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Volume 60,
Issue 1,
Page 001-052
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THE ANALYST S. G. CLARKE Ph.D. BSc. A.I.C. J. GRANT Ph.D. M.Sc. F.I.C. D. G. HEWER B.Sc. -1. 0. JONES M.A. F.I.C. THE ORGAN OF THE J. W. MATTHEWS Ph.D. F.I.C. W. R. SCHOELLER Ph.D. F.I.C. S . G. STEVENSON B.Sc., B.Pharm. F.1.C-Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Publication Committee : JOHN EVANS M.Sc. F.I.C. (President). F . W. ARNAUD F.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH M.A. F.I.C. E. RICHARDS BOLTON F.I.C., H. E. COX DSc. Ph.D. F.I.C. J. T. DUNN D.Sc. F.I.C. BERNARD DYER D.Sc. F.I.C. G. D. ELSDON BSc. F.I.C. B. S. EVANS M.B.E.,M.C.,D.Sc. F.I.C. M. I .Chem. E . Bon. Secretarv : G. ROCHE LYNCH O.B.E. M.B., B.S. D.P.H. F.I.C. L. EYNON B.Sc. F.I.C. E. HINKS M.B.E.B.Sc. F.I.C. G. W. MONIER-WILLIAMS O.B.E., M.C. Ph.D. F.I.C. A. MORE A.R.C.S. A.R.T.C. F.I.C. W. H. SIMMONS B.Sc. F.I.C. J. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER C.I.E., M.A. Ph.D. F.I.C. Bon. Greaeurer : E. B. HUGHES D.Sc. F.I.C. Sbitor C. AINSWORTH MITCHELL M.A. DSc. F.I.C. VOL. 6 0 1 9 3 5 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. 4 PETTY CURY CAMBRIDGE ENGL4ND I93 Errata : Vol. 59 1934: P. 828 line 12. For “250 ml.” read “25 ml.” P. 801. The sentence beginning in the last line should read “If we take for example a 12-stone man who has 100 p.p.m. of lead in his bones he will have in his whole skeleton 1.5 grms. (23 grains) of lead (as Pb) or 2.9 grms. (31 grains) of lead phosphate Pb,(PO,),.” Vol. 60: P. 239 last line of Table 11.For “6 x 6 ml. K O wash” read “6 x 10 ml. wash.” INDEX TO VOLUME 60. INDEX TO NAMES. A Abderhdden E. Adams J. Hall,-M. and Bailey WF. Adolph W. H. See Chou T. . Ahmad Z. Aiyar S. S. and Krishnan P. S. Editor of Handbuch der biolo-gischen Arbeitsmethoden Section IV Part 13, No. 5 (Review) 61. Detec-tion of potassium by means of zinc cobalti-nitrite 843. Oil of Cassia absus 828. A modifica-tion of Thorpe and Holmes’s method for the determination of the total proportions of methyl ethyl iso-propyl and propyl alcohols, 237 Erratum in the above paper 537. Ai S. See Uchida S. Alakrinskaja K. A. Aldis R. W. Allport N. L. and Crews S. K. Allsopp C. B. Almquist H. J. Ambler H. R. See Kosmin N. P. See Norris D. Spectrographic absorption of ergometrine in relation to the B.P.colour test 626. See Twyman F. Review of Abderhalden’s Hand-buch der Biologischen A rbeitsmethoden Section IV Part 13 No. 5 61. - Review of Haldane and Graham’s Methods of A i r Analysis 4th Ed. 278. Andersen B. See Holter H. Anderson A. B. Anderson C. Andreadis T. B. and Toole E. J. of nicotine in raw tobacco 110. Andrew R. L. and Mandeno J. L. mination of iodine in iodised salt 801. Anger V. See Feigl F. M e G. Determination of silver in organic medicaments with particular reference to colloidal silver ointment 484. Appleyard F. N. Armstrong E. F. and I(. F. The Carbohy-drates 5th Ed. (Review) 128. Armstrong M. R. See MacLeod F. L. and Others. Amaud F. W. F. Report of the County Analyst for Kent for the Fourth Quarter, 1934 243.- Review of Cunningham’s Practical Bacteri-ology for Students of Agriculture 2nd Ed. 280. Arnold F. See Sartory A. and R. Arnold P. T. D. Atkin W. R. Measurement of the “acidity” of vegetable-tanned leather by the acetone method 491. See Givens J. W. See Tompsett S. L. See Greenberg D. M. Distribution The deter-See Lyons C. G. See Becker R. B. Atkins W. R. G. The determination of zinc in water by means of sodium diethyldithio-carbamate 400. Audidier H. See Taboury M. F. Augusti A. Rapid and exact method for the determination of mercury 842. Ault W. C. and Brown J. B. Chemistry of arachidonic acid and its quantitative deter-mination 115. Aykroyd W. R. Three Philosophers (Lavoisier, Priestley and Cavendish) 206; (Review) 502.B Babitsch S. Volumetric determination of sodium glycerophosphate 627. Bacharach A. L. Review of Aykroyd’s Three Philosophers (Lavoisier Priestley and Caven-dish) 502. - Review of Morton’s The Application of Ab-sorption Spectra to the Study of Vitamins and Hormones 724. Bagchi K. N. See Bose A. C. Bagnall H. H. Report of the City Analyst for Birmingham for the Third Quarter 1934 35; for the Fourth Quarter 1934 243; for the year 1934 553; for the Second Quarter 1935, 820. Bailey W. F. Bain W. The Pharmacological Action of the Harrogate Drinking Waters 130. Baker J. L. and Hulton If. F. E. Separation of products resulting from the enzymic hydro-lysis of starch 765. Baker L. C. Constituents of meat acting as pointers of change 486.Ball W. C. Balls A. K. Swenson T. L. and Stuart L. S. Assay of papain 420. Bambach K. and Rider T. H. Dichloro-fluorescein as adsorption indicator for the volumetric determination of halides 496. Banerjee P. C. Use of vanadous sulphate as a volumetric reducing agent 573. Banks A. Dean H. K. and Hilditch T. P, Composition of commercial palm oils. IV, Progressive hydrogenation as an aid in the study of glyceride structure 328. Note on the determination of bismuth in copper 33. See Adams J . See Childs A. E. Bannister C. O. and Doyle W. 1. Barbehenn H. E. Baricoat C. R. See Hardman A. F. The determination of diacetyl and acetyl methyl carbinol 653 iv INDEX TO Barritt J. Determination of sulphuric acid in wool 335.Bate Smith E. C. Baxter G. P. and Others. Fifth Report of the Committee on Atomic Weights of the Inter-national Union of Chemistry 477. Bayes A. W. Conditioning-box for cloth samples 344. Becker R. B. and Others. Palatibility and possible toxicity of different species of Crotalaria 715. Beeli C. See Treadwell W. D. Bell H. S. See Trotnian S. R. Bell M. E. See Druinmond J . C. Beliucci I. Micro-determination of bromides and iodides in presence of chlorides 275. Bellucci I. and Vigni R. Determination of iodine in blood and thyroid 263. Bendikson L. Ultra-violet light source for documentary photography 61. Bengen M. F. and Bohm E. Is the amylase test alone sufficient to indicate permanent pasteurisation ? 325. Bennett H. and Harwood H.F. The volu-metric determination of nitrites by means of ceric sulphate solution 677. Beran F. Effect on fruit of fumigation with hydrocyanic acid 333. Besgmann W. Note on bombicysterol 49. Berlie J. Determination of rancidity in flours, semolinas and Italian pastes 181. Bernhsuer K. Einfiihrung in die Organisch-chemische Laboratoriumstechnik 130; (Re-view) 788. Extracts of capsicum 625. Proteins of meat 485. Berry H. Berry P. A. See Hendry J. Bhattacharjee S. N. Bilham, P. Review of Boys’s The Natural Logarzthm 436. - See also Lampitt L. H. Bird J. C. Panciera Z. and Schafer E. G. E. Bishop L. R. Blacktin S. C. Blench R. 0. Bleyer B. See Diemair W. Blodgett H. M. See Booher L. E. Blount B. K. Bloxam H. C. L. See Dunn J. T. Blumendal H.B. See van Nieuwenberg C. J. Boam J. J. Bobranski B. Preparation and properties of Bodansky .M. and Fay M. Laboratory Manual Bohm E. Bolton E. R. and Williams K. A. Colour measurement of oils and other liquids 447. - The specific gravity of fatty oils shipped in bulk 158. Bomer A. Juckenack A. and Tillmans J. Handbuch der Lebensmittel-Chemie. Vol. VI. Foodstuffs containing Alkaloids Spices Salt (Review) 345. Vol. 11 Part 2 (Review), 786. Bomskov C. Methodili der Vitaminforschung, 130; (Review) 348. See Ghose M. N. Sodium dinitrophenate 187. Obituary of F. E. Day 208. Dust (Review) 66. Test for distinguishing between meat extract and yeast extract 256. Wax of the felted beech coccus, 425. See Cahn R. S. Mentholurn Valerianicurn (Validol) 47.of Physiological Chemistry 3rd Ed. 504. Sce Bengen M. F. VOLUME 60 Booher L. E. Further studies on the concen-tration and chemical nature of vitamin B,(G), 50. Booher L. E. Blodgett H. M. and Page J. W. Investigation of the growth-promoting proper-ties of vitamin B,(G) concentrates 50. Booth F. J. Microchemical test for choline and its esters in tissue extracts 845. Booth R. G. Kon S. K. and Gillam A. E. Relative biological efficiencies of the vitamin A and carotene of butter 333. Boratynski K. Colorimetric determination of orthophosphate in presence of pyro- and metaphosphate 842. Bose A. C. Preliminary notes on the sterol iodine values of oils and fats by the Bolton and Williams method 160. Bose A. C. and Bagchi K. N. A new method for the colorimetric determination of small quantities of iodide in presence of other halides 80.Bougault J. and Gattelain E. Identification and determination of citral 480. Bowen E. J. Light filters for the mercury lamp 201. Boys Sir C. V. The Natural Logarithm 282; (Review) 436. Bradfield A. E. Fractional distillation under reduced pressure 202. - Thermo-regulator for heating and cooling baths 202. Bradway E. M. and Mattill H. A. Association of fat-soluble vitamins and anti-oxidants in plant tissues 111. Brads F. L. The corrosion of lead in buildings, 321. Brawley D. J. BrBmond E. See Fabre H. Briner E. and Paillard H. British Drug Houses Ltd. Britton H. T. S. See Crockford H. D. Determination of ozone in air 274. “Analar” Standards for Laboratory Chemicals (Review) 63.Review of Scheibe Mark and Ehrenberg’s Physikalische Methoden der A n a -lytascheiz Chemie Vol. I 63. Bromley H. A. Notes on the technique of the glass electrode 533. Brown J. B. Brown W. B. and Farmer E. H. Highly un-saturated acids from oiticica oil (Licania rigida) 570. Brown W. J. Determination of tellurium in tellurium-lead alloys 54. Brown W. L. The red pigment in the “per-fection” pimento (Capsicum Annuurn) 625. - See also Holley K. T. Bruce W. F. See Ault W. C. A pre-heater for use in the Pregl micro-combustion of carbon and hydrogen, 844. Bruiltet A. See Leroide J. Budhalakoti U. D. and Mukherji K. C. Thio-cyanogen value of Indian butter fat (ghee), 767. Bullock B. and Kirk P.L. Volumetric micro-determination of chloride and potassium, 497. Bullock F. C. Obituary of S . F. Burford 792. - Report of the City Analyst for Leicester for the year 1934 686 INDEX TO Burckhardt E. See Stoll A. Burke T. E. See Tucker J . M. Burns R. H. Burrell R. C. and Walter E. D. Burstein A. I. and Fnzm F. S. Byers H. G. Byers H. G. and Knight H. G. Antimony compounds extracted from enamel-ware by citric acid solutions 220. Saponin from soya-bean 186. Determination of ammonium salts as an indication of the quality of milk 699. See Dudley H. C. Selenium in soils in relation to its presence in vegetation, 774. C Cahn R. S. and Boam J. J. Constituents of derris resin 260. - Determination of rotenone in derris root and resin 260.Caldwell M. L. and Doebbeling S. E. Study of the concentration and properties of two amylases of barley malt 712. Caldwell M. L. and Hildebrand F. C. Method for the direct and quantitative study of amyloclastic activity of amylases 834. Campbell W. G. Starch and related poly-saccharides of certain hard-woods. I The preparation and properties of oak and walnut starch 572. Chemistry of the white rots of wood. The effect on wood substance of Ustulina vulgaris Tu. 620. Campbell W. G. and Wiertelak J. Card S. T. Carlyle E. C. Carothers W. H. Carter W. A. See Norris F. W. Cadiglioni A. Differentiation of expressed cocoa butter from that extracted with solvents 257. Caulfield T. H. ChaIlenger F. Biological methylation of com-pounds of arsenic and selenium 713.Charles R. P. Appointed Agricultural Analyst for the County Borough of Bournemouth 35. Chater W. J. Certain vegetable tannins and their conversion into anthocyanidins 57 1. Chen K. K. and A. L. Alkaloids of han-fang-chi 483. Chdramy P. and Lobo R. Extraction of barbituric acid derivatives from viscera by means of acetone 50. - Rapid method for the identification of barbiturates in blood 52. Cheraskowa E. and Weissbruth L. New method for the separation of selenium from sulphur 781. Cherbuliez E. and Herzenstein H. Analysis of reducing sulphur acids 121. Child B. Testing of Bituminous Materials 130. Child R. Seed oil of the Bael fruit tree (Aegle Childs A. E. and Ball W. C. The determina-Chirnoaga E. New indicators for argcnto-- Volumetric determination of iodide with an See Pemberton E.S . See Fraps G. S . Editor of Organic Syntheses. Vol. XV 504; (Review) 787. See Gibson D. T. Marmelos Corr.) 257. tion of traces of cyanides in water 294. metry 428. iodine-starch indicator 780. VOLUME 60 V Chou T. and Adolph W. H. Copper meta-bolism in man 561. Clarke S. G. Review of Cumming and Kay’s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 6th Ed. 503. Clintworth H. See Kamerman P. Cocking T. T. and Crews S. K. Fluorescence test for olive oils 125. Cohen W. E. A chemical investigation of Pinus radiata in relation to its paper-making qualities. I The distribution and nature of the non-volatile ether extractives 61 8. - The chemistry of Australian timbers. Part 4.A study of the lignin determination 11 474. Identification of wood by chemical means. Part 2. Alkalinity of ash and some simple chemical tests for the identification of the coloured woods of the genus Eucnlyplus, 475. Colbeck E. W. Craven S. W. and Murray W. Determination of sulphur in cast iron 119. Colegrave E. B. A micro-extraction apparatus, 90. Collard E. New adulterant of cocaine 185. Collins F. J. E. Acids of Chinese and esparto grass waxes and the hydrocarbons of esparto and candelilla waxes 269. Collins J. A. V. Report of the Government Analyst for Ceylon for the year 1934 472. Comrie A. A. D. Colorimetric determination of the preservative value of hops 48. - The determination of copper in foods 532. Conn L. W. and Others. Determination of Cook J.W. Carcinogenic hydrocarbons and Cook W. G. H. See Smith S . Corfield C. E. Editor of The Extvic Pharma-copoeia 855. Cosme L. See Marafion J. Coste J. H. and Garratt D. C. A specification for enamelled hollow-ware 215. Costeanu R. N. Detection and determination of gold by means of carbon monoxide 779. Cowap J. C. Report of the Government Analyst for Straits Settlements for the year 1934 472. Coward, K. Review of Bomskov’s Methodik der Vztaminforschung 348. Cowland A. N. Cox H. E. Review of Filby’s History of Food Adulteration 281. - Review of Handbuch der Lebensmittel-Chemie. Vol. VI Foodstuffs containing Alkaloids, Spices Salt 345; Vol. 11 Part 2 786. copper in milk 2.54. their relationship to the sterols 830. See Woodard W.A. - Review of Parry’s Shellac 434. - Review of Thorpe’s Dictionary o j Applied Chemistry Supplement Vol. 11 645. - The chemical examination of furs in relation to dermatitis. VI The identification of vegetable and other dyes 793. - The composition of fish pastes 71. Cox H. E. and Lewin J. U. The chemical examination of furs in relation to dermatitis. V The action of acid on Bandrowski’s base, 350. Craven E. @. Craveg S. W. Crews 5. K. - See also Cocking T. T. See Pemberton E. S . See Colbeck E. W. See Allport N. L vi INDEX TO Crockford H. D. and Brawley D. J. Solubility of lead sulphate in water and aqueous sul-phuric acid 196. Cross A. E. See Markwell W. A. N. Crossley H. See Strafford N. Csonka F. A. Proteins of yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae) 486.Cumrnhg A. C. and Kay S. A. A Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis 130; 6th Ed. (Review) 503. Cunningham A. Practical Bacteriology An Introductory Course for Students of Agricul-ture 2nd Ed. 130; (Review) 280. D Dadswell H. E. and Eckersley A. M. Identifi-cation of the principal commercial Australian timbers other than Eucalyps 616. Dalrymple-Champneys Sir W. The supervision of milk pasteurising plants 408. Damon W. A, and Wylam B. Report of the Chief Inspectors under Alkali etc. Works Regulation Act for the year 1934 690. Danckwortt P. W. Lumineszenz-Analyse im Filtrierten Ultravioletten Licht 3rd Ed. (Review) 68. Daron A. See Nottin P. Da-Tchang T. and Houong L. Precipitation of titanium as phosphate 638.Daubney C. G. The determination of small quantities of chlorine in commercial benzalde-hyde 29. Davidson J. and Le Clerc J. A. New method for the determination of the acid-base balance in food materials 262. Davies W. L. Composition of commercial dried whey 827. Dawson T. R. and Porritt B. D. Rubber. Physical and Chemical Properties (Review), 857. Day F. E. Dean H. K. De Beus J. de Brouck&e L. and Solowiejczyk S. Colori-metric determination of copper as copper sulphide 197. Deischer C. K. and McNabb W. M. Deter-mination of the calcium and phosphate content of bones 750. Delaby R. and Sabetay S. Determination of free primary and secondary alcohols in the presence of tertiary alcohols in essential oils by acetylation in pyridine 838.Delorme J. See Riou P. Denham W. S. and Dickinson E. Stains to distinguish fibroin and silk gum 335. Deniges G. Colorimetric micro-determination of caffeine 200. de Saint-Mais J. See Woog P. Desseigne G. See Vandoni R. D’Estivaux L. B. Intense development of thx “tourne” bacterium in a highly alcoholic medium 630. Dickinson E. See Denham W. S. Diemair W. Bleyer B. and Schneider .L. Detection and determination of gluconic acid, 480. See Hopkins R. H. See Banks A. See Reith J. F. VOLUME 60 Diemair W. Mayr F. and Tiiufel K. Supposed diminution of lecithin in egg-paste products, 254. Dobbins J. T. and Sanders J. P. Volumetric determination of nickel and cobalt 54. Dodd F. R. and Louden C. R. The effect of grinding in a power mill on the albuminoid content of feeding stuffs 299.Donovan W. Report of the Dominion Analyst for New Zealand for the year 1933 102. DorBe C. Obituary of C. F. Cross 437. Doyle W. M. See Bannister C. 0. Drawe P. Determination of lead in glass 637. Drevon B. Determination of oxydimorphine, 707. Drummond J. C. Drummond J. C. Bell M. E. and Palmer E. T. Observations on the absorption of carotene and ,vitamin A 564. Dubsky J. V. and Trtilek J. Mercurimetric iodine determination with diphenylcarbazide as indicator 200. Dubsky J. V and Wagner,. E. Micro detection of magnesium and aluminium with alkannin and naphthazarin 641. Dubsky,. J. V. Ok& A. and Trtilek J. Charac-teristic atomic groupings of bismuth 846. - Macro- and micro- tests for nitrous acid 200.Dudley H. C. and Byers H. G. Determination Dunn J. T. and Bloxam H. C. L. Shredded Dunn L. R. L. Note on the determination of Dyer B. Address a t the Annual General Meet-See Thorbjarnarson T. of selenium in organic materials 270. suet A new material used for coating 320. free silica in coal-measure rocks 35. ing 214. E Eble K. and Pfeiffer H. Investigation of eggs, Eckersley A. N. See Dadswell H. E. Edwards F. W. Report of the Public Analyst for Hammersmith for the year 1934 754. - Report of the Public Analyst for the Royal Borough of Kensington for the First Quarter, 1935 406. Edwards F. W. Parkes E. B. and Nanji H. R. A note on the analysis of iodine ointments, 747. - Method for determining “available” and “total” carbon dioxide in baking powders and self-raising flours 814.Edwards K. B. and Lacey R. Ethylene glycol monoacetate as a selective solvent for the separation of paraffins from other oils 717. Eegriwe E. Reactions and reagents for the detection of organic compounds 111 189. Ehrenberg R. See Scheibe G. Ehrmann W. See Hecht F. Eichler H. Detection of chlorine and bromine in gases or solutions by means of resorufin 121. - Detection of diazonium salts and primary amines by means of resorufin 190. - Detection of hydrosulphite and nascent hydrogen by means of resazurin 121. - Detection of nitrite with Magdala red 274. Eli= A. Microchemical colorimetric deter-478. mination of sodium 783 INDEX TO Elliott M. See Toennies G. Ellison L. R. and Hall G. F. The effect of varying storage conditions on the deteriora-tion of ergosterol 92.Elsdon G. D. Report of the Public Analyst for the County Palatine of Lancaster for the year 1934 468. Elvehjem C. A. Emery W. O. and Fuller H. C. Determination ErdBlyi J. See Rosenthal E. Ermen W. F. A. Espezel P. See Jaulmes P. Espil L. - Use of methylal as a solvent in analysis 113. - See also Genevois L. Evans B. S. A device for preventing the loss of stoppers taps etc. 242. - A method for the determination of small amounts of zinc in commercial nickel 465. - A moving mercury cathode apparatus 389. - A new volumetric method for the deter-- A simple symphoning device 242. - Adapter collars for use in filtration 242. Evans H. M. See Lepkovsky S . Evers N. and Smith W. Characteristics of Eynon L.Review of Armstrong’s The Carbo-- Review of Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry 126. - Review of Lowry’s Optical Rotatory Powev, See Sherman W. C. of o-phenylphenol 634. for the detection of oxycellulose 426. Improved ferricyanide reagent Organic matter in sea-water 631. mination of beryllium 291. halibut-liver oils 418. hydrates 2nd Ed. 128. 499. F Fabre H. and Brhmond E. wines 46. Farmer E. H. Fashena G. J. Fauchet M. Identification of barbiturates in urine 51. Fame A. and Pallu R. Measurement of the colour of liquids. Application to wines 276. Fawcett G. S. A recommended standard pro-cedure for measuring the colour of oils 467. Fay M. See Bodansky M. Feamn W. R. and Gillespie W. A. Use of tartrazine in the determination of chlorides in biological material 193.Feigl F. Qualitative Analyse mit Hilfe von Tiipfelreaktionen 2nd Ed. (Review) 205. - Spot tests for organic compounds I 56. Feigl F. and Anger V. Spot tests for organic compounds 111 123. Feigl,.F. and Frehden 0. Spot tests for or-ganic compounds. VII Tests for CH,- and NH,-groups 720. Feigl F. Anger V. and Frehden 0. Spot tests for organic compounds 11 57; IV 123. Feigl F. Anger V. and Zappert R. Spot tests for organic compounds V 275; VI 342. Feldmann R. W. Determination of caesium as iodobismuthate 719. Ferguson A. Review of Katz’s Die Rontgen-spektrographie als Untersuchungsmethode 203. Ferguson W. S. Curves for use in the colori-metric estimation of carotene 680. Fluosilicates and See Brown W.B. See Trevorrow V. VOLUME 60 vii A History of Food Adulteration The Spirit of Chemistry (Review), Pectin in hops 766. Apparatus and methods for micro-sublimation 123. Detection of alde-hydes and ketones 11 124. Determination of small amounts of methyl alcohol in presence of ethyl alcohol and its homologues in large quantities 632. Fleck H. R. The detection and determination of triethanolamine 77. Fleck H. R. Holness R. F. G. and Ward A. M. Note on some examples of fluorescence acidi-metric and absorption indicators 32. Forster R. B. Action of hot concentrated sul-phuric acid on dyes 117. - Identification of metanilic and sulphanilic acids 53. Fox J. J. Discussion on quantitative spectro-scopy and its analytical applications 3. Fraps G S..Fudge, J. F. and Carlyle E. C. Determination of iodine in soils 631. Frederick R. C. The examination of thera-peutic oxygen 581. Frehden 0. See Feigl F. Freise F. W. - Essential oils from mushrooms 414. Fridericia L. 5. Froboese V. New form of adulteration of eggs? Frum F. S. See Burstein A. I. Fudge J. F. See Fraps G. S. Fuller H. C. See Emery W. 0. Funk H. and Romer F. and mercury with anthranilic acid 494. Fuson R. C. See Shriner R. L. Filby F. A. Findlay A. Fink H. and Hartmann J. Fischer R. Fischer R. and Moor A. Flanzy M. and Analysis 206; (Review) 281. 578. Brazilian “Cedro” wood oil 191. See Lund H. 253. Determination of lead G Galloway L. D. Moisture requirements of mould fungi with special reference to mildew in textiles 425.Deterioration value (Verdorbenheitszahl) . Iodimetric determina-tion of the oxidised products in fats and oils, 183. Gamatt D. C. Extraction of lead by means of diphenylcarbazone 8 17. - Review of Moor and Partridge’s Aids to the Analysis of Foods and Drugs 5th Ed. 646. - The application of the furfural test for inint oils to other essential oils 595. - The detection of Japanese mint oil in pepper-mint oils 369. - See also Coste J. H. Gaskin J. G. N. A new reagent for eliminating the interference due to calcium in the volu-metric Fehling’s titration for invert sugar 318. Gattelain E. See Bougault J . Genevois L. Genevois L. and Espil L. Extraction of zymoflavine by means of methylal 111. Gerlach W. and W. Clinical and Pathological Application of Spectrum Analysis 130 ; (Review) 204.Gangl J. and Rumpel W. Flavine in white wines 105 viii INDEX TO Gersdorff W. A. Quantitative relationship between the constitution and toxicity of some rotenone derivatives 715. Geyr J. See Kofler A. Ghose M. N. and Bhattacharjee,. S. N. Deter-mination of physiological activity of hemp resin by a polarimetric method 313. Ghose M. N. and Pal H. I(. Colour reactions for the identification of hydrogenated fish oils 240. Ghosh A. R. and Guha B. C. Vitamin C in hdian foodstuffs 424. Gibson D. T. and Caulfield T. H. Micro-volumetric determination of methoxyl 845. - Micro-volumetric determination of sulphur in organic compounds containing halogen and nitrogen 522. Gillam A. E. See Booth R.G. Gillam A. E. and Heilbron I. M. Carotenoids - Vitamin A-active substances in egg-yolk 564. Gillespie W. A. Ginsburg S. and Pringsheim M. H. Elimina-tion of phosphoric acid in qualitatj ve micro-analysis 783. Girault F. and J. Gittel W. See Hiltner Mi. Givens J. W. Almauist H. J. and Stokstad, of butter 564. See Fearon W. R. E. L. R. shell 764. TransmGsion of light through egg: Glasstone S. Review of Jorgensen’s Wasser-Glickmann I. Glover P. M. Goettsch E. and Kendall F. E. Analysis of albumin and globulin in biological fluids by the quantitative precipitin method 422. Gonzalez-Carrero J. Determination of bismuth in medicinal substances 626. Goswami H. C. and Sarkar P. B. Triple nitrites of the rare earths and a micro-test for caesium 848.Goswami M. Shaha A. and Mukerjee B. Colorimetric test for compounds containing CH CH and CH groupings contiguous to negative groups 114. Graham J. I. See Haldane J . S. Graham M. See McHenry E. W. Grant J. Review of Starck’s Volumetric Analyszs 129. - Revision of Perkin’s Qualitative Chemical Analysis 5th Ed. 789. - Use of ultra-violet light as a sensitive method for the measurement of the degree of water-resistance of paper 60. Grassner F. See Lucas R. Greenbaum F. R. Separation of tyrosine from large amounts of cystine 486. Greenberg D. M. Anderson C. and Tufts E. V. Use of a closed titration flask in the bromo-metric determination of magnesium with 8-hydroxyquinoline in tissues and urine 832. Greenwood G. N. Griebel C. Grimmett R.E. R. and Shorland F. B. Some characteristics of “limonites” used in the cure and prevention of bush sickness 87. Grinling G. N. Commercial ground almonds and their adulteration 461. stoff-Ionenkonze~ztration ( p H ) 854. See Whittaker R. M. See Norris D. See Lathbury K. C. Counterfeit truffle preserve 479. VOLUME 60 Gros R. Colour-scale for the rapid determina-tion of nitrates in water 774. Grossfeld J. and Kanitz H. R. Detection of coal-tar colours in hens’ eggs 700. Grossfeld J. and Lindemann E. Content of chlorides calcium and magnesium in the cocoa nib 256. Grossfeld J. and Peter J. Detection of altered eggs 253. - Detection of margarine and hardened oils in foodstuffs 105. Guillot J. Fluorescence of olive oils. Influence of pigments 432.- Ultra-violet absorption of certain vegetable oils as an indication of their industrial treat-ment 432. Guldina E. J. Gull H. C. Guthrie F. C. and Nance J. T. See Tschernichow J . A. Measurement of the small volumes of nitrogen obtained by the micro-Dumas method 401. Revision of Cumming and Kay’s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis 6th Ed. 503. H Haas P. Liberation of methyl sulphide by sea-weed 628. - Review of Meirion Thomas’s Plant Physzo-logy 788. Haddock L. A. The determination of traces of thallium in presence of other metals 394. Haehn H. and Leopold H. Influence of anti-septics on yeast autolysis 193. Hahn F. L. Reactions occurring in the iodi-metric determination of chromate 430. Haigh L. D. Use of AspergiZZus niger in testing potash availability (in fertilisers) 630.Haitinger M. Collected references. Fluores-cence methods in micro-analysis 201. Haldane J. S. and Graham J. I. Methods of Air Analysis 4th Ed. (Review) 278. Haley D. E. Hall G. F. Hall G. F. and Powell A. D. Analysis of acriflavine B.P. and neutral acraflavine 108. Hall M. See Adams J . Hall W. T. Textbook of Quantitative Analysis, 2nd Ed. (Review) 853. Hamence J. H. A modified procedure for the detection of nitrates in milk 532. Hardman A. F. and Barbehenn H. E. Volu-metric method for the determination of free sulphur in rubber 337. Hardon H. J. and Wirjodihardjo W. Deter-mination of magnesium in extracts of soil in hydrochloric acid by the oxine method 52. Hardtl H. Microscopy of the husks of the principal cereals 326.Hart E. B. See Sherman W. C. Hartmann J. See Fink H. Harvey C. 0. biological substances 762. Harwood H. F. Haslam J. Hattersley C. See Jenson C. 0. See Ellison L. R. The determination of iodine in See Bennett H. The oxalates of calcium strontium, The identification of common barium and magnesium 668. edible sea fish 69 INDEX TO Heading W. R. Analysis of some mercurial Heap M. E. See MacLeod F. L. and Others. Hecht F. and Ehrmann W. Determination of thorium with o-hydroxyline 272. - Quantitative determination of thorium by nieans of picrolonic acid 272. Heczko T. Precipitation of aluminium by means of o -hydroxyquinoline in presence of iron nickel cobalt copper chromium and molybdenum 120.Sulphate “pictures” as a means of identifying inks and estimating the relative ages of writing 338. Hegland J. M. A. Titration of barbital with silver nitrate by the method of H. Budde 259. Heilbron I. I. See Gillam -4. E. Heisig G B. and L. K. Identification of halides in presence of thiocyanate 639. Henderson J. B. Report of the Government ,4nalyst for Queensland for year ended June 30th 1934 40. Hendricks S. B. Hendry J. and Berry P. A. Eucalypt01 and Henne A. L. See Scott E. W. Henneberg W. See Heucke L. Henry K. M. See Icon S . K. Henville D. Report of the Borough Analyst Herd C. W. Review of Kent-Jones’s The Herzenstein H. See Cherbuliez E. Heucke L. and Henneberg W. Detection of volutin in the living yeast cell by means of neutral red 193.Heukers R. T. Hildebrand F. C. Hilditch T. P. ointments 109. Heess W. See Msrkley K. S. eucalyptus oil. B.P. revision 481. for Stepney for the year 1934 552. Practice and Science of Breadmakzng 203. See Miinch A. P. W. Some characteristic features of the glycerides present in marine animal oils, 568. Component fatty acids of glycerides of partly hydrogenated rape oil 839. - Kate of formation of fully-saturated gly-cerides during hydrogenation of different natural fats 828. Rilditch T. P. and Rigg J. G. Component glycerides of piqui-a fats 417. Hilditch T. P. and Stainsby W. J. Compound glycerides of hen body-fats 559. Hill W. L. See Whittaker C. W. Hillen J. Tests of the suitability of acetic acid for clinical work 47.Hiltner W. and Gittel W. Separation of mercury from arsenic antimony and tin 428. Hinck C. F. See Soyenkoff B. C. Hind H. L. See Hopkins R. H. Hinks E. Hirano S. Determination of urushiol in Ho K. Wan S. and Wen S. H. Iodine value Hodgson T. R. Appointed Agricultural Analyst Holborow A. 6. Report of the City Analyst Holdridge C. E. See Caldwell M. L. - See also Hanks A. Hilditch T. P. and Paul H. See Moir D. D. lacquer 572 718. of tung oil 569. for the County Borough of Stockport 35. for Gibraltar for the year 1934 817. See McClendon J . F. VOLUME 60 ix Hollens W. R. A. and Spencer J. F. Electro-metric determination of thallium 672. Holley K. T. Pickett T. A. and Brown W. L. Iodine-content of Georgia vegetables and water as a factor in its variation 622.Holness R. F. G. Holt 1 . L. Holter H. See Linderstrom-Lang K. Holter H. and Andersen B. See Fleck H. R. Study of Dotreppe’s method for the Comparison of the pepsin and rennin activities of the gastric secretion of different animals 110. Honigschmid 0. Hopkins R. H. Hind ,H. L. and Day,. F. E. Malt analysis. British and Continental methods and the interrelationship of results, 108. HorvAth I. Composition of Szegeder Edelsuss paprika meal products 889. Hossack J. The determination of esters in alcoholic liquids 170. Houong L. See Da-Tchang T. Howell S. F. See Sumner 3 . B. Howes ,H S. Review of Hall’s Textbook of Qztantztatzve Analysis 2nd Ed. 853. Hughes E. B. Liesegang rings. Methods of analysis for the determination of silver, chromate etc.in gelatin or agar gel 309. Hulton H. F. E. Hurd L. C. and Reynolds F. Use of CJJCZO-hexanol in the colorimetric determination of molybdenum 54. determination of tungsten 54. See Baxter G. P. See Baker j. L. I Inaba T. and Kitagawa K. China jute seed and oil 335. Innes R. F. Acetone method for the deter-mination of sulphuric acid and buffer salts in x:egetable-tanned leather 491. Ishikawa H. See Kobayashi K. Itter S. Orent E. R. and McCollum E. V. Effective method of extracting vitamin B, 264. Iyer Y. V. S. Characteristics of sandalwood seeds and seed oil (Mysore) 319. J Jacobsen J. E. Causes of the instability of vitamin C in milk 565. Jamet A. Use of kaolin in the method for determining non-tannins 776.Jarussowa N. Use of pine-needle concentrate to render canned preserves antiscorbutic 666. Jaulmes P. and Espezel P. Determination of acetaldehyde in wines and spirits 703. Jay B. A. Polystictus versicolor (Wood-rotting fungus) 267. Jean M. L. Determination of small quantities of iodide. Application to the determination of chromate and silver 429. Jenkins S. H. Jensen C. O. and Haley D. E. Nicotine-content of tobacco smoke 839. Jephcott C. M. Determination of methyl alcohol in the air 588. Jirak L. See Tanke A. Jirkovsky R. Collected references. Electro-graphic methods 123. See Norman A. G x INDEX TO Johnson A. H. See Conn L. W. and Others. Jones A. 0. Review of Annual Reports of the Progress of Applied Chemistry 1934 Vol. XIX, 346.- Review of Tinkler and Masters’ Applied Chemistry Vol. I 3rd Ed. 501. Jordan Lloyd D. Review of Oppenheimer’s Chemische Grundlagen der Lebznsvorgunge 724. Jorgensen H. Wasserstoff -1onenkonzen tra tion (PH) (Review) 854. Joyet-Lavergne P. Research on vitamin A in animal and plant cells 195. Juckenack A. See Bomer A. K Kahane E. Kamerman P. and Clintworth H. Kanitz H. R. Kar H. A. Determination of copper in copper-Karpenko V. See Conn L. W. and Others. Karssajewskaja M. P. See Tschernichow J . A. Katz J. R. Die Rcntgenspektrographie als Untersuchungsmethode 130; (Review) 203. Kay S. A. Kay W. W. and Sheehan H. L. Preparation, storage and use of standard carbonate-free sodium hydroxide solutions 119. Keilling J. Kelley E. G. and Miller E.G. Colour reaction of manganese with formaldoxime 573. Influence of Fertilisers on the Nitrogen and Carbon Cycles in Soils 130. See Grossfeld J. molybdenum steel 495. See Cumming A. C. Pink stains in cheeses 255. Reactions of dyes with cell substances. I Staining of isolated nuclear substances. 11 Differential staining of nucleoprotein and mucin by thionine and similar dyes 627. Kenda.U F. E. Kent-Jones D. W. Review of Cereal Laboratory Methods 3rd Ed. 727. - The Practice and Science of Breadmaking (Review) 203. Xidd F. The refrigerated gas-storage of apples 757. Kirk P. L. Quantitative drop analysis. 111, The Kjeldahl nitrogen determination and determination of non-protein nitrogen of blood 642. See Goettsch E. - See also Bullock B.Kitagawa K. See Inaba T. Kleiner I. S. Klinc E. Determination of butyric acid in wine and vinegar 623. Kluge H. Distinction between egg-yolk and vegetable lecithin in food-pastes 254. - Toxicological detection of ergot 266. Knight H. G. See Byers H. G. Eniphorst L. C. E. See Kruisheer C. I. Knowles H. B. See Tauber H. Use of 8-hydroxyquinoline in the determination of aluminium beryllium and magnesium 777. Kobayashi K. and Ishikawa H. Detection of Japanese acid clay by the colour reaction of benzidine solution 720. Eoenig E. W. Determination of alkalis in felspar 843. Kofler A. and Geyr J. Detection of coumarin, 58. VOLUME 60 Kolthoff I. M. and Stenger V A. Calcium hypochlorite as a volumetric oxidising agent. Determination of ammonia 341.Komori S. See Ueno S . Kon S. K. See Booth R. G. Kon S. K. and Henry K. 1: Koolhaas D. R. Korenman I. M. Detection of ferricyanide in presence of ferrocyanide 639. - Use of indigo carmine in micro-volumetric analysis 782. Kosmin N. P. and Alakrinskaja K. A. Deter-mination of the acid value of flour-fat for judging the age of flour 416. Koszegi D. and Tomori N. Volumetric deter-mination of iodine in mercury compounds 340. Koyanagi H. See Tsujimoto M. Kramer J. See Lehrman L. Kremer J. N. Krishna S. Krishnan P. S. Kroner E. Determination of tellurium in Kruh 0. See Krumholz P. Kruisheer C. I. Vorstman N. J. M. and Kniphorst L. C. E. Determination of hydroxy methylfurfural and of laevulosin in port wines and other sweet wines 704.Krumholz P. and Kruh 0. Detection of cadmium as selenide 636. Krumholz P. and Sanchez J. V. Detection of zinc by induced precipitation 58. Kiihnel Hagen S. Test for small amounts of fluorine 125. Kulman,. J. Determination of bromates in flour 104. Effect of feeding cacao shell to cows on the vitamin D content of butter (milk) 836. See Rowaan P. A. See Tananaeff N. A. See Puntambekar S. V. See Aiyar S . S . tellurium-lead 431. L Lacey R. Lamb J. D. and Smith S. Strophanthin of Strofihanthus Emini 483. Lampitt L. H. Review of Winton’s Stmcture and Composition of Foods Vol. 11 852. - See also Sylvester N. D. Lampitt L. H. and BushiU J. H. Erratum in Lampitt L. H. Sylvester N. D. and Bilham P. I A standardised method Landon 1.- Determination of peroxides in ether 260. Lang R. Volumetric determination of man-ganese by conversion into manganic salt 718. Lange N. A. Handbook of Chemistry (Review), 126. Lapin L. N. Diphenylcarbazide as a reagent for hydrogen peroxide 841. Lathbury K. C. and Greenwood G. N. In-fluence of the solvent on the biological assay of vitamin A 195. Lavine T. F. Iodimetric determination of cysteine 424. Lavollay J. Determination of base-exchange in soils by means of copper 775. Lawrence G. A. Analysis of meat and bone meals 611. See Edwards K. B. abstract on Dialysis of Milk 195. Irradiation of fats. of use of ultra-violet light 577. Auto-oxidation of ether 259 INDEX TO Lea C. H. Cold storage of poultry. Chemical changes in the fat of gas-stored chickens, 44.- Comparison of the susceptibilities of oils and fats to oxidation 114. - Taint production in the fat of chilled beef, 107. Lea H. T. Appointed Agricultural Analyst for the County Borough of Huddersfield 35. Lebeau P. See Baxter G. P. Le Clerc J. A. See Davidson J. Lecoq R. Substitution of glycerides by the corresponding fatty acids in a balanced ration 562. Lee W. The physical and chemical charac-teristics of turtle oil 650. Lehrman L. and Kramer J. Application of the benzoate method for the separation of iron, aluminium and chromium in qualitative analysis 197. Leopold H. See Haehn H. Lepkovsky S. h e r R. A. and Evans H. 1. Nutritive value of the fatty acids of lard and some of their esters 262. Lepkovsky S. Popper W.and Evans H. M. Concentration of vitamin G(B,) by adsorption and elution from fuller’s earth 195. Leroide J. and Bruiltet A. Volumetric deter-mination of manganese 573. Leroux L. Rapid determination of free chlorine in water 113. Lewin J. U. Review of Perkin’s Qualitative Chemical Analysis 5th Ed. 789. - Review of Van Nostrand’s Chemical Annual, 7th Issue 648. - See also Cox H. E. Lewis E. J. See Park B. Lewis M. N. See Thornton W. M. Lewis S J. Quantitative spectroscopy and its analytical applications 10. - Review of Twyman and Allsopp’s The Practice of Absorption Spectrophotometry 2nd Ed. 127. Lickorish A. J. C. Report of the Public Analyst for the City of London for 1933 36. Lindemann E. See Grossfeld J. Linderstrdm-Lang K. Palmer A.H. and Holter H. Micro-determination of chloride in tissues 421. Lindner J. Mikro-Massanalytische Bestimmung des Kohlenstoffes und Wasserstoffes 728. Lindner I(. Determination of true complex sulphonic acids in materials used in the textile and tanning industries 490. Lindsey A. J. The electrolytic determination of lead as dioxide and its conversion into mon-oxide by ignition 598. - The micro-electrolytic determination of bis-muth and lead and their separation by graded potential 744. Lindsey A. J. and Sand H. J. S. The applica-tion of controlled potential to microchemical electrolytic analysis 739. Lobo R. See Chkramy P. Loch P. Apparatus for the quantitative Louden C. R. See Dodd F. R. Lowry T. 1. Optical Rotatory Power (Review), recovery of dialysates 642.499. VOLUME 60 xi Lucas A. Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries 2nd Ed. (Review) 64. - Review of Partington’s Origins and Deuelop-ment of Applied Chemistry 498. Lucas C. C. See Ross J. R. Lucas R. and Grassner F. Collected references. Application of catalysis in micro-analysis 848. Lumsden J. See Okell F. L. Lund H. Spur B. and Fridericia L. 8. Bio-logical and titrimetric determination of vitamin C 112. Lundstrom F. 0. See Whittaker C . W. Lynch G. R. Review of Smith and Cook’s revision of Taylor’s Principles and Practice of Medical Jurisprudence 643. Lyons C. G. and Appleyard F. N. Elementary Analytical Chemistry (Clowes and Coleman), 12th Ed. 130; (Review) 277. M Maass H. See Mehlitz A. Macara T. McCay L.W. McClendon J. F. and Holdridge C. E. McCollum E. V. McConnell F. J. Mach& A. McHenry E W. and Graham M. Observations on the estimation of ascorbic acid by titration, 835. MacKinney G. Leaf carotenes 773. - Properties of carotenes from certain roots and leaves a t various stages of development, 195. McLachlan T. Analysis of turpentine liniment, 685. - Detection of formaldehyde in milk 752. - Report of the Public Analyst for Fulham for the year 1934 753. McLa&n T. and Mathews D. M. The deter-mination of elemental sulphur 610. MacLeod F. L. and Others. Vitamin A content of sweet potato 487 Macmahon P. S. and Srivastava L. N. Some cryoscopic measurements of Indian milk 307. McMurray R. L. Volatile oil of yarrow (Achillea Millefolium Linne.) 258.- See also Norin G. McNabb W. M. See Deischer C. K. Madsen E. H. Carbon tetrachloride in chloro-form 329. Maile W. C. D. and Scott K. J. L. “Digesti-bility” of common foodstuffs as determined by radiography 192. Majundar A. K. See Riiy P. Mandeno J. L. See Andrew R. L. Manjunath B. L. and Siddappa S. Daturic acid from the seeds of Datura stramonium, Linn. 767. Manley C. H. - Report of the City Analyst for Leeds for the year 1934 685. Maraiion J. and Cosme L. Nitrogen distribu-tion and carbohydrate partition in Philippine rice bran 827. Margolic E. T. The composition of raspberries 592. Determination of molybdenum Iodine as silver molybdate 198. in cabbage 559. See Itter S . See Wilsdon B. H. Determination of ozone 496.Note on fish pastes 76. See Sandin R. B xii INDEX TO ,Mark H. See Scheibe G. Markley K. S. Hendricks S. B. and Sando C. E. Constituents of the wax-like coating of the pear Pyrus communis L. 767. Markwell W. A. N. Assay of Ext. Cocae Liq. B.P.C. and Ext. Cocae 419. Markwell W. A. N. and Cross A. E. The ex-amination of rubbed spearmint 748. Marriott R. H. Microscopical examination of leather. Optical properties of tanned fibres. I Refractive index of vegetable-tanned leather fibres 434. Marrison L. W. New test for phosphate and arsenate 784. Mashino M. Soya-bean proteins 716. Masters H. Mathews D. M. Matlack M. B. Matthews J. W. Mattill H. A. Mayer F. Mayerson H. S. Standardisation of photo-chemical methods for the measurement of solar ultra-violet radiation 723.Mayoroff S. N. Variations in the pH value during the souring of milk 556. Mayr F. See Diemair W. lease R. T. Determination of sulphur and sulphate in wool 271. Mehlitz A, and Maass H. Determination of the pectolytic power of filtration enzymes, 834. Melnikow N. N. Determination of copper in organic compounds 53. Memmler K. Editor of “The Science of Rubber,” 130; (Review) 347. Metcalfe C. R. Structures of some sandalwoods and their substitutes and other little-known scented woods 635. New method for the determination of small quantities of aluminium. Applica-tion to vegetable substances 119. See Tinkler C. K. See McLachlan T. Pigments of pink grape fruits, Review of Feigl’s Qualitative Citrus grandis (L, Osbeck) 622.Analyse m i t Hilfe von Tiipfelreaktionen 205. See Bradway E. M. See Nottbohm F. E. Meunier P. Meyer J. See Sartory A. and R. Meyer R. J. See Baxter G. P. Middleton H. Tests for elements in organic Miller E. G. Miller E. S. Determination of the common carotenoids and analyses of carotene and leaf xanthophyll in thirteen plant tissues 265. compounds 154. See Kelley E. G. Milton R. See Obermer E. Miskind D. See Tauber H. Mitchell A. D. Revision of Sutton’s A Syste-matic Handbook of Volumetric Analysis, 12th Ed. 850. Mitchell C. A. Obituary of C. T. Kingzett 649. - Obituary of A. J . Starey 349. - Review of Danckwortt’s Lumineszenz-Ana-lyse im Filtrierten Ultravioletten Licht 68. - Review of Patterson’s A German-English Dictionary f o r Chemists 2nd Ed.726. - Review of Rawling’s Infra-red Photography, 2nd Ed. 790. - The use of infra-red rays in the examination of inks and pigments 454. Mitchell J. S. Comparative composition and colour of commercial tomato juice 415. VOLUME 60 Moggridge R. C. G. and Ogston A. G Poten-tiometric titration of solutions of vitamin B,, 565. Moir D. D. and Hinks E. The determination of total alkaloids in cocoa and of cocoa-matter in flour confectionery 439. Molterer H. See Pavelka F. Momose I. See Sakuma I. Mond Sir Robert and Others. The Bucheum (Review) 65. Money C. P. Report of the States Analyst for the Island of Jersey for the year 1934 405. Monier-Williams G. W. Aluminium in food, 822. Monk H. E. Report of the City Analyst for Salford for the year 1934 819.Monnet R. Gravimetric and volumetric deter-mination of quinidine 708. - Identification of cinchona preparations by the erythroquin and thalleioquin reaction, 482. Montignie E. Effect of nitric acid fumes on certain elements 427. - Reactions of mercuric iodide 339. Moor A. See Fischer R. Moor C. G. and Partridge W. Aids to the Analysis of Food and Drugs 5th Ed. Revised by J . R. Nicholls 130; (Review) 646. loran T. Post-mortem and refrigeration changes in meat 485. Morgan R. S. and Pritchard H. Vitamin potency and associated characteristics of average cod-liver oil 355. Morrow C. A. Biochemical Laboratory Methods, 504. Morton R. A. Review of Gerlach’s Clinical and Pathological Applications of Spectrum Analysis, 204.- The Application of Absorption Spectra to the Study of Vitamins and Hormones (Review), 724. Mukerjee B. See Goswami M. Mukherji K. C. Mukhopadhyay B. K. and Tampy K. K. A method for the quantitative determination of mechanical wood pulp unbleached chemical pulp and bleached chemical pulp fibres in paper and pulp 529. Munch A. P. W. and Heukers R. T. Deter-mination of naphthalene by means of picric acid 634. Munsey V. E. Determination of chlorine in the fat of flour 764. Murray W. See Budhalakoti U. D. See Colbeck E. W. N Nagasawa J. See Uchida S. Naidu S. R. Nance J. T. Nanji H. R. Natelson S. and Sohel A. E. New method for the separation of sterols from vitamin D-containing materials 488. Neal W. M. See Becker R. B. Needs F.E. Report of the Public Analyst for the City and County of Bristol for the year 1934 612. See Newcomb C. See Guthrie F. C. See Edwards F. W INDEX TO Neogi S. A rapid micro-bromide test for the detection of linseed oil in mustard seed oil 91. Newcomb C. Report of the Chemical Examiner for Madras for the year 1934 759. Newcomb C. Naidu S. R. and Varadachar, K. S. The determination of mercury in viscera 732. Nicholls J. R. Revision of Moor and Partridge’s Aids to the Analysis of Food and Drugs 5th Ed. 130. Nicol H. Ultra-violet fluorescence as a test for citrus oils. Determination of substances producing the fluorescence 433. Norin G.,. and McMurray R. L. Oils of Arte-misia rzgzda (Nutt.) Gray 481. Norman A. G. Composition of crude fibre 837.Norman A. G. and Jenkins S. H. Determina-. tion of lignin. I Errors introduced by the presence of certain carbohydrates. 11 Errors introduced by the presence of proteins 336. Norris D. Glover P. M. and Aldis R. W. Lac and the Indian Lac Research Institute 282; (Review) 436. Norns F. W. and Carter W. A. Determination of the diastatic power of malt by potassium ferricyanide titration 415. Nottbohm F. E. and Mayer F. Occurrence of betaine in wheat bran 622. Nottin P. and Daron A. Wheat-rye flour and bread 621. 0 Obermer E. and Milton R. Individual Health. Oberst F. W. Determination of sodium in Offord H. R. Rapid test for chlorate 341. Ogston A. G. See Moggridge R. C. G. Okhc A See Dubskp J. V. Okell F. L. Review of Sutton’s A Systematic Handbook of Volumetric Analysis 12th Ed., 850.Okell F. L. and Lumsden J. A contribution to the iodimetric titration of tin 803. Olcott H. S. Anti-oxidants and the auto-oxidation of fats 11 114. - Biological utilisation of esters of vitamin E, 713. Olmsted W. H. See Williams R. D. Olsen J. C. Editor of Van Nostrand’s Chemical Annual 7th Issue (Review) 648: Oppenheimer C. Chemische Grundlagen der Lebensvorgange 130; (Review) 724. Orent E. R. See Itter S. Ormont B. and Ssamoilow A. Volumetric determination of boron nitride 719. Ostroumow E. A. See Tscenvjakow N. I. O’Sullivan D. The influence of amyl ether on the indicated fat percentage in the Gerber process 301. Ouer R. A. Owens J. S. Measurement of ultra-violet radiation in daylight 784.P Vol. I Biochemical Technique 282. human red blood cells 194. See Lepkovsky S. Page J. W. Page R. P. See Booher L. E. Report of the City Analyst for Portsmouth for the year 1934 612. VOLUME 60 Xiil Paillard H. See Briner E. Pal H. K. Pallu R. See Faure A. Palmer A. H. Palmer E. T. Panciera Z. Park B. and Lewis E. J. Determination of Parkes E. B. See Edwards F. W. Parks W. G. and Prebluda H. J. Hexamine cobaltic compounds of vanadium 778. Parry E. J. Review of Lac and Indian Lac Research Institute 436. - Shellac Its Production Manufacture Chem-istry Analysis Commerce and Uses 282; (Review) 434. Partmgton J. R. Origins and Development of Applied Chemistry (Review) 498. Partridge W. See Moor C. G. Patterson A. M. A German-English Dictionary for Chemists 2nd Ed.206; (Review) 726. Paul H. Pavelka F. and Molterer H. Collected refer-ences. Spectral analysis 274. Pemberton E. S. Card S. T. and Craven E. C. Testing of acetone 567. Perkin F. M. Qualitative Chemical Analysis, 5th Ed. (Review) 789. Pesez M. Colour reaction of chloral and its application to the identification of syrup of chloral 625. See Ghose M. N. See Linderstr~m-Lang K. See Drummond J. C. See Bird J. C. small amounts of lead in copper 495. See Hilditch T. P. - New reaction of tartaric acid 558. - New specific reaction for yohimbine 709. - Test for citric acid and a reagent for the opium alkaloids and phenols 709. Peter A. Preliminary tests for the detection of small amounts of hydrogenated oils tallow and fats of the palm-fat group in lard 182.Peter J. See Grossfeld J . Pfeiffer H. See Eble K. Philippot L. Pickett T. A. See Holley K. T. Pickles J. See Woodard W. A. Pinten P. Artificial resins as containers for drugs 769. Piper C. 8. Volumetric determination of potas-sium by the cobaltinitrite method 198. Pistiner R. See Rappaport F. Pizer N. H. silicotungstic acid method 48. Plank E. Plenderleith H. J. Pollard N. Ponomarjeff W. D. Pope T. H. Popper W. See Lepkovsky S. Porritt B. D. Powell A. D. Powell A. R. Schoeller W. R. and J e C. Investigations into the analytical chemistry of tantalum niobium and their mineral asso-ciates. XXIX The separation of tungsten from titanium niobium tantalum and zir-conium 506. Prebluda H.J. See Parks W. G. Determination of cobalt by means of nitroso-/3-naphthol 429. Determination of nicotine by the Spot test for hydrogen peroxide 59. Review of Lucas’s Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries 2nd Ed. 64. A sound-proof box for electrically-driven laboratory centrifuges 752. Review of Annuli di Merceologia See Tananaeff N. A. Siciliana Vol. 11 727. See Dawson T. R. See Hall G. F xiv INDEX TO Prhgsheim 1. H. plritchard H. See Morgan R. S. Puntambekar S. V. and Krishna S. Some Pyke 1. A colorimetric method for the quanti-C. Carbohydrates of tobacco and their See Ginsburg S . Indian acorn oils 107. tative measurement of rancidity 515. significance 185. R Rae J. Colorimetric test for quillaia saponin, 186. Rappaport F.and D. Volumetric determina-tion of calcium in serum 199. Rappaport F. and Pistiner R. Volumetric micro-determination of sugar in blood (plasma, etc.) 199. Rawling S. 0. hfra-red Photography 2nd Ed. (Review) 790. R& P. amd Majundar A. K. Quinaldinic acid as an analytical reagent 494. Raymond E. Quantitative separation of nickel and cobalt by means of triethanolamine 574. Reas G. A. Influence of freezing temperatures on haddock’s muscle 192. Reid J. D. See Scanlan J . T . Reif G. Detection of trichlorotribenzylidene-sorbitol by means of acetone 181. - New reaction of Helvella esculenta 707. Reimers F. . Quantitative determination of diaminoacndine in euflavine 71 1. Reith J. F. and de Beus J. Determination of lead in potable waters 836.Reynolds F. Rhead E. L. Metallurgy. An Elementary Rider T. H. See Bambach K. R!gg. J. G. See Hilditch T. P. Rlley C. H. Separation and detection of cocaine in mixtures of cocaine and procaine 710. Riou P. and Delorme J. Presence of man-ganese in cane sugar and maple sugar 7 11. Ripan-Tilici R. Gravimetric determination of selenate 781. Ritsema I. C. Identification of gum arabic 259. Rittenberg D. Rogina B. Behaviour of citric acid in boiled milk 621. Romer F. See Funk H. Rooney T. E. and Stapslton A. G. Iodine method for the determination of oxides in steel 637. Rosanow S. N. Determination of fluorine in phosphorites by a simplified method 781. Roseman R. See Thornton W. M. Rosenthal E. and Erddlyi J. Remarks con-cerning the new colour reaction of vitamin A , 835.Rosenthal E. and Szilard C. New method of determining the vitamin A content of blood, 563. Rosen!haler L. Crystal formation by “salting out 721. Ross H. L. and Sehl F. W. Determination of free silica 276. Ross J. R. and LUCSS C. C. New method for the determination of minute amounts of lead in urine 833. See Hurd L. C. Text-book (Review) 647. See Schoenheimer I. R. VOLUME 60 Rowaan P. A. Chemical evaluation of plant materials containing rotenone (derris root, tube root etc.) 483. Rowaan P. A. and Koolhaas D. R. Deter-mination of citronella1 in Java citronella oil, 633. Rozeboom J. Detection of morphine in pa-paverine hydrochloride by means of iodic acid 482. - Distinction of chloroform and carbon tetra-chloride 560.Ruiz A. S. Rumpel W. See Gangl J. See Thorbjarnarson T. S Saber H. Sabetay S. See Delaby R. Sage C. E. - Review of The Extra Pharmaco?oeia Vol. 11, 855. Sakuma I. and Momose I. Colouring sub-stances of cane sugar I 479. Samisch R. Measurement of phenolase ac-tivity 712. Sanchez J. A. Colorimetric micro-determina-tion of morphine in opium and its prepara-tions 419. - New colour reaction of quinine quinidine and cupreine and its application to the deter-mination of quinine 184. - New method for the determination of pilo-carpine and its salts 420. - See also Krumholz P. Sand H. J. S. See Lindsey A. J . Sanders J. P. See Dobbins J. T. Sandin R. B. and Margo? E. T. Determina-tion of mercury in iodinated organic com-pounds 841.Sando C. E. See Markley K. S. Sandstrom W. M. Revision of Morrow’s Bio-chemical Laboratory Methods 504. Sarkar P. C. See Goswami H. C. Sartory A. and R. Meyer J. and Arnold F, Comparative estimations of phosphorus and potassium in an arable soil by Hilgard’s chemical method Neubauer’s biological method and Niklas’ method with Sterimato-cystis nigpa 488. Scanlan J. T. and Reid J. D. Benzoyl aura-mine G. A new indicator for Kjeldahl deter-minations 339. Schachowa M. A. See Tananaeff N. A. Schafer E. G. E. Scheibe G. Mark H. and Ehrenberg R. Physikalische Methoden der Analytischen Chemie Vol. I (Review) 63. Scheunert A. and Schieblich M. Vitamin A content of the herring 112. Schieblich M. See Scheunert A. Schmidt A. Differentiation of spirit vinegar and artificial vinegar 705.Schneider H. Schneider L. See Diemair W. Schnetka 1. Pasteurised milk 478. Schoeller W. R. Quantitative determination of pow-Obituary of P. A. W. Self 731. dered linseed 258. See Bird J. C. See Whitmore W. F. Review of Rhead’s Metallurgy, 647 INDEX TO &hoeller W. R. and Waterhouse E. F. In-vestigations into the analytical chemistry of tantalum niobium and their mineral associates. XXVIII The separation of the rare earths from the earth acids 284. Schoenheimer I. B. and Riaenberg D. Deuter-ium as an indicator in the study of inter-mediary metabolism 770. Schoorl N. Colour reaction of pyramidone 560. - Distinction between chloroform and carbon tetrachloride 626. Schulek E. a-Naphthoflavone as an indicator for bromate titrations 718.Schumb W. C. Schuster G. Action of Nessler’s reagent on some ketonic alcohols and ketonic acids 189. Schut W. Formol titration number as a means of evaluating fruit juices fruit-lemonade syrups jams and wines 557. Scott E. W. and Henne A. L. Titration of fluorine in biological materials 831. Scott K. J. L. Scott L. B. of fructose in blood 562. Segal B. Sehl F. W. See Ross H. L. Sekiguchi H. See Ueno S. Shaha A. See Goswami M. Shealy A. 11. See Becker R. B. Sheehan H. L. See Kay W. W. Sherman W. C. Elvehjem C. A. and Hart E. B. Further studies on the availability of iron in biological materials 49. Sherratt J. G. Water in bone meal and in meat and bone meal 170. Shishacow N. A. Electrometric analysis of ferrous sulphate solutions 83.Shorland F. B. Aluminium as an index of soil contamination 467. - See also Grimmett R. E. R. Shrewsbury H. S. Report of the Government Analyst for Trinidad and Tobago for the year 1934 825. Shriner R. L. and Fuson R. G. The Syste-matic Identification of Organic Compounds (Review) 852. Shupe I. S. Detection and determination of 2 4-dinitrophenol in tablets and capsules 768. Siddappa S. See Manjunath B. L. Sigwalt R. See Woog P. Simmons W. H. Linaloe oil Mexican and Indian 116. Simpson S. G. and Schumb W. C. Determina-tion of zirconium in ores by the selenite-phosphate method 273. Sinclair R. G. Metabolism of the phospholipids. The passage of elaidic acid into tissue phospho-lipids 832. Sinclair St.J. C. 0. Report of the Chief of the Division of Chemistry Union of South Africa, for the year ended June 30th 1933 101. Sivadjian J. Chloranil as a differential reagent for amines 425. Sloley R. W. Review of Mond’s The Bucheum, 65. Smith D. M. The use of the spectrograph in metallurgical analysis 17. Smith E. C. Scheme for the approximate determination of the proteins of muscle 44. See Simpson S. G. See Made W. C. D. New method for the determination Maize in South Africa 326. VOLUME 60 XV Smith (3. F. and G. P. Determination of chromium in stainless steel 574. Smith G. F. and Sullivan V. R. Determination of chromium in chrome-tanned leather 779. Smith G. S. Colour reactions of carbazides and carbamides with diacetyl and diacetyldioxime, 171.- The determination of small amounts of boron by means of quinalizarin 735. - The determination of magnesium in dura-lumin 812. Smith S. Smith S. and cook W. G. H. Revision of Taylor’s Prznczples and Practice of Medical Jurisprudence 130 ; (Review) 643. Smith W. See Evers N. Sohel A. E. Solowiejczyk S. Soyenkoff B. C. and Hinck C. F. Spacu P. Spencer J. F. Spielhaczek H. Spur B. See Lund H. Srivastava L. N. Ssamoilow A. See Ormont B. Stahl W. Stainsby W. J. Stapleton A. G. Starck H. P. Volumetric Analysis (Review), 129. Stathis E. Steenhauer A. J. The micro copper-pyridine Steger A, and Van Loon J. Ucuhuba fat, Steinmann A. Occurrence of acetaldehyde in Stenger V. A. See Kolthoff I. M. Stephens W. H. Review of Dawson and Porritt’s Rubber.Physical and Chemical Properties 857. Steuart D. W. Butyrised fats Butter-aroma, 172. - The acids of cider 88. Stevens W. H. Review of Memmler’s The Scaence of Rubber 347. Stevenson S. G. Review of “Analar” Standards f o r Laboratory Chemicals 63. - Review of Worrall’s Table of Incompatibles, 348. Stokstad E. L. R. Stoll A. and Burckhardt E. Ergobasine. A new alkaloid of ergot of rye 483. Strafford N. and Crossley H. The determina-tion of small amounts of sulphur in certain organic compounds 163. Strain H. S. Carotenes from difierent sources and some properties of a- and B-carotene, 773. Stuart L. S. See Balls A. K. Stubbs J. R. A modified Hortvet apparatus and the true freezing-point of milk 607. - A study of heat exchange in the cryoscopes of Hortvet and Monier-Williams for the deter-mination of the freezing-point of milk 600.See Lamb J. D. See Natelson S. See de Brouckbre L. Measurement of the PH value and acid-neutralising power of saliva 485. Separation of iron from cobalt 496. Determination of fluorine in See Hollens W. R. A. sulphuric acid and oleum 273. See Macmahon P. S. Determination of small quantities of boric acid by a flame-test 639. See Hilditch T. P. See Rooney T. E. New test for mercury 53. reaction of certain organic acids 577. 329. tropical fruits 703. See Givens J . W xvi INDEX TO Stubbs J. R.-continued. - The Hortvet freezing-point process for the examination of milk Correction factors and the influence of stirring I 147; 11 223; 111 233.Sullivan V. R. Sumner J. B. and Howell S. F. Method for the determination of sucrase activity 194. Sutton F. A Systematic Analysis 728; 12th Ed. (Review) 865. Sutton R. W. Report of the County Analyst for Derby for the year 1934 612. Swenson T. L. See Balls A. K. Sylvester N. D. Sylvester N. D. and Lampitt L. H. Szilard C. See Rosenthal E. See Smith G. F. See Lampitt L. H. The deter-mination of copper in foods with special reference to milk 376. T Taboury M. F. and Audidier H. Volumetric Tampy K. K. Tananaeff N. A. Alkalimetric determination of lead in alloys 428. - Identification of the alkaline earths in ad-mixture 575. Tananaeff N. A. and Kremer J. N. Argento-metric determination of sodium sulphide and sulphydrate 427.Tananaeff N. A. and Ponomarjeff W. D. Detection of arsenic in presence of antimony, 496. - Volumetric determination of mercuric chloride By means of lead sulphide 495. Tananaeff N. A. and Schachowa M. A. Ar-gentometric determination of alkali and sulphide in sodium aluminate 427. Tankard A. R. Report of the Public Analyst for the City and County of Kingston-upon-Hull for the year 1934 754. Tanke A, and Jirak L. Decomposition and preservation of eggs 701. Tauber H. Sensitive spot reaction for ascorbic acid (vitamin C ) 487 629. Tauber H. and Kleiner I. S. Enzymic method for the estimation of true vitamin C 712. - Quantitative determination of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 264. Tauber H. Kleiner I. S. and Miskind D. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C ) oxidase 629.Taufel K. and Thaler H. Structure of the cell-wall of coffee 329. Taurins A. Determination of cobalt as hexam-minecobaltous iodimercurate 638. Thaler H. See Taufel K. Thaysen A. C. Preservation of stock cultures of micro-organisms 1 12. Thomas M. Plant Physiology 728; (Review), 788. Thomson R. T. Obituary of R. R. Tatlock 132. Thorbjarnarson T. The liver oil of Norway haddock (Sebastes marinus) 525. Thorbjarnarson T. and Drummond J. C. Occurrence of an unsaturated hydrocarbon in olive oil 23. determination of arsenic acid 272. See Mukhopadhyay B. K. VOLUME 60 Thorbjarmson T. Santos Rub A. and Drnm-mond J. C. Selective adsorption in the examination of the unsaponifiable matter of marine oils 382. Thornton W. M. and Lewis M.N. Photo-graphy of fluorescent minerals 783. Thornton W. M. and Roseman R. Deter-mination of iron in presence of titanium, 429. Thorpe J. F. and Whiteley M. A. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry Supple-ment Vol. I1 (Review) 645. Tillmans J. See Bomer A. Tingle A. A qualitative reaction for the detec-tion of lignone sulphonates (sulphite waste liquor) 86. Tinkler,. C. K. and Masters H. Applied Chemistry. A Practical Handbook for Students of Household Science and Public Health Vol. I 3rd Ed. (Review) 501. Report of the County Analyst for Aberdeen for the year 1934 403. Precipitation of Z- di- and m-cystine by phospho-12-tungstic acid 773. Tolbert L. A. See MacLeod F. L. and Others. Tomori N. See Koszegi D. Tompsett S. L. Excretion of copper in urine and faeces and its relation to the copper content of the diet 331.Tompsett S. L. and Anderson A. B. Lead-content of human tissues and excreta 772. Toms H. Review of Bernhauer’s Einfuhrung an dze Organisch-chemische Laboratoriums-technik 788. - Review of Carothers‘ Organic Syntheses, Vol. XV 787. - Review of Lyons and Appleyard’s revision of Clowes and Coleman’s Elementary Ana-lytical Chemistry 12th Ed. 277. - Review of Weston’s Carbon Compounds, 6th Ed. 435. Toole E. J. See Andreadis T. B. Toyama Y. and Tsuchiya T. New stereoisomer of elaeostearic acid from the seed oil of karasu-uri (Trichosanthes cucumeroides) 571. - New stereoisomer of elaeostearic acid in pomegranate seed oil 570. Toyama Y. and Tutiya T. Iodine values of linolenic linolic and stearolic acids by the Wijs and Rosenmund-Kuhnhenn methods, 334.Electroscopic method for the detection of yellow phosphorus in the presence of tetraphosphorus ter-sulphide 849. Trebler H. A. See Conn L. W. and Others. Trevorrow V. and Fashena G. J. Determina-tion of iodine in biological material 628. Trotman S. R. Dermatitis in relation to knitted woollen goods 714. Trotman S. R. and Bell H. S. Determination of damage in silk 492. Trtilek J. See Dubskq J . V. Tschernichow J. A. and Guldina E. J. Volu-metric determination of beryllium and silicon in complex fluoride solution 638. Tschernichow J. A, and Karssajewskaja M. P. Volumetric determination of niobium 197. Tocher J. F. Toennies G. and Elliott M. Treadwell W. D.and Beeli C INDEX TO Tschernikhov J. A. and Uspenakasa T. A. Determination of stibnite sulphur in ores 844. Tscherwjakow N. I. and Ostroumow E. A. Detefmination of vanadium in uranium salts, 780. Tsuchiya T. See Toyama Y . !l!sujimoto M. Fatty acids of Japan wax 632. - Liver oil of the basking shark 489. - New hydrocarbon in liver oil of the basking - Shark-liver oils 632. Tsujimoto M. and Koyanagi H. Fatty sub-stances of Japanese shell-fish 418. - Whale-shark liver oil 633. Tucker J. M. and Burke T. E. The determina-tion of moisture in cereal products by dis-tillation with tetrachloroethane 663. Tufts E. V. See Greenberg D. M. Tutiya T. See Toyama Y . -man F. Instruments used for spectrum analysis and absorption spectrophotometry 4. Twyman F.and Allsopp C. B. The Practice of Absorption Spectrophotometry 2nd Ed. (Review) 127. shark 490. VOLUME 60 xvii U Uchida S. Ai S. and Nagasawa J. Fire-proof treatment of wood. I Apparatus for deter-mining the ignition-point of wood 498. Ueno S. and Komori S. Itoyo fish oil 706. Ueno S. and Sekiguchi H. Estimating dye-stuff intermediates by coupling 492. Ueno S. and Yamasaki R. Koryan (kaoliang) oil 418. Uspenskaya T. A. See Tschernikhov J. A. V Van Der Bie C. J. Comparison of commercial pectins 765. Vandoni R. and Desseigne G. Volumetric determination of camphor by the hydroxyl-amine method 776. Van Liempt J. A. M. and Visser S. H. R. Spectroscopic detection of argon in argon-nitrogen mixtures 60. Van Loon J. See Steger A. Van Nieuwenberg C.J. and Blumendal H. B. Cerimetric titration of small amounts of iron, with the use of aa’-dipyridyl as an indicator, 847. Van Zijp C. Ammonium molybdate as a micro-chemical reagent 431. Varadachar K. S. Vigni R. See Bellucci I . Visser S. H. R. See Van Liempt J. A. M. Vogt E. Occurrence of sorbitol in pure grape wines 704. Volger H. See Werner H. Von Darhyi J. and von Vitdz St. Animal ex-periments on the influence of “improvers” in flour 421. Von der Heide C. and Zeisset W. Determina-tion of the extract in wine 327. Von Vitdz St. See von DarAnyi J. Vorstman N. J. M. Voyatzakis E. Volumetric determination of See Newcomb C. See Kruisheer C. I. coDDer. 196. W Wachsmuth H. See Wuyts H. Wagenaar 1. Microchemical reactions of pyra-- Microchemistry of antipyrine 576.- Microchemistry of diethyl bromoacetyl urea (adaline) 58. Wagner E. Wallis K. Report of the Government Analyst for British Guiana for the year 1933 181; for the year 1934 619. Wallis T. E. A counting-field finder 520. Wsllis T. E. and Withell E. R. Fluorescence and detection of rhapontic rhubarb 126. Walter E. D. See Burrell R. C. Waltzinger E. Diastase in mixtures of artificial Wan S. See Ho K. Ward A. M. Ward T. J. - Review of Findlay’s The Spirit of Chemistry, 578. Wasitzky A. Collected references. Carbohy-drates 11 274. Waterhouse E. F. Webber 1. E. Histological characteristics of plants grown in toxic concentrations of boron, 489. Weiser H. B. Inorganic Colloid Chemistry, Vol. 11 Hydrous Oxides and Hydroxides 728.Wellings A. W. The direct titration of soluble orthophosphates with lead acetate in the presence of dibromofluorescein as adsorption indicator 3 16. Wen S. H. Wenker H. Indicator properties of dinitro-aniline azo dyestuffs 270. Wenusch A. Occurrence of hydrogen sulphide in tobacco smoke 830. - Occurrence of resins in tobacco smoke 260. Werner H. and Volger H. Detection of rye and wheat flour in mixtures by the trifructosan content 702. Werz W. Determination of molybdenum in steel and its separation from tungsten 340. Weston F. E. A Scheme for the Detection of the More Common Classes of Carbon Com-pounds 6th Ed. 282; (Review) 435. Obituary of Leonard Archbutt 579. Chemical method for estimat-See Thorpe J . F. midone 575.See Dubskl J. V. and natural honeys 256. See Fleck R. H. Review of Blacktin’s Dust 66. See Schoeller W. R. See Ho K. White J. Whitehorn J. C. Whiteley M. A. Whitmore W. F. and Schneider H. Chemical microscopy of gold and the platinum group, 781. Whittaker C. W. Lundstrom F. O. ,and Hill, W. L. Determination of mono-calcium phos-phate by means of urea 334. Whittaker R. M. and Glickmann I. Oxidation of rotenone by copper in an alkaline medium, 188. Wiertelak J. See Campbell W. G. Williams H. A. Williams K. A. ing epinephrine (adrenaline) in blood 331. Tin and lead in canned fish, 683. Review of Shriner and Fuson’s The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds 852. - See also Bolton. E. R xviii INDEX TO Willbuy R.D. and Olmsted W. H. Bio-chemcal method for determining indigestible residue in faeces 330. Willimott S. G. Report of the Government Analyst for Cyprus for the year 1933 179. Wilsilon B. E. and McConnell F. J. Measure-ment of atmospheric sulphur pollution by means of lead peroxide 122. Wilson D. 1. Analysis of asphalt bitumen and tar materials used in road construction 117. - New B.S.I. specification (for asphaltic com-positions) and the chemist 839. - Verification of specifications for asphalt 493. Wilson J. B. Determination of methyl alcohol in alcoholic products 776. Winton A. L. and E. B. Structure and Com-position of Foods. Vol. 11 Vegetables and Fruits 728; (Review) 852. Wirjodihsrdjo W. See Hardon H. J. Withell E. R. See Wallis T. E. Wokes F.The acetonitrile test for thyroid 485. Woodarp W. A. and Cowland A. N. The question of tannin in matC 135. Woodsrd W. A. and Pickles J. Stability of mixtures of hydrogen peroxide and ethyl alcohol 47. VOLUME 60 Woodward G. E. Glyoxalase as reagent for the quantitative micro-extimation of glutathione, 423. Woog P. Sigwalt R. and de Saint-llllsis J. Rapid method for determining hydrogen sulphide in gaseous mixtures 640. Worrall W. R. Tables of Incompatibles 282; (Review) 348. Wright W. Obituary of H. C. H. Candy 730. Wuyts H. and ,Wachsmuth H. Use of thio-hydrazides as reagents for aldehydes 839. Wylam B. See Damon W. A. Y Yamasaki R. See Ueno S. Z See von der Heide C. Zappert R. See Feigl F. Zeisset W. Zimmermann E. W. and powder 698.Iron gallate inks-liqui INDEX TO VOLUME 60 xix INDEX TO A Aberdeen Report of the County Analyst for - for the year 1934. J. F. Tocher 403. Abortion drug. 472. Absorption Spectra; Application of - to the study of vitamins and hormones. (Review), R. A. Morton 724. spectrophotometry ; Instruments used for -. F. Twyman. 4. Spectrophotometry ; The Practice of -. 2nd Ed. F. Twyman and C. B. Allsopp (Review) 127. Acetaldehyde in tropical fruits; Occurrence of -. -4. Steinmann 703. in wines and spirits; Determination of -. P. Jaulmes and P. Espezel 703. Tests for suitability of - for clinical work. J. Hillen 47. Weak -. 468. Acetone as means of detecting trichlorobenzyli-denesorbitol. G. Reif 181. as means of extracting barbituric acid deriva-tives from viscera.P. Ch6ramy and R. Lobo 50. method for determining sulphuric acid and buffer salts in vegetable-tanned leather. R. F. Innes 491. method for measuring the “acidity” of vegetable-tanned leather. W. R. Atkin, 491. method of measuring ultra-violet radiation, 410. Testing of -. E. S. Pemberton S. T. Card and E. C. Craven 567. Acetonitrile test for thyroid. Acetyl Methyl Carbinol Determination of diacetyl and -. Achema Jahrbuch . 130. Rchillea Millefolium Linn. Volatile oil of yarrow. R. L. McMurray 258. Acid-neutralising power of saliva ; Measurement of -. B. C. Soyenkoff and C. F. Hinck 485. Acid-Base balance in food materials; New method of determining -. J. Davidson and J. A. Le Clerc 262. Acidimetric indicators in fluorescence analysis ; Some examples of -.H. R. Fleck, R. F. G. Holness and A. &!I. Ward 33. Acids Action of Nessler’s reagent on some ketonic -. G. Schuster 189. Fatty -. See Fatty Acids. Highly unsaturated - from oiticica oil W. B. Brown and E. H. in therapeutic oxygen. 581. of Chinese and esparto grass waxes. organic -; See Organic Acids. Acetic Acid in cider. 89. F. Wokes 485. C. R. Barnicoat 653. (Licania rigida). Farmer 570. F. J. E. Collins 269. SUBJECTS. Acorn oils; Some Indian -. S. V. Pintam-bekar and S. Krishna 107. Acriflsvine Analysis of - B.P. and neutral -. Adaline Microchemistry of -. 15. Wage-naar 68. Adrenaline in blood; Chemical method for esti-mating -. J. C. Whitehorn 331. Adsorption indicator for the volumetric deter-mination of halides ; Dichloro-fluorescein as -.K. Bambach and T. H. Rider 496. indicators in fluorescence analysis ; Some examples of - H. R. Fleck R. F. G. Holness and A. M. Ward 32. Aegle Matmelos Con. Seed oil of - (bael fruit tree). R. Child 267. Aeschynite in rare earths. 284. Agar gel; Method of analysis for determining silver chromate etc. in - . E. B, Hughes 309. Agricultural analysis. Abstracts 52 333 488, 630 715 774 837. lime. 244. Research Council. G. F. Hall and A. D. Powell 108. Report for period July, 1931 to September 30th 1933. 98. Agriculture Department of - Union of South Africa. Report of Chemistry Divis-ion for year ended June 30th 1933. St. J . C. 0. Sinclair 101. Ministry of -. See Ilbinistry of Agriculture.Practical Bacteriology for Students of -. U.S. Dept. of -. Standards under the Ailanthus as adulterant of mint. Air analysis; Methods of -. J. S. Haldane and J. I. Graham. methyl alcohol in the -; Determination of. C. M. Jephcott 588. ozone in -; Determination of. E. Briner and H. Paillard 274. Sulphur gases in -. 409 ; Hull records 755. Albumin in biological fluids; Analysis of -the quantitative precipitin method. ky Goettsch and F. E. Kendall 423. Albuminoid content of feeding stuffs; Effect of grinding in a power mill on the -. F. R. Dodd and C. R. Louden 299. Alcohol in urine. 102. Sucrose octa-acetate as a compulsory de-naturant for rubbing -. 560. Alcoholic liquids; Determination of esters in -. J . Hossack 170. products Determination of methyl alcohol in -.J . B. Wilson 776. Alcohols Action of Nessler’s reagent on some ketonic -. G. Schuster 189. Free primary and secondary - in the presence of tertiary - in essential oils determined bv acetvlation in DVridine. 2nd Ed. Tea Act. 413. A. Cunningham (Review) 280. 612. (Review) 278. L a Aconitine poisoning. 761. R. Delaby and S. SaGetay 838 xx INDEX TO Aldehydes Microchemical detection of -. R. Fischer and A. Moor 124. Spot test for aromatic and a-8-unsaturated thiohydrazides as reagents for -; Use of. H. Wuyts and H. Wachsmuth 839. Alfalfa Sale of dried - as tea. (Legal Notes) 96. Aliphatic amines; Spot test for - with fluorescin chloride. 342. Alkali &c. Works. Report of the Chief Inspectors for the year 1034.in sodium aluminate; Argentometric deter-mination of -. N. A. Tananaeff and M. A. Schachowa 427. Alkaline Earths Identification of - in ad-mixture. N. A. Tananaeff 575. Alkalis in felspar; Determination of -. E. W. Koenig 843. in therapeutic oxygen. 581. Alkaloid of ergot of rye Ergobasine. A. Stoll and E. Burckhardt 483. Alkaloids Foodstuffs containing -. Vol. VI of Handbuch der Lebensmittel-Chemie. (Re-view) 345. in cocoa; Determination of total -. D. D. Moir and E. Hinks 439. of han-fang-chi. K. K. Chen and A. L. Chen 483. opium-; Test for citric acid and a reagent for -. Pesez 709. Alkannin for the micro detection of magnesium and aluminium. J. V. Dubskq and E. Wagner 641. AlI-India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health Report for the year 1934.615. Alloys Iron and carbon -. 471. lead in -; Alkalimetric determination of. N. A. Tananaeff 428. Light aluminium and magnesium -. 471. Spectrographic analysis of standard -. 18. Ally1 Alcohol Detection of -. 189. Almonds Commercial ground - and their adulteration. G. N. Grinling 461. Aluminium as an index of soil contamination. F. R. Shorland 467. . Benzoate method of separating chromium, iron and - applied in qualitative analysis. L. Lehrman and J. Kramer 197. . Determination of small quantities of -. Application to vegetable substances. P. . Meunier 119. G. W. Monier-Williams 822. 11. -. 275. 690. in food. in the body; Behaviour of -. iron in -; Spectrographic determination of. 12. Micro detection of - with alkannin and naphthazarin.J. V. Dubskjr and E. Wagner 641. Precipitation of - by means of o-hydroxy-quinoline in presence of iron nickel cobalt, copper chromium and molybdenum. T. Heczko 120. Use of 8-hydroxyquinoline in the determina-tion of -. H. B. Knowles 777. vessels; Action of food on -. 824. Amines aliphatic ; Test for - with fluorescin chloride. 342. 823. . . VOLUME 60 Amines-continued. aromatic; Spot test for - with fluorescin chloride. 342. aromatic; Spot test for primary - with glutaconic aldehyde. 343. Chloranil as a differential reagent for -. J. Sivadjian 425. Detection of primary - by means of resorufin. H. Eicher 190. Amino-Alcohols local anaesthetics derived from - * Determination of certain. F.and J. Girault. 185. Ammonia Determination of - with calcium hypochlorite as volumetric oxidising agent. I. M. KolthofT and V. A. Stenger 341. Ammoniacal canned fish. 40. Ammoniated Quinine tablets. (Legal Notes), Ammonium Molybdate as a microchemical re-agent. C. van Zijp 431. Ammonium Salts Petermination of - as an indica.tion of the quality of milk. A. I. Burstein and F. S. Frum 699. Amyl Alcohol New test for suitability of - in the Gerber process. Amyl Ether Influence of - on the indicated fat percentage in the Gerber process. D. O’Sullivan 301. Amylase test; Is the - alone sufficient to indicate permanent pasteurisation ? M. N. Bengen and E. Bohm 325. Amylases aniyloclastic activity of -; Method for the direct and quantitative study of.M. L. Caldwell and F. C. Hilde-brand 834. Amyloclastic activity of amylases; Method for the direct and quantitative study of -. M. L. Caldwell and F. C. Hildebrand 834. Anaesthesine as aduIterant of cocoaine. 185. Anaesthetics local - derived from amino-alcohols ; Determination of certain F. and J. Girault 185. ‘AnalaP Standards for Laboratory Chemicals. British Drug Houses (Review) 63. Analysis Spectral -. Collected references, F. Pavelka and H. Molterer 274. Volumetric -. H. P. Starck (Review) 129. Volumetric -; Systematic Handbook of, 12th Ed. F. Sutton 728; (Review) 850. Report No. 2 of the Sub-committee on the Determination of Unsaponifiable Matter in Oils and Fats and of Unsaponified Fat in Soaps. 537. Animal celIs; Research on vitamin A in -.P. Joyet-Lavergne 195. Anthocyanidins Conversion of certain vegetable tannis into -. Anthranilic Acid Determination of lead and mercury with -. H. Funk and F. Romer 494. Anthrax in shaving brushes. 819. Aneony arsenic in presence of -; Detec-tion of. N. A. Tananaeff and W. D. Ponomarjeff 496. compounds extracted from enamel ware by citric acid solutions. R. H. Burns 220. Effect of nitric acid fumes on -. 427. in enamelware. 103. 37. D. O’Sullivan 301. Analytical Methods Committee. Sub-Committees of -. 730. W. J. Chater 571 INDEX TO Antimony-Continued. &ti-oxidants and the auto-oxidation of fats. Association of fat-soluble vitamins and - in E. M. Bradway and H. A. . Mattill 111. btipyrine Microchemistry of -. M.Wage-naar 576. Antiscorbutic Use of pine-needle concentrate to render canned preserves - . N. Jarussowa 566. Antiseptics Influence of - on yeast auto-lysis. Apparatus Abstracts; 60 125 201 276 344, 432 498 577 642 723 784 849. Apple juice; Acids of -. Waste - from cider presses. Apples Gas storage of -. 688. Refrigerated gas-storage of -. F. Kidd Appointments Official -. 35. Arachidon@ Acid Chemistry of - and its quantitative determination. W. C. Ault and J. B. Brown 115. Arachis Oil Colour measurement of -. 453. Argentine Republic Decrees of Ministry of Local Government. Tomato Conserves, 324. Permissible amounts of sulphur di-oxide in wine 325. Argentometric determination of alkali and sulphide in sodium aluminate. N. A. Tananaeff and M.A. Schachowa 427. determination of sodium sulphide and sul-phydrate. N. A. Tananaeff and J. N. Kremer 427. Argentometry New indicators for -. E. Chirnoaga 428. Argon in argon-nitrogen mixtures ; Spectro-scopic detection of -. J . A. M. van Liempt and S. H. R. Visser 60. Aromatic aldehydes; Spot test for -. amines; Spot test for - with fluorescin chloride. 342. amines; Spot test for primary - with glutaconic aldehyde. 343. Arsenate in phosphate-free solution Colori-metric determination of -. C. Zinzadze, 640. Separation of mercury from - . w. Hiltner and W. Gittel 428. 11. H. S. Olcott 114. plant tissues. H. Haehn and H. Leopold 193. 88. 244. and C. West 757. 275. New test for -. L. W. Marrison 784. Arsenic Biological methylation of compounds F.Challenger 713. Effect of nitric acid fumes on -. 427. in exhibits derived from glass bottles. 102. in food-colouring materials; Second Report of the Sub-committee on -. Determina-tion of lead. 541. in presence of -; Detection of -. N. A. Tananaeff and W. D. Ponomarjeff 496. in tobacco. 41. Hiltner and W. Gittel 428. - . Indian species of -. 187. G. Norin and R. L. Mchlurray 481. of - and selenium. Separation of mercury from - . w. Arsenic Acid Volumetric determination of M. F. Taboury and H. Audidier 272. Artemisia Two new crystalline principles from Arfemisia Rigida (Nutt.) Gray Oils of -. VOLUME 60 xxi Aseorbic Acid estimation of - by titration; Observations on. E. W. McHenry and M. Graham 835. uxidase.H. Tauber I. S. Kleiner and D. Miskind 629. Quantitative determination of - . H. Tauber and I. S. Kleiner 264. Sensitive spot reaction for -. H. Tauber, 487 629. Aspergillus Niger Useof -in testing potash availability in fertilisers. L. D. Haigh 630. Asphalt Analysis of -. D. M. Wilson 117. D. M. Wilson 493. Asphaltic compositions ; New B.S.I. specification for - and the chemist. D. M. Wilson, 839. Aspirin in urine Detection of -. 472. tablets; Salicylic acid and French chalk in Atmosphere Sulphur impurities in -. 687. Atmospheric pollution in London and Phila-delphia Comparison of -. 410. pollution Investigation of -. Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research Report for year ending March 31 1934. sulphur pollution measured by means of lead peroxide.B. H. Wilsdon and F. J. McConnell 122. Atomic weights; International -. 5th Re-port. Australian timber; Chemistry of -. Part 4. Study of the lignin determination. 11. W. E. Cohen 474. timbers other than Eucalypts ; Identification of the principal commercial -. H. E. Dadswell and A. M. Eckersley 616. Azo dyes tuffs; Indicator properties of dinitro-aniline -. H. Wenker 270. Verification of specifications for -. -. 553. 409. G. P. Baxter and Others 477. B Bacteria Salt tolerance of -. 177. Bacteriological analysis ; Abstracts 11 2 266, Bacteriology Chemical problems of -. 247. Practical - for Students of Agriculture. 2nd Ed. A. Cunningham 130; (Review), 280. Bael Fruit !Frees Seed oil of - (Aegle Murmelos Corr.). R. Child 257.Baking Powder carbon dioxide in -; Deter-mination of “available” and “total.” F. W. Edwards E. B. Parkes and H. R. Nanji 814. Bandrowski’s Base Action of acid on -. H. E. Cox and J. U. Lewin 350. Barbital Titration of - with silver nitrate by the method of H. Budde. J. M. A. Hegland 259. Barbiturates in blood Rapid method for identi-fying -. M. Fauchet, 51. Barbituric Acid derivatives Extraction of -from viscera by means of acetone. P. Chbramy and R. Lobo 60. Barium Oxalate J. Haslam 668. 425 630. P. ChCramy and R. Lobo 52. in unne; Identification of -xxii INDEX TO Barley malt; Study of the concentration and M. L. Basking Shark Liver oil of -. M. Tsuji-M. Baths Thermo-regulator for heating and Bats Campaign against vampire -.825. Beech coccus; Wax of the felted -. B. L. properties of two amylases of -Caldwell and S. E. Doebbeling 712. moto 489. New hydrocarbon in liver oil of -. Tsujimoto 490. cooling -. Blount. 425. A. E. Bradfield 202. Beef Taint production in fat of chilled -. C. H. Lea 107. Beet-sugar in canning. 695. Beli Tree Seed oil - ( A egle Murmelos Con.). R. Child 257. Benzaldehgde chlorine in commercial -; Determination of small quantities of. C. G. Daubney 29. Benzene Absorption curve of -. 9. Benzidine solution ; Detection of Japanese acid clay by the colour reaction of -. K. Kobayashi and H. Ishikawa 720. Benzoate method for separating iron aluminium and chromium; Application of - in qualitative analysis. L. Lehrman and J. Kramer 197.Benzoyl Auramine G A new indicator for Kjeldahl determinations. J. T. Scanlan and J . D. Reid 339. Beryllium in complex fluoride solution; Volu-metric determination of silicon and -. J . A. Tschetnichow and E. J. Guldina 638. New volumetric method for determining -. B. S. Evans 291. Use of 8-hydroxyquinoline in the determina-tion of -. Betaine in wheat bran; Occurrence of -. F. E. Nottbohm and Mayer 622. Biochemical analysis; Abstracts 49 110 192, 262 330 421 485 561 627 711 770 830. Laboratory Methods. C. A. Morrow 504. Biological assay of vitamin A ; Influence of the solvent on -. K. C. Lathbury and G. N. Greenwood 195. determination of vitamin C . H. Lund B. Spur and L. S. Fridericia 112. fluids; Analysis of albumin and globulin in - by the quantitative precipitin method.E. Goettsch and F. E. Kendall 422. fluids; Spectrographic analysis of -. 14. material; Determination of iodine in -. V. Trevorrow and G. J. Fashena 628. material ; Further studies on the availability of iron in -. W. C. Sherman C. A. Elvehjem and E. B. Hart 49. material ; Titration of fluorine in -. E. W. Scott and A. L. Henne 831. material; Use of tartrazine in determining chlorides in -. W. R. Fearon and W. A. Gillespie 193. media Determination of very small propor-tions of ethyl bromide in -. F. L. Hahn 627. oxidation of fats and soaps. substances; Determination of iodine in -. C. 0. Harvey 762. test for acetic acid. 47. H. B. Knowles 777. 38. VOLUME 60 Biologischen Arbeitsmethoden ; Handbuch der - .Section IV. Angewandte chemische und physikalische Methoden. Part 13, No. 5. E. Abderhalden (Review) 61. Rontgenspektrographie als Untersuchungs-methode. J. R. Katz 130; (Review) 203. Birmingham Report of the City Analyst for - (H. H. Bagnall) for 3rd Quarter of 1934 35; for the 4th Quarter of 1934 243; for the year 1934 553; for the 2nd Quarter of 1935 820. Biscuits Cream -. 755. Bismuth Characteristic atomic groupings of -. J. V. Dubskf A OkPE and J. Trtilek 846. in copper; Determination of -. in copper; Notes on determination of -. C. 0. Bannister and W. M. Doyle 33. in medicinal substances ; Determination of -. J . Gonzalez-Carrero 626. Micro-electrolytic determination of lead and - and their separation by graded poten-tial.A. J . Lindsey 744. Bitumen Analysis of -. D. M. Wilson, Bituminous Materials; Testing of -. Broome Blackcurrant jam; Sulphur dioxide in -. 820. Blood barbiturates in -; Rapid method of identifying. P. ChCramy and R. Lobo 52. cells; Determination of sodium in human red -. F. W. Oberst 194. epinephrine (adrenaline) in -* Chemical method for estimating. J. C. k i t e h o r n , 331. fructose in -; New method for determining. L. B. Scott 562. iodine in -; Determination of. I. Bellucci and R. Vigni 263. Kjeldahl nitrogen determination and deter-mination of non-protein nitrogen of -. P. L. Kirk 642. stains; Infra-red rays in the examination of sugar in -; Volumetric micro-determina-tion of. F. Rappoport and R. Pistiner 199. vitamin A content of -; New method of determining.E. Rosenthal and C. Szilard, 563. 554. 117. Child. 130. -. 460. Blue Value of average cod-liver oil. Board of Trade standards. 470. Bolton and Williams Method for sterol iodine values of oils and fats; Preliminary notes on -. A. C. Bose 160. Bombicysterol Note on -. W. Bergmann, 49. Bone and meat meals; Analysis of -. G. A. Lawrence 61 1. Bone Meal Water in -. J. G. Sherratt 170. Bones calcium and phosphate content of -; Determination of. C. K. Deischer and W. M. McNabb 750. Book Lice in flour. 819. Books Reviews of Abderhalden E. 356. Handbuch der Biologischen Methoden. Section IV. Angewandte chemische und physikalische Methoden. Part 3 No. 5. 61. Ront-genspektrographie als Untersuchungs-methode No.436. 203 INDEX TO American Association of Cereal Chemists. Cereal Laboratory Methods. 3rd Ed. 727. Annali di Merceologia Siciliana. Vol. 11. 727. Armstrong E. F. and K. F. The Carbo-hydrates. 5th Ed. 128. Aykroyd W. Three Philosophers (Lavoisier, Priestley and Cavendish) . 502. Blacktin S. C. Dust. 66. Bomer A. Juckenack A. and Tillmans J . Handbuch der Lebensmittel-Chemie. Vol. VI . Foodstuffs containing Alkaloids Spices Salt. 345. Bomskov C. Methodik der Vitaminfor-schung. 348. Boys Sir C. V. The Natural Logarithm. 436. British Drug Houses Ltd. “Analar” Stan-dards for Laboratory Chemicals. 63. Clowes and Coleman Elementary Analytical Chemistry Qualitative and Quantitative. 12th Ed. revised by C. G. Lyons and F. N. Appleyard. 277.Cumming A. C. and Kay S. A. A Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis. 6th Ed. 503. Cunningham A. Practical Bacteriology for Students of Agriculture. 2nd Ed. 280. Danckwortt P. W. Lumineszenz-Analyse im Filtrierten Ultravioletten Licht. 3rd Ed. 68. Dawson T. R. and Porritt B. D. Rubber. Physical and Chemical Properties. 857. Feigl F. Qualitative Analyse mit Hilfe von Tiipfelreaktionen. 205. Filby F. A. A History of Food Adulteration and Analysis. 281. Findlay A. The Spirit of Chemistry. 578. Gerlach Walther and Werner. Clinical and Pathological Applications of Spectrum Analysis. 204. Haldane J . S. and Graham J . I. Methods of Air Analysis. 4th Ed. 278. Hall W. T. Textbook of Quantitative Analysis. 853. Jorgensen H. Wasserstoff-Ionenkonzentra-tion (pH).854. Katz J. R. Die Rontgenspektrographie als Untersuchungsmethode. 203. Kent- Jones D. W. The Practice and Science of Bread-making. 203. Lange N. A. Handbook of Chemistry. 126. Lowry T. M. Optical Rotatory Power. 499. Lucas A. Ancient Egyptian Materials and Martindale and Westcott. The Extra Phar-Memmler K. The Science of Rubber. 347. Mond Sir Robert and Others. The Bucheum, 65. Moor C. G. and Partridge W. Aids to the Analysis of Foods and Drugs. 5th Ed. 646. The Application of Absorp-tion Spectra to the Study of Vitamins and Hormones. 724. Norris D. Glover P. M. and Aldis R. W. Lac and the Indian Lac Research Institute. 436. Books-continued. Industries. 2nd Ed. 64. macopoeia. Vol. 11. 20th Ed. 855. Morton R.A. VOLUME 60 xxiii Olsen J. C. Van Nostrand’s Chemical Annual. 7th issue. 648. Oppenheimer C. Chemische Grundlagen der Lebensvorgange. 724. Parry E. J. Shellac. 434. Partington J. R. Origins and Development of Applied Chemistry. 498. Patterson A. M. A German-English Diction-ary for Chemists. 2nd Ed. 726. Rhead E. L. Metallurgy An Elementary Text-book. 647. Scheibe G. Mark H. and Ehrenberg R. Physikalische Methoden der Analytischer Chemie Vol. I. Spektroskopische und Radiometrische Analyse. 63. Shriner R. L. and Fuson R. C. The Syste-matic Identification of Organic Compounds. 852. Smith S. and Cook W. G. H. Taylor’s Principles and Practice of Medical Juris-prudence. 643. Society of Chemical Industry. Annual Re-ports of the Progress of Applied Chemistry, 1934.346. Starck H. P. Volumetric Analysis. 129. Sutton F. Thorpe J . F. and Whiteley M. A. Books-continued. A Systematic Handbook of Volu-metric Analysis. 12th Ed. 850. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 11. Tinkler C. K. and Masters H. Applied Chemistry A Practical Handbook for Students of Household Science and Public Health. Vol. I. 3rd Ed. 501. The Practice of Absorption Spectrophotometry. 2nd Ed. 127. Carbon Compounds A Scheme for the Detection of the more Common Classes. 6th Ed. 435. Worrall R. L. Table of Incompatibles. 348. Boric Acid Determination of small quantities of - by a flame test. in essence of rennet. 403. on fowls. 405. N-Z. 645. Twyman F. and Allsopp C. B. Weston F. E. W. Stahl 639.Boron Determination of small amounts of -by means of quinalizarin. G. S. Smith, 735. plants grown in toxic concentrations of -; Histological characteristics of. I . E. Webber 489. required for cotton nutrition. 826. Boron Nitride Volumetric determination of -. B. Ormont and A. Ssamoilow 719. Bournemouth Appointment of R. P. Charles as Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of -. 35. Bran betaine in wheat -; Occurrence of. F. E. Nottbohm and Mayer 622. Nitrogen distribution and carbohydrate par-tition in Philippine rice -. J . Maraiion and L. Cosme 827. Branded articles; Description of -. Am-moniated quinine tablets. (Legal Notes) 36. Brandy Strength of - in Jersey. 405. Brazilian “Cedro” wood oil. F. W. Freise 191. Bread “improvers” in New Zealand.102. 40 Standards for - in Queensland xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 60 Bread-continued. Wheat-rye flour and -. P. Nottin and with “reduced starch.” 102. Breadmaking Practice and Science of -. D. W. Kent-Jones (Review) 203. Brill Identification of -. 70. Bristol Report of the City and County Analyst for- for the year 1934. F. E. Needs 612. British Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of Annual Meeting 1934. 206. British Guiana Report of the Government Analyst for - for the year 1933. K. Wallis 181; for the year 1934 K. Wallis, 619. British Honduras Cassava products from -. 46. British Standards Institution specification (for asphaltic compositions) and the chemist. D. M. Wilson 839. specifications for distillation flasks and ground-glass joints.42. specifications for solvents. 104. Bromate titrations; a-Naphthoflavone as an indicator for -. E. Schulek 718. Bromates in flour; Determination of -. J. Kulman 104. Bromides in presence of chlorides ; Micro-deter-mination of - I. Bellucci 275. Bromine Effect of nitric acid fumes on -. 427. in gases or solutions detected by means of resorufin. H. Eichler 121. Bucheum The -. Sir Robert Mond and Others (Review) 65. Budde Method of titrating barbital with silver nitrate. Buffer Salts in vegetable-tanned leather; Acetone method of determining -. R. F. Innes, 491. Buildings Corrosion of lead in -. Technical Paper No. 8. Bush Rum Examination of - 619. Bush Sickness Characteristics of “limonites” used in cure and prevention of -.R. E. R. Grimmett and F. B. Shorland 87. D. S. Steuart, 172. Carotenoids of -. A. E. Gillam and I. M. Heilbron 564. Grape fruit -. 553. Relative biological efficiencies of the vitamin A and carotene in -. R. G. Booth S. K. Kon and A. E. Gillam 333. Separation of carbinol + diacetyl from - by distillation. 656. Separation of diacetyl from - by distilla-tion. 654. Butter-fat Effect of diacetyl on the oxidation of Nudhalakoti and K. C. Mukherji 767. cacao shell to cows on the. K. M. Henry 836. of -. L. Klinc 623. A. Daron 621. Zamia furfuracea starch from -. 46. J. M. A. Hegland 259. F. L. Brady 321. Butter aroma; Butyrised fats. -. 661. Thiocyanogen value of Indian - U.S. vitamin D content of -; Effect of feeding S.K. Kon and Butyric Acid in wine and vinegar; Determination C Cabbage Iodine in -. J. F. McClendon and C. E. Holdridge 559. Cacao shell; Effect of feeding - to cows on the vitamin D content of butter (milk). S. K. Kon and K. M. Henry 836. Cadmium Detection of - as selenide. P. Krumholz and 0. Kruh 636. Caesium Determination of - as iodobis-muthate. R. W. Feldmann 719. Micro-test for -. H. C. Goswami and P. B. Sarkar 848. Caffeine Colorimetric micro-determination of -. G. Denigks 200. Cakes Devonshire and Cornish cream in -. (Legal Notes) 246. Calcium content of bones; Determination of -. C. K. Deischer and W. M. McNabb 750. in presence of barium strontium and mag-nesium; Precipitation of -. 671. in serum; Volumetric determination of -.F. and D. Rappaport 199. in the cocoa nib; Content of -. J. Gross-feld and E. Lindemann 256. Reagent for eliminating the interference due to - in the volumetric Fehling’s titration for invert sugar. Calcium Hypochlorite as a volumetric oxidising agent. Determination of ammonia. I. M. Kolthoff and V. A. Stenger 341. Calcium Oxalate J. Haslam 668. Calgon as reagent for eliminating the interference due to calcium in the volumetric Fehling’s titration for invert sugar. J. G. N. Gaskin, 318. Camphor Volumetric determination of - by the hydroxylamine method. R. Vandoni and G. Desseigne 776. Camphorated Oil 686. Candelilla Wax Hydrocarbons of -. F. J. E. Collins 269. Cane Sugar See Sugar. Cannabis Indica poisoning. 760. Canned fish; Ammoniacal -.40. fish in Cyprus. 179. fish; Tin and lead in -. foods; Gases in -. 697. fruit and vegetables; Texture of -. 697, preserves ; Use of pine-needle concentrate to render - antiscorbutic. N. Jarussowa, 566. J. G. N. Gaskin 318. H. A. Williams, 683. Canning Experimental work on -. 689. Cans Measurement of vacuum in sealed -. Capsicum Extractives of -. H. Berry 625. Carbamides Colour reactions of - with G. S. Smith, Carbazides Colour reactions of - with G. S. Smith, Carbohydrate metabolism. 248. J. Marailon Carbohydrates Collected references. 11. A. Hydrogen swells in -. 695. 697. diacetyl and diacetyldioxime. 171. diacetyl and diacetyldioxime. 171. partition in Philippine rice bran. and L. Cosme 827. Wasitzky 274 INDEX TO Errors introduced into the determination of lignin by the presence of -.A. G. Norman and S. H. Jenkins 336. of tobacco and their significance. C. Pyriki, 185. The -. 5th Ed. E. F. and K. F. Arm-strong (Review) 128. Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles in Soils; Influence of Fertilisers on - . P. Kamerman and H. Clintworth. 130. Compounds; Scheme for the Detection of the More Common Classes of -. 6th Ed. F. E. Weston 282; (Review) 435. gunpowder - in the tissues; Identification of. 761. Pre-heater for use in the Pregl micro-combus-tion of hydrogen and -. W. F. Bruce, 844. Carbon Dioxide in baking powders and self-raising flours; Method for determining “available” and “total” - . F. W. Edwards E. B. Parkes and H. R. Nanji, 814.in therapeutic oxygen. 581. Carbon Monoxide as means of detecting and determining gold. R. N. Costeanu 779. in therapeutic oxygen. 582. Preparation of - for high-pressure experi-ments. 614. Carbon Tetrachloride Distinction of chloroform and -. J. Rozeboom 560; N. Schoorl, 626. in chloroform. E. H. Madsen 329. Carboxylic Acids and their derivatives; Micro-chemical detection of -. 57. Carcinogenic hydrocarbons and their relation-ship to the sterols. Cardamons Compound tincture of -. 753. Carotene absorption of vitamin A and -; Observations on. J. C. Drummond M. E. Bell and E. T. Palmer 564. colorimetric estimation of -; Curves for use in. in butter; Relative biological efficiencies of the vitamin A and -. R. G. Booth S. K. Kon and A. E.Gillam 333. in plant tissues; Analyses of -. E. S. Miller 265. Carotenes from certain roots and leaves a t various stages of development ; Properties of -. G. MacKinney 195. from different sources and some properties of a- and ,%carotene. Leaf -. G. MacKinney 773. Carotenoids in plant tissues ; Determination of the common -. of butter. A. E. Gillam and I. M. Heilbron, 564. 46. Carbohydrates-continued. J. W. Cook 830. W. S. Ferguson 680. H. S . Strain 773. E. S. Miller 265. Cassava products from British Honduras. Cassia Absus Oil of -. 2. Ahmad 828. Castor Bean in ground-nut cake. Castor Oil pills. 819. Castor Seed in feeding stuffs. Catechu on furs; Identification of -. 797. Catfish Identification of -. 70. Cathode Moving mercury - apparatus.Caustic Soda poisoning. 180 473. 244. 404. B. S. Evans 389. VOLUME 60 xxv “Cedro’f wood oil; Brazilian - . F. W. Freise 191. Cell substances; Reactions of dyes with -. E. G. Kelley and E. G. Miller 627. Cement Corrosion caused by -. 321. Centrifuges Sound-proof box for electrically-driven laboratory -. N. Pollard 752. Cereal crops; Sulphuric acid as a spray for -. 692. Laboratory Methods. 3rd Ed. (Review), 727. products; Determination of moisture in -by distillation with tetrachloroethane. J. M. Tucker and T. E. Burke 663. Cereals Microscopy of husks of the principal -. H. Hardtl 326. Ceric Sulphate solution Volumetric determina-tion of nitrites by means of -. H. Bennett and H. F. Harwood 677. Cerimetric titration of small amounts of iron, with the use of aa‘-dipyridyl as an indicator.C. J. van Nieuwenburg and H. B. Blumen-dal 847. Ceylon Report of the Government Analyst for - for the year 1934. J. A. V. Collins, 472. CH CH and CH groupings contiguous to nega-tive groups; Colorimetric test for com-pounds containing - . M. Goswami, A. Shaha and B. Mukerjee 114. Chalks Infra-red rays in the examination of -. 459. Chamber-Plant escapes ; Determination of total acidity of -. 691. Chandu Dross 473. Cheeses Pink stains in -. J. Keilling 255. Chemical Annual; Van Nostrand’s -. 7th issue. (Review). J. C. Olsen 648. “Chemical Food” Question of a standard for - (Legal Notes) 407. Chemici& “Analar” Standards for Laboratory -. British Drug Houses (Review) 63. Chemistry Applied -.Handbook for Stu-dents of Household Science and Public Health. Vol. I. 3rd Ed. (Review). C. K. Tinkler and Helen Masters. 501. Applied -; Origins and Development of. (Review) J. R. Partington 498. Applied -; Society of Chemical Industry, Reports on. 1934. Vol. XIX 206. (Re-view) 346. Applied -; Thorpe’s Dictionary of. Vol. 11. N-2. (Review) J. F. Thorpe and M. A. Whiteley 645. Elementary Analytical - Qualitative and Quantitative. Clowes and Coleman. 12th Ed. revised by C. G. Lyons and F. N. Appleyard 130. (Review) 277. N. A. Lange (Review), 126. First Report of the Permanent Commission on Thermo-chemistry. 130. (Review) A. Findlay 578. Chemotherapy Research in -. 176. Chickens gas-stored -; Chemical changes in C. H. Lea 44.China jute seed and soil. T. Inaba and K. Handbook of -. International Union of -. The Spirit of -. fat of. Kitagawa 335 xxvi INDEX TO Chinese wax; Acids of -. F. J. E. Collins, 269. Chloral Colour reaction of - and its ap-plication to the identification of syrup of - . M. Pesez 625. Chloranil as a. differential reagent for amines. J . Sivadjian 425. Chlorate Rapid test for -. H. R. Offord, 341. Chloride in tissues ; Micro-determination of -. K. Linderstram-Lang A. H. Palmer and H. Holter 421. Volumetric micro-determination of -. B. Bullock and P. L. Krik 497. Chloride of Lime Chlorine in -. Chlorides bromides and iodides in presence of -; Micro-determination of. I. Bellucci, 275. in biological material Use of tartrazine in determining - .W. R. Fearon and W. A. Gillespie 193. in the cocoa nib; Content of -. J . Gross-feld and E. Lindemann 256. Chlorine Effect of nitric acid fumes on -. 427. in commercial benzaldehyde ; Determination of small quantities of -. C. G. Daubney, 29. in gases or solutions detected by means of resorufin. H. Eichler 121. in rag flock from hessian; Excess of soluble -. (Legal Notes) 469. in the fat of flour; Determination of -. V. E. Munsey 764. in water; Rapid determination of free -. L. Leroux 113. Uses of - in industry. Chloroform Carbon tetrachloride in -. E. H. Madsen 329. Distinction of carbon tetrachloride and -. J . Rozeboom 560; N. Schoorl 626. Chocolate Easter eggs. 753. Choline and its esters in tissue extracts; Micro-chemical test for -.Chromate Determination of small quantities of -. M. L. Jean 430. in gelatin or agar gel; Methods of analysis for determining -. E. B. Hughes 309. Relations occurring in the iodimetric deter-mination of -. Chrome-tapned leather; Determination of chrom-ium in -. G. F. Smith and V. R. Sullivan 779. Chromium Aluminium in presence of - pre-cipitated by means of o-hydroxyquinoline. T. Heczko 120. Benzoate method of separating iron alu-minium and - applied in qualitative analysis. L. Lehrman and J. Kramer, 197. in chronie-tanned leather ; Determination of -. G. F. Smith and V. R. Sullivan, 779. in stainless steel; Determination of -. G. F. and G. P. Smith 574. Cider Acids of -. D. W. Steuart 88. presses; Waste apple from -.Cigarette ash; Identification of -. 403. 692. roll deficient in -. (Legal Notes) 756. F. J . Booth 845. F. L. Hahn 430. 244. 473. VOLUME 60 Cinchona preparations ; Identification of - by the erithroquin and thalleioquin reactions. R. Monnet 482. Cihd Identification and determination of -. J . Bougault and E. Gattelain 480. Citric Acid in boiled milk. solutions ; Antimony compounds extracted from enamel ware by -. R. H. Bums, 220. Test for - and a reagent for the opium alkaloids and phenols. Citronella Oil citronella1 in Java -; Deter-mination of. P. A. Rowaan and D. R. Koolhaas 633. Citronella1 in Java citronella oil ; Determination of -. P. A. Rowaan and D. R. Kool-haas 633. Citrus Oil Ultra-violet fluorescence as a test for -.H. Nicol 433. Clay Japanese acid - detected by the colour reaction of benzidine solution. K. Koba-yashi and H. Ishikawa 720. Cloth as gun wads. 472. A. W. Bayes 344. Cod-tar colours in hens’ eggs; Detection of -. J . Grossfeld and H. R. Kanitz 700. Coalfish Identification of -. 70. Coating of the pear Pyrus communis L.; Con-stituents of the wax-like -. K. s. Markley S. B. Hendricks and C. E. Sando, 767. Cobalt Aluminium in presence of - pre-cipitated by means of o-hydroquinoline. T. Heczko 120. Determination of - as hexamminecobaltous iodomercurate. A. Taurins 638. Determination of - by means of nitroso-/3-naphthol. L. Philippot 429. Quantitative separation of nickel and - by means of triethanolamine. E. Raymond, 574. Separation of iron from -.P. Spacu 496. Volumetric determination of -. 54. Cobaltinitrite method for the volumetric deter-Coca and its preparations; Assay of -. Cocaine in mixtures of procaine and -; C. H. Riley, New adulterant of -. E. Collard 185. Cocahe Hydrochloride Adulteration of -. 473. Cocoa matter in flour confectionery ; Determina-tion of -. D. D. Moir and E. Hinks, 439. nib; Contents of chlorides calcium and mag-nesium in - . J. Grossfeld and E. Lindemann 256. total alkaloids in -; Determination of. D. D. Moir and E. Hinks 439. Cocoa Butter Differentiation of expressed -from that extracted with solvents. A. Castiglioni 257. Coconut Oil Analysis of - under Copra Ordinance. 619. Cod Identification of -. 69. B. Rogina 621. M. Pesez 709.samples; Conditioning-box for -. Constituents of -. 614. mination of potassium. 198. W. A. N. Markwell 419. Separation and detection of. 710 INDEX TO Cod-liver Oil non-destearinated -; U.S.P. Vitamin potency and associated characteris-R. S. Morgan and regulations for. 620. tics of average -. H. Pritchard. 355. (Coffee Adulterants of -. 825. adulterated with starch. 179. Fresh - compared with fresh mat& 139. Rum in “special” - . Structure of the cell-wall of -. K. Taufel and H. Thaler 329. Coins Counterfeit - in New Zealand. 102. Gold Storage of poultry. Chemical changes in fat of gas-stored chickens. 44. Golloid Chemistry Inorganic -. Vol. 11. Hydrous Oxides and Hydroxides. H. B. Weiser 728. .Colloidal silver ointment ; Determination of silver in -.Golouring Matter in heavy oils. Compounds Carbon -; Scheme for the Detection of the More Common Classes of. 6th Ed. F. E. Weston 282; (Review), 435. containing CH CH and CH groupings con-tiguous to negative groups ; Colorimetric test for -. M. Goswami A. Shaha and B. Mukerjee 114. iodinated organic - - Determination of mercury in. R. B ’Sandin and E. T. Margolis 841. nitro -; Microchemical detection of. 124. nitroso -; Microchemical detection of. 123. Organic -. See Organic Compounds. Confectionery cocoa-matter in flour -; Determination of. D. D. Moir and E. Hinks 439. 687. G. Antoine 484. 176. Cream -. 406. “Real” cream -. 754. Copper Aluminium in presence of - precipi-tated by means of o-hydroxyquinoline.T. Heczko 120. as means of determining base-exchange in soils. J. Lavollay 775. bismuth in -; Determination of. bismuth in -; Notes on determination of. C. 0. Bannister and W. M. Boyle 33. Colorimetric determination of - as copper sulphide. L. de Brouckkre and S. Solo-wiejczyk 197. in contact with rubber and kerosene; Pitting in copper-molybdenum steel Determination of -. in foods; Determination of -. A. A. D. Comrie 532. in foods; Determination of - with special reference to milk. N. D. Sylvester and L. H. Lampitt 376. in foods ; Spectrographic determination of in milk; Determination of -. L. W. Conn and Others 254. in organic compounds; Determination of -. N. N. Melnikow 53. in tomato purBe. 753. in urine and faeces; Excretion of - and its relation to the - content of the diet.S. L. Tompsett 331. 554. of -. 103. H. A. Kar 495. -. 13. VOLUME 60 xxvii lead in -; Determination of small amounts of. B. Park and E. J. Lewis 495. metabolism in man. Tung-pi Chou and W. H. Adolph 561. Oxidation of rotenone by - in alkaline solution. R. M. Whittaker and I. Glock-mann 188. refinery; Fumes from a -. Volumetric determination of -. Copper-continued. 691. E. Voyat-Copper-molybdenum Steel copper in -; Copper-Pyridine Reaction of certain organic Copper Sulphide Colorimetric determination of L. de Brouckere and S. zakis 196. Determination of. acids. A. J. Steenhauer 577. copper as -. Solowiejczyk 197. Cordage Treatment against decay. 614. Cornish cream in scones and cakes.(Legal Notes) 246. Corrosion of lead in buildings. Technical Paper No. 8. Cotton nutrition; Boron requirements for -. 826. Coumarin Detection of -. A. Kofler and J Geyr 58. Countmg-field finder. Cream biscuits. 755. confectionery. 406. Devonshire and Cornish.- in scones and cakes. (Legal Notes) 246. Labelling of -. 406. “Real” - tarts sandwiches Bclairs etc. (Legal Notes) 174. “Thick” - . 819. H. A. Kar 495. F. L. Brady 321. T. E. Wallis 520. confectionery; “Real” - . 754. Criminology Spectroscopy applied to -. 14. Crofalaria Palatibility and possible toxicity of different species of -. R. B. Becker and Others 715. Cryoscopic measurements of Indian milk. P. S. Macmahon and L. N. Srivastava 307. Cryozcopes of Hortvet and Monier-Williams for the determination of the freezing-point of milk; Study of heat exchange in -.J. R. Stubbs 600. Crystal formation by “salting out.” L. Rosen-thaler 721. Cultures National collection of type -. 249. of micro-organisms ; Preservation of stock -. A. C. Thaysen 112. Cupreine New colour reaction of -. J. A. Sanchez 184. Cutch on furs; Identification of -. Cyanides in water; Determination of traces of -. Cyclohexanol in the colorimetric determination of molybdenum; Use of -. L. C. Hurd and F. Reynolds 54. Cyprus Report of the Government Analyst for -for the year 1933. S G. Willimott 179. Cysteine Iodimetric determination of -. T. F. Lavine 424. #stine Precipitation of I- dl- and m- - by phospho-12-tungstic acid. G.Toennies and M. Elliott 773. Separation of tyrosine from large amounts of -. F. R. Greenbaum 486. 797. A. E. Childs and W. C. Ball 294 xxviii INDEX TO D Dabs Identification of -. 70. Dairy research; Report on -. Datyic Acid from the seeds of Datum stramon-zum Linn. B. L. Manjunath and S. Siddappa 767. Daylight measurement. 410. Measurement of ultra-violet radiation in -. J. S. Owens 784. Densimeter for use with small amounts of liquid. 727. Derby Report of the County Analyst for -for the year 1934. Dermatitis Chemical examination of furs in relation to -. Part V. The action of acid on Bandrowski’s base. H. E. Cox and J. U. Lewin 350. Part VI. Identifica-100. R. W. Sutton 612. tion of vegetable and other dyes. cox 793. H. E. in relation to knitted woollen goods.S. R. Trotman 714. Derris Resin Constituents of -. R. S. Cahn and J. J. Boam 260. rotenone in -; Determination of. R. S. Cahn and J. J. Boam 261. Derris Root Chemical evaluation of -. P. A. Rowaan 483. rotenone in -; Determination of. R. S. Cahn and J. J. Boam 261. Deterioration Value of oils and fats. J. Gang1 and W. Rumpel 183. Deuterium as an indicator in the study of inter-mediary metabolism. I. R. Schoenheimer and D. Rittenberg 770. Devonshire cream in scones and cakes. (Legal Notes) 246. Diacetyl Colour reactions of carbazides and carbamides with -. G. S. Smith 171. Determination of acetyl methyl carbinol and - . Diacetyldioxime Colour reactions of carbazides and carbamides with -. G. S. Smith, 171.Dialysates Apparatus for the quantitative recovery of -. Diaminoacridine in euflavine ; Quantitative determination of -. F. Reimers 711. Diastatic power of malt determined by potassium ferricyanide titration. F. W. Norris and W. A. Carter 415. Diazonium Salts Detection of - by means of resorufin. H. Eichler 190. Dibromofluorescein Direct titration of soluble orthophosphates with lead acetate in the presence of - as adsorption indicator. A. W. Wellings 316. Dichloro-fluorescein as adsorption indicator for the volumetric determination of halides. K. Bambach and T. H. Rider 496. Dictionary German-English - for Chemists. 2nd Ed. 202 286. (Review) A. M. Patterson 726. of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 11. N-2. (Re-view) J. F. Thorpe and M. A.Whiteley 645. Diethyl Bromoacetyl Urea Microchemistry of -. M. Wagenaar 58. Digestibility of common foodstuffs as determined by radiography. W. C. D. Maile and K. J. L. Scott 192. C. R. Barnicoat 653. P. Loch 642, VOLUME 60 Digitaria Species of grasses; Feeding values of -. 101. Dinitroaniline azo dyestuffs; Indicator properties of -. H. Wenker 270. 2 4-Dinitrophenol in tablets and capsules; Detection and determination of -. I. S. Shupe 768. Diphenylcarbazide as a reagent for hydrogen peroxide. L. N. Lapin 841. as indicator in the mercurimetric deter-mination of iodine. J. V. Dubsk3 and J. Trtilek 200. Diphenylcarbazone as indicator for argento-metry. 428. Diphenylthiocarbazone as means of extracting lead. D. C. Garratt 817. aa’-Dipyridyl as indicator in the cerimetric titration of small amounts of iron.C. J-van Nieuwenburg and H. B. Blumendal, 847. Distillation flasks; B.S.I. specification for -. 42. Fractional - under reduced pressure, A. E. Bradfield 202. Documents Infra-red rays in the examination of charred -. 460. Dogfish Identification of -. 70. Dotreppe’s Method for determining tungsten; Dover Sole Identification of -. 70. Drawing inks ; Infra-red rays for differentiating -. 457. Drop analysis ; Quantitative - . Kjeldahl nitrogen determination and determination of non-protein nitrogen of blood. P. L, Kirk 642. Drugs Analysis of Foods and -; Aids to. 5th Ed. 130. (Review) C. G. Moor and W. Partridge 646. Artificial resins as containers for -. P, Pinten 769.See also Food and Drugs. of. G. S. Smith 812. for the separation of lead. 543. Study of -. M. L. Holt 54. Duralumin magnesium in -; Determination Dust S. C. BIacktin (Review) 66. Dyed materials ; Standardisation of methods of testing fastness of -. 43. Dyes Action of hot concentrated sulphuric acid on -. Reactions of - with cell substances. I. Staining of isolated nuclear substances. 11. Differential staining of nucleoprotein and mucin by thionine and similar -. E. G. Kelley and E. G. Miller 627. vegetable and other - used on furs; Identi-fication of. H. E. Cox 793. Dyestuff Intermediates Estimation of - by coupling. S. Ueno and H. Sekiguchi 492. Dyestuffs Indicator properties of dinitro-aniline azo -. H. Wenker 270. R. B. Forster 117.sulphur-; Spot tests for -. 56. E Earth Acids Separation of rare earths from -. W. R. Schoeller and E. F. Water-house 284. Earths alkaline-; Identification of - in ad-mixture. N. A. Tananaeff 575 INDEX TO Earths-continued. Separation of the rare - from earth acids. W. R. Schoeller and E. F. Waterhouse, 284. Triple nitrites of the rare - and a micro-test for caesium. H. C. Goswami and P. B. Sarkar 848. Easter Eggs Chocolate -. 753. Effluents from gas works. 39. from milk factories. 38. Egg substitute; Excess of sulphur dioxide in -. (Legal Notes) 408. yolk and vegetable lecithin in food pastes; Distinction between -. H. Kluge 254. yolk; Vitamin A-active substances in -. A. E. Gillam and I. M. Heilbron 564. Egg-paste products ; Supposed diminution of lecithin in -.W. Diemair F. Mayrand K. Taufel 254. Eggs Changes on storing - 687. coal-tar colours in hens’ - ; Detection of. J. Grossfeld and H. R. Kanitz 700. Decomposition and preservation of -. A. Tanke and L. Jirak 701. Detection of altered -. J. Grossfeld and J Peter 253. Investigation of - . K. Eble and H. Pfeiffer 478. New form of adulteration of - . v. Froboese 253. Eggshell Transmission of light through -. J. W. Givens H. J. Almquist and E. L. R. Stokstad 764. Egyptian Materials and Industries; Ancient -. 2nd Ed. A. Lucas (Review) 64. pigments ; Infra-red rays in the examination of ancient -. 458. Elaeostearic Acid from the seed oil of karasu-uri; New stereoisomer of -. Y . Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 571. in pomegranate seed oil; New stereosimer of - Y .Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 570, Elaidic Acid Passage of - into tissue phospholipids. R. G. Sinclair 832. Electrode glass -; Notes on the technique of. H. A. Bromley 533. Electrographic methods of microchemical analysis. Collected references. R. Jir-kovsky 123. Electrolytic analysis; Application of controlled potential to microchemical -. A. J. Lindsey and H. J . S. Sand 739. determination of lead as dioxide and its con-version into lead monoxide by ignition. A. J. Lindsey $98. Enamel pigments; Infra-red rays in the exami-nation of -. 458. Enamel-ware Antimony compounds extracted from - by citric acid solutions. R. H. Burns 220. Antimony in -. 103. Specification for ~ . J. H. Coste and D. C. Garratt 215.Enzymes pectolytic power of filtration -; Determination of. A. Mehlitz and H. Maass. 834. Enzymic hydrolysis of starch; Separation of VOLUME 60 xxia Ed. Cocae and Ext. Cocae Liq. B.P.C. Assay of W. A. N. Markwell 419. and H. F. E. H&on 765. -. Epinephrine in blood ; Chemical method for esti-mating -. Ergobashe A new alkaloid of ergot of rye. A. Stoll and E. Burckhardt 483. Ergometrine Spectrographic absorption of -in relation to the B.P. colour test. N. L. Allport and S. K. Crews 626. Ergosterol Deterioration of - under varying storage conditions. L. R. Ellison and G. F. Hall 92. Ergot Separation of active principle of -. 248. Toxicological detection of -. H. Kluge, 266. Ergot of Rye Ergobasine a new alkaloid of -. Ekithroquin reaction ; Identification of cinchona preparations by the -.R. Monnet 482. Esparto Grass Wax Acids of -. F. J. E. Collins 269. Essential Oils Free primary and secondary alcohols in presence of tertiary alcohols in - determined by acetylation in pyridine. €2. Delaby and S. Sabetay 838. from mushrooms. Furfural test for mint oils applied to other -. D. C. Garratt 595. Essigsprit 705. Esters in alcoholic liquids; Determination of -. J . Hossack 170. of vitamin E ; Biological utilisation of -, H. S. Olcott 713. Ether Auto-oxidation of -. M. Landon, 259. peroxides in - ; Determination of. M. Landon 260. Ethyl Alcohol and hydrogen peroxide; Suita-bility of mixtures of - W. A. Woodard and J. Pickles 47. methyl alcohol in presence of -; Determina-tion of small amounts of.M. Flanzy 632. Modification of Thorpe and Holmes’s method for determining -. S. S. Aiyar and P. S . Krishnan 237. Erratum in 537. Ethyl Bromide in biological media ; Determina-tion of very small proportions of -. F. L. Hahn 627. Ethylene Glycol trie thanolamine in presence of -; Determination of. 79. Ethylene Glycol Monoacetate as a selective solvent for the separation of paraffins from other oils. K. B. Edwards and R. Lacey, 717. Eucalyptol B.P. revision. J. Hendry and P. A. Berry 481. Eucalypts Identification of the principal com-mercial Australian timbers other than -. H. E. Dadswell and A. M. Eckersley 616. Eucalyptus Simple tests for identifying the coloured woods of the genus -. 475. Eucalyptus Oil B.P.revision. J. Hendry and P. A. Berry 481. Euflsvine diaminoacridine in -; Quantita-tive determination of. Euxenite 284. Excreta Lead content of -. S. L. Tompsett and A. B. Anderson 7 7 2 . J. C. y i t e h o r n 331. A. Stoll and E. Burckhardt 483. F. W. Freise 414. F. Reimers 711. products resulting from -. -T. L. Bake XXX INDEX TO F Fabrics research. 177. Face Powder Identification of -. 686. Faeces Excretion of copper in - and its relation to the copper content of the diet. S. L. Tompsett 331. indigestible residue in - ; BiochemicaE method for determining - . R. D. Urilliams and W. H. Olmsted 330. Farm Foods Unit values of constituents of -. 101. Fastness of dyed materials ; Standardisation of methods of testing -. 43. Fat from milk; Place of abstraction of -.754. in milk; Standard for - in British Guiana. in shredded suet. 35. in soap; Sub-committee on the determination of unsaponified -. Report No. 2. 537. of chilled beef; Taint production in -. C. H. Lea 107. of flour; Chlorine determined in -. V. E. Munsey 764. of gas-stored chickens ; Chemical changes in -. C. H. Lea 44. percentage in the Gerber process; Influence of amyl ether on -. Fats Anti-oxidation of - . 11. H. S. Olcott 114. 619. D. O’Sullivan 301. Biological oxidation of -. 38. Butyrised - Butter-aroma. D. W. Steuart 172. Comparison of susceptibilities of oils and -to oxidation. C. H. Lea 114. Compound glycerides of hen body- -. T. P. Hilditch and W. J . Stainsby 559. Iodimetric determination of the oxidised products in - .J . Gang1 and W. Rumpel 183. Irradiation of -. I. Standardised method of use of ultra-violet light. L. H. Lampitt, N. D. Sylvester and P. Bilham 577. of the palm-fat group in lard; Preliminary tests for detecting small amounts of -. A. Peter 182. Rate of formation of fully-saturated glycerides during hydrogenation of different natural -. sterol iodine values of - determined by the Bolton and Williams method ; Preliminary notes on. unsaponifiable matter in -; Sub-committee on the determination of. Report No. 2. Determination of unsaponified fat in soaps. 537. Fatty Acids of glycerides of partly hydrogenated rape oil. T. P. Hilditch and H. Paul 839. of Japan wax. of lard and some of their esters; Nutritive value of -.S. Lepovsky R. A. Ouer and H. M. Evans 262. Substitution of glycerides by the corresponding - in a balanced ration. R. Lecoq 562. Fatty Oils Specific gravity of - shipped in bulk. E. R. Bolton and K. A. Williams, 154. Fatty Substances of Japanese shell-fish. M. Tsujimoto and H. Koyanagi 418. T. P. Hilditch and H. Paul 828. A. C. Bose 160. M. Tsujimoto 632. VOLUME 60 Feeding Stuffs albuminoid content of -* F. R Effect of grinding in a power mill on. Dodd and C. R. Louden 299. Castor seed in -. 404. Feeding Value of grasses of Digitaria species. 191. Fehling’s titration for invert sugar; New reagent for eliminating the interference due to calcium in the volumetric -. J . G. N. Gaskin 318. Felspar alkalis in - ; Determination of.E. W. Koenig 843. Fences Corrosion of rabbit-proof -. 41. Fergusonite 284. Ferricyanide in presence of ferrocyanide ; Detec-tion of -. reagent; Improved - for the detection of oxycellulose. Ferrocyanide ferncyanide in presence of -; Detection of -. I. M. Korenman 639. Ferrous Ferricyanide as indicator for argento-metry. 428. Ferrous Iron Sensitive test for -. 177. Ferrous Sulphate solutions ; Electrometric ana-Fertilisers Compound -. 403. I. M. Korenman 639. W. F. A. Ermen 426. lysis of -. Influence of - on the Nitrogen and Carbon Cycles in Soils. P. Kamerman and H. Clintworth 130. Unit values of constituents of -. 101. Use of Aspergillus niger in testing potash availability in -. L. D. Haigh 630. Fibre Composition of crude -. A.G. Norman 837. Fibres Differentiation between animal and vegetable - by means of the azide and iodine reaction. 56. Fibroin Stains to distinguish silk gum and -. W. S. Denham and E. Dickinson 335. Filtration Adaptor collars for use in -. B. S. Evans 242. enzymes ; Determination of the pectolytic power of -. A. Mehlitz and H. Maass. 834. Fire-proof treatment of wood. I. S. Uchida, S. Ai and J. Nagasawa 498. Fish Ammoniacal canned -. 40. Canned - in Cyprus. 179. canned - . Tin and lead in. H. A. pastes; Composition of -. H. E. Cox 71. pastes; Notes on --. poison. 472. retail names for -; Standardisation of. 178. Fish Oils Colour reactions for identifying hydrogenated - . M. N. Ghose and H. K. Pal 240. Fisheries Notice No. 23. 178-9. Flasks B.S.I.specification for distillation -. 42. Flavin on furs; Identification of -. 796. Flavine in white wines. Flavouring essences. 685. Flour age of -; Determination of the acid value of flour-fat for judging. N. P. Kosmin and K. A. Alakrinskaja 416. Book lice in -. 819. bromates in - ; Determination of. J. N. A. Shishacow 83. Williams g83. C. H. Manley 76. L. Genevois 105. Kulman 104 INDEX TO chlorine in the fat of -; Determination of. confectionery ; Determination of cocoa-matter improvers in -; Animal experiments on the J. von DarAnyi and St. von Rancidity in -. Rye and wheat - in mixtures detected by the trifructosan-content. H. Werner and H. Volger 702. self-raising -; Determination of “available” and “total” carbon dioxide in.F. W. Edwards E. B. Parkes and H. R. Nanji 814. P. Nottin and A. Daron 621. Flour-fat Determination of the acid value of - for judging the age of flour. N. P. Kosmin and K. A. Alakrinskaja. 416. Fluorescence acidimetric and adsorption indica-tors; Some examples of -. H. R. Fleck, R. F. G. Holness and A. M. Ward 32. methods in micro-analysis. Collected refer-ences. M. Haitinger 201. of olive oils. Influence of pigments. J. Guillot 432. test for detecting rhapontic rhubarb. T. E. Wallis and E. R. Withel 126. test for olive oils. T. T. Cocking and S. K. Crews 125. Ultra-via& - as a test for citrus oils. Determination of substances producing the -. H. Nicol 433. Fluorescent minerals ; Photography of -. W. M. Thornton and M. N. Lewis 784.Fluorescin Chloride Spot test for aliphatic and aromatic amines with -. 342. Fluoride solution ; Volumetric determination of beryllium and silicon in complex -. J. A. Tschernichow and E. J. Guldina 638. Fluorine in biological materials ; Titration of -. E. W. Scott and A. L. Henne 831. in phosphorites determined by a simplified method. S. N. Rosanow 781. in sulphuric acid and oleum; Determination of -. H. Spielhaczek 273. Tests for small amounts of -. S. Kiihnel Hagen 125. Fluosilicates and wines. H. Fabre and E. Brdmond 46. Food Adulteration and Analysis; History of -. 206. F. A. Filby (Review) 281. Aluminium in -. G. W. Monier-Williams, 822. materials ; New method of determining the acid-base balance in -. J. Davidson and J. A. Le Clerc 262.Food and Drugs Analysis. Abstracts 44 104, 181 253 325 414 478 556 621 699 764, 827. Food Investigation Board Report for 1932-3, 249; for 1934 687. Food-colouring Materials Second Report of the Sub-committee on the determination of arsenic lead and other poisonous metals in - . 541. Food-Pastes Distinction between egg-yolk and vegetable lecithin in -. H. Kluge 254. Flour-continued. V. E. Munsey 764. in -. influence of. VitBz 421. D. D. Moir and E. Hinks 439. J. Berlie 181. Wheat-rye - and bread. VOLUME 60 xxxi Foods Analysis of Drugs and -; Aids to. 5th Ed. C. G. Moor and W. Partridge 130. (Review) 648. canned -; Gases in. 697. copper in -; Determination of. A. A. D. Comrie 532. copper in -; Determination of with special reference to milk.N. D. Sylvester and L. H. Lampitt. 376. Structure and Composition of -. Vol. 11. Vegetables and Fruits. A. L. and K. B. Winton 728 ; (Review) 852. Foodstnffs containing Alkaloids Spices Salt. Vol. VI of Handbuch der Lebensmittel-Chemie. (Review) 345. Digestibility of common - as determined by radiography. W. C. D. Maile and K. J. L. Scott 192. margarine and hardened oils in -; Detection of. J. Grossfeld and J. Peter 105. Vitamin C in Indian -. 616. A. R. Ghosh and B. C. Guha 424. Forensic analysis. Abstracts 713. Forest Products Research Board report. 176. Formaldehyde in milk; Detection of -. T. Formaldoxime Colour reaction of manganese Formic Acid in sugar. 612. Formol titration number as a means of evaluating fruit juices fruit-lemonade syrups jams and wines.W. Schut 557. Fowls Boric acid on -. 405. Freezing preservation of fruits and vegetables. 826. temperatures; Influence of - on haddock’s muscle. G. A. Reay 192. Freezing-point of milk. See Milk. Fructose in blood; New method for determining Fruit Artificial coloration of - by means of Effect of fumigation with hydrocyanic acid on Freezing preservation of -. 826. juices; Formol titration number as a means of evaluating -. W. Schut 557. Lead arsenate in -. 40. Preservation Research Station Campden. Report for 1933-34. 695. Rotting of - in storage. Spoilage of processed - by Byssochlamys fulva. 697. Texture of canned -. 697. Fruits acetaldehyde in tropical-; Occur-rence of -. Fulham Report of the Public Analyst for -for the year 1934.T. McLachlan 753. Fuller’s Earth Concentration of vitamin G(BJ by adsorption and elution of -. S. Lepkovsky W. Popper and H. M. Evans, 195. McLachlan 752. with -. E. Kahane 573. -. L. B. Scott 562. gases. 41. -. F. Beran 333. 688. A. Steinmann 703. Fumes from copper refinery. 691. from wire enamelling. 690. Fumigation with hydrocyanic acid; Effect of - on fruit. F. Beran 333. Fungi Moisture requirements of mould -, with special reference to mildew in textiles. L. D. Galloway 425 xxxii INDEX TO Furfural Test for mint oils; Application of - to other essential oils. Eurs Chemical examination of - in relation to dermatitis. Part V. The action of acid on Bandrowski’s base. H. E. Cox and J.U. Lewin 350. Part VI. Identification of vegetable and other dyes. H. E. Cox 793. D. C. Garratt 595. Fustic on furs; Identification of -. 796. G Gallotannic Acid dyes on furs; Identification of Gas-storage of apples; Refrigerated -. F. Gas-works effluents. 39. Gaseous mixtures ; Rapid method for determining hydrogen sulphide in -. P. Woog R. Sigwalt and J. de Saint-Mais 640. Gases as means of artificially colouring fruit. 41. Chlorine and bromine in - detected by means of resorufin. H. Eichler 121. in canned foods. 697. Sulphur - in air. 409. Sulphur oxides content of waste - from power stations. 690. Gates Lead in paints for -. 41. Gelatin gel ; Method of analysis for determining silver chromate etc. in - . E. B. Hughes 309. 177. Gentian Powdered - containing nutshells.(Legal Notes) 407. Georgia vegetables ; Iodine-content of - and water as a factor in its variation. K. T. Holley T. A. Pickett and W. L. Brown 622. Georgia Experimental Station Report for 1934-35. 826. Gerber Process Influence of amyl ether on the indicated fat percentage in __ . D. O’Sullivan 30 1. Germanium Spectrographic analysis of -. 13. Ghee Thiocyanogen value of - . U. D. Budhalakoti and K. C. Mukherji 767. Gibraltar Report of the City Analyst for -for the year 1934. Gin Strength of - in Jersey. 405. Glass bottles; Arsenic in exhibits derived from -. 102. P. Drawe, 637. Glassware Standards for scientific -. B. S. I. specifications for distillation flasks and ground-glass joints. 42. the quantitative precipitin method.2 Goettsch and F. E. Kendall 422. . 798. -Kidd and C. West 757. Variation in physical properties of -. A. G. Holborow 817. lead in -; Determination of. Volumetric -; Standards for. 470. Globulin in biological fluids ; Analysis of -Gloriosa Superba poisoning. 759. Gluconic Acid Detection and determination of -. W. Diemair B. Bleyer and L. Schneider 480. Glutaconic Aldehyde Spot test for primary aromatic amines with -. 343. (Glutathione Glyoxalase as a reagent for the quantatitive micro-estimation of -. G. E. Woodward 423. VOLUME 60 Glyceride structure ; Progressive hydrogenation as an aid in the study of -. A. Banks, H. K. Dean and T. P. Hilditch 328. Glycerides of partly hydrogenated rape oil ; Com-ponent fatty acids of -.T. P. Hilditch and H. Paul 839. of piqui-a fats; Component -. T. P. Hilditch and J. G. Rigg 417. in hen body-fats; Compound -. T. P. Hilditch and W. J . Stainsby 559. in marine animal oils ; Some characteristic features of -. T. P. Hilditch 568. Rate of formation of fully-saturated -during hydrogenation of different natural fats. T. P Hilditch and H. Paul 828. Substitution of - by the corresponding fatty acids in a balanced ration. R. Lecoq, 562. CHycerol triethanolamine in presence of -; Determination of. 79. Glyoxalase as a reagent for the quantitative micro-estimation of glutathione. G. E. Woodward 423. Glyoxylic Acid Detection of -. 189. Goats’ milk; Composition of -. Gold Chemical microscopy of -. W. F. Whitmore and H.Schneider 781. Detection and determination of - by means of carbon monoxide. R. N. Costeanu 779. Government Analysts Notes from reports of - See British Guiana Ceylon Cyprus, Mad& New Zealand Queensland Straits Settlements Trinidad and Tobago. Pigments of pink - Citrus grandis (L., Osbeck). M. B. Matlack 622. 817. Grape Fruit butter. 553. Gregory Powder 243. Grey Powder containing talc. 753. Ground-glass joints; B.S.I. specification for -. Ground-nut cake; Castor bean in -. tablets. 36. 42. 244. Gum Arabic Identification of - . I. c. fitsema 259. Gun wads; Cloth as -. Gunpowder carbon in the tissues ; Identification 472. of -. 761. H Haddock Identification of -. 69 70. Liver oil of Norway -. T. Thorbjamarson, muscles ; Influence of freezing temperature on Haemoglobin in muscle; Determination of -.m e Identification of -. 69 70. Halibut-liver Oils Characteristics of -. N. Evers and W. Smith 418. Halides Dichloro-fluorescein as adsorption indicator for the volumetric determination of -. K. Bambach and T. H. Rider 496. in presence of thiocyanate ; Identification of -. G. B. and L. K. Heisig. 639. iodide in presence of other -; New method for colorimetric determination of small quantities of. A. C. Bose and K. N. Bagchi 80. 525. -. G. A. Reay 192. 45 INDEX TO sulphur in organic compounds containing -; Micro-volumetic determination of. D. T. Gibson and T. H. Caulfield 522. Bsmmersmith Report of the Borough Analyst for - for the year 1934. F. W. Edwards, 754.Han-Fang-Chi Alkaloids of -. K. K. Chen and A. I;. Chen 483. Hard-Woods Starch and related polysac-charides of certain -. I . Preparation and properties of oak and walnut starch. W. G. Campbell 572. Harrogate Drinking Waters ; Pharmacological Action of -. North of England Section Summer Meeting a t -. 505. Health Individual -. Vol. I. E. Obermer, 282. Helium obtained from monazite sand. 614. Helvella Esculenta New reaction of -. G. Reif 707. Hemp resin; Physiological activity of - deter-mined by a polarimetric method. M. N. Ghose and S. N. Bhattacharjee 313. Hen body fats; Compound glycerides of -. T. P. Hilditch and W. J. Stainsby 559. Henna Identification of - 796. Herrings Experimental work on -. 688. 552. Halogens in therapeutic oxygen.681. W. Bain 130. Hydrogen peroxide in bottled -. Vitamin A content of -. A. Scheunert and M. Schieblich 112. Hessian Excess of chlorine in rag flock from -. (Legal Notes) 469. Hexamethylene-tetramine Determination of -. R. Gros 769. Hexammine Cobaltic compounds of vanadium. W. G. Parks and H. J. Prebluda 778. Hexamminecobaltous Iodimercurate Determi-nation of cobalt as - . A. Taurins, 638. Eollow-ware enamelled -; Specification for. J. H. Coste and D. C. Garratt 215. Hoolamite Composition of -. 582. Hops Pectin in -. H. Fink and J. Hart-mann 766. preservative value of -; Colorimetric de-termination of. Hormones Application of Absorption Spectra to the Study of -. (Review) R. A. Morton 724. Hortvet apparatus; Modified - and the true freezing-point of milk.J. R. Stubbs 607. cryoscope for determining the freezing-point of milk; Study of heat exchange in the Monier-Williams and -. J. R. Stubbs, 600. freezing-point process for examining milk : Correction factors and the influence of stirring. J. R. Stubbs I 147. 11 223. 111 233. Household Science Applied Chemistry A Practical Handbook for Students of -. Vol. I. 3rd Ed. (Review) C. K. Tinkler and H. Masters 501. Huddersfield Appointment of H. T. Lea as Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of - 35. Hull See Kingston-upon-Hd. A. A. D. Comrie 48. VOLUME 60 xxxiii Human red blood cells; Determination of sodium in -. tissues and excreta; Lead-content of -. S. L. Tompsett and A. B. Anderson 772. Husks of the principal cereals; Microscopy of L_ .H. Hardtl 326. Hydrazine derivatives ; Microchemical detection of organic -. 124. derivatives; Spot test for -. Hydrocarbon An unsaturated - in olive oil. T. Thorbjarnarson and J. C. Drummond 23, in liver oil of the basking shark; A new -, M. Tsujimoto 490. olive oil - Comparison of properties of squalene and. 29. Hydrocarbons Carcinogenic - and their relationship to the sterols. J. W. Cook, 830. of esparto and candelilla waxes. F. J. E. Collins 269. Hydrochloric Acid Magnesium in extracts of soil in - determined by the oxine method, H. J. Hardon and W. Wirjodihardjo 52. Hydrocyanic Acid Effect on fruit of fumigation with -. F. Beran 333. Hydrogen Detection of nascent - by means of resazurin.H. Eichler 121. Pre-heater for use in the Pregl micro-combus-tion of carbon and -. W. F. Bruce 844. swells in canning. 695. Hydrogen Ion Conctentration (Review) H. Hydrogen Peroxide and ethyl alcohol ; Suitability W. A. Woodard and Diphenylcarbazide as reagent for -. in bottled herrings. 552. Spot test for -, F. W. Oberst 194. 275. Jorgensen 854. of mixtures of -. J. Pickles 47. L. N. Lapin 841. in syrups; Changes in -. 695. E. Plank 59. Hydrogen Sulphide Determination of -. 121. in gaseous mixtures; Rapid method for deter-mining -. P. Wood R. Sigwalt and J. de Saint-Mais 640. in tobacco smoke; Occurrence of -. A. WenuFh 830. Hydrogenation of different natural fats; Rate of formation of fully-saturated glycerides during -.T. P. Hilditch and H. Paul, 828. Progressive - as an aid in the study of glyceride structure. A. Banks H. K. Dean and T. P. Hilditch 328. Hydrosulphite Detection of - by means of resazurin. H. Eichler 121. Hydroxylamine method for the volumetric determination of camphor. R. Vandoni and G. Desseigne 776. HydroxymethyMural in port wines and other sweet wines; Determination of -. C. I. Kruisheer N. J. M. Vorstman and L. C. E. Kniphorst 704. o-Hydroxyquinoline as means of determining thorium. F. Hecht and W. Ehrmann 272. as means of precipitating aluminium in presence of iron nickel cobalt copper, chromium and molybdenum. T. Heczko, 120 xxxiv INDEX TO &Hy+oxyquinoline. bromometric determina-tion of magnesium in tissues and urine with -; Use of a closed flask in.D. M. Greenberg C. Anderson and E. V. Tufts, 832. in the determination of aluminium beryllium and magnesium. H. B. Knowles 777. I Ibotaceryl Alcohol 4 18. Ice Cream Analyses of -. 36. Chemical and bacteriological results of 13 samples. 613. in Gibraltar. 818. Il,lumination research. 177. Improvers in flour; Animal experiments on the influence of -. J. von DarAnyi and St. von Vitez 421. Incompatibles Table of -. (Review) R. L. Worrall 348. Indian acorn oils. S. V. Puntambekar and S. Krishna. 107. butter-fat; Thiocyanogen value of -. U. D. Budhalakoti and K. C. Mukherji 767. foodstuffs; Vitamin C in -. 616; A. R. Ghosh and B. C. Guha 424. Lac Research Institute. D. Norris P. M. Glover and R. W. Aldis 282.linaloe oil. W. H. Simmons 116. milk; Some cryoscopic measurements of -. P. S. Macmahon and L. N. Srivastava 307. species of artemisia; Two new crystalline principles from -. 187. Indicators Benzoyl auramine G as - for Kjeldahl determinations. J . T. Scanlan and J . D. Reid 339. Deuterium as - in the study of inter-mediary metabolism. I . R. Schoenheimer and D. Rittenberg 770. Diphenylcarbazide as - in the mercuri-metric determination of iodine. J. V. Dubskf and J . Trtilek 200. aa’-Dipyridyl as - in the cerimetric titration of small amounts of iron. C. J. van Nieuwenburg and H. B. Blumendal 847. fluorescence acidimetric and adsorption -; Some examples of. H. R. Fleck R. F. G. Holness and A. M. Ward 32. for argentometry; New -. E. Chirnoaga, 428.Iodine-starch - for the volumetric deter-mination of iodide. E. Chirnoaga 780. a-h‘aphthoflavone as - for bromate titra-tions. E. Schulek 718. properties of dinitroaniline azo dyestuffs. H. Wenker 270. Indigo Carmine Use of - in micro-volumetric analysis. I . M. Korenman 782. Infra-red Photography. 2nd Ed. (Review), rays; Use of - in the examination of inks Inks Infra-red rays in the examination of -. Standards for iron gallate - liquid and Sulphate “pictures” as means of identifying S. 0. Kawling 790. and pigments. C. A. Mitchell 454. powder. 698. -. W. Heess 338. C. A. Mitchell 454. VOLUME 60 Inorganic analysis. Abstracts 63 117 196, 272 339 427 494 573 636 718 777, 841. Colloid Chemistry. Vol. 11. Hydrous Ox-ides and Hydroxides.H. B. Weiser 728. Insulin International standard -. 249. Intermediates Estimating dyestuff - by coupling. S. Ueno and H. Sekiguchi 492. International atomic weights. 5th Report. G. P. Baxter and Others 477. Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis. British National Committee Re-port 1935. 411. temperature scale. 469. vitamin standards. 323. lodic Acid as means of detecting morphine in papaverine hydrochloride. R. Monnet 482. Iodide Determination of small quantities of -. Application to the determination of chromate and silver. in presence of other halides; New method for colorimetric determination of small quan-tities of - . A. C. Bose and K. N. Bagchi 80. Volumetric determination of - with a n iodine-starch indicator. E.Chirnoaga 780. Iodides in presence of chlorides ; Micro-deter-mination of -. I. Bellucci 275. Iodinated organic compounds ; Determination of mercury in -. R. B. Sandin and E. T. Margolis 841. Iodine content of Georgia vegetables and water as a factor in its variation. K. T. Holley, T. A. Pickett and W. L. Brown 622. M. L. Jean 429. Effect of nitric acid fumes on -. 427. in biological material ; Determination of -. V. Trevorrow and G. L. Fashena 628. in biological substances ; Determination of -. C. 0. Harvey 762. in blood and thyroid; Determination of -. L. Bellucci and R. Vigni 263. in cabbage. J . F. McClendon and C. E. Holdridge 559. in iodised salt; Determination of -. R. L-Andrew and J. L. Mandeno 801. in mercury compounds ; Volumetric deter-mination of -.D. Koszegi and N. Tomori 340. in soils; Determination of -. G. S. Fraps, J. F. Fudge and E. C. Carlyle 631. Mercurimetric determination of - with diphenylcarbazide as indicator. J. V. Dubskf and J . Trtilek 200. method for determining oxides in steel. T. E. Rooney and A. G. Stapleton 637. ointment. 243 754. ointment A question of warranty. (Legal Notes) 245. ointments; Note on the analysis of -. F. W. Edwards E. B. Parkes and H. R. Nanji 747. paint (methylated). 468. Solution of -. 406. solution; Phenolated -. 820. solution; Use of methylated spirit. (Legal “Spirit of -.” 406 612. Iodine-starch indicator for the volumetric deter-Notes) 173. mination of iodide. E. Chirnoaga 780 INDEX TO &dne Value of linolenic linolic and steaxolic acids by the Wijs and Rosenmund-Kuhnhenn methods.Y . Toyama and T. Tutiya 334. K. Ho S . Wan and S. H. Wen, 569. Iodised Salt iodine in -; Determination of. R. L. Andrew and J. L. Mandeno 801. Iodobismuthate Determination of caesium as -. R. W. Feldmann 719. Iridium Reagents for -. 782. iron Aluminium in presence of - precipita-ted by o-hydroxyquinoline. T. Heczko, 120. Benzoate method of separating aluminium, chromium and - applied in qualitative analysis. L. Lehrman and J. Kramer 197. Cerimetric titration of small amounts of -, with the use of aa’-dipyridyl as indicator. C. J. van Nieuwenburg and H. B. Blumen-dal 847. in aluminium ; Spectrographic determination of -. 12. in biological materials; Further studies on the availability of - .W. C. Sherman, C. A. Elvehjem and E. B. Hart 49. in presence of titanium ; Determination of -. W. M. Thornton 429. Separation of - from cobalt. P. Spacu, 496. sulphur in cast - . Determination of. E. W. Colbeck S. ’W. Craven and W. Murray 119. &on and Steel Institute Journal of -. 1934. Vol. 129 No. 1. 206. Irradiation of fats. I. Standardised method of use of ultra-violet light. L. H. Lampitt, N. D. Sylvester and P. Bilham 577. Iso-Propyl Alcohol Modification of Thorpe and Holmes’s method for determining -. S. S. Aiyar and P. S. Krishnan 237. Erratum in 537. J. Berlie 181. of tung oil. Italian paste; Rancidity in -. Itoyo Fish Oil S. Ueno and S. Komori 706. VOLUME 60 XXXV J Jam Sulphur dioxide in blackcurrant -.Jammi leaves poisoning. 761. Jams Formol titration number as a means of evaluating -. W. Schut 557. Japan Wax Fatty acids of -. M. Tsuji-moto 632. Japanese acid clay; Detection of - by the colour reaction of benzidine solution. K. . Kobayashi and H. Ishikawa 720. mint oil in peppermint oils; Detection of -. D. C. Garratt 369. shell-fish; Fatty substances of -. M. Tsujimoto and H. Koyanagi 418. Java citronella oil ; Determination of citronella1 in -. P. A. Rowaan and D. R. Kool-haas 633. Jersey Report of the States Analyst for -for the year 1934. Jute seed and oil; China -. T. Inaba and K. Kitagawa 335. 820. C . P. Money 405. K Kaoliang Oil S. Ueno and R. Yamasaki 418. Kaolin in the method for determining non-tannins; Use of -.Karasu-Uri Seed Oil New stereoisomer of elaeostearic acid from -. Y. Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 571. Karu Veerathalai leaves; Poisoning by -. 760. Kae-gum 103. Eensmgton Report of the Public Analyst for the Royal Borough of - for the 1st Quarter 1935. Kent Report of the County Analyst for -for the 4th Quarter of 1934. F. W. F. Arnaud 243. Kerosene Pitting of copper in contact with rubber and -. 103. Ketones Microchemical detection of -. 11. R. Fischer and A. Moor 124. Ketonic alcohols and acids ; Action of Nessler’s reagent on -. G. Schuster 189. Kingston-upon-Hull Report of the Public Analyst for - for the year 1934. A. R. Tankard 754. Kjeldahl determinations; Benzoyl auramine G as indicator for -. J. T. Scanlan and J. D. Reid 339.nitrogen determination and determination of non-protein nitrogen of blood. P. L. Kirk, 642. Kohlenstoffes Mikro-Massanalytische Bestim-mung des -. KOQ- Oil S. Ueno and R. Yamasaki 418. Koryanyl Alcohol 418. Kumanokogai Fatty substances of -. 418. A. Jamet 776. F. W. Edwards 406. J. Lindner 728. L Laboratoriumstechnik Einfuhrung in die Or-ganisch-Chemische - . K. Bernhauer, 130. Lac and the Indian Lac Research Institute. D. Norris P. M. Glover and R. W. Aldis, 282. (Review) 436. Lacquer urushiol in -; Determination of. S. Hirano 572 718. Lactic Acid in cider. 89. Laevulosin in port wines and other sweet wines; Determination of - C. I. Kruisheer, N. J. M. Vorstman and L. C. E. Kniphorst, 704. Lancaster Report of the County Analyst for - for the year 1934.G. D. Elsdon 468. Lard Foreign fats in -. 821. hydrogenated oils tallow and fats of the palm-fat group in -; Preliminary tests for detecting small amounts of. A. Peter, 182. Nutritive value of fatty acids of - and some of their esters. S. Lepovsky R. A. Ouer and H. M. Evans 262. substitutes; Labelling of -. 685. Lead Contamination of water by -. 38. content of human tissues and excreta. S. L. Tompsett and A. B. Anderson 772. Determination of - with anthranilic acid. H. Funk and F. Romer 494 xxxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 60 Lead-continued. Electrolytic determination of - as dioxide and its conversion into lead monoxide by ignition. A. J . Lindsey 598. Extraction of - by means of diphenylthio-carbazone. D. C. Garratt 817.in alloys ; Alkalimetric determination of -. N. A. Tananaeff 428. in buildings; Corrosion of -. Technical Paper No. 8. in canned fish. in copper; Determination of small amounts of in food-colouring materials ; Second Report in glass; Determination of -. P. Drawe, in paints for gates and railings. in potable waters; Determination of -. J. FReith and J. de Beus 836. in sardines. 612. in urine; New method for determining minute amounts of -. J. R. Ross and C. C. Lucas 833. Micro-electrolytic determination of bismuth and - and their separation by graded potential. A. J. Lindsey 744. Lead Acetate Direct titration of soluble ortho-phosphates with - in the presence of dibromofluorescein as adsorption indicator. A. W. Wellings 316. Lead Arsenate in vegetables and fruit.Lead Monoxide Conversion of lead dioxide into - by ignition. Lead Peroxide as means of measuring atmos-pheric sulphur pollution. B. H. Wilsdon and F. J . McConnell 122. Lead Sulphate Solubility of - in water and aqueous sulphuric acid. H. D. Crockford and D. J . Brawley 196. Lead Sulphide Volumetric determination of mercuric chloride with ___ . N. A. Tananaeff and W. D. Ponomarjeff 496. Leaf carotenes. G. MacKinney 773. xanthophyll in plant tissues ; Analyses of -. E. S. Miller 265. Leather chromium in chrome-tanned -; Determination of. C. F. Smith and V. R. Sullivan 779. Microscopical examination of -. Optical properties of tanned fibres. I . Refractive index of vegetable-tanned fibres. R. H. Marriott 434.Leaves carotene from certain - a t various stages of development ; Properties of. G. MacKinney 195. Lebensmittel-Chemie Handbuch der -. Vol. VI. Foodstuffs containing Alkaloids, Spices Salt. (Review) A. Bomer A. Juckenack and J. Tillmans 345. Vol. 11. Part 2 786. Lebensvorgiinge Chemische Grundlagen der -. 130. (Review) C. Oppenheimer 724. Lecithin Distinction between egg-yolk and vegetable - in food-pastes. H. Kluge, 254. in egg-paste products ; Supposed diminution of --. W. Diemair F. Mayr and K. Taufel 254. F. L. Brady 321. H. A. Williams 683. -. of the Sub-committee on -. 637. B. Park and E. J . Lewis 495. 541. 41. 40. A. J . Lindsey 598. Lee& Report of the City Analyst for - for the year 1934. C. H. Manley 685. Legal Cases R.F. W. Paul Ltd. ZI. Wheat Commission. Liability of certain consign-ments of imported “middlings” to quota payments under Wheat Act 1932. 95. Legal Notes 37 95 173 245 407 469 756. Leicester Report of the City Analyst for -for the year 1934. F. C. Bullock 686. Lemon Oil U.S.P. regulations for -. 620. Lemon Sole Identification of -. 70. Liesegang Rings Methods of analysis for deter-mining silver chromate etc. in gelatin or agar gel. E. B. Hughes 309. Light filters for the mercury lamp. E. J. Bowen 201. Transmission of - through eggshell. J . W. Givens H. J. Almquist and E. L. R. Stokstad 764. Lignin Determination of -. Parts I and 11. A. G. Norman and S. H. Jenkins, 336. Determination of - in Australian timbers. W. E. Cohen 474.Lignone Sulphonates Qualitative reaction for detecting - (sulphite waste liquor). A. Tingle 86. Lime Agricultural -. 244. Limonites used in cure and prevention of bush K. E. R. Linaloe Oil Mexican and Indian -. W. H. Ling Identification of -. 70. Liniment turpentine -; Analysis of. T. McLachIan 685. Linolenic Acid Iodine value of - by the Wijs and Rosenmund-Kuhnhenn methods. Y . Toyama and T. Tutiya 334. Linolic Acid Iodine value of - by the Wijs and Rosenmund-Kuhnhenn methods. Y . Toyama and T. Tutiya 334. Linseed Quantitative determination of pow-dered -. H. Saber 258. Linseed Oil Colour measurement of raw -. 449 453. in mustard seed oil; Micro-bromide test for detecting -. S. Neogi 91. Liquids Colour measurement of oils and other -.E. R. Bolton and K. A. Williams, 447. Application to wines. Liver Oil of Norway haddock (Sebastes marinus). T. Thorbjarnarson 525. of the basking shark. M. Tsujimoto 489. of the basking shark; New hydrocarbon in Logarithm The Natural -. Sir C. V. Boys, Logwood on furs; Identification of -. 795. London Report of the City Analyst for -Lubrication research. 177. Lumineszenz Analyse im Filtrierten Ultravio-letten Licht. 3rd Ed. P. A. Danckwortt (Review) 68. sickness; Characteristics of -. Grimmett and F. B. Shorland 87. Simmons 116. Measurement of colour of -. A. Faure and R. Pallu 276. -. M. Tsujimoto 490. 282; (Review) 436. for 1933. A. J. C. Lickorish 36. Lysol Adulteration of -. 819. soap. 820 INDEX TO VOLUME 60 xxxvii Measurement Standards of -.469. Meat Constituents of - acting as pointers of extract ; Test for distinguishing between yeast Palatability of -. 687. Post-mortem and refrigeration changes in -. T. Moran 485. Proteins of -. Storing of chilled -. 687. Water in -. change. L. C. Baker 486. extract and -. R. 0. Blench 266. E. C . Bate Smith 485. Meat and Bone Meal Analysis of -. G. A. Meats cured-; Determination of salt in -. Lawrence 61 1. J. G. Sherratt 170. 177. Potted -. 755. Medical Jurisprudence ; Taylor’s Principles and Practice of -. S. Smith and W. G. H. Cook 130. (Review) 643. Medical Research Council Determination of iodine in biological substances. Report Series No. 201. C. 0. Harvey 762. Report for the year 1933-4. tion of. G. Antoine 484.in -. J . Gonzalez-Carrero 626. properties of -. (Rfview) 727. W. R. Heading 109. 247. Medicaments silver in organic -; Determina-Medicinal substances ; Determination of bismuth Mentholum Valerianicum Preparation and Merceologia Siciliana; Annali di -. Vol. 11. Mercurial ointments; Analysis of some -. Mercuric Chloride tablets ; U.S.P. regulations for poisoning. 759. Volumetric determination of -. 727. Volumetric determination of - by means of lead sulphide. N. A. Tananaeff and W. D. Ponomarjeff 495. Mercuric Iodide Reactions of -. E. Mon-tignie 339. Mercurimetric iodine determination with di-phenylcarbazide as indicator. J. V. Dubskq and J . Trtilek 200. Mercury cathode apparatus; A moving -. B. S. Evans 389. compounds; Volumetric determination of iodine in -.D. Koszegi and N. Tomori, 340. Determination of - with anthranilic acid. H. Funk and F. Romer 494. in iodinated organic compounds ; Determina-tion of -. R. B. Sandin and E. T. Margolis 841. C. New-comb s. R. Naidu and K. s. Varadachar, 732. lamp; Light filters for -. E. J. Bowen, 201. New test for --. Rapid and exact method for determining -. A. Augusti 842. Separation of __ from arsenic antimony and tin. Mersey River investigation. 39. Metabolism Deuterium as an indicator in the study of intermediary -. I . I<. Schoen-heimer and D. Rittenberg 770. B. Bobranski 47. -. 620. in viscera; Determination of -. E. Stathis 53. W. Hiltner and W. Gittel 428. I Xacro-Test for nitrous acid. J. V. Dubsky, Madar Juice poisoning.759. Madras Report of the Chemical Examiner for C. Newcomb 759. Magdala Red Detection of nitrite with -. Magnesia Definition of -. 468. Magnesia Magma U.S.P. regulations for -. 620. Magnesium in duralumin ; Determination of -. G. S. Smith 812. in extracts of soil in hydrochloric acid; Oxine method of determining -. H. J. Hardon and W. Wirjodihardjo 52. in the cocoa nib; Content of -. J. Gross-feld and E. Lindemann 256. in tissues and urine; Use of a closed flask in the bromometric determination of - with 8-hydroxyquinoline. D. M. Greenberg C. Anderson and E. V. Tufts 832. Micro-detection of - with alkannin and naphthazarin. J . V. Dubzky and E. Wagner 641. Use of 8-hydroxyquinoline in the determina-tion of -.H. B. Knowles 777. Magnesium Oxalate J . Haslam 668. Mahapatta Bark as fish poison. Maize in South Africa. Malic Acid in cider. 88. Malt barley- ; Study of the concentration and properties of two amylases of -. M. L. Caldwell and S. E. Doebbeling 712. Diastatic power of - determined by potassium ferricyanide titration. F. W. Norris and W. A. Carter 415. Malt Vinegar Definitions of -. 2. Manganese Colour reaction of - with formaldoxime. E. Kahane 573. in cane sugar and maple sugar; Presence of -. Volumetric determination of -. J. Leroide and A. Bruiltet 573. Volumetric determination of __ by con-version into manganic salt. R. Lang 718. Manganic Salt Volumetric determination of manganese by conversion into -. R. Lang 718. J. Trtilek and A.Ok&C 200. - for the year 1934. H. Eichler 274. 472. B. Segal 326. P. f i o u and J . Delorme 711. Manure Value of poultry -. Maple Sugar Presence of manganese in cane sugar and -. P. Riou and J. Delorme, 711. Margarine in foodstuffs ; Detection of hardened oils and -. J . Grossfeld and J. Peter, 105. Marine Animal Oils Some characteristic features of the glycerides present in -. T. P. Hilditch 568. Marine Oils Selective adsorption in the ex-amination of the unsaponifiable matter of -. T. Thorbjarnarson A. Santos Kuiz and J. C. Drummond 382. Marbg Ms Infra-red rays in the examination of -. 459. Matd tannin in - ; Question of. W. A. Woodard and A. N. Cowland 135. Meagrim Identification of -. 70. 243 XXXViii INDEX TO Metabolism-continued.of the phospholipids. The passage of elaidic acid into tissue phospholipids. R. G. Sinclair 832. Metallurgical analysis; Use of the spectrograph in-. D. M. Smith 17. Metallurgy Elementary Text-book on -. (Review) E. L. Rhead 647. Metals Corrosion of -. 613. poisonous - in food-colouring materials ; Second Report of the Sub-committee on. Determination of lead. 541. thallium in presence of other -; Deter-mination of traces of. L. A. Haddock 394. Metanilic Acid Identification of -. R. B. Forster 53. Metaphosphate orthophosphate in presence of pyro- and -; Colorimetric determination of. K. Boratynski 842. Methoxyl Micro-volumetric determination of -. D. T. Gibson and T. H. Caulfield, 845. Methyl Alcohol in alcoholic products.J. B. Wilson 776. in presence of ethyl alcohol and its homologues in large quantities; Determination of small amounts of -. in the air; Determination of -. C. M. Jephcott 588. Modification of Thorpe and Holmes’s method for determining -. S. S. Aiyar and P. S. Krishnan 237. Erratum in 537. Methyl Sulphide Liberation of - by seaweed. P. Haas 628. Methyls1 as. a solvent in analysis. L. Espil 113. as means of extracting zymoflavine. L. Genevois and L. Espil 111. Methylated Spirit Use of - in solution of iodine. (Legal Notes) 173. Methylene Blue method of measuring ultra-violet radiation. 410. Mexican linaloe oil. Micro-analysis Application of catalysis in -. R. Lucas and F. Grassner 848. Elimination of phosphoric acid in qualitative -.S . Ginsburg and M. H. Pringsheim, 783. Fluorescence methods in - . Collected references. M. Heitinger 201. Micro-bromide Test for detecting linseed oil in mustard seed oil. Microchemical analysis. Abstracts 56 123, 199 274 342 431 497 575 641 720 781, 844. analysis ; Electrographic methods. Collected references. R. Jirkovsky 123. colorimetric determination of sodium. A. Elias 783. electrolytic analysis ; Application of controlled potential to - . A. J. Lindsey and H. J. S. Sand 739. reactions of pyramidone. M. Wagenaar 575. reagent; Ammonium molybdate as a -. references. 1932. 274. test for choline and its esters in tissue extracts. work in 1934; References to -. Part I, M. Flanzy 632. W. H. Simmons 116. S. Neogi 91. C. van Zijp 431.F. J. Booth 845. pp. 1-80. 848. VOLUME 60 Microchemistry of antipyrine. M. Wagenaar, 576. Micro-combustion of carbon and hydrogen; Pre-heater for use in -. W. F. Bruce 844. Micro-Copper-Pyride Reaction of certain or-ganic acids. lKicro-detection of magnesium and aluminium with alkannin and naphthazarin. J. V. Dubskp and E. Wagner 641. Micro-determination of bromides and iodides in presence of chlorides. I . Bellucci 275. of caffeine; Colorimetric -. G. DenigBs, 200. of chloride and potassium; Volumetric -. B. Bullock and P. L. Krik 497. of chlorides in tissues. K. Linderstr~m-Lang, A. H. Palmer and H. Holter 421. of morphine in opium and its preparations; Colorimetric -. J . A. Sanchez 419. of sugar in blood (plasma etc.); Volumetric -.F. Rappaport and R. Pistiner 199. Micro-Dumas Method Measurement of the small volumes of nitrogen obtained by -. H. C. Gull 401. Micro-electrolytic determination of bismuth and lead and their separation by graded poten-tial. A. J. Lindsey 744. method for determining copper in milk. 255. Micro-estimation of glutathione ; Glyoxalase as a reagent for the quantitative -. G. E. Woodward 423. Micro-extraction apparatus. E. B. Colegrave, 90. Micro-organisms Preservation of stock cultures of -. Micro-sublimation Apparatus and methods for - R. Fischer 123. Micro-test for caesium. H. C. Goswami and P. B. Sarkar 848. for nitrous acid. J. V. Dubsk9 J . Trtilek and A. OkBC 200. Micro-volumetric analysis ; Use of indigo carmine in -. I. M. Korenman 782.determination of methoxyl. D. T. Gibson and T. H. Caulfield 845. determination of sulphur in organic compounds containing halogen and nitrogen. D. T. Gibson and T. H. Caulfield 522. Middlings Liability of certain consignments of imported - to quota payments under Wheat Act 1932. R. F. W. Paul Ltd. v. Wheat Commission. (.Legal Notes) 95. Mikro-Massanalytische Bestimmung des Kohlen-stoffes und Wasserstoffes. J . Lindner 728. Mildew in textiles. Milk abstraction of milk from -; Place of. A. J. Steenhauer 577. A. C. Thaysen 112. L. D. Galloway 425. 754. adulteration in Cyprus. 179. Citric acid in boiled -. Copper determination in foods with special reference to -. N. D. Sylvester and L. H. Lampitt 376. copper in -.; Determination of.L. W. Conn and Others 254. Determination of ammonium salts as an indica-tion of the quality of -. A. I. Rurstein and F. S. Frum 699. B. Rogina 621. Dirt in -. 754. factory effluents. 38 INDEX TO fat in -; Standard for in British Guiana. 619. formaldehyde in - ; Detection of. T. McLachlan 752. freezing-point of -; A modified Hortvet apparatus and the true. J. R. Stubbs, 607. freezing-point of -; Study of heat exchange in the cryoscopes of Hortvet and Monier-Williams for determining. J. R. Stubbs, 600. freezing-point of -; Sub-committee on the determination of. 730. goats’ -; Composition of. 817. Hortvet freezing-point process for examining -. Correction factors and the influence of stimng. J. R. Stubbs. I 147. 11 223. 111 233.Indian -; Some cryoscopic measurements of. P. S. Macmahon and L. N. Srivastava, 307. nitrates in -; Modified procedure for de-tecting 3 . H. Hamence 532. Ortol test for unboiled -. 817. Pasteurised -. M. Schnetka 478. pasteurising plant. Ministry of Health Cir-cular 1473. 763. pasteurising plants; Supervision of -Ministry of Health Public Health Report No. 77. Sir W. Dalrymple-Champneys, 408. (Special Designations) Order 1934. 694. Variations in the composition of -. (Ministry of Agriculture Bull. No. 16, 2nd Ed.). 554. Variations in the pH value during the souring of -. S. N. Mayoroff 556. vitamin A content of -; Effect of pimiento feeding on. 826. vitamin C in -; Causes of instability of. J. E. Jacobsen 565. Milk Act 1934 693. Mince Sulphur dioxide in -.403. Minerals Photography of fluorescent -. W. M. Thornton and M. N. Lewis 785. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Retail trade names for fish. 178. Variations in the composition of milk. Bull. No. 16. 554. Ministry of Health Orders Reports etc. Milk and Dairies England. Milk (Special Desig-nations) Order 1934. 694. Milk pasteurising plants. Circular 1473. 763. Sale of Food and Drugs Act. Annual Report for 1934-35 and Abstract of Reports of Public Analysts for the year 1934. Supervision of milk pasteurising plants. Report No. 77. Sir W. Dalrymple-Champneys 408. m t Adulteration of - with ailanthus. 612. m t Oil Furfural test for - applied to other essential oils. D. C. Garratt 595. Moisture in cereal products determined by dis-tillation with tetrachloroethane.J . M. Tucker and T. E. Burke 663. Molybdenum Aluminium in presence of -precipitated by means of o-hydroxyquino-line. T. Heczko 120. Milk-continued. 821. VOLUME 60 xxxix cyclohexanol in the colorimetric determina-tion of -; Use of. L. C. Hurd and F. Reynolds 54. Determination of - as silver molybdate. L. W. McCay 198. in steel; Determination of - and its separa-tion from tungsten. Monazite Sand Helium from -. 614. Monier-Williams cryoscope for determining the freezing-point of milk; Study of heat ex-change in the Hortvet and -. J. R. Stubbs 600. Mono-calcium Phosphate Determination of - by means of urea. C. W. Whittaker, F. 0. Lundstrom and W. L. Hill 334. Morphine in opium and its preparations; Colori-metric micro-determination of -.J. A. Sanchez 419. in papaverine hydrochloride ; Detection of - by means of iodic acid. J. Rozeboom, 482. Mortar Corrosion caused by -. 321. Mould fungi; Moisture requirements of -, with special reference to mildew in textiles. L. D. Galloway 425. Much Differential staining of - by thionine and similar dyes. E. G. Kelley and E. G. Miller 627. Muscle of haddocks; Influence of freezing temperature on -. proteins of -; Approximate determination of. E. C. Smith 44. Mushrooms Essential oils from -. F. W. Freise 414. Mustard Seed Oil linseed oil in -; Micro-bromide test for detecting. Myogen Determination of -. 44. Myoglobin in muscle; Determination of -. 45. Myosin Determination of -. 45. Molybedenum-continued.W. Werz 340. G. A. Reay 192. s. Neogi 91. N Naphthalene Determination of - by means of picric acid. A. P. W. Munch and R. T. Heukers 634. Naphthazarin for the micro-detection of magnes-ium and aluminium. J. V. Dubskf and E. Wagner 641. a-Naphthoflavone as an indicator for bromate titrations. E. Schulek 718. National Physical Laboratory Report for the year 1933-4 175; for the year 1934-5 469. Nessler’s Reagent Action of __ on some ketonic alcohols and ketonic acids. G. Schuster 189. Neutral Red as means of detecting volutin in the living yeast cell. L. Heucke and W. Henneberg 193. New Zealand Report of the Dominion Analyst for - for 1933. W. Donovan 102. Nickel Aluminium in presence of - pre-cipitated by means of o-hydroxyquinoline.T. Heczko 120. in organic material ; Spectrographic deter-mination of -. 13. Quantitative separation of cobalt and - by means of triethanolamine. E. Raymond 574 Xl INDEX TO Nickel-continued. Volumetric determination of -. J . T. Dobbins and J. P. Sanders 54. zinc in commercial -; Method for deter-mining small amounts of. B. s. Evans 464. Nickel Dimethylglyoxime Precipitation of di-acetyl as -. 653. Nicotine content of tobacco smoke. C. 0. Jensen and D. E. Haley 829. Determination of __ by the silicotungstic acid method. in raw tobacco; Distribution of -. T. B. Andreadis and E. J. Toole 110. Niobium analytical chemistry of -; In-vestigations into. XXVIII. Separation of rare earths from earth acids. W. R. Schoeller and E.F. Waterhouse 284. XXIX. Separation of tungsten from ti-tanium tantalum zirconium and -. A. R. Powell W. R. SchoellerandC. Jahn,506. Volumetric determination of -. J . A. Tschernichow and M. P. Karssajewskaja, 197. Nitrates in milk ; hlodified procedure for deteeting -. J. H. Hamence 532. in water; Colour-scale for the rapid deter-mination of -. Nitric Acid fumes; Effect of - on certain elements. E. Montignie 427. Nitrite Detection of __ with magdala red, H. Eichler 274. Nitrites Triple - of the rare earths and a micro-test for caesium. H. C. Goswami and P. B. Sarkar 848. Volumetric determination of - by means of ceric sulphate solution. H. Bennett and H. F. Hanvood 677. Nitro compounds ; Microchemical detection of Nitrobenzene poisoning.180. Nitrogen and Carbon Cycles in Soils; Influence of Fertilisers on - . P. Kamerman and H. Clintworth 130. distribution in Philippine rice bran. J. Maraiion and L. Cosme 827. Kjeldahl - determination and deter-mination of non-protein - of blood. P. L. Kirk 642. obtained by the Micro-Dumas method ; Measurement of the small volumes of -. H. C. Gull 401. sulphur in organic compounds containing -; Micro-volumetric determination of. D. T. Gibson and T. H. Caulfield 522. Nitroso compounds ; Microchemical detection of Nitroso- &Naphthol as means of determining cobalt. L. Philippot 429. Nitrous Acid Macro- and micro-tests for -. J. V. Dubskq J . Trtilek and A. OkAC 200. Non-Tannic tea. 821. Non-tannins Use of kaolin in the method for determining -.A. Jamet 776. Norway Haddock Liver oil of - . T. Thorbjarnarson 525. Nucleoprotein Differential staining of - by thionine and similar dyes. E. G. Kelley and E. G. Miller 627. Nutshells in powdered gentian. (Legal Notes) 407. N. H. Pizer 48. R. Gros 774. -. 124. - 123. VOLUME 60 0 Oak starch; Preparation and properties of -. Oats Sussex ground -. 686. Obesity tablets and capsules ; Detection and determination of 2 4-dinitrophenol in -. I . S. Shupe 768. Obituary Notices Archbutt Leonard 283 579. W. G. Campbell 572. Burford Samuel Francis 579 792. Candy Hugh Charles Herbert 730. Cross Charles Frederick 283 437. Day Frank Edward 132 208. Kingzett Charles Thomas 579 649. O’Mahoney Daniel John 2. Scott-Smith George Egerton 2.Self Percy Arthur William 437 731. Starey Arthur John 283 349. Tatlock Robert Rattray 2 122. Wilson Alfred Charles 579. Oil of yarrow; Volatile -. (AchiZZea MiZEe-Oils Brazilian “Cedro” wood - . F. w. folium Linn.). R. L. McMurray 258. Freise 191. Cassia absus -. Colour measurement of ___ and other liquids. colour of --; Recommended standard pro-G. s. Fawcett 467. Comparison of susceptibilities of fats and -Fatty -. See Fatty Oils. hardened - in foodstuffs; Detection of J. Grossfeld and J. Peter, heavy-; Colouring matter in -. 176. hydrogenated __ in lard ; Preliminary tests for detecting small amounts of. A. Peter, 182. Indian acorn - . S. Puntambekar and S. Krishna 107. Iodimetric determination of the oxidised products of - . J .Gang1 and W. Rumpel 183. Itoyo fish -. S. Ueno and S. Komori 706. marine animal - ; Some characteristic features of the glycerides present in. T. P. Hilditch 568. of Artemisia rigida (Nutt.) Gray. G. Norin and R. L. McMurray 481. separation of paraffins from other -; Ethylene glycol monoacetate as a selective solvent for. I(. B. Edwards and R. Lacey, 717. sterol iodine values of - determined by the Bolton and Williams method ; Preliminary note on. A. C. Bose 160. unsaponifiable matter in - ; Sub-committee on the determination of. Report No. 2. The determination of unsaponified fat in soaps. 537. unsaponifiable matter of marine -; Selec-tive adsorption in examining. T. Thorb-jarnarson A. Santos Ruiz and J. C. Drum-mond 382. Z. Ahmad 828.E. R. I3olton and K. A. Williams 447. cedure for measuring. to oxidation. C. H. Lea 114. margarine and. 105. Ointments Iodine -. 754. iodine -; Note on the analysis of. F. W. Edwards E. B. Parkes and H. R. Nanji, 747 INDEX TO Ointments-continued. mercurial -; Analysis of some. W. R. Heading 109. Oiticica Oil Highly unsaturated acids from -(Lzcanza rzgzda). W. B. Brown and E. H. Farmer 570. Oleander poisoning. 759. Oleum fluorine in -; Determination of. H. Spielhaczek 273. Olive Oil Adulteration of - in Cyprus. 179. Fluorescence of -. Influence of pigments. J. Guillot 432. Fluorescence test for -. T. T. Cocking and S. K. Crews 125. hydrocarbon ; Comparison of properties of squalene and -. 29. hydrocarbon in - of different origin: Proportion of.28. tea-seed oil in -; Spectroscopic detection of. 16. Unsaturated hydrocarbon occurring in -. T. Thorbjarnarson and J. C. Drummond, 23. Opium alkaloids; Test for citric acid and a reagent for -. M. Pesez 709. and its preparations ; Colorimetric micro-determination of morphine in -. J. A. Sanchez 419. Optical Rotatory Power. (Review) T. M. Lowry 499. Ores stibnite sulphur in -; Determination of. J. A. Tschernikhov and T. A. Uspens-kaya 844. Zirconium in - determined by the selenite-phosphate method. S. G. Simpson and W. C. Schumb 273. Organic acids ; Micro copper-pyridine reaction of certain -. A. J. Steenhauer 577. analysis. Abstracts 53 113 189 269 334, 425 489 567 631 717 776 838. compounds containing halogen and nitrogen ; Micro-volumetric determination of sulphur in -.D. T. Gibson and T. H. Caulfield, 522. compounds; Determination of copper in -. N. N. Melnikow 53. compounds ; Determination of mercury in iodinated -. R. B. Sandin and E. T. Margolis 841. compounds ; Determination of small amounts of sulphur in -. N. Strafford and H. Crossley 163. compounds; Reactions and reagents for detecting -. 111. E. Eegriwe 189. compounds; Spot tests for -. F. Feigl and Co-workers. I 56. 11 57. 111 123. IV 123. V 275. VI 342. VII 720. Compounds ; Systematic Identification of -. (Review) R. L. Shriner and R. C. Fuson 852. compounds; Tests for elements in -. H. Middleton 154. hydrazine derivatives ; Microchemical detec-tion of -. 124. materials ; Determination of selenium in -.H. C. Dudley and H. G. Byers 270. matter in sea-water. medicaments; Determination of silver in -. L. Espil 631. VOLUME 60 xli Organic-continued. Syntheses. Vol. XV. Edited by W. H. Carothers 504. (Review) 787. Organische Chemische Laboratoriumstechnik; Einfiihrung in die -. K. Bernhauer 130, (Review) 788. Orthophosphate in presence of pyro- and meta-phosphate; Colorimetric determination of -. K. Boratynski 842. Orthophosphates Direct titration of soluble - with lead acetate in the presence of dibromofluorescein as adsorption indicator. A. W. Wellings 316. Ortol Test for unboiled milk. 817. Osmium Reagents for -. 782. Oxalic Acid Detection of -. 189. Oxidation Comparison of susceptibilities of oils and fats to -.C. H. Lea 114. Oxides in steel; Iodine method of determining -. T. E. Rooney and A. G. Stapleton, 637. Oxidising Agent Calcium hypochlorite as a volumetric -. Determination of am-monia. I. M. Kolthoff and V. A. Stenger, 341. Oxycellulose Improved ferricyanide reagent for detecting -. Oxydimorphine Determination of -. B. Drevon 707. Oxygen Acclimatisation of mammals to reduced proportions of -. 248. Examination of therapeutic -. R. C. Frederick 581. Ozone Determination of -. A. Mach6 496. in air; Determination of -. E. Briner and W. F. A. Ermen 426. H. Paillard 274. P Paints for gates and railings; Lead in -. 41. Infra-red rays in examination of pigments of Palladium Reagents for -. 782. Palm Oils Composition of commercial -. IV.Progressive hydrogenation as an aid in the study of glyceride structure. A. Banks H. K. Dean and T. P. Hilditch 328. Papain Assay of -. A. K. Balls T. L. Swenson and L. S. Stuart 420. Papaverine Hydrochloride morphine in -; Detection by means of iodic acid. J. Rozeboom 482. Paper-making qualities of Pinus radzata ; Chemi-cal investigation of -. I. Distribution and nature of the non-volatile ether ex-tractives. 618. mechanical wood pulp unbleached chemical pulp and bleached chemical pulp fibres in -; A method for the quantitative deter-mination of. B. K. Mukhopadhyay and K. K. Tampy 529. water-resistance of -; Ultra-violet light as a sensitive method of measuring the degree of. J. Grant 60. Paprika meal products; Composition of Szegeder -.458. G. Antoine 484. - Edelsiiss -. I. HoGAth 829 xlii INDEX TO Paraffins separation of - from other oils; Ethylene glycol monoacetate as a selective solvent for. K. B. Edwards and R. Lacey 717. Pssteurisation Is the amylase test alone sufficient to indicate permanent -? M. F. Bengen and E. Bohm 325. Pasteurised milk. M. Schnetka 478. Pasteurising .plants for milk. Ministry of Health Circular 1473. 763. plants for milk Supervision of -. Ministry of Health Public Health Report No. 77. Sir W. Dalrymple-Champneys 408. Pasture problems in South Africa. 101. Pear Constituents of the wax-like coating of the - Pyrus communis L. K. S. Markley S. B. Hendricks and C. E. Sando, 767. Peas Ripening of -. 695. Pectin in hops. H. Fink and J. Hartmann 766.Variations in composition of -. 177. Pectins Comparison of commercial -. C. J. van der Bie 765. Pectolytic power of filtration enzymes ; Deter-mination of -. A. Mehlitz and H. Maass 834. Pencils Infra-red rays in examination of pig-ments of - 459. Pepper bleached with sulphur dioxide, Peppermint Oil Japanese mint oil detected in -. D. C. Garratt 369. Pepsin and rennin activities of the gastric secretion of different animals; Comparison of -. H. Holter and B. Andersen 110. Peraxides in ether; Determination of -. M. Landon 260. Petroleum Standard Methods for Testing -and its Products. 3rd Ed. 504. pH Value of saliva; Measurement of -. B. C. Soyenkoff and C. F. Hinck 485. Variations in - during the souring of milk. S. N. Mayoroff 556. “Phalka Ghee” Sources of -.825. Pharmacological Action of Harrogate Drinking Waters. W. Bain 130. Pharmacopoeia The Extra. Vol. 11. 20th Ed. (Review) 855. Phenolase activity; Measurement of - R. Samisch 712. Phenols Test for citric acid and a reagent for -. M. Pesez 709. o-Phenylphenol Determination of -. W. 0. Emery and H. C. Fuller 634. Philippine rice bran ; Nitrogen distribution and carbohydrate partition in -. J. Maraiion and L. Cosme 827. Philosophers Three - (Lavoisier Priestley and Cavendish). W. Aykroyd 502. (Re-view) 206. Phosphate Colorimetric determination of -. C. Zinzadze 640. content of bones; Determination of -. C. K. Deischer and W. M. McNabb 750. New test for -. Precipitation of titanium as -. T. Da-Phospholipids Metabolism of -.The pas-R. G. 553. L. W. Marrison 784. Tchang and L. Houong 638. sage of elaidic acid into tissue -. Sinclair 832. VOLUME 60 Phosphoric Acid in qualitative micro-analysis ; Elimination of - . S. Ginsburg and M. H. Pringsheim 783. Phosphorites Fluorine in - determined by a. simplified method. S. A. Rosanow. 781. Phosphorus Effect of nitric acid fumes on -. 427. Electroscopic method for ‘detecting yellow - in the presence of tetraphosphorus tersulphide. W. D. Treadwell and C. Beeli 849. in arable soil ; Comparative estimations of -by Hilgard’s Neubauer’s and Niklas’ methods. A. and R. Sartory and Others, 488. Phospho-12-Tungstic Acid Precipitation of I-, dZ- and m-cystine by -. G. Toennies and M. Elliott 773. Photochemical methods of measuring solar ultra-violet radiation ; Standardisation of -.H. S. Mayerson 723. Photography Infra-red -. 2nd Ed. (Re-view) S. 0. Rawling 790. Photometric standards. 470. Physical methods of analysis. Abstracts 60, 125 201 276 344 432 498 577 723 784, 849. Physikalische Methoden der Analytischen Chemie. Vol. I. Spektroskopische und Radiometrische Analyse. G. Scheibe H. Mark and R. Ehrenberg (Review) 63. Physiological Chemistry ; Laboratory Manual of -. 3rd Ed. M. Bodansky and M. Fay, 504. Physiology Plant -. M. Thomas 728. (Review) 788. Picric Acid as means of determining naphthalene. A. P. W. Munch and R. T. Heukers 634. Picrolonic Acid as means for the quantitative determination of thorium. F. Hecht and W. Ehrmann 272.Picrotoxin poisoning -. 761. Pigment Red - in the “Perfection” pimento Pigments Infra-red rays in the examination of Pimento Red pigment in the “Perfection” Pimiento ‘feeding and vitamin A content of milk. Pine-needle concentrate; Use of - to render canned preserves antiscorbutic. N. Jarus-sowa 566. Pinus Radiata Chemical investigation of -in relation to its paper-making qualities. I. Distribution and nature of the non-volatile ether extractives. W. E. Cohen, 618. (Capsicum annuum). -. C. A. Mitchell 454. W. L. Brown 625. of pink grapefruits. M. B. Matlack 622. __ W. L. Brown 625. 826. waste; Utilisation of -. 826. Pipes Tin in water -. 251. Piqui-A fats; Component glycerides of -. Pilocarpipe and its salts; New method for deter-Plaice Identification of -.70. Plant cells; Research on vitamin A in -. T. P. Hilditch and J . G. Rigg 417. mining -. P. Joyet-Lavergne 195. J . A. Sanchez 420 INDEX TO Plant-continued. materials containing rotenone (derris root, tub6 root etc.); Chemical evaluation of --. P. A. Rowaan 483. Physiology. M. Thomas 728; (Review) 788. tissues ; Association of fat-soluble vitamins and anti-oxidants in -. E. M. Bradway and H. A. Mattill 111. tissues ; Determination of common carotenoids and analyses of carotene and leaf xantho-phyll in thirteen -. Plants grown in toxic concentrations of boron ; Histological characteristics of -. I . E. Webber 489. E. S. Miller 265. Research on -. 99. Plasma sugar in -; Volumetric micro-deter-F. Rappaport and R.Pistiner, Platinum group; Chemical microscopy of -. Plumbo-Solvency Investigation of -. 471. Poisoning Aconitine -. 761. Cannabis Indica -. 760. Caustic soda -. 180 473. Gloriosa superba -. 759. Jammi leaves -. 761. Karu veerathalai leaves -. 760. Madar juice -. 759. Mercuric chloride -. 759. Nitrobenzene -. 180. Oleander -. 759. Picrotoxin -. 761. mination of. 199. W. F. Whitmore and H. Schneider 781. Reagents for -. 782. Poisonous principles of ragwort. 103. Pollack Identification of -. 70. Polysaccharides of certain hard-woods. I. The preparation and properties of oak and walnut starch. Polystictus Versicolor (Wood-rotting fungus). B. A. Jay 267. Pomegranate Seed Oil New stereoisomer of elaeostearic acid in -. Y . Toyama and T.Tsuchiya 570. Port Wine hydroxymethylfurfural and laevu-losin in -; Determination of. C. I. Kruisheer N. J. M. Vorstman and L. C. E. Kniphorst 704. Portsmouth Report of the City Analyst for -for the year 1934. Post-mortem changes in meat. T. Moran 485. Potash availability in fertilisers ; Use of A sper-gillus niger in testing -. L. D. Haigh, 630. Potassium in arable soil ; Comparative estimations of ___ by Hilgard’s Neubauer’s and Niklas’ methods. A. and R. Sartory and Others. 488. Volumetric determination of ~ by the cobaltinitrite method. Volumetric micro-determination of -. B. Bullock and P. L. Kirk 497. Zinc cobaltinitrite as means of detecting -. J . -4dams M. Hall and W. F. Bailey 843. Potassium Ferricyanide titration ; Determination of the diastatic power of malt by -.F. W. Noms and W. A. Carter 415. microchemical electrolytic analysis. A. J. Lindsey and H. J. S. Sand 739. W. G. Campbell 5’72. R. P. Page 612. C. S. Piper 198. Potential Application of controlled ___ to VOLUME 60 xliii Separation of bismuth and lead by graded -. A. J. Lindsey 744. Poultry Cold storage of - . Chemical changes in the fat of gas-stored chickens. C. H. Lea 44. Precipitin Method for the analysis of albumin and globulin in biological fluids. E. Goettsch and F. E. Kendall 422. Pregl micro-combustion of carbon and hydrogen ; Pre-heater for use in -. W. 12. Bruce, 844. Preservative value of hops ; Colorimetric deter-mination of -. Preservatives found in foods. 821. Procaine cocaine in mixtures of cocaine and -; Separation and detection of.C. H. Riley 710. Propyl Alcohol Modification of Thorpe and Holmes’s method for determining -. S. S. Aiyar and P. S. Krishnan 237. Erratum in 537. Proteins Errors introduced into the determina-tion of lignin by the presence of -. A. G. Norman and S. H. Jenkins 336. E. C. Bate Smith 485. Potential-continued. manure. 243. A. A. D. Comrie 48. of meat. of muscle Approximate determination of -. E. C. Smith 44. of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). F. A. Csonka 486. Soya-bean -. M. Mashino 716. Public Analysts Appointment of -. See Appointments. Notes from reports of -. See Aberdeen, Birmingham Bristol Derby Fulham Gib-raltar Hammersmith Jersey Kensington, Kent Kingston-upon-Hull Lancaster Leeds, Leicester Portsmouth Salford Stepney.See also Ministry of Health. Society of - . See Society of Public Analysts . Public Health Applied Chemistry A Practical Handbook for Students of -. Vol. I. 3rd Ed. (Review) C . K. Tinkler and H. Masters 501. Congress and Exhibition 1934; Fourth -. 282. Pulp Quantitative determination of mechanical wood - unbleached chemical - and bleached chemical - fibres in paper and -. B. K. Mukhopadhyay and K. K. Tampy 529. Pyramidone Colour reaction of ~ . N. Schoorl 560. JI. Wage-naar 575. Pyrethrum flowers grown in Nem- Zealand. 103. Pyridine Acetylation in - as means of deter-mining free primary and secondary alcohols in the presence of tertiary alcohols in essential oils. R. Delaby and S.Sabetay, 838. PyrogdOl on furs; Identification of -. 798. Pyrophosphate orthophosphate in presence of meta- and -; Colorimetric determination of. K. Boratynski 842. Microchemical reactions of -xliv INDEX TO VOLUME 60 Q Qualitative Analyse niit Hilfe von Tupfelreak-tioncn. 2nd Ed. F. I2eigl (Review) 205. analysis ; Application of the benzoate method of separating iron aluminium and chromium in -. L. Lehrman and J . Kramer 197. Chemical Analysis. 5th Ed. (Review) F. M. l’erkin 789. micro-analysis ; Elimination of phosphoric acid in - . S. Ginsburg and M. H. Pringsheim 783. 2nd Ed. W. T. Hall 504; (Review) 853. Chemical Analysis. 6th Ed. A. C. Cumming and S. A . Iiaye 133; (Review) 603. drop analysis. 111. Kjeldahl nitrogen deter-mination and determination of non-protein nitrogen of blood.spectroscopy and its analytical applications ; Discussion on -. J . J. Fox 3 ; S. Judd Lewis 10. Queensland h p o r t of the Government Analyst for - for year ended June 30th 1934. J. B. Henderson 40. Quercitrin on furs; Identification of -. 795. Quillaia Saponin Colorimetric test for -. J . Rae 186. Quinaldic Acid as an analytical reagent. P. Rky and A . K. Majundar 494. Quinalizarin as means of determining small amounts of boron. G. S. Smith 735. Quinidine Gravimetric and volumetric deter-mination of -. J . A. Sanchez, 184. Quinine -1mmoniated ~ tablets. (Legal Notes) 37. Sew colour reaction of - and its application to the determination of __ . J . A. S,inchez. 184.Quantitative Analysis ; Textbook of -. 1’. L. Kirk 642. R. Monnet 708. iYew colour reaction of -. R Radiography as means of determining the digestibility of common foodstuffs. W. C. D. Maile and K. J . I,. Scott 192. Radiometrische und Spektroskopische Analyse. G. Scheibe H. Mark and R. Ehrenberg (Reliew) 63. Radium standard; British national -. 470. Rag Flock from hessian; Excess of chlorine in . (Legal Notes) 469. Ragwort Poisonous principles of -. 103. Railings Lead in paints for --. 41. Rancidity Colorimetric method for the quanti-tative measurement of -. M. Pyke 515. in fours semolinas and Italian pastes. J . Berlie 181. Rape Oil Component fatty acids of glycerides of partly hydrogenated __ . T. P. Hilditch and H. Paul 839. Raspberries Composition of -.T. Macara, 59-1. Rat-fish Liver Oil Examination of unsaponi-fiable matter from -. 387. Reagents for detecting organic compounds. 111. E. Eegriwe 189. Reagents-cont cnued. for Spot Tests and Delicate Analysis; B.D.H. Book of -. 4th Ed. 504. Quinaldic acid as an analytical -. P. R%y and A. K. Rlajundar 494. Reducing agent; Vanadous sulphate as a volu-metric -. Sulphur Acids; Analysis of --. E. Cher-buliez and H. Herzenstein 121. Refrigerated gas-storage of apples. IT. Kidd and C. West 757. Refrigeration changes in meat. ’K. Moran 485. Rennet Boric acid in essence of -. 403. Rennin and pepsin activities of the gastric secretion of cliff erent animals ; Comparison of -. H. Holter and B. Andersen 110. Resazurin as means of detecting hydrosulphite and nascent hydrogen.H. Eichler 121. Resin hemp- ; Physiological activity of -determined by a polarimetric method. M. N. Ghose and S. N. Bhattacharjee, 313. Resins Artificial __ as containers for drugs. P. Pinten 769. in tobacco smoke; Occurrence of --. A. Wenusch 260. Synthetic -. 176 614. P. C. Banerjee 573. Resorufin as means of detecting chlorine and bromine in gases or solutions. H. Eichler, 121. as means of detecting diazonium salts and primary amines. H. Eichler 190. Respirators Industrial -. 177. Rhapontic rhubarb ; Fluorescence and detection of -. T. E. IVallis and E. R. Withell, 126. Rhodium Keagents for -. 781. Rhubarb Fluorescence and detection of rhapon-tic -. T. E. Wallis and E. R. Withell, 126.Rice bran ; Nitrogen distribution and carbo-hydrate partition in Philippine -. J . Marafion and L. Cosme 827. Road construction ; Analysis of asphalt bitumen and tar materials used for -. D. M. Wilson 117. Research Board report. 176. tars; Experiments on -. 614. Rocks silica in coal-measure -; Determina-tion of free. L. R. L. Dunn 35. Rontgenspektrographie als Untersuchungs-methode. J. R. Katz 130; (Review) 203. Roots carotene from certain __ a t various stages of development ; Properties of. G. MacKinney 195. Ropes Treatment against decay. 614. Rosenmund-Kuhnhenq Method Iodine values of linolenic linolic and stearolic acids by -. Y. Toyama and T. Tutiya 334. Rotenone Chemical evaluation of plant material containing -. derivatives ; Quantitative relationship between the constitution and toxicity of some --.u’. A. Gersdorff 715. in derris root and resin; Determination of -. R. S. Cahn and J . J . Boam 261. Oxidation of __ by copper in an alkaline medium. 12. M. Whittaker and I. Glick-niann 188. P. A. Kowaan 483 INDEX TO Rubber free sulphur in __ ; Volumetric A. F. Hardman Physical and Chemical Properties. (Review), Pitting of copper in contact with kerosene and Science of -. K. Memmler and Others, method for determining. and H. E. Barbehenn 337. T. K. Dawson and B. D. Porritt 857. -. 103. 130. (Review) 347. Rum in “special coffee.” 687. Ruthenium Reagents for -. 782. Rye flour; Detection of wheat and - in mixtures by the trifructosan-content. H. Werner and H.Volger 702. Strength of __. in Jersey. 405. S Sale of Food and Drugs Act Extracts from Ministry of Health Report for 1934-35, and Abstract of Reports of Public Analysts for the year 1935. 821. Salford Report of the City Analyst for ___ for the year 1934. Saliva pH value and acid-neutralising power of -’ Measurement of. B. C. Soyenkoff and k . F. Hinck 485. Salmon Earthy taste in -, Salt Foodstuffs containing -. Vol. VI of Hundbuch der Lebensmittel-Chenzie. (Re-view) 345. in cured meats Determination of --. 177. iodised - ; Determination of iodine in. tolerance of bacteria. 177. H. E. Monk 819. 615. K. L. Andrew and J . L. Mandeno 801. Rosenthaler 721. Salting Out Crystal formation by -. L. Samarskite 284. Sandalwood seeds and seed oil (Mysore) ; Charac-Sandalwoods and their substitutes Structures of Saponin from soya-bean.R. C. Burrell and Sardines Lead in -. 612. Tin and lead in canned -. 683. Scientific glassware standards. B.S.I. specifi-cations for distillation flasks and ground-glass joints. 42. Societies of Gt. Britain and Ireland; Official Year Book of -. 1934. 206. Scientific and Industrial Research Dept. Chem-istry Research Board Report for the ten years ended December 31st 1934. Corrosion of lead in buildings. Technical Paper KO. 8. Food Investigation Board Report for 1932-3, 249; for 1934 687. Investigation of Atmospheric Pollution. Re-port for year ending 31st March 1934. 409. Refrigerated gas-storage of apples. (Food Investigation Leaflet No. 6).F. Kidd and C. West 757. teristics of -. some -. E. D. \;alter 186. Y. V. S. Iyer 319. C. R. Metcalfe 635. 613. F. L. Brady 321. Report for the year 1933-4. Water Pollution Board Report for year ended 30th June 1934. 37. Scones Devonshire and Cornish cream in -. (Legal Xotes) 246. 175. VOLUME 60 xlv Sea Fish Identification of common edible -. Sea-water Organic matter in -. L. Espil, Seaweed Liberation of methyl sulphide by -. Sebastes Marinus Liver oil of __ (Norway Seed Oil China jute -. T. Inaba and K. of the Bael (or Beli) fruit tree (Aegle n/!umzeZos, Seed Oil sandalwood -; Characteristics of. Seeds sandalwood -; Characteristics of. Selenate Gravimetric determination of -. Selenide Detection of cadmium as -. Selenite-phosphate Method for determining zir-S.G. Simpson and W. C. Schumb, Selenium Biological methylation of compounds C. Hattersley 69. 631. P. Haas 628. haddock). T. Thorbjarnarson 525. Kitagawa 335. Corr.). R. Child 23’7. Y. V. S. Iyer 319. Y. V. S. Iyer 319. R. Ripan-Tilici 781. P. Krumholz and 0. Kruh 636. conium. 273. of arsenic and F. Challenger 713. Effect of nitric acid fumes on -. in organic materials ; Determination of -. H. C. Dudley and H. G. Byers 270. in soils in relation to its presence in vegetation. a. G. Byers and H. G. Knight 774. Separation of - from sulphur by a new method. E. Cheraskowa and L. Weiss-bruth 781. 427. Semolina Rancidity in -. 181. Sepia Infra-red rays in the examination of -. Serum calcium in -; Volumetric determina-F.and D. Rappaport 199. Sewage disposal; Methods of -. Shako Fatty substances of --. 418. Shark Basking -. See Basking Shark. Shark-liver Oils M. Tsujimoto 632. Shaving Brushes Anthrax in -. 819. Shellac Its Production Manufacture Chem-E. J. Shell-fish Fatty substances of Japanese -. Sild in olive oil; Tin in -. Tin in canned -. 684. Silica Determination of free I_ . H. L. Ross and F . W. Sehl 276. in coal-measure rocks; Determination of free --. L. R. L. Dunn 35. Silicon in complex fluoride solution ; Volumetic determination of beryllium and -. J. A. Tschernichow and E. J . Guldina 638. Silicotungstic Acid method for determining nicotine. N. H. Pizer 48. Silk damage in -; Determination of. S. R. Trotman and H. S. Bell 492.457. tion of. 38. Examination of unsaponifiable matter from -. 384 386. istry Analysis Commerce and Uses. Parry 282; (Review) 434. M. Tsujimoto and H. Koyanagi 418. 820. Degumming of -. 615. Silk Gum Stains to distinguish fibroin and -. W. S. Denham and E. Dickinson 335. Silver Determination of small quantities of -. M. L. Jean 430 xlvi INDEX TO Silver-continued. in gelatin or agar gel; Methods of analysis for determining -. in organic medicaments ; Determination of - with special reference to colloidal silver ointment. G. Antoine 484. Silver Molybdate Determination of molybdate as -. L. W. McCay 198. Silver Nitrate Titration of barbital with - by H. Budde’s method. J. M. A. Hegland 259. Smoke issuing from a chimney; Optical intensity Soap Analysis; Sub-committee on Methods of Soaps Biological oxidation of -.38. unsaponified fat in -; Sub-committee on the determination of. Report No. 2. 537. Society of Chemical Industry Annual Reports on the Progress of Applied Chemistry 1934, Vol. XIX. 206. Joint Meeting of Food Group of - with the Society of Public Analysts. 69. society of Dyers and Colourists Report of Fast-ness Committee of -. 43. Society of Public Analysts Annual Address of the President. 2. AnnuaLMeeting of -. Dr. Dyer’s Address. 214. Annual Report of Council. 209. Joint Meeting with Food Group of the Society of Chemical Industry. 69. North of England Section. 1 131 212 283, 505 729. Proceedings of -. 1 69 131 207 283, 349 437 505 579 649 729 791.Scottish Section. 213 791. Sodium in human red blood cells ; Determination of -. F. W. Oberst 194. Microchemical colorimetric determination of - A. Elias 783. sodium kuminate Argentometric determina-tion of alkali and sulphide in -. N. A. Tananaeff and M. A. Schachowa 427. Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate as means of determining zinc in water. W. R. G. Atkins 400. Sodium Dinitrophenate J. C. Bird 2. Panciera and E. G. E. Shafer 187. sodium Glycerophosphate Volumetric deter-mination of -. S. Babitsch 627. Sodium Hexametaphosphate as reagent for eliminating the interference due to calcium in the volumetric Fehling’s titration for invert sugar. Sodium Hydroxide solutions ; Preparation stor-age and use of standard carbonate-free -. W. W. Kay and H.L. Sheehan 119. sodium Sulphide Argentometric determination of -. X. A. Tananaeff and J . N. Kremer, 427. Sodium Sulphydrate -4rgentometric determina-tion of -. N. A. Tananaeff and J. N. Kremer 427. Soil chemistry; Report on -. contamination; Aluminium as an index of -. F. B. Shorland 467. Influence of ___ on colour of vegetables. 695. iodine in - . Determination of. G. S. Fraps J . F. Fudge and E. C. Carlyle 631. E. B. Hughes 309. Of -. 410. -. 730. J . G. N. Gaskin 318. 98. VOLUME 60 Soil-continued. Magnesium in extracts of - in hydrochloric acid determined by the oxine method. H. J. Hardon and W. Wirjodihardjo 52. phosphorus and potassium in arable -; Comparative estimations by Hilgard’s, Keubauer’s and Niklas’ methods.A. and R. Sartory and Others 488. 99. Soils Base-exchange in - determined by means of copper. Influence of Fertilisers on the Nitrogen and Carbon Cycles in -. P. Kamerman and H. Clintworth 130. Selenium in - in relation to its presence in vegetation. H. G. Byers and H. C. Knight, 774. Solar ultra-violet radiation ; Standardisation of photochemical methods for measuring --. H. S. Mayerson 723. surveys and mapping; Report on --. J. Lavollay 775. Solders Research on -. 251. Sole Identification of -. 70. Solvents B.S.I. specifications for ~. 104. Methylal as a - in analysis. L. Espil 113. Sorbitol in pure grape wines; Occurrence of -. E. Vogt 704. Sound-proof box for electrically-driven centri-fuges. N. Pollard 752. South Africa Department of Agriculture.Report of the Division of Chemistry for year ended June 30th 1933. St. J . C. 0. Sinclair 10 1. Maize in --. B. Segal 326. meal as coating for shredded suet. J. T. proteins. M. Mashino 716. Saponin from -. R. C. Burrell and E. D. Soya Bean flour in suet. 35. Dunn and H. C. L. Bloxam 320. Walter 186. Soya Oil Colour measurement of -. 453. Spearmint Examination of rubbed -. W. A. N. Markwell and A. E. Cross 748. Specific Gravity of fatty oils shipped in bulk. E. R. Bolton and K. A. Williams 158. Spectral analysis. Collected references. F. Pavelka and H. Molterer 274. Spectrograph Use of - in metallurgical analysis. D. M. Smith 15. Spectrometers Types of --. 4 e l seq. Spectrophotometry absorption -; Instru-ments used for.Absorption ~ ; Practice of. 2nd Ed. F. Twyman and C. B. Allsopp (Review) 127. quantitative -_ and its analytical applica-tions; Discussion on. J . J. Fox 3 S. Judd Lewis 10. Spectrum Analysis ; Clinical and Pathological Application of -. Walther and Werner Gerlach 130 ; (Review) 204. analysis; Instruments used for . F. Twyman 4. Spektroskopische und Radiometrische Xnalyse. G. Scheibe H. Mark and I<. Ehrenberg (Review) 63. Spices Foodstuffs containing -. Vol. VI of Handbuch der Lebensmittel-Chemae. (Re-view) 346. “Spirit of Iodine” 406. F. Twyman 4. Spectroscopy applied to criminology. 14 INDEX TO Spirits acetaldehyde in -; Determination of. Spotogenes accessory factor. 248. Spot Tests B.D.H. Book of Reagents for -. 4th Ed. 504.for ascorbic acid (vitamin C). H. Tauber, 487 629. for organic compounds. F. Feigl and Co-workers. I 56. 11 57. 111 123. IV, 123. V 275. VI 342. VII 720. Squalene Comparison of properties of olive oil hydrocarbon and -. 29. Standard specifications for solvents. 104. Standardisation of methods of testness fastness of dyed materials. 43. Standards “Analar” - for Laboratory Chemicals. British Drug Houses. (Re-view) 63. for “chemical food”; Question of a -. (Legal Notes) 407. for scientific glassware. 42. International vitamin -. 323. of measurement. 469. under the Tea Act (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Regulations) 413. Vitamin -. 554. Starch as adulterant of coffee. 179. Bread with “reduced” - . 102. from Zarnia furfuracea. 46. of certain hard-woods.I. Preparation and W. G. Separation of products resulting from the J. L. Baker Starch-iodine Colour in the determination of traces of thallium. 395. Stearolic Acid Iodine value of - by the Wijs and Rosenmund-Kuhnhenn methods. Y . Toyama and T. Tutiya 334. Steels a t high temperatures. 471. H. A. Kar 495. P. Jaulmes and P. Espezel 703. 405. Strength of - in Jersey. properties of oak and walnut -. Campbell 572. enzymic hydrolysis of -. and H. F. E. Hulton 765. Variation in properties of -. 177. copper in copper-molybdenum -; Deter-mination of. molybdenum in - ; Determination of. W. Werz 340. oxides in -; Iodine method of determining. T. E. Rooney and A. G. Stapleton 637. stainless- ; Determination of chromium in -. Structures Research Board report.176. Stepney Report of the Borough Analyst for - for the year 1934. D. Henville 552. Stereoisomer of elaeostearic acid from the seed oil of karasu-uri. Y . Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 571. of elaeostearic acid in pomegranate seed oil. Y . Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 570. Sterol Iodine Value of oils and fats Preliminary notes on - by the Bolton and Williams method. A. C. Bose 160. Sterols and related substances; Review of recent developments in chemistry of -. 248. Relationship of carcinogenic hydrocarbons to separation of - from vitamin-D-containing materials; New method for. S. Natelson and A. E. Sohel 488. G. F. and G. P. Smith 574. -. J. W. Cook 830. VOLUME 60 xlvii Stibnite Sulphur in ores; Determination of -. J.A. Tschernikhov and T. A. Uspenskaya, 844, Stockport Appointment of T. R. Hodgson as Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of -. 35. Stoppers Device for preventing loss of -. B. S. Evans 242. Storage of ergosterol; Deteriorating effect of varying -. L. R. Ellison and G. F. Hall 92. Straits Settlements Report of the Government Analyst for __ for the year 1934. J. C. Cowap 472. Strontium Oxalate J. Haslam 668. Strophanthin of Strophanthus emini. J. D. Lamb and S. Smith 483. Succinanilidomethylamide-p- Arsonic Acid Pre-paration of -. 176. Sucrase activity; Method for determining -. J. B. Sumner and S. F. Howell 194. Sucrose Octa-acetate as a compulsory denaturant for rubbing alcohol. 560. Suet Fat in shredded -. 35. shredded - A new material used for J.T. Dunn and H. C. L. Bloxam coating. 320. Soya bean flour in -. 35. Sugar Analysis ; International Commission for British National cane ~ and maple -; Presence of man-Uniform Methods of -. Committee Report 1935. 411. ganese in. I. Sakuma and I. Momose 479. P. Kiou and J. Delorme 711. cane-; Colouring substances of - . I. Cane ___ in canning. 695. Dyed -. 686. Formic acid in -. 612. in blood (plasma etc.) ; Volumetric micro-determination of --. F. Rappaport and R. Pistiner 199. invert; New reagent for eliminating the inter-ference due to calcium in the volumetric Fehling’s titration of __ . J. G. N. Gaskin 318. Sugars Inversion of - after canning. 696. Sulphanilic Acid Identification of -. R. B. Forster 53. Sulphate in wool; Determination of -.R. T. Mease 271. “pictures” as means of identifying inks and estimating the relative ages of writing. W. Heess 338. Sulphide in sodium aluminate; Argentometric determination of -. N. A. Tananaeff and M. A. Schachowa 427. Sulphite waste liquor (lignone sulphonates) ; Qualitative reaction for -. A. Tingle, 86. Sulphonic Acids in materials used in the textile and tanning industries ; Determination of true complex -. I<. Lindner 490. Microchemical detection of -. 123. acids. Analysis of reducing -. E. Cher-Determination of elemental - . T. Sulphur Acidity of -. 403. buliez and H. Herzenstein 121. McLachlan and D. M. Mathews 610 xlviii INDEX TO 7 Sulphur-continued. dyestuffs; Spot tests for -. 56. Effect of nitric acid fumes on -.427. gases in air. 409. gases in the air (Hull). impurities in the atmosphere. 687. in cast iron; Determination of -. 755. E. W. Colbeclr S. W. Craven and W. Murray, 119. in certain organic compounds ; Determination of small amounts of --. X. Strafford and H. Crossley 163. in organic compounds containing halogen and nitrogen ; Micro-volumetric determination of -. D. T. Gibson and T. H. Caulfield, 522. in rubber ; Volumetric method for determining free --. A. F. Hardman and H. E . Barbehenn 337. in wool; Determination of - R. T. Mease, 271. pollution of the atmosphere measured by means of lead peroxide. B. 13. Wilsdon and F. J. McConnell 122. Separation of selenium from __ by a new method. E. Cheraskowa and L.Weiss-bruth 781. Sulphur Dioxide in blackcurrant jam. 820. in egg substitute; Excess of -. (Legal Notes) 408. in mince. 403. in wines; Permissible amounts of __ in Pepper bleached with -. 553. Argentine Republic. 325. Sulphur Oxide content of waste gases from Sulphuric Acid Action of hot concentrated __ R. B. Forster 117. as a spray for cereal crops. fluorine in ~ ; Determination of. H. Spielhaczek 273. in vegetable-tanned leather ; Acetone method for determining in wool; Determination of -. J. Barritt. 335. Solubility of lead sulphate in aqueous -. H. D. Crockford and D. J . Brawley 196. Power Stations. 690. on dyes. 692. R. I?. Innes 491. Sulphurous Acid Detection of -. 122. Surgical Spirit 553. Sussex ground oats. 686. Sweet Potato Vitamin A content of -.Sweets Talc in -. 243. Swimming Bath waters. 686. Syntheses Organic -. Vol. XV. Edited by W. H. Carothers 504. (Review), 787. Syphoning device; A simple --. B. S. Evans, 242. Syrup of Chloral Colour reaction of chloral and its application to the identification of -. M. Pesez 625. Syrups Changes in hydrogen-ion concentration in 695. Formol titration number as a means of evaluating fruit-lemonade -. W. Schut, 557. Szegeder Edelsuss paprika meal products ; Com-position of -. F. L. MacLeod and Others 487. I. HorvBth 829. JOLUME 60 T Taint production in the fat of chilled beef. C. H. Lea 107. Takakibyl Alcohol 4 18. Talc Grey powder containing --. 753. Tallow in lard; Preliminary tests for detecting small amounts of -.A. Peter 182. Tannin in mati.; Question of -. W. A. Woodard and A. N. Cowland 135. Tanning industry; Determination of true com-plex sulphonic acids in materials used in . K. Lindner 490. Tannins Certain vegetable ~ and their con-version into anthocyanidins. 1%’. J . Chater, 571. Tantalum analytical chemistry of __ ; In-vestigations into. XXVIII. Separation of rare earths from earth acids. W. R. Schoeller and E. F. Waterhouse 284. XXIX. Separation of tungsten from titan-ium niobium zirconium and -. A. K. Powell W. R. Schoeller and C. Jahn, 506. Taps Device for preventing loss of -. B. S. Evans 242. Tar dust; Prolonged inhalation of --. materials used in road construction ; Analysis D. M. Wilson 117. Road -. 614.Tartaric Acid New reaction of --. M. Tartrazine Use of ~- in determining chlorides W. R. Fearon and Tarts “Real cream” - . (Legal Xotes) 174. in sweet;. 243. ___ 258. of --. Pesez 558. in biological material. W. A. Gillespie 193. Tea “Digestive” __- . 553. dried alfalfa as Sale of. (Legal Notes) . Fresh __ compared with fresh mat&. Non-tannic --. 821. 96. 139. Tea Act Standards under the -. (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Regulations) 413. Teaseed Oil Colour measurement of -. 453. in olive oil; Spectroscopic detection of -. . 16. Tellurium Effect of nitric acid fumes on -. in tellurium-lead ; Determination of -. in tellurium-lead alloys ; Determination of Tellurium.-lead alloys ; Determination of tellur-Determination of tellurium in __ .E. 427. E. Kroner 431. -. W. J . Brown 54. ium in -. Kroner 431. W. J. Brown 54. Temperature scale; International -. 469. Tetrachloroethane Determination of moisture in cereal products by distillation with J . M. Tucker and T. E. Burke 663. Tetraphosphorus Tersulphide Electroscopic method for detecting yellow phosphorus in presence of -. W. D. Treadwell and C. Reeli 849. Textile industry ; Determination of true complex sulphonic acids in materials used in -. K. Lindner 490. Textiles Mildew in -. L. D. Galloway 425 INDEX TO Thalleioquin reaction ; Identification of cinchona preparations by the --. R. Monnet 482. Thallium Electrometric determination of -. W. R. A. Hollens and J . F. Spencer 672. in presence of other metals; Determination of traces of -.Thermochemie Premier Rapport de la Com-mission Permanente de -. 130. Thermo-Regulator for heating and cooling baths. A. E. Bradfield 202. Thioacetic Acid Spot test for -. 56. Thiocyanate halides in presence of -; Identi-fication of. Thiocyanogen value of Indian butter-fat (ghee). IJ. D. Budhalakoti and K. C. Mukherji 767. Thiohydrazides as reagents for aldehydes ; Use of -. H. Wuyts and H. Wachsmuth 839. Thionine Differential staining of nucleoprotein and mucin by -. E. G. Kelley and E. G. Miller 627. Thiosulphuric Acid Determination of -. 121. Thorium Determination of __- with o-hydroxyquinoline. F. Hecht and W. Ehr-mann 272. Quantitative determination of __ by means of picrolonic acid. F. Hecht and W.Ehrmann 272. Thorpe and Holmes Method for determining the total proportions of methyl ethyl zso-propyl and propyl alcohols; Modification of --. S. S. Aiyar and P. S. Krishnan 237. Thyroid Acetonitrile test for -. F. Wokes, 485. I. Bellucci and R. Vigni 263. L. A. Haddock 394. G. 13. and L. I<. Heisig 639. iodine in -; Determination of. tablets. 753. Timber Australian -; Chemistry of. Part 4. Study of the lignin determination 11. W. E. Cohen 474. Australian __ other than Eucalypts; Identi-fication of the principal commercial. H. E. Dadswell and A. M. Eckersley 616. Corrosion caused by -. 323. Tin coating; Action of abrasives and cleaners on-. 252. in canned fish. in sild in olive oil. 820. iodimetric titration of -; A contribution to.Research and Development Council ; First 206, H. A. Williams 653. F. L. Okell and J. Lumsden 803. General Report of International -. 250. Hiltner and W. Gittel 428. Separation of mercury from - . w. Tinplate Research on -. 250. Tissue extracts ; Microchemical test for choline and its esters in --. Tissues Association of fat-soluble vitamins and anti-oxidants in plant -. E. M. Brad-way and H. A. Mattill 111. chloride in __ ; Micro-determination of. K. Iinderstr~m-Lang A. H. Palmer and H. Holter 421. Determination of common carotenoids and analyses of carotene and leaf xanthophyll in thirteen plant --. E. S. Miller 265. gunpowder carbon in -; Identification of. 761. F. J. Booth 845. VOLUME 60 xlix Lead-content of human --. S.L. Tompsett and A. B. Anderson 772. magnesium in -; Use of a closed flask in the bromometric determination of with 8-hydroxyquinoline. D. M. Greenberg, C. Anderson and E. V. Tufts 832. Titanium iron in presence of --; Determina-tion of. W. M. Thornton 420. Precipitation of __ as phosphate. T. Da-Tchang and L. Houong 638. Separation of tungsten from - A. R. Powell W. R. Schoeller and C. Jahn 506. Carbohydrates of __ and their significance. C. Pyriki 185. nicotine in raw -; Distribution of. T. B. Andreadis and E. J . Toole 110. smoke; Nicotine-content of __ . c. 0. Jensen and D. E. Haley 829. smoke; Occurrence of hydrogen sulyhide in -. A. Wenusch 830. smoke; Occurrence of resins in __ . A. Wenusch 260. Tissues-continued. Tobacco Arsenic in -.41. Toddy Composition of -. 473. Tomato conserves. Decrees of Ministry of Local juice ; Comparative composition and colour of puree; Copper in --. 753. Government of Argentine. 324. commercial -. J. S. Mitchell 415. Tooth Enamel Structure of -. 470. Tourne bacterium in a highly alcoholic medium ; Intense development of - . L. B. D’Estivaux 630. Toxicological analysis Abstracts 60 266, 713. Trichloroethylene Effects of - . (Legal Notes) 97. Trichlorotribenzylidenesorbitol Detection of - by means of acetone. Triethanolamine as a means for the quantitative separation of nickel and cobalt. E. Ray-mond 574. Detection and determination of H. R. Fleck 77. Trifructosan content of rye as means of detecting rye and wheat flour in mixtures.H. Werner and H. Volger 702. Trinidad and Tobago Report of the Government Analyst for ___ the year 1034. H. S. Shrewsbury 825. Truffle preserve ; Counterfeited -. C. Griebel, 479. Tube Root Chemical evaluation of -. P.A. Rowaan 483. Tung Oil Iodine value of -. K. Ho S. Wan and S. H. Wen 569. Tungsten Dotreppe’s method for determining -; Study of. M. L. Holt 54. Separation from titanium niobium tantalum and zirconium. A. R. Powell W. R. Schoeller and C. Jahn 506. W. Werz 340. Tupfelreaktionen Qualitative Analyse mit Hilfe von -. 2nd Ed. F. Feigl (Re-view) 205. G. Reif 181. Separation of molybdenum from -. Turbot Identification of -. 70. Turmeric on furs; Identification of -. 797 1 INDEX TO Tnrpentine liniment ; Analysis of - .T. Turtle Oil Physical and chemical characteris-Typewriters Identification of -. 761. !l!yrosine Separation of __ from large amounts of cystine. F. R. Greenbaum, 486. McLachlan 685. tics of -. W. Lee 650. VOLUME 60 U Ucuhuba Fat A. Steger and J. van Loon, 329. Ultra-violet absorption of certain vegetable oils as an indication of their industrial treat-ment. J. Guillot 432. fluorescence as a test for citrus oils. Deter-mination of substances producing the fluorescence. H. Nicol 433. light as a sensitive method for measuring the degree of water-resistance of paper. J. Grant 60. light source for documentary photography. L. Bendikson 61. light; Standardised method of use of - in the irradiation of fats. L. H. Lampitt, N. D. Sylvester and P.Bilham 577. radiation in daylight; Measurement of -. J . S . Owens 784. radiation; Measurement of - by the acetone and methylene blue method. 410. radiation ; Standardisation of photochemical methods for measuring solar -. H. S. Mayerson 723. Ultra-violetten Light Lumiszenz Analyse in Filtrierten -. 3rd Ed. P. W. Danck-wortt (Review) 68. United States of America Department of Agri-culture Standards under the Tea Act, 1935. 413. Department of Commerce. Standards for iron gallate inks liquid and powder. 698. Pharmacopoeia revision. 620. Uranium Salts vanadium in -; Determina-tion of. N. I. Tscherwjakow and E. A. Ostroumow 780. Urea as means of determining mono-calcium phosphate. C. W. Whittaker F. 0. Lundstrom and W. L. Hill 334.Urine Alcohol in -. 102. aspirin in --; Detection of. barbiturates in -; Identification of. M. Fauchet 51. Excretion of copper in __ and its relation to the copper content of the diet. S. L. Tompsett 331. lead in -; New method for determining minute amounts of. J. R. Ross and C. C. Lucas 833. magnesium in -; Use of a closed flask in the bromometric determination of with 8-hydroxyquinoline. D. M. Greenberg, A. Anderson and E. V. Tufts 832. Urushiol in lacquer; Determination of -. S. Hirano 572 718. Ustulina Vulgaris Tu. Effect on wood substance of -. W. G. Campbell and J . Wiertelak 629. 472. V Vacuum in sealed cans; Measurement of -. Validol Preparation and properties of -. 47. Van Nostrand’s Chemical Annual. 7th issue. (Review) J.C. Olsen 648. Vanadlum Hexammine cobaltic compounds of -. W. G. Parks and H. J. Prebluda 778. in organic material ; Spectrographic determina-tion of --. 13. in uranium salts; Determination of -. N. I. Tscherwjakow and E. A. Ostroumow, 780. Vanadous Sulphate as a volumetric reducing agent. P. C. Banerjee 573. Vegetable dyes used on furs Identification of Preservation Research Station Campden. Report for 1933-34. 695. substances Application to - of new method of determining small quantities of alu-minium. P. Meunier 119. tannins; Certain __ and their conversion into anthocyanidins. W. J . Chater 571. Vegetable Oils Ultra-violet absorption of certain - as an indication of their in-dustrial treatment. J. Guillot 432. Vegetable-tanned leather; Acetone method for determining sulphuric acid and buffer salts in -.R. F. Innes 491. leather fibres; Refractive index of -. R. H. Marriott 434. leather; Measurement of the “acidity” of -by the acetone method. W. R. Atkin, 491. Vegetables Freezing preservation of -. 826. Influence of soil on colour of -. 695. Iodine-content of Georgia - and water K. T. Holley, Lead arsenate in -. 40. Texture of canned -. 697. 697. -. H. E. COX 793. as a factor in its variation. T. A. Pickett and W. L. Brown 622. Vegetation Selenium in soils in relation to its H. G. Byers and H. G. Vinegar butyric acid in -; Determination of. Definitions of -. 2 . Differentiation of spirit __ and artificial “essence”; Definition of -. 705. Malt - with abnormally low constituents.Non-brewed table -. 243. Synthetic acetic acid and wood -. presence in -. Knight 774. L. Klinc 623. -. A. Schmidt 705. 243. 406. Viscera Barbituric acid derivatives extracted from - by means of acetone. P. Cheramy and R. Lobo 50. mercury in __ ; Determination of. C. Newcomb S. R. Naidu and K. S. Vara-dachar 732. Vitamin deficiency; Radio-active water and potency and associated characteristics of average cod-liver oil. R. S. Morgan and H. Pritchard 355. -. 616. standards. 554. standards; International -. 323 INDEX TO Vitamin A absorption of carotene and -; Observations on. J. C. Drummond N. E. Bell and E. T. Palmer 564. -active substances in egg-yolk. A. E. Gillam and I. M. Heilbron 564. content of blood ; New method of determining -.content of milk; Effect of pimiento feeding on content of the herring. A. Scheunert and M. Schieblich 112. content of sweet potato. F. L. MacLeod and Others. 487. in animal and plant cells; Research on -. P. Joyet-Lavergne 195. in butter; Relative biological efficiencies of the carotene and -. R. G. Booth S. K. Kon and A. E. Gillam 333. Influence of the solvent on the biological assay of -. K. C. Lathbury and G. N. Greenwood 195. new colour reaction of -; Remarks on. E. Rosenthal and J. ErdClyi 835. Vitamin B concentrates; Preparation of -. 616. Vitamin B Effective method of extracting -. S. Itter E. R. Orent and E. V. McCollum 264. Potentiometric titration of solutions of -. R. C. G. Moggridge and A. G. Ogston, 565.Vitamin B,(G) concentration and chemical nature of -; Further studies on. L. E. Booher 50. Concentration of __ by adsorption and elution from fuller’s earth. S. Lepkovsky, W. Popper and H. M. Evans 195. growth-promoting properties of --; In-vestigation of. L. E. Booher H. M. Blodgett and J . W. Page 50. E. Rosenthal and C. Szilard 563. --. 826. in pimientos. 826. Vitamin C Biological and titrimetric determina-H. Lund B. Spur and L. S . tion of -. Fridericia 112. content of apples. 689. content of Indian foodstuffs. 616. Enzymic method for the estimation of true in Indian foodstuffs. A. R. Ghosh and B. C. in milk; Causes of instability of -. J. E. oxidase. H. Tauber I. S. Kleiner and D. Quantitative determination of - (ascorbic Sensitive spot reaction for __ (ascorbic content of butter (milk); Effect of feeding cacao shell to cows on the -.S . K. Kon and K. M. Henry 836. Separation of sterols from -; New method for. S. Natelson and A. E. Sohel 488. Vita& E esters of -; Biological utilisation of. H. S. Olcott 713. Vitamin G See Vitamin B,. -. H. Tauber 712. Guha 424. Jacobsen 565. Miskind 629. acid). acid). H. Tauber 487 629. H. Tauber and I. S . Kleiner 264. Vitamin D Absence from the brain. 248. VOLUME 60 li Vitamins Application of -4bsorption Spectra to the Study of - . (Review) R. A. Morton 724. fat-soluble; Association of - and anti-oxidants in plant tissues. E. M. Bradway and H. A. Mattill 111. Measurement of -. 248. Volutin in the living yeast cell detected by means L.Heucke and W. Henne- of neutral red. berg 193. W Walnut starch ; Preparation and properties of Wasserstoffes Mikro-Massanalytische Bestim-Wasserstoff-Ionenkonzentration (pH). (Re-Water analysis; Abstracts 113 774 836. as a factor in the variation in iodine-content K. T. Holley T. A. 38. -. W. G. Campbell 572. mung des -. view) H. Jorgensen 854. J . Lindner 728. of Georgia vegetables. Pickett and W. L. Brown 622. Contamination of - by lead. cyanides in -; Determination of traces of. for swimming baths. 686. free chlorine in -; Rapid determination of. in bone meal and in meat and bone meal. in wood. 176. nitrates in -; Colour-scale for rapid deter-pipes; Research on -. 251. Pollution Research Board Report for year ended 30th June 1934.37. Radio-active __ and vitamin deficiency. 616. softening; Fase-exchange process of -. 37. Solubility of lead sulphate in -. H. D. Crockford and D. J . Brawley 196. supply in Cyprus. 180. Zinc in - determined by means of sodium diethyldithiocarbamate. W. R. G. Atkins, 400. Waters Aerated __ in British Guiana. 620. Harrogate Drinking -; Pharmacological lead in potable --; Determination of -. A. E. Childs and W. C. Ball 294. L. Leroux 113. J . G. Sherratt 170. mination of -. R. Gros 774. Action. W. Bain 130. J. F. Reith and J . de Beus 836. Wave-length standard of length. 470. Wax candelilla-; Hydrocarbons of. F. J. E. Chinese -; Acids of. F. J. E. Collins 269. esparto grass -; Acids and hydrocarbons of the felted beech coccus.B. K. Blount 426. Whale-shark Liver Oil M. Tsujimoto and H. Koyanagi 633. Wheat bran; Occurrence of betaine in -. F. E. Nottbohm and Mayer 622. flour; Detection of rye and - in mixtures by the trifructosan-content. H. Werner and H. Volger 702. Wheat Act 1932 Liability of certain consign-ments of imported “middlings” to quota Davments. R. F. W. Paul Ltd v. Wheat Collins 269. of. F. J . E. Collins 269. I Vitaminforschung Methohik der ___ . c. Bomskov 130. (Review) 348. Commission. (Legal Xotes) 95 lii INDEX TO Wheat-rye flour and bread. P. Nottin and A. Daron (521. Whey Composition of commercial dried -. W. L. Davies 827. Whiskey Strength of __ in Jersey. White Fish Meal 404. White Rots of wood; Chemistry of -. Campbell and J . Wiertelak 629. Whiting Identification of -. 69. Wijs Method Iodine values of linolenic linolic and stearolic acids by -. Y . Toyama and T. Tutiya 334. Willemite Fluorescence of -. 785. Wines acetaldehyde in -; Determination of P. Jaulmes and P. Espezel 703. butyric acid in -; Determination of. L. Klinc 623. Determination of the extract in -. C. von der Heide and W. Zeisset 327. Flavine in white -. L. Genevois 105. Formol titration number as a means of evaluating -. W. Schutt 557. Fluosilicates and -. H. Fabre and E. Brdmond 46. hydroxymethylfurfural and laevulosin in port wines and other sweet -; Determination of. C. I. Kruisheer N. J. M. Vorstman and L. C. E. Kniphorst 704. Measurement of colour in liquids applied to -. sorbitol in pure grape -; Occurrence of. E. Vogt 704. sulphur dioxide in --; Amounts permissible in Argentine Republic. 325. Wire-netting fences; Corrosion of -. Witch Identification of -. 70. Wool sulphur and sulphate in --; Deter-mination of. sulphuric acid in -; Determination of. J . Barritt 335. Woollen goods; Dermatitis in relation to knitted -. W o o d Fire-proof treatment of -. I. Ap-paratus for determining the ignition point of -. S. Uchida S. Ai and J. Nagasawa, 498. Identification of - by chemical means. Part 2. Alkalinity of ash and tests for identifying coloured woods of the genus Eucalyptus. Australian Forest Products Technical Paper No. 15. 475. pulp in paper and pulp; A method for the quantitative determination of mechanical -. B. K. Mukhopadhyay and K. K. TamDv. 529. 405. W. G. A. Faure and R. Pallu 276. 41. R. T. Mease 271. S. R. Trotman 714. VOLUME 60 Wood-continued. Water in -. 176. white rots of -; Chemistry of. The effect on _- substance of Ustulina vulgaris Tu. W. G. Campbell and J . Wiertelak 629. Woods scented - ; Structures of some sandal-woods and their substitutes and other little-known. Writing inks ; Infra-red rays for differentiating Sulphate “pictures” as means of estimating C. R. Metcalfe 635. -. 456. relative ages of -. W. Heess 338. X XanthophyIl leaf - in plant tissues Analyses X-ray measurement; Standardisation of -. of. E. S. Miller 265. 175. Y Yarrow Volatile oil of - (Aclzillea Mille-folium Linn.). Yeast autolysis; Influence of antiseptics on --. H. Haehn and H. Leopold 193. cell; Detection of volutin in the living - by means of neutral red. L. Heucke and W. Henneberg 193. extract; Test for distinguishing between meat extract and - R. 0. Blench 266. Proteins of -. Yohimbine New specific reaction for -. &I. Pesez 709. Yttrotantalite 284. R. L. McMurray 258. F. A. Csonka 486. Z Zamia Furfuracea starch from British Hon-duras 46. Zinc Detection of - by induced precipita-tion. P. Krumholz and J. V. Sanchez 58. in commercial nickel ; Method for determining small amounts of -. B. S. Evans 464. in water; Determination of - by means of sodium diethyldithiocarbamate. W. R. G. Atkins 401. Zinc Cobaltinitrite as means of detecting potas-sium. J. Adams M. Hall and W. F. Bailey, 843. Zirconium in ores determined by the selenite-phosphate method. S. G. Simpson and W. C. Schumb 273. Separation of tungsten from -. A. R. Powell W. R. Schoeller and C. Jahn 506. Zymoflavine Extraction of - by means of methvlal. L. Genevois and L. Estd. 111. -rottin6 ’fungus (Polystictzts vericolor) . B. A. Jay 267. , PRIVTED BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD CAVERIDGE. ENGLAN
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