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Volume 39,
Issue 1,
Page 001-068
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T H E L. AKCHBUTT F.I.C. EDWARD J. BEVAN F.I.C. BERTRAM BLOUNT F. I. C. CECIL H. CRIBB B.Sc. F.I.C. BERNARD DYER D.Sc. F.I.C. THOMAS FAIRLEY F.I.C. OTTO HEHNER F.I.C. ANALYST: J. T. HEWITT D.Sc. PH.D. M.A. F.R.S. E. HINKS B.Sc. F.I.C. R. LESSING PH.D. ARTHUR R. LING F.I.C. P. A. ELLIS RICHARDS F.I.C. J. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER PH.D. F.I.C. E. W. VOELCKER F.I.C. THE ORGAN OF THE Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO T H E ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY lPubIfcatfon Committee : EbttOr JULIAN L. BAKER F.I.C. Bbetractors : J. F. BRIGGS A.C.G.I. I C. A. MITCHELL M.A. F.I.C. H. F. E. HULTON A.I.C. 0. E. MOTT PH.D. G. C. JONES A.C.G.I. F.I.C. W. P. SKERTCHLY F.I.C. E. WECHSLER Ph.D. VOL. XXXIX. 1 9 1 4 .TRADE AGENTS : SIMPKIN MARSHALL HAMILTON KENT 4 CO. LTD., 1915 2 4 6 8 ORANGE STREET LONDON S.W INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. INDEX OF NAMES. XBDERHALDEN E. Utility of the Dialysis Method in Clinical and Biological Problems, Adams H. M. Commercial Papain and its Analysis 444 Adler L. Estimation of Amino- Acid and Polypeptide-Nitrogen in Barley Malt and Agulhon H. Albright A. R. Hydrogen Value of Some Essential Oils and Essential Oil Products. Alder A. and Coolbaugh M. F. Volumetric Estimation of Lead 373 Alleman G. Quantity and Character of Creosote in Well-Preserved Timbers 496 Allen H. C. Electrolytic Reduction of Iron for Permanganate Titration 328 Aloy J. and Rabaut C. Detection of Morphine and Phenols by Means of Uranium Ambronn H. Examination of Nitrocelluloses with the Polarising Microscope 94 Ames J.W. and Gaither E. W. Estimation of Carbon in Soils and Soil Extracts 449 Amos S. L. Anderson A. A. Furfural in Cider Vinegar 256 - V. G. Influence of Weather Conditions upon the Amounts of Nitric Acid and of Nitrous Acid in the Rainfall 501 Andrews E. R. Angerhausen J. . Appleby M. P. Determination of Viscosity 104 Arendt O. Shaking Apparatus 284 Armani G. and Barboni J. Analysis of Adhesive Soluble Substances 252 Arnold H. Analysis of High-Grade Metallic Tungsten 505 - Analysis of Pyrophoric Alloys of Cerium and Iron 415 -__- Detection of Sesame Oil in Margarine Containing Colouring Substances 86 Amy H. V. and Schaefer H. H. Estimation of Casein by Means of Ferric Ammonium Sulphate 496 Asch D.Asch W. and Asch D. The Silicates in Chemistry and Commerce Including the Exposition of a Hexite and Pentite Theory of a Stereo-Chemical Theory of General Application Review 201 Atkins W. R. G. Guaiacum Resin as a Reagent for the Detection of Oxydases and of Minute Traces of Copper 39 Atkinson H. M. Auerbach F. and Pick H. Action of Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate Solutions on - Behaviour of Lead Carbonate Basic Lead Carbonate, 223 Beer by Titration with Acid after Treatment with Formaldehyde 257 1. Oils of Sassafras Anise Fennel Clove and Pimento 557 See Bertrand G. and Agulhon H. Salts 438 See Day F. E. and Amos S. L. See Coste J. H. and Andrews E. R. See Berg P. and Angerhausen J. See also Nottbohm F. E. and Angerhausen J. W. Butter Fat Content of Margarine 216 See Bsch W.and Asch D. See Boyd J. G. and Atkinson H. M. Difficultly Soluble Lead Salts 143 and Lead Sulphate towards Alkali Carbonate Solutions 5 i V INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. Azadian A. Estimation of Haematin in Blood 262 -- Estimation of the Alkaloids Application to Preparations of Nux Vomica 122 Bach A. Delicacy of the Peroxydase Reaction 402 Bachmann F. New Seal for Prevention of Aeration in De-aerated Liquids 509 Bacon C. W. See Rosanoff M. R. Bacon C. W. and White R. H -- R. F. See Brooks B. T. and Bacon R. F. - W. Bailey E. M. Some Reactions of Chrysophanic Acid with Reference to its Detection - L. H. Non-Uniformity of Drying-Oven Temperatures 457 Baker J. L. Reports to the Local Government Board 11. On the Analysis and R.T. and Smith H. G. Correlation between the Specific Characters of the Ball T. R. and Smith G. M. Volumetric Estimation of Titanium by Means of Bang J. Micro-Estimation of Sugar in Blood 90 Bannister C. O. and Du Vergier E. A. The Determination of Iridium in Platinum-Barger G. The Simpler Natural Bases Review 574 Baragiola W. I. and Godet C. Method of Expressing Results of Wine Analyses according to the Latest Chemico-Physical Principles 127 -__ and Schuppli O. Estimation of Lactic Acid in Wine by Moslinger’s Barium Chloride Method 397 Barbieri N. A. Proximate Analysis of Wheat 441 Barboni J. Bard& J. Barnebey 0. L. Permanganate Titration of Iron in Presence of Chlorides 415 Barry F. Barthel C. and SondBn K. Detection of Coconut Oil in Butter Fat by Means of Barton A W.Baskerville C. Apparatus for Taking Dust and Bacteria Samples of Air 283 Baur E. and Trumpler G. Colorimetric Estimation of Creatine 309 Baxter G. P. Convenient Standard End-Point in Titration of Alkali Carbonates with -- and Grover F. L. Resistance of Platinum Vessels to Hot Nj tric Acid 382 Beadle C. and Stevens H. P. Apparatus for the Drying of Paper for Test Purposes, - Dry and Wet Strengths of Paper and Paper Yarns 322 Beam W. Determination of Humus in Heavy Clay Soils 132 Beckeft E. G. Determination of Nitrogen in Gun-cotton by Means of the Nitro-Bedford M. H. and Pfanstiel R. Method for the Estimation of Zinc in Treated BQhal A. Analysis of Essential Oils 396 Belencki E. See Woker G. and Belencki E. Bender A. W. Estimation of Mercuric Iodide in Tablets 493 Bennett C.W. Kenny H. C. and Dugliss R.P. Electrolytic Separation of Nickel, See Tindall R. W. and Bacon W. in Complex Medicinal Preparations 353 Composition of Some Proprietary Foods for Infants 464 Tasmanian and Australian Eucalypts 435 Ferric Chloride 563 Iridium Alloys 340 --. See Von der Heide C. and Baragiola W. I. See Armani G. and Barboni J. See Boulanger C. and Bard& J. -- Silver-Plated Copper Gauze Electrode in Zinc Determination 382 See Richards T. W. and Barry F. Polenske’s Distillation Method and Bomer’s Phytosteryl Acetate Test 254 See Long J. H. and Barton A. W. Hydrochloric Acid 268 508 meter 409 Wood 564 45 ISDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. V Berg P. and Angerhausen J. Unsaponifiable Constituents of Mowrah Fat and the Detection of this Fat in Animal and Vegetable Fats, 310 - Unsaponifiable Constituents of Shea Butter and their Relation to those of Mowrah Fat 440 Bernhardt - Determination of Early Stages of Pregnancy 177 Bertrand G.and Agulhon H. Estimation of Boric Acid in Foods 123 ---.-,--- Occurrence of Borid Acid in Milk and in Eggs 123 Besson A. A. Estimation of Fatty Acids in Soaps 311 Bhaduri K. Essential Oil of Ocymum Pilosum Rod. 438 Bianchi A, and Malatesta G. Waxes from Flax and Hemp 560 Bianchini G. See Canzoneri F. and Bianchini G. Bingham E. C. New Viscometer for General Scientific and Technical Purposes 284 Bizsel J. A. and Lyon T. L. Estimation of the Lime Requirement of Soils 90 Blair H. See Collins S. H. and Blair H. Bland N. and Lloyd L.L. Estimation of Aldoses (Part I.) Action of Neutral Blanksma J. J. Detection of Methyl Alcohol and Ethyl Alcohol 184 Bloor W. R. Nephelometric Method for the Determination of Fat in Milk 356 Blount B. Backer E. Determination of the Hydrocarbon Content of Concentrated Lemon Bode G. and Wlokka A. New German Standards for Malt Analysis 436 Bodnitr J. Detection and Approximate Estimation of Traces of Thiosulphates in -- Estimation of Thiosulphate in Presence of Sulphite 101 Bomer A. Kronig R. Ley R. and Merten H. Detection of Beef-Fat in Lard 171 -- Limprich R. Kronig R. and Kuhlmann J. Detection of Beef-Fat in Bonis - Composition of Rums 401 Bornemann E. Extraction of Finely Powdered Substances 420 Bosshard E. and Huggenberg W. Estimation of Free Alkali in Soaps 140 Boswell M.C. Estimation of Oxygen in Organic Compounds 135 Bosworth A. W. Use of Sodium Citrate for Determination of Reverted Phosphoric Boulanger C. and Bard& J . Presence of Gallium in Commercial Aluminium 53 Bourion F. and SQnQchal A, Estimation of Chromium by Oxidation in Alkaline Boyd J. G. and Atkinson H. M, Simple Thermo-Regulator 63 Brady W. Determination of Carbon in Steel by the Direct Combustion Method 560 Brrtndt L. Application of Diphenylcarbohydrazide (Diphenylcarbazide) as Indicator -___-_ Destruction of Organic Matter in Bog Iron Ore 372 --_ Quantitative Separation of Arsenic from the Metals by Means of Hypo-Bridgman J. A. See Lundell G. E. F. and Bridgman J. A. Brock F. P. See Redman L. V. Weith A. J. and Brock F. P. Brooks B.T. and Bacon R. F. Fluorescence of Petroleum Distillates 446 Brown A. L. Quantitative Determination of Body and Solvent in Varnish 560 Browning K. C. und Symons C. T. Alcohol Estimation in the Tropics 480 Brubaker H. W. Some Natural Indicators 499 Brunck O. Estimation of Nickel by Means of Dimethylglyoxime 375 -_ Method of Estimating Very Small Quantities of Boric Acid in Organic Substances 96 Sodium Hypoiodite 556 See Woodcock W. H, and Blount B. Oils 185 Sulphites 147 Lard 84 Acid 276 Solution 143 in Titration of Iron with Dichromate 91 phosphorous Acid 26 v1 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. Brunt C. Van Volumetric Estimation of Titanium and Chromium by Means of a -- Nitrogen Generator 422 Buchner G. and Deckert R. Commercial Analysis of Beeswax 123 Budde C.Extraction Apparatus Specially Designed for Solvents of High Specific Buhn T. Bunzel H. H. and Haselbring H. Thermo-Regulator for Electrically Regulated Burberg W. See Konig J. and Burberg W. Burgess G. K. and Sale P. D. Thermo-Electric Method for the Determination of Burgwin J. H. K. Relation of Composition of Ash in Coal to its Fusing Tempera-Burian J. and Juranek J. Rational Analysis of Clays 499 Burke C. E. and Scalione C. C. Investigations on Oil of Black Sage 559 Burn J. H. Herzig and Meyer's Reaction Applied to Proteins and Amino-Acids 317 Burnebey 0. L. Detection of Cyanides in Presence of Ferro and Ferricyanides and Burrell G. A, and Seibert F. M. Errors in Gas Analysis Due to Assuming that the Gas Analysis by Fractional Distillation at Low Modified Reductor 419 Gravity 240 Constant Temperature Chambers 336 the Purity of Platinum Wire 381 ture 445 See Kirpal A.and Buhn T. Thiocyanates 365 Molecular Volumes of All Gases are Alike 231 Temperatures 414 Burrows G. J. Inversion of Cane Sugar by Acids in Water-Alcohol Solutions 323 Busch M. Estimation of Halogens in Organic Compounds 367 Busvold N. Gravimetric Estimation of Nitrites 145 Gain J. R. Determination of Carbon in Steel and Iron by the Barium Carbonate Cammidge P. J. The Faeces of Children and Adults Review 242 Campbell E. D. Titration Method 373 See Carney R. J. and Campbell E. D. Examination of a Source of Error in Certain Dynamicel Methods 511 in Presence of Sunlight 255 Fehling's Solution 133 F. H. New Method for the Determination of Vapour Pressures and an Campos N.Detection of Saponin in Aerated Waters 440 Canzoneri F. and Bianchini G. Rancidity of Olive Oil and Oxidation of Oleic Acid Carles P. Occurrence of Fluorine in Reagents 231 Carletti O. New Indicator for Use in Determining End-Point in Titrations with Carlson J. Solubility of Atmospheric Oxygen in Water 55 Carney R. J. and Campbell E. D. Estimation of Thorium in Monazite Sand 378 Carre P. See Hanriot M. C a d P. Seyewetz A. Charabot E. and HBbert A. Carter P. G. Method by which the Corrected Sikes's Tables in Use in India for Determining the Proof Strengths of Spirits at Temperatures from 40° F. to 100" F. by Sikes's Hydrometer were Calculated 532 Cavaignac H. Precipitation of Aluminium in Presence of Fluorides 269 Ceccherelli A.Chandelon T. Analysis of Waste Acids from Nitrocellulose Manufacture 183 Chapin R. M. Preparation of Dry Starch Soluble in Cold Water for Use as an Chapman A. C. Nitrogenous Constituents of Hops 492 Charabot E. See Hanriot M. Card P. Seyewetz A. Charabot E. and Hdbert A. Charitschkow K. Colour Reactions of Organic Compounds with Trichloroacetic Acid, See Tortelli M. and Ceccherelli A. Indicator 451 41 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. vii Chattopadhyay P. C. Estimation of Volatile Oils in Aromatic Plants Drugs and Chelle L. Estimation of Carbohydrates and Lactic Acid in Blood and Other Physio-Chlopin W. Chodat R. and Kummer R. H. Detection of Peptides in Urine by the p-Cresol Christian M. Disinfection and Disinfectants Review 66 Clark W. M.Improved Thermo-Regulator 104 Clausmann P. Clotworthy H. G. S. Cocking T. T. and Kettle J. D. Analytical Characters of Benzoin 393 Cohen J. B. Organic Chemistry for Advanced Students. Cole H. I. -- S. W. Estimation of Lactose by the Copper-Iodide Method 324 Collins S. H. and Blair H. The Rate of Liberation of Hydrocyanic Acid from Compagno I. New Method for Electro-Analysis of White Metals 52 Condelli S. Detection and Estimation of Saccharin 401 Coninck W. O. de Colour Reaction of Succinic and Malic Acids 186 Cook F. C. Distribution of Nitrogen in Vegetable Yeast and Meat Extracts 444 Coolbrtugh M. F. Corfield C. E. and Pratt W. R. Determination of Iron in Presence of Phosphoric Acid 416 Coste J. H. and Andrews E. R. Fuel Gaseous Solid and Liquid Review 575 Coutts F.J. H. Reports to the Local Government Board I. On the Use of Pro-Cramer B. J. Cripps R. A. and Wright A. G. Note on the Presence of Sulphates in Flour 429 Gumming A. C. and Kay S. A. A Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, Gurtman L. J. and Marcus J. K. Separation of the Copper and Tin Groups 371 Daish A. J. Methods of Estimation of Carbohydrates 111. The Cupric-Reducing Danckwortt P. W. Estimation of Silver in Collargol and Organic Liquids 278 Daniels F. C. T. Estimation of Chromium and Manganese in Iron and Steel 454 Darabsett D. B. Datta R. L. Estimation of Semicarbazide by its Interaction with Halogens and Davis W. A, and Daish A. J. Estimation of Starch in Plant Material 312 Day A. A. See Kendall A. I. Day A. A. and Walker A. W. - F.E. and Amos S. L. Temperature Corrections to be Applied to the Specific Dean A. L. See Downs C. R. and Dean A. L. Debourdeaux - Estimation of Morphine in Acid Opium Solutions 31 Deckert R. See Buchner G. and Deckert R. Dede L. Formation of Sediment in Bottled Mineral Waters. Degrazia J. von Tobacco Resins 220 Dehn W. M.,and Hartruann F. A. Comparison of Various Preservatives for Urine 177 - Picrate Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of Spices by the Tailameter 35 logical Liquids 551 Tyrosinase Reaction 555 See Tschugaeff L. and Chlopin W. See Gautier A. and Clausmann P. See Thompson W. H. Wallace J. A. and Clotworthy H. G. S. Vol. II. Review 106 See Gooch F. A. and Cole H. I. Linseed 70 See Alder A. and Coolbaugh M. F. prietary Foods for Infant Feeding 464 See Sinnatt F S.and Cramer B. J. Review 240 Power of the Pentoses-Xylose and Arabinose 555 - . See Davis W. A. and Daish A. J. See Warth F. J. and Darabsett D. B. Halogen Oxyacids 323 Gravities of Malt Worts and Beers 256 Estimation of Silica, Iron and Aluminium in Mineral Waters 126 -Carbohydrates 18 . Vlll INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. Dehn W. M. and Hartmann F. A. ‘‘ Urinod,” the Cause of the Characteristic Odour of Urine 554 -_- Volatile Substances of Urine 554 Deiss E. Standardisation of Volumetric Arsenite Solutions 271 Derby I. H. and Marden J. W. Method for Electrolytic Heating and Regulation of Desgrez A. and Moore R. Estimation of Urea 412 Dewey F. P. Determination of Silver and Base Metal in Precious Metal Bullion 502 Diedrichs A.Dienert F. New Nephelometer and its Use in Analysis 283 Dieterich K. Peru Balsam 400 Dillon T. Doherty W. M. Determination of Vanillin 220 Thermostats 64 See Sprinkmeyer H. and Diedrichs A. See Ryan H. and Dillon T. Estimation of Carbon Dioxide in Air 324 Flame Test for Chloral Hydrate 217 See Weiser St. and Donath H. C. Donath H. C. Dons R. Reductase (Fermentation-Reductase) Test 224 Dorner A. Titration of Small Quantities of Carbonic Acid 143 Doroschevski A. an.d Dvorzanceyk S. Applicability of Conductivity Methods in Dorta G. Dott D. B. Estimation of Strychnine in Presence of Brucine 394 Downs C. R. and Dean A. L. Composition of Water-Gas Tar 369 Dowzard E. Estimation of Camphor in Tablets and Pills 353 Dreaper W. P. Determination of Malt Extract 407 Drummond J.C. Dubois W. L. Report on Cocoa and Cocoa Products 123 Dubovitz H. Estimation of the Weight of a Substance by Titration 194 Dubrisay R. New Physico-Chemical Volumetric Method 330 Dubsky J. V. Quantitative Micro-Elementary Analysis of Organic Substances by Duccini C. New Method of Estimating Mercury 144 Dufty L. Estimation of Cobalt in High-speed Steels 503 Dugliss R. P. Duprk H. A. See Lynde C. J. and Dupr6 H. A. Durand H. Estimation of Saccharin in Foods 86 Du Verdier E. A. See Bannister C. O. and Du Verdier E. A. Duyser C . A. and Lewis W. K. Method for Determining the Value of Disinfectants, Dvorzanczyk S. Examination of Natural Waters 149 See Fachini S. and Dorta, G. See Rosenheim O. and Drummond J. C. F. Pregl’s Methods 280 See Bennett C.W. Kenny H. C. and Dugliss R. P. 261 See Doroschevski A. and Dvorzanczyk S. Ebler E. Estimation of Radium by the Emanation Method 58 Eck J. J. van Estimation of Dissolved Oxygen in Water 55 Eckert A. Estimation of Nitrogen in Nitro-Compounds by Kjeldahl’s Method 93 Edeleanu L. Separation of Hydrocarbons by Means of Liquid Sulphur Dioxide 321 Edwards J. D. Estimation of Ammonia in Illuminating Gas 369 Eegriwe E. Sensitiveness of Various Reagents for Lead 374 Egerton A. C. Heat Test of Explosives 184 Eijkman C. Fermentation Test at 46’ C. as an Aid in Water Examination 129 Ellms J. W. and Hauser S. J Effect of Ferric Salts and Nitrites on the o-Tolidine --7 Orthotolodine as Reagent for Colorimetric Estima-and Starch Iodide Tests for Free Chlorine 454 tion of Small Quantities of Free Chlorine 46 Elsdon G.D. The Composition of Palm-Kernel Oil 7 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. Elsdon G. D. Emery W. O. Estimation of Acetanilide and Phenacetin in Admixture 433 --_ and Palkin S. Estimation of Antipyrin 480 Engeland R. Detection and Estimation of Monamino- Acids 316 Engler C. Sieveking H. and Koenig A, Fontactoscope for Measuring the Radio--- Measurement of Radio-Activity of Springs, See Liverseege J. F. and Elsdon G. D. Activity of Spring Waters 423 277 Erban F. Estimation of Ricinoleic Acid in Oils 410 Eskew M. H. See Miller E. R. Taylor G. W. and Eskew M. H. Fachini S. and Dorta G. Note on the Fatty Acids and Detection of Arachidic Acid, Fahrion W. Analysis of Turkey-Red Oil 48 Fairlie A.M. Pitot-Tubes for Measurement of Gas Velocities 456 Balk K. G. and Sugiura K. Experiments with Castor Bean Urease (Studies on Fanto R. Detection of Small Quantities oE Rye Flour in Wheat Flour 400 Farbell R. F. Estimation of Arsenic in Hydrochloric and Sulphuric Acids 370 Feder E. Polarimetric Estimation of Lactose in Milk 399 Fegely W. H. See Lee R. E. Trickey J. P. and Fegely W. H. Feild A. L. Electrical Contact Vapour-Pressure Thermoregulator 154 Fenmoli P. Essential Oil of Citrus Sinensis 558 Fendler G. and Stiiber W. Estimation of Caffeine in Coffee 394 Fincke H. Detection of Formaldehyde and of Formaldehyde Compounds by Means Finzi C. Organic Phosphoric Acid Compounds in Concentrated Musts and Wines 398 Fischer I<. and Wewerinke J. Detection of Beef Fat in Lard by Polenske’s and Fleissig - Bernadot’s Vinometer 457 Fletcher A.L. Estimation of Radium in Radio-Active Substances 57 Florentin D. Foehr C. Forbester R. E. Fornet A. Rapid Estimation of Water in Foods and Feeding StuBs 36 Fosse R. Gravimetric Estimation of Urea in Urine 362 -- Identification of Urea and its Precipitation from very Dilute Solutions 48 -- Quantitative Gravimetric Estimation of Urea 268 Fox P. J. Titration of Calcium and Magnesium in the Same Solution 51 Frangois M. Estimation of Caffeine in Kola Preparations 31 -- Extraction Apparatus 61 Frankforter G. B. New Apparatus for Estimation of Hydrogen Sulphide in Water. Freese -. See Sisley P. and Freese -. Fresenius R. and Grtinhut L. Apparatus for the Approximate Estimation of Free Carbon Dioxide in Mineral Waters 238 Freund M.Simple Extraction Apparatus 381 Frey O. Valuation of Pepsin 130 Friedmann A. Analyses of Waters from Thermal Springs in Palestine 102 Friedrichs F. Modified Lothar Meyer’s Apparatus for the Purification of Mercury 151 Fritzsche M. Detection of Phytosterol in Animal Fats 84 Frost W. D. Pipettometer 509 Furlong J. R. The Estimation of Hydrocyanic Acid in Feeding-Stuffs and its Occur-122 Enzyme Action XI.) 553 of Schiffs Reagent containing Hydrochloric Acid 172 Bomer’s Methods 216 See Kling A. Genin V. tmd Florentin D. See Wiistenfeld H. and Foehr C. See Paterson J. H. and Forbester R. E. Part I. 457 rence in Millet and Guinea Corn 430 X INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. Gaither E. W. Gardner H. A.Composition of Paint Vapours 265 Garn W. von. See Meyer J. and Garn W. von. Gaunt R. Viscosity of Rubber Solutions 322 Gautier A, and Clausniann P. Fluorine in Mineral Waters 401 Gauvin R. and Skarzynski V. Rapid Estimation of Different Sulphur Compounds Geake J. J. Gelin E. See Kling A. and Gelin E. Genin V. See Kling A. Genin V. and Florentin D. Gemmell A. The Insoluble Bromide Value of Oils and its Determination 297 Gerasimov A. High Temperature Thermostat 153 Germann F. E. E. Gerum J. Estimation of Ivory-Nut Meal in Flours and Fodders 218 Gilbert H. N. Manostat for Use in Gas Analysis 458 Gillet R. Comparative Study of Different Methods of Determining Cane-Sugar in Beet Products by the Double Polarisation Process 435 Gillett H. W. and Norton A. B.Approximate Melting-Points of Some Commercial Copper Alloys 98 Glauser R. Tellurium Dioxide for Combustion Analyses 192 Gluud W. and Kempf B. Stirring Apparatus 422 Godet C. Gooch F. A. and Cole H. I. Use of Telluric Acid in Estimation of Bromine Asso- Reckert F. C. and Kuzirian S. B. Dehydration and Separation of Silica 190 Goodnow E. H, Gori G. Use of Carbon Tetrachloride in the Extraction and Estimation of the Active Gortner R. A. Device to Assist Filtration by Suction 508 Gothe F. Colorimetric Estimation of Iron in Water 333 Goujon -. Gowing- Scopes L. The Properties of Some Chlorhydrocarbons and their Uaes in Chemical Analysis 4 385 Goy S. Gravimetric Estimation of Calcium as Oxalate 50 Graber H. T. Assay of Digestive Ferments 359 - Malt Extract 356 Graham J.I. and Winmill T. F. Estimation of Carbon iMonoxide 445 Graves S. A, and Kober P. A. ‘‘ Tricresol ” as a Substitute for Toluene in Enzyme See Ames J. &I. and Gaither E. W. in Urine 101 See Lander G. D. and Geake J. J. See Guye P. A. and Germann F. E. E. See Baragiola W. T. and Godet G. ciated with Chlorine in Haloid Salts 331 See Tolman L. M. and Goodnow E. H. Principles of Drugs and Nedicinal Plants 255 See Marchadier - and Goujon -. Work 263 -- . See Kober P. A. and Graves S. A. Gray F. W. Adiabatic Colorimeter 281 Gray T. Automatic Gaa-Sampling Apparatus with Some Observations on Sampling, Grey E. C. Volumetric Estimation of Carbon in Aliphatic Substances in the Wet Griesbach W. and Straszner H. Estimation of Sugar in Blood 90 Griese E.Detection of Minute Quantities of Phlorrhizin Alone and in Presence of Griffin M. L. Chemical Valuation of Wood for Pulp 451 Grimbert L. and Laudat M. Estimation of Lipoids in Blood-Serum 176 Grimme C. A Skilfully Adulteradied Cacao Butter 216 - Cacao Butter Substitute 434 - Estimation of Husks in Cottonseed Cakes and Meals 173 103 Way 556 Phlorin 41 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. x1 Grimwood R. G. Analysis of Crude Glycerol by the International Standard Methods, 1911. Grossfeld J. Estimation of Crude Fibre in Finely Powdered Substances 218 -- , Grover F. L. Grube G. and Kriiger J. Volumetric Estimation of Cyanamide 365 Grunhut L. See Fresenius R. and Griinhut L. Grutzner R. Estimation of Iodine in Organic Substances 367 Guareschi I. Detection of Bromides in Presence of Thiocyanates and Ferrocyanides, 187 --- Detection of Bromides in Presence of Thiocyanates and Ferrocyanides : Action of Chromic Acid on Cyanogen Bromide 412 -_- Detection of Bromine in Gases and Vapours.VII. Communication 271 Gude K. Gubrin G. Identification of Traces of Strychnine by Means of Manganese Carbonate, 357 Gutbier A. and Huber J. Gravimetric Estimation of Tellurium 379 Gutmann S. and Schlesinger F. Estimation of Chlorine in Blood Serum 223 Guye P. A. and Germann F. E. E. Analysis of Very Small Quantities of Gas : Estimation of Organic Residue 34 See Konig J. and Grossfeld J. See Baxter G. P. and Grover F. L. See Pinoff F. and Gude K. -- and Weise G. L. Separation and Estimation of Tungstic Acid 379 Application to Air Analysis 413 Haar A.W. van der Estimation of Benzoyl in Benzoyl Derivatives 405 Haber F. Fire-Damp Whistle 193 Hackl O. Separation of Iron and Manganese 272 Haglund E. See Weigmann -9 and Haglund E. Hahn A. Vacuum-Jacketed Thermometer 154 Hall C. and Howell S. P. Tests of Permissible Explosives (Report) 286 Halla F. Separation of Calcium from Magnesium 142 Hanriot M. CarrQ P. Seyewetz A. Charabot E. and HQbert A, Principes d’Analyse et de Synthdse en Chimie Organique Review 383 Hansson N. Method for Calculating the Value of Foods from the Point of View of Milk Production. 171 Harding H G. A. Notes on the Determination of the Cineol Content of Eucalyptus Oils 475 Harries C. Physical Constants of Isoprene 406 Hart E. B. and Lamb A. R. Occurrence of Methyl Alcohol in Corn Silage 549 Hart F.Estimation of Blast-Furnace Slag in Portland Cement 187 Hartmann F. A. Hartung E. J. New Method for Determining the Specific Heats of Liquids 510 Hartwig L. and Schellbach H. Colorimetric Estimation of Small Quantities of Haselbring H. Hassler C. Hauser E. Detection and Estimation of Gaseous Hydrocarbons in the Water of Haussding F. Estimation of Citric Acid Soluble Phosphoric Acid in Basic Slag 377 HLussler E. P.; Colour Reactions for Citric Acid 395 See Dehn W. U. and Hartmann F. A. Manganese in Water 54 See Bunzel H. H. and Haselbring H. See Heuser G. and Hassler C. Mineral Springs 227 S. J. See Ellms J. W. and Hauser S. J. - Composition of the Radicles of Cacao Beans 308 - Reactions of Vanillin 315 Hayden E.M. jun. Hazen A. Clean Water and How to Get I t Review 473 HQbert A. See Thornton W. M. jun. and Hayden E. M. jun. See Hanriot M. CarrB P. Seyewetz A, Charabot E. and HQbert A xii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. Heide C. von der and Baragiola W. I. Difference between the Proportion of Acid Heidenhain M. Treatment of Sinews particularly by the Application of Ruthenium Heiduschka A, Bromine Thermal Value of Turpentine Oil 314 Heinze R. Apparatus for Estimation of Small Quantities by Electrolysis with the Henry J. A, The Plant Alkaloids Review 104 Herzberg W. Identification of Rosin and Glue Sizings 411 Herzfeld E. Estimation of Tryptophane 47 Heubner W. Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in the Pressnce of Phosphoric Acid Esters 559 - and Stadler H. Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Phytin 560 Heuser G.and Hassler C. Detection of Extracted Paprika 174 Hevesy G. von. Hibbard P. L. Study of Pemberton-Kilgore Method for Determination of Phosphoric Acid 100 Hill C. A. Pharmaceutical Chemical Standards 439 Hintz E. Estimation of Iron in Iron Ores 144 Holde D. and Meyerheim G. Estimation of Asphaltic Matters in Dark Mineral Oils 178 Holden H. C. and James C. Separation of Yttrium from the Yttrium Earths. Part I. 280; Part II. 420 Holland E. B. Estimation of the Acetyl Value of Oils Fats etc. 362 Holmberg B. Titration of Potassium Xanthate 9’5 Holmes A. Hondovsky H. Estimation of Allantoin in Urine 263 Hottenroth V. Method of Estimating Formic Acid 320 Hottinger R. ‘‘ Lacmosol,” the Active Constituent of Lacmoid 556 --- Modifications of the Kjeldahl Method of Estimating Nitrogen 227 Rough A.T. Application of Tungsten Salts to the Analysis of Tanning Materials 507 Houston A. C. Metropolitan Water Board. Howell S. P. Huber J. Hudson C. S. Method of Preparing Strong Invertase Solutions from Top and Bottom Huggenberg W. Hunder M. and Suleimann A. Solubility of Silica and Rendering Silica Insoluble Hutchinson H. B. and MacLennan K. Determination of Lime Requirements of Huttner C. Colorimetric Estimation of Cobalt Nickel Iron and Copper 326 and the Degree of Acidity of Wine 221 Red and the Mallory Connective Tissue Stain 89 Rotating Cathode 334 See Paneth F. and Hevesy G. von See Jacobson C. A. and Holmeg A. Tenth Research Report 514 See Hall C. and Howell S.P. See Gutbier A. and Huber J. Yeasts 443 See Bosshard E. and Huggenberg W. in Acid Solutions 191 Soil 450 - Determination of Soil Carbonates 562 Ipiens A. Note on Lux’s Method for the Estimation of Lead Peroxide 328 Isnard E. Detection of Picric Acid in Urine 224 Itano A. Ivanov V. N. New and Sensitive Reaction of Lead 274 See Suchtelen F. H. H. van and Itano A. Jackson L. C. McNab L. and Rothera A. C. H. Electrical Conductivity of Milk. Electrometric Determination of End-Point in Manufacture of Sweetened Con-densed Milk 174 Jacobsohn F. Estimation of Loading in Caoutchouc Mixtures according to the Standards of the Verband deutscher Elektrotechniker 9 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. . Xlll Jacobson C. A, and Holmes A, Enzymes Present in Alfalfa (Lucerne) 552 James C.- . - . Jamieson G. S. a7zd Wrenshall R. Estimation of Titanium as Phosphate 279 Jaubert G. F. Analysis of Jenkins W. M. Estimation of Podophyllum Resin 439 Joassart N. Johnstone S. J. Analysis of Monazites 189 Jolles A. Estimation of Urea 95 Joly J. Temperature of Sublimation 153 Joseph A. E. and Rae W. N. Notes on Alcoholometry II. 532 JurAnek J. See Holden H. C. and James C. See also Morgan J. C. and James C. See also Smith T. O. and James C. Silicol ” and Other Silicon Compounds Used for the Production of Hydrogen 147 See Koninck L. L. de and Joassart N. See Burjan J. and Jurhek J. Kantorowicz H. Analysis of Petroleum Oil and Paraffin Wax 42 266 Kay S. A. See Cumming A. C. and Kay S. A. Kedesdy E. Volumetric Estimation of Sulphurous Acid 331 Kempf R.See Gluud W. and Kempf R. Kendall A. I. Day A. A, and Walker A. W. Studies in Bacterial Metabolism in Milk 494 Kenny H. C. See Bennett C. W. Kenny H. C. and Dugliss R. P. Kerr R. H. Detection of Nickel in Fats 254 Kettle J. D. See Cocking T. T. and Kettle J. D. Kirpal A. and Biihn T. Estimation of Methoxyl in Compounds containing Sulphur, Klein R. and Reinau E. Carbon Dioxide and Plants 260 Klimont J. and Meisl E. Chmacteristics of Stag’s Fat 32 Kling A, and Gelin E. Separation and Estimation of Beryllium 232 - Apparatus for Testing the Volatility or Oxidisability of Oils 334 265 and Lassieur A. Physico-Chemical Estimation of Sulphates 191 Genin V. and Florentin D. Estimation of Free Alkali in Commercial Soda and Soaps by the Barium Chloride Method 229 Klinger M.,Determination of the Softening Point of Pitch 136 321 Klostermann M.Detection of Vegetable Fats in Animal Fats 32 Knapp A. W. Gru-Gru Oil 124 Knecht E Volumetric Estimation of Titanium 102 Kober P. A, and Graves S. A, Nephelometry in the Study of Nucleases 359 -- . Koch G. P. Koehler A. Marqueyrol M. and Loriette H. Estimation of Nitrogen in Nitrates Koenig A. Koepping E. D. Analysis of Copper Tin and Silicon Alloys 500 Konig J. and Burberg W. Separation and Estimation of Sugars in Gingerbread and Grossfeld J. Composition of the Soft Roe and Hard Roe of Fishes 261 Koninck L. L. de and Joassart N. Estimation of Ferrocyanide by Titration with Kooper W. D. Determination of the Viscosity of Milk as a Means of Detecting the Krais P.Industrial Applications of Various Processes and Systems for the Measure-.- and Opitz H. Estimation of Cholesterol in Fats 310 See Graves S. A. and Kober P. A. See Thatcher R. W. and Koch G. P. and Nitrocelluloses 276 See Engler C. Sieveking H. and Koenig A. and Similar Products 358 Alkali Bromate 366 Addition of Water 400 ment and Nomenclature of Colour Shades 14 x1v INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. Kratzmann E. Micro-Chemical Detection of Aluminium 269 Kreidl A. and Lenk E. Fat Content of Milk and Rate of Coagulation with Rennet, 357 Kreusler U. Gas Generator for Permanent Use 239 Kronig R. See Bomer A. Kronig R. Ley R. and Merten H. - See Bomer A. Limprich R. Kronig R. and Kuhlmann J. Kropat K. Rapid Estimation of Fat in Cheese Butter and Cream 253 Kriiger J.See Grube G. and Kriiger J. Krumbhaar - Gravimetric Estimation of the Oxygen Absorption of Linseed Oil Krziean R. Analysis of Saffron 312 Kuhlmann J. Kulisch P. Malt Wine 128 Kummer R. H. Kunzel E. Kuzirian S. B. Application of Sodium Paratungstate and the Blowpipe Flame to the Estimation of the Acid Radicals in Chlorides Chlorates Per-chlorates Bromides Bromates and Fluorides 188 - Correcting Silica for Occluded Salts 191 - Estimation of Water of Crystallisation in Sulphates 193 -- , during Drying 92 See Bomer A. Limprich R. Kronig R. and Kuhlmsnn J. See Chodat R. and Kummer R. H. See Schonfeld F. and Kunzel E. See Gooch F. A. Reckert F. C. and Kuzirian S. B. Lamb A. B. and Lee R. E. Densities of Certain Dilute Aqueous SolutionR by a, - A.R. - M. C. Analysis of the Saline Matter Adhering to the Flesh Side of Wet Salted Lander G. D. and Geake J. J. Iodimetry of Arsenic Copper and Iron 116 Lassieur A. See Kling A. and Lassieur A. Laudat M. See Grimbert L. and Laudat M. Lavers H. Effect of Tungsten on Ammonium Molybdste Assay for Lead 192 Leather J. W. The Detection of Added Water in Milk 432 Lederle P. Lee R. E. Trickey J. P. and Fegely W. H. Method for Rapid Quantitative Analysis Lehmann F. Estimation of Silver in Colloidal Silver 279 Leiste - and Stiepel C. Method of Estimating Colophony in Fats and Soapst 181 Leitch H. W. Test for Silicates in Soap 550 Leitmeier H. Determination of Melting-Points of Silicates 236 Lematte L. Estimation of Amino-Acids in Blood 315 Lenk E.Letts E. A, and Rea F. W. Colorimetric Method for Detecting and Estimating -- On Fresenius’s Method for Determining Small Quan-tities of Nitrites and its Sensitiveness compared with the m-Phenylene-Diamine Reaction 350 New and Precise Method 61 See Hart E. B. and Lamb A. R. East India Goat Skins 402 The Detection of Castor Seeds 292 See Mach F. and Lederle P. of Bronze and Brass 453 See Lamb A. B. and Lee R. E. -. See Kreidl A. and Lenk E. Nitrates and Nitrites 276 Levallois F. Levene P. A. and Slyke D. D. van Separation of d-Alanine and d-Valine 178 Levy L. Estimation of Total Sulphurous Acid in Wine 87 Lewis E. A, Rotating Cathode and Anode for Rapid Electrolytic Analysis 334 -- W. K. Ley R. See de Vilmorin P. and Levallois F. See Duyser C.A. and Lewis W. K. See Bomer A. Kronig R. Ley R. and Merten H INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. XV Limprich R. Lindet L. Estimation of “Cellulose” in Flour as a Measure of the Degree of Lindt V. Coloriuietric Estimation of Nickel 32‘7 Ling A. R. Detection of Raw Beet Products in Admixture with Raw Cane Products 258 Liverseege J. F. and Elsdon G. D. Notes on ‘‘ Sharps,” 251 Lloyd L. L. See Bland N. and Lloyd L. L. Lob W. and Prorsk A. Manometric Method for the Estimation of Urea 553 Loebell H. Analysis of Asphalts 131 . Loevy J. Loss of Noble Metals on Cupellation 145 Lohnis F. Titration of Milk with Alcohol at Different Degrees of Concentration 317 Long J. H. and Barton A. W. Comparison of Methods for the Determination of Loriette H. Losanitsch M. Electrolytic Estimation of Mercury in Fulminate 275 Lowe F.Sugar Refractometer 59 Lucion R. Zeiss Interferometer for the Analysis of Gases 103 Luers H. Electrical Conductivity of Beers 352 Luhrig H. Colorimetric Estimation of Traces of Manganese in Water 380 Lundell G. E. F. and Bridgman J. A, New Method for Determination of Hydro-Lunge G. The Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid and AIkaIi with the Collateral Lynde C. J. and Duprb H. A. Measuring the Capillary Lift of Soils 318 Lyon T. L. See Bomer A. Limprich R. Kronig R. and Kuhlmann J . Bolting 309 the Proteolytic Activity of Pancreas Preparations 551 See Koehler A. Marqueyrol M. and Loriette R. cyanic Acid and Alkali Cyanides 448 Branches Review 200 See Bizzel 5. A. and Lyon T. L. Mach F. and Lederle P.Commercial Copper Sulphate 414 MacLean J. S. Estimation of Pyruvic Acid 137 MacLennan K. See Hutchinson H . B. and MacLennan K. Macquaire P. Assay of the Atnylolytic Diastase of Pancreas 318 Major F. Malatesta G. See Bianchi A. and Malatesta G. Manning R. J. and Merenstein M. Note on Methoxyl Estimations 134 Manzoff C. D. Colour Reaction for the Detection of Methyl Alcohol 264 Marc R. and Sack K. Estimation of Colloids in Effluents and the Use of the Marchadier - and Goujon - Poisonous Bran 215 Marcus J. K. See Curtman L. J . and Marcus J. K. Marcusson J. Analysis of the Asphalts 404 Marden J. W. Studies of Methods of Extraction by Means of Immiscible Solvents from Point of View of Distribution Coefticients. I. Analysis of Vanilla Extracts and Extraction of Acetanilide Saccharin and CaBeine 354 See Derby I.H . and Marden J. W. See Parkes A. E. and Major F. Interferometer in Water Analysis 325 - Examination of Rosin Size 139 -- . Markus F. Marqueyrol - and Muraour - Use of Diphenylbensidine in Place of Diphenyl-- M. See Koehler A. Marqueyrol M. and Loriette H. Marriott W. M. Estimation of Acetone 178 See Mossler G. a d Markus F. amine as a Reagent for Oxidising Substances 320 Estimation of Small Quantities of Acetone in the Nephelometer 178 . See also Shaffer P. A. and Marriott W. M. Marshall E. K. jum New Method for the Estimation of Urea in Blood 39 F. Estimation of Potassium as Potassium Hydrogen Tartrate 33 xvi INDEX TO VOLUiME XXXIX. Masters H. and Smith H L. The Changes in the Character of Fats during the McCormack H.Milling of Wheat and Testing of Flour 358 McCrae J. Abnormal Refraction of Milk Serum 212 McDermott F. A, Use of the Concentrated Filament Tungsten Lamp in the Labora-McFadden A. W. J. Report on the Work of Inspectors of Foods for the Year 1912-McNab L. Mecklenburg W. and Rosenkrknzer F. Colorimetric Estimation of Small Quantities Meerburg P. A. Shrewsbury’s Reaction for Paraffin 43 Meillere G. Estimation of Small Quantities of Lead particularly in Urine in Cases Meisl E. Meldrum R. Determination of Melting-Points (of Fats etc.) by the Thermometer Mellor J. W. A Treatise on Quantitative Inorganic Analysis with Special Refwence Merenstein M. Mergen W. and Winogradoff A. Action of Halogens on Oleic Acid and Estimation Merl T. ‘‘ Vacuum Distillation ” Method for the Detection of Formic Acid 321 Merten H.Meserve P. W. Meyer H. and Steiner K. Estimation of Alkyl in Combination with Nitrogen 226 -- J. Gravimetric Estimation of Selenium 235 Process of Cooking 347 - Ash of Silicotic Lungs 359 tory 194 1913 195 See Jackson L. C. McNab L. and Rothera A. C. H. of Hydrogen Sulphide 325 of Lead Poisoning 495 Bulb Method 61 to the Analysis of Clays Silicates and Related Minerals Review 156 See Manning R. J. and Merenstein M. of the Iodine Value of Fats 311 See Klimont J. and Meisl E. See Bomer A. Kronig R. Ley R. and Mertea H. See Seidell A. and Meserve P. W. - and Garn W. von Detection and Estimation of Very Small Quantities of Selenious Acid 100 Meyerheim G. Xilbauer J. and Pivnihka B.Analysis of Higher Oxides of Lead 328 Milchsack C. and Roth W. A. Dennstedt Combustion Furnace with Internal Miller E. R. Taylor G. W, and Eskew M. H. Volatile Oil of Calicanthus Floridus 558 -- J. Field Method for Determining Dissolved Oxygen in Water 234 Misson G. Colorimetric Estimation of Sulphur in Pig-Iron and Steels 273 Mitchell C. A. The Water of Dorton Spa 210 - J. P. Estimation of the Dust Fall in the Neighbourhood of Cement Mitra G. C. Molin E. Method for Calculating Viscosity of Mineral Oil Mixtures 446 Molinari U. Reaction of Nitrates with Formic Acid 233 Moore R. Moreau L. and Vinet E. Estimation of Traces of Arsenic 230 Morgan J. C. and James C. Dimethyl Phosphates of the Rare Earths (Fractiona-Morton H. A. Absorption of Dextrose by Bone-Black 497 Mosca F.T. Titanium and Rare Metals in Tobacco Ash 43 Moser L. and Schmid O. Estimation of Carbon Monoxide by Means of Yellow Mossler G. and Markus F. A Rapid and Simple Method for the Estimation of See Holde D. and Meyerheim G. Electrical Heating 150 Plants 372 See Sutherland W. D. and Mitra G. C. See Desgrez A. and Moore R. tion of Rare Earths) 146 Mercuric Oxide 226 Alcohol in Tinctures 39 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. XVll Muller Bi. and Seidel F. Volumetric Estimation of Ferricyanide in Presence of - and Wegelin G. Estimation of Periodate in Presence of Iodate and --- Iodimetric Estimation of Iodide Iodine 99 Ferric Salts and Cyanides 366 Iodide 56 U. Improved Absorption Tube for Spectroscopic Analysis 153 Muraour -. Murray J.A, Steam Generator 152 See Marqueyrol - and Muraour -. Nestler A. Detection of Magnesium Sulphate in Saffron 219 Neubauer H. Estimation of Citric Acid Soluble Phosphoric Acid in Basic Slag by Neufeld C. A. The Use of the Expressions ‘‘ Cocoa Butter ” and ‘‘ Cocoanut Oil,” 30 Nivihre J. Estimation of Esters in Essential Oils 436 Njegovan V. Estimating Extract in Wine 221 Norton A. B. Nottbohm F. E. and Weinhausen H. Estimation of Sulphate in Honey and other the.Citrate Method and Lorenz’s Method 377 See Gillett H. W. and Norton A. l3. Substances Rich in Sugar 259 Olson G. A. Quantitative Estimation of Gliadin in Flour and Gluten 33 -_ Quantitative Estimation of the Proteins Soluble in Salt Solutions in Opitz. H. Oppenheimer M. Estimation of Lactic Acid in Liquids containing Protein 133 O’Sullivan J.The Chief Cause of the Loss of Sulphuric Anhydride and of Chlorine Ottolenghi D. Detection of Decomposition in Meats 130 Wheat Flour 262 See Klostermann M. and Opitz H. by Incinerating Substances Containing these Constituents 425 Pailler E. C. Differentiation of Natural and Oil Asphalts 362 Palkin S. Palme H. Electrolytic Method for Estimation of Mercury in Urine 225 Palmenberg 0. W. Relation of Composition of Ash in Coal to its Fusing Tempera-Palmer L. S. and Wright P. A, Ethyl Ester of Linolic Tetrabromide as a Product Paneth F. and Hevesy G. von Radio-Elements as Indicators in Analytical Parkes A. E. and Major F. The Composition and Analysis of Compound Liquorice Paterson J. H. and Forbester R. E.Fractional Distillation of Mixed Pine Woods 48 Paul L. Melting-Points of Constituents of Colophony 256 Paul T. and Schantx K. Apparatus for Determining Boiling-Points without Thermo-Pavesi V. Aporeine and its Salts 253 Payne G. A. Peche K. Microchemical Detection of Myrosin 409 - New Tannin Reaction and its Relation to the Anthocyanenes 412 Pellet H. Determination of a Small Amount of Reducing Sugars in the Presence of Pelt G. Van Investigation of the Methods of Analysis and Separation of Iron, Perkins A. E. Apparatus and Method for Detexmining the Hardness of Butter Fat 282 Petersen J. Detection of Antimony 499 See Emery W. O. and Palkin S. ture 370 in the Analysis of Cottonseed Oil 532 Chemistry 57 Powder 160 meter Corrections 420 See Revis C. and Yayne G.A. a Large Proportion of Cane Sugar 45 Aluminium Chromium Zinc and Manganese 27 xviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. Petit G. H. Detection of Traces of Aluminium 142 Petkow N. Composition and Adulteration of Rose Oil 493 Petrie J. M. Cyanogenetic Plants of New South Wales 442 Pfanstiel R. Pfyl B. Volumetric Estimation of Phosphates in the Ash of Food Materials 234 - and Turnau R. Volumetric Estimation of Casein in Milk by Means of the Philippe E. Quantitative Sublimation 194 Pick H. Pickard J. A, and Potter F. M. Oxygen Content of Open-Hearth Steel 504 Piest - Estimation of Sulphuric Acid in Nitrocelluloses 45 Pieszczek E. New Reaction for Boric Acid or Methyl Alcohol 97 Pilcher R. B. History of the Institute of Chemistry 1877-1914 Review 570 Pinkus S.N. New Extraction Apparatus 240 Pinoff F. and Gude K. Detection and Estimation of Lmulose in Presence of Other Pisani F. PivniCka B. Plaut F. Absorption Phenomena in Abderhalden’s Dialysis Process 223 Poetschke P. Sulphur Dioxide in Gelatin 87 Pollard C. T. See Turner W. E. S. and Pollard C. T. Pontio - Direct Estimation of Caoutchouc in Crude Rubber 179 - Estimation of Caoutchouc in Crude Rubber 138 Popp &I. Sources of Error in the Analysis of (( Thomas ’’ Meal 377 Potmhiil R. Potter F. M. See Pickard J. A. and Potter F. M. Powell C. W. R. Determination of the Viscosity of Refined Syrups and Molasses 220 Thermo-Regulator for Thermostats at Temperatures very close to Pozzi W. Pratt W. R. Prescott J. A. Estimation of Phosphates in Soil Extracts 329 - S.C. and Winslow C. A. Elements of Water Bacteriology Rewiew 157 Prideaux E. B. R. Titration of Boric Acid 49 Pring J. N. Estimation and Distinction of Ozone Nitrogen Peroxide and Hydrogen Prorsk A. See Bedford M. H. and Pfanstiel R. Tetraserum 399 See Auerbach F. and Pick H. Sugars 323 New Reaction of Cocaine 481 See Milbauer J. and PivniCka B. See Votocek E. and Potmhsil R. Room Temperature 568 See Siegfried Ma and Pozzi W. See Corfield C . E. and Pratt W. R. Peroxide at High Dilutions 189 See Lob W. and Prorsk A. Rabak F. Aroma of Hops. Rabaut C. Radcliff S. Extraction of Radium from Australian Ores 455 Rae W. N. See Joseph A. E. and Rae W. N. Raikow P. N. Action of Calcium on Acetone 41 Rakshit J. N. Estimation of Cane Sugar in the Presence of Lactose 363 Rammstedt O.Estimation of Acidity in Meal Grist and Bread taking into Account the Action of Bacteria and Enzymes 38 Rathgen F. Microchemical Detection of Aluminium 96 Ravizza V. Rapid Testing of Potato Starch for Finishing Purposes 94 Raynaud F. Analyses of Ascitic Fluid 38 Rea F. W. Reckert F. C. Redman L. V. Weith A. J. and Brock F. P. Determination of Phenol in the Presence of Hexamethylenetetramine and Formaldehyde 266 Study of the Volatile Oil with Relation to the Geo-graphical Sources of the Hops 355 See Aloy J. and Rabaut C. See Letts E. A. and Rea F. W. See Gooch F. A. Reckert F. C. and Kuzirian S. B INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. xix Regester S. H. Oxidation of Sulphur Compounds of Coal and of Nitrogen in the Bomb Calorimeter and the Correction to be Applied in Determining the Heating Value of Coal 563 Reinau E.Reutter L. Analysis of Stabilised Cacao 434 Revis C. and Payne G. A. The Estimation of Cane-Sugar and Lactose in Condensed Richards P. A. E. The Action of Weak Acids on Soluble Fluorides 248 - T. W. and Barry F. Still for Exact Measurement of Boiling-Point driring -- and Shipley J. W. Calibrating Thermometers by Means of Floating -- Preezing-Point of Benzene as a Fixed Point in Richardson B. P. Electro- Analytical Studies 97 Riche J. A, Improved Type of Calorimeter to be Used with any Calorimetric Bomb, Richmond H. D. The Composition of Milk and Milk Products 243 Richter E. Estimation of Berberine 405 Riegler E. Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of Albumin 225 -- Simple Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of Sugar in Urine 224 Riffart H.Rinck A. Detection of Methyl Alcohol 407 Robertson G. S. Solubility of Mineral Phosphates in Citric Acid 146 Roettgen J. Estimation of Lactic Acid in Wine 37 Rosanoff M. R. Bacon C. W. and White XI. H. Rapid Laboratory Method of Rose J. K. Estimation of Zinc in Coinage Bronze by Volatilisation 236 Roseman R. Influence of Ammonium Sulphate on the Rotation of Lttctose 133 Rosenheim O. and Drummond J. C. Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Rosenkranzer F. Velocity of Solution of Blende and Galena in Dilute Sulphuric -- . See Mecklenburg W. and Rosenkranzer F. Rosenthaler L. Detection of Hexamethylenetetramine in Wine or Milk 125 Roth W. A. Rothaug G. Estimation of Chromium as Chromic Oxide 97 Rothenfusser S.Estimation of Glycerol in Wine 87 Rothera A. C. H. Rozsenyi I. Analysis of Coffee (Estimation of Roasted Cereals in Coffee Mixtures) 85 Ruhle J. Detection of Saponin 175 RUSSO C. Mew Method of Titrating Ferric Salts 189 -- and Sensi G. Reduction Method of Analysing Nitrates Chlorates and Ryan H. and Dillon J. Montanin and Montana Waxes 93 See Klein R. and Reinau E. -- Cacao Seeds 171 Milk by Means of Acid Mercuric Nitrate 476 Fractional Distillation 456 Equilibrium 153 Thermometry 510 63 See Tillmans J. Splittgerber A. and Riffart H. Measuring Partial Vapour Pressures of Liquid Mixtures 569 Ethereal and Inorganic Sulphates in Urine 319 Acid 452 See Milchsack C. and Roth W. A. See Jackson J. C. McNab L. and Rothera A.C. H. Peroxides 188 Sabatier P. La Catalyse en Chiniie Organique Review 65 Sack K. Sale P. D. Salomon H. Estimation of the Unsaponifiable Constituents of Oils and Fats and of Salvaterra H. Volumetric Estimation of Nitro-Compounds and Nitroso-Compounds See Marc R. and Sack K. See Burgess G. K. and Sale P. D. Lanolin by Means of the Digitonin Method 310 by Means of Titanium Chloride 13 xx INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. Sammet O. Detection of Guaiacol in Urine 360 Sander A. Estimation of Free Sulphurous Acid in Presence of Thiosulphate or Sul-phuric Acid 279 -- Picric Acid as a Standardising Substance for Iodimetric and Acidimetric Titrations 267 Sandman E. A. Sassa R. Quantitative Estimation of the Oxyproteic Acid Fraction in Urine 361 Scalione C.C. Schaefer G. L. Solvents for Alkaloids and Alkaloid Salts 31 -- H. H. Scbanin L. Melting-Point of Asphalt 264 Schantz K. Schellbach H. See Hartwig L. and Shellbach H. Schenk K. Estimation of Total Sulphur in Commercial Benzene 140 Schliipfer P. Estimation of Water in Solid and Liquid Fuels by Distillation with Xylene 141 Schlesinger F. Schmid 0. Schmidt E. Detection of Small Quantities of Selenious Acid in Sulphuric Acid, 419 Schmitz W. Analysis of Golden Sulphide of Antimony 186 Scholze E. Schonfeld F. and Kunzel E. Determination of Glycogen in Yeast 129 Schorger A. W. Leaf and Twig Oils of Cuban and Long-Leaf Pines and Cone Oil of Leaf and Twig and Bark Oils of White See Thomas J. B. and Sandman E. A. See Burke C. E. and Sctllione C. C. See Amy H.V. and Schaefer H. H. See Paul T. and Schantz K. - Rapid Analysis of Bronzes 50 See Gutmenn S. and Schlesinger F. See Moser L. and Schmid 0. See Wolff H. and Scholze E. Long-Leaf Pine 498 Fir 558 Oils of the Conzfercz. Study of Authentic Samples of Gum Turpentine 436 Schowalter E. Marshall’s Manganese Reaction 274 Schreiber E. Estimation of Cholesterol and Oxycholesterol by the Method of Schumann C. L. Schuppli 0. See Baragiola W. and Schuppli 0. Scott J. M. See Snell J. F. and Scott J. M. Sebelien J. Beeswax of the Viking Period 40 Seibert F. M. Seibriger R. Estimation of Hop Bitter Substances by Cold Extraction with Carbon Seidel F. Seidell A, and Meserve P. W. Estimation of Minute Amounts of Sulphur Dioxide Seidenberg A, Detection of Gelatin in Sour Cream 33 SQnBchal A.Senft E. Microchemical Reactions of Certain Anthraquinones 403 Sensi G. Serger H. Estimation of Salicylic Acid in Jams 219 Sernagiotto E. Apparatus for the Combustion of very Volatile Liquids 566 Seyewetz A. See Hanriot M. CarrB P. Seyewetz A, Charabot E. and HBbert A. Shaffer P. A. and Marriott W. M. Estimation of Hydroxybutyric Acid 184 Sharples P. P. Relation between the Melting-Point and Viscosity of Refined Tars 369 Shelley F. F. Standardisation of Dried Carica Papaya Juice 170 Shipley J. W. Autenrieth and Funk 129 See Ware E. E. and Schumann C. L. See Burrell G. A. and Seibert F. M. Tetrachloride 125 See Miiller E. and Seidel F. in Air 376 See Bourion F. and SBnBchal A. See RUSSO C. and Sensi G.See Richards J. W. and Shipley J W INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. xxi Shrewsbury H. S. Note on ‘( Shrewsbury’s Reaction for Paraffin,” 296 Siegfried M. and Pozzi W. Estimation of Small Quantities of Lead 274 Sieveking EL Sieverts A. and Wippelmann W. Rapid Electrolytic Separation of Copper from Silvestri G. Composition of ‘‘ Dcad ” Rice 550 .- Estimation of the Proteins in Wheat Flour 550 Simmonds C. The Estimation of Strychnine in the Presence of Quinine 81 Sindall R. W. and Bacon W. The Examination of Commercial Gelatins with Regard to their Suitability for Paper-Making 20 Sinnatt F. S. and Cramer B. J. The Determination of Carbon Monoxide in Air 163 Sisley P. and Freese - Diazonitro Reaction of Vegetable Oils 228 Skarzynski V. See Gauvin R. and Skarzynski V. Slawik P.Estimation of Cobalt in Steel 271 Slyke D. D. van Estimation of Amino-Nitrogen in Organic Tissues 175 - Two Rapid Methods of Estimating Water in Crude Petroleum, Oil-Fuel and Similar Substances 529 See Engler C. Sieveking H. and Koenig A. Arsenic 371 - Gas-Volumetric Estimation of Free and Combined Amino-Nitrogen - . in Urine 175 See Levene P. A. a d Slyke D. D. van Smart B. J. Some Observations on the Abel Heat Test 44 Smetham A. Valuation of Feeding-Stuffs by Means of Chemical Analysis 481 Smit J. Estimation of Mannitol 93 c__- Methods for the Estimation of Mannitol 407 Smith G. &I. - - H. G. - H. L. -- 0. F. -- T. O. and James C. Errors in the Estimation of Rare Earths as Hydrox-- W. H, Snell J. F. and Scott J. M. Analysis of Maple Products II.85. Snelling W. O. and Storm C. G. Examination of Black Powder 267 Sondh K. See Barthel C. and SondBn K. Spallino R. Barium and Arsenic in Italian Tobacco 43 - Estimation of Nicotine as Silicotungstate 43 - Estimation of Nicotine in the Presence of Ammonia 42 Spiers C. W. Estimation of Tannin in Cider 127 Splittgerber A. See Tillmans J. Splittgerber A. and Riffart H. Sprinkmeyer H. and Diedrichs A, Detection of Beef and Mutton Fats in Lard by Ssobolew N. See Weisz M. and Ssobolew N. Stadler H. Stanek V. Determination of Cane Sugar in Beet Molasses by a Modification of the Double Polarisation (Clerget-Herafeld) Method using Citric Acid 394 -- Muta-Botation as a Source of Error in the Double Polarisation (Clerget-Herzfeld) Method of Determining Cane Sugar 258 Stanford R.V. Indigo-Forming Substances in Urine 39 Steimmig G. Note on Synthetic Caoutchouc from Isoprene 179 Steiner K. See Meyer H. and Steiner K. Steuerwald L. G. L. Constants for the Double Polarisation (Clerget-Herafeld) Stevens H. P. The Estimation of Sulphur in Rubber 74 See Ball T. R. and Smith G. M. See Baker R. T. and Smith H. G. See Masters H. and Smith H. L. See Wright J. R. and Smith 0. F. ides 330 See Tuttle J. B. and Smith W. H. Bomer’s Method 253 See Heubner W. and Stadler H. Method of Determining Cane Sugar 8 xxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. Stevens H. P. Stiegler H. Method for the Estimation of Crude Fibre 367 Stiepel C. Lathering Capacity of Soap 312 -- . See Leiste - and Stiepel C. Stokes G. A. A Simple Fat Extractor 295 Storm C.G. Straszner H. Strevens J. L. Viscosity of Oils 185 Strong W. W. Instantaneous Thermostat and Smoke and Fume Monitors Pre-cipitators and Recorders 567 Streyzowski @. Centrifugal Method for Estimating Proteins in Urine 40 Stiiber W. Stutzer A. Estimation of Nitrogen in Mixtures of Calcium Nitrate and Calcium Stiiwe W. Volumetric Estimation of Mercuric Chloride 233 Suchtelen F. H. H. van and Itano A. Electro-Titrimetric Method and its Applica-Sugiura K. Suleimann A. See Hunder M. and Suleimann A. Sutcliffe J. A. L. Note on the Insoluble Bromide Value of Oils 388 - Notes on the Insoluble Bromide Test for Drying Oils 28 Sutherland W. D. and Mitra G. C. Modification of Teichmann’s Test for Blood 315 Swaving A. J. Recueil de LBgislations BeurriAres et Margarhiires Concernant la Symons C.T. Modification of Teichmann’s Test for Blood 128 __I . See Browning K. C. and Symons C. T. See Beadle C. and Stevens H. P. See Snelling W. 0 and Storm C. G. See Griesbach W. and Straszner H. See Fendler G. and Stuber W. Cyanamide 329 tion to General Analytical Chemistry 565 See Falk K. G. and Sugiura K. RBpression des Fraudes dans le Commerce du Beurre Review 474 Tanberg A. P. Pyridine as a Solvent in the Estimation of Hydroxyl Groups by Tanret C. Variety of Starches 314 Tatlock R. R. and Thornson R. T. On Damage Caused to Vegetation by Sulphurous Taylor G. B. Apparatus for Analysis of Complex Gas Mixtures 566 See Miller E. R. Taylor G. W. and Eskew M. H. Thatcher R. W. and Koch G. P. Quantitative Extraction of Diastases from Plant Thiel A.Properties of the Phthaleins as Indicators 136 Thies F. H. Estimation of Carbon by the Wet Way. Simultaneous Estimation of Halogens 132 Thomas J. B. and Sandman E. A. Results of the Hypochlorite Disinfection of Water Supplies. A Comparison of the Reduction of the Different Members of the Bacillus Coli Group 443 Thompson W. H. Wallace T. A. and Clotworthy H. G. S. Folin Method for the Estimation of Creatine and Creatinine 41 Thomson R. T. Methyl Zed as an Indicator 518 - Notes on Flour 1. Acidity of Flour; 2. Natural and Artificial Bleaching of Flour ; 3. Sulphstes and Lime in Flour 519 Thornton W. M. jun. Use of Ammonium Salt of Nitrosophenylhydroxylamine (Cupferron) in Quantitative Separation of Titanium from Iron 332 --- and Hayden E.M. jun. Separation of Zirconium from Iron and Aluminium with the Aid of the Ammonium Salt of Nitrosophenyl-hydroxylamine (“ Cupferron ”) 565 Means of Alkyl Magnesium *Halides 186 and Sulphuric Acids in the Atmosphere 203 G.W. Tissues 260 -. See Tatlock R. R. and Thonison R. T . INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. XXlll Thiiringer V. Tilimans J. Water Purification and Sewage Disposal Rewiew 66 -- Splittgerber A, and Riffart H. Estimation and Significance of --- Preservation of Milk Samples for Tolman L. M. and Goodnow E. H. Composition of Cider Vinegars Made by Toninelli A. Specific Reaction of Ethyl Alcohol 319 TorossiaD G. Efficient Boiling-Rod 237 Tortelli M. and Ceccherelli A, Estimation of Glycerol in Technical Glycerines and Trickey J.P. See Lee R E. Trickey J. P. and Fegely W. H. Trumpler G. See Baur E. and Triimpler G. Trutzer E. Filter from which a Precipitate may be Removed Quantitatively 151 Tschermak G. Estimation of Silicic Acids 455 Tschirwinsky P. Quantitative Mineralogical and Chemical Composition of the Tschugaeff L. und Chlopin W. New Method for Determining Solubilities at High Turnau R. Turner W. E. S. and Pollard C. T. Improved Apparatus for the Determination of Tutin F. Constituents of Senna Leaves 35 Tuttle J. B. and Smith W. H. Printing Inks and their Analysis 450 Twining R. H. Twitchell E. Melting and Solidifying Points of Mixtures of Fatty Acids and Use of See Wunder M, and Thuringer V. Ammonia in Milk 173 Analysis 398 Generator Process 36 Soap Lyes 181 Granites and Gneisses 98 Temperatures 335 Molecular Weight by the Landsberger-Sakurai Method 152 See Pfyl B.and Turnau R. See White G. F. and Twining R. H. these Points to Determine Composition of Such Mixtures 448 Wtt C. A. A. Earth-Nut Butter 481 Utz - Detection of Carbon Disulphide in Extracted Oils 180 - Estimation of Total Sulphur in India-Rubber 368 -_ Modification of Halphen’s Test for Cotton-Seed Oil 92 Van Eck J. J.! Estimation of Dissolved Oxygen in Water 55 Van Pelt G. Investigation of the Methods of Analysis and Separation of Iron, Aluminium Chromium Zinc and Manganese 272 Vaubel W. and Weinerth E. Comparative Examinations of Raw Caoutchouc and Caoutchouc by Bromination Methods 226 Verbeek P. New Differential Pressure Gauge 60 - Two New Colorimeters 282 Verda A.Detection of Adulterants in Saffron by Means of Phospho-molybdic Acid 219 Vignon L. Action of Solvents on Coal 406 Villiers A. Manganese Sulphide and the Estimation of Manganese 417 Vilmorin P. de and Levallois F. The Hydrolysis of Laevulosans and its Application Vinet E. Vinograd M. Estimation of Arsenic in Organic Substances 442 Vivario R. Detection of Methyl Alcohol in Spirits 433 Voorhees S. S. See Walker P. H. and Voorhees S. S. Voswinckel H. Apparatus for Catalytic Reductions with Hydrogen 333 Votohek E. and Potm&il R. Estimation of Rhamnose in Presence of Other Solvents for Coal 320 in Plant Analysis 11. and III. 88 See Moreau L. and Vinet E. Methylpentoses 41 xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. Vournasos A. C. Double-Walled Crucible for Ignitions 282 Vuk M.Nickel Cooking-Vessels 417 Waele A. de The Fachini-Dorta Method of [Approximately] Separating Liquid from Wagenaar M. Microchemical Reaction of Caffeine Theobromine Theophylline and Wales H. E. Specific Heat of California Petroleums 499 Walker A. W. See Kendall A. I. Day A. A. and Walker A. W. - P. H, and Voorhees S. S. Tests of Paints for Steel Subjected to Alternate Wallace T. A. See Thompson W. H. Wallace T. A. and Clotworthy H. G. S. Waltuch R. Ware E. E. and Schumann C. L. Examination of China’Wood Oil 557 Warth F. ,J. and Darabsett D. B. Fractionltl Liquefaction of Rice Starch 440 Waterman N. Differentiation between Hen and Duck Egg Albumins for Commercial Wedemann W. Schardinger’s Formaldehyde-Methylene Blue Reaction and Other Wegelin G.Volumetric Estimation of Vanadium 148 - . Weigmann - and Haglund E. Estimation of Water in Cheese by Mai and Rhein-Weinerth E. Weinhausen H. Weise G. L. Weiser S. and Donath H. C. Comparison of Various Methods for Determining Weiss J. M. Estimation of So-called Free Carbon in Tar Products 364 Weisz M. and Ssobolew N. Colorimetric Estimation of Histidine 92 Weith A. J. Wempe G. Gas Analysis Apparatus 421 Wenger P. Wesson L. G. Combustion Method for the Direct Estimation of Rubber 368 West A. P. Analysis and Composition of Red Lead 375 Wewerinke J. Weyman G. Difference between Calculated and Determined Calorific Values of Coal Gas 132 Whipple G. C. The Microscopy of Drinking-Water Review 472 White G. F. and Twining R H.New Viscosimeter 155 - - R. H. Wiesner G. H, Nitrogen and Chlorine in Bain and Snow 190 Wiley H. W. Principles and Practice of Agricultural Analysis Heview 423 Wilson A. C. Improved Apparatus for the Analysis of Mixed Gases 391 Windisch R. Refraction of Milk Serum (Ackermann’s Method) 256 Winkler L. W. Estimation of Hardness in Water 379 Winmill T. F. See Graham J. I. and Winmill T. F. Winogradoff A. See Mergen W. and Winogradoff A. Winslow C. A. See Prescott S. C. and Winslow C. A. Wippelmann W. See Sieverts A, and Wippelmann W. Wlokka A. See Bode G. and Wlokka A. Wohack F. Detection of Coal-Tar Dyes in Wines 358 Woker G. and Belencki E. Influence of Metals Present in Urine on the Velocity of Solid Fatty Acids in Oils and Fats 389 their Derivatives with Mercuric Chloride 217 Exposure to Air and Fresh Water 54 See Zerner E.and Waltuch R. Purposes 222 Ferment Reactions of Goat’s Milk 218 See Miiller E. and Wegelin G. berger’s Method 171 See Vaubel W. and Weinerth E. See Gutbier A. and Weise G. L. See Nottbohm F. E. and Weinhausen H. the Iodine Value of Fats 406 See Redman L. V. Brock F. P. and Weith A. J. See Wunder M. and Wenger P. See Fischer K. and Wewerinke J. See Rosanoff M. R. Bacon C. W. and White R. H. the Reduction Tests for Dextrose 13 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. xxv Wolff H. Examination of Bleached Shellac 139 and 411 Woodcock W. H. and Blount B. Sulphuretted Hydrogen from Artificial Graphite 67 Wrenshall R. Wright A. G. Wright J. R. and Smith 0. F. Quantitative Determination of Radium Emanation in the Atmosphere and its Variation with Altitude and Meteorological Conditions, 418 Wright P.9. Wunder M. and Thiiringer V. Estimation of Palladium by Means of a-Nitroso-P-Naphthol and Separation of Palladium from Copper and Iron 55 -- and Wenger P. S.eparation of Beryllium from Uranium 325 Wustenfeld H. and Foehr C. Pycnometer Spindle a New Instrument for Use in and Scholze E. Estimation of Rosin in Varnishes Oils and Soaps 228 See Jamieson G. S. and Wrenshall R. See Cripps R. A. and Wright A. G. See Palmer L. S. and Wright P. A. the Estimation of Alcohol 284 Yanagawa H. Violet Sodium-Nitro-Prusside Reaction of Urine 264 Zaleski L. Volumetric Estimation of Small Quantities of Potash 417 Zerewitinoff J. Estimation of Hydroxy Fatty Acids in Fats by Means of Magnesium Zerner E.and Waltuch R. Sugars in Urine in Cases of Pentosuria 40 ZuccAri G. Arsenic as a Normal Constituent in Soils 49 Zwikker J. J. L. Apparatus for Ether Extraction of Liquids 239 Methyl Iodide 4 xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. ABDERHALDEN’S Dialysis Process Adsorption Phenomena in 223 Abel Heat Test Observations on the Some 44 Absorption Tube Spectroscopic Analysis Improved for 153 ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PUBLISHED IN OTHER JOURNALS 31 84 122 171 215 252, Acetanilide and Phenacetin in Admixture Estimation of 433 308 352 393 433 480 532 - Vanilla Extracts I. Analysis of and Extraction of Saccharin and Study of Methods of Extraction by Means of Immiscible Solvents Caffeine,) from Point of View of Distribution CoeEcients 354 t Acetone Calcium Action on of 41 -- Estimation of 178 - Nephelometer Estimation of Small Quantities of in the 178 Acetyl Value Oils Fats etc.Estimation of the of 362 Acid Mercuric Nitrate Cane-Sugar and Lactose in Condensed Milk The Estimation Radicals Chlorides Chlorates Perchlorates Bromides Bromates and Fluorides, Application of Sodium Paratungstate and the Blow-1. Acidity of Flour 2. Natural and Artificial Bleaching of Flour 3. Sulphates and - Meal Grist and Bread Estimation of in Taking into Account the Action Acids Soluble Fluorides The Action of Weak on 248 Adiabatic Calorimeter 281 Adsorption Phenomena in Abderhalden’s Dialysis Process 223 Adulterants Saffron Detectiod of in by Means of Phosphomolybdic Acid 219 Aerated Waters Saponin Detection in of 440 Aeration De-Aerated Liquids New Seal for Prevention of in 509 Africa Copals from British West 396 Air Analysis Application to Analysis of Very Small Quantities of Gas 413 - Carbon Dioxide Estimation in of 324 -- Carbon Monoxide The Determination of in 163 - Dust and Bacteria Samples of Apparatus for Taking 283 - Paints for Steel Subjected to Alternate Exposure to and Fresh Water Tests for, - Sulphur Dioxide in Estimation of Minute Amounts of 376 d-hlanine d-Valine Separation of and 178 Albumin Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of 225 Albumins Hen and Duck Egg Differentiation between for Commercial Purposes 222 Alcohol Boric Acid or Methyl New Reaction for 97 - Ethyl and Methyl Detection of 184 - Methyl and Ethyl Detection of 184 - - Colour Reaction for the Detection of 264 - - Detection of 407 by Means of of 476 the Estimation of the in, pipe Flame to 188 Lime in Flour.Notes on Flour 519 of Bacteria and Enzymes 38 5 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. XXVll Alcohol Methyl in Corn Silage Occurrence of 549 - Milk Titration with at Different Degrees of Concentration of 317 - Pycnometer Spindle a New Instrument for Use in the Estimation of 284 - Spirits Detection of Methyl in 433 - Tinctures Rapid and Simple Method for the Estimation of in 393 - Tropics Estimation in the 480 Alcoholometry Notes on II. 532 Aldoses Estimation of (Part I.). Alfalfa Enzymes Present in (Lucerne) 552 Aliphatic Substances Wet Way Volumetric Estimation of Carbon in in the 556 Alkali Bromate Ferrocyanide Estimation by Titration with of 366 - Carbonate Solutions Lead Carbonate Basic Lead Carbonate and Lead Sul-- Carbonates Hydrochloric Acid Convenient Standard End-Point in Titration - Commercial Soda and Soaps Estimation of Free in by the Barium Chloride - Cyanides Hydrocyanic Acid and New Method for Determination of 448 - Soaps Estimation of Free in 140 Alkaline Solution Oxidation in Estimation of Chromium by 143 Alkaloid Salts Solvents for Alkaloids and 31 Alkaloids Estimation of the Application to Preparations of Nux Vornica 122 Solvents for and Alkaloid Salts 31 Alkyl Magnesium Halides Hydroxyl Groups Pyridine as a Solvent in the Estimation of by Means of 186 - Nitrogen Estimation of in Combination with 226 Allantoin Urine Estimation of in 263 Alloys Approximate Melting-Points of Some Commercial Copper 98 - - Cerium and Iron Analysis of Pyrophoric of 415 - - Copper Tin and Silicon Analysis of 500 -- The Determination in Platinum-Iridium of Iridium 340 - - Nomenclature Summary of First Report of the Committe on the of Report 286 Aluminium Fluorides Precipitation of in Presence of 269 - Iron Chromium Zinc and Manganese Investigation of the Methods of - Iron and Separation of Zirconium from with the Aid of the Ammonium - Microchemical Detection of 96 269 - Presence of Gallium in Commercial 53 Action of Neutral Sodium Hypoiodite 556 phate Behaviour towards of 53 of with 268 Method 229 Analysis and Separation of 272 Salt of Nitrosophenylhydroxylamine (“ Cupferron ”) 565 -_- Silica Iron and in Mineral Waters Estimation of Formation of Sediment Amino- Acid Barley Malt and Beer Estimation of and Polypeptide-Nitrogen in by Amino-Acids Blood Estimation of in 315 -- Proteins and Herzig and Meyer’s Reaction Applied to 317 Amino-Nitrogen Organic Tissues Estimation of in 175 -- Urine Gas-Volunietric Estimation of Free and Combined in 175 Ammonia Illuminating Gas Estimation of in 369 -- Nicotine in the Presence of Estimation of 42 Ammonium Molybdate Lead Effect of Tungsten on Assay for 192 -- Salt Nitrosophenylhydroxylarnine ( ‘ I Cupferron ”1 Separation of Zirco-nium from Iron and Aluminium with the Aid of the of 565 in Bottled Mineral Waters 126 - Traces of Detection of 142 Titration with Acid after Treatment with Formaldehyde 257 - Milk Estimation and Significance of in 17 xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX.Ammonium Salt Nitrosophenylhydroxylalnine (‘( Cupferron ”) Use of in Quantitative - Sulphate Lactose Influence of on the Rotation of 133 Amylolytic Diastase Pancreas Assay of the of 318 Analyses Wine Method of Expressing Results of According to the Latest C hemico-Analysis Chemical The Properties of Some Chlorhydrocarbons and their Uses in, -- Nephelometer New and its Use in 283 Analytical Characters Benzoin of 393 - Chemistry General Electro-Titrimetric Method and its Application to 565 --- Investigation Scheme 337 -- Radio-Elements as Indicators in 57 -- Procedure Thirty per cent. Hevea Rubber Insulating Compound €or, Animal Fats Phytosterol in Detection of 84 -- Vegetable Fats in Detection of 32 -- Unsaponifiable Constituents of Mowrah Fat and the Detection of this Anise Essential Oils and Essential Oil Products Hydrogen Value of Some.I. Oils Annual Address Retiring President of the 108 Anode Rotating Cathode and for Rapid Electrolytic Analysis 334 Anthocyanenes Tannin Reaction New and its Relation to the 412 Anthraquinones Microchemical Reactions of Certain 403 Antimony Detection of 499 - Golden Sulphide of Analysis of 186 Antipyrin Estimation of 480 Aporeine Salts and its 253 APPARATUS ETC. ABSTRACTS 59 103 149 193 237 280 333 381 420 456 508, 565 Arabinose Pentoses Xylose and Methods of Estimation of Carbohydrates. 111. The Cupric-Reducing Power of the 555 Arachidic Acid Fatty Acids Note on the and Detection of 122 Aroma Hops of. Study of the Volatile Oil with Relation to the Geographical Sources of the Hops 355 Aromatic Volatile Oils in Plants Drugs and Spices Estimation of by the Tail-ameter 35 Arsenic Copper and Iron Iodimetry of 116 - - Rapid Electrolytic Separation from of 371 - Hydrochloric and Sulphuric Acids Estimation of 370 - Hypophosphorous Acid Quantitative Separation of from the Metals by - Italian Tobacco Barium and in 43 - Organic Substances Estimation of in 442 ~- Soils as a Normal Constituent in 49 - Traces of Estimation of 230 Arsenite Solutions Standardisation of Volumetric 271 Ascitic Fluid Analyses of 38 Ash Coal Relation of Composition of in to its Fusing Temperature 370 445 - Lungs of Silicotic 359 - Phosphates in the of Food Materials Volumetric Estimation of 234 - Tobacco Titanium and Rare Metals in 43 Asphalt Melting-Point of 264 Separation of Titanium from Iron 332 Physical Principles 127 4 385 137 Fat in and Vegetable 310 of Sassafras Fennel Clove and Pimento 557 Means of 26 INDEX TO VOLTTME XXXIX.xxix Asphaltic Matters Dark Mineral Oils Estimation of in 178 Asphalts Analysis of 131 -- Natural and Oil Differentiation of 362 Atmosphere Radium Emanation in the Quantitative Determination of and its Atomic Weights International 1914 3 Australian Eucalypts Tasmanian and Correlation between the Specific Characters of the 435 Autenrieth and Funk Cholesterol and Oxycholesterol Estimation of by the Method Automatic Gas-Sampling Apparatus with some Observations on Sampling 103 the 404 --Variation with Altitude and Meteorological Conditions 418 - Ores Radium Extraction from of 455 of 129 Bacillus Coli Group Water Supplies Results of tbe Hypochlorite Disinfection of A Bacteria Acidity in Meal Grist and Bread Estimation of Taking into Account the Bacterial Metabolism in Milk Studies in 494 BACTERIOLOGICAL PHYSIOLOGICAL ETC.ABSTACTS 38 88 138 175 222 260 315, Balsam Peru 400 Barium Carbonate Titration Method Steel and Iron Determination by the of - Chloride Commercial Soda and Soaps Estimation of Free Alkali in by the, --- Method Moslinger’s Estimation of Lactic Acid in Wine by, - and Arsenic in Italian Tobacco 43 Bark Oil Oils of the Conifera Leaf and Twig and of White Fir 558 Barley Amino-Acid and Polypeptide-Nitrogen in Malt and Beer Estimation of by Base Metal Precious Metal Bullion Determination of Silver and in 502 Basic Lead Carbonate Alkali Carbonate Solutions Behaviour of Lead Carbonate, -I Slag Citrate Method and Lorenz’s Method Estimation of Citric Acid Soluble -- Phosphoric Acid in Estimation of Citric Acid Soluble 377 Beans Cacao Coniposition of the Radicles of 308 Beef and Mutton Fats Lard Detection by Bomer’s Method of in 253 - Detection by Polenske’s and Bomer’s Methods of in 216 Beer Amino-Acid and Polypeptide-Nitrogen in Barley Malt and Estimation of by Beers Electrical Conductivity of 352 - Specific Gravities of Malt Worts and Temperature Corrections to be Applied Beeswax Commercial Analysis of 123 -- Viking Period of the 40 Beet Molasses Cane Sugar in Determination of by a Modification of the Double Products Double Polarisation Process Comparative Study of Different Comparison of the Reduction of the Different Members of the 443 Action of and Enzymes 38 - Dust and Samples of Air Apparatus for Taking 283 359 402 442 494 551 Carbon in 373 Method 229 397 Titration with Acid after Treatment with Formaldehyde 257 and Lead Sulphate towards 53 Phosphoric Acid in by the 377 -Fat Lard Detection of in 84 171 Titration with Acid after Treatment with Formaldehyde 257 to the 256 Polarisation (Clerget-Herzfeld) Method Using Citric Acid 394 Mebhods of Determining Cane-Sugar in by the 43 xxx ISDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX.Beet Products Raw Cane Products Detection of Raw in Admixture with 258 Benzene Freezing-Point of as a Fixed Point in Thermometry 510 -- Total Sulphur in Commercial Estimation of 140 Benzoin Analytical Characters of 393 Benzoyl Derivatives Estimation of in 405 Berberine Estimation of 405 Bernadot’s Vinometer 457 Beryllium Separation and Estimation of 232 .-_ .Uranium Separation of from 325 Biological and Clinical Problems Dialysis Method Utility of in 223 Black Powder Examination of 267 Black Sage Oil of Investigations on 559 Blast Furnace Portland Cement Estimation of Slag in 187 Bleached Shellac Examination of 139 411 Bleaching Flour Notes on 1. Acidity of Flour ; 2. Natural and Artificial of Flour ; 3. Sulphates and Lime in Flour 519 Blende Dilute Sulphuric Acid Velocity of Solution of and Galena in 452 Blood Amino-Acids Estimation in. of. 315 - and Other Physiological Liquids Carbohydrates and Lactic Acid in Estimation of.551 -- Hematin in Estimation of 262 -- Serum Chlorine in Estimation of 223 -Serum Lipoids in Estimation of 176 - - Sugar in Estimation of 90 -_ Sugar in Micro-Estimation of 90 - Teichmann’s Test for Modification of 128 ,315 - Urea in New Method for the Estimation of 39 Blowpipe Flame Acid Radicles in Chlorides Chlorates Perchlorates Bromides, and Bromates Fluorides Application of Sodium Paratungstate and the to the Estimation of the 188 Body Varnish Quantitative Determination of and Solvent in 560 Bog Iron Ore Organic Matter in Destruction of 372 Boiling-Point Still for Exact Measurement of during Fractional Distillation 456 - Points Thermometer Corrections Apparatus for Determining without 420 - Rod Efficient 237 Bolting Flour Estimation of ‘‘ Cellulose ” in as a Measure of the Degree of 309 Bomb Calorimeter Coal Oxidation of Sulphur Compounds of and of hitrogen in the, Bomb Improved Type of Calorimeter to be Used with any Calorimetric 63 Bomer’s and Polenske’s Methods Beef Fat in Lard Detection by of 216 - Method Lard Detection of Beef and Mutton Fats by in 253 -- Phytosterol Acetate Test Butter Fat Detection of Coconut Oil in by Means Bone-Black Dextrose Absorption by of 497 Boric Acid Estimation of in 123 - --and the Correction to be Applied in Determining the Heating Value of Coal 563 of and Polenske’s Distillation Method 254 -- in Organic Substances Method of Estimating Very Small Quantities of 96 - Methyl Alcohol New Reaction for or 97 - Milk and Eggs Occurrence of in 123 -- Titration of 49 Bottled Mineral Waters Formation of Sediment in Estimation of Silica Iron and Bran Poisonous 215 Aluminium in Mineral Waters 12 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIY.xxxi Brass Bronze and Method for Rapid Quantitative Analysis of 453 Bread Acidity in Meal Grist aud Estimation of Taking into Account the Action of British West Africa Copals from 396 Bromates Acid Radicals in Chlorides Chlorates Perchlorates Bromides and Fluo-rides Application of Sodium Paratungstate and the Blowpipe Flame to the Estimation of the 188 Bromides Acid Radicals in Chlorides Chlorates Perchlorates Bromates and Fluorides Application of Sodium Paratungstate and the Blowpipe Flame to the Estimation of the 188 - Thiocyanates and Ferrocyanides Detection of in Presence of Action of - Thiocyanates and Ferrocyanides Detection of in Presence of 187 Bromination Methods Raw Caoutchouc and Caoutchouc Comparative Examinations Bromine Gases and Vapours Estimation of in.VII. Communication 271 - Telluric Acid Use of in Estimation of Associated with Chlorine in Heloid -- Turpentine Oil Thermal Value of 314 Bronze and B r a ~ Method for Rapid Quantitative Analysis of 453 Bronzes Rapid Analysis of 50 Brucine Strychnine Estimation in Presence of of 354 Bulb Method Melting-Points (of Fats etc.) Determination of by the Thermometer 61 Bullion Precious Metal Determination of Silver and Base Metal in 502 Butter Cacao d Skilfully Adulterated 216 Bacteria and Enzymes 38 Chromic Acid on Cyanogen Broinide 412 by of 226 Salts 331 Zinc in Coinage Estimation of by Volatilisation 236 Direct Estimation of Combustion Method for the 368 Earth-Nut 481 Fat Coconut Oil in Detection of by Means of Polenske’s Distillation Method and Borner’s Phytosteryl Acetate Test 254 -- Hardness of Apparatus and Method for Determining the 282 --- in Cheese and Cream Rapid Estimation of 253 -- Margarine Content of 216 - Substitute Cacao 434 Cacao Beans Composition of the Radicles of 308 - Butter A Skilfully Adulterated 216 --- Substitute 434 - Seeds 171 - Stabilised Analysis of 434 Caffeine Acetanilide Saccharin and.I. Extraction of and Analysis of Vanilla Extracts Study of Methods of Extraction by Means of Immiscible Sol-vents from Point of View of Distribution Coefficients 354 -- Coffee Estiniation of in 394 - Kola Preparations Estimation of in 31 p- Mercuric Chloride Microchemical Reaction of Theobromine Theophylline, and their Derivatives with 217 Cakes Cottonseed and Meals Estimation of Husks in 173 Calcium Acetone Action of on 41 p- and Magnesium in the Same Solution Titration of 51 - Cyanamide Mixtures of Calcium Nitrate and Estimation of Nitrogen -- Magnesium Separation of from 142 - Nitrate Nitrogen in Mixtures of and Calcium Cyanamide Estimation in 329 of 32 xxxii INDEX TO VOLTJME XXXIX.Calcium Oxalate Gravimetric Estimation of as 50 Calibrating Thermometers by Means of Floating Equilibrium 153 Calkanthus Floridus Volatile Oil of 558 California Petroleums Specific Heat of 499 Calorific Values Coal Gas Difference between Calculated and Determined of 132 Calorimeter Adiabatic 281 - Calorimetric Bomb Improved Type of to be Used with any 63 Camphor Tablets and Pills Estimation of in 353 Cane Products Raw Beet Products Detection in Admixture with Raw of 258 Cane Sugar Acids in Water-Alcohol Solutions Inversion of by 323 - Beet Molasses Determination of in by a Modification of the Double - Beet Products Comparative Study of Different Methods of Determining, - Condensed Milk The Estimation by Means of Acid Mercuric Nitrate of, - Double Polarisation (Clerget-Herzfeld) Method of Determining Con-- Lactose Estimation of in the Presence of 363 - Muta-Rotation as a Source of Error in the Double Polarisation (Clerget-- Reducing Sugars Determination of a Small Amount of in the Presence Caoutchouc Crude Rubber Direct Estimation of in 179 - Isoprene Note on Synthetic from 179 - Raw and Comparative Examinations of by Brornination Methods 226 -- Mixtures Loading in Estimation of According to the Standards of the Verband Deut scher Elek trot echniker 91 Capillary Lift Soils Measuring the of 318 Carbohydrates Blood and Other Physiological Liquids Estimation of and Lactic 111.The Cupric-Reducing Power of the Polarisation (Clerget-Herzfeld) Method Using Citric Acid 394 in by the Double Polarisation Process 435 and Lactose in 476 stants for the 86 Herzfeld) Method of Determining 258 of a large Proportion of 45 Estimation of in 138 - --Acid in 551 Pentoses-Xylose and Arahinose 555 - Methods of Estimation of. Picrate Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of 180 Carbon Aliphatic Substances Volumetric Estimation of in in the Wet Way 556 Barium Carbonate Titration Method Determination of in Steel and Iron by the 373 Dioxide Air Estimation of in 324 and Plants 260 - Mineral Waters the Approximate Estimation of Free in Apparatus for 238 Disulphide Extracted Oils Detection of in 180 Monoxide Air The Determination of in 163 -- Estimation of 445 -_- Yellow Mercuric Oxide Estimation of by Means of 226 Soils and Soil Extracts Estimation of in 449 Steel Determination by the Direct Combustion Method of in 560 Tar Products Estimation of So-called Free in 364 Tetrachloride Drugs and Medicinal Plants Use of in the Extraction and Estimation of the Active Principles of 255 --- Hop Bitter Substances Estimation of by Cold Extraction Wet Way Estimation of by the.Simultaneous Estimation of Halogens 132 with 12 ISDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. . XXXlll Carbonic Acid Small Quantities of Titration of 143 Carica Papaya Juice Dried Standardisation of 170 Casein Ferric Ammonium Sulphate Estimation of by Means of 496 -- Milk Volumetric Estimation of in by Means of the Tetraserum 399 Castor Bean Urease Experiments with (Studies on Enzyme Action XI.) 553 Catalytic Reductions Hydrogen Apparatus for with 333 Cathode Electrolysis with the Rotating Apparatus for Estimation of Small Quanti-- - Rapid Electrolytic Analysis Rotating and Anode for 334 Cattle and Poultry Food ‘‘ Artificial Preparation.” Worcestershire County Council v. “ Cellulose,” Flour Estimation of in as a Measure of the Degree of Bolting 309 Cement Blast-Furnace Slag in Portland Estimation of 187 - Plants Dust Fall jn the Neighbourhood of Estimation of the 372 Centrifugal Method Urine for Estimating Proteins in 40 (Cereals Coffee Mixtures Estimation of Roasted in) Analysis of Coffee 85 Cerium Pyrophorjc Alloys of and Iron Analysis of 415 Chambers Electrically Regulated Constant Temperature Thermo-Regulator for 336 Cheese Fat in Butter and Cream Rapid Estimation of 253 Chemical Analysis Feeding-Stuffs Valuation by Means of of 481 - and Mineralogical Granites and Gneisses Quantitative Composition of Chemico-Physical Principles Wine Analyses Method of Expressing Results of, Chemistry Electro-Titrimetric Method and its Application to General Analytical 565 China Wood Oil Examination of 557 Chloral Hydrate Flame Test for 217 Chlorates Acid Radicals in Chlorides Perchlorates Bromides Bromates and Fluorides Application of Sodium Paratungstate and the Blowpipe Flame to the Estimation of the 188 Chlorhydrocarbons Chemical Analysis The Properties of Some and their Uses in, Chlorides Acid Radicals in Chlorates Perchlorates Bromides Bromates and Fluorides Application of Sodium Paratungstate and the Blowpipe Flame to the Estimation of the 188 Seeds Detection of The 292 ties by 334 Notley Brothers (Law Report) 287 Water in Estimation of by Mai and Rheinberger’s Method 171 the 98 According to the Latest 127 Nitrates and Peroxides Reduction Method of Analysing 188 4 385 Iron in Presence of Permanganate Titration of 415 Chlorine Blood Serum Estimation of in 223 -- Bromine Associated with in Haloid Salts Use of Telluric Acid in Estima-tion of 331 -_- Orthotolidine as Reagent for Colorimetric Estimation of Small Quantities of Free 46 -- o-Tolidine and Starch Iodide Tests for Free Effect of Ferric Salts and Nitrites on the 454 -- Rain and Snow and Nitrogen in 190 -- Sulphuric Anhydride and of The Chief Cause of the Loss of by Incinerat-Cholesterol Autenrieth and Funk Estimation of and Oxycholesterol by the Method Chromic Acid Cyanogen Bromide Action of on Detection of Bromides in Presence ing Substances Containing These Constituents 425 of 129 - Fats Estimation of in 310 of Thiocyanates and Ferrocyanides 412 xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX.Chromic Oxide Chromium as Estimation of 97 Chromium Chromic Oxide Estimation of as 97 - -- Iron Aluminium - Zinc and Manganese Investigation of the Methods of Analysis and Separation of 272 - Iron and Steel Estimation of and Manganese in 454 - Oxidation in Alkaline Solution Estimation of by 143 - Titanium and Volumetric Estimation of by Means of a Modified Chrysophanic Acid Complex Medicinal Preparations Some Reactions of with Cider Tannin in Estimation of 127 -_ Vinegar Furfural in 256 - Vinegars Made by Generator Process Composition of 36 Cineol Content Eucalyptus Oils Notes on the Determination of the of 475 Citrate Method Citric Acid Soluble Phosphoric Acid in Basic Slag Estimation by Citric Acid Cane Sugar in Beet Molasses Determination of by a Modification of the --_ Mineral Phosphates in Solubility of 146 Reductor 419 Reference to its Detection in 353 the and Lorenz’s Method of 377 Double Polarisation (Clerget-Herxfdd) Method Using 394 - Colour Reactions for 395 Soluble Phosphoric Acid Estimation in Basic Slag of by the Citrate Method and Lorenz’s Method 377 - Phosphoric Acid Estimation in Basic Slag of 377 Citrus Sinensis Essential Oil of 558 Clay Humus in Heavy Soils Determination of 132 Clays Rational Analysis of 499 (Clerget-Herzfeld) Method Cane Sugar Muta-Rotation as a Source of Error in the Double Polarisation of Determining 258 -- Cane Sugar in Beet Molasses Determination of by a Clinical Dialysis Method in and Biological Problems Utility of the 223 Clove 1.Oils of Sassafras Anise Fennel and Pimento Hydrogen Value of Some Coagulation Rennet Fat Content of Milk and Rate of with 357 Coal Ash in Relation of Composition of to its Fusing Temperature 370 445 - Gas Calculated and Determined Calorific Values of Difference between 132 Modification of the Double Polarisation Using Citric Acid 394 Essential Oils and Essential Oil Products 557 Solvents Action on of 406 for 320 - -_-- Sulphur Compounds of and of Nitrogen in the Bomb Calorimeter Oxidation of, - Tar Dyes in Wines Detection of 358 Cobalt Colorimetric Estimation of Nickel Iron and Copper 326 - - Steel Estimation of in 271 -- Steels Estimation of in High-speed 503 Cocaine Reaction of New 481 b ‘ Cocoa Butter,’’ b 6 Cocoanut Oil ’’ and The Use of the Expressions 30 Cocoa Report on and Cocoa Products 123 ‘( Cocoanut Oil,” (‘ Cocoa Butter,” the Use of the Expressions and 30 Cocoanut Oil Butter Fat Detection of in by Means of Polenske’s Distillation Method Coffee Analysis of (Estimation of Roasted Cereals in Coffee Mixtures) 85 - Caffeine.Estimation in of 394 Cohune Nuts Fat of 396 Coinage Zinc in Bronze Estimation of by Volatilisation 236 and the Correction to Applied in Determining the Heating Value of 563 and Romer’s Phytosteryl Acetate Test 25 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. xxxv Collargol Organic Fluids Estimation of Silver in and 278 Colloidal Silver Silver Estimation of in 279 Colloids Effluents Estimation of in and the Use of the Interferometer in Water Colophony Fats and Soaps Method of Estimating in 181 - Melting-Points of Constituents of 256 Colorimeters Two New 282 Colorimetric Method Nitrates and Nitrites for Detecting and Estimating 276 Colour Methyl Alcohol Reaction for the Detection of 264 -- Reactions for Citric Acid 395 - - Reactions of Organic Compounds with Trichloroacetic Acid 410 Golouring substances Sesame Oil in Margarine containing Detection of 86 Combustion Furnace Dennstedt with Internal Electrical Heating 150 ~- Method Rubber for the Direct Estimation of 368 -__._ -_ Tellurium Dioxide for Analyses 192 Condensed Milk Cane-Sugar and Lactose in the Estimation of by Means of Acid Conductivity Beers Electrical of 352 -- Milk Electrical of.Electronietric Determination of End-Point in Cone Oil Cuban and Long-Leaf Pines Leaf and Twig Oils of and of Long-Leaf Coniferct. Oils of the Leaf and Twig and Bark Oils of White Fir 558 Constant Temperature Chambers Thermo-Regulator for Electrically Regulated 336 Cooking Fats the Changes in the Character of during the Process of 347 - -Vessels Nickel 417 Copals British West Africa from 396 Copper Alloys Analysis of Tin and Silicon 500 - -__ Approximate Melting-Points of Some Commercial 98 Analysis 325 Shades Measurement and Nomenclature of Industrial Applications of Various Processes and Systems for the 149 Mercuric Nitrate 476 Manufacture of Sweetened Condensed Milk 174 Methods Natural Waters Applicability of in Examination of 149 Pine 498 Arsenic and Iron Iodimetry of 116 Arsenic Rapid Electrolytic Separation of from 371 Cobalt Nickel Iron and Colorimetric Estimation of 326 - Gauze Zinc Determination Silver-Plated Electrode in 382 - -Iodide Method Lactose Estimation by the of 324 - Oxydases and Minute Traces of Guaiacum Resin as a Reagent for the Detection of 39 - Palladium Separation of from and Iron and Estimation of Palladium by Means of a-Nitroso-P-Naphthol 55 - Sulphate Commercial 414 -- Tin and Groups Separation of the 371 Corn Silage Methyl Alcohol in Occurrence of 549 Cottonseed Husks in Cakes and Meals Estimation of 173 Cottonseed Oil Halphen’s Test for Modification of 92 - Ethyl Ester of Linolic Tetrabromide as a Product in the Analysis of 532 Cream Fat in Cheese Butter and Rapid Estimation of 253 Creatine Colorimetric Estimation of 309 -- Folin Method for the Estimation of and Creatinine 41 Creatinine Creatine and Foliri Method for the Estimation of 41 (Creosote Oil) Wood Preservatives Report of the Committee OD 497 Gelatin in Sour Detection of 3 xxxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX.Creosote Timbers Quantity and Character of in Well-Preserved 496 p-Cresol Tyrosinase Reaction Peptides in Urine by the Detection of 555 Crucible Ignitions Double-Walled for 282 Cryolite Differentiation of Natural from Artificial 231 Crystallisation Sulphates Estimation of Water of in 193 Cupellation Noble Metals Loss of on 145 (Cupferron) Ammonium Salt of Nitrosophenylhydroxylamine Use of in Quantitative (“ Cupferron ”) Nitrosophenylhydroxylamine Separation of Zirconium from Iron Cupric-Reducing Power Carbohydrates Methods of Estimation of. 111. The of Cyanamide Volumetric Estimation of 365 Cyanides Ferric Salts and Volumetric Estimation of Ferricyanide in Presence of, Ferro and Ferricyanides and Thiocyanates Detection of in Presence of 365 Cyanogen Bromide Chromic Acid on Action of Detection of Bromides in Presence of Thiocyanates and Ferrocyanides 412 Cyauogenetic Plants of New South Wales 4.42 Separation of Titanium from Iron 332 and Aluminium with the Aid of the Ammonium Salt of 565 the Pentoses Xylose and Arabinose 555 366 6 1 Dead ” Rice Composition of 550 De-Aerated Liquids Seal for Prevention of Aeration in New 509 Decomposition Meats Detection of in 130 Dehydration Silica and Separation of 190 Densities Aqueous Solutions of Certain by a.New and Precise Method 61 Dennstedt Combustion Furnace with Internal Electrical Heating 150 Dextrose Bone-Black Absorption of by 497 Diastase Pancreas Assay of the Amylolytic of 318 Diastases Plant Tissues Quantitative Extraction of from 260 Diazonitro Reaction Vegetable Oils of 228 Dichromate Diphenylcarbohydrazide (Diphenylcarbazide) Application of as Indicator in Titration of Iron with 91 Digestive Ferments Assay of 359 Digitonin Method Oils and Fats and Lanolin Estimation of the Unsaponifiable Dimethyl Phosphates Rare Earths of the (Fractionation of Rare Earths) 146 Dimethylglyoxime Nickel Estimation of by Means of 375 Diphenylamine Reagent for Oxidising Substances Use of Diphenylbenzidine in Diphenylbenzidine Oxidising Substances Use of in Place of Diphenylamine as a Diphenylcarbohydrazine (Diphenylcarbazide) as Indicator in Titration of Iron with Direct Combustion Method Steel Determination by the of Carbon in 560 Disinfectants Method for Determining t,he Value of 261 Dissolved Oxygen Water Estimation of in 55 Distillation Fractional Still for Exact Measurement of Boiling-Point during 456 - Method Polenske’s and Bomer’s Phytosteryl Acetate Test Detection of Distribution Coefficients Extraction by Means of Inimiscible Solvents Study of Velocity of the Reduction Tests for Influence of Metals Present in Urine on the 131 Constituents of by Means of the 310 Place of as a 320 Reagent for 320 Dichromate Application of 91 -__ -_- Field Method for Determining in 234 Coconut Oil in Butter Fat by Means of 25 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX.xxxvii Methods of from Point of View of 1. (Analysis of Vanilla Extracts and Extraction of Acetanilide Saccharin and Caffeine 354 Dorton Spa The Water of 210 Double Polarisation (Clerget-Herzfeld) Method Cane Sugar in Beet Molasses Deter-mination of by a Modification of the Using Citric Acid 394 - - Cane Sugar Muta-Rotation as a Double Polarisation Process Cane-Sugar in Beet Products Comparative Study of Double-Walled Crucible Ignitions for 282 Drugs Carbon Tetrachloride the Extraction and Estimation of the Active Principles -- Synthetic New Remedies Photographic Developers etc.Index List of Trade -- Volatile Oils in Aromatic Plants and Spices Estimation of by the Tailameter, Dry Strengths Paper and Paper Yarns Wet and of 322 Drying Oils Insoluble Bromide Test for Notes on the 28 Drying-Oven Temperatures Non- Uniformity of 457 Drying Test Purposes Apparatus for the of Paper for 508 Duck Albumins and Hen Egg Differentiation between for Commercial Purposes, Dust and Bacteria Samples of Air Apparatus for Taking 283 Dyes Wines Detection of Coal-Tar in 368 [Dyestuffs] Report of the ‘‘ Fastness Committee,” 183 Dynamical Methods Vapour Pressures New Method for the Determination of and Source of Error in the of Determining 258 Different Methods of Determining by the 435 of and Medicinal Plants Use of 255 Names of 533 35 222 Cement Plants Estimation of the Fall in the Neighbourhood of 372 an Examination of a Source of Error in Certain 511 Earth-Nut Butter 481 Earths Hydroxides Errors in the Estimation of Rare as 330 Rare Dimethyl Phosphates of the (Fractionation of Rare) 146 Yttrium Separation of Yttrium from the Part I.280; Part II. 420 East Africa Protectorate Tobaccos from the 125 East India Wet Salted Goat Skins Analysis of the Saline Matter Adhering to the Effluents Colloids Estimation in of and the Use of the Interferometer in Water Egg Hen and Duck Albumins Differentiation bet ween for Commercial Purposes 222 Eggs Boric Acid in Milk and in Occurrence of 123 Electrical Conductivity Beers of 352 Flesh Side of 402 Analysis 325 Internal Heating Dennstedt Combustion Furnace with 150 Milk Conductivity of Electrometric Determination of End-Point in Manu- Thermoregulator Contact Vapour-Pressure 154 facture of Sweetened Condensed Milk 174 Electro-Analysis White Metals New Method for of 52 -_ Analytical Studies 97 - Titrimetric Method Analytical Chemistry and its Application to General 565 Electrode Zinc Determination Silver-Plated Copper Gauze in 382 Electrolysis Small Quantities Apparatus for Estimation by with the Rotating Electrolytic Analysis Rotating Cathode and Anode for Rapid 334 -- Thermostats Method for Heating and Regulation of 64 Cathode of 33 xvxviii INDEX TO VOLCJME XXXIX.End-Point Titrations with Fehling’s Solution New Indicator for Use in Determining, Enzyme Action Castor Bean Urease Experiments with (Studies on. Enzyme Work ‘‘ Tricresol ” as a Substitute for Toluene in 263 Enzymes Acidity in Meal Grist and Bread Estimation of Taking into Account the in 133 XI.) 553 Action of Bacteria and 38 Alfalfa (Lucerne) Present in 552 Errata 1914 121 and 516 Error ‘‘ Thomas ’’ Meal Sources of in the Analysis of 377 Errors Gas Analysis in Due to Assuming that the Molecular Volumes of All Gases Essential Oil Citrus Siyzensis of 558 --_ Ocymzm Pilosum Roxb.of 438 - Products Essential Oils and Hydrogen Value of Some. Essential Oils Analysis of 396 - Esters Estimation in of 436 are Alike 231 1. Oils of Sassafras Anise Fennel Clove and Pimento 557 Hydrogen Value of Some and Essential Oil Products. Sassafras Anise Fennel Clove and Pimento 557 Various Countries from 397 1. Oils of Esters Essential Oils Estimation of in 436 Phosphoric Acid Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in the Presence of 559 Ether Liquids Extraction of Apparatus for 235 Ethereal Sulphates Urine Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Inorganic and, Ethyl Alcohol Methyl Alcohol and Detection of 184 - Ester Cottonseed Oil of Linolic Tetrabromide as a Product in the Analysis of, Eucalypts Tasmanian and Australian Correlation between the Specific Characters Eucalyptus Oils Cineol Content of Notes on the Determination of the 475 Explosives Heat Test-of 184 Extract Malt Determination of 407 - Wine Estimating in 221 Extracted Oils Carbon Disulphide Detection in of 180 Extraction Apparatus 61 in 319 - Specific Reaction of 319 532 of the 435 - Permissible Tests of Repoyt 286 356 -- Paprika Detection of 174 New 240 - Simple 381 - Immiscible Solvents Study of Methods of from Point of View of Dis-1.(Analysis of Vanilla Extracts -__- Solvents of High Specific Gravity Apparatus Specially Designed for 240 Extractor Fat A Simple 295 Extracts Nitrogen in Vegetable Yeast and Meat Distribution of 444 -- Phosphates Estimation in Soil of 329 -- Soils and Soil Estimation of Carbon in 449 tribution Coeficients by Means of.and of Acetanilide Saccharin and Caffeine) 354 Fachini-Dorta Method Oils and Fats The of [Approximately] Separating Liquid ‘‘ Fastness Committee,” Report of the [Dyestuffs] 183 from Solid Fatty Acids in 38 INUEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. XXXlX Fat Cheese Butter and Cream Rapid Estimation of in 253 - Cohune Nuts of 396 - Extractor A Simple 295 - Milk Content of and Rate of Coagulation with Rennet 357 - Stag's Characteristics Gf 32 Fats Acetyl Value of Oils etc. Estimation of the 362 Animal and Vegetable Unsaponifiable Constituents of Mowrah Fat and the - Animal in Vegetable Detection of 32 Cholesterol Estimation in of 310 Colophony in and Soaps Method of Estimating 181 Cooking The Changes in the Character of during the Process of 347 Digitonin Method Estimation of the Unsaponifiable Constituents of Oils and, Hydroxy Fatty Acids in Estimation of by Means of Magnesium Methyl Iodide, Iodine Value of Comparison of Various Methods for Determining the 406 --- Estimation of the.and Action of Halogens on Oleic Acid, Nephelometric Method for the Estimation of in 356 Detection of this Fat in 310 and of Lanolin by Means of the 310 41 v 311 Nickel in Detection of 254 Oils and The Fachini-Dorta Method of [Approximately] Separating Liquid from Solid Fatty Acids in 389 Phytosterol in Animal Detection of 84 Vegetable in Animal Detection of 32 Acids Mixtures of Nelting and Solidifying Points of and Use of these Points to Determine Composition of Such Mixtures 448 - Note on the and DetGtion of Arachidic Acid 122 --_ Oils and Fats The Fachini-Dorta Method of [Approximately] Separating Liquid from Solid in 389 -- Soaps Estimation of in 311 Feeding-Stuffs Chemical Analysis Valuation of by Means of 481 - Hydrocyanic Acid in The Estimation of and its Occurrence in Millet and Guinea Corn 430 --_ Water in Foods and Rapid Estimation of 36 Fennel Hydrogen Value of Some Essential Oils and Essential Oil Products.I. Oils of Sassafras Anise Clove and Pimento 557 Ferment Reactions Goat's Milk Schardinger's Formaldehyde - Methylene Blue Reaction and Other of 218 (Fermentation-Reductase) Reductase Test 224 -- Test at 46" C.as an Aid in Water Examination 129 Ferments Digestive Assay of 359 Ferric Ammonium Sulphate Casein Estimation by Means of of 496 - - Chloride Titanium Volumetric Estimation of by Means of 563 -- Salts Ferricyanide in Presence of and Cyanides Volumetric Estimation of, -- o-Tolidine and Starch Iodide Tests for Free Chlorine Effect of and -- Titrating New Method of 189 Ferricyanide Ferric Salts and Cyanides Volumetric Estimation of in Presence of, 366 Nitrites on the 454 366 Ferricyanides Cyanides in Presence of Ferro- and and Thiocyanates Detection of, 365 Ferrocyanide Alkali Bromate Estimation of by Titration with 36 xl INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX, Ferrocyanides Bromides in Presence of Thiocyanates and Detection of Action of Chromic Acid on Cyanogen Bromide, 412 Detection of 187 - Cyanides in Presence of and Ferricyanides and Thiocyanates 365 Fibre Crude Method for the Estimation of 367 Fibre Finely Powdered Substances Estimation of Crude in 218 Field Method Dissolved Oxygen in Water for Determining 234 Filament Concentrated Tungsten Lamp Uses in the Laboratory of the 194 Filter from which a Precipitate may be Reujoved Quantitatively 151 Filtration Suction Device to Assist by 508 Finely Powdered Substances Extraction of 420 Finishing Potato Starch Rapid Testing of for Purposes 94 Fir White Oils of the Con$ercz Leaf and Twig and Bark Oils of 558 Fire-damp Whistle 193 Fishes Soft Roe and Hard Roe of Composition of the 261 Flame Test Chloral Hydrate for 217 Flax Waxes from and Hemp 560 Flour, - Gliadin in and Gluten Quantitative Estimation of 33 - Notes on 1.Acidity of; 2. Natural and Artificial Bleaching of ; 3. Sdphates - Proteins in Wheat Estimation of the 550 - Rye Detection in Wheat of Small Quantities of 400 - Sulphates Note on the Presence in of 429 - Wheat Detection of Small Quantities of Rye Flour in 400 Flours Ivory-Nut Meal in and Fodders Estimation of 218 Fluorescence Petroleum Distillates of 446 Fluorides Acid Radicals in Chlorides Chlorates Perchlorates Bromides Bromates, and Application of Sodium Paratungstate and the Blowpipe Flame to the Estimation of 188 Cellulose” in Estimation of as a Measure of the Degree of Bolting 309 and Lime in 519 - Milling of and Testing of 358 Quantitative Estimation of the Proteins Soluble in Salt Solutions in 262 I____ Aluminium Precipitation of in Presence of 269 Fluorine Mineral Waters in 401 -- Reagents Occurrence of in 231 Fodders Ivory-Nut Meal in Flours and Estimation of 218 Folin Method Creatine and Creatinine for the Estimation of 41 Fontactoscope Spring Waters for Measuring the Radio-Activity of 423 Food Cattle and Poultry Artificial Preparation.” Worcestershire County Council - Materials Phosphates in the Ash of Volumetric Estimation of 234 FOODS AND DXUGS ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 31 84,122,171,215 252,308,352,393 433, Foods Boric Acid in Estimation of 123 - Inspectors of Report on the Work of for the Year 1912-1913 195 - Milk Production Method for Calculating the Value of from the Point of View - Saccharin Estimation in of 86 -_ Water in and Feeding Stuffs Rapid Estimation of 36 Formaldehyde - Methylene Blue Reaction Schardinger’s and Other Ferment Re- Soluble The Action of Weak Acids on 248 v.Notley Brothers (Law Report) 287 480 532 of 171 actions of Goat’s Milk 21 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. xli Formaldehyde Phenol in the Presence of Hexamethylenetetramine and Determin--- Schiffs Reagent Containing Hydrochloric Acid Detection of and of, - Titration with Acid after Treatment with Estimation of Amino-Acid Formic Acid Method of Estimating 320 -- Nitrates Reaction with of 233 -- (‘ Vacuum Distillation ” Method for the Detection of 321 Fractional Distillation Gas Analysis by at Low Temperatures 414 Freezing-Point Thermometry of Benzene as a Fixed Point in 510 Fresenius’s Method Nitrites On for Determining Small Quantities of and its Fuels Water in Solid and Liquid Estimation of by Distfllation with Xylene 141 Fulminate Mercury Electrolytic Estimation of in 275 Fume and Smoke Monitors Instantaneous Thermostat and Precipitators and Funk and Autenrieth Cholesterol and Oxycholesterol Estimation by the Method of, Furfural Cider Vinegar in 256 Furnace Dennstedt Combustion with Internal Electrical Heating 150 Fusing Temperature Coal Relation of Composition of Ash in to its 370 ation of 266 Compounds by Means of 172 and Polypeptide-Nitrogen in Barley Malt and Beer by 257 -- Pine Woods of Mixed 48 - Liquefaction Rice Starch of 440 Sensitiveness Compared with the m-Phenylene-Diamine Reaction 350 Recorders 567 of 129 Galena Sulphuric Acid Velocity of Solution of Blende and in Dilute 452 Gallium Aluminium Presence of in Commercial 53 Gas Ammonia Estimation in Illuminating of 369 -- Analysis Apparatus 421 -_- Errors in Due to Assuming that the Molecular Volumes of All Gases -- Fractional Distillation at Low Temperatures by 414 -- Manostat for Use in 458 -- Generator Permanent Use for 239 -- Mixtures Complex Apparatus for Analysis of 566 --Sampling Automatic Apparatus with Some Observations on Sampling 103 ---Velocities Pitot-Tubes for Measurement of 456 -- Very Small Quantities of Analysis of Application to Air Analysis 413 --Volumetric Estimation Urine of Free and Combined Amino-Nitrogen in 175 Gaseous Hydrocarbons Mineral Springs Detection and Estimation of in the Water Gases Bromine in and Vapours Detection of.VII. Communication 271 - Zeiss Interferometer for the Analysis of 103 Gauge Pressure New Differential 60 Gelatin Sour Cream Detection of in 33 - Sulphur Dioxide in 87 Gelatins Paper-Making The Examination of Commercial with Regard to their Suitability for 20 Generator Nitrogen 422 Geographical Sources Hops Aroma of Study of the Volatile Oil with Relation to the of the Hops 355 German Standards Malt Analysis New for 436 are Alike 231 of 227 - Mixed Improved Apparatus for the Analysis of 391 - Process Cider Vinegars Made by Composition of 3 xlii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. Gingerbread Sugars in and Similar Products Separation and Estimation of 358 Gliadin Flour and Gluten Quantitative Estimation of in 33 Glue Sizings Identification of Rosin and 411 Gluten Gliadin in Flour and Quantitative Estimation of 33 Glycerines Glycerol in Technical and Soap Lyes Estimation of 181 Glycerol International Standard Methods 1911 Analysis of Crude by the.- Technical Glycerines and Soap Lyes Estimation of in 181 - Wine Estimation of in 87 Glycogen Yeast Determination of in 129 Gneisses Granites and Quantitative Mineralogical and Chemical Composition of Goat Skins East India Analysis of the Saline Matter Adhering to the Flesh Side of Goat’Ec Milk Schardinger’s Formaldehyde-Methylene Blue Reaction and Other Fer-Golden Sulphide Antimony Analysis of of 186 Government Laboratory Work of the for the Year Ended March 31,1914 Report of Granites Gneisses and Quantitative Mineralogical and Chemical Composition of Graphite Sulphuretted Hydrogen from Artificial 67 Grist Acidity in Meal and Bread Estimation of Taking into Account the Action of Gru-Gru Oil 124 Guaiacol Urine Detection of in 360 Guaiacum Oxydases and Minute Traces of Copper Resin as a Reagent for the Guinea Corn Millet and The Estimation of Hydrocyanic Acid in Feeding-stuffs, Guncotton Nitrometer Determination of Nitrogen in by Means of the 409 Estima-tion of Organic Residue 34 the 98 Wet Salted 402 ment Reactions of 218 the Government Chemist upon the with Appendices 458 the 98 Bacteria and Enzymes 38 Detection of 39 and its Occurrence in 430 Hsmatin Blood Estimation of in 262 Halides Hydroxyl Groups Pyridine as a Solvent in the Estimation of by Means of Halogen Oxyacids Semicarbazide Estimation of by its Interaction with Halogens Halogens Oleic Acid Action of on and Estimation of the Iodine Value of Fats 311 Alkyl Magnesium 186 and 323 Organic Compounds Estimation of in 367 Carbon Estimation of by the Wet Way.Simultaneous Estimation of 132 Semicarbazide Estimation of by its Interaction with and Halogen Oxy-Haloid Salts Bromine Associated with Chlorine in Use of Telluric Acid in Estima-Halphen’s Teet Cotton-Seed Oil Modification of for 92 Hardness Butter Fat Apparatus for Determining the of 282 Heat California Petroleums Specific of 499 - Test Abel Some Observations on the 44 Heats Liquids New Method for Determining the Specific of 510 Heating Value of Coal Oxidation of Sulphur Compounds of Coal and of Nitrogen in the Bomb Calorimeter and the Correction to be Applied in Determining the 563 Hemp Flax and Waxes from 560 acids 323 tion of 331 ~ Water Estimation of in 379 - Explosives of 18 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX.xliii Hen Albumins Differentiation between and Duck Egg for Commercial Purposes, Herzig and Meyer’s Reaction Proteins and Amino-Acids Applied to 317 Hevea Rubber 30 per cent. Insulating Compound Analytical Procedure for 137 Hexamethylenetetramine Phenol in the Presence of and Formaldehyde Determina-tion of 266 -- Wine or Milk Detection of in 125 High Dilutions Ozone Nitrogen Peroxide aad Hydrogen Peroxide at Estimation and Distinction of 189 - Temperature Thermostat 153 Higher Oxides Lead Analysis of of 328 Histidins Colorimetric Estimation of 92 Honey Sulphate in and Other Substances Rich in Sugar Estimation of 259 Hop Bitter Substznces Carbon Tetrachloride Estimation of by Cold Extraction Hops Aroma of Study of the Volatile Oil with Relation to the Geographical Sources Sources of the 355 - Nitrogenous Constituents of 492 Humus Soils Determination of in Heavy Clay 132 Husks Cottonseed Cakes and Meal& Estimation of in 173 Hydrocarbon Content Concentrated Lemon Oils Determination of the of 185 Hydrocarbons Sulphur Dioxide Separation of by Means of Liquid 321 -- Water of Mineral Springs Detection and Estimation of Gaseous in Hydrochloric Acid Alkali Carbonates Convenient Standard End-Point in Titration Formaldehyde and Formaldehyde Compounds Detection of by Means of Schiffs Reagent Containing 172 222 with 125 the 227 of with 268 - -- Arsenic in and Sulphuric Acids Estimation of 370 Hydrocyanic Acid Alkali Cyanides New Method for Determination of and 448 Feeding-Stufls The Estimation of in and its Occurrence in Millet and Guinea Corn 430 Linseed The Rate of Liberation of from 70 -Hydrogen Catalytic Reductions with Apparatus for 333 - Peroxide Ozone Nitrogen Peroxide and at High Dilutions Estimation - ‘‘ Silicol ” and Other Silicon Compounds Used for the Production of, .- Sulphide Small Quantities of Colorimetric Estimation of 325 - Sulphuretted from Artificial Graphite 67 - Value Essential Oils and Essential Oil Products of Some.Sassafras Anise Fennel Clove and Pimento 557 and Distinction of 189 Analysis of 147 - - Water New Apparatus for Estimation of in.Part I. 457 I. Oils of Hydrolysis Lmulosans The of and its Application in Plant Analysis 11. and III, 88 Hydroxides Rare Earths as Errors in the Estimation of 330 Hydroxy Fatty Acids Fats Estimation of in by Means of Magnesium Methyl Hydroxybutyric Acid Estimation of 184 Hydroxyl Groups Pyridine as a Solvent in the Estimation of by Means of Alkyl Hypochlorite Disinfection Water-Supplies Results of the of. A Comparison of the Bypophosphorous Acid Arsenic Quantitative Separation of from the Metals by Iodide 41 Magnesium Halides 186 Reduction of the Different Members of the Bacillzcs CoZi Group 443 Means of 26 xliv IXDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. Ignitions Double- Walled Crucible for 282 Illuminating Gas Estimation of Ammonia in 369 Immiscible Solvents Methods of Extraction by Means of Study of from Point of View of Distribution Coefficients.I. (Analysis of Vanilla Extracts and Extrac-tion of Acetanilide Saccharin and Caffeine) 354 Index List Synthetic Drugs New Remedies Photographic Developers Etc. of Trade Names of 533 India Corrected Sikes's Tables in Use in for Determining the Proof Strengths of Spirits at Temperatures from 40" F. to 100" F. by Sikes's Hydrometer Method by which were Calculated the 532 India-Rubber Sulphur in Estimation of Total 368 Indicator Dry Starch Soluble in Cold Water for Use as an Preparation of 451 - End-Point in Titrations with Fehling's Solution New for Use in Deter-Indicators Analytical Chemistry Radio-Elements as in 57 -- Natural Some 499 Indigo-Forming Substances Urine in 39 Industrial Applications Colour Shades of Various Processes and Systems for the Measurement and Nomenclature of 149 Infant Feeding Local Government Board Reports to the I.On the Use of Pro-prietary Foods for ; 11. On the Analysis and Composition of Some Proprietary Foods for Infants 464 Inks Printing and their Analysis 450 INORGANIC ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 49,96,142,186,230,268,324,369,412,452,499,560 -- Sulphates Urine Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Ethereal and, Insoluble Bromide Test Drying Oils Notes on the for 28 INSTITUTX OF CHEMISTRY ; 158 197 242 384 Interferometer Gases Zeiss for the Analysis of 103 -- Water Analysis Estimation of Colloids in Effluents and the Use of INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC WEIGHTS 1914 3 Invertase Solutions Top and Bottom Yeasts Method of Preparing Strong from 443 Iodate Periodate in Presence of and Iodide Estimation of 56 Iodide Periodate in Presence of Iodate and Estimation of 56 Iodimetric Estimation Iodide Iodine of 99 Iodimetry Arsenic Copper and Iron of 116 Iodine Organic Substances Estimation of in 367 Iodine Value Fats Comparison of Various Methods for Determining the of 406 Insulating Compound 30 per cent.Hevea Rubber Analytical Procedure for 137 Iodide Iodine Iodimetric Estimation of 99 Iodine Value Oleic Acid Action of Halogens on and Estimation of the of Fats 311 Iridium Platinum-Iridium Alloys The Determination of in 340 Iron Aluminium Chromium Zinc and Manganese Investigation of the Methods of -- Carbon in Steel and Determination of by the Barium Carbonate Titration - Cerium and Analysis of Pyrophoric Alloys of 415 - Chlorides Permanganate Titration of in Presence of 415 - Chromium and Manganese Estimation in and Steel of 454 mining 133 Methyl Red as an 518 - Phthaleins Properiies of the as 136 in 319 Value Oils Note on the of 388 9 -- The of and its Determination 297 the in 325 Analysis and Separation of 272 Method 37 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX.XlV Iron Cobalt Nickel and Copper Colorimetric Estimation of 326 -- Diphenylcarbohydrazide (Diphenylcarbazide) Application of as Indicator in -- Manganese Separation of and 272 -- Ores Estimation in of 144 -- Palladium b i Means of a-Nitroso-&Naphthol Estimation of and Separation of -- Permanganate Titration Electrolytic Reduction of for 328 -- Phosphoric Acid Determination of in Presence of 416 -_- Quantitative Separation of Titanium from Use of Ammonium Salt of Nitro-sophenylhydroxylamine (“ Cupferron ”) in 332 -- Sediment in Bottled Mineral Waters Formation of.Estimation of Silica and Aluminium in Mineral Waters 126 -- Water Colorimetric Estimation of in 333 Titration of with Dichromate 91 Palladium from Copper and 55 Zirconium from and Aluminium Separation from with the Aid of the Ammo-nium Salt of Nitrosophenylhydroxylamine (“ Cupferron ”) 565 Isoprene Physical Constants of 406 - - Synthetic Caoutchouc from Note on 179 Italian Tobacco Barium and Arsenic in 43 Ivory-Nut Meal Flours and Fodders Estimation of in 218 Jams Salicylic Acid Estimation in of 219 Juice Caricn Papaya Standardisation of Dried 170 Kjeldahl’s Method Nitrogen Modifications of the of Estimating 227 -- Nitro-Compounds Estimation of Nitrogen in by 93 Kola Preparations Caffeine Estimation in of 31 Laboratory Method Liquid Mixtures Rapid of Measuring Partial Vapour Pressures Lacmoid ( ( Lacmosol,” the Active Constituent of 556 Lacmosol,” Lacmoid the Active Constituent of 556 Lactic Acid Blood and Other Physiological Liquids Estimation of Carbohydrates -- Liquids Containing Protein Estimation of in 133 -- Wine Estimation by Moslinger’s Barium Chloride Method of in 397 Estimation of in 37 Lactose Ammonium Sulphate Influence of on the Rotation of 133 - Cane 8ugar in the Presence of Estimation of 363 -_ Condensed Milk The Estimation by Means of Acid Mercuric Nitrate of Cane Sugar and in 476 - Copper-Iodide Method Estimation of by the 324 -- Milk Polarimetric Estimation of in 399 Laevulosans Plant Analysis The Hydrolysis of and its Application in 11.and III., Laevulose Sugars Detection and Estimation of in Presence of Other 323 Lamp Concentrated Filament Tungsten Uses in the Laboratory of the 194 Landsberger-Sakurai Method Molecular Weight Improved Apparatus for the Deter-mination of by the 152 Lanolin Unsaponifiable Constituents of Oils and Fats and of Estimation by Means of the Digitonin Method of the 310 Lard Beef and Mutton Fats in Detection by Bomer’s Method of 253 - Beef Fat in Detection by Poleneke’s and Bomer’s Methods of 216 -- Detection in of 84 171 of 569 and in 551 9 -____ --8 xlvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX.Lathering Soap Capacity of 312 Lead Carbonate Alkali Carbonate Solutions Behaviour of Basic Lead Carbonate, and Lead Sulphate towards 53 Higher Oxides of Analysis of 328 New and Sensitive Reaction of 274 Reagents for Sensitiveness of Various 374 Peroxide Lux’s Method for the Estimation of Note on 328 Red Analysis and Composition of 375 - Salte Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate Solutions Action of on Difficultly Soluble, Small Quantities of Estimation of 274 Sulphate Alkali Carbonate Solutions Behaviour of Lead Carbonate Basic 143 Lead Carbonate and towards 53 Tungsten Effect on Ammonium Molybdate Assay for of 192 Volumetric Estimation of 373 - Urine in Cases of Poisoning Estimation of Small Quantities of particularly Leaf and Twig Oils Conijerw Oils of the and Bark Oil of White Fir 558 Leaves Senna Constituents of 35 in 495 - Cuban and Long-Leaf Pines of and Cone Oil of Long-Leaf Pine 498 Lemon- Oils ‘ Hydrocarbon Content of Concentrated Determination of the, 185 Lime Soil Determination of Requirements of 450 - Soils Estimation of the Requirement of 90 Linolic Tetrabromide Cottonseed Oil Ethyl Ester of as a Product in the Analysis Linseed Hydrocyanic Acid The Rate of Liberation froni of 70 - Oil Oxygen Absorption of during Drying Gravimetric Estimation of the, Lipoids Blood Serum Estimation of in 176 Liquid Mixtures Partial Vapour Pressures of Rapid Laboratory Method of Measur-Liquids Carbohydrates and Lactic Acid in Blood and Other Physiological Estima-of 532 92 ing 569 tion of 551 De-Aerated New Seal for Prevention of Aeration in 509 ~- Ether Extraction of Apparatus for 239 -- Lactic Acid Estimation of in Containing Protein 133 - Specific Heats of New Method for Determining the 510 -- Very Volatile Apparatus for the Combustion of 566 - Zelmanowitz’s Apparatus Modification of for Extracting 64 Liquorice Powder Compound The Composition and Analysis of 160 List Index of Trade Names of Synthetic Drugs New Remedies Photographic Loading Caoutchouc Mixtures Estimation of in according to the Standards of the Local Government Board Reports to the I.On the Use of Proprietary Foods for 11. On the Analysis and Composition of Some Proprietary Foods Long-Leaf Pine Leaf and Twig Oils of Cuban and Long-Leaf Pines and Cone Oil Lorenz’s Method Citric Acid Soluble Phosphoric Acid in Basic Slag Estimation of, Lothar Meyer’s Apparatus Mercury Modified for the Purification of 151 Developers etc.533 Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker 91 Infant Feeding. for Infants 464 of 498 by the Citrate Method and 37 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. xlvii Lubricants Tests for Standard 557 (Lucerne) Alfalfa Enzymes Present in 552 Lungs Silicotic Ash of 359 Lux’s Method Lead Peroxide Note on for the Estimation of 328 Magnesium Calcium and in the Same Solution Titration of 51 - Methyl Iodide Hydroxy Fatty Acids in Fats Estimation of by Means ~- Sulphate Detection of in 219 Mai and Rheinberger’s Method Cheese Estimation of Water in by 171 Malic and Succinic Acids Colour Reaction of 186 Mallory Connective Tissue Stain Ruthenium Red and the Treatment of Sinews, Malt Amino-Acid and Polypeptide- Nitrogen in Barley and Beer Estimation of by 9 SeparatiGn from of 142 -- -of 41 particularly by the Application of 89 Titration with Acid after Treatment with Formaldehyde 257 Analysis New German Standards for 436 Extract 356 -- Determination of 407 - Wine 128 Worts and Beers Temperature Corrections to be Applied to the Specific Gravities of.256 Manganese Cirbonate Strychnine Identification by Means of of Traces of, 357 - Iron Aluminium Chromium Zinc and Investigation of the Methods of - Iron and Separation of 272 - Marshall’s Reaction 274 - Sulphide and the Estimation of 417 -_- Water Colorimetric Estimation of Small Quantities of in 54 Mannitol Estimation of 93 Manometric Method Urea for the Estimation of 553 Manostat Gas Analysis for Use in 458 Maple Products Analysis of 11 85 Margarine Butter Fat Content of 216 -- Sesame Oil Detection of in Containing Colouring Substances 86 Marshall’s Manganese Reaction 274 Meal Acidity in Grist and Bread Estimation of Taking into Account the Action of Bacteria and Enzymes 38 - Flours and Fodders Estimation of Ivory-Nut in 218 - ‘‘ Thomas,” Sources of Error in the Analysis of 377 Meals Cottonseed Cakes and Estimation of Husks in 173 Meat Vegetable Yeast and Extracts Distribution of Nitrogen in 444 Meats Decomposition Detection in of 130 Medicinal Plants Carbon Tetrachloride in the Extraction and Estimation of the - Preparations Chrysophanic Acid Some Reactions of with Reference to Analysis and Separation of 272 ! Steel Estimation o€ Chromium and in 454 -Manganese 417 -__-- ,-.- Traces of in 380 9 Methods for the 407 - -~ Active Principles of and Drugs Use of 255 Melting Point Tars Relation between the and Viscosity of Wefined 369 - -Points Colophony of Constituents of 256 its Detection in Complex 35 xlviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX.Melting-Points Mixtures of Fatty Acids Solidifying and of and Use of these Points -- Silicates Determination of of 236 I__- Thermometer Bulb Method Determination of (of Fats etc.) by the 61 Mercuric Chloride Caffeine Theobromine Theophylline and their Derivatives, Mercuric Chloride Volumetric Estimation of 233 -- Iodide Tablets Estimation of in 493 -- Oxide Carbon Monoxide Estimation of by Means of Yellow 226 Mercury Fulminate Electrolytic Estimation of in 275 -_.Lothar Meyer’s Apparatus for the Purification of Modified 151 -I- Method of Estimating New 144 -- Urine Electrolytic Method for Est.imation of in 225 Metabolism Milk Studies in Bacterial in 494 Metal Monel Analysis of a Sample of 561 Metallic Tungsten High-Grade Analysis of 505 Metals Cupellation Loss of Noble on 145 to Determine Composition of Such Mixtures 448 Micro-Chemical Reaction with of 217 Dextrose Influence of Present in Urine on the Velocity of the Reduction Electro-Analysis of White New Method for 52 Hypophosphorous Acid Quantitative Separation of Arsenic from the by Tests for 131 Means of 269 Methoxyl Estimations Note on 134 Methyl Alcohol Boric Acid or New Reaction for 97 -_- Corn Silage Occurrence of in 549 Detection of 407 --__ Ethyl Alcohol and Detection of 184 -__ Spirits Detection of in 433 Methyl Red Indicator as an 518 Methylpentoses Rhamnose in Presence of Other Estimation of 410 Micro-Chemical Aluminium Detection of 96 269 -_ Reactions Anthraquinones of Certain 403 Micro-Elementary Organic Substances Quantitative Analysis of by F.Pregl’s Microscope Nitrocelluloses Examination with the Polarising of 94 Milk Added Water The Detection in of 432 - Ammonia Estimation and Significance in of 173 - and Products The Composition of 243 - Boric Acid in and in Eggs Occurrence of 123 - . Casein in Volumetric Estimation of by Means of the Tetraserum 399 Sulphur Estimation of in Compounds Containing 265 - Colour Reaction for the Detection of 264 - - Myrosin Detection of 409 Methods 280 Alcohol at Different Degrees of Concentration Titration of with 317 Condensed the Estimation by Means of Acid Mercuric Nitrate of Cane-Sugar Electrical Conductivity of Electrometric Determination of End-Point in Fat Content of and Rate of Coagulation with Rennet 357 and Lactose in 476 Manufacture of Sweetened Condensed 174 - - in Nephelometric Method for the Determination of 356 -_ Foods Method of Calculating the Value of from the Point of View of Pro-- Goat’s Schardinger’s Formaldehyde - Methylene Blue Reaction and Other duction 171 Ferment Reactions of 21 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX.xlix Milk Hexamethylenetetramine in Wine or Detection of 125 - Lactose Polarimetric Estimation in of 399 Metabolism in Studies in Bacterial 494 - Products Milk and The Composition of 243 - Samples for Analysis Preservation of 398 - Serum Abnormal Refraction of 212 - - Refraction of (Ackermann’s Method) 256 Water Determination of the Viscosity of as a Means of Detecting the Addition Millet Hydrocyanic Acid in Feeding-Stuffs the Estimation of and its Occurrence Mineral Oil Mixtures Method for Calculating Viscosity of 446 - Oils Asphaltic Matters in Dark Estimation of 178 - Phosphates Citric Acid Solubility of in 146 - Springs Gaseous Hydrocarbons Detection and Estimation of in the Water - Waters Fluorine in 401 - Free Carbon Dioxide in Apparatus for the Approximate Estimation -- Sediment Formation of in Bottled Estimation of Silica Iron and Mineralogical Granites and Gneisses Quantitative and Chemical Composition of Molasses Cane-Sugar in Beet Determination of by a Modification of the Double Molecular Weight Landsberger - Sakurai Method Improved Apparatus for the Monamino-Acids Detection and Estimation of 316 Monazite Composition of 275 Monazites Analysis of 189 Monel Metal Sample of Analysis of a 561 Montana Waxes Montanin and 93 Montanin and Montana Waxes 93 Morphine Acid Opium Solut’ions Estimation of in 31 Moslinger’s Barium Chloride Method Lactic Acid in Wine Estimation by of, Mowrah Fat Animal and Vegetable Fats Unsaponifiable Constituents of and the -- Shea Butter Unsaponifiable Constituents of and their Relation to Musts Organic Phosphoric Acid Compounds in Concentrated and Wines 398 Muta-Rotation the Double Polarisation (Clerget-Herefeld) Method of Determining Mutton and Beef Fats Lard Detection by Bomer’s Method of in 253 Myrosin Microchemical Detection of 409 of 400 in and Guinea Corn 430 of 227 of 238 Aluminium in 126 the 98 Polarisation (Clerget-Herafeld) Method Using Citric Acid 394 Viscosity of Refined Syrups and Determination of the 220 Determination of by the 152 - Sand Thorium in Estimation of 378 .Uranium Salts Detection of and Phenols by Means of 438 397 Detection of this Fat in 310 Those of 440 Cane-Sugar as a Source of Error in 258 Nephelometer Acetone Estimation of Small Quantities of in the 178 Nephelometric Method Milk for the Determination of Fat in 356 Nophelometry Nucleases in the Study of 359 New South Wales Cyanogenetic Plants of 442 Analysis New and its Use in 28 1 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX.Nickel Cobalt Iron and Copper Colorimetric Estimation of 326 -- Colorimetric Estimation of 327 - - Cooking-Vessels 417 - - Dimethylglyoxime Estimation of by Means of 375 -- Electrolytic Separation of 454 -_- Fats Detection of in 254 Nicotine Ammonia Estimation of in the Presence of 42 -- Silicotungstate Estimation of as 43 Nitrates Chlorates and Peroxides Reduction Method of Analysing 188 -- Formic Acid Reaction of with 233 - - Nitrites Colorimetric Method for Detecting and Estimating and 276 -- Nitrocelluloses and Estimation of Nitrogen in 276 Nitric Acid Platinum Vessels Resistance to Hot of 382 -_- Rainfall Influence of Weather Conditions upon the Amounts of and of Nitrites Free Chlorine Effect of Ferric Salts and on the o-Tolidine and Starch - Fresenius’s Method for Determining Small Quantities of On and its Sensi-- Gravimetric Estimation of 145 - Nitrates Colorimetric Method for Detecting and Estimating and 276 Nitrocellulose Manufacture Waste Acids from Analysis of 183 Nitrocelluloses Nitrates and Estimation of Nitrogen in 276 - Polarising Microscope Examination of with the 94 - Sulphuric Acid Estimation in of 45 Nitro-Compounds Nitrogen in Estimation by Kjeldahl’s Method of 93 -- Titanium Chloride Volumetric Estimation of and Nitroso-Com-Nitrogen Alkyl in Combination with Estimation of 226 -- Bomb Calorimeter Oxidation of Sulphur Compounds of Coal and of in the, and the Correction to be Applied in Determining the Heating Value of Coal 563 -- Calcium Nitrate and Calcium Cyanamide Estimation of in Mixtures of 329 - - Generator 421 - - Guncotton Determination by Means of the Nitrometer of in 409 ~ - - Kjeldahl Method of Estimating Modifications of the 227 -_- Nitrates and Nitrocelluloses Estimation of in 276 _- - Nitro-Compounds Estimation of in by Kjeldahl’s Method 93 -- Peroxide Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide at High Dilutions Estimation -- - Rain and Snow and Chlorine in 190 --_ Vegetable Yeast md Meat Extracts Distribution of in 444 Nitrogenous Constituents Hops of 492 Nitrometer Guncotton Determination by Means of the of Nitrogen in 409 a-Nitroso-@Naphthol Palladium Estimation of by Means of and Separation of Palladium from Copper and Iron 55 Nitroso-Compounds and Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Titanium Chloride, 134 Nitrosophenylhydroxylamine Titanium from Iron Use of Ammonium Salt of (“ Cup-ferron ”) in Quantitative Separation of 332 - Zirconium from Iron and Aluminium with the Aid of Nitrous Acid Rainfall Influence of Weather Conditions upon the Amounts of Nitric Nitrous Acid in the 501 Iodide Tests for 454 tiveness Compared with the nz-Phenylene-Diamine Reaction 350 pounds by Means of 134 and Distinction of 189 the Ammonium Salt of (“ Cupferron”) Separation of 565 Acid and of in the 50 INDEX TO VOL~JME xxxrx.li Noble Metals Cupellation Loss of on 145 Nomenclaturs Alloys Summary of First Report of Committee on the of 286 Non-Uniformity Temperatures of Drying-Oven 457 Nucleases Nephelometry in the Study of 359 Nuts Cohune Fat of 396 Nux Vomica Preparations of Estimation of the Alkaloids Application to 122 OBITUARY NOTICE : Occluded Salts Silica for Correcting 191 Ocyrnurn PLlosurn Roxb.Essential Oil of 438 Odour, Oil Asphalts Natural and Differentiation of 362 - Black Sage Investigations on of 559 - Fuel Crude Petroleum and Similar Substances Two Rapid Methods of Estima-- Seeds Oils and New or Little-Known 134 Oils Acetyl Value of Fats Etc. Estimation of the 362 - and Fats The Flzchini-Dorta Method of rApproximatelyJ Separating Liquid -_ - Coniferca of the Leaf and Twig and Bark of White Fir 558 - - Digitonin Method Estimation of the Unsaponifiable Constituents of and Fats, _. __ Insoluble Bromide Value of Note on the 388 ---- Ricinoleic Acid in Estimation of 410 _- Volatility or Oxidisability of Apparatus for Testing the 334 -- Viscosity of 185 Oleic Acid Halogens Action on of and Estimation of the Iodine Value of Fats 311 - Rancidity of Olive Oil and Oxidation of in Presence of Sunlight 255 Olive Oil Oxidation of Oleic Acid and Rancidity of in Presence of Sunlight 255 Open-Hearth Steel Oxygen Content of 504 Opium Solutions Morphine in Acid Estimation of 31 Ore Bog Iron Destruction of Organic Matter in 372 Ores Iron in Iron Estimation of 144 - Radium from Australian Extraction of 455 ORGANIC ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 40 91 131 178,225,264,319 362 403 445 496,555 Organic Compounds Halogens Estimation in of 367 -- Oxygen Estimation in of 135 -- Trichloracetic Acid Colour Reactions of with 410 -- Fluids Collargol Estimation of Silver in and 278 - Matter Bog Iron Ore Destruction of in 372 - Phosphoric Acid Compounds Concentrated Musts and Wines in 398 - Residue Crude Glycerol by the International Standard Methods Estimation - Substances Arsenic Estimation in of 442 - Boric Acid in Method of Estimating Very Small Quantities - F.Pregl’s Methods Quantitative Micro-Elementary Analysis - Iodine Estimation in of 367 Bell James Carter A.R.S.M. 1 Urinod,” the Cause of the Characteristic of Urine 554 ting Water in 529 from Solid Fatty Acids in 389 and of Lanolin by Means of the 310 -- The and its Determination 297 Rosin in Varnishes and Soaps Estimation of 228 of 34 of 96 of by 280 -- Tissues Amino-Nitrogen in Estimation of 17 lii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX, Orthotolidine Free Chlorine as Reagent for Colorimetric Estimation of Small Oxalate Calcium as Gravimetric Estimation of 50 Oxidation Chromium Estimation of by in Alkaline 143 Oxides Lead Analysis of Higher of 328 Oxidisability Oils Apparatus for Testing the Volatility or of 334 Oxidising Substances Diphenylamine as a Xeagent for ; Use of Diphenylbenzidine Oxycholesterol Cholesterol and Estimation of by the Method of Autenrieth and Oxydases Guaiacum Resin as a Reagent for the Detection of and of Minute Traces Oxygen Absorption Linseed Oil Gravimetric Estimation of the of during Drying 92 - Content Open-Hearth Steel of 504 - Soaps and Soap Powders Containing Per-Salts Apparatus for the Estima-tion of Active in 228 - Water Estimation of Dissolved in 55 __- -__ Solubility of Atmospheric in 55 Oxyproteic Acid Fraction Urine Quantitative Estimation of the in 361 Ozone Nitrogen Peroxide Hydrogen Peroxide and at High Dilutions Estimation Quantities of 46 in Place of 320 Funk 129 of Copper 39 Organic Compounds Estimation of 135 - 9 Field Method for Determining Dissolved in 234 and Distinction of 189 Paint Vapours Composition of 265 Paints Steel Tests of for Subjected to Alternate Exposure to Air and Fresh Palestine Thermal Springs in Analyaes of Waters from 102 Palladium a-Nitroso-P-Naphthol Estimation of by Means of and Separation of, Pancreas Amylolytic Diastase of Assay of the 318 Preparations Proteolytic Activity of Comparison of Methods for the Papain Commercial and its Analysis 444 Paper Dry and Wet Strengths of and Yarns 322 -- Drying of for Test Purposes Apparatus for the 508 Paprika Extracted Detection of 174 Pemberton-Kilgore Method Phosphoric Acid Study of for Determination of, Pentosuria Urine Sugars in in Cases of 40 Pentoses Carbohydrates MethodB of Estimation of.111. The Cupric-Reducing Power of the-Xylose and Arabinose 555 Pepsin Valuation of 130 Peptides Urine Detection of in by the p-Cresol Tyrosinase Reaction 555 Perchlorates Acid Radicals of Chlorides Chlorates Bromides Bromates and Fluorides Application of Sodium Paratungstate and the Blowpipe Flame to the Estimation of the 188 Water 54 from Copper and Iron 55 Determination of the 551 Paraffin Shrewsbury’s Reaction for,” Note on 43 296 Wax Petroleum Oil Analysis of and 43 266 100 Periodate Iodate and Iodide Estimation of in Presence of 56 Permanganate Titration Iron for Electrolytic Reduction of 328 - Iron in Presence of Chlorides of 415 Peroxides Nitrates Chlorates and Reduction Method of Analysing 188 Peroxydase Reaction Delicacy of the 40 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX.liii Per-Salts Active Oxygen in Soaps and Soap Powders Containing Apparatus for the Peru Balsam 400 Petroleum Distillates Fluorescence of 446 -- Oil Parafin Wax and Analysis of 43 266 Estimation of 228 - Water in Crude Oil-Fuel and Similar Substances Two Rapid Methods of Estimating 529 Petroleums California Specific Heat of 499 Pharmaceutical Chemical Standards 439 Phenacetin Acetanilide and in Admixture Estimation of 433 Phenol Hexamethylenetetramine and Formaldehyde Determination of in the Phenols Morphine and Detection by Means of Uranium Salts of 438 nz-Phenylene-Diarnine Reaction Nitrites On Fresenius’s Method for Determining Phlorin Phlorrhizin Alone and in Presence of Detection of Minute Quantities of 410 Phlorrhizin Phlorin Detection of Minute Quantities of Alone and in Presence of 410 Phosphate Titanium Estimation of as 279 Phosphates Citric Acid Solubility of Mineral in 146 -_I_ Food Materials Volumetric Estimation of in the Ash of 234 Phosphomolybdic Acid Saffron Detection of Adulterants in by Means of 219 Phosphoric Acid Basic Slag Estimation of Citric Acid Soluble in by the Citrate Method and Lorenz’s Method 377 -___- Compounds Musts and Wines Organic in Concentrated 398 - - Pemberton-Kilgore Method for Determination of Study of 100 - - ~ - Sodium Citrate Use of for Determination of Reverted 276 Photographic Developers Synthetic Drugs New Remedies etc.Index List of Trade Physical Constants Isoprene of 406 Physico-Chemical Sulphates Estimation of 191 -- Volumetric Method New 330 Physiological Liquids Blood and Other Estimation of Carbohydrates and Lactic Phthaleins Indicators Properties of the as 136 Phytosteryl Acetate Test Bomer’s and Polenske’s Distillation Method Detection of Phytin Estimation of Volumetric Method for the 560 Phytosterol Animal Fats Detection of in 84 Picrate Colorimetric Method Carbohydrates for the Estimation of 180 Picric Acid Iodimetric and Acidirnetric Titrations as a Standardising Substance for, Presence of 266 Small Quantities of and its Sensitiveness compared with the 350 - Basic Slag Estimation of Citric Acid Soluble in 377 ___- in the Presence of Esters Estimation of 559 - Iron Determination in Presence of of 416 Names of 533 Acid in 551 Coconut Oil in Butter Fat by Means of 254 267 - Urine Detection of in 224 Pig-Iron Sulphur in and Steels Colorimetric Estimation of 273 Pills Camphor Estimation in Tabletg and of 353 Pimento Essential Oils and Essential Oil Products Hydrogen Value of Some.Pine Woods Fractional Distillation of Mixed 48 Pines Cuban and Long-Leaf Leaf and Twig Oils of and Cone Oil Gf Long-Leaf Pine 498 Pipettometer 509 Pitch Softening-Point of Determination of the 136 321 I. Oils of Sassafras Anise Fennel Clove and 55 liv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. Pitot-Tubes Gas Velocities for Measurement of 456 Plant Analysis Laevulosans The Hydrolysis of and its Application in 11.and 111. 88 - Material Estimation of Starch in 312 - Tissues Quantitative Extraction of Diastases from 260 Plants Carbon Dioxide and 260 -- Cement Estimation of the Dust Fall in the Neighbourhood of 372 -- Medicinal and Drugs Use of Carbon Tetrachloride in the Extraction and -- New South Wales Cyanogenetic of 442 - Volatile Oils Estimation of in Aromatic Drugs and Spices by the Tailameter, Platinum-Iridium Alloys The Determination of Iridium in 340 - Vessels Resistance to Hot Nitric Acid of 382 Ware Thermo-Electric Method for the Determination of the Purity of 381 Podophyllum Resin Estimation of 439 Poisoning Lead Estimation of Small Quantities of Lead particularly in Urine in Cases of 495 Poisonous Bran 215 Polarimetric Estimation Lactose in Milk of 399 Polerisation Method C,ane-Sugar Constants for the Double [Clerget-Herzfeld] of Determining 86 Polenske’s and Bomer’s Methods Lard Detection of Beef Fat in by 216 - Distillation Method Detection of Coconut Oil in Butter Fat by Means of, and Bomer’s Phytosteryl Acetate Test 254 Polypeptide-Nitrogen Barley Malt and Beer Estimation of Amino- Acid and in by Titration with Acid after Treatment with Formaldehyde 257 Portland Cement Blast-Furnace Slag Estimation in of 187 Potash Small Quantities of Volumetric Estimation of 417 Potassium Potassium Hydrogen Tartrate Estimation of as 330 Potato Starch Finishing Purposes Rapid Testing of for 94 Poultry Cattle and Food ‘( Artificial Preparation.” Powder Black Examination of 267 - Liquorice The Composition and Analysis of Compound 160 Precious Metal Silver and Base Metd in Bullion Determination of 502 Precipitators Instantaneous Thermostat and Smoke and Fume Monitors and Estimation of the Active Principles of 255 35 - Xanthate Titration of 95 Worcestershire County Council v.Notley Brothers (Law Report) 287 Recorders. 567 F. Pregl’s Methods Organic Substances Quantitative Micro-Elementary Analysis bs 280 Pregnancy Early Stages of Determination of 177 Preservation Milk Samples of for Analysis 398 Preservatives Urine Comparison of Various for 177 -- - Wood (Creosote Oil) Report of the Committee on 497 Pressure Gauge New Differential 60 Pressures Vapour New Method for the Determination of and an Examination of e Printing Inks Analysis and their 450 Proprietary Foods Local Government Board Reports to the.I. On the Use of for Protein Lactic Acid Estimation of in Liquids Containing 133 Proteins Herzig and Meyer’s Reaction Applied to and Amino-Acids 317 -- Urine Centrifugal Method for Estimating in 40 -- Wheat Flour Estimation of the in 550 Source of Error in Certain Dynamical Methods 511 Infant Feeding. 11. On the Analysis and Composition of Some for Infants 46 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. lv Proteins Wheat Flour Quantitative Estimation of the Soluble in Salt Solutions Proteolytic Activity Pancreas Preparations Comparison of Methods for the Deter-Proximate Analysis of Wheat 441 Pulp Wood for Chemical Valuation of 451 Pycnometer Spindle Alcohol a New Instrument for Use in the Estimation of, 284 Pyridine Hydroxyl Groups as a Solvent in the Estimation of by Means of Alkyl Magnesium Halides 186 Pyrophoric Alloys Cerium and Iron Analysis of of 415 Pyruvic Acid Estimation of 137 in 262 mination of the of 551 Quinine Strychnine the Estimation of in the Presence of 81 Radicles Cacao Beans Composition of the of 308 Radio-Active Substances Radium in Estimation of 57 Radio-Activity Spring Waters Fontactoscope for Measuring the of 423 Radio-Elements Indicators in Analytical Chemistry as 57 Radium Australian Ores Extraction of from 455 - Emanation Altitude and Meteorological Conditions Quantitative Deter-mination of in the Atmosphere and its Variation with 418 - Emanation Method Estimation of by the 58 Radio-Active Substances Estimation of in 57 Rain Nitrogen and Chlorine in and Snow 190 Rainfall Nitric Acid and of Nitrous Acid in the Influence of Weather Conditions (Rare Earths Fractionation of) Dimethyl Phosphates of the Rare Earths 146 Rare Metals Tobacco Ash Titanium and in 43 Rational Analysis Clays of 499 Reagents Fluorine Occurrence of in 231 -- Lead Sensitiveness of Various for 374 Recorders Instantaneous Thermostat and Smoke Fume Monitors Precipitators, Red Lead Analysis and Composition of 375 Reducing Sugars Cane-Sugar Determination of a Small Amount of in the Presence Reductase (Fermentation-Reductase) Test 224 Reduction Tests Dextrose Influence of Metals Present in Urine on the Velocity of Reductor Titanium and Chromium Volumetric Estimation of by Means of a Refraction Milk Serum Abnormal of 212 Refractometer Sugar 59 Remedies Trade Names of Synthetic Drugs New Photographic Developers etc., Index List of 533 Rennet Milk Fat Content of and Rate of Coagulation with 357 Report Cocoa and Cocoa Products on 123 - Springs Measurement of of 277 upon the Amouuts of 501 _- Hydroxides Errors in the Estimation of as 330 and 567 of a Large Proportion of 45 the for 131 Modified 419 Government Laboratory of the Government Chemist upon the Work of the, Government on the Work of the Inspectors of Foods for the Year 1912-13,195 Metropolitan Water Board.for the Year ended March 31 1914 with Appendices 458 Tenth Research 51 lvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. Report Metropolitan Water Board.Eleventh Annual for the Year ended March 31, 1914 512 Wood Preservatives (Creosote Oil) of the Committee on 497 Reports Local Government Board to the. I. On the Use of Proprietary Bloods for Infant Feeding. 11. On the Analysis and Composition of Some Proprietary Foods for Infants 464 Resin Guaiacum as a Reagent for the Detection of Oxydases and of Minute Traces - Podophyllum Estimation of 439 Resins Tobacco 220 Reverted Phosphoric Acid Sodium Citrate for Determination of Use of 276 REVIEWS OF BOOKS: of Copper 39 Agricultural Analysis Principles and Practice of 423 Alkali Sulphuric Acid and the Manufacture of with the Collateral Alkaloids Plant The 104 Analysis Quantitative Chemical A Textbook of 240 -- Quantitative Inorganic A Treatise on with Special Reference to Bacteriology Water Elements of 157 Bases Natural The Simpler 574 Beurre Fraudes dans le Commerce du Recueil de LQgislations Beurrieres Catalyse Chimie Organique La en 65 Chimie Organique Principes d’Analyse et de Synthdse en 383 Disinfection Disinfectants and 66 Drinking-Water Microscopy of The 472 FEces Children and Adults The of 242 Fuel Gaseous Solid and Liquid 575 Hexite and Pentite Stereo-Chemical Theory of General Application the Exposition of a Theory of a The Silicates in Chemistry and Commerce, Including 201 Institute of Chemistry History of the 1877-1914 570 Organic Chemistry Students for Advanced, Reagenzien-Verzeichnis 65 Sewage Water Purification and Disposal 66 Water Clean and How to Get It 473 Branches 200 the of Clays Silicates and Related Minerals 155 et Margarinieres Concernant la RQpression des 474 Vol.II. 106 Rhamnose Methylpentoses Estimation of in Presence of Other 410 Rice ‘ l Dead,” Composition of 550 - Starch Liquefaction of Fractional 440 Ricinoleic Acid Oils Estimation of in 410 Roads Tar Treatment of Revision of Road Board Specifications 267 Roe the Soft and Hard Roe of Fishes Composition of 261 Rose Oil Composition and Adulteration of 493 Rosin Size Examination of 139 - Sizings Identification of and Glue 411 Rotating Cathode Electrolysis with the Apparatus for Estimation of Small Quanti-Rotation Lactose Influence of Ammonium Sulphate on the of 133 Rubber Caoutchouc in Crude Direct Estimation of 179 - -~ Estimation of 138 - Solutions Viscosity of 322 Varnishes Oils and Soaps Estimation of in 228 ties by 334 -.-- Electrolytic Analysis and Anode for Rapid 33 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX.lvii Rubber Sulphur The Estimation in of 74 - Thirty per Cent. Hevea Insulating Compound Analytical Procedure for 137 Rums Composition of 401 Ruthenium Red Sinews Treatment of particularly by the Bpplication of and the Rye Flour Wheat Flour Detection of Small Quantities of in 400 Mallory Connective Tissue Stain 89 Saccharin Detection and Estimation of 401 - Extraction by Means of Immiscible Solvents from Point of View of Dis-I. (Analysis of Vanilla tribution Coefficients Study of Methods of. Extracts and Extraction of Acetanilide Saccharin and Caffeine) 354 - Foods Estimation of in 86 Saffron Adulterants in Detection of by Means of Phosphomolybdic Acid 219 Analysis of 312 Magnesium Sulphate in Detection of 219 Sage Black Investigations on Oil of 659 Salicylic Acid Jams Estimation of in 219 Saline Matter Wet Salted East India Goat Skins Analysis of the Adhering to the Salt Solutions Proteins Soluble in in Wheat Flour Quantitative Estimation of 262 Salts Alkaloids and Alkaloid Solvents for 31 __.Bromine Associated with Chlorine in Raloid Use of Telluric Acid in Estimation Flesh Side of 402 Aporeine and its 252 Ferric New Method of Titrating 189 of 331 - Ferricyanide in Presence of Ferric and Cyanides Volumetric Estimation of, 366 - Lead Action of Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate Solutions on Difficultly Soluble, 143 - Morphine and Phenols Detection of by Means of Uranium 438 - Silica Correcting for Occluded 191 - Tanning Materials Application of Tungsten to the Analysis of 507 Sand Monazite Estimation of Thorium in 378 Saponin Aerated Waters Detection of in 440 - Detection of 175 Sassafras.I. Oils of Anise Fennel Clove and Pimento. Hydrogen Value of Some Essential Oils and Essential Oil Products 557 Schardinger’s Formaldehyde-Methylene Blue Reaction and Other Ferment Reactions of Goat’s Milk 218 Schiffs Reagent Formaldehyde and Formaldehyde Compounds Detection of by Means of Containing Hydrochloric Acid 172 Seal Aeration in De-Aerated Liquids New for Prevention of 509 Sediment Bottled Mineral Waters Formation of in. Estimation of Silica Iron and Seeds Cacao 171 - Castor The Detection of 292 - Oil and Oils New or Little-Known 134 Selenious Acid Sulphuric Acid Detection of Small Quantities of in 419 -- Very Small Quantities of Detection and Estimation of 100 Selenium Gravimetric Estimation of 235 Semicarbaxide Halogens and Halogen Oxyacids Estimation of by its Interaction o-Tolidine and Starch Iodide Tests lor Free Chlorine Effect of Ferric and Nitrites on the 454 Aluminium in Mineral Waters 126 with 32 lviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX.Senna Leaves Constituents of 35 Serum Blood Estimation of Chlorine in 223 -- Milk Abnormal Refraction of 212 - - Refraction of (Ackermann’s Method) 256 Sesame Oil Margarine Containing Colouring Substances Detection of in 86 Shaking Apparatus 284 I ‘ Sharps,” Notes on 251 Shea Butter Mowrah Fat Unsaponifiable Constituents of and their Relation to Shellac Bleached Examination of 139 411 Shrewsbury’s Reaction Paraftin,” for 43 - -9 Note on for 296 Sikes’s Hydrometer Proof Strengths of Spirits at Temperatures from 40” F.to 100’ F. by Method by which were Calculated the Corrected Sikes’s Tables in Use in India for Determining the 532 Silage Methyl Alcohol Occurrence in Corn of 549 Silica Dehydration and Separation of 190 - Mineral Waters Estimation of Iron and Aluminium in. - Occluded Salts Correcting for 191 - Solubility of and Rendering Insoluble in Acid Solutions 191 Silicates Melting-Points of Determination of 236 - Soap Test for in 550 Silicic Acids Estimation of 455 “ Silicol,” Hydrogen Analysis of and Other Silicon Compounds Used for the Pro-Silicon Alloys Analysis of Copper Tin and 500 Silicol ” and Other Used for the Production of Hydrogen, Those of 440 Formation of Sedi-ment in Bottled Mineral Waters 126 duction of 147 Analysis of 147 Compounds, Silicotic Lungs Ash of 359 Silicotungstate Nicotine as Estimation of 43 Silver Collargol and Organic Fluids Estimation of in 278 - Colloidal Estimation of in 279 - -Plated Copper Gauze Electrode in Zinc Determination 382 - Precious Metal Bullion Determination of and Base Metal in 502 Sinews Ruthenium Red aqd the Mallory Connective Tissue Stain Treatment of, Size Rosin Examination of 139 Sizings Rosin and Glue Identification of 411 Skins Goat Analysis of the Saline Matter Adhering to the Flesh Side of Wet Salted Slag Citric Acid Soluble Phosphoric Acid Estimation in Basic of 377 -- Citric Acid Soluble Phosphoric Acid in Basic Estimation of by the Citrate -- Portland Cement Estimation of Blast.Furnace in 187 Smoke and Fume Monitors Instantaneous Thermostat and Precipitators and Snow Rain and Nitrogen and Chlorine in 190 Soap Lathering Capacity of 312 - Lyes Technical Glycerines and Estimation of Glycerol in 181 - Powders Active Oxygen in Soaps and Containing Per-Salts Apparatus for the Estimation of 228 - Silicates in Test for 550 Soaps Fats and Method of Estimating Colophony in 181 particularly by the Application of 89 East India 402 Method and Lorenz’s Method 377 Recorders 56 INDEX 'YO VOLUME XXXIX. lix Soaps Fatty Acids Estimation in of 311 - Free Alkali Estimation in of 140 - Free Alkali in Cominercial Soda and Estimation of by the Barium Chloride - Rosin in Varnishes Oils and Estimation of 228 SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS AND OTHER ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS PROCEEDINGS OF, 4 67 108 159 203 243 291 340 385 425 475 517 Soda Free Alkali in Commercial and Soaps Estimation of by the Barium Chloride Method 229 Sodium Citrate Reverted Phosphoric Acid Use of for Determination of 276 Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate Solutions Lead Salts Action of on Difficultly Soluble, - Hypoiodite Aldoses Estimation of (Part I.) Action of Neutral 556 - -Nitro-Prusside Reaction Urine Violet of 264 - Paratungstate Acid Radicals in Chlorides Chlorates Perchlorates Bromides, Bromates and Fluorides Application of and the Blowpipe Flame to the, Estimation of the 188 Softening-Point Pitch Determination of the of 136 321 Soil Carbonates Determination of 562 _- Extracts Estimation of Carbon in Soils and 449 --I- Lime Requirements of Determination of 450 Soils Arsenic as a Normal Constituent in 49 Method 229 143 - of Phosphates in 329 Capillary Lift of Measuring the 318 Carbon Estimation in and Soil Extracts of 449 Heavy Clay Determination of Humus in 132 Lime Requirement of Estimation of the 90 to Determine Composition of Such Mixtures 448 Solidifying Points of Mixtures of Fatty Acids Melting and and Use of these Points Soluble Substances Analysis of Adhesive 252 Solubilities High Temperatures New Method for Determining at 335 Solvent Varnish Quantitative Determination of Body and in 560 Solvents Alkaloids and Alkaloid Salts of 31 -- Coal Action of on 406 - Extraction Apparatus Specially Designed for of High Specific Gravity, Spectroscopic Analysis Absorption Tube for Improved 153 Spices Volatile Oils Estimation of in Aromatic Plants Drugs and by the Taila-Spirits Methyl Alcohol Detection in of 433 Proof Strengths of at Temperatures from 40' F.to 100" F. by Sikes's Hydrometer Method by which were. Calculated the Corrected Sikes's Tables in Use in India for Determining the 532 for 320 -_- -240 meter 35 Spring Waters Radio- Activity of Fontactoscope for Measuring the 423 Springs Radio-Activity of Measurement of 277 Stabilised Cacao Analysis of 434 Stag's Fat Characteristics of 32 Standard Methods Crude Glycerol Analysis of by the International 1911. Estima-tion of Organic Residue 34 Standardisation Volumetric Arsenite Solutions of 271 Standardising Substance Iodimetric and Acidimetric Titrations Picric Acid as a, Tests Lubricants for 557 for 26 lx INDEX TO VOLUME XXXlX, Standards Pharmaceutical Che’mical 439 Starch Indicator Preparation of Dry Soluble in Cold Water for Use as an 451 - Iodide o-Tolidine and Tests for Free Chlorine Effect of Ferric Salts and - Plant Material Estimation of in 312 Starches Variety of 314 Steam Generator 152 Steel Carbon in and Iron Determination by the Barium Carbonate Titration Method Nitrites on the 454 Rice Fractional Liquefaction of 440 of 373 9 - by the Direct Combustion Method Determination of 560 - Chromium and Manganese Estimation in Iron and of 454 - Cobalt in Estimation of 271 - Open-Hearth Oxygen Content of 504 Steels Cobalt in High-speed Estimation of 503 -- Sulphur in Pig-Iron and Colorimetric Estimation of 273 Still Fractional Distillation for Exact Measurement of Boiling-Point during 456 Stirring Apparatus 422 Strychnine Brucine Estimation of in Presence of 394 Paints for Subjected to Alternate Exposure to Air and Fresh Water Tests of 54 - Manganese Carbonate Identification of Traces of by Means of 357 - Quinine The Estimation of in the Presence of 81 Sublimation Quantitative 194 -- Temperature of 153 Substances Finely Powdered Estimation of Crude Fibre in 218 Succinic Malic and Acids Colour Reaction of 186 Suction Device to Assist Filtration by 508 Sugar Blood Estimation of in 90 - Cane Constants for the Double Polarisation (Clerget-Herzfeld) Method of __- - Determination of a Small Amount of Reducing Sugars in the Presence - 9 - in Beet Molasses Determination of by a Modification of the Double - - Inversion of by Acids in Water-Alcohol Solutions 323 - Honey and Other Substances Rich in Estimation of Sulphate in 259 - Lactose Estimation of Cane in the Presence of 363 - Refractometer 59 - Urine Simple Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of in 224 Sugars Gingerbread and Similar Products Separation and Estimation of in 358 LEvulose Detection and Estimation in Presence of Other of 323 Reducing Determination of a Small Amount of in the Presence of a Large Proportion of Cane Sugar 45 Urine in in Cases of Pentosuria 40 Sulphate Honey and Other Substances Rich in Sugar Estimation of in 259 Sulphates Flour Note on the Presence of in 429 of Flour ; 3.Sulphates and Lime in Flour 519 t Micro-Estimation of in 90 -__ -_-Determining 86 of a Large Proportion of 45 Polarisation (Clerget -Herzfeld) Method using Citric Acid 394 Muta-Rotation as a Source of Error in the Double Polarisation - -(Clerget-Herzfeld) Method of Determining 258 - - Notes on 1. Acidity of Flour ; 2. Natural and Artificial Bleaching - Physico-Chemical Estimation of 191 - Water of Crystallisation Estimation of in 19 INDEX To VOLUME XXXIX. lxi Sulphide of Antimony Golden Analysis of 186 Sulphite Thiosulphate Estimation in Presence of of 101 Sulphites Thiosulphates Detection and Approximate Estimation in of Traces of, Sulphur Commercial Benzene Estimation of Total in 140 - Compounds Oxidation of of and of Nitrogen in the Bomb Calorimeter, and the Correction to be Applied in Determining the Heating Value of Coal 563 147 -- Urine Rapid Estimation of Different in 101 - Dioxide Air Estimation of Minute Amounts of in 376 - Gelatin in 87 - Hydrocarbons Separation by Means of Liquid of 321 - India-Rubber Estimation of Total in 368 - Methoxyl in Compounds Containing Estimation of 265 Pig-Iron and Steels Colorimetric Estimation of in 273 - Rubber the Estimation of in 74 Sulphuretted Hydrogen Graphite from Artificial 67 Sulphuric Acid Blende and Galena Velocity of Solution in Dilute of 452 - Free Sulphurous Acid in Presence of Thiosulphate or Estimation of, - Nitrocelluloses Estimation of in 45 - Anhydride Chlorine The Chief Cause of the Loss of and of by Incinerat- Hydrochloric and Acids Estimation of Arsenic in 370 Sulphurous and Acids in the Atmosphere On Damage Caused to Vegeta-Sulphurous Acid Thiosulphate or Sulphuric Acid Estimation of Free in Presence of 279 -- Volumetric Estimation of 331 Sunlight Rancidity of Olive Oil and Oxidation of Oleic Acid in Presence of 255 Synthetic Caoutchouc Isoprene Note on from 179 Syrups Refined and Molasses Determination of the Viscosity of 220 279 -- Selenious Acid Detection in of Small Quantities of 419 ing Substances Containing these Constituents 425 tion by 203 Wine Estimation of Total in 87 Drugs Trade Names of New Remedies Photographic Developers Etc., Index List of 533 Tablets Camphor Estimation in and Pills of 353 ___I- Mercuric Iodide in Estimation of 493 Tailameter Volatile Oils Estimation in Aromatic Plants Drugs and Spices of by the 35 Tannin Cider Estimation of in 127 - Reaction Anthocyanenes New and its Relation to the 412 Tanning Materials Tungsten Salts Application to the Analysis of of 507 Tar Roads Treatment of.- Products Free Carbon in Estimation of So-Called 364 - Water-Gas Composition of 369 Tars Refined Relation between the Melting-Point and Viscosity of 369 Tasmanian Eucalpyts Correlation between the Specific Characters of the and Teichmctnn’s Test Blood Modification of for 128 315 Telluric Acid Bromine Associated with Chlorine in Haloid Salts Use of in Estima-Tellurium Dioxide Combustion Analyses for 192 Revision of Road Board Specifications 267 Australian 435 tion of 33 lxi i TNDES TO VOLIJME XXXIX.Tellurium Gravimetric Estimation of 379 Temperature Corrections to be Applied to the Specific Gravities of Malt Worts and -- Fusing Relation of Composition of Ash of Coal to its 445 Temperature of Sublimation 153 Beers 255 -- Temperatures Very Close to Room Thermo-Regulator for Thermostats at 568 Temperatures Drying-Oven Non-Uniformity of 457 Low Gas Analysis by Fractional Distillation at 414 Solubilities at High New Method for Determining 335 Test Purposes Paper for Apparatus for the Drying of 508 Tetraserum Casein in Milk Volumetric Estimation of by Means of the 399 Theobromine Mercuric Chloride Microcheinical Reaction of Caffeine - Theophyl-Theophylline Mercuric Chloride Microchemical Reaction of Caffeine Theobromine, and their Derivatives with 217 Thermal Springs Palestine Analyses of Waters from in 102 - - Value Turpentine Oil Bromine of 314 Thermo-Electric Method Platinum Ware for the Determination of the Purity Thermometer Bulb Method Determination of Melting-Points (of Fats etc.) by line and their Derivatives with 217 of 381 the 61 - Corrections Boiling-Points without Apparatus for Determining 420 Vacuum-Jacketed 154 Thermometers Floating Equilibrium Calibrating by Means of 153 Thermometry Fixed Point in Freezing-Point of Benzene as a 510 Thermo - Regulator Constant Temperature Chambers for Electrically Regulated, 336 Simple 63 Temperatures Very Close to Room Temperature for Thermostats at 568 - Improved 104 - Vapour-Pressure Electrical Contact 154 Thermostat High Temperature 153 - Smoke and Fume Monitors Precipitators and Recorders Instantaneous, Thermostats Electrolytic Heating and Regulation of Method for 64 -- Thermo-Regulator for at Temperatures Very Close to Room Tempera-Thiocyanates Bromides in Presence of and Ferrocyanides Detection of Action of Chromic Acid cn Cyanogen Bromide 412 -- - Bromides in Presence of and Ferrocyanides Detection of 187 --_- Ferro- and Ferricyanides and Detection of Cyanides in Presence and 567 ture 568 of 365 Thiosulphate Free Sulphuric Acid in Presence of or Sulphuric Acid Estimation of 279 -- Sulphite Estimation of in Presence of 101 Thiosulphates Sulphites Detection and Approximate Estimation of Traces of, '' Thomas '' Meal Error in the Analysis of Sources of 377 Thorium Monazite Sand Estimation of in 378 Timbers Well-Preserved Quantity and Character of Creosote in 496 Tin Copper and Groups Separation of the 371 - Copper and Silicon Alloys Analysis of 500 in 14 lxiii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX.Tinctures Alcohol in Rapid and Simple Method for the Estimation of 393 Titanium and Chromium Volumetric Estimation by Means of a Modified Reductor ~- Chloride Nitro-Compounds and Nitroso-Compounds Volumetric Estimation Ferric Chloride Volumetric Estimation of by Means of 563 Iron Use of Ammonium Salt of Nitrosophenylhydroxylamine (‘‘ Cupferron”) Phosphate Estimation of as 279 Tobacco Ash and Rare Metals in 43 - Volumetric Estimation of 102 Titration Carbonic Acid of Small Quantities of 143 Weight of a Substance Estimation by of the 194 Titrations Iodimetric and Acidimetric Picric Acid as a Standardising Substance Tobacco Italian Barium and Arsenic in 43 - Resins 220 - Titanium and Rare Metals in Ash 43 Tobaccos East Africa Protectorate from the 125 o-Tolidine Free Chlorine Effect of Ferric Salts and Nitrites on the and Starch Toluene ‘‘ Tricresol ” as a Substitute for in Enzyme Work 263 Trade Names Synthetic Drugs New Remedies Photographic Developers etc.Index Trichloroacetic Acid Organic Compounds Colour Reactions with of 410 “ Tricresol,” Toluene in Enzyme Work as a Substitute for 263 Tropics Alcohol Estimation in the 480 Tryptophane Estimation of 47 Tungsten Ammonium Molybdate Assay for Lead Effect of on 192 of 419 of by Means of 134 in Quantitative Separation of from 332 for 267 Iodide Tests for 454 List of of 533 High-Grade Metallic Analysis of 505 Lamp Concentrated Filament Uses in the Laboratory of the 194 Salts Tanning Materials Application of to the Analysis of 507 Tungstic Acid Separation and Estimation of 379 Turkey-Red Oil Analysis of 48 Twig and Leaf Oils Cuban and Long-Leaf Pines of and Cone Oil of Long-Leaf Pine 498 Unsaponifiable Constituents Mowrah Fat of and the Detection of this Fat in - Oils and Fats and Lanolin Estimation by Means of the --- Shea Butter of and their Relation to those of Mowrah Animal and Vegetable Fats 310 Digitonin Method of the of 310 Fat 440 Uranium Beryllium Separation from of 325 Urea Blood New Method for the Estimation of in 39 Salts Morphine and Phenols Detection by Means of of 438 Estimation of 412 9 95 Manometric Method for the 553 - - --.Identification of and its Precipitation from Very Dilute Solutions 48 Urease Castor Bean Experiments with. Urine Allantoin in Estimation of 263 Quantitative Gravimetric Estimation of 268 Urine Gravimetric Estimation of in 362 (Studies on Enzyme Action. XI.) 55 lxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. Urine Characteristic Odour of ‘‘ Urinod,” the Cause of the 554 - Different Sulphur Compounds Rapid Estimation in of 101 - Ethereal and Inorganic Sulphates Volumetric Method for the Estimation in, of 319 -_ Free and Combined Amino-Nitrogen in Gas - Volumetric Estimation of, 175 - Guaiacol Detection in of 360 -_ Indigo-Forming Substances in 39 ____ Lead Estimation of Small Quantities of particularly in in Cases of Lead - Mercury Electrolytic Method for Estimation in of 225 ___ Metals Present in Influence of on the Velocity of the Reduction Tests for -- p-Cresol Tyrosinase Reaction Detection of Peptides in by the 555 - Picric Acid in Detection of 224 -_ Proteins in Centrifugal Method for Estimating 40 -.- Sugar in Simple Colorimetric Method for Estimation of 224 -_ Sugars in in Cases of Pentosuria 40 - Urea Gravimetric Estimation in of 362 - _- Various Preservatives for Comparison of 177 - Violet Sodium-Nitro-Prusside Reaction of 264 -_ Volatile Substances of 554 “ Urinod,” Urine the Cause of the Characteristic Odour of 554 Poisoning 495 Dextrose 131 Oxyproteic Acid Fraction Quantitative Estimation in of the 361 Vacuum Distillation ” Method Formic Acid for the Detection of 321 Vacuum-Jacketed Thermometer 154 d-Valine Separation of d-Alanine and 178 Vanadium Volumetric Estimation of 148 (Vanilla Extracts Acetanilide Saccharin and Caffeine Analysis of and Extraction Study of Methods of Extraction by Means of Immiscible Solvents from Vanillin Determination of 220 - Reactions of 315 Vapour-Pressure Thermoregulator Electrical Contact 154 Vapour Pressures Dynamical Methods New Method for the Determination of and of.) Point of View of Distribution Coeficients 354 an Examination of a Source of Error in Certain 511 -- Measuring Partial of Liquid Mixtures Rapid Laboratory Method of.569 Vapours Bromine in Gases and Detection of. -_ - Paint Composition of 265 Varnish Body and Solvent in Quantitative Determination of 560 Varnishes Rosin Estimation in Oils and Soaps of 228 Vegetable Fats in Animal Fats Detection cf 32 VII.Communication 271 - Fats Unsaponifiable Constituents of Mowrah Fat and the Detection of - Oils Diazonitro Reaction of 228 - Yeast and Meat Extracts Distribution of Nitrogen in 444 this Fat in Animal and 310 Vegetation Sulphurous and Sulphuric Acids in the Atmosphere On Damage Caused Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker Loading in Caoutchouc Mixtures Estimation Vessels Nitric Acid Resistance of Platinum to Hot 382 Viking Period Beeswax of the 40 to by 203 of According to the Standards of the 9 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. lxv Vinegar Cider Furfural in 256 Vinegars Cider Made by Generator Process Composition of 36 Vinometer Bernadot's 457 Violet Sodium-Nitro-Prusside Reaction of Urine 264 Viscometer General Scientific and Technical Purposes New for 284 Viscosimeter New 155 Viscosity Determination of 104 - Milk Determination of the of as a Means of Detecting the Addition of Water 400 Mineral Oil Mixtures Method for Calculating of 446 Oils of 185 Refined Syrups and Molasses Determination of the of 220 Rubber Solutions of 322 Tars Relation between the Melting-Point and of Refined 369 Volatile Liquids Combustion of Very Apparatus for the 567 -_ Oil of Calkanthus Ploridus 558 - Hops Aroma of.Study of the with Relation to the Geographical Sources - Oils Aromatic Plants Drugs and Spices Estimation of in by the Taila-meter 35 - substances of Urine 554 Volatility Oils Apparatus for Testing the or Oxidisability of 334 of the Hops 355 Ware Purity of Platinum Thermo-Electric Method for the Determination of the 381 Waste Acids Nitrocellulose Manufacture Analysis of from 183 Water-Alcohol Solutions Acids in Inversion of Cane Sugar by 323 Analysis Interferometer in the Use of the and Estimation of Colloids in -- Atmospheric Oxygen Solubility in of 55 Effluents 325 Board Metropolitan.- -. Tenth Research Report 514 Eleventh Annual Report for the Year Ended March 31, - - - Cheese Estimation of in by Mai and Rheinberger's Method 171 -- Crude Petroleum Oil-Fuel and Similar Substances Two Rapid Methods of -_- Dorton Spa The of 210 -_- Dry Starch Soluble in Cold Preparation of for Use as an Indicator 451 - - Examination Fermentation Test at 45" C.as an Aid in 129 -- Foods and Feeding-Stuffs Rapid Estimation of in 36 -- Gas Tar Composition of 369 - - Hardness in Estimation of 379 - - Hydrogen Sulphide in New Apparatus for Estimation of. -- Iron Colorimetric Estimation in of 333 -- Manganese Colorimetric Estimation in of Small Quantities of 54 -- Manganese in Colorimetric Estimation of Traces of 380 -- Milk Determination of the Viscosity of as a Means of Detecting the Addition 191h 512 Estimating in 529 Part I. 45': of 400 7 The Detection of Added in 432 -_ --- Mineral Springs Detection and Estimation of Gaseous Hydrocarbons in the, of 227 -- Oxygen in Estimation of Dissolved 55 ---- Solid and Liquid Fuels Estimation of in by Distillation with Xylene, 141 - Field Method for Determining Dissolved 23 lxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX.Water Steel Subjected to Alternate Exposure to Air and Fresh Tests of Paints ~- Supplies Results of the Hypochlorite Disinfection of. A Comparison of the Waters Aerated Detection of Saponin in 440 - - Free Carbon Dioxide in Mineral Apparatus for the Approximate Estimation Estimation of Silica Iron and for 54 Sulphates Estimation of of Crystallisation in 193 Reduction of the Different Members of the Bacillus CoZi Group 443 of 238 Mineral Fluorine in 401 Mineral Formation of Sediment in Bottled. Aluminium in Mineral 126 Natural Applicability of Conductivity Methods in Examination of 149 Spring Fontactoscope for Measuring the Radio-Activity of 423 - Thermal Springs in Palestine Analyses of from 102 Wax Petroleum Oil and Paraffin Analysis of 43 266 Waxes Flax and Hemp from 560 Montanin and Montana 93 Weather Nitric Acid and of Nitrous Acid in the Rainfall Influence of Conditions Weight Titration Estimation of the of a Substance by 194 Wet Strengths Paper and Paper Yarns Dry and of 322 -- Way Carbon Estimation by the of.Simultaneous Estimation of Halogens 132 Wheat Flour Detection of Small Quantities of Rye Flour in 400 - - Estimation of the Proteins in 550 - - the Proteins Soluble in Salt Solutions in Quantitative Estimation upon the Amounts of 501 - 7 Carbon in Aliphatic Substances Volumetric Estimation of in the 556 of 262 Milling of and Testing of Flour 358 Proximate Analysis of 441 Whistle Fire-Damp 193 White Fir.Oils of the Conifer@ Leaf and Twig and Bark Oils of 558 - Metals Electro-Analysis of New Method for 52 Wine Analyses Chemico-Physical Principles Method of Expressing Results of, - Extract in Estimating 221 -_ Glycerol Estimation in of 87 - Hexamethylenetetramine Detection in or Milk of 125 - Lactic Acid Estimation in of 37 - - in Estimation by Moslinger’s Barium Chloride Method of 397 - Malt 128 -_ Proportion of Acid and the Degree of Acidity of Difference between the 221 - Sulphurous Acid Estimation in? of Total 87 Wines Coal-Tar Dyes Detection in of 358 -- Concentrated Musts and Organic Phosphoric Acid Compounds in 398 Wood Preservatives (Creosote Oil) Report of the Committee on 497 - Pulp Chemical Valuation of for 451 - Treated Method for the Estimation of Zinc in 564 Woods Pine Fractional Distillation of Mixed 48 Worts Specific Gravities of Malt and Beers Temperature Corrections to be Applied according to the Latest 127 to the 256 Xylene Water in Solid and Liquid Fuels Estimation of by Distillation with 141 Xylose Pentoses and Arabinose Methods of Estimation of Carbohydrates.111. The Cupric-Reducing Power of the 55 lNDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. lxvii Yarns Paper and Paper Dry and Wet Strengths of 322 Yeast Glycogen Determination in of 129 - Vegetable and Meat Extracts Distribution of Nitrogen in 444 Yeasts Top and Bottom Method of Preparing Strong Invertase Solutions from 443 Yellow Mercuric Oxide Estimation of Carbon Monoxide by Means of 226 Yttrium Earths Separation of Yttrium from the Part I.280 ; Part II. 420 Zeiss Interferometer Gases for the Analysis of 103 Zelmanowite’s Apparatus Liquids Modification of for Extracting 64 Zino Coinage Bronze Estimation of in by Volatilisation 236 Determination Silver-Plated Copper-Gauze Electrode in 382 - Iron Aluminium Chromium and Manganese Investigation of the Methods of - Treated Wood Method for the Estimation of in 564 Zirconium Iron and Aluminium Separation of from with the Aid of the Ammonium Analysis and Separation of 272 Salt of Nitrosophenylhydroxylamine (“ Cupferron ”) 565 BILLING AND SONS LTD. PRINTERS GUILDFORD
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