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Volume 62,
Issue 1,
Page 001-060
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THE ANALYST F. W. F . ARNAUD F.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH M.A. F.I.C. E. RICHARDS BOLTON F.I.C., M.I.Chem. E. H. E. COX DSc. Ph.D. F.I.C. J. T. DUNN D.Sc. F.I.C. BERNARD DI’ER DSc. F.I.C. THE JOURNAL OF THE B. S. EVANS,M.B.E.,M.C.,D.Sc.,F.I.C, E. HINKS M.B.E. B.Sc. F.I.C. G. W. MONIER-WILLIAMS O.B.E., M.C. Ph.D. F.I.C, A. MORE A.R.C.S. A.R.T.C. F.I.C. W. H. SIMMONS BSc. F.I.C. J. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER C.I.E., Society of Public Analysts and other E. B. DAW B.Sc. A.I.C. J. GRANT Ph.D. M.Sc. F.I.C. D. G. HEWER B.Sc. A. 0. JOKES M.A. F.I.C. Analytical Chemists E. M. POPE B.Sc. W. R. SCHOELLER Ph.D. F.I.C. S. G. STEVENSON MSc., D. R. WOOD F.I.C. B.Pharm. F. I .C . A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED To THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY bon. Secretarg : L.EYNON BSc. F.I.C. bon. Greaeurer : E. B. HUGHES DSc. F.I.C. Ebitor C. AINSWORTH MITCHELL M.A. D.Sc. F.I,C. Eh3iatatit Ebftot: J. H. LANE 3.Sc. F.I.C. VOL. 6 2 1937 PUBLISHED FOR SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. 4 PETTY CURY CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND I93 LIST OF PAPERS PUBLISHED IN THE ANALYST DURING 1937 COLO‘CTR MEASUREMEXT OF OPAQIJE SLJRFACES. T m TI JRBTI~II1ZETRIC TITRATION OF (;ELATIN SOLUTIO~~S. A SCHEME FOR THE SEPARATION ANI) THE DETERMINATION OF METAT-LIC IMPURITIES A RAPID METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF ANTIMONY IN LEAD-RICH ALLOYS T3y E. R. Bolton F.I.C. M.I.Chem.E., and K. A. Willirtms B.Sc. F.I.C. By J. 1;. Morse. I N FOODSTUFFS. By K. Stanford B.Sc. and D. C. M. hdamson A.I.C. R.Sc. A.I.C. and S. Torrance A.R.C.S. B.Sc.D.I.C. TEST. Neave B.S.A. B.Sc. F.T.C. W. G. Moffitt Ph.D. A.I.C. and E. H. Williams B.Sc. A.I.C. I3y J. H. Hamence M.Sc. Pli.D. F.I.C. THE ]DETERMINATION OF SMALL (I)UANTITIES OF COPPER I N IRON. TIE ENZYMES OF MILK. 13y J. G. Fife, SOME NOTES ON KAY AND GRAHAM’S PHOSPHATASE I. By E. 13. AA~r<lerson M.Sc. F.I.C. 2. Herschdorfer Ph.D. and F. K. By Norman Evers THE DETECTION oh- ARACHIS OIL m OLIVE AND ALMOND 01~~s. TIIE DETERMINATION OF CYANIDE I N AQVEOUS EXTRACTS 01; ROAD TARS. By THE DETERMINATION 01; MOLYBDENUM IN CAST IRON. By E. Taylor-Austin A.I.C. A COLORIMETRIC METHOD FOIi THE IIETERMINATION OF TRACES 01; PHENOL I N WATER. By G. U. Houghton M.Sc. F.I.C. and R. G. Pelly F.I.C. A.M.I.Chem.E. and W. Wilson F.I.C. Ph.D. D.I.C. F.I.C. and M.I(. Hassan M.Sc. DERIVATIVES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THEIR DISTINCTION FROM SALICYLIC AND BENZOIC ACIDS. By F. W. Edwards F.I.C. H. R. Nanji Ph.D. D.I.C., F.I.C. and M. K. Hassan M.Sc. TIIE USE OF HEXAMINE FOR THE SEPARATION OF THORIUM FROM THE RARE EARTHS, AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE DETERMINATION OF THORIUM IN MONAZITE SAND. By A. M. Ismail Ph.D. arid H. F. Harwood M.Sc. Ph.D. F.I.C. By A. R. Tankard F.I.C. THE DETERMINATION OF LEAH IN WATER. By J. W. Hawley B.Sc. F.I.C., THE DETERMINATION OF BENZOIC ACID. By F. W. Edwards F.I.C. H. R. Nanji, THE DETECTION AND DETERMINATION OF P-HYDROXYBENZOIC ACID AND ITS MUNICIPAL CHEMrsTw. LESS-KNOWN COKSTITUENTS OF MILK AND THEIR EXAMINATION. SOME MINOR COMPONENT ACIDS OF MILK-FATS AND THEIR POSSIBLE SIGNIFICANCE.By T. P. Hilditch D.Sc. F.I.C. By H. D. Kay O.B.E. Ph.D. D.Sc. E. C. V. Mattick MSc. Ph.D. and S. J. Folley M.Sc. Ph.D. THE ESTIMATION OF CATALASE. By E. R. Anderson M.Sc. F.I.C. and R. J. McWalter P1i.D. PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THE MINOR NITROGENOUS CONSTITUENTS OF MILK. Hy J. H. Bushill D.Sc. A.I.C. L. H. Lampitt D.Sc. F.I.C. and D. F. Filmer B.Sc. SOME RECENT WORK ON THE LIPASE AND PHOSPHATASE OF Cow’s MILK. OXIDATION-REDUCTION SYSTEMS IN MILK. Eastland F.I.C. Norman Evers B.Sc. F.I.C. and T. F. West B.Sc. A.I.C. By J. G. Sherratt R.Sc. F.I.C. By R. S. Twigg B.Sc. A RAPID METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF TRIETHANOLAMINE. By C. J. THE DETERMINATION OF SULPHITES IN THE PRESEKCE OF NITRATES AND NITRITES iv LIST OF PAPERS A NEW SERIES OF BUFFER MIXTURES COVERING TIIE pH RANGE 1-6.By W. L. VERIFICATIONS OF CENTRIFUGE TUBES USED FOR THE DETERMINATION OF VISIBLE THE ALKALOIDS OF ERGOT. THE AVERAGE VITAMIN A AND VITAMIN D POTENCY OF BUTTER. By R. s. Morgan, B.Sc. A.R.C.S. and H. Pritchard M.Sc. THE DETERMINATION OF COBALT. A NEW METHOD OF VOLUMETRIC DETERMINATION, AND A NEW METHOD FOR ITS DETERMINATION IN STEEL. By B. S. Evans, M.B.E. M.C. D.Sc. F.I.C. THE PRECIPITATION OF METALS BY MEANS OF 8-HYDROXYQUINOLINE (OXINE) . Part 11. THE EFFECT OF $H ON THE PRECIPITATION OF CADMIUM TUNGSTEN, AND URANIUM FROM ACETATE SOLUTIONS. By F. W. Anderson BSc. A.I.C. A. L. Bach-arach M.A. F.I.C. and E. Lester Smith D.Sc. F.I.C. By J. R. NICHOLLS, BSc. F.I.C. By A. M. Ismail Ph.D. and H. F. Harwood M.Sc. Ph.D. F.I.C. German M.Sc.Ph.D. and A. I. Vogel D.Sc. F.I.C. DIRT IN MILK. By Verney Stott B.A. F.1nst.P. By G. Barger D.Sc. M.D. LL.D. F.R.S. H. R. Fleck B.Sc. A.I.C. THE PROPERTIES OF CALCIFEROL. MANNICH’S METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF MORPHINE. THE DETERMINATION OF POTASSIUM AND POTASSIUM SILVER COBALTINITRITE. THE HARTRIDGE REVERSION SPECTROSCOPE FOR THE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD FOR CaRBON MONOXIDE ; IMPROVEMEKTS I N DESIGN ASSEMBLY AND TECHNIQUE. By R. C. Frederick F.I.C. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. QUANTITATIVE MICROSCOPICAL ANALYSIS OF FEEDIKG-STUFFS. I. DETERMINATIOX By J. J. FOX O.H.E. D.SC. F.I.C. OF RYE WHEAT AND BARLEY STARCHES IN MIXTURES. “GROUND OATS” MIXTURES. By R. C. Alcock M.A. Ph.D. By C. H. Manley, By J. G. A. Griffiths B.A. Ph.D. R.I.C. THE DETERMINATION OF BORIC ACID IN FOODSTUFFS.THE DETERMINATION OF TARTARIC ACID AS LEAD TARTRATE. M.A. F.I.C. ACETONE. F.I.C. and D. A. Lambie B.Sc. A.I.C. UREA. AN IMPROVED METHOD FOR DETERMINING ETHYL *ALCOHOL I N THE PRESENCE OF By C. R. Hoskins B.Sc. Ph.D. THE DETERMINATION OF BISMUTH AS PHOSPHATE. By W. R. Schoeller Ph.D., SOME APPLICATIONS O F THE NITRO-FERROCYANIDE REACTION A NEW FORMULA FOR By W. R. Fearon M.B. Sc.D. F.I.C. THE IODIMETRIC DETERMINATION OF ALKALI. THE MICRO-DETERMINATION OF GOLD. By W. B. Pollard B.A. Ph.D. F.I.C. FLOUR SPOILAGE. By D. W. Kent-Jones B.Sc. Ph.D. F.I.C. THE VOLUMETRIC DETERMINATION OF MERCURY. THE COLORIMETRIC DETERMINATION OF COPPER WITH SODIUM DIETHYLDITHIO-CARBAMATE IN THE PRESEPU’CE OF MODERATE AMOUNTS OF IRON. By T.P. Hoar M.A. Ph.D. B.Sc. (“DITHIOL”). B.A. Ph.D. A.I.C. FREEZING-POINT OF MILK. By G. Stanley Smith B.Sc. A.I.C. By M. Fitzgibbon A.I.C. THE COLORIMETRIC DETERMINATION 01; TIN BY MEANS O F TOLUENE-3 4-DITHIOL By R. E. D. Clark M.A. Ph.D. “RESINS” AND “PITCHES” FROM ANCIENT EGYPTIAN TOMBS. By J. G. A. Griffiths, A NEW APPARATUS FOR THE RAPID AND ECONOMICAL DETERMINATION OF THE By P. L. Temple LIST O F PAPERS V THE DETERMINATION OF MECHANICAL WOOD PULP IN PAPER. By S. S. Aiyar, M.Sc. Ph.D. F.I.C. aiid P. S. Krishiian M.A. A.I.C. THE ELECTROLYTIC ANALYSIS OF WRITE AND YELLOW METAL ALLOYS. By S. Torrance A.R.C.S. B.Sc. D.I.C. STUDIES IN INTERNAL ELECTROLYSIS. 111. THE DETERMINATIOX OF SMALL QUANTITIES OF SILVER IN THE PRESENCE OF VARIOUS OTHER METALS AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE ANALYSIS OF GALENA AND PYRITES.By J. G. Fife, M.Sc. F.I.C. By H. C. Lockwood B.Sc. F.I.C. FLUORINE IN FOOD PRODUCTS. CHARACTERISTICS OF SOME REPUTED CODLIVER OILS. By R. H. Common B.Sc., THE USE OF SELENIUM IN THE DETERMINATION OF NITROGEE IN POTATO TUBERS. THE RAPID DETERMINATION OF COPPER IN MILD STEEL. By T. P. Hoar M.A., THE EXAMINATION OF GINGER. By G. D. Elsdon D.Sc. F.I.C. and Catherine ANALYSIS OF COFFEE INFUSIONS. By F. W. Edwards F.I.C. and H. R. Nanji, AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE METHODS OF TOXICOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF VISCERA. By C. G. Daubney, AN INVESTIGATION OF THE ZINC OXIDE SEPARATION AS APPLIED TO THE DETERMINA-Ph.D. A.I.C. By A. M. Smith Ph.D. DSc. A.I.C. and W. Y. Paterson B.Sc. Ph.D. B.Sc. Mayne B.Sc. A.M.C.T.A.I.C. Ph.D. D.I.C. F.I.C. PART I. M.Sc. A.I.C. and L. C. Nickolls M.Sc. F.I.C. TION OF MANGANESE IN SPECIAL CAST IRONS. THE EXTRACTION OF ALKALOIDS FROM VISCERA. By E. C. Pigott. ERRATA : ERRATA in Vol. 62 1937:-p. 88. The Enzymes of Milk. Delcte the tenth line of paragraph (v) and sub3titut.e “are ground intimately together in a mortar and 0.1 g. of the mixed dye is dissolved in 1 litre of water. For use 10 ml. of this stock solution. . . .” p. 323. Last abstract. p. 404. First abstract. p. 671. p- 753. ,, For “ J. ill. Skimwell” ycad “ J. L. Shimwell.” For “I. L. Shinwell” read “ J . L. Shimwell.” 3rd line froin bottom. 3rd line for “500 to 90 bacteria per grain” read “50 to 90 millions.” 5th line fov “both” read “broth.” In the sentence “toxins produced by members of tke food-poisoning or dysentery groups ” omit “ toxins produced by.INDEX TO VOLUME 62 INDEX TO NAMES * Denotes authors of papers that have been published in The Analyst. A B Abels J. C. Abramo F. See Azzarcllo E. Acree R. J. and Ross W. H. Simple method for the determina-Microchemical colorimetric p H procedure for differentiating the telia of Cronartium ribicola and C . occidentale 903. tion of acetone in blood and urine 675. Acree S. F. See Hughes E. E. Adam W. B. and Homer G. “Adamson D. C. M. *Aiyar S. S. and Krishnan P. S. The determi-nation of mechanical wood pulp in paper 713. Ajtai M. See Szebelledy L. Alcock R. S. The determination of boric acid in foodstuffs 522. Aldis R. W. Iodine value of shellac 792.Alexander J. Colloid Chemistry (Review) 831. Alimarin I. P. and Sverev V. S. Colorimetric determination of silicic acid in the presence of iron phosphorus and fluorine 640. Anderson E. and Others. Isolation of pectic substances from wood 896. Anderson E. B. and McWalter R. J. The estimation of catalase 259. “Anderson E. B. Herschdorfer Z. and Neave, F. K. The enzymes of milk. I. Some notes on Kay and Graham’s phosphatase test 86. *Anderson F. W. Bacharach,,A. E. and Smith, E. L. The properties of calciferol 430. Antener J. See Woker G. Appleyard F. N. See Lyons C. G. Amaud F. W. F. Report of the County Analyst for Kent for fourth quarter 1936 286. - Review of Russell and Voelcker’s Fifty Years of Field Exfieriments at the Woburn Experimental Station 237.Aschehoug V. See Lunde G. Ashton F. L. Tin-content of English canned fruits and vegetables 878. See Stanford K. Acceleration of digestion in the Kjeldahl method as applied to soil and grass analysis 485. Report of the Chief Chemist Dept. of Agriculture New Zealand for 1935-36 42. Aston B. C. Atkin L. See Schultz A. Atkins C. See Cuthill R. Atkinson H. Report of the Acting Government Azzarello E. and Abramo F. Analysis of Analyst for Ceylon for 1936 469. refractories 5 7 5. Bacharach,. A. L. Review of Baldwin’s An Introductzon to Comparative Biochemistry 239. - Review of Gatenby’s Biological Laboratory Technique 909. - Review of Holmes’s The Metabolism of Living Tissues 505. - Review of Wokes’s Textbook of Applied Biochemistry 162.- Temporary marking of chemical glassware, 286. - See also Anderson F. W. - See also Stevenson S . G. Bachstez M. and Cavallini G. Composition of Back S. See Clayton W. Badoche M. Tests for carbon monoxide and nitrous oxide in the combustion of organic nitrogen compounds 488. BaetslB M. R. Idcntification of neutralised milk 309. Bagnall H. H. Report of the City Analyst for Birmingham for the year 1935 34; for the third quarter 1936 125; for the year 1936, 864; for the first quarter 1937 546. Bailar J. C. Barney A. J. and Miller R. F. Action of alkalis on mixtures of aromatic aldehydes 63. Bailey E. M. Report of the Connecticut Agri-cultural Experimental Station for 1935 550. Bake J. See Pien J. Baker A. L. Wright M.D. and Drummond, J. C. Nutritive value of bread 679. Baker J. L. and Hulton I€. F. E. Hydrolysis of potato starch by malt amylase at different temperatures 808. Bakken R. See Gleditsch E. Balatre P. the South -4merican drug Bolclo 473. Colorimetric determination of small quantities of bromine in the presence of a large excess of chlorine 151. Balbi G. See Brambilla M. Baldwin E. An Introduction to Comparative Biochemistry (Review) 239. Bamford K. R. and Van Rest E. D. Relation-ship between chemical composition and mechanical strength in the wood of English ash (Fraxinus excelsior Linn.) 146. Banerjee H. N. Chemical examination of Clerodendron infortunaturn Part I 563 viii INDEX TO Banks A. Rancidity in fats. I. The effect of low temperatures sodium chloride and fish muscle on the oxidation of herring oil 205.Barac G. Determination by ultra-violet spectro-graphy of free phenol and sulphoconjugated phenol in pure solution and in blood 76. Physiology for Pharmaceutical Students (Review) 504. Barber H. H. *Barger G. Barke R. F. The alkaloids of ergot 340. Appointed Agricultural Analyst for the County of Wilts. and the County Borough of Bath 383. Report of the Director of Food Investigation for 1936 795. Barnard,. E. Barney A. J. Bhrtfai (Baubach) J. Batchelder E. L. and Overholser E. L. Factors affecting the vitamin C content of apples 322. Batscha J. and Reznek S. Determination of isopropyl alcohol by means of the immersion refractometer 406. Baubach (Bhrtfai) J. Bauer E.and Ziegler F. Determination of lactic acid in the presence of methylglyoxal, ,565. Baumann E. J. and Metzger N. Amount of iodiiie in blood 887. Bsxter G. P. Faull J. H. Jun. and Tuemmler, F. D. Atomic weights of some radiogenic leads 574. Beach B. A. See Hastings E. G. Beamish F. E. See Seath J . - See also Thompson S . 0. Beamish F. E. Russell J. J. and Seath J. Determination of gold by means of hydro-quinone 494. Beattie F. J. R. Colorimetric method for the estimation of choline and acetylcholine in small amounts 57. See Bailar J . C. See Bodn&r j. See Rodngr. J. Beckett F. Bendikson L. Restoration of obliterated pass-ages and of secret writing 421. Benedetti-Pichler A. A. and Rachele J. R. Fractional distillation of small volumes of liquids 72.Bennett H. Editor of Practical Everyday Chemzstvy (Review) 506. Bentley A. 0. Textbook of Pharmaceutics, 4th Ed. (Review) 910. Berg R. and Fahrenkamp E. S. Specific reagent for the determination and separation of thallium 689. Bergelson A. B. See Jolson L. M. Bergmann W. Contribution to the study of marine products. Presence of stigmasterol in molluscs 481. Bernhauer K. Garungschemisches Praktikum (Review) 333. Bertrand G. and de SaintTRat L. Colour reaction of copper with urobilin 498. Bertrand G. and Silberstein L. Boron-content of plants cultivated on the same soil 627. - Proportions of sulphur phosphorus and nitrogen in plants cultivated in the same soil, 485. Bilham P. Maunsell A. E. and Lampitt L. H. Photometric determination of the colour of cooked potatoes 643.See Doyle T. M. VOLUME 62 Blackie J. J. Alkaloids of the genus Senecio, 206. Blacktin S. C. Electrotor dust and smoke meter 231. Blair R. W. Report of Institute of Medical Research Federated Malay States for 1936, 798. Blix G. Micro-determination of glycerol in fats and phosphatides 576. Bloxam H. C. L. Boam J. J. Cahn R. S. and Stuart A. Idcntifi-cation of tephrosin and deguelin from different sources 487. BodnAr J. and Bhtfai (Baubach) J. Activation of fat-catalase by heat 139. Boldizsar I. See Schulek E. Bolman J. Examination of precious stones 767. *Bolton E. R. and Williams K. A. Colour Bone W. A. and Himus G. W. Coal Its Bonney V. B. and Rowe S. C. Determl’nation -See also Rowe S .C. Boon W. R. Action of meat extracts and related substances as gastric stimulants in man 750. See Dunn J. T. measurement of opaque surfaces 3. Constitution and Uses (Review) 335. of the maturity of canned peas 131. Bosworth A. W. Boutaric A. Ferre Lt and Roy M. Bovarnick M. See Chargaff E. Bradshaw M. A. Bramall A. and Leetch J. 0. 0. Hydrolysis of rock-forming minerals 642. Brambilla M. and Balbi G. Polymerisation of tobaccb seed oil 821. Brandt W. Industrial poisoning (manganese, tungsten) 62. Bridges R. W. Briggs L. H. Essential oil of Phyllocladus alpinus 490. Bright H. A. Determination of sulphide sulphur in Portland cement 497. Briner E. and Perrottet E . Determination of ozone a t great dilutions based on the catalytic effect exercised by this gas on the oxidation of aldehydes 415.Briscoe H. V. A. Matthews J. W. Holt P. F., and Sanderson P. M. New properties of certain dusts 645. - Sampling of industrial dusts by means of the “labyrinth,” 644. Brockmann H. Isolation of the antirachitic vitamin from halibut-liver oil 212. Brodie B. B. and Friedman M. M. Determina-tion of thiocyanate in tissues 814. Brohm K. and Frohwein E. Decolorisation of imitation egg colouring matters in ice-creams on acidification 3 11. Bromley H. A. Review of Mitchell’s I n k s : Their Composition and Manufucture 4th Ed., 426. Brown A. E. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for the Metropolitan Borough of Deptford 193. Brown C. L. M. Pharmaceutical colouring agents. A substitute for Bordeaux B.476. See Helz G. E. Spectro-photometric determlnatlon of the colour of wine 694. See Hoffman E. J. See Churchill H. V INLIEX TO Brown E. L. and Campbell N. Identification of alkyl halides amines and acids 893. Brown J. B. and Shinwara G. Y. Preparation of pure oleic acid by a simplified method 326. Brown J. B. and Stoner G. G. Purification of linolic acid by crystallisation methods 326. Bruned J. See Lespagnol A. Briining A. Detection of blood on firearms and ammunition 402. Bruning A. and Schnetka M. Detection of traces of metals deposited by small-arm fire, 891. Bryan J. M. Bryant S. A. Bull M. R. The Biochemistry of the Lipids (Re1 iew) 580. Bunce E. H. The occurrence of copper in preserved peel (citron orange and lemon) and in glack cherries 664.See Morris T. N. See Campbell W. G. Burgin E. See Streuli M. Burn J. H. Review of Barber’s Physiology for Pharnzaceutical Students 504. Burnet F. M. The use of the developing egg in virus research (Medical Research Council Special Report Series No. 220) 555. Burstall F. H. See Morgan Sir G. T. Burton D. and Robertshaw G. F. Analysis of sulphated oils. Committee on Oils Fats and Waxes No. 10 64. - Use of the “oily matter” isolated in determin-ing the “Burton-Robertshaw index” of sulphated oils for the determination of the iodine value 757. BuPuiang L. Bushill J. H. Lampitt L. H. and Filmer D. F. Present knowledge of the minor nitrogenous constituents of milk 260. Butts J. S. Byers H. G. Byrne J. Saywell L.G. and Cruess W. V. Action of sunlight on milk 888. See Deuel H. J. See Miller J. T. Iron-content of grapes and wine 397. C Cahn R. S. See Boam J. J. Campbell N. Campbell W. G. and Smith L. H. Determina-tion of pentosaris in the analysis of woods. I. The gravimetric determination of furfur-aldehyde 632. Campbell W. G. Bryant S. A. and Swann G. Colour reaction of woody tissues with chlorine and sodium sulphite 822. Cindea C. and Macovski E. Colour reactions of aromatic amines 756. Cannon J. H. Cardoso H. See Cole H. I. Carr F. H. Review of Linstead’s Poisons Law, 158. Carrikre E. and Guiter H. Precipitation of vanadates 691. Cartwriglht K. St. G. The causes of stain and decay in imported timber (Forest Products Research Records No.18) 735. Castiglioni A. Reactions between formalde-hyde and naphthols 686. Castille A. Apparatus for the measurement of See Brown E. L. See Clarke J . 0. VOLUME 62 ix Caujolle M. F. and Lafitte 8. Toxicological Cavallini G. See Bachstez 34. Chakravarti S. N. and Roy M. B. A new colorimetric test for novocaine and primary amines 603. Chalmers F. G. D. Appointed Public Analyst for the County Borough of M7est Bromwich 792. Chandelle R. Gravimetric determination of zirconium by means of methylarsinic acid 899. Chandlee G. C. See Geisat H. H. Chaplin C. A. See Coste J . H. Chargaff E. Separation of choline and ethanol-amine 490. Chargaff E. and Bovarnick M. Method for the isolation of glucosamine 491. Charles R. P. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for the Borough of Penzance 792.Chatterji S. K. Chauveau L. and Vasseur A. Detection of ferrocyanide fining in wines 134. Cheymol J. Stachyose in the stalks and roots of Verbena oficinalis L. and in the underground parts of Verbena venosa 318. Christ C. L. See Thornton W. M. Christensen F. W. Latzke E. and Hopper, T. H. Influence of cooking and canning on the vitamin l3 and B (G) content of lean beef and pork 61. Churchill H. V. Bridges R. W. and Lee M. F. Determination of silicon in aluminium and aluminium alloys 639. Churchman A. Cimerman Ch. and Rzymowska C. J. Collected references. Micro-determination of potas-sium 693. Clark H. E. *Clark R. E. D. The colorimetric determination of tin by means of toluene-3 4-dithiol (“dithiol”) 661.Clarke B. L. and Hermance H. W. Methods of dealing with small quantities of liquids and precipitates 418. Clarke J. O. and Others. Detection of decompo-sition products in butter and cream 806. Clarke S. G. Review of Kolthoff and Sandell’s Textbook of @wrntitative Inorganic Analysis, 697. Clauder 0. See Schulek E. Clayton E. Identification of dyes on textile fibres 632. Clayton W. Review of Alexander’s Colloid Chemistry 831. - Review of Jones and Jones’s Canning Practice and Control 583. - Review of Ware’s The Chemistry of the Colloidal State 2nd Ed. 80. Clayton W. Back S. Johnson R. I. and Morse J. F. Physico-chemical investigation incidental to the study of chocolate fat bloom, Part I 673. Cbvenger J. F. Resin and volatile oil in cubebs 398.Cocks L. .V. Review of Simmons’s Soap Its Composztzon Manufacture and Properties 4th Ed. 584. Colbeck E. W. Craven S. W. and Murray W. Determination of non-metallic inclusions in study of cobalt 483. See Stewart C. P. See Knapp A. W. See Pucher G. W. the hydrogenation value 420. steel and iron 68 x INDEX TO Cole H. I. and Cariioso H. Hydnocarpic and chaulmoogric acids and ethyl esters 620. Coleman W. C. and McCrosky C. R. Volumetric determination of selenium by the Norris and Fay method 827. - Volumetric determination of small amounts of selenium by oxidation in colloidal solution, 764. *Common R. H. Characteristics of some reputed cod-liver oils 784. Connah F. E. Report of the Acting Govern-ment Analyst for Queensland for 1935-36 195.Cooper S. R. 2 4-Dihydroxyacetophenone as a qualitative reagent for ferric iron 760. Copeland L. E. Copeman P. R. v. d. R. Composition of orange skins 309. Coppock J. B. M. Corbet R. E. Corley R. C. Coste J. M. Coste J. H. and Chaplin C. A. Couch J. F. Coulter E. W. See Clarke J. 0. Cowgill G. R. See Horwitt M. K. Cox H. E. Chemical aspects of dermatitis 57. - Review of Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry 4th Ed. Vol. I A-Bi 907. - Some forensic aspects of dermatitis 567. Craven E. C. and Kershaw J. M. Testing of Craven S. W. See Colbeck E. W. Crews S. K. Adsorption fluorescence reaction of Cruess W. V. See Byme J. Cruz A. O. and West A. P. Philippine curcas - Philippine tobacco seed oil 619. Csonka F. A. Amino acids in staple foods.I . Wheat (Triticum vulgare) 394. Cumbers C. F. and Coppock J. B. M. Gravi-metric determination of cobalt as potassium sodium cobaltinitrite 898. Cunningham B. MacIntyre M. and Kirk P. L. Microscopy of the amino acids and their compounds. 111. Copper salts 692. Cunningham B. B. See Saywell L. G. Cuthill R. and Atkins C. Determination of thiourea 223. D See Magraw D. -4. See Cumbers C. F. See Holmes H. N. See Leighty J. A. and Plant GrowEh 7th Ed. 582. explosion in operating theatres 768. 747. Review of Russell’s Soil Conditions Risks of fire or Alkaloids of Lupinus Zaxus Rydb., acetic acid 406. various species of rhubarb 750. nut oil 619. Dahle D. New procedure for the determination of fluorine by the peroxidised titanium method 900.- See also Stuart L. S . Dahle D. and Wichmann H. J. Studies in fluorine distillation 641. Damodaran M. and Sivaramakrishman P. M. New sources of urease for the determination of urea 752. Dangoumau A. and Debordes G. Extraction and preliminary examination of various coloured compounds in red wines 659. Daniel E. P. and Rutherford M. B. Ascorbic acid content of a number of citrus fruits 625. VOLUME 62 Ddrgie A. The rapid determination of tri-chloroethylene vapour in the air of rooms 730. Das-Gupta P. N. *Daubney C. G. and Nickolls L C. An investi-gation into the methods of toxicological analysis of viscera 861. Davidson C. See Giragossintz G. Davison E. E. Field Tests for Minerals Davitashvili E. Daw E. B. Translation of Roth’s Pregl’s Qunntztatwe Ovganic M2cro-Analysis 3rd Eng.Ed. 160. Dearborn R. B. Debordes G. See Dangoumau A. de Brouckbre L. and Petit R. Colorimetric determination of silver as colloidal silver sulphide 328. De Giacomi R. The detection of citric acid, tartaric acid and cream of tartar in the presence of sugar 731. De Jong J. C. Determination of iodine in thyroid gland preparations 884. del Boca A. D. and Remezzano A. L. Characterisation of the acetyl group in some medicaments by means of “lanthanum blue,” 562. Delkpine M. and Horeau A. Catalysis of Cannizzaro’s reaction by active nickel and platinum. Application to some aldoses 819. DenigBs G. Microchemical reactions for identi-fying tellurium 693. Denis-Lester L. Influence of period of lactation on the freezing-point of South African milk 45.- Seasonal variations in the freezing-point of South African milk 45. Dennison G. A. Epidemiology and symptomat-ology of Staphylococcus food poisoning. A report on recent outbreaks 752. DBriberB M. Use of the less common naphthols as fluorescent indicators 71. de Saint-Rat L. See Bertrand G. Deschaseaux R. Distinguishing reactions of the principal silver colloids 208. de Smedt R. Rates of fermentation of sugars by different yeasts 323. Deuel €3. J. Hallman L. F. Butts J. S. and Murray S. Studies on ketosis. Quantitative studies on the oxidation of the ethyl esters of the fatty acids 211. Devine J. Observations on the chemical determination of adrenaline 620. de Whalley H. C. S. Obituary of L.J. de Whalley 509. 617. carpus powders 684. See Sil I<. M. (Review) 770. See Tananaev J. V. See Kertesz 2. I. - Sugar as an inhibitor of corrosion in canning, Diakonoff A. Distinction of derris and Loncho-Discombe G. Fluoresceinuria 21 1. Djatschkow W. ,D. and Sajzewa L P. Iodi-metric determination of sulphide in cyanide solutions 496. Doering H. Volumetric determination of minute quantities of bromide in presence of chloride 414. Dolique R. Volumetric determination of selenic acid 227. Donovan W. Report of the Dominion Analyst for New Zealand for 1936 609 INDEX TO Douglas A. G. Simplified peroxidase reaction, 320. Douglas G. W. and Humphreys F. E. Molecular weights of vegetable tannins 759. Doyle T. M. and Beckett F.Isolation of Brucella abortus from the milk of cows with negative blood reactions to agglutination tests 482. Differential action of some aromatic aldehydes on morphine and hydroxydi-morphine 883. Drevon M. H. and Hagopian J. Bromine value of urines 625. Drummond J. C. Dubos R. J. Autolytic system of pneumococci, 891. Duckert R. 9-Methyl-2-3-7-trioxy-6-fluorone as reagent for the detection of antimony 574. Dunkelberger R. H. Dunn J. T. Review of Hone and Himus’s - Review of George’s A Scientist in Action 646. Dunn J. T. and Bloxam H. C. L. An unusual adulterant for pepper 121. Dunnicliff H. B. Report on the Chemical Laboratories Central Board of Revenue, Government of India for 1935-36 468. Scientific examination of handwritings in country-made carbon inks 147.Drevon B. See Baker A. L. See Engelder C. J . Coal Its Constitution and Uses 335. Dutt S. - See also Gupta M. P. - See also Rfistra R. N. Dykstra K. See Van Os D. E Eastland C. J. Evers N. and West T. F. A rapid method for the determination of triethanolamine 261. Edwards F. W. Obituary of P. A. Ellis Richards 164. - Report of the Public Analyst for the Metro-politan Borough of Hammersmith for 1936, 666. *Edwards F. W. and Nanji H. R. Analysis of coffee infusions 841. - The pliosphatase test 121. *Edwards F. W. Nanji IT. R. and Rassan M. K. The detection and determination of p-Fydrosybenzoic acid and its derivatives, with special reference to their distinction from salicylic and benzoic acids 178. *- The determination of benzoic acid 172.Eegriwe E. New colour test for magnesium, 329. Ehrenhaft F. Method of determination of error in measurement of small particles by the microscope 420. Eichler H. Two new colour indicators derived from p-naphthylamine 893. Eisenburg G. M. Detection of Micvobacferiuvlz tuberculoszs in the air and dust by a simple technique 681. Eldridge E. F. See Theroux F. R. Ellinger F. Absorptions-Spektroscopie im Ultra-Elliott M. See Toennies G. El Ridi M. S. See Gillam A. E. *Elsdon G. D. and layne C. violett Vol. I (Review) 771. The examination of ginger 836. VOLUME 62 xi The detection Elsdon G. D. and Stubbs J. R. of inhaled hydrocyanic acid 540. Emerson 0. H. Engelder C. J. Elementary Quantitative Analysis 2nd Ed.(Review) 239. Engelder C. J. Dunkelberger R. H. and Schiller W. J. Semi-Micro Qualitative Analysis (Review) 160. Englehard C. Filter for bacteria for use in biological work 752. Espil L. and Peynaud E. Determination of neutral esters in iermeritation liquids 134. Evans B. S. A method for the analysis of carbonate hydroxide and cyanide mixtures, 122. - Receives Sir George Bcilby Memorial -4ward, 201. - Review of Friend’s A Textbook of Inorganic ‘Chemistry Vol. VI Part V 503. - Review of Morgan and Burstall’s Inorganic Chemistry A Suvvey of Modern Development, 422. - Review of Sanfourche’s L e Controle A+za-lytique dans I’Industrie Chimique Mindvale 698. - Review of Treadwell and Hall’s Analytical Chemistry Vol. 11. Quantitative Analysis, *- The determination of cobalt.A new method of volumetric determination and a new method for its determination in steel 363. Evenson 0. L. Kime J. A. and Forrest S. S. Determination of small quantities of 2-naph-thylamine aniline and o-toluidine in certain food dyes 397. Evers N. Review of Rosin’s Reagent Chemicals and Standavds 832. *- The detection of arachis oil in olive and almond oils 96. - See also Eastland C. J. Evers N. and Smith W. Determination of - Measurement of the proteolytic activity of Eynon L. Review of Bernhauer’s Giirungs-See Olcott H. S . 8th Ed. 234. strychnine in Easton’s syrup 53. pancreatic preparations 56. chewzisches PraktiRum 333. P Fabre R. and Tomesco T. Detection of periodate 575. Fahey J. J. Determination of mercury and mercurous chloride in ores 897.Fahrenkamp E. S. Fainberg S. J. and Fligelman L. H. Deter-mination of magnesia in presence of zinc by means of oxime 330. Fairbrother R. W. Farmer E. H. and Van den Heuvel F. A. The triene acid from seeds of pomegranates 221. Faude E. See Lang R. Faudemay P. Faull J. H. Jun. *Fearon W. R. See Berg R. See Hoyle L. See Janot M. M. See Baxter G. P. Some applications of the nitro-ferrocyanide reaction a new formula for urea, 586. Feigl F. Spot tests for substances sparingly soluble in acids 227. Feigl F. and Frehden 0. Spot tests for organic compounds X. 331 xii INDEX TO Feil E. Ferguson A. Review of Glasstone’s Recent - Review of Glasstone’s Recent Advances in Ferguson W. S. Ferre L.See Boutaric A. Fieser L. F. Chemistry of Natural Products related to Plienanthrene (Review) 648. - Editor of Ovganic Syntheses Vol. XVII (Review) 770. *Fife J. G. Studies in internal electrolysis 111. The determination of small quantities of silver in the presence of various other metals and its application to the analysis of galena and pyrites 723. The determination of sniall quantities of copper in iron 29. Phenol determination in tars 634. Advances in General Chemistry 78. Physical Chemzstvy 3rd Ed. 75. See Gillam A. E. *Fife J. G. and Torrance S. Filmer D. F. See Bushill J . H. Fischer H. and Leopoldi G. Detection and determination of minute quantities of zinc by means of diphenylthiocarbazone 150. - Quantitative determination of small amounts of cadmium with dithizone 499.*Fitzgibbon M. The volumetric determination of mercury 654. *Fleck H. R. The precipitation of metals by means of 8-hydroxyquinoline (oxine) . Part 11 378. Flieg -. Determination of lactic acid in sour feeding stuffs 755. Fligelman L. H. Florentino N. See Sassi A. V. Folkers K. and Major R. T. Isolation of erythroidine from Erythrina americana Mill., 747. See S . J. Fainberg, Folley S. J. Forrest S. S. *Fox J.J. Analytical chemistry 508. Francis A. G. Francois M. and Seguin L. Frank G. See Smith G. 1;. Frazer J. C. W. See Goodloe €3. Frazer W. M. Glover B. T. J. and Glass V. Epidemic of paratyphoid B fever in Liverpool and district 890. Frederick B. C. Air conditioning. Ventilation conditions and their investigation 906.- Review of Theroux Aldridge and Mallniann’s Laboratory Manual f o r Chemical and Bacterial -4 nalysis of Water 336. *- The Hartridge reversion spectroscope for the examination of blood for carbon monoxide ; Improvements in design assembly and tech-nique 452, See Kay H. D. See Evenson 0. L. Appointed Deputy Government Determination of Chemist 863. bismuth in quinine iodobismuthate 475. Frehden 0. See Feigl F. Frey C. N. Frey R. W. Friedman M. M. Friedrich H. Friend J. N. See Schultz A. See Stuart L. S . See Brodie B. B. Absorption tubes for the carbon-hydrogen determination 75. Editor of A Text-book of Inorganic Chemistry Vol. XI Part IV 334; Vol. VI, Part V 503. Frohwein E. See Brohm K. Furman N.H. - See also Willard H. H. See Murray W. M. VOLUME 62 Furman N. H. and State H. M. determination of mercury 148. Volumetric G Gad G. Use of activated carbon in the deter-mination of nitrate nitrite and ammonia in water and sewage 684. Galloway L. D. Some uses of sheet viscose in rnicro-biological technique 456. Garratt D. C. Colorimetric determination of morphine 8 11. - The determination of small quantities of strychnine in the presence of caffeine (com-pound syrup of glycerophosphates) 638. Garrett 0. F. See Overman 0 . R . Gatenby J. B. Biological Laboratory Technique (Review) 909. Gauduchon-Truchot H. Rapid qualitative de-tection of nitrogen in organic substances 220. Gautier J. A. Determination of iodine in organic substances 325.Gazan M. H. Flavours and Essences (Review), 159. Geist H. H. and Chandlee G. C. Determination of zirconium in steels with n-propylarsonic acid 495. George W. H. The Scientist in Action (Review), 646. German W. L. and Vogel A. I. A new series of bufter mixtures covering thepH range 1-6,271. Gheszi R. A. C. Giacalone A. and RUSSO F. Co-precipitation of ferric sulphate with barium sulphate and methods for preventing it 70. Gieseking J. E. and Snider H. J. Determina-tion of potassium in soils and silicates 638. Giles E. C. A satisfactory method of isolating tetanus organisms from mixed material 817. - Study of the biochemical reactions of strains of Cl. tetani isolated from dust 818. Gillam A. E. and El Ridi M. S. Carotene of milk-fat 626. Gillam A.E. Heilbson I. M. Ferguson W. S., and Watson S. J. Variations in the carotene and vitamin ,4 values of the milk-fat of cattle of typical English breeds 59. Gilman H. and Nelson J. F. Detection of the -SH group by means of organometallic com-pounds 569. Giragossintz G. Davidson C. and Kirk P. L. Micro-determination of blood sugar by ceric sulphate titration 829. Glass V. Glasstoqe S. Recent Advances in General Chemistry (Review) 78. - Recent Advances in Physical Chemistry, 3rd Ed. (Review) 78. Gleditsch E. and Bakken B. Determination of uranous and uranic oxides in different layers of a uraninite crystal 766. Glet E. Gutschmidt J. and Glet P. Alkaloid of Equisetum palustre 139. Glet P. See Glet E. Glick ?. Glover B. T. J. See Sagastume C.A. See Frazer W. M. Quantitative distribution of ascorbic acid in the developing barley embryo 481. See Frazer W. M INDEX TO Organic Derivatives of Selenium, Tellurium Chromium and Platinum (Vol. XI, Part IV of Friend’s A Text-book of Inorganic Chemistry) 334. Elimina-tion of phosphate in qualitative analysis 826. Direct deter-mination of oxygen in organic compounds 632. Analytical uses of Nessler’s reagent. 111. Determination of for-maldehyde pyrogallol tannin and gallic acid, 755. Goudswaard A. and Timmers J. C. Colori-metric evaluation of derris root 631. ~ Grant J. Books and Documents (Review) 700. - Examination of precious stones by means of their fluorescence in ultra-violet light 731. - Quinine sulphate as a fluorescent indicator for precipitation reactions 285.- Review of Ellinger’s Absorptions-Spektro-scopie iwa Ultravzolett Vol. I 771. - Review of Willard and Furman’s Elementary Quantitative Analysis 2nd Ed. 427. Gray J. D. A. Gastro-enteritis associated with Proteus vulgaris 567. Green T. G. and Hilditch T. P. Studies on the nature of antioxygens present in natural fats. 111. Occurrence of antioxygenic compounds in extracted soya-bean oil cake 206. Green T. G. Hilditch T. P. and Stainsby W. J. Seed wax of Simmondsia californica 222 571. Greene W. S. See Clarke J. 0. Griffiths J. G. A. Quantitative microscopical analysis of feeding-stuffs 510. *- “Resins” and “pitch” from ancient Egyp-tian tombs 703. - Review of Rast’s Modern Views of Atomic Structure 80. Grossfeld J.Detection of oils derived from the Cruciferae in edible oils 561. - Detection of small amounts of butter-fat in coconut oil 316. Grothe H. and Savelsberg W. Gravimetric determination of lithium as aluminate 826. Groves A. W. Silicate Analysis (Review) 908. Guha B. C. See Sen-Gupta P. N. Guilbert J. See Penau H. Guiter H. See Carrikre E. Gupta M. P. and Dutt S. Oil from the seeds of Solanum xanthocarpum 397. Gurevitch W. G. and Wendt W. P. Determina-tion of small quantities of hydrogen sulphide and sulphur dioxide 226. Gustavson R. G. Gutschmidt J. See Glet E. Goddard A. E. Godward L. W. N. and Ward A. M. Goldberg S. Goodloe P. and Frazer J. C. W. Goodman M. S. Goswami M. and Shaha A. See Wallis T. E. See Clarke J. 0. See Hearon W.M. H Haas A. R. C. Chemical composition of avocado fruits 616. Haw P. References of microchemical interest, 902. - Summary of microchemical references in 1936 578. Hackl 0. Explosion risks in the use of per-chloric acid 226. Hagopian J. See Drevon M. B. VOLUME 62 xiii Hahn F. L. Determination of very small amounts of bromide 153. Hahn H. Juea R. and Langheim R. Colori-metric determination of copper as ferro-cyanide 824. Haitinger M. Fluorescence analysis. The thal-leioquin reaction 499. - Fluorescence microscopy 905. Hall G. F. and Powell A. D. Estimation of acriflavine and related compounds in pharina-ceutical preparations and surgical dressings, 812. Hall R. T. See Yoe J . 13. Hall W. T. Translator of Treadwell’s Analytical Chemistry Vol.11 Quantitative Analysis, 8th Ed. 234. Hallman L. F. See Deuel H. J. *Hameme J. F. A scheme for the separation and the determination of metallic impurities in foodstuffs 18. Hanson D. and Pell-Walpob W. T. Deter-mination of cadmium in tin-rich alloys by loss in weight 688. Hardy Sif W. Introduction to Report on the analysis of commercial lubricating oils by physical methods 41. Harper D. A. Preferential reduction of certain fatty acid groups during hydrogeneration of natural fats 878. Harper D. A, and Hilditch T. P. North Sea cod-liver oil 880. Harper D. A. Hilditch T. P. and Terleski 3. T. Component acids and glycerides of partly hydrogenated marine animal oils. I. General review of the analytical procedure employed, 879. Harrer C.J. Harris E. J. The analysis of mixtures of methanol and ethanol 729. Harris L. J. The titration method for vitamin C 680. Harris L. J. and Leong P. C. Vitamin B, content of bread and flour 679. Harrison H. G. Resignation as Public Analyst for Deptford 193. Harrow B. See Lowy A. Hart F. L. Detection of gums in certain food Harvey A. See Parker J . G. Harvey C. 0. Review of Davison’s Field Tests *Harwood H. F. Hasegawa M. Rapid micro-method for deter-Haselden R. B. Scientific Aids for the Study of - Use of polarised light for the examination of *HasSam M. K. Hastings E. G. and Beach B. A. Production of milk of abnormal composition by animals free from udder streptococci 481. Haun F. Toxicological detection of zinc phosphide 218. *Hawley J.W. and Wilson W. The deter-mination of lead in water 166. Hawthorne J. Obituary of J. H. Totton 773. Hearon W. MI. and Gustavson R. G. Detection of the nitro group in organic compounds 686. See Stotz E. products 881. for Minerals 770. See Ismail A. M. mination of magnesium in human milk 904. Manuscripts (Review) 236. manuscripts and printed books 332. See Edwards F. W xiv INDEX TO Hegedus M. Iodimetric determination of tin, 897. - Micro and semi-micro determination of sodium and potassium 152. Heilbron I. M. See Gillam A. E. Heinemann M. Relation between diet and urinary output of thiosulphate (and ascorbic acid). Human requirements for vitamin C, 214. Helz G. E. and Bosworth A. W. Higher saturated fatty acids of butter-fat 135.Henville D. Report of the Borough Analyst for Stepney for 1936 793. Hermance H. W. *Herschdorfer 2. Hewitt J. T. Review of Fieser’s Chemistry of Natural Products related to Phenanthrene 648. Hilditch T. P. Review of Bull’s The Biochemistry of the Lipids 580. - Some minor component acids of milk-fats and their possible significance 250. Se& also Green T. G. See also Harper D. A. Hilditch T P. and Paul H. Depot fat of the Ceylon lizard (Varanus salvator Laur.) 571. - Occurrence and possible significance of some of the minor component acids of cow milk fat, 135. Hilditch T. P. and Shorland F. B. Composi-tion of the liver fats of some New Zealand farm animals 887. Hilditch T. P. and Terleski J. T. Antarctic whale oil 880. Hillig F. Colorimetric determination of lactic acid in milk and milk products 614.- Colorimetric determination of lactic acid in tomato products 616. Ellyer J. C. Determination of rare alkalis 638. Himus G. W. Hirst H. R. Analytical methods used for the identification of dyeing faults on wool 410. Hladik J. Determination of crude fibre in oleaginous seeds and pressed cakes made from them 404. *Hoar T. P. The colorimetric determination of copper with sodium diethyldithiocarbamate in the presence of moderate amounts of iron 657. *- The rapid determination of copper in mild steel 788. - See also Jackson C. J . Hodgman C. D. Editor of Handbook of Chemis-try and Physics 21st Ed. (Review) 699. Hodgson H. H.,.and Smith E. W. New method for the identification of h-aphthol Yellow S and a suggested mechanism of its fading 493.Hoffman E. J. and Bradshaw M. A. Losses of orgayic substance in the spontaneous heating of alfalfa hay 628. Hoffman,. J. I. and Lundell G. E. F. Re-determination of the atomic weight of alu-minium (U.S. Dept. of Commerce Research Paper R.P. 957) 393. Hofner P. G. Swinney R. H. and West E. 5. Determination of hydroxylated acids of fats, 221. Holmes E. The Metabolism of Living Tissues (Review) 505. Holmes H. N. and Corbet R. E. Isolation of crystalline vitamin A 888. See Clarke B. L. See Anderson E. B. See Bone W. A. VOLUME 62 Holt P. F. Hommes K. 3. Hopper T. H. Horeau A. See Deldpine M. Horner G. See Adam W. B. Horwitt M. K. and Cowgill G. R. Titrimetric method for the quantitative determination of lead in biological materials 675.Hoskins C. R. An improved method for deter-mining ethyl alcohol in the presence of acetone, 530. *Houghton G. U. and Pelly R. G. A colori-metric method for the determination of traces of phenol in water 117. Howat G. R. Hoyle L. and Fairbrother R. W. Hughes E. E. and Acme S. F. Hughes J. See Saifer A. Hughes W. C. and Wilson H. N. Hulton H. F. E. Humphreys F. E. Hurley F. H. Hynes W. A. - See also Winkley J. H. Hynes W. A. and Yanowski L. K. Use of complex salts for the detection of anions. I Hexamminocobaltic chloride 830. See Briscoe H. V. A. Influence of light on the de-composition of traces of blood with special reference to medico-legal investigations 484. See Christensen F.W. See Jackson C. J. Isolation of the influenza virus and the relation of anti-bodies to infection and immunity 483. Determination of furfural and methylfurfural in mixtures, 687. Rapid method for the determination of selenium in sulphur, 150. See Baker J. L. See Douglas G. W. See Scott A. F. See Malko M. G. I Ibanez R. P. Ichim C. See Ionescu-Matiu A. Ignatieff V. Determination of ferrous iron in soil solutions by means of 2:2’-dipyridyl 892. Ijdo J. B. H. Influence of fertilisers on the carotene and vitamin C contents of plants 213. Inoue S. Properties of ricin 565. Ionescu-Matiu A. and Ichim C. Determina-tion of the alkaloids of opium and their derivatives by the mercurimetric method 748. Isenberg I. H. Age and chemical composition of white fir wood 65.*Ismail A. M. and Harwood H. F. The deter-mination of potassium as potassium silver cobaltinitrite 443. *- The use of hexamine for the separation of thorium from the rare earths and its applica-tion to the determination of thorium in monazite sand 185. Bromine in flours and wheats, 394. J Jackson A. Report of Acting Government Analyst for Hong Kong for 1335 305. Jackson C. J. Howat G. R.,. and Hoar T. P. Discoloration and corrosion in canned cream, 204. Jackson D. T. and Parsons J. L. Sodium chlorite as a volumetric oxidising agent 226. Jamet A. Control of the purity of tanning extracts 758 INDEX TO Jamieson M. Report of the Government Analyst for Straits Settlements for 1936 742. Janot M. M. and Faudemay P.Lipids of Russian” cantharides (Lytta vesicatoria Fb.), 622. Jansen C. P. Chemical determination of aneurin (vitamin B,) by the thiochrome reaction 60. Jansen J. Duck salmonellosis and its im-portance for man 322. Jendrassik L. and Polghr A. Determination of potassium as cobaltinitrite 226. Jensen E. Sensitive test for manganese 690. Johnson J. R. Editor of Organic Syntheses, Johnson R. I. See Clayton VC‘. Johnson T. B. New purine in tea 674. Jolson L. M. Strishevsky J. J. and Bergelson, Determination of acetylene in liquid Jonhs J. See Szebellkdy L. Jones E. R. Food poisoning Its epidemiology and bacteriology 671. - Use of brilliant green-eosin agar and sodium tetrathionate broth for the isolation of or-ganisms of the typhoid group 817.Jones O. and Jones T. W. Canning Practice and Control (Review) 583. Jones T. W. See Jones 0. Jordan H. Metabolism of the proteins of different parts of the wheat grain compared with that of casein 678. Jukes E. PI. T. Simplified method of potentio-metric titration 316. Justin-Mueller E. Diazo-reaction of albumin Juza R. See Hahn H. Vol. XVI (Review) 770. A. B. oxygen 152. and its utilisation in urology 479. K Kabat E. A. Katz J. R. See Lehrman L. Amorphous part of starch in fresh bread and in fresh pastes and solutions of starc$ 695. Katz S. A. Reaction to distinguish between anabasine and nicotine sulphates 473. Kay H. D. Review of Tauber’s Enzyme Chemistry 647. Kay H. D. Mattick E. C. V. and Folley S. J. Some recent work on the lipase and phos-phatase of cow’s milk 259.Kellett E. G. A colorimetric limit-test for free alcohol in esters ethers or ketones 728. Kelly J. W. Detection of ephedra alkaloids in small quantities of ephedra 319. Kemal H. Determination of isopropyl alcohol, 63. Kemp A. E. *Kent-Jones D. W. Kermack W. 0. Kershaw J. M. Mertesz Z. I. Dearborn R. B. and Mack G. L. Vitamin C in vegetables. Ascorbic acid oxidase 217. Kharasch M. S. May .E. M. and Mayo F. R. Addition of thiocyanic acid to olefinic double bonds 755. Kime J. A. See Evenson 0. L. See Pullinger E. J. Flour spoilage 649. Translation of Rast’s Modern Views of Atomic Structure 80. See Craven E. C. VOLUME 62 xv Eing C. G. Kirchberg H. See Strohecker R. Kirk P. L. See Cunningham B.See also Giragossintz G. - See also Lindner R. Kirkpatrick W. F. See Shimwell J. L. Kitching A. F. Klein S. See Volmar Y . Kluge W. Detection and quantitative determi-nation of glycerol in marzipan and persipan, 314. Knapp A. W. and Churchman A. Cacao shell and its use as an accessory fodder 219. Knowles H. B. Kobel M. See Neuberg C. Kohn-Abrest E. and Tmffert L. Determination of alcohol in blood post-mortem 683. Kolthoff I. M. See Sandell E. B. Kolthoff I. M. and Sandell E. B. Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis (Review), 697. Komarowsky A. S. and Poluektoff N. S. Colour reaction for molybdenum with 2 2’-dipyridyl, 904. Kon S. K. and Watson M. B. Effect of light on the vitamin C of milk 216. Kondaiah K. See Rane M. B.Korablev I. V. Korenman I. M. Micro-determination of chlorine 33 1. - Sensitive reaction for chlorates bromates and sulphites 417. - Tests on photographic paper 829, Royanagi W. See Tsujimoto M. graft K. and May R. Contribution to the biochemistry of fluorine. 11. Fluorine estima-tions in blood and water 477. Kringstad H. See Lunde G. Krishna S. *Krishnan P. S. Krumholz P. Colorimetry with a photo-Krznarich P. W. Ku P. S. Direct determination of elaeostearic acid in tung oil 408. Mubelka V. and Nemec? V. New apparatus and method for determining the water-absorption capacity of leather 327. Kuhberg L. The copper benzidine reaction in the presence of halogen salts and thiocyanates, and a new test for copper 156. Kuhl H. Application of ultra-violet rays to milling products 230.Kiihn W. Inflammability of cork and wood dusts 579. Khos F. See Millner T. Kunz A. H. and Spnlnik J. Standard liquids for the microscopic determination of refractive index 157. See Stotz E. Titration of carbonates 664. See Lundell G. E. F. See Strishevsky I. I . See Puntambekar S. V. See Aiyar S. S. electric cell 230. See Anderson E. L Laffitte P. and Locnty P. Lafitte S. Lal J. B. Lam E. A. Lambie B. A. Preparation of the acid salt S(NH,),SO,,H,SO (triammonium hydrogen disulphate) 498. See Caujolle M. F. See Pendse G. P. Parachlorometaxylenol as a pre-servative 217. See Schoeller W. R xvi lNDEX TO Lampiti L. €3. - See also Bushill J . H. Lmpitt L. H. and Sylvester N. D. Irradiation of fats.Some observations on methods of analysis of oxidised fats and on the inter-relation of the results obtained 212. Lane J. H. Review of Hodgman’s Hatzdbook of Chemistry and Physics 21st Ed. 699. - Review of Tankard’s Survey of Imports Raw Materials and Synthetic Products and their Relationships to the Old and Newer Industries, 162. Lang R. and Faude E. Volumetric determ-ina-tion of tellurous acid 414. Langheim R. See Hshn H. Latzke E. Laufer S. 875. Lam L. See Schleicher A. Lawrence C. D. Leather A. N. Appointed Deputy Agricultural Analyst for the County Borough of Man-Chester 383. Le Bihan -. Determination of the place of absorption of halogen derivatives of ethylene in the body 209. See Churchill H. V. See Bramall A. See Bilham P.See Christensen €7. W. Proteolytic activity of barley malt, See Kewington F. H. Lee M. F. Leetch J. G. C. Lehrman L. and Kabat E. A. Fatty acids associated with banana starch 618. IRighty J . A. and Corley R. C. Amino acid catabolism. The fate of certain synthetic a-amino acids administered by subcutaneous injection to the normal dog 814. Leong P. C. See Harris L. J. Leopoldi G. See Fischer H. Lespagnol A. and Bruneel J. Iodine value of derivatives of cinnamic acid 572. Let& E. Detection of pectin in milk products, 202. Levy M. and Silberman D. E. Reactions of amino and imino acids with formaldehyde, 566. Lewis D. Colorimetric determination of titanium in presence of bromide 225. Leydens P. See Van Liempt J. A. M. Lightenberg H.L. Reactions of mustard gas, 326. - Use of coloured powders for the detection of poison gases used in warfare 572. Lindner .It. and Kirk P. E. Quantitative drop analysis. VII. Further investigations on the determination of calcium 765. Linstead H. N. Liverseege J. F. Review of Robinson’s Bell’s Ljang H. A. *Loakwood H. C. Fluorine in food products, Locuty P. See Laffitte P. Longenecker a. E. Efficient fractionation equipment for the qualitative and quantitative examination of natural fats 696. Lovern J. A. Fat metabolism in fishes. XI. Specific peculiarities in depot fat composition, 624. Lowater F. and Murray Y. M. Chemical composition of teeth. V. Spectrographic analysis 623. Poisons Law (Review) 158. Sale of Food and Drugs Act 9th Ed.423. Detection of selenium 690. 775. VOLUME 68 Lowe C. S. Lowy A. and Harrow B. An Introduction to Organic Chemistry 4th Ed. (Review) 701. Lubatti 8. F. Determination of fumigants. VII. Determination of sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide from burning sulphur 142. Lugg J. W. H. Use of mercuric salts and nitrous acid in the colorimetric determination of tyrosine and tryptophane present in solu-tion 815. Lunde G. Aschehoug V. and Kringstad H. Feeding experiments with canned food packed in aluminium containers 877. Lundell G. E. F. Lundell G. E. F. and Knowles HI[. B. Reduc-tion and electrolysis of perrhenate 635. Lundgren H. P. Catalytic method for the determination of iodine 330. Lurie J. J. and Neklyntina V. F. Determina-tion of zinc in metallic cadmium 494.Lynch G. Roche. The detection of inhaled hydrocyanic acid 540. Lyons C. G. and Appleyard F. N. Determina-tion of ferrous iron in saccharated iron car-bonate by means of ceric sulphate 55. See White C. E. See Hoffman J . I. M Maaskant L. Quantitative determination of furfural and hydroxymethylfurfuraldehyde with P-nitrophenylhydrazine 325. McCrady M. H. B. coli test in pasteurisation control 482. McCrosky C. R. See Coleman W. C. McCullagh D. R. See Stimmel B. F. McFadden G. H. and McPurray R. L. Seeds and oil of Rhus glabra 809. McGraghan L. Optical activity of preparations of squills 192 530. Machu W. Das Wasserstoffperoxyd und die Perverbindungen (Review) 833. McIntosh I. G. McIntosh J. and Selbie F. R.Measurement of the size of viruses by high-speed centrifuging, 682. MacIntyre M. See Cunningham B. lack G. L. Mack G. L. and Tressler D. K. Vitamin C in vegetables. Critical investigation of the Tillmans method for the determination of ascorbic acid 566. McLachlan T. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Chelsea 126. - Report of the Public Analyst for the Metro-politan Borough of Chelsea for 1936 546. - Report of the Public Analyst for the Metro-politan Borough of Fulham for 1936 286. McHurray R. L. McNabb W. N. McNaught K. J. Cobalt-content of limonites used in the treatment of bush-sickness 467. Macovski E. See CAndea C. McWalter R. J. Madis W. See Szebellddy L. Magraw D. A. Copeland L. E. and Sieved, C. W. Determination of lactose in mixed feed 143.See Shorland F. B. See Kertesz Z. I. See McFadden G. H. See Rubin N. See Anderson E. B INDEX TO Mahr C. and Ohle H. New method for the determination of cadmium and its separation from zinc 573. Maitland M. L. C. Rapid detection of B. tuberculosis in milk 568. Major R. T. Malaprade M. L. Acidimetric determination of glycerol and erythritol by means of periodates, 570. Malko M. G. Yanowski L. K. and Hynes W. A. Differentiation of chromate and dichromate ions 830. Mallmann W. L. Manley C. H. Report of the City Analyst for - The determination of tartaric acid as lead Marble A. Marcelet H. Presence of hydrocarbons in arachis oil 135. Marklcy K. S. and Sando C. E. Wax-like con-stituents of the cherry Prunus avium L.688. Martwy W. W. Martin A. E. Volumetric determination of aluminium in magnesium alloys 762. Martin J. T. Sec Tattersfield F. Martin R. See Pien J. Matiu A. I. and Popesco C. Use of leucobases as andytical reagents 686. Matthews J. W. Review of Bennett’s Practical Everyday Chemistry 506. - Review of Roth’s Pregl’s Quantitative Organic Micro-Analysis 3rd Eng. Ed. 160. - See also Briscoe rf. V. A. Mattick E. C. V. Mattill H. A. Maunsdl A. E. May E. M. May R. See Kraft K. *Mayne C. Mayo F. R. Medes G. Observations on the phosphotungstic acid method of determining ascorbic acid in urines with low ascorbic acid content 68. Mellon I. G. See Wright E. R. Mesiuita B. See Schon K. Metzger M. See Baumann E. J. Meyer J. and Spormann W. Explosion risks Meyer W.Commercial use of iso-propyl Middleton G. Anomalous viscosity of tra-- Standardisation of tragacanth 55. Migliaro J. C. See Sassi A. V. Mihaklofl S. Physico-chemical (conductivity) method for the determination of chlorides in biological liquids 157. Milbaner J. Determination of the acids of selenium and arsenic in presence of each other 691. Millat L. See 12aymond-Hamet. Miller B. F. and van Slyke D. D. Direct micro-titration method for blood sugar 72. Miller C. C. and naves F. Determination of sodium and potassium in insoluble silicates 68. - New method for the quantitative separation of lithium with reference to its determination in insoluble silicates 69. See Folkers K. See Theroux F. R. Leeds for 1936 544. tartrate 626.See Smith R. M. See Anderson E. See Kay H. D. See Olcott H. S. See Bilham P. See Kharasch M. S. See Elsdon G. D. See Kharasch M. S. in the use of perchloric acid 226. alcohol 476. gacanth mucilage 54. VOLUME 62 xvii Miller H. 5. Effect of time on the iodimetric - Separation of beryllium in the presence of Miller J. F. Miller J. T. and Byers H. G. Selenium in plants in relation to its occurrence in soils 754. miller R. F. Millner T. and Khnos F. Determination of small quantities of arsenic in tungstic acid 67. Milstead K. L. Mistra R. N. and Dutt S. Seeds of Cichorium Mitchell C. A. Inks; Their Composition and - Review of Stedman’s iwedical Dictionayy, Mizuno T. *Moffitt W. G. and Williams E. H. The determination of cyanide in aqueous extracts of road tars 101.Moir D. D. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for the County of Surrey 125. - Appointed Deputy Agricultural Analyst for the County Borough of Croydon 383. Miiller M. and Schlegel G. Micro-determina-tion of magnesium sulphate 417. Monier-Williams,. G W. Review of Roholm’s Fluorine Intoxzcatzon 91 1. Monk H. E. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Kidderminster 792. Morgan Sir G. T. and Burstall F. €I. Inorganic Chemistry Survey of Modern Development (Review) 422. *Morgan R. S. and Pritchard H. The average vitamin A and vitamin D potency of butter, 354. method of’ sugar analysis 204. complex tartrates 637. Detection of cerium 495. See Bailar 3 . C. See Clarke J. 0. intybus Linn. 618. Manufacture 4th Ed.(Review) 426. 13th Ed. 702. Analysis of Portland cement 498. Morland N. Morris T. N. and Bryan J. M. Second Report on the corrosion of the tin-plate containers by food products (Food Investigation Special Report No. 44) 193. “Morse J. F. The turbidimetric titration of gelatin solutions 11. - See also Clayton W. Moss A. R. Mulwani B. T. and Pollard A. G. Determina-tion of small amounts of sodium in soil solu-tions extracts etc. 486. Murray M. M. See Lowater F. Murray S. See Deuel H. J. Murray W. See Colbeck E. W. Murray W. M. and Furman N. H. Reducing action of mercury Hydrogen peroxide forma-tioil and catalytic action of copper in the reduction of molybdenum 328. Muter A. II. M. Appointed Agricultural Analyst for the Holland and Kesteven Divisions of Lincolnshire 383.- Appointed Public Analyst for the Adminis-trative Collnty of the Parts of Holland, Lincolnshire 34; for the Parts of Kesteven, Lincolnshire 125. Mutschin A. and Pollak R. Volumetric deter-mination of sulphate with barium chloride and sodium rhodizonate 331 496. The Conquest of Crime 914. An analysis of banana oil 32 xviii INDEX TO VOLUME 62 N Nadai G. New rapid method for the determina-tion of egg in pastry 47. Naidu S. R. Report of the Acting Chemical Examiner for Madras for 1936 740. Nakaguchi 5. See Ueno S . Nanji H. R. Review of Engelder’s Elementary Quantitative Analysis 2nd Ed. 239. - Review of Engelder Dunkelberger and Schiller’s Semi-Micro Qualitative Analysis 160. *- See also Edwmls F.W. *Neave F. K. See Anderson E. B. Needs F. E. the City and County of Bristol for 1936 665. Neklyutina V. F. Nelson J. F. Nemec V. See Kubelka V. Newberg C. and Kobel M. - Occurrence of sorbitol in tobacco 54. Newington F. H. and Lawrence C. D. Spectro-graphic analysis of paint 32. *Nicholls 9. R. Mannich’s method for the determination of morphine 440. - Review of Machu’s Das Wasserstoffperoxyd und die Perverbindungen 833. - Review of Oflcial and lentative Methods of Analysis of the Association of Oficial Agri-cultural Chemists 4th Ed. 501. Nicholson T. F. Use of micro-organisms in sugar analysis. Quantitative differentiation of fructose and mannose 141. See Daubney C. G. The two ends of straw 406. See Schumb W. C. Report of the Public Analyst for See Gilman H.SPe Lurie J . J. Isolation of rutin from tobacco 53. *Nickolb L. S. Nicol H. Nolan E. J. Norman A. G. Composition of sonie less common vegetable fibres 895. - Determination of lignin. Acid pre-treatment and the effect of the presence of nitrogenous substances 895. Notevarp O. and Weedon H. W. Spectro-graphic studies on the antimony trichloride reaction for vitamin A . I. The relation between tintonieter readings and spectral absorption of the blue solution 59. Nottage M E. Revision of Sir W. Hardy’s introduction to Report on the analysis of commercial lubricating oils by physical methods 41. Apparatus for the prepara-tion of doubly-distilled water 769. Noyons E. C. H. J. 0 Ohle H. See Mahr C. Okell F.L. Review of Vogel’s A Textbook of Qualitative Chemical Analysis 912. Qlcott RS. and Emerson 0. R. Anti-oxidant properties of the tocopherols 759. Oleott H. S. and Mattill H. A. Anti-oxidants and the autoxidation of fats. VII. Preliminary classification of inhibitors 50. Orella P. R. Post-mortem study of the alleged formation of barbituric derivatives into hydro-cyanic compounds 324. Ortzler G. See Strebinger R. Osborn A. S. Aids for the Study of Manuscripts 236. Review of Haselden’s Scientific Ostroumow E. A. Gravimetric determination of zinc by means of anthranilic acid 690. - Separation of uranium zirconium and titanium from manganese cobalt and nickel by pyridine 495. - Separation of zinc from cobalt by means of hydrogen sulphide 636. Overholser E.L. Overman 0. R. and Garrett 0. F. Determina-tion of sodium by the zinc uranyl acetate method. Removal of phosphorus 414. See Batchelder E. L. P Paget .M. and Tilly -. Identification of barbiturates with Millon’s reagent 399. Paris G. A. W. J. 0. E. Microchemical identifica-tion of ephedrine and ephetonine 152. Parker J. G. and Harvey A. Analysis of tanning materials by the use of dry chromed hide powders 223. Parkes A. E. and Parkes HA. The determi-nation of total alkaloids in cocoa and of cocoa-matter in flour confectionery 791. Parkes H. A. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for the Metropolitan Borough of Poplar 383. - See also Parkes A. E. Parsons J. L. Pasveer A. *Patersoa W. Y. Patterson W. H. Estimation of deuterium oxide and water mixtures 886.Patzsch H. Differentiation of butters prepared from pasteurised and unpasteurised cream 49. Paul H. Pelagatti U. See Ubaldinj I. Pell-Walpole W. T. *Pelly R. (3. Penau M. and Guilbert J. Pendse G. P. Pendse G. P. and Lal J. B. of Ulepharis edulis 810. Perrin T. S. Perrottet E. See Briner E. Pesez M. New colour reaction for morphine - Study of the resorcinol reaction of oxalic Petit R. See de Brouckkre L. Peynaud E. See Espil L. - See also Ribereau-Gayon J . Pien J. Pien J. Baisse J. and Martin R. Diacetyl in butter 673. *Pigott. E. C. An investigation of the zinc oxide separation as applied to the determina-tion of manganese in special cast irons 860. Pilcher R. B. Obituary of Sir Herbert Jackson, 83.Pincus G. Wheeler G. Young G. and Fahl P. Colorimetric estimation of urinary oestrin 140. Pirtea T. I. Determination of lanthanum by means of 8-hydroxyquinoline 150. Pistor H. J. New method for measuring the decolorisation of methvlene blue by dehydro-genating enzymes 480. See Jackson D. T. See Sohngen X. L. See Smith A. M. See Hilditch T. P. See Hanson D. See Houghton G. U. Determination of lipase in official preparations of pancreatin 208. Oil from the seeds of Solanum Oil from the seeds nigrum 8 10. Siene bean and oil 674. and its derived alkaloids 621. acid 145. Colouring of cheese crusts 137 INDEX TO T Polghr A. See Jendrassik L. Pollak R. See Mutschin A. Pollard A. G. *Pollard W. B. The ‘micro-determination of gold 597.~ Poluektoff N. S. Popescn C. Poppoff I. D. See Zlataroff A. Powell A. D. See Hall G. F. *Pritchard M. See Morgan R. S. Pucher G. W. Clark H. E. and Vickery H. B. Organic acids of rhubarb (Rheum hybridurn). I hlalic acid of rhubarb with a note on the malic acid of tobacco leaves. 11 Organic acid composition of rhubarb leaves 312. Pucher G. W. Wakeman A. J. and Vickery, H. B. Metabolism of organic acids of tobacco Ieaf during culture 678. Pugh W. See Sebba F. Pullinger E. J. and Kemp A. E. Growth of Streptococcus pyogenes in milk stored a t at-mospheric temperatures 889. Puntakbekar S. V. and Krishna S. Oil from the seeds of Xinzenia americana Linn. A new unsaturated fatty acid ximenic acid 746. Pyriki C. Determination of soluble carbo-hydrates in tobacco 399.See Mulwani B. T. See Komarowsky A. S . See Matiu A. I . Q Quill L. L. Robey R. F. and Seifter S. Ther-mal analysis of rare-earth nitrate mixtures, 767. R Rachele 3. R. See Benedetti-Pichler A. A. Radley J. A. Randall J. T. Luminescence and its applica-tions 421. Rands S. Rane M. B. and Kondaiah K. Method of quantitative analysis without the use of hydrogen sulphide 573. Rast K. Modern Views of Atomic Structure (Review) 80. Ravenswaay H. J. Raymond L. W. Determination of essential oil in cloves etc. 51. Raymond-Hamet and Millat L. Mitraversine an? other alkaloids from Mitragyna species, 473. Razek J. Reddy C. R. XU. and Srikantan B. S. Weighting of Indian silk 823. Rees H. G. Adrenaline-content and physio-logical activity of suprarenal gland extracts, 320.Reif G. Determination of fructose with seleni-ous acid 31 1. Reith J. F. Distribution of veroiial among the organs in a case of fatal veronal poisoning 682. Remezzano A. L. Rendle T. Rewald B. Determination of oils and phos-- Fat and phosphatide-content of wheat germ, Reznek S. See Batscha J . Ribereau-Gayon J. and Peynaud E. L,=tic Testing by fluorescence 905. Obituary of J . M. H. Munro 2. See ter Meulen H. See Sunderman F. JV. See del Boca A. D. Obituary of A. R. Ling 585. phatides in organic raw material 408. 130. acid in Bordeaux wines 876. JOLUME 62 xix Richards L. See Anderson E. Richardson N. A. Wood preservatives (Forest Products Research Records No. 17) 668. Rittenberg D.See Schoenheimer R. Rittenberg D. and Schoenheimer R. Deuter-ium as an indicator in the study of intermedi-ary metabolism 885. Robertshaw G. F. Robey R. F. Robinson F. A. Review of Zechmeister and von Cholnoky’s Die Chromatographische Ad-sorptionsmethode 337. Robinson R. A. Bell’s Sale of Food and Drugs Act 9th Ed. (Review) 423. Robinson R. G. The determination of antimony in lead-rich alloys 191. Robinson R. J. and.Spoor H. J. Photometric determination of silicate in sea water 144. Roe J. H. Estimation of ascorbic acid as fur-fural and a comparison of results obtained by this method and by indophenol titration 214. Roholm M. Fluorine Intoxication (Review), 911. Romanjuk A. N. Rosenthaler L. Microchemical studies. XII, Rosin . J. Reagent Chemicals and Standards Ross W.H. See Acree R. J. Roth H. Pregl’s Quantitative Organic Micro-Analysis 3rd Eng. Ed. (Review) 160. Rowe S. C. and Bonney V. B. Determination of l5e maturity of canned stringless (snap) beans 132. - See also Bonney V. B. Rowson J. M. Relationship between the con-stitution of tragacanth gum and the viscosity of its mucilage 811. ROY G. C. Roy M. See Boutaric A. Roy M. B. See Chakravarti S. N. Rubin N. and McNabb W. XU. The determina-tion of phosphorus in silver phosphate 123. Rule H. G. Text-book of Organic Chemistry (J. Schmidt) 3rd Eng. Ed. (Review) 79. Russell Sir E. J. Soil Conditions and Plant Growth 7th Ed. (Review) 582. Russell Sir E. J. and Voelcker J. A. Fifty Years of Field Experiments a t the Woburn Experimental Station (Review) 237.Russell J. J. See Beamish I;. E. Russo F. See Giacalone A. Rutherford M. B. Rzymowska C. J. See Burton D. See Quill L. L. See Tananaeff N. A. 74. (Review) 832. See Sil K. M. See Daniel E. P. See Cimerman Ch. S Sagastume C. A. and Gherzi R. A. C. mination of albumin in urine 58. Sage C. E. - Review of Rentley’s Text-book of Pharnza-ceutics 4th Ed. 910. - Review of the Addendum 1936 to the British Pharmacopoeia 81. Review of The Extra Pharmacopoeia (Martin-dale) 233. Ssifer A. and .Hughes J. Dioxane as a reagent for qualitative and quantitative estimation of small amounts of iodine 415. Deter-Commercial thyme 563 xx INDEX TO Sajzewa L. P. See Djatschkow W. D. Sanchez J. A. New colour reaction for morphine and its derivatives 471.- New differential colour reactions of the cardiotonic glucosides digitoxin strophanthin K ouabain and German digitalin 138. Sandell E. B. See Kolthoff I. M. Sandell E. B. and Kolthoff I. M. Micro-determination of iodine by a catalytic method, 578. Sanderson P. M. Sando C. E. See Markley K. S . Sanfourche A. Le Contr6le Analytique dans 1’Industrie Chimique Mindrale (Review) 698. Sarjant R. J. Fuel Economy and Heat Trans-mission in Industrial Furnaces (Supplement to Bone and Himus’s Coal; Its Constitution and Uses) (Review) 335. Sassi A. V. Florentino N. and Migliaro J. C. Iodine value of spirit vinegars 48. Savelsberg W. See Grothe H. Saywell L. G. Saywell L. G. and Cunningham B. B. See Briscoe €3. V.A. See Byrne J. Colori-metric determination of iron by means of o-phenanthroline 41 3. Schiller W. J. See Engelder C. J. Schlegel G. See Moller M. Schleicher A. and Laurs L. Qualitative micro-analysis by electrolysis and spectrography, 416. Identification of wine vinegar 560. Text-book of Organic Chemistry, Schmidt A. Schmidt J. 3rd Eng. Ed. by H. G. Rule (Review) 79. Schnetka 1vI. See Bruning A. Schneider M. See Ullrich H. Schoeller W. R. Review of Friend’s A Text-book of Inorganic Chemistry Vol. XI Part IV, 334. Schoeller W. R. and Lambie D. A. The deter-mination of bismuth as phosphate 533. Schoenheimer R. See Rittenberg D. Schoenheimer R. and Rittenberg D. Conver-sion of stearic acid into palmitic acid in the organism 814. Schon K.and Mesquita B. Studies on caro-tenoids IV. The carotenoid of Genista tvidentata 140. Schoorl N. Schreyegg H. See Taufel K. Schulek E. and Boldizshr I. Determination of 9-amino-benzenesulphonamide 489. Schulek E. and Clauder 0. Determination of 8-hydroxyquinoline by means of potassium bromate 488. L.*. Schulte M. J. Schultz A. Atkin L. and Frey C. N. Estima-tion of vitamin B, 567. Schumb W. C. and Nolan E. J. Determination of zirconium by precipitation as arsenate 762. Schwaneberg H. See Strack E. Schweizer G. Cold sterilisation of nutrient media and its significance for the pure culture of micro-organisms 323. Scott A. F. and Hurley F. H. Nephelometric end-point in atomic weight titrations 766. Scott M. See Thompson S. 0. Seaber W.M. Determination of rotenone 630. Seath J. See Beamish F. E. Dehvdration of ether 819. Composition of pyrasulf 749. VOLUME 62 Seath J. and Beamish F. E. Separation of gold from tellurium 761. Sebba F. and Pugh W. Determination of gallium in germanite 825. Seguin L. See Frangois M. Seifter S. Seigle L. W. Selbie F. R. Sen-Gupta P. N. and Guha B. C. Sendroy J. See Quill I,. L. See Anderson E. See McIntosh J. Estimation of total vitamin C in foodstuffs 566. Micro-determination of chloride in biological fluids with solid silver iodate. I Gasometric analysis ; 11 Titrimetric analysis, 828. Servigne M. Sensitive method for the detection of traces of rare earth elements 694. Servigne M. and Vassy E. Micro-determina-tion of samarium by a photo-luminscence method 694.Shaha A. See Goswami M. Shaw A. Review of Groves’s Silicate AnaZysis, 908. Shaw G. E. Colour reaction applied to liver extracts 751. Sheep R. T. and Others. Volumetric deter-mination of sulphur in rubber by the use of tetrahydroxyquinone as indicator 410. Sherratt J. G. The determination of sulphites in the presence of nitrates and nitrites 267. Shimwell J. L. Relation between the staining properties of bacteria and their reaction towards hop antiseptic 333; Part 111 404. Shimwell J. L. and Kirkpatrick W. F. Identity of “ Bacterzum X” (Brown) and “Bacterium C” (Chapman) 753. Shmwara G. Y. Shorland F. B. Shorland F. B. and McIntosh I. G. New Zealand fish oils. I The composition of eel oil ( A n g z d l a A u c k l a n d i i ) 50.Shrewsbury H. S. Report of the Government A4nalyst for Trinidad and Tobago for 1936 671. Sideris C. P. Colorimetric micro-determination of manganese 831. Revert C. W. See Magraw D. A. Sik K. See Szebellkdy L. Sil K. M. Roy G. C. and Das-Gupta P. N. Silberman D. E. See Levy M. Silberstein L. See Bertrand G. Simmons W. H. Review of Gazan’s Flavours and Essences 159. - Soap Its Composition Manufacture and Properties 4th Ed. (Review) 584. Simpson E. S. Report of the Chemical Branch, Mines Department Western Australia for 1936 799. Sitsen M. P. H. Examination of Phosphas natricus acidus 139. Sivaramakrishman P. M. Slater R. H. Slobodskaya T. M. *Smith A. M. and Paterson W. Y. Smith D. M. See Brown J. B. See Hilditch T.P. Separation of lead from copper 413. See Damodaran M. Review of Schmidt’s Text-book of Organic Chemistry 3rd Engl. Ed. 79. Determination of nitrogen in Kuznetzky basin co. 4 by formol titration, The use of selenium in the determination of nitrogen in potato tubers 786. Spectrographic analysis of tin 77. 221 INDEX TO Smith E. L. See Anderson F. W. Smith E. W. See Hodgson H. H. Smith Sir F. Report of the Food Investigation Board for 1936 795. Smith G. F. Sullivan V. R. and Frank G. Hexanitrato ammonium cerate as a standard in oxidimetry 148. *Smith G. S. The iodimetric determination of alkali 590. Smith L. H. See Campbell W. G. Smith R. M. and Marble A. Colorimetric determination of free and combined cholesterol, 321. Smith S. Smith W.See Evers N. Snider H. J. See Gieseking J. E. Sohngen N. L. Weringa K. T. and Pasveer A. Curdling of milk. A study of the curdling enzyme 401. South Metropolitan Gas Go. Colorimetric deter-mination of carbon disulphide in gas or motor fuels 821. Determination of small quantities of nicotine by a silicotungstic acid micro-method 229. See Stewart C. P. Spies J. R, Spoor H. J. Spormann W. See Meyer J. Spulnik J. Srikantan B. S. See Reddy C. R. N. Stainsby W. J. See Green T. G. *Stanford K. and Adamon D. C. M. A rapid method for the determination of antimony in lead-rich alloys 23. Stange 0. See Windaus A. Stanley J. State H. M. Stedman T. L. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, 13th Ed. (Review) 702. Steger A. and Van Loon, J. Fatty oil from the seeds of Valerznnella olztorea Poll.Stevens R. E. See Wells R. C. Stevenson S. G. and Bacharach A. L. Physical and chemical properties of casein fat 618. Stewart C. P. Chatterji .S. K. and Smith S. Rapid method for isolation of organic poisons, 891. Stimmel B. F. and McCullagh D. R. Note on the determination of iodine 154. Stoch E. Needle shellac 820. Stocker D. E. 823. Stone W. Stoner G. G. Stoppel, F. Storfer E. Stott V. Verification of centrifuge tubes used for the determination of visible dirt in milk, 280. Stotz E. Determination of fumaric acid in protein solutions containing succinic acid 492. Stotz E. Hmer C. J. and King C. G. “As-corbic acid oxidase” in relation to copper 680. Strack E. and Schwaneberg H. Determination of bases from animal tissues 210.Stradling R. E. Report of Building Research Board for 1935 303; for 1936 793. See Robinson R. J . See Kunz A. H. Refractometric determination of fat in chocolate 395. See Furman N. H. Determination of alkali in wool, Ascorbic acid oxidase 626. See Brown J . B. Detection and estimation of raw milk in pasteurised milk by the Orla-Jensen method 558. Test for thiourea 903. VOLUME 62 xxi Strebinger R. and Ortner G. Separation of bismuth from cadmium 67. Streuli M. and Biirgin E. Determination of the copper-content of coffee 318. Strishevsky I. I. See Jolson L. M. Strishevsky I. I. and Korablev I. V. Detection of traces of sulphur in argon 227. Strohecker R. Vaubel R. and Kirchberg H. Estimation of the degree of putrefaction of meat fish and fat 744.Stuart A. Stuart L. S. Dahle D. and k e y R. W. Stubbs J. R. Sullivan V. R. See Smith G. F. Sunderman F. W. and Razek J. Spectro-photometric studies of the colour development in the analysis of sugar by the Benedict method and of cholesterol by the Liebermann-Burchard reaction 480. Surmatis J. D. and Willard 1. L. Microscopic tests for amino acids 692. Sutton R. W. Report of the County Analyst for Derby for 1936 733. Sverev V. S. Swann G. Swinney R. H. Sylvester N. D. Szebellbdy L. and Ajtai M. Micro-volumetric determination of nitrate nitrogen 902. Ssebellhdy L. and J6nb J. Detection of potas-sium with racemic acid 68. - Fluorescence test for molybdenum 767. Szebellbdy E. and Madis W.Volumetric determination of hydrogen peroxide by means of potassium bromate 764. Szebellbdy L. and Sik K. Apomorphine as indicator in the bromate titration of antimony, 329. See Roam J. J. Fluorine-content of gelatin 563. See Elsdon G. D. See Alimarin I. P. See Campbell W. G. See Hofner P. G. See Lampitt L. H. T Tananaeff N. A. Detection of manganese 225. Tananaeff N. A, and Romanjuk A. N. Spot-test for the detection of osmium 329. Tananaev J. V. and Davitashvili E. Applica-tion of tin amalgam to the analysis of alloys, 494. Tang N. K. Tankard A. R. Address of the Chairman of the North of England Section. Municipal Chem-istry 242. - Report of the Public Analyst for the City and County of Kingston-upon-Hull for 1936 734. - Review of Annual Reports or the Progress of Applied Chemistvy.Vol. XXI for 1936. Issued by the Socic5y of Chemical Industry, 500. - Survey of Imports Raw Materials and Syn-thetic Products and their Relationships to the Old and Newer Industries with Special Reference to the Humber Area (Review) 162. Taradoire M. F. Tate F. G. H. and Warren L. A. Optical rotation and refractivity of nicotine and nicotine sulphate in dilute aqueous solution, 206. Tattersfield F. and Martin J. T. Optically active constituent of derris resin related to toxicarol 405. See Willard H. H. Analysis of lac 66 xxii INDEX TO Tauber H. Enzyme Chemistry (Rtview) 647. - Selective adsorption of enzymes by cellulose, 139. Tiiufel EL. Thaler H. and Schreyegg H. Characteristics of the fat of yeast (Saccharo-myces spp.) 317.*Taylor-Austin E The determination of molyb-denum in cast iron 107. Taylor W. W. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Grantham 383; for the County Borough of Nottingham and the Borough of Newark-on-Trent 125. A new apparatus for the rapid and economical determination of the freezing-point of milk 709. Variation of the butyric acid value in milk-fat 470. *Temple P. L. Teply 1 . Terleski J. T. - See also Hilditch T. 1’. ter Meulen H. and Ravenswaay H. J. Thaler H. See Taufel K. Thelen H. Calcium-content of blood plasma and serum 476. Theroux F. R. Eldridge E. F. and Mallmann, W. L. Laboratory Manual for Chemical and Bacterial Analysis of Water and Sewage (Review) 3 3 6. Thomas H. A.Dyestuffs for developing latent finger-prints 539. - The development of latent finger-prints with dyestuffs 192. Thompson S. O. Beamish F. E. and Scott M. Determination of platinum and gold and detection of platinum metals 824. Thorneycroft W. E. Antimony and Bismuth (Vol. VI Part V of A Text-book of Inorganic Chemistry) (lieview) 503. Thornton W. M. and Christ C. L. Diphenyl-guanidine as a standard in neutralisation pro-cesses 688. Thorpe J. F. and Whiteley M. A. Tliorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry 4th Ed., Vol. I A-Bi (Review) 907. Thorpe W. V. and Williams R. T Gluco-vanillin and a colour reaction for vanillin 398. y y -. See Yaget M. Timmers J. C. Tintometer Ltd. The British I’harmacopoeia Toennies G. and Elliott M. Polarimetric deter-Tomesco T.See Fabre K. Toms H. Review of Lowy and Harrow’s A n Introduction to Organic chemistry 4th Ed. 701. - Review of Organic Syntheses Vols. XVI and XVI1 770. *Torrance S. The electrolytic analysis of white and yellow metal alloys 719. *- See also Fife J. G. Tougarinoff B. Determination of arsenic in tin 689. Toyama Y. and Uozaki K. Presence of octa-decatrienoic acids in seed oils of pomegranate, karasu-uri (Trichosanthes cucumeroides) and balsam pear 745. See IIarper D. A. Deter-mination of nitrogen in betaine pyramidone and sulphanilic acid by hydrogenation 894. Sez Goudswaard A. test for medicinal paraffin 457. mination of water in acetic acid 569. Trautmann a. See Windaus A. Waves F. See MilIer C. C. VOLUME 62 Treadwell F.P. and Hall W. T. Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 11 Quantitative Analysis, 8th Ed. (Review) 234. Tressler D. K. See Mack G. L. Trotman S. R. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for the County Borough of Notting-ham 792. - Determination of damage in silk 64. Truhaut R. Colour reactions of dinitrobenzenes in alkaline solution 409. Tschawdarov D. Application of formaldehyde in volumetric analysis 760. Tschawdarov D. and Tschawdarowa N. Gravi-metric determination of chromic acid as lead chromate 898. Tschawdarowa N. See Tschawdarov D. Tsujimoto M. - Some ray-liver oils 136. Tsujimoto M. and Koyanagi PI. some deep-sea fish 137. Tuemmler F. D. Tiirk E. F. H. See Viggiano J. Twigg R. S. Oxidation-reduction systems in milk 260. Green turtle oil 619.Liver oils of See Baxter G. f’. U Ubaldini I. Rapid determination of copper in pyrites 413. Ubaldini I. and Pelagatti U. Determination of magnesium in aluminium alloys 899. Ueno S. and Nakaguchi S. Unsaponifiable matter oi fish-liver and fish-body oils 480. Ullrich H. and Schneider 1. Micro-estimation of menthol menthone and menthyl-esters in the essential oils of Mentha 228. Uosaki K. See Toyania Y. V Van Arkel C. G. Vandaveer R. L. Van den Heuvel F. A. Van der Hoek T. Van Eekelen M. Amount of ascorbic acid in blood and urine. The daily human require-ments of ascorbic acid 214. Van Itallie L. Fixation of the time of adminis-tration in cases of chronic arsenic poisoning, 401. Van Liempt J. A. Ivp. and Leydens P. Colour response in photography by neon light 333.Van Liempt J. A. M. and Van Uden J. H. M. Photographic method for the detection of thorium oxide in lamp filaments 643. van Loon J. See Steger A. van Nieuwenburg C. J. Volumetric determina-tion of small amounts of water by means of cinnamoyl chloride 376. van Bieuwenburg C. J. and Van der Hoek T. Dipicrylamine as a reagent for potassium, rubidium and caesium 332. Van Os B. and Dykstra K. Examination of essentiai oil by measurement of the ultra-violet absorption 579. Colorimetric dcterniination of See Claike J. 0. See It armer E . H. See Van Nieuwenburg C. J. small quantities of morphine 47 1. Van Rest E. D. van Slyke D. D. Van Uden J. H. M. Vasseur A. See Chauveau L. See Bamford K. K. See Miller R.F. See Van Liempt J. A. M INDEX TO Vassy E. See Servigne M. Vaubel R. See Strohecker R. Veibel S. Determination of semicarbazones, 146. Ventakatachalam V. A routine test for the detection of highly hardened oils and mutton and beef fats in butter and ghee 732. Vernon W. H. J. Receives Sir George Beilby Memorial Award 201. Vialard-Goudou A. Oxidation of organic sub-stances with perchloric acid 62, Vickery H. B. See Pucher G. W. Viggiano J. and Turk E. F. H. Bromine in Argentine flours and wheats 559. Vlezenbeek H. J. Reaction for the para-amino phenoI grouping and a sensitive test for dulcin in the presence of saccharin 474. Voelcker E. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Chipping Wycombe 193. Voelcker J. A. Vogel A. I. A Text-book of Qualitative - See also German W.L. Volmar Y. and Klein S. See Russell Sir E. J. Chemical Analysis (Review) 91 2. Determination of re-ducing sugars by the Kosenthaler-Curli method 133. von Cholnoky L. Vorstman N. J. M. Recognition of akon-See Zechmeister L. (akund-) vessels in kapok 224. W Wagenaar M. Wakeman A. J. Walker G. H. Report of the City Analyst for Wall E. MI. Trace elements in relation to bush Wallis T. E. and Goldberg S. Histology of - Histology of Podophyllum 564. Walters L. S. Determination of amino-acid nitrogen in brewing materials with special reference to Folin's colorimetric method 31 3. Walton S. G. Report of the Government Analyst for New South Wales for 1935 610. Ward A. M. Ward T. J. Review of Grant's Books and Documents 700.Ware 3. C. The Chemistry of the Colloidal State 2nd Edn. (Review) 80. Waters C. E. Inks for recording instruments. (U.S.A. National Bureau of Standards Re-search Paper R.P. 935) 200. The benzidine-peroxi-dase reaction with butter 49. Obtaining from mine air dust particles for physical chemical and petro-logical examination 232. True and poisonous star anise, 52. See Yucher G. W. Salford for 1936 667. sickness 466. Indian podophyllum 748. See Godward L. W. N. Water L. and Zurn A. Watson H. H. Watson M. B. Watson S. J. Warren L. A. Weedon H. W. Weidinger A. Quantitative method for the isolation of l-cystine from keratin (horsehair), 624. See Kon S. K. See Gillam A. E. See Tate F. G. H. See Notevarp 0. VOLUME 62 xxiii Wells R.C. and Stevens R. E. Analysis of Wendt W. P. Weringa K. T. Werr F. West A. P. West E. S. West T. F. Wheeler Gi. See Pincus G. White C. E. and Lowe C. S. New fluorescence test for aluminium 823. Whiteley M. A. See Thorpe J. F. Wichmsnn H. J. See Dahle D. Wilbaux R. Development of acidity in palm oil 204. Wildman J. D. Determination of mould in cream or butter 402. - See also Clarke J . 0. Willard H. H. and Furman B. H. Elemen-tary Quantitative Analysis 2nd Ed. (Review), 427. Willard H. H. and Tang N. K. Quantitative determination of aluminium by precipitation with urea 761. Willard 1. L. See Surmatis J. D. "Williams E. H. See Moffitt W. G. Williams H. A. Appointed Public Analyst for the Metropolitan Borough of Shoreditch 458.- Appointed Senior Public Analyst for the Metropolitan Borough of Deptford and Ad-ditional Public Analyst for the Metropolitan Borough of Greenwich 193. *Williams K. A. See Bolton E. R. Williams R. J. and Woods M. A. Selectivity of iodic acid in the oxidation of organic com-pounds 685. Williams R. T. See Thorpe W. V. Wilson H. N. *Wilson W. See Hawley J. W. Winchester R. and Yntema L. F. Electro-deposition of zinc from citrate solution 635. Windaus A. and Stange 0. The provitamin of egg sterols 140. Windaus A. and !l!rautmann G. Crystalline vitamin D, 626. Winkby J. H. Yr~nowski L. K. and Eynes, W. A. Systematic semi-micro procedure for the qualitative analysis of the commoner cations 828. Withey W. R. Analysis of magnesium alloys, 149.Woker G. and Antener J. Enzymic action of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 321. - Reactions of ascorbic acid 680. Wokes F. C. Textbook of Applied Biochemistry (Review) 162. Woodhead 3. E. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for the Metropolitan Borough of Lambeth 458. Woods M. A. See Williams R. J . Worsley R. R. Le G). Determination of rote-none 141. - Evaluation of the toxicity of derris and mundulea 631. Wright E. R. and MelIon M. G. Phospho-tungstate colorimetric method for the deter-mination of vanadium 637. Wright M. D. See Raker A. L. pollucite 639. See Gurevitch W. G. See Sohngen N. I;. Micro-detection of nitrate 577. See Cruz A. 0. See Hofner P. G. See Eastland C. 3 . See Hughes W. C xxiv INDEX TO Wright R.F. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for the County Boroughs of Brighton and Eastbourne 34; for the County of West Sussex 126; for the Borough of Hove 193; for the County of East Sussex 383. Arsenic in a well water 627. Wyllie J. Y YanOwski L. 11. - See also Malko M. G. - See also Winkley J. H. Yntema L. F. Yoe J. H. and Hall R. T. See Hynes W. A. See Winchester R. Colorimetric deter-mination of ferric iron with 7-iodo-8-hydroxy-quinoline-5-sulphonic acid 574. Young G). See Pincus G. VOLUME 62 Z Zahl P. See Pincus G. Zechmeister L. and von Cholnoky L. Die Chromatographische Adsorptionsmethods (Re-view) 337. Zernike J. The discovery of vanadium inks, 457. Ziegler F. See Bauer E. Zilva S. S. Vitamin P 889. Zlataroff A. and Poppoff I.D. and wine on enzymes 478. Zurn L. See Waters A. Zwilling A. Effects of tea Examination of meat for freshness, 47 INDEX TO VOLUME 62 xxv INDEX TO SUBJECTS * Denotes papers published in The Analyst. A Absorption tubes for the carbon-hydrogen deter-Absorptions-Spektroscopie im Ultraviolett. I. Acetic Acid called “vinegar acid.” Testing of -. E. C. Craven and J. N. Kershaw 406. water in --; Polarimetric determination of. G. Toennies and M. Elliott 569. *Acetone ethyl alcohol in presence of -* Improved method for determining. C. R: Hoskins 530. in blood and urine; Simple method for deter-mining -. Acetyl Group in some medicaments ; Character-isation of ~ by means of lanthanum blue. A. D. del Boca and A. L. Remezzano 562. Acetylcholine Colorimetric method for esti-mating small amounts of-.F. J. R. Beattie 57. Acetylene in liquid oxygen ; Determination of -. L. M. Jolson J J. Strishevsky and A. B. Bergelson 152. Acidity in palm oil; Development of -. R. Wilbaux 204. Acids Amino -. mination. H. Friedrich 75. (Review) F. Ellinger 771. 35. J . C. Abels 675. See Amino Acids. Fatty -. See Fatty Acids. hydroxylated - of fats; Determination of. P. G. Hofner R. H. Swinney and E. S. West 221. of cow milk fat; Occurrence and possible significance of minor component -. T. P. Hilditch and H. Paul 135. *of milk-fats; Some minor component -and their possible significance. T. P. Hilditch 250. Organic -. See Organic Acids. Acriflsvine and related compounds in pharmaceu-tical preparations and surgical dressings ; Estimation of -.G. F. Hall and A. D. Powell 812. Adrenaline content and physiological activity of suprarenal gland extracts. H. G. Rees 320. Observations on the chemical determination of -. J . Devine 620. Agar-Agar in canned chicken 882. Agricultural analysis. in mayonnaise 881. Abstracts 141 219 404, 485 627 684 754 892. Chemists; Official and Tentative Methods of Analysis of the Association of -. 4th Ed. (Review) 501. Experimental Station Connecticut. Report for 1935. 550. Agriculture New Zealand Department of -. Report of Chemistry Section for 1935-36. B. C. Aston 42. Air conditioning. Ventilation conditions and their investigation. R. C. Frederick 906. Microbacteriunz tuberculosis in - detected by a simple technique.G. M. Eisenburg, 681. of rooms ; Rapid determination of trichloro-ethylene vapour in --. A. Dargie 730. Akon vessels in kapok; Recognition of -. N. J. 81. Vorstman 224. Akund vessels in kapok; Recognition of -. N. J. M. Vorstman 224. Albumin Diazo-reaction of - and its utilisa-tion in urology. in urine; Determination of - . C. A. Sagastume and R. A. C. Gherzi 58. E. Kohn-Abrest and L. Truffert 683. limit-test for free -. E. .Justin-Mueller 479. Alcohol for massage purposes. 553. in blood ; Determination of - post-mortem. in esters ethers or ketones; Colorimetric E. G. Kellett 728. in human urine and blood; Determination of in urine. 305. -. 612. Aldehydes Action of alkalis on mixtures of aromatic -. J. C.Bailar A. J. Barney and R. F. Miller 63. Differential action of some aromatic - on morphine and hydroxymorphine. B. Drevon 882. Aldoses Application of Cannizzaro’s reaction to -. Alfalfa Hay Losses of organic substances in the spontaneous heating of -. E. J. Hoff-man and M. A. Bradshaw 628. Algal control of water. 798. Alkali free ~ in silicated soaps; Determina-tion of. (Report No. 4 of Sub-committee on Methods of Soap Analysis.) in soaps; Determination of free -. (Report No. 3 of the Sub-committee on Methods of Soap Analysis.) 36. in tripe; Excess of -. in wool; Determination of -. D. E. Stocker 823. *Iodimetric determination of -. G. S. Smith 590. M. Delkpine and A. Horeau 819. 865. 799. Alkali Etc. Works Report for 1936. Alkalis Action of - on mixtures of aromatic J .C. Bailar A. J. Barney and Determination of rare -. J. C. Hillyer 638. Alkaloids derived from morphine; New colour ephedra - in small quantities of ephedra; *Extraction of ~ from viscera. C. G. from Mitragyna species. Raymond-Hamet and 549. aldehydes. R. F. Miller 63. reaction for -. Detection of -. Daubney and L. C. Nickolls 851. L. Millat 472 M. Pesez 621. J. W Kelly 319 xxvi INDEX TO Alkaloids-continued in cocoa; Determination of total -. A. E. of Equisetum palustre. E. Glet J. Gut-*of ergot. G. Barger 340. of Lupinus laxus Rydb. of opium and their derivatives ; Determination A. Parkes and H. A. Parkes 791. Schmidt and P. Glet 189. J. F. Couch 747. of - by the mercurimetric method.Ionescu-Matiu and C. Ichim 748. of ragwort. 609. of the genus Senecio. J. J. Blackie 206. Alkyl halides amines and acids ; Identification of -. E. L. Brown and N. Campbell, 893. Alloys aluminium - . Determination of magnesium in. I. Uialdini and U. Pela-gatti 899. Application of tin amalgam to the analysis of -. J . V. Tananaev and E. Davitash-vili 494. magnesium -; Analysis of. W. H. Withey, 149. magnesium -; Volumetric determination of aluminium in. *rich in lead; Rapid method for determining antimony in - . K. Stanford and D. C. M. Adamson 23; R. G. Robinson 191. rich in tin ; Determination of cadmium in -by loss in weight. D. Hanson and W. T. Pell-Walpcl? 688, white and yellow metal -; Electrolytic analysis of. S. Torrance 719. *Almond Oil arachis oil in -; Detection of.N. Evers 96. Almonds Analysis of ground -. Aluminate Gravimetric determination of lithium as -. H. Brothe and W. Savelsberg 826. Aluminium alloys ; Dettrmination of magnesium in -. I . Ubaldini and U. Pelagatti 899. alloys; Determination of silicon in -. H. V. Churchill K. W. Bridges and M. F. Lee 639. containers ; Feeding experiments with canned food packed in - . G. Lunde V. Aschehoug and H. Kringstad 877. Fluorescence test for -. C. E. White and C. S. Lowe 825. in magnesium allcys ; Volumetric determina-tion of -. Quantitative determination of - by pre-cipitation with urea. H. H. Willard and N. K. Tang 761. Re-determination of atomic weight of -. (US. Bureau of Standards Research Paper 957). J .I. Hoffman and G. F. Lundell 393. silicon in -; Determination of. H. V. Churchill R. W. Bridges and M. F. Lee 639. Aluminium Oxide Spot test for -. Amines aromatic - Colour reactions of. C. Csndea and E. Macovski 756. primarv-; New colorimetric test for novo-caine and -. S. N. Chakravarti and M. R. Roy 603. Amino Acid Nitrogen in brewing materials ; Determination of - with special refer-ence to Folin’s colorimetric method. L. s. Walters 313. I . Wheat (Triticum vulgare). F. A. Csonka 394. A. E. Martin 762 665. A. E. Martin 762. 228. Amino Acids in staple foods. VOLUME 62 Amino Acids-continued Microscopic tests for -. J. D. Surmatis and M. L. Willard 692. Microscopy of - and their compounds. 111. Copper salts. B. Cunningham M. Mac-Intyre and P.L. Kirk 692. Reactions of - with formaldehyde. M. Levy and D. E. Silberman 565. p-Amino-Benzenesulphonamide :D etermination of -. E. Schulek and I. BoldizsAr 489. Ammonia in shrimps. 665. in water and sewage; Use of activated carbon G. Gad 684. Ammonium Thiocyanate as weed killer. Ammunition blood on -; Detection of. A. Bruning 402. Anabasine Sulphate Reaction to distinguish nicotine sulphate and -. S. A. Katz, 473. Anaesthetics and static electrification. 390. Analytical Chemistry. 8th Ed. Vol. 11, Quantitative Analysis. (Review) F. P. Treadwell and W. T. Hall 234. in determining -. 44. *Chemistry. J . J . Fox 508. reactions. Classification of qualitative -. review of organo-thermochemistry. 307. Analytical Methods Committee Essential Oil Sub-Committee Report No.13. Deter-mination of esters. 541. Sub-committee on Dirt in Milk; Report of -. 287. Sub-committee on Methods of Soap Analysis : No. 3. Determination of free alkali in soaps. 36. No. 4. Determination of free aIkali and silica in silicated soaps. 865. No. 5. Determination of rosin in soaps. 868. hTote on the determination of unsaponifiable matter in oils and fats. Aneurin Chemical determination of __ (vita-min B,) by the thiochrome reaction. C. P. Jansen 60. Aniline in certain food dyes; Determination of. 0 . L. Evenson J . A. Kime and S. S. Forrest 397. Animal tissues Determination of bases from -. E. Strack and H. Schwaneberg 210. Anions IJse of complex salts for detecting -. I. Hexammino-cobaltic chloride.W. A. Hynes and L. K. Yanowski 830. Anthranilic Acid Gravimetric determination of zinc by -. Antimony and Bismuth. Part V of Vol. VI of Friend’s Text-book of Inorganic Chemistry. (Review). 503. Apomorphine as indicator in the bromate titration of -. L. Szebelledy and K. Sik 329. *in lead-rich alloys; Rapid method for deter-mining -. I(. Stanford and D. C. M. Adamson 23; R. G. Robinson 191. 9-Methyl-2-3-7-trioxy-6-fluorone as reagent for deiwting -. Antimony Trichloride reaction €or vitamin A ; Spectrographic studies on -. I. Rela-tion between tintometer readings and spectral absorption of the blue solution. 0. Notevarp and H. W. Wecdon 69. 558. 863. E. A. Ostroumow 690. R. Duckert 574 INDEX TO VOLUME 62 xxvii Anti-axidant properties of the tocopherols.H. S. Olcott and 0. H. Emerson 759. Anti-oxidants and the autoxidation of fats. H. S. Olcott and H. A. Mattill 50. Antioxygens present in natural fats; Studies on the nature of -. 111. Occurrence of antioxygenic compounds in extracted soya-bean oil-cake. T. G. Green and T. P. Hilditch 206. Antirachitic vitamin; Isolation of ___ from halibut liver oil. Apomorphine as indicator in the bromate titra-tion of antimony. L. Szebell6dy and K. Sik 329. Apparatus Abstracts 76 157 230 332 420, 579 643 694 766 905. Apple wraps; Oiled -. 287. Apples vitamin C content of -; Factors affecting. E. L. Batchelder and E. L. Overholser 322. Applied Chemistry Annual Reports of the Progress of -. Vol. XXI for 1936. (Review).Society of Chemical Industry. 500. Thorpe’s Dictionary of -. 4th Ed. Vol. I. (Review). J. F. Thorpe and M. A. Whiteley 907. Appointments Official -. 34 125 193 383, 458 792 863. Arachis Oil hydrocarbons in -; Presence of. H. Marcelet 135. H. Brockmann 212. *in olive and almond oils. N. Evers 96. Argentine flours and wheats; Bromine in -. J. Viggiano and E. F. H. Turk 559. Argon Isotopes of -. sulphur in -; Detection of traces of. I. I. Strishevsky and I. V. Korablev 227. Atomatic aldehydes; Action of alkalis on mix-tures of -. and R. F. Miller 63. aldehydes; Differential action of some - on morphine and hydroxymorphine. B. Drevon 883. C. Chdea and E. Macovski 756. Arsenic Acids of __ determined in presence of acids of selenium.874. J. C. Bailar A. J. Barney amines; Colour reactions of -. J. Milbauer 691. as wood preservative. 669. Determination of antimony in lead-antimony alloys containing -. 27. in dust. 544. in tin ; Determination of -. €3. Tougari-noff 689. in tungstic acid; Determination of small amounts of - . T. Millner and F. K6nos 67. in well water. J . Wyllie 627. poisoning; Fixation of the time of administra-tion in cases of chronic -. L. Van Itallie 401. Ascorbic Acid content of a number of citrus fruits. E. P. Daniel and M. B. Rutherford, 625. Enzymic action of -. G. Woker and J. Antener 321. Estimation of - as furfural. J. H. Roe 214, in blood and urine; Amount of. Daily human requirements for -. M. van Eekelen 214. Ascorbic Acid-continued in the developing barley embryo Quantitative distribution of -.in urines with low ascorbic acid content; Observations on the phosphotungstic acid method of determining -. G. Medes 58. oxidase. W. Stone 626. oxidase in relation to copper. E. Stotz C . J. Harrer and C. G. King 680. oxidase in vegetables ; Relative activity of -. 2. I. Kertesz R. B. Dearborn and G. L. Mack 217. Reactions of -. G. Woker and I. Antener, 680. Relation between diet and urinary output of thiosulphate (and -). M. Heinemann, 214. Tillmans method for determining -* Critical investigation of. G. L. Mack and D. K. Tressler 566. Ash wood of English - (Fraxinus excelsior, Linn.) ; Relationship between chemical composition and mechanical strength of. K. R. Bamford and E.D. van Rest 146. Ashworth’s ultra-violet ray meter. 667. Association of Official Agricultural Chemists : Official and Tentative Methods of A4nalysis of the -. 4th Ed. (Review) 501. Atomic Structure; Modern Views of -. (Review) K. Rast 80. weight of aluminium redetermined. (U.S. Bureau of Standards Research Paper 957.) J. I. Hoffman and G. F. Lundell 393. weight of some radiogenic leads. G. P. Baxter J. H. Faull Jr. and F. D. Tuemm-ler 574. weight titrations; Nephelometric end-point in -. A. F. Scott and F. H. Hurley 766. weights ; Seventh Report of the International Union of Chemistry Committee on -. 306. Atmospheric pollution ; Conference on -. 670. pollution ; Report on investigation of -for 1935-36. 547. sulphur pollution. 668. Avocado Fruits Chemical composition of -.A. R. C. Haas 616. D. Glick 481. B B. coli test in pasteurisation control. M. H. McCrady 482. B. tuberculosis in milk; Rapid detection of -. M. L. C. Maitland 568. Bacon Comparative analyses of ham and -. 388. sulphur dioxide in -; Determination of. 270. Bacteria Filter for - for use in biological work. C. Englehard 752. Relation between staining properties of -and their reaction towards hop antiseptic. Part I. J. L. Shimwell 323; Part 111. 404. Bacterial Analysis of Water and Sewage ; Labora-tory Manual €or -. (Review) F. R. Theroux E. F. Eldridge and W. I,. Mall-mann 336 xxviii INDEX TO Bacteriological analysis. Abstracts 61 141, 217 322 402 481 567 681 752 817 889. tests for graded milk. (Ministry of Health Memo.) 126.Bacteriology of food poisoning. E. R. Jones, 671. Bacterium X and Bacterium C Identity of -. J. L. Shimwell and W. F. Kirkpa trick 7 5 3. Baking Powder Tartaric acid determination in Balsam Pear Seed Oil Octadecatrienoic acids in Bamboo Shoots Poisoning by -. Banana starch ; Fatty acids associated with -. Banana Oil Analysis of -. Bank Notes Bleached writing on -. Barberry Examination of Japanese -. 554. Barbiturates Identification of - with Millon’s reagent. M. Paget and Ti& 399. Barbituric derivatives; Post-mortem study of the alleged transformation of - into hydro-cyanic compounds. Barium Isotopes of -. 874. Barium Chloride in the volumetric determination of sulphate. A. Mutschin and R. Pollak, 331.Volumetric determination of sulphate with sodium rhodizonate and -. A. Mutschin and R. Pollak 496. Barium Sulphate Co-precipitation of ferric sulphate with ~ and methods for pre-venting it. A. Giacalone and F. Russo, 70. Barley embryo ; Quantitative distribution of ascorbic acid in the developing -. D. Glick 481. Laufer 875. -. 528. -. Y . Toyama and K. Uozaki 745. 741. L. Lehrman and E. A. Kabat 618. A. R. Moss 32. 743 P. R. Orella 324. malt; Proteolytic activity of - . s. Microscopical features of -. 512. *starch; Determination of - in mixtures. J . G. A. Griffiths 510. Bases from animal tissues; Determination of -. E. Strack and H. Schwaneberg 210. Bath Appointment of R. F. Barke as Agri-cultural Analyst for County Borough of Beach Sands Pollution of -.Beans Boron content of -. -. 383. 611. 628. maturity of canned stringless (snap) -; Determination of. S. C. Rowe and V. B. Ronney 132. Beef Influence of cooking and canning on the vitamin €3 and B (G) content of lean -. F. W. Christensen E. Latzke and T. H. Hopper 61. Beef Fat in butter and ghee; Routine test for detecting -. V. Venkatachalan 732. Beilby Memorial Awards granted to Dr. B. S. Evans and Dr. W. H. J. Vernon 201 248. Benedict Method of analysing sugar; Spectro-photometric studies of the colour develop-ment in -. F. W. Sunderman and J. Kazek 450. Benxidine-Peroxidase Reaction with butter. Waters and Ziirn 49 *Benzoates in presence of salicylates ; Determina-tion of. 175. VOLUME 62 *Benxoic Acid Determination of -.F. W. Edwards H. R. Nanji and M. K. Hassan, 172. *Distinction of - from p-hydroxybenzoic acid and its derivatives. F. W. Edwards, H. R. Nanji and M. K. Hassan 178. in presence of salicylic acid ; Determination of -. 176. Beryllium Isotope of -. 874. Separation of - in the presence of complex tartrates. H. S. Miller 637. Betaine Nitrogen in - determined by hydro-genation. H. ter Meulen and H. J . Ravens-waay 894. Biochemical analysis. Abstracts 57 139 209, 320 401 476 565 623 675 750 814 885. Biochemistry Introduction to Comparative -. (Review) E. Baldwin 239. of fluorine. 11. Fluorine estimations in blood and water. K. Kraft and R. May 477. of the Lipids. Textbook of Applied -. (Review) F. C. Wokes 162. Biological fluids ; Micro-determination of chloride in - with solid silver iodate.J. Sendroy 828. Laboratory Technique. (Review) J . B. Gatenby 909. liquids ; Physico-chemical (conductivity) method for determining chlorides in -. S. Mihakloff 157. materials ; Titrimetric method for the quanti-tative determination of lead in -. M. K. Horwitt and G. R. Cowgill 675. work Filter for bacteria for use in -. C. Englehard 752. Birmingham Report of the City Analyst (H. H. Bagnall) for - for the year 1935 34; for the third quarter of 1936 125 for the year 1936 864; for the first quarter of 1937, 546. Part V Vol. VI, of Friend’s Text-book of Inorgaltic Chemistry. (Review) 503. (Review),+H. R. Bull 580. Bismuth Antimony and -. Compound - lozenges. 546.*Determination of - as phosphate. W. R. Schoeller and D. A. Lambie 533. in foodstuffs ; Separation and determination of -. 20 22. in quinine iodobismuthate ; Determination of -. Separation of __ from cadmium. R . Stre-binger and G. Ortner 67. Blepharis edulis Oil from seeds of -. G. P. Pandse and J . B. Lal 810. Blood acetone in ~ ; Simple method for determining -. alcohol in human -; Determination of. 612. alcohol in - . Determination of post-mortem. E. Kohn-Abrest and L. Truffert, 683. ascorbic acid in --; Amount of. M. van Eelrelen 214. *examination of ~ for carbon monoxide; Improvements in the Hartridge reversion spectroscope for. Fluorine estimation in -. K. Kraft and R. May 477. M. Franqois and L. Seguin 475. J . C. Abels 675.R. C. Frederick 452 INDEX TO Blood-continued Free phenol and sulphoconjugated phenol in - determined by ultra-violet spectro-graphy. G. Harac 76. Influence of light on the decomposition of traces of - with special reference to medico-legal investigations. K. J. Honimes, 484. iodine in -; Amount of. E. J . Baumann and N. Metzger 887. on firearms and ammunition; Detection of -. A. Briining 402. plasma and serum; Calcium content of -. H. Thelen 476. stains; Infra-red photography of -. 485. sugar; Direct micro-titration method for -. B. F. Miller and I). D. van Slyke 72. sugar; Micro-determination of __ by ceric sulphate titration. G. Giragossintz C. Davidson and P. L. Kirk 829. Board of Trade Report on proceedings under Weights and Measures Act during 1936 872.Boldo Composition of the South American drug -. M. Bachstez and G. Cavallini 473. Book Reviews Addendum 1936 to the British Pharmacopoeia 1932. 81. ,4lexander J . Colloid Chemistry. 831. Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Official and Tentative Methods of Analysis. 4th Ed. 501. Baldwin E. An Introduction t o Compara-tive Biochemistry. 239. Barber H. H. Physiology for Pharmaceuti-cal Students. 504. Bennett H. Practical Everyday Chemistry. 506. Bentley A. 0. Text-book of Pharmaceutics. 4th Ed. 910. Bernhauer K. Garungschemisches Prakti-kum 333. Bone W. A. and Himus G. W. Coal Its Constitution and Uses. 335. Bull H. R. The Biochemistry of the Lipids. 580. Davison E. H. Field Tests for Minerals. 770. Engelder C.J . Elementary Quantitative Analysis. 2nd Ed. 239. Engelder C. J . Dunkelberger T. H. and Schiller W. J . Semi-micro Qualitative Analysis. 160. Fieser L. F. Chemistry of Natural Products related to Phenanthrene. 648. Fieser L. F. Organic Syntheses. Vol. XVII, 770. Friend J. N. A Text-book of Inorganic Chemistry. Vol. XI Part IV. 334. Vol. VI Part V. 503. Gatenby J. B. Biological Laboratory Technique. 909. Gazan M. H. Flavours and Essences. 159. George W. H. The Scientist in Action. 646. Glasstone S. Recent Advances in General Glasstone S. Recent Advances in Physical Grant J. I3ooks and Documents. 700. Groves A. W. Silicate Analysis. 908. Haselden R. B. Chemistry. 78. Chemistry. 3rd Ed. 78. Scientific Aids for the Study of Manuscripts.236. VOLUME 62 xxix Hodgman C. D. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 21st Ed. 699. Holmes E. The Metabolism of Living Tissues . 505. Johnson J. R. Organic Syntheses. Vol. XVI. 770. Jones 0. Canning Pra,,tice and Control. 583. Kolthoff I. M. and Sandell E. B. Text-book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis. 697. Linstead H. N. Poisons Law. 158 Lowy A. and Harrow B. An Introduction to Organic Chemistry. 4th Ed. 701. Machu W. Das Wasserstoffperoxyd und die Perverbindungen 833. Martindale’s Extra Pharmacopoeia. Vol. I . 21st Ed. 233. Mitchell C. A. Inks Their Composition and Manufacture. 4th Ed. 426. Morgan Sir G. T. and Burstall F. H. In-organic Chemistry. 422. Rast K. Modern Views of Atomic Structure. 80. Robinson R. A. Bell’s Sale of Food and Drugs Act.9th Ed. 423. Roholm K. Fluorine Intoxication. 911. Rosin J. Reagent Chemicals and Standards. 832. Roth H. Pregl’s Quantitative Organic Micro-Analysis. 3rd Eng. Ed. 160. Russell Sir E. J. Soil Conditions and Plant Growth. 582. Russell Sir E. J. and Voelcker J . A. Fifty Years of Field Experiments a t the Woburn Experimental Station. 237. Sanfourche A. Le ContrBle Analytique dans I’Industrie Chimique Minkale. 698. Schmidt J. A Text-book of Organic Chem-istry. 3rd Eng. Ed. By H. G. Rule 78. Simmons W. H. Soap Its Composition, Manufacture and Properties. 4th Ed. 584. Society of Chemical Industry. Annual Ke-ports on the Progress of Applied Chemistry, Vol. XXI for 1936. 500. Stedman T. L. Medical Dictionary. 13th Ed.702. Tauber H. Enzyme Chemistry. 647. Theroux F. R. Eldridge E. F. and Mallmann, W. L. Laboratory Manual for Chemical and Bacterial Analysis of Water and Sewage. 336. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. 4th Ed. Vol. I. 907. Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 11 Quantitative Analysis. 8th Ed. 234. Vogel A. I. Text-book of Qualitative Chem-ical Analysis. 912. Ware J. C. The Chemistry of the Colloidal State. 2nd Ed. 80. Willard H. H. and Furman N. H. Elemen-tary Quantitative Analysis. 2nd Ed. 427. Wokes F. C. Text-book of Applied Bio-chemistry. 162. Zechmcister L. and von Cholnoky L. Die Chromatographische Adsorptionsmethode. 337. Book Reviews-continued Thorpe J. F. and Whiteley M. A. Treadwell F. P. and Hall W. T xxx INDEX TO VOLUME 62 Books and Documents.(Review) J . Grant 700. Polarised light for the examination of printed -. R. B. Haselden 332. Ribereau-Gayon and E. Peynaud 876. Bordeaux B. as pharmaceutical colouring agent ; Substitute for -. C. L. M. Brown 476. Boric Acid in foodstuffs; Determination of ___ R. S. Alcock 522. Boron content of plants cultivated on the same soil. G. Bertrand and L. Silberstein 627. Botulism 672. Bread Amorphous part of starch in fresh -. A. L. Baker M. D. Bordeaux wines; Lactic acid in - . J. J . R. Katz 695. Wright and J. C. Drummond 679. L. J . Harris and P. C. Leong 679. Brewing materials ; Determination of amino-acid nitrogen in - with special reference to Folin's colorimetric method. L. S. Walters 313. Nutritive value of -.Stale -. 390. Vitamin B content of -. Bricks Efflorescence of -. 304. Brighton Appointment of K. F. Wright as Additional Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 34 125. Brilliant Green-Eosin Agar Use of - for isolating organisms of the typhoid group. E. K. Jones 817. Brines calcium chloride --; Measurement of thermal conductivity of. 461. viscosity of -; Measurement of. 461. BFidol Report of the Public Analyst for the F. E. British Pharmacopoeia Addendum 1936 to Tintometer Ltd., British Standards Institution Specifications : No. 188 Determination of viscosity of liquids in absolute (C.G.S.) units. 613. No. 261 Ready-mixed paints (Oil gloss). 308. No. 614 Calibrated receivers for Dean and No. 718 Density hydrometers. 129. No. 718 Density-composition tables for sulphuric acid.806. No. 730 Sizes for paper. 557. No. 733 Density bottles. 556. No. 734 Density hydrometers for use in milk. 613. No. 735 Methods for sampling and analysis of coke and coal. 743. No. 736 Centrifuge tubes and sedimentation vessels for the determination of visible dirt in milk. 308. No. 740 Portable chemical fire extinguishers. 672. No. 745 Joiners' glue. 743. No. 748 Haemacytometer counting chambers - Graduated and straight pipettes. City and County of ~ for 1936. Needs 665. -. (Review) 81. test for medicinal paraffin. 457. Stark apparatus. 46. and dilution pipettes. 805. 613. &ornate titration of antimony ; Apomorphine as indicator in -. L. SzebellCdy and K. Sik 329. Bromates Sensitive reaction for - I.M. Korenman 41 7. Bromide Determination of very small amounts in presence of chloride; Volumetric deter-H. titanium in presence of -; Colorimetric Bromine in Argentine flours and wheats. J. of -. mination of minute quantities of -. Doering 414. determination of. D. Lewis 225. Viggiano and E. F. H. Turk 559. F. L. Hahn 153. in flours and wheats. in presence of a large excess of chlorine; Colorimetric determination of small quanti-ties of -. P. Balatre 151. R. P. Tban-z 394. Isotopes of -. 874. value of urines. M. B. Drevon and J. Hagop-ian 625. Brucella Abortus isolated from milk of cows with negative blood reactions to agglutina-tion tests. T. M. Doyle and F. Beckett, 488. *Buffer mixtures covering the pH range 1-6; New series of -.W. L. German and A. I . Vogel 271. Bug infestation. 303. Building Research Board Report for 1935. 303; for 1936. 793. Buildings Cleaning of -. Burton-Robertshaw Index of sulphated oils ; Use of the oily matter isolated in determining __ for the determination of the iodine value. D. Burton and G. F. Robertshaw, 757. Bush Sickness Cobalt content of limonites used in treatment of -. K. J . McNaught 467. Trace elements in relation to -. E. M. Wall 466. Use of metallic salts in --. 304 794. 42. "Butter Average vitamin A and vitamin D potency of -. R. S. Morgan and H. Pritchard 354. Benzidine-peroxidase reaction with -. Waters and Zurn 49. Decomposition products detected in -. J . 0. Clarke and Others 806. Diacetyl in -.J . Pien J. Baisse and R. Martin 673. f a t ; Higher saturated fatty acids of -. G. E. Helz and A . W. Bosworth 135. fat in coconut oil; Detection of small amounts of -. J . Grossfeld 316. highly hardened oils and mutton and beef fats in -; Routine test for detecting. V. Venkatachalam 7 3 2. p-hydroxybenzoic acid in -; Determination of. 183. mould in -; Determination of. J. D. Wildman 402. prepared from pasteurised and unpasteurised cream; Differentiation of. €3. Patzsch 49. Butyric Acid value in millr-fat; Variation of -. M. Teply 470. C Cable-Sheathing Corrosion of lead -. 609. Cacao Shell and its use as an accessory fodder. A. W. Knapp and A. Churchman 219. Cadmium Colorimetric determination of - as sulphide. R. Juza and R.Langheim 824 INDEX TO Cadmium-continued *Effect of pH on the precipitation of -from acetate solutions. H. R. Fleck 378. in tin-rich alloys; Determination of - by loss in weight. B. Hanson and W. T. Pell-Walpole 688. New method for determining ___ and for its separation from zinc. C. Mahr and H. Ohle 573. Quantitative determination of small amounts of _I with dithizone. H. Fischer and G. Leopoldi 499. Separation of bismuth from -. R. Streb-inger and G. Ortner 67. zinc in metallic -; Determination of. J . J. Lurie and V. F. Neklyutina 494. Caesium Dipicrylamine as a reagent for -. C. J. van Nieuwenburg and T. van der Hoek 332. Caffeine strychnine in presence of ___ (Com-pound Syrup of Glycerophosphates) ; Deter-mination of small quantities of.D. C. Garratt 538. Cake oil-; Determination of crude fibre in oleaginous seeds and the pressed - made from them. J. Hladik 404. I;. W. Ander-son A. L. Bacharach and E. L. Smith 430. H. Thelen 476. Further investigations on the determination of -Calcium Chloride brines ; Measurement of thermal conductivity of -. 461. Cancer Quack remedies for -. Canned chicken; Agar-agar in -. *Calciferol Properties of -. Calcium content of blood plasma and serum. R. Linder and P. L. Kirk 765. 799. 882. cream; Discoloration and corrosion in -. C. J . Jackson G. R. Howat and T. P. Hoar, 204. food packed in aluminium containers ; Feeding experiments with -. G. Lunde V. Aschehoug and H. Kringstad 877. fruit and vegetables ; Tin-content of English -.fruits ; Acidity and hydrogen ion concentration of -. 739. peas ; Determination of maturity of -. V. 13. Bonney and S. C. Rowe 131. stringless (snap) beans ; Determination of maturity of -. S. C. Rowe and V. B. Bonney 132. vegetables ; Growth of mixed organisms in vegetables; Mineral content of -. W. R. Adam and G. Horner 878. -. 738. 738. Canning corrosion in -; Sugar as an in-hibitor of. Influence of on the vitamin B and I3 (G) content of lean beef and pork. F. W. Christensen E. Latzke and T. H. Hopper, 61. Practice and Control. (Review) 0. Jones, 583. Cannizzaro’s Reaction Catalysis of - by active nickel and platinum. Application to some aldoses. M. Del6pine and A. Horeau, 819. Cantharides Lipids of “Russian” - (Lytta vesicatoria Fb.) M.M. Janot and P. Faudemay 622. H. C. s. de Whalley 617. VOLUME 62 xxxi Caproic Acid in milk-fats. 251. Carat The metric -. Carbohydrates in tobacco; Determination of soluble -. C. Pyriki 399. Carbon Activated - for the determination of nitrate nitrite and ammonia in water and sewage. G. Gad 684. Atomic weight of -. 306. Carbon Disulphide in gas or motor fuels; Colori-metric determination of -. South Metro-politan Gas Co. 821. *Carbon Monoxide Hartridge reversion spectro-scope for examining blood for -; Improvements in. R. C. Frederick 452. Test for - in the combustion of organic nitrogen compounds. M. Badoche 488. Carbon-Hydrogen Determination Absorption tubes for the -. Carbonate Analysis of hydroxide cyanide and __ mixtures.Carbonates Titration of -. A. F. Kitching, 664. Carotene content of Malayan palm oil. 873. H. Friedrich 75. B. S. Evans 122. 798. content of plants; Influence of fertilisers on -. of milk-fat. A. E. Gillam and hl. S. El Ridi 625. value of the milk-fat of cattle of typical English breeds; Variations in -. A. E. Gillam I. M. Heilbron W. S. Ferguson and S. J . Watson 59. Carotenoids Studies on -. IV. Carotenoid of Genista trzdentata. K. Schon and B. Mesquita 140. Casein fat; Physical and chemical properties of -. S. G. Stevenson and A. L. Bachar-ach 618. Metabolism of the proteins of different parts of wheat grain compared with that of -. H. Jordan 678. oxide separation as applied to the determina-tion of. *molybdenum in - ; Determination of.E. Taylor-Austin 107. *Catalase of milk; Estimation of -. E. B. Anderson and R. J . McWalter 259. Cations Systematic semi-micro procedure for the qualitative analysis of the commoner --. J. H. Winkley L. K. Yanowski and W. A. Hynes 828. Celery Boron content of -. Cell Colorimetry with a photo-electric -. Cellophane Uses of - in microbiological Cellulose Selective adsorption of enzymes by Cement works; Dust emission from -. 550. *Centrifuge tubes used for determining visible dirt in milk; Verification of -. V. Stott 280. R.S.I. specification for -. 308. Cereal. products ; Factors controlling the micro-scopical appearance of --. 511. Ceric Sulphate as meas of determining ferrous iron in saccharated iron carbonate. C.G. Lyons and F. N. Appleyard 55. J. B. H. Ijdo 213. Cashew Nuts Analyses of -. *Cast Iron Manganese in special --; Zinc E. C. Pigott 860. 665. 628. P. Krumholz 230. technique. L. D. Galloway 455. --. H. Tauber 139 xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME 62 Ceric Sulphate-con ti nzted titration ; Micro-determination of blood sugar G. Giragossintz C. Davidson and J . F. Miller 495. Isotopes of 874. Separation of thorium from __ by means of by -. P. L. Kirk 829. Cerium Detection of hexamine. 187. Cerolin Composition of --. 317. Cerussite Atomic weight of -. Ceylon lizard; Depot fat of the -. T. P. Report of the Acting Government Analyst for Turtle oils from -. 882. 574. Hilditch and H. Paul 571. - for 1936. H. Atkinson 469. Chaulmoogric Acid and ethyl ester.and H. Cardoso 620. Cheese Added gums in -. 881. crusts; Colouring of -. “de luxe.” (Legal Notes) 458. Chelsea Appointment of T. McLachlan as Public Analyst for Borough of 125. Report of the Public Analyst for - for 1935. T. McLachlan 546. Chemical glassware ; Temporary marking of -. A. L. Bacharach 286. Chemicals Organic Syntheses Satisfactory Methods for the Preparation of Organic -. (Review) Vol. XVI J . R. Johnson. Vol. XVII L. F. Fieser 770. Reagent - and Standards. (Review), J Rosin 832. Chemistry Analytical -~ . See Analytical Chemistry. Applied -. See Applied Chemistry. Handbook of Physics and -. 21st Ed. (Review) C. D. Hodgman 699. Inorganic -. See Inorganic Chemistry. International Union of -. SeeInternational Union of Chemistry.*Municipal -. A. R. Tankard 242. Organic -. See Organic Chemistry. Physical -. See Physical Chemistry. Practical Everyday -. (Review) H. Ben-Recent Advances in General ____ . s. Cherries Copper in glac&-. E. H. Bunce 664. Cherry Wax-like constituents of the ___ (P~unus avzum L.). K. S. Markley and C. E. Sando 688. H. I. Cole J . Pien 137. nett 506. Glasstone 78. Chicken canned -; Agar-agar in. Chipping Wycombe Appointment of E. Voelcker as Public Analyst for Borough of -. 193. Chlorates Sensitive reaction for -. I . M. Korenman 4 17. Chloride Bromide in presence of -; Volu-metric determination of minute quantities of. H. Doering 414. in biological fluids ; Micro-determination of - with solid silver iodate.J . Sendroy, 828. Chlorine bromine in presence of a large excess of -; Colorimetric determination of small quantities of. P. Balatre 151. Colour reaction of woody tissues with sodium sulphite and - . W. G. Campbell, S. A. Bryant and G. Swann 822. 882. Chlorine-continued Blicro-determination of -. I. M. Koren-man 331. Chocolate fat bloom ; Physico-chemical investiga-tion incidental to the study of -. Part I, W. Clayton S. Back R. I . Johnson and J . F. Morse 673. fat in -; Refractometric determination of. J . ,Stanley 396. “White -.” 126. White milk -. 667. Cholesterol analysis of - by the Liebermann-Bui-chard reaction; Spectrophotometric studies of the colour development in. F. W. Sunderman and J. Razek 480. Colorimetric determination of free and com-bined -.R. M. Smith and A. Marble, 321. Choline Colorimetric method for estimating small amounts of -. F. J. R. Beattie, 57. Separation of ethanolamine and -. E. Chargaff 490. Chromate Ion Differentiation of dichromate ion and -. M. G. Malko L. I<. Yanowski and W. A. Hynes 830. Chromatographische Adsorptionsmethode. (Re-view) L. Zechnieister and L. von Cholnoky, 337. Chromic Acid Gravimetric determination of __ as lead chromate. D. Tschawdarov and N. Tschawdarowa 898. Chromic Chloride Spot test for insoluble -. 228. Chromic Oxide Spot test for -. Chromium Organic Derivatives of -. (Re-view) -4. E. Godclard 334. Cichorium intybus Linn Seeds of -. R. N Mistra and S. Dutt 618. Cinnamic Acid Iodine value of derivatives of -.A. Lespagnol and J . Bruneel 572. Cinnamoyl Chloride for the volumetric deter-mination of small amounts of water. C. J. van Nieuwenburg 576. Citric Acid in presence of sugar; Detection of --. R. De Giacomi 731. Citron peel; Copper in preserved -. E. H. Bunce 664. Citrus fruits; Ascorbic zcid content of a number of -. E. P. Daniel and M. B. Ruther-ford 625. Clerodendron infortunatum ; Chemical ex-amination of - . Part I . H. N. Banerjee 563. Cl. tetani isolated from street dust; Study of biochemical reactions of strains of -. E. C. Giles 818. Cloves essential oil in -; Determination of. L. W. Raymond 51. Coal B.S.I. standard method for sampling and analysis of -. 743. Its Constitution and Uses. (Review) W. A. Bone and G.W. Himus 335. Nitrogen in Kuznetzky Basin - determined by formol titration. T. M. Slobodskaya, 221. 228. Coal-Tar as wood preservative. 668. Cobalt content of limonites used in treatment of bush sickness. K. J . McNaught 467 INDEX TO VOLUME 62 xxxiii Cobalt-continued Gravimetric determination of I_ as dipotas-C. F. Cumbers sium sodium cobaltinitrite. and J . B. M. Coppock 898. in limonite 42. in soils and pasture samples. Isotopes of -. 874. Micro-methods for -. 43. *New method for volumetric determination of - and determination of - in steel. B. S. Evans 363. 42. Separation of ___ from iron etc. 371. Separation of uranium zirconium and titan-ium from ___ by pyridine. E. A. Ostrou-mow 495. Separation of zinc from - by means of hydrogen sulphide.E. A. Ostroumow 636. Toxicological study of ___ ill. F. Caujolle and S . Lafitte 483. Cobaltinitrite Determination of potassium as -. Cocoa-matter in flour confectionery Deter-mination of -. A. E. Parkes and H. A. Parkes 791. total alkaloids in -; Determination of. A. E. Parkes and H. A. Parkes 791. Coconut Oil butter-fat in -; Detection of small amounts of. *Cod Liver Oil Characteristics of reputed -. R. H. Common 784. Component acids and glycerides of partly hydrogenated North Sea - . D. A. Harper and T. P. Hilditch 880. Effect of ingested ___ on milk-fat. Coffee containing roasted fig. 864. copper content of -; Determination of. *infusions; Analysis of -. I;. W. Edwards L. Jendrassik and A. Polgjr 225. J . Grossfeld 316.256. M. Streuli and E. Biirgin 318. and H. R. Nanji 841. Coins Counterfeit - in Hong Kong. Coke B.S.I. standard method for sampling and Colloid Chemistry. (Review) J . Alexander 83 1. Colloidal State; Chemistry of -. 2nd Ed. (Review) J. C. Ware 80. Colloids silver -; Distinguishing reactions of the principal. R. Deschaseaux 208. Colorimetry with a photo-electric cell. P. Krumholz 230. *Colour measurement of opaque surfaces. E. R. Bolton and K. A. Williams 3. Colouring agents ; Pharmaceutical -. Sub-stitute for Bordeaux R. C. L. M. Brown, 476. matters Ilecolorisation of egg ___ in ice-creams on acidification. I<. Brohm and E. Frohwein 311. Compound Syrup of Glycerophosphates Deter-mination of small quantities of strychnine in presenceof caffeine (-).D.C. Garratt 538. Compounds Organometallic - as means of detecting the -SH group. H. Gilman and J . F. Nelson 569. Conductivity method for determining chlorides in biological liquids. S. Mihabloff 157. Thermal -. See Thermal Conductivity. Confectionery cocoa-matter in flour -* A. E. Parkes and H. A: 305. analysis of -. 743. Determination of. Parkes 791. Connecticut Agricultural Experimental Station : Report for 1935 550. Cooking Influence of ~ on the vitamin B and B (G) content of lean beef and pork. F. W. Christensen E. Latzke and T. H. Hopper, 61. Copper Colorimetric determination of - a s ferrocyanide. H. Hahn 824. *Colorimetric determination of - with sodium diethyldithiocarbamate in the per-sence of moderate amounts of iron.T. P. Hoar 657. Colour reaction of __ with urobilin. G. Bertrand and L. de Saint-Rat 498. content of coffee; Determination of -. M. Streuli and E. Riirgin 318. deposited by small-arm fire ; Detection of -. 892. dust; AllegeJ poisoning with -. in dust. 544. *in foodstuffs ; Separation and determination of -. 20. *in iron; Determination of small quantities of -. *in mild steel; Rapid determination of -. T. P. Hoar 7813. in preserved peel and in glad cherries. E. H. Bunce 664. in pyrites; Rapid determination of -. I. Ubaldini 413. New test for -. Reducing action of mercury Catalytic action of in the reduction of molybdenum. W. M. Murray and N. H. Furman 328. Separation of lead from -. K. M. Sil, G. C. Roy and I-'. N.Das-Gupta 413. Copper Benzidine Reaction in presence of halogen salts and thiocyanates and a new test for copper. L. Kuhberg 156. Copper Salts Microscopy of -. B. Cunning-ham M. MacIntyre and P. L. Kirk 692. Copper Sulphate as wood preservative. 669. Cordials p-liydroxybenzoic acid in -; Coriamyrtin as cure for veronal poisoning. 44. Cork Dust Inflammability of -. W. Kuhn, 579. Corrosion in canned cream. C. J. Jackson, G. R. Howat and T. P. Hoar 204. in canning; Sugar as an inhibitor of -. 13. C. S. de Whalley 617. of lead cable-sheathing. 609. of tin-plate containers by food products. (Food Investigation Report No. 44.) T. N. Morris and J. M. Bryan 193. 734. J . G. Fife and S. Torrance 29. L. Kuhberg 156. Determination of. 152. Corrosive action of salt.305. Cow-Dung Composition of -. 298. Cranberry high-bush --; Examination of. Crayons Lead in -. 196. Cream butters prepared from pasteurised and unpasteurised - ; Diff erentiatioii of. H. Patzsch 49. Dairy table -. 666. Decomposition products detected in -. J. 0 Clarke and Others 806. Discoloration and corrosion in canned --. C. J Jackson G. R. Howat and T. P. Hoar 204. 554 xxxlv INDEX TO VQLUME 62 Cream-continued mould in -; Determination of. J. D. Wildman 402. Cream of Tartar in presence of sugar; Detection of -. Creosote Coal-tar - as wood preservative, 668. Cronartium Species Microchemical colori-metric PH procedure for differentiating the telia of -. R. J. Acree and W. H. Ross, 903. Croton poisoning. 741.Croydon Appointment of D. D. Moir as Deputy Agricultural Analyst for County Borough Cruciferae Detection of oils derived from the - in edible oils. Cubebs Resin and volatile oil in -. J . F. Clevenger 398. Curcas Nut Oil Philippine -. A. 0. Cruz and A. P. West 619. Curdling enzyme; Study of the -. N. L. Sohngen K. T. Weringa and A. Pasveer 401. Cyanide Analysis of carbonate hydroxide and - mixtures. *in aqueous extracts of road tars; Determina-tion of -. W. G. Moffitt and E. H. Williams 10 1. solutions ; Iodimetric determination of sul-phide in -. W. D. Djatschkow and L. P. Sajzewa 496. from keratin (horse-hair) ; Quantitative method for. A. Weidin-ger 624. R. De Giacomi 731. of -. 383. J . Grossfeld 561. B. S. Evans 122. I-Cystine isolation of D Dean and Stark Apparatus B.S.I.specification for calibrated receivers for -. 46. Decay in imported timber; Causes of -. (Forest Products Research Record No. 18). K. St. G. Cartwright 735. Deguelin Identification of tephrosin and -from different sources. J . J. Boam R. S. Cahn and A. Stuart 487. Density bottles; B.S.I. specification for --. 556. hydrometers for use in milk; B.S.I. specifica-tion for -. 613. Deptford Appointment of A. E. Brown as Additional Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of -. 193. Derby Report of County Analyst for - for 1936. R. W. Sutton 733. Dermatitis Chemicalaspectsof -. H. E. Cox, 57. Forensic aspects of -. 13. E. Cox 567. Derris powder ; Distinction of Lonchocarfius powder and -.A. Diakonoff 684. resin; Optically active constituent of -related to toxicarol. F. Tattersfield and J. T. Martin 405. root; Colorimetric evaluation of -. A. Goudswaard and J . C. Timmers 631. toxicity of -; Evaluation of. R. R. Le Geyt Worsley 631. Deuterium as an indicator in the study of inter-mediary metabolism. D. Iiittenberg and R. Schoenheimer 885. Deuterium Oxide and water mixtures ; Estimation of -. Diacetyl in butter. J. Pien J . Baisse and R. Martin 673. p-Diazo-Nitraniline Precipitation of phenols with -. 75. Dichromate Ion Differentiation of chromate ion and -. M. G. Malko L. K. Yanowski and W. A. Hynes 830. Digitalin Differentiation of German - from other cardiotonic glucosides. J. A. Sanchez, 138. Digitoxin Differentiation from other cardiotonic glucosides.J . A. Sanchez 138. 2,4-Dihydroxyacetophenone as a qualitative reagent for ferric iron. S. I<. Cooper 760 Dinitrobenzenes in alkaline solution ; Colour reac-tions of --. Dioxane as reagent for qualitative and quanti-tative estimation of small amounts of iodine. A. Saifer and J. Hughes 415. Diphenylguanidine as a standard in neutralisation processes. W. M. Thornton and C. L. Christ 688. Diphenylthiocarbazone as means of detecting and determining minute quantities of zinc. H. Fischer and G. Leopoldi 150. Dipicrylamine as a reagent for potassium, rubidium and caesium. C. J. van Nieuwen-burg and T. van der Hoeli 332. Dipotassium Sodium Cobaltinitrite Gravimetric determination of cobalt as -. C. F. Cumbers and J .B. M. Coppock 898. 8 2’-Dipyridyl as ineans of determining ferrous iron in soil solutions. Colour reaction for molybdenum with -. ,4. S. Komarowsky and N. S. Poluektoff 904. Dirt Examination of -. 742. Distillation Fractional ~ of small volumes of liquids. A. A. Benedetti-Pichler and J . R. Rachele 72. *Dithiol Colorimetric determination of tin by means of -. Dithizone in the quantitative determination of small amounts of cadmium. H. Fischer and G. Leopoldi 499. Documents Books and -. (Review) J. Grant 700. Signatures on 798. Drinking Water See Water. Drop analysis; Quantitative __ . VII. W. H. Patterson 886. R. Truhaut 409. V. Ignatieff 892. R. E. D. Clark 661. Further investigations on the determination of calcium. R. Lindner and P.L. Kirk 765. Drugs Adulteration of -. 872. Dry-cleaning reagents ; Dielectric properties of -. 462. works; Static electrification in -. 390. Duck salmonellosis and its importance for man. Dulcin in presence of saccharin; Sensitive test Dung Composition of cow -. Dust Cl. tetani strains isolated from street -; Study of biochemical reactions of. E. C. Giles 818. cork and wood - ; Inflammability of. W. Kuhn 579. Examination of -. 742. filter; Automatic --. 548. J . Jansen 322. for -. H. J . Vlezenbeek 474. 298 INDEX TO Microbacterium tuberculosis in - detected by a simple technique. C. M. Eisenburg, 681. New properties of certain types of -. H. V. A. Briscoe J. W. Matthews P. F. Holt and P. M. Sanderson 645. meter; Electrotor -.particles from mine air; Obtaining of - for examination. H. H. Watson 232. Sampling of industrial - by means of the labyrinth. H. V. A. Briscoe J . W. Matt-hews €’. F. Holt and P. M. Sanderson 644. Dutch butter ; Vitamin A assay of -. Dyeing faults on wool; Analytical methods for identifying -. Dyes food -; Determination of small quanti-ties of 2-naphthylamine aniline and o-tolui-dine in certain. 0. L. Evenson J. A, Kime and S. S. Forrest 393. on textile fibres; Identification of -. E. Clayton 632. Dyestuffs Development of latent finger-prints with -. H. A. Thomas 192 539. Dust-continued S. C. Blacktin 231. 355. H. R. Hirst 410. E Earthenware Zinc in glazed -. Earths Rare -. See Rare Earths. Eastbourne Appointment of R. F. Wright as Additional Public Analyst for the County Borough of -.34 193. Easter Eggs Milk chocolate cream -. 280. Easton’s Syrup Strychnine determination in -. Eel Oil Composition of New Zealsnd -. F. B. Shorland and I. G. McIntosh 50. Egg colouring matters in ice-creams ; Decolorisa-tion of imitation - on acidification. K. Brohm and E. Frohwein 311. 609. N. Evers and W. Smith 53. grading machine. 873. in pastry; New rapid method for determining -. G. Nadai 47. sterols; Provitamin of -. A. Windaus and 0. Stange 140. Eggs Storage of -. 796. *Egyptian tombs; Resins and pitch from ancient J . G. A. Griffiths 703. Elaeostearic Acid in tung oil; Direct determina-Electric Power Stations Waste gases from -. Electricity Symbols for -. Electrification Static ~ in operating theatres, Electrochemistry Symbols for -.*Electrolysis Delermination of small quantities of copper in iron by internal -. J . G. Fife and S. Torrance 30. of perrhenate. G. E. F. Lundell and H. B, Knowles 635. Qualitative micro-analysis by spectrography and -. A. Schleicher and L. Laurs 416. *Studies in internal -. 111. Determina-tion of small quantities of silver in presence of other metals and its application to the analysis of galena and pyrites. J . G. Fife, 723. __ . tion of -. 549. P. S. Ku 408. 803. and in dry-cleaning works. 390. 803. VOLUME 62 XXXV *Electrolytic analysis of white and yellow metal Emulsions Extraction of triethanolamine from Enzyme Chemistry. (Review) H. Tauber 647. Enzymes decolorisation of methylene blue by dehydrogenating - .New method of measuring. H. J. Pisior 480. Effects of tea and wine on -. A. Zlataroff and I. D. Poppoff 478. *of milk. Notes on Kay and Graham’s phosphatase test. E. B. Anderson 2. Herschdorfer and F. K. Neave 86. Selective adsorption of - by cellulose. H. Tauber 139. Ephedra alkaloids in small quantities of -; Detection of. Ephedrine Microchemical identification of -. G. A. W. J . 0. E. Paris 152. Ephetonine Microchemical identification of -Epidemiology of food poisoning. E. R. Jones, 671. Equisetum palustre Alkaloid of -. E. Glet J . Gutsclimidt and P. Glet 139. *Ergot Alkaloids of --. G. Barger 340. Errata See page v. Erythritol Acidimetric determination of -by means of periodates.M. L. Malaprade, 570. Erythroidine Isolation of - from Erythrina americana Mill. K. Folkers and R. T. Major 747. Essences Flavours and -. (lieview) M. H. Gazan 159 Essential Oil in cloves; Determination of -. L. W. Raymond 51. of Phyllocladus alpinus. L. H. Brigs 490. Sub-committee to the Analytical Methods Committee. Report No. 13. Determina-tion of esters. 541. Essential Oils Examination of - by measure-ment of the ultra-violet absorption. D. Van 0 s and K. Dykstra 579. Italian control of - . (Prohibition of “pipelene.”) 51. of Mentha ; Micro-estimation of menthol, menthone and mentyl-esters in -. H. Ullrich and M. Schneider 228. Esters Determination of neutral - in fermen-tation liquids. L. Espil and E. Peynaud, 134. free alcohol in --; Colorimetric limit-test for.E. G. Kellett 728. Ethanol Analysis of mixtures of methanol and __ . Ethanolamine Separation of choline and -. E. Chargaff 490. Ether Dehydration of -. Ethers free alcohol in --; Colorimetric limit-test for. E. G. Kellett 728. *Ethyl Alcohol in presence of acetone; Improved method for determining __ . C. R. Hoskins 530. Ethyl Esters of fatty acids; Quantitative studies on the oxidation of -. H. J . Deuel, L. F. Hallman J. S. Butts and S. Murray, 211. alloys. S. Torrance 719. -. 263. J. W. Kelly 319. G. A. W. J. 0. E. Paris 152. Fluid extract of -. 553. E. J. Harris 729. N. Schoorl 819 xxxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 62 Ethylene Determination of the place of absorp-tion of halogen derivatives of ___ in the body.Le Bihan 209. Ethylene Glycol triethanolamine in presence of -; Determination of. 263. Explosion in operating theatres; Risk of -. J. H. Coste and C. A. Chaplin 768. in the use of perchloric acid; Risk of -. (a) 0. Hackl; (b) J . Meyer and W. Spormann, 226. F Fabrics containing several constituents ; Deter-mination of composition of -. 469. Fat catalase; Activities of - by heat. J. BodnAr and J. BLrtfai (Baubach) 139. content of wheat germ. B. Rewald 130. Depot __ of the Ceylon lizard (Varanus salvator Laur.). T. P. Hilditch and H. Paul 571. in chocolate ; Refractometric determination of -. J. Stanley 395. metabolism in fishes. XI. Peculiarities in depot fat composition. J. A. Lovern 624. of yeast (Saccharomyces spp.) ; Characteristics of -.K. Taufel H. Thaler and H. Schreyegg 3 17. putrefaction of -; Estimation of degree of. R. Strohecker R. Vaubel and H. Kirchberg, 744. Fats Anti-oxidants and the autoxidation of -. VII. Preliminary classification of inhibitors. H. S. Olcott and H. A. Mattill, 50. Antioxygens present in natural -. 111. Occurrence of antioxygenic compounds in extracted soya-bean oil-cake. T. G. Green and T. P. Hilditch 206. Fractionation equipment for the qualitative and quantitative examination of natural -. H. E. Longenecker 696. glycerol in - ; Micro-determination of. G. Rlix 576. hydrogenation of natural -; Preferential reduction of certain fatty acid groups during. D. A. Harper 878. hydroxylated acids of -; Determination of. P. G. Hofner R.H. Swinney and E. S. West 221. Observations on methods of analysis of oxidised -. L. H. Lampitt and N. S. Sylvester 212. Rancidity in -. I. Effect of low tempera-tures sodium chloride and fish muscle on the oxidation of herring oil. A. Banks 205. unsaponifiable matter in -; Determination of. 863. Fatty Acid Ximenic acid a new unsaturated -. S. V. Puntambekar and S. Krishna, 746. Fatty Acids associated with banana starch. L. Lehrman and E. A. Kabat 618. of butter-fat; Higher saturated -. G. E. Helz and A. W. Bosworth 133. oxidation of the ethyl esters of -; Quanti-tative studies on. H. J. Deuel L. F. Hallman J. S. Butts and S. Murray 211. Irradiation of -. Fatty Acids-contimed Preferential reduction of certain __ during hydrogenation of natural fats.D. A. Harper 878. Fatty Oil from the seeds of VaEerianeEEa oZitorea, Poll. Feathers Cleansing of -. 666. Federated Malay States Report of Institute of Medical Research for 1936. 798. Feeding experiments with canned food packed in aluminium containers. G. Lunde V. Asche-houg and H. Kringstad 877. Feeding Stuffs lactic acid in sour -; Determi-nation of. Flieg 755. lactose in mixed -; Determination of. D. A. Magraw L. E. Copeland and C. W. Sievert 143. *Quantitative microscopical analysis of -. I . Determination of rye wheat and barley starches in mixtures. “Ground oats” mix-tures. J. G. A. Griffiths 510. Fermentation liquids ; Determination of neutral esters in -. L. Espil and E. Peynaud, 134. of sugars by different yeasts; Rates of -.R. de Smedt 323. Processes. (Review) K. Bernhauer 333. Ferric Iron Colorimetric determination of -with 7-iodo-8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulphonic acid. 2 4 Dihydroxyacetophenone as qualitative reagent for -. Ferric Oxide Spot test for -. Ferric Sulphate Co-precipitation of - with barium sulphate and methods for preventing it. A. Giacalone and F. Russo 70. Ferrocyanide Colorimetric determination of copper as -. Chaveau and A. Vasseur 134. Ferrous Iron in saccharated iron carbonate determined by means of ceric sulphate. C. G. Lyons and F. N. Appleyard 65. in soil solutions determined by means of 2 :2’-dipyridyl. V. Ignatieff 892. Fertilisers Influence of - on the carotene and vitamin C contents of plants. J. R. H. Ijdo, 213.Ferulic Acid Differentiation between vanillin, umbelliferone methyl-umbelliferone and -. 75. Fibre crude __ in oleaginous seeds and pressed cakes made from them; Determination of. J. Hladik 404. Fibres vegetable -; Composition of some less known. A. G. Norman 895. Fig Roasted ____ in coffee. 864. Filaments thorium oxide in lamp -; Photo-graphic method of detecting. J . A. M. Van Liempt and J. H. M. Van Uden 643. Filter for bacteria for use in biological work. C. Englehard 752. Finger-Prints Development of latent - with dyestuffs. H. A. Thomas 192 539. Fire Extinguishers; B.S.I. specification for portable chemical -. 672. resistance; Research on -. 304. Risk of - in operating theatres. J. H. Coste and C. A. Chaplin 768. A. Steger and J.van Loon 809. J . H. Yoe and K. T. Hall 574. S. R. Cooper 760. 228. H. Hahn 824. fining in wines; Detection of - . L INDEX TO Fire-codinued small-arm -; Detection of traces of metals deposited by. A. Bruning and M. Schnetka, 891. Firearms blood on -; Detection of. A. Rruning 402. Fish Fat metabolism in -; XI. Peculiari-ties in depot fat composition. J. A. Lovern 624. Formaldehyde in cured -. 195. muscle; Effect of __ on the oxidation of herring oil. -4. Banks 205. putrefaction of -; Estimation of degree of. K. Strohecker R. Vaubel and H. Kirchberg, 744. Storage of -. 796. Fish-Liver Oils of some deep sea fish. M. Tsujimoto and H. Koyanagi 137. S. Ueno and S. Nakaguchi 480. Fish Oils New Zealand - I. Eel oil (Anguilla auchlandiz) I;.B. Shoreland and 1. G. McIntosh 50. Flame spectra; Use of -. Flavouring essences; Glycols in -. Flavours and Essences. (Review) M. H. Flax Boron content of -. Flour Bromine in -. E. F. H. Turk 559. in -. 791. Unsaponifiable matter of -. 463. 468. Gazan 159. 628. R. P. Ibanez 394. Bromine in Argentine -. J. Viggiano and confectionery; Determination of cocoa-matter A. E. Parkes and H. A. Parkes, Excess of alkali phosphate in -. *spoilage. D. W. Kent-Jones 649. Vitamin B content of -. L. J. Harris and P. C. Leong 679. Wheat - in jam. 799. 286. Fluoresceinuria G. Discombe 21 1. Fluorescence Adsorption - reaction of various species of rhubarb. S. K. Crews, 750. analysis. The thalleioquin reaction. M. Haitinger 499.microscopy. M. Haitinger 905. of human hair. 609. of precious stones in ultra-violet light as means of examining them. J . Grant 731. test for aluminium. C. E. White and C. S. Lowe 825. test for molybdenum. L. SzebellCdy and J. J6nBs 767. Testing by -. Fluorescent indicator for precipitation reactions ; Quinine sulphate as -. J. Grant 285. indicators; Less common naphthols as -. M. DCribCr6 71. Fluorine content of gelatin. L. S. Stuart D. Dahle and R. W. Frey 563. determination of - by the- peroxidised titanium method; New procedure for. D. Dahle 900. distillation; Studies in -. D. Dahle and H. J . Wichmann 641. in blood and water; Estimation of -. K. Kraft and R. May 477. in Derbyshire waters. 733. *in food products. J. A. Radley 905.H. C. Lockwood 775. VOLUME 62 xxxvii Fluorine-co?ztinued Intoxication. (Review) K. Roholm 9 11. Silicic acid determined colorimetrically in presence of iron phosphorus and -. I. Y. Alimarin and V. S. Sverev 640. Fodder Cacao shell as an accessory -. A. W. Knapp and L4. Churchman 219. Food advertising in America. 554. -colouring paste containing lead. (Legal Notes). 383. dyes; Determination of small quantities of 2-naphthylamine aniline and o-toluidine in -. 0. L. Evenson J. A. Kime and S. S. Forrest 397. poisoning by Staphylococcus. G. A. Dennison, 752. poisoning its epidemiology and bacteriology. E. R. Jones 671. products ; Corrosion of tin-plate containers by -. (Food Investigation Special Report No. 44.) T. N. Morris and J . M. Bryan 193.products; Detection of gums in certain -. F. L. Hart 881. *products; Fluorine in -. H. C. Lock-wood 775. storage of -; Research on. transport of -; Research on. 390. 390. Food and Drugs analysis. Abstracts 47 130, 202 309 394 470 558 614 673 744 806, 875. See Sale of Food and Drugs Act. Food Investigation Board No. 44. Second Report on the corrosion of the tin-plate containers by food products. T. N. Morris and J. M. Bryan 193. Report for 1936. 795. F. A. Csonka 394. of. R. S. Alcock 522. separating and determining. ence 18. Sale of -. Foods Amino acids in staple -. I . Wheat. *Foodstuffs boric acid in -; Determination *metallic impurities in __ ; Scheme for J. H. Ham-P. N. Forensic aspects of dermatitis. H. E. Cox 567.chemistry. Abstracts 401 483 567 682, 891. Formaldehyde Application of - in volu-metric analysis. D. Tschawdarov 760. M. Goswami and A. Shaha 755. A. Castiglioni 686. Formol Titration as means of determining nitro-gen in Kuznetzky Basin coals. T. M. Slobodskaya 221. Fractional distillation. See Distillation. Fractionation equipment for the qualitative and quantitative examination of natural fats. H. E. Longenecker 696. Fraxinus excelsior Linn. (English ash) ; Relationship between chemical composition and mechanical strength of wood of -. K. R. Bamford and E. D. van Rest 146. Preservatives in -. 870. vitamin C in -; Estimation of total. Sen-Gupta and B. C. Guha 566. in cured fish. 195. Nessler’s reagent in the analysis of -. Reactions between naphthols and -.Freezing Point of milk. Friolene Oils 671. See Milk xxxviii INDEX TO Fructose Determination of - with selenious acid. G. Keif 311. Quantitative differentiation of mannose and --. T. F. Nicholjon 141. Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Research Station Campden Report for 1935-36. 737 Fruits Canned -. See Canned Fruits. of wild plants; Composition of -. 554. Fulham Report of the Public Analyst for -. for 1936. T. McLachlan 286. Fumaric Acid in protein solutions containing succinic acids; Determination of -. E. Stotz 492. Fumigants Determination of -. VII. De-termination of sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide from burning sulphur. 0. F. Lubatti 142. Fungi Gum-like masses produced by - and their utilisation.61. Use of sheet viscose in the microscopic examination of -. 465. Furfural and methylfurfural in mixtures ; Deter-mination of -. E. E. Hughes and S. F. Acree 687. Estimation of ascorbic acid as --. J . H. Roe 214. Quantitative determination of ~ with p-nitrophenylhydrazine. L. Maaskant 325. Furfuraldehyde Gravimetric determination of __ in the analysis of woods. W. G. Campbell and L. H. Smith 632. G Gadolinium Atomic weight of -. *Galena silver in -; Electrolytic analysis of. J. G. Fife 723. Gallic Acid Nessler’s reagent in the determina-tion of -. M. Goswami and A. Shaha, 755. Gallium in germanite; Determination of -. F. Sebba and W. Pugh 825. Gfrungschemisches Praktikum (Review). K. Gas analysis. Abstracts 415. fuels ; Colorimetric determination of carbon disulphide in -.South Metropolitan Gas Co. 821. 306. Isotopes of -. 874. Bernhauer 333. meter showing therms. 873. storage of pears. 795. Gases poison -; Use of coloured powders for Ratio of specific heat of ~ a t high tempera-thermal conductivity of -; Apparatus foi-toxic - in industry; Methods for detecting Waste - from electric power stations. 549. Gastric stimulants ; Action of meat extracts and related substances as -. W. K. Boon 750. Gastro-Enteritis associated with Proteus vulgaris. J . D. A. Gray 567. Stuart D. Dahle and R. W. Frey 563. J. F. Morse 11. detecting. H. L. Ligtenberg 572. tures. 461. measuring. 461. I . Hydrogen peroxide. 607. Gelatin Fluorine content of - . L. s. *solutions; Turbidimetric titration of --.VOI.UME 62 Genista tridentata Carotenoid of -. K. Schon and B. Mesquita 140. German Digitalin Differentiation from other cardiotonic glucosides. J. A. Sanchez 138. Germanite gallium in -; Determination of. F. Sebba and W. Pugh 825. Ghee highly hardened oils and mutton and beef fats in - Routine test for detecting. V. Venkatachalam 732. *Ginger Examination of -. G. D. Elsdon and C. Mayne 836. Glassware Temporary marking of chemical -. A. L. Bacharach 286. Glucosamine Method for the isolation of -. E. Chargaff and M. Bovarnick 491. Glucosides Differential colour reactions of cardiotonic - digitoxin strophanthin K, ouabain and German digitalin. J . A. Sanchez 138. Glucovanillin and a colour reaction for vanillin. W.V. Thorpe and R. T. Williams 398. Glue B.S.I. specification for joiners’ -. 743. Glycerides of partly hydrogenated marine animal oils; Component acids and -. I. Ana-lytical procedure. D. A. Harper T. P. Hilditch and J. T. Terleski 879. 11. Ant-arctic whale oil. T. P. Hilditch and J. T. Terleski 880. 111. North Sea cod-liver oil. D. A. Harper and T. P. Hilditch 880. Glycerol Acidimetric determination of -by means of periodates. M. L. Malaprade, 570. in fats and phosphatides ; Micro-determination of -. G. Blix 576. in marzipan and persipan; Detection and quantitative determination of -. H. Kluge 314. triethanolamine in presence of .-; Determi-nation of. 263. Glycols in flavouring essences. 468. Gold Determination of - by means of hydroquinone.F. E. Beamish J. J. Russell and J. Seath 494. S. 0. Thompson F. E. Beamish and M. Scott, 824. W. B. Pollard. 597. J. Seath. and F. E. Beamish 761. Gold Coast Shea nuts from -. Government Analysts’ Reports See Ceylon, Federated Malay States Hong gong India, Madras New South Wales New Zealand, Queensland Straits Settlements Trinidad and Tobago Western Australia. Granadilla Seed from Kenya. 471. Granite from Waterloo Bridge; Condition of Grantham Appointment of W. W. Taylor as Public Analyst for Borough of -. 383. Grape Fruit Ascorbic acid content of -. 626. Grapes Iron-content of -. J. Byrne L. G. Saywell and W. V. Cruess 397. Grass analysis ; Acceleration of digestion in the Green Turtle Oil M. Tsujimoto 619. Determination of platinum and -.*Micro-determination of -. Separation of - from tellurium. 136. -. 304. Storage of -. 795. Kjeldahl method as applied to -F. L. Ashton 485 INDEX TO Greenwich Appointment of H. A. Williams as Additional Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of -. 193. *Ground Oats mixtures. J. G. A. Griffiths 510. Sussex -; Adulteration of. 734. Sussex -; Ministry of Agriculture state-Gum-like Masses produced by fungi and their Gums in certain food products; Detection of ment on. 733. utilisation. 61. -. F. L. Hart 881. H Haemacytometer counting chambers and dilution pipettes. B.S.I. specification for -. 805. Hair Fluorescence of human --. Halibut-liver Oil Antirachitic vitamin isolated Halifax Dust in -. 544. Halogen derivatives of ethylene ; Determination of the place of absorption of - in the body.Le Hihan 209. Halogen Salts Copper benzidine reaction in 609. from -. H. Urockmann 212. presence of thiocyanates and __ . L. Kuhberg 156. Ham Comparative analyses of bacon and sulphur dioxide in -; Determination of. 270. Hammersmith Report of Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of - . F. W. Edwards 666. Handwriting in country-made carbon inks ; Scientific examination of - S Dutt, 147. *Hartridge reversion spectroscope for examining blood for carbon monoxide; Improvements in -. R. C. Frederick 452. -. 388. Health Xutrition and -. 387. Heat Symbols for -. Herring Oil oxidation of -; Effect of low temperatures sodium chloride and fish muscle on. A. Banks 205.*Hexamine Use of __ for separating thorium from the rare earths and its application to the determination of thorium in monazite sand. A. M. Ismail and H. F. Harwood, 186. Hexammino-Cobaltic Chloride for the detection of anions. W. A. Hynes and L. K. Yanow-ski 830. Hexanitrato Ammonium Cerate as a standard in oxidimetry. G. F. Smith V. 13. Sullivan and C; Frank 148. Hide Po;vders Dry chromed ~ in the analysis of tanning materials. J. G. Parker and A. Harvey 2 2 3 . Holland Division of Lincolnshire Appointment of A. H. M. Muter as Agricultural Analyst for --. 383; as Public Analyst for -. 34. Home Office Statutory Rulcs and Orders, 1936. No. 686. Factory and Workshop. Notification of diseases (Manganese poison-ing). 129. Honey Producers’ Association Pollen analysis.707. 803. VOLUME 62 xxxix Hong Kong Report of the Government Labora-tory in - for 1935. A. Jackson 305. Hop antiseptic; Relation between staining properties of bacteria and t‘neir reaction towards -. Part I. J. I,. Shimwell, 323; Part 111 404. resins 287. Hortvet figure determined by Public Analyst’s assistant. 793. standard in Western Australia. 700. Hove Appointment of R. F. Wright asAdditiona1 193. Huddersfield Dust in -. Hull See Kingston-upon-Hull. Humber Area Survey of Imports Raw Materials and Synthetic Products into -. (Re-view) A. K. Tankard 162. Hydnocarpic Acid and ethyl ester. H. I. Cole and H. Cardoso 620. *p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid and its derivatives ; Detection and determination of - and their distinction from salicylic and benzoic acids.F. W. Edwards H. li. Nanji and M. K. Hassan 178. Hydrocarbons in arachis oil; Presence of -. H. Marcelet 136. Hydrocyanic Acid Detection of inhaled -. G. D. Elsdon and J . R. Stubbs 640; G. Roche Lynch 540. Hydrocyanic Compounds Post-mortem study of the alleged transformation of barbituric derivatives into -. P. R. Orella 324. Hydrogen Atomic weight of --. Hydrogen Ion Concentration of canned fruits 739. Hydrogen Peroxide and Per-Compounds. (Re-view) W. Machu 833. formation and catalytic action of copper in the reduction of molybdenum. W. M. Murray and N. H. Furman 328. Volumetric determination of hydrogen perox-ide by means of potassium bromate. L. Szebklledy and W. Madis 761. Hydrogen Sulphide as means of separating zinc from cobalt.Determination of small quantities of sulphur dioxide and -. W. G. Gurevitch and W. P. Wendt 226. (D.S.I.R. Leaflet No. 1 on Methods for detecting toxic gases in industry). Method of qualitative analysis without the use of -. 111. B. Mane and K. Kondaiah, 573. Hydrogenation as means of determining nitrogen in betaine pyramadone and sulphanilic acid. H. ter Meulen and H. J . Ravenswaay, 894. of natural fats; Preferential reduction of certain fatty acid groups during -. ID. A. Harper 878. value; Apparatus for measuring -. A. Castille 420. Hydrometers B.S.I. specification for density __ for use in milk. Hydroquinone as means of determining gold. F. E. Beamish J . J . Russell and J . Seath, 494.Hydroxide Analysis of carbonate cyanide and __ mixtures. B. S. Evans 122. Public Analyst for Borough of -. 544. 306. Isotopes of -. 874. E. A. Ostroumow 636. 607. 613 Xl INDEX TO HydroxymethylEurfuraldehyde Quantitative determination of - with fi-nitrophenyl-hydrazine. L. Maaskant 325. Hydroxymorphine Uiff erential action of some aromatic aldehydes on -. B. Drevon, 883 8-Hydroxy guinoline as means of determining lanthanum. T. I. Pirtea 150. Determination of ~ by means of potassium bromate. E. Schulek and 0. Clauder 488. *Precipation of metals by - . H. R. Fleck 378. I Ice-cream A$ded gums in -. 881. Decolorisation of imitation egg colouring matters in - on acidification. K. Brohm and E. Frohwein 311. Imino Acids Reactions of - with formalde-hyde.M. Levy and D. E. Silberman 565. Immersion Refractometer Determination of isopropyl alcohol by means of the -. J. Batscha and S. Reznek 406. India Report of Chemical Laboratories for 1935-36. H. B. Dunnicliff 468. Indian podophyllum; Histology of -. T. E. Wallis and S. Goldberg 748. silk; Weighing of -. C. R. N. Reddy and B. S. Srikantan 823. Indicator(s) Apomorphine as -in the bromate titration of antimony. L. Szebellddy and K. Sik 329. Colour - derived from 8-naphthylamine. H. Eichler 893. Deuterium as - in the study of inter-mediary metabolism. n. Rittenberg and R. Schoenheimer 885. fluorescent -; Less common naphthols as. M. Di.rib6i-6 71. Quinine sulphate as a fluorescent - for precipitation reactions.J. Grant 385. Tetrahydroxyquinone as - in the volu-metric determination of sulphur in rubber. R. T. Sheen and Others 410. Industrial poisoning (manganese tungsten). W. Brandt 62. Industrie Chimique Minkrale ; Le ContrBle Analytique dans 1’-. (Review) A. Sanfourche 698. Influenza virus; Isolation of the - and the relation of antibodies to infection and immunity. L. Hoyle and R. W. Fair-brother 483. Infra-Red photography of blood-stains. 485. Inhibitol Definition of the term -. 50. Ink obliterations; Restoration of -. L. Bendikson 421. Time of alteration shown by -. 743. Inks country-made carbon - ; Scientific examination of handwriting in. S. Dutt, 147. U.S.A. Bureau of Standards Research Paper R.P. 935. C. E. Waters 200. Their Composition and Manufacture.4th Ed. (Review) C. A. Mitchell 426. vanadium -; Discovery of. J . Zernike 457 for recording instruments. VOLUME 62 Inorganic analysis. Abstracts 67 148 225, 328 413 491 573 635 688 760 824 897. Chemistry. (Review) Sir G. T. Morgan and F. H. Burstall 422. Chemistry; Text-book of -. Vol. XI, Part IV. (Review). Edited by J. N. Friend 334. Vol. VI Part V. 503. Analysis; Text-book of Quantitative -(Review) I. M. Kolthoff and E. B. Sandell; 697. International Ohm ; Value of -. International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis. Report of Ninth Session, 1936. 197, International Union of Chemistry Classification of qualitative analytical reactions 558. Committee on Atomic Weights; Seventh Report. 306. Committee on Atoms; Second Report.874. Iodic Acid Selectivity of ~ in the oxidation of organic compounds. R. J . Williams and M. A. Woods 685. Iodine Catalytic method of determining -. H. P. Lundgren 330. Dioxane as reagent for qualitative and quantitative estimation of small amounts of -. A. Saifer and J . Hughes 415. in blood Amount of -. E. J. Baumann and N. Metzger 887. in organic substances; Determination of -. J . A. Gautier 325. in thyroid gland preparations Determination of -. Micro-determination of - by a catalytic method. E.B. SandellandI. M. Kolthoff 578. Note on the determination of -. B. F. Stimmel and D. R. McCullagh 154. 461. temperature scale. 462. J. C. De Jong 884. Iodine Value of shellac. of spirit vinegars. of sulphated oils; Determination of -.R. W. Aldis 792. A. V. Sassi N. Florentino and J . C. Migliaro 48. D. Burton and G. F. Robertshaw 757. ~-1odo-8-Hydroxyquioline-5-Sulphonic Acid in the colorimetric determination of ferric iron. Iridium Isotopes of -. 874. Iron Cast -. See Cast Iron. J. H. Yoe and R. T. Hall 574. Colorimetric determination of - by means of o-phenanthroline. L. G. Saywell and B. B. Cunningham 413. *Colorimetric determination of copper with sodium diethyldithiocarbamate in the pres-ence of moderate amounts of -. T. P. Hoar 657. content of grapes and wine. J. Byrne L. G. Saywell and W. V. Cruess 397. *copper in - * Determination of small quantities of. J. G. y f e and S. Torrance 29. Ferric -. See Ferric Iron. Ferrous -.See Ferrous Iron. Ionisable - in pastures. 43. non-metallic inclusions in -; Uetermina-E. W. Colbeck S. W. Craven and tion of. W. Murray 68. Separation of cobalt from.-. 371. Silicic acid determined colorirnetrically in presence of phosphorus fluorine and -. I. P. Alimarin and V. S. Sverev 640 INDEX TO Iron Carbonate Ferrous iron in saccharated -determined by means of ceric sulphate. C. G. Lyons and F. N. Appleyard 55. Observations on methods of analysis of oxidised fats. L. H. Lampitt and N. D. Sylvester 212. W. Meyer 476. Determination of -. determined by means of the immersion re-fractometer. J. Batscha and S. Reznek, 406. (Pro-Irradiation of fats. Isopropyl Alcohol Commercial use of -. H. Kemal. 63. Isotopes International table of -.Italy Control of essential oils in -. hibition of “pipelene”). 51. 874. J Jam Full-fruit standard blackcurrant -. False warranties. (Legal Notes). 458. “Home-made” “full fruit standard” -. 546. Jelly Milk -. 864. Jorissen Test for determining salicylic acid in presence of benzoic acid 176 179. K Karasu-Uri Seed Oil Octadecatrienoic acids in -. Kay and Graham’s Phosphatase Test for milk; Notes on -. E. B. Anderson 2. Hersch-dorfer and F. K. Neave 86; F. W, Edwards and H. R. Nanji 121. Kent Report of the County Analyst for -1936. Keratin isolation of Z-cystine from - (horse-hair); Quantitative method for. A. Weid-inger 624. Kesteven Division of Lincolnshire Appointment of A. H. M. Muter as Agricultural Analyst for -. 383; as Public Analyst for -.125. Ketones free alcohol in -; Colorimetric limit-test for. Ketosis Studies on -. Quantitative studies on the oxidation of the ethyl esters of the fatty acids. H. J. Deuel L. F. Hallman, J . S. Butts and S. Murray 211. Eidderminster Appointment of H. E. Monk as Public Analyst for Borough of -. 792. Kingston-upon-Hull Report of Public Analyst for City and County of - for 1936. A. R. Tankard 734. Kjeldahl Method Acceleration of digestion in the - as applied to soil and grass analysis F. L. Ashton 485. Y . Toyama and K. Uozaki 745. F. W. F. Arnaud 286. E. G. Kellett 728. L Lac Analysis of -. Lactic Acid in Bordeaux wines. J. Ribereau-in milk and milk products; Colorimetric in presence of methylglyoxal ; Determination M.F. Taradoire 66. Gayon and E. Peynaud 876. determination of -. of -. F. Hillig 614. E. Bauer and F. Ziegler 565. VOLUME 62 xli in sour feeding stuffs; Determination of -. Flieg 755. in tomato products; Colorimetric determina-tion of -. F. Hillig 616. Lactose in mixed feed; Determination of -. D. A. Magraw L. E. Copeland and C. W. Sievert 143. Lambeth Appointment of J. E. Woodhead as Additional Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of -. 458. Lanthanum determined by means of S-hydroxy-quinoline. T. I. Pirtea 150. Separation of thorium from - by means of hexamine. 188. Lanthanum Blue Characterisation of the acetyl group in some medicaments by means of -. A. D. del Boca and A. L. Remezzam 562. Lactic Acid-continued. Lauric Acid in milk-fats.251. *Lead antimony in alloys rich in -; Rapid method of determining. K. Stanford and D. C. M. Adamson 23; R. G. Robinson, 191. Atomic weight of -. 306. Atomic weight of radiogenic forms of -. G. P. Baxter J. 13. Faull Jr. and F. D. Tuemmler 574 cable-sheathing ; Corrosion of -. 609. deposited by small-arm fire; Detection of -. in biological materials; Titrimetric method for M. K. 891. quantitative determination of -. Horwitt and G. R. Cowgill 675. 743. in block tin distillery pipes. in drinking water. 302. in dust. 544. in food-colouring paste. (Legal Notes). 383. in paints crayons and toys. *in water; Determination of -. J. W. Hawley and W. Wilson 166. Separation of - from copper. K. M. Sil, G. C. Roy and Y. N.Das-Gupta 413. 196. Lead &senate poisoning. Lead Chromate Gravimetric determination of chromic acid -. D. Tschawdarov and N. Tschdarowa 898. Lead Molybdate method of determining molyb-denum in cast iron. 107; Modification of *Lead Tartrate Determination of tartaric acid as -. C. H. Manley 526. Leather Rubber-like substances produced by fungi used as synthetic -. water-absorption capacity of - ; New apparatus and method for determining. V. Kubelka and V. Nemec 327. 6 1 1. -. 114. 61. Leeds Dust in -. 544. C. H. Manley 544. Legal Cases Sutton v. Tame. sold as “table vinegar.” Legal Notes 35 383 458 605. Lemon Ascorbic acid content of -. Report of the City Analyst for - for 1936. Artificial vinegar 383 605. 626. peel; Copper in preserved - .E. H. Bunce 664. vinegar 35. A. I. Matiu Leucobases as analytical reagents. and C. Popescu 686 xlii INDEX TO T Liebermann-Burchard Reaction for cholesterol; Spectrophotometric studies of the colour development in -. F. W. Sunderman and J . Iinzek 480. Light Influence of - on the decomposition of traces of blood. Lignin Determination of -. Acid pre-treat-ment and the effect of the presence of nitrogenous substances. A. G. Norman, 896. K. J . Hommes 484. Lime Ascorbic acid content of -. Limonites used in treatment of bush sickness ; K. J . McNaught, 626. in deposit (atmospheric pollution). 547. Cobalt content of -. 467. Vanadium in -. 43. Zinc and cobalt in 42. Linolic Acid I’urification of - by crystallisa-tion methods.J . H . Brown and G. G. Stoner 326. Linseed Deficiency of oil in crushed -. 286. Lipase in ofiicial preparations of pancreatin ; Determination of H. Penau and J . Guilbert 208. H. D. Kay E. C. V. Matticlr and S. J. Folley 259. Lipids Eiochemistry or’ ?he --. (Review). H. li. Bull 580. of “Russian” csntharides (Lyfta vcsicatoria Fb.). M. hf. Janot and P. Fnudemay 622. *Liquids Colour measurement of surface of opaque - . E. R. Bolton and K. A. Williams 3. Fractional distillation of small volumes of -. A. A. Benedetti-Pichler and J. R. Rachele 72. Methods of dealing with small quantities of -. B. L. Clarke and H. W. Hermance, 418. viscosity of -; B.S.I. method for deter-mining in absolute units. 613. Lithium Gravimetric determination of - as aluminate.H. Grothe and W. Savelsberg, 826. Quantitative separation of - with reference to its determination in insoluble silicates. C. C. Miller and F. Traves 69. “of cow’s milk; Recent work on -. Liver Black ~ in sheep. extracts; Colour reaction applied to -. G. E. Shaw 751. Liver Fats of some New Zealand farm animals; Composition of -. T. 1’. Hilditch and F. B. Shorland 887. Liver Oils of some deep sea fish. hl. Tsujimoto and H. Koyanagi 137. Liverpool Epidemic of paratyphoid B. fever in - W. M. Frazer B. T. J. Glover and V. Giass 890. Lizard Depot fat of the Ceylon --. T. P. Hilditch and H. Paul 571. Lonchocarpus Powder Distinction of derris powder and -. Lubricating Oils Analysis of commercial -by physical methods.(Lubrication Re-search Technical Paper No. 1.) 41. 873. Lucerne Boron content of -. 628. Luminescence and its applications. J. T. 196. A. Diakonoff 684. Apparatus for delivery of -. Randall 42 1. JOLUME 62 Lupinus laxus Rydb. Alkaloids of -. M J. F. Couch 747. Madar Juice poisoning. 740. Madras Report of the Chemical Examiner for 1936. C. Newcomb 740. Magnesia in presence of zinc ; Determination of -_ by means of oxine. S. J. Fainberg and L. H. Fligelman 330. Magnesium alloys; Analysis of -. W. H. Withey 149. alloys ; Volumetric determination of alumin-ium in -. A. E. Martin 762. in aluminium alloys ; Determinatic n of. I. Ubalclini and U. Pelagatti 899. in human milk; Rapid micro-method for determining -. M. Hasegawa 904.New colour test for -. E. Eegriwe 329. Magnesium Carbonate as adulterant of pepper. J . T. Dunn aad H. C. L. Bloxam 121. Magnesium Silicofluoride as wood preservative. 669. Magnesium Sulphate Micro-determination of -. Magnetism Symbols for -. 804. Malayan palm oil; Carotene content of -. 798. Malic Acid of rhubarb and of tobacco leaves. G. W. Pucher H. E. Clark and H. B. Vickery 3 1 2. Malt Proteolytic activity of barley -. S. Laufer 875. Manchester Appointment of A. N. Leather as Deputy Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of -. 383. Manganese Detection of -. N. A. Tana-naeff 225. *in special cast irons; Investigation of the zinc oxide separation as applied to -. E. C. Pigott 860. poisoning in industry. W. Brandt 62. poisoning; Notification of -.129. Sensitive test for -. E. Jensen 690. Separation of uranium zirconium and titanium from - by pyridine. E. A. Ostroumow, 495. “Mannich’s Method for determining morphine. J . R. Nicholls 440. Mannose Quantitative differentiation of fructose and -. T. F. Nicholson 141. Manure Indian Customs ruling on -. 469. Manuscripts Polarised light for the examination of -. R. B. Haselden 332. (Re-view) K. €3. Haselden 236. Marine products Study of -. Presence of stigmasterol in molluscs. W. Bergmann, 481. Marine Animal Oils Component acids and gly-cerides of partly hydrogenated -. I . Analytical procedure. D. A. Harper T. P. Hilditch and J. T. Terleski 879. 11. Ant-arctic whale oil. T. P. Hilditch and J . T. Terleski 880. 111.North Sea cod-liver oil. D. A. Harper and T. P. Hilditch 880. Marzipan glycerol in -; Detection and quan-titative determination of. H. Kluge 314, M. Moller and G. Schlegel 417. Scientific Aids for the Study of -IXDEX TO VOLUME 62 xliii Mayonnaise Agar-agar in -. Measurement of hydrogenation value ; Apparatus for -. A. Castille 420. of small particles by the microscope; Deter-mination of error in -. F. Ehrenhaft 420. Measuring apparatus ; Examination of patterns Meat Examination of - for freshness. A. Zwilling 47. extracts and related substances ; Action of as gastric stimulants. W. R. Boon 750. frozen -; Composition of. 389. pickles; Determination of sulphites in -. 269. putrefaction of -; Estimation of degree of. €3. Strohecker R. Vaubel and H.Kirchberg 744. Medical Dictionary ; Stedman's - . 13th Ed. (Review) T. L. Stedman 702. Medical Research Council Special Report No. 220. Use of developing egg in virus research. F. M. Burnet 555. Medicaments Characterisation of the acetyl group in some ___ by means of lanthanum blue. A. D. del Boca and A . L. Remezzano, 562. Medicine Stamp Duties; Report of Select Committee on -. 391. Menthol in essential oils of Mentha; Micro-estimation of -. H. Ullrich and M. Schneider 228. Menthone in essential oils of Mentha; Micro-estimation of -. H. Ullrich and M. Schneider 228. Menthyl-Esters in essential oils of Mentha; Micro-estimation of -. H. Ullrich and RI. Schneider 228. Mercuric Chloride as wood preservative. 669. Mercuric Oxide Microchemical differentiation of L.Rosenthaler 74. Mercury in ores; Determination of -. J. J. ointment; Effect of glazed cardboard container Poisoning by metallic -. 469. Reducing action of -; Hydrogen peroxide formation and catalytic action of copper in the reduction of molybdenum. W. M. Murray and N. H. Furman 328. *Volumetric determination of -. M. Fitz-gibbon 654. Volumetric determination of -. N. H. Furman and H. M. State 148. Mercurous Chloride in ores ; Determination of - J. J . Fahey 897. Mercurous Salts Use of - in the colori-metric determination of tyrosine and trvptophane present in solution. J . W. H. Luge; 815. Mersey River Silt in -. Metabolism Fat - in fishes. XI. J. A. intermediary- ; Deuterium as an indicator in D. Rittenberg and R.Schoenheimer, of living 'issues. (Review) E. Holmes 505. of organic acids of tobacco leaf during culture. G. W. Pucher A. J . Wakeman and H. B. Vickery 678. 881. of -. 873. red and yellow -. Fahey 897. on -. 665. 303. Lovern 624. -. 885. Metallic conductors; Measurement of thermal conductivity of -. 461. *impurities in foodstuffs ; Scheme for separating and determining -. J . H. Hamence 18. salts; Use of - in bush sickness. Metallurgical apparatus and methods. National Physical Laboratory work on -. 463. Metals deposited by small-arm fire ; Detection of -. A. Bruning and M. Schnetka 891. *Precipitation of - by means of 8-hydroxy-quinoline (oxine). Part 11. H. R. Fleck, 378. Methanol Analysis of mixtures of ethanol and -.E. J. Harris 729. Methylarsinic Acid for the gravimetric determina-tion of zirconium. R. Chandelle 899. Methylene Blue decolorisation of - by de-hydrogenating enzymes ; New method of measuring. H. J. Pistor 480. Methylfurfural and furfural in mixtures; Determi-nation of -. E. E. Hughes and S. F. Acree 687. Methylglyoxal lactic acid in presence of -; Determination of. E. Bauer and F. Ziegler 565. 9-Methyl-2-3-7-Trioxy-B-Fluorone as reagent for the detection of antimony. K. Duckert, 574. Methyl-Umbelliferone Differentiation between vanillin ferulic acid umbelliferone and -. 75. Metric Carat 873. Micro-Analysis Pregl's Quantitative Organic -. 3rd Eng. Ed. (Review) H. Roth, 160. Qualitative - by electrolysis and spectro-graphy. A. Schleicher and L.Laurs 416. Microbacterium tuberculosis in the air and dust detected by a simple technique. G. M. Eisenburg 681. Microbiological technique ; Some uses of sheet viscose in -. Microchemr'ca Acta Publication of -. 499. Microchemical analysis. Abstracts 72 152, 227 331 416 498 576 692 765 828 902. analysis. Collected references. Micro-de-termination of potassium. Ch. Cimerman and C. J. Rzymowska 693. colorimetric PH procedure for differentiating the telia of Cronartium ribicola and C . occidentale. R. J. Acree and W. H. Ross, 903. identification of ephedrine and ephetonine. G. A. W. J. 0. E. Paris 152. interest; References of -. P. Haas 902. reactions for identifying tellurium. G. References 1936. 693. references in 1936; Summary of -.P. references to literature in 1936 and 1937. 766. studies. XII. L. Rosenthaler 74. 42. L. D. Galloway 455. Denigks 693. Haas 578. Micro-Detection of nitrate. Micro-Determination of blood sugar by ceric sulphate titration. G. Giragossintz C. Davidson and P. L. Kirk 829. of chloride in biological fluids with solid silver iodate. J. Sendroy 828. of chlorine. F. Werr 577. I. M. Korenman 331 xliv INDEX TO NIicr o-D et er mination-con t inue d . G. Blix of glycerol in fats and phosphatides. 576. *of gold. of iodine by a catalytic method. E. B. of magnesium sulphate. M. Moller and G. W. €3. Pollard 597. Sandell and I. M. Kolthoff 578. Schlegel 417. Sideris 83 1. Rzymowska 693. M. Servigne and E. Vassy 694. of manganese; Colorimetric - .c. P. of potassium. Ch. Cimerman and C. J. of samarium by a photo-luminescence method. of sodium and potassium. M. Hegediis 152. Micro-Estimation of menthol menthone and menthyl-esters in the essential oils of Mentha. H. Ullrich and M. Schneider 228. Micro-Method for determining magnesium in human milk. M. Hasegawa 904. for determining small quantities of nicotine by means of silicotungstic acid. J. R. Spies, 229. Micrometer caliper gauges 873. Micro-Organisms Cold sterilisation of nutrient media and its significance for the pure culture of -. G. Schweizer 323. T. F. Nicholson, 141. Microscope Method of determining error in measurement of small particles by the -. F. Ehrenhaft 420. projector technique. 519. Microscopy Fluorescence -.M. Haitinger, 905. Micro-Titration method for blood sugar. B. F. Miller and D. D. van Slyke 72. Micro-Volumetric determination of nitrate nitro-gen. L. Szebellbdy and M. Ajtai 902. Adilk Action of sunlight on -. L. BuruianH, 883. Advisable daily consumption of -. 388. B. tuberculosis in -; Rapid detection of. M. L. C. Maitland 568. Bacteriological tests for graded -. (Min-istry of Health Memo.). 126. *catalase of -; Estimation of. E. B. Anderson and R. J. McWalter 259. Curdling of -. N. L. Sohngen K. T. Weringa and A. Pasveer 401. density hydrometers for use in -; B.S.I. specification for. 613. dirt in -; Allowable limit of. 301. dirt in -; B.S.I. specification for centrifuge tubes and sedimentation vessels for deter-mining. 308. dirt in -; Report of the Sub-committee on.287. dirt in -; Verification of centrifuge tubes for determining. V. Stott 280. Effect of commercial pasteurisation on nu-tritive value of -. 463. *Enzymes of -. Notes on Kay and Graham’s phosphatase test. E. B. Ander-son 2. Herschdorfer and F. K. Neave, 86--factory effluents; Purification of -. 302. fat; Carotene of -. A. E. Gillam and Use of __ in sugar analysis. M. S. El Ridi 625. VOLUME 62 Milk-contiizued. fat; Effect of ingested cod-liver oil on -. 256. fat ; Occurrence and significance of some of the minor component acids of cow -. T. P. Hilditch and H. Paul 135. fat of cattle of typical English breeds; Varia-tions in the carotene and vitamin A values of -. A. E. Gillam I. M. Heilbron, W.S. Ferguson and S. J. Watson 59. -fat; Variation of the butyric acid value in -. M. Teply 470. *fats; Some minor component acids of -and their possible significance. T. P. Hilditch 260. freezing point of -; Daily variations in, in Birmingham. 35. Freezing point of - determined by Public Analyst’s assistant. 793. *freezing point of -; New apparatus for rapid and economical determination of. P. L. Temple 709. Freezing point of ___ regulations in Western Australia. 799. freezing point of South African -; Seasonal variations in. L. Denis-Lester 44. freezing-point standard for -; Change of. 610. human- ; Rapid micro-method for determining magnesium in -. P-hydroxybenzoic acid in -; Determination of. 182. in cartons; Sale of -. industry; Savings in -.390. jelly. 864. lactic acid in -; Colorimetric determination of. F. Hillig 614. *Less-known constituents of - and their examination. 250. *lipase and phosphatase of cow’s -; Recent work on. H. D. Kay E. C. V. Mattick and S. J. Folley 259. *minor nitrogenous constituents of -; Present knowledge of. J. H. Bushill, L. H. Lampitt and D. F. Filmer 260. neutralised -; Identification of. M. R. Baetsld 309. of abnormal composition produced by animals free from udder streptococci. E. G. Hast-ings and B. A. Beach 481. of cows with negative blood reactions to agglutination tests ; Isolation of Brucella abortus from - . T. M. Dcyle and F. Becket 482. R. S. Twigg 260. E. B. Anderson, 2. Herschdorfer and F. K. Neave 86; F. W. Edwards and H.R. Nanji 121. products ; Colorimetric determination of lactic acid in -. products; Detection of pectin in -. E. Letzig 202. Raw - in pasteurised - detected and estimated by the Orla- Jensen method. F. Stoppel 558. stored a t atmospheric temperatures ; Growth of Strefitococcus $yogenes in - E. J. Pullinger and A. E. Kemp 889. M. Hasegawa 904. 873. *Oxidation -reduction systems in -. Phosphotase test for -. F. Hillig 614 INDEX TO Milk-continued. vitamin C of -; Effect of light on. Vitamin D -. 552. S. K. Icon and M. B. Watson 216. Milk Chocolate cream Easter eggs. Milk Nutrition Committee Experiments reported “Milk-0” Analysis of -. 665. Milling products ; Application of ultra-violet rays Millon’s Reagent in the identification of barbit-urates.M. Paget and Tilly. 399. Mine Air Obtaining of dust particles from -for examination. H. H. Watson 232. Mineral Waters Stamp duty on -. 392. Minerals Field Tests for - . (Review). Hydrolysis of rock-forming -. A. Bramall Ministry of Health Reports Circulars Etc. 126. First Report of Advisory Committee on Sale of Food and Drugs Act. Abstracts of 127; 286. to-. 463. to -. H. Kiihl 230. E. H. Davison 770. and J. G. C Leetch 642. Bacteriological tests for Graded Milk. Nutrition. 387. Reports of Public Analysts for 1935. for 1936. 870. f i t Mineral matter in dried -. Mitraversine and other alkaloids from Mitrugyna species. Raymond-Hamet and L. Millat, 472. Nolluscs stigmasterol in -; Presence of. W. Bergmann 481. Molybdenum Colour reaction for - with 2 2’-dipyridyl.A. S. Komarowsky and M. S. Poluektoff 904. Fluorescence test for -. L. Szebellbdy and J. J6n&s 767. *in cast iron; Determination of - . E. Taylor-Austin 107. Reducing action of mercury Hydrogen peroxide formation and catalytic action of copper in the reduction of -. W. M. Murray and N. H. Furman 328. *Monazite Sand thorium in -; Determina-tion of . A. M. Ismail and H. F. Harwood, 185. 35. Mono-Ethenoid Acids in milk-fats. 252. Morphine and its derivatives; New colour Colorimetric determination of -. D. C. Colorimetric determination of small quantities C. G. Van Arkel 471. Differential action of some aromatic aldehydes in viscera; Determination of -. “Mannich’s method for determining -.J. R. Nicholls 440. New colour reaction for - and its derived alkaloids. M. Pesez 621. Morphine Hydrochloride Discoloration of -on storage. 469. Motor Fuel carbon disulphide in -; Colori-metric determination of. South Metro-politan Gas Co. 821. Mould in cream of butter; Determination of -. J. D. Wildman 402. Mundulea toxicity of -; Evaluation of. R. R. Le Geyt Worsley 631. reaction for -. Garratt 811. of -. on -. B. Drevon 883. J. A. Sanchez 471. 854. VOLUME 62 xlv *Municipal Chemistry. Mustard Gas Reactions of -. H. L. Ligten-Mutton Fat in butter and ghee; Routine test for A. R. Tankard 242. berg 326. detecting--. V. Venkatachalam 732. N Naphthol Yellow S New method for identifying - and a suggested mechanism of its fading.H. H. Hodgson and E. W. Smith, 493. Naphthols as fluorescent indicators; Use of the less common -. M. DkribkrC 71. Reactic)ns between formaldehyde and -. A. Castiglioni 686. ZNaphthylamine in certain foods dyes ; Deter-mination of small quantities of -. 0. L. Evenson J. A. Kime and S. S. Forrest, 397. /I-Naphthylamine Two new colour indicators derived from -. Narcotic Pukateine as -. 44. National Physical Laboratory Report for the Neodymium Isotopes of -. 874. Separation of thorium from - by means of hexamine. 188. Neon Light Colour response in photography by -. J. A. M. Van Liempt and P. Leydens, 333. Nessler’s Reagent Analytical uses of -. 111. Determination of formaldehyde pvrogallol, tannin and gallic acid. M. Goswami and A.Shaha 755. Neutralisation processes; Diphenylguanidine as a standard in -. W. M. Thornton and C. L. Christ 688. New South Wales Report of the Government Analyst for 1935. New Zealand farm animals; Composition of the liver fats of some -. T. P. Hilditch and F. B. Shorland 887. fish oils. I. Eel oil (Anguilla aucklandii). F. B. Shorland and I. G. McIntosh 50. plants; Active principles of -. 43. Report of Chemistry Section of Dept. of Agriculture for 1935-36. B. C. Aston 42. Report of the Dominion Analyst for 1935. W. Donovan 609. New Zealand Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Reaserch Cobalt content of limonites used in the treatment of bush sickness. K. J. McNaught 467. Trace elements in relation to bush sickness. E. M. Wall 466. Newark-on-Trent Appointment of W.W. Taylor as Public Analyst for Borough of Nicholls’s Test for benzoic acid in presence of salicylic acid; Modification of -. 172, 180. Nickel deposited by small-arm fire; Detection of Isotopes of -. 874. SeDaration of uranium. zirconium and titanium H. Eichler 893. year 1936 460. S. G. Walton 610. -. 125. -. 892. horn - by pyridine. 495. E. A. Ostroumow xlvi INDEX TO Nicotine Determination of small quantities of - by a silicotungstic acid micro-method. J . R. Spies 229. Optical rotation and refractivity of - in dilute aqueous solution. F. G. H. Tate and L. A. Warren 206. Nicotine Sulphate Optical rotation and refrac-tivity of - in dilute aqueous solution. F. G. EI. Tate and L. A. Warren 206. Reaction to distinguish between anabasine sulphate and -.S. A. Katz 473. Nightshade red-berried -; Examination of 554. Nitrate in water and sewage; Use of activated carbon in determining -. G. Gad 684. Nitrate Nitrogen Micro-volumetric determina-L. Szebellgdy and M. Ajtai, *Nitrates sulphites in presence of -; Deter-Nitrite in water and sewage; Use of activated G. Gad 684. poisoning. 740. *Nitrites sulphites in presence of -; Deter-mination of. Nitro Group in organic compounds; Detection of -. W. M. I-Iearon and R. G. Gustavson, 686. *Nitro-Ferrocyanide reaction ; Some applications of -. A new formula for urea. W. R. Fearon 586. Nitrogen amino-acid - in brewing materials; Determination of with special reference to Folin’s colorimetric method. L. S.Walters, 313. in betaine pyramidone and sulphanilic acid ; Dctermination of - by hydrogenation. H. ter Meulen and H. J. Ravenswaay 894. in Kuznetzky basin coals determined by formol titration. T. M. Slobodskaya 221. in organic substances ; Rapid qualitative detection of -. H. Gauduchon-Truchot, 220. in plants cultivated in the same soil; Propor-tions of sulphur phosphorus and -. G. Bertrand and L. Silberstein 485. *in potato tubers ; Use of selenium in determin-ing -. A. M. Smith and W. Y. Paterson, 786. p-Nitrophenylhydrazine for the quantitative determination of furfural and hydroxy-methylfurfuraldehyde. L. Maaskant 325. Nitrous Acid Use of - in the colorimetric de-termination of tyrosine and tryptophane present in solution. J. W. H. Lugg 815.Nitrous Oxide Test for - in the combustion of organic nitrogen compounds. M. Badoche, 488. Noise in buildings; Research on -. Norris and Fay Method for the volumetric determination of selenium. W. C. Coleman and C. R. McCrosky 827. Nottingham Appointment of W. W. Taylor as Public Analyst for County Borough of Appointment of S. R. Trotman as Additional Public Analyst for County Borough of * Micro-detection of -. F. Werr 577. tion of -. 902 mination of. carbon in determining -. J. G. Sherratt 267. J. G. Sherratt 267. 303. -. 125. -. 792. VOLUME 62 Novocaine New colorimetric test for -. S. N. Chakravarti and M. B. Roy 603. Nutrient Media Cold sterilisation of - and its significance for the pure culture of micro-organisms.G. Schweizer 323. Nutrition Advisory Committee on -; First Report of. 387. Effect of commercial pasteuri-sation on the nutritive value of milk. 463. Nutritive Value of bread. A. L. Baker M. D. Wright and J . C. Drummond 679. Milk and -. 0 Oats Ground -. See Ground Oats. Microscopical features of -. 512. Obituaries de Whalley Lawrence John 509. Jackson Sir Herbert 83. Lesley William Jefferys 649. Ling Arthur Robert 585. Munro John May Herbert 2 Richards Percy Andrew Ellis 164. Totton Joseph Harold 773. Voelcker John Augustus 773. Octadecadienoic Acid in milk-fats. 252. Octadecatrienoic Acids in seed-oils of pome-granate karasu-uri and balsam pear. Y . Toyama and K. Uozaki 745. Oestrin Colorimetric estimation of urinary -. G. Pincus G.Wheeler G. Young and P. Zahl 140. Ohm Value of the International -. Oil from seeds of Blepharis edulis. G. P. Pendse and J. B. Lal 810. from seeds of Salanum nigrum. G. P. Pendse, 810. lubricating -; Apparatus for delivery of. 873. of Rhus glabra. G. H. McFadden and R. L. McMurray 809. Volatile - in cubebs. J . F. Clevenger 398. Oil-cake antioxygenic compounds in extracted soya-bean -. T. G. Green and T. P. Hilditch 206. Oils edible -; Detection of oils from Crucz-ferae in. J . Grossfeld 561. 461. Essential -. See Essential Oils. highly hardened - in butter and ghee; Routine test for detecting. V. Venkata-chalam 732. in organic raw materials; Determination of -. R. Rewald 408. Lubricating -. See Lubricating Oils. sulphated -; Analysis of.D. Burton and G. F. Robertshaw. 64. unsaponifiable matter in -; Determination of. 863. Olefinic double bonds ; Addition of thiocyanic acid to -. M. S. Khharasch E. M. May and F. R. Mayo 755. simplified method. Shinwara 325. N. Evers 96. Palestinian -; Analytical data on. Baker and M. Puffeles 604. teaseed oil in -; Detection of. Oleic .Acid Preparation of pure - by a J. B. Brown and G. Y. *Olive Oil arachis oil in -; Detection of. G. W. 551 INDEX TO VOLUME 62 xlvii Olives hnalytical data on Palestinian -. Onion Boron content of -. *Opaque Surfaces Colour measurement of -. E. R. Bolton and K. A. Williams 3. Operating Theatres Risk of fire or explosion in -. J . H. Coste and C. A. Chaplin, 768. Opium alkaloids and their derivatives ; Determi-nation of - by the mercurimetric method.A. Ionescu-Matiu and C. Ichim 748. G. B. Baker and M. Puffeles 604. 628. Discoloration of -. 469. Optics Symbols for -. 804. Orange Ascorbic acid content of -. 626. peel; Copper in preserved - . E. H. skins; Composition of -. P. R. v. d. R. Bunce 664. Copeman 309. Orange and Quinine Wine Tonic 286. Orangeade Regulations for - in United Oranges Colour-added -. 551. Ores mercury and mercurous chloride in -; Determination of. Organic acids of rhubarb (Rheum hydridum) . G. W. Pucher H. E. Clark and H. R. Vickery 312. acids of tobacco leaf; Metabolism of - during culture. G. W. Pucher A. J. Wakeman and H. €3. Vickery 678. analysis. Abstracts 62 145 220 325 406, 488 569 632 685 755 819 893.Organic Chemistry; Introduction to -. 4th Ed. (Review) A. Lowy and B. Harrow, 701. Chemistry; Textbook of -. (Review) J. Schmidt. 3rd Eng. Ed. by H. G. Rule 78. compounds; Detection of the nitro group in -. W. M. Hearon and R. G. Gustavson, 686. compounds ; Direct determination of oxygen in -. P. Goodloe and J. C. W. Frazer, 632. compounds; Selectivity of iodic acid in the oxidation of -. R. J . Williams and M. A. Woods 685. compounds; Spot tests for -. X. F. Feigl and 0. Frehden 331. Micro-Analysis ; Pregl’s Quantitative -. 3rd Eng. Ed. nitrogen compounds; Tests for carbon mon-oxide and nitrous oside in the combustion of -. M. Badoche 488. poisons; Rapid method for isolating -. C. P. Stewart S. K. Chatterji and S. Smith, 891.raw materials; Determination of oils and phosphatides in -. substances; Determination of iodine in -. J. A. Gautier 325. substances; Oxidation of - with perchloric acid. A. Vialard-Goudou 62. substances ; Rapid qualitative detection of nitrogen in -. H. Gauduchon-Truchot, 220. Syntheses. (Review). Vol. XVI. J. R. Johnson. Vol. XVII. L. F. Fieser 770. Organo-Thermochemistry Analytical and criti-cal review of -. 307. States. 550. J. J . Fahey 897. (Review) H. Roth 160. €3. Rewald 408. Orla-Jensen Method for detecting and estimating F. Stoppel, Osmium New tests for -. Spot-test for detecting -. N. A. Tananaeff and A. N. Romanjuk 329. Ouabain Differentiation from other cardiotonic glucosides. J. A. Sanchez 138. Oxalic Acid resorcinol reaction of -; Study of.M. Pesez 145. Oxidation of herring oil; Effect of low tempera-tures sodium chloride and fish muscle on -. A. Banks 205. of organic substances with perchloric acid. A. Vialard-Goudou 62. of the ethyl esters of the fatty acids; Quantita-tive studies on -. H. J. Deuel L. F. Hallman J. S. Butts and S. Murray, 211. *Oxidation-Reduction systems in milk. R. S. Twigg 260. Oxides in steel; Apparatus for isolating -. 463. Oxidrmetry Hexanitrate ammonium cerate as a standard in - . G. F. Smith V. R. Sullivan and G. Frank 148. Oxidising agent; Sodium chlorite as a volumetric -. D. T. Jackson and J. L. Parsons, 226. Oxine as means of determining magnesia in presence of zinc. S. J. Fainberg and L. H. Fligelman 330. *Precipitation of metals by -.H. R. Fleck 378. Oxygen acetylene in liquid -; Determina-tion of. L. M. Jolson J. J. Strishevsky and A. B. Bergelson 152. raw milk in pasteurised milk. 558. 824. Atomic weight of -. 306. in organic compounds ; Direct determination P. Goodloe and J. C. W. Frazer, in steel; Apparatus for determining -. 463. Ozone Determination of ___ a t great dilution. of -. 632. E. Briner and E. Perrottet 415. P Paints B.S.I. specifications for ready-mixed -. 308. Lead in -. 196. Spectrographic analysis of - . F. H. Newington and C. L>. Lawrence 33. Palladium Isotopes of -. Palm Oil acidity in-; Development of. 798. Palmitic Acid Conversion of stearic acid into - in the organism. R. Schoenheimer and D. Rittenberg 814.Pampas Grass Analyses of -. 43. Pancreatic preparations ; Measurement of pro-teolytic activity of -. N. Evers and W. Smith 56. Pancreatin lipase in official preparations of -; Determination of. H. Penau and J. Guilbert 208. Paper B.S.I. specification for sizes for -. 557. 874. R. Wilbaux 204. Carotene content of Malayan -xlviii INDEX TO Paper-cont inued *mechanical wood pulp in -; Determina-tion of. S. S. Aiyar and P. S. Krishnan 713. mechanical wood pulp in -; Methods used in India for determining. 469. photographic -; Tests on. I . M. Korenman, 829. Para-Amino Phenol Grouping Reaction for -. H. J . Vlezenbeek 474. Parachlorometaxylenol as a preservative. E. A. Lam 217. Paraffin B.P. test for medicinal -. Tinto-meter Ltd.457. Paratyphoid B. Fever Epidemic of - in Liverpool and district. W. M. Frazer, B. T. J . Glover and V. Glass 890. Passion Fruit Seed from Kenya. Paste Food-colouring -__ containing lead. Pastes Amorphous part of starch in fresh -. 7. Pasteurisation control; B. coli test in -. Effects of commercial - on the nutritive Pastry egg in -; New rapid method for Pears Gas-storage of -. Peas canned -; Determination of maturity 738. Pectic substances; Isolation of ___ from wood. E. Anderson and Others 896. Pectin in milk products; Detection of - E. Letzig 202. Peel Copper in preserved -. E. H. Bupce, 664. Pentosans Determination of - in the analysis of wood. I. Gravinietric determination of furfuraldehyde. W. G. Campbell and L. H. Smith 632.Penzance ,4ppointment of R. P. Charles as Public -4nalyst for Borough of -. 792. Pepper An unusual adulterant for -. J. T. Dunn and H. C. L. Bloxam 121. as a blinding agent; Use of -. Peppermint Essence of -. 865. Perchloric Acid Explosion risks in the use of -. (a) 0. Hackl; (b) J. Meyer and W. Spormann 226. Oxidation of organic substances with -. A. Vialard-Goudou 62. Periodate Description of -. R. Fabre and T. Toniesco 575. Periodates for the acidimetric determination of glycerol and erythritol. M. L. Malaprade, 570. Peroxidase reaction Simple - . A. G. Douglas 320. Perrhenate Reduction and electrolysis of -. G. E. F. Lundell and H. €3. Knowles 635. Persipan glycerol in --; Detection and quanti-tative determination of. H. Kluge 314.Petroleum Oils as wood preservatives. *pH Effect of - on the precipitation of cadmium tungsten and uranium from acetate solutions. H. R. Fleck 378. 471. (Legal Notes). 383. J. R. Katz 695. *Colour measurement of surface of -. M. H. McCrady 482. value of milk. 463. determining. G. Nadai 47. 795. of. V. B. Bonney and S. C. Rowe 131. dried -; Composition and texture of. split-; Talc on -. 734. 305. 669. VOLUME 62 pH-continued "range 1-6; New series of buffer mixtures covering -. W. L. German and A. I. Vogel 271. Pharmaceutical colouring agents. Substitute for Bordeaux B. preparations ; Estimation of acriflavine and related compounds in -. G. F. Hall and A. I>. Powell 812. Students ; Physiology for -. (Review), H. H.Barber 504. Pharmaceutics Text-book of -. 4th Ed. (Keview) A. 0. Bentley 910. Pharmacopoeia British __ . See British Pharmacopoeia. The Extra -. 21st Ed. Vol. I. (Review). 233. Phenanthrene Chemistry of Natural Products related to -. (Review) L. F. Fieser 648. o-Phenanthroline as means of determining iron colorimetrically. L. G. Saywell and B. B. Cunningham 413. Phenol determination in tars. E. Feil 634. C. L. M. Brown 476. Free and sulphoconjugated __ in pure solution and in blood determined by ultra-violet spectrography. G. Barac 76. *in water ; Colorimetric method of determining traces of -. Pellv 117. G. U. Houghton and R. G': Phenols Precipitation of - with +diazo-nitraniline. 75. Philippine curcas nut oil. A. 0. Cruz and A. P. West 619.tobacco seed oil. A. 0. Cruz and A. P. West, 619. Phosphas Natricus Acidus Examination of -. M. P. H. Sitsen 139. "Phosphatase of cow's milk; Recent work on -. H. D. Kay E. C. V. Mattick and S. J. Folley 259. E. B. Anderson, I,. Herschdorfer and F. K. Neave 86; F. W. Edwards and H. R. Nanji 121. Phosphate Elimination of ___ in qualitative analysis. Id. W. N. Godward and A. M. Ward 826. Phosphatide content of wheat germ. B. Rewald, 130. Phosphatides glycerol in - ; Micro-determina-tion of. G. Blix 576. in organic raw materials ; Determination of -. B. Rewald 408. Phosphorus in plants cultivated in the same soil ; Proportions of sulphur nitrogen and -. G. Bertrand and L. Silberstein 485. in silver phosphate; Determination of -.N. Rubin and W. N. McNabb 123. Removal of - in the zinc uranyl acetate method of determining sodium. 0. R. Overman and 0. F. Garrett 414. Silicic acid determined colorimetrically in presence of iron fluorine and -. I. P. Alimarin and V. S. Sverev 640. Phosphotungstate colorimetric method for determining vanadium. E. R. Wright and M. G. Mellon 637. Phosphotungstic Acid method of determining ascorbic acid in urines with low ascorbic acid content. G. Medes 58. test for milk; Notes on -INDEX TO VOLUME 63 Photo-electric cell; Colorimetry with a -. P. Krumholz 230. Photo-luminescence method for the micro-determination of samarium. M. Servigne and E. Vassy 694. Photographic paper; Tests on - . I. M. Korenman 829. Photography by neon light; Colour response in -.J . A. M. Van Liempt and 1’. Ley-dens 333. Photometric standards; Maintenance of -. 462. Photometry Physical -. 462. PhylIocIadus alpinus Essential oil of -. Physical Chemistry; Recent Advances in -. methods of analysis. Abstracts 76 157, photometry. 462. J . H. Briggs 490. 3rd Ed. (Review) S. Glasstone 78. 230 332 420 579 643 694 766 905. Physico-Chemical symbols. Report of Joint Physics Handbook of Chemistry and -. (Review) C. D. Hodgman 699. Physiology for Pharmaceutical Students. (Re-Pipelene Prohibition of import of ___ into Pipes Lead in block tin distillery -. Pipettes B.S.I. specifications for graduated __ and straight -. 613. *Pitch from ancient Egyptian tombs. J. G. A. Griffiths 703. Pitchblende Atomic weight of -.Plant Growth; Soil Conditions and -. (Review) Sir E. J. Russell 582. Plants Active principles of New Zealand -. 43. Boron content of __ cultivated on the same soil. G. Bertrand and L. Silberstein 627. Influence of fertilisers on the carotene and vitamin C content of __ . J . B. H. Ijdo 213. Selenium in - in relation to its occurrence in soils. 754. sulphur phosphorus and nitrogen in -cultivated in the same soil; Proportions of. G. Bertrand and L. Silberstein 485. Platinum Dctermination of -- and detection of __ metals. S. 0. Thompson F. E. Beamish and M Scott 824. Committee on -. 800. 21st Ed. view) H. H. Barber 504. Italy. 51. 743. 574. Isotopes of -. 874. Organic Derivatives of -. 795. (Review) A. E. Goddard 334.Plums Storage of -. Pneumococci Autolytic system of -. R. J. Dubos 891. Podyphyllum Histology of -. T. E. Wallis and S. Goldberg 564; of Indian - 748. Poison Gases used in warfare; Use of coloured powders for detecting -. H. L. Ligten-berg 572. Poisoning by bamboo shoots. 742. by manganese. Notification of -. 129. by metallic mercury -. 469. cases in Ceylon. 469. cases in Straits Settlements 742. chronic arsenic -; Fixation of the time of administration in cases of. L. Van Itallie 401. xlix Poisonhg-continued Copper dust - alleged. 734. Croton -. 741. Food - its epidemiology and bacteriology. Industrial - (manganese tungsten). W. Lead arsenate -. 611. Madar juice -. 740. Potassium nitrite - 740. Sodium nitrite -. 734 740. Sta$hyZococcus food --; Epidemiology and symptomatology of.G. A. Dennison 762. Strychnine -. 611. Verona1 __ cured by coriamyrtin. veronal -; Distribution of veronal among J. F. Reith, Poisons isolation of organic - . Rapid C. P. Stewart S. K. khatterji (Review) H. N. Linstead 158. Pobrised Light for the examination of manu-R. B. Haselden, E. R. Jones 671. Brandt 62. 44. the organs in a case of fatal. 682. method for. and S. Smith 891. Law. scripts and printed books. 332. Pollen analysis. 797. Pollucite Analysis of -. R. C. Wells and R. B. Stevens 639. Poly-Ethenoid Acids in milk-fats. 253. Pomegranate Seed Oil Octadecatrienoic acids in -. Pomegranate Seeds Triene acid from -. B. H. Farmer and F. ,4. Van den Heuvel, 221. Poplar Appointment of H.A. Parkes as Ad-ditional Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of -. 383. Pork Influence of cooking and canning on the vitamin B and B (G) content of lean -. F. W. Cristensen E. Latzke and T. H. Hopper 61. T. Mizuno, 498. sulphide sulphur in -; Determination of. H. A. Bright 497. Potassium Detection of ~ with racemic acid. L. Szebellbdy and J. J6n& 68. *Determination of __ as potassium silver cobaltinitrite. A. M. Ismail and H. F. Harwood 443. determined as cobaltinitrite. L. Jendrassik and A. Polg&r 226. Dipicrylamine as a reagent for -. C. J. van Nieuwenburg and T. van der Hoek 332. in insoluble silicates ; Determination of -. C. C. Miller and F. Traves 68. in soil solutions ; Determination of -. 449. in soils and silicates; Determination of -.J . E. Gieseking and H. J . Snider 538. Micro and semi-micro determination of -. M. Hegediis 152. Micro-determination of -. Ch. Cimerman and C. J . Rzymowslra 693. Potassium Bromate as means of determining 8-hydroxyquinoline. E. Schulek and 0. Clauder 488. Volumetric determination of hydrogen perox-ide by means of -. L. Szebellkdy and W. Madis 764. K. Toyama and K. Uozaki 745. Portland Cement Analysis of -1 INDEX TO VOLUME 62 "Potassium Silver Cobaltinitrite Determination of potassium as -. A. M. Ismail and II. F. Harwood 443. Potato Boron content of -. 628. Photometric determination of the colour of cooked -. P. Bilham A. E. Maunsell and L. H. Lampitt 643. starch; Hydrolysis of - by malt amylase a t different temperatures.J L. Baker and H. F. E. Hulton 808. *tubers; Use of selenium in the determination of nitrogen in -. A. M. Smith and W. Y . Paterson 786. Potentiometric titration ; Simplified method of -. Potted Beef Adulteration of -. Poultry Storage of -. Powder in shooting cases; Nature of -. 798. *Powders Colour measurement of surface of Praseodymium Separation of thorium from -E. H. T. Jukes 316. 544. 796. -. 7. by means of hexamine. 188. Holman 767. fluorescence in ultra-violet light. 731. quantities of -. Hermance 418. Research Records No. 17.) son 668. Precious Stones Examination of - * J-Examination of - by means of their J . Grant, Precipitates Methods of dealing with small B. L. Clarke and H. W. Preservative(s) for wood.(Forcst Products N. A. Kichard-in foodstuffs. 870. Parachlorometaxylenol as -. E. A. Lam, 217. Privet Ibota -; Examination of. 554. Prontosil Crystal reactions of -. n-Propylarsonic Acid Determination of zircon-ium in steels with -. H. H. Geist and G. C. Chandlee 495. Protein solutions containing succinic acid; Determination of fumaric acid in -. E. Stotz 492. Proteins of different parts of wheat grain; Metabolism of - compared with that of casein. H. Jordan 678. Proteus vulgaris Gastro-enteritis associated with -. Provitamin of egg sterols. A. Windaus and 0. Stange 140. Prunus avium E . Wax-like constituents of -. K. S. Markley and C. E. Sando, 688. Public Analysts Notes from Reports of -. See Birmingham Bristol Chelsea Derby, Fulham Hammersmith Kent Kingston-upon-Hull Leeds Salford Stepney.See also Ministry of Health. Society of __ . See Society of Public Analysts. Pukateine as narcotic. 44. Purine in tea; New -. T. 13. Johnson 674. Putrefaction of meat fish and fat; Estimation of R. Strohecker K. Vaubel Pyramidone Nitrogen in - determined by H. ter Meulen and H. J. 75. J . D. A. Gray 567. degree of -. and H. Kirchberg 744. hydrogenation. Ravenswaay 894. Pyrasulf Composition of -. M. J. Schulte, 749. Pyridine Separation of uranium zirconium and titanium from manganese cobalt and nickel by -. E. A. Ostroumow 495. Pyrites copper in -; Rapid determination of. I. Ubaldini 413. *silver in -; Electrolytic determination of. J. G. Fife 723.Pyrogallol Nessler's reagent in the determina-tion of -. M. Goswami and A. Shaha, 755. Q Qualitative analysis ; Elimination of phosphate in -. .L. W. N. Godward and A. M. Ward 826. (Review) C. J. Engclder T. H. Dunkelberger and W. J. Schiller 160. analysis without the use of hydrogen sulphide. M. B. Kane and K. Kondaiah 573. analytical reactions ; Classification of -. 558. Chemical Analysis; Textbook of -. (Re-view) A. I. Vogel 912. (Vol. I1 of Treadwell and Hall's Afzalytical Chemistry. 8th Ed.) (Re-view) 234. Analysis; Elementary -. 2nd Ed. (Re-view) C . J. Engelder 239. Analysis; Elementary -. 2nd Ed. (Re-view) H. H. Willard and N. H. Furman, 427. ' drop analysis. VII. Further investigations on the determination of calcium.R. Lindner and P. L. Kirk 765. Inorganic Analysis; Textbook of -. (Re-view) I. M. Kolthoff and E. B. Sandell 697. Organic Micro-Analysis ; Pregl's -. 3rd Eng. Ed. Queensland Report of Acting Government Analyst for - for 1935-36. F. E. Connah 195. Quinine in orange and quinine wine tonic. 286. Quinine Iodobismuthate Determination of bis-muth in -. M. FranGois and L. Seguin, 475. Quinine Sulphate as a fluorescent indicator for precipitation reactions. J . Grant 285. Analysis; Semi-micro -. Quantitative Analysis. (Review) H. Roth 160. in viscera; Determination of -. 854. R Racemic Acid for the detection of potassium. L. Szebellhdy and J. J6nAs 68. Radiation solar -; Measurement of. Radiogenic Leads Atomic weights of -. G. P. Baxter J.H. Faull Jr. and F. D. Tuemmler 574. Radium Measurement of -. 461. Ragwort Alkaloid of -. 609. Rancidity in fats. I. Effect of low temperatures, sodium chloride and fish muscle on the oxidation of herring oil. A. Banks 205. 667. radiations; Measurement of -. 390 INDEX TO VOLUME 62 li Rare Earth elements; Sensitive method for detecting traces of - . M. Servigne, 694. nitrate mixtures; Thermal analysis of -. L. L. Quill R. F. Robey and S. Seifter, 767. *Rare Earths Separation of thorium from -by means of hexamine. A. M. Ismail and H. F. Harwood 185. Ray-liver Oils M. Tsujimoto 136. Rays Ultra-violet -. See Ultra-violet Rays. Reagent Chemicals and Standards. (Review), J. Rosin 832. Reagents Leucobases as analytical -. A. I. Matiu and C.Yopescu 686. Recording instruments; Inks for -. U.S.A. Bureau of Standards Research Paper R.P. 935. Reducing sugars. Spe Sugars. Reductase test; Reliability of -. Refractive Index Standard liquids for the micro-A. H. Kunz Refractometer Isopropyl alcohol determined by J. Batscha Refractories Analysis of -. E. Azzarello Resin in cubebs. *Resins from ancient Egyptian tombs. J. G. A. Synthetic - as water softeners. C. E. Waters 200. 609. scopic determination of -. and J. Spulnik 157. means of the immersion -. aud S. Reznek 406. and F. Abramo 575. J. F. Clavenger 398. Griffiths 703. HOP-. 287. 302. Resorcinol reaction of oxalic acid; Study of --. M. Pesez 145. Rhodium Isotopes of -. 874. Rhubarb Organic acids of -. G. W. Pucher, Rhus glabra seeds and oil.G. H. McFadden and Rice Talc on -. 734. Ricin Properties of -. S. Inoue 565. *Road tars; Determination of cyanide in aqueous W. G. Moffitt and E. H. Rock-forming minerals ; Hydrolysis of -. Rontgen The -. 461. Rosenthaler-Curli Method of determining reducing sugars. Y . Volmar and S. Klein 133. Rosin in soaps; Determination of -. (Report No. 5 of Sub-committee on Methods of Soap Analysis.) 868. Rotenone Determination of -. R. R. Le G. Worsley 141 ; W. M. Seaber 630. Rubber Sulphur in - determined volumetric-ally by the use of tetrahydroxyquinone as indicator. R. T. Sheen and Others 410. Rubbing Alcohol 553. Rubidium Atomic weight of -. H. E. Clark and H. B. Vickery 312. R. L. McMurray 809. extracts of -. Williams 101.A. Bramall and J . G. C. Leetch 642. 306. Dipicrylamine as a reagent for -. C. J. van Nieuwenburg and T. van der Hoek, 332. Isotopes of -. 874. Rutin Isolation of ___ from tobacco. C. Neuberg and M. Kobel 53. Rye Microscopical features of -. 512. *starch Determination of - in mixtures, J. G. A. Griffiths 510. S Saccharin dulcin in presence of -; Sensitive test for. Saccharomyces Species Characteristics of the fat of yeast (-). I<. Taufel H. Thaler and H. Schreyegg 317. Sale of Food and Drugs Act Bell's -. 9th Ed. (Review) R. A. Robinson 423. Report for 1936-37 and Extracts from Reports of Public Analysts for 1936. 870. Salford Report of the City Analyst for 1936. G. H. Walker 667. Salicylates in presence of benzoates ; Determina-tion of -.175. "Salicylic Acid Distinction of p-hydroxy-benzoic acid and its derivatives from -. F. W. Edwards H. R. Nanji and &I. K. Hassan 178. in presence of benzoic acid; Determination of -. 175. Salmonellosis Duck __ and its importance in man. J . Jansen 322. Salt Corrosive action of -. 305. Samarium Micro-determination of ___ by a photo-luminescence method. M. Servigne and E. Vassy 694. Samarskite Atomic weight of -. Sands beach -; Pollution of. Sausages p-hydroxybenzoic acid in -; Determnation of. 183. Scarborough Eighth Summer Meeting of the North of England Section a t -. 507. Scientific and Industrial Research Dept. of : Analysis of conimercial lubricating oils by physical methods. (Lubrication Research Technical Paper No.1.) 41. Building Research Board Report for 1935. 303; for 1936 793. Causes of stain and decay in imported timber. (Forest Products Research Record No. 18.) K. St. G. Cartwright 735. Corrosion of the tin-plate containers by food products. Second Report. (Food Investi-gation Special Report No. 44.) T. N. Morris and J. M. Bryan 193. Food Investigation Hoard Report for 1936. 795. Investigation of atmospheric pollution. Report for 1935-36. 547. Methods for detecting toxic gases in industry. I. Hydrogen sulphide. (Leaflet No. 1.) 607. Report for the year 1935-36. Water Pollution Research Board Report foi Wood preservatives. N. A. Richardson, Scientist in Action. The-. (Review) W. H. Sea Salt Adulteration and misdescription of Sea Water in clothing; Determination of -.silicate in --; Photometric determination of. Seed dressings ; Volumetric determination of H. J. Vlezenbeek 474. 574. 61 1. Sulphite in -. 799. 389. 1935-36 301. 668. George 646. -. (Legal Notes) 35. 743. €2. J . Robinson and H. J. Spoor 144. mercury in -. 656 lii IKDEX TO Seed Oil(s) of pomegr,tn~tte karasu-uri and balsam pear; Octatlxatrienoic acids in __ . Y . To\-ama and K. Uozaki 745. of Xznzenia mneracana Linn. A new un-saturated fdtty acid ximenic acid. S. V. Puntambeknr and S. Krishna 746. Seed Wax of SatnnLondsza californica. T. G. Green T. P. llilditch anti TV. J . Stainsby, 322 571. Seeds crude fibre in oleaginous -_ and pressed cakes made from them ; Determination of. J.Hladik 404. of Blcpharas edulas; Oil from --. G. P. Pendse and J . R. Lal 810. of Cichoviunz zntybus Linn. R. N. Mistra and S. Ihtt 618. of Rhus glabra. G. 13. McFadden and 12. L. McMurray 809. of Solanuin nigrwn; Oil from -. G. P. Pendse 810 of Valevianelh olatovea Poll. A. Steger and J . van Loon SOY. Seidlitz Powders Sale of --. S73. Selenic Acid Volumetric determination of -. R. Doliquc 227. Selenious Acid Determination of fructose with ___ G. Reif 311. Selenium Acids of ~ determined in presence of acids of arsenic. Detection of -. in plants in relation to its occurrence in soils. J . T. Miller 754. in sulphur; Rapid method for determining __ . W. C. Hughes and H. N. Wilson 150. Organic Derivatives of -. (Review) A. E. Goddard 334.*Use of in the determination of nitrogen in potato tubers. A. M. Smith and W. Y . Paterson 786. Volumetric determination of - by the Norris and Fay method. W. C. Coleman and C. R. McCrosky 827. Volumetric determination of small amounts of ~ by oxidation in colloidal solution. W. C. Coleman and C. R. McCrosky 764. Semesan Volumetric determination of mercury in --. 656. Semicarbazones Determination of - . s. Veibel 146. Senecio Species Alkaloids of -. J. J. Hackie 206. Sewage Chemical and Bacterial Analysis of -; Laboratory Manual for. (Review), F. R. Theroux E. F. Eldridge and W. L. Mallmann 336. T. Milbauer 691. H. A. Ljung 690. disposal. 302. nitrate nitrite and ammonia in -; Use of activated carbon in determining. G. Gad, 684.-$H Group Detection of - by means of organometallic compounds. H. Gilman and 3 . F. Nelson 569. Shea Nuts from the Gold Coast. Sheep Black liver in -. Shellac Iodine value of -. R. W. Aldis, 136. 196. 792. Needle -. E. Stoch 820. Shooting Cases Nature of the powder in -. 798. VOLUME 62 Shoreditch A4ppointment of H. A. Williams as Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of -. 458. Shrimps Ammonia in -. Siene Bean and Oil T. S. Perrin 674. Sild in olive oil; Tin in -. Silica in silicated soaps; Determination of -. (Report No. 4 of Sub-committee on Methods of Soap Analysis.) 865. Silicate Analysis. (Review) A. W. Groves 908. in sea water; Photometric determination of -. R. J. Robinson and H. J. Spoor, 144. Silicates lithium in insoluble -; Determina-tion of.Potassium determination in __ . J. E. Gieseking and H. J. Snider 638. sodium and potassium in insoluble -; Deterniination of. C. C. Miller and I;. Traves 68. Silicic Acid in presence of iron phosphorus and fluorine ; Colorimetric determination of -. I. P. Alimarin and V. S . Sverev 640. Silicon in aluminium and aluniinium alloys; Determination of -. H. V. Churchill and 31. P. Lee 639. Silicotungstic Acid rnicro-method for determining small quantities of nicotine. J . R. Spies, 229. S. R. Trotman 64. C. R. N. Reddy and B. S. Srikantan 623. 665. 35. C. C. Miller and F. Traves 69. Silk damage in -; Determination of. Weighting of Indian -. Silt in the Mersey. 303. Silver colloids ; Distinguishing reactions of the principal -.R. Deschaseaux 208. Colorimetric determination of __ as coIloidal silver sulphide. L. de Brouck&re and R. Petit 328. *in presence of other metals; Electrolytic determination of small quantities of -. J . G. Fife 723. Silver Iodate Micro-determination of chloride in biological fluids with solid -. J. Sendroy, 828. Silver Phosphate phosphorus in -; Determina-tion of. N. Kubin and W. N. McNabb 123. Silver Salts Spot tests for -. Silver Sulphide Silver cle termined colorimetri-cally as colloidal -. L. de Brouckkre and R. Petit 328. Simmondsia californica Seed wax of -. T. G. Green T. P. Hilditch and W. J. Stainsby 222 571. Smoke meter; Electrotor --. S. C. Blacktin, 231. Soap Analysis ; Sub-committee on Methods of -.Report No. 3. Determination of free alkali in soaps. 36; No. 4. Determina-tion of free alkali and silica in silicated soaps. 865; No. 5. Determination of rosin in soaps. 868; Note on Determination of unsaponifiable matter in oils and fats. 863. Report No. 3 of the Sub-committee on Methods of Soap Analysis. 36. Its Composition Manufacture and Properties. 4th Ed. (Review) W. H. Simmons 584. 228. free alkali in - Determination of INDEX TO Soaps free alkali in --; Determination of. (Report No. 3 of Sub-Committee on Methods of Soap Analysis.) 36. rosin in __ ; Determination of. (Report No. 5 of Sub-Committee on Methods of Soap Analysis.) 868. silicated -; Determination of free alkali and silica in __ . (Report No. 4 of Sub-Committee on Methods of Soap Analysis.) 865.Societe de Chimie Industrielle Address sent to __ on its twentieth anniversary. Society of Chemical Industry Joint Meeting of the 1;oocl Group of - with the Society of Public Analysts. 163. Society of Public Analysts Address sent by 1_ to the Soc. cle Chimie Industrielle on its twentieth anniversary. 774. 774. Annual Report of Council 1937. 246. Joint Meeting with the Food Group of the Society of Chemical Industry 163. North of England Section 1 164 242 249, Proceedings of -. 1 163 241 339 429, Scottish Section. 339 507 835. 507 773 835. 2 242 249 429. Soda Mint tablets. 546. Soda Water Sodium bicarbonate in -. 793. Sodium in insoluble silicates ; Determination of -. in soil solutions extracts etc.; Determination of small amounts of -. B. T. Mulwani and A. G. Pollard 486. ilficro and semi-micro determination of -. ill. Hegedus 152. Zinc uranyl acetate method of determining-. Hemoval of phosphorus. 0 . R. Overman and 0. F. Garrett 414. Sodium Acid Phosphate Examination of -. 11.1. P. 11. Sitsen 139. Sodium Chloride Effect of __ on the oxidation of herring oil. Sodium Chlorite as a volumetric oxidising agent. D. T. Jackson and J . L. Parsons 226. *Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate Colorimetric determination of copper with __ in presence of moderate amounts of iron. T. I?. Hoar 657. Sodium Fluoride as wood preservative. 669. Sodium Nitrite poisoning. 734. Sodium Rhodizonate in the volumetric determina-tion of sulphate. A. Mutschin and R.Pollak 331. Volumetric determination of sulphate with barium chloride and -. A. Mutschin and R. Pollak 496. Sodium Sulphite Colour reaction of woody tissues with chlorine and - . W. G. Campbell S. A. Bryant and G. Swann, 822. Sodium Tetrathionate Broth Use of - for isolating organisms of the typhoid group. E. R Jones 817. Soil analysis; Acceleration of digestion in the Kjeldahl method as applied to -. F. L. Ashton 485. Cobalt in -. 42. Conditions and Plant Growth. (Review), Sir E. J. Russell 582. C. C. Miller and F. Traves 68. A. Banks 205. VOLUME 62 liii Soil-coiztinued solutions; Determination of ferrous iron in - by means of 2:2’-dipyridyl. V. Ignatieff 892. solutions; Determination of potassium in -. 449. solutions extracts etc.; Determination of small amounts of sodium in -. B. T. Mulwani and A. G. Pollard 486. J . E. Gieseking and H. J. Snider 638. Selenium in plants in relation to its occurrence J . T. Miller 754. Solanum nigrum 011 from seeds of -. Solar Radiation Measurement of -. Solarimeter Integrating --. 667. Sorbitol in tobacco; Occurrence of -. C. Keuberg and PVI. Kobel 54. South Africa Dept. of Agriculture and Forestry Bulletin on the seasonal variations in the freezing-point of milk. 44. Soya Bean oil-cake ; Antioxygenic compounds in -. T. G. Green and T. P. Hilditch, 306. Spectra flame - Use of. Spectrographic analysis uf tin. Soils Potassium determination in -. in -. G. P. Pendse 810. 667. 463. D. M. Smith 77. studies on the antimoxy chloride reaction for vitamin A.I . 0. Notevarp and H. W. Weedon 59. Spectrography Qualitative niicro-analysis by electrolysis and -. A. Schleicher and L. Laurs 416. Ultra-violet - for the determination of free phenol and sulpho-conjugated phenol in pure solution and in blood. G. Barac, 76. Spectrophotometric studies of the colour develop-ment in the analysis of sugar and cholesterol. F. T.V. Sunderman and J. Razek 480. *Spectroscope Hartridge reversion - for examining blood for carbon monoxide ; Improvements in. R. C. Frederick 452. Spore germination; Use of shect viscose in the Spot Test(s) for detecting osmium. N. A. Tananaeff and A. N. Romsnjuk 329. for organic compounds. X. F. Feigl and 0. Frehden 331. for substances sparingly soluble in acids.F. Feigl 227. Squill Optical activity of preparations of -. L. McGraghan 192 539. Stachyose in the stalks and roots of Verbena officinalis L. and in the underground parts of Verbena venosu. Stains in imported timber; Cause of -. I(. St. G. Cartwright 735. on clothing; Use as evidence. Standards Custody and maintenance of imperial and metric -. 872. Hexanitrato ammonium cerate as __ in oxidimetry. G. F. Smith V. R. Sullivan and G. Frank 148. National Physical Laboratory work on -. 461. photometric -; Maintenance of. 462. Reagent Chemicals and - . (Review), study of -. 455. J . Cheymol 318. 743. J. Rosin 832 liv INDEX TO Standards-continued U.S.A. Bureau of -. Research Papers Inks for recording instruments. U.S.A. Bureau of - Research Paper R.P.Re-determination of the atomic weight J. I. Hoffman and G. E. F. Staphylococcus food poisoning; Epidemiology and symptomatology of __ . G. A. Dennison 752. Star Anise True and poisonous -. M. Wagenaar 52. Starch Amorphous part of - in fresh bread and in fresh pastes and solutions of -. J . K. liatz 696. banana --; Fatty acids associated with. L. Lehrman and E. A. &bat 618. potato-; Hydrolysis of - by malt amylase a t different temperatures. J. L. Baker and H. F. E. Hulton 808. Stearic Acid Conversion of - into palmitic acid in the organism. R. Schoenheimer and D. Rittenberg 8 14. *Steel cobalt in -; New method for deter-mining. B. S. Evans 363. *copper in mild -; Rapid determination of. T. I?. Hoar 788. non-metallic inclusions in -; Determina-tion of.E. W. Colbeck S. W. Craven and W. Murray 68. oxygen in -; Apparatus for determining. 463. oxides in --; Apparatus for isolating. 463. Zirconium in - determined with n-propyl-arsonic acid. H. H. Geist and G. C. Chandlee 495. Stepney Report of Borough Analyst for 1936. D. Henvills 793. Sterilisation Cold __ of nutrient media and its significance for the pure culture of micro-organisms. G. Scliweizer 323. Sterols egg -; Provitamin of. A. Windaus and 0. Stange 140. Stigmasterol in molluscs. 1%'. Bergmann 481. Stone Advisability of re-using old building Storage Gas ___ of pears 795. of eggs and poultry. 796. of fish. 796. of food; Research on -. of grapes. 705. of plums. 795. of vegetables.796. Research on relationship between production and -. 796. Straits Settlements Report of the Government Analyst for 1936. Straw The two ends of -. H. Nicol 406. Streptococcus pyogenes in milk stored a t atmospheric temperatures ; Growth of -. E. J . Pullinger and A. E. Kemp 889. Strontium Isotopes of -. 874. Strophanthin K Differentiation from other cardiotonic glucosides. J. A. Sanchez, 138. Strychnine in Easton's Syrup ; Determination of -. N. Evers and W. Smith 53. K.P. 935. C. E. Waters 200. 957. of aluminium. Lundeil 393. See also British Standards Institution. -. 304. 390. M. Jamieson 742. VOLUME 62 Strychnine-continued in presence of caffeine (Compound Syrup of Glycerophosphates) ; Determination of small quantities of -.poisoning. 61 1. D. C. Garratt 538. Stucco Colourings for -. 794. Succinic Acid fumaric acid in protein solutions containing - ; Determiriation of. E. Stotz 492. Sugar analysis; Effect of time on the iodimetric method of -. analysis ; International Commission for uniform methods of -. Report of 9th session 1936. 197. analysis; Use of micro-organisms in --. T. F. Nicholson 141. analysis of __ by the Benedict method; Spectrophotometric studies of the colour development in. F. W. Sunderman and J. Razek 480. as an inhibitor of corrosion in canning. H. C. S. de Whalley 617. blood -; Direct micro-titration method for. B. F. Miller and D. L). van Slyke 72. blood-; Micro-determination of - by ceric sulphate titration. G. Giragossintz C.Davidson and P. L. Kirk. 829. Sugars fermentation of __ by different yeasts; Rates of. reducing-; Determination of - by the Rosenthaler-Curli method. Y . Volmar and S. Klein 133. Sulphanilic Acid Nitrogen in - determined by hydrogenation. H. ter Rleulen and H. J. Ravenswaay 894. Sulphate Volumetric determination of - with barium chloride and sodium rhodizonate. A. Mutschin and R. Pollak 331 496. Sulphated Oils Analysis of -. D. Burton and G. F. Robertshaw 64. Use of the oily matter isolated in determining the Burton-Robertshaw index of - for determining iodine value. D. Burton and G. F. Robertshaw 757. Snlphates Spot tests for insoluble -. 228. Sulphide Colorimetric determination of cadmium as -. R. Juza and R. Langheim 824. in cyanide solutions ; Iodimetric determination of -.W. D. Djatschkow and L. Y. Sajzewa 496. Sulphide Sulphur in Portland cement ; Determina-tion of -. Sulphides Spot tests for insoluble - 227. Sulphite in sausages. 799. "Sulphites in presence of nitrates and nitrites ; Determination of -. J . G. Sherratt 267. I . M. Korenman, 417. Sulphur Determination of sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide from -. 0. F. Lubatti, 142. in argon; Detection of traces of -. I. I. Strishevsky and I . V. Korablev 227. in plants cultivated in the same soil; Propor-tions of phosphorus nitrogen and -. G. Rertrand and L. Silberstein 485. in rubber; Volumetric determination of __ by the use of tetrahydroxyquinone as indicator. R. T. Sheen and Others. 410. H. S. Miller 204.R. de Smedt 323. H. A. Bright 497. Sensitive reaction for -INDEX ’10 Sulphur- outtimrcd pollution of the air. selenium in -; l<apitl method kor deter-mining. W. (‘. Hughes and H. N. Wilson, 150. Sulphur Dioxide Determination of from burning sulpliur. Determination of small quantities of hydrogcn sulphide and -. W. G. Gurcvitch and W. I-’. Wendt 236. in bacon and ham I)cterminatioii of - - . 270. Sulphur Trioxide Iletcrrrrination of froin burning sulphur. 0. I;. Litbatti 14%. Sulphuric Acid I)ensity-coiiipositioii tables for Sump Oil Waste - as wood preservative. 609. Sunlight Action of on milk. L. 13uruian2, 888. Suprarenal Gland extracts ; Adrenaline content and physiological activity of H. G. liees 3%0. Surgical Dressings Estjmation of acriflab ine ,~iitl related compounds in G.1:. Hall ancl A. D. Powell 812. Surrey Appointment of I>. 0. Pvloir as Additional Public Analyst for County of - 125. Sussex ground oats. Ministry of Agriculture strttement on -. 733. Sussex East Apyointnient ol l<. I:. Wright as Additional Public Analyst for --. 383. Sussex West Appointment of R. F. Wright as Additional Public Analyst for County of Sweets Mcdic,btctl - --. 546. 648 668. 0. F. Lubatti 142. . U.S.I. specification No. 718. 808. . 125. - _ T Talc 0 1 1 rice :tiid split peas Tangerine i2scorbic acid content of - --. (izci. Tannin Nesslcr’s reagent in the tletermination Tanning extracts; <:ontrol oC the purity o f . A. Jainet 768. iiiatcrials; iZnalysis o f - - by the use of t11-y clironied hide pnwtlcrs.J . (;. l’arltcr ant1 A. liarvcy 223. Tannins Molecular weight of vegetable -- . G. Mi. Douglas ~ n c l F. 1Z. Huitiphreys 759. “Tar road -; ktcriiiination of cyanide in aclucous estracts of. W. ci. Moffitt and 17. H. Williams 101. Tars l’licnol tletcrmination 111 --. 1’. lccil, 634. *Tartaric Acid 1 )cterininatioii or ~ - ;~s 1c;d tartrate. C. H. hlanley 526. in presence of sugar; Dctcction o f - - . IC. lk Giacomi 731. Tartrates Separation of beryllium in presence of coniplex -. H. S. Miller 637. Tea Effect of - on enzymes. A. Zlataroff and I. D. lJoppoff 478. Sew purinc in -. “Son-tannic” -. 46. 734. of -. M. Goswnnii and A. Shaha 755. T. U. Johnson 674. Teaseed Oil in olive oil; 1)etection of -.551. Teeth Chemical composition of - . v. Spectrogrdphic analysis. 1;. Tmvater and h9. &I. hfurral- 623. VOL1JMIS ti2 I V Tellurium lsotoyes of ___ . 874. Microcheinical reactions for identilying Organic Derivatives of -. (Review) iz. JS. Separation of gold from ---. J . Sertth and Tellurous Acid Volumetric determination of R. I,ang and E. I:aude 414. Temperature scale; International -. 46.2. Tephrosin Icleiitiiication of deguelin and __ from different sources. J. J . Boain t<. S. C‘ahn and A. Stuart 487. Tetanus organisms; Isolation of - from mixed material. IS. C. Giles 817. Tetrahydroxyquinone as indicdtor in tlic 1 olu-metric determination of sulpliur in rubber. K. T. Sheen and Others 410. Textile fibres; Identification of dyes on --.E. Clayton 632. Textiles Standardisation of estiiril~tion of artificial silk in -. 469. Thalleioquin reaction in fluorescence analysis. hf. Haitinger 490. Thallium Specific reagent for clctcrniining and separating - . 13. Berg and E. S. I;ahrenkamp 689. Thermal Conductivity National 1’11 ysical Labora-tory work on -. 461. Thermochemistry Second Report of the PCT-manent Commission on 307. Thermocouples C‘hcxliing of 46%. Thermodynamics SJ mbols for 803. Thiochrome reaction for the chemical cletermina-tion of aneurin (vitamin B,) C. 1’. Janscn, 60. Thiocyanate in tissues ; L)etermination of --. IS. 13. Hrotlie and M. M. Friednian 814. Thiocyanates ( ‘ u ~ ~ J H - benzitline reaction in presence of halogen salts and --.1,. Kuhberg 166. Thiocyanic Acid Addition of - - to olcfinic double bonds. M. S. l i h ~ ~ r a s c l ~ I<. M. May and IT. l<. iLTayo 755. Thiosulphate (and ascorbic acid) ; l<eh tion 1,t:twccn tlict ant1 urinary output o f - - -. M. Hc~ineinann 2 14. Thiourea 1)ctcrmination oC . I<. (’utliill ancl (:. IZtkins 223. G. Denigk 693. Goddard 334. F. E. f3eamish 762. -_ . Test for - --. 1.3. Storfer 903. Thorium Separation of fronu tlic rare car-ths bj means of hes,tmine ant1 its tletrriniiiation in inonazite sand. A. M. Isinail and H. 1. Ilarwoocl 185. Thorium Oxide in lamp filamcn ts ; 1’hotogral)liic method for tletecting --. J. A. M . Van I,icmipt and J. H. M. Van Uclen 643. Thyme C‘onumeicial Thyroid Gland preparations ; Determination ol iodine in ---.Tillmans nicthocl for determining ascorbic acid ; Critical investigation of the -. G. L. Mack and 1). K. Tressler 666. Timber stain and decay in imported --Causes of. (Forest Products Research liecord No. 18.) K. St. G. Cartwright, 735. Tin arsenic in - ; Determination of. 13. Tougarinoff 6 8 9. C. E. Sage 563. J. C. De Jong 884 lvi INDEX TO VOLUME 62 Tin-r outznued (’admiiini in alloys rich in - - determinctl by loss in wciglit. L). Hanson antl W-. ’1‘. iiieans o_f toluene-:< 4-tlitliiol. I < . I<. 2 Clark 661. content of Eiiglisli canned fruits anti vegetables. W. 13. Atlaiii antl G. Horner 878. in foodstuffs; Separation a n t 1 tlctertriination of in sild canned in olive oil. lodinietric determination of - - - .M. Spectrographic analysis of - . I_). M. Smith, P ~ l l - W ~ l ~ ~ ~ l ~ 688. “(‘olorirnetric de terniina tion o f __-. 19 22. Hegedus 897. 77. analysis of alloys. J . \r. ’1 ananacv ant1 E. Davitashvili 484. Tin-plate containers ; Corrosion of I_ by food products. (Food Investigation Ke-port Xo. 44.) T. N. Morris and J . M. Bryan 193. Tissues aninial- ; Determination of bases from -. I < . Strack and €I. Schwaneberg, 210. Rietabolisni of Living -. (Review) E. Holmes 505. tliiocyaiiatc in __ Deterinination o f . B. B. Brodie and R f . M. Friedman 814. woody-; Colonr reaction of - with chlorine and sodium sulphite. W. G. Campbell, S. A. Bryant and G. Swami 822. Titanium in presence of bromide ; Colorimetric deterinination of -.D. Lewis 225. Sepamtion of ~ from manganese cobalt and nickel by pyridine E. A. Ostroumow 495. Titration potentioinetric - . Simplified method of. Tobacco leaf; Metabolism of organic acids of during culture. G. W. l’ucher, 11. J . Wakenian and H. 13. Vickery 678. leaves; Malic acid of G. Mi. Pucher, H. F:. Clark and H. 13. Vickery 312. I<utin isolated from C. Neuberg antl RI. Kobel 63. solublc carbohydrates in - - -; Determination of (’. Pyriki 399. sorbitol i n --; Occurrence of. C. Neiiberg and M. Kobe] 34. Tobacco Seed Oil I’hilippine - . A . 0. Cruz antl i\. 1’. West 619. l’olynerisation of -. 34. 13rainbilla a tit1 G. Ualbi 821. Tocopherols Anti-oxitlan t prolwrties of the -. H. S. Olcott and 0. H. Emerson, 759.Toffee “l)evon-crc;~m” . 731 *Toluene-8 4-dithiol Colorimetric determination of tin by means of -. K. E. D. Clark, 661. o-Toluidine in certain food dyes ; Determination of -. 0. L. Evenson J. A. Kime and S. S. Forrest 397. Tomato Boron content of -. -35. Tin Amalgam Llpplication of ~ - ‘to the 1.3. H. T. Jukes b16. 628. products; Analyses of -. 611. products ; Colorimetric determination of lactic products; Gum in -. 881. acid in -. F. Hillig 616. *Tombs Resins and pitch from ancient Egyptian Toxicarol Optically active constituent of derris resin related to --. F. Tattersfield and J . 7’. Martin 405. Toxicological analysis. ilbstracts 62 2 18, 324 401 483 667 627 682 891. *analysis of viscera ; Investigation into methods of -.I. Extraction of alkaloids from viscera. C. G Daubney ant1 L. C. Nickolls, 851. detection of zinc phosphide. F. Haun 218. study of cobalt. M. F. C‘aiijolle and S. . J . G. A. Griffiths 703. -__ Lafitte 483. Toys Lead in -. 196. Tragacanth gun1 ; Relationship between the constitution of - and the viscosity of its mucilage. J . M. Kowson 811. tiiucilage; Anomalous viscosity of -. G. Middleton 54. Standardisation of -. G. Middleton 55. Triammonium Hydrogen Qisulphate Preparation of -. I>. Laffitte and P. Locuty 498. Trichloroethylene vapour in the air of rooms; Rapid determination of -. A. Dargie, 730. Triene Acid from seeds of pomegranates. E. H. Farmer and F. A. Van den Heuvel 221. ‘Triethanolamine Rapid method for deterni-ining -.C. J . Eastland N. Evers and T. F. West 261. Trinidad and Tobago Report of the Government Analyst for 1936. H. S. Shrewsbury 671. Tripe Bleached -. 610. Excess of alkali in -. Tryptophane Use of mercuric salts and nitrous acid in the colorimetric deterinination of tyrosinc and present in solution. J. W. H. Lugg 815. Tung Oil elaeostearic acid in - ; Uirect determination of. “Tungsten Effect of pH on the precipitation of I_ from acetate solutions. H. R. Fleck, 378. 799. P. S. Ku 408. poisoning in industry. W. 13randt 62. Tungstic Acid arsenic in -; Determination of small amounts of. T. Millner and F. Khnos 67. Turtle Oils from Ceylon. 882. Typhoid group of organisms; Use of brilliant green-eosin agar and sodium tetrathionate broth for isolating -.E. K. Jones 817. Tyrosine Use of mercuric salts and nitrous acid in the colorimetric determination of trypto-phane and present in solution. J. W. 13. Lugg 815. U Ultra-violet Absorption Curves. 1. (Review), F. Ellinger 771. absorption; Examination of essential oils by measurement of the -. D. Van 0 s and K. Dykstra 579. absorption of calciferol. 432. light; Examination of precious stones by means of their fluorescence in -. J. Grant 731. radiation; Measurement of -. 548 INDEX TO VOLUME 62 lvii Ultra-violet-continued H. Kiihl 230. rays; Application of - to milling products. ray meter; Ashworth’s -. 667. spectrography ; Determination of free phenol and sulphoconjugated phenol in pure solution and in blood by -. G. Barac, 76.Umbelliferone Differentiation between vanillin, ferulic acid methyl-umbelliferone and -. 75. United States of America atmospheric pollution in -; Measurement of. 648. Bureau of Standards. Inks for recording instruments. C. E. Waters 200. Bureau of Standards. Re-determination of the atomic weight of aluminium. J. I. Hoffman and G. E. I;. Lundell 393. Unsaponifiable Matter of fish-liver and fish-body oils. S. Ueno and S . Nakaguchi 480. Upholstery materials; Cleansing of -. 666. Uranic Oxide Determination of uranous oxide and - in different layers of a uraninite crystal. E. Gleditsch and R. Rakken, 766. Uraninite crystal ; Determination of uranous and uranic oxides in different layers of a -. E. Gleditsch and R. Bakken 766. Uranium Atomic weight of -.306. *Effect of pH on the precipitation of ___ from acetate solutions. H. X. Fleck 378. Separation of - from manganese cobalt and nickel by pyridine. E. A. Ostroumow, 495. Uranous Oxide Determination of uranic oxide and - in different layers of a uranin-ite crystal. E. Gleditsch and R. Bakken, 766. Urea New sources of urease for determining -. M. Damodaran and I?. M. Sivarama-krishman 750. *Nitro-ferrocyanide reaction with -. W. R. Fearon 586. Quantitative determination of aluminium by precipitation with -. H. H. Willard and N. K. Tang 761. Urease New sources of - for determining urea. M. Damodaran and P. M. Sivarama-krishman 752. Urine acetone in --; Simple method for determining. J. C. Abels 675. albumin in -; Determination of.c‘. A . Sagastume and R. A. C. Gherzi 58. Alcohol in -. 305. alcohol in human -; Deterinination of. 612. ascorbic acid in --; Amount of. M. van Eekelen 214. Bromine value of -. M. I3. Drevon and J. Hagopian 625. with low ascorbic acid content; Observations on the phosphotungstic acid method of determining ascorbic acid in - . G. Medes 58. Urinary oestrin ; Colorimetric estimation of -. G. Pincus G. Wheeler G. Young and P. Zahl 140. Urobilin Colour reaction of copper with -. G. Bertrand and L. de Saint-Rat 498. Urology Utilisation of the diazo-reaction of v albumin -. E. Justin-Mueller 479. Vacat-Oxygen Definition of -. 678. Valerianella olitorea Poll. Fatty oil from A. Steger and J . van Vanadates Precipitation of -.E. Carri&re and Vanadium in limonite. 43. inks; Discovery of -. I’hosphotungstate colorimetric method for E. R. Wright and M. G. Vanillin Colour reaction for -. W. V. Thorpe Crystalline precipitations of -. 74. Differentiation between ferulic acid um-belliferone methyl-umbelliferone and -. 75. Varanus Salvator Laur. T . P. Hilditch and H. Paul 571. Vegetable fibres ; Composition of some less common -. A. G. Norman 895. G. W. Douglas and I;. E. Humphreys 759. Vegetables Canned - See Canned Vege-tables. Storage of -. 796. Vitamin C in -. Ascorbic acid oxidase. Z. I. Kertesz R. R. Dearborn and G. 3;. Mack 217. Critical investigation of the Tillmans method for determining ascorbic acid. G. L. Mack and D. K. Tressler 566. Ventilation conditions and their investigation.R. C. Frederick 906. Verbena Species Stachyose extracted from -. J. Cheymol 318. Verona1 Distribution of - among the organs in a case of fatal veronal poisoning. J . F. Reith 682. poisoning cured by coriamyrtih. 43. Vinegar artificial -; Sale of in Birmingham. Artificial - sold as “table” ~ . (Legal lemon -. 35. Regulations for - in Connecticut. 552. spirit -; Iodine value of. A. V. Sassi, wine ~ ; Identification of. A. Schmidt, the seeds of -. Loon 809. H. Guiter 691. J . Zernike 457. determining --. Mellon 637. and R. T. Williams 398. Depot fat of the tannins; Molecular weights of -. Vitamin C in -. 546. Notes) 384 605. N. Florentino and J. C. Migliaro 48. 560. ‘‘Vinegar Acid” 35. Virus research; Use of the developing egg in -.F. M. Rurnet 555. Viruses Size of - measured by high-speed centrifuging. J. McIntosh and F. R. Selbie, 682. Extraction of alkaloids from -. C. G. Daubney and L. C. Nickolls 851. Viscose Uses of sheet - in microbiological technique. L. D. Galloway 455. Viscosity of liquids; B.S.I. method for deter-mining - in absolute units. *Viscera Toxicological analysis of - . I. 613 lviii INDFX TO Vitamin antirachitic-; Isolation of - from halibut-liver oil. H. Brockman 222. Vitamin A Isolation of crystalline -. H. N. Holmes and R. E. Corbet 888. "potency of butters; Average -. I<. S. Morgan and H. Pritchard 354. value of the milk-fat of cattle of typical I?nglish breeds; Variations in -_ . A. E. Gillam I.M. Heilbron W. S. Ferguson and S. J. Watson 59. Spectrographic studies on the antimony trichloride reaction for -. I. Relation between tintometer readings and spectral absorption of the blue solution. 0. Note-varp and H. W. Weedon 59. Vitamin B Chemical deterniination of aneurin (-) by the thiochrome reaction. C. 1'. Jansen 60. content of bread and flour. I,. J . Harris and P. C. Txong 679. content of lean lxef and pork; Influence of Christensen E. TzLtzke and T. H. Hopper, 61. Estimation of -. \ . Schultz I,. Atkin and c'. N. Frey 567. Vitamin B content of lean beef and pork; Influence of cooking and canning on --. I;. W. Christensen E. 1,atzkc a n d T. H. Hopper 61. Vitamin C content of apples; Factors affecting - . E. L. Batchelder and E.L. Over-holser 322. content of plants; Influence of fertilisers on -. Enzymic action of -. G. Woker and J . Antener 320. Human requirements for --. 11. Heine-mann 214. in foodstuffs; Estimation of total -. P. N. Sen-Gupta and 13. C. Guha 566. in vegetables. Ascorbic acid oxidase. Z. I. Kertesz R. B. Dearborn ancl C;. 1,. Mack, 217. in vegetables. Critical investigation of the Tillmans method for determining ascorbic acid. of milk; Effect of light on --. S. I<. Kon ancl M. B. Watson 216. Titration method for --. L. J. Harris 680. *potency of butter; Average --. R. S. A. Windaus antl cooking and canning on . F. ?V. J. B. H. Ijdo 213. G. L. Mack and D. K. Tressler 566. Vitamin D milk. 552. Morgan and H. Pritchard 354. Vitamin D4 Crystalline --.G. Trautmann 626. Vitamin G See Vitamin B,. Vitamin P S. S. Zilva 889. W Wasserstoffperoxyd Das - und die Perver-bindungen. (Review) W. Machu 833. Water Algal control of -. 798. analysis. Abstracts 144. 684. Arsenic in a well --. Chemical and Bacterial Analysis of -; Laboratory Manual for. (Review) F. R. Theroux E. F. Hldridge and W. 1,. Mall-mann 336. J. Wyllie 627. VOT,TThfE 62 Water-continued doubly-distilled -; Apparatus for preparing. E. C. H. J. Noyons 769. drinking -; Lead in. 302. Vluorine cstimation in --. I<. KraCt antl 13. May 477. Fluorine in Derbyshire --. 7333. in acetic acid ; Polarirnetric determination of -_ . G. Toennies and M. Elliott 569. "lead in - . Determination of. J . W. Hawley and W.Wilson 166. illeasurement of pH of -. nitrate nitrite and ammonia in -. Usc of activated carbon in determining. G. Gad, 684. *phenol in - ; Colorimetric determination of traces of. G. U. Houghton and R. G. I'elly 117. Sea -. See Sea Water. -softening materials. 302. Volumetric determination of small amounts of II by means of cinnamoyl chloride. C. J. van Nieuwenburg 076. Water Pollution Research Board Report for Water-gas tar creosote as wood preservative. Waterloo Bridge Condition of granite from Wax-like constituents of the cherry I'rzinur K. S. Markley and C. E. Sando, Weed-killer Ammonium thiocyanate as -. 44. Weighing apparatus ; Examination of patterns of -. 873. Weights Atomic -. Weights and Measures Act Report by Board of Trade for 1936.872. West Bromwich Appointment of F. G. D. Chalmers as Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 792. Western Australia Report of Government Analyst for 1936. E. S. Simpson 799. Whale Oil Component acids and glycerides of partly hydrogenated Antarctic -. T. P. Hilditch and J . T. Terleski 880. Wheat Amino acids in -. F. A. Csonka, 394. 548. 1930-36. 301. 668. . 304. aviuvn I,. 688. Seed -. See Seed Wax. See Atomic Weights. Bromine in -, Bromine in Argentine -. J. Viggiano and E. F. H. Turk 559. germ; Fat and phosphatide content of -. R. Rewald 130. grain; Metabolism of proteins of difkerent parts of - compared with that of casein. H. Jordan 678. Microscopical features of -. "starch; Determination of - in mixtiires. J. G. A. Griffiths 510. White Chocolate 125. White Fir wood; Age and chemical composition of --. I. H. Isenberg 65. "White Metal alloys; Electrolytic analysis of -. S. Torrance 719, Wiltshire Appointment of R. F. Barke as Agricultural Analyst for County of --. 383. R. I?. Ibanez 394. 51 1 JNDES TO VOLUME 62 lix Wine Efiect of __ on enqnies. -1. Zlataroff and I. D. PoppofE 478. ferrocyanide findings in -; Detection of. L. Chauveau and A. Vasseur 134. Iron-content of - J. Byrne I,. G. Saywell and W. V. Cruess 397. Lactic acid in Bordeaux -. J. Ribereau-Gayon and E. Peynaud 876. red -; Extraction and preliminary examina-tion of various coloured compounds in. A. Dangoumau and G. Debordes 559. Spectrophotometric determination of the colour of -. A. Boutaric L. Ferre and -14. Roy 694. A. Schmidt, 560. Woburn Experimental Station Fifty Years of Field Experiments a t the -. (Review), Sir E. J . Russell and J. A. Voelcker 237. Wood Determination of pentosans in the analy-sis of -. I. Gravimetric determination of furfuraldehyde. W. t;. Campbell and L. H. Smith 632. dust; Inflammability of -. U'. Kiihn 679. Isolation of pectic substances from -. E. -Anderson and Others 896. of English ash ; Relationship between chemical composition and mechanical strength of --. K. R. Hamford and E. D. van Rest 146. preservatives. (Forest I 'roducts Research Records No. 17). N. -4. Richardson 668. *pulp in paper; Determination of mechanical -. S. S. -\iyar and P. S. Krishnan 713. pulp in paper; Methods used in India for determining mechanical - 469. Wool alkali in -; Determination of. D. E. Stocker 823. dyeing faults on -; -Analytical methods for identifying. vinegar; Identification of -. H. R. Hirst 410. Writing Bleached ~ on bank notes. 743. secret ---; Restoration of. L. Henclikson, 421. X Ximenia Americana Linn. Oil ironi seeds of S. V. f'untambekar and S. Krishna, S. V. I'untam--. 746. -1 new unsaturated fatty acid. bekar and S. Krishna 746. Y Yeast Characteristics of the fat of - (Snc-I<. Taufel H. Thaler and charomyces spp.). H. Schreyegg 317. Yeast-cont inued fermentation of sugars by different types of *Yellow Metal alloys; Electrolytic analysis of by Yttrium Separation of thorium from --; Rates of. -. S. Torrance 719. means of hexamine. 188. R. de Smedt 323. Z Zinc deposited by small-arm fire; Detection of -. 892. Diphenylthiocarbazone as means of detecting and determining minute quantities of -. Electro-deposition of I_ from citrate solution. K. Winchester and L. F. Yntema, 635. Gravimetric determination of __ by means of anthranilic acid. E. A\ Ostroumow, 690. in foodstuffs; Separation and determination of ----. 20 23. in glazed earthenware. 609. in limonite 42. in metallic cadmium ; Determination of J. J . Lurie and V. F. Neklyutina 494. Magnesia in presence of - determined by means of oxine. S. J. Fainberg and L. H. Fligelman 330. Micro-methods for -. 4.3. Separation of - from cobalt by means of E. A. Ostroumow 636. separation of cadmium from -; New method H. Fischer and G. Leopoldi 150. hydrogen sulphide. for. C. Mahr and H. Ohle 573. Zinc Chloride as wood preservative. *Zinc Oxide separation as applied to the deter-mination of manganese in special cast irons. E. C . Pigott 860. Zinc Phosphide Toxicological detection of -. F. Haun 218. Zinc Uranyl Acetate method of determining sodium. Removal of phosphorus. 0. R. Overman and 0. F. Garrett 414. Zirconium Determination of - by precipita-tion as arsenate. W. C. Schumb and E. J. Nolan 763. Cravinietric determination of - by means of methylarsinic acid. R. Chandelle 899. in steels; Determination of - with n-propylarsonic acid. H. H. Geist and G. C. Chandlee 495. Separation of - from manganese cobalt and nickel by pyridine. E. A. Ostroumow, 193. 669 F’RINTED BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. CAMBRIDGE. ENG
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