T H E A N A L Y S T THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATION DEALING WITH ALL BRANCHES OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 98 1 9 7 3 PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 9/10 Savile Row, London W1X IAF, EnglandRe-printed William Lewis (Printers) Ltd, CardiffTHE ANALYST EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Chairman: II. J. CLULEY ( CVewbZcy) *IJ. S. BARK (SaZford) I<. BELCHER (Rirmikigkant) L. J. BELLAXIY, C.B.E. (Ll’altlaa~i~ rl bhey) L. S. BIRKS (-5-S.A.) 15. BISHOP (Exetfr) 15. A. 31, I;. DAHMEN ( T h c veth her lands) *J. 13. UAWSON (LePds) h. C. DOCHERTY (Billznghanz) I). DYRSSEK (Sweden) “1%’. ’r. ELWELL (Bzrwzi?igliai??) *D. C. GARRATT (London) *I<. GOULDEN (Sittingbourne) J. HOSTE (Belgiztrn) 1). N. HUME (U.S.A.) k1.A]. N. 11. IRVING (Lecds) * J . A. €TENTER (Edi?zbiirgh) nr. T. I ~ E L L E Y (LLS.A.) 1V. KEWJLA (Poland) *G. €7. KIRKBRIGHT (London) G. W. C . MILNER (Havwell) G. H. MORRISON (U.S.A .) *J. ]‘I. OTTAWAY (Glasgow) S . A. PRICE (Tadworth) D. I. REES (London) E. B. SANDELL (U.S.A.) *K. SAWYER (London) *G. E. I’ENKETH (Billinghain) ,%. A. SMALES. 0.R.E. (HaYWdl) H. E. STAGG (Maizchester) E, STAHL (Germany) A. WALSH (-4ustraZia) ‘l, S . WEST (London) *A. Towxs HEND (Bivwiinghuir~) 1’. ZUMAN (I1.S.A .) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman: H. J . CLULEY, N.Sc., Ph.D., F.K.I.C. Mciiibcrs 01 the Editorial Advisory Board whose iianies are iiiarked with an asterisk (*) Thc Prcsident and Ifoiiorary Officers of the Society President of the Socfety G. I Y . C. RIILNER, D.Sc., F.I<.I.C., M.Inst.1’.Hon. Secretary of the Society \v. ir. C. SHAW, V.P.S., i7.iC.I.C. Hon. Treasurer of the Society J . I<. 1-OREMAN, LJ.Sc., F.IC.1.C. Hon. Assistant Secretaries of the Society I). I. COONBER, O.R.E., B.Sc., Yh.D., A.K.I.C.; 13. Tir, WILSON, RLSc., F.R.T.C. Managing Editor SAC Publications F. D. ~ R I M M E K Assistant Editor 1’. c. TC’ESTCIN, D.Sc., A.IC.I.C., RI.I.Inf.Sc. Regional Advisory Editors Professor C. CHARLOT (France) Professor L. GIERST (Belgium) Professor R. HERRMANN (Germany) Professor Axel JOHANSSON (Sweden) Professor W. E. A. ~ICBRYDE (Caizada) Dr. 14‘. WAYNE MEINKE (U.S.A.) Professor J . MINCZEWSKI (Poland) Dr. D. D. PERRIN (AustvaZia) Dr. A. STRASHEIM (South Africa) Professor K. UENO (Japan)Re-printed William Lewis (Printers) Ltd, CardiffINDEX TO VOLUME 98 INDEX TO A Adrian, W.J. Comparison of wet pressure digestion method with other commonly used wet and dry- ashing methods, 213. Agrawal, Y. K. Method for detection of microgram amounts of hydroxamic acids, 147. Ahmed, S. M. See Bhavnagary, H. M. Al-Sibaai, A. A,, and Fogg, A. G. Stability of dilute standard solutions of antimony, arsenic, iron and rhenium used in colorimetry, 732. Al-Sulimany, F., and Townshend, A. Polarographic determination of tripolyphosphate ions and of tripolyphosphate and nitrilotriacetic acid in admixture, 34. Aldous, K. M. See Mitchell, D. G. Allen, T. Particle Measurement, Size and Surface Area Determination. Bibliography, 1969-1972. (Review), 303. - and Marshall, K. Electrical Sensing Zone Method of Particle Size Measurement (Coulter Principle).(Review), 152. Ancill, R. J. See Harrison, J. Anderson, D. M. W. Review of Steele’s Interpreta- tion of Vibrational Spectra, 80; Review of van der Maas‘s Basic Infrared Spectroscopy, 2nd Edn., 228; Review of Cooke and Jones’s Programmed Introduction to In frared Spectroscopy, 552 ; Review of Bishop’s Indicators, 696. Anger, V. See Feigl, F. Archer, A. W. Determination of non-fat milk solids in milk bread from orotic acid content, 755. Ashton, A., Fogg, A. G., .and Thorbrun Burns, D. Applications of sensitised reactions. Spectro- photometric determination of tin in steel with catechol violet and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, 202. Atuma, 5. S., and Lindquist, J. Voltammetric determination of tocopherols by use of newly developed carbon paste electrode, 886.Azaz, E., Donbrow, M., and Hamburger, R. Assay of micro-scale amounts of hydroperoxide and of iodine in aqueous non-ionic surfactant solutions by spectrophotometric method, 663. B Baker, P. B., Farrow, 3. E., and Hoodless, R. A. Carbon tetrachloride as possible source of inter- ference during fumigant residue analysis, 692. - and Hoodless, B. A. Fungicide residues. 111. Determination of residues of binapacryl in selected fruits by gas chromatography, 172. Bakker, J. M. B. Review of Price’s Dynamic Mass Spectrometry. Vol. 2, 227. Bano, F. J. Determination of trace amounts of barium in calcium carbonate by atomic-absorp- tion spectrophotometry, 655. Bark, L. S. Review of Clyiies and Clarke’s New Practical Chemistry, 79; Review of Scott’s Thin-Layer Chvomatography Abstracts, 1968-1971, 80; Review of Sawicki’s Photometric Organic Analysis.Basic Principles with Applications. Pt. I, 151 ; Review of Boschke’s Topics in Current Chemistry. Vol. 26. Inorganic ai2d Analytical Chemistry, 229; Review of Charlot’s Cours de Chimie Analytique Geizirale, Vol. 11. Methodes AUTHORS Electrochimiques et Absorptiometriques, Chroma- tographie, 304 ; Review of Karchmer’s Analytical Chemistry of Sulfur and its Compounds. Pt. 11, 464 ; Review of Donoghue’s Quantitative Chemistry : Experimental Approach, 550; Selected Annual Reviews of Analytical Sciences. Vols. 1 and 2. (Review), 839. - and Bate, P. Determination of nitro and nitroso compounds by thermometric titrimetry, 103. - and Grime, J.K. Thermometric assay of some sulphonamides of pharmaceutical importance, 452. Baruah, A. K. S., Bhagat. S. D., and Saikia, B. K. Chemical composition of Alleppy cardamom oil by gas chromatography, 168. Bate, P. See Bark, L. 5. Bauer, E. L. Statistical Manual for Chemists. 2nd Edn. (Review), 77. Bell, J. G., and Christie, A. A. Gas - liquid chromato- graphic determination of vitamin D in cod-liver oil, 268. Bensch, H. Elemente der Dritten Hauptgruppe. Aluminium. Part 111. Vol. IIIa a 2 of Fresenius and Jander’s Handbztch der Analytischen Chemie. (Review), 768. Benston, M. L., and Jaatteenrnaki, M. K. Quanti- tative Chemistry. (Review), 230. Betteridge, D. Review of Birks’s Electron Probe Mzcroanalysis. 2nd Edn., 152; Review of Wells’s Introduction to Molecular Photochemistry, 462.- and Hallam, H. E. Modern Analytical Methods. (Review), 912. - and John, D. Pyridylazonaphthols (PANs) and pyridylazophenols (PAPs) as analytical reagents. I. Synthesis and spectroscopic examination of reagents and some chelates, 377; 11. Spectro- photometric and solvent-extraction studies of complex formations, 390. Pyridylazonaphthols (PANs) and pyridylazophenols (PAPs) as analytical reagents. 111. Formation of copper (11) com- plexes and their determination in alloys, 512; IV. Formation of complexes with titanium (IV), 520. Beynon, K. I., Eigar, K.. E., Mathews, B. L., and Wright, A. N. Analysis of crops to determine neutral conjugates of N-hydroxymethyl deriva- tive of monocrotophos insecticide, 194. Bhagat, S. D. See Baruah, A. K.S. Bhavnagary, H. M.9 and Ahmed, S. M. Spectro- photometric method for micro-determination of piperonyl butoxide in presence of pyrethrins, 792. Birks, L. S. Electron Probe Microanalysis. 2nd Edn. (Review), 152. Bishop, E. Indicators. (Review), 696. - and Hitchcock, P. H. Mass and charge transfer kinetics and coulometric current efficiencies. V. Comparison of pattern theory, Tafel, Allen and Hickling and Lewartowicz methods, and apparatus and procedures for ramping voltammetry, 465 ; VI. Pre-treatment of solid electrodes, and review of effects of oxidation of platinum, 475; VII. Con- ditional potentials, and single-scan voltammetry of pure vanadium(V) -vanadium(IV) systems in -, - and Snape, F.vi various media a t platinum electrodes pre-treated by five methods, 553; VIII.Single-scan voltani- xnetry of vanadium( I*) -vanadium (IT’) in pre- sence of chromium, manganese and iron, arid kinetic parameters of vanadium system, a t plati- num electrodes pre-treated by five methods, 563 ; IX. Examination of titanium(1V)-titanium(II1) system and effects of ultratrace impurities in sulphuric acid, 625; X. Examination of tin(1V)- tin(I1)-tin(0) systems a t platinum and gold electrodes, 635 ; Potentiostatic coulometric deter- mination of vanadium, vanadium - manganese and vanadium - iron mixtures and influence o f chromium on process, 572. Precise coulometric cletermina- tion of acids in cells without liquid junction. I. Introduction and instrumentation, 30ti ; 11. Silver - silver bromide auxiliary anodic reaction, 313; 111.Determination of silver error by amperometric anodic stripping, 416 ; IV. Assay of primary standard sulphamic acid, 426. Differential electrolytic potentiometry with periodic polarisation. XXI. Introduction and instrumentation, 697 ; XXII. Symmetrical periodic current differential electro- lytic potentiometry in oxidation-reduction titrimetry, 712; XXIII. Effect of bias and distor- tion on periodic differential electrolytic potentio- metry, D.C. output produced and time-biassed differential electrolytic potentionietry in osida- tion-reduction titrations, 769. Blackburn, R. Review of Stevens and Stevens’s Xlossbauer Effect Data Index. Covering 1971 Literature, 913. Extra Pharmacopoeia (Nartindale) . 26th Edn. (Review), 912. - and Riley, M. and Webber, T. J. N. Blacow, N.W. Blass, W. See Voss, G. Blenkinsop, P. A. Review of Brown’s X-Ray Methods, 228. Boguse, N., and Borkowski, T. Application of thin-layer chromatographic - enzymc inhibition technique to organochlorine insecticides, 1 90. Bories, G. F. Determination of antioxidant 1,3,5- trimethyl-2,4,6-tri( 3’, 5’-di-t-butyl-4’-h~~droxyben- zy1)benzene in feeds, 593. Borkowski, T. See Boguse, M. Boschke, F. Topics in Current Chemistry. Yol. 26. Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry. (Review), 229. Bousquet, P. Spectroscopy arid its Instrumenta- tion. Translated by Greenland. (Review), 766. Bowley, M. J. Spectrophotometric determination oi phosphorus(V) oxide in cements and clinkers with molybdovanadate reagent, 739. Box, D. G. See Webber, T. J.. N. Broughton, P. M. G. Review of Cali, Mandel, Moore and Young’s Standard Reference Materials : Referee Method f o r Determination of Calcium in Serum, 231.Brown, M. A. X-Ray Methods. (Review), 228. Brownridge, I. C. Lithium-drifted Germanium Detectors, Their Fabrication and Use. Annotated Bibliography. (Review), 462. Burgess, C., Fogg, A. G., and Thorburn Burns, D. Critical study of Safranine 0 as spectrophoto- metric reagent : rapid method for determination of trace amounts of antimony in steel, 605. - See also Fogg, A. G. Butler, E. A. See Swift, E. H. Buzhs, I. See Pungor, E. C Caisey, J. D., and Riordan, B. D. Automatic logging and processing o F AutoAnalyzer peaks with off-line, tirne-sliarin,j. computer, 126. Cali, J. P., Mandel, J., Moore, L., and Young, D. S. Standard Reference lllaterials :lieteree Method for Determination of Calcium in Serum.(Tieview), 231. Casy, A. F. PMli Spectroscopy in Medicinal and Biological Chemistry. (Re\. iew), 463. Catterall, R. Review of Dixon’s Y’heovy a d Interpvctation of Magnetic Resonance Spectra, 695. Chapman, J. F., Bale, L. S., and Whittem, R.. N. Improved plasma jet systeni for spectrochemical analysis, 529. Charlot, G. Cours de Chimie Aiialytique GBnerale. Vol. IT. Methodes Electrochimiques et Absorp- tiometriques, Chroniatogra1)hie. (Review), 304. Chaturvedi, D. N., and Gupta, C. M. Polarographic studies of ziiic(I1) complex formed with tyrosine in aqueous and mixed aqueous ancl non-aqueous media, 895. Christie, A. A., Dean,. A. C., an$ Millburn, B. A. Determination of vitaniiii 12 in food by colori- metry and gas - liquid chromatography, 161.- See aZso Bell, J. G. Claeys, A. See Velghe, N. Clarke, J. 8. Review of Benston and Jaatteen- maki’s Quantitative Chernist~j~, 230. -- See also Clynes, S. Clegg, J. B., Gale, I. G.? and Millett, E. J. Deter- mination of oxygen in semiconductor materials with cryogenically punipetl spark-source mass spectrometer, 69. Cluley, H. J. Clynes, S,, and Clarke, J. S. Sew Practical Chem- istry. (Review), 79. Cook, B. W., and Jones, K. Programmed Intro- duction to Infrared Spectroscopy. ( Review), 552. Coomaraswamy, M., and Flint, F.. 0. Histochemical detection of sopa “novel proteins” in comminuted meat products, 542. Cundall, R. B., Phillips, G. O., and Rowlands, D. P. Spectrofluorinietric procedure for assay of carra- geenan, 857.CzeglCdi-Janko, G. Gas - liquid chroinatographic determination of alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-BHC levels in human blood, depot fat ancl various organs with use of 2,2-diniethylpropane- 1,3-diol succinate as stationary liquid phase, 863. See Quarrell, T. M. Czerkawski, J. W. D Dagnall, R. M., West, T. S., and Whitehead,.P. Determination of volatile metal chelates by using microwave-excited emissive detector, 647. Dale, L. S. See Chapman, J. F. Darrall, K. G., Hammond, G. C. M., and Tyler, J. F. C. Determination of plutonium-241 in effluents, 358. - Richardson, P. J., and Tyler, J..F. C. Emanation method for determining radium using liquid scintillation counting, 610. Davies, 0. L., and Goldsmith, P. L. Statistical Methods in Research and Production with Special Reference to Chemical Industry.4th Revised Edn. (Review), 303. See Noble, R. C. Dean, A. C. See Christie, A. A. Deavin, J. C. copoeia (Martindale). 26th Edn., 912. Review of Blacow’s Extra Phartna-INDEX TO VOLUME 98 vii Delves, H. T., and Reeson, R. B. Simple time-delay accessory for use with micro-scale sampling atomic-absorption technique, 343. Dennis, A. See Evans, W. H. Devani, M. B., Shishoo, C. J., and Shah, M. G. Detection of thioureas, thiosemicarbazides and monothiosemicarbazones with 2,3-dichloro-1,4- naphthoquinone, 759. - See also Shishoo, C. J. Diehl, P., Fluck, E., and Kosfeld, R. NMR. Basic Principles and Progress. Vols. 5 and 6. (Re- view), 227. - Kellerhals, H., and Lustig, E. Computer Assistance in Analysis of High-Resolution NMR Spectra.Vol. 6 of NMR. Basic Principles and Progress. (Review), 227. Dinman, B. D. See Hartung, R. di Stefano, V. See Stefano, V. di. Dixon, W. T. Theory and Interpretation of Mag- netic Resonance Spectra. (Review), 695. DolinSek, F., and Btupar, J. Application of carbon cup atomisation technique in water analysis by atomic-absorption spectroscopy, 841. Review of Liptay’s Atlas of Thermo- analytical Curves (TG-, DTG-, DTA-Curves Measured Simultaneously). Vol. 1, 150; Review of Allen and Marshall’s Electrical Sensing Zone Method of Particle Size Measurement (Coulter Principle), 152 ; Review of Allen’s Particle Measurement, Size and Surface Area Determina- tion, Bibliography 1969-1972, 303. mental Approach. (Review), 550. Dollimore, D. Donbrow, M. See Azaz, E.Donoghue, J. T. Quantitative Chemistry : Experi- E Egan, H. Review of Meinke and Taylor’s Analytical Chemistry : Key to Progress on National Problems, 463. Einaga, H., and Ishii, H. Solvent extraction of copper( 11) and zinc(I1) with 1,Fj-diphenylcarba- zone, 802. Elgar, K. E. Elving, P. J. Elwell, W. T. Review of Kolthoff and Elving’s Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. I. Theory and Practice. Vols. 9 and 10, 78; Review of Feigl and Anger’s Spot Tests in Inorganic Analysis. Translated by R. E. Oesper. 6th Edn., 550; Review of Pinta’s Third International Congress of Atomic Absorption and Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry, Paris, 1971. Engberg, A. Comparison of spectrophotome tric (quercetin) method and atomic-absorption method for determination of tin in food, 137.Esmail, E. I., Nicholls, C. J., and Urch, D. S. Detec- tion of light elements by X-ray emission spectro- scopy with use of low-energy satellite peaks, 725. Evans, W. H., and Dennis, A. Spectrophotometric determination of low levels of mono-, di- and triethylene glycols in surface waters, 782. See Beynon, K. I. See Kolthoff, I. M. Vols. 1 and 2, 838. F Fairbrother, J. E., and Heyes? W. F. Determina- tion of chlorhydroxyquinoline in medicated pig feeds, 797. Farrow, J. E. Feeney, J. Review of Casy’s PMR Spectroscopy in See Baker, P. B. Medicinal and Biological Chemistry, 463. Feigl, F., and Anger, V. Flint, F. 0. See Coomaraswamy, M. Fluck, E. See Diehl, P. . Fogg, A. G., Burgess,.C,, and Thorburn Burns, D. Critical study of Brilliant green as spectrophoto- metric reagent : extraction of chloro-complexes of antimony, thallium. gallium and indium, and of tetrabromoindate(III), and improved procedures for determination of antimony and thallium, 347.- See also Al-Sibaai, A. A.; Ashton, A.; Burgess, C. Forbes, E. A. Determination of microgram amounts of sulphate by emission spectroscopy of barium with nitrous oxide - acetylene flame, 506. Foreman, J. K: Review of Hanocq’s Etude Analy- tique de DLryzve’s Fluores : Applications & I’Analyse Pharmaceutique, 461. Forsen, S. Frei, R. W., Lawrence, J. F., and LeGay, D. 8. Analysis of carbamate and urea herbicides by fluorimetry of their dansylated amine moieties, 9. Fresenius, W., and Jander, G. Handbuch der Analytischen Chemie. Part 111. Vol. IIIacc2. 2nd Edn. (Review), 768. Spot Tests in Inorganic Analysis.Translated by Oesper. 6th Edn. (Review), 550. See Hoffman, R. A. G Gale, I. G. Gallagher, J. B. Gestblom, B. Givens, D. I. Glick, D. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. 19. (Review), 149. Godly, E. W., and Mortlock, A. E. Determination of di-n-alkyl phthalates in cosmetic preparations by gas - liquid chromatography, 493. Goldsmith, P. L. See Davies, 0. L. Goodfellow, G. I. Review of May’s Spectroscopic Tricks, Vol. 2, 229. Gough, T. A. Review of Grant’s Gas -Liquid Chromatography, 2 32. Grant, D. W. Gas - Liquid Chromatography. (Review), 232. Grasselli, J. G. Atlas of Spectral Data and Physical Constants for Organic Compounds. (Review), 839. Greenfield, S. Review of Halmann’s Analytical Chemistry of Phosphorus Compounds, 551. Greenhow, E.J., and Spencer, L. E. Ionic polymer- isation as means of end-point indication in non- aqueous thermometric titrimetry. I. Determin- ation of organic bases, 81; 11. Determination of organic acids, 90; 111. Determination of alkaloids and alkaloidal salts, 98; IV. Determination of catecholamines, 485. Greenland, K. M. Translator of Bousquet’s Spectro- scopy and its Instrumentation. Grime, J. K. See Bark, L. 5. Grynne, B., Hoff, E., Silsand,. T., and Vaaje, K. Determination of bacitracin in animal feeds that contain copper, 906. Gupta, C. M. See Chaturvedi, D. N. See Clegg, J. B. See Thorburn Burns, D. See Hoffman, R. A. See Hall, R. J. (Review), 766. H Hall, R. J., Trinder, N., and Givens, D. I. Observa- tions on use of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid for determination of available lysine in animal protein concentrates, 673 ; Erratum, 840.Hallam, H. E. See Betteridge, D.viii INDEX TO VOLUME 98 Halmann, M. Hamburger, R. See Azaz, E. Hammond, G. C. H. See Darrall, K. G. Hampson, B. L., and Tennant, D. Analytical Chemistry of Phosphorus Compounds. (Review), 551. Simultaneous determination of actinide nuclides in environ- mental materials by solvent extraction and alpha spectrometry, 873. Etude Analytique de D6riv6s Fluores: Applications h l’hnalyse Pharmaceutique. (Re- view), 461. Determination of balsamic acids and esters by gas - liquid chroma- tography, 819. Spec- trophotometric determinatlon of nitrofurantoin in blood and urine, 146. Environmental Mercury Contamination. (Review), 624. Cold vapour technique for determination of mercury in geo- logical materials involving its reduction with tin(I1) chloride and collection on gold wire, 53.Review of Woodward and Red- man’s Hzgh-Precision Titrimetry, 766. Atomic-absorption spectro- photometric determination of total aluminium in steel after its dissolution in pressure bomb, 57. Replacement of platinum vessels with pressure device for acid dissolution in rapid analysis of glass by atomic-absorption spectro- scopy, 450. Herschdoerfer, S. M. Quality Control in Food Industry. Vol. 3, (Review), 230. Heyes, .W. F. Interference of carbon dioxide, resulting from Schoniger flask combustion of organofluorine compounds, in titrimetric deter- mination of fluorine, 546. - See also Fairbrother,-J. E. Hill, H. C. Introduction t o Mass Spectrometry. 2nd Edn.Revised by Loudon. (Review), 551. Hislop, J. S., and Parker, A. Use of laser for cutting bone samples prior to chemical analysis, 694. - Webber, T. J., and Williaq, D. R. Determina- tion of oxygen and carbon in indium phosphide by high-energy gamma-photon activation, 75. Hitchcock, P. H. See Bishop, E. Moff, E. See Grynne, B. Hoffman,. R. A., Forsen, S., and Gestblom,. B. Analysis of NMR Spectra. Guide for Chemrsts. Vol. 5 of NMR. Basic Principles and Progress. (Review), 227. Review of Handbuch f u r Eisen- hiittenlaboratorium. Vol. 5. Erganzungsband, 695; Review of Fresenius and Jander’s HaNdbuch der Analytischen Chemie. Pt 111. Vol. 1 1 1 ~ 2 . 2nd Edn., 768. Hoodless, R. A,, and Tarrant, K. R. Residues of prophylactics in animal products.111. Deter- mination of carbarsone in poultry meat, 502. - See also Baker, P. B. Howarth, R. J. correction effects, 777. - See also Thompson, M. Hunt, .E. C., McNally, W. A., and.Smith, A. F. Modified field test for determmatlon of carbon disulphide vapour in air, 585. Hanocq, P. Harkiss, K. J., and Linley, P. A. Harrison, J., Lepcris, D. A,, and Ancill, R. J. Hartung, R., and Dinman, B. D. Head, P. C., and Nicholson, R. A. Headridge, .J. B. - and Sowerbutts, A. Hendel, Y. Holmes, G. M. Monte Carlo simulation of matrix I Ishii, H. See Einaga, H. Ismiel, S. A., and Yasss, D. A. Quantitative thin-layer chromatographic method for determin- ation of riboflavine in pharmaceutical prepara- tions, 1; Determination of thiamine in pharma- ceutical preparations by thin-layer chromato- graphy, 5 ; Determination of nicrotinamide in some injections of B-complex vitamins by thin- layer chromatography, 816.J Jaateenmaki, M. K. See Benston, M. L. Jacobs, S. Effect of isoelectric focusing on amino- acid composition of proteins, 25. James, H. Determination of trace amounts of cobalt and other metals in high-purity water by using ion-exchange membranes, 274. Jander, G. See Fresenius, W. JeBery, P. G., and Kipping, P. 3. Gas Analysis by Gas Chromatography. 2nd Edn. (Review), 77. Jennings, V. J. Review of Smaill’s Metallurigcal Stereographzc Projections, 624. John, D. See Betteridge, D. Johnson, G. W., and Vickers, C. Identification and semi-quantitative assay of some fat-soluble vitamins and antioxidants in pharmaceutical products and animal feeds by thin-layer chrom- atography, 257.Johnson, R. 116. See Shenton, A. J. Jones, K. See Cook, B. W. K mrchmer, J. H. Analytical Chemistry of Sulfur and its Compounds. Pt 11. (Review), 464. Katyal, M., Kushwaha, V., and Singh, R. P. Spec- trophotometric and chelatometric determination of iron(II1) with 3-hydroxypyridine-2-thiol, 659. Keattch, C. 3. Review of Mackenzie’s Differential Thermal Analysis. Vol. 2. Applications, 767. Kellerhals, H. See Diehl, P. Kipping, P. J. See Jeffery, P. G. Kirkbright,. G. F. Review of Pi-ibil’s Analytical A pplzcataons of EDTA and Related Compounds, 303; Review of Price’s Analytical Atomic Absorp- tion Spectrometry, 376 ; Review of Grasselli’s Atlas of Spectral Data and Physical Constants for Organic Comfiou.pzds, 839.Direct determina- tion of mercury by atomic-absorption spectro- photometry a t 184.9 nm by using nitrogen- separated nitrous oxide - acetylene flame, 49. Chemical concentra- tion method for determination of niobium, zir- conium and tantalum in carbon steel by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, 351. Kolthoff, I. M., and Elving, P. J. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. I. Theory and Practice. Vols. 9 and 10. (Review), 78. Kijnig, H. Neuerc Methodcn zur Analyse von Tensiden. (Review), 46 1. Kosfeld, R. See Diehl, P. Kouimtzis, Th., and Townshend, A. Studies on analytical chemistry of hafnium and zirconium. 111. Spectrofluorimetric determination of hafnium in presence of zirconium by using quercetin, 40. - West, T. S., and Wilson, P..J. Klima, Z., and Scholes, P. H.Kumar, S. Kushwaha, V. See Katyal, M. See Verma, B. C. L Lhng, L. Absorption Spectra in Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Vol. XVI. (Review), 228; Absorption Spectra in Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Vol. XVII. (Review), 624.INDEX TO VOLUME 98 ix Lawrence, J. F. See Frei, R. W. LeGay, D. S. See Frei, R. W. Leonard, M. A., and Swindall, W. J. Non-aqueous atomic-absorption spectrophotometric analysis of organonickel complexes by ligand exchange method, 133. Lewis, D. A. See Harrison, J. Lindquist, J. See Atuma, S. S. Linley, P. A. See Harkiss, K. J. Liptay, G. Atlas of Thermoanalytical Curves (TG-, DTG-, DTA-Curves Measured Simultane- ously). Vol. 1. (Review), 150. Lloyd-Jones, C. P., and Skerrett, E. J. Improve- ments to automatic counter for radioactive deposits on planchets, 223.Loudon, A. G. Reviser of Hill’s Introduction to Mass Spectrometry. 2nd Edn. (Review), 551. Ludlam, P. R Thin-layer chromatography of simple urea - formaldehyde - methanol reaction products. I. Qualitative aspects, 107; 11. Quantitative aspects, 116. Lustig, E. See Diehl, P. M Maas, J. H. van der. Basic Infrared Spectroscopy. 2nd Edn. (Review), 228. Machiq, A. F., Quick, M. P., and Waddell, D. F. Rapid determination of organophosphorus pesti- cides diazinon and dichlorvos in blood by gas chromatography, 176. Mackenzie, R. C. Differential Thermal Analysis. Vol. 2. Applications. (Review), 767. McLachlan, T. Review of Herschdoerfer’s Quality Control in Food Industry. McLean, W..R., Stanton, D. L., and Penketh, G. E. Quantitative tunable element-selective detector for gas chromatography, 432.McMillan, J. W. Review of Quittner’s Gamma-ray Spectroscopy with Particular Reference to Detector and Computer Evaluation Techniques, 767. McNally, W. A. Mandel, J. See Cali, J. P. Marcsewski, C. Z. Marini, P. See Stefano, V. di. Marshall, K. See Allen, T. Mascini, I”. Mathews, B. L. See Beynon, K. I. May, L. Spectroscopic Tricks. Vol. 2. (Review), 229. May, R. W., Pearson, E. F., Porter, J., and Scothern, M. D. Reproducible pyrolysis gas-chromato- graphic system for analysis of paints and plastics, 364. Meinke,. W. W., and Taylor, J. K. Analytical Chemistry: Key to Progress on National Prob- lems. (Review), 463. Midgley, D., and Torrance, K. Continuous deter- mination of ammonia in condensed steam and high-purity boiler feed-water by using potentio- metric ammonia probe, 217.Millburn, B. A. See Christie, A. A. Miller, R. G. J., and Stace, B. C. Laboratory Methods in Infrared Spectroscopy. 2nd Edn. (Review), 695. Millett, E. J. See Clegg, J. B. Mitchell, D. G,, and Aldous, K. 1. Multi-channel dispenser - titrator - pH-stat, 580. Vol. 3, 230. See Hunt, E. C. See Wilson, J. N. Titration of sulphate in mineral waters and sea water by using solid-state lead electrode, 325. Montgomery, H. A. C. Review of Ausgewahlte Methoden dev Wasseruntersuchwng. Vol. 1. Chemische, Physikalisch-Chewzische, Physikalische und Elektrochemische Methoden, 462. Mooney, E. F. Annual Reports on NMR Spectro- scopy. Vol. 5a. (Review), 840. Moore, L. See Cali, J. P. Morgan, R. E. See Morley, R. G. Morley, R.G., Phillips, G. O:, Power, D. M., and Morgan, R. E. Fractionation and identification of commercial hydrocolloid stabilising agents. 11. identification of components of guar gum - locust bean gum and of pectinate - gum tragacanth mixtures, 813. Mortlock, A. E. See Godly, E. W. Morton, R. A. Review of Glick’s Methods of Biochemical Analysas. Vol. 19, 149; Review of LAng’s A bsorption Spectra in Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Vol. XVI, 228; Vol. XVII, 624. Myles, D. Review of Rodier’s Analyse Chirnique et Physzco-Chimique de Z’Eau. 4th Edn., 231. N Nicholls, C. J. See Esmail, E. I. Nicholson, R. A. See Head, P. C. Nickless, G. Review of Hartung and Dinman’s Environmental Mercury Contamination, 624. Noble, R. C., and Czerkawski, J. W. Gas-chromato- graphic method for determination of low concen- trations of acrylic acid in mixtures of C, to C, fatty acids in biological materials, 1.22.0 Oesper, R. E. Translator of Feigl and Anger’s Spot Tests in Inorganic Analysis. 6th Edn. (Review), 550. Oien, A. See Selmer-Olsen, A. R. Ottaway, J. M. Review of Analysis of Raw, Potable and Waste Waters, 766. P Page, J. E. Review of Parker’s Afiplications of Infrared Spectroscopy in Biochemistry, Biology amd Medicine, 151; Review of Miller and Stace’s Laboratory Methods in Infrared Spectroscopy. 2nd Edn., 695. Parker, A. Parker, F. S. Applications of Infrared Spectro- scopy in Biochemistry, Biology and Medicine. (Review), 151. Pearson, E. F. See Nay, R. W. Penketh, G. E. See McLean, W. R. Phillips, G. 0. See Cundall, R. B.; Morley, R.G. Pickford, C. J., and Rossi, G. Analysis of high- purity water by flameless atomic-absorption spectroscopy. II. Signal integration with non- resonance line correction system for spurious absorption phenomena, 329. Third International Congress of Atomic Absorption and Atomic Fluorescence Spectro- metry, Paris, 1971. Vols. 1 and 2. (Review), 838. Porter, J. Powell, R. J. W. See Quarrell, T. M. Power, D. M. See Morley, R. G. Pzibil, R. See Hislop, J. S. Pino, F. See Valcarcel, M. Pinta, M. See May, R. W. Analytical Applications of EDTA and Related Compounds. (Review), 303.X INDEX TO VOLUME 98 Price, D. Dynamic Mass Spectrometry. Vol. 2. (Review), 227; Review of Reed’s Recent Topics in Mass Spectrometry, 376. Price, W. J. Analytical Atomic Absorption Spec- trometry.(Review), 376. Pungor, E., and BUZAS, I. Ion-selective Electrodes. Symposium held at MBtrafured, Hungary, 1972. (Review), 838. Q Quarrell, T. M., Powell, R. J. W., and Cluley, H. J. Determination of tin and antimony in lead alloy for cable sheathing by atomic-absorption spectro- scopy, 443; Erratum, 840. Quick, M. P. See Machin, A. F. Quittner, P. Gamma-ray Spectroscopy with Par- ticular Reference to Detector and Computer Evaluation Techniques. (Review), 767. R Rahim, 5. A., Salim, A. Y.., and Shereef, S. Ab- sorptiometric determination of trace amounts of sulphide ion in water, 851. Reed, R. I. Recent Topics in Mass Spectrometry. (Review), 376; Review of Hill’s Introduction to Mass Spectrometry. 2nd Edn. Revised by Loudon, 551. Reeson, R. B. Richardson, P.J. See Darrall, K. G. Rickett,. F. .E. Quantitative determination of enantiomeric purity of synthetic pyrcthroids. I. Chrysanthemic acid moiety, 687. Riley, M. See Bishop, E. Riordan, B. D. Rodier, J. Analyse Chimique e t Physico-Chimique de 1’Eau. 4th Edn. (Review), 231. Roschnik, R. K. Determination of lead in foods by atomic-absorption spectrometry, 596. Rose, G. A., and Willden, E. G. Improved method for determination of whole blood lead by using atomic-absorption technique, 243. Rossi, G. See Pickford, C. J. Rowlands, D. P. See Cundall, R. B. Roy, 5. K. See Sinha, B. C. See Delves, H. T. See Caisey, J. D. S Saikia, B. K. See Baruah, A. K. S. Salim, A. Y. See Rahim, S. A. Sawicki, E. Photometric Organic Analysis. Basic Principles with Applications. Pt.I. (Review), 151. Scholes, P. H. Scothern, M. D. See May, R. W. Scott, R. M. Thin-Layer Chromatography Ab- stracts, 1968-1971. (Review), 80. Selmer-Olsen, A. R., and Oien, A. Determination of chloride in aqueous soil extracts and water samples by means of chloride-sensitive electrode, 412. Determination of cyclamate in soft drinks by reaction with nitrous acid. 11. Manual and semi-automated methods : determination of cylohexyl nitrite by diazotisation and coupling with Bratton-Marshall reagent, 745; 111. Manual and semi-automated methods : determination of excess nitrous acid with safranine, 749. See Klima, 2. Shah, 1. G. See Devani, M. B.; Shishoo, C. J. Shenton, A. J., and Johnson, R. M. Shereef, S. See Rahim, S. A. Shishoo, C. J., Devani, M. B., and Shah, M.G. Spectrophotometric determination of 4-acetyl- aminobenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone (thiacet- azone) with 2,3-dichloro-l-,4-naphthoquinone, 762. - See also Devani, M. B. Siggia, S. Review of Veibel’s Determination of Hydroxyl Groups, 464. Silsand, T. See Grynne, B. Singh, R. P. See Katyal, M. Sinha, B. C., and Roy, S: K. Indirect complexo- metric titration of barium and strontium after stepwise precipitation as sulphate from homo- geneous solution, 289. Skerrett, E. J. See Lloyd-Jones, G. P. Smaill, J. S. Metallurgical Stereographic Proj ec- tions. (Review), 624. Smith, A. E. Study of variation with pW of solubility and stability of some metal ions a t low concentrations in aqueous solution. I, 65; 11, 209. Smith, A. F. See Hunt, E. C. Smith, W. B. Review of Konig’s Neuere Methoden Snape, F.See Betteridge, D. Sowerbutts, A. See Headridge, J. B. Spencer, L. E. See Greenhow, E. J. Stace, B. C. See Miller, R. G. J. Stagg, H. E. Review of Jeffery and Kipping’s Gas Analysis by Gas Chromatogvaphy. 2nd Edn., 77. Stanton, D. L. See McLean, W..R. Steele, D. Interpretation of Vibrational Spectra. (Review), 80. Stefano, V. di, and Marini, P. Electrical conduc- tivity detector for paper, thin-layer and column chromatography, 25 1. Stephen, W. I. Review of Mooney’s Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy. Vol. 5a, 840. Stevens, J. G., and Stevens, V. E. Mossbauer Effect Data Index. Covering 1971 Literature. (Review), 913. Stevens, V. E. See Stevens, J. G. Stretton, R. J. See Thorburn Burns, D. gtupar, J. See DolinIek, F. Swift, E. H., and Butler, E.A. Quantitative Measurements and Chemical Equilibria. (Re- view), 463. Swindall, W. J. See Leonard, M. A. T Tarrant, K. R. See Hoodless, R. A. Taylor, J. K. Review of Selected Annual Reviews of Vols. 1 and 2, 839. - See also Meinke, W. W. Tennant, D. See Hampson, B. L. Thomas, J. D. R. Review of Pungor and BuzAs’s Ion-selective Electrodes. Symposium held at MAtrafiired, Hungary, 1972, 838. Thompson, My, and Howarth, R. J. Rapid estima- tion and control of precision by duplicate deter- minations, 153. Thorburn Burns, D., Gallagher, J. B., Stretton, R. J., and Wragg,. J. S. Molecular interaction errors in phase-solubility analysis, 293. - See also Ashton, A; Burgess, C.; Fogg, A. G. Torrance, K. See Midgley, D. Townshend, A. Review of Bousquet’s Spectros- copy and its Instrumentation.Translated by Greenland, 766. - See also Al-Sulimany, F.; Kouimtds, Th. Trinder, N. See Hall, R. J. Tyler, J. F. C. See Darrall, K. G. zur Analyse von Tensiden, 461. Analytical Sciences.INDEX TO F. Bis(G-methyl-2- U Urch, D. S. See Esmail, E. I. V Vaaie. K. See Grsnne, B. Valcarcel, Bb., and Pino, pyridyl) glyoxal dihydrazone as spectrophoto- metric reagent for rapid determination of copper in alkalis, milk and brine, 246. van der Maas, J. H. See Maas, J. H. van der. Veibel, 5. Determination of Hydroxyl Groups. (Review), 464. Velghe, IT., and Claeys, A. Titrimetric determina- tion of amphetamine sulphate in tablets, 372. Verma, B. C., and Kumar, S. Determination of organoisothiocyanates alone and in mixtures with organoisocyanates or thioureas, 900.Vickers, C. See Johnson, G. W. Voss, G., and Blass, W. Solvent-saving extraction- evaporation apparatus developed for residue analysis of pesticides, 8 11. W See Machin, A. F. Method for determining free azide ions by automatic analysis in presence of covalent cephalosporin azide, 535. Method for determination of silver in ores and mineral products by atomic-absorption spectroscopy, 335. Examination of tetrachlorvinphos and its formulations for pre- sence of tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins by gas - liquid chromatographic method, 181. Review of Brownridge’s Lithium- drifted Germanium Detectors, Their Fabrication and Use. Annotated BiblioeraBhv, 462. Waddell, D. F. Waller, a. E. Walton, G. Webber, T. J. See Hislop, J. S. Webber, T. J. N., and Box, D.G. - See also Bishop, E. Webster, R. K. VOLUME 98 xi Introduction to Molecular Photo- Review of Betteridge and Hallam’s Wells, C. H. J. West, T. S. - See also Dagnall, R. 1.; Kirkbright, G. F. Whiffen, D. H. Review of Diehl, Fluck and Kos- feld’s NMR. Basic Princifiles and Progress. Vols. 5 and 6, 227. Whitehead, P. See Dagnall, R. M. Whittem, R. N. See Chapman, J. F. Willden, E. G. See Rose, G. A. Williams, A. I. Determination of bis(tri-n-butyltin) oxide and di-n-butylin oxide in preserved softwood by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry and polarography, 233. Williams, D. R. See Hislop, J. S. Williams, W. J. Review of Swift and Butler’s Quantitative Measurements and Chemical Equi- libria, 463. Wilson, J. N., and Marczewski, C. Z. Direct com- plexometric determination of metals in unused lubricating oils and additives by automatic non- aqueous potentiometric titration, 42.Review of Bauer’s Statistical Manual f o r Chemists. 2nd Edn., 77; Review of Davies and Goldsmith’s Statistical Methods in Research and Production with Special Reference to Chemical Industry. 4th Revised Edn., 303. Wood, G. P. Ultramicro-scale method for deter- mination of uranyl cation, 525. Woodward, C., and Redman, H. N. High-Precision Titrimetry. (Review), 766. Wragg, 3.5. See Thorburn Burns, D. Wright, A. N. chemistry. (Review), 462. Modern Analytical Methods, 912. Wilson, P. J. Wood, E. C. See Kirkbright, G. F. See Beynon, K. I. Y Yassa, D. A. See Ismaiel, S. A. Young. D. S. See Cali, J. P.xii INDEX TO VOLUME 98 INDEX TO A 4-Acetylaminobenzladehyde thiosemicarbazone: Spectrophotometric determination of - (thiacetazone) with 2,3-dichloro- 1,4-naphtho- quinone.Acid@) : Ionic polymerisation as means of end-point indication in non-aqueous thermometric titri- metry. 11. Determination of organic -. Greenhow and Spencer, 90. Precise coulometric determination of - in cells without liquid junction. I. Introduction and instrumentation. Bishop and Riley, 305; 11. Silver - silver bromide auxiliary anodic reaction, 313; 111. Determination of silver error by amperostatic anodic stripping, 416; IV. Assay of primary standard sulphamic -, 426. Acrylic acid: Gas-chromatographic method for determination of low concentrations of - in mixtures of C, to C, fatty acids in biological materials. Noble and Czerkawski, 122.Actinide: Simultaneous determination of - nuclides in environmental materials by solvent extraction and alpha spectrometry. Hampson and Tennant, 873. Additives: Direct complexometric determination of metals in unused lubricating oils and - by automatic non-aqueous potentiometric titra- tion. Wilson and Marczewski, 42. Air: Modified field test for determination of carbon disulphide in -. Hunt, McNally and Smith, 585. Alkalis : Bis( 6-methyl-2-pyridy1)glyoxal dihydra- zone as spectrophotometric reagent for rapid determination of copper in -, milk and brine. Valcarcel and Pino, 246. Alkaloids: Ionic polymerisation as means of end-point indication in non-aqueous thermo- metric titrimetry. 111. Determination of - and alkaloidal salts. Greenhow and Spencer, 98.Alloy(s): Determination of tin and antimony in lead - for cable sheathing by atomic- absorption spectroscopy. Quarrell, Powell and Cluley, 443; Erratum, 840. Pyridylazonaphthols (PANS) and pyridylazo- phenols (PAPS) as analytical reagents. 111. formation of copper(I1) complexes and their determination in -. Betteridge. John and Snape, 512. Aluminium: Atomic-absorption spectrophotometric determination of total - in steel after its dissolution in pressure bomb. Headridge and Sowerbutts, 57. Handbuch der Analytischen Chemie. Fresenius and Jander. Part 111. Vol. IIIaa2. Ele- mente der Drittcn Hauptgruppe. - . 2nd Edn. Bensch. (Review), 768 Amino-acid: Effect of isoelectric focusing on - composition of proteins. Jacobs, 25. Ammonia: Continuous determination of - in condensed steam and high-purity boiler feed-water by using potentiometric - probe.Midgley and Torrance, 217. Amphetamine sulphate : Titrimetric determination of - in tablets. Shishoo, Devani and Shah, 762. See also Fatty acids. Velghe and Claeys, 372. SUBJECTS Analysis: Analyse Chimique et Physico-Chimique de 1’Eau. Rodier. 4th Edn. (Review), 231. Analytical Applications of EDTA and Related Compounds. Pi-ibil. (Review), 303. Analytical Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Price. (Review), 376. Analytical Chemistry: Key to Progress on National Problems. Meinke and Taylor. (Re- view). 463. Andytical Chemistry of Phosphorus Compounds, Halmann. (Review), 551. Atlas of Thermoanalytical Curves (TG-, DTG-, DTA-Curves Measured Simultaneously). Vol. 1. Liptay. (Review), 150.Automatic logging and processing of Auto- Analyzer peaks with off-line, time sharing computer. Caisey and Riordan, 126. Comparison of wet pressure digestion method with other commonly used wet and dry-ashing methods. Adrian, 213. Cours de Chimie Analytique GBnBrale. Vol. 11. MBthodes Electrochimiques et Absorptio- mdtriques, Chromatographie. Charlot. (Re- view). 304. Determination of Hydroxyl Groups. Veibel. (Review), 464. Determination of nitro and nitroso compounds by thermometric titrimetry. Bark axd Bate, 103. Differential electrolytic potentiometry with perio- dic polarisation. XXI. Introduction and instrumentation. Bishop and Webber, 697; XXII. Symmetrical periodic current differ- ential electrolytic potentiometry in oxidation - reduction titrimetry, 712; XXIII.Effect of bias and distortion on periodic differential electrolytic potentiometry, D.C. output pro- duced and time-biassed differential electro- lytic potentiometry in oxidation - reduction titrations, 769. Differential Thermal -. Vol. 2. Applica- tions. Mackenzie. (Review), 767. Gas - by Gas Chromatography. Jeffery and Kipping. 2nd Edn. (Review), 77. Handbuch der Analytischen Chemie. Fresenius and Jander. Part 111. Vol. IIIacr2. Bensch. (Review), 768. Handbuch fur das Eisenhiittenlaboratorium. Vol. 5. Erganzungsband. (Review), 695. High-Precision Titrimetry. Woodward and Red- man. (Review), 766. Improved plasma jet system for spectro- chemical -. Chapman, Dale and Whittem, 529. Indicators. Bishop. (Review), 696. Indirect complexometric titration of barium and strontium after stepwise precipitation from homogeneous solution.Interference of carbon dioxide, resulting from Schoniger flask combustion of organofluorine compounds, in titrimetric determination of fluorine. Heyes, 546. Ionic polymerisation as means of end-point indication in non-aqueous thermometric titri- metry. I. Determination of organic bases. Greenhow and Spencer, 81 ; 11. Determination of organic acids, 90; 111. Determination of alkaloids and alkaloidal salts, 98; IV. Deter- mination of catecholamines, 485. Sinha and Roy, 289.INDEX TO VOLUME 98 xiii Analysis-continued Mass and charge transfer kinetics and coulometric current efficiencies. V. Comparison of pattern theory, Tafel, Allen and Hickling and Lewarto- wicz methods, and apparatus and procedures for ramping voltammetry.Bishop and Hitch- cock, 465; VI. Pre-treatment of solid electrodes, and review of effects of oxidation of platinum, 475; VII. Conditional potentials, and single- scan voltammetry of pure vanadium(V) - vana- dium(1V) systems in various media a t platinum electrodes pre-treated by five methods, 553 ; VIII. Single-scan voltammetry of vanadium(V)- vanadium(1V) in presence of chromium, manganese and iron, and kinetic parameters of vanadium system, a t platinum electrodes pre-treated by five methods, 563; IX. Examin- ation of titanium(1V) - titanium(II1) system and effects of ultra-trace impurities in sulphuric acid, 625; X. Examination of tin(1V) - tin(I1) - tin(0) systems a t platinum and gold electrodes, 635. Metallurgical Stereographic Projections.Smaill. (Review), 624. Methods of Biochemical -. Vol. 19. Glick. (Review), 1 49. Modern Analytical Methods. Betteridge and Hallam. (Review), 912. Multi-channel dispenser - titrator - pH-stat. Mit- chell and Aldous, 580. Photometric Organic - . Basic Principles with Applications. Pt. I. Sawicki. (Re- view), 151. Potentiostatic coulometric determination of van- adium, vanadium - manganese and vanadium - iron mixtures and influence of chromium on process. Bishop and Hitchcock, 572. Precise coulometric determination of acids in cells without liquid junction. I. Introduction and instrumentation. Bishop and Riley, 305; 11. Silver - silver bromide auxiliary anodic reaction, 313; 111. Determination of silver error by amperostatic anodic stripping, 416; IV.Assay of primary standard sulphamic acid, 426. Quantitative Measurements and Chemical Equi- libria. Swift and Butler. (Review), 463. Rapid estimation and control of precision by duplicate determinations. Thompson and Howarth, 153. of Raw, Potable and Waste Waters. Depart- ment of the Environment. Replacement of platinum vessels with pressure glass by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. Hen- del, 450. Selected Annual Reviews of Analytical Sciences. Vol. 1. Bark, 839. Spot Tests in Inorganic -. Feigl and Anger. Translated by Oesper. 6th Edn. (Review), 550. Stability of dilute standard solutions of antimony, arsenic, iron and rhenium used in colorimetry. Al-Sibaai and Fogg, 732. Statistical Manual for Chemists. Bauer. 2nd Edn. (Review), 77. Studies on analytical chemistry of hafnium and zirconium.111. Spectrofluorimetric determin- ation of hafnium in presence of zirconium by using quercetin. Kouimtzis and Townshend, 40. I. Theory and (Review), 766. device for acid dissolution in rapid - of Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Practice. Vols. 9 and 10. Kolthoff and Elving. (Review), 78. Animal: Residues of prophylactics in - products. 111. Determination of earbarsone in poultry meat. Hoodless and Tarrant, 502. Antibiotics: Method for determining free azide ions by automatic analysis in presence of covalent cephalosporin azide. Waller, 535. Antimony: Critical study of Brilliant green as spectrophotometric reagent : extraction of chloro-complexes of -, thallium, gallium and indium, and of tetrabromoindate(III), and improved procedures for determination of - and thallium.Fogg, Burgess and Thorburn Burns, 347. Critical study of Safranine 0 as spectrophoto- metric reagent: rapid method for determination of trace amounts of - in steel. Burgess, Fogg and Thorburn Burns, 605. Determination of tin and - in lead alloy for cable sheathing by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. Quarrell, Powell and Cluley, 443; Erratum, 840. Stability of dilute standard solutions of -, arsenic, iron and rhenium used in colorimetry. Al-Sibaai and Fogg, 732. Antioxidant(s) : Determination of - 1,3,5-tri- methyl-2,4,6-tri( 3’,5’-di-t-butyl-4’-hydroxyben- zy1)benzene in feeds. Bories, 593. Identification and semi-quantitative assay of some fat-soluble vitamins and - in pharma- ceutical products and animal feeds by thin- layer chromatography. Johnson and Vickers, 257.Apparatus: Application of carbon cup atomisation technique in water analysis by atomic-absorp- tion spectroscopy. DolinSek and stupar, 841. Cold vapour technique for determination of mercury in geological materials involving its reduction with tin(I1) chloride and collection on gold wire (mercury vapour generator). Head and Nicholson, 53. Determination of oxygen in semiconductor materials with cryogenically pumped spark- source mass spectrometer (cryogenic pump). Clegg, Gale and Millett, 69. Determination of trace amounts of cobalt and other metals in high-purity water by using ion-exchange membranes (filter holder volume counter). James, 274. Determination of volatile metal chelates by using microwave-excited emissive detector.Dagnall, West and Whitehead, 647. Differential electrolytic potentiometry with perio- dic polarisation. XXI. Introduction and instrumentation. Bishop and Webber, 697. Direct complexometric determination of metals in unused lubricating oils and additives by automatic non-aqueous potentiometric titra- tion (anion exchange column). Wilson and Marczewski, 42. Electrical conductivity detector for paper, thin- layer and column chromatography. Stefan0 and Marini, 251. Emanation method for determining radium using liquid scintillation counting. Darrall, Richard- son and Tyler, 610. Examination of tetrachlorvinphos and its for- mulations for presence of tetrachlorodibenzo-p- dioxins by gas - liquid chromatographic method (pyrolysis -). Webber and Box, 181,xiv INDEX TO VOLUME 98 Apparatus-colztinued Improved plasma jet system for spectrochemical analysis. Improvements to automatic counter for radio- active deposits on planchets. Lloyd- Jones and Skerrett, 223.Ionic polymerisation as means of end-point indication in non-aqueous thermometric titri- metry. 11. Determination of organic acids (titration -). Greenhow and Spencer, 90; 111. Determination of alkaloids and alkaloidal salts, 98. Mass and charge transfer kinetics and coulometric current efficiencies. V. Comparison of pattern theory, Tafel, Allen and Hickling and Lewarto- wicz methods, and - and procedures for ramping voltammetry (voltammetric cell). Bishop and Hitchcock, 465. Method for determining free azide ions by auto- matic analysis in presence of covalent cephalo- sporin azide.Waller, 535. Modified field test for determination of carbon disulphide in air (bubbler). Hunt, McNally and Smith, 585. Multi-channel dispenser - titrator - pH-stat. Mit- chell and Aldous, 580. Potentiostatic coulometric determination of vana- dium, vanadium - manganese and vanadium - iron mixtures and influence of chromium on process (cell and capacitor). Bishop and Hitchcock, 572. Precise coulometric determination of acids in cells without liquid junction. I. Introduction and instrumentation. Bishop and Riley, 305 ; 11. Silver - silver bromide auxiliary anodic reaction, 313; 111. Determination of silver error by amperostatic anodic stripping, 416 ; IV. Assay of primary standard sulphamic acid (coulometric cells), 426. Quantitative tunable element-selective detector for gas chromatography.McLean, Stanton and Penketh, 432. Simple time-delay accessory for use with micro- scale sampling atomic-absorption techniques. Delves and Reason, 343. Simultaneous determination of actinide nuclides in environmental materials by solvent extrac- tion and alpha spectrometry (detector cham- ber). Hampson and Tennant, 873. Arsenic: Stability of dilute standard solutions of antimony, - iron and rhenium used in colorimetry. Al-Sibaai and Fogg, 732. Atomic absorption : Comparison of spectrophoto- metric (quercetin) method and - method for determination of tin in food. Simple time-delay accessory for use with micro- scale sampling - techniques. Delves and Reeson, 343. Spectrometry : Analytical -. Price. (Review), 376.spectrophotometry : Direct determination of mercury by - a t 184.9 nm by using nitro- gen-separated nitrous oxide - acetylene flame. Kirkbright, West and Wilson, 49. spectroscopy : Analysis of high-purity water by flameless -. 11. Signal integration with non-resonance line correction system for spurious absorption phenomena. Pickford and Rossi, 329. Chapman, Dale and Whittem, 529. Engberg, 137. Atomic absorption-continued spectroscopy : Application of carbon cup atomisa- tion technique in water analysis by -. Dolingek and Stupar, 841. Spectroscopy : Topics in Current Chemistry. Vol. 26. Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry. Boschke. (Review), 229. Third International Congress of - and Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry, Paris, 197 1. Vols. 1 and 2. Pinta. (Review), 838.AutoAnalyer : Automatic logging and processing of - peaks with off-line, time-sharing com- puter. Caisey and Riordan, 126. Azide: Method for determining free - ions by automatic analysis in presence of covalent cephalosporin -. Waller, 535. B Bacitracin : Determination of - in animal feeds that contain copper. Grynne, Hoff, Silsand and Vaaje, 906. Balsamic acids: Determination of ___ and esters by gas - liquid chromatography. Harkiss and Linley, 819. Barium: Determination of microgram amounts of sulphate by emission spectroscopy of - with nitrous oxide - acetylene flame. Determination of trace amounts of - in calcium carbonate by atomic-absorption spec- trophotometry. Bano, 655. Direct complexometric determination of metals in unused lubricating oils and additives by automatic non-aqueous potentiometric titra- tion.Wilson and Marczewski, 42. Indirect complexometric titration of - and strontium after stepwise precipitation as sulphate from homogeneous solution. Sinha and Roy, 289. Bases: Ionic polymerisation as means of end-point indication in non-aqueous thermometric titri- metry. I. Determination of organic -. Greenhow and Spencer, 81. BHC : Gas - liquid chromatographic determination of alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta- - levels in human blood, depot fat and various organs with use of 2,2-dimethylpropane-1,3-diol suc- cinate as stationary liquid phase. CzeglBdi- Jank6, 863. Binapacryl : Fungicide residues. 111. Determina- tion of residues of - in selected fruits by gas chromatography. Baker and Hoodless, 172.Biochemistry: Applications of Infrared Spectro- scopy in -, Biology and Medicine. Parker. (Review), 15 1. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. 19. Glick. (Review), 149. Biological material(s) : Comparison of wet pressure digestion method with other commonly used wet and dry-ashing methods. Determination of microgram amounts of sulphate by emission spectroscopy of barium with nitrous oxide - acetylene flame Gas-chromatographic method for determination of low concentrations of acrylic acid in mixtures of C, to C, fatty acids in -. Noble and Czerkawski, 12 2. Simultaneous determination of actinide nuclides in environmental materials by solvent extraction and alpha spectrometry. Hampson and Ten- nant, 873. Forbes, 506. Adrian, 213. Forbes, 506.INDEX TO Biology: Applications of Infrared Spectroscopy in Biochemistry, - and Medicine. Parker, (Keview), 151.Bis( 6-methyl-2-pyridyl) glyoxal dihydrazone ;LS spec- trophotometric reagent for rapid determination of copper in alkalis, milk and brine. Valcarcel and Pino, 246. Bis(tri;n-butyltin) oxide: Determination of - and di-n-butyltin oxide in preserved softwood by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry and po- larography. Williams, 233. B i n : Ultramicro-scale method for determination of uranyl cation. Wood, 525. Blood: Gas - liquid chromatographic determination of alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-BHC levels in human -, depot fat and various organs with use of 2,2-dimethylpropane- l13-diol suc- cinate as stationary liquid phase. Czegledi- JankB, 863. Improved method for determination of whole - lead by using atomic-absorption technique.Rose and Willden, 243. Rapid determination of organophosphorus pesti- cides diazinon and dichlorvos in - by gas chromatography. Machin, Quick and Waddell, 176. Spectrophotometric determination of nitrofur- antoin in - and urine. Harrison, Lewis and Ancill, 146. Blood serum: Standard Reference Materials : Referee Method for Determination of Calcium in Serum. Cali, Mandel, Moore and Young. (Review), 23 1. Boiler feed-water : Continuous determination of ammonia in condensed steam and high-purity ~ by using potentiometric ammonia probe. Midgley and Torrance, 2 17. Bone, Use of laser for cutting - samples prior to chemical analysis. Book reviews : Allen. Particle Measurement, Size and Surface Area Determination.Biblio- graphy 1969-1972, 303. Allen and Marshall. Electrical Sensing Zone Method of Particle Size Measurement (Coulter Principle), 152. Bark. Selected Annual Reviews of Analytical Sciences. Vol. 1, 839. Bauer. Statistical Manual for Chemists. 2nd Edn., 77. Benston and Jaatteenmaki. Quantitative Chem- istry, 230. Betteridge and Hallam. Modern Analytical Methods, 912. Birks. Electron Probe Microanalysis. 2nd Edn., 152. Bishop. Indicators, 696. Blacow. Extra Pharmacopoeia (Martindale). 26th Edn., 912. Boschke. Topics in Current Chemistry. Vol. 26. Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, 229. Bousquet. Spectroscopy and its Instrumenta- tion. Translated by Greenland, 766. Brown. X-ray Methods, 228. Brownridge. Lithium-drifted Germanium De- tectors, Their Fabrication and Use.Anno- tated Bibliography, 462. Cali, Mandel, Moore and Young. Standard Reference Materials : Referee Method for Determination of Calcium in Serum, 231. Casy. PMR Spectroscopy in Medicinal and Biological Chemistry, 463. Hislop and Parker, 694. VOLUME 98 XV Chariot. Cours de Chimie Analytique GCnkrale. Vol. 11. Mkthodes Electrochimiques et Ab- sorptiomktriques, Chromatographie, 304. Clynes and Clarke. New Practical Chemistry, 79. Cook and Jones. Programmed Introduction to Infrared Spectroscopy, 552. Davies and Goldsmith. Statistical Methods in Research and Production with Special Refer- ence to Chemical Industry. 4th Revised Edn., 303. Diehl, Fluck and Kosfeld. NMR. Basic Prin- ciples and Progress. Vol. 5. Analysis of NMR Spectra. Guide for Chemists. Hoff- man Forskn and Gestblom; Vol.6. Computer Assistance in Analysis of High-resolution NMR Spectra. Diehl, Kellerhals and Lustig, 227. Dixon. Theory and Interpretation of Magnetic Resonance Spectra, 695. Donoghue. Quantitative Chemistry : Experi- mental Approach, 550. Feigl and Anger. Spot Tests in Inorganic Analysis. 6th Edn., 550. Fresenius and Jander. Handbuch der Analy- tischen Chemie. Part 111. Quantitative Be- stimmungs- und Trennungsmethoden. Vol. IIIaa2. Elemente der Dritten Hauptgruppe. Aluminium. Bensch. 2nd Edn., 768. Glick. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. 19, 149. Grant. Gas - Liquid Chromatography, 232. Grasselli. Atlas of Spectral Data and Physical Constants for Organic Compounds, 839. Halmann. Analytical Chemistry of Phosphorus Compounds, 551.Hanocq. Etude Analytique de Dkriv6s Fluores : Applications A l’hnalyse Pharmaceutique, 461. Hartung and Dimnan. Environmental Mercury Contamination, 624. Herschdoerfer. Quality Control in Food Industry. Vol. 3, 230. Hill. Introduction to Mass Spectrometry. 2nd Edn., 551. Jeffery and Kipping. Gas Analysis by Gas Chromatography. 2nd Edn., 77. Karchmer. Analytical Chemistry of Sulfur and its Compounds. Pt 11, 464. Kolthoff and Elving. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. I. Theory and Practice. Vols. 9 and 10, 78. Konig. Neuere Methoden zur Analyse von Tensiden, 461. LAng. Absorption Spectra in Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Vol. XVI, 228; Vol. XVII, 624. Liptay. Atlas of Thermoanalytical Curves (TG-, DTG-, DTA-Curves Measured Simultaneously). Vol. 1, 150. Maas. Basic Infrared Spectroscopy.2nd Edn., 228. Mackenzie. Differential Thermal Analysis. Vol. 2. Applications, 767. May. Spectroscopic Tricks. Vol. 2, 229. Meinke and Taylor. Analytical Chemistry : Key to Progress on National Problems, 463. Miller and Stace. Laboratory Methods in Infrared Spectroscopy. 2nd Edn., 695. Mooney. Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy. Vol. 5a, 840. Parker. Applications of Infrared Spectroscopy in Biochemistry, Biology and Medicine, 15 1. Book reviews-continuedxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 98 Book reviews-continued Pinta. Third International Congress of Atomic Absorption and Atomic Fluorescence Spectro- metry, Park, 1971. Pzibil. Analytical Applications of EDTA and Related Compounds, 303. Price. Analytical Atomic Absorption Spectro- metry, 376. Price.Dynamic Mass Spectrometry. Vol. 2, 227. Pungor and BuzAs. Ion-selective Electrodes. Symposium held a t Matrafiired, 1972, 838. Quittner. Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy with Par- ticular Reference to Detector and Computer Evaluation Techniques, 767. Reed. Recent Topics in Mass Spectrometry, 376. Rodier. Analyse Chimique et Physico-Chimique de 1’Eau. 4th Edn., 231. Sawicki. Photometric Organic Analysis. Basic Principles with Applications. Scott. Thin-layer Chromatography Abstracts, Smaill. Metallurgical Stereographic Projections, 624. Steele. Interpretation of Vibrational Spectra, 80. Stevens and Stevens. Mossbauer Effect Data Swift and Butler. Quantitative Measurements Veibel. Determination of Hydroxyl Groups, 464. Wells. Introduction to Molecular Photochemistry, 462.Woodward and Redman. High-Precision Titri- metry, 766. Department of the Environment. Analysis of Raw, Potable and Waste Waters, 766, Handbuch fur das Eisenhuttenlaboratorium. Vol. 5. Erganzungsband, 695. Institut fur Wasserwirtschaft and Forschung- sinstitutes fur Mikrobiologie und Hygeine. Ausgewahlte Methoden der Wasseruntersu- chung. Vol. 1. Chemische, Physikalisch- Chemische, Physikalische und Elektroche- mische Methoden, 462. Bread: Determination of non-fat milk solids in milk - from orotic acid content. Brilliant green: Critical study of - as spectro- photometric reagent : extraction of chloro- complexes of antimony, thallium, gallium and indium, and of tetrabromoindate(III), and improved procedures for determination of antimony and thallium. Fogg, Burgess and Thorburn Burns, 347.Brine : Bis (6-methyl-2-pyridyl) glyoxal dihydrazone as spectrophotometric reagent for rapid deter- mination of copper in alkalis, milk and -. Valcarcel and Fino, 246. Vols. 1 and 2, 838. Pt I, 151. 1968-1971, 80. Index. Covering 1971 Literature, 913. and Chemical Equilibria, 463. Archer, 755. C Calcium: Direct complexometric determination of metals in unused lubricating oils and additives by automatic non-aqueous potentiometric titration. Wilson and Marczewski, 42. Standard Reference Materials : Referee Method for Determination of - in Serum. Cali, Mandel, Moore and Young. Calcium carbonate : Determination of trace amounts of barium in - by atomic-absorption spectro- photometry. Bano, 655. (Review), 231. Carbamate: Analysis of - and urea herbicides by fluorimetry of their dansylated amine moieties. Frei, Lawrence and LeGay, 9.Carbarsone : Residues of prophylactics in animal products. 111. Determination of - in poultry meat. Carbon : Detection of light elements by X-ray emission spectroscopy with use of low-energy satellite peaks. Esmail, Nicholls and Urch, 725. Determination of oxygen and -in indium phos- phide by high-energy gamma-photon activa- tion. Hislop, Webber and Williams, 75. Carbon cup: Application of - atomisation tech- nique in water analysis by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. Dolingek and Stupar, 841. Carbon dioxide: Interference of -, resulting from Schoniger flask combustion of organofluorine compounds, in titrimetric determination of fluorine. Heyes, 546. Carbon disulphide : Modified field test for determina- tion of - in air.Hunt, McNally and Smith, 585. Carbon tetrachloride as possible source of inter- ference during fumigant residue analysis. Baker, Farrow and Hoodless, 692. Cardamom: Application of gas - liquid chromato- graphy to analysis of essential oils. 11. Deter- mination of 1,s-cineole in oils of --, rose- mary, sage and spike lavender. Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Methods Committee. Essential Oils Sub-committee, 616. Chemical composition of Alleppy - oil by gas chromatography. Baruah, Bhagat and Saikia, 168. Carrageenan: Spectrofluorimetric procedure for assay of -. Cundall, Phillips and Rowlands, 857. Cascara : Chemical assay of - bark and - dry extract. Pharmaceutical Society and Society for Analytical Chemistry. Joint Committee on Recommended Methods for Evaluation of Hoodless and Tarrant, 502.Drugs, 830. Catechol violet : Applications of sensitised reactions. Spectrophotometric determination of tin in steel with - and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide. Ashton, Fogg and Thorburn Burns, 202. Catecholamines : Ionic polymerisation as means of end-point indication in non-aqueous thermo- metric titrimetry. IV. Determination of -. Greenhow and Spencer, 485. Cements : Spectrophotometric determination of phosphorus(V) oxide in - and clinkers with molybdovanadate reagent. Bowley, 739. Cephalosporin : Method for determining free azide ions by automatic analysis in presence of of covalent - azide. Cetyltrimethylammoninm bromide: Applications of sensitised reactions. Spectrophotometric de- termination of tin in steel with catechol violet and -.Ashton, Fogg and Thorburn Burns, 202. Waller, 535. Chelates: See Complex(es). Chemistry: Analytical - : Key to National Problems. Meinke and Taylor. (Review), 463. Analytical - of Phosphorus Compounds. Halmann. (Review), 561.INDEX TO VOLUME 98 xvii Chemistry-contimed Analytical - of Sulfur and its Compounds. Pt. 11. Karchmer. (Review), 464. Cours de Chimie Analytique GCnCrale. Vol. 11. Mkthodes Electrochimiques et Absorptiom6- triques, Chromatographie. Charlot. (Review), 304. Handbuch der Analytischen Chemie. Fresenius and Jander. Part 111. Vol. IIIacc2. Bensch. (Review), 768. New Practical -. Clynes and Clarke. (Re- view), 79. PMR Spectroscopy in Medicinal and Biological -. Casy. (Review), 463.Quantitative -. Benston and Jaatteenmaki. (Review), 230. Quantitative - : Experimental Approach. Donoghue. (Review), 550. Quantitative Measurements and Chemical Equi- libria. Swift and Butler. (Review), 463. Studies on analytical - of hafnium and zir- conium. 111. Spectrofluorimetric determina- tion of hafnium in presence of zirconium by using quercetin. Kouimtzis and Townshend, 40. Topics in Current -. Vol. 26. Inorganic and Analytical -. Boschke. (Review), 229. Treatise on Analytical -. I. Theory and Practice. Vols. 9 and 10. Kolthoff and Elving. (Review), 78. Chlorhydroxyquinoline : Determination of - in medicated pig feeds. Fairbrother and Heyes, 797. Chloride: Determination of - in aqueous soil extracts and water samples by means of - -selective electrode.Selmer-Olsen and 0ien, 412. Chromatography : Application of thin-layer chro- matographic - enzyme inhibition technique to organochlorine insecticides. Bogusz and Bor- kowski, 190. Determination of volatile metal chelates by using microwave-excited emissive detector. Dagnall, West and Whitehead, 647. Effect of isoelectric focusing on amino-acid composition of proteins. Jacobs, 25. Electrical conductivity detector for paper, thin- layer and column -. Stefan0 and Marini, 251. Gas Analysis by Gas -. Jeffery and Kipping. 2nd Edn. (Review), 77. Gas - Liquid -. Grant. (Review), 232. Quantitative tunable element-selective detector for gas -. McLean, Stanton and Penketh, 432. Thin-Layer ~ Asbtracts, 1968-1971. Scott. (Review), 80. Thin-Layer - of simple urea - formaldehyde - methanol reaction products.I. Qualitative aspects. Ludlam, 107; 11. Quantitative as- pects, 116. Chrysanthemic acid : Quantitative determination of enantiomeric purity of synthetic pyrethroids. I. - moiety. Rickett, 687. l,&Cineole : Application of gas - liquid chromato- graphy to analysis of essential oils. 11. Determination of - in oils of cardamom, rosemary, sage and spike lavender. Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Methods Committee. Essential Oils Sub-committee, 616. Citronella: Application of gas - liquid chromato- graphy to analysis of essential oils. 111. Determination of geraniol in oils of --. Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Methods Committee. 'Essential Oils Sub- Committee, 823. Clinkers: Spectrophotometric determination of phosphorus(V) oxide in cements and - with molybdovanadate reagent.Bowley, 739. Cobalt: Determination of trace amounts of - and other metals in high-purity water by using ion-exchange membranes. James, 2 74. Cod-liver oil : Gas - liquid chromatographic deter- mination of vitamin D in -. Bell and Christie, 268. Colorimetry: See Analysis. Complex(es) : Determination of volatile metal che- lates by using microwave-excited emissive detector. Dagnall, West and Whitehead, 647. Non-aqueous atomic-absorption spectrophoto- metric analysis of organonickel - by ligand exchange method. Leonard and Swindall, 133. Polarographic studies of zinc(I1) - formed with tyrosine in aqueous and mixed aqueous and non-aqueous media. Chaturvedi and Gupta, 895. Pyridylazonaphthols (PANS) and pyridylazo- phenols (PAPs) as analytical reagents.I. Synthesis and spectroscopic examination of reagents and some chelates. Betteridge and John, 377; 11. Spectrometric and solvent- extraction studies of - formations, 390. Computer(s) : Automatic logging and processing of AutoAnalyzer peaks with off -line, time-sharing -. Caisey and Riordan, 126. Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy with Particular Refer- ence to Detector and - Evaluation Tech- niques. Quittner. (Review), 767. Metallurigcal Stereographic Projections. Smaill. (Review), 624. Constants: Atlas of Spectral Data and Physical - for Organic Compounds. Grasselli. (Review), 839. Contamination : See Pollution. Copper : Bis( 6-methyl-2-pyridy1)glyoxal dihydrazone as spectrophotometric reagent for rapid deter- mination of - in alkalis, milk and brine.Valcarcel and Pino, 246. Determination of bacitracin in animal feeds that contain - . Grynne, Hoff, Silsand and Vaaje, 906. Copper (II) : Pyridylazonaphthols (PANS) and pyri- dylazophenols (PAPs) as analytical reagents. 111. Formation of - complexes and their determination in alloys. Betteridge, John and Snape, 512. Solvent extraction of - and zinc(I1) with 1,5-diphenylcarbazone. Einaga and Ishii, 802. Cosmetic: Determination of di-n-alkyl phthalates in - preparations by gas - liquid chromato- graphy. Godly and Mortlock, 493. Conlometry: See Analysis. Crops: See Plants. Cyclamate: Determination of __ in soft drinks by reaction with nitrous acid. 11. Manual and semi-automated methods : determination of cyclohexyl nitrate by diazotisation and coupl- ing with Bratton - Marshall reagent.Shenton and Johnson; 111. Manual and semi-automated methods : determination of excess of nitrous acid with safranine, 749.xviii INDEX TO VOLUME 98 Cyclohexyl nitrite : Determination of cyclamate in soft drinks by reaction with nitrous acid. 11. Manual and semi-automated methods : deter- mination of - by diazotisation and coupling with Bratton - Marshall reagent. Shenton and Johnson, 745. D Dansyl chloride : Analysis of carbamate and urea herbicides by fluorimetry of their dansylated amine moieties. Frei, Lawrence and LeGay, 9. Detector(s) : Electrical conductivity - for paper, thin-layer and column chromatography. Ste- fano and Marini, 251. Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy with Particular Refer- ence to - and Computer Evaluation Tech- niques.Quittner. (Review), 767. Lithium-drifted Germanium -, Their Fabrica- tion and Use. Annotated Bibliography. Brownridge. (Review), 462. Quantitative tunable element-selective - for gas chromatography. McLean, Stanton and Penketh, 432. Di-n-alkyl phthalates: Determination of - in cosmetic preparations by gas - liquid chromato- graphy. Godly and Mortlock, 493. Di-n-butyltin oxide: Determination of bis(tri-n- butyltin) oxide and - in preserved softwood by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry and polarography. Williams, 233. Diadnon : Rapid determination of organophos- phorus pesticides - and dichlorvos in blood by gas chromatography. Machin, Quick and Waddell, 176. 2,3-Dichloro-1,4-naphthoquinone : Detection of thio- ureas, thiosemicarbazides and monothiosemi- carbazones with -.Devani, Shishoo and Shah, 759. Spectrophotometric determination of 4-acetyl- aminobenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone (thi- acetazone) with -. Shishoo, Devani and Shah, 762. Dichlorvos : Determination of malathion and - residues in grain. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Committee for Analytical Methods for Residues of Pesticides and Veterin- ary Products in Foodstuffs. Panel on Mala- thion and Dichlorvos Residues in Grain, 19. Rapid determination of organophosphorus pesti- cides diazinon and - in blood by gas chromatography. Machin, Quick and Waddell, 176. 2,2-Dimethylpropane-l-3-diol succinate : Gas - liquid chromatographic determination of alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-BHC levels in human blood, depot fat and various organs with use of - as stationary liquid phase.Czdgledi- Jank6, 863. 1,5-Diphenylcarbazone : Solvent extraction of cop- per(I1) and zinc(I1) with -. Einaga and Ishii, 802. Drinks: Determination of cyclamate in soft - by reaction with nitrous acid. 11. Manual and semi-automated methods : determination of cyclohexyl nitrite by diazotisation and coupling with Bratton - Marshall reagent. Shenton and Johnson, 745; 111. Manual and semi-auto- mated methods : determination of excess of nitrous acid with safranine, 749. Drugs: Determination of balsamic acids and esters by gas - liquid chromatography. Harkiss and Linley, 819. Recommended methods €or evaluation of -. Chemical assay of cascara bark and cascara dry extract. Pharmaceutical Society and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 830.E EDTA : See Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic. acid. Efliluent (s) : Analyse Chimique et Physico-Chimique de 1’Eau. Rodier. 4th Edn, (Review), 231. Determination of plutonium-241 in -. Darrall, Hammond and Tyler, 358. Simultaneous determination of actinide nuclides in environmental materials by solvent extrac- tion and alpha spectrometry. Hampson and Tennant, 873. Electrode(s) : Determination of chloride in aqueous soil extracts and water samples by means of chloride-selective - . Selmer-Olsen and 0ien, 412. Differential electrolytic potentiometry with periodic polarisation. XXI. Introduction and instrumentation. Bishop and Webber, 697 ; XXII. Symmetrical periodic current differ- ential electrolytic potentiometry in oxidation - reduction titrimetry, 712.Symposium held a t Mhtra- fured, 1972. Pungor and BuzAs. (Review), 838. Mass and charge transfer kinetics and coulometric current efficiencies. VI. Pre-treatment of solid -, and review of effects of oxidation of platinum. Bishop and Hitchcock, 475; VII. Conditional potentials, and single-scan voltam- metry of pure vanadium(V) - vanadium(1V) systems in various media a t platinum - by five methods, 553; VIII. Single-scan voltam- metry of vanadium(V) - vanadium(1V) in presence of chromium, manganese and iron, and kinetic parameters of vanadium system, a t platinum - pre-treated by five methods, 563. Voltammetric determination of tocopherols by use of newly developed carbon paste -. Atuma and Lindquist, 886. Electron Probe Microanalysis. Birks. 2nd Edn.(Review), 152. Environment, Department of : Analysis of Raw, Potable and Waste Waters. Enzyme : Application of thin-layer chromatographic - inhibition technique to organochlorine insecticides. Bogusz and Borkowski, 190. Essential oils : Application of gas - liquid chromato- graphy to analysis of -. 11. Determination of 1,8-cineole in oils of cardamom, rosemary, sage and spike lavender. Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Methods Committee. Essential Oils Sub-committee, 616; 111. Deter- mination of geraniol in oils of citronella, 823. Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid: Analytical Appli- cations of EDTA and Related Compounds. Pfibil. (Review), 303. Ion-selective -. (Review), 766. F Fatty acids: Gas-chromatographic method for determination of low concentrations of acrylic acid in mixtures of C, to C, - in biological materials.Noble and Czerkawski, 122.INDEX TO VOLUME 98 xix Feeding stuffs : Determination of antioxidant 1,3,5-trimethyl-2,4,6-tri( 3’, 5‘-di-t-butyl-4’- hydroxybenzy1)benzene in feeds. Bories, 593. Determination of bacitracin in animal feeds that contain copper. Grynne, Hoff, Silsand and Vaaje, 906. Determination of chlorhydroxyquinoline in medi- cated pig feeds. Fairbrother and Heyes, 797. Determination of nifursol in animal feeds. Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Methods Committee. Prophylactics in Animal Feeds Sub-committee, 908. Identification and semi-quantitative assay of some fat-soluble vitamins and antioxidants in pharmaceutical products and animal feeds by thin-layer chromatography.Johnson and Vickers, 257. Observations on use of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene- sulphonic acid for determination of available lysine in animal protein concentrates. Hall, Trinder and Givens, 673; Erratum, 840. Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Methods Committee. Fish Products Sub-committee, 456. Flame : Direct determination of mercury by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry a t 184.9 nm by using nitrogen-separated nitrous oxide - acety- lene -. Fluorescence : Third International Congress of Atomic Absorption and Atomic - Spectro- metry, Paris, 1971. Vols. 1 and 2. Pinta. (Review), 838. Fluorine : Detection of light elements by X-ray emission spectroscopy with use of low-energy satellite peaks. Esmail, Nicholls and Urch, 725. Etude Analytique de D6riv6s Fluores : Applica- tion Q, 1’Analyse Pharmaceutique.Hanocq, 461. Interference of carbon dioxide, resulting from Schoniger flask combustion of organofluorine compounds, in titrimetric determination of -. Heyes, 546. Food(s) : Comparison of spectrophotometric (quer- cetin) method and atomic-absorption method for determination of tin in -. Engberg, 137. Determination of lead in - by atomic-absorp- tion spectrophotometry. Roschnik, 596. Determination of vitamin E in - by colori- metry and gas - liquid chromatography. Christie, Dean and Millburn, 161. Quality Control in - Industry. Vol. 3. Herschdoerfer. (Review), 230. Formaldehyde : Thin-layer chromatography of simple urea - - - methanol reaction products. I. Qualitative aspects. Ludlam, 107; 11. Quan- titative aspects, 116.Forschungsinstitutes fur Mikrobiologie und Hygiene : Ausgewahlte Methoden der Wasseruntersu- chung. Vol. 1. Chemische, Physikalisch- Chemische, Physikalische und Elektrochem- ische Methoden. (Review), 462. 111. Determination of residues of binapacryl in selected - by gas chromatography. Baker and Hoodless, 172. Fumigant: Carbon tetrachloride as possible source of interference during - residue analysis. Fish: Nitrogen contents of raw -. Kirkbright, West and Wilson, 49. Fruits: Fungicide residues. Fungicide residues. 111. Determination of resi- dues of binapacryl in selected fruits by gas chromatography. Baker and Hoodless, 172. G Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy with Particular Refer- ence to Detector and Computer Evaluation Techniques. Quittner. (Review), 767.Gas Analysis by - Chromatography. Jeffery and Kipping. 2nd Edn., (Review), 77. Gas chromatography : See Chromatography. Geological materials: Cold vapour technique for determination of mercury in - involving its reduction with tin(I1) chloride and collection on gold wire. Geraniol : Application of gas - liquid chromato- graphy to analysis of essential oils. 111. Determination of - in oils of citronella. Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Methods Committee. Essential Oils Sub- committee, 823. Glass: Replacement of platinum vessels with pressure device for acid dissolution in rapid analysis of - by atomic-absorption spectro- scopy. Hendel, 450. Glycols: Spectrophotometric determination of low levels of mono-, di- and triethylene __ in surface waters.Grain: Determination of malathion and dichlorvos residues in __ . Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Committee for Analytical Methods for Residues of Pesticides and Veteri- nary Products in Foodstuffs. Panel on Mala- thion and Dichlorvos Residues in Grain, 19. Gum: Fractionation and identification of com- mercial hydrocolloid stabilising agents. 11. Identification of components of guar - - locust bean - and of pectinate- - traga- canth mixtures. Morley, Phillips, Power and Morgan, 813. Head and Nicholson, 53. Evans and Dennis, 782. H Hafnium: Studies on analytical chemistry of - and zirconium. 111. Spectrofluorimetric de- termination of - in presence of zirconium by using quercetin. Kouimtzis and Townshend, 40. Halides: Topics in Current Chemistry. Vol.26. Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry. Boschke. (Review), 229 Herbicides: Analysis of carbamate and urea - by fluorimetry of their dansylated amine moieties, Frei, Lawrence and LeGay, 9. Human: Gas - liquid chromatographic determina- tion of alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-BHC levels in __ blood, depot fat and various organs with use of 2,2-dimethylpropane- 1,3-diol succinate as stationary liquid phase. CzeglCdi- Jank6 863. Hydroperoxide: Assay of micro-scale amounts of - and of iodine in aqueous non-ionic surfac- tant solutions by spectrophotornetric method. Azaz, Donbrow and Hamburger, 663. Hydroxamic acids: Method for detection of micro- gram amounts of -. Hydroxyl : Determination of ~ Groups. Veibel. (Review), 464. 3-Hydroxypyridine-2-thiol: Spectrophotometric and chelatometric determination of iron(II1) with Agrawal, 147.Baker, Farrow and Hoodless, 692. -. Ketyal, Kushwaha and Singh, ‘659.I Ibufenac : Molecular interaction errors in phase- solubility analysis. Thorburn Burns, Galla- gher, Stretton and Wragg, 293. Iminoboranes : Topics in Current Chemistry. Vol. 26. Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry. Boschke. (Review), 229. Indicators. Bishop. (Review), 696. Indium phosphide : Determination of oxygen and carbon in - by high-energy gamma-photon activation ; Hislop, Webber and Williams, 75. Infrared spectroscopy: Applications of - in Biochemistry, Biology and Medicine. Parker. (Review), 151. Basic -. van der Maas. 2nd Edn. (Re- view), 228. Interpretation of Vibrational Spectra. Steele. (Review), 80. Laboratory Methods in -.Miller and Stace. 2nd Edn. (Review), 695. Programmed Introduction to -. Cook and Jones. (Review), 552. Insecticides: See Pesticides. Institut fur Wasserwirtschaft : Ausgewahlte Metho- den der Wasseruiitersuchung. Vol. 1. Che- mische, Physikalisch-Chemische, Physikalische und Elektrochemische Methoden. (Review), 462. Iodine : Assay of micro-scale amounts of hydro- peroxide and of - in aqueous non-ionic surfactant solutions by spectrophotometric method. Azaz, Donbrow and Hamburger, 663. Ion-exchange : Determination of trace amounts of cobalt and other metals in high-purity water by using - membranes. James, 274. Ions: Study of variation with pH of solubility and stability of some metal - at low concentra- tions in aqueous solution. I. Smith, 65; 11, 209. Iron : Handbuch fur das Eisenhuttenlaboratorium.Vol. 5. Erganzungsband. (Review), 695. Stability of dilute solutions of antimony, arsenic, - and rhenium used in colorimetry. Al- Sibaai and Fogg, 732. Iron(III): Spectrophotometric and chelatometric determination of - with 3-hydroxypyridine- 2-thiol. Katyal, Kushwaha and Singh, 659. K Kinetic(s): Mass and charge transfer - and coulometric current efficiencies. VII. Condi- tional potentials, and single-scan voltammetry of pure vanadium(V) - vanadium(1V) systems in various media at platinum electrodes pre- treated by five methods. Bishop and Hitch- cock, 553 ; VIII. Single-scan voltammetry of vanadium(V) - vanadium(1V) in presence of chromium, manganese and iron, and - para- meters of vanadium system, at platinum electrodes pre-treated by five methods, 563; IX.Examination of titanium(1V) - titanium(II1) system and effects of ultratrace impurities in sulphuric acid; 625; X. Examination of tin(1V) - tin(I1) - tin(0) systems at platinum and gold electrodes, 635. L Laser: Use of - for cutting bone samples prior t o Hislop and Parker, 694. chemical analysis. VULUlVlr; Y 8 Lavender: Application of gas - liquid chromato- graphy to analysis of essential oils. 11. Deter- mination of 1,S-cineole in oils of cardamom, rosemary, sage and spike -. Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Methods Committee. Essential Oils Sub-committee, 616. Lead: Determination of - in foods by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry. Roschnik, 596. Determination of tin and antimony in - alloy for cable sheathing by atomic-absorption spectroscopy.Quarrell, Powell and Cluley, 443; Erratum, 840. Improved method for determination of whole blood - by using atomic-absorption tech- nique. Rose and Willden, 243. Lubricants: Direct complexometric determination of metals in unused lubricating oils and additives by automatic non-aqueous potentiometric titration. Wilson and Marczewski, 42. Lysine: Observations on use of 2,4,6-trinitroben- zene-sulphonic acid for determination of available - in animal protein concentrates. Hall, Trinder and Givens, 673; Erratum, 840. M Magnesium: Direct complexometric determination of metals in unused lubricating oils and addi- tives by automatic non-aqueous potentiometric titration. Wilson and Marczewski, 42. and dichlorvos Malathion: Determination of - residues in grain.Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Committee for Analytical Methods for Residues of Pesticides and Veteri- nary Products in Foodstuffs. Panel on Malathion and Dichlorvos Residues in Grain, 19. Mass spectrometer : Determination of oxygen in semiconductor materials with cryogenically pumped spark-source --. Clegg, Gale and Millett, 69. Mass spectrometry: Dynamic -. Vol. 2. Price. (Review), 227. Introduction to -. Hill. 2nd Edn. Revised by Loudon. (Review), 551. Recent Topics in -. Reed. (Review), 376. PVIatrix: Monte Carlo simulation of - correction effects. Howarth, 777. Meat: Histochemical detection of soya “novel proteins” in comminuted - products. Coomaraswamy and Flint, 542. Residues of prophylactics in animal products.111. Determination of carbarsone in poultry -. Hoodless and Tarrant, 502, Medicine : Applications of Infrared Spectroscopy in Biochemistry, Biology and - . Parker. (Review), 151. Mercury: Cold vapour technique for determination of - in geological materials involving its reduction with tin(I1) chloride and collection on gold wire. Direct determination of __ by atomic-absorp- tion spectrophotometry at 184.9 nm by using nitrogen-separated nitrous oxide - acetylene flame. Environmental ~ Contamination. Hartung and Dinman. (Review), 624. Metal(s) : Comparison of wet pressure digestion method with other commonly used wet and dry-ashing methods. Adrian, 213. Head and Nicholson, 53. Kirkbright, West and Wilson, 49.INDEX TO VOLUME 98 xx i Metal( s)--co?ztinzked Determination of trace amounts of cobalt and other - in high-purity water by using ion- exchange membranes.James, 274. Determination of volatile - chelates by using microwave-excited emissive detector. Dagnall, West and Whitehead, 647. Direct complexometric determination of - in unused lubricating oils and additives by automatic non-aqueous potentiometric titra- tion. Wilson and Marczewski, 42. Study of variation with pH of solubility and stability of some - ions at low concentra- tions in aqueous solution. I. Smith, 65; 11, 209. Metallurgy : Metallurgical Stereographic Projections. Smaill. (Review), 624. Methanol : Thin-layer chromatography of simple urea - formaldehyde - reaction products. I. Qualitative aspects. Ludlam, 107; 11. Quan- titative aspects, 116.Microanalysis: Electron Probe -. Birks. 2nd Edn. (Review), 152. Milk: Bis (6-methyl-2-pyridyl) glyoxal dihydrazone as spectrophotometric reagent for rapid deter- mination of copper in alkalis, - and brine. Valcarcel and Pino, 246. Determination of non-fat - solids in - bread from orotic acid content. Mineral: Method for determination of silver in ores and - products by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. Walton, 335. Molybdovanadate: Spectrophotornetric determina- tion of phosphorus(V) oxide in cements and clinkers with - reagent. Monocrotophos : Analysis of crops to determine neutral conjugates of N-hydroxymethyl deriva- tive of - insecticide. Beynon, Elgar, Mathews and Wright, 194. Monothiosemicarbazones: Detection of thioureas, thiosemicarbazides and - with 2,3-dichloro- 1,4-naphthoquinone.Devani, Shishoo and Shah, 759. Monte Carlo simulation of matrix correction effects. Howarth, 777. Mossbauer Effect Data Index. Stevens and Stevens. (Review), 913. Archer, 755. Bowley, 739. N Nickel : Non-aqueous atomic-absorption spectro- photometric analysis of organonickel com- plexes by ligand exchange method. Leonard and Swindall, 133. Nicotinamide: Determination of - in some injec- tions of B-complex vitamins by thin-layer chromatography. Ismaiel and Yassa, 816. Nifursol: Determination of - in animal feeds. Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Methods Committee. Prophylactics in Animal Feeds Sub-committee, 908. Niobium : Chemical concentration method for determination of -, zirconium and tantalum in carbon steel by X-ray fluorescence spectro- metry.Klima and Scholes, 351. Nitrilotriacetic acid : Polarographic determination of tripolyphosphate ions and of tripolyphosphate and - in admixture. Al-Sulimany and Townshend, 34. Nitro: Determination of - and nitroso compounds by thermometric titrimetry. Bark and Bate, 103. Nitrofurantoin: Spectrophotometric determination of - in blood and urine. Harrison, Lewis and Ancill, 146. Nitrogen contents of raw fish. Society for Analyti- cal Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee. Fish Products Sub-committee, 456. Detection of light elements by X-ray emission spectroscopy with use of low-energy satellite peaks. Nitroso: Determination of nitro and - compounds by thermometric titrimetry. Bark and Rate, 103. Nitrous acid : Determination of cyclamate in soft drinks by reaction with -.11. Manual and semi-automated methods : determination of cyclohexyl nitrate by diazotisation and coup- ling with Bratton - Marshall reagent. Shenton and Johnson, 745; 111. Manual and semi- automated methods : determination of excess of ___ with safranine, 749. Nuclear magnetic resonance : Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy. Vol. 5a. Mooney. (Re- view), 840. NMR. Basic Principles arid Practice. Diehl, Fluck and Kosfeld. Vol. 5. Analysis of NMR Spectra. Guide for Chemists. Hoffman, Forskn and Gestblom; Vol. 6. Computer Assistance in Analysis of High-resolution NMR Spectra. Diehl, Kellerhals and Lustig. (Ke- view), 227. PMR Spectroscopy in Medicinal and Biological Chemistry. Casy. (Review), 463. Esmail, Nicholls and Urch, 725.0 Oil@) : Chemical composition of Alleppy cardamom Baruah, Bha- - by gas chromatography. gat and Saikia, 168. essential : See Essential oils. See also Lubricants. Ores: Method for determination of silver in - and mineral products by atomic-absorption spectro- scqpy. Walton, 335. Organoisocyanates: Determination of organoiso- thiocyanates alone and in mixtures with - or thioureas. Organoisothiocyanates : Determination of - alone and in mixtures with organoisocyanates or thioureas. Verma and Kumar, 900. Orotic acid: Determination of non-fat milk solids in milk bread from - content. Oxygen: Detection of light elements by X-ray emission spectroscopy with use of low-energy satellite peaks. Esmail, Nicholls and Urch, 725. Determination of - and carbon in indium phosphide by high-energy gamma-photon activation.Hislop, Webber and Williams, 75. Determination of - in semiconductor materials with cryogenically pumped spark-source mass spectrometer. Verma and Kumar, 900. Archer, 755. Clegg, Gale and Millett, 69, P Paints : Reproducible pyrolysis gas-chromatographic system for analysis of - and plastics. May, Pearson, Porter and Scothern, 364. Particle Measurement, Size and Surface Area Determination. Bibliography 1969-1 972. Allen. (Review), 303. size: Electrical Sensing Zone Method of - Measurement (Coulter Principle). Allen and Marshall. (Review), 152.xxii INDEX TO VOLUME 98 Pesticides : Analysis of crops to determine neutral conjugates of N-hydroxymethyl derivative of monocrotophos insecticide. Beynon, Elgar, Mathews and Wright, 194.Application of thin-layer chromatographic - en- zyme inhibition technique to organochlorine insecticides. Bogusz and Borkowski, 190. Examination of tetrachlorvinphos and its formu- lations for presence of tetrachlorodibenzo-p- dioxins by gas- liquid chromatographic method. Webber and Box, 181. Gas - liquid chromatographic determination of alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-BHC levels in human blood, depot fat and various organs with use of 2,2-dimethylpropane-2,3-diol suc- cinate as stationary liquid phase. Czeglkdi- Jank6, 863. Quantitative determination of enantiomeric pur- ity of synthetic pyrethroids. I. Chrysanthemic acid moiety. Rickett, 687. Rapid determination of organophosphorus - diazinon and dichlorvos in blood by gas chromatography. Machin, Quick and Waddell, 176.pH: Study of variation with - of solubility and stability of some metal ions at low concentra- tions in aqueous solution. I. Smith, 65; 11, 209. Pharmaceutical Society : Recommended methods for evaluation of drugs. Chemical Assay of cascara bark and cascara dry extract. - and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 830. Pharmacopoeia: Extra - (Martindale). 26th Edn. (Review), 912. Pharmacy: Determination of thiamine in pharma- ceutical preparations by thin-layer chromato- graphy. Ismaiel and Yassa, 5. Quantitative thin-layer chromatographic method for determination of riboflavine in pharma- ceutical preparations. Phosphorus: Analytical Chemistry of - Com- pounds. Halmann. (Review), 551. Comparison of wet pressure digestion method with other commonly used wet and dry-ashing methods.Adrian. 213. Phosphorus(V) oxide: Spectrophotometric deter- mination of - in cements and clinkers with molybdovanadate reagent. Bowley, 739. Photochemistry: Introduction to Molecular -. Brownridge. (Review), 462. Photometric analysis: See Analysis. Piperonyl butoxide: Spectrophotometric method for micro-determination of - in presence of pyrethrins. Bhavnagary and Ahmed, 792. Plants: Analysis of crops to determine neutral conjugates of N-hydroxymethyl derivative of monocrotophos insecticide. Beynon, Elgar, Mathews and Wright, 194. Plasma jet: Improved - system for spectro- chemical analysis. Chapman, Dale and Whit- tem, 529. Plastics: Reproducible pyrolysis gas-chromato- graphic system for analysis of paints and -. May, Pearson, Porter and Scothern, 364. Plutonium-241: Determination of - in effluents.Darrall, Hammond and Tyler, 358. Pollution : Environmental Mercury Contamination. Hartung and Dinman. (Review), 624. Polymerisation: Ionic - as means of end-point indication in non-aqueous thermometric titri- metry. I. Determination of organic bases. Ismaiel and Yassa, 1. Polymerisation-continued Greenhow and Spencer, 81; 11. Determination of organic acids, 90; 111. Determination of alkaloids and alkaloidal salts, 98. Potentiometry : See Analysis. Poultry: Residues of prophylactics in animal pro- ducts. 111. Determination of carbarsone in - meat. Prophylactics: Residues of - in animal products. 111. Determination of carbarsone in poultry meat. Hoodless and Tarrant, 502. Protein(s) : Effect of isoelectric focusing on amino- acid composition of -.Histochemical detection of soya “novel -” in comminuted meat products. Coomaraswaniy and Flint, 542. Observations on use of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene- sulphonic acid for determination of available lysine in animal - concentrates. Hall, Trinder and Givens, 673; Erratum, 840. Pyrethrins : Spectrophotometric method for micro- determination of piperonyl butoxide in pre- sence of -. Bhavnagary and Ahmed, 792. Pyrethroids: Quantitative determination of enantio- meric purity of synthetic -. I. Chrysan- themic acid moiety. Rickett, 687. Pyridylazonaphthols (PANs) and pyridylazophenols (PAPS) as analytical reagents. I. Synthesis and spectroscopic examination of reagents and some chelates. Betteridge and John, 377; 11.Spectrophotometric and solvent-extraction studies of complex formations, 390; 111. Formation of copper(I1) complexes and their determination in alloys. Betteridge, John and Snape, 512; IV. Formation of complexes with titanium(IV), 520. Pyhdylazophenols : Pyridylazonaphthols (PANs) and __ (PAPS) as analytical reagents. I. Syn- thesis and spectroscopic examination of re- agents and some chelates. Betteridge and John, 377; 11. Spectrometric and solvent- extraction studies of complex formations, 390 ; 111. Formation of copper(I1) complexes and their determination in alloys. Betteridge, John and Snape, 512; IV. Formation of com- plexes with titanium(1V) ; 520. Pyrolysis : Reproducible - gas-chromatographic system for analysis of paints and plastics. May, Pearson, Porter and Scothern, 364.Hoodless and Tarrant, 502. Jacobs, 25. Q Quercetin : Studies on analytical chemistry of hafnium and zirconium. 111. Spectrofluori- metric determination of hafnium in presence of zirconium by using -. Kouimtzis and Townshend, 40. R Radioactive materials : Improvements to automatic counter for radioactive deposits on planchets. Lloyd- Jones and Skerrett, 223. Simultaneous determination of actinide nuclides in environmental materials by solvent extrac- tion and alpha spectrometry. Hampson and Tennant, 873. Radium: Emanation method for determining - using liquid scintillation counting. Darrall, Richardson and Tyler, 610.INDEX TO VOLUME 98 xxiii Reagent(s): Critical study of Safranine 0 as spectrophotometric - : rapid method for determination of trace amounts of antimony in steel.Burgess, Fogg and Thorburn Burns, 606. i’-’yridylazoiiaphtht,Is (PANS) arid pyridylazo- phenols (PAPS) as analytical ---. I. Syn- thesis and spectoscopic examination of - and some chelates. Betteridge and John, 377 ; 11. Spectrometric and solvent-extraction studies of complex formations, 390; 111. Forma- tion of copper(I1) complexes and their deter- mination in alloys. Betteridge, John and Snape, 512; IV. Formation of complexes with titanium(IV), 520. Resins : Thin-layer chromatography of simple urea - formaldehyde - methanol reaction pro- ducts. I. Qualitative aspects. Ludlam, 107; 11. Quantitative aspects, 116. Rhenium: Stability of dilute standard solutions of antimony, arsenic, iron and ___ used in colorimetry, Al-Sibaai and Fogg, 732.Riboflavine : Quantitative thin-layer chromato- graphic method for determination of - in pharmaceutical preparations. Ismaiel and Yassa, 1. Rosemary: Application of gas - liquid chromato- graphy to analysis of essential oils. 11. Determination of 1 ,S-cineole in oils of carda- mom, -, sage and spike lavender. Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Methods Committee. Essential Oils Sub-committee, 616. S Saccharin: Molecular interaction errors in phase- solubility analysis. Thorburn Burns, Galla- gher, Stretton and Wragg, 293. Safranine : Determination of cyclamate in soft drinks by reaction with nitrous acid. 111. Manual and semi-automatcd methods : determination of excess of nitrous acid with -. Shenton and Johnson, 749. Safranine 0: Critical study of - as spectrophoto- metric reagent : rapid method for determination of trace amounts of antimony in steel.Burgess, Fogg and Thorburn Burns, 605. Sage: Application of gas - liquid chromatography to analysis of essential oils. 11. Determination of 1,s-cineole in oils of cardamom, rosemary, - and spike lavender. Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Methods Committee. Essential Oils Sub-committee, 616. Sampling: Simple tirne-delay accessory for use with niicro-scale __ atomic-absorption techniques. Delves and Reeson, 343. Scintillation : Emanation method for determining radium using liquid - counting. Darrall, Richardson and Tyler, 610. Sea water: Titration of sulphate in mineral waters and - by using solid-state lead electrode. Mascini, 326. Semiconductor : Determination of oxygen in __ materials with cryogenically pumped spark- source mass spectrometer.Clegg, Gale ancl Millett, 69. Serum: See Blood serum. Silver: Method for determination of __ in ores and mineral products by atomic-absorption spectro- scopy. Walton, 336. Silver-con t i izued Precise coulometric determination of acids in cells without liquid junction, 111. Determina- tion of - error by amperostatic anodic stripping. Bishop and Riley, 416. Society for Analytical Chemistry: Analytical Methods Committee. Essential Oils Sub-committee. Application of gas - liquid chromatography to analysis of essential oils. 11. Determination of 1,s-cineole in oils of cardamom, rosemary, sage and spike lavender, 616; 111. Determina- tion of geraniol in oils of citronella, 823.Analytical Methods Committee. Fish Products Sub-committee. Nitrogen contents of raw fish, 456. Analytical Methods Committee. Fluorine Sub- committee. Critical examination of proce- dures for assay of sodium fluoride, 297. Analytical Methods Committee. Metallic Im- purities in Organic Matter Sub-committee. Determination of small amounts of zinc in organic matter by atoniic-absorption spectro- scopy, 458. Analytical Methods Committee. Prophylactics in Animal Feeds Sub-Committee. Determina- tion of nifursol in animal feeds, 908. Recommended methods for evaluation of drugs. Chemical assay of cascara bark and cascara dry extract. - and Pharmaceutical Society, 830. Sodium fluoride : Critical examination of procedures for assay of - Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Methods Committee.Fluorine Sub-committee, 297. Softwood: See Wood. Soil: Determination of chloride in aqueous - extracts and water samples by means of chlor- ide-selective electrode. Selmer-Olsen and IZlien, 412. Solubility: Molecular interaction errors in phase- - analysis. Thorburn Burns, Gallagher, Stretton and Wragg, 293. Study of variation with pH of - and stability of some metal ions at low concentrations in aqueous solution. Soya: Histochemical detection of - “novel proteins” in comminuted meat products. Coomaraswamy and Flint, 542. Spectra : Absorption __ in Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Vol. XVI. Ling. (Keview), 228; Vol. XVII. (Review), 624. Atlas of Spectral Data and Physical Constants for Organic Compounds. Grasselli.(Review), 839. Interpretation of Vibrational --. Steele. (Re- view), 80. NMR. Basic Principles and Progress. Diehl, Fluck and Kosfeld. Vol. 6. Analysis of NMR -. Guide for Chemists. Hoffman, Forsdn and Gestblom; Vol. 6. Computer Assistance in Analysis of High-resolution NMR -. Diehl, Kellerhals and Lustig. (Review), 227. Theory and Interpretation of Magnetic Reson- ance -. Dixon. (Review), 695. Spectrochemical analysis : See Analysis. Spectrogrsphy : Monte Carlo simulation of matrix correction effects. Howarth, 777. Spectrometry: Improved plasma jet system for spectrochemical analysis. Chapman, Dale and Whittern, 529. I. Smith, 65; 11, 209.xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 98 Spectrometry-continued Stereography: Metallurgical Stereographic Projec- Fabricatian and Use.Annotated Bibliography. Strontium: Indirect complexometric titration of Brownridge. (Review), 462. barium and __ after stepwise precipitation as sulphate from homogeneous solution. Sinha tion and Atomic Fluorescence -, Paris, and Roy, 289. 1971. Vols. 1 and 2. Pinta. (Review), 838. Sulphamic acid: Precise'coulometric determination Spectrophotometry: Comparison of spectrophoto- of acids in cells without liquid junction. IV. metric (quercetin) method and atomic absorp- Assay of primary standard -. Bishop and tion method for determination of tin in food. Riley, 426. Engberg, 137. Sulphate : Determination of microgram amounts of Spectroscopy and its Instrumentation. Bousquet. - by emission spectroscopy of barium with Translated by Greenland. (Review), 766. nitrous oxide - acetylene flame.Forbes, 506. ~~~~~l ~~~~d~ on NMR -. vol. 5a. M ~ ~ - Titration of - in mineral waters and sea water ney. (Review), 840. by using solid-state lead electrode. Mascini, Basic Infrared -. Maas. 2nd Edn. (Re- view), 228. Sulphide : Absorptiometric determination of trace Detection of light elements by X-ray emission Rahim, Salim - with use of low-energy satellite peaks. Esmail, Nicholls and Urch, 725. Sulphonamides : Thermometric assay of some __ Gamma-Ray - with Particular Reference to of pharmaceutical importance. Bark and Detector and Computer Evaluation Techniques. Quittner. (Review), 767. Sulphur: Analytical Chemistry of Sulfur and its Laboratory Methods in Infrared -. Miller Compounds. Pt 11. Karchmer. (Review), and Stace. 2nd Edn. (Review), 695.464. MGssbauer Effect Data Index. Stevens and Sulphuric acid: Mass and charge transfer kinetics Stevens. (Review), 913. and coulometric current efficiencies. IX. Programmed Introduction to Infrared -. Examination of titanium(1V) - titanium(II1) Cook and Jones. (Review), 552. system and effects of ultratrace impurities in Spectroscopic Tricks. Vol. 2. May. (Review), -. Bishop and Hitchcock, 625. Surface active agents: Assay of micro-scale amounts of hydroperoxide and of iodine in aqueous 229. Stabilising agents: Fractionation and identification non-ionic surfactant solutions by spectrophoto- metric method. Azaz, Donbrow and Ham- of commercial hydrocolloid -. 11. Identi- burger, 663. fication of components of guar gum - locust ggu::T Erl:., pg$g -jtgr tz!EJt Neuere Methoden zur Analyse von Tensiden.K6nig. (Review), 461. gan, 813. Stability of dilute standard solutions of antimony, arsenic, iron and rhenium used in colorimetry. Al-Sibaai and Fogg, 732. Of Some metal ions at low Concentrations in Tantalum: Chemical conc(qltration method for aqueous solution. determination of niobium, zirconium and ~ Bauer. in carbon steel by X-ray fluorescence spectro- 2nd Edn. (Review), 77. metry. Klima and Scholes, 351. Statistical Methods in Research and Production Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins : Examination of tetra- with Special Reference to Chemical Industry. chlorvinphos and its formulations for presence Davies and Goldsmith. 4th Revised Edn. of -by gas - liquid chromatographic method. (Review), 303. Webber and Box, 181. Steam: Continuous determination of ammonia in Tetrachlorvinphos : Examination of - and its condensed - and high-purity boiler feed- formulations for presence of tetrachlorodi- water by using potentiometric ammonia probe. benzo-p-dioxins by gas - liquid chromato- Midgley and Torrance, 217.graphic method. Webber and Box, 181. steel : Applications of sensitised reactions. Spectra- Thallium: Critical study of Brilliant green as photometric determination of tin in - with spectrophotometric reagent : extraction of catechol violet and cetyltrimethylammonium chloro-complexes of antimony, -, gallium bromide. Ashton, Fogg and Thorburn Burns, and indium, and of tetrabromoindate(II1) , 202. and improved procedures for determination of Atomic-absorption spectrophotometric determin- antimony and - .Fogg, Burgess and ation of total aluminium in - after its Thorburn Burns, 347. dissolution in pressure bomb. Headridge and Thermal analysis: See AnalYsis. Sowerbutts, 57. Thiacetazone : See 4-Acetylaminobenzaldehyde thio- Chemical concentration method for determination of niobium, zirconium and tantalum in carbon Thiamine: Determination of - in pharmaceutical - by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. preparations by thin-layer chromatography. Klima and Scholes, 351. Ismaiel and Yassa, 5. Critical study of Safranine 0 as spectrophoto- Thiosemicarbaaides : Detection of thioreas, ___ and metric reagent : rapid method for determination monothiosemicarbazones with 2,3-dichloro- 1,4- of trace amounts of antimony in -. Burgess, naphthoquinone. Devani, Shishoo and Shah, 759.Lithium-drifted Germanium Detectors, Their tions. Smaill. (Review), 624. Third International Congress of Atomic Absorp- 325. amounts of - ion in water. and Shereef, 851. Grime, 452. surfactants: See Surface active agents* Study of variation with pH of solubility and - T I. Smith, 65; 11, 209. Statistics : Statistical Manual for Chemists. semicarbazone. Fogg and Thorburn Burns, 605.INDEX TO VOLUME 98 XXV Thioureas : Detection of -, thiosemicarbazide- and monothiosemicarbazones with 2,3-dichloros 1,4-naphthoquinone. Devani, Shishoo and Shah, 759. Determination of organoisothiocyanates alone and in mixtures with organoisocyanates or -. Verma and Kumar, 900. Spectro- photometric determination of - in steel with catechol violet and cetyltrimethylam- monium bromide.Ashton, Fogg and Thorburn Burns, 202. Comparison of spectrophotometric (quercetin) method and atomic-absorption method for determination of - in food. Engberg, 137. Determination of - and antimony in lead alloy for cable sheathing by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. Quarrell, Powell and Cluley, 443; Erratum, 840. Mass and charge transfer kinetics and coulo- metric current efficiencies. X. Examination of -(IV) - -(II) - -(O) systems a t platinum and gold electrodes. Bishop and Hitchcock, 635. Tin(II) chloride: Cold vapour technique for deter- mination of mercury in geological materials involving its reduction with - and collection on gold wire. Tissues : Gas - liquid chromatographic determination of alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-BHC levels in human blood, depot fat and various organs with use of 2,2-dimethylpropane-1,3-diol suc- cinate as stationary liquid phase.Czeglddi- Jank6, 863. Titanium: Mass and charge transfer kinetics and coulometric current efficiencies. IX. Examina- tion of - (IV) --(111) system and effects of ultratrace impurities in sulphuric acid. Bishop and Hitchcock, 625. Titanium(1V) : Pyridylazanaphthols (PANS) and pyridylazophenols (PAPS) as analytical re- agents. IV. Formation of complexes with -. Betteridge, John and Snape, 520, Tocopherols: Determination of vitamin E in food by colorimetry and gas - liquid chromatography. Christie, Dean and Millburn, 161. Voltammetric determination of - by use of newly developed carbon paste electrode. Atuma and Lindquist, 886. 1,3,5-Trimethyl-2,4,6-tri (3’,5’-di-t-butyl-4’-hydroxy- benzyl) benzene : Determination of antioxidant - in feeds.Bories, 593. 2,4,6-Trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid: Observations on use of - for determination of available lysine in animal protein concentrates. Hall, Trinder and Givens, 673; Erratum, 840. Tripolyphosphate: Polarographic determination of - ions and of - and nitrilotriacetic acid in admixture. Al-Sulimany and Townshend, 34. Tyrosine : Polarographic studies of zinc( 11) complex formed with - in aqueous and mixed aqueous and non-aqueous media. Chaturvedi and Gupta, 895. Tin : Applications of sensitised reactions. Head and Nicholson, 53. U Uranium : Ultraniicro-scale method for determina- tion of uranyl cation. Urea: Analysis of carbamate and - herbicides by fluorimetry of their dansylated amine moieties.Wood, 525. Frei, Lawrence and LeGay, 9. Urea,-continued Thin-layer chromatography of simple - - for- maldehyde - methanol reaction products. I. Qualitative aspects. Ludlam, 107 ; 11. Quan- titative aspects, 116. Urine: Spectrophotometric determination of nitro- furantoin in blood and -. Harrison, Lewis and Ancill, 146. V Vanadium: Mass and charge transfer kinetics and coulometric current efficiencies. VII. Condi- tional potentials, and single-scan voltammetry of pure -(V) - -(IV) systems in various media at platinum electrodes pre-treated by five methods. Bishop and Hitchcock, 553; VIII. Single-scan voltammetry of -(V) - -(IV) in presence of chromium, manganese and iron, and kinetic parameters of - system, a t platinum electrodes pre-treated by five methods, 563. Method for detection of microgram amounts of hydroxamic acids. Agrawal, 147. Potentiostatic coulometric determination of -, - -- manganese and --iron mix- tures and influence of chromium on process. Bishop and Hitchcock, 572. Vitamins: Determination of nicotinamide in some by thin-layer injections of B-complex -- chromatography. Ismaiel and Yassa, 816. Identification and semi-quantitative assay of some fat-soluble - and antioxidants in pharmaceutical products and animal feeds by thin-layer chromatography. Johnson and Vickers, 257. Quantitative thin-layer chromatographic method for determination of riboflavine in pharma- ceutical preparations. Vitamin D: Gas - liquid chromatographic determina- tion of - in cod-liver oil. Bell and Christie, 268. Vitamin E: Determination of - in food by colorimetry and gas - liquid chromatography. Christie, Dean and Illillburn, 161. Ismaiel and Yassa, 1. W Water(s) : Absorptiometric determination of trace amounts of sulphide ion in -. Rahim, Salim and Shereef, 851. Analyse Chimique et Physico-Chimique de 1’Eau. Rodier. 4th Edn. (Review), 231. Analysis of carbamate and urea herbicides by fluorimetry of their dansylated amine moieties. Frei, Lawrence and LeGay, 9. Analysis of high-purity - by flameless atomic- absorption spectroscopy. 11. Signal integra- tion with non-resonance line correction system for spurious absorption phenomena. Pickford and Rossi, 329. Analysis of Raw, Potable and Waste -. Department of the Environment. (Review), 766. Application of carbon cup atomisation technique in - analysis by atomic-absorption spectro- scopy. DolinSek and Stupar, 841. Ausgewahlte Methoden der Wasseruntersuching. Vol. 1. Chemische, Physikalisch-Chemische, Physikalische und Elektrochemische Methoden. Institut fur Wassenvirtschaft and Forschung- sinstitutes fur Mikrobiologie und Hygiene. (Review), 462.xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME ‘38 Water( s) --continued Determination of chloride in aqueous soil extracts and - samples by means of chloride- selective electrode. Selmer-Olsen and Bien, 412. Determination of trace amounts of cobalt and other metals in high-purity - by using ion- exchange membranes. James, 274. Spectrophotometric determination of low levels of mono-, di- and triethylene glycols in surface -. Evans and Dennis, 782. Titration of sulphate in mineral ___ and sea __ by using solid-state lead electrode. Illascini, 325. Wood: Determination of bis(tri-n-butyltin) oxide and di-n-butyltin oxide in preserved softwood by atomic-absorption spectropho tometry and polarography. Williams, 233. X X-Ray emission : Detection of light elements by - spectroscopy with use of low-energy satellite peaks. Esmail, Nicholls and Urch, 725. Methods. Brown. (Review), 228. Z Zinc: Determination of small amounts of in organic matter by atom ic-absorption spectro- scopy. Society for Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Methods Con1 mittee. Metallic Im- purities in Organic Matter Sub-committee, 458. Direct complexometric determination of metals in unused lubricating oils and additives by auto- matic non-aqueous potentiometric titration. Wilson and Marczewski, 42. Zinc(II) : Polarographic studies of - complex formed with tyrosine in aqueous and mixed aqueous and non-aqueous media. Chaturvedi and Gupta, 895. Solvent extraction of copper(I1) and __ with 1,5-diphenylcarbazone. Einaga and Ishii, 802. Zirconium: Chemical concentration method for determination of niobium, ~ and tantalum in carbon steel by X-ray fluorescence spectro- metry. Klima and Scholcs, 351. Studies on analytical chemistry of hafnium and -. 111. Spectrofluorimetric determination of hafnium in prescncc of - by using quercetin. Kouimtzis arid Townshend, 40. ERRATA : p. 533, 47th line. p. 533, 48th line. p. 634, 26th line. p. 534, 27th line. VOL. 98, 1973: p. 447, 26th line. p. 682, Table 1‘11, For “0.05-pCi” read “0.5-pCi”. For “2 x For “10 pCi” read “100 pLCi”. For “10 pCi g-l” read “10 Ci g-l”. mrad h-l” read “0.2 mrad h-l”. For “100 nil” read “1000 ml”. 4 lines from the bottom. FUY “170*6” read “70-6”
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