T H E ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 83 1 9 5 8 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W . H E F F E R & S O N S , L T D . 4 PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLANDT H E ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 83 1 9 5 8 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W . H E F F E R & S O N S , L T D . 4 PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLANDTHE A N A LYST PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Chairman: K. A. WILLIAMS, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.Inst.P., F.R.I.C. N. L. ALLPORT, F.R.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH, M.A., F.R.I.C. R. C. CHIRNSIDE, F.R.I.C. D. C. GARRATT, Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. J. HASLAM, D.Sc., F.R.I.C. H. M. N. H. IRVING, M.A., D.Sc., D.Phil., W.C. JOHNSON, M.B.E., F.R.I.C. E. Q. LAWS, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. G. W. C. MILNER, M.Sc., A.Inst.P., F.R.I.C. R. F. MILTON, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. F. L. OKELL, F.R.I.C. J. G. SHERRATT, B.Sc.Tech., F.R.I.C. L. S. THEOBALD, M.Sc., A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C. T. S. WEST, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.I.C. C. WHALLEY, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. F.R.I.C. AND THE PRESIDENT AND HONORARY OFFICERS President of the Society J. H. HAMENCE, MSc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Hon. Secretary of the Society Hon. Treasurer of the Society R. E. STUCKEY, DSc., Ph.D., F.P.S., F.R.I.C. A. J. AMOS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Hon. Assistant Secretaries of the Society L. BREALEY, B.Sc.; S. A. PRICE, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. Advisory Editor F. L. OKELL, F.R.I.C. Editor J. B. ATTRILL, M.A., F.R.I.C. Assistant Editor P. W. SHALLISTHE A N A LYST PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Chairman: K.A. WILLIAMS, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.Inst.P., F.R.I.C. N. L. ALLPORT, F.R.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH, M.A., F.R.I.C. R. C. CHIRNSIDE, F.R.I.C. D. C. GARRATT, Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. J. HASLAM, D.Sc., F.R.I.C. H. M. N. H. IRVING, M.A., D.Sc., D.Phil., W. C. JOHNSON, M.B.E., F.R.I.C. E. Q. LAWS, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. G. W. C. MILNER, M.Sc., A.Inst.P., F.R.I.C. R. F. MILTON, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. F. L. OKELL, F.R.I.C. J. G. SHERRATT, B.Sc.Tech., F.R.I.C. L. S. THEOBALD, M.Sc., A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C. T. S. WEST, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.I.C. C. WHALLEY, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. F.R.I.C. AND THE PRESIDENT AND HONORARY OFFICERS President of the Society J. H. HAMENCE, MSc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Hon. Secretary of the Society Hon. Treasurer of the Society R. E.STUCKEY, DSc., Ph.D., F.P.S., F.R.I.C. A. J. AMOS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Hon. Assistant Secretaries of the Society L. BREALEY, B.Sc.; S. A. PRICE, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. Advisory Editor F. L. OKELL, F.R.I.C. Editor J. B. ATTRILL, M.A., F.R.I.C. Assistant Editor P. W. SHALLISINDEX TO VOLUME 83 INDEX TO NAMES A Abdullah, A. J. Proceedings of Iraqi Scientific Societies. Vol. I, 1957. (Publication received), 440. Adams, R. Organic Reactions. Vol. IX. (Re- view) , 593. Ader, D. A., et al. Detmng. ethylene dibromide in brine, 687. Albert, A., et al. Current Trends in Heterocyclic Chemistry. (Publication received), 384. Allan, J. 16. Atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with special reference to detmng. magnesium, 466. Allen, M. J. Organic Electrode Processes. (Publication received), 184; (Review), 382.Allport, N. L. Review of Block, Durrum and Zweig’s Manual of Paper Chromatography and Paper Electrophoresis. 2nd Edn., 486. - Review of McCrone’s Fusion Methods in Chemical Micvoscopy, 183. - Review of Wallis’s A vtalytical Microscopy: Aims avtd Methods in Relation to Foods, Water, Spices and Dvugs. 2nd Edn., 116. - Review of Extra Pharmacopoeia (Martindale). 24th Edn. Vol. I, 594. Amos, A. J., et al. Modern Cereal Chemistry. 5th Edn. (Review), 118. - Vitamin contents of animal feeding-stuffs, 479. Anderegg, G., et al. Stability Constants of Metal- ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of In- organic Substances. Part I. (Review), 381. Archer, E. E. Argentimetric titration of halide and cyanide ions with dithizone as indicator, 571.Arima, K., et al. Yeasts. (Publication received), 64. Armson, F. J. Pointage titration in control of zinc phosphating baths, 374. B Bacharach, A. L. Review of Block and Weiss, et al’s. Amino Acid Handbook: Methods and Results of Protein Analysis, 61. - Review of Waterlow and Stephen’s Human Protein ReqzGirernents and their Fulfilment in Practice, 61. - Review of Worden and Lane-Petter’s UFAW Hamdbook on Care and Managernewt of Laboratory Animals. 2nd Edn., 702. Badger, G. M., e t al. Current Trends in Hetero- cyclic Chemistry. (Publication received), 384. Bailar, J. C., jun, Chemistry of Coordination Com- pounds. (Review), 60. Bailey, P. H., ef al. Radioactive phosphorus in study of phosphate separations, 675. Baker, E. A., et al. Bibliography of Food. (Publi- cation received) , 488.- Detmng. DDT and chlorobenzilate occurring together in spray deposits, 447. Baker, J. L. Obituary, 121, 187. Ballentyne, D. W. G., et al. Dictionary of Named Effects and Laws in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. (Publication received), 651. Banerjee, N. G., et al. Rapid detmn. of carbon and hydrogen in highly volatile combustible organic liquids, 296. Bani&, W. M., et al. 4:4’-Substituted 2:2’- dipyridyls in chelation reactions with ferrous iron, 661. Banks, J., ef al. Barakat, M. Z., et al. New pH indicator, 695. Bmnard, R. L. Obituary, 254. Bartlett, A. F. F., et al. Rapid field detmn. of hydrogen cyanide in air, 199. Basolo, F., e t al. Mechanism of Inorganic Re- actions: Study of Metal Complexes in Solution. (Publication received), 544.Bath, I. H. Ultra-violet spectrophotometric detmn. of sugars and uronic acids, 451. Batt, R. F., et al. Detmng. DDT in plant materials and soil, 340. Becher, . P. Emulsions : Theory and Practige. (Publication received), 247. Belcher, R. Review of Madsen’s Development of Titvimetric Analysis till 1806, 541. - et al. Quantitative Inorganic Analysis : Labora- tory Manual. (Review) , 119. - Volumetric Analysis. Vol. 111. (Publication received), 64. Bennett, A. H. Obituary, 653. Bentley, H. R., et al. Polynuclear hydrocarbons in tobacco and tobacco smoke. I. 3 : 4-Benzopyrene1 442. Berecki-Biedermann, C., et al. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Substances. Part 11. (Publication received), 384. Detmng. free lime in lime and silicate products.I. Extracting freshly ignited lime with non-aqueous solvents and detmng. calcium oxide content of extracts, 160. Decomposition of cyanates in acid solution, with reference to analysis of chromium- bearing minerals and alloys, 588. 11. Pre- cision and accuracv of applications to redox Rapid boiler-water analysis, 98. Bhuchar, V. M., et al. Bishop,. E. - Differential electrolytic potentiometry. * * titrimetry, 212. Bjerrum, J., ef al. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of In- orgaGic Substances. Part - I. (Review), 381 ; Part 11. (Publication received), 384. Chromatographische Methoden in der analytischen und preparativen anorganischen Chemie unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Ionenaustauscher.(Publication received), 596. Block, R. J., e t al. Amino Acid Handbook: Methods and Results of Protein Analysis. (Re- view) , 61. - Manual of Paper Chromatography and Paper Electrophoresis. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 247; (Review), 486. Blundy, P. D. Detmng. chromium by solvent- extraction method, 555. - et al. Detmng. nickel by solvent-extraction method, 558. Bolts, D. F, Colorimetric Determination of Non- metals. (Publication received), 320. Bond, R. D., et al. Transmission characteristics of interference filters for flame photometry, 679. - Use of sulphuric acid to depress interference of calcium in detmng. sodium with E.E.L. flame photometer, 684. Blasius, E.vi INDEX TO VOLUME 83 Booth, E. Detmng. gases in metals by micro vacuum fusion method. (Summary), 599.- et al. Absorptiometric detmn. of traces of iron in bismuth, 80. - Detmng. oxygen in beryllium by micro vacuum fusion method, 241. Bottle, R. T., et al. Use of alkaline reagents to detmn. carbohydrate reducing groups. I. 3 : 5- Dinitrosalicylate ion, and interference by air, 403. Bray, R. C. Microdiffusion detmn. of hydrogen sulphide, 370. Brealey, L. Review of Burriel-Marti and Ramirez- Mufioz’s Flame Photometry, 485. Briggs, R., e f al. Wide-bore dropping-mercury electrode for long-period recording of concentra- tion of dissolved oxygen, 304. Briscoe, H. V. A., et al. Supplement to Mellor’s Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theor- etical Chemistry. Supplt. 11. Part 1. (Review), 63. Britton, H. T. S. Hydrogen Ions : Their Determina- tion and Importance in Pure and Industrial Chemistry.Vol. 11. 4th Edn. (Review), 246. Broadbank, R. W. C., et al. Radloactive phos- phorus in study of phosphate separations, 675. Broda, E. Radioaktive Isotope in der Biochemie. (Publication received), 596. Brown, G. I. Introduction to Electronic Theories of Organic Chemistry. (Publication received) , 651. Brown, J. F., et al. Completely automatic titration unit for process use, 491. Burgan, J. G., e t al. Yolynuclear hydrocarbons in tobacco and tobacco smoke. I. 3 : 4-Benzopyrene, 442. Burke, T. E., et al. Detmng. small amounts of carbon tetrachloride by Fujiwara reaction, 316. Burns, R. H. Radioactivity and detcn. in ef’fluents. (Brief summary), 2. Burps, S. M., et al. Plate assay of L-phenylalanine with mutant of Escherichia coli, 648.Burriel-Marti, F., et al. Flame Photometry. (Publication received), 120; (Review), 485. Bush, I. E., et al. Blue tetrazolium as reagent for reducing steroids, 532. C Carson, R. I’olarogra-phic detmn. of thallium, iron and copper in high-purity cadmium metal, 472. Carter, D. V., et al. Microbiological assay of mercurials in pharmaceutical products, 536. Casom, J. Organic Syntheses. Vol. 37. (Publica- t ion received), 184 ; (Review) , 3 18. Cassidy, H. G., e f al. Technique of Organic Chemis- try. Vol. X. Fundamentals of Chromatography. (Review), 487. eernb, V. M., et al. Detcng. traces of acrylonitrile, 345. Chapman, D., et al. Rapid spectroscopic detmn. of water in glycerol, 377. Charlot, G. Modern Electroanalytical Methods. (Publication received), 488.Chew, V. Experimental Designs in Industry. (Publication received), 596. Chirnside, R. C. Review of Yoe and Koch’s Tracs Analysis, 591. - et al. Detmng. impurities in carbon dioxide by gas chromatography, with special reference t o coolant gas for nuclear reactors, 600. Chubb, L. W., et a‘. Modified von Stieglitz electro- metric sugar titrations, 311. Clark, G. L. Encyolopedia of Chemistry. (Review), 317; (Supplement). (Pdblication received), 651. Clark, R. E. D. Detcng. cobalt and nickel in qualitative analysis, 431. - o-Dithiols in analysis. VI. Diacetyltoluene-3 : 4- dithiol as coagulant, catalyst and precipitant for sulphur and metallic sulphides, 103 ; VII. Toluene- 3 : 4-dithiol as general analytical reagent in qualitative analysis, 396. Clark, B. L., et al.Industrial Chemicals. 2nd Edn. (Publication received) , 184. Clark, R. T., et al. Detmng. copper in titanium, zirconium and their alloys, 509. - Detmng. tungsten in titanium, zirconium and their alloys, 326. Clayton, R. F., et al. Detmng. uranium by solvent extraction. 11. Separating uranium-233 from irradiated thorium as oxine complex in presence of ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid, 13 : Erratum, 384. Clinch, J., et al. Separating manganese as di- ethyldithiocarbamate complex in presence of cerium, and its detmn., 429. Clinton, Lord. Obituary, 254. Coates, V. J., e f al. Gas Chromatography. (Publi- cation receivcd), 596. Collins, F. M., et al. Modified Audus soil-perfusion apparatus, 699. Colson, A. F. Ebullioscopic micro-detmn. of molecular weight: improved micro Menzies - Wright ebulliometer, 169.Commins, B. T. Modified detmn. of polycyclic hydrocarbons, 386. Conway, E. J. Microdiffusion Analysis and Volu- metric Error. 4th Edn. (Review), 704. Cook, J. W. Progress in Organic Chemistry. Vol. 4. (Publication received), 440. Cooper, D. G. Periodic Table. (Publication re- ceived), 708. Corbett, J. A. Detmng. manganese in titanium, 53. Cornish, F. W. Practical application of chromato- graphic theory to analytical and preparative separations by ion-exchange elution, 634. Cottrell, T. L. Strengths of Chemical Bonds. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 707. Coulson, R. E. Origins of quantitative chemical analysis. (Summary), 324. Cod, D. B. Polarographic cletmn. of amino acids containing thiol and disulphide groups, 422.Cousin, C. Translator of Staudinger and Kern’s Introduction a 1’Analyse Organique Qualitative. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 320. Cox, J. J., et at. Prepng. metal-free acids, alkalis and buffer solutions of high purity, 526. Craig, D. P. Theoretical Chemistry : Looking Before and After. (Publication received), 384. Craig, R. D. Solid analysis using spark-source mass spectrometer. (Summary) , 186. Crossley, J., et al. Separating coal-tar food colours by paper electrophoresis, 462. Culkin, F., et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of gallium in rocks and minerah, 208. Curry, D. R. Composite absorptiometry for control laboratory. Calculating procedures and modifica- tion of Spekker absorptiometer for use with interference filters, 106. Curtis, R. C. Polarised platinum electrode in detmng.ascorbic acid in fruit products, 54. D Das, M. S., et al. Simultaneous spectrophoto- metric micro-detmn. of calcium and magnesium with Eriochrome black T and ethylenediamine- tetra-acetic acid, 434.INDEX TO VOLUME 83 vii David, D. J. plants by atomic-absorption spectroscopy, 655. Davson, A. P. Obituary, 254. Dean, J. A,, et al. Instrumental Methods of Analysis. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 440. de Beer, Z., et al. Spectrochemical solution method for detmng. copper, cobalt and iron in copper and cobalt concentrates, 129. de Bruin, H. J., et at. Detmng. oxygen content of sodium metal by butyl bromide method, 242. De Kock, V. E. South African Journal of Agri- cultural Science. Vol. 1, No. 1, March, 1958. (Publication received), 488.Delahay, P. Instrumental Analysis. (Review), 317. de la Mare, P. B. D., et al. Progress in Stereo- chemistry. Vol. 11. (Publication received), 247 ; (Review), 439. Desai, IYI. W., et al. Volumetric detmn. of uranium in presence of iron, 126. Dickinson, L. Plate assay of L-phenylalanine with mutant of Escherichia coli, 647. Dixon, B. E., et al. Rapid field detmn. of hydrogen cyanide in air, 199. Dixon, K. Spectrochemical analysis as applied to mineral matter associated with coal, 362. Dizdar, 2. I., e f al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of uranium in organic-solvent solutions, 177. Dobbs, A. G. R., et al. Detmng. water in granu- lated sugar, 143. Doss, K. S. G., et a’. Redoxokinetic titratiofi- new electroanalytical technique, 696. Duffield, W. D. Yetmng. trace metals in crops, 503.Durrum, E. L., et al. Manual of Paper Chromato- graphy and Paper Electrophoresis. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 247 ; (Keview), 486. Duse, V., et al. Komograms for calculating and testing Morton and Stubbs correction in spectro- photometric assay of vitamin A, 579. Dyer, B. Fifth Memorial Lecture. Science and politics. Linstead, 275. Dyke, G. V., et al. Wide-bore dropping-mercury electrode for long-period recording of concentra- tion of dissolved oxygen, 304. Dyson, G. M:, et al. Supplement to Mellor’s Cornprehcnsive Treatise on Inorganic and Theore- tical Chemistry. Supplt. 11. Part 1. (Review), 63. Detmng. zinc and other elements in E Eckenfelder, W. W., jun., et al. Biological Treat- ment of Sewage and Industrial Wastes. Vol. 11. (qublication received), 596.Eldndge, A. A., et al. Supplement to Mellor’s Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theor- etical Chemistry. Suppt. 11. Part 1. (Review), 63. Ellis, B. A. Review of Lovelace, Rausch and Postelnek’s Aliphatic Fluorine Com@ounds, 596. - Review of Migrdichian’s Organic Synthesis. Vols. I and 11, 318. - Review of Mitchell, Kolthoff, Proskauer and Weissberger’s Organic rl nalysis. - Review of Organic Syntheses. El-Sadr, M. M., et al. Everett, M. R. Micro vacuum fusion detmn. of gases in metals. (Summary), 321. - Simple manometric detmn. of carbon in metals. (Summary), 322. Evers, N. Review of Bvitish Pharmacopoeia 1958, 542. Evett, T. W., et al. Absorptiometric detmn. of traces of iron in bismuth, 80. Vol. 111, 64. Vol. 37, 318. New pH indicator, 696.F Fagerson, I. S., et al. Gas Chromatography. (Publication received), 596. Faith, W. L., e t aZ. Industrial Chemicals. 2nd Edn. (Publication received) , 184. Feigl, F. Spot Tests in Inorganic Analysis. Trans- lated by K. E. Oesper. 5th Edn. (Publication received), 644. -- Spot Tests in Organic Analysis. Translated by 12. E. Oespcr. 5th English Edn. (Review), 117. - e t al. Spot tests for phenols and alkylated anilines based on Duff formylation, 666. Fennell, T. R. F. W., et al. Detmng. nitrogen in fluorinated compounds by Kjeldahl method, 694. Ferrey, G. J. W. Obituary of J. R. Walmsley, 545. Fill, M. A., et al. Transistor-operated di5pensing devicc for liquids, 244. Finch, J., et al. Identifying glass fragments by physical properties, 698. Finch, W. E. Disinfectants: Values and Uses.(Publication received), 247; (Review), 439. Fleming, R., et al. Mathematics and Sta.tistics for r s e in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry. (Review), 11 8. Fogg, D. N., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of phos- phorus, 406. Foreman, J. K. Applications of Conway diffusion technique to analysis of radioactive materials for trace impurities. (Summary), 251. Foskett, D. J., et al. Bibliography of Food. (Publication received), 488. Foster, J. F., e t al. Introduction t o Protein Chemistry, (Publication received), 184. Fox, S. W., et al. Introduction t o Protein Chemis- try. (Publication received), 184. Francis, A. G. Obituary, 185. Francis,. N. C. Review of Clark’s Eizcyclopediu of Claemzstry, 317. Fraser, J. R., et al. Detmng. starch in sausage meat and calculating nitrogen correction for cereal content, 371.Freiser, H., et al. Solvent Extraction in Analytical Chemistry. (Review), 438. Freundlich, H. F. Effects of radiation on living cells. (Brief summary), 2. Fruton, J. S., et al. General Biochemistry. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 544. G Gage, J. C. Detmng. traces o€ lead and bismuth in organic material, 672. - Review of Manual of Analytical Methods Recom- mended for Sam@li?ag and Analysis of A tmosphevic Contaminants, 705. Gale, M. M., et al. Blue tetrazolium as reagent for reducing steroids, 532. Galloway, N. McN. Flame-photometric detmn. of silver in blister copper, 373. Gangolli, D. M. Obituary, 545. Gardiner, S. D., et al. Gantier, J.-A. Detmng. water in refined sugars, including cobaltous bromide method, 150.Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure et AppliquCe et d’Analyse Bromatologique. 4th Series. (Review), 706; 5th Series. (Publica- tion received), 320; (Review), 706; 6th Series. (Publication received), 488 ; (Review), 706. Gibb, W. Detmng. acidity in dark lubricating oils. (Summary), 653. Gilbert, G. A., et al. Use of alkaline reagents to detmn. carbohydrate reducing groups. I. 3 : 5- Dinitrosalicylate ion, and interference by air, 403.viii INDEX TO VOLUME 83 Glick, D. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. V.. (Review), 382; Vol. VI. (Publication re- ceived), 320; (Review), 650. Gonser, B. W., e f al. Technology of Columbium (Niobium). (Publication received), 651. Granger, C. 0. Detmng. molybdenum in uranium and in molybdenum - uranium and molybdenum - niobium mixtures, 609.Gray, C. H. Review of King and Wootton’s Micro-Analysis in Medical Biochemistry. 3rd Edn., 59. - Review of Seligson’s Standard Methods of Clinical Chemistrv. Vol. 11, 543. Gray, J. Obituary, 254. Greenfield, S. Flow-through cell for use with scintillation counters, 114. Gunstone, F. D. Introduction to Chemistry of Fats and Fatty Acids. (Publication received) , 488. Guy, M. J., e f al. Separating manganese as di- ethyldithiocarbamate complex in presence of cerium, and its detmn., 429. H Haenisch, E. L., et al. Quantitative Analysis. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 440. Hale, D. K. Prepn. and uses of ion-exchange resins, 3. Hale, L. J. Biological Laboratory Data. (Publica- tion received) , 708. Hall, E. T. X-Ray fluorescence techniques in analytical chemistry.(Summary), 323. Hall, J. I., e t al. Semi-micro detmn. of chlorine in poly(viny1 chloride) and related polymers, 196. Hamilton, J. B., et al. Detmng. poly(ethy1 esters) in methyl methacrylate copolymers, 66. Hampel, C. A., e f al. Encyclopedia of Chemical Reactions. Vol. VII. (Publication received), 440. Hands, .G. C., e! al. Rapid field detmn. of hydrogen cyanide in air, 199. Hardwick, W. H., e t al. Detmng. uranium by solvent extraction. I. Separating uranium-233 from irradiated thorium as diethyldithiocarba- mate complex, 9; 11. Separating uranium-233 from irradiated thorium as oxine complex in presence of ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid, 13; Erratum, 384. Harris, E. T. Structural Introduction to Chemistry. (Publication received) , 247.Harrison, J. C. Increasing precision of freezing- point detmns., 483. Hart,, P. J., e t al. Detmng. copper in gelatin, 202. Hartley, A. W., etal. Modified von Stieglitz electro- metric sugar titrations, 3 11. Harvey, A. Obituary, 254. Harvey, C. O., ef a2: Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in silicates, 136; Erratum, 247. Haslsm, J. Review of Allen’s Organic Electrode Processes, 382. - Review of Hummel’s Kunststoff-, Lack- und Gummi -A nalyse : Chemische und in frarotspektro- skopische Methoden. Two vols., 706. - Review of Irving’s translation of Schwarzenbach’s Complexometric Titrations, 183. - Review of May and Baker Ltd.’s Materials for Gas Chromatography: Standards and Data for “Embaphase” Stationary Phases and “Embacel” KieseZguhr, 593. - Review of Mika’s Methoden der Mikromass- analyse.2nd Edn., 487. - Review of Wild’s Characterisation of Organic Compounds. 2nd Edn., 542. - e f al. Applications of gas - liquid chroinato- graphy. Examination of solvents from plastic adhesives, 455. - Detmng. poly(ethy1 esters) in methyl metha- crylate copolymers, 66. - Semi-micro detmn. of chlorine in poly(viny1 chloride) and related polymers, 196. Hawthorne, J. Obituary, 490. Hayden, K. J. Function of sulphydryl group in detmng. thiamine with 6-aminothymol, 480. Hayes, M: R. Detmng. naturally occurring radio- active impurities in uranium purification process. (Summary) , 322. Headridge, J. B. Spectrophotometric detmn. of perrhenate, 690. Heitler, C. Improved ebulliometer, 223. Henly, A. A., et al. Detmng. calcium in biological material, 584.Herington, E. F. G. Review of Bailar’s Chemistry of Coordination Compounds, 60. Higgins, J. C. Application of gamma radiation t o non-destructive examination of coal. (Sum- mary), 323. High, J. H., e t al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of iron in high-purity bismuth, 522. Hill, S., et al. Detmng. water in granulated sugar, 143. Hjelt, E:, et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of parathion and P-nitrophenol, 283. Hobson, J. D., et al. Potential source of sampling error in detmng. nitrogen in titanium alloys, 376. Holmes, D. C., et al. Detmng. starch in sausage meat and calculating nitrogen correction for cereal content, 37 1. Holness, H. Review of Linstead and Weedon’s Guide to Qualitative Organic Chemical Analysis, 62. - e t al. Separating quaternary halides by paper chromatography, 71.Howes, H. S. Hucknall, E. Obituary, 385. Hummel, D. Kunststoff-, Lack- und Gummi- Analyse : Chemische und infrarotspektroskopische Methoden. Two Vols. (Publication received), 440; (Review), 706. Hunter, G. Micro-detmn. of magnesium in presence of known amounts of calcium, 93, Hutton, J. T., et al. Use of sulphuric acid t o depress interference of calcium in detmng. sodium with E.E.L. flame photometer, 684. Fineness of fertiliser samples, 379. I Ingram, G. Review of Conway’s Microdiffusion Analysis and Volumetric Error. Irving, H. Review of Bjerrum, Schwarzenbach and Sillen’s Stability Constants of Metal-ion Com- @exes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Sub- stances. Part I, 381. - Review of Klyne and de la Mare’s Progress in Stereochemistry.Vol. 11, 439. - Review of Morrison and Freiser’s Solvent Extrac- tion in Analytical Chemistry, 438. - Review of Prodinger’s Organische F&llungsmittel in der Quantitativen Analyse. - Translator of Schwarzenbach’s Complexometric Titrations. (Review), 183. - et al. Prepng. metal-free acids, alkalis and buffer solutions of high purity, 526. Israel, Y. Purity test for metallic mercury used in polarography, 432. 4th Edn., 704. 4th Edn., 484. J Encyclopedia of Chemical Reactions. Vol. VII. (Publication received), 440. Review of Weissberger and Cassidy’s Technzque of Organic Chemistry. Vol. X . Fulzda- mentals of Chromatography, 487. Jacobson, C. A., et al. James, A. T.James, a. V. Historical development of the Public Analyst. (Summary), 324.- Radioactivity in sea foods and waters. (Brief summary), 2. Jeffs, A. R., e t al. Applications of gas - liquid chromatography. Examination of solvents from plastic adhesives, 455. - Detmng. poly(ethy1 esters) in methyl metha- crylate copolymers, 66. Jirgensons, B. Organic Colloids. (Publication re- ceived), 247. Johannesson, J. E. Detmng. monobromamine and monochloramine in water, 155. Johnson, B. K., c t al. Practical Microscopy. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 488. Jones, A., et al. Plate assay of L-phenylalanine with mutant of Escherichia coli, 648. Jones, A. G. Review of Britton’s Hydrogen Ions: Their Determination and Importance in Pure and Industrial Chemistry. Vol. 11. 4th Edn., 246. Jones, G. C. Jones, N. H. Factories Acts 1937 and 1948: Concise Summary Applicable to Iron and Steel Works.3rd Edn. (Publication received), 651. Jungreis, E., e f al. Spot tests for phenols and alkylated anilines based on Duff formylation, 666. Obituary of J. L. Baker, 187. K Katz, J. J., et al. Chemistry of Actinide Elements. Kendrick, S. G. Obituary, 1, 254. Kent-Jones, D. W., et al. Modern Cereal Chemis- - Vitamin contents of animal feedingstuffs, 479. Kern, W., et al. (Publication received), 64, try. 5th Edn. (Review), 118. Introduction a 1’Analyse Organi- que Qualitative. Translated from German by c. Cousin. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 320. Keyes, D. B., et al. Industrial Chemicals. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 184. Keyte, H. J., et al. Detmng. water in refined sugars, including cobaltous bromide method, 150.King, E. J., et al. Micro-Analysis in Medical Bio- chemistry. 3rd Edn. (Review), 59. Kirk, R. E., e t al. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. First Supplement Vol. (Publica- tion received), 184. Kitchener, J. A. Review of Kunin’s I o n Exchange Reszns. 2nd Edn., 593. Klyne, W., et al. Progress in Stereochemistry. Vol. 11. (Publicationreceived), 247; (Review), 439. Knowles, G., et al. Wide-bore dropping-mercury electrode for long-period recording of concentra- tion of dissolved oxygen, 304. Advances in Petroleum Chemis- try and Refining. Vol. I. (Publication received), 488. Koch, H. J., jun., et al. Trace Analysis. (Publica- tion received), 247 ; (Review), 591. Kolthoff, I. M., e f al. Organic Analysis. Vol. 111. (Review), 64. - Volumetric Analysis. Vol. 111. (Publication received), 64.Konrath, H. J., et al. Detmng. impurities in carbon dioxide by gas chromatography, with special reference to coolant gas for nuclear reactors, 600. Kunin, R. Ion Exchange Resins. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 384; (Review), 593. L Kobe, K. A., et al. Lampitt, L. H. Obituary, 254. Lane-Petter, W., et al. UFAW Handbook on Care 2nd (Publication received), 247; (Review), 702. and Management of Laboratory Animals. Edn. Leck, J. H. Pressure Measurement in Vacuum Systems. (Publication received), 64. Lederer, E., e t al. Chromatography: Review of Principles and Applications. 2nd Edn. (Re- view), 319. Lederer, M. Journal of Chromatography. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan., 1958. (Publication received), 320. - et al. Chromatography: Review of Principles and Applications. 2nd Edn.(Review), 319. Lee, H. Obituary, 254. Leitch, W. F. N., e t al. Silver nitrate titrations, 65. Lewis, F. A., e f al. Silver nitrate titrations, 66. Lickorish, A. J. C. Obituary, 254. Liddell, H. F., e t al. Derivatives of l-amino-2- naphthol-4-sulphonic acid for colorimetric detmn. of zinc, 111. Lindsey, A. J. Review of Briscoe, Eldridge and Dyson’s Supplement to Mellor’s Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry. Supplt. 11. Part 1, 63. - Review of Delahay’s Instrumental Analysis, 317. Ling, E. R. Detmng. calcium in milk and whey, Lingane, J. J. Electroanalytical Chemistry. 2nd Linstead, H. Science and politics. Fifth Bernard finstead, R. P., et al. Guide to Qualitative Organic Lipscomb, A. G. Obituary of H. M. Mason, 385.Lothian, G. F. Absorption Spectrophotometry. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 384; (Review), 592. Lovelace, A. M., e f al. Aliphatic Fluorine Com- pounds. (Publication received), 440; (Review), 596. Lynch, G. R. Obituary, 254. 179. Edn. (Publication received), 708. Dyer Memorial Lecture, 275. Chemical Analysis. (Review), 62. Mc Auslin, J. Analysis of clays using ion-exchange resins. (Summary), 323. McCabe, J., et al. Biological Treatment of Sewage and Industrial Wastes. Vol. 11. (Publication received), 596. McCrone, W. C., jun. Fusion Methods in Chemical Microscopy. (Review), 183. McKetta, J. J., jun., e f al. Advances in Petroleum Chemistry and Refining. Vol. I. (Publication received), 488. Macpherson, D. C. Obituary, 321. Madhava Menon, V. P. See Menon, V.P. M. Madsen, E. R. Development of Titrimetric Analy- sis till 1806. (Publication received), 184 ; (Re- view), 541. Maltesen, L., e t al. Stability Constants of Metal- ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of In- organic Substances. Part 11. (Publication re- ceived), 384 Martin, J. F. Review of Purity Control by Thermal Analysis, 485. Martin, .J. T., et al. Detmng. DDT in plant materials and soil, 340. Martin, L. C., et al. Practical Microscopy. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 488. Martinez, F. B. Quimica Analitica Cuantitativa. (Publication received), 651. Mashall, J. R., et al. Detmng. ethylene di- bromide in brine, 687. Mason, G. L., et al. Spectrochemical solution method for detmng. copper, cobalt and iron in copper and cobalt concentrates, 129. Mason, H.M. Obituary, 385. Matsuyama, G., e.t al. Volumetric Analysis. Vol. 111. (Publication received), 64.x INDEX TO VOLUME 83 Maw, G. A., et al. Metabolism of Sulphur Com- pounds. (Publication received), 488. Mellan, I. Source Book of Industrial Solvents. Vol. 11. Halogenated Hydrocarbons. (Publica- tion received), 184. Melville, H. Big Molecules. (Publication received), 488. Menon, V. P. M., et al. Simultaneous spectro- photometric micro-detmn. of calcium and magnes- ium with Eriochrome black T and ethylene- diaminetetra-acetic acid, 434. Meredith, P., e t al. Reaction between mesoinositol and uranyl acetate, 686. Merritt, L. L., jun., et al. Instrumental Methods of Analysis. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 440. Migrdichian, V. Organic Synthesis. Vols. I and 11.(Review), 318. Mika, J. Methoden der Mikromassanalyse. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 247; (Review), 487. Milton, R. F. Review of Smith’s Chromatographic Techniques: Clinical and Biochemical Applications, 704. - Review of TArnoky’s Clinical Biochemical Methods, 651. Minshall, E. Instrumentation in radioactive analy- sis. (Brief summary), 2. Mitchell, J., jun., et al. Organic Analysis. Vol. 111. (Review), 64. Moore, T. Vitamin A. (Review), 63. Moreton-Smith, M., et al. Detmng. uranium by solvent extraction. I. Separating uranium-233 from irradiated thorium as diethyldithiocarba- mate complex, 9; 11. Separating uranium-233 from irradiated thorium as oxine complex in presence of ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid, 13 ; Erratum, 384. Morries, P. Review of Gautier’s Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure et Appliquke et d’Analyse Bromatologique.Morrison, G. H., et al. Solvent Extraction in Analytical Chemistry. (Review), 438. Morton, R. A. Review of Glick’s Methods of Bio- chemical Analysis. - Review of Lothian’s Absorption Spectrophoto- metry. 2nd Edn., 592. - Review of Moore’s Vitamin A , 63. Mugele, G. F., et al. Water Treatment. (Publica- tion received), 707. Mukula, A.-L., et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of parathion and p-nitrophenol, 283. Murray, K. L. H., et al. Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in silicates, 136; Erratum, 247. Murthy, T. .K. S., et al. Volumetric detmn. of uranium in presence of iron, 126. 4th, 5th and 6th Series, 706. Vol. V, 382; Vol. VI, 650. N Nacey, J. F., e t al. Rapid spectroscopic detmn.of water in glycerol, 377. Narayanan, U. H., et al. Redoxokinetic titration- new electroanalytical technique, 696. Neher, R. Chromatographie von Sterinen, Steroi- den und verwandten Verbindungen. (Publica- tion received), 708. Nelson, D. F. Brushite nodules and hydrogen swells in defective canned cheese paste, 539. Nicholls, J. R. Review of Kent-Jones and Amos’s Modern Cereal Chemistry. Nickerson, W. J., et al. Yeasts. (Publication received), 64. Noebels,. H. J., et aZ. Gas Chromatography. (Publication received), 596. Nordmann, J. Qualitative Testing and Inorganic Chemistry. (Publication received), 247. 5th Edn., 118. Nutten, .A. J., et al. Quantitative Inorganic A4nalysis : Laboratory Manual. (Review), 119. 0 Obrenovib, I. D., e f al. Oesper, R. E. Spectrophotometric detmn.of uranium in organic-solvent solutions, 177. Translator of Feigl’s Spot Tests in Inovganic Analysis. 5th Edn. (Publication re- ceived), 544. - Translator of Feid‘s Spot Tests in Organic Analysis. 5th Engzsh Edn. (Review), 117. - Translator of Spot tests fov phenols and alkylated anilines based on Duff formylation. Feigl and Jungreis, 666. Othmer, D. F., et al. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. First Supplement Vol. (Publica- tion received), 184. P Palmer, G. H. Pancrazio, G., e t al. Solid-source mass spectrometry- instrumentation. (Summary), 186. Nomograms for calculating and testing Morton and Stubbs correction in spectrophotometric assay of vitamin A, 579. Rapid detmn. of carbon and hydrogen in highly volatile combustible organic liquids, 296.Parker, A., et al. Detmng. oxygen in beryllium by micro vacuum fusion method, 241. Parkes, A. E. Obituary, 254. Patty, F. A. Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. Vol. I. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 544. Paul, J. Detmng. major constituents of small amounts of tissue, 37. Peach, S. M. Nitrosophenol complexes in detcng. and detmng. nitrites, 644. Peake, D. M., et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of nickel in copper - nickel alloys, 122. Pearson, R. G., et al. Mechanism of Inorganic Reactions : Study of Metal Complexes in Solution. (Publication received), 644. Phillips, G. Precise detmn. of plutonium by differential spectrophotometry, 75. Pierce, W. C., et al. Quantitative Analysis. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 440. Placito, P. J., et al. Spectrophotometric detmn.of iron in high-purity bismuth, 522. Pollard, F. H. Review of Lederer and Lederer’s Chiiomntography: Review of Principles and A ppli- cations. 2nd Edn., 319. Photometric detmn. of tungsten in low-grade mine ore and mineral-dressing pro- ducts, 516. Postelnek, W., e f 92. Aliphatic Fluorine Com- pounds. (Publication received), 440; (Review), 596. Powell, R. Long-chain quaternary ammonium salts in solvent extraction of metal ions. (Sum- mary), 252. Prakash, S. Research Journal of Hindi Science Academy. Vol. 1, No. 1. (Publication received), 488. PPibil, R. Recent developments in chelatometry, 188. Prodinger, W. Organische Fillungsniittel in der quantitativen Analyse. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 120 ; (Review), 484. Proskauer, E. S., e t al. Organic Analysis.Vol. 111. (Review), 64. Pugh, F. Obituary, 1, 254. Pyke, M., et al. Yeasts. (Publication received), 64. Panicker, A. R., et al. Pollock, J. B.INDEX TO Q Qurashi, M. M. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research. Vol. I, No. 1, Jan., 1958. (Publication received), 320. R Rabnott, R. A. Ram’rez-Muiioz, J., et al. Flame Photometry. (Publication received), 120; (Review), 485. Rasmussen, S. E., et al. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Substances. Part I. (Review), 381; Part 11. Rathenasinkam, E. Janovsky’s and Mohler’s re- actions for detcng. benzene hexachloride, 688. Rausch, D. A., et al. Aliphatic Fluorine Com- pounds. (Publication received), 440; (Review), 596. Rees-Evans, D. B., et al. Inorganic chroniato- graphy on cellulose.XVII. Separating non- volatile platinum metals, 356. Richardson, E. Effect of selected organic coni- pounds on detmng. silica by molybdenum blue method, 586. Riley, J. P. Simultaneous detnin. of water and carbon dioxide in rocks and minerals, 42. - e t al. Detmng. copper in sea water, silicate rocks and biological materials, 299. -- Spectrophotometric detmn. of gallium in rocks and minerals, 208. Robinson, F. A. Review o f Trease’s Textbook of Pharmacognosv. 7th Edn., 541. Robson, J., ef al. Rapid boiler-water analysis, 98. Roche Lynch. G. See Lynch, G. R. Roman, W., et al. Yeasts. (Publication re- ceived), 64. Rooke, H. S. Reports on Progress of -4pplied Chemistry. Vol. XLT. (Publication received), 64. Rooney, R. C. Detmng.traces of aluminium in cast iron, 546. - Detmng. traces of lead and bismuth in cast iron, 83. Rossotti,, F. J. C., et al. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Substances. Part 11. (Publication received), 384. Roth, H. Quantitative organische Mikroanalyse (Pregl- Koth). 7th Edn. (Publication received), 708. Russell, G., et al. Detmng. copper in gelatin, 202. Ryan, H. Improved microdiffusion detmn. of lactic acid, 528. Ryan, J. A. Chemical detmn. of nitrogen in reactor metals. (Summary), 322. Ryan, W., et al. Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. XVII. Separating non-volatile plati- num metals, 356. Rydon, H. N. Review of Adams’ O i p m i c Reactiopzs. VOl. IX, 593. Obituary of W. M. Seaber, 325. (Publication received), 384.S Saint, H. C. J. copper-base alloys, 88. Sammons, H. G., et al. inositol and uranyl acetate, 686. Sankar Das, 1. See Das, M. S. Saunders, L., et al. Mathematics and Statistics for Use in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry. (Review), 11 8. Saunders, R. A., et al. Detmng. calcium in bio- logical material, 584. Micro electrolytic detmn. of lead in Reaction between meso- VOLUME 83 xi Saville, B. Colorimetric detmn. of microgram Sawyer, D. T., et al. Quantitative Analysis. 4th Schanderl, H., et at. Yeasts. (Publication re- Scholes, A. Obituary, 121. Scholes, P. H., ef al. Colorimetric detmn. of aluminium in steel with Solochrome cyanine R, 615. Schultz, A. S., et al. J-easts. (Publication re- ceived), 64. Schwarzenbach, G. C‘oniplexometric Titrations. Translated and revised in collaboration with the author by H.Irving. - et al. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Com- plexes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Substances. Part I. (Keview), 381; Part IT. (Publication received), 384. Detning. magnesium in solution by direct photometry, 561. amounts of thiols, 670. Edn. (Publication received), 440. ceived), 64. (Review), 183. Scott, R. O., et al. Seaber, W. M. Obituary, 250, 325. Seaborg, G. T., et al. Chemistry of Actinide Elements. (Publication received), 64. Seligson, D. Standard Methods of Clinical Chemis- trj-. Vol. 11. (Publication received), 384; (He- view), 543. Sergeant, G. A. Detmng. chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide residues in plant material, 335. Shanahan, C. E. A. Detmng. oxygen and hydrogen in steel. (Summary), 599.Sharma, S. S., et al. Detmng. free lime in lime and silicate products. I , Estracting freshly ignited lime with non-aqueous solvents and detmng. calcium oxide content of extracts, 160. Shehab, S. K., et al. Shellard, E. J. Xew pH indicator, 695. Exercises in Evaluation of Drugs and Surgical Dressings. (Publication received), 708. Shemin, D. Biochemical Preparations. 1701. 5. (Publication received), 320. Sherratt, J. G. Review of Taylor’s Examiization of IVatrvs and Water Siipplies (Thvesh, Beale and Sz~ckling). 7th Edn., 594. Sherwood, E. M., et al. Technology of Columbium (Niobium). (Publication received), 651. Shoppee, C. W., et al. Current Trends in Hetero- cyclic Chemistry. (Publication received), 384. Short, H. G., et al. Detmng. small amounts of silicon in high-purity iron, 624.Sillen, L. G., et al. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Substances. Part I. (Review), 381; Part 11. (Publication received), 384. Simmonds, S., et al. General Biochemistry. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 544. Simms, C. H. Review of Wheeler’s Scientific Glassblowing, 707. Simpson, M. P., et al. Detmng. nickel by solvent- extraction method, 558. Sims, C. M., ef al. Modified Audus soil-perfusion apparatus, 699. Sinclair, H. M. Essential Fatty Acids. (Publica- tion received), 596. Sinhaseni, P., et al. Detmng. copper in sea water, silicate rocks and biological materials, 299. Skerrett, E. J., et al. Detmng. DDT and chloro- benzilate occurring together in spray deposits, 447. Skirvin, J. W.Obituary, 254. Smit, W. M. Smith, D. V., et al. Purity Control by Thermal Analysis. Colorimetric detmn. of alumin- (Publication received), 247 ; (Review), 485. ium in steel with Solochrome cyanine R, 615.xii INDEX TO Smith, G. F., e t al. 4:4‘-Substituted 2:2’-di- pyridyls in chelation reactions with ferrous iron, 661. Smith I. Chromatographic Techniques : Clinical and Biochemical Applications. (Publication re- ceived), 247 ; (Review), 704. Smythe, L. E., et al. Detmng. oxygen content of sodium metal by butyl bromide method, 242. Southern, H. E., e t al. Detmng. small amounts of carbon tetrachloride by Fujiwara reaction, 31 6. Stace, H. C. T., et al. Transmission characteristics of interference filters for flame photometry, 679. Staudinger, H., e t al. Introduction a l’hnalyse Organique Qualitative.Translated from German by C. Cousin. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 320. Steele, T. W. Difference photometric detmn. of uranium in perchloric acid medium, 414. Stenger, V. A:, e f al. Volumetric Analysis. Vol. 111. (Publication received), 64. Stiphnek, J. M., e t at. Detcng. traces of acrylo- nitrile, 345. Stephen, J. M. L., et al. Human Protein Require- ments and their Fulfilment in Practice. (Re- view), 61. Stephen, W. I. Origins and growth of volumetric analysis. (Summary), 324. - Origins of quantitative organic analysis. (Sum- mary), 324. Stewart, E. G. Town Gas: Its Manufacture and Distribution. (Publication received) , 384. Stock, J. T. Compact unit for potentiometric and “dead-stop end-point” titrimetry, 56.- Suction-operated differential electrode system for potentiometric titration, 57. - et al. Transistor-operated dispensing device for liquids, 244. Stockdale, D. Molybdate method for detmng. phosphorus, particularly in basic slag and steel, 24. Stone, M., et al. Flame-photometric detmn. of calcium in silicate rocks, 691. Stone, W. R., et at. Separating quaternary halides by paper chromatography, 7 1. Stonhill, L. G. Detmng. niobium and tantalum in titanium dioxide pigments, 642. Street, H. V. Detmng. glucose in biological fluids with ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid, 628. Stuffins, C. B. Detmng. water in glycerol, mar- garine, oils and fats, 312. Sundararajan, K., e f . al. Redoxokinetic titration- new electroanalytical technique, 696. Sutcliffe, G. R., e t al. Spectrophotometric detmn.of nickel in copper - nickel alloys, 122. Sutton, L. E. Tables of Interatomic Distances and Configuration in Molecules and Ions. (Publica- tion received), 707. Sutton, W. L. Obituary, 653. Swann, D. A., e t al. Modified apparatus for micro-detmn. of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in titanium and other metals, 113. Swinburn, D., et al. Potential source of sampling error in detmng. nitrogen in titanium alloys, 376. Sykes, G. Review of Finch’s Disinfectants: Values and Uses, 439. - et al. Microbiological assay of mercurials in pharmaceutical products, 536. T Takiguchi, T. Volumetric detmn. of organochloro- Thrnoky, A. L. Clinical Biochemical Methods. silanes with ammonium thiocyanate, 482. (Publication received), 440; (Review), 651. VOLUME 83 Taylor, C.G. Detmng. zinc oxide in zinc powder, 425. Taylor, E. W. Examination of Waters and Water Supplies (Thresh, Beale and Suckling). 7th Edn. (Publication received), 440; (Review), 594. Thackray, G. B., et al. Vitamin contents of animal feedingstuffs, 479. Thaysen, A. C., e t al. Yeasts. [Publication re- ceived), 64. Theobald, L. S. Review of Belcher and Nutten’s Quantitalive Inorganic Analysis: Laboratory Manual, 119. Detmng. free lime in lime and silicate products. I. Extracting freshly ignited lime with non-aqueous solvents and detmng. calcium oxide content of extracts, 160. Thomas, J. D. R., et al. Separating coal-tar food colours by paper electrophoresis, 462. Thomas, J. E., et al. Flame-photometric detmn. of calcium in silicate rocks, 691. Thorne, R. S.W., e t al. Yeasts. (Publication re- ceived), 64. Timms, D. G., e t al. Detmng. impurities in carbon dioxide by gas chromatography, with special reference to coolant gas for nuclear reactors, 600. Todd, R., et al. Detmng. uranium by solvent extraction. 11. Separating uranium-333 from irradiated thorium as oxine complex in presence of ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid, 13 ; Erratum, 384. Toothill, J. P. R. Review of Saunders and Fleming’s A!Tathei?i.ntics and Statistics for Use in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry, 118. Trease, G. E. Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 7th Edn. (Review), 541. U Therattil, K. J., et al. Ure, A. M., et al. Detmng. magnesium in solution by direct photometry, 561. V Varley, H. Practical Clinical Biochemistry. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 596.Verma, M. R., et al. Detmng. free lime in lime and silicate products. I. Extracting freshly ignited lime with non-aqueous solvents and detmng. calcium oxide content of extracts, 160. Elementary Practical Organic Chemis- try. Part 111. (Publication received), 320; Combined Parts, 440. Vogel, A. I. W Wager, H. G. Detmng. ethanol and acetaldehyde in plant tissue by low-temperature diffusion, 291. Wake, W. C. Analysis of Rubber and Rubber-like Polymers. (Publication received), 488. Walker, L. E. Q., et at. Dictionary of Named Effects and Laws in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. (Publication received), 651. Walker, W. B. Obituary, 254. Wallis, T. E. Analytical Microscopy: Aims and Methods in Relation to Foods, Water, Spices and Drugs. 2nd Edn. (Review), 116. Walmsley, J.R. Obituary, 441, 545. Waterlow, J. C., et al. Human Protein Require- ments and their Fulfilment in Practice. (Review), 61. Webb, J. R., et al. Detmng. nitrogen in fluorinated compounds by Kjeldahl method, 694. Webster, R. K. Stable-isotope dilution analysis. (Summary), 187.INDEX TO Weedon, B. C. L., et al. Guide t o Qualitative Organic Chemical Analysis. (Review), 62. Weir, R. J., et al. Completely automatic titration unit for process use, 491. Weiss, K. W., et al. Amino Acid Handbook: Methods and Results of Protein Analysis. (Re- view) , 61. Weissberger, A., et al. Organic Analysis. Vol. 111. (Review), 64. -Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol. X . Fundamentals of Chromatography. (Review) , 487. Welcher, F. J. Analytical Uses of Ethylene- diaminetetraacetic Acid.(Publication received), 184; (Review), 437. Wells, R. A., et al. Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. XV 11. Separating non-volatile plati- num metals, 356. West, T. S. Review of Welcher’s Analytical Uses of Ethylenediamivzetetraacetic A c i d , 437. Wheeler, E. L. Scientific Glassblowing. (Publica- tion received), 440; (Review), 707. White, J. W., jun. Detmng. sorbitol in presence of carbohydrate, 649. Wild, F. Characterisation of Organic Compounds. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 440; (Review) 542. Wilkinson, L. Optimum conditions of acid di- chromate detmn. of ethanol in body fluids, 390. Wilkinson, N. T., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus, 406. Willard, H. H., et al. Instrumental Methods of ,4nalysis. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 440.Williams, A. I., et al. Detmng. small amounts of silicon in high-purity iron, 624. Williams, D. A., et al. Modified apparatus for micro-detmn. of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in titanium and other metals, 113. Williams, P. P., ef al. Identifying glass fragments by physical properties, 698. Williams, S. M., et al. Derivatives of l-amino-2- naphthol-4-sulphonic acid for colorimetric detmn. of zinc, 111. VOLUME 83 xiii Wilson, C. L. Talanta. Vol. I, Nos. 112, July, Wilson, D. W. Review of Feigl’s Spot Tests in Translated by R. E. Oesper. Wiseman, A,, et al. Water Treatment. (Publica- Wood, D. F., et al. Detmng. copper in titanium, - Detmng. tungsten in titanium, zirconium and Woodcock, W. H. Woolley, J. F. Colorimetric detmn. of thallium in Wootton, I. D. P., ef al.Micro-Analysis in Medical Worden, A. N., et al. UFAW Handbook on Care 2nd (Publication received), 247 ; (Review), 702. Wright, G. P. Introduction to Pathology. 3rd Wro6ski, M. Analytical application of mercury Wyckoff, R. W. G. Crystal Structures. Supple- 1958. (Publication received), 651. Oqanic Analysis. 5th English Edn., 117. tion received), 707. zirconium and their alloys, 509. their alloys, 326. Obituary, 121, 254. tin - cadmium alloys, 477. Biochemistry. 3rd Edn. (Review), 59. and Management of Laboratory Animals. Edn. Edn. (Publication received), 708, compounds, 314. ment 111. (Publication received), 184. Y Yoe, J. H., ef al. Trace Analysis. (Publication Young, L., et al. Metabolism of Sulphur Com- Yoxall, D. A. Obituary, 254. Yuen, S. H. Detmng.traces of manganese with leucomalachite green, 350. received), 247 ; (Review), 59 1. pounds. (Publication received), 488. Z Zweig, G., et al. Manual of Paper Chromatography and Paper Electrophoresis. 2nd Edn. (Publica- tion received), 247 ; (Review), 486.xiv INDEX TO VOLUME 83 INDEX TO SUBJECTS A Absorptiometry : Composite -- for control labora- tory. Calculating procedures and modification of Spekker absorptiometer for use with inter- ference fiiters. Curry, 106. Acetaldehyde : Acid dichromate method for detmng. ethanol in body fluids (detmng. --). Wilkin- son, 390. Detmng. ethanol and ~ in plant tissue by low-temperature diffusion. Wager, 291. Acetone : Acid dichromate method for detmng. ethanol in body fluids (detmng. -). Wilkin- son, 390. Acidity: Detmng.__ in dark lubricating oils. Gibb. (Summary), 653. New pH indicator. Barakat, Shehab and El- Sadr, 695. total : Rapid boiler-water analysis. Banks and Robson, 98. Acids: Prepng. metal-free --, alkalis and buffer solutions of high purity. Irving and Cox, 526. Acrylonitrile : Detcng. traces of -. StEpAnek and CernB, 345. Actinide Elements: Chemistry of --. Batz and Seaborg. (Publication received), 64. Adhesives : Applications of gas - liquid chromato- graphy. Examination of solvents from plastic -- . Haslam and Jeffs, 455. Agriculture : South African Journal of A4gricultural Science. De Kock. Vol. 1, No. 1, March, 1958. (Publication received), 488. Air : Manual of Analytical Methods Recommended for Sampling and Analysis of Atmospheric Contaminants. American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists.(Publica- received), 488 ; (Review), 705. Rapid field detmn. of hydrogen cyanide in ---. Dixon, Hands and Bartlett, 199. Aldohexoses : Ultra-violet spectrophotometric detmn. of sugars and uronic acids. Bath, 451. Aldrin : Detmng. chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide residues in plant material. Alkalis : Prepng. metal-free acids, - and buffer solutions of high purity. Irving and Cox, 526. Aluminium: Colorimetric detmn. of - in steel with Solochrome cyanine R. Scholes and Smith, 615. Detmng. traces of -- in cast iron. Rooney, 546. Spectrochemical analysis of mineral matter associated with coal. Dixon, 362. American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists : Manual of Analytical Methods Recommended for Sampling and Analysis of Atmospheric Contaminants.(Publication re- ceived), 488; (Review), 705. American Society for Testing Materials : Symposium on Spectrochemical Analysis for Trace Ele- ments. (Publication received), 707. Amino Acid(s) Handbook: Methods and Results of Protein Analysis. Block and Weiss, et aE. (Review), 61. Polarographic detmn. of -- containing thiol and disulphide groups. Coult, 422. l-Amino-2-naphthol-4-sulphonic acid: Derivatives of __ for colorimetric detmn. of zinc. Liddell and Williams, 11 1. 0-Aminothymol : Function of sulphydryl group in detmng. thiamine with -, Sergeant, 335. Hayden, 480. Ammonium hydroxide : Prepng. metal-free acids, alkalis and buffer solutions of high purity. Irving and Cox, 526. Ammonium salts : Long-chain quaternary - in solvent extraction of metal ions.Powell. (Summary), 252. Ammonium sulphate : Fineness of fertiliser samples. Howes, 379. Analysis : Analytical Uses of Ethylenediamine- tetraacetic Acid. Welcher. (Publication re- ceived), 184; (Review), 437. Automatic Measurement of Quality in Process Plants. Society of Instrument Technology. (Publication received), 708. British Drug Houses Ltd. 10th Edn. (Publication re- ceived), 651. Characterisation of Organic Compounds. Wild. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 440; (Re- view), 542. Colorimetric Determination o f Nonmetals. Boltz. (Publication received), 320. Compact unit for potentiometric and “dead-stop end-point” titrimetry. Stock, 56. Completely automatic titration unit for process use. Brown and Weir, 491. Complexonietric Titrations. Schwarzenbach.Translated and revised in collaboration with the author by Irving. (Review), 183. Composite absorptiometry for control laboratory. Calculating procedures and modification of Spekker absorptiometer for use with inter- ference filters. Curry, 106. Development of Titrimetric __ till 1806. Madsen. (Publication received), 184; (Review), 541. Differential electrolytic potentiometry. 11. Precision and accuracy of applications t o redox titrimetry. Bishop, 212. VI. Diacetyltoluene-3 : 4-di- thiol as coagulant, catalyst and precipitant for sulphur and metallic sulphides. Clark, 103; VII. Toluene-3 : 4-dithiol in qualitative -, 396. Electroanalytical Chemistry. Lingane. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 708. Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry. Part 111. Quantitative Organic -.Vogel. (Publication received), 320. Exercises in Evaluation of Drugs and Surgical Dressings. Shellard. (Publication received), 708. Guide t o Qualitative Organic Chemical -. Linstead and Weedon. (Review), 62. Jnstrumental --. Delahay. (Ryicw), 317. Instrumental Methods of --. B.D.H. Book of Organic Reagents. o-Dithiols in --. Mi illard, Merritt and Dean. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 440. Introduction a 1’Analyse Organique Qualitative. Staudinger and Kern. Translated by Cousin. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 320. Kunststoff -, Lack- uncl Gummi-Analyse : Chem- ische und infrarotspektroskopische Methoden. Two vols. Hummel. (Publication received), 440; (Review), 706. Methoden der Illikromassanalyse. Mika. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 247 ; (Review), 487.Methods of Biochemical -. Vol. V. Glick. (Review), 382; Vol. VI. (Publication re- ceived), 320; (Review), 650.INDEX TO VOLUME 83 XV Analysis-continued. Micro- __ in Medical Biochemistry. King and Wootton. 3rd Edn. (Review), 59. Microdiffusion ~ and Volumetric Error. Conway. 4th Edn. (Review), 704. Micro vacuum fusion detmn. of gases in metals. Everett. (Summary), 321. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure et Appliquke et d’ Analyse Bromatologique. Gautier. 4th Series. (peview), 706; 5th Series. (Publication received), 320; (Review), 706; 6th Series. (Publication received), 488; (Review), 706. Modern Electroanalytical Methods. Charlot. Re- print of A nnlytica Chimica Ada, 1958, 18, 1-182. (Publication received), 488. Organic - . Vol.111. Mitchell, Kolthoff, Proskauer and Weissberger. (Review), 64. Qrganische Fitllungsmittel in der quantitativen -Analyse. Prodinger. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 120 ; (Review), 484. Origins and growth of volumetric -. Stephen. (Summary), 324. Origins of quantitative chemical -. Coulson. (Summary), 324. Origins of quantitative organic -. Stephen. (Summary), 324. Papers reprinted from Research, Vol. 9, 1956. (Publication received), 384. Prepn. and uses of ion-exchange resins. Hale, 3. Prepng. metal-free acids, alkalis and buffer solutions of high purity. Irving and Cox, 5.26. Proceedings of Congress on Modern Analytical Chemistry in Industry : St. Andrews, June, 1957. Society for Analytical Chemistry. (Pub- lication received), 440. Purity Control by Thermal -.Smit. (Publi- cation received), 247 ; (Review), 485. Oualitative Testing and Inorganic Chemistry. Nordmann. (Publication received), 247. Quantitative -. Pierce, Haenisch and Sawyer. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 440. Quantitative Inorganic - : Laboratory Manual. Belcher and Nutten. (Review), 119. Quantitative organische Mikroanalyse (Pregl- Koth). Roth. 7th Edn. (Publication re- ceived), 708. Quimica Analitica Cuantitativa. Martinez. (Publication received), 65 1. Rapid detmn. of carbon and hydrogen in highly volatile combustible organic liquids. Panicker and Banerjee, 296. Recent developments in chelatometry. P?ibil, 188. Redoxokinetic titration-new electroanalytical technique. Doss, Narayanan and Sundarara- jan, 696. Silver nitrate titrations. Leitch and Lewis, 55.Solvent Extraction in Analytical Chemistry. Morrison and Freiser. (Review), 438. Spot Tests in Inorganic -. Feigl. Trans- lated by Oesper. 5th Edn. (Publication re- ceived), 544. Spot Tests in Organic -. Feigl. Translated by Oesper. 5th English Edn. (Review), 117. Suction-operated differential electrode system for potentiometric titration. Stock, 57. Symposium on Spectrochemical - for Trace Elements. A.S.T.M. (Publication received), 707. Talanta. Vol. I, Nos. lj2, July, 1958. (Publica- tion received), 65 1. Trace -. Yoe and Koch. (Publication re- ceived), 247; (Review), 591. Analysis-conti nuad. Volumetric --. Vol. 111. Kolthoff and Rel- cher, with co-operation of Stenger and Matsuyama. (Publication received), 64. X-Ray fluorescence techniques in --.Hall. (Summary), 323. Analyst: The first ten volumes. Anilines : Spot tests for phenols and alkylated - based on Duff formylation. Feigl and Jungreis, translated by Oesper, 666. Animals: UFAW Handbook on Care and Manage- ment of Laboratory --. Worden and Lane- Petter. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 247 ; (Review), 702. Anthracene : Detmng. polycyclic hydrocarbons. Commins, 386. Antimony : Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in silicates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erra- tum, 247. Editorial, 507. Antioxidant in Food Regulations, 1958, 591. Apparatus : Applications of gas - liquid chromato- graphy. Examination of solvents from plastic adhesives. Haslam and Jeffs, 455. Argentimetric titration of halide and cyanide ions with dithizone as indicator (combustion -).Archer, 571. Atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with special reference to detmng. magnesium. ,411an, 466. Compact unit for potentiometric and “dead-stop end-point” titrimetry. Stock, 56. Completely automatic titration unit for process use. Brown and Weir, 491. Composite absorptiometry for control laboratory. Calculating procedures and modification of Spekker absorptiomter for use with interference filters. Curry, 106. Detmng. DDT and chlorobenzilate occurring together in spray deposits (chromatographic tube). Baker and Skerrett, 447. Detmng. impurities in carbon dioxide by gas chromatography, with special reference t o coolant gas for nuclear reactors. Timms, Konrath and Chirnside, 600. Detmng. magnesium in solution by direct photo- metry. Scott and Ure, 561. Detmng.poly(ethy1 esters) in methyl methacry- late copolymers (absorption tube), Haslam, Hamilton and Jeffs, 66. Detmng. water in glycerol, margarine, oils and fats. Stuffins, 312. Detmng. water in granulated sugar (vacuum system). Hill and Dobbs, 143. Detmng. water in refined sugars, including cobaltous bromide method. Gardiner and Keyte, 150. Detmng. zinc and other elements in plants by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. David, 655. Detmng. zinc oxide in zinc powder. Taylor, 425. Differential electrolytic potentiometry. 11. Pre- cision and accuracy of applications to redox titrimetry. Bishop, 2 12. Ebullioscopic micro-detmn. of molecular weight : improved micro Menzies - Wright ebulliometer. Colson, 169. Flow-through cell for use with scintillation counters. Greenfield, 114.General purpose thermometers. B.S. 1704 : 1951. Amendment slip, 116. Glass condensers. B.S. 1848 :1952. Amendment slip, 59. Improved ebulliometer. Heitler, 223. Laboratory thermometers. B.S. 593 : 1954. Amendment slip, 59.Apparatus-continued. Microdiffusion detmn. of hydrogen sulphide. Bray, 379. Micro electrolytic detmn. of lead in copper-base alloys. Saint, 88. Micro vacuum fusion detmn. of gases in metals. Everett. (Summary), 321. Modified -- for micro-detmn. of oxygen, nitro- gen and hydrogen in titanium and other metals. Swann and 'CVilliams, 113. Modified Audus soil-perfusion -. Sims and Collins, 699. Modified von Stieglitz electrometric sugar titra- tions. Chubb and Hartley, 311. Polynuclear hydrocarbons in tobacco and tobacco smoke. I. 3 : 4-Benzopyrene (optical system).Bentley and Burgan, 442. Rapid detmn. of carbon and hydrogen in highly volatile combustible organic liquids. Panicker and Banerjee, 296. Rapid field detmn. of hydrogen cyanide in air (test-paper holder). Dixon, Hands and Bart- lett, 199. Redoxokinetic titration-a new electroanalytical technique. Doss, Narayanan and Sundararojan, 696. Secondary reference thermometers (Centigrade scale). B.S. 1900: 1952. Amendment slip, 116. Semi-micro detmn. of chlorine in poly(viny1 chloride) and related polymers (semi-micro bomb and reference electrode). Haslam and Hall, 196. Short-range short-stem thermometers. B.S. 1365: 1951. Amendment slip, 116. Simultaneous detmn. of water and carbon dioxide in rocks and minerals (combustion tube). Riley, 42.Solid analysis using spark-source mass spectro- meter. Craig. (Summary), 186. Spectrochemical analysis of mineral matter associated with coal (electrodes). Dixon, 362. Spectrophotometric detmn. of parathion and p-nitrophenol (hydrolysis vessel). Hj elt and Mukula, 283. Suction-operated differential electrode system for potentiometric titration. Stock, 57. Transistor-operated dispensing device for liquids. Stock and Fill, 244. Transmission characteristics of interference filters for flame photometry. Wide-bore dropping-mercury electrode for long- period recording of concentration of dissolved oxygen. Argon: Detmng. impurities in carbon dioxide by gas chromatography, with special reference t o coolant gas for nuclear reactors. Tiinms, Konrath and Chirnside, 600. Arsenic : Spectrographic detmn.of rarer elements in silicates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Arsenic sulphide : o-Dithiols in analysis. VI. Diacetyltoluene-3 : 4-dithiol as coagulant, cata- lyst and precipitant for sulphur and metallic sulphides. Clark, 103. Ascorbic acid : Colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus (use of -). Polarised platinum electrode in detmng. __ in fruit products. Curtis, 54. Asphalt: Mastic ~ for roofing (limestone aggre- gate). B.S. 988: 1957, 59. Association of British Chemical Manufacturers : Recommended Methods for Analvsis of Trade Bond and Stace, 679. Briggs, Dyke and Knowles, 304. Fogg and Wilkinson, 406. Association of British Chemical Manufacturers- continued. Recornrnended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. phosphorus and acid-soluble sulphate.- and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 50; Methods for detmng. residual chlorine, cyanides and thio- cyanate, fluoride, formaldehyde and sulphite and thiosulphate, 230. Atmosphere : See Air. Atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with special reference to detmng. magnesium. Allan, 466. spectroscopy: Detmng. zinc and other elements in plants by -. David, 655. Audus apparatus : Modified Audus soil-perfusion apparatus. Sims and Collins, 699. B Barium : Spectrochemical analysis of mineral matter Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, Barley : Vitamin contents of animal feedingstuffs. Basic slag : Molybdate detmn. of phosphorus, Stockdale, 24. Bathophenanthroline : See 4 : 7-Diphenyl-l : 10-phen- 1 : 2-Benzanthracene : Detmng.polycyclic hydro- Benzene hexachloride : See Hexachlorocyclohexane. 1 : 12-Benzoperylene : Detning. polycyclic hydro- carbons. Commins, 386. 1 : 2-Benzopyrene : Detmng. polycyclic hydrocar- bons. Commins, 386. 3 : 4-Benzopyrene : Detmng. polycyclic hydrocar- bons. Commins, 386. Polynuclear hydrocarbons in tobacco and tobacco smoke. I. -. Bentley and Burgan, 442. Beryllium : Chemical detmn. of nitrogen in reactor metals. Ryan. (Summary), 322. Detmng. oxygen in __ by micro vacuum fusion method. Booth and Parker, 241. Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in sili- cates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Beverage : Bibliography of Food. Select Inter- national Bibliography of Nutrition, Food and ~ Technology and Distribution 1936-56.Baker and Foskett. (Publication received), 488. Biochemistry : Biochemical Preparations. 1'01. 5. Shemin. (Publication received), 320. Chromatographic Techniques : Clinical and Hio- chemical Applications. Smith. (Publication received), 247 ; (Review), 704. Clinical Biochemical Methods. TArnoky. (Publi- cation recehed), 440; (Review), 651. Gencral-. Fruton and Simmonds. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 544. Metabolism of Sulphur Compounds. Young and Maw. (Publication received), 488. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. V. Glick. (Review), 382; Vol. VI. (Publication received), 320; (Review), 650. Micro-Analysis in Medical -- . King and Wootton. 3rd Edn. (Review), 69. Practical Clinical -- . Varley. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 596. Radioaktive Isotope in der Biochemie.Hroda. associated with coal. Dixon, 362. silicates. 247. Kent- Jones, Amos and Thackray, 479. particularly in - and steel. anthroline. carbons. Commins, 386. (Publication reccivcd), 596. Effluents. - and Society f& Analytical Biology : Biological Laboratory Data. Hale. Chemistry. (Publication received), 488. (Publication received), 708.INDEX TO VOLUME 83 xvii Biology-continued. Mathematics and Statistics for Use in Pharmacy, - and Chemistry. Saunders and Fleming. (Review), 118. Biscyclohexanone oxalyldihydrazone : Detmng. cop- per in titanium, zirconium and their alloys. Wood and Clark, 509. 3 : 3’-Bis - di(carboxymethy1) aminomethyl-o-cresol- sulphonphthalein Recent developments in chelatometry. Pribil, 188. 3 : 3’-Bis - di (carboxymethyl) aminomethylthymol- sulphonphthalein : Recent developments in chelatometry.Pfibil, 188. Bismuth : Absorptiometric detmn. of traces of iron in -. Booth and Evett, 80. Detmng. traces of lead and - in cast iron. Rooney, 83. Detmng. traces of lead and - in organic material. Gage, 672. Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in sili- cates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Spectrophotonietric detmn. of iron in high-purity -. High and Placito, 522. Blood : Detmng. glucose in biological fluids with ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid. Street, 628. Micro-detmn. of magnesium in presence of known amounts of calcium. Hunter, 93. Blood serum : Detmng. calcium in biological material. Henly and Saunders, 584. Polarographic detmn. of amino acids containing thiol and disulphide groups.Blue tetrazolium as reagent for reducing steroids. Bush and Gale, 532. Boiling point : Ebullioscopic micro-detmn. of molecular weight : improved micro Menzies - Wright ebulliometer. Colson, 169. Coult, 422. See also Ebulliometer. Bonds : Strengths of Chemical -. Cottrell. 2nd Book reviews : Edn. (Publication received), 707. Adams. Organic Reactions. Vol. IX, 593. Allen. Organic Electrode Processes, 382. Bailar. Chemistry of Coordination Compounds, 60. Belcher and Nutten. Quantitative Inorganic Analysis : Laboratory Manual, 119. Bjerrum, Schwarzenbach and Sillen. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with Solu- bility Products of Inorganic Substances. Part I, 381. Block, Durrum ancl Zweig. Manual of Paper Chromatography and Paper Electrophoresis.2nd Edn., 486. Block and Weiss, et al. Amino ,4cid Handbook: Methods and Results of Protein Analysis, 61. Briscoe, Eldridge and Dyson. Supplement to Mellor’s Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry. Supplt. 11, Part 1, 63. Britton. Hydrogen Ions : Determination and Importance in Pure and Industrial Chemistry. Vol. 11. 4th Edn., 246. Burriel-Marti and Ramirez-Mufioz. Flame Photo- metry, 485. Clark. Encylopedia of Chemistry, 3 17. Conway. Delahay. Instrumental Analysis, 3 17. Feigl. Spot Tests in Organic Analysis. 5th Finch. Gautier. Microdiff usion Analysis and Volumetric Error. 4th Edn., 704. English Edn., 117. Disinfectants : Values ancl Uses, 439. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure et Appliquee et d’ Analyse Bromatologique. 4th, 5th and 6th Series, 706.Book reviews-continued. Glick. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. V, 382; Vol. VI, 650. Hummel. Kunststoff-, Lack-und Gummi-Analyse: Chemische und infrarotspektroskopische Metho- den. Two vols., 706. Kent- Jones and Amos. Modern Cereal Chemis- try. 5th Edn., 118. King and Wootton. Micro-Analysis in Medical Biochemistry. 3rd Edn., 59. Klyne and de la Mare. Progress in Stereo- chemistry. Vol. 11, 439. Kunin. Ion Exchange Resins. 2nd Edn., 593. Lederer and Lederer. Chromatography : Review of Principles and Applications. 2nd Edn., 319. Linstead and Weedon. Guide to Qualitative Organic Chemical Analysis, 62. Lothian. Absorption Spectrophotometry. 2nd Edn., 592. Lovelace, Rausch and Postelnek. Aliphatic Fluorine Compounds, 596. McCrone.Fusion Methods in Chemical Micro- scopy, 183. Madsen. Development of Titrimetric Analysis till 1806, 541. May & Baker, Ltd. Materials for Gas Chromato- graphy: Standards and Data for “Embaphase” Stationary Phases and “Embacel” Kieselguhr, 593. Migrdichian. Organic Synthesis. Vols. I and 11, 318. Mika. Methoden der Mkromassanalyse. 2nd Edn., 487. Mitchell, Kolthoff, Proskauer and Weissberger. Organic Analysis. Vol. 111, 64. Moore. Vitamin A, 63. Morrison and Freiser. Solvent Extraction in Analytical Chemistry, 438. Prodinger. Organische Fallungsmittel in der Quantitativen Analyse. 4th Edn., 484. Saunders and Fleming. Mathematics and Statis- tics for Use in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemis- try, 118. Schwarzenbach and Irving. Complexometric Titrations, 183. Seligson.Standard Methods of Clinical Chemis- Smit. Purity Control by Thermal Analysis, 485. Smith. Chromatographic Techniques : Clinical TArnoky. Clinical Biochemical Methods, 651. Taylor. Examination ol Waters and Water Supplies (Thresh, I?eale and Suckling). 7th Edn., 594. Trease. Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 7th Edn., 541. Wallis. Analytical Microscopy : Aims and Methods in Relation to Foods, Water, Spices and Drugs. 2nd Edn., 116. Waterlow and Stephen. Human Protein Re- quirements and their Fulfilment in Practice, 61. Weissberger and Cassidy. Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol. X. Fundamentals of Chro- matography, 487. Welcher. Analytical Uses of Ethylenediamine- tetraacetic Acid, 437. Wheeler. Scientific Glassblowing, 707. Wild. Characterisation of Organic Compounds. 2nd Edn., 542.Worden and Lane-Petter. UFAW Handbook on Care and Management of Laboratory Animals. 2nd Edn., 702. try. VOl. 11, 543. and Biochemical Applications, 704. Yoe and Koch. British Pharmacopoeia 1958, 542. Trace Analysis, 501.xviii lNDEX TO VOLUME 83 Book reviews-continued. Extra Pharmacopoeia (Martindale). Vol. I. 24th Edn., 594. Manual of Analytical Methods Recommended for Sampling and Analysis of Atmospheric Con- taminants, 705. Organic Syntheses. Vol. 37, 318. See also Publications received. Boron: Detmg. trace metals in crops. Duffield, 503. Brine: Detmng. ethylene dibromide in -. Mashall and Ader, 687. British Drug Houses Ltd. : B.D.H. Book of Organic Reagents. 10th Edn. (Publication received), 651. British Iron and Steel Research Association: Deter- mination of Nitrogen in Steel.(Publication received), 708. British Standard Specifications : 573 : 1957. Di-n-butyl phthalate, 183. 575 : 1957. Carbon tetrachloride, 183. 579: 1957. Diethyl ether (technical), 183. 593 : 1954. Laboratory thermometers. Amend- 975 : 1957. Density-composition tables for aque- 988 : 1957. Mastic asphalt for roofing (limestone 1170: 1957. Treatment of water for marine 1365 : 1951. Short-range short-stem thermo- 1704 : 1951. General purpose thermometers. 1848 : 1952. Glass condensers. Amendment slip, 1900 : 1952. Secondary reference thermometers 1999 : 1957. 2941 : 1957. Paraformaldehyde, 183. 2942 : 1957. 2943-4 : 1957. B), 183. (Publication received), 544. ment slip, 59. ous solutions of nitric acid, 116. aggregate), 59. boilers, 59. meters.Amendment slip, 116. Amendment slip, 116. 59. (Centigrade scale). Amendment slip, 116. Tritolyl phosphate, 183. Formaldehyde solution, 183. o-Dichlorobenzene (Grades A and British Standards Institution : Annual Report 1957-8. Bromide: See Halide. Brucine : New pH indicator (differentiating and strychnine). Rarakat, Shehab and El- Sadr, 695. Brwhite nodules and hydrogen swells in defective canned cheese paste. Nelson, 539. Buffer solutions : Prepng. metal-free acids, alkalis and - of high purity. Irving and Cox, 526. Yearbook 1958. (Publication received), 320. C Cadmium: Colorimetric detmn. of thallium in tin - - alloys. Woolley, 477. Polarographic detmn. of thallium, iron and copper in high-purity -- metal. Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in silicates. Harvey and Murray, 136 : Erratum, 247.Calcein : Recent developments in chelatometry. Ribil, 188. Calcium: Detmng. - in biological material. Henly and Saunders, 584. Detmng. - in milk and whey. Flame-photometric detmn. of - in silicate rocks. Stone and Thomas, 691. Simultaneous spectrophotometric micro-detmn. of - and magnesium with Eriochrome black T and ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid. Menon and Das, 434. Carson, 472. Ling, 179. Calcium--co nt inued. Spectrochemical analysis of mineral matter associated with coal. Dixon, 362. Use of sulphuric acid to depress interference of - in detmng. sodium with E.E.L. flame photometer. Bond and Hutton, 684. ICalcium oxide : Detmng. free lime in lime and silicate products. I. Extracting freshly ignitcd lime with non-aqueous solvents and detmng.-- content of extracts. Verma, Bhuchar, Therat- ti1 and Sharma, 160. Carbohydrate(s) : Alkaline reagents for detmng. - reducing groups. I. 3 : 5-Dinitrosalicylate ion, and interference by air. Bottle and Gilbert, 103. Detmng. major constituents of small amounts of tissue. Paul, 37. Vltra-violet spectrophotometric detmn. of sugars and uronic acids. Bath, 451. Carbon: Rapid detmn. of -- and hydrogen in highly volatile combustible organic liquids. Panicker and Banerjee, 296. Simple manometric detmn. of - in metals. Everett. (Summary), 322. Carbon dioxide: Detmng. impurities in - by gas chromatography, with special reference to coolant gas for nuclear reactors. Timms, Konrath and Chirnside, 600. Simple manometric detmn. of carbon in metals.Everett. (Summary), 322. Simultaneous detmn. of water and - in rocks and minerals. Riley, 42. Carbon monoxide: Acid dichromate method for detmng. ethanol in body fluids (detmng. -). .Wilkinson, 390. Detmng. impurities in carbon dioxide by gas chromatography, with special reference to coolant gas for nuclear reactors. Timms, Konrath and Chirnside, 600. Carbon tetrachloride: B.S. 575: 1957, 183. Detmng. small amounts of -- by Fujiwara reaction. Burke and Southern, 316. Carbonate rocks : Detmng. copper in sea water, sili- cate rocks and biological materials. Riley and Sinhaseni, 299. p-Carotene : See Pro-vitamin A. Cast iron: See Iron. Cellulose : Inorganic cliromatography on -. XVII. Separating non-volatile platinum metals. Kees-Evans, Ryan and Wells, 356.Cereal(s): Detmng. starch in sausage meat and calculating nitrogen correction for __ con- tent. Fraser and Holmes, 371. Kent- Jones and Amos. 5th Edn. (Review), 118. Cerebrospinal fluid : Detmng. calcium in biological material. Henly and Saunders, 584. Detmng. glucose in biological fluids with ethylene- diaminetetra-acetic acid. Street, 628. Micro-detmn. of magnesium in presence of known amounts of calcium. Hunter, 93. Cerium : Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in silicates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Cheese: Brushite nodules and hydrogen swells in defective canned - paste. Chelatometry : Recent developments in -. Pzibil, 188. Chemical Society: Annual Reports on Progress of Chemistry for 1957. Vol. LIV. (Publication received), 596. Chemical Society of Egypt : Egyptian Journal of Chemistry. Vol.I, No. 1, 1958. (Publication received), 440. Modern - Chemistry. Nelson, 539.INDEX TO Chemicals : Czechoslovak Fine - Standards. Vol. 11. (Publication received), 440. Industrial --. Faith, Keyes and Clark. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 184. Chemistry: Annual Reports on Progress of - for 1957. Vol. LIV. Chemical Society. (Publi- cation received), 596. Current Trends in Heterocyclic -. Albert, Badger and Shoppee. (Publication received), 384. Dictionary of Named Effects and Laws in -, Physics and Mathematics. Rallentyne and Walker. (Publication received), 651. Egyptian Journal of ---. Vol. I, No. 1, 1958. (Publication received), 440. Electroanalytical -- Lingane. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 708. Elementary Practical Organic -.Part 111. Quantitative Organic Analysis. Vogel. (Pub- lication received), 320 ; Combined Parts, 440. Encyclopedia of Chemical Reactions. Vol. VII. Jacobson and Hampel. (Publication received), 440. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. First Supplcmeiit Vol. Kirk and Othmer. (Publica- tion received), 184. Encyclopedia of -. Clark. (Review), 3 17 ; Supplement. (yublication received), 651. Introduction to hlectronic Theories of Organic -. Brown. (Publication received), 651. Mathematics and Statistics for Use in Pharmacy, Biology and --. Saunders and Fleming. (Review), 1 18. Mechanism of Inorganic Reactions : Study of Metal Complexes in Solution. Basolo and Pearson. (Publication received), 544. New --. (Publication received), 440. Nomenclature of Organic -.International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. (Publi- cation received), 708. Organic Reactions. Vol. IX. Adams. (Re- view), 593. Organic Syntheses. Vol. 37. Cason. (Publica- tion received), 184 : (Review), 31 8. Organic Synthesis. Vols. I and 11. Migrdichian. (Review), 318. Periodic Table. Cooper. (Publication received), 708. Progress in Organic __ . Vol. 4. Cook. (Publication received), 440. Progress in Stereochemistry. Vol. 11. Klyne and de la Mare. (Publication received), 247; (Review), 439. Proposed International Chemical Notation. In- ternational Union of Pure and Applied Chemis- try. (Publication received), 651, Qualitative Testing and Inorganic -. Nord- mann. (Publication received), 247. Reports on Progress of ,4pplied -. Vol. XLT.Society of Chemical Industry. (Publication received), 64. Standard Methods of Clinical -. Seligson. Vol. 11. (Publication received), 384; (Review), 543. Strengths of Chemical Bonds. Cottrell. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 707. Structural Introduction t o -. Harris. (Publi- cation received), 247. Supplement t o Mellor’s Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical -. Supplt. 11. Part 1. Briscoe, Eldridge and Dyson. (Re- view), 63. Tables of Interatomic Distances and Configura- tion in Molecules and Ions. Sutton. (Publica- tion received) ~ 707. VOLUME 83 xix Technique of Organic -. Weissberger. Vol. X. Fundamentals of Chromatography. Cas- sidy. (Review), 487. Theoretical -. Looking Before and After. Craig. (Eublication received), 384. Chlorbenside : Detmng.chlorinated hydrocarbon resi- dues in plant material.Chlordane : Detmng. chlorinated hydrocarbon pesti- cide residues in plant material. Sergeant, 335. Chloride : Rapid boiler-water analysis. Banks and Robson, 98. See also Halide. Chemistry-continued. Sergeant, 335. Chlorine, organic : Detmng. chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide residues in plant material. Sergeant, 335. Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. residual -, cyanides and thiocyanate, fluoride, formalde- hyde and sulphite and thiosulphate. A.B.C.M. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 230. Semi-micro detmn. of - in poly(viny1 chloride) and related polymers. Haslam and Hall, 196. Chlorobendlate : Detmng. DDT and __ occurring together in spray deposits. Baker and Skerrett, 447.Chloroform : Acid dicliromate method for detmng. ethanol in body fluids (detmng. -). Wilkin- son, 390. Chlorosilanes : Volumetric detmn. of organo- with ammonium thiocyanate. Takiguchi, 482. Choline : Vitamin contents of animal feedingstuffs. Iient- Jones, Amos and Thackray, 479. Chromatography : Applications of gas - liquid -. Examination of solvents from plastic adhesives. Haslam and Jeffs, 465. Chromatographic Techniques : Clinical and Bio- chemical Applications. Smith. (Publication received), 247 ; (Keview), 704. Chromatographie von Sterinen, Steroiden und verwandten Verbindungen. Neher. (Publica- tion received), 708. Chromatographische Methoden in der analy- tischen und preparativen anorganischen Chemie unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Ionenaustauscher. Blasius.(Publication re- ceived), 596. Gas - . Coates, Noebels and Fagerson. (Publication received), 596. Journal of ---. Lederer. Vol. 1 , No. 1, Jan., 1958. (Publication received), 320. Manual of Paper ~ and Paper Electrophoresis. Block, Durrum and Zweig. 2nd Edn. (Publica- tion received), 247 ; (Review), 486. Materials for Gas -: Standards and Data for “Embaphase” Stationary Phases and “Em- bacel” Kieselguhr. May and Baker, Ltd. (Publication received), 440; (Review), 593. Practical application of chromatographic theory t o analytical and preparative separations by ion-exchange elution. Cornish, 634. P r e p . and uses of ion-exchange resins. Hale, 3. Review of Principles and Applications. Lederer and Lederer. 2nd Edn. (Review), 319. Technique of Organic Chemistry. Weissberger.Vol. X. Fundamentals of -. Cassidy. (Review), 487. Chrome fast black CAT: Derivatives of l-amino-2- naphthol-4-sulphonic acid for colorimetric detmn. of zinc. Chrome fast cyanine B and a: Derivatives of l-amino-2-naphthol-4-sulphonic acid for colori- metric detmn. of zinc. Liddell and Williams, 111. Liddell and Williams, 111.xx INDEX TO VOLUME 83 Chromium: Decomposition of cyanates in acid solu- tion, with reference to analysis of - -bearing minerals and alloys. Bishop, 588. Detmng. - by solvent-extraction method. Blundy, 555. Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in sili- cates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Citrus fruit : Public Health (Preservatives etc. in Food) (Amendment) Regulations, 1958, 591. Clays : Analysing - using ion-exchange resins.McAuslin. (Summary), 323. Clinical Chemistry : Standard Methods of -. Vol. 11. Seligson. (Publication received), 384; (Review), 543. Coal: Application of gamma radiation to non- destructive examination of ~ . Higgins. (Summary), 323. Spectrochemical analysis of mineral matter associated with -. Dixon, 362. Coal ash : Spectrochemical analysis of mineral matter associated with coal. Dixon, 362. Coal-tar colours : Separating coal-tar food colours by paper electrophoresis. Crossley and Thomas, 462. Cobalt : Detcng. - and nickel in qualitative analy- sis. Clark, 431. Detmng. trace metals in crops. Spectrochemical solution method for detmng. copper, - and iron in copper and - concentrates. Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in sili- cates.Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Cobaltous bromide: Detmng. water in refined sugars, including - method. Gardiner and Keyte, 150. Colloids : Organic --. Jirgensons. (Publication received), 247. Colouring matters : See Dyes. Columbium : See Niobium. Complexes : Mechanism of Inorganic Reactions : Study of Metal __ in Solution. Basolo and Pearson. (Publication received), 544. Recent developments in chelatometry. P?ibil, 188. Stability Constants of Metal-ion __ , with Solubility Products of Inorganic Substances. Bjerrum, Schwarzenbach and Sillen. Part I. (Review), 381 ; Part 11. (Publication received), 384. Condensers: Glass -. B.S. 1848 : 1952. Amend- ment slip, 59. Configuration : Tables of Interatomic Distances and ~. in Molecules and Ions. Sutton. (Publi- cation received), 707.Contaminants : Manual of Analytical Methods Recommended for Sampling and Analysis of Atmospheric -. -4merican Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists. (Publica- tion received), 488; (Review), 705. Coordination Compounds : Chemistry of -. Bailar. (Review), 60. Copper: Detmng. - in gelatin. Russell and Hart, 202. Detmng. - in sea water, silicate rocks and bio- logical materials. Detmng. - in titanium, zirconium and their alloys. Wood and Clark, 509. Detmng. glucose in biological fluids with ethylene- diaminetetra-acetic acid (titrating-). Street, 628. Detmng. trace metals in crops. Detmng. zinc and other elements in plants by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. David, 655. Duffield, 503. Mason and de Beer, 129. Riley and Sinhaseni, 299.Duffield, 503. Copper-continued. Flame-photometric detmn. of silver in blister -. Galloway, 373. Micro electrolytic detmn. of lead in - -base alloys. Saint, 88. Polarographic detmn. of thallium, iron and - in high-purity cadmium metal. Recommended limits for - in foods. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Food Standards Committee, 591. Spectrochemical analysis of mineral matter asso- ciated with coal. Dixon, 362. Spectrochemical solution method for detning. -, cobalt and iron in - and cobalt concentrates. Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in sili- cates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Spectrophotometric detmn. of nickel in __ - nickel alloys. Clopra meal : Vitamin contents of animal feeding- stuffs. Kent- Jones, Amos and Thackray, 479. Clottonseed : Vitamin contents of animal feeding- stuffs.Kent- Jones, Amos and Thackray, 479. Clrops : Detmng. trace metals in -. Duffield, 503. Clrystal Structures. Supplement 111. Wyckoff. (Publication received), 184. Clyanates: Decomposition of - in acid solution, with reference to analysis of chromium-bearing minerals and alloys. Bishop, 588. Clyanide(s) : Argentimetric titration of halide and - ions with dithizone as indicator. Archer, 571. Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. residual chlo- rine, -- and thiocyanate, fluoride, formalde- hyde and sulphite and thiosulphate. A. B.C.M. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 230. Clyanocobalamin : Nomenclature of Organic Chemis- try. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.(Publication received), 708. Kent- Jones, Amos and Thackray, 479. 2:-(2-Cyanoethyl) isothiuronium chloride : Detcng. traces of acrylonitrile (as -). StEpanek and Cernk, 346. Clysteine : Colorimetric detmn. of microgram amounts of thiols. Saville, 670. CIzechoslovakia : Czechoslovak Fine Chemicals Stan- dards. Vol. 11. (Publication received), 440. Carson, 472. Mason and de Beer, 129. Sutcliffe and Peake, 122. Vitamin contents of animal feedingstuffs. D 1)DT : Detmng. chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide residues in plant material. Detmng. -__ and chlorobenzilate occurring together in spray deposits. Baker and Sker- rett, 447. Detmng. - in plant materials and soil. Martin and Batt, 340. Dental Practioners’ Formulary 1957. (Publication received), 120. Ileoxyribonucleic acid : Detmng.major constituents of small amounts of tissue. Detergents : See Surface-active agents. Iliacetyltoluene-3 :Cdithiol: o-Dithiols in analysis. Vl. -- as coagulant, catalyst and precipitant for sulphur and metallic sulphides. Clark, 103. 21 : 3’ - Dianisolebis-4 : 4’ - (3 :5-diphenyl) tetrazolium chloride. See Blue tetrazolium. 41 :4-Dibromo-2 : 2’-dipyridyl: 4 : 4’-Substituted 2 : 2‘- dipyridyls in chelation reactions with ferrous iron. Smith and Banick, 661. Ili-n-butyl phthalate: B.S. 573 : 1957, 183. Sergeant, 335. Paul, 37.INDEX TO Dicalcium orthophosphate, hydrated : Brushite nod- ules and hydrogen swells in defective canned cheese paste. Nelson, 539. 4 :4’-Dicarbethoxy-Z :2’-dipyridyl: 4 : 4’-Substituted 2 : 2’-dipyridyls in chelation reactions with ferrous iron.4 : 4’-Dicarboxyamido-2 : 2’-dipyridyl: 4 : 4’-Substi- tuted 2 : 2’-dipyridyls in chelation reactions with ferrous iron. 4:4‘-Dicarboxy - 2 : 2 - dipyridyl: 4:4’ - Substituted 2 : 2’-dipyridyls in chelation reactions with ferrous iron. o-Dichlorobenzene : (Grades A and B) . B.S. 2943-4 : 1957, 183. 4:4’-Dichloro-Z:Z’-dipyridyl: 4 : 4’-Substitutecl2 : 2’- dipyridyls in chelation reactions with ferrous iron. Smith and Banick, 661. Dictionary of Named Effects and Laws in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. Ballentyne and Walker. (Publication received), 651. Dieldrin : Detmng. chlorinated hydrocarbon pesti- cide residues in plant material. Sergeant, 335. 4:4-Diethoxy-2:2’-dipyridyl: 4 : $’-Substituted 2 : 2‘- dipyridyls in chelation reactions with ferrous iron.Smith and Banick, 661. Diethyl ether : Acid dichromate method for detmng. ethanol in body fluids (detmng. -). Wilkin- son, 390. Smith and Banick, 661. Smith and Banick, 661. Smith and Banick, 661. (technical). B.S. 579: 1957, 183. 4 :4‘-Diethyl-2 :2’-dipyridyl: 4 : 4’-Substituted 2 : 2’- dipyridyls in chelation reactions with ferrous iron. Smith and Banick, 661. Diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphorothionate : Spectro- photometric detmn. of parathion and p-nitro- phenol. Hjelt and Mukula, 283. Diethylaniline : Spot tests for phenols and alkylated anilines based on Duff formylation. Feigl and Jungreis, translated by Oesper, 666. 3 :4-Dihydroxyazobenzene-4’-sulphonic acid : Recent developments in chelatometry. P?ibil, 188. 2 3-Dihydroxynaphthalene : Spot tests €or phenols and alkylated anilines based on Duff formyla- tion.Feigl and Jungreis, translated by Oesper, 666. 3 :4-Dihydroxy-4’-nitroazobenzene : Recent develop- ments in chelatometry. Pfibil, 188. p - Diisobutylphenoxyethoxyethyldimethylbenzylam- monium chloride : Long-chain quaternary am- monium salts in solvent extraction of metal ions. Powell. (Summary), 252. Dimercurfluorescein : Analytical application of organic mercury compounds. Wronski, 314. 4 :4’-Dimethoxy-Z 2’-dipyridyl : 4 : 4‘-Substituted 2 : 2’-dipyridyls in chelation reactions with ferrous iron. Dimethylaniline : Spot tests for phenols and alky- lated anilines based on Duff formylation. Feigl and Jungreis, translated by Oesper, 666. 4:4-Dimethyl-2 2’-dipyridyl: 4 : 4’-Substituted 2 :2’- dipyridyls in chelation reactions with ferrous iron.Smith and Banick, 661. 3 :5-Dinitrosalicylate : Alkaline reagents for detmng. carbohydrate reducing groups. I. - ion, and interference by air. Bottle and Gilbert, 403. 4 :4’-Diphenoxy-2 :2'-dipyridyl : 4 : 4‘-Substituted 2 : 2’-dipyridyls in chelation reactions with ferrous iron. Smith and Banick, 661. Diphenyl: Public Health (Preservatives etc. in Food) (Amendment) Regulations, 1958, 591. 4 :?‘-Diphenyl-1 :lo-phenanthroline : Absorptiometric detmn. of traces of iron in bismuth. Booth and Evett, 80. 2 :2’-Dipyridyl: 4 : 4‘-Substituted -s in chelation reactions with ferrous iron. Smith and Eanick, 661. Smith and Banick, 661. VOLUME 83 xxi 2 :2’-Diquinolyl: Detmng. copper in gelatin. Russell and Hart, 202. Detmng.copper in sea water, silicate rocks and biological materials. Riley and Sinhaseni, 299. Disinfectants : Values and Uses. Finch. (Publica- tion received), 247 ; (Review), 439. Dispensing device : Transistor-operated - for liquids. Stock and Fill, 244. o-Dithiols in analysis. VI. Diacetyltoluene-3 : 4- dithiol as coagulant, catalyst and precipitant for sulphur and metallic sulphides. Clark, 103; VII. Toluene3 : 4-dithiol in qualitative analy- sis, 396. Dithizone : Argentimetric titration of halide and cyanide ions with - as indicator. Archer, 571. Drugs : Analytical Microscopy : Aims and Methods in Relation t o Foods, Water, Spices and -. Wallis. 2nd Edn. (Review), 116. Exercises in Evaluation of - and Surgical Dressings. Shellard. (Publication received), 708.Dyer: Fifth Bernard ~ Memorial Lecture. Science and politics. Linstead, 275. Dyes: Derivatives of l-amino-2-naphthol-4-sul- phonic acid for colorimetric detmn. of zinc. Liddell and Williams, 11 1. Separating coal-tar food colours by paper electro- phoresis. Crossley and Thomas, 462. E Ebulliometer : Ebullioscopic micro-detmn. of molecu- lar weight : improved micro Menzies - Wright ---. Colson, 169. Improved -. Heitler, 223. Editorials : International Symposium on Micro- chemistry, Birmingham, Aug. 20th t o 27th, 1958, 489. The first ten volumes (AnaZyst), 597. Effluents : Biological Treatment of Sewage and Industrial Wastes. Vol. 11. McCabe and Ecken- felder. (Publication received), 596. Colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus (detmn. in -). . Fogg and Wrilkinson, 406.Radioactivity and detcn. in --. Burns. (Brief summary), 2. Recommended Methods for Analysis of Trade -. A.R.C.M. and Society for Analytical Chemistry. (Publication received), 488. Recommended methods for analysis of trade - -. Methods for detmng. phosphorus and acid- soluble sulphate. A.B.C.M. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 60; Methods for detmng. residual chlorine, cyanides and thiocyanate, fluoride, formaldehyde and sulphite and thio- sulphate, 230. Egypt : Egyptian Journal of Chemistry. Vol. I, hTo. 1, 1958. Electroanalysis : Modern Electroanalytical Methods. Charlot. Reprint of A wdyticcc Chzrnzcn A cta, 1958, 18, 1-182. (Publication received), 488. Electrode : Application of polarised platinum ~ t o detmn. of ascorbic acid in fruit products. Curtis, 54.Organic -- Processes. Allen. (l’ublication received), 184 ; (Review), 382. Suction-operated differential __ system for poteiitiometric titration. Stock, 57. Wide-bore dropping-mercury -- for long-period recording of concentration of dissolved oxygen. Briggs, Dyke and Knowles, 304. (Publication received), 440. See also Analysis.xxii INDEX TO VOLUME 83 Electrolysis : Differential electrolytic potentiometry. (Publica- 11. Precision and accuracy of applications to redox titrimetry. Bishop, 212. Pluoranthene : Detmng. polycyclic hydrocarbons. Electrophoresis : Manual of Paper Chromatography and -. Durrum and Zweig* Fluorexone : Recent developments in chelatometry. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 247; (Re- view), 486. Fluoride : Recommended methods for analysis of Emulsions : Theory and Practice.Becher. (Publi- trade effluents. Methods for detmng. residual cation received), 247. chlorine, cyanides and thiocyanate, -, Encyclopedia of Chemical Reactions. Vol. VII. formaldehyde and sulphite and thiosulphate. Jacobson and Hampel. (Publication received), A.B.C.M. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, of Chemical Technology. First Supplement Vol. see also Hade. Kirk and Othmer. (Publication received), 184. F'luorine Compounds : Aliphatic __. ~ ~ ~ of Chemistry. Clark. (Review), 317; Supple- Rausch and Postelnek. (Publication received), ment. (Publication received), 651. 440; (Review), 596. Endrin : Detmng. chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide compounds : Detmng. nitrogen in fluorinated corn- residues in plant material. Sergeant, 335.pounds by Kjeldahl method. Fennel1 and Eriochrome black T : Simultaneous spectrophoto- metric micro-detmn. Of Calcium and nlagneSiUm Report on - : revised recommendations for with - and ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid. Ministry of Menon and Das, 434. Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Food Erythrosine BS : Separating coal-tar food colours by paper electrophoresis. Crossley and Thomas, Fodders : see Feedingstuffs. 462. with mutant of -. in Relation to -, Water, Spices and Drugs. Wallis. 2nd Edn. (Review), 116. Antioxidant in __ Regulations, 1958, 591. and Burns, 648. Bibliography of - . Select International Ethanol: See Ethyl alcohol. Bibliography of Nutrition, ~ and Beverage Ether : See Diethyl ether. Technology and Distribution 1936-56. Baker Ethyl alcohol: Acid dichromate method for detmng.- in body fluids. Henly low-temperature diffusion. Wager, 291. Ethyl 4 : 4'-dichlorobenzilate : See Chlorobenzilate. Ethylaniline : Spot tests for phenols and alkylated Detmng' trace in crops' Duffield* 503* anilines based on Duff formylation. Feigl and Flavor Research and - Acceptance. (Publica- tion received), 651. in brine. Public Health (Preservatives etc. in -) Jungreis, translated by Oesper, 666. (4mendment) Regulations, 1958, 591. Ethylene dibromide : Detmng. - Mashall and Ader, 687. Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic Acid : Analytical Uses of Radioactivity in sea __ and waters* James* (Brief summary), 2. of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Food Standards Committee, 591. Report on fluorine : revised recommendations for limits for fluorine content of -.Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Food Stan- dards Committee, 183. Plavor Research and Food Acceptance. tion received), 65 1, Commins, 386. Pribil, 188. 440. 230. Webb, 694. limits for - content of foods. Standards Committee, 183. Escherichia coli : Plate assay of L-phenylalanine Food(s) : i'nalytical Microscopy: Aims and Methods Dickinson, 647; Jones Wilkinson, 390. Detmng. and acetaldehyde in plant tissue by and Foskett' (publication received), 488. Detmng. calcium in biological material. and Saunders, 584. -* Welcher. (Publication received), 184; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ limits for copper in -. ~ i ~ i ~ (Review), 437. Detmng. glucose in biological fluids with --. Street, 628. Simultaneous spectrophotometric micro-detmn. of calcium and magnesium witll Eriochrome black T and -.Menon and Das, 434. F Factories Acts 1937 & 1948: Concise Summary Applicable to Iron and Steel Works. Jones. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 651. Faeces : Detmng. calcium in biological material. Henly and Saunders, 584. Fats: Detmng. water in glycerol, margarine, oils and -. Stuffins, 312. Introduction to Chemistry of - and Fatty Acids. Gunstone. (Publication received), 488. Fatty Acids : Essential -. Sinclair. (Publica- tion received), 596. Introduction to Chemistry of Fats and -. Gunstone. (Publication received), 488. Feedingstuffs : Detmng. trace metals in crops. Duffield, 503. Vitamin contents of animal -. Kent- Jones, Amos and Thackray, 479. Fertiliser: Fineness of ~ samples. Howes, 379. Filters : Transmission characteristics of interference - for flame photometry.Bond and Stace, 679. Flame photometry : Transmission characteristics of interference filters for -. Bond and Stace, 679. F'ood and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations : Human Protein Requirements and their Fulfilment in Practice. Waterlow and Stephen. (Review), 61. F'ormaldehyde : Acid dichromate method for detmng. ethanol in body fluids (detmng. -), Wilkin- son, 390. Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. residual chlo- rine, cyanides and thiocyanate, fluoride, - and sulphite and thiosulphate. A.B.C.M. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 230. solution. B.S. 2942 : 1957, 183. F'ormulary : British National - 1957: First Amendment 1958. (Publication received), 596.Dental Practioners' - 1957. (Publication received), 120. Fkeezing-point : Increasing precision of - detmns. Harrison, 483. P'ruit, citrus: Public Health (Preservatives etc. in Food) (Amendment) Regulations, 1958, 591. products : Polarised platinum electrode in detmng. ascorbic acid in -. F'ujiwara reaction : Detmng. small amounts of carbon tetrachloride by -. Burke and Southern, 316. Curtis, 54.INDEX TO VOLUME 83 xxiii G Gallium : Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in silicates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Spectrophotometric detmn. of __ in rocks and minerals. Culkin and Riley, 208. Gas analysis: Detmng. gases in metals by micro vacuum fusion method. Booth. (Summary), 599. analysis: Micro vacuum fusion detmn. of gases in metals. Everett.(Summary), 321. Town - : Manufacture and Distribution. Stewart. (Publication received), 384. Gelatin: Detmng. copper in-. Russell and Hart, 202. Germanium : Spectrographic detmn. of rarer ele- ments in silicates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Germicides : Separating quaternary halides by paper chromatography. Holness and Stone, 71. Glass : Identifying - fragments by physical pro- perties. Finch and Miilliams, 698. Glassblowing : Scientific -. hi-heeler. (Publica- tion received), 440; (Review), 707. Glucose : Alkaline reagents for detmng. carbohydrate reducing groups. I. 3 : 5-Dinitrosalicylate ion, and interference by air. Bottle and Gilbert, 403. Detmng. -’in biological fluids with ethylene- dianiinetetra-acetic acid. Street, 628. Glycerol : Detmng. water in -, margarine, oils and fats.Stuffins, 312. Rapid spectroscopic detmn. of water in ---. Chapman and Nacey, 377. Glycinecresol red : Recent developments in chelato- metry. Piibil, 188. Glycinethymol blue : Recent developments in chelatometry. Pribil, 188. Grass meal: Vitamin contents of animal feeding- stuffs. Kent- Jones, Amos and Thackray, 479. Ground nut: Vitamin contents of animal feeding- stuffs. Kent- Jones, Amos and Thrackray, 479. H Halide : Argentimetric titration of ~ and cyanide ions with dithizone as indicator. Archer, 571. Heterocyclic systems : Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. (Publication received), 708. Hexachlorocyclohexane : Detmng. chlorinated hydro- carbon pesticide residues in plant material.Sergeant, 335. Janovsky’s and Mohler’s reactions in detcng. benzene hexachloride. Rathenasinkam, 688. Hindi Science Academy: Research Journal of -. Prakash. Vol. 1, No. 1. (Publication re- ceived), 488. Hysmine 1622 : See pDiisobutylphenoxyethoxyethy1- dimethylbenzylammonium chloride. Hydrocarbon(s) : Detmng. polycyclic -. Com- mins, 386. Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry. Inter- national Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. (Publication received), 708. pesticide : Detmng. chlorinated - residues in plant material. Sergeant, 335. Polynuclear ~ in tobacco and tobacco smoke. I. 3 : 4-Benzopyrene. Bentley and Burgan, 442. Hydrochloric acid : Prepng. metal-freea cids, alkalis and buffer solutions of high purity. Irving and Cox, 526. Hydrogen: Brushite nodules and ___ swells in defective canned cheese paste.Detmng. impurities in carbon dioxide by gas chromatography, with special reference to coolant gas for nuclear reactors. Timms, Konrath and Chirnside, 600. Detmng. oxygen and - in steel. Shanahan. (Summary), 599. Ions: Determination and Importance in Pure and Industrial Chemistry. Vol. I I. Uritton. 4th Edn. (Review), 246. Modified apparatus for micro-detmn. of oxygen, nitrogen and - in titanium and other metals. Swann and Williams, 113. Rapid detmn. of carbon and -- in highly volatile combustible organic liquids. Panicker and Banerjee, 296. Hydrogen cyanide: Rapid field detmn. of -- in air. Dixon, Hands and Bartlett, 199. Hydrogen sulphide : Microdiffusion detrnn. of - Bray, 379. Hydroxydiphenyl: Spot tests for phenols and alky- lated anilines based on Duff formylation.Feigl and Jungreis, translated by Oesper, 666. Hydroxymercurbenzoic acid : Analytical application of organic mercury compounds. AYronski, 314. 1 - (5 - IIydroxy - 3 - methyl - 1 - phenylpyrazolylazoj- 2-naphthol-4-sulphonic acid : See Solochrome red ERS. 1 - (1 - Hydroxy - 2 - naphthylazo) - 2 - naphthol - 4 - sulphomc acid : See Chrome fast cyanine G. 1 - (2 - Hydroxy - 1 - naphthylazo) - 2 - naphthol - 4 - sulphonic acid: See Chrome fast cyanine B. 1 - (1 - Hydroxy - 2 - naphthylazo) - 5 - nitro - 2 - naphthol-4-sulphonic acid : Derivatives of 1- aniino-2-naphtl~ol-4-sulphonic acid for colori- metricdetmn. of zinc. Liddell and Williams, 11 1. 1 - (2 - Hydroxy - 1 - naphthylazo) - 5 - nitro - 2 - naphthol-4-sulphonic acid : See Solochrome black A.Hygiene: Industrial ~ and Toxicology. Vol. I. Patty. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 544. industrial : Manual of Analytical Methods Recom- mended for Sampling and Analysis of Atmos- pheric Contaminants. American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists. (Publica- tion received), 188 ; (Review), T05. Welson, 539. I Ice cream: Keport on __ standard. Ministry o f Agriculture, Fisheries and €ood, Food Standards Committee, 182. Indicator : New pH Rarakat, Shehab and El- Sadr, 695. Indigo carmine : Separating coal-tar food colours by paper electrophoresis. Crossley and Thomas, 462. Indium : Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in silicates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. Vol.I. Patty. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 544. Manual of Analytical Methods Recommended for Sampling and Analysis of Atmospheric Con- taminants. American Conference of Govern- ment Industrial Hygienists. (Publication re- ceived), 488 ; (Review), 705. Industrial wastes : See Effluents. Industry : Experimental Designs in -. Chew. (Publication received), 596. Inks : Applications of gas - liquid chromatography. Examination of solvents from plastic adhesives. Haslam and Jeffs, 455.Inositol: Reaction between meso -- and uranyl acetate. Meredith and Sammons, 686. Institute of Petroleum : Standard Methods for Testing Petroleum and its Products. 17th Edn. (Publication received), 247. Interatomic Distances : Tables of - and Configura- tion in Molecules and Ions. Sutton.(Publica- tion received), 707. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry : Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry. (Publi- cation received), 708. Proposed International Chemical Notation. (Pub- lication received), 651. Purity Control by Thermal Analysis. Smit. (Publication received), 247 ; (Review), 485. Iodide: See Halide. Ion-exchange : Practical application of chromato- graphic theory to analytical and preparative separations by - elution. Ion-exchangers : Chromatographische Methoden in der analytischen und preparativen anorgani- schen Chemie unter besonderer Berucksichtig- gung der Ionenaustauscher. Blasius. (Publi- cation received), 596. Ion Exchange Resins. Kunin. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 384; (Review), 593. Prepn. and uses of ion-exchange resins.Hale, 3. Iraq : Proceedings of Iraqi Scientific Societies. Abdullah. Vol. I, 1957. (Publication re- ceived), 440. Iridium : Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. XVII. Separating non-volatile platinum metals. Rees-Evans, Ryan and Wells, 356. Iron: Absorptiometric detmn. of traces of - in bismuth. Booth and Evett, 80. Detmng. small amounts of silicon in high-purity -. Short and Williams, 624. Detmng. traces of aluminium in cast -, Rooney, 546. Detmng. traces of lead and bismuth in cast -. Kooney, 83. Detmng. zinc and other elements in plants by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. David, 655. Factories Acts 1937 & 1948: Concise Summary Applicable to - and Steel Works. Jones. 3rd Edn. (Publication received) , 661. Folarographic detmn. of thallium, - and copper in high-purity cadmium metal.Carson, 472. Spectrochemical analysis of mineral matter associated with coal. Dixon, 362. Spectrochemical solution method for detmng. copper, cobalt and - in copper and cobalt concentrates. Spectrophotometric detmn. of - in high- purity bismuth. 4 : 4’-Substituted 2 : 2’-dipyridyls in chelation reactions with ferrous - . Smith and Banick, 661. Volumetric detmn. of uranium in presence of - (and detmn. of -). Desai and Murthy, 126. ken and Steel Institute : Determination of Nitrogen in Steel. British Iron and Steel Research Assoc. (Publication received), 708. kon phosphate : Significance of pointage titration in control of zinc phosphating baths (and -) Armson, 374. Cornish, 634. Mason and de Beer, 129. High and Placito, 522. Journal: Egyptian - of Chemistry.Vol. I, No. 1, 1958. (Publication received), 440. of Chromatography. Lederer. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan., 1958. (Publication received), 320. Pakistan ___ of Scientific and Industrial Research. Qurashi. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan., 1958. (Publication received), 320. Proceedings of Iraqi Scientific Societies. Abdul- lah. Vol. I, 1957. (Publication received), 440. Research - of Hindi Science Academy. Praliash. Vol. 1, No. 1. (Publication re- ceived), 488. South African - of Agricultural Science. De Kock. Vol. 1, No. 1, March, 1958. (Publica- tion received), 488. Talanta. Wilson. Vol. I, Nos. 1/2, July, 1958. (Publication received), 651. K EEetohexoses : Ultra-violet spectrophotometric Bath, 451. detmn. of sugars and uronic acids. L Lacquers : -\pplications of gas - liquid chromato- graphy.Examination of solvents from plastic adhesives. Haslam and Jeffs, 455. Kunststoff-, Lack- und Gummi-Analyse : Chem- ische und infrarotspektroskopische Methoden. Two Vols. Hummel. (Publication received), 440 ; (Review), 706. Lactic acid: Microdiffusion detmn. of -. Ryan, 528. Lanthanum : Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in silicates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Lead: Detmng. traces of - and bismuth in cast iron. Rooney, 83. Detmng. traces of __ and bismuth in organic material. Gage, 672. Micro electrolytic detmn. of - in copper-base alloys. Saint, 88. Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in silicates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Ileucomalachite green : Detmng. traces of manganese with -. Yuen, 350.Lime: Detmng. free __ in - and silicate pro- ducts. I. Extracting freshly ignited - with non-aqueous solvents and detmng. calcium oxide content of extracts. Verma, Bhuchar, Therattil and Sharma, 160. 1;imestone: Mastic asphalt for roofing (- aggre- gate). B.S. 988: 1957, 59. linseed : Vitamin contents of animal feedingstuffs. Kcnt- Jones, Amos and Thackray, 479. Lipid : Detmng. major constituents of small amounts of tissue. Paul, 37. ];ithiurn : Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in silicates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Arthur D. Little, Inc.: Flavor Research and Food Acceptance. (Publication received), 651. 1;ocust bean : Vitamin contents of animal feeding- stuffs. Gibb. (Summary), 653. Kent-Jones, Amos and Thackray, 475. J Lubricating oils: Detmng.acidity in dark -. IJucerne meal : Vitamin contents of animal feeding- benzene hexachloride. Rathenasinkam, 688. stuffs. Kent- Jones, Amos and Thackray, 479. Janov&y’s reaction and Mohler’s reaction in detcng.INDEX TO M Macromolecules : Big Molecules. Melville. (Publi- cation received), 488. Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation : Human Protein Re- quirements and their Fulfilment in Practice. Waterlow and Stephen. (Review), 61. Magnesium : Atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with special reference t o detmng. -. Allan, 466. Detmng. - in solution by direct photometry. Scott and Ure, 561. Detmng. zinc and other elements in plants by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. David, 655. Micro-detmn. of - in presence of known amounts of calcium. Hunter, 93. Simultaneous spectrophotometric micro-detmn.of calcium and - with Eriochrome black T and ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid. Menon and Das, 434. Spectrochemical analysis of mineral matter associated with coal. Dixon, 362. Maize, yellow : Vitamin contents of animal feeding- stuffs. Kent- Jones, Amos and Thackray, 479. Maltose : Alkaline reagents for detmng. carbo- hydrate reducing groups. I. 3 : 5-Dinitrosali- cylate ion, and interference by air. Bottle and Gilbert, 403. Manganese : Detmng. __ in titanium. Corbett, 53. Detmng. trace metals in crops. Detmng. traces of - with leucomalachite green, Yuen, 350. Separating - as diethyldithiocarbamate com- plex in presence of cerium, and detmn. Clinch and Guy, 429. Spectrochemical analysis of mineral matter associated with coal. Dixon, 362.Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in sili- cates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Manganese phosphate : Significance of pointage titration in control of zinc phosphating baths (and -). Armson, 374. Margarine: Detmng. water in glycerol, -, oils and fats. Stuffins, 312. Mass spectrometry : Solid analysis using spark- source mass spectrometer. Craig. (Sum- mary), 186. Solid-source - : instrumentation. Palmer. (Summary), 186. Stable-isotope dilution analysis. Webster. (Sum- mary), 187. Mathematics and Statistics for Use in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry. Saunders and Flem- ing. (Review), 1 18. Dictionary of Named Effects and Laws in Chemistry, Physics and - . Ballentyne and Walker. (Publication received), 651. May and Baker, Ltd.: Materials for Gas Chromato- graphy: Standards and Data for “Embaphase” Stationary Phases and “Embacel” Kieselguhr.(Publication received), 440; (Review) , 593. Meat : Detmng. starch in sausage - and calculat- ing nitrogen correction for cereal content. Fraser and Holmes, 371. Medicine : Micro-Analysis in Medical Biochemistry. King and Wootton. 3rd Edn. (Review), 59. Mercaptans : Analytical application of organic mercury compounds (detmng. -). Wrofiski, 314. Mercury : Analytical application of organic - compounds (and detmn. of -). Wrofiski, 314. Microbiological assay of mercurials in pharma- ceutical products. Duffield, 503. Carter and Sykes, 536. VOLUME 83 xxv Mercury-continued. Purity test for metallic - in polarography. Israel, 432. wide-bore dropping- - electrode for long- period recording of concentration of dissolved oxygen.mesoInosito1: Reaction between - and uranyl acetate. Meredith and Sammons, 686. Methacrylate copolymers ; Detmng. poly(ethy1 esters) in methyl -. Haslam, Hamilton and Jeffs, 66. Methane : Detmng. impurities in carbon dioxide by gas chromatography, with special reference t o coolant gas for nuclear reactors. Timms, Konrath and Chirnside, 600. Methanol: See Methyl alcohol. Methoxychlor : Detmng. chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide residues in plant material. Sergeant, 335. Methyl alcohol : Acid dichromate method for detmng. ethanol in body fluids (detmng. -). Wilkin- son, 395. Methyl methacrylate copolymers : Detmng. poly (ethyl esters) in -. Haslam, Hamilton and Jeffs, 66. Methylaniline : Spot tests for phenols and alkylated anilines based on Duff formylation.Feigl and Jungreis, translated by Oesper, 666. Methylthymol blue : See 3 :3’-Bi~-di(carboxymethyl)- aminomethylth ymolsulphonphthalein. Microchemistry : International Sympo,’ cium on -, Birmingham, Aug. 20th to 27th, 1955. Editor- ial, 489. Microscopy: Analytical -: Aims and Methods in Relation t o Foods, Water, Spices and Drugs. Wallis. 2nd Edn. (Review), 116. Fusion Methods in Chemical -. McCrone. (Review), 183. Practical -. Martin and Johnson. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 488. Milk: Detmng. calcium in - and whey. Ling, 179. Minerals: Simultaneous detmn. of water and carbon dioxide in rocks and ---. Spectrophotometric detmn. of gallium in rocks and -. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food : Recom- mended limits for copper in foods.- , Food Standards Committee, 591. Report on fluorine : revised recommendations for limits for fluorine content of foods. - , Food Standards Committee, 183. Report on ice cream standard. -- , Food Standards Committee, 182. Specifications and Methods of Analysis for certain Pesticides. - , Plant Pathology Laboratory. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 708. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Statutory Instruments et c . Briggs, Dyke and Knowles, 304. Riley, 42. Culkin and Riley, 208. Antioxidant in food, 591. Preservatives in food, 591. Mohler’s reaction : Janovsky’s and -s in detcng. benzene hexachloride. Rathenasinkam, 688. Molecular weight (s) : Ebullioscopic micro-detmn. of -: improved micro Menzies - Wright ebullio- meter. Colson, 169.Molecules: Big -. Melville. (Publication re- ceived), 488. Molybdenum: Chemical detmn. of nitrogen in reactor metals. Ryan. (Summary), 322. Detmng. - in uranium and in - - uranium and - - niobium mixtures. Detmng. trace metals in crops. Improved ebulliometer. Heitler, 223. Granger, 609. Duffield, 503.xxvi INDEX TO Molybdenum-continued. Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in sili- cates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Molybdenum sulphide : o-Dithiols in analysis. VI. Diacetyltoluene-3 : 4-dithiol as coagulant, cata- lyst and precipitant for sulphur and metallic sulphides. Clark, 103. Molybdophosphate : Molybdate detmn. of phos- phorus, particularly in basic slag and steel. Stockdale, 24. Monobromamine : Detmng. - and monochlor- amine in water. Johannesson, 155.Monochloramine : Detmng. monobromamine and - in water. Johannesson, 155. Monomercurphenolphthalein: Analytical applica- tion of organic mercury compounds. Wronski, 314. Morton and. Stubbs correction : Nomograms for calculating and testing - in spectrophoto- metric assay of Vitamin A. Pancrazio and Duse, 579. N a-Naphthol : Spot tests for phenols and alkylated anilines based on Duff formylation. Feigl and Jungreis, translated by Oesper, 666. Nickel: Detcng. cobalt and -- in qualitative analysis. Clark, 431. Detmng. -- by solvent-ex traction method. Rlundy and Simpson, 558. Detmng. trace metals in crops. Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in sili- cates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Spectrophotometric detmn. of __ in copper - - alloys. Nicotinic acid : Vitamin contents of animal feeding- stuffs.Kent- Jones, Amos and Thackray, 479. Niobium: Chemical detmn. of nitrogen in reactor metals. Ryan. (Summary), 322. Detmng. molybdenum in uranium and in molyb- denum - uranium and molybdenum - - mix- tures. Granger, 609. Detmng. ___ and tantalum in titanium dioxide pigments. Stonhill, 642. Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in sili- cates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Technology of Columbium (-). Gonser and Shenvood. (Publication received), 651. Nitric acid : Density - composition tables for aqueous solutions of -. Nitrites : Nitrosophenol complexes in detcng. and detmng. -. Peach, 644. Nitrogen : Chemical detmn. of __ in reactor metals. liyan. (Summary), 322. correction: Detmng.starch in sausage meat and calculating -- for cereal content. Fraser and Holmes, 371. British Iron and Steel Research Assoc. (Publication received), 708. Detmng. impurities in carbon dioxide by gas chromatography, with special reference to coolant gas for nuclear reactors. Timms, Konrath and Chirnside, 600. Detmng. - in fluorinated compounds by Kjeldahl method. Modified apparatus for micro-detmn. of oxygen, -and hydrogen in titanium and other metals. Swann and Williams, 113. Potential source of sampling error in detmng. - in titanium alloys. Hobson and Swinburn, 376. protein : Detmng. major constituents of small amounts of tissue. Paul, 37. Duffield, 503. Sutcliffe and Peake, 122. B.S. 975 : 1957, 116. Determination of - in Steel. Fennel1 and Webb, 694. VOLUME 83 pNitropheno1: Spectrophotometric detmn.of parathion and -. 8-Nitrosocysteine : Colorimetric detmn. of microgram amounts of thiols. Saville, 670. Nitrosophenol complexes in detcng. and detmng. nitrites. Peach, 644. SI-Nitrosothiols: Colorimetric detmn. of microgram amounts of thiols. Saville, 670. Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. (Publi- cation received), 708. Notation : Proposed International Chemical --. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. (Publication received), 661. Nutrition : Bibliography of Food. Select Inter- national Bibliography of -, Food and Beverage Technology and Distribution 1936-56. Raker and Foskett. (Publication received), 488. Hjelt and Mukula, 283. 0 Oats : Vitamin contents of animal feedingstuffs.Obituaries : Kent- Jones, Amos and Thackray, 479. Baker, J . I.,., 121, 187. Barnard, H. L., 254. Bennett, A. H., 653. Clinton, Lord, 254. Davson, A. P., 254. Francis, A. G., 185. Gangolli, D. M., 545. Gray, J., 254. Harvey, A,, 254. Hawthorne, J., 490. Hucknall, E., 385. Kendrick, S. G., 1, 254. Lampitt, I,. H., 254. Lee, H., 254. Lickorish, A. J. C., 254. Lynch, G. R., 254. Macpherson, D. C., 321. Mason, H. M., 385. Parkes, A. E., 254. Pugh, I?., 1, 254. Scholes, A., 121. Seaber, W. NI., 250, 325. Skirvin, J. W., 254. Sutton, W. L., 653. Walker, W. B., 254. Walmsley, J. I<., 441, 545. Woodcock, W. H., 121, 254. Yoxall, D. A., 254. (Oils: Detmng. acidity in dark lubricating -. Gibb. (Summary), 653. Detmg. water in glycerol, margarine, - and fats.Stuffins, 312. Organic chemistry : See Chemistry. Orthophosphate : Radioactive phosphorus in study of phosphate separations. Bailey and Broad- bank, 675. Oxygen: Detmng. impurities in carbon dioxide by gas chromatography, with special reference to coolant gas for nuclear reactors. Timms, Iionrath and Chirnside, 600. Detinng. - and hydrogen in steel. Shanahan. (Summary), 599. Detmng. - content of sodium metal by butyl bromide method. Smythe and de Bruin, 242. Detmng. - in beryllium by micro vacuum fusion method. Modified apparatus for micro-detmn. of -, nitrogen and hydrogen in titanium and other metals. Swann and Williams, 113. Booth and Parker, 241.INDEX TO Wide-bore dropping-mercury electrode for long- period recording of concentration of dissolved -.Briggs, Dyke and Knowles, 304. Oxygen-continued. P Paints : Applications of gas - liquid chromatography. Examination of solvents from plastic adhesives. Haslam and Jeffs, 455. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research. Qurashi. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan., 1958. (Publication received), 320. Pallahum : Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. XVII. Separating non-volatile platinum metals. Rees-Evans, Ryan and \Veils, 356. Palm kernel: Vitamin contents of animal feeding- stuffs (-- cake and meal). Kent- Jones, Amos and Thackray, 479. Pantothenic acid : Vitamin contents of animal feedingstuffs. Kent- Jones, Amos and Thack- ray, 479. Paraformaldehyde: B.S. 2941 : 1957, 183. Parathion : See Diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphoro- thionate. Pathology: Introduction to -.Wright. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 708. Peas, dried : Vitamin contents of animal feeding- stuffs. Kent- Jones, Amos and Thackray, 479. Penicillin : Polarographic detmn. of amino acids containing thiol and disulphide groups. Coult, 422. Pentoses : Ultra-violet spectrophotometric detmn. of sugars and uronic acids. Periodic Table. Cooper. (Publication received), 708. Perrhenate : Spectrophotometric detmn. of -. Headridge, 690. Pesticide(s) : Detmng. chlorinated hydrocarbon - residues in plant material. Detmng. DDT and chlorobenzilate occurring together in spray deposits. Baker and Sker- rett, 447. Specifications and Methods of Analysis for certain -. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Plant Pathology Laboratory. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 708.Petroleum: Advances in - Chemistry and Re- fining. Vol. I. Kobe and McKetta. (Publi- cation received), 488. Standard Methods for Testing - and its Products. Institute of Petroleum. 17th Edn. (Publication received), 247. pH: New ~ indicator. Barakat, Shehab and El- Sadr, 695. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain : Calendar of - 1958-1959. (Publication received), 708. Pharmacognosy : Textbook of -. Trease. 7th Edn. (Review), 541. Pharmacopoeia : British - 1958. (Publication received), 247 ; (Review), 542 ; Amendments, August, 1958. (Publication received), 596. Extra - (Martindale). Vol. I. 24th Edn. (Publication received), 320; (Review), 594. Pharmacy: Mathematics and Statistics for Use in -, Biology and Chemistry. Saunders and Fleming. (Review) , 118. Phenols: Spot tests for - and alkylated anilines based on Duff formylation. Feigl and Jungreis, translated by Oesper, 666.y.,-Phenylalanine: Plate assay of - with mutant of Escherichia coli. Dickinson, 647; Jones and Burns, 648. Bath, 451. Sergeant, 335. VOLUME 83 xxvii Phenylmercuric nitrate : Microbiological assay of mercurials in pharmaceutical products. Carter and Sykes, 536. o-Phenylphenol : Public Health (Preservatives etc. in Food) (Amendment) Regulations, 1958, 591. Phosphate : Radioactive phosphorus in study of - separations. Bailey and Broadbank, 675. Rapid boiler-water analysis. Banks and Robson, 98. Phosphating baths : Significance of pointage titration in control of zinc -. Phosphorus : Colorimetric detmn. of -. Fogg and Wilkinson, 406. Molybdate detmn.of -, particularly in basic slag and steel. Stockdale, 24. Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. __- and acid- soluble sulphate. A.B.C.M. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 50. Phosphorus-32 : Radioactive phosphorus in study of phosphate separations. Bailey and Broadbank, 675. Burriel-Marti and Rami- rez-Muiioz. (Publication received), 120; (Re- view), 485. Physics: Dictionary of Named Effects and Laws in Chemistry, - and Mathematics. Ballentyne and Walker, 651. Plant(s) : Detmng. chlorinated hydrocarbon pesti- cide residues in - material. Detmng. DDT in - materials and soil. Martin and Batt, 340. Detmng. ethanol and acetaldehyde in - tissue by low-temperature diffusion. Wager, 291. Detmng. magnesium in solution by direct photometry. Scott and Ure, 561.Detmng. trace metals in crops. atomic-absorption spectroscopy. David, 655. Platinum electrode: Polarised - in detrnng. ascorbic acid in fruit products. Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. XVII. Separating non-volatile - metals. Rees- Evans, Ryan and Wells, 356. Plutonium : Applications of Conway diffusion technique to analysis of radioactive materials for trace impurities. Foreman. (Summary), 251. Long-chain quaternary ammonium salts in solvent extraction of metal ions (separating and detmng. -). Powell. (Summary), 252. Precise detmn. of - by differential spectro- photometry. Phillips, 75. Pointage titration: Significance of - in control of zinc phosphating baths. Armson, 374. Polarography : Purity test for metallic mercury used in -.Israel, 432. Politics: Science and -. Fifth Bernard Dyer Memorial Lecture. Linstead, 275. Pollution : Manual of Analytical Methods Recom- mended for Sampling and Analysis of Atmos- pheric Contaminants. American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists. (Publica- tion received), 488; (Review), 705. Polonium-210 : Detmng. naturally occurring radio- active impurities in uranium purification. Hayes. (Summary), 322. Poly(ethy1 acrylate) : Detmng. poly(ethy1 esters) in methyl methacrylate copolymers. Haslam, Hamilton and Jeffs, 66. Poly(ethy1 esters) : Detmng. - in methyl metha- crylate copolymers. HasIam, Hamilton and Jeffs, 66. Arnison, 374. Photometry : Flame -. Sergeant, 335. Duffield, 503. Detmng. zinc and other elements in - by Curtis, 54.xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME 83 Polymers : Analysis of Rubber and Rubber-like -.Wake. (Publication received), 488. Kunststoff -, Lack- und Gummi-Analyse : Chem- ische und infrarotspektroskopische Methoden. Two Vols. Hummel. (Publication received), 440 ; (Review), 706. Semi-micro detmn. of chlorine in poly(viny1 chloride) and related -. Haslam and Hall, 196. Poly(viny1 chloride) : Semi-micro detmn. of chlorine in - and related polymers. Haslam and Hall, 196. Ponceau : Separating coal-tar food colours by paper electrophoresis (- MX, - 4R and - 3R). Potassium : Practical application of chromato- graphic theory to analytical and preparative separations by ion-exchange elution (separating sodium and -). Cornish, 634. Spectrochemical analysis of mineral matter associated with coal.Dixon, 362. Potentiometry : Differential electrolytic -. 11. Precision and accuracy of applications to redox titrimetry. Bishop, 212. Preservatives: Public Health (- etc. in Food) (Amendment) Regulations, 1958, 591. Pressure Measurement in Vacuum Systems. Leck. (Publication received), 64. Protein : Amino Acid Handbook : Methods and Results of - Analysis. Block and Weiss, et al. (Review), 61. Human - Requirements and their Fulfilment in Practice. Waterlow and Stephen. (Re- view), 61. Introduction to - Chemistry. Fox and Foster. (Publication received), 184. nitrogen : Detmng. major constituents of small amounts of tissue. Paul, 37. Pro-vitamin A : Vitamin contents of animal feeding- stuffs. Kent- Jones, Amos and Thackray, 479. Public Analyst : Historical development of -.James. (Summary), 324. Publications received : Albert, Badger and Shoppee. Allen. Organic Electrode Processes, 184. A.S.T.M. Symposium on Spectrochemical Analy- sis for Trace Elements, 707. Arima, Nickerson, Pyke, Schanderl, Schultz, Thaysen and Thorne. Yeasts, 64. Baker and Foskett. Bibliography of Food, 488. Ballentyne and Walker. Dictionary of Named Effects and Laws in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, 65 1. Basolo and Pearson. Mechanism of Inorganic Reactions: Study of Metal Complexes in Solu- tion, 544. Crossley and Thomas, 462. Current Trends in Heterocyclic Chemistry, 384. Becher. Bjerruni, Schwarzenbach and Sillen. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with Solu- bility Products of Inorganic Substances. Part 11, 384. Blasius. Chromatographische Methoden in der analytischen und preparativen anorganischen Chemie unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Ionenaustauscher, 596.Block, Durrum and Zweig. Manual of Paper Chromatography and Paper Electrophoresis. 2nd Edn., 247. Boltz. Colorimetric Determination of Nonmetals, 320. British Drug Houses Ltd. B.D.H. Book of Organic Reagents. 10th Edn., 651. British Standards Institution. Annual Report Emulsions : Theory and Practice, 247. 1957-8, 544. Piublications received-continued. British Standards Institution. Yearbook 1958, 320. Broda. Radioaktive Isotope in der Biochemie, 596. Brown. Introduction to Electronic Theories of Organic Chemistry, 651. Burriel-Marti and Ramirez-Muiioz. Flame Photo- metry, 120. Charlot. Modern Electroanalytical Methods, 488. Chew.Clark. Encyclopedia of Chemistry (Supplement), 651. Coates, Noebels and Fagerson. Gas Chromato- graphy, 596. Cook. Progress in Organic Chemistry. Vol. 4, 440. Cooper. Periodic Table, 708. Cottrell. Strengths of Chemical Bonds. 2nd Edn., 707. Craig. Theoretical Chemistry : Looking Before and After, 384. Faith, Keyes and Clark. Industrial Chemicals. 2nd Edn., 184. Feigl. Spot Tests in Inorganic Analysis. 5th Edn., 544. Finch. Fox and Foster. Introduction to Protein Chemis- try, 184. Fruton and Simmonds. General Biochemistry. 2nd Edn., 544. Gautier. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure et AppliquCe et d’ Analyse Bromatologique. 5th Series, 320; 6th Series, 488. Glick. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. VI, 320. Gonser and Sherwood. Technology of Columb- ium (Niobium), 651.Gunstone. Introduction to Chemistry of Fats and Fatty Acids, 488. Hale. Biological Laboratory Data, 708. Harris, Structural Introduction to Chemistry, 247. Hummel. Kunststoff -, Lack- und Gummi- Analyse : Chemische und infrarotspektroskop- ische Methoden. Two vols., 440. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemis- try. Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, 708. Iron and Steel Institute. Determination of Nitrogen in Steel, 708. Jacobson and Hampel. Encyclopedia of Chemi- cal Reactions. Vol. VII, 440. Jirgensons. Organic Colloids, 247. Jones. Factories Acts 1937 & 1948: Concise Summary Applicable to Iron and Steel Works. 3rd Edn., 651. Katz and Seaborg. Chemistry of Actinide Ele- ments, 64. Kirk and Othmer. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology.First Supplement Vol., 184. Klyne and de la Mare. Progress in Stereo- chemistry. Vol. 11, 247. Kobe and McKetta. Advances in Petroleum Chemistry and Refining. Kolthoff, Belcher, Stenger and Matsu yama. Volumetric ,4nalysis. Vol. 111, 64. Kunin. Ion Exchange Resins. 2nd Edn., 384. Leck. Pressure Measurement in Vacuum Sys- tems, 64. Lingane. Electroanalytical Chemistry. 2nd Edn., 708. Lothian. Absorption Spectrophotometry. 2nd Edn., 384. Lovelace, Rausch and Postelnek. Aliphatic Fluorine Compounds, 440. Experimental Designs in Industry, 596. Disinfectants: Values and Uses, 247. Vol. I, 488.INDEX TO VOLUME 83 xxix Publications received-continued. McCabe and Eckenfelder. Biological Treatment Vol. 11, 596. Madsen. Development of Titrimetric Analysis Martin and Johnson.Practical Microscopy. 3rd Martinez. Quimica Analitica Cuantitativa, 651. May & Baker, Ltd. Materials for Gas Chromato- graphy : Standards and Data for “Embaphase” Stationary Phases and “Embacel” Kieselguhr, 440. Mellan. Source Book of Industrial Solvents. Vol. 11, 184. Melville. Big Molecules, 488. Mika. Methoden der Mikromassanalyse. 2nd Edn., 247. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Specifications and Methods of Analysis for cer- tain Pesticides. 3rd Edn., 708. Mugele and Wiseman. Neher. Chromatographie von Sterinen, Steroiden Nordmann. Qualitative Testing and Inorganic Patty. Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Calen- Pierce, Haenisch and Sawyer. Quantitative Prodinger. Organische Fallungsmittel in der Roth.Quantitative organische Mikroanalyse Seligson. Standard Methods of Clinical Chemis- Shellard. Exercises in Evaluation of Drugs and Sinclair. Essential Fatty Acids, 596. Smit. Purity Control by Thermal Analysis, 247. Smith. Chromatographic Techniques : Clinical and Biochemical Applications, 247. Society for Analytical Chemistry and A.B.C.M. Recommended Methods for Analysis of Trade Effluents, 488. Society of Instrument Technology. Automatic Measurement of Quality in Process Plants, 708. Staudinger and Kern. Introduction a l’hnalyse Organique Qualitative. 2nd Edn., 320. Stewart. Town Gas: Manufacture and Distribu- tion, 384. Sutton. Tables of Interatomic Distances and Configuration in Molecules and Ions, 707. TArnoky. Clinical Biochemical Methods, 440. Taylor.Examination of Waters and Water Supplies (Thresh, Beale and Suckling), 7th Edn., 440. VarIey. Practical Clinical Biochemistry. 2nd Edn., 596. Vogel. Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry. Part 111, 320; (Combined Parts), 440. Wake. Analysis of Rubber and Rubber-like Polymers, 488. Welcher. Analytical Uses of Ethylenediamine- tetra-acetic Acid, 184. Wheeler. Scientific Glassblowing, 440. Wild. Characterisation of Organic Compounds. 2nd Edn., 440. Willard, Merritt and Dean. Instrumental Methods of Analysis. Worden and Lane-Petter. UFAW Handbook on Care and Management of Laboratory Animals. 2nd Edn., 247. of Sewage and Industrial Wastes. till 1806, 184. Edn., 488. Water Treatment, 707. und verwandten Verbindungen, 708. Chemistry, 247. Vol. I. 2nd Edn., 544. dar 1958-1959, 708.Analysis. 4th Edn., 440. quantitativen Analyse. 4th Edn., 120. (Pregl - Roth). try. Vol. 11, 384. Surgical Dressings, 708. 7th Edn., 708. 3rd Edn., 440. Publications received-con tinued. Wright. Introduction t o Pathology. 3rd Edn., Wyckoff. Crystal Structures. Supplement 111, Yoe and Koch. Young and Maw. Metabolism of Sulphur Com- pounds, 488. Analysis. Papers reprinted from Research, Vol. 9, 1956, 384. Annual Reports on Progress of Chemistry for 1957. Vol. LIV, 596. Biochemical Preparations. Vol. 5, 320. British National Formulary 1957 : First Amend- British Pharmacopoeia 1958, 247 ; Amendments, Czechoslovak Fine Chemicals Standards. Vol. 11, Dental Practioners’ Formulary 1957, 120. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry. Extra Pharmacopoeia (Martindale).Flavor Research and Food Acceptance, 651. Journal of Chromatography. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan., 1958, 320. Manual of Analytical Methods Recommended for Sampling and Analysis of Atmospheric Con- taminants, 488. New Chemistry, 440. Organic Syntheses. Vol. 37, 184. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research. Proceedings of Congress on Modern Analytical Chemistry in Industry: St. Andrews, June, 1957, 440. Proceedings of Iraqi Scientific Societies, Vol. I, 1957, 440. Proposed International Chemical Notation, 651. Reports on Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. Research Journal of Hindi Science Academy. South African Journal of Agricultural Science. Standard Methods for Testing Petroleum and its Standard Methods for Testing Tar and its Pro- Talanta. See also Book reviews.708. 184. Trace Analysis, 247. ment 1958, 596. Aug., 1958, 586. 440. Vol. I, No. 1, 24th Edn. , 1958, 440. 320. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan., 1958, 320. XLI, 64. Vol. 1, No. 1, 488. Vol. 1, No. 1, March, 1958, 488. Products. 17th Edn., 247. ducts. 4th Edn., 247. Vol. I, Nos. 1/2, July, 1958, 651. Pyrene : Detmng. polycyclic hydrocarbons. Com- Pyridoxin : Vitamin contents of animal feedingstuffs. mins, 386. Kent- Jones, Amos and Thackray, 479. Q in Quaternary ammonium salts : Long-chain __ solvent extraction of metal ions. Powell. (Summary), 252. chromatography. Holness and Stone, 71. Quinoxaline-2 : 3-dithiol : Detcng. cobalt and nickel in qualitative analysis. Clark, 431. Quaternary halides : Separating - by paper R Radioactive elements : Chemistry of Actinide Elements.Iiatz and Seaborg. (Publication received), 64.xxx INDEX TO VOLUME 83 Radioactive-continued. impurities : Detmng. naturally occurring - in uranium purification. Hayes. (Summary) , 322. isotopes : Iiadioaktive Isotope in der Biochemie. Broda. (Publication received) , 596. materials : Applications of Conway diffusion technique to analysis of - for trace impuri- ties. Foreman. (Summary), 251. Radioactivity and detcn. in effluents. Burns. (Brief summary), 2. Effects of radiation on living cells. Freundlich. (Brief summary), 2. in sea foods and waters. James. (Brief sum- mary), 2. Instrumentation in radioactive analysis. Min- shall. (Brief summary), 2. Radium-226 : Detmng. naturally occurring radio- active impurities in uranium purification. Hayes. (Summary), 322.Rat : Microdiffusion detmn. oi lactic acid (lactic acid in - leg muscles). Reagents: B.D.H. Book of Organic -. British Drug Houses Ltd. 10th Edn. (Publication received) , 65 1. Redoxokinetic titration : New electroanalytical technique. Doss, Narayanan and Sundarara- jan, 696. Resins : Iiunststoff -, Lack- und Gummi-Analyse : Chemische und infrarotspektroskopische Metho- den. Two vols. Hummel. (Publication re- ceived), 440; (Review), 706. Resorcinol: Spot tests for phenols and alkylated anilines based on Duff formylation. Feigl and Jungreis, translated by Oesper, 666. Reviews, book : See Book reviews. Rhenium : Spectrophotometric detmn. of perrhenate. Headridge, 6'30. Rhodium : Inorganic chromatography on cellulose. XVII. Separating non-volatile platinum metals.Riboflavin : Vitamin content of animal feedingstuffs. Kent-Jones, Amos and Thackray, 479. Ribonucleic acid : Detmng. major constituents of small amounts of tissue. Paul, 37. Rocks: Detmng. copper in sea water, silicate - and biological materials. Riley and Sinhaseni, 299. Flame-photometric detmn. of calcium in silicate -. Stone and Thomas, 691. Simultaneous detmn. of water and carbon dioxide in -- and minerals. Spectrophotometric dctmn. of gallium in - and minerals. Culkin and Kiley, 208. Rubber: Analysis of ~ and - -like Polymers. Wake. (Publication received), 488. Kunststoff-, Lack- und Gummi-Analyse : Chem- ische und infrarotspektroskopische Methoden. Two vols. Hummel. (Publication received), 440; (Review), 706. Ryan, 528. Rees-Evans, Ryan and Wells, 356.Riley, 42. S Salicylic acid: Spot tests for phenols and alkylated anilines based on Duff formylation. Feigl and Jungreis, translated by Oesper, 666. Sausage meat : Detmng. starch in -- and calculat- ing nitrogen correction for cereal content. Fraser and Holmes, 371. Scandium : Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in silicates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erra- tum, 247. Science and politics. Fifth Bernard Dyer Memorial Lecture. Linstead, 275. Scintillation counters : Flow-through cell for use with Seii water: Detmng. copper in -, silicate rocks Riley and Sinhaseni, :Detmng. monobromamine and monochloramine Serum : See Blood serum. Sewage : Biological Treatment of - and Industrial Wastes. Vol. 11. McCabe and Eckenfelder. (Publication received), 596. Silica : Effect of organic compounds on detmng.- by molybdenum blue method. Richardson, 586. SSicate(s) : Detmng. copper in sea water, - rocks and biological materials. Kiley and Sinhaseni, 299. I. Extracting freshly ignited lime with non- aqueous solvents and detmng. calcium oxide content of extracts. Verma, Bhuchar, Therattil and Sharma, 160. Flame-photometric detmn. of calcium in - rocks. Stone and Thomas, 691. !Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in -. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Silicon compounds : Volumetric detmn. of organo- chlorosilanes with ammonium thiocyanate. Takiguchi, 482. :Detmng. small amounts of - in high-purity iron. Short and Williams, 624. Spectrochemical analysis of mineral matter associated with coal. Dixon, 362. Silver : hrgentimetric titration of halide and cyanide ions with dithizone as indicator (titrating -).Archer, 571. Flame-photometric detmn. of - in blister cop- per. Galloway, 373. Silver nitrate titrations. Sla,gs : Spectrochemical analysis of mineral matter associated with coal. Dixon, 362. Smoke : Detmng. polycyclichydrocarbons. Commins, 386. Polynuclear hydrocarbons in tobacco and tobacco -. I. 3 : 4-Benzopyrene. Uentley and Bur- gan, 442. -. Greenfield, 114. and biological materials. 299. in water. Johannesson, 155. :Detmng. free lime in lime and - products. Leitch and Lewis, 55. Society for Analytical Chemistry : .4nalytical Methods Committee. :34th A.G.M., 249. .4nnual Report of Council, 253. Biological Methods Croup. IMicrochemistry Group. 14th A.C.M., 186. Xdlands Section.3rd A.G.M., 185. North of England Section. Physical Methods Group. Proceedings of Congress on Modern Analytical Chemistry in Industry : St. Andrews, June, 1957. (Publication received) , 440. .Recommended Methods for Analysis of Trade Effluents. A.B.C.M. and -. (Publication received), 488. :Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. phosphorus and acid-soluble sulphate. A.B.C.M. and -, 50; Methods for detmng. residual chlorine, cyanides and thiocyanate, fluoride, formalde- hyde and sulphite and thiosulphate, 230. Report of -, 262; Erratum, 384. 13th A.G.M., 66. 33rd A.G.M., 121. 13th A.G.M., 2 :Scottish Section. 23rd A.G.M., 121. 'Western Section. 3rd A.G.M., 122. Society of Chemical Industry : Reports on Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol.XLI. (Publica- tion received), 64. Society of Instrument Technology : Automatic Measurement of Quality in Process Plants. (Publication received), 708.INDEX TO VOLUME 83 xxxi Sodium: Detrnng. oxygen content of - metal by butyl bromide method. Smythe and de Bruin, 242. Practical application of chromatographic theory to analytical and preparative separations by ion-exchange elution (separating - and potassium). Cornish, 634. Spectrochemical analysis of mineral matter associated with coal. Dixon, 362. Transmission characteristics of interference filters for flame photometry (detmng. -). Bond and Stace, 679. Use of sulphuric acid to depress interference of calcium in detmng. - with E.E.L. flame photometer. Bond and Hutton, 684. Soil: Detmng. DDT in plant materials and soil.Martin and Batt, 340. Detmng. magnesium in solution by direct photometry. Scott and Ure, 561. Modified Audus - -perfusion apparatus. Sims and Collins, 699. Solochrome black A : Derivatives of 1 -amin0-2- naphthol-4-sulphonic acid for colorimetric detmn. of zinc. Solochrome cyanine R : Colorimetric detmn. of aluminium in steel with -. Scholes and Smith, 615. Solochrome red ERS : Derivatives of 1 -amino-2- naphthol-4-sulphonic acid for colorimetric detmn. of zinc. Solubility Products : Stability Constants of Metal- ion Complexes, with - of Inorganic Sub- stances. Bj errum, Schwarzenbach and Sillen. Part I. (Review), 381; Part 11. (Publication received), 384. Solvent Extraction in Analytical Chemistry. Morrison and Freiser. (Review), 438. Solvents : Applications of gas - liquid chromato- graphy.Examination of - from plastic adhesives. Haslam and Jeffs, 455. Source Book of Industrial - . VOl. 11. Halogenated Hydrocarbons. Mellan. (Publi- cation received), 184. Soot : Detmng. polycyclic hydrocarbons. Commins, 386. Sorbitol: Detmng. - in presence of carbohydrate. White, 649. South Africa : South African Journal of Agricultural Science. De Kock. Vol. 1, No. 1, March, 1958. (Publication received), 488. Lothian. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 384; (Review), 592. Composite absorptiometry for control laboratory. Examination of calculating procedures and modification of Spekker absorptiometer for use with interference filters. Curry, 106. Spekker : Composite absorptiometry for control laboratory. Calculating procedures and modi- fication of __ absorptiometer for use with interference filters.Curry, 106. Spices : Analytical Microscopy : Aims and Methods in Relation to Foods, Water, - and Drugs. Wallis. 2nd Edn. (Review), 116. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Substances. Bjerrum, Schwarzenbach and Sillen. Part I. (Review), 381; Part 11. (Publication re- ceived), 384. Standardization of Tar Products Tests Committee : Standard Methods for Testing Tar and its Products. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 217. Standards : Czechoslovak Fine Chemicals -. Vol. 11. (Publication received), 440. Liddell and Williams, 111. Liddell and Williams, 11 1. Spectrophotometry : Absorption -. Starch : Detmng. - in sausage meat and calculat- ing nitrogen correction for cereal content.Fraser and Holmes, 371. Statistics : Mathematics and - for Use in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry. Saunders and Fleming. (Review), 118. Steel: Colorimetric detmn. of aluminium in - with Solochrome cyanine K. Scholes and Smith, 615. British Iron and Steel Research Assoc. (Publication re- ceived), 708. Detmng. oxygen and hydrogen in -. Shanahan. (Summary), 599. Factories Acts 1937 & 1948: Concise Summary Applicable to Iron and __ Works. Jones. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 651, Molybdate detmn. of phosphorus, particularly in basic slag and -. Stepanow method, modified : Detmng. chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide residues in plant mater- ial. Sergeant, 335. Stereochemistry : Progress in ---. Vol. 11. Klyne and de la Mare.(Publication received), 247; (Review), 439. Sterins : Chromatographie von Sterinen, Steroiden und verwandten Verbindungen. Neher. (Publication received), 708. Steroids : Blue tetrazolium as reagent for reducing -. Bush and Gale, 532. Chromatographie von Sterinen, Steroiden und verwandten Verbindungen. Neher. (Publica- tion received), 708. Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry. Inter- national Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. (Yublication received), 708. Strontium: Spectrochemical analysis of mineral matter associated with coal. Spectrographic detrnn. of rarer elements in silicates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Strychnine : New pH indicator (differentiating - and brucine). Barakat, Shehab and El-Sadr, 695. Sugar(@ : Alkaline reagents for detmng. carbo- hydrate reducing groups.I. 3 : 5-Dinitrosalicy- late ion, and interference by air. Bottle and Gilbert, 403. Detmng. water in granulated -. Hill and Dobbs, 143. Detmng. water in refined --, including cobalt- ous bromide method. Gardiner and Keyte, 150. Modified von Stieglitz electrometric - titra- tions. Chubb and Hartley, 311. Ultra-violet spectrophotometric detmn. of - and uronic acids. Bath, 451. Sulphate : Rapid boiler-water analysis. Banks and Robson, 98. Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. phosphorus and acid-soluble -. A.B.C.M. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 50. Sulphides : o-Dithiols in analysis. VI. Diacetyl- toluene-3 : 4-dithiol as coagulant, catalyst and precipitant for snlphur and metallic -. Clark, 103.Banks and Robson, 98. Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. residual chlorine, cyanides and thiocyanate, fluoride, formaldehyde and - and thiosulphate. A.B.C.M. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 230. Determination of Nitrogen in -. Stockdale, 24. Dixon, 362. Sulphite : Rapid boiler-water analysis.xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME 83 2-Sulpho - 3: 3' - dimethyl- 4 hsdrowfuchsone - Thiofluorescein: Analytical application of organic 5 : 5'-dicarboxylic acid, sodium salt : See Solo- mercury compounds (- in detmng. mercury). chrome cyanine R. Wronski, 314. SuIphW compounds : Analytical application of Thiols : Colorimetric detmn. of microgram amounts organic mercury compounds (detmng. -). of -. Saville, 670. Wronski, 314. Thiomersal : Microbiological assay of mercurials in o-Dithiols in analysis.VI. Diacetyltoluene-3 : 4- pharmaceutical products. Carter and Sykes, dithiol as coagulant, catalyst and precipitant 536. for - and sulphides* 'lark, lo3. Thiosulphate : Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. Metabolism of - Compounds. Young and residual chlorine, cyanides and thiocyanate, Maw, 488. fluoride, formaldehyde and sulphite and -. Sdphur-35 : Flow-through cell for use with scintilla- A.B.C.M. and Society for Analytical Chemistry, tion counters. Greenfield, 114. Salphuric acid : Use of - to depress interference of 230. compounds (detmng. -). Wrofiski, 314. photometer, Bond and Hutton, 684. Sdphyldryl compounds : Colorimetric detmn. of microgram amounts of thio]s.Thorium : Detmng. uranium by solvent extraction. Function of sulphydryl group in detmng. thiamine 1- Separating uranium-233 from irradiated - with 6-aminothymol. Hayden, 480. as diethyldithiocarbamate complex, 9; 11. Surface-active agents : Separating quaternary halides Separating Uranium-233 from irradiated - by paper chromatography. Holness and Stone, as oxine complex in presence of ethylene- 71. diaminetetra-acetic acid, 13; Erratum, 384. surgical ~~~~i~~~ : ~~~~~i~~~ in Evaluation of Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in sili- Drugs and -. Shellard. (Publication re- cates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. ceived), 708. ~ymposium : International __ on Microchemistry, Thorium-230 : Detmng. naturally occurring radio- Birmingham, Aug. 20th to 27th, 1958.Editor- active impurities in uranium purification. ial, 489. Synthesis(es) : Organic - . Vol. 37. Cason. T'hsmolphthalexone : Recent developments in (Publication received), 184; (Review), 318. chelatometry. Phbil, 188. Organic -. Vols, I and 11. Migrdichian. '1'in: Colorimetric detmn. of thallium in - (Review), 318. - cadmium alloys. Woolley, 477. Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, !bsue(s), animal : Microdiffusion detmn. of lactic Tanta. Wilson. Vol. I, Nos. 1/2, July, 1958. acid (lactic acid in rat leg muscles). Ryan, 528. (Publication received), 651. Detmng. calcium in biological material. Henly Tantalum: Detmng. niobium and - in titanium dioxide pigments. Stonhill. 642. Detmng. major constituents of small amounts of silicates.Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, !l!itanium: Detmng. copper in -, zirconium and 247. their alloys. Wood and Clark, 509. Tar : Standard Methods for Testing - and its Detmng. manganese in -. Products. Standardization of Tar Products Detmng. tungsten in -, zirconium and their Tests Committee. 4th Edn. (Publication re- alloys. Wood and Clark, 326. ceived), 247. Modified apparatus for micro-detmn. of oxygen, Tartrazine : Separating coal-tar food colours by nitrogen and hydrogen in - and other metals. paper electrophoresis. Crossley and Thomas, Swann and Williams, 113. 462. Potential source of sampling error in detmng. pp'-Tetramethyldiaminotriphenylmethane : See Leu- Hobson and Swinburn, comalachite green. 376. Thallium: Colorimetric detmn. of - in tin - Spectrochemical analysis of mineral matter cadmium alloys.Woolley, 477. associated with coal. Dixon, 362. Titanium dioxide: Detmng. niobium and tantalum high-purity cadmium metal. Carson, 472. in - pigments. Stonhill, 642. !fitrations : see ~ ~ a l ~ ~ i ~ . in detnlng* 'Odium with E'E.L' flame Thiourea : Analytical application of organic mercury saville, 670. Hayes. (Summary), 322. silicates. T 247. and Saunders, 584. Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in -. Paul, 37. Corbett, 53. nitrogen in - alloys. Polarographic detmn. of -, iron and copper in Spectrographic detmn. of Parer elements in sili- B.S. 1704: cates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum) 247. !fitimeter : Completely automatic titration unit for process use. Brown and Weir, 491. Thermometers: General purpose -.and 1951. Amendment slip, 116. - smoke. I. 3 : 4-Benzopyrene. Bentley and Burgan, 442. slip, 59. Secondary reference - (Centigrade scale). B.S. 1900: 1952. !Coluene-3 :4-dithiol: Detcng. cobalt and nickel in Short-range short-stem -. B.S. 1365 : 1951. qualitative analysis (zinc complex of -). Amendment slip, 116. Clark, 431. mamine : Function of sulphydryl group in detmng. o-Dithiols in vll. - in qualitative - with 6-aminothymol. Hayden, 480. analysis. Clark, 396. Thiocyanate Recommended methods for analysis 'POWn Gas : Manufacture and Distribution. Stewart. of trade effluents. Methods for detmng. (Publication received) ~ 384. residual chlorine, cyanides and -, fluoride, 'l'oxaphene : Detmng. chlorinated hydrocarbon formaldehyde and sulphite and thiosulphate. A.B.C.M.and Society for Analytical Chemistry, Vol. I. 230. Patty. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 544. Laboratory -. B.S. 593 1954. Amendment '.robacco: Polynuclear hydrocarbons in - Amendment slip, 116. residues in plant material. Sergeant, 335. 'Iloxicology : Industrial Hygiene and -.INDEX TO VOLUME 83 xxxiii 1 :1 :l-!t’richloro-Z :Z-di(p-chlorophenyl) ethane : See Tritolyl phosphate. B.S. 1999 : 1957, 183. Tungsten: Detmng. - in titanium, zirconium and their alloys. o-Dithiols in analysis. VI. Diacetyltoluene-3 : 4- dithiol as coagulant, catalyst and precipitant for sulphur and metallic sulphides. Clark, 103. Photometric detmn. of - in low-grade mine ore and mineral-dressing products. Pollock, 616. Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in silicates.Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. DDT. Wood and Clark, 326. U Udted Steel Companies Ltd. : Factories Acts 1937 & 1948 : Concise Summary Applicable t o Iron and Steel Works. Jones. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 661. Universities Federation €or Animal Welfare : UFAW Handbook on Care and Management of Laboratory Animals. Worden and Lane- Petter. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 347; (Review), 702. Uranium: Detmng. molybdenum in - and in molybdenum - - and molybdenum - niobium mixtures. Granger, 609. Detmng. naturally occurring radioactive impuri- ties in - purification. Hayes. (Summary), 322. I. Separat- ing uranium-233 from irradiated thorium as diethyldithiocarbamate complex. Hardwick and Moreton-Smith, 9 ; 11. Separating uranium- 233 from irradiated thorium as oxine complex in presence of ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid, 13; Erratum, 384. Difference photometric detmn. of - in per- chloric acid medium. Steele, 414. Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in silicates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Spectrophotometric detmn. of - in organic- solvent solutions. Dizdar and Obrenovid, 177. Volumetric detmn. of - in presence of iron. Desai and Murthy, 126. Urdum-233 : Detmng. uranium by solvent extrac- tion. I. Separating - from irradiated thorium as diethylditliiocarbamate complex. Hardwick and Moreton-Smith, 9; 11. Separating - from irradiated thorium as oxine complex in presence of ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid, 13; Erratum, 384. Uranyl acetate : Reaction between mesoinositol and -. Meredith and Sammons, 686. Urine : Detmng. calcium in biological material. Henly and Saunders, 584. Detmng. glucose in biological fluids with ethylene- diaminetetra-acetic acid. Street, 628. Uronic acids: Ultra-violet spectrophotometric detmn. of sugars and -. Detmng. - by solvent extraction. Bath, 451. v Vanadium: Chemical detmn. of nitrogen in reactor Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, Kent- metals. Ryan. (Summary), 322. silicates. 247. Vitamin contents of animal feedingstuffs. Jones, Amos and Thackray, 479. Vitamin A. Moore. (Review), 63. Nomograms for calculating and testing Morton and Stubbs correction in spectrophotometric assay of -. Pancrazio and Duse, 579. Vitamin BIZ : See Cyanocobalamin. Vitamin C : See Ascorbic acid. von Stieglitz: Modified - electrometric sugar titrations. Chubb and Hartley, 31 1. W Wastes: See Effluents. Water(s) : Analytical Microscopy: Aims and Methods in Relation t o Foods, -, Spices and Drugs. Wallis. 2nd Edn. (Review), 116. Colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus (detmn. in boiler -). Detmng. monobromamine and monochloramine in -. Johannesson, 155. Detmng. - in glycerol, margarine, oils and fats. Stuffins, 312. Detmng. - in granulated sugar. Hill and Dobbs, 143. Detmng. - in refined sugars, including cobaltous bromide method. Gardiner and Keyte, 150. Examination of -s and - Supplies (Thresh, Beale and Suckling). Taylor. 7th Edn. (Pub- lication received), 440; (Review), 594. Radioactivity in sea foods and -. James. (Brief summary), 2. Rapid boiler- - analysis. Banks and Robson, 98. Rapid spectroscopic detmn. of -- in glycerol. Chapman and Nacey, 377. Sea: See Sea water. Simultaneous detmn. of - and carbon dioxide in rocks and minerals. Treatment. Mugele and Wiseman. (Publication received), 707. Treatment of - for marine boilers. B.S. 1170 : 1957, 59. Wetting agents : See Surface-active agents. Wheat: Vitamin contents of animal feedingstuffs. Kent- Jones, Amos and Thackray, 479. Whey: Detmng. calcium in milk and -. Ling, 179. World Health Organisation: Human Protein Re- quirements and their Fulfilment in Practice. Waterlow and Stephen. (Review), 61. Fogg and Wilkinson, 406. Riley, 42. X Xanthates : Analytical application of organic mer- cury compounds (detmng. -). Wrohski, 314. X-ray fluorescence techniques in analysis. Hall. (Summary), 323. Xylenol orange : See 3 :3’-Bi~-di(carboxymethyl)= aminomethyl-o-cresolsulphonphthalein. Y Yeast(s) : Arima, Nickerson, Pyke, Schanderl, Schultz, Thaysen and Thorne. Edited by Roman. (Publication received), 64. Vitamin contents of animal feedingstuffs (dried brewers’ -). Kent- Jones, Amos and Thack- ray, 479. Yttrium : Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in silicates. Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247.xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 83 2; Zinc: Derivatives of l-amino-2-naphthol-4-sul- phonic acid for colorimetric detmn. of -. Liddell and Williams, 111. Detmng. trace metals in crops. Detmng. - and other elements in plants by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. David, 655. Detmng. zinc oxide in - powder. Taylor, 425. Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in sili- Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Taylor, Duffield, 503. cates. 425. Zinc oxide : Detmng. - in zinc powder. !Zinc phosphate : Significance of pointage titration in Armson, !Zirconium: Chemical detmn. of nitrogen in reactor Detmng. copper in titanium, - and their Detmng. tungsten in titanium, - and their Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, control of zinc phosphating baths. 374. metals. Ryan. (Summary) 322. alloys. Wood and Clark, 509. alloys. Wood and Clark, 326. silicates. 247. ERRATA : VOL. 82, 1957: VOL. 83, 1958: p. 813, 3rd line from foot of page. p. 21, 2nd line, and p. 23, reference 7. p. 136, 5th line of text. 18th line of text. p. 268, 10th name in Main Committee. For “17 ml” read “170 ml”. For ‘‘Drysen” read “Dyrssen”. Fov “that have widely different major constituents” read “of widely varying major compositions”. For “constituents” read “compositions”. For “TJ. T. Wilson” read “N. T, Wilkinson”.xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 83 2; Zinc: Derivatives of l-amino-2-naphthol-4-sul- phonic acid for colorimetric detmn. of -. Liddell and Williams, 111. Detmng. trace metals in crops. Detmng. - and other elements in plants by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. David, 655. Detmng. zinc oxide in - powder. Taylor, 425. Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in sili- Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, 247. Taylor, Duffield, 503. cates. 425. Zinc oxide : Detmng. - in zinc powder. !Zinc phosphate : Significance of pointage titration in Armson, !Zirconium: Chemical detmn. of nitrogen in reactor Detmng. copper in titanium, - and their Detmng. tungsten in titanium, - and their Spectrographic detmn. of rarer elements in Harvey and Murray, 136; Erratum, control of zinc phosphating baths. 374. metals. Ryan. (Summary) 322. alloys. Wood and Clark, 509. alloys. Wood and Clark, 326. silicates. 247. ERRATA : VOL. 82, 1957: VOL. 83, 1958: p. 813, 3rd line from foot of page. p. 21, 2nd line, and p. 23, reference 7. p. 136, 5th line of text. 18th line of text. p. 268, 10th name in Main Committee. For “17 ml” read “170 ml”. For ‘‘Drysen” read “Dyrssen”. Fov “that have widely different major constituents” read “of widely varying major compositions”. For “constituents” read “compositions”. For “TJ. T. Wilson” read “N. T, Wilkinson”.PRINTED B Y W. HEFFER 8 SONS LTD.. CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND
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