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Volume 52,
Issue 1,
Page 001-056
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THE ANALYST L. K. BOSELEY F.I.C. A. CHASTON CHAPMAN F.I.C. F.R.S. CECIL H. CRIBB B.Sc. F.I.C. J. C. DRUMMOND DSc. F.I.C. J. T. DUNN D.Sc. F.I.C. BERNARD DYER DSc. F.I.C. THE ORGAN OF THE E. B. HUGHES M.Sc. F.I.C. H. T. LEA M.Sc. F.I.C. P. A. ELLIS RICHARDS F.I.C. W. H. SIMMONS BSc. F.I.C. E. W. VOELCKER A.R.S.M. F.I.C. J. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER M.A., Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists J. GRANT M.Sc. A.I.C. T. H. POPE B.Sc. F.I.C. D. G . HEWER BSc. A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY P. H. PRICE B.Sc. R. F. INNES F.I.C. W. R. SCHOELLER Ph.D. Ebftor C. AINSWORTH MITCHELL M.A. F.I.C. VOL. LII. 1927 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. 4 PETTY CURY CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND '92 Errata in Vol.LII. P. 272 line 9 from top for 25 grms. of marble read 5 grms. of marble. P. 359 line 4 from bottom for 1925 read 1924 P. 459 line 14 from top for 1926 51 read 1927 52. I-’. 459 line 17 from top for Bagnal read Bagnall. P. 669 line 3 from bottom for 1 read 2. P. 670 line 6 from bottom for 1 read 2. P. 711 line 11 from bottom for 106 read 206. INDEX TO VOLUME LII. INDEX TO NAMES. A Adams G. See Kclson V. E. Jones K. L., Adams G. and Anderegg L. T. Ahlbom S. Method of diff erentiating vegetable and animal charcoals 667. Allardyce W. J. Confirmatory test for alu-minium 613. Almoradie P. R. Salts of linolenic hexabromide, 656. Almy L. €I. Decomposition of free and coni-bined cystine with special reference t o certain effccts produced by heating fish flesh 718.Aloy J. and Valdiguih A. Detection of codeine and formaldehyde 41. Anderegg L. T. See Nelson V. E. Jones, R. L. Adams G. and Anderegg L. T. Anderson R. J. Properties of cholcsterol ob-tained from different sources 164. - See also Hess A. F. and Anderson R. J. - See also Shiner I<. L. Nabenhauer 1;. P. and Anderson R. J . Anderson R. J. Nabenhauer F. B. and Shriner, R. L. Distribution of dihydrositosterol in plant fats. 164. Anderson W. T. Jr. See Macht D. I. ancl Anderson W. T. J r. Andrh E. and Frangois M. T. Unsaturated aliphatic alcohols of sperm oil 568. Archbutt L. ancl Deeley R. M. Lubrication and Lubricants. (Iieview) 662. Armstrong D. and Drakeley T. J. The deter-mination of moisture in raw rubber 338.Armstrong H. E. Essays on the Art and I’rinciples of Chemistry (Review) 435. Amall F. ancl Hodges F. W. Theoretical Organic Chemistry. Astric -. and Mousseron M. Formation and determination of essential oil of mustard in mustard flour 3.53. Atack F. W. The Chemists’ Year Book 1925 (Review) 498. Atkin W. R. and Burton D. Determination of magnesia hardness in water 654. Atkins W. R. G. and Wilson E. G. Colorimetric determination of minute amounts of com-pounds of silicon of phosphorus and of arsenic 249. - Phosphorus and arsenic compounds of sea-water 425. Part I. (Review) 54. Axtmayer J. H. See Sherman H. C. and B Axtmayer J . H. Bacharach A. L. See Jcphcott H. and Bacharach n. L. Bacharach A. L. and Hartwell G. A. A note on teclinique in testing for vitamin 13 145.Back S. The determination of carbon dioxide in carbonates 76. Bader W. See Burford W. A, and Bader W. Bagnall H. H. Report of the City Analyst for Salford for the year 1926 640. Baker G. W. Palestine Government Analyst’s Annual Report of Department of Health for 1926 230. Baker L. C. and Marrian G. F. Determination of adrenaline 66 1. Balarew D. and Desew N. Determination of manganese as pyrophosphate 364. Balch R. T. See Paine H. S. and Balch R . T. Balderston L. Determination of nitrogen in leather 49 1. Balls A. K. Separation and determination of morphine pseudomorphine and related sub-stances 162. Baly E. C. C. Spcctroscopy (Review) 532. Bamford T. G. and Harris H. The Metallur-gist’s Manual (Review) 500.Barkenbus C. and Zimmerman A. J. Kentucky coffee nut tree seed oil 610. Barnes W. H. See Maas O. and Barnes W. 13. Barry T. H. Arsenic in printing ink 217. Barry T. H. Drummoxd A. A. and Morrell, R. S. Natural and Synthetic Resins (Review), 66. Barth L. and Massy R. Influence of insoluble matter on the Marsh test 168. Barthe,. L. and Dufilho E. Determination of chlorine and sodium in milk of certain mam-mals,. 715. - Elimination of sodium and chlorine in cow’s milk 287. Batchelor J. J. Relative toxicity of benzol and its higher homologues 426. Baughman W. F. See Jamieson G. S. Hann, R. M. and Baughrnan W. 1; iv INDEX TO VOLUME LIT. Baum F. Determination of propionic acid in acetic acid and acetic anhydride 607 608. Bayliss L. E. Conductivity method for the determination of carbon dioxide 557.Beadles J. R. See Mitchell H. H. Beadles, J. R. and Keith M. H. - See also Mitchell H. H. Beadles J. R. and Kruger J . H. Beagall Challenger Martin and Sand. Dye-stuffs and Coal-Tar Products (Review) 256. Bechdel S. I. and Honeywell H. E. Relation between the vitamin B content of the " feed eaten and that of the milk produced 721. Belcot C. Volumetric method for the deter-mination of magnesium in industrial waters, 45, Bennett C. T. and Salamon M. S. A general method for the determination of aldehydes in essential oils with particular reference to the determination of citronella1 in Java citronella oil and citral in lemon oil 693. Beregekoff D. See Vilella J . R. and Beregekoff, D.Berg R. Determination of cadmium and aluminium by means of oxyquinoline 611. - Determination of magnesium by means of oxyquinoline 431. - Determination of zinc by means of oxy-quinoline 494. - New method for the determination and separation of metals by means of o-oxy-quinoline 302. Berthelot J. See Marie C. and Berthelot J. Berthelsen K. C. See Van Slyke D. D. Hillier, A. and Berthelsen K. C. Bertram S. H. Quantitative determination of the water-insoluble higher saturated fatty acids in fats and fatty acids 489. Bertrand G. and Macheboeuf M. Nicltel and cobalt in the pancreas 95. Bertrand G. and Nakamura H. Physiological importance of nickel 852. Bertrand G. and Perietzeanu J. Sodium in plants 488. Besson H. Yolarinietric deterinination of tar-taric acid 489.Bigelow W. D. Bulging cans of loganberries, 638. Bisson C. S. and Sewell J. G. Determination of cuprous oxide produced in sugar analysis, 289. Blair J. S. Blair R. W. See Pincli L. A. and Blair J. S. Report of Chemist of Federated Malay States Institute for Medical Research for year 1925 158 ; for the year 1928 593. Bodansky M. lntroduction to Physiological Chemistry (Review) 664. Bohm W. Deterniination of small quantities of zinc in aluminium 494. Bolton E. R. Annual Address of the President, 193. Bond C. J. Coloul test for radio-sensitive sub-stances 719. Bone W. A. arid Townend DT. A. Flame and Coinbustion in Gases (lieview) 734. Bordas F. and Desfemmes A. IAstribution and transport of chlorides in the atmosphere, 730.Bosart L. W. an? Snoddy? A. 0. Kew glyccrol tables for specific gravity and per cent. of glycerol 434. Bossuyt V. See Fosse K and Bossuyt V. Bowles T. H. See Fox J J . ant1 Howles 7'. H. Boyd T. A. See Lovell W. G. Coleman J. D., and Boyd T. A. Boyer,. E. A. 13acterioIo$cal stud;. of ha?m souring 98. - See also Kcrr li. D. Marsh C . '1'. N., Schroeder W. l;. and Boyer E. A. Brady F. L. and McConnell F. J. The deter-mination of free lime in hydraulic cement 344. Braudo K. See Rakusin M. A. and Hraudo I<. Brekke V. See Outhouse J. Macy 1. G., Brekke V. and Graham A. Brintzinger H. Rapid method for the separa-tion of lead and silver 363. Briskin 0. M. See Dichno M. A. and Brisltin, 0. M. Brown B. E. Dcterrnination of carbon and nitrogen on the same soil sample 4S7.Browne 0. H. and Reid E. E. lieactions of lead tetra-ethyl 299. Bruni G. and Levi T. G. Xature of matured rubber 11 491. Bruson H. A. Sebrell L. B. and Calvert W. C. Reactions of rubber hydrocarbons with metallic halides 738. Brydowna W. Action of tungsten hesachloride on phenyl magncsium iodide 105. Biichner C. See Kreutz A and Hiichner c'. Buchwald K. W. See Reinhard 11. C. and Buchwald K. W. Buehrer T. F. and Schupp 0. E. Iicaction between elementary phosphorus and potas -sium iodate and its utilisation in the volu-metric determination of phosphorus 17 1 . Characteristics of cider 649. See Thaysen A. C. and Bunkcr, H. J . Report of the City Analyst for Leicester for the year 1926 592. Determination of graphite and combined carbon in pig iron, 104.Burke A. D. See Heller V. G. and 13urkc A. D. Burtis M. P. See Quinn E. J. Burtis M. P., Burton D. See Atkin W. Ii. and Burton 1). Burton J. I. See McCandless J . AT. and Burton J . I. Bywaters H. .W., Maggs,.F T. r;nd Fool C. J. The determination of illipe butter in chocolate, 324. Bufton W. H. Bunker H. J. Burford S. F. Burford W. A. and Bader W. and Milner E. 11'. C Cady L. L. Caley E. 11. Callan T. Set Cone R'. li. and Cady L. L. The Stockholm papyrus 616. Determination of carbon dioxide in carbonates 222 INDEX TO VOLUME LII. V Callow E. H. The presence of formaldehyde in wood smoke and in smoked foodstuffs 391. Calvert W. @. See Bruson W. -\. Sebrell L. B., and Calvert. W.C. Calvery,. H. 0. Chemistry of tea leaves. I1 Isolation of guanine nucleotide and cytosine nucleotide 354. - Note on the enzyme uricase 422. Calvery H. O. and Jones W. The nitrogenous groups of nucleic acid 420. Cameron A. M. and DOW W. T. Application of Ridsdale's modification of Pemberton's method for the volumetric determination of phosphoric anhydride to fertilisers 576. Determination of water in organic substances by means of calcium carbide 606. Absence of stratification and rapidity of mixing of carbon dioxide in air samples 493. Alcoholic concentration in urine as a test of intoxication 615. See Clark G. W. and Carter I<. L. Separation and analysis of the volatile solvents and thinners of lacquers 102. Determination of isopropyl alco-hol in the presence of acetone and of methyl-ethyl ketone in the presence of secondary butyl alcohol 725.Sensitive reaction for benzoylacry-lic acid and its use for characterising phenols, 360. Caulkin H. A. Optical rotation of honey 418. Cave H. W. See Humhes J. S. Fitch J. B., Cave H. W. and R?ddell W. H. Challenger -. See Beagall Challenger Martin, and Sand. Chapman A. C. The examination of foodstuffs for preservatives 216. Chataway H. D. Fractionation of linseed oil a t 293" C. 490. Chatterji D. N. Annual Report of the Chemical Examiner for the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh and the Central Provinces for the year 1826 476. Church M. B. Paine H. S. and Hamilton J. Sugar-tolerant yeasts in chocolate-coated creams 295. Ciochina J.Determination of alkalis in ores, clays etc. 432. Clark G. W. and Carter I(. L. Factors involved in the reaction changes of human saliva 551. Clark P. B. See Dill D. H. and Clark P. B. Clarke S. G. The separation of vanadium from tungsten 466 527. Clayton,. W. The flocculation of troublesome precipitates in analysis 70. Clayton W. and Gibbs W. E. Examination for halophilic micro-organisms 395. Clibbens D. A. and Ridge B. P. Analysis of cotton. Rate of oxycellulose formation 361. Clifford W. M. Effect of halogen salts on peptic digestion 550. Cockburn T. and Love M. McF. The analysis of egg yolk preseri-ed with glycerin 143. Cantzler A. and Rothschild S. Carpenter T. M. and Fox E. L. Carter G. Carter K. L. Carter R. M. Cassar H. A.Cattelain E. Cocking T. T. Determination of cineole in camphor oil 600. Cole W. H. The pyridine test as a quantitative method for the determination of minute amounts of chloroform 94. Coleman J. D. See Lovell W. G. Coleman, J D. and Boyd T. A. Collms S. H. Cone W. H. and Cady L. L. Diphenylamine as a quantitative reagent for zinc 730. Cooper E. A. and Read W. H. Dissolved oxygen absorption test 723. Corey R. B. and Rogers H. W. Reaction of aluminon with hydroxides of scandium, gallium indium thallium and germanium, 172. Cornec E. and mug P. Physico-chemical analysis by means of the boiling of saturated solutions 660. Cotonio M. See Friedemann T. E. Cotonio, M. and Shaffer P. A. Coward K. H. Influence of light and heat on the formation of vitamin A in plant tissues, 356.- See also Steenboclr H. and Coward K. H. Cox H. E. The occurrence of sulphur dioxide Craven V. C. and Kramer M. M. Vitamin c' Cribb C. H. Method of applying the Gutzeit Crist J. W. See Dye M. iMedlock 0. C. and Cruz A. 0. See Perkins G. &4. Cruz A. O., Culpepper C. W. Behaviour of the anthocyaniil Curtin L. P. Production of acid by wood-Curtis F. R. and Wright S. The action of Curtiss L. F. Pyrex as a container for radium Plant Products (Review) 108. in malt vinegar 397. content of fresh and canned pear 485. test for arsenic 701. Crist J. W. and Reyes M. 0. pigments in canning 648. rotting fungi 554. lobeline 53. solutions 616. D Dadlez J. Production of ozone by ultra-violet rays 551. Dahle C.D. See Dutcher R. A. Honeywell, H. E. and Dahle C. D. Damon S. R. and Leiter L. W. Infection by certain organisms of the salmonella group 167. Danckwortt P. W. and Pfau E. The use of the analytic quartz lamp for testing drugs 707. Danet R. Colorimetric determination of phos-phates in potable waters by the Denigks method 427. Daniel L. Formic acid in commercial acetic acid 549. Darling E. R. Inorganic Chemical Symbols and other useful Chemical Data (Review) 502. Davies C. and Monro .A. D. Solubility of cupric sulphide in alkali sulphides in presence of sulpharsenates 659. De Boer G. M. X-ray investigation of the poly-morphism of fatty acids 368 vi INDEX TO VOLUME LII. Deeley R. M. See Archbutt L. and Deeley, Deering E. C. See Schoeller W. R. and Deering, Defossez -.See Morvillez F. and Defossez -. Delauney E. New method of quantitative analysis applicable to a mixture of rare carths 614. De Long W. A. Effect of potassium iodide in the Shaffer-Hartmann micro sugar reagent. 350. Denighs G. Volumetric determination of molybdenum 250. Denis W. and Reed L. Methods for the deter-mination of some of the non-protein sulphur compounds of blood 96. - Nephelometric methods for the determination of some sulphur compounds in urine. W. Denis and L. Reed 95. - The action of blood on sulphides 298. Dennis L. M. Poisoning by mercury vapour 44. Desew N. See Balarew D. and Desew N. Desfemmes A. See Bordas F. and Desfemmes, A. De Visser W. The Calender Effect and Shrinking Effect of Unvulcanised Rubbe; (Review) 256.De Wildeman E. Caffeine in Yocco.” 94. Dichno M. A, and Briskin 0. M. Evaluation of acid cream 235. Dick J. See Spacu G. and Dick J. Dickens F. Dodds E. C. Lawson W. and Maclagan N. F. Purification and properties of insulin 553. Dickhart W H. Behaviour of fish oils with uranium nitrate and pyrogallol 725. Diemair W. See Rudiger Ill. and Diemair W. Dienert F. and Etrillard P. Action of free chlorine on microbes 722. Dietrich H. E. See Henderson W. F. and Dietrich H. E. Dietzel R. and Rosenbaum E. Determination of the hydrogen ion concentration of wine by means of the quinhydrone electrode 600. Dill D. B. and Clark P. B. Formaldehyde in fish 222. Dinslage E. and Ludorff W. Indian tea-fungus 605. Dinslage E. and Windhawen 0.Freshness of eggs 90. Dittmar H. R. See Walton J. H. and Dittmar, H. R. Dixon H. B. Ignition points of gases in nitrous oxide 614. Dixon W. E. The tobacco habit 662. Dodd A. S. The natural occurrence of boron compounds in cacao and cacao products 459. Dodds E. C. See Dickens F. Dodds E. C., Lawson W. and Maclagan N. F. Dovey E. R. Rapid determination of opium in stomach contents 26. DOW 0. D. See Supplee G. C. and Dow 0. D. DOW W. T. See Cameron A. M. and DOW, W. T. Dowell J. H. New measuring micrometer 51. Drake-Law H. R. M. E. c. Determination of sulphur di-oxide in foodstuffs. 352. Drakeley T. J. See Armstrong D. and Dralte-ley T. J. Druart C. E. Wulff method of determining the Pp value 657. Drummond A. A. See Barry T. H. Drummond, A.A. and Morrell R. S. Dubaquih J. Sulphur dioxide and the be-haviour of bottled white wines 40. Dubsky J. V. and Okt& A. Reactions of dye-stuffs with nitrous acid 191. Dufilho E. Dunbar B. A. and Wells C. F. Fatty oil of sweet clover seed 47. Dunn M. S. and Hollombe B. S. Iodine value of a commercial California sardine oil 483. Dunnicliff H. B. and Lal K. The determina-tion of free mercury in commercial products, 329. Dutcher R. A, Honeywell H. E. and Dahle, C. D. Vitamin A in evaporated milks made by vacuum and aeration methods 720. Dye M. Medlock 0. C. and Crist J. W. Asso-ciation of vitamin A with greenness in plant tissue. I. Relative vitamin -4 content of head and leaf lecttuce 652. See Barthe L. and Dufilho E. E Eagle H.S. Eagles B. A. Eaton E. 0. Eaton E. P. and West E. S. On the nature of the urine sugars, See Hunter G. and Eagles B. A. Determination of cocaine 650. Volumetric determination of alkoxyl groups in organic compounds. Modification of the Zeisel pro-cedure 725. Eckford M. 0. Thermophilic bacteria in milk, 426. Eckmann J. R. Determination of sulphur trioxide in the presence of sulphur dioxide, 658. Eckstein H. C. The cholesterol content of hair, wool and feathers 432. Eder R. and Schneiter W. Determication of cantharidine in cantharides 40. - Determination of podophyllin 238. - Determination of santonin in santonica 40. Eegriwe E. Detection of nitrite nitrate and sulphite 10G. Eliot C. Bacterial flora of the market oyster 98. Ellis G.W. Determination of carbonyl in aldehydes and ketones 428. Elsdon G. D. Annual Report of the County Analyst for Lancaster for 1926 409. - Edible Oils and Fats Their Substitutes and Adulterants (Review) G l . Elsdon G. D. and Smith P. A short method for the determination of butter fat 317. - The determination of butter fat in mar-garine 63. - The examination of mixtures of coconut oil and palm kernel oil 63. Elsdon G. D. and Stubbs J. R. The immersion refractometer and its value in inilk analysis, 193. 165 INDEX TO VOLUME LII. vii Elvehjem C. A. Herrin R. C. and Hart E. B. Iron in nutrition. 111. Effects of diet on the iron content of milk 166. Elvehjem C. A, and Peterson W. H. Iron con-tent of animal tissues 650. Elms M. and Lansberg L. M.Pyramidon as a reagent for blood 167. Enklaar C. J. Estill H. W. and McCollum E V. New reaction for eugenol 299. Separation of a substance from oils which inhibits the destruction of vitamin A by ferrous sulphate, 720. Etrillard P. See Dienert F. and Etrillard P. Etzel G. Evans .B. S. An improved method for the volu-metric determination of tin 590. - New processes for the determination of traces of certain impurities in lead 565. Evans T. R. The films responsible for oxidation tints on metals 662. Evers H. H. and Strafford N. Analysis of mix-tures of the isomeric toluidines 302. Evers N. Colour test for ergot alkaloids 601. See King C. G. and Etzel G. F Fabre R. Falciola P. Fkber E. Simplified determination of molyb-Fearon W. R. Colour test for cyanic acid 46.Eeigl F. Detection of magnesium by diphenyl-carbazide 730. Feist K. Effect of poisons on the larvae of flies, 343. Felstead S. T. Sir Richard Muir A Memoir of a Public Prosecutor (Review) 375. Ferguson L. See Schumacher E. E. and Ferguson L. Ferris S. W. See Henderson L. M. and Ferris s. w . Fialkow J. Determination of the iodine value in aqueous emulsion 246. Fichter F. and Tschudin W. F. Determination of bromate in potassium clilorate 366. Fierz-David H. E. Kiinstliclie Organische Farbstoffe (Review) 372. Finnemore H. The Essential Oils (Review) 111. Finter F. B. An Introduction to Physical Chemistry (Review) 175. Fitch J. B. See Hughes J. S. Fitch J. B., Cave H. W. and Riddell W. H. Fitter H. R. Determination of antimony in white metals etc.729. Fleck L. C. See Hawley L. IT. and Fleck, L. c. Florence G. Trichloracctates of the alkaloids. Use of trichloracetic acid in toxicology 655. Florence M. G. Allraloid trichloracetates. 11. Separation of alkaloids from viscera 723. much P. Acidimetric determination of nickel as the nickeldicyandianiidine salt 4s. Cholesteryl allophanate and its use in biochemistry 163. Xew reagent for cobalt 172. denum in steel and iron 303. Foa M Substitution of centrifugation for filtration and calcination in the gravimetric determination of tin and lead in their alloys, 364. Follen R. See Von der Heide C. and Follen R. Fonrobert E. and Pistor K. Detection of resins by Brauer’s method 247. Forster R. B. and Keyworth C.M. Arylamine salts of the naphthalenesulphonic acids. 111. Separation of Crocein Schaffer R and G. acids and their arylamine salts 160. Forsyth J. C. See Wright A. ill. and Forsyth, J. C. Fosse R. Allantoic acid in the green parts of fihaseolzss vulgaris 92. Fosse R. and Bossuyt V. Determination of allantoic acid as xanthylurea 558. Foster L. D. Determination of Yew Zealand bran and pollard 656. Foulger J. H. Colorimetric determination of silicon in tissues by Isaac’s method 240 Fournier M. See Lyon R. Fron G. and Fournier M. Fox E. L. See Carpenter T. M. and Fox E. L. Fox J. J. and Bowles T. H. Analysis of Pig-ments Paints and Varnishes (Review) 110. Francois M. T. See Andr6 E. and Franqois, Frangois M. and Normand C. Micrographic detection of tartaric acid in oficinal prepara-tions 161.Frankland P. F. Carbon monoxide poisoning of bacteria in the absence of haemoglobin 295. Fred E. B. See Priem L. A. Peterson W. H., and Fred E. B. - See also Wilson P. W. Peterson W. H. and Fred E. B. Frederick R. C. A modification of the Halclane general air analysis apparatus 340. - A simple colorimeter 469. - Hempel gas analysis apparatus without absorption bulbs and its use in the examina-tion of commercial osygen 400. French A. See Sullivan F. W. McGill W. J., and French A. Frey R. W. Nitrogen in leather 47. Friedemann T. E. Cotonio M. and Shaffer, Frischer M. See Margosches B. M. and Frischer, Froidevaux J. Specific characteristics of Fron G. Differentiation of green and mature woods 611.- See also Lyon R.; Fron G. and Foumier M. Fuhrmann,. F. Die Chemie der Llahrungs-und Genussnuttel (Review) 499. Furman N. H. See Kolthoff I. M. and Fur-man N. H. M. Pr. P. A. Determination of lactic acid 418. M. regenerated ” preserved peas 91. G Gaddum J. H. Determination of phosphorus Gadreau M. Alkaloidal hydroferrocyanides in blood 241. and their analytical uses 691 . Vlll INDEX TO VOLUPVIE LII. Gamble C. J. See Starr I. junr. and Gamble, C. J. Gamble W. B. Chemistry and Manufacture of Writing and Printing Inks (Review) 313. Gardner H. A. and Van Heuckeroth A. W. Applications of a mobilometer 497. Germuth F. G. Detection of lactic acid in the presence of other- organic acids 610. Gibbs H. D. New method of separating p-cresol from its isomerides and a study of its boiling point 301.- Phenol tests. 11. Nitrous acid tests. Millon and similar tests. Spectrophotometric in-vestigations 169. 111. The indophenol test, 360. Gibbs W. E. See Clayton W. and Gibbs TV. E. Gill A. Oil Analysis (Review) 617. Gobert S. Determination of caffeine 162. Godbert A. L. Laboratory methods of deter-mining the inflammability of coal dust (Safety in Mines Research Board Report KO. 31) 713. Godden W. See Husband A. D. and Godden W. Goldblatt H. and Moritz A. R. Effect of heat and oxidation on the nutritive value of a protein 292. - On the growth-promoting property of ir-radiated fat in the diet of direct irradiation and of cod liver oil 97. Golod B. See Magnin J. Ubeda J. S. and Golod B.Gorini C. Pathogenic bacteria and mixed enzymes of milk 486. Graham A. See Outhouse J. Macy I. G., Brekke V. and Graham A. Greenwood C. V. See Stocks H. B. and Green-wood C. V. Grey,+F. E. and Yant W. P. Separation of individual saturated and unsaturated hydro-carbons in coal gas by fractional distillation, 359. Griffiths C. 0. Sulphur sublimation 603. Gronover A. and Wohnlich,.E. Cadmium as a coating metal for domestic utensils 605. - Polarimetric determination of starch in marzipan substitutes 481. Grossfeld J. Polarimetric determination of starch in pastry 420. Grundt S. Determination of lead as cyanide, 559. Guild J. Trichromatic colorirneter suitable for standardisation work 50. Guillot -. See Vizern -. and Guillot -. H Haas P. and Russell-Wells, B.Irish moss mucilage and a method for its detection 265. Hafstad M. See Lindeman T. and Hafstad M. Hahn F. L. Determination of soluble fluorides, 106. Hahn F. L. and Hartleb E. Acidimetric deter-mination of magnesium zinc aluminium and copper in presence of oxyquinoline 495. Hahn F. L. and Vieweg K. Oxyquinoline as a reagent for magnesium zinc and aluminium, 431. Hahn F. L. and Weiler G. Volumetric deter-mination of calcium 172, Haley J. M. Detection of alcohol adulterants, 100. Hamilton J. See Church M. B. Paine H. S., and Hamilton J. - See also Paine H. S. Birchner V. and Hamilton J. Hamilton T. S. See Mitchell H. H. Zimmer-man R. L. and Hamilton T. S. Hampshire C. H. Volumetric Analysis (Review), 311. Hamy A. Schlagdenliaufcn’s reaction for mag-nesium 25 1.Hancock G. L. Occurrence of glass fragments in foods packed in glass containers. (Ministry of Health Report KO. 37) 284. Ham R. 1 . See Jamieson G. S. Hann R. M., and Baughman W. F. Hansen-Schmidt E. See Kaufmann H. P. aiid Hansen-Schmidt E. Harris H. See Bamford T. G. and Harris H. Hart E. B. See Elvehjem C. A. Herrin R. C., Hartleb E. See Hahn F. L. and Hai-tleb E. Hartmann B. G. and Hillig F. Application of the Stahre reaction to the accurate deter-mination of citric acid 549. - Influence of peptic digestion in the determina-tion of total carbohydrates in cereal products, 160. Hartwell G. A. See Bacharach A. L. and Hartwell G. A. Harvey A. Harvey C. 0. SeeTrace L. H. anclHarvey C. 0. Harvey R. B.See Regeimbal L. O. and Harvey R. 13. Hausner J. Determination of available chlorine in bleaching preparations 433. Hawkins F. S. and Partington J. R. Deter-mination of potassium in potassium iodide, 614. Hawley L. F. and neck L. C. A hydrolysis number determination for wood cellulose ti1 1. Haxthausen H. Cultivation of streptococci, 604. Heller V. G. and Burke A. D. Toxicity of zinc, 554. Henderson J. B. Report of the Government Analyst for Queensland for the year ending June 30th 1926 31. Henderson L. M. and Ferris S. W. Determina-tion of paraffin wax in crude wax 301. Henderson L. M. and Kracek FC. Fractional precipitation of barium and radium chroniates, 303. Henderson W. F. and Dietrich H. E. Cellulose sausage casings 37. Henseler -.Standardisation of wool 103. Henville D. sodium benzoate 149. Hepburn J. R. I. dioxide in carbonates 276. and Hart E. B. Laundry Chemistry (Review) 63. Analysis of sodium salicylate and The determination of carbo INDEX TO VOLUME LII. ix Herd C. W. See Kent- Jones D. W. and Herd c. w. Herrin R. C. See Elvehjem C. A. Hcrrin, R. C . and Hart E. B. Herrmann A. See Strecker W. and Herrmann, A. Hess A. F. and Anderson R. J. Activation of sterol fractions by ultra-violet irradiation, 653. Hessler M. C. See Sherman H. C. and Hessler, M. C. Heyrovsky J. Electrolytic analysis with the mercury dropping-cathode 73 1. Hiers G. S. Modified liquid sealed mechanical stirrer 52. Hilditch T P. and Jones E. E. Some ill-defined acids of the oleic series.11. Acids in parsley seed oil 429. Hilditch T. .P. and Vidyarthi N. L. Some ill-defined acids of the oleic series. I. Hypogaeic acid 429. Hiller A. See Van Slyke D. D. Hiller :\., and Berthelsen I<. C. Hillig F. See Hartmann B. G. and Hillig F. Hilman G. C. See Raiford L. C. and Hilman, G. C. Hind H. L. and Randles,-H. B. Handbook of Photomicrography (Review) 561. Hinton C. L. and Macara T. The detei-mina-tion of aldose sugars by means of chloramine-T with special reference to the analysis of lnilli products 668. Hirsch M. Determination of gallic acid in the absence of tannin 656. Hirsch P. See Tillmans J. Hirsch P. and Kuhn A. Hodges F. W. See Arnall F. and Hodges F. TV. Hoeg F. A. Hoffman W. S. Micro-determination of pentose in yeast nucleic acid and its derivatives 42 1.Hollombe B. S. See Dunn M. S. and Hollombe, B. S. Honeywell H. E. See Bechdel S. I. and Honeywell H. E. See also Dutcher R. A. Honeywell H. E., and Dahle C. D. Hopkins B. S. See Strover N. M. and Hopkins, B. S. Hopkins,. E. S. Manganese interference in the o-tolidine test for available chlorine 496. Hopkins .F. H. Separation and analysis of pig-ments in lacquer 103. Horsfall R. S., and Lawrie L. G. The Dyeing of Textile Fibres (Review) 664. Howarth W. J. Report of the Medical Officer of Health for the City of London for the year 1926 477. Huebner J. and Venkataraman K. Behaviour of different starches towards dyestuffs and iodine. Part 11 37. Hughes E. B. See Lampitt L. H. Hughes, E. B. and Trace L.H. Hughes J. S. Fitch J. B. Cave H. W. and Riddell W. H. Relation between the vitamin C content of a cow's ration and the vitamin C content of its milk 166. Analysis of sodium nitrite 433. Hunter G. and Eagles B. A. Colorimetric determination of cystine and glutathione 282. Husband A. D. and Godden W. Determination of chlorine in milk 288. - The determination of sodium potassium and chlorine in foodstuffs 72. Hyde R. R. and Parsons E. I. Alleged diffcrcn-tiation of human sera as to sex 167. - Quantitative interdependence of sensitiser and complement in haemolysis 167. I Imperial G. A. and West A. P. Irwin J. H. Salts of lino-lenic hesabromide from luiiibang oil 247. See Wokes I?. and Irwin J . H. J Jahn C. See Schoeller IV. R. and Jahn C.Jamieson G. S. Hann R. M. and Baughman, W. F. Chemical composition of Tunisian olive oil 290. Jansen J. D. and Schut W. Quantitative determination of mixtures of two and three oils by means of their separation temperatures with different solvents 49. Jarvinen K. K. Determination of sulphur in ores 730. Jaubert G. F. Origin of the colouring matter of beeswax and composition of propolis 418. Jephcott H. and Bacharach A. L. Rapid and reliable test for vitamin D 243. Jesser H. Caffeine content of coffee extracts and their physiological action 237. Jette E. R. See Kendall J. Jette E. R. and West W. Jodidi S. L. Identification of some of the products formed by bacterium pruni in milk, 486. - Production of certain enzymes by Bacteviuiir prtini 72.2.Johnson H. and Staub P. Proposed new food dye 353. Johnson J. W. H. A critical review of the methods of analysing waters sewages and effluents with suggestions for their impro1:e-ment 128. Jones A. E. The gelatin precipitation test for tannins 275. Jones E. E. See Hilditch T. P. and Jones E. E. Jones J. M. and McLachlan T. The deter-mination of moisture by the volatile solvent method 383. Jones P. T. See MacInnes D. A. and Jones, P. T. Jones R. L. See Nelson V. E. Jones R. L., Adams G. and Anderegg L. T. Jones W. See Calvery H. O. and Jones 11". Jonescu-Matiu A. L. Mercurimetry a ncw method for volumetric determinations 100. Jorgensen G. Acridness and toxicity of cruci-ferous seeds and oil cakes 44. Jouot -. Sez Travers A. and Jouot -s IXDEX TO VOLUME LII.K Kalberer 0. E. Spectroscopical dctection of - See also Widmer A. and Kalberer 0. E. Kattwinkel R. Automatic apparatus for the determination of water 173. Kau€fmann-Coda 0. Deterinination of carbon in dilute organic liquids 45. Kaufmann H. P. and Hansen-Schmidt E. Theory of the hardening of oils by hydro-genation 246. Kaye G. W. C. and Laby T. H. Physical and Chemical Constants (Review) 53. Keith M. H. See Mitchell H. H. Beadles, J . Xi. and Keith 34. H. Keller 0. Marzipan and its substitutes 716. Kemp A. It. Determination of hydrocarbon in raw rubber gutta-percha and allied sub-stances 362. Mendall J. Jette E. R. and West W. Separa-tion of radium and mesothorium I from barium by ionic migration 106. Kennedy R.P. Quantitatil-c cieterrnination of iron in tissues 0 3 . Kent-Jones D. W. and Herd C. W. h numerical expression for the colour of flour 443. - Some observations on the washing of gluten from flour 439. Kerr D. J. A. Carbon monoxide poisoning in forensic cases 296. Kerr R. D. Marsh C. T. N. Schroeder W. F. and Boyer E. A. Use of sodium nitrite in the curing of meat 37. Kerr R. H. Boa constrictor fat 610. Kegworth C. M. See Forster R. B. and Key-worth C. M. Kiesgen J. King C. G. and Etzel G. The industsal con-tamination of food with copper 723. King G. See Lewis E. J. and King G. Kiostermann M. and Quast H. Pine-needle extract 248. Klug P. See Cornec E. and Klug P. Knapp A. W. Moss J. E. and Melley A. Cacao butter substitutes and their detection, 452.Kobayashi K. Acidity of Japanese acid clay (Japanese fuller’s earth) 559. Kobayashi K. and Yamamoto K. Colour reaction of the Japanese acid clays with liver oils and vitamin A on the market 553. Kohler H. Water vapour in the atmosphere, 368. Xohn-Abrest E. Determination of traces of nitric oxide in air 248. Kolthoff I. M. Argentometric determination of iodide in presence of chloride 305. - Die Massanalyse. Erster Teil Die Theoretis-chen Grundlagen der Massanalyse (Review), 663. - Indicators (Review) 254. - Specific colour reaction for magnesium and a colorimetric method for the deter-mination of traces of magnesium 430. - Specific reaction for sodium 304. fruit wine in wine 482. See Tillmans J. and Iiiesuen J. Kolthoff I.M. Use of niethoxytriphenylcarbinols as one-colour indicators 430. - Volumetric determination of hydroquinone, 46 Kolthoff I. M. and Furman N. 11. Potentio-metric Titrations (Review) 253. Kolthoff I. M. and Van Berk L. €I. Potassiunl bi-iodate as a standard substance in alkali-metric and iodimetric titrations 4s. - The accuracy of argentonietric halogen titrations 304. Kosman M. See Lukirslty P. and Kosman 11. Koszegi D. Volumetric method for copper 3-50. Kracek F. C. See Henderson L. M. and Iiracek, F. c. Kramer M. M. See Craven V. C. and liramer, M. 51. Krassnowsky 0. See llurawlcff L. and Krass-nowsky- 0. Krauskopf F. C. and Swartz C. E. Detection of molybdenum by thiocyanate 103. Kray R. H. Determination of very smalL amounts of yellow phosphorus in red phos-phorus 603.K:tutz A. and Biichner C. Vinegar and vinegar essence ” containing formic acid 93. Kruger J. H. See Mitchell H. H. Beadles, J li. and Kruger J. H. Kubma H. and Plichta J. Sensitive test for bismuth 659. Kuhn A. See Tillmans J. Hirsch P. and Kuhn -4. Kurtenacker K. and Wollak R. Determina-tion of sulphate in presence of other sulphur compounds 433. L Laby T. H. See Kaye G. W. C. and Laby, Lal K. See Dunnicliflf H. B. and Lal I<. Lampitt L. H. Hughes E. B. and Trace,. L. H. On the presence and detection of furfural in vinegar 260. Langedijk S. L. Quantitative determination of acetaldehyde in very dilute solutions 358. Lsnsberg L. M. See Elms M. and Lansberg, L. M. Lauritzen J. I. Infection and temperature relations of black rot of sweet potatoes in storage 99.Lawrie L. G. See Horsfall R. S. and Lawrie, L. G. Lawson W. See Dickens I?. Dodds E. C., Lawson W. and Maclagan N. I;. Lawson W. E. See Vedder E. B. and Lawson, W. E. Lebourq J. Determination of cyanates with an application to potassium cyanate 489. Lecoq R. See Randoin L. and Lecoq R. Leech E. B. Treatment of poisoning 174. Legendre R. Use of coloured PH indicators to Le Guyon R. F. Micro-titration of chromic T. H. identify green or dry woods 361. and barium ions 365 Sl INDEX TO VOLUME LII. Leiter L. W. See Damon S. I<. and Leiter, L. w. Lendrich L. and Mayer F. Occurrence of arsenic and lead in fruit as a result of treatment with protecting agents 237. Lepper H. A. See Waterman H.C. and Leppcr, H. A. Lerrigo A. F. and Williams A. L. A study of the determination of saccharin colori-nietrically and by the ammonia process 377. Levi G. R. X-ray examination and structure of textile fibres 616. Levi T. G. See Bruni G. and Levi T. G. Levine H. and Smith A. H. Growth experi-ments on diets rich in fat 293. Lewis A. H. Lewis E. J. and King G. The Making of a Chemical (Review) 663. Lindeman T. and Hafstad M. Determination of cerium 365. Linderstrom-Lang L. See Olsen C. and Linder-strom-Lang L. Littman Z. Volumetric separation of selenium and tellurium 365. Liverseege J. F. Birmingham City Analyst’s Report for the Third Quarter 1926 7 7 ; Fourth Quarter 1926 2 2 3 ; Annual Report for 1926 280; First Quarter of 1927 473; Second Quarter of 1927 531.- Dried sulphate of iron 239. - Iron pills 239. Lorand E. Action of sulphur monochloride on petroleum hydrocarbons. E. Lorand 490. Loriette P. Apparatus for the dehydration of volatile liquids 107. Love M. McF. See Coclrburn T. aild Lo\-e, 31. JIcF. Lovell W. G. Coleman J. D. and Boyd T. A. Laboratory method of determining the starting properties of motor fuels 306. Lucas A. Ancient Egyptian Materials (Review), 59. Lucius F. Analysis of honey 599. Ludorff W. See Dinslage E. and Ludorff W. Lukirsky P. and Kosman M. Method of Lund J. Relations between the Constants of Lynch G. R. Cases of poisoning and suspected Lyon R. Fron G. and Fournier M. Distinction Lyons E. Thioglycollic acid as a colour test Lythzoe H.C. Ammonia content of cold-Separation of fatty acids 245. measuring the size of particles 173. Fatty Oils (Review) 438. poisoning 174. of old from green woods 361. for iron 613. storage eggs 596. M Maas O. and Barnes W. H. Automatic low-Macara T. See Hinton C. L. and Macara T. Macdougal F. H. Thermodynamics and temperature thermostat 252. Chemistry (Review) 560. Macheboeuf M. See I3ertrand G. and Mache-boeuf hf. Macht D. I. and Anderson W. T. Junr. Effect of polarised light on the pharmacological properties of some drugs 602. MacLagan N. F. See Dickens I?. Dodds E. C. Lawson W. and Maclagan N. F. MacLaurin J. S. Annual Report of the Dominion Chemist of New Zealand for tha year 1925 347. Macy I. G. See Outhouse J . Macy I. G., Brekke V.and Graham A. Maggs F. T. See Bywaters H. W. Naggs F. T., and Pool C. J. Magnin J. Use of lead chloride for clearing organic liquids in toxicological research for alkaloids 356. Magnin J. Ubeda J. S. and Golod B. Detection of alkaloids in old viscera 357. Mallannah S. The identification of seminal stains 399. Mallinckrodt E. Junr. Reactions of anaesthetic ethers with potassium hydroxide and with mercury and the test for foreign odours 718. Mameli E. Action of certain organic substances on alcoholic fermentation 99. Mand R. Value of saponins as foam-producing materials 42. Manley C. H. A rapid method for the sorting of butters and margarines 67. Mansfield H. Composition of fresh fruits and fruit pulp 351. Manteufel P. Serological Methods in the Investigation of Foodstuffs (Review) 308.Marcan A. Third Report of the Government Laboratory of Siam 32. Marcusson J. Determination of the asphalt content of mineral oils 300. Mareeuw W. P. H. v. d. D. Simple and rapid reaction to distinguish aniseed oil from star anise oil 300. Margaillan L. Grape seed oil 558. Margosches B. M. and Frischer M. Reaction of chloramine with fats 609. Marie C. and Berthlelot,. J. Two sources of error in the electrolytic determination of nickel in the presence of iron 48. Marrian G. F. See Baker L. C. and Marrian, G. F. Marsh C. T. N. See Kerr R. D. Marsh C. T. IS., Schroeder W. I?. and Boyer E. A. Martin -. See Beagall Challenger Martin and Sand. Martini A. New highly sensitive microchemical reactions for cadmium salts 493.Massy R. See Barth L. and Massy R. Matthews G. C. Composition of a counterfeit May P. The determination of sulphur dioxide Mayer F. See Lendrich L. and Mayer F. McCandless,. J. M. and Burton J. I. Sources of error in the determination of phosphoric acid 305. McClendon J. F. Russell S. and Tracy E. Determination of hydrogen ions in blood with the aid of the Duboscq colorimeter 42. coin 639. in dried fruit 271 526 xii INDEX TO McCollum E. V. See Estill H. W. and McCollum, McConnell F. J. See Brady F. L. and McConnell, McG111 W. J. See Sullivan F. W. McGill, W. J. and French A. McInerney T. J. See Sharp P. F. and BIc-Inerney T. J. MacInnes D. A. and Jones P. T. Method for differential potentiometric titration 50. McIntosh D.H. Determination of metallic lead in metallurgical products and pigments, 104. McLachlan T. See Jones J. M. and McLachlan, T. McLachlan T. and Middleton A. W. Sodium flame for polarimetric work 639. McNabb W. M. Determination of arsenic pentoxide as magnesium ammonium arsenate, 494. McRoberts L. H. See Remington R. E. and McRoberts L. H. Medlock 0. C. See Dye M. MedIock 0. C., and Crist J. W. Mellanoff I. S. Digitonin its properties, isolation and quantitative determination 550. - Oil from seeds of Digitalis purpurea 718. Melley A. See Knapp A. W. Moss J. E. and Melley A. Mellor J. W. A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry. Vol. VII (Review) 309. Merjanian A. Vitamin content of grapes and grape wines 96.Merl T. Food Tests. I. Possibility of distin-guishing between malt coffee and grain coffee by the maltol reaction 11. Blood sausage with artificially coloured skin 93. Messe W. See Miiller E. and Messe W. Meyer T. Solidification points of edible fats, 236. Middleton A. W. See McLachlan T. and Middleton A. W. Miller C. E. See Rogers T. H. and Miller C. E. Miller J. The determination of sulphur dioxide in dried fruit 338. - The effect of common salt on lime water used for egg preserving 457. Milner E. W. See Quinn E. J. Burtis M. P., and Milner E. W. Mitchell C. A. Alleged use of marking ink in ancient Egypt 27. - Vinegar Its Manufacture and Examination (Review) 178. - See also Willcox W. H. and Mitchell C. A. Mitchell C. A. and Ward T. J. Sequence of strokes in writing 680.Mitchell H. H. Beadles J. R. and Keith, M. H. The value of cocoa and chocolate as sources of protein in the diet 95. Mitchell H. H. Beadles J. R dnd Kruger, J. H. Relation of the connective tissue content of meat to its protein value in nutrition 483. Mitchell H. H. Zimmerman R. L. and Hamilton, T. S. Determination of the amount of con-nective tissue in meat 160. E. V. F*. J* VOLUME LII. Mitchell L. C. Iodine value of paprika oil, 161. Moir J. R. Microscopical examination of flint surfaces 367. Monier-Williams G. W. Determination of benzoic acid in foodstuffs 237 572. - Determination of benzoic acid in foodstuffs. Public Health Report No. 39 153 229. - The determination of sulphur dioxide in foods. Ministry of Health Report No.13, 343 415. Monro A. D. See Davies C. and Monro A. D. Moore H. C. and White R. Detection and determination of nitrogen-bearing chemicals added to animal or vegetable nitrogenous manures 298. Moore Q. Testing of disinfectants by the Rideal-Walker method 98. Moore T. See Willimott S. G. Moore T. and Wokes F. Morgan W. A. and Woodroof J. G. The effect of waste pimento pepper on the colour of egg yolks 653. Moritz A. R. See Goldblatt H. and hloritz, A. R. Morrell R. S. See Barry T. H. Drumniond, A. A. and Morrell R. S. Morrell R. S. and Smyth C. I. Arsenic in print ing inks 339. Morse F. W. Discoloration of canned cran-berries 548. Morse M. See Schlutz F. W. Ziegler M. R., and Morse M. Mortimer F. S. Determination of inethanol in presence of ethyl alcohol 482.Morvillez F. and Defossez -. Alleged reaction of cherry-laurel distillate 239. Moser L. Volumetric separation of selenium and tellurium 658. Moser L. and Schoninger *W. Determination of the titre of potassium permanganate solution by means of electrolytic iron 250. Moss J. E. See Knapp A. W Moss J. E. and Melley A. Mousseron M. See Astric -. and Mousseron, M. Mukerjee B. C. Determination of manganese in steel by the Proctor-Smith reaction in presence of phosphoric acid 689. Miiller E. and Messe W. Volumetric deter-mination of chromium 49. Miiller K. Vogt E. and Raesch 0. Method for the detection of fruit wine in grape wine, 599. Mullinix R. D. See Rea H. E. and Mullinix, R. D. Murawleff L.and Krassnowsky 0. Precipita-tion of alumina by ammonia 105. Murray A. F Determination of mercury in mercuric sahcylate 163. Murray A. G. Determination of terpin hydrate in terpin hydrate elixir 550. Muttelet C. I!. Analysis of " fruit and apple " jams 597. - Detection of aDvle in iams. 160. ISDEX TO VOLUME LII. xiii N Nabenhauer F. B. See Anderson R. J. Naben-hauer F. B. and Shriner R. L. - See also Shriner R. L. Kabenhauer F. P. and Anderson R. J. Nakamura H. See Bertrand G. and Nakamura, H. Nave G. M. Apparent specific gravity and porosity. A comparison of various methods, 367. Near C. See Sullivan B. and Near C. Nelson E. E. Non-volatile acids of the pear, quince apple loganberry blueberry cran-berry lemon and pomegranate 418. Nelson V.E. Jones R. L. Adams G. and Anderegg L. T. Cod liver oil as food. Ob-servations on the existence of vitamin E 604. Newcomb C. Report of the Chemical Examiner for the Government of Madras for the year 1926 638. Nicholls J. R. Detection of the prohibited vegetable and coal tar colours in foodstuffs, 585. Nijholt J. A. See Waternian H. I. and Nijholt, J. A. Nordlander B. W. Methods for the determina-tion of mercury vapour 357. - Selenium sulphide a new detector for mercury vapour 357. Normand C. See Franqois lI. and Normand C. North C. E. and Park W. H. Standards for milk pasteurisation 294. 0 Ogilvie A. Ogilvie J. P. Determination of sulphur dioxide in sugar factory products 93. OkhZ A. See Dubsky J. V. and Okhc" A. Olsen C. and Linderstrom-Lang L.Accuracy of the various methods of measuring con-centration of hydrogen ions in soil 556. Oreta A. T. and West A. P. Salts of a-linolic acid tetrabromide 608. Osborn A. S. The Probleiii of Proof (Review),. 180. Oshima Y. and Takahashi T. Bromination of cresols 727. Ostwald W. Practical Colloicl Chemistry (Review) 174. Outhouse J. Macy I. G. Brekke V. and Graham A. Note on the Titamin A and 11 content of COIV'S milk 425. See Parrish P. and Ogilvie A. P Page R. P. Report of the Public -4nalyst for the City of Portsmouth for the year 1926 704. Paine H. S. See also Church 31. B. Paine, H. S. and Hamilton J. Paine H. S. and Balch R. T. Clerget-invertase hydrolysis constants of sucrose and raffinose, 330. Paine H. S. Birc$er V.y d Hamilton J. Prevention of bursting in chocolate-coated fondant creams 295. Palkin S. See Watkins H. R. and Palkin S. Park W. H. See North C. E. and Park W. H. Parrish P. and Ogilvie A. Artificial Ferti-Parry .L. A. Some Famous Medical Trials Parsons E. I. See Hyde R. R. and Parsons, Partington J. R. See Hawkins F. S. and Partridge W. Boric acid in coffee 401. Perietzeanu J. See Bertrand G. and Periet-zeanu J . Perkins G. A, C m A. O. and Reses M. 0. Characteristics of some oils of the Chaul-moogra group 548. Peterson V. L. and West E. S. Volumetric determination of hydroxyl groups in sugars and other organic compounds 607. Peterson W. H. See Elvehjem C. A. and Peterson W. H. - See also Priem L. A. Peterson W. H. and Fred E. B. - See also Wilson P.W. Peterson W. II., and Fred E. B. Peterson W. H. and C. B. Water-soluble content of calcium and phosphorus in cab-bage 93. Petraschenj W. J. Colour reaction for mag-nesium 559. Pfau E. See Danckwortt P. W. and Pfau E. Pfyl B. and Schmitt 0. Determination of nicotine in tobacco and tobacco smoke 728. Philibert A. and Risler J. Action of neon light on bacteria 97. Pictet A. and Pictet R. Volatile alkaloid of pepper 649. Pictet R. See Pictet A. and Pictet R. Piedallu A. Colour reactions of flours 38. Pinck L. A. Use of nitrogen tetroxide in place of nitric acid in organic nitrations 724. Pinck L. A. and Blair J. S. New reactions of the mixed aquo-ammono-carbonic acids 248. Pistor X. See Fonrobert E. and Pistor IC. Plichta J. See Kubina H.and Plichta J. Plimmer R. H. A. Practical Organic and Bio-chemistry (Review) 107. Pool C. J. See Bywaters H. W. Maggs. F. T., and Pool C. J. Poucher W. A. Perfumes Cosmetics and Soaps with Especial Reference to Synthetics. Vol. I1 (Review) 109. Powarnin G. and Schischiroff I. Leather analysis 47. Prausnitz C. Experimental researches on the nature of the bacteriophage 615. Priem L. A. Peterson W. II. and Fred E. ,B. Studies of commercial sauerkraut with special reference to changes in the bacterial flora during fermentation a t low temperatures, 356. Prophhte H. Rose flower was. 102. h e r s (Review) 436. (Review) 665. E. I. Partington J. R xiv INDEX TO VOLUME LII. Pruthi H. S. Importance of the various factors responsible for the death of fishes in polluted waters 427.Pryde J. Recent Advances in Biochemistry ( Review) 58. Q Quast H. See Klostermann M. and Quast H. Quinn E. J. Burtis M. P. and Milner E. W. Quantitative studies of vitamins A B, and C in green plant tissues other than Icaves 334. R Raesch 0. See Miiller I<. Vogt E. and Raesch 0. Raiford L. C. and Hilman G. C. New cleriva-tives of vanillin and some of their reactions, 483. Rakusin M. A. and Braudo K. Coinparative characterisation of chondrin and glutin 440. Ramsey J. B. lodimetric determination of 1-anadium 432. Randles H. B. See Hind H. L. and Randles, H. B. Randoin L. and Lecoq R. Resistance of fat-soluble vitamins to hydrogenation 96. Ranker E. R. Inaccuracies of the Devarda method when applied to plant materials 556.- Modification of the salicylic-thiosulphate method for determining total nitrogen in plants and soil extracts 555. Rankoff G. Determination of starch in potatoes, 419. Rask 0. S. Rapid method for the deterinination of starch 290. Raymond A. L. and Winegarden H. M. Deter-mination of carbon dioxide in fermenting mixtures 557. Rea H. E. and Mullink R. D. Action of ethylene on pure starch 597. Read W. H. See Cooper E. A. and Read, 11:. H. Reed L. See Denis W. and Reed L. Regeimbal L. O. and Harvey R. B. Effect of ethylene on the enzymes of pineapples 354. Regenstein -. Testing of well-water for pol-lution with illuminating gas 654. Rehwald F. Starch Making (Review) 177. Reid E. E. Sce Brownc 0. H. and lieid E.E. - Sce also Shaw E. H. Junr. and Reid E. E. Reif G. Occurrence of vanillin in wine dis-tillates brandy and artificial brandy 71 7. Reinhard M. C. and Buchwald K. W. Influence of intense X-ray and a-ray radiations on cholesterol 485. Reissaus G. G. Determination of bismuth 250. - Electrometric determination of zinc by ferrocyanide 106. Remington R. E. Hitherto unsuspected source of arsenic 487. Remington R. E. and McRoberts L. H. Deter-mination of gelatin in ice cream 288. Reyes M. 0. See Perkins G. A. Cruz A. O., and Reyes N. 0. Rhodes J. E. W. Volumetric determination of magnesium in magnesium chloride solu-tions] 365. Richmond H. D. The polarimetric determina-tion of sucrose in sweetened condensed milk, 525. Riddell W. H. See Hughes J.S. Fitch J. R., Cave H. W. and Riddell W. H. Ridge B. P. See Clibbens D. A. and Ridge, B. P. Riechen F. Sodium sclenitc as a cause of poisoning 487. Riegel E. R. and Williams J. F. New colour reaction for procaine and some other local anaesthetics and its application to the deter-mination of procaine 41. Risler J. See Philibert A. and Iiisler J. Roberts J. A. F. New method for determining fineness of wool 170. Robinson,. W 0. Determination of organic matter in soils by nicans of hydrogen peroxide, 488. Robscheit-Robbins F. S. See Van Slyke D. D., and Robscheit-Robbins F. S. Rogers H. W. See Corey K. H. and Rogers, H. W. Rogers T. H. and Miller C. E. Evaluation of turbine oils 301. Roll L. J. See Thurbcr F. H. and Roll L. J. Romieu M.Histochemical reaction of lecithins. Iodophile reaction 421. Ronzoni E. and Waller-Lawrence Z. Deter-mination of lactic acid in blood 603. Rose E. S. Determination of fat in malted milk 92. Rosenbaum E. See Dietzel R. and Roscn-baum E. Rosenheim 0. Sterol colour reactions in their relation to vitamin A 423. Rosenheim O. and Webster T. A. Colour tests suggested for Vitamin A 44. - Nature of Fearon’s colour reaction and its non-specificity for vitamin A 242. - Parent substance of vitamin D 424. - Photochemical production of vitamin D from ergosterol 652. - Relation of cholesterol to vitamin D 293. Ross-Mackenzie J. ,4 Standard Manual o f Brewing and Malting and Laboratory Com-panion (Reyiew) 370. Rossee - -. and Von lorgenstern -. Sirn~)lified colorimetric method for measuring the hpdro-gen ion concentration of small quantities of highly coloured or turbid solutions 363.Rothschild S. See Cantzler A. and Rothschild, S. Rothwell C. S. . Direct precipitation of calcium in human milk 716. Rottgen T. Detection of other fruit wine in grape wine 39. Riidiger M. and Diemair W. Detection of fruit wine in grape wine 599. Russell Sir E. . J. Soil (hnclition arid Plant Growth (Re\-mv) 257 INDEX TO VOLUME LII. XV Russell S SM McClendon J F. Russell S., Russell-Wells B. See Haas P. and Russell-and Tracy E. Wells B. S Salamon M. S. See Bennett C. T. and Salamon M. S. Sale J W. and Wilson J. B. Distribution of volatde flavour 111 grapes and grape juices 39. Salkin B. Determination of phosphorus in alloys 305.Salmon W. D. Two active factors in the vitamin B complex 486. Sanchez J. A. New pyrogenic reaction for malic tartaric and citric acids 358. - Use of iodine as a differential reagent hetween ammonium salts amines and amides 363. Sand -. See Beagall Challenger Martin and Sand. Sandved K. Potentiometric titration of tin with potassium bromate 2. Santiago S. and West .A. P. An odiferous oil and two new linolic tetrabromides from Phillipine lumbang oil 300. Sarver L. A. Determination of ferrous iron in silicates 496. Savage W. G. Recent advances in the bacterio-logical examination of food and water 117. Savoire R. See Tassilly E. and Savoire R. Sayers R. R. See Yant W. P. and Sayers, li. R. Schaeffer H. J. Faught test for acetone 169.Scheunert A. and Schieblich M. Vitamin content of beer 722. Schieblich M. See Scheunert A. and Schieblich, 31. Schimpf . H. W. Essentials of Volumetric Analysis (Review) 368. Schischiroff I. See Powarnin G. and Schis-chiroff I. Schlegel J. W. and Stueber A. H. Some sources of error in the colorimetric deter-mination of PH values 492. Schlutz F. W. Ziegler M. R. and Morse M. Inhence of irradiation upon oxidation products of cholesterol 423. Schmitt 0. See Pfyl B. and Schmitt 0. Schneiter W. See Eder R. and Schneiter W. Schoeller W. R. Digallic acid as a reagent for earth acids 702. Schoeller W. R. and Deering E. C. Investi-gations into the analytical chemistry of tantalum niobium and their mineral asso-ciates. IX. The separation of titanium from tantalum and niobium 635.Schoeller W. R. and Jahn C. Investigations into the analytical chemistry of tantalum, niobium and their mineral associates. VII. The precipitation of tungstic acid by tannin. VIII. The separation of tungsten from tantalum and niobium 504. Schoninger W. See Moser L. and Schoninger, W. Schroeder W. F. See ICerr R. D. March, C. T. N. Schroeder W. F. and Boyer E. A. Schuette H. A. and Smith 1. P. Isopropyl alcohol as a substitute for ethyl alcohol in the determination of the acid values of fats and oils 101. Schumacher E. E. and Ferguson L. Apparatus for measuring the diffusion of gases and vapours through membranes 253. Schupp 0. E. See Buehrer T. F. and Schupp, 0. E. Schut W. See Jansen J. D. and Schut W.Scott A. The Cleaning and Restoration of Museum Exhibits 81. Sebrell L. B. See Bruson H. A. Sebrell L. B., and Calvert W. C. Secareano S. Preparation of phosgene from cliloropicrin 491. Sewell J. G. See Bisson C. S. and Sewell, J. G. Shaffer P. A. See Friedemann T. E. Cotonio, M. and Shaffer P. A. Shsrp P. F. and McInerney T. J. Colorimetric determination of the hydrogen' ion con-centration of milk whey and cream 36. - Relation of the hydrogen ion concentration to the titratable acidity of milk 715. Shaw E. H. Junr. and Reid E. E Quantitative estimation of selenium in organic compounds, 724. Sherman H. C. and Axtmayer J. H. Quantita-tive study of the problem of the multiple nature of vitamin B 721. Sherman H. C. and Hessler M. C. Quantitative differentiation of vitamins A and D 425.Shrewsbury H. S. The relations of the Manley and Reichert figures for butter analysis 388. Shriner R. L. See Anderson K. J Nabenhauer, F. B. and Shriner R. L. Shriner R. L. Nabenhauer F. P. and Anderson R. J. Composition of maize wax 420. Shutt F. T. Report of the Dominion Chemisr: for the Government of Canada for the year ending March 31st 1926. 537. Simpkin N. Sinnatt F. S. and Associates. Coal and Allied Subjects Compendium 11. (Review) 178. Shnatt F. S. See Simpkin N. Sinnatt F. S., and Associates. Smetham A. Feeding experiments with corn cockle 273. Smirk F. H. Micro-determination of iron in blood 201 Smith A. H. See Levine H. and Smith A. H. Smith F. L. Modified combustion method for the determination of bromine in organic compounds 357.Smith F. L. and West A. P. Reduction of linolenic and linolic bromides and rebromina-tion of the free acids 359. Smith G. F. Use of anhydrous perchlorates as dehydrating agents for gases 307. Smith M. L. See Spencer J. F. 'and Smith, M. L. Smith M. P. See Schuette H. L. and Smith, 1T. 1' xvi INDEX TO Y o L u m LII. Smith P. Smith R. C. Simple laboratory emulsifier 366. Smithells C. J. Tungsten A Treatise on its Metallurgy Properties and Applications (Review) 65. Smits A. Allotropy 53. Smyth C. I. See Morrell R. S. and Smyth c. I. Snoddy A. 0. See Bosart L. W. and Snoddy, A. 0. Soep L. Detection of dyeing with the colouring matter of sandal wood 696. Somogyi M. Notes on sugar determinations 38.- Reducing non-sugars and true sugar in human blood 719. Southcombe J. E. Chemistry of the Oil Indus-tries (Review) 312. Spacu G. and Dick J. Determination of cobalt, 430. - Determination of copper 494. - Rapid determination of nickel 660. Spencer,. J. F. and Smith M. L. mination of soluble iodides 270. Spoehr H. A. Protosynthesis (Review) 176. Squire E. S. Rapid method for the determina-tion of sulphur in certain petroleum products, 101. Stamm A. J. Electrical resistance of wood as a measure of its moisture content T32. Starr I. Junr. and Gamble C. J. Method for the determination of minute amounts of ethyl iodide in air water and blood 168. Staub P. See Johnson H. and Staub 1’. Steenbock H. and Coward K. H. Fat-soluble vitamins.XXVII. Quantitative determina-tion of xritamin A 356. Steuer W. Direct determination of nitrogcn in lighting and heating gas 47. Stevens H. P. The l’aper Mill Cliemist (Review), 373. Stewart A. W. Recent Advances in Organic Chemistry (lieview) 7.34. Stewart J. See Woodman H. E. and Stewart J. Stocks, H. B. Reaction between tannin and casein 170. Stocks H. B. and Greenwood C. V. Nature of the reaction between tannin and car-bohydrates 170. Stoddard J. L. Electrolytic method for the determination of sodium and potassium 660. Strafford N. See Evers H. H. and Strafford N. Strecker W. and Herrmann A. Volumetric determination of bismuth 659. Strover N. M. and Hopkins B. S. Fungicidal and bactericidal action of selenium and tellurium compounds 356.Stubbs J. R. Production of uniform stains in the Gutzeit test for arsenic 699. - See also Elsdon G. D. and Stubbs J. R. Stiiber W. Determination of caffeine in black tea 238. Stueber A. H. Sce Schlegel J. W. and Stueber, A. H. Sullivan B. and Near C. Relation of the magnesium in the ash and the lipoicl-protein ratio to the quality of wheats 244. See Elsdon G. D. and Smith P. The deter-Sullivan F. W. McGill W. J. and French A. Solubility of parafiin wax in petroleum oils, 727. Supplee G. C. and DOW 0. D. Vitamin A potency of irradiated milk 720. Swarts F. Cours de Chimie Inorganique (Review) 3G9. Swartz C. E. See Krauskopf F. C. and Swartz c. E. T Takahashi T. See Oshima Y. and Takahashi, T. Tankard A. R. Report of the Public Anal!-st for the City and County of Kingston-upon-Hull for the year 1926 702.Tassilly E. and Savoire R. Spectrophotometric determination of nitrites and nitrates by diphenylamine sulphate 107. Taylor T. C. and Werntz J. H. Properties of maize starch. Removal of combined fatty acids 480. Thaysen A. C. and Bunker H. J. Microbiology of Cellulose Hemicellulose Pectin arid Gu ins (Review)) 500. Thiele E. W. Calculation of flash points of blends of lubricating oils 305. Thimann K. V. Micro-method for the deter-mination of the Hausmann numbers of proteins 239. Thornton W. M. Junr. Titanium. \\’it11 Special Reference to the Analysis of Titani-ferous Substances (Review) 736. Thorpe J. F. and Whiteley M. A. A Student’s Manual of Organic Chemical Analysis Quali-tative and Quantitative (Review) 313.Thurber F. H. and Roll L. J. Oil from Port Orford cedar wood 490. Tian A. Improved Meyer apparatus for vapour density determinations 107. Tillmans J. Hirsch P. and Kuhn A. Chemical and physico-chemical changes accompanying the beginning of the putrefaction of flesh 280. Tillmans J. and Kiesgen J. Determination of arnine acids in foodstuffs 417. - “ Formol ” titration as a means of dis-tinguishing artificial and natural foodstuffs, 417. Timmerman H. A. Stomata1 numbers-Their value for distinguishing plant species 291. Tocher J. F. Annual Iieport of the County -4nalyst for Aberdeen for 1926 470. - The causes of variation in the proportion of butter fat in milk 174. Townhend D. T. A. See Bone W. A. and Townend D.T. A. Toyama Y. Body oil from sperm whale 7%. Constitution of cetoleic acid 726. Consti-tution of zoomaric acid 727. - Fatty acids of cod liver oil 245. Trace L. H. See Lampitt L. H. Hughes E. R., and Trace L. H. Trace L. H. and Harvey C 0. The deter-mination of carbon dioxide in carbonates 76 INDEX TO VOLUME LII. s v i i Tracy E. See JicClendon J . F. Russell S. and Tracy E. Travers A. and Jouot -. Iodimetric deter-mination of the antimonic ion 303. Trofimuk N. A. Differentiation of flours by the iodine absorption and by the rapidity of sedimentation 89. Trotman S. R. Testing of dyestuffs for fastness to washing 497. Tschudin W. F. See Ficliter F. and Tschudin w. F. Tschirch A. Identification and determination of ergot of rye 238.Tyler A. G. See Wilkinson FI. qnd Tyler A. G. U Ubeda J. S. See Magnin J. Ubeda J. S. and Golod B. V VddiguiB A. See Aloy J. and Valdiguih A. Van Berk L. H. See IColthoff I. M. and Van Berk L. H. Van Der Steur J. P. K. Determination of oleic and elaidic acids in the presence of each other 609. Van Heuckeroth A. W. Scc Gardner H. -4., and Van Heuckeroth A. W. Van Slyke D. D. Determination of urea by gasometric measurement of the carbon dioxide formed by the action of urease 551. - Gasometric micro-Kjeldahl cleterinination of nitrogen 171. Van Slyke D. D. Hiller A. and Berthelsen, K. C. Gasometric micro method for deter-mination of iodates and sulphates and its application to the determination of total base in blood serum 651. Van Slyke D.D. and Robscheit-Robbins F. S. Gasometric determination of small amounts of carbon monoxide in blood and its applica-tion to blood volume studies 291. Van Zijp C. Microchemistry of coumarin 637. Vedder E. B and Lawson W. E. Solubilities of the antiscorbutic factor present in lemon juice 424. Venkataraman K. See Huebner J. and Ven-kataraman IC. Vickery H. B. A useful compound of histidine, 164. Vidyarthi N. L. See Hilditch T. I?. and Vidy-arthi N. L. Vieweg K. See Hahn IT. L. and Vieweg I<. Vilella J. R. and Beregekoff D. Polishing and etching lead tin and some of their alloys for microscopic examination 732. Vincent V. Measurement of the ionimetric acidity by the inversion of sucrose. Appli-cation to complex media 249. Vizern - and Guillot -.Detection of castor oil in fatty mixtures 161. Vogt E. See Miiller I<. Vogt E. and liaesch 0. Von Der Heide C. and Follen R. “ Nilcrobin ” in wine 600. Von Morgenstern F. Kew value for the detcr-- See also Rossee -. and von Morgenstern -. Viirtheim A. Determination of perchlorate in mination of butter fat 236. Chili saltpetre by means of nitron 251. W Wales H. Ethyl phthalate test 161. Wallen-Lawrence Z. See Ronzoni E. and Wallen-Lawrence 2. Walton J. H. and Dittmar H. R. Hydrolysis of corn (maize) starch by commercial pan-creatin 42. Waltzinger E. Determination of benzoic acid in egg-yolk 90. Ward T. J. See Mitchell C. A. and Ward T. J. Ware A. H. A new and sensitive test for nitrates applicable in the presencc of nitrites 332.- New specific tests for distinguishing carbolic acid the cresols and certain other phenols, 335. Warren L. E. Comparison of several processes for the assay of podophyllum 649. Waterman H. C. Determination of casein i n milk by an approximately iso-electric preci-pitation 348. Waterman H. C. and Lepper H. A. Method for the determination of milk proteins in cacao products 350. Waterman H. I. and Nijholt H. J. Distillation of coconut oil a t very low pressures 420. Watkins H. R. and Palkin S. Errors in analysis of allraloids caused by the presence of fatty acid or soap 290. Webster T. A. See Rosenheim O. and Webstcr, T. A. Weiler G. See Hahn F. L. and Weiler G. Wells C. F. See Dunbar 13. A. and Wells C. 1;. Werntz J. H. See Taylor T. C. and Werntz, J.H. West A. P. See Imperial G. X. and West A. 1’. - See also Oreta A. T. and West A . P. - See also Santiago S. and West A. P. - See also Smith F. L. and West A. P. West E. S. See Eaton E. P. and West E. S. - See also Peterson V. L. and West E. S. West W. See Kendall J. Jette E. R. and White J. Spring clip foi- Gutzeit tube 700. White R. See Moore H. C. and White R. Whitehead H. R. Studies in bacterial nutrition. 111. Phosphates and the growth of strepto-cocci 243. Whiteley M. A. See Thorpe J. F. and Whiteley, 31. A. Widmer A. and Kalberer 0. E. Detection of fruit wine in wine by means of a micros-copical examination of the turbidity 481. Wilkinson H. and Tyler A. G. Stability of titanous sulphate solutions in air 363. - Volumetric analysis of malachite green with titanous sulphide and titanous chloride solutions 362.West \V xviii I ~ E X TO T:oLmrE LII. Willcox W. H. and Mitchell C. A. A case of metacetaldehyde poisoning 528. Williams A. L. See Lerrigo A. F. and Williams, A. L. Williams I. M. Determination of added disodiuni phosphate in process cheese 648. Williams J. F. See Riegel E. R. and Williams, Wdliams,. R. . D. Determination of phenol in ammonia liquor and other solutions 360. Williams W. C. Report of County Analyst for the County of Lancaster for the year 1925, 2s. Willimott S. G. See Wokes I?. and Willimott, S. G. Willimott S. G. Moore T. and Wokes F. Effects of various agents on colour tests for vitamin A 241. Willimott 8. G. and Wokes F. Vitamins and other constituents of grape-fruit rind 241.- Vitamins A and D of spinach 652. Wilmet M. Rapid determination of phosphine in gases 558. - Sensitiveness of some reagent papers towards gaseous hydrogen phosphide 487. Wilson E. G. See Atliins W. 13. G. and Wilson, E. G. Wilson J. B. See Sale J. W. and Wilson J. 13. Wilson P. W. . Peterson W. H. and Fred, E. B. Production of acetylmethyl carbinol by Clostridium acetobutylicum 655. Windhausen 0. See Dinslage E. and Wind-hausen 0. Winegarden H. M. See Raymond A. L. and Winegarden H. M. Wohnlich E. See Gronover A. and Wohnlich, E. Wokes F. See Willimott S. G. and 'Cl.'okes F. - See also Willimott S. G. Moore T. and Wokes 1;. Wokes F. and Irwin J. H. Use of certain carbohydrates and glucosides in the diff eren-tiation of members of the salmonella group of bacilli 604.IT-. F. Wokes F. and Willimott S. G. A study 04 antiniony trichloride as a possible quan-titative reagent for vitamin A 516. Wollak R. See Kurtenacker A. and Wollalr I<. Wood J. K. Chemistry of Dveing (Review) 255. Woodman H. E. and Stewart J. Composition of flaked maize 244. Woodroof J. G. See Morgan \Ir. A. and Wood-roof J. G. Wright A. M. and Forsyth J. C. Edible viscera, 159. Wright J. 0. Comparison of the sensitiveness of various tests for methanol 452. Wright S. See Curtis F. li. and Wright S. Wright S. L. Junr. Kote on colorimeter cor-rection curves 07. Y Yamamoto K. See Kobayashi Ii. and Yoma-moto K. Yant W. P. See Grey F. E. and Tant W. P. Yant W. P. and Sayers R.R. Hydrogen sulphide as a poison 368. Young R. R. T. Determination of nicotine in tobacco 15. Youngburg G. E. Studies on pentose metabolism. 11. Micro-method for the determination of pentoses and pentosans 484. Z Ziegler M. R. See Schlutz F. W. Ziegler &I. R., and Morse M. Zilva S. S. Precipitation of the antiscorbutic factor from lemon juice 435. - The antiscorbutic fraction of leinon juicc, T' 552. Zimmerman A. J. See Barkenbus C. and Zimmerman A. J. Zimmerman R. L. See Nlitchell H. H. Zimmer-man R. L. and Hamilton T. S. Zone€€ J. Bulgarian honey and beeswax 598 INDEX TO A Aberdeen County of --. Annual Report of the County Analyst for 1986. J. F. Tocher 470. Absorption Dissolved oxygen - tcst. E. A. Cooper and W. H.Read 723. Abstracts of Papers published in other Journals : 36 89 150 335 287 350 417 480 548 596, 647 715. Acetddehyde in very dilute solutions ; Quanti-tative determination of -. dijk 358. Acetic Acid. Formic acid in commercial -. L. Daniel 549 propionic acid in ~ ; Determination of. F. Bauni GOY 608. Acetic Anhydride propionic acid in acetic acid and -; Determination of. F. Baum, 608. Acetone Determination of - by mercuri-metry. 100. S. L. Lange-Faught test for -. H. J. SchaeKer 169. in ethyl alcohol ; Detection of -. 100. isopropyl alcohol in presence of - ; Deter-mination of. H. A. Cassar 7 2 5 . Acetylene in well-water polluted with illuminat-ing gas ; Detection of -. 654. Acetylmethyl Carbinol Production of - by Clostridium ncetobutylicunz.P. W. Wilson, W. H. Peterson ancl E. B. Fred 655. 4 nl Acid Production of - by wood-rotting fungi. L. P. Curtin 554. Acid Values of fats and oils ; Isopropyl alcohol as substitute for ethyl alcohol in determin-ing -. H. A. Schuette and M. P. Smith, 101. Acidimetric determination of magnesium zinc, aluminium and copper in presence of oxyquinoline. F. L. Hahn and E. Hartleb, -195. determination of nickel as the nickeldicyandi-aniidine salt. P. l;iuch 48. Acidity of milk ; Relation of the hydrogen ion concentration to the titratable -. P. F. Sharp and T. J. McInerney 715. Acids Amino -. See Amino Acids. W. K. Schoellcr 702. earth- ; Digallic acid as a reagent for -. Fatty -. See Fatty Acids. in parsley seed oil. T. P. Hilditch and E.E. Jones 429. Non-volatile - of the pear quince apple, loganberry blueberry cranberry lemon and pomegranate. E. I<. Nelson 418. SUBJECTS. Acids-continued. of the oleic series ; Some ill-defined -. I . Hypogaeic acid. T. P. FIilditch and K. I Vidyarthi 429. 11. Acids in parsley seetl oil. T. P. Hilditch and E. E. Jones 429. Acridness of cruciferous seeds and oil cakes: Toxicity and -. G. Jorgensen 44. Adrenaline Determination of - . L. c. Baker and G. F. Marrian 651. Adulteration Madras Prevention of - .\ct, 1918. 156. Agricultural analysis. Abstracts 244 398, 487 555 656 Agriculture United States Department of -. See United States. Air analysis apparatus ; Modification of the Haldane general -. R. C. Frederick, 340. ethyl iodide in water blood and - ; Method for determining minute amounts of I.Starr junr. and C. J. Gamble 168. nitric oxide in - * Determination of traces of. E. 1Tohn-kbrest 248. samples ; Absence of stratification and rapidity of mixing of carbon dioxide in--. T. M. Carpenter and E. L. l;os 403. Stability of titanous sulphate solutions in H. Wilkinson and A. G. Tyler 363. Air Ministry See Meteorological Office. Albumin Determination of - by mercuri-Albuminoid Nitrogen determination in waters ~ Alcohol adulterants ; Detection of -. J . M. metry. 100. 130. Haley 100. Ethyl -. See Ethyl Alcohol. in chloroform; Tests for -. 540. in Palestine ; Denaturing of alcoholic liquors Isopropyl -. See Isopropyl Alcohol. and -. 230. Alcoholic concentration in urine as a test of intoxication.G. Carter 615. fermentation ; Action of certain organic substances on -. E. Mameli 99. Alcohols Unsaturated aliphatic - of sperm oil. Aldehydes carbonyl in ketones and -; Determination of. in cssential oils ; General method for dcter-mining - with particular reference to the determination of citroncllal in Java citronella oil and citral in lemon oil. C. T. Bennett ancl M. S. Salamon 693. E. Andre and M. T. FranFois 558. G. W. Ellis 428. Aldose sugars. See Sugars Aldose XX INDEX TO VOLUME LII. Aliphatic alcohols of sperm oil ; Unsaturated -. E. Andre and M. T. FranGois 558. Alkali Sulphides Solubility of cupric sulphide in - in presence of sulpharsenates. C. Davies and A. D. Monro 659. Alkalimetric titrations ; Potassium bi-iodate as a standard substance in iodimetric and -.I. M. Kolthoff and L. H. van Berk, 48. Alkalis in ores clays etc. ; Determination of -. J. Ciochina 432. Alkaloid of pepper; Volatile -. A. Pictet and R. Pictet 649. Alkaloid Trichloracetates Separation of alkal-oids from viscera. Alkaloidal hydroferrocyanides and their analyti-cal uses. M. Gadreau 601. Alkaloids Determination of - by mercuri-metry. 100. ergot - ; Colour test for. N. Evers 601. Errors in analysis of - caused by presence of fatty acid or soap. H. R. Watkins and S, Palkin 290. in ethyl alcohol ; Detection of -. 101. in old viscera ; Detection of -. J. Magnin, J. S. Ubeda and B. Golod 357. Lead chloride for clearing organic liquids in toxicological research for -.J. Magnin, 356. Separation of - from viscera. M. G. Florence 723. Trichloracetates of the - . Use of tri-chloracetic acid in toxicology. G. Florence, 655. Alkoxyl Groups in organic compounds; Volu-metric determination of -. Modification of the Zeisel procedure. E. P. Eaton and E. S. West 725. -4llantoic Acid Determination of - as xanthyl-urea. R. Fosse 92. Allen's Commercial Organic Analysis. Vol. V. (Review) 615. Allfood with radium. Allotropy A. Smits 53. Alloys of Iron Research Committee. 414. M. G. Florence 723. R. Fosse and V. Bossuyt 558. in the green parts of phaseolus vulgaris. (Legal Notes) 642. phosphorus in -; Determination of. B. Salkin 305. l'olishing and etching lead tin and some of their - for microscopic examination.J. R. Vilella and D. Besegekoff 732. Substitution of centrifugation for filtration and calcination in the gravimetric deter-mination of tin and lead in their -. M. FoH 364. Alumina Precipitation of - by ammonia. L. Murawleff and 0. Krassnowsky 105. AIuminium Confirmatory test for -. W. J. Allardyce 6 1 3. Determination of cadmium and -means of oxyquinoline. R. Berg 611. in presence of oxyquinoline ; Acidimetric determination of -. F. L. Hahn and E. Hartleb 495. by Aluminium+oittinued. Oxyqu'inoline as reagent for magnesium zinc and -. F. L. Hahn and K. Vieweg, 431. zinc in - ; Determination of small quanti-ties of. W. Bohm 494. Aluminon Reaction of - with hydroxides of scandium gallium indium thallium and germanium.R. B. Corey and H. W. Rogers, 172. Amides Iodine as a differential reagent be-tween ammonium salts amines and -. J. A. Sanchez 363. Amidoazobenzene Reactions of - with nitrous acid. 492. Amines Iodine as a differential reagent be-tween ammonium salts amides and -. J. A. Sanchez 363. Amino Acids in foodstuffs ; Determination of - . Ammonia content of cold-storage eggs. H. C. Lythzoe 596. Conversion of saccharin into -. 381. in tobacco 22. liquor ; Determination of phenol in - and other solutions. R. D. Williams 360. Precipitation of alumina by -. L. Muraw-leff and 0. IG-assnowsky 105. process for determining saccharin. -4. I;. Lerrigo and A. L. Williams 377. Ammonium Salts Iodine as a differential re-agent between - amines and amides. J.A. Sanchez 363. Anaesthetic ethers ; Reactions of - with potassium hydroxide and with mercury and the test for foreign odours. E. Mallinckrodt, junr. 718. Anaesthetics Colour reaction for some - and its application to determination of procaine. E. R. Riegel and J. F. Williams 41. Analysis capillary-; Use of the analytic quartz lamp in -. 709. Organic -. See Organic Analysis. Physico-chemical- by means of the boiling of saturated solutions. E. Cornec and P. Klug 660. Quantitative -. See Quantitative Analysis. Standard Methods of -. Bibliographies. I. Leather and Tanning Materials 83. 11. Beer and Brewing Materials 235. 111. Petroleum and Petroleum Products 347. Volumetric -. See Volumetric Analysis. Methods ; Standing Committee on the Uni-formity of -.Essential Oil Sub-Com-mittee 186 276 530. Milk Products Sub-committee 402. Animal charcoal ; Method of differentiating vegetable and -. S. Ahlbom 657. nitrogenous manures ; Detection and deter-mination of nitrogen-bearing chemicals added to vegetable or -. H. C. Moore and R. White 298. tissues ; Iron content of -. C. A. Elveh-jem and W. H. Peterson 650. J. Tillmans and J. IGesgen 417. Analytical Investigation Scheme. 186 INDEX TO VOLUME LII. xxi Aniseed Oil Simple and rapid reaction to dis-W. P. H. Anthocyanin pigments in canning ; Behaviour of Antimonic Ion Iodrmetric determination of the Antimony in lead ; Determination of traces of in white metals etc ; Determination of -. H. R. Fitter 729. Antimony Trichloride as a possible quantitative reagent for vitamin A ; Study of -.F. Wokes and S. G. Willimott 515. Purification of -. 517. Antiscorbutic factor precipitated from lemon juice. S. S. Zilva 425. factor present in lemon juice ; Solubilities of the -. E. B. Vedder and W. E. Lawson, 424. fraction of lemon juice. V. S. S. Zilva 552. Aphrogen 42. Apomorphine New colour reaction for -. 41. Apparatus -1bstracts 49 107 173 252 306, 366 434 49T 614 660 731. Apple and fruit jams ; Analysis of -. C. F. hluttelet 598. in jams ; Detection of -. C. F. Muttelet, 160. matter in raspberry jam -4 question of warranty. (Legal Notes) 533. Non-volatile acids of the -. E. K. Nelson, 418. Apples Bitter pit in -. A review of the problem. (Food Investigation Board Re-port No.28). 80. tinguish - from star anise oil. v. d. I). Alareeuw 300. -. C. W. Culpepper 648. -. A. Travers and Jouot 303. -. 565. Composition of fresh -. 351. Fungal attack on -. 542. Reports on the Progress of -. 369. Applied Chemistry Society of Chemical Industry (Review). Apricot pulp ; Composition of -. 352. Aquo- Ammonocarbonic Acids New reactions of the mixed -. L. A. Pinck and .J. S. Blair 348. Argentometric determination of iodide in pre-sence of chloride. halogen titrations ; Accuracy of -. I. M. K o l t h o ~ and Le H. van Berk 304. Arsenic Colorimetric determination of minute amounts of compounds of silicon of phosphorus and of -. W. R. G. Atkins and E. G. M’ilson 249. compounds and phosphorus compounds of sea-water.TI-. R. G. Atkins and E. G. Wilson 42 7 . I. M. Kolthoff 305. Distribution of - among colours. Gutzeit test for -; Method of applying. in iood colouring materials. in fruit; Occurrence of - as a result of treatment with protecting agents. L. Lendrich and F. Mayer 237. in lead ; Determination of traces of -. 566. in printing ink. T. H. Barry 217; R. S. RIorrell and C. I. Smj-th 339. 219. C. H. Cribb 701. 303 529: Arsenic-coniinued. Source of - hitherto unsuspected. R. E. Remington 487. uniform stains in the Gutzeit test for -; Production of. J. R. Stubbs 699. Arsenic Pentoxide Determination of - as magnesium ammonium arsenate. W. M. McNabb 494. Arylamine Salts of the naphthalene-sulphonic acids. 111. Separation of Crocein Schaffer, R.and G. acids and their -. R. E. Forster and C. M. Keyworth 169. Asphalt content of mineral oils ; Determination of -. J. Marcusson 300. Aspirin Free salicylic acid in -. 232. Asthma cigarettes. 473. Atmosphere chlorides in the -; Distribu-tion and transport of. F. Bordas and A. Desfemmes. 730. Water vapour in the -. H. Kohler 368. Atmospheric deposit recorder ; A new -. 155. pollution ; Advisory Committee on -. Report for year ending March 31st 1926. 155. pollution during the Coal Strike 1926. i9-pollution ; Smoke and -. 477. Atomic weights ; Committee on -. Annual Aurantia in foodstuffs ; Detection of -. 585. Aurine in foodstuffs ; Detection of -. Australian essential oils and their pure con-stituents ; Germicidal values of -. 295. Report for 1926.287. 586. B Bacilli salmonella group of - ; Use of certain carbohydrates and glucosides in the differ-entiation of members of. F. Wokes and J. H. Irwin 604. Bacillus Botulinus Food poisoning due to -. 122. Bacillus Coli Action of neon light on -. 98. Contamination of mineral water with -. in water; Characterisation of -. 11’7. Bacillus Pneumococcus Action of neon light on Bacillus Pyocyanus Action of neon light on Bacon Formaldehyde in -. 394. Bacteria Action of neon light on -. A. Philibert and J. Risler 97. Carbon monoxide poisoning of - in absence of haemoglobin. 295. in milk ; Thermophilic -. M. 0. Eckford, 426. Pathogenic - and mixed enzymes of milk. C. Gorini 486. C. Eliot, 98. flora ; Studies of commercial sauerkraut with special reference to changes in - during fermentation a t low temperatures.L. A. Priem W. H. Peterson and E. B. Fred 336. (Legal Notes) 412. -. 98. -. 98. Bacterial flora of the market oyster XXll INDEX TO VOLUME LII. Bacterial-continued. nutrition ; Studies in -. 111. Phosphates and the growth of streptococci. H. R. Whitehead 243. Bactericidal action of selenium and tellurium compounds. N. M. Strover and B. S. Hopkins 356. Bacteriological abstracts 42 95 167 243 294, 356 426 486 554 604 655 722. examination of food and water; Recent advances in -. study of ham souring. Bacteriophage Experimental researches on the nature of the -. Bacferium Pruni in milk ; Identification of some of the products formed by -. S. L. Jodidi 486.S. L. Jodidi 722. Baking Powder Standard for - (Legal Notes) 706. Barium Separation of radium and mesothorium I from - by ionic migration. J. ICendall, E. R. Jette and W. West 106. Barium Chromate Fractional precipitation of radium and -. L. M. Henderson and F. C. ICraceli 303. Barium Ion Micro-titration of chromic ion and -. Barley Iodine absorption value of -. SO. (.Legal Kotes), 476. (Preservatives Regulations) 416. Bean meal; Iodine absorption value of -. 89. Beef Freezing of -. Beer Bibliography of standard methods of analysing -. 235. Sulphur dioxide in -. Vitamin content of -. A. Scheunert and M. Schieblich 722. Zoneff 598. propolis. G. F. Jaubert 418. 101. 492. W. G. Savage 117. E. A. Boyer 98. C. Prausnitz 615.Production of certain enzymes by -. R. F. le Guyon 365. Sulphur dioxide in pearl -. 541. N.C.B. 717. Beeswax Bulgarian honey and - * J. Colouring matter of - and composition of Benzene in ethyl alcohol; Detection of -. Benzidine Reaction of - with nitrous acid. Benzoated lard. 79. Benzocaine New colour reaction for -. 41. Benzoic Acid i n egg-yolk ; Determination of -. E. TT'altzinger 90. in foodstuffs ; Determination of -. G. W. Monier-Williams 237 572. Public Health Report No. 39. G. W. Monier-Williams, 153 229. Benzol Relative toxicity of - and its higher homologues. J J. Batchelor 426. Benzoylacrilic Acid Sensitive reaction for -and its use for characterising phenols. E. Cattelain 360. Beri-Beri Vitamin B extract for treatment of Berthelot Centenary -4ddress presented by the -.158. Society of Public _Analysts 620. Bibliographies Standard Methods of Analysis. I. Leather and Tanning Materials 83. 11. Beer and Brewing Materials 235. 111. Petroleum and Petroleum Products 34T. Biochemical abstracts 42 95 163 239 201, 354 420 483 550 603 650 719. Biochemistry Cholesteryl allophanate and its use in -. R. Fabre 163. Practical Organic and -. (Review). R. H. A. Plimmer 107. Recent Advances in - . (Review) J. Pryde 58. Report of the City -Analyst J . €7. Liverseege for Third Quarter, 1926 77. Fourth Quarter 1926 223. -4nnual Report for 1926 280. First Quarter 1027 473. Second Quarter of 1927 531. . G. G. Bismuth Determination of -Reissaus 250. in lead ; Determination of traces of -.5'71. Sensitive test for -. H. Kubina and J. Plichta 659. Volumetric determination of -. W. Strec-ker and A. Herrmann 659. Bitter Pit in apples. X review of the problem. (Food Investigation Board Report No. 28.) 80. Black Carbon -. See Carbon Black. Black Currant and orange and quinine wines. Black Currants Composition of fresh -. 351. Black Rot of sweet potatoes in storage; In-fection and temperature relations of -. J. I. Lauritzen 99. Bleaching agents -1ction of improvers and -on flour. (Ministry of Health Report) 226. preparations ; Determination of available chlorine in -. J. Hausner 433. Bloater Fornialdehyde in -. Blood -4ction of - on sulphides. 717. Denis and L. Reed 298. ethyl iodide in air water and - ; Method for determining minute amounts of.I. Starr junr. and C. J. Gamble 168. Gasometric determination of small amounts of carbon monoxide in - and its applica-tion to - volume studies. D. D. Van Slylie and F. S. Robscheit-Robbins 291. Hydrogen ions in - determined with the Duboscq coloi-imeter. J. I;. McCIendon S. iron in - ; Micro-determination of. F. H. Smirk 291. lactic acid in -; Determination of. E. Ronzoni and Z. \Vallen-Lawrence 603. non-protein sulphur compounds of - . Methods for determining some. W. Denis and L. Reed 96. phosphorus in - ; Determination of. J. H. Gaddum 341. Pyramidon as a reagent for -. M. Elzas and L. M. Lansberg 167. Reducing non-sugars and true sugar in human - . M. Soniogyi i l 9 . Birmingham City of -. (Legal hTotes) 283.pulp ; Composition of -. 352. 394. Kuss;ell and E. 'l-racy 43 ISDEX TO VOLUME LII. xsiii Blood-continued. Separation of alkaloids from -. M. G. Florence 723. serum ; Determination of total base in -by means of gasometric micro method for determining iodates and sulphates. D. D. Van Slyke A. Hiller and I<. C. Berthelsen, 651. Blood Sausage with artificially coloured skin. T. Merl 93. BIueberry Non-volatile acids of the -. E. I<. Nelson 418. Boa Constrictor fat. Body oil from sperm whale. Y . Toyama 726. Bones Identification of -. Boric Acid Determination of -. 464 465. R. H. Iierr 610. 539. in coffee. W. Partridge 401. Natural occurrence of -. 459. Borneo tallow in cacao butter ; Detection of -. 452 454. Bornstein reaction for saccharin.3ii. Boron compounds in cacao and cacao products ; Natural occurrence of -. -4. S. Dodd, 159. Bran Xew Zealand pollard and -; Deter-mination of. Brandy vanillin in wine distillates - and artificial -; Occurrence of. G. Reif, 717. Brassica Juncea seeds ; Toxicity of -. 44. Brauer’s Method for detecting resins. E. Fonrobert and K. Pistor 347. Bread Average composition of white brown and standard -. 703. Brewing and Malting; A Standard Manual of - and Laboratory Companion. (Review) J. Ross-Maclrenzie 370. materials ; Bibliography of standard methods of analysing -. 335. British wines ; Duty on - . (Statutory Rules and Orders 1927 No. 728.) 714 Bromate in potassium chlorate ; Determination of -. F. Fichter and W.F. Tschudin, 366. Bromination of cresols. 1‘. Oshima and T. Takahashi 72 7. Bromine in organic compounds ; Modified combustion method for determining -. F. L. Smith 367. Bronze ‘‘ disease.” 53. Buffalo milk standards in India. Bulgarian honey and beeswax. J . Zoneff 59s. Butesin New colour reaction for -. 41. Butter analysis ; Relations of the Manley and lieichert figures for - H. S. Shrews-bury 388. Constants of Irish -. (Legal Notes,) 411. fat ; Detection of coconut and palm kernel oils in -. 09. fat in chocolate. 327. fat in margarine ; Determination of -. fat in milk ; Causes of variation in the pro-_Fat in milk from single cows and herds of cows ; L. D. Foster 033. 13i. G. D. Elsdon and P. Smith 63. portion of -. J. F. Tocher 174.Daily variations in -. 4iO. Butter-continzred. fat; New value for determination of -. F. f a t ; Short method for determining -. standards in India. 157. Buttermilk Cultured -. U.S.A. Food In-spection Decision No. 210 547. Butters sorting of margarines and - ; Rapid method for. Butyl Alcohol methylethyl ketone in presence of secondary - ; Determination of. A. Cassar 725. Butyn New colour reaction for -. v. Morgenstern 236. G. D. Elsdon and P. Smith 317. C. H. Manley 67. 41. C Cabbage calcium and phosphorus in - * Water-soluble content of. W. H. and C. B. Peterson 93. Cacao and cacao products ; Natural occurrence of boron compounds in -. A. S. Dodd, 459. beans ; Boron compounds as natural con-stituents of -. 462. butter; Analysis of mixtures of illipe and - by means of the “ turbidity tempera-ture ” method 326.butter substitutes and their detection. -\. W. Knapp J. E. Moss and A. Melley 4.32. products ; Method of determining milk proteins in -. H. C. Waterman and H. A. Lepper 350. Cadmium as a coating metal for domestic utensils. A. Gronover and E. Wohnlich, 605. Determination of aluminium and - by means of oxyquinoline. R. Berg 611. Cadmium Salts microchemical reactions for -; New highly sensitive. A. Martini, 493. Caffeine content of coffee extracts and their physiological action. H. Jesser 13.7. Stiiber 238. Determination of -. in black tea; Determination of -. W. in “ Yocco.” E. de Wildeman 94. S. Gobert 162. Cajuput Oil cineole in -; Estimation of.276. Caking index of coal. 596. Calcination Substitution of centrifugation for filtration and - in the gravimetric deter-mination of tin and lead in their alloys. M. FoA 364. Calcium in cabbage ; Water-soluble content of phosphorus and -. W. H. and C. 13. Peterson 93. in human milk ; Direct precipitation of -. C. S. Rothwell 716. Volumetric determination of - . F. L. Hahn and G. Weiler 174. Calcium Carbide as a means of determining water in organic substances. A. Cantzler and S. Rothschild 606. Calcium Cyanide Stability of -. 32 xxiv IXDEX TO VOLUME LII. Calcium Phosphate Flour containing acid -. (Legal Notes) 30. Calender Effect and Shrinking Effect of Unvul-canised Rubber. (Review) W. de Visser 256. California sardine oil ; Iodine value of a com-mercial -.M. S. Dunn and R. S. Hollombe 483. Calorific value of coal. 595. Camphor Oil cineole in - ; Determination of. T. T. Cocking 600. Canada Government of -. Report of the Dominion Chemist I;. T. Shutt for tlie year ending March 31 1926. Canned cranberries ; Discoloration of -. F. W. Morse 548. foods ; Bacteriological examination of -. 123. loganberries. 478. pears ; Vitamin C content of fresh and -. V. C. Craven and M. &I. Kramer 485. Canning anthocyanin pigments in - ; Be-haviour of. Cans Bulging - of loganberries. W. D. Bigelow 638. Cantharides cantharidine in - ; Determina-tion of. Cantharidine in cantharides ; Determination of -. Capillary analysis ; Use of the analytic quartz lamp in -. 709. Caramel sulphur dioxide in - ; Determina-tion of.352. Carbazotic Acid in foodstuffi ; Detection of -. 585. Carbethoxy-Cyanoguanidine 248. Carbohydrates in cereal products ; Influence of peptic digestion in determining total -. B. G. Hartmann and I+'. Hillig 160. reaction between tannin and - ; Nature of. H. B. Stocks and C. V. Grcenwood 170. Use of certain __ and glucosides in the diff ereritiation of members of the salmonella group of bacilli. IT. Woltes and J. H. Irwin, 604. Carbolic Acid in commercial cresol ; Detection of -. Kew specific test for distinguishing - the cresols and certain other phenols. A. H. \,are 333. Carbon and nitrogen on tlie same soil sample; Determination of - B. E. Brown 487. in dilute organic liquids ; Dcterniination of -.0. Kauffmann Cosla 45. in pig iron ; Determination of graphite and combined -. W. A. Rurford and W. Bader 104. Carbon Black test for comparing the deflocculat-ing power of soaps. Carbon Dioxide Absence of stratification and rapidity of mixing of __ in air samples. T. &I. Carpenter and E. Id. Fox 493. Conductivity method for determining -. L. E. Bayliss 557. formed by the action of urease ; Determination of urea by gasometric measurement of -. D. D. Van Slyke 551. 53'7. C. W. Culpepper 648. R. Eder and S V . Schneiter 40. €2. Eder and W. Schneiter 40. A. J. Ware 453. 12. 91. Chapin 102. Carbon Dioxide in carbonates ; Determination of -. S. Back 7 6 . L. H. Trace and C. 0. Harvey 76. T. Callan 222. J . R. I. Hepburn 276. in fermenting mixtures ; Determination of -.A. L. Raymond and H. M. W'ine-garden X57. Carbon Disulphide Purification of -. Carbon Monoxide in blood ; Gasometric deter-mination of small amounts of -; and its application to blood volume studies. D. D. van Slyke and I;. S. Robscheit-Robbins 291. in well-water polluted with illuminating gas ; Detection of -. 054. poisoning in forensic cases. D. J. A. Kerr, 296. poisoning of bacteria in absence of haenioglo-bin. P. F. Frankland 295. Carbonates carbon dioxide in - ; Determina-tion of. S. Back 76. L. H. Trace and C. 0. Harvey 76. T. Callan 829. J. R. I. Hepburn 276. Carbonyl in aldehydes and ketones ; Deterniina-tion of -. Carrageen precipitates ; Titration values of -. 266. Carrotin Extraction of - from flour.Casein in milk; Determination of - by 540. G. W. Ellis 428. 44G. approximately iso-electric precipitation. H. C. Waterman 548. Reaction between tannin and -. H. €3. Stocks 170. Casings for sausages; Cellulose -. W. I;. Henderson and H. E. Dietrich 37. Castor Oil in fatty mixtures ; Detection of -. Vizern and Guillot 16 1. Cathode mercury dropping - ; Electrolytic analysis with the. J. Heyrovsky 73 1. Caustic Soda strengths of commercial soda ash and -; Methods of expressing. 529. Cedar wood ; Oil from Port Orforci -. F. H. Tliurber and L. J. Roll 490. Cellulose Microbiology of - Hemicellulose, Pectin and Gums. (Review) A. C. Thaysen and H. J. Bunker BOO. sausage casings. W. F. Henderson and H. E. Dietrich 37. wood - ; A hydrolysis number deterniina-tion for.L. F. Hawley and L. C. Fleck 611. Cement lime in hydraulic - ; Determination of free. F. L. Brady and 17. J. ILIcConnell, 344. Centrifugation Substitution of - for filtration and calcination in the gravimetric deter-mination of tin and lead in their alloys. RI. FoA 364. Centrophorus Granulosus Oil of -. A. C. Chapman 622. Cereal products ; Influence of peptic digestion in determining total carbohydrates in -. B. G. Hartmann and F. Hillig 160. Cerium Determination of -. T. Lindenian and M. Hafstad 365. . Cetoleic Acid Constitution of -. '726 INDEX TO VOLUME LII. SXV Charcoal Differentiation of animal and veget-able -. S. Ahlbom 657. Chatham Islands Peat and peat wax from -. 727. Chaulmoogra group of oils ; Characteristics of -.G. A. Perkins -4. 0. Cruz and 31. 0. Reyes 548. Cheese disodium phosphate in process - ; Determination of added. I. ,M. Williams, 648. Fat in Cheshire -. standards in India. 157. (Legal Notes) 131. Chemical Annual ; Nostrand’s -. (Review), Constants ; Annual Tables of -. (Review) Constants ; Physical and - . (Re\.ien-), Symbols ; Inorganic - and other useful (Review) E. R. Darling, The Making of a -. (Review) E. J. (Re-See Applied Chemis-Colloid -. Sea Colloid Chemistry. Essays on the Art and Principles of -. (Review) H. E. Armstrong 433. Inorganic - . See Inorganic Chemistry. Laundry -. of Dyeing. of the Oil Industries. (Review) J. E. South-of Writing and Printing Inks. (Review) W B. Organic -.See Organic Chemistry. Physical -. See Physical Chemistry. Physiological. See Physiological Chemistry. Theoretical - ; A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and. Vol. VII. (Review), J. W. Mellor 309. (Review) I?. H. Macdougal 560. Ghemists’ Year Book 192i. (Review) 17. W. Atack 498. Cherry-Laurel distillate ; Alleged reaction of -. (Cheshire Cheese Fat in -. (Legal Notes) 13 1. Chili Saltpetre Perchlorate in - determined by means of nitron. A. Vurtheiin 251. Ghimie Inorganique Cours de -. (Review), F. Swarts 369. ChIoramine Reaction of - with fats. B. BI. Margosches and M. Frischer 609. Chloramine-T Determination of aldose sugars by means of - with special reference to the analysis of milk products. C. L. Hinton and T. Macara 668. Chloride iodide in presence of - ; Argento-metric determination of.I . M. Kolthoff, 305. Chlorides in the atmosphere ; Distribution and transport of -. F. Bordas and A. Desfemmes 730. 617. 54. G. W. C. Kaye and T. H. Laby. Chemical Data. 502. Lewis and G. King 662. view) F. Fuhrmann 499. 53. Chemie der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. ahemistry Applied -. try: (.Review) A. Harvey 62. (Review) J. K. Wood 255. combe 312. Gamble 313. Thermodynamics and -. F. Morvillez and Defossez 239. Chlorine Action of free - on microbes. I:. Dienert and 1’. Etrillard 722. in bleaching preparations ; Determination of available -. J. Hausner 433. in cow’s milk; Elimination of sodium and -. in foodstuffs ; Determination of sodium, potassiuni and -.A. D. Husband and W. Godden 72. in milk ; Determination of -. A. L>. Hus-band and W. Godden 288. in milk of certain mammals ; Determination of sodium and -. L. Barthe and E. Dufilho 71.5. Manganese interference in the o-tolidinc test for available -. E. S. Hopkins 19(i. Chloroform alcohol in - Tests for. 340. Pyridine test as a quantitative method for determining minute amounts of -. W. H. Cole 94. Chloropicrin phosgene from - ; Preparation of. S. Secareano 491. Chocolate as source of protein in the diet ; Value of cocoa and -. H. H. Mitchell J . I<. Beadles and M. H. Keith 9.5. Boron compounds as natural constituents of -. 461. Butter fat in -. 327. -coated ci-cams ; Sugar-tolerant yeasts in -. M. 33. Church H. S. Paine and J.Hamilton 29.5. -coated fondant creams; Prevention of “bursting” in -. H. S. Paine V. Birchner and J. Hamilton 295. Dutch-Process cocoa and -. “ Alltalisccl cocoa and -. Food Inspection Decision, No. 202 of U S . Dept. of Agriculture. S8. illipk butter in - ; Determination of. H. W. Bywaters I;. T. Mags and C. J. 1’001, 324. Milk fat in milk - determined by means of a modified xylene number. C. -4. Green-leaf 647. Chocolates milk - ; Analysis of some com-mercial. 328. Cholesterol content of hair wool and feathers. H. C. Ecltstein 422. Influence of intense X-ray and y-ray radia-tions on -. M. C. Reinhard and K. IT. Buchwald 485. Influence of irradiation upon oxidation pro-ducts of -. F. W. Schlutz M. 1C. Ziegler and M. Morse 423. obtained from different sources ; Properties of -.R. J. Anderson 164. Relation of - to vitamin D. 0. Rosen-heim and T. A. Webster 293. Cholesteryl Allophanate and its use in bio-chemistry. R. Fabre 163. Chondrin Comparative characterisation of glutin and -. M. A. Kakusin and I<. Braudo 240. Chromic Ion Micro-titration of barium ion and -. Chromium Volumetric determination of -. E. Miiller and W. Messe 49. L. Barthe and E. Dufilho 287. R. F. le Guyon 365 xxvi INDEX TO V0LU;LIE LII. Cider Characteristics of -. Cigarettes Asthma -. 473. Cineole in camphor oil ; Determination of -. T. T. Cocking 600. Citral in lemon oil ; Determination of -. C. T. Bennett and M. S. Salamon 693. Citric Acid Application of the Stahre reaction to the accurate determination of -.B. G. Hartmann and F. Hillig 549. New pyrogenic reaction for tartaric malic and -. J. A. Sanchez 358. Citronella Oil citronella1 in Java - ; Deter-mination of. C. T. Bennett and M. s. Salamon 693. Citronellal in Java citronella oil ; Determina-tion of -. C. T. Bennett and M. S. Salamon 693. Citrus fruits ; Vitamins oxidising enzymes and reactions in ripe -. 242. Clay Japanese acid - (Japanese Fuller's earth) ; Acidity of. I<. Kobayashi 559. Clays sikalis in ores - etc. ; Determina-tion of. J . Ciochina 432. Colour reaction of the Japanese acid - with liver oils and vitamin A on the market. K. Kobayashi and K. Yamamoto 553. Clerget-Invertase Hydrolysis Constants of su-crose and raffinose. H. S. Paine and R. T. Balch 350.Clostridium Acetobutylicum Production of acetylmethyl carbinol by -. P. W. Wilson W. H. Peterson and E. B. Fred 655. Coal analysis ; Methods of -. (Fuel Re-search Board Report) 345 594. and Allied Subjects. Compendium 11. (Review) N. Simpkin F. S. Sinnatt and Associates 179. Caking index of -. 595. dust ; Laboratory methods of determining the inflammability of -. (Safety in Mines Research Board Report No. 31.) A. L. Godbert 713. Coal Gas Separation of individual saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons in -fractional distillation. F. E. Grey and W. P. Yant 359. Coal Tar colours in foodstuffs; Detection of prohibited -. 3. R. Nicholls 585. Products ; Dyestuffs and -. (Review), Beagall Challenger Martin and Sand 256. Coating metal for domestic utensils ; Cadmium as a -.A. Gronover and E. Wohnlich, 605. Cobalt Determination of -. G. Spacu and J. Dick 430. in the pancreas; Nickel and - . G. Bertrand and M. Macheboeuf 95. New reagent for -. W. H. Bufton, 649. in essential oils ; Estimation of. 276. by P. Falciola 172. Cocaine Determination of -. E. 0. Eaton, 650. Cocoa as source of protein in the diet; Value of chocolate and - H. H. Mitchell, J. R. Beadles and M. H. Keith 95. Cocoa-continued. Boron compounds as natural constituents of Dutch-process chocolate and -. " Alkal-ised chocolate and -. Food Inspection Decision No. 202 of U.S. Dept. of Agri-culture. 88. a t very low Coconut Oil Distillation of -pressures. H. I. Waterinan and J A. Nijholt 420. in butter fat ; Detection of -.69. mixtures of palm kernel oil and __ ; Esani-ination of. G. D. Elsdon and P. Smith 63. Reichert and Polenske values of -. 64. Values for -. 319. Cod Liver Oil as food. Obseri-ations on the existence of vitamin E. V. E. Nelson, R. L. Jones G. Adams and L. T. Anderegg, 604. Fatty acids of -. Growth-promoting property of irradiated fat in the diet of direct irradiation and of -. H. Goldblatt and A. R. Moritz 97. Codeine Detection of formaldehyde and -. J. Aloy and A. Valdigui6 41. -. 461. Y. Toyania 243. Coffee beans ; Boric acid in - 463. Boric acid in -. extracts ; Caffeine content of - and their malt and grain - ; Maltol reaction for W. Partridge 401. physiological action. H. Jesser 237. distinguishing between. T. Merl 93.Barkenbus and A. J. Zimmerman 610. Matthews 639. nut tree seed oil; Kentucky - . c. Coin Composition of a counterfeit -. G. C. Coins Examination of counterfeit -. 232. Cold Storage eggs ; Ammonia content of -. H. C. Lythzoe 590. Coliform organisms in water ; High and low ratio types of -. 117. Colliery By-products Pollution of a river with -. Mawston ZJ. Pease and Partners. (Legal Notes) 475. Colloid solutions; Use of the analytic quartz lamp in testing -. 710. Colloid Chemistry Practical -. (Review), W. Ostwald 174. Colocsnth pulp ; Adulteration of -. (Legal Notes) 342. Colorimeter A simple -. 469. Wright junr. 97. Duboscq - for determining hydrogen ions in blood. J. F. McClendon S. Russell and E. Tracy 43. for determining the colour of flour.Trichromatic - suitable for standardisa-tion work. J. Guild 50. Colour of flour ; A numerical expression for -. D. W. Kent-Jones and C. W. Herd 443. Colouring materials for foods ; Arsenic lead, etc. in -. 503 629. materials for foods ; Sub-committee on -. 503 529. R. C. Frederick, correction curves; Note on - . s. L. 445 ISDEX TO VOLUME LII. xxvii Colouring Matter in beeswax Origin of -and composition of propolis. G. F. Jaubert, 418. Detection of dyeing with -. L. Soep 696. Colouring Matters Artificial Organic -. (Review) H. E. Fierz-David 372. Colours Distribution of arsenic among -. 219. in food. U.S.A. 1:ood Inspection Decision, No. 200 547. in foodstuffs ; Detection of prohibited vege-table and coal tar -.J. R. Nicholls, 585. Combustion Flame and __ in Gases. (Review), W. A. Bone and D. T. A. Townend 734. method for determining bromine in organic compounds ; Modified -. F. L. Smith, 357. Compounds Organic -. See Organic Com-pounds. Condensed Nilk f a t in -; Determination of. 406. Ministry of Health Regulations. 537. sucrose in sweetened - ; Polarimetric Sugars in - determined by chloramine and Sweetened -. U.S.A. Food Inspection total solids of - ; Determination of. 403. Conductivity method for determining carbon dioxide. L. E. Bayliss 557. Connective Tissue content of meat ; Relation of - t o its protein value in nutrition. H. H. Mitchell J . R. Beadles ancl J . H. liruger 483. Constants Annual Tables of - and Kumeri-cal Data Chemical Physical and Techno-logical.(Review) Vol. V. 54. Electrical, Magnetic Electro-chemical Engineering and Metallurgical. 176. Clerget-invertase hydrolysis - of sucrose and raffinose. H. S. Paine and R. T. Balch 350. of Fatty Oils ; Relations between the -. (Review) J . Lund 438. Physical - of essential oils. Physical and Chemical -. (Review) G. W. C. Kaye and T. H. Laby 53. Copper Determination of -. G. Spacu and J. Dick 494. in presence of oxyquinoline ; Acidimetric determination of -. F. L. Hahn and E. Hartleb 496. Industrial contamination of food with -. C. G. King and G. Etzel 723. Volumetric method for -. D. Koszegi, 250. Copying Ink pencils ; Strokes made with -. 582. Corn cockle ; Feeding experiments with -. A. Smetham 273. starch; Hydrolysis of - by commercial pancreatin.J . H. Walton and H. R. Dittmar 42. of sandal wood; determination of. polarimetric methods. 688. Decision No. 207. 547. H. D. Richmond 525. 530. > c- Cornflour The term " - . 4 3 . Correction curves ; Note on colorimeter --. Cosmetics Perfumes - and Soaps with Vol. 11. Cotton Analysis of -. Rate of oxycelln!ose D. ,4. Clibbens and B. P. Ridge, Coumarin Microchemistry of -. C . van Counterfeit coin ; Composition of a -. G. C. Cranberries Discoloration of canned -. Cranberry Non-volatile acids of the -. Cream Butter fat in -. 703. S. L. JVright Junr. 97. Especial Reference t o Synthetics. (Review) W. A. Poucher 109. formation. 361. Zijp 657. Matthews 639. F. W. Morse 548.E. I<. Nelson 418. Evaluation of acid -. M. A. Dichno and 0. M. Briskin 235. hydrogen ion concentration of milk whe\-and - ; Colorimetric determination of. P. F. Sharp and T. J. McInerney 36. Cream Ices and ice cream. Creams chocolate-coated - ; Sugar-tolerant yeasts in. M. B. Church H. S. Paine and J. Hamilton 295. chocolate-coated fondant - ; Prevention of " bursting" in. H. S. Paine V. Birchner and J . Hamilton 295. Cresol carbolic acid in commercial -; Detection of. A. H. Ware 483. Cresols Broniination of -. Y . Oshima and T. Takahashi 727. New specific tests for distinguishing carbolic acid the - and certain other phenols. A. H. Ware 335. 9-Cresol New method oi separating - from its isomerides and a study of its boiling point.H. D. Gibbs 301. Crocein Acid Separation of Schaffer 13 ancl G acids and - and their arylamine salts. R. B. Forster and C. 3%. Keyworth lG9. Cruciferous seeds and oil cakes ; Acridness and toxicity of -. Cupric Sulphide Solubility of - in alkali sulphides in presence of sulpharsenates. C. Davies and A. D. Monro 659. Cuprous Oxide produced in sugar analysis : Determination of -. C. S. Bisson and J. G. Sewell 289. Curing of meat; Use of sodium nitrite in the -. R. D. Kerr C. T. N. Marsh W. F. Schroeder and E. A. Boyer 37. Cyanates Determination of - with an application t o potassium cyanate. J -Leboucq 489. Cyanic Acid Colour test for -. W. R. Fearon 46. Cyanide Determination of lead as -. S. Grundt 559. Cystine Colorimetric determination of glu ta-thione and -.G. Hunter and €3. A. Eagles 292. 704. G. Jorgensen 44 xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME LII. Cystlne-continued. Decomposition of free and combined -, with special reference to certain effects pro-duced by heating fish flesh. L. J. Almy, 718. Cytosine Nucleotide Isolation of guanine nuc-leotide and - from tea leaves. H. 0. Calvery 354. D Damsons Composition of fresh -. 351. Deflocculating power of soaps ; Comparison of the - by carbon black test. R. M. Chapin 103. Dehydrating agents for gases Use of anhydrous perchlorates as -. Dehydration of volatile liquids ; Apparatus for -. P. Loriette 107. Denigbs method for colorimetric determination of phosphates in potable waters. R. Danet, 427. Deodorisers Perspiration -.531. G. F. Smith 307. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research : Determination of free lime in hydraulic cement. Building Research Paper No. 4. F. L. Brady and F. J. McConnell 344. Dermatitis Sugar -. (Legal Notes) 283. Devarda method ; Inaccuracies of the -when applied to plant materials. E. R. Ranker, 556. Dextrose Oxidation of - by chloramine and iodide. 670. Dicarbethoxy-Guanide 248. Diethylphthalate in ethyl alcohol ; Detection of -. 101. Diets rich in fat ; Growth experiments on -. H. Levine and A. H. Smith 293. Differential potentiometric titration ; Method for -. D. A. MacInnes and P. T. Jones, 50. Digallic Acid as a reagent for earth acids. W. R. Schoeller 702. Digestion Effect of halogen salts on peptic -. W. M. Clifford 550.Influence of peptic - in determining total carbohydrates in cereal products. B. G. Hartmann and F. Hillig 160. Digitalis Purpurea Oil from seeds of -. I. S. Mellanoff 718. Digitonin Properties isolation and quantitative determination of -. I. S. Mellanoff 550. Dihydrositosterol in plant fats ; Distribution of - R. J. Anderson F. B. Nabenhauer and R. L. Shriner 164. Dinitrocresol in foodstuffs ; Detection of -. 585. Diphenylamine as quantitative reagent for zinc. W. H. Cone and L. L. Cady 730. Diphenylamine Sulphate Spectrophotometric determination of nitrites and nitrates by -. E. Tassilly and R. Savoire 107. Diphenylcarbazide Detection of magnesium by - F. Feigl 730. Dirt in milk. 409 702. Disinfectants Testing of - by the Rideal-Walker method.Q. Moore 98. Disodium Phosphate in process cheese ; Deter-mination of added -. I. M. Williams, 648. Distillation fractional-; Separation of individual saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons in coal gas by-. F. E. Grey and W. P. Yant 369. Dorton Spa and its water. C. A. Mitchell 174. Dripping Meaning of the term “ - .” (Legal Notes) 592. Dropping-Cathode Electrolytic analysis with the mercury -. J . Heyrovsky 731. Drugs analytic quartz lamp for testing - -Use of. P. W. Danckwortt and E. Pfau: 707. Effect of polarised light on the pharmaco-logical properties of some - . D. I. Macht and W. T. Anderson junr. Duboscq colorimeter ; Determination of hydro-gen ions in blood by means of -. J. F. McClendon S. Russell and E. Tracy 43.Dust counter ; Jet -. 155. Dutch-Process chocolate and cocoa. Food Inspection Decision No. 202 of U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. 88. Dye food -; Proposed new. H. Johnson and P. Staub 353. Dyeing Chemistry of -. (Review) J. I<. Wood 255. of Textile Fibres. (Review) R. S. Horsfall and L. G. Lawrie 664. with the colouring matter of sandal wood; Detection of -. Dyestuffs and Coal-Tar Products. (Review), Beagall Challenger Martin and Sand 256. Behaviour of different starches towards iodine and -. Part 11. J. Huebner and K. Venkataraman 37. J. V. Dubsky and A. OkAc 491. S. R. Trotman 497. 603. L. Soep 696. Reactions of - with nitrous acid. Testing of - for fastness to washing. E Earth acids ; Digallic acid as a reagent for -. Eberth’s Bacillus Action of neon light on -.Edible Oils and Fats See Oils edible and Fats : Effluents analysis of waters sewages and - ; J. W. H. Egg alimentary pastes. 547. W. R. Schoeller 502. 98. edible. Critical review of methods of. Johnson 128. noodles. 547. preserving; Effect of common salt on lime water used for -. substitute ; Adulteration and misbranding of -. (Legal Notes) 152. substitute powder 532. (Legal Notes) 536. yolk ; Determination of benzoic acid in -. E. Waltzinger 90. J. Miller 45i INDEX TO VOLUME LII. xxix Egg-continued. 5-olk preserved with glycerin ; Analysis of -. -. T. Cockburn and 32. McF. Love, 113. yolks; Effect of waste pimento pepper on the colour of -. W. A. Morgan and J. G. Woodroof 653. Eggs Ammonia content of cold-storage -.H. C. Lythzoe 596. Freshness of - . E. Dinslage and 0. Windhausen 90. Egypt marking ink in -; rllleged use of. C. A. Mitchell 2'7. Egyptian Materials ; Ancient -. (Review), A. Lucas 59. Elaidic Acid and oleic acid in presence of each other; Determination of -. J. I?. K. Van der Steur 609. Electrical resistance of wood as a measure of its moisture content. A. J . Stamm 732. Electricity Constants and Sumerical Data ; Annual Tables of -. (Review) 1'75. Electrochemistry Constants and Numerical Data ; Annual Tables of -. (Review), 175. Electrode Quinhydrone - as means of deter-mining the hydrogen ion concentration of wine. R. Dietzel and E. Rosenbaum 600. Electrolytic analysis with the mercury dropping cathode.J . Heyrovsky 73 I. determination of nickel in the presence of iron; Two sources of error in the -. C. Marie and J. Rerthelot 48. Determination of the titre of potassium permanganate solution by means of -. L. Moser and W. Schoninger 250. method for determining sodium and potas-sium. J. L. Stoddard 660. Electrometric determination of zinc by ferro-cyanide. G. G. Reisans 106. Emulsifier Simple laboratory -. R. C. Smith 366. Emulsion iodine value in aqueous -; Determination of. J . Fialkow 246. Engineering Constants and Numerical Data ; Annual Tables of -. (Review) 175. Engravings Cleaning of -. 81. Enzyme uricase; Note on the -. H. 0. Calvery 422. Enzymes of milk ; Pathogenic bacteria and mixed -. C. Gorini 486. of pineapples; Effect of ethylene on -.L. 0. Regeimbal and R. B. Harvey 364. Production of certain - by Bncterizr uz $vuni. S. L. Jodidi 722. Epinephrine New colour reaction for -. 41. Ergosterol vitamin D from -; Photo-chemical production of. 0. Rosenheim and T. A. Webster 652. Ergot alkaloids; Colour test for -. S. Evers 601. of rye ; Identification and determination of -. A. Tschirch 235. Essential Oil of mustard in mustard flour; Formation and determination of -. Astric and 31. Mousseron 353. iron ; Essential Oil-continued. Sub-committee of the Standing Committee on Uniformity of Analytical Methods Report on the estimation of cineole in -. 376. Physical Constants. 630. Essential Oils aldehydes in -; General method of determining with particular reference to the determination of citronella1 in Java citronella oil and citral in lemon oil.C. T. Bennett and M. S. Salamon 693. cineole in -; Estimation of. 276. Germicidal value of Australian - and their The -. pure constituents. 295. (Review) H. Finnemore 111. Esters. ethyl - prepared from hydnocarpus oil; Analytical values of. 33. Etching and polishing lead tin and some of their alloys for microscopic examination. J. R. Vilella and D. Beregekoff 732. Ethers Reactions of anaesthetic __ with potassium hydroxide and with mercury and the test for foreign odours. E. Mallincli-rodt Junr. 718. Ethyl Alcohol Isopropyl alcohol as substitute for - in determining the acid values of fats and oils. H. A. Schuette and M. P. Smith 101. methanol in - ; Determination of.F. S. Mortimer 482. Ethyl Esters of hydnocarpus oil ; Analytical values of 33. Ethyl Iodide in air water and blood ; Method for determining minute amounts of -. I. Starr Junr. and C. J. Gamble 168. Ethyl Phthalate test. H. Wales 161. Ethylene Action of - on pure starch. H. E. Rea and R. D. Mullinix 597. Effect of - on the enzymes of pineapples. L. 0. Regeimbal and R. B. Harvey 354. Ignition point of - in nitrous oxide. 614. Eucalyptus Oil cineole in - ; Estimation of. Eugenol New reaction for - . C. J. 276. Enklaar 299. F Fastness t o washing; Testing of dyestuffs for Fat Boa constrictor -i K. H. Kerr 610. -. S. R. Trotman 497. Butter -. See Butter Fat. Formation of - by yeast. Growth experiments on diets rich in -. H.Levine and A. H. Smith 293. Growth-promoting property of irradiated -in the diet of direct irradiation and of cod liver oil. H. Goldblatt and A. R. Moritz, 97. 641. in Cheshire cheese. in condensed milk; Determination of -. in malted milk; Determination of -. Milk -. See Milk Fat. (Legal Notes) 132. 406. E. S. Rose 92. Fat-Soluble vitamins. See Vitamins SAYS INDEX TO VOLUME LII. Fats acid values of oils and __ ; Isopropyl alcohol as substitute for ethyl alcohol in determining. H. A. Schuette and M. P. Smith 101. edible- ; Solidification points of -. T. Meyer 236. Edible Oils and - Their Substitutes and Adulterants. (Review) G. D. Elsdon 61. fatty acids in __ ; Quantitative determina-tion of the water-insoluble higher saturated. S.H. Bertram 489. plant - ; Distribution of dihydrositosterol in. R. J. ,4nderson F. B. Nabenhauer and 13. L. Shriner 164. Reaction of chloramine with -. B. M. Margosches and M. Frischer 609. Fatty Acids Errors in analysis of alkaloids caused by presence of soap or -. H. R. Watkins and S. Palkin 290. in fats and fatty acids ; Quantitative deter-mination of the water-insoluble higher, saturated -. S. H. Bertram 489. of cod liver oil. Y . Toyama 245. of maize starch ; Removal of combined -. Separation of -. Titre of -. 453. X-ray investigation of the polymorphism of -. Fatty Mixtures castor oil in -; Detection of. Vizern and Guillot 161. Fatty Oil of sweet clover seed. B. A. Dunbar and C. F. Wells 47. Fatty Oils Constants of - ; Relation between the.(Review) J. Lund 438. Faught Test for acetone. H. J. Schaeffer 169. Fearon’s Colour Reaction Nature of - and its non-specificity for vitamin A . 0. Rosenheim and T. A. Webster 242. Feathers Cholesterol content of hair wool and -. H. C. Eckstein 422. Federated Malay States Report of the Chemist for the year 1925. R. W. Blair 158; for the year 1926 593. Feeding experiments with corn cockle. A. Smetham 273. Fermentation alcoholic - ; Action of certain organic substances on. E. Mameli 99. at low temperatures ; Studies of commercial sauerkraut with special reference to changes in the bacterial flora during -. L. A. Priem W. H. Peterson and E. B. Fred 356. Fermenting mixtures ; Determination of carbon dioxide in -. A. L. Raymond and H.M. Winegarden 557. Ferrocyanide Electrometric determination of zinc by -. Ferrous Iron in silicates ; Determination of -. L. A. Sarver 496. Ferrous gulphate destruction of vitamin A by -; Separation from oils of a substance which inhibits the. H. W. Estill and E. V. McCollum 720. T. C. Taylor and J. H. Werntz 480. A. H. Lewis 245. G. M. de Boer 368. G. G. Reisaus 106. Dried -. J . F. Liverseege 239. Fertilisers Application of Ridsdale’s modifica-tion of Pemberton’s method for volumetric determination of phosphoric anhydride to -. A.M. Cameron and W. T. Dow 576. Artificial -. (Review) P. Parrish and A. Ogilvie 436. Fibres Textile - ; Dyeing of. (Review), R. S. Horsfall and L. G. Lawrie 664. textile - ; X-ray examination and struc-ture of.G. R. Levi 615. Films responsible for oxidation tints on metals. T. R. Evans 662. Filtration Substitution of centrifugation for - and calcination in the gravimetric determination of tin and lead in their alloys. M. FoA 364. Fish flesh ; Decomposition of free and combined cystine with special reference to certain effects produced by heating -. L. H. Almy 718. Formaldehyhde in -. D. B. Dill and P. B. Clark 222. Fish Oils Behaviour of - with uranium nitrate and pyrogallol. W. H. Dickhart, 725. Fishes death of - in polluted waters ; Im-portance of the various factors responsible for. H. S. Pruthi 427. Flaked Maize Composition of -. H. E. Woodman and J. Stewart 244. Flame and Combustion in Gases. (Review), W. A. Bone and D. T. A. Townend 734.Flash Points of blends of lubricating oils ; Calculation of -. E. W. Thiele 307. Flavour in grapes and grape juices ; Distribution of volatile -. J. W. Sale and J . €3. Wilson 39. Flesh putrefaction of - ; Chemical and physico-chemical changes accompanying the beginning of. J. Tillmans P. Hirsch and A. Kuhn 289. Flies Effect of poisons on the larvae of -. E;. Feist 243. Flint surfaces ; Microscopical examination of -. J. R. Moir 36‘7. ‘‘ Flit ’’ (cockroach control) ; Analysis of -. 538. . Flocculation of troublesome precipitates in analysis. W. Clayton 76. Flora Bacterial - of the market oyster. C. Eliot 98. Flour colour of - ; Numerical expression for the. D. W. Kent-Jones and C. W. Herd, 443. containing acid calcium phosphate.(Legal Notes) 30. Rice - in shredded suet. (Legal Notes), 281. treatment of - with chemical substances ; Report of Departmental Committee on. (Ministry of Health) 226. U.S. Food Inspection Decision No. 204. 348. washing of gluten from - ; Some observa-tions on the. D. W. Kent- Jones and C . W. Herd 439 INDEX TO VOLUME LIT. xxxi Flours Colour reactions of -. A. Piedallu, 38. Differentiation of - by the iodine absorp-tion and the rapidity of sedimentation. N. A. Trofimuk 89. F. L. Hahn 106. Fluorides Determination of soluble -. Fly salts ; Analysis of -. 538. Foam-producing materials ; Value of saponins as -. 42. Food bacteriological examination of water and - ; Recent advances in. W. G. Savage, 117. Cod liver oil as -. Observations on the existence of vitamin E.V. E. Nelson, R. L. Jones G. Adams and L. T. Anderegg, 604. colouring niatcrials ; Arsenic lead etc. in Colouring Matters Sub-committee Notice. 503 529. Colours in - . U.S.A. Food Inspection Decision S o . 209. 547. dye; Proposed new -. H. Johnson and P. Staub 353. Glass contamination of -. 703. Industrial contamination of - with copper. C. G. King and G. Etzel 723. Inspection Decisions of U.S. Dept. of Agri-culture. See United States of America. poisoning. 122. Preservatives in -. Public Health Amend-ment Regulations 1926 No. 1557. Preservatives in -. Public Health Pro-visional Regulations 1927. 285. Circular 782. 286;. -. 503. 33. standards for Madras. H. Hawley 156. tests. I. Distinction between malt coffee and grain coffee by maltol reaction.IT. I3lood sausage u-ith artificially coloured skin. T. Merl 93. Food and Drugs Analysis Abstracts 36 89, 159 235 287 350 417 480 648 596 647. 715. Sale of - -4cts. See Sale of Food and Drugs Acts. Food Investigation Board Reports Bitter Pit in Apples No. 28. 80. Report for the years 1925 and 1926 541. Foods benzoic acid in - ; New method for determining. G. W. Monier-Williams 572. Canned -. See Canned Foods. glass fragments in - packed in glass con-tainers ; Occurrence of. Ministry of Health Report No. 37. sulphur dioxide in - ; Determination of. Ministry of Health Report No. 43. G. W. Monier-Williams 343 415. Foodstuffs amino acids in __ ; Determina-tion of. benzoic acid in - ; Determination of.G. W. Monier-Williams 237. Public Health Report No. 39. G. W. Monier-Williams, 153 229. Examination of - for preservatives A caution. A. C. Chapman 215. G. L. Hancock 284. J. Tillmans and J. Kiesgen 417, Foodstuffs-continued. Formaldehyde in smoked - and wood smoke. E. H. Callow 391. Formal titration as means of distinguishing natural and artificial -. J. Tillmans and J . Kiesgen 41 7. prohibited vegetable and coal tar colours in - ; Detection of. J. R. Kicholls 385. Serological Methods in the Investigation of -. (Review) 1’. Manteufel 308. sodium potassium and chlorine in -. Determination of. A. D. Husband and W: Godden 72. sulphur dioxide in - ; Determination of. H. Drake-Law 352. Forensic abstracts 44 167 243 296 356 426, 487 554 605 655.cases; Carbon monoxide poisoning in -. D. J. A. Kerr 296. Formaldehyde Detection of codeine and -. J. Aloy and A. Valdiguik 41. in fish. D. €3. Dill and P. B. Clark 22-3. in wood smoke and smoked foodstuffs ; Pre-sence of -. Formic Acid in commercial acetic acid. L. Daniel 549. in vinegar and “ vinegar essence.” A. Kreutz and C. Buchner 93. Formol titration as a means of distinguishing artificial and natural foodstuffs. J. Till-mans and J. Kiesgen 417. Fractional distillation ; See Distillation. precipitation of barium and radium chromates. L. M. Henderson and F. C. Kracek 303, Fractionation of linseed oil a t 293’ C. H. D. Chataway 490. Freezing of beef. 541. Fruit and apple jams ; Analysis of -. C. F. Muttelet 698. Arsenic and lead -in as a result of treatment with protecting agents.L. Lendrich and F. Mayer 237. Boric acid as natural constituent of -. 460. dried- ; Determination of sulphur dioxide in -. J. Miller 338 ; P. May 526. juice ; Raspberry jam with declaration of added -. (Legal Notes) 535. pulps and fresh fruits ; Composition of -. H. Mansfield 351. sulphur dioxide in dried - ; Determination of. J. Miller 338; P. May 271 526. wine in grape wine ; Detection of other -. T. Rottgen 39. wine in grape wine ; Method for detecting -K. Muller E. Vogt and 0. Raesch 590 ; M. Rudiger and W. Diemair 599. wine in wine ; Detection of - by means of microscopical examination of the turbidity. A. Widmer and 0. E. Kalberer 481. wine in wine ; Spectroscopical detection of -.0. E. Kalberer 482. Fruits and fruit pulps ; Composition of fresh -. H. Mansfield 351. and Vegetables. Food Inspection Decision, No. 203 of the U S . Dept. of Agriculture. 88. E. H. Callow 391 xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME LII. Fuel Research Board Methods of analysis of coal Report No. 7. 346. Physical and Chemical Survey of Sational Coal Resources No. 7. Methods of coal analysis. 594. Fuels motor- ; Laboratory method of deter-mining the starting properties of -. W. G. Lovell J. D. Coleman and T. -1. Boyd 306. Fuller’s Earth Acidity of Japanese -. I<. Kobayashi 559. Fungi Micro-mounting of mould -. 295. wood-rotting -; Production of acid by. L. P. Curtin 554. Fungicidal action of selenium and tellurium compounds. N. M. Strover and B.S. Hopkins 356. Fungicides Analysis of -. 538. Pungus Indian tea -. E. Dinslage and W. Ludorff 805. Furfural in vinegar; On the presence and detection of -. L. H. Lampitt E. B. Hughes and L. H. Trace 260. G G Acid Separation of Crocein Schaffer R and - and their arylamine salts. R. B. Forster and C. M. Keyworth 189. Gallic Acid in absence of tannin ; Determination of -. M. Hirsch 858. Gallium Reaction of aluminon with hydroxides of scandium indium thallium germanium and -. R. B. Corey and H. W. Rogers, 172. Gamboge in foodstuffs ; Detection of -. 583. ,Gas analysis apparatus ; Hempel - without absorption bulbs and its use in the examina-tian of commercial oxygen. €3. C. Frederick, 400. coal- ; Separation of individual saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons in - by fractional distillation.F. E. Grey and W. P. Yant 359. illuminating- ; Testing of well-water for POI-lution with --. Regenstein 634. nitrogen in lighting and heating - ; Direct determination of. W. Steur 47. (Gases dehydrating agents for - . I-se of anhydrous perchlorates as. G. i;. Smith, 307. diffusion of vapours and __ through mem-branes; Apparatus for measuring. E. E. Schumacher and L. Ferguson 253. Flame and Combustion in -. (Review), T A T . A. Bone and D. T. A. Townend 734. Ignition points of - in nitrous oxide. H. B. Dixon 614. phosphine in - ; Rapid determination of. M. Wilmet 555. Gssometric determination of small amounts of carbon monoxide in blood and its applica-tion to blood volume studies.D. D. Van Slyke and F. S. Robscheit-Robbins 291. ~asometric-co?ztinued. measurement of the carbon dioxide forincd bv the action of urease; Determination of urea by -. micro-Kjeldahl determination of nitrogen. D. D. van Slyke 171. Determination of -. R. E. Remington and L. H. &Roberts, 25s. A. E. Jones, 275. Germanium Reaction of aluminon with hy-droxides of scandium gallium indium, thallium and -. R. B. Corey and H. JV. Rogers 172. Germicidal values of -4ustralian essential oils and their pure constituents. 395. Ghee standards in Madras. 157. Ginger Adulteration of ground -. Glass contamination of food. ‘703. D. D. van Slyke 551. Gelatin in ice cream ; prekipitation test for tannins. 531. fragments in foods packed in __ containers ; Occurrence of.Ministry of Health Report No. 37. G. L. Hancock 284. museum objects made of - ; Cleaning and restoration of. 82. Glassware Standardisation of scientific -. 413. Glucosides Use of certain carbohydrates and - in the differentiation of members of the salmonella group of bacilli. F. Wokes and J. H. Irwin G04. Glutathione Colorimetric determination of cystine and -. G. Hunter and 33. -4. Eagles 292. Gluten washing of - from flour ; Some observations on the. I). W. Kent-Jones and C. W. Herd 439. Glutin Comparative characterisation of chond-rin and -. &I. A lialtusin and I<. Braudo 240. Glycerin egg yollr preserved with -; Analysis of. T. Cockburn and M. 1LIcF. Love. 143. Glycerol tables for specific gravity and per cent.of -. New L. W. I3osart and A. 0. Snoddy 434. Glycogen and maize starch. 541. Gooseberry pulp ; Composition of -. Government Chemists’ Reports See Canada, Federated Malay States Madras New Zea-land Palestine Queensland Siam United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. See also Government Laboratory. Government Laboratory Report of the Govern-ment Chemist upon Work of the - for the year ending March 31st 1927. 643. Grain coffee and malt coffee; Maltol reaction for distinguishing between -. T. Merl, 93. Sale of mixed __ as Sussex oats. (Legal Notes) 224. Grape flavour Saccharin in - . (Legal Notes) 842. juices ; Distribution of volatile flavour in grapes and -. J. TV. Sale and J . EL Wilson 39. 352 INDEX TO VOLUME LII. xxxiii Grape-couf iizued.wine ; 3Iethods of detecting fruit wine in -. T. Kottgen 39. I<. Miiller E. Vogt and 0. liaesch 599. 31. liiidiger and W. Diemair 599. wine ; \-itamin content of grapes and -. A. Merjanian 96. Grapefruit rind ; Vitamins and other constituents of -. S. G. Willimott and F. Wolies 241. Grape Seed Oil L. Margaillan 558. Grapes Vitamin content of grape wines and __ A. Merjanian 96. volatile flavour in grape juices ancl - ; Distribution of. J. W. Sale and J . B. Wilson 39. Graphite in pig iron ; Determination of com-bined carbon and -. W. A. Burforcl ant1 \I-. Bader 104. pencil strokes. 381. Green butters ; Tests for detecting -. 453. Greengage pulp ; Composition of -. 3.52. Greengages Composition of fresh -. 351. Grey Powder mercury in - ; Determination oi.331. Growth experiments on diets rich in fat. H. Levine and A. H. Smith 293. Growth-Promoting property of irradiated fat in the diet of direct irradiation and of cod liver oil. GuaiacoI K e w and specific tests for -. 335. Guanine Nucleotide Isolation of cytosine nucleo-tide and - from tea leaves. H. 0. Calvery 354. Gums Microbiology of Cellulose Hemicellulose, Pectin and -. (Review) A. C. Thaysen and H. J. Bunker 500. Gunning method for determining total nitrogen in ;ilants and soil extracts ; Modification of -. E. R. Ranker 555. Gutta-percha hj-clrocarbon in raw rubber -, ancl allied substances ; Determination of. A. I<. Kemp 362. Gutzeit test for arsenic ; Method of applying the -. C. H.Cribb 501. test for arsenic ; Production of uniform stains in the -. tube ; Spring clip for -. J . IYhite 700, H. Goldblatt and A. R. Moritz 97. J. R. Stubbs 699. H Haemoglobin Carbon monoxide poisoning of bacteria in absence of -. I-'. F. Frank-land 295. Haemolysis Quantitative interdependence of sensitiser antl complement in -. I<. li. Hyde antl E. I. Parsons 167. Hair Cholcsterol content of wool feathers and -. H. C. Eckstein 422. Haldane general air analyst apparatus ; Modi-fication of -. R. C. Frederick 340. Halides Reactions of rubber hydrocarbons with metallic -. H. A. Bruson L. B. Sebrell and \Y. C. Calvert 7 2 s . Halogen titrations ; Accuracy of argentometric - . I. M. Kolthoff arid L. H. Van Berli, Halogen Salts Effect of - on peptic digestion.Halophilic micro-organisms ; Examination for W. Clayton and W. E. Gibbs 393. Ham Cause of mould growth in -. Formaldehyde in -. 394 souring ; Bacteriological study of -. E. A. Boyer 98. Hardening of oils by hydrogenation ; Theory of the -. H. P. Kaufniann and E. Hansen-Schmid t 246. Hardness in water ; Determination of magnesia -. W. R. Atkin and D. Burton 654. Hausmann Numbers of proteins ; Micro-method for determining the -. I<. V. l'himann, 239. Health Ministrv of -. See Ministry of 304. W. M. Clifford 550. --. 541. Health. Public - Regulations. See Public Health. Heat Effect of lifht and - on the formation of vitamin A in plant tissues. K. H. Coward 355. Effect of oxidation and - on the nutritive value of a protein.H. Goldblatt ancl A. R. Moritz 292. Heather Honey Meaning of tlie term --. (Legal Notes) 340. Heating gas ; Direct determination of nitrogen in lighting and -. Hemicellulose Microbiology of Cellulose -, Pectin and Gums. (Review) A. C. Thaysen and H. J . Bunker 500. Hempel gas analysis apparatus without ab-sorption bulbs and its use in the examina-tion of commercial oxygen. I<. C. Frederick, 400. W. Steuer 47. Herring Formaldehyde in -. 394. Histidine A useful compound of -. €€. B. Vickery 164. Histochemical reaction of lecithins. Iodophilc reaction. &I. Komieu. 421. Honey Analysis of Bulgarian - and beeswax. J. Zoneff, heather -; Meaning of the term. (Legal Optical rotation of -. I-I. A. Caulkin 415. Prickly-pear -.3 I . Hops Boron compounds as natural constituents Hull Report of Public Analyst for -. Src Human blood ; Reducing non-sugars and true milk ; Direct precipitation of calcium in - C. S. Rothwell 710. sera ; Alleged differentiation oE - as to sex. R. R. Hyde and E. I. Parsons 167. Hydnocarpus Oil and its ethyl esters ; Analytical values of --. 33. Hydraulic cement ; Determination of free lime i n -. F. I,. Rracly and 1;. J . RlcConnell, 344, 1;. Lucius 599. 598. Notes) 340. of -. 439. Kingston-upon-Hull. sugar in - 31. Somogyi 519 xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME LII. Hydrocarbon in raw rubber gutta-percha and related substances ; Determination of -. A. R. Kemp 362. Hydrocarbons Action of sulphur monochloride on petroleum -. E. Lorand 490. in coal gas ; Separation of individual saturated and unsaturated __ by fractional distil-lation.F. E. Grey and W. P. Yant 359. rubber- ; Reactions of - with metallic halides. H. A. Bruson L. B. Sebrell and W. C. Calvert 728. Hydrocyanic Acid in well-water polluted with illuminating gas ; Detection of -. 654. Hydroferrocyanides Alkaloidal __ and their analytical uses. -M. Gadreau (iO1. Hydrogen Ignition point of - in nitrous oxide. 614. Hydrogen Ion Concentration of milk whey and cream ; Colorimetric determination of -. P. F. Sharp and T. J. AlcInerney 36. of sinall quantities of highly coloured or turbid solutions ; Simplified colorimetric method for measuring -. 12osske and \.on Morgenstern 363. of soil ; -Accuracy of the various methods of measuring -.C. Olsen and L. Linder-strom-Lang 556. OL wine; Determination of - by means of the quinhydrone electrode. R. Dietzel and E. Rosenbaum GOO. Relation of the __ to the titratable acidity of milk. P. I;. Sharp and T. j. McInerney, 715. Hydrogen Ions in the blood ; Determination of - with the Duboscq colorimeter. J. F. McClendon S. Russell and E. Tracy 43. Hydrogen Peroxide as means of determining organic matter in soils. W. 0. Iiobinson, 488. Hydrogen Phosphide Sensitiveness of some reagent papers towards gaseous -. M. ‘\Vilmet 48’7. Hydrogen Sulphide as a poison. SV. P. Yant and R. R. Sayers 368. Hydrogenation hardening of oils by - ; Theory of the. H. 1’. Kaufmann and E. Hansen-Schmidt 246. Resistance of fat-soluble vitamins t o -.L. Randoin and R. Lecoq 96. Hydrolysis Clerget-Invertase - constants of sucrose and raffinose. H. S . Paine and R. ‘I. Balch 360. number determination for T V O O ~ cellulose. L. F. Hawley and L. C. Fleck 611. of corn (maize) starch by commercial pan-creatin. J. H. Walton and H. R. Dittmar 42. Hydrometers Standardisation of -. 414. Hydroquinone Volumetric determination of Hydroxyl groups in sugars and other organic compounds ; Volumetric determination of -. V. L. Peterson and E. S. West 607. Hypogaeic Acid Some ill-defined acids of the oleic series. T. P. Hilditch and N. L. TTidyarthi 429. Stability of -. 233. -. I. M. Kolthoff 46. I Ice Cream and cream ices. ‘704. gelatin in -; Determination of. R. E. Remington and L. H. McKoberts 288.H. B. Dixon 614. 462. butter ; Definition of -. 339. butter in chocolate ; Determination of -. H. W. Bywaters F. T. Maggs and C. J . Pool 324. Illuminating gas. See Gas. Immersion refractometer and its \value in milk analysis. G. D. Elsdon and J . 12. Stubbs, 193. Imperial Yellow in foodstuffs ; Detection of -. 585. Improvers Action of bleaching agents and -on flour. (Ministry of Health Report). 226. Indian standards for milk butter ghee and cheese. 157. tea-fungus. E. Dinslage and ST‘. Ludorff, 605. Indicators Metliosytriphenylcarbinols as one-colour -. I 31. Kolthoff 430. Inihum Reaction of aluminon with hydroxides of scandium gallium thallium germanium and -. R. B. Corey and H. W. Rogers, 172. Indophenol test. (Phenol tests 111.) H.D. Gibbs 360. Industrial lead poisoning ; Mechanism and incidence of -. 53. Research ; Department of Scientific and -. See Food Investigation Board. Infection and temperature relations of black rot of sweet potatoes in storage. J I. Laurit-Zen 99. by certain organisms of the salnionella group. S. R. Damon and L. W. Leiter lG7. Ink marking - in ancient Egypt ; Alleged use of. C. -4. Mitchell 27. printing- ; Arsenic in -. T. H. Barry 317. Strokes made with artist’s black - 583 ; with printing - 583 ; with stamping - 582 ; with writing - 583. Inks Differentiation between strokes made with graphite pencils and iron gall -. printing- ; Arsenic in -. 12. S. Morrell and C. I. Smyth 339. Printing- ; Chemistry and 1\Iaiiufacture of Writing and - .(Review) W. B. Gamble 313. Writino- ; Chemistry and Manufacture of P r i n h g and - . (Review) W. B. Gamble 313. Inorganic analysis ; Abstracts 47 104 171, 248 302 363 430 492 558 611 G57 729. Chemical Symbols and other useful Chemical Data. (Review) E. R. Darling 502. Chemistry A Comprehensive Treatise on Theoretical and - . Vol. VII. (Re-view) J. W. Mellor 309. Ignition points of gases in nitrous oxide. IUipt-3 butter as substitute for cacao butter. (Review) I. A$. Iiolthoff 234. 581 xxxv INDEX TO VOLUME LII. Inorganic-continued. Chemistry ; Course of -. (Review) F. Swarts 369. Insect Powder Adulteration and misbranding of -. (Legal Notes) 152. Insecticides Analysis of -. 538. nicotine in - ; Determination of. 25.Insulin Purification and properties of -. F. Dickens E. C. Dodds W. Lawson and N. F. Maclagan 553. Intoxication Alcoholic concentration in urine as a test of -. Iodates Gasometric micro method for deter-mining sulphates and - and its applica-tion to determination of total base in blood serum. D. D. van Slyke A. Hiller and K. C. Berthelsen 631. Iodide in presence of chloride ; Argentometric determination of -. I . 31. Kolthoff, 305. Iodides Determination of soluble -. J. F. Spencer and M. L. Smith 270. Iodimetric determination of the aiitimonic ion, A. Travers and Jouot 303. Iodimetric determination of vanadium. J. B. Ramsey 439. Iodimetric titrations ; Potassium bi-iodate as a standard substance in alltalimetric and -. I. M. Kolthoff and L.H. van Berlt 48. lodine absorption ; Differentation of flours by the - and by rapidity of sedimentation. N. A. Trofimuk 89. as a differential reagent between ammonium salts amines and amides. J. A. Sanchez, 363. Behaviour of different starches towards dye-stuffs and -. Part 11. J. Huebner and I<. Venkataraman 37. G. Carter 615. in soils ; Determination of -. 539. Iodine Value in aqueous emulsion ; Determina-tion of -. M. S. Dunn and B. S. Hollombe 483. J. Fialltow 346. of a commercial California sardine oil. of paprika oil. L. C. Mitchell 161. Iodophile reaction. Histochemical reaction of lecithins. M. Romieu. 421. Ionic migration ; Separation of radium and mesothorium I from barium by -. J. Kendall E. R. Jette and W. West 106.Ionimetric Acidity Measurement of the - by the inversion of sucrose. Application to complex media. V. Vincent 249. Irish butter ; Constants of -. (Legal Notes), 411. moss mucilage and a method for its determina-tion. P. Haas and B. Russell-Wells 265. Iron alloys ; Work for Research Committee on -. 414. content of animal tissues. C. A. Elvehjem and W. H. Peterson 650. content of milk ; Effects of diet on the -. C. A. Elvehjem R. C. Herrin and E. B. Hart 16G. Dried sulphate of -. 223; J. F. Liver-seege 239. Iron-continued. electrolytic ; Determination of the titre of potassium permanganate solution by means of -. L. Moser and W. Schoninger, 250. ferrous - in silicates ; Determination of. L. A. Sarver 49G. graphite and combined carbon in pig -; Determination of.W. A. Rurford and W. Bader 104. in blood ; Micro-determination of -. F. H. Smirk 291. in nutrition. 111. Effects of diet on iron content of milk. C. A. Elvehjem R. C. Herrin and E. B. Hart lG6. in tissues ; Quantitative determination of -. li. 1’. Kennedy 603. molybdenum in steel and -; Siniplified determination of. E. Farlser 303. museum objects ; Cleaning and restoration of -. 82. nickel in presence of -; Two sources of error in determining. C. Marie and J. Berthelot 48. pills. 224. J. I;. Liverseege 239. Thioglycollic acid as colour test for -. E. Lyons 613. fat ; Growth-promoting property of -in the diet of direct irradiation and of cod liver oil. H. Goldblatt and A4. R. Moritz 97. milk; Vitamin A potency of -.G. C. Supplee and 0. D. Dow 720. Irradiation Growth-promoting property of irradiated fat in the diet of direct - and of cod liver oil. H. Goldblatt and -4. R. Moritz 97. Influence of - upon oxidation products of cholesterol. F. W. Schlutz 91. R. Ziegler and M. Morse 423. Ultra-violet -. See Ultra-Violet. Isaac method for colorimetric determination of silicon in tissues. J. H. Foulger 210. Iso-Electric precipitation ; Determination of casein in milk by an approximately -. H. C. Waterman 548. Isomeric toluidines ; Analysis of mixtures of the -. H. H. Evcrs and 3. Strafford 302. Isomerides Separation of p-cresol from its -. H. D. Gibbs 301. Isopropyl Alcohol as substitute for ethyl alcohol in determining the acid values of fats and oils.H. A. Schuette and M. P. Smith 101. in presence of acetone ; Determination of -. H. A. Cassar 726. J Jam Apple matter in raspberry --. -4 question Raspberry - deficient in raspberry fruit. Raspberry - with declaration of added of warranty. (Legal Notes) 533. (Legal Notes) 283. fruit juice. (T,egal Sotes) 5 3 5 sss\-i INDEX TO VOLUME LII. Jams apple in - ; Detection of. C. F. Muttelet 160. C. F. Muttelet 595. Japanese acid clay (Japanese Fuller's earth) ; Acidity of -. K. Kobayashi 559. acid clays ; Colour reaction of the - with liver oils and vitamin A on the market. K. Kobayashi and K. Yamamoto 553. Java citronella oil ; Determination of citronella1 in -. C. T. Bennett and M. S. Salamon, 693. Juice fruit- ; Raspberry jam with declaration of added -.grape- ; Distribution of volatile flavour in grapes and -. J . W. Sale and J. B. Wilson 39. Lemon -. See Lemon Juice. " fruit and apple "- ; Analysis of. (Legal Notes) 535. K Kastle reaction for saccharin. 378. Keller method of determining nicotine in tobacco, 16 ; modification of - 23. Kentucky coffee nut tree seed oil. C. Barkenbus and A. J. Zimmerman 610. Ketones carbonyl in aldehydes and -; Determination of. G. W. Ellis 425. Kingston-upon-Hull City and County of -. Report of the Public Analyst A. R. Tankard for the year 1926 702. Kipper Formaldehyde in -. 394. Kissling method of determining nicotine in tobacco 19. L Laboratory Companion ; Standard Manual of Brewing and Malting and -. (Review). J . Ross-Mackenzie 370.emulsifier ; Simple -. Lacquer pigments in - * Separation and analysis of. F. H. Hopkks 103. volatile solvents and thinners of -; Separation and analysis of. R. M. Carter, 102. Lactic Acid Determination of -. T. E. Friedemann M. Cotonio and P. A. Shaffer, 418. in blood ; Determination of -. E . Ronzoni and 2. Wallen-Lawrence 603. in presence of other organic acids Detection of -. F. G. Germuth 610. Lactose in milk serum Determination of -. ciso. Oxidation of - by chloramine and iodide. 67 1. Laevulose Oxidation of - by means of chloramine and iodide. 674. Lamp analytic quartz - for testing drugs ; Use of. P. W. Danckwortt and E. Pfau, 707. Lancaster Report of County Analyst for the year 1925. W. C. Williams 28; for 1926, G.D. Elsdon 408. R. C. Smith 366. Lard Benzoated -. 79. Larvae of flies; Effect of poisons on -Laundry Chemistry. Lead antimony in - ; Determination of traces of. 565. arsenic in ; Determination of traces of. 566. bismuth in - Determination of traces of. 571. Determination of __ as cyanide. S . Grundt, 559. impurities in __; New processes for t h e determination of traces o f certain. B. S. Evans 565. I<. Feist 243. (Review) A. Harvey 62. in food colouring materials. in fruit as a result of treatment with pro-tecting agents. L. Lendrich and I;. Mayer, 237. metallic - in metallurgical products and pigments ; Determination of. D. H. M c -Intosh 104. museum objects made of -. Preservatative of. 82. Polishing and etching - tin and some of-their alloys for microscopic examination.J R. Vilella and D. Beregekoff 732. poisoning ; &Iechanism and incidence of industrial -. 53. Rapid method for separating silver and -. H. Brintzinger 363. Substitution of centrifugation for filtration and calcination in the gravimetric deter-mination of tin and - and their alloys. M. FoA 364. sulphur in __ ; Determination of traces of. 571. tin in __ ; Determination of traces of. 5 6 s -Lead Chloride for clearing organic liquids in toxicological research for alkaloids. J . Magnin 356. Lead Tetra-Ethyl Reactions of -. 0. 1-1. Browne and E. E. Reid 299. Leather analysis. G. Powarnin and I. Schi-schiroff 47. Bibliography of Standard Method of Analysis. for - and Tanning Materials. 83. Kitrogen in - .R. W. Frey 47. I,. Balderston 40 1. Lecithin Histochemical reaction of --. Iodophile reaction. 31. Romieu. 421. Legal Cases Bowlter ZI. Woodroffe. Bowlrcr v. Premier Drug Co. Ltd. (Standard for meat and malt wine) 80. Bowker v. Woodroffe. (Extract of meat and malt wine) 341. Mawston v. Pease and Partners. (Pollution of a river with colliery by-products) 475. Robinson v . Sturdy. (Prussic acid in linseed meal) 30. Legal Notes 29 80 1.31 224 281 340 411 47-1, 533 592 642 703. Leicester Report of the City Analyst for the year 1926. Lemon juice ; Antiscorbutic fraction of -. V. S. S. Zilva 552. 50.3 529. S. F. Burford 592 JKiDEX TO VOLUME LII. XXXVll Lemon-continued. juice ; Precipitation of the antiscorbutic factor from -.juice ; Solubilities of the antiscorbutic factor present in -. E. B. Vedder and W. E. Lawson 424. Non-volatile acids of the -. E. I<. Nelson, 418. Lemon Cheese Queensland regulations for -. 31. Lemon Oil citral in - ; Determination of. C. T. Bennett and M. S. Salamon 693. Leprosy Analytical values of ethyl esters prepared from hydnocarpus oil for treatment of -. 33. Lettuce vitamin A content of head and leaf -; Relative. M. Dye 0. C. Meclloclr and J. W. Crist 552. Leys reaction for saccharin. 381. Light Action of neon - on bacteria. A. Philibert and J. Risler 97. Effect of heat and - on the formation of vitamin A in plant tissues. I<. H. Coward, 355. Lighting gas ; Direct determination of nitrogen in heating and -. Lime in hydraulic cement ; Determination of free -.Building Research Paper KO. 4. F. L. Brady and F. J. McConnell 344. Lime Water used for egg preserving ; Effect of common salt on -. J. Miller 457. Linolenic Bromide Reduction of linolic and -and rebromination of the free acids. F. L. Smith and A. P. West 359. Linolenic Hexabromide Salts of -. P. R. Almoradie 656. Salts of - from lumbang oil. G. A. Imperial and A. P. West 247. a-Linolic Acid Tetrabromide Salts of -. A. T. Oreta and A. 1'. West 608. Zinolic Bromide Reduction of linolenic and - and rebromination of the free acids. F. L. Smith and A. P. West 369. Linolic Tetrabromides from Philippine lumbang oil ; An odiferous oil and two new -. S. Santiago and A. P. West 300. Linseed meal; Prussic acid in -.(Legal Notes) 30. Zinseed Oil Fractionation of - a t 893" C. H. D. Chataway 490. Lipoid-Protein Ratio Relation of the magnesium in the ash and the - to the quality of wheats. Liquids carbon in dilute organic - ; Deter-mination of. 0. Kauffmann-Cosla 45. dehydration of volatile - ; ?Ipparatus for. P. Loriette 107. organic- ; Lead chloride for clearing - in toxicological research for alkaloids. J. Magnin 356. Liver Oils Colour reaction of the Japanese acid clays with - and vitamin A on the market. I<. Kobayashi and I<. Yamamoto, 653. F. R. Curtis and S. Wright 53. S. S. Zilva 425. W. Steuer 47. B. Sullivan and C. Sear 244. Lobeline Action of -. Loganberry Kon-volatile acids of the -. Loganberries Bulging cans of -. I\-. D.Report of the Medical Officer for the year 1926. W. J. Howarth, 177. Low-Temperature thermostat ; Automatic -. 0. Maas and W. H. Barnes 252. Lubricants Lubrication and -. (Review), L. Archbutt and R. M. Deeley 5b2. Lubricating oils ; Calculation of flash points of blends of -. Lubrication and Lubricants. (Review) L. Archbutt and R. M. Dceley 568. Lumbang Oil An odiferous oil and two new linolic tetrabromides from Philippine -. S. Santiago and A. P. West 300. Salts of linolenic hexabromide from -. G. A. Imperial aiid A. I?. West 247. E. K. Nelson 418. Bigelow 638. Canned -. 478. London City of -. E. W. Thiele 307. M Madras Food standards for -. H. Hawley, 156. Government of -. Report of the Chemical Examiner C. Newcomb for the year 1926 538.Magnesia hardness in water ; Determination of -. W. R. Atkin and D. Burton 654. Magnesium Colour reaction for -. W. J. Petraschenj 559. Detection of - by diphenylcarbazide. I;. Feigl 730. Determination of - by means of osy-quinoline. R. Berg 431. in industrial waters ; Volumetric method for determining -. C. Belcot 45. in magnesium chloride solutions ; Volumetric determination of -. J. E. W. Rhodes, 365. in presence of oxyquinoline ; Acidimetric determination of -. F. L. Hahn and E. Hartleb 495. Oxyquinoline as reagent for zinc aluminium and -. F. L. Hahn and K. Vieweg 431. in the ash and the Relation of the -lipoid-protein ratio to the quality of wheats. E. Sullivan and C. Near 244. Schlagdenhaufen's reaction for - . A. Hamy 251.Specific colour reaction for __ and a colori-metric method for determining traces of Magnesium Ammonium Arsenate Determina-tion of arsenic pentoxide as -. W. M. McNabb 494. Magnssium Chloride solutions ; Volumetric deter-mination of magnesium in -. J. E. I%-. Rhodes 365. Magnetism Constants and Numerical Data ; Annual Tables of -. (Review) 175. Maize Composition of flaked -. H. E. Woodman and J. Stewart 244. -. I. M. Kolthoff 430 . xsxv111 INDEX TO VOLUME LII. 1YIaiz-coiztinued. starch ; Glycogen and -. 641. starch ; Hydrolysis of - by conimcrcial pancreatin. J. H. Walton and 13. R. Dittmar 4-3. starch Properties of -. Removal of combined fatty acids. T. C. Taylor and J . H. I.’erntz 480. ; Coniposition of -. R. L. Shriner, F.P. Nabenhaucr and R. J. Anderson 420. Malachite Green A’olumetric analysis of -with titanous sulphate and titanous chloride solutions. H. Wilkinson and 4. G. Tyler titi?. Malic Acid Scw pyrogcnic reaction for tartaric, citric and -. J . A. Sanchez 358. Malt coffee and grain coffee ; Maltol reaction for distinguishing between -. T. Merl 93. meat and - wine; Extract of. (Legal Notes Bowker v. Woodroffe) 341. meat and - wine ; Standard for. Bowlrer v. Woodroffc. Bowlcer ZI. Premier (Legal Notes). 80. vinegar ; Occurrence of sulphur dioxide in Malted milk; Determination of fat in -. E. S. Rose 93. Malting A Standard Manual of Brewing and __ and Laboratory Companion. (Review), J . Ross-Mackenzie 3’70. Malt01 reaction ; Possibility of distinguishing between malt coffee and grain coffee by the -.3’. Nerl 03. Bdanchester Yellow in foodstuffs ; Detection of Manganese Determination of - as pyro-phosphate. D. Balarew and N. Desew 364. in steel ; Determination of - by the Proctor-Smith reaction in presence of phosphoric acid. B. C. Mulrerjee 689. interference in the o-tolidine test for available chlorine. E. S. Hopkins 406. Manley figures for butter analysis ; Relations of the Reichert and -. H. S. Shrewsbury, 388. Manures nitrogcn-bearing chemicals added to animal or vegetable nitrogenous - -Detection and determination of. H. C: More and R. White 298. Margarine butter fat in - ; Determination of. G. D. Elsdon and P. Smith 63. Margarines sorting of butters and - ; Rapid Marking Ink in Ancient Egypt; Alleged use of Marsh Test Influence of insoluble matter on Martius Yellow in foodstuffs; Detection of Marzipan and its substitutes.-. H. E. COX 397. - 385. Values for commercial -. 319. method for. C. H. Manley 67. -. C . A. Mitchell 27. the -. L. Barth and R. Massy 168. . 583. __ 0. Keller 716. substitutes ; Polarimetric determination of starch in -. A. Gronover and E. Wohn-lich 481. Massanalsye Theoretischen Grundlageii der -. (Review) J. M. Kolthoff 663. Meal linseed - ; Prussic acid in. (Legal Notes) 30. Measuring micrometer ; Xew __ . J . H. Dowell 61. Meat connective tissue in - ; Determination of amount of. H. H. Mitchell R. L. Zim-merman and T. S. Hamilton. 160. curing of - ; Use of sodium nitrite in the.R. D. Kerr C. T. X. Marsh W. F. Schroeder, and E. A. Boyer 37. products and meats. U.S. Food Inspection Decision KO. 206. 348. Relation of connective tissues content of - to its protein value in nutrition. H. H. Mitchell J. R. Beadles and J . H. Kruger 483. sulphur dioxide in cooked - ; Determina-tion of. 353. (Legal Notes Bowker ”L’. Woodroffe) 341. Standard for -. Rowker v. Woodroffe. Bowker v. Premier Drug Co. Ltd. (Legal Notes). 80. Meats and meat products. U.S. Food Inspection Decision No. 206. 348. Medical Trials ; Some Famous - . (Review), L. A. Parry 665. Medical Officer of Health for the City of London. Annual Report for the year 1926. W. J . Howarth 477. Medical Research Institute Malay States : Report of the Chemist for the year 1925.R. W. Blair 158. Membranes diffusion of gases and vapours through - ; Apparatus for measuring. E. E. Schumacher and L. Ferguson 253. Mercuric Salicylate mercury in - ; Deter-mination of. A. F. Murray 163. Mercurimetry New methods for volumetric determinations. A. L. Jonesco-Matiir 100. Mercury dropping-cathode ; Electrolytic analysis with the -. J. Heyrovsky 731. in commercial products ; Determination of free -. 11. B. Dunnicliff and K. Lal 329. in mercury salicylate ; Determination of -. A. F. Murray 163. Reactions of anaesthetic ethers with potassiunt hydroxide and with mercury and the test for foreign odours. E. Mallinckrodt Junr., 718. vapour ; Methods for determining -. B. W. Nordlander 367. vapour ; Poisoning by -.L. M. Dennis, 44. vapour ; Selenium sulphide-a new detector for -. €3. W. Nordlandej 357. Mercury Fulminate mercury in - ; Deter-mination of. 332. Mesothorium I Separation of radium and -from barium by ionic migration. J . Kendall E. R. Jette and W. West 106. 11. Micro method for determining pentoses and pentosans. G. E. Youngburg 484. Meat and Malt Wine Extract of -. Metabolism Studies in pentose -INDEX TO VOLUME LII. xxxix Metacetaldehyde poisoning X case of -. W. H. Willcox and C. A. Mitchell 528. Metallic halides ; Reactions of rubber hydro-carbons with -. H. A. Bruson L. B. Sebrell aiid W. C. Calvert 728. Metallurgical products and pigments ; Deter-mination of metallic lead in -. D. H. McIntosh 104. Metallurgist’s Manual. (Review) T.G. Bram-form and H. Harris 501. Metallurgy Constants and Numerical Data ; Annual Tables of -. Metals New method for separating and deter-mining - by means of o-oxyquinoline. R. Berg 302. oxidation tints on - ; Films responsible for. T. R. Evans 662. Report of Advisory Committee on Atmospheric Pol-lution for year ending March 3lst 1926. 155. Methanol in ethyl alcohol ; Detection of -. 100. in presence of ethyl alcohol ; Determination of -. tests for -; Comparison of sensitiveness of. J. 0. Wright 482. Methoxytriphenylcarbinols as one-colour in-dicators ; Use of -. I. M. Kolthoff, 430. Methylethyl Ketone in presence of secondary butyl alcohol ; Determination of -. H. A. Cassar 725. Meyer Apparatus Improved - for vapour-density determinations.A. Tian 107. Rlicro-Chemistry of coumarin. C. Van Zijp, 657. Micro-Determination of iron in blood. F. H. Smirk 291. iicro-Kjeldahl determination of nitrogen ; Gaso-metric --. Micro-Method for detcrmining iodates and sul-phates and its application to determination of total base in blood serum ; Gasometric - D. D. Van Slyke A. Hiller and I<. C. Berthelsen 651. for determining pentoses and pentosans. G. E. Youngburg 484. for determining the Hausmann numbers of proteins K. V. Thimann 239. Micro-Mounting of mould fungi. 295. Micro-Organisms halophilic - ; Examination for. Micro Sugar Reagent Effect of potassium iodide in the Shaffer-Hartmann -. W. A. de Long 350. Micro-Titration of chromic and barium ions. R. F. le Guyon 365.Microbes Action of free chlorine on -. F. Dienert and P. Etrillard 722. Microbiology of Cellulose Hemicellulose Pectin and Gums. (Review) A. C. Thaysen and H. J. Bunker 500. Microchemical reactions for cadmium salts ; New highly sensitive -. A. Martini, 493. (Review) 175. Meteorological Office Air Ministry. I?. S. Mortimer 482. D. D. Van Slyke 171. W. Clayton and W. E. Gibbs 395. Micrographic detection of tartaric acid in officinal preparations. M. Franqois and C. Normand 1 G 1. Micrometer New measuring - . J. H. Dowell 51. Mikrobin in wine. C. von der Heidc and R. Follen GOO. Milk analysis ; The immersion refractonieter and its value in -. G. D. Elsdon and J. R. Stubbs 198. bacterium pruni in - ; Identification of some of the products formed by.S. L. Jodidi 486. Buffalo - standards in India. 1.57. butter fat in - ; Causes of variation in the proportion of. Byre samples of -. Variations in pro-portions of butter fat in milk from single cows and herds of cows. calcium in human - direct precipitation of. C. S. Rothwell 716. Casein in - ; Determined by an approxi-mately iso-electric precipitation. H. C. Waterman 548. of certain chlorine and sodium in -mammals ; Determination of. L. Barthe and E. Dufilho 715. chlorine in - ; Determination of. A. D. Husband and W. Godden 288. chocolate ; Determination of milk fat in -by means of a modified xylene number. C. A. Greenleaf 647. chocolates ; Analysis of commercial -. 328. clean - production ; Laboratory methods for judging the extent of.Condensed -. See Condensed Milk. Dirt in -. 409. Dirt in Madras -. 157. Dirty sediment in -. 702. Dried -. Ministry of Health Regulations. 537. fat in malted -; Determination of. E. S. Rose 91. -fat in milk chocolate ; Determination of -by means of a modified xylene number. C. A. Greenleaf 647. hydrogen ion concentration of whey cream and ~ ; Colorimetric determination of. P. F. Sharp and T. J. McInerney 36. iron content of -; Effects of diet on. C. A. Elvehjem R. C. Herrin and E. J3. Hart 166. irradiated-; Vitamin A potency of -. G. C. Supplee and 0. D. Dow 720. pasteurisation; Standards for -. C. E. North and W. H. Park 294. Pathogenic bacteria and mixed enzymes of -. C. Gorini 486. products ; Determination of aldose sugars by means of chloramine-T with special reference to the analysis of -.C. L. Hinton and T. Macara 668. Products Sub-committee to the Standing Committee on Uniformity of Analytical Methods. Report No. 1. 402. J. F. Tocher 174. 470. 121 xl INDEX TO VOLUME LII. Milk-continued. proteins in cacao products; Method for determining -. H. C. Waterman and H. A. Lepper 350. Relatiqjl betyeen the vitamin B content of the feed eaten and that of the -produced. S. I. Bechdel and H. E. Honey-well 721. Relation of the hydrogen ion concentration to the titratable acidity of - . I?. F. Sharp and T. J. McInerney 715. Sampling of -. 472. Separation of alkaloids from -. 31. G. Florence 723. serum ; Action of chloramine-T on -. 677. serum ; Determination of lactose in -.680. sodium and chlorine in cow’s - ; Elimina-tion of. L. Barthe and E. Dufilho 287. solids-not-fat in - ; Effect of three milkings per day on. 78. standards in India. 157. Streptococci in -. 120. sweetened- ; Determination of sucrose in Thermophilic bacteria in -. M. 0. Eckford, tubercle bacilli in -; Detection of. 119. vitamin A and B content of cow’s -; Note on the. J. Outhouse I. G. Macy, V. Brekke and A. Graham 426. vitamin C content of - ; Relation between the vitamin C. content of a cow’s ration and the -. J. S. Hughes J. B. Fitch, H. W. Cave and W. H. Riddell 166. Milk and Dairies Order 1926 Circular 757. 154. Milks evaporated ; Vitamin A in - made by vacuum and aeration methods. R. A. Dutcher H. E.Honeywell and C. I). Dahle 720. Microscopic examination ; Polishing and etching lead tin and some of their alloys for -. J. R. Vilella and D. Beregekoff 732. Millet Iodine absorption value of -. 89. Millon test (phenol tests). H. D. Gibbs 169. Mineral Water Contamination of - with B.coZi. (Legal Notes) 412. Natural occurrence of boron compounds in -. 459. Mineral Oils asphalt content of -; Deter-mination of. J. Marcusson 300. Ministry of Health Orders Reports etc. Con-densed Milk. Dried Milk. 537. Determination of benzoic acid in foodstuffs. Report No. 39. G. W. Monier-Williams, 153 229. Determination of sulphur dioxide in foods. Report No. 43 G. W. Monier-Williams 343, 415. Milk and Dairies Order 1926. Circular 757. 154. Occurrence of glass fragments in foods packed in glass containers.No. 37. G. L. Hancock 254. Preservatives etc. in Food. Public Health -4mendment Regulations 1926. No. 1557. 33. -. 682. 426. Ministry of Health Orders etc.-continued. Preservatives in Food. Public Health Pro-visional Regulations 1927. 285 ; Circular 782 286. Sale of Food and Drugs Act. Annual Report for 1926-27 and abstract of Report of Public Analysts for 1926 712. Sale of Food and Drugs Acts Memorandum. Circular 762. 84. Statutory Rules and Orders 1927. No. 577. Public Health England Amendment Regu-lations. 479. Sulphur dioxide in pearl barley. (Letter regarding Preservatives Regulations) 41 6. Treatment of flour with chemical substances ; Report of Departmental Committee 011 Mixtures fatty-; Detection of castor oil in -.Vizern and Guillot 161. Mobilometer Applications of a -. H. -4. Gardner and A. Mi. Van Heuckeroth 40;. Moisture content of wood ; Electrical resistance of wood as a measure of -. A. J . Starniii, 732. Determination of - by the volatile solvent method. J. M. Jones and T. McLachlan 383. in raw rubber; Determination of -. D. Armstrong and T. J. Drakeley 338. Molybdenum Detection of - by thiocyanatc. F. C. Krauskopf and C. E. Swartz 105. iI; iron and steel Simplified determination of -. E. Farber 303. Volumetric determination of -. G. Den@, 250. 41. Separation and determination of -, pseudomorphine and related substanccs. A. K. Balls 162. Moss Irish - mucilage and a method for its determination. P. Haas and B.Russell-Wells 265. Motor fuels ; Laboratory method of determining the starting properties of -. W. G. Lovell J . D. Coleman and T. A. Boyd 306. Mould fungi; Micro-mounting of -. growth in hams. 541. stains ; Removal of - from prints and pictures. 81. Muir Sir Richard A Memoir of a Public Prosecutor. Museum objects ; Cleaning and restoration of -. Third Report upon Investigations conducted a t the 13ritish Museum. 81. Mustard flour ; Formation and determination of essential oil of mustard in -. Astric and M. Mousseron 353. -. 226. Morphine New colour reaction for -. 295. (Review) S. T. Felstead 375. N Nahrungs- und Genussmittel Die Chemie der -. (Review) F. Fuhrmann 499. Naphthalene-Sulphonic Acids Arylamine salts of the -. 111.Separation of Crocein, Schaffer R. and G acids and their arylamine salts. R. B. Forstei- and C. M. Keyworth, 169 IXDEX TO VOLUME LII. xli Naphthol Yellow in foodstuffs ; Detection of -. (385. National Physical Laboratory Annual Report for 19-37. 413. Neon light ; Action of - on bacteria. A Philibert ancl J . liisler 97. Nephelometric methods for determining some sulphur compounds in urine. W. Denis and L. Reed 93. New Zealand Amending Regulations under Sale of Food and Drugs Act 1908. 233. -Annual Report of thc Dominion Analyst for 1925. J. S. hIaclaurin 347. bran and pollard ; Deterniination of -. L. D. Foster 656. Nickel Acidimetric dctermination of - as the nickeldicyandianiicline salt. P. Fluch 48. in presence of iron ; Txvo sources of error in the electrolytic determination of -.C. JIarie and J . Herthelot 48. i n the pancreas ; Cobalt and - . G. Rcrtrnnd and M. Macheboeuf 9.5. I’hysiological importancc of -. C;. Eert-rand mid H. Sakamura 652. Rapid determination of -. G. Spacu and J. .Dick 660. Nickel&cyandiamidie Salt Acid i m e t r ic deter-mination of nickel as the -. 1’. Fluch, 48. Nicotine in insecticides 2 5 . in tobacco ancl tobacco smoke ; Deterniina-U. I’fyl and 0. Schmitt 728. ‘ in tobacco ; Determination of -. 12. R. T. in tobacco ; Fractional cstraction of - 23. Niobium analytical cheinistry of tantalum -and their mineral associates ; Investiga-tions into the. VII. Precipitation of tungstic acid by tannin. VIII. Separation of tungsten from tantalum and niobium.W. R. Schoeller and C. Jahn 504. I S . Separation of titanium from tantalum and niobium. 1%’. R. Schoeller ancl E. C. Deering 625. Nitrate Detection of nitrite - ancl sulphite. E. Ecgriw-e 106. Nitrates New and sensitive test for - applic-able in presence of nitrites. A. H. Ware, 332. S~~ectro~)Iiotonietri~ tlctcritiinstion of nitrites and - bj- diphanylamine sulphate. E. Tassilly and 13. Sal-oire 107. Nitrations ITse of nitrogen tetroxide in place of nitric acid in organic -. L. A. l’inck, 724. Nitric Acid tests (phcnol tests). H. D. Gibbs, 169. of nitrogen tctroside in place of __ in organic nitrations. L. A. Pinck 724. Nitric Oxide in air ; Determination oi traces of - E. Kolin-Xbrest 248. Mitrite Detection of - nitrate and sulphite.E. Eegriwc 100. Nitrites New and sensitive test for nitrates applicable in prcscncc of - . A. H. Ifrare 33:’. tion of -. Young 15. Use Nitrites-continued. Spectrophotonietric determination of nitrates and - by cliphenylamine sulphate. E. Tassilly and R. Savoire 107. Nitrogen Albuniinoid - determinations in waters. 130. and carbon on the same soil sample ; Deter-mination of -. B. E. Brown 487. -bearing chemicals added to animal or vegetable nitrogenous manures ; Detection and determination of -. H. C. Moore and R. White 298. Gasometric micro-Kjeldahl determination of -. in leather. in leather; Determination of - . L. I). D. Van Slylie 171. R. TV. Frey 47. Balderston 49 1. in lighting and heating gas; Direct dctermina-tion of -.W. Steuer 47. in plants and soil extracts ; Modification of the salicylic-thiosulphate method for deter-mining total -. 132. Nitrogen Tetroxide Use of ___ in place of nitric acid in organic nitrations. L. A. Pinck 724. Nitrogenous groups of nucleic acid. H. 0. Calvery and W. Jones 420. Nitron as means of determining perchlorate in Chili saltpetre. A. Viirtheim 251. Nitrous Acid Reactions of dyestuffs with -, J. V. Dubsky and A. OkBc 491. Nitrous Oxide Ignition points of gases in -. H. B. Dixon 614. Non-Protein sulphur compounds of blood ; Methods for determining some -. IV. Denis and L. Reed 96. Non-Volatile Acids of the pear quincc apple, loganberry blueberry cranberry lemon ancl .pomegranate. E. I<. Nelson 41%. Noodles Egg and water -.Nostrand’s Chemical Annual. (Review) 6 17 Notes 27 76 149 222 273 338 460 625 590, 638 699. Nucleic Acid Nitrogenous groups of -. 13. 0. Calvery and 1V. Jones 420. pentose in yeast - and its clerivatives ; Micro-determination of. TV. S. Hoffmar!, 421. Numerical Data Annual Tables of Constants and ~ . Electrical Magnetic Electro-chemical Engineering and Metallurgical. (Review) 175. Nutrition bacterial - ; Studies in. IIJ. Phosphatcs and the growth of streptococci. H. K. Whitehead 243. Iron in -. 111. Effects of diet on iron content of milk. C. A. Elvehjeni R. C. Herrion and E. B. Hart 166. Relation of the connective tissue content of meat to its protein value in -. H. H. Mitchell J. R. Beadles and J. H. Iiruger, 483. Nutritive value of a protein ; Effect of heat and oxidation on .H. Golclblatt and A. R. nIoritz 2 ! ) 2 . E. R. Ranker 556. Organic - determination in waters. 547 xlii ISDES TO VOLUME LII. 0 Oats Iodine absorption value of -. 89. (Legal Obituary Notices : Sale of mixed grain as Susses --. Notes) 224. I<urgess Herbert Edu-arcl G6i. J Surrell Benjamin Arthur 439 631. (‘rossley Arthur \Tilliam 182 3i6. Harvey Thomas Featherstone (i67. I,eebody John Robinson 503. 1 ’akes Reginald Charles 620. Tilden Sir William 1 113. Webster John 116. of tartaric acid in -. C. Normand 161. Officinal preparations ; Micrographic detection 31. Frangois and Oil Analysis. (Review) A. Gill 617. An odiferous - and two new linolic tetra-broniides from Philippine lumbang oil.s. Santiago and A. P. West 300. Eody - from sperm whale. I-. Toyania, 726. cakes ; Toxicity and acridness of cruciferous seeds and -. from seeds of Digitalis purp?irca. I. S. Mellanoff 7 18. Industries ; Chemistry of thc --. (Review), J. E. Southcombe 312. of Cetztvo$horus Granzrlosits. -A. c‘. Chapman, 622. of sweet clover seed ; Fatty -. B. A. Dunbar and C. F. \;2~ells 47. Oils acid values of fats and -; Isopropyl alcohol as substitute for ethyl alcohol in determining. H. A. Schuette and 31. P. Smith 101: Edible - and Fats Their Substitutes and Adulterants. (Review) G. D. Elsdon, 61. G. Jorgensen 44. Essential --. See Essential Oils. Fatty -. See Fatty Oils. hardening of - by hydrogenation ; Theory of the. 13.P. Kaufmann ant1 15. Hansen-Schmidt 246. Liver -. See Liver Oils. lubricating- ; Calculation of flash points of Mineral -. See Mineral Oils. of the Chaulmoogra group ; Characteristics of sonic -. G. -4. Perkins A. 0. Cruz and M. 0. Reyes 548. Petroleum -. See Petroleum Oils. Quantitative cletermination of inistures of two and three - by means of their separation temperatures with different solvents. J. D. Jansen and W. Schut 49. Separation from - of a substance which inhibits the destruction of vitamin A by ferrous sulphate. 13. TI-. EstilI and E. V. McCollum 720. ‘J. H. Rogers and C. E. Miller 301. blends of -. E. W. Thiele 307. turbine - ; Evaluation of. Values for mixtures of -. 320. Ointment mercury in an - ; Uctei-mination of. 331.Oleander poisoning. 33. Oleic series ; Some ill-defined acids of the -. I. Hypogaeic acid. T. P. Hilditch and N. L. Vidyarthi 429. 11. Acids in parsley. seed oil. T. 1’. Hilditcli and E. E. Jones 429. Oleic Acid and elaidic acid in presence of each other ; Determination of -. J. P. li. Van der Steur 609. Olive Oil Tunisian - ; Chemical composition of. G. S. Jamieson R. 31. Hann and W. F. Baughman. 290. Opium in stomach contents ; Rapid determina-tion of -. E. R. Dovey 26. Tests for vellow -. 539. smoke ; Chemistry of -. 33. Optical rotation of honey. 13. A. Caulkin 418. Orange and quinine wines ; f3lackcurrant and -. (Legal Xotes) 283. Oranges Composition of fresh -. 351. Ores alkalis in clays - etc. ; Determina-tion of. J. Ciochina 432. sulphur in - ; Determination of.I<. I<. Jarvinen 730. Organic acids ; Detectioii of lactic acid in presence of other --. IT. G. Germuth 610. analysis ; Abstracts 43 100 168 245 299, 357 42S 4S9. 5 5 7 606 &3i 724. Analysis ; -Allen’s Coriinicrcial -. Vol. \-. (Review) Glb. Chemical Snalysis Qualitative and Quanti-tative; -4 Student’s Manual of -. (Review) J. 17. Thorpe and M. A. Whitelev, 312. Chemistry ; Practical Bio-Chemistry and -. (Review) 13. H. A. Plimmer 107. Chemistry ; Recent Advances in -. (Review) -4. W. Stewart 734. Chemistry ; Theoretical -. (Review) I:. Arnall and F. W. Hodges. 54. Colouring Matters ; Artificial -. (Review), H. Fierz-David 373. compounds ; Nodifiecl combustion method for determining bromine in -. F.L. Smith 357. compounds ; Quantitative estimation of selenium in -. E. H. Shaw Junr. and E. E. Reid 734. compounds ; Volunietric determination of hydroxyl groups in sugars and other -. V. L. Peterson and E. S. West 607. compounds ; Volumetric determination of allioxyl groups in -. Modification of the Zeisel procdurc. E. 1’. Eaton and E. S. West ’725. liquids ; Determination of carbon in dilute -. 0. Kauffmann-Cosla 45. liquids ; Lead chloride for clearing - in toxicological research for alkaloids. J . Magnin 356. matter in soils; Determination of - by means of hydrogen peroside. W. 0. Robinson 48s. nitrations ; Use of nitrogen tetroxide in place of nitric acid in -. L. A. F h c l i , 724. Part I. nitrogen detcrininatioii in waters. 132 INDEX TO VOLUME LII.Xllll Q)rganic-continued. substances; Action of certain - on alcoholic fermentation. E. Mameli 99. substances ; Determination of water in -by means of calcium carbide. A. Cantzler and S. Rothschild 606. Orthoform New colour reaction for -. 41. Ox viscera ; Edible -. Oxidation Effect of heat and - on the nutritive value of a protein. H. Goldblatt and A. R. Moritz 292. products of cholesterol ; Influence of irradia-tion upon -. 1;. W. Schlutz M. R. Ziegler and M. Morse 423. tints on metals ; Films responsible for -. T. R. Evans GG2. Oxy-Albuminoid test for lvaters sewages and effluents. 130. .Oxycellulose formation ; Rate of -. Analysis of cotton. D. A. Clibbens and 13. P. Ridge, 361. Oxygen absorption of well-water polluted with illuminating gas.664. Dissolved __ absorption test. E. A. Cooper and W. H. Read ‘743. Hempel gas analysis apparatus without absorption bulbs and its use in the examina-tion of commercial -. 11. C. Frederick, 400. Oxyquinoline Acidimetric determination of magnesium zinc aluminium and copper in presence of -. F. L. Hahn and E. Hartleb 495. as a means of determining cadmium and aluminium. R. Berg G l l . as means of determining magnesium. R. Berg 431. as means of determining zinc. R. Berg 494. as reagent for magnesium zinc and aluminium. F. L. Hahn and I<. Vieweg 431. o-Oxyquinoline as means of separating and determining metals. 12. Berg 302. Oyster Bacterial flora of the market -. C. Eliot 98. Ozone Production of - by ultra-violet rays.J. Dadlez 551. P 159. Paints Analysis of - Pigments and Varnishes (Review) J. J. Fox and T. H. Bowles 110. Palestine Government of -. Annual Report of Public Health Department for 1925. G. W. Baker 230. Palm-Kernel oil ; Examination of mixtures of coconut oil and -. G. D. Elsdon and P. Smith 63. oil in butter f a t ; Detection of -. 69. oil ; Reichert and Polenske values of -. oil; Values for -. 319. 64. Pancreas Nickel and cobalt in the -. G. Bertrand and M. Macheboeuf 95. Pancreatin Hydrolysis of corn (maize) starch by means of commercial -. J. H. lTTalton and H. R. Dittmar- 12. Peppermint essencc. (T-cgal Sotc.;) ‘78-1. Paper Mill Chemist. (Review) H. 1’. Stex-cns, 373. Papers reagent- ; Sensitiveness of some -towards gaseous hydrogen phosphide.JI. Wilmet 487. Paprika Oil Iodine value of -. L. C. Mitchell 161. Papyrus The Stockholm -. E. l t . Caley, 615. Paraffin was in crude was ; Determination of -. L. AI. Henderson and S. \V. Ferris 30 1. Solubility of - in petroleum oils. F. W. Sullivan W. J. 3fcGill and A. French, 727. Parliamentary Notes Sale of I~ood zild Drugs Bill 1927. 425. Parsley Seed Oil Acids in -. T. 1’ Hilditch and E. E. Jones 429. Particles Method of measuring size of -. P. Lukirsky and 11. Kosman 173. spection Decision No. 206 546. North and W. H. Park 294. tion of. J. Grossfeld 420. C. Gorini 486. wax ; Pastes Alimentary - . U.S.A. Food 111-Pasteurisation Standards for milk C. E. Pastry starch in - ; Polarinietric determina-Pathogenic bacteria and mixed enzymes of milk.Pea meal ; Iodine absorption value of - 89. Pear Non-volatile acids of the -. E. li. Vitamin C content of iresh and canned -. Pearl Barley Sulphur dioxide in -. (Pre-Peas “ Regenerated ” preserved - ; Specific Peat and peat wax from Chatham Islands. 727. Pectin Microbiology of Cellulose Hemicellulose, Pectin and Gums. (Review) A. C. Thaysen and H. J. Bunker 500. Pemberton method for volumetric determination of phosphoric anhydride ; Application of Ridsdale’s modification of - to fei-tilisers. A. M. Cameron and W. T. DOW 676. Pencils Strokes made with coloured - 552 ; with copying ink - SS? ; with graphite - 581. Pentosans Micro-method for determining pen-toses and -. Pentose in yeast nucleic acid and its derivatii-cs ; ~licro-determinatioii of __-.W. S. Hoff-man 421. metabolism; Studies on - . 11. Micro method for determining pentoses and pen-tosans. G. E. Youngburg 484. Pentoses Micro method for determining -. G. E. Youngburg 484. Pepper Pimento-; Effect of waste __ on the colour of egg yolks. 11’. -1. 3lorgan and J. G. Woodroof 653. Volatile alkaloid of -. A. Pictet nrid 11. Pictet 649. Nelson 418. V. C. Craven and M. M. Kramer 485. servative Regulations) 416. characteristics of. J. Froidevaux 9 1. G. E. Youngburg 484 sliv INDEX TO VOLUME LII. Peptic digestion ; Effect of halogen salts on -. IV. M. Clifford 5.50. digestion ; Influence of - in the determina-tion of total carbohydrates in cereal products. 13. G.Hartmann and F. Hillig, 160. Perchlorate in Chili saltpetre ; Determination of - by means of nitron. A. Viirtheim, 351. Perchlorates anhydrous - as dehydrating agents for gases; Use of. G. I;. Smith 307. Perfames Cosmetics and Soaps with Especial Reference to Synthetics. Vol. 11. (Re-view) W. A. Poucher 109. Perspiration deodorisers. 53 I . Petroleum and petroleum products ; Biblio-graphy of standard methods of analysing -. 34‘7. hydrocarbons ; Action of sulphur mono-chloride on -. oils ; Solubility of paraffin wax in -. 17. W. Sullivan MT. J . McGill and A. French, 727. products ; Rapid method of determining sulphur in certain -. E. S. Squire 101. P indicators ; Coloured to identify green or dry woods. R. Legendre 361. value ; Sources of error in the colorimetric determination of -.J . W. Schlegel and A. H. Stueber 492. valuc ; Wulff method of determining the -. C. E. Druart 657. Pharmacological properties of some clrugs ; Effect of polarised light on -. D. I. iMacht and W. T. Anderson junr. 602. Phaseolus Vulgaris Allantoic acid in the green parts of -. Phenol in aninidnia liquor and other solutions ; Determination of -. 13. D. Williams, 360. in ethyl alcohol ; Detection of -. 101. in water polluted with illuminating gas ; Detection of -. 654. tests. IJ. Nitrous acid tests. Millon and similar tests. Spectrophotometric inves-tigations. H. D. Gibbs 169. 111. The inclophenol test. Phenols New specific tests for distinguishing carbolic acid the cresols and certain other phenols.A. H. Ware 335. Sensitive reaction foi- benzoylacrylic acid and its use for characterising -. E. Cattelain, 360. Phenyl Magnesium Iodide Action of tungsten hexachloride on -. W. Brydowna 105. Philippine lumbang oil; An odiferous oil and two new linolic tetrabromides from -. S. Santiago and A. I-’. West 300. Phosgene from cliloropicrin ; Preparation of -. S. Secareano 401. Phosphates and the growth of streptococci. (Studies in bacterial nutrition. 111), H. R. Whitehead 843. in potable waters ; Colorimetric determination of - by the Denigks method. R. Danet, 427. E. Lorand 490. R. l;osse 92. H. D. Gibbs 360. Phosphine in gases ; Rapid determination of Reaction of - with nitrous acid. 492. Phosphoric Acid Determination of manganese in steel by the I’roctor-Smith reaction in presence of -.B. C. Mukerjee 689. Sources of error in determining -. J. M. McCandless and J. I. 13urton 305. Phosphoric Anhydride Application of Ridsdale’s modification of Pemberton’s method for volumetric determination of - to fey-tilisers. A. M. Cameron and W. T. Dour, 576. Phosphorus Colorimetric determination of minute amounts of compounds of silicon, of - and of arsenic. W. R. G. Atkins ancl E. G. Wilson 219. compounds and arsenic compounds of sea-water. W. R. G. Atkins ancl E. G. Wilson, 427. in alloys ; Determination of -. B. Salliin, 305. in blood ; Determination of --. J. H. Gaddum 241. in cabbage ; Water-soluble content of calcium and -. W. H. and C. B. Peterson 93. Reaction betGeen elementary - and potassium iodate and its utilisation in the volumetric determination of -.T. F. Buehrer and 0. E. Schupp 171. yellow - in red -; Determination of very small amounts of. R. H. Kray 605. Photochemical production of vitamin D front ergosterol. 0. Rosenheim and T. A. W’ebster 652. Photomicrography Handbook of -. (Review), H. L. Hind and H. IJ. Iiandles 561. Physical Chemistry An introduction to --(Review) F. B. Finter 175. Physical Constants Annual Tables of -. (Review) 54. Chemical and -. (Review) G. W. C. Kaye and T. H. Laby 5 3 . of essential oils. (Report of Essential Oil Sub-Comimttee) . 530. Physical Laboratory Report of the National - for 1927. 413. Physical Methods Abstracts 49 107 173, 252 306 366 434 497 614 660 731.Physico-Chemical analysis by means of the boiling of saturated solutions. E. Cornec and P. Klug 660. Physico-Engineering investigations. 643. Physiological Chemistry ; Introduction to -. (Review) M. Bodansky 664. importance of nickel. G. Bertrand and H. Nakamura 652. Picric Acid in foodstuffs ; Detection of -. 685. Pictures Cleaning and restoration of -. 81. Pigments Analysis of - Paints and Varnishes. (Review) J. J . Fox and T. H. Rowles 110. anthocyanin - in canning ; Behaviour of. C. W. Culpepper 648. in lacquer ; Separation and analysis of -F. H. Hopkins 103. -. RI. Wilmet 558 INDEX TO VOLUME LII. xlv Pigments-continued. metallurgical - and products ; Deter-mination of metallic lead in. D. H. Mc-Intosh 104. Pills Iron -.224 ; J. F. Liverseege 239. Pimento pepper; Effect of waste - on the colour of egg yolks. W. A. Morgan and J. G. Woodroof G63. Pine Needle extract. M. Klostermann and H. Quast 248. Pineapples Effect of ethylene on the enzymes of -. L. 0. Regeimbal and R. B. Harvey, 354. Plant fats ; Distribution of dihydrositosterol in -. R. J. Anderson F. B. Nabenhauer and R. L. Shriner 164. Growth ; Soil Condition and -. (Review), Sir E. J. Russell 257. materials ; Inaccuracies of the Devarda method when applied to -. E. R. Ranker 556. Products. (Review) S. H. Collins 108. species; Value of stomata1 numbers for distinguishing -. H. A. Timmerman 291. tissue ; Association of vitamin A with green-ness in -. M. Dye 0. C. Medlock and J. W. Crist 552. tissues; Influence of light and heat on the formation of vitamin A in - K.H. Coward 355. tissues other than leaves ; Quantitative studies of vitamins A B and C in green - E. J. Quinn M. P. Burtis and E. W. Milner 354. Plants nitrogen in soil extracts and -; Modification of the salicylic-thiosulphate method for determining total. E. R. Ranker 555. Sodium in -. G. Bertrand and J. Periet-zeanu 488. Plum pulp ; Composition of -. 352. Plums Composition of fresh -. 351. Podophyllin Determination of -. R. Eder and W. Schneiter 238. Podophyllum assay of - ; Comparison of several processes for the. L. E. Warren, 549. Poison Hydrogen sulphide as a -. W. P. Yant and K. R. Sayers 368. Poisoning and suspected poisoning ; Cases of -. G. R. Lynch 174. by mercury vapour.Carbon monoxide - of bacteria in absence of haemoglobin. P. F. Franlrland 295. Carbon monoxide - in forensic cases. D. J. A. Kerr 296. L. M. Dennis 44. Food -. 122. lead- ; Mechanism and incidence of industrial metacetaldehyde -; A case of . W. H. Oleander -. 33. Sodium selenite as cause of -. F. Riechen, Treatment of -. E. B. Leech 174. -. 53. Willcox and C A. Mitchell 528. 487. Poisons Effect of __ on the larvae of flies. K. Feist 243. Polarimetric determination of starch in marzipan substitutes. A. Gronover and E. Wohnlicli, 481. determination of starch in pastry. J. Gross-feld 420. determination of sucrose in sweetened con-densed milk. determination of tartaric acid. 13. Besson, 489. work ; Sodium flame for -.T. McLachlan and A. W. Middleton 639. Polarised Light Effect of - on the pharmacol-ogical properties of some drugs. D. I. Macht and W. T. Anderson junr. 602. Polishing and etching lead tin and some of their alloys for microscopic examination. J. R. Vilella and D. Beregekoff 732. Pollard New Zealand bran and - ; Deter-mination of. Polluted Waters See Waters. Pollution Atmospheric -. H. D. Richmond 525. L. D. Foster 656. See Atmospheric Pollution. of a river with colliery by-products. Mawston v. Pease and Partners. (Legal Notes) 475. with illuminating gas ; Testing of well-water for -. Regenstein 654. Polymorphism of fatty acids ; X-ray investiga-tion of -. Pomegranate Non-volatile acids of the -. E. K. Nelson 418. Porosity Apparent specific gravity and -.Comparison of various methods. G. RI. Nave 367. Port Labelling of wine as " Spanish -," (Legal Notes) 705. Port Orford cedar wood ; Oil from -. I?. H. Thurber and L. J. Roll 490. Portsmouth City of -. Report of the Public Analyst R. P. Page for the year 1926. 704. Potassium Electrolytic method for determining sodium and -. J. L. Stoddard 660. in foodstuffs ; Determination of sodium, chlorine and -. A. D. Husband and TV. Godden 72. in potassium iodide ; Determination of -. F. S. Hawkins and J. R. Partington 614. Potassium Bi-Iodate as a standard substance in alkalimetric and iodimetric titrations. I. M. Kolthoff and L. H. van Berk 4s. Potassium Bromate Potentiometric titration of tin with -. Potassium Chlorate bromate in - ; Deter-mination of.F. Fichter and W. I;. Tschu-din 366. Potassium Cyanate Determination of cyanates, with an application to -. J. Leboucq, 489. Potassium Hydroxide Reactions of anaesthetic ethers with - and with mercury and the test for foreign odours. E. Mallinckrodt, jun. 718. G. M. de Boer 368. on wine label. (Legal Notes) 706. K. Sandved 2 xlvi INDEX TO VOLUME LII. Potassium Iodate Reaction between elementary phosphorus and - and its utilisation in the volumetric determination of phosphorus. T. F. Buehrer and 0. E. Schupp 171. Potassium Iodide Effect of - in the Shaffer-Hartniann micro sugar reagent. W. A. de Long 350. potassiuni in - ; Determination of. I;. S. Hawkins and J . R. Partington 614. Potassium Permanganate solution ; Determina-tion of the titre of - by means of electro-lytic iron.L. Xoser and W. Schoninger, 2.31. Potatoes starch in - ; Determination of. G. Rankoff 419. Potentiometric titration ; Method for differential - . D. X. MacInnes and P. T. Jones 50. K. Sandved 2. (Review) I. M. Iiolthoff and N. H. Furman 253. Precipitates Flocculation of troublesome -in analysis. W. Clayton 76. Preservatives Examination of foodstuffs for - A caution. A. C. Chapman 215. Public Health Amendment Regu-lations 1926. No. 1557. 33. Public Health Provisional Regula-tions 1927 283. Circular 782 286. Presffved peas ; Specific characteristics of J. Froidevaux 91. President Annual Address of the -. (E. R. Prickly-Pear honey. 31. Primuline Reaction of - with nitrous acid.49’. Printing ink ; ,Arsenic in -. T. H. Barry, 217. R. S. Morrell and C. I. Sniyth 339. ink ; Strokes made with -. 333. Inks ; Chemistry and Manufacture of Writing and -. (Review) W. B. Gamble 313. Prints Cleaning of discoloured -. 81. Procaine Colour reaction for - and some other local anaesthetics and its application to determination of -. E. R. Riegel and J. I;. Williams 41. Proctor-Smith Reaction Determination of man-ganese in steel by the - in presence of phosphoric acid. B. C. Mukerjee 689. Proof The Problem of -. (Review) A. S. Osborn 180. Propaesin New colour reaction for -. 41. Propionic Acid in acetic acid and acetic anhy-dride ; Determination of -. F. Baum, 607 608. Propolis Composition of -- and origin of colouring matter of beeswax.G. F. Jaubert, 41s. Propylene Ignition point of - in nitrous oxide. 614. Protein in diet; Value of cocoa and chocolate as source of - H. H. Mitchell J. R. Beadles and M. H. Keith 96. nutritive value of a - ; Effect of heat and oxidation on. H. Goldblatt and A. R. Uoritz -392. titration oi tin with potassium bromate. Titration. in food. in food. regenerated ” - . Bolton) 183. Protein-continued. value of meat in nutrition ; Relation of con-nective tissue content of meat to tlic -. H. H. Mitchell J . R. Beadles and J . H. Kruger 483. Proteins Hausmann numbers of - ; Micro-method of determining. K. V. Thimann, 239. milk - in cacao products; Method for determining. H. C. Waterman and H. -4. Lepper 350.Protosynthesis (Review) H. A. Spoehr l i 6 . Prussic Acid in linseed meal. (Legal Notes) 30. Pseudomorphine Separation and determination of morphine - and related substances. A. K. Balls 162. Public Analysts Notes from the Reports of -. See Aberdeen Birmingham Kingston-upon-Hull Lancaster Leicester Ports-mouth Salford. Society of -. See Society of Public Analysts. Varying conditions of appointment of -. 187. Public Health Amendment Regulations 19“. (Ministry of Health Statutory Rules and Orders 1927. No. 277.) 479. (Preservatives in Food) Provisional Regu-lations 1927. 2 8 5 ; Circular 732 286. (Preservatives in Food) Amendment Regu-lations 1926 No. 1557. 33. Publications Received 62 314 376 564 G G G . Pulp fruit -. See Fruit Pulp. Putrefaction of flesh ; Chemical and physico-chemical changes accompanying the begin-ning of -.J. Tillmans P. Hirsch and A. Kuhn 289. Pyramidon as a reagent for blood. M. Elzas and L. M. Lansberg 167. Pyrex as a container for radium solutions. L. F. Curtiss 615. Pyridine test as a quantitative method for determining minute amounts of chloroform, W. H. Cole 94. Pyrogallol Behaviour of fish oils with uranium nitrate and -. W. H. Dickhart 723. Pyrogenic reaction for malic tartaric and citric acid ; New -. J. A. Sanchez 358. Pyrophosphate Determination of manganese as. - . D. Balarew and N. Desew 364. Q Qualitative Organic Chemical Analysis ; A Student’s Manual of -. (Review) J. F, Thorpe and M. A. Whiteley 312. Quantitative analysis; New method of -applicable to a mixture of the rare earths.E. Delauney 614. analysis; Student precision in -. T. F. Buehrer and 0. E. Schupp Junr. 53. Organic Chemical Analysis ; A Student’s Manual of -. (Review) J . F. Thorpe and M. A. Whiteley 312 xlvii IKDEX TO VOLUME LII. Quartz lamp ; Cse of the analytic __ for testing drugs. P. K. Danckwortt and E. Pfau 707. Queensland Report of the Government Analyst for the year ending June 30th 1926. J . B. Henderson 31. Quince Non-volatile acids of the -. E. I<. Nelson 4 1 S . Quinhydrone electrode as means of determining the hydrogen ion concentration of wine. li. Dietzel and E. Kosenbaum 600. Quinin? Black currant and orange and __ wines. (Legal Notes) 283. R R Acid Separation of Crocein ScliBffer and G acids and - and their arylaminc salts.I<. J3. Eorster and C. 31. Keyworth 169. Radio-Sensitive substances ; Colour test for -. C. J. Bond 719. Radium Alliood with -. (Legal X’otes) 642. Separation of mesothorium I and - from barium by ionic migration. J. Kendall, E. R. Jette and W. West 106. solutions; Pyres as a container for -. L. I?. Curtiss 613. Radium Chromate Fractional precipitation of barium and -. L. 31. Henderson and F. C. Kracek 303. Raffinose Clerget-invertase hydrolysis con-stants of sucrose and -. H. s. Paine and R. T. Balch 350. Rare Earths New method of quantitative analysis applicable to a mixture of the -. E. Delauncy (il4. question of warranty. (Legal .’<otes) 333. jam deficient in - fruit. (Legal Sotes) 283.jam with declaration of added fruit juice. pulp ; Composition of -. 332. Raspberry jam Apple matter in - . A (Legal Kotes) 335. Raspberries Composition of fresh -. Y-Ray radiations ; Influence of intense X-ray and - on cholesterol. M. C. Reinhard and K. W. Buchwald 485. Rays Ultra-violet -. See Ultra Violet Rays. See also X-Rays. Reagent for blood; Pyramidon as a -. M. Elzas and L. 11. Lansberg 165. for differentiating between ammonium salts, amines and amides; Iodine as a -. J. A. Sanchez 363. for earth acids ; Digallic acid as -. W. R. Schoeller 702. for zinc ; Diphenylamine as a quantitative -. W. H. Cone and L. L. Cady 730. papers ; Sensitiveness of some - towards gaseous hydrogen phosyhide. M. Wilmet, 487. Shaff er-Hartmann micro sugar - ; Effect of potassium iodide in the.W. A. de Long, 350. Red Currant pulp ; Composition of -. 352. Red Currants Composition of fresh -. 351. 351. Red Phosphorus yellow phosphorus in - ; Determination of very small amounts of. R. H. Kray 603. Reducing sugars. See Sugars. Refractometer Immersion - and its value in milk analysis. G. D. Elsdon and J. R. Stubbs 193. Reichert figures for butter analysis ; Relations of the Manley and -. H. S. Shre\\-sburj-, 388. Resins Detection of - by Brauer’s metliocl. E. Fonrobert and K. Pistor 247. (Revicw) T. H. Barry A. A. Drummond and R. S. Morrell, 56. Reviews of Books The titles of boolis have been treated in the same way as the titles of papers and abstracts and will be found in the General Subject Index and Authors’ Index.53 105 174 253 3OS 368 435, 49’7 560 615 662 732. Rhodamine Reactions of __ with nitrous acid. 492. Rice flour in shredded suet. (Legal h-otes) 281. Iodine absorption value of -. 89. U.S.A. Food Inspection Decision No. 208 547. Rided-Walker method of testing disinfectants. Q. Moore 98. Ridsdale modification of Pemberton’s method for volumetric determination of phosphoric anhydride; Application of - to fertil-isers. A. M. Cameron and W. T. Dow 576. River Pollution of a - with colliery bp-products. Mawston v. Pease and Partners. (Legal Notes) 47.5. Roach powder ; Analysis of mysterious -538. Rose Flower wax. H. ProphBte 102. Rosolic Acid in foodstuffs ; Detection of -. 58.5. Rubber hydrocarbon in raw - gutta-percha and allied substances; Determination of.A. R. Kemp 362. hydrocarbons ; Reactions of - with metallic halides. H. A. Bruson L. B. Sebrell and W. C. Calvert 728. moisture in raw - ; Determination of. D. Armstrong and T. J . Drakeley 338. Xature of matured -. 11. G. Bruni and T. G. Levi 491. Unvulcanised ; Calender Effect and Shrinking Effect of -. (Review) W. de Visser 256. Rye ergot of - ; Identification and deter-mination of. A. Tschirch 238. Xatural and Synthetic -. Iodine absorption value of -. 89. S Saccharin Conversion of - into ammonia. Determination of - colorimetrically and A. F. Lerrigo and Distribution coefficients of -. 383. in grape flavour. (Legal Notes) 642. 381. by the ammonia process. A. L. Williams 377 slviii INDEX TO VOLUME LII.Safety in Mines Research Board Laboratory methods of determining the inflammability of coal dust. (Paper KO. 31). A. L. Godbert 713. Saffron substitute in foodstuffs ; Detection of Sale of Food and Drugs Acts Administration of, . 585. -- 187. Bill t o amend -. 223. Correspondence. Circular 762. 84. Composition and Description of Food and Drugs. Memo. 36 Foods. 84. Extracts from Report of the Ministry of Health for 1926-27 and abstract of Reports of Public Analysts for 1926. New Zealand Amending Regulations under Salford City of -. Annual Report of the City ,4nalpst for 1026. H. H. Bagnall 640. Salicylic-Thiosulphate method for determining total nitrogen in plants and soil extracts ; Modification of -. E. R.Ranker 5535. Sdigenin New colour reaction for -. 41. Saliva Factors involved in the reaction changes of human -. G. W. Clark and K. L. Carter 661. Salmonella group ; Food poisoning due to -. 122. group of bacilli ; Use of certain carbodyhrates and glucosides in the differentiation of members of -. F. Wokes and J. H. Irwin 604. group ; Infection by certain organisms of the -. S. R. Damon and L. TY. Leiter 167. Salt Boric acid as natural constituent of common Effect of common ~ on lime water used for egg preserving. J . Miller 457. Saltpetre Perchlorate in Chili - determined by means of nitron. A. Vurtheim 261. Salts of linolenic hexabromide from lumbang oil. G. A. Imperial and A. P. West 247. Samples Standard -. Dept. of Commerce U.S.A. Bureau of Standards Bulletin S o .25. 661. Sandal Wood dyeing with the colouring matter of -; Detection of. L. Soep 696. Santonica santonin in - ; Determination of. Eder and \V. Schneiter 40. Santonin in santonica ; Determination of -. Eder and W. Schneiter 40. Saponins as foam-producing materials ; Value of -. 42. Sardine Oil Iodine value of a commercial California -. M. S. Dunn and B. S. Hollombe 453. Sauerkraut Studies of commercial - with special reference to changes in the bacterial flora during fermentation a t low temperature L. A. Priem W. H. Peterson and E. B. Fred 356. Sausage Blood - with artificially coloured skin. T. Merl 93. casings ; Cellulose -. ’CV. F. Henderson and H. E. Dietrich 37. 712. -. 233. -. 460. Scandium Reaction of aluminon with hydroxides of gallium indium thallium germanium and -.R. B. Corey and H. W. Rogers, 172. Schaffer Acid Separation of Crocein R. and G. acids and - and their arylamine salts. R. B. Foster and C. 31. Keyworth 169. Schlagdenhaufen reaction for magnesium. A. Hamy 251. Schmidt reaction for saccharin. 379. Scientific articles not abstracted ; References Scientific and Industrial Research Dept. Report of the Food 1nvesti:ation Board for the years 1925 and 1926 541. Report of the National Physical Laboratory for 1927. 413. Report of the Stone Preservation Committee. 645. See also Food Investigation Board. to -. 53 174 368 615 661. Sedimentation Differentiation of flours by tlie iodine absorption and rapidity of -. N.A. Trofimuk 89. Seeds of Digitalis purpurea; Oil from -. I. S. Mellanoff 718. Toxicity and acridness of cruciferous - and oil cakes. G. Jorgensen 44. Selenium compounds ; Fungicidal and bac-tericidal action of tellurium and -. N. PVI. Strover and B. S. Hopkins 356. in organic compounds ; Quantitative estinia-tion of -. E. H. Shaw Junr. and E. E. Reid 734. Volumetric separation of tellurium and -. 2. Littman 365 ; I,. Moser 658. Selenium Sulphide a new detector for mercury vapour. B. TV. Nordlander 357. Seminal stains; Identification of -. S. Mallannah 399. Semni Adulterated -. 230. Sera Alleged differentiation of human -as to sex. R. R. Hyde and E. I. Parsons, 167. Serological Methods in the Investigation of Foodstuffs. (Review) P. Manteufel 305.Serum blood- ; Determination of total base in - by means of gasometric micro method for determining iodates and sulphates. D. D. Van Slyke A. Hiller and K. C. Berthelsen, 661. milk- ; Action of chloramine-T on -. 677. milk- ; Determination of lactosc in -. 680. Sewages analysis of waters - and effluents ; Critical review of methods of. J. TV. H. Johnson 125. Sex Alleged di-fferentiation of human sera as to -. R. R. Hyde and E. I. Parsons, 167. Shaffer-Hartmann micro sugar reagent ; Efiect of potassium iodide in the -. W. A. de Long 350. Sheep viscera ; Edible -. 159. Shrinking Effect and Calender Effect of Un-vulcanised Rubber. (Review) TV. de Visser, 256 IXDEX TO VOLUME LII. xlix Siam Third Report of the Go\-ernment Labora- Sodium Selenite as cause of poisoning.F. tory. A. Narcan 3 2 . Riechen 487. Silicates ferrous iron in - ; Determination Soil Condition and Plant Growth (Review). of. L. A. Sarver 49b. Sir E. J. Russell 257. Silicon Colorimetric determination of minute Determination of carbon and nitrogen on amounts of compounds of -- of phos- the same sample of -. B. E. Brown 487. phorous and of arsenic. W. R. G. Atlrins extracts ; Modification of the salicylic-and E. G. Wilson 249. thiosulphate method for determining total in tissues ; Colorimetric determination of nitrogen in plants and --. E. R. Ranltcr, Silver alloys ; Methods for cleaning -. 81. hydrogen ion conccntratioii of - ; Accuracy Rapid method of separating lead and -. of the various methods of measuring. H. Brintzinger 363.C. Olsen and L. Linderstrom-Lang 556. Smoke and atmospheric pollution. 477. Soils iodine in - ; Determination of. 539. Formaldehyde in wood - and smoked Organic matter in - determined by means foodstuffs. E. H. Callow 391. of hydrogen peroxide. W. 0. Robinson, opium - ; Chemistry of. 33. 488. Smoked foodstuffs ; Formaldehyde in wood Solidification points of edible fats. T. JIeyer, smoke and -. E. H. Callow 391. 236. Soap Errors in analysis of alkaloids caused by Solids total - of condensed milk ; Deter-presencc of fatty acid or H. R. mination of. 403. Watkins and S. Palkin 290. Solids-not-Fat in milk ; Effect of three milliings Soaps deflocculating yowcr oi -; Carbon per day on -. 78. - by Isaac’s method. J . H. Foulger 240. 555. black t C S t for COlll~XlrlIl~.I<. 11. Chapin Solutions highly coloured or t,lrbicl __ . 102. Simplified colorimetric method for measur-Perfumes Cosmetics and - with Especial ing the hydrogen ion concentration of small Reference t o Synthetics. Yol. 11. (Review) quantities of. Ross@e and von Morgen-stern 363. W. A. Poucher 109. Society of Chemical Industry. Annual Reports on I’liysico-cl1emic-l a1iali-sis by 11lea11s of the the Progress of ,4ppliecl Chemistry. (Review) boiling of saturated -. E. Cornec and P. Klug 6G0. 369. Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Solvent Volatile __ rnetllod for determining Chemists presented by the moisturc. J. AI. Jones and T. McLachlan, 383. - on the occasion of the Berthelot Centenary 620. Solvents of lacquers ; Separation and analysis of the volatile thinners and -.R. RI. Carter 102. E. A. Boyer 98. A comparisoll of various metllods. Nave 367. Analytical Investigation Scheme ; 186. North of England Section of -. Presidential Address (E. R. Bolton) 183. 2.39 315 377 439 303 tiG5 619 667. Specific Gravity Apparent - and porosity. Soda Ash strengths of commercial caustic soda G. 11. and - ; Methods of expressing. 529. Sodium Electrolytic method for determining Spectrophotometric detern,inatioll of nitl.ites and potassium and -. J . Id. Stoddard 660. nitrates by diphenylamine sulphate. E. and A. W. Middleton 639. investigations (phenol tests). H. D. Gibbs, Spectroscopical detection of fruit wine in wine. 182. procecc~ings of the __. 1 63 113 181 Souring Bacteriological study Of -* flame for polarimetric work.T. NcLachlan in cow’s milk; Elimination of chlorine and . in foodstuffs ; Determination of potassium, in of certain maIllInals ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sperm Oil Unsaturated aliphatic alcohols of Sperm Whale Body oil from -. 51. Toyama, Tassilly and R. Savoire lo7. 169. 0. E. Kalberer 482. L. Barthe and E. Dufilho 287. -chlorine and -. X* D. Husband and Spectroscopy (I<eview) E. C C. Ealy 732. W. Godden 72. of chlorice and -. L. Barthe and E. Dufilho 71 5. - ,,a - . E. -4ndr6 and hl. T. Franqois 558. in plants. G. Bertrand and J. Perietzeanu, 488. Specific reaction for -. I. M. Kolthoff 304. Sodium Benzoate Analysis of sodium salicylate and - D. Henville 149. Sodium Nitrite Analysis of -. F. A . Hoeg, 433.in the curing of meat; L‘se of -. R. D. ICerr C. 1 K. Marsh W. F. Schroeder and E. A. Boyer 37. Sodium Salicylate Analysis of sodium benzoate and -. D. Henville 149. izo. Spinach Vitamins A and D of -. mott and F. Wokes 652. Spumagen 42. Stahre reaction ; Application 01 the - t o S. G. Willi-the accurate determination of citric acid. B. G. Hartniann and F. Hillig 34‘3. Stains seminal -; Identification of. S. Mallannah 399. Stamping ink ; Strokes made with -. 582. Standard for baking powder. (Legal Sotes), 706 ISDES TO VOLU3IE LII. Standard-coizti?aued. for meat and malt wine. Bouker v. Wood-roffe. Bowker v. Premier Drug Co. Ltd. (Legal Notes) SO. Methods of Analysis Bibliographies I. Leather and Tanning Materials S3. 11. Beer and Brewing Materials 236.111. Petroleum and petroleum products 347. Potassium bi-iodate as a - substance in alkalimetric and iodimetric trtrations. I. M. Kolthoff and L. H. r a n Berk 48. samples.! Depart. of Commerce U.S.A. Bureau of Standards Bulletin No. 33. 661. Standardisation of wool. Henseler 103. Trichromatic coloriineter suitable for __ Standards Dept. of Commerce U.S.A. Bureau Bulletin No. 23 Standard Samples Food - for Madras. for milk butter ghee and cheese in India, 157. for milk pasteurisation. C. E. Sorth and W. H. Park 294. Staphylococcus cultures ; Action of neon light on -. 98. Star Anise Oil Simple and rapid reaction to distinguish aniseed oil from -. W. P. H. v. d. D. Mareeuw 300. Starch Action of ethylene on pure -.H. E. Rea and R. D. Mullinix 397. Hydrolysis of corn (maize) - by com-mercial pancreatin. J. H. LValton and H. R. Dittmar 42. in marzipan substitutes ; Polarimetric deter-mination of -. -4. Gronover and E. Wohnlich 4 8 1. in pastry ; Polarimetric determination of -. J. Grossfeld 480. in potatoes ; Deterrnination of __ . G. Rankoff 418. maize - ; Properties of. Removal of coin-bined fatty acids. T. C. Taylor and J. H. Werntz 480. Making. (Review) I;. Rehwald 177. Rapid method for determining -. 0. S. Rask 290. sulphur dioxide in - ; Determination of. 363. Starches Behaviour of different - towards dyestuffs and iodine. Part 11. J. Huebner and I<. Venkataraman 37. Starting Properties of motor fuels ; Laboratory method of determining the -.W. G. Lovell J. D. Coleman and T. -4. Boyd 306. Steel Manganese in - deterinined by the Proctor-Smith reaction in presence of phosphoric acid. molybdenum in iron and -; Simplified determination of. E. Farber 303. vitamin A . 0. Rosenheim 423. fractions ; Activation of - by ultra-violet irradiation. -4. F. Hess and K. J. _4nderson, 653. work. J . Guild 30. of -. 661. H. Hawley 136. B. C. Mukerjee 689. Sterol colour reactions in the irrelation to Stirrer Modified liquid sealed mechanical -. G. S. Hiers 62. Stockholm papyrus; The -. E. R. Caley, 615. Stomach opium in __ contents ; Rapid determination of. Stomatal Numbers Their value for distinguish-ing plant species. H. A. Timmerman, 391. Stone Preservation Committec ; Report of the -.643. Storage black rot of sweet potatoes in -; Infection and temperaturc relations of. J. I. Lauritzcn 99. Stratification Absence of - aiid rapidity of mixing of carbon dioxide in air samples. T. 31. Carpenter and E. L. l;ox 493. Strawberry pulp ; Composition of -. 352. Strawberries Composition of fresh -. Streptococci Cultivation of -. H. Has-E. R. Dovey 26. 35 1. thausen 004. in milk. 120. Phosphates and the growth of -. (Studics in bacterial nutrition 111.) H. R. ll'hite-head 243. Sfrepfococcus culturcs ; -Iction of n e ~ n light on - . 98. Strokes in writing; Sequence of -. C. -A. Mitchell and T. J. Ward 680. Students Manual of Organic Chemical Analysis. Qualitative and Quantitative for -. (Review) J. I;. Thorpe and M. A.Whiteley, 312. Sucrose Ckrget-invertase hydrolysis constants of raffinose and -. H. S. Paine and in sweetened condensed milk ; Polarinietric determination of -. H. D. Richmond, 525. in sweetened milks ; Determination of -. 682. Measurement of the ionimetric acidity by the inversion of sucrose. -4pplication to complex media. V. Vincent 249. Oxidation of - by means of chloramine and iodide. 673. Suet Cereal flour in -. 703. Rice flour in shredded -. (Lcgal Notes), 281. Sugar analysis ; Determination of cuprous oxide produced in -. C. S. Risson, J. G. Sewell 3SO. dermatitis. (Legal Notes) 283. determinations ; Xotes on -. M. Somogyi, 3s. factory products ; Determination of sulphur dioxide in -. J. P. Ogilvie 92. reagent ; Effect of potassium iodide in the Shaffer-Hartmann micro - .w. A. de Long 350. Reducing non-sugars and true - in human blood. M. Somogyi 719. sulphur dioxide in - ; Determination of. 353. K. T. Balch 360 INDEX TO VOLUME LII. li Sugars aldose-; Determination of - by means of chloramine-T with special reference to the analysis of milk products. C. L. Hinton and T. Macara 668. hydrosyl groups in - and other organic compounds ; Volumetric determination of. V. L. Peterson and E. S. West 607. Reducing non- - and true sugar in human blood. M. Somogyi 719. urine -; On the nature of . H. S. Eagle, 165. Sulpharsenates Solubility of cupric sulphide in alkali sulphides in presence of -C. Davies and A. D. Monro 659. Sulphate in presence of other sulphur compounds ; Determination of -.A. Kurtenaclrer and R. Wollalr 433. Sulphate of Iron Dried -. 223. (Sulphates Gasometric micro method for deter-mining iodates and - and its applica-tion to determination of total base in blood serum. D. D. Van Slyke A. Hiller and K. C. Berthelsen (351. Sulphides Action of blood -. W. Denis and L. Reed 298. Sulphite Detection of nitrite nitrate and -- . E. Eegriwe 106. Sulphur compounds ; Determination of sulpliate in preoence of other -. A. Kurtenacker and 11. Wollak 433. compounds in urine ; Nepheloinetric methods for determining some -. W. Denis and L. Reed 95. compounds of blood ; Methods for deter-mining some of the non-protein -. IV. Denis and L. Reed 96. in lead ; Determination of traces of -. 671. in ores ; Determination of -.I<. K. J arvinen 730. in petroleum products; Rapid method for determining -. E. S. Squire 101. sublimation. C. 0. Griffiths 602. Sulphur Dioxide and the behaviour of bottled white wines 40. in beer. N. C. B. 715. in dried fruit ; Determination of -. P. May 271 526 ; J . Miller 335. in foods ; Determination of -. Ministry of Health Report No. 43. G. W. Monier-Williams 343 415. in foodstuffs; Determination of -. H. Drake-Law 352. in malt vinegar ; Occurrence of -. H. E. cox 397. in pearl barley. (Legall Notes) 476. (Pre-servatives Regulations) 416. in sugar factory products ; Determination of -. J. P. Ogilvie 92. sulphur trioxide in presence of - ; Deter-mination of . Sulphur Monochloride Action of - on petroleum hydrocarbons.E. Lorand 490. Sulphur Trioxide in presence of sulphur dioxide ; Determination of -. J. R. Eckmann, 658. Sunlight Strength of - tests. 641. J. R. Eckmann 658. Sussex Oats Sale of mixed grain as -. (Legal Notes) 224. Sweet Clover seed ; Fatty oil of -. B. -4. Dunbar and C. F. Wells 47. Sweet Potatoes in storage ; Infection and temperature relations of black rot of -. J. I. Lauritzen 99. Symbols Inorganic Chemical - and other useful Chemical Data. (Re\-iew) E. R. Darling 502. Synthetic Resins ; Xatural and -. (Review), T. H. Barry A. A. Drumniond and R. S. Morrell 56. Synthetics Perfumes Cosmetics and Soaps, with Especial Reference to -. Vol. 11. (Review) W. A. Poucher 109. T Tannin gallic acid in absencc of - ; Deter-mination of.31. Hirsch (i3B. Precipitation of tungstic acid by -. W. R. Schoeller and C. Jahn 604. reaction between carbohydrates and __ ; Nature of. H. 13. Stoclrs and C. \*. Green-wood 170. Reaction betwcen casein and -. H. B. Stoclis 170. Tanning materials ; Bibliography of standard methods of analysis for leather and -. S3. Tannins Gelatin precipitation test for -. A. E. Jones 275. Tantalum analytical chemistry of - niobium and their mineral associates ; Investigations into the. VII. Precipitation of tungstic acid by tannin. VIII. Separation of tungsten from tantalum and niobium. W. R. Schoeller and C. Jahn 504. IS. Separation of titanium from tantalum and niobium. W. R. Schoeller and E. C. Deering 62.5. Tartaric Acid in officinal preparations AIicro-graphic detection of -.-M. Franc;ois and C. Normand 161. New pyrogenic reaction for malic citric and -. J . A. Sanchez 358. Polarimetric determination of -. H. Besson, 489. Tarugi and Lenci reaction for saccharin. 381. Tea caffeine in black - ; Determination of. W. Stuber 238. fungus; Indian -. E. Dinslage and TV. Ludorff 605. leaves ; Chemistry of -. 11. Isolation of guanine nucleotide and cytosine nucleotide. H. 0. Calvery 354. Technological Constants ; Annual Tables of -. (Review) 54. Tellurium compounds ; Fungicidal and bacteri-cidal action of selenium and -. N. M. Strover and B. S. Hopkins 356. Volumetric separation of selenium and -. 2. Littman 365. L. Moser 658. Temperature and infection relations of black rot of sweet potatoes in storage.J . I. Lauritzen 99 lii INDEX TO VOLUME LII. Tentage Treatment of -. 233. Terpin Hydrate in terpin hydrate elixir ; Deter-mination of -. Textile Fibres ; Dyeing of -. (Review), 12. S. Horsfall and L. G. Lawrie 664. fibrcs ; X-ray cxamination and structure of -. G. I<. Levi 615. Textiles museum objects in - ; Restoration of. 52. Thallium Reaction of aluminon with hydroxides of scandium gallium indium germanium and -. R. B. Corey and H. W. Rogers, 172. Therapeutic Substances. Statutory Rules and Orders 1927. KO. 486. 543. Thermodynamics and Chemistry. (Review) I;. H. Macdougal 560. Thermophilic bacteria in milk M. 0. Eckford, 426. Thermostat Automatic low-temperature -. 0. RiIaas and TV. H. Barnes 252.Thinners of lacquers ; Separation and analysis of thc volatile solvents and -. IZ. 11. Carter 102. Thiocyanate Detection of molybdenum by -. F. C. Krauskopf and C. E. Swartz 103. Thiocyanates in n-ell-water polluted with illumin-ating gas ; Dctection of 634. Thioglycollic Acid as colour test for iron. E. Lyons 613. Thymol New and specific tests for -. 336. Tin in lead ; Detcrrnination of traces of -. 568. Polishing and etching lead -- and some of their alloys for microscopic examination. J . 13. Vilella and D. Beregekoff 732. Potentionietric titration of - with potass-ium bromate. I<. Sandved 2. Substitution of ccntrifugation for filtration and calcination in the gravimetric deter-mination of - and lead in their alloys. XI. FOAL 364. volumetric determination of - ; Improved nicthod for.13. S. Evans 590. Tissue connective - in meat ; Determination o f amount of. H. H. Mitchell R. L. Zinimerman and T. S. Hamilton. 160. plant- ; Association of vitamin A with grcenness in - Relative vitamin A content of head and Ieaf lettuce. M. Dye, 0. C. Medlock and J . W. Crist 652. Tissues animal- ; Iron content of -. C. A. Elvehjem and W. H. Peterson 660. iron in - ; Quantitative determination of. li. 1’. Kennedy 603. Plant -. See Plant Tissues. silicon in - ; Isaac’s method for colori-metric determination of. J. H. Foulger, 540. Titaniferous Substances. Titanium With Special Reference t o the Analysis of -. (Review) W. M. Thornton junr. 736. Titanium Separation of - from tantalum and niobium.W. R. Schoeller and E. C. Deering 625. A. G. Murray 660. Titanium-continued. TVith Special Rcference to the Analysis of Titaniferous Substances. (Re\ iew) TY. M. Thornton junr. 7 3 6 . Titanous Chloride solution ; Volumetric analysis of malachite grecn with titanous sulphide and -. H. IIXkinson and -4. G. Tyler, 362. Titanous Sulphate solutions ; Stability of __ in air. H. Willrinson and A. G. Tyler :36:3. Titanous Sulphide solution ; Volumetric analysis of malachite green with titanous chloride and -. H. TVilkinson and ,4. G. Tyler, 362. Titration differential potentiometric - , Method for. D. A. AIacInnes and P. T. Jones 50. Micro -. See Micro-Titration. Potentiometric - of tin with potassium bromate. K. Sandved 2. Potas-sium biiodate as a standard substance in -.I. 31. Koltohff and L. 11. t a n Berk, 18. argentoinetric halogen - ; Accuracy of I. M. Kolthoff and L. H. van Berk 304. Potentiometric -. (Review) I. M. Kol-thoff and N. H. Furman 253. Composition and quality of various kinds of habit; The -. W. E. Dixon 662. nicotine in - and - smoke ; Determina-tion of. nicotine in - ; Determination of. R. ii. T. Young 15. nicotine in - ; Fractional extraction of 23. o-Tolidine test for available chlorine ; Man-ganese interference in the - . E. s. Hopkins 496. Toluidines Analysis of mixtures of the isomeric -. H. H. Ekers and IT. Strafford 302. Toth method of determining nicotine in tobacco, 18. Toxicity of benzol and its higher homologues ; Relative -. J . J.Batchclor 426. of cruciferous seeds and oil cakes ; Acridness and -. G. Jorgensen 44. of zinc. V. G. Heller and A. D. Burke 564. Toxicological abstracts 44 167 243 896 356, 426 487 554 005 655 733. research for alkaloids ; Use of lead chloride for clearing organic liquids in -. J. Magnin 356. Toxicology Use of trichloracetic acid in --. G. Florence 655. Trials Some Famous Medical (Review), L. A. Parry 666. Trichloracetates of the alkaloids. Use of trich-loracetic acid in toxicology. G. Florence, 655. Trichloracetic Acid Use of +- in toxicology. G. Florence 655. Trichromatic colorimeter suitable for standardisa-tion work. J. Guild 50. Tubercle bacilli in milk ; Detection of -. 117, Titrations allralimctric and iodinietric ; Tobacco Ammonia in -.24. -. 24. B. Pfyl and 0. Schmitt 728 TNbEX TO VOLUME LII. liii Tungsten Separation of - from tantalum and niobium. W. R. Schoeller and C. Jahn, 504. Separation of vanadium from -. S. G, Clarke 4G6 527. Treatise on its Metallurgy Properties and Applications. (Kcview) C. J. Smithells 55. Tungsten Hexachloride Action of - on phenyl magnesium ioclidc. W. Brydowna, 105. Tungstic Acid l’rccipitation of - by tannin. W. R. Sclioellcr and C. Jalin 504. Tunisian olive oil ; Chemical composition of -. G. S. Jamieson li. M. Hann and W. 1;. Baughman 290. Turbidity Microscopical examination of -as means of detecting fruit wine in winc. A. Widmer and 0. E. Icalberer 481. ’I’empcrature method of analysing mixtures of cacao and illipd butters 326.Turbine oils ; Evaluation of -. T. H. Rogers and C. E. Miller 301. Tutocaine New colour reaction for -. 41. U Ultra-Violet irradiation ; Activation of sterol fractions by -. A. I;. Hess and R. J. Anderson 653. rays ; Production of ozone by -. J. Dadlez 551. United Provinces of Agra and Oudh Report of the Chemical Examiner for the year 1926. I> N. Chatterji 4’76. United States of America Bureau of Standards, Bulletin No. 25-Standard Samples. 661. Department of Agriculture. Food Inspection Decisions. No. 202. Dutch-Process Choco-late and Cocoa “ Alltalised Chocolate and Cocoa.” 88; No. 203. Fruits and Vegetables. 88; No. 204 Flour 348; No. 205 Meats and the principal .Meat Products 348 ; So. 206 Alimentary Pastes 546; hTo. 607 Swcetened Condensed Milk 547 ; hTo.208 Rice 54‘7. No. 200 Colours in l;ood 547 ; No. 210 Cultured Buttermilk, 547. Uranium Nitrate Behaviour of fish oils with - and pyrogallol. W. H. Dickhart 725. Urea Determination of - by gasometric measurement of the carbon dioxide formed by the action of urease. D. D. Van Slyke, 551. Urease Dcterinination of urea by gasometric measurement of the carbon dioxide formed by the action of --. D. ll. Van Slylte 551. Uricase Note on the enzymc --. H. 0. Calvery 422. Urine Alcoholic concentration in - as a test of intosication. C;. Carter (il5. sugars; On the nature of the --. H. S. Eagle 165. sulphur conipouncls in - ; Kephelometric methods for dctermining some. W. Denis and L. Reed 95. Utensils Cadmium as a coating metal for domestic -.A. Gronover and E. Wohn-lich 605. V Vanadium lodinietric cletcrniination of -. Separation of - from tungsten. S. G. Clarke, Vanilla essence ; A41coholic strength 01 -. 31. Vanillin Derivatives of - and some of their reactions. L. C. Raiford and G. C. Hilman, 483. in wine distillates brandy and artificial brandy ; Occurrence of -. G. lieif 717. Vapour density determinations ; Iniproved Mcyer apparatus for -. A. Tian 107. nicrcury - ; Methods for dctermining. 13. W. Nordlander 357. mercury __ ; Selenium sulphidc a new detector for. R. W. Norcllander 357. Watcr __ in the atmosphere. H. Kohler, 368. Vapours diffusion of gases and - through membranes ; Apparatus for measuring. E. E. Schumacher and L. Ferguson 253.Varnishes Analysis of - Pigments and Paints. (Review) J. J. Fox and T. H. Rowles 110. Vegetable charcoal ; Method of differentiating animal and -. S. Ahlbom 657. colours in foodstuffs ; Dctection of the pro-hibited -. J . li. Nicholls 685. nitrogenous manures ; Detection and deter-mination of nitrogen-bearing chemicals added to animal or -. H. C. Moore and R. White 298. Vegetables Boric acid as natural constituent Food Inspection Decision No. 203 of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. 88. Victoria Yellow in foodstuffs ; Detection of - 585. Vinegar Adulteration and misbranding of -. (Legal Notes) 15,:. containing formic acid ; Vinegar essence ” and -. A. ICreutz and C. Buchner 93. “ essence ” containing formic acid. A. Kreutz and C.Buchner. 93. furfural in - ; On the presence and detection o f . L. H. Lanipitt E. l.3. Hughes and L. El. Trace 267. Its Manufacture and Examination. (Review) , C. A. Mitchell 1‘78. sulphur dioxide in malt -; Occurrence of. H. E. Cos 397. Table -. (Legal Notes) 29. Viscera alkaloids in old - ; Detection of. J. Magnin J. S. Ubeda. and 13. Golod 357. Edible -. A. &l. Wright and J. C. I~orsytli, 159. Separation of alkaloids from -. M. G. Florence 723. J. R. Ramsey 432. 466 527. of -. 459. 460. Fruits and -liv INDEX TO VOLUME LII, Vitamin content of beer. A. Scheunert and M. Schieblich 722. content of grapes and grape wines. A. Merjanian 96. Vitamin A Antimony trichloride as a possible quantitative reagent for -. I?. Wokes and S.G. Willimott 315. Association of - with greenness in plant tissue. 31. Dye 0. C. Mecllock ancl J. W. Crist 552. Colour reaction of the Japanese acid clays with liver oils ancl - on the niarltet. I<. Iiobayashi and I<. Yanianioto 653. colour tests for - ; Effects of various agents on. S. G. Willimott T. Moore and IT. Wokes 841. Colour tests suggested for -. 0. liosen-heirn and T. A. Webster 44. content of cow’s milk. J . Outhouse I. G. Macy V. Breklce and A. Graham 423. content of head and leaf lettuce. M. Dye, 0. C. Medlock and J . W. Crist 552. destruction of - by ferrous sulphate; Separation from oils of a substance which inhibits the. H. W. Estill and E. V. Mc-Collum 790. 1;earon’s colour reaction and its non-speci-ficity for -.0. Rosenheim and T. A. Webster 242. in evaporated milks made by vacuum and aeration methods. R. A. Dutcher H. E. Honeywell and C. D. Dahlc 720. in plant tissue ; Influence of light and heat on tlic formation of -. K. H. Coward 355. of spinach. S. G. Williniott and I;. Wokcs, (i.iL’. potency o f il-ratliatctl milk. C;. C. Supplee ancl 0. 1 ) . J h v 720. Steenbock and li. H. C O W ; ~ - ~ 333. Quantitative differentiation from vitamin I). H. C. Sherman and M. C. Hesslcr 425. Sterol colour reactions in their relation to -. 0. Rosenheim 463. Vitamin B complex ; Two active factors in the -. Mi. 1). Salmon 485. content of cow’s milk. J. Outliouse 1. G. 3lac)- V. I3rekke and A. Graham 423. content of thc “ feed ” caten and that of the milk produced ; lielation between -.S. 1 . 13cchdel and H. E. Honeywell 721. extract for treatment of beri-beri. 158. Quantitative study of the problem of the multiple nature of -. H. C. Shernian and J . H. ,4xtmayer 721. technique in testing for - ; Kote on. A. L. Bacharach ancl G. A. Hartwell 14-5. Vitamin C content of a cow’s ration and the - content of its milk. J. S. Hughes, J. I3. Fitch H. W. Cave ancl W. EL Riddell, 166. content of fresh and canned pear. V. C. Craven and Rf M. Kramcr 485. Vitamin D from ergosterol ; l’hotochemical pro-duction oi -. 0. l<osenheim and T. A. Webster 652. Jjiiantitativc tlctcrmination of - . 13. Vitamin D-continued. of spinach. S. G. Willimott and F. Wokes, 652. Parent substance of -. 0. Rosenheim and T. A. Webster 424.Quantitative differentiation from vitamin A . H. C. Sherman and M. C. Hessler 425. Rapid and reliable test for -. H. Jephcott and A. L. Bacharach 243. Relation of cholesterol to -. 0. lioscn-heini and T. A. Webster 293. Observations on the existence of -. V. E. Nelson, R. L. Jones G. Adams and L. T. Anderegg, 604. Vitamins Fat-soluble -. SXVII. Quanti-tative determination of vitamin A . H. Steenbock and I<. H. Coward 356. fat-soluble- ; Resistance of - to hydro-genation. of grape-fruit rind. S. G. Willimott and F. Wokes 241. Vitamins A B and C in green plant tissues other than leaves ; Quantitative studies of -. E. J._Quinn M. P. Burtis and E. W. Milner 304. Volatile flavour in grapes and grape juices ; Distribtion of -. J .W. Sale and J. I3. Wilson 39. liquids;. Apparatus for the dehydration of -. P. Loriette 107. Volumetric determinations ; Mercurimetry a, new method of -. A. L. Jonescu-Matiu, 100. Volumetric Analysis Essentials of -. (Re-view) H. W. Schimpf 468. (Rcvicw) C. H. Hampshire 311. ‘lhcoretical 1:oundations of -. (Review), I. RI. liOltllOff 663. Vitamin E Cod liver oil as food. L. Randoin ancl R. Lecoq 96. W Warranty Applicabili‘tjr ol‘ -. (Legal Notes), 474. Washing Testing of dycstuifs for fastness to -. S. li. Trotman 407. Water analysis Abstracts 45 427 654 723. bacteriological examination of food and - ; I<ecent advances in. W. G. Savage 117. determination ; AU t oniatic apparatus for __ . li. Kattwinltel 173. Dorton Spa. ancl its -.C. A. Mitchell 174. ethyl iodide in air blood and - ; Method for determining minute amounts of. I. Starr, junr. and C. J . Gamble 168. in organic substances ; Determination of -by means of calcium carbide. A. Cantzler and S. Rothschild 606. magnesia hardness in - ; Determination of. mineral- ; Contamination of - with B. coli. (Legal Notes) 412. vapour in the atmosphere. 13. Kohler 368. well- ; Testing of - for pollution with illuminating gas. Regenstein 654. W. R. Atkin and D. Burton 654 INDEX TO VOLUME LTI. lv Water-Soluble content of calcium and phos-phorus in cabbage. W. 13. and C. 13. Peterson 93. Waters analysis of - sewages and efflnctits ; Critical review of methods of. J . W. H. Johnson 128. death of fishes in polluted ~ Importance of factors responsible for.H. S. I'ruthi, 427. magnesium in industrial - . Volumetric method of determining. Phosphates in potable - determined colori-metrically by DenigBs method. R. Danet, 427. Wax maize - ; Composition of. R. L. Shriner F. P. Nabenhauer and R. J. L4nderson 420. paraffin ~ in crude -; Determination of. L. M. Henderson and S. W. Ferris 301. Peat - from Chatham Islands. 727. Rose flower -. Weights atomic - ; Annual Report of Committce on for 1926. 287. Well-Water 'Tcsting of - for pollution with illuminating gas. Regenstein 6.34. Wheat Iodine absorption value of -. 89. Relation of the magnesium in the ash and the lipoid-protein ration to the quality of -. B. Sullivan and C. Near 244. Whey hydrogen ion concentration of milk, cream and - ; Colorimetric determina-tion of.l-'. 1;. Sharp and T. J. McInerney 36. Whisky Rate of evaporation of Scotch -. 280. White Metals Antimony in - ; Determination of. H. R. Fitter 729. White Wines Sulphur dioxide and the behaviour of bottled -. Wine distillates ; Occurrence of vanillin in - brandy and artificial brandy. G. Reif 717. fruit - in grape -; Method for detecting. K. Miiller E. Vogt and 0. Kaesch 599; M. Riidiger and W. Diemair 599. fruit- - in grape ___ ; Detection of other. T. Rottgen 39. Fruit wine in - detected by means of a microscopical examination of the tur-bidity. A. Widmer and 0. E. Kalberer 481. fruit wine in - ; Spectroscopical detection of. 0. E. Kalberer 482. grape-; Detection of other fruit wine in -.T. Rottgen 39. Hydrogen ion concentration of - deter-mined by means of the quinhydrone elec-trode. R. Dietzel and E. Rosenbaum 600. label ; " Port " on -. (Legal Nopa) 706. Labelling of - as " Spanish Port. (Legal Notes) 705. meat and malt - . Extract of. (Legal Notes Bowker v. Woodroffe) 341. meat and malt - ; Standard for. Rowker ZI. Woodroffe. Bowker ZI. Premier Drug Co. Ltd. (Legal Notes). 80. " Mikrobin " in - . C. von der Heide and R. Follen 600. C. 'Belcot 45. H. Prophbte 102. J . Dubaqui6 40. Wine-continued. Vitamin contcnt of grapes antl grape A. Merjanian 96. Wines Black currant and brange arid quinine -. (Legal Notcs) 283. British-; Duty on -. (Statutory Rules and Orders 1927 So. 728. 714. white- ; Sulphur dioside and the behaviour of bottled -. Wood cellulose ; A hydrolysis number deter-mination for -. L. 17. Hawley and L. C. Fleck 611. Coloured P indicators to identify green or dry -. R. Legendre 361. Distinction of old from green -. I<. Lyon, G. Fron and M. Fournier 361. Electrical resistance of - as a measure of its moisture content. ,4. J. Stsmm 733. museum objects made of -. Preservation of. 82. -rotting fungi ; Production of acid by -. L. P. Curtin 554. smoke ; Formaldehyde in - and in smokcd foodstuffs. E. 13. Callow 39 I . Woods Differentiation of grecn antl mature -. G. Ron 611. Wool Cholesterol content of hair feathers and -. fineness of - ; New method for determining. J. A. F. Roberts 170. Standardisation of -. Henseler 103. Writing Inks ; Chemistry and Manufacture of Printing and - . (Review) W. 13. Gamble 313. J. Dubaqui8 40. H. C. Eckstein 422. inks; Strokes made with - 583. on wax or metals made legible. Sequence of strokes in -. 81. C. A. Mitchell Wulff method of determining the P value. and T. J. Ward 580. C. E. Druart 657. X Xanthylurea Determination of allantoic acid as -. X-Ray examination and structure of textile fibres. G. R. Levi 615. radiation; Influence of intense y-ray and - on cholesterol. M. C. Reinhard and K. W. Buchwald 485. X-Rays investigation of the polymorphism of fatty acids. G. M. de Boer 368. Xylene number ; Determination of milk fat in milk chocolate by means of a modified -. C. A. Greenleaf 647. R. Fosse and V. Bossuyt 558. Y Year Book The Chemists' - 1927. (Review), Yeast Formation of fat by -. nucleic acid and its derivatives ; Micro-determination of -. W. s. Hoffman, 421. F. W. Atack 498. 541 INDEX TO VOLUME LII. Yeasts Sugar-tolerant - in chocolate-coated creams. M. B. Church H. S. Pnine and J . I-Iamilton 295. Yellow Coralline in foodstuffs ; Dctcction of -. 585. Yellow Oleander Tests for -. 539. Yellow Phosphorus in red phosphorus ; Deter-mination of very small amounts of -. R. H. Kray 605. Yocco Caffeine in -. E. cle Wildeman 94. Z Zeisel method €or determining alkoxyl groups : Modification of -. E. P. Eaton and E. S. West 726. Zinc Dctcrniination of - by nicans o l osyquinoline. I<. Berg 4'34. I>iphenylaminc as a quantitative rcagcnt for-. W. H. Cone and L. L. Cady 730. ferrocyanide. G. G. Reisaus 106. in aluminium ; Determination of small quantities of -. W. Bohm 494. in presence of osyquinoline Acidimetric determination of -. I;. L. Hahn and E. Hartleb 495. Oxyquinoline as reagent for magnesium, aluminium and -. F. L. Hahn and K. Vieweg 431. Toxicity of -. V. G. Heller and ,4. D. Burke 654. Zoomaric Acid Composition of -. Y . Toyama 727. Electrometric dctcrmination of __ by PRINTED BY W. HEFFER AND SONS LTD. CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND
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