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Volume 106,
Issue 1,
Page 001-056
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ANALAO 106 (1 258-t269) 1-1 360 (1 981 ) ISSN 0003-2654 The Analyst The Analytical Journal of The Royal Society of Chemistry Volume 106 1981 Published by THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY BURLINGTON HOUSE LONDON WIV OB THE ANALYST THE ANALYTICAL JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY ADVlSO RY BOARD "Chairman J. M. Ottaway (Glasgow) R. Belcher (Birmingham U.K.) E. Bishop (Exeter U.K.) D. T. Burns (Belfast U.K.) L. R. P. Butler (South Africa) H. J. Cluley (Wemb/ey U.K.) E. A. M. F. Dahmen (The Netherlands) L. de Galan (The Netherlands) "G. J . Dickes (Bristol U.K.) A. C. Docherty (Billingham U.K.) D. Dyrssen (Sweden) G. Ghersini (Italy) J. Hoste (Belgium) "G. W. Kirby (Glasgow U.K.) W. S. Lyon (U.S.A.) H. V. Malmstadt (U.S.A.) "J. N.Miller (L oughborough U.K.) G. W. C. Milner (Harwell U.K.) E. J. Newman (Poole U.K.) H. W. Nurnberg (West Germany) E. Pungor (Hungary) P. H. Scholes (Middlesbrough U.K.) D. Simpson (Thorpe-le-Soken U.K.) "J. M. Skinner (Bilingham U.K.) "J. D. R. Thomas (CardiH U.K.) K. C. Thompson (Sheffield U.K.) "A. M. Ure (Aberdeen U.K.) A. Walsh K.B. (Australia) G . Werner (German Democratic T. S. West (Aberdeen U.K.) "P. C. Weston (London U.K.) * J . White head (Stockton - on - Tees U. K. ) J. D. Winefordner (U.S.A.) P. Zuman (U.S.A.) "G. E. Penketh (Wilton U.K.) "T. B. Pierce (Harwe/l U.K.) Republic) "Members of the Board serving on the Analytical Editorial Board REGIONAL ADVISORY EDITORS Dr. J. Aggett (New Zealand) Professor L. Gierst (Belgium) Professor H.M. N. H. Irving (South Africa) Professor W. A. E. McBryde (Canada) Dr. 0. Osibanjo (Nigeria) Dr. G. Rossi (Italy) Dr. I. Rubekka (Czechoslovakia) Professor J. RfiLiEka (Denmark) Professor K. Saito (Japan) Professor L. E. Smythe (Australia) Professor P. C. Uden (U.S.A.) @ The Royal Society of Chemistry 1981 Printed by Heffers Printers Ltd Cambridge Englan PUBLICATIONS AND INFORMATION BOARD Chairman C. W. Rees Ph.D. D.Sc. C.Chem. F.R.S.C. F.R.S. K. W. Bagnall B.Sc. Ph.D. D.Sc. C.Chem. F.R.S.C. "J. I. G. Cadogan B.Sc. Ph.D. D.Sc. C.Chem. F.R.S.C. F.R.S.E. F.R.S. H. J. Cluley MSc. Ph.D. C.Chem. F.R.S.C. "Sir Ewart Jones CChem. F.R.S.C. F.R.S. "G. W. Kirby M.A. Ph.D. Sc.D. C.Chem. F.R.S.C. F.R.S.E. F. J. McQuillin M.A. D.Phil. DSc. C.Chem.F.R.S.C. "J. A. Pickup B.A. "J. R. Ruck Keene C.B.E. M.A. F. S. Stone Ph.D. DSc. C.Chem. F.R.S.C. "T. M. Sugden C.B.E. M.A. Ph.D. Sc.D. C.Chem. F.R.S.C. F.R.S. "K. W. Sykes B.Sc. M.A. D.Phil. C.Chem. F.R.S.C. J. M. Thomas Ph.D. D.Sc. C.Chem. F.R.S.C. F.R.S. "J. M. Ward B.Sc. C.Chem. F.R.S.C. W. B. Whalley Ph.D. D.Sc. C.Chem. F.R.S.C. "Ex oflicio members JOURNALS COMMITTEE Chairman G. W. Kirby M.A. Ph.D. Sc.D. C.Chem. F.R.S.C. F.R.S.E. "L. Crombie Ph.D. D.Sc. C.Chem. F.R.S.C. F.R.S. "E.A. V. Ebsworth M.A. Ph.D. Sc.D. C.Chem. F.R.S.C. F.R.S.E. G. R. Ganellin B.Sc. Ph.D. C.Chem. F.R.S.C. P. M. Maitlis B.Sc. Ph.D. D.Sc. C.Chem. F.R.S.C. "J. M. Ottaway B.Sc. Ph.D. D.Sc. C.Chem. F.R.S.C. "C. W. Rees Ph.D. DSc. C.Chem. F.R.S.C. F.R.S. "M. C. R. Symons Ph.D.D.Sc. C.Chem. F.R.S.C. "I. A. Williams M.A. Ph.D. M.l.lnf.Sc. C.Chem. M.R.S.C. "Ex officio members Editor The Analyst Assistant Editors P. C. Weston B.Sc. C.Chem. F.R.S.C. Mrs. J. Brew B.Sc. C.Chem. M.R.S.C. Mrs. P. A. Fellows B.Sc. R. A. Young M. I. Inf.Sc ANALYST AUTHOR INDEX VOL. 106 (1981) 1 AUTHOR INDEX 1981 Aarons Leon 1249-54 Abdine H. 960-7 Abdullah Khalid A. 1348-51 Adams M. J. 850-4 Agarwal Suraj P. 1 157-62 Aggett John 497-505,50613 Agrawal A. K. 6 2 W Akama Yoshifumi 250-3 Al-Daher A. M. 1348-51 Al-Daher Ismail M. 796-9 Aldridge W. N. 6&8 Al-Sada Al’a K. Abdul 1302-8 Altree-Williams Stephen 69-75 Ambade K. A. 1237-9 Amin D. 1217-21 12214 Analytical Methods Committee, Abou Ouf A. 949-54 105-13,448-55,456-60,788-9, 1208-9 Andel Susan M.1334-7 Anderson Diana 1-22 Arafat Nabil M. 1174-8 Aragones L. 720-3 Arbab-Zavar M. H. 213-20 Argese E. 474-8 Aw Swee-Eng 1 14-1 7 Aznarez J. 1122-5 Bagon D. A. 676-85 Bahreyni-Toosi M. H. 153-9 Bajaj K. L. 117-20 Balasubramanian G. R. 641-6 Baldwin M. K. 763-7 Barnes Roger D. 412-18 Barratt R. S. 81749 Barua S. 799-802 Baruah P. 9014 Bashir W. A. 243-7 1348-51 Baveja Anil K. 955-9 Baveja S. K. 726-8 Beadle B. C. 1179-86 Bedair Mona 960-7 Beddows Clifford G. 1341-4 Belal Saied 960-7 Belcher R. 625-35 Bernier William E. 1334-7 Bertenshaw M. P. 23-31 Bet-Pera Frederick 1234-7 Bettendge D. 257-82 Bhanot D. 883-9 Bhaskare C. K. 1005-9 Bhuchar V. M. 6 2 W Bianchine J. R. 1096-102 Birch B.J. 974-84 Bird Todd C. 1013-16 Bishop E. 3 16-22,429-32,433-8 Bloomberg H. 763-7 Bogdanski S. L. 625-35 Boley N. P. 710-13 Boparai K. S. 482-3 Bottalico A. 992-8 Bowtle W. J. 478-81 BOX J. D. 1227-9 Boyce Marilynn 365-8 Bratton G. J. 713-17 Braun T. 1326-33 Brazell Roswitha 352-60 Brooke P. J. 514-20 Brookes B. I. 403-1 1 Brown Leslie 122-6 Brown R. H. 590-8 Bsebsu N. K. 369-73 1288-95 Bubnis B. P. 63640 Burdisso M. 328-34 Burmicz J. S. 802-5 Busheina I. S. 221-6 Bymes John G. 69-75 Cabrera F. 1296-301 Callum G. I. 1009-13 Calokerinos A. C. 625-35 Castillo J. R. 1122-5 Caverly David J. 389-93 Chalmers J. M. 1179-86 Chan H. K. 768-75 Chao T. T. 647-52 Chatten L. G. 3654,557-64, Cherido M. 474-8 Chinnick C. C. T. 1203-7 Cofre P.316-22,429-32,433-8 Coker D. T. 103641 Corfield Mark M. 188-97 Cowan A. A. 862-8 Crisp S. 13 18-25 Crosby Neil T. 13545,710-13 Crowther Joan 702-9 Cundall R. B. 335-43 Cupelin F. 1275-80 Daiev Christo 855-61 Date Alan R. 1255-67 D’Auria J. M. 874-82 Dawson J. B. 153-9 De Arambarri P. 1296-301 De Cock L. 305-10 De Galan Leo 695-701 Dejak C. 474-8 De Leenheer A. P. 1025-35 De Lima C. G. 574-83 Desai D. D. 806-9 Dey Arun K. 529-36 Diaz V. Gonzalez 1224-7 Diaz Garcia M. E. 1268-74 Doichinov Stephan 855-61 Donati F. 1338-41 Duve R. N. 160-5 Dyer Alan 1168-73 Ediss C. 557-64 El-Issa M. Y. S. 93943 Ellis D. J. 153-9 Elsayed M. Abdel Hady 1 157-62 El-Shahawi M. S. 809-12 El-Wakil A. M. 809-12 Elyas A. 10014 565-73 Duff E.J. 904-6,985-91 Ellwood P. A. 85-93 Eusebius Lalit C. T. 529-36 Evans W. H. 514-20 Fabbri B. 1338-41 Farag A. B. 809-12 Farrington D. S. 713-17 Farroha Sabn M. 1302-8 Fell G. S. 288-98 Ferguson M. M. 1009-13 Ferracini V. L. 574-83 Firth B. M. 1242-3 Flamerz S. 243-7 Flint F. O. 1242-3 Foner H. A. 521-8 Foster Robert D. 1240-2 Franklin K. R. 1017-19 Frazer J. W. 547-56 Frost T. 999-1001 Fuller C. W. 913-20 Furuya Keiichi 944-8 Fu-Sheng Wei 1229-33 Fuwa K. 419-28 Gal Irene 521-8 Gallorini M. 328-34 Gardner M. J. 4714 Garg A. 9014 Garg B. S. 799-802 Gelsthorpe D. 23-3 1 George D. A. 7 13-1 7 Ghose Animesh K. 529-36 Glockling F. 921-30 Glooschenko Walter A. 1174-8 Goad T. B. 257-82 Goldberg V. D. 1001-4 Gonzalez C.R. Tallo 1224-7 Goulter John E. 32-9 Gowda H. Sanke 198-205 Gran Gunnar 23142 1109-18 Gray Alan L. 1255-67 Groves J. A. 89&7 Guest L. 663-75 Gupta V. K. 955-9 Habboush Albertine E. 1302-8 Habib M. M. 1281-7 Hansen E. H. 1309-17 Haraguchi H. 419-28 Hardy H. L. 85-93 Hareez A. K. 12214 Harriott M. 921-30 Harris Mary R. 283-7 Hart John P. 146-52 Hassan Saad S. M. 1281-7 Hassan Younis I. 1348-5 1 Hasty R. A. 76-84 Hawkins H. Lesley 188-97 Headridge J. B. 221-6 Heanes D. L. 172-81,182-7 Helboe Per 3614 Hennig U. G. G. 55744,565-73 Hernandez Mendez J. 73742 Highfield J. G. 8 5 W Fogg A. G. 369-73,768-75, 883-9 1213-17 1288-9 2 ANALYST AUTHOR INDEX VOL. 106 (1981) Hirose Akiko 94-9 Hitchcock C. H. S. 968-73 Hodges D.J. 299-304 Hodgkinson A. 153-9 Hoshika Yasuyuki 166-7 1, Howard A. G. 213-20 Hsu Francis 352-60 Hunt D. T. E. 471-4 Hunt David C. 135-45 Hunt J. 374-5 Hunter J. K. 288-98 Hurst W. Jeffrey 394-402 Hutton R. C. 913-20 Hwang Jon-Mau 869-73 Ibrahim Fawzia A. 1163-7 Idris A. B. 1125-9 Iida C. 206-12 Ikatsu Hisayoshi 653-62 Inoue Yoshikazu 609-19 Izquierdo A. 720-3 Jaber A. M. Y. 939-43 Janauer Gilbert E. 1334-7 Jarosz M. 751-6 Jaselskis Bruno 1234-7 Jayaram B. 729-32 Jennings V. J. 1344-7 Jha A. R. 115M Johansson Axel 23 1-42 1 Johansson Sten 1109-18 John Phillip 188-97 Jones A. D. 968-73 Jones Dilys L. 439-47,97# Jones G. H. 968-73 Jordan Bernard 69-75 Julietti R. J. 794-6 Kadam B. V. 724-6 Kamada Hitoshi 944-8 Kasida Yosihiko 609-19 Kaur.Gurdeen 1 17-20 686-94 1 187-202 09-1 8 -84 Kawamura Fumikazu 250-3 Kennedy Christine A. 344-51 Keshavan B. 461-4 Kiekens P. 305-10 King J. G. 488-9 Kirk David 13414 Kirkbright G. F. 8504,1179-86 Kitto Abdul Masseh N. 1302-8 Kojima I. 206-12 Korenaga Takashi 40-6,653-62 Kratochvil B. 796-9 Kumar R. 599-602 Lambert Jack L. 1013-16 Landry J. C. 1275-80 Lascelles P. T. 10014 Law L. Maria 412-18 Lechner J. F. 323-7 Lee Kwan Y. 352-60 Lenihan J. M. A. 1009-13 Lepp N. W. 2837 Lerario P. 992-8 Leung C. P. 1004 Lima F. J. 76-84 Longstaff E. 1-22 Ludlam P. R. 488-9 Luesma C. 1122-5 Lumley I. D. 1103-8 Lythgoe D. J. 743-50 McBride Jenifer 702-9 McCleary Barry V. 344-5 1 McDonnell D. Brian 790-3 MacLeod Alexander J.412-18 McLeod C. W. 419-28 Madan D. K. 365-8 Madrid L. 1296-301 Maiti B. 724-6 Marczenko Z. 751-6 Martin M. J. 1213-17 Mayanna S. M. 729-32 Meddle D. W. 1082-7,1088-95, Meghal S. K. 1237-9 Mehta A. C. 11 19-22 Meisenheimer R. G. 547-56 Michal C. 1275-80 Michel R. G. 288-98 *Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 782-7 Mishra R. K. 1150-6 Mohan S. V. 641-6 Molokhia Anat 1 168-73 Montelongo F. Garcia 1224-7 Moody G. J. 43947,53746, Morarji R. L. 129-34 Mortimer D. J. 478-8 1 Moskalyk R. E. 365-8 557-64, Motomizu Shoji 776-81 Mukhija Suman 482-3 Murray D. 335-43 Muto Giichi 1187-202 Naik S. V. 47-53 Nai-Kui Shen 1229-33 Nair Jagadeesan 955-9 Nakai Toshio 250-3 Nakamura Motoshi 483-7 Narayanan A.1 137-44 1 145-9 Neal J. D. 373-4 Nelis H. J. C. F. 1025-35 Nichols C. L. 874-82 Nicholson K. 9046,985-91 Nihei Yoshimasa 1 187-202 Nose Norihide 94-9 Nunan J. M. 1318-25 OBrien Glennys 497-505,506-13 Ohno N. 584-9 Okamoto K. 419-28 Ono Aoi 906-8 Orvini E. 328-34 Oshima Mitsuko 77&8 1 Otsuki A. 419-28 Ottaway J. M. 76-84 288-98, Pabdlkar Mangala A. 47-53 Pacey G. E. 636-40 Padmaji K. A. 198-205 Pahlavanpour Behrooz 467-7 1 Palagyi S. 1326-33 Palmer Richard F. 802-5 Palmisano F. 992-8 Pantony D. A. 11374,1145-9 Parker Bruce C. 898-901 Patel Indu 135-45 Paukstelis Joseph V. 10 13-1 6 Pawashe R. G. 1005-9 Peacock C. J. 931-8 Philp Lesley A. 13 5-45 Pickford C. J. 464-7 Polo Diez L. 73742 13 18-25 547-56,974-84 565-73 10768 1 Pons B.Stanley 365-8 Poole Colin F. 352-60 Portnoy Benjamin 1 168-73 Prager Manfred J. 12 10- 1 3 Prat M. D. 720-3 Prentoe Annette 227-30 Prentoe Poul 227-30 Preston B. 913-20 Prince Audrey P. 478-81 Pryce J. D. 12&1 Purnell C. J. 590-8 676-85 Rabenstein D. L. 565-73 Rajamoorthi K. 641-6 Rao K. V. Ranga 726-8 Rastogi Kalpana 599-602 Rastog R. C. 901-4 Ratnaraj N. 10014 Readman James W. 122-6 Rhead Michael M. 122-6 Rigdon L. P. 547-56 Rigo A. 474-8 Rizk Mohamed S. 1163-7 Rodriguez Gonzalez J. A. 737-42 Rogers Michael D. 1013-16 Rolla A. 328-34 Roper P. 710-13 Rutherford J. O. 53746 Ruzicka J. 1309-17 Sakai T. 584-9 Salem F. B. 949-54 Salt W. G. 129-34 Sandhu Shingara S. 31 1-15 Sanjana N. R. 47-53 Sanz-Medel A.1268-74 Sanzolone R. F. 647-52 Sathe R. M. 724-6 Scott J. E. 1076-81 Sekerka I. 323-7 Selby M. A. 763-7 Shan-Shan Shen 1229-33 Sherman L. R. 247-50 Shih J. S. 385-8 Shih Jeng-Shang 869-73 Shimoishi Yasuaki 757-62 Shinde V. M. 806-9 Sieper Friedrich 32-9 Singh Ishwar 799-802 Singh Nepal 599-602 Singh R. P. 799-802 Singh S. C. 931-8 Singhawangcha Sureerat 352-60 Skelding D. 299-304 Skellern G. G. 1071-5 Smith A. F. 1082-7,1088-95, Smith Roger M. 129-34 Smyth Malcolm R. 146-52,802-5 Smyth W. Franklin 146-52, Sneddon J. 288-98 Somers L. 71&13 Soutar Ian 188-97 Spillane D. E. M. 1179-86 Sprenz Edward C. 1210-13 Squirrell D. C. M. 1042-56 Srivastava T. N. 599-602 Stay B. J. 1179-86 Street B. W. 60-8 Swaisland A.J. 717-19 Szabo A. 602-4 13 18-25 802-5,890-ANALYST AUTHOR INDEX VOL. 106 (1981) 3 Tam S. Y. K. 100-4 Tanaka Akio 94-9 Tanaka Kiriko 609-1 9 Temmerman E. 305-10 Thelin Bo 54-9 Thimmaiah K. N. 198-205 Thomas J. D. R. 43947,53746, Thompson Michael 32-9,467-71 Thompson William J. 898-901 Thomsen Mogens 3614 Thorburn Bums D. 921-30 Thorne Laurence 467-7 1 Toei Kyoji 757-62 776-81 Toomey Paul B. 394-402 Townshend Alan 625-35 Tsurumi Chikao 944-8 Turkall R. M. 1096-102 974-84 Tyson J. F. 1125-9 Uchida Hirofumi 757-62 Uchida T. 206-12 Unwin John 389-93 Van Dalen Hans P. J. 695-701 Van Houwelingen G. D. B., Varma Y. S. 799-802 Verplaetse H. 305-10 Viglino P. 474-8 Visconti A. 992-8 Wahbi A. M. 96&7 Walash Mohamed I.949-54, Walker Ronald F. 85-93 1240-2 Warwick C. J. 67685 Watanabe Akinobu 94-9 Watari Hideki 776-8 1 1057-70 1 163-7 Wells D. E. 862-8 Wen-Tien Chu 1229-33 Wheatstone K. C. 23-31 Wiggins R. A. 1103-8 Williams D. R. 794-6 Woodget B. W. 1017-19 Woollam C. J. 713-17 Worsfold P. J. 1309-1 7 Wright M. D. 590-8 Wu Shaw-Chii 869-73 Wu Y. P. 636-40 Yang C. Y. 385-8 Yeh Yu-Chai 385-8,869-73 Zambonin P. G. 992-8 Zeller Edward J. 898-901 Zlatkis Albert 352-6 4 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL. 106 (1 98 1) SUBJECT INDEX 1981 ACETALDEHYDE Simple and rapid gas-chromatographic determination of trace amounts of lower aliphatic carbonyl compounds in Determination of fluocinolone acetonide in pharmaceutical preparations by differential-pulse polarography, Studies in chemical phase analysis.Part 11. Determination of the solubilities of carbides nitrides oxides and Formation of chromium atoms in air-acetylene flames. Part I. Atom formation from pure chromium compounds Formation of chromium atoms in air-acetylene flames. Part 11. Effect of matrix electrolytes 506-13 Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant. Part VI. Further extension of the Gran I Evaluation of NN’-di(2-naphthyl)phenylene-l,kIiamine as a reagent for the spectrophotometric determination of organic peroxides 574-83 Atomic-absorption spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of arsenic in acrylic fibers containing antimony oxide with solvent extraction and arsine generation 40-6 Analysis of additives and process residues in plastics materials 1042-56 Spectrophotometric and titrimetric determination of catecholamines using organic brominating agents 949-54 Comparison of some porous polymers as adsorbents for collection of odor samples and the application of the Adsorption of trace metals during filtration of potable water samples with particular reference to the determinati-Errors in the direct potentiometric electrode method of fluoride determination adsorption illumination and Relationship between concentrations of metal aerosol pollutants and the averaging time 855-6 1 Determination of residues of furalaxyl and metalaxyl in nutrient solution peat compost and soil samples by gas Determination of atmospheric isocyanate concentrations by high-performance thin-layer chromatography using Gas-chromatographic determination of trace amounts of lower fatty acids in ambient air near and in exhaust Standard atmosphere generator a dynamic system for the controlled dilution of organic vapors in air 403-1 1 Differential-pulse voltammetry of sulfur dioxide at the parts per 109 level in air 474-8 Determination of formaldehyde in the atmosphere observations concerning the storage of aqueous samples, Application of electrochemical detection to the measurement of free monomeric aromatic and aliphatic Determination of mercury vapor in air using a passive gold wire sampler 1076-81 Field method for the determination of aromatic primary amines in air.Part I. Generation of standard atmospher-Field method for the determination of aromatic primary amines in air.Part 11. Development of a sensitive field Pattern display for characterization of trace amounts of odorants discharged from nine odor sources 1 187-202 Sample reradiation effects in the quantitative analysis of crystalline silica in foundry samples by infrared Potentiometric determination of fluoride by a combination of continuous-flow analysis and the Gran addition A copper(1) iodide paper for the detection and determination of the concentration of mercury vapor in the exhaust gases from some odor sources 686-94 ACETONIDE 100-4 ACETONITRILE sulfides in certain organic solvent-bromine mixtures 22 1-6 ACETYLENE 497-505 ACID BASE method for calculation of the equivalence volume in acid-base titrations 23 1 4 2 ACNE CREAM ACRYLIC ADDITIVE ADRENALINE ADSORBENT technique to an environmental malodor 412-1 8 on of filtrable lead concentration 471-4 temperature effects 985-91 ADSORPTION AEROSOL AGRICULTURE chromatography 389-93 1-(2-pyridyl)piperazine reagent 85-93 gases of some odor sources 16671 AIR 488-9 isocyanates in air by high-performance liquid chromatography 676-85 es of amines 1082-7 test 1088-95 spectrophotometry 1240-2 method 1275-80 workplace atmosphere 13 18-2 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) 5 ALC Rapid automated enzymatic method for the determination of alcohol in blood and beverages using flow injection Dithiooxamide as a reagent for the detection and spectrophotometric determination of chloral hydrate in Application of electrochemical detection to the measurement of free monomeric aromatic and aliphatic Simple and rapid gas-chromatographic determination of trace amounts of lower aliphatic carbonyl compounds in Separation of scandium(II1) from succinate solution by extraction with liquid ion exchangers 806-9 Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation+xchange chromatography 529-36 Reagent for the spectrophotometric determination of iron(I1) in alkaline solution 1348-5 1 Formation of chromium atoms in air-acetylene flames.Part 11. Effect of matrix electrolytes 506-13 Utility of 7c-acceptors in charge-transfer complexation of alkaloids chloranilic acid as a spectrophotometric Potentiometry of alkoxylates 43W7 Determination of dithiocarbamates by liquid chromatography using transition-metal salts as ion-pair reagents, Investigation of the determination of tin tetraalkyls and alkyltin chlorides by atomic-absorption spectrometry Investigation of the determination of tin tetraalkyls and alkyltin chlorides by atomic-absorption spectrometry Determination of allopurinol in tablets by differential-pulse polarography 365-8 Determination of copper nickel and iron in heavy alloy using atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 47-53 Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of palladium(I1) and gold(II1) with methiomeprazine hydrochlo-Spectrophotometric determination of aluminum in alloys and ores.Part I. Removal of interfering metals as their Spectrophotometric determination of aluminum in alloys and ores. Part 11. Stripping aluminum after chelation of Use of ascorbic and thioglycolic acids to eliminate interference from iron in the aluminon method for determining Rapid sample pretreatment for removal of aluminum from aqueous solutions prior to fluoride determination Spectrophotometric determination of aluminum in alloys and ores.Part I. Removal of interfering metals as their Spectrophotometric determination of aluminum in alloys and ores. Part 11. Stripping aluminum after chelation of Method for the simultaneous determination of arsenic aluminum iron zinc chromium and copper in plant Use of ascorbic and thioglycolic acids to eliminate interference from iron in the aluminon method for determining High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of four biogenic amines in chocolate 394-402 Field method for the determination of aromatic primary amines in air.Part I. Generation of standard atmospher-Field method for the determination of aromatic primary amines in air. Part 11. Development of a sensitive field Separation and identification of aminocarboxylic acid sequestrants by high-performance liquid chromatography, Field method for the determination of aromatic primary amines in air. Part 11. Development of a sensitive field analysis 1309-1 7 alcoholic beverages 1237-9 isocyanates in air by high-performance liquid chromatography 67685 exhaust gases from some odor sources 686-94 ALC BEVERAGE ALIPH ALIQUAT ALK EARTH ALK SOLN ALKALI METAL SALT ALKALOID titrant in nonaqueous media 1 157-62 ALKOXYLATE ALKYLDITHIOCARBAMATE 129-34 ALKYLTIN after separation by gas-liquid or high-performance liquid-liquid chromatography 92 1-30 after separation by gas-liquid or high-performance liquid-liquid chromatography 92 1-30 ALKYLTIN CHLORIDE ALLOPURINOL ALLOY ride analysis of alloys and minerals 198-205 2-isopropylquinolin-8-01 chelates by precipitation and extraction 1 137-44 other metals with 2-isopropylquinolin-8-01 in 1-butanol 1 145-9 aluminum 1296-301 using a fluoride-selective electrode 904-6 2-isopropylquinolin-8-01 chelates by precipitation and extraction 1 137-44 other metals with 2-isopropylquinolin-8-01 in I-butanol 1 145-9 tissue without the use of perchloric acid 1174-8 aluminum 1296-30 1 ALUMINON ALUMINUM AMINE es of amines 1082-7 test 1088-95 AMINOCARBOXYLIC ACID 1203-7 AMINOCINNAMALDEHYDE test 1088-9 6 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) AMINODIBROMOBENZENE Rapid determination of trace amounts of selenium in biological samples by gas chromatography with electron-4,5-Diaminc+2,6-dimercaptopyrimidine as a spectrophotometric reagent for the determination of selenium in Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of iron(II1) with 2-(5-chloro-2-pyridylazo)-5-diethylamino-Extraction-spectrophotometric determination of tantalum(V) with 2-(2-thiazolylazo)-5-dimethylaminophenol Separation and extractive spectrophotometric determination of palladium and platinum with Gaminoquinoxalin-Spectrophotometric determination in nitrite in waters 243-7 Indirect spectrophotometric determination of iodide in table salts and pharmaceutical products 1224-7 A radiochemical modification of the Berthelot reaction for the determination of ammonia 114-17 Determination of ammonium- and nitrate-nitrogen by molecular emission cavity analysis 625-35 Spectrophotometric determination of L-ascorbic acid in vegetables and fruits 1 17-20 Accurate spectrophotometric method for the determination of silica in rocks minerals and related materials, Amorphous surface and quantitative x-ray powder diffractometry 69-75 Indirect amplification method for determining peroxydisulfate by alternating-current polarography 121 7-21 Titrimetric microdetermination of peroxydisulfate by amplification reactions 122 1-4 Voltammetric determination of 2- 3- and khloroaniline in mixtures 146-52 Gas-liquid chromatographic separation of chloroaniline and toluidine isomers on heteroaromatic stationary Determination of halquinol (chloroquinolin-8-01s) in premixes and medicated feeding stuffs 105- 13 4,5-Diamino-2,6-dimercaptopyrimidine as a spectrophotometric reagent for the determination of selenium in Microbiological assay of low levels of monensin in animal feeds 788-9 Determination of tryptophan in feeds and feed ingredients by high-performance liquid chromatography 968-73 ,Determination of pyrimethamine in animal feeds 1208-9 Use of thiaminase I in the determination of thiamine in biological materials 344-51 Determination of anions in atmospheric precipitation by ion chromatography 702-9 Sorption behavior of dodecylsulfate and other anionic surfactants on anion-exchange resins 537-46 Spectrophotometric determination of diethylcarbamazine and centperazine in urine 726-8 Characterization of candicidin and levorin by means of high-performance size-exclusion liquid chromatography, Spectrophotometric assay of bromhexine hydrochloride and its application to binary bromhexine-antibiotic Simultaneous determination of trace amounts of arsenic antimony and bismuth in herbage by hydride Atomic-absorption spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of arsenic in acrylic fibers containing Spectrophotometric determination of dissolved titanium in seawater after sodium diethyldithiocarbamate Study of 3-propyl-~hydroxy-~~arabinotetrahydroxybutyl-3-thiazolidin~2-thione as a reagent for the Use of stopflow ultraviolet scanning and variable-wavelength detection for enhanced peak identification and capture detection 757-62 semiconductors and animal feeds 720-3 AMINODIMERCAPTOPY RIMIDINE AMINOPHENOL phenol 1229-33 and 1,34iphenylguanidine 944-8 e-2,3-dithiol 1005-9 AMINOSALICYLIC ACID AMINOTOLUENE THIAZOLY LAZO AMMONIA AMMONIUM AMMONIUM MOLYBDATE AMINOPHENOL THIAZOLYLAZODIMETHYL AMINOQUINOXALINEDITHIOL 521-8 AMORPHOUS SURFACE AMPLIFICATION ANILINE CHLORO phases 906-8 ANIMAL FEED semiconductors and animal feeds 720-3 ANIMAL TISSUE ANION ANION EXCHANGE ANTHELMINTIC ANTIBIOTIC 3614 mixtures 478-8 1 ANTIMONY generation and inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectrometry 467-7 1 antimony oxide with solvent extraction and arsine generation 40-6 preconcentration 385-8 spectrophotometric determination of thallium(I)2 1 122-5 ANTIMONY OXIDE ANTIPYRYLMETHANE ARABINOTETRAHYDROXY BUTYLTHIAZOLIDINETHIONE ARO ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) 7 AROM(contd) sensitivity in high-performance liquid chromatography 122-6 chromatography 135-45 isocyanates in air by high-performance liquid chromatography 67685 es of amines 1082-7 test 1088-95 electrode and assessment of eluents for the flow-injection voltammetric determination of phosphate silicate, arsenate and germanate 1288-95 high-performance liquid chromatography 869-73 Determination of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in food water and smoke using high-performance liquid Application of electrochemical detection to the measurement of free monomeric aromatic and aliphatic Field method for the determination of aromatic primary amines in air.Part I. Generation of standard atmospher-Field method for the determination of aromatic primary amines in air. Part 11. Development of a sensitive field Differential-pulse voltammetric determination of phosphate as molybdovanadophosphate at a glassy carbon ARSENATE ARSENAZO Determination of rare earths in monazite sand and rare-earth impurities in high-purity rare-earth oxides by Selective spectrophotometric method for the determination of uranium(VI) 724-6 Atomic-absorption spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of arsenic in acrylic fibers containing Determination of inorganic arsenic(II1) and arsenic(V) methylarsenic and dimethylarsenic species by selective Direct spectrophotometric method for the determination of hydrochloric acid-releasable arsenic in sediments and Destructive neutron-activation analysis of toxic elements in suspended materials released from refuse incinerators Determination of arsenic by emission spectrometry using an inductively coupled plasma source and the syringe Simultaneous determination of trace amounts of arsenic antimony and bismuth in herbage by hydride Determination of total inorganic arsenic in fish shellfish and fish products 514-20 Inexpensive simple hydride generation system with minimum interferences for the atomic-absorption spectropho-Method for the simultaneous determination of arsenic aluminum iron zinc chromium and copper in plant Atomic-absorption spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of arsenic in acrylic fibers containing Spectrophotometric determination of L-ascorbic acid in vegetables and fruits 1 17-20 Use of ascorbic and thioglycolic acids to eliminate interference from iron in the aluminon method for determining Determination of trace elements in plant materials by a dry-ashing procedure.Part 1. Cobalt and molybdenum, Determination of trace elements in plant materials by a dry-ashing procedure. Part 11. Copper manganese and Determination of anions in atmospheric precipitation by ion chromatography 702-9 Monitoring exposure to toxic gases in workplace atmospheres 103W1 A copper(1) iodide paper for the detection and determination of the concentration of mercury vapor in the Formation of chromium atoms in air-acetylene flames. Part 11. Effect of matrix electrolytes 50613 Formation of chromium atoms in air-acetylene flames.Part I. Atom formation from pure chromium compounds Formation of chromium atoms in air-acetylene flames. Part 11. Effect of matrix electrolytes 506-13 Determination of lead in drinking water by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with electrothermal Atomic-absorption spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of arsenic in acrylic fibers containing Determination of copper nickel and iron in heavy alloy using atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 47-53 Separation of protein-bound copper and zinc in human plasma by means of gel filtration-ion-xchange Determination of trace elements in plant materials by a dry-ashing procedure. Part 11. Copper manganese and ARSENAZO I11 ARSENIC antimony oxide with solvent extraction and arsine generation 40-6 hydride-evolution atomic-absorption spectroscopy 2 13-20 soils 31 1-15 328-34 hydride technique 464-7 generation and inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectrometry 467-7 1 tometry of arsenic 931-8 tissue without the use of perchloric acid 1174-8 antimony oxide with solvent extraction and arsine generation 40-6 ARSINE ASCORBIC ACID aluminum 129630 1 ASHING 172-8 1 zinc 182-7 ATM workplace atmosphere 131 8-25 ATOM ATOM FORMATION 497-505 ATOMIC ABSORPTION atomization 23-3 1 antimony oxide with solvent extraction and arsine generation 40-6 chromatography 1539 zinc 182-8 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) ATOMIC ABSORPTION(contd) Application of an automatically triggered digital integrator to flame atomic-absorption spectrometry of copper Determination of inorganic arsenic(II1) and arsenic(V) methylarsenic and dimethylarsenic species by selective The impact of microprocessors on analytical instrumentation.A review 257-82 Computer-linked atomic-absorption spectroscopy a streamlined approach to environmental analysis 283-7 Determination of lead in urine by atomic-absorption spectroscopy with electrothermal atomization 299-304 Formation of chromium atoms in air-acetylene flames. Part I. Atom formation from pure chromium compounds Formation of chromium atoms in air-acetylene flames. Part 11. Effect of matrix electrolytes 506-13 Determination of total inorganic arsenic in fish shellfish and fish products 514-20 Determination of sub-microgram amounts of selenium in geological materials by atomic-absorption spectrophot-ometry with electrothermal atomization after solvent extraction 647-52 Formulation of analytical procedures involving flame atomic-absorption spectrometry 695-70 1 Analytical applications of emulsions in atomic-absorption spectrophotometry determination of zinc in undecenoate ointments using aqueous inorganic standards 737-42 Method for improving the determination of silicon by atomic-absorption spectrometry using a tantalum-coated carbon furnace 743-50 Versatile fusion method for the dissolution of refractory materials 794-6 Comparison of flame electrothermal and inductively coupled plasma atomization techniques for the direct analysis of slurries 9 13-20 Investigation of the determination of tin tetraalkyls and alkyltin chlorides by atomic-absorption spectrometry after separation by gas-liquid or high-performance liquid-liquid chromatography 92 1-30 Inexpensive simple hydride generation system with minimum interferences for the atomic-absorption spectropho-tometry of arsenic 931-8 Determination of trace amounts of barium in calcium+ontaining matrixes by atomic-absorption spectrophotom-etry following solvent extraction with poly(ethy1ene glycol) 939-43 Determination of gold in tissue and feces by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry using carbon rod atomization 1096- 102 Flow injection sample introduction for atomic-adsorption spectrometry applications of a simplified model for dispersion 1125-9 Method for the simultaneous determination of arsenic aluminum iron zinc chromium and copper in plant tissue without the use of perchloric acid 1174-8 Determination of tungsten in its ores and concentrates by atomic-absorption spectrometry 1210-1 3 Laser ablation for the introduction of solid samples into an inductively coupled plasma for atomic-emission Separation of protein-bound copper and zinc in human plasma by means of gel filtration-ion-exchange The impact of microprocessors on analytical instrumentation.A review 257-82 Simultaneous determination of trace metals in seawater using dithiocarbamate preconcentration and inductively Simultaneous determination of trace amounts of arsenic antimony and bismuth in herbage by hydride A novel method of wavelength modulation for atomic spectrometry. Some preliminary experiments 288-98 Determination of mercury vapor in air using a passive gold wire sampler 10768 1 Formation of chromium atoms in air-acetylene flames.Part 11. Effect of matrix electrolytes 506-1 3 Comparison of flame electrothermal and inductively coupled plasma atomization techniques for the direct Utility of n-acceptors in charge-transfer complexation of alkaloids chloranilic acid as a spectrophotometric Bromate oxidation of methyl orange. Part 11. Effect of bromide and application to the determination of bromide, Application of an automatically triggered digital integrator to flame atomic-absorption spectrometry of copper Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant. Part VI. Further extension of the Gran I The impact of microprocessors on analytical instrumentation. A review 257-82 Multi-purpose automatic solvent extractor 620-4 Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant.Part VII. Potentiometric precipitation Relationship between concentrations of metal aerosol pollutants and the averaging time 8556 1 Spectrophotometric determination in nitrite in waters 243-7 using a discrete nebulization technique 206-1 2 hydride-evolution atomic-absorption spectroscopy 2 13-20 497-505 ATOMIC EMISSION spectrometry 32-9 chromatography 153-9 coupled plasma emission spectrometry 419-28 generation and inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectrometry 467-7 1 ATOMIC FLUORESCENCE . ATOMIZATION analysis of slurries 9 13-20 titrant in nonaqueous media 1 157-62 76-84 using a discrete nebulization technique 206-12 method for calculation of the equivalence volume in acid-base titrations 23 1-42 ATROPINE AUTOMATION titrations 1109-18 AVERAGING TIME AZ ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) 9 AZODIAMINOTOLUENE THIAZOLYL AZODIETHYLAMINOPHENOL Indirect spectrophotometric determination of iodide in table salts and pharmaceutical products 1224-7 Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of iron(II1) with 2-(5-chloro-2-pyridylazo~~iethylamino-Extraction-spectrophotometric determination of tan talum(V) with 2-(2-thiazolylazo~5-dimethylaminophenol A novel method of wavelength modulation for atomic spectrometry. Some preliminary experiments 288-98 Potentiometry of alkoxylates 43947 Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-exchange chromatography 529-36 Determination of trace amounts of barium in calciumsontaining matrixes by atomic-absorption spectrophotom-Barium-polyethoxylate ccmplexes as potentiometric sensors and their application to the determination of Application of gas-liquid chromatography to the analysis of essential oils.Part IX. Determination of eugenol in Determination of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in food water and smoke using high-performance liquid Benzothiadiazine dissociation constants. Part I. Ultraviolet spectrophotometric pK determinations 557-64 Benzothiadiazine dissociation constants. Part 11. The order of deprotonation 565-73 Spectrophotometric determination of vanadium(V) using 4-benzoyl-3-methyl-l-phenyl-5-pyrazolone 250-3 A radiochemical modification of the Berthelot reaction for the determination of ammonia 11417 Determination of caffeine using sodium N<hlorwptoluenesulfonamide 729-32 Rapid automated enzymatic method for the determination of alcohol in blood and beverages using flow injection Determination of formaldehyde in the atmosphere observations concerning the storage of aqueous samples, High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of four biogenic amines in chocolate 394-402 Application of an automatically triggered digital integrator to flame atomic-absorption spectrometry of copper using a discrete nebulization technique 206-12 Determination of microgram amounts of calcium in small biological samples by EDTA titration using Patton and Reeder’s indicator 227-30 Fluorometric assay of polyanions in complex fluids carrageenan stabilizers in dairy products and heparin in hog mucosa extracts 33543 Profiles of organic volatiles in biological fluids as an aid to the diagnosis of disease 352-60 Rapid determination of trace amounts of selenium in biological samples by gas chromatography with electron-capture detection 75742 Development and evaluation of selected assays for drugs and drug metabolitss in biological materials 1025-35 Solvent extraction of the thiocyanato mixed-ligand complexes of iron(II1) with various hydroxyamidines and spectrophotometric determination of iron(II1) in various biochemical and biological samples 1 150-6 Simultaneous determination of trace amounts of arsenic antimony and bismuth in herbage by hydride generation and inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectrometry 467-7 1 A novel method of wavelength modulation for atomic spectrometry.Some preliminary experiments 288-98 Rapid determination of trace amounts of selenium in biological samples by gas chromatography with electron-Spectrophotometric determination of copper in blood serum with 4-(2quinolylazo)phenol 799-802 Determination of methylmercury in tissue using enzyme proteolysis 1009-1 3 Solvent extraction of the thiocyanato mixed-ligand complexes of iron(II1) with various hydroxyamidines and Rapid automated enzymatic method for the determination of alcohol in blood and beverages using flow injection phenol 1229-33 and 1,3diphenylguanidine 944-8 AZODIMETHY LAMINOPHENOL THIAZOLY L BACKGROUND CORRECTION BARIUM etry following solvent extraction with poly(ethy1ene glycol) 93943 nonionic surfactants 974-84 oil of cinnamon bark 456-60 BARK BENZOPYRENE chromatography 135-45 BENZOTHI ADIAZINE BENZOY LMETHY LPHENY LPY RAZOLONE BERTHELOT BEVERAGE analysis 1309-1 7 BIOCIDE 488-9 BIOGENIC BIOL MATERIAL BISMUTH BLOOD capture detection 757-62 spectrophotometric determination of iron(II1) in various biochemical and biological samples 1 15CL6 analysis 1309-17 BORON Solvent extraction-spectrophotometric determination of boron in steel with 2,4-dinitronaphthalene-l,84iol and Dithiooxamide as a reagent for the detection and spectrophotometric determination of chloral hydrate in Brilliant Green 7768 1 BRAND 10 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) BRANDY(contd) BRILLIANT GREEN alcoholic beverages 1237-9 Brilliant Green 776-81 Solvent extraction-spectrophotometric determination of boron in steel with 2,4-dinitronaphthaIene-l,8-diol and Spectrophotometric and titrimetric determination of catecholamines using organic brominating agents 949-54 Bromate oxidation of methyl orange.Part 11. Effect of bromide and application to the determination of bromide, Spectrophotometric assay of bromhexine hydrochloride and its application to binary bromhexine-antibiotic Spectrophotometric assay of bromhexine hydrochloride and its application to binary bromhexine-antibiotic Bromate oxidation of methyl orange. Part 11. Effect of bromide and application to the determination of bromide, Selectivity parameters of homogeneous solid-state chloride ion-selective electrodes and the surface morphology Spectrophotometric and titrimetric determination of catecholamines using organic brominating agents 949-54 Studies in chemical phase analysis.Part 11. Determination of the solubilities of carbides nitrides oxides and Destructive neutron-activation analysis of toxic elements in suspended materials released from refuse incinerators Spectrophotometric assay of bromhexine hydrochloride and its application to binary bromhexine-antibiotic Selective determination of sparteine by thermochromism of associates with tetrabromophenolphthalein ethyl ester Determination of bromoxynil and ioxynil in technical bromoxynil and ioxynil esters by high-performance liquid Evaluation of NN’-di(2-naphthyl)phenylene-l ,+diamine as a reagent for the spectrophotometric determination Destructive neutron-activation analysis of toxic elements in suspended materials released from refuse incinerators Simultaneous determination of trace metals in seawater using dithiocarbamate‘ preconcentration and inductively Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-exchange chromatography 529-36 Simultaneous determination of copper lead cadmium and zinc in nonferrous smelter products by differential-Mutual interference effect shown by copper and cadmium in potentiometric stripping analysis 101 7-1 9 Multi-purpose automatic solvent extractor 6 2 W Determination of caffeine using sodium N-chloro-ptoluenesulfonamide 729-32 Determination of microgram amounts of calcium in small biological samples by EDTA titration using Patton and Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-exchange chromatography 529-36 Thin-layer chromatography of some unstable pharmaceuticals and intermediates 602-4 Determination of trace amounts of barium in calcium<ontaining matrixes by atomic-absorption spectrophotom-Effect of experimental design on assay calibration 1249-54 Characterization of candicidin and levorin by means of high-performance size-exclusion liquid chromatography, Profiles of organic volatiles in biological fluids as an aid to the diagnosis of disease 352-60 Polarographic determination of temazepam in soft gelatin capsule formulations 768-75 BROMAMINE T BROMATE 76-84 BROMHEXINE mixtures 478-8 1 mixtures 478-81 76-84 of silver chloride-silver sulfide disks under simulated interference conditions 547-56 BROMHEXINE HYDROCHLORIDE BROMIDE BROMINATING AGENT BROMINE sulfides in certain organic solvent-bromine mixtures 22 1-6 328-34 BROMOCRESOL PURPLE mixtures 478-8 1 BROMOPHENOLPHTHALEIN ETHYL ESTER 584-9 BROMOXYNIL chromatography gas-liquid chromatography and titrimetry 7 13-1 7 of organic peroxides 574-83 BUTTER CADMIUM 328-34 coupled plasma emission spectrometry 4 19-28 pulse polarography 790-3 CAFFEINE CALCIUM Reeder’s indicator 227-30 CALCIUM CARBONATE CALCIUM MATRIX etry following solvent extraction with poly(ethy1ene glycol) 93943 CALIBRATION CANDICIDIN 361-4 CAPILLARY CAPSUL ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) 11 CARBAMIDE CYCLOHEXYLNITROSO CARBIDE Thin-layer chromatography of some unstable pharmaceuticals and intermediates 602-4 Studies in chemical phase analysis.Part 11. Determination of the solubilities of carbides nitrides oxides and Separation and determination of selenium(1V) and tellurium(1V) carbodithioates by thin-layer chromatography Use of a carbon fiber indicator electrode for the potentiometric titration of glycine in glacial acetic acid 1344-7 Method for improving the determination of silicon by atomic-absorption spectrometry using a tantalum-coated Further voltammetric studies of synthetic food coloring matters at glassy carbon and carbon paste electrodes Determination of gold in tissue and feces by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry using carbon rod atomization Determination of residues of dithiocarbamate pesticides in foodstuffs by a headspace method 782-7 Simple and rapid gas-chromatographic determination of trace amounts of lower aliphatic carbonyl compounds in Fluorometric assay of polyanions in complex fluids carrageenan stabilizers in dairy products and heparin in hog Bromate oxidation of methyl orange.Part 11. Effect of bromide and application to the determination of bromide, Determination of water in NN-dimethylformamide by the kinetic method of tangents using the oxidation of Determination of water in NNclimethylformamide by the kinetic method of tangents using the oxidation of Spectrophotometric and titrimetric determination of catecholamines using organic brominating agents 949-54 Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-xchange chromatography 529-36 Spectrophotometric determination of diethylcarbamazine and centperazine in urine 7268 Differential-pulse polarographic determination of degradation products of cephalosporins comparison of the degradation of cephaloglycin in neutral solution with that of cephalexin 1213-17 Differential-pulse polarographic determination of degradation products of cephalosporins comparison of the degradation of cephaloglycin in neutral solution with that of cephalexin 121 3-1 7 Differential-pulse polarographic determination of degradation products of cephalosporins comparison of the degradation of cephaloglycin in neutral solution with that of cephalexin 121 3-17 Use of thiaminase I in the determination of thiamine in biological materials 344-51 Anodic generation of cerium(1V).Charge-transfer kinetic parameters and conditional potentials at platinum, Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-xchange chromatography 529-36 Destructive neutron-activation analysis of toxic elements in suspended materials released from refuse incinerators Simultaneod determination of eight trace elements in human skin by instrumental neutron-activation analysis, Performance of the Porton Down charcoal cloth diffusive sampler 590-8 Anodic generation of cerium(1V). Charge-transfer kinetic parameters and conditional potentials at platinum, Generation of chlorine at glassy carbon. Study of kinetic parameters and current efficiencies by rotating disk Utility of x-acceptors in charge-transfer complexation of alkaloids chloranilic acid as a spectrophotometric sulfides in certain organic solvent-bromine mixtures 22 1-6 and visible spectrophotometry using morpholinekarbodithioate 599-602 CARBODITHIOATE CARBON FIBER CARBON FURNACE carbon furnace 743-50 CARBON PASTE using static and flowing systems 883-9 1096-102 CARBON ROD ATOMIZATION CARBON SULFIDE CARBONYL exhaust gases from some odor sources 686-94 mucosa extracts 335-43 CARRAGEENAN CATALYTIC ANALYSIS 7&84 catechol as the indicator reaction 247-50 CATECHOL catechol as the indicator reaction 247-50 CATECHOLAMINE CATION EXCHANGE CHROMATOG CENTPERAZINE CEPHALEXIN CEPHALOGLYCIN CEPHALOSPORIN CEREAL CERIUM gold and glassy carbon 3 1622 CESIUM 328-34 1 168-73 CHARCOAL CLOTH CHARGE TRANSFER gold and glassy carbon 3 16-22 electrode voltammetry 433-8 titrant in nonaqueous media 1 157-6 12 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1 98 1) CHARGE TRANSFER(contd) CHLORAL HYDRATE Spectrophotometric determination of piperazine via chargetransfer complexes 1 163-7 Dithiooxamide as a reagent for the detection and spectrophotometric determination of chloral hydrate in Determination of caffeine using sodium N-chloro-ptoluenesulfonamide 729-32 Utility of n-acceptors in charge-transfer complexation of alkaloids chloranilic acid as a spectrophotometric Selectivity parameters of homogeneous solid-state chloride ion-selective electrodes and the surface morphology Determination of anions in atmospheric precipitation by ion chromatography 702-9 Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant.Part VII. Potentiometric precipitation Generation of chlorine at glassy carbon. Study of kinetic parameters and current efficiencies by rotating disk Generation of chlorine at glassy carbon. Study of kinetic parameters and current efficiencies by rotating disk Voltammetric determination of 2- 3- and khloroaniline in mixtures 146-52 Gas-liquid chromatographic separation of chloroaniline and toluidine isomers on heteroaromatic stationary alcoholic beverages 1237-9 CHLORAMINE T CHLORANILIC ACID titrant in nonaqueous media 115742 of silver chloride-silver sulfide disks under simulated interference conditions 547-56 titrations 1109-18 electrode voltammetry 433-8 electrode voltammetry 433-8 CHLORIDE CHLORINE CHLORINE GENERATION CHLOROANILINE phases 906-8 CHLOROETHYLCYCLOHEXYLNITROSOCARBAMIDE Thin-layer chromatography of some unstable pharmaceuticals and intermediates 602-4 CHLOROPY RIDY LAZODIETHYLAMINOPHENOL Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of iron(II1) with 2-(5-chloro-2-pyridylazo)-5-diethylamino-Extractive spectrophotometric determination of niobium in pyrochlore-bearing rocks with 5,7-dichloro-8-High-performance liquid chromatography determination of chlorpromazine and thioridazine hydrochlorides in phenol 1229-33 CHLOROQUINOLINOL quinolinol 1268-74 CHLORPROMAZINE HYDROCHLORIDE pharmaceutical formulations 1 1 19-22 CHOCOLATE High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of four biogenic amines in chocolate 394-402 CHOLINESTERASE A discrete plasma cholinesterase assay adapted for batch analysis 120-1 Spectrophotometric determination of micro-amounts of chromate in the presence of iron(III) chromium(III), Determination of atmospheric isocyanate concentrations by high-performance thin-layer chromatography using Determination of halquinol (chloroquinolin-8-01s) in premixes and medicated feeding stuffs 105-1 3 Use of stopflow ultraviolet scanning and variable-wavelength detection for enhanced peak identification and Determination of dithiocarbamates by liquid chromatography using transition-metal salts as ion-pair reagents, Determination of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in food water and smoke using high-performance liquid Voltammetric determination of 2- 3- and khloroaniline in mixtures 14652 Separation of protein-bound copper and zinc in human plasma by means of gel filtration-ion-exchange Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of major constituents of Piper methysticum 160-5 Gas-chromatographic determination of trace amounts of lower fatty acids in ambient air near and in exhaust The impact of microprocessors on analytical instrumentation.A review 257-82 Profiles of organic volatiles in biological fluids as an aid to the diagnosis of disease 352-60 Characterization of candicidin and levorin by means of high-performance size-exclusion liquid chromatography, Simple method for the differentiation of fuel oil and weathered crude oil pollutants 373-4 Determination of residues of furalaxyl and metalaxyl in nutrient solution peat compost and soil samples by gas High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of four biogenic amines in chocolate 394-402 Comparison of some porous polymers as adsorbents for collection of odor samples and the application of the CHROMATE and other ions 1234-7 142-pyridy1)piperazine reagent 85-93 sensitivity in high-performance liquid chromatography 122-6 CHROMATOG 129-34 chromatography 135-45 chromatography 153-9 gases of some odor sources 166-7 1 361-4 chromatography 389-93 technique to an environmental malodor 412-1 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) 13 CH ROM ATOG(contd) Application of gas-liquid chromatography to the analysis of essential oils. Part VIII. Fingerprinting of essential oils by temperature-programmed gas-liquid chromatography using methyl silicone stationary phases 448-55 Application of gas-liquid chromatography to the analysis of essential oils.Part IX. Determination of eugenol in oil of cinnamon bark 45-0 Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-exchange chromatography 529-36 Separation and determination of selenium(1V) and tellurium(1V) carbodithioates by thin-layer chromatography and visible spectrophotometry using morpholine&arbodithioate 599-602 Thin-layer chromatography of some unstable pharmaceuticals and intermediates 6024 Application of electrochemical detection to the measurement of free monomeric aromatic and aliphatic isocyanates in air by high-performance liquid chromatography 676-85 Simple and rapid gas-chromatographic determination of trace amounts of lower aliphatic carbonyl compounds in exhaust gases from some odor sources 686-94 Determination of anions in atmospheric precipitation by ion chromatography 702-9 Determination of indigo carmine in boiled sweets and similar confectionery products 710-13 Determination of bromoxynil and ioxynil in technical bromoxynil and ioxynil esters by high-performance liquid Determination of therapeutic concentrations of indoramin by liquid chromatography with fluorometric detection Rapid determination of trace amounts of selenium in biological samples by gas chromatography with electron-Measurement of phenol in urine by the method of Van Haaften and Sie a critical appraisal 763-7 Determination of the mothproofing agent Eulan WA (New) in fish tissue using gas-liquid chromatography Determination of rare earths in monazite sand and rare-earth impurities in high-purity rare-earth oxides by Gas-liquid chromatographic separation of chloroaniline and toluidine isomers on heteroaromatic stationary Investigation of the determination of tin tetraalkyls and alkyltin chlorides by atomic-absorption spectrometry Determination of tryptophan in feeds and feed ingredients by high-performance liquid chromatography 968-73 Determination of meptazinol in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, Determination of diazepam and its major metabolites using high-performance liquid chromatography 100 1-4 Determination of methylmercury in tissue using enzyme proteolysis 1009-1 3 Development and evaluation of selected assays for drugs and drug metabolites in biological materials 1025-35 Aspects of the analysis of drugs and drug metabolites by high-performance liquid chromatography 1071-5 Field method for the determination of aromatic primary amines in air.Part I. Generation of standard atmospher-Determination of riboflavin and flavin mononucleotide in foodstuffs using high-performance liquid chromatogra-High-performance liquid chromatography determination of chlorpromazine and thioridazine hydrochlorides in Pattern display for characterization of trace amounts of odorants discharged from nine odor sources 1 187-202 Separation and identification of aminocarboxylic acid sequestrants by high-performance liquid chromatography, Determination of pyrimethamine in animal feeds 1208-9 Effect of temperature on the structural rearrangements of polyesters (LAC-series) when used as liquid stationary Destructive neutron-activation analysis of toxic elements in suspended materials released from refuse incinerators Formation of chromium atoms in air-acetylene flames.Part I. Atom formation from pure chromium compounds Formation of chromium atoms in air-acetylene flames. Part 11. Effect of matrix electrolytes 506-13 Coulometric determination of herbicides containing nitro groups by reduction with electro-generated chromium(-Qualitative and semiquantitative determination of chromium(V1) in aqueous solution using 1,5diphenylcarbazi-Simultaneous determination of eight trace elements in human skin by instrumental neutron-activation analysis, Method for the simultaneous determination of arsenic aluminum iron zinc chromium and copper in plant Spectrophotometric determination of micro-amounts of chromate in the presence of iron(III) chromium(III), Comparison of some porous polymers as adsorbents for collection of odor samples and the application of the Determination of formaldehyde in the atmosphere observations concerning the storage of aqueous samples, ' chromatography gas-liquid chromatography and titrimetry 71 3-1 7 717-19 capture detection 757-62 following extractive methylation 862-8 high-performance liquid chromatography 869-73 phases 906-8 after separation by gas-liquid or high-performance liquid-liquid chromatography 92 1-30 999-1001 es of amines 1082-7 phy and a column-enrichment technique 1103-8 pharmaceutical formulations 1 1 19-22 1203-7 phases in gas-liquid chromatography 1302-8 CHROMIUM 328-34 497-505 11) 7969 de-loaded foam 809- 12 1 168-73 tissue without the use of perchloric acid 1174-8 and other ions 1234-7 technique to an environmental malodor 412-18 CH ROMOSORB CHROMOTROPIC ACI 14 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) CHROMOTROPIC ACID(contd) CINNAMALDEHYDE 488-9 Field method for the determination of aromatic primary amines in air. Part 11. Development of a sensitive field Application of gas-liquid chromatography to the analysis of essential oils. Part IX. Determination of eugenol in Application of an improved steam distillation procedure in residue analysis. Part 11. Determination of 2-Simultaneous determination of eight trace elements in human skin by instrumental neutron-activation analysis, Seam and location differentiation of coal specimens using trace element concentrations 874-82 Determination of dithiocarbamates by liquid chromatography using transition-metal salts as ion-pair reagents, Determination of trace elements in plant materials by a dry-ashing procedure.Part 1. Cobalt and molybdenum, Destructive neutron-activation analysis of toxic elements in suspended materials released from refuse incinerators Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-exchange chromatography 529-36 Simultaneous determination of eight trace elements in human skin by instrumental neutron-activation analysis, High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of four biogenic amines in chocolate 394-402 Continuous-flow injection analysis of aqueous environmental samples for chemical oxygen demand 653-62 Field method for the determination of aromatic primary amines in air.Part 11. Development of a sensitive field Further voltammetric studies of synthetic food coloring matters at glassy carbon and carbon paste electrodes Utility of n-acceptors in charge-transfer complexation of alkaloids chloranilic acid as a spectrophotometric Rapid direct complexometric determination of palladium(I1) with EDTA 46 1-4 Determination of residues of furalaxyl and metalaxyl in nutrient solution peat compost and soil samples by gas Computer-linked atomic-absorption spectroscopy a streamlined approach to environmental analysis 283-7 Determination of tungsten in its ores and concentrates by atomic-absorption spectrometry 1210-1 3 Determination of indigo carmine in boiled sweets and similar confectionery products 710-1 3 Determination of copper nickel and iron in heavy alloy using atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 47-53 Separation of protein-bound copper and zinc in human plasma by means of gel filtration-ion-exchange Determination of trace elements in plant materials by a dry-ashing procedure.Part TI. Copper manganese and Application of an automatically triggered digital integrator to flame atomic-absorption spectrometry of copper A novel method of wavelength modulation for atomic spectrometry. Some preliminary experiments 288-98 Simultaneous determination of trace metals in seawater using dithiocarbamate preconcentration and inductively Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-exchange chromatography 529-36 Simultaneous determination of copper lead cadmium and zinc in nonferrous smelter products by differential-Spectrophotometric determination of copper in blood serum with 4-(2&quinolylazo)phenol 799-802 Mutual interference effect shown by copper and cadmium in potentiometric stripping analysis 101 7-19 Method for the simultaneous determination of arsenic aluminum iron zinc chromium and conper in plant Separation and identification of aminocarboxylic acid sequestrants by high-performance liquid chromatography, test 1088-95 oil of cinnamon bark 456-60 phenylphenol in citrus fruits by a spectrophotometric method 94-9 CINNAMON CITRUS CLUSTER ANALYSIS 1168-73 COAL COBALT 129-34 172-8 1 328-34 1168-73 COCOA COD COLORIMETRY test 1088-95 using static and flowing systems 883-9 titrant in nonaqueous media 1157-62 COLORING COMPLEXATION COMPLEXOMETRY COMPOST chromatography 389-93 COMPUTER CONCENTRATES CONFECTIONERY COPPER chromatography 153-9 zinc 182-7 using a discrete nebulization technique 206-1 2 coupled plasma emission spectrometry 419-28 pulse polarography 790-3 tissue without the use of perchloric acid 1 174-8 1203-ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1 98 1) 15 COPPER(contd) Sequential multielement analysis using silver and copper ion-selective electrodes 128 1-7 A copper(1) iodide paper for the detection and determination of the concentration of mercury vapor in the Gravimetric determination of 2-hydroxyquinoxaline by precipitation with copper(1) chloride 901-4 Differential-pulse polarography of trichothecene toxins detection of deoxynivalenol in corn 992-8 Amorphous surface and quantitative x-ray powder diffractometry 69-75 Coulometric determination of herbicides containing nitro groups by reduction with electro-generated chromium(-Rapid spectrophotometric determination of nitrate with 4,54ihydroxycoumarin 483-7 Potentiometry of alkoxylates 439-47 Extraction of potassium with trifluoromethyl-substituted chromogenic crown ethers 63640 Assessment of phosphorescence spectroscopy for crude oil identification 188-97 Simple method for the differentiation of fuel oil and weathered crude oil pollutants 373-4 Interference due to crystal formation in the spectrophotometric determination of iron(I1) using 2,4,6-tri(2’-Kinetic parameters and current efficiencies for manganese(II1) generation from manganese(II) 429-32 Generation of chlorine at glassy carbon.Study of kinetic parameters and current efficiencies by rotating disk Polycrystalline ion-selective electrode based on silver tetraiodomercurate(I1)-silver(1) sulfide 323-7 Thin-layer chromatography of some unstable pharmaceuticals and intermediates 602-4 Fluorometric assay of polyanions in complex fluids carrageenan stabilizers in dairy products and heparin in hog The impact of microprocessors on analytical instrumentation. A review 257-82 Thin-layer chromatography of some unstable pharmaceuticals and intermediates 602-4 Differential-pulse polarographic determination of degradation products of cephalosporins comparison of the Differential-pulse polarographic determination of degradation products of cephalosporins comparison of the Measurement of heavy water concentration with a density meter 609-19 Differential-pulse polarography of trichothecene toxins detection of deoxynivalenol in corn 992-8 High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of four biogenic amines in chocolate 394-402 Various applications of functional group analysis 1057-70 Simultaneous determination of eight trace elements in human skin by instrumental neutron-activation analysis, Determination of diazepam and its major metabolites using high-performance liquid chromatography 1001-4 Measurement of heavy water concentration with a density meter 609-19 Profiles of organic volatiles in biological fluids as an aid to the diagnosis of disease 352-60 Spectrophotometric determination of dissolved titanium in seawater after sodium diethyldithiocarbamate Determination of diazepam and its major metabolites using high-performance liquid chromatography 10014 Benzothiadiazine dissociation constants.Part I. Ultraviolet spectrophotometric pK determinations 557-64 Benzothiadiazine dissociation constants. Part 11. The order of deprotonation 565-73 workplace atmosphere 13 18-25 COPPER CHLORIDE CORN CORUNDUM COULOMETRY II) 796-9 COUMARIN CRIT MICELLE CONCN CROWN ETHER CRUDE OIL CRYSTAL FORMATION pyridyl)-l,3,5-triazine 1227-9 CURRENT EFFICIENCY electrode voltammetry 433-8 CYANIDE CYCLOHEXYLNITROSOCARBAMIDE DAIRY PRODUCTS mucosa extracts 335-43 DATA PROCESSING DEGRDN degradation of cephaloglycin in neutral solution with that of cephalexin 121 3-1 7 degradation of cephaloglycin in neutral solution with that of cephalexin 121 3-1 7 DEGRDN PRODUCT DENSIMETRY DEOXYNIVALENOL DERIVATIZATION DERMIS 1168-73 DESMETHYLDIAZEPAM DEUTERIUM DIAGNOSIS DIANTIPYRYLMETHANE preconcentration 385-8 DIAZEPAM DIAZOXID 16 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) DICHROMATE DIETHYLCARBAMAZINE DIFFERENTIAL PULSE Formation of chromium atoms in air-acetylene flames. Part 11. Effect of matrix electrolytes 506-1 3 Spectrophotometric determination of diethylcarbamazine and centperazine in urine 726-8 Differential-pulse voltammetry of sulfur dioxide at the parts per lo9 level in air 474-8 Differential-pulse polarography of trichothecene toxins detection of deoxynivalenol in corn 992-8 Differential-pulse polarographic determination of degradation products of cephalosporins comparison of the degradation of cephaloglycin in neutral solution with that of cephalexin 121 3-17 Differential-pulse voltammetric determination of phosphate as molybdovanadophosphate at a glassy carbon electrode and assessment of eluents for the flow-injection voltammetric determination of phosphate silicate, arsenate and germanate 1288-95 DIFFRACTOMETRY DIFFUSIVE SAMPLER DILN DIPHENYLCARBAZIDE Amorphous surface and quantitative x-ray powder diffractometry 69-75 Performance of the Porton Down charcoal cloth diffusive sampler 59&8 Standard atmosphere generator a dynamic system for the controlled dilution of organic vapors in air 403-1 1 Qualitative and semiquantitative determination of chromium(V1) in aqueous solution using 1,54iphenylcarbazi-de-loaded foam 809- 12 DISEASE Profiles of organic volatiles in biological fluids as an aid to the diagnosis of disease 352-60 DISPERSION Flow injection sample introduction for atomic-adsorption spectrometry applications of a simplified model for Benzothiadiazine dissociation constants.Part I. Ultraviolet spectrophotometric pK determinations 557-64 Benzothiadiazine dissociation constants. Part 11. The order of deprotonation 565-73 A discrete plasma cholinesterase assay adapted for batch analysis 120-1 Determination of dithiocarbamates by liquid chromatography using transition-metal salts as ion-pair reagents, Spectrophotometric determination of dissolved titanium in seawater after sodium diethyldithiocarbamate Simultaneous determination of trace metals in seawater using dithiocarbamate preconcentration and inductively Determination of residues of dithiocarbamate pesticides in foodstuffs by a headspace method 782-7 Dithiooxamide as a reagent for the detection and spectrophotometric determination of chloral hydrate in Spectrophotometric and fluorometric determination of tri- and diorganotin and -organolead compounds using Determination of water in NN4imethylformamide by the kinetic method of tangents using the oxidation of Coulometric determination of herbicides containing nitro groups by reduction with electr-generated chromium(-Sorption behavior of dodecylsulfate and other anionic surfactants on anion-exchange resins 537-46 Determination of lead in drinking water by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with electrothermal Spectrophotometric determination of diethylcarbamazine and centperazine in urine 726-8 Development and evaluation of selected assays for drugs and drug metabolites in biological materials 1025-35 Aspects of the analysis of drugs and drug metabolites by high-performance liquid chromatography 107 1-5 Selective spectrophotometric method for the determination of uranium(VI) 724-6 Separation and identification of aminocarboxylic acid sequestrants by high-performance liquid chromatography, Sample reradiation effects in the quantitative analysis of crystalline silica in foundry samples by infrared Nebulizer system for analysis of high salt content solutions with an inductively coupled plasma 54-9 dispersion 1125-9 DISSOCN CONST DITHIOBISNITROBENZOIC ACID DITHIOCARBAMATE 129-34 preconcentration 385-8 coupled plasma emission spectrometry 41 9-28 DITHIOOXAMIDE alcoholic beverages 1237-9 dithizone and 3-hydroxyflavone 60-8 catechol as the indicator reaction 247-50 DITHIZONE DMF DNBP 11) 796-9 DODECYL SULFATE DRINKING WATER atomization 23-3 1 DRUG DTPA 1203-7 DUST spect ropho t ome try 1 240-2 ECHELL ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) 17 EDTA Determination of microgram amounts of calcium in small biological samples by EDTA titration using Patton and Rapid direct complexometric determination of palladium(I1) with EDTA 4614 Separation and identification of aminocarboxylic acid sequestrants by high-performance liquid chromatography, Kinetic parameters and current efficiencies for manganese(II1) generation from manganese(II) 429-32 Application of electrochemical detection to the measurement of free monomeric aromatic and aliphatic Differential-pulse polarography of trichothecene toxins detection of deoxynivalenol in corn 992-8 Determination of tin in the presence of lead by stripping voltammetry with collection at a rotating ringciisk Polycrystalline ion-selective electrode based on silver tetraiodomercurate(I1)-silver(1) sulfide 323-7 Anodic voltammetrl of 12-molybdophosphate and molybdenum blue at a stationary glassy carbon electrode, Kinetic parameters and current efficiencies for manganese(II1) generation from manganese(II) 429-32 Generation of chlorine at glassy carbon.Study of kinetic parameters and current efficiencies by rotating disk electrode voltammetry 433-8 Potentiometry of alkoxylates 439-47 Selectivity parameters of homogeneous solid-state chloride ion-selective electrodes and the surface morphology of silver chloride-silver sulfide disks under simulated interference conditions 547-56 Further voltammetric studies of synthetic food coloring matters at glassy carbon and carbon paste electrodes using static and flowing systems 883-9 Rapid sample pretreatment for removal of aluminum from aqueous solutions prior to fluoride determination using a fluoride-selective electrode 904-6 Barium-polyethoxylate complexes as potentiometric sensors and their application to the determination of nonionic surfactants 974-84 Errors in the direct potentiometric electrode method of fluoride determination adsorption illumination and temperature effects 985-91 Potentiometric determination of fluoride by a combination of continuous-flow analysis and the Gran addition method 1275-80 Sequential multielement analysis using silver and copper ion-selective electrodes 128 1-7 Differential-pulse voltammetric determination of phosphate as molybdovanadophosphate at a glassy carbon electrode and assessment of eluents for the flow-injection voltammetric determination of phosphate silicate, arsenate and gennanate 1288-95 Sample fusion at low temperature for the potentiometric determination of fluorine in silicate materials 1338-41 Determination of fluoride ion in bovine milk using a fluoride ion-selective electrode 1341-4 Use of a carbon fiber indicator electrode for the potentiometric titration of glycine in glacial acetic acid 1344-7 Formation of chromium atoms in air-acetylene flames.Part 11. Effect of matrix electrolytes 506-13 Measurement of heavy water concentration with a density meter 609-19 Rapid determination of trace amounts of selenium in biological samples by gas chromatography with electron-Determination of lead in drinking water by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with electrothermal Determination of lead in urine by atomic-absorption spectroscopy with electrothernial atomization 299-304 Determination of submicrogram amounts of selenium in geological materials by atomic-absorption spectrophot-Comparison of flame electrothermal and inductively coupled plasma atomization techniques for the direct Determination of gold in tissue and feces by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry using carbon rod atomization Utility of x-acceptors in charge-transfer complexation of alkaloids chloranilic acid as a spectrophotometric Determination of arsenic by emission spectrometry using an inductively coupled plasma source and the syringe Analytical applications of emulsions in atomic-absorption spectrophotometry determination of zinc in Determination of riboflavin and flavin mononucleotide in foodstuffs using high-performance liquid chromatogra-Reeder’s indicator 227-30 1203-7 ELECTROCHEM isocyanates in air by high-performance liquid chromatography 676-85 ELECTRODE electrode 305-10 369-73 ELECTROLYTE ELECTROLYTIC ELECTRON CAPTURE capture detection 757-62 atomization 23-3 1 ELECTROTHERMAL ATOMIZATION ometry with electrothermal atomization after solvent extraction 647-52 analysis of slurries 913-20 1096-1 02 EMETINE titrant in nonaqueous media 1 157-62 EMISSION SPECTROMETRY hydride technique 464-7 undecenoate ointments using aqueous inorganic standards 737-42 phy and a column-enrichment technique 1103-8 EMULSION ENRICHMEN 18 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) ENVIRONMENT ENZYME Continuous-flow injection analysis of aqueous environmental samples for chemical oxygen demand 653-62 Polarographic determination of temazepam in soft gelatin capsule formulations 768-75 Determination of methylmercury in tissue using enzyme proteolysis 1009-1 3 Rapid automated enzymatic method for the determination of alcohol in blood and beverages using flow injection Simultaneous determination of eight trace elements in human skin by instrumental neutron-activation analysis, Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant.Part VI. Further extension of the Gran I method for calculation of the equivalence volume in acid-base titrations 231-42 Selectivity parameters of homogeneous solid-state chloride ion-selective electrodes and the surface morphology of silver chloride-silver sulfide disks under simulated interference conditions 547-56 Application of gas-liquid chromatography to the analysis of essential oils.Part VIII. Fingerprinting of essential oils by temperature-programmed gas-liquid chromatography using methyl silicone stationary phases 448-55 Application of gas-liquid chromatography to the analysis of essential oils. Part IX. Determination of eugenol in oil of cinnamon bark 456-60 Determination of bromoxynil and ioxynil in technical bromoxynil and ioxynil esters by high-performance liquid chromatography gas-liquid chromatography and titrimetry 7 13-17 Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of iron(II1) with 2-(5-chloro-2-pyridylazo)-54iethylamino-phenol 1229-33 Thin-layer chromatography of some unstable pharmaceuticals and intermediates 602-4 Sequential multielement analysis using silver and copper ion-selective electrodes 128 1-7 Application of an improved steam distillation procedure in residue analysis.Part 11. Determination of 2-Application of gas-liquid chromatography to the analysis of essential oils. Part IX. Determination of eugenol in Determination of the mothproofing agent Eulan WA (New) in fish tissue using gas-liquid chromatography Simple and rapid gas-chromatographic determination of trace amounts of lower aliphatic carbonyl compounds in Effect of experimental design on assay calibration 1249-54 Simple method for the differentiation of fuel oil and weathered crude oil pollutants 3734 Multi-purpose automatic solvent extractor 6 2 M Extraction of potassium with trifluoromethyl-substituted chromogenic crown ethers 63640 Separation of scandium(II1) from succinate solution by extraction with liquid ion exchangers 806-9 Rapid sample pretreatment for removal of aluminum from aqueous solutions prior to fluoride determination Extraction-spectrophotometric determination of submicrogram amounts of nitrite using 4-nitroaniline and 1-Separation and extractive spectrophotometric determination of palladium and platinum with 6-aminoquinoxalin-Extractive spectrophotometric determination of niobium in pyrochlore-bearing rocks with 5,7-dichloro-8-Open-cell polyurethane foam as a sorbent in the extraction of iodine-1 3 1 1326-33 Gas-chromatographic determination of trace amounts of lower fatty acids in ambient air near and in exhaust Determination of gold in tissue and feces by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry using carbon rod atomization Determination of halquinol (chloroquinolin-8-01s) in premixes and medicated feeding stuffs 105-1 3 Determination of tryptophan in feeds and feed ingredients by high-performance liquid chromatography 968-73 Spectrophotometric determination of micro-amounts of chromate in the presence of iron(III) chromium(III), analysis 1309-1 7 EPIDERMIS 1168-73 EQUIVALENCE VOL ESCA ESSENTIAL OIL ESTER ETHYLAMINOPHENOL ETHYLCYCLOHEXYLNITROSOCARBAMIDE ETHY LDITHIOCARBAMATE ETHYLPHENYLENEDIAMINE phenylphenol in citrus fruits by a spectrophotometric method 94-9 oil of cinnamon bark 456-60 following extractive methylation 862-8 exhaust gases from some odor sources 686-94 EUGENOL EULAN NEW EXHAUST EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN EXTN using a fluoride-selective electrode 904-6 naphthol 955-9 e-2,3-dithiol 1005-9 quinolinol 1268-74 FATTY ACID gases of some odor sources 166-7 1 1096-102 FECES FEED FERROZIN ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) 19 FERROZINE(contd) FIBER and other ions 1234-7 Atomic-absorption spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of arsenic in acrylic fibers containing antimony oxide with solvent extraction and arsine generation 4&6 FILTER ~ ~~~ Plasma source mass spectrometry using an inductively coupled plasma and a high resolution quadrupole mass filter 125167 FILTRATION A novel filtration technique for soil extracts 374-5 Adsorption of trace metals during filtration of potable water samples with particular reference to the determinati-Evaluation of ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of nitrate-nitrogen in glacial snow firn and ice, Determination of total inorganic arsenic in fish shellfish and fish products 514-20 Determination of the mothproofing agent Eulan WA (New) in fish tissue using gas-liquid chromatography Determination of methylmercury in tissue using enzyme proteolysis 1009-1 3 Pattern display for characterization of trace amounts of odorants discharged from nine odor sources 1 187-202 Formulation of analytical procedures involving flame atomic-absorption spectrometry 695-70 1 Comparison of flame electrothermal and inductively coupled plasma atomization techniques for the direct Investigation of the determination of tin tetraalkyls and alkyltin chlorides by atomic-absorption spectrometry Determination of riboflavin and flavin mononucleotide in foodstuffs using high-performance liquid chromatogra-Determination of riboflavin and flavin mononucleotide in foodstuffs using high-performance liquid chromatogra-Flotation-spectrophotometric determination of palladium with thiocyanate and methylene blue 75 1-6 Continuous-flow injection analysis of aqueous environmental samples for chemical oxygen demand 653-62 Further voltammetric studies of synthetic food coloring matters at glassy carbon and carbon paste electrodes using static and flowing systems 883-9 Flow injection sample introduction for atomic-adsorption spectrometry applications of a simplified model for dispersion 1 125-9 Differential-pulse voltammetric determination of phosphate as molybdovanadophosphate at a glassy carbon electrode and assessment of eluents for the flow-injection voltammetric determination of phosphate silicate, arsenate and germanate 1288-95 Rapid automated enzymatic method for the determination of alcohol in blood and beverages using flow injection analysis 1309-1 7 Determination of fluocinolone acetonide in pharmaceutical preparations by differential-pulse polarography, 1 ow High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of four biogenic amines in chocolate 394-402 Determination of meptazinol in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, Determination of anions in atmospheric precipitation by ion chromatography 702-9 Rapid sample pretreatment for removal of aluminum from aqueous solutions prior to fluoride determination Errors in the direct potentiometric electrode method of fluoride determination adsorption illumination and Potentiometric determination of fluoride by a combination of continuous-flow analysis and the Gran addition on of filtrable lead concentration 471-4 FI RN 898-90 1 FISH following extractive methylation 862-8 FISHMEAL PRODN FLAME ATOMIZATION analysis of slurries 9 13-20 after separation by gas-liquid or high-performance liquid-liquid chromatography 92 1-30 phy and a column-enrichment technique 1 103-8 phy and a column-enrichment technique 1103-8 FLAVIN FLAVIN MONONUCLEOTIDE FLOTATION FLOW INJECTION FLUOCINOLONE FLUORESCENCE 999- 100 1 FLUORIDE using a fluoride-selective electrode 904-6 temperature effects 985-91 method 1275-80 Determination of fluoride ion in bovine milk using a fluoride ion-selective electrode 1341-4 FLUORIDE ELECTRODE Rapid sample pretreatment for removal of aluminum from aqueous solutions prior to fluoride determination Sample fusion at low temperature for the potentiometric determination of fluorine in silicate materials 1338-41 Extraction of potassium with trifluoromethyl-substituted chromogenic crown ethers 636-40 using a fluoride-selective electrode 904-6 FLUORINE FLUOROMETHY 20 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) FLUOROMETRY Spectrophotometric and fluorometric determination of tri- and diorganotin and -organolead compounds using Determination of therapeutic concentrations of indoramin by liquid chromatography with fluorometric detection Polarographic study of flurazepam and its major metabolites 890-7 Destructive neutron-activation analysis of toxic elements in suspended materials released from refuse incinerators Qualitative and semiquantitative determination of chromium(V1) in aqueous solution using 1,5-diphenylcarbazi-Open-cell polyurethane foam as a sorbent in the extraction of iodine-131 1326-33 Determination of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in food water and smoke using high-performance liquid Determination of residues of dithiocarbamate pesticides in foodstuffs by a headspace method 782-7 Determination of riboflavin and flavin mononucleotide in foodstuffs using high-performance liquid chromatogra-Further voltammetric studies of synthetic food coloring matters at glassy carbon and carbon paste electrodes Determination of formaldehyde in the atmosphere observations concerning the storage of aqueous samples, Sample reradiation effects in the quantitative analysis of crystalline silica in foundry samples by infrared Some observations on the capabilities of photoacoustic Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (PAFTIR), Application of an improved steam distillation procedure in residue analysis.Part 11. Determination of 2-Spectrophotometric determination of L-ascorbic acid in vegetables and fruits 1 17-20 Simple method for the differentiation of fuel oil and weathered crude oil pollutants 373-4 Various applications of functional group analysis 1057-70 Determination of residues of furalaxyl and metalaxyl in nutrient solution peat compost and soil samples by gas Determination of residues of furalaxyl and metalaxyl in nutrient solution peat compost and soil samples by gas Differential-pulse polarography of trichothecene toxins detection of deoxynivalenol in corn 992-8 Determination of halquinol (chloroquinolin-8-01s) in premixes and medicated feeding stuffs 105-1 3 Gas-chromatographic determination of trace amounts of lower fatty acids in ambient air near and in exhaust gases of some odor sources 166-7 1 Profiles of organic volatiles in biological fluids as an aid to the diagnosis of disease 352-60 Determination of residues of furalaxyl and metalaxyl in nutrient solution peat compost and soil samples by gas chromatography 389-93 Comparison of some porous polymers as adsorbents for collection of odor samples and the application of the technique to an environmental malodor 412-1 8 Application of gas-liquid chromatography to the analysis of essential oils.Part VIII. Fingerprinting of essential oils by temperature-programmed gas-liquid chromatography using methyl silicone stationary phases 448-55 Application of gas-liquid chromatography to the analysis of essential oils. Part IX. Determination of eugenol in oil of cinnamon bark 456-60 Simple and rapid gas-chromatographic determination of trace amounts of lower aliphatic carbonyl compounds in exhaust gases from some odor sources 686-94 Rapid determination of trace amounts of selenium in biological samples by gas chromatography with electron-capture detection 757-62 Measurement of phenol in urine by the method of Van Haaften and Sie a critical appraisal 763-7 Determination of residues of dithiocarbamate pesticides in foodstuffs by a headspace method 782-7 Determination of methylmercury in tissue using enzyme proteolysis 1009-1 3 Pattern display for characterization of trace amounts of odorants discharged from nine odor sources 1187-202 Effect of temperature on the structural rearrangements of polyesters (LAC-series) when used as liquid stationary dithizone and 3-hydroxyflavone 60-8 717-19 FLURAZEPAM FLY ASH 328-34 FOAM de-loaded foam 809-1 2 FOOD chromatography 135-45 phy and a column-enrichment technique 1103-8 using static and flowing systems 883-9 FOOD COLORING FORMALDEHYDE 488-9 FOUNDRY spectrophotometry 1240-2 FOURIER TRANSFORM IR SPECTROSCOPY FRUIT 1 179-86 phenylphenol in citrus fruits by a spectrophotometric method 94-9 FUEL OIL FUNCTIONAL GROUP ANALYSIS FUNGICIDE chromatography 389-93 chromatography 389-93 FURALAXYL FUSARIUM GAS CHROMATO ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) 21 GAS CHROMATOG(contd) GAS LIQ CHROMATOG phases in gas-liquid chromatography 1302-8 Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of major constituents of Piper methysticum 160-5 Determination of bromoxynil and ioxynil in technical bromoxynil and ioxynil esters by high-performance liquid Determination of the mothproofing agent Eulan WA (New) in fish tissue using gas-liquid chromatography Gas-liquid chromatographic separation of chloroaniline and toluidine isomers on heteroaromatic stationary Investigation of the determination of tin tetraalkyls and alkyltin chlorides by atomic-absorption spectrometry The preparation of standard gas mixtures.A review 817-49 Separation of protein-bound copper and zinc in human plasma by means of gel filtration-ion-exchange Polarographic determination of temazepam in soft gelatin capsule formulations 768-75 Standard atmosphere generator a dynamic system for the controlled dilution of organic vapors in air 403-1 1 Determination of sub-microgram amounts of selenium in geological materials by atomic-absorption spectrophot-Differential-pulse voltammetric determination of phosphate as molybdovanadophosphate at a glassy carbon chromatography gas-liquid chromatography and titrimetry 7 13-1 7 following extractive methylation 862-8 phases 9068 after separation by gas-liquid or high-performance liquid-liquid chromatography 92 1-30 GAS MIXTURES GEL FILTRATION CHROMATOG chromatography 153-9 GELATIN GENERATOR GEOL MATERIAL ometry with electrothermal atomization after solvent extraction 647-52 electrode and assessment of eluents for the flow-injection voltammetric determination of phosphate silicate, arsenate and germanate 1288-95 GERM ANATE GLACIAL Evaluation of ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of nitrate-nitrogen in glacial snow fim and ice, Adsorption of trace metals during filtration of potable water samples with particular reference to the determinati-Anodic generation of cerium(1V).Charge-transfer kinetic parameters and conditional potentials at platinum, Anodic voltammetry of 12-molybdophosphate and molybdenum blue at a stationary glassy carbon electrode, Kinetic parameters and current efficiencies for manganese(II1) generation from manganese(II) 429-32 Generation of chlorine at glassy carbon.Study of kinetic parameters and current efficiencies by rotating disk Further voltammetric studies of synthetic food coloring matters at glassy carbon and carbon paste electrodes Differential-pulse voltammetric determination of phosphate as molybdovanadophosphate at a glassy carbon 898-901 GLASS on of filtrable lead concentration 471-4 gold and glassy carbon 3 16-22 369-73 GLASSY CARBON electrode voltammetry 433-8 using static and flowing systems 883-9 electrode and assessment of eluents for the flow-injection voltammetric determination of phosphate silicate, arsenate and germanate 1288-95 GLUTEN GLYCINE GOLD A toluidine blue stain mountant for the microscopy of comminuted meat products 1242-3 Use of a carbon fiber indicator electrode for the potentiometric titration of glycine in glacial acetic acid 1344-7 Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of palladium(I1) and gold(II1) with methiomeprazine hydrochlo-Anodic generation of cerium(1V).Charge-transfer kinetic parameters and conditional potentials at platinum, Kinetic parameters and current efficiencies for manganese(II1) generation from manganese(II) 429-32 Determination of gold in tissue and feces by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry using carbon rod atomization Determination of mercury vapor in air using a passive gold wire sampler 1076-8 1 Potentiometric determination of fluoride by a combination of continuous-flow analysis and the Gran addition Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant.Part VI. Further extension of the Gran I Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant. Part VII. Potentiometric precipitation ride analysis of alloys and minerals 198-205 gold and glassy carbon 3 16-22 1096-1 02 GOLD WIRE GRAN ADDN method 1275-80 method for calculation of the equivalence volume in acid-base titrations 23 1-42 titrations. 1109-18 GRAN 22 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL. 106 (1981) GRAVIMETRY GROUNDNUT GROUP VA Gravimetric determination of 2-hydroxyquinoxaline by precipitation with copper(1) chloride 90 1-4 Multi-purpose automatic solvent extractor 6 2 W Simultaneous determination of trace amounts of arsenic antimony and bismuth in herbage by hydride Extraction-spectrophotometric determination of tantalum(V) with 2-(2-thiazolylazo)-5-dimethylaminophenol Determination of a-halocarbonyl compounds by reaction with thiourea 482-3 Determination of halquinol (chloroquinolin-8-01s) in premixes and medicated feeding stuffs 105- 1 3 Determination of residues of dithiocarbamate pesticides in foodstuffs by a headspace method 782-7 Monitoring exposure to toxic gases in workplace atmospheres 1036-41 Measurement of heavy water concentration with a density meter 609-19 Separation and identification of aminocarboxylic acid sequestrants by high-performance liquid chromatography, Quantitative determination of the exogenous and endogenous storage iron content of hematite workers’ lungs, Fluorometnc assay of polyanions in complex fluids carrageenan stabilizers in dairy products and heparin in hog Characterization of candicidin and levorin by means of high-performance size-exclusion liquid chromatography, Simultaneous determination of trace amounts of arsenic antimony and bismuth in herbage by hydride Determination of bromoxynil and ioxynil in technical bromoxynil and ioxynil esters by high-performance liquid Coulometric determination of herbicides containing nitro groups by reduction with electro-generated chromium(-Gas-liquid chromatographic separation of chloroaniline and toluidine isomers on heteroaromatic stationary Multi-purpose automatic solvent extractor 620-4 Use of stopflow ultraviolet scanning and variable-wavelength detection for enhanced peak identification and Determination of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in food water and smoke using high-performance liquid Characterization of candicidin and levorin by means of high-performance size-exclusion liquid chromatography, High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of four biogenic amines in chocolate 394402 Application of electrochemical detection to the measurement of free monomeric aromatic and aliphatic Determination of bromoxynil and ioxynil in technical bromoxynil and ioxynil esters by high-performance liquid Determination of rare earths in monazite sand and rare-earth impurities in high-purity rare-arth oxides by Determination of tryptophan in feeds and feed ingredients by high-performance liquid chromatography 968-73 Determination of meptazinol in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, Determination of diazepam and its major metabolites using high-performance liquid chromatography 1001-4 Aspects of the analysis of drugs and drug metabolites by high-performance liquid chromatography 1071-5 High-performance liquid chromatography determination of chlorpromazine and thioridazine hydrochlorides in Separation and identification of aminocarboxylic acid sequestrants by high-performance liquid chromatography, Fluorometric assay of polyanions in complex fluids carrageenan stabilizers in dairy products and heparin in hog generation and inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectrometry 467-7 1 and 1,34iphenylguanidine 944-8 GUANIDINE DIPHENYL HALOCARBONYL HALQUINOL HEADSPACE CHROMATOG HEALTH HEAVY WATER HEDTA 1203-7 HEMATITE WORKER 663-75 HEPARIN mucosa extracts 33543 3614 HEPTAENE HERBAGE generation and inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectrometry 467-7 1 chromatography gas-liquid chromatography and titrimetry 7 13-1 7 HERBICIDE 11) 796-9 HETEROAROM phases 906-8 HEXANE HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQ CHROMATOG sensitivity in high-performance liquid chromatography 122-6 chromatography 13-5 361-4 isocyanates in air by high-performance liquid chromatography 676-85 chromatography gas-liquid chromatography and titrimetry 7 13-1 7 high-performance liquid chromatography 869-73 999- 100 1 pharmaceutical formulations 1 1 19-22 1203-7 HO ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) 23 HOG(contd) HUMAN mucosa extracts 335-43 Simultaneous determination of eight trace elements in human skin by instrumental neutron-activation analysis, Determination of inorganic arsenic(II1) and arsenic(V) methylarsenic and dimethylarsenic species by selective Determination of arsenic by emission spectrometry using an inductively coupled plasma source and the syringe Simultaneous determination of trace amounts of arsenic antimony and bismuth in herbage by hydride Determination of total inorganic arsenic in fish shellfish and fish products 514-20 Investigation of the determination of tin tetraalkyls and alkyltin chlorides by atomic-absorption spectrometry Inexpensive simple hydride generation system with minimum interferences for the atomic-absorption spectropho-Inexpensive simple hydride generation system with minimum interferences for the atomic-absorption spectropho-Use of stopflow ultraviolet scanning and variable-wavelength detection for enhanced peak identification and Determination of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in food water and smoke using high-performance liquid Measurement of heavy water concentration with a density meter 609-19 Selectivity parameters of homogeneous solid-state chloride ion-selective electrodes and the surface morphology Solvent extraction of the thiocyanato mixed-ligand complexes of iron(II1) with various hydroxyamidines and Rapid spectrophotometric determination of nitrate with 4,5-dihydroxycoumarin 483-7 Spectrophotometric and fluorometric determination of tri- and diorganotin and -organolead compounds using Determination of therapeutic concentrations of indoramin by liquid chromatography with fluorometric detection Separation and identification of aminocarboxylic acid sequestrants by high-performance liquid chromatography, Gravimetric determination of 2-hydroxyquinoxaline by precipitation with copper(1) chloride 90 1-4 Evaluation of ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of nitrate-nitrogen in glacial snow fim and ice, Simple method for the differentiation of fuel oil and weathered crude oil pollutants 373-4 Errors in the direct potentiometric electrode method of fluoride determination adsorption illumination and Determination of microgram amounts of calcium in small biological samples by EDTA titration using Patton and Improved synthesis of polymethoxytriphenylmethanols for use as one-color pH indicators 10 13-1 6 Determination of indigo carmine in boiled sweets and similar confectionery products 710-1 3 A radiochemical modification of the Berthelot reaction for the determination of ammonia 1 14-17 Determination of therapeutic concentrations of indoramin by liquid chromatography with fluorometric detection Laser ablation for the introduction of solid samples into an inductively coupled plasma for atomic-emission Nebulizer system for analysis of high salt content solutions with an inductively coupled plasma 54-9 Simultaneous determination of trace metals in seawater using dithiocarbamate preconcentration and inductively 1 168-73 HYDRIDE GENERATION hydride-evolution atomic-absorption spectroscopy 2 13-20 hydride technique 464-7 generation and inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission Spectrometry 467-7 1 after separation by gas-liquid or high-performance liquid-liquid chromatography 92 1-30 .tometry of arsenic 931-8 HYDROBORATE tometry of arsenic 93 1-8 sensitivity in high-performance liquid chromatography 122-6 chromatography 135-45 HYDROCARBON HYDROGEN HYDROXIDE of silver chloride-silver sulfide disks under simulated interference conditions 547-56 spectrophotometric determination of iron(II1) in various biochemical and biological samples 1 15&6 HYDROXYAMIDINE HYDROXYCOUMARIN HYDROXY FLAVONE dithizone and 3-hydroxyflavone 60-8 HYDROXYINDORAMIN 717-19 HY DROXY METHYLGLYCINE 1203-7 HYDROXYQUINOXALINE ICE 898-90 1 IDENTIFICATION ILLUMINATION temperature effects 985-91 Reeder’s indicator 227-30 INDICATOR INDIGO CARMINE INDOPHENOL INDORAMIN 717-19 INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA spectrometry 32-24 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA(contd) coupled plasma emission spectrometry 419-28 hydride technique 464-7 generation and inductively coupled plasma atomic-mission spectrometry 467-7 1 analysis of slurries 91 3-20 filter 1255-67 Determination of arsenic by emission spectrometry using an inductively coupled plasma source and the syringe Simultaneous determination of trace amounts of arsenic antimony and bismuth in herbage by hydride Comparison of flame electrothermal and inductively coupled plasma atomization techniques for the direct Plasma source mass spectrometry using an inductively coupled plasma and a high resolution quadrupole mass Determination of total inorganic arsenic in fish shellfish and fish products 514-20 Application of an automatically triggered digital integrator to flame atomic-absorption spectrometry of copper Selectivity parameters of homogeneous solid-state chloride ion-selective electrodes and the surface morphology Mutual interference effect shown by copper and cadmium in potentiometric stripping analysis 1017-19 Interference due to crystal formation in the spectrophotometric determination of iron(I1) using 2,4,6-tri(2’-Use of ascorbic and thioglycolic acids to eliminate interference from iron in the aluminon method for determining Polycrystalline ion-selective electrode based on silver tetraiodomercurate(I1)-silver(1) sulfide 323-7 Selectivity parameters of homogeneous solid-state chloride ion-selective electrodes and the surface morphology Indirect spectrophotometric determination of iodide in table salts and pharmaceutical products 1224-7 A copper(1) iodide paper for the detection and determination of the concentration of mercury vapor in the Titrimetric microdetennination of peroxydisulfate by amplification reactions 122 1-4 A radiochemical modification of the Berthelot reaction for the determination of ammonia 114-17 Open-cell polyurethane foam as a sorbent in the extraction of iodine-131 1326-33 Open-cell polyurethane foam as a sorbent in the extraction of iodine-131 1326-33 Flotation-spectrophotometric determination of palladium with thiocyanate and methylene blue 75 1-6 Determination of anions in atmospheric precipitation by ion chromatography 702-9 Reactive ion-exchange precipitation procedure for the determination of trace amounts of oxalate 1334-7 Separation of protein-bound copper and zinc in human plasma by means of gel filtration-ion-xchange Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-xchange chromatography 529-36 Separation of scandium(II1) from succinate solution by extraction with liquid ion exchangers 8069 Polycrystalline ion-selective electrode based on silver tetraiodomercurate(I1)-silver(1) sulfide 323-7 Potentiometry of alkoxylates 439-47 Selectivity parameters of homogeneous solid-state chloride ion-selective electrodes and the surface morphology Rapid sample pretreatment for removal of aluminum from aqueous solutions prior to fluoride determination Potentiometric determination of fluoride by a combination of continuous-flow analysis and the Gran addition Sequential multielement analysis using silver and copper ion-selective electrodes 128 1-7 Sample fusion at low temperature for the potentiometric determination of fluorine in silicate materials 1338-41 Determination of fluoride ion in bovine milk using a fluoride ion-selective electrode 1341-4 Determination of bromoxynil and ioxynil in technical bromoxynil and ioxynil esters by high-performance liquid The impact of microprocessors on analytical instrumentation.A review 257-82 Sample reradiation effects in the quantitative analysis of crystalline silica in foundry samples by infrared INORG INTEGRATION using a discrete nebulization technique 206-1 2 of silver chloride-silver sulfide disks under simulated interference conditions 547-56 INTERFERENCE pyridyl)-l,3,5-triazine 1227-9 aluminum 1296-301 IODIDE of silver chloride-silver sulfide disks under simulated interference conditions 547-56 workplace atmosphere 13 18-25 IODIMETRY IODINE IODINE 13 1 ION ASSOCN ION CHROMATOG ION EXCHANGE ION EXCHANGE CHROMATOG chromatography 153-9 ION EXCHANGER ION SELECTIVE of silver chloride-silver sulfide disks under simulated interference conditions 547-56 using a fluoride-selective electrode 904-6 method 1275-80 IOXYNIL chromatography gasrliquid chromatography and titrimetry 7 13-1 7 IR IR SPECTROMETRY spectrophotometry 1240-ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) 25 IR SPECTROSCOPY Some observations on the capabilities of photoacoustic Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (PAFTIR), Determination of copper nickel and iron in heavy alloy using atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 47-53 Studies in chemical phase analysis. Part 11. Determination of the solubilities of carbides nitrides oxides and Destructive neutron-activation analysis of toxic elements in suspended materials released from refuse incinerators Simultaneous determination of trace metals in seawater using dithiocarbamate preconcentration and inductively Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-exchange chromatography 529-36 Spectrophotometric determination of uranium and iron using 2,4dinitrosoresorcinol 641-6 Quantitative determination of the exogenous and endogenous storage iron content of hematite workers’ lungs, Solvent extraction of the thiocyanato mixed-ligand complexes of iron(II1) with various hydroxyamidines and Simultaneous determination of eight trace elements in human skin by instrumental neutron-activation analysis, Method for the simultaneous determination of arsesic aluminum iron zinc chromium and copper in plant Interference due to crystal formation in the spectrophotometric determination of iron(I1) using 2,4,6-tri(2’-Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of iron(II1) with 2-(5-chloro-2-pyridylazo)-5-diethylamino-Spectrophotometric determination of micro-amounts of chromate in the presence of iron(JII) chromium(III), Use of ascorbic and thioglycolic acids to eliminate interference from iron in the aluminon method for determining Reagent for the spectrophotometric determination of iron(I1) in alkaline solution 1348-5 1 Determination of atmospheric isocyanate concentrations by high-performance thin-layer chromatography using Application of electrochemical detection to the measurement of free monomeric aromatic and aliphatic Gas-liquid chromatographic separation of chloroaniline and toluidine isomers on heteroaromatic stationary Spectrophotometric determination of aluminum in alloys and ores.Part I. Removal of interfering metals as their Spectrophotometric determination of aluminum in alloys and ores. Part 11. Stripping aluminum after chelation of Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of major constituents of Piper methysticum 16&5 Bromate oxidation of methyl orange.Part 11. Effect of bromide and application to the determination of bromide, Determination of water in NN-dimethylformamide by the kinetic method of tangents using the oxidation of Anodic generation of cerium(1V). Charge-transfer kinetic parameters and conditional potentials at platinum, Kinetic parameters and current efficiencies for manganese(II1) generation from manganese(II) 429-32 Generation of chlorine at glassy carbon. Study of kinetic parameters and current efficiencies by rotating disk Pattern display for characterization of trace amounts of odorants discharged from nine odor sources 1 187-202 Effect of temperature on the structural rearrangements of polyesters (LAC-series) when used as liquid stationary Determination of lead in drinking water by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with electrothermal Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-exchange chromatography 529-36 Laser ablation for the introduction of solid samples into an inductively coupled plasma for atomic+mission Laser ablation for the introduction of solid samples into an inductively coupled plasma for atomic-emission 1 179-86 IRON sulfides in certain organic solvent-bromine mixtures 22 1-6 328-34 coupled plasma emission spectrometry 41 9-28 663-75 spectrophotometric determination of iron(II1) in various biochemical and biological samples I 150-6 1168-73 tissue without the use of perchloric acid 11 74-8 pyridylFl,3,5-triazine 1227-9 phenol 1229-33 and other ions 12347 aluminum 1296-30 1 ISOCYANATE 1-(2-pyridyl)piperaziine reagent 85-93 isocyanates in air by high-performance liquid chromatography 676-85 phases 906-8 2-isopropylquinolin-8-01 chelates by precipitation and extraction 1 137-44 other metals with 2-isopropylquinolin-8-01 in l-butanol 1 145-9 ISOMER ISOPROPY LQUINOLINOL KAWAIN KINETICS 76-84 catechol as the indicator reaction 247-50 gold and glassy carbon 3 16-22 electrode voltammetry 433-8 KRAFT PULP TREATMENT LAC phases in gas-liquid chromatography 1302-8 atomization 23-31 LANTHANUM LASER ABLATION spectrometry 32-9 spectrometry 32-9 LASER MICROPROB 26 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) LEAD Determination of lead in drinking water by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with electrothermal Spectrophotometric and fluorometric determination of tri- and diorganotin and -organolead compounds using Determination of lead in urine by atomic-absorption spectroscopy with electrothermal atomization 299-304 Determination of tin in the presence of lead by stripping voltammetry with collection at a rotating ring-disk Adsorption of trace metals during filtration of potable water samples with particular reference to the determinati-Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-exchange chromatography 529-36 Simultaneous determination of copper lead cadmium and zinc in nonferrous smelter products by differential-Application of gas-liquid chromatography to the analysis of essential oils.Part IX. Determination of eugenol in Rapid determination of trace amounts of selenium in biological samples by gas chromatography with electron-Solvent extraction of the thiocyanato mixed-ligand complexes of iron(II1) with various hydroxyamidines and Determination of residues of dithiocarbamate pesticides in foodstuffs by a headspace method 782-7 Fluorometric assay of polyanions in complex fluids carrageenan stabilizers in dairy products and heparin in hog Multi-purpose automatic solvent extractor 620-4 Determination of dithiocarbamates by liquid chromatography using transition-metal salts as ion-pair reagents, Voltammetric determination of 2- 3- and khloroaniline in mixtures 146-52 Application of electrochemical detection to the measurement of free monomeric aromatic and aliphatic Determination of indigo carmine in boiled sweets and similar confectionery products 710-13 Determination of bromoxynil and ioxynil in technical bromoxynil and ioxynil esters by high-performance liquid Determination of therapeutic concentrations of indoramifl by liquid chromatography with fluorometric detection Determination of meptazinol in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, Determination of diazepam and its major metabolites using high-performance liquid chromatography 100 1-4 Field method for the determination of aromatic primary amines in air.Part I. Generation of standard atmospher-Determination of riboflavin and flavin mononucleotide in foodstuffs using high-performance liquid chromatogra-Separation and identification of aminocarboxylic acid sequestrants by high-performance liquid chromatography, Determination of pyrimethamine in animal feeds 1208-9 Rapid determination of trace amounts of selenium in biological samples by gas chromatography with electron-Determination of methylmercury in tissue using enzyme proteolysis 1009-1 3 Determination of the absolute quantum efficiency of sodium salicylate using photoacoustic spectroscopy 850-4 Quantitative determination of the exogenous and endogenous storage iron content of hematite workers’ lungs, Characterization of candicidin and levorin by means of high-performance size-exclusion liquid chromatography, Separation of protein-bound copper and zinc in human plasma by means of gel filtration-ion-exchange Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-exchange chromatography 529-36 Determination of tryptophan in feeds and feed ingredients by high-performance liquid chromatography 968-73 Determination of residues of dithiocarbamate pesticides in foodstuffs by a headspace method 782-7 Determination of residues of dithiocarbamate pesticides in foodstuffs by a headspace method 782-7 atomization 23-3 1 dithizone and 3-hydroxyflavone 60-8 electrode 305-10 on of filtrable lead concentration 471-4 pulse polarography 790-3 oil of cinnamon bark 456-60 capture detection 757-62 spectrophotometric determination of iron(I1I) in various biochemical and biological samples 1 150-6 LEAF LETTUCE LIPID mucosa extracts 335-43 LIQ CHROMATOG 129-34 isocyanates in air by high-performance liquid chromatography 676-85 chromatography gas-liquid chromatography and titrimetry 7 13-1 7 717-19 999-1 00 1 es of amines 1082-7 phy and a column-enrichment technique 1103-8 1203-7 LIVER capture detection 757-62 LUMINESCENCE LUNG 663-75 MACROLIDE 361-4 MAGNESIUM chromatography 1539 MALTODEXTRIN MANCOZEB MANE ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) 27 MANGANESE zinc 182-7 sulfides in certain organic solvent-bromine mixtures 221-6 Determination of trace elements in plant materials by a dry-ashing procedure. Part 11. Copper manganese and Studies in chemical phase analysis. Part 11. Determination of the solubilities of carbides nitrides oxides and Kinetic parameters and current efficiencies for manganese(II1) generation from manganese(II) 429-32 Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-exchange chromatography 529-36 Plasma source mass spectrometry using an inductively coupled plasma and a high resolution quadrupole mass A toluidine blue stain mountant for the microscopy of comminuted meat products 1242-3 A toluidine blue stain mountant for the microscopy of comminuted meat products 1242-3 Determination of ammonium- and nitrate-nitrogen by molecular emission cavity analysis 625-35 Determination of halquinol (chloroquinolin-8-01s) in premixes and medicated feeding stuffs 105-1 3 Polycrystalline ion-selective electrode based on silver tetraiodomercurate(I1)-silver(1) sulfide 323-7 Selectivity parameters of homogeneous solid-state chloride ion-selective electrodes and the surface morphology Determination of meptazinol in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, 4,5-Diamino-2,6-dimercaptopyrimidine as a spectrophotometric reagent for the determination of selenium in Polycrystalline ion-selective electrode based on silver tetraiodomercurate(I1)-silver(1) sulfide 323-7 Polycrystalline ion-selective electrode based on silver tetraiodomercurate(I1)-silver(1) sulfide 3237 Destructive neutron-activation analysis of toxic elements in suspended materials released from refuse incinerators Mutual interference effect shown by copper and cadmium in potentiometric stripping analysis 1017-19 Determination of mercury vapor in air using a passive gold wire sampler 1076-8 1 A copper(1) iodide paper for the detection and determination of the concentration of mercury vapor in the Determination of formaldehyde in the atmosphere observations concerning the storage of aqueous samples, Polarographic study of flurazepam and its major metabolites 890-7 Development and evaluation of selected assays for drugs and drug metabolites in biologcal materials 1025-35 Aspects of the analysis of drugs and drug metabolites by high-performance liquid chromatography 1071-5 Nebulizer system for analysis of high salt content solutions with an inductively coupled plasma 54-9 Simultaneous determination of trace metals in seawater using dithiocarbamate preconcentration and inductively Simultaneous determination of trace amounts of arsenic antimony and bismuth in herbage by hydride Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-exchange chromatography 529-36 Spectrophotometric determination of aluminum in alloys and ores.Part 11. Stripping aluminum after chelation of Method for the simultaneous determination of arsenic aluminum iron zinc chromium and copper in plant Sequential multielement analysis using silver and copper ion-selective electrodes 128 1-7 Relationship between concentrations of metal aerosol pollutants and the averaging time 8 5 M 1 Determination of residues of furalaxyl and metalaxyl in nutrient solution peat compost and soil samples by gas Determination of water in NN-dimethylformamide by the kinetic method of tangents using the oxidation of Improved synthesis of polymethoxytriphenylmethanols for use as one-color pH indicators 101 3 1 6 Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of palladium(I1) and gold(II1) with methiomeprazine hydrochlo-MASS SPECTROMETRY filter 1255-67 MEAT MEAT PRODUCT MECA MEDICINE ADDITIVE MEMBRANE of silver chloride-silver sulfide disks under simulated interference conditions 547-56 MEPTAZINOL 999-1001 MERCAPTOPY RIMIDINE AMINO semiconductors and animal feeds 720-3 MERCURATE IODO SILVER MERCURY 328-34 workplace atmosphere 13 18-25 MERCURY CHLORIDE 488-9 METABOLITE METAL coupled plasma emission spectrometry 41 9-28 generation and inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectrometry 467-7 1 other metals with 2-isopropylquinolin-8-01 in 1-butanol 1 145-9 tissue without the use of perchloric acid 1 174-8 METAL AEROSOL METALAXYL chromatography 389-93 catechol as the indicator reaction 247-50 METAPERIODATE METHANOL METHOXYTRIPHENYL METHIOMEPRAZINE HYDROCHLORIDE ride analysis of alloys and minerals 198-20 28 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) METHOXYTRIPHENYLMETHANOL METHYL ACETATE Improved synthesis of polymethoxytriphenylmethanols for use as one-color pH indicators 101 3-1 6 Studies in chemical phase analysis. Part 11. Determination of the solubilities of carbides nitrides oxides and Determination of methylmercury in tissue using enzyme proteolysis 1009-1 3 Bromate oxidation of methyl orange. Part 11. Effect of bromide and application to the determination of bromide, Application of gas-liquid chromatography to the analysis of essential oils.Part VIII. Fingerprinting of essential oils by temperature-programmed gas-liquid chromatography using methyl silicone stationary phases 48-55 Field method for the determination of aromatic primary amines in air. Part 11. Development of a sensitive field test 1088-95 Extraction-spectrophotometric determination of tantalum(V) with 2-(2-thiazolylazo)-5-dimethylaminophenol and 1,34iphenylguanidine 944-8 Determination of inorganic arsenic(II1) and arsenic(V) methylarsenic and dimethylarsenic species by selective hydride-evolution atomic-absorption spectroscopy 2 1 3-20 Flotation-spectrophotometric determination of palladium with thiocyanate and methylene blue 75 1-6 Standard atmosphere generator a dynamic system for the controlled dilution of organic vapors in air 403-1 1 sulfides in certain organic solvent-bromine mixtures 22 1-6 METHYL MERCURY METHYL ORANGE 7684 METHYL SILICONE METHYLAMINOCINNAMALDEHYDE METHYLAMINOPHENOL THIAZOLYLAZO METHYLARSENIC METHYLENE BLUE METHYLNAPHTHALENE METHYLPHENYLPYRAZOLONE Spectrophotometric determination of vanadium(\? using 4-benzoyl-3-methyl-1-phenyl-5-pyrazolone 250-3 MICROBIOL Microbiological assay of low levels of monensin in animal feeds 788-9 The impact of microprocessors on analytical instrumentation.A review 257-82 Computer-linked atomic-absorption spectroscopy a streamlined approach to environmental analysis 283-7 The impact of microprocessors on analytical instrumentation. A review 257-82 A toluidine blue stain mountant for the microscopy of comminuted meat products 1242-3 Open-cell polyurethane foam as a sorbent in the extraction of iodine1 3 I 1326-33 Determination of fluoride ion in bovine milk using a fluoride ion-selective electrode 1341-4 Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of palladium(I1) and gold(II1) with methiomeprazine hydrochlo-Accurate spectrophotometric method for the determination of silica in rocks minerals and related materials, Quantitative determination of the exogenous and endogenous storage iron content of hematite workers’ lungs, Determination of ammonium- and nitrate-nitrogen by molecular emission cavity analysis 625-35 Determination of trace elements in plant materials by a dry-ashing procedure.Part 1. Cobalt and molybdenum, Simultaneous determination of trace metals in seawater using dithiocarbamate preconcentration and inductively Anodic voltammetry of 12-molybdophosphate and molybdenum blue at a stationary glassy carbon electrode, Accurate spectrophotometric method for the determination of silica in rocks minerals and related materials, Anodic voltammetry of 12-molybdophosphate and molybdenum blue at a stationary glassy carbon electrode, Determination of rare earths in monazite sand and rare-earth impurities in high-purity rare-earth oxides by Microbiological assay of low levels of monensin in animal feeds 788-9 Separation and determination of selenium(1V) and tellurium(1V) carbodithioates by thin-layer chromatography MICROCOMPUTER MICROPROCESSOR MICROSCOPY MILK MINERAL ride analysis of alloys and minerals 198-205 521-8 MOESSBAUER SPECTROSCOPY 663-75 MOL EMISSION CAVITY ANALYSIS MOLYBDENUM 172-8 1 coupled plasma emission spectrometry 419-28 MOLYBDENUM BLUE 369-73 521-8 MOLYBDOPHOSPHATE 369-73 MONAZITE high-performance liquid chromatography 869-73 MONENSIN MORPHOLINECARBODITHIOAT ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) 29 MORPHOLINECARBODITHIOATE(contd) MOTHPROOFING AGENT and visible spectrophotometry using morpholine-4-carbodithioate 599-602 following extractive methylation 862-8 Determination of the mothproofing agent Eulan WA (New) in fish tissue using gas-liquid chromatography A toluidine blue stain mountant for the microscopy of comminuted meat products 1242-3 Fluorometric assay of polyanions in complex fluids carrageenan stabilizers in dairy products and heparin in hog An appraisal of mutagenicity test systems.A review 1-22 Standard atmosphere generator a dynamic system for the controlled dilution of organic vapors in air 403-1 1 Solvent extraction-spectrophotometric determination of boron in steel with 2,4-dinitronaphthalene-l,84iol and Spectrophotometric determination in nitrite in waters 243-7 Extraction-spectrophotometric determination of submicrogram amounts of nitrite using &nitroaniline and 1-Evaluation of NN’di(2-naphthy1)phenylene- 1 ,Miamhe as a reagent for the spectrophotometric determination Application of an automatically triggered digital integrator to flame atomic-absorption spectrometry of copper Nebulizer system for analysis of high salt content solutions with an inductively coupled plasma 54-9 Destructive neutron-activation analysis of toxic elements in suspended materials released from refuse incinerators Simultaneous determination of eight trace elements in human skin by instrumental neutron-activation analysis, Determination of copper nickel and iron in heavy alloy using atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 47-53 Determination of dithiocarbamates by liquid chromatography using transition-metal salts as ion-pair reagents, Simultaneous determination of trace metals in seawater using dithiocarbamate preconcentration and inductively Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-exchange chromatography 529-36 Extractive spectrophotometric determination of niobium in pyrochlore-bearing rocks with 5,7dichloro-8-Rapid spectrophotometric determination of nitrate with 4,5-dihydroxycoumarin 483-7 Determination of ammonium- and nitrate-nitrogen by molecular emission cavity analysis 625-35 Determination of anions in atmospheric precipitation by ion chromatography 702-9 Evaluation of ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of nitrate-nitrogen in glacial snow firn and ice, Differential-pulse polarographic determination of Norpace in plasma 802-5 Studies in chemical phase analysis.Part 11. Determination of the solubilities of carbides nitrides oxides and Spectrophotometric determination in nitrite in waters 243-7 Extraction-spectrophotometric determination of submicrogram amounts of nitrite using 4nitroaniline and 1-Coulometric determination of herbicides containing nitro groups by reduction with electro-generated chromium(-Extraction-spectrophotometric determination of submicrogram amounts of nitrite using &nitroaniline and 1-Determination of ammonium- and nitrate-nitrogen by molecular emission cavity analysis 625-35 Solvent extraction-spectrophotometric determination of boron in steel with 2,4dinitronaphthalene-l,84iol and MOUNTANT MUCOSA mucosa extracts 33143 MUTAGENICITY TEST NAPHTHALENE METHYL NAPHTHALENEDIOL NITRO Brilliant Green 7768 1 NAPHTHOL naphthol 955-9 of organic peroxides 574-83 using a discrete nebulization technique 206-12 NAPHTHYLPHENYLENEDIAMINE NEBULIZATION NEBULIZER NEUTRON ACTIVATION 328-34 1 168-73 NICKEL 129-34 coupled plasma emission spectrometry 419-28 NIOBIUM quinolinol 1268-74 NITRATE 898-90 1 NITRATION NITRIDE sulfides in certain organic solvent-bromine mixtures 22 1-6 NITRITE naphthol 955-9 II) 796-9 naphthol 955-9 NITRO NITROANILINE NITROGEN NITRONAPHTHALENEDIOL Brilliant Green 7768 30 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) NITRORESORCINOL NITROSOCARBAMIDE CYCLOHEXYL NMR . NONFERROUS SMELTER DUST pulse polarography 790-3 NONIONIC SURFACTANT nonionic surfactants 974-84 Spectrophotometric determination of uranium and iron using 2,4-dinitrosoresorcinol 64 1-6 Thin-layer chromatography of some unstable pharmaceuticals and intermediates 602-4 Benzothiadiazine dissociation constants. Part 11. The order of deprotonation 565-73 Simultaneous determination of copper lead cadmium and zinc in nonferrous smelter products by differential-Barium-polyethoxylate complexes as potentiometric sensors and their application to the determination of Differential-pulse polarographic determination of Norpace in plasma 802-5 Separation and identification of aminocarboxylic acid sequestrants by high-performance liquid chromatography, Determination of residues of furalaxyl and metalaxyl in nutrient solution peat compost and soil samples by gas Determination of bromoxynil and ioxynil in technical bromoxynil and ioxynil esters by high-performance liquid Separation of scandium(II1) from succinate solution by extraction with liquid ion exchangers 806-9 Gas-chromatographic determination of trace amounts of lower fatty acids in ambient air near and in exhaust Comparison of some porous polymers as adsorbents for collection of odor samples and the application of the Simple and rapid gas-chromatographic determination of trace amounts of lower aliphatic carbonyl compounds in Pattern display for characterization of trace amounts of odorants discharged from nine odor sources 1 187-202 Pattern display for characterization of trace amounts of odorants discharged from nine odor sources 1 187-202 Assessment of phosphorescence spectroscopy for crude oil identification 188-97 Simple method for the differentiation of fuel oil and weathered crude oil pollutants 373-4 Application of gas-liquid chromatography to the analysis of essential oils.Part IX. Determination of eugenol in NORPACE NTA 1203-7 NUTRIENT chromatography 389-93 chromatography gas-liquid chromatography and titrimetry 7 13-1 7 OCTANOATE OCTYLAMINE ODOR gases of some odor sources 166-7 1 technique to an environmental malodor 412-18 exhaust gases from some odor sources 686-94 ODOR ANALYSIS ODOR DETN OIL oil of cinnamon bark.456-60 OINTMENT Analytical applications of emulsions in atomic-absorption spectrophotometry determination of zinc in undecenoate ointments using aqueous inorganic standards 737-42 ORE Comparison of flame electrothermal and inductively coupled plasma atomization techniques for the direct Spectrophotometric determination of aluminum in alloys and ores. Part I. Removal of interfering metals as their Spectrophotometric determination of aluminum in alloys and ores. Part 11. Stripping aluminum after chelation of Determination of tungsten in its ores and concentrates by atomic-absorption spectrometry 1210-1 3 Spectrophotometric determination of thiamine hydrochloride using orthogonal polynomials 960-7 Reactive ion-exchange precipitation procedure for the determination of trace amounts of oxalate 1334-7 Accurate spectrophotometric method for the determination of silica in rocks minerals and related materials, Determination of diazepam and its major metabolites using high-performance liquid chromatography 1001-4 Studies in chemical phase analysis.Part 11. Determination of the solubilities of carbides nitrides oxides and Determination of rare earths in monazite sand and rare-earth impurities in high-purity rare-earth oxides by Pattern display for characterization of trace amounts of odorants discharged from nine odor sources 1 187-202 Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of palladium(I1) and gold(II1) with methiomeprazine hydrochlo-analysis of slurries 91 3-20 2-isopropylquinolin-8-01 chelates by precipitation and extraction 1 1 37-44 other metals with 2-isopropylquinolin-8-01 in 1-butanol 1 145-9 ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIAL OXALATE OXALIC ACID 521-8 OXAZEPAM OXIDE sulfides in certain organic solvent-bromine mixtures 22 1-6 high-performance liquid chromatography 869-73 PAINT DRYING PALLADIU ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) 31 PALLADIUM(contd) ride analysis of alloys and minerals 198-205 Rapid direct complexometric determination of palladium(I1) with EDTA 461-4 Flotation-spectrophotometric determination of palladium with thiocyanate and methylene blue 75 1-6 Separation and extractive spectrophotometric determination of palladium and platinum with 6-aminoquinoxalin-Indirect spectrophotometric determination of iodide in table salts and pharmaceutical products 1224-7 Determination of microgram amounts of calcium in small biological samples by EDTA titration using Patton and Determination of residues of furalaxyl and metalaxyl in nutrient solution peat compost and soil samples by gas Evaluation of NN-di(2-naphthy1)phenylene-1 ,4diamine as a reagent for the spectrophotometric determination Indirect amplification method for determining peroxydisulfate by alternating-current polarography 12 17-2 1 Titrimetric microdetermination of peroxydisulfate by amplification reactions 122 1-4 Improved synthesis of polymethoxytriphenylmethanols for use as one-color pH indicators 10 13-1 6 Determination of fluocinolone acetonide in pharmaceutical preparations by differential-pulse polarography, Determination of allopurinol in tablets by differential-pulse polarography 365-8 Selective determination of sparteine by thermochromism of associates with tetrabromophenolphthalein ethyl ester Thin-layer chromatography of some unstable pharmaceuticals and intermediates 602-4 Determination of caffeine using sodium N-chloro-ptoluenesulfonamide 729-32 Analytical applications of emulsions in atomic-absorption spectrophotometry determination of zinc in Polarographic study of flurazepam and its major metabolites 890-7 Spectrophotometric and titrimetric determination of catecholamines using organic brominating agents 949-54 Spectrophotometric determination of thiamine hydrochloride using orthogonal polynomials 960-7 High-performance liquid chromatography determination of chlorpromazine and thioridazine hydrochlorides in Solvent extraction of the thiocyanato mixed-ligand complexes of iron(II1) with various hydroxyamidines and Utility of n-acceptors in charge-transfer complexation of alkaloids chloranilic acid as a spectrophotometric Spectrophotometric determination of piperazine via charge-transfer complexes 1 1 63-7 Determination of pyrimethamine in animal feeds 1208-9 Indirect spectrophotometric determination of iodide in table salts and pharmaceutical products 1224-7 Studies in chemical phase analysis.Part 11. Determination of the solubilities of carbides nitrides oxides and Measurement of phenol in urine by the method of Van Haaften and Sie a critical appraisal 763-7 Spectrophotometric determination of copper in blood serum with 4-(2-quinolylazo)phenol 799-802 Selective determination of sparteine by thermochromism of associates with tetrabromophenolphthalein ethyl ester Qualitative and semiquantitative determination of chromium(V1) in aqueous solution using 175-diphenylcarbazi-Evaluation of NN-di(2-naphthy1)phenylene- 1,4-diamine as a reagent for the spectrophotometric determination High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of four biogenic amines in chocolate 394-402 Extraction-spectrophotometric determination of tantalum(\? with 2-(2-thiazolylazo)-5-dimethylaminophenol e-2,3-dithiol 1005-9 PATTON REEDER Reeder’s indicator 227-30 chromatography 389-93 of organic peroxides 574-83 PEAT PEROXIDE PEROXYDISULFATE PH INDICATOR PHARMACEUTICAL 1W 584-9 undecenoate ointments using aqueous inorganic standards 737-42 pharmaceutical formulations I 1 19-22 spectrophotometric determination of iron(II1) in various biochemical and biological samples 1 150-6 titrant in nonaqueous media 1157-62 PHASE ANALYSIS sulfides in certain organic solvent-bromine mixtures 22 1-6 PHENOL PHENOL QUINOLYLAZO PHENOLPHTHALEIN BROMO 584-9 PHENYLCARBAZIDE de-loaded foam 809-12 of organic peroxides 574-83 PHENY LENEDIAMINE NAPHTHY L PHENY LETHY LAMINE PHENYLGUANIDINE and 1,34iphenylguanidine 944-8 PHENYLMETHANOL METHOXY Improved synthesis of polymethoxytriphenylmethanols for use as one-color pH indicators 101 3-16 PHENYLPHENOL Application of an improved steam distillation procedure in residue analysis.Part 11. Determination of 2-phenylphenol in citrus fruits by a spectrophotometric method 94-32 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL. 106 (1981) PHENYLPY RAZOLONE PHOSPHATE Spectrophotometric determination of vanadium(V) using 4-benzoyl-3-methyl- l-phenyl-5-pyrazolone 250-3 Anodic voltammetry of 12-molybdophosphate and molybdenum blue at a stationary glassy carbon electrode, Differential-pulse voltammetric determination of phosphate as molybdovanadophosphate at a glassy carbon 369-73 electrode and assessment of eluents for the flow-injection voltammetric determination of phosphate silicate, arsenate and germanate 1288-95 PHOSPHORESCENCE PHOTOACOUSTIC SPECTROSCOPY Assessment of phosphorescence spectroscopy for crude oil identification 188-97 Determination of the absolute quantum efficiency of sodium salicylate using photoacoustic spectroscopy 850-4 Some observations on the capabilities of photoacoustic Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (PAFTIR), High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of four biogenic amines in chocolate 394-402 Spectrophotometric determination of diethylcarbamazine and centperazine in urine 726-8 Rapid determination of trace amounts of selenium in biological samples by gas chromatography with electron-Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of major constituents of Piper methysticum 16&5 Spectrophotometric determination of piperazine via charge-transfer complexes 1 163-7 Determination of atmospheric isocyanate concentrations by high-performance thin-layer chromatography using Determination of trace elements in plant materials by a dry-ashing procedure.Part 1. Cobalt and molybdenum, Determination of trace elements in plant materials by a dry-ashing procedure. Part 11. Copper manganese and Computer-linked atomic-absorption spectroscopy a streamlined approach to environmental analysis 283-7 Determination of residues of furalaxyl and metalaxyl in nutrient solution peat compost and soil samples by gas Method for the simultaneous determination of arsenic aluminum iron zinc chromium and copper in plant Laser ablation for the introduction of solid samples into an inductively coupled plasma for atomic-emission Nebulizer system for analysis of high salt content solutions with an inductively coupled plasma 54-9 A discrete plasma cholinesterase assay adapted for batch analysis 120-1 Separation of protein-bound copper and zinc in human plasma by means of gel filtration-ion-exchange Simultaneous determination of trace metals in seawater using dithiocarbamate preconcentration and inductively Determination of arsenic by emission spectrometry using an inductively coupled plasma source and the syringe Simultaneous determination of trace amounts of arsenic antimony and bismuth in herbage by hydride Determination of therapeutic concentrations of indoramin by liquid chromatography with fluorometric detection Differential-pulse polarographic determination of Norpace in plasma 802-5 Comparison of flame electrothermal and inductively coupled plasma atomization techniques for the direct Determination of meptazinol in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, Development and evaluation of selected assays for drugs and drug metabolites in biological materials 1025-35 Plasma source mass spectrometry using an inductively coupled plasma and a high resolution quadrupole mass Analysis of additives and process residues in plastics materials 1042-56 Anodic generation of cerium(1V).Charge-transfer kinetic parameters and conditional potentials at platinum, Kinetic parameters and current efficiencies for manganese(II1) generation from manganese(II) 429-32 Separation and extractive spectrophotometric determination of palladium and platinum with 6-aminoquinoxalin-1 179-86 PHTHALDEHYDE PICROLONIC ACID PINE capture detection 757-62 PIPER METHYSTICUM PIPERAZINE PIPERAZINE PYRIDYL 1-(2-pyridyl)piperazine reagent 85-93 PLANT 172-8 1 zinc 182-7 chromatography 389-93 tissue without the use of perchloric acid 1174-8 spectrometry 32-9 PLASMA chromatography 153-9 coupled plasma emission spectrometry 419-28 hydride technique 464-7 generation and inductively coupled plasma atomic+mission spectrometry 467-7 1 717-19 analysis of slurries 9 13-20 999- 100 1 filter 1255-67 PLASTIC PLATINUM gold and glassy carbon 316-22 e-2,34it hi01 1 00 5-ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) 33 PNICTIDE Simultaneous determination of trace amounts of arsenic antimony and bismuth in herbage by hydride Determination of fluocinolone acetonide in pharmaceutical preparations by differential-pulse polarography, Determination of allopurinol in tablets by differential-pulse polarography 365-8 Differential-pulse voltammetry of sulfur dioxide at the parts per 109 level in air 474-8 Polarographic determination of temazepam in soft gelatin capsule formulations 768-75 Simultaneous determination of copper lead cadmium and zinc in nonferrous smelter products by differential-Differential-pulse polarographic determination of Norpace in plasma 802-5 Polarographic study of flurazepam and its major metabolites 890-7 Differential-pulse polarography of trichothecene toxins detection of deoxynivalenol in corn 992-8 Differential-pulse polarographic determination of degradation products of cephalosporins comparison of the Indirect amplification method for determining peroxydisulfate by alternating-current polarography 12 1 7-2 1 Simple method for the differentiation of fuel oil and weathered crude oil pollutants 373-4 Relationship between concentrations of metal aerosol pollutants and the averaging time 855-6 1 Fluorometric assay of polyanions in complex fluids carrageenan stabilizers in dairy products and heparin in hog Adsorption of trace metals during filtration of potable water samples with particular reference to the determinati-Effect of temperature on the structural rearrangements of polyesters (LAC-series) when used as liquid stationary Barium-polyethoxylate complexes as potentiometric sensors and their application to the determination of Determination of trace amounts of barium in calcium-containing matrixes by atomic-absorption spectrophotom-Comparison of some porous polymers as adsorbents for collection of odor samples and the application of the Various applications of functional group analysis 1057-70 Some observations on the capabilities of photoacoustic Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (PAFTIR), Spectrophotometric determination of thiamine hydrochloride using orthogonal polynomials 960-7 Use of stopflow ultraviolet scanning and variable-wavelength detection for enhanced peak identification and Determination of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in food water and smoke using high-performance liquid Open-cell polyurethane foam as a sorbent in the extraction of iodine-131 1326-33 Comparison of some porous polymers as adsorbents for collection of odor samples and the application of the Performance of the Porton Down charcoal cloth diffusive sampler 590-8 Separation of protein-bound copper and zinc in human plasma by means of gel filtration-ion-exchange Extraction of potassium with trifluoromethyl-substituted chromogenic crown ethers 63WO Continuous-flow injection analysis of aqueous environmental samples for chemical oxygen demand 653-62 The impact of microprocessors on analytical instrumentation.A review 257-82 Polycrystalline ion-selective electrode based on silver tetraiodomercurate(I1)-silver(1) sulfide 323-7 Potentiometry of alkoxylates 43947 Barium-polyethoxylate complexes as potentiometric sensors and their application to the determination of Errors in the direct potentiometric electrode method of fluoride determination adsorption illumination and Mutual interference effect shown by copper and cadmium in potentiometric stripping analysis 1017-19 generation and inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectrometry 467-7 1 100-4 POLAROG pulse polarography 790-3 degradation of cephaloglycin in neutral solution with that of cephalexin 12 13-1 7 POLLUTION POLYANION mucosa extracts 33543 on of filtrable lead concentration 47 1 4 phases in gas-liquid chromatography 1302-8 nonionic surfactants 974-84 etry following solvent extraction with poly(ethy1ene glycol) 93943 technique to an environmental malodor 412-1 8 POLYCARBONATE POLYESTER POLYETHOXYLATE POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL POLYMER 1 179-86 POLYNOMIAL POLYNUCLEAR AROM HYDROCARBON sensitivity in high-performance liquid chromatography 122-6 chromatography 135-45 POLYURETHANE POROUS technique to an environmental malodor 41 2-1 8 PORTON DOWN POTASSIUM chromatography 153-9 POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE POTENTIOMETRY nonionic surfactants 974-84 temperature effects 9859 34 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) POTENTIOMETRY(c0ntd) titrations 1109-18 method 1275-80 Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant. Part VII. Potentiometric precipitation Potentiometric determination of fluoride by a combination of continuous-flow analysis and the Gran addition Sample fusion at low temperature for the potentiometric determination of fluorine in silicate materials 1338-41 Use of a carbon fiber indicator electrode for the potentiometric titration of glycine in glacial acetic acid 1344-7 Determination of anions in atmospheric precipitation by ion chromatography 702-9 Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant.Part VII. Potentiometric precipitation Reactive ion-exchange precipitation procedure for the determination of trace amounts of oxalate 1334-7 Spectrophotometric determination of dissolved titanium in seawater after sodium diethyldithiocarbamate Simultaneous determination of trace metals in seawater using dithiocarbamate preconcentration and inductively Analysis of additives and process residues in plastics materials 1042-56 Rapid direct complexometrk determination of palladium(I1) with EDTA 461-4 Rapid direct complexometnc determination of palladium(I1) with EDTA 46 1 4 Separation of protein-bound copper and zinc in human plasma by means of gel filtration-ion-xchange Fluorometric assay of polyanions in complex fluids carrageenan stabilizers in dairy products and heparin in hog Determination of tryptophan in feeds and feed ingredients by high-performance liquid chromatography 968-73 A toluidine blue stain mountant for the microscopy of comminuted meat products 1242-3 Determination of methylmercury in tissue using enzyme proteolysis 1009-1 3 Benzothiadiazine dissociation constants.Part 11. The order of deprotonation 565-73 Determination of fluocinolone acetonide in pharmaceutical preparations by differential-pulse polarography, Determination of allopurinol in tablets by differential-pulse polarography 365-8 Standard atmosphere generator a dynamic system for the controlled dilution of organic vapors in air 403-1 1 Spectrophotometric determination of vanadium(V) using 4-benzoyl-3-methyl-1 -phenyl-5-pyrazolone 250-3 Reagent for the spectrophotometric determination of iron(I1) in alkaline solution 1348-5 1 Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of iron(II1) with 2-(5-chloro-2-pyridylazo>-5-diethylamino-Determination of atmospheric isocyanate concentrations by high-performance thin-layer chromatography using Interference due to crystal formation in the spectrophotometric determination of iron(I1) using 2,4,6-tri(2’-Determination of pyrimethamine in animal feeds 1208-9 4,5-Diamin~2,6-dimercaptopyrimidine as a spectrophotometric reagent for the determination of selenium in Extractive spectrophotometric determination of niobium in pyrochlore-bearing rocks with 5,7-dichloro-8-Investigation of the determination of tin tetraalkyls and alkyltin chlorides by atomic-absorption spectrometry Plasma source mass spectrometry using an inductively coupled plasma and a high resolution quadrupole mass Determination of the absolute quantum efficiency of sodium salicylate using photoacoustic spectroscopy 850-4 PPTN titrations 1109-18 PRECONCN preconcentration 385-8 coupled plasma emission spectrometry 419-28 PROCESS RESIDUE PROMAZINE PROPIONYL PHOSPHATE PROPIONYLPROMAZINEPHOSPHATE PROTEIN chromatography 153-9 mucosa extracts 335-43 PROTEOLYSIS PROTONATION PULSE POLAROG 100-4 PUMP PYRAZOLONE PY RIDINEHYDRAZIDE PY RIDYLAZODIETHY LAMINOPHENOL phenol 1229-33 PYRIDYLPIPERAZINE 1-(2-pyridyl)piperazine reagent 85-93 pyridyl)-l,3,5-triazine 1227-9 PYRIMETHAMINE PYRIMIDINE AMINODIMERCAPTO PY RIDYLTRIAZINE semiconductors and animal feeds 720-3 PYROCHLORE quinolinol 1268-74 after separation by gas-liquid or high-performance liquid-liquid chromatography 92 1-30 filter 1255-67 PYROLYSIS QUADRUPOLE MASS FILTER QUANTUM EFFICIENC ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) 35 QUARTZ Amorphous surface and quantitative x-ray powder diffractometry 69-75 Sample reradiation effects in the quantitative analysis of crystalline silica in foundry samples by infrared Rapid sample pretreatment for removal of aluminum from aqueous solutions prior to fluoride determination Extractive spectrophotometric determination of niobium in pyrochlore-bearing rocks with 5,74ichlor+8-Spectrophotometric determination of aluminum in alloys and ores.Part I. Removal of interfering metals as their Spectrophotometric determination of copper in blood serum with 4-(2-quinolylazo)phenol 799-802 Gravimetric determination of 2-hydroxyquinoxaline by precipitation with copper(1) chloride 90 1-4 Separation and extractive spectrophotometric determination of palladium and platinum with 6-aminoquinoxalin-A radiochemical modification of the Berthelot reaction for the determination of ammonia 114-17 Destructive neutron-activation analysis of toxic elements in suspended materials released from refuse incinerators Determination of rare earths in monazite sand and rare-earth impurities in high-purity rare-earth oxides by Coulometric determination of herbicides containing nitro groups by reduction with electro-generated chromium(-Versatile fusion method for the dissolution of refractory materials 794-6 Comparison of some porous polymers as adsorbents for collection of odor samples and the application of the Sample reradiation effects in the quantitative analysis of crystalline silica in foundry samples by infrared Sorption behavior of dodecylsulfate and other anionic surfactants on anion-exchange resins 537-46 Spectrophotometric determination of uranium and iron using 2,+dinitrosoresorcinol 64 1-6 An appraisal of mutagenicity test systems.A review 1-22 The impact of microprocessors on analytical instrumentation.A review 257-82 The preparation of standard gas mixtures. A review 8 17-49 Determination of riboflavin and flavin mononucleotide in foodstuffs using high-performance liquid chromatogra-Determination of tin in the presence of lead by stripping voltammetry with collection at a rotating ring4isk spectrophotometry 1240-2 using a fluoride-selective electrode 904-6 QUINOLINOL DICHLORO quinolinol 1268-74 QUINOLINOL ISOPROPYL 2-isopropylquinolin-8-01 chelates by precipitation and extraction 1 137-44 QUINOLINOL QUINOLYAZOPHENOL QUINOXALINE QUINOXALINEDITHIOL AMINO +2,34ithiol 10059 RADIOCHEM 328-34 RARE EARTH high-performance liquid chromatography 869-73 11) 796-9 REFRACTORY RENDERING REDN technique to an environmental malodor 41 2-1 8 spectrophotometry 1240-2 RERADIATION RESIN RESORCINOL REVIEW RIBOFLAVIN phy and a column-enrichment technique 1103-8 electrode 305-10 naphthol 955-9 quinolinol 1268-74 spectrometry 32-9 RING DISK RIVER WATER Extraction-spectrophotometric determination of submicrogram amounts of nitrite using &nitroaniline and 1-Extractive spectrophotometric determination of niobium in pyrochlore-bearing rocks with 5,7-dichloro-8-Laser ablation for the introduction of solid samples into an inductively coupled plasma for atomic-emission Accurate spectrophotometric method for the determination of silica in rocks minerals and related materials, Selective spectrophotometric method for the determination of uranium(VI) 724-6 Extractive spectrophotometric determination of niobium in pyrochlore-bearing rocks with 5,7-dichloro-8-Generation of chlorine at glassy carbon.Study of kinetic parameters and current efficiencies by rotating disk ROCK ROCKS 521-8 quinolinol 1268-74 electrode voltammetry 433-8 ROTATING DIS 36 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL. 106 (1981) RUBIDIUM Simultaneous determination of eight trace elements in human skin by instrumental neutron-activation analysis, Dithiooxamide as a reagent for the detection and spectrophotometric determination of chloral hydrate in Comparison of flame electrothermal and inductively coupled plasma atomization techniques for the direct Monitoring exposure to toxic gases in workplace atmospheres 103641 Spectrophotometric determination in nitrite in waters 243-7 Flow injection sample introduction for atomic-adsorption spectrometry applications of a simplified model for Performance of the Porton Down charcoal cloth diffusive sampler 590-8 Determination of rare earths in monazite sand and rare-earth impurities in high-purity rare-earth oxides by Destructive neutron-activation analysis of toxic elements in suspended materials released from refuse incinerators Separation of scandium(II1) from succinate solution by extraction with liquid ion exchangers 806-9 Simultaneous determination of eight trace elements in human skin by instrumental neutron-activation analysis, Seam and location differentiation of coal specimens using trace element concentrations 874-82 Spectrophotometric determination of dissolved titanium in seawater after sodium diethyldithiocarbamate Simultaneous determination of trace metals in seawater using dithiocarbamate preconcentration and inductively Use of stopflow ultraviolet scanning and variable-wavelength detection for enhanced peak identification and Direct spectrophotometric method for the determination of hydrochloric acid-releasable arsenic in sediments and Destructive neutron-activation analysis of toxic elements in suspended materials released from refuse incinerators Separation and determination of selenium(1V) and tellurium(1V) carbodithioates by thin-layer chromatography Determination of submicrogram amounts of selenium in geological materials by atomic-absorption spectrophot-4,5-Diamino-2,6-dimercaptopyrimidine as a spectrophotometric reagent for the determination of selenium in Rapid determination of trace amounts of selenium in biological samples by gas chromatography with electron-Simultaneous determination of eight trace elements in human skin by instrumental neutron-activation analysis, 4,5-Diamin0-2,6-dimercaptopyrimidine as a spectrophotometric reagent for the determination of selenium in Effect of experimental design on assay calibration 1249-54 Barium-polyethoxylate complexes as potentiometric sensors and their application to the determination of Separation of protein-bound copper and zinc in human plasma by means of gel filtration-ion-exchange Destructive neutron-activation analysis of toxic elements in suspended materials released from refuse incinerators Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-exchange chromatography 529-36 Measurement of heavy water concentration with a density meter 609-19 Gas-liquid chromatographic separation of chloroaniline and toluidine isomers on heteroaromatic stationary Spectrophotometric determination of aluminum in alloys and ores.Part I. Removal of interfering metals as their 1 168-73 RUM alcoholic beverages 1237-9 analysis of slurries 91 3-20 RUTILE SAFETY SALICYLIC ACID SAMPLE INTRODUCTION dispersion 1125-9 SAMPLER SAND high-performance liquid chromatography 869-73 SCANDIUM 328-34 1168-73 SEAM LOCATION DIFFERENTIATION SEAWATER preconcentration 385-8 coupled plasma emission spectrometry 419-28 sensitivity in high-performance liquid chromatography 122-6 soils 311-15 SEDIMENT SELENIUM 328-34 and visible spectrophotometry using morpholine4carbodithioate 599-602 ometry with electrothermal atomization after solvent extraction 647-52 semiconductors and animal feeds 720-3 capture detection 757-62 1 168-73 SEMICONDUCTOR.SENSITIVITY SENSOR semiconductors and animal feeds 720-3 nonionic surfactants 974-84 SEPN chromatography 153-9 328-34 phases 906-ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL. 106 (1981) 37 SEPN(contd) SEQUESTRANT 2-isopropylquinolin-8-01 chelates by precipitation and extraction 1 137-44 Separation and identification of aminocarboxylic acid sequestrants by high-performance liquid chromatography, 1203-7 SEROTONIN SERUM SHELLFISH SILICA High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of four biogenic amines in chocolate 394402 Development and evaluation of selected assays for drugs and drug metabolites in biological materials 1025-35 Determination of total inorganic arsenic in fish shellfish and fish products 514-20 Accurate spectrophotometric method for the determination of silica in rocks minerals and related materials, Versatile fusion method for the dissolution of refractory materials 794-6 Sample reradiation effects in the quantitative analysis of crystalline silica in foundry samples by infrared spectrophotometry 1240-2 Comparison of flame electrothermal and inductively coupled plasma atomization techniques for the direct analysis of slurries 91 3-20 Differential-pulse voltammetric determination of phosphate as molybdovanadophosphate at a glassy carbon electrode and assessment of eluents for the flow-injection voltammetric determination of phosphate silicate, arsenate and germanate 1288-95 Sample fusidn at low temperature for the potentiometric determination of fluorine in silicate materials 1338-41 Laser ablation for the introduction of solid samples into an inductively coupled plasma for atomic+mission Method for improving the determination of silicon by atomic-absorption spectrometry using a tantalum-coated Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-exchange chromatography 529-36 Selectivity parameters of homogeneous solid-state chloride ion-selective electrodes and the surface morphology of silver chloride-silver sulfide disks under simulated interference conditions 547-56 Flotation-spectrophotometric determination of palladium with thiocyanate and methylene blue 75 1-6 Sequential multielement analysis using silver and copper ion-selective electrodes 128 1-7 Polycrystalline ion-selective electrode based on silver tetraiodomercurate(IIksilver(1) sulfide 323-7 Polycrystalline ion-selective electrode based on silver tetraiodomercurate(IIksilver(1) sulfide 323-7 Characterization of candicidin and levorin by means of high-performance size-exclusion liquid chromatography, Simultaneous determination of eight trace elements in human skin by instrumental neutron-activation analysis, Comparison of flame electrothermal and inductively coupled plasma atomization techniques for the direct Simultaneous determination of copper lead cadmium and zinc in nonferrous smelter products by differential-Determination of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in food water and smoke using high-performance liquid Evaluation of ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of nitrate-nitrogen in glacial snow firn and ice, Determination of water in NN-dimethylformamide by the kinetic method of tangents using the oxidation of Spectrophotometric determination of dissolved titanium in seawater after sodium diethyldithiocarbamate Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant.Part VII. Potentiometric precipitation Determination of formaldehyde in the atmosphere observations concerning the storage of aqueous samples, 521-8 SILICATE SILICATE ROCKS spectrometry 32-9 carbon furnace 743-50 SILICON SILVER SILVER IODOMERCURATE SILVER SULFIDE SIZE EXCLUSION 361-4 SKIN 1168-73 SLURRY analysis of slurries 9 13-20 pulse polarography 790-3 chromatography 135-45 SMELTER DUST SMOKE SNOW 898-901 SODIUM catechol as the indicator reaction 247-50 preconcentration 385-8 SODIUM FLUORIDE titrations 1109-18 SODIUM DIETHY LDITHIOCARBAMATE SODIUM PENTACHLOROPHENATE 488-38 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) SODIUM SALICYLATE SODIUM TETRAHYDROBORATE Determination of the absolute quantum efficiency of sodium salicylate using photoacoustic spectroscopy 850-4 Inexpensive simple hydride generation system with minimum interferences for the atomic-absorption spectropho-Computer-linked atomic-absorption spectroscopy a streamlined approach to environmental analysis 283-7 Direct spectrophotometric method for the determination of hydrochloric acid-releasable arsenic in sediments and A novel filtration technique for soil extracts 374-5 Determination of residues of furalaxyl and metalaxyl in nutrient solution peat compost and soil samples by gas Simple method for the differentiation of fuel oil and weathered crude oil pollutants 3734 Atomic-absorption spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of arsenic in acrylic fibers containing Determination of sub-microgram amounts of selenium in geological materials by atomic-absorption spectrophot-Solvent extraction-spectrophotometric determination of boron in steel with 2,4-dinitronaphthalene-1,8-diol and Determination of trace amounts of barium in calcium-containing matrixes by atomic-absorption spectrophotom-Spectrophotometric determination of aluminum in alloys and ores.Part 11. Stripping aluminum aft'er chelation of Solvent extraction of the thiocyanato mixed-ligand complexes of iron(II1) with various hydroxyamidines and Multi-purpose automatic solvent extractor 620-4 Studies in chemical phase analysis. Part 11. Determination of the solubilities of carbides nitrides oxides and Studies in chemical phase analysis. Part 11. Determination of the solubilities of carbides nitrides oxides and Sorption behavior of dodecylsulfate and other anionic surfactants on anion-exchange resins 53746 Open-cell polyurethane foam as a sorbent in the extraction of iodine-131 1326-33 A toluidine blue stain mountant for the microscopy of comminuted meat products 1242-3 Selective determination of sparteine by thermochromism of associates with tetrabromophenolphthalein ethyl ester Fluorometric assay of polyanions in complex fluids carrageenan stabilizers in dairy products and heparin in hog Use of thiaminase I in the determination of thiamine in biological materials 344-5 1 Spectrophotometric and fluorometric determination of tri- and diorganotin and -organolead compounds using dithizone and 3-hydroxyflavone 60-8 Application of an improved steam distillation procedure in residue analysis.Part 11. Determination of 2-phenylphenol in citrus fruits by a spectrophotometric method 94-9 Determination of halquinol (chloroquinolin-8-01s) in premixes and medicated feeding stuffs 105-1 3 Spectrophotometric determination of L-ascorbic acid in vegetables and fruits 1 17-20 A discrete plasma cholinesterase assay adapted for batch analysis 120-1 Use of stopflow ultraviolet scanning and variable-wavelength detection for enhanced peak identification and Determination of trace elements in plant materials by a dry-ashing procedure.Part 1. Cobalt and molybdenum, Determination of trace elements in plant materials by a dry-ashing procedure. Part 11. Copper manganese and Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of palladium(I1) and gold(II1) with methiomeprazine hydrochlo-Spectrophotometric determination in nitrite in waters 243-7 Determination of water in NN-dimethylformamide by the kinetic method of tangents using the oxidation of Spectrophotometric determination of vanadium(V) using 4-benzoyl-3-methyl-1-phenyl-5-pyrazolone 250-3 Direct spectrophotometric method for the determination of hydrochloric acid-releasable arsenic in sediments and Spectrophotometric determination of dissolved titanium in seawater after sodium diethyldithiocarbamate tometry of arsenic 93 1-8 SOIL soils 3 1 1-1 5 chromatography 389-93 SOLVENT SOLVENT EXTN antimony oxide with solvent extraction and arsine generation 40-6 ometry with electrothermal atomization after solvent extraction 647-52 Brilliant Green 776-81 etry following solvent extraction with poly(ethy1ene glycol) 93943 other metals with 2-isopropylquinolin-8-01 in 1-butanol 1 145-9 spectrophotometric determination of iron(II1) in various biochemical and biological samples 1 150-6 SOLVENT EXTRACTOR soLvoLYsIs sulfides in ,certain organic solvent-bromine mixtures 221-6 sulfides in certain organic solvent-bromine mixtures 22 1-6 SOLY SORPTION SOYA SPARTEINE 584-9 SPECTROFLUOROMETRY mucosa extracts 335-43 SPECTROPHOTOMETRY sensitivity in high-performance liquid chromatography 122-6 172-8 1 zinc 182-7 ride analysis of alloys and minerals 198-205 catechol as the indicator reaction 247-50 soils 3 1 1-1 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) 39 SPECTROPHOTOMETRY(contd) preconcentration 385-8 mixtures 478-8 1 High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of four biogenic amines in chocolate 394-402 Spectrophotometric assay of bromhexine hydrochloride and its application to binary bromhexine-antibiotic Rapid spectrophotometric determination of nitrate with 4,54ihydroxycoumarin 483-7 Accurate spectrophotometric method for the determination of silica in rocks minerals and related materials, Benzothiadiazine dissociation constants.Part I. Ultraviolet spectrophotometric pK determinations 557-64 Evaluation of NNY-di(2-naphthyl)phenylene-1 ,Miamhe as a reagent for the spectrophotometric determination Selective determination of sparteine by thermochromism of associates with tetrabromophenolphthalein ethyl ester Separation and determination of selenium(1V) and tellurium(1V) carbodithioates by thin-layer chromatography Extraction of potassium with trifluoromethyl-substituted chromogenic crown ethers 63640 Spectrophotometric determination of uranium and iron using 2,4-dinitrosoresorcinol 64 1-6 Continuous-flow injection analysis of aqueous environmental samples for chemical oxygen demand 653-62 Determination of indigo carmine in boiled sweets and similar confectionery products 7 10-13 4,5-Diamino-2,6-dimercaptopyrimidine as a spectrophotometric reagent for the determination of selenium in Selective spectrophotometric method for the determination of uranium(VI) 724-6 Spectrophotometric determination of diethylcarbamazine and centperazine in urine 726-8 Flotation-spectrophotometric determination of palladium with thiocyanate and methylene blue 75 1-6 Solvent extraction-spectrophotometric determination of boron in steel with 2,4-dinitronaphthalene-1,8-diol and Spectrophotometric determination of copper in blood serum with 4-(2-quinolylazo)phenol 799-802 Separation of scandium(II1) from succinate solution by extraction with liquid ion exchangers 806-9 Determination of rare earths in monazite sand and rare-earth impurities in high-purity rare-earth oxides by Evaluation of ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of nitrate-nitrogen in glacial snow firn and ice, Extraction-spectrophotometric determination of tantalum(V) with 2-(2-thiazolylazo)-5-dimethylaminophenol Spectrophotometric and titrimetric determination of catecholamines using organic brominating agents 949-54 Extraction-spectrophotometric determination of submicrogram amounts of nitrite using 4nitroaniline and 1-Spectrophotometric determination of thiamine hydrochloride using orthogonal polynomials 960-7 Separation and extractive spectrophotometric determination of palladium and platinum with 6-aminoquinoxalin-Study of 3-propyl-5-hydroxy-5-~-arabinotetrahydroxybutyl-3-thi~olidine-2-thione as a reagent for the Spectrophotometric determination of aluminum in alloys and ores.Part I. Removal of interfering metals as their Spectrophotometric determination of aluminum in alloys and ores. Part 11. Stripping aluminum after chelation of Solvent extraction of the thiocyanato mixed-ligand complexes of iron(II1) with various hydroxyarnidines and Utility of x-acceptors in charge-transfer complexation of alkaloids chloranilic acid as a spectrophotometric Spectrophotometric determination of piperazine via charge-transfer complexes 1 163-7 Indirect spectrophotometric determination of iodide in table salts and pharmaceutical products 1224-7 Interference due to crystal formation in the spectrophotometric determination of iron(I1) using 2,4,6-tri(2’-Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of iron(II1) with 2-(5-chloro-2-pyridylazo)-5-diethylamino-Spectrophotometric determination of micro-amounts of chromate in the presence of iron(III) chromium(III), Dithiooxamide as a reagent for the detection and spectrophotometric determination of chloral hydrate in Extractive spectrophotometric determination of niobium in pyrochlore-bearing rocks with 5,74ichloro-8-Reagent for the spectrophotometric determination of iron(I1) in alkaline solution 1348-5 I Rapid determination of trace amounts of selenium in biological samples by gas chromatography with electron-A toluidine blue stain mountant for the microscopy of comminuted meat products 1242-3 Application of gas-liquid chromatography to the analysis of essential oils.Part VIII. Fingerprinting of essential 521-8 of organic peroxides 574-83 584-9 and visible spectrophotometry using morpholine&arbodithioate 599-602 semiconductors and animal feeds 720-3 Brilliant Green 776-81 high-performance liquid chromatography 869-73 898-901 and 1,34iphenylguanidine 944-8 naphthol 955-9 e-2,3-dithiol 1005-9 spectrophotometric determination of thallium(I)2 1 122-5 2-isopropylquinolin-8-1 chelates by precipitation and extraction 1 137-44 other metals with 2-isopropylquinolin-8-01 in 1-butanol 1 145-9 spectrophotometric determination of iron(II1) in various biochemical and biological samples 1 1 50-6 titrant in nonaqueous media 1 157-62 pyridyl)-l,3,5-triazine 1227-9 phenol 1229-33 and other ions 1234-7 alcoholic beverages 1237-9 quinolinol 1268-74 SPINACH capture detection 757-62 STAINING STATIONARY PHAS 40 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1 98 1) STATIONARY PHASE(contd) oils by temperature-programmed gas-liquid chromatography using methyl silicone stationary phases 448-55 Gas-liquid chromatographic separation of chloroaniline and toluidine isomers on heteroaromatic stationary phases 906-8 Effect of temperature on the structural rearrangements of polyesters (LAC-series) when used as liquid stationary phases in gas-liquid chromatography 1302-8 Effect of experimental design on assay calibration 1249-54 Standard atmosphere generator a dynamic system for the controlled dilution of organic vapors in air 403-1 1 Field method for the determination of aromatic primary amines in air.Part I. Generation of standard atmospher-The preparation of standard gas mixtures. A review 8 17-49 Application of an improved steam distillation procedure in residue analysis. Part 11. Determination of 2-Laser ablation for the introduction of solid samples into an inductively coupled plasma for atomic-emission Nebulizer system for analysis of high salt content solutions with an inductively coupled plasma 54-9 Spectrophotometric determination of vanadium(V) using 4-benzoyl-3-methyl-1-phenyl-5-pyrazolone 25&3 Solvent extraction-spectrophotometric determination of boron in steel with 2,4-dinitronaphthalene-l,84iol and Thin-layer chromatography of some unstable pharmaceuticals and intermediates 6024 Determination of formaldehyde in the atmosphere observations concerning the storage of aqueous samples, Quantitative determination of the exogenous and endogenous storage iron content of hematite workers’ lungs, Determination of tin in the presence of lead by stripping voltammetry with collection at a rotating ring-disk Mutual interference effect shown by copper and cadmium in potentiometric stripping analysis 101 7-1 9 Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-exchange chromatography 529-36 Utility of n-acceptors in charge-transfer complexation of alkaloids chloranilic acid as a spectrophotometric Determination of methylmercury in tissue using enzyme proteolysis 1009-1 3 Separation of scandium(II1) from succinate solution by extraction with liquid ion exchangers 806-9 Determination of anions in atmospheric precipitation by ion chromatography 702-9 Studies in chemical phase analysis.Part 11. Determination of the solubilities of carbides nitrides oxides and Selectivity parameters of homogeneous solid-state chloride ion-selective electrodes and the surface morphology Determination of the mothproofing agent Eulan WA (New) in fish tissue using gas-liquid chromatography Differential-pulse voltammetry of sulfur dioxide at the parts per 109 level in air 474-8 Selectivity parameters of homogeneous solid-state chloride ion-selective electrodes and the surface morphology of silver chloride-silver sulfide disks under simulated interference conditions 547-56 Selectivity parameters of homogeneous solid-state chloride ion-selective electrodes and the surface morphology of silver chloride-silver sulfide disks under simulated interference conditions 547-56 Potentiometry of alkoxylates 439-47 Sorption behavior of dodecylsulfate and other anionic surfactants on anion-exchange resins 53746 Barium-polyethoxylate complexes as potentiometric sensors and their application to the determination of STATISTICS STD ATM es of amines 1082-7 STD GAS MIXT STEAM DISTN phenylphenol in citrus fruits by a spectrophotometric method 94-9 spectrometry 32-9 STEEL Brilliant Green 776-81 STEROID STORAGE 488-9 STORAGE IRON 663-75 STRIPPING electrode 305-10 STRIPPING POTENTIOMETRY ST RONTI U M STRYCHNINE titrant in nonaqueous media 1 157-62 SUBTILISIN SUCCINATE SULFATE SULFIDE sulfides in certain organic solvent-bromine mixtures 22 1-6 of silver chloride-silver sulfide disks under simulated interference conditions 547-56 following extractive methylation 862-8 SULFONAMIDE SULFUR DIOXIDE SURFACE SURFACE STRUCTURE SU RFACTANT nonionic surfactants 974-8 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) 41 SYRINGE Standard atmosphere generator a dynamic system for the controlled dilution of organic vapors in air 403-1 1 Determination of arsenic by emission spectrometry using an inductively coupled plasma source and the syringe Differential-pulse polarography of trichothecene toxins detection of deoxynivalenol in corn 992-8 Indirect spectrophotometric determination of iodide in table salts and pharmaceutical products 1224-7 Determination of allopurinol in tablets by differential-pulse polarography 365-8 Method for improving the determination of silicon by atomic-absorption spectrometry using a tantalum<oated Extraction-spectrophotometric determination of tantalum(V) with 2-(2-thiazolylazo)-5-dimethylaminophenol Accurate spectrophotometric method for the determination of silica in rocks minerals and related materials, Separation and determination of selenium(1V) and tellurium(1V) carbodithioates by thin-layer chromatography Polarographic determination of temazepam in soft gelatin capsule formulations 768-75 Errors in the direct potentiometric electrode method of fluoride determination adsorption illumination and Comparison of some porous polymers as adsorbents for collection of odor samples and the application of the A copper(1) iodide paper for the detection and determination of the concentration of mercury vapor in the Study of 3-propyl-5-hydroxy-5arabinotetrahydroxybutyl-3-thiazolidine-2-thione as a reagent for the Selective determination of sparteine by thermochromism of associates with tetrabromophenolphthalein ethyl ester Use of thiaminase I in the determination of thiamine in biological materials 344-5 1 Use of thiaminase I in the determination of thiamine in biological materials 344-51 Spectrophotometric determination of thiamine hydrochloride using orthogonal polynomials 96&7 Study of 3-propyl-5-hydroxy-~~arabinotetrahydroxybutyl-3-thi~olidin~2-thione as a reagent for the Indirect spectrophotometric determination of iodide in table salts and pharmaceutical products 1224-7 Extraction-spectrophotometric determination of tantalum(V) with 2-(2-thiazolylazo)-5-dimethylaminophenol Determination of atmospheric isocyanate concentrations by high-performance thin-layer chromatography using Determination of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in food water and smoke using high-performance liquid Simple method for the differentiation of fuel oil and weathered crude oil pollutants 373-4 Separation and determination of selenium(1V) and tellurium(1V) carbodithioates by thin-layer chromatography Thin-layer chromatography of some unstable pharmaceuticals and intermediates 602-4 Sequential multielement analysis using silver and copper ion-selective electrodes 128 1-7 Spectrophotometric determination of dissolved titanium in seawater after sodium diethyldithiocarbamate Selectivity parameters of homogeneous solid-state chloride ion-selective electrodes and the surface morphology Flotation-spectrophotometric determination of palladium with thiocyanate and methylene blue 75 1-6 Solvent extraction of the thiocyanato mixed-ligand complexes of iron(II1) with various hydroxyamidines and hydride technique 464-7 T 2 TABLE SALT TABLET TANTALUM carbon furnace 743-50 and 1,34iphenylguanidine 944-8 TARTARIC ACID 521-8 TELLURIUM and visible spectrophotometry using morpholin&arbodithioate 599-602 TEMAZEPAM TEMP temperature effects 985-91 technique to an environmental malodor 412-1 8 workplace atmosphere 13 18-25 spectrophotometric determination of thallium(I)2 1 122-5 584-9 TENAX GC TEST PAPER THALLIUM THERMOCHROMISM THIAMINASE I THIAMINE THIAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE THIAZOLIDINETHIONE spectrophotometric determination of thallium(I)2 1 122-5 THIAZOLYLAZODIAMINOTOLUENE THIAZOLYLAZODIMETHYLAMINOPHENOL and 1,34iphenylguanidine 944-8 1-(2-pyridyl)piperazine reagent 85-93 chromatography 135-45 and visible spectrophotometry using morpholin&arbodithioate 599-602 THIN LAYER CHROMATOG THIOCARBAMATE DIETHYLDITHIO THIOCYANATE preconcentration 385-8 of silver chloride-silver sulfide disks under simulated interference conditions 547-5 42 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) THIOCYANATE(c0ntd) THIOGLYCOLIC ACID spectrophotometric determination of iron(II1) in various biochemical and biological samples 1 150-6 aluminum 1296-30 1 pharmaceutical formulations 1 1 19-22 Use of ascorbic and thioglycolic acids to eliminate interference from iron in the aluminon method for determining High-performance liquid chromatography determination of chlorpromazine and thioridazine hydrochlorides in Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-exchange chromatography 529-36 Determination of a-halocarbonyl compounds by reaction with thiourea 482-3 Determination of residues of dithiocarbamate pesticides in foodstuffs by a headspace method 782-7 Determination of dithiocarbamates by liquid chromatography using transition-metal salts as ion-pair reagents, THIORIDAZINE HYDROCHLORIDE THIOSULFATE THIOUREA THIRAM THIURAM 129-34 TIN Spectrophotometric and fluorometric determination of tri- and diorganotin and -organolead compounds using Determination of tin in the presence of lead by stripping voltammetry with collection at a rotating ringdisk Determination of formaldehyde in the atmosphere observations concerning the storage of aqueous samples, Determination of residues of dithiocarbamate pesticides in foodstuffs by a headspace method 782-7 Investigation of the determination of tin tetraalkyls and alkyltin chlorides by atomic-absorption spectrometry Determination of methylmercury in tissue using enzyme proteolysis 1009-1 3 Determination of gold in tissue and feces by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry using carbon rod atomization Spectrophotometric determination of dissolved titanium in seawater after sodium diethyldithiocarbamate Determination of a-halocarbonyl compounds by reaction with thiourea 482-3 Determination of bromoxynil and ioxynil in technical bromoxynil and ioxynil esters by high-performance liquid Determination of microgram amounts of calcium in small biological samples by EDTA titration using Patton and Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant.Part VI. Further extension of the Gran I The impact of microprocessors on analytical instrumentation. A review 257-82 Rapid direct complexometric determination of palladium(I1) with EDTA 46 1-4 Determination of caffeine using sodium N-chloro-p-toluenesulfonamide 729-32 Spectrophotometric and titrimetric determination of catecholamines using organic brominating agents 949-54 Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant.Part VII. Potentiometric precipitation Reactive ion-exchange precipitation procedure for the determination of trace amounts of oxalate 1334-7 Use of a carbon fiber indicator electrode for the potentiometric titration of glycine in glacial acetic acid 1344-7 Gas-liquid chromatographic separation of chloroaniline and toluidine isomers on heteroaromatic stationary A toluidine blue stain mountant for the microscopy of comminuted meat products 1242-3 Rapid determination of trace amounts of selenium in biological samples by gas chromatography with electron-dithizone and 3-hydroxyflavone 60-8 electrode 305-10 TIN CHLORIDE 488-9 TIN TETRAALKYL after separation by gas-liquid or high-performance liquid-liquid chromatography 92 1-30 TISSUE 1096102 TITANIUM preconcentration 385-8 TIT RI M ETRY chromatography gas-liquid chromatography and titrimetry 7 13-1 7 Reeder’s indicator 227-30 method for calculation of the equivalence volume in acid-base titrations 23 1 4 2 TITRN titrations 1109-18 TOLUIDINE phases 906-8 TOLUIDINE BLUE TOMATO caDture detection.757-62 TOXI& ELEMENTS’ Destructive neutron-activation analysis of toxic elements in suspended materials released from refuse incinerators 328-34 TOXIC GAS TOXIN TRACE ELEMENT Monitoring exposure to toxic gases in workplace atmospheres 103641 Differential-pulse polarography of trichothecene toxins detection of deoxynivalenol in corn 992-8 Determination of trace elements in plant materials by a dry-ashing procedure.Part 1. Cobalt and molybdenum ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL. 106 (1981) 43 TRACE ELEMENT(contd) 172-8 1 Determination of trace elements in plant materials by a dry-ashing procedure. Part 11. Copper manganese and Computer-linked atomic-absorption spectroscopy a streamlined approach to environmental analysis 283-7 Destructive neutron-activation analysis of toxic elements in suspended materials released from refuse incinerators Seam and location differentiation of coal specimens using trace element concentrations 874-82 Simultaneous determination of eight trace elements in human skin by instrumental neutron-activation analysis, Plasma source mass spectrometry using an inductively coupled plasma and a high resolution quadrupole mass Nebulizer system for analysis of high salt content solutions with an inductively coupled plasma 54-9 Simultaneous determiqation of trace metals in seawater using dithiocarbamate preconcentration and inductively Comparison of flame electrothermal and inductively coupled plasma atomization techniques for the direct Pattern display for characterization of trace amounts of odorants discharged from nine odor sources 1 187-202 Determination of dithiocarbamates by liquid chromatography using transition-metal salts as ion-pair reagents, Determination of trace elements in plant materials by a dry-ashing procedure.Part 11. Copper manganese and Computer-linked atomic-absorption spectroscopy a streamlined approach to environmental analysis 283-7 Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation+xchange chromatography 529-36 Multi-purpose automatic solvent extractor 620-4 Differential-pulse polarography of trichothecene toxins detection of deoxynivalenol in corn 992-8 Interference due to crystal formation in the spectrophotometric determination of iron(I1) using 2,4,6-tri(2’-High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of four biogenic amines in chocolate 394-402 Determination of tryptophan in feeds and feed ingredients by high-performance liquid chromatography 968-73 zinc 182-7 328-34 1 168-73 filter 1255-67 TRACE METAL coupled plasma emission spectrometry 419-28 analysis of slurries 9 13-20 TRACE ODORANT DETN TRANSITION METAL 129-34 zinc 182-7 TRICHLOROETHYLENE TRICHOTHECENE TRIPY RIDYLTRIAZINE pyridyl)-l,3,5-triazine 1227-9 TRYPTAMINE TRYPTOPHAN TUNGSTEN Determination of copper nickel and iron in heavy alloy using atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 47-53 Determination of tungsten in its ores and concentrates by atomic-absorption spectrometry 1210-1 3 High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of four biogenic amines in chocolate 394-402 Analytical applications of emulsions in atomic-absorption spectrophotometry determination of zinc in Spectrophotometric determination of uranium and iron using 2,4-dinitrosoresorcinol 641-6 Selective spectrophotometric method for the determination of uranium(VI) 724-6 Qualitative and semiquantitative determination of chromium(V1) in aqueous solution using 1,54iphenylcarbazi-RINE Determination of lead in urine by atomic-absorption spectroscopy with electrothermal atomization 299-304 Spectrophotometric determination of diethylcarbamazine and centperazine in urine 726-8 Measurement of phenol in urine by the method of Van Haaften and Sie a critical appraisal 763-7 Development and evaluation of selected assays for drugs and drug metabolites in biological materials 1025-35 V TYRAMINE UNDECENOATE undecenoate ointments using aqueous inorganic standards 73742 URANIUM URETHANE de-loaded foam 809-1 2 Spectrophotometric determination of dissolved titanium in seawater after sodium diethyldithiocarbamate High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of four biogenic amines in chocolate 394-402 Benzothiadiazine dissociation constants.Part I. Ultraviolet spectrophotometric pK determinations 557-64 Benzothiadiazine dissociation constants.Part 11. The order of deprotonation 565-73 Spectrophotometric determination of vanadium(V) using 4-benzoyl-3-methyl-1-phenyl-5-pyrazolone 250-3 Destructive neutron-activation analysis of toxic elements in suspended materials released from refuse incinerators Simultaneous determination of trace metals in seawater using dithiocarbamate preconcentration and inductively preconcentration 385-8 VANADIUM 328-34 coupled plasma emission spectrometry 419-2 44 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL. 106 (1981) VAPOR Standard atmosphere generator a dynamic system for the controlled dilution of organic vapors in air 403-1 1 Performance of the Porton Down charcoal cloth diffusive sampler 590-8 Spectrophotometric determination of L-ascorbic acid in vegetables and fruits 1 17-20 Determination of arsenic by emission spectrometry using an inductively coupled plasma source and the syringe VEGETABLE VEGETATION hydride technique 464-7 VOLATILE Profiles of organic volatiles in biological fluids as an aid to the diagnosis of disease 352-60 VOLTAMMETRY Voltammetric determination of 2- 3- and khloroaniline in mixtures 146-52 Determination of tin in the presence of lead by stripping voltammetry with collection at a rotating ring-disk Anodic voltammetry of 12-molybdophosphate and molybdenum blue at a stationary glassy carbon electrode, Generation of chlorine at glassy carbon.Study of kinetic parameters and current efficiencies by rotating disk Differential-pulse voltammetry of sulfur dioxide at the parts per 109 level in air 474-8 Further voltammetric studies of synthetic food coloring matters at glassy carbon and carbon paste electrodes Differential-pulse voltammetric determination of phosphate as molybdovanadophosphate at a glassy carbon electrode 305-10 369-73 electrode voltammetry 433-8 using static and flowing systems 883-9 electrode and assessment of eluents for the flow-injection voltammetric determination of phosphate silicate, arsenate and germanate 1288-95 WASTEWATER Determination of ammonium- and nitrate-nitrogen by molecular emission cavity analysis 625-35 Continuous-flow injection analysis of aqueous environmental samples for chemical oxygen demand 653-62 WASTEWATER TREATMENT Pattern display for characterization of trace amounts of odorants discharged from nine odor sources 1 187-202 WATER Determination of lead in drinking water by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with electrothermal Determination of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in food water and smoke using high-performance liquid Spectrophotometric determination in nitrite in waters 243-7 Determination of water in NN-dimethylformamide by the kinetic method of tangents using the oxidation of Spectrophotometric determination of dissolved titanium in seawater after sodium diethyldithiocarbamate Simultaneous determination of trace metals in seawater using dithiocarbamate preconcentration and inductively Adsorption of trace metals during filtration of potable water samples with particular reference to the determinati-Measurement of heavy water concentration with a density meter 609-19 Determination of ammonium- and nitrate-nitrogen by molecular emission cavity analysis 625-35 Method for improving the determination of silicon by atomic-absorption spectrometry using a tantalumsoated Extraction-spectrophotometric determination of submicrogram amounts of nitrite using 4-nitroaniline and 1-Interference due to crystal formation in the spectrophotometric determination of iron(I1) using 2,4,6-tri(2’-Open-cell polyurethane foam as a sorbent in the extraction of iodine-131 132633 A novel method of wavelength modulation for atomic spectrometry.Some preliminary experiments 288-98 Simple method for the differentiation of fuel oil and weathered crude oil pollutants 373-4 A toluidine blue stain mountant for the microscopy of comminuted meat products 1242-3 Dithiooxamide as a reagent for the detection and spectrophotometric determination of chloral hydrate in Monitoring exposure to toxic gases in workplace atmospheres 1036-41 A copper(1) iodide paper for the detection and determination of the concentration of mercury vapor in the Amorphous surface and quantitative x-ray powder diffractometry 69-75 Method for the simultaneous determination of arsenic aluminum iron zinc chromium and copper in plant atomization 23-31 chromatography 135-45 catechol as the indicator reaction 247-50 preconcentrati on 3 8 5-8 coupled plasma emission spectrometry 41 9-28 on of filtrable lead concentration 471-4 carbon furnace 743-50 naphthol 955-9 pyridy1)-I ,3,5-triazine 1227-9 WAVELENGTH MODULATION WEATHERING WHEAT WHISKY alcoholic beverages 1237-9 WORKPLACE ATM workplace atmosphere 13 18-25 x RAY tissue without the use of perchloric acid 1174-ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX VOL.106 (1981) 45 X RAY FLUORESCENCE Selectivity parameters of homogeneous solid-state chloride ion-selective electrodes and the surface morphology Seam and location differentiation of coal specimens using trace element concentrations 874-82 Gas-liquid chromatographic determination of major constituents of Piper methysticum 160-5 Utility of x-acceptors in charge-transfer complexation of alkaloids chloranilic acid as a spectrophotometric Separation of protein-bound copper and zinc in human plasma by means of gel filtration-ion-exchange Determination of trace elements in plant materials by a dry-ashing procedure.Part 11. Copper manganese and Destructive neutron-activation analysis of toxic elements in suspended materials released from refuse incinerators Simultaneous determination of trace metals in seawater using dithiocarbamate preconcentration and inductively Thiosulfate as a complexing agent in the separation of cations by cation-exchange chromatography 529-36 Analytical applications of emulsions in atomic-absorption spectrophotometry determination of zinc in Simultaneous determination of copper lead cadmium and zinc in nonferrous smelter products by differential-Simultaneous determination of eight trace elements in human skin by instrumental neutron-activation analysis, Method for the simultaneous determination of arsenic aluminum iron zinc chromium and copper in plant Determination of residues of dithiocarbamate pesticides in foodstuffs-by a headspace method 782-7 of silver chloride-silver sulfide disks under simulated interference conditions 547-56 YANGONIN YOHIMBINE titrant in nonaqueous media 1157-62 chromatography 153-9 zinc 182-7 ZINC 328-34 coupled plasma emission spectrometry 41 9-28 undecenoate ointments using aqueous inorganic standards 737-42 pulse polarography 790-3 1 168-73 tissue without the use of perchloric acid 1174-8 ZINE 46 ANALYST BOOK REVIEW INDEX (1981) BOOK REVIEWS 1981 Adam and Schots.Biochemical and Biological Applications of Isotachophoresis. Proceedings of the First International Symposium Baconfry, May 4-5 1979 1356 Afghan and MacKay.Hydrocarbons and Halo-genated Hydrocarbons in the Aquatic Environ-ment 815 Albaiges. Analytical Techniques in Environmental Chemistry. Proceedings of the International Congress Barcelona Spain November 1978, 1134 Amerine and Ough. Methods for Analysis of Musts and Wines 378 Anson Moye. Bance. Handbook of Practical Organic Micro-analysis. Recommended Methods for Deter-mining Elements and Groups 605 Baselt. Biological Monitoring Methods for Industrial Chemicals 1021 Bellamy. The Infrared Spectra of Complex Mole-cules. Volume 2. Advances in Infrared Group Frequencies 910 Benes and Majer. Trace Chemistry of Aqueous Solutions. General Chemistry and Radio-chemistry 495 Berman. Toxic Metals and Their Analysis 733 Bertsch Hara Kaiser and Zlatkis.lnstrumental HPTLC. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Instrumentalised High Perform-ance Thin-Layer Chromatography (HPTLC), Bad Durkheim (West Germany) May 18-21, 1980 490 Bock. Methoden Der Analytischen Chemie. Eine Einfuhrung. Band 2. Nachweisund Bzstim-mungsmethoden. Teil 1 492 Bond. Modern Polarographic Methods in Analyti-cal Chemistry 491 Boumans. Line Coincidence Tables for Induc-tively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectro-metry 1022 Bowen. Environmental Chemistry of the Elements, 814 Branica and Korad. Lead in the Marine Environ-ment 910 Bretherick. Hazards in the Chemical Laboratory, 1130 Bridges and Chasseaud. Progress in Drug Meta-bolism. Volume 4 1131 Brodbeck. Enzyme Inhibitors 1355 Brown and Sunderman.Nickel Toxicology. Pro-ceedings of the Second International Conference on Nickel Toxicology 3-5 September 1980, Swansea Wales 1136 Burns Townshend and Catchpole. Inorganic Reaction Chemistry. Volume 1. Systematic Chemical Separation 11 30 Carr and Bowers. Immobilized Enzymes in Analytical and Clinical Chemistry. Fundamentals and Applications 1134 Chakrabarti. Progress in Analytical Spectroscopy. Volume 2 1352 Charlot. Analyse Qualitative Rapid des Cations et des Anions 128 Copper. Introduction to Pascal for Scientists 1353 Criddle and Ellis. Spectral and Chemical Charac-terization of Organic Compounds. A Laboratory Handbook 733 Analysis of Pesticides 1244 Crompton. Additive Migration from Plastics into Food 255 Dawson and Sharp. Annual Reports on Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy.Volume 9 496 Dollberg and Verstuyft. Analytical Techniques in Occupational Health Chemistry 607 Drucker. Microbiological Applications of Gas Chromatography 1244 Dyer. Liquid Scintillation Counting Practice 495 Emerson Hollyhead Isaacs Fuller and Hunt. The Measurement of Breath Alcohol. The Laboratory Evaluation of Substantive Breath Test Equipment and the Report of an Operational Police Trial 494 Everaerts. Analytical Isotachophoresis. Proceed-ings of the 2nd International Symposium on Isotachophoresis Eindhoven September 9-1 1, 1980 1356 Faires and Boswell. Radioisotope Laboratory Techniques 11 33 Forster and Anderson. An Atlas of Spectral Interferences in ICP Spectroscopy 256 Freiser. Ion-selective Electrodes in Analytical Chemistry 81 3 Frigerio and McCamish.Recent Developments in Chromatography and Electrophoresis 10 608 - Recent Developments in Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry and Medicine 6 1021 Fritz and Schenk. Quantitative Analytical Chemis-try 911 Goffer. Archaeological Chemistry. A Sourcebook on the Applications of Chemistry to Archaeology, 382 Hamilton and Bhati. Fats and Oils Chemistry and Technology 1022 Haque. Dynamics Exposure and Hazard Assess-ment of Toxic Chemicals 254 Hartley Burgess and Alcock. Solution Equilibria, 49 1 Harvey and Zweig. Pesticide Analytical Method-ology 816 Heimann. Fundamentals of Food Chemistry 493 International Atomic Energy Agency. Elemental Analysis of Biological Materials. Current Problems and Techniques with Special Reference to Trace Elements 379 Jennings.Gas Chromatography with Glass Capil-lary Columns 127 Jennings and Shibamoto. Qualitative Analysis of Flavour and Fragrance Volatiles by Glass Capillary Gas Chromatography 815 Kaiser and Oelrich. Optimisation in HPLC 1245 Kelker. Ullmans Encyklopaide der Technischen Chemie. Band 4. Neubearbeitete und Erweiterte Auflage. Band 5. Analysen- und Messver-fahren 1352 Kienitz Bock Fresenius Huber and Tolg. -* Analytiker-Taschenbuch. Band 1 383 King. Developments in Food Analysis Techniques 2,909 Kolthoff and Elving. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Part I. Theory and Practice. Volume 2 Solution Equilibria and Chemistry, 380 Koryta. Medical and Biological Applications of Electrochemical Devices 605 Kuwana.Physical Methods in Modern Chemical -, Analysis. Volume 2 102 ANALYST BOOK REVIEW INDEX (1981) 47 Leklem and Reynolds. Methods in Vitamin B-6 Nutrition Analysis and Status Assessment 1353 Liteanu and Rica. Statistical Theory and Metho-logy of Trace Analysis 127 Ma and Lang. Quantitative Analysis of Organic Mixtures. Part One General Principles 256 McCrone Delly and Palenik. The Particle Atlas. Second Edition. Volume V Light Microscopy Atlas and Techniques; Volume VI Electron Optical Atlas and Techniques 493 Malinowski and Howery. Factor Analysis in Chemistry 254 Middleditch Missler and Hines. Mass Spectro-metry of Priority Pollutants 1246 Mitchell and Smith. Aquametry. Part 111. A Treatise on Methods for the Determination of Water 378 Moreton and Falla.Analysis of Airborne Pollu-tants in Working Atmospheres The Welding and Surface Coatings Industries 377 Murca. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Part 11. Analytical Chemistry of Inorganic and Organic Compounds. Volume 16. Functional Groups 381 Parsons Foster and Anderson. An Atlas of Spectral Interferences in ICP Spectroscopy 256 Paulik and Paulik. Wilsons and Wilson’s Compre-hensive Analytical Chemistry. Volume XII. Thermal Analysis. Part A. Simultaneous Thermoanalytical Examinations by Means of the Derivatograph 1247 Petrakis and Weiss. Petroleum in the Marine Environment 735 Provder. Size Exclusion Chromatography (GPC), 1132 Reilly. Metal Contamination of Food 11 33 Rhodes Barrett Leyden Newkirk Predecki and Ruud.Advances in X-Ray Analysis. Volume 23 384 Rosencwaig. Photoacoustics and Photoacoustic Spectroscopy 912 Schlunegger. Advanced Mass Spectrometry. Appli-cations in Organic and Analytical Chemistry 606 Schroeder and Huisman. The Chromatography of Hemoglobin 490 Schwedt. Chromatographic Methods in Inorganic Analysis 1135 Shriner Fuson Curtin and Morrill. The Syste-matic Identification of Organic Compounds. A Laboratory Manual Sixth Edition 128 Skoog and West. Princiules of Instrumental Analysis 1023 Smith and James. The SamDling of Bulk Materials. 1355 Smyth. Electroanalysis in Hygiene Environmental, Clinical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry 381 Svehla. Wilson and Wilson’s Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Volume X. Organic Spot Test Analysis; The History of Analytical Chemistry 735 Svehla.Wilson and Wilson’s Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Volume XI 813 Touchstone and Rogers. Thin Layer Chromato-graphy Quantitative Environmental and Clinical Applications 91 1 Van Loon. Analytical Atomic Absorption Spectro-scopy. Selected Methods 376 Varley Gowenlock and Bell. Practical Clinical Biochemistry. Volume 1. General Topics and Commoner Tests 909 Varmuza. Pattern Recognition in Chemistry 1248 Vowles and Connell. Experiments in Environ-mental Chemistry. A Laboratory Manual 376 Webb. Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy. Volumes 10A and lOB 734 Williams. Fluorescence Detection in Liquid Chromatography 1020 Woodward and Bovey. Polymer Characterization by ESR and NMR 1354 Young.Separation Procedures in Inorganic Analysis. A Practical Handbook 38 Chemical nomenclature:* Where to find that name symbol or unit that you're looking for Rules for naming symbolizing and representing chemical compounds have been published in various journals leaflets and books. IUPAC has compiled much of this information into a few major reference books but much re-mains dispersed in the chemical literature. Chemical nomenclature changes constantly and it is necessary to publish revisions and additions separately (usually in the IUPAC journal Pure & Applied Chemistry). Other nomenclature reports - recommending terminology symbols and units for reporting of results - deal with a diverse range of subjects. Collecting such reports into a few subject areas is not always possible or practical -although that is precisely what is attempted here.The following listing is intended to be a comprehensive compilation of all chemical nomenclature published in recent years. It is presented in two main sections. The first deals with nomenclature of chemical compounds. These are subdivided into Analytical Reagents Biochemical Compounds Inorganic Substances Organic Compounds and Polymers. The second contains terminology symbols units and recommendations for presentation of results. These are divided into General Terminology Terminology for Chemical Analysis and Terminology for Spectroscopic Techniques. NOMENCLATURE OF CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS 1. Analytical Reagents Guide to Trivial Names Trade Names and Synonyms for Substances used in Analytical Chemistry Pure & Appl.Chem. Vol. 50 No. 4 (1978) pp. 339 - 370. II. Biochemical Compounds AMINO ACIDS AND DERIVATIVES *Nomenclature of Amino Acids (Provisional Nomenclature Appendix No. 46 September 1!375). *Symbols for Amino Add Derivatives and Peptides (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 40 No. 3 1974 pp. 315 - 331). BIOCHEMICAL EQUILIBWM *Recommendations for measurement and presentation of Blocbemid Equilibrium Data (Provisional Nomen-CARBOHYDRATES & SUGARS Conformational Nomenclature for Five and Six-Membered Ring Forms of Monosaccharides and Their Derivatives (Provisional) (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 53 No. 10,1981 and also in the Eur. J. Biochem 111 2% - 2% 1980). d 8 t W Apptndix NO. 61 J d y 1977 Info. BUll.). Abbreviated Terminology of Oligosrccharide Chains (Pro-visional) (to be published in late 1981 in Pure & Appl.Chem. and J. Biol. Chem.). Polysaccharide Nomenclature (Provisional) (to be pub-lished in late 1981 in Pure & Appl. Chem. and J. Bid. Chem. 1. Nomenclature of Unsaturated MooosPccharides (Pro-visional) (to be published in. late 1981 in Pure & Appl. Chem. and Eur. J. Biochem.). Nomenclature of Branched-chain Monosaccharides (Pro-visional) (to be published in late 1981 in Pure & Appl. Chem. and Eur. J. Biochem.). ENZYMES Enzyme Nomenclature (1978) published by Academic Press in hardcover and softcover editions. First supplement in Eur. J. Biochem. 104 1 - 4,1980. bond supplement published in Eur. J. Biochem. 116 423 - 435 1981. LIPIDS *Nomenclature of Lipids (Provlsiod Nomenclature Ap-pendix No.67 December 1977). NUCLEIC ACIDS *Abbreviations and Symbols for Nuclei Adds Pdy-nucleotides and their Constituents (Pure & Appl. Chem., VOI. 40 NO. 3 1974 pp. 277 - 290). * This list of IUPAC publications is reprinted from Chemistry International 1981 No. 5 pp. 28-32 PHOSPHORUS COMPOUNDS *Nomenclature of Phosphorus-contdning Compounds of Biochemical Importance (Provisional Nomenclature Ap-pendix No. 66 December 1977). PROTEINS & PEPTIDES *Nomenclature of Peptide Hormones (Provisional Nomen-clature Appendix No. 48 September 1975). *Abbreviations and Symbols for the Description of Con-formation of Polypeptide Chains (Pure & Appl. Chem., *Abbreviated Nomenclature of Synthetic Polypeptides (Polymerized Amino Acids) Pure & Appl.Chem. Vol. 33, Nomenclature of Iron-Sulfur Proteins (Eur. J. Biochem., 93 421 - 430 1979; corrected in Eur. J. Biochem., 102 315 1W9). *A One-letter Notation for Amino Acid Sequences (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 31 No. 4 1972 pp. 639 - 645). Rules for Naming Synthetic Modifications of Naturnl Pep-tides (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 31 No. 4 1972 pp. 647 -653). VITAMINS *Nomenclature for Vitamin B-6 and Related Compounds (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 33 Nos. 2 - 3 1973 pp. 445 -452). *Also published in “Biochemical Nomenclature and Related Documents” 1978 a 220 page softcover m a n d published for The Biochemical Society for IUB (available from the Biochemical Society Book Depot P.O. Box 32, Commerce Way Colchester Essex CO2 8HP England).VOI. 40 NO. 3 1974 pp. 291 - 308). NOS. 2 - 3 1973 pp. 437 - 444). 111. Inorganic Substances ACIDS Chapter 5 of “Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry”.* ADDITION COMPOUNDS Chapter 8 of “Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry”.* BORON COMPOUNDS Nomenclature of Inorganic Boron Compounds (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 30 Nos. 3 - 4 1972,.pp. 681 - 710). CARBON International cooperation on characterization and ter-minology of carbon and graphite. (Pure & Appl. Chem., COORDINATION COMPOUNDS Chapter 7 of “Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry”.* CRYSTALLINE PHASES Chapter 9 of “Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry”.* ELEMENTS Recommendations for the Name of Elements of Atomic Numbers Greater than 100 (Pure & Appl.Chem. Vol. 51, No. 2 1979 p. 381) Chapter 1 of “Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry”. IONS & RADICALS “HOW to name an Inorganic Substance” the companion guide to the use of “Nomenclature of Inorganic Cbemistry ”. Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry. Part 11.1. Isotopically-modified compounds. (Pure & Appl. Chem., Vol. 53 No. 10 1981). NITROGEN Nomeaclature of Hydrides of Nitrogen and Derived Cations Anions and Ligands (Info. Bull. No. 2 1978). POLYANIONS Chapter 4 of “Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry”.” Vol. 51 NO. 7 1979 pp. 1561 - 1574). ISOTOPICALLY-MODIFIED COMPOUNDS SALTS Cbapter 6 of “Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistq’.’ ZEOLITES Chemical nomenclature and formulation of compositions of synthetic and natural zeolites.(Pure & Appl. Chem., Vol. 51 No. 5 1979 p. 1091). *Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry” is a 110 page. hardcover volume (published 1970) avdabk from Pergamon Press. A 36 page softcover booklet “How to Name an Inorganic Substance” was later published (1977) as a companion guide. IV. Organic Compounds ALCOHOLS & PHENOLS Section C of “Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry”.* ALDEHYDES & KETONES Section C of “Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry”: CARBOXYLIC ACIDS Section C of “Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry” CAROTENOIDS Nomenclature of Carotenoids (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. COORDINATION COMPOUNDS Section D of “Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry”.* CORRINOIDS Nomenclature of Comnoids (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. CY CLITOLS Nomenclature of Cyclitols (Pure & Appl.Chem. Vol. 37, HALOGENATED DERIVATIVES Section C of “Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry”.* HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS Section B of “Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry”.* Revision of the extended Hantzsch-Widmm System of Nomenclature for Heteromonocycles (Pure & Appl. Chem Vol. 51 No. 9 1979 pp. 1995 - 2003). HYDROCARBONS Section A of “Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry”.* Section H of “Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry”.* Also published in Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 52 No. 2, NATURAL PRODUCTS Section F of “Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry”.* NITROGEN-CONTAINING COMPOUNDS Section C of “Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry”.’ ORGANOMETALLIC COMPOUNDS Section D of “Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry”.* ORGANOPHOSPHORUS COMPOUNDS Section D of “Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry”.’ ORGANOSILICON COMPOUNDS Section D of “Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry” QUINONES Nomenclature of Quinones with Isoprenoid Side-Chrinr (Pure & Appl.Chem. Vol. 38 1974 pp. 439 - 447). STEREOCHEMISTRY Section E of “Nomenclature of Orgarti Chemistry”.’ STEROIDS Nomenclature of Steroids (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 31, 41 NO. 3 1975 pp. 405 - 431). 48 NO. 4 1976 pp. 4% * 502). NOS. 1 - 2 1974 pp. 283 - 297). ISOTOPICALLY -MODIFIED COMPOUNDS 1979 pp. 355 - 380 NOS. 1 - 2 1972 pp. 283 - 322). SULFUR-CONTAINING COMPOUNDS Section C of “Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry”. TETRAPYRROLES Nomenclature of Tetmpyrroles (PWP & Appl. Chem Val. TOCOPHEROLS Nomenclature of Tocopherols and Related Compounds (Provisional Nomenclature Appendix No.47 September 1975). *“Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry” is a 550 page volume published in 1979. It is available in hardcover and softcover editons from Pergamon Press Oxford. Section A Hydrocarbons. Section B Fundamental Heterocyclic Systems. Section C. Characteristic Groups containing carbon, Hydrogen oxygen nitrogen halogen sulfur, selenium and Tellurium. Section D Organic Compounds containing elements that are not exclusively carbon hydrogen oxygen, nitrogen halogen sulfur selenium and tellurium. Section E General Principles for the naming of natural products and related compounds. Section H Isotopically modified compounds. 51 NO. 11 1979 pp. 2251 - 2304). V. Polymers Nomenclature for regular single-strand and quasi single-strand inorganic and coordination polymers (Provisional) (to be published in Pure & Appl.Chem. Vol. 53 late 1981). Sterochemical definitions and notations relating to polymers (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 53 No. 3 1981 pp. List of Standard Abbreviations (Symbols) for Synthetic Polymers and Polymer Materials (Pure & Appl. Chem Basic Definitions of Terms Relating to Polymers (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 40 No. 3 1974 pp. 477- 491). 733 - 752). VOI. 40 NO. 3 1974 pp. 473 - 476). TERMINOLOGY SYMBOLS UNITS AND PRESENTATION OF RESULTS 1. General Chemical Terminology CATALYSIS Definitions Terminology and Symbols in Colloid and Sur-face Chemistry - 11. Heterogenous Catalysis (Pure & Appl. Chem Vol.46 No. 1 1976 pp. 71 - 90). For enzymes see Biocbemical compounds. For enzyme activity see Eur. J. Biochem. 97 319 - 320 1979; cor-rected in Eur. J. Biochem. 104,1 1980. CHEMICAL REACTIONS Nomendature for stralgbtforward transformations (Pro-visional) (Pure & AppL Chem. Vol. 53 No. 1 1981 pp. Symbolism and tcrminology in cbemical kinetics (Pro-vidond) (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 53 No. 3 1981 pp. 753 - 771). CLINICAL CHEMISTRY Pbydcocbemlcrl quantities and units in clinical chemistry nltb special emphMiS on activities and activity coefficients (Provisional) (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 53 No. 8 1981, pp. 1605 - 1643). Qmtitles and Ualts in Cllnical Chemistry (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 51 No. 12 1W9 pp. 2451 - 2480). Ust of Quantities in Cllnld Cbcmlstry (Pure & Appl.Chem. Vol. 51 No. 12 1979 pp. 2481 - 2502). ELECTROCHEMISTRY Nomenclature for T n ~ p o r t Pbcnomena in Electrolytic Symtems. (Pure 6 Appl. Chem. Vol. 53 No. 10 1981). Electrode R e d o n Orders Transfer Cocfflclents and Rate Constants - Amplification of Defialtions and Recommen-datioaa for hblication of Parameters. (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 52 No. 1 1980 pp. 233 - 240). Recommended terms symbols and definitions for elec-troanalytical chemistry. (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 51 No. aasoifkntion and Nomenclature of Electroanalytid Techniques (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 45 No. 2,1976 pp. 81 - 93. 306 - 321). 5 1979 pp. 1161 - 1174). Recommendations for Sign Conventions and Plotting of Electrochemical Data (Pure & Appl.Chem. Vol. 45 No. Electrochemical Nomenclature (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. Electrochemical Nomenclature (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Glossary of terms used in physical or anic chemistry (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 51 No. 8 1978 pp. 1725 - 1802). PHYSICOCHEMICAL QUANTITIES AND UNITS Manual of symbols and Terminology for Phydcochemlcal Quantities and Units. (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 51 No. 1, 1979 p. 1.). (Also available from Pergamon Press as a 40 page softcover booklet.) Selected definitions terminology and symbols for rheologicd properties. (Manual of Symbols and Ter-minology for physicochemiclll quantities and units. Appen-dix I 9 (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 51 No. 5,1979 pp. 1215 QUANTUM CHEMISTRY Expression of Results in Quantum Cbcmlstry (Pure & Appl.Chem. Vol. SO 1978 pp. 75 - 79) SURFACE CHEMISTRY Definitions Terminology and Symbols in Colloid and Sur-face Chemistry - I. (Pure & Ap 1. Chem. Vol. 31 No. 4, 1972 pp. 577 - 638). See also CfTALYSIS in this section. THERMODYNAMICS & THERMAL ANALYSIS Nomenclature for thermal analysis - Part IV (Provisional) (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 53 No. 8 1981 pp.’lS!J7 -1604). Recommendations for Nomenclature of Thermal Analysis- 11. DTA and TC Apparatus and Technique III. DTA and TG Curves (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 52 No. Recommendations for Nomenclature of Thermal Analysis (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 37 No.4 pp. 439 - 444). 2 1976 pp. 131 - 134). 37 NO. 4 1974 pp. 499 - 516). 37 NO. 4 1974 pp. 499 - 516).- 1218). 10 1980 pp. 2387 - 2391) Assignment and presentation of uncertainties of the numerical results of thermodynamics measurements (Pro-visional) (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 53 No. 9 1981 p. 1805). Calorimetric measurements on cellular systems recommen-dations for measurements and presentation of results (Pro-visional) (to be published in Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 53, late 1981). A Guide to Procedures for the Publication of Ther-modynamics Data (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 29 NOS. 1 - 3 1972 pp. 3% - 408). II. Chemical Analysis AUTOMATIC ANALYSIS ‘Recommended Nomenclature for Automatic Analysis (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 21 No. 4,1970 pp. 527 - 531). CHROMATOGRAPHY *Recommendations on Nomenclature for Chromatography (Pure & Appl.Chem. Vol. 37 No. 4 1974 pp. 445 - 462). Recommendations for publication of papers on a new analytical method based on ion exchange or ion-exchange chromatography (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 52 No. 11, COMPLEXIMETRIC INDICATORS Recommendations for presentation of data on complex-imetric indicators. 1. General (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. GRAVIMETIUC ANALYSIS Recommendations for Publication of Papers on Precipita-tion Methods of Gravimetric Analysis (to be published in Pure & Applied Chemistry late 1981 or early 1982). *Recommendations on Nomenclature for Contamination Phenomena in Precipitation from Aqueous Solutions (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 37 No. 4 1974 pp. 463 - 468). ION EXCHANGE *Recommendations on Ion Exchange Nomenclature (Pure & Appl.Chem. Vol. 29 No. 4 1972 pp. 617 - 624). ION SELECTIVE ELECTRODES Recommendations for Publishing Manuscripts on Ion-Selective Electrodes (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 53 No. 10, 1981). *Recommendations for Nomenclature of Ion-Selective Electrodes (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 48 No. 1,1976 pp. Selectivity coefficients of ion-selective electrodes (Pure & Appl. Chem Vol. 51 No. 9 1979 pp. 1913 - 1980). MICROCHEMICAL ANALYSIS *Terminology for Scales of Working in Microchemical Analysis (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 51 No. 1 1979 p. 43). SOLUTION CONCENTRATION *Recommendations on the Usage of the Terms “Equivalent” and “Normal” (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. SOLVENT EXTRACTION Proposed Terminology and Symbols for the Transfer of Solutes from One Solvent to Another (Pure & Appl.Chem. Vol. 50 No. 6 1978 pp. 589 - 591). *Recommended Nomenclature for Uquid Liquid Distribu-tion (Solvent Extraction) (Provisional Nomenclature Ap-pendix No. 63 July 1Wr). TRACE ANALYSIS General Aspects of Trace Analytical Methods. 11. Standard Reference Materials for Trace Analysis (Pure & Appl. Chem. No. lV12.1978 pp. 1531 - 1700). III. Contamina-tion in Trace Analysis (Pure & Appl. Chem No. 11/12, l m p. 1519). 1980 pp. 2555 - 2562). 51 NO:^ 1979 pp. 1357 - 1336). 127 * 132). 50 1978 pp. 325 - 338). ‘Also published in the hardcover volume “Compendium of Analytical Chemistry” (1978). It includes terminology and nomenclature for precision balances scales of work-ing contamination phenomena in precipitation from aqueous solution automatic analysis thermal analysis, mass spectroscopy titrimetric analysis standardization of pH pH measurement in mphriprotic and mixed solutions, solution equilibria liquid - liquid distribution gt?s chromotography chromotography ion exchange atomic emission spectroscopy data interpretation flame spec-troscopy electroanalytical techniques plotting elec-trochemical data.Published as a 222 page hardcover book available from Pergamon Press. 111. Spectroscopic & Presentation Te r mi no1 og y of Spectra ABSORPTION SPECll(OSCOPY UV-VISIBLE Recommendations for Publication of Papers on Methods of Molecular Absorption Spectrophotometry in Solution between 200 and 800 nm (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 50, ATOMIC ABSORPTION & EMISSION *Nomenclature Symbols Units and Their Usage in Spec-trochemical Analysis - Part I. General Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 30 Nos. 3 - 4, *Nomenclature Symbols Units and Their Usage in Spec-trochemical Analysis - Part 111. Analytical Flame Spec-troscopy and Associated Non-Flame Procedures (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 45 No. 2 1976 pp. 105 - 123). Nomenclature symbols units and their usage in spec-trochemistry - Part V. Radiation sources (Provisional) (to be published in Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 53 No. 10, 1981). ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY Nomenclature and Spectral Presentation in Electron Spec-troscopy Resulting from Excitation by Photons (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 45 Nos. 3 - 4,1976 pp. 221 - 224). See also SPECTROSCOPIC ANALYSIS OF SURFACES in this section. INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY Recommendations for the Presentation of Infrared Ab-sorption Spectra in Data Collections-A. Condensed Phases (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 50,1978 pp. 231 - 236). Definition and Symbolism of Molecular Force Constants (Pure & Appl. Chem. No. 11/12 1978 pp. 1709 - 1713). LUMINESCENCE SPECTROSCOPY Nomenclature symbols units and their usage in spec-trochemical analysis - Part VI. Molecular luminescence spectroscopy (Provisional) (to be published in Pure & Appl. Chem. Vd. 53 No. 10 1981). MASS SPKTROMETRY Recommendations for Symbolism and Nomenclature for Mass Spectrometry (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 50 1978, *Recommendations for Nomenclature of Mass Spec-trometry (Pure & Appl. Chem. Yol. 37 No. 4 1974 pp. 469 * 480). MOSSBAUER SPECTROSCOPY Nomenclature and Conventions for Reporting Mossbauer Spectroscopic Data (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 45 Nos. NMR SPECTROSCOPY Recommendations for the Presentation of NMR Data for Publication in Chemical Journals-B. Conventions Relating to Spectra from Nuclei Other than protons (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 29 No. 4 1972 pp. 625 - 628). NO. 3 1978 pp. 237 - 242) 1972 pp. 651 - 679). pp. 65 - 73). 3 - 4 1976 pp. 211 - 216) Recommendations for the Presentation of NMR Data for PuMiation in Chemical Jouds-B. Conventions Relating to Spectra from Nuclei Other than protons (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 45 Nos. 3 - 4 1976 pp. 217 - 219). RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY Presentation of Raman Spectra in data collections (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 53 No. 10 1981). SPECTROSCOPIC ANALYSIS OF SURFACES Recommendations for nomenclature standard procedures and reporting of experimental data for surface analysis techniques. Part IV of General Aspects of trace analytical methods. (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 51 No. 11,1979 pp. 2243 - 2250). SPECXROSCOPIC DATA INTERPRETATION *Nomenclature Symbols Units and Their Usage in Spec-ttochemical Analysis-Part 11. Data Interpretation (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 45 No. 2 1976 pp. 99 - 103). THERMAL ANALYSIS See section on General Chemical Terminology. Nomenclature Symbols Units and Their Usage in Spec-trochemical analysis - Part IV. X-Ray Emission Spec-troscopy (Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 52 No. 11,1980 pp. *Also published in the “Compendium of Analytical Nomenclature” (19781 a hardcover volume available from Pergamon Press. X-RAY SPECTROSCOPY 2543 - 2552)
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