THE ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF THE Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED To THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY publication Committee : Gbafrman: J. R. NICHOLLS, C.B.E., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. N. L. ALLPORT, F.R.I.C. A. J. AMOS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.K.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH, M.A., F.R.I.C. R. C. CHIRNSIDE, F.R.I.C. B. S. COOPER, BSc., F.1nst.Y. L. EYNON, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. D. C. GARRATT, BSc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. J. HASLAM, DSc., F.R.I.C. S. ERNEST MELLING, MSc., F.R.I.C. G. H. OSBORN, F.R.I.C., A.M.1nst.M.M. J. E. PAGE, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. W. €3. SIMMONS, BSc., F.R.I.C. A. A. SMALES, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. GEORGE TAYLOR, O.B.E., F.R.I.C. L. S. THEOBALD, M.Sc., A.K.C.S., ERIC VOELCKER, A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C. F.R.I.C. C. WHALLEY, BSc., A.R.I.C. E. C . WOOD, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.C.S., G.H. WYATT, BSc., Ph.D. F.R.I.C. F.R.I.C. moon. Secretarp of tbe 5octetp: K.A. WILLIAMS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C., A. Inst. P. lbon. areaeurer ot tbe 5ocfetp: J. H. HAMENCE, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Sbftor: F. L. OKELL, F.R.I.C. Beefstant Ebftor : J. B. ATTRILL, M.A. VOL. 77 1 9 5 2 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. 4, PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLANDTHE ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF THE Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED To THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY publication Committee : Gbafrman: J. R. NICHOLLS, C.B.E., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. N. L. ALLPORT, F.R.I.C. A. J. AMOS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.K.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH, M.A., F.R.I.C. R. C. CHIRNSIDE, F.R.I.C. B. S. COOPER, BSc., F.1nst.Y. L.EYNON, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. D. C. GARRATT, BSc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. J. HASLAM, DSc., F.R.I.C. S. ERNEST MELLING, MSc., F.R.I.C. G. H. OSBORN, F.R.I.C., A.M.1nst.M.M. J. E. PAGE, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. W. €3. SIMMONS, BSc., F.R.I.C. A. A. SMALES, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. GEORGE TAYLOR, O.B.E., F.R.I.C. L. S. THEOBALD, M.Sc., A.K.C.S., ERIC VOELCKER, A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C. F.R.I.C. C. WHALLEY, BSc., A.R.I.C. E. C . WOOD, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.C.S., G. H. WYATT, BSc., Ph.D. F.R.I.C. F.R.I.C. moon. Secretarp of tbe 5octetp: K.A. WILLIAMS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C., A. Inst. P. lbon. areaeurer ot tbe 5ocfetp: J. H. HAMENCE, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Sbftor: F. L. OKELL, F.R.I.C. Beefstant Ebftor : J. B. ATTRILL, M.A. VOL. 77 1 9 5 2 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. 4, PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLANDERRATA: VOL.75, 1950: VOL. 77, 1952: p. 330. p. 419. p. 569, line 20. For “more eficient” vead “no more efficient.” Under “Ministry of Food,” the number of the Labelling of Food (Amendment) Order, 1952, should read “1952-~0. 549” ; the number of the circular “Liqueur Chocolates” should wad “2/52.” On the 16th line from the bottom, for “ferrous” Yead “cuprous.” INDEX TO VOLUME 77 INDEX TO NAMES * Denotes authors of original papers and notes that have been published in The Analyst. A *Achaya, K. T., et al. Ester-fractionation method for component fatty acid analysis of mixtures containing hydroxy fatty acids, 375. *Albon, N., e t al. Chromatographic detmn. of raffinose in raw sugars, 410. *- Uniform-temperature drying oven for quanti- tative chromatography, 406.Allen, C. F. H., e t al. Six-membered Heterocyclic Xitrogen Compounds with Four Condensed Rings. (Review), 55. Allen, D. G. G. Appointment as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of Newcastle upon Tyne, 163. *Allison, D., et al. Paper chromatography of radio- active penicillin, 29. *Amos, M. D., e t al. Brornate titration of tervalent arsenic, 488. Andrew, G. G. Appointment as Additional Public Analyst to County of Staffordshire, 163. *Armstrong, A. W. Detmng. potassium bromate in flour, 460. *Ashmore, 5. A., e t al. Detcng. and estmng, small amounts of phenol in cresylic acid, 439. Aston, B. C. Obituary, 222. *Aten, A. H. W., Jun., e t al. Analytical chemistry of astatine, 774. Attrill, J. B. Review of Dyson’s S h o ~ t Guide io Cheinicnl Literature, 165.B Bacharach, A. L. Review of Farris’s Cave and Bwedi.tzg of Laboratovy Animals, 493. *Bacon, A. Photometric detmn. of aluminium in magnesium alloys by Solochrome Cyanine-RS, 90. “Bagnall, H. H., e t al. Analytical uses of isosbestic point exhibited by vitamin R on oxidation, 396. *- Reproducibility of geometrical correction pro- cedures in spectrophotometric estmn. of vitamin A, 356. “Baker, .C. J. L. Detmng. oxalates in fresh plant material, 340. Balston, J. N., e t al. Guide to Filter Paper and Cellulose Powder Chromatography. (Publica- tion received), 388. Band, W. Translator of von Laue’s Theory of Super- conductivity. (Publication received), 494. “Banks, J . Volumetric detmn. of calcium and magnesium by ethylenediamine tetra-acetate method, 484. “Barker, G.C., et al. Square-wave polarography, Barnett, W. L. Composition of Jamaica rum, 384. “Bates, R. G. Fundamental approach to establjsh- ment of pH standards, 653. Bate-Smith, E. C. Food Science. Symposium on Quality and Preservation of Foods. (Publication received), 552. Bayley, C. W. Obituary, 222. *Belcher, R., et at. Detmng. fluorine by lead chlorofluoride method in compounds containing halogens, sulphur, phosphorus and arsenic, 602. “Beloff-Chain, A., et al. Chemical detmn. of penicillin in culture fluids, 423. *Berridge, 8. J. Detmng. activity of rennet, 57. BBzier, D., e t al. AnAlisis Cualitativo Rapid0 de 10s Cationes. Trans. by F. €3. Martinez. (Publica- tion received), 220. Bird, F. C. J. Obituary, 222. “Bishop, E.Replacement of standard cell and salt bridge by indicator electrodes and use of non- aqueous solutions in potentiometry. I. Intro- duction and argentometric titrations in aqueous and amphiprotic media, 672. “Bjorkman, A. Pipette for ethylene detmn. by bromine method, 328. *Black, R. M. Detmng. cadmium in cable sheathing alloys by direct titration method, 148. Block, R. J., e t al. Paper Chromatography, Labora- tory Manual. (Publication received), 552. *Bond, C. R. Staphylococcus aureus plate assay of penicillin: effect of sugars on zone edges and accuracy of results, 118. *Booth, P. R. Choice of doses in bio-assays, 363. Bijttger, W. Chemische Analyse. Vol. XXXIII. Neuere massanalytische Methoden. 3rd Edn. (Review), 443. *Box, G. E. P. Statistical design in study of analytical methods, 879.*Bradshaw, G., e t al. Absorptiometric detmn. of thorium in magnesium-base alloys by l-(o-arsono- phenylazoj-2-naphthol-3 : 6-disulphonic acid, 154. *- Absorptiometric demn. of zirconium by alizarin- S with special reference to magnesium alloys, 476. *Bradwell, D. Detcng. sea water infiltration, 381. Brauns, F. E. Chemistry of Lignin. (Publication received), 276. *Bray, B. M. Girard’s reagents in prepng. crude urine extracts for analysis of 17-ketosteroids, 426. Brennecke, E., e t al. Chemische Analyse. Vol. XXXIII. Neuere massanalytische Methoden. 3rd Edn. (Review), 443. *Brewer, P. I. Detmng. beryllium in beryl with ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid, 539. 685.iv INDEX TO *Bridges, R. G., ef al. Radioactive tracer-paper Briggs, R.V. Obituary, 222. Britton, S. C. Corrosion Resistance of Tin arid 'Tin Alloys. (Publication received), 444. *Brown, E. G. Detmng. carbon disulphide as cupric diethyldithiocarbamate, 21 1. *- Qualitative detcn. of long-chain alkyl pyridi- nium halides, 211. *- e t al. Detmng. small quantities of alginates in rayon finishes and on yarn, 445. ' "Buchan, J. L., ef al. Paper chromatography of starch conversion products, 401. Burger, A. Medicinal Chemistry. Vol. 11. (Pub- lication received), 220 ; (Review), 647. *Burma, D. P. Chromatographic separation of mixture of hydroxides of lithium, sodium and potassium, 382. Burness, D. M., e t al. Six-membered Heterocyclic Nitrogen Compounds with Four Condensed Rings. (Review), 55. *Burstall, F. H., e t al. Inorganic chromatography on cellulose.Quantitative detmn. of tantalum and niobium in high and low grade cotnplex minerals and ores. 983. *Butler, J. P., e t al. Separating silver from copper by electro-deposition from ammoniacal solution, 268. chromatography techniques, 19. C *Cabell, M. J. Complexes formed by thorium and uranyl ions with complexones, 859. *Caldas, E. F., e t al. Detmng. fluorine by lead chlorofluoride method in compounds containing halogens, sulphur, phosphorus and arsenic, 602. Campbell, A. N., e t al. Phase Rule and its Applica- tions. 9th Edn. (Publication received), 444. Carey, W. G. Appointment as Public Analyst to Borough of Wallsend, 545. *Carpenter, D. L., e t a?. Detmng. copper in steel by internal electrolysis, 86. Caulkin, H. A. Obituary, 2, 222, 223.*Cavell, A. J. Detmng. potassium in soil extracts Chalabi, N. J. Obituary, 2, 222, 223. *Chalmers, R. A., ef a?. Critical investigation of use of silver reductor in micro-volumetric detmn. of iron, especially in silicate rocks, 2. Chamberlin, G. J. C. I. E. International Colour System Explained. (Publication received), 108. Charlot, G., e t al. Analisis Cualitativo RApido de les Cationes. Trans. by F. B. Martinez. (Publica- tion received), 220. - Dosages Colorim6triques. Principes et MBthodes. (Publication received), 276. *Chatt, E. M. Routine analysis of table jellies, 335. *Chenery, E. M. Improvements to silver cobalti- nitrite method for detmng. potassium, 102. Clark, F. Reports on the Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XXXVI. (Publication received), 552.*Clark, S. J., e t at. Detrnng. fluorine by lead chlorofluoride method in compounds containing halogens, sulphur, phosphorus and arsenic, 602. *Clasper, M., et al. Detmng. water in Nylon, 413. *Collins, G. @., e t al. Anionic interference in detmng. small quantities of potassium and sodium with new flame photometer, 430. *Colson, A. F. Improved apparatus for vapori- metric micro-detmn. of molecular weight, 139. *Cook, E. R. Rapid clinical estmn. and fractiona- tion of urinary 17-ketosteroids, 34. with flame photometer, 537. VOL1;ME 7 7 *- e t al. Extractor and distillation head suitable for use in detmng. urinary cortin, 274. *- Nomogram for calculating urinary l'i-keto- steroids, 525. Cook, J. W. Iieview of Allen et al's. Six-n2eiiiLei,ed Heterocyclic Nitvogen Compounds with FOICI? Co?adensed Rigigs, 55.Cooke, E. I., et al. Industrial and Manufacturing Chemistry. I'art I. Organic. 7th Edn. (€'ub- lication received), 444. Appointment as Deputy Official Agricultural .Inalyst to County Borough of Birmingham, 163. Cooper, B. S. Review of Sawyer's Expeuinlmfal Spectvoscop?~. 2nd Edn., 55 1. Cosbie, A. J. C. Obituary, 222, 223. Cox, H. E. Cranfield, H. T. Crawford, J. V., e t al. Sis-membered Heterocylic Nitrogen Compounds with Four Condensed Rings. (Review), 55. Cummins, A. E., et al. German Hooks on Chemical and Cognate Subjects. Supplt. 1951 to 2nd Edn., 1 !)3!)-1!)50. Coombes, A. H. Obituary, 222, 223; Voelcker, 169. Obituary, 2, 222, 223. (I'nblication received), 220. D *d'Accadia, F. D., e t al. Chemical detmn.of pmi- cillin in culture fluids, 423. "Davidson, J. Micro-detrnn. of magnesium in plant materials with 8-hydroxyquinoline, 263. *Davies, W. C., e t al. J'olarography of tetrathionate ion, 697. "Davis, J. G. Chemical composition of milk between 1900 and 1950, 499. Milk Testing. (Publication received), 276 ; (Review), 550. "Dawson, J. A., et al. Polarographic estinn. of tetrschloronitrobenzene residues on potatoes, 103. "Deshmukh, G. S., e t al. Iodometric detmn. of selenium by arsenious oxide, 272. *Diehl, H., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of iron in raw and treated municipal water supplies by 4: 7-diphenyl-l : 10-phenanthroline, 418; Erratum, 524. *-- Separating silver from copper by clectro- deposition from ammoniacal solution, 268. "Doorgeest, T., e t al. Analytical chemistry of astatine, 774.Drummond, Sir Jack C. Obituary, 445. Duval, C. Nanipulations de Chimie. 2nd Edn. Dyson, G. M. Short Guide to Chemical Literature. (Publication received), 276. (Review), 1 65. E "Edwards, G. R., et al. *El-Badry, R. M., e t al. Quantitative detmn. of sodium cetyl sulphate in solution in water, 205. Gravimetric detmn. of lead, silver and mercurous mercury on microgram scale, 596. Elderfield, R. C. Heterocyclic Compounds. 7701. I. Three-, Four-, Five- and Six-membered Mono- cyclic Compounds containing One 0, N and S Atom. (Review), 56; Vol. 111. Polycyclic Derivatives of Pyrrole ; Polycyclic Systems with One Nitrogen common to Both Rings; Pyrindine and Related Compounds. (Publication received), 444; Vol. IV. Quinoline, isoQuinoline and their Benzo Derivatives. (Publication received), 343.INDEX TO Ellis, B.A. Review of Elderfield's Heterocyclic Compounds. Vol. I . Three-, Four-, Five- and Six-membered Monocyclic Compounds contuining One 0, N and S Atom, 56. - Review of Feiser and Feiser's Textbook of O~ganic Chemistry, 388. - Review of Schreiber's Organic Syiztheses. Vol. 31, 551. "El Wakkad, S. E. S., e t al. Potentiometric detmn. of small amounts of tungsten with chromous chloride, 161. England, E. H. Obituary, 2, 222, 223. Evers, N. Review oi Burger's -Wedicinal Chew istry. Vol. 11, 547. - Review of P?uwtnr(copoc(i Internatiopzalis. Vol. I, 219. "Ewers, W. E., ef al. Quantitative detmn. of sodium cetyl sulphate in solution in water, 205. F Fairbrother, T. H. Obituary, 222, 223. Fajans, K., e t al.Chemische Analyse. Vol. XXXIII. Seuere massanalytische Methoden. 3rd Edn. (Review), 443. Farris, E. J. Care and Breeding of Laboratory Animals. (Review), 493, Feiser, L. F., e t al, Textbook of Organic Chemistry. (Review), 388. Feiser, M., e t al. Textbook of Organic Chemistry. (Review), 388. Findlay, A., e t al. I'hase Rule and its Applications. 9th Edn. (Publication received), 444. Flint, J. W. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to Royal Borough of Tunbridge Wells, 163. Flood, W. E., e t al. Explaining and Pronouncing Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Words. (Publication received), 388. Flowerdew, F. J. Obituary, 222, 223. "Fog, J. Turbidity in photometry. Correction for turbidity in photometric methods, 454. Foulk, C. W., e t al. Quantitative Chemical Xnalysis.(Publication received), 562. *Freiser, H. Stability of metal chelates in relation to use in analysis, 830. Friedel, R. A., e t al. Ultraviolet Spectra of Aromatic Compounds. (Publication received), 332. *Frost-Jones, R. E. U., e t al. Colour reactions of chloranilic acid with particular reference to estmng. calcium and zirconium, 468. Furman, N. F., e t al. Chemische A4nalyse. Vol. XXXIII. Neuere massanalytiscke Methoden. 3rd Edii. (Review-), 443. Changes in potential of dropping- mercury electrode during drop-formation, and measurement of potential in polarographic analysis, 345. *- Measuring diffusion current with pen-recording polarograph, 246. *- e t al. Polarography of tetrathionate ion, 697. "Furness, W. G Gaddum, J. H. Review of Hovmoatcs: Szzvvey of fheiv Properties and Uses, 494."Gage, J. C. Detmng. p-nitrophenol and p-nitro- phenyl-O-S-diethyl thiophosphate in parathion, 123. Detmng. clzlorixiated o-cresols with Gibbs' reagent, 160. * Gardner, K. VOLUME 77 V Gauguin, R., e t al. XnAlisis Cualitativo Rkpidos de 10s Cationes. Trans. by F. B. Martinez. (Pub- lication received), 220. - Dosages Colorim6triques. Principes et Methodes. (Publication received), 276. Gilbard, J. F. H. Obituary, 277; Taylor, 334. *Glover, J. H., e t al. Detmng. water in liquid ammonia, 74. *-Polarography of cyclooctatetra-ene and vinyl cyclooctatetra-ene, 473. Gooderham, W. J. Review of Guerin's Trait6 de Manipulation et d'Analyse des Gaz, 548. "Goodwin, L. G. Evaluation of amoebicida1 sub- stances in vzvo, 173. *Graham, R.P., e t al. Polarographic detmn. of titanium in aluminium alloys, 533. *Gran, G. Detmng. equivalence point in poten- tiometric titrations, 11, 661. "Gray, D. J. S. Detmng. traces of mercury in urine by reversion technique, 436. *Greaves, M. C., e t al. Bromate titration of tervalent arsenic, 488. Greeves, W. F. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to County Borough of Norwich, 330. 'Gridgeman, N. T. Grammar of units of biological activity, 239. - Review of Gyijrgy's Vitamin Methods, Vols. I and 11, 491. 'F-Supplementary bibliography on carotene estmn., with special reference to green-leaf material, 173. Griffiths, J., e t al. Gas chromatography, 897. *Gross, D., e t al. Chromatographic detmn. of rafinose in raw sugars, 410. *- Uniform-temperature drying oven for quanti- tative chromatography, 406.Guhrin, H. Trait6 de Manipulation et d'Analyse des Gaz. (Publication received), 388; (Review), 548. Gyorgy, P. Vitamin Methods. Vols. I and 11. (Review), 491. Gysel, H. Tahles of Percentage Composition of Organic Compounds. (Publication received), 332. II "Hall, C. J. Detmng. small amounts of bismuth in lead, 318. "Mall, G. R., e t al. Precision counting of alpha par- ticles with special reference to detmng. standard sources, 790. "Ham, A. J., e t at. Metals in oils; detmn. by spectrographic methods and errors involved, 766. *Hamilton, L. D., e t al. Protozoa in analysis, 618. "Hardy, F. R. F., e t al. +Analysis of zinc residues, 208. Harkins, W. D. Physical Chemistry of Surface Films. (Publication received), 552. Harral, J.C. Appointment as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County of West Riding of Yorkshire, 163. "Harrison, A., e t al. Radioactive tracer-paper Chromatography techniques, 19. "Hartley, A. W, Two-piece filtration funnel, 53. "Haslam, J., e t al. Detmng. nickel and manganese in uranium, 464. *- Detmng. o-tolyl ester in tritolyl phosphate, 71. *- Detmng. water in Nylon, 413. Hawkins, E. S. Appointment as Additional Public "Hayes, T. J., e t al. Detmng. small quantities of Heap, H. Obituary, 222, 223. Herd, C. W. Review of Kent-Jones and Price's 2nd Edn., Analyst to City ol Rochester, 330. alginates in rayon finishes and on yarn, 445. PYactice and Scieme of Bvendmakipzg. 107.vi ISDEX TO VOLUME 77 *Hill, R. Detmng. 2-methyl-4-chloro-phenoxyacetic acid in presence of 2-niethyl-6-chloro- and 2- methyl-4 : 6-dichlorophenoxyacetic acids by ultra- violet spectrophotometry, 6'7."Hitchen, A., e t al. Polarographic detmn. of titanium in aluminium alloys, 533. *€€odgson, H. W., e t al. Detning. water in liquid ammonia, '74. *- Polarography of cyclooctatetra-ene and vinyl cyclooctatetra-ene, 473. "Hollstein, U., e t al. Analytical chemistry of astatine, 774. "Hopkins, A. D., e t al. Detning. copper in steel by internal electrolysis, 86. "Houlihan, J. E. Total hardness of water by versenate method-direct titration with ethylene- diamine tetra-acetate, 158. Hiickel, W. Structural Chemistry of Inorganic Compounds. Vol. 11. Trans. by L. H. Long. (Publication received), 220. "Hughes, W., e t al. Rapid X-ray quantitative analysis of crystalline powders with particular reference to titanium dioxide pigments, 179."Hurst, R., e t al. Precision counting of alpha par- ticles with special reference to detning. standard sources, 790. "Hutner, S. H., e t al. Protozoa in anal?-sis, 618. I Innes, R. F. Review of OjiciaE Methods of Analjlsis of Society of Leather TYades' Chemists. 2nd Edn., 387. "Irving, H. M., e t al. Factors controlling selectivity of organic reagents, 813. *- Solvent extraction of group IIIR metal halides, 801. Ivsnovszky, L. Was Cheixiistry and Technology. (Publication received), 494. J Jacobs, M. B. Chemical ,inalysis of Food and Food Products. 2nd Edn. (Review), 106. JaffB, F. W. M. Appointment as Official Agricul- tural Analyst to County of West Riding of Yorkshire, 163.*James, A. T., et al. Gas-liquid partition chroxria- tography. Technique for analysis of volatile materials, 915. "James, D., e t al. Gas chromatography, 897. Jamieson, A. R. Obituary, 111, 222, 224; Watson, 170. *Jenkins, I. L., ef al. Square-wave polarography, 685. Jones, T. T. G., e t al. Guide to Filter Paper and Cellulose Powder Chromatography. (Publication received), 388. K Xay, H. D. Review of Davis's M i l k Testing, 550. "Keele, C. A. Assay of analgesic drugs on man, 11 1. "Kember, N. F. Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. VII. Detmng. thorium in monazite, and thorium and uranium in uranothorianite, 78. KentJones, D. W., e t al. Practice and Science of Breadmaking. 2nd Edn. (Review), 107. *Kew, D. J., e t al. Bromate titration of tervalent arsenic, 488.*King, J: Colorimetry of indicators, 742. - Keview of Wittcoff's Phosphntidcs, 54;. *-Technique to improve efficiency of desiccators, 8. "Kingsbury, G. W. J., e t al. Inorganic chroma- tography on cellulose. S. Spectrographic detmn. of micro quantities of thorium separated by chromatography from minerals and ores, 307. "Xolthoff, I. M. _Igeing of crystalline precipitates, 1000. L "Lacourt, A,, e t al. Lakshman Rao: See Rao, C. L. *Lampitt, L. H. Quantitative inorganic paper chromatography, 943. Value and economic importance of chemical analysis in industry and manufacture, 564. Lang, R. Further Laboratory and IVorkshop Kotes. (Publication received), 108 ; (Review), 550. - et al. Chemische ,Inalyse. Vol. XSSIII. Xeuere rnassanalytisclie Methoden. 3rd Edn. (Review), 443.Langford, K. E.. -1nalysis of Electroplating and Related Solutions. (Publication received), 108. LeStrange, R., e t al. Paper Chromatography, Laboratory Manual. (Publication received), 552. *Lloyd-Jacob, Mr. Justice. Lines of development. Second Bernard Dyer Memorial Lecture, 233. Long, L. H. Translator of Huckel's Structural Chemistry o j Iizoi.gnnir C o ~ n p o u ~ ~ d s . Vol. 11. (I'ublication received), 220. Evaluation of chemotherapeutic agents directed against trypanosome infections, 175. Lucke, I). T. -1ppointment as Deputy Public Analyst to County of Middlesex, 330. *Lumb, E. C., e t al. Solubilisation titration; rapid method for analysis of binary mixtures of organic liquids, 1012. Cltra-violet absorption spectra of pyridoxine and related compounds, 718."Laurie, E. M. *Lunn, A. X., e t al. M *McCurdy, W. €I., Jun., e t al. Colorimetric detmn. of iron in raw and treated municipal water supplies by 4 : 7-diphenyl-l : 10-phenanthroline, 418; Erratum, 524. *- 1 : 10-f'henantbroline and mono-, di-, tri- and tetra-methyl-1 : 10-phenanthrolines as chelated copper complex cations, 846. MacNevin, W. M., et al. Quantitative Chemical Analysis. (Publication received), 552. *Macoun, J. M. Detcng. and detmqg. small amounts of inflammable hydrocarbons in com- bustible materials, 381. "Mansfield, W. W., e t al. Quantitative detmn. of sodium cetyl sulphate in solution in water, 205. "Martin, A. J. P., e t al. Gas-liquid partition chromatography. Technique for analysis of volatile materials, 915. Martin, G., e t al.Industrial and Manufacturing Chemistry. Part I. Organic. 7th Edn. (Pub- lication received), 444. "Martin, L. Statistical methods in radiochemistry, 892. Martinez, F. B. Translator of Charlot et al's. Ana'lisis Cualitativo Ra'pido de los Cationes. (Publication received), 220.Maryott, A. A., ef al. Table of Dielectric Constants of Pure Liquids. (Publication received), 220. "Mason, A. C. Detmng. small amounts of calcium in plant material, 529. *Mayer, A,, ef al. Xbsorptionietric detmn. of thorium in magnesium-base alloys by l-(o-arsono- phenylazo) -2-naphtliol-3 : 6-disulphonic acid, 154. *- Xbsorptiometric detmn. of zirconium by alizarin-S with special reference to magnesium alloys, 476. "Meek, J. S., ef al. T-ibrating electrode in polaro- graphic detmns. of alkyl peroxides, 43."Mellon, M. G., e t al. Ultra-violet absorptioniebic detmn. of arsenic as 12-molybdoarsenic acid, 708. "Meredith, P., e t at. Horizontal paper chroma- tography, 416. Meyer, L. Translator of von Laue's Theory of Supev- conductivity. (Publication received), 494. Milazzo, G. Elektrochemie. Theoretische Grund- lagen und -%nn endungen. Trans. by W. Schwabl. (Publication received), 276; (Review), 648. "Miller, C. C., et al. Critical investigation of use o f silver reductor in micro-volumetric detmn. of iron, especially in silicate rocks, 2 . "Milner, G. W. C., ef al. Controlled potential elec- trolysis in analysis of copper-base alloys, 11. "Moeken, H. P., e t at. Analytical chemistry of astatine, 774. Monk, H. E. -4ppointment as Public Analyst to Royal Borough of Tunbridge Wells, 163."Morris, H. A. L. Effects clue to residual nitrite in canning of meat, 98. "Morton, E. S., et al. Cylinder oxygen in organic micro-detmn. of nitrogen, 393. *Morton, R. A., e t al. Ultra-violet absorption spectra of pyridoxine and related compounds, i l 8 . *Mott, 0. E., ef al. Detmng. higher alcohols in whisky and other potable spirits, 260. *Mould, D. L., e t al. Electrokinetic ultrafiltration analysis of polysaccharides. New approach to chromatography of large molecules, 964. loyer, H. V., e t al. Quantitative Chemical -4nalysis. (Pyblication received), 552. *Muir, J. W. Detmng. total phosphorus in soil, with particular reierence to control of interference by soluble silica, 313. "Miiller, D. C. Instrumental approaches to paper chromatography, 933."Muller, R. H. Research in analytical instrumenta- tion, 557. N "Nicholas, D. J. D. Fungi for detmng. trace metals in biological materials, 629. *Nicholas, J. W., e t al. Isolation of lines of mercury arc by filters, 49. "Now, J., e t al. Metals in oils; detmn. by spectro- graphic methods and errors involved, 766. 0 Okell, F. L. Sotes on composition of Jamaica rum, *Oldham, G. Apparatus for micro distillation, 542. Orchin, M., et al. Ultraviolet Spectra of Aromatic *Osborn, G. H., ef al. Detmng. higher alcohols in "Ott, W. H., ef al. Quantitative assay of pyrogens 384. Compounds. (Publication received), 332. whisky and other potable spirits, 260. by febrile response in rabbits, 643. P Page, J. E. Review of llilazzo's Elektvochemie. Tliroidascize Gvtttzdngr~~ uizd Anwendungcn, 548."Parkinson, T. E. Paper chromatography for detcng. benzoic acid and its derivatives in food products, 438. "Partridge, S. M. Ion-exchange resins for separation of nitrogenous and other extractives of plant and animal tissue, 986. *Pate, B. D., ef al. Detmng. sub-microgram quantities of arsenic by radioactivation. 11. Detmng. arsenic in sea-water, 188; I l l . Detmng. arsenic in biological material, 196. "Payne, S. T. Detmng. traces of arsenic in ger- iiianium dioxide and tetrachloride, 278. *Pellowe, E. F., et al. ,halysis of zinc residues, 808. *Pemberton, R. Separation and analysis of metallic carbides from steel, 287. Pesez, M., et al. Mitthodes et RCactions de l'Analyse Organique. T'ol. I. MCthodes de l'-balyse G6nCrale.(Publication received), 220. '%Phillips, C., et al. Gas chromatography, 897. Poirier, P., ef al. M6thodes et Rkactions de l'-&nalyse Organique. Vol. I. Xitthodes de l'hnalyse Ghnerale. (Publication received, 220. Anionic interference in detmng. small quantities of potassium and sodium with new flame photometer, 430. *Poll&, F. F., e t al. Isolation of lines of mercury arc by filtera, 49. Porter, M. W., et al. Barker Index of Crystals. Vol. I. Crystals of Tetragonal, Hexagonal, Trigonal and Orthorhombic Systems. (Publica- tion received), 56. Powney, W. E. F. Price, J., et al. Practice and Science of Rread- making. 2nd Edn. (Review), 107. *Prokhovnik, 5. J. "Difference" formula for Morton-Stubbs correction of vitamin X absorption curves, 185. *- Extrapolation procedure for assay of aneurine, 257.*Provasoli, L., e t al. Protozoa in analysis, 618. Pullman, A., ef al. Thkories Electroniques de la Pullman, B., et al. Thdories Electroniques de la *Polkinhorne, H., e t al. Obituary, 222, 224. Chimie Organique. (Publication received), 276. Chiniie Organique. (Puhlication received), 276. Q Querol, M. C. A. Fundamentos de Quimica Analitica en Micro y Ultramicro Escalas. (Publication received), 220. - Micromanipulator, 1030. - Stand for micro-cones, 1030. R Raghava Rao: SEC Rao, Bh. S. V.. R. *Randall, S. S. Automatic clotting-time recorder, 51. *Rao, Bh. S. V. R., ef al. Detmn. of thorium and separation from rare earths by benzoic acid, 103. "Rae, C. L., et al. Detmn. of thorium and separa- tion from rare earths by benzoic acid, 103.*Rathenasinkam, E. Detcng. benzoic acid in foods, 101. *- Isolation, identification aiid detmn. of ampheta- mine in viscera, 135. Rayner, A. Obituary, 232.viii INDEX TO *Reid, V. W., e t al. Colorimetric detmn. of alcohols, 325. *Reynolds, J. G., e t al. Metals in oils; detmn. by spectrographic methods and errors involved, 766. Rhodes, J. E. W. Concise Physical Chemistry (for Intermediate Students). (Publication received), 552. Richardson, F. B. Obituary, 222, 224. Richter, G. H. Textbook of Organic Chemistry. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 388. *Rid, H. A. M., e t al. I'otentiometric detmn. of small amounts of tungsten with chromous chloride, 161. *Roberts, E. R., e t al. Vibrating electrode in polarographic detmns. of alkyl peroxides, 43.Robins, C. H. Appointment as Public -4nalyst to Rural District of Isles of Scilly, 545. *Rooks, M. E., e t al. Estractor and distillation head suitable for use in detmng. urinary cortin, 274. *- Nomogram for calculating urinary 1 'i-ketoster- oids, 525. "Rooksby, H. P. Identification by X-ray diffraction of crystalline inclusions in glass, 759. "Rossotti, F. J. C., e t pl. Solvent extraction of Group IIIB metal halides, 801. *Russell, F. R., e t al. Detmng. nickel and manga- nese in uranium, 464. *Ryan, D. E. Micro-gravimetric detmn. of palladium with 1 : 10-phenanthroline and separation of palladium from platinum, 46. Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. VIII. Use of "compound" column of alumina and cellulose for detmng. uranium in minerals and ores containing arsenic and molyb- denum, 293."'Ryan, W., e t al. S *Saletore, S. A., e t al. Ester-fractionation method for component fatty acid analysis of mixtures containing hydroxy fatty acids, 375. *Sdomon, G. Quantitative detmn. of organic halides, 1017. *Sammons, H. G., et al. Horizontal paper chroma- tography, 416. *Sant, B. R., e t al. Iodometric detmn. of selenium by arsenious oxide, 272. x:Savsge, H., e t al. Detcng. and estmng. small amounts of phenol in cresylic acid, 439. "Savage, R. I., e t al. Paper chromatography of starch conversion products, 401. Sawyer, R. A. Experimental Spectroscopy. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 108; (Review), 551. *Scandrett, F. J. Modified micro-diff usion method for detmng. ethyl alcohol in blood, 132. *Schlenk, W., Jun. Fractionation of ozokerites and separation of optical isomers.Two examples of applicability of inclusion compounds to analytical problems, 867. Schreiber, R. S. Organic Syntheses. 1-01 31. (Pub- lication received), 108 ; (Review), 551. Schwabl, W. Translator of illilazzo's Elektrochemie. Theoretische Grundlagen and A?lwwendungevz. (Pub- lication received), 276 : (Review), 548. *Shaw, W. H. C., e t al. Colorimetric estmn. of small quantities of proflavine hemisulphate, 127. *Sheppard, N. Recent advances in infra-red spectro- scopic techniques, with reference to analytical applications, 732. "Silverman, L., e t al. Detmng. small amounts of cadmium in lead by one-colour dithizone method, 143. VOLUME 77 *Smales, A. A. Detmng. mall quantities of uranium in rocks and minerals by radioactivation, 778.*- e t al. Detmng. sub-microgram quantities of arsenic by radioactivation. 11. Detmng. arsenic in sea-water, 188; 111. Detmng. arsenic in biological material, 196. *Smith, E. L., e t al. Paper chromatography of radioactive penicillin, 29. Smith, E. R., e t al. Table of IXelectric Constants of Pure Liquids. (Publication received), 220. *Smith, G. F., e t al. Colorinietric detmn. of iron in raw and treated municipal water supplies with 4 : 7-diphenyl-l : 10-phenanthroline, 41 8 ; Erratum, 524. 1 : l0-Phenanthrolinc and 1110n0-, di-, tri-, and tetra-methyl-1: 10-phenanthrolines as chelated copper complex cations, 846. *Smith, H., e t al. Rapid X-ray quantitative analysis of crystalline powders with particular reference to titanium dioxide pignients, 179.Smith, N. O., e t al. Phase Iiule and its *4pplications. 9th Edn. (Publication received), 444. "Sommereyns, Gh., e t al. Quantitative inorganic paper chromatography, 943. Spangler, F. W., e t al. Six-membered Heterocyclic Xitrogen Compounds with I;our Condensed Rings. (Review), 55. Spector, W. G. Naturc of I'owl Sephritis. (Pub- lication received), 108. "Spence, R., e t al. Counter-currcnt micro-rotary extractor as analytical tool, 578. Spiller, R. C., e t al. Barker Index of Crystals. Vol. I. Crystals of Tetragonal, Hexagonal, Trigonal and Orthorhonibic Systems. (Pub- lication received), 56. *Squirrel& D. C. M., e t a2. TJetniiig. o-tolyl ester in tritolyl phosphate, 7 1. Stamm, H., et al. Chemische -\nalyse. Vol. XXSIII. Neuere massanalytische Methoden.3rd Edn. (Review), 143. "Stern, J. P., e t al. Prepng. standard solutions of aluminium and zinc and certain other metals, 99. Stevens, H. P. Xatural Rubber Latex and its -1pplications. Xo. 1. introduction to its Origin, Properties and JIanufacture. (Publication received), 444. *Stock, F. G., e t al. Analytical uses of isosbestic point exhibited by vitamin X on oxidation, 396. *- Reproducibility of geometrical correction pro- cedures in spectrophotometric estmn. of vitamin A, 336. Stock, J. T. Review of Lang's Fzrt.tker Lnbovatoi/y and Workshop Notes, 55V. "Streeton, R. J. W., e t al. Counter-current micro- rotary extractor as analytical tool, 578. *Stroud, S: W. Detmng. 1 : 4-dichlorophenoxy- acetic acid, 63. Stubbs, J. R. Reviem- of Jacobs' Chmicnl A1znlysis of Food a i d Food Products.*Swift, H., e t al. Cylinder oxygen in organic niicro- detmn. of nitrogen, 392. *Synge, R. L. M., e t al. Electrokinetic ultrafiltra- tion analysis of polysaccharides. Sew approach to chromatography of large molccules, 964. ::c - 2nd Edn., 106. T Talbot, B. E., e t al. Guide to Filter Paper and Cellulose Powder Chromatography. (Publication received), 388. Taylor, G. Obituary of J. F. H. Gilbard, 334. - Review of Trnce Elewrvts i v i P l n ~ t Physiology, '317.ISDEX TO VOLUME 77 ix "Temple, R. B. F., e t al. Inorganic oliromatography on cellulose. 2;. Spectrographic detmn. of micro quantities of thorium separated by chroma- tography from minerals and ores, 307. "Tennent, D. M., et al. Quantitative assay of pyrogens by febrile response in rabbits, 643."Theobald, L. S., e t al. Prepng. standard solutions of aluminium and zinc and certain other metals, 99. *:Thistlethwaite, W. P. Detmng. soluble phosphate by titration with standard bismuth solution, 48. Thompson, F. E. Obituary, 222. *Tompkins, E. R. -4pplications of ion exchange to analytical chemistry, 970. "Trego, K., et al. Detmng. small amounts of cadmium in lead by one-colour dithizone method, 115. *Trinder, P. Detmng. cholesterol in serum, 321. *Truelove, R. K., e t al. Colorimetric detmn. of U alcohols, 325. Wnterzaucher, J. Direct inicro-detmn. of oxygen in organic substances, 584. V *van Nieuwenburg, C. J. Contemporary assessment of place of classical methods in chemical analysis, 373. *van Pinxteren, J. A. C. Detmng.organic bromine compounds in beverages by Icoenig's reaction, 367. Varley, E. R. lTermiculite. (Publication received), 388. Venkataraman, K. Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes. T'ol. I. (Publication received), 276. "Venkataramaniah, M., e t al. Uetmn. of thorium and separation from rare earths by benzoic acid, 103. Vince, S., e t al. German Books on Cheiriical and Cognate Subjects. Supplt. 1951 to 2nd Edn., I !139-1950. (Publication received), 220. Voelcker, E. -4ppointment as Public Analyst to County of Cornwall, 330. - Obituary of H. E. Cox, 169. Vogel, A. I. Textbook of f'ractical Organic Chemistry, including Qualitative Organic *?Lnalysis. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 108. - Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis, Theory and Practice. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 108.von Laue, M. Theory of Superconductivity. (Yub- lication received), 494. W * Wadelin, C., ef al. Wallace, T. Ultra-violet absorptionietric detmn. of arsenic as 12-molybdoarsenic acid, 708. Diagnosis of Mineral Deficiencies in Plants by Visual Symptoms. 2nd Edn. (Yublica- tion received), 108. Wallis, T. E. Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 2nd Edn. (Review), 546. * Wantier, G., et al. Quantitative inorganic paper chromatography, 943. Ward, A. M. Review of Biittger et al's Chemische -4 nalyse. VoZ. X X X I I I . Neueue rviassanalytische Methoden. 3rd Edn., 443. Warren, B. W. J. Obituary, 167, 222, 224. Watson, R. S. Obituary of A. K. Jamieson, 170. Webster, E. R., e t al. Six-membered Heterocyclic Xitrogen Compounds with Four Condensed Rings. (Review), 55. *Webster, J.G., ef al. West, M., e t al. Polarographic estmn. ot tetrachloronitrobenzene residues on potatoes, 203. Explaining and Pronouncing Dic- tionary of Scientific and Technical Words. (Pub- lication received), 388. *West, P. W. Approaches utilised in development of spot tests, 611. "Whalley, C., e t al. Porcelain microchemical apparatus for gravimetric analysis, 39. "Whittern, R. N., et al. Controlled potential elec- trolysis in analysis of copper-base alloys, 11. Wiener, 1. Energy and Angle Distribution of Photoprotons from Deuterium. (Publication received), 388. Willsins, C. R. Obituary, 222, 224. *Wilkinson, G., ef al. Colorimetric estmn. of small quantities of proflavine hemisulphate, 127. "Wilkinson, N. T., e f al. Detmng. nickel and manganese in uranium, 464.*Williams, A. F. Inorganic chromatography pn cellulose. IX. Use of alumina and cellulose adsorbents for detmng. thorium and simul- taneous detmn. of thorium and uranium in minerals and ores, 297. *- et al. Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. VI11. Use of "compound" column of alumina and cellulose for detmng. uranium in minerals and ores containing arsenic and molybdenum, 293 ; Quantitative detmn. of tantalum and niobium in high and low grade complex minerals and ores, 983. Williams, H. A. Appointment as Public Analyst to Royal Borough of Kensington, 545. *Williams, R. J. P. Gradient elution analysis, 905. *- et al. Factors controlling selectivity of organic reagents, 813. Williams, W. C. Obituary, 222, 224. "Williamson, A. G. Detmng. isocyanate group in rubber bonding agents, 372.*Wilson, C. L., et al. Gravimetric detmn. of lead, silver and mercurous mercury on microgram scale, 596. Six-membered Heterocyclic Nitrogen Compounds with Four Condensed Rings. (Review), 55. *Winsor, P. A., e t al. Solubilisation titration; rapid method for analysis of binary mixtures of organic liquids, 1012. "Winteringham, F. P. W., e t al. Radioactive tracer-paper chromatography techniques, 19. Wittcoff, H. Phosphatides. (Publication received), 332; (Review), 547. Wood, E. C. Review of Youden's Statistical Methods fov Chemists, 549. Woodhead, J. E. Review of Wallis's Textbook of Phavmacognosy. 2nd Edn., 546. Wright, E. W. Obituary, 57, 222, 624. *Wyatt, G. H., et al. Wilson, C. V., e t al. Porcelain microchemical apparatus for gravimetric analysis, 39.Y "Yardley, J. T., e t at. Colour reactions of chloranilic acid with particular reference to estmng. calcium and zirconium, 468. "Youden, W. J. Statistical aspects of analytical detnins., 874. --- Statistical Methods for Chemists. (Publication received), 108 : (Review), 549. Z Zweig, G., e t al. Paper Chromatography, Labora- tory Manual. (Publication received), 562.X INDEX TO VOLUME 77 INDEX TO SUBJECTS * Denotes original papers and notes that have been published in The Analyst. A Absorber : Automatic-/sample changer, Type 11 12A. Atomic Energy Research Establish- ment, 1030. *Absorption curves : Turbidity in photometry. Correction for turbidity in photometric methods. Fog, 454. Acaricides : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212.Acetaldehyde : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. *Acids : Ester-fractionation method for component fatty ___ analysis of mixtures containing hydroxy fatty -. Achaya and Saletore, 375. *Gas-liquid partition chromatography. Tech- nique for analysis of volatile materials. James and Martin, 915. "Acriflavine : Colorimetric estmn. of small quantities of proflavine hemisulphate. Shaw and Wilkin- son, 127. *Adhesives : Detmng. isocyanate group in rubber bonding agents. Williamson, 372. *Ageing of crystalline precipitates. Kolthoff, 1000. Agene : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. *Alcohols : Colorimetric detmn. of -. Reid and Truelove, 325. *Detmng. higher - in whisky and other potable spirits.Osborn and Mott, 260. *Solubilisation titration, rapid method for analysis of binary mixtures of organic liquids. Lumb and Winsor, 1012. Aldrin: Chemicals in Food Products. L.S. House of Representatives, 212. Alfaklor : Approved oxidising and preservative agent. Ministry of Food, 490. *Alginates: Detmng. small quantities of ~ in rayon finishes and on yarn. Brown and Hayes, 445. *Alizarin-S : -4bsorptiometric detmn. of zirconium with - with special reference to magnesium alloys. iMayer and Bradshaw, 476. Alkyl aryl sulphates: Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 612. Alkyl aryl sulphonates : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. Allethrin : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. "Alloys : Absorptiometric detmn.of thorium in magnesium-base -by l-(o-arsonopheny1azo)- 2-naphthol-3 : 6-disulphonic acid. Mayer and Bradshaw, 154. *Absorptiometric detmn. of zirconium with alizarin-S with special reference to magnesium __- . Mayer and Bradshaw, 476. *Controlled potential electrolysis in analysis of copper-base --. Milner and Whittem, 11. Corrosion Resistance of Tin and Tin -. Britton. (Publication received), 444. "Detmng. cadmium in cable sheathing -- by direct titration. Black, 148. 'SDetmng. small amounts of cadmium in lead by one-colour dithizone method. Silverman and Trego, 143. *Photometric detmn. of aluminium in magnesium Alloys--contiwerZ *Polarographic detmn. of titanium in aluminium -. Graham and Hitchen, 533. "Prepng. standard solutions of aluminium, etc.(effect of liquid bromine). Theobald and Stern, 99. *Alpha particles : Precision counting of -- with special reference to detmng. standard sources. Hurst and Hall, 790. *Alumina : 1norga.nic chromatography on cellulose. VIII. Use of compound column of - and cellulose for detmng. uranium in minerals and ores containing arsenic and molybdenum. Ryan and Williams, 293; IX. Use of - and cellulose adsorbents for detmng. thorium and simultaneous detmn. of thorium and uranium in minerals and ores. TiVilliams, 297. Aluminium alloys : Polarographic detmn. of titanium in -. Graham and Hitchen, 533. *Controlled potential electrolysis in analysis of copper-base alloys. Milner and UThittem, 11. *Photometric detmn. of - in magnesium alloys by Solocb.rome Cyanine-KS.Bacon, 90. *Prepng. standard solutions of -_ and zinc, etc. (use of liquid bromine). Theobald and Stern, 98. *Quantitative inorganic paper chromatography. Lacourt, Sommereyns and Wantier, 943. American Chemical Society : Acknowledgement of Address presented by Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists, 1. Delegation from Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists to 75th Anniversary Meeting o f ---, 111. "Amidone: Assay of analgesic drugs on man. Keele, 111. *Amino-acids : Ion-exchange resins for separation of nitrogenous and other extractives of plant and animal tissue. Partridge, 955. *Ammonia: Detmng. water in liquid --. Hodgson and Glover, 74. "Amoebicidal substances : Evaluating -- iw uiuo. Goodwin, 173. *Amphetamine : Isolation, identification and detmn.of __ in viscera. *Amy1 alcohol : Detmng. higher alcohols in whisky and other potable spirits. Osborn and Mott, 260. Amylase : Measuring enzyme activity, British Cotton Industry Research Assoc., 1029. *Analgesic drugs: Assay of -- on man. Keele, 111. Analysis.: -\nrilisis Cualitativo Rripido de 10s Cationes. Chsrlot, Bkzier and Gauguin, trans. by Martinez. (Publication received), 220. *-lpplications of ion exchange to analytical chemistry. Tompkins, 970. "Approaches used in development o€ spot tests. West, 611. Chemische Analyse. Band SXXIII. Neuere massanalytische Methoden. Biittger et al. 3rd Edn. (Review), 443. *Colorimetry of indicators. King, 742. *Contemporary assessment of place of classical van Nieuwenburg, Demonstrations of analytical techniques and Rathenasinkam, 135.methods in chemical -. 573. apparatus a t International Congress on XnaIy- - by Solochrome Cyanine-RS. Bacon, 90. tical Chemistry, 1025.IXDEX TO VOLUME 7 i xi Analysis-mati m e d Dosages Colorimktriques. Principes et MCthodes. Charlot and Gauguin. (Publication received), 276. First session of lnternational Union of Pure and Applied chemistry, Analytical Section, Com- mission on Microtechniques, 216. Fundamentos de Quimica Analitica en Micro y Ultramicro Escalas. Querol. (Publication received), 220. Alethodes et RCactions de l'halyse Organique. Vol. I. Nkthodes de 1'Analyse Gknkrale. Pesez and Poirier. (Publication received), 220. Official Methods of - of Society of Leather Trades' Chemists. 2nd Edn. (Review), 387.Quantitative Chemical -. Foulk, Moyer and MacNevin. (Publication received), 552. "Research in analytical instrumentation. Niiller, 557. "Solubilisation titration, rapid method for - of binary mixtures of organic liquids. Lumb and M7insor, 1012. "Statistical aspects of analytical detrnns. Youden, 874. *Statistical design in study of analytical methods. Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, in- cluding Qualitative Organic -. I-ogel. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 10s. Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic -, Theory and Practice. Vogel. 2nd I'dn. (Publication received,, 1011. Trait6 de Manipulation et d'ilnalyse des Gaz. Gubrin. (Publication received), 388; (Review), 548. ';:Value and economic importance of chemical - in industry and manufacture. Lampitt, 564.Analyst : Official journal of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Analytical Section, Commission on Microtechniques, 216. Analytica Chimica Acts : Official journal of Inter- national Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Analytical Section, Commission on Micro- techniques, 216. Analytical Chemistry : First International Congress on -, Oxford, 1952. Editorial, 497; Pro- ceedings, 553. Official journal of lnternational Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Analytical Section, Com- mission on Microtechniques, 2 16. "Aneurine : Extrapolation procedure for assay of -. Prokhovnik, 257. Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. : Apparatus for distillation oi very small quantities of crude oils, 1025. Estmng. sulphur content of petroleum oils by X-rays, 1025. Infra-red spectrometer with cathode-ray presen- tation, 1025.Animals : Care and Breeding of Laboratory -. Farris. (Review), 493. Anthracene : Detmng. - in tar fractions. Coal Tar Research Assoc., 1028. Antibiotics. Survey of their Properties and Uses. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 552. "Antimony : Prepng. standard solutions of aluminium, etc. (effect of liquid bromine). Theobald and Stern, 99. Anti-oxidants : Chemicals in Food Products. US. House of Representa.tives, 21 2. APANS : See l-(o-arsonophenylazo)-2-naphthol-3 : 6- disulphonic acid. Apparatus : Air current method of moisture detmn. Lyons Laboratories, 1032. 'Box, 879. Apparatus-ro?zti.l.tlted All-glass electrically-heated water-bath. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd.. 1032.All-glass equipment for paper chroinatography. Government Laboratory, 1026. All-glass unit for micro-electrophoresis on filter- paper. St. Mary's Hospital, Dept. of Chemical Pathology, 1032. "Anionic interference in detmng. sniall quantities of potassium and sodium with new flame photometer. Collins and Yolkinhorne, 430. Application of knife-edge research to balance development. L. Oertling, Ltd., 1030. Application of X-ray diffraction to analysis of oxide scales. D.S.I.R., Fuel Research Station, 1028. Automatic absorber/sample changer, Type 11 12A. Atomic Energy Research Establishment, 1030. *Automatic clotting-time recorder. Randall, 5 1. Automatic coulometric titration. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1032. Automatic fraction collector. Lyons 1,abora- tories, 1032.Automatic horizontal microburette. University of Brussels, Microchemistry Dept., 1030. -1utomatic pipettes. B.S. 1132: 1952. 212. Automatic potentiometric titration equipment. Iiodak, Ltd., 1031. Automatic radioactive-liquid-sample separator, Type 11 31A. Atomic Energy Research Estab- lishment, 1030. Automatic steam distillation ---. Shell Petro- leum Co., Ltd., 1027. Barker index of crystals. University of Oxford, Dept. of Geology and Mineralogy, 1032. Burettes and bulb burettes. B.S. 846 : 1952. 331. Cathode-ray polarograph for routine analysis. May and Baker, Ltd.. 1026. "Changes in potential of dropping-mercury elec- trode during drop-formation, and measurement of potential in polarographic analysis. Furness, 345. Chromatographic analysis. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1029. Combined spectrographic sources unit.Govern- ment Laboratory, 1026. Combustion - for rapid detmn. of carbon and hydrogen, halogens and sulphur. University of London, School of Pharmacy, and Courtaulds, Ltd., 1030. Compressibility -. Lyons Laboratories, 1032. Constant time-interval receiver-changer. Coal Tar Research Assoc., 1027. Continuous estmn. of traces of sulphur dioxide. D.S.I.R., Fuel Research Station, 1028. Controlled-potential electrolysis equipment. Atomic Energy Research Establishment, 1030. *Controlled potential electrolysis in analysis of copper-base alloys. Milner and Whittem, 11. "Counter-current micro-rotary extractor as analy- tical tool. Dekatron timer. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1032. Demonstrations of analytical techniques and - a t Congress, 1025.Derivative polarography. British Kon-Ferrous Metals Research Assoc., 1027. "Detmng. cadmium in cable sheathing alloys by direct titration. Black, 148. "Detmng. organic bromine compounds in bever- ages by Koenig's reaction. van Pinxteren, 367. *Detmng. potassium in soil extracts with flame photometer. Cavell, 537. Spence and Streeton, 578.xii IKDEX TO VOLUME i 7 Appa,ratus--ro?rtiiz utd *Detmng. traces of arsenic in germanium dioxide and tetrachloride. l'ayne, 278. "Detmng. water in liquid ammonia. Hodg'soii and Glover. 74. *Detmng. water in Sylon. Haslam and Clasper, 413. Differential refractorneter for continuous measure- ment. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1029. "Direct micro-detmn. of oxygen in organic sub- stances.Unterzaucher, 584. Distillation receivers (including Crow receivers). B.S. 605: 1952. 384. Distilled-water gun. D.S.I.K., Fuel Research Station, 1028. D.C .L. multi-component infra-red gas analyser. Distillers Co., Ltd., 1027. Electro-analysis - with automatic cathode potential control. Woolwich Polytechnic, Chemistry Dept., 1026. *Extractor and distillation head for detmng. urinary cortin. Fedorov universal stage. University of Oxfoird, Ikpt. of Geology and Mineralogy, 1032. Ferranti-Shirley viscometer. British Cotton Industry Research Xssoc., 1028. Filter flasks. H.S. 1739; 1951. 106. Five-channel pulse-amplitude ana lyser, Type 1074-4. Atomic Energy Research Establish- ment, 1029. Flame photometer. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1031. Fluorescence microscopy.Government Labora- tory, 1025. Fluorimeter, Typy 1080A. Atomic Enerbv liesearch Establishment, 1029. for converting to percentage transmission basis records from infra-red single-beam recording spectrometers. Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., 1027. for detmng. distillation range. B.S. 658: 1952. 275. for detmng. small amounts of carbon in metals. General Electric Co., Ltd., 1032. for direct measurement of saturation temperatures of solutions. General Electric Co., Ltd., 1031. for distillation of very small quantities of crude oils. Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., 1025. "for micro distillation. Oldham, 542. for vaporimetric detmn. of molecular weight. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1032. Galvanic detmn. of traces of oxygen in gases. Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., 1029.Gas analysis -. National Coal Board, 1031. Gas-liquid partition chromatography. National "Gas-liquid partition chromatography. Technique James and General purpose glass stopcocks. B.S. 1751 : 19512. Glass condensers. B.S. 1848: 1952. 491. "Gradient elution analysis. Williams, 905. Graduated beakers for injectable fluids (for hospital use). B.S. 1847: 1952. 491. Graduated measuring cylinders. B.S. 604 : 1952. 384. Haemoglobinoineters, Haldane type. B.S. 1079, : 1952. 442. a Horizontal paper chromatography. Meredith and Sammons, 416. *Improved ___ for vaporimetric micro-detmn. of molecular weight. Colson, 139. Infra-red spectrometer with cathode-ray presenta- tion. Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., 1025. Cook and Rooks, 274. Institute for Medical Research, 1026. for analysis of volatile materials.Martin, 915. 384. Apparatus---contirzued *Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. 1-11. Detmng. thorium in monazite and thorium and uranium in uranothorianite. Kember, 78. *Instrumental approaches to paper chromato- graphy. Miiller, 933. *Isolation of lines of mercury arc by filters. Nicholas and Pollak, 49. Laboratory liquid-liquid extraction column. Us- tillers Co., Ltd., 1027. "Measuring diffusion current with pen-recording polarograph. Furness, 246. Meteorological thermometers. B.S. 692 : 1951. 165; amendment slip, 276. Microchemical -. London County Council, Norwood Technical College, 1031. Microchemical -. B.S. 1428: 1952, Part X2, nitrogen combustion trains (micro-Dumas) ; Part H 1, weighing vessels for microchemical analysis, 275; Part A3, halogens and sulphur, combustion train (Pregl) ; Part D1, burettes with pressure-filling device and automatic zero.33 1. Micro-manipulator. Querol, 1030. Micro-nitrometers (Pregl type). B.S. 1428 : 1950, Part D3, amendment slip, 276. Microscope hot or cold stage. D.S.I.R., Fuel Research Station, 1028. *Modified micro-diffusion detmn. of ethyl alcohol in blood. Scandrett, 132. Multi-channel recording timer. Atomic Eiicrgy Research Establishment, 1030. Nessler cylinders. B.S. 612: 1952. 491. New methods of microscopy. University of Oxford, Dept. of Human Anatomy, 1032. One-mark graduated flasks. B.S. 1792 : 1952. 384. Oxygen absorption recorder. Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., 1026. *Paper chromatography of starch conversion pro- ducts. Buchan and Savage, 401.Petri dishes. B.S. 611: 1952. 442. Photo-electric counter for Sward hardness rocker. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1029. *Pipette for ethylene detmn. by bromine method. Bjorkman, 328. *Porcelain microchemical ~ for gravimetric analysis. Whalley and Wyatt, 39. Portable water-flow gas calorimeter. Korth Thames Gas Board, 1025. *Precision counting of alpha particles with special reference to detmng. standard sources. Hurst and Hall, 790. Prepng. conductivity water. National Institute for Medical Research, 1027. Proportional balance for routine analysis. Govern- ment Laboratory, 1025. Quality of laboratory porcelain. B.S. 914: 1952. 275. *Quantitative detmn. of sodium cetyl sulphate in solution in water. Edwards, Ewers and Mansfield, 205. "Quantitative inorganic paper chromatography.Lacourt, Sommereyns and Wantier, 943. *Radioactive tracer-paper chromatography tech- niques. Winteringham, Harrison and Bridges, 19. *Rapid X-ray quantitative analysis of crystalline powders. Hughes and Smith, 179. *Recent advances in infra-red spectroscopic tech- niques with reference to analytical applications. Sheppard, 732. Recording coaxial cylinder viscorneter. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1028. Remote handling devices. Atomic Energy Research Establishment, 1030.IL\;L>EX TO Apparatus-coizti~zued *Replacement of standard cell and salt bridge by indicator electrodes and use of non-aqueous solutions in potentiometry. I. Introduction and argentometric titrations in aqueous and amphiprotic media. Bishop, 672. Reports on metric units of volume and standard temperature of volumetric glassware.R.S. 501, 554: 1952. 491. "Research in analytical instrumentation. Miiller, 557. *resin column : Detmng. small amounts of calcium in plant material. Mason, 529. Sampling equipment; for detmng. toxic substances in air, and ___ for prepng. test atmospheres of vapours, mists and dusts. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1039. Semi-micro bomb calorimeter. National Coal Board, 1031. *Separation and analysis of metallic carbides from steel. Pemberton, 287. Sintered disk filters for laboratory use. B.S. 1'75.2 : 1952. 275; amendment slip, 546. Spectrophotometric attachment for use in paper chromatography. May and Baker, Ltd., 1025. *Square-wave polarography. Barker and Jenkins, 685. Stand for micro-cones.Querol, 1030. Tables for use in calibrating volumetric glassware. B.S. 1797: 1952. 275. *Technique to improve efficiency of desiccators. King, 8. Test oscillator for use with Grubb-Parsons single- beam infra-red spectrometer. Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd.. 1027. Thermistor ebullioscope. Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., 1027. Titrimeter with audible end-point indication. May and Baker, Ltd., 1026. *Two-piece filtration funnel. Hartley, 53. Ultra-centrifuge for opaque liquids. Coal Tar Research Assoc., 1028. *Uniform-temperature drying oven for quantita- tive chromatography. Albon and Gross, 406. *Use of cylinder oxygen in organic micro-cletmn. of nitrogen. Swift and Morton, 392. Vacuum __ for moisture detmns. Sational Coal Board, 1031. Vacuum-fusion gas analysis -.British Iron and Steel Research Assoc., 1027. Variable-path-length cell and assembly for infra- red spectroscopy. Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., 1027. *Vibrating electrode in polarographic detmns. of alkyl peroxides. Wright isopiestic method for molecular weight. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1028. Applied Chemistry: Reports on Progress of -. Vol. XXXVI. Society of Chemical Industry. (Publication received), 552. Appointments, official: 163, 330, 545. *Arc: Isolation of lines of mercury -- by filters. Nicholas and Pollak, 49. *Argentometric titrations : Replacement of standard cell and salt bridge by indicator electrodes and use of non-aqueous solutions in potentiometry. I. Introduction and - in aqueous and amphiprotic media. Bishop, 672. "Arsenic : Bomate titration of tervalent -.Kew, Amos and Greaves, 488. "Detmng. sub-microgram quantities of -- by radioactivation. 11. Detmng. - in sea water. Smales and Pate, 188; 111. Detmng. --I in biological material, 196. Koberts and Meek, 43. V0LUM.E 77 xiii *Detmng. traces of - in germanium dioxide and tetrachloride. Payne, 278. Supplementary report. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, Metallic Contamination Sub-committee, 163. "Ultra-violet absorptiometric detmn. of - as 12-molybdoarsenic acid. Wadelin and Mellon, 708. "Arsenious oxide : Iodometric detmn. of selenium by -. Deshmukh and Sant, 272. *1-( o-Arsonophenylaxo) -2-naphthol-3 : 6-disulphonic acid : Absorptiometric detmn. of thorium in magnesium-base alloys by -. Mayer and Bradshaw, 154. *Aspergillus niger : Fungi for detmng.trace metals in biological materials. Nicholas, 629. *Astatine : Analytical chemistry of -. Aten, Doorgeest, Hollstein and Moeken, 774. Atomic Energy Research Establishment : Automatic absorber/sample changer, Type 1112A, 1030. Automatic radioactive-liquid-sample separator, Type 1131A, 1030. Controlled-potential electrolysis equipment, 1030. Five-channel pulse-amplitude analyser, Type 1074X, 1029. Fluorimeter, Type 1080A, 1029. Multi-channel recording timer, 1030. Remote handling devices, 1030. Arsenic-coizt iizued Autoradiography. Icodak, Ltd., 1031. B Balance : Xpplicatioii of knife-edge research to - development. L. Oertling, Ltd., 1030. Proportional ~ for routine analysis. Govern- ment Laboratory, 1025. "recording : Research in analytical instrumenta- tion.Muller, 557. *Barium : Metals in oils, detmn. by spectrographic methods and errors involved. Ham, Noar and Reynolds, 766. Barker index of crystals. University of Oxford, Dept. of Geology and Mineralogy, 1032. of Crystals. Vol. 1. Crystals of Tetragonal, Hexagonal, Trigonal and Orthorhombic Sys- tems. Porter and Spiller. (Publications re- ceived), 56. *Bases : Gas-liquid partition chromatography. Tech- nique for analysis of volatile materials. James and Martin, 915. *organic : Ion-exchange resins for separation of nitrogenous and other extractives of plant and animal tissue. Partridge, 955. Bathophenanthroline : See 4 : 7-Diphenyl-l : 10-phen- anthroline. Beakers, graduated, for injectable fluids (for hospital use). B.S. 1847: 1952. 491. :> Benzoic acid : Detcng.-__ in foods. liathenasin- kam, 101. *Paper chromatography for detcng. - and its derivatives in food products. Parkinson, 438. Benxosulphimide : Chemicals in Food Products. U. S. House of Representatives, 2 12. :':Beryl : Detmng. beryllium in - with ethylenedia- mine tetra-acetic acid. Brewer, 539. 'kBeryllium : Detmng. - in beryl with ethylenedia- mine tetra-acetic acid. Brewer, 539. Beta Spectra: Tables for Analysis of -. U.S. National Bureau of Standards. (Publication received}, 552. *Beverages : Detmng. organic bromine compounds in __ by Koenig's reaction. van Pinxteren, 367.*Bibliography : Supplementary - on carotene estmn., with special reference to green-leaf material. Gridgeman, 173. *Bio-assay(s) : Choice of doses in -. Booth, 363.*Fungi for determining trace metals in biological materials. Nicholas, 629. "Protozoa in analysis. Hamilton, Hutner and Provasoli, 618. *Quantitative assay of pyrogens by febrile response in rabbits. Tennent and Ott, 643. *Biological activity: Grammar of units of --. Gridgeman, 239. *material : Detmng. sub-microgram quantities of arsenic by radioactivation. 111. Detmng. arsenic in -. Smales and Pate, 196. *materials: Fungi for detmng. trace metals in -. Nicholas, 629. Birmingham : Appointment of A. H. Coombes as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of -, 163. University, Dept. of Chemistry : Xew indicators in titrimetric analysis, 1029. *Bismuth: Detmng. small amounts of - in lead. Hall, 318. "Detmng. soluble phosphate by titration with standard - solution (bismuthyl perchlorate).Thistlethwaite, 48. "Prepng. standard solutions of aluminium, etc. (effect of liquid bromine). Theobald and Stern, 99. *Blood : Detmng. sub-microgram quantities of arsenic by radioactivation. 111. Detmng. arsenic in biological material. Smales and Pate, 196. *Modified micro-diff usion detmn. of ethyl alcohol in -. Scandrett, 132. Bomb calorimeter : Semi-micro --. Xational Coal Board, 1031. *Bonding agents : Detmng. isocyanate group in rubber -. Williamson, 372. Book reviews : Allen, et al. Six-membered Heterocyclic Sitrogen Comr ounds with Four Condensed Rings, 56. Bottgei, et al. Chemische Analyse. Band XXXIII. Neuere massanalytische Methoden. 3rd Edn., 443. Burger. Medicinal Chemistry. Vol. 11, 547. Davis. Milk Testing, 550.Dyson. Short Guide to Chemical Literature, 165. Elderfield. Heterocyclic Compounds. Vol. 1, 66. Farris. Care and Breeding of Laboratory Fieser and Fieser. Textbook of Organic GuQin. Trait6 de Manipulation et d' Analyse cles Gyorgy. Vitamin Methods. Vols. I and 11, 491. International Union of Biological Sciences. Trace Elements in Plant Physiology, Symposium, 2 17. Jacobs. Chemical Analysis of Food and Food Products. 2nd Edn., 106. Kent-Jones and Price. Practice and Science of Breadmaking. 2nd Edn., 107. Lang. Further Laboratory and Workshop Notes, 550. Milazzo. Elektrochemie. Theoretische Grund- lagen und Anwendungen, 548. Sawyer. Experimental Spectroscopy, 561. Schreiber. Organic Syntheses. Vol. 31, 551. Society of Leather Trades' Chemists. Official Methods of Analysis. 2nd Edn., 387.Wallis. Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 2nd Edn., 546. Wittcoff. Phosphatides, 547. Youden. Statistical Methods for Chemists, 649. Animals, 493. Chemistry, 388. Gaz, 548. Book reviews--co&rt ited Hormones, Survey of their Properties and Uses, Pharmacopoea Internationalis. Vol. I, 219. See also Publications received. 494. Books: German - on Chemical and Cognate Subjects. Supplement 1951 to 2nd Edn., 1939- 1951. Cummins and Vince. (Publication received), 220. Borax: Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 812. Boric acid: Chemicals in Food Products. C.S. House ol Representatives, 212. *Brass : Controlled potential electrolysis in analysis of copper-base alloys. Milner and Whittem, 11. Brawn, beef: Meat Products (Xo. 2) Order, 1952. 442; Amendment, 545.Breadmaking: Practice and Science of -. Kent- Jones and Price. 2nd Edn. (Review), 107. British Cotton Industry Research Assoc. : Ferranti- Shirley viscometer, 1028. British Iron and Steel Research Assoc.: Vacuum- fusion gas analysis apparatus, 1027. British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Assoc. : Derivative polarography, 1027. British Phaxmaceutical Codex: Supplt. 1952 to -, 1949. (Publication received), 276. British Rubber Development Board : Natural Rubber Latex and its Applications. No. 1. Introduc- tion to its Origin, Properties and Manufacture. Stevens. (Publication received), 444. 501 : 1952. Report on metric units of volume, 491. 608 : 1950. Xormal butyl alcohol. Amendment 554: 1952. Report on standard temperature of 579: 1951.Technical ether. -Amendment slip, 491. 604 : 1952. Graduated measuring cylinders, 384. 605 : 1952. Distillation receivers (including Crow 61 1 : 1952. Petri dishes, 442. 6 12 : 1952. Nessler cylinders, 491. 632: 1950, Raw linseed oil for general purposes. 642: 1951. Calcium carbide, 165. 655 : 1950. Refined cottonseed oil. Amendment 658 : 1952. -4pparatus for detmng. distillation 684: 1950. Methods of analysis of oils and fats. 692 : 1951.. Meteorological thermometers, 165 ; 769: 1952. Methods for chemical analysis of 770: 1952. Methods for chemical analysis of 846: 1952. Burettes and bulb burettes, 331. 914: 1952. Quality of laboratory porcelain, 275. 1079 : 1962. Haernoglobinometers, Haldane type, 1132 : 1952. Automatic pipettes, 212. 1425: 1951. Cleanliness of fillings and stuffing for bedding, upholstery, toys and other domestic articles.Amendment slips, 331. 1425 : 1952. Microchemical apparatus. Part A2, nitrogen combustion train (micro-Dumas) ; Part H 1, weighing vessels for microchemical analysis, 275; Part A3, halogens and sulphur, combustion train (Pregl) : Part D1, burettes with pressure-filling device and automatic zero, 331. Measuring enzyme activity, 1029. British Standard Specifications : slip, 491. volumetric glassware, 491. receivers), 384. Amendment slips, 276, 384. slip, 276. range, 275. Amendment slip, 276. Amendment slip, 276. butter, 491. cheese, 442. 442.INDEX Fro British Standard Specifications-conti~~e~ 1428 : 1950. Part D3, micro-nitrometers (Pregl 1739: 1951. Filter flasks, 106. 1751 : 1952.1752 : 1952. 1792 : 1952. 1797: 1952. 1800: 1951. 1820 : 1952. 1834: 1952. isoPropyl acetate, 275. 1835 : 1953. 1838: 1952. Milk strainers, 331. I847 : 1952. Graduated beakers for injectable fluids (for hospital use), 491. 1848: 1952. Glass condensers, 491. 1864: 1952. type). Xmendment slip, 276. General purpose glass stopcocks, 384. Sintered disk filters for laboratory One-mark graduated flasks, 384. Tables €or use in calibrating ~ o l u - Methods for analysis of raw copper, Vegetable parchment for wrapping use, 275; amendment slip, 546. metric glassware, 275. 106. dairy and other food Products, 276. 3-Ethylhexyl alcohol, 275. Xilk piping and milk pipe fittings, British Standards Institution I'earbook, 1958. (Pub- "Bromate titration of tervalent arsenic.Kew, *Bromides : Quantitative detmn. of organic halides. :*Solvent extraction of Group IIIB metal halides. "Bromine, behaviour of liquid - with metals : I'repng. standard solutions of aluminium, ctc. Theobald and Stern, 99. "-chlorine ratio : Detcng. sea-water infiltration. Bradwell, 381. *compounds: Detmng. organic - in beverages by Koenig's reaction. van Pinxteren, 367. *Bronze : Controlled potential electrolysis in analysis of copper-base alloys. Milner and Whittem, 11. Brussels: See University of Brussels. "Buffer solutions : Fundamental approach to estab- lishment of pH standards. Bates, 653. Burette@) and bulb --. B.S. 846: 1952. 331. -\utomatic horizontal micro -. University of with pressure-filling device and automatic zero. 491. lication received), 444.Amos and Greaves, 488. Salomon, 1017. Irving and Iiossotti, 801. Brussels, Microchemistry Dept., 1030. B.S. 1428: 1952. 331. Butanol : See Butyl alcohol. Butter : Methods for chemical analysis of -. I3.S. "Buts1 alcohol : Colorimetric detmn. of alcohols. Sormal -. B.S. 508: 1950. ,hicndment slip, Butylated hydroxy anisole : Chemicals in Food Pro- 769: 1952. 491. Reid and Truelove, 325. 491. ducts. 1T.S. House of Representatil-es, 212. C "Cable sheathing alloys: Uetmng. cadmium in -- by direct titration. Black, 148. *Cadmium : Detmng. -- in cable sheathing alloys by direct titration. Black, 148 '"etmng. small amounts of ____ in lead by one- colour dithizone method. Silverman and Trego, 143. :%Prepng. standard solutions of aluminium, etc. (effect of liquid bromine).Theobald and Stern, 99. *Stability of metal chelates in relation to their use in analysis. Freiser, 830. "Calcium : Colour reactions of chloranilic acid with particular reference to estmng. - and zirconium. Frost- Jones and I'ardley, 468. VOLUME 77 XV *Detmng. small aniounts of -__in plant material. Mason, 829. *Metals in oils, detmn. by spectographic methods and errors involved. Ham, Noar and Reynolds, 766. *Volumetric detmn. of ___ and magnesium by ethylenediamine tetra-acetate. Banks, 484. Calcium carbide (graded sizes). B.S. 642: 1951. 165. Calorimeter : Portable water-flow gas -. North Thames Gas Board, 1025. Semi-micro bomb Sational Coal Board, 1031. Canned meat products : Method recommended by Society of Public hnalysts for analysis of meat products in relation to Meat Products Order, 1952.543. "Canning: Effects due to residual nitrite in ~ of meat. ,Morris, 98. *Capryl alcohol : Detmng. higher alcohols in whisky and other potable spirits. Osborn and Mott, 260. '%ubarsone : Evaluating ainoebicidal substances iu vivo. Goodwin, 173. *Carbides : Separation and analysis of metallic __ from steel. Pemberton, 287. Carbon: Apparatus for detmng. small amounts of -in metals. General Electric Co., Ltd., 1033. Combustion apparatus for rapid detmn. of __ and hydrogen, halogens and sulphur. Univer- sity of London, School of Pharmacy, and Courtaulds, Ltd., 1030. *Separation and analysis of metallic carbides from steel. Pemberton, 287. "Carbon disulphide: Detmng. - as cupric diethyldithiocarbaniate. Brown, 21 1. Carbon monoxide : Detmng.traces of -. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1026. Carbowaxes : Chemicals in Food Products. US. House of Representatives, 212. Carboxymethyl cellulose : Chemicals in Food Yro- ducts. Carotene: Detmng. - in green-leaf material. 11. Green-leaf material other than grass. Society of Public -$nalysts, Analytical Methods Committee, Sub - Committee on Vitamin Estmns., - Panel, 171. ''Supplementary bibliography on - estmn., with special reference to green-leaf material. Gridgeman, 173. Cattle foods, National, I , 2 , 3 and 4: Feeding Stuffs (Ma.nufacture) (Xniendment) Order, 1952. 645. Cellulose : Inorganic chromatography on -. D.S.T.R., Chemical Research Laboratory, 1029. *Inorganic chromatography on-. VII. Detmng. thorium in monazite and thorium and uranium in uranothorianite.Keniber, 78; VIII. Use of compound column of alumina and - for detmng. uranium in minerals and ores contain- ing arsenic and molybdenum. Ryan and IVilliams, 293; IX. Use of alumina and - adsorbents for detmng. thorium and simul- taneous detmn. of thorium and uranium in minerals and ores. Williams, X. Spectro- graphic detmn. of micro quantities of thorium separated by chromatography from minerals and ores. Kingsbury and Temple, 307 ; Quanti- tative detmn. of tantalum and niobium in high and low grade complex minerals and ores. Burstall and Williams, 983. Powder Chromatography Guide to Filter Paper and -. Balston and Talbot. Ed. Jones. (I'ublication received), 388. Calcium-contimed U.S. House of Representatives, 212.svi ISDEX TO *Cerium : Detmng.thorium and separation from rare earths with benzoic acid. Venkataramaniah, Rso and Rao, 103. *Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. 1'11. Kember, 78. "Stability of metal chelates in relation to their use in analysis. Freiser, 830. *Cetyl pyridininm bromide : Qualitative detcn. of long-chain alkyl pyridinium halides. Brown, 211. *Cetyl pyridinium chloride : Qualitative detcn. of long-chain alkyl pyridiniuni halides. Brown, 211. Cheese: Methods for chemical analysis of --. B.S. 770: 1962. 442. "Chelates : Factors controlling selectivity of organic reagents. Irving and Williams, 813. "1 : 10-Phenanthroline and mono-, di-, tri- and tetramethyl-1 : 10-phenanthrolines as chelated copper complex cations. McCurd y and Smith, 846. *Stability of metal - in relation to their use in analysis.Freiser, 830. Chemical Research Laboratory : See Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Chemical Society: Annual Reports on Progress of Chemistry for 1951. (Publication received), 494. Chemicals in Food Products. US. House of Repre- sentatives. (Details), 212 ; (Publication re- ceived), 108. Investigation of Use of - in Food Products. U.S. Congress. (Publication received), 108. Alerck Index of - and Drugs. Merck and Co., Inc., 6th Edn. (Publication received), 332. Chemistry: Annual Reports on Progress of - for 1951. Chemical Society. (Publication received), 494. Concise Physical __- for Intermediate Students. Rhodes. (Publication received), 552. Heterocyclic Compounds. Vol. 1. Three-, Four-, Five- and Six-membered Monocyclic Compounds containing One 0, K and S Atom.Elderfield. (Review), 56; Vol. 111. Polycyclic Derivatives of Pyrrole ; Polycyclic Systems with One Nitrogen Common to Both Rings; Pyrindine and Related Compounds. Vol. IY. Quinoline, isoQuinoline and Their Benzo Derivatives. (Publications received), 444. Industrial and Manufacturing -. Part I. Organic. Martin, revised by Cooke. 7th Edn. (Publication received), 444. Reports on Progress of Applied -. Vol. XXXVI. Society of Chemical Industry. (Pub- lication received), 558. Six-membered Heterocyclic Kitrogen Compounds with Four Condensed Rings. Allen et aE. (Review), 55. Fieser and Fieser. (Review), 388; Richter. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 388. Textbook of Practical Organic ---, including Qualitative Organic Xnalysis.Vogel. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 108. Theories Electroniques de la Chimie Organique. Pullman and Pullman. (Publication received), 276. Chilean Iodine Educational Bureau : Iodine Con- tents of Foods. Annotated Bibliography, 1825-1951. (Publication received), 494. Iodine Pharmaceuticals. Checklist of Iodine Compounds and Prepns. used in Human Medicine. (Publication received), 444. Textbook of Organic -. VOLVNE 77 *Chloranilic acid: Colour reactions of -, with particular reference to estmng. calcium and zirconium. Chlordane : Chemicals in Food Products. US. House of Representatives, 212. "Chlorides : Quantitative detmn. of organic halides. Salomon, 1017. *Solvent extraction of Group IT133 metal halides. Irving and Rossotti, 801. *Chlorine-bromine ratio : Detcng.sea-water infiltra- tion. Rradwell, 381. -fluorine ratio : X-ray diffraction method of detmng. -- in halophosphates of type SCa,(PO,),.Ca(F, General Electric Co., Ltd., 1031. *p-Chlorobenzoic acid : Paper chromatography for detcng. benzoic acid and its derivatives in food products. Parkinson, 438. *Chloro-cresols : Detmng. chlorinated o-cresols with Gibb's reagent. Gardner, 160. *Chlorophenoxyacetic .acids : Detmng. 2 : 4-dichloro- phenoxyacetic acid. Stroud, 63. Chocolates : Labelling of imitation liqueur -. Ministry of Food, 330; Erratum, 546. *Cholesterol: Detmng. __- in serum. Trinder, 321 *Protozoa in analysis. Hamilton, Hutner and Provasoli, 6 18. Christmas puddings : Labelling of I;ood (Amendment) Order, 1952. 330; Erratum, 546. Chromatograms : Quantitative inorganic paper -.University of Brussels, Microchemistry Dept., 1030. Chromatographic analysis. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1029. analysis o f yetrols and light oils. lmperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1026. *detmn. of raffinose in raw sugars. Albon and Gross, 410. Chromatography : All-glass equipment for paper --. Government Laboratory, 1026. *Electrokinetic ultrafiltration analysis of polysac- charides. 3-ew approach to __- of large mole- cules. Mould and Synge, 964. *Gas -. Griffiths, James and Phillips, 897. Gas-liquid partition -. Xational Institute for Medical Research, 10%. *Gas-liquid partition - . Technique for analysis of volatile materials. James and Martin, 915. *:Gradient elution analysis. Williams, 905. Guide to Filter Paper and Cellulose Powder -.Balston and Talbot. Ed. by Jones. (Publica- tion received), 388. "Horizontal paper -. Meredith and Sammons, 416. L Inorganic -- on cellulose. II.S.I.lI., Chemical Research Laboratory, 1029. "Inorganic __ on cellulose. VII. Detmng. thorium in monazite and thorium and uranium in uranothorianite. Kember, 78; VIII. Use of compound column of alumina and cellulose for detmng. uranium in minerals and ores con- taining arsenic and molybdenum. Ryan and 11-illiams, 393. IX. Use of alumina and cellu- lose adsorbents for detmng. thorium and simultaneous detmn. of thorium and uranium in minerals and ores. Williams, 297; X. Spec- trographic detmn. of micro quantities of thorium separated by - from minerals and ores. Kingsbury and Temple, 307 ; Quantita- tire detmn.of tantalum and niobium in high- and low-grade complex minerals and ores. Burstall and Williams, 983. Frost-J ones and Yardley, 468.IXDEX TO "Instrumental approaches to paper -. Miiller, 933. * Ion-exchange resins for separation of nitrogenous and other extractives of plant and animal tissue. Partridge, 955. Paper -. Laboratory Manual. Block, Le- Strange and Zweig. (Publication received), 552. *Paper - of radioactive penicillin. Smith and Allison, 29. "Paper - of starch conversion products. Buchan and Savage, 401. "Quantitative inorganic paper -. Lacourt, Sommereyns and Wantier, 943. *Radioactive tracer-paper -- techniques. Win- terinpham, Harrison and Bridges, 19. Spectrophotometric attachment for use in paper -. May and Baker, Ltd., 1026. "Vniform-temperature drying oven for quantita- tive -.Albon and Gross, 406. *Chromium : Separation and analysis of metallic carbides from steel. Pemberton, 287. *Chromous chloride : Potentiometic detmn. of small amounts of tungsten with ---. El Wakkad and Rizk, 161. "Chrysomonads : Protozoa in analysis. Hamilton, Hutner and Provasoli, 618. "Cinnamic acid, detcng. : Detcng. benzoic acid in foods. Rathenasinkam, 101. "cis-l-Phenyl-l : 3-butzrdiene : Polarography of cyclo- octatetra-ene and vinyl cyclooctatetra-ene (and -). Glover and Hodgson, 473. Cleanliness of fillings and stuffing for bedding, upholstery, toys and other domestic articles. R.S. 1425: 1951. "Clotting-time : Automatic -- recorder. Randall, 51. Coal Tar Research Assoc. : Constant time-interval receiver-changer, 1027.Chrornatography-con2inued Amendment slips, 331. lletmng. anthracene in tar fractions, 1028. 7Jltrs-centrifuge for opaque liquids, 1028. "Cobalt : Fungi for detmng. trace metals in biological materials. Nicholas, 629. "Stability of metal chelates in relation to their use in analysis. Freiser, 830. CoRee : Food Standards (- Mixtures) Order, 1952. 546. "Collimator, mechanical : Research in analytical instrumentation. Muller, 557. Colorimetry : Dosages Colorimktriques. Principes et Mkthodes. Charlot and Gauguin. (F'ublication received), 276. Colour : C.I.E. Inteinational -- System Explained. Chamberlin. (Publication received), 108. Combustion apparatus for rapid detmn. of carbon and hydrogen, halogens and sulphur. Tiniver- sity of London, School of Pharmacy, and Courtaulds, Ltd., 1030.trains : Microchemical apparatus. B.S. 1428: 1952, Part A2, nitrogen - (micro-Dumas), 275; Part A3, halogens and sulphur, - (Pregl), 331. "Complexes : Factors controlling selectivity of organic reagents. "Complexones : Complexes formed by thorium and uranyl ions with -. Cabell, 859. Composition : Tables of Percentage ___ of Organic Compounds. Gysel. (Publication received), 332. Compounds : Tables of Percentage Composition of Organic -. Gysel. (Publication received), 332. "of indicators. King, 742. Irving and Williams, 813. VOI,CI\IE 77 xvii Compressibility apparatus. Lyons Laboratories, Condensers: Glass -. H.S. 1848: 1952. 491. Conductivity water : Prepng. -. National Insti- tute for Medical Research, 1027. "Confectionery : Paper chromatography of starch conversion products.Buchan and Savage, 401. Congress : Delegation from Society of Public Analysts and 0 ther -4nalytical Chemists to XIIth International I_ of Pure and -2pplied Chemistry, 1 1 1. First International - on ,\nalytical Chem- istry, Oxford, 1952. Demonstrations of analytical techniques and apparatus, 1025 : Editorial, 497 ; Proceedings, 583. Contamination : Control and Removal of liadio- active in Laboratories. V.S. Sational Bureau of Standards. (Publication received), 332. "Copper-base alloys : Controlled potential elec- trolysis in analysis of -. Milner and Whittem, 11. Chemicals in Food Products. I1.S. House of Representatives, 212. "Detmng. __ in steel by internal electrolysis. Carpenter and Hopkins, 86. "Factors controlling selectivity of organic reagents.Irving and Williams, 813. "Fungi for detmng. trace metals in biological materials. Nicholas, 629. *Metals in oils, detmn. by spectrographic methods and errors involved. Ham, Soar and Reynolds, 766. Methods for analysis oi raw -. I3.S. 1800: 1951. 106. "1 : 10-Phenanthroline and mono-, di-, tri- and tetra-methyl-] : 10-phenanthrolines as chelated - complex cations. McCurdy and Smith, 846. *l-'repng. standard solutions of aluminium, etc. (effect of liquid bromine). Theobald and Stern, 99. *Separating silver from -- by elcctro-deposition from amnioniacal solution. Diehl and Butler, 368. "Stability of metal chelates in relation to their use in analysis. Freiser, 830. Cornwall : -\ppointnient of E. Voelcker as Public -\nalyst to County of -, 330.Corrosion Resistance of Tin and Tin Alloys. Britton. (Fublication received), 444. "Cortin : Extractor and distillation head for detmng. urinary ---. Cook and Rooks, 271. Cottonseed oil: Refined R.S. 685: 1950, amendment slip, 276. Coulometric titration : Automatic --. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1032. Connter(s) : Photo-electric - for Sward hardness rocker. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1029. "Precision counting of alpha particles with special reference to detmng. standard sources. Hurst and Hall, 790. Courtaulds, Lid. : Combustion apparatus for rapid detmn. of carbon and hydrogen, halogens and sulphur, 1030. "Cresylic acid : Detcng. and estning. small amounts of phenol in -. Ashmore and Savage, 439. Crystals: Barker index of -. University of Oxford, Dept.of Geology and Mineralogy, 1032. Barker Index of -. Vol. 1. - of Tetragonal, Hexagonal, Trigonal and Orthorhombic Sys- tems. Porter and Spiller. (Publication received), 56. 1032.xviii INDEX pro "cycZoOctatetra-ene : Polarography of - and vinyl cyclooctatetra-ene. Glover and Hodgson, 173. D 2 : 4-D : See 2 : 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. D C Antifoam A : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. DDT: Chemicals in Food Products. US. House of Representatives, 212. Dehydroacetic acid : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. "Dehydro-isoandrosterone : Girard's reagents in prepn. of crude urine extracts for analysis of 17-ketosteroids. Bray, 426. Dekatron timer. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1032.Dental Practioners' Formulary. (Publication re- ceived), 444. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Chemical Research Laboratory: Detmng. active hydrogen, 1089. Chemical Research Laboratory : Inorganic chro- matography on cellulose, 1029. Fuel Research Station : Application of X-ray diffraction to analysis of oxide scales, 1028. Fuel Research Station : Continuous estmn. of traces of sulphur dioxide, 1028. Fuel Research Station : Direct detmn. of oxygen in organic compounds, 1028. Fuel Kesearch Station : Distilled-water gun, 1028. Fuel Research Station : Measuring sedimentation in opaque liquids by pendulum method, 1028. Fuel Research Station: Microscope hot or cold stage, 1028. *Desiccators : Technique to improve efficiency of -. King, 8.Deuterium : Energy and Angle Distribution of Photoprotons from --. Wiener. (Publica- tion received), 388. "Dextrose : Staphylococcus aweus plate assay of penicillin; effect of sugars on zone edges and accuracy of results. Bond, 118. 2 : 8-Diaminoacridine hemisulphate : Sec Proflavine "2 : 6-Dibromoquinone-4-chloro-imide : Detmng. chlorinated o-cresols with Gibb's reagent. Gardner, 160. "4 : 6-Dichloro-o-cresol : Detmng. chlorinated o- cresols with Gibb's reagent. Gardner, 160. 2 : 5-Dichloro-3 : 6-dihydroxy-l : 4-benzoquinone : See Chloranilic acid. 2 : 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid : Chemicals in Food Products. US. House of Representatives, 212. Dictionary : Explaining and Pronouncing - of Scientific and Technical Words. Flood and West. (Publication received), 388.Dieldrin : Chemicals in Food Products. 1J.S. House of Representatives, 2 12. Dielectric Constants : Table of - of Pure Liquids. Maryott and Smith. (Publication received), 220. "Diethylene glycol : Colorimetric detmn. of alcohols, Reid and Truelove, 325. Diethyl ether: Technical -. B.S. 579: 1951. Amendment slip, 491. Diethyl-p-nitrophenyl phosphate : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. "Diffusion current : Measuring - with pen- recording polarograph. Furness, 246. Dilauryl thiodipropionate : Chemicals in Food Products. 1J.S. House of Representatives, 212. hemisulphate. *Detmng. -. Stroud, 63. VOLUME 77 Dimethyl parathion : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. *Dimethyl-1 : 10-phenanthroline : 1 : 10-Phenanthro- line and mono-, di-, tri- and tetra-methyl-1 : 10- phenanthrolines as chelated copper complex cations.McCurdy and Smith, 846. Dinitro-o-cresol : Chemicals in Food Products. I-.S. House of Representatives, 212. *Diodoquin : Evaluating amoebicidal substances z n vivo. Goodwin, 173. Diphenyl: Chemicals in Food Products. U S . House of Representatives, 212. "4 : 7-Diphenyl-l : 10-phenanthroline : Colorimetric detmn. of iron in raw and treated water supplies with --. Smith, McCurdy and Diehl, 418; Erratum, 524. Diphenyl-p-phenylenediamine : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 21 -3. Distearyl thiodipropionate : Chemicals in Food Pro- ducts. Distillation : Apparatus for -- of very small quan- tities of crude oils. Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., 1025.*Apparatus for micro --. Oldham, 542. Automatic steam - apparatus. Shell Petroleuni Constant time-interval receiver-changer. Coal *head: Extractor and - for detmng. urinary U S . House of Representatives, 212. Co., Ltd., 1027. Tar Research Assoc., 1027. cortin. Cook and Rooks, 272. 658: 1958. 275. 1952. 384. Station, 1028. red gas analyser, 1027. range: -4pparatus for detmng. - . U.S. receivers (including Crow receivers). B.S. 605 : Distilled-water gun. D.S.l.K., Fuel Research Distillers Co., Ltd. : D.C.L. multi-component infra- Laboratory liquid-liquid extraction column, 102 7. *Dithienylbutylamine : Assay of analgesic drugs on man. Keele, 111. Dithiocarbamates : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. "Dithizone: Detmng. small amounts of cadmium in lead by one-colour - method.Silverman and Trego, 143. "Drinks : Detmng. organic bromine compounds in beverages by Iioenig's reaction. van Pinxteren, 367. Lead in food and -. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, Metallic Contamination Sub-Committee, 164. Keele, 111. Merck Index of Chemicals and -. Merck and Co., Inc., 6th Edn. (Publication received), 332. "Drying oven : Uniform-temperature - for quan- titative chromatography. A41bon and Gross, 406. Dulcin : Chemicals in Food Products. US. Home of Representatives, 212. Dyer: Second Bernard -- Memorial Lecture. Lloyd- Jacob, 233. Dyes: Chemistry of Synthetic -. Vol. I. Venka- taraman. (l'ublication received), 276. *Drugs: . h a y of analgesic ~ on man. E E605: See Parathion. Ebullioscope : Thermistor -.Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., 1027. Electro-analysis apparatus with automatic cathode potential control. Woolwich Polytechnic, Chemistry Dept., 1026.Electrochemistry : Elektrochemie. Theoretische Grundlagen und Anwendungen. Milazzo, trans. by Schwabl. (Publication received), 276; (Review), 548. *Electrode(s) : Changes in potential of dropping- mercury - during drop-formation, and measurement of potential in polarographic analysis. Furness, 345. "Replacement of standard cell and salt bridge by indicator - and use of non-aqueous solutions in potentiometry. I. Introduction and argen- tometric titrations in aqueous and amphiprotic media. Bishop, 672. *Vibrating __ in polarographic detmns. of alkyl peroxides. Roberts and Meek, 43. *Electrokinetic ultrafiltration analysis of polysac- charides.New approach to chromatography of large molecules. Mould and Synge, 964. *Electrolysis : Controlled potential - in analysis of copper-base alloys. Milner and Whittem, 11. equipment : Controlled-potential --. Atomic Energy Research Establishment, 1030. Electronic theories : Thkories Electroniques de la Chimie Organique. Pullman and Pullman. (Publication received), 276. Electrophoresis : All-glass unit for micro -- on filter-paper. St. Mary's Hospital, Dept. of Chemical Pathology, 1032. Electroplating: Analysis of - and Related Solu- tions. Langford. (Publication received), 108. "Elution analysis : Gas chromatography. Griffiths, James and Phillips, 897. *Emetine : Evaluating amoebicidal substances i n vzvo. Goodwin, 173. Emulsifying agents : Chemicals in Food Products.US. House of Representatives, 212. Enta : See Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid. "Entamoeba histolytica and E. murzs : Evaluation of anioebicidal substances in vivo. Goodwin, 173. Enzyme : Measuring - activity. British Cotton Industry Research Assoc., 1029. *Equivalence point : Detmng. - in potentiometric titrations. 11. Gran, 661. "Eriochrome Cyanine-R : Photometric detmn. of aluminium in magnesium alloys by Solochrome Cyanine-RS. Bacon, 90. Ethanol : See Ethyl alcohol. Ether : See Diethyl ether. "Ethyl alcohol as solvent : Detmng. carbon disulphide as cupric diethyldithiocarbamate. Brown, 2 1 1. "Colorimetric detmn. of alcohols. Reid and Truelove, 325. "Modified micro-diffusion detmn. of - in blood. Scandrett, 132. *Ethylene: Pipette for - detmn.by bromine method. Bjiirkman, 328. "Ethylenediamine tetra-acetate : Total hardness of water by versenate method ; direct titration with -. Houlihan, 158. "Volumetric detmn. of calcium and magnesium by -. Banks, 484. "Ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid: Complexes formed by thorium and uranyl ions with com- plexones. Cabell, 859. Brewer, 539. *Ethylene glycol : Colorimetric detmn. of alcohols. Reid and Truelove, 325. 2-Ethylhexyl alcohol: B. S. 1835: 1952. *Ethyl hydroperoxide : Vibrating electrode in polaro- Roberts "Gradient -. Williams, 905. "Detmng. beryllium in beryl with --. 275. graphic detmns. of alkyl peroxides. and Meek, 43. Ethyl-p-nitrophenylthionobenzene phosphorate : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212.*Euflavine : Colorimetric estmn. of small quantities of proflavine hemisulphate. Shaw and Wilkin- son, 127. "Euglena gracilis : Protozoa in analysis. Hamil- ton, Hutner and Provasoli, 618. "Extinction : Turbidity in photometry. Correction for turbidity in photometric methods. Fog, 454. Extraction column : Laboratory liquid-liquid -. Distillers Co., Ltd., 1027. "Extractor and distillation head for detmng. urinary cortin. "Counter-current micro-rotary - as an analy- tical tool, Cook and Rooks, 274. Spence and Streeton, 578. F Fat(s) : Methods of analysis of oils and -. B.S 684: 1950, amendment slip, 276. vegetable, in sausages: Meat Products (No. 2) Order, 1952. 442; Amendment, 545. *Fatty acid(s) : Ester-fractionation method for com- ponent - analysis of mixtures containing hydroxy -."Febrile response : Quantitative assay of pyrogens by - in rabbits. Tennent and Ott, 643. Fedorov universal stage. University of Oxford, Dept. of Geology and Mineralogy, 1032. Feeding Stuffs (Manufacture) (Amendment) Order, 1952. 545. "Fibre detmn. : Two-piece filtration funnel. Hartley, 53. Fillings : Cleanliness of ___ and stuffing for bedding, upholstery, toys and other domestic articles. B.S. 1425: 1961. Amendment slips, 331. Films : Physical Chemistry of Surface -. Harkins. (Publication received), 552. Filter flasks. B.S. 1739: 1951. 106. "Filters: Isolation of lines of mercury arc by -. Sintered disk __ for laboratory use. B.S. 'kFiltration : Two-piece - fuimel. Hartley, 53. "Finishes : Detmng. small quantities of alginates in rayon - and on yarn.Brown and Hayes, 445. "Fish-liver oils : Analytical uses of isosbestic point exhibited by vitamin -4 on oxidation. Bagnall and Stock, 396. Fish paste: Food Standards (-) (Amendment) Order, 1951, 106. *Fixan01 V.R. : Qualitative detcn. of long-chain alkyl pyridinium halides. Flame photometer. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1031. Flasks: Filter -. B.S. 1739: 1951. 106. One-mark graduated --. B.S. 1792: 1952. 384. *Flour: Detmng. potassium bromate in -. AArmstrong, 460. Fluorescence microscopy. Government Laboratory, 1025. Fluorimeter, Type 1080A : -4tomic Energy Research Establishment, 1029. Fluorine-chlorine ratio : X-ray diffraction method of detmng. -- in halophosphates of type 3Ca,(PO 4) ,.Ca(F, C1) I . General Electric Co., Ltd., 1031.*Detmng. - by lead chlorofluoride method in compounds containing halogens, sulphur, phos- phorus and arsenic. Belcher, Caldas and Clark, 602. Xchaya and Saletore, 375. Nicholas and Pollak, 49. 1752: 1952. 275; amendment slip, 546. Brown, 2 1 1.ss IXDEX TO Food(s) arsenic in : Arsenic, supplementary report. LMinistry of Food, Food Standards Committee, Metallic Contamination Sub-Committee, 163. Chemical Analysis of - and - Products. Jacobs. 2nd Edn. (Review), 106. Chemicals in __- Products. U.S. House of Kepresentatives. (Details), 2 13 ; (Publication received), 108. * Uetcng. benzoic acid in --. Rathenasinkam, 101. Investigation of I'se of Chemicals in ___Products. U.S. Congress. (I'ublication received), 108. Iodine Contents of -. Annotated Bibliography, 1825-1051.Chilean Iodine Educational Bureau. (Publication received), 491. Labelling of (Amendment) Order, 1952. 330; Erratum, 546. 1,abelling of --. Termination of advisory service. Jlinistry of f;ood, 331. lead in: Ministry of Food, Food Standards Com- mittee, Sub-Committee on Metallic Contamina- tion, 164. * 1 'aper chromatography for detcng. benzoic acid and its derivatives in - products. Parkinson, 43 8. Science. Symposium 011 9uality and Preservation of --. Hate-Smith. (Publication received), 562. Standards (C'offee Mixtures) Order, 1952, 646. Standards (Edible Gelatine) (Commencement) Standards (Fish Paste) (,Iinendment) Order, 1951, Standards (Icc Cream) (-4mendment) Order, 1952, Standards : (Meat Paste) (Amendment) Order, standards: Revised standards for jatn and Standards : Saccharin and other sweetening tablets Report o f ;Ministry of standards : Standards for shredded and block (Publica- (Publication received), 276.Fowl : Nature of -- Nephritis. Spector. (Publica- tion received), 108. Fraction collector : Automatic -. 1,yons Labora- tories, 1032. Fuel Research Station : See Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. "Fungi for detmng. trace metals in biological materials. Nicholas, 629. Fungicides : Chemicals in food products. U S . House of Representatives, 31 2 . "Funnel : Two-piece filtration - - - . Order, 1951, 106. 106. 490. 1951, 106. marmalade. Ministry of Food, 330. containing saccharin. Food, - Committee, 490. suet. Ministry of Food, 330. tion received), 444. Formulary : Dental Practitioners' -- Xational -- 1953.Hartlej-, 53. G "'Gallium : Prepng. standard soh tions of aluminium, Theobald and "Solvent extraction of Group IIIB metal halides. *:Galvaniser's ash : Analysis of zinc residues. Pellowe Gas arialyser : D.C.L. multi-component infra-red analysis apparatus. analysis apparatus : Vacuurn-fusion -. British Iron and Steel Research :4ssoc., 1027. etc. (effect of liquid bromine). Stern, 99. Irving and Rossotti, 801. and Hardy, 208. ---. Distillers Co., Ltd., 1027. National Coal Board, 1031. VOLUME 77 Gas-continu ed analysis: Trait6 de Manipulation et d'Analyse des Gaz. GuCrin. (Publication received), 388; (Keview), 548. "chromatography. Griffiths, James and Phillips, 897. Gasoline: See Petrol. Gelatine : Food Standards (Edible -) (Com- mencement) Order, 1951, 106.General Electric Co., Ltd. : Apparatus for detnmg. small amounts of carbon in metals, 1032. Apparatus for direct measurement of saturation temperatures of solutions, 1031. X-ray diffraction method of detmng. fluorine- chlorine ratio in halophosphates of type 3Ca,(PO,) ,.Ca(F, C1) 2, 1031. German Books on Chemical and Cognate Subjects. Supplement 1951 to 2nd Edn., 1939-1950. Cummins and Vince. (Publication received), 220. "Germanium : Prepng. standard solutions of alu- minium, etc. (effect of liquid bromine). Theo- bald and Stern, 99. "Germanium dioxide: Iletning. traces oi arsenic in ___ and germanium tetrachloride. Yayne, 378. *Germanium . tetrachloride : netmng. traces of arsenic in germanium dioside and --. Payne, 278. "Gibb's reagent Detmng. chlorinated o-cresols with -- .Gardner, 160. Wrard's reagents in prepn. of crude urine extracts for analysis of 17-ketosteroids. "Glass : Identification by X-ray diffraction of crystal- line inclusions in --. Kooksby, 759. Glassware : Report on standard temperature of volumetric -. US. 554: 1952. 491. Tables for use in calibrating volumetric -. B.S. 1797: 1952. 275. *Glucose, liquid : Paper chromatography of starch conversion products. Uuchan and Savage, 401. Glycerides : Chemicals in Food Products. US. House of Representatives, 212. Glycerin : Analysis of ---. Imperial Chemical Industries; Ltd., 1031. "Glycols : Colorimetric detmn. of alcohols. Reid and Truelove, 325. Government Laboratory : All-glass equipment for paper chr omatograpliy, 1026. Bray, 426. Combined spectrographic sources unit, 1026.Fluorescence microscopy, 1025. Proportional balance for routine analysis, 1025. "Gradient elution analysis. Williams, 905. Graduated flasks: One-mark --. B.S. 1792: 1952. Growth regulators : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. Gum guaiac: Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. *Gutzeit test: Dctmng. traces of arsenic in ger- manium dioxide and tetrachloride. Payne, 278. 384. H "Haematin : Protozoa in analysis. Hamilton, Hutner and Provasoli, 618. Haemoglobinometers, Haldane type. B.S. 1079 : 1952. 442. "Hafnium : Absorptiometric detmn. of zirconium with alizarin-S. Mayer and Hradshaw, 476. *Hair : Detmng. sub-microgram quantities of arsenic by radioactivation. 111. Detmng. arsenic in biological material.Smales and Pate, 196.INDEX TO "Halides : Quantitative detmn. of organic -. Salomon, 1017. Halogens : Combustion apparatus for rapid detmn. of carbon and hydrogen, - and sulphur. University of London, School of Pharmacy, and Courtaulds, Ltd., 1030. Handling devices : Remote --. Atomic Energy Research Establishment, 1030. *Hardness: Total - of water by versenate method ; direct titration with ethylenediamine tetra-acetate. Houlihan, 158. "Heparin : Automatic clotting - time recorder. Randall, 51. 2-Heptadecylglyoxalidine : Chemicals in Food Pro- ducts. Herbicides : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. *Herpetomonas culicidarum: Protozoa in anal- ysis. Hormones: Survey of their Properties and Uses. (Publication received), 108; (Review-), 494."Hydrocarbons : Detcng. and detmng. small amounts of inflammable __ in combustible materials. Macoun, 381. *Solubilisation titration, rapid method for analysis of binary mixtures of organic liquids. Lumb and Winsor, 1012. Hydrogen : Combustion apparatus for rapid detmn. of carbon and -, halogens and sulphur. University of London, School of Pharmacy, and Courtaulds, Ltd., 1030. Detmng. active -. D.S.I.R., Chemical Re- search Laboratory, 1029. "Hydroxides : Chromatographic separation of mixture of - of lithium, sodium and potassium. Burma, 382. "p-Hydroxybenzoic acid : Paper chromatography for detcng. benzoic acid and its derivatives in food products. Parkinson, 438. p-Hydroxybenzoic esters : Chemicals in Food Pro- ducts. /3-Hydroxybutyral aldehyde : Chemicals in Food Products.U.S. House of Representatives, 2 12. "2-(o-Hydroxypheny1)-benzimidazole : Stability of metal chelates in relation to their use in analysis. Freiser, 830. "2-(o-€Iydroxyphenyl)-benzoxazole : Stability of metal chelates in relation to their use in analysis. Freiser, 830. "2- (o-Hydroxyphenyl) -benzthiazole : Stability of metal chelates in relation to their use in analysis. Freiser, 830. " 8-Hydroxyquinoline : Micro-detmn. of magnesium in plant materials with --, Davidson, 263. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. Hamilton, Hutner and Provasoli, 618. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. I Ice Cream : Food Standards (-4 (Amendment) Order, 1952, 490. (Heat Treatment, etc.) Amendment Regulations, 1952. Ministry of Health, 383.Society of Public Analysts, Analytical Methods Committee, Appointment of Sub-committee on Methods of Analysis of -, 334. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. : hll-glass elec- trically-heated water-bath, 1032. Analysis of glycerin, 1031. ,Apparatus for vaporimetric detmn. of inolecular -\utomatic coulometric titration, 1032. Chromatographic analysis, 1029. Chromatographic analysis of petrols and light weight, 1032. oils. 1026. VOLUXE 77 ssi Imperial Chcmical Industries, Ltd.--cotdinzded Detmng. potash by radioactivity, 1026. Detmng. traces of carbon monoxide, 1026. Differential refractometer for continuous measure- Flame photometer, 1031. Microchemical techniques in metallurgical analysis for identification of corrosion products, inclusions and residues, 1025.Modern methods of analysis of plastic materials, 1025. I'hoto-electric counter for Sward hardness rocker, 1029. Recording coaxial cylinder viscometer, 1028. Sampling equipment for detmng. toxic substance5 in air, and apparatus for prepng. test atmo- spheres of vapours, mists and dusts, 1029. Standardisation of solutions, 2031. Wright isopiestic method for molecular weight, Birmingham University, Dept. of Chemistry, 1029. "Indium: Solvent extraction of Group IIIB metal halides. lrving and Rossotti, 801. Infra-red gas analyser : D.C.L. multi-component -. Distillers Co., Ltd., 1027. spectrometers : Apparatus for converting to per- centage transmission basis records from infra- red single-beam recording spectrometers. Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., 1027. "spectrometers : Recent advances in infra-red spectroscopic techniques with reference t o analytical applications.Sheppard, 732. spectrometer : Test oscillator for use with Grubb- Parsons single-beam -. Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., 1027. spectrometer with cathode-ray presentation. Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., 1025. spectroscopy : Variable-path-length cell and assembly for -. Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., 1027. Inorganic Compounds : Structural Chemistry of -. Vol. TI. Hiiclrel, trans. by Long. (Publication received), 220. Insecticides : Chemicals in Food Products. T'.S. House of Representatives, 212. Institute of Petroleum : Mass Spectrometry. (Publi- cation received), 444. *Instrumentation : Research in analytical -. Miiller, 557. International Union of Biological Sciences : Trace Elements in Plant Physiology.Symposium. (Review), 2 17. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry : First International Congress on Analytical Chemistry, Oxford, 1952. 553. First session of -, Analytical Section, Com- mission on Microtechniques, 216. Formation of Analytical Section, and constitution of Commissions, 389. "Iodides : Solvent extraction of Group IIIR metal halides. Irving and Rossotti, 801. Iodine Contents of Foods. Annotated Bibliography, 1825-1951. Chilean - Educational Bureau. (Publication received), 494. Checklist of - - Compounds and P r e p s . used in Human Medicine. Chilean - Educational Bureau. (Publication re- ceived), 444. Iodine-131: Recommendations for Waste Disposal of Phosphorous-32 and - for Medical Users. U.S. National Bureau of Standards.(Publica- ment, 1029. 1028. *Indicators: Colorimetry of -. King, 742. New - in titrimetric analysis. Pharmaceuticals. Dekatron timer, 1032. tion received), 276.xxii IKDEX TO VOLUME 7'7 *Ion exchange : Applications of -- to analytical chemistry. Tompkins, 970. *resins for separation of nitrogenous and other extractives of plant and animal tissue. Par- tridge, 955. *Iron : Absorptiometric detmn. of zirconium by means of alizarin-S. Mayer and Bradshaw, 476. *Colorimetric detmn. of - in raw and treated municipal water supplies by 4 : 7-diphenyl-l : 10- phenanthroline. Smith, McCurdy and Diehl, 418; Erratum, 524. *Factors controlling selectivity of organic reagents. Irving and Williams, 813. *Fungi for detmng. trace metals in biological materials.Kicholas, 629. *Metals in oils, detmn. by spectrographic methods and errors involved. Ham, Noar and Reynolds, 766. *Quantitative inorganic paper chromatography. Lacourt, Sommereyns and Wantier, 943. *Separation and analysis of metallic carbides from steel. Pemberton, 287. *Silver reductor in micro-volumetric detmn. of -, especially in silicate rocks. Miller and Chalmers, '2. bles of Scilly: Appointment of C. H. Robins as Public Analyst to Rural District of --, 545. *iooButyl alcohol as solvent: Detmng. carbon disulphide as cupric diethyldithiocarbniate. Brown, 211. "Detmng. higher alcohols in whisky and other potable spirits. *IsoCyanate group : Detmng. - in rubber bond- ing agents. Williamson, 372. "Isomers : Fractionation of ozokerites and separation of optical -.Schlenk, 867. isoPropano1: See isoPropy1 alcohol. isoPropy1 acetate: U S . 1834: 1952, 275. *isoPropyl alcohol : Colorimetric detmn. of alcohols. Reid and Truelove, 325. *Isosbestic point : Analytical uses of ~ exhibited by vitamin A on oxidation. Hagnall and Stock, 396. Osborn and Mott, 260. J Jam: Revised standards for ___ and marmalade. Jamaica rum: Composition of -. Barnett, 384. *Jellies : Routine analysis of table -. Chatt, 336. Journal, new: Applied Statistics. Vol. 1, KO. 1, March, 1952. (Publication received), 388. Ministry of Food, 330. K Kensington: Appointment of H. -\. Ll-illiams as Public Analyst to Royal Borough of ----, 545. Kerosene: See ParafEn oil. *Eetosteroids : Girard's reagents in prepn. of crude urine extracts for analysis of 17- ---. Bray, 426.Xomogram for calculating urinary 17- --. Cook and Kooks, 525. *Rapid clinical estmn. and fractionation of urinary 17- ---. Cook, 34. Knife-edge : Application of - research to balance development. L. Oertling, Ltd., 1030. Eodak, .Ltd. : Automatic potentiometric titration equipment, 1031. *Koenig's reaction : Detmng. organic bromine com- van Pinxteren, Autoradiography, 103 1. pounds in beverages by -. 367. L Labelling of Food (-4mendinent) Order, 1952, 330; Erratum, 546. of food, termination of advisory service. Ministry of Food, 331. of imitation liqueur chocolates. Xinistry of Food, 330; Erratum, 546. Laboratory: Further - and Workshop Kotes. Lang. (Publication received), 108 ; (Review), 550. *Lactose : Stuplzylococcus uureus plate assay of penicillin; effect of sugars on zone edges and accuracy of results.Bond, 118. *Lanthanum : Stability of metal chelates in relation to their use in analysis. Freiser, 830. Latex: Natural Hubber -__ and its Applications. No. 1. Introduction to its Origin, Properties and Manufacture. Stevens. (Publication received), 444. "huryl pyridinium chloride : Qualitative detcn. of long-chain alkyl pyridinium halides. Brown, 211. 'ELead : Controlled potential electrolysis in analysis of copper-base alloys. Milner and Whittern, 11. "Detmng. small amounts of bismuth in ---. Hall, 318. "Detmng. small amounts of cadmium in - by one-colour dithizone method. Silverman and Trego, 143. "Gravimetric detmn. of --, silver and mercurous mercury on microgram scale. El-Badry and Wilson, 596. in food and drink.Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, Metallic Contamination Sub-Committee, 164. *Metals in oils, detmn. by spectrographic methods and errors involved. Ham, Noar and Reynolds, 766. "Stability of metal chelates in relation to their use in analysis. Freiser, 830. *Lead bromofluoride : Detmng. fluorine by lead chlorofluoride method in compounds containing halogens, sulphur, phosphorus and arsenic. Belcher, Caldas and Clark, 602. "Lead chlorofluoride : Detmng. fluorine by -- method in compounds containing halogens, sulphur, phosphorus and arsenic. Belcher, Caldas and Clark, 602. Leaf: Detmng. carotene in green- - material. 11. Green- - materials other than grass. Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists, Analytical Methods Committee, Sub- committee on Vitamin Estmns., Carotene Panel, 171."Supplementary bibliography on carotene estmn., with special reference to green- - material. Gridgeman, 173. Lignin : Chemistry of ---. Hrauns. (Publication received), 276. Lindane: Chemicals in Food Products. I-S. House of Representatives, 212. Linseed oil: Raw ___ for general purpose>. B.S. 632: 1950. Amendment slips, 276, 384. *LipidJs) : Horizontal paper chromatography. Mere- dith and Sammons, 416. *nutrients : Protozoa in analysis. Hamilton, Hutner and Provasoli, 6 18. Liqueur chocolates, imitation : Labelling of --. Ministry of Food, 330; Erratum, 546. Literature : Short Guide to Chemical -. Dyyon. (Review), 165. Lithium chloride : Chemicals in Food Products. X-.S. House of Representatives, 212.IKDEX TO VOLUME 77 sxiii *:Lithium hydroxide : Chromatographic separation of mixture of hydroxides of lithium, sodium and potassium.Burma, 382. London : See London County Council, and University of London. London County Council, Norwood Technical College : Microchemical apparatus, 1031. *Lubricating oils : Metals in oils, detmn. by spectro- qaphic methods and errors involved. Ham, hoar and Reynolds, 766. Lyons Laboratories : Air current method of moisture detmn., 1032. ,lutomatic fraction collector, 1032. Compressibility apparatus, 1032. M *:Macromolecular halides : Quantitative detmn. of organic halides. Salomon, 101 7. *Magnesium alloys : Absorptioinetric detmn. of zirconium with alizarin-S with special reference to -. Mayer and Bradshaw-, 476. *alloys : Photometric detmn.of aluminium in - by Solochrome Cyanine-RS. Bacon, 90. *-base alloys : Absorptiometric detmn. of thorium in I__ by l-(o-arsonophenylazo) -2-naphthol- 3 : 6-disulphonic acid. Mayer and Bradshaw, 154. "Micro-detmn. of __ in plant materials with 8-hydroxyquinoline. Davidson, 263. "Prepng. standard solutions of aluminium, etc. (effect of liquid bromine). Theobald and Stern, 99. *Stability of metal chelates in relation to their use in analysis. Freiser, 830. "Volumetric detmn. of calcium and __- by ethyl- enediamine tetra-acetate. Banks, 484. "Man : Assay of analgesic drugs on ---. Iieele, 11 1. *Nanganese : Controlled potential electrolysis in analysis of copper-base alloys. Milner and Whittem, 11. "Detmng. nickel and ~ in uranium. Haslam, Russell and Wilkinson, 464.*Fungi for detmng. trace metals in biological materials. Nicholas, 629. *Separation and analysis of metallic carbides from steel. Pemberton, 287. *Stability of metal chelates in relation to their use in analysis. Freiser, 830. Nanipulations de Chimie. Duval. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 276. Margarine: Estmng. vitamin A in -- and other materials of low potency. TJnilever, Ltd., 1025. Marmalade: Revised standards for jam and -. Ministry of Food, 330. Mass Spectrometry. Inst. of Petroleum. (Publica- tion received), 444. May and Baker, Ltd. : Cathode-ray polarograph for routine analysis, 1026. Spectrophotometric attachment for use in paper chromatography, 1025. Titrimeter with audible end-point indication, 1026. Measuring cylinders : Graduated -.B.S. 604 : 1952. 384. "Meat : Effects due to residual nitrite in canning of -. Morris, 98. Paste : Food Standards (-) (Amendment) Order, 1951, 106. products : Method recommended by Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists for analysis of - in relation to - Order, 1952, 543. Yeat-conlimed Products Order, 1952, 275. Products (No. 2) Order, 1952. 442; Amendment, 545. Public Health (-) (Amendment) Regulations, 1952. Extension to horses, asses and mules. Ministries of Food and Health, 545. Medicinal Chemistry. Burger. Vol. 11. (Publica- tion received), 220 ; (Review), 547. Memorial lecture: Second Bernard Dyer -. Lloyd- Jacob, 233. Merck & Co., Inc.: Merck Index of Chemicals and Drugs. 6th Edn. (Publication received), 332, "Mercury arc: Isolation of lines of - by filters, Nicholas and Pollak, 49.compounds : Chemicals in Food Products. US. House of Representatives, 212. Detmng. traces of - in urine by reversion technique. Gray, 436. "Gravimetric detmn. of lead, silver and mer- curous - on microgram scale. El-Badry and Wilson, 596. *Metals : Fungi for detmng. trace ___ in biological materials. Nicholas, 629. by spectrographic methods and errors involved. Ham, Noar and Reynolds, 766. *in oils, detmn. Methanol : See Methyl alcohol. Methods : Demonstrations of analytical techniques and apparatus a t Congress, 1025. Manipulations de Chimie. Duval. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 276. *2-Methoxyethanol as solvent : Detmng. carbon disulphide as cupric diethyldithiocarbamate. Brown, 211. "Methyl alcohol : Colorimetric detmn.oi alcohols. Reid and Truelove, 325. Methyl Cellosolve : See 2-Methoxyethanol. Methyl cellulose : Chemicals in Food Products. US, House of Representatives, 212. "Methylchlorophenoxyacetic acid : Detnlng . 2-methyl -4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid in presence of 2-methyl-6-chloro- and 2-methyl-4 :6-dichloro- phenoxyacetic acid by ultra-violet spectro- photometry. Hill, 67. "2-Methyl-4 : 6-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid : Detmng. 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid in pre- sence of 2-methyl-6-chlorophenoxy acetic acid and - by ultra-violet spectrophotometry. Hill, 67. Methyl ester of naphthalene acetic acid : Chemicals in Food Products. US. House of Iiepresenta- tives, 212. *Methyl-1 : 10-phenanthrovne : I : 10-Phenanthro- line and mono-, di-, tri and tetra-methyl-1: 10- phenanthrolines as chelated copper complex cations.McCurdy and Smith, 846. Metric units: Report on - of volume. B.S. 501: 1952. 491. Micro-burette : Automatic horizontal -. Univer- sity of Brussels, Microchemistry Dept., 1030. Microchemical techniques in metallurgical analysis for identification of corrosion products, m- clusions and residues. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1025. Micro-cones : Stand for -. Querol, 1030. Micromanipulator. Querol, 1030. Microscope stage: Microscope hot or cold stage. D.S.I.R., Fuel Research Station, 1028. Microscopy: Fluorescence -. Government Laboratory, 1025. Univer- sity of Oxford, Dept. of Human Anatomy, 1032. New methods and instruments in -.xxiv INDEX TO Microtechniques : First session of lnternational Vnion of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Analy- tical Section, Commission on -, 216.Middlesex: Appointment of D. T. Lucke as Deputy Public ,Xnalyst t o County of -, 330. mochemie vereinigt mit Mikrochimica .Acts : Official journal of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Analytical Sec- tion, Commission on Microtechniques, 216. *Milk: Chemical composition of __ between 1900 and 1950. Davis, 499. (Control and Maximum Prices) (Great Britain) (Amendment No. 4) Order, 1951, 163. piping and - pipe fittings. B.S. 1864: 1952. 491. powder in sausages: Meat Products (KO. 2) Order, 1952. 442; Amendment, 545. strainers. B.S. 1838: 1952. 331. Testing. Davis. (Publication received), 276 ; (Keview), 550. Mineral(s) Deficiencies: Diagnosis of - in Plants by Visual Symptoms. Wallace.2nd Edn. (Publication received), 108. “Detmng. small quantities of uranium in rocks and - by radioactivation. *Inorganic Chromatography on cellulose. VIII. 1-se of compound column of alumina and cellu- lose for detmng. uranium in __ and ores containing arsenic and molybdenum. Ryan and Williams, 293; IX. Use of alumina and cellulose adsorbents for detmng. thorium and 4multaneous detmn. of thorium and uranium in - and ores. Williams, 297; X. Spectro- graphic detmn. of micro quantities of thorium separated by chromatography from - and ores. Kingsbury and Temple, 307 ; quantita- tive detmn. of tantalum and niobiuin in high- and low-grade complex - and ores. Burstall and Williams, 983. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, Metallic Contamination Sub-committee ,lrsenic, supplementary report, 163. Food Standards Committee, Metallic Contamina- tion Sub-committee.Lead in food and drink, 164. Food Standards Committee. Report on saccharin and other sweetening tablets containing saccharin, 490. Food Standards Committee. Revised standards for jam and marmalade, 330. Food Standards Committee. Standards for shredded and block suet, 330. Termination of advisory service on labelling of food, 331. Smales, 778. oil: Chemicals in Food Products. Ministry of Food Orders, etc. : Brawn, 442, 545. Christmas puddings, labelling of, 330 ; Erratum, Coffee mixtures, 546. Feeding stuffs, 545. Fish paste, 106. Food standards, 106, 490, 546. Gelatine, edible, 106. Ice cream, 490. Labelling of food, 330; Erratum, 546.Liqueur chocolates, imitation, 330 ; Erratum, 546. ,Meat paste, 106. Meat products, 275, 442, 545. Nilk, 163. Oxidising agents, 490. Preservative agents, 490. Sausages, 442, 545. 546. VOLUME 77 Ministry of Food Orders, etc.-continued Slaughter houses and notification of slaughter, Soup, 442, ,546. Ice-cream, 383. Public health (meat), extension to horses, asses and mules, ,545. Moisture: Air current method of ~ detmn. Lyons Laboratories, 1032. Natioiial Coal Board, 1031. *Molecular weight : Apparatus for vaporinietric micro-detmn. of -. Colson, 139; Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1032. Wright isopiestic method for -. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1028. *Molybdenum: Fungi for detmng. trace metals in biological materials. Nicholas, 629.*Yrepng. standard solutions of aluminium, etc. (effect of liquid bromine). Theobald and Stern, 99. *Separation and analysis of metallic carbides from steel. Pembertoii, 287. *12-Molybdoarsenic acid : Ultra-violet absorptio- metric detmn. of arsenic as -. Wadelin 2nd Mellon, 708. *Monazite : Detmng. thorium and separation from rare earths with benzoic acid. Venkatars- maniah, Iiao and Rao, 103. *Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. VII. Detmng. thorium in - and thorium and uranium in uranothorianite. Kember, 78. Mond Nickel Co., Ltd. : Galvanic detmn. of traces of oxygen in gases, 1029. *Morphine : .Issay of analgesic drugs on man. Keele, 111. Morpholine: Chemicals in Food Products. L.S. House of Representatives, 212. *Morton-Stubbs correction : Difference formula for __ of Vitamin h absorption curves.Prok- hovnik, 185. Mould inhibitors : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. Myris: Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 2 12. extension to horses, asses and mules, 545. Ministry of Health Regulations, etc. : Vacuum apparatus for - detmns. N Naphthalene acetic acid : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. National Cattle Foods, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4: Feeding Stuffs (Manufacture) (Amendment) Order, 1952. 545. Pig Food, No. 1: Feeding Stuffs (Manufacture) (Amendment) Order, 1952, 545. Poultry Foods, Nos. 1, lA, 2, 2A, and 3X: Feeding Stuffs (Manufacture) (Amendment) Order, 1952, 545. National Coal Board: Gas analysis apparatus, 1031. Semi-micro bomb calorimeter, 103 1.Vacuum apparatus for moisture detmns., 1031. National Institute for Medical Research : Gas-liquid Prepng. conductivity water, 1027. Nephritis: Nature of Fowl -. Spector. (Publica- *Nerve lipids : Horizontal paper chromatography. Nessler cylinders. B.S. 612: 1952. 491. Newcastle upon Tyne: Appointment of D. G. G. Allen as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of -, 163. partititon chromatography, 1026. tion received), 108. Meredith and Sammons, 416,I ~ E X 'ro *Nickel : Controlled potential electrolysis in analysis of copper-base alloys. Milner and Whittem, 11. "Detmng. __ and manganese in uranium. Haslam, Kussell and Wilkinson, 464. "Prepng. standard solutions of aluminium, etc. (effect of liquid bromine). Theobald and Stern, 99."Stability of metal chelates in relation to their use in analysis. Freiser, 830. *Niobium : lnorganic chromatography on cellulose. Quantitative detmn. of tantalum and -- in high- and low-grade complex minerals and ores. Burstall and Williams, 983. *Separation and analysis of metallic carbides from steel. l'emberton, 287. *Nitrilotriacetic acid : Complexes formed by thorium and uranyl ions with complexones. Cabell, 859. *Nitrite: Effects due to residual - in canning of meat. Morris, 98. test : Ice-Cream (Heat Treatment, etc.) Amend- ment Regulations. Nitrogen Compounds: Six-membered Heterocyclic ___ with Four Condensed Rings. Allen, r t al. (Keview), 55. Microchemical apparatus. B. S. 1428 : 1952. Part A2, __- combustion trains (micro- Dumas), 675.Q IJse of cylinder oxygen in organic micro-detmn. of -. Swift and Morton, 392. Nitrogen trichloride : Chemicals in Food T'roducts. U S . House of Representatives, 212. Nitrometers: Micro ~ (Pregl type). H.S. 1428: 1950, Part D3, amendment slip, 2i6. *p-Nitrophenol : Iktmng. __ and p-nitro- phenyl-O-S-diethyl thiophosphate in parathion. Gage, 123. *p-Nitrophenyl-O-S-dethyl thiophosphate : Detmng. p-nitrophenol and ___ in parathion. Gage, 123. *Nomogram for calculation of urinary 17-keto- steroids. Cook and Rooks, 525. Nordihydroguairetic acid : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. North Thames Gas Board: Portable water-flow gas calorimeter, 1025. Norwich: Appointment of W. F. Greeves as Deputy Public Analyst to County Borough of --, 330."Nylon: Detmng. water in -. Haslam and Clasper, 41 3. Ministry of Health, 383. *Gradient elution analysis. Williams, 905. 0 Obituaries : Aston, B. C., 222. Bayley, C. W., 222. Bird, F. C. J., 222. Briggs, K. V., 222. Caulkin, H. A., 2, 222, 223. Chalabi, N. J., 2, 222, 223. Cosbie, A. J. C., 222, 223. Cox, H. E., 169, 222, 223. Cranfield, H. T., 2, 222, 223. Drummond. Sir Jack, 445. England, E. H., 2, 222, 223. Fairbrother, T. H., 222, 223. Flowerdew, F. J., 222, 223. Gilbard, J. F. H., 277, 334. Heap, H., 222, 223. Jamieson, A. I<., 111, 170, 222, 224. Powney, W. E. F., 222, 224. liayner, A., 222. Richardson, F. B., 222, 224. VOLUME 77 SS\' Obituaries-co 1 i ti I I. u d Thompson, F. E., 222. Warren, B. 11'. J., 16i, 222, 224. Wilkins, C. K., 222, 824. Williams, W.C., 222, 224. I&7right, E. 57, 222, 224. Octcacide 264: Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. "Octyl alcohol : Detmng. higher alcohols in whisky Osborn and Mott, Oertling, Ltd., L. : ,\pplication of knife-edge research Official appointments : See Appointments, official. House of Representatives, 212. and other potable spirits. 260. to balance development, 1030. *Oils : Analytical uses of isosbestic point exhibited by vitamin on oxidation. Bagnall and Stock, 396. Apparatus for distillation of very .inla11 quantities of crude ---. Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., 1025. Chromatographic analysis of petrols and light ____ . Imperial Chemical Industries, 1026. *Ester-fractionation method for component fatty acid analysis of mixtures containing hydrosy fatty acids. Estmng. sulphur content of petroleum by X-rays._Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., 1025. "Metals in --__ , detmn. by spectrographic methods and errors involved. Ham, Noar and Reynolds, 766. Methods of analysis of and fats. H.S. 6S4: 19-50, amendment slip, 976. mineral : Chemicals in Food Products. I'.S. House of Iieprcsentatives, 212. Raw linseed for general purposes. H.S. 632: 1950, amendment slips, 576, 384. Refined cottonseed --- . R.S. 655: 1950, amendment slip, 276. "Opal glass: Identification by S-ray diffraction of crystalline inclusions in glass. Rooksby, 759. *Optical isomers : Fractionation of ozokerites and separation of ---. Schlenk, 867. *Ores : Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. VIII. Use of compound column of alumina and cellulose for detmng. uranium in minerals and -__ containing arsenic and molybdenum.Ryan and Williams, 293; IX. Cse of alumina and cellulose adsorbents for detmg. thorium and simultaneous detmn. of thorium and uranium in minerals and --. Williams, 297 ; S. Spectro- graphic detmn. of micro quantities of thorium separated by chromatography from minerals and __- . Kingsbury and Temple, 30i; Quantitative detmn. of tantalum and niobium in high- and low-grade complex minerals and -. Burstall and Williams, 983. Organic Chemistry : Heterocyclic Compounds. Vol. I. Three-, Four-, Five- and Six-membered Monocyclic Compounds containing One 0, S and S Atom. Elderfield. (Review), 56; Vol. 111. Polycyclic Derivatives of Pyrrole ; Polycyclic Systems with One Nitrogen Common to Both Rings; Pyrindine and Related Compounds.Vol. IV. Quinoline, isoauinoline and Their Benzo Derivatives. (Publications received), 444. Chemistry : Industrial and Manufacturing Chem- istry. Part I, -. Martin, revised by Cooke. 7th Edn. (Publication received), 444. Chemistry : Six-membered Heterocyclic Nitrogen Compounds with Four Condensed Rings. Allen, et al. (Review), 55. Chemistry: Textbook of --. Fieser and Fjeser. (Review), 388; Richter. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 388. Xchaya anti Saletore, 375.sxvi IKDEX TO Organic-continued Chemistry : Textbook of Practical -, including Qualitative Organic Analysis. Vogel. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 108. Chemistry : Thkories Electroniques de la Chiniie Organique. Pullman and Pullman. (Publica- tion received) 276. Compounds : Tables of Percentage Composition of -.Gysel. (Publication received), 332. Syntheses. Schreiber. Vol. 31. (Publication received), 108; (Review), 551. Oscillator : Test - for use with Grubb-Parsons single-beam infra-red spectrometer. Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., 1027. "Oxalates: Detmng. - in fresh plant material. Baker, 340. Oxford: See University of Oxford. Oxide : Application of X-ray diffraction to analysis of - scales. D.S.I.R., Fuel Research Station, 1028. Oxidising agents : Approved ---. Ministry of Food, 490. Oxygen absorption recorder. Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., 1026. Direct detmn. of - in organic compounds. D.S.I.R., Fuel Research Station, 1028. "Direct micro-detmn. of ~ in organic sub- stances. Unterzaucher, 584. Galvanic detmn. of traces of - in gases. Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., 1029."Ozokerites : Fractionation of - and separation of optical isomers. Schlenk, 867. P P-4000: Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 2 12. "Pain, measurement of: Assay of analgesic drugs on man. Keele, 111. *Palladium : Micro-gravimetric detmn. of ___ with 1 : 10-phenanthroline and separation of --- from platinum. Ryan, 46. Pan glaze: Chemicals in Food Products. C.S. House of Representatives, 212. Paper chromatograms : Quantitative inorganic ---. University of Brussels, Microchemistry Dept., 1030. chromatography : All-glass equipment for -. Government Laboratory, 1026. Chromatography: Guide to Filter - and Cellulose Powder Chromatography. Balston and Talbot. Ed. Jones. (Publication received), 388. *chromatography : Instrumental approaches to -.Muller, 933. *chromatography : Quantitative inorganic -. Lacourt, Sommereyns and Wantier, 943. chromatography : Spectrophotometric attachment for use in -. May and Baker, Ltd., 1025. *Paraffin oil: Detcng. and detmng. small amounts of inflammable hydrocarbons in combustible materials. Macoun, 381. Parathion : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. "Detmng. p-nitrophenol and p-nitrophenyl-O-S-. diethyl thiophosphate in -. Gage, 123. Parchment : Vegetable ~ for wrapping dairy and other food products. "Partition column : Gas-liquid partition chroma- tography. Technique for analysis of volatile materials. James and Martin, 915. B.S. 1820: 1952. 275. VOLUME 77 "Penicillin: Chemical detmn. of -- in culture fluids. Beloff-Chain and d'hccadia, 423.*Paper chromatography of radioactive --. Smith and Allison, 29. *Staphylococcus auwus plate assay of -; effects of sugars on zone edges and accuracy of results. Bond, 118. *Penicillium glaucum : Fungi for detmng. trace metals in biological materials. *Peranemu ttichophorum : Protozoa in analysis. Hamilton, Hutner and Provasoli, 618. "Peroxides : Vibrating electrode in polarographic detmns. of alkyl -. Roberts and Meek, 43. Pesticides : Chemicals in Food Products. ITS. House of Representatives, 212. *Pethidine : Assay of analgesic drugs on man. Keele, 111. Petri dishes: B.S. 611 : 1952, 442. Petrol@) : Chromatographic analysis of ___ 'and light oils. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1026. **Detcng. and detmg. small aniounts of inflam- mable hydrocarbons in combustible materials.Macoun, 381. Petroleum oils: Estmng. sulphur content of - by X-rays. Xnglo-Iranian Oil Co., 1023. *pH : Fundamental approach to establishmelit of ___ standards. Bates, 653. Pharmaceuticals : Iodine -. Checklist of lodine Compounds and l'repns. used in Human Medicine. Chilean lodine Educational Bureau. (Publication received), 444. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Antibiotics, Survey of their Properties and C'ses. 2nd Edn. (Publication received) 552. Pharmacognosy : Textbook of ----. Wallis. 2nd Edn. (Review), 546. Pharmacopoea Internationalis. Vol. I. (Keview) , 2 19. Phase Rule and its Applications. l:indlay, revised by Campbell and Smith. 9th Edn. (Publica- tion received), 444. "1 :lo-Phenanthroline and mono-, di-, tri- and tetra-methyl- - as chelated copper complex cations. McCurdy and Smith.846. *Micro-gravimetric detmn. of palladium with - and separation of palladium from platinum. Ryan, 46. p-Phenetylurea : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. "Phenol: Detcng. and estmng. small amounts of - in cresylic acid. Ashmore and Savage, 439. Phenoxyacetic acid : Chemicals in Food Products. U S . House of Representatives, 212. l-Phenyl-l:3-butadiene : See cis-l-Phenyl-l : 3-buta- diene. "Phosphate(s) : Detmng. soluble by titration with standard bismuth solution. Thistleth- waite, 48. X-ray diffraction method of detmng. fluorine- chlorine ratio in halo - of the tme Sicholas, 629. 3Ca,(PO,) 2.Ca(F, C1) 2. Ltd.. 1031. General Electric e;., PhosphaGdes. WittcofT. (Publication received), 332; (Review), 547.*Phosphorus: Detmg. total -- in soil, with par- ticular reference to control of interference by soluble silica. Muir, 313. *Metals in oils, detmn. by spectrographic methods and errors involved. Ham, Noar and Reynolds, 766. Phosphorus-32 : Recommendations for Waste Dis- posal of - and Iodine-131 for Medical Users, U.S. National Bureau of Standards. (Publica- tion received), 276.INDEX TO VOLUME 77 xsvii *Photometer : Anionic interference in detmng. small quantities of potassium and sodium with new flame -. Collins and Polkinhorne, 430. *Detmng. potassium in soil extracts with flame - . Cavell, 537. Flame -. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1031. *Photometry : Turbidity in -. Correction for turbidity in photometric methods.Fog, 454. Photoprotons : Energy and Angle Distribution of - from Deuterium. Wiener. (Publication received), 388. Physical Chemistry : Concise -, for Intermediate Students. Rhodes. (Publication received), 552. of Surface Films. Harkins. (Publication received), 562. Inter- national Union of Biological Sciences, Sym- posium. (I'ublication received), 108; (Review), 217. Pig Food, Sational, No. 1: Feeding Stuffs (Amend- ment) (Manufacture) Order, 1952, 545. Pipette(s) : Automatic -. B.S. 1132:1952. 212. *for ethylene detmn. by bromine method. Piping: Milk - and inilk fittings. E.S. Pipironyl butoxide : Chemicals in Food Proclucts. *Plant(s) : Detmng. oxalates in fresh ~ material. Physiology: Trace Elements in Plant -. Bjijrkman, 328. 1864: 1952. 491. US. House of Representatives, 212.Baker, 340. Visual Symptoms. Wallace. 2nd Edn. (Pub- lication received), 108. *material: Detmng. small amounts of calcium in -. Mason, 529. "Micro-detmn. of magnesium in - materials with 8-hydrosyquinoline. Davidson, 263. Trace Elements in - Physiology. International Union of Biological Sciences, Symposium. (Yublication received), 108; (Review), 217. Plasticisers : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 218. Plastics: Modern methods of analysis of -. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1025. "Platinum : Micro-gravimetric detmn. of palladium with 1 : 10-phenanthroline and separation of palladium from -. Ryan, 46. *I-'repng. standard solutions of aluminium, etc. (effect of liquid bromine). Theobald and Stern, 99. Polarograph : Cathode-ray __ for routine analysis.May and Baker, Ltd., 1026. *Measuring diffusion current with pen-recording ---. Furness, 246. *Polarographic analysis : Changes in potential of dropping-mercury electrode during drop-forma- ination, and measurement of potential in -. Furness, 345. Polarography : Derivative - . British Non- Ferrous Metals Research Assoc., 1027. * of cyclooctatetra-ene and vinyl cyclooctstetra- ene. Glover and Hodgson, 473. *of tetrathionate ion. Furness and Davies, G97. "Square-wave -. Diagnosis of Mineral Deficiencies in -- by Barker and Jenkins, 686. "Polymers : Gradient elution analysis. IYilliams, 905. "Quantitative detmn. of organic halides. Salomon, 1017. Polyoxyethylene fatty acid derivatives : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212.Polyoxyethylene glycols : Chemicals in Food Pro- ducts. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. Polyoxyethylene monostearate : Chemicals in Food Products. U S . House of Representatives, 212. Polyoxyethylene sorbitsn fatty acid derivatives : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. *Polysaccharides : Electrokinetic ultra - filtration analysis of -, New approach to chroma- tography of large molecules. Mould and Synge, 964. "Porcelain microchemical apparatus for gravimetric analysis. Whalley and Wyatt, 39. Quality of laboratory -. B.S. 914: 1952. 276. Potash : Detmng. - by radioactivity. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1026. "Potassium : Anionic interference in detmng. small quantities of ___ and sodium with new flame photometer. Collins and Polkinhorne, 430."Detmng. - in soil extracts with flame photo- meter. Cavell, 53'7. *Silver cobaltinitrite method for detmng. --. Chenery, 102. *Potassium bromate: Detmng. - in flour. -4rIll- strong, 460. *Potassium hydroxide : Chromatographic separation of mixture of hydroxides of lithium, sodium and potassium. Burma, 382. *Potatoes : Polarographic estmn. of tetrachloroni- trobenzene residues on -. Webster and Uawson, 203. *Potential: Changes in - of dropping-mercuq- electrode during drop-formation and measure- inent of -- in polarographic analysis. Furness, 345. control : Electro-analysis apparatus with auto- matic cathode --. Woolwich Polytechnic, Chemistry Dept., 1026. "Potentiometric titration(s) : Detmng. equivalence point in -. 11.Gran, 661. equipment: Automatic -. Kodak, Ltd., 1031. "Potentiometry : Replacement of standard cell and salt bridge by indicator electrodes and use of non-aqueous solutions in potentiometry. 1. Introduction arid argentometric titrations in aqueous and amphiprotic media. Bishop, 672. Poultry Foods, National, 1, lA, 2, 2A and 3.4: Feeding Stuffs (Manufacture) (Amendment) Order, 1952, 645. :$Powders : Rapid X-ray quantitative analysis of crystalline - with special reference to titanium dioside pigments. Hughes and Smith, 179. "Precipitates : Xgeing of crystalline -. Kolthoff, 1000. Preservative(s) agents : Approved -. Ministry of Food, 490. *brominated : Detmng. organic bromine coni- pounds in beverages by Koenig's reaction. van Pinxteren, 367. Chemicals in Food Products.U.S. House of Representatives, 2 12. :::Proflavine hemisulphate : Colorimetric estmn. of small quantities of ---. Shaw and Wilkinson, 127. l-N-propoxy-2-smino-4-nitrobenzene : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. "n-Propyl alcohol : Detmng. higher alcohols in whisky and other potable spirits. Osborn and Mott, 260. n-Propyl ga9ate: Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. N-propyl isome : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212.ssviii INDEX TO *Protogen : Protozoa in analysis. Hamilton, Hutner *Protozoa in analysis. Hamilton, Hutner and *Pteroylglutamic acid : Protozoa in analysis. Harnil- Publications received : and Provasoli, 618. Provasoli, 6 18. ton, Hutner and Provasoli, 018.Balston and Talbot. Guide to I;ilter Paper and Bate-Smith. Foocl Science, Syniposiuni on Block, LeStrange and Zweig. Paper Chroma- Brauns. Chemistry of Lignin, 276. British Standards Institution. I’earbook, 1952, Britton. Corrosion Resistance of Tin and Tin Burger. Medicinal chemistry. Yol. 11, 220. Chamberlin. C.I.E. International Colour System Explained, 108. Charlot, B6zier and Gauguin. Anrilisis Cualitativo Rkpido de 10s Cationes, 220. Charlot and Gauguin. Dosages Colorim6triques. Principes et MCthodes, 276. Chemical Society. -Annual Reports on Progress of Chemistry for 1951, 494. Chilean Iodine Educational Bureau. Iodine Con- tents of Foods, 494. Chilean Iodine Educational Bureau. Iodine Pharmaceuticals, 444. Cummins and Vince. German I3oolts on Chemical and Cognate Subjects.Supplement 1951 to 2nd Edn., 1939-1960, 220. Cellulose Powder Chromatography, 388. Quality and l’reservation of Foods, 552. tography, Laboratory Manual, 552. 444. Alloys, 444. Davis, Milk Testing, 276. Duval. Manipulations de Chimic. 2nd Ecln., 276. Elderfield. Heterocyclic Compounds. Vols. 111 and IV, 444. Findlay, revised Campbell. Phase Rule and its Applications. 9th Ecln., 444. 1:lood and West. Explaining and Pronouncing Dictionary of Scientific and Technical W-ords, 388. Foulk, Moyer and MacKevin. Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 552. Friedel and Orchin. LItraviolet Spectra of Aromatic Compounds, 333. GuCrin. Trait6 de Manipulations et d’halyse des Gaz, 388. Gysel. Tables of Percentage Composition of Organic Compounds, 332. Harkins. Physical Chemistry o f Surface Films, 552.Hiickel. Structural Cheniistry of Inorganic Compounds, Vol. 11, 220. Institute of Petroleum. Mass Spectrometry, 444 International Union of Biological Sciences. Trace Elements in Plant Physiology, 108. Ivanovszky. Was Chemistry and Technology, 494. Lang. Further Laboratory and Workshop Notes, 108. Langford. Analysis of Electroplating and Related Solutions, 108. Martin, revised Cooke. Industrial and Manufac- turing Chemistry. Part I. Organic, 444. Maryott and Smith. Table of Dielectric Con- stants of Pure Liquids, 30. Merck & Co., Inc. Merck Index of Chemicals and Drugs. 6th Edn., 332. hfilazzo. Elektrochemie. Theoretische Grund- lagen und Anwendungen, 276. VOLUME 77 Publications received-coiztiirzied Pesez and Poirier.MBthodes et Kdactions clc 1’Xnalyse Organique. Vol. I, 220. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Anti- biotics, Survey of their I’roperties and Uses. 2nd Edn., 552. Porter and Spiller. Harker lnclex of Crystals. Vol. I, 56. I’ullman and P’ullman. Th6ories L~~lectroniques de la Chiniie Organique, 276. Querol. Fundamentos de Quiiiiica .Inalitica en Micro y Ultramicro Escalas, 220. Khodes. Concise Physical Chemistr>-, for Inter- mediate Students, 552. Nichttr. Textbook of Organic (‘liernistry. 3rd Edn., 388. Sawyer. I.:sI’erinietitalSjpectr.oscupy. 2nd Edn., 108. Schreiber. Organic Syntheses. ”01. 31, 108. Society of Chemical Industry. Reports on Pro- gress of Applied Chemistry. i-01. SXXVI, 552. Spector. Kature of Fowl Kephritis, 108. Stevens. Satural Rubber Latex and its ;\pplica- tions.No. 1. Introduction t o its Origin, I’roperties and Manufacture, 444. G.S. Congress. Investigation of Use of Chemicals in Food I’roducts, 108. U.S. House of Representatives. Chemicals in Food Products, 108. U.S. Xational Bureau of Standards. Control and Kemoval of Radioactil-e Contamination in Laboratories, 332. L?.S. Sational Bureau of Standards. Kecom- mendations for Waste Disposal of I’hosphorus- 32 and Iodine-131 for Medical Users, 276. 1,: .S. Xational Bureau of Standards. Tables for Analysis of Beta Spectra, 5.52. Yarley. Vermiculite, 388. Venkataranian. Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes. Vol. I , 276. Vogel. Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, including Qualitative Organic -4nalysis. 2nd Edn., 108. Vogel. Textbook of Quantitative lnorganic Analysis, Theory and Practice.2nd Edn., 108. von 1,aue. Theory of Superconductivity, 494. Wallace. Diagnosis of Mineral Deficiencies in Plants by Visual Symptonis. TViener. Energy and Angle Distribution of I’hotoprotons from Deuterium, 388. Wittcoff. Fhosphatides, 332. Youden. Statistical Methods for Chemists, 108. Applied Statistics. Xew Journal, 388. Dental Practitioners’ Formulary, 444. Hormones : Survey of their I’roperties and Uses, National Formulary, 1952, 2 T G . Supplt. 1952 t o British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1949, 276. 2nd Edn., 108. 108. See also: Book reviews. Pulse-amplitude analyser : bke-channel -, Type 1074-A. Atomic Energy Research Establish- ment, 1029. Pyrethrins: Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 813. Pyridinium-aceto-hydazide-chloride : See Girard’s reagents.*Pyridinium halides : Qualitative detcn. of long- “Pyridoxal : Ultra-violet absorption spectra of Lunn and chain alkyl -. Brown, 21 1. pyridoxine and related compounds. Morton, 718.INDEX TOVOLUME 77 xxix *Pyridoxaloxime : Ultra-violet absorption spectra of pyridoxine and related compounds. Lunn and Morton, 7 18. "Pyridoxamine hydrochloride : Ultra-violet absorp- tion spectra of pyridoxine and related com- pounds. Lunn and Morton, 718. *Pyridoxine : Ultra-Violet absorption spectra of - and related compounds. Lunn and Morton, 718. *Pyrogens: Quantitative assay of ~ by febrile response in rabbits. Tennent and Ott, 643. Q Quaternary zimmonium compounds : Chemicals in Food Products. I7.S. House of Hepresenta- tives, 212.R "Rabbits : Quantitative assay ol pyrogens by febrile response in -. Tennent and Ott, 643. Radioactive Contamination : Control and Removal of - in Laboratories. U.S. Kational Bureau of Standards. (f'ublication received), 332. material: _Autoradiography. liodak, Ltd., 1031. * tracer-paper chromatography techniques. Win- teringham, Harrison and Bridges, 19. Radioactivity : Detmng. potash by -. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1026. "Radiochemistry : Statistical methods in -. Martin, 892. "Raflnose : Chromatographic detmn. of in raw sugars. Improvements in technique. Albon and Gross, 410. "Uniform-temperature drying oven for quantita- tive chromatography. Albon and Gross, 406. "Rare earths : Detmng. thorium and separation from - with benzoic acid.Venkataramaniah, Rao and Rao, 103. "Rayon : Detmng. small quantities of alginates in - finishes and on -I_ yarn. Brown and Hayes, 445. *Reagents : Approaches used in development of spot tests. West, 611. pFactors controlling selectivity of organic ----. Irving and Williams, 813. A 1 : 1 0-Phenanthroline and mono-, di-, tri- and tetramethyl-1 : 10-phenanthrolines as chelated copper complex cations. McCurdy and Smith, 846. "Stability of metal chelates in relation to their use in analysis. Freiser, 830. Refractometer : Differential -- for continuous measurement. Imperial Chemical Industries, 12td., 1029. "Refractories : Quantitative inorganic paper chroma- tography. Lacourt, Sommereyns and Wantier, 943. <.Silver reductor in micro-volumetric detmn. of iron, especially in silicate rocks.Miller and Chalmers, 2. "Rennet: Detmng. activity of --. Berridge, 67. Reports : Annual __- on Progress of Chemistry for 1951. Chemical Society. (Publication re- ceived), 494. on Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XXXVI. Society of Chemical Industry. (Publication received), 552. "Resins : Applications of ion exchange to analytical chemistry. Tompkins, 970. Chemicals in Food Products. U S . House of Representatives, 212. Resins-contimed *Ion-exchange -- for separation of nitrogenous and other extractives of plant and animal tissue. Partridge, 955. *Resolution : Fractionation of ozokerites and separation of optical isomers. Schlenk, 867. Reviews, book : See Book reviews. *Rhenium : Prepng. standard solutions of aluminium, etc. (effect of liquid bromine).Theobald and Stern, 99. "Rhodium : Prepng. standard solutions of aluminium. etc. (effect of liquid bromine). Theoblad and Stern, 99. "Ripening: Ageing of crystalline precipitates. Iiolthoff, 1000. Rochester: hppointment of E. S. Hawkins as Additional Public Analyst to City of -, 330. Rocker : Photo-electric counter for Sward hardness ----. lmperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1029. :$Rocks : Detrnng. small quantities of uranium in - and minerals by radio-activation. Smales, 778. :%ilver reductor in micro-volumetric detmn. of iron, especially in silicate ----. Miller and Chalmers, 2. Rotenone : Chemicals in Food Products. US. House of Representatives, 2 12. Royal Statistical Society : Applied Statistics. New journal. Vol. 1, No. I, March, 1952. (Publica- tion received), 388.*Rubber(s) bonding agents : Detmng. isocyanate group in -. WiIliamson, 372. Satural - Latex and its Applications. No. I. Introduction to its Origin, Properties and Manu- facture. Stevens. (Publication received), 444. *'Quantitative detmn. of organic halides. Salomon, 1017. Rum: Composition of Jamaica ---. Rarnett, 384. S Saccharin : Chemicals in Food I'roducts. U.S. House of Representatives, 2 12. Report of Ministry of Food, Food Standards Com- mittee, 490. St. Mary's Hospital, Dept. of Chemical Pathology : All-glass unit for micro-electrophoresis on filter- paper, 1032. *Srslicyclic acid : Paper chromatography for detcng. benzoic acid and its derivatives in food products. Parkinson, 438. Sample changer : Automatic absorber/----, Type 11 12A.Atomic Energy Research Establish- ment, 1030. Sampling equipment for detmng. toxic substances in air, and apparatus for prepn. of test atmos- pheres of vapours, mists and dusts. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1029. Saturation temperatures : Apparatus for direct measurement of - of solutions. General Electric Co., Ltd., 1031. Sausages: Meat Products (No. 2) Order, 1952. 442; Amendment, 545. "Scandium : Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. VIT. Kember, 78. Scilly: See Isles of Scilly. *Sea water : Detcng. -infiltration. Eradwell, 381. "Detmng. sub-microgram quantities of arsenic by radioactivation. 11. Detmng. arsenic in -. Smales and Pate, 188. *sec.-Butyl alcohol : Colorimetric detmn. of alcohols. Reid and Truelove, 325.*sec.-Octyl alcohol : Detning.higher alcohols in whisky and other potable spirits. Osborn and Mott, 260. Sedimentation : Measuring - in opaque liquids by pendulum method. D.S.I.R., Fuel Research Station, 1028. *Seed oil(s) : Ester-fractionation method for com- ponent fatty acid analysis of mixtures contain- ing hydroxy fatty acids. Achaya and Saletore, 375. Refined cotton --. B.S. 655: 1950, amendment slip, 276. *Selectivity : Factors controlling __ of organic reagents. Irving and Williams, 813. Selenium compounds : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. *Iodometric detnin. of - by arsenious oxide. Deshmukh and Sant, 272. Separator : Automatic radioactive-liquid-sample -- , Type 1131A. Atomic Energy Research Establishment, 1030. "Serum : Detmng. cholesterol in --.Trinder, 321. Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd. : Apparatus for converting to percentage transmission basis records from infra-red single-beam recording spectrometers, 1027. _Automatic steam distillation apparatus, 1027. Oxygen absorption recorder, 1026. Test oscillator for use with Grubb-Parsons single- Thermistor ebullioscope, 1027. T'ariable-path-length cell and assembly for infra- red spectroscopy, 1027. *Silicate rocks : Silver reductor in niicro-volumetric detmn. of iron, especially in -. Miller and Chalmers, 2. Silicones : Chemicals in Food Products. U S . House of Representatives, 212. "Silver: Gravimetric detmn. of lead, and mer- curous mercury on microgram scale. El-Radry and Wilson, 596. "reductor in micro-volumetric detnin. of iron, especially in silicate rocks.Miller and Chalmers, 2 . *Separating __ from copper by electro-deposi- tion from ammoniacal solution. Diehl and Butler, 268. *Silver cobaltinitrite method for detmng. potassium. Chenery, 10% Slaughter houses : Public Health (Meat) (Aniend- ment) Regulations, 1952. Extension to horses, asses and mules. Ministries of Food and Health, 545. "Sleeping sickness : Evaluating chemotherapeutic agents directed against trypanosome infections. Lourie, 175. Society of Chemical Industry. Reports on l'rogress of -4pplied Chemistry. Vol. XXXVI. (f'ublica- tion received), 552. Society of Leather Tr!des' Chemists : Official Methods of Analysis of -. 2nd Edn. (Review), 387. Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists : A4cknowledgement from American Chemical Society of Address presented by - 9 1.Xnalytical Methods Committee, Sub-committee on Methods of Analysis of Ice-cream, Appoint- ment of -, 334. &Analytical Methods Committee, Sub-committee on Vitamin Estmns., Carotene Panel : Detmng. carotene in green-leaf material. 11, Green-leaf materials other than grass, 171. beam infra-red spectrometer, 1027. Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists-c on t inzr e d Annual Report of the Council, 222. Biological Methods Group. 7th A.G.X, 168. Delegation to XIlth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry, and 75th Anni- versary Meeting of American Chemical Society, 111. Methods recoininended by __ for analysis of meat products in relation to Meat Products Order, 1952, 543. Microchemistry Group. 8th A.G.N., 168.Microchemistry Group. Microchemical apparatus, Sorth of England Section. 27th X.G.N., 167, Physical Methods Group. 7th A.G.M., 168. l'olarographic Discussion Panel. A.G.M., 16s. Portraits of past Presidents, 332, 388, 444. Scottish Section. 17th *4.G.M., 167. Seventy-eighth Annual General Meeting, 22 I. "Sodium : &Anionic interference in detmng. small quantities of potassium and _I with nelv flame photometer. Collins and Polkinhorne, 430. "Sodium cetyl sulphate : Uuantitative detmn. of - in solution in water. Edwards, Ewers and Mansfield, 205. Sodium cyclohexylsulphamate : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. "Sodium hydroxide : C.hromatographic separation of mixture of hydroxides of lithium, sodium and potassium. Burma, 382.Sodium o-phenylphenol : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. "Soft drinks : Detmng. organic bromine compounds in beverages by Koenig's reaction. \-an Pinxteren, 367. Softeners, in bread, etc. : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 213. *Soil: Detmng. potassium in - extracts with flame photometer. Cavell, 537. "Detmng. total phosphorus in ----, with yar- ticular reference to control of interference by soluble silica. Muir, 313. *Solder : Separating silver from copper by electro- deposition from ammoniacal solution. Diehl and Butler, 268. "Solochrome Cyanine-RS : Photometric detmn. of aluminium in magnesium alloys by -. Bacon, 90. "Solubilisation titration, rapid niethod for analysis of binary mixtures of organic liquids.1,umb and Winsor, 1012. *Solvent extraction: Counter-current micro-rotary extractor as analytical tool. Spence and Streeton, 578. Sorbitan fatty acid derivatives : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 21 3. Soup: Meat Products (Wo. 2) Order, 1952, 442; Amendment, 645. Soya: Meat Products Order, 1962, 276. in sausages: Meat Products (No. 2) Order, 1952. 442 : Amendment, 545. Spans: Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. *Specific surface : -4geing of crystalline precipitates. Kolthoff, 1000. Spectra: Tables for Analysis of Beta -. US. National Bureau of Standards. (Publication received), 552. *Ultra-violet absorption - of pyridoxine and related compounds. Ultraviolet - of -Aromatic Compounds. Friedel and Orchin.(Z'ublication received), 332. 1031. Lunn and Morton, 7 18.INDEX TO VOLUME 77 xxxi Spectrographic sources : Combined - unit. Government Laboratory, 1026. Spectrometer(s) : Apparatus for converting to per- centage transmission basis records from infra- red single-beam recording --. Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., 1087. Infra-red - with cathode-ray presentation. Anglo-Iranian Oil. Co., 1026. *Recent advances in infra-red spectroscopic tech- niques with reference to analytical applications. Sheppard, 732. Test oscillator for use with Grubb-Parsons single- beam infra-red -. Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., 1027. Spectrometry: Mass -. lnst. of Petroleum. (Publication received), 444. Spectrophotometric attachment for use in paper chromatography. May and Baker, Ltd., 1025.Spectroscopy : Experimental -. Sawyer. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 108; (Review), 551. 'T'ariable-path-length cell and assembly for infra- red -. *Spirits : Detmng. higher alcohols in whisky and other potable -. *Spot tests: -4pproaches used in development of -. West, 611. Staffordshire: Appointment of G. G. Andrew as Additional Public Analyst to County of -, 163. Stage : Fedorov universal ---. University of Oxford, Dept. of Geology and Mineralogy, 1032. Standardisation of solutions. Imperial Chemical Industries, T,td., 1031. Standards : See British Standard Specifications, and *Staphylococcus aureus plate assay of penicillin ; effect of sugars on zone edges and accuracy of results. Bond, 118. *Starch conversion products : Paper chromatography of --. Buchan and Savage, 401.*Statistical aspects of analytical detmns. Youden, 874. "design in study of analytical methods. Box, 879. Methods for Chemists. Youden. (Publication "methods in radiochemistry. Martin, 892. Statistics: Applied -. New journal. Vol. I, No. 1, March, 1952. (Publication received), 388. *:Steel(s) : Absorptiometric detmn. of zirconium with alizarin-S. Mayer and Bradshaw, 476. "Detmng. copper in - by internal electrolysis. Carpenter and Hopkins, 86. *Quantitative inorganic paper chromatography. Lacourt, Sommereyns and Wantier, 943. "Separation and analysis of metallic carbides from -. Pemberton, 287. "Steroids : Nomogram for calculating 17-keto- -. Cook and Rooks, 525. "Rapid clinical estmn. and fractionation of 17-keto -. Cook, 34. *Use of Girard's reagents in prepn.of crude urine extracts for analysis of 17-keto- -. Bray, 426. "Stones in glass : Identification by X-ray diffraction of crystalline inclusions in glass. Rooksby, 759. Stopcocks: General purpose glass -. B.S. 1751: 1952, 384. Strainers: Milk -. B.S. 1838: 1952. 331. * Strigomonas culicidarum : Protozoa in analysis. Hamilton, Hutner and Provasoli, 618. Structural Chemistry of Inorganic Compounds. Vol. 11. Huckel, trans. by Long. (Publication received), 220. Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., 1027. Osborn and Mott, 260. Food Standards. received), 108 ; (Review), 549. Stuffings : Cleanliness of fillings and -- for bedding, upholstery, toys and other domestic articles. B.S. 1425: 1951. "Sucrose : Staphylococcus auyeus plate assay of penicillin; effect of sugars on zone edges and accuracy of results.Bond, 118. Suet: Standards for shredded and block -. Ministry of Food, 330. *Sugars : Chromatographic detmn. of raffinose in raw -. Albon and Gross, 410. *Staphylococcus aweus plate assay of penicillin ; effect of - on zone edges and accuracy of results. Bond, 118. Sulphamate : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. Sulphur : Combustion apparatus for rapid detmn. of carbon and hydrogen, halogens and -. XJniversity of London, School of Pharmacy, and Courtaulds, Ltd., 1030. Estmng. ~ content of petroleum oils by X-rays. Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., 1025. Sulphur dioxide : Continuous estmn. of traces of -. D.S.I.R., Fuel Research Station, 1028. Superconductivity : Theory of --. von Laue, trans. by Meyer and Band.(Publication received), 494. Surface Films : Physical Chemistry of -. Harkins. (Publication received), 552. "specific : Ageing of crystalline precipitates. Kolthoff, 1000. Sweetening agents : Chemicals in Food Products. V.S. House of Representatives, 212. tablets. Report of Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, 490. Syntheses : Organic -. Schreiber. Vol. 3 1, (Publication received), 108; (Review), 551. "Synthetic rubbers : Quantitative detmn. of organic halides. Salomon, 1017. Amendment slips, 331. T 2: 4: 5-T; 2: 4: 6-T: See Trichlorophenoxyacetic *Table jellies : Routine analysis of -. Chatt, 335. *Tantalum : Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. Quantitative detmn. of - and niobium in high- and low-grade complex minerals and ores. Burstall and Williams, 983.Tar: Detmng. anthracene in - fractions. Coal Tar Research Assoc., 1028. *:Temperature, body : Quantitative assay of pyrogens by febrile response in rabbits. Tennent and Ott, 643. standard : Report on - of volumetric glassware. B.S. 554: 1952. 491. *tert.-Butyl alcohol: Colorimetric detmn. of alcohols. Reid and Truelove, 325. *Tetrachloronitrobenzene : Polarographic estmn. of - residues on potatoes. Webster and Dawson, 203. Tetraethyldithionopyrophosphate : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. * Tetrahymena : Protozoa in analysis. Hamilton, Hutner and Provasoli, 618. *Tetramethyl-1 : 10-phenanthroline : 1 : 10-Phenan- throline and mono-, di-, tri- and tetra-methyl- 1 : 10-phenanthrolines as chelated copper com- plex cations.McCurdy and Smith, 846. "Tetrathionate ion : Polarography of -. Furness and Davies, 697. *Thallium : Solvent extraction of Group IIIB metal halides. Irving and Rossotti, 801. acids.xxxii IKDES TO VOLGME 77 Thermistor ebullioscope. Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., 1027. Thermometers : Meterological ----. B.S. 692 : 1951. 165; amendment slip, 276. Thiamine : See Aneurine. Thiodipropionic acid : Chemicals in Food Products. U S . House of Representatives, 212. "Thiourea adducts : Fractionation of ozokerites and separation of optical isomers. Chemicals in Food Products. U S . House of Kepresentatives, 212. "Thorium: hbsorptiometric detrnn. of - in mag- nesium-base alloys by 1 -(o-arsonophenylazo) - 2-naphthol-3 : 6-disulphonic acid. Mayer and Bradshaw, 154. *Complexes formed by - and uranyl ions with complexones.Cabell, 859. *Detmng. - and separation from rare earths with benzoic acid. Venkataramaniah, Iiao and Rao, 103. *Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. V11. Detmng. __ in monazite and I__ and uranium in uranothorianite. Kember, 78 ; IX. Use of alumina and cellulose adsorbents for detmng. ___ and simultaneous detmn. of ~ and uranium in minerals and ores. IYilliams, 297 ; X. Spectrographic detmn. of micro quantities of __ separated by chroma- tography from minerals and ores. Kingsbury and Temple, 307. Thoronol : See 1 -(o-arsonophenyla 20) -2-naphthol- 3 : 6-disulphonic acid. Thoronol : See l-(o-arsonophenylazo) -2-naphthol- 3 : 6-disulphonic acid. Timer : Dekatron --. Imperial Chemical Indus- tries, Ltd., 1032.Multi-channel recording -. Atomic Energy Research Establishment, 1030. *Tin : Controlled potential electrolysis in analysis of copper-base alloys. Milner and Whittem, 11. Corrosion Resistance of - and Alloys. Britton. (Publication received), 444. *Prepng. standard solutions of aluminium, etc. (effect of liquid bromine). Theobald and Stern, 99. "Titanium: Polarographic detmn. of -- in aluminium alloys. Graham and Hitchen, 533. *Quantitative inorganic paper chromatography. Lacourt, Sonimereyns and Wantier, 943. *Separation and analysis of metallic carbides from steel. Pemberton, 287. *Titanium dioxide : Rapid X-ray quantitative analysis of crystalline powders, with particular reference t o - pigments. Hughes and Smith, 179. "Titrator : automatic : Research in analytical instru- mentation.Muller, 557. Titrimeter with audible end-point indication. May and Baker, Ltd., 1026. Toxaphene : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. Toxic substances : Sampling equipment for detmng. - in air, and apparatus for prepng. test atmospheres of vapours, mists and dusts. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1029. Trace Elements in Plant Physiology. International Union of Biological Sciences, Symposium. (Publication received), 108 ; (Review), 2 17. *TrichIorophenoxyacetic acids : Detmng. 2 : 4-di- chlorophenoxyactic acid. Stroud, 63. * Ttichomonas foetus : Protozoa in analysis. Hamilton, Hutner and Provasoli, 618. Triethanolamine: Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. Schlenk, 867. *Triethylene glycol : Colorimetric detmn.of alcohols. Reid and Truclove, 325. *Trilo : Sce Nitrilotriacetic acid. Trimethyl-amino-aceto-hydrazide: See Girard's reagents. *Trimethyl-1 : 10-phenanthroline : 1 : 10-l'henan- throline and mono-, di-, tri- and tetra-methyl- 1 : 1 O-phenanthrolines as chelated copper com- plex cations. Trioxymethylene : Chemicals in Food l'roducts. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. *Tritolyl phosphate : Detmng. o-tolyl ester in --. Haslam and Squirrel, 71. "Trypanosome infections : Evaluating chemothcra- peutic agents directed against --. Lourie, 175. Tunbridge Wells: Appointment of H. E. AIonk as Public ,\nalyst and of J. \I-. Flint as Deputy Public Analyst to Royal Borough of -, 163. *Tungsten : Potentiometric detmn. of small amounts of - with chromous chloride. El M'akliad and Kizk, 161."Prepng. standard solutions of aluminium, etc. (effect of liquid bromine). Theobald and Stern, 99. "Separation and analysis of metallic carbides from steel. I'emberton, 287. *Turbidity in photometry. Correction for -- in photometric methods. Fog, 454. Tweens: Chemicals in Food I'roduct~. T -.S. House of licprcsent~ttives, 21 2. McCurdy and Smith, 846. U Ultra-centrifuge for opaque liquids. Coal Tar Research Assoc., 1028. *Ultrafiltration : Electrokinetic _- analysis of polysaccharides. Kew approach to chroma- tography of large molecule>. Monld aiicl Synge, 964. *Ultra-violet absorption spectra of pyridoxine and related compounds. Lunn and Morton, 718. Friedel and Orchin. (Publication received), 332. Unilever, Ltd.: Estmng. vitamin -1 in margarine and other materials of low potency, 1025. U.S. National Bureau of Standards : Control and Removal of Radioactive Contamination in Laboratories. (Publication received), 332. Kecommenda tions for Waste Disposal of I'hos- phorus-32 and Iodine-131 for Medical Users. (Publication received), 176. Tables for Analysis of Beta Spectra. (Publication received), 552. *Units: Grammar of __ of biological activity. Gridgeman, 239. University of Brussels, Microchemistry Dept. : Automatic horizontal micro-burette, 1030. Microchemistry Dept. : Quantitative inorganic paper cliromatograms, 1030. University of London, School of Pharmacy: Coni- bustion apparatus for rapid detni. of carbon and hydrogen, halogens and sulphur, 1030. University of Oxford, Dept.of Geology and Mineralogy : Barker index of crystals, 1031. Dept. of Geology and Mineralogy : Federov universal stage, 1032. Dept. of Human Anatomy: Yew methods and instruments in microscopy, 1032. *Uramildiacetic acid : Complexes formed by thorium and uranyl ions with complexones. Cabell, 859. Spectra of Aromatic Compounds.ISDES TO *Uranium : Complexes formed b) thorium and uranyl ions with complexones. Counter-current micro-rotary extractor as analy- tical tool. Spence and Streeton, 678. "Detmng, nickel and manganese in --. Haslam, Russell and Wilkinson, 464. ,gll)etmng. small quantities of - in rocks and minerals by radioactivation. Smales, 778. E'luorinie ter , Type 10 SOA. ,\tomic Energy Research Establishment, 1029. "Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. VII. Detrnng. thorium in monazite and thorium and ___ in uranothorianite. Keniber, 78; VIII. lTse of compound column of alumina and cellulose for detmng. ___ in minerals and ores containing arsenic and molybdenum. Ryan and Williams, 293; IX. Use of alumina and cellu- lose adsorbents for detmng. thorium and siniultaiieous detmn. of thorium and -- in minerals and ores. Williams, 297. "Uranothorianite : Jnorganic chromatography on cellulose. VII. Detmng. thorium in monazite and thorium and uranium in -. Kember, 78. '%Urea adduct5 : Fractionation of ozokerites and separation of optical isomers. Vrine : Detmng. sub-micrograin quantities of arsenic by radioactivation. 111. Detmng. arsenic in biological material. Smales and Pate, 196. "Detmng. trace< of mercury in - by rcversion technique. Gray, 436. '"Extractor and distillation head for detmng. urinary cortin. *Girard's reagents in prepn. of crude extracts for analysis of 15-ketostercids. Bray, 426. "Modified micro-diffusion detmn. of ethyl alcohol in blood. Scandrett, 132. "Xomogram for calculating urinary 15-keto- steriods. Cook and Rooks, 525. "Rapid clinical estmn. and fractionation of urinary 17-ketosteroids. Cook, 34. Cabell, 859. Schlenk, 867. Cook and Kooks, 374. v "Vanadium : Separation and analysis of metallic Vermiculite. Varley. (Publication received), 388. "Versenate method: Total hardness of water by __ ; direct titration with ethylenediaminc tetra-acetate. Houlihan, 158. *Vinyl cyclooctatetra-ene : Polarography of cyclo- octatetra-ene and -. Glover and Hodgson, 473. Viscera : Isolation, identification and detmn. of amphetamine in -. Rathenasinkam, 135. Viscometer : Ferranti-Shirley -. British Cotton Industry Research Assoc., 1028. Recording coaxial cylinder - . Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd.. 1028. Vitamin Methods. Gyorgy. Vols. I and 11. (Review), 49 I. "Vitamin A ; -4nalytical uses of isosbestic point exhibited by __ on oxidation. Bagnall and Stock, 396. *Difference formula for Morton-Stubbs correction of - absorption curves. Estmng. - in margarine and other materials of low potency. Unilever, Ltd., 1025. "Reproducibility of geometrical correction pro- cedures in spectrophotometric estmn. of -. Ragnall and Stock, 356. carbides from steel. I'emberton, 287. Prokhovnik, 185. Vitamin 8, : See Anuerine. VOLUME 77 xxxiii *Vitamin B, : Ultra-violet absorption spectra of pyridoxine and related compounds. Lunn and Morton, 718. Vitamin B, : Protozoa in analysis. Hamilton, Hutner and Provasoli, 618. Volumetric glassware : Tables for use in calibrating -. B.S. 1797: 1962. 275. W Wallsend: ,%ppointnient of W. G. Carey as Public Analyst to Borough of -, 545. Waste Disposal: Recommendation for -- of Phosphorus-32 and Iodine-13 1 for Medical Users. U.S. National Bureau of Standards. (Publication received), 276. :%Water : Colorimetric detmn. of iron in raw and treated municipal - supplies with 4 : 7-diphenyl-l : 10-phenanthroline. Smith, McCurdy and Diehl, 418; Erratum, 524. "Detcng. sea - infiltration. :gI)etmng. sub-microgram quantities of arsenic by radioactivation. 11. Detmng. arsenic in sea I__ . :gDetmng. - in liquid ammonia. Hodgson and Glover, 74. :kDetmng. - in Kylon. Haslam and Clasper, 41 3. I'repng. conductivity -. National Institute for Medical Research, 1027. T o t a l hardness of - by versenate method; direct titration with ethylenediamine tetra- acetate, Houlihan, 158. Water-bath: All-glass electrically-heated -. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 1032. Wax Chemistry and Technology. Ivanovszky. (Publication received), 494. coatings: Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. B.S. 1428: 1952, Part H1, - for microchemical analysis, 275. Bradwell, 381. Smales and Pate, 188. Weighing vessels : Microchemical apparatus. West Riding of Yorkshire : See Yorkshire. Wetting agents : Chemicals in Food Products. U.S. House of Representatives, 212. "Whisky : Detmng. higher alcohols in - and other potable spirits. :%White malt syrup.: Paper chromatography of starch conversion products. Buchan and Savage, 401. Woolwich Polytechnic, Chemistry Dept: : Electro- analysis apparatus with automatic cathode potential control, 1026. Workshop: Further Laboratory and - Notes. Lang. (Publication received), 108 ; (Review), 550. Osborn and Mott, 260. X :gX-ray(s) analysis : Rapid - quantitative analysis of crystalline powders, especially titanium dioxide pigments. Hughes and Smith, 179. diffraction: Application of - to analysis of oxide scales. D.S.I.R., Fuel Research Station, 1028. diffraction method of detmng. fluorine-chlorine ratio in halophosphates of type 3Ca,(PO 4)2.- Ca(F, Cl)2. General Electric Co., Ltd., 1031. '"iffraction : Identification by - of crystailine inclusion in glass. Kooksby, 759. Estmng. sulphur content of petroleuni oils by -. Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., 1025.sxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 77 Y Yorkshire: Appointment of F. W. M. Jaffe as Official Agricultural Analyst and of J. C. Harral as Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst to County of West Riding of -, 163. *Yttrium : Detmng. thorium and separation from rare earths with benzoic acid. Venkatara- maniah, Rao and Rao, 103. "Inorganic: chromatography on cellulose. VII. Kember, 78. - z *Zinc: Analysis of - residues. Pellowe and *Controlled potential electrolysis in analysis of Hardy, 208. copper-base alloys. Milner and Whittern, 11. Zhe-contin ued *Fungi for detmng. trace metals in biological materials. Nicholas, 629. *Metals in oils, detmn. by spectrographic methods and errors involved. Ham, Noar and Reynolds, 766. "Prepng. standard solutions of aluminium and __ (use of liquid bromine). Theobald and Stern, 99. *Stability of metal chelates in relation to their use in analysis. Freiser, 830. *Zirconium : Absorptiometric detmn. of - with alizarin-S with special reference t o magnesium alloys. Mayer and Bradshaw, 476. *Colour reactions of chloranilic acid with par- ticular reference to estmng. calcium and -. Frost- Jones and Yardley, 468. *Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. 1-11. Iiember, 78.
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