THE ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 89 1964 PUBLJSHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & S O N S , LTD. 4 PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE. ENGLANDTHE ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 89 1964 PUBLJSHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & S O N S , LTD. 4 PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE. ENGLANDTHE ANALYST EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Chairman: K. A. WILLIAMS, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.Inst.P., F.R.I.C. B. BAGSHAWE, A.Met., F.I.M., M.Inst .F. E. BISHOP, BSc., A.R.C.S.T., F.R.I.C. H. E. BROOKES, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. S. G. BURGESS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C., F.Inst.Pet., F.Inst.S.P., F.R.S.H. H. J. CLULEY, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C.D. I. COOMBER, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.I.C. W. T. ELWELL, F.R.I.C. C . H. R. GENTRY, BSc., F.R.I.C. J. F. HERRINGSHAW, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.C.S., E. A. HONTOIR, B.Sc., A.I.M. W. C. JOHNSON, M.B.E., F.R.I.C. J. I. M. JONES, DSc., F.R.I.C. R. F. MILTON, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C., F. H. POLLARD, Ph.D., D.Sc. T. S. WEST, B.Sc., Ph.D., DSc., F.R.I.C. D.I.C., F.R.I.C. M. I .Biol. AND THE PRESIDENT AND HONORARY OFFICERS President of the Society D. C. GARRATT, Ph.D., D.Sc., Hon.M.P.S., F.R.I.C. Hon. Secretary of the Society Hon. Treasurer of the Society S. A. PRICE, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. D. T. LEWIS, C.B., Ph.D., D.Sc., M.R.S.H., F.R.I.C. Hon. Assistant Secretaries of the Society B. S. COOPER, B.Sc., F.1nst.P. ; D. W. WILSON, MSc., F.R.I.C. Editor J. B. ATTRILL, M.A., F.R.I.C. Assistant Editor S.D. L. KEATING, B.Sc.Tech.THE ANALYST EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Chairman: K. A. WILLIAMS, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.Inst.P., F.R.I.C. B. BAGSHAWE, A.Met., F.I.M., M.Inst .F. E. BISHOP, BSc., A.R.C.S.T., F.R.I.C. H. E. BROOKES, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. S. G. BURGESS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C., F.Inst.Pet., F.Inst.S.P., F.R.S.H. H. J. CLULEY, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. D. I. COOMBER, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.I.C. W. T. ELWELL, F.R.I.C. C . H. R. GENTRY, BSc., F.R.I.C. J. F. HERRINGSHAW, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.C.S., E. A. HONTOIR, B.Sc., A.I.M. W. C. JOHNSON, M.B.E., F.R.I.C. J. I. M. JONES, DSc., F.R.I.C. R. F. MILTON, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C., F. H. POLLARD, Ph.D., D.Sc. T. S. WEST, B.Sc., Ph.D., DSc., F.R.I.C. D.I.C., F.R.I.C. M. I .Biol. AND THE PRESIDENT AND HONORARY OFFICERS President of the Society D.C. GARRATT, Ph.D., D.Sc., Hon.M.P.S., F.R.I.C. Hon. Secretary of the Society Hon. Treasurer of the Society S. A. PRICE, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. D. T. LEWIS, C.B., Ph.D., D.Sc., M.R.S.H., F.R.I.C. Hon. Assistant Secretaries of the Society B. S. COOPER, B.Sc., F.1nst.P. ; D. W. WILSON, MSc., F.R.I.C. Editor J. B. ATTRILL, M.A., F.R.I.C. Assistant Editor S. D. L. KEATING, B.Sc.Tech.INDEX TO VOLUME 89 INDEX TO A Abbott, D. C., et al. Chromatographic detcn. and detmn. of organo-chlorine herbicides in soil and water, 480. - Wedge-layer chromatographic clean-up of dino- seb extracts, 613. Adams, R. W., et al. Thermogravimetric study of mandelates of zirconium and hafnium, 603. - Thermogravimetric study of selenites of hafnium and zirconium, 31.Alimarin, I. P., et al. Inorganic Ultramicroanalysis. Translated by M. G. Hell. Allen, H. C., jun., et al. Molecular Vib-Rotors: Theory and Interpretation of High Resolution Infrared Spectra. (Review), 77. Allport, N. L. Review of Garratt, Brealey, Johnson, Smith and Sykes’ Quantitative Analysis of Drugs. 3rd Edn., 500. Anantakrishnan, C. P., et al. Constant-potential amperometric technique for successive complexo- metric detmn. of calcium and magnesium, 608. Anderson, D. M. W. Review of Cross’s Introduction to Pvactical Infra-Red Spectroscopy. 2nd Edn., 686. Anderson, J. H. Copper-catalysed oxidation of hydroxylamine, 357. Andrews, D. W. W. Sensitive detmn. of nitrate in water with 2,6-xylenol, 730. Andrews, R. E. S., et al. Apparatus for detmng. small amounts of alcohol in sour milk and urine, 272.Angell, F. G. Review of Friess, Lewis and Weiss- berger’s Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol. VIII. Part 11, 229. - Review of Stewart’s Oxidation Mechanisms: Applications to Organic Chemistry, 683. - Review of Waters’ Mechanisms of Oxidation of Organic Compounds, 626. Aurand, L. W., e f al. Food Composition and Analysis. (Review), 439. Avtokratova, T. D. Analytical Chemistry of Ruthenium. (Review), 812. Ayaz, A. A., et al. Detmng. hypobromite and bromite with tartrazine as indicator, 147. (Review), 566. B Banick, W. M., jun., et al. Detmng. quaternary ammonium compounds as phosphotungstates, 435. Barakat, M. Z., et al. Detmng. sulphonamides, 216. Bark, L. S., et al. Aldridge method and modifica- tions for detmng. small amounts of cyanide in effluents, 338.Barlow, F. L., et al. Filtration of partially reduced alkaline permanganate solutions, 76. Barnard, G. P. Review of Elliott’s Advances in Mass Spectrometry. Vol. 2, 370. Barua, R. K., et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of vitamin D in presence of vitamin A, 534. Bassett, D. W. Review of Behrndt’s Vacuum Microbalance Techniques. Vol. 3, 79. Basu, P. Translator of Nalimov’s Application of Mathematical Statistics to Chemical Analysis. Translation Editor M. Williams. (Review), 152. - Translator of Trifonov’s Rare-Earth Elements. Translation edited by R. C. Vickery. (Review), 687. AUTHORS Bates, A. N., et al. Interference by extractives in detmng. malathion residues in rice bran, 286. - Recovery of malathion from stored products, 288.Beaven, G. H. Review of Ferraro and Ziomek’s Developments in Applied Spectroscopy. Vol. 2, 155. Beck, N., et al. Spectrographic analysis of zinc and cadmium chloride solutions and solid zinc and cadmium sulphides by solution - powder method, 205. Review of Irani and Callis’s Particle Size: Measurement, Interpretation and Application, 151. Behmdt, K. H. Vacuum Microbalance Techniques. Vol. 3. (Review), 79. BeMiller, J. N., ef al. Methods in Carbohydrate Chemistry. Vols. I and 11. (Review), 149. Bender, A. E. Review of Hersom and Hulland’s Canned Foods: Introduction to Their Microbiology (Baumgartner) . 5th Edn., 564. Benfield, C. A., et al. Detmng. triazine herbicides by gas - liquid chromatography with particular reference to atraton in soil, 475. Berg, E. W.Physical and Chemical Methods of Separation. (Review), 79. Berry, C. T., et al. High-pressure plasmas as spectroscopic emission sources, 713. Bertrand, D. MCthodes Chimiques de Dosages des OligoClCments, 8. Usages Biologiques. (Review), 686. Bhalerao, V. R., et al. Thin-layer chromatographic identification of annatto and other food colours, 740. Bhimasena Rao, M., et al. Constant-potential amperometric technique for successive complexo- metric detmn. of calcium and magnesium, 608. Birks, F. T., et al. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of the rare-earth elements by ion exchange, 36. Birks, L. S., et al. Chemical Analysis. Vol. XVII. (Review), 375. Bishop, E., et al. Differential electrolytic potentio- metry.XIV. Examination of electrode para- meters and electrode systems in acid - base titrimetry, 415 ; XV. Macro- and microcoulometry of acid - base reactions, 587. Blakeley, St. J. H., et al. Photometric precipitation titrations, 721. Bloemendal, H. Zone Electrophoresis in Blocks and Columns. (Review), 437. Board, P. W., et al. Dispersing agents for tin - dithiol complex, 555. Bowden, P. Geochemical field detmn. of tungsten in soils and stream sediments, 771. Bowen, H. J. M. Detmng. chromium in biological material by radioactivation, 658. - et al. Detmng. calcium and magnesium in biological material by radioactivation analysis, 266; Erratum, 376. Beech, D. G. - Radioactivation Analysis. (Review), 80. Boyland, E., et al. Arylhydroxylamines. IV. - Colorimetric detmn.of N-hydroxyurethane and Brealey, L., et al. Quantitative Analysis of Drugs. Colorimetric determination, 95. related compounds, 520; Erratum, 626. 3rd Edn. (Review), 500.vi INDEX TO VOLUME 89 Brookes, H. E. Review of British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1963, 150. - Review of British Pharmacopoeia 1963, 80; Erratum, 302. Brown, B. L., et al. Detmng. zinc in sewage and sewage sludge, 551. Bunyan, P. J. Detcng. organo-phosphorus pesti- cides on thin-layer chromatograms, 615. Burroughs, L. F., ef al. Detmng. free sulphur dioxide content of ciders, 55. Buzas, I. Editor of Erdey’s Gravimetric Analysis. Vol. 1. Translated by G. Svehla. (Review), 564. C Caldin, E. F. Fast Reactions in Solution. (Review), 683. Cali, J.. P. Trace Analysis of Semiconductor Materials. (Review), 565.Callis, C. F., . et al. Particle Size : Measurement, Interpretation and Application. (Review), 151. Campbell, D. H., et al. Methods in Immunology. (Review), 504. Canaway, R. J., et al. Detmng. volatile fatty acids by gas chromatography with automatic titration, 363; Erratum, 504. Carr-Brion, K. G. Rapid casting of fused beads for use in X-ray fluorescence analysis, 556. - X-ray fluorescence detmn. of zinc in samples of unknown composition, 346. Cawse, P. A., et al. Detmng. calcium and mag- nesium in biological material by radi oactivation analysis, 266; Erratum, 376. Chalmers, R. A. Review of Berg’s Physical and Chemical Methods of Separation, 79. - et al. Effect of random balance errors in cali- brating a set of weights, 567. Chambers, R. D., et al. Semi-micro detmn.of fluorine and chlorine in organic compounds. V. Preparation of biphenyl - sodium - dimethoxy- ethane complex, 369. Charlton, M. G. Review of McDowell’s Mass Spectrornetry, 374. Chenery, .E. M: Rapid Titan yellow detmn. of magnesium in plant material in presence of excess of manganese, 365. Chilwell, E. D., et al. Detmng. triazine herbicides by gas - liquid chromatography with particular reference to atraton in soil, 475. Chirnside, R.. C. Review of Duval’s Inorganic Thermogravzmetric Analysis. Translated by Oesper. 2nd Edn., 808. Clements, R. L., et al. Application of paper and thin-layer chromatography to identification of thyroxine in feeding stuffs additive, 328. - Detmng. propylene glycol in tobacco by cellu- lose-column chromatography, 67.Cluley, H. J. Review of Cali’s Trace Analysis of Semiconductor Materials, 565. - Review of Lambie’s Techniques for Use of Radioisotopes in Analysis, 810. Cockburn, A., et al. Errors in sampling for dissolved oxygen, 679. Conacher, H. B. S., et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of caffeine in coffee - chicory mixtures: removal of hydroxymethylfurfural by bisulphi te, 806. Coomes, T. J., et al. Detcng. and detmng. aflatoxin in groundnuts and groundnut materials. 111. Classification of aflatoxin B, levels, 436. Cooper, P. J., et aZ. Apparatus for detmng. small amounts of alcohol in sour milk and urine, 272. Copius Peereboom, J. W. Chromatographic Sterol Analysis as Applied to Investigation of Milk Fat and Other Oils and Fats. (Review), 626. Comparison of Kjeldahl and sulphuric acid - hydrogen peroxide methods and their salicylic acid - thiosulphate modifica- tions for detmng.total nitrogen in grasses, 670. Courts, A., et al. Practical Analytical Methods for Connective Tissue Proteins. Cowan, A. C., et al. Honeydew in honey. 111, 222. Crawley, R. H. A. Modified curcumin method for detmng. boron, for possible application to con- tinuous analysis of aqueous solutions, 749. Cremer, N. E., et al. Methods in Immunology. (Review) , 504. Critchfield, F. E. Organic Functional Group Analysis. (Review), 152. Crosby, N. T., et al. Infra-red spectroscopy in analysis of pesticide residues, 319. Cross, A. D. Introduction to Practical Infra-Red Spectroscopy. 2nd Edn. (Review), 686. Cross, P. C., ef al. Molecular Vib-Rotors: Theory and Interpretation of High Resolution Infrared Spectra.(Review), 77. Crouthamel, C. E. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series IX. Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 3. Parts 4, 5-7. (Review), 373. Crowther, P. C., et al. Detcng. and detmng. aflatoxin in groundnuts and groundnut materials. 111. Classification of aflatoxjn B, levels, 436. Curnow, R. N., et al. Effect of random balance errors in calibrating a set of weights, 567. Cornfield, A. H., et al. (Review), 78. D Daglish, M., et al. Detmng. calcium and mag- nesium in biological material by radioactivation analysis, 266; Erratum, 376. Dagnall, R. M. Review of Zuman’s Organic Polavo- graphic Analysis, 683. Dalziel, J. A. W., et al. Gravimetric detmn. of iron by homogeneous precipitation of tris- (2-thiopyrjdine-A7-oxide) - iron complex, 707 ; Erratum, 814. - 8-Mercaptoquinoline as gravimetric reagent for detmng.palladium and nickel, 411. David, D. J. Ion-exchange column for use with atomic-absorption analysis, 747. Davies, M. Infra-red Spectroscopy and Molecular Structure. (Review), 372. Dawber, J. G. Faraday effect, magnetic rotatory dispersion and magnetic circular dichroism : review, 755. Dawson, J. A., et al. Detmng. parathion and related insecticides by gas - liquid chromato- graphy with special reference to fenitrothion residues in cocoa, 495. De, A. K., et al. Extraction and spectrophotometric detmn. of platinumIV and palladium11 with 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone, 795. de Faubert Maunder, M. J. See Maunder, M. J. de Souza, J. E. See Souza, J. E. de. Desty, D. H. Review of Szymanski’s Lectures on Gas Chromatography 1962, 371.Dhont, J. H. Identifying aliphatic alcohols by pyrolysis, 7 1. - et al. Separation of isomeric ionones and methylionones by multiple thin-layer chromato- graphy, 681. Dijkman, (3. J. C., et al. Separation of isomeric ionones and methylionones by multiple thin-layer chromatography, 681. de F.INDEX TO Anion-exchange separation of titanium, zirconium, niobium, tantalum, molybde- num and tungsten, with particular reference to analysis of alloys, 185; Erratum, 688. Donegsn, L., et al. Detmng. parathion and related insecticides by gas - liquid chromatography with special reference to fenitrothion residues in cocoa, 495. Dosinel, C. M. Modern Methods of Analysis of Copper and Its Alloys. 2nd Edn. (Review), 300. Drewry, J. Examination of detergents by paper chromatography. 11, 75.Duff, G. M. S. Review of Melville and Gowenlock’s Experimental Methods in Gas Reactions, 809. Dutt, M. C. Detcng. Orange RN and Orange I1 in meat, 142. Duval, C. Inorganic Thermogravimetric Analysis. Translated by Oesper. 2nd Edn. (Review), 808. Dixon, E. J., et aZ. E Eastoe, J. E., et al. Practical Analytical Methods for Connective Tissue Proteins. (Review), 78. Edwards, J. 0. Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms : .4n Introduction. (Review), 809. Egan, H. Review of Gunther’s Residue Reviews. Vol. 3, 154; Vols. 4 and 5, 751. - Review of Zweig’s Analytical Methods f o r Pesti- cides, Plant Growth Regulators, and Food Addi- tives. Vol. 1, 230. - et al. Analysing organo-phosphorus pesticide residues by gas chromatography, 175.- Chromatographic dectn. and detmn. of organo- chlorine herbicides in soil and water, 480. - Clean-up of animal fats and dairy products for analysis of chlorinated pesticide residues, 168. - Detmng. chlorinated pesticides by electron- capture gas chromatography, 157. Egginton, E. V., et al. Micro-detmn. of hydrazine salts and derivatives, 226. Ekpete, D. M., et al. Comparison of Kjeldahl and sulphuric acid - hydrogen peroxide methods and their salicylic acid - thiosulphate modifications for detmng. total nitrogen in grasses, 670. Dispersing agents for tin - dithiol complex, 555. Analytical problems involved in detmng. structure of proteins and peptides: review, 81. Elliott, R. M. Advances in Mass Spectrometry. Vol. 2. (Review), 370. Elving, P. J., et al.Chemical Analysis. Vol. XVII. (Review), 375. Elwell, W. T. Review of Dozinel’s Modern Methods of Analysis of Coppev and its Alloys. 2nd Edn., 300. - Review of Everest’s Chemistry of Beryllium, 562. - Review of Moshier’s Analytical Chemistry of Niobium and Tantalum, 624. Erdey, L. Gravimetric Analysis. Vol. 1. Trans- lated by G. Svehla. Edited by I . Buzas. (Re- view), 564. - Theorie und Praxis der gravimetrischen Analyse. Part I. (Review), 565. Evans, D. W. S. Rapid elimination of water in gas-chromatographic detmn. of chloroform in aqueous solutions, 295. Everest, D. A. Chemistry of Beryllium. (Review), 562. Evett, T. W., et al. Detmng. radiostrontium in milk and herbage, 544. Ezer, E., et al. Detmng. betaine in vinasses of beet molasses, 282. Elbourne, R.G. P., et al. Elliott, D. F., et al. VOLUME 89 F vii Fay, M., et al. Advances in X-Ray Analysis. Vol. 6. (Review), 231. Feigl, F. Analytical Chemistry 1962. Proceedings of International Symposium, April, 1962, in honour of -. (Review), 301. Ferraro, J. R., et al. Developments in Applied Spectroscopy. Vol. 2. (Review), 155. Finar, I. L. Organic Chemistry. Vol. 2. Stereo- chemistry and the Chemistry of Natural Products. 3rd Edn. (Review), 813. Flett, M. St. C. Characteristic Frequencies of Chemical Groups in the Infra-red. (Review), 228. - Review of Davies’s Infra-red Spectroscopy and Molecular Structure, 372. Francis, B. J., et aZ. Detcng. and detmng. aflatoxin in groundnuts and groundnut materials. 111. Classification of aflatoxin B, levels, 436. Frankel, M., et al.Tables for Identification of Organic Compounds. 2nd Edn. (Reviw), 685. Fresenius, W., et al. Handbuch der analytischen Chemie. Part 2. Vol. IVaa. (Review), 688. Friess, S. L., et al. Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol. VIII. Part 11. 2nd Edn. (Review), 229. Furness, G. Review of Campbell, Garvey, Cremer and Sussdorf’s Methods in Immunology, 504. G Gage, J. C. Review of Stolman’s Progress an Chemi- cal Toxicology. Vol. I, 563. Garratt, D. C., et al. Quantitative Analysis of Drugs. 3rd Edn. (Review), 500. Garrett, H. E., et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of silicic acid in dilute solution, 642. Garrido, M. L. See Lachica Garrido, M. Garvey, J. S., et al. Methods in Immunology. (Review), 504. Gautier, J.-A. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure et Appliqu6e et d’dnalyse Bromatologique.9th Series and 10th Series. - et al. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Organique, Pharmaceutique e t Bromatologique. 1 l t h Series. (Review), 438. Gibbons, D., et al. Radjoactivation Analysis. (Review), 80. Gibbs, F. W. Education in Chemistry. Vol. 1, No. 1, January, 1964. Gibson, J., et al. Gas-chromatographic apparatus for analysis of mine gases, 103. Godly, E. W., et al. Clean-up of animal fats and dairy products for analysis of chlorinated pesticide residues, 168. Gorog, S., et al. Detmng. betaine in vinasses of beet molasses, 282. Gowenlock, A. H., et al. West-European Symposia on Clinical Chemistry. Vol. 2. Clinical Chemistry of Monoamines. (Review), 151. Experimental Methods in Gas Reactions. (Review), 809. Micro-detmn. of hydrazine salts and derivatives, 226.Comparison of hypodermic and pipette injection systems in gas - liquid chromatography, 801. - Measuring elution peaks in gas - liquid chromato- graphy, 179. Grant, J. Review of Mark, McKetta, Othmer and Standen’s Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Vol. 2. 2nd Edn., 502; Vol. 3, 752. Grassmann, H., et al. Handbuch der analytischen Chemie. Part 2. Vol. IVaa. (Review), 688. (Review), 438. (Review), 559. Gowenlock, B. G., et al. Graham, M. J., et al. Grant, D. W., et al.viii INDEX TO VOLUME 89 Gray, C. H. Review of Standard Methods of Clinical Chemistry. Vol. 4, 811. Greenfield, S., et al. High-pressure plasmas as spectroscopic emission sources, 713. Grindley, D. N., et al. Filtration of partially reduced alkaline permanganate solutions, 76.Groenewald, I. D. Polarographic detmn. of lead in antimony sulphide flotation concentrates, 140. Gunn, A. H. Introduction to Fluorimetry. (Re- view), 374. Gunther, F. A. Residue Reviews. Vol. 3. (Re- view), 154; Vols. 4 and 5. (Review), 751. H Haeseler, G., et al. Trinkbranntweine und Likore. 4th Edn. (Review), 625. Hair, R. P., et aZ. Detmng. traces of iron and lead in copper metal and cupric salts, 42. Hais, I. M., et al. Handbuch der Papierchromato- graphie. Parts I, I1 and 111. (Review), 561. Hammond, E. W., et al. Analysing organo- phosphorus pesticide residues by gas chromato- graphy, 175. - Chromatographic detcn. and detmn. of organo- chlorine herbicides in soil and water, 480. - Clean-up of animal fats and dairy products for analysis of chlorinated pesticide residues, 168.Hampson, B. L. Detmng. radiocerium in biological matter and seawater, 651. Hashmi, M. H., et al. Detmng. hypobromite and bromite with tartrazine as indicator, 147. Haslam, J. Review of Siggia’s Quantitative Organic Analysis via Functional Groups. Hawkins, A. E. Karl Fischer titration unit for routine use, 432. Headridge, J. B., et al. Anion-exchange separation of titanium, zirconium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum and tungsten, with particular reference to analysis of alloys, 185; Erratum, 688. Heaysman, L. T., et al. Detmng. vitamin D in pharmaceutical preparations by thin-layer chro- matography, 529. Hell, 1. G. Translator of Alimarin and Petrikova’s Inorganic Ultramicroanalysis, 566. Henning, H. M., et al. Vitamin-Bestimmungen : Erprobte Methoden.(Review), 375. Henry, A.. J. Analytical uses of metallic silver. I. Qualitative analysis of Group 2 elements that can be precipitated by silver, 242; Erratum, 376, 566; 11. Revised scheme for semi-micro qualita- tive analysis of common elements, 255. Herington, E. F. G. Zone Melting of Organic Compounds. (Review), 232. Herringshaw, J. F. Review of Kodama’s Methods of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis: Encyclopedia of Gravimetric, Titrimetric and Colorimetric Methods, 562. - Review of Welcher’s Standard Methods of Chemi- cal Analysis. Vol. 11. Parts A and B. 6th Edn., 299. Hersom, A. C., ef al. Canned Foods; Introduction to Their Microbiology (Baumgartner) , 5th Edn. (Review), 564. Hibbs, J. M., et al. Application of electrolytic hygrometer to detmn.of oxide in lead, 49. Higgins, J. Higson, H. G., et al. Aldridge method and modi- fications for detmng. small amounts of cyanide in effluents, 338. 3rd Edn., 78. Subtracting the blank value, 211. Hilton, D. A,, et al. Detmng. caesium-137 in irradiated uranium by ring-oven technique and gamma-ray spectrometry, 132. - Detmng. uranium-235 by neutron activation and ring-oven separation of molybdenum-99 - technetium-99, 599. Hole, N. H., et al. Identifying offals in sausages, 332. Holmes, T. F., et al. Semi-micro detmn. of fluorine and chlorine in organic compounds. V. Pre- paration of biphenyl - sodium - dimethoxyethane complex, 369. Holness, D. Detmng. citronellol in presence of geraniol and linalol: method based on reactions with P-toluenesulphonic acid, 763.Holness, H., et al. Thermogravimetric study of mandelates of zirconium and hafnium, 603. - Thermogravimetric study of selenites of hafnium and zirconium, 31. Hughes, R. E. Use of a catjon-exchange resin in detmng. urinary ascorbic acid, 618. Hulland, E. D., et al. Canned Foods: Introduction to Their Microbiology (Baumgartner). 5th Edn. (Review), 564. Hutchinson, W. Review of Willemsen’s Organolead Chemistry, 684. Hutt, H. H. Review of Standard Methods of the Oils and Fats Division of the I.U.P.A.C. 5th Edn., 560. I Irani, R. R., et al. Particle Size: Measurement. Interpretation and Application. (Review), 151. J Jacobs, H. J., et al. Automatic starter for paper chromatography, 297. Jacobs, .S. Effect of temperature on Kjeldahl digestion process, 489; Erratum, 626, 754.Jander, G., et al. Handbuch der analytischen Chemie. Part 2. Vol. IVacc. (Review), 688. Jayson, G. G., et al. Separating and detmng. oxidation products of cysteamine, 788. Jeffery, P. G., et al. Gas Analysis by Gas Chromato- graphy. (Review), 814. Johnson, C. A., et al. Quantitative Analysis of Drugs. 3rd Edn. (Review), 500. Johnson, E. I. Review of Triebold and Aurand’s Food Composition and Analysis, 439. Johnson, W. C. Review of Bertrand’s Me‘thodes Chimiques de Dosage des Oligoe’le’ments, 6 Usages Biologiques, 686. Johnston, I., et al. Flame-photometric detmn. of calcium in industrial phosphoric acid, 290. Jolly, W. L. Inorganic Chemistry of Nitrogen. (Review), 625. Jones, A. G. Plastics in the analytical laboratory, 629. - Review of Second Report of the Toxicity Sub- Committee of the Main Technical committee of the British Plastics Federation, with Methods of Analysis of Representative Extractants, 501.Jones, G. T. Detmng. sulphur dioxide in beers and wines, 678. Jones, I. Ll., et al. High-pressure plasmas as spectroscopic emission sources, 7 13. Jones, J. I. M. Review of Eastoe and Courts’ Practical Analytical Methods for Connective Tissue Proteins, 78. - Review of Finar’s Organic Chemistry. Vol. 2. 3rd Edn., 813. - Review of International Encyclopedia of Chemical Science, 624.INDEX TO VOLUME 89 ix Jones, K. B., et al. Identifying offals in sausages, 332. K Kaiser, R. Gas Phase Chromatography. Vols. 1, 2 and 3. Translated by P. H. Scott. (Review), 298. Kawerau, E. Review of Bloemendal’s Zone Electro- phoresis in Blocks and Columns, 437.Kealey, D., et al. 8-Mercaptoquinoline as gravi- metric reagent for detmng. palladium and nickel, 411. Keating, S. D. L. Review of Kelly’s Practical Mathematics f o r Chemists, 153. Kelly, F. H. C. Practical Mathematics for Chemists. (Review), 153. Kenyon, M. W., et al. Detcng. trichloro sedatives in urine, 802. King, D. A., et al. Detmng. steam-volatile phenols present in ci garette-smoke condensate. I. Colorimetric detmn. of total steam-volatile phenols, 305. Ecipping, P. J., et al. Gas Analysis by Gas Chro- matography. (Review), 814. Kirby, D. R., et al. Extracting organo-chlorine pesticides from animal tissue, 497. Kirkbright, G. F. Review of Linnett’s Electronic Structure of Molecules, 812. Klotz, I. M., et al.Chemical Thermodynamics: Basic Theory and Methods. Revised Edn. (Review), 807. - Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics. (Review), 807. Knott, L., et al. Comparison of hypodermic and pipette injection systems in gas - liquid chromato- graphy, 801. Knowles, C. J., et al. Rapid detmn. of indium in cyanide indium plating solutions, 293. Kodama, K. Methods of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis : Encyclopedia of Gravimetric, Titri- metric and Colorimetric Methods. (Review), 562. Kolthoff, I. M., et al. Chemical Analysis. Vol. XVII. (Review), 375. Krell, E. Handbook of Laboratory Distillation. Translated by C. G. Verver. Edited by E. C. Lumb. (Review), 154. Kriedeman, P. E. Detmng. cyanide in cyanophoric plants, 145. Krishna Rao, S., et al. Constant-potential ampero- metric technique for successive complexometric detmn.of calcium and magnesium, 608. Kum-Tatt, L. See Lee, K.-T. L Lachica Garrido, M. Detmng. sulphur in plant material, 61. Lama, A., et al. Separation and assay of adenosine- 5-triphosphate in multivitamin mixtures, 803. Lambie, D. A. Techniques for Use of Radioisotopes in Analysis: Laboratory Manual. (Review), 810. Laws, E. Q. Review of Samuelson’s I o n Exchange Separations in Analytical Chemistry, 230. - et al. Infra-red spectroscopy in analysis of pesticide residues, 319. Lederer, M. Chromatographic Reviews. Vol. 5. (Review), 301. Lee, B. M., et al. Lee, J., et al. Gas-chromatographic apparatus for analysis of mine gases, 103. All-glass dispenser, 227. Lee, K.-T., et al. Detmng. ascorbic acid in black- currant and other coloured fruit-juice syrups, 674.Leet, G. Y., et al. All-glass dispenser, 227. Leitch, J. M., et al. Recent Advances in Food Science-3 : Biochemistry and Biophysics in Food Research. (Review), 372. Leong, P. C., et al. Detmng. ascorbic acid in black- currant and other coloured fruit-juice syrups, 674. Lester Smith, E. See Smith, E. L. Lever, F. M. Review of Avtokratova’s Analytical Chemistry of Ruthenium, 812. Lewis, D. T. Review of Crouthamel’s Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series IX. Analytical Chem- istry. Vol. 3. Parts 4, 5-7, 373. Lewis, E. S., et al. Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol. VIII. Part 11. 2nd Edn. (Review), 229. Lilliman, B., et al. Loss of strychnine in purification of visceral extracts with concentrated sulphuric acid, 750. Linnett, J.W. Electronic Structure of Molecules: New Approach. (Review), 812. Linskens, H. F., et al. Modern Methods of Plant Analysis. Vol. VI. (Review), 228. Lloyd-Jones, C. P., et al. Recording radioactivity in eluates, 782. Lord, K. A. Review of Paech, Tracey and Linskens’ Modern Methods of Plant Analysis, 228. Lumb, E. C. Editor of Krell’s Handbook of Labora- tory Distillation. Translated by C. G. Verver. (Review), 154. M McDonald, A. J., e f al. Detmng. gold in soil with Brilliant green, 767. Macdonald, A. M. G. Review of Fresenius, Jander and Grassmann’s Handbuch der analytischen Chemie. Part 2. Vol. IVaa, 688. - Review of Pzibil’s Komplexometrie. Part I. 2nd Edn., 688. - et al. Analytical Chemistry 1962. (Review), 301. McDowell, C. A. Mass Spectrometry. (Review), 374.MaEek, K., et al. Handbuch der Papierchromato- graphie. Parts I, I1 and 111. (Review), 561. Macfarlane, C., et al. Rapid detmn. of nitrogen in apple juice and cider, 428. Mack, M., et al. Data for X-Ray Analysis. Charts for the Solution of Bragg’s Equation (d versus t9 and 28). Vols. I, I1 and 111. (Review), 685. Kirk-Othmer Encyclo- pedia of Chemical Technology. Vol. 2. 2nd Edn. Mackison, R. Modified burner base for Unicam SP900 flame photometer, 745. Mclillan, J. W. Analysis of stainless-steel neutron- activation products by combined group separation and y-ray spectrometry, 594. Translator of Schmidt and von Stackelberg’s Modern PolarograPhic Methods, 156. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Organique, Pharmaceutique e t Bromatologique. 1 lth Series. (Review), 438.Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Vol. 2. 2nd Edn. (Re- view), 502; Vol. 3, 752. Mattock, G., et al. Response properties of electrode glass sensitive to potassium and ammonium ions, 350. McKetta, J. J., jun., et al. (Review), 502; Vol. 3, 752. Maddison, R. E. W. Malangeau, P., et al. Mark, H . F., et al.X INDEX TO VOLUME 89 Maunder, M.. J. de F., et al. Clean-up of animal fats and dairy products for analysis of chlorinated pesticide residues, 168. - Detmng. chlorinated pesticides by electron- capture gas chromatography, 157. Mears, J. F., et al. Rapid detmn. of nitrogen in apple juice and cider, 428. Melville,. H., et al. Experimental Methods in Gas Reactions. (Review), 809. Metcalfe, J., et al. Rapid detmn. of indium in cyanide indium plating solutions, 293. Middleton, K.R. Spectrophotometric detmn. of lron and aluminium in leaves of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis), 421. Mills, E. V., et al. Detmng. zinc in sewage and sewage sludge, 551. Milner, G. W. C. Review of Rechnitz’s Controlled- potential Analysis, 813. Milner, 0. I. Analysis of Petroleum for Trace Elements. (Review), 561. Milton, R. F. Review of Copius Peereboom’s Chromatographic Sterol Analysis as Applied to Investigation of Milk Fat and Other Oils and Fats, 626. - Review of Leitch and Rhodes’ Recent Advances in Food Science-3 : Biochemistry and Biophysics in Food Research, 372. - Review of Strohecker and Henning’s Vitamin- Bestimmungen: Erprobte Methoden, 375. - Review of West, Macdonald and West’s Analytical Chemistry 1962, 301.Mitchell, T. J., et al. Honeydew in honey. 111, 222. Montgomery, H. A. C., et al. Errors in sampling for dissolved oxygen, 679. Morgan, L. Detmng. boron by pyrohydrolysis, 621. Morries, P. Review of Gautier’s Mises au Point de Chemie Analytique Pure et Applique’e et d’Analyse Bromatologique. 9th Series and 10th Series, 438. - Review of Gautier and Malangeau’s Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Organique, Pharma- ceutique et Bromatologique. Morris, D. F. C. Review of Bowen and Gibbons Radioactivation Analysis, 80. - Review of Taylor’s Neutron Irradiation and Activation Analysis, 754. Morton, P., et al. Application of the Freundlich isotherm to adsorption of sugars from solution by a column of charcoal, 512. Review of Phillips and Nachod’s Organic Electronic Spectral Data.Vol. IV: Separation and assay of adeno- sine-5-triphosphate in multivitamin mixtures, 803. Moshier, R. W. Analytical Chemistry of Niobium and Tantalum. (Review), 624. Moss, M. S., et al. Detcng. trichloro sedatives in urine, 802. Mueller, W. M., ef al. Advances in X-Ray ,4nalysis. Vol. 6. (Review), 231. Munro-Faure, A. D. Review of Varley and Gowen- loclr’s West- European Symposia on Clinical chemistry. Vol. 2. Clinical Chemistry of Mono- amines, 151. Musgrave, W. K. R., et al. Semi-micro detmn. of fluorine and chlorine in organic compounds. V. Preparation of biphenyl - sodium - dimethoxy- ethane complex, 369. 11th Series, 438. Morton, R. A. 1958-1959, 374. Mosconi, L., et al. N Rechod, F. C., et al. Organic Electronic Spectral Data. Vol. IV: 1958-1959.(Review), 374. Nalimov, V. V. Application of Mathematical Statis- tics to Chemical Analysis. Translated by P. Basu. Translation Editor M. Williams. (Review), 152. Nation, G. H., et al. Application of electrolytic hygrometer to detmn. of oxide in lead, 49. Nery, R., et al. Arylhydroxylamines. IV. Colori- metric determination, 95. - Colorimetric detmn. of N-hydroxyurethane and related compounds, 520; Erratum, 626. Newman, E. J., ef al. Detmng. traces of iron and lead in copper metal and cupric salts, 42. Nickless, G. Review of Stock and Rice’s Chromato- graphic Methods, 438. Norman, V. J. Photometric detmn. of excess of zinc in zinc oxide, 261. 0 Oesper, R. E. Translator of Duval’s Inorganic Thermogravimetric Analysis. 2nd Edn. (Re- view), 808. Ogden, D., et al.Separation of trace metals by manganese dioxide “collection” method. I. Behaviour of antimony, bismuth and tin : separa- tion of traces of antimony and tin from bismuth, 538. Ostroumov, E. A. Application of Organic Bases in Analytical Chemistry. Translated by D. A. Paterson. (Review), 77; Erratum, 156. Othmer, D. F., et al. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Vol. 2. 2nd Edn. (Review), 502; Vol. 3, 752. Ottaway, J. M. Review of Edwards’ Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms, 809. - Review of Klotz and Young’s Chemical Thermo- dynamics. Revised Edn., 807. - Review of Klotz and Young’s Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics, 807. Owen, T. C., et al. Separating and detmng. oxida- tion products of cysteamine, 788. Owers, M. J., et al. Detmng. radiostrontium in milk and herbage, 544.P Paech, K., et al. Modern Methods of Plant Analysis. Vol. VI. (Review), 228. Page, J. E. Review of Allen and Cross’s Molecular Vib-Rotors: Theopy and Interpretation of High Resolution Infrared Spectra, 77. - Review of Flett’s Characteristic Frequencies of Chemical Groups in the Infra-red, 228. Palframan, J. F., et al. Identification of furfur- aldehyde in hydrocarbon oil, 553; Erratum, 688. Palin, D. E. Review of Mueller and Fay’s Advances in X - R a y Analysis. Vol. 6, 231. - Review of Parrish and Mack’s Data for X-Ray Analysis. Charts f o r Solution of Bragg’s Equation (d versus 8 and 28). Vols. I , I1 and 111. 2nd Edn., 685. Pantony, D. A. Review of Nalimov’s Application of Mathematical Statistics to Chemical Analysis. Translated by P.Basu. Translation Editor M. Williams, 152. Parker, C. A. Review of Gunn’s Introduction to Fluorimetry, 374. Parrish, W., et al. Data for X-Ray Analysis. Charts for the Solution of Bragg’s Equation (d versus 8 and 28). 2nd Edn. (Review), 685. Patrsi, S., et aZ. Tables for Identification of Organic Compounds. 2nd Edn. (Review), 685. Vols. I, I1 and 111.INDEX TO VOLUME 89 xi Paterson, D. A. Translator of Ostroumov’s Appli- cation of Organic Bases in Analytical Chemisfry. (Review), 77. Patterson, S. J., et al. Application of paper and thin-layer chromatography to identification of thyroxine in feeding-stuffs additive, 328. - Detmng. propylene glycol in tobacco by cellu- lose-column chromatography, 67. Peck, P. F., et al. Sintered polymeric carriers in partition chromatography and electrophoresis, 662.Peereboom, J. W. C. See Copius Peereboom, J. W. Perold, G. W., et al. Automatic starter for paper chromatography, 29 7. Petrikova, M. N., et al. Inorganic Ultramicro- analysis. Translated by M. G. Hell. (Review), 566. Phillips, J. P., et al. Organic Electronic Spectral Data. Vol. IV: 1958-1959. (Review), 374. Pierce, T. B., et al. Sintered polymeric carriers in partition chromatography and electrophoresis, 662. Pollard, F. H. Review of Hais and MaCek’s Hand- buch der Papierchromatographie. Parts 1, I1 and 111, 561. - Review of Jolly’s Inovganic Chemistry of Nitvo- gen, 625. - Review of Stephen and Stephen’s Solubilities of Inovganic and Organic Compounds. Vol. I. Binary Systems. Potts, W. J., jun. Chemical Infrared Spectroscopy. Vol.I. (Review), 503. Praagh, G. Van. See Van Praagh, G. PPibiI, R. Komplexometrie. Part I. 2nd Edn. (Review), 688. Price, J. W., et al. Paper chromatography of organo-tin compounds. 11. Reversed-phase systems, 220. Parts 1 and 2, 561. R Radley, J. A. Review of Whistler, Wolfrom and BeMiller’s Methods i n Carbohydrate Chemistry. Vol. IT, 149. - Review of Whistler, Wolfrom, BeMiller and Shafizadeh’s Methods in Carbohydvate Chemistry. Vol. I, 149. Extraction and spectro- photometric detmn. of platinumIV and palladium11 with 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone, 795. Thin-layer chromato- graphic identification of annatto and other food colours, 740. Rahaman, Ma. S., et al. Ramamurthy, M. K., et al. Rao, D. S. See Sethu Rao, D. Rao, M. B. See Bhimasena Rao, M. Rao, M.V. K., et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of vitamin D in presence of vitamin A, 534. Rao, S. K. See Krishna Rao, S. Ratner, R., et al. Flame-photometry for detmng. phosphate, 136. Rea, R. E., et al. Extracting organo-chlorine pesticides from animal tissue, 497. Rechnitz, G. A. Controlled-potential Analysis. (Review), 813. Reed, D., et al. Detmng. caesium-137 in irradiated uranium by ring-oven technique and gamma-ray spectrometry, 132. - Detmng. uranium-235 by neutron activation and ring-oven separation of molybdenum-99 - tech- netium-99, 599. Rees, D. I., et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of caffeine in coffee - chicory mixtures: removal of hydroxymethylfurfural by bisulphite, 806. Reynolds, G. F. Review of Schmidt and von Stackel- berg’s Modern Polarographic Methods, 156.- Review of Chromatographie Symposium II: 1962, 232. - et al. Separation of trace metals by manganese dioxide “collection” method. I. Behaviour of antimony, bismuth and tin : separation of traces of antimony and tin from bismuth, 538; 11. Behaviour of lead: detmng. antimony and tin in presence of lead, 579. Recent Advances in Food Science-3 : Biochemistry and Biophysics in Food Research. (Review), 372. Rice, C. B. F., et al. Chromatographic Methods. (Review), 438. Rickard, E. F. Diffusion-controlled oxidation of carbon in nickel and other metals as basis of analysis, 235. Roberts, M. P., et al. Identifying offals in sausages, 332. Robertson, G. Polarographic detmn. of zinc in plant materials containing phosphate, 368. Roburn, J., et al. Clean-up of animal fats and dairy products for analysis of chlorinated pesticide residues, 168.- Detmng. chlorinated pesticides by electron- capture gas chromatography, 157. Rose, B. A. Review of Kaiser’s Gas Phase Chro- matography. Vols. 1, 2 and 3, 298. - et al. Identification of furfuraldehyde in hydrocarbon oil, 553; Erratum, 688. Rowlands, D. G. Recovering malathion residues from pimento, 498. - et al. Interference by extractives in detmng. malathion residues in ricc bran, 286. - Recovery of malathion from stored products, 288. Ryan, D. E., et al. Photometric precipitation titrations, 721. Rhodes, D. N., et al. S Samuelson, 0. Ion Exchange Separations in Analyti- cal Chemistry. (Review), 230. Sawyer, E. R., et al. Detmng. vitamin D in pharmaceutical preparations by thin-layer chro- matography, 529.Scheiner, D., et al. Flame-photometry for detmng. phosphate, 136. Scherbak, M., et al. Effect of glycerol added to tobacco on constituents of cigarette smoke, 735. Schmidt, H., et al. Modern Polarographic Methods. Translated by R. E. W. Maddison. (Review), 156. Scholes, P. H., et al. Automatic colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus, manganese and silicon in steel, 466. Schwarz, J. C. P. Physical Methods in Organic Chemistry. (Review), 684. Scott, P. H. Translator of Kaiser’s Gas Phase Chromatography. Vols. 1, 2 and 3. (Review), 298. Scott, R. P. W., et al. Measuring elution peaks in gas - liquid chromatography, 179. Seligson, D. Standard Methods of Clinical Chemis- try. Vol. 4. (Review), 811. Sen, S. P., et al. Interference by 9-aminosalicylic acid or its sodium salt in detmng. vitamin B, by the thiochrome method, 558.Interference by $-amino- salicylic acid or its sodium salt in detmng. vita- min B, by the thiochrome method, 558. Constant-potential ampero- metric technique for successive complexometric detmn. of calcium and magnesium, 608. Sengupta, A. K., et al. Sethu Rao, D., et al.xii INDEX TO VOLUME 89 Shafbadeh, F., et al. Shaker, M., et al. Detmng. sulphonamides, 216. Shelton, J. H. Review of Wiistenfeld and Haeseler’s Trinkbranntweine und Likore. 4th Edn., 625. Sheppard, W. L. Reviw of Potts’ Chemical Infrared Spectroscopy. Vol. I, 503. - Review of Szymanski’s I R Theory and Practice of Infrared Spectroscopy, 753. Shone, G., et al. Detcng. and detmng. aflatoxin in groundnuts and groundnut materials.111. Classification of aflatoxin B, levels, 436. Short, G. D., et al. Differential electrolytic potentiometry. XIV. Examination of electrode parameters and electrode systems in acid - base titrimetry, 415; XV. Macro- and microcoulo- metry of acid - base reactions, 587. Siggia, S. Quantitative Organic Analysis via Functional Groups. 3rd Edn. (Review), 78. Skerrett, E. J., et al. Recording radioactivity in eluates, 782. Smith, E. L. Review of Lederer’s Chromatographic Reviews. Vol. 5, 301. Smith, G. A. L., et al. Detmng. steam-volatile phenols present in cigarette-smoke condensate. I. Colorimetric detmn. of total steam-volatile phenols, 305; 11. Detmng. phenol, cresols and guaiacol by thin-layer chromatography, 3 12. Smith, K. L., ef al. Quantitative Analysis of Drugs.3rd Edn. (Review), 500. Smith, R. F. Spectrophotometric detmn. of caffeine, 146. Smyth, D. G., et al. Analytical problems involved in detmng. structure of proteins and peptides: review, 81. Souza, J. E. de, et UZ. Effect of glycerol added to tobacco on constituents of cigarette smoke, 735. Sparks, A. H., et al. Detmng. free sulphur dioxide content of ciders, 55. Stackelberg, M. von. See von Stackelberg, M. Staden, J. M. C. Van. See Van Staden, J. M. C. Stagg, H. E. Review of Jeffery and Kipping’s Gas Analysis by Gas Chromatography, 814. Standen, A., et al. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Vol. 2. 2nd Edn. (Review), 502; Vol. 3, 752. Stanton, R. E., et al. Detmng. gold in soil with Brilliant green, 767. Stephen, H., et al. Solubilities of Inorganic and Organic Compounds.Vol. I. Binary Systems. Parts 1 and 2. (Review), 561. Stephen, T., et al. Solubilities of Inorganic and Organic Compounds. Vol. I. Binary Systems. Parts 1 and 2. (Review), 561. Stephen, W. I. Review of Waser’s Quantitative Chemistry: Laboratory Text. Revised Edn., 687. Stewart, R. Oxidation Mechanisms : Applications to Organic Chemistry. (Review), 683. Stock, R., et al. Chromatographic Methods. (Review), 438. Stolman, A. Progress in Chemical Toxicology. Vol. I. (Review), 563. Stow, M., et al. Flame-photometric detmn. of calcium in industrial phosphoric acid, 290. Strohecker, R., et al. Vitamin-Bestimmungen : Erprobte Methoden. (Review), 375. Sadheendranath, C. Sr, et al. Constant-potential amperometric technique for successive complexo- metric detmn.of calcium and magnesium, 608. Sadworth, G. B., et al. Gas-chromatographic apparatus for analysis of mine gases, 103. Methods in Carbohydrate Chemistry. Vol. I. (Review), 149. Sullivan, P. J., et al. Detmng. steam-volatile phenols present in cigarette-smoke condensate. 11. Detmng. phenol, cresols and guaiacol by thin-layer chromatography, 3 12. Sussdorf, D. H., et al. Methods in Immunology. (Review), 504. Svehla, G. Translator of Erdey’s Gravimetric Analysis. Vol. 1. Edited by I. Buzas. (Review), 564. Syedur Rahaman, Md. See Rahaman, Md. S. Sykes, G., et al. Quantitative Analysis of Drugs. Szymanski, H. A. 1R Theory and Practice of - Lectures on Gas Chromatography 1962. (Re- 3rd Edn. (Review), 500. Infrared Spectroscopy. (Review), 753.view), 371. T Taylor, A., et al. Extracting organo-chlorine pesticides from animal tissue, 497. Taylor, D. Neutron Irradiation and Activation Analysis. (Review), 754. Terry, R. A,, et al. Detmng. volatile fatty acids by gas chromatography with automatic titration, 363; Erratum, 504. Tetlow, J. A., et al. Absorptiometric detmn. of ammonia in boiler feed-water, 453. - Absorptiometric detmn. of iron in boiler feed- water. 111. Detmng. total iron content, 442. Thain, E. M., et al. Detmng. parathion and related insecticides by gas - liquid chromatography with special reference to fenitrothion residues in cocoa, 495. Theobald, L. S. Review of Ostroumov’s Application of Organic Bases in Analytical Chemistry, 77. Thomas, A. M., et al. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of the rare-earth elements by ion exchange, 36.Gravimetric detmn. of iron by homogeneous precipitation of tris( 2-thiopyri- dine-N-oxide) - iron111 complex, 707 ; Erratum, 814. Thomson, J., et al. Analysing organo-phosphorus pesticide residues by gas chromatography, 175. - Chromatographic detcn. and detmn. of organo- chlorine herbicides in soil and water, 480. - Clean-up of animal fats and dairy products for analysis of chlorinated pesticide residues, 168. - Wedge-layer chromatographic clean-up of dino- seb extracts, 613. Thulbourne, C., et al. Automatic colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus, manganese and silicon in steel, 466. Tilley, J. Iyp. A,, et al. Detmng. volatile fatty acids by gas chromatography with automatic titration, 363; Erratum, 504.Topp, N. E. Review of Trifonov’s Rare-Earth Elements. Translated by P. Basu. Translation edited by R. C. Vickery, 687. Tracey, M. V., et al. Modern Methods of Plant Analysis. Vol. VI. (Review), 228. Trezise, W. H., et al. Loss of strychnine in puri- fication of visceral extracts with concentrated sulphuric acid, 750. Triebold, H. O., et al. Food Composition and Analysis. (Review), 439. Trifonov, D. N. Rare-Earth Elements. Translated by P. Basu. Translation edited by R. C. Vickery. (Review), 687. Tubb, D. J., et al. Spectrographic analysis of zinc and cadmium chloride solutions and solid zinc and cadmium sulphides by solution - powder method, 205. Thompson, M., et al.INDEX TO Turner, A. Detmng. sorbitol in chocolate for diabetics, 115; Erratum, 302.Tyler, F, S., et al. Separating trace metals by manganese dioxide “collection” method. 11. Behaviour of lead: detmng. antimony and tin in presence of lead, 579. Cathode-ray polarography with stationary mercury-drop electrode, 775. Tyler,, J. F. C. U Uncles, R., et al. Response properties of electrode glass sensitive to potassium and ammonium ions, 350. V Valentine, J. R., et al. Detmng. quaternary am- monium compounds as phosphotungstates, 435. Van Praagh, G. Review of Education in Chemistry. Vol. 1, No. 1, January, 1964, 559. Van Staden, J. M. C., et al. Automatic starter for paper chromatography, 297. Varley, H., et al. West-European Symposia on Clinical Chemistry. Vol. 2. Clinical Chemistry of Monoamines. (Review), 15 1 . Verver, C.G. Translator of Krcll’s Handbook of Laboratory Distillation. Edited by E. C. Lumb. (Review), 154. Vickery, R. C. Translation Editor of Trifonov’s Rare-Earth Elements. Translated by P. Basu. (Revicw), 687. von Stackelberg, M., et aZ. Modern Polarographic Methods. (Review), 156. W Waight, E. S. Review of Schwarz’s Physical Methods in Organic chemistry, 684. Walker, A. J., et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of silicic acid in dilute solution, 642. Walker, E. A., et aZ. Application of the Freundlich isotherm to adsorption of sugars from solution by a column of charcoal, 512. Waser, J. Quantitative Chemistry : Laboratory Text. Revised Edn. (Review), 687. Waters, W. A. Mechanisms of Oxidation of Organic Compounds. (Review), 626. Webber, H. M., et al. Absorptiometric detmn.of silicon in water. IV. Detmng. “reactive” silicon in power-station waters containing phosphate, 632. Weissberger, A,, et al. Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol. VIII. Part 11. 2nd Edn. (Review), 229. Welcher, F. J. Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis. Vol. 11. Parts A and B. 6th Edn. (Review), 299. Weldrick, G. J., ef al. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of the rare-earth elements by ion exchange, 36. West, P. W., et al. Analytical Chemistry 1962. (Review), 301. West, T. S. Review of Alimarin and Petrikova’s Inorganic Ultramicroanalysis. Translated by M. G. Hell, 566. Review of Caldin’s Fast Reactions in Solution, -683. VOLUME 89 xiii ’- Review of Critchfield’s Organic Functional Group Analysis, 152.- Review of Erdey’s Gravimetric Analysis. Vol. 1. Translated by G. Svehla. Edited by I. Buzas, 564. - Review of Erdey’s Theorie und Praxis der gravimetrischen Analyse. Part I, 565. - Review of Tables of Spectrophotometric Absorp- tion Data of Compounds Used f o r the Colorimetric Determination of Elements, 439. - et al. Analytical Chemistry 1962. (Review), 301. Whistler, R. L., et al. Methods in Carbohydrate Chemistry. Vols. I and 11. (Review), 149. White, G. W. T. Review of Elving, Kolthoff and Birks’ Chemical Analysis. White, K. J. Review of Herington’s Zone Melting of Organic Compounds, 232. Wilbraham, A. C., et al. Separating and detmng. oxidation products of cysteamine, 788. Willemsens, L. C. Organolead Chemistry. (Re- view), 684. Williams, D.J., et al. Paper chromatography of organo-tin compounds. 11. Reversed-phase systems, 220. Williams, E. I. Detcn. and approximate detmn. of stearyl tartrate in bread, 289; Erratum, 376. Williams, I(. A. Review of Frankel and Patai’s Tables f o r Identification of Organic Compounds. 2nd Edn., 685. - Review of Milner’s Analysis of Petroleum for Trace Elements, 561. - Review of Food Chemicals Codex. Part I, 504. - Review of Detection and Determination of Anti- oxidants in Food, 504. Williams, M. Translation Editor of Nalimov’s Application of Mathematical Statistics to Chemical Analysis. Translated by P. Basu. (Review), 152. Williams, P. C. Colorimetric detmn. of total nitrogen in feeding stuffs, 276; Erratum, 814. Wilson, A. D. Sampling silicate rock powders for chemical analysis, 18; Erratum, 302, - Titrimetric and spectrophotometric detmn.of oxidising capacity of manganese compounds, 571. Wilson, A. L. Absorptiometric detmn. of iron in boiler feed-water. I. Detmng. “reactive” iron, 389 ; 11. Dissolving “non-reactive” iron, 402. - et al. Absorptiometric detmn. of ammonia in boiler feed-water, 453. - Absorptiometric detmn. of iron in boiler feed- water. 111. Detmng. total iron content, 442. - Absorptiometric detmn. of silicon in water. IV. Detmng. “reactive” silicon in power-station waters containing phosphate, 632. Wilson, H. N. Review of Krell’s Handbook of Laboratory Distillation. Translated by C. G. Verver. Edited by E. C. Lumb, 154. Method for quantitatively isolating “hydrolysate lipids” from biological materials, and its use as a reference method for detmng.“fats” in foods, 122. Wolfrom, M. L., et al. Methods in Carbohydrate Chemistry. Vols. I and 11. (Review), 149. Wren, J. J., et al. Method for quantitatively isolating “hydrolysate lipids” from biological materials, and its use as a reference method for detmng. “fats” in foods, 122. Wrohski, M. Detmng. cysteine and its N-acid derivatives in presence of each other, 800. Wustenfeld, H., et al. Trinkbranntweine und Likiire. 4th Edn. (Review), 625. Vol. XVII, 375. Wojtczak, P. P., et al.xiv INDEX TO VOLUME 89 Y Z Young, T. F., et al. Chemical Thermodynamics: Ziomek, J. S., et al. Developments in Applied Basic Theory and Methods. Revised Edn. Spectroscopy. Vol. 2. (Review), 155. (Review), 807. Zuman, P. Organic Polarographic Analysis.- Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics. (Review), 683. (Review), 807. Zweig, G. Analytical Methods for Pesticides, Yuen, S. H. Plant Growth Regulators, and Food Additives. in timber dips, 726. Vol. 1. (Review), 230. Field detmn. of benzene hexachlorideINDEX TO VOLUME 89 xv INDEX TO A Acids: See Fatty acids. Activation Analysis : Neutron Irradiation and -. Taylor. (Review), 754. Adenosine-5-triphosphate : Separation and assay of ~ in multivitamin mixtures. Mosconi and Lama, 803. Aflatoxin : Detcng. and detmng. ___ in groundnuts and groundnut materials. 111. Classification of - B, levels. Coomes, Crowther, Francis and Shone, 436. Alcohol: See Ethyl alcohol. Alcohols : Identifying aliphatic - by pyrolysis. Dhont, 71. Aldridge method and modifications for detmng.small amounts of cyanide in effluents. Higson and Bark, 338. Aldrin : See 1,2,3,4,10,10-Hexachloro-1,4,4a,5,8,8a- hexahydro-exo - 1,4 - endo - 5,8 - dimethanonaph - thalene. Aluminium : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Spectrophotometric detmn. of iron and - in leaves of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis). Middleton. 42 1. American Association of Clinical Chemists : Stan- dard Methods of Clinical Chemistry. Vol. 4. Seligson. (Review), 8 1 1. 1- (4-Amino-2-n-propyl-5-pyrimidinylmethyl) -2-pico- linium chloride : Detmng. amprolium in animal feeding stuffs. Society for Analytical Chem- istry, Analytical Methods Committee,Prophy- lactics in Animal Feeds Sub-committee, 505.p-Aminosalicylic acid: Interference by - or its sodium salt in detmng. vitamin B, by the thiochrome method. Sen and Sengupta, 558. Ammonia: Absorptiometric detmn. of - in boiler feed-water. Ammonium ions ; Response properties of electrode glass sensitive to potassium and -. Mattock and Uncles, 350. Amprolium : See 1- (4-Amino-2-n-propyl-5-pyrimi- dinylmethyl) -2-picolinium chloride. Analysis: Advances in X-Ray -. Vol. 6. Mueller and Fay. (Review), 231. Analytical Chemistry 1962. West, Macdonald and West. (Review), 301. Analytical uses of metallic silver. I. Qualitative analysis of Group 2 elements that can be pre- cipitated by silver. Henry, 242; Errata, 376, 566; 11. Revised scheme for semi-micro quali- tative analysis of common elements, 255. Application of Mathematical Statistics to Chemi- cal ---.Nalimov. Translated by Basu. Translation Editor Williams. (Review), 152. Application of Organic Bases in Analytical Chemistry. Ostroumov. Translated by Pater- son. (Review), 77; Erratum, 156. Chemical ---. Elving and Kolthoff. Vol. XVII. Electron Probe Microanalysis. Birks. (Re- xriew), 375. Controlled-potential -. Rechnitz. (Review), 813. Differential electrolytic potentiometry. XIV. Examination of electrode parameters and electrode systems in acid - base titrimetry. Bishop and Short, 415; XV. Macro- and micro- coulometry of acid - base reactions, 587. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Tetlow and Wilson, 453. SUBJECTS Analysis-conti nued Experimental Methods in Gas Reactions. Mel- ville and Gowenlock. (Review), 809.Gas - by Gas Chromatography. Jeffery and Kipping: (Review), 814. Gravimetric -. Vol. 1. Erdey. Translated by Svehla. Edited by Buzas. (Review), 564. Handuch der analytischen Chemie. Fresenius and Jander. Part 2. Vol. IVacr. Grassmann. (Review), 688. Inorganic Thermogravimetric - . Duval. Translated by Oesper. 2nd Edn. (Review), 808. Inorganic Ultramicro-. Alimarin and Petri- kova. Translated by Hell. (Review), 566. Ion Exchange Separations in Analytical Chemistry. Samuelson. (Review), 230. Komplexometrie. Part I. Pribil. 2nd Edn. (Review), 688. MCthodes Chimiques de Dosage des OligoBlCments. B Usages Biologiques. Bertrand. (Review), 686. Methods of Quantitative Inorganic -: Encyclo- pedia of Gravimetric, Titrimetric and Colori- metric Methods. Kodama.(Review), 562. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Organique, Pharmaceutique et Bromatologique. Gautier and Malangeau. 11th Series. (Review), 438. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure et AppliquCe et d’hnalyse Bromatologique. Gautier. 9th and 10th Series. (Review), 438. Modern Methods of Plant -. Vol. VI. Paech and Tracey. Continued by Linskens and Tracey. (Review), 228. Neutron Irradiation and Activation -. Taylor. (Review), 754. Organic Functional Group -. Critchfield. (Review), 152. Photometric precipitation titrations. Blakeley and Ryan, 721. Physical and Chemical Methods of Separation. Berg. (Review), 79. Physical Methods in Organic Chemistry. Schwarz. (Review), 684. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series IX. Analyti- cal Chemistry. Vol. 3. Parts 4, 5-7.Crou- thamel. (Review), 373. Quantitative Chemistry : Laboratory Text. Waser. Revised Edn. (Review), 687. Quantitative Organic - via Functional Groups. Siggia. 3rd Edn. (Review), 78. Radioactivation - . Bowen and Gibbons. (Review), 80. Standard Methods of Chemical -. v01. 11. Parts A and B. Welcher. 6th Edn. (Review), 299. Standard Methods of Clinical Chemistry. VO~. 4. Seligson. (Review), 8 1 1. Subtracting the blank value. Tables for Identification of Organic Compounds. Frankel and Patai. 2nd Edn. (Review), 685. Tables of Spectrophotometric Absorption Data of Compounds Used for the Colorimetric Determination of Elements. I.U.P.A.C. (Re- view), 439. Techniques for the Use of Radioisotopes in -. Lambie. (Review), 810. Theorie und Praxis der gravimetrischen Analyse.Part I. Erdey. (Review), 565. Higgins, 211.xvi INDEX TO Annatto : Thin-layer chromatographic identification of - and other food colours. Ramamurthy and Bhalerao, 740. Antimony : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of im- purities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Separation of trace metals by manganese dioxide collection method. I. Behaviour of -, bismuth and tin: separation of traces of - and tin from bismuth. Ogden and Reynolds, 538; Behaviour of lead : detmng. - and tin in presence of lead. Reynolds and Tyler, 579. Antimony sulphide : Polarographic detmn. of lead in - flotation concentrates. Groenewald, 140. Antioxidants : Detection and Determination of - in Food. Association of Public Analysts. (Review), 504.Leet and Lee, 227. Anion-exchange separation of titanium, zir- conium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum and tungsten, with particular reference to analysis of alloys (ion-exchange column). Dixon and Headridge, 185; Erratum, 688. Application of the Freundlich isotherm to adsorption of sugars from solution by a column of charcoal. Automatic colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus, manganese and silicon in steel (sampling mechanism). Scholes and Thulbourne, 466. Automatic starter for paper chromatography. Perold, Jacobs and Van Staden, 297. Casting fused beads for use in X-ray fluorescence analysis (casting ring). Carr-Brion, 556. Cathode-ray polarography with the stationary mercury-drop electrode. Tyler, 775. Detmng. boron by pyrohydrolysis (pyrohydroly- sis -). Morgan, 621.Detmng. chlorinated pesticides by electron- capture gas chromatography (glass liner; electron-capture detector). Maunder, Egan and Roburn, 157. Detmng. fat-soluble vitamins in diet supplements and compound feeding stuffs (- for preparing alkaline alumina ; chromatographic -; filtra- tion assembly). Society for Analytical Chem- istry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub-committee, Vitamins (Fat-soluble) Panel, 7. Detming. free sulphur dioxide in ciders (absorp- tion -). Detmng. sulphur in plant material (wet-decom- position -). Lachica Garrido, 61. Detmng. vitamin D in pharmaceutical prepara- tions by thin-layer chromatography. Heays- man and Sawyer, 529. Detmng. volatile fatty acids by gas chromato- graphy with automatic titration (titrator).Tilley, Canaway and Terry, 363; Erratum, 504. Differential electrolytic potentiometry. XV. Macro- and micro-coulometry of acid - base reactions. Bishop and Short, 587. Electrolytic hygrometer for detmng. oxide in lead (electrolytic detector; flow-controller) . Hibbs and Nation, 49. Eliminating water in gas-chromatographic detmn. of chloroform in aqueous solutions. Evans, 295. for detmng. small amounts of alcohol in sour milk and urine. Gas-chromatographic - for analvsis of mine Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Apparatus : All-glass dispenser. Walker and Morton, 512. Burroughs and Sparks, 55. Andrews and Cooper, 272. VOLUME 89 Apparatus-continued High-pressure plasmas as spectroscopic emission sources. Identifying aliphatic alcohols by pyrolysis (in- jection system and pyrolysis unit).Dhont, 71. Infrared spectroscopy in analysis of pesticide residues (semi-preparative gas chromatograph). Crosby and Laws, 3 19. Ion-exchange column for use with atomic- absorption analysis. David, 747. Karl Fischer titration unit for routine use. Hawkins, 432. Modified burner base for the Unicam SP900 flame photometer. Mackison, 745. Plastics in the analytical laboratory. Jones, 629. Rapid detmn. of nitrogen in apple juice and cider (distillation, titration and digestion -) . Macfarlane and Mears, 428. Recording radioactivity in eluates. Lloyd- Jones and Skerrett, 782. Response properties of electrode glass sensitive to potassium and ammonium ions. Mattock and Uncles, 350. Spectrographic analysis of zinc and cadmium chloride solutions and solid zinc and cadmium sulphides by solution - powder method (elec- trode).Beck and Tubb, 205. Use of sintered polymeric carriers in partition chromatography and electrophoresis. Pierce and Peck, 662. Wedge-layer chromatographic clean-up of dino- seb extracts (- for preparing wedge-layer plates). Abbott and Thomson, 613. Apple juice: Rapid detmn. of nitrogen in __ and cider. Macfarlane and Mears, 428. Arsenic : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of im- purities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Arylhydroxylamines. IV. Colorimetric detmn. Boyland and Nery, 95. Ascorbic acid: Detmng. - in blackcurrant and other coloured fruit-juice syrups. Lee and Leong, 674. Use of a cation-exchange resin in detmng.urinary -. Hughes, 618. Association of Public Analysts : Detection and Determination of Antioxidants in Food. (Review), 504. Atomic-absorption analysis : Ion-exchange column for use with -. David, 747. Atraton : See 6-Ethylamino-4-isopropylamino- 2-methoxy-1,3,5-triazine. Atrazine : See 2-Chloro-6-ethylamino-4-isopropyl- amino-lY3,5-triazine. Azinphos-methyl : Detcng. organo-phosphorus pesti- cides on thin-layer chromatograms. Bunyan, 615. Greenfield, Jones and Berry, 7 13. Balance : Vacuum Micro- Techniques. Vol. 3. Beers : Detmng. sulphur dioxide in __ and wines. Beet molasses: Detmng. betaine in vinasses of -. Benzene hexachloride : See Hexachlorocyclohexane. Benzo[cc]pyrene : Effect of glycerol added to tobacco on constituents (including -) of cigarette Behrndt.(Review), 79. Jones, 678. Gorog and Ezer, 282. gases. Lee, SLdworth and Gibson, 103. smoke. Souza and Scherubak, 735. -INDEX TO VOLUME 89 xvii Beryllium : Chemistry of -. Everest. (Review), 562. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Betaine : Detmng. - in vinasses of beet molasses. Gorog and Ezer, 282. BH115 : Response properties of electrode glass sensitive to potassium and ammonium ions. Mattock and Uncles, 350. BHC : See Hexachlorocyclohexane. Biochemistry : Recent Advances in Food Science-3 : __ and Biophysics in Food Research. Leitch and Rhodes. (Review), 372. Biophysics : Recent Advances in Food Science-3 : Biochemistry and __ in Food Research.Leitch and Rhodes. (Review), 372. complex : Semi-micro detmn. of fluorine and chlorine in organic compounds. V. Preparation of -. Chambers, Holmes and Musgrave, 369. 4,6-Bisethylamino-2-methoxy-l,3,5-triadne : De- tmng. triazine herbicides by gas - liquid chromatography with particular reference to atraton in soil. 4,6-Bisethylamino-2-methylthio-1,3,5-triazine : De- tmng. triazine herbicides by gas - liquid chromatography with particular reference to atraton in soil. 4,6 - Bisisopropylamino - 2 - methoxy - 1,3,5 - triazine : Detmng. triazine herbicides by gas - liquid chromatography with particular reference to atraton in soil. 4,6- Bisisopropylamino-2-methylthio-1,3,5-triazine : Detmng. triazine herbicides by gas - liquid chromatography with particular reference to atraton in soil.Bismuth : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of im- purities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Separation of trace metals by manganese dioxide collection method. I. Behaviour of antimony, - and tin: separation of traces of antimony and tin from -. Ogden and Reynolds, 538. Bis-NNN”’-tetramethylphosphorodiamidic anhy- dride : Analysing organo-phosphorus pesticide residues by gas chromatography. Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 175. Detcng. organo-phosphorus pesticides on thin- layer chromatograms. Bunyan, 615. Infrared spectroscopy in analysis of pesticide residues. Crosby and Laws, 319. Blackcurrant syrup : Detmng. ascorbic acid in - and other coloured fruit-juice syrups.Lee and Leong, 674. Blood : Cathode-ray polarography with the station- ary mercury-drop electrode (detmng. lead in -). Tyler, 775. Detmng. chromium in biological material by radioactivation. Bowen, 658. Boiler feed-water : Absorptiometric detmn. of ammonia in --. Tetlow and Wilson, 453. Absorptiometric detmn. of iron in -. I. Detmng. reactive iron. Wilson, 389; 11. Dis- solving non-reactive iron, 402 ; 111. Detmng. total iron content, 442. Bone : Detmng. chromium in biological material by radioactivation. Bowen, 658. Book reviews: Alimarin and Petrikova. Inorganic Ultramicro- analysis, 566. Allen and Cross. Molecular Vib-Rotors, 77. Biphenyl - sodium - dimethoxyethane Benfield and Chilwell, 475. Benfield and Chilwell, 475. Benfield and Chilwell, 475.Benfield and Chilwell, 475. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Book reviews-continued Avtokratova. Analytical Chemistry of Ruthen- Behrndt. Vacuum Microbalance Techniques. V O l . 3, 79. Berg. Physical and Chemical Methods of Separation, 79. Bertrand. MCthodes Chimiques de Dosage des OligoCICments, k Usages Biologiques, 686. Bloemendal. Zone Electrophoresis in Blocks and Columns, 437. Bowen and Gibbons. Radioactivation Analysis, 80. Caldin. Fast Reactions in Solution, 683. Cali. Trace Analysis of Semiconductor Materials, 565. Campbell, Garvey, Cremer and Sussdorf. Methods in Immunology, 504. Copius Peereboom. Chromatographic Sterol Analysis as Applied to the Investigation of Milk Fat and Other Oils and Fats, 626. Critchfield. Organic Functional Group Analysis, 152.Cross. Introduction to Practical Infra-Red Spectroscopy. 2nd Edn., 686. Crouthamel. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series IX. Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 3. Parts 4, 5-7, 373. navies. Infra-red Spectroscopy and Molecular Structure, 372. Dozinel. Modern Methods of Analysis of Copper and Its Alloys. Duval. Inorganic Thermogravimetric Analysis, 808. Eastoe and Courts. Practical Analytical Methods for Connective Tissue Proteins, 78. Edwards. Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms, 809. Elliott. Advances in Mass Spectrometry. Vol. 2, 370. Elving, Kolthoff and Birks. Chemical Analysis. Vol. XVII, 375. Erdey. Gravimetric Analysis. Vol. 1, 564. Erdey. Analyse. Part I , 565. Everest. Chemistry of Beryllium, 562, Ferraro and Ziomek. Developments in Applied Spectroscopy.Vol. 2, 155. Finar. Organic Chemistry. Vol. 2. 3rd Edn., 813. Flett. Characteristic Frequencies of Chemical Groups in the Infra-red, 228. Frankel and Patai. Tables for Identification of Organic Compounds. 2nd Edn., 685. Fresenius, Jander and Grassmann. Handbuch der analytischen Chemie. Part 2. Vol. IVace, 688. Friess, Lewis and Weissberger. Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol. VIII. Part 11. 2nd Edn., 229. Garratt, Brealey, Johnson, Smith and Sykes. Quantitative Analysis of Drugs. 3rd Edn., 500. Gautier. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure et AppliquCe et d’Analyse Bromatologique. 9th and 10th Series, 438. Gautier and Malangeau. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Organique, Pharmaceutique et Bromatologique. ium, 812. 2nd Edn., 300. Theorie und Praxis der gravimetrischen 1 l t h Series, 438.Gunn. Introduction to Fluorimetry, 374. Gunther. Residue Reviews. Vol. 3, 154; Vols. 4 and 5, 751. Hais and MaCek. Handbuch der Papierchromato- graphie. Parts I, 11 and 111, 561. Herington. Zone Melting of Organic Compounds, 232.xviii INDEX TO VOLUME 89 Book reviews-continued Hersom and Hulland. Canned Foods: Intro- 5th Edn., 564. Irani and Callis. Particle Size : Measurement, Jeffery and Kipping. Gas Analysis by Gas Jolly. Kaiser. Gas Phase Chromatography. Vols. 1, Kelly. Practical Mathematics for Chemists, 153. Klotz and Young. Chemical Thermodynamics, 807. Klotz and Young. Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics, 807. Kodama. Methods of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis, 562. Krell. Handbook of Laboratory Distillation, 154.Lambie. Techniques for the Use of Radio- isotopes in Analysis, 810. Lederer. Chromatographic Reviews. Vol. 5, 301. Leitch and Rhodes. Recent Advances in Food Linnett. Electronic Structure of Molecules, 812. McDowell. Mass Spectrometry, 374. Mark, McKetta, Othmer and Standen. Kirk- Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Vol. 2. 2nd Edn., 502; 1701. 3, 752. Melville and Gowenlock. Experimental Methods in Gas Reactions, 809. Milner. Analysis of Petroleum for Trace Ele- ments, 561. Moshier. Analytical Chemistry of Niobium and Tantalum, 624. Mueller and Fay. Advances in X-Ray Analysis. Vol. 6, 231. Nalimov. Application of Mathematical Statistics to Chemical Analysis, 152. Ostroumov. Application of Organic Bases in Analytical Chemistry, 77 ; Erratum, 156. Paech, Tracey and Linskens.Modern Methods of Plant Analysis. Parrish and Mack. Data for X-Ray Analysis. Vols. I, I1 and 111. 2nd Edn., 685. Phillips and Nachod. Organic Electronic Spec- tral Data. Vol. IV: 1958-1959, 374. Potts. Chemical Infrared Spectroscopy. Vol. I, 503. Piribil. Komplexometrie. Part I, 688. Rechnitz. Controlled-potential Analysis, 81 3. Samuelson. Ion Exchange Separations in Analytical Chemistry, 230. Schmidt and Stackelberg. Modern Polarographic Methods, 156. Schwarz. Physical Methods in Organic Chemis- try, 684. Seligson. Standard Methods of Clinical Chemis- try. Vol. 4, 811. Siggia. Quantitative Organic Analysis via Functional Groups. 3rd Edn., 78. Stephen and Stephen. Solubilities of Inorganic and Organic Compounds. Vol. I. Parts 1 and 2, 561.Stewart. Oxidation Mechanisms, 683. Stock and Rice. Chromatographic Methods, 438. Stolman. Progress in Chemical Toxicology. Vol. 1, 563. Strohecker and Henning. Vitamin-Bestimmun- gen : Erprobte Methoden, 375. Szymanski. IR Theory and Practice of Infrared Spectroscopy, 753. Szymanski. Lectures on Gas Chromatography 1962, 371. duction to Their Microbiology. Interpretation and Application, 151. Chromatography, 8 14. Inorganic Chemistry of Nitrogen, 625. 2 and 3, 298. Science-3, 372. Vol. VI, 228. Book reviews-continued Taylor. Neutron Irradiation and Activation Triebold and Aurand. Food Composition and Trifonov. Rare-Earth Elements, 687. Varley and Gowenlock. West-European Sym- posia on Clinical Chemistry. Vol. 2, 151. Waser. Quantitative Chemistry. Revised Edn., 687.Waters. Mechanisms of Oxidation of Organic Compounds, 626. Welcher. Standard Methods of Chemical Analy- sis. Vol. 11. Parts A and B. 6th Edn., 299. West, Macdonald and West. Analytical Chemis- try 1962, 301. Whistler, Wolfrom and BeMiller. Methods in Carbohydrate Chemistry. Vol. 11, 149. Whistler, Wolfrom, BeMiller and Shafizadeh. Methods in Carbohydrate Chemistry. Vol. I, 149. Willemsens. Organolead Chemistry, 684. Wustenfeld and Haeseler. Trinkbranntweine Zuman. Organic Polarographic Analysis, 683. Zweig. Analysis, 754. Analysis, 439. und Likore. 4th Edn., 625. Analytical Methods for Pesticides, Plant Growth Regulators, and Food Additives. Vol. 1, 230. British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1963, 150. British Pharmacopoeia 1963, 80; Erratum, 302. Chromatographie Symposium I1 : 1962, 232.Detection and Determination of Antioxidants in Education in Chemistry. Vol. 1, No. 1, January, Food Chemicals Codex. Part I, 504. International Encyclopedia of Chemical Science, 624. Second Report of the Toxicity Sub-committee of the Main Technical Committee of the British Plastics Federation, with Methods of Analysis of Representative Extractants, 501. Standard Methods of the Oils and Fats Division of the I.U.P.A.C. 5th Edn., 560. Tables of Spectrophotometric Absorption Data of Compounds Used for the Colorimetric Determination of Elements, 439. Boron : Detmng. I_ by pyrohydrolysis. Morgan, 621. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36.Modified curcumin method for detmng. -, for possible application to continuous analysis of aqueous solutions. Crawley, 749. Bread: Detcn. and approximate detmn. of stearyl tartrate in -. Williams, 289; Erratum, 376. Brilliant green: Detmng. gold in soil with -. Stanton and McDonald, 767. British Plastics Federation : Second Report of the Toxicity Sub-committee of the Main Technical Committee of the -, with Methods of Analysis of Representative Extractants. (Re- view), 501. Bromite : Detmng. hypobromite and - with tartrazine as indicator. Hashmi and Ayaz, 147. N-Bromosuccinimide : Micro-detmn. of hydrazine salts and derivatives (reaction with -). Egginton and Graham, 226. Food, 504. 1964, 559. Butanol : Identifying aliphatic alcohols by pyrolysis.Dhont, 71.INDEX TO VOLUME 89 xix Butter : Clean-up of animal fats and dairy products for analysing chlorinated pesticide residues. Maunder, Egan, Godly, Hammond, Roburn and Thomson, 168. Thin-layer chromatographic identification of annatto and other food colours. Ramamurthy and Bhalerao, 740. C Cadmium : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of im- purities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Cadmium chloride : Spectrographic analysis of zinc chloride and - solutions and solid zinc and cadmium sulphides by solution - powder method. Beck and Tubb, 205. Cadmium sulphide : Spectrographic analysis of zinc and cadmium chloride solutions and solid zinc sulphide and -by solution - powder method. Beck and Tubb, 205.Caesium-137 : See Radiocaesium. Caffeine : Spectrophotometric detmn. of -. Smith, 146. Spectrophotometric detmn. of ~ in coffee - chicory mixtures : removal of hydroxymethyl- furfural by bisulphite. Conacher and Rees, 806. Calcium : Constant-potential amperometric tech- nique for successive complexometric detmn. of ___ and magnesium. Sethu Rao, Sudheen- dranath, Krishna Rao, Rhimasena Rao and Anantakrishnan, 608. Detmng. __ and magnesium in biological material by radioactivation analysis. Bowen, Cawse and Daglish, 266; Erratum, 376. Flame-photometric detmn. of __ in industrial phosphoric acid. Johnston and Stow, 290. Flame-photometry for detmng. phosphate (and -). Ratner and Scheiner, 136. Calibration curves : Subtracting the blank value. Higgins, 21 1. Capsaicin : Recommended methods of assay of crude drugs.Detmng. - content of cap- sicum and its preparations. Pharmaceutical Society and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 377. Capsicum : Recommended methods of assay of crude drugs. Detmng. capsaicin content of ~ and its preparations. Pharmaceutical Society and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 377. Carbamates, hydroxy- : Colorimetric detmn. of N-hydroxyurethane and related compounds. Boyland and Nery, 530; Erratum, 626. Carbohydrate(s) : Methods in - Chemistry. Irol. I. Whistler, Wolfrom, BeMiller and Shafizadeh. Vol. 11. Whistler, Wolfrom and BeMiller. (Review), 149. l-Carbomethoxy-l-propen-2-yl dimethyl phosphate : Analysing organo-phosphorus pesticide residues by gas chromatography. Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 175. Carbon : Diff usion-controlled oxidation of - in nickel and other metals as basis of analysis.Rickard, 235. N-(2-Carboxyphenyl)-hydroxylamine. Arylhydroxyl- amines. IV. Colorimetric detmn. Boyland and Nery, 95. /3-Carotene : Detmng. fat-soluble vitamins in diet supplements and compound feeding stuffs. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub-committee, Vitamins (Fat- soluble) Panel, 7. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. fi-Carotene-coPztinued Thin-layer chromatographic identification of Ramamurthy annatto and other food colours. and Bhalerao, 740. Cerium-141: See Radiocerium. Cerium-144 : See Radiocerium. Chemistry: Education in --. Vol. 1, No. 1, ich. January, 1964. Gibbs. (Review), 559. Linnett. (Review), 812.683. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Tech- nologv. Vol. 2. Mark, McKetta, Othmer and Standen. 2nd Edn. (Review), 502; Vol. 3, 752. Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms : Introduction. Edwards. (Review), 809. International Encyclopedia of Chemical Science. (Review), 624. Organic -. Vol. 2. Stereochemistry and the ~ of Natural Products. Finar. 3rd Edn. (Review), 813. Oxidation Mechanisms : Applications to Organic -. Stewart. (Review), 683. Physical Methods in Organic -. Schwarz. (Review), 684. Practical Mathematics for Chemists. Kelly. (Review), 153. Standard Methods of Clinical -. Vol. 4. Seligson. (Review), 8 1 1. Technique of Organic -. Vol. VIII. Part 11. Friess, Lewis and Weissberger. 2nd Edn. (Review), 229. West-European Symposia on Clinical -. Vol. 2. Clinical - of Monoamines.Varley and Gowenlock. (Review), 151. Chicory : Spectrophotometric detmn. of caffeine in coffee - ~ mixtures : removal of hydroxy- methylfurfural by bisulphite. Conacher and Rees, 806. Chloral, hydrate : Detcng. trichloro sedatives in urine. Moss and Kenyon, 802. Chlorbutol : See l,l,l-Trichloro-t-butanol. Chloretone : See l,l,l-Trichloro-t -butanol. Chlorine: Semi-micro detmn. of fluorine and ___ in organic compounds. V. Preparation of biphenyl - sodium - dimethoxyethane complex. Chambers, Holmes and Musgrave, 369. 2-Chloro-4,6-bisethylamino-1,3,5-triade : Detmng. triazine herbicides by gas - liquid chromato- graphy with particular reference to atraton in soil. 2-Chloro-4-diethylamino-6-ethylamino-1,3,5-h’iazine : Detmng. triazine herbicides by gas - liquid chromatography with particular reference to atraton in soil.2-Chloro-2-diethylcarbamoyl-l-methyl~hyl di- methyl phosphate : Analysing organophosphorus pesticide residues by gas chromatography. Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 175. Detcng. organo-phosphorus pesticides on thin- layer chromatograms. Bunyan, 615. Infrared spectroscopy in analysis of pesticide residues. Crosby and Laws, 319. 2-Chloro-B-ethylamino-4- isopropylamino - 1,3,5 - tri - azine : Detmng. triazine herbicides by gas - liquid chromatography with particular reference to atraton in soil. Benfield and Chilwell, 475. Chloroform : Eliminating water in gas-chromato- graphic detmn. of __ in aqueous solutions. Evans, 295. Electronic Structure of Molecules : Nev Fast Reactions in Solution. Caldin.:w), Benfield and Chilwell, 475. Benfield and Chilwell, 475.XX INDEX TO VOLUME 89 4-Chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid : Chromato- graphic detcn. and detmn. of organo-chlorine herbicides in soil and water. Abbott, Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 480. 4- (4-Chloro-2-methylphenoxy) butyric acid : Chroma- tographic detcn. and detmn. of organo-chlorine herbicides in soil and water. Abbott, Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 480. S-(p-Chlorophenylthiomethyl) OO-diethyl phos- phorothiolothionate : Analy sing organo-phos- phorus pesticide residues by gas chromato- graphy. Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 176. Chlorthion : Analysing organo-phosphorus pesticide residues by gas chromatography. Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 175. Infrared spectroscopy in analysis of pesticide residues. Crosby and Laws, 319.Chocolate: Detmng. sorbitol in - for diabetics. Turner, 115; Erratum, 302. Chromatograph : Gas-chromatographic apparatus for analysing mine gases. Lee, Sudworth and Gibson, 103. Infrared spectroscopy in analysis of pesticide residues (semi-preparative gas -) . Crosby and Laws, 319. Chromatography : Application of the Freundlich isotherm to adsorption of sugars from solution by a column of charcoal. Walker and Morton, 512. Automatic starter for paper -. Perold, Jacobs and Van Staden, 297. Chromatographic Methods. Stock and Rice. (Review), 438. Chromatographic Reviews : Progress in ---, Electrophoresis and Related Methods. Vol. 5 . Lederer. (Review), 301. Chromatographie Symposium I1 : 1962. (Review), 232. Comparison of hypodermic and pipette injection systems in gas -liquid __ .Grant and Knott, 801. Gas Analysis by Gas -. Jeffery and Kipping. (Review), 814. Gas Phase -. Vols. 1, 2 and 3. Kaiser. Translated by Scott. (Review), 298. Handbuch der Papierchromatographie. Parts I, I1 and 111. Hais and MaCek. (Review), 561. Lectures on Gas - 1962. Szymanski. (Re- view), 371, Measuring elution peaks in gas -liquid -. Scott and Grant, 179. Recording radioactivity in eluates. Lloyd- Jones and Skerrett, 782. Use of sintered polymeric carriers in partition - and electrophoresis. Pierce and Peck, 662. Chromium: Detmng. - in biological material by radioactivation. Bowen, 658. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36.Cider : Detmng. free sulphur dioxide content of -. Burroughs and Sparks, 55. Rapid detmn. of nitrogen in apple juice and -. Macfarlane and Mears, 428. Cigarette-smoke : Detmng. steam-volatile phenols present in - condensate. I. Colorimetric detmn. of total steam-volatile phenols. Smith and King, 305; 11. Detmng. phenol, cresols and guaiacol by thin-layer chromatography, 312. Effect of glycerol added to tobacco on constituents of -. Soma and Scherbak, 735. Citronellol: Detmng. - in presence of geraniol and linalol: method based on reactions with $-toluenesulphonic acid. Holness, 763. Clinical Chemistry : Standard Methods of -. Vol. 4. Seligson. (Review), 811. West-European Symposia on -. Vol. 2. - of Monoamines. Varley and Gowenlock. (Review), 15 1.Cobalt : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impuri- ties in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concen- tration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Cocoa : Detmng. parathion and related insecticides by gas - liquid chromatography, with special reference to fenitrothion residues in -. Dawson, Donegan and Thain, 495. Coffee : Spectrophotometric detmn. of caffeine in -- chicory mixtures : removal of hydroxy- methylfurfural by bisulphite. Conacher and Rees, 806. Colorimetry : See Analysis. Colouring matters : See Dyes. Columbium : See Niobium. Connective Tissue : Practical Analytical Methods for ~ Proteins. Eastoe and Courts. (Re- view), 78. Copper: Detmng. traces of iron and lead in - metal and cupric salts. Hair and Newman, 42.Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Modern Methods of Analysis of -- and its Alloys. Dozinel. 2nd Edn. (Review), 300. Coulometry : See Analysis. Cresols : Detmng. steam-volatile phenols present in cigarette-smoke condensate. 11. Detmng. phenol, - and guaiacol by thin-layer chromatography. Smith and Sullivan, 312. Crops: See Plants. Curcumin: Modified - method for detmng. boron, for possible application to continuous analysis of aqueous solutions. Thin-layer chromatographic identification of annatto and other food dyes. Ramamurthy and Bhalerao, 740. Cyanide : Aldridge method and modifications for detmng. small amounts of __ in effluents.Higson and Bark, 338. Detmng. - in cyanophoric plants. Kriede- man, 145. plating solutions : Detmng. indium in cyanide indium plating solutions. Metcalfe and Knowles, 293. Cyanocobalamin : Detmng. water-soluble vitamins in compound feeding stuffs. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub-committee, Vitamins (Water- soluble) Panel, 1 ; Erratum, 232. Cystamine : Separating and detmng. oxidation products of cysteamine. Jayson, Owen and Wilbraham, 788. Cystearnine : Separating and detmng. oxidation products of -. Jayson, Owen and Wilbra- ham, 788. Cysteine: Detmng. - and its N-acid derivatives in presence of each other. Crawley, 749. Wrohski, 800. D 2,4-D : See 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid.INDEX TO VOLUME 89 xxi Dairy products: Clean-up of animal fats and - for analysing chlorinated pesticide residues.Maunder, Egan, Godly, Hammond, Roburn and Thomson, 168. Dalapon : See 2,2-Dichloropropionic acid. 2,4-DB : See 4-(2,4-Dichlorophenoxy) butyric acid. pp'-DDE : Extraction of organo-chlorine pesticides from animal tissue. Taylor, Rea and Kirby, 497. DDT : See 1,l,l-Trichloro-2,2-di(4-chlorophenyl)- ethane. Delnav : See 2,3-p-Dioxandithiol bis-( OO-diethyl phosphorothiolothionate) . Demeton-0 : See Diethyl 2-(ethy1thio)ethyl phos- phorothionate. Demeton-S : See Diethyl S-[ðylthio) ethyl] phos- phor o thiola t e. Desmetryne : See 6-isoPropylamino-4-methylamino- 2-methylthio-1,3,5-triazine. Detergents : See Surface-active agents. Diazinon : See Diethgl 2-isopropyl-6-methyl-4-pyri- midinyl phosphorothionate. l,l-Dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) -ethane : Clean- up of animal fats and dairy products for analysing chlorinated pesticide residues.Maun- der, Egan, Godly, Hammond, Roburn and Thomson, 168. Detmng. chlorinated pesticides by electron- capture gas chromatography. Maunder, Egan and Roburn, 157. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid: Chromatographic detcn. and detmn. of organo-chlorine herbicides in soil and water. Abbott, Egan, Hammond and Thompson, 480. 4-(2,4-Dichlorophenoxy) butyric acid : Chromato- graphic detcn. and detmn. of organo-chlorine herbicides in soil and water. Abbott, Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 480. S- (2,5-Dichlorophenylthiomethyl) diethyl phosphoro- thiolothionate : Analysing organo-phosphorus pesticide residues by gas chromatography.Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 175. Detcng. organo-phosphorus pesticides on thin- layer chromatograms. Bunyan, 615. Infrared spectroscopy in analysis of pesticide residues. Crosby and Laws, 319. 2,2-Dichloropropionic acid : Chromatographic detcn. and detmn. of organo-chlorine herbicides in soil and water. Abbott, Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 480. Dieldrin : See 1,2,3,4,10,10-Hexachloro-6,7-epoxy- 1,4,4a,5,6,7,8,8a -octahydro-exo-1,4-endo - 5,s - dimethanonaphthalene. S-[1,2-Di(ethoxycarbonyl) ethyl] dimethyl phosphoro- thiolothionate : Analysing organo-phosphorus pesticide residues by gas chromatography. Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 175. Detcng. organo-phosphorus pesticides on thin- layer chromatograms. Bunyan, 615. Infrared spectroscopy in analysis of pesticide residues.Crosby and Laws, 319. Interference by extractives in detmng. - residues in rice bran. Bates and Rowlands, 286. Recovery of - from stored products. Bates and Rowlands, 288. Recovery of - residues from pimento. Row- lands, 498. Diethyl S-[2-(ethylthio)ethyl] phosphorothiolate : De- tcng. organo-phosphorus pesticides on thm- layer chromatograms. Bunyan, 615. Diethyl 2-(ethylthio) ethyl phosphorothionate : Detcng. organo-phosphorus pesticides on thin-layer chromatograms. Bunyan, 615. Diethyl S- (ethylthiomethyl) phosphorothiolothionate : Analysing organo-phosphorus pesticide residues by gas chromatography. Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 175. Detcng. organo-phosphorus pesticides on thin- layer chromatograms. Bunyan, 615. Infrared spectroscopy in analysis of pesticide residues.Crosby and Laws, 319. Diethyl 2-isopropyl-6-methyl-4-pyrimidinyl phos- phorothionate : Analysing organo-phosphorus pesticide residues by gas chromatography. Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 175. Detcng. organo-phosphorus pesticides on thin- layer chromatograms. Bunyan, 615. Diethyl 4-nitrophenyl phosphorothionate : Analysing organo-phosphorus pesticide residues by gas chromatography. Egan, Hammond and Thom- son, 175. Detmng. chlorinated pesticides by electron- capture gas chromatography. Maunder, Egan and Roburn, 157. Detmng. - and related insecticides by gas - liquid chromatography, with special reference to fenitrothion residues in cocoa. Dawson, Donegan and Thain, 495. Infrared spectroscopy in analysis of pesticide residues.Crosby and Laws, 319. Dimethoate : See Dimethyl S-(N-methylcarbamoyl- methyl) phosphorothiolothionate. Dimethyl S- (N-methylcarbamoylme thyl) phosphoro- thiolothionate : Analysing organo-phosphorus pesticide residues by gas chromatography. Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 175. Detcng. organo-phosphorus pesticides on thin- layer chromatograms. Bunyan, 615. Infrared spectroscopy in analysis of pesticide residues. Crosby and Laws, 319. 0,O-Dimethyl S-2- (l-methylcarbamoylethylthio) - ethyl phosphorothiolate : Detcng. organo-phos- phorus pesticides on thin-layer chromatograms. Bunyan, 615. Dimethyl 3-methyl-4-nitrophenyl phosphorothionate : Detmng. parathion and related insecticides by gas - liquid chromatography, with special refer- ance to fenitrothion residues in cocoa.Dawson, Donegan and Thain, 495. Dimethyl S- (morpholinocarbonylmethyl) phosphoro- thiolothionate : Analysing organo-phosphorus pesticide residues by gas chromatography. Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 175. Detcng. organo-phosphorus pesticides on thin- layer chromatograms. Bunyan, 615. Dimethyl 4-nitrophenyl phosphorothionate : Analys- ing organo-phosphorus pesticide residues by gas chromatography. Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 175. Detcng. organo-phosphorus pesticides on thin- layer chromatograms. Bunyan, 615. Infrared spectroscopy in analysis of pesticide residues. Crosbp and Laws, 319. N- (3,4-Dimethy1pheny1)-hydroxy1amine : Aryl- hydroxylamines. IV, Colorimetric detmn. Boyland and Nery, 95. Dimethyl 2,4,5-trichloropheny1 phosphorothionate : Analysing organo-phosphorus pesticide residues by gas chromatography.Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 175. Detcng. organo-phosphorus pesticides on thin- layer chromatograms. Bunyan, 615. Detmng. chlorinated pesticides by electron- capture gas chromatography. Maunder, Egan and Roburn, 157. Infrared spectroscopy in analysis of pesticide residues. Crosby and Laws, 319.xxii INDEX TO VOLUME 89 Dinoseb : See 2- (l-Methyl-n-propyl)-4,6-dinitro- 2,3-p-Dioxandithiol bis( 0 O-diethyl phosphorothiolo- thionate : Analysing organo-phosphorus pesti- cide residues by gas chromatography. Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 175. Dispenser: All-glass -. Leet and Lee, 227. Dispersing agents for tin - dithiol complex. Board and Elbourne, 555. Distillation : Handbook of Laboratory -. Krell. Translated by Verver.Edited by Lumb. (Review), 154. Disulphoton : Analysing organo-phosphorus pesti- cide residues by gas chromatography. Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 175. Dithiol: Dispersing agents for tin - - complex. Board and Elbourne, 555. Drinks : Trinkbranntweine und Likore. Wustenfeld and Haeseler. 4th Edn. (Review), 625. Drugs: Quantitative Analysis of -. Garratt, assisted by Brealey, Johnson, Smith and Sykes. 3rd Edn. (Review), 500. Recommended methods of assay of crude -" Detmng. capsaicin content of capsicum and its preparations. Pharmaceutical Society and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 377. Drying agents for essential oils. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Essential Oils Sub-committee, 233; Erratum, 688. Dyes: Detcng. Orange RN and Orange I1 in meat.Dutt, 142. Thin-layer chromatographic identification of annatto and other food colours. Ramamurthy and Bhalerao, 740. Dnprosium : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. phenol. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. E Editorials: 441, 629. Education in Chemistry. Vol. 1, No. 1, January, 1964. Gibbs. (Review), 559. Eauents : Aldridge method and modifications for detmng. small amounts of cyanide in -. Higson and Bark, 338. Eggs: Clean-up of animal fats and dairy products for analysing chlorinated pesticide residues. Maunder, Egan, Godly, Hammond, Roburii and Thomson, 168. Electrode : Differential electrolytic potentiometry. XIV. Examination of __ parameters and ~ systems in acid - base titrimetry. Bishop and Short, 415.glass: Response properties of ~ sensitive to potassium and ammonium ions. Mattock and Uncles, 350. Electrolysis : Differential electrolytic potentiometry. XIV. Examination of electrode parameters and electrode systems in acid - base titrimetry. Bishop and Short, 415; XV. Macro- and micro- coulometry of acid - base reactions, 587. Electron Probe Microanalysis : Chemical Analysis. Elving and Kolthoff. Vol. XVII. -. Birks. (Review), 375. Electrophoresis : Chromatographic Reviews : Pro- gress in Chromatography, - and Related Methods. Vol. 5. Lederer. (Review), 301. Use of sintered polymeric carriers in partition chromatography and -. Pierce and Peck, 662. Elec trophoresis-con t hued Bloemendal. (Review), 437. Encyclopedia : International __ of Chemical Science.(Review), 624. Kirk-Othmer - of Chemical Technology. Vol. 2. Mark, McKetta, Othmer and Standen. 2nd Edn. Endrin : See 1,2,3,4,10,10-Hexachloro-6,'9-epoxy- 1,4,4a,5,6,'7,8,8a-octahydro-exo-1,4-exo-5,8-di- methanonaphthalene. Erbium : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of im- purities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Essential oils : Detmng. citronellol in presence of geraniol and linalol: method based on reactions with p-toluenesulphonic acid. Holness, 763. Detmng. linalol in -: amendment. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Essential Oils Sub-committee, 510. Drying agents for -. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Essential Oils Sub-committee, 233 ; Erratum, 688.Ethanol : See Ethyl alcohol. Ethion : See Tetraethyl SS'-methylene bis(phos- phorothiolothionate) . Ethyl alcohol : Apparatus for detmng. small amounts of - in sour milk and urine. Andrews and Cooper, 272. &Ethylamino -4- isopropylamino - 2 - methoxy-1,3,5- triazine : Detmng. triazine herbicides by gas - liquid chromatography with particular refer- ence to atraton in soil. Benfield and Chilwell, 475. Ethyl bixin : Thin-layer chromatographic identifica- tion of annatto and other food colours. Rama- murthy and Bhalerao, 740. S-[2-(Ethylthio)ethyll dimethyl phosphorothiolothio- nate : Analysing organo-phosphorus pesticide residues by gas chromatography. Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 175. Infrared spectroscopy in analysis of pesticide residues.Crosby and Laws, 319. Europium : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of im- purities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Zone - in Blocks and Columns. (Review), 502; Vol. 3, 752. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. F Faraday effect, magnetic rotatory dispersion and magnetic circular dichroism : review. Dawber, 755. Fats : Chromatographic Sterol Analysis as Applied to the Investigation of Milk ~ and Other Oils and -. Copius Peereboom. (Review), 626. Clean-up of animal ~ and dairy products for analysing chlorinated pesticide residues. Maun- der, Egan, Godly, Hammond, Roburn and Thomson, 168. Method for quantitatively isolating hydrolysate lipids from biological materials, and its use as reference method for detmng.- in foods. Wren and Wojtczak, 122. Standard Methods of the Oils and - Division of the I.U.P.A.C. 5th Edn. (Review), 560. Fatty acids : Detmng. volatile __ by gas chromato- graphy with automatic titration. Tilley, Canaway and Terry, 363; Erratum, 504.INDEX TO VOLUME 89 xxiii Feeding stuffs additive: Application of paper and thin-layer chromatography to identification of thyroxine in -. Patterson and Clements, 328. Colorimetric detmn. of total nitrogen in -. Williams, 276; Erratum, 814. Detmng. amprolium in animal -. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Prophylactics in Animal Feeds Sub-committee, 505. Detmng. fat-soluble vitamins in diet supplements and compound -. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub- Committee, Vitamins (Fat-soluble) Panel, 7.Detmng. water-soluble vitamins in compound ~ Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub-Committee, Vita- mins (Water-soluble) Panel, l ; Erratum, 232. Residue Reviews : Residues of Pesticides and Other Foreign Chemicals in Foods and Feeds. Vol. 3. Gunther. (Review), 154; Vols. 4 and 5, 751. Fenchlorphos : See Dimethyl 2,4,5-trichlorophenyl phosphorothionate. Feni t rothion : See Dime thy1 3-me thyl-4-ni t r ophenyl phosphorothionate. Fenthion : Infrared spectroscopy in analysis of pesticide residues. Flame photometer : Modified burner base for the IJnicam SP900 -.Mackison, 745. Fleece : Clean-up of animal fats and dairy products for analysing chlorinated pesticide residues. Maunder, Egan, Godly, Hammond, Roburn and Thomson, 168. Crosby and Laws, 319. See also Wool. Flour: Clean-up of animal fats and dairy products for analysing chlorinated pesticide residues. Maunder, Egan, Godly, Hammond, Roburn and Thomson, 168. Fluorimetry: Introduction to ---. Gunn. (Re- view), 374. Fluorine: Semi-micro detmn. of __ and chlorine in organic compounds. V. Preparation of biphenyl - sodium - dimethoxyethane complex. Chambers, Holmes and Musgrave, 369. Food Additives : Analytical Methods for Pesticides, Plant Growth Regulators, and -. Vol. 1. Zweig. (Review), 230. Canned __ : Introduction to Their Microbiology (Baumgartner). Hersom and Hulland.5th Edn. (Review), 564. Chemicals Codex. Part I. (Review), 504. colours : Thin-layer chromatographic identifica- tion of annatto and other -. Ramamurthy and Bhalerao, 740. Composition and Analysis. Triebold and Aurand. (Review), 439. Detection and Determination of Antioxidants in - . Association of Public Analysts. (Review), 504. Method for quantitatively isolating hydrolysate lipids from biological materials, and its use as reference method for detmng. fats in -. Wren and Wojtczak, 122. Recent Advances in - Science--3 : Biochemis- try and Biophysics in -- Research. Leitch and Rhodes. (Review), 372. Residue Reviews : Residues of Pesticides and Other Foreign Chemicals in -- and Feeds. Vol. 3. Gunther. (Review), 154; Vols. 4 and 5, 751. Food-continued Second Report of the Toxicity Sub-committee of the Main Technical Committee of the British Plastics Federation, with Methods of Analysis of Representative Extractants. (Re- view), 501.Fruit syrups : Detmng. ascorbic acid in blackcurrant and other coloured fruit-juice syrups. Lee and Leong, 674. Furfuraldehyde : Identifying -- in hydrocarbon oil. Palframan and Rose, 553; Erratum, 688. G Gadolinium : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Gallium : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of im- purities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Gas chromatography : See Chromatography.Gas oil : Identifying furfuraldehyde in hydrocarbon oil. Palframan and Rose, 553; Erratum, 688. Gas Reactions : Experimental Methods in -. Melville and Gowenlock. (Review), 809. Gelatine : Practical Analytical Methods for Con- nective Tissue Proteins. Eastoe and Courts. (Review), 78. General Medical Council : British Pharmacopoeia 1963. (Review), 80; Erratum, 302. Germanium : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Glass: Response properties of electrode ~ sensi- tive to potassium and ammonium ions. Mattock and Uncles, 350. Glue : Practical Analytical Methods for Connective Tissue Proteins. Eastoe and Courts. (Review), 78. Glycerol: Detmng. propylene glycol (and -) in tobacco by cellulose column chromatography.Clements and Patterson, 67. Effect of - added to tobacco on constituents of cigarette smoke. Souza and Scherbak, 735. Gold: Detmng. - in soil with Brilliant green. Stanton and McDonald, 767. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of rare-earths by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Grasses : Comparison of Kjeldahl and sulphuric acid - hydrogen peroxide methods and their salicylic acid - thiosulphate modifications for detmng. total nitrogen in -. Ekpete and Cornfield, 670. Groundnut(s) : Detcng. and detmng. aflatoxin in - and - materials. 111. Classification of aflatoxin B, levels.. Coomes, Crowther, Francis and Shone, 436. Guaiacol : Detmng. steam-volatile phenols present in cigarette-smoke condensate.11. Detmng. phenol, cresols and ___ by thin-layer chromatography. Smith and Sullivan, 312. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. H Hafnium mandelate : Thermogravimetric study of mandelates of zirconium and hafnium. Adams and Holness, 603.xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 89 Hafnium selenite : Thermogravimetric study of selenites of hafnium and zirconium. Adams and Holness, 31. HEOD : See 1,2,3,4,10,10 - Hexachloro - 6,7 -epoxy- 1,4,4a,5,6,7,8,8a -octahydro-exo-1,4-endo - 5,8 - dimethanonaphthalene. Heptachlor : See 1,4,5,6,7,10,10-Heptachloro-4,7,8,9- tetrahydr0-4~7-methanoindene. 1,4,5,6,7,10,10-Heptachloro - 4,7,8,9-tetrahydro - 4,7 - methanoindene : Clean-up of animal fats and dairy products for analysing chlorinated pesticide residues.Maunder, Egan, Godly, Hammond, Roburn and Thomson, 168. Heptachlor epoxide : Clean-up of animal fats and dairy products for analysing chlorinated pesti- cide residues. Maunder, Egan, Godly, Ham- mond, Roburn and Thomson, 168. Detmng. chlorinated pesticides by electron-cap- ture gas chromatography. Maunder, Egan and Roburn, 157. Extraction of organo-chlorine pesticides from animal tissue. Heptanol : Identifying aliphatic alcohols by pyroly- sis. Dhont, 71. Herbage : See Plants. Herbicides : Chromatographic detcn. and detmn. of organo-chlorine - in soil and water. Abbott, Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 480. Detmng. triazine - by gas - liquid chromato- graphy with particular reference to atraton in soil. Renfield and Chilwell, 475. Taylor, Rea and Kirby, 497.Hevea btasiliensis: See Rubber. Hexachlorocyclohexane : Clean-up of animal fats and dairy products for analysing chlorinated pesti- cide residues. Maunder, Egan, Godly, Ham- mond, Roburn and Thomson, 168. Detmng. chlorinated pesticides by electron- capture gas chromatography. Maunder, Egan and Roburn, 157. Extraction of organo-chlorine pesticides from animal tissue. Field detmn. of - in timber dips. Yuen, 726. 1,2,3,4,10,10 - Hexachloro - 6,7 - epoxy- 1,4,4a,5,8,7,8, 8a-octahydro - exo - 1,4 - endo - 5,s - dimethano - naphthalene : Clean-up of animal fats and dairy products for analysing chlorinated pesticide residues. Maunder, Egan, Godly, Hammond, Roburn and Thomson, 168. Detmng. chlorinated pesticides by electron- capture gas chromatography. Maunder, Egan and Roburn, 157.Extraction of organo-chlorine pesticides from animal tissue. 1,2,3,4,10,10 - Hexachloro- 6,7 -epoxy- 1,4,4a,5,6,7,8, Sa-octahydro- exo - 1,4- exo - 5,8- dimethano - naphthalene : Clean-up of animal fats and dairy products for analysing chlorinated pesticide residues. Maunder, Egan, Godly, Hammond, Roburn and Thomson, 168. Extraction of organo-chlorine pesticides from animal tissue. 1,2,3,4,10,10-Hexachloro-l,4,4a,5,8,8a- he x ah ydr o- e x o - 1,4 - endo - 5,8 - dimethanonaphthalene : Clean-up of animal fats and dairy products for analysing chlorinated pesticide residues. Maun- der, Egan, Godly, Hammond, Roburn and Thomson, 168. Hexanol : Identifying aliphatic alcohols by pyrolysis. Dhont, 71. Holmium : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of im- purities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange.Taylor, Rea and Kirby, 497. Taylor, Rea and Kirby, 497. Taylor, Rea and Kirby, 497. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Honey: Occurrence of honeydew in -. 111. Cowan and Mitchell, 222. Honeydew: Occurrence of __ in honey. Cowan and Mitchell, 222. Hgdrazine: Micro-detmn. of - salts and deriva- tives. Egginton and Graham, 226. Hydrocarbon oil : Identifying furfuraldehyde in -. Palframan and Rose, 553; Erratum, 688. Hydrogen : Gas-chromatographic apparatus for analysing mine gases (detmng. -). Lee, Sudworth and Gibson, 103. Hydrolysate lipids : Method for quantitatively isolat- ing - from biological materials, and its use as reference method for detmng. fats in foods. Wren and Wojtczak, 122.Hydroxycarbamates : Colorimetric detmn. of N- hydroxyurethane and related compounds. Boyland and Nery, 520; Erratum, 626. Hydroxylamine(s) : Aryl-. IV. Colorimetric detmn. Boyland and Nery, 95. Copper-catalysed oxidation of -. Anderson, 357. Hydroxymethylfurfural : Occurrence of honeydew in honey (detmng. -). Cowan and Mitchell, 222. Spectrophotometric detmn. of caffeine in coffee - chicory mixtures: removal of - by bisul- phite. Conacher and Rees, 806. p-2-Hydroxy-l-naphthylazobenzenesulphonic acid : Detcng. Orange RN and Orange I1 in meat. Dutt, 142. N-Hydroxyurethane : Colorimetric detmn. of - and related compounds. Boyland and Nery, 520; Erratum, 626. Hygrometer : Electrolytic - for detmng. oxide in lead. Hibbs and Nation, 49. Hypobromite : Detcng.- and bromite with tartrazine as indicator. Hashmi and Ayaz, 147. Hypotaurine : Separating and detmng. oxidation products of cysteamine. Jayson, Owen and Wilbraham, 788. I Immunology : Methods in -. Campbell, Garvey, Cremer and Sussdorf. (Review), 504. Indium: Detmng. ~ in cyanide - plating solutions. Metcalfe and Knowles, 293. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Infra-red: Characteristic Frequencies of Chemical Groups in the -. Flett. (Review), 228. Insecticides : See Pesticides. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry : Standard Methods of the Oils and Fats Division of the I.U.P.A.C. 5th Edn. (Review), 560. Tables of Spectrophotometric Absorption Data of Compounds Used for the Colorimetric Determination of Elements.(Review), 439. Ion-exchange column for use with atomic-absorption analysis. David, 747. Separations in Analytical Chemistry. Samuelson. (Review), 230. Ionones : Separating isomeric - and methyl- ionones by multiple thin-layer chromatography. Dhont and Dijkman, 681. Iron: Absorptiometric detmn. of - in boiler feed-water. I. Detmng. reactive -. Wilson, 389; 11. Dissolving non-reactive -, 402; 111. Detmng. total - content, 442.INDEX TO VOLUME 89 xxv Iron-cont h u e d Detmng. traces of ~ and lead in copper metal and cupric salts. Diff usion-controlled oxidation of carbon in nickel and other metals (--) as basis of analysis. Rickard, 235. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange.Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Gravimetric detmn. of - by homogeneous precipitation of the tris(2-thiopyridine-N- oxide) - ironII1 complex. Dalziel and Thomp- son, 707; Erratum, 814. Spectrophotometric detmn. of - and alu- minium in leaves of rubber tree (Heuea brasilien- sis). Middleton, 42 1. Irradiated silica ampoules : Detmng. uranium-333 by neutron activation and ring-oven separa- tion of molybdenum-99 - technetium-99 (open- ing -). Hilton and Reed, 599. 6-isoPropylamino:-4- methylamino - 2 - methylthio- 1,3,5-triazine : Detmng. triazine herbicides by gas - liquid chromatography with particular reference to atraton in soil. Benfield and Chilwell, 475. I.U.P.A.C.: See International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.Hair and Newman, 42. J Jam : Detmng. sorbitol in chocolate for diabetics (and in ---). Turner, 115; Erratum, 302. Journal, new: Education in Chemistry. Vol. 1, No. 1, January, 1964. Gibbs. (Review), 559. K Karl Fischer titration unit for routine use, Hawkins, Kjeldahl digestion: Effect of temperature on - 432. process. Jacobs, 489 ; Errata, 626, 754. L Lanthanum : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Lead : Cathode-ray polarography with the stationary mercury-drop electrode (detmng. -) . Tyler, 775. Detmng. traces of iron and - in copper metal and cupric salts. Electrolytic hygrometer for detmng. oxide in -.Hibbs and Nation, 49. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Organo ~ Chemistry. Willemsens. (Review), 684. Polarographic detmn. of - in antimony sulphide flotation concentrates. Groenewald, 140. Separation of trace metals by manganese dioxide collection method. 11. Behaviour of -; detmng. antimony and tin in presence of -. Reynolds and Tyler, 579. Lead oxide : Electrolytic hygrometer for detmng. oxide in lead. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Hair and Newman, 42. Hibbs and Nation, 49. Linalol : Detmng. - in essential oils : amendment, Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Essential Oils Sub- Committee, 510. Lindane : See Hexachlorocyclohexane. Lipids : Method for quantitatively isolating hydroly- sate - from biological materials, and its use as reference method for detmng.fats in foods. Wren and Wojtczak, 122. Liver: Nitrogen factors for --. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Meat Products Sub-committee, 630. Lutetium : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of im- purities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. M Magnesium : Constant-potential amperometric tech- nique for successive complexometric detmn. of calcium and -. Sethu Rao, Sudheendranath, Krishna Rao, Bhimasena Rao and Ananta- krishnan, 608. Detmng. calcium and - in biological material by radioactivation analysis.Bowen, Cawse and Daglish, 266; Erratum, 376. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Titan yellow method for detmng. - in plant material in presence of excess of manganese. Chenery, 365. Magnetic circular dichroism : Faraday effect, mag- netic rotatory dispersion and -: review. Dawber, 755, Magnetic rotatory dispersion : Faraday effect, __ and magnetic circular dichroism : review. Dawber, 755. Malathion : See S-:1,2-Di(ethoxgcarbonyl)ethyl] di- methyl phosphorothiolothionate. Mandelates : Thermogravimetric study of -- of zirconium and hafnium. Adams and Holness, 603. Manganese : Automatic colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus, - and silicon in steel.Scholes and Thulbourne, 466. Diff usion-controlled oxidation of carbon in nickel and other metals (nickel - - alloys) as basis of analysis. Rickard, 235. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Titrimetric and spectrophotometric detmn. of the oxidising capacity of __ compounds. Wilson, 571. Manganese dioxide collection : Separation of trace metals by - method. I. Behaviour of antimony, bismuth and tin : separation of traces of antimony and tin from bismuth. Ogden and Reynolds, 538; 11. Behaviour of lead: detmng. antimony and tin in presence of lead. Reynolds and Tyler, 579. Advances in -. Vol. 2. Elliott. (Review), Kelly. Mass Spectrometry.McDowell. (Review), 374. Mathematics : Practical - for Chemists. MCPA : See 4-Chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid. 370. (Review), 153.xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 89 MCPB : See 4- (4-Chloro-Bmethyl p hen o x y ) but yr i c N acid. Meat: Detcng. Orange RN and Orange I1 in -. Dutt, 142. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Meat Products Sub-committee, 630. Medicine : West-European Symposia on Clinical Chemistry. Vol. 2. Clinical Chemistry of Monoamines. Varley and Gowenlock. (Re- view), 151. 2-Mercaptopsridine-Noxide : Gravimetric detmn. of iron by homogeneous precipitation of the tris- (2-thiopyridine-N-oxide) - iron111 complex. Dalziel and Thompson, 707; Erratum, 814. 8-Mercaptoquinoline as gravimetric reagent for detmng. palladium and nickel.Dalziel and Kealey, 411. Methane : Gas-chromatographic apparatus for analysing mine gases (detmng. -). Lee, Sudworth and Gibson, 103. 2-Methoxycarbonyl-l-methylvinyl dimethyl phos- phate : Detcng. organo-phosphorus pesticides on thin-layer chromatograms. Bunyan, 615. Infrared spectroscopy in analysis of pesticide residues. Crosby and Laws, 319. Methylionones : Separating isomeric ionones and ~ by multiple thin-layer chromatography. Dhont and Dijkman, 681. 2- (l-Methyl-n-propyl)-4,6-~nitrophenol: Wedge- layer chromatographlc clean-up of dinoseb extracts. Abbott and Thomson, 613. Mevinphos : See 2 - Methoxycarbonyl- 1 - methylvinyl dimethyl phosphate. Milk: Apparatus for detmng. small amounts of alcohol in sour - and urine. Andrews and Cooper, 272. Chromatographic Sterol Analysis as Applied to the Investigation of - Fat and Other Oils and Fats.Copius Peereboom. (Review), 626. Clean-up of animal fats and dairy products for analysing chlorinated pesticide residues. Maun- der, Egan, Godley, Hammond, Roburn and Thomson, 168. Detmng. radiostrontium in - and herbage. Owers and Evett, 544. Mine gases : Gas-chromatographic apparatus for analysing -. Lee, Sudworth and Glbson, 103. Minerals : Sampling silicate rock powders for chemical analysis. Wilson, 18; Erratum, 302. Mix01 20 : See Hexachlorocyclohexane. Molasses : Detmng. betaine in vinasses of beet -. Gorog and Ezer, 282. Molybdenum : Anion-exchange separation of titan- ium, zirconium, niobium, tantalum, - and tungsten, with particular reference to analysis of alloys.Dixon and Headridge, 185; Erratum, 688. Diff usion-controlled oxidation of carbon in nickel and other metals (-) as basis of analysis. Rickard, 235. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Molybdenum-99 : Detmng. uranium-235 by neutron activation and ring-oven separation of - - technetium-99. Hilton and Reed, 599. Monoamines : West-European Symposia on Clinical Chemistry. Vol. 2. Clinical Chemistry of -. Varley and Gowenlock. (Review), 151. Morphothion : See Dimethyl S-(morpholinocarbonyl- Nitrogen factors for liver. methyl) phosphorothiolothionate. Neodymium : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange.Neutron Irradiation and Activation Analysis. Taylor. (Review), 754. Nickel : Diffusion-controlled oxidation of carbon in __ and other metals as basis of analysis. Rickard, 235. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. 8-Mercaptoquinoline as gravimetric reagent for detmng. palladium and -. Dalziel and Kealey, 411. Nicotinic acid : Detmng. water-soluble vitamins in compound feeding stuffs. Society for Analyti- cal Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub-Com- mittee, Vitamins (Water-soluble) Panel, 1 ; Erratum, 232. Niobium: Analytical Chemistry of __ and Tanta- lum.Moshier. (Review), 624. Anion-exchange separation of titanium, zir- conium, ~ , tantalum, molybdenum and tungsten, with particular reference to analysis of alloys. Dixon and Headridge, 185 ; Erratum, 688. Diffusion-controlled oxidation of carbon in nickel and other metals (-) as basis of analysis. Rickard, 235. Nitrate : Sensitive method for detmng. - in water with 2,6-xylenol. Andrews, 730. Nitrogen: Colorimetric detmn. of total - in feeding stuffs. Williams, 276; Erratum, 814. Comparison of Kjeldahl and sulphuric acid - hydrogen peroxide methods and their salicylic acid - thiosulphate modifications for detmng. total - in grasses. Ekpete and Cornfield, 670. Effect of temperature on Kjeldahl digestion process. factors for liver. Society for Analytical Chemis- try, Analytical Methods Committee, Meat Products Sub-committee, 630. Gas-chromatographic apparatus for analysing mine gases (detmng.-). Lee, Sudworth and Gibson, 103. Inorganic Chemistry of -. Jolly. (Review), 625. Rapid detmn. of ___ in apple juice and cider. Macfarlane and Mears, 428. Nuclear Energy: Progress in -. Series IX. Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 3. Parts 4, 5-7. Crouthamel. (Review), 373. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Jacobs, 489; Errata, 626, 754. 0 Octanol : Identifying aliphatic alcohols by pyrolysis. Dhont, 71. Offal(s) : Clean-up of animal fats and dairy products for analysing chlorinated pesticide residues. Maunder, Egan, Godly, Hammond, Roburn and Thomson, 168. Hole, Roberts and Jones, 332. Oil(s) : Chromatographic Sterol Analysis as Applied to the Investigation of Milk Fat and Other - and Fats.Copius Peereboom. (Review), 626. Identifying - in sausages.INDEX TO VOLUME 89 xxvii Oil( s)--contiizzied Identifying furfuraldehyde in hydrocarbon -. Palframan and Rose, 553; Erratum, 688. Standard Methods of the - and Fats Division of the I.U.P.A.C. 5th Edn. (Reivew), 560. Oil orange E : Thin-layer chromatographic identi- fication of annatto and other food colours. Ramamurthy and Bhalerao, 740. Oil orange S : Thin-layer chromatographic identi- fication of annatto and other food colours. Ramamurthy and Bhalerao, 740. Optical activity : Faraday effect, magnetic rotatory dispersion and magnetic circular dichroism : review. Dawber, 755. Orange II : See p-2-Hydroxy-l-naphthylazobenzene- sulphonic acid.Orange RN : See l-Phenylazo-2-naphthol-6-sulphonic acid. Organic chemistry : See Chemistry. Oxide : Electrolytic hygrometer for detmng. - in lead. Hibbs and Nation, 49. Oxidation Mechanisms : Applications to Organic Chemistry. Stewart. (Review), 683. Mechanisms of - of Organic Compounds. Waters. (Review), 626. Oxidising capacity : Titrimetric and spectrophoto- metric detmn. of the - of manganese compounds. Wilson, 571. Oxydemeton-methyl : Infrared spectroscopy in analy- sis of pesticide residues. Crosby and Laws, 319. Oxygen: Errors in sampling for dissolved -. Montgomery and Cockburn, 679. Gas-chromatographic apparatus for analysing mine gases (detmng. -). Lee, Sudworth and Gibson, 103. P Palladium : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of im- purities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange.Extraction and spectrophotometric detmn. of platinumIv and -11 with 2-thenoyltrifluoro- actone. De and Rahaman, 795. 8-Mercaptoquinoline as gravimetric reagent for detmng. __ and nickel. Dalziel and Kealey, 41 1. Pantothenic acid : Detmng. water-soluble vitamins in compound feeding stuffs. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub-committee, Vitamins (Water-solu- ble) Panel, 1; Erratum, 232. Paper chromatography : See Chromatography. Parathion : See Diethyl 4-nitrophenyl phosphoro- thionate. Parathion-methyl : See Dimethyl 4-nitrophenyl phos- phorothionate. Particle Size : Measurement, Interpretation and Application. Irani and Callis.(Review), 15 1. Peanuts: See Groundnuts. Pentanol : Identifying aliphatic alcohols by pyroly- sis. Dhont, 71. Peptides : Analytical problems in detmng. structure of proteins and ---: review. Smyth and Elliott, 81. Permanganate : Filtration of partially reduced alkaline -~ solutions. Grindley and Barlow, 76. Pesticide(s) : Analysing organo-phosphorus - residues by gas chromatography. Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 175. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Pesticide( s)-continued Analytical Methods for - Plant Growth Regulators, and Food Adiitives. Vol. 1. Zweig. (Review), 230. Clean-up of animal fats and dairy products for analysing chlorinated - residues. Maunder, Egan, Godly, Hammond, Roburn and Thomson, 168. Detcng. organo-phosphorus - on thin-layer chromatograms.Bunyan, 615. Detmng. chlorinated __ by electron-capture gas chromatography. Maunder, Egan and Roburn, 157. Detmng. parathion and related insecticides by gas - liquid chromatography, with special refer- ence to fenitrothion residues in cocoa. Dawson, Donegan and Thain, 495. Extraction of organo-chlorine - from animal tissue. Taylor, Rea and Kirby, 497. Infrared spectroscopy in analysis of - residues. Crosby and Laws, 319. Residue Reviews: Residues of __ and Other Foreign Chemicals in Foods and Feeds. Vol. 3. Gunther. (Review), 154; Vols. 4 and 5, 751. Petroleum: Analysis of __ for Trace Elements. Milner. (Review), 561. Pharmaceutical Codex : British -, 1963. (Re- view), 150. Pharmaceutical Society : Assay of pyrethrum. - and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 689; Erratum, 814.British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1963. (Review), 150. Recommended methods of assay of crude drugs. Detmng. capsaicin content of capsicum and its preparations. - and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 377. Pharmacopoeia: British - 1963. (Review), 80; Erratum, 302. Phenkapton : See S-( 2,5-Dichlorophenylthiomethyl) diethyl phosphorothiolothionate. Phenol(s) : Detmng. steam-volatile - present in cigarette-smoke condensate. I. Colorimetric detmn. of total steam-volatile -. Smith and King, 305; 11. Detmng. phenol, cresols and guaiacol by thin-layer chromatography. Smith and Sullivan, 312. l-Phenylazo-2-naphthol-6-sulphonic acid : Detcng. Orange RN and Orange I1 in meat. Dutt, 142. N-Phenylhydroxylamine : Arylhydroxylamines. IV. Colorimetric detmn. Phorate : See Diethyl S-(ethylthiomethyl) phosphoro- thiolothionate.Phorate, sulphone of oxygen analogue of : Infrared spectroscopy in analysis of pesticide residues. Crosby and Laws, 319. Phosdrin : See 1-Carbomethoxy-l-propen-2-yl di- methyl phosphate. Phosphamidon : See 2-Chloro-2-diethylcarbamoyl- l-methylvinyl dimethyl phosphate. Phosphate : Flame-photometry for detmng. -. Ratner and Scheiner, 136. Phosphoric acid : Flame-photometric detmn. of calcium in industrial -. Johnston and Stow, 290. Phosphorus : Automatic colorimetric detmn. of ---, manganese and silicon in steel. Scholes and Thulbourne, 466. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36.Phosphotungstates : Detmng. quaternary ammonium compounds as --. Banick and Valentine, 435- Boyland and Nery, 95.xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME 89 Photometer: Modified burner base for the Unicam Physical chemistry : See Chemistry. Pimento : Recovery of malathion residues from -. Rowlands, 498. Plant(s) : Comparison of Kjeldahl and sulphuric acid - hydrogen peroxide methods and their salicylic acid - thiosulphate modifications for detmng. total nitrogen in grasses. Ekpete and Cornfield, 670. Detmng. chromium in biological material by radioactivation. Bowen, 658. Detmng. cyanide in cyanophoric -. Kriede- man, 145. Detmng. radiostrontium in milk and herbage. Owers and Evett, 544. Detmng. sulphur in - material. Lachica Garrido, 61. Growth Regulators : Analytical Methods for Pesticides, -, and Food Additives.Vol. 1. Zweig. (Review), 230. Modern Methods of - Analysis. Vol. VI. Paech and Tracey. Continued by Linskens and Tracey. (Review), 228. Polarographic detmn. of zinc in - materials containing phosphate. Robertson, 368. Titan yellow method for detmng. magnesium in __ material in presence of excess of man- ganese. Chenery, 365. Plasmas : High-pressure __ as spectroscopic emission sources. Greenfield, Jones and Berry, 713. Second Report of the Toxicity Sub-committee of the Main Technical Committee of the British Plastics Federation, with Methods of Analysis of Representative Extractants. (Review), 501. Plating solutions : Detmng. indium in cyanide indium -. Metcalfe and Knowles, 293. Platinum : Extraction and spectrophotometric detmn.of -1V and palladium11 with 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone. De and Rahaman, 795. Polarography : Cathode-ray __ with the stationary mercury-drop electrode. Tyler, 775. Modern Polarographic Methods. Schmidt and Stackelberg. Translated by Maddison. (Re- view), 156. Organic Polarographic Analysis. Zuman. (Re- view), 683. Polymers : Use of sintered polymeric carriers in partition chromatography and electrophoresis. Pierce and Peck, 662. SP900 flame -. Mackison, 745. Plastics in the analytical laboratory. Jones, 629. See also Polymers. See also Plastics. Potable spirits : Trinkbranntweine und Likore. Wustenfeld and Haeseler. 4th Edn. (Review), 625. Potassium : Response properties of electrode glass sensitive to - and ammonium ions. Mattock and Uncles, 350. Potassium permanganate : Filtration of partially reduced alkaline permanganate solutions. Grindley and Barlow, 76.Potentiometry : See Analysis. Praseodymium: Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Precipitation titrations : Photometric -. Blakeley and Ryan, 721. Preserves : Detmng. sorbitol in chocolate for dia- betics (and in -). Turner, 115; Erratum, 302. Prometon : See 4,6-Bisisopropylamino-2-methoxy- 1,3,5-triazine. Prometryne : See 4,6-Bisisopropylamino-2-methyl- thio-1,3,5-triazine. Propylene glycol : Detmng. __ in tobacco by cellu- lose-column chromatography. Clements and Patterson, 67. Proteins : Analytical problems in detmng. structure of - and peptides: review.Smyth and Elliott, 81. Practical Analytical Methods for Connective Tissue --. Eastoe and Courts. (Review), 78. Pseudoionone : Separating isomeric ionones and methylionones by multiple thin-layer chromato- graphy. Dhont and Dijkman, 681. Pyrethrum : Assay of --, Pharmaceutical Society and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 689; Erratum, 814. Quaternary ammonium compounds : Detmng. __ as phosphotungstates. Banick and Valentine, 435. R Radioactivation Analysis. Bowen and Gibbons. (Review), 80. Analysis of stainless-steel neutron-activation products by combined group separation and y-ray spectrometry. McMillan, 594. Radioactivity : Recording ~ in eluates. Lloyd- Jones and Skerrett, 782. Radiocaesium : Detmng. caesium-I37 in irradiated uranium by ring-oven technique and gamma- ray spectrometry.Hilton and Reed, 132. Radiocerium : Detmng. ~ in biological matter and seawater. Hampson, 651. Radiochemistry : Techniques for the Use of Radio- isotopes in Analysis. Lambie. (Review), 8 10. Radiostrontium : Detmng. -- in milk and herbage. Owers and Evett, 544. Rare-Earth(s) Elements. Trifonov. Translated by Basu. Edited by Vickery. (Review), 687. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of the - elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Reactions: Fast - in Solution. Caldin. (Re- view), 683. Reviews, book : See Book reviews. Riboflavin : Detmng. water-soluble vitamins in compound feeding stuffs. Society for Analyti- cal Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub- committee, Vitamins (Water-soluble) Panel, 1 ; Erratum, 232.Rice bran : Interference by extractives in detmng. malathion residues in -. Bates and Row- lands, 286. Rock : Sampling silicate - powders for chemical analysis. Wilson, 18; Erratum, 302. Rubber tree : Spectrophotometric detmn. of iron and aluminium in leaves of - (Hevea braszlienszs). Middleton, 421. Avto- kratova. (Review), 812. Ruthenium: Analytical Chemistry of -.INDEX TO S Samarium : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Sausages : Identifying offals in -. Hole, Roberts and Jones, 332. Scandium : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of im- purities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange.Schradan : See Bis-NNN’N’-tetramethylphosphoro- diamidic anhydride. Seawater : Detmng. radiocerium in biological matter and -. Hampson, 651. Sedatives: Detcng. trichloro - in urine. Moss and Kenyon, 802. Sediments : Geochemical field detmn. of tungsten in soils and stream -. Bowden, 771. Selenites : Thermogravimetric study of the - of hafnium and zirconium. Adams and Holness, 31. Semiconductor (s) : Trace Analysis of - Materials. Cali. (Review), 565. Separation : Physical and Chemical Methods of -. Berg. (Review), 79. Sewage: Detmng. zinc in - and __ sludge. Mills and Brown, 551. Silica ampoules : Detmng. uranium-235 by neutron activation and ring-oven separation of molyb- denum-99 - technetium-99 (opening irradiated -).Hilton and Reed, 599. Silicate: Sampling __ rock powders for chemical analysis. Wilson, 18; Erratum, 302. Silicic acid: Spectrophotometric detmn. of - in dilute solution. Silicon: Absorptiometric detmn. of __ in water. IV. Detmng. reactive __ in power-station waters containing phosphate. Webber and Wilson, 632. Automatic colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus, manganese and ~ in steel. Scholes and Thulbourne, 466. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Silver : Analytical uses of metallic -. I. Qualita- tive analysis of Group 2 elements that can be precipitated by -. Henry, 242; Errata, 376, 566; 11.Revised scheme for semi-micro qualita- tive analysis of common elements, 255. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of rare-earths by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Simazine : See 2-Chloro-4,6-bisethyIalamino-ly3,5-tri- azine. Simeton : See 4,6-Bisethylamino-2-methoxy-l,3,5- triazine. Simetryne : See 4,6-Bisethylamino-2-methylthio- lY3,5-triazine. Smoke : Detmng. steam-volatile phenols present in cigarette-- condensate. I. Colorimetric detmn. of total steam-volatile phenols. Smith and King, 305; 11. Detmng. phenol, cresols and guaiacol by thin-layer chromatography, 31 2. Effect of glycerol added t o tobacco on constituents of cigarette -. Souza and Scherbak, 735. Sociktk Belge des Sciences Pharmaceutiques : Chro- matographie Symposium I1 : 1962.(Review), 232. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Garrett and Walker, 642. VOLUME 89 xxix Society for Analytical Chemistry : Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub-committee, Vitamins (Fat-soluble) Panel. Detmng. fat-soluble vitamins in diet supplements and compound feeding stuffs, 7. Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub-committee, Vita- mins (Water-soluble) Panel. Detmng. water- soluble vitamins in compound feeding stuffs, 1 ; Erratum, 232. Analytical Methods Committee. Essential Oils Sub-committee. Detmng. citronellol in pre- sence of geraniol and linalol: method based on reactions with p-toluenesulphonic acid. Hol- ness, 763.Analytical Methods Committee, Essential Oils Sub-committee. Detmng. linalol in essential oils: amendment, 510. Analytical Methods Committee, Essential Oils Sub-committee. Drying agents for essential oils, 233; Erratum, 688. Analytical Methods Committee, Meat Products Sub-committee. Nitrogen factors for liver, 630. Analytical Methods Committee, Prophylactics in Animal Feeds Sub-committee. Detmng. am- prolium in animal feeding stuffs, 505. Assay of pyrethrum. Pharmaceutical Society and -, 689; Erratum, 814. Recommended methods of assay of crude drugs. Detmng. capsaicin content of capsicum and its preparations. Pharmaceutical Society and -, 377. Soil(s) : Chromatographic detcn. and detmn. of organo-chlorine herbicides in - and water. Abbott, Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 480.Detmng. gold in ___ with Brilliant green. Stan- ton and McDonald, 767. Detmng. triazine herbicides by gas - liquid chromatography with particular reference t o atraton in --. Geochemical field detmn. of tungsten in - and stream sediments. Bowden, 771. Solubilities of Inorganic and Organic Compounds. Vol. I. Parts 1 and 2. Stephen and Stephen. (Review), 561. Sorbitol: Detmng. - in chocolate for diabetics. Turner, 115; Erratum, 302. Spectra : Molecular Vib-Rotors : Theory and Inter- pretation of High Resolution Infrared --. Allen and Cross. (Review), 77. Organic Electronic Spectral Data. Vol. IV : 1958-1959. Phillips and Nachod. (Review), 374. Tables of Spectrophotometric Absorption Data of Compounds Used for the Colorimetric Determination of Elements.I.U.P.A.C. (Re- view), 439. Spectroscopy: Chemical Infrared ---. Vol. I. Potts. (Review), 503. Developments in Applied -. Vol. 2. Ferraro and Ziomek. (Review), 155. High-pressure plasmas as spectroscopic emission sources. Greenfield, Jones and Berry, 713. Infra-red - and Molecular Structure : Outline of the Principles. Davies. (Review), 372. Introduction to Practical Infra-Red ---. Cross. 2nd Edn. (Review), 686. I R Theory and Practice in Infrared -. Szymanski. (Review), 753. Benfield and Chilwell, 475. Spirits, potable : See Potable spirits.xxx INDEX TO VOLUME 89 Standardization of Tar Products Tests Committee, Gas - Liquid Chromatography Panel: Com- parison of hypodermic and pipette injection systems in gas - liquid chromatography. Grant and Knott, 801.Chemical Analysis. Nalimov. Translated by Basu. Translation Editor Williams. (Review), 152. Stearyl tartrate : Detcn. and approximate detmn. of - in bread. Williams, 289; Erratum, 376. Steel : Analysis of stainless-- neutron-activation products by combined group separation and y-ray spectrometry. McMillan, 594. Automatic colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus, manganese and silicon in -. Scholes and Thulbourne, 466. Diff usion-controlled oxidation of carbon in nickel and other metals (-) as basis of analysis. Rickard, 235. Sterol(s) : Chromatographic - Analysis as Applied to the Investigation of Milk Fat and Other Oils and Fats. Copius Peereboom. (Review), 626. Stomach : Identifying offals in sausages. Hole, Roberts and Jones, 332. Strontium-89 : See Radiostrontium.Strontium-90 : See Radiostrontium. Strychnine: Loss of - in purification of visceral extracts with concentrated sulphuric acid. Lilliman and Trezise, 750. Sugar beet: See Beet. Sugars : Application of the Freundlich isotherm to adsorption of - from solution by a column of charcoal. Sulphacetamide : Detmng. sulphonamides. Barakat and Shaker, 216. Sulphaguanidine : Detmng. sulphonamides. Barakat and Shaker, 216. Sulphanilamide : Detmng. sulphonamides. Barakat and Shaker, 216. Sulphonamides : Detmng. __ . Barakat and Shaker, 216. Sulphur : Detmng. - in plant material. Lachica Garrido, 61. Sulphur dioxide: Detmng. free - content of ciders. Burroughs and Sparks, 55. Statistics : Application of Mathematical - to Walker and Morton, 512. Detmng. - in beers and wines. Jones, 678. Sunset yellow FCF : Thin-layer chromatographic identification of annatto and other food colours.Ramamurthy and Bhalerao, 740. Surface-active agents : Examining detergents by paper chromatography. 11. Drewry, 75. Syrups : Detmng. ascorbic acid in blackcurrant and other coloured fruit-juice -. Lee and Leong, 674. T 2,4,5-T : See 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic ,acid. 'Tantalum : Analytical Chemistry of Niobium and -. Moshier. (Review), 624. Anion-exchange separation of titanium, zir- conium, niobium, - , molybdenum and tungsten, with particular reference to analysis of alloys. Dixon and Headridge, 186; Erratum, 688. Tartrazine : Detmng. hypobromite and bromite with - as indicator. Hashmi and Ayaz, 147. Thin-layer chromatographic identification of annatto and other food colours. Ramamurthy and Bhalerao, 740.Taurine : Separating and detmng. oxidation products Jayson, Owen and Wilbraham, TDE : See l,l-Dichloro-2,2-bis-(p-chlorophenyl) - Tea: Titan yellow method for detmng. magnesium in plant material (- leaves) in presence of excess of manganese. Chenery, 365. Technetium-99 : Detmng. uranium-235 by neutron activation and ring-oven separation of molyb- denum-99 - -. Hilton and Reed, 599. Teepol 710/5 : Dispersing agents for tin - dithiol complex. Board and Elbourne, 555. Telodrin : Clean-up of animal fats and dairy proucts for analysing chlorinated pesticide residues. Maunder, Egan, Godly, Hammond, Roburn and Thomson, 168. Terbium : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of im- purities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange.Tetraethyl SS'-methylene bis(phosphorothio1othio- nate) : Analysing organo-phosphorus pesticide residues by gas chromatography. Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 175. Detcng. organa-phosphorus pesticides on thin- layer chromatograms. Bunyan, 615. Detmng. chlorinated pesticides by electron- capture gas chromatography. Maunder, Egan and Roburn, 157. Thallium : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of im- purities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. 2-Thenoyltrifluoroacetone : Extraction and spectro- photometric detmn. of platinumIv and pal- ladiumI1 with -. Thermodynamics : Chemical ~ : Basic Theory and Methods. Klotz, with Young. Revised Edn. (Review), 807. Introduction to Chemical -.Klotz, with Young. (Review), 807. Thiolsulphonate : Separating and detmng. oxidation products of cysteamine. Jayson, Owen and Wilbraham, 788. Thiometon : See S- [2-(Ethylthio)ethyl] dimethyl phos- phor o thiolo thionate . Thione : See 2-Mercaptopyridine-Noxide. Thulium : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of im- purities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Thyroxine : Application of paper and thin-layer chromatography to identifying - in a feed- ing stuffs additive. Patterson and Clements, 328. Timber dips : Field detmn. of benzene hexachloride in --. Uuen, 726. Tin - dithiol complex: Dispersing agents for -. Board and Elbourne, 555. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange.Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Paper chromatography of organo - __ com- pounds. 11. Reversed-phase systems. Wil- liams and Price, 220. Separation of trace metals by manganese dioxide collection method. I. Behaviour of antimony, bismuth and -: separation of traces of antimony and ___ from bismuth. Ogden and Reynolds, 538; 11. Behaviour of lead: detmng. antimony and - in presence of lead. Rey- nolds and Tyler, 579. of cysteamine. 788. ethane. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. De and Rahaman, 795. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36.INDEX TO VOLUME 89 xxxi Titan yellow method for detmng. magnesium in plant material in presence of excess of man- ganese. Chenery, 365. Titanium : Anion-exchange separation of ---, zirconium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum and tungsten, with particular reference to analysis of alloys.Dixon and Headridge, 185; Erratum, 688. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Titrations : See Analysis. Titrator : Karl Fischer titration unit for routine use. Hawkins, 432. Tobacco: Detmng. propylene glycol in - by cellulose-column chromatography. Clements and Patterson, 67. Effect of glycerol added to __ on constituents of cigarette smoke. Souza and Scherbak, 735. Toxicity: Second Report of the - Sub-committee of the Main Technical Committee of the British Plastics Federation, with Methods of Analysis of Representative Extractants.(Review), 501. Toxicology: Progress in Chemical -. Vol. 1. Stolman. (Review), 563. Triadne herbicides : Detmng. __ by gas - liquid chromatography with particular reference to atraton in soil. l,l,l-Trichloro-t-butanol: Detcng. trichloro seda- tives in urine. l,l,l-Trichloro-2,2-di- (4-chlorophenyl) ethane : Clean- up of animal fats and dairy products for analysing chlorinated pesticide residues. Maun- der, Egan, Godly, Hammond, Roburn and Thomson, 168. Detmng. chlorinated pesticides by electron- capture gas chromatography. Maunder, Egan and Roburn, 157. Trichloroethanol : Detcng. trichloro sedatives in urine. Moss and Kenyon, 802. 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid : Chromatographic detcn. and detmn. of organo-chlorine herbicides in soil and water.Abbott, Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 480. Trietazine : See 2-Chloro-4-diethylamino-6-ethyl- amino-1,3,5-triazine. Tripe : Identifying offals in sausages. Hole, Roberts and Jones, 332. Tris(2-thiopyridine-N-oxide) - iron111 complex : Gravimetric detmn. of iron by the homo- geneous precipitation of -. Dalziel and Thompson, 707; Erratum, 814. Trithion : See S-(p-Chlorophenylthiomethyl) 00-di- ethyl phosphorothiolothionate. Tungsten : Anion-exchange separation of titanium, zirconium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum and -, with particular reference to analysis of alloys. Dixon and Headridge, 185; Erratum, 688. Diffusion-controlled oxidation of carbon in nickel and other metals (--) as basis of analysis. Rickard, 235. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange.Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Geochemical field detmn. of __ in soils and stream sediments. Bowden. 771. Benfield and Chilwell, 475. Moss and Kenyon, 802. U Udder : Identifying offals in sausages. Hole, Roberts and Joncs, 332. Uranium : Detmng. caesium-137 in irradiated ~ by ring-oven technique and gamma-ray spectrometry. Hilton and Reed, 132. Uranium-235 : Detmng. - by neutron-activation and ring-oven separation of molybdenum-99 - technetium-99. Hilton and Reed, 599. Uranium-233 dioxide : Emission-spectrographic de- tmn. of impurities in - after pre-concen- tration of the rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Uric acid: Occurrence of honeydew in honey (detmng. -). Urine: Apparatus for detmng.small amounts of alcohol in sour milk and -- Andrews and Cooper, 272. A4rylhydroxylamines. IV. Colorimetric detmn. (in -). Boyland and Nery, 95. Colorimetric detmn. of N-hydroxyurethane and related compounds (in -). Boyland and Nery, 520; Erratum, 626. Detcng. trichloro sedatives in -. Moss and Kenyon, 802. Use of a cation-exchange resin in detmng. urinary ascorbic acid. Hughes, 618. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Cowan and Mitchell, 222. V Vamidothion : See OO-Dimethyl S-2-(l-methyl- carbamoylethy1thio)-ethyl phosphorothiolate. Vamidothion sulphone : Detcng. organo-phosphorus pesticides on thin-layer chromatograms. Bun- yan, 615. Vanadium : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of ini- purities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange.Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Vegetables : See Plants. Vinasses : Detmng. betaine in - of beet molasses. Gorog and Ezer, 282. Visceral extracts : Loss of strychnine in purification of - with concentrated sulphuric acid. Lilliman and Trezise, 750. Vitamin A: Detmng. fat-soluble vitamins in diet supplements and compound feeding stuffs. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub-committee, Vitamins (Fat- soluble) Panel, 7. Spectrophotometric detmn. of vitamin D in presence of -. Vitamin B1: Interference by p-aminosalicylic acid or its sodium salt in detmng. - by the thiochrome method. Sen and Sengupta, 558. Vitamin B,, : See Cyanocobalamin. Vitamin D: Detmng. fat-soluble vitamins in diet supplements and compound feeding stuffs.Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub-committee, Vitamins (Fat- soluble) Panel, 7. Detmng. - in pharmaceutical preparations by thin-layer chromatography. Heaysman and Sawyer, 529. Spectrophotometric detmn. of - in presence of vitamin A. Vitamins: Detmng. fat-soluble - in diet supple- ments and compound feeding stuffs. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub-committee, Vitamins (Fat-soluble) Panel, 7. Barua and Rao, 534. Barua and Rao, 534.xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME 89 Vitamins-continued Detmng. water-soluble - in compound feeding stuffs. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Animal Feed- ing Stuffs Sub-committee, Vitamins (Water- soluble) Panel, 1; Erratum, 232.Vitamin-Bestimmungen : Erprobte Methoden. Strohecker and Henning. (Review), 375. W Water : Absorptiometric detmn. of ammonia in boiler feed--. Absorptiometric detmn. of iron in boiler feed -. I. Detmng. reactive iron. Wilson, 389; 11. Dissolving non-reactive iron, 402 ; 111. Detmng. total iron content, 442. Absorptiometric detmn. of silicon in -. IV. Detmng. reactive silicon in power-station - containing phosphate. Webber and Wilson, 632. Chromatographic detcn. and detmn. of organo- chlorine herbicides in soil and -. Abbott, Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 480. Colorimetric detmn. of N-hydroxyurethane and related compounds (in -). Boyland and Nery, 520; Erratum, 626.Eliminating - in gas-chromatographic detmn. of chloroform in aqueous solutions. Evans, 295. Errors in sampling for dissolved oxygen (in -). Montgomery and Cockburn, 679. Karl Fischer titration unit for routine use. Hawkins, 432. sea: See Sea water. Sensitive method for detmng. nitrate in - with 2,6-xylenol. Andrews, 730. Weighing : Vacuum Microbalance Techniques. Vol. 3. Behrndt. (Review), 79. Weights: Effect of random balance errors in the calibration of a set of -. Chalmers and Curnow, 567. Wetting agents : See Surface-active agents. Wines : Detmng. sulphur dioxide in beers and -. Jones, 678. Wood: See Timber. Wool : Detmng. cysteine and its N-acid derivatives in presence of each other. Wroriski, 800. See also Fleece. Tetlow and Wilson, 453. X X-ray Analysis: Advances in -.Vol. 6. Mueller and Fay. (Review), 231. Analysis: Data for -. Vols. I, I1 and 111. Parrish and Mack. 2nd Edn. (Review), 685. fluorescence analysis: Casting fused beads for use in -. Carr-Brion, 556. 2,6-Xylenol: Sensitive method for detmng. nitrate in water with -. Andrews, 730. Y Yellow AB : Thin-layer chromatographic identifica- tion of annatto and other food colours. Rama- murthy and Bhalerao, 740. Yellow OB : Thin-layer chromatographic identifica- tion of annatto and other food colours. Rama- murthy and Bhalerao, 740. Ytterbium : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of im- purities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Yttrium : Emission-spectrographic detmn. of im- purities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre- concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange.Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Z Zinaphos: Analysing organo-phosphorus pesticide residues by gas chromatography. Egan, Hammond and Thomson, 175. Detmng. chlorinated pesticides by electron- capture gas chromatography. Maunder, Egan and Roburn, 157. Zinc: Detmng. - in sewage and sewage sludge. Mills and Brown, 551. Emission-spectrographic detmn. of impurities in uranium-233 dioxide after pre-concentration of rare-earth elements by ion exchange. Birks, Weldrick and Thomas, 36. Photometric detmn. of excess of - in zinc oxide. Norman, 261. Polarographic detmn. of - in plant materials containing phosphate. Robertson, 368. X-ray fluorescence detmn. of - in samples of unknown composition.Carr-Brion, 346. Zinc chloride: Spectrographic analysis of - and cadmium chloride solutions and solid zinc and cadmium sulphides by solution - powder method. Beck and Tubb, 205. Zinc oxide: Photometric detmn. of excess of zinc in -. Norman, 261. Zinc sulphide : Spectrographic analysis of zinc and cadmium chloride solutions and solid - and cadmium sulphide by solution - powder method. Beck and Tubb, 205. Zirconium : Anion-exchange separation of titanium, - , niobium, tantalum, molybdenum and tungsten, with particular reference to analysis of alloys. Dixon and Headridge, 185; Erratum, 688. Zirconium mandelste : Thermogravimetric study of mandelates of zirconium and hafnium. Adams and Holness, 603. Zirconium selenite : Thermogravimetric study of selenites of hafnium and zirconium.Adams and Holness, 31. Herington. (Review), 232. Zone Melting of Organic Compounds.INDEX TO VOLUME 89 xxxiii ERRATA: VUL. 85, 1960: p. 176, 1st line under “PROCEDURE FOR LARGE QUANTITIES OF SILVER.” For “stage 4” read “stage 9.” VOL. 88, 1963: p. 967, “Method.” After the last reagent (Tris glycerol buffer), add the following parugraph- “Combined reagent-Dissolve 10 mg of glucose oxidase, 1 mg of horseradish peroxidase and 10 mg of o-dianisidine hydrochloride in 100 ml of tris glycerol buffer.” p. 967, 1st line of “Procedure.” Before “reagent” insert “Combined.” p. 967, 4th line of “Procedure.” After “2 mg” insert “per ml.” p. 1, 15th line. p. 4, 9th line from foot of page. p. 5, 3rd line from foot of page. p. 19, equation (4.4).p. 20, equation (7.2), denominator of the fraction in the centre brackets. p. 21, 12th line reference a t end of line. p. 25, 3rd line from foot of page. p. 30, reference 2. p. 30, reference 4. p. 78, 11th line. p. 80. VQL. 89, 1964: For “to test both” read “both to test.” For “calcium DL-pantothenate” read “calcium D-pantothenate.” For “pH 6 to 8” read “pH 6.8.” Insert a rule between the numerator and denominator inAight-hand- brackets. For “N” read “Nw.” For “2” read “4.” For “functions” read “fractions.” For “670” (the page number of the reference) read “81.” For “81” (the page number of the reference) read “682.” For “L. S . Theobold” read “L. S. Theobald.” Review of BRITISH PHARMACOPOEIA 1963. An inadvertent transposition led to the inclusion in this Review of a statement that biological The fourth “It is interesting to note that in some instances (benzylpenicillin, benzathine penicillin and procaine penicillin) i t has been possible to replace biological assay with chemical tests and assays.” p. 121, reference 6. This should read “Merck Index, Sixth Edition, Merck & Co. Inc., Rahway, N.J., U.S.A., 1952, p. 895.” p. 189, 2nd line below expression defining D. p. 189, 10th line from foot of page. p. 189, 11th line from foot of page. p. 233, 1st line under “Procedure.” p. 243, reference in 1st line of 1st footnote. p. 244, equation (2). p. 245, heading to Table 11. p. 245, 11th equation in Table 11, right-hand side. For “H2Te0, + 3H20” read “H,TeO, + H,O.” p. 248, 3rd line from foot of page. p. 260, reference 3. p. 270, 7th line from foot of page. p. 280, 14th line. facing p. 289, Legend to Fig. 1. For “Paper” read “Thin-layer.” p. 364, Legend to Fig. 1. p. 489, last line of page. p. 489, 3rd line from foot of page. p. 490, 2nd line. p. 490, 3rd line. p. 490, 6th line under “REAGENTS.” p. 492, Table V, heading to 5th column. p. 494, 7th line. p. 521, 3rd table of analytical results. p. 554, 10th line. p. 689, 3rd line under “REPORT.” After “this” insert “form.” p. 699, 25th line. p. 708, 1st table of analytical results. assay was used for thyroid. paragraph of the Review should be amended to read- Thyroid is in fact assayed by an oxygen-flask method. For “i” read “i,.” For “2” read “i,.” For “ u l = W D + i” read “21, = w D + i,.” For “(10 ml)” read “(100 ml).” For “7” read “8.” For “(Eo2 - Eo2)” read “(Eo2 - EO,).” For “ E O ~ g ” read ‘‘EOA~” For “and” read “but.” For “ratios to calcium” read “ratios of calcium.” For “Quantitative” read “Qualitative.” For “530 mp” read “520 mp.” For “V, = VA26T stabiliser” read “V, = VA26T photoelectric cell.” For “chrome - alumel” read “chrome1 - alumel.” For “18 x 9 inches” read “18 x 9 x 9 inches.” For “slightly into the furnace” read “into the centre of the furnace.” For “are” read “were.” For “pH 5.5’’ read “pH 5.0.’’ For “open-tube” read “sealed-tube.” For “Dr. I. J . M. Muir” read “Dr. I. H. M. Muir.” For “C,H,NO,” read “C,H,NO,.” Delete “1- and.” For “pyrethrum 11” read “pyrethrin 11.” For “C,HNOS,” read “C,H,NOS.” PRINTED BY W. HEFFER 81 SONS LTD.. CAMBRIDGE. ENGLAND.INDEX TO VOLUME 89 xxxiii ERRATA: VUL. 85, 1960: p. 176, 1st line under “PROCEDURE FOR LARGE QUANTITIES OF SILVER.” For “stage 4” read “stage 9.” VOL. 88, 1963: p. 967, “Method.” After the last reagent (Tris glycerol buffer), add the following parugraph- “Combined reagent-Dissolve 10 mg of glucose oxidase, 1 mg of horseradish peroxidase and 10 mg of o-dianisidine hydrochloride in 100 ml of tris glycerol buffer.” p. 967, 1st line of “Procedure.” Before “reagent” insert “Combined.” p. 967, 4th line of “Procedure.” After “2 mg” insert “per ml.” p. 1, 15th line. p. 4, 9th line from foot of page. p. 5, 3rd line from foot of page. p. 19, equation (4.4). p. 20, equation (7.2), denominator of the fraction in the centre brackets. p. 21, 12th line reference a t end of line. p. 25, 3rd line from foot of page. p. 30, reference 2. p. 30, reference 4. p. 78, 11th line. p. 80. VQL. 89, 1964: For “to test both” read “both to test.” For “calcium DL-pantothenate” read “calcium D-pantothenate.” For “pH 6 to 8” read “pH 6.8.” Insert a rule between the numerator and denominator inAight-hand- brackets. For “N” read “Nw.” For “2” read “4.” For “functions” read “fractions.” For “670” (the page number of the reference) read “81.” For “81” (the page number of the reference) read “682.” For “L. S . Theobold” read “L. S. Theobald.” Review of BRITISH PHARMACOPOEIA 1963. An inadvertent transposition led to the inclusion in this Review of a statement that biological The fourth “It is interesting to note that in some instances (benzylpenicillin, benzathine penicillin and procaine penicillin) i t has been possible to replace biological assay with chemical tests and assays.” p. 121, reference 6. This should read “Merck Index, Sixth Edition, Merck & Co. Inc., Rahway, N.J., U.S.A., 1952, p. 895.” p. 189, 2nd line below expression defining D. p. 189, 10th line from foot of page. p. 189, 11th line from foot of page. p. 233, 1st line under “Procedure.” p. 243, reference in 1st line of 1st footnote. p. 244, equation (2). p. 245, heading to Table 11. p. 245, 11th equation in Table 11, right-hand side. For “H2Te0, + 3H20” read “H,TeO, + H,O.” p. 248, 3rd line from foot of page. p. 260, reference 3. p. 270, 7th line from foot of page. p. 280, 14th line. facing p. 289, Legend to Fig. 1. For “Paper” read “Thin-layer.” p. 364, Legend to Fig. 1. p. 489, last line of page. p. 489, 3rd line from foot of page. p. 490, 2nd line. p. 490, 3rd line. p. 490, 6th line under “REAGENTS.” p. 492, Table V, heading to 5th column. p. 494, 7th line. p. 521, 3rd table of analytical results. p. 554, 10th line. p. 689, 3rd line under “REPORT.” After “this” insert “form.” p. 699, 25th line. p. 708, 1st table of analytical results. assay was used for thyroid. paragraph of the Review should be amended to read- Thyroid is in fact assayed by an oxygen-flask method. For “i” read “i,.” For “2” read “i,.” For “ u l = W D + i” read “21, = w D + i,.” For “(10 ml)” read “(100 ml).” For “7” read “8.” For “(Eo2 - Eo2)” read “(Eo2 - EO,).” For “ E O ~ g ” read ‘‘EOA~” For “and” read “but.” For “ratios to calcium” read “ratios of calcium.” For “Quantitative” read “Qualitative.” For “530 mp” read “520 mp.” For “V, = VA26T stabiliser” read “V, = VA26T photoelectric cell.” For “chrome - alumel” read “chrome1 - alumel.” For “18 x 9 inches” read “18 x 9 x 9 inches.” For “slightly into the furnace” read “into the centre of the furnace.” For “are” read “were.” For “pH 5.5’’ read “pH 5.0.’’ For “open-tube” read “sealed-tube.” For “Dr. I. J . M. Muir” read “Dr. I. H. M. Muir.” For “C,H,NO,” read “C,H,NO,.” Delete “1- and.” For “pyrethrum 11” read “pyrethrin 11.” For “C,HNOS,” read “C,H,NOS.” PRINTED BY W. HEFFER 81 SONS LTD.. CAMBRIDGE. ENGLAND.
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