ANALAO 102 (1 21 0-1 221 ) 1-1 000 (I 977) ISSN 0003-2654 The Analyst The Analytical Journal of The Chemical Society Volume 102 1977 Published by THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY BURLINGTON HOUSE, LONDON, WVI OBNANALAO 102 (1 21 0-1 221 ) 1-1 000 (I 977) ISSN 0003-2654 The Analyst The Analytical Journal of The Chemical Society Volume 102 1977 Published by THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY BURLINGTON HOUSE, LONDON, WVI OBNTHE ANALYST THE ANALYTICAL JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY EDIT0 RIAL ADVlSO RY BOAR D *Chairman: H. J. Cluley (Wembley) *L. S. Bark (Salford) G. W. C. Milner (Harwell) G. H. Morrison (U.S.A.) "J. M. Ottaway (Glasgow) *G. E. Penketh (Wilton) "T. B. Pierce (Harwell) E. Pungor (Hungary) D. I. Rees (London) R. Belcher (Birmingham) L. J. Bellamy, C.B.E. ( Waltham Abbey) L.S. Birks (U.S.A.) E. Bishop (Exeter) L. R. P. Butler (South Africa) E. A. M. F. Dahmen (The Netherlands) A. C. Docherty (Billingham) D. Dyrssen (Sweden) J. Hoste (Belgium) H. M. N. H. Irving (Leeds) M. T. Kelley (U.S.A.) W. Kemula (Poland) "W. T. Elwell (Birmingham) *J. A. Hunter (Edinburgh) *G. F. Kirkbright (London) *R. Sawyer (London) P. H. Scholes (Sheffield) "W. H. C. Shaw (Greenford) S. Siggia (U.S.A.) A. A. Smales, O.B.E. (Harwell) A. Walsh (Australia) *A. Townshend (Birmingham) T. S. West (Aberdeen) A. L. Wilson (Medmenham) P. Zuman (U.S.A.) *Members of the Board serving on The Analyst Publications Committee REGIONAL ADVISORY EDITORS Dr. J. Aggett (New Zealand) Professor G. Ghersini (ltaly) Professor L. G ierst (Belgium) Professor R. Herrmann ( W. Germany) Professor W.A. E. McBryde (Canada) Dr. W. Wayne Meinke (U.S.A.) Dr. I. Rubegka (Czechoslovakia) Dr. J. RLP%ka (Denmark) Professor K. Saito (Japan) Dr. A. Strasheim (South Africa) 0 The Chemical Society, 1977 Printed by Heffers Printers Limited Cambridge EnglandPUB LI CAT1 0 N S BOAR D Chairman C. Kemball, M.A., Sc.D., C.Chem., F.R.I.C., M.R.I.A., F.R.S.E., F.R.S. C. C. Addison, F.lnst. P., C.Chem., F.R.I.C., R.O. C. Norman, D.Sc., M.A., D.Phil.,C.Chem., 1. C. Bryant, M.A., B.Sc., C.Chem., F.R.I.C. J. Chatt, M.A., Sc.D., C.Chem., F.R.I.C., F.R.S. H. J. Cluley, M.Sc., Ph.D., C.Chem., F.R.I.C. L. Crombie, Ph.D., D.Sc., C.Chem., F.R.I.C., C. F. Cullis, C.Chem., F.R.I.C. P. Gray, M.A., Ph.D., Sc.D., C.Chem., F.R.I.C., R. B. Moyes, BSc., Ph.D., C.Chem., F.R.I.C.F.R.S. F.R.S. F. R.S. F.R.I.C., F.R.S. w. BWnall, B-Sc-, Ph-D., DmSC., C.Chem-t F. R. I .C. W. Barrett, C.B.E., Ph.D., C.Chem., F.R.I.C., C.Eng., F.1.Chem.E. J. Bryant, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.C.S., D.I.C. W. G. Overend, Ph.D., D.Sc., C.Chem., F.R.I.C. C. W. Rees, Ph.D., D.Sc., C.Chem., F.R.I.C., E. C. Rhodes, B.Sc., Ph.D., C.Chem., F.R.I.C., F.R.S. F.I.M. T. M. Sugden, C.B.E., Sc.D., F.R.S. F. C. Tompkins, B.Sc., Ph.D., DSc., A.R.C.S., C.Chem., F. R. I .C., F.R.S. Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson, Nobel Laureate, Ph.D., Hon. D.Sc. (Edin.), Hon. D.Sc.(Granada), F.R.S. T. I . Williams, M.A., B.Sc., D.Phil., C.Chem., F.R.I.C., F.R.Hist.S. D. W. Wilson, M.Sc., C.Chem., F.R.I.C. Director of Publications L. C. Cross,T.D., Ph.D., A.R.C.S., C.Chem., F.R.I.C. PRIMARY JOURNALS COM MllTEE Chairman C. W.Rees, Ph.D., D.Sc., C.Chem., F.R.I.C., F.R.S. E. W. Abel, D.Sc., C.Chem., F.R.I.C. D. M. Adams, Ph.D., D.Sc., D.I.C.,A.K.C., H. J. Cluley, M.Sc., Ph.D., C.Chem., F.R.I.C. H. M. Frey, M.A., D.Phil., C.Chem., F.R.I.C. F. Glockling, B.Sc., Ph.D., D.Sc. P. Gray, M.A., Ph.D., Sc.D., C.Chem., F.R.I.C. D. Husain, B.Sc., M.A., Ph.D., D.Sc., C.Chem., T. J. King, M.A., B.Sc., D.Phil. G. W. Kirby, M.A., Ph.D., Sc.D., C.Chem., G. J. Leigh, BSc., Ph.D. C.Chem., F.R.I.C. F.R.I.C. F.R.I.C., F.R.S.E. J. Murrell, BSc., Ph.D., C.Chem., F.R.I.C. J. M. Ottaway, B.Sc., Ph.D., D.Sc., C.Chem., G. E. Penketh, B.Sc., C.Chem., M.R.I.C. P. G. Sammes, D.Sc., Ph.D.,A.R.C.S., C.Chem., R. Sawyer, B.Sc., C.Chem., M.R.I.C. H. Suschitsky, D.Sc., Ph.D., B.Sc., C.Chem., I. 0.Sutherland, M.A., Ph.D. F. C. Tompkins, B.Sc., Ph.D., DSc., A.R.C.S., C.Chem., F.R.I.C., F.R.S. D. A, Young, Ph.D., D.Sc. F.R.1 .C. M.R.I.C., D.I.C. F.R.I.C. Director of Publications L. C. Cross, T.D., Ph.D.,A.R.C.S., C.Chem., F.R.I.C. Managing Editor: Primary Journals E. R. Smith, Ph.D., C.Chem., F.R.I.C. Editor: The Analyst P. C. Weston, B.Sc., C.Chem., M.R.I.C., M. I .I nf.Sc.AUTHOR INDEX A Abdel-Salam, M. See Korany, M. A. Adam, J. S. See Lloyd-Jones, C. P. Adams, M. J., Beadle, B. C., and Kirkbright, G. F. Analytical optoacoustic spectrometry. Part IV. A double-beam optoacoustic spectrometer for use with solid and liquid samples in the ultra- violet, visible and near-infrared regions of the spectrum, 569. - and Kirkbright, G. F. Analytical optoacoustic spectrometry.Part 111. The optoacoustic effect and thermal diffusivity, 281. -and Kirkbright, G. F. Thermal diffusivity and thickness measurements for solid samples util- ising the optoacoustic effect, 678. Adrian, W. J., and Stevens, 1. L. Effect of different sample preparation methods on the atomic- absorption spectrophotometric determination of calcium in plant material, 446. Aggett, J. Review of Fuller’s Annual Reports on Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy, Reviewing 1975. Vol. 5, 406. Ahmad, I., Ahmad, S., and Morris, D. F. C. Deter- mination of noble metals in geological materials by radiochemical neutron-activation analysis, 17. Ahmad, S., and Morris, D. F. C. Determination of several elements in lateritic ores by instrumental neutron-activation analysis, 395.- See also Ahmad, I. Alder, J. F., and Das, B. C. Indirect determination of uranium by atomic-absorption spectrophoto- metry using an air - acetylene flame, 564. Alliston, G. See Harris, J. R. Almog, Y. See Gabbay, J. Altinata, A., Pekin, B., and tfigii, S. Determination of iodine using a kinetic method with an iodide ion-selective electrode, 876. Aly, F. A. See Sammour, H.M. Analflical Methods Committee. Antibiotics in Animal Feedingstuff s Sub-committee. Micro- biological assay of monensin in animal feeds and pre-mixes, 206. - Essential Oils Sub-committee. Application of gas - liquid chromatography to the analysis of essential oils. Part V. Determination of 1,8- cineole in oils of lavender and lavandin, 607. - Determination of pyrimethamine in animal feeds, 764.- Determination of sulfanitran in animal feeds and pre-mixes, 869. - Precise assay of arsenic(II1) oxide by reference to pure iodine, 955. -. and Committee for Analytical Methods for Resi- dues of Pesticides and Veterinary Products in Food- stuff s. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Determination of mercury and methyl- mercury in fish, 769. Anderson, D. M. W. Review of Svehla’s Wilson and Wilson’s Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. VI. Analytical Infrared Spectroscopy, 146. Review of Clark and Hester’s Advances in In- frared and Raman Spectroscopy. Vol. 2, 407. Review of Pearse and Gaydon’s The Identijication of Molecular Spectra. 4th Edn, 407. Andrews, D. G., and Headridge, J. B. Determination of bismuth in steels and cast irons by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry with an induction furnace : direct analysis of solid samples, 436.Ash, R. Review of Meares’s Membrane Se9aration Processes, 790. B Baccou, J. C., Lambert, F., and Sauvaire, Y. Spectro- photometric method for the determination of total steroidal sapogenin, 458. Baeyens, W. Fluorescent properties of some buty- rophenones, 525. Baa, F. See Mazzucotelli, A. Bailey, P. L., and Riley, M. Limits of detection of gas-sensing probes, 213. Baker, P. G. See Harris, J. R. Ballah, R. See Narasaki, H. Bark, L. S. Review of Wendlandt and Collins’s Thermal Analysis, 621. Review of Grushka’s New Developments in Separation Methods, 622. Barker, S. A. Review of Wiseman’s Topics in Enzyme and Fermentation Biotechnology 1, 550. Review of Southgate’s Determination of Food Carbohydrates, 552.Bartle, K. D., Lee, M. L., and Novotny, M.Identifi- cation of environmental polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons by pulse Fourier-transform lH nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 73 1. Baxter, M. S. Review of Burton and Liss’s Estuarine Chemistry, 551. Beadle, B. C. See Adams, M. J. Beg, M. M., Usmani, Q. S., and Shukla, I. C. Spectro- photometric determination of pyrocatechol, re- sorcinol and phloroglucinol with potassium iodate in dilute nitric acid, 306. Beijersbergen van Henegouwen, G. M. J. See Schuijt, C. Belcher, R. Review of Sedivec and Flek’s Handbook of Analysis of Organic Solvents, 223. Review of West’s International Review of Science. Physical Chemistry Series Two. Vol. 13. Analytical Chemistry, Part 2, 318. - Bogdanski, S.L., Calokerinos, A. C., and Townshend, A. Determination of ammoniacal nitrogen in fertilisers by molecular emission cavity analysis, 220. - Nasser, T. A. K, Polo-Diez, L. and Townshend, A. Determination of trace amounts of cerium in silicate rocks based on its candoluminescence in a calcium oxide based matrix, 391. -Nasser, T. A. K., and Townshend, A. Deter- mination of nanogram and sub-nanogram amounts of europium and cerium by means of candolu- minescence emission in the presence of a co- activator, 382. Bennett, H. Analysis of silicates-ceramic and geochemical. A review, 153. Bensted, J. Review of Todor’s Thermal Analysis of Minerals. 888. Betteridge, D. Review of Combs, Sims and Martin’s Analysis Instrumentation. Vol. 14, 994. Bhattacharyya, K. K.See Saxena, M. P. Binnington, S. See Chatten, L. G. Bishop, E. Review of Ebel and Parzefall’s Exfieri- mentelle Einfiihrung i n die Potentiometrie, 224. Review of Machtinger and Rossett’s Cours de Chimie Analytique Ge’ne’rale. Tome I V . Exercices, 484. Review of Svelha’s Wilson and Wilson’s Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 111. Elemental A nalysis with Minute Samples. Stan- dards and Standardisation. Separations by Liquid Vvi THE ANALYST Amalgams. Vacuum Fusion Analysis of Gases in Metals. Electroanalysis in Molten Salts, 485. Review of Copeland’s Transport Properties of Ionic Liquids, 549. . Bodkin, J. B. Determination of fluorine in silicates by use of an ion-selective electrode following fusion with lithium metaborate, 409. - and Rogowski, D. A.Spectrophotometric deter- mination of niobium and germanium in super- conducting “Nb ,Ge” sputtered films, 110. Bogan, J. A. Determination of the anthelmintic diethylcarbamazine in tissue and plasma by gas - liquid chromatography, 56. Bogdanski, S. L. See Belcher, R. Biihmer, R. G. See Kruger, R. A. Boniface, H. J., and Jenkins, R. H. Determination of fluoride in steelworks materials with a fluoride ion-selective electrode, 739. Bowen, H. J. M. Review of Lyon, Braun and Bujdos6’s Proceedings of the International Nuclear and Atomic Activation Analysis Conference and 19th Annual Meeting on Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Technology, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, October, 1975, 483. - See also Valente, I. Bruce, A. M., and Smith, H. Simultaneous deter- mination of phenobarbitone, primidone and phenytoin in small samples of blood by gas- liquid chromatography, 35.Bruno, P., Caselli, M., and Fragale, C. Ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of iodides and iodates, 966. Brown, D. H. See Kamel, H. Budesinsky, B. W. Spectrophotometric deter- mination of iron(II1) in sulphuric acid, 211. - Determination of metallic and “oxide” copper in ores, 819. Buldini, P. L. Differential-pulse polarographic determination of heavy metals released from ceramic glazes, 92 1. Burke, R. W. See Diamondstone, B. I. Burns, D. T. Review of Pecsok, Shields, Cairns and McWilliam’s Modern Methods of Chemical Analysis. 2nd Edn, 484. Review of Sawicki and Sawicki’s A ldehydes-Photometric Analysis. Vol. 4. Aldehyde Precursors : Formation and Analysis of Aldehydes (Part I I ) , 790.Review of Christian’s Analytical Chemistry. 2nd Edn, 989. Review of American Society for Testing and Materials’s Bibliography on Liquid Exclusion Chromato- graphy (Gel Permeation Chromatography) 1972- 1975, 991. Butler, L. R. P. See Kruger, R. A. C Caddy, B., and Stead, A. H. Indirect determination of phenelzine in urine, 42. Calokerinos, A. C. See Belcher, R. Campanella, L., DB Angelis, G., Ferri, T., and Gozzi, D. Liquid-membrane ion-selective elec- trode using nicotinate, 723. Campbell, W. C., and Othway, J. M. Direct deter- mination of cadmium and zinc in sea water by carbon furnace atomic-absorption spectrometry, 495. Cartmill, L. A. Review of Weast’s CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 1976-1977. 57th Edn, 316. Caselli, NI. See Bruno, P.Castillo, E. G. del. See Shnchez Pbrez, A. Caverly, D. J., and Denney, R. C. Determination of residues of the herbicides bromacil, lenacil and terbacil in soils by gas chromatography, 576. Chalmers, R. A. Review of Dixon, Gray, Lim and Stoll’s High Pressure Liquid Chromatography in Clinical Chemistry, 151. Review of Ma and Horak’s Microscale Manipulations in Chemistry, 483. Chatten, L. G., Yadav, R. N., Binnington, S., and Moskalyk, R. E. Polarographic study of certain progestogens and their determination in oral contraceptive tablets by differential pulse polar- ography, 323. Cheng, F. S., and Christian, G. D. Rapid enzymatic determination of lactose in food products using amperometric measurement of the rate of de- pletion of oxygen, 124. Christian, G.D. See Cheng, F. S.; Marshall, L. B. Chow, Y. M., Mak, I(. S., and Lau, 0. W. Improved method for the synthesis of 3-propyl-5-hydroxy- 5-~-arabino-tetrahydroxybutyl-3-thiazolidine-2- thione (PHTTT) and its homologues, specific spectrophotometric reagents for copper, 139. Clarke, G., and Rashid, I. A. Quantitative deter- mination of methyl and propyl p-hydroxyben- zoates by high-performance liquid chromato- graphy, 685. Clarke, W. E. Determination of carbon in iron and steel by an air-combustion method, 135. Clinton, 0. E. Determination of selenium in blood and plant material by hydride generation and atomic-absorption spectroscopy, 187. Coles, B. A. Review of Kevan and Kispert’s Electron Spin Double Resonance Spectroscopy, 482. Coles, L. E. Review of Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food’s Food Quality and Safety : A Century of Progress, 985.Conway, B. 0. B. See Hands, G. C. Corigliano, F., Di Pasquale, S., and Ranieri, A. A selective reagent for the spectrophotometric determination of palladium, 25. Cox, G. B., and Sugden, K. Determination of pyrimethamine, ethopabate and sulphaquinox- aline in poultry feeding stuffs by high performance liquid chromatography using a weak cation- exchange column packing, 29. Cresser, M. S. Nitrate determination by reduction to ammonia and gas-phase ultraviolet absorption spectrometry, 99. Crosby, N. T. Determination of metals in foods. A review, 225. - Review of Pearson’s The Chemical Analysis of Foods. 7th Edn, 548. Review of Hachenberg and Schmidt’s Gas Chromatographic Headspace Analysis, 986.D Dadone, A. See Mazzucotelli, A. Das, B. C. See Alder, J. F. Davidson, M. See Gabbay, J. Dawson, J. B. See Grassam, E. Deane, S. F., and Leonard, M. A. Sulphonated alizarin fluorine blue (AFBS). Part 111. Lan- thanum( 111) complexes of l-hydroxyanthra- quinone-2-sulphonate, alizarin-5-sulphonate and AFBS, the fluoride complex of AFBS -lam thanum and a suggested method for fluoride determination, 340.INDEX TO VOLUME 102 Vii De Angelis, G. See Campanella, L. del Castillo, E. G. See Shnchez Phrez, A. Del Monte Tamba, M. G., and Luperi, N. Deter- mination of tin in plain carbon, stainless and high-speed steels by atomic-absorption spec- trophotometry with electrothermal atomisation, 489. Delves, H. T. A simple matric modification pro- cedure to allow the direct determination of cadmium in blood by flame micro-sampling atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, 403.De Moerloose, P. See Djudzman, R. Denney, R. C. See Caverly, D. J. Deutscher, R. L., and Mann, A. W. Determination of uranium in natural waters by differential- pulse polarography of a trioctylphosphine oxide extract, 929. Devani, M. B., Shishoo, C. J., and Mods, H. J. Spectrophotometric determination of methisa- zone, 62. Diamondstone, B. I., and Burke, R. W. Some difficulties encountered in speciation studies of arsenic, 613. Dlez, L. P. See Sknchez Pkrez, A. Dilli, S., and Robards, K. Detection of the presence of BHA by a rapid spectrofluorimetric screening procedure, 201. Di Pasquale, S. See Corigliano, F. Djudzman, R., Van den Eeckhout, E., and De Moerloose, P.Determination of bismuth by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with elec- trothermal atomisation after low-temperature ashing, 688. DoUimore, D. Review of Adamson’s Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 3rd Edn, 694. Donagi, A. E. See Gabbay, J. Donnellan, J. F., and Roberts, T. R. Review of Turner’s Analytical Biochemistry of Insects, 990. Down, J. L. See Narasaki, H. Domes, T. B. Review of Malone’s The Analysis of Rocket Propellants, 991. Duff, G. M. S. Review of Howes, Pesut and Foster’s Final Report on Interlaboratory Cooperative Study of the Precision and Accuracy of the Determination of Sulfur Oxides in Gaseous Combustion Pro- ducts (Barium Chloranilate Method) Using A STM Method D 3226-731: 789. E Easterby, J. S. Review of Glick’s Methods of Biochemical Analysis.Vol. 23, 623. Eaton, €I. E., and Stuart, J. D. Optoacoustic spectrometry of solid materials: effect of the filler gas on the observed signal, 531. Ellis, D. J. See Grassam, E. Elwell, W. T. Review of American Society for Testing and Materials’s nameless Atomic Absorption Analysis : A n Update, 792. Review of Kolthoff, Elving and Stross’s Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Part I I I . Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 3, 884. Epstein, M. S. See Hutton, R. C. Ersser, R. S. Review of Radin, Bayse, Lewis and Polk’s Uric Acid. A n Annotated Bibliography, 992. Review of Radin, Polk, Richardson and Lewis’s Glucose. A n Annotated Bibliography, 993. Espejo, C. See Miles, D. L. Evans, E. A. Review of Coomber’s Radiochemical Methods in Analysis, 406. F FBbregas, J.L. Determination of (&)-trans- sobrerol in pharmaceutical preparations by gas - liquid chromatography, 777. Farrington, D. S., Hopk$s, R. G., .and Rudcka, J. H. A. Determination of residues of sub- stituted phenylurea herbicides in grain, soil and river water by use of liquid chromatography, 377. Farrow, J. E., Hoodless, R. A., Sargent, M., and SidweU, J. A. Fungicide residues. Part VI. Determination of residues of post-harvest fungi- cides on citrus fruit by high-performance liquid chromatography, 752. Farrow, R. N. P., and Hill, A. G. Determination of water in iodine by infrared spectroscopy, 480. Fernbdez, T., Rocha, J. M., Ru5n0, N., and Garcia Luis, A. Determination of total sulphur in naphthas, 414. Ferri, T. See Campanella, L. Filho, H. B. See mug, F.J. Fleet, B. Review of Lakshminarayanaiah’s Mem- brane Electrodes, 319. Fourie, H. O., and Peisach, M. Loss of trace ele- ments during dehydration of marine zoological material, 193. Frache, R. See Mazzucotelli, A. Fragale, C. See Bruno, P. Fry, J. C. See Kapel, M. Fuller, C. W., and Thompson, I. Novel sampling system for the direct analysis of powders by atomic-absorption spectrometry, 141. G Gabbay, J., Almog, Y., Davidson, M., and Donagi, A. E. Rapid spectrophotometric micro-deter- mination of nitrites in water, 371. Garcia Luis, A. See Fernkndez, T. Gardiner, J. Improved method for the deter- mination of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid in aqueous environmental samples by gas - liquid chromatography, 120. Gerritsma, K. W. See Schuijt, C. Ghose, A. K.See Hansen, E. H. Gibson, J. A. B. Review of Crook and Johnson’s Liquid Scintillation Counting. Vol. 4, 996. Gizycka, D. See Mossor-Pietraszewska, T. Glowacka, A. See Schramm, R. W. Gonzalez del Castillo, E. See Shchez Phrez, A. Gonzalez Pkrez, C. See Shnchez PBrez, A. Gopal, M. See Singh, R. P. Gough, T. A. Review of Novhk’s Quantitative Analysis by Gas Chromatography, 150. Gozzi, D. See Campanella, L. Grassam, E., Dawson, J. B., and Ellis, D. J. Appli- cation of the inverse Zeeman effect to background correction in electrothermal atomic-absorption analysis, 804. Gray, C. H. Review of Varley, Gowenlock and Bell’s Practical Clinical Biochemistry. 5th Edn. Vol. 2. Hormones, Vitamins and Poisons, 884. Greenhow, E. J. Acetylation as a means of end- point indication in the catalytic thermometric titration of bases, 584.- Review of Ashworth‘s The Determination of Sulphur-containing Groups. Vol. 2. Analytical Methods for Thiol Groups, 146. Review of Dollimore’s Proceedings of the First Euro$ea.la Symposium on Thermal Analysis, 487.viii THE ANALYST . ~- chFomatography, 917. Korsnes, R. M. See Ulsaker, G. A. H Hadjiioannou, T. P. See Nikolelis, D. P.; Papasta- thopoulos, D. S. Hammond, E. W. Review of Deasy and Timoney’s The Quality Control of Medicines, 547. Hands, G. C., and Conway, B. 0. B. Simultaneous determination of plutonium alpha- and beta- activity in liquid effluents and environmental samples, 934. Hansen, E. H., Ghose, A. K., and RhiiEka, J. Flow injection analysis of environmental samples for nitrate using an ion-selective electrode, 705.- Erug, F. J., Ghose, A. I&, and RfiWka, J. Rapid determination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in fertilisers by flow injection analysis, 714. Harris, J. R., Baker, P. G., and Alliston, G. Deter- mination of ronidazole in pig and turkey feeding stuffs by gas - liquid chromatography, 580. -Baker, P. G., and Munday, J. W. Improved method for the determination of pyrimethamine in poultry and rabbit feeding stuffs by gas - liquid chromatography, 873. Hasty, R. A. Identification and determination of alkyl xanthate mixtures, 519. -Lima, E. J., and Ottaway, J. M. Bromate oxi- dation of methyl orange : basis for the kinetic determination of bromide, 313. Hathway, D. E. Review of Rosenfeld and Davis’s Environmental Pollution and Carcinogenic Risks.Proceedings of a Symposium organised by IARC and the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research, Lyon, France, 3-5 Nov., 1975, 991. Haugen, A. See Ogner, G. Headridge, J. B. See Andrews, D. G. Eenderson, D. E. See Uden, P. C. Hem, D. E. Review of Chapman’s Understanding and Optimising Electron Microscope Performance, 70. Hepel, M. See Hepel, T. Hepel, T., Hepel, M., and Leszko, 1. Non-stoicheio- metric copper sulphide membrane electrode, 132. Herringshaw, J. F. Review of Radley’s Examination and Analysis of Starch and Starch Products, 320. Hill, A. G. See Farrow, R. N. P. Hill-Cottingham, D. G. See Lloyd-Jones, C. P. Hodges, D. J. Observations on the direct deter- mination of lead in complex matrices by carbon furnace atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, 66.Hoodless, R. A. See Farrow, J. E. Hopkins, R. G. See Farrington, D. S. Hudd, G. A. See Lloyd-Jones, C. P. Hughes, A. S., and Popplestone, C. R. Spectro- photometric method for the specific deter- mination of phenoxymethylpenicillin, 759. Hughes, J. C., p e a l s , B. B., and whitehouse, M. J. Simple technique for the pyrolysis - mass spectro- metry of polymeric materials, 143. Humphrey, A. M. Review of Masada’s Analysis of Essential Oils by Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry, 550. Hunt, A. D. Vessel for sampling liquefied an- hydrous ammonia for subsequent trace oxygen determination, 846. Hunt, D. C., Jackson, P. A., Mortlock, R. E., and ICirk, R. S. Quantitative determination of sugars in foodstuffs by high-performance liquid Hutton, R.C., Ottawas, J. M., Epstein, M. S., and Rains, T. C.. Emission spectra of molecules observed during carbon furnace atomisation, 658. - Ottawas, J. M., Rains, T. C., and Epstein, M. S. Determination of barium in calcium carbonate rocks by carbon furnace atomic-emission spec- trometry, 429. - See also Ottawas, J. M. I Ingram, F. D., Spurr, A. R., and Ingram, M. J. Comparison of two different types of sodium standards for electron-probe analysis of soft tissue, 515. Ingram, M. J. See Ingram, F. D. Irving, H. M. N. H. Review of Inczedy’s Analytical Irwin, W. 3. Review of May, Pearson and Scothern’s Applications of Complex Equilibria, 695. Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography, 886. J Jaber, A. M. Y., Moody, G. J., and Thomas, J. D. R. Alkali and alkaline earth metal-ion adducts of poly(propy1ene glycol) as sensors for ion-selective electrodes, 943.Jackson, P. A. See Hunt, D. C. Jane, I. See Wheals, B. B. Jenkins, R. H. See Boniface, H. J. Jones, A. W. Micro-technique of sample dilution for determination of alcohol in blood by gas chromatography, 307. J~rgensen, S. S. See &ug, F. J. K Eamel, H., Brown, D. .€I.,. Ottaway, J. M., and Smith, W. E. Determination of gold in separate protein fractions of blood serum by carbon furnace atomic-absorption spectrometry, 645. Kapel, M., Fry, J. C., Manii, J., and Shelton, D. R. Effects of emulsifiers and stabilisers on the deter- mination of salt in meat products, 534. Keil, L., Moody, G. J., and Thomas, J. D. R. Ion- selective electrode membrane system bases on a vinyl chloride - vinyl alcohol copolymer matrix and its role for accommodating grafted alkyl phosphate sensors, 274.Kirk, R. S. See Hunt, D. C. Kirkbright, G. F. Review of Wehry’s Modern Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Vol. 1 and 2, 317. Review of Schulman’s Fluorescence and Phos- phorescence Spectroscopy: Physicochemical Prin- czples and Practice, 985. Review of Welz’s Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. 2nd Edn, 986. - See also Adams, M. J. Knight, D. See Marston, H. F. Knox, J. H. Review of Rajcsanyi and Rajcsanyi’s High-speed Liquid Chromatography, 222. Kobayashi, S. See Tanaka, A. Kondos, G. C. Determination of piperazine in solutions containing 1 , lJ4,4-tetramethylpipera- zinium diiodide, thiamine and pyridoxine, 59. Korans, M. A,, Abdel-Salam, My, and Wahbi, A. 1. Spectrophotometric determination of some oestrogens using sodium hexanitritocobaltate(II1) , 683.INDEX TO VOLUME 102 ix mug, F.J., Filho, H. B., Zagatto, *E. A. G,, and Jmgensen, S. S. Rapid deterrmnation of sulphate in natural waters and plant digests by con- tinuous flow injection turbidimetry, 503. - See also Hansen, E. H. Kruger, R. A., Butler, L. R. P.,.Liebenberg, C. J., and Biihmer, R. G. Analysis of copper-base alloys by emission spectrometry using the glow- discharge source, 949. Kumar, A. See Marshall, L. B. Lambert, F. See Baccou, J. C. La Porta, E. See Pinzauti, S. Lau, 0. W. See Chow, Y. M. Lee, M. L. See Bartle, K, D. Leonard, M. A. See Deane, S. F. Leong, C. L. Spectrophotometric determination of titanium(1V) with haematoxylin and cetyltri- methylammonium bromide, 293.- Haematoxylin with quaternary ammonium salts as spectrophotometric reagents for tin(IV), 837. Leszko, M. See Hepel, T. Lew, R. B. Elimination of sulphite interference in the spectrophotometric determination of nitrite, 476. Liebenberg, C. J. See Kruger, R. A. Lima, E. J. See Hasty, R. A. Littlejohn, D. and Ottaway, J. M. Determination of the rate of hydrolysis of ytterbium sulphide films by carbon furnace atomic-emission spec- trometry, 393. -and Ottaway, J. M. Background emission in carbon furnace atomic-emission spectrometry, 553. LleweUyn, J. W. Review of Catsimpoolas’s Iso- electric Focusing, 622. Lloyd, J. B. F. Raman peaks in synchronously excited emission spectra as a reference for purity of fluorescence-grade solvents, 782. Lloyd-Jones, C. P., Adam, J.S., Hudd, G. A., and Hill-Cottingham, D. G. Determination of nitrogen- 15 by emission spectrometry : procedure for use with small amounts of nitrogen, 473. - See also Skerrett, E. J. Lott, A. F. Review of Harrigan and McCance’s Laboratory Methods in Food and Dairy Micro- biology, 694. Luis, A. G. See FernCmdee, T. Luperi, N. See Del Monte Tamba, M. G. L lK McLaren, J. W., and Wheeler, R. C. Double peaks in the atomic-absorption determination of lead using electrothermal atomisation, 542. Mak, K. S. See Chow, Y. M. Manii, J. See Kapel, M. Mann, A. W. See Deutscher, R. L. Mantel, M., and Nothmann, R. Rapid determination of trichloroethanol and trichloroacetic acid in urine, 672. Markland, J. Review of Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food’s Food Additives and Con- taminants Committee Review of the Lead in Food Regulations 1961, 72.Review of Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food’s Survey of Lead in Food : First Supplementary Report. Working Party on the Monitoring of Foodstuffs for Heavy Metals Fifth Report, 72. Marshall, L. B., Christian, G. D., and Kumar, A. Enzymatic determination of maltose by ampero- metric measurement of the rate of oxygen de- pletion, 424. Marston, H. F., and Knight, D. Determination of divalent and hexavalent chromium in slags, 745. Martin, A. J. P. Review of Everaerts, Beckers and Verheggen’s Isotachophoresis. Theory, Instru- mentation and Applications, 887. Massmann, H. Review of Fuller’s Electrothermal A tomization for A tomic Absorption Spectrometry, 621. Mazzucotelli, A., FPache, R., Dadone, A., and Baffi, F.Ion-exchange separation and spectrophoto- metric determination of trace amounts of nio- bium in silicate rocks, 825. Megarrity, R. G., and Siebert, B. D. Determination of ruthenium in biological material by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry using electro- thermal atomisation, 95. Miles, D. L., and Espejo, C. Comparison between an ultraviolet spectrophotometric procedure and the 2,4-xylenol method for the determination of nitrate in groundwaters of low salinity, 104. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Com- mittee for Analytical Methods for Residues of Pesticides and Veterinary Products in Food- stuffs. Determination of residues or organo- phosphorus pesticides in fruits and vegetables, 858. - See also Analytical Methods Committee. Mods, H.J. See Devani, M. B. Moody, G. J. See Jaber, A. M. Y.; Keil, L. Morris, D. F. C. See Ahmad, I.; Ahmad, S. Mortlock, R. E. See Hunt, D. C. Moskalyk, R. E. See Chatten, L. G. MOSS, M. 0. Review of Walters’s Biodeterioration Investigation Techniques, 696. Mossor-Pietraszewska, T., Giiycka, D., and Schramm R. W. Spectrophotometric determination of malonate with 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, 540. - See ulso Schramm, R. W. Mulwani, H. R., and Sathe, R. M. Spectrophoto- metric determination of beryllium in air by a sensitised Chrome Azurol S reaction, 137. Munday, J. W. See Harris, J. R. N Narasaki, H., Down, J. L., and Ballah, R. Enhance- ment of the sensitivity of the cold-vapour atomic- absorption spectrophotometric method towards mercury by using a sintered-glass bubbler and a magnetic stirrer, 537.Nasser, T. A. K. See Belcher, R. Ndeinge, I., Peters, S. D.. and Thomas, A. H. Assay of nystatin based on the measurement of potassium released from Saccharowzyces cerevisiae, 328. Nicholson, R. A. Rapid thermal-decomposition technique for the atomic-absorption deter- mination of mercury in rocks, soils and sediments, 399. Nickless, G. Review of Macek, Hais, Kopeckq, Schwarz, GaspariE and ChurACek’s Bibliography of Paper and Thin-layer Chromatography 1970-1973 and Survey of Applications, 70. Review of Deyl and Kopeck9’s Bibliography of Liquid Column Chromatography 1971-1973 and Suvvey of Applications, 992.X THE ANALYST - See also Simpson, W. R. Niklas, B. See Schramm, R. W. Nikolelis, D. P.? and Hadjiioannou, T.P. Kinetic micro-determination of manganese in natural waters and of iridium, nitrilotriacetic acid and 1,2-diaminocyclohexane-NNN’N”tetraacetic acid, 591. - See also Papastathopoulos, D. 5. Nose, N. See Tanaka, A. Nothmann, R. See Mantel, 1. Novotny, M. See Bartle, K. D. 0 Oakey, R. E. Review of Bartos and Pesez’s Colori- metric and Fluorimetric Analysis of Steroids, 995. Ogner, G., and Haugen, A. Automatic determination of sulphate in water samples and soil extracts containing large amounts of humic compounds, 453. Review of‘ Kraft’s Struktur und Absorptzonsspektroskopie Organischer Naturstofle, 482. Review of Miillen and Pregosin’s Fourier Transform N M R Techniques : A Practical Ap- proach, 695. Om, N. A., and Spence, J. Applications of particle size analysis in the pharmaceutical industry, 466.Ottaway, J. 1. Review of Olsen’s Modern Optical Methods of Analysis, 147. Review of Dranglis and Jaff ee’s The Physical Basis for Heterogeneous Catalysis, 149. Review of Robin’s X V I I I Collo- quium Spectroscopicum Internationale. Plenary Lectures Presented at the X V I I I Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, Grenoble, France, 15-19 Sept.,1975, 995. -and Hutton, R. C. Use of hydrogen to reduce molecular oxide emission interference in carbon furnace atomic-emission spectrometry, 785. - See also Campbell, W. C.; Hasty, R. A.; Hutton, R. C.; Kamel, H.; Littlejohn, D. O’NeiU, I., K. P Page, J: E. Review of Mehring’s NMR. Basic Prznczples and Progress. Vol. 11. High Resolution N M R Spectvoscopy in Solids, 408.Review of Lindman and Forsen’s NMR. Basic Principles and Progress. Vol. 12. Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine NMR. Physico-chemical and Biological Applications, 408. Review of Pintar’s NMIZ. Basic Principles and Progress. Vol. 13. Introductory Essays, 482. Pantie, U. C. See Singh, R. P. Papastathopoulos, D. S., Nikolelis, D. P., and Hadjiioannou, T. P. Determination of reducing sugars in honey, marmalades and fruit juices using a copper ion-selective electrode, 852. Patterson, S. J. Review of Warzee’s Me‘thodes d’dnalyse Automatique des Eaux, 485. Review of Franks’s Water. A Comprehensive Treatise. Vol. 4. Aqueous Solutions of Amphzphiles and Macromolecules, 486. Review of Keith’s Identi- fication and Analysis of Organic Pollutants in Water, 989. Peisach, M. See Fourie, H.0. Pekin, B. See Altinata, A. Penketh, G. E. Review of Ewing’s Topics in Chemi- cal Instvumentation. 11, 993. Review of Muir’s Hazards in the Chemical Laboratory. 2nd Edn, 994. PQez, A. S. See Shchez P&ez, A. PBrez, C. G. See Sbchez P h z , A. Perry, R. D., and San Clemente, C. L. Determination of iron with bathophenanthroline following an improved procedure for reduction of iron(II1) ions, 114. Peters, S. D. See Ndzinge, I.; Thomas, A. H. Phillips, G. F. Review of Bridges and Chasseaud’s Progress in Drug Metabolism. Vol. I , 71. Review of Reid’s Assay of Drugs and Other Trace Com- pounds in Biological Fluids. Methodological Developments i n Biochemistry, Vol. 5, 487. Pierce, T. B. Review of Travesi’s Analisis por A ctivacion Neutronica, Teoria, Prdctica y Apli- caciones, 224.Review of Braun and Bujdosb’s Nuclear Methods in Physical Chemistry, 789. Pinzauti, S., and La Porta, E. Use of the silver electrode in the potentiometric determination of quaternary ammonium compounds, 938. Polo-Dfez, L. See Belcher, R. ; Shnchez Pbrez, A. Popplestone, C. R. See Hughes, A. S. Prasad, R. Determination of citrate as its iron(II1) complex by differential pulse polarography, 601. Price, W. J., and Whiteside, P. J. General method for analysis of siliceous materials by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry and its application to macro- and micro-samples, 664. - See also Whiteside, P. J. Pryde, A. Review of Parris’s Instrumental Liquid Chromatography. A Practical Manual on High- performance Liquid Chromatographic Methods, 319.Pusey, M. S. Use of theobromine in the deter- mination of cocoa solids and non-fat milk solids in chocolate, 697. R Rains, T. C. See Hutton, R. C. Ranieri, A. See Corigliano, F. Rashid, 1. A. See Clarke, (ii. Reed, R. A. Spectrophotometric method for the determination of boron in glasses, glazes and ceramic colours, 831. Riley, J. P. Review of Gibb’s Analytical Methods in Oceanography, 70. Review of Goldberg’s Strategies for Marine Pollution Monitoring, 486. Riley, 1. See Bailey, P. L. Robards, K. See Dilli, S. Roberts, T. R. See Donnellan, J. F. Rocha, J. M. See Fernhdez, T. Rogowski, D. A. See Bodkin, J. B. Rooney, R. C. Review of Simmons and Ewing’s Progress in Analytical Chemistry, 222. Review of Vydra, Stulik and Jul&kovA’s Electrochemical Stripping Analysis, 885.Roy, S. S. Titrimetric determination of residual monomers in styrene - acrylonitrile copolymers, 302. - Simple method for the titrimetric determination of sulpholene, 981. Rufino, N. See FernBndez, T. RfiiiEka, J. See Hansen, E. H. Ruzicka, J. H. A. See Farrington, D. 8. S Sammour, H. M, Sheglila, A. T., and Aly, F. A. Stability of iron(II1) - thiocyanate complexes and the dependence of absorbance on the nature of the anion, 180.INDEX TO VOLUME 102 xi Shchez PBrez, A., Gonzalez Pbrez, C., Polo Dfez, L., and Gomalea del Castillo, E. Direct spectro- photometric micro-determination of chloride ion in biological fluids as chromyl chloride, 963. San Clemente, C. L. See Perry, R. D. Sargent, M. See Farrow, J. E. Sathe, R. M. See Mulwani, H. R. Sauvaire, Y.See Baccou, J. C. Saxena, M. P., and Bhattachargya, K. K. Deter- mination of diolefins in olefinic cracked hydro- carbon products : determination of model com- pounds, 878. Schramm, R. W., Mossor-Pietraszewska, T., Glowscka, A., and Niklas, B. Spectrophoto- metric determination of malonate with diazotised 4-nitroaniline, 269. - See also Mossor-Pietraszewska, T. Schuijt, C., Beijersbergen van Henegouwen, G. M. J., and Gerritsma, K. W. Determination of emetine in the presence of its decomposition products, 298. Scott, J. E. Determination of acetone vapour in the atmosphere, 614. Scott, R. 0. Review of Zief and Mitchell’s Con- tamination Control in Trace Element Analysis, 547. Shawl, A. S., and Vishwapaul. Thin-layer chromato- graphic - spectrophotometric determination of methoxsalen (xanthotoxin) in Ammi majus seed, 779.Sheglila, A. T. See Sammour, H. M. SheUard, E. J. Review of Morris and Morris’s Separation Methods i n Biochemistry, 316. Shelton, D. R. See Kapel, M. Shishoo, C. J. See Devani, M. B. Shukla, I. C. See Beg, 116. M. Shulrla, V. K. S. Determination of milligram amounts of thiourea, allylthiourea and phenyl- urea using bromine monochloride in water - acetic acid medium, 691. Sidwell, J. A. See Farrow, J. E. Siebert, B. D. See Megarritg, R. G. Simpson, D. Review of Ma and Ladas’s Organic Functional Group Analysis by Gas Chromato- graphy, 149. Simpson, W. R,, and Nickless, G. Rapid versatile method for determining mercury a t sub-nano- gram levels by cold-vapour atomic-absorption spectroscopy, 86. Singh, R.P., Gopal, M., and Pande, U. C. Deter- mination of acridine dyes with N-bromosuccini- mide in acetic acid medium, 978. Skerrett, E. J., and Lloyd-Jones, C. P. Chart recorder control for nitrogen-15 determination with an emission spectrometer, 969. Smith, A. F. Review of Benarie’s Atmospheric Pollution. Proceedings of the 12th International Colloquium, Paris, France, May 5-7, 1976, 987. Smith, C. J. See Truesdale, V. W. Smith, G. N. Review of Heftmann’s Chromato- Smith, H. See Bruce, A. I. Smith, P. J. See Truesdale, V. W. Smith, W. E. See Kamel, H. Spence, J. See Orr, N. A. Spurr, A. R. Ses Ingram, F. D. Stead, A. H. See Caddy,.B. Stephen,. W. I. Historical survey of the uses of organic compounds as reagents in analytical chemistry, 793. - Review of ODenshaw’s A Laboratory Manual of graphy of Steroids, 886.Stevens, M. L. See Adrian, W. J. Stockwell, P. B. Review of Beech’s Fortran IV in Chemistry. An Introduction to Computer-assisted Methods, 72. Stuart, J. D. See Eaton, H. E. Sugden, K. See Cox, G. B. Susuki, T. See Tanaka, A. Swift, H. Modified packing for absorption tubes for carbon dioxide produced by combustion on the semi-micro or macro scale, 217. T Tamba, 1. G. del M. See Del Monte Tamba, M. G. Tanaka, A,, Nose, N., Suzuki, T., Kobayashi, S:, and Watanabe, A. Determination of saccharin in soft drinks by a spectrophotometric method, 367. Terry, R. A. See Wilson, R. F. Thomas, A. H., and Peters, S. D. Microbiological assay of the polyene antifungal antibiotics amphotericin B, candicidin and nystatin, 333. - See also Ndzinge, I.Thomas, J. D. R. Review of Zlatkis and Kaiser’s HPTLC : High Performance Thin-layer Chromato- graphy, 552. Review of Bailey’s Analysis with Ion-selective Electrodes, 788. Review of Svelha’s Wilson and Wilson’s Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. VIII. Enzyme Electrodes in Analytical Chemistry, Molecular Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Photometric Titrations, Analytical Applications of Interferometry, 988. - See Jaber, A. M. Y.; Keil, L. Thompson, A. J., and Thoresby, P. A. Determination of arsenic in soil and plant materials by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry with electrother- mal atomisation, 9. Thompson, I. See Fuller, C. W. Thompson, K. C., Wagstaff, K., and Wheatstone, K. C. Method for the minimisation of matrix interferences in the determination of lead and cadmium in non-saline waters by atomic-absorp- tion spectrophotometry using electrothermal atomisation, 310.Thoresby, P. A. See Thompson, A. J. Tomlinson, K., and Torrance, K. Potentiometric system for the continuous determination of low levels of chloride in high-purity power station waters, 1 . Torrance, K. See Tomlinson, K. Townshend, A. Review of Greenfield and Clift’s Analytical Chemistry of the Condensed Phosphates, 407. Review of Weetall and Suzuki’s Immo- bilized Enzyme Technology. Research and Appli- cations, 486. Review of Pretsch, Clerk, Seibl and Simon’s Tabellen zur Structuraufklarung organ- ischer Verbindungen wait specktroskopischen Methoden, 551. - See also Belcher, R. Truesdale, V. W., Smith, C. J., and Smith, P. J. Transformation and decomposition of /3-moly- bdosilicic acid, 73.U Uden, P. C., and Henderson, D. E. Determination of metals by gas chromatography of metal com- plexes. A review, 889. Ultrii. S. See Altinata, A. Qualitative Orianic Analysis, 151. - ,X i i THE ANALYST Ulsaker, G. A., and Korsnes, R. M. Determination of cyclohexanone in intravenous solutions stored in PVC bags by gas chromatography, 882. Urch, D. S. Review of Mulay and Boudreaux’s Theory and Applications of Molecular Dia- magnetism, 549. Ure, A. M. Dissolution of mercury(I1) sulphide by digestion with sulphuric acid - nitric acid and oxidation with potassium permanganate, 50. Usmani, Q. S. See Beg, M. M. V Valente, I., and Bowen, H. J. M. Method for the separation of antimony(II1) from antimony(V) using polyurethane foam, 842.van de Leest, R. E. Solid-state ion-selective electrodes for metal ions, 509. Van den Eeckhout, E. See Djudzman, R. Vishwapaul. See Shawl, A. S. W Wagstaff, K. See Thompson, K. 0. Wagstaffe, P: J. Review of Gautler, Malangeau and Pellerin’s Actualite’s de Chimie Analytique, Organique, Pharmaceutique et Bromatologique. 24e Sdrie, 223. Wahbi, A. M. See Korang, M. A. Walsh, J. N. Determination of silica in rocks and minerals by a combined gravimetric and atomic- absorption spectrophotometric procedure, 5 1. - Interferences in the determination of titanium in silicate rocks and minerals by flame atomic- absorption spectrophotometry, 972. Wardall, G. L. Method for the extraction of organo- chlorine compounds from quail eggs, 54. Watanabe, A.See Tanaka, A. Webb, K. S. Review of Dawson’s Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry and its A#filications, 624. Webster, R. K. Review of Frigerio and Castag- noli’s Advances in Mass Spectrometry in Bio- chemistry and Medicine. Vol. 1, 788. West, T. S. Review of Schrenk’s Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy, 145. Review of Winefordner’s Trace Analysis. Spectroscopic Methods for Ele- ments, 145. Weston, P. C. Review of Sanderson Chemical Consultants Ltd Laboratory Safety Handbook, 487. Review of IUPAC Report on Classijication and Nomenclature of Electroanalytical Techniques (Rules Approved 1975), 987. Review of IUPAC Report on Nomenclature, Symbols, Units and their Usage in Spectrochemical Analysis. I I . Data Interpretation (Rules Approved 1975). I I I . Analytical Flame Spectroscopy and Associated Non-Flame Procedures (Rules Approved 1975), 987.Review of IUPAC Report on Recommendations for Nomenclature of Ion-selective Electrodes. (Re- commendations 1975), 987. Review of Hawley’s The Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 9th Edn, 996. Wheals, B. B. Review of Simpson’s Practical Hzgh Performance Liquid Chromatography, 151. Review of Lawrence and Frei’s Chemical Deri- vatization in Liquid Chromatography, 3 18. - and Jane, I. Analysis of drugs and their meta- bolites by high-performance liquid chromato- graphy. Review, 625. - See also Hughes, J. C. Wheatstone, K. C. See Thompson, K. C. Wheeler, R. C. See McLaren, J. W. Whitehouse, M. J. See Hughes, J. C. Whiteside, P. J., and Price, W. J. Determination of phosphorus in steel by atomic-absorption spectro- photometry with electrothermal atomisation, 618.- See also Price, W. J. Whitfield, M. Review of Grasshoff’s Methods of Seawater Analysis, 791. Whittle, P. J. Identification of hydrocarbon markers in oil-polluted waters by use of column and thin-layer chromatography, 976. Wilson, R. F., and Terry, R. A. Sources of inter- ference in the determination of lactic acid in silage, 218. Y Yadav, R. N. See Chatten, L. G. Z Zagatto, E. A. G. See Krug, F. J.INDEX TO VOLUME 102 ... Xlll SUBJECT INDEX All book reviews can be found in a separate section at the end A Absorption tubes: Modified packing for - for carbon dioxide produced by combustion on the semi-micro or macro scale. Swift, 217. Acetic acid, 1,2diaminocyclohexane-”N’N’- tetra-: Kinetic micro-determination of man- ganese in natural waters and of iridium, nitrilotriacetic acid and -.Nikoleh and Hadjiioannou, 591. -, ethylenediaminetetra-: See EDTA. -, nitrilotri- : Kinetic micro-determination of man- ganese in natural waters and of iridium, - and 1,2-diaminocyclohexane-NNN’N’-tetra- acetic acid. Nikolelis and Hadjiioannou, 591. -, trichloro- : Rapid determination of trichloro- ethanol and - in urine. Mantel and Noth- mann, 672. Acetone: Determination of - vapour in the atmosphere. Scott, 614. Acridine: Determination of - dyes with N- bromosuccinimide in acetic acid medium. Singh, Gopal and Pande, 978. Acrylonitrile : Titrimetric determination of residual monomers in styrene - - copolymers. Roy, 302. Air: Atmospheric Pollution, Proceedings of the 12th International Colloquium, Paris, France, May 5-7, 1976.Benarie. (Review), 987. Determination of acetone vapour in the atmos- phere. Scott, 614. Flow injection analysis of environmental samples for nitrate using an ion-selective electrode. Hansen, Ghose and RfiiiCka, 705. Identification of environmental polynuclear aro- matic hydrocarbons by pulse Fourier-transform ‘H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Bartle, Lee and Novotny, 731. Spectrophotometric determination of beryllium in - by a sensitised Chrome Azurol S re- action. Mulwani and Sathe, 137. Alcohol : Micro-technique of sample dilution for determination of - in blood by gas chro- matography. Jones, 307. Aldehyde(s) : Photometric Analysis. Vol. 4. - Precursors: Formation and Analysis of - (Part 11). Sawicki and Sawicki. (Review), 790.Alizarin fluorine blue : Sulphonated - (AFBS). Part 111. Lanthanum(II1) complexes of 1- hydroxyanthraquinone-2-sulphonate, alizarin- 5-sulphonate and AFBS, the fluoride com- plex of AFBS - lanthanum and a suggested method for fluoride determination. Deane and Leonard, 340. Alkenes: See Olefhs. Amines: Acetylation as a means of end-point indication in the catalytic thermometric titration of bases. Greenhow, 584. Ammi rnujus seed: Thin-layer chromatographic - spectrophotometric determination of methox- salen (xanthotoxin) in -. Shawl and Vish- wapaul, 779. Ammonia: Rapid determination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in fertilisers by flow injection analysis. Hansen, Krug, Ghose and RbiiCka, 714. Vessel for sampling liquefied anhydrous - for subsequent trace oxygen determination.Hunt, 846. Ammonium compounds, quaternary: Use of the silver electrode in the potentiometric deter- mination of -. Pinzauti and La Porta, 938. Amphotericin B: Microbiological assay of the polyene antifungal antibiotics -, candicidin and nystatin. Thomas and Peters, 333. Analytical chemistry: Actualit& de Chimie Analy- tique, Organique, Pharmaceutique e t Bromato- logique. 24e Sdrie. Gautier, Malangeau and Pellerin . (Review), 223. Cours de Chimie Analytique GCnhrale. Tome IV. Exercices. Machtinger and Rossett. (Review) , 484. 2nd Edn. Christian. (Review), 989. International Review of Science. Physical Chemistry Series Two. Vol. 13. - , Part 2. West. (Review), 318. Modern Methods of Chemical Analysis. 2nd Edn.Pecsok, Shields, Cairns and McWilliam. (Re- view), 484. Progress in -. Vol. 8. Simmons and Ewing. (Review), 222. in Industry. Treatise on -. Part 111. - Vol. 3. Kolthoff, Elving and Stross. (Review), 884. Wilson and Wilson’s Comprehensive -. Vol. 111. Elemental Analysis with Minute Samples. Standards and Standardisation. Separations by Liquid Amalgams. Vacuum Fusion Analysis of Gases in Metals. Electro-analysis in Molten Salts. Svelha. (Review), 485. Wilson and Wilson’s Comprehensive -. Vol. VI. Analytical Infrared Spectroscopy. Svehla. (Review), 146. Wilson and Wilson’s Comprehensive -. Vol. VIII. Enzyme Electrodes in -, Molecular Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Photometric Titra- tions, Analytical Applications of Inter- ferometry. Svelha. (Review), 988. Aniline, &nitro-: Spectrophotometric deter- mination of malonate with diazotised -.Schramm, Mossor-Pietraszewska, Glowacka and Niklas, 269. Anthelmintic : Determination of the - diethyl- carbamazine in tissue and plasma by gas - liquid chromatography, Bogan, 56. Anthraquinone, 1,4-dihydroxy-. See Quinizarin. Antibiotics: Assay of nystatin based on the mea- surement of potassium released from Saccharo- myces cerevisiae. Ndzinge, Peters and Thomas, 328. Microbiological assay of monensin in animal feeds and pre-mixes. AnalyticaI Methods Committee. Antibiotics in Animal Feeding- stuffs Sub-committee, 206.xiv THE ANALYST Antibiotics-continued Microbiological assay of the polyene antifungal - amphotericin B, candicidin and nystatin. Thomas and Peters, 333. Antimony: Method for the separation of -(III) from -(V) using polyurethane foam.Valente and Bowen, 842. Arsenic: Determination of - in soil and plant materials by atomic-absorption spectrophoto- metry with electrothermal atomisation. Thompson and Thoresby, 9. Some difficulties encountered in speciation studies of -. Diamondstone and Burke, 613. Arsenic(III) oxide: Precise assay of - by ref- erence to pure iodine. Analytical Methods Committee, 955. B Barium: Determination of - in calcium car- bonate rocks by carbon furnace atomic- emission spectrometry. Hutton, Ottaway, Rains and Epstein, 429. Use of hydrogen to reduce molecular oxide emission interference in carbon furnace atomic- emission spectrometry. Ottaway and Hutton, 785. Bathophenanthroline : Determination of iron with - following an improved procedure for reduction of iron(II1) ions.Perry and San Clemente, 114. Benzaldehyde, 4-hydroxy- : Spectrophotometric de- termination of malonate with -. Mossor- Pietraszewska, Giiycka and Schramm, 540. Benzoic acid, 4=hydroxy=, methyl and propyl esters: Quantitative determination of - by high- performance liquid chromatography. Clarke and Rashid, 685. Beryllium : Spectrophotometric determination of - in air by a sensitised Chrome Azurol S reaction. Mulwani and Sathe, 137. Beverages : Determination of saccharin in soft drinks by a spectrophotometric method. Tanaka, Nose, Suzuki, Kobayashi and Watan- abe, 367. Biochemistry: Advances in Mass Spectrometry in - and Medicine. Vol. 1. Frigerio and Castagnoli. (Review), 788. Analytical - of Insects.Turner. (Review), 990. Assay of Drugs and Other Trace Compounds in Biological Fluids. Methodological Develop- ments in Biochemistry, Vol. 5. Reid. (Review), 487. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Glick. (Re- view), 623. Practical Clinical -. 5th Edn. Vol. 2. Hor- mones, Vitamins and Poisons. Varley, Gowen- lock and Bell. (Review), 884. Separation Methods in -. Morris and Morris. (Review), 3 16. Biodeterioration Investigation Techniques. Walters. (Review), 696. Biological fluids: Assay of Drugs and Other Trace Compounds in -. Methodological Develop- ments in Biochemistry, Vol. 5. Reid. (Review), 487. Biological fluids-c on ti n u ed Direct spectrophotometric micro-determination of chloride ion in - as chromyl chloride. Sknchez Perez, Gonzalez Perez, Polo Diez and Gonzalez del Castillo, 963.Uric Acid. An Annotated Bibliography. Radin, Bayse, Lewis and Polk. (Review), 992. Biological materials : Determination of bismuth by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with electrothermal atomisation after low-tempera- ture ashing. Djudzman, Van den Eeckhout and De Moerloose, 688. Determination of ruthenium in - by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry using electro- thermal atomisation. Megarrity and Siebert, 95. Loss of trace elements during dehydration of marine zoological material. Fourie and Peisach, 193. Biological tissues: Comparison of two different types of sodium standards for electron-probe analysis of soft tissue. Ingram, Spurr and Ingram, 515. Determination of the anthelmintic diethyl- carbamazine in tissue and plasma by gas - liquid chromatography.Bogan, 56. Bismuth : Determination of - by atomic-absorp- tion spectrophotometry with electrothermal atomisation after low-temperature ashing. Djudzman, Van den Eeckhout and De Moer- loose, 688. Determination of - in steels and cast irons by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with an induction furnace: direct analysis of solid samples. Andrews and Headridge, 436. Blood: A simple matrix modification procedure to allow the direct determination of cadmium in - by flame micro-sampling atomic-absorp- tion spectrophotometry. Delves, 403. Determination of selenium in - and plant material by hydride generation and atomic- absorption spectroscopy. Clinton, 187. Micro-technique of sample dilution for deter- mination of alcohol in - by gas chromato- graphy.Jones, 307. Simultaneous determination of phenobarbitone, primidone and phenytoin in small samples of - by gas - liquid chromatography. Bruce and Smith, 35. Blood plasma : Determination of the anthelmintic diethylcarbamazine in tissue and plasma by gas - liquid chromatography. Bogan, 56. Blood serum: Determination of gold in separate protein fractions of - by carbon furnace atomic-absorption spectrometry. Kamel, Brown, Ottaway and Smith, 645. Enzymatic determination of maltose by ampero- metric measurement of the rate of oxygen depletion. Marshall, Christian and Kumar, 424. Boron : Spectrophotometric method for the deter- mination of - in glasses, glazes and ceramic colours. Reed, 831. Bromacil: Determination of residues of the herbi- cides -, lenacil and terbacil in soils by gas chromatography.Caverly and Denney. 576. Bromate oxidation of methyl orange : basis for the kinetic determination of bromide. Hasty, Lima and Ottaway, 313.INDEX TO VOLUME 102 xv Bromide: Bromate oxidation of methyl orange : Catalysis: The Physical Basis for Heterogeneous basis for the kinetic determination of -. -. Dranglis and Jaffee. (Review), 149. Hasty, Lima and Ottaway, 313. Ceramic(s): Analysis of silicates- - and geo- Bromine: NMR. Basic Principles and Progress. chemical. A review. Bennett, 153. Vol. 12. Chlorine, - and Iodine NMR. Differential-pulse polarographic determination of Physicochemical and Biological Applications. heavy metals released from - glazes. Lindman and Fors6n. (Review), 408. Buldini, 92 1.Bromine monochloride : Determination of milli- Spectrophotometric method for the deter- gram amounts of thiourea, allylthiourea and mination of boron in glasses, glazes and - phenylurea using - in water - acetic acid colours. Reed, 831. medium. Shukla, 691. Cerium: Determination of nanogram and sub- Butylated hydroxyanisole : Detection of the presence nanogram amounts of europium and - by of BHA by a rapid spectrofluorimetric screen- means of candoluminescence emission in the ing procedure. Dilli and Robards, 201. presence of a co-activator. Belcher, Nasser Butyrophenones : Fluorescent properties of some and Townshend, 382. -. Baeyens, 525. Determination of trace amounts of - in silicate rocks based on its candoluminescence in a calcium oxide based matrix. Belcher, Nasser, Polo-Diez and Townshend, 391.Chemistry: CRC Handbook of - and Physics 1976-1977. 57th Edn. Weast. (Review), 316. Chloride : Direct spectrophotometric micro-deter- mination of - ion in biological fluids as chromyl -. Shchez Pkrez, Gonzalez Pkrez, Polo Diez and Gonzalez del Castillo, 963. mination of salt in meat products. Kapel, Fry, Manii and Shelton, 534. mination of low levels of - in high-purity power station waters. Tomlinson and Torrance, alcium: Alkali and alkaline earth metal-ion Chlorine : NMR. Basic Principles and Progress. VOl. 12. - , Bromine and Iodine NMR. C Cadmium : A simple matrix modification procedure to allow the direct determination of - in blood by flame micro-sampling atomic-absorp- tion spectrophotometry. Delves, 403. Direct determination of - and zinc in sea water metry.Campbell and Ottaway, 495. Method for the minimisation of matrix inter- in non-saline waters by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry using electrothermal atom- 310. by furnace atomic-absorption spectra- Effects of emulsifiers and stabilisers on the deter- ferences in the determination of lead and - Potentiometric system for the continuous deter- isation. Thompson, Wagstaff and Wheatstone, 1. adducts Of poly(propylene glycol) as for Physico-chemical and Biological Applications. ion-selective electrodes. Jaber, Moody and Lindman and ForsCn. 408. Thomas, 943. Effect of different sample preparation methods on Chocolate: Use of theobromine in the determination the atomic-absorption spectrophotometric de- of cocoa solids and non-fat milk solids in -.termination of - in plant material. Adrian Pusey, 697. and Stevens, 446. Chromatography: Bibliography of Liquid Exclusion Emission spectra of molecules observed during - (Gel Permeation -) 1972-1975. Ameri- carbon furnace atomisation. Hutton, Ottaway, can Society for Testing and Materials. (Review), Calcium carbonate: Determination of barium in - Bibliography of Paper and Thin-laYer - 1970- rocks by carbon furnace atomic-emission 1973 and Survey of Applications. Macek, spectrometry. Hutton, Ottaway, Rains and Hais, Kopeckf, Schwarz, GaspariC and Churk- Epstein, 429. Cek. (Review), 70. Candicidin : Microbiological assay of the polyene HmLC : High Performance Thin-layer -. antifungal antibiotics amphotericin B, -and Zlatkis and Kaiser. (Review), 552.nystatin. Thomas and Peters, 333. of Steroids. Heftmann. (Review), 886. Carbohydrates: Determination of Food -. South- Separation Methods in Biochemistry. Morris and gate. (Review), 552. Morris. (Review), 3 16. Carbon: C, radical. Emission spectra of molecules Chromatography, gas: Determination of metals by observed during carbon furnace atomisation. - of metal complexes. A review. Uden and Hutton, Ottaway, Epstein and Rains. 658. Determination of - in iron and steel by an air- Gas Chromatographic Headspace Analysis. Hach- combustion method. Clarke, 135. enberg and Schmidt. (Review), 986. Carbon dioxide: Modified packing for absorption Organic Functional Group Analysis by -. Ma tubes for - produced by combustion on the semi-micro or macro scale. Swift, 217.Pyrolysis- -. May, Pearson and Scothern. Carboxylates: Acetylation as a means of end-point indication in the catalytic thermometric Quantitative Analysis by -. Novhk. (Review), titration of bases. Greenhow, 584. 150. Carcinogens : Environmental Pollution and Carcino- Vessel for sampling liquefied anhydrous ammonia genic Risks. Proceedings of a Symposium for subsequent trace oxygen determination. organised by IARC and the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research, Chromatography, liquid: Analysis of drugs and Lyon, France, 3-5 Nov., 1975. Rosenfeld and their metabolites by high-performance -. Davis. (Review), 991. Review. Wheals and Jane, 625. Epstein and Rains, 658. 991. Henderson, 889. and Ladas. (Review), 149. (Review), 886. Hunt, 846.xvi THE ANALYST Chromatography, liquid-continued Bibliography of Liquid Column Chromatography 1971-1973 and Survey of Applications. Deyl and Kopeck$.(Review), 992. Chemical Derivatization in -. Lawrence and Frei. (Review), 318. High Pressure - in Clinical Chemistry, Dixon, Gray, Lim and Stoll. (Review), 151. High-speed -. Rajcsanyi and Rajcsanyi. (Review), 222. Instrumental -. A Practical Manual on High- performance Liquid Chromatographic Methods. Parris . (Review), 3 19. Practical High Performance -. Simpson. (Review), 151. Quantitative determination of sugars in food- stuffs by high-performance -. Hunt, Jack- son, Mortlock and Kirk, 917. Chromium : Determination of divalent and hexa- valent - in slags. Marston and Knight, 745, Chromyl chloride. Direct spectrophotometric micro- determination of chloride ion in biological fluids as -.Shchez PQez, Gonzalez PCrez, Polo Diez and Gonzalez del Castillo, 963. 1,s-Cineole : Application of gas - liquid chromato- graphy to the analysis of essential oils. Part V. Determination of - in oils of lavender and lavandin. Analytical Division. Analytical Methods Committee. Essential Oils Sub- Committee, 607. Citrate: Determination of - as its iron(II1) complex by differential pulse polarography . Prasad, 601. Citrus fruit: Fungicide residues. Part VI. Deter- mination of residues of post-harvest fungicides on - by high-performance liquid chromato- graphy. Farrow, Hoodless, Sargent and Sid- well, 752. Clinical chemistry: High Pressure Liquid Chromato- graphy in -. Dixon, Gray, Lim and Stoll.(Review), 151. Cocoa: Use of theobromine in the determination of - solids and non-fat milk solids in chocolate. Pusey, 697. Computer (s) : Fortran IV in Chemistry. An Intro- duction to - -assisted Methods. Beech. (Review), 72. Contraceptive(s) : Polarographic study of certain progestogens and their determination in oral - tablets by differential pulse polarography. Chatten, Yadav, Binnington and Moskalyk, 323. Copper: Determination of metallic and “oxide” -- in ores. Budesinsky, 819. Improved method for the synthesis of 3-propyl- 5-hydroxy-5-~-arabino-tetrahydroxybutyl-3- thiazolidine-2-thione (PHTTT) and its homo- logues, specific spectrophotometric reagents for -. Chow, Mak and Lau, 139. Copper alloys: Analysis of copper-base alloys by emission spectrometry using the glow-dis- charge source.Kruger, Butler, Liebenberg and Bohmer, 949. Cyaaide: CN radical. Emission spectra of molecules observed during carbon furnace atomisation. Hutton, Ottaway, Epstein and Rains, 658. Cyclohexanone: Determination of - in intraven- ous solutions stored in PVC bags by gas chromatography. Ulsaker and Korsnes, 882. D Dairy products: Laboratory Methods in Food and Dairy Microbiology. Harrigan and McCance. (Review), 694. Data: The Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 9th Edn. Hawley. (Review), 996. Diamagnetism : Theory and Applications of Mole- cular -. Mulay and Boudreaux. (Review), 549. Dictionary: The Condensed Chemical -. 9th Edn. Hawley. (Review), 996. Diethylcarbamazine : Determination of the anthel- mintic - in tissue and plasma by gas - liquid chromatography.Bogan, 56. Drug(s): Advances in Mass Spectrometry in Bio- chemistry and Medicine. Vol. 1. Frigerio and Castagnoli. (Review), 788. Analysis of - and their metabolites by high- performance chromatography. Review. Wheals and Jane, 625. Assay of - and Other Trace Compounds in Biological Fluids. Methodological Develop- ments in Biochemistry, Vol. 5. Reid. (Review), 487. Fluorescent properties of some butyrophenones. Baeyens, 525. Practical Clinical Biochemistry. 5th Edn. Vol. 2. Hormones, Vitamins and Poisons. Varley, Gowenlock and Bell. (Review), 884. Progress in - Metabolism. Vol. 1. Bridges and Chasseaud . (Review), 7 1. The Quality Control of Medicines. Deasy and Timoney. (Review), 547. Topics in Enzyme and Fermentation Biotech- nology 1.Wiseman. (Review), 550. Dyes: CI Mordant Blue 29. Spectrophotometric determination of beryllium in air by a sen- sitised Chrome Azurol S reaction, Mulwani and Sathe, 137. CI Solvent Red 24. Identification of hydrocarbon markers in oil-polluted waters by use of column and thin-layer chromatography. Whittle, 976. Determination of acridine - with N-bromo- succinimide in acetic acid medium. Singh, Gopal, and Pande, 978. E EDTA: Improved method for the determination of - in aqueous environmental samples by gas - liquid chromatography. Gardiner, 120. Editorial: The Analyst-Progress and Development, 321. Effluents: Simultaneous determination of pluton- ium alpha- and beta-activity in liquid - and environmental samples. Hands and Conway, 934. Electrochemical anaIysis : Classification and Nomen- clature of Electroanalytical Techniques (Rules Approved 1975).International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Division Commission on Analytical Nomen- clature. (Review), 987. Electrochemical Stripping Analysis. Vydra, Stulik and Julhkovh,. (Review), 885. Electrode(s) : Alkali and alkaline earth metal-ion adducts of poly(propy1ene glycol) as sensors for ion-selective -. Jaber, Moody and Thomas, 943.INDEX TO VOLUME 102 xvii Electrode (s) --continued Analysis with Ion-selective -. Bailey. (Re- view), 788. Determination of iodine using a kinetic method with an iodide ion-selective -. Altinata, Pekin and tflgii, 876. Determination of reducing sugars in honey, marmalades and fruit juices using a copper ion-selective -.Papastathopoulos, Nikolelis and Hadjiioannou, 852. Ion-selective - membrane system based on a vinyl chloride - vinyl alcohol copolymer matrix and its role for accommodating grafted alkyl phosphate sensors. Keil, Moody and Thomas, 274. Limits of detection of gas-sensing probes. Bailey and Riley, 213. Liquid-membrane ion-selective - using nico- tinate. Campanella, De Angelis, Ferri and Gozzi, 723. Membrane - . Lakshminarayanaiah. (Re- view), 319. Non-stoicheiometric copper sulphide membrane -. Hepel, Hepel and Leszko, 132. Recommendations for Nomenclature of Ion- selective -. (Recommendations 1975). In- ternational Union of Pure and Applied Chem- istry Analytical Chemistry Division Commission on Analytical Nomenclature. (Review), 987. Solid-state ion-selective - for metal ions.van de Leest, 509. Use of the silver - in the potentiometric deter- mination of quaternary ammonium compounds. Pinzauti and La Porta, 938. Wilson and Wilson’s Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. VIII. Enzyme - in Analytical Chemistry, Molecular Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Photometric Titrations, Analy- tical Applications of Interferometry. Svelha. (Review), 988. Electron microscope : Understanding and Optimising - Performance. Chapman. (Review), 70. Electron-probe analysis : Comparison of two different types of sodium standards for - of soft tissue. Ingram, Spurr and Ingram, 515. Electrophoresis: Isotachophoresis. Theory, Instru- mentation and Applications. Everaerts, Beckers and Verheggen. (Review), 887. Separation Methods in Biochemistry.Morris and Morris. (Review), 3 16. Elements : Trace analysis. Spectroscopic Methods for -. Winefordner. (Review), 145. Emetine: Determination of - in the presence of its decomposition products. Schuij t, Beijers- bergen van Henegouwen and Gerritsma, 298. Emulsifiers: Effects of - and stabilisers on the determination of salt in meat products. Kapel, Fry, Manii and Shelton, 534. Environment : Environmental Pollution and Car- cinogenic Risks. Proceedings of a Symposium organised by IARC and the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research, Lyon, France, 3-5 Nov., 1975. Rosenfeld and Davis. (Review), 99 1. Enzyme (5) : Immobilized - Technology. Re- search and Applications. Weetall and Suzuki. (Review), 486. Topics in - and Fermentation Biotechnology 1.Wiseman. (Review), 550. Equilibrium constants : Analytical Applications of Complex Equilibria. InczCdy. (Review), 695. Essential oils: Analysis of - by Gas Chromato- graphy and Mass Spectrometry. Masada. (Review), 550. Application of gas - liquid chromatography to the analysis of -. Part V. Determination of 1,8-cineole in oils of lavender and lavandin. Analytical Division. Analytical Methods Com- mittee. Essential Oils Sub-committee, 607. Ethanol, trichloro- : Rapid determination of - and trichloroacetic acid in urine. Mantel and Nothmann, 672. Ethopabate : Determination of pyrimethamine, - and sulphaquinoxaline in poultry feeding stuffs by high-performance liquid chromato- graphy using a weak cation-exchange column packing. Cox and Sugden, 29. Europium : Determination of nanogram and sub- nanogram amounts of - and cerium by means of candoluminescence emission in the presence of a co-activator. Belcher, Nasser and Townshend, 382.F Faeces: Determination of ruthenium in biological material by atomic-absorption spectrophoto- metry using electrothermal atomisation. Megar- rity and Siebert, 95. Feeding-stuff s : Determination of pyrimethamine, ethopabate and sulphaquinoxaline in poultry - by high-performance liquid chromato- graphy using a weak cation-exchange column packing. Cox and Sugden, 29. Determination of pyrimethamine in animal feeds. Analytical Methods Committee, 764. Determination of ronidazole in pig and turkey - by gas - liquid chromatography. Harris, Baker and Alliston, 580. Determination of sulfanitran in animal feeds and pre-mixes.Analytical Methods Committee, 869. Improved method for the determination of pyrimethamine in pQultry and rabbit - by gas - liquid chromatography. Harris, Baker and Munday, 873. Microbiological assay of monensin in animal feeds and pre-mixes. Analytical Methods Committee. Antibiotics in Animal Feedingstuffs Sub- committee, 206. Fermentation: Topics in Enzyme and - Bio- technology 1. Wiseman. (Review), 550. Fertilisers: Determination of ammoniacal nitrogen in - by molecular emission cavity analysis. Belcher, Bogdanski, Calokerinos and Town- shend, 220. Flow injection analysis of environmental samples for nitrate using an ion-selective electrode. Hansen, Ghose and RfiiiCka, 705. Rapid determination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in - by flow injection analysis.Hansen, Krug, Ghose and RfiiiEka, 714. Fish: Determination of mercury and methylmer- cury in -. Analytical Methods Committee and Committee for Analytical Methods for Residues of Pesticides and Veterinary Products in Foodstuffs, 769.xviii THE ANALYST Fluoride: Determination of - in steelworks materials with a - ion-selective electrode. Boniface and Jenkins, 739. Sulphonated alizarin fluorine blue (AFBS) . Part 111. Lanthanum(II1) complexes of 1- hydroxyanthraquinone-2-sulphonate, alizarin- 5-sulphonate and AFBS, the - complex of AFBS - lanthanum and a suggested method for - determination. Deane and Leonard, 340. Fluorine: Determination of - in silicates by use of an ion-selective electrode following fusion with lithium metaborate. Bodkin, 409.Fluorspar : Determination of fluoride in steelworks materials with a fluoride ion-selective electrode. Boniface and Jenkins, 739. Food(s) : Additives and Contaminants Committee Review of the Lead in - Regulations 1961. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. (Review), 72. Detection of the presence of BHA by a rapid spectrofluorimetric screening procedure. Dilli and Robards, 201. Determination of - Carbohydrates. Southgate. (Review), 552. Determination of metals in -. A review. Crosby, 225. Enhancement of the sensitivity of the cold-vapour atomic-absorption spectrophotometric method towards mercury by using a sintered-glass bubbler and a magnetic stirrer. Narasaki, Down and Ballah, 537. Laboratory Methods in - and Dairy Micro- biology. Harrigan and McCance.(Review) , 694. Quality and Safety: A Century of Progress. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. (Review), 985. Quantitative determination of sugars in food- stuffs by high-performance liquid chromato- graphy. Hunt, Jackson, Mortlock and Kirk, 917. Rapid enzymatic determination of lactose in - products using amperometric measurement of the rate of depletion. Cheng and Christian, 124. Survey of Lead in -: First Supplementary Report, Working Party on the Monitoring of Foodstuffs for Heavy Metals Fifth Report. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. (Review) , 72. The Chemical Analysis of -. 7th Edn. Pear- son. (Review), 548. Fruit: Determination of residues of organophospho- rus pesticides in - and vegetables. Com- mittee for Analytical Methods for Residues of Pesticides and Veterinary Products in Food- stuffs, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 858.Fruit products: Determination of reducing sugars in honey, marmalades and fruit juices using a copper ion-selective electrode. Papastatho- poulos, Nikolelis and Hadjiioannou, 852. Fungicide (8) residues. Part VI. Determination of residues of Dost-harvest - on citrus fruit G Gas oils: Identification of hydrocarbon markers in oil-polluted waters by use of column and thin-layer chromatography. Whittle, 9 76. Gases: Limits of detection of gas-sensing probes. Bailey and Riley, 213. Gases, flue: Final Report on Interlaboratory Co- operative Study of the Precision and Accuracy of the Determination of Sulfur Oxides in Gaseous Combustion Products (Barium Chlo- ranilate Method) Using ASTM Method D 3226-73T.Howes, Pesut and Foster. (Review), 789. Germanium: Spectrophotometric determination of niobium and - in superconducting “Nb3Ge” sputtered films. Bodkin and Rogowski, 110. Glass: Determination of the rate of hydrolysis of ytterbium sulphide films by carbon furnace atomic-emission spectrometry. Littlejohn and Ottaway, 393. Spectrophotometric method for the determination of boron in glasses, glazes and ceramic colours. Reed, 831. Glazes : Differential-pulse polarographic deter- mination of heavy metals released from ceramic -. Buldini, 921. Spectrophotometric method for the deter- mination of boron in glasses, - and ceramic colours. Reed, 831. Glucose. An Annotated Bibliography. Radin, Polk, Richardson and Lewis.(Review), 993. Gold: Determination of - in separate protein fractions of blood serum by carbon furnace atomic-absorption spectrometry. Kamel, Brown, Ottaway and Smith, 645. Determination of noble metals in geological materials by radiochemical neutron-activation analysis. Ahmad, Ahmad and Morris, 17. Grain: Determination of residues of substituted phenylurea herbicides in -, soil and river water by use of liquid chromatography. Farrington, Hopkins and Ruzicka, 377. H Haematoxylin: Spectrophotometric determination of titanium(1V) with - and cetyltrimethyl- ammonium bromide. Leong, 293. with quaternary ammonium salts as spectro- photometric reagents for tin(1V). Leong, 837. Hazards in the Chemical Laboratory. 2nd Edn. Muir. (Review), 994. Herbicides: Determination of residues of substituted phenylurea - in grain, soil and river water by use of liquid chromatography. Farrington, Hopkins and Ruzicka, 377.Determination of residues of the - bromacil, lenacil and terbacil in soils by gas chromato- graphy. Caverly and Denney, 576. Honey: Determination of reducing sugars in -, marmalades and fruit juices using a copper ion-selective electrode. Papastathopoulos, Nikolelis and Hadjiioannou, 852. Hormones: Practical Clinical Biochemistry. 5th Edn. Vol. 2. - , Vitamins and Poisons. Varley, Gowenlock and Bell. (Review), 884. Hydrocarbon(s) : Determination of diolefins in olefinic cracked - products : determination of model compounds. Saxena and Bhattacharyya, by high-periormance liquid chromatography. _ _ Farrow, Hoodless, Sargent and Sidwell, 752.878.INDEX TO VOLUME 102 xix Hpdromrbon(s) -continued Identification of environmental polynuclear aro- matic - by pulse Fourier-transform lH nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Bartle, Lee and Novotny, 731. I Indicators : Bromate oxidation of methyl orange : basis for the kinetic determination of bromide. Hasty, Lima and Ottaway, 313. Insects: Analytical Biochemistry of -. Turner. (Review), 990. Instrumentation: Analysis -. Vol. 14. Combs, Sims and Martin. (Review), 994. Topics in Chemical -. 11. Ewing. (Review), 993. Insulin: Applications of particle size analysis in the pharmaceutical industry. Orr and Spence, 466. Iodates: Ultraviolet spectrophotometric deter- mination of iodides and -. Bruno, Caselli and Fragale, 966. Iodides : Ultraviolet spectrophotometric determi- nation of - and iodates.Bruno, Caselli and Fragale, 966. Iodine: Determination of - using a kinetic method with an iodide ion-selective electrode. Altinata, Pekin and Olgii, 876. Determination of water in - by infrared spectroscopy. Farrow and Hill, 480. NMR. Basic Principles and Progress. Vol. 12. Chlorine, Bromine and - NMR. Physico- chemical and Biological Applications. Lindman and Forsen. (Review), 408. Precise assay of arsenic(II1) oxide by reference to pure - . Analytical Methods Committee, 955. Ionic liquids: Transport Properties of -. Copeland. (Review), 549. Iridium: Determination of noble metals in geological materials by radiochemical neutron-activation analysis. Ahmad, Ahmad and Morris, 17. Kinetic micro-determination of manganese in natural waters and of -, nitrilotriacetic acid and 1,2-diaminocyclohexane-NNN’N’-tetra- acetic acid.Nikolelis and Hadjiioannou, 691. Iron: Determination of carbon in - and steel by an air-combustion method. Clarke, 135. Determination of - with bathophenanthroline following an improved procedure for reduction of -(III) ions. Perry and San Clemente, 114. Spectrophotometric determination of -(III) in sulphuric acid. Budesinsky, 21 1. Stability of -(III) - thiocyanate complexes and the dependence of absorbance on the nature of the anion. Sammour, Sheglila and Aly, 180. Irons, crest: Determination of bismuth in steels and - by atomic-absorption spectrophoto- metry with an induction furnace: direct analy- sis of solid samples. Andrews and Headridge, 436.IsoelectFic focusing: Catsimpoolas . (Review), 622. Isotachophoresis. Theory, Instrumentation and Applications. Everaerts, Beckers and Ver- heggen. (Review), 887. Isoxszolone-4-carboxylic acid, 3-pheny1-5-ethyl ester: A selective reagent for the spectrophoto- metric determination of palladium. Corigliano, Di Pasquale and Ranieri, 25. L Lactic acid: Sources of interference in the deter- mination of - in silage. Wilson and Terry, 218. Lactose: Rapid enzymatic determination of - in food products using amperometric measure- ment of the rate of depletion of oxygen. Cheng and Christian, 124. Lanthanum: Sulphonated alizarin fluorine blue (AFBS). Part 111. -(III) complexes of L- hydroxyanthraquinone-2-sulphonate, alizarin- 5-sulphonate and AFBS, the fluoride complex of AFBS- - and a suggested method for fluoride determination. Deane and Leonard , 340.Lateritic ores: Determination of several elements in - by instrumental neutron-activation analy- sis. Ahmad and Morris, 395. Lavandin oil: Application of gas - liquid chromato- graphy to the analysis of essential oils. Part V. Determination of 1,8-cineole in oils of lavender and lavandin. Analytical Division. Analytical Methods Committee. Essential Oils Sub- Committee, 607. Lavender oil: Application of gas - liquid chromato- graphy to the analysis of essential oils. Part V. Determination of 1 ,%cineole in oils of lavender and lavandin. Analytical Division. Analytical Methods Committee. Essential Oils Sub- committee, 607. Lead: Double peaks in the atomic-absorption deter- mination of - using electrothermal atomi- sation.McLaren and Wheeler, 542. Food Additives and Contaminants Committee Review of the - in Food Regulations 1961. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. (Review) , 72. Method for the minimisation of matrix inter- ferences in the determination of ~ and cadmium in non-saline waters by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry using electro- thermal atomisation. Thompson, Wagstaff and Wheatstone, 310. Observations on the direct determination of - in complex matrices by carbon furnace atomic-absorption spectrophotometry . Hodges, 66. Survey of - in Food: First Supplementary Report. Working Party on the Monitoring of Foodstuffs for Heavy Metals Fifth Report. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. (Review), 72. Lenacil: Determination of residues of the herbicides bromacil, - and terbacil in soils by gas chromatography.Caverly and Denney, 576. Lithium: Use of hydrogen to reduce molecular oxide emission interference in carbon furnace atomic-emission spectrometry. Ottaway and Hutton, 785. Luminescence : Determination of nanogram and sub-nanogram amounts of europium and cerium by means of candoluminescence emiss- ion in the presence of a co-activator. Belcher, Nasser and Townshend, 382. Determination of trace amounts of cerium in silicate rocks based on its candoluminescence in a calcium oxide based matrix. Belcher, Nasser, Polo-Diez and Townshend, 39 1.xx THE ANALYST M Magnesium : Emission spectra of molecules observed during carbon furnace atomisation. Hutton, Ottaway, Epstein and Rains, 658.Malonate : Spectrophotometric determination of - with diazotised 4-nitroaniline. Schramm, Mossor-Pietraszewska, Glowacka and Niklas, 269. Spectrophotometric determination of - with 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde. Mossor-Pietraszew- ska, Gizycka and Schramm, 540. amperometric measurement of the rate of oxygen depletion. Marshall, Christian and Kumar, 424. Manganese: Kinetic micro-determination of - in natural waters and of iridium, nitrilotriacetic acid and 1,2-diaminocyclohexane-NN"N'- tetraacetic acid. Nikolelis and Hadjiioannou, 591. Marine zoological materid: Loss of trace elements during dehydration of - . Fourie and Peisach, 193. Mass spectrometry: Advances in - in Bio- chemistry and Medicine. Vol. 1. Frigerio and Castagnoli. (Review), 788. Quadrupole - and its Applications.Dawson. (Review), 624. meric materials. Hughes, Wheals and White- house, 143. Meat products: Effects of emulsifiers and stabilisers on the determination of salt in meat products. Kapel, Fry, Manii and Shelton, 534. Membrane Separation Processes. Meares . (Review), 790. lldercury: Determination of - and methyl - in fish. Analytical Methods Committee and Committee for Analytical Methods for Residues of Pesticides and Veterinary Products in Foodstuffs, 769. Dissolution of mercury (11) sulphide by digestion with sulphuric acid - nitric acid and oxidation with potassium permanganate. Ure, 50. Enhancement of the sensitivity of the cold- vapour atomic-absorption spectrophotometric method towards - by using a sintered-glass bubbler and a magnetic stirrer.Narasaki, Down and Ballah, 537. Rapid thermal-decomposition technique for the atomic-absorption determination of - in rocks, soils and sediments. Nicholson, 399. Rapid versatile method for determining - a t sub-nanogram levels by cold-vapour atomic- absorption spectroscopy. Simpson and Nick- less, 86. Mercury(II) sulphide: Dissolution of - by digestion with sulphuric acid - nitric acid and oxidation with potassium permanganate. Ure, 50. Xetal complexes : Analytical Applications of Com- plex Equilibria. InczCdy. (Review), 695. Metal ions : Solid-state ion-selective electrodes for -. van de Leest, 509. Metals: Determination of - by gas chromato- graphy of metal complexes. A review. Uden and Henderson, 889. Determination of - in foods. A review. Crosby, 225.Maltose: Enzymatic determination of - by Simple technique for the pyrolysis - - of poly- Metals-continued Determination of noble - in geological materials by radiochemical neutron-activation analysis. Ahmad, Ahmad and Morris, 17. Determination of several elements in lateritic ores by instrumental neutron-activation analysis. Ahmad and Morris, 395. Differential-pulse polarographic determination of heavy - released from ceramic glazes. Buldini, 921. Loss of trace elements during dehydration of marine zoological material. Fourie and Peisach, 193. Methisazone : Spectrophotometric determination of -, Devani, Shishoo and Mody, 62. Methoxsrtlen: Thin-layer chromatographic - spectro- photometric determination of - (xantho- toxin) in Ammi majus seed. Shawl and Vish- wapaul, 779.Microbiology: Biodeterioration Investigation Tech- niques. Walters . (Review), 696. Microchemistry : Microscale Manipulations in Chem- istry. Ma and Horak. (Review), 483. Milk: Rapid enzymatic determination of lactose in food products using amperometric measurement of the rate of depletion of oxygen. Cheng and Christian, 124. Use of theobromine in the determination of cocoa solids and non-fat - solids in choco- late. Pusey, 697. Minerals: Determination of silica in rocks and - by a combined gravimetric and atomic- absorption spectrophotometric procedure. Walsh, 51. Novel sampling system for the direct analysis of powders by atomic-absorption spectrometry. Fuller and Thompson, 141. Thermal Analysis of -. Todor. (Review), 888. Molecules: The Identification of Molecular Spectra.4th Edn. Pearse and Gaydon. (Review), 407. Theory and Applications of Molecular Diamag- netism. Mulay and Boudreaux. (Review), 549. Molten salts: Transport Properties of Ionic Liquids. Copeland. (Review), 549. Molybdosilicic acid : Transformation and decompo- sition of 8-. Truesdale, Smith and Smith, 73. Monensin : Microbiological assay of - in animal feeds and pre-mixes. Analytical Methods Committee. Antibiotics in Animal Feeding- stuffs Sub-committee, 206. N Naphthas: Determination of total sulphur in -. Fernhdez, Rocha, Rufino and Garcia Luis, 414. Neutron-activation analysis: See under Radio- activation analysis. Nickel ores: Determination of noble metals in geological materials by radiochemical neutron- activation analysis. Ahmad, Ahmad and Morris, 17.Determination of several elements in lateritic ores by instrumental neutron-activation analy- sis. Ahmad and Morris, 395. Nicotinic acid : Liquid-membrane ion-selective elec- trode using nicotinate. Campanella, De Angelis, Ferri and Gozzi, 723.Niobium : Ion-exchange separation and spectro- photometric determination of trace amounts of - in silicate rocks. Mazzucotelli, Frache, Dadone and Baffi, 825. Spectrophotometric determination of - and germanium in superconducting “Nb ,Ge” sputtered films. Bodkin and Rogowski, 110. Nitrate: Comparison between an ultraviolet spectro- photometric procedure and the 2,4-xylenol method for the determination of - in groundwaters of low salinity. Miles and Espejo, 104. Determination by reduction to ammonia and gas-phase ultraviolet absorption spectrometry. Cresser, 99.Flow injection analysis of environmental samples for - using an ion-selective electrode. Hansen, Ghose and RbiiCka, 705. Rapid determination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in fertilisers by flow injection analy- sis. Hansen, Krug, Ghose and RbiiCka, 714. Nitrite: Elimination of sulphite interference in the spectrophotometric determination of -. Lew, 476. Nitrites: Rapid spectrophotometric micro-deter- mination of - in water. Gabbay, Almog, Davidson and Donagi, 371. Nitrogen: Chart recorder control for - -15 deter- mination with an emission spectrometer. Skerrett and Lloyd- Jones, 969. Determination of ammoniacal - in fertilisers by molccular emission cavity analysis. Belcher, Bogdanski, Calokerinos and Townshend, 220.Determination of - - 15 by emission spectro- metry: procedure for use with small amounts of - . Lloyd-Jones, Adam, Hudd and Hill-Cottingham, 473. Nuclear magnetic resonance: See Spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance. Nystatin: Assay of - based on the measurement of potassium released from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Ndzinge, Peters and Thomas, 328. Microbiological assay of the polyene antifungal antibiotics amphotericin B, candicidin and -. Thomas and Peters, 333. 0 Oceanography: Analytical Methods in --. Gibb. (Review), 70. Oestrogens: Spectrophotometric determination of some __ using sodium hexanitritocobaltate- (111). Korany, Abdel-Salam and Wahbi, 683. Olefins : Determination of diolefins in olefinic cracked hydrocarbon products : determination of model compounds.Saxena and Bhattacha- ryya, 878. Optoacoustic effect : Thermal diff usivity and thick- ness measurements for solid samples utilising the -. Adams and Kirkbright, 678. Organic analysis : A Laboratory Manual of Quali- tative -. Openshaw. (Review), 151. Handbook of Analysis of Organic Solvents. Sedivec and Flek. (Review), 223. Organic Functional Group Analysis by Gas Chromatography. Ma and Ladas. (Review), 149. Organic bases: Acetylation as a means of end-point indication in the catalytic thermometric Organic compounds: Historical survey of the uses of - as reagents in analytical chemistry. Stephen, 793. Identification and Analysis of Organic Pollutants in Water. Keith. (Review), 989. Struktur und Absorptionsspektroskopie Organi- scher Naturstoffe.Kraft. (Review), 482. Tabellen zur Structuraufklarung organischer Ver- bindungen mit specktroskopischen Methoden. Pretsch, Clerk, Seibl and Simon. (Review), 551. Organochlorine compounds: Method for the extrac- tion of - from quail eggs. Wardall, 54. Oxygen : Vessel for sampling liquefied anhydrous ammonia for subsequent trace ~ determi- nation. Hunt, 846. P PHTTT : See Thiazolidine-2-thione, 3-propyl-5- hydroxyd-D-a~al,ino-tetrahydroxybutyl-3-. Palladium : A selective reagent for the spectrophoto- metric determination of -. Corigliano, Di Pasquale and Ranieri, 25. Determination of noble metals in geological materials by radiochemical neutron-activation analysis. Ahmad, Ahmad and Morris, 17. Particle size analysis: Applications of - in the pharmaceutical industry.Orr and Spence, 466. Penicillin, phenoxymethyl-: Spectrophotometric method for the specific determination of -. Hughes and Popplestone, 759. Pesticides: See also Fungicides; Herbicides. Analytical Chemistry of the Condensed Phos- phates. Greenfield and Clift. (Review), 407. Determination of residues of organophosphorus - in fruits and vegetables. Committee for Analytical Methods for Residues of Pesticides and Veterinary Products in Foodstuffs, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 858. Method for the extraction of organochlorine compounds from quail eggs. Wardall, 54. Petroleum products : Determination of total sulphur in naphthas. FernAndez, Rocha, Rufino and Garcia Luis, 414. Pharmaceutical analysis: Applications of particle size analysis in the pharmaceutical industry.Orr and Spence, 466. Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 3rd Edn. Part 1. General Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Part 2. Physical Methods of Analysis, Beckett and Stenlake. (Review), 147. Deasy and Timoney. (Review), 547. Pharmaceutical preparations: Determination of (-J-)-tram-sobrerol in - by gas - liquid chromatography. Fkbregas, 777. Use of the silver electrode in the potentiometric determination of quaternary ammonium com- pounds. Pinzauti and La Porta, 938. Phenelzine: Indirect determination of __ in urine. Caddy and Stead, 42. Phenobarbitone: Simultaneous determination of -, primidone and phenytoin in small sam- ples of blood by gas - liquid chromatography. Bruce and Smith, 35. Phenol, t-butyl-4-methoxy-: See Butylated hydroxy- The Quality Control of Medicines.INDEX TO VOLUME 102 xxi I titration of -. Greenhow, 584. anisole.xxii THE ANALYST Phenytoin : Simultaneous determination of pheno- barbitone, primidone and - in small samples of blood by gas - liquid chromatography. Bruce and Smith, 35. Phloroglucinol: Spectrophotometric determination of pyrocatechol, resorcinol and - with potassium iodate in dilute nitric acid. Beg, Usmani and Shukla, 306. Phosphate : Rapid determination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in fertilisers by flow injection analysis. Hansen, Krug, Ghose and RBiiCka, 714. Phosphates: Analytical Chemistry of the Condensed -. Greenfield and Clift. (Review), 407. Phosphorus: Determination of - in steel by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with electrothermal atomisation. Whiteside and Price, 618.Physics: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and - 1976-1977. 57th Edn. Weast. (Review), 316. Piperazine : Determination of - in solutions containing 1,1,4,4-tetramethylpiperaziniurn di- iodide, thiamine and pyridoxine. Kondos, 59. Plant(s) : Chart recorder control for nitrogen-15 determination with an emission spectrometer. Skerrett and Lloyd- Jones, 969. Determination of arsenic in soil and - materials by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with electrothermal atomisation. Thompson and Thoresby, 9. Determination of nitrogen- 15 by emission spectro- metry: procedure for use with small amounts of nitrogen. Lloyd-Jones, Adam, Hudd and Hill-Cottingham, 473. Determination of selenium in blood and - material by hydride generation and atomic- absorption spectroscopy. Clinton, 187.Effect of different sample preparation methods on the atomic-absorption spectrophotometric determination of calcium in - material. Adrian and Stevens, 446. Rapid determination of sulphate in natural waters and ~ digests by continuous flow injection turbidimetry. Krug, Filho, Zagatto and Jlargensen, 503. Platinum : Determination of noble metals in geo- logical materials by radiochemical neutron- activation analysis. Ahmad, Ahmad and Morris, 17. Plutonium: Simultaneous determination of - alpha- and beta-activity in liquid eftluents and environmental samples. Hands and Conway, 934. Poisons : Practical Clinical Biochemistry. 5th Edn, Vol. 2. Hormones, Vitamins and -. Varley, Gowenlock and Bell. (Review), 884. Polarography : Polarographic study of certain progestogens and their determination in oral contraceptive tablets by differential pulse -.Chatten, Yadav, Binnington and Moskalyk, 323. Pollution: Atmospheric -. Proceedings of the 12th International Colloquium, Paris, France, May 5-7, 1976. Benarie. (Review), 987. Strategies for Marine - Monitoring. Goldberg. (Review), 486. Polymers: Simple technique for the pyrolysis - mass spectrometry of polymeric materials. Hughes, Wheals and Whitehouse, 143. Poly(propy1ene glycol) : Alkali and alkaline earth metal-ion adducts of - as sensors for ion- selective electrodes. Jaber, Moody and Thomas, 943. Polyurethane : Method for the separation of antim- ony(II1) from antimony(V) using - foam. Valente and Bowen, 842. Pols (vinyl chloride) : Determination of cyclo- hexanone in intravenous solutions stored in PVC bags by gas chromatography.Ulsaker and Korsnes, 882. Potassium: Rapid determination of nitrogen, phosphorus and - in fertilisers by flow injection analysis. Hansen, Krug, Ghose and R%iiCka, 714. Powders: Novel sampling system for the direct analysis of - by atomic absorption spectro- metry. Fuller and Thompson, 141. Primidone: Simultaneous determination of pheno- barbitone, - and phenytoin in small samples of blood by gas - liquid chromatography. Bruce and Smith, 35. Probes: Limits of detection of gas-sensing -. Bailey and Riley, 213. Progestogens: Polarographic study of certain - and their determination in oral contraceptive tablets by differential pulse polarography. Chatten, Yadav, Binnington and Moskalyk, 323.Propellants: The Analysis of Rocket -. Malone. (Review), 99 1. Prophylactics: Determination of pyrimethamine, ethopabate and sulphaquinoxaline in poultry feedingstuffs by high-performance liquid chromatography using a weak cation-exchange column packing. Cox and Sugden, 29. Pyrimethamine : Determination of -, ethopabate and sulphaquinoxaline in poultry feeding- stuffs by high-performance liquid chromato- graphy using a weak cation-exchange column packing. Cox and Sugden, 29. Determination of - in animal feeds. Analy- tical Methods Committee, 764. Improved method for the determination of - in poultry and rabbit feedingstuffs by gas- liquid chromatography. Harris, Baker and Munday, 873. Pgrocatechol: Spectrophotometric determination of -, resorcinol and phloroglucinol with potassium iodate in dilute nitric acid.Beg, Usmani and Shukla, 306. Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography. May, Pearson and Scothern. (Review), 886. Simple technique for the -- mass spectro- metry of polymeric materials. Hughes, Wheals and Whitehouse, 143. Q Quail eggs: Method for the extraction of organo- chlorine compounds from -. Wardall, 54. Quinizarin : Identification of hydrocarbon markers in oil-polluted waters by use of column and thin-layer chromatography. Whittle, 976. B Radioactivation analysis : Analisis por Activacion Neutronica. Teoria. Pr&ctica v ADlicaciones. Titrimetric determination of residual monomers in . I L styrene - acrylonitrile copolymers. Roy, 302. Travesi. (Review), 224.INDEX TO VOLUME 102 xxiii Radioactivation analysis-continued Determination of several elements in lateritic ores by instrumental neutron activation analysis.Ahmad and Morris, 395. Proceedings of the International Nuclear and Atomic Activation Analysis Conference and 19th Annual Meeting on Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Technology, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, October, 1975. Lyon, Braun and Bujdoso. (Review), 483. Radiochemical analysis: Nuclear Methods in Phy- sical Chemistry. Braun and Bujdosb. (Review), 789. Radiochemical Methods in Analysis. Coomber. (Review), 406. Reagent(s) : A selective - for the spectrophoto- metric determination of palladium. Corigliano, Di Pasquale and Ranieri, 25. Historical survey of the uses of organic com- pounds as - in analytical chemistry. Stephen, 793. Improved method for the synthesis of 3-propyl-5- hydroxy-5-~-arabino-tetrahydroxybutyl-3- thiazolidine-2-thione (PHTTT) and its homo- logues, specific spectrophotometric - for copper.Chow, Mak and Lau, 139. Resorcinol : Spectrophotometric determination of pyrocatechol, - and phoroglucinol with potassium iodate in dilute nitric acid. Beg, Usmani and Shukla, 306. Rocks: Determination of barium in calcium car- bonate - by carbon furnace atomic-emission spectrometry. Hutton, Ottaway, Rains and Epstein, 429. Determination of fluorine in silicates by use of an ion-selective electrode following fusion with lithium metaborate. Bodkin, 409. Determination of noble metals in geological materials by radiochemical neutron-activation analysis. Ahmad, Ahmad and Morris, 17. Determination of silica in - and minerals by a combined gravimetric and atomic-absorption spectrophotometric procedure.Walsh, 51. Determination of trace amounts of cerium in silicate - based on its candoluminescence in a calcium oxide based matrix. Belcher, Nasser, Polo-Diez and Townshend, 39 1. Dissolution of mercury(I1) sulphide by digestion with sulphuric acid - nitric acid and oxidation with potassium permanganate. Ure, 50. Interferences in the determination of titanium in silicate - and minerals by flame atomic- absorption spectrophotometry. Walsh, 972. Ion-exchange separation and spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of niobium in silicate -. Mazzucotelli, Frache, Dadone and Baffi, 825. Novel sampling system for the direct analysis of powders by atomic-absorption spectrometry.Fuller and Thompson, 141. Rapid thermal-decomposition technique for the atomic-absorption determination of mercury in -, soils and sediments. Nicholson, 399. Ronidazole: Determination of - in pig and turkey feedingstuffs by gas - liquid chromato- graphy. Harris, Baker and Alliston, 580. Ruthenium: Determination of - in biological material by atomic-absorption spectrophoto- metry using electrothermal atomisation. Me- garrity and Siebert, 95. S Saccharin: Determination of - in soft drinks by a spectrophotometric method. Tanaka, Nose, Suzuki, Kobayashi and Watanabe, 367. Safety: Hazards in the Chemical Laboratory. 2nd Edn. Muir. (Review), 994. Laboratory - Handbook. Sanderson Chemical Consultants Ltd. (Review), 487. Sapogenin : Spectrophotometric method for the determination of total steroidal -.Baccou, Lambert and Sauvaire, 458. Scintillation counting: Liquid -. Vol. 4. Crook and Johnson. (Review), 996. Selenium: Determination of - in blood and plant material by hydride generation and atomic- absorption spectroscopy. Clinton, 187. Separation methods in Biochemistry. Morris and Morris. (Review), 3 16. Membrane Separation Processes. Meares. (Re- view), 790. New Developments in -. Grushka. (Review), 622. Sewage: Improved method for the determination of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid in aqueous environmental samples by gas - liquid chroma- tography. Gardiner, 120. Silage: See also Feeding-stuffs. Sources of interference in the determination of lactic acid in -. Wilson and Terry, 218. Silica: Determination of - in rocks and minerals by a combined gravimetric and atomic- absorption spectrophotometric procedure.Walsh, 51. -ceramic and geo- Silicate (s) : Analysis of - chemical. A review. Bennett, 153. Determination of fluorine in - by use of an ion-selective electrode following fusion with lithium metaborate. Bodkin, 409. Interferences in the determination of titanium in - rocks and minerals by flame atomic- absorption spectrophotometry. Walsh, 972. Ion-exchange separation and spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of niobium in - rocks. Mazzucotelli, Frache, Dadone and Baffi, 825. Siliceous materials : General method for the analysis of - by atomic-absorption spectrophoto- metry and its application to macro- and micro- samples. Price and Whiteside, 664.Silicon: General method for the analysis of siliceous materials by atomic-absorption spectrophoto- metry and its application to macro- and micro- samples. Price and Whiteside, 664. Slag( s) : Determination of divalent and hexavalent chromium in -. Marston and Knight, 745. Determination of fluoride in steelworks materials with a fluoride ion-selective electrode. Boni- face and Jenkins. Sobrerol: Determination of (&)-trans- - in pharmaceutical preparations by gas - liquid chromatography. Fiibregas, 777. Sodium: Comparison of two different types of - standards for electron-probe analysis of soft tissue. Ingram, Spurr and Ingram, 515. Sodium hexanitritocobaltate(lII) : Spectrophoto- metric determination of some oestrogens using -. Korany, Abdel-Salam and Wahbi, 683.Soil(s) : Automatic determination of sulphate in water samples and - extracts containingxxiv THE ANALYST Soil (s) --continued large amounts of humic compounds. Ogner and Haugen, 453. Determination of arsenic in - and plant materials by atomic-absorption spectrophoto- metry with electrothermal atomisation. Thompson and Thoresby, 9. Determination of residues of substituted phenyl- urea herbicides in grain, - and river water by use of liquid chromatography. Fmington, Hopkins and Ruzicka, 377. Determination of residues of the herbicides bromacil, lenacil and terbacil in - by gas chromatography. Caverly and Denney, 576. Dissolution of mercury(I1) sulphide by digestion with sulphuric acid - nitric acid and oxidation with potassium permanganate. Ure, 50. Flow injection analysis of environmental samples for nitrate using an ion-selective electrode.Hansen, Ghose and RbiiEka, 705. Novel sampling system for the direct analysis of powders by atomic-absorption spectrometry. Fuller and Thompson, 141. Rapid thermal-decomposition technique for the atomic-absorption determination of mercury in rocks, - and sediments. Nicholson, 399. Solid samples: Determination of bismuth in steels and cast irons by atomic-absorption spectro- photometry with an induction furnace : direct analysis of -. Andrews and Headridge, 436. NMR. Basic Principles and Progress. Vol. 11. High Resolution NMR Spectroscopy in solids. Mehring. (Review), 408. Optoacoustic spectrometry of solid materials : effect of the filler gas on the observed signal. Eaton and Stuart, 531.Thermal diff usivity and thickness measurements for - utilising the optoacoustic effect. Adams and Kirkbright, 678. Solvents: Handbook of Analysis of Organic -. Sedivec and Flek. (Review), 223. Raman peaks in synchronously excited emission spectra as a reference for purity of fluorescence- grade -. Lloyd, 782. Spectra: Emission - of molecules observed during carbon furnace atomisation. Hutton, Ottaway, Epstein and Rains, 658. Raman peaks in synchronously excited emission - as a reference for purity of fluorescence- grade solvents. Lloyd, 782. Tabellen zur Structuraufklarung organischer Verbindungen mit specktroskopischen Metho- den. Pretsch, Clerk, Seibl and Simon. (Re- view), 551. The Identification of Molecular -. 4th Edn. Pearse and Gaydon. (Review), 407.Spectrofluorirnetry : Raman peaks in synchronously excited emission spectra as a reference for purity of fluorescence-grade solvents. Lloyd, 782. Spectrometer : Analytical optoacoustic spectrometry. Part IV. A double-beam optoacoustic - for use with solid and liquid samples in the ultra- violet, visible and near-infrared regions of the spectrum. Adams, Beadle and Kirkbright, 569. Chart recorder control for nitrogen- 15 deter- mination with an emission -. Skerrett and Lloyd- Jones, 969. Spectrometry: Analysis of copper-base alloys by emission - using the glow-discharge source. Kruger, Butler, Liebenberg and Bohmer, 949. Spectrometry-continued Application of the inverse Zeeman effect to background correction in electrothermal atomic absorption analysis.Grassam, Dawson and Ellis, 804. Background emission in carbon furnace atomic- emission -. Littlejohn and Ottaway, 553. Electrothermal Atomization for Atomic Absorp- tion Spectrometry. Fuller. (Review), 621. Novel sampling system for the direct analysis of powders by atomic-absorption -. Fuller and Thompson, 141. Rapid versatile method for determining mercury at sub-nanogram levels by cold-vapour atomic- absorption spectroscopy. Simpson and Nick- less, 86. Use of hydrogen to reduce molecular oxide emis- sion interference in carbon furnace atomic- emission -. Ottaway and Hutton, 785. Spectrometry, molecular-emission: Determination of ammoniacal nitrogen in fertilisers by mole- cular emission cavity analysis. Belcher, Bogdanski, Calokerinos and Townshend, 220. Spectrometry, optoacoustic : Analytical -.Part 111. The optoacoustic effect and thermal diff usivity. Adams and Kirkbright, 281. Analytical -. Part IV. A double-beam opto- acoustic spectrometer for use with solid and liquid samples in the ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared regions of the spectrum. Adams, Beadle and Kirkbright, 569. of solid materials: effect of the filler gas on the observed signal. Eaton and Stuart, 531. Spectroscopy: Advances in Infrared and Raman -. Vol. 2. Clark and Hester. (Review), 407. Analytical Atomic -. Schrenk. (Review), 145. Annual Reports on Analytical Atomic -, Re- viewing 1975. Vol. 5. Fuller. (Review), 406. Atomic Absorption - . 2nd Edn. Welz. (Review), 986. XVIII Colloquium Spectroscopicurn Internation- ale. Plenary Lectures Presented a t the XVIII Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, Grenoble, France, 15-19 Sept., 1975.Robin. (Review), 995. Electron Spin Double Resonance -. Kevan and Kispert . (Review), 482. Flameless Atomic Absorption Analysis : An Update. American Society for Testing and Materials. (Review), 792. Fluorescence and Phosphorescence - ; Physi- cochemical Principles and Practice. Schulman. (Review), 985. Modern Fluorescence -. Vol. 1 and 2. Wehry. (Review), 3 17. Modern Optical Methods of Analysis. Olsen. (Review), 147. Nomenclature, Symbols, Units and Their Usage in Spectrochemical Analysis. 11. Data Inter- pretation (Rules Approved 1975). 111. Analy- tical Flame - and Associated Non-Flame Procedures (Rules Approved 1975). Inter- national Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Division Commission on Spectrochemical and Other Optical Pro- cedures for Analysis.(Review), 987. Struktur und Absorptionsspektroskopie Organi- scher Naturstoffe. Kraft. (Review), 482.INDEX TO VOLUME 102 xxv Spec~oscop y-continued Trace analysis. Spectroscopic Methods for Elements. Winefordner. (Review), 145. Wilson and Wilson’s Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. VI. Analytical Infrared -. Svehla. (Review), 146. Wilson and Wilson’s Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. VIII. Enzyme Electrodes in hnalytical Chemistry, Molecular Fluorescence, Photometric Titrations, Analytical Appli- cations of Interferometry. Svelha. (Review), 988. Spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance : Fourier Transform NMR Techniques : A Practical Approach. Miillen and Pregosin.(Review), 695. Identification of environmental polynuclear aro- matic hydrocarbons by pulse Fourier-transform 1H -. Bartle, Lee and Novotny, 731. NMR. Basic Principles and Progress. Vol. 11. High Resolution NMR Spectroscopy in Solids. Mehring. (Review), 408. NMR. Basic Principles and Progress. Vol. 12. Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine NMR. Physico- chemical and Biological Applications. Lind- man and ForsCn. (Review), 408. NMR. Basic Principles and Progress. Vol. 13. Introductory Essays. Pintar. (Review), 482. Stabilisers: Effects of emulsifiers and - on the determination of salt in meat products. Kapel, Fry, Manii and Shelton, 534. Starch: Examination and Analysis of - and - Products. Radley. (Review), 320. Steel(s): Determination of bismuth in - and cast irons by atomic-absorption spectrophoto- metry with an induction furnace: direct analysis of solid samples.Andrews and Head- ridge, 436. Determination of carbon in iron and - by an air-combustion method. Clarke, 135. Determination of fluoride in - works materials with a fluoride ion-selective electrode. Boniface and Jenkins, 739. Determination of phosphorus in - by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry with electro- thermal atomisation. Whiteside and Price, 618. Determination of tin in plain carbon, stainless and high-speed - by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with electrothermal atomi- sation. Del Monte Tamba and Luperi, 489. Steroids: Chromatography of -. Heftmann. (Review), 886. Colorimetric and Fluorimetric Analysis of -. Bartos and Pesez.(Review), 995. Strontium: Emission spectra of molecules observed during carbon furnace atomisation. Hutton, Ottaway, Epstein and Rains, 658. Styrene : Titrimetric determination of residual monomers in - - acrylonitrile copolymers. Roy, 302. Succinimide, N-bromo- : Determination of acridine dyes with - in acetic acid medium. Singh, Gopal and Pande, 978. Sugars: Determination of reducing - in honey, marmalades and fruit juices using a copper ion-selective electrode. Papastathopoulos, Nikolelis and Hadjiioannou, 852. Quantitative determination of - in foodstuffs by high-performance liquid chromatography. Hunt, Jackson, Mortlock and Kirk, 917. Sulfanitran: Determination of - in animal feeds and pre-mixes. Analytical Methods Committee, 869. Sulphaquinoxaline: Determination of pyrimetha- mine, ethopabate and - in poultry feeding stuffs by high-performance liquid chromato- graphy using a weak cation-exchange column packing.Cox and Sugden, 29. Sulphate: Automatic determination of - in water samples and soil extracts containing large amounts of humic compounds. Ogner and Haugen, 453. Rapid determination of - in natural waters and plant digests by continuous flow injection turbidimetry. Krug, Filho, Zagatto and Jerrgensen, 503. Sulpholene : Simple method for the titrimetric deter- mination of -. Roy, 981. Sulphur: Determination of total - in naphthas. FernAndez, Rocha, Rufino and Garcia Luis, 414. The Determination of --containing Groups. Vol. 2. Analytical Methods for Thiol Groups. Ashworth. (Review), 146. Sulphur oxides: Final Report on Interlaboratory Cooperative Study of the Precision and Accu- racy of the Determination of - in Gaseous Combustion Products (Barium Chloranilate Method) Using ASTM Method D 3226-73T.Howes, Pesut and Foster. (Review), 789. Sulphuric acid : Spectrophotometric determination of iron(II1) in -. Budesinsky, 211. Surface chemistry: Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 3rd Edn. Adamson. (Review), 694. The Physical Basis for Heterogeneous Catalysis. Dranglis and Jaff ee . (Review), 149. T Terbacil: Determination of residues of the herbicides bromacil, lenacil and - in soils by gas chromatography. Caverly and Denney, 576. Theobromine: Use of - in the determination of cocoa solids and non-fat milk solids in choco- late. Pusey, 697. Thermal analysis of Minerals.Todor. (Review), 888. Proceedings of the First European Symposium on Wendlandt and Collins. (Review), 621. Thermal diffusivity : Analytical optoacoustic spec- trometry. Part 111. The optoacoustic effect and -. Adams and Kirkbright, 281. and thickness measurements for solid samples utilising the optoacoustic effect. Adams and Kirkbright, 678. Thiazolidine-2-thione, 3-propyl-5-hydroxs-5-D-ara- bino-tetrahydroxsbutyl-3-: Improved method for the synthesis of- (PHTTT) and its homologues, specific spectrophotometric rea- gents for copper. Chow, Mak and Lau, 139. Thiocyanate: Stability of iron(II1) - - com- plexes and the dependence of absorbance on the nature of the anion. Sammour, Sheglila and Aly, 180. Thiol groups: The Determination of Sulphur- containing Groups. Vol.2. Analytical Methods for -. Ashworth. (Review), 146. Thiophen-1,l-dioxide, 2,6dihydro-. See Sulpholene. -. Dollimore. (Review), 487.xxvi THE ANALYST Tin: Determination of - in plain carbon, stain- less and high-speed steels by atomic-absorp- tion spectrophotometry with electrothermal atomisation. Del Monte Tamba and Luperi, 489. Haematoxylin with quaternary ammonium salts as spectrophotometric reagents for -(IV) . Leong, 837. Titanium: Interferences in the determination of - in silicate rocks and minerals by flame atomic- absorption spectrophotometry. Walsh, 972. Spectrophotometric determination of -(IV) with haematoxylin and cetyltrimethylam- monium bromide. Leong, 293. Trace analysis: Contamination Control in Trace Element Analysis. Zief and Mitchell.(Review), 547. * Spectroscopic Methods for Elements. Wine- fordner. (Review), 145. U Units: The SI System of -, 1000. Uranium: Determination of - in natural waters by differential-pulse polarography of a tri- octylphosphine oxide extract. Deutscher and Mann, 929. Indirect determination of - by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry using an air- acetylene flame. Alder and Das, 564. Urea, allylthio- : Determination of milligram amounts of thiourea, - and phenylurea using bromine monochloride in water - acetic acid medium. ShuMa, 691. -, phenyl-: Determination of milligram amounts of thiourea, allylthiourea and - using bromine monochloride in water - acetic acid medium. Shukla, 691. Determination of residues of substituted - herbicides in grain, soil and river water by use of liquid chromatography.Farrington, Hop- kins and Ruzicka, 377. -, thio-: Determination of milligram amounts of -, allylthiourea and phenylurea using bromine monochloride in water - acetic acid medium. Shukla, 691. Uric acid. An Annotated Bibliography. Radin, Bayse, Lewis and Polk. (Review), 992. Urine: Indirect determination of phenelzine in -. Caddy and Stead, 42. Observations on the direct determination of lead in complex matrices by carbon furnace atomic- absorption spectrophotometry. Hodges, 66. Rapid determination of trichloroethanol and tri- chloroacetic acid in -. Mantel and Noth- mann, 672. V Vegetables : Determination of residues of organo- phosphorus pesticides in fruits and -. Committee for Analytical Methods for Residues of Pesticides and Veterinary Products in Foodstuffs, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 858.Vitamins : Practical Clinical Biochemistry. 5th Edn. Vol. 2. Hormones, - and Poisons. Varley, Gowenlock and Bell. (Review), 884. Volatile substances : Gas Chromatographic Head- space Analysis. Hachenberg and Schmidt. (Review), 986. Volumetric analysis, potentiometric : Experimentelle Einfiihrung in die Potentiometrie. Ebel and Parzefall. (Review), 224. W Water: A Comprehensive Treatise. Vol. 4. Aqueous Solutions of Amphiphiles and Macromolecules. Franks. (Review), 486. in iodine by infrared Determination of - spectroscopy. Farrow and Hill, 480. Water, industrial: Potentiometric system for the continuous determination of low levels of chloride in high-purity power station waters. Tomlinson and Torrance, 1.Water, natural: Automatic determination of sul- phate in water samples and soil extract con- taining large amounts of humic compounds. Ogner and Haugen, 453. Comparison between an ultraviolet spectrophoto- metric procedure and the 2,4-xylenol method for the determination of nitrate in ground- waters of low salinity. Miles and Espejo, 104. Determination of iodine using a kinetic method with an iodide ion-selective electrode. Altinata, Pekin and ulgii, 876. Determination of residues of substituted phenyl- urea herbicides in grain, soil and river water by use of liquid chromatography. Farrington, Hopkins and Ruzicka, 377. Determination of uranium in - by differential- pulse polarography of a trioctylphosphine oxide extract. Deutscher and Mann, 929.Estuarine Chemistry. Burton and Liss. (Review), 551. Flow injection analysis of environmental samples for nitrate using an ion-selective electrode. Hansen, Ghose and RbiiEka, 705. Identification and Analysis of Organic Pollutants in Water. Keith. (Review), 989. Identification of hydrocarbon markers in oil- polluted waters by use of column and thin- layer chromatography. Whittle, 976. Improved method for the determination of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid in aqueous environmental samples by gas - liquid chro- matography. Gardiner, 120. Kinetic micro-determination of manganese in - and of iridium, nitrilotriacetic acid and 1,2-diaminocyclohexane-NNN’N’-tetraacetic acid. Nikolelis and Hadjiioannou, 591. Method for the minimisation of matrix inter- ferences in the determination of lead and cadmium in non-saline waters by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry using electro- thermal atomisation.Thompson, Wagstaff and Wheatstone, 310. MBthodes d’hnalyse Automatique des Eaux. Warzee. (Review), 485. Rapid determination of sulphate in - and plant digests by continuous flow injection turbidimetry. Krug, Filho, Zagatto and Jargen- sen, 503. Rapid spectrophotometric micro-determination of nitrites in water. Gabbay, Almog, Davidson and Donagi, 371. -, sea- : Analytical Methods in Oceanography. Gibb. (Review), 70. Direct determination of cadmium and zinc in sea water by carbon furnace atomic-absorption spectrometry. Campbell and Ottaway, 495.INDEX TO VOLUME 102 xxvii Water, sea-continued Y Methods Of seawater Grasshoff * (Re- Ytterbium sulphide: Determination of the rate of view), 791.Goldberg. (Review), 486. Ottaway, 393. hydrolysis of - films by carbon furnace Strategies for Marine Pollution Monitoring. atomic-emission spectrometry. Littlejohn and z Zeeman effect: Application of the inverse - to background correction in electrothermal - atomic-absorDtion analvsis. Grassam. Dawson 2L and Ellis, 80i. Xanthates: Identification and determination of Zinc: Direct determination of cadmium and - in alkyl xanthate mixtures. Hasty, 519. sea water by carbon furnace atomic-absorption spectrometry. Campbell and Ottaway, 495. Xanthotoxin. See Methoxsalen. BOOK REVIEWS Adamson. Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 3rd Edn, 694. American Society for Testing and Materials. Flame- less Atomic Absorption Analysis : An Update, 792.- Bibliography on Liquid Exclusion Chromato- graphy (Gel Permeation Chromatography) 1972- 1975, 991. Ashworth. The Determination of Sulphur-contain- ing Groups. Vol. 2. Analytical Methods for Thiol Groups, 146. Bailey. Analysis with Ion-selective Electrodes, 788. Bartos and Pesez. Colorimetric and Fluorimetric Analysis of Steroids, 995. Beckett . and Stenlake. Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 3rd Edn. Part 1. General Pharma- ceutical Chemistry. Part 2. Physical Methods of Analysis, 147. Beech. Fortran IV in Chemistry. An Introduction to Computer-assisted Methods, 72. Benarie. Atmospheric Pollution. Proceedings of the 12th International Colloquium, Paris, France, May 5-7, 1976, 987. Braun and Bujdoso. Nuclear Methods in Physical Chemistry, 789.Bridges and Chasseaud. Progress in Drug Meta- bolism. Vol. l, 71. Burton and Liss. Estuarine Chemistry, 551. Catsimpoolas. Isoelectric Focusing, 622. Chapman. Understanding and Optimising Electron Microscope Performance, 70. Christian. Analytical Chemistry. 2nd Edn, 989. Clark and Hester. Advances in Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy. Vol. 2, 407. Combs, Sims and Martin. Analysis Instrumentation. Vol. 14, 994. Coomber. Radiochemical Methods in Analysis, 406. Copeland. Transport Properties of Ionic Liquids, 549. Crook and Johnson. Liquid Scintillation Counting. Vol. 4, 996. Dawson. Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry and its Applications, 624. Deasy and Timoney. The Quality Control of Medi- cines, 547. Deyl and Kopeck$. Bibliography of Liquid Column Chromatography 1971-1973 and Survey of Applications, 992.Dixon, Gray, Lim and Stoll. High Pressure Liquid Chromatography in Clinical Chemistry, 151. Dollimore. Proceedings of the First European Symposium on Thermal Analysis. ESTA 1, 487. Dranglis and Jaffee. The Physical Basis for Hetero- geneous Catalysis, 149. Ebel and Parzefall. Experimentelle Einfuhrung in die Potentiometrie, 224. Everaerts, Beckers and Verheggen. Isotachophore- sis. Theory, Instrumentation and Applications, 887. Ewing. Topics in Chemical Instrumentation. 11, 993. Franks. Water. A Comprehensive Treatise. Vol. 4. Aqueous Solutions of Amphiphiles and Macro- molecules, 486. Frigerio and Castagnoli. Advances in Mass Spectro- metry in Biochemistry and Medicine. Vol. 1, 788. Fuller. Annual Reports on Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy, Reviewing 1975. Vol.5, 406. - Electrothermal Atomization for Atomic Absorp- tion Spectrometry, 62 1. Gautier, Malangeau and Pellerin. Actualit& de Chimie Analytique, Organique, Pharmaceutique et Bromatologique. 24e Sdrie, 223. Gibb. Analytical Methods in Oceanography, 70. Glick. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. 23, Goldberg. Strategies for Marine Pollution Moni- Grasshoff. Methods of Seawater Analysis, 791. Greenfield and Clift. Analytical Chemistry of the Grushka. New Developments in Separation Hachenberg and Schmidt, Gas Chromatographic Harrigan and McCance. Laboratory Methods in Hawley. The Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 9th Heftmann. Chromatography of Steroids, 886. Howes, Pesut and Foster. Final Report on Inter- laboratory Cooperative Study of the Precision and Accuracy of the Determination of Sulfur Oxides in Gaseous Combustion Products (Barium Chloranilate Method) Using ASTM Method D Incz6dy.Analytical Applications of Complex Equilibria, 695. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Analytical Chemistry Division Commission on Spectrochemical and Other Optical Procedures for Analysis. Nomenclature, Symbols, Units and Their Usage in Spectrochemical Analysis. 11. 623. toring, 486. Condensed Phosphates, 407. Methods, 622. Headspace Analysis, 986. Food and Dairy Microbiology, 694. Edn, 996. 3226-73T, 789.xxviii THE ANALYST Data Interpretation (Rules Approved 1975). 111. Analytical Flame Spectroscopy and Associated Non-Flame Procedures (Rules Approved 1975), 987.- Analytical Chemistry Division Commission on Analytical Nomenclature. Recommendations for Nomenclature of Ion-selective Electrodes. (Re- commendations 1975), 987. - Analytical Chemistry Division Commission on Electroanalytical Chemistry. Classification and Nomenclature of Electroanalytical Techniques (Rules Approved 1975), 987. Keith. Identification and Analysis of Organic Pollutants in Water, 989. Kevan and Kispert. Electron Spin Double Re- sonance Spectroscopy, 482. Kolthoff, Elving and Stross. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Part 111. Analytical Chemistry in Industry. Vol. 3, 884. Kraft. Struktur und Absorptionsspektroskopie Organischer Naturstoffe, 482. Lakshminarayanaiah. Membrane Electrodes, 319. Lawrence and Frei. Chemical Derivatization in Liquid Chromatography, 318.Lindman and Forsh. NMR. Basic Principles and Progress. Vol. 12. Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine NMR. Physico-chemical and Biological Appli- cations, 408. Lyon, Braun and Bujdos6. Proceedings of the International Nuclear and Atomic Activation Analysis Conference and 19th Annual Meeting on Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Technology, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, October, 1975, 483. Ma and Horak. Microscale Manipulations in Chemistry, 483. - and Ladas. Organic Functional Group Analysis by Gas Chromatography, 149. Macek, Hais, Kopeck$, Schwarz, GaspariE and ChurbEek. Bibliography of Paper and Thin- layer Chromatography 1970-1973 and Survey of Applications, 70. Machtinger and Rossett. Cours de Chimie Analyti- que GCnCrale. Tome IV. Exercices, 484. Malone. The Analysis of Rocket Propellants, 991.Masada. Analysis of Essential Oils by Gas Chroma- tography and Mass Spectrometry, 550. May, Pearson and Scothern. Pyrolysis-Gas Chro- matography, 886. Meares. Membrane Separation Processes, 790. Mehring. NMR. Basic Principles and Progress. Vol. 11. High Resolution NMR Spectroscopy in Solids, 408. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Food Additives and Contaminants Committee Review of the Lead in Food Regulations 1961, 72. - Survey of Lead in Food: First Supplementary Report. Working Party on the Monitoring of Foodstuffs for Heavy Metals Fifth Report, 72. - Food Quality and Safety: A Century of Progress, 985. Morris and Morris. Separation Methods in Bio- chemistry. 2nd Edn, 316, Muir. Hazards in the Chemical Laboratory. 2nd Edn, 994.Mulay and Boudreaux. Theory and Applications of Molecular Diamagnetism, 549. Miillen and Pregosin. Fourier Transform NMR Techniques : A Practical Approach, 695. RovSk. Quantitative Analysis by Gas Chromato- graphy, 150. Olsen. Modern Optical Methods of Analysis, 147. Openshaw. A Laboratory Manual of Qualitative Organic Analysis, 151. Parris. Instrumental Liquid Chromatography. A Practical Manual on High-performance Liquid Chromatographic Methods, 319. Pearse and Gaydon. The Identification of Molecular Spectra. 4th Edn, 407. Pearson. The Chemical Analysis of Foods. 7th Edn, 548. Pecsok, Shields, Cairns and McWilliam. Modern Methods of Chemical Analysis. 2nd Edn, 484. Pintar. NMR. Basic Principles and Progress. Vol. 13. Introductory Essays, 482. Pretsch, Clerk, Seibl and Simon. Tabellen zur Structuraufklarung organischer Verbindungen mit specktroskopischen Methoden, 551. Radin, Bayse, Lewis and Polk. Uric acid. An Annotated Bibliography, 992. - Polk, Richardson and Lewis. Glucose. An Anno- tated Bibliography, 993. Radley. Examination and Analysis of Starch and Starch Products, 320. Rajcsanyi and Rajcsanyi. High-speed Liquid Chromatography, 222. Reid. Assay of Drugs and Other Trace Compounds in Biological Fluids. Methodological Develop- ments in Biochemistry, Vol. 5, 487. Robin. XVIII Colloquium Spectroscopicum Inter- nationale. Plenary Lectures Presented at the XVIII Colloquium Spectroscopicum Inter- nationale, Grenoble, France, 15-19 Sept., 1975, 995. Rosenfeld and Davis. Environmental Pollution and Carcinogenic Risks. Proceedings of a Symposium organised by IARC and the French National Institute of Health and Medical Re- search, Lyon, France, 3-5 Nov., 1975, 991. Sanderson Chemical Consultants Ltd. Laboratory Safety Handbook, 487. Sawicki and Sawicki. Aldehydes-Photometric Analysis. Vol. 4. Aldehyde Precursors: For- mation and Analysis of Aldehydes (Part 11), 790. Schrenk. Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy, 145. Schulman. Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Spectroscopy ; Physicochemical Principles and Practice, 985. Sedviec and Flek. Handbook of Analysis of Organic Solvents, 223. Simmons and Ewing. Progress in Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 8, 222. Simpson. Practical High Performance Liquid Chromatography, 151. Southgate. Determination of Food Carbohydrates, 552. Svehla. Wilson and Wilson’s Comprehensive Analy- tical Chemistry. Vol. VI. Analytical Infrared Spectroscopy, 146. - Wilson and Wilson’s Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 111. Elemental Analysis with Minute Samples. Standards and Standardisation. Separations by Liquid Amalgams. Vacuum Fusion Analysis of Gases in Metals. Electro- analysis in Molten Salts, 485. - Wilson and Wilson’s Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. VIII. Enzyme Electrodes in Analytical Chemistry, Molecular Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Photometric Titrations, Analytical Applications of Interferometry, 988. Todor. Thermal Analysis of Minerals, 888.INDEX TO VOLUME 102 xxix Travesi. Analisis por Activacion Neutronica, Teoria, PrActica y Aplicaciones, 224. Turner. Analytical Biochemistry of Insects, 990. Varley, Gowenlock and Bell. Practical Clinical Bio- chemistry. 5th Edn. Vol. 2. Hormones, Vitamins and Poisons, 884. Vydra, Stulik and JulAkovB. Electrochemical Stripping Analysis, 885. Walters. Biodeterioration Investigation Tech- niques, 696. Warzee. Mdthodes d’ Analyse Automatique des Eaux, 485. Weast. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 1976-1977. 57th Edn, 316. Weetall and Suzuki. Immobilized Enzyme Tech- nology. Research and Applications, 486. Wehry. Modern Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Vol. 1 Welz. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. 2nd Edn, Wendlandt and Collins. Thermal Analysis, 621. West. International Review of Science. Physical Chemistry Series Two. Vol. 13. Analytical Chemistry, Part 2, 318. Winefordner. Trace analysis. Spectroscopic Methods for Elements, 145. Wiseman. Topics in Enzyme and Fermentation Biotechnology 1, 550. Zief and Mitchell. Contamination Control in Trace Element Analysis, 547. Zlatkis and Kaiser. HPTLC : High Performance Thin-layer Chromatography, 552. and 2, 317. 986. ERRATUM: Vol. 101, 1976: pp. v and 803, paper by H. Bennett and G. J. Oliver, synopsis, lines 7 and 8: For “A 1 + 4 mixture of metaborate and tetraborate” read “A 1 + 4 mixture of tetraborate and metaborate”.INDEX TO VOLUME 102 xxix Travesi. Analisis por Activacion Neutronica, Teoria, PrActica y Aplicaciones, 224. Turner. Analytical Biochemistry of Insects, 990. Varley, Gowenlock and Bell. Practical Clinical Bio- chemistry. 5th Edn. Vol. 2. Hormones, Vitamins and Poisons, 884. Vydra, Stulik and JulAkovB. Electrochemical Stripping Analysis, 885. Walters. Biodeterioration Investigation Tech- niques, 696. Warzee. Mdthodes d’ Analyse Automatique des Eaux, 485. Weast. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 1976-1977. 57th Edn, 316. Weetall and Suzuki. Immobilized Enzyme Tech- nology. Research and Applications, 486. Wehry. Modern Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Vol. 1 Welz. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. 2nd Edn, Wendlandt and Collins. Thermal Analysis, 621. West. International Review of Science. Physical Chemistry Series Two. Vol. 13. Analytical Chemistry, Part 2, 318. Winefordner. Trace analysis. Spectroscopic Methods for Elements, 145. Wiseman. Topics in Enzyme and Fermentation Biotechnology 1, 550. Zief and Mitchell. Contamination Control in Trace Element Analysis, 547. Zlatkis and Kaiser. HPTLC : High Performance Thin-layer Chromatography, 552. and 2, 317. 986. ERRATUM: Vol. 101, 1976: pp. v and 803, paper by H. Bennett and G. J. Oliver, synopsis, lines 7 and 8: For “A 1 + 4 mixture of metaborate and tetraborate” read “A 1 + 4 mixture of tetraborate and metaborate”.
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