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Volume 31,
Issue 1,
Page 001-044
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T H E ANALYST: THE ORGAN OF THE Society of Public Analysts. A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO T H E ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY %Mortal Committee : EDWARD J. BEVAN F.I.C. (€'RESIDENT). BERTRAM BLOUNT F.I.C. ALFRED C. CHAPMAN F.I.C. BERNARD DYER D.Sc. F.I.C. THOMAS FAIRLEY F.I.C. OTTO HEHNER F.I.C. P. A. ELLIS RICHARDS F.I.C. E. W. VOELCKER F.I.C. J. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER PH.D. F.I.C. Ebltor WALTER J. SYKES M.D. D.P.H. F.I.C. VOL. XXXI. 1908. TRADE AGENTS : SIMPKIN MARSHALL HAMILTON KENT 4 CO. LTD., 16 JAUES STREET HAYMARKET LONDON S.W. I90 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI. INDEX OF NAMES. AGREE 8. F. New electrolytic apparatus 245 form of Potash bulbs for the estimation of Carbon dioxide from combustions 246 - Porcelain-lined Bomb for general laboratory use 246 -I_ and Brunel R.F. New method for preparation of standard solutions 421 Adam P. Detection of Hydrogen peroxide in Milk 157 Ahlum C. A. Volumetric estimation of free Acid in presence of Iron salts 168 Alexander J. Grading o€ Glues and Gelatines 240 Allen E. T. and Hillebrand W. F. Comparison of wet and dry assay of Gold Alvarez E. P. New reagent for Potassium 86 Amos A. and Hall A. D. Determination of available Plant food in Soil by use of Andouard A. Presence of Sodium arsenate in preserved Meat 229 Angenot H. Analysis of Tungsten-Tin minerals 84 Arnaud F. W. I?. nizd Cribb C. H. Simple method for the approximate determina-Arndt K. Properties of apparatus made of Magnesia 170 Arnold C. and Werner G. Determination of Iodine in Iodvasogen and similar preparations 161 7 - - C.C. Determination of the Sodium phosphates 348 Telluric ores 206 weak acid solvents 129 tion of Boric Acid 147 - Distinction between Phenol and Cresols 50 - Reactions of the three Phosphoric Acids 92 Amy H. V. and Pratt T. M. Volumetric determination of Casein in Milk 194 Auerbach F. Studies on Formaldehyde in aqueous solution 50 Aufhauser D. Notes on the determination of Calorific values by means of the Bomb, Auld S. J. IN. New methods for the determination of Acetone 235 Avery S. and Corr R. Determination of total soluble Bitumen in Paving materials, 121 306 Babcock E. N. and Ranson R. E. Notes on some Conifer Oils 413 Baily F. G. and Laurie A. P. Method of testing the hardness and elasticity of Baker R. T. Lemon-scented Ironbark and its Essential Oil 234 Balbiano L.Detection of Camphene in Essential Oils 233 - Reaction of Mercuric acetate with Camphene and Pineae 267 Basadonna M. and Cantoni H. Determination of Malic Acid 410 Beadle C. and Stevens H. P. Rosin Size analysis 203 Beam and Leil'maiin Drs. Select methods in Food analysis 2nd editioo Review 97 Beauprb. See Mauricheau-Beaupr6 Beckurts - Assay of Calabar Beans 22 Varnishes 307 a iv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI. Behre A. and Segin A, Action and efficacy of Preservatives 404 Bellier J. Characteristics of Annam Beeswax 407 - Modification of Schlagdenhaufen’s reaction for magnesium 346 Benedict S. R. Use of Potassium periodate in the detection of Manganese Cobalt, Bennett C. T. and Parry E. J. Linaloe Oil 201 -- - Umney J.C. Oil of False Savin 49 Berg A. Determination of Tellurous and Telluric Acids 94 Bergb A. New reagent for the detection of mechanical Wood pulp 366 Bergmann W. and Tschirch A, Constituents of Myrrh 114 Berl E. and Lunge G. Determination of Sulphuric and Nitric Acids in “ Nitrous Bernard V. Preparation of pure Chloric Acid for analytical purposes 209 Bernhart R. Determination of Ergot in Flour 363 Bertrand G. and Vamossy Z. Quantitative determination of Arsenic by the Marsh Bettels J. and Kiinig J. Composition of certain marine A l p (Seaweeds) and of the Bettler - Physical characteristics of certain Copals 120 Bevan E. J. Address to the Society of Public Analysts 137 ~~- - Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 175 258 ___-- Estimation of Fat in homogenized Milk 222 Bien F.and Hanus J. Carbohydrates occurring in Spices. I. In Canella Bark 406 Blaise E. E. and Luttringer A, Identification of Lactones by means of Rydrazine 24 - J. Determination of Sugar in Urines containing little Glucose 338 Blank O. and Finkenbeimer H. Determination of Methyl ,41cohol in Formalin 235 Blars G. Remarks on Lubricants 27 Bloch - and Seyewetz A. Determination of Hydrosulphurous Acid in Hydro-Blount B. Analysis of a sample of Air which extinguishes flame 144 and Zinc 56 Vitriol,” 63 method 243 products obtained from them 29 Adulteration of Butter with Casein 178 Fat estimation in Milk 333 sulphites and in their combinations with Formaldehyde 419 - Estimation of Arsenic 19 - Use of Potassium Hydrogen fluoride as a Preservative 178 Blumenfeld S.and Schneider C. Characteristics of certain Animal Fats 78 Bluth F. New method of determining Acetone in Urine 163 Blyth M. W. Abnornial Milk 179 -~~ Estimation of Fat in Milk 222 - Influence of Organic matter on the efficacy of certain Disinfectants, Bodmer - Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 175 Bohme R. Determination of Petroleum Petroleum distillates and Benzene in Oil Bokorny T. Quantitative toxic properties of Carbolic Acid as compared with those Bolduan Dr. C. TrnnsZator Studies on Immunity Review 279 Bolton E. R. Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 258 - _ - Estimation of Fat in Oil-cakes 223 Bordas F. and Touplain - Determination of foreign substances in Cocoa and 150 of Turpentine and its substitutes 305 of other Poisons 265 Chocolate 230 Proteids by means of Acetone 340 ____.- - --Bottcher O.Estimation of Phosphoric Bcid in Thomas meal Bone meal etc. 93 Boudet - Determination of Tannin in Tanning materials 370 Bourcet and Chevalier Toxicity of Saponin 3 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXL V Bowman R. S. Apparatus for continuous Extraction of Liquids with Ether Benzene, Bradley H. C. Delicate colour reaction for Copper and a micro-chemical test for or other solvent 135 Zinc. 416 Brand J. Rapid method for the detection of traces of Zinc in Wort Beer Wine etc., 112 Braun K. Determination of Fatty Acids in Fats and Soaps 166 - ~ - . Bredemann G. Alkaloids of Veratrum album and their determination 196 Bremer W. Action of Flour etc. on Hydrogen peroxide 262 Brichant O. Deteymination of Manganese in cast Iron and Steel 207 Brown J.Inflammability of Celluloid articles 51 Browne C. A. Analysis of Sugar mixtures 265 Bruhns G. Standardization of Iodine and Thiosulphate solutions 374 Brunck O. Iodornetric determination of Hydrogen sulphide 373 Brunel R. F. aid Acree S. F. New method for preparation of standard solutions, Bryan T. J. Delivery Funnel for introducing liquids under increased or diminished Buchanan Dr. - Analyst and the Medical Nan 397 Buchrer G. Indian Ghedda Wax 266 Budde T. Estimation of Caoutchouc 80 Buisson A. Nessler’s reaction 421 Busch M. New method for the determination of Nitrogen in Nitrocellulose 267 Buschmann K. Weighing Bottle for Liquids 423 Buttenberg P. Farnsteiner K. apzd Lendrich K. Composition of the Fat of Pigs Butterfield W.J. A, Oils used for Gas-rnaking purposes 297 See also Von Braun. T. Iodonietric determination of Copper 84 421 pressure 210 fed on Foods rich in Oil 72 Caffert and Sarda New method of preparing crystals in the examination of Blood Cantoni H. and Basadonna M. Determination of Malic Acid 410 Carette H. Characteristics of Essential Oil of Rue 303 Carles P. Determination of Tartaric Acid in Wine Lees and Tartrates 301 Carlson T. and Klason P. Volumetric determination of Organic Hydrosulphides and Chapman A. C. Determination of higher Alcohols in Spirits 193 -- and Law H. D. Estimation of traces of Arsenic by the Marsh-Charitschkow K. Chemical examination of Kerosine 239 stains 336 Thio Acids 121 Purification of Zinc and Hydrochloric Acid from Arsenic 103 Berzelius method and the ‘‘ insensitiveness ” of Zinc 3 - Determination of suspended Water in Naphtha by means of Wyleschinski’s centrifugal machine 200 Chevalier and Bourcet Toxicity of Saponin 30 Chocensky K.a d Hanus J. Use of the Immersion Refractometer in the determina-Cipollina - Detection of free Hydrochloric Acid in Gastric juice 28 Clausmann - and Gautier A. Difficulties in the determination of Carbon monoxide Clenell J. E. Colorimetric estimation of Selenium 87 Clover A. M. Philippine Wood Oils 165 Coffignier C. Characteristics of roasted Copals and of Copals treated with Phenols or tion of Caffeine 195 in gaseous mixtures 349 Naphthalene 3 7 vi INDEX TO VOLUME xxxr. Cohn R. Hydrolysis of Sodium palmitate 26 Colvin J.W. and Matthewson W. E. Determination of Hydrogen peroxide 349 Constam E. J. and Rougeot R. Chemical methods for the examination of Coal Cormimbceuf H. Determination of Iodine in Iodated Thymols 48 briquettes and briquette Pitch 274 - and Grosman L. Determination of Iron in Ferrum redactum 23 __(____--_ Differentiation of pharmaceutical Benzoic Acids, Corr R. avzd Avery S. Determination of total soluble Bitumen in Paving materials, Cowrie W. B. and Dickson W. Valuation of Pepsin by means of the Biuret Cribb C. H. Note on Dutch cheese 105 --* and Arnaud F. W. F. Simple method for the approximate determina--- - Richards P. A. E. Facing of Rice 40 Cumming A. C. and Masson O. Volumetric estimation of Cyanates 95 Czerwek A. New method of separating Antimony and Tin 346 302 306 reaction 161 tion of Boric Acid 147 Davies J.H. and Perman E. P. Back reactions in Iodine titrations 420 Decker F. Colouring matter of Saffron 74 Deckers A. Influence of Ammonia and Ammonium salts on the titration of Zinc by Denham H. J. Temperature of combustion of Methane in presence of Palladiumized Denigds G. Volumetric determination of Copper 123 Dennstedt M. Simplified ultimate Analysis for technical purposes 242 Derrien E. and Ville J. New method of detecting Fluorine in Foods 195 Dickson W. and Cowie W. B. Valuation of Pepsin by means of the Biuret reaction, Dillner G. Complete analysis of Ferrochrome 272 Doeltz F. O. Petroleum Coke for metallurgical laboratory use 422 Dohme A. R. L. and Englehardt H. Oil of Sandalwood 365 Donath E.Separation of Tungsten from Tin 206 Doughty H. W. Preparation of Phosphorus di-iodide 34 Drawe P. Determinihion of Nitric Acid in Water 275 Dubovitz H. Analysis of Celluloid 367 Ducommun J. Substitute for Hydrogen sulphide 97 Dufan E. am? Grimbert L. Method of distinguishing between true Albumin and Schaffner’s method 373 Asbestos 116 7 Organic Anal) sis for scientific purposes 122 - - - - ~ -161 Nucinoid substance in Urine. 414 Dunlap F. L. Preparation of Aldehyde-free Ethyl Alcohol for Oil and Fat analyses, 237 Dunlop H. and Thomson R. T. Examination of Olive Linseed and other Oils, 281 DuprB P. V. New method of estimating moisture with special reference to moisture in Cordite and other substances containing volatile matters other than Water 213 Dyer B.Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 175 -- Purification of Zinc from Arsenic 104 Ebert K. Detection of traces of Copper in distilled Water 206 Ebler E. Gasometric and volumetric determination of Mercury by means of Hydra-zine salts and the gasometric determination of Kydrazine by means of Mercury salts 3 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI. v11 Ebler E. Gasornetric determination of Copper by means of Hydrazine salts 31 Ehrlich Professor P. trcmslated by Bolduan Dr. C. Studies on Immunity Review, Emmett A. D. and Grindley H. S. Study of the Phosphorus content of Flesh 159 Engel - Baudouin reaction in human Milk-fat 158 Engels O. and Kling M. Determination of Potassium in Potassium salts and Englehardt H. awl Dohme A. R. L. Oil of Sandalwood 365 Esch W.Examination of raw Caoutchouc 202 Estcourt - Poisonous Beans 253 Ewers E. Polarimetric determination of Starch 25 279 artificial Manures 273 Fahrion W. Analysis of Soaps 166 Fairley T. Air from L L blowing Wells,” 146 -__ Effect of Bacteria on Milk 333 -- - Estimation of Fat in Milk 224 Farnsteiner K. Lendrich K. and Buttenberg P. Composition of the Fat of Pigs fed Feder E. Determination of Picric Acid 368 Finkenbeimer H. msd Blank 0. Determination of Methyl Alcohol in Formalin 235 Fischer F. and Marx H. Detection of Ozone 417 Fisher - Dutch Cheese 111 Fleurent E. Detection of bleached Flour in Wheat Flour 227 Formenti C. and Scipiotti A. Quantity of Tin in tinned Tomatoes 406 Frabot - Egg-yolk preserved with fluorides 362 Franzen H. Use of Sodium hydrosulphite in Gas analysis 349 Frehse - Artificial coloration of preserved Trufles 160 French E.Burette-filling device 170 Frenkel - Deterinination of small quantities of Ammonia in the presence of Urea, Fribourg C. and Pellet H. Determination of Titanium in Soil and the ashes of Fricke L. Determination of Phosphorus in Iron and Steel 168 Funk W. Separation of Iron and Manganese from Nickel and Cobalt 372 7--- Zinc by means of Ammonia 57 Analyst and the Medical Man 402 on Foods rich in Oil 72 203 Plants 59 Gadas L. and J. Determination of Sodium chloride in Egg-yolk 299 Gair C. J. D. Estimation of Naphthalene in Coal Gas 54 Gallois C. Adulterant of Lycopodium 164 Garner W. W. and Michael A. Magnesium permanganate as an oxidizing agent 169 Garrett F.C. and Lomax E. L. Determination of Sulphur in Petroleum and Gastine G. Detection of Rice Flour in Wheat Flour 300 Gautier A, and Clausrnann - Difficulties in the determination of Carbon monoxide Georges L. Colorimetric method of determining Morphine 265 GBrard G. Reaction of Theobromine 230 Gerlinger P. Iodometric determination of Copper 205 Gibbs H. D. and James C. C. Occurrence of Arsenic in Wines 72 Gilbert A. Analysis of Molybdenum ores 312 -- and Hett P. Iodometric valuation of Vanadic Acid 347 Given A. Constant temperature Bath for low temperatures 133 Glassmann B. Determination of Urea 242 Bituminous minerals 52 in gaseous mixtures 34 viii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI. Glinzer E. Determination of the calorofic power of liquid Fuels by means of the Gockel H.form of Burette for avoiding errors in titration at the boiling-point 131 -- New Laboratory sink 378 Goldschmidt C. Determination of Cadmium 272 Goode J. A. and Perkin F. &I. Gutzeit test for Arsenic 312 Goodson J. A. Composition of ASS’S Milk 176 Goodwin J. H. Electrolytic Calcium 60 Gore H. C. Production of Graefe E. Methods of distinguishing between the Pitch from brown Coal-tar and - Rapid method for the determination of moisture in Fuels especially Coal, Gray C. W. and Morse H. N. Electrical method for the siaultaneous determina-Gregory A. V. Rapid method for the valuation of Fluor-spar 60 -- and McFarlane J. Modified evolution method for the determination ~- - Quantitative determination of Carbon dioxide Junker Calorimeter 415 high vacuum in the Scheibler Desiccator 376 other Pitches 204 130 tion of Hydrogen Carbon and Sulphur in Organic compounds 308 of Sulphur in pig Iron 272 and of Carbon 369 Greshoff - Analysis of Gambier 28 -- Assay of Coca leaves 23 Greville H.L. Analysis and valuation of oxide of Iron and Lime for the purposes of Gas purification Review 352 Grimbert L. Detection and determination of chlorate in Sodium nitrate 128 -- aizd Dufau E. Method of distinguishing between true Albumin and Grindley H. S. and Emmett A. D. Study of the Phosphorus content of Flesh, Grosman L. and Cormimbceuf - Determination of Iron in Ferrum redactum 23 3 - of Biliary Pigments in Urine 53 --Mucinoid substance in Urine 414 159 -- - Trowbridge P. F. Study of the Proteids of Beef-flesh 228 - Differentiation of pharmaceutical Benzoic Acids, 302 GuBrin G.Determination of free Hydrochloric Acid in aqueous solution 27 Guerry E. and Toussaint E. Causes of error in the determination of Phosphoric Guigues P. Rapid method of removing Alcohol from Ether 404 Guttmann L. F. Weighing Bottle 378 Gyzander C. R. Determination of Sulphur in Pyrites 274 9 - Uric Acid in Urine 268 -Acid by the ‘‘ Citro-mechanical ” method 375 - - Estimation of moisture in substances containing volatile matters other t6an water 217 Haagn E. Heating under reduced pressure by the aid of an electric oven 132 Haas P. Production of Methane as a source of error in Nitrogen determinations by Haber F. Optical analysis of technological Gas mixtures 371 Hackford J. E. and Trotman S.R. Conditions affecting the foaming and consistency -- -- Estimation of Tannin as Strychnine tannate 53 - Strychnine tannate and its application to the the absolute method 167 of Glues 241 analysis of Tanning materials 268 Haensel - Peru Balsam oil 23 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXT. ix Ralfpaap G. awl Kiihn B. Phosphomolybdic Acid (Welman’s) test for Vegetable Oils 413 Eall A. D. and Amos h. Determination of available Plant food in Soil by weak Hanson R. E. and Babcock E. N. Notes on some Conifer Oils 413 Hams J. Determination of VanilIin 48 acid solvents 129 - and Brien F. Carbohydrates occurring in Spices-I. In Canella Bark, - -_ Chocensky K. Use of the Immersion Refractometer in the detection 406 of Caffkne 195 Harang P. Detection and determination of Trehalose by means of Trehalase 78 Harding E.P. Determination of total Sulphur in Coal Gas 310 Harries C. and Thierne C. Ozonides of Oleic Acid 412 Harris F. W. Estimation of Cocoanut Oil in Butter-fat 353 Harrison H. G. and Rideal Dr. S. Polenske method for the detection of Cocoanut Hartmann E. and Meyer R. Direct determination of the hcetyl and Benzoyl Hasenbaumer J. Separation of Silica in the determination of Citric-acid-soluble Oil in Butter 254 groups 81 Phosphoric Acid 421 - - Toxicity of Cyanogen compounds towards Fish 115 Haussding F. Use of the electric furnace for burning Magnesium phosphate Hefelmann - Mauz P. and Muller F. Composition of Raspberry juice 232 Hehner O. Analyst and the Medical Man 399 precipitates 128 - Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 259 - Dutch Cheese 110 - Estimation of Fat in dried Milk 222 - Purification of Zinc from Arsenic 103 Heike W.Estimation of Vanadium 88 Heim F. and Meisenheimer J. Determination of Nitrous and Nitric Acids 90 Hendrick - Cyanogen in Beans 252 Herbig W. Analysis of Turkey-red Oils 414 Herissey H. Determination of traces of Benzaldehyde 77 Hett P. and Gilbert A, Iodometric valuation of Vanadic Acid 347 Hewitt Dr. - Determination of higher Alcohols in Spirits 191 Hewlett Professor R. T. Analyst and the Medical Man 398 Hibbert E. and Knecht E. Titanium chloride in volumetric analysis 135 Hill A. E. New form of Calcium chloride tube 209 - - Professor B. Analyst and the Medical &fan 400 Hillebrand W. F. and Allen E. T. Comparison of wet and dry assay of Gold Hinks - Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 259 Rockauf J.Starch in powdered Capsicum 302 Hogarth J. W. Note on a combined Wash-bottle and Pipette 136 Holley C. D. Sodium sulphite in Food 335 Holloway G. T. Assay of Mercury ores 66 Holtschmidt W. Methods for the determination of Carbonic Acid 348 Hooper D. Determination of Cinnamic Acid in Storax 114 Hopkins F. G. Analyst and the Medical Man 385 Howard C. D. Modification of the hanging-drop Fluoride test 420 Hoy J. F. Determination of Phosphorus and ash in Coke 274 Telluric ores 206 Simple arrangement of lenses for reading the graduations of chemical and assay Balances 39 X INDEX TO VOLUME X X X I . Huber O. Volumetric estimation of Sulphates in presence of Thiosulphates etc. 90 Hurt H.H. and Veitch F. P. Extraction of Tanning materials for Analysis 267 Innsbruck. See Ipsen-Innsbruck Ipsen-Innsbruck C. Toxicity of Atropine 76 Itallie. See Van Itallie Jackson F. G. and Richards T. W. New method for the standardization of Ther-mometers below 0" C. 422 - H. Estimation of Arsenic 17 James C. C. and Gibbs H. D. Occurrence of Arsenic in Wines 72 Jameson P. E. Precipitation of metallic Gold 55 Jannasch P. and Zimmermann F. Separation of Iodine from Chlorine and Bromine Jean F. Characteristics of Kariti! Butter 262 -- Note on the analysis of Hungarian Leather 414 -_ Use of the '' silver value " for the detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 261 Jeffers E. H. and Thorne L. T. Purification of Zinc and Hydrochloric Acid from Jenkins J. H. B.Oils used for Gas-making purposes 298 Johnson C. M. Determination of Carbon in Steel by direct ignition with Red Lead, Jolles A. Determination of Acetone 236 Jonesen D. Precipitation and quantitative determination of Alkaloids by means of Jonscher A, Valuation of Saffron 48 by means of Hydrogen peroxide 127 Arsenic 101 125 Method for the determination of Pentosans 163 Volumetric determination of Pentoses 116 solutions of Potassium Bismuth iodide 235 K. G. Electrically-heated Muffle Furnace 170 Kaas K. Phosphorus content of white of Egg 361 Kaye F. and Schidrowitz Dr. P. Determination of higher Alcohols in Spirits 181 Kayser R. Acids occurring in Raspberry juice 232 Kenwood Professor - Influence of Organic matter on the efficiency of certain disin-Kette A.New Crucible Triangle 134 Kingzett C. T. Analyst and the Medical Man 402 Kirschner A. Determination of Fat in Cocoa 229 Kissling R. Amount of Sulphur in commercial Petroleum Oils 342 -- Experiments made with Dettmarsch's apparatus for testing Oils 236 Kitto - Assay of Mercury ores 71 Klason P. and Carlson T. Volumetric determination of organic Hydrosulphides and Klein J. Determination of Formic Acid by Potassium permanganate 410 Kleine A. Apparatus for the determination of Arsenic 345 Kling M. and Engels O. Determination of Potassium in Potassium salts and Klinkerfues F. Further communication on simplified methods of estimating Potash, Knecht E. and Hibbert E. Titanium chloride in volumetric analysis 125 Kollock L. G. and Smith E. F. Use of the Rotating Anode and Mercury Cathode Komar V.Separation of Iron from Zinc 84 fectants 155 Thio Acids 121 Estimation of Chromium and Manganese 85 artificial Manures 273 32 in Electro-analysis 8 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI. xi Konek. See Von Konek Kiinig J. Determination of Cellulose Lignin and Cutin in ‘( Crude Fibre,” 406 Krhmszky L. Determination of Tannin in Wine 46 Kreider J. L. a d Winton A. L. Determination of Lead number of Maple Syrup Kruger G. Determination of Fatty Acids in textile Soap 119 KriiBan R. Determination of Talc on Rice Pearl Barley etc. 263 and Maple Sugar 411 Kiihn B. ui2d Halfpaap G. Phosphomolybdic Acid (Welmads) test for Vegetable Oils. 413 Kiittnelf. See Von Kiittner Langness J. und Smith E. F. Rapid precipitation of Antimony electrolytically 83 Laseker R.Analysis of Sodium peroxide 313 Laurie A. P. and Baily F. G. Method of testing the hardness and elasticity of Lavalle F. P. Determination of Sugar with Fehling’s solution 77 Law H. D. Sensitiveness of Zinc 104 - and Chapman A. C . Estimation of traces of Arsenic by the Marsh-Leach A. E. Food Inspection and Analysis for the use of public analysts health Leather J. P. and Ross R. Composition and valuation of Oils used for Gas-making - Dr. - Cyanogen in Beans 253 Lebbin G. Formic Acid as a Preservative 404 Leclerc J. A. Tramlator Cyanide Industry Review 247 Leffmann H. Observations on the analysis of Food materials 21 - und Beam Drs. Select methods in Food analysis 2nd edition Review 97 LBger E. Hordenine a new alkaloid extracted from the germ of Barley 113 Lemaire E.Volumetric determination of Sulphuric Acid by means of Benzidine 375 - L. Determination of Nitrophenol 338 Lendrich K. Farnsteiner K. and Buttenberg P. Composition of the Fat of Pigs fed Lenglen M. and Robine R. Trunslated by Leclerc J. A. Cyanide Industry Review, Lenton W. H. Analysis of powdered Extract of Nux Vomicilr 50 Levy A, and Pdcoul A. Determination of Carbon monoxide in Air 128 - P. American Colophony 27 Leys A. Differentiation of Acetaldehyde and Formaldehyde 162 Lichtenstern R. and Mittler H. “ Milkiness ” of Paraffin Wax 237 Liebrich O. Effects of Borax and Boric Acid on the human system; a critical review of the report of Dr. H. W. Wiley 198 Lienau H. Moisture and water of constitution of Bauxite 89 Ling A.R. and Rendle T. Note on the removal of Arsenic from Hydrachloric Acid for use in the Marsh-Berzelius method 37 Liverseege J. F. Determination of turbidity in Water 131 - Starch in Cream 179 Lloyd F. J. Analyst and the Medical Man 401 -- Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 175 -- Examination of sour Milk 333 -- Fat in Milk 179 Lockermann G. cmd Reckleben H. H. Reactions and methods of determination of Loisel G. Toxicity of Eggs when administered hypodermically 76 Varnishes 307 Berzelius method and the ‘‘ insensitiveness ” of Zinc 3 officers sanitary chemists and food economists Review 211 purposes 284 on Foods rich in Oil 72 247 Arsine 167 b xii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI. Lomax E. L. and Garrett F. C. Determination of Sulphur in Petroleum and Bitu-Long J.H. Extraction of Fat from Faxes and the occurrence of Lecithin 345 Lothian J. Determination of Camphor in Camphor Liniment 234 Low A. H. Technical methods of Ore analysis Beview 34 Lowe F. Temperature regulator for use with the Immersion Refractometer 378 Ludwig W. Determination of crude fibre in Cocoa 362 Luhrig H. Composition of Lemon juice 233 -- and Segin A. Pentosan content of Cocoa and its value in the detection of minous minerals 52 husk in Cocoa powders 363 - Thamm R. Ash of Pepper and Cinnamon 231 Lunge G. Determination of Sulphur in Pyrites 33 Vitriol,” 63 - and Berl E. Determination of Sulphuric and Nitric Acids in “ Nitrous - - Stierlin R. Determination of Sulphur in wasted Zinciferous ores and - Estimation of Sulphuric Acid by means of Barium Luttringer A.and Blaise E. E. Identification of Lactones by means of Hydrazine, similar materials 125 chloride in the presence of disturbing substances 90 24 Mai C. and Rath C. Determination of minute quantities of Morphine 408 Manea A. Estimation of Tannin in crude products 80 Manley and Veley Estimation of percentage of Nitric Acid in the concentrated Acid Mannich C. Dangerous contamination of Phenacetin 196 Marcusson J. Detection of “ Blown ” Fatty Oils in mixtures with Mineral Oil 51 Marshall A. Estimation of moisture in substances containing volatile matters other Martin M. Detection of Horse and F e t a l Flesh by means of the Glycogen deter-Marx H. and Fischer F. Detection of Ozone 417 Mason J. E. and Wilson J. Note on the Incandescent Mantle as a catalyst and its Masson O.and Gumming A. C. Volumetric estimation of Cyanates 95 Materne O. Separation of metals of the Arsenic group 124 Mathewson W. E. Optical rotation and density of alcoholic solutions of Gliadin 305 - and Colvin J. W. Determination of Hydrogen peroxide 349 Matthes H. Quantitative determination by means of the Immersion Refractometer, -- a d Miiller F. Determination of crude fibre in Cocoa powders 362 Matwin J. Determination of Sulphur in liquid fuels (Petroleum Oil etc.) 52 Mauricheau-Beaupre - Qualitative test for Phosphorus 347 Mauz P. Hefelmann - and Muller F. Composition of Raspberry juice 232 Maxson R. Colorimetric determination of small quantities of Gold 372 Mayer J. Occurrence of Tannic Acid in natural Wines 361 McCandlish D.and Procter H. R. Estimation of Ammonia in used Lime liquors 268 McCrudden F. H. Uric Acid Review 314 McDowall J. Zero adjustment for Chemical Balances 377 McFarlane J. and Gregory A. W . Modified evolution method for the determination Quantitative determination of Carbon dioxide and by the specific gravity 61 than water 217 mination 159 application to Gas analysis 64 122 - New adulterant of Lemon-juice 73 of Sulphur in pig Iron 272 Carbon 36 - INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI X l l l McGill A. Quantity of water in Canadian “ Domestic ” Butter 45 Meade R. K. Standardizing Potassium permanganate for Iron determinations 85 Mehrtens G. and Paal C. Gravimetric determination of Potassium nitrate in Meat, MeilliBre G. Detection of Inosite in Urine and other Fluids 344 Meissenheimer J.and Heirn F. Determination of Nitrous and Nitric Acids 90 Mentzel C. Determination of Sulphurous Acid in Meat 195 Merk B. Detection of Iodine compounds in the dry way 76 Merriman H. J. Silberrad O. aad Phillips H. A. Direct estimation of Nitro-Mestrezat W. Determination of Malic and certain other fixed Acids in Fruit-juice, Metzl S. New method of determining the strength of Iodine solutions 96 Meyer R. and Hartmann E. Direct determination of the Acetyl and Benzoyl Michael A. and Garner W. W. Magnesium permanganate as an oxidizing agent, Miller E. H. and Plichmond H. D. Method of analysis of Milk used in the Govern-ment Laboratory for samples referred under the Sale of Food and Drugs Act 317 - Note on a recent paper by R. Steinegger on the 405 glycerine in Cordite etc.339 300 groups 81 169 aldehyde figure ” of Milk 224 Mitchell C. A, and Oppenheimer C. Toxins and Antitoxins Beview 424 Mittler H. and Lichtenstern R. ‘‘ Milkiness ” of Paraffin Wax 237 Moechel J. R. Examination of Paints 204 Noir J. Determination of Halogen 420 Molinari E. and Soncini E. Action of Ozone on Oils and Fats 412 Moritz Dr. E. R. Estimation of Arsenic 19 Morse H. N. and Gray C. W. Electrical method for the simultaneous determination of Hydrogen Carbon and Sulphur in Organic compounds 308 Moser L. Volumetric determination of Lead as iodate 82 Mouneyrat A, Detection and determination of traces of Iron 272 Muller F. and Matthes H. Determination of crude fibre in Cocoa powders 362 --- New adulterant of Lemon-juice 73 -- G.Burette top for the absorption of Carbon dioxide and other gases 245 -- P. T. Methylene Blue as a test for the freshness of Milk 299 Munson L. S. and Walker P. H. Unification of reduction methods of Sugar Murmann E. Determination of Copper as thiocyanate 205 -- Direct titration of Zinc by means of Potassium ferrocyanide 207 Murray J. A. Mechanical analysis of Soils 129 - Hefelmann - and Mauz P. Composition of Raspberry juice 232 analysis 337 Nash L. M. Casein in Butter 178 - Oils used for Gas-making purposes 296 Naumann W. Linaloe Oil 239 Negreano D. Differentiation of natural and artificial Waters 422 Neumann B. Estimation of metallic Iron in presence of Ferrous and Ferric oxides 57 Neustadtl L. Determination of Oil in Paraffin-scale 97 _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ and Skrabal A.Determination of Barium as chromate and its Nicloux M. Determination of Alcohol in Chloroform 264 Nihoul E. Use of chromed Hide powder in the analysis of Tannins 368 separation from Strontium and Calcium 58 - 7 - traces of Chloroform 11 xiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI, Noll H. Modification of W. Winkler's method for the determination of Oxygen in Nordenskjold - Estimation of Platinum 56 Nowicki R. Determination of traces of Carbon monoxide 169 Waters 63 -- Vessels for keeping and transporting samples of Gas 171 Olig A. aid Tillmans J. Detection of artificial Colouring matter in Fat 119 Oliviero -? Reduction of Cinnamic Acid to Cinnamene by mould fungi 306 Qppenheimer C. and Mitchell C. A. Toxins and Antitoxins Review 424 Orlow N.A, Analysis of the inetals of the Platinum group 345 Ostwald W. Translated by Ramsay E. C. and Turnbull S. K. Conversations in - Recovery of Iodine from the residues obtained in Hiibl's method 121 Chemistry First steps in Chemistry Review 171 Paal C. and Mehrtens G. Gravimetric determination of Potassium nitrate in Meat., Padoa M. a& Savar4 B. Nature of the Starch-Iodine blue compound,'366 Palmer C. S. Filtration of finely divided Precipitates 131 Parkes 9. E. Fat in Milk 178 Parry E. J. Adulterated Santal-wood Oil 115 -- and Bennett C. T. Linaloe Oil 201 Partridge W. Estimation of Fat in homogenized Milk 222 Pascalis G. New Rheostat for Electrolytic analysis 247 Paul - and Tschirch A. Distinctive reaction for Euphorbiuni Resin 75 P&oul A. a d Levy A.Determination of Carbon monoxide in Air 128 Pellet H. and Fribourg C. Determination of Titanium in Soil and the ash of PBpin C. Adulteration of Oil of Cade 302 Perkin F. M. Simple form of rotating Electrode for Electro-chemical analysis 351 __I- aizd Goode J. A. Gutzeit test for Arsenic 312 Perman E. P. New form of Absorption tube 314 -_-_ and Davies J. H. Back reactions in Iodine titrations 420 Petersen J. Detection of Gold and Platinuin in inorganic analysis 270 P e t r h J. Estimation of Sulphur in Iron 33 Phelps E. B. Determination of small quantities of Copper in Water 243 Phillips H. A, Silberrad O. aid Merriman H. J. Direct estimation of Nitra-Pilcher R. B. Official Chemical Appointments Reviezu 280 Piorkowski - Simple method of differentiating the Blood of different Animals 409 Pohl O.Amount of Alcohol in Bread 194 Pratt T. M. and Arny H. V. Volumetric determination of Casein in Milk 194 Procter H. R. and McCandlish D. Estimation of Ammonia in used Lime liquors, Provis S. B. Preservatives in Milk 276 Putzer H. Estimation of percentage of Nitric Acid in the concentrated acid by the 405 Plants 59 Characteristics and reactions of Oil of Cade 408 glycerine in Cordite etc. 339 268 specific gravity 62 Quennessen M. Action of Sulphuric Acid on Platinum 271 Rabak F. Oleoresin of Pinus longifolia 75 Racine R. Adulteration of Butter with Casein 227 -- Milk substitute 22 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI xv Radcliffe L. G. Constants of Carnaiiba Wax 238 Radulescu D. New reaction of Morphine 234 Raikow P.N. Simple method for piercing Glass 379 - and Urkewitsch E. Detection and determination of Nitrotoluene in Nitrobenzene and of Toluene in Benzene 200 Rakuskin M. A. Behaxiour of the most important Vegetable Oils towards polarized light 117 Ramsay E. C. aizd Turnbull S. K. TYanzsZatom Conversations in Chemistry First steps in Chemistry Review 171 Raschig F. Determination of Nitrous Acid 91 -- Sulphur in Pyrites 168 - Sulphuric Acid in drinking-water 168 Rasenack P. Note on an Antimonial Pigment for Enamels 56 Rath C. and Mai C. Determination of minute quantities of Morphine 408 Raukusin M. Modification of Gintl’s Pyknometer 134 Reckleben H. H. and Lockemann G. Reactions and methods of determination of Regel K. Determination of Potassium by means of Platinum tetrachloride in the Reichard C.New reaction of Nickel 271 -- Tin 271 -- Reaction of Morphine 234 ~ - - Two new colour reactions of Nitric Acid 374 Reijst J. J. and Weijsman H. P. Method for the detection of Cocoanut Oil in Reiss G. Honey substitute 47 Remeaud O. Composition of Tamarind pulp 233 Rendle T. a?zd Ling A. R. Note on the removal of Arsenic from Hydrochloric Acid for use in the Narsh-Berzelius method 37 Reynolds W. C. and Sutcliffe R. Separation of Brucine and Strychnine by treat-ment with Nitric Acid 303 Rhead E. L. Estimation of Copper by Titanium chloride 416 Richards P. A. E. a d Cribb C. H. Facing of Rice 40 - 9 - 9 Arsenic 167 presence of sulphates of the alkalies and alkali earths 313 Butter 158 T. W. and Jackson F. G. New method for the standardization of Thermometers below 0” C.422 Richmond H. D, Analysis of dried Milk 219 --I- Composition of Milk 176 - Estimation of Fat in homogenized Milk 218 --- and Miller E. H. Method of analysis of Milk used in the Govern-ment Laboratory for samples referred under the Sale of Food and Drugs Act 317 Note on a recent paper by R. Steinegger on the Rideal Dr. S. Cocoanut Oil in Butter 175 -- Influence of Organic matter on the efficacy of certain Disinfectants, -- and Harrison H. G. Polenske method for the detection of Cocoanut Riegler E. Novel reactions of Aceto-acetic Acid 199 Riesenfeld E. H. and Wohlers H. E. New Burner for spectroscopic work 351 Riggs R. B. and Scudder H. Detection of Methyl Alcohol 409 Rijn. See Van Rijn Robertson P.W. Volumetric method of estimating the Cinchona Alkaloids by (( Aldehyde figure ” of Milk 224 156 Oil in Butter 254 means of their double Thiocyanates 2 xvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXL Robine R. and Lenglen M. TransZated by Leclerc J. A. Cyanide Industry Eeview, Robinson C . J. Combustion of Halogen compounds in presence of Copper oxide 270 Rocques X. Les Industries de la Conservation des Aliments Review 248 Rodik J. Characteristics of Essential Oil of Juniperus Phcenica 408 Rohm N. Determination of water-soluble and total Phosphoric Acid in Super-Rolfe G. W. Polariscope Review 172 RonchAse A, Volumetric determination of Uric Acid 203 Rosenthaler L. Determination of Arsenic Acid 416 Ross R. and Leather J. P. Composition and valuation of Oils used for Gas-making Rothe W.Stutzer A. and Wagnick H. Further simplification of the determination Rougeot R. and Constam E. J. Chemical methods for the examination of Coal Riist E. Examination of Formaldehyde in Formaldehyde Pastilles (Trioxy-247 phosphate 275 purposes 284 of '' Pepsin-soluble '' Nitrogen in Feeding-stuffs 407 briquettes and briquette Pitch 274 methylene) 75 9 - - Pastilles (Trioxymethylene) 197 Salkowski H. Determination of Bismuth and its separation from other heavy Sand Dr. H. Estimation of Arsenic 20 Banders J. Mc C. Improved Beckmann apparatus for molecular weight determina-Sarda mzd Caffart New method of preparing crystals in the examination of Blood Sautesson E. Analysis of Nitroglycerine tablets 197 Sauton M. and Trillat A Determination of Proteids in Milk 260 -____ - --- unaltered Casein in Cheese 405 SttvarA B.and Padoa M. Nature of the Starch-Iodine blue compound 366 Scharfenberg W. and Staehler A. Determination of Bismuth and its separation Scharff E, and Schenck R. Method for the detection of very small quantities of Schenck R. and Scharff E. Method for the detection of very small quantities of Schestakoff and Shukoff Determination of Glycerin 24 Scheuer O. and Vaubel W. New method for the quantitative determination of Schidrowitz Dr. P. Determination of Starch in Cream 180 -Schmatolla C. Tests and reactions of Hydrogen Peroxide 96 Schneider C. and Blumenfeld S. Characteristics of certain Animal Fats 78 Schucht L. Determination of water in Superphosphates and Silicofluorides 129 Scipiotti A.and Formenti C. Quantity of Tin in Tinned Tomatoes 406 Scudder H. and Riggs R. B. Detection of Methyl Alcohol 409 Sebelien J. Proportions of Pentosan and Methylpentosan in Plant products 238 - Sugar contained in Milk 404 Segin A. and Behre A. Action and efficiency of Preservatives 404 Seidell A, Determination of Mercury and Iodine in antiseptic Soaps 160 Seligman R. and Willott F. J. Determination of Zinc in Zinc Aluminium alloys 57 metals 83 tions 350 stains 336 from Copper Cadmium Mercury and Silver 54 yellow Phosphorus 243 yellow Phosphorus 243 Halogens in Organic compounds 167 - and Kaye F. Determination of higher Alcohols in Spirits 181 - Liihrig H. Pentosam content of Cocoa and its value in the detection of husk in Cocoa powders 36 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI.xvii Seyewetz A. and Bloch - Determination of Hydrosulphurous Acid in Hydro-Seyler - Deficiency of Oxygen in Air 146 Sherman H. C. and Tice G. Proteolysis in Cow’s Milk preserved with Formal-- -~ - Williams R. H. Detection determination ahd rate of disap-pearance of Formaldehyde in Milk 72 - Influence of dilution and the presence of other sulphitev and iu their combiuations with Formaldehyde 419 dehyde 260 reducing Sugars on the Osazone test for Glucose and Fructose 304 Shukoff and Schestakoff Determination of Glycerin 24 Siegfried K. Determination of Cantharidin in Cantharides 304 Siemens A. Investigations on Red Phosphorus. 417 Silberrad O. Phillips H. A, and Merriman H. J. Direct estimation of Nitroglycerine Sinnatt F. S. Determination of Nitrates 418 Skinner J.J. Ford-Williams’ method for high-grade Manganese ores 86 Skrabal A. and Neustadtl L. Determination of Barium a3 Chromate and its Small F. H. Collaborative work on Tannin analysis 239 Smith E. A. Sampling of Gold alloys 270 -- E. F. and Kollock L. G. Use of the Rotating Anode and Mercury Cathode -- - Langness J. Rapid precipitation of Antimony electrolytically 83 - - F. A. U. Examination of a sample of Eucalyptus Oil an overdose of which -- H. C. Chemistry for Dental Students Review 384 -__ W. Quantitative determination of the Carbonyl group in Aldehydes Ketones, Soltsien P. Colour reactions of Sesame Oil 266 Sommer F. and Ulzer F. Detection and determination of Paraffin Wax in mixtures Soncini E. and Molinari E. Action of Ozone on Oils and Fats 412 Spaeth E.Detection of Sugar in Mace 231 Staehler A. and Scharfenberg W. Deterinination of Bismuth and its separation from Copper Cadmium Mercury and Silver 54 Steinegger R. “Aldehyde ” value of Milk 45 Stevens H. P. and Beadle C. Rosin Size analysis 203 Stierlin R. and Lunge G. Determination of Sulphur in roasted Zinciferous ores and similar materials 125 - ~ - - Estimation of Sulphuric Acid by means of Barium Chloride Stillman T. B. Analysis of Incandescence Mantles 126 Stollberg B. Apparatus for the continuous registration of the results of Gas analysis Stiiber W. Composition of Tomatoes and Tomato-juice 263 Stutzer A. Determination of digestible Proteids in Feeding-stuffs 407 - Wangnick H. and Rothe W. Further simplification of the determination Sutcliffe R.and Reynolds W. C. Separation of Brucine and Strychnine by treatment in Cordite etc. 339 separation from Strontium and Calcium 58 in Electrolysis 87 caused death 304 etc. 198 Remarks on the usual reactions for Nitric Acid 374 with Ceresin 119 in the presence of disturbing substances 90 and precipitation in liquids 244 of ‘‘ Pepsin-soluble ’’ Nitrogen in Feeding-stuffs 407 with Nitric Acid 303 Talon - Esterification as a cause of error in the determination of Sugar 305 Tanret G. Melezitose and Turanose 411 xviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI. Tatlock R. R. and Thomson R. T. Presence and detection of Cyanogen in Java, Thsl R. Analysis of Ebonite articles 240 Thamm R. Ash of Pimento Claves and Cardamoms 364 -- und Liihrig H.Ash of Pepper and Cinnamon 231 Thhenon - Detection of Formaldehyde 24 Thieme C. and Harries C. Ozonides of Oleic Acid 412 Thien C. and Zwintx J. New Electrically-heated Microscope stage 423 Thomson R. T. und Dunlop H. Examination of Olive Linseed and other Oils 281 - Tatlock R. R. Presence and detection of Cyanogen in Java, Thorne L. T. and Jeffers E. H. Purification of Zinc and Hydrochloric Acid from Thorp A. W. Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 173 Tice G. und Sherman H. C. Proteolysis in Cow’s Milk preserved with Forrnalde-Tilden Professor W. A. Estimation of Arsenic 16 Tillmans J, and Olig A. Detection of 9rtificial Colouring Matter in Fat 119 - Recovery of Iodine from the residues obtained in Hiibl’s T6th J. Determination of the total Organic Acids in Tobacco 80 Touplain - and Bordas F.Determination of foreign substances in Cocoa and Toussaint E. urzd Guerry E. Causes of error in the determination of Phosphoric Trillat A. Formation of Formaldehyde in the caramelization of Sugar 410 -- Influence of the oxidation of Ethyl Alcohol on the maturing of Brandy Burma and Haricot Beans 249 Burma and Haricot Beans 249 W. Determination of rninute quantities of Arsenic 417 Arsenic 101 hyde 260 method 121 Chocolate 230 Y Proteids by means of Acetone 340 - -- _ _ ~ Acid by the ‘‘ Citro-mechanical ” method 375 and Wine 299 - and Sauton Determination of Proteids in Milk 260 -- -- unaltered Casein in Cheese 405 Trotnian S. R. and Hickford J. E, Conditions affecting the foaming and consist-- - - - ~ --I_ Estimation of Tannin as Strychnine tannate 53 -_________- Strychnine tannate and its application to the Trowbridge P.F. aJnd Grindley H. S. Study of the Probeids of Beef-flesh 228 Tschaplowitx - Rapid method of determining Fat in Cocoa 195 Tschirch A, and Bergmann W. Constituents of Myrrh 114 -- - Paul - Distinctive reaction for Euphorbium Resin 75 Tsujimoto M. New unsaturated Fatty Acid in Japanese Sardine Oil 335 _______ Occurrence of Clupanodonic Acid in Herring and Whale Oils 344 Turnbull S. K. and Ramsay E. C. TnxvzsZators Conversations in Chemistry First ency of Glues 241 analysis of Tanning materials 268 steps in Chemistry Review 171 Ulrich K. Apparatus for removing Gases from aerated Liquids before determining and Von Kiittner Formic Acid as a Preservative of Lemon-juice 263 -_I______- New centrifugal method for determining Fat in Milk Ulzer F.and Sommer F. Detection and determination of Paraffin Wax in mixtures Umney J. C. and Bennett C. T. Oil of False Savin 49 the specific gravity of the latter 136 -Wendler’s method 112 with Ceresin 11 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI. xi x orkewitsch E. and Raikow P. N. Detection and determination of Nitrotoluene in Utz - Assay of Sublimate Gauze 23 ~- Examination of Rosin Oil 201 - -_- Turpentine Oils 343 - Purity of Balsam of Peru 115 Nitrobenzene and of Toluene in Benzene 200 - Composition of Lemonade Essences 74 Valenta E. Use of Dimethyl sulphate for the detection and determination of Coal-tar Oils in mixtures with Rosin Oils and Mineral Oils and on its behaviour towards Fatty Oils Spirits of Turpentine and Pinoline 202 Vamossy Z.and Bertrand G. Quantitative determination of Arsenic by the Marsh method 243 Vamvakas J. Detection of Olive Oil extracted by means of Carbon bisulphide in Soap 116 Soapwort in Mineral Waters 232 ~ _ _ _ -_ Van Itallie L. Examination and assay of Aloes 49 Van Rijn Dr. - Dutch Cheese 109 Vaubel W. Bromine absorption of Oil of Turpentine 200 -- Note on commercial Oil of Turpentine 120 ~- aqzd Scbeuer O. New method for the quantitative determination of Veitch F. P. and Hurt H. H. Extraction of Tanning materials for analysis 267 Veley V. H. Riise-Herzfeld and Sulphuric Acid methods for the determination of ~~- and Manley Estimation of percentage of Nitric Acid in the con-Vintilesco J. Detection and determination of Syringin 341 Virgili J.F. Action of Sulphides on Nitroprussides 419 Voelcker Dr. J. A, Abnormal Milk 179 ____-~ - _ _ _ - _ Cyanogen in Beans 252 -- -_ - Deficiency of Oxygen in Air 146 Voisenet E. New method of detecting and determining Methyl Alcohol 365 Halogens in Organic compounds 167 higher Alchols 336 centrated acid by the specific gravity 61 - Analyst and the Medical Man 401 Sensitive reaction of Formaldehyde and Nitric or Nitrous Compounds with Proteids 30 Vollers H. Improved pattern of Gooch Crucible 132 Von Braun J. Separation of the Conium Alkaloids 74 Von Konek F. Notes on the determination of Ash in elementary Organic Analysis 269 Von Kuttner and Ulrich Formic Acid as a Preservative of Lemon-juice 263 ~ _ _ - _ _ _ ~ - New centrifugal method for determining Fat in Milk-Wendler’s method 112 Wagner B, New method of determining Sugars by means of the Immersion Refrac-Walbaum H.Muskone the aromatic constituent of Musk 306 Walker H. S. Rancidity of Cocoanut Oil 165 tometer 26 P. H. and Munson L. S. Unification of reduction methods of Sugar Wallis T. E. Determination of Chloral hydrate 113 Walters H. E. Use of Ammonium persulphate in the determination of Chromium in Wangnick H. Stutzer A, and Rothe W. Further simplification of the determina-analyses 337 Steel 85 tion of (‘ Pepsin-soluble ” Nitrogen in Feeding-stuffs 407 c xx INDEX TO VOLUME XXXl. Warren E. B. Improved Extraction Cup 314 Wedekind E, Magnesia apparatus at high temperatures 209 Wedemeyer K.Characteristics of Owala Oil 343 -.-_- Java Olive Oil 361 Weibull M. Determination of Fat in Cheese 299 Weigel G. Balsam of Hardwickia pinnata 415 Wells R. C. Estimation of opalescent Silver chloride precipitates 123 Wender N. Process for determining the quality (Fineness) of Flour 73 Werder - Examination of liquid Carbon dioxide 418 Werner G. urzd Arnold C. Determination of Iodine in Iodvasogen and similar preparations 161 -White J. Dutch Cheese 110 Wijsman H. P. and Reijst J. J. Method for the detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter, Wild W. Quantitative determination of Cyanate in the presence of Cyanide 208 Will W. Investigation of Celluloid 366 Willard J. T. Test for bleached Flour 300 Williams F. M, Modified Westphal Balance for solids and liquids 244 - Distinction between Phenol and Cresols 50 - Reactions of the three Phosphoric Acids 92 I-.___ 158 R.H. and Sherman H. C. Detection determination and rate of disap-- - Influence of dilution and the presence of other Willott F. J. and Seligman R. Determination of Zinc in Zinc Aluminium Alloys 57 Wilson J. and Mason J. E. Note on the Incandescent Mantle as a catalyst and its Windaus A. Method for the separation of Cholesterol and Phytosterol 411 Winkelblech K, Measurements of the temperatures of gelatinization and of specific Winkler L. W. Preparation of pure Ethyl Alcohol 76 Wintgen M. Quantity of Solanine in Potatoes 364 Winton A. L. and Kreider J. L. Determination of Lead number of Maple Syrup Wislicenus - Execution of the comparative analyses with gewachsene ” (porous) Wohlers H.E. and Riesenfeld E. H. New Burner for Spectroscopic work 351 Wolff J. Determination of Dextrose or Invert Sugar 25 Woy R. Derangement of a public Water-supply by Manganese sulphate 208 Yoclrey H. Rapid method of Babbitt metal analysis 311 pearance of Formaldehyde in Milk 72 reducing Sugars on the Osazone test for Glucose and Fructose 304 application to Gas analysis 64 gravities of some Glue solutions 370 and Maple Sugar 411 Alumina 341 Zimmerman F. and Jannasch J. Separation of Iodine from Chlorine and Bromine Zwintx J. and Thien C. New Electrically-heated Microscope Stage 423 by means of Hydrogen Peroxide 12 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI. xxi INDEX OF SUBJECTS. ABRASTOL in Foods Detection of 21 Absorption Tube New form of 314 ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PUBLISHED IN OTHEB JOURNALS 21 45 72 112 157 194 227, Acetaldehyde and Formaldehyde Differentiation of 162 Aceto-acetic Acid Novel reactions of 199 Acetone Determination of 236 -- in Urine Determining New method of 163 Acetyl and Benzoyl groups Direct determination of the 81 Acid Aceto-acetic Novel reactions of 199 Arsenic Determination of 416 Boric Determination of Simple method for the approximate 147 - - and Borax Effects of on the human system a critical review of the Carbolic Quantitative toxic properties of as compared with those of other Carbonic Determination of Methods for the 348 Cinnamic Reduction of to Cinnamene by mould fungi 306 Fatty in Japanese Sardine Oil New unsaturated 335 Formic Determination of by Potassium permanganate 410 Free Volumetric estimation of in presence of Iron salts 168 Purification of from Arsenic 96 260 299 335 361 401 - New method for the 235 -report of Dr.H. W. Wiley 198 Poisons 265 - Chloric Preparation of pure for analytical purposes 209 - Clupanodonic 336 7 in Herring and Whale Oils Occurrence of 344 - as a Preservative 404 ? 9 of Lemon-juice 263 -~ ~ _-- Hydrochloric Arsenic from Note on the removal of for use in the Marsh-Berzelius method 37 , and Zinc Purification of from Arsenic 101 in Gastric juice Detection of free 28 - ? - Hydrocyanic Determination of free in aqueous solution 27 __ Hydrosulphurous in Hydrosulphites and their combinations with Formalde-hyde Determination of 419 Malic Determination of 410 Metaphosphoric Reactions of 92 Nitric Reactions for Remarks on the usual 374 ? - of Two new colour 374 -- in the concentrated acid Estimation of percentage of by the specific gravity 61 62 - ? - in Water Determination of 275 Nitrous Determination of 91 Oleic Oeonides of 412 Orthophosphoric Reactions of 92 Phosphoric Citric-Acid-soluble Separation of Silica in the determination of 421 9 - Determination of Causes of error in the by the ‘‘ Citro-mechanical ” - in Superphosphate Determination of water-soluble and total 275 - in Thomas meal Bone meal etc.Estimation of 93 method 375 - , xxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXL Acid Picric Determination of 368 Pyrophosphoric Reactions of 92 Sulphuric Determination of Volumetric by means of Benzidine 375 Sulphurous in Meat Determination of 195 Tannic Occurrence of in natural Wines 361 Tartaric in Wine Lees and Tartrates Determination of 301 - Estimation of by means of Barium chloride in the presence of disturbing substances 90 - Uric Heview 314 - in Urine Determination of 268 Acids Benzoic Differentiation of pharmaceutical 302 - Fatty in Fats and Soaps Determination of 166 - in textile Soap Determination of 119 - Nitric and Sulphuric in ‘‘ Nitrous Vitriol,” Determination of 63 - Nitrous and Nitric Determination of 90 - Phosph.oric Reactions of the three 92 - Tellurous and Telluric Determination of 94 - Thio and Organic Hydrosulphides Volumetric determination of 121 Aerated Liquids Apparatus for removing Gases from before determining the specific Air Analysis of a sample of which extinguishes flame 144 - Carbon monoxide in Determination of 128 Albumin and Mucinoid substances in Urine Method of distinguishing between true, Alcohol Ethyl Oxidation of Influence of the on the maturing of Brandy and Wine, - - Preparation of aldehyde-free for Oil and Fat analysis 237 - Methyl Detecting and determining New method of 365 - I___- Detection of 409 - - Estimation of in presence of Formaldehyde 22 - 9 - in Formalin Determination of 235 from Ether Rapid method of removing 404 _____- in Bread Amount of 194 -- Chloroform Determination of 264 Alcohols Determination of higher Rose-Herzfeld and Sulphuric Acid Methods for the 336 in Spirits Determination of higher 181 Aldehyde Acetic and Formaldehyde Differentiation of 162 ____- Benzoic Determination of traces of 77 - Formic Determination of 24 -- - Formation of in the caramelization of Sugar 410 7 Determination of Volumetric 203 - Vanadic Valuation of Iodometric 347 gravity of the latter 136 414 299 ? - - pure 76 -~- Studies on in aqueous solution 50 , , 9 and Acetaldehyde Differentiation of 162 in Formaldehyde Pastilles (Trioxymethylene) Estimation of 75 in Milk Detection determination and rate of disappearance of 72 figure of Milk Note on a recent paper by R.Steinegger on the 234 Aldehydes Ketones etc. Quantitative determination of the Carbonyl group in 198 Algz (Seaweeds) Composition of certain marine and of the products obtained from Aliments Les Industries do la Conservation des Review 248 Alkaloid extracted from the germ of Barley Hordenine a new 113 them 2 INDEX TO VOLUME X X X I .xxiii Alkaloids Cinchona Estimating the Volumetric method of by means of their double Thiocyanates 22 Conium Separation of the 74 Precipitation and quantitative determination of by means of solutions of Potassium Bismuth iodide 235 - of Veratrum album and their determination 196 Almond Oil Constants of 117 282 Aloes. Examination and assay of 49 Alumina, 341 Ammonia Determination of small quantities of in the presence of Urea 203 -_ in used Lime liquors Estimation of 268 Analysis Ultimate Simplified for technical purposes 242 Analyst and the Medical Man 385 Animal Fats Characteristics of certain 78 Anode Rotating and Mercury Cathode Use of the in electro-analysis 87 Antimonial Pigment for Enamels Note on an 56 Antimony Rapid precipitation of electrolytically 83 -- and Tin Separating New method of 346 -- Arsenic and Tin Separation of 124 Antitoxins Toxins and Review 424 Apitong Oil of 165 APPARATUS ABSTRACTS 34 63 131 170 209 344 276 314 350 376 422 Apparatus made of Magnesia Properties of IS0 Arachis Oil Constants of 282 Arsenic Determination of Apparatus for the 345 ~- -__,_ Quantitative by the Marsh method 243 - - minute quantities of 417 -- Estimation of traces of by the Narsh-Berzelius method and the t i insensitive-- Purification of Zinc and Hydrochloric Acid from 101 Test for Gutzeit 312 - Acid Determination of 416 - Antimony and Tin Separation of 124 - from Hydrochloric Acid Note on the removal of for use in the Marsh-Berzelius method 37 - in Wines Occurrence of 72 Arsine Determination of Reactions and methods of 167 Asaprol in Foods Detection of 21 Ash Determination of Notes on the in elementary Organic analysis 269 -- of Plants and Soil Determination of Titanium in 59 Assay tube Dougal 246 Ass’s Milk Composition of 176 Atropine Toxicology of 76 Gewachsene ” (porous) Execution of the comparative analyses with, ness ” of Zinc 3 Babbitt metal analysis Rapid method of 311 Balance Westphal Modified for solids and liquids 244 Balances Chemical Zero adjustment for 377 ’ Simple arrangement of lenses for reading the graduations of chemical and assay 39 Balao 165 Balsam Peru Oil 234 - of Hardwickia pinnata 415 - Peru Purity of 11 xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI.Barium Determination of as chromate and its separation from Strontium and Bark Canella Carbohydrates occurring in 406 Barley Hordenine a new alkaloid extracted from the germ of 113 - - Pearl- Rice etc. Determination of Talc on 263 Bath Constant temperature for low temperatures 133 Baudouin reaction in human Milk-fat 158 Bauxite Moisture and water of combination in 89 Beans Calabar Assay of 22 -- Haricot Java and Burma Presence of Cyanogen in 249 Bear fat Constants of 79 Beef-flesh Proteids of Study of the 228 Beer Wort Wine etc. Zinc in Rapid method for the detection of traces of 112 Beeswax Annam Characteristics of 407 Benxaldehyde Determination of traces of 77 Benzene Toluene in Detection and determination of 200 -- Petroleum and Petroleum distillates in Oil of Turpentine and its Substitutes, Benzoic Acids Differentiation of pharmaceutical 302 Benxoyl and Acetyl groups Direct determination of the 81 Biliary Pigments in Urine Detection of 53 Birds’ nests Composition of edible 29 Bismuth Determination of and its separation from Copper Cadmium Mercury and Silver 54 Bitumen in Paving materials Determination of total soluble 306 Bituminous minerals and Petroleum Determination of Sulphur in 52 Blood of different Animals Simple method of differentiating the 409 - stains New method of preparing crystals in the Examination of 336 Bomb Notes on the determination of Calorific values by means of the 121 - Porcelain-lined for general laboratory use 246 Bone meal Thomas meal etc.Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in 93 BOOKS REVIEWS OF : Calcium 58 Determination of 305 other heavy metals 83 __-__ --- --Beam and Leffmann Drs.Select methods in Food analysis 2nd edition 97 Bolduan Dr. C. Translator Studies on Immunity 279 Ehrlich Professor P. tyanslated by Bolduan Dr. C. Studies on Immunity, Greville H. L. Analysis and valuation of oxide of Iron and Lime for the Leach A. E. Food Inspection and Analysis for the use of public analysts, Leclerc J. A, Translator Cyanide Industry 247 Leffmann and Beam Drs. Select methods in Food analysis 2nd edition 97 Lenglen M. and Robine R. Translated by Leclerc J. A, Cyanide Industry, Low A. H. Technical methods of Ore analysis 34 Mecrudden F. H. Uric Acid 314 Mitchell C. A. and Oppenheimer C. Toxins and Antitoxins 424 Oppenheimer C.and Mitchell C. A. Toxins and Antitoxins 424 Ostwald W. translated by Ramsay E. C. and Turnbull S. K. Conversa-Pilcher R. B. Official Chemical Appointments 280 Ramsay E. C. Translator Conversations in Chemistry First steps in 279 purposes of Gas purification 352 health oflicers sanitary chemists and food economists 211 247 tions in Chemistry First steps in Chemistry 171 Chemistry 17 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI. x XV BOOKS. REVIEWS OF-continued : Robine R. and Lenglen M. translated by Leclerc J. A. Cyanide Industry, 247 Rocques X. Les Industries de la Conservation des Aliments 247 Rolfe G. W. Polariscope 172 Smith H. C. Chemistry for Dental students 384 Turnbull S. K. Translator Conversations in Chemistry First steps in Borax and Boric Acid Effects of on the human system a critical review of the report of Dr.H. W. Wiley 198 Boric Acid Determination of Simple method for the approximate 147 Bottle Wash “ Continuous-flow,” 34 -- - and Pipette Note on a combined 136 - - Weighing 378 Brandy and Wine Maturing of Influence of the oxidation of Ethyl Alcohol on the, Bread Alcohol in Amount of 194 Chemistry 171 New 276 9 for Liquids 423 -__ --__ -299 Bromine and Chlorine Iodine from Separation of by means of Hydrogen peroxide, 127 Brucine and Strychnine Separation of by treatment with Nitric Acid 303 Burette-filling device 170 - for avoiding errors in titration at the boiling-point Form of 131 - top for the absorption of Carbon dioxide and other Gases 245 Burner Sodium New 423 Butter Adulterant for 177 for spectroscopic work New 351 Adulteration of with Casein;227 Cacao Constants of 118 Canadian ‘( Domestic,” Quantity of Water in 45 - Cocoanut Oil in Detection of 173 ? Method for the 158 - _- ---Y , - Polenske method for the 254 - Use of the “ silver method ” for the 261 --_- Karitit Characteristics of 262 -fat Cocoanut Oil in Estimation of 353 Cacao Butter Constants of 118 Cade Oil of Adulteration of 302 - - Characteristics and reactions of 408 Cadmium Detection of 272 - ___- Copper Mercury and Silver Determination of Bismuth and its separation Caffeine Determination of Use of the Immersion Refractometer in the 195 Calabar Beans Assay of 22 Calcium Electrolytic 60 - and Strontium Separation of Barium from 58 - chloride tube New form of 209 Calorific values Notes on the determination of by means of the Bomb 121 Cameline Oil Constants of 118 Camphene and Pinene Reaction of Mercuric acetate with 267 --I_ in Essential Oils Detection of 233 Camphor in Camphor Liniment Determination of 234 from 5 xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI.Canella Bark Carbohydratss occurring in 406 Cantharides Cantharidin in Determination of 304 Caoutchouc Estimation of 80 - Examination of raw 202 Capsicum Starch in powdered 302 Carbohydrates occurring in Spices-I. I n Canella Bark 406 Carbolic Acid Quantitative toxic properties of as compared with those of other Carbon and of Carbon dioxide Quantitative determination of 369 Poisons 265 dioxide Estimation of New form of Potash bulbs for the from combustions, 246 - Liquid Examination of 418 - and of Carbon Quantitatjve determination of 369 - Hydrogen and Sulphur in Organic compounds Electrical method for the simultaneous determination of 308 - - in Steel Determination of by direct ignition with Red Lead 125 - monoxide Determination of traces of 169 -________- in Air Determination of 128 ~-Carbonic Acid Determination of Methods for the 348 Carbonyl group in Aldehydes Ketones etc.Quantitative determination of the 198 Cardamoms Pimento and Cloves Ash of 364 Carnauba Wax Constants of 238 Casein Adulteration of Butter with 227 -_- in Cheese Determination of unaltered 405 Castor Oil Constants of 117 252 Cathode Mercury and Rotating Anode Use of the in electro-analysis 87 Celluloid Analysis of 367 --_ Investigation of 366 articles Inflammability of 51 Cellulose Lignin and Cutin in Cheese Casein in Determination of unaltered 405 Dutch Note on 105 Fat in Determination of 299 Chemical Appointments Official Review 280 Chemistry Conversations in Review 171 - for Dental Students Review 384 Chloral hydrate Determination of 113 Chloric Acid Preparation of pure for analytical purposes 209 Chlorine Evolution of Improved Mayer’s apparatus for the 377 - and Bromine Iodine from Separation of by means of Hydrogen peroxide, Chloroform Alcohol in Determination of 264 Chocolate and Cocoa Determination of foreign substances in 230 Cholesterol and Phytosterol Separation of Method for the 411 Chromium and Manganese Estimation of 85 Cinchona Alkaloids Estimating the Volumetric method of by means of their double Thiocyanates 22 Cinnamic Acid Reduction of to Cinnarnene by mould fungi 306 -- in Storax Determination of 114 Cinnamon and Pepper Ash of 231 - Gaseous mixtures Determination of Difficulties in the 349 - Milk Determination of 194 Crude Fibre,” Determination of 406 127 - Determination of traces of 114 - in Steel Determination of Use of Ammonium persulphate in the 8 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI xxvii Cloves Pimento and Cardamoms Ash of 364 Clupanodonic Acid 336 in Herring and Whale Oils 344 Coal Moisture in Fuels especially Rapid method for the determination of 130 - Gas Cyanides in crude Determination of 95 - Naphthalene in Estimation of 54 - Sulphur in Determination of total 310 mixtures with Rosin Oils and Mineral Oils 202 briquettes and briquette Pitch Chemical methods for the examination of 274 - -tar Oils Detection and determination of Use of Dimethyl sulphate for the in Cobalt and Nickel Iron and Manganese from Separation of 372 - Manganese and Zinc Detection of Use of Potassium periodate in the 56 Coca-leaves Assay of 23 Cocoa Crude Fibre in Determination of 362 Fat in Determination of 229 Pentosan content of and its value in the detection of husk in Cocoa powders, - - Determining Rapid method of 195 363 - and Chocolate Determination of foreign substances in 230 - powder Crude fibre in Determination of 362 - powders Pentosan content of Cocoa andits value in the detection of husk in, Cocoanut Oil Constants of 118 Rancidity of 165 -- in Butter Detection of 173 363 9 7 > Method for the 158 Polenske method for the 254 Use of the ‘‘ Silver method” for the 261 - ~ - -__-____ ______-__-I__- _______-___ Butter-fat Estimation of 353 Coke Petroleum for metallurgical laboratory use 422 Colophony American 27 Coloration of preserved Truffles Artificial 160 Colouring matter in Fat Detection of artificial 119 - --- of Saffron 74 Conhydrine Determination of 74 y-Conicine Determination of 74 Conifer Oils Notes on some 413 Coniine Determination of! 74 Conium Alkaloids Separation of the 74 Coot Fat Constants of 79 Copals Characteristics of certain Physical 120 .-3 70’ Copper Determination of Gasometric by means of Hydrazine salts 31 Phosphorus and ash in Determination of 274 - roasted and of Copals treated with Phenols or Naphthalene, - Iodometric 84 205 7 Volumetric 123 I as Thiocyanate 205 9 - --- Estimation of by Titanium chloride 416 Reaction for Delicate colour 416 and Mercury Volumetric determination of 124 in distilled Water Detection of traces of 206 -___ Cadmium Mercury and Silver Determination of Bismuth and its separation from 5 xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI.Copper in Water Determination of small quantities of 243 Lead and Zinc Provisional methods for of the Committee of Uniformity in technical analysis of the Western Association of Technical Chemists and Metal-lurgists 81 Cordite New method of estimating moisture with special reference to moisture in, and other substances containing volatile matters other than Water 213 etc.Nitroglycerine in Direct estimation of 339 Cotton-seed Oil Blown Constants of 52 Cow’s Milk Proteolysis in preserved with Formaldehyde 260 Crane fat Constants of 79 Cream Adulterated Composition of 177 Cresols and Phenol Distinction between 50 Cress Oil Garden Constants of 118 Croton Oil Constants of 117 Crucible Gooch Improved pattern of 132 Cutin Cellulose and Lignin in Cyanate Determination of Quantitative in the presence of Cyanide 208 Cyanates Estimation of Volumetric 95 Cyanide Industry Review 247 Cyanides in crude Coal-gas Determination of 95 Cyanogen compounds Toxicity of towards Fish 115 Cystophyllum fusiforme Composition of 29 -4 Constants of 118 triangle New 134 Crude Fibre,” Determination of 406 - in Java Burma and Haricot Beans Presence of 249 Decahydronaphthalene Constants of 294 Desiccator Scheibler Production of a high vacuum in the 376 Dextrose or Invert Sugar Determination of 25 Dimethyl sulphate Use of for the detection and determination of Coal-tar Oils in mixtures with Rosin Oils and Mineral Oils and on its behaviour towards Fatty Oils Spirits of Turpentine and Pinoline 202 Disinfectants Efficacy of certain Influence of organic matter on the 150 Dougal assay tube 246 Standardization of chemical 130 Earth-nut Oil Constants of 117 Ebonite articles Analysis of 240 Ecclonia bicyclis Composition of 29 Egg White of Phosphorus content of 361 --yolk Sodium chloride in Determination of 299 Eggs Toxicity of when administered hypodermically 76 Electrically-heated Muffle furnace 170 Electro-analysis Use of the Rotating Anode and Mercury Cathode in 87 Electrode Rotating Simple form of for electro-chemical analysis 351 Electrolytic analysis New Rheostat for 247 - apparatus New 245 Enamels Note on Antimonial Pigment for 56 Enteromorpha compressa Composition of 29 Ergot in Flour Determination of 363 Essences Lemonade Composition of 74 Essential Oils Camphene in Detection of 233 Ether Alcohol from Rapid inethod of removing 404 - preserved with fluorides 36 INDEX TO VOLUME xxxr.xxix Ethyl Alcohol Oxidation of Influence of the on the maturing of Brandy and -- Preparation of Aldehyde-free for Oil and Fat analyses 237 Eucalyptus Oil Examination of a sample of an overdose of which caused death 304 Euphorbiiim Resin Distinctive reaction for 75 Extract of Nux Vomica Analysis of powdered 50 Extraction Cup Improved 314 Wine 299 9 pure 76 .- --- of Liquids Apparatus for continuous with Ether Benzene or other solvent 135 Faxes Fat from Extraction of and the occurrence of Lecithin 345 False Saviu Oil of 49 Fat Bear Constants of 79 - Butter Cocoanut Oil in Estimation of 353 - Colouring matter in Detection of artificial 119 -- Coot Constants of 79 - Crane Constants of 79 - Glutton Constants of 79 - Lynx Constants of 79 -- Milk Baudouin reaction in human 158 - Porpoise Constants of 79 - Seal Vikare Constants of 79 -- Surin 2 - from Faces Extraction of and the occurrence of Lecithin 345 - in Cheese Determination of 299 Cocoa Determination of 229 homogenized Milk Estimation of 215 Milk New centrifugal method for determining (Wendler’s method) 112 Gulo borealis Constants of 79 Grus cinerea Constants of 79 Determining Rapid method of 195 - of Fulica atra Constants of 79 - Lynx europiEus Constants of 79 -.- Palaquium oblongifolium 2 Phoca fcetida Constants of 79 Phocaena communis Constants of 79 Pigs Composition of the fed on Foods rich in Oil 72 Ursa arcfos Constants of 79 Fats Animal Characteristics of certain 78 and Oils sction of Ozone on 412 - Soaps Determination of Fatty Acids in 166 Fatty Acid in Japanese Sardine Oil New unsaturated 335 - Acids in Fats and Soaps Determination of 166 -- textile Soap Determination of 119 - Oils Detection of ‘‘ Blown,” in mixtures with Mineral Oil 51 Feeding-stuffs Nitrogen in Further simplification of the determination of ‘‘ Pepsin--- Proteids in Determination of digestible 407 Ferrochrome Analysis of Complete 272 Ferrum redactum Determination of Iron in 23 Fibre Crude Determination of Cellulose Lignin and Cutin in 406 - - in.Cocoa Determination of 362 soluble,’’ 407 9 3 powders Determination of 362 - -xxx INDEX TO VOLUME XXXL Filter New vacuum for laboratory and domestic use and a wholly novel method of Fish Toxicity of Cyanogen compounds towards 115 Flesh Phosphorus content of Study of the 159 Flour Bleached Test for 300 - Ergot in Determination of 363 - Quality (Fineness) of Process for determining the 73 - Rice in Wheat Flour Detection of 300 - Wheat Bleached Flour in Detection of 227 - etc. Action of on Hydrogen peroxide 262 Fluoride test Modification of the hanging-drop 420 Fluorine in Foods New method of detecting 195 Fluor-spar Valuation of Rapid method for the 60 F a t a l and Hcrse Flesh Detection of by means of the Glycogen reaction.159 Food Sodium sulphite in 335 - analysis Select methods in second edition Beview 97 - Inspection and Analysis for the use of public analysts health officers sanitary chemists and food economists Revzew 211 - materials Analysis of Observations on the 21 - -preserving Industry Review 248 Foods Fluorine in New method of detecting 195 FOODS AND DRUGS ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 21 45 72 112 157 194 227 260 299, Formaldehyde Detection of 24 cleaning the filtering material 135 -- ? in Wheat Flour Detection of 227 7 Rice Flour in Detection of 300 - -335 361 404 - Formation of in the carainelization of Sugar 410 - Studies on in aqueous solution 50 -- and Acetaldehyde Differentiation of 162 -- in Formaldehyde Pastilles (Trioxymethylene) Estimation of 75 -_- Milk Detection determination and rate of disappearance of 12 -__- Pastilles (Trioxymethylene) Estimation of Formaldehyde in 75 ? Examination of 197 Formalin Methyl Alcohol in Determination of 235 Formic Acid Determination of by Potassium permanganate 410 --_ as a Preservative 404 ~ - - - of Lemon-juice 263 Fructose and Glucose Influence of dilution and the presence of other reducing Fruit-juice Determination of Malic and certain other fixed Acids in 300 Fruktin 47 Fuels Liquid Determination of the calorific power of by means of the Junker - > - (Petroleum Oil etc.) Determination of Sulphur in 52 - especially Coal Rapid method for the determination of moisture in 130 Fulica atra Fat of Constants of 79 Funnel Delivery for introducing liquids under increased or diminished pressure 210 Furnace Muffle Electrically-heated 170 Sugars on the Osazone test for 304 Calorimeter 415 Gambier Analysis of 28 Garden Cress Oil Constants of 118 Gas Coal Cyanides in crude Determination of 95 9 - Naphthalene in Estimation of 54 - - - Sulphur in Determination of total 31 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXL XXXl Gas Samples of Vessels for keeping and transporting 171 -_ analysis Note on the Incandescent Mantle as a catalyst and its application - Use of Sodium hydrosulphite in 349 - and precipitation in liquids Apparatus for the continuous registration -- mixtures Analysis of technological Optical 371 -- purification Analysis and valuation of oxide of Iron and Lime for the purposes Gastric juice Hydrochloric Acid in Detection of free 28 Gauze Sublimate Assay of 23 Gelatines and glues grading of 210 Gelidium cartilagineum Composition of 29 Ghedda Wax Indian 266 Glass Simple method for piercing 379 Gliadin Optical rotation and density of alcoholic solutions of 305 Glucose and Fructose Influence of dilution and the presence of other reducing Sugars on the Osazone test for 304 Glue solutions Measurement of the temperatures of gelatinization and of specific gravities of 370 Glues Foaming and consistency of Conditions affecting the 24 I -- and Gelatines Grading of 240 Glutton Fat Constants of 79 Glycerin Determination of 24 Gold Determination of small quantities of Colorimetric 372 - alloys Sampling of 270 - and Platinum Detection of in inorganic analysis 270 - Telluric ores Comparison of wet and dry assay of 206 Gooch Crucible Improved pattern of 132 Grus cinerea Fat of Constants of 79 Gulo borealis Fat of Constants of 79 to 64 of the results of 244 of Review 352 Precipitation of metallic 55 Haddock-liver Oil Constants of 283 Halogen Determination of 420 Halogens in Organic conlpounds New method for the quantitative determination of, Hardwickia pinnata Balsam of 415 Haricot Java and Burma Beans Presence of Cyariogen in 249 Heating under reduced pressure by the aid of an Electric Oven 132 a-Heerabo-myrrholol 114 p-Heerabo-m yrrholol 114 Hemlock Oil of Notes on 413 Hemp-seed Oil Constants of 118 Herring and Whale Oils Occurrence of Clupanodonic Acid in 344 Hexahydrocymene Constants of 294 Hide powder Chromed Use of in the analysis of Tannins 368 Honey substitute 47 Hordenine a new alkaloid extracted from the germ of Barley 113 Horse and F e t a l Flesh Detection of by means of the Glycogen determination 159 Hiibl’s method Recovery of Iodine from the residues obtained in 121 Hydrazine Determination of Gasometric by means of mercury salts 32 H y drazino-a-in e t h yl-y-am yl bu t yrolac tone 25 compounds Combustion of in presence of Copper oxide 270 16 xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI.Hydraaino-P-y-dimethylbutyrolactone 25 Hydrochloric Acid Arsenic from Note on the removal of for use in the Marsh--y-methylbutyrolactone 25 Berzelius method 37 - Purification of from Arsenic 96 - and Zinc Purification of from Arsenic 101 - in Gastric juice Detection of free 28 Hydrocyanic Acid Determination of free in aqueous solution 27 Hydrogen Carbon and Sulphur in Organic compounds Electrical method €or the simultaneous determination of 308 - peroxide Action of Flour etc.on 262 -- - Determination of 349 - - - Tests and reactions of 96 -- in milk Detection of 157 - sulphide Determination of Iodometric 373 -- Substitute for 97 Hydrosulphides Organic and Thio Acids Volumetric determination of 121 Hydrosulphites Hydrosulphurous Acid in Determination of and in their combina-tions with Formaldehyde 419 Immunity Studies on Review 279 Incandescence Mantles Analysis of 126 Incandescent Nantle as a catalyst Note on the and its application to Gas INORGANIC ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 31 54 81 123 167 205 243 270 311 345 372, Inosite in Urine and other fluids Deteotion of 344 Institute of Chemistry Annual Dinner 36 ~ - _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ Pass List 64 172 280 360 424 Invert Sugar or Dextrose Determination of 25 Iodine Recovery of from the residues obtained in Hiibl's method 121 and Mercury in Antiseptic Soaps Determination of 160 - Thiosulphate solutions Standardization of 374 compounds Detection of in the dry way 76 from Chlorine and Bromine Separation of by means of Hydrogen peroxide, in Iodated Thymols Determination of 48 solutions Strength of New method of determining the 96 analysis 64 416 - lleeting 98 127 Iodvasogen and similar preparations Determination of 161 - titrations Back reactions in 420 Iodvasogen and similar preparations Determination of Iodine in 161 Iron Cast and Steel Determination of Manganese in 207 - Detection and determination of traces of 272 Metallic Estimation of in presence of Ferrous and Ferric oxides 57 Oxide of and Lime Analysis and valuation of for the purposes of Gas-making, Pig Sulphur in Modified evolution method for the determination of 272 Rsview 352 - Sulphur in Estimation of 33 - ' and Manganese from Nickel and Cobalt Separation of 372 - Steel Phosphorus in Determination of 168 - - Zinc Separation of by means of Ammonia 57 _ determinations Standardizing Potassium permanganate for 85 - from Zinc Separation of 8 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXL xxxii Iron in Ferrum redactum Determination of 23 Ironbark Lemon-scented and its Essential Oil 234 Jamba Oil Constants of 282 Jasmine Oil Constants of 118 Jervine 197 Juice Fruit Determination of Malic and certain other fixed Acids in 300 Juniper Oil of Notes on 413 Juniperus Phcenica Oil of Characteristics of Essential 408 Kstritb Butter Characteristics of 262 Kerosine Chemical Examination of 239 Ketones Aldehydes etc.Quantitative determination of the Carbonyl group in 198 Laboratory staff Narrow Escape of a 315 Lactones Identification of by means of Hydrazine 24 Laminaria japonica Composition of 29 Larch American Oil of Notes on 413 Lard Paraffin in Determination of small amounts of 46 Latic 165 Laurel Oil Constants of 118 Lead Determination of Volumetric as iodate 82 - Copper and Zinc Provisional methods for of the Committee of Uniformity in technical analysis of the Western Association of Technical Chemists and Metallurgists 81 Leather Analysis of Hungarian Mote on the 414 LEGAL CASES 35 Lemon-juice Adulterant of New 73 -_- Composition of 233 -- Formic Acid as a Preservative of 263 Lemonade Essences Composition of 74 Leukonin 56 Lignin Cellulose and Cutin in Lime and oxide of Iron Analysis and valuation of for the purposes of Gas purification, Review 352 - liquors Ammonia in used Estimation of 268 Linaloe Oil 201 239 Liniment Camphor Determination of Camphor in 234 Linseed Oil Constants of 118 - Olive and other Oils Examination of 281 Liquids Aerated Apparatus for removing Gases from before determining the specific gravity of the latter 136 ~- Extraction of Apparatus for the continuous with Ether Benzene or other solvent 135 - Weighing Bottle for 423 Lubricants Remarks on 27 Lycopodium Adulterant of 164 Lynx Fat Constants of 79 Phytosterol in Detection of in the presence of small quantities of Paraffin 46 Crude Fibre,” Determination of 406 Mace Sugar in Detection of 231 Magnesia Apparatus made of Properties of 170 Magnesium Reaction for Modification of Schlagdenhaufen’s 346 - apparatus at high temperatures 20 xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI, Magnesium permanganate as an oxidizing agent 169 -- phosphate precipitates Use of the electric furnace for burning 128 Malapaho 166 Malic Acid Determination of 410 - and certain other fixed Acids in Fruit-juice Determination of 300 Manganese and Chromium Estimation of 85 -- Iron from Nickel and Cobalt Separation of 372 _- Cobalt and Zinc Detection of Use of Potassium periodate in the 56 - in cast Iron and Steel Determination of 207 -_- ores Ford-Williams method for high-grade 86 - sulphate Derangement of a public Water-supply by 208 Mantle Incandescent Note on the as- a catalyst and its application to Gas analysis 64 Mantles Incandescence Analysis of 126 Manures Artificial and Potassium salts Determination of Potassium in 273 Maple Syrup and Maple Sugar Determination of Lead number of 411 Mayapis Resin 166 Meat Potassium nitrate in Gravimetric determination of 405 - Preserved Presence of Sodium arsenate in 229 - Sulphurous Acid in Determination of 195 Medical Man and Analyst 385 Melezitose and Turanose 411 Mercuric acetate Reaction of with Camphene and Pinene 267 Mercury Determination of Gasometric and volumetric by means of Hydrazine -- and Copper Volumetric determination of 124 - Iodine in antiseptic Soaps Determination of 160 ___.- Cathode and Rotating Anode Use of the in electro-analysis 87 - Copper Cadmium and Silver Determination of Bismuth and its separa--- ores Assay of 66 -.See also Mercuric. Metaphosphoric Acid Reactions of 92 Methane Temperature of combustion of in presence of Palladiumized Asbestos 116 Methyl Alcohol Detecting and determining New method of 365 --- Detection of 409 -- Estimation of in presence of Formaldehyde 22 -- in Formalin Determination of 235 Methyl-coniine Determination of 74 - - aurichloride 75 -- picrate 75 - - platinichloride 75 Salts 32 tion from 54 Methylpentosan and Pentosan in Plant products Proportions of 238 Microscope stage New electrically-heated 423 Milk Aldehyde figure of Note on a recent paper by R.Steinegger on the 224 9 value of 45 Bnalysis of Method of used in the Government Laboratory for Samples Casein in Volumetric determination of 194 Composition of 176 - Cow’s Proteolysis in preserved with Formaldehyde 260 Dried Analysis of 219 Fat in New centrifugal method for determining 112 Formaldehyde in Detection determination and rate of disappearance of 72 Freshness of Methylene Blue as a test for the 299 referred under the Sale of Food and Drugs Act 31 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI.XXXV Milk Homogenized Estimation of Fat in 218 Hydrogen peroxide in Detection of 157 Preservatives in 276 - Proteids in Determination of 260 Sugar contained in 404 - constituents Influence of 011 the germicidal value of Phenol Disinfectants 151 -- -Fat Baudouin reaction in human 158 - Preservative New 178 - Standards and the Board of Agriculture 139 - substitute 227 - -supplies Analysis and control of 315 Mineral Waters Detection of Soap-wort in 232 --I Differentiation of natural and artificial 422 Moisture Estimating New method of with special application to moisture in Cordite Molecular weight determinations Improved Beckinann apparatus for 350 Molybdenum ores Analysis of 312 Morphine Determination of minute quantities of 408 Mucinoid substance and true Albumin in Urine Method of distinguishing between, Musk Muskone the aromatic constituent of 306 Muskone the aromatic constituent of Musk 306 Mustard Oil Constants of 117 Myrrh Constituents of 114 and other substances containing volatile matters other than Water 213 - Determining Colorimetric method of 265 - Reaction of 234 414 Naphtha Water in Determination of suspended by means of Wyleshinski’s centri-Naphthalene in Coal Gas Estimation of 54 P-Naphtholsulphonate in Foods Detection of 21 Nessler’s reaction 421 Nickel Reaction of New 271 Niger-seed Oil Constants of 118 Nitrates Determination of 418 Nitric Acid Reactions for Remarks on the usual 374 fugal machine 200 and Cobalt Iron and Manganese from Separation of 372 - - 9 -___-- of Two new colour 374 -- in the concentrated Acid Estimation of percentage of by the specific - Water Determination of 275 - Sulphuric Acids in ‘‘ Nitrous Vitriol,” Determination of 63 gravity 61 62 - and Nitrous Acids Determination of 90 Nitrobenzene Nitrotoluene in Detection and determination of 200 Nitrocellulose Nitrogen in Determination of New method for the 267 Nitrogen determinations Production of Methane as a source of error in by the ~ - - in Feeding-stuffs Further simplification of the determination of ‘6 Pepsin--__ - Nitrocellulose Determination of New method for the 267 Nitroglycerine in Cordite etc.Direct estimation of 339 Nitroprussides Action of Sulphides on 419 Nitrosophenol Determination of 338 absolute method 167 soluble,” 407 - tablets Analysis of 19 xxxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI.Nitrotoluene in Nitrobenzene Detection and determination of 200 Nitrous Acid Determination of 91 - and Nitric Acids Determination of 90 N U ~ Vomica Extract of Analysis of powdered 50 Oil Almond Constants of 117 282 - Arachis Constants of 282 - Cameline Constants of 118 - Castor Constants of 117 282 - Cocoanut Constants of 118 - ? - 7 Rancidity of 165 in Butter Detection of 173 - -- Polenske method for the 254 f -- Method for the 158 -~ Y -- Y -9 -9 ~ -- Use of the ‘‘ Silver method ” for the 261 -- Cotton-seed Blown Constants of 52 - - Constants of 118 - Croton Constants of 117 - Earth-nut Constants of 117 - Essential of Juniperus Phcenica Characteristics of 408 - Eucalyptus Examination of a sample of an overdose of which caused death 304 - Garden Cress Constants of 118 - Haddock-liver Constants of 283 - Hemp-seed Constants of 118 - Jamba Constants of 282 - Jasmine Constants of 118 - Laurel Constants of 118 - Linaloe 201 239 - Linseed Constants of 118 - Mustard Constants of 117 - Niger-seed Constants of 118 - Olive Constants of 117 in Butter-fat Estimation of 353 9 Java 361 - -_- f - extracted by means of Carbon bisulphide in Soap Detection of 116 - Owala Characteristics of 343 - Palm Constants of 118 - Peru Balsam 234 - Poppy-seed Constants of 118 282 - Rape Blown Constants of 52 - Ravison Constants of 282 - Rosin Examination of 201 - Safflor Constants of 118 - Santal-wood Adulterated 115 - Sardine Japanese New unsaturated Fatty Acid in 335 - Sesame Constants of 117 - Skate-liver Constants of 283 - Sunflower Constants of 118 282 -- Walnut Constants of 118 - Whiting-liver Constants of 283 - Wild-seed Constants of 118 - in Paraffin-scale Determination of 97 9 Constants of 117 282 - - Reachions of Colour 266 __- ~ INDEX TO VOLUME -1.xxxvii Oil of American Larch Notes on 413 Apitong 165 Black Spruce Notes on 413 Cade Adulteration of 302 Cat Sperm Notes on 413 Characteristics and reactions of 408 -- Remlock Notes on 413 --- Juniper Notes on 413 ____- Panao 166 Pitch Pine Notes on 413 Red Pine Notes on 413 -- Red Spruce Notes on 413 ___- - Rue Essential Characteristics of 303 -- Sandalwood 365 - - Supa 165 ____- Turpentine Bromine absorption of 200 ~ Note on commercial 120 and its substitutes Determination of Petroleum Petroleum distil-lates and Benzene in 305 -- Petroleum etc.Determination of Sulphur in 52 Oils Conifer Notes on some 413 Essential Camphene in Detection of 233 - Fatty Detection of “Blown,” in mixtures with Mineral Oil 51 _-- Herring and Whale Occurrence of Clupanodonic Acid in 344 -_- Olive Linseed and other Examination of 281 - - Petroleum Sulphur in commerical Amount of 342 - - Turkey-red Analysis of 414 -- Turpentine Examination of 343 -- Vegetable Behaviour of the most important towards polarized light 117 -- Whale and Herring Occurrence of Clupanodonic Acid in 344 -_- Wood Philippine 165 __- - and Fats Action of Ozone on 412 ___ - used for Gas-making purposes Composition and valuation of 284 Oleic Acid Ozonides of 412 Oleoresin of Pinus longifolia 75 Olive Linseed and other Oils Examination of 281 -- Oil Constants of 117’ - Java 361 -- extracted by means of Carbon bisulphide in Soap Detection of 116 Ore analysis Technical methods of Beview 34 Organic analysis Notes on the determination of ash in elementary 269 Testing Experiments made with Dettmarsch’s apparatus for 236 -- Simplified ultimate for scientific purposes 122 compounds Halogens in New method for the quantitative determination of, - Hydrogen Carbon and Sulphur in Electrical method for the simultaneous determination of 308 ORGANIC ANALYSIS.ABSTRACTS 24,50,76,116,162,198,235 265,304,336 365 409, Orthophosphoric Acid Reactions of 92 owala oil Characteristics of 343 Oxygen in Waters Determination of Modification of W.Winkler’s method for the 63 Ozone Detection of 417 167 Paints Examination of 20 xxxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI, Palaquium oblongifolium Fat of 2 Palm Oil Constants of 118 PaDao Oil of 166 ParaEn in Lard Determination of small amounts of 46 ~ - - - scale Determination of Oil in 97 - Wax I‘ Milkiness ” of 237 Paving materials Determination of total soluble Bitumen in 306 Peas Mutter Poisoning by 253 Pentosan and Methylpentosan in Plant products Proportions of 238 Pentosans Determination of Method for the 163 Pentoses Determination of Volumetric 116 Pepper and Cinnamon Ash of 231 Pepsin Valuation of by means of the Biuret reaction 161 Peru Balsam of Purity of 115 - Balsam Oil 234 Petroleum and Bituminous minerals Determination of Sulphur in 52 -- Coke for metallurgical laboratory use 422 -- Oil etc.Determination of Sulphur in 52 -- Oils Amount of Sulphur in commercial 342 Phenacetin Dangerous contamination of 196 Phenol and Cresols Distinction between 50 Phoca fetid& Fat of Constants of 79 Phocaena communis Fat of Constants of 79 Phosphoric Acid Citric-Acid-soluble Separation of Silica in the determination of 421 Determination of Causes of error in the by the u Citro-mechanical ” ~ _ _ _ _ - in Superphosphate Determination of water-soluble and total 275 -q__- Thomas meal Bone meal etc. Estimation of 93 Phosphorus Red Investigations on 417 ~ _ _ - - Yellow Method for the detection of very small quantities of 243 -_ .- content of Flesh Study of the 159 ___-___ dioxide Preparation of 34 Phytosterol and Cholesterol Separation of Method for the 411 - in Lard Detection of in the presence of small quantities of Paraffin 46 Picric Acid Determination of 368 Pigment for Enamels Note on an hntimonial 56 Pigments Biliary in Urine Detection of 53 Pigs Fat of Composition of the fed on Foods rich in Oil 72 Pimento Cloves and Cardamoms Ash of 364 Pine Pitch Oil of Notes on 413 Pinene and Camphene Reaction of Mercuric acetate with 267 - hydrochloride 49 -- nitrosochloride 49 Pinus longifolia Oleoresin of 75 - in mixtures with Ceresin Deteetion and determination of 119 Petroleum distillates and Benzene in Oil of Turpentine and its substitutes, Determination of 305 Disinfectants Influence of Milk constituents on the germicidal value of 151 method 375 - Acids Reaotions of the three 92 ___ Test for Qualitative 347 -- and ash in Coke Determination of 274 -_- white of Egg 361 -- in Iron and Steel Determination of 168 Red Oil of Notes on 41 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI.xxxix Pipette Syphon Struthers 247 -- and Wash-bottle Note on a combined 136 Pitch Briquette and Coal briquettes Chemical methods for the examination of 274 - from brown Coal-tar and other Pitches Methods of distinguishing between the, Plant food in Soil Determination of available by use of weak acid solvents 129 - products Proportions of Pentosan and Xlethylpentosan in 238 Plants Ash of and Soil Determination of Titanium in 59 Platinum Action of Sulphuric Acid on 271 -- and Gold Detection of in inorganic analysis 270 -- group Analysis of the metals of the 345 Poisoning by Mutter Peas 253 Polariscope Review 172 Poppy-seed Oil Constants of 118 282 Porphyra tenera Composition of 29 Porpoise Fat Constants of 79 Potash Estimating Further communication on simplified methods of 33 - bulbs New form of for the estimation of Carbon dioxide from combustions, Potassium Determination of by means of Platinum tetrachloride in the presence of 204 Estimation of 56 246 sulphates of the alkalies and alkali earths 313 -- in Potassium salts and artificial Manures Determination of 273 -- nitrate in Meat Gravimetric determination of 405 -- permanganate Standardizing for Iron determinations 85 Potatoes Solanine in Quantity of 364 Precipitates Filtration of finely divided 131 Preservative Formic Acid as a 404 - Milk New 178 Preservatives Action and efficacy of 404 -_- in Milk 276 Proteids Determination of by means of Acetone 340 -- Sensitive reaction of Formaldehyde and Nitric or Nitrous compounds with 30 -- in Feeding-stuffs Determination of digestible 407 ~- Milk Determination of 260 -__ of Beef-flesh Study of the 228 Protoveratrine 197 Pseudo-conhydrine Determinatiop of 74 Pseudojervine 197 Pyknonieter Gintl’s Modification of 134 Pyrites Sulphur in Determination of 33 168 274 Pyrophosphoric Acid Reactions of 92 - Reagent for New 86 - Hydrogen fluoride as a Food Preservative 178 Rape Oil Blown Constants of 52 -- Constants of 117 282 Raspberry juice Acids occurring in 232 -- Composition of 232 Rsvison Oil Constants of 282 Refractometer Immersion New method of estimating Sugars by means of the 26 9 ? 9 Quantitative determination by means of the 122 Temperature regulator for use with the 378 Use of the in the determination of Caffeine 195 --____ ---- ~ - --XI INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI.Regulator Temperature for use with the Immersion Refractometer 378 Resin Euphorbiurn Distinctive reaction for 75 - Mayapis 166 Rheostat New for Electrolytic analysis 247 Rice Facing of 40 Rosin Oil Examination of 201 - size analysis 203 Rubijervine 197 Rue Oil of Essential Characteristics of 303 Flour in Wheat Flour 300 pearl Barley etc. Determination of Talc on 263 Safflor Oil Constants of 118 Saffron Colouring matter of 74 Valuation of 48 Sale of Food and Drugs Act some defects and suggested remedies 352 Sample Size of 35 Sandalwood Oil of 365 Santal-wood Oil Adulterated 115 Saponin Toxicity of 30 Sardine Oil Japanese New unsaturated Fatty Acid in 335 Savin False Oil of 49 Seal Vikare fat Constants of 79 Seaweeds (Algs) Composition of certain marine and of the products obtained from Selenium Estimation of Colorimetric 87 Sesame Oil Constants of 117 -- Reactions of 266 Silica Separation of in the determination of Citric-Acid-soluble Phosphoric Acid 421 Silicofluorides and Superphosphates Determination of Water in 129 Silver chloride precipitates Estimation of opalescent 123 P Copper Cadmium and Mercury Determination of Bismuth and its separation Sink New Laboratory 378 Size Rosin analysis 203 Skate-liver Oil Constants of 283 Soap Olive Oil extracted by Carbon bisulphide in Detection of 116 - Textile Determination of Fatty Acids in 119 Soaps Analysis of 166 - Antiseptic Mercury and Iodine in Determination of 160 - and Fats Determination of Fatty Acids in 166 Soapwort in Mineral Waters Detection of 232 SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS PROCEEDIKGS OF THE 1 37,65,101 137,173 213 249, Society of Public Analysts.Sodium arsenate in preserved Meat Presence of 229 Burner New 423 chloride in Egg-yolk Determination of 299 hydrosulphite Use of in Gas analysis 349 nitrate Detection and determination of chlorate in 128 palmitate Hydrolysis of 26 peroxide Analysis of 313 phosphates Determination of the 348 them 29 from 54 281 317 353 385 Anniversary Dinner 226 --.Annual Address 13 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI. xl i Sodium sulphite in Food 335 Soil Plant food in Determination of available by use of weak acid solvents 129 - and the ash of Plants Determination of Titanium in 59 Soils Analysis of Mechanical 129 Solanine in Potatoes Quantity of 364 Spices Carbohydrates occurring in I. I n Canella Bark 406 Spirits Alcohols in Determination of higher 181 Xpruce Black Cat and Red Oils of Notes on 413 Standard solutions New method for the preparation of 421 Starch Determination of Polarimetric 25 in powdered Capsicum? 302 ~ - - Iodine blue compound Nature of the 366 Steel Carbon in Determination of by direct ignition with Red Lead 125 - Chromium in Determination of Use of Ammonium persulphate in the 85 __- and cast Iron Determination of Manganese in 207 -____- Iron Determination of Phosphorus in 168 Stirrers Alternating motion for 63 Storax Cinnamic Acid in Determination of 114 Strontium and Calcium Separation of Barium from 58 Strychnine and Brucine Separation of by treatment with Nitric Acid 303 Sublimate Gauze Assay of 23 Sugar Determination of Esterification as st cause of error in the 305 - Maple and Maple syrup Determination of Lead number of 411 -____ analysis Methods of Unification of reduction 337 _____ contained in Milk 404 -_- in Mace Detection of 231 -___I mixtures Analysis of 265 - Urines containing little Glucose Determination of 338 Sugars Estimating New method of by means of the Immersion Refractometer 26 Sulphates Estimation of Volumetric in presence of Thiosulphates 90 Sulphur Carbon and Hydrogen in Organic compounds Electrical method for the -_- in Coal Gas Determination of total 310 - - ~ - commercial Petroleum Oils Amount of 342 and Wine Adulteration of 380 - tannate and its application to the analysis of Tanning materials 268 7 - with Fehling’s solution 77 -simultaneous determination of 308 - Iron Estimation of 33 - liquid Fuels (Petroleum Oil etc.) Determination of 52 -- Petroleum and Bituminous minerals Determination of 52 ~ - _ pig Iron Determination of Modified evolution method for the 272 __-_ Pyrites Determination of 33 168 274 Sulphuric Acid Determination of Volumetric by means of Benzidine 375 - roasted Zinciferous ores and similar materials Determination of 125 - Estimation of by means of Barium chloride in the presence oE dis-- and Nitric Acids in ‘‘ Nitrous Vitriol,” Determination of 63 turbing substances 90 Sulphurous Acid in Meat Determination of 195 Sunflower Oil Constants of 118 282 Supa Oil of 165 Superphosphate Phosphoric Acid in Determination of water-soluble and total 275 Superphosphates and Silicofluorides Determination of Water in 129 Surin fat 2 Syringin Detection and determination of 34 xlii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI.Talc on Rice pearl Barley etc. Determination of 263 Tamarind pulp Composition of 233 Tannic Acid Occurrence of in natural Wines 361 Tannin Estimation of as Strychnine tannate 53 - analysis Collaborative work on 239 - in crude products Estimation of 80 Tanning materials Analysis of Strychnine tannate and its application to the, - Tanning materials Determination of 370 Wine Determination of 46 268 Extraction of for analysis 267 Tannin in Determination of 370 Tannins Analysis of Use of Chromed Hide powder in the 368 Tartaric Acid in Wine Lees and Tartrates Determination of 301 Tartrates and Wine Lees Determination of Tartaric Acid in 301 Telluric Gold ores Comparison of wet and dry assay of 206 Tellurous and Telluric Acids Determination of 94 Temperature Regulator for use with the Immersion Refractometer 378 Tetrahydronaphthalene Constants of 294 Theobromine Reaction of 230 Thermometers Standardization of New method for the below 0" C.422 Thio Acids and organic Hydrosulphides Volumetric determination of 121 Thiosulphate and Iodine solutions Standardization of 374 Thomas meal Bone meal etc.Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in 93 Thymols Iodated Determination of Iodine in 48 Tin Reaction of New 271 - Tungsten from Separation of 206 - and Antimony Separating New method of 346 - Arsenic and Antimony Separation of 124 - in Tinned Tomcttoes Quantity of 406 - Tungsten minerals Analysis of 84 Titanium chloride in volumetric analysis 125 Tobacco Organic Acids in Determination of the total 80 Toluene in Benzene Detection and determination of 200 Tomato-juice and Tomatoes Composition of 263 Tomatoes Tin in tinned Quantity of 406 - and Tomato-juice Composition of 263 TOXICOLOGICAL ANALYSIS. ABSTRACTS 76 115 265 336 409 Toxins and Antitoxins Review 424 Trehalose Detection and determination of by Trehalase 78 Triangle New Crucible 134 Trioxyme thylene (Formaldehyde Pastilles) Estimation of Formaldehyde in 75 Truffles Artificial coloration of preserved 160 Tungsten from Tin Separation of 206 Turanose and Melezitose 411 Turkey-red Oils Analysis of 414 Turpentine Oil of Bromine absorption of 200 __-- - Note on commercial 120 tillates and Benzene in 305 in Soil and the ash of Plants Determination of 59 Examination of 197 __--I_-_ -Tin minerals Analysis of 84 9 and its substitutes Determination of Petroleum Petroleum dis- -___- -- Oils Examination of 34 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXI.xliii Undaria pinnatifida Composition of 29 Undecane Constants of 294 Undecylene Constants of 294 Urea Determination of 242 Uric Acid Review 314 - Determination of Volumetric 203 - in Urine Determination of 268 Urine Acetone in Determining New method of 163 - Biliary Pigments in Detection of 53 - Uric Acid in Determination of 268 - Albumin and Mucinoid subscance in Method of distinguishing between true, Urines Sugar in containing little Glucose Determination of 338 Ursa arctos Fat of Constants of 79 414 and other fluids Detection of Inosite in 344 Vanadic Acid Valuation of Iodometric 347 Vanadium Estimation of 88 Vanillin Determination of 48 Varnishes Hardness and elasticity of Method of testing the 307 Vegetable Oils Behstviour of the most important towards polarized light 117 -- Test for Phosphomolybdic Acid (Welman’s) 413 Veratrum album Alkaloids of and their determination 196 Vitriol Nitrous Determination of Sulphuric and Nitric Acids in 63 Walnut Oil Constants of 118 Wash Bottle ‘‘ Continuous-flow,” 34 - and Pipette Note on a combined 136 Water Copper in Determination of small quantities of 243 ---_- Drinking- Determination of Sulphuric Acid in 168 -_- Nitric Acid in Determination of 275 -- in Canadian ‘‘ Domestic ” Butter Quantity of 45 -- -supply Derangement of a public by Manganese sulphate 208 Waters Mineral Differentiation of natural and artificial 422 -- Oxygen in Determination of Modification of W.Winkler’s method for the 63 Wax Carnaiiba Constant8 of 238 distilled Detection of traces of 206 Turbidity in Determination of 131 9 Soapwort in Detection of 232 - -- Ghedda Indian 266 Paraffin ‘‘ Milkiness of,” 237 - - in mixtures with Ceresin Detection and determination of 119 Weiihing Bottle New 276 - - for Liquids 423 Westphal Balance Modified for solids and liquids 244 Whale and Herring Oils Occurrence of Clupanodonic Acid in 344 Wheat Flour Bleached Flour in Detection of 227 -- Rice Flour in Detection of 300 Whiting-liver Oil Constants of 283 Wild seed Oil Constants of 118 Wine Tannin in Determination of 46 - and Brandy Maturing of Influence of the oxidation of Ethyl Acohol on the, -- Spirits Adulteration of 380 29 xliv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXL Wine Lees and Tartrates Determinatioo of Tartaric Acid in 301 - Wort Beer etc.Zinc in Rapid method for the detection of traces of 112 Wines Arsenic in Occurrence of 72 -- Tannic Acid in natural Occurrence of 361 Wood Oils Philippine 165 - pulp Detection of mechanical New reagent for the 366 Wort Wine Beer etc.Zinc in Rapid method for the detection of traces of 112 Zinc Iron from Separation of 84 - Titration of Direct by means of Potassium ferrocyanide 207 - ,- Influence of Ammonia and Ammonium salts on the by Schaffner's - and Hydrochloric Scid Purification of from Arsenic 101 - Iron Separation of by means of Ammonia 57 - Copper and Lead Provisional methods for of the Committee of Uniformity in technical analysis of the Western Association of Technical Chemists and Metallurgists 81 - in Wort Beer Wine etc. Rapid method for the detection of traces of 112 -- Zinc Aluminium alloys Determination of 57 - Manganese and Cobalt Detection of Use of Potassium periodate in the 56 Zinciferous ores and similar materials Determination of Sulphur in roasted 135 Test for Micro-chemical.416 method 373 Aluminium alloys Determination of Zinc in 57 BILLING AND SONS LIMITED PRINTERS GUILDPORD
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