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Volume 44,
Issue 1,
Page 001-048
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THE L. ARCHBUTT F.I.C. BERTRAM BLOUNT F.I.C. E. RICHARDS BOLTON F.I.C. A. CHASTON CHAPMAN F.I.C. CECIL €I. CRIBB B.Sc. F.I.C. BERNARD DYER D.Sc. F.I.C. ANALYST: OTTO HEHNER F.I.C. E. HINKS B.Sc. F.I.C. C. A. KEANE PHD. D.Sc. F.I.C. ARTHUR R. LING F.I.C. P. A. ELLIS RICHARDS F1.C. J. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER Pri.D. F.I.C THE ORGAN OF THE Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY mftor JULIAN L. BAKER F.1.C Bbetractora : J. F. BRIGGS A.C.G.I. H. F. E. HULTON F.1 C. G. C. JONES A.C.G.I. F.I.C. W. P. SKERTCHLY F.I.C. VOL. XLIV. 1919 TRADE AGENTS : SMPNN MARSHALL HAMILTON KENT 4 CO. LTD. 1919 2 4 6 8 ORANGE STREET LONDON S.W INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. INDEX OF NAMES.Abelmann A. Adams R. and Voorhees V. alkyl iodides 298. Adanti -. Agrestini A. Alkali iodides as reagents for cadmium and nickel 34. Albert R. and Krause M. German seaweeds 205. Aldrich T. B. Funnel for filtering volatile organic solvents 187. Allen P. Method of counting bacteria in raw or pasteurised milk 171. Allison V. C. and Meighan M. H. Estimation of methyl chloride in gas mixtures 411. Anderson J. Composition of the seed of bhe silver maple (Acar saccharinurn) 100. Anderson R. P. Analysis of natural gas and the calculation and application of results 209. Andrews F. W. Accuracy of different metnhods of measuring small volumes of fluid 250. Annett H. E. and Singh Hardayal. Effect of heating opium on its morphine content 51. Annnett H.E. and Singh Hardayal. Effect of morphine concentration on the B.P. method of morphine estimation 41. Armanni G. and Rodano A. 0. Analysis of vaseline 379. Armstrong E. F. The Simple Carbohydrates and the Glucosides (Review) 427. Amaud F. W. F. German bread (Notes) 166. Amy H. V. Kish C. and Newmark F. Colour standards for cottonseed oil 407. Astis G. De. Atkins W. R. G. Note on an abnormal sample of castor-oil (Notes) 287. Auerbach F. and Reiss 0. Azadian A. Colour reaction for the detection of mercury in its compounds 356. Organic chemical reagents. IV. Preparation of Volumetric estimation of zinc sulphophenate 107. Fixed organic acids in wine particularly Iactic acid 171. Estimation of small quantities of nihrites in pickled meats 372. See Hogan G.and Azadian A. Babington F. W. and TingIe A. Estimation of small amounts of benzene in ethyl alcohol 297. Bailey H. S. and Johnson J. M. Determination of hexabromide and iodine numbers of salmon oil as a means of identifying the species of canned salmon 98. Bailey H. S. Bailly 0. Modified method of estimating arsenic as ammonium magnesium msenafx 325. Bajda J. 8. Baker J. 0. Baker J. L. Balke C. W. Balland M. See Jamieson G. S. and Bailey H. S. New reflux condenser 187. See Van Slyke L. L. and Baker J. C. See Hind H. L. and Baker J. L. See Wickers E. Hopkins B. S. and Balke C. W. Coffee preparations for French Army use 30. . 11 iv INDEX TO8 VOLUME XLIP. Barsgiola W. I. arid Schupple 0. Barbe E. Barnett E. de 33. Barneveld C= E. Van arid Leaver E.S. Bartsch A. Baughman W. F. and Skinner W. W. Baughman W. F. arid Skinner W. W. Baumann J. Bauzil -. Beam W. and Freak G. A. Behre A. and Ehrecke H. Behrisch P. and Kurschner F. Bellucci J. Influence of fluor'ides on the osidimetric estimation of nitrous Bellucci J. and Lucchesi F. Benoist L. Berg R. Berry A. E. Berthelot D. and Trannoy R. Beyer 0. Biazzo R. Billeter 0. Blair H. Blichfeldt S. H. Bock J. C. Bohn R. T Bolton E. R. Bone W. A. Bonis A. Bornand bd. Borntraeger A. Bos~ A. Boudet J. BOUYOUCOS E. J. and McCool lK. M. Determination of the absolute salt content Boyer - and Bauxil -. Iodimetric estimation of hypophosphites and phos-Brady E. J. Bray W. C. Simpson M. E. and Mackenzie A. A. Volumetric estimation of Brinton P.H. M. P. Brinton P. H. M. P. and James C. Est,imation of cerium in the presence of other Brooks A. P. See Tolman R. C. Reperson I;. H. Brooks -4. P. and' ,\nalpes of old wines 171. See Lapicque L. and Barb& E. Coal-Tar Dyes and Intermediates (Review) 333. Sulphur dioxide method for estimatiiig Determination of bromine in mineral Estimation of iodide in mineral waters copper minerals in partly oxidised ores 327. Rapid method for the estimation of sulphide sulphur in pyrites 148. waters and brines 417. and brines 301. Nstimation of yield in processes for the oxidation of ammonia 416. The estimation of small quantities of antimony 190. Artificial lioney 237. Sce Boyer - and Rauzil -. Estimation of salicylic esters in fatty oils 296.acid 327. Alkalimetric titration in presence of alumina 351. Dctection and estimation of ozone 183. Volumetric met.hod for estimating salicylic acid in the prt!ssnce of sulic,ylic Use of the refrwtometcr in the esaminatiori of ethylene chlor-,lbsorbent power of dry 01- moist enrtli €or g:wous aldehyde 21 1. liydrin 305. clilorine 102. Analysis of saccharin 408 Estimation of oil in seeds 144. See Paterson 5. H. and Blair H. Detection of small quantities of arsenic 51. Estimation of butter fat coconut oil and palin-kernel oil in1 mixtures 290. Permanent marking of glass vessels 188. See Kelley G. L. Wiley 5. A. Bohn R. T. and Wright IT. C Note on the oil of C'eratotheca Sesamoids 233. Coal and its Scientific Uses (Review) 152. Bacterial precipitins and the detection of B .botulinus in preserved Reactions between potassium sulphate and tartaric acid under See Porcher C. and Boais -4. foods by the thermo-precipitation method 33. various conditions. 373. Arsenite titrations of permanganate solutions 59. See Nicolardot P. and Boudet J. of soils by the freezing-point method 102. phites 60. hydrosylamine 380. rare earths by precipitation as ceric iodak 326. Smyth H. D. Precision pressure gauge 304. Single deflection method of weighing 36 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. V Browning P. E. See Porter L. E. and Browning P. E. Brubaker H. W. Oil from Sumac (Rhus gEabm) 414. Brunner E. Influence of various ammonium salts on the precipitation of mag-Bugnon Pa Method for the selective coloration of woody tissue in vegetable Burke 0.D. Cadweli S. M. and Leavell 0. Estimation of gold especially in animal tissue 112. Cain J. R. and Maxwell L. C. Electrolytic resistance method for estimating Calver E. de W. S. High Explosives-A Practical Treatise (Review) 154. Campbell A. Carles P. Caron E. and Raqhet D. Carron E. C. Carter S. R. Cartledge G. H. Oavazzi A. Cavell L. Chapin R. M. Chaudhuri Tarini Charan. and Cellulose with Reference to India (Review) 306. Chavanne C. and Simon L. J. in aniline. Chavanne G. Clerc L. P. and Simon L. J. Chesnut V. K. Christiansen W. G. 0. Ciarlan -. Clare 0. (3. Clark J. M. Clark W. B. Volumetric ,estimation of reducing sugars 56. Clarke H. T. Examination of organic photographic developing agents 53.Clarke W. F. See Collins W. D. and Clarke W. F. Clerc. L. P. See Chavanne G . Clerc L. P. and Simon 2. J. Clifford C. W. Estimation of halogens in organic compounds by the liquid Cofman V. Acidity of Chaulmoogm oil 371. Cohen W. D. Anadysis of kaolin soaps 139. Cole S. W. Practical Physiological Chemistrj- (Review) 426. Oolin H. and Litbin 0. Collin E. Edible flours and tlheir products 139. Collins W. D. Collins W. D. and Clake W. F. Colman H. G. and Yeoman E. W. Colman H. G. and Yeoman E. W. Cdman E. G. and Yeoman E. W. nesium hydroxide 245. membranes 100. Gas bubbler for gas analysis 64. carbon in steel 381. Petroleum Refining (Review) 120. Analysis of the residual acids fiwm the manufacture of ether 376. See Frankland P. F. Carter S. R.and Webster D. Emaiiation methods of estimating thorium 115. Estimation of phosphorus and silicon in cast iron 147. French table mustard 31. Sensitive reaction of manganese salts 302. Antiseptic value of some essential oils 101. Arsenious oxide as a standard substance in iodimetry 179. Modern Chemistry and Chemical Industry of Starch Critical temperahme of solution af hydrocarbons German axiation motor spirits 410. Application to the analysis of petroleum spirit. 348. See Power F. B. and Chesnut V. K. Estimation of aniline in dilute aqueous solution 349. See Karabedian - and Ciarlan -. Gas-pressure governor for the bunsen burner 150. Solubilities separation and purification of anthracene carbazol and phenanthrene 174. ammonia-sodium method 322. Estimation of aldoses by iodine in alkaline solution 51.Acid test on enamel ware 354. Lead in pha,rmaceutica.l zinc oxide 182. Comrner~ia~l " concenhra,ted ammonia liquor " and its impurities 110. Determinatlion of aromatic hydrocarbons in petrol 206. Estimation of benzene toluene etc. in coal tar and similar products and in the intermediate products of tar distilla-tion 206. Connor S. D. Cooper E. A. and Heward J. A. Albuminoid a.rnrnonia test 242, Estimation of value of agricultural lime 113 vi INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. Coppin N. 0. S. and Holt F. A method for the detlermination of monocblorbenzene Coste J. H. and Shelbourn E. T. The electrical conductivity of milk 158 Cottrell F. G. COX H. E. Est’imation of small quantities of eth:-l ether in ethyl alcohol Craig A.Analysis of tin ores 359. Craig W. 116. Curtmasn L. J. and Harris B. R. Czensny R. Dackweiler H. Dalmas D. Dalton J. Davisson B. S. Dawson H. M. and Mountford C. A. D’Cwta F. J. Deakin R. H. Dean G. Defrance P. Demoussy E. Dexheimer L. Diamond W. Dienert F. Dienert F. and Guillerd A. coli 173. Dieter L. V. Dieterich Ic. Dittler E. ganate 302. Dodge F. D. Dore W. M. Dorrance R. R. Dott D. B. Doyle G. R. Druce J. 0. F. Dubrissay R. Tripier - and Toquet -. Dubsky J. V. Dufton S. F. Duparc L. Dyer B. in mixtures containing benzene monochlorbenzene and dichlorbenzene 226. 9pparatus for determination of boiling-points of solutions 249. (Notes) 26. See Richards T. W. Craig W. M. and Sarneshima J. Study of the test for tartrates depending on the formation of the copper-tartrate complex 145.Estimation of free carbonic acid in waber 245. See Erculisse P. and Dackweiler H. See Tsakalotos D. E. and Dalmas D. See Elliott Majjor and Dalton Capt. J. Scrubber for ammonia distillations 251. Estimation of phenol and the three isomeric cresols in mixtures of tbese substances 54. See Rakshit Jitendra Nath and D’Costa IF. J. Analysis of brass ingots from swarf 211. Trustm-ortliiness of the balance over long periods of time 330. Estimation of lactose and proteins in milks preserved with potassium Continuous process for the estimation of nitrogen by Dumas’s dichromate 237. See Maqu’enne L. and Demoussy E. Estimation of sulphur in spent oxide 114. method 246.Estimation of nitrites 114. Autolysed yeast as a culture medium for Bacillus See Pozen MA. and Dieter L . V Rapp’s method1 for the estimatlion of alkaloids 236. Use of colloidal silicic acid in titration of iron by means of perman-Constituents of oil of cassia (II.) 97. Proximat,e analysis o€ wood 299. Opium analysis 50. Analysis of fluorspar and of basic slags containing fluorine 300. See Shutt F. T. and Dorrance R. R Estirnatlion of nitro groups in organic compounds by means of Physico-chemical method for t-he -4 new still-head 148. New metshod of analvsing platinum ores and chemical composition of stannous chloride 176. estima,tion of alkali carbonates in the presence of free alkalies 108. Limits of scparation by fractional distillation. Elementary micro-analysis of organic substances 140.the ural ores 356. Estimation of silica and sand (Notes) 28. Eckenroth H. Edwards J. D. and Pickedng S. F. Eggert J. and Zipfel L. Coffee substitutes made with lupin 100. Method for determining the permeability of Cyanometric met$hod of estimating silver and halogens balloon fabrics 421. in ammoniacal solut.ion 35 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. vii Ehrecke H. Elliott Major and Dalton Capt. J. The estimation of small quantities of Ellis R. H. and Hall E. M. Ehove E. Detection and estimation of small amounts of certain organic nitro-Emery J. A. and Henley R. R. Meat extracts their composition and identifica-Emery W. 0. VII. Estimation uf mono-Emich F. English S. Apparatus for accurate calibration of burette tubes 303.Ennos F. R. Entat M. Epstein S. W. Erculisse P. and Dackweiler H. New method for the analysis of butter 29. Eschai'ch -Eschbaum F. Guttameter and its applicaiiion to bhe study of drugs and poisons 188. Everest A. E. See Behre A. and Ehrecke H. acetone alcohol and benzene in air 132. Iodine value (Wijs) of palm kernel oil 237. compounds 376. tion 292. brominated camphor in migraine tablets 343. Studim in synthetic drug analysis. New microchemical reaction for gold silver and rubidium 301. See Fox J. J. Skelton E. mT. and Ennos F. R. Use of mercury vapour lamps for laboratory tesk 248. See Smith A. H. and Epstein S. W. Use of pyramidone in analysis 324. See Perkin A. G. and Everest A. E . Fales H. A. and Ware G. M. as sulphide 215.Fargher R. 0. reduction products 374. Fawsitt C. E. Fellenberg T. Von. Estimation of crude fibre in cocoa 237. Fellenberg T. Von. Estima-tdon of purine bases in foods 296. Fieldner A. C. Oberfell G. G. Teague M. C. aad Lawrence J. W. Methods of Findlay A. Findley A. E. Precautions necessary in grinding coke for analysis 207. Fisher H. L. Stopcock for dropping liquids arranged for equalising the pressure Fiske C. H. Fonzes-Diacon - Use of the simplified molecular constant- in the analysis of Fordyce L. and Torrance D. IVT. Analysis of prune kernels 238. Posse R. Formation of cyanic acid during the oxidation of organic substanc8es 322. FOX J. J. Skelton E. W. and Ennos F. R. Analysis of aluminium alloys and metallic aluminium 108. Frangois M. Electrolytic estimation of metals without the use of an external current 34 181.Frankland P. F. Carter S. R. and Webster D. Chlorination of benzene. Analysis of mixtures of benzene chlorobenzene and dichlmobenzene etc . 321. Freak G. A. Effect of dilution in electro-titrimetric analyses 112. Frederick R. C. An improved method for the estimation of nitrates in water by means of the phenolsulphonic acid reaction 281. Frfedmann E. Yeast nutrient media 409. Fryer C. H. Fryer P. J. and Fryer C. E. Fryer P. J. and Weston F. F. Furlong J. R. Rancidity of palm-kernel and other feeding-cakes 204. Conditions affecting the precise esbima(tion of zinc Estimation of arsenic in substituted phenylarsinic acids and their Use of freezing-point determinations in quantitative analysis 330.testing gas masks and absorbents 297. Osmotic Pressure (Review) 224. above and belo,w the outlet in the stopcock 117. coagulated miik 372. Inhibition of foaming by isoamyl isovahate 38. See Fryer P. J. and Fryer C. H. The examination of commercial samples of nico-Technical Handbook of Oils Fats and Waxes tine 363. (Review) 223 . Vlll INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. Gaillard D. P. Getman F. H. Ghosh J. 0. Qodfrin P. Goujon -. Graham J. I. Estimation of carbon monoxide in gas mixtures 111. Granacher C. Elementary micro-analysis of compounds containing sulphur, Qranvigne C. French maize products 344. Gray 0. W. and Smith J. Estimation of phosphorus in presence of tungsten 381. Greenwald I. Supposed occurrence of rnethylguanidine in meah 321.Greenwood H. C. and Zealley A. T. S. Apparatus for the automatic estimation of small quantities of oxygen in combustible gas mixtures or of combustible gases in air 216. Grimn R. C. GriffJths-Jones E. GrifEths-Jones E. Grigaut A. and GuBrin F. Guareschi J. GuBrin F. Guillerd A. Gurevich L. J. and Wichelm E. Comparative tests of “Palm ” and “ Rhotaslium ” Guyot -. Analytical method for determining efficiency of ammonia oxida-Outlines of Theoretical Chemistry (Review) 334. tion 351. Indigenous Drugs of India (Review) 155. Estimation of iodides 302. See Marchadier - and Goujon -. halogens or nitrogen 141. The estimation of fibres in paper 414. Egyptian lettuce oil 170. Fat extraction apparatus 45. Esfiimation of urea and non-protein nitrogen in blood and animal tisssue by means of Nessler’s reagent 240.General reaction of ketones 52. See Dienert F. and Guillerd A. See Grigaut A. and GuBrin F. ware as substitutes for platinum laboratory utensils 303. Detection of urobilin in urine 173. Hale A. J. Monogra.phs on Industrial Chemist’ry. The Applicatiions of Elec-Hall E. M. Haller P. Estimation of sulphites and of sulphur dioxide in gaseous mixtures 186. Halphen G. Halverson J. 0. Modified Benedict method for estimation of sulphur in foods Harris B. R. Harris L. J. Formultx? for calcula.tion of added water in milk (Notes) 317. Harris L. J. Methods of calculating added wahr in milk 43. Harris L. J. Milk calculations A reply 314. Hartmann W. Harwood H. E. See Jannasch P. and Hmood H. E. Hatschek E.See Willows R. S. and Hatschek E. Heberlein C. See Mond R. L. m d Heberlein C. Heidenhain H. Heiduschka A. and Wolf L. Henderson 0 . 0. Hendricke E. Henley R. R. Heward J. A. Hewitt J. T. and Jones W. J. Estimation of the methoxyl group 175. nibbard P. L. Hibbard P. L. Hickinbottom W. J. Hildt E. trolysis in Chemical Industry (Review) 40. See Ellis R. HI. and Hdl E. M. Halphen’s ratio a8 applied to Italian wines 297. and fEces 409. See Curtmann L. J. and Harris B. R. Separation of tin antimony and arsenic by Plato’s method 328. Colorimetric estimation 02 organic substances 208. Rapp’s method for thse estimation of alkaloids 405. Catalysis in Industrial Chemistry (Review) 389. Everyman’s Chemistry (Review) 252. See Emery J. *4.and Henley R. a. See Cooper E. A4. and Reward J. A. Alkalimetric determination of small amounts of magnesium 355. Improved method for estimation of carbon by wet combustion, using barium hydroxide as absorbent 411. See Reilly J. and Hickinbottom W. J. Estimation of lactose 31 INDBX TO VOLUME XLIV. ix Eildt E. Hill C. A. Hill (3. A. Hind H. L. and Baker,” J. L. Analys,es of war-time German and Belgian Hirseh M. Estimation of sulphur in illuminating gas by means of iodine solu-Hodgson 0. H. Hodgson T. R. Hogan G. and Azadian A. Hogan G. and Azadian A. Holt F. Homer A. Honegger P. Hopkins B. S. Horsch -. Hostetter J. C. and Roberts H. S. Eough G. J. Howden R. Hughes E. B. Hughes G. Hull A. W. Hunter A. C. and Thorn C. Estimation of lactose in milk 408.Fine chemicals (Notes) 47. See Richmond H. D. and Hill C. A. beers 290. tion 384. Rapid estimation of lead in brass and alloys 113. The composition of buttermilk 229. Composit$ion of Egyptian cow’s milk 168. Composition of Egyptdan goat’s milk 169. See Coppin N. G. S. and Holt F. Use of the refractometer in the estimation of t-he protein content of sera 305. See Oesterheld G. and Honegger P. See Wickers E. Hopkins B. S. and Balke C. W. Reduction of potassium platinichloride 185. ence to the estimation of ferrous and ferric iron 380. Electrometric titrations with special refer-Paint analysis 350. Volumetric estimations Olf sulphates 62. Analysis of basic slag 416. New method of chemical analysis 352. Estimation of fat in cocoa and chocolate 371.Aerobic spore-forming bacillus in tinned salmon 320. Illingworth C. B. See Kelley G. L. Myers F. B. a.nd Illingworth C.B. James C. Jamieson 0. S. Estimation of zinc and copper in gelatin 214. Jamieson 0. S. Gravimetric and volumetric estimation of mercury precipitat’ed Jamieson 0. S. and Bailey H. S. Jannasch P. and Harwood H. E. Analysis of vanadium compounds with the aid of carbon tetrachloride 37. Jannasch P. and Laubi 0. Analysis of molybdenum compounds by volatilisn-tion in a current of carbon tetrachloride vapour 36. Jannasch P. and Leiste R. Analysis of tungsten compounds by volatilisation in a current of carbon tetrachloride vapour 37. Jodidi S. L. and EUlouIton S. 0. Cause of and remedy for certain inaccuracies in Hausmann’s nitrogen distribution methods 419.Johnson A. E. Johnson C. M. Estimation of phosphorus in vanadium ste.els ferrovanadium, Johnson C. M. Estimation of uranium zirconium chromium vanadium and Johnson J. M. Jones A. J. Jones E. G. Jones F. B. Jones F. B. Jones W. J. Jones W. J. Jones W. J. See Brinton P. H. M. P. and James C. as mercury zinc thiocyanate 213. American tomato-seed oil 372. Thorpe’s alcohometric tables corrigendum (Notes) 405. non-vanadium steels and pig iron 184. aluminum in steel 382. See Bailey H. S. and Johnson J. M. Purified ether and the variations in commercial samples 319. B.P. quantitative limit test’ for arsenic (Notes) 235. Analysis of commercial “ pure ” benzolls 104. See Spielmann P. E. and Jones F. B. Estimation of benzene in crude benzols 244.Examination of acetone oils 241. See Hewitt J. T. and Jones W. J X INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. Jones W. J. Joret G. See Sirot M. and Joret G. Junk A. Conservation of solutions of starch and organic acids by means of See also Simpson C. and Jones W. J. mercury 415. Xamm 0. See Marvel C. S. and Kamm 0. Kanthack R. Tables of Refractive Indices. Vol. I. Essenhial Oils (Review) 306. Karabedian - and Ciarlan -Keith T. E. and Shiver H. E. Sources of error incident t o the Lindo-Gladding Kelley 0. L. Myers F. B. and Illfngworth C. B. Estimation of uranium in Kelley Q. L. Wiley 5. A. Bohn R. T. and Wright W. G. Estimaiiion of King C. A. Apparatus for continuous testing of gases with special reference to Kish C. Xling A.and Schmutz R. Detection and estimation of carbonyl chloride (phos-Kling A. and Schmutz R. Estimation of traces of phosgene (carbonyl chloride) Knapp A. W. and McLellan B. 0. Kohn-Abrest E. Kolthofl J. M. and Volgelenzang E. H. Kijnig J. Krause M. Krieble V. E. and Mangum A. W. Kurschner F. Analysis of a rhinolith 101. method for determining potash 114. alloy steels and ferro-uranium 213. vanadium in steels by electrometric titration 329. acid or alkaline constituents 149. See Amy H. V. Xish C. ayld Newmark F. gene) 207. in air 244. The estimation of cacao shell 2. Apparatus for the rapid analysis of air in rooms etc. 303. Estimation of sulphaks as strontium sulphate 247. Separation of lead in the analysis of metallic calcium and barium 212.Se'e Albert R. and Krause M. electrolytes and estimation of sulphur in foods 383. Estimation of sulphates in concentrated See Behrisch I?. and Kurschner F. Lad& R. M. Studies on the American official method for pyridine in ammonium Laird J. S. and Simpson T. C. Lambert - Vles - and De Watteville. Opacimeter designed for estimaiiing Langhans A. Analytical examination of mercury fulminate 323. Langhans A. Reactions of mercury fulminate with chlorate bromate and hypo-Lapicque L. and Bmb6 E. Comparative estimation of the richness of soils in Lasausse E. Estimation of small quantities of alkali iodides in presence of Laubi 0. Lawrence J. N. See Fieldner A. C. Oberfell G. G. Teague M. C. and Leavell 0. Leaver E. S. Ledent R. Lederle P. Legg A. T.Leiste R. Lespinasse -. Candle-nut oil 343. LiBvin 0. nitrate 299. Estimation of nitrous acid and nitrites 213. bacteria 217. brornite 324. humus 101. bromides and nitrites 380. See also Jannasch P. and Laubi 0. See Cadwell S. M. and Leavell G. Contribution to the study of milk serum 374. See Mach F. and Lederle P. Preparation of silica jelly for use as a bacteriological medium 346. Lawrence J. N. See Barneveld C. E. Van and Leaver E. S. See also Jannasch P. and Leiste R. See Colin H. and LiBvin 0 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. xi Ling A. R. -4nalyses of barleys md of the malts made from them 406. Liverseege J. F. Notation (Notes) 28. Liverseege J. F. Notes on alcohol (Notes) 167. Liverseege J. F. Zeiss butyro-refractometer The conversion of scale readings to Lloyd F.J. Estimation of silica and sand (Notes) 27. Lord W. Estimation of phosphorus in phosphor tin 246. Loriette P. See Marqueyrol - and Loriette P. Lubsen C. A. Lucchesi F. See Bellucci J. and Lucchesi P. Lynn E. V. New reaction of paraffin hydrocarbons 177. Maas O. and Russell J. Method for measuring dlensity of gases 115. MacArdle D. W. Simple weighing burette 362. MacCuIIoch A. F. Essential oil from Juniperus Procera grown a t Nairobi 413. MacFadden A. W. J. Report on the work of Inspectors of Foods for the year MacLean 33. Mach F. and Lederle P. Mach F. and Lederle P. Rapid filter for use in the estimation of crude Mackenzie A. A. Main H. Malaguti P. Mangum A. W. Maquenne L. and Demoussy E. Marchadier - and Goujon -. Xarchadier - and Goujon -.Xarcusson J. Xarqueyrol - and Loriette P. Marriott W. refractive indices (Notes) 48. Estimation of the nuclein content of yeast 172. 1917-18 118. Estimation of sugar in blood 344. *‘ Perocide ” 205. fibre etc. 304. See Bray W. C. Simpson M. E. and Mackenzie A. A. Refractometer in the sugar industry 305. See Terni A and Malaguti P. See Krieble V. K. and Mangum A. W. Sensitive reaction for copper and its application to the analysis of soils and plant ashes 179. Estimation of gluten 292. Influence of the oxidation of lactose and lactic acid on the results of tlhe analysis of milk preserved with potassium dich-romate 371. Technical coumasone resins 203. Analysis of percussion cap compositions 52. lodimetric estimation of acetone 173.martin G. and Wood J. Quantitative testing of rainproof and waterproof cloth, 210. Xarvel C. S. and Kamm 0. Preparation of /3-phenylhydroxylamine and cup-Masters H. Note on soluble lead in the glaze of casseroles 164. Mathieu L. Rapid estimation of tartaric acid in wines 238. Maxwell L. C. See Cain J. R. and Maxwell L. C. McCOOI M. H. See Bouyoucos E. J. and McCool M. M. McCrosky C. R. Oxidising action of potassium dichromate 61. McHargue J. S. New form of distilling bulb 361. McLellan B. 0. See Knapp A. W. and McLellan B. G. Meade R. K. See Price W. B. and Meade R. K. Meighan M. E. See Allison V. C, and Meighan M. H. Xerrill D. R. See Scalione C . C. and Merrill D. R. Meserve S. B. Meyer L. Milbauer J. Mond R. L. and Heberlein C.Xonhaupt lK. ferron 142. See Oberfell G. G. Shinkle S. D. and Meserve S. B. Modification of Nessler and Barth’s method for the estimation of tannin in wine 320. Determination of active oxygen in sodium peroxide 146. Chemistry of Burgundy mixtures 342. Estimation of water in margarine 320 4x11 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. Moore H. C. More A. MOMS B. L. Moser L. and Prinz W. acids 61. Moulton S. C. Mountford 0. A. Myers F. B. Estimation of sulphur in pyrites 155. Estimation of lead in lead salts. See Shubbs G. and More A. Criticism of the B.P. method 181. Volumetric determination of selenious and selenic See Jodidi S. L. and Moulton S. C. See Dawson H. M. and Mountford C. A. Sele Kelley G. L. Myers F. B. and Illingworth C. B. Neitzel F.Neitzel F. Newmark F. Nicolardot P. Nicolardot P. and Boudet J. Nicdardot P. and Reglade A. Nicolardot P. and Valli-Donau L. Noyes H. A. Noyes E. A. and Voight E. Analysis of aromatic sulphochlorides 411. Titration of p-aminoazo benzene 375. See Amy H. V. Kish C. and Newmark F. Action of water and hydrochloric acid on powdered glass 354. Substitutes for platinum electrodes in electro-analysis 38. Estimation of zirconium 187. Estimation of nitroso- ,8-napthol 106. Accurate estimation of soil nitsates by phenol disulphonic acid Salmpling field plots for bacteriologica,l exarnina-method 182. tion 238. Qberfell G. G. Shingle S. D. and Meserve S. B. Testing natural gas for Oberfell G. G. See Fieldner A. C. Oberfell G. G. Teague &I. C. and Oesterheld G.and Sonegger P. Estimation of antimon? lead tin and copper, gasoline content 175. Lawrence J. K. in alloys 359. Palet L. P. J. Reaction of aconitine 236. Partridge W. A modified " etching " test for fluorides (Notes) 234. Partridge W. Brihish Pharmacopoeia 1914 Cancellation of alterations and Partridge W. German (prisoners of was) bread (Notes) 48. Partridge W. Note on compound tincture of rhubarb (Notes) 369. Partridge W. Note on the assay of red cinchona bark (Notes) 96. Paterson J. H. and Blair I€. Paul J. H. Pearce W. T. Methods of varnish analysis 179. Pearce W. T. Study of fatty acids obtained from varnish oils and from Perkin A. G. and Everest A. E. The Perperot H. Estimation of eugenol-triacetin and benayl alcohol in presence of Petrie 0.C. Estimation of phenol in tar oils 244. Petrie G. C. See Spielmann I?. E. a,nd Petrie G. C. Philibert -. Estimation of urea 240. Philip A. Philip A. Pickering S. F. Pieroni A. Estimation of acetone in smokeless powders 103. amendments (Notes) 137. Estimation of oxygen and nitrogen in electric weld metal 418. Boiler Chemistry and Feled Water Supplies (Review) 331. varnishes 178. Naturd Organic Colouring Matters (Review) 119. each other 208. Monographs of Industrial Chemistry. Determination of the calorific value a.nd sulphur contents of petrol by Laboratory tests on mineral oils 412. means of a bomb (Notes) 95. See Edwards J. D. and Pickering S. F . INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. Xlll Pieroni A. Pinnow J. Pollard W. B. The use of ortho-tolidine as a colorimetric test for go'ld 94.Porcher C. and Bonis A. Estimation of lactose in milks heated after the addition of sodium bicarbonate 31. Porritt B. D. Isolation and examination of the textile in rubber-proofed cotton fabrics 177. Porter L. E. and Browning P. E. Sulphite method for separation and estima-tion of gallium when associated with zinc 418. Powell A. D. The estimation of phenacetin and other para-aminopbenol deriva-tives by hypoohlorous acid 22. Powell A. R. and Schoeller W. R. The analysis of Brazilian zirconium ore 397. Powell A. R. See Schoeller W. R. and Powell -4. R. Power F. B. and Chesnut V. K. Improved method for estimation of caffeine in vegetable mat'erial 342. Pozen M. A. and Dieter L. V. Disinfection with formaldehyde. Practical efficiency of some substitutes for the permanganate-formalin method 239.Pratalongo U. Price W. B. and Meadel R. K. Technid Analysis of Brass and the Non-Ferrous Alloys (Review) 362. Prinz W. See Moser L. and Prinz W. Pullman D. Regeneration of Nessler solution 124. Purgotti I€. Detection of hydrochloric acid in the presence of bromic and iodic Quantitative estimation of acet,oae in smokeless powder 56. See Wolfrum L. and Pinnow J. Detection of added water in wine 32. acids 35. Rakshit J. N. and D'Costa F. 4. Raquet D. Rasmussen R. B. Rather J. B. and Reid E. E. IV. Phenacyl esters 103. Reglade A. Reid E. E. Reilly J. and Eickinbottom W. J. Distillation of aqueous solutions of related Reiss G. Examination of hpdrogenahed oils with special reference to the detec-Reiss 0.See Auerbach F. and Reiss G. Reyerson L. B[. Se'e Tolman R. C. Reyerson L. H. Brooks A. P. and Smgth H. D. Richards 9. A. E. The detection and estimation of cocaine heroine and veronal in viscera 192. Richards T. W. Craig W. M. and Sameshima J. Purification and analysis of gallium chloride 145. Richarttson P. W. Extraction and estimation of dissolved gases in water 145. Richmond H. I). Calculation sf the cornposittion of the original milk fro,m the analysis of cheese (Notes) 202. Richmond R. D. Milk calculations A criticism 200. Richmond H. D. Not-e on the percentage of oil in malt extract and cod-liver oil (Notes) 202. Richmond H. D. Note on the relakion between the Kirschner Reichert-Meissl and Polenske figures in butter (Notes) 166.Richmond H. D. Studies in stearn dist.illation. Part VI. The possibilities and limitations of Duclaux's methods for the estimation of homologous acids 255. Richmond H. D. Zeiss butyro-refractometer The conversion of scale readings to refractive indices (Notes) 167. Esbimation of morphine in Indian opium 337. See Caron K. and Raquet D. Estimation of atropine 290. See Nicolardo,t P. and Reglade A. See Rather J. B. and Xeid E. E. Identification of acids. organic substances 410. t'ion of nickel and arsenic in the same 377 Y1V INDEX TO VOLUME X1J.V. Richmond H. D. and Hill C. A. Rideal E. K. Eideal E. K. and Taylor H. S. Ridsdale C. H. and Ridsdale N. D. Ridsdale N. D. Ridsdale N. D. Rivett A. C. D. Robert H. Roberts H. S.Robertson 0. S. Robinson P. L. Anti-suck-back device applicable to evolution methods of Robinson P. L. Modification of the Reddrop and Ramage method for determina-Rodano A. 0. Rolfes B. Romeo 0. ROSS W. H. and Trumbull H. L. lene 348. Rothea -. Rothschild S. Rudeloff M. Russell J. Ryder H. M. Analysis of commercial saccharin. An inshrument for the determination of small. Chemical standards for iron and steel and Detection and estimation of impurities 99. Selective combustion of carbon monoxide in hydrogen 375. quantities of carbon monoxide in hydrogen 89. t'heir bearing on unification of analysis 145. Estimation of phosphorus in steel and iron 146 . See Ridsdale C. H. and Ridsdale N. D. Volumet'ric estimation of sulphates 247. New fractionating column 304.See Hostetter J. C. and Roberts H. S. The necessity for a supply of pure agricultural lime 309. analysis 384. tion of manganese in steel 419. See Armanni G. and Rodano A. G. See Schwarz R. and Rolfes B. Modification of Victor Meyer's vapour density apparatus 250. Burma beans as a food 138. See Maas O. and Russell J. Estimation of acetylene in presence of ethg-Analysis of commercial zinc 420. Quantitative analysis of small quantities of gases 60. Determination of the adhesiveness of glue 33. Salkowski E. Sameshima J. Sander A. Scales F. M. Scalione C. C. and Merrill D. R. Schmutz R. Schoeller W. R. and Powell A. R. Schoeller W. R. Schdl C. E. Schotz S. P. Schupple 0. Schuppli 0. Schwarz R. and Rolfes B. SheIbourn E.T. See Coshe J. H. and Shelbourn E. T. Sheppard E. 3. Effect of exposure on raw linseed oil 323 Sherwood R. 0. Effects of heat on chemical glassware 64. Shinkle S. D. See Oberfell G. G. Shinkle S. D. nnd Meserve. S. B. Shiver H. E. See Keith T. E. and Shiver 9. E. Shutt F. T. and Dorrance R. R. Simon L. J. See Chavanne C. and Simon I;. J. Simon L. J. See Chavnane G. Clerc L. P. and Simon L. J. Simpson C. and Jones W. J. Determination of nibrobenzene in commercial Simpson X. E. Detection of methyl alcohol in ethyl alcohol 243. Cuprous chloride-iodine method for reducing sugars simplified 349. A rapid method f o T determining nickel and See Richards T. W. Craig W. &!I. and Sameshima J. Detection of the more important oxidised sulphur compounds 248.Tannin content of redwood 324. See KIing A . and Schmutz R. cobalt in ores and alloys Part III. 275. See Powell A. R. and Schoeller TV. R . Estimation of uranium in carnotitme 384. See Xpielmann P. E. and Schotz S. P. See Baragiola W. I. and Schupple 0. Estimation of lactic acid by oxidation 323. Estimation of iron by permanganat'e in presence of hydrochloric acid 181. Composition of Canadian bran and shorts 49. nitrobenzenes 379. See Bray- W. C. Simpson 34. E and Mackenzie -4. A INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. X F Simpson T. C. Singh Hardayal. Sirot M. and Joret a. Skelton E. W. Skinner W. W. Slyke L. L. Van and Baker J. (3. Small J. C. Small J. C. Smith A. H. and Epstein S. W. Smith J. Smoll A. E. Smyth H. D. See Tolman R. C. Reyerson L.H. Brooks A. P. and Soyer J. Spielmann P. E. and Jones F. B. A critical Spielmann P. E. and Petrie 0. C. Spielmann P. E. and Schotz S. P. Spielmann P. E. and Wheeler E. 0. Tables of Chemical and Physical Constlants (Review) 335. Spielmann P.E. and Wood H. Estimation of cyanogen compounds in concen-trated ammonia liquor 143. Steel T. Stenius J. A. Solvent action of dilute citric and nitric acids on rock phos-phate 183. Stephenson H. F. The effect of a film of oil on the aeration of water (Notes) 288. Stewart A. W. Recent Advances in Organic Chemistry (Review) 189. Stewart A. W. Textbooks of Physical Chemistry. Sbereochemistry (Review), 424. Stokes A. W. The ana.1ysis of sausages meat pastes and Army rations 127. Strebinger R. Estima,tion of oxygen in arganic substances 378.Strecker W. Stroup F. P. Stubbs G. and More A. See Laird J. S. and Simpson T. C. See Annett H. E. and Singh Hardayal. See Fox J. J. Skelton E. W. and Ennos F. R. Se'e Baughman W. F. and Skinner W. W. Method for the preparation of soluble stlarch 107. Solubility of plant ash in weak organic acids 180. Free lactic acid in sour milk 172. Quantitative estimation of soluble starch in the presence of starch and its hydroiytic cleavage products 106. Estimation of free carbon in rubber goods 141. See Gray G. W. and Smith J,. Recovery of alcohol from potash estimations 242. Smyth H. D. examination of the various methods usually employed 322. Detection and estimation of hydrogen phosphide in hydrogen 35. Estimation of carbon disulphide.Sofhning-point of pitch 209. Estimation of thjophene 325. Volumetric determination of barium (Notes) 29. Estimation of nitrates and nitrites 36. Chemical test to distinguish between caffeine and theobromine 405. The estimation of the approximate quantity of meat in sausages and meat pastes 125. Tagliavini A. Volumetric estimation of mercury oxycyanide 106. Tallantyre S. B. Estimation of bismuth by the formaldehyde process 325. Taylor C. S. Presence of aconitic acid in sugar-cane juice and new reaction for Taylor E. M. The halogen absarption of turpentine 401. Taylor H. S. See Rideal E. K. and Taylor H. S. Tcherniac J. Automatic extraction apparatus 386. Teague M. C. See Fieldner A. C. Oberfell G. G. Teague M. C . and Terni A. and Malaguti P,.New method of estimating chromium 326. Testoni 0. Thole F .B. Thorn 0. Thompson Q. R. Tilden W. A. Tingle A. the detection of the acid 319. Lawrence J. N. Quantitative colorimetric estimation of penbsams in meal 170. Estimation of benzene and toluene in petroleum 144. See Hunter A. C. and Thorn C. Egyptian bricks 403. Sir William Ramsay K.C.B. F.R.S. Memorials of his Life and Work (Review) 390. Estimation of morphine in complex products 49 xvi INDEX TO VOLUME x u v . Tingle A. Todd C. Tolman R. G. Reyerson L. H. Brooks A. P. and Smyth H. D. Toquet - See Dubrissay R. Tripier - and Toquet -. Torrance D. X. See Fordyce L. and Torrance D. M. Trannoy R. See Berthelot D. and Trannoy R. Tripier -. See Dubrissay R. Tripier - and Toquet -. Trumbull H.L. See R o s s ~ . H. and Trumbull H. L Tsakalotos D. E. and Dalmas D. very low concentrations) 35. Tschirch - and Wolter -. Tsujimoto M. Tunmann 0. See Babingtm F. W. and Tingle A. Experiments on the dsifferentiation of cow and buffalo milk 168. Electrical precipitation for analysing smoke 218. Iodotannic reagent (estimation of alkali in Chemical assay of foxglove 204. Shark and ray liver oils 139. Detection of nicotine 406. Unna E. Detection of wheat qTe and potato starches in the presence of each other 319. Valli-Donau L. Van Barneveld C. E. and Leaver E. S. Van Slyke L. L. and Baker J. C. Vari P. Villavecchia V. A Treatise on Applied Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 11. (Re-view) 71. Violle H. Vles -. Vogelenzang 16. H. Vogelson H.Voight E. Voorhees V. Vorlander D. Waddell J. Nodifications of Pearce's method for arsenic 415. Waddell J. Rapid method for the estimation of titanium in titaniferous ores 307. Wallis T. E. Xexican insects in poultry food Mexican cantharides Notonecta, Wallis T. E. Use of lycopodium in quantitative microscopy 321. Ward T. J. Rapid determination of solubility (Notes) 137. Ware 0. M. See Fales H. A. and Ware G. M. Warfen B. W. J. Estimation of small quantities of lead in foods and substances De Watteville -. See Lambert - Vles - and de Watteville -Webster D. See Frankland P. F. Carter S. R. and Webster D. Weiss J. X. Analysis of benzols and light oil 105. Weiss J. M. Analysis of distilled tars and pitches 57. Weiss J. M. Methods of analysis used in th'e coal-tar industry.Wenger P. and Vogelson H. Werner F. F. Bfetallic ferrocyanjdes their behaviour towards chlorine and bromine in aqueous solution a,nd their application in analytical chemistry 245. Wesielow 0. L. V. De. Picric acid method for the estimation of sugar in blood, 346. Weston F. F. See Nicolardot P and Valli-Donau L. Sulphur dioxide method for estimating copper minerals in partly oxidised ores 327. Free lactic acid in sour milk 172. See Wogrinz A. and Vari P. Perosydases in milk 346. See Lambert - Vles - and de Watteville -. See Kolthoff J. M. and Vogelenzang E. H. See Wenger P. and Vogelson H. See Adams R. and Voorhees V. Detection of hydrogen chloride in chloroform 407. See Noyes H. A. and Voight E. Corixa and Beroszis 284.containing calcium phosphate 199. 111. Heavy and middle oils 58. Separation of vanadium from aluminium 420. See Fryer P. J and Weston F. F INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. XVii Whalley H. C. S. De. A gravimetic method of comparing viscosities of Wheeler E. (3. White W. P. Calorimetric lag 62. White W. P. Calorimetric methods and devices 63. White W. P. Conditions of calorimetric precision 62. Wichers E. Wickers E. Hopkins B. S. and Balke 0. W. Retention of carbon dioxide by erbium oxide at high temperatures 60. Wiley H. W. Beverages and their Adulteration Origin Composition Manu-facture Natural Artificial Fermented Distilled Slkaloidal and Fruit Juices (Review) 391. Wiley J. A. See Kelley G. L. Wiley J. A. Bohn R. T. and Wright W. C. Williams J. G. Rapid estimation of perchlorahes done or in presence of chlorates and chlorides 328.Williams L. D. Electrolyiic hydrogen generation for laboratory 421. Willows R. S. and Hatschek E. Surface Tension and Surface Energy and .their Wogrinz A. and Vari P. Estimati'on of rosin in rosin-pitch mixtures 414. Wolf L. Wolfrum L. and Pinnow J. Detection of renatured dcohol in spirit 243, Wolter -. Wood J. See Martin G. and Wood J. Wood H. See Spielmann P. E. and Wood H. Wray E. Indophenine reaction 209. Wright R. Molecular weight determination by direct measurement of the lowering Wright W. C. See Kelley G. L. Wiley J. A. Bohn R. T. and Wright W. C. Wunschendorff H. E. varnishes etc. (Notes) 228. See Spielmann P. E. and Wheeler E. G. See Gurevich L. J. and Wichers E.Influence on Chemicd Phenomena (Review) 121. See Heiduschka A. and Wolf L. See Tschirch - and Wolter -. of the vapour pressure of solutions 422. Oil of fenugreek 291. Yeoman P. W. See Colman H. G. and Yeoman E. W. Yoder L. Adaptation of the Mohr volumetric method to general determinations of chlor,ine 353. Zealley A. T. S. See Greenwood H. C. and Zealley A. T. S. Zipfel L. See Eggert J. and Zipfel L. Zsigmondy R. The Chemistry of Colloids. Part I. Kolloidchemie (Review) 425 xviii INDEX TO VOLUME XLlV. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Absorbent Power Gaseous chlorine ; - of dry or moist earth for. D. BertheloB Absorbents Gas masks and - ; Methods of testing. A C. Fieldner G. G. Abstracts of Papers Published in Other Journals 29 49 97 138 168 203, Acer Secchar~num Seed of the silver maple-; Composition of the.J. Acetone - ; Iodimetric estimation of. Acetone Air; The estimation of small quantities of - alcohol and benzene in. Acetone Oils - ; Examinadtion of. W. J. Jon,es 241. Acetone Smokeless powders ; Estimation of - in. Acetylene Ethylene ; Estimation of -in presence of. W. H. Ross and H. L, Acid or Alkaline Constituents Gases with special reference to -; Apparatus for Acid Test Enamel ware ; - on. W. D. Collins 354. Acidity Chaulmocgra oil ; - of. V. Cofman 371. Acids Identification of -. IV. Phenacyl esters. J. B. Rather and E. E. Reid, 103. Aconitic Acid Sugar-cane juice; Presence of - in and new reaction for the detection of the acid. Aconitine - ; Reaction of. L. P. J. Palet 236. Address President ; Annual - of the.75. Adhesiveness Glue ; Determination of the - of. Aeration Film of oil on the - of water; The effect of a (Notes). H. F. Aerobic Spore-Forming Bacillus Tinned salmon ; - in. A. C. Hunter and Agricultural Lime Supply of pure -; The necessity for a. G. S. Robertson, Agricultural Lime Value of -; Estimation of. S. D. Connor 113. Air Acetone alcohol and benzene in -; The estimation of small quantities of. Major Elliott and Capt. J. Dalton 132. Air Phosgene (carbony1 chloride) in -; Estimation of traces of. A. Wing and R. Schmutz 244. Air Rooms etc. ; Appasatus for the rapid analysis of - in. E. Kohn-Abrest, 303. Albumindd Ammonia Test. E. A. Cooper and J. A. Reward 242. Alcohol -4cetone - and benzene in air; The estimation of small quantities of.Alcohol - ; Notes on (Notes). J. F. Liverseege 167. Alcohol Benzene in ethyl - ; Estimation of small amounts of. F. W-and R. Trannoy 102. Oberfell M. C. Teague aad J. N. Lawrence 297. 236 290 319 342 371 405. Anderson 100. W. Marriott 173. Major Elliott and Capt. J. Dalton 132. A Pieroni 103. Trumbull 348. continuous testing of. C. A. King 149. C. S. Taylor 319. M. Rudeloff 33 Stevenson 288. C. Thom 320. 309. Major Elliott and Capt. J. Dalton 132. Babington and A. Tingle 297 INDEX TO VOLUME xuv. xix Alcohol Ethyl ether in ethyl -; Estimation of small quantities of (Notes). Alcohol Methyl - in ethyl -; Detection of. E. Salkowski 243. Alcohol Potash estimations; Recovery of - from. A. E. Smoil 242. Alcohol Spirits ; Detection of renatured - in.L. Wolfrum and J. Pinnow 243. Alcoholornetric Tables Thorpe ’s - Corrigendum (Notes) 405. Aldoses Iodine in alkaline solution; Estimation of - by. H. Colin and Alkali Oarbonates Free alkalis ; Physico-chemical method for the estimation of Alkali Iodides Bromides and nitrites ; Estimation of small quantities of - in presence of. E. Lasausse 380. Alkali Iodides Cadmium and nickel ; - 8s reagents for. Alkali Iodotannic reagent (Estimation of - in very low concentrations). D. E. Tsakdotos and D. Dalrnas 35. Alkalimet& Determination Magnesium ; - of small amounts of. P. L. Hibbard 355. Alkalimetric Titration Alumina; - in presence of. J. Bellucci and F. Lucchesi, 351. Alkaline Constituents Gases with special reference to acid or - ; Apparatus for continuous testing of.Alkaline Solution Aldoses by iodine in - Estimation of. H. Colin and 0. Lidvin 51. Alkalis Alkali carbonates in the presence of free - ; Physico-chemical method for the estimation of. Alkaloids Estimation of - - Rapp’s method for the. A. Heiduschka and L. Wolf 405. Alkaloids Estimation of -; Rapp’s method for the. Alkyl Iodides Organic chemical reagents. R. Adams and V. Voorhees 298. Alloy Steels Urmium in - and ferro-uranium; Estimatqion of. G. L. Kelley, F. B. Myers and C. B. Illingworth 213. AlIoys Aluminium - and metallic aluminium; Analysis of. J. 5. Fox E. W. Skelton and F. R. Ennos 108. Alloys Antimony lead tin and copper in -; Estimation of. G. Oesterheld and P. Honegger 359. Alloys Lead in brass and -; Rapid estimation of.AIIoys Nickel and cobalt in ores and -; A rapid method of determining (Part 111.). Alumina - ; Alkalimetric titration in presence of. J Bellucci and F. Lucchesi 351. Aluminium - alloys and metallic -; Analysis of. J. J. Fox E. W. Skelton, and F. R. Ennos 108. Aluminium Uranium zirconium chromium vanadium and - in sheel ; Estima-tion of. C. M. Johnson 382. Aluminium Vanadium from - Separation of. P. Wenger and H. Vogel-son 420. American Tomato-seed oil. p-Aminoazo Benzene - ; Titration of. Ammonia Distillations Scrubber for -. Ammonia Liqum Commercial “ concentrated - ” and its impurities. H. G. Colman and E. W. Yeoman 110. Ammonia Liquor Cyanogen compounds in concentrated - ; Estimation of. P. E. Spielmann and H. Wood 143. H.E. Cox 26. 0. LiBvin 51. in the presence of. R. Dubrissay Tripier and Toquet 108. A. AgresCini 34. C. A. King 149. R. Dubrissay Tripier and Toquet 108. K. Dieterich 236. IV. Prepamtion of -. G. H. Hodgson 113. W. R. Schoeller and A. R. Powell 275. G. S. Jamieson and H. S. Bailey 372. F. Neitzel 375. B. S. Davisson 251 XX IHDEX TO VOLUME XLZV. Ammonia Oxidation Bticiency of - Xattlj tical method for determining. D. Y. Ammonia Processes for the oxidation of - ; Estimation of yield in. J. Bauianu, Ammonia-Sodium Method Halogens in organic compounds by the liquid -, Ammonia Test - ; Albumnoid. Ammoniacal Liquor - ; Analysis of (Xifty-fifth Annual Beport on Alkadi etc.) , Ammoniacal Solution Silver and halogens in -; Cyanometric method of estimat-Ammonium Magnesium Arsenate Arsenic as - ; Modified method of estimating.Ammonium Nitrate Pyridine in -; Studies on the American official method for. Ammonium Salts Magnesium hydroxide ; Influence of various - on the precipita-Analysis Chemical -; New method of. Analysis Evolution methods of -; Anti-suck-back device applicable to. 1’. 1,. Analysis Varnish -; Methods of. Aniline Dilute aqueous solution ; Estimation of - in. W. G. 0. Christiansen, Aniline Hydrocarbons in - ; Critical temperature of solution of - Application Animal Oils Antarctic ; Marine - from the. Animal Tissue Gold especially in - Estimation of. S. M. Cadwell and Animal Tissue Urea and non-protein nitrogen in blood and - by means of Antarctic Marine animal oils from the -. Anthracene - carbazol and phenanthrene ; Solubilities separation and puri-J.MI. Clark 174. Antimony Alloys; Estimation of - lead tin and copper in. G . Oesterheld Antimony Salts - Analysis of. 300. Antimony Smdl quantities of -; The estimation cd. Antimony Tin - and arsenic by Plain’s method; Separation of. Antiseptic Value Essential oils ; - of some. Anti-Suck-Back-Device Evolution methods of analysis ; - applicable to. Apparatus Air in rooms etc. ; - for the rapid analysis of. Apparatus Burette tubes ; for accurate calibration of. Apparatus etc. Abstracts 38 62 115,148 187 216 248 303 330 360 384 421. Apparatus Fat extraction -. Apparatus Gases with special reference to acid or alkaline constituents ; - for continuous testing of. Aqueous Solution Aniline in dilute - ; Estimation of.W. G. 0. Christiansen, 349. Aqueous Solutions Related organic substances ; Distillation of - of. J. Reilly and W. J. Hickinbottom. 410. Gaillard 351. 416. Estimation of. C. W. Clifford 322. E. A. Cooper and J. A. Heward ’ L U . 387. ing. 0. Bailly 325. R. M. Ladd 299. tion of. E. Brunner 245. J. Eggert and L. Zipfel 358. A W. Hull 352. Robinson 384. W. T. Pearce 179. 349. to the analysis of petroleum spirit. G. Leavell 112. Nessler’s reagent Estimation of, C. Chavanne and L. J. Simon 348. 32. A. Grigaut and I?. GuBrin 240. 32. fication of. and P. Hmegger 359. Freak 196. mann 328. W. Beam and G. A. W. Hart-L. Cavel 101. P. L. E. Kohn-Abrest 303. Robinson 384. S. English 303. E. Griffiths-Jones 45.C. A. King 149, Army Rations Sausages meat pastes and -; The analysis of. A. W. Stokes, 127 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. xxi Aromatic Hydrocarbons Petrol ; Determination of - in. H. G. Colman and E. W. Yeoman 206. Aromatic Sulphochlorides - ; Analysis of. Arsenic Ammonium magnesium arsenate ; Modifield method of estimating - as. 0. Badly 325. Arsenic - ; B.P. quantitatlive limit test for (Notes). Arsenic Hydrogenated oils with special reference to the detection and estimation of nickel and - in the same; Examination of. G. Reiss 377. Arsenic Pearce’s method for -; Modifications of. J. Waddell 415. Arsenic Small quantities of -; Detection of. Arsenic Substituted phenylarsinic acids and their reduction products ; Estimation R. G. Fargher 374.Arsenic Tin antimony and - by Plato’s method ; Separation of W. Hart-Arsienious Oxide Standard substance in iodimetry ; - as an. R. M. Chapin 175. Arsenite Titrations Permanganate solutions ; - of. Ash Weak organic acids; Solubility of plant - in. Ashes Soils and plant - ; Sensitive reaction for copper and its application to the Atropine - ; Estimation of. Autolysed Yeast Bacillus coli; - as a culture medium for. F. Dienert and Automatic Estimation Oxygen in combustible gas mixtures or of combustible gases H. C. Greenwood and Automatic Extraction apparatus. Aviation Motor Spirits - ; German. F. Neitzel 411. E. G. Jones 235. 0. Billeter 51. of - in. mann 328. A. Bose 59. M. Sir& and G. Joret 180. analysis of. A. Guillerd 173. in air; Apparatus for the - of small ammounts of.A. T. S. Zealley 216. Simon 410. L. Maquenne and E. Demoussy 179. H. B. Rasmussen 290. J. Tcherniac 386. G. Chavanne 1,. P. Clerc and L. J. Bacillus Tinned salmon ; Aerobic spore-forming - in. A. C . Hunter and Baclflus Cofi Culture medium for -; Autolysed yeast as a. F. Dienert and f?. Bofuflnus Preserved foods by the thermo-precipitation method ; Bacterial Bacteria Opacimeter designed for estimating -. Lambert Vles and De Watte-Bacteria Raw or pasteurised milk; Method of counting - in. Bacterial Precipitins B botuEinus in preserved foods by the thermo-precipitation Bacteriological Examination Field plots for -; Sampling. H. A. Noyes and Bacteriological Medium Silica jelly for use as a -; Preparation of.A. T. Bacteriological Physiological etc. Abstracts 32 51 100 139 171 205 238 297, Balance Long periods of time ; Trustworthiness of the - over. Balloon Fabrics Permeability of - ; Method for determining the. J. D. Edwards Barium - ; Volumetric determination of (Notes). Barium Hydroxide ; Carbon by wet combustion using - as absorbent ; Improved P. L. Hibbard 411. Barium Metallic calcium and - ; Separation of lead in the analysis of. J. Konig, Barleys Malts made from them; Analyses of - and of t-he. A. R. Ling 406. C. Thom 320. A. Guillerd 1‘13. precipitins and the detection of - in. ville 217. M. Bornand 33. P. Allen 171. method; - and the detection of. E. Voight 238. Legg 346. 320 344 374 409. M. Bornand 33. G. Dean 330. and S. F. Pickering 421.T. Steel 29. method for estimation of. 212 xxii INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. Basic Slag - ; Analysis of. G. Hughes 416. Basic Slags Fluorspar and of - containing fluorine; Analysis of. G. R. Beans Edible - in Burma; Cultivation of. Beans Food ; Burma - as a. Rothea 138. Belgian Beers War-time German and -; Analyses of. H. L. Hind and J. L. Baker 290. Benedict Method Sulphur in foods and faxes; Modified - for estimation of. J. C. Halverson 409. Benzene Acetone alcohol and - in air ; The estimation of small quantities of. Major Elliott and Capt. J. Dalton 132. Benzene - ; Chlorination of. Analysis of mixtures of - chlorobenzene and dichlorobenzene etc. Benzene Coal tar and similar products and in the intermediate products of tar distillation; Estimation of - toluene etc.in. H. G . Colrnan and E. W. Yeoman 206. Benzene Crude benzols; Estimation of - in. Benzene Ethyl alcohol; Estimation of small amounts of - in. I?. MT. Babingtoa and A. Tingle 297. Benzene Monochlorbenzene in mixtures containing - rnonochlorbenzene and dichlorbenzene; A method for the determination of. N. G. S. Coppin and F. Hdt 226. Benzene ; p-aminoazo - ; Titration of. F. Neitzel 375. Benzene Petroleum ; Estimation of - and toluene in. Benzols Benzene in crude - ; Estimation of. Benzols Commercial " pure " - ; Analysis of. Benzols Light oil ; Analysis of - and. Benzyl Alcohol Eugenol triacetin and - in presence of each other ; Estimation Bismuth Formaldehyde process ; Estimation of - by the. S. B. Tallantyre 325. Blood Sugar in -; Estimation of.Blood Sugar in - ; Picric acid method for bhe estimation of. 0. L. V. de Wesselow 346. Blood Urea and non-protein nitrogen in - and animal tissue by means of Nessler 's reagenh; Estimation of. Board of Health - ; Scottish. Boiling-Points Solutions ; Apparatus for determination of - of. F. G. Cottrell, Bomb Calorific value and sulphur contents of petrol by means of a - ; Determina-A. Philip 95. Bran Canadian - and shorts; Composition of. F. T. Shutt and R. R. Brass Lead in - and alloys ; Rapid estimation of. Brass Ingots Swarf ; Analysis of - from. Brazilian Zirconium Ore - ; The analysis of. Bread - ; German (prisoners of war) (Notes). Bread German - (Notes). Bricks Egyptian -. Brines Mineral waters and -; Determination of bromine in.W. F. Baughman and W W. Skinner 417. Brines Mineral waters and -; Estimation of iodide in. W. F. Baughman and W. W. Skinner 301. British Pharmacopoeia - 1914 Cancellation of alterations and amendments (Notes). W. Partridge 137. Doyle 300. 97. P. F. Frankland S. R. Carter and D. Webster 321. W. J. Jones 244. F. B. Thole 144. W. J. Jones 244. F. B. Jones 104. J. M. Weiss 105. of. H. Perperot 208. H. MacLean 344. A Grigaut and F. GuBrin 240. 219. 249. tion of the (Notes). Dorrance 49. G. H. Hodgson 113. R. H. Deakin 211. A. R. Powell and W. R. Schoeller, 397. W. Partridge 48. F. W. F. Arnaud 166. G. R. Thompson 403 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIY. xxiii B.P. Method Lead in lead salts ; Estimation of ; Criticism of the -.R. L. B.P. Method Morphine estimation ; Effect of morphine concentration on the -H. E. Snnett and Hardayal Siagh 41. B.P. Quantitative Limit Test Arsenic ; - for (Notes). Bromate Mercury fulminate with chlorate - and hypobromite ; Reactions of. Langhans 324. Bromic and Iodic Acids Hydrochloric acid in the presence of -; Detection of. H. Purgotti 35. Bromides Alkali iodides in presence of - and nitrites ; Estimation of small quantites of. E. Lasausse 380. Bromine Chlorine and - in aqueous solution and their application in analytical ch.emistry ; Metallic ferrocyanides their behaviour towards. F. F. Werner 245. Bromine Mineral waters and brines ; Determination of - in. W. F. Baughman and W. W. Skinner 417. Bubbler Gas analysis ; Gas - for. Buffalo Milk Cow and - ; Experiments on the differentiation of.Bulb Distilling - ; New form of. Bunsen Burner - ; Gas-pressure governor for the. Burette Tubes Calibration of -; Apparatus for accurate. S. English 303. Burette Weighing -; Simple. Burgundy Mixtures - - Chemistry of. R. L. Mond and C. Heberlein 342. Burma Beans Food ; - as a,. Rothea 138. Burma Edible beans in -; Cultivation of. Butter Analysis of-; New method for t,he. P. Erculisse and H. Dack-Butter Fat Mixtures; Estimation of - coconut oil and palm-kernel oil in. Butter Kirschner Reichert-Meissl and Polenske figures in - ; Note on the Buttermilk - ; The composition of. Butyro-Refractometer Zeiss - The conversion of scale readings to refractive Morris 181. of. E. G. Jones 235. 0. D. Burke 64.J. S. McHargue 361. C. Todd 168. G. R. Clare 150. D. W. MacArdle 362. 97. weiler 29. S. H. Blichfeldt 290. relation between the (Notes). H. D. Richmond 166. ' T. R. Hodgson 229. indices (Notes). H. D. Richmond 167; J. F. Liverseege 48. Cacao Shell Estimation of -; The. Cadmium Reagents for - and nickel; Alkali iodides as. Caffeine Theobromine ; Chemical test to distinguish between - and. F. P. Cafleine Vegetable material; Improved method for estimation of - in. F. B. Calcium Lead in the analysis of metallic - and barium ; Separation of. J. Konig, Calcium Phosphate Foods and substances containing - ; Estimation of small Calibration Burette tubes ; Apparatus for accurate - of. Caloriflc Value Petrol by means of a bomb ; Determination of the - and sulphur Calorimetric Lag.W. P. White 62. Calorimetric Methods Devices ; - and. Calorimetric Precision - ; Conditions of. Camphor Synthetic drug analysis ; Studies in. VII. Estimation of mono-brominated - in migraine tablets. Canadian Bran Shorts; Composition of - and. F. T. Shutt and R. R. Dorrance 49. Candle-Nut Oil. Lespinasse 343. A. W. Knapp and B. G. McLellan 2. A. Agrestini 34. Stroup 405. Power and V. X. Chesnut 342. 212. quantities of lead in. contents of (Notes). B. W. 5. Waqrren 199. S. English 303. A. Philip 95. W. I?. White 63. W. P. White 62. W. 0. Emery 343 xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. Cantharides Poultry food ; Mexican insects in Mexican - Notonoeta Corisa, Cap Compositions Percussion - ; Composition of. Mmqueyrol and P.Carbaxol Anthracene - and phenanthrene Solubilities separation and puri-Carbon Dioxide Erbium oxide at high temperatares; Retention of - by. Carbon Disulphide - - Estimation of. A critical examination of the various Carbon Monoxide Gas mixtures Estimation of - in. Carbon Monoxide Hydrogen ; An instrument. for the determination of small quan-Carbon laonoxide Hydrogen ; Selective combustion of - in. Carbon Rubber goods ; Estimation of free - in. A. H. Smith and S. W. Carbon Tetrachloride Vanadium compounds with the aid of - ; Analysis of. Carbon Tetrachloride Vapour Molybdenum compounds by volatilisation in a current P. Jannasch and 0. Laubi 36. Carbon Tetrachloride Vapour Tungsten compounds by volatilisation in a currenit of Carbon Wet combustion using barium hydroxide as absorbent ; Improved method I?.L. Hibbard 411. Carbonates Alkali - in the presence of free alkalis ; Physico-chemical method R. Dubrissay Tripier and Toquet 108. Carbonic Aoid Water; Estimation of free -in. Carbonyl Chloride - (phosgene) ; Detection and estimation of. A. Kling and (Carbonyl Chloride) Phosgene - in air ; Estimation of traces of. 9. Kling and Carnotite Uranium in - ; Estimation of. Casseroles Glaze of -; Not<e on soluble Iead in the. Cassia Oil of - (LL.) ; Constituents of. F. D. Dodge 97. Cast Lron Phosphorus and silicon in - ; Estimation of. Castor-Oil - 9 Note on an abnormal sample of (Notes). W. R. G. Atkins, Cerafofheca Sesamojds Oil of -; Note on the. Ceric Iodate Cerium in the presence of other rare earths by precipitation as -; P H.M. P. Brinton and C. James 326. Clerium Ceric iodate ; Estimation of - in the presence of other rare earths by Osylon Tobacco from -. 33. Ghaulmoogra Oil - ; Acidity of. Cheese Original milk from the analysis of -; Calculation of the composition of H. D. Richmond 202. Chemical Analysis - ; New method of. Chemical Assay Foxglove ; - of. Chemical Glassware Heat on - ; Effects of. Chemical Reagents Organic -. and V. Voorhees 298. Chemicals - ; Fine (Notes). C. A. Hill 47. Chemistry Pure and Applied - ; Inter-Allied Federal Council of. Chlorate Mercury fulminate with - bromafe and hypobromite ; Reactions of. and Berosus. Loriette 52. T. E. Wallis 284. fication of. J. M. Clark 174. E. Wickers B. S. Hopkins and C.W. Balke 60. methods usually employed. tities of - in. P. E. Spielmann and F. B. Jones 322. J. I. Graham 111. E. K. Rideal and H. S. Taylor 89. E. K. Rideal 375. EpstRin 141. P. Jannasch and H. E. Harwood 37. of -; Analysis of. ; Analysis of. I?. Jannasch and R. Leiste 37. for estimation of - by. for tnhe estimation of. R. Czensny 245. R. Schmutz 207. R. Schrnutz 244. C. E. Scholl 384. H. Masters 164. A. Cavazzi 147. 287. E. R. Bolton 233. Estimation of. precipitation as. P. H. M. P. Briaton and C. James 326. V. Cofman 371. the (Notes). A. W. Hull 352. Tschkch and Walter 204. R. 0. Sherwood 64. IV. Preparahion of alkyl iodides. R. Adams 221. tanghans 324 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. xxv Chlorates Perchlorates alone or in presence of - and chlorides ; Rapid estirna-tion of J.G. Williams 328. Chlorides Perchlorates alone or in presence of chlorates and - ; Rapid estimation of. J. G. Williams 328. Chlorination Benzene ; - of. Analysis of mixtures of benzene chlorobenzene and dichlorobenzene etc. P. F. Frankland S. R. Carter and D. Webster 321. Chlorine - and bromine in aqueous solution and their application in analytical chemistry ; Metallic ferrocymides their behaxiour towards. F. IF. Werner, 245. Chlorine Gaseous -; Absorbent power of dry or moist earth for. D. Berthelot and R. Trannoy 102. Chlorine Mohr volumetric method to general det?ermination of - ; Adaptation of the. L. Yoder 353. Chlorobenzene Benzene ; Chlorination of. Analysis of mixtures of benzene -and dichlorobenzene etc.P. F. Frankland S. R. Carter and D. Webster 321. Chloroform Hydrogen chloride in - ; Detectlion of. D. Vorlander 407. Chocolate Fat in cocoa and -; Estimation of. Chromium - ; New method of estimating. Chromium Uranium zirconium - vanadium and aluminium in steel ; Estima-Cinchona Bark Red - ; Note on the assay of (Notes). Citric and Nitric Acids Rock phosphate ; Solvent action of dilute - on. 5. A. Cloth Rainproof and waterproof -; Quantitative testing of. G. Martin and Coal Tar Benzene toluene etc. in - and similar products and in the inter-H. G. Colrnan and E. W. Coal-Tax Industry - ; Methods of analysis used in the. 111. Heavy and middle Cobalt Nickel and - in ores and alloys; A rapid method for determining. Cocaine Viscera; The detection and estimation of - heroine and Verona1 in.Cocoa Crude fibre in -; Estimation of. Cocoa Fat in - and chocolate ; Estimation of. Coconut Oil Rutker fa,t - and palm-kernel oil in mixtures ; Estimation of. Cod-Liver-Oil Oil in ma.lt extract and -; Note on the percentage of (Notes). Coffee Preparations French Army use ; - for. Coffee Substitutes Lupin ; - made with. Uoke Grinding - for analysis ; Precautions necessary in. aolloidal Silicic Acid Titration of iron by means of permanganate; Use of - in. E. Ditt-ler 302. Ooloration Woody tissue in vegetable membranes ; Method for the selective -of. P. Bugnon 100. Colorimetric Test GoId; The use of ortho-tolidine as a - for. W. B. Pollard 94. CoIour Reaction Mercury in its compounds ; - for the detection of.,4. Abel-mann 356. Colour Standards Cottonseed oil ; - for. H. V. Amy C. Kish and F. New-mark 407. Combustion Carbon by wet - using barium hydroxide as absorbent ; Improved method for estimation of. P. L. Bibbard 411. Condenser Reflux - ; New. J. B. Bnjda 187. E. B. Hughes 371. A. Terni and P. Malaguti 326. W. Partridge 96. tion of. C. M. Johnson 382. S tenius 183. J. Wood 210. mediabe products of tar distillation; Estima,tion of. Yeoman 206. oils. J. M. Weiss 58. Part 111. P. A. E. Richards 192. W. R. Schoeller and A. R. Powell 275. T. von Fellenberg 237. E. B. Hughes 371. S. B. Blichfeldt 290. H. D. Richmond 202. M. Balland 30. H. Eckenroth 100. A. E. Findley 207 xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. Continuous Process Nitrogen by Dumas's method ; - for the estimation' of.Copper Antimony lead tin and - in alloys; Estimation of. G. Oesterheld Copper Gelatin; Estimation of zinc and - in. Copper Minerals Partly oxidised ores ; Sulphur dioxide method for estimating -Copper Soils and plant ashes ; Sensitive reaction! for - and its applica,tion t o the Copper-Tartrate Complex Test for tartrates depending on the formation of the - , Cotton Fabrics Textile in rubber-proofed - ; Isolation and examination of the. Cottonseed Oil - ; Colour standards for. H. V. Arny C. Kish and F. New-Ooumarone Resins - ; Technical. Cow and Buffalo Milk Differentiation of -; Experiments on the. Cow's Milk Egyptian - ; Composition of. CresoIs Phenol and t-he three isomeric - in mixtures of these substances ; Estima-H.M. Dawsoa and C. A. Mountford 54. Crude Fibre Cocoa; Estimation of -in. T. von Fellenberg 237. Crude Fibre Estimation of - ctc. ; Rapid filter for use in the. F. Mach and Culture Medium Bacillus COG; Autolysed yeast as a - for. F. Dienert and Cupferron p-phenylhydroxylamine and - ; Preparation of. C. S. Marvel and Cuprous Chloride - -iodine method for reducing suga,rs simplified. F. 34. Current External -; Electrolytic estimation of metals without the use of an Oyanic Acid Organic substances; Formation of - during the oxidation of. Cyanogen Compounds Concentrated ammonia liquor ; Estimation of - in. P. E Cyanometric Method Silver and halogens in ammoniacal solution ; - of estimat-L. Dexheimer 246. and P. Honegger 359. in. analysis of. Study of the.B. D. Porritt 177. mark 407. G. S. Jamieson 214. C. E. van Baxneveld and E. S. Leaver 327. L. Maquenne and E. Demoussy 179. L. J. Curtamarm and B. R. Harris 145. J. Marcusson 203. C. Todd 168. G. Hogan and A. Azadian 168. tion of. P. Lederle 304. A. Guillerd 173. 0. Karnm 142. Scales 349. M. Frangois 181. R. Fosse 322. SpieImann and H. Wood 143. ing. J. Eggert and I;. Zipfel 358. Deflection Methodr Weighing; Single - of. Density Gases; Method for measuring - of. 0. Maas and J. Russell 115. Developing Agents Organic photographic - ; Examination of. H. T. Clarkte 53. Devices Methods and -; Calorimetric. Dichlorbenzene Monochlorbenzene in mixtures containing benzene monochlor-benzene and -; A method for t,he determination of. N.G. S. Coppin and F. Rolt 226. Dichlorobenzene Benzene ; Chlorination of. Analysis of mixtures of benzene, chlorobenzene and - etc. P. F. Frankland S. R. Carter and D. Webster, 321. Dilution Electro-titrimetric analyses; Effect of - in. Didnfection Formaldehyde ; - with. the permanganate-formalin method. Distilled Tars and Pitches - ; Analysis of. Distilling Bulb - ; New form of. Drug Analysis Synthetic -; Studies in. P. H. M. I?. Brinton 360. W. P. White 63. G. A. Freak 112. Practical efficiency of some substitutes for M. A. Pozen and L. V. Dieter 239. J. M. Weiss 57. J. S. McHargue 361. VII. Estimation of monobrominated camphor in migraine tablets. W. 0. Emery 343 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. xx vii Drugs Poisons; Guttameter and its application to the study of - and.F. Eschbaum 188. Duclaux’s Method Steam distillation ; Studies in. Past IV. The possibilities and limitations of - for the estimation of homologous acids. H. D. Rich-mond 255. Dumas’s Xethod Nitrogen by -; Continuous proc,ess for the estimation of. L. Dexheimer 246. Earth Gaseous chlorine; Absorbent power of dry or moist - for. D. Berthelot Earths Cerium in bhe presence of other rare - by precipitation as ceric iodate; P. H. M. P. Brinton and C. James 326. Edible Beans Burma; Cultivation of - in. Xdible Flours Products; - and their. Egyptian Bricks. Egyptian Cow’s Milk - ; Composition of. Egyptian Goat’s Milk - ; Composition of. Egyptian Lettuce oil. Electric Energy External - ; Electrolytic estimation of metals without the use Electric Weld Metal Oxygen and nitrogen in -; Estimation of.J. H. Paterson Electrical Conductivity Milk; The - of. Electrical Precipitator Smoke ; - for arzalysing. R. C. Tolman L. H. Reyerson, Electro-Titrimetric Analyses Dilution in - ; Effect of. G. A. Freak 112. Electrodes Platinum - in electro-analysis ; Substitutes for. P. Nicolardot and Electrolytes Sulphates in concentrated - ; Estimation of and estimation of V. K. Krieble and A. W. Mangum 383. Electrolytic Hydrogen Generator Laboratmy ; - for. Electrometric Titration Vanadium in steels by - ; Estimation of. G. L. Kelley, J. A. Wiley R. T. Bohn and W. C. Wright. 329. Electrometric Titrations Ferrous and ferric iron ; - with special reference to the estimation of. Emanatcioln Method Thorium ; - of estimating.Enamel Ware Acid test on -. Erbium Oxide Carbon dioxide by - at high temperatures ; Retention of. Errata 1919 362 396 423. Essential Oil Juniperus procera grown at Nairobi ; - from. A. F. MacCulloch, Essential Oils Antiseptic value of some -. L Cavel 101. Esters Acids ; Identifieat-ion of. Esters Salicylic -in fatty oils; Estimation of. Ether Commercial samples ; Purified - and the variations in. Ether Residual acids from the manufacture of -; Analysis of the. E. C. Ethyl Alcohol Benzene in -; Estimation of small amounh of. F. W. Babing-Ethyl Alcohd Ethyl ether in -; Estimation of small quantities of (Notes). and R. Trannoy 102. Estimation of. 97. E. Collin 139. G. R. Thompson 403. G. Hogad and A. Amdim 168. G. Hogan and A. Azadiaq 169.E. Griffiths-Jones 170. of. M. Franqois 34. and H. Blair 418. J. H. Coste and E. T. Shelbourn 158. A. P. Brooks andH. D. Smyth 218. J. Boudet 38. sulphur in foods. L. D. Williams 421. J. C. Host’etter and H. S. Roberts 380. W. D. Collins 354. W. D. Collins 354. E. Wickers B. S. Hopkins and C. W. Balke 60. 413. IV. Phenacyl -. J. B. Rather and E. E. P. Behrisch and F. Kurschner, R’eid 103. 296. Etching ” Test Fluorides ; A modified - for (Notes). W. Partridge 234. A. J. Jones 319. Carron 376. ton and A. Tingle 297. H. E. Cox 28 xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. Ethyl Alcohol Methyl alcohol in - ; Detection of. Ethyl Ether Ethyl alcohol; Estimation of small quantities of - in (Notes), Ethylene Acetylene in presence of -; Estimation of.W. H. Ross and H. L. Ethylene Chlorhydrin Refractorneter in the examination of -; Use of the. A. E. Eugenol - triacetin and benzyl alcohol in presence of each other; Estimation Evolution Methods Analysis ; Anti-suck-back device applicable to - of. P. L-Extraction Apparatus - Automatic. J. Tcherniac 386. Extracts Meat -; Their composition and idenbifica,tion. E. Salkowski 248. H. E. Cox 26. Trumbull 348. Berry 305. of. H. Perperot 208. Robinson 384. Henley 292. J. -4. Emery and R. R-Fabrics Rubber-proofed cotton - ; Isolation and examination of the textile in. Faces Sulphur in foods and -; Modified Benedict method for estimation of. Fat Cocoa and chocolate ; Estimatdon of - in. Fat Extraction Apparatus. E. Griffiths-Jones 45. Fats and Oils Commercial - ; Tentative standard methods for the sampling and analysis of.138. Fatty Acids Varnish oils and from varnishes ; Study of - obtained from. UJ. T. Pearce 178. Fatty Oils Salicylic esters in - ; Estimation of. P. Behrisch and F. Xurschner, 296. Federal Council Pure and Applied Chemistry ; IntLer-A1lied - of. Feeding-Cakes Palm-kernel and &her - ; Rancidity of, Fenugreek - ; Oil of. Ferric Iron Estimation of ferrous and -; Electrometric titrations with specid reference to the. Ferrocyanides Mehallic - hheir behaviour towards chlorine and bromine in aqueous solution and their application in analytical chemistry. F. F. Werner, 245. Ferro-Uranium Uranium in alloy steels and -; Estimation of. G. L. KelIey, I?. B. Myers and C. B.Illingworth 213. Ferrous and Ferric Iron Estimation of - ; Electrometric tit-rahions with speciaI reference to the. Ferrovanadium Phosphorus in vanadium steels - non-vanadium steels and pig iron ; Estimation of. Fibre Crude - etc.; Rapid filtler for use in the estimation of. F. Mach and P. Lederle 304. Fibres Paper ; The estimation of - in. Field Plot8 Bacteriological examinastion ; Sampling - for. Filter Crude fibre etc. ; Rapid - for use in the estimation of. Flours Edible - and their products. Fluid Measuring small volumes of -; Accuracy of different methods of. Fluorides " Etching " test for -; A modified (Notes). Fluorides Nitrous acid; Influence of - on the oxidimetric estimation of. B. D. Porritt 177. J. 0. Halverson 409. E. B. Hughes 371.221. J. R. Furlong 204. H. E. Wunschendorff 291. J. C. Hostetter and H. S. Roberts 380. J. C. Hostmetlter and H. S. Robert's 380. C. M. Johnson 184. R. C. Griffin 414. H. A. Noyes and F. Mach and E. Voight 238. P. Lederle 304. Andrews 250. E. Collin 139. F. 11'. W. Partridge 234. J. Bellucci 327 INDEX TO VOLUME XLLV. xxix Ziuorine Basic slags containing -; Analysis of fluorspar and of. G. R. Doyle, 300. Pluorspar Basic slags containing fluorine ; Analysis of - and of. G. R. Doyle, 300. Foaming Isoamyl isovalerate ; Inhibition of - by. Food and Drugs AnaJysis Abstracts 29 49 97 138 168 203 236 290 319 342, 371 405. Foods B. botulinus in preserved - by the thermo-precipitation method ; Bacterial precipitins and the detection of. Zoods Government Report.Report ox1 the work of inspectors of - for the year 1917-18. Foods Lead in - and substances containing calcium phosphate ; Estimation of small quantities of. Boods Purine bases in - ; Estimation of. Poods Sulphur in - and faxes ; Modified Benedict method for estimation of. J. 0. Halverson 409. Poods Sulphur in - ; Estimation of sulphates in concentrated electrolytes and estimation of. Z'ormaldehyde Disinfection with - Practical efficiency of some substitutes for the permanganate-formalin method. Pormaldehyde Process Bismuth by the - ; Estimation of. S. B. Tallan-tyre 325. Formulae Added water in milk; - for calculation of (Notes). L. J. Harris 317. Foxglove - ; Chemical assay of. Tschirch and Wdter 204. Xractional Distillation Separation by -; Limits of.S. F. Sractionating Column - ; New. Freezing-Point Determinations Quantitative analysis ; Use of - in. C. E. Preezing-Point Method Absolute salt contents of soils by the - ; Determination Trench Table mustard. French Maize Products. Fulminate Chlorate bromate and hypobromife with mercury - ; Reactions of. Langhans 324. Fulminate Mercury - ; Analytical examination of. Zunnel Volatile organic solvents ; - for filtering. C. H. Fiske 38. M. Bornand 33. A. W. J. MacFdden 118. B. W. J. Warren 199. T. von Fellenberg 296. V. K. Krieble and A. W. Maingum 383. M. A. Pozen and L. V. Dieter 239. A new still-head. Dufton 148. H. Robert 304. Fawsitt 330. of the. E. J. Bouyoucos and M. M. McCool 102. I?. Carles 31.C. Granvigne 344. A. Langhans 323. T. B. Aldrich 187. Gallium Chloride - ; Purification and analysis of. T. W. Richards W. M. Craig and J. Sameshima 145. Gallium Zinc; Sulphite method for separation and estimation of - when associated with. Gas Analysis Gas bubbler for -. Gas Gasoline content; Testing natural - for. G. G. Oberfell S. D. Shinkle, and S. B. Meserve 175. Uas Iodine solution ; Estimation of sulphur in illuminating - by means of. M. Hirsch 384. Gas Marks Absorbents ; Methods of testing - and. A. C. Fieldner G. G. Ober-fell M. C . Teague and J. N. Lawrence 297. Bas Mixtures Carbon monoxide in -; EstimaAhn of. Gas Mixtures Methyl chloride in -; Estimation of. V. C. Allison and M. H. Meighan 411. Gas Mixtures Oxygen in combustible - or of combustible gases in air ; Apparatus for the automatic estimation of small amoupts of.H. C. Greenwood and A . T. S. Zoalley 216. L. E. Porter and P. E. Browning 418. 0. D. Burke 64. J. I. Graham 111 xxx INDEX TO VOLUME XLLV. Gas Natural - and the calculation and estimation of results; Analysis of. R. P-Anderson 209. Gas Pressure Governor Bunsen burner; - for khe. G. R. Clare 150. Gaseous Mixtures Sulphites and of sulphur dioxide in - ; Estimation of. P. Hailer 186. Gases Continuous testing of - with special reference to acid or alkaline con-stituents ; Apparatus for. C. A. King 149. Gases Density of -; Method for measuring. Gases Small quantifies of - ; Quantitative analysis of. Gases Water ; Extraction and estimation of dissolved - in. Gasoline Content Natural gas for -; Testing.Gelatin Zinc and copper in -; Estimation of. German and Belgian Bears War-time -; Analyses of. German Aviation motor spirits. German Bread (Notes). German (Prisoners of War) Bread (Notes). German Seaweeds. Glass Vessels Marking of -; Permanent. Glass Water and hydrochloric acid on powdered -; Action of. Glassware Heat on chemical -; Effects of. Glaze Soluble lead in the - of casseroles; Note on. Glue Adhesiveness of -; Determination of the. Gluten - ; Estimation of. Goat’s Milk Egyptian -; Composition of. Gold Animal tissue ; Estimation of - especially in. S. M. Cadwell and Gold - silver and rubidium ; New microchemical reaction for. F. Ernich 301. Gold Ortho-tolidine as a colorimetric test for -; The use of.W. B Pollard 94. Government Chemist Work of the Government Laboratory for the year ending Government Laboratory Work of the - for the year ending March 31 1918 ; Government Report Inspectors of foods for the year 1917-18; Report on the work Guttameter Drugs and poisons ; - and its application to the study of. 3’. Esch-0. Maas and’ J. Russell 115. H. 3%. Ryder 60. F. TV. Richardson, G. G. Oberfell S. D. Shinkle and H. L. Hind and J. L. 145. S. B. Meserve 175. G. S. Jamieson 214. Baker 290. G. Chavanne L. P. Clerc and L. J. Simon 410. F. W. F. Arnaud 166. W. Parbridge 48. J. C. Bock 188, R. Albert and M. Krause 205. P. Nicolardot, 354. R. G. Sherwood 64. M. Rudeloff 33. G. Hogan and A. Azadian 169. H. Masters 164 Marchadier and Goujon 292.G. Leavell 112. March 31 1918 ; Report of the - upon the. Report of t’he Government Chemist upon the. of. baum 188. 65. 65. A. W. J. MacFadden 118. Halogen Absorption Turpentine ; The - of. Halogens Compounds containing sulphur - or nitrogen; Element’ary micro-Halogens Liquid ammonia-sodium method ; Estimation of - in organic com-Halogens Silver and - in ammoniacal solution ; Cyanometric mefhod of estimat-Halphen’s Ratio Italian wines ; - as applied to. Hausmann’s Nitrogen Distribution WTethods Inaccuracies in - ; Cause of and Heat Chemical glassware ; Effects of - on. Heavy and Middle Oils Coal-tar industry; Methods of analysis used in the. E. M. Taylor 401. analysis of. C. Granacher 141. pounds by the. ing. remedy for certain.111. - . C. W. Clifford 322. J. Eggert and L. Zipfel 358. G. Halphen 297. S. L. Jodidi and S. C. Moulton 419. R. G . Sherwood 64. J. M. Weiss 58 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. xxxi Heroine Cocaine - and veronal in viscera; The detection and estimation of. H. S. Bailey and J. MI. Part IV. The possibilities H. D. Rioh-P. A. E. Richards 192. salmon oil as a means of identifying the species of. Johnson 98. Homologous Acids Steam distillation; Studies in. and Limitations of Duclaux's method for the estimation of -. mond 255. Honey Artificial -. Humus Richness of soils in -; Comparative estimation of the. E. Barb8 101. Hydrocarbons Aromatic - in petrol; Determination of. E. W. Yeoman 206. Hydrocarbons Paraffin -; New reaction of. Hydrocarbons Solution of - in aniline ; Critical tempera,ture of.Application to Hydrochloric Acid Bromic and iodic acids ; Detection of - in the presence of. Hydrochloric Acid Iron by permanganate in presence of - ; Estimation of. Hydrochloric Acid Water and - on powdered glass; Action of. P. Nicolardot, Hydrogen Carbon monoxide in -; An instrument for *he determination of small E. K. Rideal and H. S. Taylor 89. Hydrogen Carbon monoxide in -; Selective combustiun of. Hydrogen Chloride Chloroform ; Deetection of - in. Hydrogen Generator Laboratory ; Electrolytic - for. Hydrogen - phosphide in -; Detection and estimation of. Hydrogen Phosphide Hydrogen ; Detection and estimation of - in. J. Soyer 35. Hydzogenated Oils Nickel and arsenic in the same; Examination of - with Hydrolytic Cleavage Products Soluble starch in the presence of sfarch and its -; J.C. Small 106. Hydroxylamine - ; Volumetric estimation of. W. C. Bray M. E. Simpson, Hypobromite Chlorate bromate and -; Reactions of mercury fulminate with. Hypochlorous Acid Phenacetin and other para-aminophenol derivatives by - ; Hypophospitesl Phosphites ; Iodimetric estimation of -and. Boyer and Bauzil 60. Hexabromide and Iodine Numbers Canned salmon ; Determination of - of A. Behre and H. Ehrecke 237. L. Lapicque and H. G. Colman and E. V. Lynn 177. the analysis of petroleum spirit. H. Purgokti 35. R. Schwarz and B. Rolfes 181. 354. quantities of. C. Chavanne and L. J. Simon 348. E. K. Rideal 375. V. Vorlander 407. L. D. Williams 421. J. Soyer 35. special reference to the detection and estimation of.Quantitative estimation of. and A. A. Mackenzie 380. Langhans 324. The estimation of. G. Reiss 377. A. D. Powell 22. Illuminating Gas Sulphur in - by means of iodine solution; Estimation of. M. Hirsch 384. Indian Opium Morphine in - ; Estimation of. Jitendra Nath Rakshit and! F. J, D 'Costa 337. Indophenine Reachion. E. Wray 209. Ingots Brass - from swarf ; Analysis of. Inorganic Analysis Abstracts 34 59 108 145 179 211 245 300 325 351, 380 415. Insects Poultrv food Mexican - in Mexican Cantharides Notonecta Corz'za Berosus. T. E. Wallis 284. Institute of Chemistry 69 70 122 336. Institute of Chemistry Chemists employed in H.M. Factories under Department of Explosives Supply. 69. - Chemists Pivotal men.70. R. H. Deakin 211 xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. Iodic and Bromic Acids Hydrochloric acid in the presence of -; Detection of. H. Purgotti 35. Iodide Mineral waters and brines; Estimation of - in. W. F. Baughman and W. W. Skinner 301. Iodides -4lkali - in presence of bromides and nitrites; Estimation of small quantities of. E. Lasausse 380. Iodides - ; Estimation of. Iodimetric Estimation Acetone ; - of. Iodimetric Estimation Hypophosphites and phosphites ; - of. Boyer and Iodimetry Arsenious oxide as a standard substance in -. R. M. Chapin 179. Iodine Aldoses by - in alkaline solution; Estimation of. H. Colin and Iodine and Hexabromide Numbers Canned salmon ; Determination of - of H. S. Bailey and J. &I. Iodine Method Cuprous chloride - for reducing sugars simplified.F. M. Scales, Iod!ine Solution Sulphur in illuminating gas by means of -; Estimation of. Iodine Value (Wijs) Palm kernel oil ; - of. R. H. Ellis and E. M. Hall 237. Iodotannic Reagent - (Estimation of dkali in very low concentrations). D. E. Iron Ferrous and ferric - ; Electrometric titrations with special reference to th.e Iron Ores Titanium in titaaiferous - ; Rapid method for the estimation of. Iron Permanganate in presence of hydrochloric acid ; Estimation of - by. Iron Phosphorus and silicon in cast -; Estimation of. Iron Phosphorus in steel and - ; Estimation of. Iron Titration of - by means of permanganate; Use of colloidal silicic acid in. Iron Unification of analysis ; Chemical standards for - and steel and their bear-C.H. Ridsdale and N. D. Ridsdale 145. Isoamyl Isovalerate Foaming by -; Inhibition of. Isomeric Cresols Phenol and the three - in mixtures of these substances; Italian Wines Halphen’s ratio as applied to -. P. Godfrin 302. W. Marriot-t 173. Bauzil 60. 0. LiBvin 51. salmon oil as a means of identifying the species of. Johnson 98. 349. M. Hirsch 384. Tsakalotos and D. Dalmas 35. estimation of. J. Waddell 307. R. Schwarz and B. Rolfes 181. J. C. Hostetter and H. S. Roberts 380. A. Cavazzi 147. N. D. Ridsdale 146. E. Dittler 302. ing on. C. H. Fiske 38. Estimation of. H. M. Dawson and C. -4. Mountford 54. G. Halphen 297. .Jelly Silica - for use as a bacteriological medium; Preparation of. A. T. Juice Aconitic acid in sugar-cane - ; presence of and new reaction for the Juniperus Procera ; Nairobi ; Essential oil from - grown atl.A. F. MacCulloch, Legg 346. detection of the acid. 413. C. S. Taylor 319. Kaolin Soaps r - ; Analysis of. Kernels Prune -; Analysis of. Ketones Reaction of -; General. Kirschner Reichert-Meissl and Polenske Figures Butter ; Note on the relation between the - in (Notes). W. D. Cohen 139. L. Fordyce and D. M. Torrance 238. J. Guareschi 52. H. D. Richmond 166. Laboratory Electrolytic hydrogen generator for -. L. .D. Williams 421. .Laboratory Tests Mercury vapour lamps for -; Eke &. hf. Entat 249 . INDEX TO VOLUME XLI'C'. XXXlll Laboratory Tests Mineral oils ; - on. Laboratory Utensils Platinum - Comparative tests of " Palan " and Lactic Acid Milk preserved with potassium dichromate ; Influence of the oxidation Marchadier and Goujon, Lactic Acid Oxidation ; Estimation of - by.Lactic Acid Sour milk; Free - in. Lactic Acid Wine particularly -; Fixed organic acids in. Lactose - ; Estimation of. Lactose Milk ; Estimation of - in. E. Hildt 408. Lactose Milk preserved with potassium dichromate ; Influence of the oxidation of and lactic acid on the results of the analysis of. Marchadier and Lactose Milks heated after the addition of sodium bicarbonate ; Estimation of -Lactose Milks preserved with potassium dichromate ; Estimation of - and Lag Calorimetric -. Lamps Laboratory tests ; Use of mercury vapour - for. Lead Antimony - tin and copper in alloys; Estimation of. Lead Brass and alloys ; Rapid estimation of - in.Lead Foods and substances containing calcium phosphate ; Estimation of small Lead Glaze of casseroles ; Note on soluble - in t3he. Lead - salts ; Estimation of - in; Criticism of the B.P. method. R. 1;. Lead Metallic calcium and barium ; Separation of - in the analysis of. J. Konig Lead Pharmaceutical zinc oxide ; - in. Lead Salts Lead in -; Estimation of; Criticism of the B.P. method. Lettuce Oil Egyptian -. Light Oil Benzols and -; Analysis of. Lime Agricultural -; Estimation of value of Lime Agricultural -; The necessity for a supply of pure. G. S. Robertson 309. Lindo-Gladding Method Potash ; Sources of error incideni to the - for determin-T E. Keith and H. E. Shiver 114. Linseed Oil Raw -; Effect of exposure on.Liqusds Stopcock for dropping - arranged foy equalisiiig t,li>e pressure above and below the outlet in the stopcock. Lupin Coffee substitutes made with -Lycopodium Quantitative microscopy; Use of - in. A. Philip 412. " R-hotanium " ware as substitutes for. of lactose and - on the results of the analysis of. 371. L. J. Gurevich and E. Wichers 303. 0. Schuppli 323. L. 1,. van Slyke and J. C. Baker 172. G. de Astis 171. E. Hildt, 31. Goujon 371. in. proteins in. P. Defrance 237. C. Porcher and A. Bonis 31. W. P. White 62. M. Entat 249. G. Oesterheld and P. Honegger 359. G. H. Hodgson 113. quantities of - in. B. W. J. Warren 199. H. Masters 164. Morris 181. 212. W. D Collins and W. F. Clarke 182. R. L. Morris 181. E. Griffiths-Jones 170.J. M. Weiss 105. S. D. Connor 113. ing. E. J. Sheppard 323. H. L. Fisher 117. H Eckenroth 100. T. E. Wallis 321. Xagnesium Hydroxide Precipitation of - ; Influence of various ammonium salts Magnesium Small amounts of - ; Alkalimetsic determination of. P. L. Hibbard., Maize Products - ; French. Malt Extract Oil in - and cod-liver oil; Note on the percentage of (Notes). H. D. Richmond 202. Malts Barleys and of the - made from tbhem ; Analyses of. Manganese Reddrop and Ramage method for determination of - in steel; on the. E. Rrunner 245, 355. C. Granvigne 344. A. R. Ling 406. Modification of the. P. 1,. Robinson 419 xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. Manganese Salts - ; Sensitive reaction of. Maple Seed of the silver - ( h e r saccharinurn) ; Composition of the.J. Ander-Margarine Water in -; Estimation of. Marine Animal Oils Antarctic ; - from the. Marking Glass vessels ; Permanent - of. Meal Pentosans in - ; Quantitative colorimetric estimation of. G. Testoni 170. Measuring Small volumes of fluid; Accuracy of different methods of. -. 3’. W. Meat Extracts - ; Their composition and identification. J. A. Emery and R. R. Meat Methylguanidine in - ; Supposed occurrence of. I. Greenwald 321. Meat Pastes Meat in sausages and - ; The estimation of the approximate G. Stubbs and A. More 125. Meat Pastes Sausages - and Army rations The analysis of. A. W. Stokes, Meat Sausages and - pastes; The estimation of the approximate quantit2- of Meata Nitrites in pickled - ; Estimation of small quantities of.F. Auerbach and Media Nutrient -; Yeast. E. Friedmann 409. Membranes Woody tissue in vegetable - ; Method for the selective coloration of. Mercury Compounds ; Colour reaction for the detection of -in its. A. Abelmann, Mercury Fulminate Chlorate bromahe and hypobromite ; Reactions of - n-ith. Mercury Fulminate - ; Analytical examination of. Mercury - precipitated as - zinc thiocyanate ; Gravimetric and volumetric Mercury Oxycyanide - ; Volumetric estimation of. Mercury Solutions of starch and organic acids by means of -; Conservation of. Mercury Vapour Lamps Laboratory tests ; Use of - for. Mercury Zinc Thiocyanate Mercury precipitated as - ; Gravirnetric and volu-Metallic Aluminium Aluminium alloys and -; Analysis of. J. J. Fox E. IT. Metallic Calcium and Barium Lead in the analysis of - ; Separation of.Metallic Ferrocyanides Chlorine and bromine in aqueous solution and their applica-F. F. Werner 245. Metals External electric energy ; Electrolytic estimation of - without the use Methoxyl Group - ; Estimation of the. Methyl Alcohol Ethyl alcohol ; Detection of - in. Methyl Chloride Gas mixtures ; Estimation of - in. Methylguanidine Meat ; Supposed occurrence of - in. Bdexican Insect8 Poultry food ; - in Mexican cant-harides Notonecta Co~iaa, T. E. Wallis 284. Micro-Analysis Compounds containing sulphur halogens or nitrogen ; Elementary Xicro-Analysis Organic substances ; Elementary - of. Microchemical Reaction Gold silver and rubidium ; New - for. F. Emich 301. H. Caron and D. Raquet 302.son 100. M. Monhaupt 320. J. C. Bock 188. 32. Andrews 250. Henley 292. quantity of. 127. in. G. Reiss 372. P. Bugnon 100. 356. Langhans 324. G. Stubbs and A. More 125. A. Langhans 323. estimation of. G. S. Jamieson 213. A. Tagliavini 106. A. Junk 415. M. Entat 249. metric estimation of. Skelton and F. R. Ennos 108. J. Konig 212. tion in analytical chemstry ; - their behaviour towards. of. M. Franqois 34. G. S. Jamieson 213. 5. T. Hewitt and W. J. Jones 175. E. Salkowski 243. V. C. Allison and 31. H. Meighan 411. I. Greenwald 321. and Berosus. of. C. Granacher 141. J. V. Dubsky 140 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. xxxv Microscopy Lycopodium in quantitative -; Use of. T. E. Wallis 321. Middle and Heavy Oils Coal-tar industry; Methods of analysis used in the.Migxaine Tablets Synthetic drug analysis; Studies in. VII. Estimation of mono-W. 0. Emery 343. Milk Added water in -; FormulB for calculation of (Notes). Milk Added water in -; Methods of calculating. Milk Analysis of - preserved with potassium dichromate ; Influence of the oxidation of lactose and lactic acid on the results of the. Marchadier and Goujon 371. Milk Bacteria in raw or pasteurised -; Method of counting. Milk Calculations - - Areply. L. J. Harris 314. Milk Cheese ; Calculation of the composition of the original - from the analysis Milk Coagulated -; Use of the simplified molecular constlant in the an,alysis of. Milk Cow and buffalo -; Experiments on the differentiation of. Milk Egyptian cow’s - ; Composition of.Milk Egyptian goat’s -; Composition of, Milk Electrical conductivity of -; The. Milk Lactic acid in sour -; Free. Milk Lactose in -; Estimation of. Milk - calculations A criticism. Milk Peroxydases in -. Milk Serum Study of -; Contribution to the. Milks Lactose and proteins in - preserved with potassium ; Estimation of. P. Defrance 237. Milks Lactose in - heated after the addition of sodium bicarbonate ; Estimation of. Mineral Oils - ; Laboratory tests on. Mineral Waters Bromine in - and brines ; Determination of. W. F. Baughman Mineral Waters Iodide in - and brines; Estimation of. W. 3’. Baughman and Minerals Copper - in partly oxidised ores ; Sulphur dioxide method for estirnaf-Mohr Volumetric Method Chlorine; Adaptation of hhe - to general determina-Molecular Constant Coagulated milk ; Use of t-he simplified - in the analysis of -Molecular Weight Determination Vapour pressure of solutions ; - by direct Molybdenum Compounds Volatilisation in a current of carbon tetrachloride vapour ; P.Jannasch and 0. Laubi 36. Monobrominated Camphor Synthetia drug analysis ; Studies in. VII. Estimation W. 0. Emery 343. Monochlorbenzene Mixtures containing benzene - and dichlorbenzene; A Morphine B.P. method of - estimation ; Effect of - concentration on the. Morphine Complex products ; Estimation of -in. Morphine Content Opium on its - ; Effect of heating. R. E. Annett and Xorphine Indian Opinm ; Estimation of - in. Jitendra Nath Rakshit and F. J. 111. - . J. M. Weiss 58. brominated camphor in -.L. J. Harris 317. L. J. Harris 43. P. Allen 171. of (Notes). Fonzes-Diacon 372. H. D. Richmond 202. C. Todd 168. G. Hogan and A. Azadian 168. G. Hogan and A. Aza.dian 168. J. H. Coste and E. T. Shelbourn 158. L. L van Slyke and J. C. Baker 172. H. D. Richmond 200. E. Hildt 408. H. Violle 346. R. Ledent 374. C. Porcher and A. Bonis 31. A. Philip 412. and W. W. Skinner 417. W. W. Skinner 301. ing. tions of. L. Yoder 353. Fonz es - Dia con 3 72. measurement of the lowering of the. Analysis of - by. of - in migraine tablets. method for the determination of - in. H. E. Annett and Hardapl Singh 41. C. E. van Barneveld and E. S. Lealver 327. R. Wright 422. N. G. S. Coppin and F. Holt 226. A. Tingle 49. H. Singh 51. D ’Costa 337 xxxvi INDEX TO VOLUASIE XLIV, Notor Spirits Aviation - ; German.Mustard Table -; French. G. Chavanne L. P. Clerc and L. J . Simon 410. P. Carles 31. Nairobi Juniperus procem grown a t -; Essential oil from. A. E’. MacCulloch, Natural Gas Results; Analysis of - and the calculation and application of. Nessler and Barth’s Method Tannin in wine ; Modification of - for the estiiiia-Nessler Solution - ; Regenerat>ion of. Nessler’s Reagent Urea and non-protein nitrogen in blood and animal tissue bg means of -; Estimation of. Nickel Cadmium and -; Alkali iodides as reagents for. Xickel Hydrogenated oils with special reference to the detection and estimation of Nickel Ores and alloys; A rapid method for determining - and cobalt in. Nicotine Commercial samples of -; The examination of.P. J. Fryer and C. H. Nicotiine - ; Detection of. Nitrates Nitrites ; Estimation of - and. Nitrates Phenolsulphonic acid reaction An improved method for the estimation of - in water by means of the. Nitrates Soil - by phenol disulphonic acid method ; Bccurate estimation of. H. A. Noyes 182. Nitric and Citric Acids Rock phosphate ; Solvent action of dilute - on. J. A. Stenius 183. Nitrites Alkali iodides in presence of bromides and - ; Estimation of small quantities of. E . Lasausse 380. Nitrites Nitrates and -; Estimation of. Nitrites - ; Estimation of. Nitrites Nitrous acid and -; Estimation of. J. S. Laird and T. C. Simpson 213. Nitrites Pickled meats; Estimation of small quantities of - in. F. -4uerbach Nitrobenzene Commlercial nitrobenzenes ; Determination of - in C.Simpson Nitro-Compounds Certain organic - ; Detection and estimation of small amounts Nitro Groups Organic compounds by means of stannous chloride ; Estimation of Nitrogen Compounds containing sulphur halogens or - * Elementary micro-analysis of. C. Granacher 141. ’Nitrogen Distribution Methods Hausmann’s - ; Cause of and remedj7 for certain inaccuracies in. Nitrogen Dumas’s method; Continuous process for the estimation of - by. L. Dexheimer 246. Nitrogen Electric weld met-a1 ; Estimat.ion of oxygen and - in. J. H. Paterson and H. Blair 418. Nitrogen Urea and non-protein - in blood and animal tissue by means of Nessler ’s reagent ; Estimation of. Nitroso- p- Naphthol - ; Estimation of. P.Nicolardot and L. Valli-Donau 106. Nitrous Acid Nitrites ; Estimation of - and. J. S. Laird and T. C. Simpson 213. Nitruus Acid Osidimetric estimation of - ; Influence of fluorides on the. 413. R. P. Anderson 209. tion of. L. Keyer 320. D. Pullman 124. A. Grigaut and F. Guerin 240. A. Agrestini 34. and arsenic in the same ; Examination of. G. Reiss 377. Part 111. Fryer 363. W. R. Schoeller and A. R. Powell 275. 0. Tunmann 406. W. Strecker 36. R. C. Frederick 281. W. Strecker 36. F. Dienert 114. and G. Reiss 372. and W. J. Jones 379. of. E. Elvove 376. in. J. G. F. Druce 176. S. L. Jodidi and S. C. Moulton 419. A. Grigaut and F. GuBrin 240 5. Belluci 327 INDEX TO VOLUXE XLIV. XXXVll Non-Protein Nitrogen Urea and - in blood and animal tissue by means of Non-Vanadium Steels Phosphorus in vanadium steels ferrovanadium - and C.M. Johnson 184. Notation - (Notes). Notes 1919 26 47 95 137 166 202 234 287 31'7 369 405. Nuclein Content Yeast ; Estimat'ion of the- of. Nutrient Media - ; Yeast. Obituary Notices ; Nessler's reagent; Estimation of. pig-iron; Estimation of. A. Grigaut and IF. GuBrin 240. J. F. Liverseege 28. C. A. Lubsen 172. E. Friedmann 409. Fairley Thomas F.I. C. 253. Harvey Sidney 191. Nimmo James F.I.C. 1. Oil Aeration of water; The effect of a film of - on the (Notes). H. F. Stephen-Oil Ceratotheca Xosamoids Note on the - of. Oil Malt extract and cod-liver -; Note on the percentage of - in (Notes). Oil of Clagsia - . Oil Seeds ; Estimation of - in. Oil Sumac (Rhus glabra) ; - from.Oils and Fats Commercial -; Tentative standard methods for the sampling and analysis of. 138. Opacimeter Bacteria ; - designed for estimating. Larnbert Vles and De Watte-ville 217. Opium Analysis. Opium Morphine content ; Effect of heating - on its. H. A. Annett and H. Singh 51. Opium Morphine in Indian - ; Estimation of. Jitendra Nahh Ralkshitl and IF. J. D'Costa 337. Ore Brazilian zirconium -; The analysis of. A. R. Powell and W. R. Schoeller, 397. Ores Copper minerals in partly oxidised -; Sulphur dioxide method for estimat-ing. .Ores Nickel and cobalt in - and alloys ; A rapid method for determining. Part 111. Ores PIatinum - and chemical composition of th'e ural -; New method of analysing. L. Duparc 356. Ores Tin -; Analysis of.Ores Titanium in titaniferous iron - ; Rapid method for the estimation of. J. Waddell 307. Ores Ural - ; New method of analysing platinum - and chemical composition of the. L. Duparc 356. Organic Acids Lactic acid; Fixed - in wine particularly. Organic Acids Plant ash in weak - ; Solubility of. Organic Acids Solutions of sbarch and - by means of mercury ; Conservation of. Organic Analysis Abstracts 33 51 103 140 173 206 241 297 321 348 374 410. Organic Compounds Halogens in - by the liquid ammonia-sodium method ; Organic Compounds Nitro groups in - by means of stannous chloride ; Estima-Organic Nitro-aompounds Small amounts of certain - ; Detection and estima-Organic Photographic Developing Agents - ; Examination o€. R. T. Clarke 53 son 288.E. R. Boltlon 233. H. D. Richmond 202. 11. Constituents of. F. D. Dodge 97. H. W. Brubaker 414. R. Biazzo 144. D. B. Dott 50. C. E. van Barneveld and E. S. Leaver 327. W. R. Schoeller and A. R. Powell 275. I A. Craig 359. G. de Astis 171. M. &rot and G. Joret 180 A. Junk 415. Estimation of. tion of. tion of. E. Elvove 376. C. W. Clifford 322. J. G. F. Druce 176 xxxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. Organic Solvents Volatile -; Funnel for filtering. Organic Substances Aqueous solutions of related - ; Distillation of. Organic Substances Micro-analysis of - ; Elementary. J. V. Dubsky 140. Organic Substances; -. Colorimetric estimation of. H. Heidenhain 208. Orgaic Substances Oxidation of - ; Formation of cyanic acid during the. Organic Substances Oxygen in -; Estimation of.R. Strebinger 378. Ortho-Tolidine Gold; The use of - as a colorimetric.-test for. W. B. Pollard 94. Oxidation Ammonia; Estimation of yield in processes for the - of. J. Bau-Oxidation Analysis of milk preserved with potassium dichromate ; Influence of the Marchadier and Goujon, Oxidation Efficiency of ammonia -; Analytical method for determining. D. P Oxidation Lactic acid by -; Estimation of. Oxide Sulphur in spent -; Estimation of. Oxidised Sulphur Compounds - ; Detection of the more important. Oxidising Action Potassium dichromate ; - of. Oxygen Combustible gas mixtures or ~f combustible gases in air; Apparatus for H. C. Greenwood and J. H. Paterson T. B. Aldrich 187. J. Reilly and W. J. Hickinbottom 410.R. Fosse 322. mann 416. - of lactose and lactic acid on the results of the. 371. Gaillard 351. R. Fosse 322. J. Bellucci 327. 247. 0. Schuppli 323. Oxidation Organifc substances ; Formation of cyanic acid during the - of. Oxidimetric Estimation Nitrous acid; Influence of fluorides on the - of. W. Diamond 114. A. Sander, C. R. McCrosky 61. the automatic estimation of small amounts of - in. A. T. S. Zealley 216. and H. Blair 418. Oxygen Electric welld metal ; Estimation of - and nitrogen in. Oxygen Organic substances ; Estimation of - in. Oxygen Sodium peroxide ; Determination of active - in. Ozone - ; Detection and estimation of. R. Strebinger 378. 5. Milbauer 146. L. Benoist 183. Paint Analysis. ‘‘ Palan ” and “ Rhotaniurn ” Ware Platinum laboratory utensils ; Comparative Palm-Kernel Feeding cakes ; Rancidity of - and other.Palm-Kernel Oil Butter fat coconut oil and - in mixtures ; Estimation of. Palm-Kernel Oil - ; Iodine value (Wijs) of. Paper Fibres in -; The estirnstion of. Para-Aminophenol Derivatives Phenacetin and other - by hypochloroas acid ; FarafRn Hydrocarbons Reaction of -; New. E. V. Lynn 177. Pasteurised Milk Counting bacteria in raw or -; Method of. Pearce’s Method Arsenic ; Modifications of - for. Pentosans Meal ; Quantitative colorimetric estimation of - in. G. Testoni 170 Perchlorates Chlorates and chlorides ; Rapid estimation of - alone or in presence Percussion Cap Compositions - ; Analysis of. Marqueyrol and P. Loriette 52. Permanganate-Formalin Method Disinfection with formaldehyde.Practical M. A. Pozen and L. V. Dieter 239. Permanganate Hydrochloric acid ; Estimation of iron by - in presence of. G. J. Hough 350. tests of - as substitutes for. L. J. Gurevich and E. Wichers 303. J. R. Furlong 204. S. H. Blichfeldt 290. R. H. Ellis and E. M. Hall 237. R. C. Griffin 414. The estimation of. A. D. Powell 22. P. Allen 171. J. Waddell 415. of. J. G . Williams 328. efficiency of some substitutes for the -. 11. Schwarz and B. Rolfes 181 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. XXXlX Permanganate Solutions - ; Arsenite titrations of. Permanganate Titration of iron by means of -; Use of colloidal silicic acid in. Permeability Balloon fabrics; Method for determining the - of. J. D. Edwards '' Perocide 'I -. $'. Mach and P.Lederle 205. Peroxydases Milk ; - in. Petrol Aromatic hydrocarbons in -; Determination of. H. G. Colman and E. W. Yeoman 206. Petrol Calorific value and sulphur contents of - by means of a bomb ; Determina-tion of the (Notes). A. Philip 95. Petroleum Spirit Hydrocarbons in aniline ; Critical temperature of solution of. Application to the analysis of -, Pharmaceutical Zinc Oxide Lead in -. Pharmacopoeia British - 1914 Cancellation of alterations and amendments (Notes). W. Partridge 137. Phenacetin Hypochlorous acid ; The estimabion of - and other para-aminophenol derivatives by. Phenacyl Esters Acids Id'entification of. J. B. Rather and E. E. Reid 103. Phenanthrene Anthracene carbazol and - ; Solubilities separation and puri-fication of.Phenol Disulphonic Acid Method Soil nitrates by -; Accurate estimation of. H. A. Noyes 182. Phenol Substances ; Estimation of - and the t h e e isomeric cresols in mixtures of these. Phenolsulphonic Acid Reaction Nitrates in water by means of the -; An im-proved method for the estimation of. Phenol Tar oils; Estimation of - in. Phenylarsirzic Acids Arsenic in substituted - and their reduction products ; Estimation of. R. G. Fargher 374. P-Phenylhydroxylamine Cupferron ; Prepara,tion of - and. C. S. Marvel and 0. Kamm 142. Phosgene (Carbonyl Chloride) Air ; Estimation of traces of - in. A. Kling and R. Schmutz 207 244. Phosphate Rock -; Solvent action of dilute citric and nitric acids on. J. A. Stenius 183. 3hosphites Hypophosphites and - ; Iodimetric estimation of.Boyer and Bauzil 60. Phosphor Tin Phosphorus in -; Estimation of. Phosphorus Cast iron ; Estimation of - and silicon in. Phosphorus Phosphor tin; Estimation of - in. Phosphorus Steel and iron; Estimation of -in. Phosphorus Tungsten ; Estimation of - in presence of. G. W. Gray and Phosphorus Vanadium steels ferrovanadium non-vanadium steels and pig iron ; Photographic Developing Agents Organic -; Examination of. H. T. Clarke 53. Physico-Chemical Method Alkali carbonates in hhe presence of free alkalis ; -Pickled Meats Nitrites in - ; Estimation of small quantities of. I?. Auerbach Picric Acid Method Sugar in blood; - for the estimation of. 0. L. V. de A. Bose 59. 33. Dittler 302. and S. 3'. Pickering 421. H. Violle 346. C. Chavanne and L.J. Simon 348. W. D. Collins and W. I?. Clarke 182. A. D. Powell 22. IV. - . J. &I. Clark 174. H. bL Dawson and C. A. Mountford 54. R. C. Frederick 281. G. C. Petrie 244. W. Lord 246. W. Lord 246. N. D. Ridsdale 146. A. Cayazzi 147. J. Smikh 381. Estimation of - in. C. M. Johnson 184. for the estimation of, and G. Reiss 372. Wesselow 346. R. Dubrissay Tripier and Toquet 108 xl INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. Pig Iron Vanadium steels ferrovanadium non-vanadium ste,els and - ; Estima-tion of phosphorus in. Pitch - ; Softening-point of. Pitches Distilled tars and -; Analysis of. Plant Ash Weak organic acids ; Solubility of - in. Plant Ashes Soils and -; Sensitive reaction for copper and its application to Platinum Electrodes Electro-analysis ; Substitutes for - in.P. Nicolardot and Platinum Laboratory Utensils “ Palan ” and “ Rhotanium ” ware as substitutes Platinum Ores Ural ores ; New method of analysing - and chemical coinpositiort Plato’s Method Tin antimony and arsenic by -; Separabion of. W. Hart-Poisons Drugs and -; Guttameter and its application to the study of. F. Esch-Polenske and Kirschner Reichert-Meissl Figures Butter ; No4e on the relation Potash Estimations Alcohol from -; Recovery of. Potash Lindo-Gladding Method for determining - ; Sources of error incident to Potassium Dichromate Milks preserved with - ; Estimation of lactose and Potassium Dichromate Oxidation of lactose and lactic acid on the results of the Marchadier and C. M. Johnson 184. P. E. Spielmaan and G.C. Petrie 209 J. M. Weiss 57. M. Sirot and G. Joret 180. the analysis of. J. Boudst 38. for -; Comparative tests of. of the. L. Duparc 356. mann 328. baum 188. between the - in (Notes). L. Maquenne and E. Demoussy 179. L. J. Gurevich and E. Wimchers 303. H. D. Richmond 166. A. E. Smoll 242. the. proteins in. P. Defrance 237. analysis of milk preserved with - a Influence of the. Goujon 371. Potassium Dichromate - ; Oxi,dising action of. Potassium Platinichloride - ; Reduction of. Potassium Sulphate - and tartaric acid under various conditions ; R,eactions Potato Wheat and Rye Starches - in the presence of each other; Detection of. Powdered Glass Water and hydrochloric a8cid on - ; Action of. P. Nicolardot 354. Powders Acetone in smokeless -; Estimahion of.Precipitator Smoke ; Electrical - for analysing. R. C. Tolman L. H. Reyerson, Precipitins B . botulinus in preserved foods by the thermo-precipitation method : President Annual address of the -. 75. Pressure Gauge - ; Precision. A. Homer 305. Proteins Milks preserved with potassium dichromate ; Estimation of lactose and - in. P. Defrance 237. Proximate Analysis Wood ; - of. Prune Kernels - ; Analysis of. L L Pure ’’ Benzols Commercial -; Analysis of. Purine Bases Foods ; Estimation of - in. Pyramidone Analysis ; Use of - in. Pyridine Ammonium nitrate; Studies on the American official method for - in. Pyrites Sulphide sulphur in -; Rapid method for the estimation of. -4. Bartsch?. T. E. Keitt and H. E. Shiver 114. C. R.McCrosky 61. Horsch 185. between. A. Borntraeger 373. E. Unna 319. A. Pieroni 103. A. P. Brooks andH. D. Smyth 218. Bacterial - and the detection of. M. Bornand 33. H. Robert 304. Protein Content Sera; Use of the refractometer in the estimation of the - of. W. H. Dore 299. I;. Fordyce and D. I f . Torrance 238. F. B. Jones 104. T. von Fellenberg 296. Eschaich 324. R. M. Ladd 299. 148. Pyrites Sulphur in - ; Estima,tion of. H. C. Moore 185 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. xli Quantitative Analysis Freezing-point determinations in - ; Cse of. C. E Fawsitt 330. Rainproof and Waterproof Cloth - ; Quantitative test-ing of. Rancidity Palm-kernel and other feeding-cakes - of. Rapp’s Method Alkaloids ; - for the estimaiion of. A. Heiduschka and Rapp’s Method Alkaloids ; - for the estimation of.Raw or Pasteurised Milk Bacteria in -; Method of counting. Ray and Shark Liver oils. M. Tsujimoh 139. Reagent Iodotannic - (Estimation of alkali in very low concentrations). Reagents Cadmium and nickel ; Alkali iodides as - for. Reagents Organic chemical -. Red Cinchona Bark Assay of -; Note on the (Notes). Reddoeop and Ramage Method Manganese in steel Modification of the - for Reducing Sugars Cuprous chloride-iodine method for - simplified. F. 31. Reducing Sugars - ; Volumetric estimation of. Reduction Products Substituted phenylarsinic acids and their - ; Estimation of Redwood - ; Tannin content of. Reflwx Condenser - ; New. J. B. Bajda 187. Refractive Indices Zeiss butyro-refractometr The conversion of scale readings to Refractometer Ethylene ch1orh;ydrin ; Use of the - in the examination of A.E. Refractometer Protein content of sera ; Use of the - in the estimation of the. Refractometer Sugar industry; - in the. Renatured Alcohol Spirits ; Detection of - in. L. Wolfrum and J. Pinnow, 243. Report Ammoniacal liquor ; -4nalysis of. (Fifty-fifth Annual - 1918 on -4lkali etc. ) 387. Report Government - - on the work of inspectors of foods for the year 1917-18. Report Work of the Government Laboratory for the year eliding March 31 1918; - of the Government Chemist upon the. Residual Acids Ether; Analysis of the - from the manufacture of. E. C Carron 876. Resins Coumarone - ; Technical. Reviews of Books : G. Martin and J. Wood 210. J. R. Furlong 204.1,. Wolf 405. K. Dieterich 236. P. -411en 171. 13. E. Tsakalotos and D. Dalmas 35. A. Agrestini 34. W. Partridge 96. IV. Preparation of alkyl iodides. R. Adams and V. Voorhees 298. determination of. Scales 349. P. Id. Robinson 419. W. €3. Clark 56. arsenic in. R. G. Farglier 374. C. C. Scalione and D. R. Merrill 324. (Notes). J. F. Liverseege 48; H. D. Richmond 167. Berry 305. A. Homer 305. H. Main 305. A. W. J. MacFadden 118. 65. J. Ma.rcusson 203. Analytical Chemistry Applied -; A Treatise on. Vol. 11. V. Villavecchia, 71. Beverages Adulteration ; - and their ; Origin Composition Manufacture, Natural Artificial Fermented Distilled Alkaloidal and Fruit Juices. H. W. Wiley 391. and R. K. Meade 362. Boiler Chemistry Feed Water Supplies ; - and, Brass Non-Ferrous Alloys ; Technical Analysis of - and the.Carbohydrates Gluoosides ; The Simple - and the. Catalysis Industrial Chemistry ; - in. J. H. Paul 331. W. B. Price E. F. Armstrong 427. G . G. Henderson 389 xlii INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. Reviews of Books-continued. Chemical and Physical Constants - ; Tables of. Chemistry Everyman's -. E. Hendrick 252. Chemistry Industrial - ; Monographs on. Chemistry Organic -; Recent Advances in. Coal Scientific Uses; - and its. Coal-Tar Dyes Intermediates ; - and. Colloids - ; The Chemistry of. Drugs India ; Indigenous - of. Essential Oils Refractive Indices ; Tables of. Explosives High -Industrial Chemistry Monographs on -. Chemical Industry. Oils - Fats and Waxes; Technical Handbook of.Weston 223. Osmotic Pressure. Petroleum Refining. A. Campb'ell 120. Physical Chemistry Textbooks of -. Stereochemistry. A. W. Stewart 424. Physiological Chemistry - ; Practical. Ramsay Sir William K.C.B. F.R.S. - Memorials of his Life and Work. Reports Progress of Applied Chemistry ; Annual - of Society of Cherriical Starch - and Cellulose (with Reference to India) ; Modern Chemistry and Surface Energy Chemical Phenomena ; Surface Tension and - and their Theoretical Chemistry - ; Outlines of. P. E. Spielmann and E . G. The Natural Organic Colouring Wheeler 335. Matters. A. G. Perkin and A. E. Everest 119. A . W. Stewart 189. W. A. Bone 152. Part I. Kolloidchemie. E. de B. Barnett 333. R. Zsigmondy 425. R. Kanthack,306.Captain E. de W .S. Calver 154. The Applications of Electrolysis in P. 5. Fryer and F. F. J. C. Ghosh 155. Vol. I. - . -4 Practical Treatise. -4. J. Hale 40. A. Findlay 224. S. W. Cole 426. W. A. Tilden 390. Industry on the. Vol. 11. 38. Chemical Industry of. T. C. Cha,udhuri 306. Influence on. R. S. Willows and E. Hatschek 121. F. H. Getman 334. Rhinolith - ; Analysis of a. '' Rhotanium " Ware Platinum laboratory utensils ; Comparative tests of " Palan " Rhubmb Compound tincture of -; Note on (Notes). (Rhus Glabra) Sumac -; Oil from. Rock Phosphate Dilute citric and nitric acids on -; Solvent action of. Rosin - pitch mixtures ; Estimation of - in. Rubber Goods Free carbon in - ; Estimation of. A. H. Smith and S W. Rubber-Proofed Cotton Fabrics Textile in - ; Isolation and examination of the.Rubidium Gold silver and - ; New microchemical reaction for. F. Emich 301. Rye and Potato Starches Wheat - in the presence of each other; Detection of. Karabedian and Ciarlaii 101. and - as substitutes for. L. 5. Gurevich and E. Wichers 303. W. Partridge 369. H. W. Brubaker 414. 5. -4 -4. Wogrinz and P. Vari 414. S tenius 183. Epstein 141. B. D. Porritt 177. E. Unna 319. Saccharin Commercial - ; Analysis of. H. D. Richmond and C. A. Hill 99. Saccharin - ; Analysis of. Salicylic Acid Salicylic a1deh;yd.e ; Volumetric method for estimating - in the Salicylic Aldehyde Salicylic acid in the presence of - ; Volumetric method for Salicylic Esters Fati7 oils ; Estimation of - in. P.Behrisch and I? Kumcliner, Detect-ion and estimation of impurities. 0. Beyer 408. presence of. R. Berg 211. estimating. R. Berg 211. 296 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. xliii Salmon Oil Hexabromide and iodine numbers of - as a means of identifying H. S. Bailey and J. M. Salmon Tinned - a Aerobic spore-forming bacillus in. A. C. Hunter and Salt Contents Soils by the freezing-point method ; Determination of the absolute Salts Antimony -; Analysis of. Salts Manganese -; Sensitive reaction of. Sand Silica and - ; Estimation of (Notes). Sausages Meat in - and meat pastes; The estimation of the approximate quantity of. Sausages - meah pastes and Army rations; The analysis of. A. W. Stokes 127. Scale Readings Zeiss butyro-refractometer The conversion of - to refractive indices (Notes).Scottish Board of Health. 219. Scrubber Ammonia distillations ; - for. Seaweeds German -. Seed Silver maple ( h e r saccharinurn) ; Composition of the - of the. Seeds Oil in - ; Estimation of. Selenic Acids Selenious and -; Volumetric determination of. L. Moser and Selenious and Selenic Acids - ; VoIumetric determination of. L. Moser and Sensitive Reaction Copper ; - for and its application to the analysis of soils and L. Ma-quenne and E. Demonssy 179. Sensitive Reaction Manganese salts ; - of. Separation Fractional distillation ; Limits of - by. S. I". Sera Protein content of -; Use of the refractometer in the estimation of the. Serum Milk -; Contribution to the study of Shark and Ray Liver oils. Shell Cacao -; The estimation of.Shorts Canadian Bran and - ; Composition of. F. T. Shutt and R. R. Silica Jelly Bacteriological medium ; Preparatnion of - for use as a A. T. Silica Sand; Estimation of - and (Notes). F. J. Lloyd 27; B. Dyer 28. Silicic Acid Iron by means of permanganate ; Use of colloidal - in titration of. Silicon Phosphorus and - in cast iron ; Estimation of. Silver Gold - and rubidium ; New microchemical reaction for. F. Emich 301. Silver - and halogens in ammoniacal solution ; Cyanometric method of estirnat-ing. J. Eggert and L. Zipfel 358. Slag Basic -; Analysis of. Smoke Precipitator for analysing -; Electrical. R. C. Tolman L. H. Rleyer-son A. P. Brooks andH. D. Smyth 218. Smokeless Po'wders Acetone in -; Estimation of. Soaps Kaolin -; Analysis of. Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists Proceedings of the 1 41 , Sodium Bicarbonate Milks heat,ed after the addition of - ; Estimat,ion of lactose the species of canned salmon; Determina;tion of.Johnson 98. C. Thom 320. I_ of. E. J. Buoyoucos and M. M. McCool 102. 300. H. Caron and D. Raquet 302. F. J. Lloyd 27 ; B. Dyer 28. G. Stubbs and A. More 125. J. F. Liverseege 48; H. D. Richmond 167. B. S. Davisson 251. R. Alb'ert and MKrause 205. J. Bnder-son 100. R. Biazzo 144. W. Prinz 61. W. Prinz 61. plant ash'es. H. Caron and D. Raquet 302. A new still-head. Dufton 148. A. Homer 305. R. Ledent 374 M. Tsujimotmo 139. A. W. Knapp and B. G. McLlellan 2. Dorrance 49. Legg 346. E. Dittler 302. A. Cavazzi 147. G. Hughes 416.A. Pieroni 103. W. D. Cohen 139. 73 123 157 192 225 255 307 337 363 397. in C. Porcher and A. Bonis 31 xliv INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. Sodium Peroxide Active oxygen in - ; Determination of. Softening-Point Pitch ; - of. Soil Nitrates Phenol disulphonic acid method ; Accurate estima'tion of - by. Soils Absolute salt contents of - bj- the freezing-point method ; Determination Soils Humus ; Comparative estimation of the richness of - in. L. Lapacque Soils Plant ashes; Sensitive reaction for copper and its application to the analFsis Solubilities Anthracene carbazol and phenanthrene ; - separation and puri-J. M. Clark 174. Solubility - ; Rapid determination of (Notes). Soluble Starch Preparation of -; Method for the. Soluble Starch Starch and its hydrolytic cleavage products ; Quantitative estima-Solutions Boiling-points of -; Apparatus for determination of.F. G. Cottrell, Solutions Vapour pressure of - Molecular weight determination by direct Solvent Action Dilute citric and nitric acids on rock phosphate ; - of. J. A . Solvents Volatile organic -; Funnel for filtering. Spirits Renatured alcohol in -; Detection of. L. Wolfrum and J. Pinnow 243. Standard Methods Commercial fat's and oils ; Tentative - for the sampling and Standard Substance Iodimetry ; Arsenious oxide as a- - in. R. M. Chapin 179. Standards Cottonseed oil ; Colour - for. H. V. 9rny C. Kish and F. New-Standards Iron and steel and Oheir bearing on unification of analysis ; Chemical Stannous Chloride Nitro groups in organic coinpounds by means of - Estima-Starch Soluble - in the presence of - and its hydrolytic cleavage products; J.C. Small 106. 6ttlrch Soluble -; Method for the preparation of. Starch Solutions of - and organic acids by means of mercury ; Conservation of. Starches Whea-t rye and potato - in the presence of each other; Detection of Steam Distillation - ; Studies in. Part VI The possibilities and limitations H. D. Rich-Steel Iron and - and their bearing on unification of analysis ; Chemical standards Steel Manganese in -; Modification of the Reddrop and Ramage method for Steel Phosphorus in - and iron; Estimation of. Steel Uranium zirconium chromium vanadium and aluminium in - ; Estima-Steels Phosphorus in vanadium - ferrovanadium non-vanadium - and C. M. Johnson 184.-Steels Vranium in alloy - and ferro-uranium ; Estimation of. G. 11. Kellqy, J. Milbauer 146. P. E. Spielmaan and G. C. Petrie 209. H. -4. Noyes 182. of the. and E. BarbB 101. of - and. fication of. E. J. Bouyoucous and R. Trannoy 102. L. Maquenne and E. Demoussy 179. T. J. Ward 137. J. C. Small 107. tion of - in the presence of. 249. measurement of the lowering of the Stenius 183. J . C. Small 106. R. Wright 422. T. €3. -4ldrich 187. analysis of. 138. mark 407. for. C. H. Ridsdale and N. D. Ridsdale 145. tion of Quantitative estimation of. J. G. F. Druce 176. J. C. Small 107. A. Junk 415. E. Unna 319. of Duclaus's method for the estimation of homologous acids. mond 255. for. determination of. C. K. Ridsdale and N.D. Ridsdde 145. P. L. Robinson 419. N. D. Ridsdale 146. tion of. pig iron; Estimation of. F. R. Myers and C. B. Illingworth 213. C. M. Johnson 382 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV. xlv Steels Vanadium in - by electrometric titration; Estimation of. G. L. Kelley, Still-Head Separation by fractional distillation; Limits of. S. F. Stopcock Equalising the pressure above and below the outlet in the - ; - for Strontium Sulphate Sulphates as -; Estimation of. J. M. Kolthoff and E. H. Substitutes Platinum elecbrodes in electro-ana’lysis ; - for. P. Nicolardot and Sugar Blood; Estimation of - in. SUga Blood; Picric acid method for the estimation of - in. 0. L. V. de Sugar-Cane Juice Aconitic acid in -; Presence of and new reaction for the Sugar Industry Refractoineter in the -.Sugars Cuprous chloride-iodine mlethod for reducing - simplified. F. 31. Sugars Reducing -; Volumetric estimation of. Sulphates Strontium sulphate; Estimation of - as. J. M. Kolt’hoff and E. HI. Sulphates - ; Volumetric estimation of. R. Howden 62; A. C. D. Rivett 24’7, Sulphates Sulphur in foods ; Estimation of - in concentrated electrolytes and Sulphide Sulphur Pyrites; Rapid method for the estimation af - in. A. Sulphide Zinc as -; Conditions affecting the precise estimation of. H. A. Fales Sulphite Method Gallium wh’en associated with zinc ; - for separation and Sulphites Gaseous mixtures ; Estimation of - and of sulphur dioxide in. Sulphochlorides Aromatic -; Ana.lysis of. Sulphur Compounds containing - halogens or nitrogen ; Elementary micro-Sulphur Compounds Oxidised -; Detection of the more important.A. Sander, Sulphur Contents Petrol bp means of a bomb ; Determination of the calorific value Sulphur Dioxide Method Copper minerals in partly oxidised ores ; - for estimat-Sulphur Dioxide Sulphitbes and of - in gaseous mixtures ; Estimation of. Sulphur Foods and ftzces ; Modified Benedict method for estimation of - in. SuIphur Illuminating gas bp means of iodine solution; Estimation of - in. Sulphur Pyrites ; Estimation of - in. Sulphur Spent oxide; Estimation of - in. Sulphur Sulphates in concentrated electrolytes and estimation of - in foods; V. K. Krieble and A. W. Mangum 383. Sumac - (Rhus glabra) ; Oil from. Swarf Brass ingots from -; Analysis of. Synthetic Drug Analysis - ; Studies in.J. A. Wiley R. T. Bohn and W. C. Wright 329. Dufton 148. dropping liquids arranged for. Vogelenzang 247. and J. Boudet 38. Wesselow 346. detection of the acid. A new -. H. L. Fisher 117. H. MacLean 344. C. S. Ta-ylor 319. H. Main 305. Scales 349. W. B. Clark 56. Vogelenzang 247. estimation of. Bartsch 148. and G. M. Ware 215. estimation of. P. Haller 186. V. K. Krieble and A. W. Mangum 383. L. E. Porter and P. E. Browning 418. F. Neitzel 411. analysis of. C. Granacher 141. 247. and - of (Notes). ing. P. Haller 186. J. 0. Halverson 409. M. Hirsch 384. A. Philip 95. C. E. van Barneveld and E. S. Lsaver 327. H. C. Moore 185. W. Diamond 114. Estimation of. H. W. Brubaker 414. R. H. Deakin 211. VII. Estimation of monobrominated” camphor in migraine hablets.W. 0. Emwy 343 xlvi INDEX TO VOLUiME XLIV. Tannin Content Redwood; - of. Tannin Nessler and Barth’s method for the estimation of - in wine; Modifies-Tar Benzene toluene etc. in coal - and similar products and in the intermedi-H. G. Colman and E IT. C. C. Scalione and D. R. Merrill 324. tion of. L. Meyer 320. ate products of - distillation; Estimation of. Yeoman 206. Tar Oils Phenol in -; Estimation of. T ~ s Distilled - and pitches ; 4nalysis of. Tartaric Acid Potassium sulphate and - under various conditions ; Reactions Tartaric Acid Wines; Rapid estimation of - in. Tartrates Copper-tartrate complex; Study of the test for - depending 011 the formation of the. Temperature of Solution Hydrocarbons in aniline ; Critical - of.Applicatioii to the analysis of petroleum spirit. Temperatures Erbium oxide at high - ; Retention of carbon dioxide by. E. Wickers B. S. Hopkins and C. W. Balke 60. Textile Rubber-proofed cotton fabrics ; Isolation and examination of the - in B. D. Porritt 177. Theobromine Caffeine and - ; Chemical test to distinguish between. F P Stroup 405. Thermo-Precipitation Method Detection of B . botuZinus in preserved foods by the -; Bacterial precipitins and the. Thiophene - ; Estimation of. Thorium Estimating -; Emanation method of. Tholrpe’s Alcoholometric Tables - ; Corrigendum. Tin Antimony lead - and copper in alloys; Estimation of. Tin Ores - ; Analysis of. Tin Phosphorus in phosphor -; Estimation of. W. Lord 246. Tin - antimony and arsenic by Plato’s method; Separation of.Tincture of Rhubarb Compound - ; Note on (Notes). Tissue Gold especiallp in animal - ; Estimation of. S. 31. Cadwell and Titaniferous Iron Ores Titanium in - ; Rapid method for the estimation of. Titanium Titaniferous iron ores; Rapid method for the estimation of - in. Tobacco Ceylon ; - from. Toluene Benzene - etc. in coal tar and similar products and in the inter-H . G. Colman and E . W. Toluene Petroleum ; Estimation of benzene and - in. Tornabseed Oil American -. Triacetin Eugenol - and benzyl alcohol in presence of each other ; Estimation Tungsten Compounds Vol atilisation in a current of carbon tetrachloride vapoiir ; P. Jannasch and R. Leiste 37. Tungsten Phosphorus in presence of - ; Estimation of.G. W. Gray and TurpenUine Ralogen absorption of -; The. G. C. Petrie 244. J. $1. Weiss 57. between. A. Borntraeger 373. L. Mathieu 238. L. J. Curtmann and B. R. Harris 145. C. Chavanne and L. J. Simon 348. M. Bornand 33. P. E. Spielmann and S. P. Schotz 325. G. H. Cartledge 115. A. E . Johnson 405. G. Oesterlield and 31. Honegger 359. A. Craig 359. W. Hart-mann 328. W. Partridge 369. G. Leavell 112. J. Waddell 307. J. Waddell 307. mediate products of tar distillation; Estimation of. Yeoman 206. 33. F. B. Thole 144. G. S. Jamieson and H. S. Bailey 372. of. H. Perperot 208. Analysis of - by. J. Smith 381. E. M. Taylor 401. Ural Ores Platinum ores and chemical composition of the -; Yew method of analpsing. L. Duparc 356 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIV.xh ii Uranium Alloy steels aiid ferro-uranium ; Estiination of - in. G. L. Kelley, Uranium Carnotite ; Estimation of - in. Uranium Steel Estimation of -? zirconium chromium vanadium and a h -minium in. Urea Blood and animal tissue by mleans of Nessler's reagent ; Estimation of -and non-protein nitrogen in. Urea - ; Estimation of. Urine Urobilin in -; Detection of. Urobilin Urine; Detection of - in. F. B. Myers and C. B. Illingworth 213. C. E. Scholl 384. C. M. Johnson 382. A. Grigaut and E. Gukrin 240. Philibert 240. Guyot 173. Guyot 173. Vanadium Aluminium ; Separation of - from. P. Wenger and H. Vogel-Vanadium Compounds Carbon tetrachloride ; Analysis of - with the aid of. Vanadium Steels by electrometric titration ; Estimation of - in.G. L. Kelley, Vanadium Steels Phosphorus in- ferrovanadium non-vanadium steels and Vanadium Uranium zirconium chromium - and aluminium in steel ; Estima-Vapour Density Apparatus Victor Meyer 's - ; Modification of. G. Romeo 250. Vapour Pressure Lowering of the - of solutions ; Molecular weight determina-Varnish Analysis - ; Methods of. Varnishes Etc. Viscosities of - ; A gravimetric method of comparing (Notes). Varnishes Fatty acids obtained from varnish oils and from -; Study of. W .T. Vaseline - ; -4nalysis of. Vegetable Material Caffeine in -; Improved method for estimation of. F. B. Vegetable Membranes Selective coloration of woody tissue in - ; Method for the. Veronal Cocaine heroine and - in viscera; The detection and estimation of.Vessels Glass -; Permanent marking of. Victor Meyer's Vapour Density Apparatus - ; Modification of. G. Romeo 250. Viscera Cocaine heroine and veronal in- ; The Detection and estimation of. Viscosities Varnishes etc. ; A gravimetric method of comparing - of (Notes). VolatiUsation Carbon tetrachloride vapour ; Analysis of molybdenum compounds Volatilisatrion Carbon tetrachloride vapour ; Ansalysis of tungsten compounds by P. Jannasch and R. Leiste 37. son 420. P. Jannasch and H. E. Harwood 37. J. A. Wiley R. T. Bohn and W. C. Wright 329. pig iron ; Estimation of. tion of. C. M. Johnson 184. C. M. Johnson 382. tion by direct measurement of the. R. Wright 422. W. T. Pearce 179. H. C. S. de Whalley 288. Pearce 178. G. Armanni and' A. G.Rodano 379. Power and V. I<. Chesnut 342. P. Bugnon 100. P. A. E. Richards 192. J. C. Bock 188. P. A. E. Richards 192. R. C. S. de Whalley 288. ky.- in a current of. I?. Jannasch and 0. Laubi 36. in a current of. Ware Enamel -; Acid test on. Waste Products - ; Experiments on (Notes). Water Aeration of - The effect of a film of oil on the (Notes). W. D. Collins 354. 48. H. F. Stephen-son 288. Water Dissolved gases in - ; Extraction and estimation of. F. W. Richardson -145. Water Free carbonic acid in -; Estimation of. Water Margarine; Estimation of - in. R. Czensny 245. M. Monhaupt 320 xlviii IKDEX TO VOLUME XLIF. Water; Milk; Formule for calculation of added - in (Notes). L. J. Harris 317. Water Milk; Methods of calculating added - in.Water Nitrates in - by means of the phenolsulphonic acid reaction ; An improved Water Powdered glass ; Action of - and hydrochloric acid on. P. Nicolardot, Water Wine ; Detection of added - in. Waters Iodide in mineral - and brines ; Estimation of. Waterproof Cloth Rainproof and -; Quantitative testing of. Weighing Burette - ; Simple. Weighjng Single deflection method of -. Weld Metal Oxygen and nitrogen in electric -; Estimation of. J. H. Paterson Wheat Rye and Potato Starches - in the presence of each other; Detection Wine Added water in-; Detection of. Wine Fixed organic acids in - particularly lactic acid. Wine Tannin in -; Modification of Nessler and Barth's method for the estima-Wines Italian -; Halphen's ratio as applied to. Wines Old -; Analyses of.Wines Tartaric acid in -; Rapid estimation of. Wood - ; Proximate analysis of. Woody Tissue Veget.able membranes ; Method for the selective coloration of -L. J. Harris 43. method for the estimation of. 354. R. C. Frederick 281. U. Pratolongo 32. W. F. Baughman and G Martin and W. W. Skinner 301. J. Wood 210. D. W. MacArdle 362. P. H. M. Y. Brinton 360. and H. Blair 418. of. E. Cnna 319. U. Pratolongo 32. G. de Bstis 171. tion of. L. Meyer 320. G. Halphen 29'7. TAT. I. Baragiola and 0. Schupple 171. L. Mathieu 238. U'. H. Dore 299. in. P. Bugnon 100. Yeast Culture medium for Baczlliis coh ; Aut,olysed - as a. Yeast Nuclein cont'ent of -; Estimation of the. Yeast Nutrient media. E'. Dienert and A. Guillerd 173. C'.A. Lubsen 172 E. Friedmann 409 Zeiss Butyro-Refractometer - The conversion of scale readings t o refractive Zinc Commercial -; Analysis of. Zinc Gallium wh,en associated with - ; Sulphite method for separation and Zinc Gelatin ; Estimation of - and copper in. Zinc Oxide Pharmaceutical -; Lead in. Zinc Sulphide ; Conditions affecting the precise estimation of - as. Zinc Sulphophenate - ; Volumetric estimation of. Zirconium Ore Brazilian - ; The analysis of. A. R. Powell and MT. R . Sehoeller, Zirconium Cranium - chromium vanadium and aluminium in steel; Estima-Zirconium - ; Estimation of. indices (Notes). J. F. Liverseege 48; H. D. Richmond 67. S. Rothschild 420 estimation of. L. E. Porter and P. E. Browning 418. G. S. Jamieson 214. W. D. Collins and W. F. Clarke 182. H. ,4. Fales and G. M. Ware 215. ddanti 107. 397. tion of. C. M. Johnson 382. P. Nicolardot. and ,4. RegInde 187'. ClLLINQ AhD SONS LTD. PRINTERS QUIIADFOKD ENGLAX
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