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Volume 37,
Issue 1,
Page 001-078
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T H E EDWARD J. BEVAN F.I.C. BERTRAM BLOUNT F.I.C. A. CHASTON CHAPMAN F.I.C. CECIL H CRIBB B.Sc. F.I.C. BERNARD DYER D.Sc. F.I.C. THOMAS FAIRLEY F.I.C. OTTO HEHNER F.I.C. ANALYST: J. T. HEWITT D.Sc. PH.D. M.A. F.R.S F. G. HOPKINS M.A. M.B. DSc. F.R.S., ARTHUR R. LING F.I.C. P. A. ELLIS RICHARDS F.T.C. H. DROOP RICHMOND F.I.C. J. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER PH.D. F.I.C. F.I.C. THE ORGAN OF THE J. F. BRIGGS A.C.G.I. H. F. E. HULTON A.I.C. G. C. JONES A.C.G.I. F.I.C. Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists C. A. MITCHELL M.A. F.I.C. 0. E. MOTT PH.D. W. P. SKERTCHLY F.I.C. A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. XXXVII. 1 9 1 2 . TRADE AGENTS : SIMPKIN MARSHALL HAMILTON KENT & CO. LTD., 2 4 6 8 ORANGE STREET LONDON S.W.191 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. INDEX OF NAMES. ABDERHALDEN E. and Hanslian R. Ester Method for the Detection of Mono-Amino--- and Kautzsch K. Esterification of Monamino Acids by Means of Ethyl Iodide Separation of Pyrrolidone-carboxylic Acid from Glutamic Acid 360 Achert O. Inversion of Sucrose by the Enzymes of Honey 194 Agnew J. W. and Croad R. B. The Constituents of Oil of Savin 295 Ahrens C. Examination of Storax 499 Aleixandre P. Microchemical Reaction of Spermatic Fluid 358 Allen J. C. and Jacobs W. A. Determination of Water in Petroleum and its .- Physical and Chemical Properties of the Petroleums Acids together with Polypeptides 272 Products 573 of the San Joaquin Valley of California 104 - W. S. Rational Analysis of Nitrate of Soda 523 -- and Bishop H.B. Exact Determination of Sulphur in Pyrites 524 -- and Palmer R. M. Determination of Small Quantities of Arsenic by Alpers K. Refractometer Value of the Serum of Cow’s and Goat’s Milk 317 Andersen A. C. Use of Charcoal as a Clarifying Agent in the Estimation of Sugar Andrews E. R. Coste J. H. and Shelbourn E. T. The Examination of Mixtures Anneler E. Estimation of Morphine in Opiates 308 Archbutt L. An Apparatus for Testing Water by Measurement of its Electrical Conductivity 538 - On the Application of Adsorption to the Detection and Separation of Certain Dyes 344 -- The Detection of Heavy Petroleum in Paints and Vegetable Oils 249 -- The Analysis of Lithopone 241 -- The Estimation of Ammonia in Carbonated Waters 177 -- The Examination of Chinese and Japanese Wood Oil 553 - The Examination of Mixtures Containing Petroleum 12 -- The Phosphomolybdate Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in Soils 136 -- The Separation of Arsenic from Antimony and Other Metals with Some - - The Souring of Milk 172 Arnaud F.W. F. and Hawley H. Notes on the Determination of Butter Fat and Cocoanut Oil in Margarine 122 Arnold H. Analysis of Platinum Alloys 420 W. Estimation of the Molecular Weight of Small Quantities of Fatty Acids, - Sources of Error in the Estimation of the Polenske Value of Fats 256 the Gutzeit Test 579 in Urine 57 containing Petroleum 8 Applications to Toxicological Work 237 203 - Mkonga Oil 25 iv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. Astruc A. and Jadin F. Amounts of Arsenic in Vegetable Foods 254 Atz - Influence of Lucidol (Benzoyl Peroxide) on Certain Qualitative Tests for Auld S.J. M. An Introduction to Quantitative Analysis Review 337 - The Phosphomolybdate Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in Soils 130 Aumann - Value of Direct Enumeration of Bacteria in Water by Means of the Austin W. L. and Keane C. A. The Analysis of Lithopone 238 d’Auzay P. J. and Bruno A, Estimation of Sulphates in Solution by the Physico-Oils 273 Ultra-Microscope 317 Chemical Volumetric Method 282 Bach H. Colorimetric Estimation of Phenols in Effluents 39 Bachmann W. Zsigmondy R. and Stevenson E. F. Apparatus for Determination of Vapour Pressure Isothermals of Silicic Acid Gels 328 Bacon R. F. and Dunbar P. B. Apparatus for Extracting Liquids with Immiscible Solvents and for Measurement of Evolved Gases 69 - -- Determination of Malic Acid 29 - Note on a New Preservative for Milk Cream etc.178 - - W. Estimation of Furfural by Means of Fehling’s Solution 46 -- On the Relation between the Kirschner and Polenske Values for Mar-Baessler O. Rapid Estimation of Pyridine in the Presence of Ammonia in Gas-Bailly O. Estimation of the Amino-Acids in Plants by Means of the Formaldehyde Baker J. L. and Day F. E. The Iodimetric Titration of Sulphites in Presence of Baldoni A. Quantitative Estimation of Quinine in Urine and in Blood 456 Bannister C. O. and McNamara W. On the Effect of Lime on the Ammonium Bardach F. und Ditz H. Estimation of Phenol and p-Cresol in the Presence of Barnebey 0. L. Rare Earth Reactions in Non-Aqueous Solvents 524 Baskerville C.and Crozier W. J. Determination of Ozone by Means of Cadmium Bateman E. Modification of the Sulphonation Test for Creosote 269 Batey J. P. and Knecht E. Modification of the Beckmann Apparatus 384 Baubigny H. Detection of Bromine by Fluorescein 145 Baudisch O. and Coert J. H. Angeli’s Reaction for Aldehydes 359 Baumann P. Use of the Mercury Cathode Particularly in the Electro-Analytical Baumert G. Polarirnetric Estimation of Banana Starch 560 Bayer A. Quantitative Separation and Estimation of Copper by Means of Hydroxy-Beadle C. and Stevens H. P. A Method for Determining the Amount of Insoluble Beam W. Mechanical Analysis of Arid Soils 588 Becairt M. and MQlikoff P. Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in Presence of Colloidal Becker R.Hiibener Bromide Method for the Estimation of Caoutchouc 509 Beckmann E. Porcelain Bunsen Burners 426 garines Containing Cocoanut or Palm Kernel Oils 188 Water 574 Method 312 Alcohol and Sugars 439 Molybdate Method of Lead Assay 242 Each Other 62 Potassium Iodide 587 Separation of Metals 279 lamine Hydrochloride 583 - Separation and Estimation of Pyridinc and Ammonia 413 Particles in Raw Rubber 13 Silicic Acid 214 - - Sodium Flame Lamps for Polarisation 59 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. V Beckmann E. and Weber W. Ebullioscopic Determinatiocs at Low Temperatures Behre A. Alteration of the Acid-Content of Distilled Vinegar when Stored in - Detection of Saponin and G€ycyrrhizin in Lsmonades by Means of Vam -- and Frerichs K. Fruit Juice Statistics for the Year 1911 94 Beis C.New Method for the Estimation of Glycerol in Wines 351 Beistle C. P. Exudation of Nitroglycerine from Dynamite 572 Beltzer J. G. and Persoz J. Les Matieres Cellulosiques Review 74 Benner R. C. and Ross W. H. Filtration with Alundum Plates 109 Benne$t R. R. Solubility of Ether in Normal Salt Solution 448 Berberich F. M. Burr A. and Wolff A, Parchment Paper 465 Berczeller L. Estimation of Fat and Lipoids in Blood and Notes on the So-Called Berkhout J. D. Estimation of Mercury in Smokeless Powder 273 Berlin E. Two New Pieces of Laboratory Apparatus 528 Bernardi A. Influence of Peptones on the Estimation of Reducing Sugars by Besson A. A. Analysis of Lactic Acid 29 Betti M. Method of Distinguishing between Aldoses and Ketoses 266 Bevan E.J. On the Application of Adsorption to the Detection and Separation of - and Cross C. F. Estimation of Cellulose in Woods and Textile Fibres, Beyne E. Estimation of Zinc in Ferruginous Minerals 425 Bidtel E. Valuation of Fluorspar 210 Biernath O. Detection of Benzoic Acid in Foods 349 Bishop H. B. and Allen W. S. Exact Determination of Sulphur in Pyrites 524 Bjorn-Andersen H. Estimation of Dry Matter in Potatoes and the Applicability of Black J. W. Cockburn J. and Gardiner A. D. The Gravimetric Separation of Zinc Bleyer B. and Boshart K. Gravimetric Estimation of Beryllium 581 and Moormann A. Volumetric Estimation of Beryllium 276 Blockley J. R. and Mehd P. V. Estimation of Sulphides in Lime Liquors 325 - and Parker J. G. Estimation of Glucose in Leather 270 Blount B.Analysis of Cement and Cement Raw Materials 208 Blum W. Determination of Manganese by the Bismuthate Method 522 Boeck P. A. New Form of Extraction Thimble 288 -- and Williamson M. A. New Type of Inqrganic Filter for Laboratory Purposes 526 Boeseken J. and Waterman H. Biochemical Method for the Estimation of Small Quantities of Salicylic Acid in Presence of Excess of p-Hydroxybenzoio Acid, 316 Boggs C. R. Direct Determination of Rubber 574 Bolton E. R. Notes on Shrewsbury and Knapp’s Process for Estimating Cocoanut -- Notes on the Determination of Butter-Fat and Cocoanut Oil in On the Application of Adsorption to the Detection and Separation of The Detection of Heavy Petroleum in Paints and Vegetable Oils 249 The Examination of Chinese and Japanese Wood Oil 552 ( - 36’ to - 83’ C.) 287 Wooden Casks 23 vakas’ and Frehse’s Tests 22 Lipolysis 561 Fehling’s Solution 367 Certain Dyes 343 510 the Ordinary Tables 259 and Nickel 443 Oil 6 Margarine 123 Certain Dyes 34 v1 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.Bolton E. R. Richmond H. D. and Revis C. On the Relation between the Kirschner and Polenske Values for Margarines Containing Cocoanut or Palm Kernel Oils 183 Bomer A, Solidified (Hydrogenised) Oils 452 Bomer A and Limprich R. Glycerides Occurring in Fats and Oils Heptadecoic Acid and its Glyceride 411 Bono A. Detection of Methyl Alcohol in Ethyl Alcohol and Spirits 567 Boshart K. and Bleyer B. Grmimetric Estimation of Beryllium 581 Boughton E. W. and Walker P. H. Fluorescence Test for Mineral and Rosin Boulez V.Analysis of Oil of Citronella 567 Bourion J?. Separation of Iron from Titanium 323 469 Bousfield W. R. Continuous Fractional Distillation of Water 474 - Thermo-Regulators 108 Bowser L. T. Volumetric Determination of Carbonic Acid 207 - Volumetric Estimation of Small Quantities of Potassium 34 Bradley C. E. and Tartar H. V. Comparative Study of Methods for Determination Brame J. S. Constant-Temperature Heating Apparatus for Explosives and Experi-Bressanin G. Applications of the Method of Precipitating Metals as Iodides etc., -_- Detection and Estimation of Arsenic in Organic Compounds 66 360 -_- Detection Separation and Estimation of Arsenic and Antimony 65 -_- Rapid Method of Purifying Sulphuric Acid 381 -- Separation and Estimation of Arsenic and Antimony 206 Brieger R.Estimation of Mercury in Oxyphenyldimercuric Acetate and Mercuri-Brioux C. Estimation of Mustard Oils in Oil-Cakes and Mustard Flours 95 Brooks B. T. Champaca Oils 28 Brown D. J. and Schoch E. P. Electro-Analysis of Copper Antimony Bismuth, J. A. The Estimation of Small Quantities of Essential Oils in Spices etc., Browne F. Heat Test for Chinese Wood Oil 410 Brubaker H. W. Modification of the Modified Winkler Method for the Determina-Bruno A. and d’Auzay P. T. Estimation of Sulphates in Solution by the Physico-Bryan H. and Fletcher C. C. Modification of the Method of Mechanical Soil Bulir J. Composition of the Fatty Oils Obtained from the Seeds of c‘Illicium Bunzel H. H. Measurement of the Oxidase Content of Plant Juices 261 Burge W.E. Separation of Rennin and Pepsin by Means of the Electric Current, Burgess H. E. On the Application of Adsorption to the Detection and Separation - The Estimation of Small Quantities of Essential Oils in Spices etc., Burgess L. L. and Kamm O. Study of Cobaltinitrites and their Application to Oils 30 of Hard and Total Soft Resins in the Hop 191 ments on the Decomposition of Nitrocelluloses 222 from Sulphuric Acid Solution 519 salicylic Acid 103 New Philippine Essential Oils 61 and Tin with Acidified Chloride Electrolytes 584 Part II. 88 tion of Sulphates in Water 220 Chemical Volumetric Method 282 Analysis 589 Verum ” Hook and G c Illicium Religiosurn ” Sieb 495 141 of Certain Dyes 343 The Constituents of Oil of Savin 298 Part II.90 Analytical Chemistry 32 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. vii Burgess W. T. An Apparatus for Testing Water by Measurement of its Electrical Burmann J. Chemical Valuation of Digitalis 189 Burmeister H. and Hopner W. Analysis of Commercial Casein 493 Burr A. Wolff A. and Berberich F. M. Parchment Paper 465 Burrell G. A. New Forms of Gas Analysis Apparatus 288 -- Use of Mice and Birds for Detecting Carbon Monoxide after Mine - --- Hall C. Snelling W. O. Howell S. P. and Munroe C. E. Investiga-Conductivity 543 - The Estimation of Ammonia in Carbonated Waters 177 Fires and Explosions 315 tions of Explosives Used in Coal Mines 290 Cain J. R. Estimation of Chromium and its Separation from Vanadium Steels 146 - and Demorest D. J. New Method for Determination of Vanadium 286 - and Hostetter J.C. Rapid Method for Determination of Vanadium in Steels Ores etc. Based on its Quantitative Inclusion by the Phospho-molybdate Precipitate 284 Calvet L. Alcools. Alcool Alcool Dknaturh DBnaturants Review 39 Camilla S. and Pertusi C. Separation and Identification of Saccharin and Dulcin in Campbell F. R. Modified Explosion Eudiometer 38 Cappa A, and Pasquero V. Detection of Caramel in Fermented Beverages 18 Carlinfanti E. and Marzocchi P. Estimation of Saponin and Saccharin in Oil Carney R. J. Use of the Reagent I‘ Tetramethyl Base,” 105 Carpiaux E and Gregoire A, Estimation of Oxalic Acid in Vegetable Substances 564 Gary-Curr H. J. Extraction Apparatus 427 Celichowski K. Mitscherlich E. A, and Fischer H. Estimation of Small Quantities of Potassium 214 Chadwick G.and Rutherford E. New Compensation Method for the Comparison of Quantities of Radium and Some Applications of this Method 473 Chapman A. C. Estimation of Furfural by Means of Fehling’s Solution 46 Beverages Foods and Drugs 23 Emulsions 22 Standards for Malt Vinegar 123 The Estimation of Ammonia in Carbonated Waters 177 The Estimation of Small Quantities of Essential Oil in Spices etc., The Examination of Chinese and Japanese Wood Oil. 543 The Separation of Arsenic from Antimony and Other Metals with and Siebold A. On the Application of Adsorption to the Detection Part II. 89 Some Applications to Toxicological Work 237 and Separation of Certain Dyes 339 Charitschkoff - New Reaction for Organic Bases 319 Chauvin A. C. Estimation of Gum in Syrups 94 Chenu G.and Leduc E. Chaux Ciments Plgtres Review 161 Chercheffsky N. Analysis of Mixtures of Ceresin and Paraffin Wax 59 Chesneau G. Principes Thkoriques et Pratiques d’ Analyse Minhrale Review 436 Christopher H. Simple Apparatus for Sublimation in a Vacuum 38 Chwala A, and Colle E. Analysis of Higher Oxides of Lead 148 Clarke L. Combustion of Volatile Organic Liquids 361 Classen A. Theorie und Praxis der Massanalyse Review 534 Clausmann P. and Gautier A, Detection and Estimation of Minute Quantities of Fluorine in Waters Minerals and Living Tissues 517 Cockburn J. Gardiner A. D. and Black J. W. The Gravimetric Separation of Zinc and Nickel 44 . Vlll INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. Coert J. H. and Baudisch O. Angeli s Reaction for Aldehydes 359 Cohen J.B. and Ruston A. G. Soot I t s Character and Composition 63 Cohn R. Detection of Nitric Acid in Watered Fruit Juices 21 Cole M. J. and Cross M. I. Modern Microscopy Review 117 Colle E. and Chwala A. Analysis of Higher Oxides of Lead 148 Collins S. H. Combined Governor and Gauge for Regulating Flow of Gas 330 -_- Rate of Evolution of Hydrocyanic Acid from Linseed under Digestive S. W. The Separation of Arsenic from Antimony and Other Metals with Conditions 313 Some Applications to Toxicological Work 229 Collison R. R. Estimation of Inorganic Phosphorus in Plant Substances 472 Colombano A. Solanidine from ‘( Solanum Tuberosum,” 497 Connah J. On the Application of Adsorption to the Detection and Separation of - -- The Composition of Milk 302 Corelli O.and Grun A. Saponification of Fats by Sulphuric Acid 256 Cormimbamf H. Estimation of Glycyrrhizic Acid in Liquorice Juice 138 Corper H. J. Errors in the Estimation of Cholesterol by the Ritter Method Effect Coste J. H. A Drying Oven 385 -- Shelbourn E. J. and Andrews E. R. The Examination of Mixtures Costes G. New Method of Estimating Caffeine 401 Cottrell F. G. Electrically-Heated Microscope Slide 592 Cram M. P. Determination of Melting-Point with the Aid of the Microscope 428 Crewford W. G. and Lenher V. New Colorimetric Method for Titanium 590 Cribb C. H. Notes on the Determination of Butter-Fat and Cocoanut Oil in Croad R. B. and Agnew J. W. The Constituents of Oil of Savin 295 Cross C. F. and Bevan E. J. Estimation of Cellulose in Woods and Textile Fibres, - M.I. and Cole M. J. Modern Microscopy Review 117 W. E. and Taggart W. G. Direct Determination of Sucrose in the Presence Crown H. A, and Porst C. E. G. Lintner’s Polarimetric Method for the Determina-Crozier W. J. and Baskerville C. Determination of Ozone by Means of Cadmium Cumming A. C. Notes on Thermostats Shaking and Stirring Apparatus etc. 70 Curry B. E. and Smith J. O. Short Method for Determination of Soluble Arsenic Certain Dyes 343 of Autolysis on Cholesterol 199 Containing Petroleum 8 Margarine 123 510 of Reducing Sugars 451 tion of Starch 493 Potassium Iodide 587 in Commercial Lead Arsenates 206 Dam W. van Estimation of the Activity of Commercial Rennet 564 Davis C. and Foucar J. L. Rapid Volumetric Method for Estimation of Free Sulphur 151 - L.and Woodman A. G. Estimation of Benzaldehyde in Maraschino Cherries and Liqueur 446 Davitt S. Studies on Soil Humus 466 Day F. E. and Baker J. L. The Iodimetric Titration of Sulphites in Presence of Demorest D. J. Bismuthate Method for Manganese 148 - - and Sadler - Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis Review 598 Alcohol and Sugars 439 New Method for Determination of Vanadium in Steel 285 - and Gain J. R. New Method for Determination of Vanadium 28 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. ix Deniges G. Sensitive Reaction of Free Bromine 581 Denis W. and Folin O. New Colorimetric Method for the Determination of Desgrez - and FeuilliB - Estimation of Urea 27 Deussen E. and Eger B. Examination of Copaiba Oil 347 Dewey F. P. Direct Determination of Small Amounts of Platinum in Ores and -__ Sampling Gold Bullion 517 Dey B.B. and Sen H. K. Detection of Nitrates in Presence of Nitrites 149 Dibdin W. J. New Hand Photometer 429 Vanillin in Flavouring Extracts 501 Bullion 281 Diedrichs A, and Sprinkmeyer H. Analytical Constants of Some Vegetable Fats, 349 -- Bromine Absorption of Certain Vegetable Oils Dittrich M. und Eitel W. Improvements in the Ludwig-Sipocz Method for the Ditz H. and Bardach F. Estimation of Phenol and p-Cresol in the Presence of Dodge F. D. Estimation of Cineol in Volatile Oils 461 Domergue A. Analysis of Mustard Flour 55 Donau J. Estimation of Sulphur and of Halogens in Small Quantities of Organic Substances 216 -- The Quantitative Manipulation of Small Quantities of Precipitates 68 Dormane J.Estimation of Phosphorus in Wine 24 Dreaper W. P. Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis Review 385 Dubourg E. Analyses of Wines from the Department of Gironde 352 Duboux M. and Dutoit P. L’Analyse des Vins par Volumbtrie Physico-Chimique, Duclaux J. Mechanism of Coagulation 353 Dumont J. New Method for the Physical Analysis of Soils 36 Dunbar P. B. and Bacon R. F. Apparatus for Extracting Liquids with Immiscible Solvents and for Measurement of Evolved Gase8, 69 --- Determination of Malic Acid 29 and Fats 403 Estimation of Water in Silicates 380 - and Leonhard A. Estimation of Ferrous Iron in Silicate Rocks 146 Each Other 62 Review 600 Dunoyer L. Apparatus for Rapid Distillation of Mercury in Vacuo 528 Dunstan A. E. and Thole F.B. A Textbook of Practical Chemistry for Technical Dupont J. and Labaune L. Direct Estimation of Geraniol in Citronella Oil 363 Dutoit P. and Duboux M. L’Analyse des Vins par Volumbtric Physico-Chimique, Dyer B. The Analysis of Lithopone 241 Ebler E. Estimation of Radium in Minerals and Rocks 323 421 Eger B. and Deussen E. Examination of Copaiba Oil 347 Eichhorn W. and Henrich F. Apparatus for Rapid Removal of Nitrogen from Gas Eitel W. and Dittrich M. Improvements in the Ludwig-Sipocz Method for the Ekecrantz T. and Erickson S. Estimation of Urea in Urine by Riegler’s Method. - and Palme H. Apparatus for Measuring Liquids in an Atmosphere Institutes Review 73 Review 600 The Phosphomolybdate Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in Soils 136 Mixtures by Sparking 223 Estimation of Water in Silicates 380 A Correction Factor 357 Free from Carbon Dioxide 222 X INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.Ekecrantz T. and Sodermann K. A, Modification of Riegler’s Method for the Ellerton J. G. Estimation and Elimination of Sulphur Compounds in Commercial Elliot T. G. Volumetric Estimation of Sulphur in Iron and Steel 67 Elsdon G. D. and Evers N. The Bacteriology of Aerated Water 395 -- The Estimation of Ammonia in Carbonates Waters, -- and Liverseige J. F. Tests for Linseed Oil and its Adulterants 192 Emery W. O. Volatile Acidity of Gum Trsgacanth compared with that of Indian Erickson S. and Ekecrantz T. Estimation of Urea in Urine by Riegler’s Method, Ericson E. J. Technical Analysis of Spelter 521 Escard J. New Densivolumeter for Determination of Density of Solids 328 Evans J.The Composition of Milk 302 Evers N. The Detection and Estimation of Arachis Oil 487 537 -- The Estimation of Ammonia in Carbonated Waters, Evershed F. An Apparatus for Testing Water by Measurement of its Electrical - On the Application of Adsorption to the Detection and Beparation of Eynon L. and Lane J. H. The Estimation of Furfural by Means of Fehling’s Estimation of Urea in Urine 100 Benzol 100 173 Gum 318 A Correction Factor 357 and Elsdon G. D. The Bacteriology of Aerated Water 395 173 Conductivity 542 Certain Dyes 344 Solution 41 Falk K. G. and Nelson J. M. Experiments with the Castor-Bean Lipase 316 - Studies on Enzyme Action. 11. Hydrolytic Action Fallada O. and Strohmer F. Inversion of Sucrose Solutions by Means of Ammonium Fanto R.Studies on Flour 495 F a d H. Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of Tryptophane and the Quantity Federow G. von Crystallo-Chemical Analysis A New Method of Chemical Analysis, Feinberg B. G. Determination of Aldehydes 568 Feldstein L. Refractive Index of Beeswax 348 Feuillie - and Desgrez - Estimation of Urea, 27 Fichtenholz A, Application of the Biochemical Method to the Analysis of Uva-Ursi Fieber R. Rapid and Exact Estimation of Tungsten in Ferro-Tungsten 220 Fiehe J. and Stegmuller - Examination of Methods used in the Analysis of Fieldner A. C. and Stanton F. M. Methods of Analysing Coal and Coke 317 Filaudeau G. Analyses of Wines from Eastern France 352 Fillinger F. von New Process for the Eetimation of Sugars 63 Finch G.Volumetric Estimation of Sulphuric Acid Nitric Acid and Nitrous Acid, Fincke H. Formic Acid in Honey 258 Fischer A. and Weise J. Electrolytic Estimation of Molybdenum. Fischer F. and Ploetze H. Electrical Furnace for Studying the Course of Reactions of Some Amino Acids and Polypeptides on Certain Esters 353 Chloride 576 of Tryptophane in Horny Tissue and Other Proteins 565 526 Leaves 24 Honey 449 in Nitrating and Waste Acids 381 Part I. 420 under Great Pressure 28 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. x1 Fischer H. and Meyer-Betz F. Urobilinogen of Urine and Ehrlich’s Reaction for - and Mitscherlich E. A. Potash Analysis (Potassium-Sodium Cobalti-- Mitscherlich E. A. and Celichowski K. Estimation of Small Quantities - K. and Greunert O. Influence of Certain Preservatives on the Keeping W.M. and Steinbach N. New Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Aldehydes 28. nitrite Method) 588 of Potassium 214 Properties and Composition of Butter 52 Nitrites and for the Separation of Nitrous from Nitric Acid 586 Fiske A. H. New Silver Spiral for Use in Organic Elementary Analysis 289 Fittipaldi E. H. Detection of Albumoses in Urine 24 Fitzpatrick R. M. Estimation of Water in Soap 31 Flanders F. P. and Folin O. New Method for the Estimation of Hippuric Acid Fletcher C. C. and Bryan H. Modification of the Method of Mechanical Soil Analysis 589 Florentin D. and Kling A. General Method for the Estimation of Tartaric Acid 516 Fol J. G. Relationship between the Amount of Resins and the Viscosity of Rubber Folin O.tnnd Denis W. New Colorimetric Method for the Determination of Vanillin - and Flanders F. F. New Method for the Estimation of Hippuric Acid in - and Macallum B. Blue Colour-Reaction of Phosphotungstic Acid with Fortini V. Estimation of Magnesia in Admixture with Magnesium Carbonate 211 Foucar J. L. and Davis C. Rapid Volumetric Method for Estimation of Free Fouchet A. Estimation of Formic Acid in the Preaence of Other Acids by Means of Fourneau - and Piettre - Proximate Analysis of Complex Lipoids by Alcoholysis 463 Frank E. Estimation of Sugar in Blood and Urine 356 - G. H. and Perkin A. G. Analysis of Indigos Containing Starch 319 Frankforter G. B. and Frary F. C. New Method for Estimation of Alcohol 565 Frary F. C. and Frankforter G. B. New Method for Estimation of Alcohol 565 French H.F. New Method for Determining the Melting-Point of Pitch 62 Frerichs K. and Behre A. Fruit Juice Statistics for the Year 1911 94 Fresenius W. and Griinhut L. Estimation of Extract in Wort and Beer 502 Frey H. C. and Smith C. E. Volumetric Method for the Determination of Phenol-Fric R. Alteration of Nitrocellulose and Nitrocellulose Powders by Heat 104 Friedrichs F. Modified Soxhlet Extraction Apparatus with Distillation Arrangement, - New Extraction Apparatus 39 Fries J. A. Adiabatic Device for Bomb Calorimeter 326 Friese W. Estimation of Benzoic Acid in Margarine Butter and Other Fats 92 Fuller H. C. Estimation of Camphor 93 Fiirth 0. von and Lank E. Physico-Chemical Method for Determining the Changes in Urine 356 J. and Tyrer D.Easily Adjustable Vapour Thermostat 430 Solutions 575 in Flavouring Extracts 501 Urine 356 Uric Acid and Other Substances 355 Sulphur 151 Potassium Permanganate 270 p-Sulphonio Acid 464 596 Taking Place in Meats 455 Galecki A. von Zsigmondy R. and Wilke-Dorfurt E. Application of Ultrafiltration in Analytical Chemistry 22 xii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. Gardiner A. D. Cockburn T. and Black J. W. The Gravimetric Separation of Zinc Garratt F. Rapid Determination of Vanadium in Steel 283 Garrett F. C. Examination of Bituminous Materials 266 Gastaldi C. and Ponzio G. Relationship between the Iodine Value and the Structure Gautier A. and Clausmann P. Detection and Estimation of Minute Quantities of Gayon U. and Laborde J. Vins Review 599 Gerum J.and Lehmann P. Estimation of the Total Solids of Vinegar 260 Giolitti F. and Marantonio M. Modification of the Method of Arnold and Hardy for the Rapid Estimation of Sulphur in Siderurgical Products 283 Golblum H. Estimation of Perchloric Acid in Certain Perchlorates 33 - and Gunther H. Electrolytic Estimation of Manganese and its Separation from Iron 419 Golodetz A. Separation of Liquids the Boiling-Points of which lie close together or which Form Mixtures of Minimum Boiling-Point 272 Gortner R. A. and Rost C. O. Estimation of Total Manganese in Soils 423 Goutal E. and Makler P. Use of Oxygen under Pressure for Estimating Carbon in Ferro-Alloys 379 Graber H. T. Observations on the Assay of Digestive Enzymes 57 Grandmougin E. and Havas E. Titration of Azo Dyestuffs by Means of Hydro-sulphite 568 Gratz O.and NCBray A, Comparative Value of the Catalase Reductase and Leuco-cyte Tests in Detecting Mastitis 401 Gray W. H. and Orton K. J. P. The Determination of Nitric and Nitrous Acids in Acetic Acid Solution. Gregoire A. Study of the Acidity of Soils 466 -- Study on the Acidity of Soils 422 -- and Carpiaux E. Estimation of Oxalic Acid in Vegetable Substances, Greunert O. and Fischer K. Influence of Certain Preservatives on the Keeping Grimbert L. and Morel J. Estimation of the Acidity of Urine 141 Grimme C. Estimation of Fat by Extraction with Cold Solvents 102 Grun A. and Corelli O. Saponification of Fats by Sulphuric Acid 256 Grunhut L. and Fresenius W. Estimation of Extract in Wort and Beer 502 Grutterink A, Micro-Chemical Detection of Certain Alkaloids 137 Gschwender B.Honcamp F. Miillner H. and Reich M. Experiments on the Value of Ordinary and Treated Sawdust for Animal Nutrition 559 Guasco M. A. Apparatus for the Detection of Carbon Monoxide 426 Guerbet M. Detection of Tertiary Alcohols 197 Guerithault E. Detection and Estimation of Small Quantities of Copper in Plants, Gulik H. van Modified Butyrometer Tube for the Estimation of Fat in Cheese 221 Gunther A. Wine Statistics for the Year 1909-1910 96 -- H. und Golblum H. Electrolytic Estimation of Manganese and its Separa-Gurney H. P. Method of Measuring Absolute Viscosity 154 Gury E. Estimation of Crude Fibre 447 Gwiggner A. Estimation of Tar in Producer Gas 275 and Nickel 443 of Acids of the Oleic Series 463 Fluorine in Waters Minerals and Living Tissues 517 The Stability of Nitric Acid in Acetic Acid Solution 303 564 Properties and Composition of Butter 52 313 tion from Iron 419 Hadley H.F. and McFarland D. C. Use of Higher Phenols in Testing for Free Lime in Portland Cement 58 . INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. XI11 Haldane J. S. Methods of Air Analysis Review 335 Hall C. and Howell S. P. Investigations of Fuse and Miners’ Squibs 291 - Snelling W. O. Howell S. P. Burrell G. A. and Munroe C. E. Investi-gations of Explosives Used in Coal Mines 290 Halphen G. Huiles et Graisses VBgBtales Comestibles Review 292 Hamalainen J. Detection of Savin Oil in Toxicological Cases 357 Hampshire C. H. Volumetric Analysis for Students of Pharmaceutical and General Hanslinn R.and Abderhalden E. Ester Method for the Detection of Mono-Amino Harned H. S. and Hildebrand J. H. Rapid Determination of Magnesia in Limestone Harrison E. F. and Self P. A. W. Estimation of Nicotine in Tobacco 311 Hart - and Tottingham - Acid-Soluble Phosphorus Compounds of Some Feeding Hartel F. and Kirschner A. Analysis of Candied Lemon Peel 20 Hartwich C. and Wichmann A. Apparatus for the Estimation of Adulterants in Hasenbaumer J. Konig J. and Hassler C. Estimation of Colloids in Arable Soils 98 Haslam R. T. Detection of Small Quantities of Alkali Bicarbonate in Presence of Hasselbalch K. A, Electrometric Determination of the Reaction of Liquids Containing Hassler C. Konig J. and Hasenbaumer J. Estimation of Colloids in Arable Soils 98 Havas E. and Grandmougin E.Titration of Azo Dyestuffs by Means of Hydro-Hawk P. B. Modification of Wohlgemuth’s Method for the Quantitative Investigation Hawkins E. M. On the Relation between the Kirschner and Polenske Values for Chemistry Review 390 Acids together with Polypeptides 273 by Means of the Hydrogen Electrode 585 Materials 193 Vegetable Powders and Notes on Starch Granules 529 Much Normal Carbonate 372 Carbon Dioxide 416 sulphite 568 of the Pancreas Function 315 Margarines Containing Cocoanut or Palm Kernel Oils 188 - The Estimation of Ammonia in Carbonated Waters 177 Hawley H. and Arnaud F. W. F. Notes on the Determination of Butter Fat and Heath G. L. Estimation of Oxygen and Occluded Gases in Copper 375 Heaven G. S. and Wilson L. P. New Oxygen Absorption Method for Oils 412 HBbert A.Characteristics of Palm Oil from Different Varieties of Palm 55 Heceko A. Estimation of Sulphur in Pyrites 34 Hehner O. The Examination of Chinese and Japanese Wood Oil 552 Heide C. von der and Schwenk E. Critical Remarks on the Direct Estimation of the Total Solids of Wine 311 453 Cocoanut Oil in Margarine 122 9 - Estimation of Succinic and Malic Acids in Wine -_- -I -- and Schwenk J. Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in Wines 453 Hempel W. Estimation of Hydrogen and Methane in Gas Mixtures 518 Henderson J. B. Freezing-Point of Milk 307 Hendrixson W. S. Perchloric Acid in Electrochemical Analysis 279 Henrich F. and Eichhorn W. Apparatus for Rapid Removal of Nitrogen from Gas Hensel M. Estimation of Phenol in Urine 356 Herbig W.Assay of Sodium Peroxide for Bleaching Purposes 476 Hereberg W. ‘( Pergamyn ” and Imitation Parchment Papers 144 Herefeld E. Estimation of Small Quantities of Bilirubin 352 - Estimation of Sugar in Blood 263 Hesse A. and Kooper W. I). Nature of Peroxydase 504 Mixtures by Sparking 22 xiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. Hetper J. Action of Permanganate on Organic Substances 366 Heublein O. and Tillmans J. Estimation of Free Carbon Dioxide in Water by Heubner W. and Rosenberg H. Photographic Estimation of the Intensity Dis-Hewitt J. T. Dyes and Colouring Matters Dyestuffs of Groups 6 to 12 Colouring Matters of Natural Origin and Analysis of Colouring Materials, Review 387 -- and Mann G. R. The Estimation of Ferric Iron in Presence of Certain Hibbert H. Method for Determining the Relative Reactivity of Organic Compounds, 204 -- Quantitative Estimation of Hydroxy- Amino- and Imino-Derivatives of Organic Compounds by Means of the Grignard Reagent and the Nature of the Changes Taking Place in Solution 201 -- and Wise A.New Method for the Separation of Tertiary from Hildebrand J. H. and Harned H. S. Rapid Determination of Magnesia in Lime-Hill C. A. The Estimation of Small Quantities of Essential Oils in Spices etc. Hinds J. I. D. Precipitation of the Copper Arsenic Group and Separation of its Divisions 376 -- Volatility of Arsenious Chloride 580 Hinks E. A Flour Improver 90 Hinrichsen F. W. and Kindscher E. Hiibener’s Bromide Method for the Estimation Hoagland R. Determination of Gliadin or Alcohol-Soluble Protein in Wheat -Flour, Hoffmann J.F. Contrast Flow Aspirator 481 Hofmann K. A, and Storm D. Tetraformal Trisazine from Formaldehyde and Hydrazine Hydrate a New Reducing Agent for Analytical Use 369 Hofwimmer F. Valuation of Dynamite Glycerol 103 Honcamp F. Gschwender B. Mullner R. and Reich M. Experiments on the Value of Ordinary and Treated Sawdust for Animal Nutrition 559 Hopfner W. and Burmeister H. Analysis of Commercial Casein 493 Hoseason J. H. and Klug O. Preliminary Notes on the Examination of Various Stick-Lacs and Shellacs 204 Hostetter J. C. and Gain J. R. Rapid Method for Determination of Vanadium in Steels Ores etc. Based on its Quantitative Inclusion by the Phosphomolybdate Precipitate 284 Houston A. C. Metropolitan Water Board Sixth Annual Report 597 - Seventh Report on Research Work of the Metropolitan Water Board, - The Softening Purification and Bterilisation of Water Supplies - Hall C.Snelling W. O. Burrell G. A. and Munroe C. E. Investiga-Titration with Alkalis in the Presence of Phenolphthalein 582 tribution in Blood Spectra 313 Organic Substances 179 Secondary and Primary Amines 201 stone by Means of the Hydrogen Electrode 585 Part II. 90 of Caoutchouc 202 19 1912 195 (Metropolitan Water Board Eighth Report on Research Work) 334 Howell S. P. and Hall C. Investigations of Fuse and Miner’s Squibs 291 tions of Explosives Used in Coal Mines 290 Hryntschak T. Method for the Estimation of Hippuric Acid in Urine 507 Hubener G. Hiibener Bromide Method for the Estimation of Caoutchouc 509 -- Hiibener Bromide Method for the Estimation of Rubber 465 Hubner J.Bleaching and Dyeing of Vegetable Fibrous Materials Review 535 Huggenberg C. and Stadlinger H. ‘‘ Sapometer,” 47 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIT. xv Huhn F. and Konig J. Estimation of Cellulose in Woods and Textile Fibres 268, Huish H. C. an,d Richmond H. D. The Souring of Milk 168 Huizinga A. Estimation of Nitrates and Nitrites in Water by Schlcesing’s Method, Huntly G. N. An Apparatus for Testing Water by Measurement of its Electrical Hutchinson H. B. Valve for Filter Pumps 480 Hyde A. L. Separation of Nitroglycerine from Nitro-Compounds 572 Ingle H. Notes on the Gum Resins 270 Ishida M. and Neuberg C. Estimation of Sugars in Natural Products 145 Issoglio G. and Possetto G. Estimation of Saccharin in Foods 194 510 212 Conductivity 542 Jacobs W.A. and Allen J. C. Determination of Water in Petroleum and its - Physical and Chemical Properties of the Petro-Jacobson C. A. Delicate Method for Determining Minute Quantities of Chlorophyll, -- and Marchlewski L. Methods for Determining Neo- and Allo-Chlorophyll in the Presence of One Another 460 Jacomet L. ‘‘ MatiAres Tannants Cuirs,” Review 40 Jadin F. and Astruc A. Amounts of Arsenic in Vegetable Foods 254 Jago W. and Jago W. C. The Technology of Bread-Making Chemistry and Jahn F. Estimation of Small quantities of Iron in Organic Substances 32 James C. Separation of the Rare Earths 380 Products 573 -leums of the San Joaquin Valley of California 104 503 Analysis of Materials Used in Bread-Making and Confectionery Review 115 - and Smith T.O. Quantitative Separation of Lanthanum from Yttrium, -- T. V. New Method for the Separation of Thorium 219 - and Whittemore C. F. Quantitative Determination of Yttrium 382 469 Jamieson G. S. Estimation of Hydrazine 364 Jannasch P. Use of a Mixture of Nitric Acid and Hydrogen Peroxide in Analytical --__ and Routala O. Quantitative Separation of Copper from Arsenic, Aluminium Zinc Tungsten and Tin by Means of Hydrogen Peroxide in Presence of Sodium Hydroxide and Sugar 210 Jmsen F. C. M. and Reicher L. T. Refractometric Estimation of the Strength of Formaldehyde Solutions 202 Jarvinen K. K. Estimation of Sulphuric Acid 152 Jeanneret B. and Wunder M. Separation of Zirconium from Iron and Aluminium, and a New Method for the Analysis of Ferro-Zircon 36 Jenkins J.H. B. An Apparatus for Testing Water by Measurement of its Electrical - The Analysis of Lithopone 241 - The Examination of Chinese and Japanese Wood Oil 552 Jessen-Hansen H. Influence of the Concentration of Hydrogen Ions on the Baking Johnson A. E. The Analyst’s Laboratory Companion Fourth Edition Review 437 Jolles A, Behaviour of Invert Sugar in the Presence of Alkali and Hydrogen Peroxide 28 Work 212 Conductivity 543 Qualities of Flour 257 - Detection of Glycuronic Acid in Diabetic Urine 507 - Detection of Lmalose in the Presence of Dextrose 50 xvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. Jolles A. Est.imation of Cane-Sugar in Foods etc. 493 -- Physico-Chemical Basis of the Seliwanoff Laevulose Reaction 367 -- Sensitive Test for the Detection of Albumin in Urine 505 Jona T.Detection of Small Quantities of Chloral in Presence of Chloroform 254 ~- and Rimini E. Estimation of Formaldehyde 269 Jones C. H. Activity of Organic Nitrogen as Measured by the Alkaline Perman-- H. C. The Freezing - Point Boiling-Point and Conductivity Methods, Jong A. W. K. de Estimation of Cinnamic Acid by Means of Bromine in Aqueous - Estimation of Cane-Sugar in Urine in the Presence of Other Sugars 506 ganate Method 365 Beview 598 Solution 102 Kafka E. Potassium Iodide and Mercurous Nitrate as Sensitive Reagents for Tungsten and Molybdenum 378 Kalusky L. Estimation of Husk i n Cocoa Powders 402 Kamm O. and Burgess L. L. Study of Cobaltinitrites and their Application to Analytical Chemistry 322 Karaoglanow L.Gravimetric Estimation of Magnesium 471 -- Volumetric Estimation of Manganese 471 Kasanki A. Separation of Peroxydase from Catalase 315 Kautzsch K. and Abderhalden E. Estsrification of Monamino Acids by Means of Ethyl Iodide-Separation of Pyrrolidonecarboxylic Acid from Glutamic Acid 360 Keane C. A. and Austin W. L. The Analysis of Lithopone 238 Kedrovitach D. D. Crude Phytosterol of Cocoanut Oil and the Crude Cholesterol of Butter Fat and the Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter Fat 497 Kelley W. P. and McGeorge W. Determination of Humus in Hawaiian Soil 513 Kendall A. Determination of Copper A Modification of the Iodine Method 66 - E. C. Determination of Iodine in the Presence of Other Halogens and -- New Method for the Determination of the Reducing Sugars 205 Kennedy C.Modification of the Sweeney Method for Crude Fibre 447 Kerb J. and Neuberg C. Precipitant for Amino-Acids 359 Kichline F. O. Determination of Carbon in Steel by Direct Combustion in the Newest Kindscher E. and Hinrichsen F. W. Hubener’s Bromide Method for the Estima-Kirschner A. and Hartel F. Analysis of Candied Lemon Peel 20 Kittel J. and Wogring A Estimation of Boric Acid in Nickel Baths 277 Klason P. Method for the Estimation of Selenium in Sulphur and Pyrites 67 Klimont J. Composition of Hare Fat 255 Kling A, and Florentin D. General Method for the Estimation of Tartaric Acid 516 Klug O. and Hoseason J. H. Preliminary Notes on the Examination of Various Knapp A. W. and Shrewsbury H. S. Notes on Shrewsbury and Knapp’s Process Knczynski J.Analysis of High-Grade Tungsten Alloys 424 Knecht E. and Batey J. P. Modification of the Beckmann Apparatus 384 Kober P. A. and Sugiura K. Iodimetric Estimation of Copper 375 Koch E. Lendrich K. and Schwarz L. Hydnocarpus Fat 20 Kochmann U. and Strecker W. Gasometric Estimation of Ether and Chloroform Organic Matter 418 Form of Shimar Crucible with the Aid of a Perforated Clay Disc 521 tion of Caoutchouc 202 - and Mellquist H. Iodimetric Estimation of Selenium in Sulphur and Pyrites 215 Stick-Lacs and Shellacs 204 for Estimating Cocoanut Oil 3 Vapours in Air 51 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. XVll Koenig W. Estimation of Methyl Alcohol in Admixture with Alcohol and Especially Rohn E. Examination of Meal 139 Kohn-Abrest E. Process of Extracting Alkaloids from Syrups 138 Kojo K.Composition of Hens’ Eggs 25 Kolb A. Volumetric Estimation of Chloric Acid and Chlorates 373 Konig J. Structural Elements of Cellular Membranes 503 in Spirits 514 and Huhn F. Estimation of Cellulose in Woods and Textile Fibres 268, Hasenbaumer J. and Hassler C. Estimation of,Colloids in Arable Soils 98 510 Kooper W. D. Are the Alkalinity and Peroxydase of Milk Identical ? 141 -- and Hesse A. Nature of Peroxydase 504 Kopke O. Occurrence of Arsenic in Gelatin 94 Koss M. New Reagent for Thorium 382 Kreis H. Detection and Estimation of Formic Acid in Syrups 558 Krueger F. and Moeller M. Absorption of Ultraviolet Rays in Ozone and its Kuhn A. Beckmann Thermometer with a Modified Arrangement for Setting the Kullgren C. Diphenylamine Test for Gun-Cotton 512 Kurtenacker A, Elementary Analysis 508 Application to the Estimation of Ozone in Small Concentrations 472 Mercury Thread 429 - Estimation of Sulphur in Nitrocellulose 152 273 Labaune L.and Dupont J. Direct Estimation of Geraniol in Citronella Oil 363 Laborde J. and Gayon U. Vins Review 599 Lake H. B. ‘‘ Luminator ” Treatment of Water 154 Lamb A. B. and Marden J. W. Quantitative Determination of Perchlorates 374 Landau M. Application of Light Energy to the Study of Certain Problems in Lane J. H. and Eynon L. The Estimation of Furfural by Means of Fehling’s Solu-Lank E. and von Fiirth O. Physico-Chemical Method for Determining the Changes Lasegue G. Estimation of Chlorous Acid (Chlorites) 583 Leduc E. and Chenu G. Chaux Ciments PILtres Review 161 Lehmann F.and Muller A. Estimation of Cinnamein in Peru Balsam 93 -- and Rupp E. Estimation of Arsenic 415 P. and Gerum J. Estimation of the Total Solids in Vinegar 260 - and Schowalter E. Polarimetric Estimation of Starch in Sausages, Lendrich K. and Nottbohm F. E. Composition of Honey from Various Countries, -- Koch E. and Schwarz L. Hydnocarpus Fat 20 Lenher V. and Crawford W. G. New Colorimetric Method for Titanium 590 -- - and Meloche C. C. Influence of Lead on the Ferrocyanide Titration of Lenk E. and Mondschein G. Simultaneous Effect of Alcohol and a Neutral Salt on Leonhard A. and Dittrich M. Estimation of Ferrous Iron in Silicate Rocks 146 Lessing R. New Apparatus for the Coking Test of Coal 383 - The Souring of Milk 172 Levene P.A. and Van Slybe D. D. Composition and Properties of Glycin Picrate, Levy A. G. The Estimation of Carbon in Steel 392 Analytical Chemistry 478 tion 41 Taking Place in Meats 455 498 53 Zinc 585 the Sensitiveness of Phenolphthalein 321 and Separation of Glycin from Alanin 570 xviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. Levy L. A. Rapid Estimation of Carbon Monoxide 106 Leys A. Estimation of Hydrocarbons in Beeswax and Carnauba Wax 348 Limprich R. and Bomer A. Glycerides Occurring in Fats and Oils Heptadecoic Lindner P. A Substitute for the Petri Dish for Cultivating Fungi and for Biological Ling A. R. Estimation of Furfural by Means of Fehling’s Solution 46 -- The Estimation of Small Quantities of Essential Oils in Spices etc., Lintner C. J. Polarimetric Estimation of Starch 351 Lipman C.B. Effect of Ignition on the Solubility of Soil Phosphates 523 Litterscheid F. Use of Arsenious Acid in Volumetric Analysis. II. Estimation of Little H. F. V. The Estimation of Manganese by the Bismuthate Method 554 Liverseege J. F. and Elsdon G. D. Tests for Linseed Oil and its Adulterants 192 Lott F. E. and Matthews C. G. The Diastatic Power of Malt 58 Lowe W. F. Estimation of Dirt in Milk 450 Liicker F. and Neubauer H, Estimation of Phosphoric Acid by Von Lorends Lunge G. Sulphuric Acid and Alkali Review 337 Acid and its Glyceride 411 Analysis 561 Part II. 90 Mercury 321 Method 149 Macallum B. and Folin O. Blue Colour-Reaction of Phosphotungstic Acid with Macara T. Notes on Shrewsbury and Knapp’s Process for Estimating Cocoanut -- The Separation of Arsenic from Antimony and Other Metals with Some Macfadden A.W. J. On the Work of Inspectors of Foods 71 MacNider G. M. Method for Determining the Value of Commercial Starches for Use Madinaveitia A. and Willstatter R. Estimation of Glycerol in Fats 571 Mahler P. and Goutal E. Use of Oxygen under Pressure for Estimation of Carbon Makinen E. Estimation of Alkalis in Silicates by Fusion with Calcium Chloride, Malvezin P. Estimation of Tannin in Wines 196 Mann G. R. and Hewitt J. T. The Estimation of Ferric Iron in Presence of Certain Marantonio M. and Giolitti F. Modification of the Method of Arnold and Hardy Marc R. Estimation of the Concentration of Colloidal Solutions with the New Marchlewski L. and Jacobson C. A. Methods for Determining Neo- and Allo-Marcille R.Tests for Determining the Purity of Oil of Turpentine 371 Marcusson J. Differentiation between Natural and Petroleum-Residue Asphalts 407 Estimation of Petroleum Spirit and Benzene Hydrocarbons in Tur-Marden J. W. and Lamb A. B. Quantitative Determination of Perchlorates 374 Marriage E. Detection of Adulteration by Colloidal Chemical Methods 557 Martin N. H. Iodine Content of Thyroid Glands 456 Marzocchi P. and Carlinfanti E. Estimation of Saponin and Saccharin in Oil Uric Acid and Other Substances 355 Oil 6 The Analysis of Lithopone 241 Applications to Toxicological Work 237 in Cotton Mills 368 in Ferro-Alloys 379 146 Organic Substances 179 for the Rapid Estimation of Sulphur in Siderurgical Products 283 Interferometer for Liquids 382 Chlorophyl in the Presence of One Another 460 pentine Oil 274 Emulsions 2 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.x1 x Masson I. and Ramsay W. Analysis of the Waters of the Thermal Springs of Bath, Matthews C. G. and Lott F. E. The Diastatic Power of Malt 58 McBain J. W. Use of Phenolphthalein as an Indicator 320 NcBride R. S. Standardisation of Potassium Permanganate Solution by Sodium McCay Le R. W. Action of Boiling Sulphuric Acid on Platinum 590 McFarland D. C. and Hadley H. F. Use of Higher Phenols in Testing for Free McGeorge W. and Kelley W. P. Determination of Humus in Hawaiian Soil 513 McIlhiney P. C. Method of Examining Chinese Wood Oil 410 McNamara W. and Bannister C. O. On the Effect of Lime on the Ammonium McNeil H. C. Calcium Carbide Method for Estimation of Moisture 475 Mehd P.V. and Blockley J. R. Estimation of Sulphides in Lime Liquors 325 Meissner W. Comparative Examination of Engler’s Redwood’s and Saybolt’s MQker P. Soude-Potasse Sels Review 75 MQlikoff P. Separation of Phosphomolybdates from Silicomolybdates 107 and Becaia M. Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in Presence of Colloidal Mellquist H. and Klason P. Iodimetric Estimation of Selenium in Sulphur and Meloche C. C. and Lenher V. Influence of Lead on the Ferrocyanide Titration of Menzies A. W. C. and Potter P. D. Titration of Arsenic Acid 580 Merwin H. E. Determination of the Dendy of Minerals by Means of Rohrbach Meyer H. and Polstorff K. Detection and Estimation of Halides in the Presence Meyer-Betz F. and Fischer H. Urobilinogen of Urine and Ehrlich’s Reaction for Meyerfeld J.Occurrence of Methylcyclopentenolon in Pyroligneous Acid 319 Michel F. Detection of Blood in Urine and Other Physiological Fluids 506 Milford L. R. Determination of Lithium 470 Miller E. H. A New Method for the Detection and Estimation of Small Quantities -- Composition of Australian Sweetened Condensed Milk 49 -- Composition of Australian (Victorian) Milk 47 -- The Aldehyde Figure of Butter 50 Milliau E. Detection of Carbon Bisulphide in Oils 101 Mitscherlich E. A. and Fischer H. Potash Analysis (Potassium Sodium Cobalti-- Celichowski K. and Fischer H. Estimation of Small Quantities Moeller M. and Krueger F. Absorption of Ultraviolet Rays in Ozone and its Mohr O. Use of the Zeiss Interferometer in the Technical Analysis of Flue Gases, Mondschein G.and Lenk E. Simultaneous Effect of Alcohol and a Neutral Salt - J. Estimation of Lactic Acid and P-Hydroxybutyric Acid in Mixtures -- Estimation of Lactic Acid in the Presence of Proteins 403 478 Oxalate 280 Lime in Portland Cement 582 Molybdate Method of Lead Assay 242 Viscosimeters 223 Silicic Acid 214 Pyrites 215 Zinc 585 Solution of Standard Refractive Index 148 of Cyanides by Means of Formaldehyde 461 Aldehydes 28 of Nitrous Acid 345 nitrite Method) 588 of Potassium 214 Application to the Estimation of Ozone in Small Concentrations 472 427 on the Sensitiveness of Phenolphthalein 321 of the Same 40 xx INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. Monier-Williams G. Note on a New Preservative for Milk Cream etc, 178 Report to the Local Government Board on Analyses and Methods of Detection of Certain Proprietary Substances Sold as Preservatives for Milk Cream etc.155 - G. W. Report to the Local Government Board on the Nature of the Colouring Matter of Flour and its Relation to Processes of Natural and Artificial Bleaching 596 Moormann A, and Bleyer B. Volumetric Estimation of Beryllium 276 Morel J. and Grimbert L. Estimation of the Acidity of Urine 141 Morey G. W. Beneoic Acid as an Acidimetric Standard 458 Morres W. Relations Between the Reductase Test Acidity and Alcohol TesO in -- Tests for AscertainiDg the Freshness of Milk 25 Maser L. Titration of Copper Salts with Titanous Chloride 516 New Apparatus for Vacuum Sublimation 290 Milk 26 - and Perjatel F. Estimation of Arsenious Acid with Permanganate in -- Separation of Arsenic from Antimony and Other Metals Muller A.and Lehmann F. Estimation of Cinnamein in Peru Balsam 93 Mullner H. Honcamp F. Gschwender B. and Reich M. Experiments on the Munroe C. E. Hall C. Snelling W. O. Howell S. P. and Burrell G. A. Investiga-Murmann E. Simplification of Gravimetric Analysis 31 Presence of Hydrochloric Acid 417 by Means of Methyl Alcohol in a Current of Air 414 Value of Ordinary and Treated Sawdust for Animal Nutrition 559 tions of Explosives Used in Coal Mines 290 Naray A. and Grate O. Comparative Value of the Catalase Reductase and Nash L. M. On the Application of Adsorption to the Detection and Separation of -- The Composition of Milk 301 - The Examination of Chinese and Japanese Wood Oil 553 Neave G.B. Solubilities of the Lead Salts of the Higher Fatty Acids in Ether and Nelson J. M. and Falk K. G. Experiments with the Castor-Bean Lipase 316 - Studies on Enzyme Action. 11. Hydrolytic Action of Neubauer H. and Lucker F. Estimation of Phosphoric Acid by Von Lorenz’s Neuberg C. and Ishida M. Estimation of Sugars in Natural Products 145 - and Schewket O. Detection of Combined Glycuric Acid in Normal Urine 562 - -_ Polarimetric Estimation of Glucosamine in Ovo-Leucocyte Tests i n Betecfing Masfitis 4U1 Certain Dyes 344 - The Detection and Estimation of Arachis Oil 537 in Petroleum Ether 399 Some Amino-Acids and Polypeptides on Certain Esters 353 Method 149 - and Kerb J. Precipitant €or Amino-Acids 359 mucoid and Pseudomucin 561 Neumann D.Estimation of Bitter Principles in Wort and Beer 92 D. Bitter Resins of Hops in Worts and Beers and their Volumetric Niermeyer J. Estimation of Sulphur in Illuminating Gas 152 Nitchie C. C. Rapid Method for Determination of Sulphur in Roasted Blende, Nockmann E. Detection of Adulterants in Saffron 309 Normann W. Estimation of the Acetyl Value 508 Estimation 139 15 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. xx1 Nottbohm F. E. and Lendrich K. Composition of Honey from Various Countries 53 Nowak H. Estimation of Sucrose in Condensed Milk 450 Noyes A. A, System of Qualitative Analysis for the Common Elements Part V., - and Weisswange W. Estimation of Iron in Milk 308 Acidic Constituents 322 Odell A. F. Oil of the Southern Cypress 364 Oppler B. Estimation of Dextrose in Urine and Blood 140 Orton K.J. P. and Gray W. H. The Determination of Nitric and Nitrous Acids in Otto J. Estimation of Oxalic Acid in the Leaves of Conifers 204 Acetic Acid Solution. The Stability of Nitric Acid in Acetic Acid Solution 303 Palitzsch S. Application of Methyl-Red to the Colorimetric Estimation of Hydrogen -- Measurement of Concentration of Hydrogen Ions in Sea Water 425 Palme H. and Ekecrantz T. Apparatus for Measuring Liquids in an Atmosphere Palmer C. Geochemical Interpretation of Water Analysis 107 R. M. and Allen W. S. Determination of Small Quantities of Arsenic by Parisot J. and Vernier - Toxicity of Mushrooms Their HEemolytic Action, Parker J. G. and Blockley J. R. Estimation of Glucose in Leather 270 Parkes A. E.Estimation of Furfural by Means of Fehling’s Solution 46 -__ The Composition of Milk 301 Pam S. W. New Calorimeter Bomb with Special Advantages as to Material of Parry E. J. Food and Drugs. Vol. I. The Bnalysis of Food and Drugs Review, Ion Concentrations 142 Free from Carbon Dioxide 222 the Gutzeit Test 579 563 Construction and Method of Operation 592 156 9 . Vol. 11. The Sale of Food and Drugs Acts 1875- -- -1907 Review 158 -- The Estimation of Small Quantities of Essential Oils in Spices etc., Pasquero V. and Cappa A. Detection of Caramel in Fermented Beverages 18 -.__ and Zucu F. M. Clavicepsin A New Glucoside in Ergot of Rye 19 Paterson J. H. Modification of the Landsberger Boiling-Point Apparatus 326 Patrick W. A. and Walker W. H. Determination of Oxygen in Iron and Steel by -- W.W. and Wilsnack G. C. Volumetric Determination of Tin 477 Patten A. J. and Robinson C. S. Neutral Ammonium Citrate Solution 372 Pawlenko A. Elm-Seed Fat 201 Penau H. Estimation of Essential Oil in Preparations of Mustard 451 Pence C. M. Bromine and Iodine Methods for the Volumetric Estimation of Cresol, Perjatel F. and Moser L. Estimation of Arsenious Acid with Permanganate in - Separation of Arsenic from Antimony and Other Metals Part II. 89 Reduction in an Electric Vacuum Furnace 586 408 Presence of Hydrochloric Acid 417 by means of Methyl Alcohol in a Current of Air 414 Perkin A. G. and Frank G H. Analysis of Indigos Containing Starch 319 Persoz J. and Beltzer J. G. Les Matieres Cellulosiques Review 74 Pertusi C.and Camilla S. Separation and Identification of Saccharin and Dulcin Peters A. W. A Critical Study of Sugar Analysis by Copper Reduction Methods, in Beverages Foods and Drugs 23 41 xxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. Peters A. W. Sources of Error and the Electrolytic Standardisation of the Condi-Pfyl B. and Turnau R. Preparation of Milk Serums and their Use in the Analysis Philip R. Investigations on Mercury Fulminate 318 Philippe E. New Sublimation Apparatus and its Application in Food Analysis 428 Pickering S. U. Copper Fungicides 262 Piest C. Characteristics of Cotton Wax 202 -- Detection of Pine Oil in Turpentine Oil 143 Pieszcgek E. Device for Preventing the Bumping of Boiling Liquids 153 Piettre - and Fourneau - Proximate Analysis of Complex Lipoids by Alcoholysis, Ploetze H.and Fischer F. Electrical Furnace for Studying the Course of Reactions Polenske E. Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter and Lard 93 Pollard W. B. The Detection of Heavy Petroleum in Paints and Vegetable Oils 247 Polstorff K. and Meyer H. Detection and Estimation of Halides in the Presence of Ponzio G. and Gsstaldi C. Relationship between the Iodine Value and the Struc-Porst C. E. G. and Crown H. A. Lintner’s Polarirnetric Method for the Determina-Porter C. W. Determination of Molecular Weights of Volatile Liquids 595 Posetto G. and Issoglio G. Estimation of Saccharin in Foods 194 Potter P. D. and Menzies A. W. C. Titration of Arsenic Acid 580 Potts H. E. The Chemistry of the Rubber Industry Review 225 Power F. B. and Rogerson H. Composition of Scammony Root and of Scammony Pratt D.S. Estimation of Citric Acid 199 - W. R. Determination of Iron in (Pharmaceutical) Scale Preparations 306 Pribram B. O. Quantitative Estimation of I-P-Hydroxybutyric Acid in Urine and Price J. M. Method for Separating Mixtures of the Seven Coal-Tar Dyestuffs Prost E. and Ubaghs M. Influence of Metallic Carbonates on the Estimation of the Putt E. B. Micro-Chemical Tests for the Identification of Some of the Alkaloids, tions of the Iodide Method of Copper Analysis 277 of Milk 450 463 under Great Pressure 288 Cyanides by Means of Formaldehyde 461 ture oT Acids of the Oleic Series 463 tion of Starch 498 Resin 194 Blood 314 Allowed (U.S.A.) to be Employed for Colouring Foodstuffs 19 Volatile Substances in Coal 360 400 Ramsay C.F. New Method for Determining the Tryptic Value of Pancreatin 26 - W. and Masson I. Analysis of the Waters of the Thermal Springs of Ransorne A. O. Effect of Free Fatty Acid on Specific Gravity of Some Fatty Oils, Rsquet D. Estimation of Essential Oil in Mustard 309 Ray P. R. and Sen H. K. Reaction of Hydrazine and Hydroxylamine with Ferri-cyanides and New Methods for Estimating Hydrazine and Ferricyanides 417 Redman I. V. and Rhodes E. O. Rapid Methods for Determining Phenol 515 Reed E. E. Estimation of Halogens in Organic Compounds Including a Device for Reich M. Honcamp F. Gschwender B. and MiiIlner H. Experiments on the Reicher L. T. and Jansen F. C. M. Refractometric Estimation of the Strength of Bath 478 410 the Combustion of Volatile Substances 461 Value of Ordinary and Treated Sawdust for Animal Nutrition 559 Formaldehyde Solutions 20 .INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. XXlll Reid E. E. Analysis of Organic Substances by an Electrical Method 331 Revis C. Note on the Detection of Benzoic Acid in Milk 346 Notes on Shrewsbury and Knapp’s Process for Estimating Cocoanut Oil 6 On the Relation between the Kirschner and Polenske Values for Mar- The Separation of Arsenic from Antimony and Other Metals with Some The Composition of Milk 301 The Souring of Milk 171 garines Containing Cocoanut or Palm Kernel Oils 183 Applications to Toxicological Work 237 Rhodes E. O. and Redman I. V. Rapid Methods for Determining Phenol 515 F. H. Detection and Determination of Cyanogen and Hydrogen Cyanide 511 Rice E.W. Expanded Meissl-Hiller Table for Invert Sugar 575 Richards P. A. E. Notes on Shrewsbury and Knapp’s Process for Estimating Cocoa- T. W. and Shipley J. W. New Method for Quantitative Analysis of Richmond H. D. On the Application of Adsorption to the Detection and Separation nut Oil 7 3 The Detection and Estimation of -4rachis Oil 537 --Solutions by Precise Thermometry 333 of Certain Dyes 344 -- The Composition of Milk 298 - The Detection and Estimation of Arachis Oil 537 --I- The Effect of Lime on the Ammonium Molybdate Method of Lead -4- and Huish H. C. The Souring of Milk 168 - Bolton E. R. and Revis C. On the Relation between the Kirschner and Polenske Values for Margarines Containing Cocoanut or Palm Kernel Oils, 183 Richter E. Determination of Bleaching Quality of Sulphite Pulp 511 O.Estimation of Fat in Cocoa by Means of Zeiss’ Refractometer 495 R. Estimation of Acetaldehyde in Paraldehyde 265 Rideal - A Method for Determining the Amount of Insoluble Particles in Raw Riegler E. Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of Uric Acid 358 Rimini E. and Jon& T. Estimation of Formaldehyde 269 Rindell A. Solubility Estimations in Agricultural Chemistry 37 Ringelmann M. Sterilisation of Water and Dairy Materials by Ultra-Violet Rays, Rippetoe J. R. Determination of the Digestive Value of Papain 405 Rivett A. C. D. Esbimation of Water in Butter 51 Roberts C. C. Determination of Water in Molasses 560 Robertson T. B. Refractive Indices of Solutions of Certain Proteins. VI. The Proteins of Ox Serum A New Optical Method for the Estimation of the Various Proteins in Ox Serum 355 Robin L.Detection of Minute Traces of Boric Acid by Means of Tincture of Mimosa Flowers 558 Robinson C. S. and Patten A. J. Neutral Ammonium Citrate Solution 372 Rogerson H. and Power F. B. Composition of Scammony Root and of Scammony Resin 194 Rohmann F. and Shmamine T. Compounds of Ferric Salts with Albumoses 408 Romijn G. Estimation of the Ferrous Ion by Means of Iodine 32 Rosenberg H and Heubner W. Photographic Estimation of the Intensity Distribu-Rosenblatt M. Estimation of Dextrose in the Presence of Other Optically Active Assay 247 Rubber 15 196 tion in Blood Spectra 313 Substances by Bertrand’s Method 51 xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. Rosenheim A. Quantitative Estimation of Thorium especially in Monazite Sand by Rosenthaler L.Colour Reaction of Alcohols and Alcoholic Hydroxyl Groups, Ross B. B. Electrolytic Apparatus for Use in Invert Sugar Determinations 576 - R. An Apparatus for Testing Water by Measurement of its Electrical Conduc--_ On the Application of Adsorption to the Detection and Separation of Certain - The Composition of Milk 301 - The Constituents of Oil of Savin 298 - The Detection and Estimation of Arachis Oil 537 --_ The Detection of Heavy Petroleum in Paints and Vegetable Oils 249 - The Effect of Lime on the Ammonium Molybdate Method of Lead Asgay, - The Examination of Chinese and Japanese Wood Oil 553 - W. H. and Benner R. C. Filtration with Alundum Plates 109 Rossi G. Catalytic Action of Light on the Oxidation of Phenolphthalin and Phenol-Rost C.O. and Gortner R. A. Estimation of Total Manganese in Soils 423 Rothenfusser S. Detection of Cane-Sugar 493 Routala O. Analysis of Hydrocarbon Mixtures 462 -- and Jannasch P. Quantitative Separation of Copper from Arsenic, Aluminium Zinc Tungsten and Tin by Means of Hydrogen Peroxide in Presence of Sodium Hydroxide and Sugar 210 Ruhle J. Detection of Saponin 350 Rupp E. Detection of Fluorides 32 Ruston A. G. and Cohen J. B. Soot Its Character and Composition 63 Rutherford E. and Chadwick G. New Compensation Method for the Comparison of Quantities of Radium and Some Applications of this Method 473 Sadler - and Davis - Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis Review 598 Salkowski E. Behaviour of Milk when Treated with Ammonium Sulphate and a Salway A.H. Alkaloidal Assay of Calabar Beans 142 -- Chemical Examination of Calabar Beans 60 Sanarens J. Composition of Guadaloupe Rum 97 Sanders J. M. Estimation of Sulphur in Petroleum 217 Savage W. G. Milk and the Public Health Review 160 Saville W. B. The Detection and Estimation of Arachis Oil 537 Savtori A. Detection of Fluorine in Foods etc. 191 Schaeffer J. A. Colorimetric Determination of Iron in Lead and its Oxides 520 Schapiro A, and Wunder M. Fusion of Certain Rare Earths with Alkali Carbonates, Schar E. Chemical Detection of Blood in Blood-Stains 454 Schewket O. and Neuberg C. Detection of Combined Glycuronic Acid in Normal - Polarimetric Estimation of Glucosamine in Ovo-Schidrowitz P. A Method for Determining the Amount of Insoluble Particles in Means of Sodium Hypophosphate 423 4m The Mutarotation of Honey 95 tivity 542 Dyes 343 247 phthalein 30 Estimation of Glycerol in Wine 260 New Method for the Estimation of Lactose 350 - Trommer’s Test for Sugar in Urine 406 Separation of Tungsten from Iron Beryllium and Aluminium 591 Urine 562 mucoid and Pseudomucin 561 Raw Rubber 1 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.xxv Schidrowitz P. Estimation of Furfural by Means of Fehling’s Solution 46 Schilling H. Estimation of Chromium in Bronzes Containing Tin and Antimony 374 Schippers J. C. Method of Preparing Lecithin Emulsions and the Subsequent Estimation of their Strength 307 Schirm E. Apparatus for Controlling the Evaporation or Distillation of Liquids, and for Cutting off the Supply of Gas to a Burner after any Desired Length of Time 221 Schirmer W.Methods for the Estimation of Iodides 519 Schlesinger M. D. and Sherman H. C. Studies of Amylases. IV. A Further Investigation of the Properties o€ Pancreatic Amylase 454 Schmidt E. Analysis of Textile Finishes 200 Schmitz W. Estimation of Antimony in Red Rubber Goods 64 65 Schneider E. C.; Insoluble Carbohydrates of the Apple 492 Schoch E. P. and Brown D. J. Electro-Analysis of Copper Antimony Bismuth, Schott F. Colorimetric Estimation of Salicylic Acid and Copper 104 Schowalter E. and Lehmann P. Polarimetric Estimation of Starch in Sausages 498 Schulz N. Copper-Reducing Power of Normal Urine 264 Schwarz F. (‘ Acid Resins ” from Petroleum Residues 515 -- Estimation of Asphalt in Mineral Oils Pitch etc.58 Schwenk E. and Heide C. von der Critical Remarks on the Direct Estimation of Estimation of Succinic and Malic Acids in and Tin with Acidified Chloride Electrolytes 584 L. Lendrich K. and Koch E. Hydnocarpus Fat 20 the Total Solids of Wine 311 Wine 453 -- Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in Wines 453 Seidell A. Estimation of Thymol Salicylates and Allied Compounds 369 Self P. A. W. Source of Error in the Kjedahl-Gunning Method 203 -- and Harrison E. F. Estimation of Nicotine in Tobacco 311 Sen H. K. and Dey B. B. Detection of Nitrates in Presence of Nitrites 149 - and RBy P. R. Reaction of Hydrazine and Hydroxylamine with Ferri-cyanides and New Methods for Estimating Hydrazine and Ferricyanides 417 Setlik M. B. and Zofka J. Analysis and Testing of Rubberised Fabrics 575 Shannon F.L. Detection of Formic Acid in Fruit Products 403 Shelbourn E. T. Coste J H. and Andrews E. R. The Examination of Mixtures Sherman H. C. Methods of Organic Analysis Review 482 and Schlesinger M. I). Studies of Amylases. IV. A Further Shimer E. B. and Shimer P. W. Volumetric Determination of Titanium 590 P. W. and Shirner E. B. Volumetric Determination of Titanium 590 Shipley J. W. and Richards T. W. New Method for Quantitative Analysis of Shmamine T. and Rohmann F. Compounds of Ferric Salts with Albumoses 408 Shrewsbury H. S. A Method of Estimating Calcium Carbonate in Soils 128 Containing Petroleum 8 Investigation of the Properties of Pancreatic Amylase 454 Solutions by Precise Thermometry 333 Note on a Counterfeit Gold Coin 7 - Poisonous Gases from Oilfields 486 and Knapp A.W. Notes on Shrewsbury and Knapp’s Process for Siebold A. and Chapman A. C. On the Application of Adsorption to the Detection Siemssen J. A. Reaction of Gold Salts with m-Phenylenediamine 469 Sievers E. Detection of Aniline Dyes and Turmeric in Mustard 557 Sigmond A. yon. and Vuk M. Detection of Adulteration of Cayenne Pepper 259 Estimating Cocoanut Oil 3 and Separation of Certain Dyes 339 xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIT. Sigmond A. von. and Vuk M. Composition of Capsicum (Cayenne Pepper) 56 Silvester H. Estimation of Nitrates in Sewage Effluents 149 Simmonds C. Note on the Determination of Small Quantities of Methyl Alcohol 16 Simonis H. and Thies F. H. Estimation of Carbon by Moist Combustion 459 Sinkinson E.Apparatus for Automatically Decanting and Washing Precipitates 479 Sinnatt F. S. A Convenient Apparatus for Obtaining an Average Sample of Gas and -- The Use of Methylene Blue as an Indicator in Iodimetric Titrations, Skinder W. Automatic Pressure Pipette 153 Slade W. C. New Method for Testing Paint Films and Preservative Coatings for Slrtwik P. Dimethylglyoxime as a Reagent for Ferrous Salts 102 - Rapid Estimation of Manganese in Ferro-Tungsten 107 Slyke D. D. van Conditions for the Complete Hydrolysis of Proteins 573 -- and Levene P. A. Composition and Properties of Glycin Picrate Smirnow H. and Weinberg B. Comparison of Methods for Determining the Smith A. R. Measurement of Relative Tryptic Activity 457 -- C. E. and Frey H. C. Volumetric Method for the Determination of Phenol--- T.O. and Curry B. E. Short Method for Determination of Soluble Arsenic -- and James C. Quantitative Separation of Lanthanum from Yttrium, -- T. V. and James C. ilew Method for the Separation of Thorium 219 Snelling W. O. Hall C. Howell S. P. Burrell G. A. and Munroe C. E. Investi-Sodermann K. A, and Ekecranyz T. Modification of Riegler’s Method for the Sommer F. Application of the Formolite Reaction to the Analysis of Paraffin Wax, Sonntag P. Microscopic Differentiation of Hemp and Flax Fibres 195 Sorbini F. and Tarugi N. Arsenic Xanthogenate and its Use in Analysis 569 Sormani C. Detection of Saponin in Beverages and Foods by Haemolysis 350 Spat W. Method of Testing Water. Determination of the Power of Bacteria to Splittgerber A.and Tillmans J. Estimation of Potassium Nitrate in Meats 140 Sprinkmeyer H. and Diedrichs A. Analytical Constants of Some Vegetable Fats 349 --- Bromine Absorption of Certain Vegetable Oils Staddon D. R. Detection of Traces of Arsenic and Antimony 581 Stadlinger H. and Huggenherg C. ‘‘ Sapometer,” 479 Stanton F. M. and Fieldner A. C. Methods of Analysing Coal and Coke 317 Steenbock H. Estimation of Benzoic Acid Hippuric Acid and Phenaceturic Acid Stegmuller - and Fiehe J. Examination of the Methods Used in the Analysis of Steinbach N. and Fischer W. M. New Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Stevens H. P. The Analysis of Lithopone 241 - and Beadle C. A Method for Determining the Amount of Insoluble for Regulating the Flow of a Gas into an Evacuated Vessel 250 252 Iron and Steel 213 and Separation of Glycin from Alanin 570 Viscosity of Pitch 413 p-Sulphonic Acid 464 in Commercial Lead Arsenates 206 469 gations of Explosives Used in Coal-Mines 290 Estimation of Urea in Urine 100 274 Decompose Proteins 264 and Fats 403 in Urine 356 Honey 449 Nitrites and for the Separation of Nitrous Acid from Nitric Acid 586 Particles in Raw Rubber 1 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.XXVll Stevenson E. F. Zsigmondy R. and Bachmann W. Apparatus for Determination Stiasny E. Detection and Differentiation of Vegetable Tannins 577 Stocks H. B. Water Analysis for Sanitary and Technical Purposes Review 482 Stokes G. A. Note on a New Preservative for Milk Cream etc. 178 Storm C. P. Effect of the Nitrotoluenes on the Determination of Nitroglycerine by - D.and Hofmann K. A. Tetraformal-trisazine from Formaldehyde and Stoward F. Amyloclastic Secretory Capacities of the Embryo and Aleurone Layer of Straub A. Detection of Small Quantities of Zinc in Wine 195 Strecker W. and Kochmann M. Gasometric Estimation of Ether and Chloroform Strohmer F. and Fallada O. lnversion of Sucrose Solutions by Means of Ammonium Strzyzoroski C. Occurrence of Mercury in the Hair of Persons who have Received Detection of Minute Quantities of Sugiura K. and Kober P. A, Iodimetric Estimation of Copper 375 Sutterheim G. A. Gravinietric and Volumetric Methods for the Analysis of Mercury-Swanson - and Willard - Baking Qualities of Flour 190 of Vapour Pressure Isothermals of Silicic Acid Gels 328 - and Wilkinson C.D. Qualitative Reactions of Vegetable Tannins 31 Means of the Nitrometer 572 Hydrazine Hydrate a New Reducing Agent for Analytical Use 369 Hordeum 97 Vapours in Air 513 Chloride 576 Subcutaneous Doses of Mercury Compounds. Mercury 562 Ammonium Chloride 33 Taggart W. G. and Cross W. E. Direct Determination of Sucrose in the Presence Takahashi D. Estimation of Sugar in Blood 141 Tamura M. Loss of Fat during the Drying of Animal Tissues 355 Tartar H. V. and Bradley C. E. Comparative Study of Methods for Determination Tarugi N. and Sorbini F. Arsenic Xanthogenate and its Use in Analysis 569 Thies F. H. and Simonis H. Estimation of Carbon by Moist Combustion 459 Thole F. B. and Dunstan A. E. A Textbook of Practical Chemistry for Technical Thomas P.Colour Reaction of Ammonia 468 Thoni J. Application of the Quantitative Precipitin Reaction in Honey Analysis II., Thuringer V. and Wunder M. Action of Dimethyl-Glyoxime on Platinum Salts 524 W Separation of Nickel and Palladium by Means of Tibbles W. Foods Their Origin Composition and Manufacture Review 388 Tillmans J. and Heublein O. Estimation of Free Carbon Dioxide in Water by Titration with Alkalis in the Presence of Phenolphthaleln 582 Tillotson E. W. Jun. Relation of the Refractive Index of Soda Lime Glasses to their Toth J. Methods of Estimating Nicotine in Tobacco Extracts 452 Tottingham - and Hart - Acid-Soluble Phosphorus Compounds of Some Feeding Trapp H. Qualitative Analysis without Hydrogen Sulphide 377 Trautmann W. and Weiss L.Analysis of Ferro-Zircon 220 Treadwell W. D. Electro-Analytical Estimation of Copper in Pyrites 468 Trenkner - Estimation of Gold Silver and Platinum 281 of Reducing Sugars 451 of Hard and Total Soft Resins in the Hop 191 Institutes Review 73 404 Dimethyl-Glyoxime 379 - and Splittgerber A, Estimation of Potassium Nitrate in Meats 140 Chemical Composition 278 Materials 19 xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. Tswett M. Detection of Carotin 199 Turnau R. and Pfyl B. Preparation of Milk Serums and their Use in the Analysis Turrentine J. W. Determination of Iodides by Direct Titration 378 Tyrer D. Latent Heats of Vaporisation of Mixed Liquids Part 111. Mixtures of Associated with Non-Associated Liquids and the Detection of Solvates in Mixtures of Liquids 362 of Milk 450 and Fletcher J, Easily Adjustable Vapour Thermostat 430 Ubaghs M.and Prost E. Influence of Metallic Carbonates on the Estimation of the Ulrich C. Estimation of Cocoa-Husks in Cocoa 52 Utz - Detection of Other Hydrocarbons in Turpentine 311 - Estimation of Caoutchouc as Tetrabromide 361 - Notes on Serger's Reaction for Vegetable Oils 412 - Reaction for Detecting Sesame Oil in Other Oils 62 Volatile Substances in Coal 360 Vallery L. The Coagulation of Albumin by Heat and its Precipitation by Mercuric-Gravimetric and Volumetric Estimations 458 Van Dam W. Estimation of the Activity of Commercial Rennet 564 Vandevelde A. J. J. Fractional Saponification of Fats 558 Van Gulik H. Modified Butyrometer Tube for Estimation of Fat in Cheese 221 Van Slyke D.D. Conditions for the Complete Hydrolysis of Proteins 573 Vaubel W. New Reaction of Nitrous Acid 33 Vernier - and Parisot J. Toxicity of Mushrooms Their Hemolytic Action 563 Virchow C. Estimation of Lecithin in Medicinal Tablets 449 Vitali D. New Uric Acid Reaction 276 Voelcker J. A. The Composition of Milk 301 Voigt K. Rapid Method of Estimating Zinc 35 153 Vozarik A. Determination of Phosphorus in Food-Stuffs and Other Organic Sub-- Incineration of Food-Stuffs and Other Organic Substances Prior to the Potassium Iodide. - and Levene P. A. Composition and Properties of Glycin Picrate and Separation of Glycin from Alanin 570 stances -by Titration with Uranyl Solutions 258 Determination of their Phosphorus-Content 257 Vuk M. and Von Sigmond A. Composition of Capsicum (Cayenne Pepper) 56 - Detection of Adulteration of Cayenne Pepper 259 Wahl R.Proteolytic Enzyme of Malt 504 Walker P. H. Unification of Reducing Sugar Methods (a Correction for Lactose) 145 - - and Boughton E. W. Fluorescence Test for Mineral and Rosin Oils, -. W. H. and Patrick W. A, Determination of Oxygen in Iron and Steel by Warunis T. S. Estimation of Arsenic in Organic Compounds 579 - Estimation of Sulphur in Insoluble Sulphides 283 Watanabe R. Kumagawa-Suto Method of Estimating Fat in Animal Substances 354 Waterman H. and Boeseken J. Biochemical Method for the Estimation of Small Weber H. C. P. Modified Form of Stability Test 573 - W. and Beckmann E. Ebullioscopic Determinations at Low Temperatures Wedekind E. Use of Magnesia Rods instead of Platinum Wire in Analytical Work, 30 Reduction in an Electric Vacuum Furnace 586 Quantities of Salicylic Acid in Presence of Excess of p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid 316 ( - 36' to - 83' C.) 287 22 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.XXlX Weinberg B. and Smirnow H. Comparison of Methods for Determining the Viscosity Weirman S. A. New Stability Test for Nitrocellulose Powders 572 Weise J. and Fischer A. Electrolytic Estimation of Molybdenum. Weiss H. F. Tests to Determine the Commercial Value of Wood Preservatives 578 -_- J. M. Antiseptic Effect of Creosote Oil and Other Oils used for Preserving -_- L. and Trautmann W. Analysis of Ferro-zircon 220 Weisswange W. and Nottbohm F. E. Estimation of Iron in Milk 308 Wenger P. and Wunder W. Separation of Beryllium from Aluminium 373 White C.H. Colorimeter for Rapid Work with Widely Varying Standards 329 --__ G. I?. Viscosity of Fish Oils 143 Whittemore C. F. and James C. Quantitative Determination of Yttrium 382 Whymper R. Cocoa and Chocolate Their Chemistry and Manufacture Review 226 Wichmann A. and Hartwich C. Apparatus for the Estimation of Adulterants in Wilke-Dorfurt E. Estimation of Potassium in Potassium Silicate 588 -- Spectroscopic Process for the Estimation of Small Quantities of - Zsigmondy R. and Von Galecki A. Application of Ultrafiltration of Pitch 413 Part I. 420 Timber 56 Vegetable Powders and Notes on Starch Granules 529 Rubidium in Presence of Much Potassium 324 in Analytical Chemistry 223 Wilkinson C. D. and Stiasny E. Qualitative Reactions of Vegetable Tannins 31 Willard - and Swanson - Baking Qualities of Flour 190 Willcox - The Separation of Arsenic from Antimony and Other Metals with Some Williams H.E. Estimation of Ferrocyanides 362 Williamson M. A. and Boeck P. A. New Type of Inorganic Filter for Laboratory WillstBtter R. and Madinaveitia A. Estimation of Glycerol in Fats 571 Wilsnack G. C. and Patrick W. W. Volumetric Determination of Tin 477 Wilson L. P. and Heaven G. S. New Oxygen Absorption Method for Oils 412 Winton A. L. Method for the Determination of the 1‘ Gasoline Colour Value ” of Wirthle F. Detection and Estimation of Methyl Alcohol 364 Wise A. and Hibbert H. New Method for the Separation of Tertiary from Second- L. E. Refractive Index of Chinese Wood Oil 410 Wogrinz A, and Kittel J. Estimation of Boric Acid in Nickel Baths 277 Wohlk A.Detection of Pyridine Bases in Ammonia and Ammonium Salts 413 Wolff A. Burr A. and Berberich F. M. Parchment Paper 465 Wolff H. Estimation of Petroleum in Turpentine 371 -- Examination and Valuation of Turpentine 370 - O. Luminescence Analysis 526 Woodman A. G. alzd Davis L. Estimation of Benzaldehyde in Maraschino Cherries Worden E. C. Nitrocellulose Industry Review 338 Wright A. M. Changes in the Composition of the Nitrogenous Constituents of Meat--- Chemical Composition of Some New Zealand Meat Extracts 193 Wunder M, and Jeanneret B. Separation of Zirconium from Iron and Aluminium, -- and Schapiro A. Fusion of Certain Rare Earths with Alkali Carbon-ates Separation of Tungsten from Iron Beryllium and Aluminium, 591 Applications to Toxicological Work 237 Purposes 526 Flour 255 ary and Primary Amines 201 and Liqueur 446 Extracts 21 and a New Method for the Analysis of Ferro-Zircon 3 xxx INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.Wunder M. and Thuringer V Action of Dimethylglyoxime on Platinum Salts, - W. and Thuringer V. Separation of Nickel and Palladium by Means of -- and Wenger P. Separation of Beryllium from Aluminium 373 524 Dimethylglyoxime 379 Yoder P. A. Marking of Porcelain Crucibles etc. 289 Zerewitinoff T. Quantitative Estimation of Active Hydrogen in Organic Compounds Zimmerman A. Laboratory Studies of Rennin 405 Zimmermann H. Laboratory Centrifuge for Quantitative Separation and Estimation Zipfel H. The Indole Reaction 562 Zofka J. and Setlik M. B. Analysis and Testing of Rubberised Fabrics 575 Zsigmondy R.Bachmann W. and Stevenson E. F. Apparatus for Determination of Vapour Pressure Isothermals of Silicic Acid Gels 328 - Wilke-Dorfurt E. and Von Galecki A, Application of Ultrafiltration by Magnesium-methyl Iodide 571 of Solids and Liquids 286 in Analytical Chemistry 223 Zuco F. M. and Pasquero V. Clavicepsin A New Glucoside in Ergot of Rye 1 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. xxxi INDEX OF SUBJECTS. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PUBLISHED IN OTHER JOURNALS 18 51 92 137 189 254, Acetaldehyde in Paraldehyde Estimation of 265 Acetate Oxyphenyldimercuric and Mercurisalicylic Acid Mercury in Estimation of, Acetic Acid Solution Nitric and Nitrous Acids in the Determination of. The Acetyl Value Estimation of the 508 Acid Arsenic Titration of 580 - Arsenious Use of in Volumetric Analysis II.Estimation of Mercury 321 - Benzoic as an Acidimetric Standard 458 9- in Foods Detection of 349 306 347 400 446 492 557 103 Stability of Nitric Acid in Acetic Acid Solution 303 - Estimation of with Permanganate in Presence of Hydrochloric Acid 41 7 9 Hippuric Acid and Phenaceturic Acid in Urine Estimation of 356 - --- 9 - in Margarine Butter and Other Fats Estimation of 92 - - in Milk the Detection of Note on 346 - Boric in Nickel Baths Estimation of 277 Minute Traces of Detection of by Means of Tincture of Mimosa Flowers - -558 Carbonic Volumetric Determination of 207 Chlorous (Chlorites) Estimation of 583 Cinnamic Estimation of by Means of Bromine in Aqueous Solution 102 Citric Estimation of 199 Colloidal Silicic Phosphoric Acid in Presence of Estimation of 214 Content of Distilled Vinegar when Stored in Wooden Casks Alteration of 23 Formic in Fruit Products Detection of 403 - Chloric and Chlorates Volumetric Estimation of 373 - Fatty Free Effect of on Specific Gravity of Some Fatty Oils 410 - in Syrups Detection and Estimation of 558 - in the Presence of Other Acids Estimation of by Means of Potassium Gels Silicic Vapour-Pressure Isothermals of Apparatus for Determination of, Glutamic Separation of Pyrrolidonecarboxylic Acid from.Esterification of 9 in Honey 258 - -Permanganate 270 328 Monamino Acids by Means of Ethyl Iodide 360 - Glycuronic Combined in Normal Urine Detection of 562 - Glycyrrhizic in Liquorice Juice Estimation of 138 Heptadecoic and its Glyceride Glycerides Occurring in Fats and Oils 411 - Hippuric Benzoic Acid and Phenaceturic Acid in Urine Estimation of 356 - -- in Urine Estimation of Method for 507 - -I -- the Estimation of New Method for 356 9 in Diabetic Urine Detection of 507 - -.-.xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. Acid Hydrochloric Estimation of Arsenious Acid with Permanganate in Presence - Hydrocyanic Rate of Evolution of from Linseed under Digestive Conditions, - p-Hydroxybenzoic Excess of Biochemical Method for the Estimation of Small P-Hydroxybutyric and Lactic Acid Estimation of in Mixtures of the Same, of 417 313 Quantities of Salicylic Acid in Presence of 316 409 - I-P-Hydroxybutyric in Urine and Blood Quantitative Estimation of 314 -.- Lactic Analysis of 29 - -- and ,B-Hydroxybutyric Acid Estimation of in Mixtures of the Same, 409 - -- in the Presence of Proteins Estimation of 403 - MJic Determination of 29 - Mercurisalicylic and Oxyphenyldimercuric Acetate Mercury in Estimation - Nitric and Hydrogen Peroxide Use of a Mixture of in Analytical Work, - ,- Sulphuric Acid and Nitrous Acid in Nitrating and Waste Acids Volu-- - the Separation of Nitrous Acid from and the Estimation of Nitrites, - Nitrous Detection and Estimation of Small Quantities of a New Method for, - - New Reaction of 33 - 9 - Nitric Acid and Sulphuric Acid in Nitrating and Waste Acids Volu-- 9 - the Separation of from Nitric Acid and the Estimation of Nitrites, - Oxalic in the Leaves of Conifers Estimation of 204 - 9 -- in Vegetable Substances Estimation of 564 - Perchloric in Certain Perchlorates Estimation of 33 -of 103 212 - in Watered Fruit Juices Detection of 21 metric Estimation of 381 New Volumetric Method for 586 345 metric Estimation of 381 New Volumetric Method for 586 - in Electrochemical Analysis 279 Phenaceturic Benzoic Acid and Hippuric Acid in Urine Estimation of 356 Phenol-p-Sulphonic the Determination of Volumetric Method for 464 Phosphoric Estimation of by Von Lorenz’s Method 149 - in Presence of Colloidal Silicic Acid Estimation of 214 -9 1 - in Soils the Phosphomolybdate Estimation of 130 -- in Wines Estimation of 453 - Phosphotungstic Blue Colour-Reaction of with Uric Acid and Other Sub-stances 355 - Pyrrolidonecarboxylic Separation of from Glutamic Acid.Monamino Acids by Means of Ethyl Iodide 360 ‘‘ Acid-Resins ” from Petroleum Residues 515 Acid Salicylic and Copper Colorimetric Estimation of 104 - - Small Quantities of in Presence of Excess of p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid, - Solution Sulphuric the Method of Precipitating Metals as Iodides etc. from, - Sulphuric Boiling Action of on Platinum 590 Pyroligneous Occurrence of Methylcyclopentenolon in 319 Esterification of Biochemical Method for the Estimation of 316 Applications of 519 -Soluble Phosphorus Compounds of Some Feeding Materials 193 9 - Estimation of 15 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. xxxiii Acid Sulphuric Nitric Acid and Nitrous Acid in Nitrating and Waste Acids, Volumetric Estimation of 381 9 ? - Rapid Method of Purifying 381 - Saponification of Fats by 256 ? Tartaric the Estimation of General Method for 516 Uric and Other Substances Blue Colour-Reaction of Phosphotungstic Acid with 355 7 Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of 358 -9 Reaction New 276 - -Acidic Constituents Part V.System of Qualitative Analysis for the Common Elements. 322 Acidified Chlbride Electrolytes Electro- Analysis of Copper Antimony Bismuth and Tin with 584 Acidimetric Standard Benzoic Acid as an 458 Acidity of Soils Study of the 466 -_- Study on the 422 __-_- the Reductase Test and Alcohol Test in Milk Relations between 26 .--_- Volatile of Gum Tragscanth compared with that of Indian Gum 318 Acids Amino- in Plants Estimation of by Means of the Formaldehyde Method 312 - Urine Estimation of 141 9 Precipitants for 359 - --I- 9 - Some and Polypeptides Hydrolytic Action of on Certain Esters.Studies on Enzyme Action 353 - Fatty Small Quantities of Estimation of the Molecular Weight of 203 - - hlalic and Succinic in Wine Estimation of 453 - Monamino Esterification of by Means of Ethyl Iodide. Separation of -_ Mono-Amino- together with Polypeptides Ester Method for the Detection of, - Nitric and Nitrous in Acetic Acid Solution the Determination of. The - - of the Oleic Series the Iodine Value and the Structure of Relationship - - Succinic and Malic in Wine Estimation of 453 I- the Higher Fatty in Ether and in Petroleum Ether Solubilities of the Lead Adiabatic Device for Bomb Calorimeter 326 Adsorption on the Application of to the Detection and Separation of Certain Dyes, Adulterants in Saffron Detection of 309 -- in Vegetable Powders Apparatus for the Estimation of and Notes on - Linseed Oil and its Tests for 192 Adulteration Detection of by Colloidal Chemical Methods 557 -- of Cayenne Pepper Detection of 259 Aerated Water the Bacteriologx of 395 Africa British West Kola Nuts from 258 Agricultural Chemistry Solubility Estimations in 37 Air Ether and Chloroform Vapours in Gasometric Estimation of 513 Alanin Separation of Glycin from and Composition and Properties of Glycin Picrate, Albumin in Urine the Detection of Sensitive Test for 505 - the Coagulation of by Heat and its Precipitation by Mercuric-Potassium Gravimetric and Volumetric Estimations 458 Pyrrolidonecarboxylic Acid from Glutamic Acid 360 272 Stability of Nitric Acid in Acetic Acid Solution 303 between 463 Salts of 399 339 Starch Granules 529 570 Iodide.xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. Albumoses Compounds of Ferric Salts with 408 - -- in Urine Detection of 24 Alcohol and a Neutral Salt Simultaneous Effect of on the Sensitiveness of Phenol-phthalein 321 - and Sugars the Iodimetric Titration of Sulphites in Presence of 439 Estimation of Methyl Alcohol in Admixture with and especially in Spirits 514 Estimation of New Method for 565 Methyl in a Current of Air Separation of Arsenic from Antimony and Other Metals by Means of 414 514 9 in Admixture with Alcohol and especially in Spirits Estimation of, in Ethyl Alcohol and Spirits Detection of 567 Small Quantities of Note on the Determination of 16 the Detection and Estimation of 364 -, 9 9 ____---- Soluble Protein or Gliadin in Wheat-Flour Determination of 19 - Test the Reductase Test and Acidity in Milk Relations between 26 Alcohols and Alcoholic Hydroxyi Groups Colour Reaction of 407 - Tertiary Detection o€ 197 Alcoholysis Proximate Analysis of Complex Lipoids by 463 Aldehyde Figure of Butter 50 Aldehydes Angeli’s Reaction for 359 Aldoses and Ketoses Method of Distinguishing between 266 Aleurone Layer and Embryo of Hordeum Amyloclastic Secretory Capacities of the 97 Alkali and Hydrogen Peroxide Behaviour of Invert Sugar in the Presence of 28 - Bicarbonate Small Quantities of Detection of in Presence of Much Normal Carbonate 372 Separation of Tungsten from Iron Beryllium and Aluminium 591 Alkaline Permanganate Method Activity of Organic Nitrogen as Measured by the 365 Alkalinity and Peroxydase of Milk are they Identical ? 141 Alkalis in Silicates Bstimation of by Fusion with Calcium Chloride 146 Titration with in the Presence of Phenolphthalein Estimation of Free Carbon Dioxide in Water by 582 Alkaloidal Assay of Calabar Beans 142 Alkaloids Certain Micro-Chemical Detection of 137 - Determination of 568 - Ehrlich’s Reaction for and Urobilinogen of Urine 28 Carbonates Fusion of Certain Rare Earths with.Extracting from Syrups Process of 138 Some of the Micro-Chemical Tests for the Identification of 400 Allo- and Neo-Chlorophyll in the Presence of One Another Methods for Determining, Alloys High-Grade Tungsten Analysis of 424 -- Platinum Analysis of 420 Aluminium Arsenic Zinc Tungsten and Tin Quantitative Separation of Copper from b y Means of Hydrogen Peroxide in Presence of Sodium Hydroxide and Sugar 210 and Iron Separation of Zirconium from and a New Method for the Analysis of Ferro-Zircon 36 Fusion of Certain Rare Earths with Alkali Carbonates 591 460 - Iron and Beryllium Separation of Tungsten from.Separation of Beryllium from 373 Alundum Plates Filtration with 109 Amines Tertiary the Separation of from Primary and Secondary Amines New Method for 20 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. xxxv Amino-Acids in Plants Estimation of by Means of the Formaldehyde Method 312 -_- Precipitant for 359 --_ Some and Polypeptides Hydrolytic Action of on Certain Esters. Amino- Hydroxy- and Imino - Derivatives of Organic Compounds Quantitative Estimation of by Means of the Grignard Reagent and the Nature of the Changes Taking Place in Solution 201 Ammonia and Ammonium Salts Pyridine Bases in Detection of 413 Studies on Enzyme Action 353 Pyridine Separation and Estimation of 413 Colour Beaction of 468 in Carbonated Waters the Estimation of 173 Rapid Estimation of Pyridine in Gas-Water in the Presence of 574 Ammonium Chloride Inversion of Sucrose Solutions by Means of 576 - Citrate Solution Neutral 372 - Molybdate Method of Lead Assay on the Effect of Lime on the 242 - Salts and Ammonia Pyridine Bases in Detection of 413 - Sulphate Behaviour of Milk when Treated with and a New Method for the Estimation of Lactose 350 Amyloclastic Secretory Capacities of the Embryo and Aleurone Layer of Hordeum, 97 Amylase Pancreatic a Further Investigation of the Properties of.Studies of Amylases 454 Analysis Crystallo-Chemical a New Method of Chemical Analysis 526 -_ Electro-Chemical Perchloric Acid in 279 -- Elementary 508 -__- Food New Sublimation Apparatus and its Application in 428 - - Gravimetric Simplification of 31 -- Luminescence 526 -- Organic Elementary New Silver Spiral for Use in 289 ~- Potash (Potassium-Sodium Cobttltinitrite Method) 588 -_- - without Hydrogen Sulphide 377 - - Qualitative System of for the Common Elements. stituents 322 -- Rational of Nitrate of Soda 523 _-__ Soil Mechanical Modification of the Method of 589 -- Sugar by Copper Reduction Methods a Critical Study of 414 -- Technical of Spelter 521 - Volumetric Arsenious Acid in Use of.- - Water Geochemical Interpretation of 107 Analytical Chemistry Certain Problems in Application of Light Energy to the Study -- - Study of Cobaltinitrites and their Application to 322 - Work Use of a Mixture of Nitric Acid and Hydrogen Peroxide in 212 - Mechanical of Arid Soils 588 Part V. Acidic Con-11. Estimation of Mercury 321 of 479 - Ultrafiltration in Application of 223 --.-_ - Constants of Some Vegetable Fats 349 Angeli’s Reaction for Aldehydes 359 Aniline Dyes and Turmeric in Mustard Detection of 557 Animal Nutrition the Value of Ordinary and Treated Sawdust for Experiments on, - Substances Fat in Kumagawa-Suto Method of Estimating 354 - Tissues the Drying of Loss of Fat during 355 Annual Address by the Retiring President 81 - - of Magnesia Rods instead of Platinum Wire in 222 55 xxxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.Antimony and Arsenic Detection Separation and Estimation of 65 --_ Separation and Eetimation of 206 -_- Traces of Detection of 581 - and Other Metals Separation of Arsenic from by Means of Methyl ---_- the Separation of Arsenic from with Some Applica--- and Tin Bronzes containing Estimation of Chromium in 374 -- Copper Bismuth and Tin Electro- Analysis of with Acidified Chloride -- in Red Rubber Goods Estimation of 64 65 Antiseptic Effect of Creosote Oil and Other Oils Used for Preserving Timber 56 APPARATUS ETC. ABSTRACTS 36,68,108 153 221 286 326 382 426 478 526,592 - Boiling-Point the Landsberger Modification of 326 - Constant-Temperature Heating for Explosives and Experiments on the Decomposition of Nitrocelluloses 222 -- Convenient for Obtaining an Average Sample of Gas and for Regulating the Flow of a Gas into an Evacuated Vessel 250 --- Electrolytic for Use in Invert Sugar Determinations 576 -I Extraction 427 -_- for Automatic Analysis of Liquids 480 --.- for Automatically Decanting and Washing Precipitates 479 Alcohol in a Current of Air 414 tions to Toxicological Work 289 Electrolytes 584 -9 -- New 39 -- for Controlling the Evaporation or Distillation of Liquids and for Cutting off the Supply of Gas to a Burner after any Desired Length of Time, 221 - for Determination of Vapour Pressure Isothermals of Silicic Acid Gels 328 -- for Extracting Liquids with Immiscible Solvents and for Measurement -- for Measuring Liquids in an Atmosphere Free from Carbon Dioxide 222 - - for Rapid Distillation of Mercury in Vacuo 528 - -_- for Testing Water by Measurement of its Electrical Conductivity 538 --_ for the Estimation of Adulterants in Vegetable Powders and Notes on - _- Gas Analysis New Forms of 288 -- New for the Coking Test of Coal 383 -- Shaking and Stirring Thermostats etc.Notes on 70 -- Simple for Sublimation in a Vacuum 38 -- Soxhlet Extraction Modified with Distillation Arrangement 596 -- the Beckmann Modification of 384 Apple Insoluble Carbohydrates of the 492 Arable Soils Colloids in Estimation of 98 Arachis Oil the Detection and Estimation of 487 537 Arid Soils Mechanical Analysis of 588 Arnold and Hardy the Method of for the Rapid Estimation of Sulphur in Siderur-gical Products Modification of 283 Arsenates Commercial Lead Determination of Soluble Arsenic in Short Method for 206 Arsenic Acid Titration of 580 of Evolved Gases 69 - for Rapid Removal of Nitrogen from Gas Mixtures by Sparking 224 - for the Detection of Carbon Monoxide 426 Starch Granules 529 - Laboratory Two New Pieces of 528 -9 - for Vacuum Sublimation 290 -_- - Sublimation and its Application in Food Analysis 42 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII xxxvii Arsenic Aluminium Zinc Tungsten and Tin Quantitative Separation of Copper from by Means of Hydrogen Peroxide in Presence of Sodium Hydroxide and Sugar 210 - and Antimony Detection Separation and Estimation of 65 --- Estimation of 415 - in Gelatin Occurrence of 94 -- in Organic Compounds Detection and Estimation of 66 360 - in Vegetable Foods Amounts of 254 - Separation of from Antimony and Other Metals by Means of Methyl Alcohol in a Current of Air 414 - Small Quantities of Determination of by the Gutzeit Test 579 - Soluble in Commercial Lead Arsenates Short Method for Determination of 206 - the Separation of from Antimony and Other Metals with Some Applications to Toxicological Work 229 - Xanthogenate and its Use in Analysis 569 Arsenious Acid Estimation of with Permanganate in Presence of Hydrochloric Acid 417 Separation and Estimation of 206 Traces of Detection of 581 -__ Estimation of 579 -_- Use of in Volumetric Analysis, - Chloride Volatility of 580 11.Estimation of Mercury 321 Asphalt in Mineral Oils Pitch etc.Estimation of 58 Asphalts Natural and Petroleum-Residue Differentiation between 407 Aspirfitor Constant Flow 481 Atmosphere Free from Carbon Dioxide Apparatus for Measuring Liquids in 222 Atomic Weights International 1912 1 Australian Sweetened Condensed Milk Composition of 49 -- (Victorian) Milk Composition of 47 Autolyais Effect of on Cholesterol; Errors in the Estimation of Cholesterol by the Automatic Analysis of Liquids Apparatus for 480 -- Pressure Pipette 153 Automatically Decanting and Washing Precipitates Apparatus for 479 Azo Dyestuffs Titration of by Means of Hydrosulphite 568 Ritter Method 199 Bacteria in Water Direct Enumeration of by Means of the Ultra-Microscope Vahe of. 317 - the Power of to Decompose Proteins Determination of.Method of Testing Water 264 BACTERIOLOGICAL PHYSIOLOGICAL ETC. ABSTRACTS 24 56 97 140 195 262 312, 352 403 454 503 561 Bacteriology of Aerated Water 395 Baking Qualities of Flour 190 --- Influence of the Concentration of Hydrogen Ions on 257 Balsam Peru Cinnamein in Estimation of 93 Banana Starch Polarimetric Estimation of 560 Bases Organic New Reaction for 319 - Pyridine in Ammonia and Ammonium Salts Detection of 413 Bassia Kernels and Fats 54 Bath the Waters of the Thermal Springs of Analysis of 478 Beans Calabar Alkaloidal Assay of 142 9 Chemical Examination of 60 -_- -xxxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. Beans Edible from Hong-Kong 494 Beckmann Apparatus Modification of 384 -- Thermometer with a Modified Arrangement for Setting the Mercury Beer and Wort Bitter Principles in Estimation of 92 -- Extract in Estimation of 502 Beers and Worts Bitter Resins of Hops in and their Volumetric Estimation 139 Beeswax and Carnauba Wax Hydrocarbons in Estimation of 348 -- Refractive Index of 348 Benzaldehyde in Maraschino Cherries and Liqueur Estimation of 446 Benzene Hydrocarbons and Petroleum Spirit in Turpentine Oil Estimation of 274 Benzoic Acid as an Acidimetric Standard 458 -- Hippuric Acid and Phenaceturic Acid in Urine Estimation of 356 ~ _ _ _ _ in Foods Detection of 349 --__ in Margarine Butter and Other Fats Estimation of 92 --_ in Milk the Detection of Note on 346 Benzol Commercial Sulphur Compounds in Estimation and Elimination of 100 (Benzoyl Peroxide) Lucidol Influence of on Certain Qualitative Tests for Oils 273 Bertrand’s Method Estimation of Dextrose in the Presence of Other Optically Active Beryllium Gravimetric Estimation of 581 -- Iron and Aluminium Separation of Tungsten from.___- Separation of from Aluminium 373 -- Volumetric Estimation of 276 Beverages and Foods Saponin in Detection of by Hzmolysis 350 - - Fermented Caramel in Detection of 18 Bicarbonate Alkali Small Quantities of Detection of in Presence of much Normal Bilirubin Small Quantities of Estimation of 352 Biochemical Method Application of to the Analysis of Uva-Ursi Leaves 24 -- for the Estimation of Small Quantities of Salicylic Acid in Biological Analysis the Petri Dish for Cultivating Fungi and for Substitute for 561 Birds and Mice Use of for Detecting Carbon Monoxide after Mine Fires and Bismuth Copper Antimony and Tin Electro-Analysis of with Acidified Chloride Bismuthate Method Determination of Manganese by 522 -- for Manganese 148 --- the Estimation of Manganese by 554 Bitter Principles in Wort and Beer Estimation of 92 - Resins of Hops in Worts and Beers and their Volumetric Estimation 139 Bituminous Materials Examination of 266 Bleaching Natural and Artificial Processes of Report to the Local Government Board on the Nature of the Colouring Matter of Flour and its Relation to 596 -- Purposes Sodium Peroxide for Assay of 476 -- Quality of Sulphite Pulp Determination of 511 Blende Roasted Sulphur in Rapid Method for Determination of 150 Blood and Urine Dextrose in Estimation of 140 Thread 429 Substances by 512 Fusion of Certain Rare Earths with Alkali Carbonates 591 -- Foods and Drugs Saccharin and Dulcin in Separation and Identification of 23 Carbonate 372 Presence of Excess of p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid 316 Explosions 315 Electrolytes 584 - I-P-Hydroxybutyric Acid in Quantitative Estimation of 31 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.xxxix Blood and Urine Quinine in Quantitative Estimation of 455 - Fat and Lipoids in Estimation of and Notes on the So-called Lipolysis 561 - in Blood-Stains Chemical Detection of 454 - in Urine and Other Physiological Fluids Detection of 506 - Spectra the Intensity Distribution in Photographic Estimation of 313 - -Stains Blood in Chemical Detection of 454 - Sugar in Estimation of 141 263 Blue Colour-Reaction of Phosphotungstic Acid with Uric Acid and Other Substances, Boiling Liquids the Bumping of Device for Preventing 153 -Point Apparatus the Landsberger Modification of 326 Sulphuric Acid Action of on Platinum 590 Bomb Calorimeter Adiabatic Device for 326 - New Calorimeter with Special Advantages as to Material of Construction and BOOKS NEW 294 601 BOOKS REVIEWS OF: - Sugar in Estimation of 356 355 Method of Operation 592 A Textbook of Practical Chemistry for Technical Institutes 73 Alcools.Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis 385 An Introduction to Quantitative Analysis 337 Bleaching and Dyeing of Vegetable Fibrous Materials 535 Chaux Ciments Pliitres 161 Church’s Laboratory Guide 292 Cocoa and Chocolate Their Chemistry and Manufacture 226 Dyes and Colouring Matters Dyestuffs of Groups 6 to 12 Colouring Matters of Natural Origin and Analysis of Colouring Materials 387 Food and Drugs.Vol. I. The Analysis of Food and Drugs 156 . Vol. 11. The Sale of Food and Drugs Acts 1875-1907, 158 Foods Their Origin Composition and Manufacture 388 Huiles et Graisses VQgbtales Comestibles 292 L’ Analy se des Vins par Volumetrie Physico-Chimique 600 Les Matieres Cellulosiques 74 ‘‘ Matieres Tannants Cuirs,” 40 Methods of Air Analysis 335 - Organic Analysis 482 Milk and the Public Health 160 Modern Microscopy 117 Nitrocellulose Industry 338 Principes Theoriques et Pratiques d’hnalyse Minerale 436 Soude-Potasse Sels 75 Sulphuric Acid and Alkali 337 Tables Annuelles Internationales de Constantes et Donnees Numeriques, The Analyet’s Laboratory Companion.(‘ The Chemical World,” 76 The Chemistry of the Rubber Industry 225 The Freezing-Point Boiling-Point and Conductivity Methods 598 The Technology of Bread-Making Chemistry and Analysis of Materials Theorie und Praxis der Massanalyse 534 Alcool Alcool DBnaturB Denaturants 39 Vol. VI. 598 483 Fourth Edition 437 Used in Bread-Making and Confectionery 11 xl INDEX TO VOLUME XX.XVI1. BOOKS REVIEWS 0s-continued Vins 599 Volumetric Analysis for Students of Pharmaceutical and General Chemistry, 390 Water Analysis for Sanitary and Technical Purposes 482 - Minute Traces of Detection of by Means of Tincture of Mimosa E’lowers, Boric Acid in Nickel Baths Estimation of 277 558 British West Africa Kola Nuts from 258 Bromide Method Hubener for the Estimation of Caoutchouc 509 - Hubener’s for the Estimation of Caoutchouc 202 - Hubener for the Estimation of Rubber 465 Bromine Absorption of Certain Vegetable Oils and Fats 403 - and Iodine Methods for the Volumetric Estimation of Cresol 408 - Detection of by Fluorescein 145 - Free Sensitive Reaction of 581 - in Aqueous Solution Estimation of Cinnamic Acid by Means of 102 Bronzes Containing Tin and Antimony Chromium in Estimation of 374 Bullion and Ores Small Amounts of Platinum in Direct Determination of 281 Bumping of Boiling Liquids Device for Preventing 153 Bunsen Burners Porcelain 426 Butter and Lard Cocoanut Oil in Detection of 93 - Fat and Cocoanut Oil in Margarine the Determination of Notes on 122 -- Cocoanut Oil in theDetection of and Crude Phytosterol of Cocoanut Oil - Margarine and Other Fats Benzoic Acid in Estimation of 92 - Shea- and Shea-Nuts 496 - the Aldehyde Figure of 50 - the Keeping Properties and Composition of Influence of Certain Freservativea - Water in Estimation of 51 Butyrometer Tube Modified for the Estimation of Fat in Cheese 221 Gold Sampling 517 and the Crude Cholesterol of Butter Fat 497 on 52 Cadmium Potassium Iodide Determination of Ozone by Means of 587 Caffeine New Method of Estimating 401 Cake and Oil Tea-Seed 500 Calabar Beans Alkaloidal Assay of 142 Calcium Carbide Method for Estimation of Moisture 475 - Carbonate in Soils a Method of Estimating 128 -_ Chloride Estimation of Alkalis in Silicates by Fusion with 146 Calorimeter Bomb Adiabatic Device for 326 - Bomb New with Special Advantages as to Material of Construction and Method of Operation 592 Camphor Estimation of 93 Candied Lemon Peel Analysis of 20 Cane-Sugar Detection of 493 - in Foods etc.Estimation of 493 - in Urine Estimation of in the Presence of Other Sugars 506 Caoutchouc Estimation of as Tetrabromide 361 - the Estimation of Hiibener Bromide Method for 509 -Capsicum (Cayenne Pepper) Composition of 56 - Chemical Examination of 60 -- Hiibener’s Bromide Method for 20 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. xli Caramel in Fermented Beverages Detection of 18 Carbohydrates Insoluble of the Apple 492 Carbon Bisulphide in Oils Detection of 101 Dioxide an Atmosphere Free from Measuring Liquids in Apparatus for? 223 -_- Free in Water Estimation of by Titration with Alkalis in the -_- the Reaction of Liquids Containing Electrornetric Determination Presence of Phenolphthalein 582 of 416 - Estimation of by Moist Combustion 459 in Ferro-Alloys Use of Oxygen under Pressure for Estimating 379 in Steel Determination of by Direct Combustion in the Newest Form of Monoxide after Mine Fires and Explosions TJse of Birds and Mice for Shimer Crucible with the Aid of a Perforated Clay Disc 521 the Estimation of 392 Detecting 315 ~-Carbonate Magnesium Magnesia in Admixture with Estimation of 211 -- Much Normal Detection of Small Quantities of Alkali Bicarbonate in Carbonated Waters Ammonia in the Estimation of 173 Carbonates Alkali Fusion of Certain Rare Earths with Separation of Tungsten from - Metallic Influence of on the Estimation of the Volatile Substances in - Rapid Estimation of 106 Presence of 372 Iron Beryllium and Aluminium 591 Coal 360 Carbonic Acid Volumetric Determination of 207 Carnauba Wax and Beeswax Hydrocarbons in Estimation of 348 Carotin Detection of 199 Casein Commercial Analysis of 493 Castor-Bean Lipase Experiments with 316 Catalase Reductase and Leucocyte Tests Comparative Value of in Detecting Mastitis 401 -- Separation of Peroxydase from 315 Catalytic Action of Light on the Oxidation of Phenolphthalin to Phenolphthalein 30 Cathode Mercury Use of particularly in the Electro- Analytical Separation of Cayenne Pepper Adulteration of Detection of 259 (Cayenne Pepper) Capsicum Composition of 56 Cellular Membranes Structural Elements of 503 Cellulose in Woods and Textile Fibres Estimation of 268 510 Cement and Cernent Raw Materials Analysis of 208 - Portland Tree Time in Use of Higher Phenols in Testing for 582 - Raw Materials and Cement Analysis of 208 Centrifuge Laboratory for Quantitative Separation and Estimation of Solids and Liquids 286 Ceresin and Paraffin Wax Mixtures of Analysis of 59 Ceylon Tobaccos Analyses of 500 Charnpaca Oils 28 Changes taking place in Meats Physico-Chemical Method for Determining, Charcoal as a Clarifying Agent in the Estimation of Sugar in Urine Use of 57 Cheese the Estimation of Fat in Modified Butyrometer Tube for 221 Chemical Analysis a New Method of Crystallo-Chemical Analysis 526 Chemistry Agricultural Solubility Estimations in 37 Cherries and Liqueur Maraschino Benzaldehyde in Estimation of 446 Metals 279 45 xlii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII Chinese and Japanese Wood Oil the Examination of 543 - Wood Oil Heat Test for 410 Method of Examining 410 - Refractive Index of 410 Chloral Small Quantities of Detection of in Presence of Chloroform 254 Chlorates and Chloric Acid Volumetric Estimation of 373 Chloride Ammonium Inversion of Sucrose Solutions by Means of 576 - - Arsenious Volatility of 580 -- Calcium Estimation of Alkalis in Silicates by Fusion with 146 -- Electrolytes Acidified Electro-Analysis of Copper Antimony Bismuth and Tin with 584 -- Mercury-Ammonium the Analysis of Gravimetric and Volumetric Methods for 33 -- Titanous Titration of Copper Salts with 516 (Chlorites) Chlorous Acid Estimation of 583 Chloroform Small Quantities of Chloral in Presence of Detection of 254 - Vapours and Ether in Air Gasometric Estimation of 513 Chlorophyll Minute Quantities of Delicate Method for Determining 503 Chlorous Acid (Chlorites) Estimation of 583 Cholesterol Effect of Autolysis o n ; Errors in the Estimation of Cholesterol by the - the Crude of Butter Tat and Crude Fhylosterdl 01 Cocoanut Ufl an& Chromium Estimation of and its Separation from Vanadium Steels 146 - in Bronzes Containing Tin and Antimony Estimation of 374 Cineol in Volatile Oils Estimation of 461 Cinnamein in Peru Balsam Estimation of 93 Cinnamic Acid Estimation of by Means of Bromine in Aqueous Solution 102 Citric Acid Estimation of 199 Citronella Oil Geraniol in Direct Estimation of 363 - Oil of Analysis of 567 Clarifying Agent in the Estimation of Sugar in Urine Use of Charcoal as 57 Clavicepsin A New Glucoside in Ergot of Rye 19 Coagulation Mechanism of 353 - of Albumin by Heat and its Precipitation by Mercuric-Potassium Iodide.Gravimetric and Volumetric Estimations 458 Coal and Coke Methods of Analysing 317 Bitter Method 199 the Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter Fat 497 -Mines Explosives Used in Investigations of 290 -Tar Dyestuffs the Seven Allowed (U.S.A.) to be Employed for Colouring the Coking Test of New Apparatus for 383 the Volatile Substances in the Estimation of Influence of Metallic Carbonates Foodstuffs Mixtures of Method for Separating 19 on 360 (Cobaltinitrite Method Potassium Sodium) Potash Analysis 588 Cobaltinitrites and their Application to Analytical Chemistry Study of 322 Cocoa Cocoa-Husks in Estimation of 52 - Pat in Estimation of by Means of Zeiss’ Refractometer 495 -- -Husks in Cocoa Estimation of 52 Cocoanut Oil and Butter Fat in Margarine the Determination of Notes on 122 and the Crude Cholesterol of Butter Fat 497 Powders Husk in Estimation of 402 -- in Butter and Lard Detection of 93 - - Fat the Detection of and Crude Phytosterol of Cocoanut Oil -- Shrewsbury and Knapp’s Process for Estimating Notes on JNDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.xliii Cocoanut Oil or Palm Kernel Oils Margarines Containing on the Relation between Coin a Counterfeit Gold Note on 7 Coke and Coal Methods of Analysing 317 Coking Test of Coal New Apparatus for 383 Cold Solvents Estimation of Fat by Extraction with 102 Colloidal Chemical Methods Detection of Adulteration by 557 -- Silicic Acid Phosphoric Acid in Presence of Estimation of 214 -- Solutions the Concentration o€ Estimation of with the New Interferometer Colloids in Arable Soils Estimation of 98 Colorimeter for Rapid Work with Widely Varying Standards 329 Colorimetric Determination of Iron in Lead and its Oxides 520 Kirschner and Polenske Values for 183 for Liquids 382 - Estimation of Hydrogen Ion Concentrations Application of Methyl-Red to 142 - Phenols in Effluents 30 - -_ Salicylic Acid and Copper 104 -- Method for the Estimation of Tryptophane and the Quantity of Trypto-- Method for the Estimation of Uric Acid 358 -I - New for the Determination of Vanillin in Flavouring Extracts, --.- - - for Titanium 590 Colour Reaction Blue of Phosphotungstic Acid with Uric Acid and Other Substances, 355 phane in Horny Tissue and Other Proteins 565 501 - of Alcohols and Alcoholic Hydroxyl Groups 407 - of Ammonia 468 Colouring Matter of Flour the Nature of and its Relation to Processes of Natural and Artificial Bleaching Report to the Local Government Board on 596 Combustion of Volatile Organic Liquids 361 Commercial Benzol Sulphur Compounds in Estimation and Elimination of 100 - Casein Analysis of 493 - Lead Arsenates Determination of Soluble Arsenic in Short Method for, - Rennet the Activity of Estimation of 564 -- Starches for Use in Cotton Mills Method for Determining the Value of, -- Value of Wood Preservatives Tests to Determine 578 Compensation Method New for the Comparison of Quantities of Radium and Some Complex Lipoids Proximate Analysis of by Alcoholysis 463 Condensed Milk Sucrose in Estimation of 450 Conductivity Electrical an Apparatus for Testing Water by Measurement of its 538 Congress of Applied Chemistry Eighth International 238 Conifers Oxalic Acid in the Leaves of Estimation of 204 Constant Flow Aspirator 481 206 368 Applications of this Method 473 Sweetened Australian Composition of 49 -Pressure Hydrogen Generator 331 -Temperature Heating Apparatus for Explosives and Experiments on the Decomposition of Nitrocelluloses 222 Continuous Fractional Distillation of Water 474 Copaiba Oil Examination of 347 Copper Analysis the Iodide Method of the Electrolytic Standardisation of the Conditions of rznd Sources of Error 27 xliv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.Copper and Salicylic Acid Colorimetric Estimation of 104 - -Arsenic Group Precipitation of and Separation of its Divisions 376 ~- Fungicides 262 ~- - in Pyrites Electro-Analytical Estimation of 468 Antimony Bismuth and Tin Electro- Analysis of with Acidified Cliloride Determination of A Modification of the Iodine Method 66 Electrolytes 584 Iodimetric Estimation of 375 Oxygen and Occluded Gases in Estimation of 375 Quantitative Separation and Estimation of by Means of Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride 583 Quantitative Separation of from Arsenic Aluminium Zinc Tungsten and Tin by Means of Hydrogen Peroxide in Presence of Sodium Hydroxide and Sugar 210 - -Reducing Power of Normal Urine 264 - Reduction Methods Sugar Analysis by a Critical Study of 413 Cotton Mills Commercial Starches for Use in Method for Determining the Value of, -- Wax Characteristics of 202 Cow’s and Goat’s Milk the Serum of Refractometer Value of 317 Cream and Milk Regulations (Draft) Government Report 109 -- Milk etc.Certain Proprietary Substances Sold as Preservatives for Analyses and Methods of Detection of Report to the Local Government Board on 155 Small Quantities of in Plants Detection and Estimation of 313 368 - _- f New Preservative for Note on 178 Creosote Oil and Other Oils Used for Preserving Timber Antiseptic Effect of 56 -- the Sulphonation Test for Modification of 269 Cresol the Volumetric Estimation of Bromine and Iodine Methods for 408 p-Cresol and Phenol in the Presence of Each Other Estimation of 62 Crucible Shimer the Newest form of Determination of Carbon in Steel by Direct Combustion in with the Aid of a Perforated Clay Disc 521 Crucibles Porcelain etc.Marking of 289 Crude Fibre Estimation of 447 - the Sweeney Method for Modification of 447 Crystallo-Chemical Analysis A New Method of Chemical Analysis 526 Cyanides Detection and Estimation of Halides in tho Presence of by Means of Cyanogen and Hydrogen Cyanide Detection and Determination of 511 Cypress the Southern Oil of 364 Formaldehyde 461 Dairy Federation the International Study Committee of 532 - Materials and Water Sterilisatjon of by Ultra-Violet Rays 196 Density of Minerals Determination of by Means of Rohrbach Solution of Standard Densivolumeter New for Determination of Density of Solids 328 Device Adiabatic for Bomb Calorimeter 326 -- for the Combustion of Volatile Substances Estimation of Halogens in Organic Dextrose Detection of La?vulose in the Presence of 507 Refractive Index 148 Compounds Including 461 in the Presence of Other Optically Active Substances Estimation of by in Urine and Blood Estimation of 140 Bertrand’s Method 512 Diabetic Urine Glycuronic Acid in Detection of 50 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.xlv Diastatic Power of Malt 58 Digestive Enzymes the Assay of Observations on 57 Digitalis Chemical Valuation of 189 Dimethyl-Glyoxime Action of on Platinum Salts 524 Dimethylglyoxime as a Reagent for Ferrous Salts 102 Diphenylamine Test for Gun-Cotton 512 Direct Determination of Rubber 574 Dirt in Milk Estimation of 450 Dish the Petri for Cultivating Fungi and for Biological Analysis a Substitute for, Distillation Arrangement Modified Soxhlet Extraction Apparatus with 592 - or Evaporation of Liquids Apparatus for Controlling and for Cutting off the Supply of Gas to a Burner after any Desired Length of Time, 221 - Rapid of Mercury in Vacuo Apparatus for 528 Distilled Vinegar when Stored in Wooden Casks the Acid-Content of Alteration Drugs Beverages and Foods Saccharin and Dulcin in Separation and Identifica-Value of Papain Determination of 405 Separation of Nickel and Palladium by Means of 379 561 Continuous Fractional of Water 474 of 23 tion of.23 Dry Matter in Potatoes Estimation of and the Applicability of the Ordinary Tables, 259 Drying Oven 385 Dulcin and Saccharin in Beverages Foods and Drugs Separation and Identification of 23 Dyes Aniline and Turmeric in Mustard Detection of 557 _-_- Certain the Detection and Separation of on the Application of Adsorption to 339 Dyestuffs Azo Titration of by Means of Hydrosulphite 568 Coal-Tar the Seven Allowed (U.S.A.) to be Employed for Colouring Food-stuffs Mixtures of Method for Separating 19 Dynamite Exudation of Nitroglycerine from 572 - Glycerol Valuation of 103 Earth Reactions Rare in Non- Aqueous Solvents 524 Earths Certain Rare Fusion of with Alkali Carbonates.from Iron Beryllium and Aluminium 591 Separation of Tungsten the Rare Separation of 380 Eastern France Wines from Analyses of 352 Ebullioscopic Determinations at Low Temperatures ( - 36' to - 83' C.) 287 Edible Beans from Hong-Kong 494 Effluents Phenols in Colorimehric Estimation of 30 - Sewage Nitrates in Estimation of 149 Eggs Hens' Composition of 25 Ehrlich's Reaction for Aldehydes and Urobilinogen of Urine 28 Electric Current Separation of Rennin and Pepsin by Means of the 141 - Vacuum Furnace Determination of Oxygen in Iron and Steel by Reduction Electrical Conductivity an Apparatus for Testing Water by Measurement of its 538 Electrically-Heated Microscope Slide 592 in an 586 - Furnace for Studying the Course of Reactions under Great Pressure 288 - Method Analysis of Organic Substances by 33 xlvi INDEX TO VOL'IJME XXXVII.Electro-Analysis of Copper Antimony Bismuth and Tin with Acidified Chloride -- Analytical Estimation of Copper in Pyrites 468 -__ Separation of Metals Use of the Mercury Cathode Particularly in, Electrochemical Analysis Perchloric Acid in 279 Electrode the Hydrogen Rapid Determination of Magnesia in Limestone by Means Constituents 584 279 of 585 Electrolytes Acidified Chloride Electro-Analysis of Copper Antimony Bismuth and Tin with 584 Electrolytic 'Apparatus for Use in Invert Sugar Determinations 576 - Estimation of Manganese and its Separation from Iron 419 - -_-- of Molybdenum.Electrometric Determination of the Reaction of Liquids Containing Carbon Dioxide, Elementary Analysis 508 Elements Structural of Cellular Membranes 503 Part I. 420 416 the Common System of Qualitative Analysis for.Part V. Acidic Con stituents 322 Elm-Seed Fat 201 Embryo and Aleurone Layer of Hordeum Amyloclastic Secretory Capacities of the 97 Emulsions Lecithin Method of Preparing and the Subsequent Estimation of their - Oil Saponin and Saccharin in Estimation of 22 Engler's Redwood's and Saybolt's Viscosimeters Comparative Examination of 223 Enumeration Direct of Bacteria in Water by Means of the Ultra-Microscope Value Enzyme Action Studies on. 11. Hydrolytic Action of Some Amino-Acids and Poly-peptides on Certain Esters 353 - Proteolytic of Malt 504 Enzymes Digestive the Assay of Observations on 57 Ergot of Rye a New Glucoside in Clavicepain 19 Error Source of in the Kjeldahl-Gunning Method 203 - Sources of and the Electrolytic Standardisation of the Conditions of the Iodide Method of Copper Analysis 277 -- in the Estimation of the Polenske Value of Fats 256 Essential Oil in Mustard Estimation of 309 -_ in Preparations of Mustard Estimation of 451 Essential Oils in Spices etc.Small Quantities of the Estimation of. Ester Method for the Detection of Mom-Anirno-Acids together with Polypeptides 272 Esterification of Monamino Acids by Means of Ethyl Iodide. Separation of Pyrroli-Esters Certain Hydrolytic Action of Some Amino-Acids and Polypeptides on. Ether and Chloroform Vapours in Air Gasometric Estimation of 513 - Petroleum Ether the Higher Fatty Acids in Solubilities of the Lead Salts Strength 307 of 317 of Honey Inversion of Sucrose by the 194 Part II. 88 New Philippine 61 donecarboxylic Acid from Glutamic Acid 360 Studies on Enzyme Action 353 of 399 - in Normal Salt Solution Solubility of 448 Ethyl Alcohol and Spirits Methyl Alcohol in Detection of 567 Eudiometer Explosion Modified 38 Evacuated Vessel the Flow of a Gas into a Convenient Apparatus for Regulating, and for Obtaining an Average Sample of Gas 25 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.xlvii Evaporation or Distillation of Liquids Apparatus for Controlling and for Cutting Explosion Eudiometer Modified 38 Explosions and Fires Mine Use of Mice and Birds for Detecting Carbon Monoxide Explosives Constant-Temperature Heating Apparatus for and Experiments on the Extract in Wort and Beer Estimation of 502 Extraction Apparatus 427 - New 39 --_ Soxhlet Modified with Distillation Arrangement 596 -- Thimble New Form of 288 Extracts Flavouring the Determination of Vanillin in New Colorimetric Method for, off the Supply of Gas to a Burner after any Desired Length of Time 221 after 315 Decomposition of Nitrocelluloses 222 - Used in Coal-Mines Investigations of 290 - with Cold Solvents Estimation of Fat by 102 501 -_- Meat Some New Zealand Chemical Composition of 193 .-_ Tobacco Nicotine in Methods of Estimating 452 - the Nitrogenous Constituents of Changes in the Composition of, 21 Fabrics Rubberised Analysis and Testing of 575 Fat and Lipoids in Blood Estimation of and Notes on the So-Called Lipolysis, 561 - Butter and Cocoanut Oil in Margarine the Determination of Notes on, -- the Crude Cholesterol of and Crude Phytosterol of Cocoanut Oil and the Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter Fat 497 - Elm-Seed 201 - Estimation of by Extraction with Cold Solvents 102 - Hare Composition of 255 - Hydnocarpus 20 - in Animal Substances Kumagawa-Suto Method of Estimating 354 - in Cheese the Estimation of Modified Butyrometer Tube for 221 - in Cocoa Estimation of by Means of Zeiss’ Refractometer 495 - Loss of during the Drying of Animal Tissues 355 Fats and Bassia Kernels 54 and Oils Certain Vegetable Bromine Adsorption of 403 -- Glycerides Occurring in Heptadecoic Acid and its Glyceride 411 Fractional Saponification of 558 Glycerol in Estimation of 571 Other Margarine and Butter Benzoic Acid in Estimation of 92 Saponification of by Sulphuric Acid 256 - the Polenske Value of the Estimation of Sources of Error in 256 - Vegetable Some Analytical Constants of 349 Fatty Acid Free Effect of on Specific Gravity of Some Fatty Oils 410 - Acids Small Quantities of Estimation of the Molecular Weight of 203 - the Higher in Ether and in Petroleum Ether Solubilities of the Lead - Oils Obtained from the Seeds of Illicium Ve~zm Hook and Illiciuii~ Religiosunt -- Some Specific Gravity of Effect of Free Fatty Acid on 410 Feeding Materials Some Acid-Soluble Phosphorus Compounds of 193 Fehling’s Solution the Estimation of Furfural by Means of 41 122 Salts of 399 Sieb Composition of 49 xlviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.Fehling’s Solution the Estimation of Reducing Sugars by Influence of Peptones on, Fermented Beverages Caramel in Detection of 18 Ferric Tron Presence of Certain Organic Substances the Estimation of 179 -- Salts Compounds of with Albumoses 408 Ferricyanides Reaction of Hydrazine and Hydroxylarnine with and New Methods for Estimating Hydrazine and Ferricyanides 417 Ferro-Alloys Carbon in Use of Oxygen under Pressure for Estimating 379 Ferrocyanide Titration of Zinc Influence of Lead on 585 Ferrocyanides Estimation of 362 Ferro-Tungsten Manganese in Rapid Estimation of 107 Ferrotungsten Tungsten in Rapid and Exact Estimation of 220 Ferro-Zircon Analysis of 220 -- The Analysis of a New Method for and Separation of Zirconium from Ferrous Ion Estimation of the by Means of Iodine 32 - Iron in Silicate Rocks Estimation of 146 - Salts Dimethylglyoxime as a Reagent for 102 Perruginous Minerals Zinc in Estimation of 425 Fibre Crude Estimation of 447 - - the Sweeney Method for Modification of 447 Fibres Hemp and Flax Microscopic Differentiation of 195 Fibres Textile and Woods Cellulose in Estimation of 268,510 Filter Inorganic for Laboratory Purposes New Type of 526 - Pumps Valve for 480 Filtration with Alundum Plates 109 Finishes Textile Analysis of 200 Fires and Explosions Mine Use of Mice and Birds for Detecting Carbon Monoxide Fish Oils Viscosity of 143 Flavouring Extracts the Determination of Vanillin in New Colorimetric Method Flax and Hemp Fibres Microscopic Differentiation of 195 Flour Baking Qualities of 190 - (‘ Gasolene Colour Value” of the Determination of Method for 255 - Improver 90 - Mustard An& - Studies on 495 - the Baking Qualities of Influence of the Concentration of Hydrogen Ions on, 257 - the Colouring Matter of the Nature of and its Relation to Processes of Natural and Artificial Bleaching Report to the Local Government Board on 596 Flours Mustard and Oil-Cakes Mustard Oils in Estimation of 95 Flue Gases the Technical Analysis of Use of the Zeiss Interferometer in 427 Fluid Spermatic Microchemical Reaction of 358 Fluids Other Physiological and Urine Blood in Detection of 506 Fluorescein Detection of Bromine by 145 Fluorescence Test for Mineral and Rosin Oils 30 Fluorides Detection of 32 Fluorine in Foods etc.Detection of 191 - Minute Quantities of in Waters Minerals and Living Tissues Detection Fluorspar Valuation of 210 Food AnalysiP New Sublimation Apparatus and its A4pplication in 428 367 Iron and Aluminium 36 after 315 for 501 s of 55 and Estimation of 51 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.xrix Foods and Beverages Saponin in Detection of by Hemolysis 350 - and Drugs Acts the Sale of 1875 to 1907 Circular to Local Authorities for the - AND DRUGS ANALYSIS ABSTACTS 18 51 92 137 189 254 306 347 400 446, - Benzoic Acid in Detection of 349 - Beverages and Drugs Saccharin and Dulcin in Separation and Identification - etc. Cane-Sugar in Estimation of 493 - 9 - Fluorine in Detection of 191 - Inspectors of on the Work of 71 - Saccharin in Estimation of 194 - Vegetable Amounts of Arsenic in 254 Food-Stuffs and Other Organic Substances Incineration of Prior to the Determina-tion of their Phosphorus-Content 257 -- Phosphorus in Determination of by Foodstuffs the Seven Coal-Tar Dyestuffs Allowed (U.S.A.) to be Employed for Formaldehyde Detection and Estimation of Halides in the Presence of Cyanides by - Method Estimation of the Amino-Acids in Plants by Means of the 312 ~~ Solutions the Strength of Refractometric Estimation of 202 - Tetraformal- trisazine from and Hydrazine Hydrate a New Reducing Formic Acid in Fruit Products Detection of 403 -- in Syrups Detection and Estimation of 558 -- in the Presence of Other Acids Estimation of by Means of Potassium Formolite Reaction Application of to the Analysis of Paraffin Wax 274 Fractional Distillation of Water Continuous 474 - Saponification of Fats 558 France Eastern Wines from Analyses of 352 Free Bromine Sensitive Reaction of 581 Purposes of 434 492,557 of 23 Titration with Uranyl Solutions 258 Colouring Method for Separating Mixtures of 19 Means of 461 Estimation of 269 -Agent for Analytical Use 369 - in Honey 258 Permanganate 270 Carbon Dioxide in Water Estimation of by Titration with Alkalis in the Fatty Acid Effect of on Specific Gravity of Some Fatty Oils 410 Lime in Portland Cement Use of Higher Phenols in Testing for 582 Sulphur Estimation of Rapid Volumetric Method for 151 Presence of Phenolphthalein 582 Freezing-Point of Milk 307 Frehse’s and Yamvaka’s Tests Detection of Saponin and Glycyrrhizin in Lemonades Freshness of Milk Tests for Ascertaining the 25 Fruit Juice Statistics for the Year 1911 94 - Juices Watered Nitric Acid in Detection of 21 - Products Formic Acid in Detection of 403 Fulminate Mercury Investigations on 318 Fungi Cultivating the Petri Dish for and for Biological Analysis a Substitute for 561 Fungicides Copper 262 Furfural the Estimation of by Means of Fehling’s Solution 41 Furnace Electric Vacuum Determination of Oxygen in Iron and Steel by Reduction b y Means of 22 in 58 1 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.Furnace Electrical for Studying the Course of Reactions under Great Pressure 288 Fuse and Miners’ Squibs Investigations of 291 Gas an Average Sample of a Convenient Apparatus for Obtaining and for Regulating -- Apparatus for Cutting off the Supply of to a Burner after any Desired Length - Flow of Combined Governor and Gauge for Regulating 330 - Illuminating Sulphur in Estimation of 152 -- Mixtures Hydrogen and Methane in Estimation of 518 -- Producer Tar in Estimation of 275 -- -Water Pyridine in the Presence of Ammonia in Rapid Estimation of 574 Gases Evolved Measurement of Apparatus for Extracting Liquids with Immiscible - Flue the Technical Analysis of Use of the Zeiss Interferometer in 427 - Occluded and Oxygen in Copper Estimation of 375 - Poisonous from Oilfields 486 ‘‘ Gasolene Colour Value ” of Flour the Determination of Method for 265 Gasometric Estimation of Ether and Chloroform Vapours in Air 513 Gauge and Governor Combined for Regulating Flow of Gas 330 Gelatin Arsenic in Occurrence of 94 Gels Silicic Acid Vapour Pressure Isothermals of Apparatus for Determination of, Generator Hydrogen Constant-Pressure 331 Geochemical Interpretation of Water Analysis 107 Geraniol in Citronella Oil Direct Estimation of 363 Gironde the Department of Analyses of Wines from 352 Glands Thyroid Iodine Content of 455 Glasses Soda Lime the Refractive Index of Relation of to their Chemical Gliadin or Alcohol-Soluble Protein in Wheat-Flour Determination of 19 Glucosamine in Ovomucoid and Pseudomucin Polarimetric Estimation of 561 Glucose in Leather Estimation of 270 Glucoside New in Ergot of Rye Clavicepsin 19 Glutamic Acid Separrttion of Pyrrolidonecarboxylic Acid from.Glyceride Heptadecoic Acid and its Glycerides Occurring in Fats and Oils 411 Glycerol Dynamite Valuation of 103 - - in Fats Estimation of 571 -- in Wine Estimation of 260 - in Wines the Estimation of New Method for 351 Glycyrrhiaic Acid in Liquorice Juice Estimation of 138 Glycyrrhiain and Saponin in Lemonades Detection of by Means of Vamvakas’ and Glycin Picrate Composition and Properties of and Separation of Glycin from Alanin, Glycuronic Acid in Diabetic Urine Detection of 507 Goat’s and Cow’s Milk tbe Serum of Refractometer Value of 317 Gold Bullion Sampling 517 - Salts Reaction of with m-Phenylenediamine 469 the Flow of a Gas into an Evacuated Vessel 250 of Time and for controlling the Evaporation or Distillation of Liquids 221 Analysis Apparatus New Forms of 288 -- Rapid Removal of Nitrogen from by Sparking Apparatus for 224 Solvents and for 69 328 Composition 278 Esterification of Monamino Acids by Means of Ethyl Iodide 360 Frehse’s Tests 22 570 Coin a Counterfeit Note on 7 Silver and Platinum Estimation of 28 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.li Government Reports 109 155 432 Governor and Gauge Combined for Regulating Flow of Gas 330 Granules Starch Notes on and Apparatus for the Estimation of Adulterants in Grass Oils Aromatic Part I. 61 Gravimetric Analysis Simplification of 31 Vegetable Powders 529 9- Part II. 197 - 9 - Part III. 265 - and Volumetric Estimations. The Coagulation of Albumin by Heat and its Precipitation by Mercuric-Potassium Iodide 458 -- - Methods for the Analysis of Mercury - Ammonium Chloride 33 Grignard Reagent Quantitative Estimation of Hydroxy- Amino- and Imino-Derivatives of Organic Compounds by Means of and the Nature of the Changes Taking Place in Solution 201 Group the Copper-Arsenic Precipitation of and Separation of its Divisions 376 Guadaloupe Rum Composition of 97 Gum in Syrups Estimation of 94 - Resins Notes on the 270 - Tragacanth Volatile Acidity of Compared with that of Indian Gum 318 Gun-Cotton Diphenylamine Test for 512 Gutzeit Test Determination of Small Quantities of Arsenic by the 579 Haemolysis Detection of Saponin in Foods and Beverages by 350 Haemolytic Action their Toxicity of Mushrooms 563 Hair of Persons who have Received Subcutaneous Doses of Mercury Compounds, Halides in the Presence of Cyanides Detection and Estimation of by Means of Halogens and Sulphur in Small Quantities of Organic Substances Estimation of 216 in Organic Compounds Estimation of Including a Device for the Combus- Other and Organic Matter Iodine in the Presence of Determination of, Hand Photometer New 429 Hardy and Arnold the Method of for the Rapid Estimation of Sulphur in Siderur-Hare Fat Composition of 255 Hawaiian Soil Humus in Determination of 513 Health Public Act (Regulations as to Food) 1907 Regulations under the 432 Heat Alteration of Nitrocellulose and Nitrocellulose Powders by 104 - Test for Chinese Wood Oil 410 Heating Apparatus Constant-Temperature for Explosives and Experiments on the Decomposition of Nitrocelluloses 222 Heats Latent of Vaporisation of Mixed Liquids.Part 111. Mixtures of Associated with Non-Associated Liquids and the Detection of Solvstes in Mixtures of Liquids 362 Heavy Petroleum in Paints and Vegetable Oils the Detection of 247 Hemp and Flax Fibres Microscopic Differentiation of 195 Hens' Eggs Composition of 25 Heptadecoic Acid and its Glyceride Glycerides Occurring in Fats and Oils 411 High-Grade Tungsten Alloys Analysis of 424 Higher Fatty Acids in Ether and in Petroleum Ether Solubilities of the Lead Salts Occurrence of Mercury in.Formaldehyde 461 Detection of Minute Quantities of Mercury 562 tion of Volatile Substances 461 418 gical Products Modification of 283 of 39 lii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIl. Higher Oxides of Lead Analysis of 148 Phenols Use of in Testing for Free Lime in Portland Cement 582 Hippuric Acid Beneoic Acid and Phenaceturic Acid in Urine Estimation of 356 Honey Analysis Applic&tion 01 the Quantitative Precipitin Reaction in II. 404 -- Formic Acid in 258 -_- from Various Countries Composition of 53 -_- the Analysis of Examination of Methods Used in 449 -- the Enzymes of Inversion of Sucrose by 194 -- the Mutarotation of 95 Hong-Kong Edible Beans from 494 Hop Determination of Hard and Total Soft Resins in the Comparative study of the Hops in Worts and Beers Bitter Resins of and their Volumetric Estimation 139 Hordeum the Embryo and Aleurone Layer of Amyloclastic Secretory Capacities Horny Tissue and Other Proteins the Quantity of Tryptophane in and Colorimetric Hubener Bromide Method for the Estimation of Caoutchouc 509 Hiibener’s Bromide Method for the Estimation of Caoutchouc 202 Humus in Hawaiian Soil Determination of 513 - Soil Studies on 466 Husk in Cocoa Powders Estimation of 402 Hydnocarpus Fat 20 Hydrazine and Hydroxylamine Reaction of with Ferricyanides and New Methods - Estimation of 364 - Hydrate and Formaldehyde a New Reducing Agent for Analytical Use, Hydrocarbon Mixtures Analysis of 462 Hydrocarbons Benzene and Petroleum Spirit in Turpentine Oil Estimation of 274 Hydrochloric Acid Estimation of Arsenious Acid with Permanganate in Presence of, Hydrochloride Hydroxylamine Quantitative Separation and Estimation of Copper Hydrocyanic Acid Rate of Evolution of from Linseed under Digestive Conditions, Hydrogen Active in Organic Compounds Quantitative Estimation of by Magnesium-- in Urine the Estimation of Method for 507 - New Method for 356 Methods for 191 of 97 Method for the Estimation of Tryptophanes 565 - Rubber 465 for Estimating Hydrazine and Ferricyanides 417 from Tetraformal-trisaeine 369 - in Beeswax and Carnauba Wax Estimation of 348 - Other in Turpentine Detection of 311 417 by Means of 583 313 Methyl Iodide 571 - and Methane in Gas Mixtures Estimation of 517 - Cyanide and Cyanogen Detection and Determination of 511 -- - Electrode Rapid Determination of Magnesia in Limestone by Means of -- Generator Constant-Pressure 331 - Ion Concentrations the Colorimetric Estimation of Application of Methyl-- Ions in Sea-Water Concentration of Measurement of 425 - Influence of the Concentration of on the Baking Qualities of Flour, - Peroxide and Alkali Behaviour of Invert Sugar in the Presence of 28 the 585 Red to 142 25 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.liii Bydrogen Peroxide and Nitric Acid Use of a Mixture of in Analytical Work 212 -- in Presence of Sodium Hydroxide and Sugar Quantitative Separation of Copper from Arsenic Aluminium Zinc Tungsten and Tin by Means of 210 - Sulphide Qualitative Analysis without 377 (Hydrogenised) Solidified Oils 452 Hydrolysis Complete of Proteins Conditions for 573 Hydrolytic Action of Some Amino-Acids and Polypeptides on Certain Esters.11. Studies on Enzyme Action 353 Hydrosulphite Titration of Azo Dyestuffs by Means of 568 Hydroxy- Amino- and Imino-Derivatives of Organic Compounds Quantitative Estimation of by Means of the Grignard Reagent and the Nature of the Changes Taking Place in Solution 201 p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid the Estimation of Small Quantities of Salicylic Acid in P-Hydroxybutyric Acid and Lactic Acid Estimation of in Mixtures of the Same, I-P-Hydroxybutyric Acid in Urine and Blood Quantitative Estimation of 314 Hydroxyl Groups Alcoholic and Alcohols Colour Reaction of 407 Hydroxylamine and Hydrazine Reaction of with Ferricyanides and New Methods Hydrochloride Quantitative Separation and Estimation of Copper Presence of Excess of Biochemical Method for 316 409 for Estimating Hydrazine and Ferricyanides 417 by Means of 583 Ignition Effect of on the Solubility of Soil Phosphates 523 Illiciurn Verum Hook and Illicium Religiosum Sieb the Fatty Oils Obtained from the Seeds of Composition of 495 Illuminating Gas Sulphur in Estimation of 152 Imino- Hydroxy- and Amino-Derivatives of Organic Compounds Quantitative Estimation of by Means of the Grignard Reagent and the Nature of the Changes Taking Place in Solution 201 Imitation Parchment Papers and ‘( Pergamyn,” 144 Immiscible Solvents Extracting Liquids with Apparatus for and for Measurement of Evolved Gases 69 Improvements in the Ludwig-Sipocz Method for the Estimation of Water in Sili-cates 380 Improver a Flour 90 Incineration of Food-Stuffs and Other Organic Substances Prior to the Determination of their Phosphorus-Content 257 Index Refractive of Beeswax 348 -_ of Chinese Wood Oil 410 - of Soda Lime Glasses Relation of to their Chemical Composition, 278 Indian Gum Volatile Acidity of Gum Tragacanth Compared with that of 318 Indicator in Iodimetric Titrations the Use of Methylene Blue as 262 Indigos Containing Starch Analysis of 319 Indole Reaction the 562 INORGANIC ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 31 64 106,145 206 276 321 372 414 468 516, Use of Phenolphthalein as an 320 579 - Filter for Laboratory Purposes New Type of 526 Phosphorus in Plant Substances Estimation of 472 INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY 76 119 162 294 438 Intensity Distribution in Blood Spectra Photographic Estimation of 31 1 iv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.Interferometer New for Liquids Estimation of the Concentration of Colloidal Invert Sugar Determinations Electrolytic Apparatus for Use in 576 -- Expanded Meissl-Hiller Table for 575 -_ in the Presence of Alkali and Hydrogen Peroxide Behaviour of 28 Iodide Cadmium Potassium Determination of Ozone by Means of 587 - Magnesium Methyl Quantitative Estimation of Active Hydrogen in Organic -- Method of Copper Analysis the Electrolytic Standardisation of the Conditions Iodides Determination of by Direct Titration 378 -- - etc.the Method of Precipitating Metals as from Sulphuric Acid Solution, Applications of 519 ____ - the Xstiniation of Methods for 519 Iodimetric Estimation of Copper 375 Iodine and Bromine Methods for the Volumetric Estimation of Cresol 408 -- Content of Thyroid Glands 455 -- Estimation of the Ferrous Ion by Means of 32 - - in the Presence of Other Halogens and Organic Matter Determination of 418 -- Method a Modification of the Determination of Copper 66 - - Value and the Structure of Acids of the Oleic Series Relationship between, Ion the Ferrous Estimation of by Means of Iodine 32 Ions Hydrogen in Sea-Water Concentration of Measurement of 425 Influence of the Concentration of on the Baking Qualities of Flour, Iron and Aluminium Separation of Zirconium from and a New Method for the and Steel Oxygen in Determination of by Reduction in an Electric Vacuum - Paint Films and Preservative Coatings for New Method for Testing, - Sulphur in Volumetric Estimation of 67 Fusion of Certain Solutions with 382 - the Zeiss Use of in the Technical Analysis of Flue Gases 427 Compounds by 571 of and Sources of Error 277 - Titrations Methylene Blue a8 an Indicator in the Use of 252 463 257 Analysis of Ferro-Zircon 36 Furnace 586 213 Beryllium and Aluminium Separation of Tungsten from.Ferric in Presence of Certain Organic Substances the Estimation of 179 Ferrous in Silicate Rocks Estimation of 146 in Lead and its Oxides Colorimetric Determination of 520 in Milk Estimation of 308 in (Pharmaceutical) Scale Preparations Determination of 306 Separation of from Titanium 323 469 Small Quantities of in Organic Substances Estimation of 32 Rare Earths with Alkali Carbonates 591 - Electrolytic Estimation of Manganese and its Separation from 419 Isothermals Vapour Pressure of Silicic Acid Gels Apparatus for Determination of, 328 Japanese and Chinese Wood Oil the Examination of 543 Juice Liquorice Glycyrrhizic Acid in Estimation of 138 Juices Fruit Watered Detection of Nitric Acid in 21 - - Plant the Oxidase Content of Measurement of 261 Ketoses and Aldoses Method of Distinguishing between 26 INDEX TO VOLUME xxxvrr.lv Kirschner and Polenske Values for Margarines Containing Cocoanut or Palm Kernel Oils on the Relation between 183 Kjeldahl-Gunning Method Source of Error in the 203 Knapp and Shrewsbury’s Process for Estimating Cocoanut Oil Notes on 3 Kola Nuts from British West Africa 258 Kumagawa-Suto Method of Estimating Fat in Animal Substances 354 Laboratory Apparatus Two New Pieces of 528 - Centrifuge for Quantitative Separation and Estimation of Solids and - Government the Work of for the Year Ending March 31 1912 Report - Purposes Inorganic Filter for New Type of 526 - Studies of Rennin 405 Lactic Acid Analysis of,% -- 2nd P-Hydroxybutyric Acid Estimation of in Mixtures of the Same 409 -(Lactose a Correction for) Reducing Sugar Methods Unification of 145 - -_ the Estimation of a New Method for and Behaviour of Milk when Treated Lmulose Detection of in the Presence of Dextrose 507 -- Reaction the Seliwanoff Physico-Chemical Basis of 367 Lamps Sodium Flame for Polarisation 594 Landsberger Boiling-Point Apparatus Modification of 326 Lanthanum Quartitative Separation of from Yttrium 469 Lard and Butter Cocoanut Oil in Detection of 93 Latent Heats of Vaporisation of Mixed Liquids.Lead and its Oxides Iron in Colorimetric Determination of 520 Liquids 286 of the Government Chemist upon with Appendices 530 - in the Presence of Proteins Estimation of 403 with Ammonium Sulphate 350 Part 111. Mixtures of Associated with Non-Associated Liquids and the Detection of Solvates in Mixtures of Liquids 362 Arsenates Commercial Determination of Soluble Arsenic in Short Method for, 206 - Assay the Ammonium Molybdate Method of on the Effect of Lime on 242 - Higher Oxides of Analysis of 148 - Influence of on the Ferrocyanide Titration of Zinc 585 - Salts of the Higher Fatty Acids in Ether and in Petroleum Ether Solubilities Leather Glucose in Estimation of 270 Leaves of Conifers Oxalic Acid in Estimation of 204 Lecithin Emulsions Method of Preparing and the Subsequent Estimation of their Strength 307 -- in Medicinal Tablets Estimation of 449 Lemon Peel Candied Analysis of 20 Lemonades Saponin and Glycyrrhizin in Detection of by Means of Vamvakas’ and Leucocyte Catalase and Reductase Tests Comparative Value of in Detecting Light Catalytic Action of on the Oxidation of Phenolphthalin to Phenolphthalein, - Energy Application of to the Study of Certain Problems in Analytical Lime Free in Portland Cement Use of Higher Phenols in Testing for 582 - Liquors Sulphides in Estimation of 325 of 399 Uva-Ursi the Analysis of Application of the Biochemical Method for 24 Frehse’s Tests 22 Mastitis 401 30 Chemistry 47 lvi INDEX TO VOLUME SXXVII.Lime On the Effect of on the Ammonium Molybdate Method of Lead Assay 242 Limestone Rapid Determination of Magnesia in by Means of the Hydrogen Linseed Evolution of Hydrocyanic Acid from under Digestive Conditions Rate of 313 - Oil and its Adulterants Tests for 192 Lintner’s Polarimetric Method for the Determination of Starch 498 Lipase Castor-Bean Experiments with 316 Lipoids and Fat in Blood Estimation of and Notes on the So-Called Lipolysis 561 - Complex Proximate Analysis of by Alcoholysis 463 Lipolysis the So-Called Notes on and Estimation of Fat and Lipoids in Blood 561 Liqueur and Cherries Maraschino Benzaldehyde in Estimation of 446 Liquids and Solids Quantitative Separation and Estimation of Laboratory Centrifuge for 286 - Apparatus for Controlling the Evaporation or Distillation of and for Cutting off the Supply of Gas to a Burner after any Desired Length of Time 221 - Automatic Analysis of Apparatus for 480 - Boiling the Bumping of Device for Preventing 153 - Containing Carbon Dioxide the Reaction of Electrometric Determination of, 416 - Extracting with Immiscible Solvents Apparatus for and for Measurement of Evolved Gases 69 - Mixed Vaporisation of Latent Heats of.Part 111. Mixtures of Associated with Non-Associated Liquids and the Detection of Solvates in Mixtures of Liquids 362 - in an Atmosphere Free from Carbon Dioxide Apparatus for Measuring 222 - the Boiling-Points of which Lie Close together or which Form Mixtures of Minimum Boiling-Point Separation of 272 - the New Interferometer for Estimation of the Concentration of Colloidal Solutions with 382 -- Volatile Molecular Weights of Determination of 595 - - Organic Combustion of 361 Liquorice Juice Glycyrrhizic Acid in Estimation of 138 Liquors Lime Sulphides in Estimation of 325 Lithium Determination of 470 Lithopone the Analysis of 238 Living Tissues Waters and Minerals Minute Quantities of Fluorine in Detection and Estimation of 517 Lucidol (Benzoyl Peroxide) Influence of on Certain Qualitative Tests for Oils 273 Ludwig-Sipocz Method for the Estimation of Water in Silicates Improvements in, (6 Luminator ” Treatment of Water 154 Luminescence Analysis 526 Electrode 585 380 Magnesia in Admixture with Magnesium Carbonate Estimation of 211 in Limestone Rapid Determination of by Means of the Hydrogen Electrode 585 Rods Use of Instead of Platinum Wire in Analytical Work 222 - Methyl Iodide Quantitative Estimation of Active Hydrogen in Organic Magnesium Carbonate Magnesia in Admixture with Estimation of 211 - Gravimetric Estimation of 471 Compounds by 571 Malic Acid Determination of 29 - and Succinic Acids in Wine Estimation of 453 Malt Proteolytic Enzyme of 50 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.lvii Malt the Diastatic Power of 58 Vinegar Standards for 123 Manganese Bismuthate Method for 148 - Determination of by the Bismuthate Method 522 - Electrolytic Estimation of and its Separation from Iron 419 - in Ferro-Tungsten Rapid Estimation of 107 - the Estimation of by the Bismuthate Method 554 - Total in Soils Estimation of 423 - Volumetric Estimation of 471 Maraschino Cherries and Liqueur Benzaldehyde in Estimation of 446 Margarine Butter and Other Fats Benzoic Acid in Estimation of 92 Margarines Containing Cocoanut or Palm Kernel Oils the Kirschner and Polenske Mastitis Comparative Value of the Catalase Reductase and Leucocyte Tests in Meal Examination of 139 Measurement of Concentration of Hydrogen Ions in Sea-Water 425 - of Evolved Gases Apparatus for and for Extracting Liquids with - of Relative Tryptic Activity 457 Measuring Absolute Viscosity Nethod of 154 -_ Liquids in an Atmosphere Free from Carbon Dioxide Apparatus for 222 Meat Extracts Some New Zealand Chemical Composition of 193 Meats Potassium Nitrate in Estimation of 140 -- the Changes Taking Place in Physico-Chemical Method for Determining 455 Mechanical Analysis of Arid Soils 588 - Soil Analysis Modification of the Method of 589 Medicinal Tablets Lecithin in Estimation of 449 Meissl-Hiller Table Expanded for Invert Sugar 575 Melting-Point Determination of with the Aid of the Microscope 428 -- of Pitch New Nethod for Determining 62 Membranes Cellular Structural Elements of 503 Mercuric-Potassium Iodide the Coagulation of Albumin by Heat and its Precipitation by Gravimetric and Volumetric Estimations 458 Mercurisalicylic Acid and Oxyphenyldimercuric Acetate Mercury in Estimation of 103 Mercurous Nitrate and Potassium Iodide as Sensitive Reagents for Tungsten and Molybdenum 378 Mercury-Ammonium Chloride the Analysis of Gravimetric and Volumetric Methods Butter Fat and Cocoanut Oil in the Determination of Notes on 122 Values for on the Relation between 183 Detecting 401 Immiscible Solvents 69 - the Nitrogenous Constituents of Changes in the Composition of 21 for 33 -- - Cathode Use of Particularly in the Electro-Analytical Separation of Metals, 279 -- Compounds Persons who have Received Subcutaneous Doses of Occurrence of Mercury in the Hair of Detection of Minute Quantities of Mercury 562 -- - Estimation of Use of Arsenious Acid in Volumetric Analysis 321 -- Fulminate Investigations on 318 -- in Oxyphenyldimercuric Acetate and Mercurisalicylic Acid Estimation of, - - in Smokeless Powder Estimation of 273 - - in Vacuo Rapid Distillation of Apparatus for 528 -_ - Thread Beckmann Thermometer with a Modified Arrangement for Setting 103 the 42 lviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.Metallic Carbonates Influence of on the Estimation of the Volatile Substances in Metals Other and Antimony Separation of Arsenic from by Means of Methyl Coal 360 Alcohol in a Current of Air 414 9 2 - the Separation of Arsenic from with Some Applica- - -tions to Toxicological Work 229 larly in 279 Applications of 519 - the Electro-Analytical Separation of Use of the Mercury Cathode particu-- the Method of Precipitating as Iodides etc. from Sulphuric Acid Solution, Methane and Hydrogen in Gas Mixtures Estimation of 518 Methyl Alcohol Detection and Estimation of 364 --_- in a Current of Air Separation of Arsenic from Antimony and Other Metals by Means of 414 --_- in Admixture with Alcohol and Especially in Spirits Estimation of, 514 - in Ethyl Alcohol and Spirits Detection of 567 -_- Small Quantities of Note on the Determination of 16 Methylcyclopentenolon in Pyroligneous Acid Occurrence of 319 Methylene Blue as an Indicator in Iodimetric Titrations The Use of 252 Metropolitan Water Board Research Work of Seventh Report on 195 Mice and Birds Use of for Detecting Carbon Monoxide after Mine Fires and Micro-Chemical Detection of Certain Alkaloids 137 -- Tests for the Identification of Some of the Alkaloids 400 Microscope Determination of Melting-Point with the Aid of the 428 - Slide Electrically-Heated 592 Milk and Cream Regulations (Draft) Government Report 109 -Red Application of to the Colorimetric Estimation of Hydrogen Ion Con-centrations 142 Explosions 315 -- Reaction of Spermatic Fluid 358 Australian (Victorian) Composition of 47 Benzoic Acid in the Detection of Note on 346 Condensed Sucrose in Estimation of 450 Cream etc.Certain Proprietary Substances Sold as Preservatives for Analyses and Methods of Detection of Report to the Local Government Board on 156 - Cow’s and Goat’s the Serum of Refractometer Value of 317 -- --? New Preservative for Note on 178 Dirt in Estimation of 450 - Freezing-Point of 307 Iron in Estimation of 308 - Serums Preparation of and their Use in the Analysis of Milk 450 Sweetened Condensed Australian Composition of 49 - the Alkalinity and Peroxydase of are they Identical? 141 the Composition of 298 the Freshness of Tests for Ascertaining 25 - the Reductase Test Acidity and Alcohol Test in Relations between 26 the Souring of 168 - when Treated with Ammonium Sulphate Behaviour of and a New Method for Mills Cotton Commercial Starches for Use in Method for determining the Value of, Mimosa Flowers Tincture of Detection of Minute Traces of Boric Acid by Means of 558 the Estimation of Lactose 350 36 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.lix Mine Fires and Explosions Use of Mice and Birds for Detecting Carbon Monoxide Uineral and Rosin Oils Fluorescence Test for 30 - Oils Pitch etc.Asphalt in Estimation of 58 Minerals and Rocks Radium in Estimation of 323 421 -- Ferruginous Zinc in Estimation of 425 -- the Density of Determination of by Means of Rohrbach Solution of - Waters and Living Tissues Minute Quantities of Fluorine in Detection and Miners’ Squibs and Fuse Investigations of 291 Mkonga Oil 256 Modified Form of Stability Test 573 Moist Combustion Estimation of Carbon by 459 Moisture Estimation of Calcium Carbide Method for 475 Molasses Water in Determination of 560 Molecular Weight of Small Quantities of Fatty Acids Estimation of 203 -- Weights of Volatile Liquids Determination of 595 Molybdenum and Tungsten Sensitive Reagents for Potassium Iodide and Mercurous -- Electrolytic Estimation of. Nonamino Acids Esterification of by Means of Ethyl Iodide.Separation of Pyrro-Monazite Sand Thorium Especially in Quantitative Estimation of by Means of Mono-Amino-Acids together with Polypeptides the Detection of Ester Method for, Morphine in Opiates Estimation of 308 Mushrooms Toxicity of Their Ha?molytic Action 563 Mustard Aniline Dyes and Turmeric in Detection of 557 -- Essential Oil in Estimation of 309 - - Flour Analysis of 55 -- Flours and Oil-Cakes Mustard Oils in Estimation of 95 - - Preparations of Essential Oil in Estimation of 451 Mutarotation of Honey 95 after 315 Standard Refractive Index 148 Estimation of 517 Nitrate as 378 Part I. 420 lidonecarboxylic Acid from Glutami c Acid 360 Sodium Hypophosphate 423 2 72 Natural and Petroleum-Residue Asphalts Differentiation between 407 Neo- and Allo-Chlorophyll in the Presence of One Another Methods for Deter-Neutral Ammonium Citrate Solution 372 - Salt and Alcohol Simultaneous Effect of on the Sensitiveness of Phenol-New Zealand Meat Extracts Some Chemical Composition of 193 Nickel and Palladium Separation of by Means of Dimethylglyoxime 379 -- and Zinc the Gravimetric Separation of 443 -_- Baths Boric Acid in Estimation of 277 Nicotine in Tobacco Estimation of 311 Nitrate Mercurous and Potassium Iodide as Sensitive Reagents for Tungsten and Molybdenum 378 - of Soda Rational Analysis of 523 Nitrates and Nitrites in Water Estimation of by Schlcesing’s Method 212 -_ in Presence of Nitrites Detection of 149 - in Sewage Effluents Estimation of 149 mining 460 phthaleyn 321 - Extracts Methods of Estimating 45 lx INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.Nitrating and Waste Acids Sulphuric Acid Nitric Acid and Nitrous Acid in, Nitric Acid and Hydrogen Peroxide Use of a Uixture of in Analytical Work 212 -- the Separation of Nitrous Acid from and the Estimation of Nitrites, -- in Acetic Acid Solution the Stability of. The Determination of Nitric - in Watered Fruit Juices Detection of 21 -a and Nitrous Acids in Acetic Acid Solution the Determination of. The Stability of Nitric Acid in Acetic Acid Solution 303 Nitrites and Nitrates in Water Estimation of by Schlcesing’s Method 212 - Nitrates in Presence of Detection of 149 -- the Estimation of and the Separation of Nitrous Acid from Nitric Acid New Nitrocellulose and Nitrocellulose Powders Alteration of by Heat 104 Nitrocelluloses Experiments on the Decomposition of and Constant-Temperature Nitro-Compounds Separation of Nitroglycerine from 573 Nitrogen Organic Activity of as Measured by the Alkaline Permanganate Method, Nitrogenous Constituents of Meat-Extracts the Composition of Changes in 21 Nitroglycerine Exudation of from Dynamite 572 Volumetric Estimation of 381 New Volumetric Method for 586 and Nitrous Acids in Acetic Acid Solution 303 Volumetric Method for 586 Sulphur in Estimation of 152 273 - Powders New Stability Test for 572 Heating Apparatus for Explosives 222 365 Rapid Removal of from Gas Mixtures by Sparking Apparatus for 224 Separation of from Nitro-Compounds 572 - the Determination of by Means of the Nitrometer Effect of the Nitro-- Nitric Acid and Sulphuric Acid in Nitrating and Waste Acids Volu-- Separation of from Nitric Acid and the Estimation of Nitrites New - Small Quantities of the Detection and Estimation of a New Method - and Nitric Acids in Acetic Acid Solution the Determination of the Stability Nitrotoluenes Effect of on the Determination of Nitroglycerine by Means of the Non-Aqueous Solvents Rare Earth Reactions in 524 Normal Carbonate Much Detection of Small Quantities of Alkali Bicarbonate in toluenes on 572 Nitrous Acid New Reaction of 33 metric Estimation of 381 Volumetric Method for 586 for 345 of Nitric Acid in Acetic Acid Solution 303 Nitrometer 572 Presence of 372 Salt Solution Solubility of Ether in 448 Urine Combined Glycuronic Acid in Detection of 562 - Copper-Reducing Power of 264 Nutrition Animal the Value of Ordinary and Treated Sawdust for Experiments on, Nuts Kola from British West Africa 258 - Shea- and Shea-Butter 496 559 OBITUARY NOTICES : Divers Edward M.D.F.I.C. F.R.S. 167 Ekins Arthur Edward J.P. F.I.C. 121 165 Muter Dr. John F.I.C. 41 7 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. lxi OBITUARY NoTIcEs-co?atinued Newlands Benjamin Edward Reina 391 Pattinson John J.P. F.I.C. 121 166 Sanford Percy Gerald 2 Occluded Gases and Oxygen in Copper Estimation of 375 Oil and Cake Tea-Seed 500 - Arachis the Detection and Estimation of 487,537 --Cakes and Mustard Flours Mustard Oils in Estimation of 95 -- Chinese and Japanese Wood the Examination of 543 - 9- Wood Heat Test for 410 - 2-- Citronella Geraniol in Direct Estimation of 363 - Cocoanut and Butter Fat in Margarine the Determination of Notes on 122 - Method of Examining 410 J - Refractive Index of 410 - -- 9 Crude Phytosterol of and the Crude Cholesterol of Butter Fat and the Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter Fat 497 --- Copaiba Examination of 347 - Creosote and Other Oils Used for Preserving Timber Antiseptic Effect of 56 - Emulsions Saponin and Saccharin in Estimation of 22 - Essential in Mustard Estimation of 309 - Linseed and its Adulterants Tests for 192 - Mkonga 256 - of Citronella Analysis of 567 - of Savin the Constituents of 295 - of the Southern Cypress 364 - of Turpentine the Purity of Tests for Determining 371 - Palm from Different Varieties of Palm Characteristics of 55 - Pine in Turpentine Oil Detection of 143 - Savin Detection of in Toxicological Cases 357 - Sesame in Other Oils Reaction for Detecting 62 - Turpentine Detection of Pine Oil in 143 - 9 -- Petroleum Spirit and Benzene Hydrocarbons in Estimation of 274 Oilfields Poisonous Gases from 486 Oils and Fats Certain Vegetable Bromine Absorption of 403 - Glycerides Occurring in Heptadecoic Acid and its Glyceride 411 -_ Carbon Bisulphide in Detection of 101 _- Certain Qualitative Tests for Influence of Lucidol (Benzoyl Peroxide) on 273 - Champaoa 28 -- Cocoanut or Palm Kernel Margarines Containing on the Relation between the -- Essential in Preparations of Mustard Estimation of 451 -- New Philippine 61 - --- Fatty Obtained from the Seeds of Illiciurn Verum Hook and Illiciurn -- Fatty Some Specific Gravity of Effect of Free Fatty Acid on 410 -- Fish Viscosity of 143 -- Grass Aromatic Part I.61 -_ - - Part II. 197 -- 9 - Part III. 265 -- (Eydiogenised) Solidified 452 - - Mineral and Rosin Fluorescence Test for 30 in Butter and Lard Detection of 93 Shrewsbury and Knapp’s Process for Estimating Notes on 3 Kirschner and Polenske Values for 183 - Small Quantities of in Spices etc. the Estimation of Part II. 88 Relzgioaum Sieb Composition of 49 lxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. Oils Mineral Pitch etc. Asphalt in Estimation of 58 -- Mustard in Oil-Cakes and Mustard Flours Estimation of 95 -- New Oxygen Absorption Method for 412 -- Other and Creosote Oil Used for Preserving Timber Antiseptic Effect of 56 -- Other Sesame Oil in Reaction for Detecting 62 -_- Palm Kernel or Cocoanut Margarines Containing on the Relation between the -- Rosin and Mineral Fluorescence Test for 30 -- Vegetable and Paints Heavy Petroleum in the Detection of 247 - - Vegetable Serger’s Reaction for Notes on 412 - - Volatile Cineol in Estimation of 461 Oleic Series Acids of the Relationship between the Iodine Value and the Structure Opiates Morphine in Estimation of 308 Optical Method New for the Estimation of the Various Proteins in Ox Serum The Ores and Bullion Small Amounts of Platinum in Direct Determination of 281 - Steels etc.Determination of Vanadium in Rapid Method for Based on its ORGANIC ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 28,58,100,142,197,265,317,359 407 458 508,565 -- Bases New Reaction for 319 -- Compounds Arsenic in Detection and Estimation of 66 360 -- -- - Estimation of 579 - - - Estimation of Halogens in Including a Device for the Com-bustion of Volatile Substances 461 -_ -- Hydroxy- Amino- and Imino- Derivatives of Quantitative Estimation of by Means of the Grignard Reagent and the Nature of the Changes Taking Place in Solution 201 -- -- Quantitative Estimation of Active Hydrogen in by Magnesium-Methyl Iodide 571 -- - - the Relative Reactivity of Method for Determining 204 -- - Liquids Volatile Combustion of 361 -- Matter and Other Halogens Iodine in the Presence of Determination of, Kirschner and Polenske Values for 183 of 463 Proteins of Ox Serum.Refractive Indices of Solutions of Certain Proteins 365 Quantitative Inclusion by the Phosphomolybdate Precipitate 284 418 -- Nitrogen Activity of as Measured by the Alkaline Permanganate Method, 365 - - Substances Action of Permanganate on 366 ------ -- Other and Food-Stuffs Incineration of Prior to the Determina-tion of their Phosphorus-Content, 257 ---- - - Phosphorus in Determination of by -- -__ Small Quantities of Estimation of Sulphur and of Halogens in, -- -_ Small Quantities of Iron in Estimahion of 32 Oven Drying 385 Ovomucoid and Pseudomucin Glucosamine in Polarimetric Estimation of 561 Ox Serum the Proteins of A New Optical Method for the Estimation of the Various Proteins in Ox Serum.Refractive Indices of Solutions of Certain Proteins 355 Oxalic Acid in the Leaves of Conifers Estimation of 204 - Analysis of by an Electrical Method 331 - Certain the Estimation of Ferric Iron in Presence of 179 Titration with Uranyl Solutions 258 216 Vegetable Substances Estimation of 56 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.lxiii Oxidase Content of Plant Juices Measurement of 261 Oxidation of Phenolphthalin to Phenolphthalein Catalytic Action of Light on 30 Oxides Higher of Lead Analysis of 148 -_- Lead and its Iron in Colorimetric Determination of 520 Oxygen Absorption Method New for Oils 412 - and Occluded Gases in Copper Estimation of 375 - in Iron and Steel Determination of by Reduction in an Electric Vacuum - under Pressure Use of for Estimating Carbon in Ferro-Slloys 379 Oxyphenyldimercuric Acetate and Mercurisalicylic Acid Mercury in Estimation of, Ozone Absorption of Ultra-Violet Rays in and its Application to the Estimation of - - Determination of by Means of Cadmium Potassium Iodide 587 Furnace 586 103 Ozone in Small Concentrations 472 Paint Films and Preservative Coatings for Iron and Steel New Method for Testing, Paints and Vegetable Oila Heavy Petroleum in the Detection of 247 Palladium and Nickel Separation of by Means of Dimethylglyoxime 379 Palm Kernel or Cocoanut Oils Margarines Containing on the Relation between the -- Oil from Different Varieties of Palm Characteristics of 55 Pancreas Function the Quantitative Investigation of Modification of Wohlgemuth’s Pancreatic Amylase a Further Investigation of the Properties of Studies of Amylases, Pancreatin the Tryptic Value of New Method for Determining 26 Papain the Digestive Value of Determination of 405 Paraffin Wax and Ceresin Mixtures of Analysis of 59 --- the Analysis of Application of the Formolite Reaction to 274 Paraldehyde Acetaldehyde in Estimation of 265 Parchment Paper 466 Peel Candied Lemon Analysis of 20 Pepper Cayenne Adulteration of Detection of 259 Pepsin and Rennin Separation of by Means of the Electric Current 141 Peptones Influence of on the Estimation of Reducing Sugars by Fehling’s Solution, Perohlorates Certain Perchloric Acid in Estimation of 33 -- Quantitative Determination of 374 Perchloric Acid in Electrochemical Analysis 279 6 ‘ Pergamyn ” and Imitation Parchment Papers 144 Permanganate Action of on Organic Substances 366 213 Kirschner and Polenske Values for 183 Method for 315 454 - Papers Imitation and “ Pergamyn,” 144 367 Estimation of Arsenious Acid with in Presence of Hydrochloric Acid, - - Method the Alkaline Activity of Organic Nitrogen as Measured by 365 -_- Potassium Estimation of Formic Acid in the Presence of Other Acids -- Solution Potassium Standardisation of by Sodium Oxalate 280 Peroxide Hydrogen and Alkali Behaviour of Invert Sugar in the Presence of 28 Peroxydase and Alkalinity of Milk ; Are they Identical ? 141 - Nature of 504 - Separation of from Catalase 315 Peru Balsam Cinnamein in Estimation of 93 417 by Means of 27 lxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.Petri Dish for Cultivating Fungi and for Biological Analysis a Substitute for the 561 Petroleum and its Products Water in Determination of 573 -- Ether and Ether the Higher Fatty Acids in Solubilities of the Lead Salts -- in Turpentine Estimation of 371 -__ Mixtures Containing the Examination of 8 -- -Residue and Natural Asphalts Differentiation Between 407 _-- Residues (‘ Acid Resins ” from 515 -- Spirit and Benzene Hydrocarbons in Turpentine Oil Estimation of 274 -- Sulphur in Estimation of 217 Petroleums of the San Joaquin Valley of California Physical and Chemical Properties Phenaceturic Acid Benzoic Acid and Hippuric Acid in Urine Estimation of 356 Phenol and p-Cresol in the Presence of Each Other Estimation of 62 in Urine Estimation of 356 _- p-Sulphonic Acid the Determination of Volumetric Method for 464 Rapid Methods for Determining 515 Phenolphthalein as an Indicator Use of 320 of 399 Heavy in Paints and Vegetable Oils the Detection of 247 of 104 Estimation of Free Carbon Dioxide in Water by Titration with the Oxidation of Phenolphthalin to Catalytic Action of Light on 30 -- the Sensitiveness of Simultaneous Effect of Alcohol and a Neutral Phenols Higher Use of in Testing for Free Lime in Portland Cement 582 - in Effluents Colorimetric Estimation of 30 m-Phenylenediamine Reaction of Gold Salts with 469 Philippine Essential Oils New 61 Phosphates Soil the Solubility of Effect of Ignition on 523 Phosphomolybdate Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in Soils 130 Phosphomolybdates Separation of from Silicomolybdates 107 Phosphoric Acid Estimation of by Von Lorenz’s Method 149 Alkalis in the Presence of 582 Salt on 321 - Precipitate Rapid Method for Determination of Vanadium in Steels Ores etc.Based on its Quantitative Inclusion by the 284 in Presence of Colloidal Silicic Acid Estimation of 214 - in Soils the Phosphomolybdate Estimation of 130 - in Food-Stuffs and Other Organic Substances Determination of by Titra-- in Wine Estimation of 24 - Inorganic in Plant Substances Estimation of 472 -Phosphorus Compounds Acid-Soluble of Some Feeding Materials 193 - in Wines Estimation of 453 tion with Uranyl Solutions 258 Phosphotungstic Acid Blue Colour-Reaction of with Uric Acid and Other Substances, Photographic Estimation of the Intensity Distribution in Blood Spectra 313 Photometer New Hand 429 Physical Analysis of Soils New Method for 36 Physico-Chemical Basis of the Seliwanoff Laevulose Reaction 367 --- Method for Determining the Changes taking Place in Meats 455 --_- Volumetric Method Estimation of Sulphates in Solution by 282 Physiological Fluids Other and Urine Blood in Detection of 506 Phytosteroi Crude of Cocoanut Oil and the Crude Cholesterol of Butter Fat and Pine Oil in Turpentine Oil Detection of 143 355 the Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter Fat 49 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.lxv Pipette Automatic Pressure 153 Pitch Mineral Oils etc. Asphalt in Estimation of 58 - the Melting-Point of New Method for Determining 62 - the Viscosity of Comparison of Methods for Determining 413 Plant Juices the Oxidase Content of Measurement of 261 - Substances Inorganic Phosphorus in Estimation of 472 Plants Small Quantities of Copper in Detection and Estimation of 313 - the Amino-Acids in Estimation of by Means of the Formaldehyde Method 312 Plates Alundum Filtration with 109 Platinum Action of Boiling Sulphuric Acid on 590 - Alloys Analysis of 420 - Gold and Silver Estimation of 281 -- Salts Action of Dimethyl-Glyoxime on 524 - Small Amounts of in Ores and Bullion Direct Determination of 281 - Wire Use of Magnesia Rods instead of in Analytical Work 222 Poisonous Ga.ses from Oilfields 486 Polarimetric Estimation of Banana Starch 560 -_ -- of Glucosamine in Ovomucoid and Pseudomucin 561 - - of Starch 351 _-- Method Lintner’s for the Determination of Starch 498 - of Starch in Sausages 499 Polarisation Sodium Flame Lamps for 594 Polenske and Kirschner Values for Margarines Containing Cocoanut or Palm-Kernel Oils on the Relation between 183 Polypeptides and Some Amino-Acids Hydrolytic Action of on Certain Esters.Value of Fats the Estimation of Sources of Error in 256 Studies on Enzvme Action. 353 - Mono- Amino- Acid; together with the Detection of Ester Method for, 272 Portland Cement Free Lime in Use of Higher Phenols in Testing for 582 Potash Analysis (Potassium-Sodium Oobaltinitrite Method) 588 Potassium in Potassium Silicate Estimation of 588 - Iodide and Mercurous Nitrate as Sensitive Reagents for Tungsten and -- Much the Estimation of Small Quantities of Rubidium in Presence of, -- Nitrate in Meats Estimation of? 140 -.--- Permanganate Estimation of Formic Acid in the Presence of Other Acids by Means of 270 ___--- Silicate Potassium in Estimation of 588 Molybdenum 378 Spectroscopic Process for 324 - Solution Standardisation of by Sodium Oxalate 280 Small Quantities of Estimation of 214 -.- Volumetric Estimation of 34 Potatoes Dry Matter in Estimation of and the Applicability of the Ordinary Tables, 259 Powder Smokeless Mercury in Estimation of 273 Powders Cocoa Husk in Estimation of 402 - Nitrocellulose and Nitrocellulose Alteration of by Heat 104 Vegetable the Estimation of Adulterants in Apparatus for and Notes on Starch Granules 529 Precipitant for Amino-Acids 359 Precipitates Apparatus for Automatically Decanting and Washing 479 -- Small Quantities of the Quantitative Manipulation of 68 Precipitation of the Copper- Arsenic Group and Separation of its Divisions 37 lxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. Precipitiu Reaction the Quantitative Application of in Honey Analysis II.404 Preservative Coatings and Paint Films for Iron and Steel New Method for Testing, -- New for Milk Cream etc. Note on 178 Preservatives Certain Influence of on the Keeping Properties and Composition of Butter 52 --_ for Milk Cream etc. Detection of Certain Proprietary Substances Sold as Report to the Local Government Board on Analyses and Methods of. 155 213 --_ Wood the Commercial Value of Tests to Determine 578 Pressure Great the Course of Reactions under Electric Furnace for Studying 288 Primary and Secondary Amines the Separation of Tertiary from New Method for 201 Producer Gas Tar in Estimation of 275 Products Natural Sugars in Estimation of 145 Protein Alcohol-Soluble or Gliadin in Wheat -Flour Determination of 19 Proteins Certain Refractive Indices of Solutions of.Petroleum and its Water in Determination of 573 VI. The Proteins of Ox Serum : A New Optical Xethod for the Estimation of the Various Proteins in Ox Serum 355 Proteins Determination of the Power of Bacteria to Decompose Method of Testing - Estimation of Lactic Acid in the Presence of 403 - Other and Horny Tissue the Quantity of Tryptophane in and Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of Tryptophane 565 - the Complete Hydrolysis of Conditions for 573 Proteolytic Enzyme of Malt 504 Proximate Analysis of Complex Lipoids by Alcoholysis 463 Pseudomucin and Ovomucoid Glucosamine in Polarimetric Estimation of 561 Public Health (Regulations as to Food) Act 1907 Regulations under the 432 Pulp Sulpbite Bleaching Quality of Determination of 511 Pumps Filter Valve for 480 Purification Softening and Sterilisation of Water Supplies 334 Pyridine and Ammonia separation and Estimation of 413 - - Bases in Ammonia and Ammonium Salts Detection of 413 -- - in the Presence of Ammonia in Gas-Water Rapid Estimation of 574 Pyrites and Sulphur Selenium in Iodimetric Estimation of 215 - - - Method for the Estimation of 67 - Copper in Electro-Analytical Estimation of 468 - Sulphur in Estimation of 34 Pyroligneous Acid Methylcyclopentenolon in Occurrence of 319 Pyrrolidonecarboxylic Acid Separation of from Glutamic Acid.Water 264 - Exact Determination of 524 Esterification of Monamino Acids by Means of Ethyl Iodide 360 Qualitative Analysis System of for the Common Elements Part V.-- without Hydrogen Sulphide 377 Quantitative Analysis of Solutions by Precise Thermometry New Method for 333 Quinine in Urine and in Blood Quantitative Estimation of 455 Acidic Con-stituents 322 - Tests Certain for Oils Influence of Lucidol (Benzoyl Peroxide) on 273 Radium in Minerals and Rocks Estimation of 323 421 - the Comparison of Quantities of New Compensation Method for and Some Applications of this Method 47 INDEX TO VOLUME xxxvIr. lxvii Rare Earths Certain Fusion of with Alkali Carbonates. -- Separation of the 380 Raw Materials Cement and Cement Analysis of 208 - Rubber the Amount of Insoluble Particles in a Method for Determining 13 Rays Ultra-Violet in Ozone Absorption of and its Application to the Estimation of Ozone in Small Concentrations 472 -Reagent for Ferrous Salts Dimethylglyoxime as a 102 - the ‘‘ Tetramethyl Base,” Use of 105 Separation of Tungsten from Iron Beryllium and Aluminium 591 Sterilisation of Water and Dairy Materials by 196 - the Grignard Quantitative Estimation of Hydroxy- Amino- and Imino-Derivatives of Organic Compounds by Means of and the Nature of the Changes Taking Place in Solution 201 Reagents Sensitive for Tungsten and Molybdenum Potassium Iodide and Mer-curous Nitrate as 378 Red Rubber Goods Antimony in Estimation of 64 65 Reducing Agent a New for Analytical Use Hydrazine Hydrate and Formaldehyde, Tetraformal-trisazine from 369 Sugar Methods (A Correction for Lactose) Unification of 145 Sugars Direct Determination of Sucrose in the Presence of 451 - the Determination of the New Method for 205 - the Estimation of by Fehling’s Solution Influence of Peptones on, Reductase Catalase and Leucocyte Tests Comparative Value of in Detecting Mastitis 401 -_ Test Acidity and Alcohol Test in Milk Relations between 26 Redwood’s Engler’s and Saybolt’s Viscosimeters Comparative Examination of, Refractive Index of Beeswax 348 --_ of Chinese Wood Oil 410 --- Standard Rohrbach Solution of Determination of the Density of -- Indices of Solutions of Certain Proteins.The Proteins of Ox Serum : A New Optical Method for the Estimation of the Various Proteins in Ox Serum, 355 367 223 Minerals by Means of 148 VI. Refractometer Value of the Serum of Cow’s and Goat’s Milk 317 -- Zeiss’ Estimation of Fat in Cocoa by Means of 495 Refractometric Estimation of the Strength of Formaldehyde Solutions 202 Rennet Commercial the Activity of the Estimation of 564 Rennin and Pepsin Separation of by Means of the Electric Current 141 - Laboratory Studies of 405 (Report Eighth on Research Work.Metropolitan Water Board.) The Softening, Investigations of Explosives Used in Coal-Mines 290 - --- of Fuse and Miner’s Squibs 291 Milk and Cream Regulations (Draft) 109 Purification anti Sterilisation of Water Supplies 334 of the Government Chemist upon the Work of the Government Laboratory on the Work of Inspectors of Foods 71 for the Year Ending March 31 1912 with Appendices 530 Seventh on Research Work of the Metropolitan Water Board 195 Sixth Annual Metropolitan Water Board 597 The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.- Study Committee of the International Dairy Federation 532 Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth Reports 1909 and 1910 7 lxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. Rer>ort to the Local Government Board on Analvses and Methods of Detection of Certain Proprietary Substances Sold aipreservatives for Milk Cream etc., 155 to the Local Government Board on the Nature of the Colouring Matter of Flour and its Relation to Processes of Natural and Artificial Bleaching 596 Resin Scammony and Scamrnony Root Composition of 194 ‘‘ Resins Acid,” from Petroleum Residues 515 Resins Bitter of Hops in Worts and Beers and their Volumetric Estimation, - Gum Notes on the 270 139 - the Amount of and the Viscosity of Rubber Solutions Relationship between, 575 - Total Soft and Hard in the Hop Determination of Comparative Study of Riegler’s Method Estimation of Urea in Urine by.-_--__ for the Estimation of Urea in Urine Modification of 100 Ritter Method the Estimation of Cholesterol by the Errors in; Effect of Autolysis on Roasted Blende Sulphur in Rapid Method for Determination of 150 Rocks and Minerals Radium in Estimation of 323 421 Silicate Ferrous Iron in Estimation of 146 Rods Magnesia Use of instead of Platinum Wire in Analytical Work 222 Rohrbach Solution of Standard Refractive Index Determination of the Density of Rosin and Mineral Oils Fluorescence Test for 30 Rubber Direct Determination of 574 -- Goods Red Antimony in Estimation of 64 65 --- Raw the Amount of Insoluble Particles in a Method for Determining 13 -- Solutions the Viscosity of and the Amount of Resins Relationship between, -- the Estimation of Hiibener Bromide Method for 465 Rubberised Fabrics Analysis and Testing of 575 Rubidium Small Quantities of the Estimation of in Presence of Much Potassium, Spectroscopic Process for 324 Rum Guadaloupe Composition of 97 Rye Ergot of a New Glucoside in Clavicepsin 19 Methods for 191 A Correction Factor 357 Cholesterol 199 Minerals by Means of 148 575 Saccharin and Dulcin in Beverages Foods and Drugs Separation and Identification --_ and Saponin in Oil Emulsions Estimation of 22 Saffron Adulterants in Estimation of 309 Sale of Food and Drugs Acts 1875 to 1907 Circular to Local Authorities for the Salicylates Thymol and Allied Compounds Estimation of 369 Salicylic Acid and Copper Colorimetric Estimation of 104 -_- Small Quantities of in Presence of Excess of p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid, Salt a Neutral and Alcohol Simultaneous Effect of on the Sensitiveness of -- Solution Normal Solubility of Ether in 448 Salts Ammonium and Ammonia Pyridine Bases in Detection of 413 - Copper Titration of with Titanous Chloride 516 - Ferric Compounds of with Albumoses 408 of 23 - in Foods Estimation of 194 Purposes of 434 Biochemical Method for the Estimation of 316 Phenolphthalein 32 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.lxix Salts Ferrous Dimethylglyoxime as a Reagent for 102 Gold Reaction oi with m-Phenylenediamine 469 Lead of the Higher Fatcy Acids of Ether and in Petroleum Ether Solubilities Platinum Action of Dirnethylglyoxime on 524 of 399 - the Penetration of in Treated Wood Determination of 150 Sand Monazite Thorium Especially in Quantitative Estimation of by Means of ‘( Sapometer,” 479 Saponification of Fats by Sulphuric Acid 256 Saponin and Glycyrrhizin in Lemonades Detection of by Means of Vamvakas’ and - and Saccharin in Oil Emulsions Estimation of 22 - Detection of 350 - in Beverages and Foods Detection of by Hzmolysis 350 Sausages Starch in Polarimetric Estimation of 498 Savin Oil Detection of in Toxicological Cases 357 - Oil of the Constituents of 295 Sawdust Ordinary and Treated the Value of for Animal Nutrition Experiments on, Saybolt’s Engler’s and Redwood’s Viscosimeters Comparative Examination of 223 Scale Preparations (Pharmaceutical) Iron in Determination of 306 Scammony Resin and Scammony Root Composition of 194 Schlcesing’s Method Estimation of Nitrates and Nitrites in Water by 212 Sea-Water Concentration of Hydrogen Ions in Measurement of 425 Secondary and Primary Amines the Separation of Tertiary from New Nethod for, Secretory Capacities Amyloclastic of the Embryo and Aleurone Layer of Hordeum 97 Seeds of Illzcium Verurn Hook and Illicium Religiosum Sieb the Fatty Oils obtained Selenium in Sulphur and Pyrites Iodimetric Estimation of 215 ._--Seliwanoff Levulose Reaction Physico-Chemical Basis of 367 Sensitive Reaction of Free Bromine 581 Nitrate as 378 Sodium Hypophosphates 423 -- Fractional 558 Frehse’s Tests 22 559 201 from Cornposition of 495 - the Estimation of Method for 67 Reagents for Tungsten aud Molybdenum Potassium Iodide and Mercurous - Test for the Detection of Albumin in Urine 505 Sensitiveness of Phenolphthalein Simultaneous Effect of Alcohol and a Neutral Salt Serger’s Reaction for Vegetable Oils Notes on 412 Serum of Cow’s and Goat’s Milk Refractometer Value of 317 -- Ox the Proteins o f A New Optical Method for the Estimation of the Various Serums Milk Preparation of and their Use in the Analysis of Milk 450 Sesame Oil in Other Oils Reaction for Detecting 62 Sewage Effluents Nitrates in I1 ‘ruation of 149 Shea-Nuts and Shea-Butter 496 Shellacs and Stick-Lacs Various, Shimer Crucible the Newest Form of Determination of Carbon in Steel by Direct Shrewsbury and Knapp’s Process for Estimating Cocoanut Oil Notes on 3 Siderurgical Products the Rapid Estimation of Sulphur in Modification of the on 321 Proteins in Ox Serum.Refractive Indices of Solutions of Certain Proteins 355 ie Examination of Preliminary Notes on 204 Combustion in with the Aid of a Perforated Clay Disc 521 Method of Arnold and Hardy for 28 lxx INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. Silicate Potassium Estimation of Potassium in 588 - Rocks Ferrous Iron in Estimation of 146 Silicates Alkalis in Estimation of by Fusion with Calcium Chloride 146 - - the Estimation of Water in Improvements in the Ludwig-Sipocz Method Silicic Acid Colloidal Phosphoric Acid in Presence of Estimation of 214 - Gels Vapour Pressure Isothermals of Apparatus for Determination of, for 380 328 Silicomolybdates Separation of Phosphomolybdates from 107 Silver Gold and Platinum Estimation of 281 - Spiral New for Use in Organic Elementary Analysis 289 Slide Electrically-Heated Microscope 592 Smokeless Powder Mercury in Estimation of 273 Soap Water in Estimation of 31 SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS AND OTHER ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS PROCEEDINGS OF, Soda Lime Glasses the Refractive Index of Relation of to their Chemical Composi-- Nitrate of Rational Analysis of 523 Sodium Flame Lamps for Polarisation 594 - Hydroxide and Sugar HydrGgen Peroxide in Presence of Quantitative Separation of Copper from Arsenic Aluminium Zinc Tungsten and Tin by Means of 210 - Hypophosphate Quantitative Estimation of Thorium especially in Monazite - Oxalate Standardisation of Potassium Perrnanganate Solution by 280 - Peroxide for Bleaching Purposes Assay of 476 Softening Purification and Sterilisation of Water Supplies 334 Soil Analysis Mechanical Modification of the Method of 589 - - Hawaiian Humus in Determination of 513 -- Humus Studies on 466 -- Phosphates the Solubility of Effect of Ignition on 523 Soils Arable Colloids in Estimation of 98 - Arid Mechanical Analysis of 588 - Calcium Carbonate in a Method of Estimating 128 Phosphoric Acid in the Phosphomolybdate Estimation of 130 the Acidity of Study of 466 - - on 422 3 41 81 121 168 229 295 339 392 439 485 537 tion 278 Sand by Means of 423 the Physical Analysis of New Method for 36 - Total Manganese in Estimation of 423 Solanidine from Solanum Tuberosum 497 Solanum Tuberosum Solanidine from 497 Solidified (Hydrogenised) Oils 452 Solids and Liquids Quantitative Separation and Estimation of Laboratory Centri-- Density of Determination of New Densivolumeter for 328 - Total of Vinegar Estimation of 260 - - of Wine the Direct Estimation of Critical Remarks on 311 Solubility Estimations in Agricultural Chemistry 37 Solutions Quantitative Analysis of by Precise Thermometry New Method for, Solvates in Mixtures of Liquids the Detection of and Mixtures of Associated with Latent Heats of Vaporisation of Mixed fuge for 286 333 Non-Associated Liquids (Part 111).Liquids 36 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. lxxi Solvents Cold Estimation of Fat by Extraction with 102 -_- Immiscible Apparatus for Extracting Liquids with and for Measurement - Non-Aqueous Rare Earth Reactions in 524 Soot Its Character and Composition 63 Souring of Milk 168 Southern Cypress Oil of the 364 Soxhlet Extraction Apparatus Modified with Distillation Arrangement 596 Sparking Rapid Removal of Nitrogen from Gas Mixtures by Apparatus for 224 Specific Gravity of Some Fatty Oils Effect of Free Fatty Acid on 410 Spectra Blood the Intensity Distribution in Photographic Estimation of 313 Spectroscopic Process for the Estimation of Small Quantities of Rubidium in Spelter Technical Analysis of 521 Spermatic Fluid Microchemical Reaction of 358 Spices etc.Small Quantities of Essential Oils in the Estimation of Part II. 88 Spiral New Silver for Use in Organic Elementary Analysis 289 Spirits and Ethyl Alcohol Methyl Alcohol in Detection of 567 Springs Thermal of Bath Analysis of the Waters of 478 Squibs Miners’ and Fusa Investigations of 291 Stability Test Modified Form of 573 Standard an Acidimetric Benzoic Acid as 458 Stsndardisation Electrolytic of the Conditions of the Iodide Method of Copper Standards for Malt Vinegar 123 Starch Banana Polarimetric Estimation of 560 of Evolved Gases 69 Presence of Much Potassium 324 Estimation of Methyl Alcohol Especially in and in Admixture with Methyl Alcohol 514 New for Nitrocellulose Powders 572 Analysis and Sources of Error 277 - Widely Varying Rapid Work with Colorimeter for 329 of Potassium Permanganate Solution by Sodium Oxalate 280 Granules Notes on and Apparatus for the Estimation of Adulterants in Vegetable Powders 529 Indigos Containing Analysis of 319 in Sausages Polarimetric Estimation of 498 Lintner’s Polarimetric Method for the Determination of 498 - Polarimetric Estimation of 351 Starches Commercial for Use in Cotton Mills Method for Determining the Value of, Statistics Fruit-Juice for the Year 1911 94 - Wine for the Year 1909-10 96 Statutory Rules and Orders 435 Steel and Iron Oxygen in Determination of by Reduction in an Electric Vacuum Furnace.586 368 - Paint Films and Preservative Coatings for New Method for Testing, 213 -- Carbon in Determination of by Direct Combustion in the Newest Form of - Determination of Vanadium in New Method for 285 - Vanadium in Rapid Determination of 283 Steels Ores etc. Rapid Method for Determination of Vanadium in Rased on its - Sulphur in Volumetric Estimation of 67 Shinier Crucible with the Aid of a Perforated Clay Disc 521 J - the Estimation of 392 -Quantitative Inclusion by the Phosphomolybdate Precipitate 28 lxxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.Steels Vanadium Estimation of Chromium and its Separation from 146 Sterilisation of Water and Dairy Materials by Ultra-Violet Rays 196 -- Softening and Purification of Water Supplies 334 Stick-Lacs and Shellacs Various the Examination of Preliminary Notes on 204 Storax Examination of 499 Sublimation Apparatus New and its Application in Food Analysis 428 - in a Vacuum Simple Apparatus for 38 - Vacuum New Apparatus for 290 Succinic and Malic Acids in Wines Estimation of 453 Sucrose in Condensed Milk Estimation of 450 - in the Presence of Reducing Sugars Direct Determination of 451 - Inversion of by the Enzymes of Honey 194 - Solutions Inversion of by Means of Ammonium Chloride 576 Sugar Analysis by Copper Reduction Methods a Critical Study of 413 - and Sodium Hydroxide Hydrogen Peroxide in Presence of Quantitative Separation of Copper from Arsenic Aluminium Zinc Tungsten and Tin by Means of 210 - Determinations Invert Electrolytic Apparatus for Use in 576 - in Blood Estimation of 141 263 - in Urine and Blood Estimation of 356 - the Estimation of Use of Charcoal as a Clarifying Agent in 57 -- Trommer’s Test for 406 - -- in the Presence of Alkali and Hydrogen Peroxide Behaviour of 28 - Reducing Methods (A Correction for Lactose) Unification of 145 Sugars and Alcohol the Iodimetric Titration of Sulphites in Presence of 439 - in Natural Products Estimation of 145 -_ Other Estimation of Cane-Sugar in Urine in the Presence of 506 Reducing Direct Determination of Sucrose in the Presence of 451 - Invert Expanded Meissl-Hiller Table for 575 Y the Determination of the New Method for.205 9 ,- the Estimation of by Fehling’s Solution,‘Influence of Peptones on. 367 the Estimation of New Process for 63 Sulphates in Solution Estimation of by the Physico-Chemical Volumetric Method 282 -- in Water the Determination of Modification of the Modified Winkler Sulphides in Lime Liquors Estimation of 325 - Insoluble Sulphur in Estimation of 283 Sulphite Pulp Bleaching Quality of Determination of 511 Sulphites in Presence of Alcohol and Sugars the Iodimetric Titration of 439 Sulphonation Test for Creosote Modification of 269 Sulphur and Halogens in Small Quantities of Organic Substances Estimation of 216 -_- and Pyrites Selenium in Iodimetric ERtimation of 215 --__ Compounds in Commercial Benzol Estimation and Elimination of 100 -- Free Estimation of Rapid Volumetric Method for 151 - in Illuminating Gas Estimation of 152 -- in Insoluble Sulphides Estimation of 283 - in Iron and Steel Volumetric Estimation of 67 -- in Nitrocellulose Estimation of 152 273 -- in Petroleum Estimation of 217 -- in Pyrites Estimation of 34 -- in Roasted Blende Determination of Rapid Method for 150 Method for 220 Method for the Estimation of 67 -,.-- - Exact Determination of 52 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. lxxiii Sulphur in Siderurgical Products the Method of Arnold and Hardy for the Rapid -- in Steel and Iron Volumetric Estimation of 67 Sulphuric Acid Boiling Action of on Platinum 590 Estimation of Modification of 283 - Estimation of 152 Nitric Acid and Nitrous Acid in Nitrating and Waste Acids, Rapid Method of Purifying 381 Volumetric Estimation of 381 - Saponification of Fats by 256 - Solution the Method of Precipitating Metals as Iodides etc.from, Applications of 519 Sweeney Method for Crude Fibre Modification of the 447 Sweetened Condensed Milk Australian Composition of 49 Syrups Formic Acid in Detection and Estimation of 558 - Gum in Estimation of 94 - Process of Extracting Alkaloids from 138 Tablets Medicinal Lecithin in Estimation of 449 Tannin in Wines Estimation of 195 Tannins Vegetable Detection and Differentiation of 577 -Tar in Producer Gas Estimation of 275 Tartaric Acid the Estimation of General Method for 516 Tea-Seed Oil and Cake 500 Temperatures Low ( - 36" to - 83O C.) Ebullioscopic Determinations at 287 Tertiary Alcohols Detection of 197 - Amines the Separation of from Secondary and Primary Amines New Nethod for 201 Tetrabromide Estimation of Caoutchouc as 361 Tetraformal-trisazine from Formaldehyde and Hydrazine Hydrate a New Reducing Agent for Analytical Use 369 '' Tetramethyl Base," the Reagent Use of 105 Textile Fibres and Woods Cellulose in Estimation of 868 510 Finishes Analysis of 200 Thermometer Beckmann with a Modified Arrangement for Setting the Mercury Thermometry Precise Quantitative Analysis of Solutions by New Method for 333 Thermo-Regulators 108 Thermostat Vapour Easily Adjustable 430 Thermostats Shaking and Stirring Apparatus etc.Notes on 70 Thimble Extraction New Form of 288 Thorium New Reagent for 382 -_- Quantitative Estimation of Especially in Monazite Sand by Means of -- the Separation of New Method for 219 Thymol Salicylates and Allied Compounds Estimation of 369 Thyroid Glands Iodine Content of 456 Timber Creosote Oil and Other Oils Used for Preserving Antiseptic Effect of 56 Tin and Antimony Bronzes Containing Chromium in Estimation of 374 - Arsenic Aluminium Zinc and Tungsten Quantitative Separation of Copper from by Means of Hydrogen Peroxide in Presence of Sodium Hydroxide and Sugar 210 - Copper Antimony and Bismuth Electro-Analysis of with Acidified Chloride Constituents 584 - Quantitative Reactions of 31 Thread 429 Sodium Hypophosphate 42 lxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII.Tin Volumetric Determination of 477 Tissue Horny and Other Proteins the Quantity of Tryptophane in and Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of Tryptophane 565 Tissues Animal the Drying of Loss of Fat during 355 -. Living Waters and Minerals Minute QuaLtities of Fluorine in Detection and Estimation of 517 Titanium New Colorimetric Method for 590 Separation of Iron from 323 469 Volumetric Determination of 590 Titanous Chloride Titration of Copper Salts with 516 Tobacco Extracts Nicotine in Methods of Estimating 452 - Nicotine in Estimation of 311 Tobaccos Ceylon Analyses of 500 Toxicity of Mushrooms Their Hremolytic Action 563 Toxicological Cases Detection of Savin Oil in 357 Traces of Arsenic and Antimony Detection of 581 Trsgacanth Gum Volatile Acidity of Compared with that of Indian Gum 318 Trommer’s Test for Sugar in Urine 406 Tryptic Activity Relative Measurement of 457 - Value of Pancreatin New Method for Determining 26 Tryptophane the Estimation of Colorimetric Method for and the Quantity of Tryp-Tube Modified Butyrometer for the Estimation of Fat in Cheese 221 Tungsten Alloys High-Grade Analysis of 424 tophane in Horny Tissue and other Proteins 565 and Molybdenum Sensitive Reagents for Potassium Iodide and Mercurous Nitrate as 378 Arsenic Aluminium Zinc and Tin Quantitative Separation of Copper from by Means of Hydrogen Peroxide in Presence of Sodium Hydroxide and Sugar 210 in Ferrotungsten Rapid and Exact Estimation of 220 Separation of from Iron Beryllium and Aluminium.Fusion of Certain Rare Earths with Alkali Carbonates 591 - Other Hydrocarbons in Detection of 311 - Oil of the Purity of Tests for Determining 371 - -Petroleum Spirit and Benzene Hydrocarbons in Estimation of 274 - Pine Oil in Detection of 143 - Petroleum in Estimation of 371 Turmeric and Aniline Dyes in Mustard Detection of 557 Turpentine Examination and Valuation of 370 Ultrafiltration in Analytical Chemistry Application of 223 Ultra-Microscope Value of Direct enumeration of Bacteriain Water by Means of the, Violet Rays in Ozone Absorption of and its Application to the Estimation of --- Sterilisation of Water and Dairy Materials by 196 Uranyl Solutions Determination of Phosphorus in Food-Stuffs and Other Organic Urea Estimation of 27 - i n Urine Estimation of by Riegler’s Method.Uric Acid and Other Substances Blue Colour-Reaction of E’hosphotungstic Acid witb, 317 Ozone in Small Concentrations 472 Substances by Titration with 258 A Correction Factor 357 - Riegler’s Method for the Estimation of Modification of 100 355 - Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of 35 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. lxxv Uric Acid Reaction New 276 Urine Albumin in the Detection of Sensitive Test for 505 - Albumoses in Detection of 24 - and Blood Dextrose in Estimation of 140 - Sugar in Estimation of 356 - and Other Physiological Fluids Blood in Detection of 506 - Benzoic Acid Hippuric Acid and Phenaceturic Acid in Estimation of 356 - Cane-Sugar in Estimation of in the Presence of Other Sugars 506 - Diabetic Glycuronic Acid in Detection of 507 - Hippuric Acid in the Estimation of Method for 507 - Normal Combined Glycuronic Acid in Detection of 562 - -- Copper-Reducing Power of 264 - Phenol in Estimation of 356 - Sugar in the Estimation of Use of Charcoal as a Clarifying Agent in 57 - -- Trommer’s Test for 406 -? the Acidity of Estimation of 141 - Urea in Estimation of by Riegler’s Method.A Correction Factor 357 f - Riegler’s Method for the Estimation of Modication of 100 - Urobilinogen of and Ehrlich’s Reaction for Aldehydes 28 Urobilinogen of Urine and Ehrlich’s Reaction for Aldehydes 28 Uva-Ursi Leaves the Analysis of Application of the Biochemical Method to 24 Vacuum Furnace an Electric Determination of Oxygen in Iron and Steel by - Sublimation in a Simple Apparatus for 38 -Value Iodine and the Structure of Acids of the Oleic Series Relationship between, - the Acetyl Estimation of 508 ‘‘ Value,” the ‘( Gasolene Colour,” of Flour the Determination of Method for 255 Valve for Filter Pumps 480 Vamvakas’ and Frehse’s Tests Detection of Saponin and Glycyrrhizin in Lemonades Vanadium Determination of New Method for 286 - I-P-Hydroxybutyric Acid in Quantitative Estimation of 314 -- Quinine in Quantitative Estimation of 455 -_- New Method for 356 - --Reduction in 586 - New Apparatus for 290 463 by Means of 22 - in Steel Determination of New Method for 285 -- Rapid Determination of 283 - in Steels Ores etc.Determination of Rapid Method for Based on its - Steels Estimation of Chromium and its Separation from 146 Quantitative Inclusion by the Phosphomolybdate Precipitate 284 Vanillin in Flavouring Extracts the Determination of New Colorimetric Method for 501 Vaporisation of Mixed Liquids Latent Heats of.Part I11 Mixtures of Associated with Non-Associated Liquids and the Detection of Solvates in Mixtures of Liquids 362 VapoG Pressure Isothermals of Silicic Acid Gels Apparatus for Determination of 328 - Thermostat Easily Adjustable 430 Vapours Chloroform and Ether in Air Gasometric Estimation of 513 Vegetable Fats Some Analytical Constants of 349 - Foods Arsenic in Amounts of 254 - Oils and Fats Certain Bromine Absorption of 40 lXXVl INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. Vegetable Oils and Paints Heavy Petroleum in the Detection of 247 -- Serger’s Reaction for Notes on 412 -- Powders the Estimation of Adulterants in Apparatus for and Notes on Starch Granules 529 -- Substances Oxalic Acid in in Estimation of 564 --- Qualitative Reactions of 31 Vinegar Distilled when Stored in Wooden Casks the Acid-Content of Alteration -- Malt Standards for 123 - Tannins Detection and Differentiation of 577 of 23 Viscosimeters Engler’s Redwood’s and Say bolt’s Comparative Examination of, 223 Viscosity Absolute Method of Measuring 154 of Fish Oils 143 of Pitch Methods for Determining Comparison of 413 of Rubber Solutions and the Amount of Resins Relationship between 575 Volatile Acidity of Gum Tragacanth Compared with that of Indian Gum 318 - Liquids Molecular Weights of Determination of 595 - Oils Cineol in Estimation of 461 - Organic Liquids Combustion of 361 - Substances a Device for the Combustion of Estimation of Halogens in - in Coal the Estimation of Influence of Metallic Carbonates Volatility of Arsenious Chloride 805 Von Lorenx’s Method Estimation of Phosphoric Acid by 149 Organic Compounds Including 461 on 360 Water Aerated the Bacteriology of 395 ~- Analysis Geochemical Interpretation of 107 -- and Dairy Materials Sterilisation of by Ultra-Violet Rays 196 - Apparatus for Testing by Measurement of its Electrical Conductivity 538 - Bacteria in Direct Enumeration of by Means of the Ultra-Microscope Value - Board Metropolitan Sixth Annual Report 597 - - Continuous Fractional Distillation of 474 -- Free Carbon Dioxide in Estimation of by Titration with Alkalis in the - - in Butter Estimation of 51 -- in Molasses Determination of 560 -- in Petroleum and its Products Determination of 560 - in Silicates the Estimation of Improvements in the Ludwig-Sipocx Method - in Soap Estimation of 31 -- ‘‘ Luminator ” Treatment of 154 Method of Testing.Nitrates and Nitrites in Estimation of by Schlesing’s Method 212 -- Sea Concentration of Hydrogen Ions in Measurement of 425 Sulphates in the Determination of Modification of the Modified Winkler -- Supplies the Softening Purification and Sterilisation of (Metropolitan Waters Carbonated Ammonia in the Estimation of 173 - of the Thermal Springs of Bath Analysis of 478 of 317 Presence of Phenolphthalein 582 for 380 Determination of the Power of Bacteria to Decompose Proteins 264 Method for 220 Water Board.Eighth Report on Research Work) 33 IKDEX TO VOLUME XXXVII. lxxvii Waters Minerals and Living Tissues Minute Quantities of Fluorine in Detection Wax Carnauba and Beeswax Hydrocarbons in Estimation of 348 - Cotton Characteristics of 203 - Paraffin and Ceresin Mixtures of Analysis of 59 - - the Analysis of Application of the Formolite Reaction to 274 Wheat-Flour Gliadin or Alcohol- Soluble Protein in Determination of 19 Wine Glycerol in Estimation of 260 - Malic and Succinic Acids in Estimation of 453 - Phosphorus in Estimation of 24 - Small Quantities of Zinc in Detection of 195 - Statistics for the Year 1909-1910 96 - the Total Solids of the Direct Estimation of Critical Remarks on 311 Wines from Eastern France Analyses of 352 -- from the Department of Gironde Analyses of 352 -- Phosphoric Acid in Estimation of 453 -- Tannin in Estimation of 195 Winkler Method the Modified Modification of for the Determination of Sulphates Wohlgemuth’s Method for the Quantitative Investigation of the Pancreas Function, Wood Oil Chinese Heat Test for 410 and Estimation of 517 - Succinic and Malic Acids in Estimation of 453 in Water 220 Modification of 315 -- Method of Examining 410 -- Refractive Index of 410 9 and Japanese the Examination of 543 - --- Preservatives the Commercial Value of Tests to Determine 578 Treated the Penetration of Salts in Determination of 150 Woods and Textile Fibres Cellulose in Estimation of 268 510 Wort and Beer Bitter Principles in Estimation of 92 -- Extract in Estimation of 502 Worts and Beers Bitter Resins of Hops in and their Volumetric Estimation 139 Xanthogenate Arsenic and its Use in Analysis 569 Yttrium Quantitative Determination of 382 - -- Separation of Lanthanum from 469 Zeiss Interferometer in the Technical Analysis of Flue-Gases Use of 427 Zeiss’ Refractometer Estimation of Fat in Cocoa by Means of 495 Zinc and Nickel the Gravimetric Separation of 443 Arsenic Aluminium Tungsten and Tin Quantitative Separation of Copper from by Means of Hydrogen Peroxide in Presence of Sodium Hydroxide and Sugar 210 in Ferruginous Minerals Estimation of 425 Rapid Method of Estimating 31 153 the Ferrocyanide Titration of Influence of Lead on 585 - Small Quantities of in Wine Detection of 195 Zirconium Separation of from Iron and Aluminium and a New Method for the Analysis of Ferro-Zircon 36 BILLING AND SONS LTD.PRINTERS GUILDIORD
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