THE ANALYST Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEYOTED '1'0 THE ADVANCEMEN'r OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Publication Committee : Gbalrnian: J. R. NICHOLLS, C.B.E., DSc., F.R.I.C. N. L. ALLPORT, F.R.I.C. A. J. AMOS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH, &LA., F.R.T.C. R. C. CHIRNSIDE, F.R.I.C. 13. S. COOPER, BSc., F.1nst.Y. L. EYNON, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. D. C. GARRATT, BSc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. J . HASLAM, D.Sc., F.R.I.C. H. M. N. H. IRI'ING, M.A4., D.Phil., F.R.I.C. G. ROCHE LYKCH, O.R.E., M.R., B.S., D.P.H., r;.c.G.T., L.M.s.s.A., F.R.I.C. G. H. OSBORN, F.R.I.C., - - # Inst .M.M. f . E. PAGE, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. A. A. SMALES, BSc., F.R.I.C. GEORGE TAYLOR, O.B.E., F.R.I.C. L. S. THEOBALD, MSc., A.R.C.S. F.R.I.C. ERIC VOELCKER, A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C.C. WHALLEY, B.Sc., A.R.I.C. E. C. WOOD, BSc., Ph.D., A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C. preelbent of tbc Siocfetg: 3). 1%'. KENT- JONES, TI.%., Ph.D., I:. K. I.C. man. Becretarp or tbe 5ocfetE: moit, Qreaeurer of tbe %octet2 : K . A . WILLIAMS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C., J. 33. HAMENCE, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. A.1nst.P. Zbitot: F. L. OKELL, F.R.I.C. tElsetetant Sbltor : J. 13. A'l"RI%T,, M.A. VOL. 78 1953 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. 4, PETl'V CTJRV. CAMBRfTXE, ENGLANDTHE ANALYST Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEYOTED '1'0 THE ADVANCEMEN'r OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Publication Committee : Gbalrnian: J. R. NICHOLLS, C.B.E., DSc., F.R.I.C. N. L. ALLPORT, F.R.I.C. A. J. AMOS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. A.L. BACHARACH, &LA., F.R.T.C. R. C. CHIRNSIDE, F.R.I.C. 13. S. COOPER, BSc., F.1nst.Y. L. EYNON, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. D. C. GARRATT, BSc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. J . HASLAM, D.Sc., F.R.I.C. H. M. N. H. IRI'ING, M.A4., D.Phil., F.R.I.C. G. ROCHE LYKCH, O.R.E., M.R., B.S., D.P.H., r;.c.G.T., L.M.s.s.A., F.R.I.C. G. H. OSBORN, F.R.I.C., - - # Inst .M.M. f . E. PAGE, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. A. A. SMALES, BSc., F.R.I.C. GEORGE TAYLOR, O.B.E., F.R.I.C. L. S. THEOBALD, MSc., A.R.C.S. F.R.I.C. ERIC VOELCKER, A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C. C. WHALLEY, B.Sc., A.R.I.C. E. C. WOOD, BSc., Ph.D., A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C. preelbent of tbc Siocfetg: 3). 1%'. KENT- JONES, TI.%., Ph.D., I:. K. I.C. man. Becretarp or tbe 5ocfetE: moit, Qreaeurer of tbe %octet2 : K . A . WILLIAMS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C., J. 33.HAMENCE, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. A.1nst.P. Zbitot: F. L. OKELL, F.R.I.C. tElsetetant Sbltor : J. 13. A'l"RI%T,, M.A. VOL. 78 1953 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. 4, PETl'V CTJRV. CAMBRfTXE, ENGLANDERRATA: VOL. 71, 1956: Sept., p. 463. The equation on line 4: x(y - titration)/5 is applicable only when x = 5 0 , as described in the procedure. The general expression should be: BOO(y - titration)/x. VOL. 78, 1953: p. 219. p. 309. The paper by lt&y should bear the date “August l4th, 2082.” The equations O T ~ lines 33 axid 36 should read:- N+H,V, 4- Zn.7 -9- ZnNa,V, +- 31%. ~(COO.C€-I,),.N .CH,.CH,.N (CH,COO) J””. where ?’, is p. 551, titlc and lines 13 am1 17 of synopsis; p. 652, line c3. Fur “esters” yead “ethers.” INDEX TO VOLUME 78 INDEX TO NAMES * Denotes authors of original papers and notes that have been published in The Aiialyst. A Adams, C.A. I<andom reflections on food legisla- tion, 569. Adam, R. Organic Reactions. Vol. VII. (Pub- lication received), 684. Adamson, D. C. M. Review of .4ntibiotics: Sztraey of Their Properties and Uses. Ainsworth, G. C. Medical Mycohgy, Introduction to Problems. (Publication received), 71. ‘Albon, N., et at. Large-scale chromatographic separation of sucrose - raffinose mixtures ou mwdered cellulose for detmng. raffinose in raw 2nd Edn., 330. iugars, 191. All~ort. N. L. Review of Handbooh of Colorimetric ., Chemical Analytical Methods for Indmtriab, Research and Clinical Laboratovies, Dszdoped for Use with Lovibond Comparator, 668. Amos, A. J. Review of Barton-’SYright’s ilii,rm- biological Assay of Vitamin-B Conaplew mcl il mino- Acids, 129.vAngell, F. 6). Uetmng. s m d amounts oi ~n-dinitrt)= benzene in nitrobenzene, 603. Arnold, R. T. Organic Syntheses. 1-01. 32. (Pub- lication received) , 188. Artbur, P., et al. Semimicro Qnalitative Analysis. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 72; (Review-), 447. “Ashton, Q. C., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of dihydrostreptomycin, 581. Andrieth, L. F., ef al. Non-Aqueous Solsents. Applications as Media for Chemical Reactions. (Publication received), 448. ’Awad, S. A,, et aZ. Yotentioinetric detiiia. oE quadrivalent tellurium by potassium yeman- ganato in weakly alkaline solutions, 487. Awbery, J. R. University Textbook of Physics. Vol. 111. Heat. 11th Edn. (Publication received), 7 1.+Ayers, 0. W. Chromatographic separation of polyamdes, 382. ”Aylward, 9. H., et al, Mercuiy-cathode cell for tlectrolytx separations, 336. *-- Quantitative separation of copper, lead and tin by cathodic deposition, 651. B :$Barn, 8. Colorimetric micro-detmn, of potassium in serum, 353. Bwharach, A. L. Review of Finney’s Stntistirnl: Method i n Biological Assay, 506. ”Baker, P, R. W. Decomposition of ammonia in sealed-tube micro-Kjeldahl digestions with selenium catalyst, 600. Ball, E. G. Biochemical Preparations. Irol. IX. {Publication received), 71 ; (Review), 188. Barnard, G. P. Modern Mass Spectrometry. (Publication received) , 448. ‘*Barnes, H. Double syringe-pipette for dissolved oxygen estrnns . , 50 1. Barnett, W. L. Composition of jarmica mm, 269, Barrett,.F. C., ef al. Practical Chromatography. (Publication received), 084. Barton-Wright, E. 0. Microbiological Assay oi Vitarmn-B Complex and Amino-Acids. (Pub- lication received), 71; (Review), 129. Bass, A. M., et al. Spectrophotometric Atlas ol the 2Zf--31T Transition of OH. (Publication received), 028. ”Benfield, D. A., ef al. Detmng. carbon dioddc and sulphur dioxide in Orsat apparatus, 320. Better, E. J., et al. Soap Manufacture, Vol. I. (Publication received), 740. Bhattaehsrya, G. N., ef at. Revisers of Kangaswani and Sen’s Hmdbook of Shellac Analysis. 2nd Edn, (Publication received), 72; (Review), 130. “Biggs, R. Control of anticoagulant therapy, 84. ”Bishop, E. Opening of white metals for analysis by dry chlorine, 61. +-- Replacement of standard cell and salt bridge by indicator electrodes and use of non-aqueous solutions in potentiometry.11. 1odometr)- and ioclimetry in aqueous solution, 149. ”Bishop, J. R., et at. Detmng. aluminium and zinc after chromatographic separation from tin - lead alloys, 117. Block, R. J., et al. Paper Chromatography, Laboratory Manual. (Review), 388. Blow, C. M., et aZ. Natural Rubber Latex and its Applications. No. 2. J&ex Casting. (Pub- lication received), 71. Blunt, R. Appointment as Deputy Public Llnalyst and Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst; to County Borough of Burnley, 323. Bolton, H. L. Review of Friedel and Orchin’s UEtmviolet Spectra of Aromatic Campoimds, 69. Bose, P. K., et al. Revisers of Rangaswaini and Sen’s Handbook of Shellac Analysis. 2nd Edn.(Publication received), 73; (Review), 130. Bowen, E. J., et al. Fluorescence oi Solutions. (Publication received), 684. *Bradshaw, G., et al. Volnmetric detmn. of zinc vitlt ferrocpnnide in magnesium alloys, 307.11 lNDEX TO VOLUME 78 Brautlect, C. A. Starch : Sources, Production and Uses. (Publication received), 568. Brevis, J. G., et al. Fertilizer Experiments in Natal, 1933-60. (Publication received), 506. * Breyer, B., et al. Indirect polarographic detinn. of calcium by chloranilic acid, 066, Bright, H. A., et al. Revisers of Hiilebrand and Lundell’s Apfllied Ivzorgaizic Analyris. With Special Iiefcvcncc to A nnl-ysis of Mctds, Minevals and Hocks. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 448. Brimley, R. C., et al. Practical Cliroi~iatogr~~pli~-. (Publication received), 684.Broida, H. P., et al. Spectroplrotoiiietric Atlas of the 2,Z+ -211 Transition of OH. (Publication received), 628. “Brown, E. G. Qualitativc cletcu. o f tellurinni in tellurinm - lead alloys, 623. Brown, G. I. SinqAc Guiclc to Xodern Valencj- Theory. (Publication received), 568. Browning, E. Toxicity of Industrial Organic Solvcnts. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 448. *Bryant, F. J., et al. Research polarograph loor photographic rccording and a inultipurposc polarographic ccll, 373. ‘gBryson, A., et al. Critical esaniination of ferro- cyanide detmn. of zinc, 291. *- Quantitative separation 01 copper, lead and tin by cathodic deposition, 651. *- Separation of zinc and csdiniuin by activated copper, 299. ‘$Burden, E.. He. W. J., et al. Modified procedure lor (1 uaiititativc bromine absorption of oils and Sats,-G19.*Busfield, H., et al. Detning. added hexametliylene- tetramine in two-stage phenol - fornialdehyclc resins, 617. *Butler, E. J., et al. Reversion method for absorp- tionietric detinti. oi traces of lead with dithizone, 571. *:Button, D. F. H. Adulterant of dried sage, 679. - Appointnicnt as Public Analyst to Metropolitan C Borough of Hammersmitb, G7. *Carnay H. R., et al. Spectroscopic properties ol vitamin A?. Application t o assay of cod-liver oil, 74. Cameron, M.. P., et al. Ciba Foundation Colloquia on Endocrinology. Vol. 11. Steroid Metabolisn-t and Estmn. (Publication received), 72; VoI. 17. Bioassay of Anterior Pituitary and Adrcnocortical Hormones. (Publication received), 448. ’+Campbell, A.D., e t al. Isopiestic inetliotl for micro-detnui. of 111 olec iilar weights, -722. Carlog, A. S. Appointment as Public Analyst and Official Agricultural Analyst to County- Borough of Bournemoutli, 323. *Carpenter, B. R., et al. Lipase activity of cereal products, 726. *chalmers, R. A. Micro-analysis of silicatc rocks. 111. Sl>ectropliotometric detmn. of phosphoric osidc in presence of silica, 33. - - ef al. Micro-analysis of silicatc rocks. 11. J’ptn. of silica. as 2 :4-cljiiicthylquinoline sihco- iuolybdate and graviinetric detmii. as silico- molybdic anhydride, 34 ; TV. Detmng. alumina, 686. *Chinnick, C. C. T,, et al. Analysis of acid chlorides, 676. *Chipperfield, E. H., et al. Detmng. added hesa- methylenetetramine in two-stage phenol - form- aldehyde resins, 617.Chirnside, R.. C. Keview of Duval’s Inwgntzic Tlzevmogvavzinetvic Analysis, 738. Clark, F. Reports on Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XXXVII. (Publication received), 568. *Clark, G . C., et al. Identiiying alloys and stainless steels by electrographic methods, 145. Clark, J. I?. Appoi’ntment as Official Agricultural -4nalyst to County Borough of Wallasey, 387. Clark, T. M. Appointment as Additional Public Alnalyst to City of Glasgow, 257. *“Collier, R. E., e f al. Modified dead-stop end-point circuit for titrations of ferrous iron with potassium dichromate in approximately N solutions, 440. *Cookson, M. A,, et al. Ultra-violet spectrophoto- metric estmn. of quality of mineral oils extracted from bread, 696. *Cooper, R. L., et al. Uetcng. and detmng.traces of polyiiuclea r hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage, 170. Cooper, T. H., et al. f’lienj.ltluoronc, Reagent for Germanium. (Publication received), 388. *Coppock, J. B. M., et al. TTltra-violet spectro- photometric estinn. of quality of mineral oils extracted from bread, GOS. “Corbett, 3. A. Detinng. magncsiuin aiid aluminium in titanium metal, 20. Toulson, E. A,, et al. Detmng. beta- and ganima- picolines, 2 : 6-luticline and 2-ethylpyridine in mixtures by infra-red spectroscopy, 114. *“Culshaw, T., et al. Detmng. total phosyhatide in commercial lecithin, 712. *Cunningham, M. N., et al. Detmng. unfermentable reducing substances in molasses, 321. *-- Preservation of fermenting liquors in detnin. of reducing sugars, 320. Curran, S. C. Luininescencc snci Scintillation Counter.(Publication received), 568. D Dalton, N. N., et al. C;lycel-01. (Publication received), 568. ,‘Davenport, 3. B. Departure frbni Beer’s law affecting specti-ophotomctric detinn. of diphenyl, .%a. Davidsohn, A., et al. Soap Manufacturc. Vol. I. (Publication received), 740. Davidsohn, J., et al. Soap Manufacture. Vol. J . (Publication received), 740. Davies, R. E. L. Davies, W. C. Review of Iiolthoff and Lingane’s Yolavog~~a~Jzy. Vols. I and 11. 2nd Edn., 327. “Davis, D. E., et al. Analysis of rosin size, 670. “Davis, IH. M., et al. Xiandles-typc cathode-ray polarograph, 3 14. Davis, J. G., e t al. Revisers of Riclznzond’s Dairy Ckenzistvy. 5th Edn. (Publication received), 448. %Ie Bruin, A. S., et al. Detcng. preservatives in beverages by fermentation test, with special refereiicc to brominated compounds, 37.Dedicoat, H. Appointinelit a s Public Aiialyst to Borough of Bacup, 444, “Deutschman, J., e f al. Voiunietric cletmii. of zinc with ferrocyanide in niagnesiuni alloys, 367. ”Dickinson, L. Evaluation of anti-viral compounds, 283. Dickson, W. Obituary, 189. Biehl, H., et al. Quantitative Analysis. Elemen- tary llinciples and Practice. (Publication received), 260. “‘Diggle, W. M., et al. Detinng. keten and acetic anhydride in atmosplierc, 473, Obituary, 2, 264.... INDEX TO VOLUME 78 111 *Donald, Gc. M. S., et al. Detmng. unfermentable *- Preservation of fermenting liquors in detmn. Drummond, Sir Jack. Memorial Fund, 449. - Obituary, 3, 264. *Dubraveid, M., et al. Micro-detmn. of iodides by arresting catalytic reduction of ceric ions, 594.*Duncan, R. E. B., et al. Identiiying and detmng. lower straight-chain fatty acids by paper partition chromatography, 641. Dunlop, A. P., et al. Furans. (Publication re- ceived), 684. Duval, C. Inorganic Thermogravimetric Analysis. (Publication received), 188; (Review), 738. Dyche-Teague, F. .C. Dyer, B. Memorial lecture. Editorial, 261. - Memorial medal selected for exhibition, 450. - Photograph of Memorial medal, facing p. 261. reducing substances in molasses, 321. of reducing sugars, 320. Obituary, 134, 264. E *Easterbrook, W. C., et al. Micro-detmn. of alkoxyl values in cellulose ethers, 551 ; Erratum, 616. Eden, A. Review of Hewitt's Sand and Water Culture Methods Used in Study of Plant Nutrition, 329.Edwards, F. C. G., et al. Aids to Qualitative Pharmaceutical Analysis. (Publication received), 684. Elderfield, R. C. Heterocyclic Compounds. Vol. 11. Five- and Six-Membered Polycyclic Compounds Containing One 0 or S Atom. (Review), 259; Vol. 111. Yolycyclic Derivatives of Yyrrole; Polycyclic Systems with One Nitrogen Common to Both Kings; Pyrindine and Related Com- pounds. Vol. IV. Quinoline, isoQuinoline and Their Benzo Derivatives. (Review), 260. Ellis, B. A. Review of Elderfield's Heterocyclic Compounds, Vol. 11, 259; Vols. 111 and IV, 260. - Review of Pesez and Yoirier's Ilire'thodes et Ndactions de I'Analyse Organique. Vol. I, 70; Vol. 11, 567. - Review of Pullman and Pullman's The'ories &lectroniques de la Chimie Orgajaique, 329. - Review of Venkataranian's Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes.Vol. I, 131. Elvidge, W. F. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to County of Cumberland, County of Durham, County Uorough of Carlisle, County Borough of Darlington, County Borough of South Shields, County Borough of West Hartle- pool and Borough of Stockton-on-Tees, and Deputy Official Agricultural ,4nalyst to County of Cumberland, County of Durham, County Borough of Darlington, County Borough of South Shields and County Borough of West Hartlepool, 387; as Deputy Public Analyst to County of Northumberland, 444; as Deputy Public Analyst and Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County of Westmorland, 626. *Erskine, J. W. B., et al. Volumetric routine detnin. of glycerol, 630. *Estes, B. T., et al. Prepng. material rich in cadion suitable for detcng.cadmium, 729. F *Farina, P. E. L., et al. Thiocyanate detmn. of "Farrer, K. T. H., et al. Adsorption of thiamine on iron with hydrogen peroxide, 559. glassware, 730. *Fatherley, M., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of dihydrostreptomycin, 581. "Feldstein, M., et al. Analysis of general unknowns in toxicology, 43. *Fernell, W. R., et al. Simultaneous detmn. of pentose and hexose in sugar mixtures, 80. *Ferrett, D. J., et al. Construction of polarograpli capillaries from Pyrex glass rod, 564. *Feuell, A. J., et al. Detmng. carbonyl compounds by semicarbazide and hydroxylamine, with special reference to fatty-acid oxidation products, 135. Findlay, A. General and Inorganic Chemistry. (Publication received), 188, 332. - Introduction to Physical Chemistry.3rd Edn. Revised by H. W. Melville. (Publication re- ceived), 260. - Review of Hammett's Introduction to Study oJ Physical Chemistry, 505. -- Review of Partington's Advanced Treatise on Physical Chemistry. Vol. 111, 331. Finney, D. J. Statistical Method in Biological Assay. (Publication received), 71 : (Review), 505. *Fisher, E., et al. Prepng. material rich in cadion suitable €or detcng. cadmium, 729. Flett, L. H., et al. Maleic Anhydride Derivatives. Iieactions of the Double Bond. (Publication received), 13 1. Flint, J. W. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to Borough of Chatham, 257. *Folkes, B. F. $-Hydroxydiphenyl test for acet- aldehyde : tletmng. alanine and threonine in protein hydrolysates, 496. "Forster, W. A. Detmng. copper in plant material, 614.*- Detmng. magnesium in plant material with ethylenediamine-tetra-acetic acid, 179. *- Detmng. nickel in plant material in presence of other metals, 560. Forstner, G. E. Obituary, 189. Foster, G. E. Review of Velluz's Substances Naturelles de SynthLse : Pre'parations et Mkthodes de Laboratoire. Vols. I-IV, 446. "Foster, M. C., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of di- hydrostreptomycin, 581. Francis, W., et al. Composition and Assaying of Minerals. (Publication received), 7 1. *Freeman, F., et al. Detmng. chloromethyl- phenoxyacetic acids in MCPA formulations, 205. *Freeman, G. G.,. et al. Detmng. unfermentable reducing substances in molasses, 321. *- Preservation of fermenting liquors in detmn. of reducing sugars, 320. "Fricker, D. J., et al. Modified dead-stop end-point circuit for titrations of ferrous iron with potassium dichromate in approximately N solutions, 440.Friedel, R. A., et al. Ultraviolet Spectra of Aromatic Compounds. (Review), 69. Fruton, J. S., et al. General Biochemistry. (Pub- lication received), 568. Fuyat, R. K., et al. Standard X-ray Diffraction I'owder Patterns. Vol. 11. (Publication re- ceived), 740. G *Gage, J. C., et al. Detning. keten and acetic anhydride in atmosphere, 473. Wardiner, S. D. Design and operating technique of vacuum drying oven. I. Design of oven, 709. "Gardner, K., et al. Detmng. chloromethyl- phenoxyacetic acids in MCPA formulations, 205.iv INDEX TO VOLUME 78 Gardner, W. H., et al. Maleic Anhydride Deriva- tives. Reactions of the Double Bond. (Pub- lication received), 13 1.Garside, J. E., et al. Textbook of Pure and Applied Chemistry. (Publication received), 332. Waskin, J. G. N., et al. Precipitate error in detmng. sugar polarisations, 334. Gaudenzi, N, Guida Bibliografica Internazionale per il Chimico, Libri e Riviste. (Publication received), 7 1. Gautier, J.-A. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure et AppliquCe e t d'Analyse Bromatologique. (Publication received), 740. Gaydon, A. G. Dissociation Energies and Spectra of IXatomic Molecules. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 332. "Gemitsma, K. W., et al. Detmng. theobromine in cocoa residues, 201. Gilbard, J. F. H. Obituary, 264. Gilman, H. Organic Chemistry. Advanced Treatise. Vols. 111 and IV. (Publication received), 568. *Glsstonbury, H. A. Apparatus for dead-stop end- point titrations with acoustic indication of end- point, 682.Goodwin, T. W. Comparative Biochemistry of Carotenoids. (Publication received), 7 1. Gore, W. L. Statistical Methods for Chemical Experimentation. (Publication received), 131. *Gregory, J. N., et al. Micro-detmn. of traces of gaseous elements in metals by vacuum fusion method, 414. "Grigg, J. L. Rapid detmn. of molybdenum i n soils, 470. *Grindley, D. N., et al. Modified procedure for quantitative bromine absorption of oils and fats, 619. "Gross, D., et al. Large-scale chromatographic separation of sucrose - raffinose mixtures on powdered cellulose for detmng. raffinose in raw sugars, 191. Detcng. and detmng. ultra- violet absorbers and other additives in polymethyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate - ethyl acrylate co-polymers, 92.Modification of van Gulik detmn. of fat in soft cheese, 621. "Grossman, S., et al. *Griinpeter, A., et al. H *Haider, S. Z. Detmng. borate in presence of silver, 673. *Hale, E. E., et al. Identifying alloys and stainless steels by electrographic methods, 145. *Hales, J. L., et al. Detmng. beta- and gamma- picolines, 2 :6-lutidine and 2-ethylpyridine in mixtures by infra-red spectroscopy, 114. *Hall, A,, et al. Detmng. calcium in plants and soils, 106. Hamence, J. H. Appointment as Official Agricul- tural Analyst to County of Wiltshire, 387. *Hamilton, J. B., et al. Micro-detmn. of alkoxyl values in cellulose ethers, 551 ; Erratum, 616. Hammett, L. P. Introduction to Study of Physical Chemist7 y. (Publication received), 131 ; (Review), 505.*Hands, G. C., et al. Precipitate error in detmng. sugar polarisations, 334. *Harris, F. J. T. Colorimetric detmn. of fructose and sorbose, 287. Harris, M. M., et al. Organic Chemistry. (Publica- tion received), 71. Harris, T. Appointment as Public Analyst and Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of Stockport, 323; as Public Analyst and Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of Wallasey, 387; as Public Analyst to Borough of Crewe and Borough of Glossop, 444; as Public Analyst to County Borough of Birkenhead, Borough of Crosby and Borough of Swinton and Pendlebury, and as Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of Birkenhead, 626. "Harrison, G. E., et al. Detmng. microgram amounts of calcium, 528. *Hart, H. V., et al. Separating rodent hairs and insect fragments from oat products, 439.*Harvey, D. G., et al. Detmng. p-nitrophenol in urine and blood by indophenol reaction, 63. Harvey, E. H., et al. Elements of Food Engineering. Vol. I . (Publication received), 332. *Harvey, H. W. Micro-detmn. of phosphorus in biological material, 110. *Haslam, J., et al. Detcng. and detmng. ultra- violet absorbers and other additives in poly- methyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate - ethyl acrylate co-polymers, 92. *- Detmng. amount and composition of free phenols in phenol - formaldehyde and cresol - formaldehyde resins and moulding powders, '340. *- Detmng. arsenic by R. S. Evans's method, with observations on separating arsenic and antimony, 390. *Hassall, C. H., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of cardiac glycosides, 126."Heighton, A. M., et al. Separating rodent hairs and insect fragments from oat products, 439. Herd, M. Appointment as Public Analyst to City of Glasgow, 67. *- Paper-strip method of examining fuel oils suspected of being identical, 383. *Herington, E. F. G. Inorganic complexes in colour reactions for organic compounds. I. Detmng. isonicotinic acid, 174. Separating small amounts of zirconium with mandelic acid, 256. Sand and Water Culture Methods used in Study of Plant Nutrition. (Publication received), 7 1 ; (Review), 329. *Heyns, W. K., et al. Detmng. ammonia in presence of hydrazine, 177. Hicks, D. V. See Wilson, D. V. Hillebrand, W.. F., et al. Applied Inorganic Analysis. With Special Reference to Analysis of Metals, Minerals and Rocks. 2nd Edn.Revised by Lundell et al. (Publication received), 448. Revisers of Hillebrand and Lundell's Applied Inorganic Analysis. With Special Reference to Analysis of Metals, Minerals and Rocks. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 448. Comparison of applicability to plant extracts of three methods of detmng. deoxy- ribonucleic acid, 542. *Hollenberg, W. C. J., et al. Adsorption of thiamine on glassware, 730. Holness, H. Inorganic Qualitative Analysis. Semi- Micro Apparatus and Technique. (Publication received), 388. *- et al. Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements, 356. *Eoulihan, J. E., et al. Thiocyanate detmn. of iron with hydrogen peroxide, 559. House, C. J. Appointment as Public Analyst to County Borough of Bury, 387; as Official Agri- cultural Analyst, 445.Hughes, W. C. Obituary, 685. *Herman, S. E., et al. Hewitt, E. J. Hoffman, J. I., et al. *Holden, M.IN'JIEX TO VOLUME 78 V "Hunter, J. G., et al. *Hutt, H. H., et al: Detmng. calcium in plants Detmng. total phosphatide and soils, 106. in commercial lecithin. 712. I Ingold, C. K. Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry. (Publication received), 684: "Irving, H. M., et al. Reversion method for absorptiometric detmn. of traces of lead with dithizone, 571. + h a , I. M., ef al. Potentiometric detmn. of quadrivalent tellurium by potassium perman- ganate in weakly alkaline solutions, 487. J *Jackson, C. Detmng. potassium and traces of sodium in potassium salts, 599. Jackson, L. C. Translator of Ketelaar's Chemical Constitution. Introdidion to Theory of Chemical Bond.1st English Edn. (Publication received), 448. *Jackson, W. H. Guard valve for tin detmns. by iodimetric procedure, 443. Jacobs, M. B., et al. Chemical Analysis. Vol. VII. Chemical Analysis of Industrial Solvents. (Pub- lication received), 332. Jacobson, C. A. Encyclopedia of Chemical Re- actions. Vol. v. (Publication received), 388. James, G. V. Appointment as Additional Public Analyst to County Borough of Newport, County of Monmouthshire, and Urban District of Ponty- pool, 67; as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of Newport, 67; as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County of Monmouth, 257. *Jefferies, J. P., et al. Detmng. ergosterol in yeast. I . Ultra-violet absorption of purified ergosterol, 509; 11. Detmn.by saponification and ultra- violet spectroscopy, 514; 111. Corrections for irrelevant absorption in solutions af ergosterol, 519; IV. Short method based on ultra-violet absorption, 524. *Jewsbury, A. Detning. copper with sodium diethyldithiocarbamate in presence of nickel and other interfering elements, with particular reference to traces of copper in sodium hydroxide, 363. *Jones, A,, et al. Plate-assay technique for biotin, nicotinic acid and pantothenic acid, 15. Jordan, L. A. Review of Rangaswami and Sen's Handbook of Shellac Analysis. 2nd Edn., 130. K *Kent-Jones, D. W., et al. Detmng. benzoyl peroxide in flour and bread, 467. *Kershaw, F. G., et al. Separating small amounts of arsenic, copper and bismuth from lead and zinc by diethylammonium diethyldithiocarba- mate, 624.Ketelaar, J. A. A. Chemical Constitution. Intro- duction to Theory of Chemical Bond. 1st English Edn., trans. by L. C. Jackson. (Publication received), 448. *Khundkar, 1. H., et al. Modified procedure for dissolving chromite ores, 623. *King, H. K., et al. Simultaneous detmn. of King, J. Review of TomiEek's Chemical Indicators, 331. Kirk, P. L. Crime Investigation. Physical Evidence and the Police Laboratory. (Publication re- ceived), 260. "Kirkpatrick, H. F. W. Detmng. iodine in blood serum, 348. Kleinberg, J., et al. Non-Aqueous Solvents, Applications as Media for Chemical Reactions. (Publication received), 448. *Klendshoj, N. C., et al. Analysis of general unknowns in toxicology, 43. *Knight, R. A., et al. Detmng. benzoyl peroxide in flour and bread, 467.*Knowles, G., et al. Detcng. end-point in titrating iodine with thiosulphate, 159. *Koers, J., e t al. Detmng. theobromine in cocoa residues, 201. *Kolthoff, I. M., et al. Amperometric titration of traces of ammonia with hypobromite at rotated platinum wire electrode, application to detmn. of nitrogen in organic compounds, 405. - Polarography. Vols. I and 11. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 71 ; (lieview), 327. - 1 extbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 188. L "Lawford, D. J., et al. Detmng. P-nitrophenol in urine and blood by indophenol reaction, 63. *Lawrence, K. R., ef al. Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements, 356. "Lazarus, W., et al. Volumetric routine detmn. of glycerol, 630. Lederer, M.Progr, s Rdcents de la Chromatographie. 11. Chimie MinCrale. (Publication received), 188. Lees, A. Obituary of J. R. Stubbs, 670. LeRosen, A. L., et al. Qualitative Analysis and Analytical Chemical Separations. (Publication received) , 332. LeStrange, R., et al. Paper Chromatography. Laboratory Manual. (Review), 388. *Lewis, J. A., et al. Detmng. gold in solution by adsorption extraction and spectrography, 385. "Liddell, H. F. Colorimetric detmn. of small amounts of fluorine, 494. "Liebmann, H., et al. Detmng. aluminium and zinc after chromatographic separation from tin - lead alloys, 1 17. *Lincoln, P. A., et al. Analysis of acid chlorides, 675. Lingane, J. J., et al. Polarography. Vols. I and 11. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 71; (Review), 327. *Lmke, K., et al.*Lippman, A. E., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of cardiac glycosides, 126. *Longstaff, J. V. L., et af. Bromometric detmn. of formic acid and nitrite, 491. *Love, R. M. Qualitative test for monosaccharides, 732. *Loveday, S. F., et al. Detcng. and detmng. ultra- violet absorbers and other additives in polymethyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate - ethyl acrylate co-polymers, 92. "Lowden, G. F., et al. Detcng. end-point in titrating iodine with thiosulphate, 159. *Lowy, S. L., et al. Separation of zinc and cadmium by activated copper, 299. Lundell, G. E. F., et al. Applied Inorganic Analysis. With Special Reference to Analysis of Metals, Analysis of rosin size, 670. Minerals and Rocks. 2nd Edn: Revised by Lundell et al. pentose and hexose in sugar mixtures, 80.(Publication received), 448.vi INDEX TO VOLUME 78 Luniak, B. Identification of Textile Fibres. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Fibre Blends. (Publication received), 740. *Lutwak, H. I(. Photometric detmn. of phosphorus in copper-based alloys containing tin, 661. M *Ma, T. S., et al. lsopiestic method for micro- detmn. of molecular weights, 722. "McAllister, R. A. Quantitative colour reaction for metallic palladium, 65. *McCormick, H. Continuous differential refracto- meter for chromatographic analysis, 562. MacDonald, F. J., et al. Revisers of Richmond's Dairy Chemistry. 5th Edn. (Publication re- ceived), 448. *&Mullen, M. J. Detcng. boron in treated timber, 442. McOmie, J. F. W., et af. Chroiiatographic Methods of Inorganic Analysis : with Special Reference to I'aper Chromatography.(Publication re- ceived), 568. *McPhillips, J., et al. Indirect polarographic detmn. of calcium by chloranilic acid, 666. *Msdley, D. G., et al. Apparatus for micro- analysis of gas samples, 122. Mallinder, R. Appointment as Public Analyst to County of West Riding of Yorkshire, 67; as Official Agricultural Analyst, 267. Mann, F. G., et al. I'ractical Organic Chcmistry. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 71. *Mapper, D., et al. Micro-detmn. of traces of gasmus elements in metals by vacuum fusion method, 414. *Mayer, A., et al. Volumetric detmn. of zinc with ferrocyanide in magnesium alloys, 367. "Mayne, J. E. O., et al. Detning. zinc by sodium diethyldithiocarbamate, 625. Melville, H. W. Reviser of Findlay's Introductiovt lo Physical Chemistry.3rd Edn. (Publication received), 260. *Mendelowitz, A,, et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of long-chain fatty acids containing ketonic groups, with particular reference to licanic acid, 704. *Middleton, G., ef al. Prepng. biological material for detmn. of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing procedures, 532. *Miller, C. C. Anhydrous calcium oxalate as weighing form for calcium, 186. *-- et al. Micro-analysis of silicate rocks. 11. Pptn. of silica as 2 :4-dimethylquinoline silico- molybdate and gravimetric detmn. as silico- molybdic anhydride, 24; IV. Detmng. alumina, 686. "Mills, E. C., et al. Separating small amounts of zirconium with mandelic acid, 256. Miner, C. S., et al. Glycerol. (Publication received), 568. Minor, R. G. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to Metropolitan Borough of Hammer- smith, 67.*Mitra, S. .I?. Characterisation of vinegar by albuminoid ammonia value, 499. *- et al. Albuminoid ammonia value in analysis of fruit juices, squashes and cordials, 681. Moeller, T. Inorganic Chemistry. Advanced Textbook. (Publication received), 72 ; (Review), 447. *Monk, P. R. Survey of development of electro- graphic analysis, with special reference to recent British apparatus, 141. *Morgan, R. H. Ascorbic acid content of preserved lemon juice, 323. *Momen, L., et al. Amperometric titration of traces of ammonia with hypobromite a t rotated platinum wire electrode, application to detmn. of nitrogen in organic compounds, 405. Chromatographic detmn. of glutamic acid in wheat gluten and gluten hydro- lysates, 636.*Morris, S., et al. Plate-assay technique for biotin, nicotinic acid and pantothenic acid, 15. *Morton, J. E., et al. Isopiestic method for micro- detmn. of molecular weights, 722. *Morton, R. A., et al. Spectroscopic properties of vitamin A,. Application to assay of cod-liver oil, 74. "Mossel, D. A. A., et al. Detcng. preservatives in beverages by fermentation test, with special reference to brominated compounds, 37. Myers, J. Obituary, 189. *Marries, P., ef al. N *Newlands, G., et al. Detmng. amount and com- position of free phenols in phenol - formaldehyde and cresol- formaldehyde resins and moulding powders, 340. Newton, L. 0. Obituary, 74, 264. Nicholas, D. J. D. Chemical Tissue Tests €or Detning. Mineral Status of Plants in the Field.(Publication received), 628. Address of retiring President, 271. 7th Edn. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 328. Chemistry, 740. diethyldithiocarbamate, 625. Nicholls, J. R. - Aids to Analysis of Food and Drugs. - Obituary of Sir Jack Drummond, 3. - Review of Whistler and Smart's Polysaccharide *Noordhof, G. H., et al. Detmng. zinc by sodium 0 Okell, F. L. lie\.iew of British Pharmacopoeia 1953, 627. - Review of Nicholls' Aids to Analysis of Food and Drugs. 7th Edn., 328. Orchin, M., et al. Ultraviolet Spectra of Aromatic Compounds. (Iieview), 60. *Osborn, G. H. Bibliography oil analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins, 221. *- Detmng. free chlorine and combined chlorine in boron trichloride, 65. *- Ion-exchange resins in analytical chemistry. Application of ion-exchange resins to analysis of insoluble substances, 220.P "Palmer, J. F., et al. Apparatus for automatic control of cathode potential in electro-analysis, 428. Parker, M. E., et al. Elements of Food Engineering. Vol. I. (l'ublication received), 332. Parkes, A. E. Appointment as Public Analyst to Metropolitan Borough of Stepney, 323. Parkes, H. A. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to Metropolitan Borough of Bethnal Green, 67; as Additional Public Analyst to Metropolitan Borough of Stepney, 323.INDEX TO VOLUME 78 vii Partington, J. R. Advanced Treatise on Physical Chemistry. Vol. 111. Properties of Solids, (Publication received), 71 ; (Review), 331. "Perkins, M., et al. Polarographic detmn. of iron and chromium, 480. Pesez, M., et al. MCthodes et Rkactions de 1'Analyse Organique.Vol. I. (Review), 70; Vol. 11. (Publication received), 260 ; (Review), 567. Peters, F. N., et al. Furans. (Publication received), 684. "Phillips, C. S. G., et al. Construction of polarograph capillaries from Pyrex glass rod, 564. Phillips, R. F., et al. Textbook of Pure and Applied Chemistry. (Publication received), 332. *Pickles, D., et al. Detmng. zinc in lubricating oils by amperometric titration. I. Ampero- metric titration of zinc with versene, 304; Erratum, 439. Pigott, E. C. Ferrous Analysis. Modern Practice and Theory. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 332. Pike, E. R. Appointment as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of Leicester, 257. *Pinsky, A., et al. Modification of van Gulik detmn. of fat in soft cheese, 621.Poirier, P., et al. Mdthodes e t RCactions de 1'Analyse Organique. Vol. I. (:<eview), 70 ; Vol. 11. (Publication received), 260; (Review), 567. Pollard, F. H., et al. Chromatographic Methods of Inorganic Analysis : with Special Reference to Paper Chromatography. (Publication received), 668. *Porteous, J. W., et al. IdentiEying and detning. lower straight-chain fatty acids by paper partition chromatography, 64 1. Priestman, J., et al. Aids to Qualitative Yharma- ceutical Analysis. (Publication received), 684. "Primavesi, G. Detinng. isobutyraldehyde in $1- butyraldehyde, 647. *Prince, R. H. Apparatus for simplifying titration in controlled atmosphere. Application to detmng. moisture in transformer oil with Fischer reagent, 607. *Pritchard, H.Selection of methods for routine assays for members of vitaniin-B complex, 460. "Pugh, W., et al. Detmng. ammonia in presencc of hydrazine, 177. Pullman, A., et al. Thkories l?lectroniques de la Chimie Organique. (l:eview), 329. Pullman, B., et al. Theories Electroniques de la Chimie Organique. (Review), 329. "Purser, B. J. Detning. acetylene in air, 732. Q *Quad%, S. J., et al. Modified procedure for dis- Quenouille, M. H. Associated Measurements. - Design and Analysis of Experiment. (l'ub- solving chromite ores, 623. (Publication received), 71 ; (Review), 130. lication received), 332. R Radley, J. A. Starch and its Derivatives. Vol. I. Rakshit, P. C,, et al. Organic Chemistry. 7th Edn. . 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 332. (Publication received), 628. Rangaswami, M., et al.Handbook of Shellac Analysis. 2nd Edn. Revised by Bhattacharya and Bose. (Publication received), 72 ; (Review), 130. *Ray, H. N. Detmng. molybdenum by ammonium thiosulphate and sodium hypophosphite, 217 ; Erratum, 3 13. *Raymond, W. H. A., et aZ. Detmng. microgram amounts of calcium, 528. Rayner, A. Obituary, 264, 205. Reeves, H. G. Obituary, 2, 264, 265. Reynolds, C. V. Appointment as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of Plymouth, 67. *Reynolds, G. F., et al. Polarographic detmn. of iron and chromium, 480. *- Kandles-type cathode-ray polarograph, 314. *- Research polarograph for photographic re- cording and a multi-purpose polarographic cell, 373. "Richardson, M. R., ef al. Critical examination of ferrocyanide detmn. of zinc, 291.*Riley, J. P., et al. Spectrophotornetric detmn. of long-chain fatty acids containing ketonic groups, with particular reference t o licanic acid, 704. "Ripley-Duggan, B. A. Detmng. small quantities of boron, 183. Robinson, F. A. Review of Biochemical Prepara- tions. Vol. 11, 188. - Review of Trease's Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 6th Edn., 628. Rodd, E. H. Chemistry of Carbon Compounds. Vol. 11, Part A. Alicyclic Compounds. (Pub- lication received), 568. "Rogina, B., et al. Micro-detmn. of iodides by arresting catalytic reduction of ceric ions, 594. "Roman, W., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of indene, 679. Rooksby, H. P. Review of Smith's Visual Lines for Spectroscopic Analysis, 507. sRose, J. E., et al. Prepng. material rich in cadion suitable for detcng. cadmium, 729.*Roy, S. C., et al. Albuminoid ammonia value in analysis of fruit juices, squashes and cordials, 681. S "Sachs, . G. Feigl's micro-test for mercury in organic substances, 186. *Salt, H. B. Micro-analytical methods for proteins in blood plasma. Samuelson, 0. Ion Exchangers in Analytical Chemistry. (Publication received), 684. Sandell, E. B., et al. Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 188. Sarkar, P. B., et al. Organic Chemistry. 7th Edn. (Publication received), 628. Saunders, B. C., ef al. Practical Organic Chemistry. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 71. "Scandrett, F. J. Modified all-glass apparatus for detmng. nitrogen by micro-Kjeldahl method, 734. Scheflan, L., et al. Chemical Analysis. Vol. VII. Chemical Analysis of Industrial Solvents. (Pub- lication received), 332."Schnurmann, R., et al. Ultra-violet spectro- photometric estmn. of quality of mineral oils extracted from bread, 695. Sen, H. K., et al. Handbook of Shellac Analysis. 2nd Edn. Revised by Bhattacharya and Bose. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 130. Critical review, 4.viii INDEX TO VOLUME 78 *Serb, P. A., et al. 'Seyfang, A. P., et al. Detmng. gold in solution by adsorption extraction and spectrography, 385. Detmng. uranium-235 in mixtures of naturally occurring uranium isotopes by radioactivation, 394. *Shaw, W. H. C. Colorimetric detmn. of 3:5-di- iodothyronine, 253. *- et al. Detmng. ergosterol in yeast. I. Ultra- violet absorption of purified ergosterol, 509 ; 11. Detmn. by saponification and ultra-violet spectroscopy, 514; 111.Corrections for irrelevant absorption in solutions of ergosterol, 519; IV. Short method based on ultra-violet absorption, 524. Sherratt, J. G. Appointment as Public Analyst and Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of St. Helens, 257; as Oficial Agricultural -4nalyst to County Borough of Blackpool, 445; as Public Analyst, 626. Detmng. small aniounts of potassium, calcium and magnesium in sodium and its compounds, 717. Simmonds, S., et al. General Biochemistry. (Publication received), 568. "Singer, K., et al. Bromometric detmn. of formic acid and nitrite, 491. *SkeUon, J. H., et al. Detmng. carbonyl compounds by semicarbazide and hydroxylamine with special reference t o fatty-acid oxidation products, 135. Slater, R.H. Obituary, 134, 264, 265. Smales, A. A. Review of Inst. of Petroleum's Mass Spectrosnetry, 70. *- et al. Detmng. uraniuni-235 in mixtures of naturally occurring uranium isotopes by radio- activation, 394. Smart, C. L., ef al. Polysaccharide Chemistry. (Fublication received), 332; (Review), 740. *Smith, D. C., ef al. lieaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds, with particular reference t o colorimetric detmn. of formaldehyde with chromotropic acid, 209. Smith, D. M. Visual Lines for Spectroscopic A4nalysis. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 188 ; (Review), 567. Smith, G. F., et al. Quantitative Analysis. Ele- mentary Principles and Practice. (Publication received), 260. *Smith, M., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of indene, 679. Smith, 0. M., et al.Semimicro Qualitative Analysis. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 447. Smuts, I. J., et al. Agronomy Experiments, 1927-46, a t Kroonstad ilgricultural Research Station. (Pyblication received), 506. - Fertilizer hxperinients, 1927-46, a t Kroonstad Agricultural Research Station. (Publication received), 506. Appointment as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County of Kent, 257; as Deputy Public Analyst, 323; as Deputy Public Analyst to Borough of Beckenham, Borough of Bexley, Borough of Bromley, Borough of Chatham, Borough of Dartford, Borough of Tunbridge Wells, and Urban District of Chisle- hurst and Sidcup, 387 ; as Deputy Public Analyst to Borough of Erith, Borough of Gillingham and Urban District of Orpington, 444. Dectng. and detmng. ultra-violet absorbers and other additives in polymethyl methacrylate and methyl meth- acrylate - ethyl acrylate co-polymers, 92.Stateler, E. S., et al. Elements of Food Engineering. (Publication received), 332. *Silverman, L., et al. Spalding, R. C. *Squirrell, D. C. M., et al. *Steinbergs, A. Rapid turbidimetric detmn. of small amounts of sulphur in plant material, 47. Stewart-Remington, J., et al. Composition and Assaying of Minerals. (Publication received), 71. Stokes, S. C., et al. Natural kubber Latex and its Applications. No. 2. Latex Casting. (Publica- tion received), 7 1. *Strachan, K. G., et al. Detmng. carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide in Orsat apparatus, 320. "Strafford, N. 1)etmng. zinc by titration with di-sodium ethylenediaminetetra-acetate, 733. *- et al..Separating small amounts of arsenic, copper and bismuth from lead and zinc by tliethylammonium diethyltlithiocarbamate, 624. *Strickland-Constable, R. F., et al. Apparatus foi- micro-analysis of gas samples, 122. *Stricks, W., et al. Amperometric titration of traces of ammonia with hypobromite a t rotated platinum wire electrode, application to detmn. of nitrogen in organic compounds, 405. "Strouts, C. R. N., et al. Volumetric routine detmn. of glycerol, 630. Stubbs, J. R. Obituary, 262, 570. *Stuckey, R. E., et al. Chromatographic detmn. of glutamic acid in wheat gluten and gluten hydrolysates, 636. *- Prepng. biological material for detmn. of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing procedures, 532. Swanson, H. E., et al. Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns.Vols. I and 11. (Publication received), 740. T Tatge, E., et al. Standard X-ray Diffraction l'owder Patterns. Vol. I. (Publication received), 740. Taylor, A. J., et al. Fertilizer Experiments in Natal, 1933-50. (Publication received), 506. Taylor, G. Review of Fertilisers. Methods of Analysts Used in O.E.E.C. Countries, 445. "Templeton, W. H., ef al. Lipase activity of cereal products, 726. Theobald, L. S. Review of Moeller's Inorganic Chernastry. Advanced Textbook, 447. Thompson, F. E. Obituary, 264, 265. Thorp, W. Obituary, 333. TomiEek, 0. Chemical Indicators. Trans. by A. H. Weir. (Review), 33 1. "Tompsett, S. L., et al. Heaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds with particular reference to colorimetric detmn. of formaldehyde with chromotropic acid, 209.Trease, G. E. Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 6th Edn. (Publication received), 131 ; (Review), (i28. *Trego, K., et al. Detmng. small amounts of potassium, calcium and magnesium in sodium and its compounds, 717. "Trinder, P. Titrimetric detmn. of sodium in biological fluids, 180. Turner, E. E., et al. Organic Chemistry. (Publica- tion received), 71. v van der Merwe, W., et al. ,Agronomy Experiments, 1938-45, at Vaal-Hartz Agricultural Hesearcli Station. (Publication received), 506. van Garderen, J., et al. Agronomy Experiments, 1927-46, at Kroonstad Agricultural Research Station. (Publication received), 506.INDEX TO VOLUME 78 i s - Agronomy Experiments, 1938-45, a t Vaal-Hartz Agricultural Research Station. (Publication received), 506. - Fertilizer Experiments, 1927-46, at Kroonstad Agricultural Research Station.(Publication received), 506. - Fertilizer Experiments in Natal, 1933-50. (Publication received), 606. Velluz, L. Substances Naturelles de Synthise. Prdparations et Mdthodes de Laboratoire. Vols. I-IV. (Publication received), 71 ; (Review), 446. Venkataraman, K. Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes. Vol. I. (Review), 131; Vol. 11. (Publication received), 72. Vick, M. M., et al. Qualitative Analysis and Analytical Chemical Separations. (Publication received), 332. Vickery, R. C. Chemistry of Lanthanons. (Publica- tion received), 740. Voelcker, E. Appointment as Public Analyst to Metropolitan Borough of Hampstead, 267. Vogel, A. I. Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis, Theory and Practice. 2nd Edn.(Review), 69. *- ef al. Apparatus for automatic control of cathode potential in electro-analysis, 428. W Wagner, R. B., et al. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. (Publication received), 568. Walby, B. J. Review of Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis, Theory and Practice. 2nd Edn., 69. "Walley, G., et al. Volumetric routine detmn. of glycerol, 630. Walter, F. G. Manufacture of Compressed Yeast. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 628. * Washbrook, C. C. Detmng. neutralisation and saponification values of used lubricants, 254. *- et al. Detning. zinc in lubricating oils by amperonietric titration. I. Amperometric titra- tion of zinc with versene, 304; Erratum, 439. * Weatherall, H., et al. Detmng. total phosphatide in commercial lecithin, 712. *Wedgwood, P., et al.Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage, 170. Weir, A. R. Translator of TomiCek's Chemical Indicators. (Review), 331. West, P. W., et al. Qualitative Analysis and Analytical Chemical Separations. (Publication received), 332. "Whettern, S. M. A., et al. Detmng. amount and composition of free phenols in phenol - form- aldehyde and cresol - formaldehyde resins and moulding powders, 340. Polysaccharide Chemistry. ( yublication received), 332 ; (Review), 740. Detmng. antimony in aromatic organic compounds containing nitrogen, chlorine and antimony, 165. *-- et al. Detmng. arsenic by R. S. Evans's method, with obser\,ations on separating arsenic and antimony, 390. Whistler, R. L., et al. 'Wllkinson, N. T.Williams, K. A. Review of Block, LeStrange and *Williams, R. J. P. Systematic approach to choice Williams, T. I. Chemical Industry, Past and Wilson, C. L. Review of Arthur and Smith's Semi- Wilson, D. V. Notice of marriage, 569. Wokes, F., et al. Fluorescence of Solutions. (Publication received), 684. Wolff, G., et al. MCthodes d'hnalyse et de Controle Industriel des Maticres Grasses. (Publication received), 628. MCthodes tl'Analyse et de Controle Industriel des Matieres Grasses. (T'ub- lication received), 628. Ciba Foulidation Colloquia on Endocrinology. Vol. 11. Steroid Metabolism and Estmn. (Publication received), 72; Vol. V. nioassay of Anterior Pituitary and Adrenocortical Hormones. (Publication re- ceived), 448. "Wood, A. A. R. Absorptiometric detmn. of chromium in steels and alloys, 54. *Wood, E.C. Efficient planning of microbiological assays, illustrated by assays of cobalamin, 451. - Review of Quenouille's Associated Measurements, 130. Woodhead, J. E. Appointment as Public Analyst to Metropolitan Borough of Wandsworth, 444. *Woodward, J. A., et al. Micro-detmn. of traces of gaseous elements in metals by vacuum fusion method, 414. *Woodward, P. Tests for nitrite and nitrate applicable over wide concentration ranges, 727. *Wooldridge, H. V., et al. Mercury-cathode cell for electrolytic separations, 386. *Wyatt, P. F. Diethylammonium diethyldithio- carbamate for separating and detmng. small amounts of metals. I. Successive detmn. of small amounts of copper, manganese and iron in organic compounds, 656. Separating small amounts of arsenic, copper and bismuth from lead and zinc by diethylammonium diethylditliiocarbamate, 624.Wyckoff, R. W. G. Crystal Structures. Vol. 111, with Supplt. IT. Zweig's Paper Chromatography, 388. of organic reagents for metal ions, 686. Present. (Publication received), 740. micro Qualitative Analysis. 3rd Edn., 447. Wolf€, J. P., et a'. Wolstenholme, G. E. W., et al. *- et al. (Publication received), 568. Y Yardley, J. T., et al. Phenylfluorone, Reagent for *Young, R. S., et al. Detmng. carbon dioxide and Germanium. (Publication received), 388. sulphur dioxide in Orsat apparatus, 320. Z Zook, H. D., et al. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. Zweig, G., et al. Paper Chromatography. Labora- (Publication received), 568. tory Manual. (Review), 388.Y lSDEX TO VOLUME 78 INDEX TO SUBJECTS * Denotes original papers and notes that have been published in The Analyst.A Abstracts : Analytical -. New journal. Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists. Editorial, 629. "Acenaphthene : Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. "Acetaldehyde : 9-Hydroxydiphenyl test for -. Detmng. alanine and threonine in protein hydrolysates. Folkes, 496. *Acetates : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Acetic acid : Identifying and detmng. lower straight-chain fatty acids by paper partition chromatography. Duncan and Porteous, 641. "Acetic anhydride: Detning. keten and - in atmosphere. Diggle and Gage, 473. "Acetone : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins.Osborn, 221. *Acetylene : Detmng. -- in air. *Acid(s) : chlorides : Analysis of -. Chinnick and Lincoln, 675. "aliphatic : Eibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. *€atty : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. "fatty: Identifying and detmng. lower straight- chain fatty by paper partition chromato- graphy.. Duncan and Ijorteous, 641. *fruit : 131bliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. organic : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 222. "Spectropliotometric detmn. of long-chain fatty - containing ketonic groups with particular reference to licanic acid. Mendelowitz and Riley, 704.*Acrylate polymers : Iletcng. and detmng. ultra- violet absorbers and other additives in poly- methyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate - ethyl acrylatc co-polymers. Haslam, Grossman, Squirrel1 and Loveday, 92. *Actinium : 13ibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. "Adenosine polyphosphates : Bibliography on analytical applications oi ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Adrenaline : 13ibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. *Agene : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Agglutinating Value : Prepng. Standard Sand as Used in British Standard Method of Detmng. - of Coal (B.S. 705:1936). D.S.I.R. Fuel Research Technical Paper No. 56. (Publica- tion received), 71. "Aglycones : Colorimetric detmn.of cardiac glyco- sides. Hassall and Lippman, 126. *Agriculture : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. See also Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Agronomy Experiments, 1927-46, a t Kroonstad Agricultural Research Station. Smuts and van Garderen. (Publication received), 506. Experiments, 1938-45, at Vaal-Hartz Agricultural Research Station. van der Merwe and van Garderen. (Publication received), 506. Wedgwood and Cooper, 170. Purser, 732. Osborn, 221. Osborn, 221. Osborn, 22 1. *Air: Detmng. acetylene in -. "Detmng. keten and acetic anhydride in atmos- phere. Diggle and Gage, 473. *Alanine : p-Hydroxydiphenyl test €or acetaldehyde. Detmng. - and threonine in protein hydro- lysates. Folkes, 496. *Albumin : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins.Osborn, 221. "Micro-analytical methods for proteins in blood plasma. Critical review. Salt, 4. *Albuminoid ammonia value : Characterising vinegar by -. Mitra, 499. *value in analysis of fruit juices, squashcs and cordials. Mitra and Roy, 681. *Alcohols : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 22 1. *Aldehydes : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. *Detmng. carbonyl compounds by semicarbazide and hydroxylamine, with special reference to fatty-acid oxidation products. Feuell and Skellon, 135. *Algae : Micro-detmn. of phosphorus in biological material. Harvey, 110. *Alkali metals : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. "Prepng.biological material €or detmn. of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing pro- cedures. Middlcton and Stuckey, 632. "Alkaline earths : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange rcsins. *Prepng. biological inaterial for detmn. of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing pro- cedures. Middleton and Stuckey, 532. *Alkaloids : Hibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. "Alkoxyl values : Micro-detmn. of - in cellulose ethers. Easterbrook and Hamilton, 551 ; Erratum, 616. *Alloys : Absorptionietric detnin. of chromium in steels and Wood, 54. *L)etmng. aluminium and zinc after chromato- graphic separation from tin - lead --. Bishop and Liebmann, 117. *Identifying -- and stainless steels by electro- graphic methods.Clark and Hale, 145. "Opening of white metals for analysis by dry chlorine. Bishop, 61. *Photometric detmn. of phosphorus in copper- based - containing tin. *Qualitative detcn. of tellurium in tellurium - lead -. Brown, 623. "Quantitative separation of copper, lead and tin by cathodic deposition. Aylward and Bryson, 651. *Survey of development of electrographic analysis. Monk, 141. *Volumetric detmn. of zinc with ferrocyanide in magnesium ~ . Mayer, Bradshaw and Deutschman, 367. "Alumina : Micro-analysis of silicate rocks. IV. Detmng. -. *Aluminium : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. *Detmng. - and zinc after chromatographic separation from tin - lead alloys. Bishop and Liebmann, 1 17. Purser, 732. Osborn, 221.Osborn, 221. Osborn, 221. Lutwak, 661. Miller and Chalmers, 686. Osborn, 221.Aluminium- --cowlinwed *Detmng. magnesium ancl in titanium metal. Corbett, 20. *Micro-analysis of silicate rocks. IV. Detmng. alumina. Miller and Chalniers, 686. "l'repng. biological material for detmn. of trace metals. I . Critical review of existing pro- cedures. Middleton and Stuckey, 532. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Holness and Lawrence, 356. *Survey of developnient of electrographic analysis. Monk, 141. *Amino-acids : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. Microbiological Assay of Vitamin I3 Complex and - -_ . Ikirton-iVrigh t. (J'ublication received), 71; (Review), 12!1. p-Aminobenzoic acid : Appro\-ed name unchanged.Iriternatioiial Union of I'iire and Applied Chemistry, 72. *Selection of methods for routine assays for members of vitamin-I3 complex. Pritchard, 460. "5-Amino-caproic acid : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. value in analysis of fruit juices, squashes and cordials. Mitra and *;Aniperometric titration of traces of with hypobroniite a t rotated platinum wire electrode. Application t o detmn. of nitrogen in organic compounds. Kolthoff, Stricks and Morren, 405. * Hibliography on analytical applications of ion- exchange resins. Osborn, 221. * Decomposition of - in sealed-tube micro- Kjelclahl digestions with seleninm catalyst. Baker, 500. "Iletmng. - in presence of hydrazine. Pugh and Heyns, 177. *value : Characterising lrinegar by albuminoid __ .Mitra, 499. Osborn, 221. *Ammonia: Albuniinoid Roy, 681. *Ammonium thiosulphate : Detmng. molybdenum by __ and sodium hypophosphite. RQy, 217; Erratum, 313. Ampoules. N.S. 793 : 1953, 326. *Anaesthetics : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. Analysis : Aids t o - of Food and Drugs. Nicholls. 7th Edn. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 328. Aids to Qualitative Pharmaceutical -. Priest- nian ancl Edwards. (I'ublication received), 684. Applied Inorganic --, with Special Keference to - of Metals, Minerals and Rocks. Hille- brand and 1,undell. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 448. "Ribliography on analytical applications of ion- exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Chemical ---. Vol. VII. Chemical - of Industrial Solvents.Jacobs and Scheflan. (Publication received), 332. Chromatographic Methods of Inorganic -, with Special Reference to Paper Chromatography. l'ollard and McOmie. (Publication received), 508. Ferrous -. Modern Practice and Theory. Pigott. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 332. Fertilisers. Methods of - used by O.E.E.C. Countries. Organisation for European Economic Co-oueration. (Publication re- Osborn, 221. Analy gig-co pz t in ue d Handbook of Colorimetric Chemical Analytical Methods for Industrial, Research ancl Clinical Laboratories. Developed for Use with Lovi- bond Comparator. 'l'intometer, Ltd. (Pub- lication received), 332; (Review), 568. Handbook of Shellac --. liangaswanii and Sen. Revised by Bhattacharya and Bose. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 72 ; (Review), 130.*Identification of Textile Fibres. Qualitative and Quantitative - of Fibre Blends. Luniak. (Publication received), 740. Inorganic Qualitative __ . Semi-micro Apparatus and Technique. Holness. (T'ub- lication received), 388. Inorganic Thermogravimetric - . Duval. (Publication received), 188; (Review), 738. "Ion-exchange resins in analytical chemistry. .\pplications of ion-exchange resins in of insoluble substances. Osborn, 220. Ion Exchangers in Analytical Chemistry. Samuel- son. (Publication received), 684. MCthodes d'Analyse et de Controle Industriel des Matieres Grasses. Wolff and Wolff. (Publication received), 628. MCthodes e t likactions tle 1'Analyse Organique. Vol. I. Pesez and Poirier. (Review), 70; Vol. 11. (Publication received), 260; (Review), 507.Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure e t AppliquCe et d'Analyse Rromatologique. Gautier. (Publication received), 740. *l'repng. biological material for detmn. of trace metals. I. Critical review oi existing pro- cedures. Middleton and Stuckey, 632. Qualitative - and Analytical Chemical Separa- tions. Wrest, Vick and LeKosen. (Publication received), 332. Quantitative ---. Elementary Principles and Practice. Diehl and Smith. (Publication received), 260. lieference substances for use in organic micro- -. Society of I'ublic Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists, Microchemistry Group, 258. "Scheme of semi-micro qualitative ~ for 39 elements. I-Iolness and Lawrence, 356. Semimicro Qualitative -. klrthur and Smith. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 447."Systematic approach to choice of organic reagents for metal ions. Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic -. Kolt- hofi and Sandell. 3rd Edn. (I"ub1ication received), 188. Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic ----, Theory and Practice. Vogel. 2nd Edn. (Rcview), 69. Visual Lines for Spectroscopic ---. Smith. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 188 ; (Re- view), 567. Analyst: Heprint from 1876 to 1951. Eclitorial, 73. Analytical Abstracts. New journal. Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists. Editorial, 629. Analytical chemistry : Publication of Procecdings of First International Congress on --. Editorial, 133. Aneurine : Approved name now thiamine. Inter- national Union of Pure and -4pplied Chemistry, 72. "Anthanthrene : Detcng. and detmng. traces of Dolvnuclear hvdrocarbons in industrial effluents Williams, 686.ZSDEX TO VOLUME 78 xi 1 J ceived), 188; (Hiview), 445. ' and sewage. Wedgwood and Cooper, 170.sii INDEX TO VOLUME 78 r -A v *Anthracene: Detcng. and detmng. traces of poly- nuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. Wedgwood and Cooper, 170. *Antibiotics : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. Survey of Properties and Uses. 2nd Edn. (Review), 330. *Anticoagulant therapy : Control of -. Biggs, 84. *Antimony : Detmng. - in aromatic organic compounds containing nitrogen, chlorine and antimony. Wilkinson, 165. *Detmng. arsenic by B. S. Evans's method, with observations on separating arsenic and -. Haslam and Wilkinson, 390. *Prepng. biological material for detmn.of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing pro- cedures. Middleton and Stuckey, 532. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Holness and Lawrence, 356. Antioxidants : Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, Preservatives Sub-committee, 504. *Anti-viral compounds : Evaluation of -. Dick- inson, 283. *Apparatus : Adsorption of thiamine on glassware. Farrer and Hollenberg, 730. *Analysis of "general unknowns" in toxicology. Feldstein and Klendshoj, 43. *Bibliography on analytical applications of ion- exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Continuous differential refractometer for chromatographic analysis. McCormick, 562. Dean and Stark -. B.S. 756:1952. 128. Density bottles. B.S. 733:1952. 68. Density hydrometers and specific gravity hydro- meters.B.S. 718:1953. 445. *Design and operating technique of vacuum drying oven. I. Design of oven. Gardiner, 709. *Detcng. end-point in titrating iodine with thiosulphate. Knowles and Lowden, 159. *DetInng. ergosterol in yeast. IV. Short method based on ultra-violet absorption. Shaw and Jefferies, 524. *Detmng. iodine in blood serum. Kirkpatrick, 348. *Detmng. keten and acetic anhydride in atmos- phere. Diggle and Gage, 473. "Detmng. zinc in lubricating oils by amperometric titration. I. Amperometric titration of zinc with versene. Pickles and Washbrook, 304; Erratum, 439. Dispensing measures for pharmaceutical purposes (imperial units). B.S. 1921 :1953. 387; Dis- pensing measures for pharmaceutical purposes (metric units). B.S. 1922:1953. 387. *Double syringe-pipette for dissolved oxygen estmns.Barnes, 501. Flasks for detmng. distillation range. B.S. 571: 1953. 257. Flasks with graduated necks. B.S. 676:1953. 326. *for automatic control of cathode potential in electro-analysis. Palmer and Vogel, 428. *for dead-stop end-point titrations with acoustic indication of end-point. Glastonbury, 682. *for micro-analysis of gas samples. Madley and Strickland-Constable, 122. *for simplifying titration in controlled atmosphere. Application to detmng. moisture in transformer oil with Fischer reagent. Glass filter funnels. B.S. 1923 : 1953. 326. Graduated pipettes and one-mark cylindrical Osborn, 221. Prince, 607. Dinettes. B.S. 700:1952. 68. Apparatus-continued *Guard valve for tin detmns. by iodimetric procedure. Jackson, 443.Haemacytometer counting chambers and dilution pipettes. B.S. 748:1953. 505. Halogens and sulphur combustion train (micro- Grote). Part A4; Nitrogen detmn. - (micro-Kjeldahl). Part B1; Crucibles for microchemical analysis. Part El ; Combustion boats, sheath and contact stars for micro- chemical analysis. Part 11. B.S. 1428:1953. 326. "Improved Randles-type cathode-ray polaro- graph. Reynolds and Davis, 314. Inorganic Qualitative Analysis. Semi-micro - and Technique. Holness. (Publication re- ceived), 388. *Isopiestic method for micro-detmn. of molecular weights. Morton, Campbell and Ma, 722. Kohlrausch flasks. U.S. 615:1953. 627. *Mercury-cathode cell for electrolytic separations. Aylward and Wooldridge, 386. *Micro-analysis of silicate rocks. 111. Spectro- photometric detmn. of phosphoric oxide in presence of silica.Chalmers, 32 ; IV. Detmng. alumina, 686. *Micro-detmn. of alkoxyl values in cellulose ethers. Easterbrook and Hamilton, 551 ; Erratum, 616. *Micro-detmn. of traces of gaseous elements in metals by vacuum fusion method. Gregory, Mapper and Woodward, 414. *Modified all-glass - for detmng. nitrogen by micro-Kj eldahl method. Scandrett, 734. *Modified dead-stop end-point circuit for titra- tions of ferrous iron with potassium dichromate in approximately N solutions. Collier and Fricker, 440. One-mark bulb pipettes. B.S. 1583: 1950. Amendment slip, 387. "Opening of white metals for analysis by dry chlorine. Bishop, 61. Ostwald - Folin pipettes. B.S. 773:1953. 326. "Polarograph capillaries from Pyrex glass rod.Ferrett and Phillips, 564. *Research polarograph for photographic recording and multipurpose polarographic cell. Bryant and Reynolds, 373. Secondary reference thermometers (Centigrade scale). B.S. 1900:1952. 68; Amendment slip, 187. Sugar flasks. B.S. 676:1953. 326. *Survey of development of electrographic analysis, with special reference to recent British -. Monk, 141. Tests for performance characteristics of sintered filters. B.S. 1969:1953. 627. *Volumetric detmn. of zinc with ferrocyanide in magnesium alloys. Mayer, Bradshaw and Deutschman, 367. Applied Chemistry: Reports on Progress of - Society of Chemical Industry. Vol. XXXVII: (Publication received), 668. Textbook of Pure and - . Garside and Phillips. (Publication received), 332. Appointments, official: 67, 257, 323, 387, 444, 445, 626.*Arabinose : Qualitative test for monosaccharides. Love, 732. *d-: Reaction between periodic acid and poly- hydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. *Arsenic : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn. 221.INDEX TO VOLUME 78 xiii Arsenic--cow! inued "Detmng. - by l.3. S. Evans's method, with observations on separating - and antimony. Ilaslam and Wilkinson, 390. "Prepng. biological material for detmn. of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing pro- cedures. Middleton and Stuckey, 532. "Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Holness and Lawrence, 356, *Separating srnall amounts of -, copper and bismuth from lead and zinc by means of diethylammonium diethyldithiocarbamate.Strafford, Wyatt and Kershaw, 624. iF 4- (o- Arsonophenylazo) -N- (l-naphthyl) -ethylene& amine, thorium salt of: Colorimetric detmn. of small amounts of fluorine. Ascorbic acid. Approved name for vitamin C. International IJniori of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 71. '"ontent of preserved lemon juice. Morgan, 323. *Reaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. "Aspartic acid : Chromatographic detmn. of glutamic acid in wheat gluten and gluten hydrolysates. Morries and Stuckey, 636. Associated Measurements. Quenouille. (Publica- tion received), 71 ; (Review), 130. Association of British Chemical Manufacturers : British Chemicals and their Manufacturers. (I'ublication received), 188. *Atmosphere : Detmng. keten and acetic anhydride in -.Diggle and Gage, 473. Liddell, 494. B *Bacteriology : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Bacup: Appointment of 13. Dedicoat as Public Analyst to Borough of -, 444. Baking powder: Fluorine content of acidic phos- phates used for food purposes. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, Metallic Con tamination Sub-committee, 504. *Barium : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. "Detmng. microgram amounts of calcium. Harrison and Raymond, 528. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Holness and Lawrence, 356. *Systematic approach to choice of organic reagents for metal ions. *Barium succinate : Ion-exchange resins in analytical chemistry. Application of ion-exchange resins to analysis of insoluble substances.Osborn, 220. *Barium sulphate : Ion-exchange resins in analytical chemistry. Application of ion-exchange resins to analysis of insoluble substances. Osborn, 220. *Bases, organic : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. Beans, runner: Sulphur dioxide in imported de- hydrated vegetables. Ministry of Food, 128. Beckenham: Appointment of R. C. Spalding as Deputy Public Analyst to Borough of -, 387. Beef sausages: Labelling of Food Order, 1953. 324. sausages: Meat Products (No. 3) Order, 1952. 187. Beet: Sugar - Cultivation. Ministry of Agri- culture and Fisheries. (Publication received), 628. Williams, 586. Osborn, 221. *1:2-Benzanthracene : Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage.Wedgwood and Cooper, 170. *Benzoic acid: Detmng. benzoyl peroxide in flour and bread. *Benzoyl peroxide : Detmng. - in flour and bread. Knight and Kent- Jones, 467. *1: 12-Benzperylene : Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. Wedgwood and Cooper, 170. *3 :4-Benzpyrene: Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. *Beryllium : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Holness and Lawrence, 356. Bethnal Green: Appointment of H. A. Parkes as Deputy Public Analyst to Metropolitan Borough of -, 67. fermentation test, with special reference to brominated compounds.Mossel and de Bruin, 37. Bexley: Appointment of R. C. Spalding as Deputy Public Analyst to Borough of -, 387. Bibliographic Guide : Guida Bibliografica Inter- nazionale per il Chimico, Libri e Reviste. Gaudenzi. (Publication received), 71. Biochemical Preparations. Vol. 11. Ball. (Pub- lication received), 71 ; (Review), 18s. Biochemistry: General -. Fruton and Sim- monds. (Publication received), 568. Biological Assay: Statistical Method in -. Finney. (Publication received), 71 ; (Keview), 505. "fluids : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *fluids: Titrimetric detmn. of sodium in -. Trinder, 180. *material : Yrepng. - for detmn. of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing pro- cedures.Middleton and Stuckey, 532. Biotin : Approved name unchanged. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 72. *Plate-assay technique for -, nicotinic acid and pantothenic acid. Morris and Jones, 15. *Selection of methods for routine assays for members of vitamin-B complex. Pritchard, 460. Birkenhead : Appointment of T. Harris as Public Analyst and Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of -, 626. Biscuits: Labelling of Food Order, 1953. *Bismuth : Prepng. biological material for detmn. of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing procedures. Middleton and Stuckey, 532. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Holness and Lawrence, 356. *Separating small amounts of arsenic, copper and - from lead and zinc by diethylammonium diethyldithiocarbamate.Strafford, Wyatt and Kershaw, 624. Blackberry jam : Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1953. 324. Blackcurrant jam : Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1953. 324. Blackpool: Appointment of J. G. Sherratt as Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of -, 445; as Public Analyst, 6L6. *Blood : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Knight and Kent-Jones, 467. Wedgwood and Cooper, 170. *Beverages : Detcng. preservatives in - by 324.xiv INDEX TO VOLUME 78 Blood-cont inued *clotting : Control of anticoagulant therapy. Eiggs, 84. *Colorimetric micro-detnin. of potassium in serum. Baar, 353. "detmng. carbon monoxide in : Quantitative colour reaction for metallic palladium. McAllister, 65. *Detmng.iodine in - serum. Kirkpatrick, 348. *Iletmng. microgram amounts of calcium. Harrison and Kaymond, 528. indophenol reaction. Lawford and Harvey, 63. *plasma : Micro-analytical methods for proteins in -. Critical review. Salt, 4. *Reaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. *serum : Indirect polarographic detnin. of calcium by chloranilic acid. Breyer and McPhillips, 660. Bone grease : Home-produced technical -. U.S. 1483: 19-58. Book reviews : Arthur and Smith. Semimicro Qualitative Ball. Biochemical l'reparations. Vol. 11, 188. Barton-Wright. Microbiological Assay of Vitaniin-H Complex and Amino-Acids, 129. Block, LeStrange and Zweig. Paper Chromato- graphy, 388. Duval. Inorganic Thermogravinictric Analysis, 738. Elderfield.Heterocyclic Compounds. Vol. 11, 259; Vols. 111 and IV, 260. Finney. Statistical Method in Biological Assay, 605. 1;riedel and Orcliin. Ultraviolet Spectra of Aromatic Compounds, 09. Hammett. Introduction t o Study of Physical Chemistry, 505. Hewitt. Sand and Water Culture Methods used in Study of Plant Nutrition, 329. Institute of l'etroleum. Mass Spectrometry, 70. liolthofi and Lingane. l'olarography. 2nd Edn. Vols. I and 11, 327. Moeller. Inorganic Chcmistry. Advanced Text- book, 447. Nicholls. Aids to Analysis of Food and Drugs. 7th Ectn., 328. O.E.E.C. Fertilisers. Methods of Analysis Used in O.E.E.C. Countries, 445. Partington. Advanced Treatise on Physical Chemistry. Vol. 111. Properties of Solids, 331. l'esez and Poirier. MCthodes e t Rkactions de 1'Analyse Organique.Vol. I, 70; rVol. 11, 567. l'ullman and Pullman. ThCories Electroniques de la Chiniie Organique, 329. Quenouille. Associated Measurements, 130. liangaswami and Sen. Handbook of Shellac Analysis. 2nd Edn., 130. Smith. Visual Lines for Spectroscopic Analysis. 2nd Edn., 567. -Tintometer, Ltd. Handbook of Colorimetric Chemical Analytical Methods for Industrial, Research and Clinical Laboratories, Developed for Use with Lovibond Comparator, 568. *Detmng. P-nitrophenol in urine and __ by Amendment slip, 68. Analysis. 3rd Edn., 447. 'Tomitck. Chemical Indicators, 331. Trease. Tcxtbook of Pharmacognosy. 6th Edn., 628. Velluz. Substances Naturelles de Synthise; IJrCparations e t Mkthodes de Laboratoire. Vols. I-IV, 446. Venkataraman. Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes.Vol. I, 131. Book Reviews--continued Vogel. Textbook of Qriantitative Inorganic 2nd Edn., 69. Whistler and Smart. Polysaccharide Chemistry, Antibiotics. Survey of l'roperties and Uses. British Pharmacopoeia 1953. 627. Analysis, Theory and Practice. 740. 2nd Edn., 330. Books : Guida Bibliografica Internazionale per ii Chimico, Libri e Iieviste. Gauclenzi. (Publica- tion received), 7 1. "Borate: Detmng. -- in presence of silver. Haider, 673. *Borax : Detcng. boron in treated timber. McMullen, 442. Public Health (Preservatic es, etc., in l;ood) (Amendment) Regulations, 1953. *Boric acid : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. "Detcng. boron in trcated timber. McMullen, 442. *Detmng. borate in presence of silver. IIaider, 673."Detmng. small quantities of boron. liipley- Duggan, 183. * Borofluorides : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. *Ion-exchange resins in analytical chemistry. Application of ion-exchange resins to analysis of insoluble substances. Osborn, 220. *Boron : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. :@Detcng. -- in treated timber. Mchlullen, 442. "Detning. small quantities of --. Ripley- Duggan, 183. *Boron trichloride : Detmng. free and conibinetl chlorine in --. Osborn, 65. Bottles : Capacity of cylindrical glass milk -- -. B.S. 1925: 1963. 267. Bournemouth: Appointment of A. S. Carlos as Public Analyst and Official Agricultural Analyst to County 3-3orough of -, 323. Brains: Offals in Meat Products Order, 1953.187. Bramble jam : 1;ood Stantlards (Preserves) Order, *Bread: Detmng. benzoyl peroxide in flour and -. 7 3 7. Osborn, 221. 1953. 324. Knight and Kent- Jones, 467. Order, 1953. 566. .k Ultra-violet spectrophotometric estmn. of quality of mineral oils extracted from Cookson, Coppock and Schnurmann, 695. *Brewing : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. British Abstracts C. Cessation of publication. Editorial, 629. British Drug Houses Ltd. : Ion Exchange Resins. (Publication received), 740. British Medical Association : National Formulary 1962. First Amendment 1953. (Publication received), 568. British Pharmacopoeia 1953. General Medicai Council. (Publication received), 260 ; (Review), 627. British Standard Specifications : 188: 1937.Method for detmng. viscosity of liquids in absolute (C.G.S.) units. Amendment slip, 567. 541 : 1034. Iletmng. Hideal-Walker coefficient of disinfectants. Amendment slip, 505. 571 : 1953. Flasks for detmng. distillation range, 257. 615: 1953. Kohlrausch flasks, 627. 627: 1953. 675: 1953. Sugar flasks, 3%. Sampling fats and fatty oils, 326.lNDEX TO VOLUME 78 XV British Standard Specifications--co?ztinued 676 : 1953. 700 : 1952. Graduated pipettes and one-mark cylindrical pipettes, 68. 718: 1953. Density hydrometers and specific gravity hydrometers, 445. 733: 1952. Density bottles, 68. 748 : 1953. and dilution pipettes, 505. 756: 1952. 773 : 1953. Ostwald - Folin pipettes, 326. 795: 1953. Ampoules, 326. 1328: 1953. Flasks with graduated necks, 326.Haemacytometer counting chambers Dean and Stark apparatus, 128. Part -4.1, Halogens and sulphur com- bustion train (micro-Grote), 326; Part B1, Xitrogen detmn. apparatus (micro-Kjeldahl), 326; Part El, Crucibles for microchemical analysis, 326 ; Part 11, Combustion boats, sheath and contact stars for microchemical analysis, 326. 1482 : 1948. Home-produced technical tallow. Amendment slip, 68. 1483 : 1948. Home-produced technical bone grease. Amendment slip, 68. 1583: 1950. One-mark bulb pipettes. Amend- ment slip, 387. 1900 : 1952. Secondary reference thermometers (Centigrade scale), 68; Amendment slip, 187. 1910: 1953. Carbolic soap, 326. 191 1 : 1953. 1912: 1953. Soap flakes, 326. 1913:1953. Soft soap, 326. 1914: 1953. Toilet soap, 326. 1921 : 1953.Dispensing measures for pharma- 1928 : 1953. Dispensing measures for pharina- 1923: 1953. Glass filter funnels, 326. 1925: 1953. Capacity of cylindrical glass milk 1939: 1953. Sunflower seed oil, 257. 19.10: 1953. 1941 : 1953. 1969 : 1953. 1992: 1953. Butyl acetylricinoleate, 627. 1993: 1953. secHutyl alcohol, 627. 1994: 1953. Dichloromethane, 627. 1995 : 1953. 1996: 1953. Dimethyl phthalate, 627. 1997: 1953. 2998: 1953. Triphenyl phosphate, 627. 1999 : 1953. Tritolyl phosphate (tricresyl phos- 2005 : 1953. Glossary of terms applicable to British Standards Institution : Change oi address, Genuine hard soap, 326. ceutical purposes (imperial units), 387. ceutical purposes (metric units), 387. bottles, 257. Ethyl methyl ketone, 257. isoButyl methyl ketone, 2,57.Tests for performance characteristics o f sintered filters, 627. l)i-2-ethylhexyl phthalate, 627. Glycerol triacetate (triacelin), 627. phate), 627. fillings and stuffings, 627. 505. Yearbook, 1953. 568. *Bromide : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Bromine absorption : Modified procedure for quan- titative - of oils and fats. Burden and Grindley, 619. See also Halogens. Bromley: Appointment of 13. C. Spalding as Deputy Public Analyst to Borough of -, 387. *: Bromoacetic esters : Detcng. preservatives in beverages by fermentation test, with special reference to brominated compounds. Mossel and de Bruin, 37. Burnley : Appointment of R. Blunt as Deputy Public Analyst and Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of -, 323.Bury: Appointment of C. J. House as Public Analyst to County Borough of --, 387; as Official Agricultural Analyst, 445. Butanol : See Butyl alcohol. Butyl acetylricinoleate. B.S. 1992: 1953. 627. *Butyl alcohol : Detmng. isobutyraldehyde in n- butyraldeh yde. Primavesi, 647. Butylated hydroxyanisole : Antioxidants. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, Preserva- tives Sub-committee, ,504. *Butyraldehyde: Detmng. zso- in n- -. Primavesi, 647. *Butyric acid : Identifying and detmng. lower straight-chain fatty acids by paper partition chromatography. Duncan and Porteous, 641. sec -. B.S. 1993: 1953. 627. C Cabbage : Sulphur dioxide in imported dehydrated vegetables. Ministry of Food, 128. *Cadion: Prepng. material rich in - suitable for detcng. cadmium. Fisher, Estes and Rose, 729.*Cadmium : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. *Prepng. biological material for detmn. of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing pro- cedures. Middleton and Stuckey, 532. *Prepng. material rich in cadion suitable for detcng. -. Fisher, Estes and Rose, 729. *Research polarograph for photographic recording and multipurpose polarographic cell. Bryant and Reynolds, 373. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Holness and Lawrence, 356. "Separating zinc and __ by activated copper. Uryson and Lowy, 299. *Survey of development of electrographic analysis. Monk, 141. *Systematic approach to choice of organic reagents for metal ions. *Caesium : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins.Osborn, 22 1. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Holness and Lawrence, 356. Calciferol. Approved name now ergocalciferol. International Union of I'ure and Applied Chemistry, 72. *Calcium : Anhydrous calcium oxalate as weighing form for -. Miller, 186. *Bibliography on analytical applications of ion- exchange resins. Osborn, 22 1 . "Detmng. -- in plants and soils. Hunter and Hall, 106. "Detmng. microgram amounts of --. Harrison and Raymond, 528. *Detmng. small amounts of potassium, - and magnesium in sodium and its compounds. Silverman and Trego, 717. chloranilic acid. Rreyer and McPhillips, 666. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Holness and Lawrence, 356. *Systematic approach to choice of organic reagents for metal ions."Calcium carbonate : Jon-exchange resins in analytical chemistry. Application of ion- exchange resins to analysis of insoluble sub- stances. Osborn, 220. *Calcium oxalate : Anhydrous __ as weighing form for calcium. Miller, 186. Osborn, 22 1 . Williams, 586. *Indirect polarographic detmn. of - by Williams, 586.xvi INDEX TO Cancer: Excerpta Medica. Section XVI. - (Experimental and Clinical). Vol. I, No. 1, July, 1953. (Publication received), 628. Canned Corned Meat (Prices) Order, 1953. 187. foods: Tin in -. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, Metallic Contamination Sub-committee, 187. fruit: Labelling of Food Order, 1953. 324. vegetables: Labelling of Food Order, 1963. 324. *Capillaries : Polarograph - from Pyrex glass rod.Carbolic soap. B.S. 1910: 1953. 326. *Carbon : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. *Carbon dioxide : Apparatus for micro-analysis of gas samples. Madley and Stricklancl-Constable, 122. *Detmng. - and sulphur dioxide in Orsat apparatus. Young, Benfielcl and Strachan, 320. *Carbon monoxide : Apparatus for micro-analysis of gas samples. Madley and Stricklancl- Constable, 122. *detmng. : Quantitative colour reaction for metallic palladium. McAllister, 66. "Carbony1 compounds : Detmng. ___ by semi- carbazide ancl hydroxylamine, with special referencc to fatty-acid oxidation products. Feuell and Skellon, 135. *Cardiac glycosides : Colorimetric detmn. of -. Hassall and Lippman, 126. Carlisle: Appointment of W. I;. Elvidge as Deputy Public Analyst to County Borough of -, 387.Csrotenoids : Comparative Biochemistry of -----. Gootlwin. (Publication received), 71. Carrots : Sulphur dioxide in imported dehydrated Vegetables. Ministry of Food, 128. *Casein : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 22 1. *Catalysts : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Catecho1 monobenzoate : Detcng. and detmng. ultra-violet absorbers and other additives in polymethyl methacrylate and methyl meth- acrylate - ethyl acrylate co-polymers. Haslam, Grossman, Squirrel1 and Loveday, 92. "Cathode potential : Apparatus for automatic control of - in electro-analysis. Palmer and Vogel, 428. "Cellulose ethers : Micro-detmn. o f alkoxyl values in - . Easterbrook and Hamilton, 551; Erratum, 616.*Large-scale chromatographic separation of sucrose - raffinosc mixtures on powdered -- for detmn. of raffinose in raw sugars. Gross and Albon, 191. "Cereal products: Lipase activity of --. Temple- ton and Carpenter, 726. *Cerium : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Micro-detmn. of iodides by arresting catalytic reduction of ceric ions. Rogina and DubravEiC, 594. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Chatham: Appointment of J. W. Flint as Deputy Public Analyst to Borough of -, 257. Appointment of R. C. Spalding as Deputy Public -4nalyst to Borough of -, 387. *Cheese: Modification of van Gulik method for detmna. fat in soft -. Pinksv and Griin- Ferrett and Phillips, 564.Osborn, 22 1. Holness and Lawrence, 356. VOLLJME 78 Chemical(s) Constitution. Introduction to Theory of the Chemical Bond. Ketelaar. 1st English Edn. translated by Jackson. (Publication received), 448. Industry, F'ast and Present. Williams. (Publica- tion received), 740. British - and their 3fanufacturers. Assoc. of British Chemical Manufacturers. (Publication received), 188. Chemical Society : Annual Reports on Progress of Chemistry for 1952. (t'iiblication received), 628. Chemistry : Advanced Treatise on Physical -. Vol. 111. Properties of Solids. Partington. (Publication receivctl), 7 1 ; (Iievicw), 331. Annual Reports on Progress of __ for 1952. Chemical Society. (I'ublication received), 628. General and Inorganic --. Findlay. (Publica- tion received), 188, 332.Heterocyclic Compounds. Vol. 11. Elderfield. (Review), 259; Vols. I11 and IV, 260. Inorganic -. Aclvanced Textbook. Moeller. (Publication received), 72; (Keview), 447. Introduction to Physical ---. Findlay. 3rd Edn. Revised by Mel\-ille. (Publication received), 260. of Carbon Compounds. Vol. 11, Part A. Alicyclic Compounds. Rodd. (Publication received), 568. Organic ----. Sarkar ancl liakshit. 7th Edn. (Publication received), 628. Organic -. Turner and Harris. (Publication received), 7 1. Organic -. Advanced Treatis. Gilman. Vols. 111 and IV. Polysaccharide - . Whistler antl Smart. (Publication received), 332 ; (Review), 740. Practical Organic -. Mann and Saunders. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 7 1. Reports on Progress of Applied -. Society of Chemical Industry.Vol. XXXVII. (Pub- lication received), 568. Structure and Mechanism in Organic ----. Ingold. (Publication received), 684. Synthetic Organic -. Wagner and Zook. (Publication received), 568. Textbook of Pure and Applied -. Garside antl Phillips. (Publication received), 332. Thkories Electroniques dc la Chimie Organique. Pullman and Pullman. (Review), 329. Chislehurst and Sidcup: Appointment of K. C. Spalding as Deputy Public Analyst to Urban District of ---, 387. Chitterlings: Offals in Meat l'rodncts Order, 1953. 187. *Chloranilic acid : Indirect polarographic detmn. of calcium by -. Breyer and McFhillips, 666. *Chloride(s) : Analysis of acid -. Chinnick and Lincoln, 675. *Bibliography on analytical applications of ion- exchange resins. Osborn, 221."Chlorine : Detmng. free and combined -- -- in boron trichloride. Osborn, 65. "Opening of white metals for analysis by dry --. Bishop, 61. See also Halogens. *Chloromethylphenoxyacetic acids : Detmng. - in MCPA formulations. Freeman and Gardner, 205. Cholecalciferol. Approved name for vitamin D,. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 72. Choline : ADDrOved name unchanged. International (Publication received), 568. peter, 221. UnionA6f Pure and Appliecl"Chemistry, 72.INDEX TO VOLUME 78 xvii Choline-continued *Selection of methods for routine assays for members of vitamin-B complex. Pritchard, 460. Chromatography : Chroniatographic Methods of Inorganic Analysis, with Special Reference to Paper -. Pollard and McOmie. (Publica- tion received), 568.Paper - . Laboratory Manual. Block, LeStrange and Zweig. (Review), 388. Practical -. Brimley and Bsrrett. (Publica- tion received), 684. Pr0gri.s Kecents de la Chromatographie. Part 2. Chimie Min6rale. Lederer. (Publication re- ceived), 188. *Chromic acid : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange rcsins. *Chromite ores : Modified procedure for dissolving -. Khuntlkar and Quadir, 623. "Chromium : Albsorptiometric detmn. of in steels and alloys. Wood, 54. *Bibliography on analytical applications of ion- exchange resins. Osborn, 22 1. *Identifying alloys and stainless steels by electro- graphic methods. *Polarographic detmn. of iron and -. Perkins and Reynolds, 480. "Research polarograph for photographic recording and multipurpose polarographic cell. Bryant and Reynolds, 373.*Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. "Survey of development of electrographic analysis. Monk, 141. "Systematic approach to choice of organic reagents for metal ions. "Chromotropic acid : Reaction between periodic acid and polyhyclroxy compounds, with particular reference to colorimetric detmn. of form- aldehyde with ---. Tompsett and Smith, 209. "Chrysene : Iktcng. and detmng. traces of poly- nuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents antl sewage. IVedgwooc-1 and Cooper, 170. Ciba Foundation Colloquia on Endocrinology. Vol. 11. Steroid Metabolism and Estmn. Wolsten- holme ant1 Cameron. (Publication received), 72; Vol. V. Bioassay of Anterior Pituitary and Adrenocortical Hormones, 448. Osborn, 221. Clark and Hale, 145. Holness and Lawrence, 356.Williams, 586. *Cistus : Adulterant of dried sage. Button, 679. *Citric acid : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. "Clays : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. "Clotting, blood : Control of anticoagulant therapy. Eiggs, 84. "Coagulation, blood : Control of anticoagulant therapy. Biggs, 84. Ooal: Prepng. Standard Sand as Used in British Standard Method for Detmng. Agglutinating Fuel Research Technical Paper No. 56. (Pub- lication received), 71. *tar : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Approved collective name for vitamins possessed of B,, activity. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 72.*Efficient planning of microbiological assays illustrated by assays of -. $Selection of methods for routine assays for members of vitamin-B complex. Pritchard, 460. Value Of ---. (B.S. 705:1936.) D.S.I.R. Cobalamin. Wood, 451. "Cobalt : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Prepng. biological material for detmn. of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing pro- cedures. Middleton and Stuckey, 532. *Survey of development of electrographic analysis. Monk, 141. *Systematic approach to choice of organic reagents for metal ions. *Cocoa residues : Detmng. theobromine in -. Gerritsma and Koers, 201. Coconut oil: Oils and Fats (No. 2) Order, 1953. 565. *Cod-liver oil: Spectroscopic properties of vitamin A,, application to assay of -.Cama and Morton, 74. Coffee: Labelling of Food Order, 1953. Combustion boats, sheath and contact stars €or microchemical analysis. H.S. 1428: 1953, I'art 11, 326. train : Halogens and sulphur __-- (micro-Grote) . B.S. 242831963, Part h4, 326. *Complexes: Use of inorganic - in d o u r reactions for organic compounds. I. Dctning. isonicotinic acid. Herington, 174. Condensed Milk : Public Health (-) (Amendment) Regulations, 1953. 737. Public Health (-) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations, 1953. 737. Congress : Publication of Proceedings of First International - on Analytical Chemistry. Editorial, 133. Contact stars : Combustion boats, sheath and -- for microchemical analysis. B.S. 1428 : 1053, Part 11, 326. *Contamination : Public health hazards and the analytical chemist.Nicholls, 272. *Convallatoxin : Colorimetric detmn. of cartliac glycosides. Hassall and Lippman, 126. *Copper : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Detmng. - in plant material. Forster, 814. *Detmng. __ with sodium diethyldithio- carbamate in presence of nickel and other interfering elements, with particular reference to traces of ~ in sodium hydroxide. Jews- bury, 363. *Dicthylammonium diethyldithiocarbamatc for separating and detmng. small amounts of metals. I. Successive detmn. of small amounts of -, manganese and iron in organic com- pounds. Wyatt, 656. *Identifying alloys antl stainless steels by electrographic methods. Clark and Hale, 145. *Photometric detmn. of phosphorus in -based alloys containing tin."Prepng. biological material for detmn. of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing pro- cedures. Middleton and Stuckey, 532. "Quantitative separation of -, lead and tin by cathodic deposition. Rylward and Bryson, 651. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Holness and Lawrence, 366. "Separating small amounts of arsenic, - and bismuth from lcad and zinc by means of diethylammoniuni diethyldithiocarbamate. Strafford, Wyatt and Kershaw, 624. *Separating zinc and cadmium by activated -- ---. Bryson and Lowy, 299. *Systematic approach to choice of organic reagents for metal ions. Williams, 586. 324. Lutwak, 661. Williams, 586.sviii INDEX TO VOLUME 78 *'Cordials : hlbuminoid ammonia value in analysis of fruit juices, squashes and -. Mitra and Roy, 681.Corned Meat: Canned - (Prices) Order, 1953. 187. *Coronene: Detcng. and detmng. traces of poly- nuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. Wedgwood and Cooper, 170. *Corrosion : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Cotton seed oil: Oils and Fats (No. 2) Order, 1953. 565. Counting chambers : Haemacytometer -- and dilution pipettes. B.S. 748: 1953. 505. Cream and Use of Milk (Revocation) Order, 1953. 324. "Cresol: Detmng. amount and composition of free phenols in phenol - formaldehyde and - - formaldehyde resins and moulding powders. Haslam, Whettem and Newlands, 340. "Cresyl esters : Detcng. and detmng. ultra-violet absorbers and other additives in polymethyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate - ethyl acrylate co-polymers.Haslam, Grossman, Squirrell and Loveday, 92. Crewe: Appointment of T. Harris as Public Analyst to Borough of -, 444. Crime Investigation. Physical Evidence and Police Laboratory. Kirk. (Publication received), 260. Crosby: Appointment of T. Harris as Public Analyst to Borough of -, 626. Crucibles for niicrochemical analysis. H.S. 1428: 1953. Part El, 326. "Cryoglobulins : Micro-analytical methods for pro- teins in blood plasma. Critical review. Salt, 4. Crystal Structures. Wyckoff. Vol. 111 and Supplt. 11. (Publication received), 568. Culture Methods: Sand and Water -- Used in Study of Plant Nutrition. Hewitt. (Yublica- tion received), 7 1 ; (Review), 329. Cumberland: Appointment of W. 1;. Elvidge as Deputy Public Analyst and Deputy Official Agricultural -4nalyst to County of -, 387.Cyanocobalamin. Approved name for vitamin BIZ. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 71. D Dairy Chemistry : Richmond's ---. Davis and MacDonald. 5th Edn. (Publication received), 448. Damson jam : Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1953. 324; (Amendment) Order. 1953. 626. Darlington: Appointment of W. F. Elvidge as Deputy Public Analyst and Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of Dartford: Appointment of 13. C. Spalding as Deputy Public Analyst to Borough of -, 387. *Deacetylanhydro-oleandrin : Colorimetric detmn. of cardiac glycosides. Hassall and Lippman, 126. Dean and Stark apparatus. B.S. 756: 1952. 128. Dehydrated vegetables : Public Health (Preserva- tives, etc., in Food) (Amendment) Regulations, 1953.737. vegetables : Sulphur dioxide in imported --. Ministry of Food, 128. Density bottles: B.S. 733: 1952. B.S. 718:1953. 415. -, 387. 68. hydrometers and specific gravity hydrometers. *Deoxyribonucleic acid : Comparison of applicability to plant extracts of three methods of detmng. -. Holden, 542. "Reaction between periodic acid and poly- hydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research : Prepng. Standard Sand as Used in British Standard Method for Detmng. Agglutinating Value of Coal (R.S. 705: 1936). ~ Fuel Research Technical Paper No. 50. (Publication received), 7 1. "Dianhydrogitoxigenin : Colorimetric detmn. of cardiac glycosides. Hassall and Lippman, 126. *Dibutyl phthalate : Detcng. and detmng.ultra- violet absorbers and other additives in poly- methyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate - ethyl acrylate co-polymers. Haslam, Grossman, Squirrel1 and Loveday, 92. Dichloromethane: B.S. 1994: 1953. 627. "4 : 6-Dichloromethylphenoxyacetic acid : Detmng. chloromethylphenoxyacetic acids in MCPA formulations. Freeman and Gardner, 205. "Dichromate : Modified dead-stop end-point circuit for titrations of ferrous iron with potassium - in approximately N solutions. Collier and Fricker, 440. *Dichromic acid, transmittancy curves : Absorptio- metric detmn. of chromium in steels and alloys. Wood, 54. * Dieth ylammonium for separating and detmng. small amounts of metals. I. Successive detmn. of small amounts of copper, manganese and iron in organic compounds.Wyatt, 656. "Separating small amounts of arsenic, copper and bismuth from lead and zinc by -. Strafford, Wyatt and Kershaw, ($24. Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate. H.S. 1993: 1953. 627. "Digitoxin : Colorimetric detmn. of cardiac glyco- sides. Hassall and Lipprnan, 126. *9 : 10-Dihydroanthracene : Iletcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. W'eclgwood and Cooper, 170. "Dihydrostreptomycin : Colorimetric detmn. of -. Ashton, Foster and E'atherley, 581. *Dihydroxyacetone : lieaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds. l'ompsett and Smith, 209. "2 :4-Dihydroxybenzophenone : Detcng. and detmng. ultra-violet absorbers and other additives in polymethyl methacrylate and methyl meth- acrylate - ethyl acrylate co-polymers.Haslam, Grossman, Squirrel1 and Loveday, 92. *3 : 5-Di-iodothyronine : Colorimetric detmn. of --. Shaw, 253. Dimethyl phthalate. R.S. 1996: 1953. 627. *2 : 4-Dimethylquinoline silicomolybdate : Micro- analysis of silicate rocks. 11. Pptn. of silica as ___ and graviinetric detmn. as silico- molybdic anhydride Miller and Chalmers, 24. *m-Dinitrobenzene : Detning. small amounts of ~- in nitrobenzene. Angell, 603. *Diphenyl : Departure from Beer's law affecting spectrophotometric cletmn. of -. Daven- port, 558. Public Health (Preservatives, etc., in Food) (Amendment) Regulations, 1953. 737. Disinfectants : Detning. Kideal-Walker coefficient of -. B.S. 541: 1934. Amendment slip, 605. * Di-sodium eth ylenediamine t etr a-ace t a t e : D e tmng . zinc by titration with -.die th y ldit hiocarbama t e Strafford, 733. See also Versene.INDEX TO VOLUME 78 xix Dissociation Energies and Spectra of Diatomic Molecules. Gaydon. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 332. Distillation range: Flasks for detmng. -. B.S. 571 : 1953. 257. "Dithizone : Reversion method for absorptiometric detmn. of traces of lead with -. Irving and Butler, 571. Documents : Protective Display Lighting of Historical -. US. National Bureau of Standards. (Publication received), 448. Dried fruit: Mineral Oil in Food (Amendment) Order, 1952. 68. "Drinks, soft : Detcng. preservatives in beverages by fermentation test, with special reference to broniinated compounds. Mossel and de Bruin, 37. Drugs : Aids to Analysis of Food and -. Nicholls. 7th Edn. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 328.Drummond Memorial Fund, 449. *Drying oven: Design and operating technique of vacuum --. I. Design of oven. Gardiner, 709. Durham: Appointment of W. 1;. Elvidge as Deputy l'ublic Analyst and Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County of -, 387. Dyer: Bernard - Memorial Medal, 261; Medal for exhibition, 450. *Dyes : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Chemistry of Synthetic. Vol. I. Venkataraman. (Heview), 131 ; Vol. 11. (I'ublication received), 72. E E605: See Parathion. *Effluents : Uetcng. and detmng. traces of poly- nuclear hydrocarbons in industrial - and sewage. Wedgwood and Cooper, 170. *Electro-analysis : Apparatus for automatic control of cathode potential in ---. Palmer and Vogel, 428.*Electrodes : lieplacement of standard cell and salt bridge by indicator and use of non- aqueous solutions in potentiometry. 11. lodometry and iodimetry in aqueous solution. Bishop, 149. *Electrographic analysis : Survey of development of -, with special reference to recent British apparatus. Monk, 141. *methods: Identifying alloys and stainless steels by -. Clark and Hale, 145. *Electrolysis cell : Mercury-cathode cell for electro- lytic separations. Aylward and Wooldridge, 380. Electronic Theory : Theories klectroniques de la Chimie Organique. Pullman and Pullman. (Review), 329. Emulsifying salts : Labelling of Food Order, 1953. 324. Encyclopedia of Chemical Reactions. Vol. V. Jacobson. (Publication received), 388. Endocrinology : Ciba Foundation Colloquia on -.Vol. 11. Steroid Metabolism and Estmn. Wolstenholme and Cameron. (Publication received), 72; Vol. V. Bioassay of Anterior Pituitary and Adrenocortical Hormones. (Pub- lication received), 448. Engineering: Elements of ~ o o d -. VOL I. Parker, Harvey and Stateler. (Publication received), 332. *Enzymes : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Ergocalciferol. Approved name for vitamin I), and calciferol. International Union of I'ure and Applied Chemistry, 72. *Ergosterol: Detmng. -- in yeast. I. Ultra- violet absorption of purified -. Shaw and Jefferies, 509; 11. Detmn. by saponification and ultra-violet absorption spectroscopy, 514; 111. Corrections for irrelevant absorption in solutions of -, 519; IV. Short method based on ultra-violet absorption, 524.Erith: Appointment of R. C. Spalding as Deputy Public Analyst to Borough of --, 444. "Erythritol : Reaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. *Esters : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 22 1. "Ethanolamine : Reaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. *Ethyl bromoacetate : Detcng. preservatives in beverages by fermentation test, with special reference to brominated compounds. Mossel and de Bruin, 37. *Ethyl cellulose : Micro-detmn. of alkoxyl values in cellulose ethers. Easterbrook and Hamilton, 551; Erratum, 616. "Ethylenediaminetetra-acetate ammonium salt : Detmng. copper in plant material. Forster, 614. "Detmng.zinc by titration with di-sodium --. Strafiord, 733. sodium: See also Versene. "Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid : Detmng. mag- nesium in plant material by -. Forster, 179. Ethyl methyl ketone: 13,s. 1940: 1953. 257. *2-Ethylpyridine : Detmng. p- and y-picolines. 2:B-lutidine and - in mixtures by infra- red spectroscopy. Coulson and Hales, 114. Excerpta Medica. Section XVI. Cancer (Experi- mental and Clinical). Vol. I, No. 1, July, 1953. New journal. (Publication received), 628. F Faraday Society : Letters exchanged between - and Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists on 60th Anniversary of foundation of --, 450. *Fat(s) : Modified procedure for quantitative bromine absorption of oils and -. Burden and Grindley, 019. *Modified van Gulik method for detmng.- in soft cheese. Oils and -- Order, 1953. 187; (No. 2) Order, 1953. 565. Sampling - and fatty oils. B.S. 627:1953. 326. *Fatty acids : Identifying and cletmng. lower straight- chain __ by paper partition chromatography. Duncan and Porteous, 641. "Spectrophotometric detmn. of long-chain - containing ketonic groups with particular reference to licanic acid. Mendelowitz and Riley, 704. Fatty Substances : M4thodes d'hnalyse et de Controle Industriel des Maticres Grasses. Wolff and Wolff, (Publication received), 628. Pinsky and Grunpeter, 621.XX INDEX TO VOLUME 78 Feeding Stuffs (Revocation) Order, 1953. 565. Feet: Offals in Meat Products Order, 1953. 187 *Fermentation, inhibition of: Preservation of fermenting liquors in detmn. of reducing sugars.Donald, Freeman and Cunningham, 320. *test: Detcng. preservatives in beverages by -, with spccial reference to brominated coni- pounds. Mossel and de Bruin, 37. "Ferricyanide : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. "Ferrocyanide : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. "Critical examination of - detmn. of zinc. Iiichardscn and Ilryson, 291. -Volumetric detmn. of zinc with -- in mag- nesium alloys. Mayer, Bradsliaw and Deutsch- man, 367. *Ferro-molybdenum : Detmng. molybtlenum by ammonium thiosulphate and sodium hypo- phosphite. l U y , 217; Erratum, 313. Fertiliser Experiments, 1927-46, a t Kroonstad Agricixltural Research Station. van Garderen and Smuts. (Publication received), 506. Experiments in Natal, 1933-50.van Garderen, Brevis and Taylor. (Publication received), 606. Methods of Analysis used in O.E.E.C. Countries. Organisation for European Economic Co- operation. (Publication received), 188; (Re- view), 445. Fibres : Identification of Textile -. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of - Blends. Luniak. (Publication received), 740. *Fibrinogen : Micro-analytical methods for proteins in blood plasma. Critical review. Salt, 4. Field tests: Chemical Tissue Tests for Detmng. Mineral Status of Plants in the Field. Nicholas. (Publication received), 628. Fig and lemon jam: Food Standards (Preserves) (Amendment) Order, 1953. 626. Fillings: Glossary of terms applicable to -- and stuffings. 13.S. 2005: 1953. 627. Filter(s) funnels: Glass -. R.S. 1923: 1963. 326. Tests for performance characteristics of sintered __ .B.S. 1969: 1953. 627. "Fischer reagent : Apparatus for simplifying titration in controlled atmosphere. Application to detmng. moisture in transformer oil with -. Prince, 607. *Fission products : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Flasks for detmng. distillation range. B.S. 571 : 1953. 257. Osborn, 221. Osborn, 221. Kohlrauscli -. B.S. 615: 1953. 627. Sugar -. R.S. 675:1953. 326. with graduated necks. U S . 676 : 1953. 326. *Illavonoids : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Flour confectionery: Labelling of Food Order, 1953. 324. "Detmng. benzoyl peroxide in -- ancl bread. Knight and Kent- Jones, 467. "Lipase activity of cereal products. Templeton and Carpenter, 726.Order, 1953. 566. self-raising : Fluorine content of acidic phosphates used for food purposes. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, Metallic Conta- mination Sub-committee, 604. "Fluoranthem : Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. Wedgwood and Cooper, 170. "Fluorene: Detcng. and detmng. traces of poly- nuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. Wedgwood and Cooper, 170. Fluorescence of Solutions. Bowen and Wokcs. (Publication received), 684. *Fluonde(s) : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. *Ion-exchange resins in analytical chemistry. Application of ion-exchange resins to analysis of insoluble substances. Osborn, 320. "Fluorine : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins.Osborn, 221. *Colorimetric detmn. of sinall amounts of --- --. Liddell, 494. content of acidic phosphates used for food purposes. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Sub-committee, Metallic Contamination Sub- committee, 504. See also Halogens. Osborn, 221. *Folk acid : Selection of mcthotls for routine assays for members of vitamin-B complex. Pritchard, 460. Food(s): Aids to Analysis of __- and Drugs. Nicholls. 7th Edn. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 328. Antioxidants. Ministry of -, - Standards Committee, Preservatives Sub-committee, 504. Artificial Sweeteners in __ Order, 1963. 626. *Bibliography on analytical applications of ion- exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Elements of - Engineering. Vol.I. Parker, Harvey and Stateler. (Publication received), 332. Fluorine content of acidic phosphates used for _I purposes. Ministry of -, - Stan- dards Committee, Metallic Contamination Sub- Committee, 604. Labelling of - Order, 1953. 324. legislation : Random reflections on --. Adams, 569. List of Current Statutory Instruments and Statutory Rules and Orders relating to ---. Ministry of --, 257, 505, 683. Mineral Oil in (Amendment) Order, 1952. 68. Public Health (Preservatives, etc., in ----) (Amendment) Regulations, 1953. 737. Standards (Ice-Cream) Order, 1953. 387. Standards (Preserves) Order, 1953. 324; (Amend- ment) Order, 1953. 626. Standards (Saccharin Tablets) Order, 1953. 626. Standards (Suet) Order, 1952. 128. Tin in canned -. Ministry of --, -- Standards Committee, Metallic Contamination Sub-committee, 187."Formaldehyde : Reaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds, with particular reference to colorimetric detmn. of -- with chromotropic acid. Tompsett and Smith, 209. "Formic acid: Bromometric detmn. of -- and nitrite. Longstaff and Singer, 491. Formulary : National - 1952. First Amendment 1953. (Publication received), 568. Fries: Offals in Meat Products Order, 1953. 187. *Fructose: Colorimetric detmn. of - and sorbose. Harris, 287. *Qualitative test for monosaccharides. Love, 732. *lieaction between periodic acid and polyhytlroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. *Simultaneous detmn. of pentose and hexose in mixtures of sugars. Fruit, canned: Labelling of Food Order, 1963. 324. citrus: Public Health (Preservatives, etc., in Food) (Amendment) Regulations, 1953.737. Fernell and King, 80.INDEX Fro VOLUME 78 xxi Fruit-continued curd : Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1953. 324. dried: Mineral Oil in Food (Amendment) Order, 1952. 68. *juices : Albuniinoid ammonia value in analysis of --, squashes and cordials. Mitra and *Fuel oils: Paper-strip method of examining - Funnels: Glass filter --. H.S. 1923: 1953. 326. Furans. Dunlop and Peters. (l'ublication received), Roy, 681. suspected of being identical. Herd, 383. 684. G "Galactose : Qualitati\.e test for monosaccharides. Love, 732. *Kcaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 20'3. "Simultaneous detmn. of pentose and hexose in mixtures of sugars. "Galacturonic acid : Qualitative test for mono- saccharides. Love, 732.'Galenicals : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 22 1. *Gas(es) analysis : Apparatus for micro-analysis of gas samples. Madley and Strickland-Constable, 122. *Micro-detmn. of traces of gaseous elements in metals by vacuum fusion method. Gregory, Mapper and Woodward, 414. "Gelatin : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Detmng. __ in meat extract and meat stocks. Interim report. Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists, Analytical Methods Committee, Meat Extracts Sub-Committee, 134; Reprint available, 332. General Medical Council : British Pharmacopoeia 1953. (Publication received), 260. *Geo-chemistry : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. Germanium : Phenylfluorone, Reagent for -.Cooper and Yardley. (I'ublication received), 388. *Gillingham: Appointnicnt of R. C. Spalding as Deputy Public Analyst to Borough of ---, 444. Gingelly oil: Oils and Fats (No. 2) Order, 1953. 566. Ginger marmalade : Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1953. 324. Glasgow: Appointment of M. Herd as Public Analyst to City of --, 67. Appointment of T. M. Clark as -4dditional Public Analyst to City of ---, 257. *Glassware : Adsorption of thiamine on ---. Farrer and Hollenberg, 730. *Globulins : Micro-analytical methods for proteins in blood plasma. Critical review. Salt, 4. Glossop : Appointment of T. Harris as Public Analyst to Borough of -, 444. *Gluconic acid : Qualitative test for monosaccharides.Love, 732. *Glucosamine : Qualitati\.e test for monosaccharides. Love, 732. "hydrochloride : Reaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. *tllucose : Qualitative test for monosaccharides. Love, 732. Fernell and King, 80. Osborn, 221. Glucose-continued *Reaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. *Simultaneous detmn. of pentose and hexose in mixtures of sugars. "Glucose-l-phosphate : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. "Glutamic acid : I3ibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. "Chromatographic detmn. of __- in wheat gluten and gluten hydrolysates. Morries and Stuckey, 636. *Glutamine : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins.Osborn, 221. *Gluten : Chromatographic detmn. of glutamic acid in wheat __ and - - hydroly-sates. Morries and Stuclrey, 636. "Glyceric acid : Reaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds. 'I'onipsett and Smith, 209. Glycerol. Miner and Dalton. (Publication re- ceived), 668. *Bibliography on analytical applications of ion- exchange resins. Osborn, 22 1. *Simple volumetric routine detmn. of -. Erskine, Strouts, Walley and Lazarus, 630. Glycerol triacetate. B.S. 1997 : 1953. 627. * &Glycerophosphate, sodium : Reaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. *Glycosides : Colorimetric detmn. of cardiac -. Hassall and Lippman, 126. *Gold : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins.Osborn, 221. *Detmng. - in solution by adsorption extrac- tion and spectrography, Lewis and Serin, 385. "Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Holness and Lawrence, 356. Golden raising powder : Fluorine content of acidic phosphates used for food purposes. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, Metallic Contamination Sub-Committee, 604. Gooseberry and raspberry jam : Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1953. 324; (Amendment) Order, 1953. 620. and strawberry jani : Food Standards (Prescrves) Order, 1953. 324; (Amendment) Order, 1953. 626. jam : Food Standards (l'reserves) Order, 1953. 324. Grease, bone : Home-produced technical --. B.S. 1483 : 1948. Greengage jam : Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1953. 324. Ground nut oil: Oils and Fats (No.2) Order, 1953. 565. Gut: Of'fals in Meat Products Order, 1953. Fernell and King, 80. Osborn, 22 1. Amendment slip, 68. 187. H Haemacytometer counting chambers and dilution pipettes. B.S. 748: 1953. 505. *Hafnium : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. "Hairs : Separating rodent - and insect fragments from oat products. Hart and Heighton, 439. *Halogens : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Hammersmith: Appointment of D. F. H. Button as Public Analyst and of R. G. Minor as Deputy Public Analyst to Metropolitan Borough of -, 67.sxii INDEX TO VOLUME 78 Hampstead : Appointment of E. Voelcker as Public Analyst to Metropolitan Borough of --, 257. Hard soap: Genuine --.B.S. 1911: 1953. 326. *Hazards: Public health - and the analytical chemist. Nicholls, 272. Heat : University Textbook of Physics. Vol. 111. -. Rwbery. 11 th Edn. (Publication received), 71. *Heparinic acid : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. Herring oil: Oils and Fats (No. 2) Order, 1953. 565. *Heteropoly acids : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Hexamethylenediamine dihydrochloride : Biblio- graphy on analytical applications of ion- exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Hexamethylenetetramie : Detmng. added - in two-stage phenol - formaldehyde resins. Chipperfield and Busfield, 617. *Reaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. *Hexanoic acid : Identifying and detmng.lower straight-chain fatty acids by paper partition chromatography. Duncan and Porteous, 641. “Hexone bases : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Hexose : Simultaneous detmn. of pentose and - in mixtures of sugars. Fernell and King, 80. *Histamine : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Hormones : Ciba Foundation Colloquia on Endo- crinology. Vol. 11. Steroid Metabolism and Estnin. Wolstenholme and Cameron. (Pub- lication received), 72; Vol. V. Bioassay of ,Anterior Pituitary and Adrenocortical -. (Publication received), 448. “Hydrazine : Detmng. ammonia in presence of --. Pugh and Heyns, 177. *Hydrocarbons : Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear - in industrial effluents and sewage.Wedgwood and Cooper, 170. *Hydrogen : Apparatus for micro-analysis of gas samples. Madley and Strickland-Constable, 122. *Micro-detnin. of traces of gaseous elements in metals by vacuum fusion method. Gregory, Mapper and Woodward, 414. *Hydrogen peroxide : Thiocyanate detmn. of iron with --. Hydrometers : Density __ and specific gravity “Hydroquinone monobenzoate : Detcng. and detmng. ultra-violet absorbers and other additives in polymethyl methacrylate and methyl meth- acrylate - ethyl acrylate co-polymers. Haslam, Grossman, Squirrel1 and Loveday, 92. Hydroxocobalamin. Approved name for vitamin B,2b. International Union of l’ure and Applied Chemistry, 72. *p-Hydroxydiphenyl test for acetaldehyde. Detmng. alanine and threonine in protein hydrolysates. Folkes, 496.*Hydroxylamine : Detmng. carbonyl conipounds by semicarbazide and --, with special reference to fatty-acid oxidation products. Feuell and Skellon, 135. “Hypobromite : Amperoinetric titration of traces of ammonia with -- a t rotated platinum wire electrode. Application to detmn. of nitrogen in organic compounds. Kolthoff, Stricks and Morren, 405. Osborn, 221. Houlihan and Farina, 559. B.S. 718: 1953. 445. I Ice-Cream: Food Standards (---) Order, 1953 387. *Indene: Colorimetric detmn. of ---. Roman and Smith, 679. Indicators : Chemical --. TomiEek. Translated by Weir. (Review), 331. *Indium : Prepng. biological material for detmn. of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing procedures. Middleton and Stuckey, 532. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements.Holness and Lawrence, 356. *Indole : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Indophenol : Detmng. p-nitrophenol in urine and blood by -__ reaction. Lawford and Harvey, 63. Industry : Chemical -- , Past and Present. Williams. (Publication received), 740. Infra-red spectra. Acceptance of report of Joint Committee on Reproduction of Infra-red Absorption Data, 684. Inorganic Analysis : Textbook of Quantitative -. Kolthoff and Sandell. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 188. Chemistry. Advanced Textbook. Moeller. (I’ub- lication received), 72 ; (Review), 447. Chemistry: General and -. Findlay. (Pub- lication received), 188, 332. Thermogravimetric Analysis. Duval. (Publica- tion received), 188.*Inositol: Selection of methods for routine assays for members of vitamin-I3 complex. Pritchard, 460. *Insect fragments: Separating rodent hairs and ___ from oat products. Hart and Heighton, 439. Institute of Petroleum. Mass Spectrometry. (Re- view), 70. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Approved nomenclature of vitamins, 72. *Iodides: Micro-detmn. of - by arresting catalytic reduction of ceric ions. Kogina and DubravCiC, 594. Iodimetry : Replacement 01 standard cell and salt bridge by indicator electrodes in potentiometry and use of non-aqueous solutions in potentio- metry. 11. Iodometry and -- in aqueous solution. Bishop, 149. *Iodine: Detcng. end-point in titrating - with thiosulphate. Knowles and Lowden, 159. *Detmng. - in blood serum.Kirkpatrick, 348. See also Halogens. *Iodometry : Replacement of standard cell and szlt bridge by indicator electrodes and use of non- aqueous solutions in potentiometry. 11. - and iodimetry in aqueous solution. Bishop, 149. Ion Exchange Resins. British Drug Houses Ltd. (Publication received), 740. *Bibliography on analytical applications of -. Osborn, 221. *in analytical chemistry. Application of - to analysis of insoluble substances. Osborn, 220. Ion Exchangers in Analytical Chemistry. Samuel- son. (yublication received), 684. *Ionophoresis : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. *Iron : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Diethylammonium diethyldithiocarbama te for separating and detmng.small amounts of metals. I. Successive detmn. of small amounts of copper, manganese and - in organic compounds. Wyatt, 656. Osborn, 221.INDEX TO VOLUME 78 xsiii Iron-continued Ferrous Analysis. Modern Practice and Theory. Pigott. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 332. *Identifying alloys and stainless steels by electrographic methods. Clark and Hale, 145. “Modified dead-stop end-point circuit for titra- tions of ferrous -- with potassium dichromate in approximately N solutions. Collier and Friclter, 440. *pig-: lktmng. arsenic by H. S. Evans’s method, with observations on separating arsenic and antimony. Haslam and Wilkinson, 390. *l’olarographic detmn. of - and chromium. Perkins and Reynolds, 480. * f’repng. biological material for detmn. of trace metals.I. Critical review of existing pro- cedures. Mitldleton and Stuckcy, 532. *Research polarograph for photographic recording and multi-purpose polarographic cell. I3ryant and Reynolds, 373. “Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Holness and Lawrence, 356. *Survey of development of electrographic analysis. Monk, 141. “Systematic approach t o choice of organic reagents for metal ions. *Thiocyanate detmn. of I_- with hydrogen peroxide. Houlihan and Farina, 559. *isoButyl alcohol : I)etmng. isobutyraldehyde in n-butyraldehyde. l’rimavesi, 647. isoButyl methyl ketone: KS. 1941: 1953. 257. *isoButyraldehyde : qetmng. - in n-butyralde- hyde. l’rimavesi, 647. * isoNicotinic acid : Inorganic coinylexes in colour reactions for organic compounds. I. 1)etmng.-- . Herington, 174. Williams, 586. J Jam : Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1953. 324. Jamaica rum: Composition of -. Journal(s) : Guitla Bibliografica Internazionale per il Chimico, Libri e Iteviste. Gaudenzi. (Pub- lication rcceived), 7 1 . new: Analytical Abstracts. Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists. Editorial, 629. new: Excerpta Medica. Section XVI. Cancer (Experimental and Clinical). Vol. 1, No. 1, July, 1953. (Publication received), 628. Hand I , Heft 1/2, Olrtober, 1952, and Heft 3, Januar, 1953. (Publication received), 448. *Juices : Rlbuniinoid ammonia value in analysis of fruit --, squashes and cordials. Mitra and Roy, 681. 259. new : Lcybold I’olarographische Berichte. K Kapok seed oil: Ojls and Fats (NO. 2) Order, 1953.565. Kent: Appointment of 13. C. Spalding as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County of -, 267; as Deputy Public Analyst, *323. *Keten: Detmng. ___ and acetic anhydride in atmosphere. niggle and Gage, 473. *Ketones : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *L)etmng. carbonyl compounds by semicarbazide and hydroxylamine, with special reference t o fatty-acid oxidation products. Feuell and Slrellon, 135. “Kjeldahl digestions : Decomposition of ammonia in sealed-tube micro- - with selenium catalyst. Baker, 500. *Modified all-glass apparatus for detmng. nitrogen by niicro- __ method. Kohlrausch flasks. R.S. 615: 1953. 627. Kroonstad Agricultural Research Station : Agronomy Experiments, 1927-46, a t --. Smuts and van Garderen. (Publication received), 606.Fertiliser Experiments, 1927-46, at -. van Garderen and Smuts. (Publication received), 506. Scandrett, 734. L Labelling of Food Order, 1953. 324. Lacine XX : Approved oxidising and preservative agents. Ministry of Food, 326. *Lactose : Reaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. *Lanthanons : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. Chemistry of - . Vickery. (Publication received), 740. *Lanthanum : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. *Detmng. microgram amounts of calcium. Harrison and Kaymond, 528. Osborn, 22 1. Osborn, 221. Lard: Oils and Fats (No. 2) Order, 1953. 565. Latex: Natural Rubber __ and its Applications. No. 2. Casting. Blow and Stokes. (Publication reccived), 7 1.*Lauryl mercaptan : Dctcng. antl dctinng. ultra- violet absorbers antl other additil-es in poly- metliyl inethacrylate and methyl methacrylate - cth yl acrylate co-polymers. Haslam, Gross- man, Squirrel1 and Loveday, !j2. *Lead: Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *l)etmng. aluminium and zinc after chromato- gr,?phic separation from tin - -- alloys. Hishop and Liebmann. 117. *l’repng. biological niaterial for tletnin. of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing proce- dures. 113[icltllcton antl Stuckcy, 332. *Qualitative tlet.cn. of tellurium in tellurium - _- alloys. Rrown, 623. *Quantitative separation of copper, -__ and tin by cathodic dcposition. A\ylw*artl and Bryson, 661. :k12eversion method for absorptiometric tletnin.of traces of with tlithizonc. Irving and Butler, 571. *Schenie of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elcments. Holness antl Lawrence, 366. *Separating smd1 amounts of arsenic, copper and bismuth frGi11 __ and zinc by diethyl- ammonium diethyltlithiocarbamate. Strafford, Wyatt and Ih-shaw, 624. ”Lead acetylsalicylate : Ion-cschange resins in analytical chemistry. Application of ion- excliange resins to analysis of insoluble sub- stances. Osborn, 220. ‘kLeather : Hibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. “Lecithin : Detmng. total phosphatide in comniercial -. “Legislation : Iiandom reflections on food ---. Adams, 569. Leicester: Appointment of E. K. l’ilrc as Deput?; Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough Hutt, Weatherall and Culshaw, 712.of -, 267.xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 78 *Lemon juice: Ascorbic acid content of preserved -. Morgan, 323. *Licmic acid : Spectrophotometric detmn. of long- chain fatty acids containing ketonic groups with particular reference to -. Mende- lowitz and Riley, 704. Lighting : Protective Display - of Historical Documents. U.S. National Bureau of Stan- dards. (Publication received), 448. *Lipase activity of cereal products. Templeton and Carpenter, 726. Liquors: Labelling of Food Order, 1953. 324. Lites: Offals in Meat Products Order, 1953. 187. *Lithium : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. *Liver oils : Spectroscopic properties of vitamin A,, application to assay of cod -.Cama and Morton, 74. Loganberry jam : Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1953. 324. Lovibond Comparator : Handbook of Colorimetric Chemical Analytical Methods for Industrial, Research and Clinical Laboratories. Developed for Use with -. Tintometer, Ltd. (Pub- lication received), 332 ; (Review), 568. *Lubricants : Detmng. neutralisation and saponi- fication values of used -. Washbrook, 254. *Ultra-violet spectrophotometric estmn. of quality of mineral oils extracted from bread. Cookson, Coppock and Schnurmann, 695. "Lubricating oils : Detmng. zinc in - by ampero- metric titration. I. Amperometric titration of zinc with versene. Pickles and Washbrook, 304; Erratum, 439. Luminescence and Scintillation Counter.Curran. (Publication received), 568. *2 : 6-Lutidine : Detmng. /3- and y-picolines, - and 2-ethylpyridine in mixtures by infra-red spectroscopy. Coulson and Hales, 114. *Lyxose : Qualitative test for monosaccharides. Love, 732. Holness and Lawrence, 356. M *Magnesium alloys: Volumetric detmn. of zinc with ferrocyanide in -. Mayer, Bradshaw and Deutschman, 367. "Bibliography on analytical applications of ion- exchange resins. Osborn, 221. "Detmng. - and aluminium in titanium metal. Corbett, 20. *Detmng. - in plant material by ethylene- diamine-tetra-acetic acid. Forster, 179. "Detmng. small amounts of potassium, calcium and - in sodium and its compounds. Silverman and Trego, 717. *Systematic approach to choice of organic reagents for metal ions.Williams, 586. Maize oil: Oils and Fats (No. 2) Order, 1953. 565. Maleic Anhydride Derivatives. Reactions of the Double Bond. Flett and Gardner. (Publica- tion received), 13 1. *Maltose : Reaction between periodic acid and poly- hydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. *Simultaneous detmn. of pentose and hexose in mixtures of sugars. *Mandelic acid : Separation of small amounts of zirconium with -. Mills and Hermon, 256. Fernell and King, 80. *Manganese : I~iethylammonium diethyldithiocar- bamate for separating and detmng. small amounts of metals. I. Successive detmn. of small amounts of copper, - and iron in organic compounds. Wyatt, 656. *Prepng. biological material for detmn. of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing pro- cedures. Middleton and Stuckey, 532.*Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Manifolds: Offals in Meat Products Order, 1953. 187. "Mannitol : Qualitative test for monosaccharides. Love, 732. *Reaction between periodic acid and poly- hydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. 'Mannose : Qualitative test €or monosaccharides. Love, 732. Margarine : Public Health (Preservatives, etc., in Food) (Amendment) Regulations, 1953. 737. Marmalade : Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1953. 324. Martindale : Extra I'harmacopoeia (-). Vol. I. 23rcl Edn. (Publication received), 71. Mass Spectrometry. Institute of Petroleum. (He- view), 70. Modern -. Barnard. (Publication received), 448. Maws, pig's: Offals in Meat Products Order, 1953. 187. *MCPA formulations : Detmng. chloromethyl- phenoxyacetic acids in -.Freeman and Gardner, 205. Measurements : Associated -. Quenouille. (I'ub- lication received), 71; (Review), 130. Meat: Detmng. gelatin in - extract and ~ stocks. Interim report. Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists, Analytical Methods Committee, - Extracts Sub-committee, 134; Reprint available, 332. Products (No. 3) Order, 1952. Products: Offals in - Order, 1953. 187. sulphur dioxide in: Circular MF 20/53. Ministry of Food, 737. Medal: Bernard Dyer Memorial -, 261; for exhibition, 450. Medical Abstracts. Excerpta Medica. Section XVI. Cancer (Experimental and Clinical). Vol. I, No. 1, July, 1953. (Publication received), 628. *Medicinals : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Melon and ginger jam : Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1953.324. and lemon jam: Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1953. 324. and pineapple jam : Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1953. 324. Melts: Offals in Meat Products Order, 1953. 187. Memorial Fund: Drummond -, 449. Medal: Bernard Dyer -, 261; for exhibition, 450. *Mercaptans : Detcng. and detmng. ultra-violet absorbers and other additives in polymethyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate - ethyl acrylate co-polymers. Haslam, Grossman, Squirrel1 and Loveday, 92. *Mercuric chloride : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Mercury-cathode cell for electrolytic separations. Aylward and Wooldridge, 386. *Feigl's micro-test for - in organic substances. Sachs, 185. Holness and Lawrence, 356.187.INDEX TO VOLUME 78 xxv Mercury-co ntinued :Ir Prepng. biological material for detmn. of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing pro- cedures. Middleton and Stuckey, 532. "Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. *Systematic approach to choice of organic reagents for metal ions. "Metallurgy : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. Metal(s) : Applied Inorganic Analysis, with Special Reference to Analysis of --, Minerals and Rocks, Hillebrand and Lunclell. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 448. "Micro-de tmn. of traces of gaseous elements in ___ by vacuum fusion method. Gregory, Mapper and Woodward, 414. *Opening of white ___ for analysis by dry chlorine. Bishop, 61. *l'repng. biological material for detmn.of trace -- . I. Critical review of existing procedures. Middleton and Stuckey, 532. *Systematic approach to choice of organic reagents for - ions. *Methacrylate polymers : Detcng. and detmn. ultra- violet absorbers and other additives in poly- methyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate - ethyl acrylate co-polymers. Haslam, Gross- man, Squirrell and Loveday, 92. "Methane : Apparatus for micro-analysis of gas samples. Madley and S trickland-Cons table, 122. *Methyl cellulose : Micro-detmn. of alkoxyl values in cellulose ethers. Easterbrook and Hamilton, 551; Erratum, 616. Methylene chloride. B.S. 1994: 1953. 627. Methyl ethyl ketone. B.S. 1940: 1963. 257. Methyl isobutyl ketone, B.S. 1941 : 1953. 257. *2=Methylphenoxyacetic acid: Detmng. chloro- methylphenoxyacetic acids in MCPA formula- tions.Freeman and Gardner, 205. *Methyl salicylate : Detcng. and detmng. ultra- violet absorbers and other additives in poly- methyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate - ethyl acrylate co-polymers. Haslam, Gross- man, Squirrell and Loveday, 92. Micro-analysis : Heference substances for use in organic -. Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists, Microchemistry Group, 258. *Microbiological assay(s) : Efficient planning of - illustrated by assays of cobalamin. Wood, 451. of Vitamin B Complex and Amino-Acids. Barton- Wright. (Publication received), 71 ; (Review), 129. *Selection of methods for routine assays for members of vitamin-B complex. Pritchard, 460. *Milk : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221.bottles: Capacity of cylindrical glass -. B.S. 1925: 1953, 257. Cream and Use of - (Revocation) Order, 1953. 324. (Great Britain) Order, 1953. 326. *Indirect polarographic detmn. of calcium by Breyer and McPhillips, 666. Public Health (Condensed -) (Amendment) Public Health (Condensed -) (Scotland) Mincemeat : Food Standards (Preserves) Order, Holness and Lawrence, 356. Williams, 586. Osborn, 221. Williams, 586. chloranilic acid. Regulations, 1953. 737. Amendment Regulations, 1953. 737. 1953. 324. Mineral(s) : Applied Inorganic Analysis, with Special Reference to Analysis of Metals, - and Rocks. Hillebrand and Lundell. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 448. Chemical Tissue Tests for Detmng. - Status of Plants in the Field. Nicholas. (Publication received), 628.Composition and Assaying of -. Stewart- Remington and Francis. (Publication re- ceived), 71. Oil in Food (Amendment) Order, 1952. 68. *oils : Ultra-violet spectrophotometric estmn. of quality of - extracted from bread. Cook- son, Coppock and Schnurmann, 695. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries: Sugar Beet Cultivation. (Publication received), 628. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, Metallic Contamination Sub-committee. Fluorine content of acidic phosphates used for food purposes, 504. Food Standards Committee, Metallic Contamina- tion Sub-committee. Tin in canned foods, 187. Food Standards Committee, Preservatives Sub- committee. Antioxidants, 504. List of Current Statutory Instruments and Statutory Rules and Orders relating to Food, 257, 505, 683. Ministry of Food Orders, etc.: Artificial sweeteners, 626.Beef sausages, 187. Bread, 506. Canned corned meat, 187. Condensed milk, 737. Cream, 324. Fats, 187, 565. Feeding stuffs, 565. Flour, 566. Flour confectionery, 324. Food standards, 128, 324, 387, 626. Fruit curd, 324. Ice-cream, 387. Jam, 324, 026. Labelling of food, 324. Marmalade, 324. Meat products, 187. Milk, 324. Mincemeat, 324. Mineral oil in dried fruit, 68. Offals, 187. Oils, 187, 565. Oxidising and preservative agents, 68, 326. Pork sausages, 187. Preservatives, 68, 326, 737. Preserves, 324, 626. Saccharin, 626. Sausages, 187. Suet, 128. Sulphur dioxide in imported dehydrated vege- tables, 128. Sulphur dioxide in meat, 737. *Moisture : Apparatus for simplifying titration in controlled atmosphere.Application to detmng. - in transformer oil with Fischer reagent. Prince, 607. *Molasses : Detmng. unfermentable reducing sub- stances in - . Donald, Freeman and Cunningham, 32 1. *Molecular weights : Isopiestic method for micro- detmn. of -. Morton, Campbell and Ma, 722. *Molybdenum : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. *Detmng. - by ammonium thiosulphate and sodium hypophosphite. Ray, 217; Erratum, 313. Osborn, 221.xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 78 Molybdenum--continued *Identifying alloys and stainless steels by electro- "Rapid detmn. of - in soils. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. *Survey of development of electrograpliic analysis. Monk, 141. Monmouth: Appointment of G. V. James as Ad&- tional Public Analyst t o County of -, 67; as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst, 257.*1Ylonosaccharides : Qualitative test for ---. Love, 732. *Morgan's reagent: Detmng. calcium in plants and soils. Hunter and Hall, 106. *Morin : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. "Moulding powders : Iktmng. amount and composi- tion of free phenols in phenol - formaldehyde and cresol- formaldehyde resins and ---. Haslam, Whettem and Newlands, 340. "Mucoproteins : Micro-analytical methods for pro- teins in blood plasma. Critical review. Salt, 4. Introduction to Problems. I\insworth. (l'uhlication received), 71. graphic methods. Clarke and Hale, 145. Grigg, 470. I-Iolness and Lawrence, 356. Mycology : Medical N *Naphthacene : Detcng.and tletning. traces of poly- nuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. Wedgwoocl antl Cooper, 170. *Naphthalene : Iktcng. antl tletmng. traces of poly- nuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. Wedgwood and Cooper, 170. Natal : Fertiliscr Experiments in --, 1933-50. (Publication van Garderen, Brevis and Taylor. received), 506. National bread: Bread Order, 1953. 5fX. brown bread: Bread Order, 1953. 566. flour: Flour Order, 1953. 566. Formulary 1952 : First Amendment 1053. (t'iib- lication received), 568. *Neutralisation value : Detmng. -- antl saponifica- tion value of used lubricants. Washbrook, 254. Newport: Appointment of G. V. James as Addi- tional Public Analyst and Deputy Official i\gricultural Analyst to County Borough of Niacinamide : Approved name now nicotinamide.International Union of Pure antl Applied Chemistry, 72. *Nickel : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Detmng. __- in plant material in presence of other metals. Forster, 560. *Identifying alloys and stainless steels by electro- graphic methods. *I'repng. biological material for detmn. of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing procc- dures. Middleton and Stuckey, 532. 'Survey of development of electrographic analysis. Monk. 241. Nicotinamide : Approved name for vitamin 1'1' and niacinamide. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 72. *Bibliography on analytical applications of ion- exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Nicotine : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins.Osborn, 221. *Nicotinic acid : Plate-assay technique for biotin, _ _ - and pantothenic acid. Morris and Jones, 15. -, 67. Clark and Hale, 145. Nicotinic acid continued *Selection of methods for routine assays for members of vitamin-B complex. Pritchartl, 460. "Niobium : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. *Nitrate(s) : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Tests for nitrite and -- applicable over wide concentration ranges. \f700dward, 727. *Nitrite : Bromometric detmn. of formic acid and -- . Longstaff and Singer, 491. "Tests for -- and nitrate applicable o \ w witlc concentration ranges. Woodward, 727."Nitrobenzene : Detmng. sniall amounts of m-clinitro- benzene. Angell, 603. p-Nitrodiazoaminoazobenzene : SeP Cadion. *Nitrogen : Amperometric titration of trace:, of ammonia with hypobromite a t rotated platinum electrode. Application to tletmn. of ___ in organic compounds. Kolthoft, Stricks and hlorrcn, 405. *Apparatus for micro-analysis ol gas samples. Maclley and Strickland-Constablc, 123. *lkcomposition of ammonia in sealed-tube micro- Kjeldahl digestions with selenium cat;tlyst. Balier, 500. "Micro-detmn. of traces of gaseous elements in mctals by vacuum fusion method. Gregory, Mapper and Woodward, 414. *Modified all-glass apparatus for tletmng. -- by micro-Kjeldahl method. Scantfrett, 734. *p-Nitrophenol: Iletmng. __ in urine and blood by indophenol reaction.Lawforcl and Harvey, 63. p-Nitrophenyl diethyl thiophosphate : See Parathion. Nitrosocobalamin. Approved name for vitamin B,,,. Jnternational Union of Pure antl Applied Chemistry, 72. *Nitrous oxide : Apparatus lor micro-analysis of gas samplcs. Madtey antl Stricklantl-Constable, 122. Northumberland : Appointment of W. F. Elvidgc as Deputy Public Analyst to County of ---, 444. *Novolaks : Detmng. added hexamethylenetetramine in two-stage phenol - formaldehyde resins. Chipperfield and Busfield, 61 7. "Nucleic acid : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. "lieaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. *Nucleoproteins : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. Nutrition: Sand and Water Culture Methods Used in Study of l'lant --.Hewitt. (I'ublication received), 71 ; (Heview), 329. *Nylon : Chromatographic separation of polyamides. Ayers, 382. *-type polymers : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Holness and Lawrence, 356. Osborn, 221. Osborn, 22 1. 0 *Oat meal: Lipase activity of cereal products. Tcmpleton and Carpenter, 726. *products : Separating rodent hairs and insect fragments from -. Hart and Heighton, 439.INDEX TO VOLUME 78 xxvii Obituaries : Davies, R. E. L., 2, 264. Dickson, W., 189. Drummond, Sir Jack, 3, 264. Dyche-Teague, E'. C., 134, 264. Forstner, G. E., 189. Gilbard, J. F. H., 264. Hughes, W. C., 685. Myers, J., 189. Newton, L. O., 74, 264. liayner, A., 264, 265. Reeves, H.G., 2, 264, 265. Slater, R. H., 134, 264, 265. Stubbs, J . R., 262, 570. Thompson, F. E., 264, 265. Thorp, W., 333. Offals in Meat Products Order, 1953. Oil(s) and Fats Order, 1953. 187. 187; (No. 2) Order, 1953. 565. "-4pparatus for simplifying titration in controlled atmosphere. Application to detmng. moisture i n transformer - with Fischer reagent. Prince, 607. "Detmng. neutralisation and saponification values oi used lubricants. Washbrook, 254. *Detmng. zinc in lubricating - by ampero- metric titration. I. Amperometric titration of zinc with versene. Pickles and Washbrook, 304; Erratum, 439. *hlodified procedure for quantitative bromine absorption of and fats. Burden and G r i nd 1 t' v , (i 1 9 . *Paper-strip method of cxamining fuel -- suspected of being identical. Herd, 383.Sampling fats and fatty --. l3.S. 627:1953. 326. "Spectroscopic properties of vitamin A*, applica- tion to assay of cod-liver ---. Cama and ILlorton, 74. Sunflower seed --. R.S. 1939:1953. 257. *TTltra-violet spectrophotometric estnin. of quality of mineral - extracted from bread. Cookson, Coppock and Schnurmann, 695. *Ores : Modified procedure for dissolving chromite Organic analysis : MCthodes et Rkactions de 1'Analyse Organique. Vol. 11. Pesez and Poirier. (Pub- lication received), 260 : (Review), 567. Chemistry. Sarkar and Rakshit. 7th Edn. (Publication received), 628. Chemistry. Turner and Harris. (Publication received), 7 1. Chemistry. Advanced Treatise. Gilman. Vols. 111 and IV. (Publication received), 568. Chemistry : Chemistry of Carbon Compounds. Vol.11, Part A. Alicyclic Compounds. Rodd. (Publication received), 568. Chemistry : Heterocyclic Compounds. Vol. 11. Elderfield. (Review), 259 : Vols. I11 and IV, 260. Chemistry : Maleic Anhydride Derivatives. Re- actions of the Double Bond. Flett and Gardner. (Publication received), 131. chemistry : Polysaccharide Chemistry. Whistler and Smart. (Publication received), 332; (Review), 740. Chemistry : Practical -. Mann and Saunders. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 7 1. Chemistry: Structure and Mechanism in -. Ingold. (Publication received), 684. Chemistry: Synthetic -. Wagner and Zook. (Publication received), 568. chemistry : Th6ories Ehctroniques de la Chimie Organique. Pullman and Pullman. (Review), 329. . Khundkar and Quadir, 623. Organic-continued micro-analysis : Reference substances for use in ___- .Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists, Microchemistry Group, 258. Reactions. Adams. Vol. VII. (Publication received), 684. Syntheses. Vol. 32. Arnold. (Publication received), 188. Organisation €or European Economic Co-operation : Fertilisers. Methods of Analysis used by - Countries. (Publication received), 188; (Re- view), 445. *Orotic acid : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Orpington: Appointment of R . C. Spalding as Deputy Public Analyst to Urban District of -, 444. *Oven: Design and operating technique of vacuum drying --. I. Design of --. Gardiner, 709. *Oxalate(s) : Anhydrous calcium as weighing form for calcium. Miller, 186.*Bibliography on analytical applications of ion- exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Oxslic acid : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. *Oxide(s) : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Oxidising agents : Approved __ and preservative agents. Ministry of Food, 68, 326. 4-0x0-octadeca-9 : 11 : 13-trienoic acid : See Licanic acid. *Oxygen : Apparatus for micro-analysis of gas samples. Madley and Stricltland-Constable, 122. *Double syringe-pipette for dissolved estmns. Barnes, 501. *Micro-detmn. of traces of gaseous elements in metals by vacuum fusion method. Gregory, Mapper and Woodward, 414. Osborn, 22 1. P *Palladium : Quantitative colour reaction for Palm kernel oil: Oils and Fats (No. 2) Order, 1953.Pantothenic acid : Approved name unchanged. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 72. "Plate-assay technique for biotin, nicotinic acid and --. Morris and Jones, 15. *Selection of methods for routine assays for members of vitamin-13 complex. Pritchard, 460. *Paper analysis : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchangc resins. *-strip method of examining fuel oils suspected of being identical. Herd, 383. *Parathion : Detmng. p-nitrophenol in urine and blood by indophenol reaction. Lawford and Harvey, 63. Parsnips : Sulphur dioxide in imported dehydrated vegetables. Ministry of Food, 128. Paunches: Of3als in Meat Products Order, 1953. 187. Peas : Sulphur dioxide in imported dehydrated vegetables. Ministry of Food, 128. "Pectins : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins.Osborn, 221. metallic -. McAllister, 65. 565. oil: Oils anti Fats (No. 2) Order, 1953. 565. Osborn, 221.xxviii ZNl>EX TO VOLUME 78 Pendlebury : See Swinton and Pendlebury. *Pentacyanoamminoferate : Inorganic complexes in colour reactions for organic compounds. I. Detmng. isonicotinic acid. Herington, 174. *Pentose: Simultaneous detmn. of __ and hexose in mixtures of sugars. Fernell and King, 80. * Peptides : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 222. *Perchlorates : Ribliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-eschange resins. *Periodic acid: Reaction between __ and poly- hydroxy compounds, with particular reference t o colorimetric detmn. of fornialtlehyde with chromotropic acid.Tompsett and Smith, 209. *Perlon U : Chroinatographic separation of poly- amides. Ayers, 382. "Perylene: Detcng. and detmng. traces of poly- nuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. Wedgwood and Cooper, 170. Pharmaceutical(s) Analysis : Aids to Qualitative ---. Priestinan and Edwards. (Publication received), 684. Dispensing measures for -- purposes (imperial units). B.S. 1921 : 1953. 387; Dispensing measures for - purposes (metric units). B.S. 1922: 1953. 387. *Bibliography on analytical applications of ion- exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain : Calendar of --, 1952-53. (Publication received), 332. Pharmacognosy : Textbook of -. Trease. 6th Edn. (Publication received), 131 ; (Keview), 628. *Pharmacological analysis : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins.Osborn, 221. Pharmacopoeia : British __ 1953. General Medical Council. (Publication received), 260; (Review), 627. Extra ~- (Martindale). Vol. I. 23rd Edn. (Publication received), 7 1. "Phenanthrene : Ijetcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. *Phenol(s) : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *I>etmng. amount and composition of free ___ in -- - formaldehyde and cresol - formalde- hyde resins and moulding powders. Haslam, Whettem and Newlands, 340. *- formaldehyde resins : Detmng. added hexa- methylenetetramine in two-stage --. Chip- perfield and Busfield, 617. Phenylfluorone : Reagent for Germanium.Cooper and Yardley. (Publication received), 388. *Phenyl mercuric ions : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Phenyl salicylate : Detcng. and detmng. ultra- violet absorbers and other additives in poly- methyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate - ethyl acrylate co-polymers. Haslam, Gross- man, Squirrel1 and Loveday, 92. Phosphate(s), acidic: Fluorine content of -- used for food purposes. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, Metallic Contamination Sub-committee, 504. *Bibliography on analytical applications of ion- exchange resins. Osborn, 221. "Phosphatide : Detmng. total - in commercial lecithin. Hutt, Weatherall and Culshaw, 712. "Phosphomolybdic acid : Quantitative colour reaction for metallic palladium. McAllister, 65.Osborn, 221. Wedgwood and Cooper, 170. *Phosphoric acid : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Phosphoric oxide : Micro-analysis of silicate rocks. 111. Spectrophotometric detmn. of - in presence of silica. Chalmers, 32. *Phosphorus : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. *Micro-detmn. of - in biological material. Harvey, 110. *Photometric detmn. of - in copper-based alloys containing tin. Lutwak, 661. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Physical Chemistry : Advanced Treatise on ----. Vol. 111. Properties of Solids. Psrtington. (Publication received), 71 ; (Keview), 331. Chemistry: Introduction to __ . Findlay. 3rd Edn. Revised by Melville. (Publication received), 260.Chemistry: Introduction to Study of --. Hammett. (Publication received), 131 ; (Re- view), 505. Physics: XJniversity Textbook of --. Vol. 111. Heat. Awbery. 11th Edn. (Publication received), 7 1. "Picoline: Detmng. p- and y - ---, 2 : 6-lutidine and 2-ethylpyridine in mixtures by infra-red spectroscopy. Coulson and Hales, 114. *Pig-iron: Detmng. arsenic by 13. S. Evans's method, with observations on separating arsenic and antimony. Haslam and Wilkinson, 390. Pilchard oil: Oils and Fats (No. 2) Order, 1963. 565. *Pipette(s) : Double syringe- -- for dissolved Graduated - and one-mark cylindrical -. Haemacytometer counting chambers and dilution One-mark bulb -. 13,s. 1583: 1950. Amend- Ostwald - Folin ---. B.S. 773: 1953. 326. Osborn, 22 1. Holness and Lawrence, 356.oxygen estmns. Barnes, 501. B.S. 700:1952. 68. __ . B.S. 748:1953. 505. ment slip, 387. *Plant (s) analysis : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Chemical Tissue Tests for Detmng. Mineral Status of - in the Field. Nicholas. (Pub- lication received), 628. *l)etmng. calcium in __I and soils. Hunter and Hall, 106. *extracts: Comparison of applicability to - of three methods of detmng. deoxyribonucleic acid. Holden, 542. *material: Detmng. copper in -. Forster, 614. *material: lletmng. magnesium in - by ethylenediamine-tetra-acetic acid. Forster, 179. *material: Detmng. nickel in - in presence of other metals. Forster, 560. *material : Rapid turbidimetric detmn. of small amounts of sulphur in -. Nutrition : Sand and Water Culture Methods Used in Study of -.Hewitt. (Publication received), 7 1 ; (Review), 329. *Plasma : Micro-analytical methods for proteins in blood --. Critical review. Salt, 4. "Titrimetric detmn. of sodium in biological fluids. Trinder, 180. *Plating : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Survey of development of electrographic analysis. Monk, 141. Steinbergs, 47.IIYUEX *ro VOLUME 78 xxix *Platinum : Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Holness and Law- rence, 356. Plymouth: Appointment of C. V. Reynolds as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough oi ----, 67. "Poisons : Analysis of "general unknowns" in toxicology. Feldstein and Klendshoj, 43. *Polarisations : Precipitate error in detmng. sugar ---.Gasltin and Hands, 334. *Polarograph capillaries from Pyrex glass rod. Ferrett and Phillips, 564. "Improved liandles-type cathode-ray ----. Iiey- nolds and Davis, 314. *Research __- for photographic recording and multipurpose polarographic cell. Bryant and Reynolds, 373. *Polarographic detmn. of iron and chromium. Perkins and Reynolds, 480. Polarography. Vols. I and 11. Kolthoff anti Lingane. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 71; (lieview), 327. Leybold Polarographische Berichte. New journal. Band I, Heft 1/2, Oktober, 1952, and Heft 3, Januar, 1953. (Publication received), 448. Police Laboratory : Crime Investigation. Physical Evidence and - . Kirk. (Publication received), 260. *Pollution : Public health hazards and the analytical chemist.Nicholls, 272. *Polyamides : Chromatographic separation of --. Ayers, 382. "Polycaproamide : Chromatographic separation of polyamides. Ayers, 382. "Polyhexamethylenediamine adipamide : Chromato- graphic separation of polyamides. Ayers, 382. "Polyhexamethylenediamine sebacamide : Chromato- graphic separation of polyamides. Ayers, 382. "Polymer(s) : Detcng. and detmng. ultra-violet absorbers and other additives in polymethyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate - ethyl acrylate co-polymers. Haslam, Grossman, Squirrel1 and Loveday, 92. "emulsions : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. "Polymethyl methacrylate : Detcng. and cletmng. ultra-violet absorbers and other additives in __ and methyl methacrylate - ethyl acrylate co-polymers.Haslam, Grossman, Squirrell anti Loveday, 92. Polysaccharide Chemistry. Whistler and Smart. (Publication received), 332 ; (Keview), 740. *Polyurethane : Chromatographic separation of polyamides. Ayers, 382. Pontypool: Appointment of G. V. James as Addi- tional Public Analyst to Urban District of ---, 67. Pork sausages : Labelling of Food Order, 1953. 324. sausages: Meat Products (No. 3) Order, 1952. 187. "Potassium : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Colorimetric micro-detmn. of --- in serum. Haar, 353. *Detmng. -- and traces of sodium in - salts. Jackson, 599. "Detmng. small amounts of --, calcium and magnesium in sodium and its compounds. Silverman and Trego, 717. *Potassium dichromate : Modified dead-stop end- point circuit for titrations of ferrous iron with ___ in approximately N solutions.Collier and Fricker, 440. Osborn, 221. *Potassium ferrocyanide : Critical examination of ferrocyanide detmn. of zinc. Richardson and Bryson, 291. *Potassium permanganate: Potentiometric detmn. of quadrivalent tellurium by - in weakly alkaline solutions. Potatoes : Sulphur dioxide in imported dehydrated vegetables. Ministry of Food, 128. *Potential : Apparatus for automatic control of cathode - in electro-analysis. Palmer and Vogel, 428. *Potentiometric detmn. of quadrivalent tellurium by potassium permanganate in weakly alkaline solutions. Issa and hwatl, 487. "Potentiometry : Keplacenient of stantlard cell and salt bridge by indicator electrodes and use of non-aqueous solutions in -.11. lodometry and iodimetry in aqueous solution. Bishop, 149. *Preservation of fermenting liquors in detnin. of reducing sugars. Uonald, Freeman and Cunningham, 320. Preservative(s) agents : Approved oxidising and ---. Ministry of Food, 68, 326. Antioxidants. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, -- Sub-Committee, 504. "Detcng. - in beverages by fermentation test, with special reference to brominated com- pounds. Mossel and de Bruin, 37. Public Health (-, etc., in Food) (Amendment) Regulations, 1953. 737. Preserves: Food Standards (-) Order, 1953. 324; (Amendment) Order, 1953. 626. *Proactinium : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. *Propionic acid : Identifying and detmng. lower straight-chain fatty acids by paper partition chromatography.Duncan and Porteous, 641. Propyl gallate : Antioxidants. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, Preservatives Sub- Committee, 504. *Protein(s) : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. *hydrolysates : p-Hydroxydiphenyl test for acetaldehyde. Detmng. alanine and threonine in -. Folkes, 496. *Micro-analytical methods for - in blood plasma. Critical review. Salt, 4. *Prothrombin test : Control of anticoagulant therapy. Biggs, 84. *Public health hazards and the analytical chemist. Nicholls, 272. Publications received : its Problems, 71. Issa and Awad, 487. Osborn, 221. Osborn, 22 1. Adams. Organic Reactions. Vol. VIT, 684. Ainsworth. Medical Mycology, Introduction to Arnold. Organic Synthcses. Vol. 32, 188. Arthur and Smith.Seminiicro Qualitative Analysis. 3rd Edn., 72. Assoc. of British Chemical Manufacturers. Hritish Chemicals and their Manufacturers, 188. Audrieth and Kleinberg. Non-Aqueous Solvents. Applications as Media for Chemical Reactions, 448. Awbery. University Textbook of Physics. Vol. 111. Heat. 11th Edn., 71. Ball. Biochemical Preparations. Vol. IT, 71. Barnard. Modern Mass Spectrometry, 448. Rarton-Wright . Microbiological Assay of Vitamin B Complex and Amino-Acids, 71. Bass and Broida. Spectrophotometric Atlas of 2LT-I - 217 Transition of OH, 628. Blow and Stokes. Natural Rubber Latex and its Applications. No. 2. Latex Casting, 71.xxx INDEX TO VOLUME 78 Publications received-continued Bowen and Wokes. Fluorescence of Solutions, 684. Hrautlect. Starch, Sources, Production and Uses, 568.Brimley and Barrett. Practical Chromatography, 684. British Drug Houses Ltd. Ion Exchange Kesins, 740. Brown. Simple Guide to Modern Valency Theory, 568. Browning. Toxicity of Industrial Organic Solvents. 2nd Edn., 448. Chemical Society. Annual Reports on Progress of Chemistry for 1952. 628. Cooper and Yardley. Phenylfluorone, Reagent for Germanium, 388. Curran. Luminescence and Scintillation Counter, 568. Davidsohn, Better antl llavidsohn. Soap Manu- facture. Vol. I, 740. Davis and MacDonald. Richmond’s Ihiry Chemistry. 5th Edn., 448. Diehl and Smith. Quantitative Analysis. Ele- mentary Principles and Practice, 260. D.S.I.R. Fuel Research Technical Paper KO. 56. Prepng. Standard Sand as Used in British Standard Method for Detning. Agglutinating Value of Coal (B.S.705:1936), 71. Dunlop and Peters. Furans, 684. I>uval. Inorganic Thermogravimetric Analysis, 188. Findlay. General and Inorganic Chemistry, 188, 332. Findlay. Introduction to I’hysical Chemistry. 3rd Edn., 260. Finney. Statistical Method in Biological Assay, 71. Flett and Gardner. Maleic _Anhydride Deriva- tives. Fruton and Simnionds. General Biochemistry, 668. Garside and I’hiilips. Textbook of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 332. Gaudenzi. Guida Bibliografica Internazionale per il Chimico, Libri e Kiviste, 71. Gautier. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure et Xppliquee e t cl’Analyse Broniatologique, ‘140. Gaydon. Dissociation Energies and Spectra of Diatomic Molecules. 2nd Edn., 332. Gilman. Organic Chemistry, Advanced Treatis. Vols.I11 and IV, 568. Goodwin. Comparative Biochemistry of Caro- tenoids, 71. Gore. Statistical Methods for Chemical Experi- mentation, 131. Hammett. Introduction to Study of Physical Chemistry, 13 1. Hewitt. Sand and Water Culture Methods Used in Study of Plant Nutrition, 71. Hillebrand and Lundell. ,4pplied Inorganic Analysis, with Special Reference to Analysis of Metals, Minerals and Rocks. 2nd Edn., 448. Holness. Inorganic Qualitative Analysis. Semi- Micro Apparatus and Technique, 388. Ingold. Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, 684. Jacobs antl Scheflan. Chemical Analysis. Vol. VII. Chemical Analysis of Industrial Solvents, 332. Jacobson. Encyclopedia of Chemical Reactions. Vol. V, 388. lieactions of the Double Bond, 131. Publications received-continued Ke telaar .Chemical Cons ti tu tion. Introduction to Theory of the Chemical Bond, 448. Kirk. Crime Investigation. l’hysical Evidence and Police Laboratory, 260. Kolthoff and Lingane. Polarography. Vols. I and 11. 2nd Edn., 71. Kolthoff and Sandell. Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis. 3rd Edn., 188. Lederer. Progrcs likcents de la Chromatographie. Part 2. Chimie Minkale, 188. Luniak. Identification of Textile Fibres. Quali- tative and Quantitative Analysis of Fibre Blends, 740. Mann and Saunders. Practical Organic Chemistry. 3rd Edn., 71. Miner and Dalton. Glycerol, 568. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Sugar Beet Cultivation, 628. Moeller. Inorganic Chemistry. Advanced Text- book, 72. Nicholas. Chemical Tissue Tests for Detmng. Mineral Status of Plants in the Field, 628.Nicholls. Aids to Analysis of Food and Drugs. 7th Edn., 72. O.E.E.C. Fertilisers. Methods of Analysis used in O.E.E.C. Countries, 188. Parker, Harvey and Stateler. Elements of Food Engineering. Vol. I, 332. Partington. Advanced Treatise on Physical Chemistry. Vol. 111. I’ropcrties of Solids, 71. Pesez and Poiricr. Mdthotles et Iikactions de 1’Analyse Organique. Vol. 11, 260. Pharniaceutical Society of Great Britain. Calendar, 1952-53, 332. Pigott. Ferrous Analysis. hlodern Practice and Theory. 2nd Edn., 332. Pollard and McOmie. Chromatographic Methods of Inorganic Analysis, with Special Reierence to l’aper Chromatography, 568. Priestman and Edwards. Aids to Qualitative Pharmaceutical Analysis, 684. Quenouille. Associated Measurements, 71.Quenouille. Design and Analysis of Experiment, 332. Radley. Starch and its Derivatives. Vol. I. 3rd Edn., 332. Rangaswami and Sen. Handbook of Shellac Analysis. 2nd Edn., 72. Rodd. Chemistry of Carbon Compounds. Vol. 11, Part A, Alicyclic Compounds, 568. Samuelson. Ion Exchangers in Analytical Chemistry, 684. Sarkar and Rakshit. Organic chemistry. 7th Edn., 628. Smith. Visual Lines for Spectroscopic Analysis. 2nd Edn., 188. Smuts and van Garderen. Agronomy Experi- ments, 1927-46, at Kroonstad Agricultural Research Station, 506. Society of Chemical Industry. Reports on Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XXXVII, 568. Stewart-Remington and Francis. Composition and Assaying of Minerals, 71. Swanson and Fuyat. Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns.Vol. 11, 740. Swanson and Tatge. Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns. Vol. I, 740. Tintometer Ltd. Handbook of Colorimetric Chemical Analytical Methods for Industrial, Research and Clinical Laboratories. Developed for Use with Lovibond Comparator, 332.INDEX TO VOLUME 78 sxxi Publications received-continued Trease. Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 6th Edn., Turner and Harris. U.S. National Bureau of Standards. Protective Display Lighting of Historical Documents, 448. van der Menve and van Garderen. Agronomy Experiments, 1938-45, a t Vaal-Hartz Agri- cultural Research Station, 506. van Garderen, Brevis and Taylor. Agronomy Experiments in Natal, 1933-50. 506. van Garderen and Smuts. Fertiliser Experiments, 1927-46, a t Kroonstad Agricultural Research Station, 50G.Velluz. Substances Naturelles de SynthEse. Prkparations et MPtliodes de Laboratoire. Vols. I-IV, 7 1 . Venkataraman. Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes. Vol. 11, 72. Vicltery. Chemistry of Lanthanons, 740. Wagner and Zook. Synthetic Organic Chemistry, 668. Walter. Manufacture of Compressed Yeast. 2nd Edn., 628. F'C'est, Vick and Leliosen. Qualitative Analysis and Analytical Chemical Separations, 332. Whistler and Smart. Pol ysaccharide Chemistry, 332. Williams. Chemical Industry, Past and Present, 740. Wolfi and Wolff. Mkthodes d'Analyse et de Controle Industriel des Matic'res Grasses, 628. IVolstenholme and Cameron. Ciba Foundation Colloquia on Endocrinology. Vol. 11. Steroid Metabolism and Estmn., 72; Vol. V. Bioassay of Anterior Pituitary and Adrenocortical Hormones, 448.Wyckoff. Crystal Structures. Vol. I11 ancl British Pharmacopoeia 1953. 260. British Standards Institution Yearbook, 1953. 568. Excerpta Medica. Section XVI. Cancer (Experi- mental and Clinical). Extra Pharmacopoeia (Martindale). Vol. I. 23rd Edn., 71. Leybold Polarographische Berichte. New journal, 448. National Formulary 1962, First Amendment 1953. 568. 'Purines : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. "Pyrene : Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. Wedgwood and Cooper, 170. *Pyrex glass : Polarograph capillaries from -___ rod. Ferrett and Phillips, 564. 'Pyridoxin : Selection of methods for routine assays for members of vitamin-B complex. Pritchard, 460. *Pyrimidine : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins.*l?yroborate : Detmng. borate in presence of silver. Haider, 673. 131. Organic Chemistry, 71. Supplt. 11, 568. New journal, 628. Osborn, 221. Q *Quinalizarin : Detmng. small quantities of boron. R Ripley-Duggan, 183. *Radioactivity : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Radium : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Raffinose : Large-scale chromatographic separation of sucrose - - mixtures on powdered cellulose for detmn. of - in raw sugars. Gross and Albon, 191. *Rare earths : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. *Detmng. microgram amounts of calcium. Harrison and Raymond, 528.*Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. EIolness and Lawrence, 356. Raspberry and gooseberry jam : Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1953. 324. and loganberry jam : Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1963. 324. and redcurrant jam : Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1953. 324. jam : Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1953. 324. Reactions : Non-Aqueous Solvents. Applications as Media for Chemical -. Audrieth and Kleinberg. (Publication received), 448. Organic -. -4dams. Vol. VII. (Publication received), 684. "Reagents : Systematic approach to choice of organic - for metal ions. Redcurrant jam ; Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1958. 324. "Reducing substances : Detmng. unfermentable ___ in molasses. Donald, Freeman and Cunning- ham, 321. Reference substances for use in organic micro- analysis.Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists, Microchemistry Group, 258. *Refractometer : Continuous differential -- for chromatographic analysis. McCormick, 562. *Resins : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange ---. Osborn, 221. "Detmng. added hexamethylenetetramine in two- stage phenol - formaldehyde -. Chipper- field and Busfield, 617. *Detmng. amount and composition of free phenols in phenol - formaldehyde and cresol - formaldehyde - - and moulding powders. Haslam, Whetteni and Newlands, 340. Ion Exchange -. I3ritish Drug Houses Ltd. (Publication receivctl), 740. *lon-exchange -- in analytical chemistry. Application of ion-exchange -- to analysis of insoluble substances. Osborn, 220. Ion Exchangers in Analytical Chemistry.Samuelson. (Publication received), 684. "Resorcinol monobenzoate : Iktcng. and detmng. ultra-violet absorbers and other additives in polymethyl methacrylate and methyl meth- acrylate - ethyl acrylate co-polymers. Haslam, Grossman, Squirrel1 and Loveday, 92. "Resorcylic acid : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. Review(s) : Guida Bibliografica Internazionale per il Chimico, Libri e Reviste. Gaudenzi. (Pub- lication received), 7 1. "Rhamnose : Qualitative test for monosaccharides. Love, 732. *Rhenium : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Rhubarb and ginger jam : Food Standards (Preserves) (Amendment) Order, 1953. 626. Riboflavin. Approved name for vitamin B,. Inter- national Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 72.Osborn, 221. Williams, 586. Osborn, 221. papers. Editorial, 1.xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME 78 Ribo flavin-continued *Selection of methods for routine assays for members of vitamin-B complex. Pritchard, 460. *Ribonucleic acid : Reaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. *Ribose : Qualitative test for monosaccharides. Love, 732. *lieaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. *Simultaneous detmn. of pentose and hexose in mixtures of sugars. Richmond's Dairy Chemistry. Davis and Mac- Donald. 5th Edn. (Publication received), 448. Rideal-Walker coefficient: Detmng. - of dis- infectants. B.S. 541 : 1934. Amendment slip, 505. Rocks : Applied Inorganic Analysis, with Special Keference to Analysis of Metals, Minerals and -. Hillebrand and Lundell.2nd Edn. (Publication received), 448. *Micro-analysis of silicate -. 11. Pptn. of silica as 2 : 4-dimethylquinoline silicomolybdate ant1 gravimetric detmn. as silicomolybdic anhydride. Miller and Chalmers, 24; 111. Spectrophotometric detmn. of phosphoric oxide in presence of silica. Chalmers, 32; IV. Detning. alumina. Miller and Chalmers, 686. *Rodent hairs : Separating ___ and insect fragments from oat products. Hart and Heighton, 439. *Rosin size: Analysis of -. Davis and Linke, 670. Rubber: Natural - Latex and its Applications. No. 2. Latex Casting. Blow and Stokes. (Publication received), 71. "Rubidium : Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements.Holness and Law- rence, 356. Fernell and King, 80. Rum: Composition of Jamaica -, 259. S Saccharin : Food Standards (-- Tablets) Order, *Sage: Adulterant of dried --. St. Helens: Appointment of J . G. Sherratt as Public Analyst and Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of -, 257. *Salicylates : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. Sand: l'repng. Standard - as Used in British Standard Method for Detmng. Agglutinating Value of Coal (B.S. 705:1936). D.S.1.R. Fuel Research Technical Paper No. 56. (Publica- tion received), 71. *Saponification value : Detmng. neutralisation value and - of used lubricants. Washbrook, 254. Sausage(s) : Labelling of Food Order, 1953. meat: Labelling of Food Order, 1953. 324.Meat Products (No. 3) Order, 1952. 187. Savonol (Red Label) : Approved oxidising and Ministry of Food, 326. Scintillation Counter : Luminescence and -. *Sea water : Double syringe-pipette for dissolved Seal oil: Oils and Fats (No. 2) Order, 1953. Seed oil: Sunflower -. B.S. 1939:1953. 257. *Selenium : Prepng. biological material for detmn. of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing procedures. Middleton and Stuckey, 532. *Scheme of semi-micro aualitative analvsis for 1953. 626. Button, 679. 324. preservative agents. Curran. (Publication received), 568. oxygen estmns. Barnes, 501. 565. Self-raising flour : Fluorine content of acidic phos- phates used for food purposes. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, Metallic Contamination Sub-committee, 504. *Semicarbazide : Detmng.carbonyl compounds by - and hydroxylamine, with special reference to fatty-acid oxidation products. Feuell and Skellon, 135. *Serine : Reaction between periodic acid and poly- hydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. *Serum : Colorimetric micro-detmn. of potassium in -. Baar, 353. *Detmng. iodine in blood -. Kirkpatrick, 348. *Detmng. microgram amounts of calcium. Harrison and Raymond, 528. *Indirect polarographic detmn. of calcium by chloranilic acid. Breyer and McPhillips, 666. *Titrimetric detmn. of sodium in biological fluids. Trinder, 180. Sesame oil: Oils and Fats (No. 2) Order, 1953. 565. *Sewage: Detcng. and detmng. traces of poiy- nuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and --. Wedgwood and Cooper, 170. Shea butter: Oils and Fats (No.2) Order, 1953. 565. oil: Oils and Fats (No. 2) Order, 1953. Sheath: Combustion boats, - and contact stars for microchemical analysis. B.S. 1428 : 1953. Part 11, 326. Shellac : Handbook of Analysis. Kangaswami and Sen, revised by Bhattacharya and Bose. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 130. 565. Sidcup : See Chislehurst and Sidcup. *Silica : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 22 1. *Micro-analysis of silicate rocks. 11. Pptn. of __ as 2 : 4-dimethylquinoline silicomolybdate and gravimetric detmn. as silicomolybdic anhydride. Miller and Chalmers, 24; 111. Spectrophotometric detmn. of phosphoric oxide in presence of -, *Prepng. biological material for detmn. of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing proce- dures.Middleton and Stuckey, 532. *Silicate rocks: Micro-analysis of --. 11. Pptn. of silica as 2 : 4-dimethylquinoline silico- molybdate and gravimetric detmn. as silico- molybdic anhydride. Miller and Chalmers, 24; 111. Spectrophotometric detmn. of phosphoric oxide in presence of silica. Chalmers, 32; IV. Detmng. alumina. Miller and Chalmers, 686. *Siliceous materials : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Silicofluoride : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. *Silicomolybdic anhydride : Micro-analysis of silicate rocks. 11. Pptn. of silica as 2:4-dimethyl- quinoline silicomolybdate and gravimetric detmn. as -. Miller and Chalmers, 24. *Silicon : Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements.Holness and Lawrence, 356. *Silver: Detmng. borate in presence of -. Haider, 673. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Holness and Lawrence, 356. *Systematic approach to choice of organic reagents for metal ions. *Size: AnaIysis of rosin -. Davis and Linke, 670. Chalmers, 32. Osborn, 221. Williams, 586. *Soap(s) : Bibliography on analytical applications 39 elements. Holness land Lawrence, 356. of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 22 1.IXDEX TO VOLUME 78 xxxiii Soap-continued Carbolic -. B.S. 1910:1953; genuine hard -. B.S. 1911: 1953; -flakes. B.S. 1912: 1953; soft -. B.S. 1913:1953; toilet -. B.S. 1914: 1953. 326. Manufacture. Vol. I. Davidsohn, Better and Davidsohn. (Publication received), 740. Society of Chemical Industry.Reports on Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XXXVII. (Pub- lication received), 568. *Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists : Address of retiring President. Nicholls, 271. Analytical Abstracts. New journal. Editorial, 629. Analytical Methods Committee, Meat Extracts Sub-committee. Detmng. gelatin in meat extract and meat stocks. Interim report, 134; Reprint available, 332. Anniversary dinner, 281. Annual Report of Council, 264. Biological Methods Group, 8th A.G.M., 190. Committees, 1953-54. 263. Humble Address to Her Most Excellent Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11, facing p. 333; Reply, facing p. 389. Letters exchanged between - and Faraday Society on occasion of 50th Anniversary of foundation of Faraday Society, 450. Microchemistry Group.9th A.G.M., 190. Microchemistry Group. Reference substances for use in organic micro-analysis, 258. North of England Section. 28th A.G.M., 189. Physical Methods Group. 8th A.G.M., 190. Polarographic Discussion Panel. A.G.M., 190. Reprint of The Analyst from 1876 to 1951. Scottish Section. 18th A.G.M., 190. 79th A.G.M., 262. 73. *Sodium : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. "Detmng. potassium and traces of - in potassium salts. Jackson, 599. "Detmng. small amounts of potassium, calcium and magnesium in - and its compounds. Silverman and Trego, 717. *Titrimetric detmn. of - in biological fluids. Trinder, 180. *Sodium chloride : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. "Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate : Detmng.copper with - in presence of nickel and other interfering elements, with particular reference to traces of copper in sodium hydroxide. Jewsbury, 363. Mayne and Noordhof, 625. *Sodium hexametaphosphate : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins, Osborn, 221. *Sodium hydroxide : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Detmng. copper with sodium diethyldithio- carbamate in presence of nickel and other interfering elements, with particular reference to traces of copper in -. *Sodium hypophosphite : Detmng. molybdenum by ammonium thiosulphate and -. Rhy, 217; Erratum, 313. *Soft drinks : Detcng. preservatives in beverages by fermentation test, with special reference to brominated compounds.Mossel and de Bruin, 37. *Detmng. zinc by -. Jewsbury, 363. Soft soap. B.S. 1913:1953. 326. *Soils : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Detinng. calcium in plants and -. Hunter and Hall, 106. *Rapid detmn. of molybdenum in -. Grigg, 470. *Solders: Detmng. aluminium and zinc after chromatographic separation from tin - lead alloys. Bishop and Liebmann, 117. Solvents : Chemical Analysis. Vol. VII. Chemical Analysis of Industrial - . Jacobs and Scheflan. (Publication received), 332. Applications as Media for Chemical Reactions. Audrieth and Kleinberg. (Publication received), 448. Browning. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 448. *Sorbitol : Qualitative test for monosaccharides. Love, 732. *Sorbose : Colorimetric detmn. of fructose and -.Harris, 287. *Qualitative test for monosaccharides. Love, 732. South Shields: Appointment of W. F. Elvidge as Deputy Public Analyst and Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of Soya bean oil: Oils and Fats (No. 2) Order, 1953. 565. Specific gravity : Density hydrometers and - hydrometers. B.S. 718: 1953. 445. Spectra : Dissociation Energies and - of Diatomic Molecules. Gaydon. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 332. infra-red : Acceptance of report of Joint Com- mittee on Reproduction of Infra-red Absorption Data, 684. Ultraviolet - of Aromatic Compounds. Friedel and Orchin. (Review), 69. Institute of Petroleum. (Review), 70. Modern Mass __ . Barnard. (Publication received), 448. Spectrophotometry : Spectrophotometric Atlas of 2Z+ - 2fl Transition of OH.Bass and Broida. (Publication received), 628. Spectroscopic Analysis : Visual Lines for -. Smith. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 188; (Review), 567. Spinach : Sulphur dioxide in imported dehydrated vegetables. Ministry of Food, 128. Spinal cord: Offals in Meat Products Order, 1953. 187. *Squashes : Albuminoid ammonia value in analysis of fruit juices, I_ and cordials. Mitra and Roy, 681. *Stainless steels: Identifying alloys and - by electrographic methods. Clark and Hale, 145. Standards : Antioxidants. Ministry of Food, Food - Committee, Preservatives Sub-committee, 504. Fluorine content of acidic phosphates used for food purposes. Ministry of Food, Food - Committee, Metallic Contamination Sub-Com- mittee, 504. Non-Aqueous -. Toxicity of Industrial Organic -.-, 387. Spectrometry : Mass -. Food - (Ice-Cream) Order, 1953. Food - (Preserves) Order, 1953. 324; (Amend- ment) Order, 1953. 626. Food - (Saccharin Tablets) Order, 1953. 626. Food - (Suet) Order, 1952. Tin in canned foods. Ministry of Food, - Committee, Metallic Contamination Sub-Com- mittee, 187. 387. 128.xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 78 Starch and its Derivatives. Vol. I. Radley. 3rd *Bibliography on analytical applications of ion- edible: Labelling of Food Order, 1953. *Reaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. Sources, Production and Uses. Brautlect. (Pub- lication received), 568. *Stas - Otto procedure, modified : Analysis of "general unknowns" in toxicology. Feldstein and Klendshoj, 43. Statistical methods : Associated Measurements. Quenouille.(Publication received), 71 ; (Re- view), 130. Design and Analysis of Experiment. Quenouille. (Publication received), 332. *Efficient planning of microbiological assays illustrated by assays of cobalamin. Wood, 451. for Chemical Experimentation. Gore. (Publica- tion received), 13 1. in Biological Assay. Finney. (Publication received), 71 ; (Review), 505. *Steel(s) : Absorptiometric detmn. of chromium in - and alloys. *Detmng. molybdenum by ammonium thio- sulphate and sodium hypophosphite. M y , 217; Erratum, 313. *Identifying alloys and stainless __I by electro- graphic methods. "Micro-detmn. of traces of gaseous elements in metals by vacuum fusion method. Gregory, Mapper and Woodward, 414. *Survey of development of electrographic analysis.Monk, 141. Stepney: Appointment of A. E. Parkes as Public Analyst and H. A. Parkes as Additional Public Analyst to Metropolitan Borough of -, 323. Steroid : Ciba Foundation Colloquia on Endocrino- logy. VOl. 11. - Metabolism and Estmn. Wolstenholme and Cameron. (Publication received), 72; Vol. V. Bioassay of Anterior Pituitary and Adrenocortical Hormones, 448. Sterylclean : Approved oxidising and preservativc agents. Ministry of Food, 68. *Stilbene : Detcng. and detmng. ultra-violet ab- sorbers and other additives in polymethyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate - ethyl acrylate co-polymers. Haslam, Grossman, Squirrel1 and Loveday, 92. Stockport : Appointment of T. Harris as Public Analyst and Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of -, 323.Stockton-on-Tees : Appointment of W. F. Elviclge as Deputy Public Analyst to County Borough Strawberry and gooseberry jam: Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1053. 324. jam : Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1953. 324. *Strontium : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *l)etmng. microgram amounts of calcium. Harrison and Raymond, 528. "Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Holness and Lawrence, 356. *Systematic approach to choice of organic reagents for metal ions. *Strontium sulphate : Ion-exchange resins in analytical chemistry. Application of ion- exchange resins to analysis of insoluble sub- stances. Osborn, 220. Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry. Ingold. (Publication received), 684.Edn. (Publication received), 332. exchange resins. Osborn, 22 1. 324. Wood, 54. Clark and Hale, 145. of --, 387. Williams, 586. Skuflings : Glossary of terms applicable to fillings and -. B.S. 2005:1953. 627. *Sucrose: Large-scale chromatographic separation of -- raffinose mixtures on powdered cellulose for detmn. of raffinose in raw sugars. Gross and Albon, 19 1 . "Simultaneous detmn. of pentose and hexose in mixtures of sugars. Fernell and King, 80. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. (Publication received), 628. "Bibliography on analytical applications of ion- exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Colorimetric detmn. of fructose and sorbose. Harris, 287. flasks. B.S. 675: 1953. 326. "Large-scale chromatographic separation o f sucrose - raffinose mixtures on powdered celiu- lose for detmn.of raffinose in raw -. Gross and Albon, 191. "Precipitate error in detmng. -- - polarisations. Gaskin and Hands, 334. *Preservation of fermenting liquors in detnin. of reducing -. Donald, l:reeman and Cun- ningham, 320. "Qualitative test for monosaccharides. T,ove, 732. *Simultaneous detmn. of pentose and hexose in mixtures of -. "Sulphate : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. "Sulphur : Detcng. and detmng. ultra-violet absorbers and other additives in polymethyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate - ethyl acrylate co-polymers. Haslain, Grossman, Squirrel1 and Loveday, 92. "Prepng. biological material for detmn. of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing pro- cedures. Middleton and Stuckey, 532."Rapid turbidimetric detmn. of small amounts of - in plant material. "Sulphur dioxide : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. "Detmng. carbon dioxide and in Orsat apparatus. Young, Benfield and Strachan, 320. in imported dehydrated vcgetables. Ministry of Food, 128. in meat: Circular MF 20/63. Ministry of Food, 737. Fublic Health (Preservatives, ctc., in Food) (Amendment) Regulations, 1953. 737. Sunflower seed oil. 13.S. 1939:1953. 257. 565. Swedes : Sulphur dioxide in imported dehydrated vegetables. Ministry of Food, 128. Sweetbreads: Offals in Meat Products Order, 1953. 187. Sweeteners: Artificial -- in Food Order, 1953. 626. Swinton and Pendlebury : Appointment of T. Harris as Public Analyst to Borough of -, 626.Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 1954. Arrangements, 388. Syntheses: Organic -. Vol. 32. 12rnold. (Pub- lication received), 188. Substances Naturelles de Syntht'se. PrCparations et M6thodes de Laboratoire. Vols. T, 11, 111, and IV. Velluz. (Publications received), 7 1 ; (Review), 446. Suet: Food Standards (-) Order, 1952. Sugar(s) Beet Cultivation. 128. Fernell and Icing, 80. Steinbergs, 47. Oils and Fats (No. 2) Order, 1953. T Tallow ; Home-produced technical - , B.S. 1482: 1948. Amendment slip, 68. Oils and Fats (No. 2) Order, 1953. 566.INDEX TO VOLUME 78 XXXV *Tanning : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Tantalum : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements.Holness and Lawrence, 366. *Tar: Paper-strip method Qf examining fuel oils suspected of being identical. Herd, 383. *Tartaric acid : Bibliography on analytical applicrt- tions of ion-exchange resinst Osborn, 321. *Tellurium : Yotentiometric detmn. of quadrivalent - by potassium permanganate in weakly alkaline solutions. Issa and Awad, 487. 'Qualitative detcn. of - in - - lead alloys. Brown, 623. *Scheme of senli-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Textile Fibres : Identification of -. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Fibre Blends. Luniak. (Publication received), 740. *Thallium: Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Holness and Law- rence, 356. *Theobromine : Detmng. - in cocoa residues. Gerritsma and ICoers, 201.Thermogravimetric Analysis : Inorganic -. Duval. (Publication received), 188. Thermometers : Secondary reference -- (Centi- grade scale). B.S. 1900: 1952. 68; Amendment slip, 187. *Thiamine : Adsorption of - on glassware. Farrer and Hollenberg, 730. Approved name for vitamin B, and aneurinc. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 73. *Selection of methods for routine assays for members of vitamin-B complex. Pritchard, 460. *Thiocysnate cationic complexes : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. "detmn. of iron with hydrogen peroxide. Houlihsn and Farina, 569. *Thiosnlphate : Detcng. end-point in titrating iodine with -. Knowles and Lowden, 159. 'Thorium : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins.Osborn, 321. *salt of 4-(o-arsonophenylazo) -N-( 1-naphthyl) - cthylenediamine : Colorimetric detmn. of small amounts of fluorine. Liddell, 494. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Holness and Lawrence, 356. "Threonine : 9-Hydroxydiphenyl test for acctaldc- hyde. Detmng. alanine and --. in protein hydrolysates. Folkes, 496. "Thyroxine : Colorimetric dctnin. of 3 : 5-di-iotlo- thyronine. Shaw, 263. *Timber : Detcng. boron in treated -. McNullcn, 442. *Detmng. small quantities of boron. liipley- Duggan, 183. *Tin : Detning. aluminium and zinc aftcr chroniato- graphic separation from - - lead alloys. Bishop and Liebinann, 1 17. *Guard valve for - detmns. by iorlinietric procedure. Jackson, 443. in canned foods.Ministry of Food, Food Stan- dards Committee, Metallic Contamination Sub- Committee, 187, *Photometric detmn. of phosphorus in copper- based alloys containing -. Lutwak, 661. "Prepng. biological material for detmn. of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing proce- dures. Middleton and Stuckcv. 532. Holness and Lawrence, 356. Tin-continued *Quantitative separation of copper, lead and - by cathodic deposition. Aylward and Bryson, 651. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. *Systematic approach to choice of organic reagents for metal ions. Tintometer Ltd. : Chemical Tissue Tests for Detning. Mineral Status of Plants in the Field. Nicholas. (Publication received), 628. Handbook of Colorimetric Chemical Analytical Methods for Industrial, Research and Clinical Laboratories.Developed for Use with Lovi- bond Comparator. (Publication received), 332 ; (Review), 568. *Titanium : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *L)etnmg. magnesium and aluminium in -- metal. Corbett, 20. *Identifying alloys and stainless steels by electrographic methods. Clark and Hale, 146. 'Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Holness and Lawrence, 366. *Titration(s) : Apparatus for dead-stop end-point - with acoustic indication of end-point. Glastonbury, 682. *Apparatus for simplifying - in controlled atmosphere. Application to detmng. moisture in transformer oil with Fischer reagent. Prince, 607. Tocopherols: a-, /3- and y- -. Approved names for vitamins E. International Tinion of Purc and Applied Chemistry, 72.Toilet soap. B.S. 1914:1963. 326. Toxioity of Industrial Organic Solvents. 13rowning. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 448. *Toxicology : Analysis of "general unknowns" in -. Feldstein and Klendshoj, 43. *Trace elements : Bibliography on analytical applica - tions of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 231. "Transformer oil : Apparatus for siiiiplifying titration in controlled atmosphere. Application to detmng. moisture in - with I;ischcr reagents. Prince, 607. Holness and Lawrence, 356. Williams, 686. Triacetin. B.S. 1997: 1953. 627. Tricresyl phosphate. B.S. 1999: 1953. 627. Tripe: Offals in Meat Products Order, 1963. Triphenyl phosphate. B.S. 1998: 1953. 627. * Tri-sodium pent ac yanoamminof errat e : I no rganic complexes in colour reactions for organic compounds. I.lletmng. isonicotinic acid. Herington, 174. Tritolyl phosphate. B.S. 1999: 1953. 627. Tunbridge Web: Appointment of 13. C. Spalding as Deputy Public Analyst to Borough of -, 387. "Tungsten : Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Holness and Law- rence, 356. Turnips : Sulphur dioxide in imported dehydrated vegetables. Ministry of l~oocl, 128. 187. U Udders: Offals in Meat Products Order, 1963. 187. *TJltra-violet absorbers : Detcng. and detmng. and other additives in polymethyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate - ethyl acrylate co- polymers. Haslam, Grossman, Squirrel1 and Loveday, 92. Frietiel and Orchin. Uieviewl. G9. Spectra of Aromatic Compounds.xxxvi INDEX TO VOLuMe 78 Ultra-violet-co n t in ued *spectrophotometric estmn.of quality of mineral oils extracted from bread. Cookson, Coppock and Schnurmann, 698. *Unf.ermentabh reducing rubdamea: Detmng. - in molasses. Donald, Freeman and Cun- ningham, 321. U.S. Idional +Bureau of w: Protective Display Lighting of Hu&oncal Documents. (Publication received), 448. Spectrophotometric Atlas of *Z+ - *I7 Transition of OH. Bass and Broida. (Publication received), 628. Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns. Vols. I and 11. (Publications received), 740. *Uranium: Detmng. uranium-236 in mixtures of naturally occurring - isotopes by radio- activation. Seyfang and Smales, 394. *Micro-detmn. of traces of gaseous elements in metals by vacuum fusion method. Gregory, Mapper and Woodward, 414. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. Holness and Lawrence, 366.*Systematic approach to choice of organic reagents for metal ions. Williams, 686. *Uranium-%%: Detmng. - in mixtures of naturally occurring uranium isotopes by radio- activation. Seyfang and Smales, 394. *Urine: Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Detmng. 9-nitrophenol in - and blood by indophenol reaction. Lawford and Harvey, 63. *Reaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. *Titrimetric detmn. of sodium in biological fluid& Trinder, 180. Uteri: Offals in Meat Products Order, 1963. 187. V V ~ ~ ~ ~ u l t u r a l Research Station: Agronomy Expenments, 1938-46, a t - . van der Meme and van Garderen. (Publication received), 606. Valenuy: Simple Guide to Modern - Theory. Brown. (Riblication received), 668. *Valerie. acid: Identifying and detmng. lower straight-chain fatty acids by paper partition chromatography. Duncan and Porteous, 641. “Valve: Guard - for tin detmns. by iodimetric procedure. Jackson, 443. *Vanadium : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 elements. *van aulik method : Modification of - for detmng. fat in soft cheese. Pinsky and Grunpeter, 621. Vegetables, canned : Labelling of Food Order, 1963. 324. dehydrated : Public Health (Preservatives, ctc., in Food) (Amendment) Regulations, 1963. 737. Sulphur dioxide in imported dehydrated -. Ministry of Food, 128. Vells, calves’: Offals in Meat Products Order, 1963. 187. *Vemne: Uetmng. zinc in lubricating oils by amperometric titration. I. Amperometric titration of zinc with -. Pickles and Wash- brook, 304; Erratum, 439. *Vinegar : Characterising - by albuminoid ammonia value. Mitra, 499. Holness and Lawrence, 356. Viruae8: Evaluation of anti-viral compounds. Dickinson, 283. Vhosity: Method for detmng. - of liquids in absolute (C.G.S.) units. B.S. 188:1937. Amendment slip, 667. Vitamin A,: Spectroscopic properties of -, application to assay of cod-liver oil. Cama and Morton, 74. Vitamin B Complex: Microbiological Assay of - and Amino-Acids. Barton-Wright. (Publica- tion received), 71 ; (Review), 129. *complex: Selection of methods for routine assay of members of -. Pritchard, 460. Vitamin &: Approved name now thiamine. Inter- national Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 72. Vitamin B, : Approved name now riboflavin. Inter- national Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 72. Vitamin B.,*: Approved name now cyanocobalamin. Approved collective name for vitamins possessed of &, activity now cobalamin. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 72. Vitunin k b : Approved name now hydrox- balamin. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 72. Vitamin B.,tc : Approved name now nitrosocobalamin. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 72. Vitamin a: Approved name now ascorbic acid. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 72. Vitamin D,: Approved name now ergocalciferol. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 72. Vitamin D,: Approved name now cholecalciferol. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 72. Vitamin PP: Approved name now niwtinamide. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 73. Vitamins : Approved nomenclature. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 73. *Bibliography on analytical applications of ion- exchange resins. @born, 221. Vitamina E: Approved names now a-, fl- and y- tocopherol. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 72. *Voltammetry: Amperometric titration of traces of ammonia with hypobromite at rotated platinum electrode. Application to detmn. of nitrogen in organic compounds. Kolthoff, Stricks and Morren, 405. W Wallssey: Appointment of T. Harris as Public nnalyst and Official Agricultural Analyst and of J. F. Clark as Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of --, 387. Wandttworth: Appointment of J . E. Wooclhead as Public Analyst to Metropolitan Borough of -, 444. *W& liquom : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Wafer : Apparatus for simplifying titration in controlled atmosphere. Application to detmng. moisture in transformer oil with Fischer reagent. Prince, 607. *Bibliography on analytical applications of ion- exchange resins. Osborn, 221.INDEX TO VOLUME 78 xxxvii Water-continued *Double syringe-pipette for dissolved oxygen estmns. Barnes, 501. West Hartlepool: Appointment of W. F. Elvidge as Deputy Pubhc Analyst and Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst t o County Borough of - , 387. Whorland: Appointment of W. F. Elvidge as Deputy Publi6 Analyst and Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County of -, 626. West Riding. of Yorkshire: Ses Yorbhire. Whale oil: Orls and Fats (No. 2) Order, 1953. 606. *Wheat gluten : Chromatographic detmn. of glutamic acid in - and gluten hydrolysates. Mom- and Stuckey, 636, *white metals : Opening of - for analysis by dry chlorine. Bishop, 61. Wiltshire : Appointment of J. H. Hamence as Official Agricultural Analyst to County of -, 387. *Wine: Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Wood: Detcng. boron in treated timber. McMullen, 442. *Detmng. small quantities of boron. Ripley- Duggan, 183. *Wool : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Rapid turbidimetric detmn. of small amounts of sulphur in plant material. Steinbergs, 47. X X-ray Dif€raction Powder Patterns: Standard - Swanson and Tatge. Vol. I; Swanson and Fuyat. Vol. 11. (Publication received) , 740. *Xylwe : Qualitative test for monosaccharides. Love, 732, *Reaction between periodic acid and polyhydroxy compounds. Tompsett and Smith, 209. *Simultaneous detmn. of pentose and hexose in mixtures of sugars, Fernell and King, 80. Y *Past: Detmng. ergosterol in -. I. Ultra- violet absorption of purified ergosterol. Shaw and Jefferies, 609; 11. Detmn. by sapodcation and ultra-violet absorption spectroscopy, 614 ; 111. Corrections for irrelevant absorption in solutions of ergosterol, 519; N. Short method based on ultra-violet absorption, 624. Manufacture of Compressed - Walter. 2nd Edn. (Publication received) , 628. Yeast-c ontinue d *Preservation of fermenting liquors in detmn. of reducing sugars. Donald, Freeman and Cunningham, 320. Yorkshire: Appointment of R. Mallinder as Public Analyst to County of West Riding of -, 67 ; EIS Official Agricultural Analyst, 267. Youngberry jam: Food Standards (Preserves) Order, 1963. 324. *Yttrium: Detmng. microgram amounts of calcium. Harrison and Raymond, 628. 21 "Zino : Bibliography on analytical applications of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Critical examination of ferrocyanide detmn. of I_ . Richardson and Bryson, 291. *De'tmng. aluminium and - after chromato- graphic separation from tin - lead alloys. Bishop and Liebmann, 117. *Detmng. - by sodium diethyldithiocarba- mate. Mayne and Noordhof, 625. "Detmng. - by titration with di-sodium ethylenediaminetetra-acetate. Strafford, 733. *Detmng. - in lubricating oils by ampero- metric titration. I. Amperometric titration of - with versene. Pickles and Washbrook, 304; Erratum, 439. *Prepng. biological material for detmn. of trace metals. I. Critical review of existing pro- cedures. Middleton and Stuckey, 632. *Separating small amounts of arsenic, copper and bismuth from lead and - by diethyl- ammonium diethyldithiocarbamate. Straff ord, Wyatt and Kershaw, 624. *Separating - and cadmium by activated copper. Bryson and Lowy, 299. *Survey of development of electrographic analysis. Monk, 141. *Systematic approach to choice of organic reagents for metal ions. Williams, 686. *Volumetric detmn. of - with fen-ocyanide in magnesium alloys. Mayer, Bradshaw and Deutschman, 367. *Ziroonium : Bibliography on analytical applica- tions of ion-exchange resins. Osborn, 221. *Micro-deb. of traces of gaseous elements in metals by vacuum fusion method. Gregory, Mapper and Woodward, 414. *Scheme of semi-micro qualitative analysis for 39 dements. Holness and Lawrence, 3.56. *Separation of small amounts of - with mandelic acid. Mills and Hermon, 266.PRINTED BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD.. CAMBRIDGE. ENGLAND
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