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Volume 65,
Issue 1,
Page 001-056
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THE ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF THE Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED rro THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Publication Committee : E. B. HUGHES D.Sc. F.I.C. F. W. F. ARNAUD F.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH M.A. F.I.C. R. C. CHIRNSIDE F.I.C. H. E. COX D.Sc. Ph.D. F.I.C. BERNARD DYER D.Sc. F.I.C. F. W. EDWARDS F.I.C. G. D.ELSDON D.Sc. F.I.C. B. S. EVANS,M.B.E. M.C. D.Sc. F.I.C. E. HINKS M.B.E. B.Sc. F.I.C. mono Becretaw : L. EYNON B.Sc. F.I.C. G. ROCHE LYNCH O.B.E. M.B., B.S. D.P.H. F.I.C. M.C. Ph.D. F.I.C. A.R.T.C. F.I.C. G. W. MONIER-WILLIAMS O.B.E., A. MORE I.S.O. A.R.C.S., J. R. NICHOLLS B.Sc. F.I.C. W. H. ROBERTS M.Sc. F.I.C. W. H. SIMMONS B.Sc. F.I.C. ERIC VOELCKER A.R.C.S. F.I.C. K. A. WILLIAMS B.Sc.F.I.C. bon IJreasurer : G. TAYLOR F.I.C. Ebftor C. AINSWORTH MITCHELL M.A. D.Sc. F.I.C. 5ectetar9 anb lEI00f0tant Ebftor J. H. LANE B.Sc. F.I.C. Abetr S. G. CLARKE Ph.D. B.Sc. A.I.C. E. B. DAW B.Sc. A.I.C. J. GRANT Ph.D. M.Sc. F.I.C. D. G. HEWER B.Sc. A. 0. JONES M.A. F.I.C. ctore : J. W. MATTHEWS Ph.D. F.I.C. E. M. POPE B.Sc. F. A. ROBINSON M.Sc.Tech. F.I.C. W. R. SCHOELLER Ph.D. F.I.C. D. R. WOOD F.I.C. VOL. 6 5 1940 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. 4 PETTY CURY CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND 194 ERRATA: VOL. 65 1940: p. 27. p. 41 1. Delete last line of “Official Appointments,” i.e. Lincs. County etc. In list of Official Appointments f o r “Westmorland County Council Kendal Borough, W. H. Roberts” read “W.H. Roberts as Public Analyst for that part of the County of Westmoreland within the boundaries of the Borough of Kendal.” For “about 0.4 mg. of phos-phorus” read “not more than 0.4 nig. of phosphorus.” For “ J . Chevv~. SOC. ” read ‘ I J . Amer. Chern. Soc.” p. 519. p. 530. 1). 596. Line 12 of Abstract on ‘‘Estimation of Phosphorus.” 2nd column 7th line from bottom. Last line but two of the Note for ‘‘ i- 0’ C.” read “ f O-lOC.” INDEX TO VOLUME 65 INDEX TO NAMES * Denotes authors of original papers and notes that have been published in The A~zalyst. A See LaForge F. B. See Lang 0. St. A. K. Acree F, Jr. Adickes F. ”Agnew W. J. of cobalt and nickel 643. Ajtai M. See Szebelledy L. Aldred P. A. See Koschara W. Allen N. Charbonnier H.Y. and Coleman, R. M. Quantitative determination of certain polyalcohols in presence of each other 575. Allen R. J. L. Estimation of phosphorus 519. Almquist H. J. and Others. Identification of the rice factor 573. Anderson A. K. Essentials of Physiological Chemistry (Review) 76. Anderson E. B. Review of Mason’s Fat Total Solids and Moisture 75. “Andrew R. L. and Neubauer L. G. Succinic acid in beer 455. Andrews E. D. See Moir G. M. Anslow W. K. and Raistrick H. Molecular constitutions of catenarin and erythroglaucin, 574. Anslow W. K. Breen J. and Raistrick H. Studies on the biochemistry of niicro-organ-isms. Emodic acid and w-hydroxyemodin, metabolic products of Penicillium cyclopium Westling 470. Appleyard F. N. and Lyons C. G. Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry 4th Ed.(Review), 436. Archbold H. K. Sucrase activity in the barley plant 520. Amaud F. W. F. Appointed Public Analyst for the Boroughs of Bromley Bexley and Erith 27; for the Borough of Dartford 161; for the Borough of Gillingham (Kent) and the Urban District of Chislehurst and Sidcup 41 1. - Report of the County Analyst for Kent for Fourth Quarter 1939 221. Aschehoug E. and Vesterhus R. Significance of the bacterial count in determining the freshness of herring and brisling the raw materials of kippered herrings and canned brisling 41 7. The cyanometric determination Atherton D. and Meara 1. L Component fatty acids and glycerides of some Myristica fats 516. - Fatty acids and glycerides of solid seed fats. IX.Mimusops Heckelii (Baku) kernel fat 517. Aufricht W. See Feigl F. Auguste G; Indirect volumetric determination of alkaloids 110. Aull J. C. and Kinard F. W. Determination of tungsten in biological materials 660. “Austin (3. J. A new group separation for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of phosphates 335. Ayres G. H. and Vienneau E. M. Stability of peroxidised titanium solutions 379, B Bacharach A. L. Review of Beriial’s The Social - Review of Fearon’s A n Introduction to - Review of Findlay’s Chemistry in the Service - Vitamin-free diets for animal experiments, Bachman C. Photometric determination of oestrogens. I Modified Kober reaction for determining the total oestrogens in a mixture of oestrogenic steroids. 11. New colour reaction for oestriol 11 8.Bagchi K. N. Ganguly H. D and Sirdar J. N. Lead-content of human hair 471. Bagnall D. J. T. Appointed Public Analyst for the County Borough of Kingston-upon-Hull, 566. Bagnall H. H. Report of the Birmingham City Analyst for 2nd quarter 1940 565; for the year 1939 597. *Baker A. Z. and Wright M. D. Biological assay of vitamin D, 326. Baker G. W. Report of the Government Analyst for Palestine for 1938 166. Baker W. 0. See Caley E. K. Function of Science 140. Biochemistry 2nd Ed. 387. of Man 5th Ed. 535. 573 iv INDEX TO VOLUME 65 Balanescu G. and Motzoc M. D. Deter-mination of aluminium in presence of iron and phosphoric acid 188. Baldwin E. and Bell D. J. The glycogen of Helix pomatza 468. Ballaban H. E. 1.2-Diaminoanthraquinone-3-sulphonic acid as a reagent for copper 134.Ballentine R. See Taylor A. R. Bandier E. Quantitative estimation of nico-Banfi R. F. See Marenzi A. D. Barkan B. and Walker B. S. Estimation of serum iron and pseudohaemoglobin iron with o-phenanthroline 669. tinic acid in urine 182. *Barraclough A. See Sutton K. W. Barton C. J. See Yoe J. H. Basu U. P. and Mazumdar A. Keeping proper-perties of Hydnocarfius W2ghtaana oil and its derivatives 465. Baumgartner J. G. and Knock (2. G. Stability of bacteria in relation to pH 371. Beacham L. M. Rapid method for the deter-mination of chlorides in tomato products 109. Beadle D. G. Examination of dusts from lungs produced by mining and other processes 472. Beamish F. E. See Rogers W. J. - See also Seath J.Beck G. Microchemistry of the rare earths 382. Becker E. See Berg R. Becker E. and Kartos R. F. Vitamin C con-tent of honey 4'70. Bedford C. L. See Joslyn M. A. Belcher R. and Wheeler R. V. Stiidies in the composition of coal Extraction of coal with quinoline 614. Bell D. J. See Baldwin E. Benedetti-Pichler A. A. and Paulson R. A. Quantitative micro-determinations with the use of ordinary analytical balances 69. Bennekou J. See Schou S . A. Bennisorr E. W. and Norris F. W. Pectic substances of plants. VI. Relation between jelly strength viscosity and composition of various pectins 67. Berg R. and Becker E. Determination of cerium by means of 8-hydroxyquinoline 3 12. - Indo-oxine a new precipitant for metals 378. Berger K. C.and Truog E. Determination of boron in soils and plants by means of quina-lizarin 123. Bergmann E. Farkas L. and Sander L. Separation of parn-hydrogen from oxygen and carbon monoxide 244. Bergmann M. See Fruton J. S . - See a h Ing H. R. Bergmann M. and Stein W. M. Naphthalene-8-sulphonic acid as a reagent for amino acids, 237. Bernal J. D. The Social Function of Science (Review) 140. Bernhardi K. and Schoenheimer R. Inertia of highly unsaturated fatty acids in the animal investigated with deuterium 466. Bernhart F. W. Molecular weight of egg albumin 236. Berrigan n. See Nelson C. I. Bertrand D. Determination of small quan-tities of molybdenum in biological materials, 177. Besazza V. L. Adsorption of malachite green by clays and allied materials 670.Biedebach F. and Wiegand H. Detection of novocaine and identification of pantocaine, 173. Binkley S. B. and Others. Constitution of vitamin K, 524. Birch T. W. and Gyorgy P. Physicochemical properties of the factor (vitamin H) curative of egg white injury 117. Birnbaum N. and Edmonds S. M. Deter-mination of uranium and copper with the aid of the silver reductor 313. Bisanz R. and Kroupa F. Determination of fluorine and silica in the hot-springs of Gastein 189. "Blackie W. J. and Flemons G. F. Modification of the stirring device of the Hortvet cryoscope, 26. Block R. J. Basic amino acid content of human serum proteins. Influence of the ingestion of argininc on the composition of the serum proteins 303. Micro estimation of threonine 72.Block R. J. and Bolling D. Blumenthal S. See Fiene F. Bodnhr J. and Torak T. Photometric estima-tion of silicic acid in biological substance 240. BodnBr J. SzBp & and Cieleszky V. Rapid method for the accurate estimation of minute quantities of arsenic in biological material, 379. Boisson R. Determination of lactic and pyruvic acids by means of periodic acid 473. Bolliger A. Volumetric determination of acridines with methylene blue 423. Bolling D. See Block R. J. Bond G. W. Application of hydrogen ion con-centration to boiler water treatment 429. Bonjean P. See Courtois J. Booth R. G. Thiochrome method for the esti-mation of aneurin with survey of the aneurin content of wheats 610. Bose P. K. See Dutt P. Bose P. K. and Dutt S.N. Oil from the fruit of Ferula alliacea 421. Bower C. A. and Truog E. Manganese method for determination of base exchange capacity of soils and other materials 614. Boyland E. See Chibnall ,4. C. Bozain M. See XIcIntyre G. H. Bracaloni L. Presence of 1-tyrosine in the alcoholic extract of egg yolk 298. Bradbury F. R. and Edwards E. G. Volumetric determination of ferric iron by means of murcurous nitrate 433. Bradley H. B. See Derrett-Smith D. A. Bradstreet R. B. See Lewis J. B. Brady 0. L. Review of Weeks's Discovery of the Elements 4th Ed. 321. Brame J. S. S. Obituary of F. G. Edmed 391. Brand E. and Kasse! B. Determination of reducing groups with porphyrindin with special reference to egg albumin 425. Bray R. H. See Dickman S. R. Bseen J.See Anslow W. K. Brindle H. Phenol and eucalyptus ointments, 608. - The iodine value of soft paraffins 409 INDEX TO VOLUME 65 V *Britton H. T. S. Universal buffer mixture 220. Britton H. T. S. and Ktinigstein M. Potentio-metric determination of hydroxylamine and hydrazine in alkaline solution 532. *Britton H. T. S. and Phillips L. The potentiometric estimation of glucose with potassium ferricyanide in sodium carbonate solution 149. *- The potentiometric titration of glucose with alkaline tartrate solutions of copper, including Fehling’s solution 18. Brode W. R. Chemical Spectroscopy (Rcview), 137. Brooks J. and Pace J Manometric estima-tion of nitrite in solution and in tissues 468. Brooks J. Haines R. B. Moran T. and Pace J. The function of nitrate nitrite and bacteria in the curing of bacon and ham 355.Brown J. B. See Shinowara G. Y. Brown R. A. See Emmett A. D. Browning B. L. See Stillings R. A. Briickmann G. and Zondek S. G. Improved method for the estimation of non-haemin iron 659. Briining A. Toxicological detection of cocaine, 427. Brunner K. and Neugebauer H. Determina-tion of the alkaloids in preparations of Berberis uulgaris and Berberis agvifolium 47. Buckler E. J. See Newton A. Budhiraja K. L. Report of the Chief Chemist for the State of Patiala for 1939-40 662. Bueding E. and Wortis H. Stabilisation and determination of pyruvic acid in blood 426. Buell 1. V. Method of ashing soft tissues preliminary to the determination of cations, 53. Bukatsch F. Estimation of vitamin C by means of the Zeiss step-photometer 241.Burchard C. See Miiller E. Burr G. 0. See Kass. J. P. Burt G. M. Report of the Building Research Board for 1939 598. Burton D. and Robertshaw G. F. Sulphated Oils and Allied Products-Their Chemistry and Analysis (Review) 3 18. - Unsaponifiable matter in sulphated oils and fatty alcohols. Committee on oils fats and waxes. No. XIII Part I 615. Butler A. M. See Talbot N. B. Buxton L. 0. See Simons. E. J. Buxton L. O. and -Kapp R. Purification of high molecular weight fatty esters 528. C Caley E. R. and Baker W. 0. Composition of lithium and potassium salts precipitated by uranyl acetate reagents for sodium 131. Cwdoso H. T. See Cole H. I. Carpenter P. See Levine M. Carson W. L. Luximeter Construction and application 534.Cartwright L. C. and Epstein S. S. Routine determination of the bacterial content of paper-board 612. Castiglioni A. Determination of piperazine, 422. Chakravarti S. N. Report of the Chemical Examiner for the United and Central Pro-vinces of India for 1939 601. Challis H. J. G. See Friend J. N. Chalmers F. G. D. Appointed Agricultural Analyst for the County Council of Warwick-shire 411. - Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for the Borough of Rugby 27; Public Analyst for the Borough of Nuneaton 161; Additional Public Analyst for the Borough of Hereford, 411. Chandlee G. C. See Hayes J. K. Charaux C. and Rabat& J. Study of Cen-Charbonnier H. Y. See Allen N. Cheftel H. See Panouse-Digeaud L. Cheramy P. Detection of chloralose in urine, 471.Cheramy P. and Lemos A. Toxicology of sodium and potassium permanganates 120. Cheramy P. and Papavassilou M. Extraction of alkaloids with acetone 243. Chernoff L. H. Determination of indole by a modification of Ehrlich’s reaction 465. Chibnall A. C. and Others. Glutamic acid of normal and malignant tissue proteins 520. Cllirnside R. C. Review of Sand’s Electro-chemastry and Electrochemical Analysis Vol. 11 620. - Review of Thompson’s Thewetical and Applied Electrochemistry 3rd Ed. 193. *Chirnside R. C. Dauncey L. A. and Proffitt, P. M. C. The determination of aluminium, magnesium or beryllium in nickel alloys 446. Cholnoky L. Quantitative estimation of coloured components in paprika 232. Christiansen B. E. and Facer J.F. Wet com-bustion method for determination of carbon and of oxygen consumed 64. Christiansen W. G. See Jurist A. E. Cicekdagi F. See Heicluschka A. Cieleszky V. See Bodnar J. Cimerman C. and Wenger P. Micro-deter-rnination of zinc by the hydroxyquinoline method. IV. Separation from manganese, iron bismuth mercury arsenic and antimony, 381. Clark W. Photography by Infra-red Its Principles and Applications (Review) 480. Clayton W. Review of Weiser’s Colloid Chem-istry 536. Clegg G. G. Examination of damaged cotton by the Congo red test Further developments and applications 475. Coblentz J. M. See Levine M. Cochran J. A. Lavoisier (Review) 320. Cohen B. R. See Wikoff H. L. Cohen I. Evaluation of the activity of powders of Veratrum uiride by the Duphnia method, 184.Cole H. I. and Cardoso H. T. Analysis of chaulmoogra oils. Hydnocarpus anthilmintica oil and Taraktopnos Kurzii (chaulmoogra) oil 231; 111. Hydnocarpus wightiniia oil, 45. Coleman R. M. See Allen N. Colin-Russ A. Human foot perspiration and tauvea scabiosa 302. upper boot leather 659 vi INDEX TO Collins J. V. Report of the Government Analyst for Ceylon for 1939 652. Colman H. B. See Simons E. J. *Colson A. F. The micro-titrimetric deter-mination of carbon dioxide in carbonates 638. *Common R. H. The phytic acid content of some poultry feeding stuffs 79. Comrie A. A. D. Colorimetric determination of the preservative value of hops. Standard colour values of some hybrid hops 516. Connah F. E. Report of the Government Analyst for Queeiisland for 1938-39 164.Constantinesco 0. See Ionesco-Matiu A. Conway E. J. Micro-diffusion Analysis and Volumetric Error (Review) 254. Coops J. See Mendel H. Cordebard M. H. Volumetric determination of organic substances by chromic oxidation : Nitro-chromic solutions 123. Courtois J. and Bonjean P. Volumetric deter-mination of sulphatc in water 121. Coward K. H. and Kassner E. W. Estimation of vitamin 1) in food substances containing phosphorus 523. Cox H. E. Hair dyes. IT. The functions and reactions of phenols 393. - Review of Thorpe and Whiteley's Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied Chemistry 4th Ed. 583. Crandall L. A. Method for the estimation of acetone bodies in blood applicable also to the estimation of small amounts of mercury, 467.Cumming A. C. and Kay S. A. A Text-book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis. 7th Ed. (Review) 138. Cutts H. E. Obituary of T. S. Gladding 391. D Daglish C. and Wokes F. Chemical assay of powdered ergot 50. Dahl,. 0. Characterisation of starch from various sources by means of electrophoretic fractionation 362. Dalby G. See Hoffman C. Danjo M. See Takano M. Darby W. J. and Day P. L. Blood sugar levels in rats receiving the cataractogenic sugars galactose and xvlose 520. Darnell lU. C. Jnr. and Walker V. S. Deter-mination of sodium in biological fluids 478. Dasa Rao C. J. See Vidyarthi N. L. "Dauncey L. A. See Chirnside R. C. Davenport J. E. See Evans K. N. Davidson I). Qualitative test for organic com-Davies A. W. and Moore T. Vitamin A content Davis T.I,. and Green W. P. New reaction Davis V. E. See Lewis D. T. Day P. L. See Darby W. J. Deahl N. See Lynch H. J. Deb N. C See Dutt P. *De Giacomi R. The determination of tin in foodstuffs by means of dithiol 216. de la Riviere R. D. Practical metRods for sterilisation of water consumed by evacuated populations 429. pounds containing oxygen 306. of cheese 58. of formic acid 528. VOLUME 65 Delga J. New colour reaction of phenarsazine chloride 309. - Reactions of Nessler's reagent with aqueous solutions of mustard gas and lewisite 246. Delory G. E. See King E. J. Denoel A. Determination of bromides in presence of chlorides 314. Derrett-Smith D. A. and Bradley H. B. Machine €or testing the fastness to rubbing of dyed materials 534.Deturk E. E. See Stubblefield 17. M. Dhawan C. L. See Hoon R. C. Dickhart W. H. Behaviour of olive oil and other oils with antimony trichloride 421. Dickinson D. Determination of chromates in sewage liquors 409. "Dickinson D. and Weir E. M. A rapid stability test for sewage effluents 289. Dickman S. R. and Bray R. N. Removal of phosphoric acid irom hydrogen peroxide 477. Diemair W. and Koch J. Estimation of sul-phur compounds in vegetables 418. Discherl W. Colour reaction for the detection of the eqiiol of Inare's urine 368. Dixon F. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for the Urban IXstrict of Brierley Hill 41 1. Dixon S. Report of the Public Analyst for Cardiff City for 1938 28. Doisy E. A. See Binkley S . €3. Donath W. F. See Sjollema B.Donau J. Micro-electrolytic determinations in small volumes 134. Donen I. K6le of sorbitol in the carbon-meta-bolisni of the Kelsev plum. T . Changes in chemical composition during growth and storagcx 178. Dorsey N. E. Properties of Ordinary Water Substance (Review) 620. Dott D. B. Tests for tannic acid 233 424. Duke F. R. and Smith G. F. Rapid qualitative test for alcoholic hydroxyl groups 527. "Dunbar-Poole A. G. Antimony in tin-antimony oxides 453. Dunn R. Inouye K. and Kirk P. L. Microscopy of the amino acids and their compounds 252. Dutt P. Deb N. C. and Bose P. K. Mesuol: the bitter principle of Mesua ferrea 466. Dutt S. N. See Bose P. K. Dyer B. Appointed Joint Public Analyst for the Borough of Ilford 27; for the Borough of Wanstead and Woodford 161.- Obituary of John White 325. E Eakin R. E. See Snell E. E. "Edisbury J. R. Edmonds S. M. See Birnbaum N. Edwards E. G. See Bradbury F. K. Edwards F. W. Review of Radley's Starch and Edwards S. J. Diagnosis of Streptococcus Eegriwe E. Tests for cadmium and magnesium, Spectrophotometric assay of vitamin A with special reference to margarine, 484. I t s Derivatives 481. mastitis by cultural methods 62. 248 VOLUME 65 vii T.7n-T- r n h l l Y U l ? . h 1u Egell B. D. and Gerhardt F. Use of ascorbic acid as a substrate in oxidase measurements, 468. Egloff G. Physical Constants of Hydrocarbons, Vol. I1 (Review) 585. Eichler H. Identification of groups of dyestuffs by their reaction with ferrous hydroxide 431. Elias A.Hydrogen sulphide in corned beef 605. Elliott E. C. Determination of sodium in Ellis G. See Voris L. Ellis R. H. Appointed Public Analyst for the El Sadr M. M. Macrae T. F. and Work C E. I. New biological Elsdon G. D. Review of Wilditch's The Chemical *Elsworth M. See Garner W. Elvehjem C. A. See Hove E. Emmerie A. Colorimetric determination of tocopherol (vitamin E) . IV. Quantitative determination of tocopherol in oils after saponification 370. Emmett A. D. Kamm O. and Sharp E. A. Vitamin K activity of 4-amino-2-methyl-l-naphthol and 4-amino-3-rnethyl-l-naphtho1, 305. Emmett A. D. Peacock G. and Brown,.R. A. Estimation of aneurin by a modification of the Melnick-Field method 661. Emte W. See John W. Engelder C. Calculations of Quantitative Englis D.T. See Shannon W. J . Ephraim F. Inorganic Chemistry 3rd English Epstein S. S. See Cartwright L. C. Epstein S. S. and Snell F. D. Thermal death time of micro-organisms encountered in the brewing industry 524. "Etheridge A. !I!. The determination of phos-phorus in titanium steels 496. Evans B. S. Review of Ephraim's Inorganic Chemistry 3rd English Ed. 584. - Review of Mellor's Modern Inorganic Chern-istry 9th Ed. 479. Evans E. A. See Krebs H. A. Evans J. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Scunthorpe 161. Evans R. C. An Introduction to Crystal Chemistry (Review) 75. Evans R. N. Davenport J. E. and Revukas, A. J. Micro-gravimetric determination of active hydrogen by the Grignard reagent 533. "Evans T. The net calorific value of coals 352.presence of other metals 616. Borough of Swindon 161. Estimation of riboflavin, method 522. Constitution of Natural Fats 319. Analysis (Review) 674. Ed. (Review) 584. F Facer J. F. See Christiansen 13. E. Fairbrother R. W. A Textbook of Bacteriology, Farkas L. See Bergmann E. Fearon W. R. An Introduction to Biochemistry, 2nd Ed. (Review) 387. Feigl F. and Aufricht W. Detection of barium sulphate by means of spot reactions 251. Ferguson A. Review of Evans's An Introduction to Crystal Chemistry 75. 3rd Ed. (Review) 673. Fernholz E. and Moore M. L. Isolation of a-spinasterol from alfalfa 60. Fernholz E. and Stavely H. E. Brassicasterol, the characteristic sterol of rapeseed oil 572. Ferrey G. J. W. Determination of mercury in mercurochrome 607.Field H. See Melnick D. Fiene F. and Blumenthal S. Handbook of Food Manufacture (Review) 255. "Fife J. Gc Studies in internal electrolysis. V. The determination of small quantities of copper in presence of cadmium 562. Findlay A. Chemistry in the Service of Man, 5th Ed. (Review) 535. Fischer H. and Leopoldi G. Colorimetric deter-mination of small amounts of lead by means of dithizone 432. Fischer R. Detection of ammonia calcium and strontium with organic nitro compounds 135. Flagg J. F. and Furman N. H. Qualitative reactions of salicylaldoxime derivatives with inorganic ions 668. "Flemons G. F. See Blackie W. J . Flint J. W. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for the Boroughs of Beckenharn and Bromley, 161. Fliigel J. See Komm E.Foerster P. Determination of lead in tin coatings 476. Ford W. P. and Others. Micro-determination of bromine in foodstuffs 617. Foster L. S. Reaction of gallium with perchloric acid 68. Fox J. J. Review of Brode's Chemical Spectro-scopy 137. - Review of Hibbin and Teller's The Raman Effect and its Chemzcal A pplicatioias 192. Frankenthal L. Methylene blue reducing system of Palestine orange peels investigated by Thunberg system 662. Fraps G. S. and Fudge J. F. Determination of iodine in soils plant material and waters 305. Fraps G. S. Kemmerer A. R. and Greenberg, S. M. Adsorption method for the determina-tion of pure carotene 609. - Determination of carotene in presence of lycopene 608. "Friend J. N. and Hall D. A. Estimation of praseodymium and neodymium in solution from their adsorption spectra 144.Friend J. N. Vallance R. H. and Challis, H. J. G. Phosphate separation in qualitative analysis 578. Fruton J. S. and Bergmann M. Activation of papain 303. Fuchs W. Ishler N. H. and Sandhoff, A. G. Determination of hydroxyl groups with the Grignard reagent 663. Fudge J. F. See Fraps G. S. Fuller P. N. Furman N. H. See Flagg J . F. G Gade G. N. See Townsend F. E. Ganguly H. D. See Bagchi K. N. *Garner W. A laboratory textile scouring - -4n alkaline ageing test for textile oils 219. Review of Egloff's Physical Con-stants of Hydrocarbons Vul. 11 58.5. apparatus 563 ‘Garner W. and Elsworth M. The peroxide accumulation rate of oils-relationship to Mackey test results and oxidation on textiles, 347.Gaspart R. and Serrure G. Determination of water in ether 73. Gatti C. and Knallinsky A. Tillmann reaction for vitamin C in plant extracts 369. *Gee G. N. The detection of urea in urine stains on carpets 25. Geiger E. and Miiller G. Microchemical deter-mination of the reducing power of cellulose, oxycellulose and hydrocellulose (micro-copper, micro-ferricyanide and micro-iodine numbers), 618. Georgi E. A. Analysis of rosin size 614. Gerhardt F. See Egell B. D. Gershenfeld L. and Perlstein D. Preservatives for preparations containing gelatin 62. Getz C. A. See Smith G. F. Ghosh B. and Guha B. C. ascorbigen from cabbage 523. Ghosh S. K. See Qudrat-i-Khuda M. Gilbert 0. R. and Tannich R. E. Detection of aromatics in air 666.Ginsburg J. M. Chemical effect on lead arsenate of certain salts which may be present in soil and spray waters 613. Glasscock H. H. and Wain R. L. Distribution of manganese in the pea seed in relation to marsh spot 372. Glimm E. Wittmeyer H. and Jahn-Held W. Thermo-stability of fats 301. Goepfert G. J. Micro-determination of succinic acid 580. Goldberg W. and Witlsh E. O’F. Ascorbic acid content of rose hips 304. Golumbic C. and Mattill H. A. Oxidation of vitamin E 573. Goodhue L. D. and Haller H. L. Determina-tion of deguelin in derris and cub6 184. Goodson J. A. Pelletierine of commerce, Gopala Rao G. and Sundara Rao W. V. Mechanism of the microbial oxidation of ammonia 524. Gordon N. and Trout W. E. Jr. Introductory College Chemistry 2nd Ed.(Review) 537. Gomall A. G. and Hunter A. Behaviour of some uramido-acids in the nitrous acid method for the determination of amino-nitrogen 467. Goss M. J. See Phillips M. Gourevitch A. Separation of the components of a mixture by fractional centrifuging, 136. Grsbouska G. See Iwanowski W. Graff J. H. Schlosser M. A. and Nihlen E. I(. Cross sections of pulp fibres 670. Grangaud R. New method for washing and isolation of barium sulphate in the micro-determination of sulphur 316. Grant J. See Radley J. A. Grant J. B. Report of the Director of the All-India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health for 1938 225. Gray A. G. See Holt. M. L. Green W P. See Davis T. L. Greenberg S. M. See Fraps G. S. Concentration of 422. Greenstein E.J. Fertiliser problems in vegetable production 415. Greeves W. F. Appointed Deputy Agricultural Analyst to the County Council of East Suffolk, 411. - Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for the Counties of Norfolk and East and West Suffollr and the Boroughs of Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft 566. *Gridgeman N. T. Lees H. and Wilkinson H. Estimation of vitamin D in margarine 493. Griebel C. and Hess G. Iodine absorption of honey and artificial honey 299. Griffin D. B. See Hall R. T. Griffiths J. G. A. Review of Dorsey‘s Properties of Ordinary Water Substance 620. Grimmett R. E. R. Report of Chemistry Section New Zcaland Dept. of Agriculture for 1938-39 33. Grimmett R. E. R. and I. G. McIntosh. Arsenic in soils and waters in the Waiotapu Valley, New Zealand 613.Grossfeld J. Determination of hydrocarbons in urisaponifiable matter 375. Grossfeld J. and Payfer R. Determination of formic acid in foodstuffs 168. Grossman M. J. Grumer J. See Molnar N. M, Gubnin J. See Pkronnet M. Guha B. C. See Ghosh B. - See also Pal J. C. - See also Sen-Gupta P. N. Guillaume A. and Nicolas Y. Stability of calcium hypochlorites 130. Gunde B. G. and Hilditch T. P. Mixed un-saturated glycerides of liquid seed fats. Some “non-drying” oils 364. Guthrie F. C. Modified iodate method for the determination of barium 434. Guthrie F. C. and Nance J. T. Revision of Cumming and Kay’s A Text-book of Quantita-tive Chemical A?zalysis 7th Ed. 138. Gyorgy P. Curative factor (vitamin H) for egg white injury with particular reference to its presence in different foodstuffs and in yeast, 117.- See also Birch T. W. Gyorgy P. Kuhn R. and Lederer E. Attempts to isolate the factor (vitamin H) curative of egg white injury 117. H See Wikoff H. L. Ehnes R. B. See Brooks J. *Hall D. A. See Friend J. N. Xall P. E. Analyses of certain South African woods with special reference to their use as producer-gas generator fuels 577. Hall R. T. Holcomb J. H. Jr. and Griffin, D. B. Separation and determination of isomeric menthols 518. Hall W. T. Revision of Moore’s A History of Chemistry 3rd Ed. 386. Haller H. L. See Goodhue L. D. Hallinan F. J. Colorimetric determination of free chlorine in effluents 678. Halverson J. 0 and Sherwood F. W. Vitamin A activity and vitamin B content of soya-beans and cowpeas 470 INDEX TO VOLUME 65 ix *Hameme J.H. A new test for the detection of molybdenum and tungsten 152. - Appointed Joint Public Analyst for the Borough of Ilford 41 1. Hammond J. W. and MacIntire W. H. Thorium nitrate micro-titration of fluorine in aqueous and alcoholic systems 618. mrispe J. V. Colorimetric semi-micro-deter-mination of arsenic in urine 54. Harper S. H. Active principles of leguminous fish-poison plants. IV. Isolation of malaccol from Derris malaccensis 472. Harral J. C. The determination of cocoa alkaloids in confectionary 408. Harris L. J. Vitamins (Review) 139. Hamis,. L. J. and Raymond W. D. Estimation of nicotinic acid in urine 183. Harrison G. J. and Roberts E. A. H. Fermen-tation process in tea manufacture.IV. Tea tannin and its fermentation products 46. Harrison D. C. and Mellanby E. Phytic acid and the rickets-producing action of cereals, 113. Hart D. and Meyrowitz R. Detection of thiocyanate iodide bromide and chloride 533. Hart E. B. See Hove E. Hartmann M. and Schlitter E. African arrow-poisons. I. Adenium somalense Balf. fil. 425. Haslam J. and Roberts R. F. The iodimetric determination of alkali An investigation of G. S. Smith’s method 399. Hassko A. Action of mustard gas on foods 427. Hawkins E. G. E. Jones J. K. N. and Young, G. T. Constitution of banana starch 464. *Hawleg H. Cleaning Jena glass filters 27. - Neutralisation value of ghee butter fat 606. - Report of the Government Analyst for Madras for 1938-39 601.*- The use of anhydrite as a desiccating agent, 644. Hayes J. R. and Chandlee G. C. Determination of bismuth by precipitation as quinaldine iodobismuthite 129, Heiduschka A. and Cicekdagi F. Milk fat from the Turkish buffala 297. Heiman S. See McNabb W. M. Hendrey W. B. Estimation of soya-bean flour in sausage by determining non-fermentable sugars 109. *Menness J. R. See Prideaux E. B. R. Henry K. M. Houston J. and Kon S. K. Estimation of riboflavin. 11. In milk com-parison of fluorimetric and biological tests 522. Henville D. Report of Public Analyst for Metro-politan Borough of Stepney for 1938 29. Herzfeld E. See Verda A. Herzog R. See Sherman C. S. Hess G. See Griebel C. Hettche 0. Hewitt J. T. Obituary of Sir G. T. Morgan 324. Hibben J.H. and Teller E. The Raman Effect and its Chemical Applications (Review), 192. Hidaka T. Rice bran as a raw material of oil 44. Hilditch T. P. Foreword to Burton and Robert-shaw’s Sulphated Oils and Allied Products 318. - The Chemical Constitution of Natural Fats (Review) 319. - See also Gunde B. G. Silicic acid nutrient media 243. Hilditch T. P. and Maddison L. Composition of commercial palm oils. V. Partial separation of palm oils by crystallisation as an aid to the determination of the component glycerides, 517. - Mixed unsaturated glycerides of liquid seed fats. 11. Low temperature crystallisation of cottonseed oil 656. €Elditch T. P. and Murti K. S. Component acids and glycerides of some Indian ox depot fats 655. - Fat of land crabs (Seychelles Islands) 518.*- The use of thiocyanogen values in the determination of linoleic and linolenic acids and thcir glycerides 437. Hilditch T. P. and Pedelty W. H. Bocy fats of the pig. V. Component glycerides of perinephritic and outer back fats from the same animal 569. Hilditch T. P. and Saul S. Component glycer-ides of a typical cow milk fat 606. Hills G. M. Thiochrome test for aneurin in urine as an index of nutritional level 179. Hilty W. W. and Wilson D. T. Determination of iodine in thyroid and its preparations by cerate oxidimetry 174. Colouring matters of Penicilliurn carmino-violaceurn Biourge with a note on the production of ergosterol by this mould, 470. - Constitution of carviolin a colouring matter of Peniciilium carmino-violuceum Riourge, 470.Hind H. Lloyd. Brewing Science and Practice. Vol. 11. Brewing Processes (Review) 48%. Hinks E. Appointed Public Analyst for the Urban District of Esher and the Boroughs of Surbiton and Malden and Coombe 27; for the Urban Districts of Coulsdon and Purley, and Merton and Morden and for the Borough of Wimbledon 161; for the Boroughs of Kingston-upon-Thames and Mitcham and the Urban District of Carshalton 411. *Hinton C. L. and Macara T. The composition of some jam fruits and the determination of the fruit content of jams 640. Hirst F. Report of the Director of the Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Research Station, Campden for 1939 511. Hiskey C. F. and Meloche V. W. Determination of rhenium in molybdenum 669. Hiskey C.F. Springer V. F. and Meloche, V. W. Reduction of molybdate in the silver reductor 69. *Hitchen 0. See Sutton R. W. Hoar T. P. Hydrogen “swells” in canned fruits 43. Hodgson T. R. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Crewe 161; for the Borough of Swinton and Pendlebury 566. Hodson A. Z, and Norris L. C. Fluorometric method for determining the riboflavin content Hoffman C. Schweitzer T. R. and Dalby G. Determination of iron in bread and bread ingredients 569. Hoffman C. H. See Tchitchibabine -4. E. Hogden C. G. See Robinson H. W. Holcomb J. €I. Jr. See Hall R. T. Hind H. G. of food-Stuffs 114 X INDEX TO VOLUME 65 Hollman E. C. M. J. Determination of the ascorbic acid content of tablets 365. Holm J. M. and Marloth B. W. The Bambarra groundnut or Njugo bean 608.Holmstrom J. E. Records and Research in Engineering and Industrial Science (Review) 322. Holt I. L. and Gray A. G. Volumetric deter-mination of tungsten 312. Holtz P. Combined ascorbic acid of animal tissue 369. Hoon R. C. and Dhawan @. L. Electrodialysis of soils. Influence of exchangeable bases on the recovery of manganese by electrodialysis, 526. Hopkinson F. J. See Wernimont G. Hoshall E. M. Determination of sulphides in - Determination of thioglycollates in depila-Houston J. See Henry K. M. Hove E. Elvehjem C. A. and Mart E. B. Effect of zinc on alkaline phosphatases 572. Howe D. E. and Mellon M. G. Colorimetric determination of iron with salicylaldoxime, 578. depilatories 5 7 9. tories 667. Hughes L.E. C. See Tweeney C. F. Hunter A. See Gornall A. G. Hunter D. Toxicology Industrial Poisoning (Review) 139. Hynes W. A. See Yanowski L. V. Hynes W. A, and Yanowski L. K. Salts of complex cations applied to the microscopical detection of anions 70. I Ichiyanagi B. See Kawakita K. Ikert B. Determination of fluorine in wood "Illing E. T. The detection and estimation of Ing H. R. and Bergmann M. Semi-micro-Inouye K. See Dunn R. Insinger J. A. See Rowaan P. A. Ionescu-Matiu A. Popesco C. and Constan-tinesco 0. Rlicro-determination of ethyl alcohol in pharmaceutical products. Deter-mination of the chromic index 135. Irwin J. 8. Estimation of riboflavin. 111. Statistical analysis of the data 522. Irwin W. B. See Smith L. I. Ishler N H. See Fuchs W.Iwanowski W. and Grabouska G. Determina-(treated with fluoride preservative) 190. benzedrine 3. estimation of amino acids 57. tion of sugars in flours 168. J Jackerott K. A. and Reimers F. Determination of nicotinic acid diethylamide and phthalic acid bis-diethylamide 234. Jacob A. and Todd A. R. Cannabis ipzdicu. Isolation of cannabidiol from Egyptian hashish. Observations on the structure of cannabinol 466. Jaeger W. See Karrer P. Jaffb F. W. M. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for the County Borough of Wakefield, 566. - Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Keighley 27 ; for the Borough of Harrogate, 161 ; for the Borough of Batley and the Urban District of Castleford 411. Jahn-Held W. See Glimm E. *James G. V. The determination of members of the sulphanilamide group of drugs 206.Janke A. and Mikschik E. Micro-potentio-metric method of formol titration 434. Jensen C. C. See Schoch T. J . Jensen H. B. and With T. K. Vitamin A and carotenoids in the liver of mammals birds, reptiles and man 179. Jensen K. E. Estimation of foreign organisms in yeast 62. John W. and Emte W. The red oxidation products of the tocopherols 242. Johnson K. R. See Mehlig J. P. "Johnson T. E. See Kersey R. W. Jones A. 0. Review of z-lnnunl Reports oj tlac Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XXIV for 1939 436. Jones E. V. nppointcd Public Analyst for the Urban District of Rrierley Hill 41 1. Jones J. K. N. See Hawkins E. G. E. Joslyn M. A. and Bedford C. L. Enzyme activity in frozen vegetables asparagus 468.Jurist A. E. and Christiansen W. G. Oxalate formation in ascorbic acid solutions 184. K Kahler H. L. Interference of sulphite with t h e determination of sulphate by the .tetra-hydroxyquinone method 434. Kaiser E. P. and Parrish W. Immersion liquids for determination of refractive index of non-opaque minerals 137. Kamm 8. See Emmett A. D. Kapp E. M. 580. Kapp R. See Buxton,,L. 0. Kardos R. F. Reducing power of unripe honey - See also Uecker E. Karrer P. Blue alkali salts of a-phylloquinone Karrer P. Jaeger W. and Keller H. Estima-Karush F. See Talbot N. B. Kass J. P. and Others. Thiocyanogen value of linolenic acid 528. Kassall B. See Brand E. Kassner E. W. See Coward K. H. Kawakita K. and Ichiyanagi B. Elimination of traces of carbon monoxide from hydrogen, 575.Kay S. A. See Cumming A. C. Kaye A. Micro-determination of potassium. I. 533. Keiser B. Identification of 2-aminoethanol 474. Keller H. See Karrer P. Keller H. and Moller H. Detection by Walkie-wiecz's method of the decomposition of meat, 418. Micro-estimation of uronic acids, and honey from sugar-fed bees 363. (vitamin K,) and similar compounds 60. tion of tocopherol in animal organs 497 INDEX TO Kemmerer A. R. See Fraps G. S. Kent N. L. Quantitative analysis of plant tissues for lithium by the Ramage flame spectrographic method 581. KentJones ID. W. See Ford W. P. Keresetesy J. C. See Scudi J. V. "Kersey R. W. Maddocks J. R. and Johnson, T. E. The determination of small amounts of formaldehyde in air 203.Kewley J. Review of Sachanen's Conversion of Petroleum 671. Kieft J. P. Inactivation of the enzymes of gum arabic 112. Kiffer A. D. See Lamprey H. Kimura W. and Tsurugi J. Arylation of oils and fats. Synthesis of tolyl stearic acid and its esters 186. Kinard F. W. See Aull J. C. King E. J. and Delory G. E. Carbonate veronal buffer solution covering pH 7-5 to 10.7 469. King .H. Alkaloids of some Cbondrodendron species and the origin of Radix Pareirae Bravae 518. Kingsbury A. M. Report of the Director of the Federated Malay States Institute of Medical Research for 1938 459. Kirk P. L. See Dunn R. Kirkby W. Review of Cochrane's Lavoisier 320. "Kitto W. H. Determination of fat by the Grossfeld method 97. Klentsch K. See Taufel K.Knallinsky A. See Gatti C. Knock G. G. See Baumgartner J. G. *Kny-Jones F. G. Lindsey A. J. and Penney, A. C. The quantitative electro-deposition of tin from chloride solutions. I. Stannic tin solutions 498. Koch J. See Diemair W. Kocsis E. A. Spot tests for silver lead mercury, uranium and aluminium 190. Kodicek E. Estimation of nicotinic acid in animal tissues blood and certain foodstuffs, 522. Koehn C. J. and Sherman W. C. Estimation of vitamin A and carotene with the photo-electric colorimeter 303. Koenig E. W. Direct determination of alumina in silicates 130. Kolb J. J. and Toennies G. Colour reaction of methionine 114. Kolthoff I. M. and Langer A. Titration of nickel with dimethylglyoxime with the aid of the dropping mercury electrode as indicator electrode 476.Komm E. and Fliigel J Aromatic principle in bread. 111. Colorimetric estimation of diacetyl acetoin and butylene glycol 361. Komm E. and Lehmann G. Aromatic principle in bread. 11. Isolation of the aromatic principle in rye bread 360. Komm E. and Pinder H. Determination of creatinine with m-dinitrobenzoic acid 329. Kon G. A. R. See Whiteley M. A. Kon S. K. See Henry K. M. Konigstein M. See Britton H. T. S . Koolhaas D. R. See Meijer T. M. - See also van Hulssen C. J. Koones H. F. See Scudi J. V. Kopanaris G. P. See Thomis G. P. VOLUME 65 xi Koschara W. Urothione a yellow sulphur-containing pigment from human urine 367. Koschara W. von der Seipen S. and Alfred, P. A. Fluorescence analysis of human urine, 242.Kouznecov V. J. Detection and determination of germanium with hydrogen selenide 68. Koyanagi H. See Tsujimoto M. Kramer B. See Sobel A. E. Krebs H. A. Smyth D. H. and Evans E. A. Determination of fumaratc and malate in animal tissues 571. Kringstad M. See Lunde G. Krishna S. Kroupa E. Micro-gravimetric separation of zinc and uranium 435. Kroupa F. See Bisanz 13 Kriager A. Kruysse A. See &ikker J . J. L. Kuhn P. See Gyorgy P. Kurtz F. E. and Schaffer P. S. Separation of hydroxy from non-hydroxy fatty acids by means of a dibasic acid anhydride 528. See Puntambeka S. V. Volumetric determination of sul-phate 434. JJ LaForge F. B. and Acree F. Jr. Behaviour of certain substituted allenes towards the Meinel colour test 614. "Lambie D.A. and Schoeller W. R. The separation of molybdenum from tin and from sulphur 281. Lampert L. M. Freezing-point of milk 108. Lampitt L. H. See Sylvester N. D. Lamprey H. Sommer E. E. and Kiffer A. D. Detection and determination of ethylene glycol in lubricating oil 665. Landis Q. Polariscopic determination of proteolytic activity 660. Lang 0. St. A. K. and Adickes F. On the fatty acid dehydrogenase IV. product of the dehydrogenation of stearic acid 242. Lang 0. St. A. K. and Mayer H. Fatty acid dehydrogenase and its co-enzymes 241. Lmger A. Amperometric titration of fluoride with thorium nitrate 669. - See also Kolthoff I . M. Lantz L. A. Standard method for testing the fastness to light of coloured textile materials, 582. Lasocka D.See hlystkowski E. M. Lederer R. See Gyorgy P. Lees A. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for *Lees H. Lehmann G. See Komm E. Lemos A. See Cheramy 1'. Lemos A. C. Toxicology of manganese 63. Leong P. @. Effect of soil treatment on the Leopoldi G. See Fischer H. Letonoff T V. and Reinhold J. G. Colorimetric determination of lead as chromate with the aid of diphenylcarbazide 433. the Borough of Danven 411. See Gridgeman N. T. vitamin 13 content of wheat and barley 59 Leva E. Colorimetric micro-method for the estimation of sodium with manganous uranyl acetate 316. Levine M. Carpenter P. and Coblentz 3. 1. Bacteria from chlorinated waters 370. Levvy G. A. Estimation of barbiturates in blood 471. Levy L. F. Identification and determination of phenolic compounds 430.*Lewis D. T. The gravimetric determination of phosphate and vanadate 560. Lewis D. T. and Davis V. E. Determination of arsenic in organic and inorganic compounds, 531. Lewis H. B. See Schultz J . Lewis J. B. Determination of sulphide sulphur in presence of other sulphur compounds 669. Lewis J. B. and Bradstreet R. B. Determina-tion of unsaturation in aliphatic hydrocarbon mixtures by bromine absoqltion 576. Liebhafsky H. A. and Sharkey W. H. Deter-mination of organic peroxides 475. *Lindsey A. J. See Kny- Jones F. G. *Lindsey A. J. and Shennan R. J. Quinaldinic acid as a reagent for the separation of copper and cadmium 636. Link K. P. See Moore S. *Lipscomb A. G. The reaction between 2*2’-dichlorodiethyl sulphide (mustard gas) and bleaching powder 100.Lochte H. L. See Schultze H. G. *Lockwood H. C. An adjustable support for crucibles and dishes 160. *- Technique for the preparation of standard microscope slide with particular reference to chocolate 97. Loeb H. G. See Kass J. P. Lollar R. M. Determination of chromium in chrome-tanned leather 531. Lotichius J. Colorimetric estimation of indigo, 668. - Colorimetric estimation of sodium hydro-sulphite and the hydrosulphite content of indigo vats 668. - Estimation of indigo on the fibre 668. Lovern J. A. and Morton R. A. Distribution of the fatty acids in. halibut intestinal oil, with a note on the presence of free fatty acids in the intestines of fish 58. Lovett-Janison P. L. and Nelson J. M. Ascorbic acid oxidase from summer crook-neck squash (C.pep0 condensa) 572. Lucas A. Review of Mond and Myers’ Temples of Armant 672. Ludernan C. G;. Determination of sludge in used or oxidised motor oils 664. Lunde G. and Kringstad H. Studies on the anti-grey hair vitamin for silver foxes 368. Lynch G. Roche and Pryce D. M. Toxicology: Homicidal Suicidal and Accidental Poisoning (Review) 139. Lynch H. J. and Deahl N. Determination of vanillin in vanilla extracts 670. Lynen F. Respiration of animal tissue after freezing in liquid air 425. Lyons C. 6. Lythgoe H. C. See Appleyard F. N. Report of the Director of the Division of Food and Drugs Dept. of Public Health Commonwealth of Massachusetts 226. VWLUlVlJ5 ti5 M *Macara T. See Hinton C. L. Macarovici C.G. See Spacu G. McCance R. A. See Masters M. McCance R. A. and Widdowson E. M. The chemical composition of foods (Medical Research Council Special Report Series, No. 235) 458. McCarthy T. E. See Sullivan M. X. McCulloch E. C. See St. John J. L. MacDonald K. Efficiency of the Wells air centrifuge as determined by air-washing tech-nique 470. McIntosh I. G. See Grimmett R. E. R. McIntyre G. H. and Bozain M. Optical method for the determination of quartz particles in felspar 535. MacIntyre W. H. See Hammond J. W. McKay R. W. Estimation of viscose rayon 432. McKee R. W. See Binkley S. B. Mackinney G. See Weast C. A. MacLachlan E. A. See Talbot N. B. Macmorran G. H. Bleach ointment 423. McNabb W. M. and Heiman S. Determination of free cyanide in brass electroplating baths, 315.MacNalty Sir A. Report of Chief Medical Officer to Ministry of Health for 1938 103. Macrae T. F. See El Sadr M. M. Maddison L. See Hilditch T. P. *Maddo& 3. R. See Kersey R. W. Mahr C. and Ohle H. Volumetric determina-tion of chlorate and bromate 189. - Volumetric determination of manganese and lead dioxides 433. Mahr C. and Prodinger W. Non-precipitation of cobalt and palladium by nitro- p-naphthol, 187. Maiden A. 1vII. See Ford W. P. Maitra M. K. and Moore T. Vitamin A content of “light white” casein 116. Makris C. G. and Menachb R. Colorimetric determination of silver 477. Malaprade L. New method for the volumetric determination of bismuth 249. Mallinder R. Appointed Agricultural Analyst for the County Boroughs of Burton-on-Trent, Halifax and Huddersfield 41 1.- Appointed Public Analyst for the County Boroughs of Burton-upon-Trent Halifax and Huddersfield and the Borough of Scar-borough 41 1. *- See also Sutton K. W. Malloch J. Q. Selenium in Canadian wheat 430. Mallya M. V. See Vidyarthi N. L. Malowan L. S. Detection of gold by means of Man E. 33. See Riggs I). S . *ManIey C. H. The analytical constants of - The estimation of lead in drinking water 403. Mann F. G. and Saunders B. C. Introduction to l’ractical Organic Chemistry (Review) , 74. Manning E. P. D. See Almquist H. J. Manunta C. Chromatographic separation of palmitic and stearic acids from a mixture of oleic palmitic and stearic acids 64. morpholin 310. spirit vinegar 594 INDEX TO VOLUME 65 xiii Marcille R.The Bellier test and the Blarez test. Application to olive and other oils 170. Marenzi A. D. and Banfi R. F. Estimation of small amounts of sulphur as sulphates in biological fluids 366. Marloth B. W. See Holm J. M. Marsden A. W. New cell for electrodialysis, especially of soils 435. Mason R. D. Fat Total Solids and Moisture (Review) 75. Masters M. and McCance R. A. Sulphur content of foods 42. Matagrin A. Manuel du Savonnier (Review), 389. Matthews J. W. Review of Conway’s Micro-daffusion Analysis and Volumetric Error 254. Mattill H. A. See Golumbic C. Maudsley F. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Colne 161. Mayer H. See Lang 0. St. A. K. Maynard L. A. See Voris L. Mazumdar A. See Basu U.P. Meade E. M. New colour reaction for diaryl-amines 530. Meara M. L. See Atherton D. Meara M. L. and Zaky Y. A. H. Fatty acids and glycerides of the seed fats of Allanblackaa floribunda and Allanbldckia paruiflora 617. Mecchi E. See Almquist H. J. Mehlig J. P. and Johnson I(. R. Detection of magnesium by means of p-nitrobenzeneazore-sorcinol 3 14. Meijer T. M. Essential oil of massoi bark, 375. Meijer T. M. and Koolhaas D. R. Determina-tion of rotenone in derris root 526. - New derivatives of constituents of derris root 244. Mellanby E. See Harrison D. C. Mellon M. G. See Howe D. E. Mellor J. W. See Parkes G. D. Melnick D. and Field H. Chemical estimation of nicotinic acid Inhibitory effect of cyanogen bromide upon the aniline side reactions 661.- Chemical estimation stability and form of aneurin in urine 56. - Estimation of nicotinic acid in biological materials by means of photoelectric colori-metry 571. Meloche V. W. See Hiskey C . F. Henache R. See Makris C. G. Mendel H. and Coops J. Gradual decom-position by oxidation of fatty acids into their next lower homologues 246. Merrill H. B. and Mueller G. C. Use of cheap filter paper for analysing tan liquors 476. Mertz J. C. Determination of chromic oxide in leather. I. Comparison of wet and dry oxidation methods 310. Meyrowitz R. See Hart D. Mikschik E . See Janke A. Miller C. C. Volumetric determination of small quantities of barium and sulphate with barium rhodizonate as indicator 476 Miller W. T. and Williams K. T. Minimum lethal dose of selenium as sodium selenite for horses mules cattle and swine 613.Mills W. H. Obituary of Sir W. J. Pope, 258. *Mitchell C. A. An ancient Egyptian marking *- Copper in tomato pulp 220. - Review of Chambers’s Technical Dictionary, 622. - Review of Clark’s Photography by Infra-Ped: Its Principles and Applications 480. - Review of The Mineral Water Trade Year Book 142. Mitchell W. New solanaceous alkaloids from Duboisia myoporoides 233 422. Mob D. D. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for the Urban District of Esher and the Borough of Surbiton 27; for the Urban Districts of Coulsdon and Purley and Merton and Morden and the Borough of Wimbledon, 161; for the Urban District of Carshalton and the Borough of Mitcham 411. *- Bleach ointments 154.Mob G. M. and Andrews E. D. Determination of iron and copper in butter 657. MoUer H. See Keller H. Molnar N. M. and Grumer J. Volumetric estimation of lac in glazed candies 175. Molteno C. J. and Rapson W. S. Seasonal variations in the vitamin A content of certain visceral organs of the Geelbek or Cape salmon (Atractoscion acquideus C. and V.) 59. Mona Sir R. and Myers 0. H. Temples of Armant (Review) 672. Monk H. E. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Oldbury 27. Moore F. J. A History of Chemistry 3rd Ed. Revised by W. T. Hall and Edited by J. F. Norris (Review) 386. Moore H. Glasses Organic and inorganic 126. Moore M. L. See Fernholz E. Moore S. and Link K. P. Carbohydrate characterisation. I. Oxidation of aldoses by hypoiodite in methanol.11. Identification of seven aldo-monosaccharides as benzi-midazole derivatives 419. ink 100. Moore T. See Davies A. W. - See also Maitra M. K. Moorhead F. F. Determination of carbon disulphide in air 525. Moran T. See Brooks; J. More A. Obituary of W. T. Burgess 2. Morgan Sir 0. T. Foreword to Kingzett’s Chemical Encyclopaedia. 6th Ed. 637. Morrell R. S. and Phillips E. 0. Oxidation of drying oils and cognate substances. VI. Properties of the peroxide ketol and oxido groups including those of some resins 615, Morrison G. K. Application of rational analysis to some typical South African coals 376. *Morton R. A. The constitution and physio-logical significance of carotene and allied pigments 263. - See also Lovern J. A. Motzoc M.D. See Balanescu G. Mozolowski W. Quantitative estimation of glycuronic acid and its conjugated compounds by means of the naphthoresorscinol test of Tollens 5 19. Mueller G. C. See Merrill H. B. Mukherjee A. See Qudrat-i-Khuda M. Miiller E. and Burchard C. New method for the removal of nitric acid 380 xiv INDEX TO Muller E. and Stumpf W. Determination of iodide in mineral waters containing bromide and large quantities of chloride 245. Muller G. See Geiger E. *Murti K. S. See Hilditch T. P. Murty G. N. Report of Public Analyst for Municipality of Bangalore for 1939-40 353. Muter A. H. M. Appointed Public Analyst for the Metropolitan Borough of Battersea 161. Myers 0. H. See Mond Sir R. Mystkowski E. M. and Lasocka D Factors preventing oxidation of ascorbic acid in blood serum 59.N Naidu S. R. Report of Chemical Examiner for Government of Madras for 1938 36; for 1939, 602. Nakamura T. Determination of silicon in fluorspar and cryolite 434. Nakamura T. and Yamazaki S. Determination of aluminium oxide in metallic aluminium by means of cupric ammonium chloride 68. Nance J. T. See Guthrie F. C. Narasimhamurty G. and Suryanarayanamurty, V. V. Detection of adulteration in ghee by a study of its fluorescence 606. Neale S. M. and Stringfellow W. A. Absorption of substantive dyes by okycelluloses of the acidic type 247. Nelson C. I. and Berrigan D. Effectiveness of heat penetration in the canning of meat in the home by the pressure cooker 120. Nelson E. K. and Wheeler D. H. Natural ageing of wines 43.Nelson J. M. See Lovett-Janison P. L. Nemec V. Precipitation of natural tannins with ‘Neubauer L. G. See Andrew R. L. Neugebauer H. See Brunner K. Newton A. and Buckler E. J. Determination of methylpropene by means of a modified Denigbs reagent 472. Nicholls J. R. Review of Radley and Grant’s Fluorescence Analysis in Ultra- Violet Light, 3rd Ed. 194. Nicholls J. R. Review of Reilly and Rae’s Physico-Chemical Methods 3rd Ed. 384. Nicholls J. R. Review of The British Encyclo-paedia of Medical Practice Vol. 12 139. Nickelson M. N. and Werkman C. H. Formation of trimethylene glycol from glycerol by Aerobacter 613. Nicolas Y. See Guillaume A. Nielsen J. P. Determination of magnesium in biological material 176. Nihlen E. IT.See Graft J. H. Nobori H. Composition of the fatty acids in Chinese coconut oil 658. - Lower saturated fatty acids in herring oil, 607. Noetzel 0. Estimation of silver in catadynised vinegar and fruit cordials 364. Norris F. A. See Kass J. P. Norris J. F. Editor of Moore’s A History of Chemistry 3rd Ed. 386. Norris L. C. See Hodson A. 2. Norton A. R. calcium hydroxide 246. See Seaman W. VOLUME 65 0 O’Dwyer M. H. Hemicelluloses of the wood of English oak. 5. Structure of hemicellulose 47*4. Ohle H. See Mahr C. Okell F. L. Review of Cummin and Kav’s A Text-book of Quantitative Chemical Andy&, 7th Ed. 138. - Review of Vogel’s A Text-book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis 195. - Reviex of Yoe’s A Laboratory Manual of Qacalitative Analysis 254.Olliver M. Antiscorbutic values of fruits and vegetables 662. Orchard E. R. Compost its preparation and use 416. P Pace J. See Brooks J. Page R. P. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Gosport 41 1. Pal J. C. and Guha B. C. Combined ascorbic acid in plant foodstuffs. I. 522. Panouse-Digeaud L. and Cheftel H. Elimina-tion of iron by cupferron prior to colorimetric determination of lead with dithizone 130. Papavassilou M. See Cheramy Y. Paranjothy J. T. Rat virus enquiry report (F. M. S. Institute for Medical Research Bull. No. 1 1939) 460. Park B. Partial separation of copper from small amounts of arsenic 378. Pukes G. D. and Mellor J. W. Mellor’s Modern Inorganic Chemistry 9th Ed. (Review) 479. Parpart A. K. See Taylor A.R. Pmrish W. See Kaiser E. P. Paulson R. A. See Benedetti-Pichler A. A. Payfer R. See Grossfeld J. Peacock G. See Emmett A. D. Pearson Miss M. H. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for the County of Middlesex 27. Pedelty W. H. See Hilditch T. P. Pell-Walpole W. T. Determination of tellurium in tin-rich alloys by volatilisation 434. “Penney A. C. See Kny-Jones F. G. Pennington D. Snell E. E. and Williams. R. J. Assay method for pantothenic acid, 661. Perlstein D. See Gershenfeld L. Pbronnet M. and Guenin J. Action of a cuprous iodide reagent on alkaloids precipitation and colour reactions 301. Pbronnet M. and Rbmy R. H. Precipitation reactions of organic arsenic compounds 247. Pesez M. New colour reaction for the identi-fication of cocaine 48.Peters D. D. See Sobel A. E. Phillips E. 0. *Phillips L. Phillips M. and Goss M. J. Composition of certain nutshells 608. Pinder H. See Komm E. *Pinder J. L. The routine examination of magnesium trisilicate 90. ‘Pinder J. L. and Singer J. H. Examination and determination of 2-methyl-1 4-naph-thoquinone 7. See Morrell R. S. See Britton H. T. S INDEX TO Pirtea T. I. Gravimetric determination of antimony by means of 8-hydroxyquinoline, 188. Pittman F. I(. Detection and elimination of phosphate in qualitative analysis by means of zirconium salts 669. Plank J. Estimation of cerium in cerous salts, 434. Plimmer V. G. Food Values at a Glance (Re-view) 388. Polaczek-Wittek A. See Schmid L. Popesco C. See Ionesco-Matiu A. "Prideam E.B. R. and Henness J. R. The precipitation of aluminium hydrous oxide and its solubility in ammonia 83. Prodinger W. See Mahr C. "Proffitt P. M. C. See Chirnside R. C. Prudhomme R. 0. quinine in biological fluids and tissues 239. Pryce D. M. See Lynch G. Roche. *Puffeles M. Observations on the use of electrodialysis in the analysis of soils 501. Pulley G. N. and von Loesecke H. W. Gases in the commercial handling of citrus juices 42. Puntambeka S. V. and Krishna S. Fatty oil from the seeds of Bauhinia variegata 421. Pyke 1. Distribution of aneurin in foods deter-mined by chemical analysis 180. - Observations of the distribution of vitamin B, in some plant families 470. - Review of Plimmer's Food Values at a Glance, 388. - Review of Symposium of the Food Group of the Society of Chemical Industry on Vitamin E 77.Colorimetric estimation of Q Qudrat-I-Khuda M. Ghosh S. K. and Mukher-jee A. Neem oil. I. 465. R Rabak W. Factors affecting the efficiency of materials used in packaging frozen foods 658. Rabat& J. See Charaux C. Racker E. Histidine detection and estimation in urine 467. Radley,. J. A. Starch and Its Derivatives (Review) 48 1. Radley J. A. and Grant J. Fluorescence Analysis m Ultra-Violet Light 3rd Ed. (Review) 194. Rae R. See Robinson R. A. Rae W. N. See Reilly J. Raistrick H. See Anslow W. I<. Rapson W. S. See Molteno C. J. Ray P. R. and Sarkar T. C. Quinaldinic acid as a micro-reagent. IV. Determination of zinc in presence of copper silver and mercury 435. Ray T.W. Estimation of manganese in organic material containing large amounts of calcium and chlorides 570. Raymond M. D. See Harris L. J. Rees 1. W. See Chibnall A. C. Reilly J. and Rae W. N. Physico-Chemical Methods 3rd Ed. (Review) 384. VOLUME 65 xv Reimers F. See Jackerott K. A. Reindollar W. F. Detection of saccharin in Reinhold J. G. See Letonoff T. V. RBmy R. H. See P&onnet M. Revukas A. J. See Evans R. N. Reynolds C. V. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for the Borough of Torquay 161. Rhodes H. T. F. Forensic Chemistry (Review), 621. Riemenschneider R. W. See Wheeler D. H. Rigby W. T. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Rugby 27. Riggs D. S. and Man E. B. Permanganate acid ashing micro-method for iodine determina-tions. 1.Values in blood of normal subjects, 579. Rijks-Institut Voor Phaxmaco-Therapeutisch Onderzoek. Contraphthisine 48. Ripan-Tilici R. Argentometric determination of cyanide with diphenylcarbazone as indi-cator 315. Roberts E. A. H. Fermentation process in tea manufacture. V. Cytochrome oxidase and its probable role. VI. Effect of dilution on the rate and extent of oxidations in fermenting tea leaf suspensions 521. - See also Harrison C. J. Roberts R. F. See Haslam J . Roberts W. H. Appointed Public Analyst for the Boroughs of Crosby and Kendal, 411. Robertshaw G. F. Robertson J. D. Urine Examination (Review), 139. Robinson C. H. and Sykes W. J. Obituary of F. T. Shutt 392. Robinson F. A. Review of Anderson's Essentials of Physiological Chemistry 76.- Review of Appleyard and Lyons' Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry 4th Ed. 436. foodstuffs 569. See Burton D. - Review of Kingzett's Chemical Encycloflaedia, 6th Ed. 537. Robinson H. W. and Hogden C. G. Biuret reaction in the estimation of serum proteins. I. Study of the conditions necessary for the production of a stable colour which bears a quantitative relationship to the protein con-centration 466. Robinson R. A. an8 Rae R. Bell's Sale of Food and Drugs 10th Ed. (Review) 385. *Robinson R. G. A simple test for arsenic in lead alloys 159. Rochow E. G. Preparation of Grignard re-agents from magnesium amalgams 245. Roelen L. Colorimetric determination of iron in aluminium and alumina 187. Rogers W. J. Beamish F. E. and Russell D.S. Determination of ruthenium with thionalide, 669. Rosenthaler L. Detection of elements in organic compounds 307. Rowaan P. A. and Insinger J. A. Determina-tion of the eugenol-content of essential oils, 66. Russell D. S. See Rogers W. J. Russell E. W. and Tamhane R. V. Determina-tion of the size distribution of soil clods and crumbs 371 xvi INDEX TO - - ~ -S Saber A. H. Quantitative determination of powdered cinnamon and cassia 42 1. Sabetay S. Phthalisation in the presence of pyridine 125. Sachanen A. N. Conversion of Petroleum (Review) 671. Sadolin E. Analysis of synthetic resins con-taining maleic acid 128. Sage C. E. Review of Moore’s A History of Chemistry 3rd Ed. 387. Sah P. P. T. 3.5-Dinitro-4-methylbenzazide as a reagent for the identification of amines 125.- p-Nitrobenzazide and 9-nitrophenyl iso-cyanate as reagents for the identification of amines 374. Sah P. P. T. and Woo T. F. m-Nitrobenzazide as a reagent for the identification of phenols, 124. Sah P. P. T. and Yin W.-H. o-Nitrobenzazide as a reagent for the identification of phenols, 373. St. John J. L. and Others. Toxicity to sheep of lead arsenate and lead arsenate spray residues, 575. Samson M. Relation of cuprous creatinine to tests for sugar in urine 55. Sand H. J. S. Electrochemistry and Electro-chemical Analysis. Vol. 11. Gravimetric Electrolytic Analysis and Electrolytic Marsh Tests (Review) 620. Sandhoff A. G. See Fuchs W. *Sandilands J. The assay of mercury 13. Sander L. See Bergmann E. Sando C.E. See Wheeler D. H. Sarkar T. C. See R&y P. R. Saul S. See Hilditch T. P. Saunders B. C. See Mann F. G. Scarborough H. Vitamin P 61. Schaffer P. S. See Kurtz F. E. Schlitter E. See Hartmann M. Schlosser M. A. See Graff J. H. Schmid L. and Polaczek-Wittek A. Colouring matters of flowers of Tormentilla potentilla, 309. Schoch,. T. .J. and Jensen C. C. Simplified alkali-lability determination for starch pro-ducts 655. Schoder W. P. See Weinig A. J. Schoeller W. R. Review of Weinig and Schoder’s Technical Methods of Ore Analysis for Chemists and Colleges 11th Ed. 194. *- See also Lambie D. A. Schoenheimer B. See Bernhardi K. Scholten C. Estimation of carbon monoxide in blood 471. Schoorl N. Little-known reaction for benzoic acid 374.*Schormuller J. Ultra-violet absorption of yeast extracts and meat extracts 297. Schou S. A. and Bennekou J. Colorimetric determination of ergotoxine and ergometrine, 51. Schulte K. E. See Thaler H. Schulte M. J. Reactions for the identification of isazin 112. Schulte J. and Lewis H. B. Excretion of volatile selenium compounds after adminis-tration of sodium selenite to white rats. 302. VOLUME 65 Schultze H. G. Shive B.,.and Lochte H. L. Separation and characterisation of petroleum acids 529. Schwarz G. Photographic silver-gelatin paper as a reagent in spot analysis 619. Schweitzer T. R. See Hoffman C. Scott D. B. Detection of the bleaching of flour with chlorine 605. Scott E. W. and Treon J. F. Colorimetric determination of primary mononitroparaffins, 529.Scudi J. V. Koones H. F. and Keresztesy J. C. Estimation of adermin (vitamin B6) in urine, 304. *Seaber W. M. Alumina for the estimation of carotene 645. *- The commercial determination of carotene and allied pigments with especial reference to dried grass and other leafy materials 266. Seaman W. Norton A. R. and Sundberg 0. E. Estimation of o-nitrophenol in p-nitrophenol, and o-aminophenol in p-aminophenol by fluorescence and analysis 58 1. Seath J. and Beamish F. E. Assay for platinum metals in ore concentrates 310. Seikel M. K. Identification of aromatic halo-genonitro compounds as piperidyl derivatives, 666. - Identification of organic compounds. 11. Piperidyl derivatives of aromatic halogenonitro compounds 530. Sen-Gupta P.N. and Guha B. C. Combined ascorbic acid in plant foodstuffs. 11 523. - Estimation of vitamin C in foodstuffs 623. Serrure G. See Gaspart R. Servigne M. Luminescence analysis of rare Shannon W. J. and Englis D. T. Copper in Sharkey W. H. See Liebhafsky H. A. Sharp E. A. See Emmett A. D. ‘Shennan R. J. See Lindsey A. J. Sherman C. S. and Herzog R. Determination of pyrethrin I. The soil colour reaction in the mercury reduction method 373. Sherman W. C. See Koehn C . J. Sherwood F. W. See Halverson J. 0. Shimwell J. L. Classification and identification of bacteria with special reference to the beer types 612. Shinowara G. Y. and Brown J. B. Isolation of arachidonic acid 576. Shive B. Shorland I?. B. New Zealand fish oils. 111. Composition of the depbt fats of the ling (Genypterus blacodes) 172.SMhande J. G. Estimation of lignin in tannin materials 530. Shupe I. S. Separation and determination of 4-aminodiphenylamine 308. - Separation and determination of 2.4-diamino-diphenylamine 666. - Separation of p-aminophenol p-methyl-aminophenol and o-aminophenol 667. Sideris C. P. Colorimetric determination of magnesium 478. - Improved form of the formaldoxime colori-metric method for manganese 476. Silva. M. MacaGba oil (mocava). 605. elements 382. tomatoes 605. See Schultze H. G INDEX TO "Simmons J. R. A new method for the deter-mination of free acid in sulphate of alumina, alum cake etc. 456. Simmons W. H. Review of Matagrin's Manuel d u Savonnier 389. Simons E. J. Buxton L. O.and Colman H. B. Vitamin A destruction in fish-liver oils 469. Simpson E. S. Report of the Government Analyst for Western Australia on the work of the Chemical Branch Mines Dept. for 1938 291. Simpson I. A. The antineuritic value of par-boiled rice. (F.M.S. Institute of Medical Research Bull. No. 4 1939) 461. Shclair H. M. Estimation of aneurin in blood. 11. Further modification of Meiklejohn's method 182. - Estimation of vitamin B in cerebro-spinal fluid 181. "Singer J. H. See Pinder J. L. Singh B. and S. Iodimetric determination of Shgruen E. Oxidation turbidities (in beer) and Sirdar J. N. See Bagchi K. N. Sjollema B. and Donath W. F. Vitamin A, carotene and xanthophyll content of the yolk of hens' eggs 521. Sloley R. W. Review of Holmstrom's Records and Research in Engineering and Industrial Science 322.Slooff A. and Van Dun D. Determination of chlorides thiocyanates and cyanides in presence of each other and a qualitative re-action for the detection of chlorides in po-tassium thiocyanate 250. Smith G. F. See Duke F. R. Smith G. F. and Getz C. A. Cerate oxidimetry. Stability of solutions 532. "Smith G. S. The analysis of cadmium-plating solutions 87. Smith L. I. Irwin W. B. and Ungnade H. E. Vitamin E chemistry Oxidation products of a-tocopherol and of related 6-hydroxy-chromans 115. organic acids 186. their causes 569. Smyth D. H. See Krebs H. A. Snell E. E. See Pennington D. Snell E. E. Eakin R. E. and Williams R. J. Quantitative test for biotin and observations regarding its occurrence and properties 524.Snell F. D. Snider S. R. Determination of amino-nitrogen in malt extracts 464. Sobel A. E. Yuska H. Peters D. D. and Kramer B. Biochemical behaviour of lead. I. Influence of calcium phosphorus and vitamin D on lead in blood and bone 235. Society of Chemical Industry Annual Reports of the Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XXIV for 1939. (Review) 436. Sommer E. E. See Lamprey H. Sommer H. Colour test for elemental sulphur, 532. Soroos H. Lead-sodium alloy as a drying agent, 191. Sotola J. See St. John J. L. Spacu G. and Macarovici C. G. Reaction of copper with benzidine 248. Spalding R. C. See Ford W. P. See Epstein S. S. VOLUME 65 xvii Spielhaczek H. Determination of silica in cryolite and materials containing fluorine, 315.Springer V. F. See Hiskey C. F. Spuhr W. P. See Sterling C. Stavely H. E. See Fernholz E. Steger A. and van Loon J. Oil from the seeds of Canarium commune L. 230. Stein W. H. See Bergmann M. Sterling C. and Spuhr W. P. Determination of molybdenum in cast iron and steel, 311. Stevens R. E. Modification of the J. Lawrence Smith method for the extraction of alkalis in rocks 616. Stevenson W. W. See Swinden T. Stewart A. W. Appointed Public Analyst for the Urban District of Thurrock. 411. Stillings R. A. and Browning B. L. Photometric estimation of furfural 663. Stock C. J. H. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Stockton-on-Tees 41 1. Stokstad E. L. R. See Almquist H. J. Stone I. Preparation of stable 2.6-dichloro-phenol-indophenol solutions 660.Strawb J. and Van Amerongen G. J. Microscop-ical investigation of true woollen cloths. Chemical and microscopical determination of additions of casein wool 582. Stringfellow W. A. See Neale S. M. Strong R. K. Revision of Kingzett's Chemical Encyclopaedia 6th Ed. (Review) 537. Stubblefield F. M. and Deturk E. E. Effect of ferric sulphate in shortening the digestion period in the Kjeldahl method 616. Stubbs J. R. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Leigh (Lancs) and the Urban District of Newton-le-M7illows 27 ; for the Borough of Widnes 161 ; for the Boroughs of Danven and of Morecombe and Heysham, 411. Stumpf W. See Miiller E. Sullivan J. T. Determination of hydrocyanic acid by the picric acid method and the KWSZ photometer 122.Sullivan M. X. and McCarthy T. E. Colori-metric test for methionine 466. Sumner J. B. and R. J. Coupled oxidation of carotene and fat by carotene oxidase 571. Sundara Rao W. V. See Gopala Rao G. Sundberg 0. E. See Seaman W. Suryanarayanamurty V. V. See Narasimhamurty , G. *Sutton R. W. and Hitchen 0. The deter-mination of benzoic acid 502. *Sutton R. W. and Others. The examination of lard 623. Swinden T. and Stevenson W. W. Accelerated spray test for determining the relative atmospheric corrodibility of ferrous materials, 670. Sykes W. J. See Robinson C. H. Sylvester N. D. and Lampitt L. H. Deter-Synge R. L. M. Experiments on amino acids, Szebellody L. and Ajtai M. Activation of Szbp 6. See Bodnar J. mination of cobalt in foods 424.238. vanadium with pyrocatechol 191 XViii INDEX TO VOLUME 65 T Takano M. Takao M. and Danjo M. Selective action of fatty acid on the ethanolysis of sardine oil 607. Takao 1. See Takano M. Talbot N. B. and Others. Colorimetric assay of weakly phenolic ketones “oestrone,” in extracts of human urine 609. Tamhane R. V. See Russell E. W. Tannich R. E. See Gilbert G. R. *Tate F. G. H. and Whalley H. K. The spectrographic analysis of tobacco ash, 587. Taufel K. and Klentsch K. Chemistry of fat spoilage. Analytical differentiation of the aldehydes formed 44. Taylor A. R. Parpart A. K. and Ballentine R. A rapid circulating dialyser 253. Taylor G. Appointed Joint Public Analyst for the Borough of Ilford 27; for the Borough of Wanstead and Woodford 161.Taylor H. Toxicity of coal tar naphtha dis-tillates 121. Taylor W. W. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for the Borough of Kesteven 27; Public Analyst for the Borough of Mansfield, 411. Tchitchibabine A. E. and Hoffman Ch. Identi-fication of plasmoquin by a colour reaction 47. Teller E. See Hibben J . H. Thaler H. and Schulte K. E. Detection of artificial dyes in tomato pulp 300. Thayer S. A. See Binkley S. B. Thomis G. N. and Kopanaris G. P. Determina-tion of bismuth iodine and quinine in quinine iodobismuthate and its injectable preparations, 49. Thompson M. de K. Theoretical and Applied Electrochemistry 3rd Ed. (Review) 193. Thorne P. C. L. and Ward A. M. Translation of Ephraim’s Inorganic Chemistry 3rd English Ed.584. Thorp C. E. Starch-iodide method for ozone 525. Thorpe Sir J. F. and Whiteley M. A. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry 4th Ed. (Review) 583. Thuret J. Permanent artificial standards for the nephelometric determination of arsenic with Bougault’s reagent 129. Tickle T. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Torquay 161. Tincker 1. A. H. and Unwin C. H. Root-forming substances used for propagation purposes 11 9. Tocher J. F. Report of the Public Analyst for the County of Aberdeen for 1938 28. Todd A. R. See Jacob A. Todhunter E. N. See St. John J . L. Toennies G. See Kolb J. J. Toms H. Review of Engelder’s Calculations of - Review of Gordon and Trout’s Introductory - Review of Mann and Saunders’ Introduction Torhk T.Spectrovolumetric determination of - See also BodnAr J . Quantitative Analysis 674. College Chemistry 2nd Ed. 537. to Practical Organic Chemistry 74. alkaline earths and phosphate 383. Townsend F. E. and Gade G. N. Separation of cadmium from zinc by precipitation with aluminium 310. Treon J. F. See Scott E. W. Trout W. E. Jr. See Gordon N. Truog E. See Berger K. C. - See also Bower C. A. Trusler R. B. Effect of glycerin on the distilla-Tsujimoto M. Bamboo leaf wax 187. - Linolenic acid in the leaves of land plants, 664. Tsujimoto M. and Koyanagi H. Liver oils of some terrestrial animals 231. Tsurugi J. See Kimura W. Tweeney C. F. and Hughes L. E. C. tion method for water 665. Editors of Chambers’s Technical Dictionary (Review), 622.U Ungnade H. E. See Smith L. I. Unwin C. H. See Tincker M. A. H. Urech P. Colorimetric estimation of silica and its use in the metallurgy of aluminium 131. VaIlance R. H. See Friend J. N. Van Amerongen G. J. See Straub J. V Van Der Meulen J. H. Analysis of chrome green and similarly prepared pigments 133. Van Duyn D. See Slooff A. van Hulssen C. J. and Koolhaas D. R. Deter-mination of catechin and catechin-tans in gambir 127. van Loon J. See Steger A. Van Pinxteren J. A. C. Alkaloid-content of van Zyl J. P. Report of the Division of Chemical Verda A. and Herzfeld E. Rapid method for Vesterhus R. See Aschehoug E. Vickery H. B. Estimation of arginine by means of flavianic acid 236. Vidyarthi N. L. and Dasa Rao C. J. Fatty acids and glycerides of the fat from the seeds of Garcinia indzca (kokum butter) 171.Vidyarthi N. L. and Mallya M. V. Com-ponent glycerides of vegetable fatty oils. Niger-seed oil 419. - Fatty acids and glycerides of the oil from sapota seeds 171. - Occurrence of an isomer of ricinoleic acid in the fatty oil from the seeds of Vemonia anthetmintica 186. Vienneau E. M. See Ayres G. H. Voelcker E. Appointed Agricultural Chemist for the County Council of the West Riding of Yorkshire 411. - Report of the Consulting Chemist to the Royal Agricultural Society for 1939 462. - Review of Robinson and Ives’ Bell’s Sale of Food and Drugs 10th Ed. 385. Vogel A. I. A Textbook of Quantitative Inor-ganic Analysis (Review) 195. Extractum hyoscyami 172. Services South Africa for 1939 229.the determination of nicotine 234 1NDES TO Volmar Y. and Wagner A. Colorimetric detei-mination of ferric iron by means of gallic acid 249. von der Seipen S. von Loesecke H. W. See Pulley G. N. Voris L. Ellis G. and Maynard L. A. Deter-mination of neutral fat glycerol in blood with periodate 425. See Koschara W. W Wagenaar G. H. Identification of perchlorate, persulphate and certain other inorganic acid radicals with Zwikker’s reagent. A sensitive reaction for copper 533. Wagenaar M. Application of the herapathite reaction to aristoquin 11 1. Wagner A. See Volmar Y . Wagner I(. H. Experimental avitaminosis A in man 426. Wain R. L. See Glasscock H. H. Walker B. S. See Barkan G. - See also Darnell M. C. Jr. Walker G.H. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Eccles 27; for the Borough of Stretford 161. - Report of the Public Analyst for the City of Salford for 1939 503. Walsh E. O’F. See Goldberger W. Walter F. G. The Manufacture of Conipressed Yeast (Review) 586. Walton S. G. Report of the Government Analyst for New South Wales for 1937 599; for 1938, 649. Wan S. W. and Hu D. B. Reaction of Wijs’ solution with tung oil 64. Ward A. M. See Thorne P. C. L. Ward T. J. Review of Fiene and Blumenthal’s Handbook of Food Manufacture 255. - Review of Lloyd Hind’s Brewing Science and Practice. Vol. I I . Brewing Processes 482. - Review of Rhodes’s Forensic Chemistry 621. - Review of Walter’s The Manufacture of Compressed Yeast 586. Wesst C. A. and Mackinney G.Chlorophyllase, 426. Weber J. H. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for the Borough of Windsor (New) 161; for the County Borough of Oxford 566. Weeks M. E. Discovery of the Elements 4th Ed. (Review) 321. Weinig A. J. and Schroder W. P. Technical Methods of Ore Analysis for Chemists and Colleges 11th Ed. (Review) 194. *Weir E. M. See Dickinson D. Weiser H. B. Colloid Chemistry (A Textbook). (Review) 536. Wenger P. See Cimerman C. Werkman C. H. See Nickelson M. N. *Werner A. E. A. The determination of thiourea by oxidation with selenious acid 286. Wernimont G. and Hopkinson F. J. Micro-titration of selenium 534. *Whalley H. K. See Tate F. G. H. Wheeler D. H. See Nelson E. K. Wheeler D. H. Riemenschneider R. W. and Sando C. E. Preparation properties and thiocyanogen absorption of triolein and trilinolin 307.VOLUME 65 xix Wheeler R. V. See Belcher R. Wheeler T. S. Report of the State Chemist for Eire for 1939-40 459. Whitby G. S. Effects of sulphur dioxide on vegetation 51. White J. Effect of the oral administration of dimethylaminoazobenzene (butter yellow) on the growth of the rat 467. Whiteley M. A. See Thorpe J. F. Whiteley 1 . A. and Kon G. A. R. Obituary of Sir J. F. Thorpe 483. Whitmore W. F. and Wood C. A. Chemical microscopy of some toxicological alkaloids 70. Wiegand H. See Biedebach F. Wikoff H. L. Cohen B. R. and Grossman M. J. Low-temperature cooling baths 383. *Wilkinson H. See Gridgeman N. T. Williams E. F. See Chibnall A. C. Williams H. A. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Beddington and Wallington, 411.*Williams K. A. Detection of beef fat in lard (Bomer number) 596. - Review of Burton and Robertshaw’s Sul-?hated Oils and Allied Products 318. Wdhams K. T. See Miller W. T. Williams R. J. See Pennington D. - See also Snell E. E. Wilson C. L. A gas detection apparatus for qualitative microchemistry 407. - Micro-tests for elements in organic com-pounds. 11. Phosphorus arsenic and anti-mony 405. - Test for iodide and nitrite 478. Wilson C. W. Boric acid colour reaction of flavone derivatives 66. Wilson D. T. See Hilty W. W. With T. K. See Jensen H. B. Wittmeyer H. See Glimm E. Wokes F. See Daglish C. Wolfe J. K. See Talbot N. B. Woo T. F. See Sah P. P. T. Wood C. A. See Whitmore W. F. Wood D.R. Review of Fairbrother’s Textbook of Bacteriology 3rd Ed. 673, Woodhead S. A. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Worthing 27. Woodmansey A. The presence of sulphide in (Harrogate) mineral water and its oxidation by air 430. Work C. E. See El Sadr M. M. Wortis H. See Bueding E. “Wright M. D. See Baker A. Z. Wright R. F. Appointed Additional Public Analyst for the Borough of Worthing 37. Y Yamazaki S. See Nakamura T. Yanowski L. V. See Hynes W. A. Yanowski L. V. and Hynes W. A. Salts of complex cations applied to the microscopic detection of anions. VIII. 1.2-Chloro-aquotetramminocobaltic chloride 190. See Sah P. P. T. Analysis (Review) 254. Yh W.-H. Yoe J. H. A Laboratory Manual of Qualitativ xx INDEX TO VOLUME 65 Yoe J.H. and Barton C. J. Colorimetric deter- Z mination of copper with triethanolamine 578. Young G. T. See Hawkins E. G. E. Zondek S. G. See Briickmann G. *Young J. H. Detection of small amounts of Zwikker J. 3. L. and Kruysse A. Precipitation proteins on the surface of metal plates 564. *- Sampling of printed paper 596. Yuska H. See Sobel A. E. of alkaloids with cuprous chloride 173 INDEX TO VOLUME 65 XXi INDEX TO SUBJECTS * Denotes original papers and notes published in TIM Analyst. A Aberdeen Report of the County Analyst for 1938. J. F. Tocher 28. *Absorption Spectra Estimation of praseo-dymium and neodymium in solution from their -. J. N. Friend and D. A. Hall, 144. Acetamino-acids Partition of - between immiscible solvents. R. L. M. Synge 238.Acetoin Colorimetric estimation of -. E. Komm and J. Fliigel 361. Acetone bodies in blood; Method for estimating -. L. A. Crandall 467. Determination of alcohol in presence of -in distillates from blood or urine 600. Extraction of alkaloids with - . P. Cheramy and M. Papavassilou 243. Acetylene in the stimulation of ripening of plums. 225. N-Acetylhydroxs-amino-acids Methyl ethers of some -. R. L. M. Synge 238. *Acids free - in sulphate of alumina alum cake etc.; New method of determining. J. R. Simmons 456. Acid Radicles Identification of certain inorganic - with Zwikker’s reagent. G. H. Wagenaar 533. Acids Component - of some Indian ox depot fats. T. P. Hilditch and K. S. Murti 655. organic - ; Iodimetric determination of. B. Singh and S.Singh 186. Acridines Volumetric determination of -with methylene blue. A. Bolliger 423. Adermin in urine; Estimation of -. J . V. Scudi H. F. Koones and J. C. Keresztesy, 304. Adulteration in Madras. 601. Aerobacter Formation of trimethylene glycol from glycerol by -. M. N. Nickelson and C. H. Werkman 613. Agricultural analysis. Abstracts 122 184, 244 305 371 430 526 574 613. Air aromatic hydrocarbons in -; Detection of. G. R. Gilbert and R. E. Tannich 666. carbon disulphide in -; Determination of. F. F. Moorhead 525. filters Testing of -. 599. *formaldehyde in -; Determination of small amounts of. R. W. Kersey J . R. Maddocks and T. E. Johnson 203. -washing technique; Efficiency of Wells air centrifuge as determined by -. K. Mac-Donald 470.Air Raid Precautions Lighting restrictions: investigations relating to -. 414. Albumin Molecular weight of egg -. F. W. Bernhart 236. Alcoholic hydrox yl groups ; Rapid qualitative test for - F. R. Duke and G. F. Smith 527. Alcohol in presence of acetone in distillates from blood or urine; Determination of -. 600. Alcohols Unsaponifiable matter in fatty -. D. Burton and G. F. Robertshaw 615. Aldehydes formed in fa$ spoilage; Analytical differentiation of -. K. Taufel and K. Klentsch 44. Aldo-Monosaccharides Identification of -as benzimidazole derivatives. S. Moore and K. P. Link 419. Aldoses Oxidation of - by hypoiodite in methanol. S. Moore and K. P. Link 419. *Alfalfa carotene and allied pigments in -Commercial determination of.W. M: Seaber 266. a-Spinasterol isolated from -. E. Fernholz and M. L. Moore 60. Aliphatic hydrocarbon mixtures ; Determination of unsaturation in - by bromine ab-sorption. J. B. Lewis and R. B. Brad-street 576. Alkali Iodimetric determination of -. Investigation of G. S. Smith’s method. J. Haslam and F. R. Roberts 399. Alkahne Earths Spectrovolumetric determina-tion of -. T. Torok 383. Alkalis in rocks; Modification of J. L. Smith method for extracting -. R. E. Stevens, 616. Alkaloids Action of cuprous iodide reagent on -. Precipitation and colour reactions. M. Pdronnet and J. Guenin 301. B.P. Sub-committee on -. Recommenda-tions. 167. Chemical microscopy of some toxicological -. W. F. Whitmore and C. A. Wood 70. *cocoa - in confectionery; Determination of.J. C. Harral 408. content of Extracturn Hyoscyarni. J. A. C. Van Pinxteren 172. Extraction of - with acetone. P. Cheramy and M. Papavassilou 243. from Duboisia myoporoides ; New solanaceous -. W. Mitchell 233. in preparations of Berberis vulgaris and Berberis agvifolium; Determination of -. K. Brunner and H. Neugebauer 47. Indirect volumetric determination of -. G. Auguste 110. of some Chondrodendron species and origin of Radix pareirae bravae. Poisonous - of Holarrhena antidysenterica, Wall. 602. Precipitation of - with cuprous chloride. J . J. L. Zwikker and A. Kruysse 173. Solanaceous - from Duboisia myoporoides. W. Mitchell 422. Allanblackia Species Fatty acids and glycerides of seed fats of -. M. L. Meara and Y.A. H. Zaky 517. Allenes Behaviour of certain substituted -towards the Meinel colour test. F. B. LaForge and F. Acree Jr. 614. All-India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health : Report for 1938. H. King 518. J. B. Grant 225 xxii INDEX TO *Woy(s) lead -; Simple test for arsenic in. R. G. Robinson 159. Lead-sodium ___ as a drying agent. H. Soroos 191. *nickel- ; Determination of aluminium mag-nesium or beryllium in -. R. C. Chirnside, L. A. Dauncey and P. M. C. Proffitt 446. rich in tin; Determination of tellurium in -by volatilisation. W. T. Pell-Walpole, 434. Almonds oil of bitter -; Variations in. *Alum Cake free acid in -; New method of determining. J. R. Simmons 456. 'Alumina for estimating carotene. W. M. Seaber 645. in silicates; Direct determination of -.E. W. Koenig 130. iron in - ; Colorimetric determination of. L. Roelen 187. Aluminium Aluminium oxide in metallic -determined by means of cupric ammonium chloride. T. Nakamura and S. Yamazaki, 68. Colorimetric estimation of silica and its use in metallurgy of -. Determination of - as phosphate. *in nickel alloys; Determination of -. R. C. Chirnside L. -4. Dauncey and P. M. C. Proffitt 446. in presence of iron and phosphoric acid; Determination of -. G. Balanescu and M. D. Motzoc 188. iron in -; Colorimetric determination of. L. Roelen 187. Separation of cadmium from zinc by pre-cipitation with -. F. E. Townsend and G. N. Cade 310. Spot tests for -. E. A. Kocsis 190. 503. P. Urech 131. 339. "Aluminium Hydrous Oxide Precipitation of - and its solubility in ammonia.E. B. R. Prideaux and J. R. Henness 83. Aluminium Oxide in metallic aluminiuin deter-mined by means of cupric ammonium chloride. T. Nakamura and S. Yamazaki, 68. Amines 3.5-Dinitro-4-methylbenzazide as re-agent for identifying -. P. €'. T. Sah, 125. Identification of - with fi-nitrobenzazide and 9-nitrophenyl isocyanate as reagents. P. P. T. Sah 374. Amino Acids and their compounds ; Microscopy of - . IV. Picrolonates. R. Dunn, K. Inouye and P. L. Kirk 252. content of human serum proteins ; Basic -. Influence of ingestion of arginine on com-position of serum proteins. R. J. Block, 303. Experiments on -. R. L. M. Synge 238. Naphthalene- p-sulphonic acid as reagent for -.M. Bergmann and W. H. Stein, 237. Semi-micro-estimation of -. H. R. Ing and M. Bergmann 67. Separation of - by means of their N-acetyl derivatives. 4-Aminodiphenylamine Separation and deter-mination of -. R. L. M. Synge 238. I. S. Shupe 308. VOLUME 65 2-Aminoethanol Identification of -. B. 4-Amino-2-Methyl-l-Naphthol Vitamin K. A. D. Emmett 0. Kamm and E. A. Sharp 305. Amino Nitrogen Behaviour of some uramido acjds in the nitrous acid method for deter-mining -. A. G. Gornall and A. Hunter 467. in malt extracts; Determination of -. S. R. Snider 464. o-Aminophenol in p-aminophenol ; Estimation of - by fluorescence analysis. W. Seaman, ,4. R. Norton and 0. E. Sundberg 581. Separation of fi-aminophenol fi-methylamino-phenol and -.p-Aminophenol o-Aminophenol in - esti-mated by fluorescence analysis. W. Sea-man A. R. Norton and 0. E. Sundberg, 581. Separation of P-methylaminophenol o-amino-phenol and -. Ammonia Detection of - with organic nitro compounds. R. Fischer 135. in toilet preparations. 165. Mechanism of microbial oxidation of -. G. Gopala Rao and W. V. Sundara Rao, 524. Keiser 474. activity of -, , I. S. Shupe 667. I. S. Shupe 667. Proceedings from sale of -. 503. *Solubility of aluminium hydrous oxide in -. E. B. R. Prideaux and J. R. Henness 83. Anaesthetic chloroform ; Chromic oxidation of ether. B.P. Sub-committee recommendation. 167. Aneurin estimation by a modification of the Melnick-Field method. A. D. Emmett, G. Peacock and R. A. Brown 661.in blood; Estimation of -. 11. Further modification of Meiklejohn's method. H. M. Sinclair 182. in foods; Distribution of - determined by chemical analysis. M. Pyke 180. in urine; Chemical estimation stability and form of - D. Melnick and H. Field, Jr. 56. Thiochrome method for estimating -, with survey of - content of wheats. R. G. Booth 610. *Anhydrite as 'desiccating agent. H. Hawley, 644. Aniline vapour in industry; Methods for detecting -. D.S.I.R. Leaflet No. 11. 162. Animal experiments; Vitamin-free diets for -. A. L. Bacharach 573. Animals Minimum lethal dose of selenium as sodium selenite for certain -. W. T. Miller and K. T. Williams 613. Anions Salts of complex cations applied to microscopical detection of -. Mono-aquopentamminocobaltic chloride.W. A. Hynesand L. K. Yanowski 70; 1.2-Chloro-aquotetramminocobaltic chloride. L. V. Yanowski and W. A. Hynes 190. Anti-Grey Hair Vitamin for silver foxes; Studies on - . G. Lunde and H. Kringstad, 366. . 124. __ organs; Cobalt in -. 34 INDEX TO Antimony Gravimetric determination of - by T. I. Pirtea, *in organic compounds; Micro-tests for -. *in tin-antimony oxides. A. G. Dunbar-Separation of zinc from -. Antimony Trichloride Behaviour of olive oil and other oils with -. W. H. Dickhart, 421. Antineuritic value of parboiled rice. I. A. Simpson 46 1. Antiscorbutic values of fruits and vegetables. M. Olliver 662. Aphis cabbage - ; Rate of production. Apparatus Abstracts 73 136 191 253 382, Apple leaves; Copper in -.Apples Arsenic in -. Applied Chemistry Annual Reports of Progress of -. Vol. XXIV for 1939. (Review), 436. Thorpe’s Dictionary of - . 4th Ed. (Review) Sir J. F. Thorpe and M. A. Whiteley 583. Appointments Official -. 27 161 411 456, 566. ‘Apricots and apricot pulp; Composition of Arachidonic Acid Isolation of -. G. Y . Shinowara and J. B. Brown 576. Arachis Oil Thermo-stability of -. Arc Light Poisonous fumes from -. 292. Argemone Mexicana Oil Epidemic dropsy and -. 226. Argentometric determination of cyanide with diphenylcarbazone as indicator. R. Ripan-Tilici 315. Arginine Estimation of - by means of flavianic acid. Influence of ingestion of - on composition of serum proteins. Aristoquin Application of herapathite reaction to -.M. Wagenaar 111. Armant Temples of -. (Review) Sir R. Mond and 0. H. Myers 672. Aromatic halogenonitro compounds ; Identifica-tion of - as piperidyl derivatives. M. K. Seikel 666. hydrocarbons in air; Detection of -. G. R. Gilbert and R. E. Tannich 666. Arrack Examination of - in Ceylon. Arrow Poisons African -. Adenium soma-Zense Balf. fil. M. Hartmann and E. Schlitter, 428. Arsenic compounds ; Precipitation reactions or organic - . M. PBronnet and R. H. R6my 247. content of fresh vegetables; Limit for -. 291. in biological material; Rapid method for accurate estimation of minute quantities of -. J. BodnAr 6. Szep and V. Cieleszky 379. in coal and coke; Determination of -. 649. in cremation remains. 601. means of 8-hydroxyquinoline.188. C. L. Wilson 405. Poole 453. 381. 105. 435 534 581 670. 292. *Composition of -. 550 554. 229. -. 552 554. 301. H. B. Vickery 236. R. J. Block 303. 652. VOLUME 65 sxiii *in lead alloys Simple test for -. R. G. Robinson 159. in organic and inorganic compounds; Deter-mination of -. D. T. Lewis and V. E. Davis 531. *in organic compounds; Micro-tests for -. C. L. Wilson 405. in pears and apples. 229. in soils and waters. 34. in soils and waters in the Waiotapu Valley, New Zealand. R. E. R. Griminett and I. G. McIntosh. 613. in urine ; Colorimetric semi-micro-determina-tion of -. Industrial poisoning with -. 291. nephelometric determination of - with Bougault’s reagent Permanent artificial standards for. J . Thuret 129.Quantitative test for -. B. P. Sub-Committee recommendations. 167. Separation of zinc from -. Arsenic-continued J. V. Harispe 54. 381. Arsenical insecticides and wine. 166. Arsine Detection of - in industry. D.S.I.R. Leaflet No. 9 354. Arylation of oils and fats. Synthesis of tolyl stearic acid and its esters. W. Kimura and J . Tsurugi 186. Ascorbic Acid as substrate in oxidase measure-ments. B. D. Egell and F. Gerhardt 469. content of rose hips. W. Goldberg and E. O’F. Walsh 304. content of tablets Determination of -. E. C. M. J. Hollman 365. in animal tissue; Combined -. P. Holtz, 369. in blood serum Factors preventing oxidation of - . E. M. Mystkowski and D. Lasocka 69. in plant foodstuffs; Combined -. J. C. Pal B. C. Guha and P.N. Sen-Gupta, 522 523. oxidase from summer crook-neck squash (C. pep0 condensa). P. L. Lovett-Janison and J . M. Nelson 572. solutions; Oxalate formation in -. A. E. Jurist and W. G. Christiansen 184. Ascorbigen Concentration of - from cabbage. B. Ghosh and B. C. Guha 523. Ashing soft tissues preliminary to determining cations. M. V. Buell 53. Asparagus Enzyme activity in frozen -. M. A. Joslyn and C. L. Bedford 468. Asphalt Artificial weathering of -. 598. Atmospheric corrodibility of ferrous materials ; Accelerated spray test for determining -. T. Swinden and W. W. Stevenson, 670. pollution ; Conference on investigation of -. 462. Atomic Weights Tenth Report of Committee on -. 415. Atoms Fifth Report of Committee on -. 568. Atractoscion acquideus C.and V. vitamin A content of visceral organs of -.-; Seasonal variations in. C. J. Molten0 and W. S. Rapson 59. Avitaminosis A in man; Experimental -. K. H. Wagner 426 XXiV INDEX TO VOLUME 65 B B. coli in crab and lobster meat. 227; in veget-Bacon factory; Refuse from -. Function of nitrate nitrite and bacteria in the curing of -. 355. Bacteria Classification and identification of - especially of beer types of -. J . L. Shimwell 612. from chlorinated waters. M. Levine P. Carpenter and J. M. Coblentz 370. Function of - in curing of bacon and hams 355. Stability of - in relation of PH. J. G. Baumgartner and G. G. Knock 371. Bacterial content of paper-board ; Routine determination of -. L. C. Cartwright and S. S. Epstein 612.Bacteriological analysis. Abstracts 62 120, 243 370 428 470 524 574 612. Bacteriology of fresh water. 102. Textbook of -. 3rd Ed. (Review). R. W. Baking Powder and self-raising flour. Labelling of -. 291. Bambarra Groundnut J. M. Holm and B. W. Marloth 608. Bamboo leaf wax. M. Tsujimoto 187. shoots; Poisonous substance in -. 37. Banana starch; Constitution of -. E. G. E. Hawkins J. K. N. Jones and G. T. Young, 464. Bangalore Report of Public Analyst for Municipality of - for 1939-40. G. N. Murty 353. Barbiturates id blood; Estimation of -. G. A. Levvy 471. Barium Detection of - by spot reactions. F. Feigl and W. Aufricht 251. Modified iodate method for determining -. F. C. Guthrie 434. Volumetric determination of small quantities of - with barium rhodizonate as indi-cator.C. C. Miller 477. *Barium Carbonate carbon dioxide in -; Determination of. 641. Barium Rhodizonate as indicator in the volu-metric determination of small quantities of barium and sulphate. Barium Sulphate washing and isolation of -in the micro-determination of sulphur; New method for. Barley plant Sucrase activity in -. H. K. Archbold 520. vitamin B content of -; Effect of soil treatment on. Basins B. S.I. standard dimensions for silica Batley Appointment of F. W. M. Jaff6 as Public Analyst for Borough of -. 41 1. Battersea Appointment of A. H. M. Muter as Deputy Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of -. 161. Bauhinia variegata seeds; Fatty oil from -. S. V. Puntambeka and S. Krishna 421.Beam’s Test for hashish; Application of -. 166. ables 227. 462. Fairbrother 673. 650. C. C. Miller 477. R. Grangaud 316. P. C. Leong 59. -. 41. Beckenham Appointment of J. W. Flint as Deputy Borough Analyst for -. Beddington and Wallington Appointment of H. A. Williams as Public Analyst for Borough of -. 411. Beef corned -; Hydrogen sulphide in. A. Elias 605. *fat in lard ; Detection of -. I<. A. Williams, 596. Erratum 645. fat; Thermo-stability of -. 301. Oxidation turbidities in - and their causes. *Succinic acid in -. R. L. Andrew and Sulphur dioxide in -. 599. types of bacteria; Classiiication and identi-fication of -. Bellier Test and the Blarez test. Application to olive and other oils. *Benzedrine Detection and estimation of -.E. T. Illing 3. Bemidine Reaction of copper with -. G. Spacu and C. G. Macarovici 248. *Benzoic Acid Determination of -. R. W. Sutton and 0. Hitchen 502. Little-known reaction for -. N. Schoorl, 394. Benzyl Sulphanilamide Determination of -. 212. Berberis vulgaris and agrifolium alkaloids in preparations of -; Determination of. K. Brunner and H. Neugebauer 47. *Beryllium in nickel alloys ; Determination of - R. C. Chirnside L. A. Dauncey and P. M. C. Proffitt 446. Bexley Appointment of F. W. F. Arnaud as Public Analyst for Borough of -. Bicycles Deciphering numbers of -. *Bilberries Composition of -. 551 554. Biochemical analysis Abstracts 51 112 176, 235 302 366 425 466 519 570 609 659. Biochemistry Introduction to -.2nd Ed. (Review) W. R. Fearon 387. of micro-organisms. Emodic acid and w-hydroxyemodin metabolic products of Penicillium cyclopium Westling. W. K. Anslow J. Breen and H. Raistrick 470. Biological fluids; Colorimetric estimation of quimne in - . R. 0. Prudhomme, 239. fluids; Determination of sodium in -. M C. Darnell Jr. and B. S. Walker 478. fluids; Estimation of small amounts of sul-phur as sulphates in -. A. D. Marenzi and R. F. Banfi 366. materials; Bibliography on metals in foods and -. I. Cobalt 513. 11. Nickel, 603. materials ; Determination of magnesium in -. J. P. Nielsen 176. materials ; Determination of small quantities of molybdenum in - . D. Bertrand, 177. materials; Determination of tungsten in -. J. C. Aull and F. W. Kinard 660.materials; Estimation of nicotinic acid in - by means of photoelectric colorimetry. D. Melnick and H. Field 571. 161. Beer Lead in -. 28. E. Singruen 569. L. G. Neubauer 455. J. L. Shimwell 612. R. Marcille 170. 27. 652 INDEX TO Biological-continued materials ; Rapid method for accurate esti-mation of minute quantities of arsenic in -. J . BodnAr 0. Szep and V. Cieleszky, 379. substances ; Photometric estimation of silicic acid in -. J. BodnAr and T. Torok 240. Biotin Quantitative test for -. E. E. Snell, R. E. Eakin and R. J . Williams, 524. Birds Vitamin A and carotenoids in liver of ___ H. B. Jensen and T. K. With 179. Birmingham Report of City Analyst (H. H. Bagnall) for the year 1939 597; for Second quarter 1940 565.Bismuth determined by precipitation as quin-aldine iodobismuthite. J. R. Hayes and G. C. Chandlee 129. in quinine iodobismuthate and its injectable preparations; Determination of -. G. N. Thomis and G. P. Koponaris. 49. New method for volumetric determination of -. L. Malaprade 249. Separation of zinc from -. 381. Bitter Almond Oil Variations in -. 503. Bituminous road mixtures; B.S.I. Methods for sampling and examining -. 654. Biuret Reaction in estimating serum proteins. H. W. Robinson and C. G. Hogden 466. *Blackberries Composition of -. 551 554. *Blackcurrants Composition of -. 548 653. Blarez Test and Bellier test. Application t o olive and other oils. R. Marcille 170. Blast Furnace slag; Utilisation of -. 598. Bleach ointment. G. H. Macmorran 423.ointment. B.S.I. specification for -. 463. ointment. (Legal Notes) 30. *ointments. D. D. Moir 154. Bleaching of flour with chlorine; Detection of Bleachihg Powder False trade description of -. (Legal Note) 565. *Reaction between 2.2’-dichlorodiethyl sul-phide (mustard gas) and -. A. G. Lipscomb 100. test for aniline vapour. 162. Blood acetone bodies and small amounts of mercury in -; Method for estimating. L. A. Crandall 467. 11. Further modification in Meiklejohn’s method. H. M. Sinclair 182. barbiturates in -; Estimation of. G. A. Levvy 471. carbon monoxide in -; Estimation of. C. Scholten 471. distillates ; Determination of alcohol in presence of acetone in -. iodine in -; Permanganate acid ashing micro-method for determining.D. S. Riggs and E. B. Man 579. lead in -; Influence of calcium phosphorus and vitamin D on. A. E. Sobel and Others, 235. Natural fat glycerol in - determined with periodate. L. Voris G Ellis and L. A. Maynard 425. nicotinic acid in -; Estimation of. E. Kodicek 522. -. D. B. Scott 605. aneurin in -; Estimation of. 600. VOLUME 65 xxv pyruvic acid in --; Stabilisation and deter-E. Bueding and H. Wortis, serum ; Factors preventing oxidation of E. M. Mystkowski stains; “Grouping” of -. 460. stains; Identification of --. 652. sugar levels in rats receiving the cataractogenic sugars galactose and xylose. W. J . Darby and P. L. Day 520. sulphur in -; Estimation as sulphates. 366. Boiler Water treatment; Application of hydrogen ion concentration to -.G. W. Bond 429. Bone Lead in -. 165. lead in -; Influence of calcium phosphorus and vitamin D on. A. E. Sobel and Others, 235. Book Reviews Anderson A. K. Essentials of Physiological Chemistry 76. Appleyard F. N. and Lyons C. G. Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 4th Ed. 436. Bernal J . D. Social Function of Science. 140. British Encyclopaedia of Medical Practice. (1) Toxicology. (2) Urine Examination. (3) Vitamins. Vol. 12. 139. Brode W. R. Chemical Spectroscopy. 137. Burton D. and Hobertshaw G. F. Sulphated Oils and Allied Products-Their Chemistry and Analysis. 318. Clark W. Photography by Infra-Red : Its Principles and Applications. 480. Cochrane J. A. Lavoisier. 320. Conway E. J. Micro-Diffusion Analysis and Volumetric Error.254. Cumming A. C. and Kay S. A. A Text-book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis. 7th Ed. 138. Dorsey N. E. Properties of Ordinary Water Substance. 621. Egloff G. Physical Constants of Hydrocar-bons. Vol. 11. 585. Engelder C. Calculations of Quantitative Analysis. 674. Ephraim F. Inorganic Chemistry. 3rd Eng. Ed. by P. C. L. Thorne and A. M. Ward. 584. Evans R. C. An Introduction to Crystal Chemistry. 75. Fairbrother R. W. Text Book of Bacteriology. 3rd Ed. 673. Fearon W. R. An Introduction to Bio-chemistry. 2nd Ed. 387. Fiene F. and Blumenthal S. Handbook of Food Manufacture. 255. Findlay A. Chemistry in the Service of Man. 5th Ed. 535. Gordon N. and Trout W. E. Jr. Intro-ductory College Chemistry 2nd Ed. 537. Hibben J. H. The Raman Effect and its Chemical Applications.192. Hilditch T. P. The Chemical Constitution of Natural Fats. 319. Hind H. Lloyd. Brewing Science and Practice. Vol. 11. 482. Holmstrom J . E. Records and Research in Engineering and Industrial Science. 322. Blood-continued mination of. 426. ascorbic acid in -. and D. Lasocka 59 xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 65 Book Reviews-continued Mann F. G. and Saunders B. C. Intro-duction to Practical Organic Chemistry. 74. Mason R. D. Fat Total Solids and Moisture. 75. Matagrin A. Manuel du Savonnier. 389. Mineral Water Trade Year Book. Mond Sir R. and Myers 0. H. Temples of Armant. 672. Moore F. J. A History of Chemistry. 3rd Ed. 386. Parkes G. D. and Mellor J. IV. Mellor’s Modern Inorganic Chemistry. 9th Ed.479. Plimmer V. G. Food Values a t a Glance 388. Radley J. A. Starch and its Derivatives. 481. Radley J. A. and Grant J. Fluorescence Analysis in Ultra-Violet Light. 3rd Ed. 194. Reilly. J. and Rae W. N. Physico-Chemical Methods. Vol. I. Measurement and Manipulations. Vol. 11. Practical Measure-ments. 384. 142. Rhodes H. T. F. Forensic Chemistry. 621. Robinson R. A. and Ives R. Bell’s Sale of Food and Drugs. 10th Ed. 385. Sachanen A. N. Conversion of Petroleum, 671. Sand H. J. S. Electrochemistry and Electro-chemical Analysis. Vol. 11. 620. Society of Chemical Industry. Annual Reports of Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XXIV for 1939. 436. Society of Chemical Industry Food Group. Vitamin E. 77. Strong R. K. Kingzett’s Chemical Encyclo-paedia 6th Ed.537. Thompson M. de K. Theoretical and Ap plied Electrochemistry 3rd Ed. 193. Thorpe Sir J . F. and Whiteley. M. A. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. 4th Ed. 583. Tweeney C. F. and Hughes L. E. C. Cham-bers’s Technical Dictionary. 622. Vogel A. I. Text-book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis. 195. Walter F. G. The Manufactare of Com-pressed Yeast. 586. Weeks M. E. Discovery of the Elements. 4th Ed. 321. Weinig A. J. and Schoder W. P. Technical Methods of Ore Analysis for Chemists and Colleges. 11th Ed. 194. Weiser H. B. Colloid Chemistry-A Text-book. 536. Yoe J . H. A Laboratory Manual of Qualita-tive Analysis. 254. Boric Acid colour reaction of flavone derivatives. C. W. Wilson 66. Boron in soils and plants determined by means of quinalizarin.K. C. Berger and E. Truog, 123. Bougault’s Reagent nephelometric determina-tion of arsenic with -; Permanent arti-ficial standards for. Bran Rice - as a raw material of oil. T. Hidaka 44. Brass electroplating baths ; Determination of free cyanide in -. W. M. McNabb and S. Heiman 315. J. Thuret 129. Brassicasterol the characteristic sterol of rapeseed oil. E. Fernholz and H. E. Stavely 572. Bread and its ingredients ; Determination of iron in -. C. Hoffman T. R. Schweitzer and G. Dalby 569. 11. Isolation of aromatic principle in rye bread. E. Komm and G. Lehmann 360; 111. Colorimetric estimation of diacetyl acetoin and butylene glycol. Aromatic principle in -. E. Komm and J. Fliigel 361. brown -; Standard fibre content of.649. standardisation. 599 649. wholemeal -; Standard fibre content of. 640. Brewing industry; Thermal death time of micro-organisms encountered in -. S. S. Epstein and F. D. Snell 524. Science and Practice. Vol. 11. (Review), H. Lloyd Hind 482. Brewing Effluents Committee Report of -. 356. Bricks Sand-lime -. 598. Brierley Hill Appointment of E. V. Jones as Public Analyst and F. Dixon as Deputy Analyst for Urban District of -. 411. Brisling Significance of bacterial count in determining freshness of - and raw materials of canned -. E. Aschehoug and R. Vesterhus 415. Bromide Detection of -. D. Hart and R. Meyrowitz 532. Bromide iodide in mineral waters containing -; Determination of. E. Muller and W. Stumpf 245.Bromides in presence of chlorides ; Determina-tion of -. A. Denoel 314. British Leather Manufacturers’ Research Asso-ciation Decontamination of leather con-taminated with mustard gas. 39. British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Associa-tion Quantitative spectrographic analysis with the microphotometer 295. British Pharmacopoeia 1932 Alterations and Amendments 457. British Pharmacopoeia Commission Report of Committee on General Chemistry. No. 14. 167. Report of Committee on Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy. No. 13. 107. British Standards Institution Specifications : A.R.P. No. 27. Testing incombustible material resistant to incendiary bombs. 297. A.R.P. No. 40. Bleach ointment (anti-gas ointment No. l) 463. No. 593. General purpose laboratory ther-mometers.463. No. 598. Methods for sampling and exam-ination of bituminous road mixtures. 654. No. 611. Petri dishes. 463. No. 875. Dimensions for silica basins cru-cibles and capsules. 41. No. 894. Determination of flow and drop points of fats and allied substances. No. 895. Methods for microbiological exam-ination of butter. 359. No. 914. Tests for laboratory porcelain. 516. War emergency standards 463. Second Addendum to 457. 418 INDEX TO VOLUME 65 xxvii Bromate Volumetric determination of -. C. Mahr and H. Ohle 189. Bromine absorption as means of determining unsaturation in aliphatic hydrocarbon mix-tures. J. B. Lewis and R. B. Bradstreet 576. in foodstuffs; Micro-determination of -. W. P. Ford and Others 617. Bromley Appointment of F.W. F. Arnaud as Public Analyst for Borough of -. 27. Appointment of J. W. Flint as Deputy Borough Analyst for -. 161. Bromothymol Blue test for mastitis. 35. Buffalo milk fat; Turkish -. A. Heiduschka and F. Cicekdagi 297. Buffer solution ; Carbonate veronal __ covering PH 7.5 to 10-7. E. J. King and G. E. Delory 469. *Universal - mixture. H. T. S. Britton, 220. Building Research Board Report for 1939 598. Buildings Cleaning of -. 598. Burton-upon-Trent Appointment of R. Mallin-der as Public Analyst and Agricultural Analyst for Borough of -. 411. Butter B.S.I. standard for methods of micro-biological examination of -. 359. *carotene in -; Determination of. iron and copper in - Determination of. G. M. Moir and E. D. Andrews 657.yellow; Effect of oral administration of -on growth of rats. n-Butyl-p-Hydroxybenzoate as preservative. 291. Butylene Glycol Colorimetric estimation of -. E. Komm and J. Fliigel 361. 276. J . White 467. C Cabbage aphis; Rate of production. Concentration of ascorbigen from -. B. Ghosh and B. C. Guha 523. *Cadmium copper in small quantities in pres-ence of -; Electrolytic determination of. J. G. Fife 562. *-plating solutions; Analysis of -. G. S. Smith 87. *Quinaldinic acid as reagent for separation of copper and -. A. J. Lindsey and R. J . Shennan 636. separated from zinc by precipitation with aluminium. F. E. Townsend and G. N. Cade 310. Test for -. E. Eegriwe 248. Calcium Detection of - with organic nitro compounds. R. Fischer 135.Influence of - on lead in blood and bone. A. E. Sobel and Others. 235. manganese in organic material containing large amounts of -; Estimation of. T. W. Ray 570. metabolism; Studies in -. 226. Calcium Hydroxide Precipitation of natural tannins with -. V. Nemec 246. Calcium Hypochlorites Stability of -. A. Guillaume and Y . Nicolas 130. Camphorated Oil Adulterants in -. Canadian wheat; Selenium in - . J. G. Malloch 430. 105. 600. Canarium Commune L. seeds; Oil from -. A. Steger and J. van Loon 230. Candies lac in glazed -; Volumetric estima-tion of. N. M. Molnar and J . Grumer 175. Cannabidiol Isolation from Egyptian hashish. A. Jacob and A. R. Todd 466. Cannabinol Observations on structure of -. A. Jacob and A. R. Todd 466.Cannabis Indica A. Jacob and A. R. Todd 466. Canned brisling; Significance of bacterial count in determining freshness of raw materials of -. E. Aschehoug and F. Vesterhus, 417. fish; Examination of oil from --. fish; Lead tin and zinc in -. 28. food; Lead in -. 459. fruit and vegetables; Drained weight of English --. 511. fruit; Behaviour of traces of sulphur in -. 512. fruit; Hydrogen “swells” in T. P. Hoar 43; Study of -. 512. vegetables; Hydrogen ion concentratiori of vegetables ; Zinc in -. Canning industry; Olive specifications for the Norwegian -. E. Mathiesen 296. of meat in the home by the pressure cooker; Effectiveness of heat penetration in -. C. I. Nelson and D. Berrigan 120. Cans Heat penetration in rotating -. 512. Cape Salmon vitamin A content of visceral organs of -; Seasonal variations in.C. J. Molten0 and W. S. Rapson 59. Capsules B.S.I. standard dimensions for silica Carbohydrate characterisation. I. Oxidation of aldoses by hypoiodite in methanol. 11. Identification of seven aldo-monosaccharides as benzimidazole derivatives. S. Moore and K. P. Link 419. Carbohydrates Metabolism of potato -. 224. Carbolic Acid Is i t a drug ? (Legal Notes) 221. Carbolic Ointment (Legal Notes) 222. Carbon Isotopes of -. 568. metabolism of the Kelsey plum Role of sorbitol in -. I. Donen 178. Wet combustion method for determining I_ and oxygen consumed. B. E. Christ-iansen and J. F. Facer 64. *Carbon Dioxide in carbonates ; Micro-titrimetric determination of -. A. F. Colson 638.Carbon Disulphide in air; Determination of -. F. F. Moorhead 525. Carbon Monoxide Elimination of traces of -from hydrogen. K. Kawakita and B. Ichiyanagi 5 7 5. in blood; Estimation of -. C. Scholten, 471. in industry; Detection of -. D.S.I.R. Leaflet No. 7 223. Separation of para-hydrogen from -. E. Bergmann L. Farkas and L. Sandler 244. Carbonate Veronal Buffer Solution covering $H 7.5 to 10-7. E. J . King and G. E. Delory 469. *Carbonates carbon dioxide in -; Micro-titrimetric determination of. A. F. Colson, 638. 171. -. 512. 651. -. 41 XXViii INDEX TO VOLUME 65 Carboxide as fumigant for foodstuffs. Cardiff Report of the City Analyst for 1938. S. Dixon 28. Carotene Adsorption method for determining pure. G. S. Fraps A.R. Kemmerer and S. M. Greenberg 609. *Alumina for estimating -. W. M. Seaber, 645. *and allied pigments; Commercial deter-mination of - with special reference to dried grass and other leafy materials. W. M. Seaber. 266. *and allied pigments Constitution and physiological significance of -. R. A. Morton 263. *and allied substances in foods and feeding stuffs. 263. content of yolk of hens’ eggs. B. Sjollema and W. F. Donath 521. Coupled oxidation of fat and - by -oxidase. Estimation of - with the photoelectric colorimeter. C . J . Koehn and W. C. Sherman 303. in presence of lycopene; Determination of -. G. S. Fraps A. R. Kemmerer and S. M. Greenberg 608. Carotenoids in the liver of mammals birds, reptiles and man. H. B. Jensen and T. K.With 179. Carrots Comparison of analyses of red and white -. 462. Carshalton Appointment of E. Hinks as Public Analyst and D. D. Moir as Deputy Analyst for Urban District of -. 41 1. Cartridges Size of ‘shot in -. 459. Carviolin Constitution of -. H. G. Hind, 470. Casein Vitamin A content of “light white” -. M. K. Maitra and T. Moore 116. wool; Determination of addition of - to true woollen cloths. J. Straub and G. J. Van Amerongen 582. Cassia Quantitative determination of pow-dered -. A. H. Saber 421. Cast Iron molybdenum in -; Determination of. C. Sterling and W. P. Spuhr 311. Castleford Appointment of F. W. M. Jaff6 as Public Analyst for Urban District of -. 411. Catechin and catechin-tans in gambir ; Deter-mination of -. C. J .van Hulssen and D. R. Koolhaas 127. Catenarin Molecular constitution of -. VV. K. Anslow and H. Raistrick 574. Cations Ashing of soft tissues preliminary to determination of -- M. V. Buell, 53. Salts of complex - applied t o the micro-scopical detection of anions. Mono-aquopentamminocobaltic chloride. W. A. Hynes and L. K. Yanowski 70; 1.2-Chloro-aquotetramminocobaltic chloride. L. V. Yanowski and W. A. Hynes 190. 599. J. B. and R. J. Sumner 571. Cattle Ragwort feeding to -. 35. Caustic Soda poisoning. 459. Ceilings Pattern-staining of -. 598. Cell for electrodialysis especially of soils. A. W. Marsden 435. Cellulose Micro-chemical determination of reducing power of - (micro-copper, micro-ferricyanide and micro-iodine num-bers). E.Geiger and G. Miiller 618. spray paints; Lead compounds in -. 292. Cement Fineness of Portland -. 598. Centautea scabiosa Study of -. C. Charaux and J . RabatC 302. Centrifuge Efficiency of Wells air - as determined by air-washing technique. K. MacDonald 470. Centrifuging Separation of the components of a mixture by fractional -. A. Gourevitch, 136. Cerate Oxidimetry Determination of iodine in thyroid and its preparations by -. W. W. Hilty and D. T. Wilson 174. Stability of solutions. G. F. Smith and C. A. Getz 532. Cerberum odallum kernels; Constants of oil from - 37. Cereals Phytic acid and the rickets-producing action of -. D. C. Harrison and E. Mellanby 1 13. Cerebro-Spinal Fluid vitamin B in -; Estimation of. H. M. Sinclair 181.Cerium determination by means of 8-hydroxy-quinoline. R. Berg and E. Becker, 312. in cerous salts; Estimation of -. J. Plank, 434. Cerous Salts cerium in - ; Estimation of. Ceylon Report of Government Analyst for 1939. J . V. Collins 652. Chambers’s Technical Dictionary. (Review), C. F. Tmeeney and L. E. C. Hughes 622. Chaulmoogra Oils Analysis of -. Hydno-carpus wightiana oil. H. I. Cole and H. T. Cardoso 45 ; Hydnocarpus anthelmintica oil and Taraktogenos Kurzii oil. 231. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Advisory Leaflet No. 222 456. J. Plank 434. Cheese Cream -. Milk -. 565. “spreads’ ’ 597. Standards for - in New South Wales. 650. Vitamin A content of -. A. W. Davies and T. Moore 58. Chemical Encyclopaedia; Kingzett’s -. 6th Ed.(Review) Revised by R. K. Strong 537. Chemicals H. P. Sub-committee on General Organic - and on Inorganic -. Recommendations. 167. Chemistry History of -. 3rd Ed. (Review), F. J . Moore 386. in the Service of Man. 5th Ed. (Review), A. Findlay 535. Introductory College -. 2nd Ed. (Review), N. Gordon and W. E. Trout Jr. 537. See also International Union of Chemistry. Chinese coconut oil ; Composition of fatty acids in -. H. Xobori 658. Chislehurst and Sidcup Appointment of F. W. F. Arnaud as Public Analyst for Urban District Chloralose in urine; Detection of -. M. P. Chlorate Volumetric determination of -. Of -. 411. Cheramy 47 1. C. Mahr and H. Ohle 189 INDEX TO Chloride Detection of -. D. Hart and R. Meyrowitz 532. iodide in mineral waters containing large quantities of - ; Determination of.E. Miiller and W. Stumpf 245. Chlorides bromides in presence of -; Determination of. A. Denoel 314. in presence of thiocyanates and cyanides, Determination of -. A. Slooff and D. van Duyn 250. in tomato products; Rapid method for deter-mining -. L. M. Beacham 109. manganese in organic material containing large amounts of -; Estimation of. T. W. Ray 570. Chlorine in coal and coke; Determination of in effliients ; Colorimetric determination of free - F. J. Hallinan 578. in fat of flour; Determination of -. D. B. Scott 605. Chloroform Chromic oxidation of anaesthetic Chlorophyllase C. A. Weast and G. Mackinney, Chocolate diabetic -; d-Sorbitol in. *Preparation of a standard microscope slide with special reference to -.H. C. Lockwood 97. Chondrodendton Species Alkaloids of -. H. King 518. “Chromates in sewage liquors ; Determination of -. D. Dickinson 409. .Chrome Green Analysis of -. J. H. Van der Meulen 133. Chromic Index Determination of -. A. Ionescu-Matiu C. Popesco and 0. Con-stantinesco 135. Chromic Oxidation Volumetric determination of organic substances by - Nitro-chromic solutions. M. H. Cordebard, 123. Chromic Oxide in leather; Determination of -. J. C. Mertz 310. Chromium in chrome-tanned leather; Deter-mination of -. Isotopes of -. 568. Chutney “Sweet mango” - . Cider Lead in -. 28. Cinnamon Quantitative determination of pow-Citrus juices; Gases in the commercial handling of -. G. N. Pulley and H.W. von Loesecke 42. trees; Effect of fluorine insecticides on -. 229. Clay products; Effect of lime in fired -. 598. Clays Adsorption of malachite green by -. V. L. Bosazza 670. Determination of silicic acid in -. Clover nodule bacteria. 105. Coal(s) Analysis of commercial grades of -. Application of rational analysis to some G. K. Morrison 376. dust; Precautions against -. 293. Extraction of - with quinoline. R. Belcher -. 649. -. 124. 426. 651. R. M. Lollar 531. 291. dered -. A. H. Saber 421. Quinine and - tablets. 29. 132. Part 11. 32. typical -. and R. V. Wheeler 614. VOLUME 65 XXiX Methods of analysis of -. Fuel Research *Net calorific value of -. Board Report No. 44. 648. dust. 293. H. Taylor 121. -. 599.and -. T. Evans 353. Coal Mines Act. 1911 Precautions against coal Coal Tar naphtha distillates; Toxicity of -. Coatings for protection of foodstuffs ; Gelatinous *Cobalt Cyanometric determination of nickel W. J. Agnew 643. deficiencies in soil. 105. deficiency in pastures. 33. in animal organs. 34. in foods and biological materials; Biblio-graphy on -. 513. in foods; Determination of - . N. D. Sylvester and L. H. Lampitt 424. Non-precipitation of - by nitro- ,%naphthol. C. Mahr and W. Prodinger 187. Cocaine Colour reaction for identifying -. M. Pesez 48. Toxicological detection of -. A. Briining, 427. *Cocoa alkaloids in confectionery; Determina-tion of -. Coconut Oil fatty acids in Chinese -; Com-position of. H. Nobori 658. Thermo-stability of -.301. Coffee Composition of “special” types of -. Coke Methods of analysis of -. Fuel Colloid Chemistry-a Textbook. (Review), Colne Appointment of F. Maudsley as Borough Compost its preparation and use. E. R. Compounds Organic -. See Organic. Piperidyl derivatives of aromatic halo-genonitro -; Identification of. M. K. Seikel 530. JC. Harral 408. 165. Research Board Paper No. 44. H. B. Weiser 536. Analyst for -. 161. Orchard 416. 648. Rules for naming inorganic -. Concrete products; “Crazing” of cast -. 598. Resistance of - to attack by chemical agents. 598. Congo Red test for examining damaged cotton. Further developments and applications. G. G. Clegg 475. Contraphthisine A reputed cure for tuberculosis. 48.Cooling Baths Low-temperature -. H. L. Wikoff B. R. Cohen and M. H. Grossman, 383. Copper Colorimetric determination of -with triethanolamine. J. H. Yoe and C. J. .Barton 578. Determnation of - with the aid of the silver reductor. N. Birnbaum and S. M. Edmonds 3 13. 509. in apple leaves. 292. in butter; Determination of -. G. M. in concentrated tomato pulp. 104. *in presence of cadmium ; Electrolytic deter-mination of small quantities of -J. G. Fife 562. Moir and E. D. Andrews 657 XXX INDEX TO VOLUME 65 Copper-continued *in tomato pulp 28 ; C. A. Mitchell 220. in tomatoes. W. J. Shannon and D. T. in tomatoes and tomato puree 28. "Potentiometric titration of glucose with alkaline tartrate solutions of -. H. T. S. Britton and L. Phillips 18.Reaction of - with benzidine. G. Spacu and C. G. Macarovici 248. Sensitive reaction for -. G. H. Wagenaar, 533. *Separation of - from cadmium with quinaldinic acid as reagent. A. J. Lindsey and R. J. Shennan 636. zinc in presence of -; Micro-determination of with quinaldinic acid as a reagent. P. R. R$y and T. C. Sarkar 435. Cordials silver in -; Estimation of. 0. Noetzel 364. Cotton Examination of damaged - by the Congo red test. Pink staining of bleached -. Cotton Wool Composition of -. Cottonseed Oil Low temperature crystallisation of -. T. P. Hilditch and L. Maddison, 656. Coulsdon and Purley Appointment of E. Hinks as Public Analyst and D. D. Moir as Deputy Public Analyst for Urban District of -. 161. Cowpeas Vitamin A activity and vitamin B, content of -.J. 0. Halverson and F. W. Sherwood 470. Crab meat; Colon bacilli in -. Crabs Fat of land - in Seychelles Islands. Crayons Lead in -. 164. Cream Alkaline -. 651. Cheese. See Cheese. Pasteurisation of - by the "flash" method. whipped - Nitrous oxide for. Creatinine Determination of - with m-dinitrobenzoic acid. E. Komm and H. Pinder 229. Relation of cuprous - to tests for sugar in urine. M. Samson 55. Crewe Appointment of T. R. Hodgson as Borough Analyst for -. 161. Crops and micro-organisms. 105. Crosby Appointment of W. H. Roberts as Public Analyst for Borough of -. 411. *Crucibles Adjustable support for -. H. C. Lockwood 160. B.S.I. standard dimensions for silica -. 41. Cryolite silica in - ; Determination of.J. Spielhaczek 315. silicon in - ; Determination of. T. Nakamura 434. *Cryoscope Modification of stirring device of the Hortvet -. W. J. Blackie and G. F. Flemons 26. Crystal Chemistry; Introduction to -. (Review) R. C. Evans 75. Cube deguelin in - ; Determination of. L. D. Goodhue and H. L. Haller, 184. Englis 605. G. G. Clegg 475. 228. 228. 227. T. P. Hilditch and K. S. Murti 518. 600. 651. Cupferron Elimination of iron by - prior to colorimetric determination of lead with dithizone. L. Panousse-Digeaud and H. Cheftel 130. Cupric Ammonium Chloride as means of deter-mining aluminium oxide in metallic alu-minium. T. Nakamura and S. Yamazaki, 68. Cuprous Chloride Precipitation of alkaloids with -. J. J. L. Zwikker and A.Kruysse 173. Cuprous Iodide reagent; Action on alkaloids : Precipitation and colour reactions. M. PBronnet and J. GuBnin 301. Currants Paraffin oil on -. 164. Currency Notes Examination of burnt -. 166. Curry Powder Lead in -. Cyanide Argentometric determination of -with diphenylcarbazone as indicator. R. R. Ripan-Tilici 3 15. in brass electroplating baths ; Determination of free -. W. M. McNabb and S. Heiman, 315. Cyanides in presence of thiocyanates and chlorides; Determination of -. A. Slooff and D. Van Duyn 250. *Cyanometric determination of cobalt and nickel. W. J. Agnew 643. 602. D *Damsons Composition of -. Daphnia method of evaluating the activity of powders of Veratrum viride. I. Cohen 184. Dartford Appointment of F.W. F. Arnaud a5 Borough Analyst for -. 161. Darwen Appointment of J. R. Stubbs as Public Analyst and A. Lees as Deputy Analyst for Borough of -. 411. Datura poisoning. 36. Deguelin in derris and cubC; Determination of -. L. D. Goodhue and H. L. Haller, 184. Deniges Reagent Modified - for determining methylpropene. A. Newton and E. H. Buckler 473. Depilatories sulphides in -; Determination of. E. M. Hoshall 579. thioglycollates in - ; Determination of. E. M. Hoshall 667. Derris deguelin in -; Determination of. L. D. Goodhue and H. L. Haller 184. Derris malaccensis Isolation of malaccol from -. S. H. Harper 472. Derris Root constituents; New derivatives of -. T. M. Meyer and D. R. Koolhaas, 244. rotenone in -; Determination of. T. M.Meijer and D. R. Koolhaas 526. *Desiccating agent; Use of anhydrite as -. H. Hawley 644. Deuterium for investigating the inertia of highly unsaturated fatty acids in the animal. K. Bernhardi and R. Schoenheimer 466. Diabetic chocolate; d-Sorbitol in -. 651. Diacetyl Colorimetric estimation of --. E. Komm and J. Flugel 361. 550 554 INDEX TO V Dialyser Rapid circulating - . A. R. Taylor A. K. Parpart and R. Ballentine, 263. 2,4-Diaminodiphenylamine Separation and de-termination of -. Diarylamines New colour reaction for -. E. M. Meade 530. *2.2'-Dichlorodiethyl Sulphide Reaction between bleaching powder and -. A. G. Lips-comb 100. ~6-Dichlorophenol~~dophenol solutions; Pre-paration of stable -. Dictionary Chambers's Technical -. (Re-view) C.F. Tweeney and L. E. C. Hughes, 622. I. S. Shupe 666. I. Stone 660. Dielectrics Research on -. 414. Diethylene Glycol in essence of lemon. 651. '4,4'-Dihydroxyisoflavan in mare's urine ; Colour reaction for detecting -. W. Discherl, 368. Dimethylaminoazobenzene Effect of oral ad-ministration of - on growth of rats. J. White 467. Dimethylglyoxime Titration of nickel with - with the aid of the dropping mercury electrode as indicator electrode. I. M. Kolthoff and A. Langer 476. rn-Dinitrobenzoic Acid as means of determining creatinine. E. Komm and H. Pinder 229. 3.5-Dinitro-4-Methylbenzazide as a reagent for identifying amines. P. P. T. Sah, 125. Diphenylcarbazide as means * for colorimetric determination of lead as chromate. T.V. Letonoff and J. G. Reinhold 433. Diphenylcarbazone as indicator in the argento-metric determination of cyanide. R. Ripan-Tilici 315. *Dishes Adjustable support for -. H. C. Lockwood 160. Petri -. B.S.I. specification. for. 463. *Dithiol as means of determining tin in food-stuffs. R. de Giacomi 216. Dithizone as means for colorimetric determina-tion of small amounts of lead. H. Fischer and G. Leopoldi 432. colorimetric determination of lead with -; Elimination of iron by cupferron prior to. L. Panousse-Digeaud 130. Dog Liver Oil 231. Dripping (Maximum Prices) Order 1940. 567; Fees under -. 539. Dropsy Epidemic - and Argemone mexicana oil. 226. Drug(s) Bell's Sale of Food and -. 10th Ed. (Review) R. A. Robinson and R. Ives 385. Is cdrbolic acid a -? (Legal Notes) 221.New Zealand Pharmacy Act definition of -. *sulphanilamide group of -; Determination See also Food and Drugs. 166. of members of. G. V. James 206. Drying agent; Lead-sodium alloy as -. H. Soroos 191. Duboisia myoporoides New solanaceous alka-loids from -. W. Mitchell 233 422. Dnst(s) from lungs produced by mining and other processes; Examination of --. D. G. Beadle 472. 'OLUME 65 xxxi Dyed materials; Machine for testing the fastness to rubbing of -. D. A. Derrett-Smith and H. B. Bradley 534. Dyes Absorption of substantive - by oxy-celluloses of the acidic type. S. M. Neale and W. A. Stringfellow 247. artificial - in tomato pulp; Detection of. H. Thaler and K. E. Schulte 300. Hair -. 11. Functions and reactions of phenols.H. E. Cox 393. Dyestuffs Identification of groups of - by their reaction with ferrous hydroxide. H. Eichler 431. E Eccles Appointment of G. H. Walker as Public Analyst for Borough of -. Eczema Facial - in New Zealand. Effluents free chlorine in -; Colorimetric 27. 34. determination of. F. J. Hallinan 578. from milk factory. 102. *sewage - ; Rapid stability test for. D. Dickinson and E. M. Weir 290. Egg albumin ; Determination of reducing groups with porphyrindin with special reference to -. E. Brand and B. Kassell 425. albumin; Molecular weight of -. F. W. Bernhart 236. -white injury; Attempts to isolate the factor (vitamin H) curative of -. P. Gyorgy, R. Kuhn and E. Lederer 117. -white injury; Curative factor (vitamin H) for - with particular reference to its presence in different foodstuffs and in yeast.P. Gyorgy 117. -white injury; Physicochemical properties of the factor (vitamin H) curative of -. T. W. Birch and P. Gyorgy 117. *yolk; Determination of carotene in -. 277. yolk; Presence of Z-tyrosine in alcoholic extract of -. L. Bracaloni 298. yolk; Vitamin A carotene and xanthophyll content of -. B. Sjollema and W. F. Donath 521. Egyptian hashish ; Isolation of cannabidiol from -. Mitchell 100. modification of -. T. S. Wheeler 459. A. Jacob and A. R. Todd 466. "marking ink; An ancient - . c. A. Ehrlich's Reaction Indole determination by a L. H. Chernoff 465. Eire Report of State Chemist for 1939-40. Electrical standards. 414. Electrochemical Analysis ; Electrochemistry and -.Vol. I1 (Review) H. J. S. Sand 620. Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Analysis. Vol. 11. (Review) H. J . S. Sand 690. Theoretical and Applied -. 3rd Ed. (Review) M. de K. Thompson 193. Electrode Dropping mercury - as indicator - in the titration of nickel with dimethyl-glyoxime. I. M. Kolthoff and A. Langer, 476. *Electro-Deposition of tin from chloride solutions; Quantitative - . F. G. Kny-Jones, A. J. Lindsey and A. C. Penney 498 xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME 66 *Electrodidysis in the analysis of soils; Observa-tions on use of -. A. W. Marsden 435. Influence of exchangeable bases on the recovery of manganese by -. R C. Hoon and C. L. Dhawan 526. *Electrolysis Studies in interval - . v. Determination of small quantities of copper in presence of cadmium.J. G. Fife 562. Electrolytic Analysis and - Marsh tests. (Review) H. J. S. Sand 620. Electrophoretic Fractionation as means of characterising starch from various sources. 0. Dahl 362. Electroplating baths ; Determination of free cyanide in brass -. W. M. McNabb and S. Heiman 315. Elements Atomic weights of -. 415. Discovery of the -. 4th Ed. (Review), M. E. Weeks 321. in organic compounds; Detection of -. L. Rosenthaler 307. *in organic compounds; Micro-tests for -. 11. Phosphorus arsenic and antimony. C. L. Wilson 405. Luminescence analysis of rare -. M. Servigne 382. Elephant Liver Oil 231. Emodic Acid a metabolic product of Penicillium cyclopium Westling. W. K. Anslow J. Breen and H.Raistrick 470. Engineering Science; Records and Research in -. Enzyme activity in frozen vegetables Asparagus. M. A. Joslyn and C. L. Bedford 468. Enzymes of gum arabic; Inactivation of -. J. P. Kleft 112. Equol of mare’s urine; Colour reaction for detecting -. W. Discherl 368. Ergometrine Colorimetric determination of -. Ergosterol Production of - by Penicillium carmino-violaceum. H. G. Hind 470. Ergot Chemical assay of powdered -. C. Daglish and F. Wokes 50. Ergotoxine Colorimetric determination of -. S. A. Schou and J. Bennekou 51. Erith Appointment of F. W. F. Arnaud as Public Analyst for the Borough of -. 27. Erythroglaucin Molecular constitution of -. W. K. Anslow and H. Raistrick 574. Esher Urban District Appointment of E. Hinks as Public Analyst and D.D. Moir as Deputy Public Analyst for -. 27. Essences Vehicle for -. 599. Essential Oil(s) eugenol content of -; Determination of. P. A. Rowaan and J. A. Insinger 66. of massoi bark. Ether Anaesthetic -. B.P. Sub-committee recommendation. 167. water in -; Determination of. R. Gaspari and G. Serrure 73. Ethol Alcohol in pharmaceutical products; Microdetermination of -. Determination of chromic index. A. Ionescu-Matiu C. Popesco and 0. Constantinesco 135. Ethylene Glycol in lubricating oil; Detection and determination of -. H. Lamprey E. E. Sommer and A. D. Kiffer 665. M. Puffeles 501. New cell for - especially of soils. of soils. (Review) J. E. Holmstrom 322. S. A. Schou and J . Bennekou 51. T. H. Meijer 375.Eucalyptus ointment. H. Brindle 608. Eugenol content of essential oils ; Determination of -. P. A. Rowaan and J. A. Insinger 66. Europium Isotopes of -. 568. Ext t a c t urn hyoscyarni Alkaloid content of J. A. C. Van Pinxteren 172. F -. Fabrics Stains and defects in -. Fat Coupled oxidation of carotene and -by carotene oxidase. J. B. and R. J. Sumner 571. of land crabs (Seychelles Island). T. P. Hilditch and K. S. Murti 518. spoilage; Chemistry of -. Analytical differentiation of aldehydes formed. K. Taufel and K. Klentsch 44. Total Solids and Moisture. (Review) R. D. Mason 75. Report of American Chemical Society Committee, 508. Arylation of -. Synthesis of tolyl stearic acid and its esters. W. Kimura and J. Tsurugi 186. Body - of the pig.V. Component glycerides of perinephretic and outer back - from the same animal. T. P. Hilditch and W. H. Pedelty 569. Chemical Composition of Natural -. (Review) 3 19. *Determination of ~ by the Grossfeld method. W. H. Kitto 97. flow and drop points of -; B.S.I. specifica-tion for determining. 418. from seeds of Garcinia indica (kokum butter) ; Fatty acids and glycerides of -. N. L Vidyarthi and C. J. Dasa Rao 171. Indian ox depot -; Component acids and glycerides of. T. P. Hilditch and K. S. Murti 655. liquid seed -; Mixed unsaturated glycerides of. I. Some non-drying oils. B. G. Gunde and T. P. Hilditch 364. 11. Low tempera-ture crystallisation of cottonseed oil. T. P. Hilditch and L. Maddison 656. seed - of Allanblackia floribunda and Allanblackia parviflora; Fatty acids and glycerides of.M. L. Meara and Y. A. H. Zaky 517. solid seed -; Fatty acids and glycerides of. IX. Mimusops Heckelii (Baku) kernel fat. D. Atherton and M. L. Meara 517. Thermo-stability of -. E. Glimm H. Wittmeyer and W. Jahn-Held 301. Fatty Acid(s) dehydrogenase IV. Product of the dehydrogenation of stearic acid. 0. St. A. K. Lang and F. Adickes 241. dehydrogenase and its co-enzyme. 0. St. A. K. Lang and H. Mayer 241. Gradual decomposition by oxidation of -into their next lower homologues. H. Mendel and J . Coops 246. in Chinese coconut oil; Composition. H. Nobori 658. in halibut intestinal oil; Distribution of -. Note on free - in intestines of fish. J. A. Lovern and R. A. Morton 58. in herring oil; Lower saturated -.H. Nobori 607. 228. Fats Analysis of commercial -INDEX TO Inertia of highly unsaturated - in the animal investigated with deuterium. K. Bernhardi and R. Schoenheimer 466. of fat from seeds of Garcinia indica (kokum butter). N. L. Vidyarthi and C. J. Dasa Rao 171. of oil from sapota seeds. N. L. Vidyarthi and V. Mallya 171. of seed fats of Allenblackia floribunda and Allanblackia fiarvijlora. M. L. Meara and Y. A. H. Zaky 517. IX. Mimusops Heckelii (Baku) kernal fat. D. Atherton and M. L. Meara 517. of some Myristica fats. D. Atherton and M. L. Meara 517. Separation of hydroxy from non-hydroxy - by means of a dibasic acid anhydride. F. E. Kurtz and P. S. Schaffer 528. Fatty Alcohols Unsaponifiable matter in -.D. Burton and G. F. Robertshaw 615. Fatty Esters Purification of high molecular weight -. L. 0. Buxton and R. Kapp 528. Fatty Oils Component glycerides of vegetable - . Niger seed oil. N. L. Vidyarthi and M. V. Mallya 419. from seeds of Bauhinia variegata. S. V. Puntambeka and S. Krishna 421. Federated Malay States Rat virus enquiry report. 460. Report of Institute of Medical Research for 1938. A. N. Kingsbury 459. *Feeding Stuffs Carotene and allied substances in -. 263. Compound and Mixed - (Control) (No. 2) Order 1940 505. Amendment Order 645. *for poultry; Phytic acid content of -. R. H. Common 79. (Maximum Price) Order 1940. 504. Registration of - in South Africa. Fatty Acids-continued of solid seed fats. 229. *Fehling’s Solution Potentiometric titration of glucose with -.H. T. S. Britton and L. Phillips 18. Felspar quartz particles in -; Optical method for determining. G. H. McIntyre and M. Bozain 535. Fermentation process in tea manufacture. IV. Tea tannin and its - products. C. J. Harrison and E. A. H. Roberts 46; V. Cytochrome oxidase and its probable r6le. VI. Effect of dilution on rate and extent of oxidations in fermenting tea leaf suspensions. Ferric Iron Volumetric determination of -by means of mercurous nitrate. F. R. Bradbury and E. G. Edwards 433. Ferric Sulphate Effect of - in shortening the digestion period in the Kjeldahl method. F. M. Stubblefield and E. E. Deturk 616. Ferrous materials ; Accelerated spray test for determining the relative atmospheric cor-rodibility of -.T. Swinden and W. W. Stevenson 670. Ferrous Hydroxide Identification of groups of dyestuffs by their reaction with -. H. Eichler 431. Fertilisers Problems in vegetable production. E. J . Greenstein 415. 229. E. A. H. Roberts 521. Raw materials (-) Order 1940. Registration of - in South Africa. 648. VOLUME 66 xxxiii Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act 1926 Appoint-ments under -. 411. Ferula alliacea fruit; Oil from -. P. K. Bose and S. N. Dutt 421. Filter Paper for analysing tan liquors; Use of cheap -. H. B. Merrill and G. C. Mueller, 476. *Filters Jena glass -; Cleaning of. H. Hawley 27. Fire-proofing compounds; Action of - on Fischer volumetric method for determining water. E. G. Almy W. C. Griffin and S.C. Wilcox 616. Fish Canned -. See Canned. fatty acids in intestines of -; Presence of. J. A. Lovern and R. A. Morton 58. freshness of -; Estimation of. “Pink” spoilage of salted -. Testing of air -. 599. wood. 163. resistance of timber. 163. 224. 224. Fish Liver Oils Vitamin A destruction in -. E. J. Simons L. 0. Buxton and H. B. Colman 469. Fish Oils New Zealand -. 111. Composition of dep6t fats of the ling (Genypterus blacodes). F. B. Shorland 172. Fish-Poison Plants Active principles of legu-minous -. IV. Isolation of malaccol from Derris malaccensis. S. H. Harper 472. Flash method of pasteurising cream. Flavianic Acid as means of estimating arginine. Flavone derivatives ; Boric acid colour reaction C. W. Wilson 66. Flour bleaching of - with chlorine ; Detection Vitamin A content of -.225. 600. H. B. Vickery 236. of -. of. D. B. Scott 605. *Carotene determined in -. 277. self-raising -; Baking powder and. 650. self-raising -; Double-strength. 503. Soya-bean - in sausage estimated by determining non-fermentable sugars. W. B. Hendrey 109. sugars in -; Determination of. W. Iwan-owski and G. Grabouska 168. Fluorescence analysis in the estimation of o-nitrophenol in p-nitrophenol and o-aminophenol in p-aminophenol. w. Seaman, A. R. Norton and 0. E. Sundberg 581. Analysis in Ultra-Violet Light. 3rd Ed. (Review) J . A. Radley and J. Grant 194. analysis of human urine. W. Koschara, S. von der Seipen and P. A. Aldred 242. of ghee in ultra-violet light as means of detecting adulteration.G. Narasim-hamurty and V. V. Suryanarayanamurty, 606. Fluoride Amperometric titration of - with thorium nitrate. A. Langer 669. Fluorine in the hot-springs of Gastein ; Deter-mination of -. R. Bisanz and F. Kroupa, 189. in wood treated with fluoride preservative; Determination of -. B. Ikert 190. insecticides; Effect of -on citrus trees 229. silica in materials containing -; Deter-mination of. H. Spielhaczek 315. Thorium nitrate micro-titration of - in aqueous and alcoholic systems. J. W. Hammond and W. H. MacIntire 618 xxxiv INDEX TO Fluorspar silicon in -; Determination of. T. Nakamura 434. Food and Drugs analysis. Abstracts 42 108, 168 229 297 360 418 464 516 569 605, 655. Food and Drugs Act 1938 Application to Scotland.39; to Northern Ireland 40. Food Investigation Board Reports Function of nitrate nitrite and bacteria in the curing of bacon and hams. Special Report No. 49. 355. Report for 1938. 223. Food(s) Action of mustard gas on -. A. Hassk6 427. Bell’s Sale of - and Drugs. 10th Ed. (Review) R. A. Robinson and R. Ives 385. *Carotene and allied substances in -. 263. Chemical composition of -. R. AMcCance and E. M. Widdowson 458. cobalt in -; Determination of. N. D. Sylvester and L. H. Lampitt 424. (Compound and Mixed Feeding Stuffs) Order 1940. 645. Distribution of aneurin in - determined by chemical analysis. frozen-; Factors affecting the efficiency of materials used in packaging -. W. Rabak 658. hawkers; Detention of -. 601. Manufacture; Handbook of -.(Review), F. Fiene and S. Blumenthal 255. metals in -; Bibliography on. I. Cobalt, 513; 11. Nickel 603. Preservatives in -. Public Health Amend-ment Regulations 1940. 359. standards; Report on -. 103. substances containing phosphorus ; Estima-tion of vitamin D in -. K. H. Coward and E. W. Kassner 523. Sulphur content of -. M. Masters and R. A. McCance 42. Values a t a Glance. (Review) V. G. Plimmer, 388. Foodstuffs bromine in -; Micro-determina-tion of. W. P. Ford and Others 617. Carboxide as fumigant for -. Combined ascorbic acid in plant -. J. C. Pal and B. C. Guha 522. formic acid in - ; Determination of. J. Grossfeld and R. Payfer 168. Gelatinous protective coating for -. 599. nicotinic acid in certain -; Estimation of.E. Kodicek 522. Presence of curative factor (vitamin H) for egg white injury in different -. P. Gyorgy 117. riboflavin content of -; Fluorometric method for determining. A. 2. Hodson and L. C. Norris 114. saccharin in - ; Detection of. W. F. Reindollar 569. *Tin in - determined by means of dithiol. R. de Giacomi 216. vitamin C in -; Estimation of. P. N. Sen-Gupta and B. C. Guha 523. Foot perspiration; Human - and upper boot leather. A. Colin-Russ 659. Forensic chemistry. Abstracts 471. (Review) €3. T. F. Rhodes 621. M. Pyke 180. 599. Chemistry. VOLUME 65 Forest Products Research Board Report for 1938. 163. 5*Formaldehyde in air; Determination of small amounts of -. R. W. Kersey J. R. Maddocks and T. E. Johnson 203. Formaldoxime colorimetric method for man-ganese; Improved form of -.C. P. Sideris 476. Formalin tablets 597. Formic Acid in foodstuffs ; Determination of -. New reaction of -. T. L. Davis and W. P. Green 628. poisoning. 459. Olliver 662. J. Grossfeld and R. Payfer 168. Fruit(s) Antiscorbutic x-alue of - . M. Arsenic in -. 229. Canned -. See Canned. *content of jams; Determination of -. C. L. Hinton and T. Macara 540. cordials ; Estimation of silver in catadynised -. 0. Noetzel 364. Gas storage of -. 224. gumming of Victoria plums. 512. Vitamin C content of West Australian -. 291. Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Research Station Campden Report for 1939. F. Hirst 511. Fuel research. Analysis of commercial grades of coal Part 11. 32.Fumes Poisonous - from an arc light. 292. Fumigant for foodstuffs; Carboxide as -. 599. Fumurate in animal tissues; Determination of - H. A. Krebs D. H. Smyth and E. A Evans 571. Fungi wood-destroying - ; Physiological studies of. 164. Furfural Photometric estimation of -. R. A. Stillings and B. L. Browning 663. G Galacturonic Acid Micro-estimation of -. E. M. Kapp 580. Gallic Acid as means for colorimetric determina-tion of ferric iron. Y. Volmar and A. Wagner 249. Gallium Reaction of __ with perchloric acid. L. S. Foster 68. Gambir catechin and catechin-tans in -; Determination of. C. J. van Hulssen and D. R. Koolhaas 127. Garcinia indtca seeds ; Fatty acids and glycerides of fat from -. N. L. Vidyarthi and C. J. Dasa Rao 171. *detection apparatus for qualitative micro-chemistry.C. L. Wilson 407. storage of fruit and vegetables. Gases in the commercial handling of citrus juices. G. N. Pulley and H. W. von Loesecke 42. toxic - in industry; Methods for detecting. Aniline vapour. D.S.I.R. Leaflet No. 11. 162; Carbon monoxide. Leaflet No. 7, 223. Phosgene. Leaflet No. 8 290; Arsine. Leaflet No. 9 354. Gas analysis. Abstracts 244 473 525 575. 224 INDEX TO VOLUME 65 XXXV Gastein hot springs; Determination of fluorine and silica in -. R. Bisanz and F. Kroupa, 189. Geelbek vitamin A content of visceral organs of -; Seasonal variations in. C. J. Molten0 and W. S. Rapson 59. Gelatin Preservatives for preparations con-taining -. L. Gershenfeld and D. Perl-stein 62. General Medical Council Second addendum to British Pharmacopoeia 1932.457. Genypterous blacodes Composition of dep6t fats of the ling (-). F. B. Shorland 172. Germanium detected and determined with hydrogen selenide. Ghee Adulteration in - detected by a study of its fluorescence. G. Narasimhamurty and V. V. Suryanarayanamurty 606. Adulteration of -. 652. Neutralisation value of -. H. Hawley 606. Sterol acetate test for -. 601. Gillingham Appointment of F. W. F. Arnaud as Public Analyst for Borough of -. 411. "Glass filters; Cleaning Jena -. H. Hawley, 27. Glasses Organic and inorganic -. H. Moore, 126. Glucose Blood sugar levels in rats receiving xylose and -. W. J. Darby and P. L. Day 520. "Potentiometric estimation of - with potassium ferricyanide in sodium carbonate solution.H. T. S. Britton and L. Phillips 149. *Potentiometric titration of - with alkaline tartrate solutions of copper including Fehling's solution. H. T. S. Britton and L. Phillips 18. Glutamic Acid of normal and malignant tissue proteins. A. C. Chibnall and Others 520. Glycerides of fat from seeds of Garcinia indica (kokum butter). N. L. Vidyarthi and C. J. Dasa Rao 171. of liquid seed fats; Mixed unsaturated -. Some "non-drying" oils. I. B. G. Gunde and T. P. Hilditch 364. 11. Low tem-perature crystallisation of cottonseed oil. T. P. Hilditch and L. Maddison 656. of oil from sapota seeds. N. L. Vidyarthi and V. Mallya 171. of palm oils; Partial separation of palm oils by crystallisation as an aid to determina-tion of -.T. P. Hilditch and L. Mad-dison 517. of perinephritic and outer back fats from the same pig. T. P. Hilditch and W. H. Pedelty 569. of seed fats of Allanblackia floribunda and Allanblackia Parviflora. M. L. Meara and Y. A. H. Zaky 517. of solid seed fats. IX. Mimusops Heckelii (Baku) kernel fat. D. Atherton and M. L. Meara 516. of some Indian ox depBt fats; Component -. T. P. Hilditch and K. S. Murti 655. of some Myristica fats. D. Atherton and M. L. Meara 517. of typical cow milk fat; Component -. T. P. Hilditch and S. Paul 606. V. J. Kouznecov 68. Glycerides-continued of vegetable fatty oils. Niger-seed oil. N. L. Vidyarthi and M. V. Mallya 419. Glycerin Effect of - on the distillation method for water. R. B. Trusler 665.Glycerinum B.P. Sub-committee recommenda-tion. 167. Glycerol Formation of trimethylene glycol from - by Aerobacter. M. N. Nickelson and C. H. Werkman 613. in blood; Determination of neutral fat -with periodate. L. Voris G. Ellis and L. A. Maynard 425. Glycogen in meat. 224. of Helix pomatia. E. Baldwin and D. J. Bell 468. Glycuronic Acid and its conjugated compounds ; Quantitative estimation of - by means of the naphthoresorcinol test of Tollens. W. Mozolowslri 5 19. Micro-estimation of -. E. M. Kapp 580. Goats Milk of -. 226. Gold Detection of - by means of morpholin. *Gooseberries Composition of -. Gosport Appointment of R. P. Page as Public Analyst for Borough of -. Government Analysts Notes from Reports of -. See Bangalore Ceylon Eire, Federated Malay States Madras New South Wales New Zealand Palestine Patiala (Punjab) Queensland South Africa United and Central Provinces of India Western Australia.Grass dried-; Commercial determination of carotene and allied pigments in -. W. M. Seaber 266. Great Yarmouth Appointment of W. F. Greeves as Deputy Public Analyst for Borough of -. 566. *Greengages Composition of -. 549 554. Grignard Reagent for determination of hydroxyl groups. W. Fuchs N. H. Ishler and A. G. Sandhoff 663. for micro-gravimetric determination of active hydrogen. R. N. Evans J. E. Davenport and A. J. Revukas 533. E. G. Rochow 245. "Grossfeld Method for determining fat. W. H. Kitto 97. Groundnut Bambarra -. J. M. Holm and B. W. Marloth 608. Gum Arabic Inactivation of enzymes of -.J. P. Kleft 112. L. S. Malowan 310. 543 545. 411. prepared from magnesium amalgams. H Haemoglobinometer standardisation. 414. Hafnium New isotope of -. *Hair dyes. 11. Functions and reactions of phenols. H. E. Cox 393. Examination of -. 38. Lead content of human -. K. N. Bagchi, H. D. Ganguly and J. N. Sirdar 471. Halibut Intestinal Oil fatty acids in -; Distribution of. J. A. Lovern and R. A. Morton 58. 568 xxxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 65 Halifax Appointment of R. Mallinder as Public Analyst and Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of -. 411. Halogenonitro compounds ; Identification of aromatic - as piperidyl derivatives. M. K. Seikel 666. Hamburg Steak Pork in -. Hams Function of nitrate nitrite and bacteria in the curing of -.355. Harrogate Appointment of F. W. M. Jaffk as Public Analyst for Borough of -. 161. mineral water; Presence of sulphide in -and its oxidation by air. A. Woodmansey, 430. Hashish Application of Beam’s test for -. 166. Isolation of cannabidiol from Egyptian -. A. Jacob and A. R. Todd 466. Heat penetration in the canning of meat in the home by the pressure cooker; Effectiveness of --. C. I. Nelson and D. Berrigan 120. Helix pomatiu Glycogen of -. E. Baldwin and D. J. Bell 468. Hemicelluloses of the wood of English oak. 5. Structure of hemicellulose B. M. H. O’Dwyer 475. Hen Liver Oil 231. Herapathite reaction applied to aristoquin. M. Wagenaar 111. Hereford Appointment of F. G. D. Chalmers as Additional Public Analyst for Borough Herring Significance of bacterial count in determining freshness of - and the raw materials of kippered -.E. Aschehoug and R. Vesterhus 417. Herring Oil Lower saturated fatty acids in -. H. Nobori 607. Histidine in urine; Detection and estimation of -. E. Racker 467. Holarrhena antidysenterica Wall. An anti-dysenteric drug containing poisonous alka-loids. 602. Home Office Statutory Rules and Orders, 1940. Nos. 452 and 453. Poisons. 412. Honey Artificial -. 166. Iodine absorption of genuine and artificial -. Reducing power of unripe - and - from sugar-fed bees. Vitamin C content of -. E. Becker and R. F. Kardos. 470. Hops preservative value of -; Colorimetric determination of. Standard colour values of some hybrid -.A. A. D. Comrie 516. *Hortvet cryoscope; Modification of the stirring device in -. W. J. Blackie and G. F. Flemons 26. Huddersfield Appointment of R. Mallinder as Public Analyst and Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of -. Hydnocarpus anthelmintica Oil Analysis of -. Hydnocarpus Wightiana Oil Analysis of -. H. I. Cole and H. T. Cardioso 45. and its derivatives ; Keeping properties of -. U. P. Basu and A. Mazumdar 465. 227. of -. 411. Rancidity of -. 224. C. Griebel and G. Hess 299. R. F. Kardos 363. 411. H. I. Cole and H. T. Cardoso 231. Hydrazine in alkaline solution; Potentiometric determination of -. H. T. S. Britton and M. Konigstein 532. Hydrocarbons in unsaponifiable matter; Deter-mination of -. Physical Constants of -.Vol. 11. (Review), G. Egloff 585. Hydrocellulose Microchemical determination of reducing power of - (micro-copper, micro-ferricyanide and micro-iodine num-bers). E. Geiger and G. Muller 618. Hydrocyanic Acid Determination of - by the picric acid method and the KWSZ photo-meter. J. T. Sullivan 122. Hydrogen Atomic weight of -. Elimination of traces of carbon monoxide from -. K. Kawakita and B. Ichi-yanagi 575. Micro-gravimetric determination of active - by the Grignard reagent. R. N. Evans J. E. Davenport and A. J. Revukas, 533. para-Hydrogen Separation of - from oxygen and carbon monoxide. E. Bergmann, L. Farkas and L. Sandler 244. Hydrogen Cyanide gas; Toxicity of flesh of rabbits killed by -. 104. Hydrogen ion Concentration Application of - to boiler water treatment.G. W. Bond 429. Hydrogen Peroxide Removal of phosphoric acid from -. S. R. Dickman and R. H. Bray 477. Hydrogen Selenide for detecting and determining germanium V. J. Kouznecov 68 Hydrogen Sulphide in corned beef. A. Elias, 605. Precipitation reactions of organic arsenic compounds with -. 247. Hydroculphite content of indigo vats ; Colori-metric estimation of -. J. Lotichius, 668. Hydroxy-amino-acids Isolation of - from protein hydrolysates. R. L. M. Synge, 238. 6-Hydroxychromans Oxidation products of a-tocopherol and of related -. L. I. Smith W. B. Irwin and H. E. Ungnade, 115. w-Hydroxyemodin a metabolic product of Penicillium cyclopium Westling. W. K. Anslow J. Breen and H. Raistrick 470.Hydroxyl Groups determined with the Grignard reagent. W. Fuchs N. H. Ishler and A. G. Sandhoff 662. Rapid qualitative test for alcoholic -. F. R. Duke and G. F. Smith 527. Hydroxylamine in alkaline solution ; Potentio-metric determination of -. H. T. S. Britton and M. Konigstein 532. 8-Hydroxyquinoline as means for the gravi-metric determination of antimony. T. I. Pirtea 188. as means of determining cerium. R. Berg and E. Becker 312. method for micro-determination of zinc. Iv. C. Cimerman and P. Wenger 381. J. Grossfeld 375. 415. “swells” in canned fruits. T. P. Hoar 43. of canned vegetables. 512 INDEX TO I *Ilvin Determination of -. 212. Ilford Appointment of B. Dyer and G. Taylor as Joint Public Analysts for Borough of -. 27; of J.H. Hamence as Joint Public Analyst for Borough of -. 411. Incendiary Bombs Testing incombustible ma-terial resistant to -. B. s. I. Specification No. BSjARP 27. 297. Indicator(s) Barium rhodizonate as - in the volumetric determination of small quantities of barium and sulphate. C. C. Miller 477. Diphenylcarbazone as - in the argento-metric determination of cyanide. R. Ripan-Tilici 315. Indigo Colorimetric estimation of -. J Lotichius 668. Estimation of - on the fibre. J . Lotichius, 668. vats; Colorimetric estimation of sodium hydrosulphite and the hydrosulphite con-tent of -. Indole determination by a modification of Ehrlich’s reaction. Indo-Oxine a new precipitant for metals. R. Berg and E. Becker 378. Industrial Science; Records and Research in - (Review) J.E. Holmstrom 322. Infra-Red Photography Its Principles and Applications. (Review) W. Clark 480. *Ink marking-; An ancient Egyptian -. C. A. Mitchell 100. Printing ~ examined by ultra-violet light. 38. Inorganic analysis; Abstracts 68 129 187, 248 310 378 432 476 531 578 616 668. Analysis; Text-Book of Quantitative -. (Review) A. I. Vogel 195. Chemicals; B.P. Sub-committee on -. Recommendations 167. Chemistry. F. Ephraim. 3rd Eng. Ed. by P. C. L. Thorne and ,4. M. Ward. (Review), 584. Chemistry; Mellor’s Modern -. 9th Ed. (Review) G. D. Parkes and J. W. Mellor, 479. compounds ; Determination of arsenic in -. D. T. Lewis and V. E. Davis 531. compounds; Rules for naming -. 509. ions Qualitative reactions of salicvlaldoxime J.Lotichius 668. L. H. Chernoff 465. . -with -. J. F. Flagg and N. H. Furman, 668. Insecticides Arsenical - and wine. 166. Effect of fluorine - on citrus trees. 229. Materials for plant - from Empire sources. 574. Insects in wood; Destruction of - by fumi-gation. 164. 164. Institute of Brewing Report of Brewery Effluents Committee. 356. International Society of Leather Trades Chemists : Determination of colour of vegetable tannin solutions. 568. International Union of Chemistry Fifth Report of Committee on Atoms 568. Rules for naming inorganic compounds. 509. Tenth Report of Committee on Atomic Weights 415. wood-boring - detected by X-rays. VOLUME 65 xxxvii Iodate method for determining barium; Modified -. F. C.Guthrie 434. Iodide Detection of -. D. Hart and R. Meyrowitz 532. in mineral waters containing bromide and large quantities of chloride ; Determination of -. E. Muller and W. Stumpf 245. Spot test for -. C. L. Wilson 478. Iodine absorption of honey and artificial honey. C. Griebel and G. Hess 299. Colourless tincture of -. 565. determinations; Permanganate acid ashing micro-method for -. I. Values in blood of normal subjects. D. S. R i g s and E. B. Man 579. in quinine iodobismuthate and its injectable preparations; Determination of -. G. N. Thomis and G. P. Kopanaris 49. in soils plant material and waters; Deter-mination of -. G. s. Fraps and J. F. Fudge 305. in thyroid and its preparations determined by cerate oxidimetry. W. W. Hilty and D.T. Wilson 174. *Iodine Value of soft paraffins. H. Brindle, 409. Ipecacuanha Alteration in B.P. formula for -. 457. Iron aluminium in presence of phosphoric acid and -; Determination of. G. Balanescu and M. D. Motzoc 188. Atomic weight of -. 415. Colorimetric determination of - with salicylaldoxime. D. E. Howe and M. G. Mellon 578. Determination of - as phosphate. Elimination of - by cupferron prior to colorimetric determination of lead with dithizone. L. Panousse-Digeaud and H. Cheftel 130. ferric-; Colorimetric determination of -by means of gallic acid. Y. Volmar and A. Wagner 249. in aluminium and alumina ; Colorimetric determination of. -. L. Roelen 187. in bread and bread ingredients ; Determination of -. C. Hoffmann T. R. Schweitzer and G.Dalby 569. in butter; Determination of -. G. M. Moir and E. D. Andrews 657. Isotopes of -. 568. Limit test for -. B. P. Sub-committee recommendation. 167. non-haemin - ; Improved method for estimating. G. Briickmann and S. G. Zondek 659. Separation of zinc from -. Specific heat and melting-point of very pure tablets; Saccharated -. 565. 339. 381. . 413. -Irrigation purposes; Standard for water for -. Is& Reactions for identifying -. M. J. Isotopes International Table of Stable -. 292. Schulte 112. Recommended changes in. 568 xxxviii INDEX TO VOLUME 65 J Jam Definition of - in Palestine. 166. *fruits; Composition of some - and deter-mination of fruit content of -. C. L. *Improvements in lead precipitation method (Maximum Prices) Order 1940.566. Raspberry - below fruit standard. Hinton and T. Macara 540. as applied to -. 556. *Jena Glass filters; Cleaning -. H. Hawley, Jungle Potato poisoning. 36. 597. 27. K Keighley Borough Appointment of F. W. M. Jaff6 as Public Analyst for -. Kendal Appointment of W. H. Roberts as Public Analyst for Borough of -. 411, 456. Kent Report of County Analyst for Fourth Quarter 1939 221. Kesteven (Lincs.) Appointment of W. W. Taylor as Public Analyst for -. Ketones Colorimetric assay of weakly phenolic - “oestrone,” in extracts of human urine. Khgston-upon-Hull Appointment of D. J. T. Bagnall as Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 566. Kingston-upon-Thames Appointment of E. Hinks as Public Analyst for Borough of Kjeldahl method; Effect of ferric sulphate in shortening the digestion period in -.F. M. Stubblefield and E. E. Deturk 616. Kober Method for determining total oestrogens in a mixture of oestrogenic steroids. Modification of -. C. Bachman 118. Kokum Butter Fatty acids and glycerides of -. N. L. Vidyarthi and C. J. Dasa Rao, 171. 27. 27. N. B. Talbot and Others 609. -. 411. L Lac in glazed candies; Volumetric estimation of -. N. M. Molnar and J. Grumer 175. Lactic Acid Determination of - by means of periodic acid. R. Boisson 473. *Lard beef fat in -; Detection of. K. A. Williams 596; Erratum 645. *Examination of -. R. W. Sutton and Others 623. Thermo-stability of -. 301. tristearin in -; Detection of. 508 596. Larocaine Detection of -.173. Lavoisier. (Review) J . A. Cochrane 320. *Lead alloys; Simple test for arsenic in -. R. G. Robinson 159. I. Influence of calcium phosphorus and vitamin D on - in blood and bone. A. E. Sobel and Others 235. Colorimetric determination of - as chro-mate with the aid of diphenylcarbazide. T. V. Letonoff and J. G. Reinhold 433. colorimetric determination of - with dithizone; Elimination of iron by cupferron Biochemical behaviour of -. Lcad-continued prior to. L. Panousse-Digeaud and H. Cheftel 130. Colorimetric determination of small amounts of - by means of dithizone. H. Fischer and G. Leopoldi 432. compounds in cellulose spray paints. 292. content of fresh vegetables; Limit for -. content of human hair. K. N. Bagchi H. D. in beer and cider.28. in bone. 165. in canned fish. 28. in canned food. 459. in crayons. 164. in curry powder. 602. *in drinking water 102; Estimation of -C. H. Manley 403. in samsu. 459. in tin coatings; Determination of -. P. Foerster 476. in urine; Determination of -. 291. Industrial poisoning with -. 291. *precipitation method ; Improvements in - as applied to jam. Quantitative determination of -. B. P. Sub-committee recommendations. 167. Spot tests for -. 291. Ganguly and J. N. Sirdar 471. 556. E. A. Kocsis 190. Lead Arsenate and its spray residues; Toxicity to sheep of -. J. L. St. John and Others 575. Chemical effect on - of certain salts present in soil and spray waters. J. M. Ginsberg 6 13. Lead Dioxide Volumetric determination of -.C. Mahr and H. Ohle 433. Lead-Sodium Alloy as a drying agent. H. Soroos 191. Leather chromic oxide in -; Determination of. J. C. Mertz 310. chromium in chrome-tanned -; Deter-mination of. R. M. Lollar 531. contaminated with mustard gas ; Decon-tamination of -. 39. Upper boot - and human foot perspiration. A. Colin-Russ 659. Legal Notes 30 221 565. Leigh (Lancs.) Appointment of J. R. Stubbs as Public Analyst for Borough of -. 27. Lemon essence; Dimethylene glycol in -. 651. Lewisite Reactions of Nessler’s reagent with -. J . Delga 246. Lignin in tannin materials; Estimation of -. J. G. Shrikhande 531. Lime in fired clay products; Effect of -. 598. Ling Composition of depot fats of -. F. B. Shorland 172. *Linoleic Acid and its glycerides; Use of thio-cyanogen values in determining -.T. P. Hilditch and K. S. Murti 437. *Linolenic Acid and its glycerides; Use of thiocyanogen value in determining -. T. P. Hilditch and K. S. Murti 437. in leaves of land plants. M. Tsujimoto 664. Thiocyanogen value of - J. P. Kass Liquid Air Respiration of animal tissue after and Others 528. freezing in -. F. Lynen 425 INDEX TO VOLUME 65 XXXiX Lithium Isotopes of -. 568. Quantitative analysis of plant tissues for - by the Ramage flame spectrographic method. N. L. Kent 581. precipitated by uranyl acetate reagents for sodium; Composition of - . E. R. Caley and W. 0. Baker 131. Liver of mammals birds reptiles and man; Vitamin A and carotenoids in -. H. B. Jensen and T. K. With 179. Liver Oils of some terrestrial animals.M. Tsujimoto and H. Koyanagi 231. Lobster meat; Colon bacilli in -. 227. Lowestoft Appointment of W. F. Greeves as Deputy Public Analyst for Borough of Lubricating Oil ethylene glycol in -; Detec-tion and determination of. H. Lamprey, E. E. Sommer and A. D. Kiffer 665. Lubrication research. 414. Luminescence analysis of rare elements. M. Ser-vigne 382. Lungs Examination of dust from silicotic -. D. G. Beadle 471. Lutecium Atomic weight of -. Luximeter Construction and application. W. L. Carson 534. Lycopene carotene in presence of -; Deter-mination of. G. s. Fraps A. R. Kemmerer and S. M. Greenberg 608. Lyctus (powder-post beetles) ; Control of -. 164. -. 566. 415. M. *M. & B. 693 Determination of -.210. Macassar oil Paraffin as -. Maca6ba Oil (Mocaya). Madras Adulteration in -. 165. 601. M. Silva 605. Report of Chemical Examiner to Government of - for 1938. S. R. Naidu 36; for 1939 S. R. Naidu 602. Report of Govern-ment Analyst for 1938-39. H. Hawley, 601. Magnesium amalgams ; Preparation of Grignard reagents from -. Colorimetric determination of -. C. P. Sideris 478. Detection of - by means of p-nitroben-zeneazorescorcinol. J . P. Mehlig and K. R. Johnson 314. in biological material; Determination of -. J . P. Nielsen 176. *in nickel alloys; Determination of -. R. C. Chirnside L. A. Dauncey and P. M. C. Proffitt 446. Test for -. E. Eegriwe 248. "Magnesium Trisilicate Routine examination of -. J. .L. Pinder 90. Malaccol Isolation from Dewis nzalaccensis.S. H. Harper 472. Malachite Green Adsorption of - by clays and allied materials. Malate in animal tissues; Determination of -. H. A. Krebs D. H. Smyth and E. A. Evans, 571. Malden and Coombe Appointment of E. Hinks as Public Analyst for Borough of -. 27. E. G. Rochow 245. V. L. Bosazza 670. Maleic Acid synthetic resins containing -; Malt extracts ; Determination of amino-nitrogen S. R. Snider 464. Mammals Vitamin A and carotenoids in liver 13. B. Jensen and T. K. With 179. Manchester Chamber of Commerce Testing Report for 1939. Analysis of. E. Sadolin 128. in -. of -. House and Laboratory. 228. Manganese deficiencies in soil. 104. formaldoxime colorimetric method for -; Improved form of.C. P. Sideris 476. in organic material containing large amounts of calcium and chlorides; Estimation of -. T. W. Ray 570. in the pea seed ; Distribution of - in relation to marsh spot. H. H. Glasscock and R. L. Wain 372. method for determining base exchange capa-city of soils and other materials. C. A. Bower and E. Truog 614. Recovery of - from soils by electro-dialysis. R. C. Hoon and C. L. Dharwan, 526. Separation. of zinc from -. 381. Toxicology of -. A. C. Lemos 63. Manganese Dioxide Volumetric determination of -. C. Mahr and H. Ohle 433. Manganous Uranyl Acetate Colorimetric micro-method for estimating sodium with -. E. Leva 316. Manihot utilissima poisoning. 36. Mansfield Appointment of W. W. Taylor as Public Analyst for Borough of -.411. Manure Town refuse used as -. *Margarine Spectrophotometric assay of vita-min A with special reference to -. J. R. Edisbury 484. *vitamin D in --; Estimation of. N. T. Gridgeman H. Lees and H. Wilkinson 493. Margarine (Addition of Borax) Order 1940 : 411 413. "Marking Ink An ancient Egyptian -. C. A. Mitchell 100. Marsh Spot Distribution of manganese in the pea seed in relation to -. EI. H. Glass-cock and R. L. Wain 372. Marsh Tests Electrolytic -. (Review), H. J. S. Sand 620. Massachusetts Commonwealth of Report of Division of Food and Drugs Dept. of Public Health for 1938. H. C. Lythgoe, 226. Massoi Bark Essential oil of -. T. H. Meijer 375. Mastitis Bromothymol blue test for -. 35. Meat canning of - in the home by the pressure cooker; Effectiveness of heat penetration in.C. I. Nelson and D. Berrigan, 120. content of sausages; Determination of -. 257. Decomposition of - detected by Walkie-wiecz's method. H. Keller and H. Moller. 418. extracts ; Ultra-violet absorption of -. J . Schormuller 297. Glycogen in -. 224. Transport of -. 224. 104 221 xl INDEX TO VOLUME 65 Medical Practice; British Encyclopaedia of -. Vol. 12. 139. Medical Research Council Chemical composition of foods. R. A. McCance and E. M. Widdowson 458. Medical Research National Institute for Inter-national standards for prolactin and for the gonadotrophic substance of pregnant mares’ serum. 40. Meiklejohn’s Method of estimating aneurin in blood; Further modification of -. H. M.Sinclair 182. Meinel Colour Test Behaviour of certain sub-stituted allenes towards - . F. B. LaForge and F. Acree Jr. 614. Melia compositor poisoning. 36. Melnick-Field Method of estimating aneurin ; Modification of -. A. D. Emmett, G. Peacock and R. A. Brown 661. Menthols Separation and determination of isomeric -. R. T. Hall J. H. Holcomb, Jr. and D. B. Griffin 518. Mercurochrome mercury in -; Determina-tion of. G. J. W. Ferrey 607. Mercurous Nitrate as means for volumetric determination of ferric iron. F. R. Brad-bury and E. G. Edwards 433. *Mercury Assay of -. J. Sandilands 13. in blood; Method for estimating small amounts of -. L. A. Crandall 467. in mercurochrome; Determination of -. G. J. W. Ferrey 607. reagent; Precipitation reactions of organic arsenic compounds with -.247. reduction method for determining pyrethrin I ; Seil colour reaction in -. C. S. Sherman and R. Herzog 373. Separation of zinc from -. 381. Spot tests for -. zinc in presence of -; Quinaldinic acid as micro-reagent in determining. P. R. R%y and T. C. Sarkar 435. Merton and Morden Appointment of E. Hinks as Public Analyst and D. D. Moir as Deputy Public Analyst for Urban District of -. 161. lesuol the bitter principle of Mesua ferrea. P. Dutt N. C. Deb and P. K. Bose 466. *Metal plates; Detection of small amounts of proteins on surface of -. J. H. Young, 564. Metals in foods and biological materials; Biblio-graphy on - . I. Cobalt 513; 11. Nickel 603. Indo-oxine a new precipitant for -. R. Berg and E.Becker 378. Internal strain in -. 413. sodium in presence of other -; Determina-tion of. E. C. Elliott 616. Surface finish of -. 414. Methionine Colorimetric test for -. M. X. Sullivan and T. E. McCarthy 466. Colour reaction of - J. J . Kolb and G. Toennies 114. p-Methylaminophenol Separation of o-amino-phenol paminophenol and -. I. S. Shupe 667. Methylene Blue in the volumetric determination of acridines. A. Bolliger 423. E. A. Kocsis 190. Methylene Blue-continued reducing system of Palestine orange peels investigated by the Thunberg system. L. Frankenthal 662. *2-Methyl-l 4-Naphthoquinone Examination and determination of -. J. L. Pinder and J. H. Singer 7. Methylpropene determined by a modified Denigks reagent. A. Newton and E.J. Buckler, 473. Metropolitan Water Board Bill. Petition against -. 201. Microbiological examination of butter. B.S.I. standard for methods of -. Microchemical analysis. Abstracts 69 134, 190 251 316 379 477 533 579 617. determination of reducing power of cellulose, oxycellulose and hydrocellulose (micro-copper micro-ferricyanide and micro-iodine numbers). *Microchemistry Gas detection apparatus for qualitative -. Micro-Determination of arsenic in urine ; Colori-metric semi- --. of bromine in foodstuffs. W. P. Ford and Others 617. of ethyl alcohol in pharmaceutical products. Determination of the chromic index. A. Ionescu-Matiu C. Popesco and 0. Constantinesco 135. 359. E. Geiger and G. Miiller 618. C. L. Wilson 407. of rare earths.G. Beck 382. J. V. Harispe 54. of succinic acid. of sulphur; New method for washing and isolation of barium sulphate in -. R. Grangaud 316. of zinc by hydroxyquinoline method. IV. C. Cimerman and P. Wenger 381. Quantitative - with the use of ordinary analytical balances. A. A. Benedetti-Pichler and R. A. Paulson 69. Micro-Diff usion Analysis and Volumetric Error. (Review) E. J. Conway 254. Micro-Electrolytic determinations in small volumes. J. Donau 134. Micro-Estimation of amino acids; Semi- -. H. R. Ing and M. Bergmann 57. R. J. Block and D. Bolling 72. Microgram Use of the term -. Micro-Gravimetric determination of active hy-drogen by the Grignard reagent. R. N. Evans J. E. Davenport and A. J. Revukas, 533. separation of zinc and uranium.E. Kroupa, 435. Micro-Method for determining iodine in blood. D. S. Riggs and E. B. Man 579. for estimating sodium with manganous uranyl acetate. E. Leva 316. Micro-Organisms Biochemistry of -. Emodic acid and co-hydroxyemodin metabolic products of Penicillium cyclopium Westling. W. K. Anslow J . Breen and H. Raistrick, 470. Crops and -. 105. encountered in brewing industry; Thermal death time of -. S. S. Epstein and F. D. Snell 524. Microphotometer Quantitative spectrographic analysis with the -. D. M. Smith 295. G. J . Goepfert 580. of threonine. 478 INDEX TO VOLUME 65 xli *Microscope slide; Technique for preparing a standard - with special reference to chocolate. H. C. Lockwood 97. *Micro-Tests for elements in organic compounds.11. Phosphorus arsenic and antimony. C L. Wilson 405. Micro-Titration of selenium. G. Wernimont and F. J. Hopkinson 534. with thorium nitrate of fluorine in aqueous and alcoholic systems. J. W. Hammond and W. H. McIntire 618. *Micro-Titrimetric determination of carbon dioxide in carbonates. Middlesex Appointment of Miss M. H. Pearson as Deputy Public Analyst for County of Milk and nutrition; Reports on -. Part IV. 599. A. F. Colson 638. -. 27. 31. beverages ; Addition of stabiliser to -. cheese. 565. factory effluents. 102. fat from a typical cow; Component glycerides T. P. Hilditch and S. Paul 606. fat from the Turkish buffalo. A. Heiduschka Freezing-point of - 601; L. M. Lampert, Goats’ - . 226. malted-; Standards for - in New South pasteurised -; Nutritive value of.31. riboflavin in -; Estimation of. K. M. Henry J. Houston and S. K. Kon 522. Sale of - Regulations 1939. Statutory Rules and Orders 1939 No. 1417. Milk Nutrition Committee Reports of -. 31. Millimicrogram Use of the term -. 478. Mimusops heckelii (Baku) kernel fat. D. Ather-Mince Sulphur dioxide in -. Mine dusts; Official methods of analysis of -. 294. Mineral Waters containing bromide and large quantities of chloride ; Determination of iodide in -. E. Miiller and W. Stumpf, 245. Sulphide in Harrogate - and its oxidation by air. A. Woodmansey 430. Trade Year Book 1939. Minerals refractive index of non-opaque -: Immersion liquids for determining. E. P. Kaiser and W. Parrish. 137. Mining process ; Examination of dusts produced by - taken from lungs.D. G. Beadle, 472. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Cream Cheeses. Advisory Leaflet No. 222. 456. Ministry of Food Compound and Mixed Feeding Stuffs (Control) (No. 2) Order 1940. 505. Amendment Order 645. Dripping (Maximum Prices) Order 1940, 539 567. Feeding Stuffs (Maximum Price Order 1940). 504. Food (Compound and Mixed Feeding Stuffs) Order 1940 amending the Compound and Mixed Feeding Stuffs (Control) (No. 2) Order 1940. 645. of -. and F. Cicekdagi 297. 108. Wales. 651. 106. ton and M. L. Meara 517. 28. (Review) 142. Jam (Maximum Prices) Order 1940. 566. Ministry of Food-continued Margarine (Addition of Borax) Order. 411, Raw Materials (Fertilisers) Order 1940.648. Sausage (Maximum Prices) Order 1940. 358; Amendment 507. Ministry of Health Public Health (Preservatives, etc. in Food) Amendment Regulations, 1940. 359. Report of Chief Medical Officer for 1938. Sir A. MacNalty 103. Mitcham Appointment of E. Hinks as Public Analyst and D. D. Moir as Deputy Analyst for Borough of -. 411. Mixtures Separation of components of - by fractional centrifuging. A. Gourevitch 136. Moisture Fat Total Solids and -. (Review), R. D. Mason 75. Molecular Weight of egg albumin. F. W. Bernhart 236. Molybdate Reduction of - in the silver reductor. C. F. Hiskey V. F. Springer and V. W. Meloche 69. *Molybdenum detection of -; New test for. J. H. Hamence 152. in biological materials ; Determination of small quantities of -.in cast iron and steel; Determination of -. C. Sterling and W. P. Spuhr 311. Isotopes of -. 568. rhenium in -; Determination of. C. F. Hiskey and V. W. Meloche 669. *Separation of - from tin and from sulphur. D. A. Lambie and W. R. Schoeller 281. Mononitroparaffins Colorimetric determination of primary -. E. W. Scott and J. F. Treon 529. Morecambe and Heysham Appointment of J. R. Stubbs as Public Analyst for Borough Morpholin as means of detecting gold. L. S. Malowan 310. Mortar Resistance of - to attack by chemical agents. 598. Motor Oils Determination of sludge in used or oxidised -. Mould content of tomato products. Mustard Gas Action of - on foods. A. Decontamination of leather contaminated *Reaction between bleaching powder and -.A. G. Lipscomb 100. Reactions of Nessler’s reagent with -. J. Delga 246. Mycoderma in yeast; Estimation of -. 62. Myristica fats; Component fatty acids and glycerides of - . D. Atherton and M. L. Meara 517. 413. D. Bertrand 177. of -. 411. C. G. Ludeman 664. 599. Hassko 427. with -. 39. N Naphtha coal-tar - distillates; Toxicity of. H. Taylor 121. Naphthalene- fl-Sulphonic Acid as reagent for amino acids. M. Bergmann and W. H. Stein 237 xlii INDEX TO VOLUME 65 Naphthoresorcinol test of Tollens ; Quantitative estimation of glycuronic acid and its con-jugated compounds by means of -. W. Mozolowski 519. National Physical Laboratory Report for 1939. C. G. Darwin 413. Neem Oil I. M. Qudrat-i-Khuda S. K. Ghosh and A.Mukherjee 465. *Neodymium Estimation of praseodymium and - in solution from their absorption spectra. J. N. Friend and D. A. Hall 144. Nephelometric determination of arsenic with Bougault’s reagent; Permanent artificial standards for -. Nessler’s Reagent Reactions of - with aqueous solutions of mustard gas and lewisite. J. Delga 246. New South Wales Report of Government Analyst for 1937. S. G. Walton 599; for 1938 649. New Zealand fish oils. 111. Composition of depBt fats of the ling (Geny9terus blacodes) F. B. Shorland 172. Pharmacy Act. Definition of a drug. 166. Report of Dept. of Agriculture for 1938-39. R. E. R. Grimmett 33. Newton-le-Willows Appointment of J. R. Stubbs as Public Analyst for Urban District *Nickel alloys ; Determination of aluminium, magnesium or beryllium in -.R. C. Chirnside L. A. Dauncey and P. M. C. Proffitt 446. “Cyanometric determination of cobalt and - W. J . Agnew 643. in foods and biological materials; Biblio-graphy on -. 603. Titration of - with dimethylglyoxime with the aid of the dropping mercury electrode as indicator electrode. I. M. Kolthoff and A. Langer 476. Nicotine Rapid method for determining -. A. Verda and E. Herzfeld 234. Nicotinic Acid Chemical estimation of -. Inhibitory effect of cyanogen bromide upon the aniline side reactions. D. Melnick and H. Field 661. in animal tissues blood and certain food-stuffs; Estimation of -. E. Kodicek, 522. in biological materials estimated by means of photoelectric colorimetry. D. Melnick and H.Field 571. in urine; Estimation of -. L. J. Harris and W. D. Raymond 183. in urine; Quantitative estimation of -. E. Bandier 182. Niger Seed Oil Component glycerides of -. N. L. Vidyarthi and M. V. Mallya 419. Nitrate Function of - in curing of bacon and hams. 355. Nitric Acid New method for removing -. Nitrite Function of - in curing of bacon in solution and in tissues; Manometric esti-J. Brooks and J. Paae 468. poisoning. 602. J Thuret 129. of -. 27. soil -; Variation in. 34. E. Miiller and C. Burchard 379. and hams. 355. mation of -. Nitrite-continued Nitro compounds; Detection of ammonia, calcium and strontium with organic -. R. Fischer 135. m-Nitrobeneazide as reagent for identifying phenols. P. P. T. Sah and T. F. Woo 124.o-Nitrobenzazide as reagent for identifying phenols. P. P. T. Sah and W.-H. Yin 373. p-Nitrobenzazide as reagent for identifying amines. P. P. T. Sah 374. p-Nitrobenseneazoresorcinol Detection of mag-nesium by means of -. J. P. Mehlig and K. R. Johnson 314. Nitrogen in coal and coke; Determination of Nitro- 8-Naphthol Non-precipitation of cobalt and palladium by -. C. Mahr and W. Prodinger 187. o-Nitrophenol in p-nitrophenol; Estimation of - by fluorescence analysis. W. Seaman, A. K. Norton and 0. E. Sundberg 581. p-Nitrophenyl Isocyanate as reagent for identi-fying amines. Nitrous Acid method for determining amino-nitrogen; Behaviour of some uramido acids in -. A. G. Gornall and A. Hunter 467. Nitrous Oxide for whipped cream. Njugo Bean J .M. Holm and B. W. Marloth, 608. Norfolk Appointment of W. F. Greeves as Deputy Public Analyst for County of -. 566. Northern Ireland Application of Food and Drugs Act 1938 to -. 40. Norwegian Canning Industry Olive oil speci-fications for -. Significance of bacterial count in determining freshness of herring and brisling the raw materials of kippered herrings and canned brisling. E. Aschehoug and R. Vesterhus, 417. Novocaine Detection of -. F. Biedebach and H. Wiegand 173. Nuneaton Appointment of F. G. D. Chalmers as Public Analyst for Borough of -. 161. Nutrient media; Silicic acid -. 0. Hettche, 243. Nutrition Milk and -; Report of Committee on. 31. Nutshells Composition of certain -. M. Phillips and M. J. Goss 608. 0 Spot test for -.C. L. Wilson 478. - 648. P. P. T. Sah 374. 651. R. Mathiesen 296. Oak wood; Hemicelluloses of English -. “Oat Feed” Composition of -. Obituary Notices Bloxam Hugh Charles M. H. O’Dwyer 475. Loudon 437. 462. Burgess William Thomas 1. Edmed Frank George 79 391. Gladding Thomas Stantial 391. Morgan Sir Gilbert 79 324. Murphy Albert John 587. Pingstone George Arthur 198. Pope Sir William Jackson 258. Rawson Christopher 437. Shutt Frank T. 79 392 INDEX TO VOLUME 65 xliii Obituary Notices-continued Oduvan lead poisoning. 36. Oestriol New colour reaction for -. C. Bach-man 118. Oestrogens Photometric determination of -. I. Modified Kober reaction for determining total - in a mixture of oestrogenic steroids. 11. New colour reaction for oestriol.C. Bachman 118. Oestrone in extracts of human urine; Colori-metric assay of weakly phenolic ketones, - in. Odium Zactis in yeast; Estimation of -. 62. Oil(s) Analysis of commercial -. Report of American Chemical Society Committee, 508. Application of Bellier and Blarez tests to some -. R. Marcille 170. Arylation of -. Synthesis of tolyl stearic acid and its esters. W. Kimura and J. Tsurugi 186. Behaviour of - with antimony trichloride. W. H. Dickhart 421. Chaulmoogra -; Analysis of. 111. Hydno-carpus wightiana oil. H. I. Cole and H. T. Cardoso 45. VI. Properties of peroxide ketol and oxido groupings, including those of some resins. R. S. Morrell and E. 0. Phillips 615. Essential -. See Essential Oils. Fatty -.See Fatty Oils. from Cerberum odallum kernels; Constants of -. 37. from fruit of Ferula alliacea. P. K. Bose and S. N. Dutt 421. from sapota seeds; Fatty acids and glycerides of -. N. L. Vidyarthi and V. Mallya, 171. from seeds of Canarium commune L. A. Steger and J . van Loon 230. from seeds of Veronia anthelmintica; Occur-rence of an isomer of ricinoleic acid in -. X. L. Vidyarthi and M. V. Mallya 186. Liver - of some terrestrial animals. M. Tsujimoto and H. Koyanagi 231. lubricating; Detection and determination of ethylene glycol in -. H. Lamprey, E. E. Sommer and A. D. Kiffer 665. motor-; Determination of sludge in used or oxidised -. C. G. Ludeman 664. “non-drying” - ; Mixed unsaturated gly-cerides of. B. G. Gunde and T. P. Hilditch, 364.Thorpe Jocelyn Field 483. White John 325. N. B. Talbot and Others 609. drying-; Oxidation of -. of bitter almonds; Variations in -. 503. *Peroxide accumulation rate of -. Rela-tionship to Mackey test results and oxida-tion on textiles. W. Garner and M. Elsworth 347. Rice bran as raw material of -. T. Hidaka, 44. Sulphated - and Allied Products Their Chemistry and Analysis. (Review) D. Burton and G. F. Robertshaw 318. *textile - ; Alkaline ageing test for. W. Gamer 219. Oils-continued tocopherol in -; Quantitative determina-tion after saponification. A. Emmerie, 370. Unsaponifiable matter in sulphated -. D. Burton and G. F. Robertshaw 615. Ointment(s) Bleach (anti-gas ointment No. 1) -. B.S.I. specification for. 463. *Bleach -.D. D. Moir 154. Bleach -. Bleach -. (Legal Notes) 30. Carbolic -. (Legal Notes) 222. G. H. Macmorran 423. Oldbury Appointment of H. E. Monk as Public Analyst for Borough of -. Oleander species ; Poisonous principles of -. 37. Oleic Acid Chromatographic separation of palmitic and stearic acids from a mixture of palmitic stearic and -. C. Manunta, 64. Olive Oil Application of Bellier test and Blarez test to -. R. Marcille 170. Behaviour of - with antimony trichloride. W. H. Dickhart 421. specifications for Norwegian canning industry. W. Mathiesen 296. Thermo-stability of -. 301. *Olsson’s Radiographic Technique for assaying vitamin D,. A. 2. Baker and M. D. Wright, 326. Orange peels ; Methylene blue reducing system of Palestine - investigated by the Thunberg system.L. Frankenthal 662. Oranges Wastage of - in transport. 224. Ore Analysis for Chemists and Colleges; Tech-nical Methods of -. 11th Ed. (Review), A. J . Weinig and W. P. Schoder, 194. concentrates; Assay for platinum metals in -. J . Seath and F. E. Beamish 310. Organic acids ; Iodimetric determination of -. B. Singh and S. Singh 186. analysis. Abstracts 64 123 186 245 306, 373 430 473 527 575 614 663. Chemicals; B.P. Sub-committee on -. Recommendations. 167. Chemistry; Introduction to Practical -(Review) F. G. Mann and B. S. Saunders, 74. compounds containing oxygen ; Qualitative test for --. compounds; Detection of elements in -. L. Rosenthaler 307. compounds ; Determination of arsenic in -. D. T. Lewis and V.E. Davis 531. Piperidyl derivatives of aromatic halogen-onitro compounds. *compounds; Micro-tests for elements in -. 11. Phosphorus arsenic and antimony. C. L. Wilson 405. nitro compounds; Detection of ammonia, calcium and strontium with - . R. Fischer 135. substances ; Volumetric determination of -by chromic oxidation Nitro-chromic solu-tions. M. H. Cordebard 123. Organisms in yeast; Estimation of foreign -. K. E. Jensen 62. 27. D. Davidson 306. compounds ; Identification of - . 11. M. K. Seikel 530 XliV INDEX TO VOLUME 65 Organs tocopherol in animal -; Estimation of. P. Karrer W. Jaeger and H. Keller, 427. Orpington Appointment of F. W. F. Arnaud as Public Analyst for Borough of - 27. Oxalate formation in ascorbic acid solutions.A. E. Jurist and W. G. Christiansen 184. Oxford Appointment of J. H. Weber as Deputy Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 566. Oxidase measurements; Use of ascorbic acid as substrate in -. B. D. Egell and F. Gerhardt 469. Oxycelluloses Microchemical determination of reducing power of - (micro-copper, microferricyanide and micro-iodine num-bers). E. Geiger and G. Miiller 618. of the acidic type; Adsorption of substantive dyes by -. S. M. Neale and W. A. S tringfellow 247. Oxygen organic compounds containing -: Qualitative test for. Separation of para-hydrogen from -. E. Bergmann L. Farkas and L. Sandler 244. Wet combustion method for determining carbon and - consumed. B. E. Chris-tiansen and J. F. Facer 64. Ozone Starch-iodide method for -.C. E. Thorp 525. D. Davidson 306. P Paints Lead compounds in cellulose spray Palestine orange peels ; Methylene blue reducing system of - investigated by the Thunberg system. L. Frankenthal 662. Report of Government Analyst for - for 1938. G. W. Baker 166. Palladium Non-precipitation of - by nitro-jl-naphthol. C. Mahr and W. Prodinger, 187. *Palm Oil Carotene determined in -. 276. V. Partial separation of - by crystallisation as an aid to determination of the component glycerides. T. P. Hilditch and L. Maddison, 517. -. 292. Composition of commercial -. Thermo-stability of -. 301. Palmitic Acid Chromatographic separation of - from a mixture of oleic stearic and -. C. Manunta 64. Pantocaine Identification of -. F. Biedebach and H.Wiegand 173. Pantothenic Acid Assay method for -. D. Pennington E. E. Snell and R. J. Williams 661. Papain Activation of -. J. S. Fruton and M. Bergmann 303. *Paper Sampling of printed -. J. H. Young, 596. Paper-Board bacterial content of -; Routine determination of. L. C. Cartwright and S. S. Epstein 612. Paprika Quantitative estimation of coloured components in -. L. Cholnoky 232. Paraffin as “macassar” oil. 165. Paraffin Oil on currants and raisins. *Paraffins Iodine value of soft -. H. Brindle, Pastemisation of cream by the “flash” process. Pastures Cobalt deficiency in -. 33. Patiala (Punjab) Report of Chief Chemist for Pea seed; Distribution of manganese in - in H. H. Glasscock 164. 409. 600. 1939-40. K. L. Budhiraja 652.relation to marsh spot. and R. L. Wain 372. Pears Arsenic in -. 229. Pectic substances of plants. VI. E. W. Bennison and F. W. Norris 67. Pectins Relation between jelly strength, viscosity and composition of various -. E. W. Bennison and F. W. Norris 67. Pelletierine of commerce. J. A. Goodson 422. Penicillium carmino- Violaceum Biourge : Colouring matters of - and production of ergosterol by -. Constitution of carviolin a colouring matter of -. H. G. Hind 470. Penicillium cyclopium. Westling w-hydroxy-emodin a metabolic product of -. W. K. Anslow J . Breen and H. Raistrick 470. Percaine confused with procaine. 600. Perchlorate Identification with Zwikker’s re-agent. G. H. Wagenaar 533. Perchloric Acid Reaction of gallium with -.L. S. Foster 68. Periodate Determination of glycerol with -. L. Voris G. Ellis and L. A. Maynard 425. Periodic Acid as means of determining lactic and pyruvic acids. R. Boisson 473. Permanganate acid ashing micro-method for iodine determinations. I. Values in blood of normal subjects. D. S. Riggs and E. B. Man 579. *Peroxide accumulation rate of oils-Relation-ship to Mackey test results and oxidation on textiles. W. Garner and M. Elsworth, 347. Peroxides organic - ; Determination of. H. A. Liebhafsky and W. H. Sharkey, 474. Perspiration Human foot - and upper boot leather. A. Colin-Russ 659. Persulphate Identification with Zwikker’s re-agent. G. I-I. Wagenaar 533. Petri Dishes B.S.I. specification for -. 463. Petroleum acids ; Separation and characterisa-tion of -.H. G. Schultze B. Shive and H. L. Lochte. 529. Conversion of -. (Review) A. N. Sachanen 67 1. pW Stability of bacteria in relation to -. J. G. Baumgartner and G. G. Knock 371. Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Practical -. 4th Ed. (Review) F. N. Appleyard and C. G. Lyons 436. products ; Micro-determination of ethyl alcohol in -. Determination of chromic index. A. Ionescu-Matiu C. Popesco and 0. Con-stantinesco 135. Pharmacognosy Report of Committee on Pharmacy and - 107. Pharmacopoeia See Bitish Pharmacopoeia. H. G. Hind 470 INDEX TO Pharmacy Report of Committee on Pharma-cognosy and -. 107. Phenarsazine Chloride New colour reaction of -. J. Delga 309. Phenol ointment. H. Brindle 608. Phenolic compounds; Identification and deter-mination of -.*Phenols Functions and reactions of - in relation to hair dyes. Identification of - with o-nitrobenzazide as reagent. P. P. T. Sah and W.-H. Yin, 373. m-Nitrobenzazide as reagent for identifying -. Phosgene Detection of - in industry. D.S.I.R. Leaflet No. 8. 290. Phosphatases Effect of zinc on alkaline -. E. Hove C. A. Elvehjem and E. B. Hart, 572. "Phosphate Gravimetric determination of -. D. T. Lewis 560. in qualitative analysis; Detection and elim-ination of - by means of zirconium salts. F. K. Pittman 669. in soil; Determination of available -. 35. separation in qualitative analysis. J. N. Friend R. H. Vallance and H. J. G. Challis 578. Spectrovolumetric determination of -. T. Torok 383. *Phosphates quantitative and qualitative anal-ysis of -; New group separation for.G. J. Austin 335. Phosphoric Acid aluminium in presence of iron and -; Determination of. G. Balanescu and M. D. Motzoc 188. Removal of - from hydrogen peroxide. S. R. Dickman and R. H. Bray 477. Estimation of -. R. J. L. Allen 519. Erratum 663. in coal and coke; Determination of -. 648. *in organic compounds ; Micro-tests or -. C. L. Wilson 405. *in titanium steels; Determination of -. A. T. Etheridge and D. G. Higgs 496. Influence of - on lead in blood and bone. A. E. Sobel and Others 235. vitamin D in food substances containing -; Estimation of. K. H. Coward and E. W. Kassner 523. Photoelectric colorimetry as means of estimating nicotinic acid in biological material.D. Melnick and H. Field 571. Photographic silver-gelatin paper as a reagent in spot analysis. Photometer KWSZ - for the determination of hydrocyanic acid. J. T. Sullivan 122. Phthalisation in presence of pyridine. S. Sabetay, 125. a-Phylloquinone Blue alkali salts of -. P. Karrer 60. Physical methods of analysis. Abstracts 73, 136 191 253 382 435 534 581 670. Physico-Chemical Methods. Vol. I. Measure-ment and Manipulations. Vol. 11. Practical Measurements. (Review) 384. Physiological Chemistry ; Essentials of -. (Review) A. K. Anderson 76. L. F. Levy 430. H. E. Cox 393. P. P. T. Sah and T. F. Woo 124. Phosphorus compounds in soil. 104. G. Schwarz 619. VOLUME 65 xlv Phytic Acid and the rickets-producing action of cereals. D. C.Harrison and E. Mellaby, 113. *content of some poultry feeding stuffs. R. H. Common 79. Picric Acid method for determining hydrocyanic acid. J. T Sullivan 122. Picrolonates Wcroscopy of -. R. Dunn, K. Inouye and P. L. Kirk 252. Pig Body fats of the -. V. Component glycerides of perinephritic and outer back fats from the same animal. T. P. Hilditch and W. H. Pedelty 569. Pigments Analysis of chrome green and similarly prepared -. J. H. Van der Meulen 133. Pine seedlings disease and silver. Piperazine Determination of -. A. Casti-glioni 422. Piperidyl derivatives ; Identification of aromatic halogenonitro compounds as -. M. K. Seikel 666. derivatives of aromatic halogenitro com-pounds; Identification of - . M. K. Seikel 530. Plant extracts; Tillmann reaction for vitamin C in -.C. Gatti and A. Knallinsky 367. families; Distribution of vitamin B in some -. M. Pyke 470, foodstuffs; Combined ascorbic acid in -. J. C. Pal and B. C. Guha 522. insecticide materials from Empire sources. 574. material; Determination of iodine in -. G. S. Fraps and J. F. Fudge 305. tissues ; Quantitative analysis of - for lithium by the Ramage flame spectro-graphic method. Plants Boron in - determined by means of quinalizarin. K. C. Berger and E. Truog, 123. leguminous fish-poison - ; Active principles of. IV. Isolation of malaccol from Dewis malaccensis. S. H. Harper 472. Linolenic acid in leaves of land -. M. Tsujimoto 664. Pectic substances of -. VI. Relation be-tween jelly strength viscosity and com-position of various pectins.E. W. Bennison and F. W. Norris 67. Water supply to -. 105. 292. N. L. Kent 581. Plasmoquin Identification of - by a colour reaction. A. E. Tchitchibabine and Ch. Hoffman 47. *Plating solutions ; Analysis of cadmium -. G. S. Smith 87. Platinum metals in ore concentrates; Assay for - J. Seath and F. E. Beamish 310. *Plums Composition of -. 549 553. Fruit gumming of Victoria -. ripening of - by acetylene; Stimulation of. R6le of sorbitol in the carbon metabolism of 512. 225. Kelsey-. I. Donen 178. Poisoning by datura. 36. by Manihot utilissima (jungle potato). by Melia composita. 36. by nitrites. 602. by oduvan leaf. 36. by quinine hydrochloride. 652. 36 xlvi INDEX TO Poisoning-continued by sulphanilamide; Detection of -.226. cases in Ceylon. 652. Caustic soda -. 459. Formic acid -. 459. in India 601 602. Industrial -. (British Encyclopaedia of Medical Practice Vol. 12). (Review), D. Hunter 139. 291. with lead and arsenic; Industrial -. Poisonous fumes from an arc light. 292. principle of zamia fruit. 292. substance in bamboo shoots. 37. Poison(s) African arrow -. Adeniurn soma-Zense Balf. fil. M. Hartmann and E. Schlitter 428. Home Office Statutory Rules and Orders, 1940 Nos. 452 and 453. 412. Irritant - in well water. 459. Polyalcohols in presence of each other; Quanti-tative determination of certain -. N. Allen H. Y. Charbonnier and R. M. Coleman 575. 516. Porcelain B.S.I. tests for laboratory -. Pork in Hamburg steak.227. Porous bodies; Properties of -. 598. Porphyrindin Determination of reducing groups with - with special reference to egg albumin. E. Brand and B. Kassell, 425. Potassium Micro-determination of -. A. Kaye 533. "Potassium Ferricyanide in sodium carbonate solution ; Potentiometric estimation of Glucose with -. H. T. S. Britton and L. Phillips 149. Potassium Permanganate Toxicology of -. P. Cheramy and A. Lemos 120. Potassium Salts precipitated by uranyl acetate reagents for sodium; Composition of -. E. R. Caley and W. 0. Baker 131. Potassium Thiocyanate chlorides in -; Detection of. A. Slooff and D. Van Duyn, 250. Potato carbohydrates; Metabolism of -. 224. *Potentiometric estimation of glucose with potassium ferricyanide in sodium carbonate solution.H. T. S. Britton and L. Phillips, 149. *Poultry feeding stuffs; Phytic acid content of some -. R. H. Common 79. *Praseodymium Estimation of neodymium and ~ in solution from their absorption spectra. J. N. Friend and D. A. Hall 144. Preservative mixture for wood. 163. value of hops ; Colorimetric determination of -. A. A. D. Comrie 516. Preservatives n-Butyl-fi-hydroxybenzoate as for preparations containing gelatin. L. Gershenfeld and D. Perlstein 62. in food; Public Health Amendment Regula-tions 1940. 359. Pressure Cooker Effectiveness of heat penetra-tion in the canning of meat in the home by -. C. I. Nelson and D. Berrigan 120. Printing Ink Examination by ultra-violet light. 38. Procaine confused with percaine. 600. ---.291. VOLUME 65 Producer-Gas generator fuels; Use of certain I?. E. Hall, Prolactin International standards for -. 40. "Prontosil Determination of -. 21 1. Propylene Glycol as vehicle for essences. 599. Proseptasine Determination of -. 2 12. Protein hydrolysates ; Isolation of hydroxy-amino-acids from -. R. L. M. Synge 238. Proteins Glutamic acid of normal and malignant tissue -. A. C. Chibnall and Others 520. *on surface of metal plates; Detection of small amounts of -. J. H. Young 564. serum-; Basic amino acid content of -. Influence of ingestion of arginine on com-position of -. R. J. Block 303. serum- Biuret reaction in estimating -. H. W. Robinson and C. G. Hogden 466. Proteolytic activity; Polariscopic determination of -. Q. e n d i s 660.Public Analysts hotes from Reports of -. See Aberdeen Birmingham Cardiff Kent, Salford Stepney. Society of - . See Society of Public Analysts. Public Health (Preservatives etc. in Food) Amendment Regulations 1940. 359. Pulp fibres Cross sections of -. J . H. Graff M. A. Schlosser and E. I<. Kihlen 670. Pyrethrin I Determination of -. Seil colour reaction in the mercury reduction method. C. S. Sherman and R. Herzog 373. Pyrethrum from different sources Analyses of -. 574. Pyridine Phthalisation in presence of -. S. Sabetay 125. Pyrocatechol Activation of vanadium with -. L. Szebelledy and M. Ajtai 191. Pyruvic Acid Determination of - by means of periodic acid. in blood ; Stabilisation and determination of -. South African woods as -.577. R. Boisson 473. E. Bueding and H. Wortis 426. Q Qualitative Analysis ; Laboratory Manual of -. Quantitative Analysis ; Calculations of -. (Review) C. Engelder 674. Chemical Analysis; Text-book of -. 7th Ed. (Review) A. C. Cumming and S. A. Kay 138. Inorganic Analysis; Text-book of -. (Review) A. I. Vogel 195. micro-determinations with the use of ordinary analytical balances. A. A. Benedetti-Pichler and R. A. Paulson 69. Quartz particles in felspar; Optical method for determining -. G. H. McIntyre and M. Bozain 535. Queensland Report of Go\*ernment Analyst to - for 1938-39. F. E. Connah 164. Quinaldine Iodobismuthite Determination of bismuth by precipitation as -. J . R. Hayes and G. C. Chandlee 129. IV. Deter-mination of zinc in presence of copper, silver and mercury.P. R. R&y and T. C. Sarkar 435. (Review) J . H. Yoe 254. Quinaldinic Acid as a micro-reagent INDEX TO *as reagent for separating copper and cad-A. J. Lindsey and R. J. Shennan, in biological fluids and tissues ; Colori-metric estimation of -. R. 0. Prud-homme 239. in quinine iodobismuthate and its injectable preparations; Determinations of -. G. N. Thomis and G. P. Kopanaris 49. poisoning. 652. Quinine Iodobismuthate bismuth iodine and G. N. Quinoline Extraction of coal with -. R. Quinddinic Acid-continued mium. 636. Quinine and cinnamon tablets 29. quinine in -; Determination of. Thomis and G. P. Kopanaris 49. Belcher and R. V. Wheeler 614. R Rabbit Liver Oil 231.Rabbits killed by hydrogen cyanide gas ; Toxicity Radix pereirae bravae Origin of -. Ragwort Chemical control of -. Raisins Paraffin oil on -. 164. Ramage flame spectrographic method ; Quanti-tative analysis of plant tissues for lithium by -. N. L. Kent 581. Raman Effect and its Chemical Applications. (Review) J. H. Hibben and E. Teller 192. Rancidity of herring oil. 224. Rapeseed Oil Brassicasterol the characteristic sterol of -. E. Fernholz and H. E. Stavely 572. G. Beck, 382. of flesh of -. 104. H. King 518. 35. Rare Earths Microchemistry of -. *Raspberries Composition of -. 543 547. Rat virus enquiry report from Malaya. J. T. Paranjothy 460. Rayon Estimation of viscose -. R. W. McKay 432. Reagent(s) cuprous iodide -; Action on alkaloids Precipitation and colour reactions.M. PBronnet and J. GuCnin 301. for amino acids ; Naphthalene-sulphonic acid as -. M. Bergmann and W. H. Stein, 237. for identifying amines; 3.6-Dinitro-4-methyl-benzazide as -. P. P. T. Sah 125. for identifying amines ; p-Nitrobenzazide and 9-nitrophenyl isocyanate as -. P. P. T. Sah 374. for identifying phenols ; m-Nitrobenzazide as -. for identifying phenols ; o-Nitrobenzazide as -. *for separation of copper and cadmium; Quinaldinic acid as -. A. J. Lindsey and R. J. Shennan 636. for spot analysis ; Photographic silver-gelatin paper as -. Grignard - for determining hydroxyl groups. W. Fuchs N. H. Ishler and A. G. Sandhoff 663. P. P. T. Sah and T. F. Woo 124. P. P. T. Sah and W.-H. Yin 373.G. Schwarz 619. VOLUME 65 xlvii Grignard - for micro-gravimetric deter-mination of active hydrogen. K. N. Evans J. E. Davenport and A. J. Revukas 533. Grignard - prepared from magnesium amalgams. E. G. Rochow 245. Modified Denigks - for determining methyl-propene. A. Newton and E. J. Buckler, 473. Quinaldinic acid as micro- -. P. R. R&y and T. C. Sarkar 435. Zwikker’s ~ for identifying perchlorate, persulphate and other inorganic acid radicles. Sensitive reaction for copper. G. H. Wagenaar 533. 547. Reducing Groups Determination of - with porphyrindin with special reference to egg albumin. E. Brand and B. Kassell 425. Refractive Index of non-opaque minerals ; Immersion liquids for determining -. E. P. Kaiser and W. Parrish 137.Refuse Use of town - as manure. 104 221. Reptiles Vitamin A and carotenoids in the liver of -. H. B. Jensen and T. K. With 179. Resins Properties of peroxide ketol and oxido groupings including those of some -. R. S. Morrell and E. 0. Phillips 615. synthetic - containing maleic acid ; Analysis of -. E. Sadolin 128. Rhenium in molybdenum; Determination of -. C. F. Hiskey and V. W. Meloche 669. Riboflavin content of foodstuffs ; Fluorometric method for determining -. A. 2. Hodson and L. C. Norris 114. J. 0. Irwin and Others, 522. Rice Antineuritic value of parboiled -. I . A. Simpson 461. bran as a raw material of oil. T. Hidaka 44. Differentiation of hand-pounded from milled factor; Identification of -. H. J. Almquist and Others 573.Ricinoleic Acid Occurrence of an isomer of -in the fatty oil from the seeds of Vernonia anthelmintica. N. L. Vidyarthi and M. V. Mallya 186. Rickets-producing action of cereals ; Phytic acid and -. D. C. Harrison and E. Mellanby, 113. Ripening of plums stimulated by acetylene. 225. Rocks alkalis in -; Modification of J. L. Smith method for extracting. R. E. Stevens 616. Root-forming Substances used for propagation purposes. M. A. H. Tincker and C. H. Unwin 119. Rose Hips Ascorbic acid content of -. W. Goldberg and E. O’F. Walsh 304. Rosin size; Analysis of -. E. A. Georgi 614. Rotenone in derris root; Determination of -. T. M. Meijer and D. R. Koolhaas 526. Rothamsted Experimental Station Report for 1938. 104. Reagent s-con tin ued *Redcurrants Composition of - .644, Estimation of -. -. 602. Cobalt in New Zealand -. 3 xlviii INDEX TO Royal Agricultural Society of England Report of Consulting Chemist for 1939. E. Voelcker, 462. Rubbing of dyed materials; Machine for testing fastness to -. D. A. Derrett-Smith and H. B. Bradley 534. Rugby Appointment of W. T. Rigby as Public Analyst and F. G. D. Chamlers as Deputy Public Analyst for Borough of -. 27. Ruthenium Determination of - with thi-onalide. W. J. Rogers F. E. Beamish and D. S. Russell 669. S Saccharated iron tablets. 565. Saccharin in foodstuffs; Detection of -. W. F. Reindollar 569. Salford Report of City Analyst for 1939. G. H. Walker 503. Salicylaldoxime derivatives ; Qualitative reac-tions of - with inorganic ions.J. F. Flagg and N. H. Furman. 668. in the colorimetric determination of iron. D. E. Howe and M. G. Mellon 578. Salmonella enquiry. 225. Salts Blue alkali - of a-phylloquinone (vitamin K,) and similar compounds. P. Karrer 60. Neutral - and soils. 166. of complex cations applied to the microscopic detection of anions. Mono-aquopentam-minocobaltic chloride (roseocobaltic chlor-ide). W. A. Hynes and L. K. Yanowski 70; 1.2-Chloro-quotetramminocobaltic chloride. L. V. Yanowski and W. A. Hynes 190. present in soil and spray waters; Chemical effect on lead arsenate of -. J. M. Ginsburg 613. Samsu Lead in -. 459. Sapota Seeds Fatty acids and glycerides of oil from -. N. L. Vidyarthi and V. Mallya 171. Sausages (Maximum Prices) Order 1940.257, 358; Amendment 507. meat content of -; Determination of. 257. Soya-bean flour in ___ estimated by deter-mining non-fermentable sugars. W. B. Hendrey 109. Savonnier Manuel du -. (Review) A. Matagrin 389. Scandium Determination of -. Scarborough Appointment of R. Mallinder as Public Analyst for Borough of -. 411. Science Social Function of -. (Review), J. D. Bernal 140. Scientific and Industrial Research Dept. of. Building Research Board Report for 1939. 598. Food Investigation Board Report for 1938. 223. Forest Products Research Board Report for 1938. 163. Fuel Research Report. Analysis of com-mercial grades of coal Part 11. Methods for detecting toxic gases in industry. Leaflet No. 11 Aniline vapour 162; Leaflet No. 7 Carbon monoxide 223; Leaflet No.8, Phosgene 290; Leaflet No. 9 Arsine 354. 382. 32. VOLUME 65 Scientific and Industrial Research Dept. of-contznued Methods of analysis of coal and coke. Fuel Research Paper No. 44 648. National Physical Laboratory Report for 1939. C. G. Darwin 413. Water Pollution Research Board. Report for Scotland Application of Food and Drugs Act, Scunthorpe Appointment of J. Evans as Borough Analyst for -. 161. Seed fats. See Fats. Seil Colour Reaction in the mercury reduction method of determining pyrethrin I. C. S. Sherman and R. Herzog 373. *Selenious Acid Determination of thiourea by oxidation with -. A. E. A. Werner, 286. Selenium compounds; Excretion of volatile -after administration of sodium selenite to white rats.J. Schultz and H. B. Lewis, 302. in Canadian wheat. J. G. Malloch 430. Micro-titration of -. G. Wernimont and F. J. Hopkinson 534. Minimum lethal dose of - as sodium selenite for horses mules cattle and swine. W. T. Miller and K. T. Williams 613. Serum blood- ; Factors preventing oxidation of ascorbic acid in -. E. M. Mystkowski and D. Lasocka 59. gonadotrophic substance of pregnant mares’ -; International standards for. 40. proteins; Basic amino acid content of -. Influence of ingestion of arginine on com-position of -. R. J. Block 303. Biuret reaction in estimating -, H. W. Robinson and C. G. Hogden 466. Sesame Oil Thermo-stability of -. 301. *Sewage effluents; Rapid stability test for -. *liquors ; Determination of chromates in -. Treatment and disposal of -.102. 1938-39 101. 1938 to -. 39. proteins. D. Dickinson and W. M. Weir 289. D. Dickinson 409. Sheep Ragwort feeding to -. 35. Shellfish Added water in -. 227. Silica basins crucibles and capsules; B.S.I. standard dimensions for -. 41. Colorimetric estimation of - and its use in metallurgy of aluminium. P. Urech, 131. in cryolite and materials containing fluorine ; Determination of -. H. Spielhaczek 315. in the hot-springs of Gastein ; Determination of -. Silicates alumina in -; Direct determination of. E. W. Koenig 130. Silicic Acid in biological substances; Photo-metric estimation of -. J. BodnAr and T. Torok 240. Silicon in fluorspar and cryolite; Determination Silver Colorimetric determination of -. in catadynised vinegar and fruit cordials; in unhealthy pine seedlings.292. R. Bisanz and F. Kroupa 189. nutrient media. 0. Hettche 243. of -. T. Nakamura 434. C. G. Makris and R. Menachk 477. Estimation of -. 0. Noetzel 364 INDEX TO reductor; Determination of uranium and copper with the aid of -. N. Birnbaum and S. M. Edmonds 313. reductor; Reduction of molybdate in the -. C. F. Hiskey V. F. Springer and V. W. Meloche 69. Spot tests for -. zinc in presence of -; Quinaldinic acid as micro-reagent in determining. R. R. Ray and T. C. Sarkar 435. Silver Foxes anti-grey hair vitamin for -; Studies on. G. Lunde and H. Kringstad, 366. Silver-Gelatin photographic paper as reagent in spot analysis. G. Schwarz 619. Size rosin -; Analysis of. E. A.Georgi 614. Slag Utilisation of blast furnace -. 598. Smith (J. Lawrence) method for extracting alkalis in rocks; Modification of -. R. E. Stevens 616. Soap Manufacturer’s Manual. (Review) A. Matagrin 389. Society of Public Analysts Annual Report of Council 198. Proceedings 1 143 197 257 323 539 587. North of England Section 143 202 323. Scottish Section 198 202 323. Soda Crystds Transport of -. Sodamint tablets. 597. Sodium Colorimetric micro-method for esti-mating - with manganous uranyl acetate. E. Leva 316. in biological fluids; Determination of -. M. C. Darnell Jr. and B. S. Walker 478. in presence of other metals; Determination of -. E. C. Elliott 616. uranyl reagents for -; Composition of lithium and potassium salts precipitated by.E. R. Caley and W. 0. Baker 131. *Sodium Carbonate solution ; Potentiometric estimation of glucose with potassium feni-cyanide in -. H. T. S. Britton and L. Phillips 149. Sodium Hydrosulphite Colorimetric estimation of -. J. Lotichius 668. Sodium Permanganate Toxicology of -. P. Cheramy and A. Lemos 120. Sodium Selenite Excretion of volatile selenium compounds after administration of - to white rats. J. Schultz and H. B. Lewis, 302. Minimum lethal dose of selenium as - for certain animals. W. T. Miller and K. T. Williams 613. Soil(s) Arsenic in -. Silver-continued E. A. Kocsis 190. 165. 34. available phosphate in -; Determination of. 35. base exchange capacity of -; Manganese method for determining. C. A. Bower and E. Truog 614.Boron in - determined by means of quinalizarin. K. C. Berger and E. Truog, 123. Chemical effect of salts in - on lead ar-senate. J. M. Ginsburg 613. clods and crumbs; Determination of size distribution of -. E. W. Russell and R. V. Tamhane 371. VOLUME 65 xlix Soil(s)-continued Cobalt deficiencies in -. 105. Cobalt in New Zealand -. 34. Colour of -. 105. Electrodialysis of - Recovery of man-ganese from -. R. C. Hoon and C. L. Dhawan 526. in Waiotapu Valley New Zealand; Arsenic in - R. E. R. Grimmett and I. G. McIntosh 613. Iodine determination in -. G. S. Fraps and J. F. Fudge 305. Manganese deficiencies in -. 104. minerals; X-ray analysis of -. 105. Neutral salts and -. 166. New cell for electrodialysis of -. nitrate; Variation in -.34. Phosphorus compounds in -. 104. treatment; Effect of - on vitamin B, P. C. Leong, *Use of electrodialysis in analysis of -. A. W. Marsden 435. content of wheat and barley. 59. M. Puffeles 501. *Soluseptasine Determination of -. 212. Soot deposit; Acidity of -. 503. Sorbitol R6le of - in the carbon metabolism of the Kelsey plum. I. Donen 178. d-Sorbitol in diabetic chocolate. 651. South Africa Fertiliser problems in vegetable production. E. J . Greenstein 415. Report of Division of Chemical Services for 1939. South African coals; Application of rational analysis to some typical -. G. K. Morrison 376. Compost its preparation and use. E. R. Orchard 416. woods; Analyses of certain - with special reference to their use as producer-gas generator fuels.P. E. Hall 577. Sowans Composition of -. 28. Soya-Bean flour in sausage estimated by deter-mining non-fermentable sugars. W. B. Hendrey 109. husks. 462. Vitamin A activity and vitamin B content of -- J. 0. Halverson and F. W. Shenvood 470. Spectrographic analysis with the micropho-tometer; Quantitative -. D. M. Smith, 295. Spectroscopy Chemical -. (Review) W. R. Brode 137. u-spinasterol Isolation of - from alfalfa. E. Fernholz and M. L. Moore 60. *Spirit Vinegar Analytical constants of -. C. H. Manley 594. Spot Tests Detection of barium and sulphate . F. Feigl and W. Aufricht, for silver lead mercury uranium and Photographic silver-gelatin paper as reagent Spray paints Lead compounds in cellulose residues; Toxicity to sheep of lead arsenate J.P. van Zyl 229. 2 1 . -aluminium. E. A. Kocsis 190. for -. G. Schwarz 619. -. 292. -. J. L. St. John and Others 575 1 INDEX TO Spray-contiwed test for determining relative atmospheric cor-rodibility of ferrous materials. T. Swinden and W. W. Stevenson 670. waters Chemical effect on lead arsenate of certain salts present in __ . J. M. Ginsburg 613. Stains in fabrics. 228. Stamps Re-used postage - Examination of. Transference of revenue __ from documents. Standardisation of testing methods for textiles. Standards Carboxyhaemoglobin solution for use 603. 460. 653. in haemoglobinometer. 414. Electrical -. 414. for brown and wholemeal bread. for cheese in New South Wales. for food; Report on -.103. for malted milk in New South Wales. 651. for nephelometric determination of arsenic with Bougault's reagent ; Permanent arti-ficial -. J . Thuret 129. for prolactin and for the gonadotrophic sub-stance of pregnant mares' serum. for trace elements in pastures. for tripe in New South Wales. 651. for water for irrigation purposes. See also British Standards Institution. 649. 650. 40. 34. 292. Starch and Its Derivatives. (Review) J . A. Radley 481. banana -; Constitution of. E. G. E. Hawkins J . K. N. Jones and G. T. Young, 464. Characterisation of ~ from various Sources by means of electrophoretic fractionation. 0. Dahl 362. in timber; Estimation of -. products ; Simplified alkali-lability deter-mination for -. T. J. Schoch and C.C. Jensen 655. Starch-Iodide method for ozone. C. E. Thorp, 525. Stearic Acid Chromatographic separation of - from a mixture of oleic palmitic and Product of the dehydrogenation of -. 0 St A. K. Lang and H. Mayer 241. Steel molybdenum in -. Determination of. C. Sterling and W. P Spuhr 311. *phosphorus in titanium -; Determination of. A. T. Etheridge and D. G. Higgs 496. Step-Photometer Zeiss ~ as means of esti-mating vitamin C. F. Bukatsch 241. Stepney Report of the Borough Analyst for 1938. D. Henville 29. Sterilisation of water consumed by evacuated populations; Practical methods for -. R. D. de la Riviere 429. Sterol of rapeseed oil ; Brassicasterol the ch;irac:teristic - . E. Fernholz and H. E. Stavely 572. Sterol Acetate test for ghee.Stockton-on-Tees Appointment of C. J. H. Stock as Public Analyst for Borough of Storage Gas - of fruit and vegetables. 224. *Strawberries Composition of -. 543 546. 164. -. 64. 601. - 411. VOLUME 65 St reptococcus mastitis diagnosed by cultural methods. S. J. Edwards 62. Stretford Appointment of G. H. Walker as Borough Analyst for -. 161. Strontium Detection of - with organic nitro compounds. R. Fischer 135. "Succinic Acid in beer. R. L. Andrew and L. G. Neubauer 455. G. J. Goepfert, 580. Sucrase activity in the barley plant. H. K. Archbold 520. Suffolk East and West Appointment of W. F. Greeves as Deputy Agricultural Analyst for County of -. Sugar(s) Blood -. See Blood. Determination of non-fermentable - for estimating soya-bean flour in sausage.W. B. Hendrey 109. for chemical purposes ; Permits to purchase in brewery effluents. 356. in flour; Determination of -. W Iwanowski and G. Grabouska 168. in urine; Relation of cuprous creatinine to tests for -. Sulphanilamide Action of -. 428. *group of drugs ; Determination of members G. V James 206. poisoning; Detection of -. 226. Sulphate Detection of __ by means of spot reactions. F. Feigl and W. Aufricht, 251. Estimation of small amounts of sulphur as - in biological fluids. A. D. Marenzi and R. F. Banfi 366. in water; Volumetric determination of -. J . Courtois and P. Bonjean 121. Interference of sulphite with the determination of - by the tetrahydroxyquinone method. H. L. Kahler 434. Volumetric determination of --.A. Kriiger, 434. Volumetric determination of small quantities of - with barium rhodizonate as indica-tor. C. C. Miller 477. *Sulphate of Alumina free acid in --; New method of determining. J . R. Simmons, 456. Sulphide in Harrogate mineral water; Presence of __ and its oxidation by air. A. Wood-mansey 430. Sulphide Sulphur in presence of other sulphur compounds Determination of -. J. B. Lewis 669. Sulphides in depilatories; Determination of -. E. M. Hoshall 579. Sulphite Interference of - with the deter-mination of sulphate by the tetrahydroxy-quinone method. H. Sommer 532. compounds; Determination of sulphide sul-phur in presence of other -. J. B. Lewis 669. compounds in vegetables ; Estimation of -. W. Diemair and J .Koch 418. content of foods. M. Masters and R. A. McCance 42. Micro-determination of -. 411 566. -. 161. M. Samson 55. of -. H. L. Kahler 434. Sulphur Colour test for elemental -INDEX TO in biological fluids; Estimation of small amounts of - as sulphates. A. D. Marenzi and R. F. Banfi 366. in canned fruits; Behaviour of traces of -. 512. in coal and coke; Determination of -. 649. micro-determination of -; New method for washing and isolation of barium sul-phate in. R. Grangaud 316. *Separation of molybdenum from -, D. -4. Lambie and W. R. Schoeller 281. Sulphur Dioxide Effect of - on vegetation. G. S. Whitby 51. Sulphur-continued in beer. 599. in mince. 28. Summer Crook-Neck Squash Ascorbic acid oxidase from -. P. L. Lovett-Janison and J .M. Nelson 572. "Supron Determination of -. 213. Surbiton Appointment of E. Hinks as Public Analyst and D. D. Moir as Deputy Public Analyst for Borough of -. Surgical Dressings 228. Swindon Appointment of R. H. Ellis as Borough Analyst for -. 161. Swhton and Pendlebury Appointment of T. R. Hodgson as Public Analyst for Borough of -. 566. 27. T Tablets ascorbic acid content of -; Deter-mination of. E. C. M. J. Hollman 365. Tan liquors; Use of cheap filter paper for analysing -. H. B. Merrill and G. C. Mueller 476. Tannic Acid Tests for -. D. B. Dott 233, 424. Tannin materials; Estimation of lignin in -. J. G. Shrikhande 531. solutions; Determination of colour of veg-etable -. 568. Tea - 2nd its fermentation products.C. J. Harrison and E. -4. H. Roberts 46. Tannins Precipitation of natural - with calcium hydroxide. V. Nemec 246. Tans catechin- ~ in gainbir; Determination of. C. J. van Hulssen and D. R. Koolhaas, 127. Taraktogenos kurzii Oil Analysis of -. H. I. Cole and H. T. Cardoso 231. Tattoo Marks Identification of -. 602. Tea manufacture; Fermentation process in -. IV. Tea tannin and its fermentation products. C. J. Harrison and E. A. H. Roberts 46; V. Cytochrome oxidase and its probable rBle. VI. Effect of dilution on rate and extent of oxidations in fer-menting tea leaf suspensions. E. A. H. Roberts 521. Tellurium in tin-rich alloys ; Determination of - by volatilisation. W. T. Pell-Walpole, -134. Temperature scale; International -. 413. Tetrahydroxyquinone method for determining sulphate; Interference of sulphite with -.H. L. Kahler 434. VOLUME 65 li Textile materials; Definitions of atmospheric humidity and moisture content and regain materials ; Determination of relative humidity. 654. materials Standard method for testing fast-ness to light of coloured -. L. A. Lantz, 582. "scouring apparatus for the laboratory. W. Garner 563. *Textile Oils Alkaline ageing test for -. W. Garner 219. Textiles Standardisation of testing methods for Thermometers General purpose laboratory -. B.S.I. specification for. 463. Thiochrome method for estimating aneurin. R. G. Booth 610. Thiocyanate(s) Detection of -. D. Hart and R. Meyrowitz 532. in presence of chlorides and cyanides; Deter-mination of -.A. Slooff and D. Van Duyn 250. Thiocyanogen absorption of triolein and tri-linolin. D. H. Wheeler R. W. Riemen-schneider and C. E. Sando 307. Thiocyanogen Value of linolenic acid. J . P. Kass and Others 528. *Use of - in determining linoleic and linolenic acids and their glycerides. T. P. Hilditch and K. S. Murti 437. Thioglycollates in depilatories ; Determination of -. E. M. Hoshall 667. Thionalide Determination of ruthenium with -. W. J. Rogers F. E. Beamish and D. S. Russell 669. *Thiourea Determination of - by oxidation with selenious acid. A. E. A. Werner, 286. Thorium Determination of -. 382. Thorium Nitrate Amperometric titration of fluoride with -. A. Langer 669. micro-titration of fluorine in aqueous and alc'oholic systems.J. W. Hsmmond and W. H. MacIntire 618. Threonine Micro-estimation of -. R. J. Block and D. Rolling 72. Thurrock Appointment of A. W. Stewart as Public Analyst for Urban District of -. 411. Thyroid and its preparations ; Determination of iodine in - by cerate oxidimetry. W. W. Hilty and D. T. Wilson 174. Tillmann Reaction for vitamin C in plant ex-tracts. C. Gatti and A. Knallinsky 369. Timber ,4bsorption of moisture by -. 163. of -. 653. -. 653 654. Fire resistance of -. 163. Identification of -. 163. starch in - Estimation of. 164. Tin coatings; Determination of lead in -. P. Foerster 476. in canned fish. 28. *in foodstuffs determined by means of dithiol. R. de Giacomi 216. "Quantitative electro-deposition of - from chloride solutions.F. G. Kny-Jones A. J. Lindsey and A. C. Penney 498. "Separation of molybdenum from -. D. A. Lambie and W. R. Schoeller 281 Tin-continued Tellurium in alloys rich in - determined by volatilisation. W. T. Pell-Walpole 434. *Tin-Antimony Oxides Antimony -. A. G. Dunbar-Poole 453. Tincture of Iodine Colourless -. 565. Tissue(s) Ashing of soft - preliminary to determination of cations. M. V. Buell 53. Combined ascorbic acid of animal -. P. Holtz 367. fumurate and malate in animal -; Deter-mination of. H. A. Krebs D. H. Smyth and E. A. Evans 571. nicotinic acid in animal -; Estimation of. E. Kodicek 522. nitrite in -; Manometric estimation of. J. Brooks and J. Pace 468. proteins; Glutamic acid of normal and malignant -. A. C. Chibnall and Others, 520.quininc in -; Colorimetric estimation of. R. 0. Prudhomme 239. Respiration of animal - after freezing in liquid air. F. Lynen 425. Titanium solutions ; Stability of peroxidised - . G. H. Ayres and E. M. Vienneau, 379. "steels; Determination of phosphorus in -. A. T. Etheridge and D. G. Higgs, 496. *To bacco ash; Spectrographic analysis of -F. G. H. Tate and H. K. Whalley 587. a-Tocopherol Oxidation products of -. L. I. Smith W. B. Irwin and H. E. Ung-nade. 115. Tocopherols Colorimetric determination of -. IV. Quantitative determination of - in oils after saponification. A. Emmerie 370. in animal organs; Estimation of -. P. Karrer W. Jaeger and H. Keller 427. Red oxidation products of the -. W. John and W. Emte 242. Toilet preparations; Ammonia in -.166. Tollens' Reaction Quantitative estimation of glycuronic acid and its conjugated com-pounds by means of -. W. Mozolowski, 519. Tolyl Stearic Acid and its esters; Synthesis of -. Tomato products; Mould-content of -. 599. products; Rapid method for determining chlorides in -. L. M. Beacham. 109. pulp; Copper and zinc in -. 28. *Pulp; Copper in -. C. A. Mitchell 220. pulp; Copper in concentrated -. pulp; Detection of artificial dyes in -. pur6e; Copper in -. 28. Tomatoes Copper in - 28; W. J. Shannon and D. T. English 605. Tooth structure. 413. Tormentilla potentilla flowers ; Colouring mat-ters of -. L. Schmid and A. Polacek-Wittek 309. Torquay Appointment of T. Tickle as Borough Analyst and C. V. Reynolds as Deputy Borough Analyst for -.161. Total Solids Fat - and Moisture. (Review), R. D. Mason 76. W. Kimura and J. Tsurugi 186. 104. H. Thaler and K. E. Schulte 300. Toxic gases in industry; Detection of -. Aniline vapour. D.S.I.R. Leaflet No. 11. 162; Carbon monoxide. Leaflet No. 7, 223. Phosgene. Leaflet No. 8 290; Ar-sine Leaflet No. 9 354. Toxicity of coal tar naphtha distillates. H. Taylor 12 1. of flesh of rabbits killed by hydrogen cyanide gas. 104. to sheep of lead arsenate and lead arsenate spray residues. J. L. St. John and Others, 576. Toxicological alkaloids ; Chemical microscopy of some - . W. F. Whitmore and C. A. Wood 70. analysis. Abstracts 63 120 243 427 470. detection of cocaine. Toxicology of manganese. of sodium and potassium permanganates.P. Ceramy and A. Lemos 120. Part 1 of British Encyclopaedia of Medical Practice Vol. 12. (Review) G. Roche Lynch and D. M. Pryce 139. Triethanolamine in the colorimetric determina-tion of copper. J. H. Yoe and C. J. Barton, 578. Trilinolin Properties preparation and thio-cyanogen absorption of -. D. H. Wheeler R. W. Riemenschneider and C. E. Sando 307. Trimethylene Glycol Formation of - from glycerol by Aerobacter M. N. Nickelson and C. H. Werkman. 613. Triolein Preparation properties and thiocy-anogen absorption of -. D. H. Wheeler, R. W. Riemenschneider and C. E. Sando, 307. Thermo-stability of -. 301. Tripe Standard for - in New South Wales. Tristearin in lard; Detection of -. Tuberculosis Contraphthisine a reputed cure for -.48. Tung Oil Reaction of Wijs' solution with -. S. W. Wan and D. B. Hu 64. *Tungsten detection of -; New test for. J . H. Hamence 152. in biological materials; Determination of -. J C. Aull and F. W. Kinard 660. Volumetric determination of -. M. L. Holt and A. G. Gray 312. Turbidities Oxidation - in beer and their causes. E. Singruen 569. Turkish buffalo; Milk fat from - . A. Heiduschka and F. Cicekdagi 297. 1-Tyrosine in alcoholic extract of egg yolk; Presence of -. L. Bracaloni 298. A. Briining 427. A. C. Lemos 63. 651. 508. U *Uleron Determination of -. 212. Ultra-Violet absorption of yeast extracts and meat extracts. J. Schormiiller 297. light and printing ink. 38. Light; Fluorescence Analysis in - 3rd Ed.(Review) J. A. Radley and J. Grant, 194 INDEX TO VOLUME 65 liii Unsaponifiable matter; Determination of hydro-carbons in -. Uramido Acids Behaviour of some - in the nitrous acid method for determining amino nitrogen. A. G. Gornall and A. Hunter, 467. Uranium determination of - with the aid of silver reductor. N. Birnbaum and S. M. Edmunds 313. Isotopes of -. 568. Micro-gravimetric separation of zinc and -. E. Kroupa 435. Spot tests for -, Uranyl Acetate reagents for sodium ; Composition of lithium and potassium salts precipitated by -. E. R. Caley and W. 0. Baker 131. *Uranyl Ammonium Vanadate 560. Urea B.P. Sub-committee recommendation. 167. *in urine stains on carpets; Detection of -. G. N. Gee 25. Urine adermin in -; Estimation of J.V. Scudi €3. F. Koomes and 1. C. Keresztesy 304. aneurin in - ; Chemical estimation, stability and form of. D. Melnick and H. Field Jr. 56. arsenic in - ; Colorimetric semi-microdeter-mination of. J. V. Harispe 54. chloralose in -; Detection of. M. P. Cheramy 47 1. distillates; Determination of alcohol in pres-ence of acetone in -. 600. equol of mare’s -; Colour reaction for detecting. W. Discherl 368. Examination. (British Encyclopaedia of Medical Practice Vol. 12). (Review), J. D. Robertson 139. Fluorescence analysis of human -. W. Koschara S. von der Seipen and P. A. Aldred 242. histidine in -; Detection and estimation of. E. Racker 467. lead in -; Determination of. 291. nicotinic acid in -; Estimation of. E. Bandier 182; L.J Harris and W. D. Raymond 183. *Recovery of acetyl-sulphanilamidopyridine from -. 211. *stains on carpets; Detection of urea in -. G. N. Gee 25. sugar in -; Relation of cuprous creatinine to tests for. M. Samson 55. sulphur in -; Estimation as sulphates. 367. Urothione a yellow sulphur-containing pig-ment from -. W. Koschara 367. Uronic Acids Micro-estimation of -. E. M. Kapp 580. Urothione a yellow sulphur-containing pigment from human urine. W. Koschara 367. J. Grossfeld 375. E. A. Kocsis 190. V *Vanadate Gravimetric determination. of -. Vanadium Activation of -with pyrocatechol. Vanilla extract; Determination of vanillin in D. T. Lewis 560. L. Szebelledy and M Ajtai 191. - - . H J. Lynch and N. lleahl 570. Vanillin in vanilla extracts; Determination of Vegetable production in S.Africa; Fertiliser Vegetables Antiscorbutic values of -. -. problems in -. M. Olliver 662. H. J. Lynch and N. Deahl 570. E. J. Greenstein 415. 291. Arsenic and lead limits for fresh -. Canned -. See Canned. Colon bacilli in -. 227. Enzyme activity in frozen - Asparagus. M. A. Joslyn and C. L. Bedford 468. Gas storage of -. 224. sulphur compounds in -; Estimation of. W. Diemair and J. Koch 418. Vegetation Effect of sulphur dioxide on -. G. S. Whitby 51. Verattum uiride powders; Evaluation of activity of - by the Duphnia method. I. Cohen 184. Vetnonla anthelmintka seeds ; Occurrence of an isomer of ricinoleic acid in the fatty oil from -. N. L. Vidyarthi and M. V. Mallya 186.Vinegar “essence.” 565. silver in catadynised - ; Estimation of. 0. Noetzel 364. *spirit -; Analytical constants of. C. H. Manley 594. Virus diseases. 105. for rats; Experiments on various types of - . J. T. Paranjothy 460. Viscera Extraction of benzedrine from -. 5. Viscose rayon; Estimation of -. R. W. McKay 432. Visibility curve; International -. 414. Vitamin A activity of soya beans and cowpeas. J. 0. Halverson and F. W. Shenvood 470. content of cheese. A. W. Davies and T. Moore 58. content of fish oils. 325. content of “light white” casein. M. K. Maitra and T. Moore 116. content of visceral organs of the Geelbek or Cape salmon; Seasonal variations in -, C. J. Molten0 and W. S. Rapson 59. content of yolk of hens’ eggs. B. Sjollema and W.F. Donath 521. destruction in fish-liver oils. E. J. Simons, L. 0. Buxton and H. B. Colman 469. Estimation of - with the photoelectric colorimeter. C. J. Koehn and W. C. Sherman 303. in the liver of mammals birds reptiles and man. H. B. Jensen and T. K. With, 179. *Spectrophotometric assay of - with special reference to margarine. J. R. Edisbury 484. Vitamin B1 content of soya beans and cowpeas. J. 0. Halverson and F. W. Sherwood 470. content of wheat and barley; Effect of soil treatment on -. P. C. Leong 59. Distribution of - in some plant families. M. Pyke 470. in cerebro-spinal fluid; Estimation of -. H. M. Sinclair 181. Vitamin B6 in urine; Estimation of -. J. V. Sciidi H. ‘I?. Koones and J. C. Kcresztcsy, 304 liV INDEX TO VOLUME 65 Vitamin C content of honey.E. Becker and R. F. Kardos 470. content of West Australian fruits. Estimation of __ by means of the Zeiss step-photometer. F. Bukatsch 241. in foodstuffs; Estimation of -. P. N. Sen-Gupta and B. C. Guha 523. in plant extracts; Tillmann reaction for C. Gatti and A. Knallinsky 367. Vitamin D in food substances containing phos-phorus; Estimation of -. K. H. Coward and E. W. Kassner 523. *in margarine; Estimation of -. N. T. Gridgeman H. Lees and H. Wilkinson 493. Influence of - on lead in blood and bone. A. E. Sobel and Others 235. Methods in use with particular reference to Olsson’s radiographic technique. A. 2. Baker and M. D. Wright 326. Vitamin E chemistry Oxidation products of rx-tocopherol and related 6-hydroxychro-mans.L. I. Smith W. B. Irwin and H. E. Ungnade 115. Colorimetric determination of - . IV. Quantitative determination of - in oils after saponification. A. Emmerie 370. Oxidation of -. C. Golumbic and H. A . Mattill 573. (Review) Food Group of Society of Chemical Industry 77. Vitamin H Attempts to isolate the curative factor (-) for egg-white injury. P. Gyorgy R. Kuhn and E. Lederer 117. Curative factor (-) for egg white injury with particular reference to its presence in different foodstuffs and in yeast. P. Gyorgy 117. Physicochemical properties of the factor (-) curative of egg white injury. T. W. Birch and P. Gyiirgy 117. Vitamin K activity of 4-amino-Z-methyl-l-naphthol and 4-amino-3-methyl-l-naphthol. A. D. Emmett 0. Kamm and E.A . Sharp 305. Vitamin K Blue alkali salts of -. P. Karrer, 60. Vitamin K Constitution of -. S. B. Binkley and Others 524. Vitamin P H. Scarborough 61. Vitamin(s) anti-grey hair - for silver foxes; Studies on. G. Lunde and H. Kringstad, 366. -free diets for animal experiments. A. I-. Bacharach 573. Part 3 of British Encyclopaedia of Medical Practice Vol. 12. (Review) L. J . Harris, 139. 291. *Vitamin D Biological assay of -. W Wakefield Appointment of E’. W. Jaff6 as Deputy Public Analyst for County Borough Walkiewiecz’s Method for detecting decom-position of meat. H. Keller and H. Moller, 41 8. of -. 566. Wanstead and Woodford Appointment of B. Dyer and G. Taylor as Joint Public Analysts for Borough of -. Warwickshire Appointment of F.G. D. Chalmers as Agricultural Analyst for County Council Water(s) Added - in shellfish. 161. of -. 411. 227. analysis. Abstracts 121 245 429. Arsenic in -. 34. Bacteria in chlorinated -. M. Levine, Bacteriology of fresh -. 102. boiler - treatment; Application of hydrogen ion concentration to. G. W. Bond 429. consumed by evacuated populations ; Prac-tical methods for sterilised - R. D. de la Riviere 429. distillation method for -; Effect of glycerin on. R. B. Trusler 665. *drinking-; Estimation of lead in -. C. H. Manley 403. drinking; Lead in -. 102. Fischer volumetric method for determining -. E. G. Almy W. C. Griffin and S. C. Wilcox 616. in ether; Determination of -. R. Gaspart and G. Serrure 73. in Wdiotapu Valley New Zealand ; Arsenic in -. R. E. K. Grimmett and I. G. Mc’lntosh, 613. Iodine determination in -. G S. Fraps and J. F. Fudge 305. Mineral -. See Mineral Water. softening; Base exchange process of -. 101. Substance; Properties of Ordinary -. (Review) N. E. Dorsey 621. sulphate in -; Volumetric determination of. J. Courtois and P. Bonjean 121. supply to plants. 105. well -; Irritant poison in. P. Carpenter and J . M. Coblentz 370. 459. Water Pollution Research Board Report for Wax Bamboo leaf -. M. Tsujimoto 187. Wells air centrifuge; Efficiency of __ as deter-mined by air-washing technique. I<. Mac-Donald 470. Western Australia Report of Chemical Branch, Mines Dept. for 1938. E. S. Simpson 291. Westmorland Appointment of W. H. Roberts as Public Analyst for County of - within boundaries of Borough of Kendal. 411, 456. Wheat aneurin content of -; Thiochrome method for estimating. R. G. Booth, 610. Selenium in Canadian -. J. G. Malloch, 430. vitamin B content of -; Effect of soil treatment on. P. C. Leong 59. Widnes Appointment of J. R. Stubbs as Borough Analyst for -. 161. Wijs’ Solution Reaction with tung oil. S. W. Wan and D. B. Hu 64. Wimbledon Appointment of E. Hinks as Public Analyst and D. D. Moir as Deputy Public Analyst for Borough of -. Windsor (New) Borough Appointment of J. H. Weber as Deputy Public Analyst for -. 161. 1938-39. 101. 161 INDEX TO Wine Arsenical insecticides and -. 166. Natural ageing of -. E. K. Nelson and D. H. Wheeler 43. Wood Analyses of certain South African types of - with special reference to their use as producer-gas generator fuels. P. E. Hall 577. -boring insects; Detection of - by X-rays. 164. -destroying fungi; Physiological studies of fibres; Species identification of -. insects in -; Destruction by fumigation. moisture content of -; Effect of changes of the English oak; Hemicelluloses of -. Preservative mixture for -. 163. Species identification of -. 577. treated with fluoride preservative; Deter-mination of fluorine in -. B. Ikert 190. Woollen cloths ; Microscopical investigation of true -. Determination of additions of casein wool. J. Straub and G. J. Van Amerongen 582. Worthing Appointment of S. A. Woodheacl and R. I;. Wright as Public Analysts for Borough Writing on a document; Alterations to -. 603. . 164. 577. 164. of. 163. M. H. O’Dwyer 475. of -. 27. X Xanthophyll content of yolk of hens’ eggs. B. Sjollema and W. F. Donath 521. X-ray analysis of soil minerals. Xylose Blood sugar levels in rats receiving galactose and -. W. J. Darby and P. L. Day 520. 105. VOLUME G K 1V Y Yeast extracts; Ultra-violet absorption of -. J Schormiiller 297. foreign organisms in -; Estimation of. K. E. Jensen 62. in brewery effluents. 356. Manufacture of Compressed - (Review) F. Oidium lactis in - ; Estimation of 62. Presence of curative factor (vitamin H) for egg white injury in -. P. Gyorgy 117. *Yellow Corn Carotene determined in -. 277. Yorkshire West Riding Appointment of E. Voelcker as Agricultural Analyst for County Council of -. 411. G. Walter 586. Z Zamia Fruit Poisonous principle of -. 292. Zeiss step-photometer as means of estimating vitamin C. F. Bukatsch 241. Zinc Effect of -- .- on alkaline phosphatases. E. Hove C . A. Elvehjem and E. €3. Hart, 572. in canned fish 28. in canned vegetables. 661. in presence of copper silver and mercury; Quinaldinic acid as microreagent in deter-mining -. P. R. R5y and T. C. Sarkar, 435. in tomato pulp. 28. Micro-gravimetric separation of uranium and - E. Kroupa 435. Micro-determination of __ by the hydroxy-quinoline method. IV. Separation from manganese iron bismuth mercury arsenic and antimony. C . Cimerman and P. Wenger 381. Separation of cadmium from - by pre-cipitation with aluminium. F. E. Townsend and G . N. Cade 310. Zirconium Salts as means for the detection and elimination of phosphate in qualitative analysis. F. K. Pittman 669. PRINTED BY w. HEFFER e SONS LTD CAMBRIDGE. ENGLAN
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