytical Methods for Pesticide Residues in Foods, 830. S Salmon, D. Gi. Salvage, T. Identification of polyethylene glycols and polypropylene glycols by thin-layer chroma- tography, 363. Salzberg, H. W., Morrow, J. I., Cohen, 5.R., and Green, M. E. Modern Laboratory Course. Physical Chemistry. (Review), 831. Sasajima, K. See Ohno, S. See Norton, E. J.XU INDEX TO Sawyer, R., Dixon, E. J., Lidzey, R. G., and Stockwell, P. B. Automatic determination of original gravity of beer. IV. Analysis of sour beers, 957. - Stockwell, P. B., and Tucker, K. B.. E. Auto- matic methods of solvent extraction : batch extraction of low concentrations of non-ionic detergent from waters, 284 ; Automatic methods of solvent extraction. 11. Continuous extrac- tion of low concentrations of non-ionic detergent from water, 879. - See also Dixon, E. J.; Tucker, K. B. E. Scheinmann, F. Introduction t o Spectroscopic Methods for Identification of Organic Compounds. Vol. 1. Xuclear Magnetic Resonance and Infrared Spectroscopy.(Review), 1045. Scherbak, M. P., and Smith, T. A. Colorimetric method for determination of total oxides of nitrogen in cigarette smoke, 964. Scott, B. B. Separation of niobium and tantalum oxalate complexes by paper electrophoresis, 103. Scott, W. J., Quigg, R. K., and Svehla, G. New radio-frequency titrimeter, 113. Selmer-Olsen, A. R. See Henriksen, A. Serpinet, J. See Tranchsnt, J. Shapland, R. C. See Ferris, A. P. Sharma, J. P. See Tiwari, R. D. Sheppard, N. Review of Jackman and Sternhcll’s .4pplications of Nuclear Magnetic Reso;iaiace Spectroscopy i i z Organic Chemistry. Vol. 5, 2nd Edn., 904; Review of Emsley, Feeney and Sutcliff e’s Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resollance Spectroscopy. Vol. 5, 970. Simpson, R. B. See Smith, J. S. Smith, A.F., and Wood, R. Simple field test for determination of acetone vapour in air, 683. Smith, 3. D. Spectrophotometric determination of microgram amounts of tin with phenylfluorone, 347. Smith, J. S.? Irving, H. M. N. H., and Simpson, R. B. Automatic capillary viscometer, 743. Smith, T. A. Smith, W. L. Review of Murt and Guldner’s Progress in Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 2. T’liysi- cal Measurement and Analysis of Thin I:ilms, 11 1 ; Review of Woolfson’s Introduction to ,Y-ray Crystallography , 903. See Scherbak, M. P. Solomon, C. Mathematics. (Review), 619. Soutar, N. M. Identification of furfuraldehyde in hydrocarbon oils, 31 6. Spiro, M. Review of Rowlinson’s Liquids a i d Liquid Mixtures. 2nd Edn., 220. Squirrel, D. C. M. Review of Ewing’s Instrztinental Methods in Chemical Analysis.3rd Edn., 622. Stahl, E. Thin-Layer Chromatography. Labora- tory Handbook. 2nd Edn. Translated by M. R. F. Ashworth. Stark, B. P. Stedman, R. L. See Benedict, R. C. Stephens, B. G., and Suddeth, H. A. Spectrophoto- metric determination of sulphur dioxide by reduction of iron (111) and simultaneous chelation of iron(I1) with 2,4,6-tri(2-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine, 70. Sternhell, S. See Jackman, L. M. Stockwell, P. B. See Sawyer, R.; Tucker, K. B. E. Stuart, J. L. Simple diffusion method for determin- ation of fluoride, 1032. Sturrock, P. E. See Flaschka, H. A. Suddeth, H. A. See Stephens, B. G. Sulcek, Z. See Dolezal, J. Sudeet, B. See Harrison, M. Sutcliffe, L. H. See Emsley, J. W. (Review), 972. See Dobinson, B. TOLUME 95 Suzuki, M. See Ohno, 5.Svehla, G. Swann, D. A. See Wood, D. F. Swithenbank, J. J. See Vaughan, G. A. Szepesi, G. See Gorog, S. Szoke, J. See Lfing, L. See Scott, W. J. T Tafuri, F., Businelli, M., and Giusquiani, P. L. Gas-chromatographic determination of chlor- choline chloride residues in natural tomato juice, 675. Tatterson, I. N. See Burgess, G. H. 0. Taylor, I. E. P. See Mitchell, A. D. Taylor, M. R. G. See Chester, J. E. Teh Fu Yen. Electron Spin Resonance of Metal Thaysen, J. H. See Kalckar, H. M. Thomas, A. H., and Broadbridge, R. A. Electro- phoretic separation of penicillins and penicilloic acids, 459. Thomas, J. D. R. Review of Patterson’s Introdzlc- iion to Ioiz Exchange, 971. - See also Moody, G. J. Thompson, K. C. Complexes. (Review), 767. Method for decreasing atomic- absorption sensitivity of calcium by using germanium 422.657 nm line, 1043.-- and Wilds, P. C. Use of electronically modula- ted microwavc-excited discharge tubes in atomic spectroscopy, 776. - See also Wilds, P. C. Thorburn Burns, D. Tiwari, R. D., and Sharma, J. P. Determination of Carboxylic Functional Groups. (Review), 976. Tbth, K. See Dessouky, Y. M.; Pungor, E. Townshend, A. Review of Flaschka, Barnard and Sturrock’s Quantitative Analytical Chemistry. TTol. I. Introduction to Principles; Vol. 11. Short Introduction to Practice, 619. - See also Brookes, A. Tranchant, J., Buzon, J., Guichard, .N., Lebbe, J., Prevot, A., and Serpinet, J. Practlcal Manual of Gas Chromatography. (Review), 766. Tregellas-Williams, J. See Cattrall, R. W. Tremillon, B. See Chsrlot, G.Tsutsui, M. Characterisation of Organometallic Compounds. I. (Review), 110. - See also Ohno, S. Tucker, K. B. E., Sawyer, R., and Stockwell, P. B. Automatic extraction, identification and deter- mination of quinizarin in hydrocarbon oils, 730. - See also Sawyer, R. Turner, L. Turoverov, I(. K. See Barenboim, G. M. See Fogg, A. G. See Norton, E. J. U Ueno, K. See Itoh, A. Underhill, K. E. See Killer, F. C. A. v van der Maas, J. H. See Maas, J. H. van der. van Gils, W. F. See Gils, W. F. van. Varley, J. A., and Poon Yew. Chin. Determination of water-soluble sulphate in acidic sulphate soils by atomic-absorption spectroscopy, 592. Varsanyi, G. See Lfing, L.... INDEX TO VOLUME 95 X l l l Vaughn, G. .A. Review of Bark and 13ark’s Thermometrac Titrimetry, 22 1.- and Swithenbank, J. J. Determination of phenolic hydroxyl groups in coal by thermo- metric titration, 890. Vear, C. J. See Hendra, P. J. Vickers, C. See Johnson, G. W. Vink, J. J. Determination of harmful trace elements in manganese dioxide for dry cell use, 399. Elemental Analysis in Geochemistry. Part A. Major Elements. Methods in Geo- chemistry and Geophysics. (Review), 413. Volborth, A. W Wadds, G. A. See Chalmers, R. A. Wales, P. J. See McLeod, H. A. Walkeley, J. E. A. See Cattrall, R. W. Walker, E. A. See Foreman, J. K.; Gough, T. A. Walls, H. J. Review of Curry’s Poison Detection in Human Organs. 2nd Edn., 525. Walters, C. L., Johnson, E. M., and Ray, N. Separa- tion and detection of volatile and non-volatile i!J-nitrosami nes, 485. Watson, C.A. See Jabionski, W. Z. Weaver, M. R. H. See Brand, M. J. D. Webb, J. R. See Coomber, R. Webster, .R. I(. Review of Introduction to Pro- grammzng. PDP-8 Family Computers. 108; lieview of Detar’s Computer Programs for Chem- ist9.y. Vol. I, 109; Vol. 11, 109; Review of Emsley, Feeney and Sutcliff e’s Progress in Nuclear ,rliTagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Vol. 3, 223 ; lieview of Kendrick’s Advances i n Mass Spectro- metry. Vol. 4, 319; Review of International Compendiuiia of Numerical Data Projects. Survey and Analysis, 620; Review of Haidemanakis’s Electronic Stmctures in Solids, 704. Weisz, H. Microanalysis by Ring-Oven Techniquc. 2nd Edn. (Review), 1047. West, T. S. Review of Charlot and Tremillon’s Chemical Reactions il.t Solvents and Melts. Trans- lated by P.J. J., Harvey, 221; Review of Kor- kisch’s Modern Methods for Separation of Rarer iWetal Ions, 902. - See also Aldous, K. M.; Dagnall, R. M.; Marshall, G. B. Weston, R. E., and Wheals, B. B. Determination of cyclohexylamine by electron-capture gas chromatography, 680. - See also Hoodless, R. A. Wheals, B. B. See Weston, R. E. Whiffen, D. H. Review of Emsley, Fecney and Sutcliff e’s Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Vol. 4, 223; Review of Mooney’s .41zizua~ Review 0-f hTMR Spectroscopy. Vol. 2, 224; Review of Teh Fu Yen’s Electron Spipi Resonance of Metal Complexes, 767; Review of Whiffen, D. H.-continzied Scheinmann’s Introductiou to Spectroscopic Methods for Identijkation of Organic Compounds. Vol. 1. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Infra- red Spectroscopy, 1045.Whitley, J. E. See Carmichael, I. A. Wiggall, P. H. See Perl, A. M. J. Wilds, P. C., and Thompson, K, C. Electronic modulation of electrodeless discharge tubes for use in atomic spectroscopy, 562. - See also Thompson, K. C. Williams, A. I. Chemical analysis of disodium octoborate in preserved softwoods, 498 ; Exttac- tion and determination of copper, chromium and arsenic in preserved softwoods, 670. Williams, J. See Jennings, V. J. Willis, K. H. See Hart, H. V. Wilson, D. W. Wilson, J. See Headridge, J. B. Wilson, S. J. See Kirkbright, G. F. Windsor, M. L. See Burgess, G. H. 0. Wood, D. F., and Adams, M. R. Spectrophoto- metric determination of yttrium in chromium and chromium-base alloys with arsenazo 111, 556. - and Swann, D. A. Simple sample introduction device for use with high vacuum apparatus, 828.Wood, E. C. Review of Eckschlager’s Errors, Measurement and Ifes Mlts i n Chemical A nalysis, 767. Wood, R. See Andrew, P.; Dagnall, R. M.; Meddle, D. W.; Smith, A. F. Woodroffe, G. L., and Munro, J. D. Determination of sodium mercaptobenzothiazole and benzo- triazole in inhibited glycol products, 153. Woolfson, M. M. Introduction to X-Ray Crystallo- graphy. (Review), 903. Wragg, J. S. Review of Dixon’s hfodern MetlLods in Organic Microanalysis, 622. - See also Ellis, J. R.; Peutrell, B. Review of Weisz’s Microanalysis by Ring-Oven Technique. 2nd Edn., 1047. Y Yashin, Ya. I. See Kiselev, A. V. Yatazawa, M. See Ohno, S. Yuen, S. H. Absorptiometric determination of monolinuron in herbicide formulations, 408.Z Zantai, G. See Hedvig, P. Zhtka, V. Preparation of standard titanium(1V) solutions, 47. - and Hoffmann, 0. Ammonium dioxalato- oxotitanate(1V) : new standard compound, 200. Ziomek, J. S. See Ferraro, J. R. Zuman, P., and Perrin, C. L. Organic Polaro- graphy. (Review), 767.xiv INDEX TO VOLUME 95 INDEX TO A Acetone : Simple field test for determination of - vapour in air. Acetophenone : Differential spectrophotometric method for determination of Grignard reagent concentration. Gorog and Szepesi, 727. Acrylic fibre : Comparison of low temperature radiofrequency ashing with other methods of organic sample oxidation for determination of sodium in --. Coomber and Webb, 668. Air : Field methods for determination of nitrogen dioxide in -. Christie, Lidzey and Radford, 519.Method for determination of aromatic isocyanates in - in presence of primary aromatic amines. Meddle and Wood, 402. Simple field test for determination of acetone vapour in -. Simple field test for determination of isophorone vapour in -. Alizarin fluorine blue: Improved synthesis of - A1-Ani and Leonard, 1039. Alkaloids : Chemistry of Isoquinoline -. Kame- tani. (,Review), 416. Introduction to Chemistry of -. McKillop. (Review), 83 1. Spectrofluorimetric analysis of mixtures of principal opium --. Chalmers and Wadds, 234. Alloys : Determination of trace amounts of bismuth in ferrous - by solvent extraction followed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Headridge and Richardson, 930. Spectrophotometric determination of yttrium in chromium and chromium-base - with arsenazo 111.Alumina : Titrimetric determination of - in ceramic materials by using DCTA in place of EDTA. Bennett and Reed, 541. Aluminium : Analysis of Organoaluminium and Organozinc Compounds. Crompton. (Review), 823. Determination of chroinium in ~ salts by atomic absorption-spectroscopy. Marshall and West, 343. Evaluation and correction of interference between -, silicon and iron in atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Ferris, Jepson and Shap- land, 574. X-ray fluorescence anal ysis for light elements in plant and faecal materials. Amines : Method for determination of aromatic isocyanates in air in presence of primary aromatic --. Amino-acid: Improved system for automatic - analysis. Jacobs, 370. Ammonium: Automated determination of - and nitrate in soil extracts by distillation.Keay and Menag&, 379. Ammonium dioxalato-oxotitanate(IV) : new standard compound. ZQtka and Hoffmann, 200. Ammonium titanyl oxalste : See Ammonium diox- alato-oxotitanate(1V) . Ampicillin : Automated microbiological assay. I. Experiences in assaying - and carbenicillin. Jones and Palmer, 463. 11. Design of assay procedure. Grimshaw and Jones, 466. Smith and Wood, 683. Smith and Wood, 683. Andrew and Wood, 691. Wood and Adams, 566. Evans, 919. Meddle and Wood, 402. SUBJECTS Analysis : Advances in Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation, Vol. 6. Progress in Gas Chromatography. Purnell (Review), 107 ; Vol. 7. (Review), 320. Ammonium dioxalato-oxotitanate(1V) : new stan- dard compound. Analytical and kinetic investigation of vanadium- (V)-catalysed bromate oxidation of Bordeaux.I. Kinetics of uncatalysed bromate oxida- tion of Bordeaux. Fuller and Ottaway, 28; 11. Kinetics of vanadium(V)-catalysed bromate oxidation of Bordeaux, 34; 111. Catalytic determination of vanadium(V), 41. Analytical Methods for Pesticide Residues in Foods. McLeod, Wales, Graham, Osadchuk and Bluman. (Review), 830. Analytical Methods Used in Sugar Refining. Plews. (Review), 1047. Application of anion-selective membrane elec- trodes in pharmaceutical -. I. Halogen- ated pharmaceutical compounds. Dessouky, T6th and Pungor, 1027. Automated microbiological assay. I. Experi- ences in assaying ampicillin and carbenicillin . Jones and Palmer, 463; 11. Design of assay procedure. Grimshaw and Jones, 466. Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant.I. Basic principles. Johansson, 535; 11. Automatic titration sys- tem. Johansson and Pehrsson, 652. Characterisation of Organometallic Compounds. Part I. Tsutsui. (Review), 110. Chelates in Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 2. Flaschka and Barnard jun. (Review), 222. in the Chemical Industry. Haddock. (Review), 971. Comprehensive - of coal ash and silicate rocks by atomic absorption-spectrophoto- metry by fusion technique. Boar and Ingram, 124. Decomposition Techniques in Inorganic -. Dolezal, Povondra and Sulcek. (Review), 412. Determination of Carboxylic Functional Groups. Tiwari and Sharma. (Review), 976. Determination of cinnamic acid by coulometric titration with amperometric end-point detec- tion. Brand, Fleet and Weaver, 387.Determination of Epoxide Groups. Monographs in Organic Functional Group --. Vol. 1. Dobinson, Hofmann and Stark. (Review), 108. Determination of MONG in place of organic residue for glycerine -. Cocks, Devine and Gibbs, 278. Differential Thermal -. Vol. 1. Fundamen- tal Aspects. Mackenzie. (Review), 974. Elemental - in Geochemistry. Part A. Major Elements. Methods in Geochemistry and Geophysics. Volborth. (Review), 413. Enzymatic Methods of -. Guilbault. (Re- view), 832. Errors, Measurement and Results in Chemical -. Eckschlager. Translation Editor R. Chalmers. (Review), 767. Evaluation of 2-hydroxy-l-(2-hydroxy-4-sulpho- l-naphthylazo)-3-naphthoic acid and hydroxy- naphthyl blue as metallochromic indicators in EDTA titration of calcium.Itoh and Ueno, 583. ZQtka and Hoffmann, 200.INDEX TO VOLUME 95 xv Anal ysis-continued First Course in Quantitative -. Brumblay. (Review), 1046. Further analytical applications of perxenate. Bane, 722. Instrumental Methods in Chemical -. Ewjng. 3rd Edn. (Review), 622. Introduction to Spectroscopic Methods for Identification of Organic Compounds. Vol. 1. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Infrared Spectroscopy. Scheinmann. (Review), 1045. Manuel Suisse des DenrCes Alimentaires. 5th Edn. Vol. I. Partie GCnCrale. (Review), 416. Methods of Biochemical -. Vol. 17. Glick. (Review), 219; Vol. 19. Micro - by Ring-Oven Technique. Weisz. 2nd Edn. (Review), 1047. Modern Methods in Organic Microanalysis. Dixon. (Review), 622. Modern Methods for Separation of Rarer Metal Ions.Korkisch. (Review), 902. New radiofrequency titrimeter. Scott, Quigg and Svehla, 113. Photometric Methods of -. Calder. (Re- view), 62 1. Preparation of standard titanium(V) solutions. ZBtka, 47. Principles and Practice of X-ray Spectrometric -. Bertin. (Review), 1047. Progress in analytical Chemistry. Vol. 2. Physical Measurement and - of Thin Films. Murt and Guldner. (Review), 111. Quantitative Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 1. Introduction to Principles; Vol. 11. Short Introduction to Practice. Flaschka, Barnard and Sturrock. (Review), 619. Rock and Mineral -. Maxwell. (Review), 414. Scheme of qualitative - for twenty common cations. Ghose and Dey, 698. Solvent extraction technique with Tecnicon AutoAnalyzer. Carter and Nickless, 148. Spectrophotometric determination of hydroxy- proline : analytical investigation.Mitchell and Taylor, 1003. Studies on analytical chemistry of hafnium and zirconium. I. Review of methods for deter- mination of hafnium and zirconium in admix- ture. Brookes and Townshend, 529. Thermometric Titrimetry. Bark and Bark. (Review), 221. Travaux Pratiques de Chimie MinCrale PrCcis d’Analyse Qualitative. Double, Ferroni and Petrocchi. [Review), 1048. Use of enthalpimetric titration to study reaction of thiourea and its N-substituted derivatives with cerium(1V). Alexander, Mash and McAuley, 657. X-ray fluorescence - : review. Carr-Brion and Payne, 977. Animal Feeding Stuffs: See Feeding Stuffs. Antimony: Spectrophotometric determination of microgram amounts of - with rhodamine S, with application to its determination in titanium dioxide.Jablonski and Watson, 131. Apparatus : Analytical flame spectroscopy by using two-flame system. I. Suppression of spectral interferences from resonance lines in flame- emission spectroscopy. Kirkbright and Wil- son, 833. Automated determination of ammonium and nitrate in soil extracts by distillation (manifold configurations). Keay and Menage, 379. (Review), 969. Apparatus-continued Automated method for determination of boron in sewage, sewage effluents and river waters (flow diagram). Lionnel, 194. Automated method for determination of cyclo- hexylamine in cyclamates (manifold and stream splitter). Berry and Crossland, 291. Automated method for determination of lactic acid. Cameron and Francis, 481. Automated method for determination of molyb- denum in geological and biological samples (AutoAnalyzer manifold diagram).Fuge, 171. Automated system for determination of pH of soil. Baker, 885. Automatic capillary viscometer. Smith, Irving and Simpson, 743. Automatic determination of fluoride in urine (AutoAnalyzer manifold diagram). Hargreaves, Ingram and Cox, 177. Automatic determination of original gravity of beer. IV. Analysis of sour beers (manifold for volatile acid). Sawyer, Dixon, Lidzey and Stockwell, 957. Automatic determination of orthophosphate, ammoniacal nitrogen and total carbohydrate in fermentation media (flow system). Maddix, Norton and Nicolson, 738. Automatic extraction, identification and deter- mination of quinizarin in hydrocarbon oils (extraction system, control units, etc.).Tucker, Sawyer and Stockwell, 730. Automatic methods for determining nitrate and nitrite in water and soil extracts (reductor column). Henriksen and Selmer-Olsen, 514. Automatic methods of solvent extraction : batch extraction of low concentrations of non-ionic detergent from waters. Sawyer, Stockwell and Tucker, 284; 11. Continuous extraction of low concentrations of non-ionic detergent from water (phase separator and two-stage vessel), 879. Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant. 11. Automatic titration system. Johansson and Pehrsson, 652. Calcium-sensitive electrodc based on liquid ion exchanger in poly(viny1 chloride) matrix. Moody, Oke and Thomas, 910. Cathodic etching to prepare metals for oxygen determination (vacuum chamber and electrode assembly).Colorimetric method for micro determination of 2-phenylphenol (graduated tube with adaptor). Rajzman, 490. Concentration, detection and identification of late gas-chromatographic peaks. Primavesi, 242. Determination of carbon monoxide in blood and tissue (AutoAnalyzer circuit). Blackmore, 439. Determination of fluorine in urine by photo- nuclear-activation analysis (irradiation system). Ohno, Suzuki, Sasajima and Iwata, 260. Determination of hydroxyl-group content of epoxy resins (reaction vessel). Norton, Turner and Salmon, 80. Determination of major components in oxides and oxide mixtures by precision automatic spectrophotometry. Johns and Price, 138. Determination of nitrogen in silicon nitride (dissolution -). Determination of total nitrogen, phosphorus and iron in fresh water by photo-oxidation with ultraviolet radiation (reactor).Henriksen, 601. Hill, Morris and Frazer, 215. Parker and Healy, 204.xvi INDEX TO VOLUME 95 Apparatus-cont inued Electronic modulation of electrodeless discharge tubes for use in atomic spectroscopy (modulator unit). Wildy and Thompson, 562. Field methods for determination of nitrogen dioxide in air (aspirator and absorber). Christie, Lidzey and Radford, 520. Flame-spectroscopic determination of sulphur and phosphorus in organic and aqueous matrices by using simple filter photometer. Aldous, Dagnall and West, 417. Gas-chromatographic method for determination of vitamin D in fortified non-fat dried milk (multibore column gradient elution -) .Panalaks, 862. Laboratory Procedures : Pipette, Volumetric Flask and Burette. Davies and Owen. (Re- view), 624. Laser liaman spectroscopy (optical systems). Hendra and Vear, 321. Method for determination of tin in range 0-2 to 1.6 pg, and its application to determination of organotin stabiliser in certain foodstuffs (continuous extraction -). Adcock and Hope, 868. Microanalysis by Ring-Oven Technique. Weisz. 2nd Edn. (Review), 1017. Microcoulometric determination of trace sulphur in light petrolcum products (titration cell and combustion tube). Killer and Underhill, 505. Micro-sampling method for rapid determination of lead in blood by atomic-absorption spectro- photometry (absorption tube and crucible sampling unit). Delves, 431. New radiofrequency titrimetcr. Scott, Quigg and Svehla, 113.Potentiometric nitrate analysis : flow-through electrode unit. Milham, 758. Purification of Solochroine cyaniiie R (silica gel column). Rapid determination of fat in cocoa products by using differential density technique (differential plummet -). Perl, Ince and Wiggall, 809. Rapid method for determination of mercury in urinc. Lindstedt, 264; Errata, 528. Rapid procedure for preparing gas samples for nitrogen- 15 determination (conversion assembly). Ross and Martin, 817. Simple diffusion method for determination of fluoride (diffusion cell). Stuart, 1032. Simple field test for determination of acetone vapour in air (all-glass absorber). Smith and Wood, 683. Simple sample introduction device for use with high vacuum ---. Solvent-extraction technique with Technicon AutoAnalvzer (solvent introduction system and separator). Spectrophotometric determination of sulphur dioxide by reduction of iron(II1) and simul- taneous chelstion of iron(I1) with 2,4,6-tri(2- pyridyl) 1,3,5-triazine (sulphur dioxide dilution and sampling system).Stephens and Suddeth, 70. Techniques in gas chromatography. 111. Choice of detectors: review. Transistorised radiofrequency polarograph : use for determination of tin and lead. Harrison, Roughton and Surileet, 894. Use of automation in determining nitrogen by Kjeldahl method, with final calculations by computer (flow diagrams). Davidson, Mathie- son and Boyne, 181. Dixon, Grisley and Sawyer, 945. Wood and Swann, 828. Carter and Nickless, 148. Gough and Walker, 1. Appamtm--continued Use of electronically modulated microwave- excited discharge tubes in atomic spectroscopy (fluorescence equipment).Thompson and Wildy, 776. Use of paired ion-sensitive electrodes to measure gradients of pH and of sodium and chloride ions across actively transporting membranes (cell). Nutbourne, 609. X-ray fluorescence analysis: review. Carr-Rrion and Payne, 977. X-ray fluorescence determination of light elements in volatile liquids in vacua with newly designed sample cell. Arsenazo III : Spectrophotometric determination of yttrium in chromium and chromium-base alloys with -. Wood and Adams, 656. Arsenic : Extraction and determination of copper, chromium and - in preserved softwoods. Williams, 670. Atomic-absorption spectrophotometry : Evaluation and correction of interference between alumin- ium, silicon and iron in -.Ferris, Jepson and Shapland, 574. Interference of cobalt, nickel and copper in determination of iron by - in air - acetylene flame. Ottaway, Coker, Rowston and Bhatta- rai, 567. Atomic absorption Spectroscopy : Method for de- creasing atomic-absorption sensitivity of cal- cium by using germanium 422.657 nm line. Thompson, 1043. AutoAnalyzer : Adaptation of Berginan and I-oxley technique for hydrosyproline determination to - and its use in determining plasma hydr- oxyproline in domestic fowl. Bannister and Burns, 596. Automatic determination of orthophosphate, ammoniacal nitrogen and total carbohydrate in fermentation media. Maddix, Norton and Nicolson, 738. Hughes and Davey, 992. B Barium iodate : Determination of sulphate ion by replacement of iodate in iodine-13 1 labelled -.Bowen, 665. Bathocuproine reagent-paper for rapid semi-quan- titative determination of copper in 1 to 70 p.p.m. range. Hulthe, 351. Bwr(s) : Automatic determination of original gravity of -. IV. Analysis of sour --. Sawyer, Dixon, Lidzey and Stockwell, 957. Benzotriazole : Determination of sodium mercapto- benzothiazole and - in inhibited glycol products. Woodroffe and Munro, 153. Beryllium: Determination of traces of ~ in human and rat urine samples by gas chromato- graphy. Bioassay : Automated microbiological assay. I. Experiences in assaying ampicillin and carbeni- cillin. Jones and Palmer, 463; 11. Design of assay procedure. Grimshaw and Jones, 466. Biochemistry : Methods of Biochemical Analysis.Vol. 17. Glick. (Review), 319; Vol. 19. (Review), 969. Role of Nucleotides for Function and Conforma- tion of Enzymes. Kalckar, Klenow, Munch- Petersen, Ottesen and Thaysen. (Review), 902. Foreman, Gough and Walker, 797. Biocides : See Pesticides.INDEX TO VOLUME 95 xvii Biological material(s) : Determination of carbon-14 in - by flask combustion and suspension scintillation counting of carbon-14 labelled calcium carbonate. Lloyd- Jones, 366. Method for determination of sulphur in some -. Bird and Fountain, 98. Routine method for determination of low caesium- 137 activities in biological samples. Mirna, 1000. Separation and detection of volatile and non- volatile N-nitrosamines. Walters, Johnson and Ray, 485. Spectrophotometric determination of hydroxy- proline : analytical investigation.Mitchell and Taylor, 1003. Use of automation in determining nitrogen by Kjeldahl method, with final calculations by computer. Davidson, Ma thieson and Boyne, 181. Biology : Gas Chromatography in - and Medicine. Porter. (Review), 1045. Biopolymers : Luminescence of -- and Cells. Barenboim, Domanskii and Turoverov. (Re- view), 832. Bismuth: Determination of trace amounts of - in ferrous alloys by solvent extraction followed by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Headridge and Richardson, 930. Blood : Determination of carbon monoxide in - and tissue. Blackmore, 439. Gas-chromatographic determination of cyclo- hexylamine in - as trifluoroacetyl derivative. Litchfield and Green, 168. Micro-sampling method for rapid determination of lead in - by atomic-absorption spectro- photometry.Delves, 431. Blood plasma : Adaptation of Bergman and Loxley technique for hydroxyproline determination to AutoA4nalyzer and its use in determining - hydroxyproline in domestic fowl. Bannister and Burns, 596. Blood serum: Simple colorimetric method for determination of iron in -. Guirgis and Habib, 614. Simple micro method for determination of copper in - . Khalifa, Doss and Awadallah, 207. Book reviews : Bard. Electroanalytical Chemistry. VOl. 3, 111. Barenboim, Domanskii and Turoverov. Lumi- nescence of Biopolymers and Cells, 832. Bark and Bark. Thermometric Titrimetry, 221. Barman. EnzymeHandbook. Vols. I and 11,766. Benson. Mechanisms of Inorganic Reactions in Solution. An Introduction, 11 1.Bertin. Principles and Practice of X-ray Spec- trometric Analysis, 1047. Bowen. Chemical Applications of Radioisotopes, 976. Brame. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews. Vol. 2, 317. Breiter. Electrochemical Processes in Fuel Cells. Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie in Einzeldarstellungen. Band IX, 319. Brumblay. First Course in Quantitative Analy- sis, 1046. Buzon, Guichard, Lebbe, Prevot, Serpinet and Tranchant. Practical Manual of Gas Chroma- tography, 766. Carpenter. Vacuum Technology : Introduction, 903. Cattrall, Neill, Walkeley and Tregellas-Williams. Second Australian Conference on Electro- chemistry. Melbourne, 1968, 975. Book reviews-continued Charlot and Tremillon. Chemical Reactions in Solvents and Melts. Translated by P. J. J. Harvey, 221. Chemical Society.Annual Reports on Progress of Chemistry for 1968. Vol. 66, Section A, 318; Section B. Organic Chemistry, 416. Curry. Poison Detection in Human Organs, 525. Dean and Rains. Flame Emission and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Vol. 1. Theory, 318. Detar. Computer Programs for Chemistry. Vols. I andII, 109. Dobinson, Hofmann and Stark. Determination of Epoxide Groups. Monographs in Organic Functional Group Analysis. Vol. 1, 108. Dolezal, Povondra and Sulcek. Decomposition Techniques in Inorganic Analysis, 412. Double, Ferroni and Petrocchi. Travaux Prati- ques de Chimie Minkrale Pr6cis d’Analyse Qualitative, 1048. Eckschlager. Errors, Measurement and Results in Chemical Analysis, 767. Emsley, Feeney and Sutcliffe. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.Vols. 3 and 4, 223; Vol. 5, 970. Ferraro and Ziomek. Introductory Group Theory and its Application to Molecular Structure, 112. Flaschka and Barnard jun. Chelatesin Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 2, 222. Gerritsen. Modern Separation Methods of Macro- molecules and Particles. Progress in Separa- tion and Purification. Glick. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. 17, 219; Vol. 18, 969. Guilbault. Enzymatic Methods of Analysis, 832. Haddock. Analysis in the Chemical Industry, 97 1. Hedvig and Zantai. Microwave Study of Chemi- cal Structures and Reactions, 411. Ingold. Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry. 2nd Edn., 976. XXIst International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Prague 1967. Congress Lectures, 415. Introduction to Programming. PDP-8 Family Computers, 108.Jackman and Sternhell. Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrsocopy in Organic Chemistry. Vol. 5. 2nd Edn., 904. Kalckar, Klenow, Munch-Petersen, Ottesen and Thaysen. Role of Nucleotides for Function and Conformation of Enzymes, 902. Kametani. Chemistry of Isoquinoline Alkaloids, 416. ICendrick. Advances in Mass spectrometry. Vol. 4, 319. Kertes and Marcus. Solvent Extraction Research, 972. Kiselev and Yashin. Chromatographie Gaz- Solide, 975. Korkisch. Modern Methods for Separation of Rarer Metal Ions, 902. Kortum. Reflectance Spectroscopy. Principles, Methods, Applications, 527. Labowitz and Arents. Problems and Solutions. Physical Chemistry, 832. LAng. Absorption Spectra in Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Vol. XII, 768; Vol. XIII, 903. Ling, Bartecki, Horvath, Szoke and Varsanyi.Absorption Spectra in Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Vol. XI, 704. Mackenzie. Differential Thermal Analysis. Vol. 1. Fundamental Aspects, 974. Vol. 2, 526.xviii INDEX TO VOLUME 95 Book reviews-continued McKillop. Introduction to Chemistry of Alka- loids, 831. McLeod, Wales, Graham, Osadchuk and Bluman. Analytical Methods for Pesticide Residues in Foods, 830. Manuel Suisse des Denr6es Alimentaires. 5th Edn. Vol. I. Partie G6n6rale, 416. Marcus and Kertes. Ion Exchange and Solvent Extraction of Metal Complexes, 110. Maxwell. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 414. Mooney. Annual Review of NMR Spectroscopy. Vol. 2, 224. Murt and Guldner. Progress in Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 2. Physical Measurement and Analysis of Thin Films, 11 1.Neeb. Inverse Polarographie und Voltammetrie, 107. Patterson. Introduction to Ion Exchange, 971. Pattison. Programmed Introduction to Gas- Liquid Chromatography, 317. Plews. Analytical Methods Used in Sugar Refining, 1047. Porter. Gas Chromatography in Biology and Medicine. Ciba Foundation Symposium, 1045. Purnell. Advances in Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation. Vol. 6. Progress in Gas Chromatography, 107. Reilley and McLaff ery. Advances in Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation. Vol. 7, 320. Rollwagen. Chemische Spektralanalyse : Anlci- tung sur Erlernung und Ausfiihrung von Emissions-Spektralanalysen. Vol. 1. 6th Edn., 830. Rowlinson. Liquids and Liquid Mixtures. 2nd Edn., 220. Salzberg, Morrow, Cohen and Green. Modern Laboratory Course. Physical Chemistry, 83 1.Scheinmann. Introduction to Spectroscopic Methods for Identification of Organic Com- pounds. Vol. 1. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Infrared Spectroscopy, 1045. Schweizerisches Lebensmittelbuch. Vol. 11. Pt. 1, 527. Stahl. Thin-Layer Chromatography. Labora- tory Handbook. 2nd Edn., 972. Teh Fu Yen. Electron Spin Resonance of Metal Complexes, 767. Tiwari and Sharma. Determination of Carb- oxylic Functional Groups, 976. Tsutsui. Characterisation of Organometallic Compounds. Part I, 110. van der Maas. Basic Infrared Spectroscopy, 973. Volborth. Elemental Analysis in Geochemistry. Part A. Major Elements. Methods in Geo- chemistry and Geophysics, 413. Weisz. Microanalysis by Ring-Oven Technique. 2nd Edn., 1047. Woolfson. Introduction to );-Ray Crystallo- graphy, 903. Zuman and Perrin.Organic Polarography, 767. Bordeaux : Analytical and kinetic investigation of vanadium(V)-catalysed bromate oxidation of -. I. Kinetics of uncatalysed bromate oxidation of -. Fuller and Ottaway, 28; 11. Kinetics of vanadium(V)-catalysed bro- mate oxidation of -, 34; 111. Catalytic determination of vanadium(V), 41. Boron : Automated method for determination of - in sewage, sewage effluents and river waters. Lionnel. 194. Brilliant green : Critical study of -- as spectro- photometric reagent : determination of per- rhenate and gold. Fogg, Burgess and Thorburn Burns, 1012. Bromate : Analytical and kinetic investigation of vanadium(V)-catalysed - oxidation of Bor- deaux. I. Kinetics of uncatalysed - oxidation of Bordeaux. Fuller and Ottaway, 28; 11.Kinetics of vanadium(V)-catalysed - oxidation of Bordeaux, 34; 111. Catalytic determination of vanadium(V), 41. Bromine : Flame-photometric determination of - in urine. Brushite : See Calcium hydrogen orthophosphate dihydrate. Buquinolate : See Ethyl 6,7-di-isobutoxs-4-hy~o~~ quinoline-3-carboxylate. Burette : Laboratory Procedures : Pipette, Volu- metric Flask and -. Davies and Owen. (Review), 624. Gutsche and Herrmann, 805. C Caesium-137 : Routine method for determination of low __ activities in biological samples. Mirna, 1000. Calcium : Evaluation of 2-hydroxy-l-(2-hydroxy-4- sulpho-l-naphthylazo)-3-naphthoic acid and hydroxynaphthol blue as metallochromic indi- cators in EDTA titration of -. Itoh and Ueno, 583. Method for decreasing atomic-absorption sensiti- vity of - by using germanium 422.657 nm line.Thompson, 1043. -sensitive electrode based on liquid ion exchanger in poly(viny1 chloride) matrix. Moody, Oke and Thomas, 910. X-ray fluorescence analysis for light elements in plant and faecal materials. Calcium hydrogen orthophosphate dihydrate : Thermogravimetric method for analysis of mix- tures of brushite and monetite. Mulley and Cavendish, 304. Carbenicillin : Automated microbiological assay. I. Experiences in assaying ampicillin and -. Jones and Palmer, 463. 11. Design of assay procedure. Grimshaiv and Jones, 466. Carbohydrate : Automatic determination of ortho- phosphate, ammoniacal nitrogen and total - in fermentation media. Maddix, Norton and Nicolson, 738. Carbon : Study of voltammetric behaviour of 2-ethyl-anthraquinone by using vitreous - electrode.Jennings, Forster and Williams, 718. Carbon-14 : Determination of __ in biological material by flask combustion and suspension scintillation counting of - labelled calcium carbonate. Lloyd- Jones, 366. Carbon monoxide : Determination of - in blood and tissue. Blackmore, 439. Carboxyl : Determination of Carboxylic Functional Groups. Tiwari and Sharma. (Review), 976. Carboxylic acids : Potentiometric titration of naph- thy1 esters of - in non-aqueous solvent. Groagovk and Chrom9, 548. Cast Iron : See Iron. Cathodic etching to prepare metals for oxygen determination. Hill, Morris and Frazer, 215. Cations : Scheme of qualitative analysis for twenty common - Evans, 919. Ghose and Dev. 698.INDEX TO VOLUME 96 xix Cells : Luminescence of Biopolymers and -.Barenboim, Domanskii and Turoverov. (Re- view), 832. Cellulose nitrate : Rapid determination of small amounts of sulphate in - by water-digestion procedure. Dawoud and Gadalla, 823. Cement : Rapid method for analysis of Portland -. Nestoridis, 51. Ceramic : Titrimetric determination of alumina in _c_ materials by using DCTA in place of EDTA. Bennett and Reed, 541. Cerium : Further analytical applications of perxenate. Bane, 722. Ceriumw) : Use of enthalpimetric titration to study reaction of thiourea and its N-substituted derivatives with -. *\lexander, Mash and McAuley, 657. Cetrimide : Identification and determination of sucrose octa-acetate and ~ in industrial methylated spirit preparations. Glover, 950.See also Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide. Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide : Spectrophoto- metric determination of molybdenum with gallein and -. Leong, 1018. Chelates in Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 2. Flaschka and Barnard jun. (Review), 222. Chemical industry : Analysis in the -. Haddock. (Review), 97 1. Chermcal Society: Annual Reports on Progress of Chemistry for 1968. Vol. 65, Section A. (Review), 318; Section B. Organic Chemistry. (Review), 416. Chemistry : Advances in Analytical - and Instrumentation. Vol. 7. (Review), 320. Annual Reports on Progress of - for 1968. Vol. 65, Section A. (Review), 318; Section B. Organic -. (Review), 416. Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Organic -. Vol. 5. Jack- man and Sternhell. 2nd Edn. (Review), 904.Characterisation of Organometallic Compounds. Part I. Tsutsui. (Review), 110. Chelates in Analytical -. Vol. 2. Flaschka and Barnard jun. (Review), 222. Chemical Applications of Radioisotopes. Bowen. (Review), 976. Chemical Reactions in Solvents and Melts. Charlot and Tremillon. Computer Programs for -. Vols. I and 11. Detar. (Review), 109. Decomposition Techniques in Inorganic Analysis. Dolezal, Povondra and Sulcek. (Review), 412. Determination of Carboxylic Functional Groups. Tiwari and Sharma. (Review), 976. Determination of Epoxide Groups. Monographs in Organic Functional Group Analysis. Vol. 1. Dobinson, Hofmann and Stark. (Review), 108. Electroanalytical ___ . Vol. 3. Bard. (Re- view), 111. First Course in Quantitative Analysis. Brum- blay. (Review), 1046.XXIst International Congress of Pure and Applied -. Prague 1967. Congress Lec- tures. (Review), 415. Introduction to - of Alkaloids. McKillop. (Review), 83 1. of Isoquinoline Alkaloids. Kametani. (Review), 416. Kinetic and analytical investigations of chlorate and iodate oxidations of vanadium(1V) in perchloric acid medium. Fuller and Ottaway, 791. (Review), 22 1. Chemistry-continued Mechanisms of Inorganic Reactions in Solution. An Introduction. Benson. (Review), 1 1 1. Microwave Study of Chemical Structures and Reactions. Hedvig and Zantai. (Review), 41 1. Modern Laboratory Course. Physical -. Salzberg, Morrow, Cohen and Green. (Review), 831. Problems and Solutions. Physical -. Labo- witz and Arents. (Review), 832. Quantitative Analytical -. Vol. I. Intro- duction to principles; Vol.11. Short Intro- duction to Practice. Flaschka, Barnard and Sturrock. (Review), 619. Structure and Meclianism in Organic -. Ingold. 2nd Edn. (Review), 976. Studies on analytical - of hafnium and zirconium. I. Review of methods for deter mination of hafnium and zirconium in admix- ture. Brookes and Townshend, 529. Travaux Pratiques de Chimie MinCrale Precis d’halyse Qualitative. Double, Ferroni and Petrocchi. (Review), 1045. Use of Chemical Literature. Bottle. (Review,, 620. Chloramine T : Detection of ~ in dairy products. van Gils, 91. Chlorate : Kinetic and analytical investigations of - and iodate oxidations of vanadium(1V) in perchloric acid medium. Fuller and Otta- way, 791. Chlorcholine chloride : See 2-Chloroethyltrimethyl- ammonium chloride.Chloride : Use of paired ion-sensitive electrodes to measure gradients of pH and of sodium and - ions across actively transporting mem- branes. Nutbourne, 609. Chlorine : X-ray fluoresccnce determinatiov of light elements in volatile liquids in ZIUCUO with newly designed sample cell. Hughes and Davey, 992. 2-Chloroethyltrimethylammonium chloride : Gas- chromatographic determination of chlorcholine chloride residues in natural tomato juice. Tafuri, Businelli and Giusquiani, 675. N’- (4-Chlorophenyl) -N-methoxy-N-methylurea : Absorptiometric determination of monolinuron in herbicide formulations. Yuen, 408. Chromatography : Advances in Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation. Vol. 6. Progress in Gas -. Purnell. (Review), 107. Chromatographie Gaz-Solide.Kiselev and Yash- in. (Review), 975. Concentration, detection and identification of late gas-chromatographic peaks. Primavesi, 242. Gas - in Biology and Medicinc. Porter. (Review), 1045. Practical Manual of Gas - . Tranchant, Buzon, Guichard, Lebbe, Prevot and Serpinet. (Review), 766. Programmed Introduction to Gas-Liquid ---. Pattison. (Review), 317. Techniques in gas -. 111. Choice of detec- tors: review. Thin-Layer - . Laboratory Handbook. Stahl. 2nd Edn. (Review), 972. Chromium : Determination of - in aluminium salts by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. Marshall and West, 343. Extraction and determination of copper, - and arsenic in preserved softwoods. Williams, 670. Gough and Walker, 1.xx INDEX TO VOLUME 95 Chromium-continued Further analytical applications of perxenate. Bane, 722.Spectrophotometric determination of yttrium in - and - -base alloys with arsenazo 111. Wood and Adams, 556. Cigarette smoke : Colorimetric method for deter- mination of total oxides of nitrogen i n ---. Scherbak and Smith, 964 Ellman’s reagent : interference in mercapto group determination, with special reference to -. Benedict and Stedman, 296. Cinnamic acid: Determination of - by coulo- metric titration with amperometric end-point detection. Brand, Fleet and Weaver, 387. Coal : Determination of phenolic hydroxyl groups in -- by thermometric titration. Vaughan and Swithenbank, 890. Coal ash : Comprehensive analysis of -- and silicate rocks by spectrophotometry by fusion technique. Roar and Ingram, 124. Cobalt: Interference of -, nickel and copper in determination of iron by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry in air - acetylene flame.Ottaway, Coker, Rowston and Bhattarai, 567. Cocoa : Rapid determination of fat in ~ products by using differential density technique. Perl, Ince and Wiggall, 809. CODATA: See Committee on Data for Science and Technology of International Council of Scientific Unions. Codeine : Spectrofluorimetric analysis of mixtures of principal opium alkaloids. Chalmers and Wadds, 234. Committee on Data for Science and Technology of International Council of Scientific Unions : International Compendium of Numerical Data Projects. Survey and Analysis. (Review), 620. Complexes : Ion Exchange and Solvent Extraction of Metal -. Marcus and Kcrtes. (Review), 110. PDP- 8 Family -.(Review), 108. Programs for Chemistry. Vols. I and 11. Dctar. (Review), 109. a t Work. Clarke. (Review), 619. Computer(s) : Introduction to Programming. Copper : Bathocuproine reagent-paper for rapid semi-quantitative determination of - in 1 to 70 p.p.m. range. Determination of magnesium, manganese, iron, - and zinc in marine shrimp. Knauer, 476. Extraction and determination of -, chromium and arsenic in preserved softwoods. Iiilliams, 670. Interference of cobalt, nickel and - in deter- mination of iron by atomic-absorption spectro- photometry in air - acetylene flame. Ottaway, Coker, Rowston, and Bhattarai 567. Simple micro method for determination of -___ in blood serum. Khalifa, Doss and Awadallah, 207. Simultaneous determination of - and mangan- ese in plants by neutron-activation analysis. Ohno, Suzuki and Yatazawa, 995.Solvent-extraction technique with Technicon AutoAnalyzer. Carter and Nickless, 148. Crops : See Plants. Crystals : Introduction to X-Ray Crystallography. Woolfson. (Review), 903. Cyclamates : Automated method for determination of cyclohexylamine in - . Berry and Crossland, 291. Hulthe, 361. Cgchmates-contin ued Determination of cyclohcxylamine by electron- capture gas chromatography. Weston and Wheals, 680. Cyclohexylamine : Automated method for determina- tion of - in cyclamates. Berry and Crossland, 291. Determination of - by electron-capture gas chromatography. Weston and Wheals, 680. Gas-chromatographic determination of -- in blood as trifluoroacetyl derivative. Iitch field and Green, 168. D Dairy products : Detection of chloramine T in -.van Gils, 9 1. Data : International Compendium of Numerical -Projects. Survey and Analysis. (Review), 620. DCTA : See 1,2-Diaminocyclohexanetetra-acetic acid. DDVP : See 0 O-Dimethyl- 0-2,2-dichlorovinyl phos- phate. Denaturants : Identification and determination of sucrose octa-acetate and cetrimide in industrial methylated spirit preparations. Glover, 950. Detectors : Techniques in gas chromatography. I1 1. Choice of -: review. Gough and Walker, 1. Detergent : Automatic methods of solvent extrae- tion : batch extraction of low concentrations of from waters. Sawyer, Stock- non-ionic - well and Tucker, 254; 11. Continuous extrac- tion of low concentrations of non-ionic __- from water, 879. 1,2-Diaminocyclohexanetetra-acetic acid : Titri- metric determination of alumina in ceramic materials by using DCTA in place of EDTA.Bennett and Reed, 541. Dichlorvos : See 0 O-Dimethyl- 0-2,2-dichlorovinyl Diffusion : Simple -- mcthod for determination of fluoride. Stuart, 1032. 00-Dimethyl-O-2,2-dichlorovinyl phosphate : Deter- mination of residues of dichlorvos in crops and tissues. Dioscorea: Determination of diosgenin in __ deltoidea and - sylvatica by using gas- liquid chromatography. Cooke, 95. Diosgenin : Determination of - in Dioscorea deltoidea and Dioscorea sylvatica by using gas- liquid chromatography. Cooke, 95. Discharge tubes : Electronic modulation of elec- trodeless __ for use in atomic spcctroscopy. Wildy and Thompson, 562. Use of electronically modulated microwave- excited - in atomic spectroscopy.Tliomp- son and Wildy, 776. Disodium octaborate: Chemical analysis of __ in preserved softwoods. Williams, 498. 5,5’-Dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) : Ellman’s re- agent : interference in mercapto group deter- mination, with special reference to cigarette smoke. Benedict and Stedman, 296. Ditolyl phosphorochloridate : Gas-chromatographic determination of tetra-aryl pyrophosphates and diary1 phosphorochloridates in triaryl phosphate. Boyden and Deacon, 935. D o h a n n microcoulometer : Microcoulometric de- termination of trace sulphur in light petroleum products. Killer and Underhill, 505. phosphate. Elgar, Marlow and Mathews, 875.INDEX TO VOLUME 95 xxi Drug(s) : Determination of cthanol in official - preparations. I. Comparison of distillation and gas-chromatographic methods.Ellis and Wragg, 16; 11. Evaluation of multiple internal reflectance infrared spectrophotometry. Peutrell and Wragg, 225. Dixon, Grisley and Sawyer, 945. Dyes : Purification of Solochrome cyanine R. E EDTA : See Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid. Efluents : Automated method for determination of boron in sewage, sewage - and river waters. Lionnel, 194. Electroanalytical Chemistry : Vol. 3. Bard. (Rc- view), 111. Electrochemistry : Electrochemical Processes in Fuel Cells. Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie in Einzeldarstellungen. Band IX. (Review), 319. Second Australian Conference on -. Melbournc, 1968. Cattrall, Neill, Walkeley and Tregellas- Williams. (Review), 975. Electrode(s) : Analysis of plants, soils and waters for nitrate by using ion-selective -.Milham, Awad, Paul1 and Bull, 751. Application of anion-selective membrane - in pharmaceutical analysis. I. Halogenated pharmaceutical compounds. Dessouky, Tbth and Pungor, 1027. Calcium-sensitive - based on liquid ion exchanger in poly(viny1 chloride) matrix. Moody, Okc and Thomas, 910. Determination of nitrate in waters with nitrate- selective -. Keeney, Byrnes and Genson, 383. Inverse Polarographie und Voltammetrie. Neeb. (Review), 107. Ion-selective membrane -. Review. Pungor and T6th, 625. Potentiometric nitrate analysis : flow-through -unit. Milham, 758. Study of voltammetric behaviour of Z-ethyl- anthraquinone by using vitreous carbon -. Jennings, Forster and Williams, 718. Use of paired ion-sensitive - to measure gradients of pH and of sodium and chloride ions across actively transporting membranes.Nutbourne, 609. Electrolytes : Determination of gold and silver in plant liquors and - by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry . Michailova and Rezepina, 769. Electron Spin Resonance of Metal Complexes. Teh F u Yen. (Review), 767. Ellman’s reagent : Sea 5,5’-Dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid). Energy : Determination of - dependence of 63Cu (n,2n)Tu and Z7Al ( n , ~ ) ~ ~ M g cross- sections, and their application to measurement of 14-MeV neutron fluxes. Partington, Crump- ton and Hunt, 257. Enzyme(s) : Enzymatic Methods of Analysis. Guilbault. (Review), 832. Handbook. Vols. I and 11. Barman. (Review), 766. Luminescence of Biopolymers and Cells. Baren- boim, Domanskii and Turoverov.(Review), 832. Enzyme (5) -continued Role of Nucleotides for Function and Conforma- tion of - . Kalckar, Klenow, Munch- Petersen, Ottesen and Thaysen. (Revicw), 902. Epoxide : Determination of - Groups. Mono- graphs in Organic Functional Group Analysis. Vol. 1. Dobinson, Hofmann and Stark. (Review), 108. Epoxy resins : Determination of hydroxyl-group content of -. Norton, Turner and Salmon, 80. Essences : Determination of ethanol in -, tinctures and toilet preparations by gas chromatography. Harris, 158; Erratum, 832. Esters : Potentiometric titration of naphthyl - of carboxylic acids in non-aqueous solvent. GroagovA and Chrom3, 548. Ethanol : Determination of - in essences, tinc- tures and toilet preparations by gas chromato- graphy. Harris, 158; Erratum, 832.Determination of - in official drug prepara- tions. I. Comparison of distillation and gas-chromatographic methods. Ellis and Wragg, 16; 11. Evaluation of multiple internal reflectance infrared spectrophotometry. Peutrell and Wragg, 225. Identification and determination of sucrose octa-acetate and cetrimide in industrial methyl- ated spirit preparations. Glover, 950. Ethyl 6,7-di-isobutoxy-4-hydroxyquinoline-3-carb- oxylate : Gas-chromatographic determination of - in animal feeding stuffs. Hoodless and Weston, 253. 2-Ethylanthraquinone : Investigation of polaro- graphic determination of - . Jennings, Forster and Williams, 713. Study of voltammetric behaviour of __ by using vitreous carbon electrode. Jennings, Forster and Williams, 718. Ethylenebisdithiocarbamates : Application of polaro- graphy and related electroanalytical techniques to determination of -. Brand and Fleet, 905.Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic . acid : Titrimetric de- termination of alumina in ceramic metarials by using DCTA in place of EDTA. Bennett and Reed, 541. F Faeces : X-ray fluorescence analysis for light elements in plant and faecal materials. Evans, 919. Fat(s): Rapid determination of - in cocoa products by using differential density technique. Perl, Ince and Wiggall, 809. Rapid determination of nickel in edible - by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Price, Roos and Clay, 760. Fatty acids : Determination of lipid classes by gas- chromatographic procedure. Christie, Noble and Moore, 940. Feeding stuffs : Gas-chromatographic determination of ethyl 6,7-di-isobutoxy-4-hydroxyquinoline- 3-carboxylate in animal -.Hoodless and Weston, 253. Fermentation : Automatic determination of ortho- phosphate, ammoniacal nitrogen and total carbohydrate in ___ media. Maddix, Norton and Nicolson, 738.xxii INDEX TO Ferrites : Determination of major components of oxides and oxide mixtures by precision auto- matic spectrophotometry. Johns and Price, 138. Fish cakes: New approach to analysis of -. Burgess, McLachlan, Tatterson and Windsor, 471. Flame: Analytical - spectroscopy by using two - system. I. Suppression of spectral interferences from resonance lines in - -emission spectroscopy. Kirkbright and Wil- son, 833. Investigation of determination of germanium by - photometry and atomic-fluorescence spectroscopy by using a separated nitrous oxide - acetylene -.Dagnall, Kirkbright, West and Wood, 425. Mixed-solvent systems for - analysis of petroleum materials. Holding and Noar, 1041. Theoretical assessment of nitrous oxide - hydrogen - in spectroscopic analysis. Chester, Dag- nall and Taylor, 702. Flour: Determination of thiamine in - fortifica- tion mixtures. Hart and Willis, 312; Erratum, 528. Fluoride : Automatic determination of - in urine. Determination of - by substoicheiometric isotope dilution. Carmichael and Whitley, 393. Determination of microgram amounts of ~ with zirconium and Solochrome cyanine R. Dixon, 272. Simple diffusion method for determination of -. Stuart, 1032. Fluorine : Determination of - in urine by photonuclear-activation analysis. Ohno, Suzu- ki, Sasajima and Iwata, 260.Fluorine-18 : Rapid determination of nitrogen-13 and - in reactor cooling water by ion- exchange method. Food(s) : Analytical Methods for Pesticide Residues in -. McLeod, Wales, Graham, Osadchuk and Bluman. (Review), 830. Manuel Suisse des DenrCes Alimentaires. 5th Edn. Vol. I. Partie GCn6rale. (Review), 416. SchweizerischesLebensmittelbuch. Vol. 11. Pt. 1. (Review), 527. Foodstuffs: Method for determination of tin in range 0.2 to 1.6 p g , and its application to determination of organotin stabiliser in certain -. Adcock and Hope, 868. Fowl : Adaption of Bergman and Loxley technique for hydroxyproline determination to Auto- Analyzer and its use in determining plasma hydroxyproline in domestic -. Bannister and Burns, 596. Fuel cells : Electrochemical Processes in -.Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie in Einzeldarstellungen. Band IX. (Review), 319. Fungicides : Application of polarography and related electroanalytical techniques for determination of tetramethylthiuram disulphide. Brand and Fleet, 1023. Colorimetric method for micro determination of 2-phenylphenol. Rajzman, 490. Examination of organomercury compounds and their formulations by thin-layer chromato- graphy Johnson and Vickers, 356; Errata, 624. Furfuraldehyde : Identification of - in hydro- carbon oils. Soutar, 316. Hargreaves, Ingram and Cox, 177. Ohno and Tsutsui, 396. VOLUME 95 G Gallein : Spectrophotometric determination of molybdenum with __ and cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide. Leong, 1018. Gas chromatography : See Chromatography. Geochemistry : Elemental Analysis in -.Part A. Major Elements. Methods in ____ and Geophysics. Volborth. (Review), 413. Germanium : Investigation of determination of - by flame photometry and atomic-fluorescence spectroscopy by using separated nitrous oxide - acetylene flame. Dagnall, Kirkbright, West and Wood, 425. Method for decreasing atomic-absorption sensiti- vity of calcium by using - 422.657 nm line. Thompson, 1043. Girard T reagent : See Trimethylammonium acetyl- hydradde chloride. Glycerine: Determination of MONG in place of organic residue for ~ analysis. Cocks, Devine and Gibbs, 278. Glycol(s) : Determination of sodium mercapto- benzothiazole and benzotriazole in inhibited - products. Identification of polythylene - and polypro- pylene - by thin-layer chromatography, Salvage, 363.Gold : Critical study of Brilliant green as spectro- photometric reagent : determination of per- rhenate and-. Fogg, Burgess and Thorburn Burns, 1012. Determination of - and silver in plant liquors and electrolytes by atomic- absorption spectro- photometry. Michailova and Rezepina, 769. Gravity : Automatic determination of original - of beer. IV. Analysis of sour beers. Saw- yer, Dixon, Lidzey and Stockwcll, 957. Grignard reagent : Differential spectrophotometric method for determination of __ concentration. Gorog and Szepesi, 727. Woodroffe and Munro, 153. H Hafnium : Studies on analytical chemistry of -__ and zirconium. I. Review of methods for determination of - and zirconium in ad- mixture. Brookes and Townshend, 529; 11. Fluorimetric determination of - in presence of zirconium by using quercetin, 781.Halogens : Application of anion-selective membrane electrodes in pharmaceutical analysis. I. Halogenated pharmaceutical compounds. Dessouky, T6th and Pungor, 1027. Herbicide(s) : Absorptiometric determination of monolinuron in __ formulations. Yuen, 408. Hydrocarbon oils : Automatic extraction, identifica- tion and determination of quiriizarin in -. Tucker, Sawyer and Stockwell, 730. Identification of furfuraldehyde in --. Soutar, 316. Hydroquinone: 4-Nitrophenylacetonitrile, sensitive reagent for quinones, __ and pyrocatechol. LdgrAdi, 590. 2-Hydroxy-l- (2-hydroxg-4-sulpho-l-naphthylazo) -3- naphthoic acid: Evaluation of - and hydr- oxynaphthol blue as metallochromic indicators in EDTA titration of calcium.Itoh and Ueno, 583. Hydroxyatradne : Extraction of - from soil. Hance and Chesters, 106.INDEX TO Eydroxyl : Determination of - group content of epoxy resins. Norton, Turner and Salmon, 80. Determination of phenolic - groups in coal by thermometric titration. Vaughan and Swithenbank, 890. Hydroxynaphthol blue : Evaluation of 2-hydroxy- 1- (2-hydroxy-4-sulpho- l-naphthylazo)-3 - naph- thoic acid and - as metallochromic indica- tors in EDTA titration of calcium. Itoh and Ueno, 583. Hydroxyproline : Adaptation of Bergman and Loxley technique for - determination to Auto- Analyzer and its use in determining plasma - in domestic fowl. Bannister and Burns, 596. Spectrophotometric determination of - : ana- lytical investigation. Mitchell and Taylor, 1003.I Ice cream: Detection of cliloramine T in dairy products. van Gils, 91. Indicators : Evaluation of 2-hydroxy- 1-(2-hydroxy- 4-sulpho- 1 -naphthylazo) -3-napthoic acid and hydroxynaphthol blue as metallochromic - in EDTA titration of calcium. Itoh and Ueno, 583. Industrial methylated spirits : See Ethanol. Information : Use of Chemical Literature. Bottle (Review), 620. Infrared spectroscopy: Basic -. van der Maas. (Review), 973. Introduction to Spectroscopic Methods for Identification of Organic Compounds. Vol. 1. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and -. Schein- mann. (Review), 1045. Instrument (s) : Instrumental Methods in Chemical Analysis. Ewing. 3rd Edn. (Review), 622. Instrumentation : Advances in Analytical Chemistry and -. Vol. 6. Progress in Gas Chromato- graphy. Purnell.(Review), 107; Vol. 7. (Review), 320. Iodate : Kinetic and analytical investigations of chlorate and - oxidations of vanadium(1V) in perchloric acid medium. Fuller and Otta- way, 791. Iodine-131 : Determination of sulphate ion by re- placement of iodate in ~ labelled barium iodate. Bowen, 665. Ion exchange : Introduction to -. Patterson. (Review), 97 1. Modern Methods for Separation of Rarer Metal Ions. Korkisch. (Review), 902. resins : Improved system for automatic amino- acid analysis. Jacobs, 370. and Solvent Extraction of Metal Complexes. Marcus and Kertes. (Review), 110. Ion exchanger : Calcium-sensitive electrode based on liquid - in poly(viny1 chloride) matrix. Moody, Oke and Thomas, 910. Iron : Cathodic etching to prepare metals for oxygen determination. Hill, Morris and Frazer, 215.Determination of magnesium, manganese, -, copper and zinc in marine shrimp. Knauer, 476. Determination of trace amounts of bismuth in ferrous alloys by solvent extraction followed by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Head- ridge and Richardson, 930. Evaluation and correction of interference between aluminium, silicon and - in atomic-absorp- tion spectrophotometry. Ferris, Jepson and Shapland, 574. VOLUME 95 xxiii Fluorimetric determination of selenium in cast - with naphthalene-2,3-diamine. Clarke, 65. Interference of cobalt, nickel and copper in determination of - by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry in air - acetylene flame. Ottaway, Coker, Rowston and Bhattarai, 567. Simple colorimetric method for determination of - in serum.Iron(II) : Titrimetric study of reaction of quinones in fluoride solution with -. Headridge and Wilson, 164. Isocyanates : Method for determination of aromatic - in air in presence of primary aromatic amines. Meddle and Wood, 402. Isophorone : See 3,5,5-Trimethylcyclohex-2-enone. 2-Isopropoxyphenyl-N-methylcarbamate : Spectro- photometric determination of propoxur residues on vegetable matter. Isoquinoline : Chemistry of - Alkaloids. Kame- tani. (Review), 416. Iron-continued Guirgis and Habib, 614. van Gils, 88. K Ketones : Determination of aliphatic - by polarography of their Girard T hydrazone derivatives. Booth and Fleet, 649. Kinetic(s) : Analytical and - investigation of vanadium(V)-catalysed bromate oxidation of Bordeaux. I . - of uncatalysed brornate oxidation of Bordeaux. Fuller and Ottaway, 28.11. - of vanadium(V)-catalysed bro- mate oxidation of Bordeaux, 34. and analytical investigations of chlorate and iodate oxidations of vanadium( IV) in perchloric acid medium. Elementary Reaction -. Latham. 2nd Edn. (Review), 704. Kjeldahl method : Use of automation in determining nitrogen by -, with final calculations by computer. Davidson, Mathieson and Boyne, 181. Fuller and Ottaway, 791. L Laboratory : Modern - Course. Physical Chern- istry. Salzberg, Morrow, Cohen and Green. (Review), 83 1. Procedures: Weighing. Davies and Owen. (Re- view), 624; Pipette, Volumetric Flask and Burette. Davies and Owen. (Review). 624. Lactic acid : Automated method for determination of -. Cameron and Francis, 481. Laser Raman spectroscopy: review.Hendra and Vear, 321. Lead : Micro-sampling method for rapid determina- tion of - in blood by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Delves, 431. Non-aqueous atomic-absorption spectrophoto- metric determination of organometallic bio- cides. Freeland and Hoskinson, 579. Transistorised radiofrequency polarograph : use for determination of tin and -. Harrison, Roughton and Surfleet, 894. Lead chromate: Precipitation of - from homo- geneous solution by pH increase with urea in presence of organic acids. Baynes and Cartwright, 706. Lipid : Determination of - classes by gas- chromatographic procedure. Christie, Noble and Moore, 940.xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 96 Liquefied petroleum gas : Microcoulometric deter- mination of trace sulphur in light petroleum products (appendix).Killer and Underhill, 505. Liquids and Liquid Mixtures. Rowlinson. 2nd Edn. (Review), 220. Literature: Use of Chemical -. Bottle. (Re- view), 620. Luminescence of Biopolyniers and Cells. Baren- boim, Domanskii and Tnroverov. (Review), 832. M Macromolecules : Modern Separation Methods of - and Particles. Progress in Separation and Purification. Vol. 2. Gerritsen. (Re- view), 526. Magnesium : Determination of -, manganese, iron, copper and zinc in marine shrimp. Knauer, 476. X-ray fluorescence analysis for light elements in plant and faecal materials. Evans, 919. Manganese : Determination of magnesium, -, iron, copper and zinc in marine shrimp. Knauer, 476. Further analytical applications of perxenate. Bane, 722. Simultaneous determination of copper and ~ in plants by neutron-activation analysis.Ohno, Suzuki and Yatazawa, 995. Manganese dioxide : Determination of harmful trace elements in -- for dry cell use. Vink, 399. Marine shrimp : Determination of magnesium, manganese, iron, copper and zinc in ---. Knauer, 476. Kendrick. (Review), 319. Mass spectrometry : =2dvances in -- . Vol. 4. Mathematics. Solomon. (Revicu-), 619. Medicine : Gas Chromatography in Biology and -. Melts: Chemical Reactions in Solvents and -. Mercapto group : Ellman’s reagent : interference in determination, with special reference to cigarette smoke. Benedict and Stedman, 296. Mercury : Examination of organomercury compounds and their formulations by thin-layer chromato- yaphy. Johnson and Vickers, 356; Errata, 624.Rapid method for determination of - in urine. Lindstedt, 264; Rrrata, 528. Mercury(II) - 2?2’-pyridylbenzimidazole : Spectro- fluorimetric determination of sulphides. Bark and Rixon, 786. Metal@) : Cathodic etching to prepare - for oxygen determination. Hill, Morris and Frazer, 215. Complexes : Electron Spin Resonance of -. Teh F u Yen. (Review), 767. Modern Methods for Separation of Rarer - Ions. Korkisch. (Review), 902. Metamizol : Simple colorimetric method for deter- mination of iron in serum. Guirgis and Habib, 614. Methanol: Determination of water in __ by near infrared absorption. Goulden and Manning, 308. Microbiological assay : See Bioassay. Microchemistry : Modern Methods in Organic Porter. (Review), 1045. Charlot and Tremillon. (Review), 221. Microanalysis.Dixon. (Review), 622. Milk: Automated method for determination of molybdenum in geological and biological samples. Fuge, 171. Detection of chloramine T in dairy products. van Gils, 91. Determination of sulphur and sulphur-36 in -. Bates and Boyd, 955. Gas-chromatographic method for determination of vitamin D in fortified non-fat dried -. Panalaks, 862. Mineral: Rock and -- Analysis. Maxwell. (Review), 414. Molecular structure : Introductory Group Theory and its Application to -. Ferraro and Ziomek. (Review), 112. Molybdenum : Automated method for determination of - in geological and biological samples. Fuge, 171. Spectrophotometric determination of - with gallein and cetyltrimethylamtnonium bromide. Leong, 1018. Monazite : Separation of principal components of -.Hughes and Carswell, 302. Monetite : Thermogravimetric method for analysis of mixtures of brushite and -. Mulley and Cavendish, 304. Monoiinuron : See N‘- (4-chlorophenyl)-N-methoxy- N-methylurea. Morphine : Spectrofluorimetric analysis of mixtures of principal opium alkaloids. Chalmers and Wadds, 234. Muscles : Automated method for determination of lactic acid. Cameron and Francis. 481. N Naphtha : X-ray fluorescence determination of light clcments in volatile liquids in vaczm with newly designed sample cell. Hughes and Davey, 992. Naphthalene-2,3+liamine : Fluorimetric determina- tion of selenium in cast iron with -. Clarke, 65. Naphthol : Potentiometric titration of naphthyl esters of carboxylic acids in non-aqueous solvent. Groagovk and Chromj., 548. Naphthyl dihydrogen phosphates : Potentiometric titration of some naphthyl hydrogen sulphates and --.Naphthyl hydrogen sulphates : Potentiometric titra- tion of some -- and naphthyl dihydrogen phosphates. Chromjr and Groagova, 552. Narcotine : Spectrofluorimetric analysis of mixtures of principal opium alkaloids. Chalmers and \\‘adds, 234. Neutron activation analysis : Determination of energv dependence of s3Cu (n,2n) 62Cu and 27Al (n,p) 27Mg cross-sections, and their application to measurement of 14-MeV ncutroii fluxes. I’artington, Crumpton and Hunt, 257. Nickel: Interference of cobalt, -- and copper in determination of iron by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry in air - acetylene flame. Ottaway, Coker, Rowston and Bhattarai, 567. Rapid determination of - in edible fats by atomic-absorption spectrophotonietry.Price, Roos and Clay, 760. Niobium: Separation of -I_ and tantalum oxalate complexes by paper electrophoresis. Scott, 103. Nitrate : Analysis of plants, soils and waters for - by using ion-selective electrode. Milham, An-ad, Paul1 and Bull, 751. Chromjr and Groagova, 552.INDEX TO VOLUME 96 xxv Nitrate-conii~ ued Automated determination of ammonium and - in soil extracts by distillation. Keay and Menagt5,379. Automatic methods for determining ~ and nitrite in water and soil extracts. Henriksen and Selmer-Olsen, 514. Determination of - in waters with - selective ion electrode. Keeney, Byrnes and Genson, 383. Potentiometric - analysis : flow-through clcc- trode unit. Milham, 758. Nitric oxide : Colorimetric method for determination of total oxides of nitrogen in cigarette smoke.Scherbak and Smith, 964. Nitrite : Automatic methods for determining nitrate and - in water and soil extracts. Henriksen and Selmer-Olsen, 514. Nitrogen : Automatic determination of orthophos- pliate, ammoniacal ~ and total carbohydrate in fermentation media. Maddix, Norton and Nicolson, 738. Determination of - in silicon nitride. l’arkcr and Healy, 204. Determination of total ---, phosphorus and iron in fresh water by photo-oxidation with ultra- violet radiation. Henriksen, 601. Kjeldahl method, with final calculations by computer. Davidson, Mathieson and I3oyne, 181. Nitrogen-13 : Rapid determination of __ and fluorine-18 in reactor cooling water by ion- exchange method. Ohno and Tsutsui, 396.Nitrogen-15 : Rapid procedure for preparing gas samples for __ determination. Ross and Martin, 817. Nitrogen dioxide : Field methods for determination of -- in air. Christie, Lidzey and Radford, 519. Nitrogen oxides : Colorimetric method for determina- tion of total oxides of nitrogen in cigarette smoke. Scherbak and Smith, 964. 4-Nitrophenylacetonitrile, sensitive reagent for quinones, hvdroquinone and pyrocatechol. LCgrAdi, 590. N-Nitrosamines : Separation and detection of vola- tile and non-volatile -. Walters, Johnson and Ray, 486. Nuclear magnetic resonance : Introduction to Spectroscopic Methods for Identification of Organic Compounds. Vol. 1. ___ and Infra- red Spectroscopy. Scheinmann. (Rcvic\v), 1045. spectroscopy : -2nnual Review of NMR Spectro- scopy.Vol. 2. Mooney. (Review), 224. Spectroscopy : Applications of - in Organic Chemistry. Vol. 5. Jackman and Sternhell. 2nd Edn. (Review), 904. spectroscopy: Progress in -. Vols. 3 and 4. Emsley, Fceney and Sutcliffe. (Review), 223; Vol. 5. (Review), 970. Nucleotides: Role of - for Function and Con- formation of Enzymes. Kalckar, Klenow, Munch-Petersen, Ottesen and Thaysen. (Re- view), 902. Use of automation in determining __ by 0 Oils : Automatic extraction, identification and determination of quinizarin in hydrocarbon ---. Tucker, Sawyer and Stockwell, 730. Oils-continued Identification of furfuraldehyde in hydrocarbon -. Soutar, 316. Mixed-solvent systems for flame analysis of petroleum materials. Holding and Noar, 1041. Organic acids : Precipitation of lead chromate from homogeneous solution by pH increase with urea in presence of -.Baynes and Cart- wright, 706. Organic Chemistry : See Chemistry. Organomercury compounds : Examination of -__ and their formulations by thin-layer chroma- tography. Johnson and Vickers, 356 ; Errata, 624. Organometallic compounds : Analysis of Organo- aluminium and Organozinc Compounds. Crompton. (Review), 623. Characterisation of -. Tsutsui, (Review), 110. Method for determination of tin in range 0.2 to 1.6 p g , and its application to determination of organotin stabiliser in certain foodstuffs. Adcock and Hope, 868. Non-aqueous atomic absorption-spectrophoto- metric determination of organometallic biocidcs. Freeland and Hoskinson, 579. Organophosphorus compounds : Determination of partitioning values of parathion-methyl and related compounds.Jaglan and Gunther, 763. Orthophosphate : -4utomatic determination of -, ammoniacal nitrogen and total carbohydrate in fermentation media. Maddix, Norton and Nicolson, 738. Oxalate : Separation of niobium and tantalum -- complexes by paper electrophoresis. Scott, 103. Oxidation(s) : Comparison of low temperature radiofrequency ashing with other methods of organic sample - for determination of sodium in acrylic fibre. Coomber and Webb, 668. Further analytical applications of perxenate. Bane, 722. Kinetic and analytical investigations of chloratc and iodate - of vanadium(1V) in perchloric acid medium. Oxide(s) : Determination of major components in - and - mixtures by precision automatic spectrophotometry.Johns and Price, 138. Oxirane : M icro-titrimetric method for determina- tion of - functional group. Chaltrabarty, Bhattacharyya and Kundu, 85. Oxygen: Cathodic etching to prepare metals for - determination. Hill, Morris and Frazer, 215. Fuller and Ottaway, 791. P Papaverine : Spectrofluorimetric analysis of mixtures of principal opium alkaloids. Chalmers and Wadds, 234. Parathion-methyl: Determination of partitioning values of - and related compounds. Jaglan and Gunther, 763. Particles : Modern Separation Methods of Macro- molecules and -. Progress in Separation and Purification. Vol. 2. Gerritsen. (Re- view), 526. Partitioning values : Detcrrnination of __ of parathion-methyl and related compounds. Jaglan and Gunther, 763.xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 95 Penaeus : Determination of magnesium, manganese, iron, copper and zinc in marine shrimp.Knauer, 476. Penicillins : Electrophoretic separation of - and penicilloic acids. Thomas and Broadbridge, 469. Penicilloic acids : Electrophoretic separation of penicillins and -. Thomas and Broad- bridge, 459. Perchloric acid : Kinetic and analytical investiga- tions of chloratc and iodate oxidations of vanadium(1V) in - medium. Fuller and Ottaway, 791. Perxenate : See Sodium perxenate. Pesticide(s) : Analytical Methods for - Residues in Foods. McLeod, Wales, Graham, Osadchuk and Bluman. (Review), 830. Determination of residues of dichlorvos in crops and tissues. Elgar, Marlow and Mathews, 875. Non-aqueous atomic-absorption spectrophoto- metric determination of organometallic biocides.Freeland and Hoskinson, 579. Spectrophotometric determination of propoxur residues on vegetable matter. Petroleum : Mixed-solvent systems for flame analysis of - materials. Holding and Noar, 1041. products : Microcoulometric determination of trace sulphur in light -. Killer and Under- hill, 505. pH: Automated system for determination of - of soil. Baker, 885. Use of paired ion-sensitive electrodes to measure gradients of - and of sodium and chloride ions across actively transporting membranes. Nutbourne, 609. Pharmaceutical : Application of anion-selective membrane electrodes in - analysis. I. Halogenated - compounds. Dessouky, T6th and Pungor, 1027. Phenol : Determination of phenolic hydroxyl groups in coal by thermometric titration. Vaughan and Swithenbank, 890.Phenylfluorone : Spectrophotometric determination of microgram amounts of tin with -. Smith, 347. 2-Phenglphenol : Colorimetric method for micro determination of -. Rajzman, 490. Phosphate : Gas-chromatographic determination of tetra-aryl pyrophosphates and diaryl phos- phorochoridates in triaryl -. Royden and Deacon, 935. Phosphorochloridates : Gas-chromatographic deter- mination of tetra-aryl pyrophosphates and diaryl - in triaryl phosphate. Boyden and Deacon, 935. Phosphorus : Determination of total nitrogen, - and iron in fresh water by photo-oxidation with ultraviolet radiation. Henriksen, 601. Flame-spectroscopic determination of sulphur and - in organic and aqueous matrices by using simple filter photometer. Aldous, Dagnall and West, 417. X-ray fluorescence analysis for light elements in plant and faecal materials.Evans, 919. Photometer : Flame-spectroscopic determination of sulphur and phosphorus in organic and aqueous matrices by using simple filter -. Aldous, Dagnall and West, 417. Photometry : Photometric Methods of Analysis. Calder. (Review), 62 1. Physical chemstry : See Chemistry. Pipette : Laboratory Procedures : -, Volumetric Flask and Burette. Davies and Owen. (Re- van Gils, 88. Plant(s): Analysis of .--, soils and waters for nitrate by using ion-selective electrode. Mil- ham, Awad, Paul1 and Bull, 751. Automated method for determination of molyb- denum in geological and biological samples. Fuge, 171. Determination of residues of dichlorvos in crops and tissues. Elgar, Marlow and Mathews, 875. Determination of sulphate ion by replacement of iodate in iodine-131 labelled barium iodate.Bowen, 665. Simultaneous determination of copper and manganese in ___ by neutron-activation analysis. Ohno, Suzuki and Yatazawa, 995. Spectrophotometric determination of propoxur residues on vegetable matter. van Gils, 88. X-ray fluorescence analysis for light elements in - and faecal materials. Plasma : See Blood plasma. Poison Detection in Human Organs. Curry. 2nd Edn. (Review), 525. Polarograph : Transistorised radiofrequency - : use for determination of tin and lead. Harri- son, Roughton and Surfleet, 894. Polarography : Application of - and related electroanalytical techniques to determination of ethylenebisdithiocarbamates. Brand and Fleet, 905. Inverse Polarographie und Voltammetrie. Neeb.(Review), 107. Investigation of polarographic determination of 2-ethylanthraquinone. Jennings, Forster and Williams, 7 13. Organic -. Zuman and Perrin. (Review), 767. Pols (vinyl chloride) : Calcium-sensitive electrode based on liquid ion exchanger in - matrix. Moody, Oke and Thomas, 910. Portland cement : Rapid method for analysis of -. Nestoridis, 51. Potassium : X-ray fluorescence for light elements in plant and faecal materials. Precipitation of lead chromate from homogeneous solution by pH increase with urea in presence of organic acids. Baynes and Cartwright, 706. Family Computers. (Review), 108. Propoxur : Spectrophotometric determination of - residues on vegetable matter. van Gils, 88. Pyrocatechol : 4-Nitrophenylacetonitrile, sensitive reagent for quinones, hydroquinone and -.L6grAdi, 590. Pyrophosphates : Gas-chromatographic determination of tetra-aryl - and diaryl phosphorochlori- dates in triaryl phosphate. Boyden and Deacon, 935. Evans, 919. Evans, 919. Programming : Introduction to - . PDP-8 Q Quercetin : Studies on analytical chemistry of hafnium and zirconium. 11. Fluorimetric determination of hafnium in presence of zirconium by using - . Brookes and Townshend, 781. Quinizarin : Automatic extraction, identification and determination of - in hydrocarbon oils. Tucker, Sawver and Stockwell. 730. Quinones : 4-Nit;ophenylacetonitrile, sensitive re- agent for -, hydroquinone and pyrocatechol. view), 624. LCgrAdi, 590.INDEX TO VOLUME 95 xxvii Quinones-cot it in itrd ,.. litrimetric stiidy o f reaction of - in iluoride Headridge ancl Wilson, solution with iron( [I).164. R Radioisotopes : Chenlical Applications of - - -. Uowen. (lieview), 976. Raman spectroscopy : L,LLWT : review. Hcndra and Vtm-, 321. Rare earths : SCyaration of principal components in monazite. Hughes and Carswell, 302. Reactions: Chemical - - - in Solvents and Melts. Charlot and ‘Trcmillon . Translated by Harvey. (Review), 221. Mechanisms of Inorganic -- - in Solution. :In Introduction. 13enson. (Rcvicw), 111. Reagent(s) : Critical study of Brilliant grecn as 5pcctrophotomctric -__ : cletcrmination of perrhcnate and gold. l;ogg, Uiirgcss and TI1 orb u rn 13 ur 115, 10 1 2. 4-Xi tro~~lienylacctonitrilc, .sensitive -__ ior qiiinones, hydroquinonc ancl pyrocatcchol. Lbgrkdi, 590.Spcctroyhotomctric stiidv of reaction of uranium- (Vl! with new salicylazochromotropic acid derivativc. Baiulescu, Marinescu and Greff, 661. Rhenium : Critical study of Brilliant grcen as spcctrophotomctric rcagcnt : dctcrminatioii of perrhenate and gold. Fogg, Burgcss and Thorburn Burns, 1012. Rhodamine S : Spcctropliotomctric determination of microgram anionnts of antimony with ---, with application to its clctcrmination in titan- ium dioxide. Jablonski and Watson, 131. Ring oven: Microanalysis by - -- T e c h n i q ~ . \Vc\isz. 2nd Edn. (Rcvicw), 1047. River waters. See Water. Rock(s) : Automntccl mc4.hod for dctcrmination of niolybdcnnni in gcological and biological samples. Fugc, 171. Comprehcnsivc analvsis of coal ash and silicate -- by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry by fusion tcchniquc. Boar and Ingram, 124.and Mincral .\nalvsis. Jfaswell. (Review), 414. s Salicylazochromotropic acid : Spectrophotometr ic study of rcactiou o f uranium(V1) with new -- - derivative. Jhiluescu, Marinescu and Grcff, 661. Seed oils : Micro-titrimctric mcthod for determination of oxirane functional group. Chakrabartv, Bhattachary\-a and Kundu, 85. Selenium : l~liiorimetric determination of - - - in cast iron with riaplitl’alene-2.3-diamine. Clarke, 65. Separation : Modcrn SIethods for __ of Rarer Mctal Ions. Tiorkisch. (Review), 902. Modcrn Jlcthods of iMacromolecules and Particles. Progrcss in and Puri ficstion. Vol. 8 . Gcrritscn. (Review), 526. Serum : See Blood serum. Sewage : Automatctl method for dctcrminatioii o f boron in --, -- eNluents and river waters.JAnnel, 194. Silicate : Coinprehcnsive analysis of coal ash a i i d __ rocks by atomic-absorption spcctrophoto- metry by fusion technique. Boar and Ingram, 124. Silicon : Evaluation ancl correction of interfercnce bctwecn aluminium, --- and iron in atomic- absorption spectrophotometry. Ferris, Jepson and Shapland, 574. X-ray fluorescencc analysis for light clemciits in plant and faecal materials. Evans, !)19. Silicon nitride: Detcrmination of nitrogen in -- - -. Parker and Hcalv, 204. Silver: Detcrminatioii of gold and -- in 1)lant liquors and clectrolytcs by atomic-absorption spectrophotornctr4-. llicliailova and Rczqiiia, 769. Sodium : Comparison of lo\v teinpcraturc ratlio- frequency ashing with other methods of organic sample oxidation for determination of - in acrylic fibre. Usc of paircd ion-scnsitive elcctrodes to measure gradients of pH and of - -- and chloride ions across activcly traiisporting membrancs.Nntbournc, 609. Sodium mercaptobenzothiaaole : Detcrmination of - and benzotriazolc in inhibited glycol products. WoodroHe aiid Munro, 153. Sodium perxenate : Further analytical applications of pcrxenate. Banc, 722. Softwoods : See Timber. Soil(s) : Analysis o f plants, -- and waters for nitrate by using ion-sclectivc electrode. Mil- ham, A\vad, Paul1 and Bull, 751. .\u tomatetl detcrmination of ammonium and nitrate in - extracts by distillation. licay and McnagC, 379. .\utomated system for detcrmination of plI o f --- . Baker, 885. :Zutomatic methods for clctcrniining nitrate aiicl nitrite in water and -- extracts.Henriksen and Sclmer-Olscn, 514. lktermination of \vater-solublc sulpliate in iLCidiC srilphate --- by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. Varley and l’oon Yew Chili, 692. Haiicr: and Chesters, 106. Solids : Electronic Structurw i n --. Haidemaiia- kis. (Review), 704. Solochrome cyanine R Determination of micro- gram amounts of fluoride with zirconium and ---. Uixon, 272. Dixon, Grisley and Sawyer, 945. Solvent(s) : Chemical Reactions in ~ and Malts. Charlot and Trcmillon. Translated by P. J. J. Harvey. (Review), 221. Mixed-solvcnt systems for flame analysis o I petroleum materials. Holding and Noar, 1041. batch extraction of low concentrations ol non-ionic detergent from waters. Sawyvr, Stockwell and Tucker, 284 ; Continuous extrac- tion of low concentrations of non-ionic deter- gent from water, 879.Ion Exchange aiid __ of Metal Complcxcs. Marcus ancl Kertes. (Revicw), 110. Research. Kertes and Marcus. (Review), 972. tecliniquc with Technicon AutoAnxlyzcr. Crtrtcr and Nic kless , 148. Spectra : Absorption -__ in Ultraviolct and Visible Region. Vol. XII. r,bnw. (Review), 768. Coomber and Webb, 668. Ex traction of hydroxystrazine from ---. l’urification of --. Solvent extraction : hutoinatic methods of ., . Shrimp : See Marine shrimp. voi’. XIII. (Iieview), 903.xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME 95 Spectra-continued Absorption - in Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Vol. XI. L h g , Bartecki, Horvath, Szoke and Varsanyi. (Review), 704. Organic Electronic Spectral Data. Vol. 5. 1960-1961. Phillips, Lyle and Jones.(Re- view), 623. Spectrometry : Chemische Spektralanalyse : An- leitung zur Erlernung und Ausfiihrung von Emissions-Spektralanalysen. Vol. 1. 6th Edn. Rollwagen. (Review), 830. Flame Emission and Atomic Absorption ---. Vol. 1. Theory. (Review), 318. Spectrophotometw : Determination of major com- ponents in oxides and oxide mixtures by precision automatic -. Johns and Price, 138. Spectroscopy: Analytical flame ___ by using two- flame system. I. Suppression of spectral interferences from resonance lines in flame- emission -. Icirkbright and Wilson, 833. Applied - Reviews. Vol. 2. Pattison. (Re- view), 317. Electronic modulation of electrodeless discharge tubes for use in atomic --. Wildy and Thompson, 562. lntroduction to Spectroscopic Methods for Identification of Organic Compounds.Vol. 1. Kuclear Magnetic Resonance and Infrared -. Scheinmann. (Review), 1045. Microwave Study of Chemical Structures and Reactions. Hedvig and Zantai. (Review), 41 1. Reflectance -. Principles, Methods, Applica- tions. Kortum. (Keview), 527. Theoretical assessment of nitrous oxide - hydrogen flame in spectroscopic analysis. Chester, Dag- nall and Taylor, 702. Use of electronically modulated microwave- excited discharge tubes in atomic -. Thompson and Wildy, 776. See also Nuclear magnetic resonance. Stabiliser : Method for determination of tin in range 0.2 to 1.6 p g , and its application to determina- tion of organotin __ in certain foodstuffs. Adcock and Hope, 868. Standards : Ammonium dioxalato-oxotitanate(1V) : new standard compound.ZAtka and Hoffman, 200. Steel : Determination of trace amounts of bismuth in ferrous alloys by solvent extraction followed by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Head- ridge and Richardson, 930. Spectrophotometric determination of tungsten with thiocyanate. 11. Experimental assess- ment of procedures : recommended procedure for determination of tungsten in ---. Fogg, Marriott and Thorburn Burns, 854. Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry. Ingold. 2nd Edn. (Review), 976. Sucrose octa-acetate : Identification and determina- tion of - and cetrimide in industrial methyl- atcd spirit preparations. Glover, 950. Sugar: Analytical Methods Used in - Refining. Plews. (Review), 1047. Sulphate : Determination of - ion by replacement of iodate in iodine-131 labelled barium iodate.Bowen, 665. Determination of water-soluble - in acidic - soils by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. Varley and Poon Yew Chin, 692. Rapid determination of small amounts of - in cellulose nitrate by water-digestion procedure Dawond and Gadalla, 823. Sulphides : Spectrofluorimetric determination of -. Bark and Rixon, 786. Sulphur: Determination of - and sulphur-35 in milk. Bates and Boyd, 965. Flame-spectroscopic determination of - and phosphorus in organic and aqueous matrices by using simple filter photometer. Aldous, Dagnall and West, 417. in some Method for determination of - biological materials. Bird and Fountain, 98. Microcoulometric determination of trace --- in light petroleum products. Killer and Underhill, 505. X-ray fluorescence analysis for light elements in plant and faecal materials.X-ray fluorescence determination of light elements in volatile liquids in uucz~o with newly designed sample cell. Sulphur-35 : Determination of sulphur and - in milk. Bates and Boyd, 955. Sulphur dioxide : Spectrophotomctric determination of - by reduction of iron(II1) and simul- taneous chelation of iron(I1) with 2,4,6-tri(2- pyridyl) 1,3,5-triazine. Stephens and Suddeth, 70. Evans, 919. Hughes and Davey, 992. T Tantalum : Separation of niobium and - oxalate complexes by paper electrophoresis. Scott, 103. Technicon AutoAnalyzer : Solvent-extraction tech- nique with -. Tetramethylthiuram disulphide : Application of polarography and related electroanalytical techniques to determination of -. Brand and Fleet, 1023.Tetratolyl pyrophosphate : Gas-chromatographic de- termination of tetra-aryl pyrophosphates and diary1 phosphorochloridates in triaryl phos- phate. Boyden and Deacon, 935. Textiles: Non-aqueous atomic-absorption spectro- photometric determination of organometallic biocides. Freeland and Hoskinson, 579. Thermal analysis : See Analysis. Thermogravimetry : Introduction to -. Keattch. (Review), 624. Thiamine: Determination of __ in flour fortifica- tion mixtures. Hart and Willis, 312; Erratum, 528. Thin films: Progress in Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 2. Physical Measurement and Analysis of -. Murt and Guldner. (Review), 111. Thiocyanate : Spectrophotometric determination of tungsten with -. I. Review of Procedures. Fogg, Marriott and Thorburn Burns, 848; 11.Experimental assessment of procedures : recom- mended procedure for determination of tungsten in steel, 854. Thiourea : Use of enthalpimetric titration to study reaction of - and its N-substituted deriva- tives with cerium(1V). Alexander, Mash and McAuley, 657. Thorium: Cathodic etching to prepare metals for oxygen determination. Hill, Morris and Frazer, 216. Separation of principal components in monazite. Hughes and Carswell, 302. Timber : Chemical analysis of disodium octaborate in preserved softwoods. Williams, 498. Extraction and determination of copper, chromium and arsenic in preserved softwoods. Williams, 670. Carter and Nickless, 148.INDEX TO Tin: Method for determination o f __ in range 0-2 to 1-6 pg, and its application to determination of organotin stabiliser in certain foodstuffs.Adcock and Hope, 868. Non-aqueous atomic-absorption spectrophoto- metric determination of organometallic biocides. Freeland and Hoskinson, 579. Spcctrophotometric determination of microgram amounts of - with phenyfluorone. Smith, 347. Transistorised radiofrequency polarograph : use for determination of - and lead. Harrison, Rougliton and Surfleet, 894. Tissue(s) : Determination of carbon monoxide in blood and -. Blackmore, 439. Determination of residues of dichlorvos in crops and -. Elgar, Marlow and Mathews, 875. Titanium(IV) : Preparation of standard - solu- tions. Zktka, 47. Titanium dioxide : Spectrophotometric determination of microgram amounts of antimony with rhotlamine S, with application to its determina- tion in -.Jablonski and Watson, 131. Titrations : See Analysis. Quigg and Svehla, 113. Titrimetry: Thermometric -. Bark and Bark. (Review), 22 1. Toilet preparations : Determination of ethanol in esscnces tinctures and - . Harris, 158; Erratum, 832. Tomato juice : Gas-chromatographic determination of chlorcholine chloride residues in natural -. Tafuri, Businelli and Giusquiani, 675. Toxicology : Poison Detection in Human Organs. Currv. 2nd Edn. (Review), 525. Tricresyl phosphate : Gas-chromatographic deter- mination of tetra-aryl pyrophosphates and diary1 phosphorochloridates in triaryl phosphate. Royden and Deacon, 935. Trimethylammonium acetylhydrazide chloride : Determination of aliphatic ketones by polaro- graphy of their Girard T hydrazone derivatives. Booth and Fleet, 649.3,5,5-Trimethylcyclohex-2-enone: Simple field test for determination of isophorone vapour in air. Andrew and Wood, 691. Tungsten : Spectrophotometric determination of __ with thiocyanate. I . Review of pro- cedures. Fogg, Marriott and Thorburn Burns, 848; 11. Experimental assessment of pro- cedures: Recommended procedure for deter- mination of - in steel, 854. Titrimeter : New radiofrequency - . Scott, U Uranium: Cathodic etching to prepare metals for oxygen determination. Hill, Morris and Frazer, 215. Separation of principal components in monazite. Hughes and Carswell, 302. Uranium (VI) : Spectrophotometric study of reaction of __ with new salicylazochromotropic acid derivative. Baiulescu, Marinescu and Greff, 661. Urea : Precipitation of lead chromate from homo- geneous solution by pH increases with - in presence of organic acids. Baynes and Cart- wriglit, 706. Urine: Automatic determination of fluoride in - -. Hargrcaves, Ingram and Cox, 177. VOLUME 95 xxix Urine+-coratirtued Determination of fluorine in - by photonuclear- activation analysis. Ohno, Suzuki, Sasaj ima and Iwata, 260. Determination of traces of beryllium in human and rat - samples by gas chromatography. Foreman, Gough and Walker, 797. Flame-photometric determination of bromine in -- . Gutsche and Herrmann, 805. Rapid method for determination of mercury i n --. Iindstedt, 264; Errata, 528. V Vacuum : Simple sample introduction device for use \Vood and Swann, Vanadium(IV) : Kinetic and analytical investigations of chlorate and iodate oxidations of __ in perchloric acid medium. Fuller and Ottaway, 791. Vanadium(V) : Analytical and kinetic investigation of __ -catalysed bromate oxidation of Bordeaux. I. Kinetics of uncatalysed bro- mate oxidation of Bordeaux. Fuller and Ottaway, 28; 11. Kinetics of - catal yscd bromate oxidation of Bordeaux, 34; 111. Catalytic determination of -, 41. Vapona : See 00-DimethyI-O-2,~dichlorovinyl phos- phate. Vegetable matter : See Plant(s). Viscometer : Automatic capillary __ . Smith, Irving and Simpson, 743. Vitamin D.: Gas-chromatographic method for determination of - in fortified non-fat dried milk. Panalaks, 862. Voltammetry : Inverse Polarographie und Voltam- metrie. Neeb. (Review), 107. Volumetric flask : Laboratory Procedures : Pipette, _- and Burette. Davies and Owen. (Re- view), 624. with high - apparatus. 828. Technology. Carpenter. (Review), 903. W Water(s): Analysis of plants, soils and - for nitrate by using ion-selective electrode. Mil- ham, L\wad, Paul1 and Bull, 751. Automated method for determination of boron in sewage, sew-age effluents and river -. Lionnel, 194. Automated method for determination of molyb- denum in geological and biological samples. Fugc, 171. Automatic methods for determining nitrate and nitrite in - and soil extracts. Henriksen and Selmer-Olsen, 514. Automatic methods of solvent extraction : batch extraction of low concentrations of non-ionic detergent from - . Sawyer, Stockwell and Tucker, 284; 11. Continuous extraction of low concentrations of non-ionic detergent from -, 879. Dcterminatioii of microgram amounts of fluoride with zirconium and Solochrome cyanine R. Dixon, 272. I )L,tcrmination of nitrate in -- with nitrate- selective ion electrode. liceney, Byrnes and Genson, 383.xxx INDEX TO VOLUME 95 Water (s)-continz.ced Determination of total nitrogen, phosphorus and iron in fresh - by photo-oxidation with ultraviolet radiation. Henriksen, 601. Determination of __ in methanol by near infrared absorption. Goulden and Manning, 308. Rapid determination of nitrogen-13 and fluorine- 18 in reactor cooling - by ion-exchange method. Ohno and Tsutsui, 396. Weighing: Laboratory Procedurcs: - - -- . navies and Owen. (Review), 624. X X-Ray Crystallography : Introduction to -. Woolfson. (Review), 903. fluorescence analysis : review. Carr-Brion and Payne, 977. fluorescence determination of light elements iii volatile liquids in vacw with newly designed sample cell. Spectrometric Analysis : Principles and Practice of -. Bertin. (Review), 1047. Hughes and Davey, 992. Y Yams : Determination of diosgenin in Discorea deltoidea and Dioscorea sylvatica by using gas- liquid chromatography. Cooke, 95. Yttrium : Spectrophotometric determination of - in chromium and chromium-base alloys with arsenazo 111. Wood and Adams, 556. Z Zinc : Analysis of Organoaluminium and Organozinc Compounds. Crompton. (Review), 623. Determination of magnesium, manganese, iron, copper and - in marine shrimp. ICnauer, 476. Zirconium : Determination of microgram amounts of fluoride with - and Solochrome cyanine R. Dixon, 272. Studies on analytical chemistry of hafnium and -. I. Review of methods for determina- tion of hafnium and - in admixture. Brookes and Townshend, 529; 11. Fluorimetric determination of hafnium in presence of - by using quercetin, 781. ERRATA: VOL. 92, 1967: p. 471, under ““CALCULATION”. For 0.008 ( A x - Ab) x W 0.008 (Ax - Ab) read (As - Ab) ( A s - A b ) x w VOL. 94, 1969: p. 968, main text, 13th line. For “is twice the standard deviation” read “is x/Ftimes the standard deviation. ” p. 971, 9th line from the bottom of the page. For “for amounts of calcium not in excess of 6 pg ml-1” read “for amounts of calcium not in excess of 5 p g ml-1.” p. 1136, Fig. 1, labelling a t right of the flow diagram. For “0.6ml/min EDTA solution” read “0.6 ml/ min samp1e”;for “1.2 ml/min sample” read “1.2 ml/min EDTA solution”; for “0.6 ml/min Water read “0.6 ml/min Air.” VOL. 95, 1970: 160, 2nd line. 265, 3rd line and equation (4th line). 266, 7th line. For “0.66 nim” read 0.06 mm.” 270, legend to Fig. 4, 4th line. For “@=” read “Z= .” 271, 19th line. For “F. Kartus” read “E. Kartus.” 315, 6th line of text. For “Dilute 30 and 200 ml” read “Dilute 30 ml to 200 ml.” 360, Table 11. Under “Seed dressing No. 1,” “Seed Dressing No. 3,” “Wheat bulbfly dressing No. 1” For “the range 0.5 to 100 per cent.” read “the range 0.5 to 150 per cent.” These should read- “Kimura and Miller were the first to use the well known reaction Hg,“,‘ + Sn2+ --+ H@ + Sn4+.” and “Wheat bulb fly dressing No. 2,” for “mineral filters” read “mineral fillers.”
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