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Volume 74,
Issue 1,
Page 001-048
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THE ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF THE Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED To THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY publication Committee : abairman J. R. NICHOLLS C.B.E. D.Sc. F.R.I.C. N. L. ALLPORT F.R.I.C. F. W. F. ARNAUD F.R.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH M.A. F.R.I.C. R. C. CHIRNSIDE F.R.I.C. B. S. COOPER B.Sc. F.1nst.P. H. E. COX DSc. Ph.D. F.R.I.C. F. W. EDWARDS F.R.I.C. B.S.EVANS,M.B.E.,M.C.,D.Sc.,F.R.I.C. L. EYNON B.Sc. F.R.I.C. D. C. GARRATT BSc. Ph.D. F.R.I.C., D. W. KENT-JONES B.Sc. Ph.D., F. R. I .C. S. ERNEST MELLING MSc. F.R.I.C. G. W. MONIER-WILLIANS O.B.E., M.C. Ph.D F.R.I.C. F.A. ROBINSOX XSc. LL.B.; F.R.I.C. H. S. ROOKE MSc, F.R.I.C. W. H. SIMMONS BSc. F.R.1.C; ERIC VOELCKER A.R.C.S. F.R.I,C.C. WHALLEY B.Sc. A.R.I.C. E. C. WOOD BSc. Ph.D. A.R.C.S., G. H. WYATT B.Sc. Ph.D. F.K.I.C. F.R.I.C. Bon. Secretart! of tbe Boclett!: K. A. WILLIAMS B.Sc.,Ph.D. F.R.I.C., A.1nst.P. bon. IJreaeurer of tbe Societg: J. H. HAMENCE MSc. Ph.D.,F.R.I.C, BbftOt J. H. LANE BSc. F.R.I.C. ?i~eeietant Zbitor : F. L. OKELL F.R.I.C. Weeociatc Ebitor : L. S. THEOBALD MSc. A.R.C.S. F.R.I.C. VOL. 74 1 9 4 9 PUBLISHED FOR THX SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. 1 PETTY CURY CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND I95 Abstractors : A. H. A. ABBOT" BSc. A.R.I.C. JOHN ALLEN. B. ATKINSON B.Sc. A.R.C.S. G. A. BASSETT. V. M. BOND BPharm. Ph.C. A.R.I.C. K. A. BROWNLEE M.A. H. J. CLULEY BSc. A.R.I.C. Miss M. E. DALZIEL B.Sc. A.R.C.S. A.R.I.C. L. A. DAUNCEY B.Sc. Miss E.B. DAW BSc. A.R.I.C. H. K. DEAN B.Sc. Ph.D. F.R.I.C. W. J. GOODERHAM B.Sc. A.R.C.S. F.R.I.C. M.Inst. Gas E. JULIUS GRANT M.Sc. Ph.D. F.R.I.C. J. S. HARRISON M.Sc. Mrs. C. F. HERBERT BSc. A.R.I.C. W. C. JOHNSON F.R.I.C. A. 0. JONES M.A. F.R.I.C. W. MARTIN B.Sc. G. MIDDLETON BSc. F.R.I.C. Miss E. M. POPE B.A. B.Sc. (ME. E. M. Hulsken). Miss D. A. POYNTER. G. R. PRIMAVESI B.A. F. A. ROBINSON M.Sc.Tech. LL.B. F.R.I.C. B. A. SCOTT Ph.D. A.R.C.S. F.R.I.C. G. S. SMITH B.Sc. F.R.I.C. A. SPORZYNSKI Ph.D. E. G. STEWARD B.Sc. A.1nst.P. J. T. STOCK M.Sc. F.R.I.C. Miss A. F. STURGESS B.Sc. A.R.C.S. R. H. THORP B.Sc. 6. H. TWIGG BSc. Ph.D. W. C. WAKE M.Sc A.R.I.C. J. G. WALLER B.Sc. A.R.I.C. A.R.C.S. W. S. WISE B.Sc. D. R. WOOD F.R.I.C ERRATA : VOL.74 1949: p. 351. p. 362. Equation (iv) line 14 from the bottom of the page should wad W = * - bD. p. 454. our colleague Miss Nora Baxter for providing spectroscopic data.” p. 479. At the end of the first item in the list of references for “540,” read “54.” T2 Please add the following acknowledgment in the final paragraph-“Our thanks are due to In the 7th line below the figure fw “between the two slides,” read “between the two solids.” INDEX TO VOLUME 74 INDEX TO NAMES * Denotes authors of original papers and notes that have been published in The A~zalyst. A Abrabmczik E. Separation of interfering metals by extraction with acetylacetone in colorimetric detmn. of magnesium with Titan Yellow 570. Adams D. F. Titanium. Polarographic detmn. in clays and clay products 572.Adms Gc. A, et al. Factors affecting detmn. of furfural 67. Agid B. et aZ. Detmn. of glycerophosphoric acid. Application to phosphatides 133. Aksenova G. P. et at. Polarographic detmn. of small amounts of arsenic from measurements of height of “maximum,” 213. Alba R. T. et al. Oxidase activity in potato tubers. IV. Quantitative detmn. of peroxidase, 514. Alcock A. Appointed Public Analyst and Official Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of Salford 604. Aldridge W. N. Estmng. 1 2-dithiols 277. Allport N. L. Review of Organic Analytical Reagents. Vols. I11 and IV 152. Amiard G, et al. Aldehydes and Doebner-Miller reaction. (1) 5-Carboxy-7-aminoquinal-dine. (2) Detcng. -CH,.CHO group 130. *Amos A. J. Rheological methods in milling and baking industries 392.Archer R. E. et al. Estmng. urethane (ethyl carbarnate) in blood 270. Armitage E. R. et al. Detmng. lignin in plant material of high protein content 206. Armonr Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology. Crystallographic data $-Amino-azobenzene 149 ; Ascorbic acid 574; Benzal-aminophenol 616 ; Dipotassium hydrogen tartrate, hemihydrated 149 ; Ethylenediamine D-tartrate, 149 ; p-Methyl aminophenol sulphate 149; !&Methylnaphthalene 526 ; Pimelic acid 61 6; r-Pyridinesulphonic acid 21 8; 8-Pyridinesul-phmic acid 283; Thiamine hydrochloride 218; 1 3 5-Tri-(p-chlorophenyl)-benzene 526. ‘Aschaffenburg R. et al. Standardisation of Hortvet thermometers 380. Ashworth R. de B. et al. Detmng.lignin in plant material of high protein content 206. Asselineau J. Estmng. leucine in complex mixtures of amino acids by reaction with sodium hypo-chlorite 321. - et al. Sodium hypochlorite in detmng. alanine, Valine and leucine 566. Aubel E. et al. Sodium hypochlorite in detmng. alanine valine and leucine 566. Auernheimer A. H. et al. Quantitative detmn. of hemicellulose constituents by fermentation 278. *Ault E. M. et al. Detrnng. copper in foods by High’s method 602. Austin C. M. et al. Detmng. total boron in plant material with “Chromotrope-B,” 651. Axford D. W. E. et al. Estmng. sulphur trioxide in its mixtures with sulphur dioxide by ampero-metric titration 127. Ayzenberg G. I. et aZ. Colorimetric detmn. of small amounts of copper in aluminium 328.B Back T. M. ef al. Measuring enzyme activity on limit dextrin 206. “Bagshawe B. ef al. Detmng. tin content of tungsten high-speed tool steel 249. Bail J. et al. Separating nickel and cobalt in micro-estmn. of copper with diethyldithio-carbamate 374. “Baker G. W. et al. Estmng. cyanide in plant material by means of Conway units 189. Baker R. S. et al. Carborundum boiling stones in micro-Kjeldahl and other digestion procedures, 472. BaJiga M. N. ef al. Component acids of rape seed oil 415. *Ball& C. .W. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of traces of bismuth in lead 53. “Ballard E. J. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of traces of bismuth in lead 53. Banderet A. et al. Detmng. chloride in mixtures containing hypochlorite chlorite and chlorate, 673.Banks C. V. et al. Analysis of thorium - chromium mixtures 145. - 1 2-Cyclohexanedione dioxime (Nioxime). Re-agent for nickel 215; Reagent for palladium, 217. - Electrolytic and polarographic detmn. of zinc in thorium 570. Bannister L. C. et al. Effect of melting conditions on spectrographic detmn. of copper in lead alloys, 612. Barac G. ef al. Absorptiometric micro-detmn. of chloralose in alcoholic solution 66. Barber H. H. et al. Thioacetamide in place of gaseous hydrogen sulphide for pptng. insoluble sulphides 6 13. Barclay J. A. ef al. Estmng. creatinine 200 i v INDEX TO Barnam H. N. et al. Detmng. hydrogen chloride in presence of chlorine 473. Barnes D. Analysis of sulphadiazine and sulpha-thiazole mixtures 367. Barnes R.B. et al. Infra-red analysis of crystalline penicillins 515. Bartlett J. N. et al. Detmng. mercury in organic and inorganic compounds. Stannous chloride reduction method 524. *Bauminger B. B. et al. Combustion method for estmng. carbon black in compounded rubber 351. Baxter G. P. et al. Detmng. gases in meteoritic and terrestrial irons and steels 475. Baxter J. G. et al. delta-Tocopherol . I. Isolation from soyabean oil and properties 58; Assay of total tocopherols in mixtures containing delta-tocopherol. 59 ; Assay of individual tocopherols in mixtures containing delta-tocopherol 60. Beck G. Biochemistry of scandium and its separa-tion as phytate 567. Becker W. H. et al. Content of morphine and other alkaloids in poppy heads 199. Beckwith H. S.et al. Detmng. small amounts of molybdenum in plants 516. Beguet A. L. J. Photo-colorimetric detmn. of Co" ion with a-nitroso- @-naphthol and /3-nitroso-a-naphthol 215. 3elic H. J. et .al. Spark technique in spectro-graphic analysis of slags 526. Bellucci I. Micro-detmn. of bromides and iodides in presence of chlorides 328. Bender A. E. ef al. Chemical estmn. of oestrogens in urine 202. Benedetti-Pichler A. A. et al. Qualitative separa-tion on micro-scale. Analysis of gold group of A. A. Noyes and W. C. Bray 656. Benedict R. G. et al. Microbiological assay of subtilin 201. *Bennett A. Reduced copper in micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen 188. Bennett A. H. Review of Technical Dictionary, English - Italian Italian - English. 2nd Edn., 377. Bennett C.T. Obituary 154. Bennett E. Estmng. hemicelluloses in holo-cellulose from non-woody plant material 326. Berg C. et al. Detmng. aromatics and olefines in hydrocarbon mixtures 469. Bergmann E. et al. Selective extraction and adsorption. I . Selective solvents for ethylene chlorohydrin 275. Bernaerts M. J. Roeder method for detmng. fat in cheese 415. Betts .R. H. Electro-oxidation of quadrivalent uranium 148. *Bhunvara N. B. et al. Automatic burette, vacuum operated 600. *Biddiscombe D. P. et al. Quantitative analysis of crude and refined carbazole 46. Billen G. N. et al. Detmng. oxirane oxygen 128. *Bishop E. et al. Prepng. N-phenylanthranilic acid indicator solutions 366. *- Separation of beryllium aluminium uranium and vanadium by cupferron in systematic qualitative analysis 364 Black M.et al. South African fish products. XXVII. Composition of liver oils of basking shark (Cetorhinus maxzmus Gunner) and spiny shark (Echinorhinus spinosus Gmelin) 124. *Blair G. W. S. Industrial applications of rheology, 387. - Review of Industrial Rheology and Rheological Structures 662. VOLUME 74 Bloom R. C. et al. Statistical study of variables of alpha-cellulose methods 135. Blum P. et al. Separating vanadium and boron, 280. Boissonnas R. A. Chromatographic analysis of synthetic mixtures of isomeric trimethylglucoses, 134. Boivin R. et al. Proximate detcn. and detmn. of eggs in food pastes 262. Boles A, et al. Specific surface of wheat flours. I. Detmn. by air permeability method 194.* Bolton W. Constant-temperature bath for micro-biological assays 647. Boudet B. Identifying organic acids and nitro-phenols by benzylammonium salts 129. Bower C. A. et al. Rapid conductometric estmn. of gypsum in soils 370. *Box F. W. Estmng. selenium in lead alloys 120. Boyer P. D. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of citric acid in blood and plasma 608. Bradbury F. R. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of 2 2-bis-(p-chloropheny1)-1 1 l-trichloroethane (DDT) 369. *Bradshaw R. C. A. et al. Modified micro-analytical test for purity in food for use in examining dried fruits 300. *Brain F. H. Estmng. trichloroethylene in air, 555. Branson V. C. Appointed Deputy Official Agri-cultural Analyst for Administrative County of West Sussex. County Borough of Hastings 191.Bray W C. Qualitative separation on micro-scale. Analysis of gold group of A. A. Noyes and -. Konig Crowell and Benedetti-Pichler 656. Breda E. J. et al. Polarographic behaviour of ions with sodium fluoride as supporting electrolyte, 76. *Bremner J. M. Van Slyke - Neil manometric apparatus for detmng. organic and inorganic carbon in soil and organic carbon in soil extracts, 492. British Drug Houses Ltd. et al. AnalaR Standards for Laboratory Chemicals. 4th Edn. (Review), 528. *Brown D. . J. Laboratory investigation of lead poisoning in cattle 602. Brown R. A. et al. Iodine monochloride end-point in titration of tripositive antimony. Titration with iodate permanganate and ceric solutions, 475. Analysis of aliphatic aminc mixtures. Detmng.tertiary amines in presence of primary and secondary amines and ammonia, 132; Detmng. secondary plus tertiary amines by azomethine-acidimetric method 132. Buck R. R. et al. Chemical assay for crystalline benzyl penicillin 268. Bukharov P. S. et al. Electrometric ferrocyanide detmn. of sugars 66. Burk R. E. et al. Recent Advances in Analytical Chemistry. Frontiers in Chemistry. Vol. VII. (Review) 575. Buron X. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of small quantities of iron in water by dimethylglyoxime, 71. Burriel F. et al. New volumetric detmn. of mercuric oxide with alkali thiocyanate 141. Butt W. R. et al. Polarographic estmn. of steroid hormones. 4. Detmng. 3 (a)- and 3 (p)-hydroxy-17-ketosteroids 516. Appointed Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of Islington 604.Brown R. H. et al. Button D. F. H. Byles J. E. Obituary 157 INDEX TO C Cagle F. W. jun. et al. Detmng. alumina in iron ore 281. Cahn T. et al. Detmn. of glycerophosphoric acid. Application to phosphatides 133. Caldwell 1. J. et al. Effect of temperature on fading of Carr - Price colours of vitamin A and carotenoid pigments 323. Caley E. R. et al. Pptng. oxalates from homo-geneous solution. Application to separation and volumetric detmn. of magnesium 212. Campbell H. A. et al. Detmng. theobromine and caffeine in cacao materials 197. Caron H. et al. Detmng. hypochlorite in presence of chlorite. Cam C. W. et al. Accumulation of traces of arsenate by co-pptn. with magnesium ammonium phosphate. Detmng. small amounts of arsenic in steel 474.Castagne A. E. et al. Factors affecting detmn. of furfural 67. Chabert J. et al. Detmng. chloride in mixtures containing hypochlorite chlorite and chlorate, 573. Chandley E. F. ef al. Selective extraction and adsorption. I . Selective solvents for ethylene chlorohydrin 275. Chao T. P. et al. Rarer elements in qualitative analysis. 11. Uranium 573. Chapman L. et al. Estmng. urethane (ethyl carbamate) in blood 270. Cheftel H. et al. Separating nickel and cobalt in micro-estmn. of copper with diethyldithio-carbamate 374. Chen S. C. et al. Rarer elements in qualitative analysis. 11. Uranium 673. Cherkashina T. V. ef al. Rapid analysis of tungsten and molybdenum alloys 661. Chirkov S. K. Rapid electronietric detmn. of aluminium in ores 375.Chlebovsky T. et al. Cerimetric detmn. of copper and antimony 141. Cholak J. et al. Spectrochemical detmn. of beryllium 612. - Spectrographic detmn. of beryllium in biological material and in air 269. Chuyko V. T. Concentration methods in detmng. traces of nickel. I 70. Claassen A. et al. Electrometric detmn. of vanadium in steels 72. Clark E. W. et al. Estmng. residual wool fat in tops oiled with B.M. (blended mineral) oil 135. *Clark F. Recovery of uranium from sodium estmn. residues 41 1. Clark R. O. et al. Automatic micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen 65. *Clasper M. et al. Analysis of Nylon and related polymers 224. Clavih P. et al. Separating nickel and cobalt in micro-estmn. of copper with diethyldithio-carbamate 374.Clayson D. H. F. ef aZ. Proposed grading of ice-cream by methylene blue test 263. Clendenning K. A. Polarimetric detmn. of starch in cereal products 125. Clever H. L. et al. Detmng. organic peroxides. Evaluation of ferrous thiocyanate colorimetric method 421. Coates U. A. Obituary 157. Coe R. H. et al. Electro-reduction of periodate a t dropping mercury electrode. I. Behaviour in acidic solutions of pH iess than 3 574. Detmng. hydrazine sulphate 211. VOLUME 74 V *Collier H. 0. J. et al. Assay of curarizing activity in conscious mouse and rat 583. *- Rotating drum in assessing activities of paralysant convulsant and anaesthetic drugs, 592. Collins H. S. ef al. Colorimetric detmn. of caronamide 653. Conn J. B. Amperometric micro-titration of diamidines 206.Consden R. et al. Separation of acidic amino acids by synthetic anion exchange resin 416. Cooper B. S. Review of Recent Advances in Analytzcal Chemistry. Frontiers in Chemistvy . Cooper F. J. et al. Volumetric detmn. of small amounts of soluble sulphates 522. Copeman P. R. v. d. R. Detmng. copper and lead in biological material 566. *Coppins W. C. Quantitative separation of beryl-lium from aluminium 317. *Coppock J. B. M. et al. Modified micro-analytical test for purity in food for use in examining dried fruits 300. Corbey J. et al. Electrometric detmn. of vanadium in steels 72, Corcoran A. C. et al. Detmng. mannitol in plasma and urine 322. Corwin A. H. et al. Advantages of butyl rubber in organic analysis 521. Coste J.H. Obituary 154 157. *Coulson E. A. et at. Quantitative analysis of crude and refined carbazole 46. COX H. E. Review of Thorpe's Dictionary of ApfiZied Chemistry. 4th Edn. VoZ. IX Oils, Fatty-Pituilavy Body 527. Cramer J. S. B. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of morphine 649. Crammer H. P. et al. Detmng. phosphorus pentoxide in phosphate rock 525. *Crawford A. .B. et al. Prepng. N-phenyl-anthranilic acid indicator solutions 365. *- Separation of beryllium aluminium uranium and vanadium by cupferron in systematic qualitative analysis 364. *Crawhaw P. et al. Polarographic detmn. of ethylenediamine-tetra-acetic acid 629. Crowell W. R. et al. Phenoxthin as reagent for detcng. small amounts of palladium 573. - Qualitative separation on micro-scale. Analysis of gold group of A.A. Noyes and W. C. Bray, 656. - Thio-acids as drop reagents for palladium 573. Cruess W. V. Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Products. 3rd Edn. (Review) 77. *Custance H. M. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of amyl acetate vapour in air 310. c& F. et al. Potentiometric detmn. of small amounts of carbon dioxide and hydrochloric acid in presence of each other in distilled water. Analytical contribution for existence of barium bicarbonate 68. Review of Proteins a d Amzno Aczds zn Nutrition 78. voz. vIr 575. Cuthbertson,. W F. J. D Dalin G. A, e t al. *Das Gupts R. N. et al. Analysis of chloroacetic acids. Internal indicator for Detmng. dichloroacetic and acetic acids 65. arsenite - hypochlorite titrations 367 v1 INDEX TO Datsenko 0.V. et al. Detmng. calcium and magnesium in iron ore with cation exchanger, 622. Davies J. Obituary 157. Davies W. C. Review of Polarogvaphischs Pvaktikum. Vol. IV 222. *- et al. Polarographic detmn. of ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid 629. Davies W. R. Obituary 154. Davis M. M. et al. Acid-base reactions in organic solvents. Behaviour of halogenated derivatives of phenolsulphonephthalein with organic bases in benzene 467. Dean J. et al. Polarographic behaviour of ions with sodium fluoride as supporting electrolyte, 76. De Beus J. et al. Detmng. 4-methyl-2-thiouracil in animal tissue and blood 565. Dedicoat H. Appointed Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of Burnley and Public Analyst to County Borough of Burnley and Borough of Colne 262.Deibner L. New technique for microiletmn. of iron 148. Deitz V. R. et al. Detmng. sulphur in bone char, 129. DeLong W. A, ef al. Detmng. lignin content of fresh plant tissue without preliminary drying 609. Delory G. E. Photo-electric Methods in Clinical Biochemistry. (Review) 574. Delvenne J. et al. Absorptiometric micro-detmn. of chloralose in alcoholic solution 66. Den Herder P. C. Routine detmn. of diacetyl in butter 193. %Dennis P. O. et al. Chemical detmn. of nicotinic acid in food products 481. Diehl H. et al. 1 2-Cyclohexanedione dioxime (Nioxime). Reagent for nickel 215; Reagent for palladium 2 17. Dimick K. P. et al. Microbiological assay of subtilin 201. Dinsmore H. L. et al. Analysis of natural and synthetic rubber by infra-red spectroscopy 67.Dische Z. Colour reaction for glucuronic acid 418. Dishon B. R. et al. Inorganic drop reaction for copper 69. Dityatkovskaya R. V. ef al. Polarographic detmn. of copper and nickel in steel 525. *Dixon B. E. et al. Rapid detmn. of carbon dioxide in absorbent liquors or other carbonate solutions 360; Erratum 412. Dorfman A. et al. Turbidimetric assay of hyaluronidase 609. Dragt G. Polarographic analysis of 1 2 3 4 5 6-hexachlorocyclohexane for gamma isomer 276. Druce E. ef al. Hydrolytic evaluation of cellulose, 366. Dnlou R. et aZ. Prepng. aluminium oxide for chromatography 376. Dunn H. C. et al. Composition of seed fats of West Indian citrus fruits 367. Dnpont G. ef al. Prepng. aluminium oxide for chromatography 3 7 6.*Dutta N. K. et al. Assay of curare prepns. by rabbit head-drop method 588. Dutta .N. N. Obituary 429. Duval C. Semi-micro gravimetric and volumetric detmn. of silica 280. - et al. Critical study of gravimetric detmn. of calcium in presence of magnesium 140. - Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. Sodium, ammonium potassium and rubidium 147; Caesium lanthanum cerium neodymium and samarium 282. VOLUME 74 Duval T. at a'. Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. Sodium ammonium potassium and rubidium 147 ; Caesium lanthanum cerium, neodymium and samarium 282. *Dyke E. et al. Detmng. tin content of tungsten high-speed tool steel 249. Dyson G. M. New Notation and Enumeration System for Organic Compounds. 2nd Edn. (Review) 616.E Edson I(. C. et al. Detmng. cyclopentadiene and methylcyclopentadiene in admixtures with other hydrocarbons 518. - Spectroscopic detmn. of cyclopentadiene and methyl-cyclopentadiene 520. Ekwall P. et al. Potentiometric titration of fatty acids with silver nitrate 656. Elenevskaya E. V. et al. Detmng. graphite in malleable cast iron 661. Elliott J. H. et al. Potentiometric titration of weak acids in anhydrous ethylenediamine 3 70. Ellis 1. A. Official assay of ammoniated mercury ointment 321. Elving P. J. et al. Detmng. glycerol in fermenta-tion residues 370. *Emery W. B. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of streptomyciii B (mannosido-streptomycin) 456. Ehgel W. F. English F. L. Polarography. Factors affecting drop-time 574. Ephraim F. Inorganic Chemistry.Revised by Thorne and Roberts. 5th English Edn. (Review), 332. Evans R. L. Removal of manganese in detmng. zinc calcium and magnesium in manganese ores and products 523. Evers N. Review of Plant Alkaloids. 4th Edn., 427. Ewing R. E. et al. Analysis of thorium - chromium mixtures 145. Eynon L. Address of retiring President 163. Circulation of gases 273. F Fedorova G. P. et al. Detmng. magnesium in dolomites by photo-turbidimetric titration 69. Feigl F. Masking of molybdenum tungsten and vanadium reactions by fluoride 425. - Qualitative Analysis by Spot Tests Inorganic and Organic Applications. Translated by R. E. Oesper. 3rd English Edn. (Review) 427. Ferguson W. S. eY al. Detmng. lignin in plant material of high protein content 206.Fiala S. et al. Polarographic estmn. of total fat in soaps and soap powders 134. *Fieller E. C. et al. Assay of curarizing activity in conscious mouse and rat 583. *- Rotating drum in assessing activities of paralysant convulsant and anaesthetic drugs, 592. *Fill M. A. et al. Diaphragm pump for air and other gases 52. *- Micro-blowpipe 122. - Miscellaneous microchemical devices. XV. Device for testing gases 478. *- Rotary stirring devices for micro-titration, 318. *- Transmitting manometer for micro oxygen uptake experiments 120 INDEX TO Finch R. A. Review of Spectroscopy and Com-bustion Theory. 2nd Edn. 151. Findley T. W. et al. Detmng. oxirane oxygen, 128. Finland M. e t al. Colorimetric detmn. of caron-amide 653. ficher R. B. Instrument for wide-range dielectric constant measurement 282.Fisher E. et al. Detmng. acetylene in gas 205. Fisher E. L. et al. Fitelson a. Report on oils fats and waxes 649. *Fitzgerald E. E. et al. Microbiological assay of aneurine improved method using Lactobacillus fermenti 36 340. Florentin D. et al. Detmng. free silica (quartz) in silicates 279. Forsyth W. G. C. Colour reagents for paper chromatography of sugars 327. Fouasson R. ef al. Separating nickel and cobalt in micro-estmn. of copper with diethyldithio-carbamate 374. Fraser D. et al. Carborundum boiling stones in micro-Kjeldahl and other digestion procedures, 472. Frediani H. A, ef al. Prepng. phosphomolybdic acid from phosphoric acid and molybdic trioxide, 475. Fritz J. S. et al. Volumetric micro-detmn.of arsenic and iron 523. Furmsn N. H. et al. Polarographic study of anthraquinones 326. *Fumes& W. et al. Polarographic detmn. of ethylenediamine-tetra-acetic acid 629. Fiirst K. Micro-analytical detcn. of glycerol with 2 7-dihydroxynaphthalene 611. Detmng. cyclopentadiene and methylcyclopentadiene in admixtures with other hydrocarbons 518. G Galesloob T. E. Grading of raw milk by resazurin test 413. Garratt D. C. Review of AnalaR Standards for .&.aboratwy Chemicals. 4th Edn. 528. Garrick P. Estmng. potassium in composts and sewage sludges 324. Gautier M. J. A. Constitution and analytical applications of methylene blue periodide 37 1. Gaydon A. G. Spectroscopy and Combustion Theory. 2nd Edn. (Review) 151. Gershenfeld L.et al. Bacteriostatic efficiency of iodonium compounds. Toxicity studies of this group 272. - Iodonium compounds and their antibacterial activity 272. &ttler A. O. et al. Detcng. and estmng. micro-quantities of cyanide 473. Giguhe P. A. et al. Polarographic analysis of hydrogen peroxide 613. Ginzburg L. B. ef al. Modified thiocyanate detmn. of molybdenum 281. Wzen W. H. Identifying free silica in dusts and fumes 476. Glass T. W. Obituary 154 157. Goffart G. Titration of cerous ions with per-manganate 280. Qoldbaum L. et al. Detcng. and estmng. micro-quantities of cyanide 473. Ooldschmidt F. et al. Inorganic drop reaction for copper 69. VOLUME 74 vii Gioldshteyn E. O. et al. Quantitative detmn. of lead in presence of cations of second analytical group (barium strontium calcium and mag-nesium) 75.Golubtsova R. B. New detmn. of tungsten in steels with /I-naphthaquinoline 72. Goodwin R. H. Fluorimetric estmn. of small amounts of chlorophyll a 203. Gordon A. H. et al. Separation of acidic amino acids by synthetic anion exchange resin 416. Gordon L. et al. Pptng. oxalates from homo-geneous solution. Application to separation and volumetric detmn. of magnesium 212. - Thorium in monazite sand. Separation and detmn. by pptn. from homogeneous solution 146. Gore R. C. et al. Infra-red analysis of crystalline penicillins 515. Gorffon E. Estmng. milk proteins in milk 414. Goryushina V. G. et al. Rapid analysis of tungsten and molybdenum alloys 661. Gottlieb S. Separating tropic and atropic acids by partition chromatography 126.Gioulden F. e t al. Colorimetric detmn. of stil-boestrol and dienoestrol 270. Green H. Industrial Rheology and Rheological Structures. (Review) 662. Green L. W. et al. Colorimetric assay of digitoxin, 56. Green M. W. Estmng. official salts of weak organic acids by titration in non-aqueous medium 273. Greenleaf C. A. Detmng. copper in foods by two-colour dithizone method 606. Gregor H. P. et al. Polarographic and ampero-metric detmn. of barium 212. Grim J. M. et al. Detmng. monomer in poly-styrene 655. Grindley D. N. Grummitt O. et al. Recent Advances in Analytical Chemistry. Frontiers in Chemistry. Vol. VII. (Review) 575. Grzeskowiak E. et al. Thioacetamide in place of gaseous hydrogen sulphide for pptng.insoluble sulphides 613. Guiter H. Detmng. soluble molybdates and tungstates and analysis of their mixtures 616. Gurvits 5. S. ef al. Estmng. quartz in presence of silicates 374. Guterman H. S. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of pregnandiol in urine 58. Gwilt J. R. Direct detmn. of volume occupied by husk in analysis of malts 513. Sudan seed oils 415. H Haimsohn J. N. et al. Analysis of chloroacetic Detmng. dichloroacetic and acetic acids, Hakala R. W. Simple still-head 331. Hale M. G. et al. Oxidase activity in potato tubers. IV. Quantitative detmn. of peroxidase 514. Hall A. J. et al. Ammonium citrate in colorimetric detmn. of copper 214. *Hall E. M. et al. Methods prescribed by F. and F.S. Regulations (1932) for estmng. oil albumi-noids and fibre in feeding stuffs 438.*Hall J. A. et al. Standardisation of Hortvet thermometers 380. *Hall R. A. et al. Assay of curarizing activity in conscious mouse and rat 583. *- Rotating drum in assessing activities of paralysant convulsant and anaesthetic drugs, 692. acids. 65 viii INDEX TO Hall R. T. et al. Potentiometric titration of weak acids in anhydrous ethylenediamine 370. Hall S. A, et al. Detmng. phosphorus in hexa-ethyl tetraphosphate and tetra-ethyl pyro-phosphate 213. Halliwell E. Obituary,. 157. Hamaker J. Calculation of content of volatile matter in coal to ash- and water-free coal 329. Hammock E. W. ef al. Iodine monochloride end-point in titration of tripositive antimony. Titration with iodate permanganate and ceric solutions 475.Hanke 116. E. et al. Practical Methods in Bio-chemistry. 5th Edn. (Review) 527. Hardin L. J. et al. Detmng. available magnesium engendered in mixtures of superphosphate with olivine serpentine magnesite and their calcines, 652. Harmsen (3. W. Membrane valve for constant gas flow 76. *Harrison 0. A. F. et al. Estmng. aluminium in beer 296. *Harrison J. S. Extraction of growth factors from natural products prior to microbiological assay, 597. *- ef al. Inactivation of biotin by chlorine 463. *Harrison T. S. et al. Detmng. chromium in cast iron and steel 502. Harva O. et al. Potentiometric titration of fatty acids with silver nitrate 656. *Haslam J. et al. Analysis of Nylon and related polymers 224. *- Detmng. small amounts of tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol 559.Hastings T. J. jun. et al. Prepng. phospho-molybdic acid from phosphoric acid and molybdic trioxide 476. HstfuIl R. 8. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of Battersea 464. Hawley J. W. Obituary 429. Hedlund I. et al. Potentiometric titration in two-phase systems 612. Heggen Y. H. M. et al. Detmng. phytic acid by oxidation of inositol with periodic acid 467. Heinrich P. et al. Stabilised diazonium salts as reagents for estmng. dihydric phenols. I. Prepn. and properties of diazonium naphthalenesul-phonates. 11. Colorimetric estmn. of dihydroxy-benzenes adrenaline and 3 4-dihydroxyphenyl-alanine 274. Hendrick J. Obituary 154. Henkel H. Detmng. oxidic inclusions in steel, 142. Henly A. A.et al. Polarographic estmn. of steroid hormones. 4. Detmng. 3 (a)- and 3 (8)-hydroxy-l7-ketosteroids 516. Henry T. A. Plant Alkaloids. 4th Edn. (Review), 427. Herbain Id. et al. Aldehydes and Doebner-Miller reaction. (3) Estmng. acetaldehyde 130. Hermon S. E. et al. Rapid detmn. of small amounts of silicon in magnesium alloys 212. Herndon L. K. et al. Estmng. thiophen in gasoline, 276. Heros M. et al. Detmng. free silica (quartz) in silicates 279. *Herwig Q. et al. Stokes method for assay of vitamin B with Neurospova sitophila M.299 37. Hestris S. et al. Colour test for identifying glucose 372. Hettrick J. H. et al. Detmng. nitrogen in milk by direct nesslerisation of digested sample 606. Heyrovskf J. Polarographisches Praktikum. Vol. IV. (Review) 222.VOLUME '74 *=@;gins M. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of amy1 acetate vapour in air 310. Higginson H. R. ef al. Detmng. sulphur in bone char 129. Higgons D. J. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of 2 %bis-(p-chlorophenyl)-l 1 l-trichloroethane (DDT) 369. Hilditch T. P. et al. Component acids antl glycerides of neat's foot oil 55. - Component acids and glycerides of whale oiI, 414. - Component acids of rape seed oil 415. - Composition of seed fats of West Indian citrus fruits 367. - Low-temperature crystallisation in detmn. of component acids of liquid fats. IV. Marine animal oils. Component acids and glycerides of grey Atlantic seal 199. Hill C. A. Obituary 157. Hilts W. W. et af. Detmng. ephedrine in medicinal com binat ions 266. Hoffecker W.A. .et al. Detmng. aromatics in petroleum fractions. Separation from high-boiling fractions by adsorption 653. Hogan D. ef al. Analysis of sulphite waste liquor and lignosulphonates. Detmng. neutralised solids and wet oxidation for detmng. total sulphur and cations 423. Holgate K. C. et al. Detmng. alcohol-insoluble solids and sugar contents of vegetables 193. *Holness H. Reduction of antimonial tin solutions with metallic nickel and cobalt 457. - Reduction of antimony solutions with metallic nickel 214. *- et al. Detmng. zirconium in minerals antl refractories by tannin method 505. *- Phosphate removal in qualitative analysis 43. Hohman GI. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of hexoses with carbazole 418. Hopkin and Williams Ltd. ef al. AnalaR Standards for Laboratory Chemicals.4th Edn. (Review), 528. Hoskam E. Q. Photometric detmn. of alpha- and beta-amylase in flour 264. Hoste J. Diphenylbenzidine as reagent for vanadium 658. - et al. Photometric estmn. of purine and pyrimidine nucleasides by reaction with orcinol, 417. Houget J. et al. Detmn. of glycerophosphoric acid. Application to phosphatides 133. *Hoalihan,. J. E. Rapid estrnn. of ammonia nitrogen in sewages and effluents 611. *House 1. A. ef al. Ether peroxide as possible source of error in Rose - Gottlieb butter-fat test, 85. *Howard A. J. et a'. Polarographic estmn. of inorganic nitrates in propellants 182. Howland F. O. ef al. Colorimetric assay of digitoxin 56. Hubbard D. M. et al. Spectrochemical detmn. of beryllium 612.- Spectrographic detmn. of beryllium in biological material and in air 269. Hubbard R. L. et af. Detmng. asphaltenes oils, and resins in asphalt 470. Huber D. Detmng. pregnanediol in urine for diagnostic purposes 271. Hnckaba C. E. et a?. Accuracy of estmn. of hydrogen peroxide mth potassium permanganate titration 373. Hudlicky M. et al. Detcn. and colorimetric estmn. of oximes ketones and hydroxylamine. 131 INDEX TO VOLUME 74 ix Hughes E. B. Review of Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Products. 3rd Edn. 77. *- et al. Microbiological assay of aneurine: improved method using Lactobacillus fermenti 36, 340. Hughes J. S. et al. Effect of temperature on fading of Carr - Price colours of vitamin A and carotenoid pigments 323. Humphreys E. M. et al.Microbiological assay of subtilin 201. Hunt C. H. et al. Purifying paraldehyde 321. Hunter I. R. Rapid ppt. dryer and solvent evaporator 377. HUSS R. B. et al. Rapid conductometric estmn. of gypsum in soils 370. I Indemans A. W. M. et al. Content of morphine Ingram G. Silver vanadates as absorbents for *Isbell R. A. C. Recent modifications in Spekker and other alkaloids in poppy heads 199. sulphur dioxide 653. photo-electric absorptiometer 618. J Jacobson M. et al. Detmng. phosphorus in hexa-ethyl tetraphosphate and tetra-ethyl pyro-phosphate 213. JaffB F. W. 1. Appointed Public Analyst and Official Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of Dewsbury 190 191. Jaillet J. B. et al. Polarographic analysis of hydrogen peroxide 613. James G.V. Appointed Temporary Deputy Public Analyst for County Borough of Bournemouth, 464. Jan& V. et al. Polarographic estmn. of total fat in soaps and soap powders 134. Jenkins D. C. E. Appointed Public Analyst for Borough of Hereford 604. Johanson R. Micro-Kj eldahl distillation apparatus, 219. *Johnson E. A. et al. Detcng. semi-micro quantities of zinc in cobalt salts 561. Johnson H. O. et al. Removal of metals a t mercury cathode. Separation of interfering metals in detmn. of aluminium and alkaline earth and alkali metals 376. Johnson H. S. jun. et al. Detmng. available magnesium engendered in mixtures of super-phosphate with olivine serpentine magnesite, and their calcines 652. *Johnson W. C. et al. Detcng. semi-micro quantities of zinc in cobalt salts 561.*Jones A, et al. Assay of folic acid with Streptococcus faecalis NCTC 6459 29. *- Plate method for assay of aneurine in yeast and yeast products 333. *- Stokes method for assay of vitamin B with Neurospora sitophila M.299 37. Jones A. 0. Review of Applied Chemistryd Practical Handbook for Students of Househol : Science and Public Health. Vol. II. Foods. 2nd Edn. 151. Jones D. E. Appointed Public Analyst for County Borough of Merthyr Tydfil 604. Jordan .P. Rapid micro photometric detmn. of potassium 569. Jurecek M. Semi-micro detmn. of halogens, sulphur and mercury in substances containing mercury 136. K Khane E. et al. Detmng. substances containing an alkyl pyridinium group 371. Kalousek M. Reversibility of processes a t dropping mercury electrode by changing discontinuously the polarising voltage 149.Kappelmeier C. P. A. et al. Anilic acid number, analytical index for testing dibasic acid anhydrides 275. Karnovsky 1. L. et al. South African fish products. XXVI. Application of Fitelson method of squalene detmn. to marine oils 55; XXVII. Composition of liver oils of basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus Gunner) and spiny shark (Echinorhinus spinosus Gmelin) 124 ; XXVIII. Composition of liver oil of seven-gilled shark (Heptranchias pectorosus Garman) 124; XXIX. Composition of liver oil of soupfin shark (Galeorhinus canis Rond.) 514. Karr C. et al. Advantages of butyl rubber in organic analysis 52 1. Kassner J. L. et al. Detmng. phosphorus pentoxide in phosphate rock 525.Katz M. et al. Rapid detmn. of low concentrations of carbon monoxide in air 467. Katzman J. et al. Rapid detmn. of low concentra-tions of carbon monoxide in air 467. *gear R. W. et al. Detmng. zirconium in minerals and refractories by tannin method 505. Kenney R. A. et al. Estmng. creatinine 200. Kerkkonen H. K. Detmng. peptide-amino nitrogen by copper method 418. Keyes F. G. et al. Accuracy of estmn. of hydrogen peroxide with potassium permanganate titration, 373. Fractional titration of amalgams as method of analysis of easily fusible metals 613. Khlopin N. Ya. et al. Polarographic detmn. of small amounts of arsenic from measurements of height of “maximum,” 213. *Khorana M. L. ef al. Automatic burette vacuum operated 600. Kiger J. et al.Proximate detcn. and detmn. of eggs in food pastes 262. Kirillova A. S. ef al. Polarographic detmn. of nitrobenzene 520. Kitzberger D. M. ef al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of urinary bilirubin 268. Kium T. P. et al. Chromatographic separation of amino acids and peptides. I. Chromatography of neutral peptides in 10 per cent. formol 416. Klarmann E. G. et al. Semi-micro method for testing quaternary ammonium disinfectants 271. *Klatzkin C. et al. Chemical estmn. of nicotinic acid using p-aminopropiophenone 447 ; Adden-dum 559. Kleinert T. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of small quantities of formaldehyde with chromotropic acid 610. Klyne W. et al. Detmng. p-aminosalicylic acid in blood and cerebrospinal fluid 418. Koch F. C. et al. Practical Methods in Bio-chemistry.5th Edn. (Review) 527. Kofler A. et al. Mikro-Methoden zur Kenn-zeichnung Organische Stoff e und Stoifgemische. (Review) 479 ; Erratum 528. Khaymovich R. S. et al x INDEX TO VOLUME 74 Kofler L. et al. Mikro-Methoden zur Kenn-zeichsung Organische Stoffe und Stoffgemische. (Review) 479; Erratum 528. Kofler M. Kohn M. Kohn R. et al. Detmng. individual tocopherols 6 1. Reduction of ferricyanides and sensitive test for detcng. hydrogen peroxide 658. Potentiometric detmn. of small amounts of carbon dioxide and hydrochloric acid in presence of each other in distilled water. *4nalytical contribution for existence of barium bicarbonate 68. Accumulation of traces of arsenate by co-pptn. with magnesium ammonium phosphate. Detmng.small amounts of arsenic in steel 474. *- Amperometric titration of copper and ferric iron with cupferron 635. - Detmng. unsaturation of synthetic and natural rubbers with iodine monochloride 208. - Polarographic and amperometric detmn. of barium 212. - Potentiometric investigation of tripyrophos-phatomanganic acid 281. Konig O. et al. Phenoxthin as reagent for detcng. small amounts of palladium 573. - Qualitative separation on micro-scale. Analysis of gold group of A. A. Noyes and W. C. Bray, 656. - Thio-acids as drop reagents for palladium 573. Konovalova A. B. ef ~ l . Detmng. copper in steels by colorimetric titration with dithizone, 524. Koroleff F. Detmng. manganese in natural waters, 419. Korshunov I. A, et al. Polarographic detmn.of nitrobenzene 520. Korzh P. D. Detmng. sodium in clays by automatic apparatus 661. Kodovsky M. T. et al. Composition of phospho-vanado-molybdate complex obtained in colori-metric detmn. of phosphorus by Misson's method, 73. Kreshkov A. P. et al. Qualitative reaction for boric acid and its salts 327. Ereulen D. J. W. et al. Critical air-blast test 76. Ereulen F. G. et al. Critical air-blast test 76. Kulka D. et al. Strain of Lactobacillus plantarum suitable for use in estmng. antiseptic power of hops hopped worts and beers 63. Kunze F. M. Addition of selenium to wet-ash procedure for detmng. mercury in apple peel 648. Kuzmenko 0. A. et al. Replacement of Rochelle salt by glycerol in detmng. sugar 327. Kolthoff I. M. et al. L Lacourt A. Improved horizontal micro-burette, 477.*Lambie D. A. Analytical chemistry of tungsten. IV. Separation of tungstic and arsenic acids 405. *- Detmng. small amounts of arsenic after separa-tion as sulphide 260. 'Lamond J. Detmng. ethyl alcohol in ethyl ether, 560. Langlykke A. F. et al. Microbiological assay of subtilin 201. LapiBre C. Parri reaction and sulphonamides, 266. Larionov YU. A. et a~. Colorimetry of aluminium oxinate 375. Lassieur A. Detmng. and separating calcium and magnesium 140. Lategan A. W. et al. South African fish products. XXIX. Composition of liver oil of soupfin shark (Galeorhinus canis Rond.) 514. Leach W. G. Obituary 157. Leather A. N. Appointed Public Analyst and Official Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of Manchester 464.*- Calcium tartrate crystals in processed cheese, 51. Lederer E. et al. Chromatographic separation of amino acids and peptides. I. Chromatography of neutral peptides in 10 per cent. formol 416. Ledley R. E. et al. Detmng. aromatics in petroleum fractions. Separation from high-boiling fractions by adsorption 653. Lee T. S. ef al. Detmng. unsaturation of synthetic and natural rubbers with iodine monochloride, 208. Methods prescribed by F. and F.S. Kegulations (1932) for estmng. oil albumi-noids and fibre in feeding stuffs 438. Leithe W. Rapid oxidimetric detmn. of nitrate, 474. Lemon H. W. Spectrophotometric detmn. of vanillin and related compounds 568. *Lennard G. J. Analysis of high-speed tool steels by Spekker absorptiometer. Detmng.major alloying constituents tungsten chromium, vanadium cobalt and molybdenum 253. Leonis J. N-Dirnethyl-leucyl-glycine as buffer, 368. Letina V. S. et al. Quantitative detmn. of halides in organic compounds by action of alkali metal in indifferent solvent 325. Physico-chemical analysis of systems important in analytical chemistry. XIII. System CoSO - K,Fe(CN) - H,O 145. Levontin M. E. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of copper with dimethylglyoxime 327. Levy H. et al. Oxidase activity in potato tubers. IV. Quantitative detmn. of peroxidase 514. Lewis J. C. ef al. Microbiological assay of subtilin, 201. *Liberti A. et al. Amperometric titration of copper and ferric iron with cupferron 635. Liebhafsky H. A. et ~ l . Chemical analysis based on X-ray absorption measurements with multiplier phototube.I. Solids and liquids. 11. Gases, 220. Liefiig P. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of small quantities of iron in water by dimethylglyoxime, 71. Lightbody H. D. et al. Microbiological assay of subtilin 201. *Lilliman B. Suggested mechanism of poisoning by liquid tetrachloroethane 510. Lingane J. J. Automatic potentiometric titrations, 219. - Automatic potentiometric titration of iron and titanium with chromous ion 374. - et al. Potentiometric titration of quadri- and sexa-valent selenium and tellurium with chromous ion 614. - Prepng. standard chromous sulphate or chromous chloride solutions of determinate concentration, 144. Linsley S. G. e f al. Infra-red analysis of crystalline penicillins 5 15. Lipkin M.R. et al. Detmng. aromatics in petroleum fractions. Separation from high-boiling fractions by adsorption 653. Litvin K. I. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of copper with dimethylglyoxime 327. *Lee W. V. et al. Levina M. I. et al INDEX TO VOLUME 74 xi Lo& C. et al. Detmng. chloride in mixtures containing hypochlorite chlorite and chlorate, 573. Loew G;. Data for oils of common oleaginous seeds, 514. Loustalot A. J. et al. Detmng. quinine and total alkaloids in cinchona bark 606. Louth G. D. Detmng. free carbon in compounded rubber and synthetic elastomers 278. Lovelace M. E. et al. -4cid-base reactions in organic solvents. Behaviour of halogenated derivatives of phenolsulphonephthalein with or-ganic bases in benzene 467. Lugovoy J.K. et al. Detmng. micro-quantities of citric acid in biological fluids 322. Lurye Yu. Yu. et al. Modified thiocyanate detinn. of molybdenum 281. Lutokhin S. R. et al. Replacement of Rochelle salt by glycerol in detmng. sugar 327. Lykken L. et al. Removal of metals a t mercury cathode. Separation of interfering metals in detmn. of aluminium and alkaline earth and alkali metals 376. Lynam T. R. e t al. Detmng. alumina in silica bricks by pptn. with 8-hydroxyquinoline 142. Lyne F. A. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for Royal Borough of New Windsor and Joint Public Analyst for City of Oxford 164. *- et al. Contamination of water bv trichloro-ethylene 513. Lyon L. et al. Specific surface of wheat flours. 1. Detmn. by air permeability method 194. M *IcAllister R.A. et al. Detmng. iron content of blood serum 315. MacAllister R. V. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of hexoses with carbazole 418. ‘McClelland J. A. C. Applications of intermittent A.C. arc. MacDougall D. et al. Detmng. lignin content of fresh plant tissue without preliminary drying, 609. McGovern J. J. et al. Detmng. monomer in polystyrene 636. McHargue J. S. et al. Detmng. total boron in plant material with “Chromotrope-B,” 651. MacIntire W. H. et al. Detmng. available magnesium engendered in mixtures of super-phosphate with olivine serpentine niagnesite, and their calcines 652. “Macintosh F. C. e f al. Assay of curare prepns. by rabbit head-drop method 588. McKee H. C. et al. Estmng. thiophen in gasoline, 276. McKinney C. D. jun.et al. Electrometric titration of nitric acid in oleum 473. McLachlan T. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for Royal Borough of New Windsor 190; Appointed Public Analyst for City of Oxford, Royal Borough of New Windsor and Urban District of Thurrock 464. *- et al. Contamination of water by trichloro-ethylene 513. McNabb W. H. et al. Electrometric titration of nitric acid in oleum 473. McNabb W. M. e t al. Detmng. mercury in organic and inorganic compounds. Stannous chloride reduction method 524. Maddison L. et al. Component acids and glycerides of whale oil 414. 11. Detmng. rare earths 529. Mader W. J. e t al. Chemical assay for crystalline benzyl penicillin 268. Mager J. et al. Colour test for identifying glucose, 372. Mairs M. A. et al. Detmng.unsaturation of synthetic and natural rubbers with iodine monochloride 208. Major I?. et al. Shark liver oil from Trinidad, 655. Maksimova N. V. et al. Composition of phospho-vanado-molybdate complex obtained in colori-me Eric tietmn. of phosphorus by Misson’s method, 73. Estmng. aldehydes ketones and acetals by hydroxj-lamine hydrochloride method 498. Mapstone G. E. Detcng. diphenylamine in com-mercial petrol 518. - Direct titration of mercaptans in gasoline, 423. Marcali K. et al. Iijeldahl detmn. of nitrogen without distillation. Application to samples containing phosphorus 66. Margolit J. et al. Detmng. gIycerol in fermenta-tion residues 370. Marling J. B. Spectrographic detmn. of sodium in silica - alumina catalyst 149. Marolli G.Technical Dictionary English - Italian, Italian - English. 2nd Edn. (Review) 377. Marrian @. F. et al. Estmng. oestrogens in human pregnancy urine. Correcting for brown colour developed in liober reaction by non-oestrogenic substances 202. *Marriott R. H. Rheological tests in pharmaceutical and cosmetical industries 397. Martin A. J. P. et al. Separation of acidic amino acids by synthetic anion exchange resin 416. Martin C. C. et al. Detmng. aromatics in petroleum fractions. Separation from high-boiling fractions by adsorption 653. Massart L. et al. Photometric estmn. of purine and pyrimidine nucleosides by reaction with orcinol 417. Masters H. et al. -1pplied Chemistry Practical Handbook for Students of Household Science and Public Health. Vol.11. Foods. 2nd Edn. (Review) 151. *Mattock G. et al. Phosphate removal in qualita-tive analysis 43. Medvedeva G. A. Precious metal sulphide series, $5. Mehrotra R. C. Meites L. Menshikova E. M. e f al. Colorimetric detmn. of small amounts of copper in aluminium 328. Mbtayer G. Detmng. nicotine in nicotine sulphate and in tobacco leaves 136. - Separating and detmng. polyols by selective entrainment. Application to detmn. of glycerol, 208. Mettelock P. et al. Pptn. of mono- and di-zirconyl phosphate and use of zirconium salts for separating and detmng. phosphoric acid 328. Meybeck J. et al. Detmng. chloride in mixtures containing hypochlorite chlorite and chlorate, 573. *Miller E. 3. et al. Inactivation of biotin by chlorine 463. Miller R.D. Rapid detmn. of total nitrogen in ammonium nitrate fertiliser 651. Mills M. B. e f al. Critical study of proposed modifications of Roe and Kuether detmn. of ascorbic acid with further contributions to the chemistry of this procedure 324, *Maltby J. G. et al. Dry test for gold 329. Polarographic detmn. of iron 671 xii INDEX TO Milovanova N. V. et al. Polarographic detmn. of copper and nickel in steel 525. *Milton R. F. Titrimetric estmn. of fluorine 54. - et al. Methods of Quantitative Micro-Analysis. (Review) 284. Minor H. B. et al. Practical test for estmng. storage stability of gasolines 610. Mitchell A. D. British Chemical Nomenclature. (Review) 150. Mitchell A. H. Obituary 157 158. *Mogey G. A. et al. Assay of d-tubocurarine chloride on isolated rat-diaphragm.Statistical examination 577. Monier-Williams G. W. Review of Practical Public Health Problems. 2nd Edn. 478. - Trace Elements in Food. (Review) 221. Monnier D. eb al. Colorimetric detmn. of fluoride ions in presence of phosphates 139. Montignie E. Action of mercury on various compounds 373. Moores R. G. ef al. Detmng. theobromine and caffeine in cacao materials 197. Morris C. J. 0. R. ef al. Polarographic estmn. of steroid hormones. 4. Detmng. 3 (a)- and 3 (6)-hydroxy-l7-ketosteroids 516. *adorris S. et al. Assay of folic acid with Streptococcus faecalis NCTC 6459 29 *- Plate method for assay of aneurine in yeast and yeast products 333. *- Stokes method for assay of vitamin B with Neurospora sitophila M.299 37. Morse E.E. Anthrone for estmng. low concentra-tions of sucrose 372. Morton R. A. et al. Re-examination of halibut-liver oil. Relation between biological potency and ultra-violet absorption due to vitamin A, 202. Moss 1. L. ef al. Potentiometric titration of weak acids in anhydrous ethylenediamine 370. Moyer J. C. et al. Detmng. alcohol-insoluble solids and sugar contents of vegetables 193. *Muers M. M. et al. Ether peroxide as possible source of error in Rose - Gottlieb butter-fat test, 85. Murasheva V. I. ef al. Detmng. selenium in steel, 144. *Murnaghan M. F. Micro-diffusion method for detmng. calcium in blood serum 546. VOLUME 74 Niemann C. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of hexoses with carbazole 418. Nikitina E. I. Colorimetric detmn. of small amounts of antimony in copper and tin bronzes 614.Norman P. J. Review of Food-Plant Sanitation, 283. *Nonris F. W. et al. Chemical estmn. of nicotinic acid using p-aminopropiophenone 447 ; Adden-dum 559. Norwitz G. Rapid colorimetric detmn. of copper in tin-base alloys 70. Noyes A. A. Qualitative separation on micro scale. Analysis of gold group of ___ and W. C. Bray. Konig Crowell and Benedetti-Pichler 656. *Nutten A. J. et al. New separation of phosphate ion in elementary qualitative analysis 239. 0 O’Brien A. S. et al. Statistical study of variables of alpha-cellulose methods 135. Oesper R E. Qualitative Analysis by Spot Tests: Inorganic and Organic Applications Fritz Feigl. 3rd English Edn. (Review) 427. Ogg C. L. et al. Volumetric detmn. of small amounts of soluble sulphates 522.Ok&E A. et al. Colour reaction of alkaline earths, 424. Okell F. L. Review of Advertising Labelling and Composition of Food Report by Ministry of Food, 616. - Review of Inorganic Chemistry. Fritz Ephraim. 5th English Edn. 332. *Ormerod O. e t al. Methods prescribed by F. and F.S. Regulations (1932) for estmng. oil albumi-noids and fibre in feeding stuffs 438. Osaki S. 1. Detmng. gluconuric acid in glyco-proteins 277. Ott M. L. et al. Turbidimetric assay of hyaluronidase 609. *Ovenston T. C. J. Chromatographic examination of propellant explosives 344; Erratum 462. - et al. Detmng. nitrosoamine content of pro-pellant explosive stabilised with sym-diethyl-diphenylurea 2 10. Ozier M. A. et al. Detmng.phosphorus pentoxide in phosphate rock 525. N P Nash L. K. Micro-effusiometry 477. - et al. Detmng. gases in meteoritic and terrestrial Natelson S. et al. Detmng. micro-quantities of Neuberger A. Neufeld 0. E. et al. Titration of hyoscine, hyoscyamine and atropine with picric acid in chloroform ; separation and fractionation of the picrates 55. Newhouse J. P. ef al. Detmng. p-aminosalicylic acid in blood and cerebrospinal fluid 418. Neyman 1. B. et al. Polarographic detmn. of methacrylic ester 206. Nicholls J. R. Review of Alcohol Fuel for Internal Combustion Engines 575. Nicholson A. ef al. Detmng. alumina in silica bricks by pptn. with 8-hydroxyquinoline 142. Niedrach L. et al. Potentiometric titration of quadri- and sexa-valent selenium and tellurium with chromous ion 614.irons and steels 475. citric acid in biological fluids 322. Estmng. homogentisic acid 269. Pagan C. ef al. Detmng. quinine and total alkaloids in cinchona bark 605. Page I. H. et al. Detmng. mannitol in plasma and urine 322. *Page J. E. et al. Polarographic detmn. of thiomersalate 292. Pdin A. T. Chlorine dioxide in water treatment, 273. Pariser R. et al. Selective extraction and adsorp-tion. 11. Isolation of ethylene chlorohydrin by adsorption 275. Parker C. et al. Detmng. sulphur in bone char, 129. *Parker C. A. Reaction of nitrous acid with alcoholic a-naphthylamine hydrochloride and application to absorptiometric detmn. of nitrites, 112. - et al. Detmng. nitrosoamine content of pro-pellant explosive stabilised with sym-diethyl-diphenylurea 210 INDEX TO Parker F.D. et al. Detmng. aromatics and olefines in hydrocarbon mixtures 469. Parker 1. E. Food-Plant Sanitation. (Review), 283. *Parker V. H. Routine detmn. of 3 5-dinitro-o-cresol 646. *Parkes A. E. Apparatus for detmng. available carbon dioxide in baking powder etc. 261. Parks T. D. et al. Removal of metals a t mercury cathode. Separation of interfering metals in detmn. of aluminium and alkaline earth and alkali metals 376. Patel S. M. et al. Selenium as catalyst in Kjeldahl digestions 472. Path& S. P. et al. Low-temperature crystallisa-tion in detmn. of component acids of liquid fats. IV. Marine animal oils. Component acids and glycerides of grey Atlantic seal 199. *Patrick R.et al. Detmng. aneurine in pharma-ceutical products 303. Patterson J. H. et al. Electrolytic and polaro-graphic detmn. of zinc in thorium 570. Paulley W. 1. Appointed Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of Stepney 464. Paulssen P. Cerimetric detmn. of small quantities of arsenic in drugs after reduction with hypo-phosphite 607. Pavlinova A. V. Volumetric detmn. of tervalent iron based on use of tartrates 142. “Payne S. T. et al. Detmng. small quantities of aluminium in gunmetal 641. Pearman R. W. et al. Shark liver oil from Trinidad 655. *Pearson J. et al. Polarographic estmn. of inorganic nitrates in propellants 182. Pech J. ef al. Colour reaction of alkaline earths, 424. Pecsok R. L. et al. Prepng. standard chromous sulphate or chromous chloride solutions of determinate concentration 144.Peltier S. ef al. Critical study of gravimetric detmn. of calcium in presence of magnesium 140. Pennington N. et al. Specific surface of wheat flours. I. Detmn. by air permeability method, 194. Percival E. G. V. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of alginic acid in seaweed specimens 371. Pesea M. - Detmng. water 424. - et al. (A) Aldehydes and Doebner-Miller reaction. (1) 5-Carboxy-7-aminoquinaldine. (2) Detcng. -CH,.CHO group. (3) Estmng. acetalde-hyde. (B) Fluorescence indicator 130. - Detmng. halogens in organic substances by hydrogenation 133. - Titration of acyl chlorides 130. Peshkova V. M, et al. Colorimetric detmn. of copper with dimethylglyoxime 327. Peters E. D. ef al. Analysis of aliphatic amine mixtures.Detmng. tertiary amines in presence of primary and secondary amines and ammonia, 132; Detmng. secondary plus tertiary amines by azomethine-acidimetric method 132. - Detmng. organic peroxides. Evaluation of modified iodimetric method 419; Ferrous thio-cyanate colorimetric method 421 ; Ferrous-titanous method 421. Petersen E. M. et al. Infra-red analysis of crystalline penicillins 515. Peyron L. Rapid estmn. of free sulphur 136. Phillips D. F. et at. Rapid detmn. of small amounts of silicon in magnesium alloys 212. Phillips M. et al. Quantitative estmn. of hemi-celluloses by direct isolation 63, Colour reactions for steroids 649. . VOLUME 74 XI11 Estmng. chlorine in polymeric Phillips,. W. M. *- et al. Micro-detmn. of unsaturation 306.Pickard Sir Robert PI. Obituary 577. Pincus J. B. et al. Detmng. micro-quantities of citric acid in biological fluids 322. Pino F. et al. New volumetric detmn. of mercuric oxide with alkali thiocyanate 141. Piper C. S. et al. Detmng. small amounts of molybdenum in plants 516. Pine D. G. et al. Proposed grading of ice-cream by methylene blue test 263. Pleeth S. J. W. Alcohol Fuel for Internal Com-bustion Engines. (Review) 575. Plummer A. J. Quantitative estmn. of theo-phylline in blood and urine application to dog, 369. Podgayts V. V. ef al. Estmng. quartz in presence of silicates 374. Podlubnaya E. T. et al. Electrometric ferrocyanide detmn. of sugars 66. Poirier P. et al. Detmng. halogens in organic substances by hydrogenation 133. Pollard C.B. et. al. Piperazinium salts for ident fying organic acids 468. Polsky J. W. Water analyses by selective specific conductance 127. Popper E. et al. Analytical investigation of univalent thallium ion 613. - New conductometric titration of univalent thallium using potassium selenocyanate 140. Portnov M. A. et al. Systematic analysis of cations by polarographic method. 11. Conditions for detmng. elements of arsenic sub-group 141. *Poulton F. C. J. et al. Combustion method for estmng. carbon black in compounded rubber 351. Povelkina V. P. et al. Systematic analysis of cations by polarographic method. 11. Conditions for detmng. elements of arsenic sub-group 141. Powell 3. S. et al. Detmng. cyclopentadiene and methylcyclopentadiene in admixtures with other hydrocarbons 5 18.- Spectroscopic detmn. of cyclopentadiene and methylcyclopentadiene 520. Piibil R. et al. Cerimetric detmn of copper and antimony 141. *Price J. B. et al. Detmng. small quantities of aluminium in gunmetal 641. Price R. H. et al. Effect of melting conditions on spectrographic detmn. of copper in lead alloys, 612. Prigot M. et al. Piperazinium salts for identifying organic acids 468. “Primavesi G. R. et al. Estmng. aldehydes, ketones and acetals by hydroxylamine hydro-chloride method 498. Pruig A. C. Spectrographic detmn. of beryllium in light industrial alloys 523. Puddington I. E. Useful stop-cock lubricant 615. *Purser I?. J. materials 472. Estmng. acetylene in air 237. R Rabbitts F. T. Mercury cathode cell for rapid electrolysis 33 1.Rafalovich N. A. et al. Polarographic detmn. of small amounts of arsenic from measurements of height of “maximum,” 213. &be P. A. Colorimetric detmn. of small quantities of aluminium 364. *Ram .S. Tungstic acid pptn. of protein from physiological fluids 412 xi \- INDEX TO Rapson W. S. et al. South African fish products. LXVI. Application of Fitelson method of squalene detmn. to marine oils 55; XXVII. Composition of liver oils of basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus Gunner) and spiny shark (Echinorhinus spinosus Gmelin) 124 ; XXVIII. Composition of liver oil of seven-gilled shark (Heptranchias pectorosus Garman) 124; XXIX. Composition of liver oil of soupfin shark (Galeor-hinus canis Rond.) 514. Raquet D. ef al. Detmng.hypochlorite in presence of chlorite. Raventos J. Estmng. barbituric acid and thio-barbituric acids in biological materials 126. Raynes M. M. et al. Colorimetry of aluminium oxinate 375. *Rees H. G. et al. Chemical detmn. of nicotinic acid in food products 481. Reith J. F. et al. Content of morphine and other alkaloids in poppy heads 199. - Detmng. phytic acid by oxidation of inositol with periodic acid 467. Reitz L. K. et al. Statistical study of variables of alpha-cellulose methods 135. Reuter F. H. et al. Purifying paraldehyde 321. Reynolds C. A. et al. Polarographic method for copper lead and iron using pyrophosphate background solution 658. Reynolds F. PI. Occurrence of vanadium chromium Reznik B. E. et al. Detmng. magnesium in dolomites by photo-turbidimetric titration 69.Rhoden E. et al. Estmng. urethane (ethyl carbamate) in blood 270. Rice M. W. et al. Detmng. aspartic acid 200. *Ridyard H. N. Detmng. aneurine in uncooked wheat products 18. *- High accuracy and high speed pipettes and associated apparatus 24. Rieman W. Srd et al. Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen without distillation. Application to samples containing phosphorus 60. Riley J. P. et al. Composition of seed fats of West Indian citrus fruits 367. Riley R. et al. Measurement of water in gases by electrical conduction in a film of hygroscopic material and use of pressure changes in calibration, 75. Rinck E. Separating and detmng. fluorine 138. Ripan R. et al. Analytical investigation of univalent thallium ion 613.- New conductometric titration of univalent thallium using potassium selenocyanate 140. Roberts E. R. et al. Inorganic Chemistry. Fritz Ephraim. 5th English Edn. (Review) 332. Robertson Sir Robert. Obituary 429. Robeson G. D. et al. delta-Tocopherol. I. Isolation from soyabean oil and properties 58; Assay of individual tocopherols in mixtures containing delta-tocopherol 60. Robinson A. M. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of stilboestrol and dienoestrol 270. Robinson C. H. Obituary 429. Robinson F. A. Review of British Chemical Nomenclature 150. - Review of Practical Methods an Biochemistry. 5th Edn. 527. Robinson W. 0. Presence and detmn. of molyb-denum and rare earths in phosphate rock, 571. Rodwell C. N. et al. Titration of hyoscine, hyoscyamine and atropine with picric acid in chloroform ; separation and fractionation of the picrates 55.Detmng. hydrazine sulphate 21 1. . and other unusual elements in coals 669. VOLUME 74 Roe J. H. et al. Critical study of proposed modifications of Roe and Kuether detmn. of ascorbic acid with further contributions to the chemistry of this procedure 324. Rogers L. B. et al. Electro-reduction of periodate a t dropping mercury electrode. I. Behaviour in acidic solutions of pH less than 3 574. - Polarographic method for copper lead and iron using pyrophosphate background solution, 658. Rogers W. H. ef al. Electrometric titration of nitric acid in oleum 473. Ross A. G. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of alginic acid in seaweed specimens 371. "Rosselet F. et al.Quantitative photometric detmn. of diphenyl in orange peel 89. Roudier A. -4nalysis of primary cellulosic materials used in paper-making 424. Rozsa J. T. Improvement of analytical control for silica brick 329. *Ruddle L. H. et al. Detmng. small amounts of tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol 559. Rulfs C. L. Volumetric micro-detmn. of water in minerals 572. Runti C. S. New colour reactions and new photo-metric detmn. of vitamin B, 57. Russell J. et al. Capillary tube viscometer for routine measurements of dilute high-polymer solutions 330. *Russell L. et al. Detmng. copper in nickel-bearing steels and cast irons. Photometric method 105. Russell R. G. Emission spectroscopy in oil laboratory 149. Ruzhentseva A. K. et al. Quantitative detmn. of halides in organic compounds by action of alkali metal in an indifferent solvent 325.Ryabov A. V. et al. Polarographic detmn. of nitrobenzene 520. S *Sabiston L. et al. New separation of phosphate ion in elementary qualitative analysis 239. Sacconi L. Inorganic chromatography 476. Sackur O. et al. Detmng. substances containing an alkyl pyridinium group 371. Sager 0. S. et al. Preservation of dairy products for phosphatase test 605. Sahyun M. Proteins and Amino Acids in Kutrition. (Review) 7 8. Salvesen J. R. et al. Analysis of sulphite waste liquor and lignosulphonates. Detmng. neutralised solids and wet oxidation for detmng. total sulphur and cations 423. Sandell E. B. Colorimetric detmn. of traces of gold 426. Sanders G. P. S. et al. Preservation of dairy products for phosphatase test 605.Santavy F. Micro-polarographic detmn. of chloride ions in biological fluids 568. Savage Sir William. Practical Public Health Problems. 2nd Edn. (Review) 478. Sazanova L. N. et al. Polsrographic detmn. of nitrobenzene 520. Scalf R. E. et al. Measuring enzyme activity on limit dextrin 206. Scanlan J. T. et al. Detmng. oxirane oxygen, 128. Schniepp L. E. et al. Quantitative detmn. of hemicellulose constituents by fermentation 278 INDEX TO VOLUME 74 XV Schoberl A. Conductometric titration for rapid detmn. of sulphur in organic and inorganic compounds 6 13. Schollenberger C. J. Detmng. total replaceable bases in soils 518. Schroeder 1. S. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of pregnandiol in urine 58. Schuhmfmn P.J. et al. Acid-base reactions in organic solvents. Behaviour of halogenated derivatives of phenolsulphonephthalein with organic bases in benzene 467. Iodimetric micro-detmn. of bromide and iodide 521. Stabilised diazonium salts for estmng. dihydric phenols. I . Prepn. and pro-perties of diazonium naphthalenesulphonates. 11. Cnlorimetric estmn. of dihydroxybenzenes, adrenaline and 3 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine, 274. Schwartz H. M. e f al. South African fish products. XSVII. Composition of liver oils of basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus Gunner) and spiny shark (Echinorhinus spinosus Gmelin) 124 ; XXVIII. Composition of liver oil of seven-gilled shark (Heptranchias pectorosus Garman) 124 ; SXIX. Composition of liver oil of soupfin shark (Galeorhinus canis Rond.) 514.*Scott T. R. Ether extraction in detmng. uranium, 486. "Scott-Dodd A. Detmng. poisonous metals (copper, lead and zinc) in edible gelatin 118. Sease J. W. Flubrescent adsorbent for chromato-graphy of colourless compounds 653. Seletkova N. I. e f aZ. Quantitative detmn. of lead in presence of cations of second analytical group (barium strontium calcium and magnesium), 75. Sevcik A. Oscillographic polarography with periodical triangular voltage 329. Shaefer W. E. Detmng. small amounts of ethyl ether in ethyl alcohol 205. Shaw J. A. et al. Detmng. acetylene in gas 205. Shellenberger IT. A. et aZ. Detmng. flour particle-size distribution 196. Shoemaker E. et al. Detmng. glycerol in fermenta-tion residues 370. Shpeyzman V. M.et al. Detmng. graphite in malleable cast iron 661. Shrivastava R. K. et al. Component acids and glycerides of neat's foot oil 55. Shubenko M. A. et aZ. Polarographic detmn. of methacrylic ester 206. Shvedov V. P. Separation of calcium from mag-nesium. I . Investigation of oxalate method with radioactive indicators 660 ; 11. Sulphate method, 660. - et al. Quantitative detmn. of lead in presence of cations of second analytical group (barium, strontium calcium and magnesium) 75. Siggia S. Detmng. benzoyl peroxide in organic media 568. Silverman L. Detmng. glycerol in soap. Rapid cerate procedure 326. Sipple H. E. et al. Practical test for estmng. storage stability of gasolines 610. Sisido K. et al. Argentometric micro-detmn. of organic chlorine 275.Skertchly W. P. Obituary 577. *Slaughter G. et aZ. Schnlek E. Schuler W. ef al. Experiments with Spekker photo-electric absorptiometer and fluorimeter, 624. Smith A. Appointed Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of Kingston-upon-Hull 191. oestrogenic substances 202. Smith D. C. et at. Analysis of natural and synthetic rubber by infra-red spectroscopy 67. *Smith D. M. et al. Analysis of rare earth oxides by emission spectra. I . Persistent lines in arc spectra of rare earth elements 95. Smith G. F. et al. Detmng. alumina in iron ore, 281. - Volumetric micro-detmn. of arsenic and iron, 523. Smith H. M. et aZ. Chemical analysis based on X-ray absorption measurements with multiplier phototube. I. Solids and liquids. 11.Gases 220. Detmng. organic peroxides. Evaluation of modified iodimetric method 419; Ferrous-titanous method 421. Smith R. H. et al. Smits G. Snow S. D. et aZ. Estmng. serum vitamin A with activated glycerol dichlorohydrin 465. Sobel A. E. et al. Estmng. serum vitamin A with activated glycerol dichlorohydrin 465. *Solomon M. E. Conditions under which mites raise moisture content of foodstuffs 41 1. Spacu G. et aZ. Potentiometric kitrations with potassium iodate. 11. Potentiometric detmn. of thorium. 111. Potentiometric detmn. of lanthanum 615; VII. Potentiometric detmn. of 2-ascorbic acid 612. Spacu P. et al. Potentiometric titrations with potassium iodate. 11. Potentiometric detmn. of thorium. 111. Potentiometric detmn. of lanthanum 615; VII.Potentiometric detmn. of 2-ascorbic acid 612. Spdlenka M. Polarographic copper zinc and manganese detmns. in aluminium and zinc alloys 425. Speck J. C. jun. Spectrophotometric detmn. of diacetyl 205. Spray G. H. Micro-detmn. of British anti-lewisite, 201. Sreenivasan A. et al. Selenium as catalyst in Kjeldahl digestions 472. Srepel E. et aZ. Colorimetric detmn. of small quantities of formaldehyde with chromotropic acid 610. Stanfield K. E. e f al. Detmng. asphaltenes oils, and resins in asphalt 470. Stark W. H. et aZ. Measuring enzyme activity on limit dextrin 206. Stathis E. C. Detmng. silver with ascorbic acid, 139. *Steele S. D. et al. Detmng. copper in nickel-bearing steels and cast irons. Photometric method 105. Steinberg R. H. et al.Spark technique in spectro-graphic analysis of slags 526. *Steiner E. H. Statistical use of several analytical constituents for calculating proportions of ingredients in food products 429. Steiner H. et al. Selective extraction and adsorp-tion. I. Selective solvents for ethylene chloro-hydrin 275. Steninger M. et al. Potentiometric titration in two-phase systems 612. Stephenson H. F. Obituary 429. *Stephenson R. J. Estmng. grease in sewage sludges 257. Stern M. H. et al. delta-Tocopherol. I. Isolation from soyabean oil and properties 58; Assay of total tocopherols in mixtures containing delta-tocopherol 59. Stevenson 1. F. et al. Estmng. oestrogens in human pregnancy urine. Correcting for brown colour developed in Kober reaction by non-Buffer for pH range 5 to 7 612 xvi INDEX TO *Stewart,.C. P. et al. Isolation and detmn. of morphine codeine and heroin from viscera and body fluids by adsorption 536. *- Separation and detmn of mixtures of morphine, heroin codeine and barbiturates by adsorption, 543. *Steyn A. P. et al. Quantitative photometric detmn. of diphenyl in orange peel 89. Stiff H. A. jun. Colorimetric detmn. of blood-chloride by iodimetric method 608. Stillson G. H. et al. Automatic micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen 65, *Stock J. T. et al. Diaphragm pump for air and other gases 52. *- Micro-blowpipe 122. - Miscellaneous microchemical devices. XV. Device for testing gases 478. *- Rotary stirring devices for micro-titration, 318, *- Transmitting manometer for micro oxygen uptake experiments 120.*Stolman A. et. al. Isolation and detmn. of morphine codeine and heroin from viscera and body fluids by adsorption 536. *- Separation and detmn. of mixtures of morphine, heroin codeine and barbiturates by adsorption, 543. Stone H. W. Storage and titration with oxygen-sensitive solutions 218. Stone K. G. et al. Polarographic study of anthra-quinones 326. Stoneman J. P. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of 2 2-bis-(p-chlorophenyl)-l 1 l-trichloroethane (DDT) 369. *Storr H. et al. Detmng. chromium in cast iron and steel 502. *Stringer W. J. et al. Estmng. aluminium in beer 296. Stromberg A. G. et al. Polarographic detmn. of copper and nickel in steel 525. *Stress W. Polarographic analysis of light metals and alloys a survey 285.Stubbs A. L. et al. Re-examination of halibut-liver oil. Relation between biological potency and ultra-violet absorption due to vitamin A 202. Stumper R. et al. Pptn. of mono- and di-zirconyl phosphate and use of zirconium salts for separating and detmng. phosphoric acid 328. Sue P. Detmns. with radioactive isotopes by measuring specific activity 77. Sugden T. M. et al. Estmng. sulphur trioxide in its mixtures with sulphur dioxide by ampero-metric titration 127. Sulzbacher M. et al. Selective extraction and adsorption. I. Selective solvents for ethylene chlorohydrin. 11. Isolation of ethylene chloro-hydrin by adsorption 275. Suprunovich I. V. et al. Detmng. copper in steels by colorimetric titration with dithizone 524. Swern D. et al.Detmng. oxirane oxygen 128. Swift E. H. et al. Iodine monochloride end-point in titration of tripositive antimony. Titration with iodate permanganate and ceric solutions, 475. T Taat W. J. et al. Analytical method for examining *Talbot A. Rapid estmn. of fat in sausages and technical polyvinyl products 136. sausage meats 462. VOLUME 74 Tananaev I. V. et al. Physico-chemical analysis of systems important in analytical chemistry. XIII. System CoSO - K,Fe(CN) - H,O 145. Tananaev N. A. et al. Detmng. selenium in steel, 144. Tanis H. E. et al. Chemical analysis based on X-ray absorption measurements with multiplier phototube. I. Solids and liquids. 11. Gases, 220. Taras M. pH Indicator for titration of sodium carbonate. Disodium 4 4'-bis-(2-amino-l-naphthy1azo)-2 2'-stilbenedisulphonate 21 1.- Two new total alkalinity indicators 518. Tauber H. Colour test for tryptophan 321. *Taubes-Steinfeld S. et al. Estmng. cyanide in plant material by means of Conway units 189. *Taylor A. et al. Detmng. caffeine in coffee and coffee products 463. Taylor C. B. Reduction of potassium permanganate in presence of glass 324. *Taylor D. J. et al. Detmng. caffeine in coffee and coffee products 463. Taylor G. Review of Trace Elements in Food, 221. Tchen Pau Kium. See Kium. Teach W. C. et al. Detmng. monomer in poly-styrene 655. ten Have J. Detmng. potassium in soil and plant material by cobaltinitrite method 324. Thoma G. E. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of urinary bilirubin 268. Thomas W. L. et al.Estmng. residual wool fat in tops oiled with B.M. (blended mineral) oil 135. Thompson a. R. Obituary 157 158. Thompson P. A. et al. Microbiological assay of subtilin 201. Thomson T. R. et al. Detmng. hydrogen chloride in presence of chlorine 473. ThoTe P. C. L. et al. Inorganic Chemistry. Fritz Ephraim. 5th English Edn. (Review), 332. Thorpe J. F. Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. 4th Edn. Vol. IX Oils Fatty-Pituitary Body. (Review) 527. Tinkler C. K. et al. Applied Chemistry Practical Handbook for Students of Household Science and Public Health. Vol. 11. Foods. 2nd Edn. (Review) 151. *Tinsley J. Micro-detmn. of potassium as cobalti-nitrite in biological and agricultural materials. 11. New turbidimetric method 167. TomiEek 0. Semimicro-detmn.of sulphonamides by titration in anhydrous acetic acid 265. "Tompsett S. L. *- ef al. Detmng. iron content of blood serum, 315. Trautner E. M. et al. Titration of hyoscine, hyoscyamine and atropine with picric acid in chloroform ; separation and fractionation of the picrates 55. *!hevan J. W. et al. Assay of d-tubocurarine chloride on isolated rat-diaphragm. Statistical examination 577. Trikojus V. P. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of thyroxine 564. Trotman S. R. Obituary 157 158. Tsimmergaki V. A, et al. Fractional titration of amalgams as method of analysis of easily fusible metals 613. *Tulle J. W. et al. Estmng. aluminium in beer, 296. Tyner E. H. Detmng. small amounts of calcium in plant materials. Colorimetric method 516. Detmng. steroids in urine 6 INDEX TO U Ubaldini I.Mercaptobenzothiazole as reagent for platinum rhodium and palladium 217. Ungnade H. E. et al. Electric furnace for semi-micro-analysis of carbon and hydrogen 568. Usatenko Yu. I. et al. Detmng. calcium and magnesium in iron ore with cation exchanger, 522. V Van den Akker J. A. et al. Accelerated measure-ment of penetration of water in insulating board, 149. van der Burg B. van der Heul W. et al. Analytical method for examining technical polyvinyl products 136. van Gtenderen €I. et al. Detmng. 4-methyl-2-thiouracil in animal tissue and blood 565. Van Goor W. R. et al. Anilic acid number, analytical index for testing dibasic acid anhydrides 275. Van Lier K. L. et al. Detmng. 4-methyl-2-thiouracil in animal tissue and blood 565.van Rensberg N. J. et al. South African fish products. XXVII. Composition of liver oils of basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus Gunner) and spiny shark (Echinorhinus spinosus Gmelin) 124. van Selms - et al. Critical air-blast test 76. Vaucher R. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of fluoride ions in presence of phosphates 139. Vaynshteyn Yu. I. Polarographic detmn. of a-nitronaphthalene in presence of cc-naphthyl-amine 326. Veldheer P. A. Detmng. acetylene in liquid oxygen 272. Velluz L. et al. (A) Aldehydes and Doebner-Miller reaction. ( 1) 5-Carboxy-7-aminoquinal-dine. (2) Detcng. -CH,.CHO group. (3) Estmng. acetaldehyde. (B) Fluorescence indicator 130. Vendrely R. Detmng. amounts of purine nitrogen of the order of 10 to 40 micrograms.Application to nucleic acids nucleoproteins tissues and micro-organisms 465. Vilborg S. S. et al. Qualitative reaction for boric acid and its salts 327. Vilkas M. ef al. Prepng. aluminium oxide for chroma tograph y 3 7 6. Voerman J. G. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of morphine 649. Voter R. C. et al. 1 2-Cyclohexanedione dioxime Reagent for nickel 215; Reagent for palladium 217. Calomel electrode 219. Xioxime). W Wagner C. D. et al. Analysis of aliphatic amine mixtures. Detmng. tertiary amines in presence of primary and secondary amines and ammonia, 132; Detmng. secondary plus tertiary amines by azomethine-acidimetric method 132. - Detmng. organic peroxides. Evaluation of modified iodimetric method 419 ; Ferrous thio-cyanate colorimetric method 421 ; Ferrous-titanous method 42 1.Wagner R. H. Application of corrections in viscometry of high-polymer solutions 330. - et al. Capillary tube viscometer for routine measurements of dilute high-polymer solutions, 330. VOLUME 74 xvi I *Wake W. C. et al. Micro-detmn. of unsaturation, 306. *Walker A. D. et at. Colorimetric detmn. of streptomycin B (mannosido-streptomycin) 455. Walker T. K. et al. Strain of Lactobadus jdantarum for use in estmng. antiseptic power of hops hopped worts and beers 63. *Waller J. G. et al. Polarographic detmn. of thiomersalate 292. WaUerstein J. S. et al. Oxidase activity in potato tubers. IV. Quantitative detmn. of peroxidase 514. Walters E. L. et al. Practical test for estmng. storage stability of gasolines 610.Warren A. T. et al. Colorimetric assay of digitoxin 56. Warren F. L. ef al. Colorimetric detmn. of stilboestrol and dienoestrol 270. - Estmng. urethane (ethyl carbamate) in blood, 270. Warshowsky B. et al. Detmng. aspartic acid, 200. - Detmng. glycerol in fermentation residues 370. Waters W. A.? et al. Methods of Quantitative Micro- Anal ysis. (Review) 284. Watters J. I. et al. Potentiometric investigation of tripyrophosphatomanganic acid 28 1. Weaver E. R. ef al. Measurement of water in gases by electrical conduction in a film of hygro-scopic material and use of pressure changes in calibration 75. Weihe H. D. et al. Quantitative estmn. of hemi-celluloses by direct isolation 63. Weisler L. et al. delta-Tocopherol. I. Isolation from soyabean oil and properties 58; Assay of individual tocopherols in mixtures containing delta-tocopherol 60.Weiss G. et al. Separating vanadium and boron, 280. Weizxnann C. ef al. Selective extraction and adsorption. I. Selective solvents for ethylene chlorohydrin 275, Welcher F. J. Organic Analytical Reagents. Vols. 111 and IV. Wenger P. e f al. Colorimetric detmn. of fluoride ions in presence of phosphates 139. *West G. B. Assay of curare and curare-like substances. Modification of method using rat’s phrenic nerve-diaphragm prepn. 582. West P. W. ef al. Polarographic behaviour of ions with sodium fluoride as supporting electrolyte, 76. *Whettern S. 1. A. Detmng. small amounts of hydroquininone in styrene 185. Whiteley M. A. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry.4th Edn. Vol. IX Oils Fatty-Pituitary Body. (Review) 527. Whitney R. M. ef al. Detmng. nitrogen in milk by direct nesslerisation of digested sample 606. Wichser F. W. et al. Detmng. flour particle-size distribution 196. Wichterle O. et al. Detcn. and colorimetric estmn. of oximes ketones and hydroxylamine, 131. Wickerham L. J. et al. Quantitative detmn. of hemicellulose constituents by fermentation 278. *Wiggins G. M. Analysis of rare earth oxides by emission spectra. 11. Technique for suppression of cyanogen bands in carbon arc spectra of rare earth oxides 101. *- ef al. Analysis of rare earth oxides by emission spectra. I . Persistent lines in arc spectra of rare earth elements 95. Wild A. M. Iodimetric estmn. of penicillin 56.(Review) 152 xviii INDEX TO Willard H. H. ef al. Thorium in monazite sand. Separation and detmn. by pptn. from homo-geneous solution 146. *Willcox J. S. et al. Hydrolytic evaluation of cellulose 366. Willemart I&. et al. Titration of acyl chlorides, 130. Williams E. F. et al. Infra-red analysis of crystalline penicillins 5 15. *Williams E. T. ef al. Methods .prescribed by F. and F.S. Regulations (1932) for estmng. oil, . albuminoids and fibre in feeding stuffs 438. *Williams K. A. Detmng. butter fat coconut oil and palm kernel oil in margarines 508. - Review of New Notation and Enumeration System f o r Organic Compounds. 2nd Edn. 616. - Review of Photo-electric Methods in Clinical Biochemistry 574. *Williams P. S. Application of rheological methods to paint industry 400.Williams R. Obituary 154 157 158. *Williams R. A. et al. Rapid detmn. of carbon dioxide in absorbent liquors or other carbonate solutions 360; Erratum 412. Willits C. O. et al. Volumetric detmn. of small amounts of soluble sulphates 522. Wilson A. et al. Chemical estmn. of oestrogens in urine 202. Wilson C. L. Review of Qualitative Analysis by Spot Tests Inorganic and Organic Applications: Fritz FeigZ. 3rd English Edn. 427. Wilson D. T. et al. Detmng. ephedrine in medicinal combinations 266. *Wilson H. N. Volumetric detmn. of silica 243. Winikoff D. et at. Colorimetric detmn. of thyroxine 564. Wink W. A, et al. Accelerated measurement of penetration of water in insulation board 149. Winslow E. H. ef al.Chemical analysis based on X-ray absorption measurements with multiplier phototube. I. Solids and liquids. 11. Gases 220. Wirtz H. Detmng. molybdenum in ferro-molybdenum by potentiometric method 74. Withrow J. R. et al. Estmng. thiophen in gasoline 276. Witlin B. et al. Bacteriostatic efficiency of iodonium compounds. Toxicity studies of this group 272. - Iodonium compounds and their antibacterial activity 272. Woelfel W. C. Colorimetric detmn. of copper with carbon disulphide and diethanolamine 214. *Wokes F. et al. Chemical estmn. of nicotinic acid, using p-aminopropiophenone 447 ; Addendum, 559. VOLUME 74 *Wokes F. et al. Experiments with Spekker photo-electric absorptiometer and fluorimeter, 624. Wolcott G. H. et al. Colorimetric detmn.of citric acid in blood and plasma 608. *Wood E. C. et al. Detmng. copper in foods by High’s method 602. *Woodward F. N. Colorimetric estmn. of thiols, 179. Wordsworth C. H Appointed Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of Paddington 604. Wreath A. R. Detmng. phosphorus in organic compounds 653. Wright E. S. ef al. Semi-micro method for testing quaternary ammonium disinfectants 271. *Wright J. F. H. ef al. Detmng. aneurine in pharmaceutical products 303. Wyatt G. H. Review of Methods of Quantitative Micro-Analysis 284. - Review of Mikro-Methoden zur Kennzeichnung Organische Stoffe und Stoffgemische 479 ; Erratum, 528. Wylie A. W. Co-pptn. of uranous sulphate with rare-earth double sulphates 329. Y Yabroff D. L. et al. Practical test for estmng.storage stability of gasolines. 610. Yagi H. et al. Argentometric micro-detmn. of organic chlorine 275. Yakovlev P. Ya. Volumetric detmn. of molyb-denum in steel 660. *Young J. H. et al. Internal indicator for arsenite -hypochlorite titrations 367. Young J. L. Detcng. and detmng. cocaine in presence of procaine etc. 649. *Young P. A. et al. Assay of d-tubocurarine chloride on isolated rat-diaphragm. Statistical examination 577. Young R. S. et al. Ammonium citrate in colori-metric detmn. of copper 214. Z Zilch K. ef al. Electric furnace for semi-micro-analysis of carbon and hydrogen 568. Zimkin E. et al. Selective extraction and adsorp-tion. I. Selective solvents for ethylene chloro-hydrin. 275. Zotta M. Polarographic analysis of refined lead, 75 INDEX TO VOLUME 74 x1x INDEX TO SUBJECTS * Denotes original papers and notes that have been published in The Analyst.A *Absorptiometer Experiments with Spekker photo-electric - and fluorimeter. Wokes and Slaughter 624. *Recent modifications in Spekker photo-electric -. Isbell 618. *A.C. arc Application of intermittent -. 11. Detmng. rare earths. McClelland 529. Acetaldehyde Aldehydes and the Doebner - Miller reaction. (3) Estmng. - . Velluz Pesez, and Herbain 130. 'Acetals Estmng. aldehydes ketones and - by hydroxylamine hydrochloride method. Maltby and Primavesi 498. Acetic acid Analysis of chloroacetic acids. Detmng. dichloroacetic acid and - . Dalin and Haimsohn 65. Acetyl chloride Titrating acyl chlorides. Pesez and Willemart 130.Acetylene Detmng. - in gas. Shaw and Fisher, 205. *Estmng. - in air. New detmn. of - in liquid oxygen. Veldheer, 272. Acetylsalicylic acid chloride of - Titrating acyl chlorides. Pesez and Willemart 130. Acid(s)- base reactions in organic solvents. Be-haviour of halogenated derivatives of phenol-sulphonephthalein with organic bases in benzene. Davis Schuhmann and Lovelace, 467. Component - and glycerides of neat's foot oil. Hilditch and Shrivastava 55. Component - and glycerides of whale oil. Hilditch and Maddison 414. Component - of rape seed oil. Baliga and Hilditch 415. Estmng. official salts of weak organic - by titration in non-aqueous medium. Green, 273. Identifying organic - and nitrophenols by benzylammonium salts.Boudet 129. Low-temperature crystallisation in detmng. com-ponent - of liquid fats. IV. Marine animal oils. Component - and glycerides of grey Atlantic seal. Hilditch and Pathak 199. Piperazinium salts for identifying organic -. Prigot and Pollard 468. Potentiometric titratisn in two-phase systems. Hedlund and Steninger 612. Potentiometric titration of fatty - with silver nitrate. Harva and Ekwall 656. Potentiometric titration of weak - in an-hydrous ethylenediamine. Moss Elliott and Hall 370. Acyl chlorides Titration of -. Pesez and Willemart 130. *Adipic acid Analysis of Nylon and related polymers. (Separation of sebacic acid from -.) Clasper and Haslam 224. Adrenaline Stabilised diazonium salts as reagents for estmng. dihydric phenols.11. Colorimetric estmn. of - etc. Heinrich and Schuler, 274. Adsorbent Fluorescent - for chromatography of colourless compounds. Sease 653. Purser 237. Adsorption- Selective extraction and - . I. Selective solvents for ethylene chlorohydrin. Weizmann Bergmann Chandley Steiner, Sulzbacher and Zimkin. 11. Isolation of ethylene chlorohydrin by -. Sulzbacher and Pariser 275. Advertising Labelling and Composition of Food. Report by Ministry of Food. (Review) 616. *Agricultural materials Micro-detmn. of potassium as cobaltinitrite in biological and -. 11. Turbidimetric method. Tinsley 167. *Air Colorimetric estmn. of amyl acetate vapour in -. Custance and Higgins 310. *Estmng. acetylene in -. *Estmng. trichloroethylene in -. Brain 555. Rapid detmn.of low concentrations of carbon monoxide in -. Katz and Katzman 467. Alanine Chromatographic separation of amino acids and peptides. I. Chromatography of neutral peptides in 10 per cent. formol. Lederer and Kium 416. Sodium hypochlorite in detmng. - valine, and leucine. "Albuminoids Study of methods prescribed by F. and F.S. Regulations (1932) for estmng. oil - and fibre in feeding stuffs. Hall, Lee Ormerod and Williams 438. Alcohol Fuel for Internal Combustion Engines. Pleeth. (Review) 575. -insoluble solids Detmng. - and sugar contents of vegetables. Aldehydes and Doebner - Miller reaction. (1) 5-Carboxy-7-aminoquinaldine. (2) Detcng. -CH,.CHO group. Velluz Amiard and Pesez. (3) Estmng. acetaldehyde. Velluz, Pesez and Herbain 130.*Estmng. - ketones and acetals by hydroxyl-amine hydrochloride method. Maltby and Primavesi 498. Alginic acid Colorimetric detmn. of - in sea-weed. Percival and Ross 371. Alkali metals Removal of metals a t mercury cathode. Separation of interfering metals in detmng. - etc. Parks Johnson and Lykken 376. Alkaline earths Colour reaction of -. OkAC and Pech 424. Removal of metals a t mercury cathode. Separa-tion of interfering metals in detmng. - etc. Parks Johnson and Lykken 376. Alkalinity Two new total - indicators. Taras, 518. Alkaloids Content of morphine and other - in poppy heads of different varieties. Reith, Indemans and Becker 199. Plant -. Henry. 4th Edn. (Review) 427. Quick and simple detmn. of quinine and total - in cinchona bark.Loustalot and Pagan, 605. Titrating hyoscine hyoscyamine and atropine with picric acid in chloroform. Separation and fractionation of picrates. Trautner Neufeld, and Rodwell 55. Alkyl pyridinium group Detmng. substances con-taining -. Allium cepa Data for oils of common oleaginous seeds. Loew 514. Purser 237. Aubel and Asselineau 566. Moyer and Holgate 193. Kahane and Sackur 371 xx INDEX TO *Alloys Detmng. small quantities of aluminium in Effect of melting conditions on spectrographic Bannister and Electrolytic and polarographic detmn. of zinc in *Estmng. selenium in lead -. Box 120. "Polarographic analysis of light metals and -. Stross 285. Polarographic copper zinc and manganese detmns. in aluminium and zinc -. SpAlenka, 425.gunmetal. Price and Payne 641. detmn. of copper in lead -. Price 612. thorium. Patterson and Banks 670. Polarographic detmn. of iron. Meites 571. Polarographic method for copper lead and iron, using pyrophosphate background solution. Reynolds and Rogers 658. Qualitative separation on micro-scale. Analysis of gold group of A. A. Noyes and Wr. C. Bray. Konig Crowell and Benedetti-Pichler 656. Rapid analysis of tungsten and molybdenum -. Goryushina and Cherkashina 66 1. Rapid colorimetric detmn. of copper in tin-base -. Norwitz 70. Rapid detmn. of small amounts of silicon in magnesium -. Phillips and Hermon 212. Spectrographic detmn. of beryllium in light industrial -. Pruig 523. Alumina calcined Titanium. Polarographic detmn. in clays and clay products.Detmng. - in iron ore. Smith and Cagle, 281. Detmng. __ in silica bricks by pptn. with 8-hydroxyquinoline. Lynam and Nicholson, 142. Detmng. oxidic inclusions in steel. Henkel 142. Spectrographic detmn. of sodium in silica-__ catalyst. Marling 149. Aluminium alloys Polarographic copper zinc and manganese detmns. in - and zinc alloys. SpAlenka 425. alloys Polarographic method for copper lead, and iron using pyrophosphate background solution. Reynolds and Rogers 658. Colorimetric detmn. of small amounts of copper in -. *Colorimetric detmn. of small quantities of -. Raine 364. *Detmng. small quantities of - in gunmetal. Price and Payne 641. *Estmng. - in beer. Tullo Stringer,. and Harrison 296. *Polarographic analysis of light metals and alloys.Stross 285. *Quantitative separation of beryllium from -. Coppins 3 17. Rapid electrometric detmn. of - in ores. Chirkov 375. Removal of metals a t mercury cathode. Separa-tion of interfering metals in detmng. -, alkaline earths and alkali metals. Parks, Johnson and Lyyken 376. *Separation of beryllium - uranium and vanadium by cupferron in systematic qualita-tive analysis. Bishop and Crawford 364. Volumetric detmn. of tervalent iron (and of -) based on use of tartrates. Pavlinova 142. Aluminium oxide Prepng. - for chromatography. Dupont Dulou and Vilkas 376. Aluminium oxinate Colorimetry of -. Raynes and Larionov 375. Amalgams Fractional titration of - as method of analysis of easily fusible metals. Tsim-mergakl and Khaymovich 613.Adams 572. Ayzenberg and Menshikova 328. VOLUME 74 Amine(s) Analysis of aliphatic - mixtures. Detmng. tertiary - in presence of primary and secondary - and ammonia. Wagner, Brown and Peters 132; Detmng. secondary plus tertiary - by azomethine-acidimetric method. Wagner Brown and Peters 132. Amino acids Chromatographic separation of -and peptides. I. Chromatography of neutral peptides in 10 per cent. formol. Lederer and Kium 416. Estmng. leucine in complex mixtures of - by reaction with sodium hypochlorite. Asselineau, 321. Potentiometric titration of weak acids in an-hydrous ethylenediamine. . Moss Elliott and Hall 370. Proteins and - in Nutrition. Sahyun. (Review) 78. Separation of acidic - by synthetic anion exchange resin.Consden Gordon and Martin, 416: Amino nitrogen Detmng. peptide- ___ by copper method. Kerkkonen 418. p-Aminoazobenzene Crystallographic data. A4rmour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology 149. Amiuobenzoic acids Chromatographic separation of amino acids and peptides. I. Chromato-graphy of neutral peptides in 10 per cent. formol. Lederer and Kium 416. *p-Aminopropiophenone Chemical estmn. of nico-tinic acid using --. Klatzkin Norris and Wokes 447; Addendum 559. p-Aminosalicylic acid Detmng. - in blood and cerebrospinal fluid. Klyne and Newhouse, 418. *Ammonia nitrogen Rapid estmn. of - in sewages and effluents. Houlihan 511. Ammonium Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. -. Duval and Duval 147. Ammonium citrate in colorimetric detmn.of copper. Hall and Young 214. Ammonium nitrate Rapid detmn. of total nitrogen in __ fertiliser. Miller 651. Ammonium perchloratocerate reagent Detmng. glycerol in soap. Cerate procedure. Silverman, 326. *Amy1 acetate Colorimetric estmn. of - vapour in air. Custance and Higgins 310. Amylase Photometric detmn. of alpha- and beta-- in flour. Hoskam 264. Analysis Chemical - based on X-ray absorption measurements with multiplier phototube. I . Solids and Liquids. 11. Gases. Liebhafsky, Smith Tanis and Winslow 220. Methods of Quantitative Micro- -. Milton and Waters. (Review) 284. Mikro-Methoden zur Kennzeichnung Organische Stoffe und Stoffgemische. Kofler and Kofler. (Review) 479; Erratum 528. Qualitative - by Spot Tests.Inorganic and Organic Applications. Feigl. 3rd English Edn. Translated by Oesper. (Review) 427. Analytical Chemistry International Congress on -. Plans for - 617. Frontiers in Chemistry. Vol. VII. Burk and Grummitt. (Review) 575. precipitates Thermal behaviour of -. Sodium, ammonium potassium and rubidium 147 ; Caesium lanthanum cerium neodymium and samarium. Duval and Duval 282. Reagents Organic -. Vols. I11 and IV. Welcher. (Review) 152. Chemistry Recent Advances in -INDEX TO *Androgens Detmng. steroids in urine. Tompsett, 6. A4-Androstene-3 17-dione New colour reactions for steroids. Pesez 649. A4-Androstene-17-ol-3-one (cis and tvans) New colour reactions for steroids. As-An~stene-3-ol-17-one (trans) New colour reactions for steroids.Pesez 649. *Anemhe Detmng. - in pharmaceutical products. Patrick and Wright 303. *Detmng. - in uncooked wheat products. Ridyard 18. *Extraction of growth factors from natural products prior to microbiological assay. Harrison 597. *Microbiological assay of - . Improved method employing Lactobacillus fermenti 36. Fitzgerald and Hughes 340. New colour reactions and new photometric detmn. of -. Runti 57. *Plate method for assay of - in yeast and yeast products. Aneurine hydrochloride Crystallographic data. Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology 218. Anhydrides Anilic acid number analytical index for testing dibasic acid -. ICappelmeier and Van Goor 275. Anilic acid number analytical index for testing dibasic acid anhydrides.Kappelmeier and Van Goor 275. Aniline Yellow S See p-Aminoazobenzene. Anion exchange resin Separation of acidic amino acids by synthetic -. Consden Gordon, and Martin 416. Anthraquinones Polarographic study of --. Furman and Stone 326. *Anthrone Colorimetric detmn. of streptomycin H (mannosido-streptomycin) . Emery and Walker, 455. for estmng. low concentrations of sucrose. Morse 372. Anti-lewisite British See BAL. *Antimonial tin solutions Reduction of ~ with metallic nickel and cobalt. Antimony Cerimetric detmn. of copper and -. Plibil and Chlebovsky 141. Colorimetric detmn. of small amounts of ~ in copper and tin bronzes. Nikitina 614. Iodine monochloride end-point in titration of tripositive -. Titration with iodate per-manganate and ceric solutions.Hammock, Brown and Swift 475. Reduction of - solutions with metallic nickel. Holness 214. Removal of metals a t mercury cathode. Separa-tion of interfering metals in detmng. aluminium, alkaline earths and alkali metals. Parks, Johnson and Lykken 376. Systematic analysis of cations by polarographic method. 11. Conditions for detmng. elements of arsenic sub-group. Portnov and Povelkina, 141. Antimony pentachloride Dingemanse's reaction. Colorimetric detmn. of stilboestrol and dienoestrol. Warren Goulden and Robinson, 270. Antioxidants Report on oils fats and waxes. Fitelson 649. Antiseptic power Strain of Lactobacillus plantarum for estmng. __ of hops hopped worts and beers. Kulka and Walker 63. Apparatus -4nalysis of thorium - chromium mix-tures.Ewing and Banks 145. Pesez 649. Jones and Morris 333. Holness 457. VOLUME 74 xsi *Assay of curare prepns. by rabbit head-drop method. Duttd and Macintosh 588. *Assay of d-tubocurarine chloride on isolated rat-diaphragm. Mogey Trevan and Young, 577. *Automatic burette vacuum-operated. Bhunvara and Khorana GOO. Capillary tube viscometer for routine measure-ments of dilute high-polymer solutions. Wagner and Russell 330. *Combustion method for estmng. carbon black in compounded rubber. Bauminger and Poulton 35 1. *Constant-temperature bath for microbiological assays. Bolton G47. Detmng. asphaltenes oils and resins in asphalt. Hubbard and Stanfield 470. Detmng. hydrogen chloride in presence of chlorine.Barnam and Thomson 473. Detmng. sodium in clays by means of automatic - . Korzh 661. "Diaphragm pump for air and other gases Stock and Fill 52. Electric furnace for semi-micro-analysis of carbon and hydzogen. Estning. chlorine in polymeric materials. Phillips, 472. *Experiments with Spekker photo-electric absorptiometer and fluorimeter. Wokes and Slaughter 624. *High accuracy and high speed pipettes and associated -. Ridyard 24. Improved horizontal micro-burette. Lacourt, 477. Membrane valve for constant gas flow. Harmsen, 76. Mercury cathode cell for rapid electrolysis. Rabbitts 331. *Micro-blowpipe. Stock and Fill 122. *Micro-detmn. of unsaturation. Phillips and Micro-effusiometry . Nash 47 7. Micro-Kjeldahl distillation -.Johanson 219. Mikro-Methoden zur Kennzeichnung Organische Stoffe und Stoffgemische. Kofler and Kofler. (Review) 479; Erratum 528. Miscellaneous microchemical devices. XV. Device for testing gases. *Modification of micro-analytical test for purity in food for use in examining dried fruit. Bradshaw and Coppock 300. Prepng. standard chromous sulphate or chromous chloride solutions of determinate concentration. Lingane and Pecsok 144. "Rapid detmn. of carbon dioxide i s absorbent liquors or other carbonate solutions. Dixon and Williams 360. Kapid ppt. dryer and solvent evaporator. Hunter 377. *Recent modifications in Spekker photo-electric absorptiometer. Isbell 6 18. *Rheological methods in milling and baking industries Amos 392. *Rotary stirring devices for micro-titration.Stock and Fill 318. *Rotating drum in assessing activities of para-lysant convulsant and anaesthetic drugs. Collier Hall and Fieller 592. *Simple __ for detmng. available carbon dioxide in baking powder etc. Parkes 261. Simple still-head. Hakala 331. Simplified instrument for wide-range dielectric constant measurement. Fischer 282. Apparatu;-continucd Ungnade and Zilch 568. Wake 306. Stock and Fill 478 xxii INDEX TO Apparatw-continued Storage and titration with oxygen-sensitive solutions. Stone 218. *Transmitting manometer for micro oxygen uptake experiments. Stock and Fill 120. Useful stop-cock lubricant. Puddington 6 15. Volumetric micro-detmn. of water in minerals. Rulfs 572. Apple peel Addition of selenium to wet-ash procedure for detmng.mercury in -. Kunze 648. Applied Chemistry Thorpe’s Dictionary of -. 4th Edn. Vol. IX Oils Fatty-Pituitary Body. Whiteley. (Review) 527. Practical Handbook for Students of Household Science and Public Health. Vol. 11. Foods. Tinkler and Masters. 2nd Edn. (Review) 151. Appointments Official 190 191 262 464 604. Aromatic hydrocarbons Detmng. - and olefines in hydrocarbon mixtures. Berg and Parker, 469. Detmng. - in petroleum fractions. Separation from high-boiling fractions by adsorption. Lipkin Hoffecker Martin and Ledley 653. co-pptn. with magnesium ammonium phos-phate. Detmng. small amounts of arsenic in steel. Kolthoff and Carr 474. Arsenic Accumulation of traces of arsenate by co-pptn. with magnesium ammonium phos-phate.Detmng. small amounts of - in steel. Kolthoff and Carr 474. Cerimetric detmn. of small quantities of -in drugs after reduction with hypophosphite. Paulssen 607. *Detmng. small amounts of - after separation as sulphide. Lambie 260. Polarographic detmn. of small amounts of -from measurements of height of “maximum.” Khlopin Rafalovich and Aksenova 213. Removal of metals a t mercury cathode. Separa-tion of interfering metals in detmng. aluminium, alkaline earths and alkali metals. Parks, Johnson and Lykken 376. Systematic analysis of cations by polarographic method. 11. Conditions for detmng. elements of - sub-group. Portnov and Povelkina, 141. Volumetric micro-detmn. of - and iron. Smith and Fritz 523. *Arsenic acid Studies in analytical chemistry of tungsten.IV. Separating tungstic acid and -. Lambie 405. *Arsenite Internal indicator for - - hypochlorite titrations. Ascorbic acid Critical study of proposed modifica-tions to Roe and Kuether method for detmng. - with further contributions to chemistry of this procedure. Crystallographic data. Armour Research Founda-tion of Illinois Institute of Technology 574. Detmng. silver with -. Stathis 139. Potentiometric titrations with potassium iodate. VII. Potentiometric detmn. of 2- -. Spacu and Spacu 612. Aspartic acid Detmng. -. Warshowsky and Rice 280. Separation of acidic amino acids by synthetic anion exchange resin. Consden Gordon and Martin 416. Asphalt Detmng. asphaltenes oils and resins in -. Hubbard and Stanfield 470.Asphaltenes Detmng. - oils and resins in asphalt. Hubbard and ktanfield. 470. by Arsenate Accumulation of traces of -Young and Das Gupta 367. Mills and Roe 324. VOLUME 74 Atoxyl Cerimetric detmn. of small quantities of arsenic in drugs after reduction with hypo-phosphite. Paulssen 607. Atropic acid Separating tropic acid and - by partition chromatography. Gottlieb 126. Atropine Titrating hyoscine hyoscyamine and - with picric acid in chloroform. Separation and fractionation of picrates. Trautner, Neufeld and Rodwell 55. B *Baking Rheological methods in milling and -industries. Amos 392. *Baking powder Simple apparatus for detning. available carbon dioxide in - etc. Parkes, 261. BAL Estmng. 1 2-dithiols. Micro-detmn. of British anti-lewisite.Spray 201. *Barbital Separation and detmn. of morphine, heroin codeine and barbiturates by adsorption. Stolman and Stewart 543. Barbitone soluble Estmng. official salts of weak organic acids by titration in non-aqueous medium. Green 273. *Barbiturates Separation and detmn. of mixtures adsorption. Stolman and Stewart 543. Barbituric acid Estmng. - and thiobarbituric acid in biological materials. Barium Colour reaction of alkaline earths. Ok&C and Pech 424. *Polarographic analysis of light metals and alloys. Stross 285. Polarographic and amperometric detmn. of -. Kolthoff and Gregor 212. Quantitative detmn. of lead in presence of cations of second analytical group (- etc.). Shvedov Golqshteyn and Seletkova 75. Barium bicarbonate Analytical contribution for existence of -.Chta and Kohn 68. Base(s) Acid- - reactions in organic solvents. Behaviour of halogenated derivatives of phenolsulphonephthalein with organic - in benzene. Davis Schuhmann and Lovelace, 467. Detmng. total replaceable - in soils. Schollen-berger 518. *Bath Constant-temperature - for micro-biological assays. Bolton 647. Battersea Appointment of R. S. Hatfull as Deputy Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of *Beer(s). Estmng. aluminium in - . Tullo, Strain of Lactobacillus plantarum for estmng. antiseptic power of hops hopped worts and -. Kulka and Walker 63. Beet pulp Estmng. hemicelluloses in holocellulose from non-woody plant material. Bennett, 326. Bellier test Report on oils fats and waxes.Fitelson 649. Benzalaminophenol Crystallographic data. Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology 616, Benzene Acid-base reactions in organic solvents. Behaviour of halogenated derivatives of phenolsulphonephthalein with organic bases in -. Davis Schuhmann and Lovelace 467. Benzoic acid Potentiometric titration of weak Aldridge 277. of morphine heroin codeine and - by Raventos 126. - 464. ’ Stringer and Harrison 296. acids in anhydrous ethylenediamine. Moss, Elliott and Hall 370 INDEX TO VOLUME 74 xxiii Benzoyl chloride Titrating acyl chlorides. Pesez and Willemart 130. Benzoyl peroxide Detmng. - in organic media. Siggia 568. Benzyl penicillin Chemical assay for crystalline - Mader and Buck 268. Report of Analysts’ Sub-Cttee.of Ministry of Health Conference on differential assay of penicillin. I. Detmng. - by pptn. with N-ethylpiperidine 79. Benzylamides Identifying organic acids and nitro-phenols by benzylammonium salts. Boudet, 129. Benzylammonium salts Identifying organic acids and nitrophenols by -. Beryllium alloys Polarographic method for copper, lead and iron using pyrophosphate background solution. Reynolds and Rogers 658. *Polarographic analysis of light metals and alloys. Stross 285. *Quantitative separation of - from aluminium. Coppins 3 17. *Separation of - aluminium uranium and vanadium by cupferron in systematic qualita-tive analysis. Spectrochemical detmn. of -. Cholak and Hubbard 612. Spectrographic detmn. of - in biological material and in air.Cholak and Hubbard 269. Spectrographic detmn. of - in light industrial alloys. Pruig 523. Bicarbonate Analytical contribution for existence of barium -. Bilirubin Spectrophotometric detmn. of urinary -. Thoma and Kitzberger 268. Biochemistry Photo-electric Methods in Clinical -. Delory. (Review) 574. Practical Methods in -. Koch and Hanke. 5th Edn. (Review) 527. *Biological fluids Tungstic acid pptn. of proteins from physiological fluids. Ram 412. material Colorimetric detmn. of traces of gold. Sandell 426. materials Estmng. barbituric and thiobarbituric acids in -. Raventos 126. *materials Micro-detmn. of potassium as cobalti-nitrite in - and agricultural materials. 11. Turbidimetric method. Tinsley 167. *Biotin Extraction of growth factors from natural products prior to microbiological assay.Harrison 597. Harrison and Miller 463. 4 4’-Bis-(2-amino-l-naphthylazo)-2 2’-stilbene disulphonate New pH indicator for titration of sodium carbonate. Disodium -. Taras, 211. 2 2-Bis-(p-chlorophenyl)-l 1 l-trichloro-ethane See DDT. 4 4’-Bis(p-methylaminophenylazo)-2 2’-stilbene-disulphonate Two new total alkalinity indicators. Disodium -. Taras 518. *Bismuth Colorimetric detmn. of traces of - in lead. Ballard and Ballard 53. Fractional titration of amalgams as method of analysis of easily fusible metals. Tsimmergakl and Khaymovich 6 13. Removal of metals a t mercury cathode. Separa-tion of interfering metals in detmng. aluminium, alkaline earths and alkali metals.Parks, Johnson and Lykken 376. 4 4’-Bis(m-tolyltriazeno)-2 2’-stilbenedisul-phonate Two new total alkalinity indicators. Disodium -. Taras 518. Boudet 129. Bishop and Crawford 364. C d a and Kohn 68. Inactivation of - by chlorine. Blended mineral oil Estmng. residual wool fat in tops oiled with -. Clark and Thomas 135. Blood Biochemistry of scandium and its separation as phytate. Beck 567. Colorimetric detmn. of - -chloride by iodi-metric method. Stiff 608. Colorimetric detmn. of citric acid in - and plasma. Wolcott and Boyer 608. Detmng. p-aminosalicylic acid in - and cerebrospinal fluid. Klyne and Newhouse, 418. Detmng. 4-methyl-2-thiouracil in animal tissue and - . van Genderen Van Lier and De Beus 565. Detmng. micro-quantities of citric acid in biological fluids.Natelson Lugovoy and Pincus 322. Estmng. barbituric and thiobarbituric acids in biological materials. Raventos 126. Micro-detmn. of bromides and iodides in presence of chlorides. Belluci 328. Quantitative estmn. of theophylline in - and urine. Application to dog (and man). Plummer 369. *serum Detmng. iron content of -. Tompsett and McAllister 315. *serum Micro-diffusion method for detmng. calcium in -. Murnaghan 546. *Tungstic acid pptn. of proteins from physio-logical fluids. Ram 412. *Blowpipe Micro-. Board Accelerated measurement of penetration of water in insulating -. Wink and Van den Akker 149. Boiling stones Carborundum - in micro-Kjeldahl and other digestion procedures. Fraser and Baker 472.Bone char Detmng. sulphur in -. Deitz, Higginson and Parker 129. Book Reviews : British Drug Houses Ltd. and Hopkin and Williams Ltd. AnalaR Standards for Labora-tory Chemicals 528. Burk and Grummitt. Recent Advances in Analytical Chemistry 575. Cruess. Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Pro-ducts. 3rd Edn. 77. Delory. Photo-electric Methods in Clinical Biochemistry 574, Dyson. New Notation and Enumeration System for Organic Compounds. Ephraim. Inorganic Chemistry 332. Feigl. Qualitative Analysis by Spot Tests. 3rd English Edn. 427. Gaydon. Spectroscopy and Combustion Theory. 2nd Edn. 151. Green. Industrial Rheology and Rheological Structures 662. Henry. Plant Alkaloids. 4th Edn. 427. Heyrovskp. Polarographisches Praktikum 222.Koch and Hanke. Practical Methods in Bio-chemistry. 5th Edn. 527. * Kofler and Kofler. Mikro-Methoden zur Kenn-zeichnung Organische Stoff e und Stoff gemische, 479; Erratum 528. Marolli Technical Dictionary English - Italian, Italian - English. Milton and Waters. Methods of Quantitative Micro-Analysis 284. Ministry of Food. Advertising Labelling and Composition of Food 616. Mitchell. British Chemical Nomenclature. 150. Monier-Williams. Trace Elements in Food 221. Parker. Food-Plant Sanitation 283. Stock and Fill 122. 2nd Edn. 616. 2nd Edn. 377 xxiv INDEX TO Book Reviews-contiwed Pleeth. Alcohol Fuel for Internal Combustion Engines 575. Sahyun. Proteins and Amino Acids in Nutrition, 78. Savage. Practical Public Health Problems. 2nd Edn.478. Tinkler and Masters. Applied Chemistry. 2nd Edn. 151. Welcher. Organic Analytical Reagents Vols. I11 and IV 152. Whiteley. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. 4th Edn. Vol. IX Oils Fatty-Pituitary Body 527. Borates Qualitative reaction for boric acid and its salts. Kreshkov and Vilborg 327. Boric acid Qualitative reaction for - and its salts. Kreshkov and Vilborg 327. Boron Detmng. total - in plant material with Chromotrope-B. Austin and McHargue 651. Occurrence of - in coals. Separating vanadium and - . Weiss and Blum 280. Boscia octandra Sudan seed oils. Grindley 415. Bournemouth Appointment of G. V. James as Temporary Deputy Public Analyst for County Borough of - 464. Brain Biochemistry of scandium and its separation as phytate.Beck 567. *Bran Detmng. aneurine in uncooked wheat products. Ridyard 18. Brass Polarographic method for copper lead and iron using pyrophosphate background solution. Reynolds and Rogers 658. British anti-lewisite See BAL. British Iron and Steel Research Assoc. Critical examination of perchloric acid colorimetric method of analysis for chromium in carbon and low alloy steel 71. Bromide(s) Colorimetric detmn. of citric acid in blood and plasma. Wolcott and Boyer 608. Iodimetric micro-detmn. of - and iodide. Schulek 52 1. Micro-detmn. of - and iodides in presence of chlorides. Belluci 328. Bromine Detmng. halogens in organic substances by hydrogenation. Quantitative detmn. of halides in organic com-pounds by action of alkali metal in indifferent solvent.Ruzhentseva and Letina 325. Semi-micro detmn. of halogens sulphur and mercury in substances containing mercury. Jurecek 136. Bronze Colorimetric detmn. of small amounts of antimony in copper and tin-. Nikitina 614. BMer N-Dimethyl-leucyl-glycine as -. Leonis, 368. Buna N Analysis of natural and synthetic rubber by infra-red spectroscopy. Dinsmore and Smith 67. *Burette Automatic __ vacuum-operated. Bhunvara and Khorana 600. Improved horizontal micro- -. Lacourt 477. Burnley Appointment of H. Dedicoat as Official Agricultural Analyst and Public Analyst for County Borough of - 262. *Butter fat Detmng. - coconut oil and palm kernel oil in margarines. *fat Ether peroxide as possible source of error in Rose - Gottlieb - test.Muers and House 85. Routine detmn. of diacetyl in -. Den Herder, 193. vegetarian Oils and Fats Order 1949 191. Reynolds 659. Pesez and Poirier 133. for pH range 5 to 7. Smits 612. Williams 508. VOLUME 74 *n-Butyl acetate Colorimetric estmn. of amyl Custance and Higgins, Butyl rubber Advantages of - in organic analysis. acetate vapour in air. 310. Corwin and Karr 521. C Cacao Detmng. theobromine and caffeine in -materials. Moores and Campbell 197. Cadmium Fractional titration of amalgams as method of analysis of easily fusible metals. Tsimmergakl and Khaymovich 613. *Caesium Polarographic analysis of light metals and alloys. Stross 285. Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. -. Duval and Duval 282. *Caffeine Detmng. - in coffee and coffee products.Taylor and Taylor 463. Detmng. theobromine and - in cacao materials. Moores and Campbell 197. OkAC and Pech 424. Critical study of gravimetric detmn. of - in presence of magnesium. Peltier and Duval, 140. Detmng. and separating - and magnesium. Lassieur 140. Detmng. - and magnesium in iron ore by cation exchanger. Usatenko and Datsenko, 522. Detmng. small amounts of - in plant materials. Colorimetric method. Tyner 516. *Micro-diffusion method for detmng. - in blood serum. Murnaghan 546. *Polarographic analysis of light metals and alloys. Stross 285. Quantitative detmn. of lead in presence of cations of second analytical group (- etc.). Shvedov Goldshteyn and Seletkova 75. Removal of manganese in detmng. zinc - and magnesium in manganese ores and products.Evans 523. Removal of metals a t mercury cathode. Separa-tion of interfering metals in detmng. alkaline earth metals etc. Parks Johnson and Lykken,. 376. I. Investi-gation of oxalate method by means of radio-active indicators. 11. Sulphate method. Shvedov 660. Water analyses by selective specific conductance. Polsky 127. *Calcium tartrate crystals in processed cheese. Leather 51. Calomel electrode. van der Burg 219. Canned Meat Meat Products and - (Amend-ment No. 2) Order 1949 464. Carbamate ethyl See Urethane. Cazbazole Colorimetric estmn. of hexoses with -. Holzman MacAllister and Niemann, 418. *Quantitative analysis of crude and refined -. Coulson and Biddiscombe 46. Carbon Automatic micro-detmn.of - and hydrogen. Clark and Stillson 65. *black Combustion method for estmng. __ in compounded rubber. Bauminger and Poulton, 351. Detmng. free - in compounded rubber and synthetic elastomers. Louth 278. Electric furnace for semi-micro-analysis of -and hydrogen. Calcium Colour reaction of alkaline earths. Separation of - from magnesium. Ungnade and Zilch 568 INDEX TO Carbon--continued *Reduced copper in micro-detmn. of - and hydrogen. Bennett 188. *Van Slyke - Neil manometric apparatus for detmng. organic and inorganic - in soil and organic - in soil extracts. Bremner 492. Carbon dioxide Potentiometric detmn. of small amounts of - and hydrochloric acid in presence of each other in distilled water. Analytical contritution for existence of barium bicarbonate.Ciita and Kohn 68. *Rapid detmn. of - fn absorbent liquors or other carbonate solutions. Dixon and Williams, 360; Erratum 412. *Simple apparatus for detmng. available - in baking powder etc. Parkes 261. Carbon disulphide Colorimetric detmn. of copper with - and diethanolamine. Woelfel 214. Carbon monoxide Rapid detmn. of low concentra-tions of - in air. Katz and Katzman 467. Carborundum boiling stones in micro-Kjeldahl and other digestion procedures. Fraser and Baker, 472. ~arboxy-7-acetylaminoquinaldine New fluores-cence indicator. Velluz and Pesez 130. 5-Carboxy-7-aminoquinaldine Aldehydes and the Doebner - Miller reaction. - . Velluz, Amiard and Pesez 130. 4&arboxyphenylmethaesulphonanilide See Caron-amide.Caronamide Colorimetric detmn. of -. Collins and Finland. 653. Carotene Effect of temperature on fading of Carr -Price colours of vitamin A and carotenoid pigments. Caldwell and Hughes 323. Carotenoid pigments Effect of temperature on fading of Carr - Price colours of vitamin A and -. Carr - Price colours Effect of temperature on fading of - of vitamin A and common carotenoid pigments. Caldwell and Hughes 323. *Cast iron(s) Detmng. chromium in __ and steel. Harrison and Storr 502. Detmng. graphite in malleable -. Shpeyzman and Elenevskaya 661. *Photometric detmn. of copper in nickel-bearing steels and -. Steele and Russell 105. Catalyst Spectrographic detmn. of sodium in silica-alumina -. Marling 149. Cathode cell Mercury - for rapid electrolysis.Kabbitts 331. Removal of metals a t -. Separation of interfering metals in detmng. aluminium, alkaline earths and alkali metals. Parks, Johnson and Lykken 376. Cation exchanger Detmng. calcium and magnesium in iron ore by --. TJsatenko and Datsenko, 522. *Cattle Laboratory investigation of lead poisoning in -. Brown 602. *Cellulose Hydrolytic evaluation of -. Druce and Willcox 366. Statistical study of variables of a- __ methods. O’Brien Reitz and Bloom 135. Cellulosic materials Analysis of primary __ used in paper-making. Roudier 424. Celtis integrifola Sudan seed oils. Crindley 415. Cereal(s) Detmng. copper and lead in biological material. Copeman 566. products Polarimetric detmn. of starch in -. Clendenning 125. Cerebrospinal fluid Detmng.+-aminosalicylic acid Caldwell and Hughes 323. VOLUME 74 xxv Ceric solutions Iodine monochloride end-point in titration of tripositive antimony. Titration with iodate permanganate and -. Mam-mock Brown and Swift 475. *Cerium Analysis of rare earth oxides by emission spectra. I. Persistent lines in arc spectra of rare earth elements. Smith and Wiggins. 95; 11. Suppression of cyanogen bands in carbon arc spectra of rare earth oxides. Wiggins 101. *Applications of intermittent A.C. arc. 11. Detmng. rare earths. McClelland 529. *Polarographic analysis of light metals and alloys. Stross 285. Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. -. Duval and Duval. 282. Cerous ions Titrating - with permanganate. Goffart 280. Chaetacme microcarpa Sudan seed oils.Grindley 415. *Cheese Calcium tartrate crystals in processed -. Leather 51. Roeder method for detmng. fat in -. Bernaerts 415. Chemicals AnalaR Standards for Laboratory -. British Drug Houses Ltd. and Hopkin and Williams Ltd. 4th Edn. (Review) 528. Chemigum-N-I Analysis of natural and synthetic rubber by infra-red spectroscopy. Dinsmore and Smith 67. Chemistry Applied -. Practical Handbook for Students of Household Science and Public Health. Vol. 11. Foods. Tinkler and Masters. 2nd Edn. (Review) 151. Inorganic -. Fritz Ephraim. Revised by Thorne and Roberts. (Review) 332. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied -. Whiteley. Vol. IX. Oils Fatty-Pituitary Body. 4th Edn. (Revie&) 527. Chloralose Absorptiometric micro-detmn.of -in alcoholic solution. Delvenne and Barac 66. Chloride Colorimetric detmn. of blood- - by iodimetric method. Stiff 608. Detmng. - in mixtures containing hypo-chlorite chlorite and chlorate. Loeb Chabert, Banderet and Meybeck 573. Micro-polarographic detmn. of - ions in biological fluids. Santavy 568. Water analyses by selective specific conductance. Polsky 127. Chlorine -4rgentometric micro-detmn. of organic --. Sisido and Yagi 215. Detmng. halogens in organic substances by hydrogenation. Pesez and Poirier 133. Estmng. - in polymeric materials. Phillips, 472. *Inactivation of biotin by -. Harrison and Miller 463. Quantitative detmn. of halides in organic com-pounds by action of alkali metal in an indifferent solvent. Ruzhentseva and Letina 325.Semi-micro detmn. of halogens sulphur and mercury in substances containing mercury. Jurecek 136. Chlorine dioxide in water treatment. Palin 273. Chlorite Detmng. hypochlorite in presence of -. Detmng. hydrazine sulphate. Caron and Raquet 211. Chloroacetic acib Analysis of -. Detmng. dichloroacetic acid and acetic acid. Dalin and Haimsohn 65. Chlorophyll a Fluorimetric estmn. of small amounts of -. Goodwin 203. Chocolate Sugar Confectionerv and Cocoa Products in blood and -. Klyne and Newhouse 418. Order 1g49 191 xxvi INDEX TO ChFistmas puddings Labelling of Food (Amendment No. 2) Order 1949 464. Chromatography Colour reagents for paper -of sugars. Forsyth 327. Fluorescent adsorbent for - of colourless compounds. Sease 653.Inorganic -. Sacconi 476. Prepng. aluminium oxide for -. Dupont, Dulou and Vilkas 376. *Chrome Azurol S Titrimetric estmn. of fluorine. Milton 54. *Chromium Analysis of high-speed tool steels by Spekker absorptiometer. Detmng. major alloying constituents - etc. Lennard 253. Analysis of thorium - - mixtures. Ewing and Banks 145. Critical examination of perchloric acid colorimetric method of analysis for - in carbon and low alloy steel. British Iron and Steel Research Assoc. 71. Harrison and Storr 502. *Detmng. - in cast iron and steel. Occurrence of - in coals. Reynolds 659. Chromotrope-B Detmng. total boron in plant material with -. Austin and McHargue, 651. Chromotropic acid Colorimetric detmn. of small quantities of formaldehyde with -.Kleinert and Srepel 610. chromous chloride Prepng. standard chromous sulphate or - solutions of determinate concentration. Lingane and Pecsok 144. Chromous ion Automatic potentiometric titration of iron and titanium with -. Lingane 374. Potentiometric titration of quadri- and sexa-valent selenium and tellurium with -. Lingane and Niedrach 614. Chromous sulphate Prepng. standard - or chromous chloride solutions of determinate concentration. Lingane and Pecsok 144. Chrozophora plicata Sudan seed oils. Grindley, 415. Cinchona bark Quick and simple detmn. of quinone and total alkaloids in -. Loustalot and Pagan 605. Circulation of gases. Engel 273. cis-Testosterone New colour reactions for steroids. Pesez 649. Citrate Ammonium - in colorimetric detmn.of copper. Hall and Young 214. Citric acid Colorimetric detmn. of - in blood and plasma. Wolcott and Boyer 608. Detmng. micro-quantities of - in biological fluids. Natelson Lugovoy and Pincus 322. Cibs fruits Composition of seed fats of West Indian -. Dunn Hilditch and Riley 367, pulp Estmng. hemicelluloses in holocellulose from non-woody plant material. Bennett, 326. Clay(s) Detmng. sodium in - by means of automatic apparatus. Korzh 661. Titanium. Polarographic detmn. in - and - products. Adams 572. Coal Calculation of content of volatile matter in - to ash- and water-free -. Hamaker, 329. *Cobalt Analysis of high-speed tool steels by Spekker absorptiometer. Detmng. major alloying constituents - etc. Lennard 253. *Reduction of antimonial tin solutions with metallic nickel and -.*salts Detcng. semi-micro quantities of zinc in -. Johnson and Johnson 561. Holness 457. VOLUME 74 Cobalt-continued Separation of nickel and - in micro-estmn. of copper with diethyldithiocarbamate. Cheftel, Bail Fouasson and ClaviB 374. Cobalt sulphate Physico-chemical analysis of systems important in analytical chemistry. XIII. The system CoSO - K,Fe(CN) - K O . Tananaev and Levina 145. Cobaltic ion Photo-colorimetric detmn. of -with a-nitroso- /3-naphthol and /3-nitroso-cc-naphthol. Beguet 215. Cocaine Detcng. and detmng. - in presence of procaine etc. Young 649. Cocoa Chocolate Sugar Confectionery and -Products Order 1949 191. *Coconut oil Detmng. butter fat - and palm kernel oil in margarines.*Codeine Isolation and detmn. of morphine -, and heroin from viscera and body fluids by adsorption. Stolman and Stewart 536. *Separation and detmn. of mixtures of morphine, heroin - and barbiturates by adsorption. Stolman and Stewart 543. *Coffee Detmng. caffeine in - and - products. Taylor and Taylor 463. Essence (Amendment) Order 1949 191. Coke Critical air-blast test. Kreulen van Selms, and Kreulen 76. oven gas Detmng. acetylene in gas. Shaw and Fisher 205. Colne Appointment of H. Dedicoat as Public Analyst for Borough of - 262. Combustion Spectroscopy and - Theory. Gaydon. 2nd Edn. (Review) 151. Composts Estmng. potassium in - and sewage sludges. Garrick 324. Conduction Measuring water in gases by electrical - in film of hygroscopic material and use of pressure changes in calibration.Weaver and Riley 75. Conductivity Water analyses by selective specific conductance. Polsky 127. Confectionery Chocolate Sugar - and Cocoa Products Order 1949 191. Congress International - on Analytical Chemistry. Plans for - 617. *Contamination of water by trichloroethylene. Lyne and McLachlan 513. *Conwag units Estmng. cyanide in plant material with -. Baker and Taubes-Steinfeld 189. Copper Ammonium citrate in colorimetric detmn. of -. Hall and Young 214. "Amperometric titration of - and ferric iron with cupferron. Cerimetric detmn. of - and antimony. Piibil and Chlebovsky 141. Colorimetric detmn. of - with dimethyl-glyoxime. Peshkova Levontin and Litvin, 327. Colorimetric detmn.of small amounts of antimony in - and tin bronze. Nikitina 614. Colorimetric detmn. of small amounts of - in aluminium Ayzenberg and Menshikova 328. Colorimetric detmn. of - with carbon disulphide and diethanolamine. Woelfel 214. Detmng. - and lead in biological material. Copeman 566. *Detmng. - in foods by High's method. Wood and Ault 602. Detmng. - in foods by two-colour dithizone method. Greenleaf 606. Detmng. - in steels by colorimetric titration with dithizone. Suprunovich and Konovalova, 524. Williams 508. Kolthoff and Liberti 635 INDEX TO *Detmng. poisonous metals (- lead and zinc) in edible gelatin. Scott-Dodd 118. Effect of melting conditions on spectrographic detmn. of - in lead alloys. Bannister and Price 612. Inorganic drop reaction for -.Goldschmidt and Dishon 69. Occurrence of - in coals. *Photometric detmn. of - in nickel-bearing steels and cast irons. Steele and Russell 105. Polarographic - zinc and manganese detmns. in aluminium and zinc alloys. Spiilenka 425. Polarographic detmn. of - and nickel in steel. Stromberg Dityatkovsltaya and Milovanova, 525. Polarographic method for - lead and iron, using pyrophosphate background solution. Reynolds and Rogers 658. Rapid colorimetric detmn. of - in tin-base alloys. Norwitz 70. *Reduced - in micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen. Bennett 188. Separation of nickel and cobalt in micro-estmn. of - with diethyldithiocarbamate. Cheftel, Bail Fouasson and Clavie 374. Cordite Detmng. nitrosoamine content of pro-pellant explosive stabilised with sym-diethyl-diphenylurea.Ovenston and Parker 210. Cornstalks Estmng. hemicelluloses in holocellulose from non-woody plant material. Bennett 326. *Cosmetical industry Rheological tests in pharma-ceutical industry and -. Coumarin Spectrophotometric detmn. of vanillin and related compounds. Lemon 568. Cranberry pulp Estmng. hemicelluloses in holo-cellulose from non-woody plant material. Bennett 326. Creatinine Estmng. -. Barclay and Kenney, 200. Critical air-blast test Kreulen van Selms and Kreulen 76. Cryptoxanthin Effect of temperature on fading of Carr - Price colours of vitamin A and caro-tenoid pigments. Caldwell and Hughes 323. Crystallographic data p-Aminoazobenzene. Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology 149 ; Ascorbic acid 574; Benzal-aminophenol 6 16 ; Dipotassium hydrogen tartrate hemihydrated 149 ; Ethylenediamine D-tartrate 149 ; p-Methyl aminophenol sulphate 149 ; 2-Methyl-naphthalene 526 ; Pimelic acid 616 ; a-Pyridinesulphonic acid, 21 8 ; /3-Pyridinesulphonic acid 283 ; Thiamine hydrochloride 2 18; 1 3 5-tri-(p-chlorophenyl)-benzene 526.*Cupferron Amperometric titration of copper and ferric iron with -. Kolthoff and Liberti, 635. *Separation of beryllium aluminium uranium, and vanadium by - in systematic qualitative analysis. Bishop and Crawford 364. Cuprethol Colorimetric detmn. of copper with carbon disulphide and diethanolamine. Woelfel, 214. *Curare Assay of - and - -like substances. Modification of method using rat's phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparation.West 582. 'Assay of - and curarimimetic substances. Four papers on - 577. *Assay of - prepns. by rabbit head-drop method. Dutta and Macintosh 588. Copper-continued Reynolds 659. Marriott 397. VOLUME 74 sxvii *Currants Modification of micro-analytical test for purity in food for use in examining dried fruits. Bradshaw and Coppock 300. Cyanide Detcng. and estmng. micro-quantities of - . Gettler and Goldbaum 473. "Estmng. - in plant material with Conway units. Baker and Taubes-Steinfeld 189. 2 l-Cyclohexanedione dioxime (Nioxime) . Reagent for nickel. Voter Banks and Diehl 215; Reagent for palladium 2 17. cycZoPentadiene Detmng. __ and methylcyclo-pentadiene in admixtures with other hydro-carbons.Powell Edson and Fisher 518. Spectroscopic detmn. of - and methylcyclo-pentadiene. Powell and Edson 520. Cysteic acid Separation of acidic amino acids by synthetic anion exchange resin. Consden, Gordon and Martin 416. D Dairy Milk and - Regulations 1949 563. products Preservation of - for phosphatase test. Sanders and Sager 605. DDT Colorimetric estmn. of -. Bradbury, Higgons and Stoneman 369. *Decamethonium iodide Rotating drum in assessing activities of paralysant convulsant and anaesthetic drugs. Collier Hall and Fieller, 592. Density Application of corrections in viscometry of high-polymer solutions. Wagner 330. Dewsbury Appointment of F. W. M. JaffC as Public Analyst and Official Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of - 190 191.Dextrin Measurement of enzymic activity on limit -. Back Stark and Scalf 206. Dextrinase Measurement of enzymic activity on limit dextrin. Diacetyl Routine detmn. of - in butter. Den Herder 193. Spectrophotometric detmn. of -. Speck 205. Diamidines Amperometric micro-titration of -. Conn 206. Diazonium Stabilised - salts as reagents for estmng. dihydric phenols. I. Prepn. and properties of - naphthalenesulphonates. 11. Colorimetric estmn. of dihydroxybenzenes, adrenaline and 3 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine. Heinrich and Schuler 274. Dichloroacetic acid Analysis of chloroacetic acids. Detmng. - and acetic acids. Dalin and Haimsohn 65. Dictionary Technical - English - Italian, Italian - English. Marolli. 2nd Edn. (Re-view) 377.Whiteley. 4th Edn. Vol. IX Oils Fatty-Pituitary Body. (Review) 527. Dielectric constant Simplified instrument for wide-range - measurement. Fischer 282. Dienoestrol Colorimetric detmn. of stilboestrol and -. Warren Goulden and Robinson 270. Diethanolamine Colorimetric detmn. of copper with disulphide and -. Woelfel 214. Diethyldiphenylurea Detmng. nitrosoamine content of propellant explosive stabilised with sym-- Ovenston and Parker 210. Diethsldithiocarbamate SeDaration of nickel and Back Stark and Scalf 206. Thorpe's - of Applied Chemistry. *Curarizing activity Assay of - in conscious cobalt in micro-estmn of copper with -. Cheftel Bail Fouasson and ClaviC 374. mouse and rat. Collier Fieller and Hall 583 xxviii INDEX TO DBusion constants Advantages of butyl rubber in organic analysis.Digitoxin Colorimetric assay of -. Warren, Howland. and Green 56. Dihydroxybenzenes Stabilised diazonium salts as reagents for estmng. dihydric phenols. 11. Colorimetric estmn. of - etc. Heinrich and Schuler 274. *2 2‘-Dihydroxydiethyl sulphide Colorimetric estmn. of thiols. Woodward 179. $3 7-Dihydroxynaphthalene Micro-analytical detcn. of glycerol with -. Fiirst 611. 3 4DihyqEoxyphenylalanine Stabilised diazonium salts as reagents for estmng. dihydric phenols. 11. Colorimetric estmn. of - etc. Heinrich and Schuler 274. *2 2’-Dimercaptodiethyl ether Colorimetric estmn. of thiols. Woodward 179. 2 8-Dimercaptopropanol See BAL. 1 2-Dimercaptopropionic acid Estmng. 1 2-di-thiols. Aldridge 277.Dimethylglyoxime Colorimetric detmn. of copper with -. Peshkova Levontin and Litvin, 327. Colorimetric detmn. of small quantities of iron in water with -. Lieffrig and Buron 71. N-Dimethyl-leucyl-glycine as buffer. Leonis 368. *d-OO=Dimethyltubocurarine Assay of curarizing activity in conscious mouse and rat. Collier, Fieller and Hall 583. Dingemanse’s antimony pentachloride reaction : Colorimetric detmn. of stilboestrol and dienoestrol. Warren Goulden and Robinson, 270. *8 5-Dinitro-o-cresol Routine detmn. of -. Parker 646. *Diphenyl Quantitative photometric detmn. of -in orange peel. Steyn and Rosselet 89. Diphenylamiue Detcng. - in commercial petrol. Mapstone 518. Diphenylbenzidine as reagent for vanadium. Hoste, 658. Dipotassium hydrogen tartrate hemihydrated : Crystallographic data Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology, 149.Direct purple See Disodium 4 4’-bis-(2-amino-l-naphthylazo)-2 2’-stilbenedisulphonate. Disinfectants Semi-micro method for testing quaternary ammonium -. Klarmann and Wright 271. Disodium 4 rl‘-bis-(2-amino-l-naphthyla.z0)-2 2’-stilbenedisulphonate New pH indicator for titration of sodium carbonate. - . Taras, 21 1. Disodium 4 4’-bis(p-methylaminophenylaso)-2. 2’-stilbenedisulphonate Two new total alkallnlty indicators. Taras 5 18. Disodium 4 4’-bis(rn-tolyltriazeno)-2 2’-stilbene-disulphonate Two new total alkalinity indicators. Taras 518. Dihhiols Estmng. 1 2- -. Dithizone Detmng. copper in foods by two-colour __ method.Greenleaf 606. Detmng. copper in steels by colorimetric titration with -. Suprunovich and Konovalova, 524. Dobera roxburghii Sudanseed oils. Grindley 415. Doebner - Miller reaction Aldehydes and -. (1) 5-Carboxy-7-aminoquinaldine. (2) Detcng. -CH,.CHO group. Velluz Amiard and Pesez. (3) Estmng. acetaldehyde. Velluz, Pesez and Herbain 130. Corwin and Karr 521. Aldridge 277. VOLUME 74 Dog Quantitative estmn. of theophylline in blood and urine. Application to -. Plummer, 369. Dolomites Detmng. magnesium in - by photo-turbidimetric titration. Reznik and Fedorova, 69. *Dough Rheological methods in milling and baking industries. Amos 392. *Dried fruits Modification of micro-analytical test for purity in food for use in examining -, Bradshaw and Coppock 300.Dripping Oils and Fats Order 1949 191. Drugs Cerimetric detmn. of small quantities of arsenic in - after reduction with hypo-phosphite. Paulssen 607. *Rotating drum in assessing activities of para-lysant convulsant and anaesthetic -. Collier Hall and Fieller 592. Transfer of Functions (Food and -) (Scotland) Order 1949 413. Dryer Rapid ppt. - and solvent evaporator. Hunter 377. *Dysprosium Analysis of rare earth oxides by emission spectra. I. Persistent lines in arc spectra of rare earth elements. Smith and Wiggins 95; Suppression of cyanogen bands in carbon arc spectra of rare earth oxides. Wiggins 101. *Applications of intermittent A.C. arc. 11. Detmng. rare earths. McClelland 529. E *Effluents Rapid estmn.of ammonia nitrogen in sewages and -. Houlihan 5 11. Effusiometry Micro- -. Nash 477. Eggs Proximate method for detcng. and detmng. Elastomers Detmng. free carbon in compounded Louth 278. -Electrode Calomel -. van der Burg 219. - in food pastes. rubber and synthetic -. Kiger dnd Boivin 262. Study of reversibility of processes a t dropping mercury __ by changing discontinuously the polarising voltage. Kalousek 149. Electrolysis Mercury cathode cell for rapid -. Rabbitts 331. Electro-oxidation of quadrivalent uranium. Betts, 148. Elon See p-Methyl aminophenol sulphate. Emission spectroscopy in oil laboratory. Russell, 149. Enumeration New Notation and - System for Organic Compounds. Dyson. 2nd Edn. (Review) 616. Enzymic activity Measurement of - on limit dextrin.Back Stark and Scalf 206. Ephedrine Detmng. ___ in medicinal combinations. Hilty and Wilson 266. *Erbium Analysis of rare earth spectra by emission spectra. I. Persistent lines in arc spectra of rare earth elements. Smith and Wiggins 95; Suppression of cyanogen bands in carbon arc spectra of rare earth oxides. *Applications of intermittent A.C. arc. 11. Detmng. rare earths. McClelland 529. Erythrodextrin Photometric detmn. of a- and /?-amylase in flour. Hoskam 264. Ether See Ethyl ether. *Ether peroxide as possible source of error in Rose -Gottlieb butter-fat test. Muers and House, 85. Wiggins 101 INDEX TO *Ethyl alcohol Detmng. - in ethyl ether. Detmng. small amounts of ethyl ether in -. Fuel for Interns! Combustion Engines.Pleeth. Lamond 560. Shaefer 205. (Review) 575. Lamond 560. Shaefer 205. Ethyl carbamate See Urethane. *Ethyl ether Detmng. ethyl alcohol in -. Detmng. small amounts of __ in ethyl alcohol. *Extraction in detmng. uranium. *Ethyl mercaptan Colorimetric estmn. of thiols. Woodward 179. Ethyl orthosilicate Qualitative reaction for boric acid and its salts. Kreshkov and Vilborg, 327. Ethyl pyridinium bromide Detmng. substances containing alkyl pyridinium group. Kahane and Sackur 371. Ethylene chlorohydrin Selective extraction and adsorption. I. Selective solvents for -. Weizmann Bergmann Chandley Steiner, Sulzbacher and Zimkin. 11. Isolation of -by adsorption. Sulzbacher and Pariser 275. Ethylenediamine Potentiometric titration of weak acids in anhydrous -.Moss Elliott and Hall 370. Ethylenediamine D-tartrate Crystallographic data. Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology 149. *Ethylenediamine-tetra-acetic acid Polarographic detmn. of -. Furness Crawshaw and Davies 629. N-Ethylpiperidine Report of Analysts’ Sub-Cttee. of Ministry of Health Conference on differential assay of penicillin. I. Detmng. benzyl penicillin by pptn. with - 79. *Europium Analysis of rare earth oxides by emission spectra. I . Persistent lines in arc spectra of rare earth elements. Smith and Wiggins 95 Suppression of cyanogen bands in carbon arc spectra of rare earth oxides. Wiggins 101. *Applications of intermittent A.C. arc. 11. Detmng. rare earths.McClelland 529. *Polarographic analysis of light metals and alloys. Stross 285. Evaporator Rapid ppt. dryer and solvent -. Hunter 377. Explosive(s) Detmng. nitrosoamine content of propellant - stabilised with sym-diethyl-diphenylurea. Ovenston and Parker 210. *Scheme for chromatographic examination of propellant -. Ovenston 344; Erratum, 462. Extraction Selective - and adsorption. I. Selective solvents for ethylene chlorohydrin. Weizmann Bergmann Chandley Steiner, Sulzbacher and Zimkin. 11. Isolation of ethylene chlorohydrin by adsorption. Sulz-bacher and Pariser 275. Scott 486. F Factor SLR See Folic acid. Fat(s) Composition of seed ___ of West Indian citrus fruits. Dunn Hilditch and Riley 367. *Detmng. butter - coconut oil and palm kernel oil in margarines.Williams 508. Estmng. residual wool - in tops oiled with B.M. oil. Clark and Thomas 135. VOLUME 74 xxix Low-temperature crystallisation in detmng. com-ponent acids of liquid -. IV. Marine animal oils. Component acids and glycerides of grey Atlantic seal. Hilditch and Pathak, 199. Fat (s)--contin ued oils and __ Order 1949 191. Polarographic estmn. of total - in soaps and *Rapid estmn. of - in sausages and sausage Report on oils - and waxes. Fitelson 649. Roeder method for detmng. __ in cheese. Fatty acids Potentiometric titration of - with Harva and Ekwall 656. Feeding Stuffs (Rationing) Order 1949 464. soap powders. meats. Talbot 462. Fiala and Jancik 134. Bernaerts 415. silver nitrate. *Study of methods prescribed by F.and F.S. Regulations (1932) for estmng. oil albuminoids and fibre in -. Hall Lee Ormerod and Williams 438. Fermentation residues Uetmng. glycerol in -. Elving Warshowsky Shoemaker and MargoIit, 370. Ferricyanides Reduction of - and sensitive test for hydrogen peroxide. Kohn 658. Ferrocyanide method Electrometric - for detmng. sugars. Porilubnaya and Bukharov, 66. Physico-chemical analysis of systems important in analytical chemistry. XIII. The system CoSO - K,Fe(CN) - H,O. Tananaev and Levina 145. Ferro-molybdenum Detmng. molybdenum in -by potentiometric method. Wirtz 74. Rapid analysis of tungsten and molybdenum alloys. Ferro-tungsten New detmn. of tungsten in steels with j3-naphthaquinoline. Golubtsova 72. Rapid analysis of tungsten and molybdenum alloys.Goryushina and Cherkashina 661. Ferrous oxide Detmng. oxidic inclusions in steel. Henkel 142. Fertiliser(s) Detmng. available magnesium en-gendered in mixtures of superphosphate with olivine serpentine magnesite and their calcines. Hardin Macintire and Johnson 652. Rapid detmn. of total nitrogen in ammonium nitrate -. Miller 651. *Fibre Study of methods prescribed by F. and F.S. Regulations (1932) for estmng. oil albuminoids and - in feeding stuffs. Hall Lee Ormerod, and Williams 438. Fish products Meat Products and Canned Meat (Amendment No. 2) Order 1949 464. products South African -. XXVI. Appli-cation of Fitelson method of squalene cktmn. to marine oils Karnovsky and Rapson 55; XXVII. Composition of liver oils of basking shark (Cetorhzms maximus Gunner) and spiny shark (Echznorhinus spinosus Gmelin) .Karnov-sky Rapson Schwartz Black and van Rensberg 124 ; XXVIII. Composition of liver oil of seven-gilled shark (Heptvanchias pectorosus, Garman). Karnovsky Rapson and Schwartz, 124; XXIX. Composition of liver oil of soupfin shark (Galeorhinus canis Rond.) . Karnovsky, Lategan Rapson and Schwartz 514. Fitelson method South African fish products. XXVI. Application of - of squalene detmn. to marine oils. Karnovsky and Rapson 55. *Flasks Titration -. High accuracy and high speed pipettes and associated apparatus. Ridyard 24. Goryushina and Cherkashina 66 1 xxx INDEX TO *FloriSil Isolation and detmn. of morphine codeine, and heroin from viscera and body fluids by adsorption.Stolman and Stewart 536; Separation and detmn. of mixtures of morphine, heroin codeine and barbiturates by adsorption. Stolman and Stewart 543. *Flour(s) Conditions under which mites raise moisture content of foodstuffs. Solomon, 411. *Detmng. aneurine in uncooked wheat products. Ridyard 18. Detmng. - particle-size distribution. Wichser and Shellenberger 196. Photometric detmn. of alpha- and beta-amylase in -. Hoskam 264. Polarimetric detmn. of starch in cereal products. Clendenning 125. *Rheological methods in milling and baking industries. Amos 392. 'self-raising Simple apparatus for detmng. available carbon dioxide in baking powder etc. Parkes 261. Specific surface of wheat -. Detmn. by air permeability method.Lyon Pennington and Boley 194. Fluorescent adsorbent for chromatography of colourless compounds. Sease 653. Fluoride Colorimetric detmn. of - ions in presence of phosphates. Monnier Vaucher and Wenger 139. Masking of molybdenum tungsten and vanadium reactions by -. Feigl 425, "Fluorimeter Experiments with Spekker photo-electric absorptiometer and -. Wokes and Slaughter 624. Fluorine Quantitative detmn. of halides in organic compounds by action of alkali metal in in-different solvent. Ruzhentseva and Letina, 325. Separation and detmn. of -. "Titrimetric estmn. of -. Milton 54. Rinck 138. 'Folic acid Assay of - with Streptococcus faecalis NCTC 6459. Food(s) Advertising Labelling and Composition of -. Report by Ministry of -. (Review), 616.Applied Chemistry. Practical Handbook for Students of Household Science and Public Health. Vol. 11. - . Tinkler and Masters. 2nd Edn. (Review) 151. *Conditions under which mites raise moisture 'content of -. Solomon 411. *Detmng. copper in - by High's method. Wood and Ault 602. Detmng. copper in - by two-colour dithizone method. Greenleaf 606. Labelling of - (Amendment No. 2) Order, 1949 464. Manufactured and Pre-packed - (Revocation) Order 1949 413. Mineral Oil in - Order 1949 191. pastes Proximate method for detcng. and detmng. eggs in -. Kiger and Boivin 262. -Plant Sanitation. Parker. (Review) 283. *products Chemical detmn. of nicotinic acid in -. Dennis and Rees 481. *products Statistical use of several analytical constituents for calculating proportions of ingredients in certain -.Steiner 429. Standards (Table Jellies) Order 1949 604. Trace Elements in - . Monier-Williams. (Review) 221. Transfer of Functions (- and Drugs) (Scotland) Order 1949 413. Jones and Morris 29. VOLUME 74 Formaldehyde Colorimetric detmn. of small quan-tities of - with chromotropic acid. Kleinert and Srepel 610. Fructose Colorimetric estmn. of hexoses with carbazole. Holzman MacAllister and Niemann 418. Fruit(s) Commercial - and Vegetable Products. Cruess. 3rd Edn. (Review) 77. *Modification of micro-analytical test for purity in food for use in examining dried -. Bradshaw and Coppock 300. Furfural Factors affecting detmn. of -. Adams and Castagne 67. Furnace Electric - for semi-micro-analysis of carbon and hydrogen.Ungnade and Zilch 568. Q *Gadolinium Analysis of rare earth oxides by emission spectra. I. Persistent lines in arc spectra of rare earth elements. Smith and Wiggins 95 ; Suppression of cyanogen bands in carbon arc spectra of rare earth oxides. Wiggins 101. *Applications of intermittent A.C. arc. 11. Detmng. rare earths. McClelland 529. Qslactose Colorimetric estmn. of hexoses with carbazole. Holzman MacAllister and Niemann 418. Gases Circulation of -. Detmng. - in meteoritic and terrestrial irons Gasoline See Petrol. *Gelatin Detmng. poisonous metals (copper lead, and zinc) in edible -. Germanium Occurrence of - in coals. Reynolds, 659. Glass Reduction of potassium permanganate in presence of -. Taylor 324.Gluconuric acid Detmng. - in glycoproteins. Osaki 277. Glucose Colorimetric estmn. of hexoses with carbazole. Holzman MacAllister and Niemann 418. Hestrin and Mager 372. Glucuronic acid Colour reaction for -. Dische, 418. Glutamic acid Separation of acidic amino acids * by synthetic anion exchange resin. Consden, Gordon and Martin 416. Gluten Polarirnetric detmn. of starch in cereal products. Clendenning 125. Glycerides Component acids and - of neat's foot oil. Hilditch and Shrivastava 55. Component acids and - of whale oil. Hilditch and Maddison 414. Low-temperature crystallisation in detmng. com-ponent acids of liquid fats. IV. Marine animal oils. Component acids and - of grey Atlantic seal. Hilditch and Pathak 199. Glycerol Detmng.- in fermentation residues. Elving Warshowsky Shoemaker and Margolit, 370. Detmng. - in soap. Cerate procedure. Silverman 326. Micro-analytical detcn. of - with 2 7-di-hydroxynaphthalene. Furst 61 1. Replacement of Rochelle salt by - in detmng. sugar. Lutokhin and Kuzmenko 327. Separating and detmng. polyols by selective entrainment. Application to detmn. of -, Mktayer 208. Engel 273. and steels. Nash and Baxter 475. Scott-Dodd 118. Colour test for identifying -INDEX TO Glycerol dichlorohydrin Estmng. serum vitamin A with activated -. Glycerophosphoric acid Detmng. -. Application to phosphatides. Cahn Houget and Agid, 133. Glycols Separating and detmng. polyols by selective entrainment. Application to detmn. of glycerol. M6tayer.208. Glycoproteins Detmng. gluconuric acid in -. Osaki 277. Gold Colorimetric detmn. of traces of -. Sandell. 426. group Qualitative separation on micro-scale. Analysis of - of A. A. Noyes and W. C. Bray. Konig Crowell and Benedetti-Pichler 656. Gold sulphide Precious metal sulphide series. Medvedeva 75. "Golden raising powder Simple apparatus for detmng. available carbon dioxide in baking powder etc. Parkes 261. Grape-eit Composition of seed fats of West Indian citrus fruits. Dunn Hilditch and Riley 367. Graphite Detmng. - in malleable cast iron. Shpeyzman and Elenevskaya 66 1. *Grease Estmng. - in sewage sludges. Stephen-son 257. Grewia villosa Sudan seed oils. GRI Analysis of natural and synthetic rubber by infra-red spectroscopy.Dinsmore and Smith, 67. *Growth factors Extraction of - from natural products prior to micro-biological assay. Harrison 597. GRS Analysis of natural and synthetic rubber by infra-red spectroscopy. Dinsmore and Smith 67. *Gunmetal Detmng. small quantities of aluminium in -. Price and Payne 641. Gypsum Rapid conductometric estmn. of - in soils. Bower and Huss 370. Sobel and Snow 465. New dry test for -. Mehrotra 329. Grindley 415. H "Hair cream Rheological tests in pharmaceutical and cosmetical industries. Marriott 397. Halibut-liver oil Re-examination of -. Relation between biological potency and ultra-violet absorption due to vitamin A. Morton and Stubbs 202. Halides; Quantitative detmn. of - in organic compounds by action of alkali metal in an indifferent solvent.Ruzhentseva and Letina, 325. Halogens Detmng. - in organic substances by hydrogenation. Pesez and Poirier 133. Semi-micro detmn. of - sulphur and mercury in substances containing mercury. J urecek, 136. Hastings Appointment of V. C. Branson as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of - 191. Hay Estmng. hemicelluloses in holocellulose from non-woody plant material. Bennett 326. Health Practical Public - Problems. Savage. 2nd Edn. (Review) 478. Hemicellulose(s) Estmng. - in holocellulose from non-woody plant material. Bennett, 326. Quantitative detmn. of - by direct isolation. Weihe and Phillips 63. VOLUME 74 xxxi Quantitative detmn. of - constituents by fermentation. Auernheimer Wickerham and Schniepp 278.Hereford Appointment of D. C. E. Jenkins as Public Analyst for Borough of -. *Heroin Isolation and detmn. of morphine codeine, and - from viscera and body fluids by adsorption. Stolman and Stewart 536. *Separation and detmn. of mixtures of morphine, - codeine and barbiturates by adsorption. Stolman and Stewart 543. Hessian purple N extra See Disodium 4 4-bis-(2-amino-l-naphthylazo)-2 2'-stilbenedisul-phonate. 1 2 3 4 5 6-Hexachlorocyclohexane Polaro-graphic analysis of - for gamma isomer. Dragt 276. Hexa-ethyl tetraphosphate Detmng. phosphorus in - and tetra-ethyl pyrophosphate. Jacob-son and Hall 213. *Hexamethonium iodide Rotating drum in assessing activities of paralysant convulsant and anaesthetic drugs.Collier Hall and Fieller 592. Hexoses Colorimetric estmn. of - with carbazole. Holzman MacAllister and Niemann 41 8. *High's method; Detmng. copper in foods by -. Wood and Ault 602. *Holmium Analysis of rare earth oxides by emission spectra. I. Persistent lines in arc spectra of rare earth elements. Smith and Wiggins 95; Suppression of cyanogen bands in carbon arc spectra of rare earth oxides. *Applications of intermittent A.C. arc 11. Detmng. rare earths. McClelland 529. Holocellulose Estmng. hemicelluloses in - from non-woody plant material. Bennett 326. Quantitative estmn. of hemicelluloses by direct isolation. Weihe and Phillips 63. Homogentisic acid Estmng. -. Neuberger 269. Hops Strain of Lactobacillus plantarum for estmng. antiseptic power of - hopped worts and beers.Kulka and Walker 63. Hormones Polarographic estmn. of steroid - 4. Detmng. 3 (a)- and 3 (/3)-hydroxy-17-keto-steroids. Butt Henly and Morris 516. "Hortvet thermometers Standardisation of -. Aschaffenburg and Hall 380. Humulon Potentiometric titration in two-phase systems. Hedlund and Steninger 612. Husk Direct detmn. of volume occupied by -in analysis of malts. Hyaluronidase Turbidimetric assay of -. Dorf-man and Ott 609. Hycar-OR-15 Analysis of natural and synthetic rubber by infra-red spectroscopy. Dinsmore and Smith 67. Hydrazine sulphate Detmng. hypochlorite in presence of chlorite. Detmng. -. Caron and Raquet 211. Hydrobromic acid Inorganic drop reaction for copper. Goldschmidt and Dishon 69. Hydrocarbon(s) Detmng.aromatics and olefines in - mixtures. Berg and Parker 469. Detmng. aromatic - in petroleum fractions. Separation from high-boiling fractions by adsorption. Lipkin Hoffecker Martin and Ledley 653. Hydrochloric acid Potentiometric detmn. of small amounts of carbon dioxide and - in presence of each other in distilled water. Analytical contribution for existence of barium bicar-bonate. Ctiza and Kohn 68. Hemicellulose(s) -continued 604. Wiggins 101. Gwilt 513. See also Hydrogen chloride Hydrogen Automatic micro-detmn. of carbon and Electric furnace for semi-micro-analysis of carbon *Reduced copper in micro-detmn. of carbon and Hydrogen chloride Detmng. - in presence of Hydrogen peroxide Accuracy of estmn. of - with potassium permanganate titration.Huckaba and Keyes 373. Polarographic analysis of -. Giguhre and Jaillet 613. Reduction of ferricyanides and sensitive test for -. Kohn 658. Hydrogen sulphide Thioacetamide in place of gaseous - for pptng. insoluble sulphides. Barber and Grzeskowiak 613. Hydroperoxides Detmng. organic peroxides. Evaluation of modified iodimetric . method. Wagner Smith and Peters 419; Evaluation of ferrous thiocyanate colorimetric method. Wagner Clever and Peters 42 1 ; Evaluation of ferrous-titanous method. Wagner Smith, and Peters 421. *Hydroquinone Detmng. small amounts of - in styrene. Whettem 185. *2-Hydroxyethanethiol Colorimetric estmn. of thiols. Woodward 179. Hydroxyethyl pyridinium chloride Detmng. sub-stances containing alkyl pyridinium group.Kahane and Sackur 371. Hydroxyketosteroids Polarographic estmn. of steroid hormones 4. Detmng. 3 (a)- and 3 (/3)-hydroxy-17-ketosteroids. Butt Henly and Morris 516. Hydroxylamine Detcn. and colorimetric estmn. of oximes ketones and -. Wichterle and Hudlicky 131. *Hydroxylamine hydrochloride Estmng. aldehydes, ketones and acetals by ~ method. Maltby and Primavesi 498. *2-Wydroxypropane-l-thiol Colorimetric estmn. of thiols. Woodward 179. 8-Hydroxyquinoline Detmng. alumina in silica bricks by pptn. with -. Lynam and Nicholson 142. Hyoscine Titrating - hyoscyamine and atropine with picric acid in chloroform. Separation and fractionation of picrates. Trautner Neufeld and Rodwell 55. Hyoscyamine Titrating hyoscine - and atropine with picric acid in chloroform.Separating and fractionating picrates. Trautner Neufeld and Rodwell 55. Hypochlorite Detmng. - in presence of chlorite. Detmng. hydrazine sulphate. Caron and Raquet 211. *Internal indicator for arsenite - - titrations. Young and Das Gupta 367. Hypophosphite Cerimetric detmn. of small quan-tities of arsenic in drugs after reduction with -. Paulssen 607. -. Clark and Stillson 65. and -. -. Bennett 188. chlorine. Barnam and Thomson 473. Ungnade and Zilch 568. See also Hydrochloric acid. I Ice-cream Observations on proposed grading of - by methylene blue test. Clayson and Pirie 263. Indicator(s) Constitution and analytical applica-tions of methylene blue periodide. Gautier, 371. VOLUME 74 Indicator(s)-continued *Internal - for arsenite - hypochlorite titra-tions.Young and Das Gupta 367. New fluorescence __ (5-carboxy-7-acetylamino-quinaldine). Velluz and Pesez 130. New pH - for titration of sodium carbonate. Disodium 4 4’-bis-(2-amino-l-naphthylazo)-2 2’-stilbenedisulphonate. Taras 21 1. *Prepng. N-phenylanthranilic acid - solutions. Bishop and Crawford 365. Two new total alkalinity -. Inorganic Chemistry. Fritz Ephrairn. Revised by Thorne and Roberts. 5th English Edn. (Review) 332. Inositol Detmng. phytic acid by oxidation of -with periodic acid. *Extraction of growth factors from natural products prior to microbiological assay. Harrison 597. Insulation board Accelerated measurement of penetration of water in -. Wink and Van den Akker 149.Iodate Iodine monochloride end-point in titration of tripositive antimony. Titration with -, permanganate and ceric solutions. Hammock, Brown and Swift 475. Iodide(s) Iodimetric micro-detmn. of bromide and -. Schulek 521. Micro-detmn. of bromides and - in presence of chlorides. Belluci 828. Iodimetry Constitution and analytical applications of methylene blue periodide. Iodine Detmng. halogens in organic substances by hydrogenation. Pesez and Poirier 133. *flask Micro-detmn. of unsaturation. Phillips and Wake 306. Quantitative detmn. of halides in organic com-pounds by action of alkali metal in indifferent solvent. Ruzhentseva and Letina 325. Semi-micro detmn. of halogens sulphur and mercury in substances containing mercury.Jurecek 136. Iodine monochloride Detmng. unsaturation of synthetic and natural rubbers with -. Lee Kolthoff and Mairs 208. end-point in titration of tripositive antimony. Titration with iodate permanganate and ceric solutions. Hammock Brown and Swift 475. Iodonium compounds and their antibacterial activity. Gershenfelci and W i t h 272. Bacteriostatic efficiency of __ . Toxicity studies of this group. Gershenfeld and W i t h 272. om Polarographic behaviour of - with sodium fluoride as supporting electrolyte. West, Dean and Breda 76. Iridium Qualitative separation on micro-scale. Analysis of gold group of A. A. Noyes and W. C. Bray. Konig Crowell and Benedetti-Pichler 656. Iridium sulphide Precious metal sulphide series. Medvedeva 75.*Iron(s) Amperometric titration of copper and ferric - with cupferron. Kolthoff and Liberti 635. Automatic potentiometric titration of - and titanium with chromous ion. Colorimetric detmn. of small quantities of -in water with dimethylglyoxime. Lieffrig and Buron 71. *Detmng. chromium in cast - and steel. Harrison and Storr 502. Detmng. gases in meteoritic and terrestrial -and steels. Taras 518. Heggen and Reith 467. Gautier 371. Lingane 374. Nash and Baxter 475 INDEX TO VOLUME 74 xxxiii Iron(s)-continued Detmng. graphite in malleable cast -. Shpeyzman and Elenevskaya 661. "Detmng. - content of blood serum. Tompsett and McAllister 3 15. Micro-detmn. of -. Deibner 148. ore Detmng. alumina in -. Smith and Cagle 281. ore Detmng. calcium and magnesium in - by cation exchanger.Usatenko and Datsenko 522. *Photometric detmn. of copper in nickel-bearing steels and cast -. Steele and Russell 105. Polarographic detmn. of --. Polarographic method for copper lead and -, using pyrophosphate background solution. Reynolds and Rogers 658. Volumetric detmn. of tervalent - based on use of tartrates. Pavlinova 142. Volumetric micro-detmn. of arsenic and -. Smith and Fritz 523. Islington Appointment of D. F. H. Button as Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of - 604. measuring specific activity. Sue 77. Meites 571. Isotopes Detmns. with radioactive - by J Jellies Food Standards (Table -) Order 1949, 604. K Ketones Detcn. and colorimetric estmn. of oximes, - and hydroxylamine.Wichterle and Hudiicky 13 1. "Estmng. aldehydes - and acetals by hydroxylamine hydrochloride method. Maltby and Primavesi 498. *Ketosteroids Detmng. steroids in urine. Tompsett, 6. New colour reactions for steroids. Kinetic energy Application of corrections in viscometry of high-polymer solutions. Wagner, 330. Kingston-upon-Hull Appointment of A. Smith as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of - 191. Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen without distillation. Application to samples containing phosphorus. Marcali and Rieman 66. digestion Carborundum boiling stones in micro-- and other digestion procedures. Fraser and Baker 472. digestion Selenium as catalyst in -. Pate1 and Sreenivasan 472. Micro- - distillation apparatus. Johanson, 219.Eober reaction Estmng. oestrogens in human pregnancy urine. New correction for brown colour developed in __ by non-oestrogenic substances. Stevenson and Marrian 202. Pesez 649. L Labelling Advertising - and Composition of Food. Report by Ministry of Food. (Review), 616. of Food (Amendment No. 2) Order 1949 464. Lactobacillus casei factor See Folic acid. *Lactobacillus fermenti 36 Microbiological assay of aneurine. Improved method employing -. Fitzgerald and Hughes 340. Lactobacillus plantarum Strain of - for estmng. antiseptic power of hops hopped worts and beers. Kulka and Walker 63 "Lanthanum Analysis of rare earth oxides by emission spectra. I . Persistent lines in arc spectra of rare earth elements. Smith and Wiggins 95 ; Suppression of cyanogen bands in carbon arc spectra of rare earth oxides.Wiggins 10 1. *Applications of intermittent A.C. arc. 11. Detmng. rare earths. McClelland 529. Potentiometric titrations with potassium iodate. 111. Potentiometric detmn. of -. Spacu and Spacu 615. Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. -. Duval and Duval 282. Lard Oils and Fats Order 1949 191. Leach liquors and residues Titanium. Polaro-graphic detmn. in clays and clay products. Adams 572. *Lead alloys Detmng. selenium in -. Box, 120. alloys Effect of melting conditions on spectro-graphic detmn. of copper in -. Bannister and Price 612. *Colorimetric detmn. of traces of bismuth in -. Ballard and Ballard 53. Detmng. copper and - in biological material. Copeman 566.*Detmng. poisonous metals (copper - and zinc) in edible gelatin. Fractional titration of amalgams as method of analysis of easily fusible metals. Tsimmergakl and Khaymovich 6 13. Occurrence of - in coals. Reynolds 659. *poisoning Laboratory investigation of - in cattle. Brown 602. Polarographic analysis of refined -. Zotta, 75. Polarographic method for copper - and iron, using pyrophosphate background solution. Reynolds and Rogers 658. Quantitative detmn. of - in presence of cations of second analytical group (barium, strontium calcium and magnesium). Shvedov. Goldshteyn and Seletkova 75. Removal of metals a t mercury cathode. Separa-tion of interfering metals in detmng. aluminium, alkaline earths and alkali metals. Parks, Johnson and Lykken 376."Leptazol Rotating drum in assessing activities of paralysant convulsant and anaesthetic drugs. Collier Hall and Fieller 592. Leucine Estmng. - in complex mixtures of amino acids by reaction with sodium hypo-chlorite. Asselineau 321. Sodium hypochlorite in detmng. alanine valine, and -. Lignin Detmng. - content of fresh plant tissue without preliminary drying. MacDougall and DeLong 609. Detmng. - in plant material of high protein content. Armitage Ashworth and Ferguson, 206. Lignosulphonates Analysis of sulphite waste liquor and -. Detmng. neutralised solids and wet oxidation for detmng. total sulphur and cations. Salvesen and Hogan 423. Lime juice and soda Soft Drinks (Amendment) Order 1949 413. Scott-Dodd 118. Aubel and Asselineau 566 xxxiv IXDEX TO Limes Composition of seed fats of West Indian citrus fruits.Dunn Hilditch and Riley 367. Linseed oil Anilic acid number analytical index for testing dibasic acid anhydrides. Addition product of maleic anhydride and -. Kappel-meier and Van Goor 275. *Lithium Polarographic analysis of light metals and alloys. Stross 285. Liver Biochemistry of scandium and its separation as phytate. Beck 567. oil Shark ~ from Trinidad. Major and Pearman 655. oils South African fish product?. SSVII. Composition of __ of basking shark and spiny shark. Ihrnovsky Rapson Schwartz, Black and van Rensberg 124; SXVIII. Composition of ~ of seven-gilled shark. Karnovsky Rapson and Schwartz 124; SSIX. Composition of __ of soupfin shark. Karnovsky Lategan Rapson and Schwartz, 314.Lubricant Useful stop-cock -. Puddington, 615. Lupulon Potentiometric titration in two-phase systems. Hedlund and Steninger 612. *Lutetium -4nalysis of rare earth oxides by emission spectra. I. Persistent lines in arc spectra of rare earth elements. Smith and Wiggins 95 ; 11. Suppression of cyanogen bands in carbon arc spectra of rare earth oxides. Wiggins 10 1. *Applications of intermittent X.C. arc. 11. Detmng. rare earths. McClelland 529. Lutein Effect of temperature on fading of Carr -Price colours of vitamin A and carotenoid pigments. Caldwell and Hughes 323. Lycopene Effect of temperature on fading of Carr - Price colours of vitamin A and caro-tenoid pigments. Caldwell and Hughes 323. M Magnesite Detmng.available magnesium en-gendered in mixtures of superphosphate with olivine serpentine - and their calcines. Hardin Macintire and Johnson 652. Magnesium alloys F'olarographic method for copper, lead and iron using pyrophosphate background solution. Reynolds and Rogers 658. alloys Rapid detmn. of small amounts of silicon in -. Phillips and Hermon 212. Critical study of gravimetric detmn. of calcium in presence of --. Peltier and Duval 140. Detmng. and separating calcium and -. Lassieur 140. Detmng. available - engendered in mixtures of superphosphate with olivine serpentine, magnesite and their calcines. Hardin Mac-intire and Johnson 652. Detmng. calcium and - in iron ore by cation exchanger. Usatenko and Datsenko 522. Detmng. - in dolomites by photo-turbidimetric titration.Reznik and Fedorova 69. *Polarographic analysis of light metals and alloys. Stross 285. Pptng. oxalates from homogeneous solution. Application to separation and volumetric detmn. of -. Quantitative detmn. of lead in presence of cations of second analytical group (- etc.) . Shvedov, Goldshteyn. and Seletkova 75. Gordon and Caley 212. VO1,UM;IE 74 Magnesium-continued Removal of manganese in detmng. zinc calcium, and - in manganese ores and products. Evans 523. Separation of calcium from --. I. Investigation of oxalate method by means of radioactive indicators. 11. Sulphate method. Shvedov, 660. Separation of interfering metals by extraction with acetylacetone in colorimetric detmn. of ~ with Titan Yellow.Abrahamczik 570. Magnesium ammonium phosphate Accumulation oi traces of arsenate by co-pptn. with -. Detmng. small amounts of arsenic in steel. liolthoff and Carr 474. Maleates Buffer for pH range 5 to 7. Smits 612. Maleic anhydride Anilic acid number analytical index for testing dibasic acid anhydrides. Kappelmeier and Van Goor 275. Malpress's nitro reagent Colorimetric detmn. of stilboestrol and dienoestrol. Warren Goulden, and Robinson 270. Malts Direct detmn. of volume of husk in analysis of -. Gwilt 513. Manchester -Appointment of -4. S. Leather as Official Agricultural Analyst and Public Xnalyst for County Borough of - 464. Manganese Detmng. - in natural waters. Koroleff 419. Polarographic copper zinc and - detmns. in aluminium and zinc alloys.Removal of __ in detmng. zinc calcium and magnesium in __ ores and products. Evans, 5%3. Manganous ions Detmng. - Potentiometric investigation of tripyrophosphatomanganic acid. U'atters and Kolthoff 281. Manganous oxide Detmng. oxidic inclusions in steel. Henkel 142. Mannitol Detmng. - in plasma and urine. Corcoran and Page 322. Mannose Colorime!ric estmn. of hexoses with carbazole. Holzman MacAllister and Wiemann 418. "Mannosido-streptomycin Colorimetric detmn. of streptomycin B (-). Emery and Walker, 453. *Manometer Transmitting - for micro oxygen uptake experiments. Stock and Fill 120. *Margarine(s) Detmng. butter fat coconut oil and palm kernel oil in -. Williams 508. Oils and Fats Order 1949 191. Meat fat Meat Products and Canned Meat (Amend-ment No.2) Order 1949 464. Melting-point Mikro-Methoden zur Kennzeichnung Organische Stoffe und Stoffgemische. Kofler and Kofler. (Review) 470; Erratum 528. lercaptans Direct titration of - in petrol. Mapstone 423. Mercaptobenzothiazole as reagent for platinum, rhodium and palladium. Ubaldini 217. Mercuric ions Constitution and analytical applica-tions of methylene blue periodide. Gautier, 371. Mercuric oxide Volumetric detmn. of - with alkali thiocyanate. Rurriel and Pino 141. Mercurithiosalicylate sodium ethyl - See Thiomersalate. Mercury Action of - on various compounds. Montignie 373. Addition of selenium to wet-ash procedure for detmng. - in apple peel. cathode cell for rapid electrolysis. Rabbitts, 331.Spalenka 425. Kunze 648 INDEX TO cathode Removal of metals a t -. Separation of interfering metals in detmng. aluminium, alkaline earths and alkali metals. Parks, Johnson and Lykken 376. Detmng. - in organic and inorganic com-pounds. Stannous chloride reduction method. Bartlett and McNabb 624. electrode Study of reversibilitv of processes a t the dropping - by changing discontinuously the polarising voltage. Iialousek 149. ointment Official assay of ammoniated -. Ellis 321. Qualitative separation on micro-scale. -Analysis of gold group of .4. A. Noyes and W. C. Bray. IUnig Crowell and Benedettj-Pichler 636. Semi-micro detmn. of halogens sulphur and -in substances containing -. Jurecek 136. "Metals Detmng. poisonous ~ (copper lead, and zinc) in edible gelatin.Scott-Dodd 118. Fractional titration of amalgams as method of analysis of easily fusible Tsimmergakl and Khaymovich 613. "Polarographic analysis o€ light - antl alloys. Stross 285. Meteorites Detmng. gases in meteoritic and terrestrial irons and steels. Nash antl Baxter, 476. Methacrylic ester See Methyl methacrylate. p-Methyl aminophenol sulphate Crystallographic data. Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology 149. Methyl methacrylate Polarographic detmn. of -. Neyman and Shubenko 206. Methyl nicotinate methiodide Detmng. substances containing alkyl pyridiniuni group. Iiahane and Sackur 371. Methyl pyridinium iodide Detmng. substances containing alkyl pyridinium group. Kahane and Sackur 371. Methylcyclopentadiene Detmng.cyclopentadiene and - in admixtures with other hydro-carbons,. Powell Edson and Fisher 518. Spectroscopic detmn. of cyclopentadiene and -. Powell and Edson 520. Methylene blue periodide Constitution and analytical applications of -. Gautier 35 1. Methylglucoses Chromatographic analysis of syn-thetic mixtures of isomeric tri- -. Boissonnas 134. 2-Methylnaphthalene Crystallographic data. Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology 526. 4-Methyl-24hiouracil Detmng. - in animal tissue and blood. van Genderen Van Lier, and De Beus 565. 8-Methyltocol See 6-Tocopherol. Merthyr Tydfil Appointment of I). E. Jones as Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 604. Methylated spirit Alcohol Fuel for Internal Combustion Engines.Pleeth. (Review) 575. Metol See p-Methyl aminophenol sulphate. Mexican meat and gravy Meat Products and Canned Meat (Amendment No. 2) Order 1949, 164. Micro-Analysis Methods of Quantitative -. Milton and Waters (Review) 284. -burette Improved horizontal -. Lacourt, 477. -effusiometry. Nash 477. -organisms Detmng. amounts of purine nitrogen Applica-Mercury-continued of the order of 10 to 40 micrograms. tion to - etc. Vendrely 465. XXXV VOLUME 74 Milk and Dairy Regulations 1919 563. Biochemistry of scandium and its separation as phytate. Beck 667. Detmng. nitrogen in - by direct nesslerisation of digested sample. Hettriclr and Whitney, 606. Estmng. - proteins in -. Grading raw _I by resazurin test. Galesloot, 4.13.Preservation of dairy products for phosphatase test. Sanders and Sager 605. (Special Designation) (Raw -) Regulations, 1940 and ~ (Special Designation) (Pasteurised and Sterilised -) Iiegulations, 1949 662 663 564. 4-Standardisation of Hortvet thermometers. Aschaffenburg and Hall 380. "Milling Kheological methods in __ and baking indiistries. Amos 392. Mineral oil Estmng. residual wool fat in tops oiled with blended --. Clark and Thomas 136. "Minerals Detmng. zirconium in __ and reirac-tories by tannin method. Holness and Iiear. 605. I'olumetric micro-detmn. of water in --. Rulfs 572. Ministry of Food Advertising Labelling and Composition of Food. Keport by -. (Review) 616. Ministry of Food Orders etc. : Canned meat 464. Chocolate 1 9 I .Christmas puddings 464. Cocoa products 191. Coffee essence 191. Ilairies 563. Dripping 19 1. Fats 191. Feeding stuffs 464. Fish products 464. Foods manufactured and pre-packed 413. Labelling of food 464. Lard 191. Lime juice and soda 413. Margarine 19 1 . Meat products 464. Mexican meat and gravy 464. Milk 562 563 564. Mineral oil 191. Oils 191. Oilseeds 19 1 . Peas frozen 464. Suet 413. Sugar confectionery 19 1. Table jellies 604. Tallow 191. Vegetable products 464. Vegetarian butter 191. Whale meat 464, Gorffon 414. in Food Order 1949 191. Ministry of Health Report of Analysts' Sub-Cttee. of - Conference on differential assay of penicillin. I. Detmng. benzyl penicillin by pptn. with N-ethylpiperidine 79 ; 11.Detmng. total penicillins by iodimetric method 550. Misson's method Composition of phosphovanado-molybdate complex obtained in colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus by -. hlaksimova and Kozlovsky 73. *Mites Conditions under which - raise moisture content of foodstuffs. Solomon 411. "Moisture content Conditions under which mites raise - of foodstuffs. Solomon 411. Molecular weight Micro-effusiometry. Nash 477 xxxvi INDEX TO Molybdates Detmng. soluble - and tungstates and analysis of their mixtures. Molybdenum alloys Rapid analysis of tungsten and -. Goryushina and Cherkashina 661. *Analysis of high-speed tool steels by Spekker absorptiometer. Detmng. major alloying con-stituents - etc. Lennard 253. Detmng. - in ferro- - by potentiometric method.Wirtz 74. Masking of - tungsten and vanadium reactions by fluoride. Feigl 425. New detmn. of small amounts of - in plants. Piper and Beckwith 516. New modification of thiocyanate method of detmng. -. Presence and detmn. of - and rare earths in phosphate rock. Robinson 57 1. Removal of metals a t mercury cathode. Separa-tion of interfering metals in detmng. aluminium, alkaline earths and alkali metals. Parks, Johnson and Lykken 376. Yakovlev, 660. Monazite sand Thorium in -. Separation and detmn. by pptn. from homogeneous solution. Willard and Gordon 146. *Monothioethyleneglycol Colorimetric estmn. of thiols. Woodward 179. Morphine Colorimetric detmn. of -. Cramer and Voerman 649. Content of - and other alkaloids in poppy heads of different varieties.Reith Indemans, and Becker 199. 'Isolation and detmn. of - codeine and heroin from viscera and body fluids by adsorp-tion. Stolman and Stewart 536. *Separation and detmn. of mixtures of -, heroin codeine and barbiturates by adsorption. Stolman and Stewart 543. *Morris's reagent Colorimetric detmn. of strepto-mycin B (mannosido-streptomycin) . Emery and Walker 455. *House Assay of curarizing activity in conscious - and rat. Collier Fieller and Hall 583. "Myanesin Rotating drum in assessing activities of paralysant convulsant and anaesthetic drugs. Collier Hall and Fieller 592. Guiter 615. Ginzburg and Lurye 281. Volumetric detmn. of - in steel. N Naphthalenesulphonates Stabilised diazonium salts as reagents for estmng.dihydric phenols. I . Prepn. and properties of diazonium -. Heinrich and Schuler 274. fi-Naphthaquinoline New detmn. of tungsten in steels with -. Golubtsova 72. Naphthoresorcinol Colour reagents for paper chromatography of sugars. Forsyth 327. or-Naphthylamine Polarographic detmn. of cc-nitro-naphthalene in presence of -. Vaynshteyn, 326. *a-Naphthylamine hydrochloride Reaction of nitrous acid with alcoholic - and its application to absorptiometric detmn. of nitrites. Parker, 112. Neat's foot oil Component acids and glycerides of - Hilditch and Shrivastava 55. *Neodymium Analysis of rare earth oxides by emission spectra. I. Persistent lines in arc spectra of rare earth elements. Smith and Wiggins 95; Suppression of cyanogen bands in carbon arc spectra of rare earth oxides.Wiggins 10 1. VOLUME 74 Neodymium-con tinued *Applications of intermittent A.C. arc. 11. Detmng. rare earths. McClelland 529. Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. -. Duval and Duval 282. Neoprene-GN and -1LS Analysis of natural and synthetic rubber by infra-red spectroscopy. Dinsmore and Smith 67. Neo-salvarsan Cerimetric detmn. of small quantities of arsenic in drugs after reduction with hypo-phosphite. Paulssen 607. *Neurospora sitophila Stokes method for assay of vitamin B with ~ M.299. Morris Herwig, and Jones 37. New Windsor Appointment of F. A. Lyne as Deputy Public Analyst for Royal Borough of - 464; Appointment of T. McLachlan as Public Analyst for Royal Borough of -, 190 464. *Nickel-bearing steels Photometric detmn.of copper in - and cast irons. Steele and Russell 105. Concentration methods in detmng. traces of -. I. Chuyko 70. 1 2-Cyclohexanedione dioxime (Nioxime) . Re-agent for -. Voter Banks and Diehl 215. Occurrence of - in coals. Polarographic detmn. of copper and - in steel. Stromberg Dityatkovskaya and Milo-vanova 525. *Reduction of antimonial tin solutions with metallic - and cobalt. Reduction of antimony solutions with metallic -. Holness 214. Separation of - and cobalt in micro-estmn. of copper with diethyldithiocarbamate. Cheftel, Bail Fouasson and Clavik 374. Nicotinamide methiodide Detmng. substances containing alkyl pyridinium group. Kahane and Sackur 371. Nicotine Detmng. - in - sulphate and in tobacco leaves.MGtayer 136. *Nicotinic acid Chemical detmn. of - in food products. Dennis and Rees 481. *Chemical estmn. of - using p-amino-propiophenone. Klatzkin Norris and Wokes, 447; Addendum 559. *Extraction of growth factors from natural products prior to microbiological assay. Harrison 597. Nicotinic acid methiodide Detmng. substances containing alkyl pyridinium group. Kahane and Sackur 371. Nioxime See 1 2-Cyclohexanedione dioxime. Nitrate(s) Electrometric titration of nitric acid in oleum. McKinney Rogers and McNabb, 473. 'Polarographic estmn. of inorganic - in propellants. Pearson and Howard 182. Rapid oxidimetric detmn. of -. Leithe 474. Nitric acid Electrometric titration of - in oleum. McIiinney Rogers and McNabb 473. *Nitrites Reaction of nitrous acid with alcoholic a-naphthylamine hydrochloride and its applica-tion to abscorptiometric detmn.of -. Parker 112. Nitro reagent Malpress's - . Colorimetric detmn. of stilboestrol and dienoestrol. Warren, Goulden and Robinson 270. Nitrobenzene Polarographic detmn. of -. Korshunov Ryabov Sazanova and Kirillova, 520. p-Nitrobenzeneazo-1 &dihydroxsnaphthalene-3 6-disulphonic acid See Chromotrope-B. Reynolds 659. Holness 457 INDEX To 4-Nitro-2-chlorobenzenediazonium /?-naphthalene-sulphonate Stabilised diazonium salts as reagects for estmn. of dihydric phenols. I. Prepn. and properties of diazonium naphtha-lenesulphonates. 11. Colorimetric estmn. of dihydroxybenzenes adrenaline and 3 4-di-hydroxyphenylalanine. Heinrich and Schuler, 274.Nitrogen Detmng. amounts of purine - of the order of 10 to 40 micrograms. Application to nucleic acids nucleoproteins tissues and micro-organisms. Vendrely 465. Detmng. - in milk by direct nesslerisation of digested sample. Hettrick and Whitney, 606. Detmng. peptide-amino ~ by copper method. Kerklconen 418. Kjeldahl detmn. of - without distillation. Application to samples containing phosphorus. Marcali and Rieman 66. *Rapid detmn. of ammonia - in sewages and effluents. Houlihan 5 11. Rapid detmn. of total - in ammonium nitrate fertiliser. Miller 651. a-Nitronaphthalene Polarographic detmn. of -in presence of a-naphthylamine. Vaynshteyn, 326. Nitrophenols Identifying organic acids and -by benzylammonium salts. Boudet 129.*Routine estmn. of 3 5-dinitro-o-cresol. Parker, 646. Nitrosoamine Detmng. - content of propellant explosive stabilised with sym-diethyldiphenyl-urea. Ovenston and Parker 210. Nitroso-naphthol Photo-colorimetric detmn. of Co” ion witha-nitroso- /?-naphthol and p-nitroso-a-naphthol. Beguet 215. Nitrosophenylhydroxylamine ammonium salt of - See Cupferron. *Nitrous acid Reaction of - with alcoholic a-naphthylamine hydrochloride and its applica-tion to absorptiometric detmn. of nitrites. Parker 112. Nomenclature British Chemical -. Mitchell. (Review) 150. Notation New - and Enumeration System for Organic Compounds. Dyson. 2nd Edn. (Review) 616. Nucleic acids Detmng. amounts of purine nitrogen of the order of 10 to 40 micrograms. Applica-tion to - etc.Nucleoproteins Detmng. amounts of purine nitrogen of the order of 10 to 40 micrograms. Applica-tion to - etc. Vendrely 465. Nucleosides Photometric estmn. of purine and pyrimidine - by reaction with orcinol. Massart and Hoste 417. Nutrition Proteins and Ainino Acids in -. Sahyun. (Review) 78. *Nylon Analysis of - and related polymers. Clasper and Haslam 224. Vendrely 465. 0 Oat(s) Detmng. lignin content of fresh plant tissue without preliminary drying. MacDougall and DeLong 609. hay Estmng. hemicelluloses in holocellulose from non-woody plant material. Bennett 326. Bennett C. T. 154. Byles J. E. 157. Coates U. A. 157. Obituaries : VOLUME 74 xxxvii Obituaries-cont in ued Coste J. H. 154 157. Davies J. 157. Davies W.R. 154. Dutta N. N. 429. Glass T. W. 154 157. Halliwell E. 157. Hawley J . W. 429. Hendrick J. 154. Hill C. A. 157. Leach W. G. 157. Mitchell A. H. 157 158. Pickard Sir Robert H. 577. Robertson Sir Robert 429. Robinsoa C. H. 429. Skertchly W. P. 577. Stephenson H. F. 429. Thompson G. R. 157 158. Trotman S. R. 157 158. Williams R. 154 157 158. Bender and Wilson 202. *Detmng. steroids in urine. Estmng. - in human pregnancy urine. Oestrogens Chemical estmn. of - in urine. Tompsett 6. New correction for brown colour developed in Kober reaction by non-oestrogenic substances. Stevenson and Marrian 202. Official salts Estmng. - of weak organic acids by titration in non-aqueous medium. Green, 273. Oil(s) and Fats Order 1949 191.Component acids and glycerides of neat’s foot -. Hilditch and Shrivastava 55. Component acids and glycerides of whale -. Hilditch and Maddison 414. Component acids of rape seed -. Baliga and Hilditch 415. Data for __ of common oleaginous seeds. Loew 514. Detmng. asphaltenes - and resins in asphalt. Hubbard and Stanfield 470. *Detmng. butter fat coconut - and palm kernel - in margarines, Emission spectroscopy in - laboratory. Russell 149, Low-temperature crystallisation in detmng. com-ponent acids of liquid fats. IV. Marine animaI -. Component acids and glycerides of grey Atlantic seal. Hilditch and Pathak 199. Williams 508. Mineral - in Food Order 1949 191. New Sudan seed -. Re-examination of halibut-liver -. Relation between biological potency and ultra-violet absorption due to vitamin A.Morton and Stubbs 202. Report on - fats and waxes. Fitelson 649. Shark liver - from Trinidad. Major and Pearman 655. South African fish products. XXVI. Application of Fitelson method of squalene detmn. to marine -. Karnovsky and Rapson 55; XXVII. Composition of liver - of basking shark and spiny shark. Karnovsky Rapson, Schwartz Black and van Rensberg 124; XXVIII. Composition of liver - of seven-gilled shark. Karnovsky Rapson and Schwartz 124; XXIX. Composition of liver __ of soupfin shark (Galeorhinus canis Rond.). Karnovsky Lategan Rapson and Schwartz, 514. *Study of methods prescribed by F. and F.S. Regulations for estmng. - albuminoids and fibre in feeding stuffs. Hall Lee Ormerod.and Williams 438. Grindley 415 xxxviii INDEX TO 6-Tocopherol. I. Isolation from soyabean -and properties. Stern Robeson Weisler and Baxter 58; Assay of total tocopherols in mixtures containing 6-tocopherol. Stern and Baxter 59. oil (s) -couLtin ued Oilseeds Oils and Fats Order 1949 191. Olefines Detmng. aromatics and __ in hydro-Oleum Electrometric titration of nitric acid in McKinney Rogers and McNabb 473. Olive oil Oils and Fats Order 1949 191. Olivine Detmng. available magnesium engendered in mixtures of superphosphate with -, serpentine magnesite and their calcines. Hardin Macintire and Johnson 652. Onion seeds Data for oils of common oleaginous seeds. Loew 514. Orange(s) Composition of seed fats of West Indian citrus fruits. Dunn Hilditch and Riley, 367.*oil Quantitative photometric detmn. of diphenyl in orange peel. S t e p and Rosselet 89. "peel Quantitative photometric detmn. of diphenyl in -. Ores Rapid electrometric detinn. of aluminium in -. Chirkov 375. Osmium sulphide Precious metal sulphicte series. lMed\,edeva 76. Oxalates Pptng. __ from homogeneous solution. A4pplication to separation and volumetric detmn. of magnesium. Gordon and Caley, 212. Oxford Appointment of I;. A. Lyne as Joint Public Analyst for City of - 464; Appoint-ment of T. McLachlan as Public Analyst for City of - 464. IV. Quantitative detmn. of peroxidase. Wallerstein Alba Hale, and Levy 514. Oxidation Electro- - of quadrivalent uranium. Betts 148. "Oxides Analysis of rare earth - by emission spectra.I. Persistent lines in arc spectra of rare earth elements. Smith and Wiggins 95; 11. Suppression of cyanogen bands in carbon arc spectra of rare earth -- Wiggins 101. Oxidic inclusions Detmng. - in steel. Henkel, 142. Oximes Detcn. and colorimetric estmn. of -, ketones and hydroxplamine. Wichterle and Hudlicky 13 1. .Oxirane oxygen Detmng. -. Swern Fintlley, Billen and Scanlan 128. Oxygen Detmng. oxirane -. Swern Findley, Billen and Scanlan 128. New detmn. of acetylene in liquid -. Veldheer, 272. -sensitive solutions. Storage and titration with -. Stone 218. "uptake Transmitting manometer for micro--experiments. Stock and Fill 120. carbon mixtures. -. Berg and Parker 469. Steyn and Rosselet 89. Oxidase activity in potato tubers.P Paddington Appointment of C. H. Wordsworth as Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough *Paint Application of rheological methods to __ industry. Williams 400. Palladinm 1 2 - Cyclohexanedione dioximle (Nioxime). Reagent for -. Voter Banks, and Diehl 217. of - 604. VOLUME 74 Palladium-conti?t ued Mercaptobenzothiazole as reagent for - etc. Ubaldini 217. Phenoxthin as reagent for detcng. small amounts of -. Konig and Crowell 573. Qualitative separation on micro-scale. Analysis of gold group of A. A. Noyes and W. C. Bray. lionig Crowell and Renedetti-Pichler 656. Iionig and Crowell 573. Palladium sulphide Precious metal sulphide series. -Medvedeva 75. *Palm kernel oil Uetmng. butter fat coconut oil and __ in margarines."Pantothenic acid Extraction of growth factors from natural products prior to microbiological assay. Harrison 597. Paper Analysis of primary- cellulosic materials used in - -making. Roudier 424. Detmng. copper and lead in biological material. Copeman 566. Parafhs Mineral Oil in Food Order 1949 191. Paraldehyde Purification of - . Hunt and Parri reaction and sulphonamides. Particle-size Detmng. flour __ distribution. Peanut oil Report on oils fats and waxes. Fitelson, Peas frozen Labelling of Food (Xmendment S o . 2) Peel Addition of selenium to wet-ash procedure far Kunze 648. *Quantitative photometric detmn. of diphenyl Penicillin(s) Chemical assay for crystalline benzyl Barnes, Thio-acids as drop reagents for -. Williams 508. Keuter 321.LapiGre 266. Wichser and Shellenberger 196. 649. Order 1949 464. detmng. mercury in apple -. in orange -. -. Mader and Buck 268. Infra-red analysis of crystalline -. Gore Williams Linsley and Petersen 51.5. Iodimetric estmn. of -. Wild 56. Report of Analysts' Sub-Cttee. of Ministry of Health Conference on differential assay of -. I. Detmng. benzyl ___ by pptn. with S-ethylpiperidine 79. 11. Detmng. total by iodimetric method 550. Pentadiene Detmng. cyclo- and methylcyclo-___ in admixtures with other hydrocarbons. Powell Edson and Fisher 518. Spectroscopic detmn. of cycb and methylcyclo---. Powell and Edson 520. "Pentamethonium iodide Rotating drum in assessing activities of paralysant convulsant and anaes-thetic drugs. Collier HalI and Fieller 592.Pentoses Photometric estmn. of purine and pyrimidine nucleosides by reaction with orcinol. Massart and Hoste 417. Peptide(s)-amino nitrogen Detmng. - by copper method. Kerkkonen 418. Chromatographic separation of amino acids and -. I. Chromatography of neutral - in 10 per cent. formol. Lederer and Kiuni 416. Perbunan-35 Analysis of natural and synthetic rubber by infra-red spectroscopy. Dinsmore and Smith 67. Perchloratocerate reagent Detmng. glycerol in soap. Cemte procedure. Silverman 326. Perchloric acid Critical examination of -colorimetric method of analysis for chromium in carbon and low alloy steel. British Iron and Steel Research =Issoc. 71. Periodate Electro-reduction of - a t dropping mercury electrode. I. Behaviour in acidic solutions of pH less than 3.Coe and Rogers, 574. Steyn and Rosselet 89 INDEX TO VOLUME 74 xxxis Periodic acid Detmng. phytic acid by oxidation of inositol with -. Heggen and Reith 467. Permanganate Iodi’ne monochloride end-point in titration of tripositive antimoq-. Titration with iodate ~ and ceric solutions. Hammock Brown and Swift 475. Titrating cerous ions with -. Goffart 280. Peroxidase Oxidase activity of potato tubers. IV. Quantitative detmn. of Wallerstein, Alba Hale and Levy 514. Peroxide(s) Detmng. benzoyl - - in organic media. Siggia 568. Detmng. organic --. El-aluation oi modified iodimetric method. Wagner Smith and Peters 419 Evaluation of ferrous thiocyanate colorimetric method. Wagner Clex-er and Peters 421 ; Evaluation of ferrous - titanous method.Wagner Smith and Peters 421. Peroxycarboxylic acids Detmng. organic peroxides. Evaluation of modified iodimetric method. Wagner Smith and Peters 419; Exduation of ferrous thiocyanate colorimetric method. Wagner Clever and Peters 421 ; Evaluation of ferrous - titanous method. IVagner Smith, and Peters 421. Petrol Detcng. diphenylamine in commercial -. Mapstone 518. Detmng. aromatics and olefines in hydrocarbon mixtures. Berg and Parker 469. Direct titration of mercaptans in -. Mapstone, 423. Estmng. thiophen in -. McKee Herndon and Withrow 276. Practical test for estmng. storage stability of -. Walters Yabroff Minor and Sipple 610. Petroleum Detmng. aromatics in I_ fractions. Separation from high-boiling fractions by adsorption.Lipltin Hoffecker Martin and Ledley 653. jellies Mineral Oil in Food Order 1949 191. pH New __ indicator for titration of sodium carbonate. Disodium 4 4’-bis-(2-amino-l-naphthylazo) -2 2’-stilbenedisulphonate. Taras, 211. *Pharmaceutical industry Rheological tests in -and cosmetical industry. Marriott 397. Phenamidine Amperometric micro-titration of diamidlnes. Conn 206. *Phenobarbital Separation and detmn. of mixtures of morphine heroin codeine and barbiturates by adsorption. Phenobarbitone soluble Estmng. official salts of weak organic acids by titration in non-aqueous medium. Green 273. Phenols Potentiometric titration of weak acids in anhydrous ethylenediamine. Moss Elliott, and Hall 370. Stabilised diazonium salts as reagents for estmng.dihydric -. I. Prepn. and properties of diazonium naphthalenesulphonates. 11. Colori-metric estmn. of dihydroxybenzenes adrenaline and 3 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine. Heinrich and Schuler 274. Phenolsulphonephthalein Acid-base reactions in organic solvents. Behaviour of halogenated derivatives of - with organic bases in benzene. Davis Schuhmann and Lovelace, 467. Stolman and Stewart 543. Phenoxathin See Phenoxthin. Phenoxthin as reagent for detcng. small amounts of palladium. Konig and Crowell 573. *N-Phenylanthranilic acid Prepng. - indicator solutions. Bishop and Crawford 365. *Phosphate ion Separation of ___ in elementary qualitative analysis. Nutten and Sabiston, 239. *removal in qualitative analysis.Holness and Mattock 43. rock Detmng. phosphorus pentoxide in -. Kassner Crammer and Ozier 525. rock Presence and detmn. of molybdenum and rare earths in -. Robinson 571. Phosphatides Detmng. glycerophosphoric acid. ,Application to -. Cahn Houget and Agid, 133. Phosphomolybdic acid Prepng. __ from phos-phoric acid and niolybdic trioxide. Hastings and Frediani 475. Phosphoric acid Pptn. of mono- and di-zirconyl phosphate and use of zirconyl salts for separa-tion and detmn. of -. Stumper and Jlette-lock 328. Phosphorus Composition of phospho-vanado-molybdate complex obtained in colorimetric detmn. of - bv Misson’s method. Maksiniova and Kozlovsky 73. Detmng. in hexa-ethyl tetraphosphate and tetra-ethyl pyrophosphate. Jacobson and Hall 213.Detmng. - in organic compounds. \Vreath, 653. Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen without distillation. -4pplication to samples containing -. Marcali and liieman 66. Phosphorus pentoxide Detmng. - in phosphate rock. Kassner Crammer and Ozier 525. Phospho-vanado-molybdate complex Composition of - obtained in colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus by Misson’s method. Maksimol-a and Kozlovsky 73. Photo-electric Methods in Clinical Biochemistry. Delory. (Review) 574. Phthalic anhydride Anilic acid number analytical index for testing dibasic acid anhydrides. Kappelmeier and Van Goor 275. Phytate Biochemistry of scandium and its separa-tion as -. Heck 567. Phytic acid Detmng. ___ by oxidation of inositol with periodic acid. Picoline methiodide x- and y - Detmng.substances containing alkyl pyridinium group. Kahane and Sackur 371. Picric acid Titrating hyoscine hyoscyamine and atropine with __ in chloroform. Separation and fractionation of picrates. Trautner, Neufeld and Rodwell 55. Picolinic acid methiodide Detmng. substances containing alkyl pyridinium group. Kahane and Sackur 371. Pimelic acid Crystallographic data. *4rmour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology 6 16. Piperazinium salts for identifying organic acids. Prigot and Pollard 468. *Pipettes High accuracy and high speed - and associated apparatus. Ridyard 24. Plantfs) Alkaloids. Henry. 4th Edn. (Review), 427. material Detmng. lignin in ___ of high protein content. Armitage Ashworth and Ferguson, 206. material Detmng.potassium in soil and - by cobaltinitrite method. ten Have 324. materials Detmng. small amounts of calcium in -. Colorimetric method. Tyner 516. material Detmng. total boron in - with Chromotrope-B. Austin and McHargue 651. Heggen and Reith 467 xl INDEX TO *material Estmng. cyanide in ~ with Conway units. Baker and Taubes-Steinfeld 189. New detmn. of small amounts of molybdenum in -. Piper and Beckwith 516. tissue Detmng. lignin content of fresh -without preliminary drying. MacDougall and DeLong 609. Plasma Colorimetric detmn. of citric acid in blood and -. Detmng. mannitol in - and urine. Corcoran and Page 322. Detmng. micro-quantities of citric acid in bio-logical fluids. Natelson Lugovoy and Pincus, 322. Platinum Mercaptobenzothiazole as reagent for - etc.Ubaldini 217. Qualitative separation on micro-scale. Analysis of gold group of A. A. Noyes and W. C. Bray. Konig Crowell and Benedetti-Pichler 656. Platinum sulphide Precious metal sulphide series. Medvedeva 75. *Poisoning Laboratory investigation of lead -in cattle. Brown 602. *Suggested mechanism of - by liquid tetra-chloroethane. Lilliman 510. "Polarographic analysis of light metals and alloys. Survey. Stross 285. behaviour of ions with sodium fluoride as sup-porting electrolyte. West Dean and Breda 76. Polarographisches Praktikum. Heyrovskf. Vol. IV. (Review) 222. Polarography Factors affecting drop-time. English, 574. Oscillographic - with periodical triangular voltage. Sevcik 329. Study of reversibility of processes a t dropping mercury electrode by changing discontinuously the polarising voltage.Kalousek 149. Polychloroprene Estmng. chlorine in polymeric materials. Phillips 472. Polymer(s) Advantages of butyl rubber in organic analysis. Corwin and Karr 521. *Analysis of Nylon and related -. Clasper and Haslam 224. Application of corrections in viscometry of high-- solutions. Wagner 330. Capillary tube viscometer for routine measure-ments of dilute high- - solutions. Wagner and Russell 330. *Combustion method for estmng. carbon black in compounded rubber. Bauminger and Poulton 35 1. Detmng. free carbon in compounded rubber and synthetic elastomers. Louth 278. Uetmng. unsaturation of synthetic and natural rubbers with iodine monochloride.Lee, Kolthoff and Mairs 208. Estmng. chlorine in -. Plant(s)-continuf?d Wolcott and Boyer 608. Phillips 472. Polyols Separating and detmng. - by selective entrainment. Application to detmn. of glycerol. MCtayer 208. Polystyrene Detmng. monomer in -. McGovern, Grim and Teach 655. Polyvinyl acetate Analytical examination of technical polyvinyl products. Taat and van der Heul 136. Polninyl chloride Analytical examination of technical polyvinyl products. Taat and van der Heul 136. Estmng. chlorine in polymeric materials. Phillips, 472. Polyvinyl products Analytical examination of technical -. Taat and van der Heul 136. VOLUME 74 Polyvinylidene chloride Estmng. chlorine in poly-meric materials. Phillips 472. Poppy Content of morphine and other alkaloids in - heads of different varieties.Reith, Indemans and Becker 199. Potassium Detmng. - in composts and sewage sludges. Garrick 324. Detmng. - in soil and plant material by cobaltinitrite method. ten Have 324. "Micro-detmn. of - as cobaltinitrite in biological and agricuItura1 materials. 11. Turbidimetric method. Tinsley 167. *Polarographic analysis of light metals and alloys. Stross 285. Rapid micro. photometric detmn. of -. Jordan 569. Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. -. Duval and Duval 147. Potassium cyanate Action of mercury on various compounds. Montignie 373. Potassium ferricyanide Action of mercury on various compounds. Montignie 373. Potassium ferrocyanide Physico-chemical analysis of systems important in analytical chemistry.XIII. The system CoSO - K,Fe(CN) - WO. Tananaev and Levina 145. Potassium iodate Potentiometric titrations with -. VII. Potentiometric detmn. of %ascorbic acid Spacu and Spacu 612; 11. Thorium. 111. Lanthanum 615. Potassium percarbonate Action of mercury on various compounds. Montignie 373. Potassium permanganate Accuracy of estmn. of hydrogen peroxide with - titration. Huckaba and Keyes 373. Action of mercury on various compounds. Montignie 373. Reduction of __ in presence of glass. Taylor, 324. Potassium selenocyanate Conductometric titration of univalent thallium using - . Ripan and Popper 140. Potato Oxidase activity of - tubers. IV. Quantitative detmn. of peroxidase. Waller-stein Alba Hale and Levy 514. Potentiometric titration(s) Automatic -.Lingane 219. in two-phase systems. Hedlund and Steninger, 612. with potassium iodate. VII. Potentiometric detmn. of 2-ascorbic acid Spacu and Spacu, 612; 11. Thorium. 111. Lanthanum 615. *Praseodymium Analysis of rare earth oxides by emission spectra. I. Persistent lines in arc spectra of rare earth elements. Smith and Wiggins 95 ; Suppression of cyanogen bands in carbon arc spectra of rare earth oxides. Wiggins 10 1. *Applications of intermittent A.C. arc. 11. Detmng. rare earths. McClelland 529. Precipitates Thermal behaviour of analytical -. Sodium ammonium potassium and rubidium. Duval and Duval 147; Caesium lanthanum, cerium neodymium and samarium 282. Precious metal sulphide series. Pregnancy urine Estmng.oestrogens in human -. New correction for brown colour developed in Kober reaction by non-oestrogenic substances. Stevenson and Marrian 202. Pregnanediol Colorimetric estmn. of - in urine. Guterman and Schroeder 58. Detmng. - in urine for diagnostic purposes. Huber 271. *Detmng. steroids in urine. Medvedeva 75. Tompsett 6 INDEX TO Preservation of dairy products €or phosphatase test. Sanders and Sager 605. 1 %Propane dithiol Estmng. 1 2-dithiols. Aldridge 277. *Propellants Polarographic estmn. of inorganic nitrates in -. Pearson and Howard 182. Protein(s) and Amino Acids in Nutrition. Sahyun. (Review) 78. Detmng. nitrogen in milk by direct nesslerisation of digested sample. Hettrick and Whitney, 606. Estmng. milk - in milk.*Tungstic acid pptn. of - from physiological fluids. Ram 412. Public Health Practical - Problems. Savage. 2nd Edn. (Review) 478. Puddings Christmas Labelling of Food (Amendment No. 2) Order 1949 464. *Pump Diaphragm __ for air and other gases. Stock and Fill 52. Purine nitrogen Detmng. amounts of - of the order of 10 to 40 micrograms. Application to nucleic acids nucleoproteins tissues and micro-organisms. Vendrely 465. nucleosides Photometric estmn. of - and pyrimidine nucleosides by reaction with orcinol. Massart and Hoste 417. a-Pfidinesulphonic acid Crystallographic data. Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology 218. fi-Pyridinesulphonic acid Crystallographic data. Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology 283.Pyridinium group Detmng. substances containing alkyl -. Pyridoxine See Vitamin B,. Pyrimidine nucleosides Photometric estmn. of purine and - by reaction with orcinol. Massart and Hoste 417. Pyrogallol carboxylic acid Colour reaction of alkaline earths. Pyrophosphate Polarographic method for copper, lead and iron using - background solution. Reynolds and Rogers 658. Gorffon 414. Kahane and Sackur 371. Ok&,C and Pech 424. Q Qualitative Analyeis by Spot Tests. Inorganic and Organic Applications. Feigl. 3rd English Edn. Translated by Oesper. (Review) 427. Mikro-Methoden zur Kennzeichnung Organische Stoffe und Stoffgemische. Kofler and Kofler. (Review) 479; Erratum 528. Quartz Detmng. free silica (-) in silicates.Florentin and Heros 279. Gurvits and Podgayts 374. Quaternary smmonium disinfectants Semi-micro method for testing -. Klarmann and Wright 271. Quinine Quick and simple detmn. of - and total alkaloids in cinchona bark. Loustalot and Pagan 605. *Qninoline yellow Internal indicator for arsenite -hypochbrite titrations. Young and Das Gupta, 367. Detmng. - in presence of silicates. R *Rabbit Assay of curare prepns. by __ head-drop method. measuring specific activity. Sue 77. Dutta and Macintosh 588. Radioactive isotopes Detmns. with - by VOLUME 74 xli Rape seed oil Component acids of -. 8aliga and Hilditch 415. *Rare earth(s) Analysis of - oxides by emission spectra. I. Persistent lines in arc spectra of - elements. Smith and Wiggins 95; 11.Suppression of cyanogen bands in carbon arc spectra of - oxides. *Applications of intermittent A.C. arc. 11. Detmng. -. McClelland 529. *Polarographic analysis of light metals and alloys. Stross 285. Presence and detmn. of molybdenum and -in phosphate rock. Robinson 571. *Rat -4ssay of curare and curare-like substances. Modification of method using -'s phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparation. West 582. *Assay of curarizing activity in conscious mouse and -. Collier Fieller and Hall 583. *Assay of d-tubocurarine chloride on isolated --diaphragm. Mogey Trevan and Young 577. Reagents Colour - for paper chromatography of sugars. Forsyth 327. Organic Analytical -. Vols. I11 and IV. Welcher. (Review) 152. Reclaim rubber Analysis of natural and synthetic rubber by infra-red spectroscopy.Dinsmore and Smith 67. Reduction Electro- - of periodate a t dropping mercury electrode. I . Behaviour in acidic solutions of pH less than 3. Coe and Rogers, 574. of potassium permanganate in presence of glass. Taylor 324. *Refractories Detmng. zirconium in minerals and - by tannin method. Holness and Kear 605. Resazurin test Grading raw milk by -. Galesloot 413. Resins Detmng. asphaltenes oils and -- in asphalt. Hubbard and Stanfield 470. Potentiometric titration of weak acids in an-hydrous ethylenediamine. Moss Elliott and Hall 370. Resorcinol Colour reagents for paper chromato-graphy of sugars. Forsyth 327. *Rheological methods Application of - to paint industry. Williams 400. *methods in milling and baking industries.Amos 392. *methods of control Four papers on - 387. *tests in pharmaceutical and cosmetical industries. Marriott 397. Blair, 387. Industrial - and Rheological Structures. Green. (Review) 662. Rhodium Mercaptobenzothiazole as reagent for - etc. Ubaldini 217. Qualitative separation on micro-scale. Analysis of gold group of A. A. Noyes and W. C. Bray. Konig Crowell and Benedetti-Pichler 656. Rhodium sulphide Precious metal sulphide series. Medvedeva 75. 'Riboflavine Constant-temperature bath for micro-biological assays. Bolton 647. Detmn. of - by chemical means. Society of Public Analysts Analytical Methods Com-mittee Sub-committee on Vitamin Estmns., 528. *Extraction of growth factors from natural products prior to microbiological assay.Harrison 597. Rochelle salt Replacement of - by glycerol in detmng. sugar. Lutokhin and Kuzmenko, 327. Wiggins 101. *Rheology Industrial applications of -xlii INDEX TO Rock Detmng. phosphorus pentoxide in phosphate -. Presence and detmn. of molybdenum and rare earths in phosphate -. Robinson 571. Roe and Kuether method Critical study of proposed modifications of - for detmng. ascorbic acid with further contributions to chemistry of this procedure. Roeder method for detmng. fat in cheese. Bernaerts, 415. *Rose - Gottlieb butter-fat test Ether peroxide as possible source of error in -. Muers and House 85. Rubber(s) Analysis of natural and synthetic -__ by infra-red spectroscopy. Dinsmore and Smith 67. *Combustion method for estmng.carbon black in compounded -. Bauminger and Poulton, 361. Detmng. free carbon in compounded - and synthetic elastomers. Louth 278. Detmng. unsaturation of synthetic and natural - with iodine monochloride. Lee Kolthoff, and Mairs 208. *Rubidium Polarographic analysis of light metals and alloys. Stross 285. Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. -. Duval and Duval 147. Ruthenium sulphide Precious metal sulphide series. Medvedeva 75. Kassner Crammer and Ozier 525. Mills and Roe 324. S Salford Appointment of A. Alcock as Public Analyst and Official Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of - 604. Salts Estmng. official - of weak organic acids by titration in non-aqueous medium. Green, 273. Salvadora oleoides Sudan seed oils.Grindley, 415. Salvadora persica Sudan seed oils. Grindley, 415. *Samarium Analysis of rare earth oxides by emission spectra. I. Persistent lines in arc spectra of rare earth elements. Smith and Wiggins 95; Suppression of cyanogen bands in carbon arc spectra of rare earth oxides. "Applications of intermittent A.C. arc. 11. Detmng. rare earths. McClelland 529. Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. -. Duval and Duval 282. Sanitation Food-Plant -. Parker. (Review), 283. *Sansage(s) Rapid estmn. of fat in - and -meats. Talbot 462. *Scandium Applications of intermittent A.C. arc. 11. Detmng. rare earths. Biochemistry of - and its separation as phytate. Beck 567. Scotland Transfer of Functions (Food and Drugs) (-) Order 1949 413.&al Low-temperature crystallisation in detmng. component acids of liquid fats. IV. Marine animal oils. Component acids and glycerides of grey Atlantic -. Hilditch and Pathak, 199. Seaweed Colorimetric detmn. of alginic acid in -. Percival and Ross 371. *sebacic acid Analysis of Nylon and related polymers. (Separation of - from adipic acid). Clasper and Haslam 224. Wiggins 101. McClelland 529. VOLUME 74 Seed(s) Data for oils of common oleaginous -. fats Composition of - of West Indian citrus oil Component acids of rape -. Baliga and oils New Sudan -. I. Selective solvents for ethylene chlorohydrin. Weizmann, Bergmann Chandley Steiner Sulzbacher and Zimkin. 11. Isolation of ethylene chlorohydrin by adsorption. Sulzbacher and Pariser 275.Selenium Addition of - to wet-ash procedure for detmng. mercury in apple peel. Kunze, 648. as catalyst in Kjeldahl digestions. Pate1 and Sreenivasan 472. Detmng. __ in steel. Tananaev and Murasheva, 144. *Estmng. - in lead alloys. Box 120. Potentiometric titration of quadri- and sexa-valent - and tellurium with chromous ion. Lingane and Niedrach 614. Selenocyanate Conductometric titration of uni-valent thallium using potassium -. Ripan and Popper 140. Self-raising flour See Flour. Serpentine Detmng. available magnesium en-gendered in mixtures of olivine - magnesite and their calcines. Hardin Macintire and Johnson 652. *Serum Detmng. iron content of blood -. Tompsett and McAllister 3 15. Detmng. 4-methyl-2-thiouraci1 in animal tissue and blood.van Genderen Van Lier and De Beus 565. Detmng. micro-quantities of citric acid in biological fluids. Natelson Lugovoy and Pincus 322. Estmng. - vitamin A with activated glycerol dichlorohydrin. Sobel and Snow 465. "Micro-diff usion method for detmng. calcium in blood -. Murnaghan 546. *Sewage(s) Rapid estmn. of ammonia nitrogen in - and effluents. Houlihan 5 11. "sludges Estmng. grease in -. Stephenson, 257. sludges Estmng. potassium in composts and -. Garrick 324. Shark liver oil from Trinidad. Major and Pearman, 655. South African fish products. XXVII. Com-position of liver oils of basking - (Cefmhinus maximus Gunner) and spiny - (Echinor-hinus spinosus Gmelin) . Karnovsky Rapson, Schwartz Black and van Rensberg 124; XXVIII.Composition of liver oil of seven-gilled - (Heptranchias pectorosus Garman). Karnovsky Rapson and Schwartz 124; XXIX. Composition of liver oil of soupfin - (Galeorhinus cunis Rond.) . Karnovsky, Lategan Rapson and Schwartz 614. "Shaving cream Rheological tests in pharmaceutical and cosmetical industries. Marriott 397. Silica brick Improvement of analytical control for -. Rozsa 329. bricks Detmng. alumina in - by pptn. with 8-hydroxyquinoline. Lynam and Nicholson, 142. Detmng. free - (quartz) in silicates. Florentin and Heros 279. Detmng. oxidic inclusions in steel. Henkel 142, Identifying free ~ in dusts and fumes. Gitzen. 476. Loew 514. fruits. Hilditch 415. Dunn Hilditch and Riley 367. Grindley 415, Selective extraction and adsorption IND15X TO Silica-cmtznued Semi-micro gravimetric and volumetric detmn.of -. Duval 280. Spectrographic detmn. of sodium in __ - alumina catalyst. Marling 149. *Volumetric detmn. of -. Silicate(s) Detmng. free silica (quartz) in -. Florentin and Heros 279. Estmng. quartz in presence of -. Gurvits and Podgayts 374. “synthetic Isolation and detmn. of morphine, codeine and heroin from viscera and body fluids by adsorption. Stolman and Stewart, 536; Separation and detmn. of mixtures of morphine heroin codeine and barbiturates by adsorption 543. Silicon Rapid detmn. of small amounts oi -__ in magnesium alloys. Phillips and Hermon 212. Silver Detmng. -withascorbic acid. Stathis 139. Bilver nitrate Potentiometric titration of fatty acids with -.Harva and Ekwall 656. Wver oxide ammoniacal Action of mercury on various compounds. Montignie 373. Silver vanadates as absorbents for sulphur dioxide. Ingram 653. slsgs Pptn. of mono- and di-zirconyl phosphate and use of zirconyl salts for separation and detmn. of phosphoric acid. Stumper and Mettelock 328. Spark technique in spectrographic analysis of -. Steinberg and Belic 526. *Sludges Estmng. grease in sewage -. Stephen-son 267. Estmng. potassium in composts and sewage --. Garrick 324. Soap Detmng. glycerol in -. Cerate procedure. Sflverman 326. Polarographic estmn. of total fat in ___ and __ powders. Fiala and Jancik 134. Society of Public Analysts Address of retiring President (Eynon) 163. Alteration of Articles of Association.Voting by proxy 429. Analytical Methods Committee Tragacanth Sub-Committee Report No. 2. Evaluation of flake tragacanth 2. Analytical Methods Committee Vitamin Estmns. Sub-committee. Detmng. riboflavine by chem-ical means 528. Annual General Meeting 153 ; Anniversary Dinner 154; Annual Report of Council 157. Biological Methods Group Fourth Annual General Meeting 1. Microchemistry Group. Address of Hon. Secre-tary 152. hZicrochem1stx-y Group. Fifth Annual General Meeting 2. Physical Methods Group. Fourth Annual General Meeting 1. Scottish Section. Fourteenth Annual General Meeting 2. Sodium Detmng. - in clays by means of auto-matic apparatus. Korzh 661. *Polarographic analysis of light metals and alloys. Stross 285. *Recovering uranium from - estmn.residues. Clark 411. Removal of metals a t mercury cathode. Separa-tion of interfering metals in detmng. alkali metals etc. Parks Johnson and Lykken 376. Spectrographic detmn. of - in silica - alumina catalyst. Marling 149. Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. -. Duval and Duval 147. Wilson 243. VOI*V;nlE 74 xliii Sodium acetate Estmng. official salts of weak organic acids by titration in non-aqueous medium. Green 273. Sodium arsenate Action of mercury on various compounds. Montignie 373. Sodium benzoate Estmng. official salts of weak organic acids by titration in non-aqueous medium. Green 273. Sodium carbonate New pH indicator for titration of ___ . Disodium 4 4’-bis-(2-amino-l-naphthy1azo)-2 2’-stilbenedisulphonate.Taras, 211. Sodium Chloride Detmng. copper and lead in biological material. Copeman 566. Sodium fluoride Polarographic behaviour of ions with - as supporting electrolyte. West, Dean and Breda 76. Sodium hypochlorite in detmng. alanine valine and leucine. Aubel and Asselineau 566. Sodium maleates Buffer for pH range 5 to 7. Smits 612. Sodium nitrite Action of mercury on various compounds. Montignie 373. Sodium perborate Action of mercury on various compounds. Montignie 373. Sodium persulphate Action of mercury on various compounds. Montignie 373. Sodium propionate Estmng. official salts of weak organic acids by titration in non-aqueous medium. Green 273. Sodium salicylate Estmng. official salts of weak organic acids by titration in non-aqueous medium.Green 273. Soft Drinks (Amendment) Order 1949 413. and plant Soil(s) Detmng. potassium in -material by cobaltinitrite method. ten Have, 324. Detmng. total replaceable bases in -. Schollen-berger 518. Rapid conductometric estmn. of gypsum in -. Bower and Huss 370. *Van Slyke - Neil manometric apparatus for detmng. organic and inorganic carbon in -and organic carbon in - extracts. Bremner, 492. Solvents Acid-base reactions in organic -. Behaviour of halogenated derivatives of phenol-sulphonephthalein with organic bases in benzene. Davis Schuhmann and Lovelace, 467. I. Selective - for ethylene chlorohydrin. Weizmann, Bergmann Chandley Steiner Sulzbacher and Zimkin 275. XXVI. Application of Fitelson method of squalene detmn.to marine oils. Karnovsky and Rapson 55; XXVII. Composition of liver oils of basking shark and spiny shark. Karnovsky Rapson, Schwartz Black and van Rensberg 124; Composition of liver oil of seven-gilled shark. Karnovsky Rapson and Schwartz 124; SXIX. Composition of liver oil of soupfin shark (Galeorhinus canis Rond.) . Karnovsky, Lategan Rapson and Schwartz 514. I. Isolation from -and properties. Stern Robeson Weisler and Baxter 58; Assay of total tocopherols in mixtures containing 6-tocopherol. Stern and Baxter 59. Spark technique in spectrographic analysis of slags. Steinberg and Belic 526. Spe~ific activity Detmns. with radioactive isotopes by measuring -. Siie 77. Selective extraction and adsorption. South African fish products. Soyabean oil &Tocopherol xliv INDEX TO SpBCifltj-codnued surface of wheat flours.I. Detmn. by air per-meability method. Lyon Pennington and Roley 194. Spectroscopy and Combustion Theory. Gaydon. 2nd Edn. (Review) 151. *Spekker absorptiometer Analysis of high-speed tool steels by -. Detmng. major alloying constituents tungsten chromium vanadium, cobalt and molybdenum. Lennard 253. *Experiments with - photo-electric absorptio-meter and fluorimeter. Wokes and Slaughter, 624. *Recent modifications in __ photo-electric absorptiometer. Isbell 618. Emission - in oil laboratory. Russell 149. Sperm oil Oils and Fats Order 1949 191. Spot Tests Qualitative Analysis by -. Inorganic and Organic Applications. Feigl. 3rd English Edn. Translated by Oesper.(Review) 427. Squslene South African fish products. XXVI. Application of Fitelson method of - detmn. to marine oils. Stability Practical test for estmng. storage ~ of gasolines. Walters Yabroff Minor and Sipple 610. Standards AnalaR - for Laboratory Chemicals. British Drug Houses Ltd. and Hopkin and Williams Ltd. 4th Edn. (Review) 528. Stannous chloride Detmng. mercury in organic and inorganic compounds. - reduction method. Bartlett and McNabb 524. Stannous ions Constitution and analytical applica-tions of methylene blue periodide. Gautier, 371. Starch Polarimetric detmn. of __ in cereal products. Clendenning 125. *Statistical w e of several analytical constituents for calculating proportions of ingredients in certain food products.Steiner 429. Steel(s) Accumulation of traces of arsenate by co-pptn. with magnesium ammonium phos-phate. Detmng. small amounts of arsenic in -. Kolthoff and Carr 474. *Analysis of high-speed tool - by Spekker absorptiometer. Detmng. major alloying con-stituents tungsten chromium vanadium, cobalt and molybdenum. Lennard 253. Critical examination of perchloric acid colori-metric method of analysis for chromium in carbon and low alloy -. British Iron and - Research Assoc. 71. *Detmng. chromium in cast iron and -. Harrison and Storr 602. Detmng. copper in - by colorimetric titration with dithizone. Suprunovich and Konovalova, 524. Detmng. gases in meteoritic and terrestrial irons and -. Nash and Baxter 475. Detmng. oxidic inclusions in -. Henkel 142.Detmng. selenium in - . Tananaev and Murasheva 144. *Detmng. tin content of tungsten high-speed tool -. Electrometric detmn. of vanadium in -. Claassen and Corbey 72. New detmn. of tungsten in - with 8-naphtha-quinoline. Golubtsova 72. *Photometric detmn. of copper in nickel-bearing - and cast irons. Steele and Russell 105. Polarographic detmn. of copper and nickel in -. Stromberg Dityatkovskaya and Milo-vanova 525. Karnovsky and Rapson 55. Food - (Table Jellies) Order 1949 604. Bagshawe and Dyke 249. VOLUME 74 Steel(s)-continued I’ptn. of mono- and di-zirconyl phosphate and use of zirconyl salts for separation and detmn. of phosphoric acid. Stumper and Mettelock, 328. Volumetric detmn. of molybdenum in -. Yakovlev 660. Stepney Appointment of W.-34. Paulley as Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of -, 464. *Steroid(s) Detmng. - in urine. Tompsett 6 . hormones Polarograpliic estmn. of - 4. Detmng. 3 (a)- and 3 (p)-hydroxy-17-keto-steroids. New colour reactions for -. Stilboestrol Colorimetric detmn. of __ and dienoestrol. Warner Coulden and Robinson, 270. Still-head Simple -. Hakala 331. *Stirring devices Rotary - for micro-titration. Stock and Fill,. 318. *Stokes method for assay of vitamin B with Neurospora sitofihila M.299. Morris Herwig, and Jones 37. Storage and titration with oxygen-sensitive solutions. Stone 218. gasolines. Walters Yabroff Minor and Sipple, 610. *Streptococcus faecalis Assay of folic acid with ___ NCTC 6459. *Streptomycin B Colorimetric detmn.of -(mannosido-streptomycin) . Emery and Walker, 455. Strontium Colour reaction of alkaline earths. * OkdC and Pech 424. Butt Henly and Morris 616. Pesez 649. stability Practical test for estmng. - of Jones and Morris 29. Occurrence of - in coals. *Polarographic analysis of light metals and alloys. Stross 285. Quantitative detmn. of lead in presence of cations of second analytical group (- etc.). Shvedov Goldshteyn and Seletkova 75. Styrene Detmng. monomer in polystyrene. McGovern Grim and Teach 655. *Detmng. small amounts of hydroquinone in -. Whettem 185. Subtilin Microbiological assay of -. Lewis, Humphreys Thompson Dimick Benedict, Langlykke and Lightbody 201. Succinic anhydride Anilic acid number analytical index for testing dibasic acid anhydrides.Kappelmeier and Van Goor 275. Sucrose Anthrone for estmng. low concentrations of -. Morse 372. Sudan seed oils Investigation of new -. Grindley 415. Suet Shredded - Order 1949 413. Sugar(s) Colour reagents for paper chromatography of -. Forsyth 327. Confectionery Chocolate - and Cocoa Products Order 1949 191. Detmng. alcohol-insoluble solids and -contents of vegetables. Moyer and Holgate, 193. Electrometric ferrocyanide method for detmng. -. Podlubnaya and Bukharov 66. Replacement of Rochelle salt by glycerol in detmng. -. Lutokhin and Kuzmenko 327. Snlphadiazine Analysis of ~ and sulphathiazole mixtures. Barnes 367. sodium - Estmng. official salts of weak organic acids bv titration in non-aqueons medium.Green 273. Reynolds 659 INDEX TO VOLUME 74 xlv Sulphathiasole Analysis of sulphadiazine and -mixtures. Barnes 367. sodium - Estmng. official salts of weak organic acids by titration in non-aqueous medium. Green 673. Sulphate(s) Volumetric detmn. of small amounts of soluble -. Ogg Willits and Cooper 522. Water analyses by selective specific conductance. Polsky 127. Sulphide(s) Precious metal - series. Medvedeva, 75. Thioacetamide in place of gaseous hydrogen sulphide for pptng. insoluble -. Barber and Grzeskowiak 613. Sulphite waste liquor Analysis of - and ligno-sulphonates. Detmng. neutralised solids and wet oxidation for detmng. total sulphur and cations. Salvesen and Hogan 423. Sulphonamides Parri reaction and -. Lapikre, 266.Semi-micro detmn. of - by titration in anhydrous acetic acid. TomiCek 265. Sulphonephthalein Acid-base reactions in organic solvents. Behaviour of halogenated derivatives of phenol- with organic bases in benzene. Davis Schuhmann and Lovelace 467. Sulphur Conductometric titration for rapid detmn. of - in organic and inorganic compounds. Schoberl 613. Detmng. - in bone char. Deitz Higginson, and Parker 129. Rapid estmn. of free -. Peyron 136. Semi-micro detmn. of halogens ___ and mercury in substances containing mercury. Jurecek 136. Sulphur dioxide Estmng. sulphur trioxide in mixtures with __ by amperometric titration. Axford and Sugden 127. Silver vanadates as absorbents for -. Ingram, 653. Sulphur trioxide Estmng. - in mixtures with sulphur dioxide by amperometric titration.Axford and Sugden 127. *Sultanas Modification of micro-analytical test for purity in food for use in examining dried fruits. Bradshaw and Coppock 300. Sunflower seed Oils and Fats Order 1949 191. Superphosphate Detmng. available magnesium engendered in mixtures of - with olivine, serpentine magnesite and their calcines. Hardin Macintire and Johnson 652. Synthetic elastomers Detmng. free carbon in compounded rubber and -. rubber Analysis of natural and - by infra-red spectroscopy. Dinsmore and Smith 67. rubbers Detmng. unsaturation of - and natural rubber with iodine monochloride. Lee Kolthoff and Mairs 208. Louth 278. T Table Jellies Food Standards (-) Order 1949, Tallow Oils and Fats Order 1949 191.*:Tannin method Detmng. zirconium in minerals and refractories by -. Holnegs and Kear, 505. *Tartrate(s) Calcium - crystals in processed cheese. Leather 51. Volumetric detmn. of tervalent iron based on use of -. Pavlinova 142. 604. *Tears Tungstic acid pptn. of protein from physio-logical fluids. Ram 412. Teeth Colorimetric detmn. of fluoride ions in presence of phosphates. Monnier Vaucher, and Wenger 139. Tellurium Potentiometric titration of quadri- and sexa-valent selenium and - with chromous ion. Lingane and Niedrach 614. *Terbium Analysis of rare earth oxides by emission spectra. I. Persistent lines in arc spectra of rare earth elements. Smith and Wiggins 95; Suppression of cyanogen bands in carbon arc spectra of rare earth oxides.*Applications of intermittent A.C. arc. 11. Detmng. rare earths. McClelland 529. *Tetrachloroethane Suggested mechanism of poisoning by liquid -. Lilliman 510. Tetrachlorophthalic anhydride Anilic acid number, analytical index for testing dibasic acid anhydrides. Kappelmeier and Van Goor, 275. Tetra-ethyl pyrophosphate Detmng. phosphorus in hexa-ethyl tetraphosphate and -. Jacobson and Hall 213. * Tetrahydrofurfuyl alcohol Detmng. small amounts of --. Haslam and Ruddle 559. Thallium Analytical investigation of univalent -ion. Ripan and Popper 613. Conductometric titration of univalent - using potassium selenocyanate. Ripan and Popper, 140. and caffeine in cacao Theobromine Detmng. -materials. Moores and Campbell 197. Theophylline Quantitative estmn.of - in blood and urine. Application to dog (and man). Plummer 369. Thermal behaviour of analytical ppts. Sodium, ammonium potassium and rubidium. Duval and Duval 147; Caesium lanthanum cerium, neodymium and samarium 282. *Thermometers Standardisation of Hortvet -. Aschaff enburg and Hall 380. Thiamine See Aneurine. Thioacetamide in place of gaseous hydrogen sulphide for pptng. insoluble sulphides. Barber and Grzeskowiak 613. Thio-acids as drop reagents for palladium. Konig and Crowell 573. Thiobarbituric acid Estmng. barbituric acid and - in biological materials. Raventos 126. Thiocyanate method New modification of - of detmng. molybdenum. Ginzburg and Lurye, 281. Volumetric detmn. of mercuric oxide with alkali -. Burriel and Pino 141.*Thiodiglycol Colorimetric estmn. of thiols. Wood-ward 179. Thioglycollic acid Thio-acids as drop reagents for palladium. Konig and Crowell 573. Thiokol-FA and -RD Analysis of natural and synthetic rubber by infra-red spectroscopy. Dinsmore and Smith 67. 'Thiols Colorimetric estmn. of -. Woodward, 179. Thiomalic acid Thio-acids as drop reagents for palladium. Konig and Crowell 573. *Thiomersalate Polarographic detmn. of -Page and Waller 292. "Thiopentone Rotating drum in assessing activities of paralysant convulsant and anaesthetic drugs. Collier Hall and Fieller 692. Thiophen Estmng. - in gasoline. McKee, Herndon and Withrow 276. Wiggins 101 xlvi INDEX TO Thorium Analysis of - - chromium mixtures. Ewing and Banks 145.+Applications of intermittent A.C. arc. 11. Detmng. rare earths. McClelland 529. Electrolytic and polarographic detmn. of zinc in -. Patterson and Banks 570. in monazite sand. Separation and detmn. by pptn. from homogeneous solution. Willard and Gordon 146. Potentiometric titrations with potassium iodate. 11. Potentiometric detmn. of -. Spacu and Spacu 615. Removal of metals a t mercury cathode. Separa-tion of interfering metals in detmng. alkaline earth metals etc. Parks Johnson and Lykken 376. *Thulium Analysis of rare earth oxides by emission spectra. I . Persistent lines in arc spectra of rare earth elements. Smith and Wiggins 95; Suppression of cyanogen bands in carbon arc spectra of rare earth oxides. *Applications of intermittent A.C.arc. 11. Detmng. rare earths. RlcClelland 529. Thurrock Appointment of T. McLachlan as Public Analyst for Urban District of - 464. Thyroxine Colorimetric detmn. of -. Winikoff and Trikojus 564. Tin-base alloys Rapid colorimetric detmn. of copper in -. Nonvitz 70. bronze Colorimetric detmn. of small amounts of antiniony in copper and -. Nikitina, 614. *Detmng. - content of tungsten high-speed tool steel. Fractional titration of amalgams as method of analysis of easily fusible metals. Tsimmergakl and Khaymovich 613. *Reduction of antimonial - solutions with metallic nickel and cobalt. Holness 457. Removal of metals a t mercury cathode. Separa-tion of interfering metals in detmng. aluminium, alkaline earths and alkali metals. Parks, Johnson and Lykken 376.Systematic analysis of cations by polarographic method. 11. Conditions for detmng. elements of arsenic sub-group. Portnov and Povelkina, 141. Tissue(s) Detmng. amounts of purine nitrogen of the order of 10 to 40 micrograms. Application to - etc. Vendrely 465. Detmng. barbituric and thiobarbituric acids in biological materials. Raventos 126. Detmng. copper and lead in biological material. Copeman 566. Detmng. 4-methyl-2-thiouracil in animal - and blood. van Genderen Van Lier and De Beus, 565. Titanium Automatic potentiometric titration of iron and ___ with chromous ion. Lingane, 374. Wiggins 101. Bagshawe and Dyke 249. Occurrence of - in coals. Polarographic detmn. in clays and clay products. Adams 572. Titration(s) Automatic potentiometric -.Lingane 219. PotentiometriG - in two -phase systems. Hedlund and Steninger 612. Potentiometric __ of weak acids in anhydrous ethylenediamine. Moss Elliott and Hall, 370. Storage and - with oxygen-sensitive solutions. Stone 218. Tobacco leaves Detmng. nicotine n nicotine subhate and in -. MCtaver 136. Reynolds 659. VOLUME 74 Tocopherols Detmng. individual - (a- b- y-, and &). Kofler 61. I. Isolation of &- from soyabean oil and properties. Stem Robeson Weisler and Baxter 58; 11. Assay of total tocopherols in mixtures containing -. Stern and Baxter, 59; 111. Assay of individual tocopherols in mixtures containing -. Weisler Robeson, and Baxter 60. Tooth See Teeth. *Tooth paste Rheological tests in pharmaceutical and cosmetical industries.Marriott 397. Tops Estmng. residual woo1 fat in - oiled with B.M. oil. Clark and Thomas 135. Toxicity Bacteriostatic efficiency of iodonium compounds. - studies of this group. Gershenfeld and Witlin 372. Trace Elements in Food. Monier-Williams. (Re-view) 221. Tragacanth Evaluation of flake -. Report No. 2 ___ Sub-committee Analytical Methods Committee Society of Public Analysts 2. trans-Dehydroandrosterone New colour reactions for steroids. Pesez 649. trans-Testosterone New colour reactions for steroids. Pesez 649. Trema guuneensis Sudan seed oils. Grindley, 415. *Trichloroethylene Contamination of water by -. Lyne and McLachlan 513. 1 3 5-Tri-(p-chloropheny1)-benzene Crystallo-graphic data. Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology 526.*Trilon B See Ethyleaaediamine-tetra-acetic acid. Trimethylglucoses Chromatographic analysis of synthetic mixtures of isomeric -. Boissonnas 134. Trinidad Shark liver oil from -. Major and Pearman 655. Tripyrophosphatomanganic acid Potentiometric investigation of -. Watters and Kolthoff, 281. Tropic acid Separating __ and atropic acid by partition chromatography. Gottlieb 126. Tryptophan Colour test for -. *d-Tubocurarine chloride Assay of curare prepns. by rabbit head-drop method. Dutta and Macintosh 588. *Assay of curarizing activity in conscious mouse and rat. "Assay of - on isolated rat-diaphragm. Statistical examination. Mogey Trevan and Young 577. *Rotating drum in assessing activities of para-lysant convulsant and anaesthetic drugs.Collier Hall and Fieller 592. Tungstates Detmng. soluble molybdates and -and analysis of their mixtures. Tungsten alloys Rapid analysis of ~ and molybdenum alloys. Goryushina and Cherka-shina 661. *Analysis of high-speed tool steels by Spekker absorptiometer. Detmng. major alloying con-stituents - etc. Lennard 253. Masking of molybdenum - and vanadium reactions by fluoride. Feigl 425. New detmn. of - in steels with B-naphtha-quinoline. Golubtsova 72. *steel Detmng. tin content of - high-speed tool steel. steels Electrometric detmn. of vanadium in steels. Claassen and Corbev. 72. *Estmng. __ in air. Brain 555. Tauber 321. Collier Fieller and Hall 583. Guiter 615. Bagshawe and Dyke 249 lNDEX TO VOLUME 7.1 slvii TungSten-ca*IZi?Z ued *Studies in analytical chemistry of -.IV. Separating tungstic and arsenic acids. Lambie, 405. "Tungstic acid pptn. of protein from physiological fluids. Ram 412. *Studies in analytical chemistry of tungsten. IV. Separating - and arsenic acid. Lambie, 405. U Unsaponihble matter Report on oils fats and waxes. Fitelson 649. Unsaturation Detmng. - of synthetic and natural rubbers with iodine monochloride. Lee Kolthofi and Mairs 208. "Micro-detmn. of -. Phillips and Wake, 306. Uranium Electro-oxidation of quadrivalent -. Betts 148. *Ether extraction in detmng. --. Scott 486. Rarer elements in qualitative analysis. 11. -. Chao and Chen 673. *Recovering ~ from sodium estmn. residues.Clark 411. *Separation of beryllium aluminium - and vanadium by cupferron in systematic qualita-tive analysis. Uranous sulphate Co-pptn. of - with rare earth double sulphates. Wylie 3213. Urethane Estmng. - in blood. Archer, Chapman Rhoden and Warren 270. Urine Biochemistry of scandium and its separation as phytate. Beck 567. Chemical estmn. of oestrogens in -. Bender and Wilson 202. Colorimetric estmn. of pregnanediol in -. Guterman and Schroeder 58. Detmng. barbituric and thiobarbituric acids in biological materials. Raventos 126. Detmng. copper and lead in biological material. Copeman 566. Detmng. mannitol in plasma and -. Corcoran and Page 322. Detmng. micro quantities of citric acid in bio-logical fluids. Natelson Lugovoy and Pincus, 322.Detmng. oestrogens in human pregnancy -. New correction for brown colour developed in Kober reaction by non-oestrogenic substances. Stevenson and Marrian 202. Detmng. pregnanediol in ___ for diagnostic purposes. Huber 271. *Detmng. steroids in -. Polarographic estmn. of steroid hormones. 4. Detmng. 3 (a) and 3 (fl)-hydroxy-17-keto-steroids. Butt Henly and Morris 516. Quantitative estmn. of theophylline in blood and -. Application to dog (and man). Plummer 369. Bishop and Crawford 364. Tompsett 6. V VaIine Sodium hypochlorite in detmng. alanine, - and leucine. Aubel and Asselineau 566. Valve Membrane __ for constant gas flow. Harmsen 76. Vanadates Silver - as absorbents for sulphur dioxide. Ingram 653. *Vanadium Analysis of high-speed tool steels by Spekker absorptiometer.Detmng. major alloying constituents - etc. Lennard 253. Diphenylbenzidine as reagent for -. Hoste, 658. Electrometric detmn. of __ in steels. Claassen and Corbey 72. Masking of molybdenum tungsten and -reactions by fluoride. Feigl 426. Occurrence of - etc. in coals. Reynolds, 659. *Separating beryllium aluminium uranium and - by cupferron in systematic qualitative analysis. Bishop and Crawford 364. Separating - and boron. Weiss and Blum, 280. Vanilla Spectrophotometric detmn. of vanillin and related compounds. Lemon 568. Vanillin Spectrophotometric detmn. of - and related compounds. Lemon 568. *Van Slyke - Neil manometric apparatus for detmng. organic and inorganic carbon in soil and organic carbon in soil extracts.Vegetable(s) Commercial Fruit and ___ Products. Cruess. 3rd Edn. (Review) 77. Detmng. alcohol-insoluble solids and sugar contents of -. Moyer and Holgate. 193. products Meat Products and Canned Meat (Amendment No. 2) Order 1949 464. Separation of nickel and cobalt in micro-estmn. of copper with diethyldithiocarbamate. Cheftel, Bail Fouasson and ClaviC 374. Vegetarian butter Oils and Fats Order 1949, 191. Viscometer Capillary tube - for routine measure-ments of dilute high-polymer solutions. Wagner and Russell 330. high-polymer solutions. Wagner 330. Vitamin A Effect of temperature on fading of Carr - Price colours of __ and carotenoid pigments. Caldwell and Hughes 323. Estmng. serum - with activated glycerol dichlorohydrin.Sobel and Snow 465. Re-examination of halibut-liver oil. Relation between biological potency and ultra-violet absorption due to -. Morton and Stubbs, 202. Vitamin B, See Aneurine. *Vitamin B complex Extraction of growth factors from natural products prior to microbiological assay. Harrison 597. *Stokes method for assay of - with Neuvospora sztofihila M.299. Morris Herwig and Jones, 37. Bremner 492. Viscometry Application of corrections in - of Vitamin Bc See Folic acid. w Water(s) Accelerated measurement of penetration of - in insulation board. Wink and Van den Akker 149. analyses by selective specific conductance. Polsky 127. Chlorine dioxide in - treatment. Palin 273. Colorimetric detmn. of small quantities of iron in - with dimethylglyoxime.Lieffrig and Buron 71. *Contamination of - by trichloroethylene. Lyne and McLachlan 513. Detmng. manganese in natural -. Koroleff, 419 xlviii INDEX TO Water (s)-continued Measuring - in gases by electrical conduction in a film of hygroscopic material and use of pressure changes in calibration. Weaver and Riley 75. New detmn. of -. Potentiometric detmn. of small amounts of carbon dioxide and hydrochloric acid in presence of each other in distilled -. Analytical contrilpion for existence of barium bicarbonate. Ciita and Kohn 68. Volumetric micro-detmn. of - in minerals. Rulfs 572. Waxes Report on oils fats and -. Fitelson, 649. West Indian citrus fruits Composition of seed fats of -. West Sussex Appointment of V. C. Branson as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst for Administrative County of - 191. Whale meat Meat Products and Canned Meat (Amendment No. 2) Order 1949 464. oil Component acids and glycerides of -. Hilditch and Maddison 414. Wheat flours Specific surface of -. Detmn. by air permeability method. Lyon Pennington, and Boley 194. Polarimetric detmn. of starch in cereal products. Clendenning 125. *products Detmng. aneurine in uncooked -. Ridyard 18. Wool fat Estmng. residual - in tops oiled with B.M. (blended mineral) oil. Clark and Thomas, 135. hydrolysates Separation of acidic amino acids with synthetic anion exchange resin. Consden, Gordon and Martin 416 Worts Strain of Lactobacillus plantarum for estmng. antiseptic power of hops hopped - and beers. Kulka and Walker 63. Pesez 424. Dunn Hilditch and Riley 367. X X-ray absorption Chemical analysis based on -measurements with multiplier phototube. I. Solids and liquids. 11. Gases. Liebhafsky, Smith Tanis and Winslow 220. Y *Yeast Plate method for assay of aneurine in -and - products. Jones and Morris 333. VOLUME 74 *Ytterbium Analysis of rare earth oxides by emission spectra. I. Persistent lines in arc spectra of rare earth elements. Smith and Wiggins 95; Suppression of cyanogen bands in carbon arc spectra of rare earth oxides. Wiggins 10 1. *-lpplications of intermittent A.C. arc. 11. Detmng. rare earths. McClelland 529. *Yttrium Analysis of rare earth oxides by emission spectra. I. Persistent lines in arc spectra of rare earth elements. Smith and Wiggins 95; Suppression of cyanogen bands in carbon arc spectra of rare earth oxides. Wiggins 101. *Applications of intermittent A.C. arc. 11. Detmng. rare earths. McClelland 529. Z Zeaxanthin Effect of temperature on fading of Carr - Price colours of vitamin A and carotenoid pigments. Caldwell and Hughes 323. Zinc alloys Polarographic copper - and manganese detmns. in aluminium and -. SpAlenka 425. alloys Polarographic method for copper lead, and iron using pyrophosphate background solution. Reynolds and Rogers 658. *Detcng. semi-micro quantities of - in cobalt salts. Johnson and Johnson 661. *Detmng. poisonous metals (copper lead and -) in edible gelatin. Scott-Dodd 118. Fractional titration of amalgams as method of analysis of easily fusible metals. Tsimmergakl and Khaymovich 613. Polarographic copper - and manganese detmns. in aluminium and - alloys. SpAlenka 425. Removal of manganese in detmng. - calcium, and magnesium in manganese ores and products. Evans 523. Electrolytic and polarographic detmn. of - in thorium. Patterson and Banks 570. *Zirconium Detmng. - in minerals and refrac-tories by tannin method. Holness and Kear, 505. Zirconyl phosphate Pptn. of mono- and di- -and use of zirconyl salts for separation and detmn. of phosphoric acid. Stumper and Mettelock 328. Zirconyl salts Pptn. of mono- and di-zirconyl phosphate and use of - for separation and detmn. of phosphoric acid. Stumper and Mettelock 328. Zizyphus Spina- Christi. Sudan seed oils. Grindley, 415. _________ PRINTED BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD CAMBRIDGE. ENGLAN
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