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Volume 64,
Issue 1,
Page 001-056
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THE AN.ALYST S . G. CLARKE Ph.D. B.Sc. A.I.C. E. B. DAW B.Sc. A.I.C. J. GRANT Ph.D. M.Sc. F.I.C. D. G . HEWER B.Sc. A. 0. JONES M.A. F.I.C. THE JOURNAL OF THE J. W. MATTHEWS Ph.D. F.I.C. E. M. POPE B.Sc. F. A. ROBINSON M.Sc.Tech. F.I.C. W. R. SCHOELLER Ph.D. F.I.C. D. R. WOOD F.I.C. Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Publication Committee : W. H . ROBERTS M.Sc. F.I.C. (President). F. W. F . ARNAUD F.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH M.A. F.I.C. R. C. CHIRNSIDE F.I.C. H. E. COX DSc. Ph.D. F.I.C. BERNARD DYER DSc. F.I.C. F. W. EDWARDS F.I.C. G. D. ELSDON D.Sc. F.I.C. B. S. EVANS M.B.E.,M.C. D.Sc. F.I.C. E. HINKS M.B.E. B.Sc. F.I.C. Ibon. 5ecretarp : L. EYNON BSc.F.I.C. G. ROCHE LYNCH O.B.E. M.B., B.S. D.P.H. F.I.C. M.C. Ph.D. F.I.C. A.R.T.C. F.I.C. G. W. MONIER-WILLIAMS O.B.E., A. MORE I.S.O. A.R.C.S., J. R . NICHOLLS B.Sc. F.I.C. W. H. SIMMONS RSc. F.I.C. ERIC VOELCKER A.R.C.S. F.I.C. K. A. WILLIAMS B.Sc. F.I.C. 1Bon. Greaeurer : E. B. HUGHES D.Sc. F.I.C. Zbitor C. AINSWORTH MITCHELL M.A. DSc. F.I.C. 5;eCretarp anb lEl00i0tant EbitOt J. H. LANE B.Sc. F.I.C. VOL. 64 1 9 3 9 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. 4 PETTY CURY CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND I93 ERRATA : VOL. 63 1938: p. 869. VOL. 64 1939: Line 8 from bottom. For “Present-day fertilisers contain very little chloride” read “ Present-day fertilisers containing nitrate contain very little chloride.” p. 22. p. 66.p. 133. p. 134. p. 134. p. 135. p. 182. p. 675. Line 14. Line 24. For 2 x P.E. read 3 x P.E. Line 25. Line 23. Line 6 from bottom. Line 1. Line 18. For I‘ 0.2Ga ” read “ 0-02G2.” Line 1. Line 13. For “0.02” read “0.25 ml.” For M f 6 read M &. For 2.576 read 3-864. The figures should read 0 0.5 0.001; 0 0.34 0.005; 0.95 0.69 0.01; For “ 2 litres of water are added ” read “ made up to 2 litres.” 1.89 1-90 0.03; 1.92 3-14 0.05. For “ in strong daylight ” read ‘‘ strong daylight being avoided.]’ The prescription of 50 ml. is unnecessary. For “0.1622 molar” read “0.01622 molar.” INDEX TO VOLUME 64 INDEX TO NAMES * Denotes authors of original papers and notes that have been published in The Analyst. A Abrahamczik A. and Blumel F.Use of filter beakers in organic halogen determination 141. Abrams R. See Altschul A. M. Ackermann D. and Fuchs H. G. Occurrence of nicotinic acid in ox-liver 54. Afanasev S. K. Portnov M. A. and Chepelkin, Y. N. Potentiometric determination of small amounts of bromide 304. Ahmad B. and McCollum E. V. Cobalt-content of some food materials from different parts of the United States 287. Aitkenhead W. C. and Middleton A. R. Deter-mination of germanium in minerals and solutions 61. Alber H. K. Hygroscopic substances in micro-analysis. I. Drying and weighing solids. 11. Drying and weighing liquids 630. *Alexander W. A. Selective oxidation of animal and vegetable fats A new constant 157. Allen I(. F. Review of Treadwell’s Tabellen und Vorschrzften zur Quantitativen Analyse 387.*Allport N. L. and Moon C. D. B. The deter-mination of traces of zinc in biological material and natural waters 395. Allport N. L. and Wilson E. S. Rapid colori-metric assay for belladonna and stramonium including their preparations 686. Almquist H. J. and Klose A. A. Colour re-actions in vitamin K concentrates 760. - Derivative of vitamin K, 900. - Isolation of vitamin K as a choleic acid 370. Altschul A. M. Abrams R. and Hogness T. R. Soluble cytochrome C oxidase 897. Alving A. S. Rubin J. and Miller B. F. Direct colorimetric method for the estimation of inulin in blood and urine 440. Amelink F. Microchemical reactions for ace-dicon 209. Anderson E. B. Review of Davies’s The Chemistry of Milk 2nd Ed. 636. Anderson J.S. See EmelCus H. J. Andreev A. F. Determination of vanadium, Andrew R. L. Report of the Acting Dominion Andrews E. R. Appointed Agricultural Analyst Ansbacher S. See Fernholz E. Antener I. See Woker G. *Antrobus H. See Louden C. Appel H. See Keil W. Appleyard F. N. Amaud F. W. F. 63. Analyst for New Zealand for 1937 678. for County of London 30. See Lyons C. G. Appointed Public Analyst for the Boroughs of Beckenham and Chatham, 818. - Report of the Kent County Analyst for the 4th quarter 1938 273; for 2nd quarter 1939, 810. - Review of Boys’ Weeds Weeds Weeds 2nd Ed. 311. - Review of Wright’s Soil Analysis 2nd Ed., 854. Amold L. J. See Lorenz A. J. Asshof A. Artificial colouring of egg yolk by the addition of Sudan dyes to poultry food, 682.Audrieth L. F. See Butler S. M. J. - See also Kleinberg J. Ayres G. H. and Smith F. Colorimetric deter-mination of nickel as nickel-ammonia complex ion 845 V INDEX TO B Babler €3. J. See Frediani H. A. Bacharach A. L. Investigations into the method of estimating vitamin E. 111. Relation between dosage and response to vitamin E, 218. - Review of Plimmer’s Organic and Bio-Chemistry Williams’s Textbook of Biochemistry, and Gortner’s Outlitzes of Biochemistry 69. Bagchi K. N. Report of the Chemical Examiner for Bengal for 1936 197; for 1937 679. Bagchi K. N. Ganguly M. D. and Sirdar J. N. Lead in human tissues 698. *Bagnall D. J. T. Smith A. and Tankard A. R. The determination of paraldehyde 957. Bagnall H. H. Report oi the Birmingham City Analyst for 4th quarter 1938 272; for the 1st quarter 1939 592; for the 2nd quarter, 1939 878.Bak A. See Blow J. Bakels H. A. See Blanksma J. J. Baker G. W. Report of Government Analyst Baker J. A. Light as a factor in the production Ball C. D. See King L. C. Balleso H. See Dworzak R. Balls A. K. and Lineweaver H. Isolation and properties of crystalline papain 896. Barnes E. See Juckenack A. Barnford F. Report of Director of the Chemical Laboratory Ministry of Justice Egypt for Bandier E. and Hald J. Colorinietric reaction for the quantitative estimation of nicotinic acid 441. “Banerjea H. N. Bhatt L. A. and Forster, R. B. A new method for determining hydrogen by absorption in technical gas analysis 77. Banerjee P. C. Volumetric determination of cerium by means of vanadous sulphate 140.Barac G. Colorimetric estimation of phosphorus in complex mixtures 835. - Recent investigations on bilirubin 835. Bar0 Graf J. C. See Martini A. Baurnann E. J. and Metzger N. Iodine in pituitary and some other tissues 365. Beck G. Microchemical reactions for scandium, 770. Bedford C. IVI. and Josh 1. A. Enzyme activity in frozen vegetables. Stnngbeans, 613. “Belcher R. See Godbert A. L. Benk E. See Schrempf A. Bennett H. Editor of The Chemical Formulary, Vol. IV (Review) 856. Bennett H. C. and Parkes D. W. Method of testing the durability of bituminous road binders 383. Bergel F. Berger G. See Keil W. Berger R. See Paget &I. Berisso B. Detection of silver lead and “Berry A.J. Determination of bromide in - Qualitative Inorganic Analysis (Review) 241. *- Standardisation of hydrochloric acid 189. for Palestine for 1937 41. of pigment by certain bacteria 57. 1929-34 353. See Work T. S. mercury without separation 381. presence of chloride 190. VOLUME 64 *Berry A. J.-continued - Thallous carbonate as a standardin volumetric analysis 2 7 . *- The titration of iodide in presence of chloride with silver nitrate using Rose Bengal as adsorption indicator 112. - Volumetric -4nalysis 5th Ed. (Review) 919. “Berry A. J. and Driver J. E. Observations on the use of potassium chromate as indicator for the titration of chlorides with silver nitrate 730. Bertrand G Quantity of zinc in sea water 447. - Proportion of zinc in sea-water 701.Besson A. Report on the use of devices called “meat softeners,” 889. Bhatnagar S. S. Vi agglutination in the diagno-sis of typhoid fever and the typhoid carrier condition 13 1. Bhatt L. A. See Banerjea H. N. Biale J. B. and Weiss F. T. Identification of acetaldehyde in the steam distillate of the peel of citrus fruits 358. Befeld L. P. and Howe D. E. Separation and determination of copper and nickel by salicyl-aldoxime 537. Bills C. E. and Others. New vitamin D in cod-liver oil 55. Binkley S. B. and Others. Derivatives of vitamins K and K, 760. - Isolation of vitamin K, 899. Bishop J. Bittenbender W. A. Degering E. F. and Tetrault P. A. Bactericidal properties of com-mercial antiseptics 619. Blackie J. J. and Ritchie D. Valerian a new alkaloid 437.Blaisdell D. J. Blancpaia C. See Meunier P. Blanksma J. J. and Bakels H. A. Connection between taste and constitution of carboxylic acid hydrazides and their derivatives 526. Blauch M. B. and Koch F. C. New method for the estimation of uric acid in blood with uricase 894. Bleyer B. See Juckenack A. Blow J. and Bak A. Estimation of amylases by liquefaction of starch-paste 135. Bloxam H. C. L. Appointed Agricultural Analyst for the County Boroughs of Gateshead, South Shields Sunderland and Tynemouth, 736. See Riebsomer J. L. See Davidson R. W. - Obituary of J. T. Dunn 155. Bliimel F. See Abrahamczik A. Bock F. See Windaus A. Bodansky M. and Fay M. Laboratory Manual of Physiological Chemistry 4th Ed. (Review), 76.Bodnk J. Szhp E. and Cieleszky W. Volu-metric determination of traces of arsenic, 300. Eohm E. Detection of sucrose hydrogen peroxide formaldehyde and nitrates in milk by means of sulphuric acid 201. Bohme W. See Heiduschka A. Bolliger A. The volumetric determination of organic picrates and picrolonates with methy-lene blue 416. Growth factors in relation to plant Bonner J. g1-owth 900 INDEX TO VOLUME 64 ‘ V Bontinck E. Examination of pigments in painting 767. *Boorman E. J. The determination of ethyl alcohol in presence of methyl alcohol isopropyl alcohol and acetone 791. Booth H. S. Editor of Inorgalzic Syntheses. Vol. I (Review) 711. Bottger W. Editor of Newer Methods of Volu-metric Chemical Analysis (Review) 309. Bouvet P. Reaction of adrenaline with mercuric salts and its application to the analysis of medicinal preparations 688.Bowker R. C. and McNicholas H. J. Evalua-tion of leather by means of X-ray diffraction patterns 382. Boyd G. R. Boys Sir C. V. Weeds Weeds Weeds 2nd Ed. (Review) 3 1 1. *Bradford E. A. M. The French official method for the determination of fat in flours pastries and the like 817. Brandt W. Action of nicotine on the human organism 55. Branson C. V. Re2ort of the Government Analyst for Hong Kong for 1937 595. Bratton A. C. and Maxshall E. K. New coupling component for sulphanilamide determination, 524. *Bray G. T. Major F. and Hill E. L. Nigerian ginger 176. Brickman L. and Others. Lignin and related compounds. The ethanolysis of spruce maple and other w lads 451.Bridge J. C. Report of the Chief Inspector of Factories for 1938 825. *British Standards Institution Nessler cylinders of lead glass 877. Britton H. T. S. Review of MacInnes’s Prin-ciples of Electrochemistry 550. Brockmann H. and Busse A. Constitution of the antirachitic vitamin from tunny fish liver, 131. Brooks A. C. Report of the Government Analyst for Straits Settlements for 1938, 744. See Yoe J. H. Brown F. E. Browne F. L. Browning J. C. Bryant S. A. Bryant W. M. D. Buchholz I(. See Windaus A. Buhtz G. Bullock F. C. Report of the City Analyst for Burg W. V. Direct titration of sulphate 378. Burr G. 0. Burton E. F. and Mith M. A. The Physical t ’roperties of Colloidal Solutions 3rd Ed. (Review) 239.Bushell W. J. and Hilditch T. P. Fatty acids and glycerides of solid seed fats. VII Pika fat 207. Bmse A. See Brockmann H. Butler S. M. J. Smith G. F. and Audrieth L. F. Sulphamic acid as a standard in acidimetry, 137. Byers D. H. and Mellon M. G. Colorimetric determination of chlorine with 9-aminodi-methylaniline 466. See King W. B. See Sutermeister E. See Shreve R. N. See Campbell W. G. See Smith D. M. Der Verkehrsunfall (Review) 924. Leicester for 1938 879. See Kass J . P. C Cegaert G. and Gambrill C. M. Determina-Callow A. B. Food and Health 2nd Ed. Calved H. T. Report of the Water Pollution Campbell A. N. See Findlay A. Campbell W. A. See Davidson R. W. Campbell W. G. McGowan J. C, and Bryant, S. A. Chlorme-sodium sulphite colour re-action of woody tissues.11. Bearing of the colour reaction on the constitution of hard-wood lignin 226. Candler G. C. Editor of Spectro,gvaphic Analysis in Great Britain (Review) 709. Cannon 1. C. See Titus A. C. Capen R. G. See Le Clerc J . A. Castiglioni A. Detection of carbon disulphide, 230. Cattelain E. and Chabrier P. Utilisation of Raney’s alloy as a substitute for Devarda’s alloy in the determination of nitrates 64. Study of the passage of fatty acids of food into lipins and glycerides of the body using deuterium as an indicator 212. The methylene blue reduction tion of tetraethyl lead in gasolene 623. (Review) 147. Research Board for 1937-38 506. Cattle M. Cavanagh B. and Raper H. S. See Haines C. S. Chabrier P. See Cattelain E.Chalmers C. H. Chambers W. P. See Savage R. M. Chambliss C. E. See Le Clerc J . A. Chamot E. M. and Mason C. W. Handbook of Chemical Microscopy. Vol. I. 2nd Ed. (Review) 462. Chandelle R. Gravimetric determination of zirconium by means of atoxyl 377. Chandlee G. C. Chang L.-H. See Sah P. P. T. Charlot G. Determination of sulphides by means of potassium ferricyanide 846. - Identification and determination of cerium in small quantities by means of ferrous ortho-phenanthroline 705. - New oxidation-reduction indicators 704. Chatfield R. F. Identification of the barbi-turates 893. *Cheesman D. F. The destruction of dilute oil hydrosols in volumetric analysis 344. Cheney L. C. Chepelkin Y. N. See Afanasev S. K. Child A. M. Effect of exterior temperature on cooking losses of meat 201.Childs H. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for the Borough of Chesterfield and the County Boroughs of Lincoln and York, 191. - Appointed Additional Public Analyst for County of Nottingham and County Boroughs of Rotherham Doncaster and Sheffield and Deputy Agricultural Analyst for County of Nottingham and County Borough of Sheffield, 30. - Appointed Deputy Agricultural Analyst for County Boroughs of Lincoln and York 192. Chinoy J. J. Colorimetric determination of starch 380. test and the keeping quality of milk 446. See Simpson C. T. See Binkley S. B vi INDEX TO Chirnside R. C. Colorimetric determination of small quantities of iron oxide in glass and glass-making sand 229. Chirnside R.C. and Pritchard C. F. Colori-metric determination of iron in glass with the use of thioglycollic acid 627. Cieleszky W. See Bodnsr J. - See also Szep E. Claassen A. Simultaneous determination of zirconium and hafnium by means of selenious acid 765. Clarke S,. G. Review of Berry’s Qualitative Inorganzc Analysis 241. - Review of Berry’s Volumetric Analysis 5th Ed. 919. - Review of Bottger’s Newer Methods of Volumetric Chemical Analysis 309. Claydon T. J. and Hammer B. W. Skunk-like odour of bacterial origin in butter 902. Clayton W. Review of Burton’s Physical Propertaes of Colloidal Solutions 3rd Ed. 239. Clevenger J. F. Clifford F. W. Review of Soule’s Library Guide f o r the Chemist 237. Cohen P. P. Micro-determination of glutamic acid 526.*Coleman D. R. K. and Gilbert F. C. Man-ganese and caffeine contents of some teas and coffees 726. Collins J. V. Report of the Government Analyst for Ceylon for 1938 512. Comrie A. A. D. Colorimetric determination of the preservative value of hops 828. - Infection of beer with Acetobacter capsulatum Shimwell and Achromobacter anaerobium Shimwell 903. Connah F. Report of the Government Analyst for Queensland for 1937-38 282. Cook F. E. and Miller H. Preliminary investiga-tion of the Lichthardt test for the detection of caramel in cider vinegar and distilled vinegars 829. Corcoran A. C. Helmer 0. M. and Page I. H. Estimation of nicotine in urine 756. “Corran J. W. See Terry R. C. Costeanu N. D. Detection and estimation of silver on impregnated filter-paper 307.Coulthard C. E. Destruction of bacterial spores. Low temperature sterilisation 21 9. Covello M. Colorimetric determination of nicotinic acid with 1 -chloro-3.4-dinitrobenzene, 838. Coward K. H. and Morgan B. G. E. Biological estimation of crystalline vitamin B, 618. *Cox H. E. Notes on the examination of textiles in cases of suspected dermatitis, 570. - Review of Handbuch der Lebensmittel-Chemie, Vols. IV V and VIII (i) 715. - Review of Redgrove and Bari-Woollss’ Hair-Dyes and Hair-Dyeing Chemistry and Tech-nique 3rd Ed. 637. - Review of Thorpe’s Dictioleary of Applied Chemistry Vol. 11 4th Ed. 144; Vol. 111, 853. *- Tests available for the identification of small quantities of the war gases 807. *Coysh R. H. Creed B. H. Volatile oil in sage 830.See Sher. H. N. See Morton R. A. VOLUME 64 Crews L. T. *Crews S. K. and Lester Smith E. The ultra-violet absorption of calciferol 568. Crist R. H. Cunningham T. R. and Hamner H. L. Deter-mination of nitrogen in stainless steels 630. Curl A. L. and Nelson E. K. Observations on the colorimetric method for the determination of vanillin 829. Cudman L. J. Qualitative Chemical Analysis (Review) 389. Cutter H. B. See Dermer 0. C. See Matthews F. L. See Merritt L. L. D *Dale Sir H. Biological Standardisation 554. Damon W. A. Report of the Chief Inspector of Alkali etc. Works for 1938 746. Darwin C. G. Appointed Director of the National Physical Laboratory 275 350. Davidson J. Determination of selenium in plant material by the codeine test 701.Davidson R. W. Campbell W. A. and Blaisdell, D. J. Differentiation of wood-decaying fungi by their reactions on gallic or tannic acid medium 132. Davies G. R. Review of Read’s Industrial Chemistry 2nd Ed. 633. Davies W. L. The Chemistry of Milk 2nd Ed. (Review) 636. Davis J. G. Grading milk by the resazurin test, 607. - New method for the conservation of milk 902. Davis W. A. Methods of analysis of molasses used in the fermentation industries 517. Davison E. H. Field Determination of Rocks (Review) 76. Dawson P. R. Degering E. F. De Groot J. E. V-an Hulssen C. J. and Kool-haas D. R. Deichmann W. and Scott H. W. Determina-tion of phenol and* related compounds in tissues 836. de Jong A. W. K. Determination of cocaine in coca leaves 50.de Lafuente E. See del Fresno C. de la Paz G. C. Bacterial flora of flies caught in food stores in the City of Manila 903. Delaville M. and Olive M. Micro-determina-tion of magnesium in pure solutions and in blood serum 68. del Fresno C. and de Lafuente E. Potentio-metric determination of mercury with vana-dium sulphate in alkaline solution 138. Demange G. See Servantie L. Denes S. Iodimetric micro-determination of potassium in serum 848. Denighs G. Microcrystalline identification of bromine in chloroform solution 542. - Microcrystalline reaction for identifying anthracene 542. Denoel A. Exalgin its identification and detection in mixtures 831. Denston T. C. A Textbook of Pharmacognosy, 3rd Ed. (Review) 636. de Rassenfosse A.See Etienne H. See Schricker J . A. See Bittenbender W. A. “Iles mannan flour,” 285 INDEX TO Deribere M. New spotting-plate test for demonstrating the effects of extreme p H and rH values 381. Dermer 0. C. and Crews L. T. Compositionof seeds of Sapindus drummondii 891. Dermer 0. C. and Dysinger G. A. Identifica-tion of olefines as dithiocyanates 373. Dermer 0. C. and Smith R. B. Identification of polynitro aromatic compounds as addition compounds with naphthalene 373. Destrke G. Detection of fluorides in wines, beers jams and fruit jellies and in butters and margarines 682. De Witt C. C. and Von Batchelder F. Chelate compounds as flotation reagents 543. - Normal oximes as flotation reagents 543. Dickart W. H. Argan oil 891. Dirscherl W.sterol and stigmasterol 366. *Dixon F. and Jenkins D. C. of hypochlorite in water analysis 735. *Dodd F. R. - *Starch from unripe tomatoes 877. - *The starch of immature linseed 735. Dodds E. C. and Robertson J. D. Calcium compounds in relation to nutrition 338. Doisy E. A. Donovan C. G. Determination of thallous Doree C. Dott D. B. Douglas R. W. .*Driver J. E. *Drummond J. C. Comparison of cinchol with sito-Note on the use Classification of rice brans 187. See Binkley S. B. sulphate 620. Review of Grant’s Wood Pulp 637. Action of strychnine and quinine on Review of Scott Blair’s Intro-Bordeaux B. 436 ductzon to Industrial Rheology 388. Introduction to the analysis and dinerentiation of the composition of iron, phosphorus and calcium compounds in respect of nutritional requirements 332.- Review of Callow’s Food and Health 2nd Ed., 147. - See also Moss A. R. Dudley H. C. See Berry A. J. Bromide-content of fruits and vegetables following fumigation with methyl bromide 5 16. Dumas -. Analysis of powdered red peppers, 892. Dumont P. and Thomas G. Identification of Strophanthus species and their tinctures, 612. “Dunbar-Poole A. G. A new method for the gravimetric determination of tin in bronzes and brasses 870. Dunnicliff H. B. Report of Chemical Adviser to the Chemical Laboratories Govt. of India for Duquenois P. and Faller Mlle. Use of Reinicke reagent for the detection and determination of organic nitrogen bases 702. Dutt N. K. Dutt S. Dworzak R.and Ballezo,. H. Determination of potassium with magnesium dipicryl 769. Dyer B. Appointed Joint Public Analyst for the Boroughs of Barking Dagenham and Leyton 818. Dysinger 6. A. Dyson G. 116. 1937-38 510. See Ray P. See Gupta M. P. See Dermer 0. C. See May P. VOLUME 64 vi i E Edwards F. W. Report of the Public Analyst for Hammersmith €or 1938 879. - Report of Public Analyst for Kensington for 4th quarter 1938 504. - Review of Annual Reports on the Progress of Applied Chemistry 1938. Vol. XXIII 552. Egloff G. Physical Constants of Hydrocarbons. Vol. I (Review) 549. Egnhr H. Kohler G. and Nydahl F. Lactate method for the determination of readily-soluble phoshhoric acid in soils 133 Errata, 461. See Koch J. R. Ehrnst L. Eisenbrand J.and Picher H. Polarographic detection of the biologically important ketones of the sterol group 694. Eldridge K. E. Elliott W. H. A. Vitamin C in blackcurrant juice 899. Ellis N. R. Emelkus H. J. and Anderson J. S. Modern Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry (Review) 240. Emmerie A. Separation of lactoflavin and lactoflavin phosphate 445. Emmerie A. and Engel C. Colorimetric determination of a-tocopherol (vitamin E), 216; 11. Adsorption experiments 446; 111. Estimation of tocopherol in blood serum 837. Engel C. See Emmerje A. Epstein,. S. S. Thermal death time of micro-organisms encountered in the brewing indus-try 902. Erdos J. .and Lhrzl6 B. Apparatus for micro steam distillation 233. *Erhnyi G. The detection of zinc in presence of iron 271.Etienne H. and de Rassenfosse A. Deter-mination of platinocyanide 302. *Evans B. S. A new colour reagent for lead and its use as an indicator in the titration of various cations and anions 3. *- A new process for the separation of selenium and its determination in lead alloys 87. - Review of Booth’s Inorganic Syntheses Vol. I, 711. - Review of Emeleus and Anderson’s Modern Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry 240. - Review of Lundell and Hoffman’s Outlines of Methods of Chemical Analysis 385. Evelyn K. A. and Malloy H. G. Micro-determination of oxyhaemoglobin methaemo-globin and sulphaemoglobin in a single sample of blood 210. Evelyn K. A. Malloy H T.,. and Rosen . C. Determination of ascorbic acid in urine with the photoelectric colorimeter 213.Evers N. and Smith W. Assay of emetine and bismuth iodide and of emetine hydro-chloride 359. *Eyles G. E. S. See Hoar T. P. Ezell B. D. See Gerhardt F. See Kraybill H. R. See Riemenschneider R. W. F Fahey J. J. Colorimetric determination of Fairchild J. G. Separation of cobalt from fluorine with ferron 766. manganese 627 Faller Mlle. See Duquenois P. Fay M. See Bodansky M. Fearon W. R. Carbamido diacetyl reaction. A test for citrulline 836. F6dbration Internationale Pharmaceutique. Untersuchungsmethoden fur Arzneispeziali-taten 2nd Ed. (Review) 465. Feigl F. Inorganic spot tests 541. Fellers C. B. and Harris S. G. Canned Atlantic crab a new American food 890. Fernhob E. and Stavely H. E. Brassicasterol. Empirical formula and hydrogenation 298.Fernholz E. Ansbacher S. and Moore M. L. Colour reaction for vitamin K 760. Field H. See Melnick D. *Fill M. A. Findlay A. and Campbell A. N. The Phase Rule and its Applications 8th Ed. (Review), 770. Findlay G. 1. Recent Advances in Chemo-therapy 2nd Ed. (Review) 463. Fischer R. Micro-determination of veronal in blood and spinal fluid 848. Fisher H. L. Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry 4th Ed. (Review) 308. Fletcher L. and Mason T. Longevity of yeast, 294. Flint J. W. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for the County of Kent 818. Forster R. B. *Fowweather F. S. Silicosis and the analyst, Fox J. J. Review of Houston’s Treatise on - Review of Seith and Ruthardt’s Chemische - Review of Spectrographic Analysis in Great - Review of Twyman’s Spectrochemical Analysis Frahm E.D. G. and Koolhaas D. R. Oil of FranCa 3. See Hauptmann H. Fraps G. S. and Kemmerer A. R. Improved method for estimating carotene in feeds, 369. Frediani H. A. and Babler B. J. Colorimetric method for the determination of barium, 914. Frediani H. A. and Gamble L. Microscopical detection of rubidium in presence of caesium, 307. Frehden O. and Fiirst K. Applications of spot tests to analysis of medicinal preparations 457. French C. L. See Peters C. A. Friedland H. A. Nitrobarbituric acid as a re-agent for the alkaline earth metals 917. Friedman B. S. See Ipatieff V. N. Friend J. N. Editor of A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry. Vol. VI Part IV Arsenic. (Review) 148. Fruton J. S. and Lavin G. I. Ultra-violet absorption spectrum of papain 897.Fuchs H. G. See Ackermann D. Furman N. H. Editor of Scott’s Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis (Review) 712. Fiirst K See Frehden 0. Furter M. and .Meyer R. E. Quantitative photometric estimation of vitamin E 217. See Kenny R. L. See Banerjea H. N. 779. Laght 7th Ed. 73. Spektralanalyse 72. Britain 709. in 1938 461. Aleurites trasperma 448. v W L U i i b ti4 G Gamble L. Gambrill C. 1111. Ganguly H. D. Ganguly S C. Determination of fumaric and maleic acids 295. *Gardner R. The analysis of malt extract by selective fermentation 103. Garratt D. C. Appointed Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of Cambenvell 503. *- Extract of malt with cod-liver oil Deter-mination of oil and vitamin A 795.Gaspart R. and Gillo L. Determination of water in acetone by means of the infra-red absorption-spectrum 459. Gautier J. A. Colorimetric reaction for the detection and determination of small quantities of /I-naphthol 761. Geiger A. See Karrer P. Gerhardt F. and Ezell B. D. Determination of the volatile products liberated from stored fruit 516. Gerritz H. W. Determination of phosphorus in fruits and fruit products 432. Ghimicescu G. Collected references. Some micro-methods for the examination of beer, 847. See Frediani H. A. See Calingaert G. See Bagchi K. N. *Gilbert F. C. See Coleman D. R. K. Gillo L. See Gaspart R. Ginsberg L. B. Gjuric P. and Plotnikow J. New optical method for the measurement of the rate of coagulation of blood 851.*Godbert A. L. and Belcher R. The preserva-tion of sodium rhodizonate indicator paper, 346. Godwin H. Plant Biology 3rd Ed. (Review), 550. Goin F. L. See Kobe K. A. Gorbach G. and Windhaber F. Spectroscopical examination of the mineral constituents of honey. Part I 918. Gortner R. A. Outlines of Biochemistry 2nd Ed. (Review) 69. Gortner R. A. and Lewis H. B. Photometric determination of selenium in tissues and faeces 439. Grant J. Review of Mann and Saunders’ Practzcal Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed. 384. - Wood Pulp (Review) 637. Gray E. Le B. See Bills C. E. and Others. Gray P. P. and Stone I. Oxidation in beers. I. Simplified method of measurement 520. Greene R. D. Preparation of vitamin B from natural sources 899. Gregory? T. C. Uses and Applications of Chemicals and Related Materials (Review) 921.Greville G. D. Effect of calcium ion on tissue respiration with a note on the estimation of oxaloacetic acid 614. Griebel C. “Hibiscus flowers” and its principal constituent 751. Griffiths J. G. A. Review of Findlay and Campbell’s The Phase Rule a.nd its Applica-tions 770. Grimmett R. E. R. Report of Chemistry Section New Zealand Dept. of Agriculture for See Lourie J. J. 1937-38 38 INDEX TO Direct determination of chloride in wine and its ocwrrence in Bavarian and other wines 521. Grohmann H. Grossfeld J. See Juckenack A. Grossfeld J. and Timm H. New constant for olive oil 354. Gunde B. G. and Hilditch T. P. Seed and fruit-coat fats of Celastrus paniculatus 355. - Seed and fruit-coat fats of Neolitsea involu-cmta 356.- Seed fats of Salvadora oleoides and Salvadora persica 750. Gupta M. P. and Dutt S. Constituents of the seeds of Cleome viscosa 208. Gustafson F. G. Development of seedless fruits (parthenocarpy) by use of synthetic growth substances 901. H Haas E. Horecker B. L. and Hogness T. R. Enzymatic reduction of cytochrome C : a new- enzyme 897. Hagen S. K. Iodimetric determination of copper 626. Haines C. S. and Cattle M. Starch-iodine coloration as an index of differential degrada-tion by the amylases 284. Haines R. B. Microbiology in the preservation of the hen’s egg. Food Investigation Special Report No. 47 422. Hald J. See Bandier E. Hall H. H. and Keane !. C. Effect of radiant energy on thermophilic organisms in sugar, 841.Hamersin J. M. Identification of traces of alcohol. Determination of alcohol in urine, 56. Hamence J. H. Appointed Joint Public Analyst for Barking and Dagenham 818. - Review of Kent- Jones’s Modern Ceveal Chemistry 3rd Ed. 634. Hamner H. L. Hammer B. W. *Hand P. G. T. Hansen A. and Lund A. See Cunningham T. R. See Claydon T. J . See Hoather R. C. Revision of Jorgen-sen’s Micro-Organisms and Fermentation 6th Ed. (Review) 922. Harlow W. M. See Wise L. E. Haslam J. and Moses G. Determination of dissolved oxygen in condensed stream 65. Erratum 143. Harold C. H. H. Report of the Director of Water Examinations Metropolitan Water Board for 1937 599. Harris S. G. Hart R. Determination of “wetting-out” agents 141.Hartsuch P. J. Separation of oleic acid from saturated acids and linolic acid with observa-tions on the preparation of oleic acid 535. Action of light on sub-stances related to ergosterol 531. See Fellers C . B. Haslewood G. A. D. Hastings A. B. Hata C. Green turtle oil 610. Hauptmann H. and FranCa J. Constitution of Hayman D. F. Modified Beilstein test for See Weir E. G. cafesterol I 695. halogens in organic compounds 842. VOLUME 64 ix *Haynes A. and McCance R. A. A simple electrical apparatus for heating single crucibles, 584. *Heame J. F. See Knapp A. W. Hebbs L. G. S. Review of Marsh and Wood’s Introduction to the Chemistry of Cellulose, 147. Heiduschka A. and Bohme W. Determination of stearic acid in fats 205. Heiduschka A.and Wunsche H. Substitution of lactic acid for citric acid in the analysis of basic slag 534. Heiss R. See Kiermeier F. Helmer 0. M. Helmer 0. M. and Page I. H. Purification and Henry .T. A. The Plant Alkaloids 3rd Ed. *Herd M. The proportion of copper in tomato Herd R. L. Determination of p-phenylenedia-Herlant L. Physio-toxicology of the war gases, Herder F. and P€eningberger R. Collected Herrmann-GurEinkel M. Analytical applica-*Heyman E. and Kerley L. F. A simple micro-Heyns K. Determination of vitamin B by Hibbert H. See Erickman L. Hickman K. C. D. Hidaka T. Higby R. H. Highberger J. H. and Retzsch C. E. Higson G. E. Jr. See Purvis E. R. *Hilditch T. P. - See also Bushell W’. J. - See also Gunde B. G. Hilditch T. P. and Meara M.L. Hilditch T. P. and Paul S. See Corcoran A. C. some properties of renin 441. (Review) 468. purCe 346. mine and P-tolylenediamine 374. 905. references. Micro-halgen determination : fluorine and chlorine 233. tions of dimine 624. test for copper 502. means of yeast 529. See Bills C. E. and Others. Rice bran as a raw material of oil, 750. Bitter constituents of navel and valencia oranges 128. Com-bination of formaldehyde with collagen 451. Examination of fatty material taken from an Egyptian tomb a t Armant 867. Seed f a t of the annual nasturtium (Tropaeolum var.) 357. Antioxygens in natural fats. IV. The proportions and pro-perties of antioxygenic compounds in various extracted seed cakes 450. A method for the approximate determination of some of the unsaturated minor component acids of pig and other fats 640.Hilditch T. P. Meara M. L. and Pedelty W. H. Seed fat of Hodgsonia capniocarpa 435. Hilger Messrs. A. Spectrographic Analysis in Great Britain (Review) 709. *Hill E. L. Hill W. L. - See Reynolds D. S. Hillig F. Chemical evaluation of spoilage in - Volatile fatty acids as an indication of Hind H. Lloyd. Brewing Science and Practice. *=ditch T. P. and Pedelty W. H. See Bray G. T. See Rader L. F. canned fish 44. spoilage in canned sardines 607. ’{ol. I (Review) 149 X INDEX TO Hinks E. Appointed Public Analyst for the - Obituary of E. R. Bolton 316. Hinton C. L. Food pectins their chemical behaviour and jellying properties (D.S.I.R. Special Report No.48) 883. Hirst F. Report of the Director Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Research Station, Campden for 1938 596. Hi key C. F. See Hurd L. C. *Hoar T. P. and Eyles G. E. S. The “evolution” method for determining sulphur in mild steel, 666. Hoare W. E. Calculation of the area basis metal exposed a t discontinuities in the tin coating of tinplate 236. *Heather R. C. and Hand P. G. T. Use of the Lovibond tintometer for the colorimetric estimation of formaldehyde by the phloro-glucinol method 29. Hoffman J. I. and Lundell G. E. F. Colori-metric method for the determination of rhenium 845. - Volatilisation of metallic compounds from solutions in perchloric or sulphuric acid 706. Hogness T. R. See Altschul A. M. - See also Haas E. Holaday D.A. Alcohols as a measure of spoilage in canned fish 606. Holt M. L. and Swalheim D. Determination of small amounts of iron in tungstic acid and tungsten 707. Horecker B. L. See Haas E. Hoton L. Extractives and mineral matter in chicory 49. *Houlbrooke A. and Manley C. H. The excre-tion of bismuth and its estimation in urine and faeces 29. Houston R. A. A Treatise on Light 7th Ed. (Review) 73. Howe D. E. Hughes J. See Saifer A. Hulst L. A. *Hunt I. V. Borough of button and Cheam 818. See Biefeld L. P. See Vogelenzang E. H. The indigo-carmine reaction as a test for chlorates and hypochl.orites in milk, 653. Determination of traces of rhenium in pyrolusite 62. Hurd L. C. and Hiskey C. F. Hwang Y. See Sallinger H. I I.G. Farb.Akt.-Ges. Cobalt compounds as temperature-indicating coatings 708. Ikert B. Determination of fluorides in wood preservation technology. I. Analysis of solutions of fluorides in water 539. *Illing E. T. Mohler’s test for benzoic acid 586. *Il@g E. T. and Whittle E. G. Analysis of vinegar. A modified method 329. *- The determination of carbon dioxide with special reference to baking powder and self-raising flour 667. Indovina R. and Manfroi F. Reducing action of ascorbic acid on mercuric chloride 696. Ing .H. R. and Raison C. G. Alkaloids of Mztragyne speciosa. I. Mitragynine 754. Xnman G. 0. Antioxidants for castor oil 844. VOLUME 64 *Innes R. F. Ipatieff V. N. and Friedman B. S. Identifica-tion of alkyl phenyl sulphides sulphoxides and sulphones 373.Ireland J. Screened methyl orange 419. See Lovern J. A. J Jacquet P. A. Electrolytic polishing of tin and its application to micrographic examination, 545. Jaeger W. See Karrer P. *James G. V. The occurrence of cyanogenetic substances in edible members of the cruciferae, 500. *Janniah S. L. Assay of belladonna root and its preparations 590. *Jenkins D. C. See Dixon F. Jensen E. and Nilssen B. Thallous carbonate Johnson B. C. See Wiese A. C. Johnson J. R. Editor of Organic Syntheses - Obituary of A. W. Knapp 246. *Johnson W. C. and Lindsey A. J. An improved universal buffer 490. Jones A. 0. Review of Buhtz’s Der VerRehrsun-fall 924. Jones G. W. and Scott G. S. Carbon monoxide in underground atmospheres. The role of bacteria in its elimination 618.Jones H. M. R. Lobsters and gastro-enteritis. Some experiments on cooking and sterilisation, 840. Jorg M E. Longitudinal scattering of light (Plotnikow effect) and its importance in biology 849. Jorgensen A. Micro-organisms and Fermenta-tion 6th Ed. (Review) 922. “Josephson B. A volumetric method for the determination of sulphur and sulphate ion, 181; Erratum 343. Joslin 1 . A. See Bedford C. M. Jovanovitch S. L. Electrolytic determination of antimony 59. Juckenack A. and Others. Handbuch der Lebensmittel-Chemie Vols. IV V and VIII (i) (Review) 715. as an acidimetric standard 913. (Review) 854. Jung F. See von Werder F. Jungkunz R. See Pritzker J. Jurhy H. New test for thallium 849. K Kiigi H. and Miescher K. New colour re-actions for the steroids 527.Kao I. S. See Sah P. P. T. Karrer P. Organic Chemistry (Review) 774. Karrer P. and Geiger A. Vitamin K from alfalfa 759. Karrer P. and Jaeger W. Potentiometric titration of carotenoids with gold trichloride solution 443. Kask 116. Vitamin G content of Estonian honey, 130. Kass J. P. and Burr G. 0. Elaidinisation of linolic acid 535 INDEX TO Kaszuba F. J. See Musicant L. Katuno 1. See Kuwata T. Kay H. D. Phosphorus compounds in relation Kay L. A. The Microscopical Study of Drugs Kayser F. and Mathieu C. Determination of Keane J. C. Keil W. Appel H. and Berger G. Fats and fatty acids with an odd number of carbon atoms 224. Kellett E. G. Review of Egloff’s Physical Constants of Hydrocarbons Vol. I 549.Kelsey F. E. Determination of cholesterol 365. Kemmerer A. R. See Fraps G. S . *Kemp W. E. The analysis of aliphatic and aromatic thiocyanates 648. *Kenny R. L. and Fill M. A. A useful aid to sugar analysis 420. Kent-Jones D. W. Modern Cereal Chemistry, 3rd Ed. (Review) 634. Eenyon J. Review of Karrer’s Organic Chemistvy 774. - Review of Meyer’s Lehrbuch der Organisch-Chemischen Methodik. Vol. I 547. *Kerley L. F. See Heyman E. Kern W See Staudinger H. Khaled A. B. See Vignoli L. Kiermeier F. and Heiss R. Changes occurring in eggs during storage. I. The occurrence of methyl ketones 124. King H. Review of Henry’s The Plant Alka-loids 3rd Ed. 468. King L. C. and Ball C. D. Sterols of alfalfa seed oil 898. King R E. and Smith 0. 1. Reaction of carbonic acid with the zeolite in a water softener 620.King W. B. and BrJwn F. E. Modification of Bettendorff’s arsenic test 453. Kingsbury A. N. Report of the Director of the Federated Malay States Institute of Medical Research for 1937 119 to nutrition 336. (Review) 392. cholesterol by chromic oxidation 442. See Hall H. H. Kingsbury R. M. Kino K. Hydrogenation of castor oil with nickel catalysts containing manganese zinc or thorium 623. - Temperatures of crystalline deposition of stearone and carnauba wax from their solu-tions in various organic liquids 623. *ginsella F. L. See Louden C. KirAly A. V. See Romwalter A. Kirkpatrick W. F. Kleinberg J. Taebel W. A. and Audrieth L. F. Group separation of the rare earths by means of sulphamic acid 765.Klose A. A. See Almquist H. J. *Xnapp A. W. and Hearne J. F. The presence of leuco-anthocyanins in Criollo cacao 475. Knoll A. *Kny-Jones F. G. Electrolytic determination and separation of bismuth. I. Determination and separation in chloride solution 172. 11. Determinations in sulphuric and nitric acid solutions 575. Kobe K. S. and Goin F. L. Exothermal de-composition temperature of wood 859. Koch F. C. See Blauch M. B. See Yanovsky E. See Shimwell J. L. See Matthews F. L. VOLUME 64 xi Koch J. R. Nelson O. and Ehrnst L. Visco-meter for the routine determination of pro-teolytic activity of malts 234. Koch R. Standardisation of Herba adonidis, 753. Kocsis E. A. Spot test for iron and uranium, 307. Kofler L. . and Lindpaintner E.Microscopic examination of polymorphous compounds 540 Kohler G. See Egnkr H. Kolb J. J. Konovalova R. and Orekhov A. Alkaloids of Koolhaas D. R. See De Groot J. E. - See also Frahm E. D. G. - See also Meyer T. M. Korinski A. A. Determination of the salts in cyanide flux 305. Xorosy F. Reaction of tantalum niobium (columbium) and vanadium with iodine 454. Koyanagi H. See Tsujimoto M. Kraybill H. R. Kraybill H. R. Thornton M. H. and Eldridge, K. E. Preparation of sterols ffom crude soya-bean oil 898. Krhgstad H. and Naess T. Colorimetric method for the estimation of nicotinic acid and nicotinamide in foodstuffs 755. Kiinkele F. Examination of writing made with aniline dyes 763. Kurtz A. C. and Wilson D. W. Saccharolac-tone as a reagent for precipitating certain amines 843.Kuwajima K. Verbenin a glycoside from Verbena officinalis which promotes milk secretion 830. Kuwata T. and Katuno 1. Wool wax 226. Kyllingstad 0. S. See Toennies G. dilerent species of senecio 688. See Thornton M. H. See Raeder M. G. L *Lambie D. A. Studies in the analytical chemistry of tungsten I. 481. Lampitt L. H. Review of Winton and Winton’s Structure and Composition of Foods Vol. IV, 547. Lampitt L. H. and Money RW. Pectin from various sources. Determination of the strength of gels 202. Lanford C. S. Effect of orange juice on cakjum assimilation 898. Langstroth G. O. and Talbot N. B. Absorption spectra of the compounds formed by andros-terone and testosterone in the m-dinitro benzene ’reaction 697.Lantz R. Lhzl6 B. See Erdos J. Launer H. F. Improved method for the deter-mination of the acidity and p H of paper 763. Lavin G. I. Lazzari G. Papid method of determining water in butyl alcohol 447. Le Clerc J. A. Capen R. G. and Chambliss C. E. Composition and food value of wild rice (Zzzania aquatics L.) 890. Le Coultre E. and Van Der Wielen P. Semen Strychlzi 51. Leloir L. F. and Muno% J. 1. Fatty acid oxida-tion in liver 690. Detection of nitric acid 303: See Fruton J. S xii INDEX TO *Lester Smith E. See Crews S. K. Levey 8. Lewis H. B. See Gortner R. A. Lindpaintner E. Microscopic examination of polymorphous compounds 540. Lindsay,. Sir H p ~ y . Foreword to Report of Imperial Institute for 1938 195. *Lindsey A.J. See Johnson W. C. Lineweaver H. See Balls A. K. *Lisle E. B. A semi-micro-analytical method for the determination of methoxyl groups in organic compounds 876 “Lockwood H. C. Cacao shall in cocoa and cacao products 92. *- The determination of arsenic by a con-tinuous electrolytic method 657. Longenecker H. E. Deposition and u tilisation of fatty acids of low molecular weight and a fatty acid analysis of coconut oil 894. Longtin B. See Randall M. Lonsdale T. Mechanical testing of bituminous road materials (Road Research and Experi-ment Special Report No. l) 513. Lorenz A. J. and Arnold L. J. Standardisa-tion of 2 6-dichlorophenolindophenol with ferrous compounds 129. *Louden C. and Antrobus H. A convenient method for estimating the hydrocyanic acid generated by linseed cake 187.*Louden C. and Kinsella F. L. A property of rice brans 186. Lourie J. J. and Ginsberg L. B. Determination of nickel cobalt and copper in ores poor in these metals by internal eIectrolysis without diaphragm 139. Lovern J. A. and Morton R. A. Distribution of vitamins A and A, 444. Lovern J. A. Mead T. H. and Morton R. A. Halibut intestinal oil 444. Lovern J. A. Morton R. A. and Ireland J. Distribution of vitamins A and A,. 11 443. Lundell G. E. F. See Hoffman J. I. Lundell G. E. F. and Hoffman J. I. Outlines of Methods of Chemical Analysis (Review), 385. Lutenberg A. I. Lyons C. G. and Appleyard F. N. Elementary Analytical Chemistry Qualitative and Quanti-tative 13th Ed. (Review) 467. Lythgoe H. C.Composition of goats’ milk of known purity 889. See Merritt L. L. See Ushakov 141. I. M McCance R. A. The ionisable and available iron in foods 335. - See also Haynes A. McCarthy J. L. McClelland J. A. C. and Whalley H. E. Quanti-tative spectographic analysis of solder spelter, and magnesium and aluminium alloys 849. PcCollum E. V. See Ahmad B. - See also Prebluda H. J. MacCorquodale D. W. MacDonald C. A. and Reynolds J G. Estima-tion of small quantities of arsanilic acid in tryparsamide 832. McGowan J. C. See Brickman L. See Binkley S . B. See Campbell W. G. VOLUME 64 Machle W. Scott E. W. and Treon J. Normal urinary fluorine excretion and the Auorine-content of food and water 693. MacInnes D. A. The Principles of Electro-chemistry (Review) 550.McKee R. W. See Binkley S . B. *McLachlan T. Nessler cylinders of lead glass: a warning 669. MacMasters M. M. See Peters C. A. *McpJaught K. J. The determination of cobalt in animal tissues 23. McNicholas H. J. See Bowker R. C. *McNicoll D. Merritt R. P. and West T. F. A rapid method for the determination of parachlorometaxylenol 261. Mahr C. New test for lead 381. - Test for cadium 141. - Volumetric determination of thiourea 622. Mahr C. and Ohle H. Determination of thallium by means of thiourea 230. Main E. R. and Shinn L. E. Determination of hydrogen peroxide in bacterial cultures, 532. *Major F. See Bray G. T. *Majumdar A. I(. Quinaldinic acid as a reagent for the separation and determination of copper and cadmium 874.Malloy H. G. See Evelyn K. A. Malowan L. S. Determination of zinc and copper with morpholine 765. Manfroi F. See Indovina R. Manini A. Manjunath B. L. and Shankara Rao M. S. Behenic acid in the seed oil of Pongamia glabra Vent. 448. - Chemical examination of Bragantia wallachii (Lour) 436. Manley C. H. Report of the City Analyst for Leeds for 1938 820. *- See also Houlbrooke A. Manly R. 5. List of micro-methods for the determination of calcium and phosphate 847. Mann F. G. and Saunders B. C. Practical Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed. (Review) 384. Marcelet H. Presence of glycerol in juice of ripe olive 202. Marcille R. Tunisian olive oils and Fitelson’s reaction for the detection of tea-seed oil 685. *Markwell W. A. N. Turmeric test-papers containing boron 27 1.Markwood L. N. Photometric determination of nicotine on apples without distillation 611. Marrison L. W. Translation of Sartori’s The War Gases Chemistry and Analysis 2nd Ed. (Review) 920. Harsh 3. T. and Wood F. C. An Introduction to the Chemistry of Cellulose (Review) 147. Marshall A. Review of Sartori’s The War Gases Chemistry and Analysis 2nd Ed. 920. Marshall E. K. Martin R W. Estimation of fructose and glucose in blood and urine 692. Martini A. 2-4-Dinitro-a-naphthol (Martius yellow) as a reagent for thallium and cobalt, 632. - Microchemistry of yohimbine 379. Martini A. and Baro Graf J. C. Differentiation reactions for cocaine novocain and stovain, 380. See Zappi E. V, See Bratton A. C INDEX TO Maslennikova G. S.Mason C. W. Mason H. M. Mason T. See Fletcher L. Massengate 0. N. See Bills C. E. and Others. *Masterman A. T. Colour tests for chlorine, ozone and hypychlorites with methane base, 492. Mathieu C. See Kayser I?. Matiu A. I. and Popesco C. and A. Colori-metric micro-determination of some phenols, 767. Matthews F. L. Grist R. H. and Knoll A. New light sources for colorimetry 917. Matthews J. W. Review of Pincussen’s Mikro-methodik 242. May P. and Dyson G. M. May’s Chemistry of Synthetic Drugs 4th Ed. (Review) 771. Mead T. H. Occurrence of free vitamin A alcohol in fish livers 759. - See also Lovern J. A. Meara M. L. Mee A J. Translator of Karrer’s Organic Chemzstry 774. Mejbaum W. Determination of small amounts of pentoses especially in derivatives of adenylic acid 363.See Ostroumov E. A. See Chamot E. M. Obituary of H. T. Lea 778. See Hilditch T. P. Mellon M. G. See Byers D. H. Mellor J. W. and Thompson H. V. A Treatise on Quantitative Inorganic Analysis with special reference to Clays Silicates and Related Minerals 2nd Ed. (Review) 74. Melnick D. and Field H. Chemical determina-tion of vitamin B,. I. Reaction between thiamine in pure aqueous solution and diazotised p-aminoacetophenone 367 ; 111. Quantitative enzymic conversion of co-carboxylase (thiamine pyrophosphate) into the free vitamin 369. Menke W. Researches on the protoplasm of green plant cells. I. Isolation of the chloro-plasts of spinach leaves 212. Merritt L. L. Jr. Levey S. and Cutter H. B. Sodium saccharin as a reagent for identifica-tion of alkyl halides 297.“Memitt R. P. See McNicoll D. Metzger N. Meunier P. and Blancpain C. Determination of anti-neuritic vitamin in natural materials, 759. Meyer H. Lehrbuch der Organisch-Chemischen Methodik. Meyer R. E. Meyer T. M. and Koolhaas D. R. New Michel H. 0. Middleton A. R. Middleton H. Systematic Qualitative Analysis (Review) 7 12 Miescher I(. See Kagi H. Miller B. E. Miller B. F. and Muntz J. A. See Baumann E. J. Vol. I 6th Ed. (Review) 547. See Furter M. constituents of derris root. I. 295. Study of sulphaemoglobin 53. See Aitkenhead W. C. See Alving A. S. Method for the estimation of ultramicro-quantities of lactic acid 66. Miller H. Mitchell C. A. Editor of Jwgensen’s Micro-Organisms and Fermentation 6th Ed.922. Mitchell J. Jr. Mitchell J. H. Jr. See Cook F. E. See Smith D. M. See Thornton M. H. VOLUME 64 xiii Moir D. D. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for the Borough of Sutton and Cheam 818. Moll T. Moll T. and Reid A. Varying activity of vitamin A concentrates prepared from fish-liver oils 696. Money R. W. Monier-Williams G. W. Lead in food. Public Health Report No. 88 32. Monk H. E. Report of the County Analyst and Bacteriologist for Worcestershire for 1938,739. Montignie E. Specific reagent for ceric salts, 706. *Moon C. 13. B. Moon F. E. Quantitative extraction of carotene Moore M. L. Moran T. The cold storage and gas-storage of eggs. D.S.I.R. Leaflet No. 8 281. Morgan B. G. E. See Coward K. H.Morgan Sir Gilbert. Report of Chemistry Research Board for 3 years ended December, 1937 35. Morikawa K. Dry method for the analysis and separation of components of hydrocarbon gas mixtures 906. Glycogen in the seed of maize (variety Golden Bantam) 890. See Lovern J. A. Conversion of carotene into vitamin A by some fresh-water fishes 443. New method for the isolation of a- and /3-tocopherols 216. Identification of propionic acid in presence of acetic and butyric acids 909. See von Werder F. See Lampitt L. H. See Allport N. L. from grass 533. See Fernholz E. Morris D. L. and C. T. Morton R. A. Morton R. A. and Creed R. H. Moses G. See Haslam J. Moss A. R. and Drummond J. C. Munoz J. M. Muntz J. A. Musicant L. and Kaszuba F.J. My& J. See Leloir L. F. See Miller B. F. See Todd W. R. N Naess T. See Kringstad H. Naidu R. Report of the Chemical Examiner to the Government of Madras for 1937 120. Nath M. C. Modifications of Pregl’s micro carbon and hydrogen determination in humid tropical atmospheres 306. Needs F. E. Adulteration of “appeal-to-cow” samples of milk (Legal Note) 737. - Report of the Public Analyst for the City and County of Bristol for 1938 669. Negre E. Nelson E. K. Nelson 0. Nicholls J. R. Review of Gregory’s Uses and Applications of Chemicals and Related Materials, 921. - Review of Untersuchungsmethoden fur Am-neispezialitaten 2nd Ed. 465. Nichols M. L. and Schempf J. M. Separation and determination of aluminium and beryllium with tannin 537.Niculescu M. Identification and determination of lactic acid in alcoholic fermented liquids, 518. Determination of oenotannin 684 See Curl A. L. See Koch J. R xiv INDEX TO Niederl J. B. and V. Simplified combustion tube-filling for micro carbon and hydrogen determinations 306. Nikitina C. I. New method of determining cadmium 375. Nikurasin A. I. Interaction of zinc salts with alkalis 453. Nilssen B. See Jensen E. *Nilsson G. A characteristic reaction of dithio-oxainide with ferrous iron 501. Nolte A. J. and von Loesecke IF. W. Water melon seed oil 435. Norris J. F. Editor of Reedy’s Theoretical Qualitative Analysis 389. Noyons E. C. Determination of creatinine and creatine. I. Determination in urine 289. - Iodimetric determination of small quantities of glucose 203.Nunn L. C. A. and Smedley-Maclean I. Oxida-tion products of the unsaturated acids of linseed oil 224. Nydahl F. See Egndr H. 0 Ogrims B. See Straumanis M. Ohle H. See Mahr C. Ohta T. See Takeda Y. Okell F. L. Review of Lyons and Appleyard’s Elementary Analytical Chemistry Qualitative and Quantitative 13th Ed. 467. - Review of Mellor and Thompson’s Treatise on Quantitative Inorganic Analysis 2nd Ed. 74. - Review of Scott’s Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis 712. - Review of Vosburgh’s Introductory Qzsalita-tiue Analysis Curtman’s Qualitative Chemical Analysis and Reedy’s Theoretical Qualitative Analysis 389. Oliva V. Olive M. See Delaville M. Orekhov A. See Konovalova R. Ostroumov E. A. Precipitation of nickel and cobalt sulphides in a crystalline state 139.Ostroumov E. A. and Maslennikova G. S. Separation of cobalt and nickel from mangan-ese 59. Ottung K. See Veibel S . See Sagastume C. A. P Page I. H. See Corcoran A. C. - See also Helmer 0. M. Paget M. and Berger R. Application of Schryver-Fosse reaction to tests for oxalic acid ascorbic acid tartaric acid and uric acid 212. Palmer N. Nutritive value of wheaten products, 613. Parker E. A. Patzer W. E. and Ritter G. J. Micro-structure and diffraction pattern of basswood ash 143. Parkes D. W. See Bennett H. C. Paschke B. Detection of horse-fat in admixture with lard beef-fat or mutton-fat 47. VOLUME 64 Pates E. W. Review of Sutermeister and Browne’s Casein and its Industrial Applica-tions 2nd Ed.773. Patzer W. E. See Parker E. -4. Patzsch H. See Thiel A. Paul S. Paul W. Pearson R. W. See Truog E. Pedelty W. H. See Hilditch T. P. Pelagatti U. New method of separating tin and antimony and its application to the analysis of white metals 300. Pellerin E. Vessel for sampling sea-water 700. Percs E. Detection of nitrites in presence of nitrates 630. - New indicator for the argentometric deter-mination of chlorides 845. Perlich R. W. Pbronnet M. and Rbmy R. H. Use of a solution of hydrogen sulphide in acetone as an analy-tical reagent 91 1. Pesez M. M. Colorimetric micro-method for the estimation of nitrates 769. - New specific reaction for nitric acid and nitrates 539. Peters C. A. MacMasters M. M. and French, C.L. Colorimetric determination of iron as thiocyanate in presence of hydrogen peroxide, 914. Peters R. A. Catatorulin test for vitamin B,, 214. Peterson F. C. See Wise L. E. Pevtzov G. A. Volumetric determination of vanadium in presence of tungsten with diphenylamine-sulphonic acid as indicator 64. Peynaud E. Malic acid in Bordeaux musts and wines 46. Pfeningberger R. See Hernler F. Pharmaceutical Society Martindale’s Extra Pharmacopoeia Vol. 11 21st Ed. (Review), 145. - Pharmaceutical Pocket Book 13th Ed. (Review) 15 1. Philip J. C. Editor of Emelkus and Anderson’s Modern Aspects of Inorgapaic Chemastry (Re-view) 240. Picher H. See Eisenbrand J. Pigott E. C. Determination of aluminium in Pijper A. Dark-ground studies of flagellar and Pilcher R.B. Obituary of A. Smithells 244. Pincussen L. Mikromethodik 6th Ed. (Review), Plimmer R. H. A. Organic and Bio-Chemistry, Plitt T. .M. Microscopic methods used in U.S. Dept. of Plotnikow J. See Gjuri6 P. Popesco C. and A. See Math A. I. Portnov M. A. See Afanasev S. K. Potjewijd T. Reaction for phosphates in codeine Prebluda H. J. and McCollum E. V. Chemical Preiss W. Methyl alcohol content of tobacco Pritchard C. F. See Hilditch T. P. Honey containing octosan 752. See Sandell E. B. ferrous alloys 705. somatic agglutination of B. typhosus 219. 242. 6th Ed. (Review) 69. identifying commercial fibres. Commerce Circular C.423 425. hydrochloride 359. reagent for thiamine (aneurin) 366. leaf and ribs 437. See Chirnside R. C INDEX TO Pritzker J.and Jungkunz R. Unusua adull-terant of olive oil (quinoline yellow) 434. Purvis E. R. and Higson G. E. Jr. Deter-mination of organic carbon in soils. Modifica-tion of the chromic acid reduction method 221. Pyle J. J. Pyriki C. - pH value of fermented tobacco leaves and See Brickman L. Nicotine from tobacco 523. cigarettes 288. Q Quattlebaum H. 3. See Wetlaufcr L. A. R Rabate J. Cochlosper+nurn tinctoviunz A. Rich., 623. Rabat& J. and Gourhitch A. Analysis of fruit and leaves of Bauhinia reticulata D.C. The presence of large quantities of l-tartaric acid 46. Rader L. F. and Hill W. L. Determination and occurrence of boron in natural phosphates and superphosphates 708. Raeder M. G. and Kyllingstad 0.5. Electrolysis of gold solutions 542.Raikow P. N. Detection of glucose syrup in honey by the “acetic acid method,” 609. Raison C. G. See Ing H. R. Randall M. and Longtin B. Determination of density differences by the flotation tem-perature method 235. Raper H. S. See Cavanagh B. Rapin A. Determination of small amounts of alcohol by means of suphuric acid-chromate mixture 222. Ray P. and Dutt N. K. Quinaldinic acid as an analytical reagent 229. *Raymond W. D. The m-dinitrobenzene reaction of ouabain and its application to the examination of East African arrow poison, 113. *Read F. E. The determination of manganese, especially in biological material 586, Read W. T. Industrial Chemistry 2nd Ed. (Review) 633. Rector C. See Riebsomer J. L. Redgrove H. S. and Bari-Woollss J.Hair-dyes and Hair-dyeing Chemistry and Tech-nique 3rd Ed. (Review) 637. Reedy . J. H. Theoretical Qualitative Analysis (Review) 389. Regan C. J. Appointed Deputy Agricultural Analyst for County of London 30. Reich W. S. Separation of sugars by the chromatographic adsorption of their coloured esters. I. Separation of glucose and fructose, 749. Action of milk Reid A. See Moll T. Reif G. and Steinbeck H. J. Rhrny R. H. See Pkronnet M. Rennkamp F. Separation of mixtures of Retasch C. E. See Highberger J. €3. upon aluminium and its alloys 125. dicarboxylic acids 761. VOLUME 64 SV Determination of fluorine in natural phosphates and phos-phatic fertilisers 378. Reynolds J. G. Richardson W. A. Viscometric method for the characterisation of soluble starch 543.Richter G. H. Textbook of Organic Chemistry (Review) 546. Riebsomer J. L. Bishop J. and ,Rector C. Composition of papaw seeds (Asimzna trilobn), 127. Riemenschneider R. W. Ellis N. R. and Titus, H. W. Fatty acids in the lecithin and glyceride fractions of egg-yolk 48. Riesenfeld E. H. Lehrbuch der Anorganischen Chemie 2nd Ed. (Review) 710. Ritchie D. Ritter G. J. Roberts E. A. H. Reynolds D. S. and Hill W. L. See MacDonald C. A. See Blackie J . J. See Parker E. A. Fermentation process in tea manufacture. 11. Some properties of tea peroxidase. 111. Mechanism of fermentation, 616. Roberts E. A. H. and Sarma S. N. Fermenta-tion process in tea manufacture. I. KBle of peroxidase 615. Roberts R. G. Changes in the physical proper-ties of regenerated cellulose by liquid ammonia, 137.Robertson 3. D. See Dodds E. C. Robinson F. A. Review of Bodansky and Fay’s Laboratory Manual of Physiological Chemistry, 4th Ed. 76. - Review of Godwin’s Plant Biology 3rd Ed., 550. - Review of Kay’s Microscopical Study of Drugs 392. - Review of Middleton’s Systematic Qualitative Analysis 712. - Review of Staudinger and Kern’s Anleitung ZUY Organischen Qualitativen Analyse 3rd Ed., 775. - Review of Trease’s Textbook of Pharwzacology, 391. *Robinson K. L. A method for the determina-tion of small quantities of boron in plant material 324. *Robinson R. G. A rapid method for the deter-mination of traces of bismuth in lead 402. Romwalter A, and Kiraly A. V. Varieties of yeasts and bacteria in fruits 840.Rosen C. Rotondaro F. A. See Sinton F. C. Rowson J. M. and Waterhouse C. E. Con-Rbasa P. See Schulek E. Rubin J. See Alving A. S. Rudra M. N. Manganese-content of Indian foodstuffs and other materials 611. Ruthardt E. See Seith W. See Evelyn K. A. tamination of parsley with arsenic 434. S Sabetay S. Analysis of natural perfumes by entrainment a t low pressure with ethylene glycol 762. - Simplified procedure for analytical oxime formation with aldehydes and ketones 58. Sabetay? S. and Fabaud L. Eugenol in essen-tial oil of jasmine 703 xvi INDEX TO Sadasivan V. See Sreenivasan A. Sagastume C. A. and Oliva V. Identification of very small quantities of copper and mercury by means of urobilin 231. Sage C.E. Review of Denton’s Textbook of Pharmacognosy 3rd Ed. 635. - Review of The Extra Pharmacopoeia Vol. 11 21st Ed. 145. Sah P. P. T. ,f3-Naphthazide and P-naphthyl isocyanate as reagents for the identification of phenols 622. - New method for the identification of ethers, 843. Sah P. P. T. and Chang L.-H. m-Bromobenz-azide as a reagent for the identification of amines 222. Sah P. P. T. and Kao I. S. p-Xenylsemicar-bazide as a reagent for the identification of aldehydes and ketones 621. Sah P. P. T. and Tao K.-Y. 9-Bromobenz-azide as a reagent for the identification of alcohols 223. Saifer A. and Hughes 3. Determination of chlorides in biological fluids by the use of adsorption indicators 758. Salle A. J. Fundamental Principles of Bacter-iology with Laboratory Exercises (Review), 464.Sallinger H. and Hwang Y. Colorimetric determination of traces of nitrates in form of ammonia 222. Samsonifa A. 1. Slmchez J. A. Action of barium hypobromite on leucine 692. - Colour reaction for creatine and creatinine, 601. - New colour reaction of glycine and hippuric acid 691. - New sensitive colour test for urea 691. - Vanillin and hydrochloric acid reaction for yohimbine 688. Sandell E. B. Catalytic colour reaction for tungsten 67. - Determination of cadium in silicate rocks, 844. Sandell E. B. and Perlich R. W. Determina-tion of small amounts of nickel and cobalt in silicate rocks 626. Sandell E. B. Wishnick D. M. and E. L. De-tection of zinc with ,3-naphthoquinoline and thiocyanate 142.Sarma S. N. See Roberts E. A. H. Sartori M. The War Gases Chemistry and Analysis 2nd Ed. (Review) 920. Saunders B. C. Savage R. M. and Chambers W. P. Tannic *Scarlett C. A. The practical treatment of Schams 0. Micro-colorimetric determination of Schempf J. M. Scherrer J. A. Determination of arsenic, antimony and tin in alloys 59. Schmidt E. Microscopical differentiation of yeast cells and starch grains by differential staining 295. Schmidt E. A. Colorimetric method for the determination of sugars 286. See Tischenko V. E. See Mann F. G. acid gauze 685. dairy effluents 252. aluminium in plant ash 231. See Nichols M. L. VOLUME 64 Schneiter R. Microbiological examination of frozen egg products 838. SchoeUer W. R. Review of Friend’s Textbooli of Inorganic Chemistry Vol.VI Part IT-: Arsenic 148. - Review of Riesenfeld’s Lehrbuch der An-organischen Chemie 2nd Ed. 710. *- Stannous chloride as a quantitative reagent for selenium and tellurium 318. Schoental R. Scholler R. See Wenusch A. Schonlau L. Determination of chromium in Schoofs F. Contamination of foodstuffs with Schoorl N. Determination of sodium 302. - Quantitn tive determination of calcium bj-meam of loretin 537. Schormuller J. Occurrence of vitamin B, (lactoflavin). I. Vitamin B in muscle 215; 11. Vitamin B in animal organs 445; 111. Vitamin B in yeast and yeast extracts 530. Schorn J. See Skraup S . Schrempf A. and Benk E. Differentiation of natural and artificial oraage preparations by formol titration 204.Schricker J. A. and Dawson P. R. Improved molybdenum blue reagents for determination of phosphorus and arsenic 456. Schulek,.E. and Rozsa P. Indicator for satura-tion oxidation and precipitation methods 228. Schulte M. J. Detection of gold in faeces 896. Schulze W. New method for the determination of glycerol in soaps containing fillers 909. Scott E. W. See Machle W. Scott H. W. See Deichmann TITI. Scott Blair G. W. trial Rheology (Review) 388. “Scott-Dodd A. Counterfeit coins 861. Seaman W. Determination of anthraquinone-1.8-disulphonic acid in presence of other anthraquinone sulphonic acids and sulphuric acid 847. Seith W. and Ruthardt K. Chemische Spek-tralanalyse (Review) 72. Sen D. C. Determination of cobalt in presence of nickel 140.Servantie L. and Demange G. Photocolori-metric determination of free or conjugated compounds of the sulphanilamide or similar type by means of Marshall’s reaction in filtered light 917. Sesseler M. and Rowaan P. A. Drying oil of Licania crassifolia Benth. 449. Shankara Rao 1. S. Shaw A. Review of Davison’s Field Deter-Shaw G. E. Shaw M. Review of Thiel Strohecker and Patsch’s Taschenbuch f u r die Lebensmittel-chemie 309. Sheintzis 0. G. Anthranilic acid as reagent for the microchemical detection of certain metals, 380. Shemjakin F. M. and Pilipenko V. A. Re-actions of resorcinol with niobium and tant-alum 454. *Sheman R. J. Quinaldinic acid as a reagent for copper zinc and cadmium 14. Micro-test for palladium 458. aluminium 377. volatile toxic substances 903.An Introduction to Indus-See Manjunath B. L. mination of Rocks 76. Riboflavin in liver extract 833 INDEX TO VOLUME 64 svii *Sher H. N. and Coysh R. H. Some factors that affect the accuracy of determination of the thiocyanogen value 8 14. Sherwood F. W. Vitamin G content of some oil presscake meals and related products, 617. Shimwell J. L. and Kirkpatrick W. F. New light on the “sarcina” question 371. Shinn L. E. Shreve R. N. Watkins C. H. and Browning, J. C. Determination of strontium in the presence of calcium 455. Siebenmann C. Observations on bacterial growth in presence of silver foil 294. Simmons W. H. Review of The Pharmaceutical Pocket Book 13th Ed. 151. Simpson C. T. and Chandlee G. C. p-Hydroxy-phenylarsonic acid as a reagent for titanium and zirconium 60.Sinclair H. M. Estimation of vitamin B in blood 214. Sinton F. C. and Rotondaro F. A. Deter-mination of amidopyrine in presence of antipyrine and caffeine 832. Sirdar J. N. See Bagchi K. K. Skraup,. S. Strieck F. and Schorn J. Bio-chemical importance of unsaturated fatty acids 525. Skrimshire G. E. €I. Review of Findlay’s Recent Advances in Chevnothevapy 2nd Ed., 463. - Review of May and Dyson’s Chemistry of Synthetic Drugs 771. Slater R. H. Review of Richter’s Textbook of Organic Chemistry 546. Smedley-Maclean I. See Nunn L. C. A. Smith D. M. Bryant W. M. D. and Mitchell J., Jr. Analytical procedures employing the Karl Fischer reagent for the determination of water. See hyres G. H.Report on fees for tests on volumetric glassware 43. An Introduction to Industrial My-cology (Review) 70. See Main E. R. I. Nature of the reagent 911. Smith F. Smith Sir Frank E. Smith G. Smith G. F. Smith G. M. *Smith G. S. See Butler S . M. J. See Willard H. H. Determination of aluminium by precipitation with 8-hydroxy-quinoline from mineral acid solution ; separation from large amounts of magnesium 577. *- The determination of manganese by means of 8-hydroxyquinoline in presence of magnes-ium 787. Smith M. A. See Burton E. I?. Smith 0. M. See King R. E. Smith R. B. See Dermer 0. C. Smith W. See Evers N. Snell F. D. See Epstein S. S. Society of Chemical Industry. Annual Reports on the Progress of Applied Chemistry 1938. Vol.XXIII (Review) 552. Somiya T. and Yasuda Y. Photometric determination of cobalt iron and copper in nickel sulphate 140. Soule B. A. Library Guide for the Chemist (Review) 237. Southall C. L. Report of the Department of Chemistry Lagos for 1938 594. Spacu P. Gravimetric determination of copper, 300. Sreenuvasan A, and Sadasivan V. Catalytic action of selenium in the Kjeldahl digestion method 538. Staudinger H. and Kern W. ,lnleitung zur Organischen Qualitativen -4nalyse 3rd Ed. (Review) 7 7 5. Stavely H. E. See Fernholz E. Steger A. and van Loon J. Steinbeck H. J. Steinburg R. A. Po-yo& oil 703. See Reif G. Essentiality of gallium to the growth and reproduction of A s@vgiZZzis I I :gev, 57. Colorimetric method for the deter-mination of inulin in blood plasma and urine, 211.“Stephenson H. F. Water analysis Efiect of suspended matter and daylight on incubation tests 344. Stephenson M. Bacterial Metabolism (Rex-iew) , 312. Stevens C. D. Determination of iodine in biological materials 363. Stone I. See Gray P. P. Stradling R. E. Report of the 1)irector of the Building Research Board for 1938 676 Strain H. H. Isolation and detection of U-carotene and the carotenes of carrot roots and of butter 369. *Straub J. Food inspection and analysis in Holland 717. - Report of the Publlc Analyst for the City and District of Amsterdam for 1937 116. Straumanis M. and Ogrims B. determination of molybaenum as trioxide 638. Strieck F. See Skraup S. Strohecker R. See Thiel A\. Stubbs J.R. Report of the County -1nalyst for Lancaster for 1938 672. Sugimoto H. Isolation of water leptospirae in pure culture and their biology 220. Sutermeister E. and Browne F. L. Casein and its Industrial ,4pplications 2nd Ed. (Rex-ien 1, 773. Sutton W. L. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Lowestoft 818. Swalheim D. See Holt M. L. Szamek G. Titrimetric determination of n u g -nesium 377. Sziip E. See BodnAr J. SzBp E. and Cieleszky W. Steinitz K. Gravimetric Simple apparatus for the determination of traces of arsenic 376. T See Kleinberg J . See Langstroth G. 0. Report of the Public Analyst for the City and County of Kingston-upon-Hull for 1938 738. - Representative a t Royal Sanitarj- Institute Congress 1939 748. Tao K.-Ys, Taebel W.A. Takeda Y. and Ohta T. Talbot N. B. Tamura T. See Ueno S. Tankard A. R. Leprotin a carotenoid of the formula C40H54 371. SEC Sah P. P. T xviii INDEX TO VOLUME 64 Taylor G. Appointed Joint Public Analyst for the Borough of Leyton 818. “Taylor W. W. *Terry R. C. and Corran J. W. Determination of the essential oils of white and brown mus-tards 164. Tetrault P. A. Thayer S. A. See Binkley S . B. Thiel A. Strohecker R. and Patzsch H. Tas-chenbuch fur die Lebensmittelchemie (Review), 308. Thomas G. See Dumont F. Thompson F. B. ragwort 39. Thompson H. V. Thornton M. H. Thornton M. H. Kraybill H. R. and Mitchell, J. H. Jr. Sterol glucoside from expressed soya-bean oil 899. Thorpe J. F. and Wbiteley M A. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry Vol.11, 4th Ed. (Review) 144; Vol. 111 853. Tilley,. F. W. Bactericidal efficiency of certain aniline dyes 841. Timm H. See Grossfeld J. Tischenko V. E. and Samsonifa A. M. Deter-mination of nitrogen in the complex cyanides of the heavy metals 629. Titus A. C. and Cannon M. *C. Volumetric determination of aluminium in citrate solu-tion 376. Titus H. W. Toal J. S. Preservation of pharmacopoeia1 paraldehyde Detection of resorcinol 830. Todd A. R. Todd W. R. and Others. Micro-method for the quantitative determination of sugar alcohols, 379. Toennies G. and Kolb J. J. Reaction of methionine and other amino acids with mercuric chloride 54. Toms H. Review of Fisher’s Laboratory MaEual of Organic Chemistry 4th Ed.308. - Review of Johnson’s Organic Syntheses 854. Torok T. Observations on flame spectra 383. *Torrance S. The electrolytic separation of cobalt from nickel by deposition as cobaltic oxide 109. *- The micro-electrolytic deposition and deter-mination of arsenic 263. Trabaud E. See Sabetay S. Travers M. W. Effect of grinding on the solubility of mineral substances and on the toxic character of the resulting dusts 372. Treadwell W. D. Tabellen und Vorschriften zur Quantitativen analyse (Review) 387. Trease G. E. A Textbook of Pharmacognosy, 3rd Ed. (Review) 391. Treon J. See Machle W. Trevorrow V. Studies on the nature of the iodine in blood 440. *!hitton S. M. The evaluation of hydrogen peroxide 469. *Trotman S. R. and Taylor W. W. The action of light on wool with particular reference to the production of acid.I. 406. Truog E. and Pearson R. W. Determination of iron in the presence of titanium by the Jones reductor method 60. See Trotman S. R. See Bittenbender W. A. Report on chemical control of See Mellor J. W. See Kraybill H. R. See Riemenschneider R. W. See Work T. S. Tschermak-Seysenegg A. Studies in micro-crystallisation in supersaturated solutions 916. Tsujimoto M. Tsujimoto M. and Koyanagi H. Cycad seed and Nigaki fruit-coat oils 206. - Some aquatic animal oils 225. *Tucker S. H. Generator for “air-free” carbon diocxide (or hydrogen) 410. Twyman F. Spectrochemical analysis in 1938. (Review) 46 1. Glycerides of Japan wax 298. U Ueda T. See Ueno S . Ueno S. and Ueda T.Composition of Chinese tea seed oil and of Sterculia plantanifolia L. oil 126. - Rice oil. Constituents of the liquid acids, 127. Ueno S. and Tamura T. Olugisu fish oil (Argen-tina kahoshimae) 610. Ushakov M. I. and Lutenberg A. I. Oxidation of cholesterol and transdehydroandrosterone with osmium tetroxide 695. V Vahlquigt B. Quantitative estimation of por-phobilinogen in the urine of patients suffering from so-called acute porphyria 693. Valaer P. Brandy 522. Valentin H. Iodine reaction for caffeine in tea and coffee infusions 360. Vallance R. H. Arsenic Part IV of Vol. VI of Friend’s Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry (Review) 148. Van Beneden G. Ochres of the waters of the Liege Ardennes 699. Van Der Meer J. Senecio vulgaris and its pharmacological properties 51.Vandermeulen H. Van Der Meulen J. H. Ferrous molybdate reagent for detection of small amounts of phosphorus silicon and arsenic 846. - The specificity of Hahn’s fluorescein reagent for bromine 914. Van Der Wielen P. See Le Coultre E. Van Hulssen C. J. See De Groot J. E. Van Itallie L. Colour reaction for sulphur 230. Van Loon J. Van Natta F. J. See Wetlaufer L. A. Van Zyl J. P. Report of Division of Chemical Services South Africa for 1938 200. Veibel S. and Ottung I(. Benzyl-isothio-urea as a reagent for the identification of organic acids 842. Venkatachalsm V. Report of the Public Analyst for the City of Madras for 1937 117. Vidyarthi N. L. and Narasingarao M. Chemical examination of the wax from sugar cane 610.ViBles P. Iodimetric determination of acidity in wines 684. Vignoli L. and Khaled A. B. Detection of traces of tellurium 376. Voelcker E. Appointed Agricultural Analyst for the County Borough of Oxford 192. Ergot of rye oil 357. See Steger A INDEX TO Voelcker E.-contznued - - Report of the Consulting Chemist t o the Royal Agricultural Society of England 510. Vogelenzang E. H. Influence of zinc on the reaction between iodine and insulin 292. - Occurrence of zinc in human blood 291 Vogelenzang E. H. and Hulst L. A. Signific-ance of the zinc-content of commercial samples of insulin 129. Von Batchelder F. See De Witt C. C. von Loesecke. H. W. See Kolte. A. T. von Werder F. Moll T. and Jung F.- Specificity Vorster Nel J. ru’atural decomposition of bat of vitamin E activity 218.manure 532. Analvsis (Review) 389. Vosburgh W. C. Introductory Qualitative Vosskiiher P. Vreeland J. Storage of iron in the organism from different iron preparations 361. See Todd W. R. W Wagner H. Composition of the wax-like substance extracted from the coffee berry. II., 48. Walker G. H. Report of the Salford City Ahalyst for 1938 592. Wallis K. Report of Government Analyst for British Guiana for 1937. 40 for 1938. 827. Ward T. J. Obituary of H. F. E. Hulton 639. - Review of Bennett’s Chemical Formulary, X’nl IV 856. - -_. - Review of Chamot and Mason’s Handbook of Ckeinacal ’Mzcroscopy Vol. I 2nd Ed. 462. - Review of Hind’s Brewtng Sczence and I’ractzce Vol I 149. Waterhouse C. E. Watkins C. EX.See Shreve R N . Weir E. G. and Haatings A. B. See Rowson J. M. Distribution of bromide and chloride in tissues and body fluids 834. Weiss. F. T. See Biale I. B. Wenusch A. Action or; sucrose of the juice expressed from tobacco stem 361. - Characteristics of tobaccos of the acid and alkaline groups 287. - Origin of the objectionable odour that occurs on burning unfermented tobacco which has been harvested while in a state of \-itality 754. Wenusch A. and Scholler R. Characteristic property of tobaccos of the alkaline group 128. Werner A. E. A. Estimation of sulphanilamide in biological fluids 438. West E. S. *West T. F. Wetlaufer L. A. Van Natta F. J. and Quattle-baum H. B. Determination of phenols in hydrocarbon solvents 910. *Whale W.Notes on the volumetric iodide method of determining starch 588. Whalley H. K. See McClelland J. A. C. White. J. Obituarv of H. Silvester. 247. See Todd W. K. See McNicoll D. ~~ . Whiteley M. A. “Whittle E. G. *Whymper H. and Wright J. S. The deter-S k Thorpe J. F. ’ SeeJlling E. T. mination of copper 418. VOLUME 64 xix Wiese A. C. and Johnson B. C. Micro-deter-mination of manganese in biological materials, 459. *Wilkinson H. The vitamin X and vitamin D contents of butter 11. Seasonal variation 17. Errata 111. WiUaxrd H. H. and Smith G. M. Tetraphenpl-arsonium chloride as an analytical reagent, 452; Determination of mercury tin cadmium and zinc 536; Determination of rhenium 629. Williams A. L. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for County Borough of Birmingham, 191.Williams D. Use of selenium in Kjeldahl digestion of leather for nitrogen determination, 535. Williams H. A. Report of the Public Analyst for Deptford for 1937 192. Williams H. A. Report of the Public .hialyst for Woolwich for 1938 820. *- Spirit vinegar containing malt vinegar. 2iO. Williams R. J. A Textbook of Biochemistry (Review) 69. *Willis U. F. A rapid method for the volumctric titration of copper in bronze etc. 816. Wilson D. W. Wilson E. S. Wilson J. B. See Kurtz A. C . See Allport. S. L. Identification of flavouring con-stituents of commercial flavours. 1)eter-mination of a-ionone 892; VIII. Semi-imicro determination of the amido-nitrogen atom in semi-carbazones 916. Wilson J. L. Appointed 1)eput-y Agricultural Analyst for the County Borough of Burnlq-, 736.Windaus A. and Bock F. Antirachitic pro-vitamin from wheat-germ oil 54 Windaus A. and Buchholz K. Ketone from vitamin D (calciferol) 131. Windhaher F. See Gorbach G. Winton A. L. and K. B. The Structure and Composition of Foods. Vol. IV (Review) 547. Wirtz H. Separation of tantalum from nio-bium 628. Wise L. E. Peterson F. G. and Harlow W. H. Action of ethanoiamine on woody tissue 227. Wishnick D. M. and E. L. See Sandell E. H. Woker,,G. and Antener I. Colour reactions of steroids in relation to constitution 528. Wood D. R. Keview of Jmgensen’s hlizuo-Organisms and Fermentation 6th Ed. 922. - Review of Salle’s Fundawzental Principles of Bacteriology 464. - Review of Smith’s Intvoducliow to Industrial - Review of Stephenson’s Cncterial Metabolism, Wood F.C. Woodhead S. A. Obituary of R. A. Cripps 394 *Woodward F. N. The analysis of linseed oils Work T. S. Bergel F. and Todd A. R. Active Wright C. H. Soil Analysis 2nd Ed. (Review), Wright J. S. See TVhymper H. Wulle H. Micro-estimation of fluorine in iMq‘COiQgy 70. 312. Ses Marsh J. T. of various origins 265. principles of Cannabis Indica resin 208. 854. blood 768. Wiinsche H. See Heiduschka 4 xx INDEX TO VOLUME 64 Y Z Yanovsky E. and Kingsbury R. M. Analysis of Zappi E. V. and Manini A. New general reaction for enolic forms mercurous nitrate, Yasuda Y. See Somiya T. 135. Yoe J. H. and Boyd G. R. Zimarez V. N. Determination of nitrous acid (as N,O,) in sulphuric acid 303.Zimmerman P. W. Physiologically active growth substances and the responses of plants 901. some North American Indian food plants 45. Patent blue V as a pH and redox indicator 914 INDEX TO VOLUME 64 xxi INDEX TO SUBJECTS * Denotes papers and notes published in The ,4%alyst. A Abortefacient pills. 673. Acedicon Microchemical reactions for -. F. Amelink 209. Acetaldehyde in the steam distillate of the peel of citrus fruits; Identification of - J . B. Biale and F. T. Weiss 358, Acetanilide in headache powders. 283. Acetic Acid method of detecting glucose syrup in honey. P. N. Raikow 609. propionic acid in presence of -; Identifica-tion of. L. Musicant and F J. Kaszuba, 909. Synthesis of -. 36. Acetobacter Species Infection of beer with -.*Acetone ethyl alcohol in presence of -; E. J . Boorman 791. Solution of hydrogen sulphide in - as M. PBronnet and R. H. A. A. D. Comrie 903. Determination of. analytical reagent. Remy 911. Water in __ determined by means of the infra-red absorption spectrum. R. Gaspart and L. Gillo 459. Acidimetric standard ; Thallous carbonate as - . Acidimetry Sulphamic acid as standard in -. S. hf. J. Butler G. F. Smith and L. F. .4udrieth 137. Acidity in wines; Iodimetric determination of - . P. Viiiles 684. of paper; Determination of -. H. F. Launer 763. Acids Identification of organic - with benzyl-isothio-urea as reagent. S. Veibel and K. Ottung 842. of linseed oil; Oxidation products of the un-saturated - . L. C. A. Nunn and I.Smedley-hfaclean 224. saturated -; Separation of oleic acid from. P. J. Hartsuch 535. *unsaturated minor component - of pig and other fats; Method for approximate determination of -. T. P. Ililditch and W. H. Pedelty 640. Aconite in country liquor in Bengal. Acrolein Toxicity index of Adenylic Acid derivatives; Determination of small amounts of pentoses in - W. Mejbaum 363. Adhesives Testing of vegetable -; B.S.I. specification. 604. Adrenaline Reaction with mercuric salts ; Application to analysis of medicinal prep-arations. P. Bouvet 688. Agricultural analysis. Abstracts 133 221 295, 532 620 701. Air Vol. VIII(i) of Juckenack's Handbuch dev Lebensmitlel-Chemie (Review). 715. E. Jensen and B. Nilssen 913. 199. 906. Air Raid Precautions Preparation of standards for purposes of - 606; List of -.888. Alcohol(s) as a measure of spoilage in canned fish. D. A. Holaday 606. p-Bromobenzazide as reagent for identifying -. Determination of small amounts of - by means of sulphuric acid-chromate mixture. A. Rapin 222. Identification of traces of - . J. M. Hambersin 56. in blood; Technique for determining - 56. in urine; Determination of -. J. M. Hambersin 56. sugar __ ; Micro-method for quantitative determination of. W. R. Todd and others, 359. Alcoholic fermented liquids Identification and determination of lactic acid in -. M. Niculescu 518. Aldehydes Simplified procedure for analytical oxime formation with ketones and -. S. Sabetay 58. fi-Xenylsemicarbazide as reagent for identi-fying -.P. P. T. Sah and I. S. Kao 621. Aleurites Trisperma Oil of - E. I). G. Frahm and D. R. Koolhaas 448. Alfalfa Vitamin K from -. P. Karrer and P. P. T. Sah and K. Y. Tao 223. A. Geiger 759. and C. D. Ball 898. for 1938. 746. Alfalfa Seed Oil Sterols of -. L. C. King Alkali etc. Works Report of Chief Inspector Alkaline Earth Metals Nitrobarbituric acid as reagent for -. H. A. Friedland 917 . Alkalis Interaction of zinc salts with -. A. I. Kikurasin 453. Alkaloidal products; Structure and composition of -. 548. Alkaloids of Mitragyne speczosa. I. hlitragynine. H. K. Ing and C. G. Raison 754. Plant -. 3rd Ed. (Review) T. A. Henry. 468. Seneczo -. R. Konovalova and A. Orekhov. 688. Valerian a new -. J . J. Blackie and D.Ritchie 437. Alkyl Halides Sodium saccharin as reagent for identifying - . I,. L. Merritt Jr S. Levey and H. B. Cutter 297. Alkyl Phenyl Sulphides Sulphoxides and Sui-phones Identification of -. V. N. Ipatieff and B. S. Friedman 373. All-India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health : Report for 1937. 196. G. Keif and H. J . Steinbeck 125. analysis of. Whalley 849. Woys aluminium -; Action of milk upon. aluminium -; Quantitative spectrographic J. A. C. McClelland and H. I< xxii INDEX TO Alloys-continued aluminium in ferrous --; Determination of. E. C. Pigott 705. arsenic antimony and tin in -; Deter-mination of. *lead -; New process for determining selenium in. magnesium - . Corrosion of by leaded petrol fuels. 3’5. magnesium - ; Quantitative spectrographic analysis of.J. A. C. McClelland and H. K. Whalley 849. magnesium --; Selenium process for pro-tection of. 35. J. A. Scherrer 59. B. S. Evans 87. Aluminium “Active” - in the soil. 41. alloys ; Quantitative spectrographic analysis of -. J. A. C. McClelland and H. K. Whalley 849. and its alloys; Action of milk upon -. G. Reif and H. J. Steinbeck 125. chromium in -; Determination of. L. Schonlau 377. *Determination of - by precipitation with 8-hydroxyquinoline from mineral acid solu-tion. G. S. Smith 577. in citrate solution ; Volumetric determination of -. A. C. Titus and M. C. Cannon 376. in ferrous alloys; Determination of -. E. C. Pigott 705. in plant ash; Micro-colorimetric determination of -. 0. Schams 231.Separation and determination of beryllium and - with tannin. M. L. Nichols and J. M. Schempf 537. Aluminium Hydroxide Removal of bacteria Amidopyrine in presence of antipyrine and caffeine; Determination of -. F. C. Sinton and F. A. Rotondaro 832. Amines m-Bromobenzazide as reagent for identifying -. P. P. T. Sah and L.-H. Chang 222. Saccharolactone as reagent for identifying certain -. A. C. Kurtz and D. W. Wilson 843. Amino Acids Reaction with mercuric chloride. G. Toennies and J. J. Kolb 54. p-Aminoacetophenone. Reaction between thi-amine in pure aqueous solution and diazotised - D. Melnick and H. Field, 367. reagent; Estimation of thiamine content of biological material with the diazotised -. D. Melnick and H. Field 367. p-Aminodimethylaniline Colorimetric deter-mination of chlorine with -.D. H. Byers and M. G. Mellon 455. Ammonia Changes in physical properties of regenerated cellulose by liquid -. R. G. Roberts 137. with -. 119. products; Output in 1938. 747. Ammonium Vanadate Titration of lead with Amsterkm Report of the Public Analyst for the City and District of - for 1937. J. Straub 116. Amylase(s) Estimation of - by liquefaction of starch-paste. J. Blow and A. Bak, 1136. 5. -VOLUME 64 Amylase (s)-continued Starch-iodine coloration as an index of differential degradation by the -. C. S. Haines and M. Cattle 284. Anaemia Biochemical changes in the blood in Analysis Inorganic -. See Inorganic. Outlines of Methods of Chemical -, (Review) G. E. F. Lundell and J.E. Hoffman 385. -. 197. Quantitative -. See Quantitative. Scott’s Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis. Spectrochemical - in 1938. (Review), F. Twyman 461. Volumetric -. 5th Ed. (Review) A. J. Berry 919. *volumetric -; Destruction of dilute oil hydrosols in. Volumetric Chemical -; Newer Methods of. (Review) W. Bottger 309. *volumetric - ; Thallous carbonate as standard in. A. J. Berry 27. Analytical Methods Committee Poisons Sub-Committee to -. Report No. 1. Assay of lobelia. 581. Sub-committee on Determination of Arsenic, Lead and other Poisonous Metals in Food-colouring Materials. Report No. 3. Deter-mination of copper. 339. Sub-committee on Determination of Un-polymerisable Matter in Oils with especial reference to Tung Oil; Appointment of -.77. Androsterone Absorption spectra of compounds formed by testosterone and - in the m-dinitrobenzene reaction. G. 0. Langstroth and N. B. Talbot 697. Aneurin Chemical reagent .for -. H. J. Prebluda and E. V. McCollum 366. Aniline dyes ; Bactericidal efficiency of certain -. F. W. Tilley 841. dyes; Examination of writing made with -. F. Kunkele 763. poisoning in factories. 825. *Animal fats; Selective oxidation of -. W. A. Alexander 157. fibres; Identification of -. 428. *tissues; Determination of cobalt in -, K. J. McNaught 23. Anorganischen Chemie; Lehrbuch der -. 2nd Ed. (Review) E. H. Riesenfeld 710. Ant poisons ; Determination of thallous sulphate in -. C. G. Donovan 620. *Z-Anthocyanins in Criollo cacao; Presence of -.A. W. Knapp and J. F. Hearne 475. Anthracene Microcrystalline reaction for iden-tifying -. G. Denigbs 542. Anthranilic Acid as reagent for microchemical detection of certain metals. 0. G. Sheintzis 380. Anthraquinone-1 &Disulphonic Acid in presence of other anthraquinone sulphonic acids and sulphuric acid; Determination of -. W. Seaman 847. Antimony Electrolytic determination of -. S. L. Jovanovitcki 59. in alloys Determination of arsenic tin and -. J. A. Scherrer 59. (Review) N. H. Furman 712. D. F. Cheesman 344 INDEX TO VOLUME 64 sxiii Antimony-continued New method of separating tin and - and its application to analysis of white metals. U. Pelagatti 300. Antioxidants for castor oil. Antioxygens in natural fats. IV. Proportions and properties of antioxygenic compounds in various extracted seed cakes.T. P. Hilditch and S. Paul 450. Antipyrine amidopyrine in presence of -; Determination of. I;. C. Sinton and F. A. Rotondaro 832. Antirachitic provitamin from wheat-germ oil. A. Windaus and F. Bock 54. Antiseptics Bactericidal properties of com-mercial - . Effect of pH. W. A. Bittenbender E. F. Degering and P. A. Tetrault 619. Apparatus Abstracts 142 234 381 459 543, 708 849. Apples Injury to __by arsenical spray. 678. G. 0. Inman 844. Lead content of -. 33. Nicotine on - determined photometrically without distillation. L. N. Markwood 611. Applied Chemistry Annual Reports on Progress of -. 1938. Vol. XXIII. (Review), Society of Chemical Industry. 552. 4th Ed.Vol. 11. (Review) J. F. Thorpe and M. A. Whiteley, 144; Vol. 111. 853. Appointments Official -. 30 191 192 503, 736 818. Aquatic Animal Oils M. Tsujimoto and H. Koyanagi 225. Ardennes Ochres of the waters of the Liege - G. Van Beneden 699. Argan Oii W. H. Dickart 891. Argentometric determination of chlorides ; New indicator for -. Aromatic compounds ; Identification of polynitro - as addition compounds with naphtha-lene. 0. C. Dermer and R. B. Smith 373. * h o w Poison Application of the m-dinitro-benzene reaction of ouabain to the examina-tion of East African -. W. D. Raymond, 113. Arsanilic Acid in tryparsamide ; Estimation of small quantities of -. C. A. MacDonald and J . G. Reynolds 832. Arsenates Indicator for titration of -. Arsenic Contamination of parsley with -.J. M. Rowson and C. E. Waterhouse 434. *Determination of - by a continuous electrolytic method. H. C. Lockwood 657. Ferrous-molybdate reagent for detecting small amounts of -. J. H. van der Meulen 846. Improved molybdenum blue reagents for determining -. J . A. Schricker and P. R. Dawson 455. in alloys; Determination of antimony tin and -. J . A. Scherrer 69. in salt codfish. 670. *Micro-electrolytic deposition and determina-Modification of Bettendorff’s test for -. on fruit in S. Africa. Thorpe’s Dictionary of -. E. Percs 845. from Assam. 198. 7. tion of -. W. B. King and F. E. Brown 453. S. Torrance 263. 200. Arseniw-continued Simple apparatus for determining traces of -. E. Szkp and W. Cieleszky 376.Vol. VI Part IV of Vallance’s Text-book of Inorganic Chemistry. 148. Volumetric determination of traces of -. J BodnBr E. Szkp and W. Cieleszky 300. Arsemc Sulphide in the soil; Poisoning due to -. 39. Arsenical poisoning in factories. Armeispezialitaten Untersuchungsmethoden fur 2nd Ed. (Review) Fkderation Inter-Ascorbic Acid in relation to malaria. in urine determined with the photo-electric colorimeter. K. A. Evelyn H. T. Malloy and C. Rosen 213. Reducing action of - on mercuric chloride. R. Indovina and F. Manfroi 696. Schryver-Fosse reaction applied to tests for -. M. Paget and R. Berger 212. Asimina Triloba seeds (papaw) Composition of -. J . L. Riebsomer J. Bishop and C. Rector 127. Aspergillus Niger Essentiality of gallium to growth and reproduction of -.R. A. Steinburg 57. Atmosphere(s) Carbon monoxide in underground -. R81e of bacteria in its elimination. G. W. Jones and G. S. Scott 618. in vehicular tunnels; Investigations on -. 32. Atmospheric pollution; Conference on -. 509. pollution; D.S.I.R. Report on investigation pollution in Hull; Observations on - i38. Atomic Weights Ninth Report of Committee Atoms Committee on - Fourth Report. 887. Atoxyl as means of determining zirconium B B. CoZi Tests for -. B. Typhosus Dark-ground studies of flagellar and somatic agglutination of -. A. Pijper 219. Bacteria in fruits; Varieties of -. A. Rom-Walter and A. V. KirAly 840. Light as factor in pigment production by certain -. J. A. Baker 57. Removal of - with aluminium hydroxide.119. R81e of - in eliminating carbon monoxide from underground atmospheres. G. W. Jones and G. S. Scott 618. Bacterial cultures ; Determination of hydrogen peroxide in -. E. R. Main and L. E. Shinn 532. flora of flies caught in food stores in City of Manila. G. C. de la Paz 903. growth in presence of silver foil; Observations on -. C. Siebenmann 294. Metabolism. (Review) M. Stephenson 312. purity of watercress. 879. spores; Destruction of -. Low temperature 672 825. spray; Injury to apples by -. 678. -. nationale Pharmaceutique. 465. 197. of - for 1937-38. 743. on -. 352. gravimetrically. R. Chandelle 377. 594. Thermophilic - in sugar. 598. sterilisation. C. E. Coulthard. 219 ssiv INDEX TO VOLUME 64 Bactericidal efficiency of certain aniline dyes.F. W. Tilley 841. properties of commercial antiseptics. Effect of pH. W. A. Bittenbender E. F. Degering and I?. A. Tetrault 619. Bacteriological analysis. Abstracts 57 131, 219 294 371 446 532 618 838 902. examination of water supplies. (Public Health Reports No. 71 revised edition) 505. Bacteriology Fundamental Principles of -. (Review) A. J. Salle 464. Bahera poisoning. 198. *Baking Powder carbon dioxide in -* Determination of. E. T. Illing and E. G: Whittle 667. Lead content of -. 33. Bananas Lead content of -. Barbiturates Identification of -. R. F. Chatfield 893. Barium Colorimetric method for determining -. H. A. Frediani and B. J. Babler 914. Barium Hypobromite Action of - on leucine.J . A. SAnchez 692. Barking Appointment of B. Dyer and J. H. Hamence as Joint Public Analysts for Borough of -. 818. Barley meal; Moisture in -. 670. Basic Slag Substitution of lactic acid for citric acid in analysis of -. A. Heiduschka and H. Wunsche 534. Basswood Ash Micro-structure and diffraction pattern of -. E. A. Parker W. E. Patzer and G. J. Ritter 143. Bat manure; Natural decomposition of -. J. Vorster Nel 532. Baudouin and Lewin’s Reagent for precipitation of proteins. 689. Bauhinia Reticulafa D.C. Analysis of fruit and leaves of -. J. Rabat6 and A. Gourbvitch, 46. Beans Lead content of runner -. Beckenham Appointment of F. W. F. Arnaud as Public Analyst for Borough of - 818. Beef-fat horse-fat in admixture with -; Detection of.B. Yaschke 47. Beer fluorides in -; Detection of. G. Destrhe, 682. Infection of ~ with A cetobacter species. A. A. D. Comrie 903. Oxidation in -. I. Simplified method of measurement. P. P. Gray and I. Stone 520. Behenic Acid in seed oil of Pongamia glabra, Vent. B. L. Manjunath and M. S. Shankara Rao 448. Beilstein Test for halogens in organic compounds; Modification of -. D. F. Hayman 842. *Belladonna and its preparations ; Assay of -. S. L. Janniah 590. and its preparations ; Rapid colorimetric assay for -. N. L. Allport and E. S. Wilson, 686. Bengal Report of Chemical Examiner for 1936. K. N. Bagchi 197; for 1937 679. Benzene vapour; Detection of - in industry. 278. Benzoic Acid Heat of combustion of -. 887. *Mohler’s test for -; Modification of.431. 33. 33. E. T. Illing 586. Benzoles R.S.I. specifications for -. Benzyl Bromide Identification of small quan-tities of -. 809. Benzyl-isothio-urea as reagent for identifying organic acids. S. Veibel and K. Ottung, 842. Beryllium Separation and determination of aluminium and - with tannin. M. L. Nichols and J. M. Schempf 537. Bettendorff Test for arsenic ; Modification of -. W. B. King and E’. E. Brown 453 Beverages Coal-tar dyes in -. Bilirubin Recent investigations on -G. Barac 835. Biochemical analysis. Abstracts 53 129 210, 289 361 438 525 613 690 755 834 894. importance of unsaturated fatty acids. S. Skraup F. Strieck and J . Schorn 525. Biochemistry Organic and -. 6th Ed. (Review) R. H. A. Plimmer 69. Outlines of -.2nd Ed. (Review) R. A. Gortner 69. Textbook of -. (Review) R. J . Williams. 69. Biological estimation of crystalline vitamin B,. K. H. Coward and B. G. E. Morgan 618. fluids; Determination of chlorides in - by use of adsorption indicators. A. Saifer and J . Hughes 758. fluids ; Estimation of sulphanilamide in -. A. E. A. Werner 438. material; Determination of iodine in -. C. D. Stevens 363. *material ; Determination of manganese in -. F. E. Read 586. *material; Determination of traces of zinc in. N. L. Allport and C. D. B. Moon 395. material; Estimation of ~ with the diazotised paminoacetophenone reagent. D. Melnick and H. Field 367. material ; Micro-determination of manganese in -. A. C. Wiese and R. C. Johnson, 459. 282.Lead content of -. 33. *standardisation. Sir H. Dale 554. Biology Importance of longitudinal scattering of light (Plotnikow effect) in -. M. E. Jorg 849. Plant - 3rd Ed. (Review) H. Godwin, 550. Birmingham Appointment of A. L. Williams as Additional Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 191. Report of the City Analyst (H. H. Bagnall) for the Fourth Quarter 1938 272; for the First Quarter 1939 592; for the Second Quarter 1939 878. *Bismuth Electrolytic separation and deter-mination of -. Part I . F. G. Kny-Jones, 172; Part 11 575. *Excretion of - and its estimation in urine and faeces. A. Houlbrooke and C. H. Manley 29. *in lead; Rapid method for determining traces of -. K. G. Robinson 402. Bismuth Iodide Assay of emetine with -. N.Evers and W. Smith 359. Bituminous road binders ; Method of testing durability of -. H. C. Bennett and D. W. Parkes 383 INDEX TO VOLUME 64 S S V Bituminous-cco?ztinated road materials; Mechanical testing of -. (Road Research and Experiment Report No. 1). T. Lonsdale 513. Blackberries Composition and canning proper-ties of -. 597. Blackcurrants Lead content of -. 33. Vitamin C in juice of -. W. H. A. Elliott, Blackwall Tunnel Investigations on atmosphere BIanc Mange Powder Lead content of -. 33. Blood alcohol in - Technique for deter-Biochemical changes in - in anaemias. 197. coagulation of -; New optical method of measuring rate of. P. Gjurid and J. Plotnikow 851. fluorine in -; Micro-estimation of. H. Wulle 758. from bugs. 745. fructose and glucose in -; Estimation of.R. W. Martin 692. inulin in -; Direct colorimetric estimation of. A. S. Alving J . Rubin and B. F. Miller, 440. iodine in - Study on nature of. V. Trevorrow 440. on water-proofed material; Precipitin test for -. 595. plasma; Colorimetric determination of inulin in-. K. Steinitz 211. serum; Estimation of tocopherol in -. A. Emmerie and C. Engel 837. serum ; Micro-determination of magnesium in pure solutions and -. M. Delaville and &I. Olive 68. sulphanilamide in -; Estimation of. uric acid in -; Estimation with uricase. &I. B. Blauch and F. C. Koch 894. veronal in - ; Micro-determination of. R. Fischer 848. vitamin B in -; Estimation of. H . M. Sinclair 214. zinc in human -; Occurrence of. F.H. Vogelenzang 291. 899. in --. 33. mining. 56. 439. Boiler Tubes Corrosion of -. Bomb outrages in Hong Kong. Bonducella poisoning. 198. Book Reviews Bennett H. The Chemical Formulary. Vol. IV. 866. Berry A. J . Qualitative Inorganic Analysis. 241. Berry A. J. Volumetric Analysis. 5th Ed. 919. Bodansky M. and Fay M. Laboratory Manual of Physiological Chemistry. 4th Ed. 76. Bocth H. S. Inorganic Syntheses. Vol. I. 711. Bottger W. Newer Methods of Volumetric Chemical Analysis. 309. Bovs. Sir C. V. Weeds. Weeds. Weeds. 35. 696. i n d E d . 311. Buhtz G. Der Vekehrsunfall. 924. Burton E. F. and Smith hl. A. The Phvsical ProDerties of Colloidal Solutions. 3rdEd. 239: Callow A. B. Food and Health. 2nd Ed. 147. Book Reviews-continued Candler G.C. Spectrographic Analysis in Great Britain. 709. Chamot E. M. and Mason C. W. Handbook of Chemical Microscopy. 2nd Ed. 462. Curtman L. J . Qualitative Chemical Analysis. lievised Edition. 389. navies W. L. Chemistry of Milk 2nd Ed. 636. Davison E. H. Field Determination of Rocks. 76. Denston T. C. Textbook of Pharmacogiio\y. Egloff G. Physical Constants of Hvtlro-3rdEd. 635. carbons. Voi. I. 649. EmelCus I-I. J. and Anderson J . S. Modern Aspects of lnorganic Chemistry. 340. FCdCration Internationale Pharniaceutique. Cntersuchungsmethoden fur Arzneispezial-itaten. 2nd Ed. 465. The Phase Rule and its .4pplications. 8th Ed. 770. Recent Advances in Chemo-theram. 2nd Ed. 463. Findlay A. and Campbell A. S. Findlay G. M.Fisher H . L. Laboratory Manual of Organic Furman N. H . Scott’s Standard Methods Chemistry 4th Ed. 308. of Chemical Analysis. 712. Godwin H. Plant Eology. 3rd Ed. 550. Gortner. 13. A. Outlines of Biocheniistrv. 2nd Ed. 69. Grant J . Wood Pulp. 637. Gregory T. C. Uses and Aipplications of Chemicals and Related Materials 921. Henrv. T. A. The Plant Alkaloids. 3rd Ed. 46g. tice Vol. I. 149. i3. Hind H. Lloyd. Brewing Science and Prac-Houston R. A. Treatise on Light. 7th Ed., Johnson J. R. Organic Syntheses. 854. Jsrgensen A. Micro-Organisms and Ferm n-Tuckenack. A . and Others. Handbuch tier tation. 6th Ed. 922. Lebensmittei-Chernie. Vols. IV V a n t i VIII (i). 715. Karrer P. Organic Chemistry. i i 4 . Kay L. A. Microscopical Study of Drugs.392. Kent-Jones D. W. Modern Cereal Chem-istry. 3rd Ed. 634. Lundell G. E. F. and Hoffman J . I. Out-lines of Methods of Chemical Analysis. 3%. Lyons C. C. and hppleyard F. N . Elemen-tary Analytical Chemistry Qualitative ant1 Quantitative. 13th Ed. 467. MacInnes D. A. Principles of Electro-chemistry. 550. Mann F. G. and Saunders B. C. Practical Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed. 384. Marsh J . T. and Wood F. C. An Intro-duction t o the Chemistry of Cellulose. 147. May P. and Dyson G. M. Chemistry of Synthetic Drugs. 4th Ed. 771. Mellor J . W. and Thompson H. V. Treatise on Quantitative Inorganic Analysis. 2nd Ed. 74. Meyer H. Lehrbuch der Organisch-Chem-ischen Blethodik. Vol. I. 6th Ed. 547 xsvi INDEX TO Book Reviews-continued Middleton H.Systematic Qualitative -4nalysis. 712. Pharmaceutical Society. The Extra Pharma-copoeia (Martindale). 21st Ed. Vol. 11. 145. Pharmaceutical Society. The Pharmaceu-tical Pocket Book. 13th Ed. 151. Pincussen L. Mikromethodik. 6th Ed. 242. Plimmer R. H. A. Organic and Bio-chemistry. 6th Ed. 69. Read W. T. Industrial Chemistry. 2nd Ed. 633. Redgrove H. S. and Bari-Woollss J. Hair dyes and Hair-dyeing Chemistry and Technique. 637. Reedy J. H. Theoretical Qualitative Analy-sis. 389. Richter G. H. Textbook of Organic Chem-istrj-. 546. aanischen Chemie. 2nd Ed. 710. Riesenfelcl E. H. Lehrbuch der Anor-Saile A. J. Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology. 464. Sartori. M. War Gases Chemistry and Analysis. 920. Scott Blair G. W. Introduction to Industrial Rheology.388. Seith W. and Ruthardt I<. Chemische Spektralanalyse. 72. Smith G. Introduction to Industrial Mycology. 70. Society of Chemical Industry. Annual Reports of Progress of Applied Chemistry. 1938. Vol. XXIII. 552. Soule B. A Library Guide for the Chemist. 237. Standard Methods for Testing 'Tar and its Products. 2nd Ed. 238. Staudinger H. and Kern W. Anleitung zur Organischen Qualitativen Analyse. 775. Stephenson hi. Bacterial Metabolism. 312. Sutermeister E. and Browne F. L. Casein and its Industrial Applications. 2nd Ed. 773. Thiel A. Strohecker R. and Patzsch H. Taschenbuch fur die Lebensmittelchemie. 309. Thorpe J. F. and Whiteley M. A. Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. 4th Ed. Vol. 11. 144; Vol.111. 853. Treadwell W. D. Tabellen und Vorschriften zur Quantitativen Analyse. 387. Trease G. E. Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 3rd Ed. 391. Twyman F . Spectrochemical Analysis in 1938. 461. Vallance R. H. A Text-Book of Inorganic Chemistry. Vol. VI Part IV. 148. Vosburgh W. C. Introductory Qualitative Analysis. Revised Edition. 389. Williams R. J. A Textbook of Biochemistry. 69. Winton A. L. and K. B. The Structure and Composition of Foods. 1-01. IV. 547. Wright C. H. Soil Analysis. 2nd Ed. 854. Bordeaux B Action of strychnine and quinine D. €3. Dott 436. on -. VOLUME 04 Boron in natural phosphates and superphos-phates; Occurrence and determination of -. *in plant material; Method for determining small quantities of -. I<. L. Robinson, 324.*in turmeric test-papers. W. A. N. Markwell, 271. Bottles Winchester -. B.S.I. specifications for. 431. Bragantia WaZZIchii (Lour) Chemical exam-ination of -. B. L. Manjunath and M. S. Shankara Rao 436. Brandy American -. P. Valaer 522. Maturitv of -. 744. L. F. Rader and W. L. Hill 708. *Brans Classification of rice --. F. R. Dorld 187. --, *Property of rice - . C. Louden and F. L. Kinsella 187. *Brass tin in - New method for gravi-metric determination of. A. G. Dunbar-Poole 870. Brassicasterol Empirical formula and hydro-genation. E. Fernholz andH. E. Stavely 298. Bread Lead content of white -. Nutritive value of - 275. Brewing industry; Thermal death time of micro-organisms encountered in -. s. s. Enstein and F. D. Snell.902. 33. Sciehce and Practice Vol. I. (Review), Effect of chromic acid on -. H. L. Hind 149. Bricks Crystallisation of salts in -, 671. 677. in blast furnaces; Deterioration of -. 276. Brickwork Penetration of damp into 676. Brisling Lead content of -. 33. Bristol Report of Public Analyst for City and County of __ for 1938. F. E. Needs 669. British Guiana Report of Government Analyst (K. Wallis) for 1937 4 0 ; for 1938 827. British Pharmacopoeia Commission Report of Committees on Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 602. Britiah Standards Institution Specifications : A.R.P. series. 606 888. Handbook of Information and Annual Report. No. 135 Benzoles. 431. No. 210 Classification of lubricating oils (Revision). 888. No. 410 Revised B.S.I. standard for test sieves.606. No. 458 Xyloles. 431 No. 479 Coal tar naphthas. No. 612 Nessler cylinders of lead glass. 877. No. 647 Methods for testing glues. No. 756 Apparatus for determining water by distillation with an immiscible liquid. 681, No. 805 Toluoles. 431. No. 809 Methods for sampling dairy products. 44. No. 823 Composition tables for aqueous solutions of sodium chloride and of calcium chloride for use in conjunction with British standard density hydrometers. 283. No. 824 British standard density-composition tables for aqueous solutions of caustic soda for use in conjunction with British standard density hydrometers. 284. 827. 431. 44 INDEX TO British Standafds etc.-contiizued No. 830 Winchester bottles. 431. No. 836 Whale oil.432. No. 838 Test for toxicity of wood preserva-tives to fungi. 514. No. 839 Veterinary cod-liver oil. 515. No. 844 Testing of vegetable adhesives. 604. No. 849 Burettes and bulb burettes. No. 860 Table of approximate comparison of hardness scales. 827. No. 868 Cod oil for sulphonation purposes. 749. Bromide content of fruits and vegetables follow-ing fumigation with methyl bromide. H. C. Dudley 516. *in presence of chloride ; Determination of -. A. J . Berry 190. in tissues and body fluids; Distribution of -. E. G. Weir and A. B. Hastings 834. Potentiometric determination of small amounts of -. S. K. Afanasev M. A. Portnov and Y. N. Chepelkin 304. Bromine in chloroform solution ; Microcrystallo-scopic identification of -. G. Denighs, 542.Specificity of Hahn’s fluorescein reagent for -. Bromoacetone Identification of small quantities rn-Bromobenzazide as reagent for identifying amines. P. P. T. Sah and L.-H. Chang, 222. p-Bromobenzazide as reagent for identifying alcohols. P. P. T. Sah and K.-Y. Tao 223. Bromobenzylcyanide Identification of small quantities of -. 810. Bromomethylethylketone Identification of small quantities of -. 809. *Bronze copper in - ; Rapid method for volumetric titration of. U. F. Willis 816. *tin in -; New method €or gravimetric determination of. A. G. Dunbar-Poole, 870. Johnson and A. J. Lindsey 490. 605. J . H. Van der Meulen 914. of -. 809. Toxicity index of -. 906. *Buffer Improved universal - . w. c. Bugs Blood from -. Building Research Board Report for 1938.Buildings Cleaning of -. 676. Burettes B.S.I. specification for - and bulb Burma Perilla seed from -. 195. Burnley Appointment of J . L. Wilson as Deputy Agricultural Analyst for -. 736. Bush Sickness Investigations on -. Butter carotene of -; Isolation and detection of. H. H. Strain 369. fluorides in -; Detection of. G. Destrke, 682. Lead content of -. 33. *Seasonal variation in vitamins A and D content of -. H. Wilkinson 17. Errata, 111. Skunk-like odour of bacterial origin in -. T. J. Claydon and B. W. Hammer 902. Button factory; Waste from -. Butyl Alcohol water in -; Rapid determina-tion of. G. Lazzari. 447. 745. 676. -. 605. 38. 820. VOLUME 64 sxvii Butyric Acid propionic acid in presence of -; L.Musicant and F. J. Byssochlamys Fulva Studies on the mould Identification of. Kaszuba 909. -. 599. C *Cacao leuco-anthocyanins in Criollo -; Presence of - . A. W. Knapp and J . I;. Hearne 475. H. C. Lockwood 92. Cadmium determination by means of tetra-phenylarsonium chloride. H. H. Willard and G. M. Smith 536. in silicate rocks; Determination of -. E:B. Sandell 844. New method of determining --. C. I. Nikitina 375. *Quinaldinic acid as reagent for -. R. J . Shennan 14. *separation and determination of copper and -; Quinaldinic acid as reagent for. A. I<. Majumdar 874. Test for -. C. Mahr 141. *shell in cocoa and cacao products. Caesium rubidium in presence of -; Micro-scopical detection of. H. A. Frediani and L.Gamble 307. Cafesterol I Constitution of -. H. Haupt-mann and J . Franqa 695. Caffeine amidopyrine in presence of ; Determination of. F. C. Sinton and F. A. Rotondaro 832. *content of some teas and coffees. D. R. I<. Coleman and F. C. Gilbert 726. in tea and coffee infusions; Iodine reaction for -. H. Valentin 360. A. Windaus and K. Buchholz 131. S. K. Crews and E. L. Smith 568. *Calcium Analysis and differentiation of the composition of iron phosphorus and -compounds in respect of nutritional require-ments. 332. assimilation; Effect of orange juice on -. C. S. Lanford 898. compounds in relation to nutrition. E. C. Dodds and J. D. Robertson 338. ion; Effect of - on tissue respiration with note on estimation of oxaloacetic acid. G.D. Greville 614. Isotopes of -. 887. micro-methods for determining -; List of. R. S. Manly 847. Quantitative determination of - by means of loretin. N. Schoorl 537. Spot test for -. 541. strontium in presence of -; Determination of. R. N. Shreve C. H. Watkins and. J. C. Browning 455. Calcium Sulphate plaster. 677. Camberwell Appointment of D. C. Garratt as Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of -. 503. Camphor used to increase intoxicating power of stout. 120. Calciferol Ketone from -. *Ultra-violet absorption of -xxviii INDEX TO Cancer “cures.” 678. Cannabis Indica resin; Active principles of -. T. S. Work F. Bergel and A. R. Todd 208. Canned Atlantic crab. C. B. Fellers and S. G. Harris 890. fish ; Alcohol as a measure of spoilage in -.D. A. Holaday 606. fish; Chemical evaluation of spoilage in -. F. Hillig 44. food; Lead in -. 119. fruit; Drained weight of English -. 596. fruits; Lead content of -. 33. sardines; Volatile fatty acids as an indication vegetables; Lead content of -. vegetables; Mineral content of -. of the bladder in dye workers. 826. of spoilage in -. F. Hillig 607. 33. 597. Canning properties of loganberries and black-berries. 597. Caramel in cider vinegar and distilled vinegars; Preliminary investigation of Lichthardt test for -. F. E. Cook and H. Miller 829. Carbamido Diacetyl Reaction Test for citrulline. W. R. Fearon 836. Carbolic Acid ointment. 272. Poisoning by absorption of - through the skin. 679. Carbon determination ; Simplified combustion tube-filling for micro -.J . B. and V. Niederl 306. determination in humid tropical atmospheres ; Modifications of Pregl’s micro -. M. C. Nath 306. in soils; Determination of organic -. Modification of chromic acid reduction method. E. R. Purvis and G. E. Higson Jr., 221. Carbon Bisulphide manufacture. 748. vapour; Detection of - in industry. 674. (Erratum 744). *Carbon Dioxide Determination of - with special reference to baking powder and self-raising flour. E. T. Illing and E. G. Whittle 667. S. H. Tucker, 410. *Generator for “air-free” -. in the storage of eggs. Molecular weight of -. 352. type of fire extinguishers; Toxicity of products from use of -. 31. Carbon Disulphide Detection of - . A. Castiglioni 230. Carbon Nfonoxide in underground atmospheres.R81e of bacteria in its elimination. G. W. Jones and G. S. Scott 618. Toxicity index of -. 906. Carbon Oxychloride Toxicity index of -. Carbon Tetrachloride in hair lotion. 424. 906. 504. Suicide with -. 354. type of fire extinguisher; Toxicity of products from use of -. 31. Carbonic Acid Reaction of - with the zeolite in a water softener. R. E. King and 0. M. Smith 620. Carboxylic Acid Hydrazides and their derivatives ; Connection between taste and constitution of -. J . J. Blanksma and H. A. Bakels, 526. VOLUME 64 Carnauba Wax Temperatures of crystalline deposition of stearone and __ from their solutions in various organic liquids. I<. Kino 623. Carotene Conversion of - into vitamin A, by some fresh-water fishes.R. A. Morton and R. H. Creed 443. in feeds; Improved method for estimating-. G. S . Fraps and A. R. Kemmerer 369. of carrot roots and of butter; Isolation and detection of -. H. H. Strain 369. Quantitative extraction of - from grass. F. E. Moon 533. cdarotene Isolation and detection of -. H. H. Strain 369. Carotenoid of the formula C,,HS4 leprotin. Y . Takeda and T. Ohta 371. Carotenoids Potentiometric titration of -with gold trichloride solution. P. Karrer and W. Jaeger 443. Carp-Liver Oil 225. Carrot roots; Isolation and detection cf carotene H. H. Strain 369. Casein and its Industrial Applications. 2nd (Review) E. Suternieister and F. L. Castor Oil Antioxidants for - . G. 0. Inman 844. Hydrogenation of - with nickel catalysts containing manganese zinc or thorium.K. Kino 623. of -. Ed. Browne 773. fibres; Identification of -. 428. Castor Seeds Identification of -. 120. Catatorulin test for vitamin B,. R. A. Peters, Cattle Alleged poisoning of - by prussic acid Effect on - of drinking polluted water. Poisoning of -. 680. Caustic Soda Use of - to disable buffaloes. 680. Celastrus Paniculatus Seed and fruit-coat fats of -. B. G. Gunde and T. P. Hilditch, 355. Cellulose Changes in physical properties of regenerated -by liquid ammonia. R. G. Roberts 137. Introduction to the Chemistry of -. (Review) J . T. Marsh and F. C. Wood 147. 214. in linseed cake. 673. (Legal Notes) 880. Cement production in 1938. 747. Cements Solubility of -.885. Ceratium in water supplies. 678. Cereal Chemistry; Modern -. 3rd Ed. Cereals Lead content of -. (Review) D. W. Kent-Jones 634. Vol. V of Juckenack’s Handbuch der Lebe?zs-mittel-Chemie. (Review) 715. Ceric Salts Specific reagent for -. E. Montignie 706. Cerium Identification and determination of small quantities of - by means of ferrous ortho-phenanthroline. G. Charlot 705. Volumetric determination of - by means of vanadous sulphate. P. C. Banerjee 140. Ceylon Report of Government Analyst for 1938. J. V. Collins 512. Chatham Appointment of F. W. F. Arnaud as Public Analyst for Borough of -. 818. 33 INDEX TO Cheese Cheshire - of Dutch origin. Lactose in -. 820. Lead content of wrapped -. 33. Processed -. (Legal Notes) 504. Triple cream -.879. Chelate Compounds as flotation reagents. C. C. De Witt and F. Von Batchelder 543. Chemical Formulary. Vol. IV. (Review), H. Bennett 856. Chemicals and Related Materials ; Uses and Applications of - . (Review) T. C. Gregory 921. Synthetic -; Report of B.P. Commission Sub-committee on. 603. See Applied Chem-Industrial -. 2nd Ed. (Review) W. T. Inorganic -. See Inorganic. physiological -. See Physiological. Research Board Report for 3 years to December 1937. 35. Chemotherapy Recent Advances in -. 2nd Ed. (Review) G. M. Findlay 463. Cherries Lead content of -. Chesterfield Appointment of H. Childs as Additional Public Analyst for Borough of - . 191. Chicory and coffee essences; Copper in -. 879. Extractives and mineral matter in -.Chlorate Spot test for -. "Chlorates in milk; Indigo-carmine reaction as test for -. "Chloride bromide in presence of -; Deter-mination of. in tissues and body fluids; Distribution of -. E. G. Weir and A. B. Hastings 834. *Iodide in presence of - titrated with silver nitrate using Rose Bengal as ad-sorption indicator. Chlorides argentometric determination of -; New indicator for, in biological fluids determined by use of adsorption indicators. A. Saifer and J. Hughes 758. *titration of - with silver nitrate Use of potassium chromate as indicator for. A. J. Berry and J. E. Driver 730. Chlorination of bathing water. 823. Chlorine Accidents a t plants using -. 747. and sodium sulphite colour reaction of woody tissues. 11. W. G. Campbell J.C. McGowan and S. A. Bryant 226. Colorimetric determination of - with p-aminodimethylaniline. D. H. Byers and M. G. Mellon 455. *Colour tests for - with methane base. A. T. Masterman 492. Detection of - in industry. Identification of small quantities of -. 808. in wine ; Occurrence and direct determination Micro-determination of -. F. Hernler and Toxicity index of -. 906. quantities of -. 810. 592. Chemistry Applied -. istry. Read 633. 33. L. Hoton 49. 542. I. V. Hunt 653. A. J. Berry 190. A. J. Berry 112. E. Percs 845. 823. of -. H. Grohmann 521. R. Pfeningberger 233. Chloroacetone Toxicity index of -. Chloroacetophenone Identification of small 906. VOLUME 64 xxix l-Chloro-3.4-Dinitrobenzene Colorimetric deter-mination of nicotinic acid with --.M. Covello 838. Chloropicrin Identification of small quantities of -. 809. Chloroplasts of spinach leaves ; Isolation of --. W. Menke 212. Chlorovinylarsine Identification of small quan-tities of -. 812. *Chocolate starch in sweetened -; Deter-mination of. 589. Choleic Acid Isolation of vitamin K as a -. H. J . Almquist and A. A. Klose 370. Cholesterol Determination of - . F. E. Kelsey 365. Determination of - by chromic oxidation. F. Kayser and C. Mathieu 442. from wool wax Isolation of -. T. Kuwata and M. Katuno 226, Oxidation of - with osmium tetroxide. M. I. Ushakov and A. I. Lutenberg 695. Chorionic Gonadotrophin International standard for -. 430. Chrome ulceration in factories. 826. Chromic Acid Effect of - on brick concrete and salt-glazed pipes.67 1. reduction method for determining organic carbon in soils; Modification of. E. R. Purvis and G. E. Higson Jr. Chromium in aluminium; Determination of --. L. Schonlau 377. Toxicity index of -. 906. 221. in textiles. 572. Cigarettes pH value of -. Cinchol Comparison of ___ with sitosterol and Citric Acid Substitution of lactic acid for C. Pyriki 288. stigmasterol. W. Dirscherl 366. in analysis of basic slag. A. Heiduschka and H. Wiinsche 534. Citrulline Carbamide diacetyl reaction as test for-. W. R. Fearon 836. Citrus fruit peel ; Identification of acetaldehyde in steam distillate of -. J. B. Biale and F. T. Weiss 358. fruits; Fluorine in -. 200. fruits; "Sooty blotch" on -.200. Clays Chemical stability of fired -. 677. Cleome Viscosa seeds; Constituents of -. M. P. Gupta and S. Dutt 208. Cloves Lead content of ground -. 33. Coagulation of blood; New optical method for P. Gjuric and Coal Research on constitution of -. utilisation ; Research Association on -. 276. Coal Tar naphthas. B.S.I. Specifications for Coatings Cobalt compounds as temperature-I.G. Farb. Akt. Ges. 708. Cobalt compounds as temperature-indicating content of some food materials' from different B. Ahmad and 2.4-Dinitro-a-naphthol (Martius yellow) as *Electrolytic separation of - from nickel S. Torr-measuring the rate of --. J. Plotnikow 851. 36. -. 431. indicating-. coatings. parts of the United States. E. V. McCollum 287. reagent for -.by deposition as cobaltic oxide. ance 109. I.G. Farb. Akt. Ges 708. A. Martini 632 xxx INDEX TO VOLUME 64 Cobalt-continued *in animal tissues; Determination of -. K. J . McNaught 23. in nickel sulphate ; Photometric determination of -. T. Somiya and Y . Yasuda 140. in ores poor in nickel copper and -determined by internal electrolysis without diaphragm. J. J . Lourie and L. B. Gins-berg 139. in presence of nickel; Determination of -. D. C. Sen 140. in silicate rocks; Determination of small amounts of -. E. B. Sandell and R. W. Perlich 626. Separation from manganese. E. A. Ostroumov and G. S. Maslennikova 59; J . G. Fairchild, 627. Cobalt Sulphide Precipitation of _c in a crystalline state. *Cobaltic Oxide Electrolytic separation of cobalt from nickel by deposition as -.S. Torrance 109. Coca Leaves cocaine in -; Determination of. Cocaine Differentiation reactions for novocain, stovain and -. A. Martini and J . C. B. Graf 380. in coca leaves; Determination of -. *\. W. K. de Jong 50. Investigations on - in Bengal. liabate 623. 92. H. E. Longenecker 894. specification for -. 749. Determination of oil and vitamin A. Garratt 795. . Others 55. 515. material. J . Davidson 701. Reaction for. T. Potjewijd 359. E. A. Ostroumov 139. A. W. K. de Jong 50. 197. Cochlospermum Tinctorium A. Rich J. *Cocoa Cacao shell in -. H. C. Lockwood, Coconut Oil Fatty acid analysis of -. Cod Oil for sulphonation purposes; B.S.I. *Cod Liver Oil Extract of malt and -: D.C. 3-ew vitamin D in -. C . E. Bills and Veterinary - . B.S.I. specification for. Codeine test for determining selenium in plant Codeine Hydrochloride phosphates in -; Codfish Arsenic in salt -. 670. Coffee and chicory essences; Copper in -. 879. berry; Composition of wax-like substance extracted from --. 11. H. Wagner 48. Dandelion -. 879. essence; Lead content of -. 33. infusions; Iodine reaction for caffeine in -. lead content of ground -. *Manganese and caffeine content of -. D. R. K. Coleman and F. C. Gilbert, 726. Coins Counterfeit -. 746; A. Scott-Dodd, 861. H. Valentin 360. 33. Counterfeit - in British Guiana 40. Colchicine treatment of seeds 42. Collagen Combination of formaldehyde with J . H. Highberger and C. E. Retzsch -.451. Colloidal Solutions ; Physical Properties of -. 3rd Ed. (Review) E. F. Burton and M. A. Smith 239. Colloids in sewage. 508. Colorimetry New light sources for - F. L. Matthews R. H. Crist and A. Knoll 917. Colour-matching lamps ; Commercial -. 350. Columbium Reaction with iodine. F. Korosy, 454. Compounds formed by androsterone with testo-sterone in the m-dinitrobenzenc reaction; Absorption spectra of -. G. 0. Lang-stroth and N. B. Talbot 697. of the sulphanilamide or similar type deter-mined photocolorimetrically by means of Marshall's reaction in filtered light. L. Servantie and G. Demange 917. Organic -. See Organic. polymorphous - ; Microscopic examination of -. L. Kofler and E. Lindpaintner, 540. synthetic organic -; Standards for.563. Volatilisation of metallic - from solutions. in perchloric or sulphuric acid. J. I, Hoffman and G. E. F. Lundell 706. Concrete Action of sulphates on -. Corrosion of -. 677. Effect of chromic acid on -. 671. Condensed Milk Lead content of -. 33. Condiments Lead content of -. "Copper Determination of -. H. Whymper and J . S. Wright 418. Determination of - and separation of -from nickel by salicylaldoxime. L. P. Biefeld and D. E. Howe 537. Determination of __ with morpholine. L. S. Malowan 765. Gravimetric determination of -. P. Spacu, 300. Identification of very small quantities of -by means of urobilin. C. A. Sagastume and V. Oliva 231. *in bronze etc. ; Rapid method for volumetric titration of -. in coffee and chicory essences.in food-colouring materials. Sub-committee Report No. 3. 339. in nickel sulphate ; Photometric determination of -. in ores poor in nickel cobalt and - deter-mined by internal electrolysis without diaphragm. J . J . Lourie and L. B. Ginsberg 139. in tomato purke; Proportion of -. M. Herd, 347. in tomatoes. 670. in yeast extract. 879. Iodimetric determination of - . S. K. Production of green patina on -. *Quinaldinic acid as reagent for -. R. J. Shennan 14. *separation and determination of cadmium and -; Quinaldinic acid as reagent for. A. K. Majumdar 874. *Simple micro-test for -. E. Heyman and L. F. Kerley 502. 31. 33. U. F. Willis 816. 879. T. Somiya and Y . Yasuda 140. Hagen 626. 36. Cordage fibres; Identification of -.Corn Flakes Lead content of -. 428. 33 INDEX TO VOLUME 64 xxxi Corrosion of locomotive boiler tubes. of metals; Investigations on -. Cosmetics Vitamins in -. 283. Cotton Identification of -. 428. Manganese requirements of -. 42. Crab Canned Atlantic -. C. B. Fellers and Lead content of -. 33. Standard for ~ in Palestine 41. 35. 35. S. G. Harris 890. Cream cheese. See Cheese. Creatine Colour reaction for - . J. A. in urine; Determination of -. E. C. Creatinine Colour reaction for -. J . A. in urine; Determination of -. E. C. SBnchez 691. Noyons 289. SAnchez 691. Noyons 289. Creosoting Risk in surface -. 119. *Criollo cacao ; Presence of leuco-anthocyanins A. W. Knapp and J. F. Hearne, Croton Seed Effect of - as purgative.120, 'Crucibles Electrical apparatus for heating single -. A. Haynes and R. A. McCance, 584. *Cruciferae Cyanogetic substances in edible members of the -. Curds adulterated with flour. 820. Curry Powder Lead content of -. Custard Powder Lead content of -. Customs and Excise Examination of samples for -. 822. Cyanide flux; Determination of salts in -. A. A. Korinski 305. Cyanides of heavy metals Determination of nitrogen in complex -. V. E. Tischenko and A. M. Samsonifa 629. "Cyanogetic substances in edible members of the Crztczjerae; Occurrence of -. G. V. James 500. Cycad Seed Oil M. Tsujimoto and €1. Koyanagi, 206. "Cylinders Nessler - of lead glass a warning. T. McLachlan 669; B.S.I. specification for -. 877. Cytochrome C Enzymatic reduction of -.E. Haas B. L. Horecker and T. R. Hogness, 897. oxidase; Soluble - A. M. Altschul, in -. 475. from Nyasaland. 105. Identification of -. 120. G. V. James 600. 33. 33. lbrams and T. R. Hogness 897. D Dagenham Appointment of R. Dyer and J. H. Hamence as Joint Public Analysts for Borough of -. 818. *Dairy effluents Practical treatment of --. C. A. Scarlett 252. products; B.S.I. methods of sampling -. 44. Damp penetration of brickwork. 676. Dandelion coffee. 879. Danish butters ; Seasonal variations in vitamins A and D content of -. 21. Datura in urine; Detection of -. Deficiency diseases of livestock 38. 120. Density differences determined by flotation temperature method. M. Randall and B. Longtin 235. hydrometers ; Composition tables for aqueous solutions of sodium chloride and of calcium chloride for use in conjunction with British standard -.283 284. Deptford Report of Public Analyst for Metro-politan Borough of -. H. A. Williams, 192. *Dermatitis Examination of textiles in cases of suspected -. H. E. Cox 570. from wearing apparel. in factories. 826. (Legal Notes) 274. Derris Root New constituents of -. T. M. Meyer and D. R. Koolhaas 295. Deuterium as indicator in studying the passage of fatty acids of food into lipins and glycerides of the body. 13. Cavanagh and H. S. Raper 212. Devarda's Alloy Reney's alloy as substitute for - in determining nitrates. B. Cattelain and P. Chabricr 64. Dextrose Yeasts for fermenting -. 1 3-Diazalines Discovery of -.Dicarboxylic Acids Separation of mixtures of - F. Rennkamp 761. Dichlorodiethyl Sulphide Identification of small quantities of -. 811. Dichloroethyl Sulphide Toxicity index of -. 906. 2 6-Dichlorophenolindophenol Standardisation of - with ferrous compounds. A. J. Lorenz and L. J . Arnold 129. Dick (ethyldichloroarsine) Identification of small quantities of -. 812. Digitalis Standard for -. Dika Fat Fatty acids and glycerides of -. W. J . Bushell and T. P. Hilditch 207. Dimine Analytical applications of -. M. Herrmann-Gurflnkel 624. m-Dinitrobensene reaction ; Absorption spectra of compounds formed by androsterone and testosterone in the -. G. 0 . Langstroth and N. B. Talbot 697. *reaction of ouabain and its application to the examination of East African arrow poison.W. D. Raymond 113. 2.4-Dinitro-cr-naphthol as reagent for thallium and cobalt. A. Martini 632. Diphenylaminechloroaine Identification of small quantities of -. 811. Diphenylaminecyanarsine Identification of small quantities of -. 811. Diphenylamine-sulphonic Acid as indicator in the volumetric determination of vanadium in presence of tungsten. G. A. Pevtzov, 64. Diphenylchloroarsine Identification of small quantities of -. 811. Diphenylcganarsine Identification of small quantities of -. 811. Diphosgene Identification of small quantities Dipyridyl Uses of -. 37. Disinfectants U.S.,4. commercial standards for Dithiocyanates Identification of olefines as -. 0 . C. Dermer and G. A. Dysinger 373.104. 37. 562. of -. 809. -. 424 xxxii INDEX TO *Dithio-oxamide Reaction with ferrous iron. G. Nilsson 501. Documents Questioned -. 745. Dolphin-Liver Oil 225. Doncaster Appointment of H. Childs as Addi-tional Public Analyst for County Borough Dried Fruit Lead content of -. 33. Dropsy Epidemic - and mustard oil. Drugs Adulteration of -. 740. of -. 30. 196. Chemistry of Synthetic - . 4th Ed. (Review) P. May and G. M. Dyson 771. Microscopical Study of -. (Review) L. A. Kay 392. Dry-cleaning processes ; Static electricity in -. 351. Drying Oil of Licania crassifolia Benth. M. Sesseler and P. A. Rowaan 449. Dusts Dangerous - in factories. 826. resulting from grinding of mineral substances; M. W. Travers Toxic character of -.372. Dye workers’ bladder cancer. 826. Dyeing Interpretation of the term -. Dyes Aniline -. See Aniline. 511. Coal-tar - in beverages. 282. Hair - and Hair-dyeing Chemistry and (Review) H. S. Redgrove and Technique. J . Bari-Woollss 637. Dysprosium Isotopes of -. 887. E Eel-bone Oil 225. Eel-liver Oil 225. *Effluents dairy -; Practical treatment of. C. A. Scarlett 252. Milk factory -. 507. Egg products ; Microbiological examination of frozen -. R. Schneiter 838. -yolk; Artificial colouring of - by addition of Sudan dyes to poultry food. A. Asshof, 682. -yolk; Fatty acids in the lecithin and glyceride fractions of -. R. W. Riemenschneider, N. R. Ellis and H. W. Titus 48. Eggs Cold storage and gas-storage of -. T. Moran 281.Changes occurring in - during storage. I. Occurrence of methyl ketones. F. Kier-meier and R. Heiss 124. Lead content of new-laid and dried -. 33. Microbiology in the preservation of hens’ -. R. B. Haines 422. Egypt Report of Chemical Laboratory Ministry of Justice for 1929-34. F. Bamford 353. *Egyptian tomb a t Armant; Examination of fatty material taken from -. T. P. Hilditch 867. Elaidinisation of linolic acid. J. P. Kass and G. 0. Burr 535. Electricity Static - in dry-cleaning processes. 351. Electrochemistry Principles of -. (Review), D. A. MacInnes 550. Electrolysis of gold solutions. M. G. Raeder and 0. S. Kyllingstad 542. VOLUME 64 *Electrolytic determination and separation of bismuth. Part I. F. G. Kny-Jones 172; Part 11 575.determination of antimony. S. L. Jovano-vitch 59. *method for determining arsenic. H. C. Lockwood 657. polishing of tin and its application to micro-graphic examination. P. A. Jaquet, 545. *separation of cobalt from nickel by deposition as cobaltic oxide. S. Torrance 109. Emetine Hydrochloride -4ssay of -. N. Evers and W. Smith 359. Enolic forms; New general reaction for -: mercurous nitrate. E. V. Zappi and A. Manini 135. String-beans. C. M. Bedford and M. A. Joslin, 613. Cytochrome C a new - . Enzymatic reduction of. E. Haas B. L. Horecker and T. R. Hogness 897. Erbium Isotopes of -. 887. Ergosterol Action of light on substances related to -. G. A. D. Haslewood 531. Ergot of Rye Oil H. Vandermeulen 357. Errata See p. iii. Essential Oil(s) of jasmine; Eugenol in -.S. Sabetay and L. Trabaud 703. *of white and brown mustards Determination of -. R. C . Terry and J . W. Corran, 164. Report of B.P. Commission Sub-committee on -. 602. Ethanolamine Action of - on woody tissue. L. E. Wise F. C. Peterson and W. M. Harlow 227. Ethanolysis of spruce maple and other woods. L. Brickman and Others 451. Ethers New method for identifying -. P. P. T. Sah 843. p-Ethoxychrysoidin Hydrochloride as indicator for saturation oxidation and precipitation methods. E. Schulek and P. Rozsa, 228. *Ethyl Alcohol in presence of methyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and acetone ; Determina-tion of -. Ethyl Bromoacetate Identification of small quantities of -. 810. Toxicity index of -. 906. Ethyl Chlorosulphate Toxicity index of -.906. Identification of small quantities of -. 812. Ethyl Dichloroarsine Identification of small quantities of -. 812. Ethyl Iodoacetate Identification of small quantities of -. 810. Ethylene Glycol Analysis of natural perfumes by entrainment a t low pressure with -. S. Sabetay 762. Eugenol in essential oil of jasmine. S. Sabetay and L. Trabaud 703. Europium Atomic weight of -. Exalgin Identification and detection of -in mixtures. A. Denoel 831. Explosives in Ceylon. 512. Enzyme activity in frozen vegetables. E. J. Boorman 791. 353 INDEX TO VOLUME 64 xxxiii F. Face Powders Lead poisoning from -. 745. Factories Report of Chief Inspector of - for 1938. J. C. Bridge 825. *Faeces bismuth in - ; Estimation of.A. Houlbrooke and C. H. Manley 29. gold in -; Detection of. M. J. Schulte, 896. selenium in -; Photometric determination of. K. A. Gortner and H. B. Lewis 439. See Animal. cooking -; Water in. 669. *in flour pastries etc. ; French official method for determining -. E. A. M. Bradford, 817. Vol. IV of Juckenack’s Hand-buch der Lebensmittel-Chemie. (Review), 715. Seed and fruit-coat - of Celastrus pani-culatus. B. G. Gunde and T. P. Hilditch, 355. Seed and fruit-coat - of Neolitsea involu-crata. B. G. Gunde and T. P. Hilditch 356. stearic acid in - . Determination of. A. Heiduschka and W. Bohme 205. *unsaturated minor component acids of some -; Method for approximate determina-tion of. T. P. Hilditch and W. H. Pedelty, 640.Fats Animal -. Oils and -. Vegetable -. See Vegetable. with an odd number of carbon atoms. W. Keil H. Appel and G. Berger 224. Fatty Acids Biochemical importance of un-saturated -. S. Skraup F. Strieck and J. Schorn 525. in the lecithin and glyceride fractions of egg-yolk. R. W. Riemenschneider N. R. Ellis and H. W. Titus 48. of food; Study of passage of - into lipins and glycerides of the body. B. Cavanagh and H. S. Raper 212. of low molecular weight; Deposition and utilisation of -. H. E. Longenecker 894. of solid seed fats. VII. Dika fat. W. J. Bushel1 and T. P. I-Iilditch 207. oxidation in liver. L. F. Leloir and J . M. Rlunoz 690. Volatile - as an indication of spoilage in canned sardines. F. Hillig 607. with an odd number of carbon atoms.W. Keil, H. Appel and G. Berger 224. *Fatty Material taken from an Egyptian tomb a t Armant; Examination of -. T. P. Hilditch 867. Federated Malay States Report of Institute of Medical Research for 1937. A. N. Kingsbury, 119. Feeding Stuffs carotene in -; Improved method for estimating. G. S. Fraps and A. R. Kemmerer 369. Guarantees of -. 739. Fermentation industries; Analysis of molasses used in -. W. A. Davis 517. Micro-Organisms and -. 6th Ed. (Review), A. Jorgensen 922. process in tea manufacture. E. A. H. Roberts and S. N. Sarma 615 616. Ferricyanide Spot test for -. 542. Ferron Colorimetric determination of fluorine with -. Ferrous Alloys aluminium in -; Deter-mination of. E. C. Pigott 705. Ferrous Iron in sea water; Tripyridyl as reagent for -.37. Reaction of dithio-oxamide with -. G Nilsson 501. Ferrous-Molybdate Reagent for detecting small amounts of phosphorus silicon and arsenic. J H. van der Meulen 846. Fertihsers fluorine in phosphatic -; Deter-mination of. D. s. Reynolds and W. L. Hill 378. Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act 1926: Fibres Microscopic methods used in identi-Filter Beakers for use in organic halogen deter-A. Abrahamczik and F. Blumel, Finger-Prints on a time fuse 41. Fire Extinguishers ; Toxicity of products from Firearms Approximate date cf use of -. 354. Fireworks Composition of -Fish Canned -. J. J. Fahey 766. Guarantees of -. 739. Examination of samples under -. fying commercial -. minations. 141. 821. T. M.Plitt 425. useof -. 31. 512. See Canned. Conversion of carotene into vitamin A by R. A. Morton and some fresh-water -. R. H. Creed 443. foods; Lead content of -. livers; Occurrence of free vitamin A alcohol in -. T. H. Mead 759. manure; Compound -. 819. 33. Fish Liver Oil@) vitamin A concentrates prepared from -. Varying activity of. T. Moll and A. Reid 696. Fish Meal White -. 273. . S. Ueno and T. Fish Oil Okigisu -Tamura 610. Fitelson Reaction for detecting tea-seed oil in olive oils in particular Tunisian. R. Marcille 685. Flame Spectra Observations on -. T. Torok, 383. Flavine in Indian foods; Assay of -. Flavours Identification of flavouring con-stituents of commercial -. Determina-tion of p-ionone. J . B. Wilson 892; Semi-micro determinatiai of the amido-nitrogen atom in semi-carbazones.J. €3. Wilson 916. Flax Identification of -. 428. Flies caught in food stores in City of Manila; Bacterial flora of -. G. C. de la Paz 903. Flotation reagents; chelate compounds and normal oximes as -. G. G. De Witt and F. Von Batchelder 543. 197, Flour as adulterant of curds. 820. *carbon dioxide in self-raising -; Deter-mination of. E. T. Illing and E. G. Whittle 667. *fat in - French official method for deter-mining. E. A. M. Bradford 817. “Iles mannan” - . J. E. De Groot C. J. Van Hulssen and D. R. Koolhaas 285. Lead content of self-raising -. Potato starch in -. 880. 33 xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 64 Fluorescein Reaction of certain hypochlorites reagent for bromine; Specificity of Hahn’s J .H. Van der Meulen 914. Fluorescence of seminal stains. 595. Fluorides in beers wines jams and fruit jellies, butters and margarines; Detection of -. G. Destrke 682. in water; Analysis of solutions of -. B. Ikert 539. in wood preservation technology. I. Analysis of solutions of - in water. B. Ikert 539. Colorimetric determination of - with ferron. J. J . Fahey 766. content of food and water and normal excretion of - from urine. W. Machle, E. W. Scott and J. Treon 693. in blood; Micro-estimation of -. H. Wulle, 758. in citrus fruits. 200. in natural phosphates and phosphatic fer-tilisers; Determination of -. D. S. Reynolds and W. L. Hill 378. Micro-determination of -. F. Hernler and R. Pfeningberger 233. 743. with -.497. -. Fluorine Absorption of - by crops. 200. Fog Formation of -. Food(s) and Health 2nd Ed, haze; Investigations on -. 743. (Review) A. l3, Callow 147. colouring materials ; Determination of copper in -. Sub-committee Report No. 3. 339. colours; Lead content of -. Fluorine content of water and - and normal urinary fluorine excretion. W. Machle E. W. Scott and J. Treon 693. *inspection and analysis in Holland. J. Straub 717. investigation; Index to literature of -. 118. iron in -; Ionisable and available. R. A. McCance 335. Lead in -. materials from different parts of the United States; Cobalt content of -. B. Ahmad and E. V. McCollum 287. plants; Analysis of some North American Indian -. E. Yanovsky and R. M. Kingsbury 45.Preservatives in -. 739. Preservatives in -. Public Health Amend-ment Regulations 1939. 882. Structure and Composition of -. Vol. IV. (Review) A. L. and K. B. Winton 547. Food and Drugs analysis. Abstracts 44 124, 201 284 354 432 516 606 682 749 828, 889. Food and Drugs Acts Circular 1755 on amend-ments in 1938 -. 118. Examination of samples under -. Public Analysts Regulations 1939. Statutory Rules and Orders 1939 No. 840. Tables of comparison. 741. Food Invegtigation Board Reports Cold storage and gas-storage of eggs. Leaflet No. 8. T. Moran 281. Poodstuffs Contamination of - with volatile toxic substances. F. Schoofs 903. 33. G. W. Monier-Williams 32. 823. 741. Foodstuff s-continued Manganese content of Indian -. &I. N.Rudra 611. nicotinic acid and nicotinamide in -. Colorimetric estimation of. H. Icringstad and T. Naess 755. Forensic chemistry. Forest Products Research Records No. 7 1039 : Principal decays of soft woods. Forgery Spreading of ink as evidence of -. 41. Formaldehyde Combination of - with collagen. J . H. Highberger and C. E. Retzsch 451. in milk detected by means of sulphuric acid. E. Bohm 201. *Use of Lovibond tintometer for colorimetric estimation of - by the phloroglucinol method. R. C. Hoather and P. G. T. Hand 29. Abstracts 55 372 698. 118. Formalin tablets without -. 692. Formol titration as means of differentiating natural and artificial orange preparations. A. Schrempf and E. Benk 204. Fructose in blood and urine Estimation of -.R. W. Martin 692. Separation of glucose and - by chromato-graphic adsorption of their coloured esters. W. S. Reich 749. Fruit@) Arsenic on __ in S. Africa. Bromide content of - following fumigation Canned -. See Canned Fruit. Dried -. See Dried Fruit. -gum in plums. 596. jellies; Detection of fluorides in -. G. Lead content of -. 33. pectins their chemical behaviour and jellying properties. 883. phosphorus in fruit products and -; Determination of. seedless -; Development of by use of synthetic growth substances. F. G. Gus-tafson 901. stored -; Determination of volatile pro-ducts liberated from. F. Gerhardt and B. D. Ezell 516. tree growth; Mineral deficiencies and -. 39. Vol. V of Juckenack’s Handbuch der Lebens-mittel-Chemie.(Review) 715. yeasts and bactena in -; Varieties of. A. Romwalter and A. IT. Kiraly 840. Fruit and Vegetable Research Station Campden : Report for 1938. Fuel Oil ash; Vanadium from -. 196. Fumaric Acid Determination of -. S. C. Ganguly 297. Fume emission. 746. poisoning in factories. 826. Fumigation of buildings ; Hydrogen cyanide. with methyl bromide; Bromide content of H. C. 200. with methyl bromide. H. C. Dudley 516. Destrke 682. H. W. Gerritz 432. F. Hirst 596. Home Office Order No. 1578. 199. fruit and vegetables following -. Dudley 516. B.S.I. test. 514. Fungi causing decay in soft woods. 118. Toxicity of wood preservatives to -INDEX TO VOLUME 64 xxxv Fungi-continued wood-decaying -; Differentiation of. R. W. Davidson W.A. Campbell and D. J . Blaisdell 132. Fur Identification of rabbit -. 679. Furnaces Deterioration of bricks in blast -. 276. G Gadolinium Isotopes of -. 887. Galenicals Report of B.P. Commissior Sub-Gallium Effect of - on growth of Aspergillus Gamma-Ray intensity and protection. 350. *Gas analysis; New method for determining hydrogen by absorption in technical -. H. N. Banerjea L. A. Bhatt and R. B. Forster 77. Committee on -. 602. nager. R. A. Steinburg 57. Gases Analysis of -. Abstracts 906. Poisoning by - in factories. toxic - in industry; Detection of. 111. Sulphur dioxide 277 ; IV. Benzene vapour, 278; V. Nitrous fumes 347; VI. Carbon bisulphide vapour 674 (Erratum 744) ; VII. Chlorine 823. 826. Viscose waste -. 747. War - Chemistry and Analysis.(Review), M. Sartori 920. war --; Physio-toxicology of. L. Herlant, 905. *war - ; Tests available for identifying small quantities of. Gasoline tetraethyl lead in -; Determination of. G. Calingaert and C. M. Gambrill 623. Gastro-Enteritis Lobsters and -. Experi-ments on cooking and sterilisation. H. M. Royds Jones 840. Gateshead Appointment of H. C. L. Bloxam as Agricultural Analyst for -. Gauze Tannic acid -. R. M. Savage and W. P. Chambers 685. Gel strength of pectins; Determination of -. L. H. Lampitt and R. W. Money 202. Gelatin Lead content of powdered -. 33. *Generator for “air-free” carbon dioxide (or hydrogen). S. H. Tucker 410. Georgia Experiment Station Report for 1937-38. 42. Germanium in minerals and solutions; Deter-mination of -.W. C. Aitkenhead and A. R. Middleton 61. Ghee Adulteration of - in Madras. Substitutes for -. 745. Ginger from Tanganyika. 195. Lead content of ground -. *Nigerian -. H. E. Cox 807. 736. 117. 33. G. T. Bray F. Major and E. L. Hill 176. Glass and glass-making sand ; Colorimetric determination of small quantities of iron oxide in -. Identification of particles of -. 512. Iron in - determined colorimetrically with the use of thioglycollic acid. R. C. Chirn-side and C. F. Pritchard 627. *Nessler cylinders of lead - a warning. T. McLachlan 669; B.S.I. specification for R. C. Chirnside 229. -. 877. Glassware Fees for tests on volumetric -. 43. Glucose in blood and urine; Estimation of -. R. W. Martin 692.Iodimetric determination of small quantities of -. E. C. Noyons 203. Separation of fructose and - by chromato-graphic adsorption of their coloured esters. W. S. Reich 749. syrup in honey detected by the “acetic acid method.” P. N. Raikow 609. Glues B.S.I. Methods of testing -. Glutamic Acid Micro-determination of -. P. P. Cohen 526. Glyceride(s) fraction of egg-yolk; Fatty acids of, in -. R. W. Riemenschneider N. R. Ellis and H. W. Titus 48. 44. of Japan wax. &I. Tsujimoto 298. of solid seed fats. VII. Dika fat. W. J. Bushel1 and T. P. Hilditch 207. of the body; Study of passage of fatty acids of food into -. B. Cavanagh and H. S. Raper 212. Glycerol in juice of ripe olives. H. Marcelet, 202. in soaps containing fillers; New method of determining -.W. Schulze 909. Glycine New colour reaction of -. J . A. SAnchez 691. Glycogen in seed of maize. D. L. and C. T. Morris 890. Goat’s Milk of known purity; Composition of -. H. C. Lythgoe 889. Gold in faeces; Detection of -. M. J. Schulte 896. solutions; Electrolysis of -. M. G. Raeder and 0. S. Kyllingstad 542. Gold Trichloride solution for the potentiometric titration of carotenoids. P. Karrer and W. Jaeger 443. Gonadotrophic substance of human urine of pregnancy; International standard for -. 430. Gooseberries Lead content of -. 33. Government Analysts Notes from Reports of - See’ Bengal British Guiana Ceylon, Egypt Federated Malay States Hong Kong, India Lagos Madras New Zealand Pales-tine Queensland South mica Straits Settlements.See also Government Cabora-tory. Government Laboratory Report of Government Chemist for 1938-39. 821. Grain attacked by insects; Investigations on Grapes Lead content of -. Grass Quantitative extraction of carotene Grease Definition of -. 511. Green Turtle Oil C. Hata 610. Growth factors in relation to plant growth. substances ; Development of seedless fruits F. G. Gustafson, substances ; Physiologically active - and P. W. Zimmerman, -. 275. 33. F. E. Moon 533. from -. J . Bonner 900. by use of synthetic -. 901. the responses of plants. 901. Guano Bat -. 273. compound; Composition of -. 819 xxxvi INDEX TO H Hafnium Simultaneous determination of zir-conium and - by means of selenious acid. A. Claassen 765.Hahn’s Fluorescein Reagent for bromine; Specificity of -. J. H. Van der Meulen, 914. Hair Chopped human - as cattle poison. 680. Dyes and - Dyeing Chemistry and Tech-nique. (Review) H. S. Redgrove and J . Bari-Woollss 637. lotion containing carbon tetrachloride. 504. Halibut Oil Intestinal -. J. A. Lovern, T. H. Mead and R. A. Morton 444. Halogen determination. Use of filter beakers in organic - . A. Abrahamczik and F. Bliimel 141. determinations; Micro -. Fluorine and chlorine. F. Hernler and R. Pfeningberger, 233. in organic compounds ; Modified Beilstein test for -. D. F. Hayman 842. Hammersmith Report of Public Analyst for 1938. F. W. Edwards 879. Hardness scales; Table of approximate com-parison -. 827. Hardwood lignin Bearing of the chlorine-sodium sulphite colour reaction on con-stitution of -.W. G. Campbell J. C. McGowan and S. A. Bryant 226. Harrogate old sulphur well; Analyses of water of -. 534. Headache Powders Acetanilide in -. Health Food and -. 2nd Ed. (Review), Hemp Identification of -. 428. Herba Adonidis Standardisation of -. Herring roes; Lead content of -. Hexapyridyl Isolation of -. 37. Hibiscus Flowers and its principal constituent. C. Griebel 761. Hippuric Acid New colour reaction of -. J. A. SBnchez 691. Hodgsonia Capniocarpa Seed fat of -T. P. Hilditch M. L. Meara and W. H: Pedelty 435. *Holland Food inspection and analysis in -. J. Straub 717. Eome Office Orders and Reports Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation). Statutory Rules and Orders 1938.No. 1578. 199. Report of Chief Inspector of Factories for 1938. J. C. Bridge 825. Glucose syrup in ~ detected by the “acetic acid method.” P. N. Raikow 609. Spectroscopical examination of mineral con-stituents of - . G. Gorbach and F. Windhaber 918. Standards for - in Palestine 41. Vitamin C content of Esthonian -. Vol. V of Juckenack’s Handbuch der Lebens-Hong Kong Report of Government Analyst Hops preservative value of - ; Colorimetric 283. A. B. Callow 147. R. Koch 753. 33. Honey containing octosan. W. Paul 752. M. Kask 130. mittel-Chemie. (Review) 715. for 1937. C. V. Branson 595. detcrmination of. A. A. D. Comrie 828. VOLUME 64 Hormones Nomenclature of -. 514. Horse Fat in admixture with other fats; Detec-Horse Gram Composition of -.Hotwell Spring water. 671. Hull See Kingston-upon-Hull. Humus Household refuse as source of -. Hydrazine Spot test for - with salicyl-Hydrazoic Acid Spot test for -. Hydrocarbon gas mixtures; Dry method for analysis and separation of components of -. K. Morikawa 906. solvents; Determination of phenols in -. L. A. Wetlaufer F. J. Van Natta and H. B. Quattlebaum 910. Hydrocarbons Physical Constants of -. Vol. I. Hydrochloric Acid and vanillin reagent for yohimbine. J . A. SAnchez 688. A. J . Berry 189. *Hydrocyanic Acid generated by linseed cake; Convenient method for estimating -. C. Louden and H. Antrobus 187. Standardisation of sex -. 564. tion of -. B. Paschke 47. 510. 510 819. aldehyde. 641. 541. (Review) G. Egloff 549.*Standardisation of -. in Lagos foodstuffs. 595. Toxicity index of -. 906. Hydrogen determination ; Simplified combustion tube-filling for micro -. J. B. and V. Xiederl 306. determination in humid tropical atmospheres ; Modifications of Pregl’s micro -. M. C . Nath 306. *determination of - by absorption in technical gas analysis; New method for. H. N. Banerjea L. A. Bhatt and R. B. Forster 77. *Generator for “air-free” - . S. H. Tucker 410. 826. Hydrogen Arsenide poisoning in factories. Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation) Order. Home Office Statutory Rules and Orders 1938. No. 1578. 199. *Hydrogen Peroxide Evaluation of -. S. M. Tritton 469. in bacterial cultures ; Determination of --. E. R. Main and L. E. Shinn 532. in milk detected by means of sulphuric acid.E. Bohm 201. Iron in presence of - determined colori-metrically as thiocyanate. C. A. Peters, M. M. MacMasters and C. L. French, 914. Hydrogen Sulphide Solution of - in acetone as analytical reagent. M. Pirronnet and R. H. Rkmy 911. Hydrogenation of castor oil with nickel catalysts containing manganese zinc or thorium. K. Kino 623. Hydrometers British standard density -. 283 284. *Hydrosols Destruction of dilute oil - in volumetric analysis. D. F. Cheesman, 344. Hydroxylamine Spot test for -. p-Hydroxyphenylarsonic Acid as reagent for titanium and zirconium. C . T. Simpson and G. C. Chandler 60. 541 INDEX TO *&Hydroxyquinoline as means of determining manganese in presence of magnesium. G. S. Smith 787.Determination of aluminium by precipitation with - from mineral acid solution; Separation of large amounts of magnesium. G. S. Smith 577. Hygroscopic substances in microanalysis. Dry-ing and weighing solids and liquids. H. K. Alber 630. "Hypochlorite in water analysis; Note on use of -. Hypochlorites as oxidising agents. 497. *Colour test for - with ihethane base. *in milk; Indigo-carmine reaction as test for F. Dixon and D. C. Jenkins 735. A. T. Masterman 492. -. I . V. Hunt 653. Hypophosphite wine devoid of -. 820. I Ice-cream Contamination of - with zinc. 878. Desirability of standards for --. in S. Africa 200. 738. Res Mannan Flour J. E. De Groot C. J. Van Imperial Institute Report for 1938. "Incubation tests in water analysis; Effect of suspended matter and daylight on -.H. F. Stephenson 344. India Report of Chemical Laboratories of Central Board of Revenue for 1937-38. H. B. Dunnicliff 510. Indian foodstuffs; Manganese content of --. M. N. Rudra 611. Indicator(s) Adsorption __ in the determina-tion of chlorides in biological fluids A. Saifer and J . Hughes 758. Diphenylamine-sulphonic acid as - in the volumetric determination of vanadium in presence of tungsten. for determining redox potentials (rH measure-ments). 137. for saturation oxidation and precipitation methods. E. Schulek and P. Rbzsa 228. for the argentometric determination of chlorides. E. Percs 845. *in titration of some cations and anions; Use of colour reagent for lead as -. B. S. Evans 2.Oxidation-reduction -. G. Charlot 704. *paper ; Preservation of sodium rhodizonate -. A. L. Godbert and R. Belcher 346. Patent blue V as pH and redox -. J. H. Yoe and G. R. Boyd 914. "Potassium chromate as - for titration of chlorides with silver nitrate. A. J. Berry and J. E. Driver 730. *Rose Bengal as - in the titration of iodide in presence of chloride with silver nitrate. A. J. Berry 112. *Indigo-Carmine Reaction as test for chlorates and hypochlorites in milk. I. V. Hunt 653. ma-red absorption-spectrum ; Determination of water in acetone by means of -. R. Gaspart and L. Gillo 459. Hulssen and D. R. Koolhaas 285. 195. G. A. Pevtzov 64. xxsvii Ink Spreading of - as evidence of forgery. 41. Inorganic analysis. -\bstracts 59 137 228 300, 375 452 536 624 704 765 844 911.Analysis ; Qualitative -. (Review) Ll. J . Berry 241. Analysis; Treatise on Quantitative - 2nd Ed. (Review) J. W. Mellor and H 1'. Thompson 74. Chemistry; Modern Aspects of -. (Revie\\,), H. J. Emeleus and J. S. Anderson 240. Chemistry; Text-book of -. Vol. VI, Part IV. Syntheses. Vol. I . (Review) H. S. Booth, 711. Insecticide U.S.A. commercial standard for Insects attack on grain by --; Investigations on. 275. Insulin reaction between iodine and -; Influence of zinc on. E. H. Vogelenzang, 292. Significance of zinc content of commercial samples of -. E. H. Vogelenzang and L. A. Hulst 129. International Union of Chemistry Committee on Atoms Fourth Report. 887. Ninth Report of Conimittee on Atomic Weights for 1937-38.332. Permanent Commission on Thermochemistry. Second Appendix to First Report. Inulin in blood and urine; Direct colorimetric estimation of -. A. S. Alving J. Rubin and B. F. Miller 440. in blood plasma and urine; Colorimetric deter-mination of --. K. Steinitz 211. *Iodide in presence of chloride; Titration of -with silver nitrate using Rose Bengal as adsorption indicator. A. J. Berry 112. *method of determining starch; Xotes on the volumetric -. W. Whale 588. VOLUME 64 (Review) R. H. Vallence 148. . 425. -887. Iodine Hypersensitivity to -. 41. in biological materials ; Determination of -. C. D. Stevens 363. in blood; Study on nature of -. V. Trevorrow 440. reaction between insulin and -; Influence of zinc on. reaction for caffeine in tea and coffee infusions.H. Valentin 360. Reaction of tantalum niobium (columbium) and vanadium with -. F. Korosy 454. Iodine Value of vinegars. 878. p-Ionone Determination of -. J. B. Wilson, 892. *Iron Analysis and differentiation of the composition of phosphorus calcium and - compounds in respect of nutritional requirements. 332. Cast - with increased tensile strength. 276. Ferrous -. See Ferrous Iron. in foods; Ionisable and available -. in glass; Colorimetric determination of -R. C. in nickel sulphate; Photometric determination T. Somiya and Y. Yasuda 140. E. H. Vogelenzang 292. R. A. McCance 335. with the use of thioglycollic acid. Chirnside and C. F. Pritchard 627. of -xxxviii INDEX TO VOLUME 64 Iron-continued in presence of hydrogen peroxide ; Colorimetric determination of - as thiocyanate.C. A. Peters M. M. MacMasters and C. L. French, 914. in presence of titanium determined by the Jones reductor method. E. Truog and R. SV. Pearson 60. in tungstic acid and tungsten ; Determination of small amounts of -. M. L. Holt and D. Swalheim 707. preparations; Storage of iron in the organism with different -. P. Vosskiihler 361. Spot test for -. E. A. Kocsis 307. Storage of - in the organism with different ~ preparations. 1'. Vosskiihler 361. "zinc in presence of ~ ; Detection of. G. Erknyi 271. Iron Oxide in glass and glass-making sand ; Colorimetric determination of small quan-tities of -. R. C. Chirnside 229. "Isopropyl Alcohol ethyl alcohol in presence of -; Determination of.E. J. Boorman, i91. J Jam fluorides in - ; Detection of. G. Ilestree 682. Lead content of -. 33. Japan Wax Glycerides of -. M. Tsujirnoto, Jasmine Eugenol in essential oil of - --. Jatropha Seeds Identification of -. Jellying properties of fruit pectins. Jequirity Seeds Identification of -. Jhal Seed fats of --, Jones Reductor Method for determining iron in E. Truog and K. W. 298. S. Sabetay and L. Trabaud 703. 120. 883. 120. 750. presence of titanium. Pearson 60. K Kaner ; Poisonous principle of -. Karl Fischer Reagent for determining water; Analytical procedures employing --. D. M. Smith W. 33. D. Bryant and J . Mitchell Jr. 911. Kensington Report of Public Analyst for -for Fourth Quarter 1938.I;. Mi'. Edwards, 304. Kent -4ppointment of J . W. Flint as Deputy Public Analyst for County of -. 818. Report of the County Analyst for Fourth Quarter 1935. F. W. F. Arnaud 273; Second Quarter 1939 819. Ketones Formation of methyl _I_ in eggs during storage. F. Kiermeier and K. Heiss, 124. from Vitamin D (calciferol). A. Windaus and K. Buchholz 131. of the sterol group ; Polarographic detection 121. of the biologically important - . J* Eisenbrand and H. Picher 694. Simplified procedure for analytical oxime formation with aldehydes and -. S. Sabetay 58. 9-Xenylsemicarbazide as reagent for identi-fying -. P. P. T. Sah and I. S. Kao 621. Kingston-upon-Hull Report of Public Analyst for City and County of - for 1938. -1. R. Tankard i38.Kjeldahl digestion method ; Catalytic action of selenium in the -. A. Sreenivasan and 1'. Sadasivan 538. digestion of leather for nitrogen determination; Cse of selenium in -. D. Williams 535. L Lactate method for determining readily-soluble phosphoric acid in soils. H. Egnitr G. Kbhler and F. Nydahl 133. Errata 461. Lactic Acid in alcoholic fermented liquids; Identification and determination of -. M. Niculescu 518. Method for estimating ultramicro-quantities of -. 13. I;. Miller and J . A. Muntz 66. Substitution of -__ for citric acid in analysis of basic slag. A. Heiduschka and H. Wunsche 534. Lactoflavin in muscle. Occurrence of -. J. Schormiiller 215; in animal organs 445; in yeast and yeast extracts 530. Separation of lactoflavin phosphate and -.A. Emmerie 445 Lactoflavin Phosphate Separation of lacto-flavin and -. Emmerie 445. Lactose in cheese. 820. Lagos Report of Dept. of Chemistry for 1938. C. L. Southall 504. Lancaster Report of County Analyst for 1938, T. R. Stubbs 672. Lard' horse-fat in admixture with -; Detec-tion of. B. Paschke 47. Lead content of -. 33. *Lead alloys; New process for determining selenium in -. B. S. Evans 87. Atomic weight of -. 353. "bismuth in - Rapid determination of traces of. I<. G. Robinson 402. "Colour reagent for --. €3. S. Evans 2. Contamination of liquor by -. Detection of silver mercury and - without separation. B. Berisso 381. fumes; Emission of -. i 4 6 . in canned food etc. 119. in drinking water. 5Oi. in food.G. W. Monier-Williams 33. in human tissues. 680; I(. N. Bagchi H. D, in the body; ilbsorption excretion and Xew test for -. C. hlahr 381. poisoning in factories. 825. Soluble __ in paint. 283. Titration with ammonium vanadate. 5. Volumetric process for -. 4. 744. Ganguly and J . N. Sirdar 698. storage of -. 32. Leather Evaluation of - by means of X-ray diffraction patterns. K. C. Bowker and H. J. McKicholas 382. nitrogen determination in __ ; Use of selenium in Kjeldahl digestion of. D. Williams 535. Leaven Structure and composition of -. 548 INDEX TO Lebensmittelchemie Handbuch der -. Vols. IV V and WIT. (Review) A. Juckenack and Others 715. Taschenbuch fur die -. (Review) A. Thiel, R. Strohecker and H. Patzsch 309. Lecithin fraction of egg-yolk; Fatty acids in __ R.W. Riemenschneider N. R. Ellis and H. W. Titus 48. Leeds Report of City -4nalyst for 1938. C. H. Manley 820. Legal Notes Adulteration of “appeal to cow-” samples of milk. Alleged poisoning of cattle by prussic acid in linseed cake. 880. Dermatitis from wearing appeal. (Griffiths 2’. Peter Conway Ltd.) 274. Liability for typhoid fever contracted from milk. (Square v. Model Farm Dairies (Bournemouth) Ltd. 193. Processed cheese. 604. Sale of “sal volatile.” 116. Leicester Atmospheric pollution in -. 743. Report of City Analyst for 1938. I;. C. Lemonade crystals; Lead content of -. 33. Lenses photographic -; Tests on. Leprotin A carotenoid of the formula C,,H,,. Y. Takeda and T. Ohta 371. Leptospirae of water; Isolation of - in pure culture and their biology.H. Sugimoto, 220. Leucine Action of barium hypobromite on -. J . A. SAnchez 692. Lewisite Identification of small quantities of Leyton Appointment of R. Dyer and G. Taylor as Joint Public Analysts for Borough of - 818. Library ‘Guide for the Chemist. (Review), B. A. Soule 2 3 i . Licania Crassifolia Benth Drying oil of -. 31. Sesseler and P. Rowaan 449. Lichthardt Test for detecting caramel in vinegars ; Preliminary investigation of -. I;. E. Cook and H. Miller 829. (Plot-nikow effect) and its importance in biology. M. E. Jorg 849. lrcatise on --. i t h Ed. (Review) I<. A. Houston 73. Lignin and related compounds. Ethanolysis of spruce maple and other woods. L. Brick-inan and Others 451.Hearing of chlorine-sodium sulphite colour reaction on constitution of hardwood --. IV. G. Campbell J . C. McGowan and S. A. Bryant 226. F. E. Keeds 737. Bullock 878. 351. -. 812. Light Longitudinal scattering of -. r. Lignite Nigerian -. 596. Lincoln Appointment of H. Childs as Additional Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 191; as Deputy Agricultural Analyst for J . P. Kass and G. 0. Burr 535. Separation of oleic acid from -. P. J. Hartsuch 535. Linseed cake; Alleged poisoning of cattle by prussic acid in __ . (Legal Notes), 880. __ 192. Linolic Acid Elaidinisation of -. VOLUME 64 xsxix Linseed-contin ued *cake; Convenient method for estimating hydrocyanic acid generated by -. C. Louden and H. Antrobus 187.plant; Toxicology of -. 680. “Starch of immature --. F. R. Dodd 735. “Linseed Oil Analysis of - from various sources. I;. N. Woodward 265. Oxidation products of unsaturated acids of -. L. C. A. Xunn and I. Smedley-Maclean 224. Lipins of the body; Study of passage of fatty acids of food into -. B. Cavanagh and H. S. Raper 212. Liquids alcoholic fermented - ; Identification and determination of lactic acid in. M. Niculescu 618. 744. G. E. Shaw, L. F. Leloir Liquor Contamination of __ by lead. Liver extract; Riboflavin in - -. 833. Fatty acid oxidation in and J . M. Munoz 690. Livestock Deficiency diseases of -. Lobelia Assay of -. Poisons Sub-committee Report No. 1. 581. Lobsters and gastro-enteritis. Experiments on cooking and sterilisation.H. M. Royds Jones 840. Loganberries Composition and canning proper-ties of -. 597. London Appointment of E. K. Andrews as Agricultural Analyst and of C. J . Regan as Deputy Agricultural Analyst for County ~ London County Council Keport of Chemical Branch for 1937. 31. Loretin in the quantitative determination of calcium. N. Schoorl 6 3 i . “Lovibond tintometer; Use of __ for colori-metric estimation of formaldehyde by the phloroglucinol method. R. C. Hoather and P. G. T. Hand 30. Lowestoft Appointment of If’. I,. Sutton as Public Analyst for Borough of L. 818. Lubricating Oils R.S.I. revised classification of Lung Mixture Ingredient missing in -. 819. Lutecium Isotope of -. 887. 38. Lead content of -. 33. of -. 30. -.888. M Madar Juice poisoning. 120 198. Madras Report of the Chemical Examiner to the Government of __ for 1937. R. E\iaidu, 120. Report of the City Xnalyst for ~ for 1937. V. Venkatachalam 117. Magnesium alloys; Corrosion of - by leaded petrol fuels. 35. alloys; Protection of I_ by selenium process against corrosion. 35. alloys ; Quantitative spectrographic analysis of - J. A. C. McClelland and H. K. Whniley 849. in pure solutions and in blood serum; Micro-dctermination of -. M. Ilelaville and 11. Olive 68 XI INDEX TO VOLUME 64 Magnesium-continued *Manganese in presence of - determined by means of 8-hydroxyquinoline. G. S. Smith 787. Titrimetric determination of -. G. Szamek, 377. Magnesium Dipimylamine Determination of potassium with -.R. Dworzak and H. Ballezo 763. Maize seed; Glycogen in -. D. L. and C. T. Morris 890. Malaria R61e of ascorbic acid in --. Malic Acid Determination of -. S. C. Ganguly 297. E. Peynaud, 46. *Malt extract; Analysis of - by selective fermentation. R. Gardner 103. *Extract of - with cod-liver oil Deter-mination of oil and vitamin A. D. C. Garratt 795. proteolytic activity of -; Viscometer for routine determination of. J. R. Koch, 0. Nelson and L. Ehrnst 234. Manganese content of Indian foodstuffs and other materials. "content of some teas and coffees. D. R. K. Coleman and F. C. Gilbert 726. "Determination of - especially in bio-logical material. in biological materials ; Micro-determination of -. A. C. Wiese and R. C. Johnson, 459.*in presence of magnesium; Determination of - by means of 8-hydroxyquinoline. G. S. Smith 787. 197. in Bordeaux musts and wines. M. N. Rudra 611. F. E. Read 586. requirements of cotton 42. Separation of cobalt and nickel from -. E. A. Ostroumov and G. S. Maslennikova, 59. J. G. Fair-child 627. Manure bat -; Natural decomposition of. J. Vorster Nel 532. Separation of cobalt from-. Chemical - works. Report on. 747. Compound fish -. 819. Household refuse as source of -. 510, 819. Manzoul Composition of --. 353. Maple Ethanolysis of -. L. Brickman and Margarine fluorides in - ; Detection of. Others; 451. G. Destree 682. Lead content of --. 33. Marking-nut poisoning. 680. Martius yellow as reagent for thallium and cobalt. A.Martini 632. Meat cooking losses of -; Effect of exterior temperature on. foods; Lead content of -. "softeners"; Report on use of -. A. Besson 889. Medicinal Preparations Application of reaction of adrenaline with mercuric salts to analysis of -. P. Bouvet 688. Application of spot tests to analysis of -. VI-IX. 0. Frehden and K. Furst 457. Classification of spirituous -. 510. A. M. Child 201. 33. Mercurial poisoning in factories. 825. Mercuric Chloride Reaction of methionine and other amino acids with -. G. Toennies and J. J. Kolb 54. Reducing action of ascorbic acid on -. K. Indovina an6 F. Manfroi 696. Mercuric Salts Reaction with adrenaline; Ap-plication to analysis of medicinal prepara-tions. P. Bouvet 688. Mercurous Nitrate New general reaction for -.Mercury Detection of silver lead and __ without separation. B. Berisso 381. determination by means of tetraphenyl-arsonium chloridc. H. H. Willard and G. &I. Smith 636. Identification of very small quantities of -by means of urobilin. C. A. Sagastume and V. Oliva 231. Potentiometric determination of ~ with vanadium sulphate in alkaline solution. C. del Fresno and E. de Lafuente 138. Mersey River Completion of investigation on Metabolism Bacterial ~ . (Review) 31. Metal(s) corrosion of -; Investigations on. Deciphering numbers filed ofi -. Anthranilic acid as reagent for micro-chemical detection of certain - 0. G. Sheintzis, 380. Metallic ccmpounds ; Volatilisation of ___ from solutions in perchloric or sulphuric acid.J . I. Hoffman and C;. E. F. Lundell, 706. Metallurgy Analytical methods in --. 352. *Methane Base Colour tests for chlorine ozone and hypochlorites with -. -4. T. Master-man 492. Methionine ? Reaction with mercuric chloride. G. Toennies and J . J. Icolb 54. "Methoxyl Groups in organic compounds ; Semi-micro-analytical method for determining ~ E. B. Lisle 876. Methyl Alcohol content of tobacco leaf and ribs. W. Preiss 437. *ethyl alcohol in presence of -; Deterniina-tion of. E. J. Boorman 791. Methyl Bromide Bromide content of fruit and vegetables following fumigation with -. H. C. Dudle)r 516. type of fire extinguisher; Toxicity of products from use of -. 31. Methyl Chloroformate Identification of small quantities of -. 809. Methyl Chlorosulphonate Identification of small quantities of -.812. Methyl Dichloroarsine Identification of small quantities of 812. *Methyl Orange Screened -. R. F. Innes, 419. "Methylene Blue in the volumetric determination of organic picrates and picrolonates. ,4. Bolliger 416. reduction test and the keeping quality of milk. C. H. Chalmers 446. Metropolitan Water Board Report on chemical and bacteriological examination of London water for 1937. E. V. Zappi and A. Manini 135. -. 508. Stephenson 3 12. 35. 679. C. H. H. Harold 599 INDEX TO Micro carbon and hydrogen determinations ; Simplified combustion tube-filling for -. J. B. and V. Niederl 306. halogen determinations ; Fluorine and chlo-rine. F. Hernler and R. Pfeningberger, 233.steam distillation Apparatus for --. J. Erdos and R. LArzlo 233. Microanalysis Hygroscopic substances in. Dry-ing and weighing solids and liquids. H. K. Albe; 630. Microbiological examination of frozen egg pro-ducts. R. Schneiter 838. Microbiology in the preservation of the hen’s egg. R. B. Haines 422. Microchemical analysis. Abstracts 66 141, 231 306 379 457 540 630 767 847 915. literature References to current - 233. reactions for acedicon. reactions for scandium. G. Beck 770. Research on -. 37. F. Amelink 209. reagent for quinine. 122. Microchemistry of yohimbine. A. Martini 379. Micro-Colorimetric determination of aluminium in plant ash. Microcrystalline reaction for identifying anthra-cene. G. Deniges 542. Micro-Crystallisation in supersaturated solutions ; Studies in - A.Tschermak-Seysenegg, 915. Microcrystalloscopic identification of bromine in chloroform solution. G. Deniges 542. Micro-determination of glutamic acid. P. P. Cohen 526. of magnesium in pure solutions and in blood serum. of manganese in biological materials. A. C. Wiese and B. C. Johnson 459. of oxyhaemoglobin and sulphaemoglobin in a single sample of blood. K. A. Evelyn and H. G. Malloy 210. of potassium in serum; Iodimetric -. S DBnes 848. of veronal in blood and spinal fluid. R. 0. Schams 231. M. Delaville and M. Olive 68. Fischer 848. * Micro-Electrolrtic deuosition and determination of arsenic.- S. Torrance 263. Micro-Estimation of fluorine in blood. H. Wulle, 758. Micro-Methods for determining calcium and phosphate; List of - R.S. Manly, 847. for estimating nitrates; Colorimetric --. hI M Pesez 769. for quantitative determination of sugar alcohols. Micro-Organisms and Fermentation. 6th Ed. (Review) A. Jsrgensen 922. encountered in brewing industry; Thermal death time of -. S. S . Epstein and F’. D. Snell 902. 2nd Ed. (Review) E. M. Chamot and C. W. W. R. Todd and Others 379. Microscopy Handbook of Chemical -. Mason 462. Hevman and L. F. Kerlev. 502. *Micro-Test for copper; X simple -. E. for palladium. R . Schoen&l; 458. Mikromethodik 6th Ed. (Review) L. Pin-cussen 242. VOLUME 64 Xli Milk Action of ~ upon aluminium and its alloys. G. Reif and H. J. Steinbeck 125. Adulteration of “appeal to cow” samples of -.(Legal Sote) F. E. Seeds 737. African human -; Composition of. Chemistry of - . 2nd Ed. (Review), Condensed -. See Condensed Milk. conservation of __ ; New method for. Drought and the composition of -. 672. -factory effluents. 507. foods Lead content of -. 33. Grading - by the resazurin test. J. G. Hot __ made from milk powder. *Indigo-carmine reaction as test for chlorates and hypochlorites in -. I . V. Hunt, 653. keeping quality of ~ ’ Methylene blue reduction test and. C. H. Chalmers 446. malted -- Lead content of. 33. Phosphatase test for - in Sew Zealaxid. powder; Hot milk from -. 820. Iieductase test for __ in Xew Zealand. 678. regulations in Amsterdam Infringements of -. 116. secretion;. Promotion of ~ by verbenin. K. Kuwajima 830.Sucrose hydrogen peroxide formaldehyde and nitrates in - detected by means of sul-phuric acid. E. Bohm 201. typhoid fever contracted from -; Liability for. (Legal Kotes) 193. Mineral substances; Effect of grinding on solubility of __ and on the toxic character of the resulting dusts. hl. W. Travers, 372. Minerals germanium in -; Determination of. W. C. Aitkenhead and A. R. Middleton, 61. Ministry of Health Reports Orders etc. Bacterio-logical examination of water supplies. 505. Circular 1755 on Food and Drugs Act 1938. 118. Public Analysts Regulations 1939. Statutory Rules and Orders 1939 No. 840. 741. Public Health and iMedical Subjects KO. 88. Lead in Food. G. \V. Monier-Williams, 32. Public Health (Preservatives in Food) Amend-ment Regulations 1939.Provisional Rules and Orders. 882. Reports of Public Analysts on Sale of Food and Drugs Acts for 1938. 739. Mitragynine. 754. -. E. T . Illing 586. Analysis of -. 595. WT. L. Davies 636. J. G. Davis 902. Davis 607. 820. 678. Mint Oil from Seychelles. 195. Mltragyne Speciosa Alkaloids of -. I. H. R. Ing and C. G. Raison, *Mohler’s Test for benzoic acid ; Modification of Molasses used in fermentation industries; Molybdates Indicator for titration of -. 6. Molybdenum Gravimetric determination of -M. Straumanis and B. Ogrims, W. A. Davis 517. as trioxide. 628 xlii INDEX TO Molybdenum Blue reagenfs for determining phosphorus and arsenic; Improved --. J. A. Schricker and P. K. Dawson 455. Morphine content of opium 511.Morpholine Determination of zinc and copper Mould Ilvssochlanzys fulvn; Studies on. Muscle vitamin B (lactoflavin) in -; Occurrence of. J. Schormuller 215. *Mustard essential oils of white and brown -; Determination of. R . C. Terry and J. W. Corran 164. Mustard Gas Identification of small quantities Mustard Oil in relation to epidemic dropsy. Musts Malic acid in Bordeaux -. E. Mutton-Fat horse-fat in admixture with -; Mycology Introduction to Industrial .-. with Id. S. Malowan 765. 599. Lead content of -. 33. of 811. 196. Peynaud 46. Detection of. B. Paschke 47. (Review) G. Smith 70. N Naphthalene Identification of polynitro aromatic compounds as addition compounds -with - . 0. C. Dermer and R. B. Smith 373. 826.B.S.I. specifications wax; Poisoning from chlorinated -. Naphthas Coal tar -. for -. 431. 4-Naphthazide as reagent for identifying phenols. ,%Naphthol Colorimetric reaction for detecting P. P. T. Sah 622. and determining small quantities of -: J . A. Gautier 761. B-Naphthoquinoline Detection of zinc with thiocyanate and __ . E. B. Sandell, D. M. and E. L. Wishnick. 142. p-Naphthyl Isocyanate as reagent for identifying P. P. T. Sah 622. a-Naphthylamine Test for -. Narcotics Illicit traffic in ~ in Egypt. Nasturtium Seed fat of the annual -, phenols. 649. 353. T. P. Hilditch and M. L. bieara 357. volumetric glassware. 43. National Physical Laboratory Fees for tests on Neocryl A new drug. Neolitsea involucrata Seed and fruit-coat fats of -.B. G. Gunde and T. P. Hilditch, 356. Neriurn odorurn Poisonous principle of -, 121. *Nessler cylinders of lead glass a warning. T. McLachlan 669; B.S.I. specification for New Zealand Report of Acting Dominion Analyst for 1937. Report of Chemistry Section of Dept. of Agriculture for 1937-38. R . E. R. Grim-mett 38. Nickel cobalt in presence of -; Determina-tion of D. C. Sen 140. Colorimetric determination of - as nickel-Report for 1938. 350. 37. -. 877. R. L. Andrew 678. ammonia complex ion. F. Smith 845. G. H. Ayres and VOLUNE 64 Nickel-continued Determination of and separation of - from copper by salicylaldosinie. L. P. Biefcld and D. E. Howe 537. *Electrolytic separation of cobalt from -by deposition as cobaltic oxide.S. Tor-rance 109. in ores poor in cobalt copper and -- deter-mined by internal electrolysis without diaphragm. J. J. Lourie and L. B. Gins-berg 139. in silicate rocks; Determination of small amounts of - . E. 13. Sandell and R. W. Perlich 626. Separation from manganese. E. h. Ostrou-mov and G. S. Maslennikova 59. Nickel Sulphate Cobalt iron and copper in -; l’hotometric determination of. T. Somiya and Y. Yasuda 140. Nickel Sulphide Precipitation of - in a cry-stalline state. E. A. Ostroumov 139. Nicotinamide in foodstuffs Colorimetric estinia-tion of -. H. Kringstad and T. Xaess, 75.5. Nicotine Action of - on the human organism. W. Brandt -56. from tobacco. C. Pyriki S23. in urinc; Estimation of -. A . C. Corcoran, 0. 11.Helmer and I. H. Page 556. on apples Photometric determination of -without distillation. I S. hlarkwood 61 1. Nicotinic Acid Colorimetric determination of __ with 1-chloro-3.1-dinitrobenzene. M. Covello 838. Colorimetric reaction for quantitative estima-tion of -. E. Bandier and J. Hald 441. in foodstuffs ; Colorimetric method for esti-mating -. H. Kringstad and T. Naess, 7.55. in ox-liver Occurrence of -. D. Acker-mann and H. G. Fuchs 54. Nigaki Fruit-coat Oil M. Tsujimoto and H. Koyanagi 206. Nigeria Ginger from -. Niobium Reaction with iodine. F. Korosy 454. Reaction with resorcinol. F. M. Shemjakin and V. A . Pilipenko 454. Separation of tantalum from -. H. Wirtz, 628. Nitrates Colorimetric determination of traces of - in form of ammonia.H. Sallinger and Y. Hwang 222. Colorimetric micro-method for estimating in milk detected by means of sulphuric acid. E. Bohm 201. New specific reaction for - M. hl. Pesez, 539. nitrites in presence of -; Detection of. E. Percs 630. Raney’s alloy as substitute for Devarda’s alloy in determining - E. Cattelain and P. Chabrier 64. Nitric Acid Detection of R. Lantz 303. New specific reaction for -. 31. M. Pesez, poisoning without characteristic staining. 198. Standardisation of ~ by thallous carbonate. 195. . XI. &I. Pesez 769. 539. 2s INDEX TO Nitrite poisoning in Madras. 120. Nitrites in presence of nitrates; Detection of -. E. Percs 630. Nitrobarbituric Acid as reagent for alkaline earth metals. H. A. Friedland 917. Nitrogen bases ; Reinicke’s reagent for detecting and determining organic -.P. Duque-nois and Mlle. Faller 702. determination in leather; Use of selenium in Kjeldahl digestion of leather for -. D. Williams 535. in complex cyanides of heavy metals; Deter-mination of -. V. E. Tischenko and A. M. Samsonifa 629. in stainless steels; Determination of --. T. R. Cunningham and H. L. Hamner 630. Nitrous Acid in sulphuric acid ; Determination of - (as N,O,). Nitrous Fumes in industry; Detection of -. 347. Noise measurement. 350. North American Indian food plants; Analysis of some I_ . E. Yanovsky and R. M. Kingsbury 45. Nottinghsm Appointment of H. Childs as Additional Public Analyst and Deputy Agricultural Analyst for County of -. 30. Novocain Differentiation reactions for cocaine, stovocain and -.A. Martini and J. C. B. Graf 380. Nutrition Calcium compounds in relation to -. E. C. Doddsand J . D. Robertson 338. Phosphorus compounds in relation to -. H. D. Kay 336. *Nutritional requirements ; Analysis and diff eren-tiation of the composition of iron phos-phorus and calcium compounds in respect of -. 332. V. N. Zimarez 303. Nutritive Value of bread. 275. Nyasalsnd Croton seed from -. of wheaten products. N. Palmer 613. 195. 0 Oatmeal Lead content of -. Obeah in British Guiana. 827. Obituary Notices Bolton Edward Richards 77, 33. 316. Burgess William Thomas 469. Cripps Richard Augustus 315 394. Dunn John Thomas 77 155. Howard David Lloyd 154. Hulton Henry Francis Everard 315 639.Knapp Arthur William 77 246. Lea Henry Turner 639 778. Pope Sir William Jackson 778. Silvester Harry 77 247. Smithells Arthur 77 244. Williams Kenneth Edward Nethercoate 393. Ochres of the waters of the Liege Ardennes. G. Van Beneden 699. Octosan Honeys containing -. W. Paul 752. Oduvan as cattle poison. 680. leaf; Extraction of poisonous principle from Oenotannin Determination of -. E. Negre, Oil Presscake Me& Vitamin G content of -. -. 121. 684. F. W. Shenvood 617. VOLUME 64 xliii Oils and Fats. Vol. IV of Juckenaclr’s Hand-buch der Lebensmittel-Chemie. (Review), 715. Ergot of rye “hydrosols; Destruction of dilute ___ in volumetric analysis. D. F. Cheesman 344. *in extract of malt with cod-liver oil; Deter-mination of -.D. C. Garratt 795. of Aleurites trisperma. E. D. G. Frahm and U. R. Koolhaas 448. Okigisu fish -. S. Ueno and T. Tamura 610. Po-yoak -. A. Steger and J . van Loon 703., Rice bran as raw material of -. T. Hidaka, 750. Vnpolymerisable Matter in -; Appoint-ment of Sub-committee on Determination of. 77. Volatile I_ in sage. J . I;. Clevenger 830. H. Vandermeulen 357. Okigisu Fish Oil S. Ueno and T. Tamura 610. Olefines Identification of __ as dithio-cyanates. 0. C. Dermer and G. A. Dysinger 373. Oleic Acid Yrepai-ation of - and separation of - from saturated acids and linolic acid. P. J. Hartsuch 535. Olive Oil Sew constant for --. J . Grossfeld and H. Tinirn 354. Quinoline yellow as adulterant of -. J . Pritzker and R. Jungkunz 434. tea-seed oil in Tunisian - ; Fitelson’s reaction for detecting.Olives Glycerol in juice of ripe -. H. Marcelet 202. Opium Degradation of -. 511. Morphine content of -. 511. Orange juice; Effect of - on calcium assimila-tion. C. S. Lanford 898. Oranges Bitter principles of Navel and Valencia -. K. H. Higby 128. Differentiation of natural and artificial preparations of - by formol titration. A. Schrempf and E. Benk 204. R. Marcille 685. Lead content of - 33. “Sooty blotch” on -. 200. Ores poor in nickel cobalt and copper; Deter-mination of these metals by internal elec-trolysis without diaphragm. J. J. Lourie and L. B. Ginsberg 139. Organic acids ; Benzyl-isothio-urea as reagent for identifying - . S. Veibel and K. Ottung 842. analysis.Xbstracts 58 135 222 297 373, 447 535 621 702 761 842 909. carbon in soils; Modification of chromic acid reduction method for determining. E. R. Yurvis and G. E. Higson Jr. 221. Chemistry. (Review) P. Karrer 774. Chemistry; Laboratory Manual of -. 4th Ed. (Review) H. L. Fisher 308. Chemistry; Practical -. 2nd Ed. (Review), F. G. Mann and B. C. Saunders 384. Chemistry; Textbook of -. (Review), G. H. Richter 546. compounds; Modified Beilstein test for halo-gens in -. *compounds ; Semi-micro-analytical method for determining methoxyl groups in -. E. B. Lisle 876. Syntheses. D. F. Hayman 842. (Review) J. R. Johnson 854 xliv INDEX TO Organischen Chemischen Methodik ; Lehrbuch der -. Vol. I . 6th Ed. (Review), H. Meyer 547. Qualitativen Analyse ; Anleitung zur -.3rd Ed. (Review) H. Staudinger and W. Kern 775. Organisms thermophilic __ in sugar; Effect of radiant energy on -. H. H. Hall and J . C. Keane 841. Osmium Tetroxide Oxidation of cholesterol and of transdehydroandrosterone with -. M. I. Ushakov and A. I. Lutenberg, 695. Osteomalacia Phosphorus deficiency in cases of *Oubain m-Dinitrobenzene reacticn of - and its application to the examination of East African arrow poison. W. D. Raymond 113. Ox Liver nicotinic acid in -; Occurrence of. I). Ackermann and H. G. Fuchs 54. Oxah Acid Schryver-Fosse reaction applied to tests for -. M. Paget and R. Rerger, 212. Oxaloacetic Acid EStimation of -. G. D. Greville 614. Oxford Appointment of E. Voelclter as Agricul-tural Analyst for County Borough of -.192. Oxidation in beers. I. Simplified method of measurement. P. P. Gray and I . Stone, 520. methods; p-Ethoxychrysoidin hydrochloride as indicator for -. E. Schulek and P. Rozsa 228. -. 38. value of vinegars. 878. Oxidation-Reduction indicators ; New -. Oxidising agents; Hypochlorites as -. 497. Oxime formation with aldehydes and ketones ; Simplified procedure for analytical -. S. Sabetay 58. Oximes Normal - as flotation reagents. C. C. De Witt and F. Von Batchelder 543. Oxygen Determination of dissolved - in condensed steam. J. Haslam and G. Moses, 65. Erratum 143. Oxyhaemoglobin and sulphaemoglobin in a single sample of blood ; Micro-determination of -. K. A. Evelyn and H. G. Malloy, 210. G. Charlot 704.Oysters Lead content of -. 33. *Ozone Colour tests for - with methane base. A. T. Masterman. 492. P Paint Soluble lead in -. Painting pigments in - . Microchemical examination of. E. Bontkck 767. Palestine Report of Government Analyst (G. W. Baker) for 1937 41. Palladium Micro-test for -. R. Schoental, 458. Papain Isolation and properties of crystalline -. A. K. Balls and H. Linew-eaver 896. Ultra-violet absorption spectrum of -. J. S. Fruton and G. I . Lavin 897. Papaw seeds; Composition of - . J. L. Riebsomer J. Bishop and C. Rector 127. 283. VOLUME 64 Paper determination of acidity and pH of -. Improved method for. H. F. Launer 763. fibres; Microscopic methods used in identi-fying -. 425. *Parachlorometaxylenol Rapid method for determining I_ .D. McNicoll R. P. Merritt and T. F. West 261. *Paraldehyde Determination of -. D. J. T. Bagnall A. Smith and A. K. Tankard 857. Preservation of pharmacopoeia1 -- Detec-tion of resorcinol. Paranitroaniline Poisoning by absorption of __ through the skin. 679. Parsley Contamination of - with arsenic. J. M. Kowson and C. E. Waterhouse 434. Parthenoncarpy Development of - by use of synthetic growth substances F. G. Gustafson 901. *Pastries fat in -; French official method for determining. E. A. M. Bradford 817, Patent Blue V as +H and redox indicator. J. H. Yoe and G. R. Boyd 914. Peaches Lead content of -. 33. Peanut Meal Toxicity of __ for swine 42. Pears Lead content of --. 33. Peas dried -. J. S. Toal 830. Storage of -.42. Composition and texture of. 33. Pectin(s) from various sources. Determination of strength of gels. L. H. Larnpitt and R. W. Money 202. Fruit - their chemical behaviour and jellying properties. 8 83. Pentoses Determination of small amounts of - especially in derivatives of adenylic acid. W. Mejbaum 363. 598. Lead content of fresh and canned -. Pepper Lead content of -. 33. red -; Analysis of powdered. Dumas -. 892. Perchloric Acid Volatilisation of metallic com-pounds from solutions in - J. I. Hoffman and G. E. F. Lundell 706. Perfumes Analysis of natural - by entrain-ment a t low pressure with ethylene glycol. S. Sabetay 762. and spirit duties. 744. Perilla Seed from Burma. 195. Periodate Spot test for -. 542. Peroxidase R61e of __ in the fermentation process in tea manufacture.E. A. H. Roberts and S. N. Sarma 615. Petrol fuels; Corrosion of magnesium alloys by leaded --. 35. pH indicator; Patent blue V as -. J. H. Yoe and G . R. Boyd 914. of paper; Improved method of determining -. H. F. Launer 763. value of fermented. tobacco leaves and cigarettes C. Pyriki 288 values; New spotting-plate test for demon-Deribere 381. Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Report of B.P. Commission Committees on -. 602. Pocket Book 13th Ed. (Review) Pharma-ceutical Society 149. Pharmacognosy Textbook of -. 3rd Ed. (Review) T. C. Denston 635. strating effects of extreme - M INDEX TO Textbook of -. 3rd Ed. (Review) G. E. Trease 391. Pharmacopoeia The Extra ~ (Martindale), 21st Ed.Vol. 11. (Review) 145. Phase Rule and its Applications. 8th Ed. (Review) A. Findlay and A. N. Campbell, 770. o-Phenanthroline Ferrous - as means of identifying and determining cerium in small quantities. G. Charlot 705. Phenol and related compounds in tissues; Determination of -. W. Deichmann and H. W. Scott 836. Estimation of -. 122. Phatmacognosy-continued Phenolic Resins Research on -. 37. Phenols Colorimetric micro-determination of some -. A. I. Matiu C. and A. Popesco, 767. in hydrocarbon solvents ; Determination of -. L. A. Wetlaufer F. J. Van Natta and H. 13. Quattlebaum 910. 8-Naphthazide and /3-naphthyl isocyanate as reagents for identifying - P. P. T. Sah 622. Phenylcarbylamine Chloride Identification of small quantities of -.812. m-Phenylenediamine Test for -. 649. p-Phenylenediamine Determination of -. R. L. Herd 374. *Phloroglucinol method for colorimetric estima-tion of formaldehyde Use of Lovibond tintometer in -. R. C. Hoather and P. G. T. Hand 29. Phosgene Identification of small quantities of -. 808. Phosphatase Test for milk in New Zealand. 678. Phosphates boron in natural -; Occurrence and determination of. L. F. Rader and W. L. Hill 708. fluorine in natural -; Determination of. D. S. Reynolds and W. L. Hill 378. in codeine hydrochloride; Reaction for -. T. Potjewijd 359. Indicator for titration of -. 7. micro-methods for determining - ; T h t of. R. S. Manly 847. Phosphoric Acid in soils; Lactate method for determining readily-soluble -. H. Egner, G.Kohler and F. Nydahl 133. Errata, 461. *Phosphorus Analysis and differentiation of the composition of iron calcium and -compounds in respect of nutritional require-ments. 332. Atomic weight of -. 352. compounds in relation to nutrition. H. D. deficiency in cases of osteomalacia 38. Ferrous-molybdate reagent for detecting small amounts of -. J . H. van der Meulen, 846. Improved molybdenum blue reagents for determining -. J. A. Schricker and P. R. Dawson 455 in complex mixtures ; Colorimetric estimation of - G. Barac 835 in fruit and fruit products; Determination of -. H. W. Gerritz. 432. Kay 336. VOLUME 64 xlv Photographic lenses; Tests on -. 351. Photometric standards. 351. Physical methods of analysis. Abstracts 142, 234 381 459 543 708 849 917.Physiological Chemistry; Laboratory Manual of - 4th Ed. (Review) M. Bodansky and M. Fay 76. *Picrates Volumetric determination of organic -with methylene blue. A. Bolliger 416. *Picrolonates Volumetric determination of organic - with methylene blue. A. Bolliger 416. *Pig-Fat Method for approximate determina-tion of some unsaturated minor component acids of -. T. P. Hilditch and W. H. Pedelty 640. Pigment production by bacteria; Light as factor in -. Pigments in painting ; Microchemical examina-tion of -. Pigs Toxicity of peanut meal to -. 39. Pilu Seed fats of -. Pine-needle extract and its use. Pipes Effect of chromic acid on salt-glazed --. 671. Pituitary tissues ; Iodine in -. E. J . Baumann and N. Metzger 365.Pituitary Posterior Lobe Extract Standard for Plant Alkaloids 3rd Ed. (Review) T. A. Henry, ash ; Micro-colorimetric determination of 0. Schams 231. Biology 3rd Ed. (Review) H. Godwin 550. cells; Researches on protoplasm of green -. I. Isolation of chloroplasts of spinach leaves. W. Menke 212. growth; Growth factors in relation to -. J . Bonner 900. material; Determination of selenium in -by the codeine test. *material ; Determination of small quantities of boron in -. Plants Responses of - to physiologically active growth substances. I?. W. Zimmer-mann 901. Plaster Calcium sulphate -. 677. Platinocyanide Determination of __ . H. Etienne and A. de Rassenfosse 302. Plotnikow Effect Importance of ~ in biology. M. E. Jorg 849. Plums Fruit-gum in -.Poisoning by absorbing carbolic acid through the skin. 679. by absorbing paranitroaniline through the skin. 679. by arsine. 672. by marking-nut. 680. *cases ; Determination of paraldehyde in -. cases in Bengal. 198. cases in British Guiana. cases in Ceylon. 512. cases in Egypt. 353. cases in factories. 825. cases in Hong Kong. 595. cases in Lagos. 595. cases in Straits Settlements. 745. J . A. Baker 57. E. Bontinck 767. 42. Toxicity of zinc to -. 750. 299. -. 562. 468. aluminium in -. J. Davidson 701. K. L. Robinson 324. 596. 860. 40 827 xlvi INDEX TO Poisoning-continued Chopped hair and nails as means of -. 199. due to arsenic sulphide in the soil. 39. from lead in face powder. Madar juice -.120. Nitrite -. 120. of cattle. 680. of cattle by prussic acid in linseed cake. Pheno-barbitone -. 739. Poisons ant -; Determination of thallous 745. (Legal Notes) 880. sulphate in. Poisons Sub-committee to the Analytical Methods Committee. Report No. 1 Assay of lobelia. 581. Polymorphous compounds ; Microscopic exami-nation of -. L. Kofler and E. Lind-painter 540. Pongamia glabra Vent. Behenic acid in seed oil of - B. L. Manjunath and M. S. Shankara Rao 448. Pork and Beans Pork stock in -. Porphobilinogen in urine of patients suffering from so-called acute porphyria; Quantita-tive estimation of -. B. Vahlquist 693. Porphyria Quantitative estimation of porpho-bilinogen in urine of patients suffering from so-called acute -. Potassium Determination of - with mag-nesium dipicrylamine.R. Dworzak and H. Ballezo 769. in serum ; Iodimetric micro-determination of -. S. Dknes 848. *Potassium Chromate as indicator for titration of chlorides with silver nitrate. A. J. Berry and J. E. Sriver 730. Potassium Dichromate and sulphuric acid mixture as means of determining small amounts of alcohol. Potassium Ferricyanide as means of determining sulphides. G. Charlot 846. Potassium Iodate Standardisation of ~ by thallous carbonate. 28. Potassium Iodide method of measuring solar radiations. 592. Potato starch in flour. 880. Poultry Food Addition of Sudan dyes to ~ for A. Asshof, PO-Yo& Oil A. Steger and J. van Loon 703. Pozzolanas Artificial-. 676. Precipitation methods; P-Ethoxychrysoidin hy-drochloride as indicator for ~ .E. Schulek and P. Rbzsa 228. Precipitin test for blood on water-proofed material. 595. Preservative value of hops ; Colorimetric deter-mination of -. Preservatives in food. 739. Public Health Amendment Regula-tions 1939. 882. Propionic Acid in presence of acetic and butyric acids; Identification of -. L. Musicant and F. J. Kaszuba 909. Proteins Baudouin and Lewin’s nitro-mercuric reagent for precipitating -. 689. Edson’s copper-lime method for precipitating C. G. Donovan 620. Arrow -. See Arrow Poison. 192. B. Vahlquist 693. -4. Rapin 222. artificial colouring of egg-yolk. 682. A. A. D. Comrie 828. in food. -. 690. VOLUME 64 ProtopIasm of green plant-cells ; Researches on -.I. Isolation of chloroplasts of spinach leaves. W. Menke 212. Provitamin D from wheat-germ oil. A. Windaus and F. Bock 54. Prussic Acid in linseed cake as cause of alleged poisoning of cattle. Public Analysts Notes from Reports of -. See Amsterdam Birmingham Bristol Dept-ford Hammersmith Kent Kingston-upon-Hull Lancaster Leeds Leicester London County Council Madras Salford Woolwich, Worcestershire. See also Ministry of Health. Official appointment of -. 30 191 503, 818. Society of -. See Society of Public Anal Pyrolusite rhenium in -; Determination of L. C. Hurd and C. F. Hiskey 62. (Legal Notes) 880. lysts. traces of. Q Quackery Fraudulent -. ‘746. Qualitative Analysis ; Introductory -. (Re-view) W. C. Vosburgh 389. Analysis; Systematic ____ .(Review) H. Middleton 712. Analysis; Theoretical -. (Review) J. H. Reedy 389. Analytical Chemistry ; Elementary ~ 13th Ed. (Review) C. G. Lyons and F. Pyr: Appleyard 467. Chemical Analysis. Revised Edition. L. J. Curtman 389. Inorganic Analysis. (Review) A. J. Berry, 241. Quantitative -Analytical Chemistry; Elementary __- 13th Ed. (Review) C. G. Lyons and F. N. Appleyard 467. Inorganic Analysis; Treatise on -. 2nd Ed. (Review) J. W. Mellor and 13. V. Thompson 74. Qualitativen Analyse Xnleitung zur Organischen -. (Review) H. Staudinger and W. Kern 775. Tabellen und Vorschriften zur -. (Review), W. D. Treadwell 387. Quartz crystals; Difficulty of obtaining -. 196. Queensland Report of Government Analyst for 1937-38. F. Connah 282.Quinaldinic Acid as an analytical reagent. P. R%y and N. K. Dutt 229, *as reagent for copper zinc and cadmium. R. J. Shennan 14. *as reagent for separating and determining copper and cadmium. A. K. Majumdar, 874. Quinine Action of __ on Bordeaux B. D. B. Dott 436. tablets; Phosphorised -. 672. Tests for -. 122. Quinoline Yellow as adulterant of olive oil. R J. Pritzker and R. Jungkunz 434. Rabbit-Fur Identification of -. 679. Ragwort Chemical control of -Ramie Identification of -. 39. 428 INDEX TO VOLUME 64 xlvii Raney’s Alloy as substitute for Devarda’s alloy in determining nitrates. E. Cattelain and P. Chabrier 64. Rare Earths Group separation of __ by means of sulphamic acid. J. Kleinberg W. A. Taebel and L. F. Audrieth 765.Rare Metals Extraction from coal and coal ash. 37. Rayon Identification of -. Reagent(s) flotation -; Chelate compounds and normal oximes as. C. C. De Witt and F. Von Batchelder 543. for alkaline earth metals ; Nitrobarbituric acid as -. H. A. Friedland 917. for bromine; Specificity of Hahn’s fluorescein -. for ceric salts; Specific -. E. Montignie, 706. *for copper zinc and cadmium; Quinaldinic acid as -. for detecting and determining organic nitrogen bases; Use of Reinicke’s -. P. Du-quenois and Mlle. Faller 702. for determining phosphorus and arsenic ; Improved molybdenum blue -. J. A. Schricker and P. R. Dawson 455. for detecting small amounts of phosphorus, silicon and arsenic ; Ferrous-molybdate -. J. H. van der Meulen 846.for evaluating hydrogen peroxide. 469. for identifying alcohols ; p-Bromobenzazide as - . for identifying aldehydes and ketones ; 9-Xenylsemicarbazide as -. P. P. T. Sah and I. S. Kao 621. for identifying alkyl halides ; Sodium saccharin as -. L. L. Merritt Jr. S. Levey and H. B. Cutter 297. for identifying amines ; m-Bromobenzazide as -. P. P. T. Sah and L.-H. Chang, 222. for identifying organic acids ; Benzyl-isothio-urea as -. S. Veibel and K. Ottung, 842. for identifying phenols; fi-Naphthazide and p-naphthyl isocyanate as -. P. P. T. Sah 622. *for lead ; Colour - and its use as indicator in titration of cations and anions. B. S. Evans 2. for microchemical detection of certain metals ; Anthranilic acid as -. 0. G. Sheintzis, 380.for precipitating certain amines ; Saccharo-lactone as -. A. C. Kurtz and D. W. Wilson 843. for precipitating proteins; Baudouin and Lewin’s nitro-mercuric -. 689. for quinine; Microchemical -. 122. *for selenium and tellurium ; Stannous chloride as quantitative -. W. R. Schoeller 318. *for separating and determining copper and cadmium; Quinaldinic acid as -. A. K. Majumdar 874. for thallium and cobalt; 2.4-Dinitro-a-naphthol (Martius yellow) as -. A. Martini 632. H. J. Prebluda and E. V. McCollum 366. 429. J. H. Van der Meulen 914. R. J. Shennan 14. P. P. T. Sah and K.-Y. Tao 223. for thiamine (aneurin). Reagent (s)-continued for titanium and zirconium ; p-Hydroxy-phenylarsonic acid as -. C. T. Simpson and G. C. Chandler 60. for yohimbine ; Vanillin and hydrochloric acid -.J. A. SAnchez 688. Quinaldinic acid as an analytical -. P. R%y and N. I<. Dutt 229. See also 14 874. Solution of hydrogen sulphide in acetone as analytical -. M. Peronnet and R. H. Remy 911. Tetraphenylarsoniuni chloride as an analytical -. H. H. Willard and G. &I. Smith, 452 536. Redcurrants Lead content of -. Redox indicator; Patent blue V as -. J . H. Yoe and G. R. Boyd 914. potentials ; Determination of - with indicators (rH measurements). 137. Reductase Test for milk in New Zealand. 678. Refractory materials ; Investigations on -. Refuse Household ___ as source of humus. Reinecke’s Reagent for detecting and determining P. Duquenois and Renin Purification and some properties of -.Resazurin test for grading milk. J. G. Davis, Research Associations; Report on -. Resin(s) from Cannabis Indica; Active principles T. S. Work I;. Bergel and A. R. 33. 351. 510 819. organic nitrogen bases. Mlle. Faller 702. 0. M. Helmer and I. H. Page 441. 607. 276. of -. Todd 208. synthetic --; Research on. 37. Treatment of water with synthetic -. 507. Resorcinol in pharmacopoeia1 paraldehyde ; Detection of -. F. M. Shemjakin and V. A. Pilipenko 454. J . H. Yoe and G. R. Boyd 914. measurements ; Determination of redox poten-tials with indicators. 137. values; Kew spotting-plate test for demon-strating effects of extreme - . M. Deribere 381. Rhenium Colorimetric determination of -. J. I. Hoffman and G. E. F. Lundell 845. Determination of __ by means of tetra-phenylarsonium chloride.H. H. Willard and G. M. Smith 629. in pyrolusite ; Determination of traces of -. L. C. Hurd and C. F. Hiskey 62. Rheology Introduction to Industrial -. (Review) G. W. Scott Blair 388. Riboflavin in liver extract. G. E. Shaw 833. Rice bran as raw material of oil. T. Hidaka, *bran; Property of -. C. Louden and Lead content of -. 33. wild -; Composition and food value of. J. A. Le Clerc R. G. Capen and C. E. Chambliss 890. Rice Oil Constituents of liquid acids of -. S. Ueno and T. Ueda 127. J. S. Toal 830. Reaction with niobium and tantalum. r H indicator; Patent blue V as -. 750. F. L. Kinsella 186 xlviii INDEX TO Road binders; Method of testing durability of bituminous - . H.C. Bennett and D. W. Parkes 383. materials ; Mechanical testing of bituminous -. (Road Research and Experiment Report No. 1.) T. Lonsdale 513. Rocks cadmium in silicate -; Determination of. E. B. Sandell 844. Field Determination of - . (Review), E. H. Davison 76. nickel and cobalt in silicate - Determina-tion of small amounts of. E. B. Sandell and R. W. Perlich 626. *Rose Bengal as adsorption indicator in the titration of iodide in presence of chloride with silver nitrate. A. J. Berry 112. Rotherham Appointment of H. Childs as Additional Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 30. Rotherhithe Tunnel Investigations on atmos-phere in -. 32. Royal Agricultural Society of England Report of Consulting Chemist for 1938. E. Voelcker 510. Royal Sanitary Institute Report of Annual Congress.748. Rubber chlorinated -; Products made with. 36. Powdered -. 276. Rubidium in presence of caesiuni ; Microscopical detection of -. H. A. Frediani and L. Gamble 307. S Saccharine products ; Structure and composition of -. 547. Saccharolactone as reagent for precipitating certain amines. A. C. Kurtz and D. W. Wilson 843. Safe-Breaking Chemical evidence of -. 738. Saffron Lead content of liquid -. Sage Volatile oil in -. J. F. Clevenger 830. Sale of Food and Drugs Acts Ministry of Health Report for 1938. 739. Salford Report of the City Analyst for 1938. G. H. Walker 592. Salicylaldoxime for the determination and separation of copper and nickel. L. P. Biefeld and D. E. Howe 537. Salmon and Shrimp Paste Lead content of -.33. Salt from British Somaliland. 196. Salts in brick and stone; Crystallisation of -. 677. Salvadora Oleoides and Salvadora Petsica : Seed fats of -. B. G. Gunde and T. P. Hilditch 750. Sand Filters Sterilisation of slow -. 507. Sapindus Drummondii Composition of seeds of -. 0. C. Dermer and L. T. Crews, 891. Sarcina question New light on the -. J. L. Shimwell and W. F. Kirkpatrick 371. Sardine Paste Lead content of -. Sardines spoilage in canned -; Volatile fatty 33. 33. VOLUME 64 Saturation methods p-Ethoxychrysoidin hydro-E. Schulek Scandium Microchemical reactions for -. Scarborough North of England Section Summer School Meals Standards for -. Schryver-Fosse Reaction applied to tests for oxalic acid ascorbic acid tartaric acid and uric acid.Scientific and Industrial Research Dept. of. Appointment under -. 118. Building Research Board Report for 1938, 676. Chemistry Research Board Report for three years to December 1937. 35. Fruit pectins their chemical properties and jellying properties. 853. Investigation of Atmospheric Pollution Report for 1937-38. 743. Mechanical testing of bituminous road materials. T. Lonsdale 513. Methods for detecting toxic gases in industry. 277 278 347 674 (Erratum 744) 823. Microbiology in the preservation of the hen’s egg. R. B. Haines 422. Report for 1937-38. 275. Solubility of cements. 885. Water Pollution Research Board Report for Scotland Registered processes in -. Scottish butters ; Seasonal variations in vitamins Sea Water Tripyridyl as reagent for ferrous Vessel for sampling -.E. Pellerin 700. zinc in -; Quantity of. G. Bertrand 447. zinc in -; Proportion of. G. Bertrand 700. Sealing Wax Identification of -. Seed Cakes Proportions and properties of anti-oxygenic compounds in various extracted -. Seed Fats Fatty acids and glycerides of -. VII. Dika fat. W. J . Bushel1 and T. P. Hilditch 207. of Celastrus paniculatus. H. G. Gunde and T. P. Hilditch 355. of Nodgsonia capniocarpa. T. 1’. Hilditch, M. L. Meara and M1. H. Pedelty 435. of Neolitsea involucrata. B. G. Gunde and T. P. Hilditch 356. of Salvadora oleoides and Salvadova persica. B. G. Gunde and T. P. Hilditch 750. of the annual nasturtium. T. P. Hilditch and M. L.Meara 357. Seed Oil of Pongamia glabra Vent.; Behenic acid in --. B. L. Manjunath and M. S. Shankara Rao 448. Seeds Colchicine treatment of -. chloride as indication for -. and P. Rdzsa 228. G. Beck 770. Meeting a t -. 553. 31. M. Paget and R. Berger 212. 1937-38. 506. 748. A and D content of -. iron in -. 37. 17. 123. T. P. Hilditch and S. Paul 451. 42. of Cleome viscosa; Constituents of -. M. P. Seger Cones “Squatting points” of -. 351. Selenious Acid for simultaneous determination of zirconium and hafnium. A. Claassen, 765. Selenium Catalytic action of - in the Kjeldahl digestion method. A. Sreenivasan Gupta and S. Dutt 208. acids as indication of. F. Hillig 607. - and V. Sad>sivan 538 INDEX TO VOLUME 64 xlix Selenium-continued in Kjeldahl digestion of leather for nitrogen determination.D. Williams 535. in plant material determined by the codeine test. J . Davidson 701. in tissues and faeces ; Photometric determina-tion of -. R. A. Gortner and H. B. Lewis 439. process for protecting magnesium alloys from corrosion. 35. *Separation of - and its determination in lead alloys. *Stannous chloride as quantitative reagent for -. Seman Strychni E. Le Coultre and P. Van der Wielen 51. Semicarbazones Semi-micro determination of amido-nitrogen atom in - . J. B. Wilson 916. Seminal stains; Fluorescence of -. Senecio alkaloids. R. Konovalova and A. Senecio vulgatis and its pharmacological pro-J. Van der Meer 51. Serum Blood -. See Blood. potassium in -; Iodimetric micro-deter-Sewage Colloids in -.B. S. Evans 87. W. R. Schoeller 318. 595. Orekhov 688. perties. mination of. S. Dknes 848. 508. treatment; Activated sludge process of -. Treatment of town -. 508. 508. Seychelles mint oil. 195. Sheffield Appointment of H. Childs as Ad-ditional Public Analyst and Deputy Agri-cultural Analyst for County Borough of -. 30. Shoddy Excess of water in -. Shooting cases in Ceylon. 612. Shrimp and Salmon Paste Lead content of -. Sieves Test -. Revised B.S.I. standard for. Silds Lead content of -. Silica in lungs of a moulding-shed worker. 673. Silicate rocks; Determination of cadmium in -. E. 13. Sandell 844. rocks; Determination of small amounts of nickel and cobalt in -. E. B. Sandell and R. W.Perlich 626. Silicon Ferrous-molybdate reagent for detect-ing small amounts of -. J. H. van der Meulen 846. *Silicosis and the analyst. F. S. Fowweather, 779. Silk Identification of -. Silver Detection and estimation of - on impregnated filter-paper. N. D. Costeanu, 306. Detection of lead mercury and __ without separation. B. Berisso 381. Silver Foil Observations on bacterial growth in presence of -. *Silver Nitrate for titration of iodide in presence of chloride using Rose Bengal as adsorption indicator. A. J. Berry 112. *titration of chlorides with - ; Use of potassium chromate as indicator for. A. J. Berry and J. E. Driver 730. 819. Wet -. 873. 33. 606. 33. 430. C. Siebenmann 294. Sitosterol Comparison of cinchol with -.Soap containing fillers; Determination of gly-Society of Public Analysts Annual Report of North of England Section 1 153 251 315, Proceedings of -. 1 153 243 315 393, Scottish Section of -. See also Analytical Methods Committee. W. Dirscherl 366. cerol in -. Council 248. 563. 777 857. W. Schulze 909. 1 154 251 393. Soda Water Metallic contamination of -. Sodamint tablets. 878. Sodium Determination of -. N. Schoorl, 302. Spot test for - with zinc uranyl acetate. 541. Sodium Carbonate carbon dioxide in -; Determination of. 667. *Sodium Rhodizonate indicator paper ; Preserva-tion of -. A. L. Godbert and R. Belcher, 346. Sodium Saccharin as a reagent for identifying alkyl halides. L. L. Meritt Jr. S. Levey and H. B. Cutter 297. Sodium Sulphite and chlorine reaction of woody tissues.11. W. G. Campbell J. C. McGowan and S. A. Bryant 226. Soil(s) ‘I-4ctive aluminium” in -. Analysis of -. 2nd Ed. (Review) C. H. Wright 854. Arsenic sulphide in __ as cause of poisoning, 39. organic carbon in - ; Modification of chromic acid reduction method for. E. R. Purvis and G. E. Higson Jr. 221. phosphoric acid in -; Lactate method for determining readily-soluble. H. Egner G. Kohler and F. Nydahl 133. Errata 461. Rapid chemical tests on --. 42. Solar Radiations Potassium iodide method of Solarimeter Integrating -. 594. Solder Quantitative spectrographic analysis of - J. A. C. McClelland and H. K. Whailey. 849. Solutions Determination of germanium in -. W. C. Aitkenhead and A. R.Middleton, 61. Micro-crystallisation in supersaturated -. -4. Tschermak-Seysenegg 915. Somaliland Salt from British -. South Africa Report of Division of Chemical Services for 1938. 200. South Shields Appointment of H. C. L. Bloxam as Agricultural Analyst for -. Soya-Bean Oil Preparation of sterols from crude ~ . H. R. Kraybill M. H. Thornton and K. E. Eldridge 898. Sterol glucoside from expressed -. M. H. Thornton H. R. Kraybill and J. H. Mitchell Jr. 899. Spectrochemical Analysis in 1938. (Review), F. Twyman 461. Spectrographic Analysis in Great Britain. (Review) G. C. Candler 709. 282. 41. measuring -. 692. 196. 736. Triorthocresyl phosphate in -. 200 1 INDEX TO VOLUME 64 Spectrographic-rontirt ired analysis of solder spelter and magnesium and aluminium alloys; Quantitative -.J. A. C. McClelland and H. K. Whalley 849. Spektralanalyse Chemische -. (Review), W. Seith and K. Ruthardt 72, Spelter Quantitative spectrographic analysis of -. J. A. C. McClelland and H. K. Whalley 849. Spices Structure and composition of -. 548. Spinach leaves ; Isolation of chloroplasts of - W. Menke 212. Spinal. i u i d veronal in -; Micro-deter-mination of. R. Fischer 848. Spot Tests Application of - to analysis of medicinal preparations. VI-IX. 0. Frehden and K. Furst 457. Inorganic -. F. Feigl 541. for iron and uranium. E. A. Kocsis 307. Spotting-Plate test for demonstrating effects of M. LErib6r6, L. Brickman and extreme pH and rH values. 381. Others 451. Spruce Ethanolysis of -.Stains for identifying fibres. 426. *Standardisation Biological -. Sir H. Dale, Standards for cream and honey in Palestine 41. for disinfectants; U.S.A. commercial -. for school meals. 31. for vitamin B ; New international -. International biological -. 566. Photometric -. 351. *Thallous carbonate as - in volumetric See also British Standards Institution. seminal -; Fluorescence of. 595. 554. 424. 43. analysis. A. J. Berry 27. *Stannous Chloride as quantitative reagent for selenium and tellurium. W. R. Schoeller 318. Starch grains ; Microscopical differentiation of yeast cells and - by differential staining. E. Schmidt 295. -iodine coloration as an index of differential degradation by the amylases. C. S. Haines and M. Cattle 284.*of immature linseed. F. R. Dodd 735. paste; Estimation of amylases by liquifaction Potato - in flour. 880. Viscometric method for the characterisation *from unripe tomatoes. *volumetric iodide method of determining -; Notes on. W. Whale 588. Steam Determination of dissolved oxygen in condensed -. J. Haslam and G. Moses, 65. distillation ; Apparatus for micro -. J. Erdos and B. LBrzl6 233. Steanc Acid in fats; Determination of -. A. Heiduschka and W. Bohme 205. Stearone Temperatures of crystalline deposition of carnauba wax and - from their solutions in various organic liquids. K. Kino, 623. Steel(s) stainless - ; Determination of nitrogen in. T. E. Cunningham and H. L. Hamner 630. of -. J. Blow and A. Bak 135. of soluble -.W. A. Richardson 543. F. R. Dodd 877. Steel(s)-continued *sulphur in mild -; “Evolution” method for determining. T. P. Hoar and G. E. S. Eyles 666. temperature of liquid -; Measurement of. 276. Stetculia Platanifolia L. Oil Composition of - . Steroids Colour reactions of - in relation to constitution. G. Woker and I. Autener, 528. H. Kagi and K. Miescher 527. Sterol group of ketones ; Polarographic detection of the biologically important -. J . Eisenbrand and H. Picher 694. Sterol Glucoside from expressed soya-bean oil. M. H. Thornton H. R. Kraybill and J. H. Mitchell Jr. 899. Sterols from crude soya-bean oil; Preparation of H. R. Kraybill M. H. Thornton and K. E. Eldridge 898. of alfalfa seed oil. L. C. King and C. D. Ball 898. Stigmasterol Comparison of cinchol with -.W. Dirscherl 366. Stone Crystallisation of salts in -. Occurrence of methyl ketones. J. Kiermeier and R. Heiss 124. of eggs ; Cold - and gas -. T. Moran 281. of eggs; Use of carbon dioxide in -. 424. of peaches. 42. Stout Use of camphor to reinforce intoxicating power of -. 120. Stovain Differentiation reactions for cocaine, novocain and - . A. Martini and J. C. B. Graf 380. Stramonium and its preparations ; Rapid colori-metric assay for -. N. L. Allport and E. S. Wilson 686. Strawberries Lead content of -. Strontium in presence of calcium ; Determination of -. R. N. Shreve C. H. Watkins and J . C. Browning 455. Strophanthus species and their tinctures ; Identi-fication of -. P. Dumont and G. Thomas 612.Strychnine Action of - on Bordeaux B. D. B. Dott 436. Succinanilomethylamide p- Arsonic Acid A new drug. 37. Succinic Acid Heat of combustion of --. 887. Sucrose Action on - of juice expressed from tobacco stem. A. Wenusch 361. in milk; Detection of ~ by sulphuric acid. E. Bohm 201. Sudan Dyes added to poultry food for artificial colouring of egg-yolk. Sugar(s) alcohols ; Micro-method for quantitative determination of -. W. R. Todd and Others 379. *analysis; Graph for use in -. R. L. Kenny and M. A. Fill 420. -cane; Chemical examination of wax from -. N. L. Vidyarthi and M. Narasingarao, 610. Colorimetric method for determining -. E. A. Schmidt 286. S. Ueno and T. Ueda 126. New colour reactions for -. 677. Storage Changes in eggs during - .I. 33. A. Asshof 682 INDEX TO Sugar (s)-continued Demerara -; Lead content of. Separation of - by the chromatographic adsorption of their coloured esters. I. Separation of glucose and fructose. W. S. Reich 749. Thermophilic bacteria in -. 598. thermophilic organisms in - Effect of H. H. Hail and J . C. 33. radiant energy on. Keane 841. tin in -; Standard for. 878. Vol. V of Juckenack’s Handbuch der Lebens-milteE-Chemie. (Review) 715. Sulphaemoglobin and oxyhaemoglobin in a single sample of blood ; Micro-determination of -. K. A. Evelyn and H. G. Malloy, 210. Study of -. H. 0. Michel 53. Sulphamic Acid as a standard in acidimetry. S. M. J. Butler G. F. Smith and L. F. Audrieth 137. as means of grouping the rare earths.J. Meinberg W. A. Taebel and L. F. Audrieth, 765. Sulphanilamide determination ; New coupling component for -. A. C . Bratton and E. K. Marshall 524. in biological fluids; Estimation of -. A. E. A. Werner 438. type of free or conjugated compounds : Photo-colorimetric determination of -by means of Marshall’s reaction in filtered light. L. Servantie and G. Demange 917. *Sulphate Ion Volumetric method for deter-mining -. B. Josephson 181 ; Erratum, 343. Sulphates Action of - on concrete. 31. W. V. Burg 378. Direct titration of -Spot test for -. 542. Sulphides Determination of - by means of Sulphonation Cod oil for purposes of -; Sulphur Colour reaction for -. L. Van *in mild steel; “Evolution” method for T. P. Hoar and G. E. S. potassium ferricyanide.G. Charlot 846. B.S.I. specification for. 749. Itallie 230. determining -. Eyles 666. isotope of -. 887. *Volumetric method for determining -. B. Josephson 181. Erratum 343. well a t Harrogate; Analyses of water of -. 534. Sulphur Dioxide Detection of - in industry. 277. Sulphuric Acid and chromate mixture as means of determining small amounts of alcohol. A. Rapin 222. anthraquinone-1.8-disulphonic acid in presence of -; Determination of. W. Seaman 847. as means of detecting sucrose hydrogen peroxide formaldehyde and nitrates in milk. E. Bohm 201. Nitrous acid in - determined as N,O,. V. K. Zimarez 303. Volatilisation of metallic compounds from solutions in - . J. I. Hoffman and G. E. F. Lundell 706. works; Report on -.747. VOLUME 64 li Sunderland Appointment of H. C. L. Bloxam as Agricultural Analyst for -. Superphosphates boron in - ; Occurrence and determination of. L. F. Rader and W. L. Hill 708. Sutton and Cheam Appointment of E. Hinks as Public Analyst and D. D. Moir as Deputy Public Analyst for Borough of -. 818. Sweet Potatoes Vitamin content of -. 282. Syntheses Inorganic -. Vol. I. (Review), (Review) J. R. Johnson 854. 736. H. S. Booth 711. Organic -. T Tanganyika Ginger from -. Tannic Acid gauze. R. M. Savage and W. P. Chambers 685. Tannin Separation and determination of aluminium and beryllium with -. M. L. Nichols and J. M. Schempf 537. Tantalum Reaction with iodine. F. Korosy, 454. F. M. Shemjakin and V. A. Pilipenko 454.H. Wirtz 628. Testing -. 2nd Ed. (Review) 238. 195. Reaction with resorcinol. Separation from niobium. stills; Corrosion of -. 36. Tar and its Products; Standard Methods for Tartaric Acid Schryver-Fosse reaction applied to tests for -. M. Paget and R. Berger, 212. I-Tartaric Acid in fruit and leaves of Bauhinia reticulata D.C. J. Rabat6 and A. Gour6-vitch 46. Tea infusions; Iodine reaction for caffeine in -. H. Valentin 360. Lead content of -. 33. *Manganese and caffeine content of -. D. R. K. Coleman and F. C. Gilbert 726. manufacture ; Fermentation process in -. I. R61e of peroxidase. E. A. H. Roberts and S. N. Sarma 615; 11. Some properties of tea peroxidase. 111. Mechanism of fermentation. E. A. H. Roberts 616. Tea Seed Oil Composition of Chinese -.S. Ueno and T. Ueda 126, in olive oils particularly Tunisian ; Fitelson’s reaction for detecting -. R. Marcille, 685. Tellurium Detection of traces of -. L. Vignoli and A. B. Khaled 376. *Stannous chloride as quantitative reagent for -. Temperature Measurement of - in certain industrial processes 142. W. R. Schoeller 318. scale; International -. 350. *Test Papers Turmeric - containing boron. W. A. N. Markwell 271. Testosterone Absorption spectra of compounds formed by androsterone and - in the nz-dinitrobenzene reaction. G. 0. Langs-troth and N. B. Talbot 697. Tetraethyl Lead in gasoline; Determination of -. G. Calingaert and C. M. Gambrill, 623 lii INDEX TO Tetraphenylarsonium Chloride as an analytical H.H. Willard and G. M. Smith, Tetrapyridyl Isolation of -. Textile fibres ; Microscopic inethods for identi-fying -. 427. *Textiles Examination of - in cases of sus-pected dermatitis. Thallium Determination of - by means of thiourea. C. Mahr and H. Ohle 230. 2.4-Dinitro-a-naphthol (Martius yellow) as reagent for -. Isotopes of -. 887. New test for -. reagent. 452 536 629. 37. H. E. Cox 570. A. Martini 632. H. .JurAny 849. Thallous Carbonate as acidimetric standard. E. Jensen and B. Nilssen 913. *as standard in volumetric analysis. A. J. Berry 27. Thallous Sulphate in ant poisons ; Determination of -. Thermochemistry Permanent Commission on -. Second Appendix to First Report. 887. Thermophilic organisms in sugar; Effect of radiant energy on -.H. H. Hall and J . C. Keane 841. Thiamine Chemical reagent for -. H. J. Prebluda and E. V. McCollum 366. content of biological materials ; Estimation of - with the diazotised p-aminoaceto-phenone reagent. D. Melnick and H. Field 367. Reaction between ~ in pure aqueous solu-tion and diazotised p-amino-acetophenone. D. Melnick and H. Field 367. Thiamine Pyrophosphate Quantitative enzymic conversion of co-csrboxylase (-) into the free vitamin B,. D. Melnick and H. Field, 369. Thiocyanate Detection of zinc with 8-naphtho-quinoline and -. E. B. Sandell D. M. and E. L. Wishnick 142. *Thiocyanates aliphatic and aromatic --. W. E. Kemp 648. *Thiocyanogen value determinations ; Factors affecting accuracy of -. H. N. Sher and R. H.Coysh 814. Thioglycollic Acid Use of - in the colori-metric determination of iron in glass. R. C. Chirnside and C. F. Pritchard 627. Thiourea as means of determining thallium. C. Mahr and H. Ohle 230. C. Mahr, 622. Tin determination by means of tetraphenyl-arsonium chloride. H. H. Willard and G. M. Smith 536. in alloys ; Determination of arsenic antimony and -. J. A. ‘Scherrer 59. *in bronzes and brasses; New method for gravimetric determination of -. A. G. Dunbar-Poole 870. C. G. Donovan 620. Volumetric determination of -. in sugar; Standard for -. in tomatoes. 670. New method of separating antimony and -, and its application to analysis of white metals. U. Pelagatti 300. Tinplate Calculation of area basis metal ex-posed a t discontinuities in the tin coating of -.W. E. Hoare 236. 878. VOLUME 64 *Tintometer Use of the Lovibond - for colorimetric estimation of formaldehyde by the phloroglucinol method. R. C. Hoather and P. G. T. Hand 30. Tissues chloride and bromide in -; Distribu-tion of. E. G. Weir and A. B. Hastings 834. *cobalt in animal-; Determination of. K. J. McNaught 23. human -; Lead in 680; K. N. Bagchi, H. D. Ganguly and J . N. Sirdar 698. Iodine in pituitary and other -. E. J. Baumann and N. Metzger 365. phenol and related compounds in -; Determination of. W. Deichmann and H. W. Scott 836. respiration; Effect of calcium ion on -. G. D. Greville 614. selenium in -; Photometric determination of. woody -; Chlorine-sodium sulphite colour reaction of. 11.W. G. Campbell J. C. McGowan and S. A. Bryant 226. Titanium p-Hydroxyphenylarsonic acid as re-agent for -. C. T. Simpson and G. C. Chandlee GO. Iron in presence of - determined by the Jones reductor method. E. Truog and K. W. Pearson 60. Tobacco leaf and ribs; Methyl alcohol content of -. W. Preiss 437. leaves; pH value of fermented -. C. Pyriki 288. Kicotine from -. C. Pyriki 523. of the acid and alkaline groups; Character-istics of -. of the alkaline group ; Characteristic property of -. A. Wenusch and R. Scholler 128. Origin of objectionable odour occurring on burning unfermented -. A. Wenusch, 754. -4. Wenusch, 361. a-Tocopherol Colorimetric determination of -. A. Emmerie and C. Engel 216 446, 837. New method for isolating -.A. R. Moss and J. C. Drummond 216. 8-Tocopherol New method for isolating -. A. R. Moss and J . C. Drummond 216. Toilet preparations ; Classification of spirituous -. 510. Toluoles B.S.I. specifications for -. p-Tolylenediamine Determination of -. Tomato juice and purbe; Lead content of -. *puree; F’roportion of copper in -. M. R. A. Gortner and H. B. Lewis 439. A. Wenusch 287. stem juice; Action on sucrose. 431. R. L. Herd 374. 33. Herd 346. Tomatoes Copper and tin in -. Tooth structure and composition of enamel. 350. Toothpastes Composition of -. Toxic character of dusts resulting from grinding of mineral substances. M. W. Travers 372. gases in industry; Detection of -. 111. Sulphur dioxide 277; IV. Benzene vapour, 278; V. Nitrous fumes 347; VI.Carbon bisulphide vapour 674 (Erratum 744) ; VII. Chlorine 823. 670. *Starch from unripe -. F. R. Dodd 877. 678 INDEX TO Toxic-continued roots from Trinidad. 195. substances Contamination of foodstuffs with volatile. F. Schoofs 903. Toxicity of peanut meal for swine 42. of products from use of fire extinguishers. 31. of wood preservatives to fungi. B.S.I. test for-. 514. of zinc to pigs 39. Toxicological analysis. Toxicology of linseed plant. 680. Traffic Accidents (Der Verkehrsunfall) . (Re-view) G. Buhtz 924. Trns-Dehydroandrosterone Oxidation of -with osmium tetroxide. M. I. Ushakov and A. I. Lutenberg 695. Trichloromethyl Chloroformate Toxicity index Trinidad Toxic roots from -. Triorthocresyl Phosphate in soya-bean oil.200. Tripyridyl as reagent for ferrous iron in sea water. 37. Tryparsamide arsanilic acid in -; Estimation of small quantities of. C. A. MacDonald and J. G. Reynolds 832. Tung Oil Investigations on preparation of -. 195. Subcommittee on Determination of Un-polymerisable Matter in Oils with especial reference to -. Appointment of. 77. Tungstates Indicator for titration of -. 9. *Tungsten analytical chemistry of ---; Studies in. I. D. A. Lambie 481. Catalytic colour reaction for -. E. B. Sandell 67. iron in small amounts in -; Determination of. Spot test for ~ with diphenyline. Vanadium in presence of - determined voluinetrically with cliphenylamine-sulphonic acid as indicator. G. A. Pevtzov, 64. Tungstic Acid iron in small amounts in -; Determination of.M. I,. Holt and D. Swalheim 707. Tunnels Air in vehicular -. Turmeric root; Lead content of -. Abstracts 55 372 698, 903. of -. 906. 195. M. L. Holt and D. Swalheim 707. 541. 32. 33. *test-papers containing boron. W. A. N. Markwell 271. Tynemouth Appointment of H. C L. Bloxam as Agricultural Analyst for -. Typhoid Fever contracted from milk ; Liability for -. (Legal Notes) 193. Vi agglutination in the diagnosis of - and the typhoid carrier condition. S. S. Bhatnagar 131. 736. U Ulceration cases in factories. 826. *Ultra-Violet absorption of calciferol. S. K. Crews and E. L. Smith 568. absorption spectrum of papain. J . S. Fruton and G. I. Lavin 897. light observations in Hull. 738. ray meter; Paper used in Ashworth's -.594. VOLUME 64 liii United States of Americta Commercial standards for disinfectants. 424. Department of Commerce National Bureau of Standards Circular on Microscopical methods used in identifying commercial fibres. T. M. Plitt 425. Uranium Spot test for -. E. A. Kocsis, 307. Urea New sensitive colour test for -, J. A. Shchez 691. Uric Acid in blood; Estimation of - with uricase. M. B. Blauch and F. C. Koch, 894. Schryver-Fosse reaction applied to tests for -. Uricase for the estimation of uric acid in blood. M. B. Blauch and F. C. Koch 894. Urine alcohol in - ; Determination of. J. M. Hambersin 56. Ascorbic acid in - determined with the photoelectric colorimeter. K. A. Evelyn, H. T. Malloy and C. Rosen 213."bismuth in -; Estimation of. A. Houl-brooke and C. H. Manley 29. creatinine and creatine in -; Determina-tion of. datura in -; Detection of. Excretion of vitamin B in human -. 197. fructose and glucose in -; Estimation of. R. W. Martin 692. inulin in -; Colorimetric determination of. K. Steinitz 211. inulin in -; Direct colorimetric estimation of. A. S. Alving J. Rubin and B. F. Miller, 440. nicotine in - ; Estimation of. A. C Corcoran 0. M. Helmer and I. H. Page, 756. Normal excretion of fluorine from - and fluorine content of food and water. W. Machle E. W. Scott and J. Treon 693. of patients suffering from so-called acute porphyria ; Quantitative estimation of por-phobilinogen in -. B. Vahlquist 693. of pregnancy; International standard for gonadotrophic substance of human -.430. sulphanilamide in - Estimation of. 439. Urobilin as means of identifying very small quantities of copper and mercury. C. A. Sagastume and V. Oliva 231. M. Paget and R. Berger 212. E. C. Noyons 289. 121. V Valerian A new alkaloid. J . J. Blackie and Vanadates Indicator for titration of -. 8. Vanadium Determination of -. A. F. D. Ritchie 437. Andreev 63. from fuel-oil ash. 196. in presence of tungsten Volumetric determina-tion of - with diphenylamine-sulphonic acid as indicator. Reaction with iodine. Vanadium Sulphate Potentiometric determina-C. del Fresno Vanadous Sulphate for the volumetric determina-G. A. Pevtzov 64. F. Korosy 454. tion of mercury with -. and E. de Lafuente 138.tion of cerium. P. C. Banerjee 140 liv INDEX TO VOLUME 64 Vanillin and hydrochloric acid reaction for Vitamin B Biological estimation of crystalline yohimbine. J. A. SAnchez 688. -. K. H. Coward and B. G. E. Morgan, determining -. A. L. Curl and E. I<. Catatorulin test for -. K. A. Peters 214. Nelson 829. Chemical determination of -. D. Melnick W. A. Alexander 157. Determination of - by means of yeast. fumigation with methyl bromide. H. C. Excretion of - in human urine. 197. . H. M. Dudley 516. in blood; Estimation of -Canned -. See Canned. Sinclair 2 1 4. Enzyme activity in frozen ~ . String- New international standard for -. 43. beans. C. M. Bedford and M. A. Joslin Vitamin B, Occurrence of --. I. In muscle. 613. J . Schormiiller 225; 11. In animal organs, Lead content of -.33. 445; 111. In yeast and yeast extracts 530. Vol. V of Juckenack’s Handbuch dev Lebens- 197. mittel-Chemie. (Review) 71 5. Preparation of - from natural sources. Verbenin a glycoside of Verbena oficiwnlis R. D. Greene 899. which promotes milk secretion. Vitamin C content of Esthonian honey. M. Kask, jima 830. 130. Verkehrsunfall Der -. (Keview) G. Buhtz in blackcurrant juice. W. H. A. Elliott 899. 924. *Vitamin D content of butter; Seasonal variation Vermiculite Sources and uses of -. 196. in -. H. Wilkinson 17. Errata 111. Veronal in blood and spinal fluid; Micro-deter- in cod-liver oil; ,4 new -. C. E. Bills and mination of -. R. Fischer 848. Others 55. Veterinary cod-liver oil; B.S.I. specification for Vitamin 19 Ketone from --.A. Windaus and -. 515. K. Buchholz 131. Vi agglutination in the diagnosis of typhoid Vitamin E activity; Specificity Of -. I;. VOn fever and the typhoid carrier condition. Werder T. Moll and F. Jung 218. S. S. Bhatnagar 131. Colorimetric determination of -. A. Emmerie and C. Engel 216 446 837. Vinegar caramel in cider - and distilled __ Preliminary investigation of Licht- Quantitative photometric estimation of -. M. Furter and R. E. Meyer 217. hardt test for. F. E. Cook and H. Miller, Relation between dosage and response to -. ,4. Id. Bacharach 218. 829. E. T. Vitamin G content of some oil presscake meals Illing and E. G. Whittle 329. and related products. F. W. Sherwood, 617. Vitamin K Colour reaction for - . E. Williams 270. Fernholz S. Ansbacher and M.L. Moore, 760. “Vinegar Acid” 880. Viscometer for routine determination of pro- concentrates; colour reactions in -. H. J. teolytic activity of malts. J. R. Koch Almquist and A. A. Klose 760. from alfalfa. P. Karrer and A. Geiger 759. 0. Nelson and L. Ehrnst 234. Viscose waste gases. 747. Isolation of - as a choleic acid. H. J. Vitamin(s) anti-neuritic __ in natural Almquist and A. A. Iilose 370. Observations on colorimetric method for 618. *Vegetable fats ; Selective oxidation of -. and H. Field. I. 367; 11 367; 111 369. Vegetables Bromide content of - following K. Heynes 529. Vitamin B in Indian foods; Assay of -. K. Kuwa-*Modified method of analysis of --. Oxidation and iodine value of -. *Spirit ~ containing malt -. H. A. 878. materials; Determination of.P. Meunier Vitamin K Derivatives of - . s. R. and C. Blancpain 769. Binltley and Others 760; H. J. Almquist S. B. Binkley and Others, free -. T. H. Mead 759. 899. concentrates prepared from fish-liver oils; Vitamin K Derivatives of -. S . B. Binkley Varying activity of -. T. Moll and and Others 760. A. Reid 696. *content of butter; Seasonal variation in -. H. Wilkinson 17. Errata 111. Distribution of vitamin A and -. 11. J. A. Lovern R. A. Morton and J. Ireland, 443; 111. J. A. I ~ ~ e r n and R. A. Morton Water@) analysis. Abstracts 447 534 620, 444. 699. *in extract of malt with cod-liver oil; Deter- *analysis Effect of suspended matter and mination of -. D. C. Garratt 795. daylight on incubation tests. H. F. some fresh-water fishes.R. A. Morton *analysis; Note on use of hypochlorite in -. and R. H. Creed 443. Distribution of vitamin A and -. 11. Apparatus for determining - by distillation J . A. Lovern R. A. Morton and J. Ireland, 443; 111. J. A. Lovern and R. A. Morton drinking -; Lead in. 507. 444. Effect on cattle of drinking polluted -. 673. in cosmetics. 283. and A. A. Klose 900. Vitamin A alcohol in fish livers; Occurrence of Isolation of -. W War Gases see Gases. Vitamin A Conversion of carotene into __ by Stephenson 344. F. Dixon and D. C. Jenkins 735. with an immiscible liquid. 681 INDEX TO Water(s)-continued Fluorine content of food and - and normal urinary fluorine excretion. W. Machle, E. W. Scott and J. Treon 693. from Hotwell Spring. 671. in acetone determined by means of the infra-red absorption-spectrum.R. Gaspart and L. Gillo 459. in butyl alcohol; Rapid determination of -. G. Lazzari 447. in cooking fats. 669. Karl Fischer reagent for determining -.; Analytical procedures employing. D. M. Smith W. M. D. Bryant and J. Mitchell, Jr. 911. leptospirae; Isolation of - in pure culture and their biology. of the Likge Ardennes; Ochres of -. G. Van Beneden 699. of the old sulphur well at Harrogate; Analyses of -. 534. Sea -. See Sea Water. softener; Reaction of carbonic acid with the zeolite in a -. R. E. King and 0. M. Smith 620. supplies ; Bacteriological examination of -. (Public Health Report No. 71 revised edition). 505. supplies; Ceratium in -. 678. tap-; Lead content of -. Treatment of ~ with synthetic resins.607. Vol. VIII (i) of Juckenack’s Handbuch dev Lebensmittel-Chemie. (Review) 715. “zinc in natural -; Determination of traces of. N. L. Allport and C. D. B. Moon 395. Water Pollution Research Board Report for Water-proofed garments; Examination of I_ in cases of suspected dermatitis. material; Precipitin test for blood on -. 596. Watercress Bacterial purity of -. Water-melon Seed Oil A. J. Nolte and H. W. Wax from sugar cane; Chemical examination of N. L. Vidyarthi and M. Narasingaro, Weeds Weeds Weeds. 2nd Ed. (Review), “Wetting Out” agents; Determination of -. Whale Oil B.S.I. specification for -. Wheat Cooked flaked -. Wheat-germ Oil Antirachitic provitamin from Wheaten products; Nutritive value of -. Whelks Lead content of -.White Metals New method of separating tin and antimony applied to analysis of -. U. Pelagatti 300. Winchester Bottles B.S.I. specifications for - . 431. Wine(s) acidity in. ,-; Iodimetric determina-tion of. P. Vieles 684. chlorine in - Direct determination of. H. Grohmann 521. fluorides in -; Detection of. G. Destrke, 682. H. Sugimoto 220. 33. 1937-38. 506. 575. 879. von Loesecke 435. -. 610. Sir C. V. Boys 311. R. Hart 141. 432. 820. -. N. Palmer 613. A. Windaus and F. Bock 54. 33. VOLUME 64 IV Hypophosphite - devoid of hypophos-Malic acid in Bordeaux -. E. Peynaud, Wine(s)-continued phites. 820. 46. Winkles Lead content of -. 33. Wires Identification of -. 123. Witchcraft in British Guiana. 827. Wood(s) -decaying fungi; Differentiation of. R. W. Davidson W. A. Campbell and D. J. Blaisdell 132. Ethanolysis of -. Exothermal decomposition temperature of -. preservation technique; Determination of fluorides in -. preservatives; Toxicity of - to fungi. B.S.I. test. 514. Principal decays of soft -. Forest Pro-ducts Research Records No. 7 1939. 118. Pulp. (Review) J. Grant 637. Woody Tissues Action of ethanolamine on -L. E. Wise F. C. Peterson and W. RI: Harlow 227. Chlorine-sodium sulphite colour reaction of -. 11. W. G. Campbell J. C. McGowan and S. A. Bryant 226. *Wool Action of light on ~ with particular reference to production of acid. I. S. R. Trotman and W. W. Taylor 406. fibres; Identification of -. 430. Non-shrinkable - 276. Rubberised -. 277. wax. Two new alcohols from - and isolation of cholesterol from I_ . T. Kuwata and M. Katuno 226. Woolwich Report of Borough Analyst for 1938. H. A. Williams 820. Worcestershire Report of County Analyst for 1938. H. E. Monk 739. Writing made with aniline dyes; Examination of -. F. Kunkele 763. L. Brickman 451. K. A. Kobe and F. L. Goin 851. B. Ikert 539. X p-Xenylsemicarbazide as reagent for identifying P. P. T. Sah and X-Ray diffraction patterns; Evaluation of R. C. Rowker aldehydes and ketones. I . S. Kao 621. leather by means of -and H. J. McNicholas 382. intensity and protection. 350. Xyloles B.S.I. specifications for -. Xylyl Bromide Identification of small quantities 431. of -. 809. Toxicity index of -. 906. Y Yeast as means of determining vitamin B,. K. Heyns 529. cells ; Microscopical differentiation of starch grains and __ by differential staining. E. Schmidt 295. extract; Copper in - 879. Longevity of -. L. Fletcher and T. Mason 294. Vitamin B in yeast extracts and -. J. Schormoller 530 h i INDEX TO Yeasts for fermenting dextrose. 104. in fruits; Varieties of -. A. Komwalter and A. V. KirAly 840. Yellow Oleander Shell Identification of -. 121. Yohimbine Microchemistry of -. A. Mar-tini 379. Vanillin and hydrochloric acid reagent for -. J. A. SAnchez 688. York Appointment of H. Childs as Additional Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 191; as Deputy Agricultural Analyst for -. 192. Ytterbium Isotopes of -. 887. Z Zeolite Reaction with carbonic acid in a water R. E. King and 0. M. Smith 620. Zinc contamination in ice-cream. 878. content of commercial samples of insulin ; Significance of -. E. H. Vogelenzang and L. A. Hulst 129. Detection of - with /3-naphthoquinoline and thiocyanate. E. B. Sandell D. M. and E. L. Wishnick 142. determination by means of tetraphenyl-arsonium chloride. H. H. Willard and G. M. Smith 536. softener. VOLUME 64 Zinc-contiizued Determination of ~- with morpholine. L. S. Malowan 765. *in biological material and natural waters ; Determination of traces of -. N. L. Allport and C. D. B. Moon 395. in human blood Occurrence of -. E. H. Vogelenzang 291. *in presence of iron; Detection of -. G. ErPnyi 271. in sea-water; Proportion of -. G. Bert-rand 702. in sea water; Quantity of -. G. Bertrand, 447. Influence of - on the reaction between iodine and insulin. E. H. Vogelenzang 292. R. J . Shennan 14. *Quinaldinic acid as reagent for -. Toxicity of __ to pigs. 30. Zinc Salts Interaction with alkalis. A. I. Nikurasin 453. Zirconium Gravimetric d'ctermination of -by means of atoxyl. p-Hydroxyphenylarsonic acid as reagent for --. C. T. Simpson and G. C. Chandlee, GO. Simultaneous determination of hafnium and - by means of selenious acid. A. Claassen 765. R. Chandelle 377. PRINTED BY W. HEFFER & S O N S LTD CAMBRIDGE ENGLAN
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