THE ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF THE Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY publication Committee : U'bafrman: J. R. NICHOLLS, D.Sc., F.R.I.C. N. L. ALLPORT, F.R.I.C. F. W. F. ARNAUD, F.R.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH, M.& F.R.I.C. R. C. CHIRNSIDE, F.R.I.C. D. W. KENT-JONES, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. S. ERNEST MELLING, F.R.I.C. c. A. MITCHELL, M.A., DSC., F:R.I.C. G. W. MONIER-WILLIAMS, O.B.E., B. S. COOPER, B.Sc., F.1nst.P. I M.C., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. H. E. COX, D.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. BERNARD DYER, D.Sc., F.R.I.C. F. W. EDWARDS, F.R.I.C. B.S.EVANS,M.B.E.,M.C.,D.Sc.,F.RI.C. L. EYNON, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. E. B. HUGHES, D.Sc., F.R.I.C. A. MORE, I.S.O., A.R.C.S., W. H. SIMMONS, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. ERIC VOELCKER, A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C.E. C. WOOD, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.C.S., G. H. "'YATT, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. A.R.T.C., F.R.I.C. F.R.I.C. Won. Becretaw of tbe Socleta: boh. Ureaeurer ot tbe 5octety: K. A. WILLIAMS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. G. TAYLOR, F.R.I.C. SbftOr: J. H. LANE, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. 7-8, Idol Lane, London, E.C.3. ZMetetant EOftor : Peeoctate Ebftor : F. L. OKELL, F.R.I.C. L. S. THEOBALD, M.Sc., A.RC.S., F.R.I.C. VOL. 7 2 1947 PUBLISHID .61 m SOCIZTY BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. I947 4, PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLANDRbetractore : A. H. A. ABBOTT, B.Sc., A.R.I.C. JOHN ALLEN. B. ATKINSON, B.Sc., A.R.C.S. G. A. BASSET". K. A. BROWNLEE, M.A. H. J. CLULEY, B.Sc., A.R.I.C. Miss M. E. DALZIEL, B.Sc., A.R.C.S., A.R.I.C. L. A. DAUNCEY, B.Sc. Miss E. B. DAW, B.Sc., A.R.I.C. H.K. DEAN, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. W. J. GOODERHAM, BSc., A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C., M.Inst. GasE. JULIUS GRANT, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. J. S. HARRISON, M.Sc. Mrs. C. F. HERBERT, B.Sc., A.R.I.C. W. C. JOHNSON, F.R.I.C. A. 0. JONES, M.A., F.R.I.C. G. MIDDLETON, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. Miss E. M. POPE, B.A., B.Sc. (Mrs. E. &I. Hulsken). Miss D. A. POYNTER. G. R. PRIMAVESI, B.A. F. A. ROBINSON, M.Sc.Tech., LL.B., F.R.I.C. B. A. SCOTT, Ph.D., A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C. G. S. SMITH, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. A. SPORZYNSKI, Ph.D. E. G. STEWARD, B.Sc., A.1nst.P. J. T. STOCK, M.Sc., F.R.I.C. R. H. THORP, B.Sc. W. C. WAKE, M.Sc., A.R.I.C. J. G. WALLER, B.Sc., A.R.I.C., A.R.C.S. W. S. WISE, B.Sc. D. R. WOOD, F.R.I.C.ERRATA: VOL. 71, 1946: p. 555. VOL. 72, 1947: p. 253. p. 310. Line 17 from the bottom, for “nickel” read “nickelous.” Line 5 from the bottom, for “County of Essex” read “County of Sussex.” Heading of the third abstract, for “J.Warren“ read “J. W. Sackett.” INDEX TO VOLUME 72 INDEX TO NAMES * Denotes authors of original papers and notes that have been published in ThezAnaZyst. A Abramson, E., et al. Micro-separation of zinc and aluminium by means of potassium ethyl xantho- genate, 76. Adams, R. S. Ion exchange resins in study of chrome liquors, 169. * h e y , L. Application of cathode ray oscillograph to polarography : general lay-out and uses of cathode ray polarograph, 304. Albanese, A. A., et al. Colorimetric estmn. of proteins in body fluids, 208. Alexander, 0. R., et al. Polarographic detmn. of tin in foods and biological materials, 11 1.*Alexander, W. A. Colour reaction of certain classes of azo dyes with copper, 56. Alicino, J. F., Iodimetric assay of penicillin pre- parations, 68. *Allerton, F. W. Detmng. nitrates in water, 349. Ambler, J. A., et al. Quantitative method for aconitic acid and aconitates, 453. Amos, A. J., et a’. Modem Cereal Chemistry. 4th Edn. (Review), 462. Anderson, D. H., et al. Rapid electrometric detmn. of alkalinity of sea water, 375. Anderson, R. C., et al. Colorimetric assay of digitoxin by modified Raymond method, 362. *Andrew, H. G. Indicator changing a t pH 0.6 for control of sulphide pptn., 481. *Andrew, R. L., et al. Alcohol in blood and urine, 21. - Distribution of barbiturates in human body, 21. *Angel& F. G. Analytical methods applicable to furan and its derivatives, 178.Archibald, R. M. Colorimetric estmn. of cana- vanine, 25. Arefyeva, T. V., et af. Applying polarographic analysis to produchon control in non-ferrous metallurgy. I. Detmng. copper, lead and zinc impurities in metallic cadmium. 11. Control of solutions and products in cobalt manufacture. 111. Detmng. copper, bismuth, lead, cadmium and zinc impurities in metallic tin and lead - tin solders. IV. Detmng. impurities in metallic lead. V. Rapid detmn. of lead, cadmium and zinc in ores and refuse from ore-enrichment (zinc, lead and cadmium ores), 415-417. Armstrong, A. R., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of titanium with disodium-1 : 2-dihydroxy-benzene- 3 : 5-disulphonate, 552. Amaud, F. W. F. Review of The Nation’s Food: Survey of Scienti;Fc Data, 271. Asenjo, C.F., et al. Puerto Rican fatty oils. VI. Characteristics and composition of “Molinillo” seed oil, 485. *Ashmore, S. A. Prepng. cyclohexane for spectro- scopic work, 206. *Austin, G. J. Avaliani, K. System of qualitative analysis for common metals in presence of phosphates, using ammonium benzoate, 443. Micro-detmn. of chlorides by means of mercurous iodate, 370. B Bacharach, A. L. Review of Chemical Com$osition of Foods. 2nd Edn., 81. - Review of Penicillin : its Properties, Uses and Preparations, 225. *- Separating crystals and “gums” on micro or semimicro scale, 244. - ef al. The Nation’s Food : Survey of Scientific Data. (Review), 271. “Bagshawe, B., ef al. Detmng. tungsten in steel, using toluene3 : 4-dithiol. Removal of molyb- denum interference by selective extraction, 189.Bailey, E. D. Particle size by spectral transmission, 222. *Bairstow, S., et al. Photometric detmn. of dis- solved oxygen in condensates and feed waters by means of starch-iodide complex, 340. Bangertw, F., et al. Titration methods for detmng. hardness of water, 322. Bank, H. N., ef al. Separating and detmng. primary, secondary and tertiary alkaryl amines (ring-methylated and nitrogen-methylated homo- logues of aniline), 451. Banks, C. I(., et al. Quantitative estmn. of arsenoso group, 265. *Barnes, H. Detmng. mercury with dithizone, 469. *- Detmng. micro-quantities of derivatives of phenarsazine, 241. Barnett, J., et al. Polarographic estmn. of steroid hormones. Polarography of neutral 17-keto- steroids in urinary extracts, 26. Barraclough, E.C., et al. Detmng. hydrogen in liquid steel, 457. Barrett, E. P., et al. Detmng. rates of de-oxidation of iron oxide materials in reducing gases, 318. Bartels, B., ef al. Effect of the anaesthetic and rate of injection of digitalis upon lethal dose in cats, 449. Barthauer, G. L., et al. Analytical chemistry of rare earths. Active-oxygen detmn., 217. Battye, H. G. Obituary, 131. Baur, F. J., jun., et al. Fatty acids of corn (maize} oil, 448. Bayliss, N. S., et al. Thiocyanate complex as means of extracting cobalt before micro-detmn. by other methods, 222. Bed, G. D., et al. Detmng. chlorine in 2 : 2’- dihydroxy-6 : 6’-dichlorodiphenylmethane, 3 1.iv INDEX TO Beaver, J. J., et al. Tocopherol content of skeletal muscle : comparison of chemical and bio-assay methods, 161, Bechtel, W.O., et al. Recording viscometer for starches, 407. Beck, G. Detcng. ytterbium in rare-earth mixtures, 124. - New principle of fractionation of rare earths with nitrilo-triacetate. Separating lanthanum and cerium, 74. Bennett, G. 1. Review of Organic Chemistry. 3rd English Edn., 421. Bergdoll,. M. S., et aZ. Chromatography in separating and detmng. basic amino acids, 77. Bessey, 0. A, et ul. Estmng. vitamin A and carotene in small quantities of blood serum, 161. Besso, Z., et al. Micro-separation of zinc and aluminium by means of potassium ethyl xantho- genate, 76. Beyer, (f. L., et aZ. Quantitative separation of barium from strontium, 551. Biedermann, W., et al. Titration methods for detmng. hardness of water, 322. Birchard, W. H. Detmng.available chlorine in paper, 493. Bjornson, O., et al. Polarographic detmn. of oestrone in urine, 403. Blackie, IT. J. Obituary, 35, 131. Blohm, C. L., et al. Simultaneous detmn. of hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide in con- tinuous gas stream, 495. Blnm, A. E, et a2. Colorimetric estmn. of methionine in proteins and foods, 210. - Microbiological estmn. of methionine in proteins and foods, .211. Bobtelsky, M., et af. MetalIic complexes of tartrates and citrates : structure and behaviour in dilute solutions. I. Cupric and nickelous complexes, 213. Boizot, Gc. E. Obituary, 131. *Banner, T. GI. Estmng. volatile matter content of propellant explosives. 3. Estmng. acetone, 434. *- Ditto, ditto. 2. Estmng. ethyl alcohol and ether, 47. *Boorman, E. J., et al. Identifying phenol from synthetic and natural sources, 246.*Bowden, S. T. *Bowen, E. J. Fluorescence quenching in solutions, 379. *- Fluorimeter design, 377. Bower, R. S., et al. Chromatography of sugars and their derivatives, 316. Bradbury, a. T. Detmng. sodium in biological fluids, 112. Bradford, E. A. IYI., et aZ. Microbiological estmn. of riboflavine in blood, 24. Brameld, V. E., e f aZ. Solubility of acetylene in acetone, 31. Brand, J. C. D. Improved analysis of fuming and concentrated sulphuric acid by water titration, 168. - Nitration in sulphuric acid. 111. Influence of nitric acid and other substances on the oleum- water titration, 169. Branson, V. C. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to County Borough of Hastings, 64 ; as Deputy Public Analyst for County of Sussex and Borough of Hove, 253.*Brasher, D. M., et al. Polarographic detmn. of lead in foodstuffs, 423. Braude, E. A., et al. Detmng. “active” hydrogen, 213. Bray, G. T., et ul. Detmng. pyrethrin content of dilute prepns. of pyrethmm flowers in oil, 264. Micro filter thimble, 542. VOLUME 72 Breusch, F. L., et al. Isolating and identifying fatty acids as bis-(P-dimethylaminopheny1)- ureides, 364. Brightwell, S. T. P., et at. Detmng. pyrethrins in pyrethrum concentrates in mineral oil, 458. Brock, M. J., et al. Estmng. vitamin A and carotene in small quantities of blood serum, 161. Broughton, D. B., et al. Explosion in detmng. cobalt as potassium cobaltinitrite, 41 0. Brown, A. H. Estmng. pentose in presence of large quantities of glucose, 164. Brown, E. A. Detmng. iron in presence of cobalt, 122.Brown, J. B., et uZ. Fatty acids of corn (maize) oil, 448. Browning, B. L., et aZ. Disintegration of viscose in analysing paper fibres, 491. Brownlee, K. A. Industrial Experimentation. 2nd Edn. (Review), 422. Bruce, A. Obituary, 131, 132. Briickmann, G. Detmng. alloxan, 24. Buchanan, J. L. Obituary, 131, 133. Burchfield, H. P., et aZ. Chromatographic resolution of quinone oximes, 77. Burdett, R. A., et al. Micro-detmn. of tetraaethyl lead in gasoline, 454. Burmaster, C. F. Micro-detmn. of serine and ethanolamine in phospholipid hydrolysates, 23. Butler, B., et aZ. Microbiological estmn. of amino acids. 111. Methionine, 209. Butterfield, W. J. A. Obituary, 131, 132. C Caley, E. R., et al. Behaviour of uranyl solutions in mercury reductor, 216.‘Cambitzi, A. Formation of racemic calcium tartrate in wines, 642. Campbell, T. W., et aZ. Analysis of organoselenium compounds, 30. Candlin, E. J. Identifying melamine, 491. Caraway, E. P., e f aZ. Ferrous ethylenediamine sulphate as oxidimetric standard, 491. Carter, R. R. Detmng. DDT in milk by detmng. organic chlorine, 361. - et aZ. Detmng. DDT deposits on fruits, vegetables and vegetation, 401. *Carter, R. J. Applications of electrometric methods in analysis, 94. Cassidy, H. Gc., et al. Chromatographic adsorption of amino acids on organic exchange resins, 450. Chalmers, F. G. D. Appointment as Public Analyst for Urban District of Solihull, 253. Chapman, a. W. Rapid semi-micro volumetric detmn. of potash in leaf ash, 374. Chen, IC. E., et al.Colorimetric assay of digitoxin by modified Raymond method, 362. *Chirnside, R. C., et al. Analysing nickel - cobalt - iron alloys used in glass-to-metal seals, 351. *- Detmng. lead as iodate in glass analysis, 206. *Chivers, J. E., et al. New titrimetric estmn. of fluorine, 43. Christensen, V. A. Tests for aluminium oxide for chromatographic analysis, 556. Churchman, C. W. Most economical sampling for chemical analysis, 323. Claassen, A,, et al. Detmng. uranium with 8- hydroxyquinoline, 123. Claborn, H. V. Detmng. DDT in presence of DDD, 654. Clardy, F. B., et al. Detmng. chromium by oxida- tion with perchloric acid, 410.INDEX TO Clark, G. L., et al. X-ray identification and crystallography of aldehydes and ketones as 2 : 4-dinitrophenylhydrazones, 407.Clark, M. T., et al. Solubility of acetylene in acetone, 31. Clark, R. N., et al. Detmng. silicon in relatively non-volatile organosilicon compounds, 264. Cleaver, C. S., et al. Chromatographic adsorption of amino acids on organic exchange resins, 450. *Cluley, H. J., et al. Analysing nickel -cobalt - iron alloys used in glass-to-metal seals, 351. Coalstad, S. E. Electrometric estmn. of sucrose and reducing sugars, 409. Coates, G. E. Improved glass -electrode cell assembly, 4 18. Coke, H., et al. Microbiological estmn. of ribo- flavine in blood, 24. Cole, J. W., et al. Micro-gravimetric detmn. of carbon monoxide, 418. Cook, A. H. Review of Organic Preparations, 33. Cook, J. H., et al. Detmng. egg yolk in egg white, 158. Coombes, A. H. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst for City of Birmingham, 152.Cooper, B. S. Review of Index to the Literature on Spectrochemica1 Analysis, Part 11, 1940 to 1945, 325. Cowherd, R. D. Application of differential mano- meter to measurement of fluid density and specific gravity with special reference to temperature effects, 80. Cox, H. E. Appointment as Public Analyst to Isles of Scilly, 64. - Review of Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. 4th Edn. Vol. VIII. Meth - Oils, Essential, 499. Craig, A. Factors affecting constancy of analytical weights, 420. Cram, D. J., et al. Chemical assay for penicillin G, 313. Crews, S. K. Review of Textbook of Pharmacognosy, 376. Cdtchfield, F. H., et at. Solid polyethylene glycols (Carbowax compounds). Quantitative detmn. in biological materials, 404.Crossley, H. E., et al. Analysis of external deposits from boilers. I. General remarks on nature of boiler deposits and their examination, 119. Cmz, W. O., et al. Detmng. carbon monoxide in blood, and total and active haemoglobin by carbon monoxide capacity, 257. Cutter, H. B., et al. 6-Nitro-2-mercaptobenzo- thiazole (“Nitro-Captax”) as reagent for identi- fying alkyl halides, 650. D Dargie, .A. Appointment as Public Analyst to Counties of Angus, Fife, Perth and Kinross, and Burghs of Arbroath, Dundee, Dunfermline and Kirkcaldy, 64. Daubert, B. F., et al. Detmng. linoleic acid in cholesteryl linoleate, 314. *Daubney, C. G., et al. Identifying phenol from synthetic and natural sources, 246. Davies, 0. L., et al. Accuracy of colorimetric instruments in dye strength detmns., 420.Davies, W. C. Remarks on polarographs, 273. *- et al. Detmng. copper and arsenic in iron pyrites by internal electrolysis, 17. Davis, D. W. Isostatic method for detmng. gas permeability of sheet materials, 81. VOLUME 72 V Dedicoat, H. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst and Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of Leeds, 253, 254. - Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to County Borough of Leeds not taken up, 397. de Goeij, H. J. A. Phase-volumetric analysis of mixtures of benzine and aromatic hydrocarbons, 549. Deijs, W. B., ef al. Detmng. traces of copper in vegetable material with diethyldithiocarbamate, 555. Deinum, H. W. Purifying carbon rods for spectro- chemical analysis. 111, 419. de Lange, J. J., et al. Identifying crystalline organic compounds by X-ray analysis, 406. Delsune, R, H., et al.Separating calcium from magnesium by oxalate method in samples of high magnesium - calcium ratio, 118. de Leenheer, L., et aZ. Detmng. quartz content of clay fraction of soils, 217. Dermanova, I. G., et al. Photometric detmn. of bismuth in copper, 266. Dick, R., et al. Entrainment of cobalt and sulphur in iron separations, 122. Diehl, H., et al. Detmng. silicon in relatively non- volatile organosilicon compounds, 264. Dische, Z. New specific colour reaction of hexuronic acids, 365. Dixon, F. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst for City of Manchester, 397. Dodd, F. R. Obituary of W. H. Roberts, 36. Dodge, B. F., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of traces of carbon dioxide in air, 418. DorBe, C.Methods of Cellulose Chemistry. 2nd Edn. (Review), 422. Dotts, W. 1. Measuring distribution of particle size in dispersed systems, 324. Doty, D. M., et at. Chromatography in separating and detmng. basic amino acids, 77. Dracass, W. R. Obituary, 131, 132. Dratschev, S. 1. Colorimetric detmn. of hardness of water, 460. Dubovitzkaja, E. I., et ul. Applying polarographic analysis to production control in non-ferrous metallurgy. I. Detmng. copper, lead and zinc impurities in metallic cadmium. 11. Control of solutions and products in cobalt manufacture. 111. Detmng. copper, bismuth, lead, cadmium and zinc impurities in metallic tin and lead - tin solders. IV. Detmng. impurities in metallic lead. V. Rapid detmn. of lead, cadmium and zinc in ores and refuse from ore-enrichment (zinc, lead and cadmium ores), 415-417.*Duffield, W. D., et al. Estmng. mercury com- pounds in the atmosphere, 11. Dufrenoy, J., , et al. Three-hour physical develop- ment cup-plate assay for penicillin, 488. Duggan, R. E. Estmng. chicken manure in egg products from uric acid content, 400. - et al. Indole in shrimp, 545. Dyson, G. M. Dysonian notation, 155. - New Notation and Enumeration System for E Organic Compounds. (Review), 176. Eble, T. E., et al. Chemical assay of penicillin, 488. Edwards, A. H. Analysis of external deposits from boilers. 11. Analysing deposits rich in phosphates, 119. - et al. Analysis of external deposits from boilers. I. General remarks on nature of boiler deposits and their examination. I1 I. Analysing water-soluble fraction of the deposits, 119.Edwards, 0.W. Obituary, 131, 132. Eglof, W. K., et al. Detmng. calcium in magnesite and fused magnesia, 168. Ellis, G. H., et al. Estmng. cobalt in biological materials with nitrocresol, 113. Ellison, R. Obituary, 229. Elvehjem, C. A., et al. Hydrolysis procedures for estmng. tryptophan in proteins and foodstuffs by microbiological procedure, 25. - Microbiological estmn. of methionine in proteins and foodstuffs, 69. Elving, P. J., et al. Analysing mixtures of mercurous and mercuric mercury and sulphuric acid, 493. Emmerie, A. Colorimetric estmn. of tocopherol, 209. *Ethrington, C. G., et al. Detmng. small quantities of manganese in caustic soda, 472. "Evans, B. 5. Titration of minute amounts of nickel, 110. *- et al. Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in lead-base alloys, 105.*- Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in tin- base alloys, 439. *- Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in zinc-base alloys, 101. *Evans, D. P. Polarisation end-points, 99. F Fainberg, 5. J., et al. Polarographic detmn. of lead in lead slags, 268. Falkova, 0. B., et al. Spectro-analytical detmn. of boron in steel, 411. Farmer, E. H., et al. Simple laboratory falling- film molecular still, 174. *Fearon, W. R. Zinc urate oxidation reaction, selective test for zinc, 541. Felsing, W. A., et al. General Chemistry. 2nd Edn. (Review), 226. Ferber, K. H. Indicator properties of derivatives of 4'-nitrophenylazo-l-naphthol, 72. Field, E., et al. Conversion of organic sulphur to hydrogen sulphide for analysis, 115. - Detmng. hydrogen sulphide in gases, 172.- Identifying sulphur compounds in gas mixtures, 219. Fielding, J. Estmng. penicillin and other bacterio- statics, 256. "Fieller, E. C. Statistical background in bio-assay, 37. *Fill., M. A., et al. Simple direct-reading semi- micro balance, 394. Fireman, P. Oxidation of certain metallic hydroxides by a current of air, 214. Firth, H. Obituary, 131, 132. Fischbach, H., et al. Chemical assay of penicillin, 488. Fisher, A., ef al. Colorimetric detmn. of pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine, 260. Fisher, H. J., et al. Detmng. sulphathiazole and other sulpha drugs in honey, 448. Flagg, J. F., et al. Detmng copper in cast iron and steels with quinaldic acid, 121. Fleming, A., et al. Estmng. penicillin in serum. Use of glucose, phenol red, and serum water, 548.Flint, D., et al. Analysis of external deposits from boilers. 111. Analysing water-soluble fraction of the deposits, 119. Flint, J. W. Appointment as Deputy Official Aaicultural Analvst for Administrative County VULUME 72 Fogelson, E. I., et al. Detmng. aluminium in high alloy steel, 493. - Phenylanthranilic acid in volumetric detmn. of molybdenum in steel and ferro-molybdenum, 413. Forrest, J., et al. Chemical investigations of the insecticide DDT and analogues. I. Reactions of DDT and associated compounds, 218. *Foster, G. E. Assay of sohtions of d-tubocurarine chloride for injection, 62. Foster, J. A. Obituary, 131, 132. Fox, S. H., et al. Chemical estmn. of nicotinic acid, 362. *Francis, J., ef al. Photometric detmn. of dissolved oxygen in condensates and feed waters by means of starch-iodide complex, 340.Frankland, P. F. Obituary, 131, 132. Freund, H., et al. Fractional separation of hafnium and zirconium by means of triethyl phosphate, 216. Friedman, H., et al. Detmng. tetra-ethyl lead in gasoline by X-ray absorption, 269. Front, J. S., ef al. Detmng. linoleic acid in cholesteryl linoleate, 314. Fullam, E. F., et al. Prepng. powdered materials for electron microscopy, 224. Gabrio, B. W., et al. Precision method for quantita- tive detmn. of calcium in blood plasma, 310. Clakenheimer, W. C., et al. Assay for choline chloride in pharmaceutical products, 23, 486. Clambrill, C. M., et al. Picric acid detmn. of aromatic content of aviation gasoline, 73. Garbutt, C. D. Obituary, 131. Gatos, €I.C., et al. Detmng. gold with ascorbic acid, 123. Gegetschkori, N. M., et al. Spectro-analytical detmn. of boron in steel, 411. Gengrinovitsch, A. I., et al. Cacotheline in volu- metric analysis. I. Detmng. calcium salts by titration with sodium oxalate. 11. Detmng. tervalent iron by titration with stannous chloride solution, 492. Clentry, C. H. R., et al. Absorptiometric detmn. of silicon in steels, 121. Cleorges, L. W., et al. Chromatography of sugars and their derivatives, 3 16. Clerritsma, K. W., ef al. Combined micro- gravimetric and titrimetric micro-detmn. of thallium in toxicological material, 221. *Gilbert, F. C. Detmng. calcium oxide in low-lime refractory magnesia, 482. Giles, C. H., ef al. Accuracy of colorimetric instruments in dye strength detmns., 420.Gillham, E. W. F. Automatic detmn. of sulphur trioxide in flue gas, 322. - Detmng. oxides of sulphur in flue gas, 321. Gilman, H., et at. Detmng. silicon in relatively non-volatile organosilicon compounds, 264. Ginsburg, N., et al. Quantitative analysis of isomeric cresols and cresol - phenol mixtures by U.V. absorption spectra of vapours, 264. *Glynn, E. Reductometric detmn. of sulphoxide and amine oxide groups, 248. Godar, E. M., et al. Yolarographic detmn. of tin in foods and biological materials, 111. Golden, If. R., et al. 6-Nitro-2-mercaptobenzo- thiazole ("Nitro-Captax") as reagent for identi- fying alkyl halides, 550. Goldstone, N. I. Source of error in Gutzeit method of"Kent, 153. ' for arsenic, 159.INDEX TO *Goodall, R. R., ef. al. Micro-chromatographic detcn.and approximate detmn. of the different penicillins in a mixture, 277. Gooden, E. L., et al. Prepng. standard powders for reference in particle-size measurement, 270. *(iiooderham, W. J. Apparatus for gas analysis by soap film method, 520. Goodman, W. Colorimetric detmn. of iron in brass and bronze, 494. Goodwin, T. W., et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of tyrosine and tryptophan in proteins, 260. Gordon, B. E., et al. Micro-detmn. of tetra-ethyl lead in gasoline, 454. Gorjuschina, V. G., ef al. Bivalent chromium solution for volumetric detmn. of tungsten. Detmng. tungsten in tungsten concentrates and ferro-tungsten, 37 1. Gottlieb, K. R., ef al. Chromatographic analysis of alkaloidal salts, 548. - Limit tests for impurities, 485. - Limit Tests for Impurities.Goyan, F. M., et al. Three-hour physical develop- ment cup-plate assay for penicillin, 488. Goyco, J. A., et al. Puerto Rican fatty oils. VI. Characteristics and composition of “Molinillo” seed oil, 485. Graff, J. H., et al. Disintegration of viscose in analysing paper fibres, 491. Graham, R. P. Detmng. free acid in presence of aluminium salts, 122. Grant, J. - Review of Methods of Cellulose Chemistry. 2nd Edn., 421. Grant, W. M. Colorimetric micro-detmn. of formic acid, 490. - et al. Iodimetric micro-titration for mustard gas, 315. Greene, L. W. Chemical microscopy of essential oils. IV. Cassia and cinnamon oils, 489. Greenhut, I. T., et al. Hydrolysis procedures for estmng. tryptophan in proteins and foodstuffs by microbiological procedure, 25.Griffith, L., et al. Internal standard method of spectrographic analysis as applied to detmng. lead in high-purity zinc, 223. Grindley, D. N. Seed oils of some Sudan Caesal- pinioideae, 1 11. Griswald, J., et al. Analysing furfural- water solutions, 165. Grossowicz, N., et al. Microbiological estmn. of nicotinic acid based on use of Proteus HX19, 362. Gulbransen, E. A., et al. Electron diffraction and electron microscopic study of oxide films formed on metals and alloys a t moderate temperatures, 269. - Oxide films formed on alloys a t moderate temperatures. Electron diffraction and electron microscope study, 223. (iiullstrom, D. K., et al. Chromatographic resolution of quinone oximes, 77. Gunstone, F. D., ef al. Low temperature crystallisa- tion in detmng.component acids of liquid fats. 11. Fats which contain linolenic as well as linoleic and oleic acids, 402. (Review), 500. Review of Forensic Chemistry, 127. H *Hakim, D. N., et al. Chromatographic adsorption method for estmng. provitamin-A content of foodstuffs, 194. Hale, F., et al. Hydrogen-peroxide-treated peptone in media for microbiological detmn. of amino acids, 70. VOLUME 72 vii Hale, F., e t al. Microbiological estmn. of amino acids. 111. Methionine, 209. Hall, R. T,, et al. Detmng. conjugated diolefines with chloromaleic anhydride, 164. Haller, H. L., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of DDT in milk and fatty materials, 360. Haller, R. Detcng. alkaline earth metals in cell tissue of plants, 71. Halpern, G. R. Spectrophotometric changes during oxidation of vitamin A oils, 78.Hamilton, L. F., et al. Calculations of Analytical Chemistry. (Review), 558. Harbottle, G., et al. Detmng. aromatic amines and substituted ureas in smokeless powder. Volu- metric bromination procedure, 73. Hardy, R. A., .et al. Chromatographic adsorption -of amino acids on organic exchange resins, 450. Hartley, F. Review of Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America. 13th Revision (U.S.P. XIII), 498. Hawkins, E. S. Appointment as Public Analyst and as Official Agricultural Analyst to County Borough of Canterbury, 152, 153 ; and as Public Analyst to Boroughs of Folkestone, Gravesend, Maidstone and Margate, 64. Hawley, J. W. Appointment as Public Analyst to Counties of Dumfries, Kirkcudbright and Wig- town, and Burgh of Dumfries, 64. Hazel, W. M., ef al.Detmng. calcium in magnesite and fused magnesia, 168. Heard, R. D. H., et al. Colorimetric estmn. of reducing steroids, 7 1. Hein, F., et al. Volumetric detmn. of organic lead compounds, 549. Heines, V. Micro-detmn. of pentoses by bisulphite method, 267. Henly, A. A., et al. Polarographic estmn. of steroid hormones. Polarography of neutral 17- ketosteroids in urinary extracts, 26. Henriques, F. C., jun., ef al. Radioactive studies. Analytical method for detmng. long-life carbon 14C, 80. - Ditto, ditto. Analytical procedure for measure- ment of long-lived radioactive sulphur s.sS, with Lauritzen electroscope, and comparison of electroscope with special Geiger counter, 80. - Ditto, ditto. Analytical procedure for measure- ment of radioactive arsenic of 90-day half-life, 80.Utilisation of radioactive isotope dilution procedures for special types of chemical problems. Detmng. the three individual com- ponents of mixtures of dibenzyl-sulphide, -sulphoxide and -sulphone, 80. *Henry, A. J., et al. Chromium trioxide test for cocaine hydrochloride, 253. Herd, M. Appointment as Additional Public Analyst to Burgh of Glasgow, 64. *Heron, A. E. Oxidation of nitrogen during micro- combustion of organic substances, 142. Heron, N. Appointment as Deputy Official Agricul- tural Analyst to County Boroughs of Birkenhead, Blackburn, Bootle and Southport, 543; and as Deputy Public Analyst for Borough of Gosport, and Deputy Official Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of Liverpool, 397. Herrington, K. D., et al. Precision capillarimeter, 460. Herzfeld, E.Heuser, G. F., et al. Chemical estmn. of riboflavine, *Heyrovsk$, J. Fundamental laws of polarography, Heywood, A. D. Obituary, 131, 132. - Ditto, ditto. Selective cerium reactions, 414. 24. 229.viii INDEX TO Hickman, J, W., ef al. Electron diffraction and electron microscopic study of oxide films formed on metals and alloys a t moderate temperatures, 269. - Oxide films formed on alloys a t moderate temperatures. Electron diffraction and electron microscope study, 223. *Higgs, D. G., et aZ. Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in lead-base alloys, 105. *- Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in tin- base alloys, 439. *- Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in zinc- base alloys, 101. *High, J. H. Hilditch, T. P. Chemical Constitution of Natural Fats.2nd Edn. (Review), 500. - et al. Low temperature crystallisation in detmng. component acids of liquid fats. I. Fats in which oleic and linoleic acids are major components. 11. Fats which contain linolenic as well as linoleic and oleic acids. 111. Fats which contain elzostearic as well as linoleic and oleic acids, 402. *- Spectrophotometric detmn. of small proportions of linolenic acid in fats, 527. Hill, F. W., et al. Chemical estmn. of riboflavine, 24. Hiller, A., et aZ. Application of Sendroy’s iodi- metric chloride titration to protein-containing fluids, 364. - Detmng. carbon monoxide in blood, and total and active haemoglobin by carbon monoxide capacity, 257. Hinks, E. Obituary, 131, 132. Hoeke, F. Detmng. the sugar substitute l-n- propoxy-2-amino-4-nitrobenzene, 548.Holck, H. G. O., et al. Effect of the anaesthetic and rate of injection of digitalis upon its lethal dose in cats, 449. Hollander, M., ef al. Detmng. boric oxide in glass, 317. Hoogland, P. L. Purifying carbon rods for spectro- chemical analysis. I . Simple apparatus for purification by means of resistance heating, 419. *Hooper, J. H. D. Analysing hydrocarbon gases by low temperature distillation, 51 3. Hopf, P. P. Chromatographic “spot” tests, 556. Hopkins, Sir Frederick G. Obituary, 229. Horn, M. J., et al. Colorimetric estmn. of methio- nine in proteins and foods, 210. - Microbiological estmn. of methionine in proteins and foods, 21 1. Horwitz, W. Modified Scharer phosphatase test for milk and soft cheeses, 544. *Hodtins, J.L., et al. Estmng. traces of mercury in urine, 6. Houtman, J. P. W., et al. Identifying crystalline organic compounds by X-ray analysis, 406. *Howard, B. H. Detmng. small amounts of hexa- chlorocyclohexane (benzene hexachloride) , 427. *Howes, H. S. Evaporation from beakers with radiant heater, 11 1. *- Simple method for electric heating, 110. Hoyt,.L. F. Qualitative method for detcng. surface- active agents, 270. Hubanks, P. E., et al. Detmng. DDT deposits on fruits, vegetables and vegetation, 401. Huff, J. W., et al. Detmng. N’-methylnicotinamide in urine, 363. - Rapid fluorimetric estmn. of total pyridine nucleotides in red blood cells, 363. *Hughes, J. W., et al. Detmng. small quantities of manganese in caustic soda, 472. Detmng. copper in food, 60. VOLUME 72 *Hutchinson, W., et al.Detmng. nitromethane in *- Polarographic detmn. of tin, lead and zinc in I air, 432. phenol, 149. Ingold, W. Micro-titration of organic acids, 114. Irby, V., et aZ. Colorimetric estmn. of proteins in Isherwood, F. A. Detmng. and isolating organic Ivarsson, B., et al. Analysing dilute melamine body fluids, 208. acids in fruit, 261. resin soh tions, 32. J *James, E. M., et al. Chemical estmn. of nicotinic acid in cereals and other foods, 327. Jamieson, A. R. Appointment as Public Analyst to Burgh of Glasgow, 64. Janse, L. C. Fat detmn. in dairy products, 485. Jansen, N. F., et al. Detmng. specific gravity of extracts of jams, syrups, etc., based on density gradient, 399. Janssen, C. Detmng. dissolved oxygen in presence of sulphite, 496.Jasper, J. J., et al. Precision capillarimeter, 460. Jenkins, D. C. E. Appointment as Public Analyst to Borough of Colne, 64. Jenkins, D. M., et al. Detmng. chlorine in 2 : 2’- dihydroxy-5 : 5’-dichlorodiphenylmethane, 31. Jennings, W. P., et aZ. Amperometric titration of cyanide with silver nitrate, using rotating platinum electrode, 319. Jensen, F. W., et al. High-frequency oscillators in titrations and analyses, 78. Jessop, (3. Notes on polarographic technique, 273. Johnson, C. M., et al. Detmng. free fatty acids in dried egg powders, 67. Jones, D. B., et al. Colorimetric estmn. of methionine in proteins and foods, 210. - Microbiological estmn. of methionine in proteins and foods, 211. *Jones, F. R., et al. Polarographic detmn. of lead in foodstuffs, 423. Jones, P.H. Jordan, J., ef al. Metallic complexes of tartrates and citrates; structure and behaviour in dilute solutions. I. Cupric and nickelous complexes, 213. Judy, J. N., e f al. Chromatographic resolution of quinone oximes, 77. Juntunen, J., et al. Three-hour physical develop- ment cup-plate assay for penicillin, 488. Obituary, 131, 132. K Kahn, A., et al. Micro-detmn. of gaseous olefines, 418. Kallmann, S. Detmng. sodium and potassium in silicates, 167. Kalmikova, N. V., et al. Detmng. aluminium in high alloy steel, 493. - Phenylanthranilic acid in volumetric detmn. of molybdenum in steel and ferro-molybdenum, 413. Kaloyereas, S. A. Kammerer, 0. F., et aZ. Photometric detmn. c;f total cholesterol in plasma or serum by modified Liebermann-Burchard reaction, 27.Karjakin, J. V., et al. Rapid detmn. of sulphate impurities in cryolite, 266. Rancidity of olive oils, 256.INDEX TO Earnovsky, M. L., et al. South African fish products. XXII. Periodic acid as reagent in analysis of unsaponifiable fraction of natural fats, 22. Kmer, P. Organic Chemistry. 3rd English Edn. (Review), 42 1. Kaunitz, H., et al. Tocopherol content of skeletal muscle : comparison of chemical and bio-assay methods, 161. B y e , W. I., et al. X-ray identscation and crystallography of aldehydes and ketones as 2 : 4-dinitrophenylhydrazones, 407. Keenan, G. L. Microscopical differentiation of common mustard seeds with polarised light, 448. - Microscopical identification of butacaine sulphate (Bu tyn) and procaine hydrochloride (Novocaine) , 647. Keilin, B., et al.Polarographic analysis of nitrite and nitrite - nitrate mixtures, 268. Kenney, E. F., Raw sugar: sampling, mixing and testing, 402. Kent-Jones, D. W., et al. Modern CerealChemistry. 4th Edn. (Review), 462. Kesler, C. C., et al. Recording viscometer for starches, 407. *Key, C., et at. Detmng. copper and arsenic in iron pyrites by internal electrolysis, 17. Kimura, K. K., et al. Effect of the anaesthetic and rate of injection of digitalis upon its lethal dose in cats, 449. Kinsey, V. E., et al. Iodimetric micro-titration for mustard gas, 315. Kirkbride, J. N., et al. Internal standard method of spectrographic analysis as applied to detmng. lead in high-purity zinc, 223. Kirkpatrick, H. F. W. Polarographic study of alkaloids. V, 409. Icirtchik, H. Detmng.nickel in cobalt steel and alloys, 553. Kistiakowsky, G. B., et al. Radioactive studies. Analytical procedure for measurement of long- lived radioactive sulphur *%, with Lauritzen electroscope, and comparison of electroscope with special Geiger counter, 80. Klecka, M. E., et al. Analysing furfural-water solutions, 165. Klein, A., et al. Volumetric detmn. of organic lead compounds, 549. Kline, L., et al. Detmng. free fatty acids in dried egg powders, 67. Kniphorst, L. C. E. Colorimetric detmn. of iron and manganese in foods, 446. - Semi-micro detmn. of calcium in foodstuffs, 159. - et aZ. Detmng. traces of copper in vegetable material with diethyldithiocarbamate, 555. *Kodicek, E. Applications of fluorimetry in vitamin analysis, 385. Kokorin, A. I. Colorimetric detmn.of antimony, 319. - et al, Photometric detmn. of bismuth in copper, 265. Kononiuk, R. T. Pyrophosphoric acid in detmng. nickel in cast iron and steel, 413. Korinfski, A. A. Detmng. cyanamide derivatives in complex mixtures, 368. - Qualitative analysis of mixtures of cyanamide derivatives, 367. Kraj6inovib, Matya. Identifying acidic oxycellulose by means of aromatic amines and diamines, 366. Kraj&noVib, Mladen. Ditto, ditto, 366. Kramer, P. J. G., et al. Detmng. narceine in narceine sodium salicylate with Reinecke’s salt, 547. =Imovich, N. J., et ul. Analysis of organo- selenium compounds, 30. VOLUME 72 ix Kutschment, 1. L., et al. Cacotheline in volumetric analysis. I. Detmng. calcium salts by titration with sodium oxalate. 11. Detmng. tervalent iron by titration with stannous chloride solution, 492.L Laclair, J. B. Detmng.. 1 : 2-biis(p’-chIorophenyl)- ethane in DDT dusts and oil solutions, 170. Laing, M. E., et al. Explosion in detmng. cobalt as potassium cobaltinitrite, 410. Laitinen, H. A., e2 al. Amperometric titration of cyanide with silver nitrate, using rotating platinum electrode, 319. - Detmng. hydroperoxides in rubber and synthetic polymers, 369. Lang, R. Volumetric detmn. of mixtures of fem- cyanide and arsenious acid, 651. Lapin, N. N. Silver sulphide method for detmng. cadmium, 373. *Lauchlan, A. D. E. Recent developments in apparatus for pH measurements and electro- titrations, 90. Lauer, J. L., et al. Quantitative analysis of hydro- carbon mixtures by means of Raman spectra, 261. *Lea, C.’H.Chapman and McFarlane method for estmng. reducing groups in milk powder, 336. - Detmng. peroxide values of edible fats and oils. Iodimetric method, 256. Lee, J. H. Detmng. extinction corrections in infra- red analysis of gaseous hydrocarbon mixtures, 224. Lees, H. LeRoy, D. J., et al. Micro-detmn. of gaseous olefines, 418. *Levi, A. A., et al. Microchromatographic detcn. and approximate detmn. of the different penicillins in a mixture, 277. Levitas, N., et al. Rapid fluorimetric estmn. of total pyridine nucleotides in red blood cells, 363. Levy, (3. B., et al. Polarographic analysis of streptomycin, 310. *Lewis, J. A. Aids to accuracy in quantitative estmn. from simple polarograms, 308. *Liddell, H. F., et ul. New titrimetric estmn. of fluorme, 43. Liebhafsky, H.A., e2 al. Traces of oxygen in hydrogen or nitrogen, 267. Lindstrom, E. Gc., et al. Colour reactions of un- symmetrical diarylethylenes, 489. Lingane, J. J. Operating characteristics of Sargent model XX visible recording polarograph, 496. - Polarographic investigations of axalate, citrate and tartrate complexes of ferric and ferrous iron, 370. - et al. Extracting vanadium from aqueous solutions by isopropyl ether, 216. Liverseege, J. F. Obituary, 131, 132. Lochvitzkaja, A. P., e2 al. Colonmetric detmn. of molybdenum as thiocyanate complex, 455. Lopez, J. A., et al. Estmng. vitamin A and carotene in small quantities of blood serum, 161. Lord, K. A., et al. Detmng. pyrethrin content of dilute prepns. of pyrethrum flowers in oil, 264. Lovecy, A. Improved “Kjeldahl trap” and ammonia distillation apparatus, 420.Lovett, T. W. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst to County Borough of Rochdale. 64; and County Borough of Oldham, 253. Lowry, 0. H., ef af. Estmng. vitamin A and carotene in small quantities of blood serum, 161. Simple automatic percolator, 496.X INDEX TO Lyman, C. H., et al. Hydrogen-peroxide-treated peptone in media for microbiological detmn. of amino acids, 70. - Microbiological estmn. of amino acids. 111. Methionine, 209. M McAlpine, E. K. Anomalous behaviour of some oxidising agents, 75. - Sensitivity of pptn. reactions in dilute electrolytes, 116. McCance, R. A., ef al. Chemical Composition of Foods. 2nd Edn. (Review), 81. McCullough, J. D., et al. Analysis of organo- selenium compounds, 30. Macdonald, J.Appointment as Assistant Public Analyst to Burgh of Aberdeen, 64. MacEwan, .D. .IvL. C. Identifying and estmng. montmorillonite group of minerals, with special reference to soil clays, 218. McGrath, T. Obituary, 131. McKean, J. B. Appointment as Public Analyst to Counties of Argyll, Bute, Dumbarton, Stirling and Lanark, and Burghs of Greenock, Port Glasgow, Paisley, Dumbarton, Motherwell, Wishaw, Airdrie, Clydebank, Coatbridge, Falkirk, Hamilton, Perth, Rutherglen and Stirling, 64. McVeigh, J. L., ef al. 2 : 4-Dinitrophenylsemi- carbazide. Reagent for aldehydes and ketones, 212. Mader, W. J., et al. Chemical assay for penicillin G, 313. Mmdd, J. Improvement of precision by repeated measurements. Application to analytical control methods, 324. Mandl, I., et al.Identifying fructose, 263. *Mansour, B., et al. Chromium trioxide test for cocaine hydrochloride, 253. Marcali, K., et al. Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen. Eliminating distillation, 163. Margnete, C., et al. Radioactive studies. Analytical method for detmng. long-life carbon W, 80. - Ditto, ditto. Analytical procedure for measure- ment of long-lived radioactive sulphur %, with Lauritzen electroscope, and comparison of electro- scope with special Geiger counter, 80. - Ditto, ditto. Analytical procedure for measure- ment of radioactive arsenic of 90-day half-life, 80. - Ditto, ditto. Utilisation of radioactive isotope dilution procedures for special types of chemical problems. Detmng. the three individual com- ponents of mixtures of dibenzyl-sulphide, -sulphoxide and -sulphone, 80.Markley, K. S. Fatty Acids, their Chemistry and Physical Properties. (Review), 557. Marsh, J. K. Rare-earth metal oxides. 11. Study of oxide pptn. by nitrate fusion, 169. - Ditto, ditto. 111. Pptn. from potassium hydroxide melts, 169. *Martin, A. E., et al. Estmng. 2 : 2-bis-(p-chloro- pheny1)-1 : 1 : I-trichloroethane (p,p’-DDT) by dehydrohalogenation, 1. *- Identifying phenol from synthetic and natural sources, 246. Martin, C. C., et al. Quantitative analysis of hydrocarbon mixtures by means of Raman spectra, 261. Martiin, J. B., ef al. Picric acid detmn. of aromatic content of aviation gasoline, 73. Martin, J. T., ef al. Detmng. pyrethrins in pyrethrum concentrates in mineral oil, 458. VOLUME 72 Martinez-Pico, Z., et aZ. Puerto Rican fatty oils.VI. Characteristics and composition of “Moli- nillo” seed oil, 485. Mason, F. A. Obituary, 423. Matsen, F. A., et al. Quantitative analysis of isomeric cresols and cresol- phenol mixtures by U.V. absorption spectra of vapours, 264. Matthews, F. W., et al. Identifying organic com- pounds by use of chromium target X-ray diffraction powder patterns, 174. Maxwell, W. H. Current Waterworks Practice: Practical Treatise on Provision of Water Supplies for Urban and Rural Communities. (Review), 270. *Mayer, A., et al. Direct colorimetric detmn. of tungsten in cast iron, 464. l e e , A. J. Translator of Organic Chemistry, Karrer, 3rd English Edn. Meesook, B., et at. Comparative estmns. of carbonyl and carboxyl groups in chromium trioxide and hypochlorous acid oxycelluloses and oxyxylans, 72.Meggers, W. F., et al. Index to the Literature on Spectrochemical Analysis, Part 11, 1940 to 1945. (Review), 325. Mehl, J. W., et al. Detmng. serum phosphate by molybdi-vanadate method, 312. Mehlenbacher, V. C., et al. Detmng. egg yolk in egg white, 158. Meites, L., jun., et al. Extracting vanadium from aqueous solutions by isopropyl ether, 216. Melling, S. E. Review of Current Waterworks Practice : Practical Treatise on Provision of Water Supplies for Urban and Rural Communities, 270. Mesbe, H. J., et al. Volumetric detmn. of organic lead compounds, 549. Michell, J. H., et al. Identifying organic compounds by use of chromium target X-ray diffraction powder patterns, 174. Middleton, G. Review of Limit Tests for Imjnwities, 500. Miller, R. R., et al.Analysis of boron trifluoride in organic liquids (ethers), 32. - Routine analysis of sodium - potassium alloys, 317. *nailton, R. F., et al. Estmng. mercury compounds in the atmosphere, 11. *- Estmng. traces of mercury in urine, 6. *- New titrimetric estmn. of fluorine, 43. Moir, D. D. Appointment as Public Analyst to Urban District of Coulsdon and Purley, 64. *Monier-Williams, G. W. Address of Retiring President, 137. Monnier, D., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of fluoride, 117. - Semi-quantitative inorganic analysis, 11 6. Morell, D. B., et al. Fluorimetric estmn. of ribo- - Modification of fluonmetric method of estmng. Morrell, R. S. *Morris, C. J. 0. R. Rotating platinum electrode, 298. - et ul. Polarographic estmn. of steroid hormones. Polarography of neutral 17-ketosteroids in urinary extracts, 26.Morris, D. L. Colorimetric estmn. of glycogen, 164. Morton, R. A,, et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of tyrosine and tryptophan in proteins, 260. Moseley, O., et al. Hydrogen-peroxide-treated peptone in media for microbiological detmn. of amino acids, 70. - Microbiological estmn. of amino acids. 111. Methionine, 209. (Review), 421. flavine in urine, 257. riboflavine in biological materials, 257. Obituary, 35, 131, 133.INDEX TO Moss, M. L., et al. Detmng. conjugated diolefines with chloromaleic anhydride, 164. Mueller, A., et al. Chemical estmn. of nicotinic acid, 362. Mulder, E. G., et al. Detmng. traces of copper in vegetable material with diethyldithiocarbamate, 555. Mundell, M., et al. Chemical assay of penicillin, 488.Mundy, L. M. Appointment as Public Analyst to Counties of Ayr and Renfrew, and Burghs of Ayr and Kilmarnock, 64. Muraschova, V. I., et al. Rapid detmn. of sulphate impurities in cryolite, 266. N Nsidu, S. R. Obituary, 177. Needs, F. E. Nelson, J. S., et al. Detmng. hydroperoxides in *Nelson, W. A. G. Detmng. carotene in dried *Neubauer, L. G., et al. Alcohol in blood and urine, *- Distribution of barbiturates in human body, Neuberg, C., et al. Identifying fructose, 263. Neufeld, 0. E., et al. Titrimetric detmn. of di- acidic bases (nicotine, quinine) in mixtures with mono-acidic bases, and simplified assay of nicotine, 160. Nichol, J. C., et al. Identifying aryl iodides, 212. Nicholls, J. R. Review of Calculations of Analytical Chemistry, 558. - Review of Modern Cereal Chemistry.4th Edn., 462. Nierenstein, 1. Obituary, 131. Niericker, R., et al. Quantitative detmn. of tungsten, molybdenum, and vanadium alone and in presence of ferric iron, with 8-hydroxy- q.uinoline, 214. *Norris, F. W., et al. Chemical estmn. of nicotinic acid in cereals and other foods, 327. Norris, L. C., et al. Chemical estmn. of riboflavine, 24. Norton, A. R., et al. Separating and detmng. primary, secondary and tertiary alkaryl amines (ring-methylated and nitrogen-methylated homo- logues of aniline), 45 1. Noyes, H. M., et al. Detmng. aromatic amines and substituted ureas in smokeless powder. Volu- metric bromination procedure, 73. Noyons, E. C. Iodimetric estmn. of glucose in urine and blood, 210. Obituary, 131, 133. rubber and synthetic polymers, 369. , grass, 200.21. 21.. 0 Oertel, A. C., et al. Errors in spectrochemical (flame) analysis, 497. Oesper, R. E., et al. Ferrous ethylenediamine sulphate as oxidimetric standard, 491. Okell, F. L. Review of General Chemistry. 2nd Edn., 226. - Review of The Microscee, its Theory and Applications, 557. Oldach, C. S., et at. Conversion of organic sulphur to hydrogen sulphide for analysis, 115. - Detmng. hydrogen sulphide in gases, 172. - Identifying sulphur compounds in gas mixtures, 219. Ormsby, A. A., e f al. Colorimetric detmn. of pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine, 260. VOLUME 72 xi *Osborn, G. H. Factors affecting sodium carbonate fusion of beryl, 476. Oschman, V. A. Separating niobium and tantalum from titanium, 373. Ottesen, M., et al. Polarographic detmn.of oestrone in urine, 403. Otvos, J. W., et al. Polarographic analysis of nitrite and nitrite - nitrate mixtures, 268. P Parks, .T. D.,. et al. Amperometric titration of cyanide with silver nitrate, using rotating platinum electrode, 319. - X-ray identification and crystallography of aldehydes and ketones as 2 : 4-dinitrophenyl- hydrazones, 407. Parrack, A. L., et al. High-frequency oscillators in titrations and analyses, 78. Patterson, W. I., et .al. Detcng. and detmng. monochloroacetic acid, 405. Pearce, D. W., et al. Analytical chemistry of rare earths. Active-oxygen detmn., 217. Peden, J. D. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst for County of Staffordshire, 397. *Pemberton, R., et al. Microchemical detmn. of molybdenum in steel, 185. Perhweig, W.A., et al. Detmng. N1-methyl- nicotinamide in urine, 363. - Rapid fluorimetric estmn. of total pyridine nucleotides in red blood cells, 363. Phelps, R. T., et al. Electron diffraction and electron microscopic study of oxide films formed on metals and alloys at moderate temperatures, 269. - Oxide films formed on alloys at moderate temperatures. Electron di.f€raction and electron microscope study, 223. Pickering, R. W., e f at. Thiocyanate complex as means of extractmg cobalt before micro-detmn. by other methods, 222. Piguet, A., et al. Semi-quantitative inorganic analysis, 116. Pinkney, E: T,, et al. Entrainment of cobalt and sulphur in iron separations, 122. Pitha, J. Sublimation apparatus, 126. Pber, N. IF., et al. Morgan method of soil testing. IV. Spekker absorptiometer for estmng.phos- phate, 124. Pletenev, 5. A., et al. Applying polarographic analysis to production control in non-ferrous metallurgy. I. Detmng. copper, lead and zinc impurities in metallic cadmum. 11. Control of solutions and products in cobalt manufacture. 111. Detmng. copper, bismuth, lead, cadmium and zinc impurities in metallic tin and lead - tin solders. IV. Detmng. impurities in metallic lead. V. Rapid detmn. of lead, cadmium and zinc in ores and refuse from ore-enrichment (zinc, lead and cadmium ores), 415-417. Pogorelskin, M. A., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of DDT in milk and fatty materials, 360. Pokrovskaja, T. L. Polis, B. D., et al. Rapid photocolorimetric micro- procedure for blood sugar, 162. Poljak, L. J. Potentiometric methods of detmng.aluminium in magnesium alloys in Elektron type, 320. Poma, K. Polarography of mercury solutions, 662. Porter, L. E. Semimicro detcn. of thiocyanate and halide ions, 76. Pratt, R., et al. Three-hour physical development cup-plate assay for penicillin, 488. Analysing cassiterite, 494.xii INDEX TO VOLUME 72 Pregl, F. Quantitative organische Mikroanalyse. 5th Edn. (Review), 461. *Prhgle, W. J. S. Rapid qualitative test for added iron in flour, 393. *Prof€itt, P. M. C., et al. Analysing nickel - cobalt - iron alloys used in glass-to-metal seals, 351. *- Detmng. lead as iodate in glass analysis, 205. Purves, C. B., et al. Comparative estmns. of carbonyl and carboxyl groups in chromium trioxide and hypochlorous acid oxycelluloses and oxyxylans, 72. Putnam, S.T., et al. Detmng. conjugated di- olefines with chloromaleic anhydride, 164. Pyke, R., et al. Micro-detmn. of gaseous olefines, 418. R *Ramasaxma, Q. B., et al. Chromatographic adsorption method for estmng. provitamin-A content of foodstuffs, 194. Rameau, J. T. L. B., et al. Detmng. traces of copper in vegetable material with diethyldi- thiocarbamate, 555. Ramsey, L. L., et al. Detcng. and detmng. mono- chloroacetic acid, 405. *Randla, J. E. B. Application of cathode ray oscillograph to polarography : underlying principles, 301. *Ransley, C. E. Gas analysis at low pressures, 604. *Rao, S. D., et at. Chromatographic adsorption method for estmng. provitamin-A content of foodstuffs, 194. Rapson, W. S., et al. South African fish products. XXII. Periodic acid as reagent in analysis of unsaponifiable fraction of natural fats, 22.Raventos, J. Estmng. barbituric and thiobarbituric acids in biological materials, 487. Rees, M. W. Estmng. threonine and serine in proteins, 310. Regnera, R. M., et al. Assay for choline chloride in pharmaceutical products, 23, 486. Reimers, F. Chromatographic analysis of alkaloidd salts, 548. - et. at. Chromatographic analysis of alkaloidal salts, 548. - Limit tests for impurities, 485. - Limit Tests for Impurities. Reiser, R. Haemoglobin in meat scraps and tankage, 446. Reith, J. F., et al. Combined micro-gravimetric and titrimetric micro-detmn. of thallium in toxicological material, 221. - Detmng. traces of copper in vegetable material with diethyldithiocarbamate, 555. Rendle, T., ef al. The Nation’s Food: Survey of Scientific Data.(Review), 271. Rhodes, H. T. F. Forensic Chemistry. (Review), 127. Ridyard, H. N. Adsorption of aneurine on sand, 68. Rieman, W., et al. Detmng. boric oxide in glass, 317. meman, W., third, et al. Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen. Eliminating distillation, 163. - Quantitative separation of barium and stron- tium, 551. Riesen, W. H., et al. Microbiological estmn. of methionine in proteins and foodstuffs, 69. Riesenfeld, F. C., et al. Simultaneous detmn. of hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide in con- tinuous gas stream, 495. (Review), 500. Riley, J. P., et al. Low temperature crystallisation in detmng. component acids of liquid fats. I. Fats in which oieic and linoleic acids are major components. 111. Fats which contain elaeostearic as well as linoleic and oleic acids, 402.Ritcbie, J. E. Appointment as Public Analyst to Counties of Aberdeen, Banff, Caithness, Kin- cardine, Ross and Cromarty, and Sutherland, 64. Roach, W. A. Flame method of spectrochemical analysis, 174. Robb, M. J. Appointment as Public Analyst to Counties of Aberdeen, Banff, Caithness, Kin- cardine, Ross and Cromarty, and Sutherland, 64. Roberts, E. J., et al. Quantitative method for aconitic acid and aconitates, 453. Roberts, E. R. Roberts, W. H. Obituary, 36, 131, 133. Robertson, W. W., et al. Quantitative analysis of isomeric cresols and cresol - phenol mixtures by U.V. absorption spectra of vapours, 264. *Robinson, F. A. Robinson, J., et al. Rapid fluorimetric estmn. of total pyridine nucleotides in red blood cells, 363. Robinson, R.J., ef al. Rapid electrometric detmn. of alkalinity of sea water, 375. Rochat, J. Estmng. ethyl alcohol in blood, 450. Rogers, L. B., et al. Behaviour of uranyl solutions in mercury reductor, 216. Rose, J. D., et al. 2 : 4-Dinitrophenylsemicarbazide. Reagent for aldehydes and ketones, 212. Rosen, F., ef al. Rapid fluorimetric estmn. of total pyridine nucleotides in red blood cells, 363. Rosenbaum, E. J., et al. Quantitative analysis of hydrocarbon mixtures by means of Raman spectra, 261. Roth, H. Editor of Pregl’s Quantitative organische Mikroanalyse. 5th Edn. (Review), 461. Rusconi, Y., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of fluoride, 117. Rutten, A. M. 0. Microchemical detcn. of vanillin and bourbonal, 449. Analysis of brass plating, 273. Chemistry of penicillin, 274.S Sackett, J. W., et af. Polarographic analysis of streptomycin, 3 10. Saifer, A., et al. Photometric detmn. of total cholesterol in plasma or serum by modified Liebermann-Burchard reaction, 27. Salomon, K., et al. Precision method for quantita- tive detmn. of calcium in blood plasma, 310. Salsbury, J. M., et al. Micro-gravimetric detmn. of carbon monoxide, 418. Sandell, E. B. Detmng. gallium in silicate rocks, 457. Sandin, R. B., et aZ. Identifying aryl iodides, 212. Sarudi, I., (v. Stetina). Separation of copper and zinc with sodium thiosulphate in analysing brass, 410. Saw, B., ef al. Colorimetric estmn. of proteins in body fluids, 208. Schaeppi, Y., et al. Constitution of molybdenum blue, 117. Schaltegger, H. Colorimetric estmn. of vitamin D, based on formation of carbenium salts, 70.Schechter, M. S., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of DDT in milk and fatty materials, 360. Schlenk, F., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of pyri- doxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine, 260. Schmid, K. Step-photometric detmn. of histidine, 486. Schmidt, E. 0. Detmng. sulphonamides in tungstic acid (Folin-Wu) blood filtrates, 25.INDEX TO Schmidt, R. Purifying carbon rods for spectro- chemical analysis. 11. Carbon rods for spectro- chemical analysis of solutions, 419. Schneider, W. G., ef al. Radioactive studies. Analytical procedure for measurement of long- lived radioactive sulphur 35S, with Lauritzen electroscope, and comparison of electroscope with special Geiger counter, 80. Schoch, E. P., et al. General Chemistry. 2nd Edn. (Review), 226.Schonk, C. H. Detmng. traces of copper by extrac- tive dithizone titration, 492. Schuldiner, S., et al. Detmng. chromium by oxidation with perchloric acid, 410. Schuster, 1. C., et al. Prepng. powdered materials for electron microscopy, 224. Schwarzenbach, G., et al. Titration methods for detmng. hardness of water, 322. Schwed, P., et al. Polarographic analysis of streptomycin, 310. Schweigert, B. S., et al. Hydrolysis procedures for estmng. tryptophan in proteins and foodstuffs by microbiological procedure, 25. - Microbiological estmn. of methionine in proteins and foodstuffs, 69. Scott, 1. L., et al. Chemical estmn. of riboflavine, 24. Scott-Dodd, A. Appointment as Public Analyst to Counties of Berwick, Inverness, Moray and Nairn, Orkney, Roxburgh, Selkirk and Zetland, Burghs of Edinburgh and Inverness, and small Burghs of Dunbar, North Benvick and Peebles, 64.Scribner, B. F., et al. Index to the Literature on Spectrochemical Analysis, Part 11, 1940 to 1945. (Review), 325. Seaman, W., et al. Separating and detmng. primary, secondary and tertiary alkaryl amines (ring-methylated and nitrogen-methylated homo- logues of aniline), 451. Secor, G. E., ef al. Micro-Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen in gramicidin and tryptophan. Com- parison of Gunning-Arnold-Dyer and Friedrich methods, 263. Seekles, L., et al. Detmng. traces of copper with diethyldithiocarbamate, 555. Shaffer, C. B., et al. Solid polyethylene glycols (Carbowax compounds). Quantitative detmn. in biological materials, 404. Sheehan, J. C., et al. Chemical assay for penicillin G, 313.Shepard, C. E., et al. Detmng. sulphathiazole and other sulpha drugs in honey, 448. Shergold, F. A. Effect of sieve loading on results of sieve analysis of natural sands, 126. Sherlock, A. Obituary, 423. Sherrington, L. G., ef al. Absorptiometric detmn. of silicon in steels, 121. Shertinsky, E., ef al. Microbiological estmn. of nicotinic acid based on use of Proteus HX19, 362. *Shrivastava, R. K., et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of small proportions of linolenic acid in fats, 527. Silnitschenko, V. G., et al. Detmng. nickel and cobalt in iron ores with preliminary removal of iron by means of sodium fluoride, 373. Simmons, L. M. Apparatus for detmn. boiling points, 497. Simonsen, D. G., et al. Detmng. serum phosphate by molybdi-vanadate method, 312.*Simpson, D. 1. Applications of fluorimetric analysis to study of pterins, 382. Simpson, S. G., et al. Calculations of Analytical Chemistry. (Review), 658. VOLUME 72 Xiii Slater, E. C., ef al. Fluorimetric estmn. of riboflavine in urine, 257. - Modification of fluorimetric method of estmng. riboflavine in biological materials, 257. Slooff, A. Qualitative elementary analysis (of organic substances) by hydrogenation, 163. *Smales, A. A. Pptng. aluminium and its separa- tion from cobalt, chromium, nickel or zinc by means of ammonium benzoate, 14. Smiles, W. G. Precise low-pressure measurements with thermocouple gauge, 497. Smith, C., et al. Estmng. penicillin in serum. Use of glucose, phenol red, and serum water, 548. Smith, F. H. Effect of acetic acid on spectro- photometric estmn.of gossypol in aqueous alcoholic solution, 32. Smith, G. B. L., et al. Solubility of magnesium ammonium phosphate hexahydrate, 11 8. Smith, G. F., et al. Precision method for quantita- tive detmn. of calcium in blood plasma, 310. Smith, H. P. Obituary, 423. Smith, L., et al. Detmng. traces of iron in bacterio- logical media, 555. Smith, N. D. P., et al. Comparison of optical and electron microscopy of pigments, 223. Sobel, A. E., et al. Activated glycerol dichloro- hydrin. New colorimetric reagent for vitamin A, 27. Sobel, H., et al. Colorimetric estmn. of reducing steroids, 7 1. Sortwell, M., et al. Rapid photocolorimetric micro- procedure for blood sugar, 162. Spector, N. A,, et al. Colorimetric detmn. of traces of carbon dioxide in air, 418.Spilsbury, Sir Bernard H. Obituary, 503. Stace, H. C. T., et al. Errors in spectrochemical (flame) analysis, 497. Stathis, E. C., et al. Detmng. gold with ascorbic acid, 123. Steenberg, B!, ef al. Analysing dilute melamine resin solutions, 32. Steigmann, A. Analytical reactions with organic reagents, 28. Stephenson, O., et al. Chemical investigations of the insecticide DDT and analogues. I. Reactions of DDT and associated compounds, 218. Stern, E. S., et al. Detmng. “active” hydrogen, 213. *Stock, J. T. Amperometric titration, 291. *- ef al. Simple direct-reading semimicro- balance, 394. *Strafford, N., et al. Detmng. small amounts of aluminium by aurintricarboxylate method, 64. Strain, H. H. Conditions affecting the sequence of organic compounds in Tswett adsorption columns, 77.Strait, L. A., et al. Three-hour physical devdop- ment cup-plate assay for penicillin, 488. Strasburger, L. W., et al. Indole in shrimp, 545. *Stuart? R. .G. Detmng. acetyl groups by trans- estenfication, 235. Sullivan, M. V., ef al. Detmng. tetra-ethyl lead in gasoline by X-ray absorption, 269. Sultzaberger, J. A., et at. Quantitative estmn. of arsenoso group, 265. Sutton, D. A., ef al. Simple laboratory falling- film molecular still, 174. Swann, M. H. Volumetric detmn. of water in paints and varnishes, 170.xiv INDEX TO VOLUME 72 T Tal, E. M., ef al. Applying polarographic analysis to production control in non-ferrous metallurgy. I. Detmng. copper, lead and zinc impurities in metallic cadmium. 11. Control of solutions and products in cobalt manufacture.111. Detmng. copper, bismuth, lead, cadmium and zinc im- purities in metallic tin and lead - t i n solders. IV. Detmng. impurities in metallic lead. V. Rapid detmn. of lead, cadmium and zinc in ores and refuse from ore-enrichment (zinc, lead and cadmium ores), 4 15-4 17. - Polarographic detmn. of lead in lead slags, 268. Tananaev, I. V., ef al. Detmng. nickel and cobalt in iron ores with preliminary removal of iron by means of sodium fluoride, 373. Tananaev, N. A., ef al. Colorimetric detmn. of molybdenum as thiocyanate complex, 455. Tarbell, D. S., ef al. Colour reactions of unsym- metrical diarylethylenes, 489. Tasman, A., ef al. Detmng. traces of iron in bacteriological media, 555. Taylor, R. C., et al. Molecular weight detmn. with vacuum micromanometer, 497.- Vacuum micromanometer, 497. Taylor, W. W. Appointment as Official Agricultural Analyst for Administrative County of the Parts of Lindsey, Lincolnshire, 254. Teterkin, E. N. Detmng. total hardness of water by means of soap solution, 375. Thin, R. G. Appointment as Public Analyst to Counties of Clackmannan, East Lothian (ex- cluding Burghs of Dunbar and North Benvick), Midlothian, Peebles (excluding the Burgh of Peebles) and West Lothian, 64. *Thistlethwaite, W. P. Detmng. composition and constitution of ammonium phosphomolybdate and conditions affecting its pptn., 531. Thompson, IT. F., et al. Estmng. cobalt in biological materials with nitrosocresol, 113. Thomson, R. T. Appointment as Public Analyst to Counties of Dumbarton and Stirling, and Burghs of Airdrie, Clydebank, Coatbridge, Falkirk, Hamilton, Perth, Rutherglen and Stirling, 64.Thomson, T. Specificity of salicylaldehyde reaction for detcng. acetone, 28. Tilleard, D. L., ef al. Comparison of optical and electron microscopy of pigments, 223. Tinsleg, J., ef al. Morgan method of soil testing. IV. Spekker absorptiometer for estmng. phos- phate, 124. ToBid, J., ef al. Characterisation of acetic acid bacteria. I. 11, 125. Trautner, E. M., ef al. Titrimetric detmn. of di- acidic bases (nicotine, quinine) in mixtures with monoacidic bases, and a simplified assay of nicotine, 160. Treadwell, W. D., ef al. Constitution of molyb- denum blue, 117. - Quantitative detmn. of tungsten, molybdenum, and vanadium alone and in presence of ferric iron, with 8-hydroxyquinoline, 214.Tristram, G. R. Applying partition chromatography to estmng. monoamino acids in proteins, 260. *Truman, R. J., ef al. Detmng. tungsten in steel, using toluene-3 : 4-dithiol. Removal of molyb- denum interference by selective extraction, 189. Tschalov, N. V., ef al. Detmng. low concentrations of ethyl alcohol in aqueous solutions, 313. Tschernichov, J. A., et al. Bivalent chromium solution for volumetric detmn. of tungsten. Detmng. tungsten in tungsten concentrates and ferro-tungsten, 371. Tzobar, L. I. Detmng. gold by back-titration, 373. U Ulusoy, E., et al. Isolating and identifying fatty acids as bis- (p-dimethylaminophenyl) -ureides, 364. Uncles, R. F., ef al. SoIubility of magnesium ammonium phosphate hexahydrate, 118. Updike, R.L., jun., ef al. Prepng. standard powders for reference in particle-size measure- ment, 270. *Un, N. Stability of cobaltous thiocyanate complex in ethyl alcohol - water mixtures and photometric detmn. of cobalt, 478. V Vakil, K. H. Obituary, 131. Valov, P. Rapid qualitative and quantitative detmn. of barbiturates from post-mortem specimens, 256. van Arkel, C. G., ef al. Detmng. narceine in narceine sodium salicylate by means of Reinecke’s salt, 547. Vanas, D. W., ef al. Detmng. copper in cast iron and steels with quinaldic acid, 121. van der Kamer, J. H., et al. Detmng. specific gravity of extracts of jams, syrups, etc., based on density gradient, 399. Van Slyke, D. D., ef al. Application of Sendroy’s iodimetric chloride titration to protein-containing fluids, 364.- Detmng. carbon monoxide in blood, and total and active haemoglobin by carbon monoxide capacity, 257. Viachirev, D. A. Polarographic analysis of brass plating baths and brass coatings, 268. Vickerstaff, T., ef al. Accuracy of colorimetric instruments in dye strength detmns., 420. Vickery, B. C. Separating rare-earth elements by chloride volatilisation, 414. Vigna, N. Detmng. oxygen in iron and steel, 456. Visser, J., et al. Detmng. uranium with 8-hydroxy- Volskaja, L. P., ef al. Detmng. low concentrations von Stetina: see Sarudi. quinoline, 123. of ethyl alcohol in aqueous solutions, 313. W Waegemans, G., ef al. Detmng. quartz content of clay fraction of soils, 217. Wagner, R. Estmng. glycogen in whole blood and white blood cells, 162. *Wain, R. L., et al.Estmng. 2 : 2-bis-(+-chloro- pheny1)-1 : 1 : l-trichloroethane ($,p’-DDT) by dehydrohalogenation, 1. Walker, T. K., et al. Characterisation of acetic acid bacteria. I . 11, 125. Wallis, T. E. Textbook of Pharmacognosy. (Review), 376. Walters, S. L., ef al. Analysis of boron trifluoride in organic liquids (ethers), 32. - Routine analysis of sodium - potassium alloys, 317. Warburton, G. H. Obituary, 131.INDEX TO Warshowsky, B., et al. Analysing mixtures of mercurous and mercuric mercury and sulphuric acid, 493. Waters, K. L., et al. Detmng. chlorine in 2 : 2’- dihydroxy-5 : 5’-dichlorodiphenylmethane, 31. Waters, W. A., et al. Chemical investigations of the insecticide DDT and analogues. I. Reactions of DDT and associated compounds, 218. Watkinson, S. Obituary, 131, 133.Watt, G. W., et al. General Chemistry. 2nd Edn. (Review), 226. Waugh, T. D., et al. Detmng. aromatic amines and substituted ureas in smokeless powder. Volumetric bromination procedure, 73. Weir, A. B. Appointment as Public Analyst to Burgh of Aberdeen, 64. Weisiger, J. R., et al. Detmng. carbon monoxide in blood, and total and active haemoglobin by carbon monoxide capacity, 257. Wells, J. E., et al. Detmng. hydrogen in liquid steel, 457. *- Microchemical detmn. of molybdenum in steel, 185. Wendland, R. T. System of characterisation of pure hydrocarbons. Refractometric analysis as key to evaluation of structure, 114. Wenger, P., et al. Colorimetric detmn. bf fluoride, 117. - Micro-separation of zinc and aluminium by means of potassium ethyl xanthogenate, 76.- Semi-quantitative inorganic analysis, 116. Wentworth, R. L., et al, Explosion in detmng. cobalt as potassium cobaltinitrite, 410. Werbin, H., et al. Activated glycerol dichloro- hydrin. New colorimetric reagent for vitamin A, 27. Wertman, M., et al. Detmng. serum phosphate by molybdi-vanadate method, 312. West, R. V. O., jun., et at. Analysing furfural- water solutions, 165. Westover, L. M., et a2. Detmng. serum phosphate by molybdi-vanadate method, 312. *Westwood, W., et al. Direct colorimetric detmn. of tungsten in cast iron, 464. Weygand, C. Organic Preparations. Translation of Part 11, “Reaktionen,” of Orgunisch-Ckmische Experimentierkunst. (Review), 33. White, L. M., et al. Micro-Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen in gramicidin and tryptophan. Com- parison of Gunning-Arnold-Dyer and Friedrich methods, 263. Whittle, E.G. Appointment as Official Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of Bristol, 153; and as Public Analyst, 253. Widdowson, E. M., et al. Chemical Composition of Foods. 2nd Edn. (Review), 81. Wiles, R. E., et al. Detmng. silicon in relatively non-volatile organosilicon compounds, 264. Wilkes, J. B. Chromatographic detmn. of carotene, 321. Willard, H. H., et al. Fractional separation of hafnium and zirconium by means of triethyl phosphate, 216. Williams, A. L. Appointment as Public Analyst for Borough of Gosport, and Official Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of Portsmouth, 397. Williams, K. A. Review of Chemical Corsstitution of Natural Fats. - Review of Fatty Acids, their Chemistry and Physical Properties, 657.2nd Edn., 500. VOLUME 72 xv Williams, K. A. Review of New Notation and Enumeration System for Organic Compounds, 176. Williams, W. L. Yeast microbiological method for estmng. nicotinic acid, 312. Wilson, A. Appointment as Public Analyst to County of Lanark, 64. *Wilson, H. N., et al. Detmng. nitromethane in air, 432. *- Polarographic detmn. of tin, lead and zinc in phenol, 149. Wilson, W. Appointment as additional Public Analyst to Counties of Dumfries, Kirkcudbright and Wigtown, and Burgh of Dumfries, 64. Winslow, E. H., et al. Traces of oxygen in hydrogen or nitrogen, 267. Witte, A. H. *Wakes, F. Oxalic acid extractant in vitamin C assay, 63. *- et al. Chemical estmn. of nicotinic acid in cereals and other foods, 327. Wolfrom, M. L. Chromatography of sugars and their derivatives, 316.Wood, C. E., et al. Detmng. rates of de-oxidation of iron oxide materials in reducing gases, 318. *Wood, E. C. Computation of microbiological assays of amino acids and other growth factors, 84. - Review of Industrial Experimefitation. 2nd Edn., 422. Wood, S., et al. Hydrogen-peroxide-treated peptone in media for microbiological detmn. of amino acids, 70. - Microbiological estmn. of amino acids. 111. Methionine, 209. Woods, J. T., et al. Separating and detmng. primary, secondary and tertiary alkaryl amines (ring-methylated and nitrogen-methylated homo- logues of aniline), 45 1. Wordsworth, C. H. Appointment as Public Analyst for Borough of Luton, 152. Wredden, J. H. The Microscope, its Theory and Applications. (Review), 557.Wright, E. R., et al. Separating calcium from magnesium by oxalate method in samples of high magnesium - calcium ratio, 118. Wyatt, G. H. Review of Quarrtitative organische MikroarraZyse. 5th Edn., 461. *- et al. Photometric detmn. of dissolved oxygen in condensates and feed waters by means of starch-iodide complex, 340. *Wyatt, P. F., et al. Detmng. small amounts of aluminium by aurintricarboxylate method, 54. Wyler, J. A. Detmng. dipenta-erythritol in mixtures of penta-erythritol and dipenta-erythritol, 365. *Wylie, A. W. Detmng. sulphate in sodium &chromate, 250. Identifying sulphonamides, 546. Y Yoe, J. H., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of titanium with disodium-1 : 2-dihydroxybenzene-3 : 5-disul- phonate, 552. - Micro-gravimetric detmn. of carbon monoxide, 418.Young, -R. S., et al. Entrainment of cobalt and sulphur in iron separations, 122. Young, W. S., et al. Molecular weight detmn. with vacuum micromanometer, 497. - Vacuum micromanometer, 497.xvi INDEX TO VOLUME 72 INDEX TO SUBJECTS * Denotes original papers and notes published in The Analyst. A Acetic acid bacteria : Characterisation of -. I. 11. ToBiC and Walker, 125. Effect of - on spectrophotometric estmn. of gossypol in aqueous alcoholic solution. Smith, 32. *Acetone: Estmng. volatile matter content of propellant explosives. 3. Estmng. -. Bonner, 434. Solubility of acetylene in -. Brameld and Clark, 31. Specificity of salicylaldehyde reaction for detcng. -. Thomson, 28. “Acetyl groups: Detmng. - by trans-esterifica- tion. Stuart, 235. Acetylene: Solubility of - in acetone.Brameld and Clark, 31. Acid(s) : Chromatographic adsorption of amino - on organic exchange resins. Cleaver, Hardy and Cassidy, 450. Detmng. and isolating organic - in fruit. Isherwood, 261. Detmng. free - in the presence of aluminium salts. Graham, 122. Detmng. free fatty - in dried egg powders. Johnson and Kline, 67. Fatty - of corn (maize) oil. Baur, jun., and Brown, 448. Fatty -, their Chemistry and Physical Pro- perties. Markley. (Review), 557. Isolating and identifying fatty - as bis-(p- dimethylaminophenyl) -ureides. Breusch and Ulusoy, 364. Low-temperature crystallisation in detmng. com- ponent - of liquid fats. I. Fats in which oleic and linoleic - are major components. Hilditch and Riley. 11. Fats which contain linolenic as well as linoleic and oleic -.Gunstone and Hilditch. 111. Fats which contain elzostearic as well as linoleic and oleic -. Hilditch and Riley, 402. Micro-titration of organic -. New specific colour reaction of hexuronic -. Aconitates : Quantitative method for aconitic acid Aconitic acid: Ditto, ditto. Roberts and Ambler, Air: Colorimetric detmn. of carbon dioxide in -. Oxidation of metallic hydroxides by current of Alcohol: Detmng. low concentrations of ethyl - Tschalov and Volskaja, Andrew and Neubauer, 21. Aldehydes : 2 : 4-Dinitrophenylsemicarbazide. Re- agent for - and ketones. McVeigh and Rose, 212. X-ray identification and crystallography of - and ketones as 2 : 4-dinitrophenylhydrazones. Clark, Kaye and Parks, 407. Alkaline earth metals: Detcng. - in cell tissue of plants.Haller, 71. Alkalinity: Rapid electrometric detmn. of - of sea water. Anderson and Robinson, 375. Ingold, 114. Dische, 365. and -. 453. Spector and Dodge, 418. -. Fireman, 214. in aqueous solutions. 313. Roberts and Ambler, 453. Estmng. ethyl - in blood. *in blood and urine. Rochat, 450. Alkaloidal salts: Chromatographic analysis of -. Reimers and Gottlieb, 548. Alkaloids: Polarographic study of -. V. Kirk- patrick, 409. Alkyl halides: 6-Nitro-2-mercaptobenzothiazole (“Nitro-Captax”) as reagent for identifying -. Cutter and Golden, 550. Alloxan: Detmng. -. Briickmann, 24. *Alloying elements: Spot-tests for detcng. - in lead-base alloys. Evans and Higgs, 105. *Spot-tests for detcng. - in tin-base alloys. Evans and Higgs, 439. *Spot-tests for detcng.- in zinc-base alloys. Evans and Higgs, 101. *Alloys: Analysing nickel - cobalt - iron alloys used in glass-to-metal seals. Chirnside, Cluley and Proffitt, 351. Detmng. nickel in cobalt steels and -. Kirt- chik, 553. Electron diffraction and electron microscopic studybf oxide films formed on metals and - a t moderate temperatures. Phelps, Gul- bransen and Hickman, 269. Oxide films formed on - a t moderate tempera- tures. Electron diffraction and electron microscope study. Gulbransen, Phelps and Hickman, 223. Potentiometric detmn. of aluminium in magnesium - of Elektron type. Poljak, 320. Routine analysis of sodium - potassium -. Walters and Miller, 317, *Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in lead- base -. Evans and Higgs, 105. *Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in tin- base -.*Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in zinc- base -. Aluminium: Detmng. - in high alloy steel. Fogelson and Kalmikova, 493. by aurintri- *Detmng. small amounts of - carboxylate method. Strafford and Wyatt, 54. Micro-separation of zinc and - by means of potassium ethyl xanthogenate. Wenger, Abramson and Besso, 76. Potentiometric detmn. of - in magnesium alloys of Elektron type. *J?ptng. - and separating i t from cobalt, chromium, nickel or zinc by means of am- monium benzoate, Smales, 14. Aluminium oxide: Tests for - for chromato- graphic analysis. Christensen, 556. Aluminium salts: Detmng. free acid in the presence of - Graham, 122. American Oil Chemists’ SOC.: Official and Tentative Methods of -. Amine(s) : Detmng. aromatic - and substituted ureas in smokeless powder.Volumetric bromination procedure. Waugh, Harbottle and Noyes, 73. Identifying acidic oxycellulose by means of aromatic - and diamines. KrajEinoviC and KrajEinoviC, 366. *oxide group : Reductometric detmn. of sulph- oxide group and -. Separating and detmng. primary, secondary and tertiary alkaryl - (ring-methylated and nitrogen-methylated homologues of aniline). Seaman, Norton, Woods and Bank, 451. Evans and Higgs, 439. Evans and Higgs, 101. Poljak, 320. 2nd Edn. (Notice), 157. Glynn, 248.INDEX TO Amino acids : Application of partition chromato- graphy to estmng. mono- - in proteins. Tristram, 260. Chromatographic adsorption of - on organic exchange resins. Cleaver, Hardy and Cassidy, 450. Chromatography in separating and detmng.basic -. Bergdoll and Doty, 77. 'Tomputation of microbiological assays of - and other growth factors. Hydrogen-peroxide-treated peptone in media for microbiological detmn. of - . Lyman, Moseley, Wood and Hale, 70. 111. Methionine. Lyman, Moseley, Butler, Wood and Hale, 209. Ammonia: Improved Kjeldahl trap and - distillation apparatus. Lovecy, 420. *Ammonium benzoate: Pptng. aluminium and separating it from cobalt, chromium, nickel or zinc by means of -. *System of qualitative analysis for common metals in presence of phosphates, using -. Austin, 443. *Ammonium phosphomolybdate: Detmng. com- position and constitution of - and conditions affecting its pptn. Thistlethwaite, 531. *Amperometric titration. Stock, 291. Anaesthetic: Effect of the - and rate of injection of digitalis upon lethal dose in cats.Holck, Kimura and Bartels, 449. *Analysis: Apparatus for gas - by soap film method. Gooderham, 520. *Applications of electrometric methods in -. Carter, 94. *Applications of fluorimetric - to study of pterins. Simpson, 382. Conversion of organic sulphur to hydrogen sulphide for -. Flame method of spectrochemical -. Roach, 174. Four papers on fluorimetric -. Index to the Literature on Spectrochemical -. Part 11, 1940 to 1945. Scribner and Meggers. (Review), 325. Method of semi-quantitative inorganic -. Wenger, Monnier and Piguet, 116. Most economical sampling for chemical -. Churchman, 323. *of hydrocarbon gases by low temperature distillation. Hooper, 513. *Procedure for gas - a t low pressures. Ransley, 504.Qualitative elementary - of organic substances by hydrogenation. Slooff, 163. Standardised Substances for Spectrography, Chemical - and Research. Johnson, Matthey and Co., Ltd., 254. *System of qualitative - for common metals in presence of phosphates, using ammonium benzoate. Austin, 443. three papers on electrometric -. Analytical Chemistry: Calculations of -. Hamilton and Simpson. (Review), 558. Analytical control methods : Improving precision by repeated measurements. Application to -. Mandel, 324. Analytical reactions with organic reagents. Steig- mann, 28. Aneurine: Adsorption of - on sand. Ridyard, 68, Aniline: Separating and detmng. primary, secondary and tertiary alkaryl amines (ring-methylated and nitrogen-methylated homologues of -) . Seaman, Norton, Woods and Bank, 451.Wood, 84. Microbiological estmn. of -. Smales, 14. Field and Oldach, 115. 377. 90. VOLUME 72 xvii Animal: Maintenance of laboratory - colonies. New York Academy of Sciences, 501. Antimony: Colorimetric detmn. of -. Kokorin, 319. Apparatus for detmng. boiling points. Simmons, 497. *for gas analysis by soap film method. Gooder- ham, 520. Improved Kjeldahl trap and ammonia distillation -. Lovecy, 420. *Recent developments in - for PH measure- ments and electro-titrations. Lauchlan, 90. Simple sublimation -. Pitha, 126. Supply of laboratory - and chemicals. 176, 227. Appointments, Official. 64, 152, 163, 253, 254, 397, 543. Aromatic content: Picric acid method of detmng. - of aviation gasoline. Gambrill and Martin, 73. *Arsenic: Detmng. copper and - in iron pyrites by internal electrolysis.Davies and Key, 17. Radioactive studies. Analytical procedure for measurement of radioactive - of 90-day half-life. Hennques and Magnetti, 80. Source of error in Gutzeit method for -. Goldstone, 159. Arsenious acid: Volumetric detmn. of mixtures of ferrocyanide and -. Lang, 661. Arsenoso group: Quantitative estmn. of -. Banks and Sultzaberger, 265. Aryl iodides: Identifying -. Nichol and Sandin, 212. Ascorbic acid: Detmng. gold with -. Stathis and Gatos, 123. Ash: Rapid semi-micro volumetric detmn. of potash in leaf -. Chapman, 374. amino acids and other browth factors. Wood, 84. *Atmosphere: Estmng. mercury compounds in -. Milton and Duffield, 11. *Aurintricarboxylate method : Detmng. small amounts of aluminium by -. Strafford and Wyatt, 54.Austenitic chromium - nickel steels: Detmng. phos- phorus in -. Methods of analysis of Metallurgy Division of B.I.S.R.A., 412. *Azo dyes: Colour reaction of certain classes of . - with copper. Alexander, 56. B *Assays : Computation of microbiological - of Bacteria: Characterisation of acetic acid -. I. 11. TogiC and Walker, 125. Bacteriological media: Detmng. traces of iron in -. Tasman and Smith, 555. Bacteriostatics: Estmng. penicillin-and other -. Fielding, 256. *Balance: Simple direct-reading semi-micro -. Stock and Fill, 394. *Barbiturates: Distribution of - in the human body. Andrew and Neubauer, 21. Rapid qualitative and quantitative detmn. of - from post-mortem specimens. Valov, 256. Barbituric acid: Estmng. - and thiobarbituric acid in biological materials.Raventos, 487. Barium: Quantitative separation of - from strontium. Beyer and Rieman, 551. Bases: Titrimetric detmn. of di-acidic - (nicotine, quinine) in mixtures with mono-acidic -, and simplified assay of nicotine. Trautner and Neufeld, 160.xviii INDEX TO VOLUME 72 *Beakers: Evaporation from - with radiant heater. Howes, 111. *Benzene hexachloride: Detmng. small amounts of hexachlorocyclohexane (-) .. Howard, 427. Benzine: Phase-volumetric analysis of mixtures of - and aromatic hydrocarbons. de Goeij, 549. *Beryl: Factors affecting sodium carbonate fusion of -. Osborn, 475. *Bio-assay : Statistical background in -. Fieller, 37. Biological fluids: Simplified detmn. of sodium in - . Bradbury, 112. Biological materiak: Estmng. cobalt in - with nitrosocresol. Ellis and Thompson, 113.Modification of fluorimetric method of estmng. riboflavine in -. Polarographic detmn. of tin in foods and -. Godar and Alexander, 111. Solid polyethylene glycols (Carbowax compounds). Quantitative detmn. in -. Shaffer and Critchfield, 404. 1 : 2-Bis(p’-chlorophenyl) ethane: Detmng. - in DDT dusts and oil solutions. LaClair, 170. *2 : 2-Sis-(p-chlorophenyl)-l : 1 : l-trichloroethane: Estmng. - by methods depending on de- hydrohalogenation. Wain and Martin, 1. Bis-(p-Dimethylaminophenyl) -meides : Isolating and identifying fatty acids as -. Breusch and Ulusoy, 364. Bismuth : Applying polarographic analysis to production control in non-ferrous metallurgy. 111. Detmng. copper, -, lead, cadmium and zinc impurities in metallic tin and lead - t i n solders.Pletenev, Arefyeva, Tal and Dubo- vitzkaja, 416. Kokorin and Dermanova, 265. Bisulphite method : Micro-detmn. of pentoses by - . Heines, 267. *Blood: Alcohol in - and urine. Andrew and Neubauer, 21. Detmng. carbon monoxide in - and total and active haemoglobin by carbon monoxide capacity. van Slyke, Hiller, Weisiger and CNZ, 257. Estmng. ethyl alcohol in -. Estmng. glycogen in whole - and white - cells. Wagner, 162. filtrates : Detmng. sulphonamides in tungstic acid (Folin-Wu) -. Schmidt, 25. Iodimetric estmn. of glucose in urine and -. Noyons, 210. Microbiological estmn. of riboflavine in -. Bradford and Coke, 24. plasma : Precision method for quantitative detmn. of calcium in -. Salomon, Gabrio and Smith, 310. Rapid fluorimetric estmn.of total pyridine nucleotides in red - cells. Levitas, Robin- son, Rosen, Huff and Perlzweig, 363. serum: Estmng. vitamin A and carotene in small quantities of -. Bessey, Lowry, Brock and Lopez, 161. sugar : Rapid photocolorimetric micro-procedure for -. Polis and Sortwell, 162. *Body: Distribution of barbiturates in the human -. Andrew and Neubauer, 21. Boiler(s) : Analysing external deposits from -. I. Nature of ___ deposits and their examina- tion. Crossley and Edwards. 11. Analysing deposits rich in phosphates. Edwards. 111. Analysing water-soluble fraction of the deposits Edwards and Flint, 119. Slater and Morell, 257. Photometric detmn. of - in copper. Rochat, 450. Boiling points: Apparatus for detmng. -. Book Reviews: Bacharach and Rendle.The Nation’s Food, Brownlee. Industrial Experimentation. 2nd Dor6e. Methods of Cellulose Chemistry, 422. Dyson. New Notation and Enumeration System Hamilton and Simpson. Calculations of Hilditch. Chemical Constitution of Natural Karrer. Organic Chemistry. 3rd English Edn., Kent- Jones and Amos. Modern Cereal Chemistry, McCance and Widdowson. Chemical Composition Markley. Fatty Acids, their Chemistry and Maxwell. Current Waterworks Practice, 270. Pregl. Quantitative organische Mikroanalyse, 461. Reimers and Gottlieb. Limit Tests for Impurities, 500. Rhodes. Forensic Chemistry. 2nd Edn., 127. Schoch, Felsing and Watt. General Chemistry. 2nd Edn., 226. Scribner and Meggers. Index to the Literature on Spectrochemical Analysis, Part 11, 1940 to 1945. 325. Wallis. Textbook of Pharmacognosy, 376.Weygand. Organic Preparations, 33. Wredden. The Microscope, Theory and Applica- tions, 557. Penicillin : Its Properties, Uses and Preparations, 225. Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America. 13th Revision, 498. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. 4th Edn. Vol. VIII. Meth - Oils, Essential, 499. Boric oxide: Detmng. - in glass. Hollander and Rieman, 317. Boron: Spectro-analytical detmn. of - in steel. Gegetschkori and Falkova, 41 1. Boron trifluoride: Analysing - in organic liquids (ethers). Walters and Miller, 32. Bourbonal : Microchemical detcn. of vanillin and - . Rutten, 449. Brass: Colorimetric detmn. of iron in -- and bronze. Goodman, 494. Simmons, 497. 271. Edn., 422. for Organic Compounds, 176. Analytical Chemistry, 558.Fats. 2nd Edn., 500. 421. 462. of Foods, 81. Physical Properties, 557. plating : Analysing -. Polarographic analysis of - plating baths and - coatings. Viachirev, 268. Separating copper and zinc with sodium thio- sulphate in analysing -. Sarudi (v. Stetina), 410. Bread (Control and Max. Prices) Order, 1947. 398. British Iron and Steel Research Association: Detmng. phosphorus in austenitic chromium - nickel steels. Methods of analysis of Metallurgy Division of -, 412. Bronze: Colorimetric detmn. of iron in brass and -. Goodman, 494. Butacaine sulphate: Microscopical identification of - (Butyn) and procaine hydrochloride (Novocaine). Keenan, 547. Butyn: Ditto, ditto. Keenan, 547. Roberts, 273.INDEX TO C Cacotheline in volumetric analysis. I. Detmng. calcium salts by titration with sodium oxalate.11. Detmng. tervalent iron by titration with stannous chloride solution. Kutschment and Gengrinovitsch, 492. Cadmium : Applying polarographic analysis to production control in non-ferrous metallurgy. I. Detmng. copper, lead and zinc impurities in metallic -. Pletenev, Arefyeva, Tal and Dubovitzkaja, 415. 111. Detmng. copper, bismuth, lead, - and zinc impurities in metallic tin and lead - tin solders. Pletenev, Arefyeva, Tal and Dubovi tzkaja, 41 6. V. Rapid detmn. of lead, - and zinc in ores and refuse from ore-enrichment (zinc, lead and - ores). Pletenev, Arefyeva, Tal and Dubovitzkaja, 416. Silver sulphide method for detmng. -. Lapin, 373. Caesalpinioideae: Seed oils of some Sudan -. Grindley, 11 1. Calcium: Detmng.- in magnesite and fused magnesia. Hazel and Eglof, 168. Precision method for quantitative detmn. of - in blood plasma. Salomon, Gabrio and Smith, 310. Semi-micro detmn. of - in foodstuffs. Knip- horst, 159. Separating - from magnesium by oxalate method in samples of high magnesium - - ratio. Wright and Delaune, 118. *Calcium oxide: Detmng. - in low-lime refractory magnesia. Gilbert, 482. Calcium salts : Cacotheline in volumetric analysis. I. Detmng. - by titration with sodium oxalate. Kutschment and Gengrinovitsch, 492. *Calcium tartrate: Formation of racemic - in wnes. Cambitzi, 542. Calculations of Analytical Chemistry. Hamilton and Simpson. (Review), 558. Canavanine: Colorimetric estmn. of -. Archi- bald, 25. Canned Fruit and Vegetables (Amendment No. 2) Order, 1947.543. Canned Meat: Meat Products, Canned Soup and - (Control and Max. Prices) (Amendment No. 3) Order, 1946. 64. Meat Products and - (Control and Max. Prices) Order, 1947. 111 ; (Amendment) Order, 1947. 153. Canned Soup: Meat Products, - and Canned Meat (Control and Max. Prices) (Amendment No. 3) Order, 1946. 64. Canned Vegetables: Canned Fruit and - (Amend- ment No. 2) Order, 1947. 543. Capillanmeter : Precision -. Jasper and Herring- ton, 460. Carbenium salts: Colorimetric estmn. of vitamin D, based on formation of - . Schaltegger, 70. Carbon I4C : Radioactive studies. Analytical method for detmng. long-life -. Henriques and Margnetti, 80. rods : Purifying - for spectrochemical analysis. I. Simple apparatus for purifying by resistance heating. Hoogland. 11.- for spectro- chemical analysis of solutions. Schmidt. 111. Deinum, 419. Carbon dioxide: Colorimetric detmn. of traces of - in air. Spector and Dodge, 418. Ditto. Ditto. VOLUME 72 xix Carbon dioxide-continued Simultaneous detmn. of hydrogen sulphide and - in continuous gas stream. Blohm and Riesenfeld, 495. Carbon monoxide: Detmng. - in blood and total and active haemoglobin by - capacity. van Slyke, Hiller, Weisiger and Cruz, 257. Micro-gravimetric detmn. of -, Salsbury, Cole and Yoe, 418. Carbonyl groups: Comparative estmns. of - and carboxyl groups in chromium trioxide and hypochlorous acid oxycelluloses and oxyxylans. Meesook and Purves, 72. Carbowax compounds : Solid polyethylene glycols (-).. Quantitative detmn. in biological materials. Shaffer and Critchfield, 404. Carboxyl groups : Comparative estmns.of carbonyl and - in chromium trioxide and hypo- chlorous acid oxycelluloses and oxyxylans. Meesook and Purves, 72. Carotene: Chromatographic detmn. of -. Wilkes, 321. *Detmng. - in dried grass. Estmng. vitamin A and - in small quantities of blood serum. Bessey, Lowry, Brock and Lopez, 161. Cassia oil: Chemical microscopy of essential oils. IV. - and cinnamon oil. Greene, 489. Cassiterite: Analysing -. Pokrovskaja, 494. Cast iron: Detmng. copper in - and steels with quinaldic acid. *Direct colorimetric detmn. of tungsten in -. Westwood and Mayer, 464. Pyrophosphoric acid in detmng. nickel in - and steel. Kononiuk, 413. Cats: Effect of the anaesthetic and rate of injection of digitalis upon its lethal dose in -.Holck, Kimura and Bartels, 449. *Cathode ray oscillograph: Applying - to polaro- graphy: general lay-out and uses of the polarograph. Airey, 304. *Applying - to polarography : underlying principles. Randles, 301. *Caustic soda: Detmng. small quantities of man- ganese in - . Ethrington and Hughes, 472. Cell tissue: Detcng. alkaline earth metals in - of plants. Haller, 71. Cellulose in wood. T.A.P.P.I. Tentative Standard T17 m-46. 366. Methods of - Chemistry. Dor6e. 2nd Edn. (Review), 422. *Cereal(s) : Chemical estmn. of nicotinic acid in - and other foods. James, Norris and Wokes, 327. Modern - Chemistry. Kent- Jones and Amos. 4th Edn. (Review), 462. Cerium: New principle of fractionation of rare earths with nitrilotriacetate. Separating lan- thanum and -. Beck, 74.Two new selective - reactions. Herzfeld, 414. *Chapman and McFarlane method for estmng. reducing groups in milk powder. Lea, 336. Characterisation of acetic acid bacteria. I. 11. TogiC and Walker, 125. of pure hydrocarbons. Refractometric analysis as key to evaluation of structure. Wendland, 114. Cheeses : Modified Scharer phosphatase test for milk and soft - Honvitz, 644. Chemical Composition of Foods. McCance and Widdowson. 2nd Edn. (Review), 81. Chemical Society: Presentation of Address from Society of Public Analysts, 327. Nelson, 200. Flagg and Vanas, 121.xx INDEX TO Chemicals : Supply of laboratory apparatus and Chemistry: Forensic -. Rhodes. 2nd Edn. (Review), 127. General -. Schoch, Felsing and Watt. 2nd Edn. (Review), 226. Organic - . Karrer. 3rd English Edn.(Review), 421. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied -. 4th Edn. Vol. VIII. Meth - Oils, Essential. (Review), 499. Chicken manure: Estmng. - in egg products from uric acid content. Duggan, 400. Chloride(s) : Applying Sendroy’s iodimetric - titration to protein-containing fluids. Van Slyke and Hiller, 364. Micro-detmn. of - by means of mercurous iodate. Avaliani, 370. volatilisation : Separating rare-earth elements by -. Vickery, 414. Chlorine: Detmng. available - in paper. Birchard, 493. Detmng. - in 2 : 2’-dihydroxy-5 : 5’-dichloro- diphenylmethane. Jenkins, Waters and Beal, 31. Detmng. DDT in milk by detmng. organic -. Carter, 361. Chloromaleic anhydride: Detmng. conjugated di- olefines with -. Putnam, Moss and Hall, 164. Cholesterol: Photometric detmn.of total - in plasma or serum by rnodi-fied Liebermann- Burchard reaction. Saifer and Kammerer, 27. Cholesteryl linoleate: Detmng. linoleic acid in -. Front and Daubert, 314. Choline chloride: Assay for - in pharmaceutical products. Gakenheimer and Regnera, 23, 486. Chromatographic adsorption of amino acids on organic exchange resins. Cleaver, Hardy and Cassidy, 450. Chromatographic analysis: Tests for aluminium oxide for -. Christensen, 556. Chromatographic resolution of quinone oximes. Gullstrom, Burchfield and Judy, 77. Chromatographic spot tests. Hopf, 556. Chromatography: Application of partition - to estmng. monoamino acids in proteins. Tristram, 260. in separating and detmng. basic amino acids. Bergdoll and Doty, 77. of sugars and their derivatives. Georges, Bower and Wolfrom, 316.Chrome liquors: Ion exchange resins in study of -. Adams, 169. Chromium: Bivalent - solution for volumetric detmn. of tungsten. Detmng. tungsten in tungsten concentrates and ferro-tungsten. Tschernichov and Gorjuschina, 37 1. Detmng. - by oxidation with perchloric acid. Schuldiner and Clardy, 410. Detmng. phosphorus in austenitic - - nickel steels. Methods of analysis of Metallurgy Division of B.I.S.R.A., 412. *Pptng. aluminium and separating it from cobalt, -, nickel or zinc by means of ammonium benzoate. Smales, 14. target : Identifying organic compounds by - X-ray diffraction powder patterns. Matthews and Michell, 174. Chromium trioxide: Comparative estmns. of carbonyl and carboxyl groups in - and hypochlorous acid oxycelluloses and oxyxylans.Meesook and Purves, 72. *test for cocaine hydrochloride. Henry and Mansour, 253. -, 176, 227, 326, 376. VOLUME 72 Cinnamon oil: Chemical microscopy of essential oils. IV. Cassia oil and -. Greene, 489. Citrate(s) : Metallic complexes of tartrates and - ; structure and behaviour in dilute solutions. I. Cupric and nickelous complexes. Bobtelsky and Jordan, 213. Polarographic investigations of oxalate, -, and tartrate complexes of ferric and ferrous iron. Lingane, 370. Clay(s): Detmng. quartz content of - fraction of soils. de Leenheer and Waegemans, 217. Identifying and estmng. montmorillonite group of minerals, with special reference to soil -, MacEwan, 2 18. *Cobalt: Analysing nickel - - - iron alloys used in glass-to-metal seals. Chirnside, Cluley and Proffitt, 351.Applying polarographic analysis to production control in non-ferrous metallurgy. 11. Control of solutions and products in - manufacture. Pletenev, Arefyeva, Tal and Dubovitzkaja, 415. Detmng. iron in presence of -. Brown, 122. Detmng. nickel and - in iron ores with pre- liminary removal of iron by means of sodium fluoride. Tananaev and Silnitschenko, 373. Entrainment of - and sulphur in iron separa- tions. Pinkney, Dick and Young, 122. Estmng. - in biological materials with nitroso- cresol. Ellis and Thompson, 113. Explosion in detmng. - as potassium cobalti- nitrite. Broughton, Laing and Wentworth, 410. *Pptng. aluminium and separating i t from -, chromium, nickel or zinc by means of ammonium benzoate. Smales, 14. *Stability of cobaltous thiocyanate complex in ethyl alcohol - water mixtures and photometric detmn. of -.Uri, 478. Thiocyanate complex as means of extracting - before micro-detmn. by other methods. Bayliss and Pickering, 222. Cobalt alloys: Detmng. nickel in cobalt steels and -. Kirtchik, 553. Cobalt steels: Ditto, ditto. *Cobaltous thiocyanate: Stability of - complex in ethyl alcohol - water mixtures and photo- metric detmn. of cobalt. *Cocaine hydrochloride: Chromium trioxide test for -. Henry and Mansour, 263. Colorimetric instruments: Accuracy of - in dye strength detmns. Davies, Giles and Vickerstaff, 420. *Combustion : Oxidation of nitrogen during micro- - of organic substances. Complexes: Metallic - of tartrates and citrates ; structure and behaviour in dilute solutions. I. Cupric and nickelous complexes.Bobtelsky and Jordan, 213. *Condensates.: Photometric detmn. of dissolved oxygen in - and feed waters by means of starch-iodide complex. Bairstow, Francis and Wyatt, 340. Constancy: Factors affecting - of analytical weights. Craig, 420. Control methods : Improving precision by repeated measurements. Application to analytical -. Mandel, 324. Copper : Applying polarographic analysis to produc- tion control in non-ferrous metallurgy. I. Detmng. - , lead and zinc impurities in metallic cadmium. Pletenev, Arefyeva, Tal and Dubovitzkaja, 415. Kirtchik, 553. Uri, 478. Heron, 142.INDEX TO VOLUME 72 xxi Copper-continued Ditto. 111. Detmng. - , bismuth, lead, cadmium and zinc impurities in metallic tin and in lead - tin solders. Pletenev, Arefyeva, Tal and Dubovitzkaja, 416.*Colour reaction of certain classes of azo dyes with -. Alexander, 56. *Detmng. - and arsenic in iron pyrites by internal electrolysis. Detmng. - in cast iron and steels with quin- aldic acid. Flagg and Vanas, 121. *Detmng. - in food. Detmng. traces of - by extractive dithizone titration. Schonk, 492. Detmng. traces of - in vegetable matter with diethyldithiocarbamate. Reith, Rameau, Mulder, Seekles, Kniphorst and Deijs, 555. Photometric detmn. of bismuth in -. Kokorin and Dermanova, 265. Separating - and zinc with sodium thio- sulphate in analysing brass. Sarudi (v. Stetina), 410. Corn: Fatty acids of - (maize) oil. Baur, jun., and Brown, 448. Cresol(s) : Quantitative analysis of isomeric - and - -phenol mixtures by U.V. absorption spectra of vapours.Robertson, Ginsburg and Matsen, 264. Cryolite: Rapid detmn. of sulphate impurities in -. Karjakin and Muraschova, 266. Crystallisation: Low-temperature - in detmng. component acids of liquid fats. I. Fats in which oleic and linoleic acids are major com- ponents. Hilditch and Riley. 11. Fats which contain linolenic as well as linoleic and oleic acids. Gunstone and Hilditch. 111. Fats which contain elaeostearic as well as linoleic and oleic acids. aldehydes and ketones as 2 : 4-dinitrophenyl- hydrazones. *Crystals: Separation of - and “gums” on micro or semimicro scale. Bacharach, 244. Cupric complexes : Metallic complexes of tartrates and citrates; structure and behaviour in dilute solutions. I. - and nickelous com- plexes. Bobtelsky and Jordan, 213.Cyanamide: Detmng. - derivatives in complex mixtures. Korinfski, 368. Qualitative analysis of mixtures of - deriva- tives. Korinfski, 367. Cyanide: Amperometric titration of - with silver nitrate, using rotating platinum electrode. Laitinen, Jennings and Parks, 319. *Cyclohexane: Prepng. - for spectroscopic work. Ashmore, 206. Davies and Key, 17. High, 60. Hilditch and Riley, 402. Clark, Kaye and Parks, 407. Crystallography: X-ray identification and - of D Dairy products: Fat detmn. in -. Janse, 485. DDD: Detmng. DDT in presence of -. Claborn, 554. DDT: Chemical investigations of the insecticide - and its analogues. I. Reactions of - and associated compounds. Forrest, Stephenson and Waters, 218. Colorimetric detmn. of - in milk and fatty materials. Schechter, Pogorelskin and Haller, 360.Detmng. 1 : 2-bis(fi’-chlorophenyl) ethane in - dusts and oil solutions. LaClair, 170. Detmng. - deposits on fruits, vegetables and vegetation. Carter and Hubanks, 401. DDT-continued Detmng. -in milk by detmng. organic chlorine. Carter, 361. Detmng. - in presence of DDD. Claborn, 554. *p,p’-DDT: Estmng. 2 : 2-bis-(fi-chlorophenyl)- 1 : 1 : l-trichloroethane (-) by methods depending on its dehydrohalogenation. Wain and Martin, 1. Density : Application of differential manometer to measurement of - and specific gravity with special reference to temperature effects. Cowherd, 80. gradient : Detmng. specific gravity of extracts of jams, syrups, etc., based on -. van der Kamer and Jansen, 399. De-oxidation: Detmng. rates of - of iron oxide materials in reducing gases. Barrett and Wood, 318.Deposits: Analysis of external - from boilers. I . Nature of boiler - and their examination. Crossley and Edwards. 11. Analysing - rich in phosphates. Edwards. 111. Analysing water-soluble fraction of the -. Edwards and Flint, 119. Diamines : Identifying acidic oxycellulose by means of aromatic amines and -. KrajEinoviC and KrajEinoviC, 366. Diarylethylenes : Colour reactions of unsymmetrical -. Tarbell and Lindstrom, 489. Dibenzyl-sulphide : Radioactive studies. Radio- active isotope procedures for special types of chemical problems. Detmng. the three in- dividual components of mixtures of -, dibenzyl-sulphoxide and dibenzyl-sulphone. Henriques and Margnetti, 80. Dibenzyl-sulphone: Ditto, ditto, Henriques and Margnetti, 80.Dibemyl-sulphoxide: Ditto, ditto. Henriques and Margnetti, 80. 1 : l-Dichloro-2 : %bis(chlorophenyl)ethane: See DDD. *Dichromate: Detmng. sulphate in sodium -. Wylie, 250. Dictionary: Thorpe’s - of Applied Chemistry. 4th Edn. Vol. VIII. Meth- Oils, Essential. (Review), 499. Diethyldithiocarbamate : Detmng. traces of copper in vegetable material with - . Reith, Rameau, Mulder, Seekles, Kniphorst and Deijs, 555. measurement of fluid density and specific gravity with special reference to temperature effects. Cowherd, 80. D&talis: Effect of the anaesthetic and rate of injection of - upon its lethal dose in cats. Holck, Kimura and Bartels, 449. Digitoxin: Colorimetric assay of - by modified Raymond method. Anderson and Chen, 362. 2 : 2’ - Dihydroxy-5 : 5’ - dichlorodiphenylmethsne: Detmng. chlorine in -.Jenkins, Waters and Beal, 31. 2 : 4Dinitrophenylhydrazones : X-ray identification and crystallography of aldehydes and ketones as -. 2 : 4-Dinitrophenylsemicarbazide. Reagent for alde- hydes and ketones. McVeigh and Rose, 212. Diolefines: Detmng. conjugated - with chloro- maleic anhydride. Putnam, Moss and Hall, 164. Dipenta-erythritol: Detmng. - in mixtures of penta-erythritol and -. Wyler, 366. Differential manometer : Application of - to Clark, Kaye and Parks, 407.xxii INDEX TO Disodium-1 : 2-dihydroxy-benzene03 : 5disulpho- nate: Colorimetric detmn. of titanium with - . *Distillation: Analysing hydrocarbon gases by low temperature -. Hooper, 513. Improved Kjeldahl trap and ammonia - apparatus. Lovecy, 420.*Dithizone: Detmng. mercury with -. Barnes, 469. Detmng. traces of copper by extractive - titration. Schonk, 492. Dried egg powders: Detmng. free fatty acids in -. Johnson and Kline, 67. brinks: Soft - (Amendment) Order, 1947. 163 ; (Amendment No. 2) Order, 1947. 398 ; (Amend- ment No. 3) Order, 1947. 399. Drugs : Detmng. sulphathiazole and other sulpha - in honey. Shepard and Fisher, 448. Dye: Accuracy of colorimetric instruments in - strength detmns. Davies, Giles and Vickerstaff, 420. Dysonian notation, 155. Yoe and Armstrong, 552. E Edible fats: Detmng. peroxide values of - and oils. Iodimetric method. Lea, 255. Edible Oils and - (Control of Sales) (Amend- ment No. 2) Order, 1947, Edible Oils: Ditto, ditto, 208. Detmng. peroxide values of edible fats and -.Iodimetric method. Lea, 255. Egg: Detmng. - yolk in - white. Cook and Mehlenbacher, 158. powders : Detmng. free fatty acids in dried -. Johnson and Kline, 67. products : Estmng. chicken manure in - from uric acid content. Duggan, 400. Elaeostearic acid: Low-temperature crystallisation in detmng. component acids of liquid fats. 111. Fats which contain - as well as linoleic and oleic acids. Hilditch and Riley, 402. *Electric heating: Simple method for -. Howes, 110. Electrode: Amperometric titration of cyanide with silver nitrate, using rotating platinum -. Laitinen, Jennings and Parks, 319. cell: Improved glass - assembly. Coates, 418. *Rotating platinum -. Morris, 298. Electrolytes : Sensitivity of precipitation reactions in dilute -. McAlpine, 116. ElectromeMc analysis: three papers on -.90. *Electrometric methods: Some applications of - in analysis. Carter, 94. Elwtson diffraction and electron microscopic study of oxide films formed on metals and alloys at moderate temperatures. Phelps, Gulbransen and Hickman, 269. Oxide films formed on alloys a t moderate temperatures. - and electron microscope study. Gulbransen, Phelps and Hickman, 223. Electron microscope: Electron diffraction and - study of oxide films formed on metals and alloys a t moderate temperatures. Phelps, Gulbransen and Hickman, 269. Oxide films formed on alloys at moderate tempera- tures. Electron diffraction and - study. Gulbransen, Phelps and Hickman, 223. Electron microscopy: Comparison of optical and - of pigments. Schuster and Fullam, 224.208. Tilleard and Smith, 223. Prepng. powdered materials for -. VOLUME 72 Electroscope: Radioactive studies. Analytical procedure for measurement of long-lived sulphur %, with Lauritzen -, and com- parison of - with special Geiger counter. Henriques, Kistiakowsky, Margnetti and Schneider, 80. *Electro-titrations : Recent developments in apparatus for PH measurements and -. Lauchlan, 90. Elemon: Potentiometric detmn. of aluminium in magnesium alloys of - type. Poljak, 320. Enumeration System: New Notation and - for Organic Compounds. Dyson. (Review), 176. Error(s) in spectrochemical (flame) analysis. Oertel and Stace, 497. Source of - in Gutzeit method for arsenic. Goldstone, 159. Essential oils: Chemical microscopy of -. IV. Cassia and cinnamon oils. Greene, 489. Ethanolamine: Micro-detmn.of serine and - in phospholipid hydrolysates. Burmaster, 23. Ether(s) : Analysing boron trifluoride in organic liquids (-). Walters and Miller, 32. *Estmng. volatile matter content of propellant explosives. 2. Estmng. ethyl alcohol and -. Bonner, 47. Ethyl alcohol: Detmng. low concentrations of - in aqueous solutions. Tschalov and Volskaja, 313. Estmng. - in blood. Rochat, 450. *Estmng. volatile matter content of propellant explosives. 2. Estmng. - and ether. Bonner, 47. *Stability of cobaltous thiocyanate complex in -- water mixtures and photometric detmn. of cobalt. Uri, 478. *Evaporation from beakers with radiant heater. Howes, 111. Experimentation: Industrial. Brownlee. 2nd Edn. (Review), 422. Explosion in detmng. cobalt as potassium coalti- nitrite.Broughton, Laing and Wentworth, 410. *Explosives: Estmng. volatile matter content of propellant -. 3. Estmng. acetone. Bonner, 434. *Ditto, ditto. 2. Estmng. ethyl alcohol and ether. Bonner, 47. Extinction corrections: Detmng. - in infra-red analysis of ,gaseous hydrocarbon mixtures. Lee, 224. F Fat(s): Chemical Constitution of Natural -. Hilditch. 2nd Edn. (Review), 500. detmn. in dairy products. Janse, 485. Detmng. peroxide values of edible - and oils. Iodimetric method. Lea, 255. Edible Oils and - (Control of Sales) (Amend- ment No. 2) Order, 1947. 208. Lov-temperature crystallisation in detmng. com- ponent acids of liquid -. I. - in which oleic and linoleic acids are major components. Hilditch and Riley. 11. - which contain linolenic as well as linoleic and oleic acids.Gunstone and Hilditch. 111. - which contain elaeostearic as well as linoleic and oleic acids. South African fish products. XXII. Periodic acid as reagent in analysing unsaponifiable fraction of natural - . Karnovsky and Rapson, 22. Hilditch and Riley, 402.INDEX TO Fat (s)-continued *Spectrophotometric detmn. of small proportions of linolenic acid in - . Hilditch and Shrivastava, 527. Fatty acids: Detmng. free - in dried egg powders. Johnson and Kline, 67. Isolating and identifying - as bis-(p-dimethyl- aminophenyl) -ureides. Breusch and Ulusoy, 364. of corn (maize) oil. Baur, jun., and Brown, 448. their Chemistry and Physical Properties. Markley. (Review), 557. Fatty materials: Colorimetric detmn. of DDT in milk and -. Schechter, Pogorelskin and Haller, 360.Fatty oils: Puerto Rican -. VI. Characteristics and composition of “Molinillo” seed oil. Asenjo, Goyco and Martinez-Pico, 485. *Feed waters: Photometric detmn. of dissolved oxygen in condensates and - by means of starch-iodide complex. Bairstow, Francis and Wyatt, 340. Feeding Stuffs (Regulation of Manufacture) (Amend- ment No. 10) Order, 1946. Ferrocyanide: Volumetric detmn. of mixtures of - and arsenious acid. Ferro-molybdenum : Phenylanthranilic acid in volu- metric detmn. of molybdenum in steel and -. Fogelson and Kalmikova, 413. Ferro-tungsten : Bivalent chromium solution for volumetric detmn. of tungsten. Detmng. tungsten in tungsten concentrates and -. Tschernichov and Gorjuschina, 371 Ferrous ethylenediamine sulphate as oxidimetric standard.Caraway and Oesper, 491. *Filter thimble: Micro -. Fish products: South African -. XXII. Periodic acid as reagent in analysing unsaponifiable fraction of natural fats. Karnovsky and Rapson, 22. Flame analysis : Errors in spectrochemical analysis (-). Oertel and Stace, 497. method of spectrochemical analysis. Roach, 174. Flour Confectionery (Control and Max. Prices) (Amendment) Order, 1947. 207. *Rapid qualitative test for added iron in -. Pringle, 393. Flue gas: Automatic detmn. of sulphur trioxide in -. Gillham, 322. Detmng. oxides of sulphur in -. Gillham, 321. *Fluorescence quenching in solutions. Bowen, 379. Fluoride: Colorimetric detmn. of -. Monnier, Rusconi and Wenger, 117. *Fluonmeter design. Bowen, 377. study of pterins. Simpson, 382.*Fluonmetry : Applications of - in vitamin analysis. Kodicek, 385. Fluorine in Food Order, 1947. 398. *Titrimetric estmn. of -. Milton, Liddell and Chivers, 43. Folin-Wu blood filtrates : Detmng. sulphonapides in tungstic acid blood filtrates (-) . Schmidt, 25. Food(s) : Chemical Composition of -. McCance and Widdowson. 2nd Edn. (Review), 81. *Chemical estmn. of nicotinic acid in cereals and other -. James, Norris and Wokes, 327. Colorimetric detmn. of iron and manganese in -. Kniphorst, 446. Colorimetric estmn. of methionine in proteins and -. 64. Lang, 551. Bowden, 542. *Fluorimetric analysis: Applications of - to Four papers, 377. Horn, Jones and Blum, 210. VOLUME 72 xxiii Food (s)-continued *Detmng. copper in - High, 60. Fluorine in - Order, i947. Labelling of - Order, 1946.65. Labelling of - (Amendment) Order, 1947. 208; (Amendment No. 2) Order, 1947. Labelling of - (General Licence) Order, 1947. 398. Microbiological estmn. of methionine in proteins and -. Horn, Jones and Blum, 21 1. Polarographic detmn. of tin in - and biological materials. Godar and Alexander, 11 1. Standards (Mustard) (No. 2) (Amendment) Order, 1947. 208. The Nation’s -. Survey of Scientific Data. Bacharach and Rendle. (Review), 271. *Foodstuffs : Chromatographic adsorption method for estmng. provitamin-A content of -. Ramasarma, Hakim and Rao, 194. Hydrolysis procedures for estmng. tryptophan in proteins and - by microbiological procedure. Greenhut, Schweigert and Elvehjem, 25. Microbiological estmn. of methionine in proteins and -. Riesen, Schweigert and Elvehjem, 69.Microbiological estmn. of methionine in proteins and -. Horn, Jones and Blum, 211. *Polarographic detmn. of lead in -. Jones and Brasher, 423. Semi-micro detmn. of calcium in -. Kniphorst, 169. Forensic Chemistry. Rhodes. 2nd Edn. (Review), 127. Formic acid: Colorimetric micro-detmn. of -. Grant, 490. Fractionation: New principle of - of rare earths with nitrilo-triacetate. Separating lanthanum and cerium. Beck, 74. Medrich method: Micro-Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen in gramicidin and tryptophan. Comparison of Gunning-Amold-Dyer and -s. White and Secor, 263. Fructose: Identifying -. Neuberg and Mandl, 263. . Fruit(s) : Canned - and Vegetables (Amendment No. 2) Order, 1947. 643. Detmng. and isolating organic acids in -. Ishenvood, 261. Detmng.DDT deposits on -, vegetables and vegetation. Carter and Hubanks, 401. *Furan: Analytical methods applicable to - and its derivatives. Angell, 178. Furfural: Analysing - -water solutions. Gris- wald, Klecka and West, 165. *Fusion: Factors affecting sodium carbonate - of beryl. Osborn, 475. 398. 543. G) Gallium: Detmng. - in silicate rocks. Sandell, 457. *Gas analysis: Apparatus for - by’ soap film method. Gooderham, 520. *analysis: Procedure for - a t low pressures. Ransley, 504. mixtures : Identifying sulphur compounds in -. Oldach and Field, 219. permeability : Isostatic method for detmng. - of sheet materials. Davis, 81. X-ray absorption. Sullivan and Friedman, 269. Gasoline: ~Detmng. tetra-ethyl lead in - byxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 72 Gasoline-continued Micro-detmn.of tetra-ethyl lead in -. Gordon and Burdett, 454. Picric acid method of detmng. aromatic content of aviation -. Geiger counter : Radioactive studies. Analytical procedure for measurement of long-lived sulphur 3sS, with Lauritzen electroscope, and comparison of electroscope with special -. Henriques, Kistiakowsky, Margnetti and Schneider, 80. Gelatin: Edible - (Control) Order, 1947. 66. (Amendment) Order, 1947. 309. *Glass: Analysing nickel - cobalt - iron alloys used in - -to-metal seals. Chirnside, Cluley and Proffitt, 351. Detmng. boric oxide in -. Hollander and Rieman, 317. *Detmng. lead as iodate in - analysis. Proffitt and Chirnside, 205. Glass electrode cell: Improved - assembly. Coates, 418. Glucose: Estmng. penicillin in serum. Use of -, phenol red and serum water.Fleming and Smith, 548. Estmng. pentose in presence of large quantities of -. Brown, 164. Iodimetric estmn. of - in urine and blood. Noyons, 210. metric reagent for vitamin A. Sobel and Werbin, 27. Glycogen: Colorimetric estmn. of.-. Morris, 164. Estmng. - in whole blood and white blood cells. Wagner, 162. Glycols : Solid polyethylene - (Carbowax com- pounds). Quantitative detmn. in biological materials. Shaffer and Critchfield, 404. Oold: Detmng. - by back-titration. Tzobar, 373. Stathis and Gatos, 123. Qossypol: Effect of acetic acid on spectrophoto- metric estmn. of - in aqueous alcoholic solution. Smith, 32. &&&din: Micro-Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen in - and tryptophan. Comparison of Gunning- Amold-Dyer and Friedrich methods.White and Secor, 263. *Grass: Detmng. carotene in dried -. Nelson, 200. *Growth factors : Computation of microbiological assays of amino acids and other -. Wood, 84. *Gums: Separation of crystals and - on micro or semimicro scale. Bacharach, 244. Gunning-Arnold-Dyer method : Micro-Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen in gramicidin and tryptophan. Comparison of - and Friedrich method. White and Secor, 263. Gutzeit method: Source of error in - for arsenic. Goldstone, 159. Gambrill and Martin, 73. Glycerol dichlorohydrin: Activated - Colori- Detmng. - with ascorbic acid. H Haemoglobin : Detmng. carbon monoxide in blood and total and active - by carbon monoxide capacity. van Slyke, Hiller, Weisiger and Cmz, 257. in meat scraps and tankage. Hafnium: Fractional separation of - and zirconium by means of triethyl phosphate.Willard and Freund, 216. Reiser, 446. Halide ions: Semimicro detcn. of thiocyanate and -. Porter, 76. Hardness: Colorimetric detmn. of - of water. Dratschev, 460. Detmng. total - of water by means of soap solution. Teterkin, 375. New simple titration methods for detmng. - of water. Schwarzenbach, Biedermann and Bangerter, 322. *Heating: Simple method for electric -. Howes, 110. *Hexachlorocyclohexane : Detmng. small amounts of - (benzene hexachloride) . Howard, 427. Hexuronic acids: New specific colour reaction of -. Dische, 365. High-frequency oscillators: Use of - in titrations and analyses. Histidine: Step-photometric detmn. of -. Schmid, 486. Honey : Detmng . sulphathiazole and other sulpha drugs in -. Hormones: Polarographic estmn.of steroid -. Polarography of neutral 17-ketosteroids in urinary extracts. Barnett, Henly and Morris, 26. *Human body: Distribution of barbiturates in the -. ' Andrew and Neubauer, 21. *Hydrocarbon(s) : Analysing - gases by low temperature distillation. Hooper, 513. Characterisation of pure -. Refractometric analysis as key to evaluation of structure. Wendland, 114. mixtures : Detmng. extinction corrections in infra-red analysis of -. Lee, 224. mixtures : Quantitative analysis of - by means of Raman spectra. Rosenbaum, Martin and Lauer, 261. Phase-volumetric analysis of mixtures of benzine and aromatic -. Hydrogen: Detmng. "active" - . Braude and Stern, 213. Detmng. - in liquid steel. Wells and Barra- clough, 457. Traces of oxygen in - or nitrogen.Liebhafsky and Winslow, 267. Hydrogen peroxide-treated peptone in media for microbiological detmn. of amino acids. Lyman, Moseley, Wood and Hale, 70. Hydrogen sulphide : Conversion of organic sulphur to - for analysis. Field and Oldach, 116. Detmng. - in gases. Field and Oldach, 172. Simultaneous detmn. of - and carbon dioxide in continuous gas stream. Blohm and Riesen- feld, 495. Hydrogenation : Qualitative elementary analysis [of organic substances] by -. Slooff, 163. Hydrolysis procedures for estmng. tryptophan in proteins and foodstuffs by microbiological procedure. Greenhut, Schweigert and Elvehjem, 25. Hydroperoxides: Detmng. - in rubber and synthetic polymers. Laitinen and Nelson, 369. Hydroxides: Oxidation of metallic - by current of air. Fireman, 214.8-Hydroxyquinoline: Detmng. uranium with -. Claassen and Visser, 123. Quantitative detmn. of tungsten, molybdenum, and vanadium, alone and in presence of ferric iron, with -. Niericker and Treadwell, 214. Hypochlorous acid : Comparative estmns. of carbonyl and carboxyl groups in chromium trioxide and - oxycelluloses and oxyxylans. Meesook and Purves, 72. Jensen and Parrack, 78. Shepard and Fisher, 448. de Goeij, 549.INDEX TO VOLUME 72 xxv I Ice cream: Circular 69/47. Ministry of Health, (Heat Treatment, etc.) Regulations, 1947. 153. Identification of crystalline organic compounds by X-ray analysis. de Lange and Houtman, 406. X-ray - and crystallography of aldehydes and ketones as 2 : 4-dinitrophenylhydrazones. Clark, Kaye and Parks, 407. Impurities: Limit tests for -.Reimers and Gottlieb, 485. Limit Tests for -. Reimers and Gottlieb. (Review), 500. Index to the Literature on Spectrochemical Analysis, Part 11, 1940 to 1945. Scribner and Meggers. (Review), 325. *Indicator changing a t pH 0.5 for control of sulphide pptn. Andrew, 481. properties of derivatives of 4’-nitrophenylazo-l- naphthol. Ferber, 72. Indole in shrimp. Duggan and Strasburger, 545. Infra-red analysis: Detmng. extinction corrections in - of gaseous hydrocarbon mixtures. Lee, 224. Inorganic analysis : Method of semi-quantitative -. Institute of Petroleum: Standard Methods of Testing Petroleum and its Products. 8th Edn. 254. Instruments: Accuracy of colorimetric - in dye strength detmns. Davies, Giles and Vickerstaff, 420. Iodides: Identifying aryl -.Nichol and Sandin, 212. Ion exchange resins in study of chrome liquors. Adams, 169. *Iron: Analysing nickel - cobalt - - alloys used in glass-to-metal seals. Chirnside, Cluley and Proffitt, 351. 11. Detmng. tervalent - by titration with stannous chloride solution. Kutschment and Gengrino- vitsch, 492. Colorimetric detmn. of - and manganese in foods. Khiphorst, 446. Colorimetric detmn. of - in brass and bronze. Goodman, 494. Detmng. copper in cast - and steels with quinaldic acid. Flagg and Vanas, 121. Detmng. - in presence of cobalt. Brown, 122. Detmng. nickel and cobalt in - ores with preliminary removal of - by means of sodium fluoride. Tananaev and Silnitschenko, 373. Detmng. oxygen in - and steel. Vigna, 456. Detmng. traces of - in bacteriological media.Tasman and Smith, 555. *Direct colorimetric detmn. of tungsten in cast -. Westwood and Mayer, 464. Entrainment of cobalt and sulphur in - separations. Pinkney, Dick and Young, 122. Polarographic investigations of oxalate, citrate, and tartrate complexes of femc and ferrous -. Lingane, 370. Pyrophosphoric acid in detmng. nickel in cast - and steel. Kononiuk, 413. Quantitative detmn. of tungsten, molybdenum, and vanadium, alone and in presence of ferric -, with 8-hydroxyquinoline. Niericker and Treadwell, 214. *Rapid qualitative test for added - in flour. Prinde. 393. 154. Wenger, Monnier and Piguet, 116. Cacotheline in volumetric analysis. Iron oxide: Detmng. rates of de-oxidation of - materials in reducing gases. Barrett and Wood, 318. *Iron pyrites: Detmng.copper and arsenic in - by internal electrolysis. Davies and Key, 17. Isopropyl ether: Extracting vanadium from aqueous solutions by -. Lingane and Meites, jun., 216. Isostatic method for detmng. gas permeability of sheet materials. Davis, 81. Isotope dilution procedures : Radioactive studies. Radioactive - for special types of chemical problems. Detmng. the three individual components of mixtures of dibenzyl-sulphide, -sulphoxide and -sulphone. Henriques and Margnetti, 80. J Jams: Detmng. specific gravity of extracts of -, syrups, etc., based on density gradient. van der Kamer and Jansen, 399. Johnson, Matthey and Co., LM.: Standardised Substances for Spectrography, Chemical Analysis and Research, 254. K Ketones : 2 : 4-Dinitrophenylsemicarbazide. Re- agent for aldehydes and -.McVeigh and Rose, 212. X-ray identification and crystallography of aldehydes and - as 2 : Q-dinitrophenyl- hydrazones. Clark, Kaye and Parks, 407. 17-Ketosteroids : Polarographic estmn. of steroid hormones. Polarography of neutral - in urinary extracts. Barnett, Henly and Morris, 26. Kjeldahl. detmn. of nitrogen. Elimination of distillation. Marcali and Rieman, 163. Kjeldahl trap: Improved - and ammonia distillation apparatus. Lovecy, 420. L Labelling of Food Order, 1946. 65. of Food (Amendment) Order, 1947. 208 ; (Amend- ment No. 2) Order, 1947. of Food (General Licence) Order, 1947. 398. Laboratory animal: Maintenance of - colonies. New York Academy of Sciences, 501. Lanthanum: New principle of fractionation of rare earths with nitrilo-triacetate. Separating - and cerium.Beck, 74. Lauritzen electroscope : Radioactive studies. An- alytical procedure for measurement of long- lived sulphur %, with -, and comparison of - with special Geiger counter. Henriques, Kisfiakowsky, Margnetti and Schneider, 80. Lead : Applying polarographic analysis to produc- tion control in non-ferrous metallurgy. I. Detmng. copper, - and zinc impurities in metallic cadmium. Pletenev, Arefyeva, Tal and Dubovitzkaja, 415. Ditto. 111. Detmng. copper, bismuth, -, cadmium and zinc impurities in metallic tin and -- tin solders. Pletenev, Arefyeva, Tal and Dubovitzkaja, 416. Ditto. IV. Detmng. impurities in metallic -. Pletenev, Arefyeva, Tal and Dubovitzkaja, 416. 543.xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 72 Lead-continued Ditto. V. Rapid detmn.of -, cadmium and zinc in ores and refuse from ore-enrichment (zinc, - and cadmium ores). Pletenev, Arefyeva, Tal and Dubovitzkaja, 416. *Detmng. - as iodate in glass analysis. Proffitt and Chirnside, 205. Internal standard method of spectrographic ' analysis as applied to detmng. - in high- purity zinc. *Polarographic detmn. of __ in foodstuffs. Jones and Brasher, 423. Polarographic detmn. of - in - slags. Fainberg and Tal, 268. *Polarographic detmn. of tin, - and zinc in phenol. Wilson and Hutchinson, 149. *Lead-base alloys: Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in -. Lead compounds: Volumetric detmn. of organic -. Hein, Klein and MesCe, 549. Leaf ash: Rapid semi-micro volumetric detmn. of potash in -. Chapman, 374. Liebermann-Burchard reaction: Photometric detmn.of total cholesterol in plasma or serum by modified -. Limit tests for impurities. Reimers and Gottlieb, 485. for Impurities. Reimers and Gottlieb. (Review), 500. Linoleic acid: Detmng. - in cholesteryl linoleate. Front and Daubert, 314. Low-temperature crystallisation in detmng. com- ponent acids of liquid fats. I. Fats in which oleic and -s are major components. Hil- ditch and Riley. 11. Fats which contain linolenic as well as - and oleic acid. Gun- stone and Hilditch. 111. Fats which contain elaeostearic as well as - and oleic acids. Hilditch and Riley, 402. Linolenic acid: Ditto, ditto. Gunstone and Hilditch, 402. *Spectrophotometric detmn. of small proportions of - in fats. Hilditch and Shrivastava, 627. Literature: Index to the - on Spectrochemical Analysis, Part 11, 1940 to 1945.Scribner and Meggers. (Review), 325. Griffith and Kirkbride, 223. Evans and Higgs, 105. Saifer and Kammerer, 27. M Magnesia: Detmng. calcium in magnesite and fused -. Hazel and Eglof, 168. *Detmng. calcium oxide in low-lime refractory - . Gilbert, 482. w e s i t e : petmng. calcium in - and fused magqesia. Hazel and Eglof, 168. Magnesium: Separating calcium from - by oxalate method in samples of high - -calcium ratio. Magnesium alloys: Potentiometric detmn. of aluminium in - of Elektron type. Poljak, 320. Magnesium ammonium phosphate hexahydrate: Solubility of -. Maize: Fatty acids of corn (-) oil. Baur, jun., and Brown, 448. Manganese: Colorimetric detmn. of iron and - in foods. Kniphorst, 446. *Detmng. small quantities of - in caustic soda. Ethrington and Hughes, 472.measurement of fluid density and specific gravity with special reference to temperature effects. Cowherd, 80. Wright and Delaune, 118. Uncles and Smith, 118. Manometer: Application of differential - to Manometer-continued Molecular weight detmn. with micro- -. Young and Taylor, 497. Vacuum micro- -. Young and Taylor, 497. in egg products Manure: Estmng. chicken - from uric acid content. Meat: Haemoglobin in - scraps and tankage. Reiser, 446. Products, Canned Soup and Canned - (Control and Max. Prices) (Amendment No. 3) Order, 1946. 64. Products and Canned Meat (Control and Max. Prices) Order, 1947. 111 ; (Amendment) Order, 1947. 153. Media: Hydrogen-peroxide-treated peptone in - for microbiological detmn. of amino acids.Lyman, Moseley, Wood and Hale, 70. Melamine: Identifying -. Candlin, 491. resin : Analysis of dilute - solutions. Ivarsson and Steenberg, 32. Mercurous iodate: Micro-detmn. of chlorides by means of -. Avaliani, 370. Mercury: Analysing mixtures of mercurous and mercuric - and sulphuric acid. Warshowsky and Elving, 493. *Detmng. - with dithizone. *Estmng. - compounds in the atmosphere. Milton and Duffield, 11. *Estmng. traces of - in urine. Milton and Hoskins, 6. Polarography of - solutions. Poma, 652. reductor : Behaviour of uranyl solutions in -. Caley and Rogers, 216. *Metal(s) : Analysing nickel - cobalt - iron alloys used in glass-to- - seals. Chirnside, Cluley and Proffitt, 351. Electron diffraction and electron microscopic study of oxide films formed on - and alloys a t moderate temperatures. Phelps, Gulbransen and Hickman, 269.*System of qualitative analysis for common - in presence of phosphates, using ammonium benzoate. Austin, 443. Metallurgy : Applying polarographic analysis to production control in non-ferrous -. Pletenev, Arefyeva, Tal and Dubovitzkaja, 415. Methionine: Colorimetric estmn. of - in proteins and foods. Microbiological estmn. of amino acids. 111. -. Lyman, Moseley, Butler, Wood and Hale, 209. Microbiological estmn. of - in proteins and foods. Horn, Jones and Blum, 211. Microbiological estmn. of - in proteins and fo.odstuff s. Riesen, Schweigert and Elvehjem, 69. N'-Methylnicotinamide: Detmng. - in urine. Huff and Perlzweig, 363. amino acids and other growth factors. Wood, 84. Micromanometer: Molecular weight detmn.with vacuum -. Microscope, Theory and Applications. Wredden. (Review), 557. Microscopical differentiation of common mustard seeds with polarised light. Microscopy: Comparison of optical and electron - of pigments. Mikroanalyse: Quantitative organische -. Pregl. 5th Edn. (Review), 461. Milk: Colorimetric detmn. of DDT in - and fatty materials. Schechter, Pogorelskin and Haller, 360. Duggan, 400. Barnes, 469. Horn, Jones and Blum, 210. *Microbiological assays: Computation of - of Young and Taylor, 497. Vacuum -. Young and Taylor, 497. Keenan, 448. Tilleard and Smith, 223.INDEX TO Detmng. DDT in - by detmng. organic chlorine. Carter, 361. Modified Scharer phosphatase test for - and soft cheeses. Honvitz, 544. *powder : Chapman and McFarlane method for estmng.reducing groups in -. Lea, 336. Minerals : Identifying and estmng. montmonllonite group of -, with special reference to soil clays. MacEwan, 218. Ministry of Food Orders, etc.: Milk-continued Bread, 398. Fats, edible, 208. Feeding stuffs, 64. Flour confectionery, 207. Fluorine in food, 398. Food standards, 208. Fruit, canned, 643. Gelatin, 66, 309. Ice cream, 153. Labelling of food, 65, 208, 398, 543. Meat, canned, 64, 111, 153. Meat products, 64, 111, 153. Mustard, 208. Oils, edible, 208. Pickles, 309. Preserves, 398. Sauces, 309. Soft drinks, 153, 398, 399. Soup, canned, 64. Vegetables, canned, 543. Ministry of Health: Circular 69/47. Ice Cream, 154. Molecular still: Simple laboratory falling-film -. Farmer and Sutton, 174. Molecular weight detmn.with vacuum micro- manometer. Young and Taylor, 497. Molybdenum: Colorimetric detmn. of - as thiocyanate complex. Tananaev and Loch- vitzkaja, 455. *Detmng. tungsten in steel, using toluene-3 : 4- dithiol. Removal of - interference by selective extraction. Bagshawe and Truman, 189. *Microchemical detmn. of - in steel. Wells and Pemberton, 185. Phenylanthranilic acid in volumetric detmn. of - in steel and ferro- - . Fogelson and Kalmikova, 413. Quantitative detmn. of tungsten, - , and vanadium, alone and in presence of ferric iron, with 8-hydroxyquinoline. Niericker and Tread- well, 214. Molybdenum blue: Constitution of -. Treadwell and Schaeppi, 117. Molybdi-vanadate method : Detmng. serum phos- phate by - Simonsen, Wertman, Westover and Mehl, 312. Monochloroacetic acid: New method of detcng.and detmng. -. Montmorillonite: Identifying and estmng. - group of minerals, with special reference to soil clays. MacEwan, 218. Morgan method of soil testing. IV. Use of Spekker absorptiometer for estmng. phosphate. Tinsley and Pizer, 124. Muscle: Tocopherol content of skeletal - ; comparison of chemical and bio-assay methods. Kaunitz and Beaver, 161. Mustard: Food Standards (-) (No. 2) (Amend- ment) Order, 1947, 208. Microscopical differentiation of common - seeds with polarised light. Mustard gas : Iodimetric micro-titration for -. Kinsey and Grant, 315. Ramsey and Patterson, 405. Keenan, 448. VOLUME 72 N xxvii Narceine: Detmng. - in - sodium salicylate with Reinecke’s salt. van Arkel and Kramer, 547. New York Academy of Sciences: Maintenance of labxatory animal colonies, 501.*Nickel: Analysing - - cobalt - iron alloys used in glass-to-metal seals. Chirnside, Cluley and Proffitt, 351. Detmng. - and cobalt in iron ores with preliminary removal of iron by means of sodium fluoride. Tananaev and Silnitschenko, 373. Detmng. - in cobalt steels and alloys. Kirtchik, 553. Detmng. phosphorus in austenitic chromium - - steels. Methods of analysis of Metallurgy Division of B.I.S.R.A., 412. *Pptng. aluminium and separating i t from cobalt, chromium, -, or zinc by means of ammonium benzoate. Smales, 14. Pyrophosphoric acid in detmng. - in cast iron and steel. Kononiuk, 413. *Titration of minute amounts of -. Evans, 110. Nickelous complexes : Metallic complexes of tartrates and citrates ; structure and behaviour in dilute solutions.I. Cupric and -. Bobtelsky and Jordan, 213. Nicotine : Titrimetric detmn. of di-acidic bases (-, quinine) in mixtures with mono-acidic bases, and simplified assay for -. Trautner and Neufeld, 160. Nicotinic acid: Chemical estmn. of -. Mueller and Fox, 362. *Chemical estmn. of - in cereals and other foods. Microbiological estmn. of - using Proteus HX19. Grossowicz and Sherstinsky, 362. Purity of - used in assays. Yeast microbiological method for estmng. -. Williams, 3 12. Niobium: Separating - and tantalum from titanium. Oschman, 373. *Nitrate(s) : Detmng. - in water. Allerton, 349. fusion: Rare-earth metal oxides. 11. Study of oxide pptn. by -. Polarographic analysis of nitrite and nitrite - - mixtures. Keilin and Otvos, 268.Polarographic analysis of nitrite and nitrite - - mixtures. Keilin and Otvos, 268. Nitration in sulphuric acid. 111. Influence of nitric acid and other substances on oleum - water titration. Brand, 169. Nitric acid: Nitration in sulphuric acid. 111. Influence of - and other substances on oleum-water titration. Brand, 169. Nitrilo-triacetate: New principle of fractionation of rare earths with - Separating lanthanum and cerium. Beck, 74. Nitrite: Polarographic analysis of - and - - nitrate mixtures. Keilin and Otvos, 268. Nitro-Captax : 6 - Nitro - 2-mercaptobenzothiazole (-) as reagent for identifying alkyl halides. Cutter and Golden, 550. Nitrogen: Kjeldahl detmn. of -. Elimination of distillation. Marcali and Rieman, 163. Micro-Kjeldahl detmn. of - in gramicidin and tryptophan.Comparison of Gunning-Amold- Dyer and Friedrich methods. White and Secor, 263. *Oxidation of - during micro-combustion of organic substances. Heron, 142. James, Norris and Wokes, 327. 501. Marsh, 169.xxviii INDEX TO Nitrogen--continued Traces of oxygen in hydrogen or -. Lieb- hafsky and Winslow, 267. 6-Nitro-2-mercaptobenzothiazole (“Nitro-Captax”) as reagent for identifying alkyl halides. Cutter and Golden, 550. *Nitromethane: Detmng. - in air. Wilson and Hutchinson, 432. 4’-Nitrophenylazo-l-naphthol: Indicator properties of -. Ferber, 72. Nitrosocresol: Estmng. cobalt in biological materials with -. Non-ferrous metallurgy : Applying polarographic analysis to production control in -. Pletenev, Arefyeva, Tal and Dubovitzkaja, 415. Notation: Dysonian -.155. New - and Enumeration System for Organic Compounds. Dyson. (Review), 176. Novocaine : Microscopical identification of butacaine sulphate (Butyn) and procaine hydrochloride (-). Keenan, 547. Nucleotldes: Rapid fluorimetric estmn. of total pyridine - in red blood cells. Levitas, Robinson, Rosen, Huff and Perlzweig, 363. Ellis and Thompson, 113. 0 Obituaries: Battye, H. G., 131. Blackie, J. J., 35, 131. Boizot, G. E., 131. Bruce, A., 131, 132. Buchanan, J . L., 131, 132. Butterfield, W. J. A., 131, 132. Dracass, W. R., 131, 132. Edwards, G. W., 131, 132. Ellison, R., 229. Firth, H., 131, 132. Foster, J. A., 131, 132. Frankland, P. F., 131, 132. Garbutt, C. D., 131. Heywood, A. D., 131, 132. Hinks, E., 131, 132. Hopkins, Sir Frederick G., 229. Jones, P.H., 131, 132. Liverseege, J. F., 131, 132. McGrath, T., 131. Mason, F. A., 423. Morell, R. S., 35, 131, 133. Naidu, S. R., 177. Needs, F. E., 131, 133. Nierenstein, M., 131. Roberts, W. H., 36, 131, 133. Sherlock, A., 423. Smith, H. P., 423. Spilsbury, Sir Bernard H., 503. Vakil, K. H., 131. Warburton, G. H., 131. Watkinson, S., 131, 133. Oestrone: Polarographic detmn. of - in urine. Bjornson and Ottesen, 403. Oil(s) : Chemical microscopy of essential -. IV. Cassia and cinnamon -. Greene, 489. Detmng. peroxide values of edible fats and -. Iodimetric method. Lea, 265. Edible - and Fats (Control of Sales) (Amend- ment No. 2) Order, 1947. 208. Fatty acids of corn (maize) -. Baur, jun., and Brown, 448. Puerto Rican fatty - VI. Characteristics and composition of “Molinillo” seed -. Asenjo, Goyco and Martinez-Pico, 485.Rancidity of olive -. Kaloyereas, 266. VOLUME 72 Oil (8) --continued Seed - of some Sudan Caesalpinioideae. Grindley, 11 1. Olefines: Micro-detmn. of gaseous -. Pyke, Kahn and LeRoy, 418. Oleic acid : Low-temperature crystallisation in detmng. component acids of liquid fats. I. Fats in which - and linoleic acid are major components. Hilditch and Riley. 11. Fats which contain linolenic as well as linoleic acid and -. Gunstone and Hilditch. 111. Fats which contain elzeostearic as well as linoleic and -s. Oleum: Nitration in sulphuric acid. 111. Influence of nitric acid and other substances on - -water titration. Brand, 169. Olive oils: Rancidity of -. Ores : Applying polarographic analysis to production control in non-ferrous metallurgy. V.Rapid detmn. of lead, cadmium and zinc in - and refuse from - -enrichment (zinc, lead and cadmium -). Pletenev, Arefyeva, Tal and Dubovitzkaja, 417. preliminary removal of iron by means of sodium fluoride. Tananaev and Silnitschenko, 373. Organic Chemistry. Karrer. 3rd English Edn. (Review), 42 1. Organic compounds: Identifying crystalline - by means of X-ray analysis. de Lange and Houtman, 406. Identifying - by chromium target X-ray diffraction powder patterns. Matthews and Michell, 174. Organic liquids: Analysing boron trifluoride in - (ethers). Waiters and Miller, 32. Organic Preparations. Weygand. (Review), 33. Organic reagents : Analytical reactions with -. Steigmann, 28. Organoselenium compounds : Analysing -. Mc- Cullough, Campbell and Krilanovich, 30.Organosilicon compounds : Detmng. silicon in relatively non-volatile -. Gilman, Clark, Wiley and Diehl, 264. Oscillators: Use of high-frequency - in titrations and analyses. *Oscillograph: Applying cathode ray - to polaro- g-raphy : general lay-out and uses of the cathode ray polarograph. Airey, 304. *Applying cathode ray - to polarography : underlying principles. Randles, 301. Oxalate : Polarographic investigations of -, citrate, and tartrate complexes of ferric and ferrous iron. Lingane, 370. *Oxalio acid extractant in vitamin C assay. Wokes, 63. Oxidation of metallic hydroxides by current of air. Fireman, 214. *of nitrogen during micro-combustion of organic substances. Heron, 142. vitamin A oils. Halpern, 78. Oxide(s) films : Electron diffraction and electron microscopic study of - formed on metals and alloys a t moderate temperatures.Phelps, Gulbransen and Hickman, 269. films formed on alloys a t moderate temperatures. Electron diffraction and electron microscope study. Gulbransen, Phelps and Hickman, 223. of sulphur : Detmng. - in flue gas. Gillham, 321. Rare-earth metal - . 111. Pptn. from potassium hydroxide melts. Marsh 169. Hilditch and Riley, 402. Kaloyereas, 266. Detmng. nickel and cobalt in iron - with Jensen and Parrack, 78. Spectrophotometric changes during - ofINDEX TO VOLUME 72 xxix Oxide( s)--cmtinued Rare-earth metal - 11. Study of - pptn. by nitrate fusion. Marsh, 169. Oxidimetric standard: Ferrous ethylenediamine sulphate as -. Caraway and Oesper, 491. Oxidising agents: Anomalous behaviour of some -.McAlpine, 75. Oximes : Chromatographic resolution of quinone -. OxycelIuloses : Comparative estmns. of carbonyl and carboxyl groups in chromium trioxide and hypochlorous acid - and oxyxylans. Meesook and Purves, 72. Identifying acidic - by means of aromatic amines and diamines. KrajEinovi6 and Kraj Einovik, 366. Oxygen: Analytical chemistry of rare earths. Active- - detmn. Barthauer and Pearce, 217. Detmng. - in iron and steel. Detmng. - in presence of sulphite. Janssen, 496. *Photometric detmn. of dissolved - in condensates and feed waters by means of starch-iodide complex. Bairstow, Francis and Wyatt, 340. Lieb- hafsky and Winslow, 267. Oxyxylans : Comparative estmns. of carbonyl and carboxyl groups in chromium trioxide and hypochlorous acid oxycelluloses and -.Meesook and Purves, 72. Gullstrom, Burchfield and Judy, 77. Vigna, 456. Traces of - in hydrogen or nitrogen. P Paints: Volumetric detmn. of water in - and varnishes. Swann, 170. Paper: Detmng. available chlorine in -. Birchard, 493. Disintegration of viscose in analysing - fibres. Browning and Graff, 491. Particle size by spectral transmission. Bailey, 222. Measuring distribution of - in dispersed systems. Dotts, 324. Prepng. standard powders for reference in - measurement. Gooden and Updike, jun., 270. Sheehan, Mader and Cram, 313. Chemical assay of -. Mundell, Fischbach and Eble, 488. *Chemistry of -. Robinson, 274. Estmng. - and other bacteriostatics. Fielding, 256,. Estmng. - in serum. Use of glucose, phenol red and serum water.Fleming and Smith, 548. Iodimetric assay of - preparations. Alicino, 68. Its Properties, Uses and Preparations. Pharma- ceutical Society of Great Britain. (Review), 225. *Micro-chromatographic detcn. and approximate detmn. of the different - in a mixture. Goodall and Levi, 277. Three-hour physicaI development cup-plate assay for -. Goyan, Dufrenoy, Strait, Pratt and Juntunen, 488. Penta-erythritol: Detmng. dipenta-erythritol in mix- tures of - and dipenta-erythritol. Wyler, 365. Pentose(s): Estmng. - in presence of large quantities of glucose. Brown, 164. Micro-detmn. of - by bisulphite method. Heines, 267. Penicillin(s): Chemical assay method for - G. Peptone: Hydrogen-peroxide-treated - in media for microbiological detmn. of aminb acids. Lyman, Moseley, Wood and Hale, 70.Perchloric acid: Detmng. chromium by oxidation with -. Percolator: Simple automatic -. Periodic acid: South African fish products. XXII. - as reagent in analysing unsaponifiable fraction of natural fats. Karnovsky and Rapson, 22. Permeability: Isostatic method for detmng. gas - of sheet materials. Peroside values: Detmng. - of edible fats and oils. Iodimetric method. Lea, 255. Petrol: See Gasoline. Petroleum: Standard Methods for Testing - and its Products. Institute of Petroleum. 8th Edn., 254. *pH: Recent developments in apparatus for - measurements and electro-titrations. Lauchlan, 90. Pharmaceutical products : Assay for choline chloride in -. Gakenheimer and Regnera, 23, Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain: Penicillin : Its Properties, Uses and Preparations.(Review), 225. Pharmacognosy : Textbook of - . Wallis. (Review), 376. Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America. 13th Revision (U.S.P. XIII). (Review), 498. *Phenarsazine: Detmng. micro-quantities of deriva- tives of -. Barnes, 241. *Phenol: Identifying - from synthetic and natural sources. Boorman, Daubney and Martin, 246. *Polarographic detmn. of tin, lead and zinc in -. Wilson and Hutchinson, 149. Quantitative analysis of isomeric cresols and cresol- - mixtures by U.V. absorption spectra of vapours. Robertson, Ginsburg and Matsen, 264. Phenol red: Estmng. penicillin in serum. Use of glucose, - and serum water. Fleming and Smith, 548. Phenylanthranilic acid in volumetric detmn. of molybdenum in steel and ferro-molybdenum. Fogelson and Kalmikova, 413.Phosphatase: Modified Scharer - test for milk and soft cheeses. Horwitz, 644. Phosphate(s) : Analysing external deposits from boilers. 11. Analysing deposits rich in -. Edwards, 119. Detmng. serum - by molybdi-vanadate method. Simonsen, Wertman, Westover and Mehl, 312. Morgan method of soil testing. IV. Use of Spekker absorptiometer for estmng. -. Tinsley and Pizer, 124. *System of qualitative analysis for common metals in presence of -, using ammonium benzoate. Austin, 443. Phospholipid: Micro-detmn. of serine and ethanol- amine in - hydrolysates. Burmaster, 23. *PhosphomoIybdate : Detmng. composition and constitution of ammonium - and conditions affecting its pptn. Thistlethwaite, 531. Phosphorus: Detmng. - in austenitic chromium - nickel steels.Methods of analysis’ of the Metallurgy Division of B.I.S.R.A., 412. Physical development : Three-hour - cup-plate assay for penicillin. Goyan, Dufrenoy, Strait, Pratt and Juntunen, 488. Pickles and Sauces Order, 1947. Schuldiner and Clardy, 410. Lees, 496. Davis, 81. 486. 309.XXX INDEX TO Picric acid method for detmng. aromatic content of aviation gasoline. Gambrill and Martin, 73. Pigments : Comparison of optical and electron microscopy of -. Tilleard and Smith, 223. Plants: Detcng. alkaline earth metals in cell tissue of -. Haller, 71. Plasma: Photometric detmn. of total cholesterol in - or serum by modified Liebermann- Burchard reaction. Saifer and Iiammerer, 27. Precision method for quantitative detmn. of calcium in blood -. Salomon, Gabrio and Smith, 310.Plating: Analysing brass -. Roberts, 273. baths : Polarographic analysis of brass - and brass coatings. Viachirev, 268. Platinum electrode : Amperometric titration of cyanide wfth silver nitrate, using rotating -. Laitinen, Jennings and Parks, 319. *Rotating -. Morris, 298. *Polarisation end-points. Evans, 99. Polarised light : Microscopical differentiation of common mustard seeds with -. Keenan, 448. *Polaroflam: Aids to accuracy in quantitative estmn. from simple ---. *Polarograph(s) : Application of cathode ray oscillo- graph to -y : general lay-out and uses of cathode ray -. Airey, 304. Operating characteristics of Sargent Model XX visible recording -. Lingane, 496. Remarks on -. Davies, 273. Polarographic analysis : Applying - to production control in non-ferrous metallurgy. Pletenev, Arefyeva, Tal and Dubovitzkaja, 415.*Polarographic determination of tin, lead and zinc in phenol. Polarographic technique: notes on -. Jessop, 273. *Polsrography : Applying cathode ray oscillograph to - ; general lay-out and uses of cathode ray polarograph. Airey, 304. *Applying cathode ray oscillograph to -: underlying principles. Randles, 301. *Four papers on -. 291. *Fundamental laws of -. Lewis, 308. Wilson and Hutchinson, 149. Heyrovskf, 229. Polyethylene glycols: Solid - (Carbowax com- pounds). Quantitative detmn. in biological materials. Shaff er and Critchfield, 404. Polymers : Detmng. hydroperoxides in rubber and synthetic -. Post-mortem specimens: Rapid qualitative and quantitative detmn. of barbiturates from -.Valov, 256. Potash: Rapid semi-micro volumetric detmn. of - in leaf ash. Potassium: Detmng. sodium and - in silicates. Kallmann, 167. Routine analysis of sodium- - alloys. Walters and Miller, 317. Potassium cobaltinitrite: Explosion in detmng. cobalt as -. Broughton, Laing and Went- worth, 410. Potassium ethyl xanthogenate: Micro-sepziration of zinc and aluminium by means of -. Wenger, Abramson and Besso, 76. Potassium hydroxide : Rare-earth metal oxides. 111. Pptn. from - melts. Powder(s) : Detmng. aromatic amines and sub- stituted ureas in smokeless -. Volumetric bromination procedure. Waugh, Harbottle and Noyes, 73. Prepng. standard - for reference in particle- size measurement. Gooden and Updike, jun., 270. Laitinen and Nelson, 369. Chapman, 374. Marsh, 169.VOLUME 72 Powdered materials: Prepng. - for electron microscopy. Schuster and Fullam, 224. Precipitation reactions : Sensitivity of - in dilute electrolytes. McAlpine, 116. Precision: Improving - by repeated measure- ments. Application to analytical control methods. Mandel, 324. Preserves Order, 1947. 398. measurements with Pressure: Precise low- - thermocouple gauge. Smiley, 497. Procaine hydrochloride: Microscopical identification of butacaine sulphate (Butyn) and - (Novocaine). Keenan, 547. Production control: Applying polarographic analysis to - in non-ferrous metallurgy. Pletenev, Arefyeva, Tal and Dubovitzkaja, 415. *Propellant explosives: Estmng. volatile matter content of -. 3. Estmng. acetone. Bonner, 434. *Estmng. volatile matter content of -. 2. Estmng.ethyl alcohol and ether. Bonner, 47. l-n-Propoxy-2-amino-4-11itrobenzene: Detmng. the sugar substitute -. Hoeke, 548. Protein(s) : Application of partition chromatography to estmng. monoamino acids in -. Tristram, 260. Applying Sendroy’s iodimetric chloride titration to - -containing fluids. Van Slyke and Hiller, 364. Colorimetric estmn. of methionine in - and foods. Horn, Jones and Blum, 210. Colorimetric estmn. of - in body fluids. Albanese, Irby and Saur, 208. Estmng. threonine and serine in -. Rees, 310. Hydrolysis procedures for estmng. tryptophan in - and foodstuffs by microbiological procedure. Greenhut, Schweigert and Elvehjem, 25. Microbiological estmn. of methionine in - and foods. Microbiological estmn. of methionine in - and foodstuffs. Riesen, Schweigert and Elvehjem, 69.Spectrophotometric detmn. of tyrosine and tryptophan in -. Goodwin and Morton, 260. Proteus HXl.9: Microbiological estmn. of nicotinic acid using -. Grossowicz and Sherstinsky, 362. *Provitamin-A : Chromatographic adsorption method for estmng. - -content of foodstuffs. Ramasarma, Hakim and Rao, 194. *Pterins : Applications of fluorimetric analysis to study of -. Simpson, 382. Puerto Rican fatty oils. VI. Characteristics and composition of “Molinillo” seed oil. Asenjo, Goyco and Martinez-Pico, 485. Pyrethrin(s): Detmng. ___ content of dilute preparations of pyrethrum flowers in oil. Bray and Lord, 264. Detmng. __ in pyrethrum concentrates in mineral oil. Pyrethrum: Ditto, ditto. Martin and Brightwell, 458. flowers : Detmng. pyrethrin content of dilute preparations of - in oil.Bray and Lord, 264. Pyridine nucleotides : Rapid fluorimetric estmn. of total - in red blood cells. Levitas, Robinson, Rosen, Huff and Perlzweig, 363. Pyridoxal: Colorimetric detmn. of pyridoxine, __ and pyridoxamine. Ormsby, Fisher and Schlenk, 260. Horn, Jones and Blum, 211. Martin and Brightwell, 458.INDEX TO Pyridoxamine: Ditto, ditto. Ormsby, Fisher and Pyridoxine: Ditto, ditto. Ormsby, Fisher and Pyrophosphoric acid in detmng. nickel in cast iron Schlenk, 260. Schlenk, 260. and steel. Kononiuk, 413. Q Qualitative analysis: System of - for common metals in presence of phosphates, using ammonium benzoate. Austin, 443. Qualitative elementary analysis of organic sub- stances by hydrogenation. Slooff, 163. Quantitative orgqche Mikroanalyse.Pregl. 5th Edn. (Review), 461. Quartz: Detmng. - content of clay fraction of soils. *Quenching : Fluorescence - in solutions. Bowen, 379. Quinaldic acid: Detmng. copper in cast iron and steels with -. Quinine: Titrimetric detmn. of di-acidic bases (nicotine, -) in mixtures with mono-acidic bases, and simplified assay for nicotine. Trautner and Neufeld, 160. Quinone oximes : Chromatographic resolution of - . Gullstrom, Burchfield and Judy, 77. de Leenheer and Waegemans, 217. Flagg and Vanas, 121. R *Radiant heater : Evaporation from beakers with -. Howes, 111. Radioactive studies. Analytical method for detmng. long-life carbon l4C. Henriques and Margnetti 80. Analytical procedure for measurement of long- lived radioactive sulphur %, with Lauritzen electroscope, and comparison of electroscope with special Geiger counter. Henriques, Kistiakowsky, Margnetti and Schneider, 80.Analytical procedure for measurement of radio- active arsenic of 90-day half-life. Henriques and Margnetti, 80. Utilisation of radioactive isotope dilution pro- cedures for special types of chemical problems. Detmng. the three individual wmponents of mixtures of dibenzyl-sulphide, -sulphoxide and -sulphone. Henriques and Margnetti, 80. Raman spectra: Quantitative analysis of hydro- carbon mixtures by means of -. Rosen- baum, Martin and Lauer, 261. Rare earth(s): Analytical chemistry of - Active-oxygen detmn. Barthauer and Pearce, 217. Detcng. ytterbium in - mixtures. Beck, 124. metal oxides. 111. Pptn. from potassium hydroxide melts.Marsh, 169. metal oxides. 11. Study of oxide pptn. by nitrate fusion. Marsh, 169. New principle of fractionation of - with nitrilo-triacetate. Separating lanthanum and cerium. Beck, 74. Separating - elements by chloride volatilisa- tion. Vickery, 414. Raymond method: Colorimetric assay of digitoxin by modified -. Anderson and Chen, 362. Red blood cells: Rapid fluorimetric estmn. of total pyridine nucleotides in -. Levitas, Robin- son, Rosen, Huff and Perlzweig, 363. Reducing gases: Detmng. rates of de-oxidation of iron oxide materials in -. Barrett and Wood, 318. VOLUME 72 xxxi *Reducing groups : Chapman and McFarlane method of estmng. - in milk powder. Lea, 336. Reducing sugars : Electrometric estmn. of sucrose and -. Coalstad, 409. Reductor: Behaviour of uranyl solutions in mercury -.Caley and Rogers, 216. Refractometric analysis : Characterisation of pure hydrocarbons. - as key to evaluation of structure. Wendland, 114. Reinecke’s salt.: Detmng. narceine in narceine sodium salicylate with -. van Arkel and Kramer, 547. Repeated measurements : Improving precision by -. Application to analytical control methods. Mandel, 324. Resin(s) : Analysing dilute melamine - solutions. Ivarsson and Steenberg, 32. Chromatographic adsorption of a d n o acids on organic exchange -. Cleaver, Hardy and Cassidy, 450. Ion exchange - in study of chrome liquors. Adams, 169. Scott, Hill, Norris and Heuser, 24. Fluorimetric estmn. of - in urine. Morell and Slater, 257. Microbiological estmn. of - in blood. Bradford and Coke, 24. Modification of fluorimetric method of estmng.- in biological materials. Slater and Morell, 257. Rocks: Detmng. gallium in silicate -. Sandell, 457. Rubber: Detmng. hydroperoxides in - and synthetic polymers. Laitinen and Nelson, 369. S Salicylaldehyde reaction: Specificity of - for detcng. acetone. Thomson, 28. Sampling: Most economical - for chemical analysis. Churchman, 323. Sand(s) : Adsorption of aneurine on -. Ridyard, 68. Effect of sieve loading on results of sieve analysis of natural -. Shergold, 126. Sauces: Pickles and - Order, 1947. 309. Scharer phosphatase test: Modified - for milk Sea water: Rapid electrometric detmn. of alkalinity *Seals: Analysing nickel - cobalt - iron alloys used Chirnside, Cluley and Seed(s) : Microscopical differentiation of common Keenan, Riboflavine: Chemical estmn.of -. and soft cheeses. Horwitz, 544. of -. Anderson and Robinson, 375. in glass-to-metal -. Proffitt, 351. mustard - with polarised light. 448. oils of Sudan Caesalpinioideae. oil : Puerto Rican fatty oils. VI. Characteristics and composition of “Molinilla” seed oil. Asenjo, Goyco and Martinez-Pico, 485. Selenium compounds: Analysing organo- -. McCullough, Campbell and Krilanovich, 30. Semi-quantitative inorganic analysis: Method of -. Sendroy: Applying - ’s iodimetric chloride titration to protein-containing fluids. Van Slyke and Hiller, 364. Sensitivity of precipitation reactions in dilute electrolytes. McAlpine, 116. Serine: Estmng. threonine and - in proteins. Rees, 310. Micro-detmn. of - and ethanolamine in phospholipid hydrolysates.Burmaster, 23. Grindley, 1 11. Wenger, Monnier and Piguet, 116.Serum: Detmng. - phosphate by molybdi- vanadate method. Simonsen, Wertman, West- over and Mehl, 312. Estmng. penicillin in -. Use of glucose, phenol red and - water. Fleming and Smith, 548. Estmng. vitamin A and carotene in small quantities of blood -. Bessey, Lowry, Brock and Lopez, 161. Photometric detmn. of total cholesterol in plasma or - by modified Liebermann- Burchard reaction. Saifer and Kammerer, 27. Sheet materials: Isostatic method for detmng. gas permeability of -. Davis, 81. Shrimp: Indole in -. Duggan and Strasburger, 545, Sieve loading: Effect of - on results of - analysis of natural sands. Silicate(s) : Detmng. sodium and potassium in -. Kallmann, 167. rocks ; Detmng. gallium in -.Sandell, 457. Silicon: Absorptiometric detmn. of - in steels. Gentry and Sherrington, 121. Detmng. - in relatively non-volatile organo- - compounds. Gilman, Clark, Wiley and Diehl, 264. Silver nitrate : Amperometric titration of cyanide with -, using rotating platinum electrode. Laitinen, Jennings and Parks, 319. Silver sulphide method for detmng. cadmium. Lapin, 373. Skeletal muscle: Tocopherol content of -. Comparison of chemical and bio-assay methods. Kaunitz and Beaver, 161. Slags: Polarographic detmn. of lead in lead -. Fainberg and Tal, 268. Smokeless powder: Detmng. aromatic amines and substituted ureas in -. Volumetric bromina- tion procedure. Waugh, Harbottle and Noyes, 73. Soap: Detmng. total hardness of water by means of - solution. Teterkin, 375.*film method: Apparatus for gas analysis by -. Gooderham, 520. *Society of Public Analysts: Address of Retiring President. Monier-Williams, 137. Anniversary Dinner, 1947. 129. Annual General Meeting, 1947. 129, Annual General Meeting of Biological Methods Group, 83. Annual General Meeting of Microchemistry Group, 177. Annual Report of Council, 1947. Presentation of Address to Chemical Society, 327. Second Annual General Meeting of Physical Methods Group, 35. Third Annual General Meeting of Physical Methods Group, 503. Twelfth Annual General Meeting of Scottish Section, 177. Twenty-second Annual General Meeting of North of England Section, 83. Sodium: Detmng. - and potassium in silicates. Kallman, 167. Routine analysis of - -potassium alloys. Walters and Miller, 3 17.Simplified detmn. of - in biological fluids. Bradbury, 112. *Sodium carbonate: Factors affecting - fusion of beryl. Osborn, 475. *Sodium dichromate: Detmng. sulphate in -. Wylie, 250. Shergold, 126. 131. Sodium fluoride: Detmng. nickel and cobalt in iron ores with preliminary removal of iron by means of -. Tananaev and Silnitschenko, 373. Sodium oxdate: Cacotheline in volumetric analysis. I. Detmng. calcium salts by titration with -. Kutschment and Gengrinovitsch, 492. Sodium thiosulphate: Separating copper and zinc with - in analysing brass. Sarudi (v. Stetina), 410. Soft' Drinks (Amendment) Order, 1947. 153; (Amendment No. 2) Order. 398 ; (Amendment No. 3) Order. 399. Soil(s): Detmng. quartz content of clay fraction of -. de Leenheer and Waegemans, 217.Identifying and estmng. montmorillonite group of minerals, with special reference to - clays. MacEwan, 218. Morgan method of - testing. IV. Use of Spekker absorptiometer for estmng. phosphate. Tinsley and Pizer, 124. Soup : Meat Products, Canned Meat and Canned - (Control and Max. Prices) (Amendment No. 3) Order, 1946. 64. South African fish products: XXII. Periodic acid as reagent in analysing unsaponifiable fraction of natural fats. Karnovsky and Rapson, 22. Specific gravity : Application of differential mano- meter to measurement of fluid density aild - with special reference to temperature effects. Cowherd, 80. Detmng. - of extracts of jams, syrups, etc. by means of density gradient. van der Kamer and Jansen, 399. Spectral transmission: Particle size by -.Bailey, 222. Spectrochemical analysis: Errors in - (flame analysis). Oertel and Stace, 497. Flame method of -. Roach, 174. Index to the Literature on -, Part 11, 1940 to 1945. Scribner and Meggers. (Review), 325. Purifying carbon rods for - . I. Simple apparatus for purifying by resistance heating. Hoogland. 11. Carbon rods for - of solu- tions. Schmidt. 111. Deinum, 419. Spectrographic analysis : Internal standard method of - as applied to detmng. lead in high- purity zinc. Griffith and Kirkbride, 223. Spectrography : Standardised Substances for -, Chemical Analysis and Research. Johnson, Matthey and Co., Ltd., 254. Spectrophotometric changes during oxidation of vitamin A oils. Halpern, 78. Spekker . absorptiometer: Morgan method of soil testing. IV. Use of - for estmng.phosphate. Tinsley and Pizer, 124. Spot tests: Chromatographic -. *for detcng. alloying elements in lead-base alloys. Evans and Higgs, 105. *for detcng. alloying elements in tin-base alloys. Evans and Higgs, 439. *for detcng. alloying elements in zinc-base alloys. Evans and Higgs, 101. Standard powders: Prepng. - for reference in particle-size measurement. Gooden and Up- dike, jun., 270. Standardised Substances for Spectrography, Chemical Analysis and Research. Johnson, Matthey and Co., Ltd., 254. Stannous chloride : Cacotheline in volumetric analysis. 11. Detmng. tervalent iron by titration with - solution. Kutschment and Gengrinovj tsch, 492. Hopf, 556.INDEX TO *Staroh(es) -iodide complex : Photometric detmn. of dissolved oxygen in condensates and feed waters by means of -.Bairstow, Francis and Wyatt, 340. Recording viscometer for -. Kesler and Bechtel, 407. *Statistical background in bio-assay . Steel(@ : Absorptiometric detmn. of silicon in -. Detmng. aluminium in high alloy -. Fogelson Detmng. copper in cast iron and - with Detmng. hydrogen in liquid -. Wells and Detmng. nickel in cobalt - and alloys. Detmng. oxygen in iron and -. Vigna, 456. Detmng. phosphorus in austenitic chromium - nickel -. Methods of analysis of Metallurgy Division of B.I.S.R.A., 412. *Detmng. tungsten in -, using toluene-3 : 4- dithiol. Removal of molybdenum interference by selective extraction. Bagshawe and Truman, 189. *Microchemical detmn. of molybdenum in -. Wells and Pemberton, 185. Phenylanthranilic acid in volumetric detmn. of molybdenum in - and ferro-molybdenum.Fogelson and Kalmikova, 413. Pyrophosphoric acid in detmng. nickel in cast iron and -. Kononiuk, 413. Spectro-analytical detmn. of boron in -. Gegetschkori and Falkova, 41 1. Steroid(s) : Colorimetric estmn. of reducing -. Heard and Sobel, 71. hormones : Polarographic estmn. of -. Polaro- graphy of neutral 17-ketosteroids in urinary extracts. Still: Simple laboratory falling film molecular -. Farmer and Sutton, 174. Streptomycin : Polarographic analysis of -. Levy, Schwed and Sackett, 310. Erratum, 449. Strontium: Quantitative separation of barium from -. Beyer and Reiman, 551. Sublimation apparatus: Simple -. Pitha, 126. Sucrose: Electrometric estmn. of - and reducing sugars. Coalstad, 409. Sudan Caesalpinioideae: Seed oils of some -.Grindley, 11 1. Sugar(s) : Chromatography of - and their derivatives. Georges, Bower and Wolfrom, 316. Electrometric estmn. of sucrose and reducing -. Coalstad, 409. Rapid photocolorimetric micro-procedure for blood -. Polis and Sortwell, 162. Raw -, sampling, mixing and testing. Kenney, 402. substitute : Detmng. -, 1-n-propoxy-2-amino- 4-nitrobenzene. Hoeke, 548. Sulpha drugs : Detmng. sulphathiazole and other - in honey. *Sulphate: Detmng. - in sodium dichromate. Wylie, 250. Rapid detmn. of - impurities in cryolite. Karjakin and Muraschova, 266. Sulphathiazole: Detmng. - and other sulpha drugs in honey. *Sulphide precipitation : Indicator changing a t pH 0.5 for control of -. Sulphite: Detmng. dissolved oxygen in presence of -. Janssen, 496.Fieller, 37. Gentry and Sherrington, 121. and Kalmikova, 493. quinaldic acid. Barraclough, 457. Kirtchik, 553. Flagg and Vanas, 121. Barnett, Henly and Morris, 26. Shepard and Fisher, 448. Shepard and Fisher, 448. Andrew, 481. VOLUME 72 xxxiii Sulphonamides: Detmng. - in tungstic acid (Folin-Wu) blood filtrates. Schmidt, 25. Identifying -. Witte, 646. *Sulphoxide group: Reductometric detmn. of - and amine oxide group. Sulphur compounds : Identifying - in gas mixtures. Oldach and Field, 219. Conversion of organic - to hydrogen sulphide for analysis. Field and Oldach, 115. Detmng. oxides of - in flue gas. Gillham, 321. Entrainment of cobalt and - in iron separa- tions. Pinkney, Dick and Young, 122. Radioactive studies. Analytical procedure for measurement of long-lived - 35S, with Lauritzen electroscope, and comparison of electroscope with special Geiger counter.Henriques, Kistiakowsky, Margnetti and Schneider, 80. Sulphur trioxide: Automatic detmn. of - in flue gas. Gillham, 322. Sulphuric acid : Analysing mixtures of mercurous and mercuric mercury and -. Warshowsky and Elving, 493. Improved analysis of fuming and concentrated - by water titration. Brand, 168. Nitration in -. 111. Influence of nitric acid and other substances on oleum - water titration. Brand, 169. Supply of laboratory apparatus and chemicals. 176, 227, 326, 376. Surfaceactive agents: Qualitative method for detcng. -. Hoyt, 270. Synthetic polymers : Detmng. hydroperoxides in rubbx and -. Laitinen and Nelson, 369. Syrups: Detmng. specific gravity of extracts of jams, - , etc., based on density gradient.van der Kamer and Jansen, 399. Glynn, 248. T Tankage: Haemoglobin in meat scraps and -. Reiser, 446. from Tantalum: Separating niobium and - titanium. Oschman, 373. T.A.P.P.I.: Cellulose in wood. - Tentative Standard T17 m-46. 366. Tartrate(s) : Metallic complexes of - and citrates ; structure and behaviour in dilute solutions. I. Cupric and nickelous complexes. Bobtelsky and Jordan, 213. Polarographic investigations of oxalate, citrate, and - complexes of femc and ferrous iron. Lingane, 370. Tetra-ethyl lead: Detmng. - in gasoline by X-ray absorption. Sullivan and Friedman, 269. Micro-detmn. of - in gasoline. Gordon and Burdett, 454. . Thallium: Combined micro-gravimetric and titri- in toxicological metric micro-detmn.of - material. Reith and Gen-itsma, 221. Thermocouple gauge : Precise low-pressure measure- ments with -. Smiley, 497. *Thimble: Micro filter -. Thiobarbituric acid: Estmng. barbituric and - in biological materials. Raventos, 487. Thiocyanate: Colorimetric detmn. of molybdenum as - complex. Tananaev and Lochvitzkaja, 455. complex as means of extracting cobalt before micro-detmn. by other methods. Bayliss and Pickering, 222. ions : Semimicro detcn. of - and halide ions. Porter, 76. Bowden, 542.xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 72 Thiocyanate-continued *Stability of cobaltous - complex in ethyl alcohol - water mixtures and photometric detmn. of cobalt. Uri, 478. Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. 4th Edn. Vol. VIII. Meth - Oils, Essential. (Review) , 499.Threonme: Estmng. - and serine in proteins. Rees, 310. Tin : Applying polarographic analysis to production control in non-ferrous metallurgy. 111. Detmng. copper,. bismuth, lead, cadmium and zinc impurities in - and lead - - solders. Pleteaev, Arefyeva, Tal and Dubo- vitzkaja, 416. Polarographic detmn. of - in foods and biological materials. Godar and Alexander, 111. *Polarographic detmn. of -, lead and zinc in phenol. Wilson and Hutchinson, 149. *Tin-base alloys: Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in -. Titanium: Colorimetric detmn. of - with disodium-l:2-dihydroxy-benzene-3 :5-disulphon- ate. Yoe and Armstrong, 652. Separating niobium and tantalum from -. Oschman, 373. *Titration: Amperometric -. Stock, 291. Tocopherol: Colorimetric estmn. of -. Emmerie, 209.content of skeletal muscle ; comparison of chemical and bio-assay methods. Kaunitz and Beaver, 161. "Toluene3 : a-dithiol: Detmng. tungsten in steel, using -. Removal of molybdenum inter- ference by selective extraction. Bagshawe and Truman, 189. Toxicological material : Combined micro-gravimetric and titrimetric micro-detmn. of thallium in - Reith and Gemtsma, 221. *Trans-esterification: Detmng. acetyl groups by -. Stuart, 235. Triethyl phosphate: Fractional separation of hafnium and zirconium by means of -. Willard and Freund, 216. Tryptophan : Hydrolysis procedures for estmng. - in proteins and foodstuffs by microbiological procedure. Greenhut, Schweigert and Elvehjem, 25. Micro-Kj eldahl detmn. of nitrogen in gramicidin and - . Comparison of Gunning-Arnold- Dyer and Friedrich methods.White and Secor, 263. Spectrophotometric detmn. of tyrosine and - in proteins. Tswett adsorption columns : Conditions affecting the sequence of organic compounds in -. Strain, 77. *d-Tubocurarine chloride: Assay of solutions of - for injection. Foster, 62. Tungsten: Bivalent chromium solution for volu- metric detmn. of -. Detmng. - in - concentrates and ferro- - . Tschernichov and Gorjuschina, 371. *Detmng. - in steel, using toluene-3 : 4- dithiol. Removal of molybdenum interference by selective extraction. Bagshawe and Truman, 189. *Direct colorimetric detmn. of - in cast iron. Westwood and Mayer, 464. Quantitative detmn. of -, molybdenum, and vanadium alone and in presence of femc iron, with 8-hydroxyquinoline. Niericker and Tread- Evans and Higgs, 439. Goodwin and Morton, 260. Tungstic acid blood filtrates : Detmng. sul- phonamides in - (Folin-Wu). Schmidt, 25. Tyrosine: Spectrophotometric detmn. of - and tryptophan in proteins. Goodwin and Morton, 260. U Uranium: Detmng. - with 8-hydroxyquinoline. Claassen and Visser, 123. Uranyl solutions: Behaviour of - in mercury reductor. Caley and Rogers, 216. *Urate: zinc - oxidation reaction, selective test for zinc. Fearon, 541. Ureas: Detmng. aromatic amines and substituted - in smokeless powder. Volumetric bromina- tion procedure. Waugh, Harbottle and Noyes, 73. Urinary extracts : Polarographic estmn. of steroid hormones. Polarography of neutral 17-keto- steroids in -. Barnett, Henly and Moms, 26. Andrew and Neubauer, 2 1. Detmng. N'-methylnicotinamide in -. Huff and Perlzweig, 363. *Estmng. traces of mercury in -. Milton and Hoskins, 6. Fluorimetric estmn. of riboflavine in -. Morel1 and Slater, 267. Iodimetric estmn. of glucose in - and blood. Noyons, 210. Polarographic detmn. of oestrone in -. Bjornson and Ottesen, 403. *Urine: Alcohol in blood and -. V Vanadium: Extracting - from aqueous solutions by zsopropyl ether. Lingane and Meites, jun., 216. Quantitative detmn. of tungsten, molybdenum, and -, alone and in presence of ferric iron, with 8-hydroxyquinoline. Niericker and Tread- well, 214. Vanillin: Microchemical detcn. of - and bour- bonal. Rutten, 449. Varnishes: Volumetric detmn. of water in paints and -. Swann, 170. Vegetable(s) : Canned Fruit and - (Amendment No. 2) Order, 1947. 543. Detmng. DDT deposits on fruits, - and vegetation. Carter and Hubanks, 401. material: Detmng. traces of copper in - with diethyldithiocarbamate. Reith, Rameau, Mulder, Seekles, Kniphorst and Deijs, 555. Vegetation: Detmng. DDT deposits on fruits, vegetables and -. Carter and Hubanks, 401. Viscometer : Recording - for starches. Kelser and Bechtel, 407. Viscose: Disintegration of - in analysing paper fibres. Browning and Graff, 491. *Vitamin: Applications of fluorimetry in - analysis. Kodicek, 385. Vitamin A: Activated glycerol dichlorohydrin. Colorimetric reagent for -. Sobel and Werbin, 27. *Chromatographic adsorption method for estmng. DTO- - content of foodstuffs. Ramasarma, - - well, 214. Hakim and Rao, 194.INDEX TO' Vitamin A-continued Estmng. - and carotene in small quantities of blood serum. Bessey, Lowry, Brock and Lopez, 161. Spectrophotometric changes during oxidation of - oils. Halpern, 78. *Vitamin C: Oxalic acid extractant in - assay. Wokes, 63. Vitamin D: Colorimetric estmn. of -, based on formation of carbenium salts. Schaltegger, 70. *Volatile matter: Estmng. - content of pro- pellant explosives. 3. Estmng. acetone. Bonner, 434. *Estmng. - content of propellant explosives. 2. Estmng. ethyl alcohol and ether. Bonner, 47. Volatilisation : Separating rare-earth elements by chloride -. Vickery, 414. W Water(?) : Analysing furfural- - solutions. Gnswald, Klecka and West, 165. Colorimetric detmn. of hardness of -. Dratschev, 460. Current Waterworks Practice. Practical Treatise on the Provision of - for Urban and Rural Communities. Maxwell. (Review), 270. *Detmng. nitrates in -. Detmng. total hardness of - by means of soap solution. Teterkin, 375. New simple titration methods for detmng. hardness of -. Schwarzenbach, Biedermann and Bangerter, 322. *Photometric detmn. of dissolved oxygen in condensates and feed - by means of starch- iodide complex. Bairstow, Francis and Wyatt, 340. Rapid electrometric detmn. of alkalinity of sea -. Anderson and Robinson, 375. *Stability of cobaltous thiocyanate complex in ethyl alcohol - - mixtures and photometric detmn. of cobalt. Uri, 478. titration : Improved analysis of fuming and concentrated sulphuric acid by -. Brand, 168. titration : Nitration in sulphuric acid. 111. Influence of nitric acid and other substances on oleum- -. Brand, 169. Volumetric detmn. of -in paints and varnishes. Swann, 170. Waterworks: Current - Practice. Practical Treatise on the Provision of Water Supplies for Urban and Rural Communities. Maxwell. (Review), 270. Weights : Factors affecting constancy of analytical -. Craig, 420. White blood cells: Estmng. glycogen in whole blood and -. Wagner, 162. *Wines: Formation of racemic calcium tartrate in - . Cambitzi, 542. Wood: Cellulose in -. T.A.P.P.I. Tentative Standard T17 m-46. 366. Allerton, 349. VOLUME 72 X xxxv X-ray analysis: Identifying crystalline organic compounds by -. de Lange and Houtman, 406. X-ray diffraction powder patterns: Identifying organic compounds by use of chromium target -. Matthews and Michell, 174. X-ray identification and crystallography of alde- hydes and ketones as 2 : 4-dinitrophenyl- hydrazones. Clark, Kaye and Parks, 407. Y Yesst microbiological method for estmng. nicotinic Ytterbium: Detcng. - in rare-earth mixtures. acid. Williams, 3 12. Beck, 124. Z Zinc : Applying polarographic analysis to production control in non-ferrous metallurgy. I. Detmng. impurities in metallic copper, lead and - cadmium. Pletenev, Arefyeva, Tal and Dubovitzkaja, 415. Ditto. 111. Detmng. copper, bismuth, lead, cadmium and - impurities in metallic tin and lead - tin solders. Pletenev, Arefyeva, Tal and Dubovitzkaja, 416. Ditto. V. Rapid detmn. of lead, cadmium and - in ores and refuse from ore-enrichment (-, lead and cadmium ores). Pletenev, Arefyeva, Tal and Dubovitzkaja, 417. Internal standard method of spectrographic analysis as applied to detmng. lead in high- purity -. and aluminium by Micro-separation of - means of potassium ethyl xanthogenate. Wenger, Abramson and Besso, 76. in *Polarographic detmn. of tin, lead and - phenol. Wilson and Hutchinson, 149. *Pptng. aluminium and separating i t from by means cobalt, chromium, nickel or - of ammonium benzoate. Smales, 14. with sodium thio- Separating copper and - sulphate in analysing brass. Sarudi (v. Stetina), 410. *urate oxidation reaction, selective test for -. Fearon, 541. *Zinc-base alloys: Spot-tests for detcng. alloying elements in -. *Zinc mate oxidation reaction, selective test for zinc. Fearon, 541. Zirconium: Fractional separation of hafnium and - by means of triethyl phosphate. Willard and Freund, 216. Griffith and Kirkbride, 223. Evans and Higgs, 101.PRINTED BY W. HEFFER & SONSLTD. CAMBRIDGE. ENQLAND
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