T H E ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY ~- VOL. so 1955 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W . HEFFER & S O N S , LTD. 4, PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLANDT H E ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY ~- VOL. so 1955 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W . HEFFER & S O N S , LTD. 4, PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLANDE ANALYST President of the Society K. A. W I m = \ m , P,.SC., Ph.l>., F.K.I.C., A.1nst.P Hon. Secretary of the Society T\T. I>. A \ ~ . ~ . ~ w ~ ~ ~ , F.R.1.C. Hon. Treasurer of the Society J . H. HAMENCE, M.SC., Ph.D., F.K.I.('. Hon. Assistant Secretary of the Society R.E. STI-CKEY, B.Sc., Ph.I)., F.R.I.C., F.P.S. Advisory Editor I-. L. OKELL, F.R.T.C. Assistant Editor N. (-. Frix~c~sE ANALYST President of the Society K. A. W I m = \ m , P,.SC., Ph.l>., F.K.I.C., A.1nst.P Hon. Secretary of the Society T\T. I>. A \ ~ . ~ . ~ w ~ ~ ~ , F.R.1.C. Hon. Treasurer of the Society J . H. HAMENCE, M.SC., Ph.D., F.K.I.('. Hon. Assistant Secretary of the Society R. E. STI-CKEY, B.Sc., Ph.I)., F.R.I.C., F.P.S. Advisory Editor I-. L. OKELL, F.R.T.C. Assistant Editor N. (-. Frix~c~sINDEX TO VOLUME 80 INDEX TO NAMES * Denotcs authors of original papers and notes that lia\-e betm published in l ‘ k e Analyst. A .ams, C. A. Iievien- of Christopher and Dunn’s Sficcicil I;cd~i,aI I.’ood mid Dwgs Laws, 707. Review of (’urrnn’s C ~ i i n d n ’ s Food a?zd Urly; Lnws, 320.lieview of Il-e11gar, Sin- and Kale’s Iudinn Food Lnzas, 708. I<eview o f T’ernoii and lkpciv’s Gzii crnl Sftrte I;ood t l l l d 1)/.145 I.tiLiS, 707. lams, R. Organic I<cactions. 1‘01. V I I I . (Pub- lication rcccived), 407; (I<eview), 636. - Symposium. ?tlar\*el, 13rotle, Johnson, McElvain, Shriner, Stanley and \Tolwiler. (l’ublication received), S 4 T . hrens, L. H. J3u:iii titatixve Spectrochcmical Analy- sis of Silicatcs. (Publication received), 160; (Jievicw), 8-1-6. .llport, N. L,. Rtviem of Ahscns’ gziniztitnlizlc; SprL.frorheiiitctr1 A ~ i n l y s i s of Silicates, 848. - Rcvicw of Snell and Sncll’s Colovimelvic fllethods of ,-I~zalvsis. T’ol. 111, Orgmeic, I. 3rd Edn., 405; Vol. IV, O ~ ~ L I P Z ~ G , 11, 570.Alston, T., ef al. Qualitative analysis of surface- active agents, 682. ‘Andrus, S. Detning. copper in plant materials with zinc dibenzyldithiocarbarnate, 514. ”Ashton, G. C., et al. Isotope-dilution technique for detmng. benzylpenicillin in fermentation liquors, 123. Atack, F. W. Chemists’ Yearbook, 1952-54. (Publication received), 160. “Atkinson, R. H., et al. Volumetric assay of binary alloys of palladium, 838. B Bacharach, A. L. Helping medicine. Review of British lllcdical h’zr1/etiiz, Vol. 10, No. 3, Chroma- tography, 2. - Two largc molecules and their structures (insulin and cyanocobalamin), 709. Bacon, W. Obituary, 3, 327. “Baggott, E. R., et al. Separating zinc €rom cad- mium with special reference t o detmn. of zinc in cadmium metal, 53. *Bagnall, D.J. T., et al. Abnormally small freezing- point depressions of genuine milk, 623. “Bagshawe, B., et al. Barium sulphate method for dctmng. sulphur in steel, 796. *Baker, P. R. W. Micro Iijeldahl detmn. of nitro nitrogen, 481. *Bardcat, M. Z., e t - al. Titrimetric detmn. of ascorbic acid, 828; Erratum, 912. *Barnes, H. *- Sea water. (Summary), 3. *Barnett, G. A., et al. Detmng. niobium or tanta- lum in uranium- and zirconium-base alloys, 380. Bates, R. G. Electrornetric pH Determinations. Theory and Practice. (Publication received), 407 ; (Review), 779. Analysis of sea water, 573. *Baynes-Cope, A. D. Ttst for pitch and bitumen, 839. Becher, P. I ’rinciples of Emulsion Technology. (Publication received), 636. *Beet, A. E. Kjeldahl method-catalysts or oxi- dants? (Summary), 163.*Belcher, R., et al. Lktmng. sulphur in plain carbon steel, 751. - - Nclv I\.Ietliods in Analytical Cliemistry. (Pub- licntion reccived), G38. - - (,jiiant it at ire Inorganic Analysis : Laboratory Nanual. (,I ’ublication receivccl), 847. - -- Scnii-micro Quantitativc Organic Analysis. 2nd FXn. (I<eviexv), 403. Bennett, C. A., et al. Statistical ilnalysis in ChemiFtl-y and Clicmjcal Industry. (ICeview), 187. *Berman, S. S., et al. Separating rliotlium and iridium by ion cbschange, 204. Bernert, T., et al. €Ia.ndbuch dcr Mikrocheniischen Mctliotlcn. Edited by Hecllt and Zachcrl. Vol. 11. (l’ublication received), 708. Berry, A. J. 1;rom Classical to Modcrn Chcmistry. Historical Sketches. (l’uhlication received), 80. Bkzier, D., et al. Analysc Qualitative liapide des Cations. 2nd Edn.(Publication received), 322. - Rnalyse Quantitative Min6rale. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 912. - Methocles Electrochimiqnes d’ihalyse. (Pub- lication received), 160. - lhpiti Uetcn. of Cations. (Publication received), 847. “Biggs, A. I. Spectrophotometric identification and detmn. of parathion, 279. *Birk, Y., et al. Separating and detmng. acetic and lactic acids by paper partition chromato- graphy and application t o silages, 454. Bishop, E. Review of Bates’ Eleclrometric PH I)eterniinatio.tas. Thcwy aizd Practice, 779. *Blackburn, S., et al. Detmng. lanthionine in amino-acid mixtures : separating diastereoisoniers on ion-exchange resin, 875. Bladergroen, W. Einfiilirung in die Energetik und Iiinetik biologischer Vorgange.(Publication received), 488. Blinn, R. C., et al. Analysis of Insecticides and Rcaricides. (Public.ation received), 672. Block, R. J., e t al. Manual of Paper Chromato- graphy and Paper Electrophoresis. (Publication received), 407. *Bondi, A., et al. Separating and detmng. acetic and lactic acids by paper partition chromato- graphy and application to silages, 454. Bowie, J. H. Modern Apparatus for Sterilisation. (Publication received), 780. *Box, F. W., et al. Analysing phosphating prepara- tions used for protecting steel surfaces, 885. Bracken, A. Chemistry of Micro-Organisms. (Publication received), 488. *Bradley, P. M., et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of vitamin A in margarine, 429.vi INDEX TO VOLUME 80 *Bremner, J. M.¶. et al. Reduction of nitrate by ferrous hydroxide under various conditions of alkalinity, 626.Britton, H. T. S. Hydrogen Ions: Detmn. and Importance in Pure and Industrial Chemistry. Vol. I. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 912. Broda, E., et al. Handbuch der Mikrochemischen Methoden. Edited by Hecht and Zacherl. Vol. 11. (Publication received), 708. Brode, W. R., et al. Roger Adams Symposium. (Publication received), 847. * Bro-Rasmussen, F., et al. Chromatographic separation of vitamin-A-active compounds in cod-liver oil, 418. *- Detmng. vitamin A in natural products, especially cod-liver oils, 410. *Brown, E. G., et al. Absorptiometric detmn. of polyethyleneglycol mono-oleate, 755. *Bucket& J., et al. Detmng. nitrate and nitrite in soil, 141. Bullock, F. N. Techniques in Clinical Chemistry: Handbook for Medical Laboratory Technicians. (Review), 404.Burnett, G. M. High Polymers. 1701. 111.. Mechan- ism of Polymer Reactions. (Publication received), 160. "Burton, H., et al. Perchloric acid and organic perchlorates, 4. "Burton, J. D., et al. Micro-detmn. of phosphorus in organic compounds, 391. *Bush, 6. E., et al. Analysing binary molybdenum- base alloys, 536. *- Analysing phosphating preparations used for protecting steel surfaces, 885. C Cadle, R. D. Particle Size Detmn. (Publication received), 912. Campbell, A. R. Obituary, 327. Chamberlin, G. J. Colorimetric Chemical Patho- logical Estmns. using Lovibond Comparator. (Publication received), 912. Charlot, G., et al. Analyse Qualitative Rapide des Cations. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 322.- Analyse Quantitative Minerale. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 912. - MCthodes Electrochimiques d' Analyse. (Pub- lication received), 160. - Rapid Detcn. of Cations. (Publication received), 847. *Chefurka, W. Detmng. fructose by Seliwanoff reaction, 485. *Chenery, E. M. Silver cobaltinitrite detmn. of potassium, 569. Chirnside, R. C. "A rose by any other name" (papers published in The Analyst, 1905), 241. Christopher, T. W., et al. Special Federal Food and Drugs Laws. (Review), 707. Claret, P. A., et al. Experimental Chemistry, Part I. Qualitative and Volumetric Analysis. (Publication received), 672. *Clarke, P. 116. Detmng. error in slope-ratio assays arranged in randomised blocks, 396. *Clasper, M., et al. Interpolymer of nylon 6, nylon 66 and nylon PACM 6, 812.Clennell, J. E., et al. Select Methods of Metal- lurgical Analysis. 2nd Edn. (Review), 158. Clifford, J. Obituary, 637. *Clue!, M. L:, et al. Separating rhodium and iridium by ion exchange, 204. *Cldey, H. J. Detmng. potassium by pptn. as potassium tetraphenylboron and application to silicate analysis, 354. *Cochrane, A. L. Location of acid zones on E "Cocking, E. C., ef al. Detmng. amino-acids *Coldwell, B. B. Comparison of inks and wril Collett, R. L. Colman, H. G. Obituary, 327. *Colson, A. F. chromatograms, 909. ninhydrin, 209. by paper chromatography, 68. Obituary, 637, 784. Modified Menzies - Wright ebu meter for semi-micro and micro-detmn. molecular weight, 690. Fractionating and detrr corticosteroids in urine, 215. Detcng. and detmng. tr; of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial efflue and sewage.111. Examination of gawc effluents, 652. Corner, M. Review of Holness's Inorganic Qzcal tive Analysis. Semi-micro Methods, 407. *Craig, R., et al. Separating copper from cadmi by electro-deposition from ammoniacal soluti' 599. Cramer, F. Paper Chromatography. 2nd Ec Trans. by L. Richards. Cranston, 3. A. Rational Approach to Chemic Principles. 2nd Edn. (Publication receive, 847. *Crompton, T. R., et al. Detmng. benzene in crack hydrocarbons, 605. Cummins, A. E., et al. German Books on Chemic and Cognate Subjects Published 1950-19E Supplementing 2nd Edn. (Publication receivec 322. Curran,. R. E. Canada's Food and Drug Lam (Review), 320. *Cufiy, A. S. Separating phenobarbitone ar diphenylhydantoin by paper chromatograph-. 902."Cook, E. R.,. et .al. *Cooper, R. L., et al. (Review), 80. D Das, M. N., et al. Non-Aqueous Titration. (Pub lication received), 240. *Das, M. S., et al. Indirect colorimetric detmn of beryllium, 697. Daudel, P. RadioactivitC au Service de la Chimic et de 1'Industrie. (Publication received), 912. Davis, J. g. Dictionary of Dairying. 2nd Edn *de Gier, J. F., et aZ. Effect of cations on reducing sugar detmns. with Shaffer and Hartmann's 01 Somogyi's reagents, 627, Delahay, P. New Instrumental Methods in Electro- chemistry. Theory, Instrumentation and Apyli- cations to Analytical and Physical Chemistry, (Review), 572. *Dell, B., ef al. Fractionating and detmng. cortico- steroids in urine, 215, Depew, F. M., et al. General State Food and Drug Laws.(Review), 707. *Dickinson, D., et al. Calcium &tartrate in canned cherries, 706. - Laboratory Inspection of Canned and Bottled Foods. (Publication received), 780. *Diehl, H., et al. Separating copper from cadmium by electro-deposition from ammoniacal solution, 699. *Diggins, F. W. Stabilisation of ammonium pur- purate for colorimetric use, 401. *Dowdall, J. P., et al. Portable high-frequency titrimeter, 491. *DubravEi&M. Detmng. iodine in common salt by catalytic reduction of ceric ions, 146. (Pubhcation received), 488. JbravEi6, M. Uetning. iodine in natural n a t e r s tidiuni cliloride a5 rearelit in catalytic reduction .ffield, W. D., et al. Dctning. nitrate anti itrite i n soil, 111 in, C. W., et al. Special Fcdcral Food antl )rugs 1,aivs. iRe\-ien), 707.'ram, E. L., et al. Nanual of Paper Chromato- rapliy antl l'aper Electropliorcsis. (l'ublication ~ c t ~ i v e t l ) , 4Oi. Val, C. Trai t4 tle Micro-analyse 3lini.ralc. !unlitntivc e t Quantitative. Vol. 1. (lieview), ! I ; 1-01. IT. (Publication rccei\-ctl), 01.3. ceric ions), 2%. E dgcombe, L. J., e t al. Iktning. arsenic in coal, 1'- ~- l-'olaro,nral)liic tlct inn. of niagnesiuni in coal is11 and colic rtsli, 236. gerton, P. Obitusr>-, 3, 327. Jbacher, S., et al. 1x1 irbuch der l'li?-sit,logisclien Cheinic. 1 ltli lCtln. jl'ublication received), SO. Idwards, J. W., et al. Volumetric inctliotl for zirconium, 8 i ! ) . ll-Din Zayan, S., et al. Potcntion~e tric reduction of uranyl chloride solutions, 63. Cllington, F., et al. lon-exchange resins in analysis of coal ;LSli, 3 1 3 .Ilis, B. A. l < c \ . i t ~ v of Hollinjisl~cacl's 0 x . i ~ ~ t r ~ d iis L ) c ~ ~ ~ ~ n f i ? * < , , < . j - 0 1 ~ . I arid 11, 569. - Jie\Ticw o f O,g,rrril. S.ijrzi/irscs. El-Sadr, M. M., et al. Titriiiietric dctmn. of asc<)i-l?ic acid, S2S; IC1-ratui11, 912. El-Shamy, H. K., et al. t'otentioii1cli.i~: rctluction of nranyl clilori!lc~ soliitions, 65. llvidge, W. F. Obituar!., 32, 327. Elwell, W. T. ~ ' o l ~ ~ r i i i w t r i c clctmn. oi copper in alio!~t~tl stccls >.vitli 2 :2'-iliquinolyl, 508. Zphraim, F. Iiiorgxnic ( 'Iiemisti-y. (it11 I<dn., rcvisctl bj- ' L l i o i m ~ ~ and l < o l i ~ ~ r t s . (I'iiblicatioii rwc.ivcrl), 322. Gvers, N., e t al. .\nal>-sis o f 1 ) r u ~ s and C'licniicals.(1'1rlilication i-t.>cci\.t,(l I , 3 2 2 ; (Reliewj, 635. d 3 . j-01. 34, 550. F "Farmiloe, F. J., et al. Design and operatinx tccliniquc o f ~ - a c ~ i i i n i drying oven. 111. Solids in ( ( A ) mixtiircs o f cane ant1 bcxc.t molasses, antl ( h ) bcct molasscs, , ) , I I . _\(.tion o f sulpliuric acid in colour ieac t i on s ( )f o rg a nic cc) ni pou n d s . Ilet cn g . nic )no - chloroacctic acitl and otlicr compounds splitting off formaldehyde, 803. *- Detcng. dicyanogen on micro scale. Chcniistry of specific, sclecti\.,e and sensitive reactions, 807. *Fenwick, M. L., et al. Iletmng. 3 :5-dinitro-o- cresol in presence o f /3-carotene in biological tissues, 774. "Ferrett, D. J., et al. -\nalytical applications of Barker square-wavc polarogrsph, 132. "Fiander, S.J. llctning. small amounts of bismuth in lead and antinionial lead alloys, 476. Flagg, J. F., et al. Semimicro Qualitative Analysis. (Publication receivctl), 488. Fleck, H. R. Synthetic Drugs. (Publication received), 9 12. Flood, W. E., et al. Explaining and Pronouncing Dictionary of Scicntific and Technical Words. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 322. - -- "Feigl, F., e t al. Forsyth, A. A. British I'oisonous Plants. (Pub- lication received), 488. *Foster, G. E. Applications o f ~nicroclicmical analysis in pliarniaceutical chemistry. (Sum- mary), 1M. Isotope-dilution technique for detning. ben zylpenicillin in fcrnientation liquors, 123. *'Fowler, H. Id., et al. Calcium d - t a r t r a t e in canned clicrries, 7 W . Franklin, N. L., ef al. Statistical Analysis in Clicmisti-y and Chemical Industry. (I<cviewj, 487."Freeman, F. M. Reagents for colorimetric dt:tinn. of .ltrop,a allraluitls, 520. "Fryd, C. F. M. 'I'racc clcments in arcliaeolog~-. "Foster, M. C., et al. (S I1 m nlnl.!~), 7 R2. G "Gabrielson, G. llotmng. sodiuin and potassium iii coniplc~ c\-anide solutions with anion-exchange resius, 4i!). *Gage, J. C. lkdmng. lead in organic material, 7x0. ';:Gardiner, S. D., e t al. Ucsign a n d operating tccliniqiic of vacuuni clr!.ing o\.en. I I I . Solids in ( ( I ) misturcs oi cane antl beet n:dasses, and (0) hcet molasses, 557. Garratt, D. C. ;!l)l)ointment as ('hairman of Analytical Mctliods Committee, 3". - . Qiiaiititativc ,\nalysis of Ilrugs. 2nd 1311. (1 '111)l ic~ation rcccivctl') , 780. - - I<c\.iciv ( i f Evers and Smitli's .-I qi(//j,.<i.s of I)rlr,os n?zd Chciii ii:<rl.<, 63 3 .Garside, J. E., et al. l<spc~riiiicntal (.'hcniistry*. I'art 1 . Qualitati\-c and Volumetric .Inalysis. (1'ul)licaiion recei\-cdi, 572. :+Gasser, J. K. R. I)t.tning. small amounts of riiajinc.sinni 11 it11 TIriochronie black, 3-82. Gauguin, R., e t al. ,\nalyse (&alitatix-e Ilapide des C';itions. 2nd Ecln. (Publication received), 3 2 2 . (l'ublication rcccived,, 847. Gautier, J.-A. illises au Point tle Chimie ilnalytique I 'iirc c t -\ppliqui.t: c t tl'tlnalyse 13romatc,logique. 2ntl Scries. (I<e\,icw), 403 ; 3rd Series. (I'ublica- tion r-wcivctl), 91 2. *Gibbons, D., e t al. Detmng. sulphur in plain carbon steel, 751. *Gibbons, M. N. Dctning. metlij~lpentoses, 268.Gilfillan, J. H., e f al. :4nal!rtical Chemistry: The 1Vorking Tools. Vols. I and 11. (Publication rcccived), 636; (Iievieur), (310. Ginsberg, H. Lelclitinetallanalyse. 3rd Edn. (Publication receivcd), 572. Glascock, R. F. Isotopic Gas Analysis for Bio- clietnists. (Publication reccivcd), 160. Glick, D. Methods o f Hioclieniical-4nalysis. VCJ~. 11. (Publication receivcd), 488; (lieview), 778. Godbert, A. L., et al. Semi-micro Quantitative Organic Xnalysis. 2nd Edn. (lieview), 403. "Gold, H. K., e t al. Uetmng. arsenic in coal, 135. *Goodall, R. R., et al. Fractionating crude fuma- gillin by distribution methods, 499. Goose, P., et aZ. 1,aboratory Inspection of Canned and Bottled Foods. (Publication received), 780. Grant, J., et al. Systematic Handbook of Volu- metric Analysis.13th Edn. (Publication re- ceived), 488. Green, A. Obituary, 573. l<,zpitl 1 )c.icii. o f t'ations.viii INDEX TO VOLUME 80 *&een, T., et al. Adsorption columns in analysis of oil-in-water emulsions, 470. *Gregory, G. R. E. C., et al. Polarographic detmn. of magnesium in coal ash and coke ash, 236. *Gregory, J. N., et .al. Apparatus for detmng. gaseous elements in metals by vacuum fusion on micro scale, 225. *- Detmng. oxygen in beryllium by vacuum fusion on micro scale, and detmng. oxygen in zirconium, 230. Gunther, F. A., et al. Analysis of Insecticides and Acaricides. (Publication received) , 572. H Hahn, R. B., et al. Semimicro Qualitative -4nalysis. (Publication received), 636. ‘Hainberger, L., et al. Detcng. dicyanogen on micro scale.Chemistry of specific, selective and sensitive reactions, 807. *Hallam, H. E. Detmng. amides in aqueous and non-aqueous solution by Conway diffusion tech- nique, 552. *Hamlin, A. G. Storage burette for air-sensitive solutions, 843. *Hamock, W., et al. Detmng. traces of benzene hexachloride in water and sewage effluents, 665, *Harker,. R. P., et al. Adsorption columns in analysis of oil-in-water emulsions, 470. Harris, F. W. Obituary, 82, 327. *Harris, G., et al. Detmng. dissociation constants *- 5-Nitroso-oxine as analytical reagent, 260. Harris, R. S., et al. Vitamins: Chemistry, Physio- logy, Pathology. Vol. I. (Review), 159; Vol. 11. (Review), 405; Vol. 111. (Publication received) , 160; (Review), 571. *Hartley, ,A. W., et al. Detmng. sodium bicar- bonate in self-raising flours containing Chalk B.P., 461.Harvey, E. H., e f al. Elements of Food Engineering. Vol. 11. Unit Operations, 1. Vol. 111. Unit Operations, 2. (Publication received), 80. Harvey, H. W. Chemistry and Fertility of Sea Waters. (Publication received), 780. Haslam, J. New analytical laboratories, 16 1, - Review of Riddick and Toops’ Organic Solvents: Physical Properties and Methods of Puri$cation. 2nd Edn., 845. - Review of Riddle’s Monomeric A crylic Esters, 487. *- et al. Detcng. fillers in phenol-formaldehyde mouldings, 3 17. *- Detmng. acrylonitrile in air, 50; Erratum, 708. *- Examination of polyvinyl chloride composi- tions containing polypropylene adipate, 87 1. *- Interpolymer of nylon 6, nylon 66 and nylon PACM 6, 812. Haurowitz, F.Biochemistry: Introductory Text- book. (Publication received), 847. Hawkins, E. S. Obituary, 82, 244, 327. *Hayes, T. J., e f al. Absorptiometric detmn. of polyethyleneglycol mono-oleate, 755. *Headridge, J. B., e t al. Separating Group IIA elements of periodic table by paper chromato- graphy, 785. *Heath, D. F., e f al. Polarographic detmn. of dimethylnitrosamine in animal. tissue, 61 3. Hecht, F., et al. Handbuch der mikrochemischen Methoden. Vol. I , Part 1. (Publication received), 240; Vol. 11, 708. of dibasic acids, 83. *Herbert, D. W. 116. Measuring toxicity of efflue to fish, 896. Herington, E, F. G. Review of Applied M Spectrometry, 634. *Hervey, G. R. Detmng. freezing points of b logical fluids, 284. Hesse, G., et al, Michael Tswett’s First Paper Chromatography.English translation. (Pu lication received), 160. Hewitt, E. J. Detmng. trace-element status plants. (Summary), 782. Hewitt, J. T. Obituary, 327. Hicks, D. V. Resignation as Secretary, Society f Analytical Chemistry, 163, 333. *Eggs, D. G., et al. hnalysing binary moly denum-base alloys, 536. *- Analysing phosphating preparations used f protecting steel surfaces, 885. *Hill, R., et al. Differential refractometer fc detmng. purity of solid organic compound especially gamma benzene hexachloride, 339. *Hill, R. V., et al. Detcng. fillers in pheno formaldehyde mouldings, 317. *Hill-Cottingham, D. G. Spectrophotometric dc tmn. of iron chelates, 906. “Hjarde, W., et al. Chromatographic separation c vitamin-A-active compounds in cod-liver oil, 41E “Hjelt, E., et al.Spray reagent for paper chromato graphy of barbiturates, 706. Hollingshead, R. G. W. Oxine and its Derivatives Vols. I and 11. Oxine-Parts 1 and 2. (Publica tion received), 240; (Review), 569. *- Oxine and its derivatives: selectivity and sensi tivity of 7-allyl-8-hydroxyquinoline and 7-ally1 8-hydroxy-5-nitrosoquinoline to metals, 729. *- et al. 5-Nitroso-oxine as analytical reagent, 260. Holness, H. Inorganic Qualitative Analysis. Semi- micro Methods. (Publication received), 160; (Review), 407. *Holt, P. F., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of silicon in micro-analysis of biological material and mineral dusts, 441. Horning, E. C. Organic Syntheses. Collective Vol. 3. (Publication received), 572. “Howitt, F. O., et al. -%dsorption columns in analysis of oil-in-water emulsions, 4’70.*Hunt, E. C., et al. Application of paper-chromato- graphic analysis to geochemical prospecting, 172. Hurst, H. Obituary, 327. Hutchinson, P. E. Appointment as Assistant Secretary, Society for Analytical Chemistry, 163. I Ingram, D. J. E. Spectroscopy at Radio and Micro- wave Frequencies. (Publication received), 912. Ingram, 1. Introduction to Biology of Yeasts. (Publication received), 322. *Irvine, L., et al. Examination of Scottish heather honey. 11, 620. *Irving, H. 1. N. H. Solvent extraction: intro- ductory survey. (Summary) , 82. - et aZ. Detmng. dissociation constants of dibasic acids, 83. *- 5-Nitroso-oxine as analytical reagent, 260. *- Theoretical basis of “sensitivity tests” and application to potential organic reagents for metals, 245.Iyengar, N. V. R., et al. Indian Food Laws. (Pub- lication received) , 240; (Review), 708.INDEX TO VOLUME 80 ix J ahn, R. E. Detmng. trichloroethylene in air by Rayleigh interferometer. 700. ames, C. F., ef al. Lithium hydroxide in qualita- tive separation of copper and arsenic groups, 826. farvis, J. A. E., et al. Polarographic detmn. of dimethylnitrosamine in animal tissue, 613. Ienkins, E. N. Detmng. small quantities of thorium by radioactivation, 301. Johannesson, J. K. Identifying fuel oils polluting coastal waters, 840. Johnson, E. A., et al. Detmng. quinquevalent antimony after reduction of iodine and red phosphorus, 63 1. Johnson, E. I., et al. Sodium hexametaphosphate in detmng. traces of lead in food, 364. ohwon, J. R., et al. Roger Adams Symposium.(Publication received), 847. johnson, W. C. Organic Reagents for Metals. Vol. I. 5th Edn. (Publication received), 488. Iohnson, W. S. Organic Syntheses. Vol. 34. (Publication received), 322; (Review), 670. 'Jones, A. G., et al. Differential refractometer for detmng. purity of solid organic compounds, especially gamma benzene hexachloride, 339. Jones, 0. Obituary, 573. K Kale, G. T., et al. Indian Food Laws. (Publication received), 240; (Review), 708. Karl&, B., et al. Handbuch der Mikrochemischen Methoden. Edited by Hecht and Zacherl. Vol. 11. (Publication received), 708. Katz, J. J., et al. Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry. Vol. I, Nos. 1/2, March, 1955. (Publication received), 488. *Kember, N. F., et al. Separation and quantitative detmn.of platinum, palladium, rhodium and iridium on paper strips, 735. *Kennedy-Ripon, A. J., et al. Examination of commercial sorbitols, with special reference to suitability for diabetic diets, 568. *Kent, P. W., et al. Micro-detmn. of ester sulphate and free sulphate ions, 630. *Kent-Jones, D. W. Address of retiring President, 333. - Leading articles. Society for Analytical Chemistry, recent developments in publications, 1. "Kenyon, C., ef al. Absorptiometric detmn. of tin with dithiol, 566. *Shoe-Smith, T. A., et al. Effect of cations on reducing-sugar detmns. with Shaffer and Hart- mann's or Somogyi's reagents, 627. *King, E. J., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of silicon in micro-analysis of biological material and mineral dusts, 441. Eingswood, V. S., et al. Select Methods of Metal- lurgical Analysis.2nd Edn. (Review), 158. Klyne, W. Progress in Stereochemistry. (Publica- tion received), 160. Enaggs, J. Obituary, 327. Kofler, A., et al. Handbuch der mikrochemischen Methoden. Vol. I, Part 1. (Publication received), 240. Kofler, L., et al. Handbuch der mikrochemischen Methoden. Vol. I, Part 1. (Publication received), 240. Kolthoff, I. M., ef al. Organic *4nalysis. Vol. 11. (Publication received), 80. *- Voltammetry of silver halide suspensions and amperometric titration of halides, 860. L *Landquist, J. K., et al. Fractionating crude fuma- gillin by distribution methods, 499. *Lane, E. S. High-frequency titrimetry : titration of organic bases, phenols and enols, 675. Lang, R. Laboratory and Workshop N0t.e.s 1950- 1952. (Publication received), 160.Lashof, T. W., et al. Precision Laboratory Stan- dards of Mass and Laboratory Weights. (Pub- lication received), 80. Lauda, H., et al. Handbuch der Mikrochemischen Methoden. Edited by Hecht and Zacherl. (Publication received), 708. *Laws, E. Q., et al. Detmng. traces of benzene hexachloride in water and sewage effluents, 665. *Lazarus, W., ef al. Detmng. trimethylene glycol in crude glycerine, 276. Lederer, M. Introduction to Paper Electrophoresis and Related Methods. (Publication received), 636. *Lee, G. R., et al. Detmng. lanthionine in amino- acid mixtures : separating diastereoisoniers on ion-exchange resin, 875. *Lees, K, A,, et al. Microbiological assay on large plates. I. General considerations with particu- lar reference to routine assay, 95; 11.Precise assay, 110; 111. High throughput, low precision assays, 531. *Leppiinen, K., et al. Spray reagent for paper chromatography of barbiturates, 706. Leuthardt, F., et al. Lehrbuch der Physiologischen Chemie. 1 l t h Edn. (Publication received), 80. *Lewis, P. R. Micro-detmn. of potassium with dipicrylamine, 768. *fiberman, A. Detmng. small amounts of nickel in copper ores and concentrates containing iron and cobalt, 595. *Liddell, H. F. Reagent for sulphur dioxide, 901. Lieb, H., et al. Handbuch der mikrochemischen Methoden. Vol. I, Part 1. (Publication re- ceived), 240. *Lindsey, A. J. Composition of tobacco smoke: some minor organic constituents. (Summary), 164. - Review of Delahay's New Instrumental Methods in Electrochemistry, 572. Line, W.R., et al. Semimicro Qualitative. Analysis. (Publication received), 488. Lintner, K., et al. Handbuch der Mikrochemischen Methoden. Edited by Hecht and Zacherl. (Publication received), 708. "Lockwood, H. C. Detmng. pectin grade with Ridgelimeter, 315. Logan, A. V., et al. Chemical Properties of Organic Compounds : Introduction. (Publication re- ceived), 847. "Lornell, R. G., et al. Volumetric assay of binary alloys of palladium, 838. Longuet-Eggins, H. C., et al. Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry. Vol. I, Nos. 1/2, March, 1955. (Publication received), 488. *Longwell, J., et al. Detmng. anionic detergents in sewage, sewage effluents and river waters, 167. *Lord,. J. W., et ~ 1 . Spectrophotometric detmn. of vitamin A in margarine, 429. Lowe, B. Experimental Cookery from Chemical and Physical Standpoint.4th Edn. (Publica- tion received), 636. Lubs, H. A. Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes and Pigments. (Publication received), 708. *Lugg, G. A. Colorimetric detmn. of methyl bromide in air, 290. Lynch, G. R. Obituary of R. L. Collett, 784.X INDEX TO VOLUME 80 M *McBryde, W. A. E. Solvent extraction in analysis of precious metals. (Summary), 83; (Full paper), 503. *- et al. Separating rhodium and iridium by ion exchange, 204. IcElvain, S. M., et al. Roger Adams Symposium. (Publication received), 847. Mcgocgn, A. Qualitative Organic Analysis. (Pub- lication received), 780. McKay, H. A. C., et al. Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry. Vol. I, Nos. 1/2, March, 1955. (Publication received), 488. RbcLaren, J., Obituary, 242. Macurdy, L.B., et al. Precision Laboratory Standards of Mass and Laboratory Weights. (Publication received), 80. *Magee, R. J., et al. Separating Group IIA elements of periodic table by paper chromato- graphy, 785. "Maniece, W. D., et al. Detmng. anionic detergents in sewage, sewage effluents and river waters, 167. *Mapes, R. E. A,, et al. Examination of commercial sorbitols, with special reference to suitability for diabetic diets, 568. *Mapper, D., et al. Apparatus for detmng. gaseous elements in metals by vacuum fusion on micro scale, 225. *- Detmng. oxygen in beryllium by vacuum fusion on micro scale, and detmng. oxygen in zirconium, 230. *Marshall, C. R. Nitrogen content of lean pork, 776. Martin, A. 3. P. Review of Cramer's Paper Chroma- togmphy.2nd Edn. Trans. by L. Richards, 80. *Martin, R. B. Iodide method for copper, with fluoride as inhibitor of iron, 318. Marvel, C. S., et al. Roger Adams Symposium. (Publication received), 847. Marvel&. E. N., et al. Chemical Properties of Organic Compounds : Introduction. (Publica- tion received), 847. Marzys, A. E. 0. Simultaneous absorptiometric detmn. of tantalum and niobium in ores, 194. Maser, A., et al. Chemical and Spectrographic Analysis of Magnesium and its Alloys. (Pub- lication received), 708. Megson, N. J. L., et al. German Plastics Industry During Period 1939-1945. (Publication received) , 160. leites, L. Polarographic Techniques. (Publication received), 572 ; (Review), 7 79. "Menary, J. W. Polarographic detmn. of zinc in copper sulphate, 908.Metze, R., et aZ. Grundriss der Organischen Chemie, by Oppenheimer and Naegeli. 17th Edn. (Pub- lication received), 708. *Milner, G. W. C. Detmng. gallium, 77. - Review of Naish, Clennell and Kingswood's Select Methods of Metallurgical Analysis. 2nd Edn., 158. *- et al. Analytical applications of Barker square-wave polarograph, 132. *- Detmng. niobium or tantalum in uranium- and zirconium-base alloys, 380. *- Volumetric method for zirconium, 879. *-Milton, R. F., et al. Detmng. nitrate and nitrite - Methods of Quantitative Micro-analysis. 2nd (Publication received), 407 ; (Review), 634. Mitchell, H. K., et al. Genetics and Metabolism. Mitchell, J., jun., et aZ. Organic Analysis. Vol. 11. in soil, 141. Edn. (Publication received), 780. (Publication received), 80."Mitchell, T. J., et al. heather honey. 11, 620. Monk, H. E. Obituary of E. S. Hawkins, 244. *Mooney, E. F., et al. Interpolymer of nylon nylon 66 and nylon PACM 6, 812. Moore, C. G. Obituary, 327. "Moore, H: Properties of glasses in relation t composition. (Summary) , 243. More, A. Obituary, 637, 783, *Morgan, K. Iodine in analytical chemistry (Summary), 7 1 1. Morries, P. Review of Gautier's Mises au Poin de Chimie Analytique Pure et Afifiliquke e d'AnaZyse Bromatologique. 2nd Series, 403. Morton, R. A. Review o f Click's Methods of Bio chemical Analysis. Vol. 11, 778. *- et al. Detmng. vitamin A in natural products especially cod-liver oils, 410. *Moscovici, R., ef al. Action of sulphuric acid in colour reactions of organic compounds. Detcng monochloroacetic acid and other compounds splitting off formaldehyde, 803.Miicke, D. Einfuhrung in mikrobiologische Bestim- mungsverfahren : Quantitative Bestimmung von Aminoshren und Vitaminen des B-Komplexes (Publication received), 636. *Mullaly, M. A. C. Detmng. dibutyl phthalate in propellants, 237. Mullen, P. W. Moderr Gas Analysis. (Publication received), 488. *Mullin, J. B., et al. Recovery of chloroform used in dithizone extraction, 316. *- Storage of sea-water' samples for detmn. of silicate, 73. N Examination of Scotti: Naish, W. A., et al. Select Methods of Metallurgical Analysis. 2nd Edn. (Review), 158. Neilands, J. B., et al. Outlines of Enzyme Chemistry. (Publication received), 488. Neunhoeff er, O., et al. Grundriss der Organischen Chemie, by Oppenheimer and Naegeli.17th Edn. (Publication received), 708. *Newlands, G., e t al. Det mng. acrylonitrile in air, 50; Erratum, 708. *Newlove, T. H., et al. Detmng. trimethylene glycol in crude glycerine, 276. *Newman, E. J., et al. Detmng. quinquevalent antimony after reduction by iodine and red phosphorus, 63 1. *Nicholas, D. 3. D. Detmng. trace elements in plant material and soils with A spergillus nigev. (Summary), 782. *Nichoh, J. R. Applications of modern techniques in analytical chemistry. (Summary), 166. - Obituary of A. More, 783. - Review of British Phamnaceutical Codex 1954, 320. - Review of Strouts, Gilfillan and Wilson's Analytical Chemistry: The Working Tools, Vols. I and 11, 910. - Sound in analytical chemistry, 81. *North, A. A., et al. Application of paper-chromato- graphic analysis to geochemical prospecting, 172. Nutten, A.J., et al. Quantitative Inorganic Analy- sis : Laboratory Manual. (Publication received) , 847. 0 Oesper, R. E. Translator of Charlot, BCzier and Gauguin's Rapid Detcn. of Cations. (Publication received), 847.1XDEX TO VOLUME 80 xi Iesper, R. E. Translator of Feigl and Hainberger’s Dstcng. dicyanogen on micro scale. Chemistry of specific, selective and sensztive reactions, 807. - Translator of Feigl and Moscovici’s Action of sulphuric acid an colour reactions of organic com- pounds. DetcnE. monochlovoncetic acid and other compounds splztling off formnldehyde, 803. Oliver, F. H. Modified Cnterzaucher direct detmn. of combined oxygen, 593. Jrrell, W. R. Obituary, 327. Isborn, G. H. . Kew horizons (ion-exchange resins), Ovenston, T.C. J., et al. ,\bsorptiometric detmn. 489. of tin with dithiol, 366. P Page, J. E. Relyiew of Meites’ PoEnvogYaphic Tech- niques, 779. Palit, S. R., et al. Xon-Aqueous Titration. (Pub- lication received), 240. Parker, A. J. Obituary, 82, 327. “Parker, L. F. J. Zone electrophoresis on filter- paper, 638. Parker, 1. E., et al. Elements of Food Engineer- ing. Vol. 11. I‘nit Operations, 1 . Vol. 111. Unit Operations, 2. (Publication received), 80. *Parker, V. H., et al. Detmng. 3 :5-dinitro-o-cresol in presence of 6-carotene in biological tissues, 774. Partington, J. R. Advanced Treatise on Physical Chemistry. Vol. V. Molecular Spectra and Structure, Dielectrics and Dipole Moments. (Publication received), 160. *Paul, S. D., et al.Spot-test for detcng. cadmium in presence of copper, lead and tin, 399. *Pearson, R. M. Analysing mixtures of phenols by partition chromatography and U.V. spectro- photometry, 656. Peiser, H. S., et al. S-Ray Diffraction by Poly- crystalline Materials. (Publication received), 488. *Pickles, D., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of silicon in micro-analysis of biological material and mineral dusts, 441. *Pill, A. L., et al. Barium sulphate method for detmng. sulphur in steel, 796. *Player, J. H. Identifying polyvin ylidene chloride and copolymers, 633. “Polhill, R. D. A., et al. Sodium hexametaphos- phate in detmng. traces of lead in food, 364. *Porotnikoff, O., et al. Chromatographic separation of vitamin-A-active compounds in cod-liver oil, 418. Poupard, H. J. E., et aZ.German Plastics Industry During Period 1939-1 945. (Publication received), 160. *Praill, P. F. G., et al. Perchloric acid and organic perchlorates, 4. Price, W. J., et al. Chemical and Spectrographic Analysis of Magnesium and its Alloys. (Publica- tion received), 708. Proskauer, E. S., e t al. Organic Analysis. Vol. 11. (Publication received), 80. - Organic Solvents : Physical Properties and Methods of Purification. 2nd Edn. by Riddick and Toops. (Publication received), 572; (Re- view), 846. Q Quenouille, M. H. Design and Analysis of Experi- ment. (Review), 487. R *Ray, N. .H. Rapid chromatographic detmn. of impurities in ethylene, 853. *Reid, V. W., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of traces of alcohols, 704. *- Detmng. acetylene and aldehyde in ethylene oxide, 602. *- Detmng.benzene in cracked hydrocarbons, 605. *- Qualitative analysis of surface-active agents, 682. *Rhoda, R. N., et al. Volumetric assay of binary alloys of palladium, 838. Richards, L. Translator of Cramer’s Paper Chroma- tog~aphy. 2nd Edn. (Review), 80. “Ricketts, R. E. Capacity-change drop counter, 213. Riddick, J. A., et al. Organic Solvents: Physical Properties and Methods of Purification. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 572; (Review), 845. Riddle, E. H. Monomeric Acrylic Esters. (Yublica- tion received), 322; (Review), 487. “Ridyard, H. N. Detmng. thiamine in vitamin concentrates containing Creta Praeparata, 834 ; Erratum, 908. “Riley, J. P., et al. Micro-detmn. of phosphorus in organic compounds, 391. *- Recovery of chloroform used in dithizone extraction, 316.*- Storage of sea-water samples for detmn. of silicate, 73. “Ritchie, J. A. Titration of magnesium in presence of aluminium, 402. Roberts,, E. R., et al. Reviser of Ephraim’s In- organzc Chemistry. 6th Edn. (Publication received), 322. *Roberts, R. F. “Oxygen absorbed” from acid permanganate in presence of chloride, 5 17. *Robertson, A., et al. Rapid detmn. of total fatty acid in unbuiIt soap products, 616. Robinson, F. A. Review of Sebrell and Harris’s Vitamins: Chemistry, Physiology, Pathology. Vol. Rodd, E. H. Chemistry of Carbon Compounds. Vol. 111, Part A. Aromatic Compounds. (Pub- lication received), 572. *Rogers, A. R. Tables for rapid application of Morton-Stubbs correction in vitamin A assay, 903. “Rolfe, A. C., et al. Absorptiometric detmn.of mercury in urine, 523. Rooke, +H. S. Reports of Progress of Applied Chemistry. Society of Chemical Industry. Vol. XXXIX. (Publication received), 847. Rooksby, H. P., et al. X-Ray Diffraction by Poly- crystalline Materials. (Publication received), 488. Rosin, J. Reagent Chemicals and Standards. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 636. “Rossotti, H. S., et al. Detmng. dissociation con- stants of dibasic acids, 83. *- Theoretical basis of “sensitivity tests” and application t o potential organic reagents for metals, 245. *Russell, F. R., et al. Absorptiometric detmn. of mercury in urine, 523. Rydon, H. N. Review of Adams’ Organic Reactions. Vol. VIII, 636. r, 159; voi. 11, 405; VOI. 111, 571. S Sage, C. E. Obituary, 852. *Salmon, D. G., et al. Colorimetric detmn.of traces of alcohols, 704. *- Detmng. acetylene and aldehyde in ethylene oxide, 602.xii INDEX TO VOLUME 80 *Salmon, L., et al. Detmng. by radioactivation small amounts of rubidium and caesium in sea- water and related materials of geochemical interest, 37. salt, H. B. Review of Bullock's Techniques in Clinical Chemistry: Handbook for Medical Labora- tory Technicians, 404. Sankar Das, M. See.?=, P. S. *Scaife, J. F. Stability of alkaline solutions of haematin, 562. Schonfeld, T., et al. Handbuch der Mikrochemischen Methoden. Edited by Hecht and Zacherl. Vol. 11. (Publication received), 708. Schoniger, W., et al. Handbuch der mikro- chemischen Methoden. Vol. I, Part 1. (Publica- tion received), 240. *Schwarzenbach, G. Complexones and their analytical application, 713.- Kompleximetrische Titration. (Publication re- ceived), 488. "Scoular, R. H. M., et al. Examination of Scottish heather honey. 11, 620. Sebrell,. W. H., jun., ef al. Vitamins: Chemistry, Physiology, Pathology. Vol. I. (Review), 159; Vol. I1 (Review), 405; Vol. 111. (Publication received), 160; (Review), 571. *Seyfang,. A. P. Detmng. uranium-235 by radio- activation, 74. *Shaw, K., et al. Reduction of nitrate by ferrous hydroxide under various conditions of alkalinity, 626. "Shehab, S. K., et al. Titrimetric detmn. of ascorbic acid, 828; Erratum, 912. Shiner,. R. L., et al. Roger Adams Symposium. (Publication received), 847. *Sinkinson, D. V., ef al. Portable high-frequency titrimeter, 49 1. *Smales, A. A., et al. Detmng. by radioactivation small amounts of rubidium and caesium in sea- water and related materials' of geochemical interest, 37.*- Detmng. niobium or tantalum in uranium- and zirconium-base alloys, 380. "Smith, A., et al. Abnormally small freezing-point depressions of genuine milk, 623. *Smith, D. C., et al. Influence of chloride on oxida- tion of adrenocortical steroids by sodium bis- muthate, 397. *Smith, G. F. Dualistic and versatile reaction properties of perchloric acid ; experimental demonstration procedures, 16. *Smith, M. J. H., et al. 1 : 2-Diamino-4-nitroben- zene in detcng. and detmng. a-keto acids in blood and urine, 607. *Smith, R. G., ef al. Biochemical oxygen demand: variable results from use of stored standard dilution water, 899. Smith, W., ef al. Analysis of Drugs and Chemicals.(Publication received), 322; (Review), 635. Snell, C. T., et al. Colorimetric Methods of Analysis. Vol. 111. Organic, I. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 160 ; (Review), 405 ; Vol. IV. Organic, 11. Snell, F. D., et al. Colorimetric Methods of Analysis. Vol. 111. Organic, I. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 160 : (Review), 405 ; Vol. IV. Organic, 11. Somayajulu, G. R,,. et al. Non-Aqueous Titration. (Publication received), 240. *Sporek, K., e t al. Detmng. pentaerythritol as dibenzylidene-acetal and chromatographic separa- tion from commercial material, 29. *- Detmng. potassium as tetraphenylboron salt, 347; Erratum, 572. (Publication received), 407 ; (Review), 570. (Publication received), 407; (Review), 570. *Squirrell, D. C. M., et al. Examination of polyvir chloride compositions containing polypropyle adipate, 871.*Stacy, B. D., at al. Colorimetric detmn. of silic in micro-analysis ol' biological material a mineral dusts, 44 1. "Stanley, L., et al. Ion-exchange resins in analy of coal ash, 313. Stanley,. W,. M., et al. Roger Adams Symposiur (Publication received), 847. Stateler, E. S., et al. Elements of Food Engineerin Vol. 11. Unit Operations, 1. Vol. 111. Un Operations, 2. (Publication received), 80. Steacie, E. W. R. Atomic and Free Radical R actions. Vols. I and 11. 2nd Edn. (Publicatio received), 160. "Steinbergs, A. Detmng. total sulphur in soils, 45 "Stephenson, W. H., ef al. Detmng. sodium b carbonate in self-raising flours containing Chal B.P., 461. Stevens, H. B. Obituary, 327. Stevens, S. G. E. *Stock, J.T., et al. Voltammetry of silver halid suspensions and amperometric titration of halides 860. *Stretch, H., et al. Portable high-frequency titri meter, 491. "Strickland, E. H. Rapid detmn. of microgram quantities of germanium, 548. Strouts, C. R. N., et al. Analytical Chemistry: The Working Tools. Vols. I and 11. (Publication received), 636; (Review), 910. Stump€, P. K., et al. Outlines of Enzyme Chemistry. (Publication received), 488. *Sunderasan, I,, et al. Indirect colorimetric detmn. of beryllium, 697. Sur, B. K., et al. Indian Food Laws. (Publication received), 240; (Review), 708. Sutton, F., et al. Systematic Handbook of Volu- metric Analysis. 13th Edn. (Publication received), 488. Obituary of C. E. Sage, 852. T *Tamminen, V., et al. Spray reagent for paper chromatography of barbiturates, 706.*Taylor, E. W. Recent advances in bacteriological examination of water. (Summary), 165. Taylor, G. Review of Methods for Detmng. Lead in A i r and in Biological Illaterials, 910. "Taylor, K. W., et al. 1 : 2-Diamino-4-nitrobenzene in detcng. and detmng. a-keto acids in blood and urine, 607. *Taylor, M. P. Haematoxylin as indicator for volumetric detmn. of aluminium with ethylene- diaminetetra-acetic acid, 153. Thorne, P. C. L. Reviser of Ephraim's InorgaNic Chemistry. 6th Edn. (Publication received), 322. Tingle, A. Obituary, 242. Tinker, C. H. Appointment as Secretary, Analytical Methods Committee, Society for Analytical Chemistry, 163, 327. *Tompsett, 8. L., et al. Influence of chloride on oxidation of adrenocortical steroids by sodium bismuthate, 397.Toops, E. E., jun,, et al. Organic Solvents : Physical Properties and Methods of Purification. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 572 ; (Review), 845. *Tootill, J. P. R., et al. Microbiological assay on large plates. I. General considerations with particular reference to routine assay, 95; 11. Precise assay, 110; 111. High throughput, low precision assays, 531.INDEX TO VOLUME 80 xiii swett, M. Michael Tswett’s First Paper on Chromatography. Hesse and Weil. English translation. (Publication received), 160. U Unger, P. Detmng. cyclopentadiene and maleic anhydride, 820. v ‘Vallentyne, .J. R. Boell and Shen method for detmng. nitrogen in water, 841. Verma, M. R., et al. Spot-test for detcng. cadmium in presence of copper, lead and tin, 399.Vernon, D. A., et al. General State Food and Drug Laws. (Review), 707. Vince, S., et al. German Books on Chemical and Cognate Subjects Published 1950-1953. Supple- menting 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 322. Volwiler, E. H., et al. Roger Adams Symposium. (Publication received), 847. W Wagner, R. P., et al. Genetics and Metabolism. (Publication received), 780. Wallis, T. E. Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 780. *Ward, A. M. Address of retiring Chairman, Society for Analytical Chemistry, Microchemistry Group. (Summary), 166. * Wareham, D. J., et al. Fractionating and detmng. corticosteroids in urine, 215. Waters, W. A., et al. Methods of Quantitative Micro-analysis. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 407; (Review), 634. Waywell, J.Obituary, 327. *Webster, H. L., et al. Rapid detmn. of total fatty acid in unbuilt soap products, 616. ‘Wedgwood, P., et al. Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. 111. Examination of gasworks effluents, 652. Weil, H., et al. Michael Tswett’s First Paper on Chromatography. English translation. (Pub- lication received), 160. Weissberger, A., et al. Organic Analysis. Vol. 11. (Publication received), 80. - Organic Solvents : Physical Properties and Methods of Purification. 2nd Edn. by Riddick and Toops. (Publication received), 572; (Review), 845. Welcher, F. J., et al. Semimicro Qualitative Analysis. (Publication received), 636. *Wells, I. Laboratory apparatus for solvent extraction. (Summary), 83. Wells, R. A. Review of Williams’ Elements of Chromatography, 407.*- e t al. Application of paper-chromatographic analysis to geochemical prospecting, 172. *- Separation and quantitative detmn. of plati- num, palladium, rhodium and iridium on paper strips, 735. West, M., et al. Explaining and Pronouncing Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Words. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 322. *West, T. S., et al. Detmng. sulphur in plain carbon steel, 751. *Wheatland. A. B.. et al. Biochemical oxygen *Whitehouse, M. W., et al. Micro-detmn. of ester sulphate and free sulphate ions, 630. Wiig, E. O., et al. Semimicro Qualitative Analysis. (Publication received), 488. Wildman, A. B. Microscopy of Animal Textile Fibres. (Publication received), 322. *Wilkinson, N. T., et al. Absorptiometric detmn.of mercury in urine, 523. *Willcocks, R. G. W., et al. Separating zinc from cadmium with special reference to detmn. of zinc in cadmium metal, 53. *Williams, A. F., et al. Detmng. pentaerythritol as dibenzylidene-acetal and chromatographic separation from commercial material, 29. *- Detmng. potassium as tetraphenylboron salt, 347; Erratum, 572. Williams, K. A. Appointment as Secretary, Society for Analytical Chemistry, 163, 333. Williams, T. I. Elements of Chromatography. (Review), 407. Wilson, A. J. C., et al. X-Ray Diffraction by Polycrystalline Materials. (Publication received), 488. Wilson, C. L. Review of Duval’s Trait6 de Micro- analyse Minhale. Qualitative et Quantitative. VOl. I, 79. - et al. New Methods in Analytical Chemistry. (Publication received), 636.Wilson, H. N. Analysis of trade effluents, 849. - et aZ. Analytical Chemistry : The Working Tools. Vols. I and 11. (Publication received), 636; (Review), 910. Review of Bennett and Franklin’s Statistical Analysis in chemistry aBd Chemical Ifidustry, 487. - Review of Quenouille’s Design and Analysis of Experiment, 487. *Woodward, P., et al. Lithium hydroxide in qualitative separation of copper and arsenic groups, 825. Woosnam, R. W. Obituary, 327. Wyatt, G. H. Review of Belcher andGodbert’s Semi-micro Ouavatitative Orcanic Analysis. 2nd Wood, E. C. /+ ., Edn., 403. - Review of Milton and Waters’ Methods of Quantitative Micro-analysis. 2dn Edn., 634. *Wyatt, P. F. Diethylammonium diethyldithio- carbamate for separating and detmng. small amounts of metals.11. Isolating and detmng. arsenic, antimony and tin in organic compounds, 368; Erratum, 780. Y *Yates, D. M., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of silicon in micro-analysis of biological material and mineral dusts, 441. *Yemm, E. W., et al. Detmng; amino-acids with ninhydrin, 209. *Young, B. .W., et al. Qualitative analysis of surface-active agents, 682. Z Zacherl, M. K., et al. Handbuch der mikro- chemischen Methoden. Vol. I, Part 1. (Pub- lication received), 240; Vol. 11, 708. Zayan, S. E. See El-Din Zayan. *Zeller, H. D. l-Naphthylamine-sulphanilic acid detmn. of nitrites in low concentration, 632. Zweig, G., et al. Manual of Paper Chromatography and PaDer ElectroDhoresis. (Publication re- demand : - variable results from use of st”o?ed standard dilution water, 899.ceived) , h07XiV INDEX TO VOLUME 80 INDEX TO SUBJECTS * Denotes original papers and notes that have been published in The ,412dyst. A Acaricides : Analysis of Insecticides and -. Gunther and Blinn. (Publication received), 572. *Acenaphthylene : Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. 111. Examination of gasworks effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 652. "Acetaldehyde : Detmng. acetylene and aldehyde in ethylene oxide. *Acetic acid: Separating and detmng. - and lactic acid by paper partition chromatography and application to silages. Birk and Bondi, 454. *Acetylene: Detmng. ~ and aldehyde in ethylene oxide. Reid and Salmon, 602. *Acid(s) -base titrations : Portable high-frequency titrimeter. Dowdall, Sinkinson and Stretch, 491.*Detmng. dissociation constants of dibasic -. Irving, Rossotti and Harris, 83. Fatty: See Fatty acids. Acrylic Esters: Monomeric --. Riddle. (Pub- lication received), 322 ; (Review), 487. "Acrylonitrile : Detmng. - in air. Haslam and Xewlands, 50; Erratum, 708. Adam: Roger - Symposium. Marvel, Brode, Johnson, McElvain, Shriner, Stanley and Volwiler. (Publication received), 847. "Adrenal tissue : Fractionating and detmng. cortico- steroids in urine (and -). Cook, Dell and %'areham, 215. *Adrenocortical steroids : Influence of chloride on oxidation of - by sodium bismuthate. Smith and Tompsett, 397. Agriculture: Toxic Chemicals in -. Risks to Wild Life. (Publication received), 636. *Air: Colorimetric detmn. of methyl bromide in 'Detmng. acrylonitrile in -.Haslam and *Detmng. trichloroethylene in - by Rayleigh Impurities in: Use of sound in analytical Reid and Salmon, 602. -. Lugg, 290. Newlands, 50; Erratum, 708. interferometer. Jahn, 700. chemistry. Nicholls, 81. Alcohol : See Ethanol. *Alcohols : Colorimetric detmn. of trace amounts of -. Reid and Salmon, 704. *Aldehyde : Detmng. acetylene and - in ethylene oxide. Reid- and Salmon, 602. "Alkaloids. Colorimetric detmn. of Atropa -. Freeman, 520. *Alkylbenzenesulphonates: Qualitative analysis of surface-active agents. Reid, Alston and Young, 682. * Alkylnaphthalenesulphonates : Qualitative analysis of surface-active agents. Reid, Alston and Young, 682. *7-Allyl-8-hydroxg-5-~~osoq~noline : Studies on oxine and derivatlves : Selectivity and sensi- tivity of 7-allyl-8-hydroxyquinoline and, - to metals.Hollingshead, 729. H7-Allyl-8-hydro~quinoline : Studies on oxine and derivatives. Selectivity and sensitivity of - and 7-allyl-8-hydroxy-5-nitrosoquinoline to metals. Hollingshead, 729. 7-Allyl-5-nitroso-oxiine : See '7-Allyl-8-hydroxy-5 nitrosoquinoline. 7-Allyloxine : See 7-Allyl-8-hydroxyquinoline. Alumina: Activated - for use as desiccant fo packages. *Aluminium: Analysing binary molybdenum-basc alloys. Bush and Higgs, 336. *Haematoxylin as indicator for volumetric detmn. of __ with ethylenediaminetetra. acetic acid. Taylor, 163. "Studies of oxine and derivatives : Selectivity and sensitivity of 7-allyloxine and 7-allyl-5-nitroso- oxine to metals. Hollingshead, 729. American Public Health ASSOC., Inc.: Methods for Detmng.Lead in Air and in Biological Materials. (Publication received), 780; (Review), 910. "Amides: Detmng. __- in aqueous and non- aqueous solution by Conway diffusion tech- nique. Hallam, 552. "Amino-acid(s) : Detmng. -- with ninhydrin. Yemm and Cocking, 209. Detmng. lanthionine in -- mixtures : Separating its diastereoisomers on ion-exchange resin. Blackburn and Lee, 875. Einfiihrung in mikrobiologische Bestimmungs- verfahreq : Quantitative Bestimmung von Aminosauren und Vitaminen des B-Komplexes. Miicke. (Publication received), 636. - * 6-Aminocaproic acid hydrochloride : Examination of interpolymer of nylon 6, nylon 66 and nylon PACM 6. Clasper, Haslam and Mooney, 812. *Ammonium purpurate : Stabilisation o f -- for colorimetric use. Diggins, 401. *Amytal : Spray reagent for paper chromatography of barbiturates.Hjelt, Leppanen and Tam- minen, 706. Analysis : Analyse Qualitative Rapide des Cations. Charlot, Bkzier and Gauguin. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 322. Analyse Quantitative MinCrale. Charlot and Bezier. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 912. Analytical Chemistry : The %'orking Tools. Vols. I and 11. Strouts, Gilfillan and Wilson. (Pub- lication received), 636; (Review), 910. *Applications of microchemical -- in pharma- ceutical chemistry. Foster. (Summary), 163. *Applications of modern techniques in analytical chemistry. Nicholls. (Summary), 166. Colorimetric Chemical Pathological Estimations using Lovibond Comparator. Chamberlin. (Publication received), 912. Colorimetric Methods of --. Vol. 111. Organic, I.Snell and Snell. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 160 ; (Review), 405 ; Vol. IV. Organic, 11. (Publication received), 407 ; (Review), 570. *Complexones and their analytical application. Schwarzenbach, 713. *Detmng. error in slope-ratio assays arranged in randomised blocks. Clarke, 396. Experimental Chemistry. Part I. Qualitative and Volumetric -- . Garside and Claret. (Publication received), 672. Handbuch der mikrochernischen Methoden. Hecht and Zacherl. Vol. I, Part 1. (Publication received), 240; Vol. 11, 708. *High-frequency titrimetry : titration of organic bases, phenols and enols. B.S. 2541 : 1954, 240. Lane, 675.INDEX TO VOLUME 80 xv naly sis-co nt in ued. Inorganic Qualitative -- . Semimicro Methods. Holness. (Publication received), 160; (Review), 407. *Iodine in -.Rilorgan. (Summary), 711. Isotopic Gas -__ for Biochemists. Glascock. (Publication received), 160. 1l;omplexometrische Titration. Schwarzenbach. (Publication received), 488. Leichtmetallanalyse. Ginsberg. 3rd Edn. (Pub- lication received), 572. 1SICthodes Electrochimiques d'Analyse. Charlot and Bezier. (Publication received), 160. Methods of Biochemical -. Glick. Vol. 11. (Publication received), 488; (Review), 778. Methods of Quantitative Micro- -. Milton and Waters. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 407; (Review), 634. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure e t AppliquCe et d'Analyse Bromatologique. Gautier. 2nd Series. (Review), 403; 3rd Series. (Publication received), 9 12. Modern Gas __ . Mullen. (Publication received), 488. New analytical laboratories. Haslam, 161.New horizons (ion-exchange resins). Osborn, 489. New Methods in Analytical Chemistry. Belcher and Wilson. (Fublication received), 636. Non-Aqueous Titration. Palit, Das and Somayajulu. (Publication received), 240. of Drugs and Chemicals. Evers and Smith. (Publication received), 322 ; (Review), 635. Organic -. Vol. 11. Mitchell, Kolthoff, Proskauer and Weissberger. (Publication received), 80. Organic Reagents for Metals. Vol. I. Johnson. 5th Edn. (Publication received), 488. Qualitative Organic -. McGookin. (Publica- tion received), $80. Quantitative -- of Drugs. Garratt. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 780. Quantitative Inorganic ~ : Laboratory Manual. Belcher and Xutten. (Publication received), 847. Quantitative Spectrochemical ___ of Silicates.Ahrens. (Publication received), 160 ; (Review), 846. Charlot, BCz'ier and Gauguin. Translated by Oesper. (Publication received), 847. Select Methods of Metallurgical -. Naish, Clennell and Iiingswood. 2nd Edn. (Review), 158. Semimicro Qualitative --. Welcher and Hahn. (Publication received), 636. Semimicro Qualitative -. Wiig, Line and Flagg. (Publication received), 488. Semi-micro Quantitative Organic ---. Belcher and Godbert. 2nd Edn. (Review), 403. *Separating Group IIA elements of periodic table by paper chromatography. Magee and Headridge, 785. Systematic Handbook of Volumetric -. Sutton and Grant. 13th Edn. (Publication received), 488. *Theoretical basis of sensitivity tests and applica- tion t o potential organic reagents for metals. Irving and Rossotti, 245.Trait6 de Micro-analyse MinCrale. Qualitative e t Quantitative. Vol. I. Duval. (Review), 79; Vol. 11. (Publication received), 912. Use of sound in analytical chemistry. Nicholls, 81. Rapid Detection of Cations. Analyst: Papers in 1905. *Animal tissue : Polarographic detmn. of dimethyl- nitrosamine in -. *Anion-exchange resins : Separating zinc from cad- mium with special reference t o detmng. zinc in cadmium metal. Baggott and Willcocks, 53. *Anthanthrene. Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. 111. Examination of gasworks effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 652. *Anthracene: Detcng. and detmng. traces of poly- nuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. 111. Examination of gasworks effluents.Wedgwood and Cooper, 652. *Antibiotics : Microbiological assay on large plates. 1. General considerations with particular reference t o routine assay. Lees and Toothill, 95; 11. Precise assay, 110; 111. High through- put, low precision assays, 531.. *Antimony : Detmng. quinquevalent - after reduction by iodine and red phosphorus. Johnson and Newman, 631. *Detmng. small amounts of bismuth in lead and antimonial lead alloys. Fiander, 476. *Diethylammonium diethyldithiocarbamate for separating and detmng. small amounts of metals. 11. Isolating and detmng. arsenic, - and tin in organic compounds. Wyatt, 368; Erratum, 780. *Lithium hydroxide for qualitative separation of copper and arsenic groups. James and Wood- ward, 825. *Apparatus : Absorptiometric detmn.of mercury in urine. Rolfe, KusseIl and Wilkinson, 523. *Adsorption columns in analysing oil-in-water emulsions. Harker and Howitt, 470. "Analysing mixtures of phenols by partition chromatography and U.V. spectrophotometry. Pearson, 636. *Analytical applications of Barker square-wave polarograph. Ferrett and Milner, 132. *Application of paper-chromatographic analysis to geochemical prospecting. Hunt, North and Wells, 172. *Capacity-change drop counter. Ricketts, 213. Centrifuge tubes and sedimentation vessels for B.S. 736 : 1955, Cheese vat thermometer. B.S. 2555 : 1954, 319. *Chromatographic separation of vitamin7A-active compounds in cod-liver oil. Bro-Hasmussen, Hjarde and Porotnikoff, 418. Clinical maximum thermometers. B.S. 691 : 1953. Amendment slip, 486.Density hydrometers for use in milk. B.S. 734: 1955, 486. *Design and operating technique of, vacuum drying oven. 111. Solids in mixtures of cane and beet molasses, and in beet molasses. Gardiner and Farmiloe, 557. *Detmng. by radioactivation small amounts of rubidium and caesium in sea-water and related materials of geochemical interest. Smales and Salmon, 37. *Detmng. freezing points of biological fluids, Hervey, 284. *Detmng. lead in organic material. Gage, 789. *Detmng. traces of benzene hexachloride in water and sewage effluents. Hancock and Laws, 665. *Detmng. trichloroethylene in air by Rayleigh interferometer. Jahn, 700. *Differential refractometer for detmng. purity of solid organic compounds, particularly gamma benzene hexachloride. Chirnside, 241. Heath and Jarvis, 613.detmng. visible dirt -in milk. 486. Hill and Jones, 339.VOLUME 80 -.?--TI m- Apparatus-continued. *Dualistic and versatile reaction properties of perchlorie acid. Experimental demonstration procedures. Smith, 16. *for detmng. gaseous elements in metals by vacuum fusion on micro scale. Gregory and Mapper, 225. Gerber method for detmng. fat in milk and milk products. Glass condensers. B.S. 1848 : 1952. Amendment slip, 79. Glass electrodes. Haemacytometer counting chambers and dilution pipettes. B.S. 748 : 1953. Amendment slip, 79. *Laboratory - for solvent extraction. (Sum- mary). Wells, 83. "Micro-detmn. of potassium with dipicrylamine. Lewis, 768. Micro-electrolytic -. B.S. 1428 : Part J 1 : 1954, 319. Micrometer-operated burette. B.S.1428 : Part D6: 1955, 486. Modern - for Sterilisation. Bowie. (Publica- tion received), 780. *Modified Menzies-Wright ebulliometer for semi- micro and micro-detmn. of molecular weight. Colson, 690. *Modified Unterzaucher method for direct detmn. of combined oxygen. Oliver, 593. One-mark graduated flasks. B.S. 1792 : 1952. Amendment slip, 79. Open-surface milk coolers. B.S. 2587 : 1955, 486. *Portable high-frequency titrimeter. Dowdall, Sinkinson and Stretch, 491. *Rapid chromatographic detmn. of impurities in ethylene. Ray, 853. Sedimentation tubes for red blood corpuscles. B.S. 2554: 1954, 319. *Separation and quantitative detmn. of platinum, palladium, rhodium and iridium on paper strips. Kember and Wells, 735. *Simple storage burette for air-sensitive solns. Hamlin, 843.*Spectrophotometric detmn. of vitamin A in margarine. Lord and Bradley, 429. Syringe pattern micro-pipette. B.S. 1428 : Part D5 : 1955, 486. *Zone electrophoresis on filter-paper. Parker, 638. Applied Chemistry: Reports on Progress of -. Vol. XXXIX, 1954. Society of Chemical Industry. (Publication received), 847. *Archaeology: Trace elements in - . Fryd. (Summary), 782. *Arsenic: Detmng. - in coal. Edgcombe and Gold, 155. *Diethylammonium diethyldithiocarbamate for separating and detmng. small amounts of metals. 11. Isolating and detmng. --, antimony and tin in organic compounds. Wyatt, 368; Erratum, 780. *Lithium hydroxide for qualitative separation of copper and - groups. James and Wood- ward, 825. Revised recommendations for limits of -- in foods. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee, 318.* Arylbenzenesulp thates : Qualitative analysis of surface-actilagents. Reid, Alston and Young, 682. Bara- kat, Shehab and El-Sadr, 828; Erratum, 912. B.S. 696 : Part 1 : 1955, 845. B.S. 2586 : 1955, 486. *Ascorbic acid: Titrimetric detmn. of -. "Aspergillus niger : Detmng. trace elements ; plant material and soils with -. Nichola (Summary), 782. General considerations with particular referent to routine -. Lees and Tootill, 95; I Precise -, 110; 111. High throughput, lo precision assays, 53 1. Association of British Chemical Manufacturers British Chemicals and their Manufacturer: (Publication received) , 636. *Astrazone Pink FG (Bayer) : Reagent for sulphu dioxide. Liddell, 901. *Atropa : Colorimetric ctetmn. of -- alkaloids Freeman, 520.*Atropine : Colorimetric detmn. of -4tropa alkaloids Freeman, 520. "Assays : Microbiological -- on large plates. B *Bacteriological examination : Advances in - oi water. Taylor. (Summary), 165. * Barbitol : Spray reagent for paper chromatography of barbiturates. Hjelt, Leppanen and Tam- minen, 706. "Barbiturates : Spray reagent for paper chromato- graphy of -. Hjelt, Lepp%nen and Tam- minen, 706. *Barium : Separating group IIA elements of periodic table by paper chromatography. Magee and Headridge, 785. *Barker square-wave polarograph : Analytical appli- cations of -. *Bases : organic : High-frequency titrimetry : Titra- tion of -, phenol!j and enols. *organic : Portable high-frequency titrimeter. Dowdall, Sinkinson and Stretch, 491. *Beet molasses : Design and operating technique of vacuum drying oven.111. Solids in mixtures of cane molasses and and in -. Gardiner and Farmiloe, 557. *1: 2-Benzanthracene : Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. 111. Examination of gasworks effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 652. *Benzene : Detmng. - in cracked hydrocarbons. Crompton and Reid, 605. Benzene hexachluride : See Hexachlorocyclohexane. *1: 12-Benzperylene : Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. 111. Examination of gasworks effluents. Wedgwood arid Cooper, 652. *1: 2-Benzpyrene : Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. 111. Examination of gasworks effluents.Wedgwood and Cooper, 652. "8 : 4-Benzpyrene : Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. 111. Examination of gasworks effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 652. * Benzylpenicillin : Isotope-dilution technique for detmng. - in fermentation liquors. Ashton and Foster, 123. *New reagents for colorimetric detmn. of Atropa alkaloids (and -). Freeman, 520. *Beryllium : Apparatus for detmng. gaseous ele- ments in metals by vacuum fusion on micro scale. Gregory and Mapper, 225. *Detmng. oxygen in -- by vacuum fusion on micro scale. Ferrett and Milner, 132. Lane, 675. Gregory and Mapper, 230.INDEX TO VOLUME 80 xvii 3eryUium-continued. *Indirect colorimetric detmn. of --. Sun- derasan and Das, 697. *Separating group IIA elements of periodic table by paper chromatography.Magee and Headridge, 785. kBiochemical oxygen demand test : variable results from use of stored standard dilution water. Wheatland and Smith, 899. Biochemistry : Introductory Textbook. Haurowitz. (Publication received), 847, Isotopic Gas Analysis for Biochemists. Glascock. (Publication received), 160. Biology: Einfuhrung in die Energetik und Kinetik biologischer Vorgange. Bladergroen. (Pub- lication received), 488. *Bismuth: Detmng. small amounts of - in lead and antimonial lead alloys. “Lithium hydroxide for qualitative separation of copper and arsenic groups. James and Woodward, 826. *Bitumen: Test for pitch and -. Baynes-Cope, 839. *Blood: Colorimetric detmn. of silicon in micro- analysis of biological material and mineral dusts.King, Stacy, Holt, Yates and Pickles, 441. *cow : Detmng. 3 : 5-dinitro-o-cresol in presence of p-carotene in biological tissues. Fenwick and Parker, 774. * 1 : 2-Diamino-4-nitrobenzene for detcng. and detmng. a-keto acids in - and urine. Taylor and Smith, 607. Sedimentation tubes for red - corpuscles. B.S. 2554 : 1954, 319, B.O.D. : See Biochemical oxygen demand. *Boell and Shen method for detmng. nitrogen in water. Vallentyne, 841. *Boiling points : Modified Menzies- Wright ebullio- meter for semi-micro and micro-detmn. of molecular weight. Colson, 690. Book reviews: Fiander, 476. Adams. Organic Reactions. Vol. VIII, 636. Ahrens. Quantitative Spectrochemical Analysis of Silicates, 846. Bates. Electrometric pH Determinations. Theory and Practice, 779.Belcher and Godbert. Semi-micro Quantitative Organic -4nalysis. 2nd Edn., 403. Bennett and Franklin. Statistical Analysis in Chemistry and Chemical Industry, 487. Bullock. Techniques in Clinical Chemistry, 404. Christopher and Dunn. Special Federal Food and Drugs Laws, 707. Cramer. Paper Chromatography. 2nd Edn., 80. Curran. Delahay. New Instrumental Methods in Electro- Duval. Trait6 de Micro-Analyse Minkrale. Evers and Smith. Analysis of Drugs and Chemicals, 638. Gautier. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure et AppliquCe et d’Analyse Bromato- logique. 2nd Series, 403. Glick. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. 11, 778. Hollingshead. Oxine and its Derivatives. Vols. I and 11, 569. Holness. Inorganic Qualitative Analysis. Semi- micro Methods, 407.Institute of Petroleum. Applied Mass Spectro- metry, 634. Iyengar, Sur an? Kale. Indian Food Laws, 708. Canada’s Food and Drug Laws, 320. chemistry, 572. VOl. I, 79. Book reviews-continued. Meites. Polarographic Techniques, 779. Milton and Waters. Methods of Quantitative Naish, Clennell and Kingswood. Select Methods Quenouille. Design and Analysis of Experiment, Riddick and Toops. Organic Solvents : Physical 2nd Micro-analysis. 2nd Edn., 634. of Metallurgical Analysis. 2nd Edn., 158. 487. Properties and Methods of Purification. Edn., 845. Riddle. Monomeric Acrylic Esters, 487. Sebrell and Harris. Vitamins : Chemistry, Physiology, Pathology. Vol. I, 159; Vol. 11, 405; Vol. 111, 571. Colorimetric Methods of Analy- sis. Vol. 111, Organic, I. 3rd Edn., 405; Vol.IV, Organic, 11, 570. Strouts, Gilfillan and VC’ilson. Analytical Chem- istry: The Working Tools, 910. Vernon and Depew. General State Food and Drug Laws, 707. Williams. Elements of Chromatography, 407. British Pharmaceutical Codex 1954, 320. Methods for Detmng. Lead in Air and in Bio- Organic Syntheses. Vol. 34, 570. Snell and Snell. logical Materials, 910. See also Publications received. Books: German - on Chemical and Cognate Subjects Published 1950-1953. Cummins and Vince. Supplementing 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 322. *Boron : Analysing binary molybdenum-base alloys. Bush and Higgs, 536. *Analysis of sea water. Bottled Foods : Laboratory Inspection of Canned and -. Dickinson and Goose. (Publication received), 780. Bread (Amendment) Order, 1955. 240, British Chemicals and their Manufacturers.Assoc. of British Chemical Manufacturers. (Publica- tion received), 636. Medical Bulletin: Review of Vol. 10, No. 3, Chromatography. Bacharach, 2. Pharmaceutical Codex 1954. (Publication re- ceived), 80. (Review), 320. Pharmacopoeia 1953: Addendum 1955 to -. (Publication received), 847. British Standard Specifications : 579 : 1950. Technical ether. Amendment slip, 79. 655 : 1950. Refined cottonseed oil. Amendment slip, 319. 691 : 1953. Clinical maximum thermometers. Amendment slip, 486. 696: 1955. Gerber method for detmng. fat in milk and milk products. Part 1, Apparatus; Part 2, Methods, 845. 734: 1955. Density hydrometers for use in milk, 486. 736 : 1955. Centrifuge tubes and sedimentation vessels for detmng. visible dirt in milk, 486.748 : 1953. Haemacytometer counting chambers and dilution pipettes. Amendment slip, 79. 1417 : 1955. Sampling and chemical analysis of acid casein, 403. 1425 : 1954. Cleanliness of fillings and stuffings. Amendment slip, 157. 1428 : Part D5 : 1955.. Syringe pattern micro- pipette, 486. 1428 : Part D6 : 1955. Micrometer-operated bur- ette, 486. 1428 : Part J 1 : 1954. Micro-electrolytic appara- tus, 319. Barnes, 573.xviii INDEX TO VOLUME 80 British Standard Speci~cations-continued. 1792 : 1952. One-mark graduated flasks. Amend- 1835 : 1952. 2-Ethylhexanol. Amendment slip, 1848 : 1952. Glass condensers. Amendment slip, 1992 : 1953. Butyl acetylricinoleate. Amend- 1993 : 1953. sec.Buty1 alcohol. Amendment slip, 1994 : 1953. Dichloromethane. Amendment slip, 1995 : 1953.Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate. Amend- 1997 : 1953. Glycerol triacetate. Amendment 1999 : 1953. Tritolyl phosphate. Amendment 2005 : 1953. Glossary of terms applicable to 2511: 1954. Detmng. water by Karl Fischer 2534 : 1955. cycloHexylamine, 319. 2537 : 1955. Ethanediol, 319. 2540: 1954. Silica gel for use as desiccant for 2541:1954. Activated alumina for use as 2554 : 1954. Sedimentation tubes for red blood 2555 : 1954. 2586 : 1955. Glass electrodes, 486. 2587 : 1955. 2616 : 1955. 2621-5 : 1955. Glycerine, 778. ment slip, 79. 157. 79. ment slip, 157. 157. 157. ment slip, 157. slip, 157. slip, 157. fillings and stuffings. method, 79; Amendment slip, 569. Amendment slip, 403. packages, 240. desiccant for packages, 240. corpuscles, 319. Cheese vat thermometer, 319.Open-surface milk coolers, 486. Milk can washing machines, 778. British Standards Institution Yearbook 1954. (Pub- "Bromine: Analysis of sea water. Burette : Micyometer-operated --. B.S. 1428 : *Simple storage -- for air-sensitive solns. sec.Butano1: B.S. 1993 : 1953. Amendment slip, 157. Butyl acetylricinoleate: B.S. 1992 : 1953. Amend- lication received), 912. Barnes, 573. Part D6: 1955, 486. Hamlin, 843. ment slip, 157. C *Cadmium, detmng. : Analytical applications of s Barker square-wave polarograph. Ferrett and Milner, 132. *Lithium hydroxide for qualitative separation of copper and arsenic groups. James and Wood- ward, 825. *Separating copper from - by electro-deposi- tion from ammoniacal soh. Diehl and Craig, 599. *Separating zinc from - with special reference to detmng.zinciin - metal. Baggott and Willcocks, 53. *Spot-test for detmng. - in presence of copper, lead and tin. Verma and Paul, 399. Canada: Canada's Food and Drug Laws. Curran. (Review), 320. *Caesmm : Detmng. by radioactivation small amounts of rubidium and - in sea-water and related materials of geochemical interest. Smales and Salmon, 37. Caesium-137 : Protection Against Radiations from Radium, Cobalt-60 and -. U.S. National Bureau of Standards. (Publication received), 80. *Calcium : Analysing phosphating prepns. used f protecting steel surfaces. Bush, Higgs an Box, 885. *Analysis of sea water. *Separating group 11-4 elements of periodic tab) by paper chromatography. Magee an Headridge, 785. Dickinsoi and Fowler, 706. Barnes, 573.*Calcium dl-tartrate in canned cherries. Calluna vulgaris : See Heather. *Cane molasses: Design and operating technique o vacuum drying oven. 111. Solids in mixture of - and beet molasses and in beet molasses Gardiner and Farmiloe, 557. "Canned cherries : Calcium dl-tartrate in --. Dickinson and Fowler, 706. Foods : Laboratory Inspection of - and Bottled Foods. Dickinson and Goose. (Publication received), 780. "Carbic acid : Detmng. cyclopentadiene and maleic anhydride. Cnger, 820. *Carbon, organic : Analysis of sea water. Barnes, 573. *Cprbon dioxide : Apparatus for detmng. gaseous elements in metals by vacuum fusion on micro scale. Gregory and Mapper, 225. 'Carbon monoxide : Apparatus for detmng. gaseous elements in metals by vacuum fusion on micro scale. Gregory and Mapper, 225.*,€!-Carotene : Detmng. 3 : 5-dinitro-o-cresol in pre- sence of - in biological tissues. Fenwick and Parker, 774. Caesin : Sampling and chemical analysis of acid -. B.S. 1417 : 1955. 403. Centrifuge tubes and sedimentation vessels for detmng. visible dirt in milk. B.S. 736 : 1955, 486. "Cerium : Detmng. iodine in natural w-aters (sodium chloride as reagent in catalytic reduction of ceric ions). DubravCiC, 295. Chalk B.P. : See Creta Praeparata. Cheese vat thermometer. B.S. 2555 : 1954. 319. "Chelates : Complexones and their analytical applica- Hill- tion. Schwarzenbach, 713. *Spectrophotometric det mn. of iron -. Cottingham, 906. See also Complexes. Chemical Society : Annual Reports on Progress of Chemistry for 1954. (Publication received), 780.Chemistry : Advanced Treatise on Physical -. Vol. IT. Molecular Spectra and Structure, Dielectrics and Dipole Moments. Partington. (Publication received), 160. Annual Reports on Progress of - for 1954. Chemical Society. (P.ublication received), 780. Atomic and Free Radical Reactions. Vols. I and 11. Steacie. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 160. Chemical Properties of Organic Compounds : Introduction. Marvel1 and Logan. (Publica- tion received), 847. Experimental -. Part I. Qualitative and Volumetric Analysis. Garside and Claret. (Publication received), 572. From Classical to Modern - . Historical Sketches. Berry. (Publication received), 80. German Books on Chemical and Cognate Subjects Published 1950-1953. Cummins and Vince. Supplementing 2nd Edn. (Publication re- ceived), 322.Grundriss der Organischen Chemie, by Oppen- heimer and Naegeli. 17th Edn. Neunhoeffer and Metze. (Publication received), 708.INDEX TO VOLUME 80 xix Chemistry-continued. Inorganic -, Ephraim. 6th Edn. Revised by Thorne and Roberts. (Publication received), 322. Lehrbuch der Physiologischen Chemie. E d lbacher and Leuthardt. 1 l t h Edn. (Publication received), 80. of Carbon Compounds. Vol. 111, Part A. Aro- matic Compounds. Kodd. (Publication re- ceived), 572. Rational Approach to Chemical Principles. Cranston. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 847. Keports of Progress of Applied -. Vol. XXXIX, 1954. Society of Chemical Industry. (Publication received), 847. Techniques in Clinical - : Handbook for Medical Laboratory Technicians. Bullock.(Review), 404. "Cherries : Calcium dl-tartrate in canned -. Dickinson and Fowler, 706. *Chloramphenicol: New reagents for colorimetric detmn. of Atropa alkaloids (and -). Free- man, 820. *Chloride : Analysing phosphating prepns. used for protecting steel surfaces. Bush, Higgs and Box, 885. *;lnalysis of sea water. *Influence of - on oxidation of adrenocortical steroids by sodium bismuthate. Smith and Tompsett, 397. *Oxygen absorbed from acid permanganate in presence of -. Roberts, 517. See also Halides. Barnes, 573. Chlorine: Methods for Detection of Toxic Gases in Industry, Leaflet No. 10, -- (Revised Edn.). (Publication received), 322. *Portable high-frequency titrimeter. Dowdall, Sinkinson and Stretch, 491. *Chloroacetic acid: Action of sulphuric acid in colour reactions of organic compounds.Detcng. - and other compounds splitting off formalde- hyde. Feigl and Moscovici, translated by Oesper, 803. *Chloroform: Recovery of -- used in dithizone extraction. Mullin and Riley, 316. *Chromatography : Application of paper-chromato- graphic analysis t o geochemical prospecting. Hunt, North and Wells, 172. Elements of -. Williams. (Review), 407. *Location of acid zones on paper chromatograms. Cochrane, 909. Manual of Paper - and Paper Electrophoresis. Block, Durram and Zweig. (Publication received), 407. Michael Tswett's First Paper on -. Hesse and Weil. English translation. (Publication received), 160. Paper -. Cramer. 2nd Edn. translated by Richards. (Review), 80. Review of British Medical Bulletin, Vol. 10, No. 3. Bacharach, 2.*Chromium : Analysing binary molybdenum-base alloys. Bush and Higgs, 536. "Chrysene: Detcng. and detmng. traces of poly- nuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. 111. Examination of gasworks effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 652. Cleanliness of fillings and stuffings. B.S. 1425 : 1954. Amendment slip, 157. Clinical Chemistry: Techniques in -: Handbook for Medical Laboratory Technicians. Bullock. (Review), 404. Coal ash: Ion-exchange resins in analysis of -. Ellington and Stanley, 313. *ash : Polarographic detmn. of magnesium in - and coke ash. *Detmng. arsenic in -. Edgcombe and Gold, 155. *Detmng. by radioactivation small amounts of rubidium and caesium in sea-water and related materials of geochemical interest. Smales and Salmon, 37. "Cobalt : -4nalysing binary molybdenum-base alloys.Bush and Higgs, 536. "Application of paper-chromatographic analysis to geochemical prospecting. Hunt, North and Wells, 172. *Colorimetric detmn. of copper in alloyed steels (and -) with 2 : 2'-diquinolyl. Elwell, 508. Cobalt-60 : Protection Against Radiations from Radium, - and Cesium-137. U.S. National Bureau of Standards. (Publication received), 80. *Cod-liver oil : Chromatographic separation of vitamin-A-active compounds in -. Bro- Rasmussen, Hjarde and Porotnikoff, 41 8. "Detmng. vitamin A in natural products, especially -. Morton and Bro-Rasmussen, 410. *Coke ash : Polarographic detmn. of magnesium in coal ash and -. Edgcombe and Gregory, 236. Colouring matters : Recommendations relating to in foods. Ministry of Food, 158.use of - See also Dyes. *Complexes : Spectrophotometric detmn. of iron chelates. Hill-Cottingham, 906. *Theoretical basis of sensitivity tests and applica- tion to potential organic reagents for metals. Irving and Rossotti, 245. See also Chelates. Edgcombe and Gregory, 236. Compleximetric titration : Komplexometrische Titra- tion. Schwarzenbach. (Publication received), 488. *Complexones and their analytical application. Schwarzenbach, 713. *Concentrates : Detmng. small amounts of nickel in copper ores and ~ containing iron and cobalt. Liberman, 595. Condensers: Glass -. B.S. 1848 : 1952. Amend- ment slip, 79. *Conway diffusion technique : Detmng. amides in aqueous and non-aqueous soh. by -. Hallam, 552. Cookery: Experimental - from Chemical and Physical Standpoint. Lowe.4th Edn. (Pub- lication received), 636. Coolers: Open-surface milk -. B.S. 2587 : 1955, 486. *Copper : Analysing binary molybdenum-base alloys. Bush and Higgs, 536. * Analysing phosphating prepns. used for protecting steel surfaces. *Analysis of sea water. *Application of paper-chromatographic analysis t o geochemical prospecting. Hunt, North and Wells, 172. *Colorimetric detmn. of - in alloyed steels with 2 : 2'-diquinolyl. *detmng. : Analytical applications of Barker square-wave polarograph. Ferrett and Milner, 132. *Detmng. - in plant materials with zinc di- benzyldithiocarbamate. Andrus, 5 14. Bush, Higgs and Box, 885. Barnes, 573. Elwell, 508.xx INDEX TO VOLUME 80 Copper-continued. *Detmng. small amounts of nickel in - ores and concentrates containing iron and cobalt.Liberman, 595. *Detmng. trace elements in plant material and soils with Aspergillus nzger. Nicholas. (Sum- mary), 782. "Iodide method for -, with fluoride as inhibitor of iron. Martin, 318. *Lithium hydroxide for qualitative separation of - and arsenic groups. James and Wood- ward, 825. *Separating - from cadmium by electro-de- position from ammoniacal soln. Diehl and Craig, 599. *Studies on oxine and derivatives. Selectivity and sensitivity of 7-allyloxine and 7-allyl-5- nitroso-oxine to metals. Hollingshead, 729. *Copper sulphate : Polarographic detmn. of zinc in -. Menary, 908. *Corticosteroids : Fractionating and detmng. - in urine. Cottonseed oil: Refined - . B.S. 655:1950. Amendment slip, 319. *Counter : Capacity-change drop -.Ricketts, 213. *(!resols : Analysing mixtures of phenols by partition chromatography and U.V. spectrophotometry. Pearson, 656. *Greta Praeparata : Detmng. sodium bicarbonate in self-raising flours containing Chalk B.P. Stephenson and Hartley, 461. *Detmng. thiamine in vitamin concentrates con- taining -, *Cyanide: Detmng. sodium and potassium in com- plex - soh tions with anion-exchange resins. Gabrielson, 479. Cyanocobalamin : See Vitamin BIZ. Cook, Dell and Wareham, 215. Ridyard, 834; Erratum, 912. D Dairying: Dictionary of -. Davis. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 488. *De-Acidite FJT : Separating zinc from cadmium. Baggott and Willcocks, 53. *2-Deoxyglucose : Detmng. methylpentoses. Gib- bons, 268. *2-Deoxymethylpentoses : Detmng. methylpentoses. Gibbons, 268.Desiccant: Activated alumina for use as -- for packages. B.S. 2541 : 1954. 240. B.S. 2540 : 1954. 240. *Detergents : Absorptiometric detmn. of tin with dithiol. Ovenston and Kenyon, 566. *Adsorption columns in analysing oil-in-water emulsions. Harker and Howitt. 470. *Detmng. anionic - in sewage, sewage effluents and river waters. Longwell and Maniece, 167. *Diabetic diets : Examining commercial sorbitols, especially suitability for --. Kennedy-Ripon and Mapes, 568. *Did: Spray reagent for paper chromatography of barbiturates. Hjelt, Leppanen and Tamminen, 706. *p-Disminodicyctohexyylmethane dihydrochlonde : Examination of interpolymer of nylon 6, nylon 66 and nylon PACM 6. Clasper, Haslam and Mooney, 812. "1 :2-Diamino-4-nitrobenzene for detcng. and detmng.a-keto acids in blood and urine. Taylor and Smith, 607. Silica gel for use as __ for packages. *Dibenzylethylenediaminedipenicillin : New reagent for colorimetric detmn. of Atropa alkaloids (an( -),. Freeman, 520. *Dibenzyhdene-acetal: Detmng. pentaerythritol a - and chromatographic separation froq commercial material. Sporek and Williams, 29 "Dibutyl phthalate : DetInng. ___ in propellants Mullaly, 237. Dichloromethane: B.S. 1994 : 1953. -4mendment slip, 1.57. *2 : 6-Dichlorophenolindophenol : Titrimetric detmn, of ascorbic acid. Barakat, Shehab and El-Sadr, 828; Erratum, 912. *2 : 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid : Action of sul- phuric acid in colour reactions of organic compounds. Detcng. monochloroacetic acid and other compounds splitting off formalde- hyde.Feigl and JMoscovici, translated by Oesper, 803. Scientific and Technical Words. Flood and West. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 322. of Dairying. Davis. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 488. Feigl and Hainberger, translated by Oesper, 807. Dictionary : Explaining and Pronouncing - of "Dicyanogen: Detcng. -- on micro scale. Ditheyl ether: See Ether. 0 : O-Diethyl O-p-nitrophenyl thiophosphate : See Parathion. *Diethylammonium diethyldithiocarbamate for sepa- rating and detmng. small amounts of metals. 11. Isolating and detmng. arsenic, antimony and tin in organic compounds. Wyatt, 368; Erratum, 780. *Diethylenetriaminepenta-acetic acid : Spectrophoto- metric detmn. of iron chelates. Hill-Cotting- ham, 906. Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate: B.S. 1996 : 1953. Amend- ment slip, 157.*5 : 8-Dihydroxy-2 : 3-dimethylquinoxaline : Theoreti- cal basis of sensitivity tests and application to potential organic reagents for metals. Irving and Rossotti, 245. "5 : 8-Dihydroxy-2 : 4-dimethylquinoxaline : Theoreti- cal basis of sensitivity tests and application to potential organic reagents for metals. Irving and Rossotti, 245. "DiketohydFindylidenediketohydrindamine : Detmng. amino-acids with ninhydrin. Yemm and Cock- ing, 209. *Dimethylformamide: New reagents for colorimetric detmn. of Atropa alkaloids. *2 : P-Dimethyl-8-hydroxyquinalloline : Theoretical basis of sensitivity tests and application to potential organic reagents for metals. Irving and Rossotti, 245. *Dimethylnitrosamine : Polarographic detmn. of - in animal tissue. Heath and Jarvis, 613.*3 : 5-Dinitro-o-cresol : Detmng. - in presence of j3-carotene in biological tissues. Fenwick and Parker, 774. *Diphenylhydantoin : Separating phenobarbitone and - by paper chromatography. Curry, 902. *Dipicrylamine : Micro-detmn. of potassium with -, Lewis, 768. *2 : 2'-Diquinolyl: Colorimetric detmn. of copper in alloyed steels with -. Dirt : Centrifuge tubes and sedimentation vessels for detmng. visible -- in milk. B.S. 736 : 1955. 486. *Dissociation constants : Detmng. - of dibasic acids. Freeman, 520. Elwell, 508. Irving, Rossotti and Harris, 83.INDEX TO VOLUME 80 xxi 'Dithiol : Absorptiometric detmn. of tin with -. Ovenston and Kenyon, 566. *Dithizone : Recovery of chloroform used in - extraction. Mullin and Riley, 316. DNOC : See 3 : 5-Dinitro-o-cresol.bDocuments : Comparison of inks and writings by paper chromatography. Coldwell, 68. *Drop counter. Capacity-change -. Ricketts, 213. Drugs: Analysis of ~ and Chemicals. Evers and Smith. (Publication received), 322; (Review), 635. Canada's Food and - Laws. Curran. (Re- view), 320. Food and - Amendment Act, 1954. 240; Erratum, 319. General State Food and - Laws. Vernon and Depew. (Review), 707. Quantitative Analysis of -. Garratt. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 780. Special Federal Food and - Laws. Christopher and Dunn. (Review), 707. Symposium on Sedative and Hypnotic -, held under Auspices of Mile- Ames Research Labora- tory and Sumner Research Laboratory, Elk- hart, Indiana. (Publication received), 572. Synthetic -. Fleck. (Publication received), 912.Transfer of Functions (Food and -) Order, 1955. 634. Drying: Activated alumina for use as desiccant for packages. B.S. 2541 : 1954. 240. *oven: Design and operating technique of vacuum --. 111. Solids in mixtures of cane and beet molasses, and in beet molasses. Gardiner and Farmiloe, 557. Silica gel for use as desiccant for packages. B.S. 2540 : 1954. 240. Dyes : Chemistry of Synthetic - and Pigments. Lubs. (Publication received), 708. *Comparison of inks and writings by paper chromatography. Coldwell, 68. Recommendations relating to use of colouring matters in foods. Ministry of Food, 158. E E605: See Parathion. *Ebulliometer : Modified Menzies-Wright - for semi-micro and micro-detmn. of molecular weight. Colson, 690. *Muents : Biochemical oxygen demand test : variable results from use of stored standard dilution water. *Detcng.and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial - and sewage. 111. Examination of gasworks --. Wedg- wood and Cooper, 652. *Detmng. anionic detergents in sewage, sewage - and river waters. Longwell and Maniece, 167. *Detmng. toxicity of -- to fish. Herbert, 896. *Detmng. traces of benzene hexachloride in water and sewage -. Methods for analysis of trade -. Editorial, 849. *Oxygen absorbed from acid permanganate in presence of chloride. Roberts, 517. Electrochemistry : New Instrumental Methods in - Delahay. (Review), 572. EIechh;omat ography : See Electrophoresis . Elwtrodes: Glass -. B.S. 2586: 1955, 486. Wheatland and Smith, 899. Hancock and Laws, 665. Electrophoresis : Introduction to Paper - and related Methods.Lederer. (Publication re- ceived), 636. Manual of Paper Chromatography and Paper -. Block, Durram and Zweig. (Publication re- ceived), 407. *Zone - on filter-paper. *Emulsion(s) : Adsorption columns in analysing oil- in-water -. Green, Harker and Howitt, 470. Principles of - Technology. Becher. (Pub- lication received), 636. Engineering: Elements of Food -. Vol. IT. Unit Operations, 1 ; Vol. 111, Unit Operations, 2. Parker, Harvey and Stateler. (Publication received), 80. *Enols : High-frequency titrimetry : Titration of organic bases, phenols and -. Enzyme: Outlines of - Chemistry. Neilands and Stumpf. (Publication received), 488. *Eriochrome black : Detmng. small amounts of mag- nesium with -. Gasser, 482. Errata : Index, xxxiv Ethanediol: B.S.2537 : 1955. *Ethanol: Colorimetric detmn. of trace amounts of alcohols. Reid and Salmon, 704. Tables showing the Relation between Specific 20" Gravity of Spirits a t :C and Percentage of 20 - by Weight and Volume with Correspond- ing Percentage of Proof Spirit. (Publication received), 322. Ether: Technical -. B.S. 579: 1950. Amend- ment slip, 79. Ethyl alcohol : See Ethanol. *Ethylene : Rapid chromatographic detmn. of im- purities in -. Ray, 853. Ethylene glycol: B.S. 2537 : 1955. 319. *Ethylene oxide : Detmng. acetylene and aldehyde in -. Reid and Salmon, 602. *Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid : Complexones and their analytical application. Schwarzenbach, 713. *Haematoxylin as indicator for volumetric detmn. of aluminium with -. *Spectrophotometric detmn.of iron chelates. Hill-Cottingham, 906. *Titrating magnesium in presence of aluminium. Ritchie, 402. 2-Ethylhexanol: B.S. 1835 : 1954. Amendment slip, 157. *Ethylphenols : Analysing mixtures of phenols by partition chromatography and U.V. spectro- photometry. Pearson, 656. "Evipal : Spray reagent for paper chromatography of barbiturates. Hjelt, Leppanen and Tam- minen, 706. Extinguishers, fire: Report of Committee on Vaporizing Liquid Extinguishing Agents. (Pub- lication received), 322. Parker, 638. Lane, 675. 319. Taylor, 153. F Fat: Gerber method for detmng. - in milk and milk products. B.S. 696: 1956. Part 1, Appa- ratus; Part 2, Methods, 845. *Fatty acid: Rapid detmn. of total - in unbuilt soap products. Webster and Robertson, 616. Regulations, Feeding Stuffs: Fertilisers and - 1955.Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 909. "Ferro-alloys : Colorimetric detmn. of copper in alloyed steels with 2 : 2'-diquinolyl. Elwell, 508.xxii INDEX TO VOLUME 80 *Ferrous hydroxide: Reduction of nitrate by - under various conditions of alkalinity. Brem- ner and Smith, 626. Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Regulations, 1955. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 909. Fibres: Microscopy of Animal Textile -. Wild- man. (Publication received), 322. *Fillers: Detcng. - in phenol-formaldehyde mouldings. Haslam and Hill, 317. Fillings: Cleanliness of -- and stuffings. B.S. 1425 : 1954. Amendment slip, 157. Glossary of terms applicable to - and stuffings. B.S. 2005 : 1953. Amendment slip, 403. Fire: Report of Committee on Vaporizing Liquid Extinguishing Agents.(Publication received), 322. *Fish: Detmng. toxicity of effluents t o -. Herbert, 896. Flasks: One-mark graduated --. B.S. 1792 : 1952. Amendment slip, 79. *Flours : Detmng. sodium bicarbonate in self-raising - containing Chalk B.P. Stephenson and Hartley, 46 1. *Detmng. thiamine in vitamin concentrates con- taining Creta Praeparata. Ridyard, 834; Erratum, 912. "Fluoranthene : Detcng. and detmng. traces of poly- nuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. 111. Examination of gasworks effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 652. "Fluorene: Detcng. and detmng. traces of poly- nuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. 111. Examination of gasworks effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 652. *Fluoride: Analysis of sea water.*Fluorine : Portable high-frequency titrimeter. Dowdall, Sinkinson and Stretch, 491. Food(s) and Drugs Amendment Act, 1954. 240; Erratum, 319. Canada's - and Drug Laws. Curran. (Re- view), 320. "Detmng. lead in organic material. Gage, 789. Elements of - Engineering. Vol. 11. Unit Operations, 1 ; Vol. 111, ITnit Operations, 2. Parker, Harvey and Stateler. (Publication received), 80. General State __ and Drug Laws. Vernon and Depew. (Review), 707. Indian - Laws. Iyengar, Sur and Kale. (Publication received), 240 ; (Review), 708. Laboratory Inspection of Canned and Bottled -. Dickinson and Goose. (Publication received), 780. Recommendations relating to use of colouring matters in -. Revised recommendations for limits for arsenic in -.Ministry of --, - Standards Committee, 318. "Sodium hexametaphosphate in detmng. traces of lead in ----. Special Federal - and Drugs Laws. Christo- pher and Dunn. (Review), 707. Transfer of Functions (- a'nd Drugs) Order, 1955. 634. *Formaldehyde : Action of sulphuric acid in colour reactions of organic compounds. Detcng. monochloroacetic acid and other compounds splitting off -. Feigl and Moscovici, trans- lated by Oesper, 803. Formulazy : National - 1955. British Medical Association and Pharmaceutical Press. (Pub- lication received), 240. Barnes, 573. See also Halides. Ministry of Food, 158. Johnson and Polhill, 364. *Freezing point(s) : Abnormally small ___ depres sions of genuine milk. Bagnall and Smith, 623 Hervey, 284 *Fructose : Detmng. -- by Seliwanoff reactior Chefurka, 486.*Fucose : Detmng. methylpentoses. Gibbons, 268 *Fuel oils : Identifying -- polluting coastal waters Johannesson, 840. *Furnagillin: Fractionation of crude ___ by dis tribution methods. Goodall and Landquist 499. *Detmng. - of biological fluids. G *Gallium: Detmng. ---. Milner, 77. *Gallocyanine : Detmng. gallium. *Gas analysis.: Apparatus for detmng. gaseous elements in metals by vacuum fusion on micro scale. Gregory and Mapper, 225. "Detmng. oxygen in beryllium by vacuum fusion on micro scale,,with note on detmng. oxygen in zirconium. lsotopic - for Biochemists. Glascock. (Pub- lication received), 160. Modern -. Mullen. (Publication received), 488. Use of sound in analytical chemistry. Nicholls, 81. Genetics and Metabolism. Wagner and Mitchell.(Publication received), 780. "Geochemistry : Application of paper-chromato- graphic analysis to geochemical prospecting. Hunt, hTorth and Wells, 172. German Books on Chemical and Cognate Subjects Published 1950-1953. Cummins and Vince. Supplementing 2nd Edn. (Publication re- ceived), 322. Plastics Industry During Period 1939-1945. Megson and Poupard. (Publication received), 160. *Germanium : Rapid detmn. of microgram quanti- ties of -. Strickland, 548. *Glass: Detmng. potassium by pptn. as potassium tetraphenylboron and application to silicate analysis. Cluley, 364. *Properties of - in relation t o composition. (Summary), Moore, 243. *D-Glucomethylose : Detmng. methylpentoses. Gib- bons, 268. Glycerol: B.S. 2621-5 : 1955, 778. *Detmng. trimethylene glycol in crude -.L,azarus and Newlove, 276. Glycerol triacetate: B.S. 1997 : 1953. Amendment slip, 157. *Gold : Solvent extraction in analysis of precious metals. McBryde. (Summary), 83; (Full paper), 503. *Growth factors : Microbiological assay on large plates. I. General considerations with par- ticular reference t o routine assay. Lees and Tootill, 95. 11. Precise assay, 110; 111. High throughput, low precision assays, 531. *D-Gulomethylose : Detmng. methylpentoses. Gib- bons, 268. Milner, 77. Gregory and Mapper, 230. H Haemacytometer counting chambers and dilution pipettes. R.S. 748 : 1953. Amendment slip, 79. *Haematin : Stability of alkaline .qolns. of -, Scaife, 562.INDEX TO VOLUME 80 xxiii Haematoxylin as indicator for volumetric detmn. of aluminium with ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid.Taylor, 153. 'Haemoglobin : Stability of alkaline solutions of haematin. Scaife, 562. #Halides : Voltammetry of silver halide suspensions and amperometric titration of --. Kolthoff and Stock, 860. *Heathel : Examination of Scottish - honey. 11. Mitchell, Irvine and Scoular, 620. *Hexachlorocyclohexane : Iletmng. traces of - in water and sewage effluents. Hancock and T-aws, 665. *Differential refractometer for detmng. purity of solid organic compounds, particularly -. Hill and Jones, 339. *Hexamethylenediamine dihydrochloride : Examina- tion of interpolymer of nylon 6, nylon 66 and nylon I'ACM 6. Clasper, Haslam and Mooney, 812. cycloHexylamine: R.S. 2534: 1965, 319. History: From Classical t o Modern Chemistry. Historical Sketches. Berry.(Publication received), 80. *Honey : Examination of Scottish heather -. 11. Mitchell, Irvine and Scoular, 620. *Hydrocarbons : Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear __ in industrial effluents and sewage. 111. Examination of gasworks effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 652. Crompton and Reid, 605. "Hydrogen : Apparatus for detmng. gaseous elements in metals by vacuum fusion on micro scale. Gregory and Mapper, 225. "Detmng. oxygen (and --) in beryllium by vacuum fusion on micro scale. Gregory and Mapper, 230. Ions : Determination and Importance in Pure and Industrial Chemistry. Britton. Vol. I. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 912. Hydrometers: Density -- for use in milk. B.S. 734 : 1955, 486. *S-Hydroxycinnoline : Theoretical basis of sensitivity tests and application t o potential organic reagents for metals.Irving and Rossotti, 245. *17-Hydroxycorticosteroids : Fractionating and de- tmng. corticosteroids in urine. Cook, Dell and M'areham, 215. *S-Hydroxy-Z : 4-dimethylquinazoline : Detmng. dis- sociation constants of dibasic acids. Irving, Rossotti and Harris, 83. *Theoretical basis of sensitivity tests and applica- tion t o potential organic reagents for metals. Irving and Rossotti, 245. *N-Hydroxyethylethylene~a~netr~acetic acid : Spectrophotometric detmn. of iron chelates. Hill-Cottingham, 906. *8-Hydroxy-5-nitrosoquinoIine as analytical reagent. Irving, Hollingshead and Harris, 260. *8-Hydroxyquinazoline : Detmng. dissociation con- stants of dibasic acids. Irving, Rossotti and Harris, 83. *Theoretical basis of sensitivity tests and applica- tion to potential organic reagents for metals.Irving and Rossotti, 245. *8-Hydroxyquinoline : derivatives of, as analytical reagents. Irving, Hollingshead and Harris, 260. *Detmng. dissociation constants of dibasic acids. Irving, Rossotti and Harris, 83. Oxine and its Derivatives. Vol. I, Part 1. Vol. 11, Part 2. Hollingshead. (Publication re- ceived), 240 ; (Review), 569. *Detmng. benzene in cracked -. S-Hydroxyquinoline--colzti mted. *Studies on - and derivatives. Selectivity and sensitivity of 7-allyl-8-hydroxyquinoline and 7-allyl-8-hydroxy-5-nitrosoquinoline to metals. Hollingshead, 729. *Theoretical basis of sensitivity tests and applica- tion t o potential organic reagents for 'metals. Irving and Rossotti, 245. *5-Hydroxyquinoxaline : Detning. dissociation con- stants of dibasic acids.Irving, Rossotti and Harris, 83. "Theoretical basis of sensitivity tests and applica- tion to potential organic reagents for metals. Irving and Rossotti, 245. "Hyoscyamine : Colorimetric detmn. of ,4tropa alkaloids. Freeman, 520. I India: Indian Food L a w . Iyengar, Sur and Kale. (Publication received), 240 ; (Review), 708. *Indium : detmng. : Analytical applications of Barker square-wave polarograph . Ferrett and Milner, 132. *Inks: Comparison of __ and writings by paper chromatography. Coldwell, 68. Insecticides : Analysis of __ and Acaricides. Gunther and Blinn. (Publication received), 572. Institute of Petroleum : Applied Mass Spectrometry. (.Publication received), 322; (Review), 634. Insulin : Two large molecules and their structures.Bacharach, 709. Iodides: See Halides. *Iodine: Detmng. ~ in common salt by catalytit reduction of ceric ions. DubravCic, 146. *Detmng. _I in natural waters. DubravCiC, 295. *in analytical chemistry. Morgan. (Summary). 711. *Ion-exchange materials : -4dsorption columns in analysing oil-in-water emulsions. Harker and Howitt, 470. *materials : Detmng. sodium and potassium in complex cyanide solutions with anion-exchange resins. Gabrielson, 479. materials : New horizons. "resins in analysis of coal ash. Osborn, 489. Ellington and Stanley, 3 13. "Iridium: Separating rhodium and - by ion exchange. Cluett, Berman and McBrJ-de, 204. *Separation and quantitative detmn. of platinum, palladium, rhodium and - on paper strips. Kember and Wells, 735.*Solvent extraction in analysis of precious metals. McBryde, 603. *Iron: Analysing binary molybdenum-base alloys. Bush and Higgs, 636. *Analysing yliosphating prepns. used for pro- tecting steel surfaces. Bush, Higgs and Box, 885. *Analysis of sea water. Barnes, 573. *Detmng. trace elements in plant material and soils with Aspergillus niger. Nicholas. (Sum- mary), 782. See also Ferrous hydroxide. *Iron chelates : Spectrophotometric detmn. of -. Hill-Cottingham, 906. J Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry. Vol. I, (Publication received), Nos. 1/2, March, 1955. 488.xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 80 K Karl Fischer method: See Water. Kjeldahl method: See Nitrogen. *a-Keto-acids : 1 : 2-Diamino-4-nitrobenzene for de- tcng. and detmng. - in blood and urine.Taylor and Smith, 607. *a-Ketoglutdc acid : 1 : 2-Diamino-4-nitrobenzene for detcng. and detmng. cr-keto-acids in blood and urine. Taylor and Smith, 607. L Laboratory(ies) and Workshop Notes 1950-1952. Lang. (Publication received), 160. *Lactic acid : Separating and detmng. acetic acid and - by paper partition chromatography and application to silages. Birk and Bondi, 454. *Lanthionine : Detmng. - in amino-acid mix- tures : separating its diastereoisomers on ion- exchange resin. Blackburn and Lee, 875. Laws: Canda's Food and Drug -, Curran. (Review), 320. General State Food and Drug -, Vernon and Depew. (Review), 707. Indian Food - . Iyengar, Sur and Kale. (Publication received), 240 ; (Review), 708. Special Federal Food and Drugs -. Christo- pher and Dunn.(Review), 707. *Lead : Application of paper-chromatographic analy- sis to geochemical prospecting. Hunt, North and Wells, 172. *detmng. : Analytical applications of Barker square-wave polarograph. Ferrett and Milner, 132. *Detmng. - in organic material. Gage, 789. *Detmng. small amounts of bismuth in - and antimonial - alloys. Fiander, 476. *Lithium hydroxide for qualitative separation of copper and arsenic groups. James and Woodward, 825. Methods for Detmng. - in Air and in Biological Materials. American Public Health Assoc., Inc. (Publication received), 780. (Review), 910. *Sodium hexametaphosphate in detmng. traces of - in food. Ling: See Heather. *Lithium hydroxide for qualitative separation of copper and arsenic groups. James and Wood- ward, 825. *Locusts : Detmng.3 : 5-dinitro-o-cresol in presence of &carotene in biological tissues. Fenwick and Parker, 774. *Lor01 : Absorptiometric detmn. of tin with dithiol. Ovenston and Kenyon, 566. Lovibond Comparator : Colorimetric Chemical Patho- logical Estimations using -. Chamberlin. (Publication received), 912. New analytical -. Haslam, 161. Johnson and Polhill, 364. M *Magnesium: Analysis of sea water. Barnes, 573. Chemical and Spectrographic Analysis of - and its Alloys. Mayer and Price. (Publication received), 708. *Detmng. small amounts of - with Eriochrome black. Gasser, 482. *Polarographic detmn. of - in coal ash and coke ash. Edrrcombe and Greaorv. 236. Magnesium-continued. "Separating group IIA elements of periodic tablc by paper chromatography. Magee and Head ridge, 785."Studies on oxine and derivatives : Selectivitj and sensitivity of 7-allyloxine and 7-allyl-5 nitroso-oxine to metals. Hollingshead, 729. *Titrating -- in presence of aluminium, Ritchie, 402. *Maleic anhydride : Detmng. cyclopentadiene and -. Unger, 820. *Manganese : Analysing binary molybdenum-base alloys. Bush and Higgs, 536. *Analysis of sea water. "Detmng. trace elements in plant material and soils with A spergiZZus niger. Nicholas. (Sum- mary), 782. *Manganese phosphate : Analysing phosphating prepns. used for protecting steel surfaces. Bush, Higgs and Box, 885. Manoxol O.T. : See Sodium dioctslsulphosuccinate. Manufacturing Chemists' Association Inc. : Guide for Safety in the Chemical Laboratory. 2nd Printing. (Publication received), 240. *Margarine : Spectrophotometric detmn.of vitamin A in -. *Marine sediments : Detmng. by radioactivation small amounts of rubidium and caesium in sea-water and related materials of geochemical interest. Smales and Salmon, 37. Martindale : Extra Pharmacopoeia (-) . 23rd Edn. (Publication received), 780. Mass : Precision Laboratory Standards of - and Laboratory Weights. Lashof and Macurdy. (Publication received), 80. Mass Spectrometry: Applied -. Inst. of Petro- leum, Mass Spectrometry Panel. (Publication received), 322 ; (Review), 634. *Mercury: Absorptiometric detmn. of - in urine. Rolfe, Russell and Wilkinson, 523. "Lithium hydroxide for qualitative separation of copper and arsenic groups. James and Woodward, 825. Metabolism: Genetics and -. Wagner and Mitchell. (Publication received), 780.Metallurgical Analysis : Select Methods of -. Naish, Clennell and Kingswood. 2nd Edn. (Review), 158. *Metals : Apparatus for detmng. gaseous elements in - by vacuum fusion on micro scale. Gregory and Mapper, 225. *organic complexes of: Complexones and their analytical application. Schwarzenbach, 713. *Solvent extraction in analysing precious -. McBryde, 503. *Methanol. Colorimetric detmn. of trace amounts of alcohols. *Methyl bromide: Colorimetric detmn. of - in air. Lugg, 290. cis-3 : 6-endolethylenetetrahydrophthalic acid : See Carbic acid. *3-O-Methyl-6-methylpentoses : Detmng. methyl- pentoses. Gibbons, 268. *Methylpentoses : Detmng. -. *9-Methyl-2 : 3 : 7-trihydro.xy-6-fluorone : Detmng. small amounts of bismuth in lead and anti- monial lead alloys.Fiander, 476. Microbiological assay : Einfuhrung in mikro- biologische Bestimmungsverfahren : Quantita- tive Bestimmung von Aminosauren und Vita- minen des B-Komplexes. Mucke. (Publication received), 636. Barnes, 573. Lord and Bradley, 429. Reid and Salmon, 704. Gibbons, 268.INDEX TO VOLUME 80 xxv Microbiological assay-continued. *on large plates. I. General considerations with particular reference to routine assay. Lees and Tootill, 95; 11. Precise assay, 110; 111. High throughput, low precision assays, 531. Micro-Organisms : Chemistry of -. Bracken. (Publication received), 488. *Milk: Abnormally small f.pt. depressions of genuine -. can washing machines. B.S. 2616 : 1955. 778. Centrifuge tubes and sedimentation vessels for detmng. visible dirt in -.B.S. 736: 1955, 486. Density hydrometers for use in ---. B.S. 734: 1955, 486. Gerber method for detmng. fat in - and - products. B.S. 696 : 1955. Part 1, Apparatus; Part 2, Methods, 845. Open-surface - coolers. B.S. 2587 : 1955, 486. *Mineral dusts: Colorimetric detmn. of silicon in micro-analysis of biological material and -. King, Stacy, Holt, Yates and Pickles, 441. Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food : Transfer of Functions (Ministry of Food) Order, 1955, 402. Minister of Health: Transfer of Functions (Food and Drugs) Order, 1955, 634. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food: Ferti- lisers and Feeding Stuffs Regulations, 1955, 909. Ministry of Food, Food Standards Committee : Revised recommendations for limits for arsenic in foods, 318.Recommendations relating to use of colouring matters in foods, 158. Transfer of Functions (Food and Drugs) Order, 1955, 634. Transfer of Functions (-) Order, 1955, 402. Ministry of Food Orders, etc.: Bread, 240. *Molasses : Design and operating technique of vacuum drying oven. 111. Solids in mixtures of cane and beet __ and in beet -. Gardiner and Farmiloe, 557. *Molecular weight : Modified Menzies-Wright ebullio- meter for semi-micro and micro-detmn. of -. Colson, 690. *Molybdenum Analysing binary - base alloys. Bush and Higgs, 536. *Detmng. trace elements in plant material and soils with Aspergillus niger. Nicholas. (Sum- mary), 782. *Monochloroacetic acid : Action of sulphuric acid in colour reactions of organic compounds. Detmng. - and other compounds splitting off formaldehyde. Feigl and Moscovici, trans- lated by Oesper, 803.*Murexide : Stabilisation of - for colorimetric use. Diggins, 401. *Myoglobin : Stability of alkaline solutions of haematin. Scaife, 562. Bagnall and Smith, 623. N *Naphthalene : Detcng. and detmng. traces of poly- nuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. 111. Examination of gasworks effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 652. *l-Naphthylamine : Modified - -sulphanilic acid method for detmng. nitrites in low concentra- tion. Zeller, 632. National milk bread : Bread (Amendment) Order, 1955. 240. National-continued. Formulary 1955. British Medical Association and Pharmaceutical Press. (Publication received), 240. National Bureau of Standards: See U.S. National National Physical Laboratory : Measurement of Pressure with Mercury Barometer.(Publica- tion received), 322. *Nembutal : Spray reagent for paper chromato- graphy of barbiturates. Hjelt, Leppanen and Tamminen, 706. Neovitamin A: See Vitamin A. Neovitamin A,: See Vitamin A,. *Nickel : Analysing binary molybdenum-base alloys. Bush and Higgs, 536. *Analysing phosphating prepns. used for protect- ing steel surfaces. Bush, Higgs and Box, 885. *Application of paper-chromatographic analysis to geochemical prospecting. Hunt, North and Wells, 172. *Colorimetric detmn. of copper in alloyed steel (and -) with 2 : 2'-diquinolyl. Elwell, 508. *detmng. : Analytical applications of Barker square-wave polarograph. Ferrett and Milner, 132. "Detmng. small amounts of - in copper ores and concentrates containing iron and cobalt.Liberman, 595. *Identifying fuel oils polluting coastal waters (- in oils). Johannesson, 840. "Studies on oxine and derivatives : Selectivity and sensitivity of 7-allyloxine and 7-allyl-5- nitroso-oxine to metals. Hollingshead, 729. "Ninhydrin : Detmng. amino-acids with -. Yemm and Cocking, 209. *Niobium: Analysing binary molybdenum - base alloys. Bush and Higgs, 536. *Application of paper-chromatographic analysis to geochemical prospecting. Hunt, North and Wells, 172. "Detmng. - or tantalum in uranium and zirconium-base alloys. Milner, Barnett and Smales, 380. *Simultaneous absorptiometric detmn. of tanta- lum and - in ores. Marzys, 194. "Nitrate : Detmng. - and nitrite in soil. Buckett, Duffield and Milton, 141. *Reduction of - by ferrous hydroxide under various conditions of alkalinity.Bremner and Shaw, 626. *Nitric acid : Analysing phosphating prepns. used for protecting steel surfaces. Bush, Higgs and Box, 885. *Nitrite@) : Detmng. nitrate and - in soil. Buckett, Dufiield and Milton, 141. *Modified 1 -naphthylamine - sulphanilic acid method for detmng. - in low concentration. Zeller, 632. *Nitrocellulose : Detmng. dibutyl phthalate in pro- pellants. Mullaly, 237. *Nitrogen : Analysis of sea water. *Apparatus for detmng. gaseous elements in metals by vacuum fusion on micro scale. Gregory and Mapper, 225. *Boell and Shen method for detmng. - in water. Vallentyne, 841. *content of lean pork. *Detmng. amides in aqueous and non-aqueous solution by Conway diffusion technique. Hallam, 552. "Kjeldahl method-catalysts or oxidants? Beet.(Summary), 163. *Micro Kjeldahl detmn. of nitro -. Baker, 481. Bureau of Standards. Barnes, 573. Marshall, 776.xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 80 *Nitroglycerine : Detmng. dibutyl phthalate in pro- pellants. Mullaly, 237. *Nitroguanidine : Analysing phosphating prepns. used for protecting steel surfaces. Bush, Higgs and Box, 885. *Nitroquinoxalinols : 1 : 2-Diamino-4-nitrobenzene for detcng. and detmng. a-keto-acids in blood and urine. Taylor and Smith, 607. "Nitrosamines : Polarographic detmn. of dimethyl- nitrosamine in animal tissue. Heath and Jarvis, 613. "5-Nitroso-oxiae as analytical reagent. Irving, Hollingshead and Harris, 260. "Detmng. dissociation constants of dibasic acids. Irving, Rossotti and Harris, 83. *Nylon: Interpolymer of - 6, - 66 and - PACM 6.0 Clasper, Haslam and Mooney, 812. Obituaries : Bacon, W., 3, 327. Campbell, A. R., 327. Clifford, J., 637. Collett, R. L., 637, 784. Colman, H. G.; 327. Edgerton, P., 3, 327. Elvidge, W. F., 82, 327. Green, A., 573. Harris, F. W., 82, 327. Hawkins, E. S., 82, 244, 327. Hewitt, J . T., 327. Hurst, H., 327. Jones, O., 573. Knaggs, J., 327. McLaren, J., 242. Moor, C. G., 327. More, h., 637, 783. Orrell, W. R., 327. Parker, A. J., 82, 327. Sage, C. E., 852. Stevens, H. B., 327. Tingle, A., 242. Waywell, J., 327. Woosnarn, R. W., 327. *Oil@) : Adsorption columns in analysing -- -in- water emulsions. *Chromatographic separation of vitamin-A-active compounds in cod-liver -. Bro-Rasmussen, Hjarde and Porotnikoff, 418. *Detmng. vitamin A in natural products, especially cod-liver --.Morton and Bro- Rasmussen, 410. *Identifying fuel - polluting coastal waters. Johannesson, 840. Refined cottonseed -. B.S. 655 : 1950. Amend- ment slip, 319. *Ores: Detmng. small amounts of nickel in copper - and concentrates containing iron and cobalt. Liberman, 595. *Simultaneous absorptiometric detmn. of tanta- lum and niobium in -. Organic Compounds : Chemical Properties of -: Introduction. Marvel1 and Logan. (Publica- tion received), 847. Reactions. Adams. Vol. VIII. (Publication received), 407; (Review), 636. Syntheses. Collective Vol. 3. Homing. (Pub- lication received), 572. Syntheses. Vol. 34. Johnson. (Publication received), 322; (Review), 570. *Organa-phosphorus compounds : High-frequency titrimetry : titration of organic bases, phenols and enols.Lane. 675.. Harker and Howitt, 470. Marzys, 194. *Osmium : Solvent extraction in analysis of precious metals. McBryde, 503. *Oven : Design and operating technique of vacuum drying -. 111. Solids in mixtures of cane and beet molasses and in beet molasses. Gardiner and Farmiloe, 357. Oxine : See 8-Hydroxyquinoline. Oxo-acids : See Keto-acids. *Oxygen absorbed from acid permanganate in presence of chloride. Noberts, 517. "Detmng. __ in beryllium by vacuum fusion on micro scale, with note on detmng. I_ in zirconium. Gregory and Mapper, 230. *Modified Unterzauchei- method for direct detmn. o f combined ---. Oliver, 503. P "Palladium : Separation and quantitative detpm. oP platinum, --, rhodium and iridium on paper strips. Kember and LVells, 735."Solvent extraction in analysis of precious metals. McBryde, 503. *Volumetric assay of binary alloys of -. Atkinson, Rhoda and Lomell, 838. *Paper chromatograms : Location of acid zones on -. Cochrane, 909. *electrophoresis Electrophoresis on filter-paper. Parker, 638. Electrophoresis : Introduction to I_ and Related Methods. Lederer. (Publication received), 636. See aZso Chromatography. "Parathion: Spectrophotometric identification and detmn. of ---. Riggs, 279. Particle Size Determination. Cadle. (Publication received), 912. *Pectin: Detmng. - grade with Ridgelimeter. Lockwood, 315. *cycZoPentadiene : Detmng. -- and nialeic anhy- dride. Unger, 820. *Pentaerythritol: Detmng. _- as dibenzylidene- acetal and chromatographic separation from commercial material.Sporek and l4'illiams, 29. "Pentothal : Spray reagent for paper chromato- graphy o€ barbiturates. Hjelt, Leppanen and Tamminen, 706. "Perchlorates : Dualistic and versatile reaction pro- perties of perchloric acid. Esperimental demonstration procedures. Smith, 16. Burton and Praill, 4. Burton and Praill, 4. *Dualistic and versatile reaction properties of _- . Experimental demonstration procedures. Smith, 16. "Permanganate : Oxygen absorbed from acid __ in presence of chloride. 'Perylene: Detcng. and detmng. traces of poly- nuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. 111. Examination of gasworks effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 652. pH : Electrometric - Determinations. Theory and Practice. Bates. (Publication received), 407; (Review), 779."Phanodorm : Spray reagent for paper chroniato- graphy of barbiturates. Hjelt, Leppanen and Tamminen, 706. *Pharmaceutical chemistry : Applications of micro- chemical analysis in --. Foster. (Summary), 163. Codex : British -, 1954. (Publication received), 80: (Review). 320. *Yerchloric acid and organic --. *Perchloric acid and organic perchlorates. Roberts, 517.INDEX TO VOLUME 80 xxvii .'harmaceutical Society of Great Britain : Calendar of -, 1954-1955. (Publication received), 80. ?harmacognosy: Textbook of -. Wallis. 3rd Edn. (Publication received) , 780. Pharmacopoeia: Addendum 1955 to British - 1953. (Publication received), 847. Extra - (Martindale). 23rd Edn. (Publica- tion received), 780. of the United States of America. 15th Revision. (Publication received) , 708."Phenanthrene : Detcng. and detmng. traces of poly- nuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. 111. Examination of gasworks effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 652. *Phenobarbital : Spray reagent for paper chromato- graphy of barbiturates. Hjelt, Leppanen and Tamminen, 706. "Phenobarbitone : Separating - and diphenyl- hydantoin by paper chromatography. Curry, 902. "Phenol-formaldehyde : Detcng. fillers in - mouldings. Haslam and Hill, 317. "Phenols: Analysing mixtures of - by partition chromatography and U.V. spectrophotometry. Pearson, 656. *High-frequency titrimetry : Titration of organic bases, - and enols. Lane, 675. *Phenylacetic acid : New reagents for colorimetric detmn. of Atropa alkaloids (and -). Free- man, 520. Phenyltoin sodium B.P.: See Sodium diphenyl- hydantoin. *Phosphates, aliphatic : Qualitative analysis of surface-active agents. Reid, Alston and Young, 682. *Phosphating preparations : Analysing - used for protecting steel surfaces, Bush, Higgs and Box, 885. "Phosphorus : Analysis of sea water. Barnes, 573. "Micro-detmn. of - in organic compounds. Burton and Riley, 391. "organic compounds of : High-frequency titri- metry : titration of organic bases, phenols and enols. Lane, 675. Physical Chemistry : Advanced Treatise on -. Vol. V. Molecular Spectra and Structure, Dielectrics and Dipole Moments. Partington. (Publication received), 160. Physiological Che+stry : Lehrbucli der Physio- logischen Chemie. Edlbacher and Leu thardt. 1 l t h Edn. Pigments : Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes and -.Lubs. (Publication received), 708. Pipettes : Haemacytometer counting chambers and dilution -. B.S. 748 : 1953. Amendment slip, 79. Syringe pattern micro--. B.S. 1428 : Part D5: 1955. 486. *Pitch: Test for - and bitumen. Baynes-Cope, 839. Plant(s) : British Poisonous -, Forsyth. (Pub- lication received), 488. "Detmng. copper in - with zinc dibenzyl- dithiocarbamate. Andrus, 614. *Detmng. trace elements in - material and soils with Aspergillus niger. Nicholas. (Sum- mary), 782. "Detmng. trace-element status of -. Hewitt. (Summary), 782. *Plasticisem : Examining polyvinyl chloride com- positions containing polypropylene adipate. Haslam and Squirrell, 871. (Publication received), 80. Plastics: German - Industry During Period 1939-1945. Megson and Poupard.(Publica- tion received), 160. *Platinum metals : Solvent extraction in analysis of precious metals. (Summary). McBryde, 83. *Separation and quantitative detmn. of -, palladium, rhodium and iridium on paper strips. Kember and Wells, 735. *Solvent extraction in analysis of precious metals. McBryde, 503. Poisonous Plants: British -. Forsyth. (Pub- lication received), 488. *Polarograph : Analytical applications of Barker square-wave -. Polarography : Polarographic Techniques. Meites. (Publication received), 572; (Review), 779. Polycaproamide : See Nylon. Poly-p-diaminodicyclohexylmethaneadipamide : See Nylon. *Polyethyleneglycol esters : Absorptiometric detmn. of polyethyleneglycol mono-oleate (and -) . Brown and Hayes, 755. * Polyethyleneglycol mono-oleate : Absorptiometric detmn.of -. Brown and Hayes, 755. *Polyethyleneglycols : Absorptiometric detmn. of polyethyleneglycol mono-oleate (and -) . Brown and Hayes, 755. Polyhexamethylenediamineadipamide : See Nylon. Polymer(s): High -. Vol. 111. Mechanism of - Reactions. Burnett. (Publication re- ceived), 160. "Polypropylene adipate : Examining polyvinyl chloride compositions containing -. Has- lam and Squirrell, 871. *Polyvinyl chloride : Examining - compositions containing polypropylene adipate. Haslam and Squirrell, 871. *Polyvinylidine chloride : Identifying - and its copolymers. Player, 633. *Pork: Nitrogen content of lean -. Marshall, 716. *Potassium: Analysis of sea water. Ferrett and Milner, 132. Barnes, 573. *Detmng. - as tetraphenylboron salt. Sporek and Williams, 347; Erratum, 572."Detmng. - by pptn. as - tetraphenyl- boron and application to silicate analysis. Cluley, 354. "Detmng. sodium and - in complex cyanide solutions with anion-exchange resins. Gabriel- son, 479. "Micro-detmn. of __ with dipicrylamine. Lewis, 768. *Silver cobaltinitrite method for detmng. -. Chenery, 569. *Potassium tetraphenylboron : Detmng. potassium as -. Sporek and Williams, 347; Erratum, 572. "Detmng. potassium by pptn. as - and applica- tion to silicate analysis. Cluley, 354. Pressure: Measurement of - with Mercury Barometer, National Physical Laboratory. (Publication received), 322. *isoPropanol : Colorimetric detmn. of traces of alcohols. Reid and Salmon, 704. "Propellants : Detmng. dibutyl phthalate in -. Mullaly, 237. Propyl alcohol: See Propanol.*Protein hydrolysates : Detmng. lanthionine in amino-acid mixtures : Separating its diastereo- isomers on ion-exchange resin. Blackburn and Lee, 875.xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME 80 Publications received : Adams. Organic Reactions. Vol. VIII, 407. Ahrens. Quantitative Spectrochemical Analysis Bates. Electrometric pH Determinations, 407. Becher. Principles of Emulsion Technology, 636. Belcher and Nutten. Quantitative Inorganic Analysis : Laboratory Manual, 847. Belcher and Wilson. New Methods in Analytical Chemistry, 636. Berry. From Classical to Modern Chemistry, 80. Bladergroen. Einfiihrung in die Energetik und Kinetik biologischer Vorgange, 488. Block, Durram and Zweig. Manual of Paper Chromatography and Paper Electrophoresis ,407. Bowie. Modern Apparatus for Sterilisation, 780.Bracken. Chemistry of Micro-Organisms, 488. British Standards Institution. Yearbook 1954. 912. Britton. Hydrogen Ions : Determination and Importance in Pure and Industrial Chemistry. Vol. I. 4th Edn., 912. Burnett. High Polymers. Vol. 111, 160. Cadle. Particle Size Determination, 912. Chamberlin. Colorimetric Chemical Pathological Estimations using Lovibond Comparator, 912. Charlot and BCzier. Analyse Quantitative MinCrale. 3rd Edn., 912. Charlot and BCzier. Mdthodes filectrochimiques d’ Analyse, ,160. Charlot, BCzier and Gauguin. Analyse Qualita- tive Rapide des Cations. Charlot, I36zier and Gauguin. Rapid Detcn. of Cations, 847. Cranston. Rational Approach t o Chemical Principles. 2nd Edn., 847. Cummins and Vince. German Books on Chemical and Cognate Subjects Published 1950-1953.Supplementing 2nd Edn., 322. Daudel. Radioactivitk au Service de la Chimie et de l’Industrie, 912. Davis. Dictionary of Dairying. 2nd Edn., 488. Dickinson and Goose. Laboratory Inspection of Canned and Bottled Foods, 780. Duval. Trait4 de Micro-Analyse MinCrale : Quali- tative et Quantitative. Edlbacher and Leuthardt. Lehrbuch der Physio- logischen Chemie. 11th Edn., 80. Ephraim. Inorganic Chemistry, 6th Edn., 322. Evers and Smith. Analysis of Drugs and Chemi- Fleck. Synthetic Drugs, 912. Flood and West. Explaining and Pronouncing Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Words. 2nd Edn., 322. Forsyth. British Poisonous Plants, 488. Garratt. Quantitative Analysis of Drugs. 2nd Edn., 780. Garside and Claret. Experimental Chemistry, Part I, 572.Gautier. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure et AppliquCe et d’Analyse Bromatolo- gique. 3rd Series, 912. Ginsberg. Leichtmetallanalyse. 3rd Edn., 572. Glascock. Isotopic Gas Analysis for Biochemists, 160. Glick. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. 11, 488. Gunther and Blinn. Analysis of Insecticides and Acaricides, 572. Harvey. Chemistry and Fertility of Sea Waters, 780. Haurowitz. Biochemistry : Introductory Text- book, 847. of Silicates, 160. 2nd Edn., 322. Vol. 11, 912. cals, 322. Publications received-continued. Hecht and Zacherl. Handbuch der mikro- chemischen Methoden. Vol. I, Part 1, 240; Vol. 11, 708. Hesse and Weil. Michael Tswett’s First Paper on Chromatography, 160. Hollingshead. Oxine and its Derivatives. Vols. I and 11, 240. Holness.Inorganic Qualitative Analysis. Semi- micro Methods, 160. Ingram. Introduction to Biology of Yeasts, 322. Ingram. Spectroscopy a t Radio and Microwave Frequencies, 9 12. Institute of Petroleum. Applied Mass Spectro- metry, 322. Iyengar, Sur and Kale. Indian Food Laws, 240. Johnson. Organic Reagents for Metals. Vols. I, Klyne. Progress in Stereochemistry, 160. Lang. Laboratory and Workshop Notes 1950- 1962. 160. Lashof and Macurdy. Precision Laboratory Standards of Mass and Laboratory Weights, 80. Lederer. Introduction to Paper Electrophoresis and Related Methods, 636. Lowe. Experimental Cookery from Chemical and Physical Standpoint. Lubs. Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes and Pig- ments, 708. McGookin. Qualitative Organic Analysis, 780. Manufacturing Chemists’ Association Inc.Guide for Safety in the Chemical Laboratory, 240. Marvel1 and Logan. Chemical Properties of Organic Compounds : Introduction, 847. Marvel e l al. Roger Adams Symposium, 847. Mayer and Price, Chemical and Spectrographic Analysis of Magnesium and its Alloys, 708. Megson and Poupard. German Plastics Industry During Period 1939-1945. 160. Meites. Polarographic Techniques, 572. Milton and Waters. Methods of Quantitative Micro-analysis. 2nd Edn., 407. Mitchell, Kolthoff, Proskauer and Weissberger. Organic Analysis. Vol. 11, 80. Miicke. Einfiihrung in mikrobiologische Bestim- mungsverfahren : Quantitative Bestimmung von Aminosauren und Vitaminen des B-Kom- plexes, 636. Mullen. Modern Gas Analysis, 488. National Physical Laboratory. Measurement of Pressure with Mercury Barometer, 322.Neilands and Stumpf. Outlines of Enzyme Chemistry, 488. Xeunhoeffer and Metze. Grundriss der Or- ganischen Chemie, by Oppenheimer and Naegeli. 17th Edn., 708. Palit, Das and Somayajulu. ,Nan-Aqueous Titration, 240. Parker, Harvey and Stateler. Elements of Food Engineering. Partington. Advanced Treatise on Physical Chemistry. Vol. V, 160. Peiser, Rooksby and Wilson. X-Ray Diffraction by Polycrystalline Materials, 488. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Calen- dar, 1954-55, 80. Riddick and Toops. Organic Solvents :. Physical Properties and Methods of Purification. 2nd Edn., 572. 488. 4th Edn., 636. Vols. I1 and 111, 80. Riddle. Monomeric Acrylic Esters, 322. Rodd. Chemistry of Carbon Compounds. Vol. Rosin. Reagent Chemicals and Standards.3rd 111, Part A, 572. Edn., 636.INDEX TO VOLUME 80 xxix Publications received-continued. Schwarzenbach. Komplexometrische Titration, 488. Sebrell and Harris. Vitamins : Chemistry, Physiology, Pathology. Vol. 111, 160. Snell and Snell. Colorimetric Methods of Analysis. Vol. 111. Organic, I. 3rd Edn.. 160; Vol. IV. Organic, 11, 407. Steacie. Atomic and Free Radical Reactions. Vols. I and 11. 2nd Edn., 160. Strouts, Gilfillan and Wilson. Analytical Chem- istry: The Working Tools, 636. Sutton and Grant. Systematic Handbook of Volumetric Analysis. 13th Edn., 488. U.S. National Bureau of Standards. Permissible Dose from External Sources of Ionizing Radiation, 80. U.S. National Bureau of Standards. Protection Against Radiations from Radium, Cobalt-60 and Cesium-137, 80.Wagner and Mitchell. Genetics and Meta- bolism, 780. Wallis. Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 3rd Edn., 780. Welcher and Hahn. Semimicro Qualitative Analysis, 636. Wiig, Line and Flagg. Semimicro Qualitative Analysis, 4 8 8. Wildman. Microscopy of Animal Textile Fibres, 322. Addendum 1955 to British Pharmacopoeia 1953, 847. Annual Reports on Progress of Chemistry for 1954, 780. British Chemicals and their Manufacturers, 636. British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1954, 80, Chemists' Yearbook, 1952-54, 160. Extra Pharmacopoeia (Martindale). 23rd Edn., 780. Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry. Vol. 1, Nos. 1/2, March, 1955, 488. Methods for Detcn. of Toxic Gases in Industry, Leaflet No. 10. Chlorine (Revised Edn.), 322. Methods for Detmng. Lead in Air and in Bio- logical Materials, 780. National Formulary 1955, 240.Organic Syntheses. Vol. 34, 322. Organic Syntheses. Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America. 15th Revision, 708. Report of Committee on Vaporizing Liquid Extinguishing Agents, 322. Reports on Progress of Applied Chemistry, 1954, 847. Symposium on Sedative and Hypnotic Drugs, Held under Auspices of Mile-Ames Research Laboratory and Sumner Research Laboratory, Elkhart, Indiana, 572. Tables Showing Relation between Specific Gravity of Spirits a t C. and Percentage of Ethyl Alcohol by Weight and Volume with Corre- sponding Percentage of Proof Spirit, 322. Toxic Chemicals in Agriculture: Risks to Wild Life, 636. See also: Book reviews. *Pyrene : Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. 111.Examination of gasworks effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 652. *Pyruvic acid : 1 : 2-Diamino-4-nitrobenzene for dectng. and detmng. x-keto acids in blood and urine. Taylor and. Smith, 607. Collective Vol. 3, 572. 20" 20 Q *Quaternary ammonium compounds : Absorptio- metric detmn. of polyethyleneglycol mono- oleate (and -). *salts : High-frequency titrimetry: titration of organic bases, phenols and enols. Lane, 676. Brown and Hayes, 755. R Radiation(s) : Permissible Dose from External Sources of Ionizing -. Recommendations of National Committee on - Protection. U.S. National Bureau of Standards. (Pub- lication received), 80. Protection Against - from Radium, Cobalt-60 and Cesium-137. U.S. National Bureau of Standards.(Publication received), 80. Radioactivity : Radioactivitk au Service de la Chimie et de l'lndustrie. Daudel. (Publication re- ceived), 9 1 2. Radium : Protection Bgainst Radiations from -, Cobalt-60 and Cesium-137. U.S. NationaL Bureau of Standards. (Publication received) , 80. Reagent(s) Chemicals and Standards. Rosin. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 636. *Theoretical basis of sensitivity tests and applica- tion to potential organic - for metals. Irving and Rossotti, 245. *Reducing sugar: Effect of cations on - detmns. with Shaffer and Hartmann's or Somogyi's reagents. *Refractometer : Differential -for detmng. purity of solid organic compounds, particularly gamma benzene hexachloride. *Refractories : Detmng. potassium by pptn. as potassium tetraphenylboron and application to silicate analysis.Cluley, 354. Reviews, book: See Book reviews. "Rhamnose : Detmng. methylpentoses. Gibbons, 268. "Rhodium : Separating - and iridium by ion exchange. Cluett, Berman and McBryde, 204. *Separation and quantitative detmn. of platinum, palladium, - and iridium on paper strips. Kember and Wells, 735. "Solvent extraction in analysis of precious metals. McBryde, 503. "Ridgefimeter : Detmng. pectin grade with -. Lockwood, 315. *Rubidium : Detmng. by radioactivation small amounts of - and caesium in sea-water and related materials of geochemical interest. Smales and Salmon, 37. *Ruthenium : Solvent extraction in analysis of precious metals. hfcBryde, 503. Kilroe-Smith and de Gier, 627. Hill and Jones, 339. s Safety: Guide for - in Chemical Laboratory.Manufacturing Chemists' ,4ssociation Inc. 2nd printing. (Publication received), 240. *Salt : common : Detmng. iodine in - by catalytic reduction of ceric ions. DubravEiC, 146. *Sea water(s) : Barnes. (Summary), 3. 'Analysis of -. Barnes, 573. *Detmng. by radioactivation small amounts of rubidium and caesinm in - and related materials of geochemical interest. Smales and Salmon, 37.xxx INDEX TO VOLUME 80 Sea water(s)-continued. *Storing - samples for detmn. of silicate. Mullin and Riley, 73. Chemistry and Fertility of -. Harvey, (Publication received) , 780. "Seaweeds : Detmng. by radioactivation small amounts of rubidium and caesium in sea-water and related materials of geochemical interest. Smales and Salmon, 37. Sedimentation tubes for red blood corpuscles.B.S. 2554 : 1954, 319. vessels: Centrifuge tubes and - for detmng. visible dirt in milk. *Seliwanoff reaction : Detmng. fructose by -. Chefurka, 485. 'Sewage : Biochemical oxygen demand test: variable results from use of stored standard dilution water. Wheatland and Smith, 899. *Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and -. 111. Examination of gasworks effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 662. 'Detmng. anionic detergents in -, - effluents and river waters. Longwell and Maniece, 167. "Detmng. traces of benzene hexachloride in water and - effluents. Hancock and Laws, 665. *Oxygen absorbed from acid permanganate in presence of chloride. Roberts, 517. "Silages : Separating and detmng. acetic and lactic acids by paper partition chromatography and application to -.$ilica gel for use as dtsiccant for packages. B.S. 2540 : 1954, 240. *Silicate(s) : Detmng. potassium by pptn. as potas- sium tetraphenylboron and application to - analysis. Cluley, 354. Quantitative Spectrochemical Analysis of -. Ahrens. (Publication received), 160 ; (Review), 846. *Storing sea-water samples for detmn. of -. Mullin and Riley, 73. "Silicon : Analysing binary molybdenum-base alloys. Bush and Higgs, 536. *Analysis of sea water. *Colorimetric detmn, of - in micro-analysis of biological material and mineral dusts. King, Stacy, Holt, Yates and Pickles, 441. *Silicone grease: Detmng. amides in aqueous and non-aqueous soln. by Conway diffusion tech- nique (- in). Hallam, 552. "Silver bromide : Voltammetry of silver halide sus- pensions and amperometric titration of halides.Kolthoff and Stock, 860. 'Silver chloride : Voltanlmetry of silver halide sus- pensions and amperometric titration of halides. Kolthoff and Stock, 860. *Silver cobaltinitrite method for detmng. potassium. Chenery. 569. *Silver halide : Voltammetry of - suspensions and amperometric titration of halides. Kol- thoff and Stock, 860. *Silver iodide: Voltammetry of silver halide sus- pensions and amperometric titration of halides. Kolthoff and Stock, 860. *Silver solder : Separating copper from cadmium by electro-deposition from ammoniacal soln. Diehl and Craig, 599. "Smoke: Composition of tobacco - : minor organic constituents. Lindsey. (Summary), 164. *Soap(#) products: Rapid detmn. of total fatty acid in unbuilt -.Webster and Robertson, 616. *Qualitative analysis of surface-active agents. Reid, Alston and Young, 682. B.S. 736: 1955, 486. Birk and Bondi, 454. Barnes, 573. "Society for Analytical Chemistry : Address of re- tiring President. Kent- Jones, 333. Analytical Methods Committee. Appointment of Dr. C. H. Tinker as Secretary, 163. Anniversary Dinner, 338. 81st A.G.M., 325. Annual Report of Council, 1955, 326. Appointment of Dr. K. A. Williams to Secretary- Biological Methods Group. Election of Honorary Members, 409. Extraordinary General Meeting, 710. Microchemistry Group. 11th A.G.M., 166. Midlands Section. Inaugural Meeting, 166. North of England Section. 30th A.G.M., 165. Physical Methods Group. 10th A.G.M., 3; 11th Recent developments. Iient- Jones, 1.Resignation of Mrs. D. V. Hicks from Secretary- Scottish Section. 20th A.G.M., 82. ship, 163. 10th A.G.M., 4. A.G.M., 851. ship, 163. Society of Chemical Industry : Reports on Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XXXIX, 1954. (Publication received), 847. Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists : See Society for Analytical Chemistry. *Sodium: Analysis of sea water. "Detmng. by radioactivation small amounts of rubidium and caesium (and -) in sea-water and related materials of geochemical interest. Smales and Salmon, 3 i . "Detmng. - and potassium in complex cyanide solutions with anion-exchange resins. Gabriel- son, 479. "Sodium alkylbenzenesulphonate : Detmng. anionic detergents in sewage, sewage effluents and river waters. Longwell and Maniece, 167.*Sodium bicarbonate : Detmng. - in self-raising flours containing Chalk B.P. Stephenson and Hartley, 461. "Sodium bismuthate : Influence of chloride on oxida- tion of adrenocortical steroids by -, Smith and Tompsett, 397. "Sodium chloride: Detmng. iodine in common salt by catalytic reduction of ceric ions. DubravCiC, 146. "Detmng. iodine in natural waters (-as reagent in catalytic reduction of ceric ions). DubravEiC, 295. *Sodium dioctylsulphosuccinate : Detmng. anionic detergents in sewage, sewage effluents and river waters. Longwell and Maniece, 167. *Sodium diphenylhydantoin : Separating pheno- barbitone and - by paper chromatography. Curry, 902. *Sodium hexametaphosphate in detmng. traces of lead in food. Johnson and Polhill, 364. *Sodium 1 : 2-naphthoquinone-4-sulphonate : Titri- metric detmn.of ascorbic acid. Barakat, Shehab and El-Sadr, 828; Erratum, 912. *Sodium tetraphenylboron : Detmng. potassium as tetraphenylboron salt. Sporek and Williams, 347; Erratum, 572. 'Detmng. potassium by pptn. as potassium tetra- phenylboron and application t o silicate analysis, Cluley, 354. *Soil(s): Application of paper-chromatographic analysis t o geochemical prospecting. Hunt, North and Wells, 172. *Detmng. nitrate and nitrite in -. Buckett, Duffield and Milton, 141. *Detmng. total sulphur in -. Steinbergs, 457. Barnes, 573.INDEX TO VOLUME 80 xxxi Soil(s)-continued. *Detmng. trace elements in plant material and - with Aspergillus tziger. Nicholas. (Sum- mary), 782. "Solder, silver : Separating copper from cadmium by electro-deposition from ammoniacal soln. Diehl and Craig, 699.*Solvent(s) extraction in analysis of precious metals. McBryde. (Summary), 83. *extraction : Introductory survey. Irving. (Summary), 82. *extraction : Laboratory apparatus for -. Organic -: Physical Properties and Methods of Purification. Riddick and Toops. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 372; (Review), 815. *Sorbitols : Examining commercial -, especially suitability for diabetic diets. Kennedy-Ripon and Mapes, 568. Sound: Use of - in analytical chemistry. Nicholls, 81. Spectroscopy a t Radio and Microwave Frequencies. Ingram. (publication received), 912. Standards : Precision Laboratory - of Mass and Laboratory Weights. Lashof and Macurdy. (Publication received), 80. Reagent Chemicals and -.Rosin. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 636. See also British Standard Specifications ; British Standards Institution. Statistics : Design and Analysis of Experiment. Quenouille. (Review), 487. "Detmng. error in slope-ratio assays arranged in randomised blocks. Clarke, 396. Statistical Analysis in Chemistry and Chemical Industry. Bennett and Franklin. (Review), 487. *Steel : Analysing phosphating prepns. used for protecting - surfaces. Bush, Higgs and Box, 885. *Barium sulphate method for detmng. sulphur in -. Bagshawe and Pill, 796. *Colorimetric detmn. of copper in alloyed - with 2 : 2'-diquinolyl. "Detmng. sulphur in plain carbon -. Relcher, Gibbons and West, 751. Stereochemistry : Progress in -, Klyne. (Pub- lication received), 160. Sterilisation : Modern Methods for -, Bowie.(Publication received), 780. *Steroids Fractionating and detmng. cortico- - in urine. Cook, Dell and Wareham, 215. *Influence of chloride on oxidation of adreno- cortical - by sodium bismuthate. Smith and Tompsett, 397. "Strontium: Analysis of sea water. *Separating group IIA elements of periodic table by paper chromatography. Magee and Head- ridge, 785. Stufflngs: Cleanliness of fillings and -. B.S. 1425 : 1954. Glossary of terms applicable to fillings and -. B.S. 2005: 1953. Amendment slip, 403. *Sugar: Effect of cations on reducing - detmns. with Shaffer and Hartmann's or Somogyi's reagents. *Sulphanilic acid : Modified l-naphthylamine - - method for detmng. nitrites in low conceatra- tion. Zeller, 632. *Sulphate(s), aliphatic : Qualitative analysis of surface-active agents.Reid, Alston and Young, 682. *Analysing phosphating prepns. used for protect- ing steel surfaces. Bush, Higgs and Box, 885. *Analysis of sea water. Wells. (Summary), 83. Elwell, 508. Barnes, 573. Amendment slip, 157. Kilroe-Smith and de Gier, 627. Barnes, 573. Sulphate(s)-continued. "Micro-detmn. of ester - and free - ions. *Sulphur: Barium sulphate method for detmng. - Belcher, Kent and Whitehouse, 630. in steel. Bagshawe and Pill, 796. "Detmng. - in plain carbon steel. Gibbons and West, 751. "Detmng. total - in soils. Steinbergs, 457. "Sulphur dioxide: Reagent for -. Liddell, 901. *Sulphuric acid: Action of - in colour reactions of organic compounds. Detcng. monochloro- acetic acid and other compounds splitting off formaldehyde. Feigl and Moscovici, translated by Oesper, 803."Surface-active agents : Qualitative analysis of -. Reid, Alston and Young, 682. Symposium on Sedative and Hypnotic Drugs, held under Auspices of Mile-Ames Research Labora- tory and Sumner Research Laboratory, Elkart, Indiana. (Publication received), 572. Roger Adams -. Marvel, Brode, Johnson, McElvain, Shriner, Stanley and Volwiler. (Publication received), 847. Syntheses : Organic -. Vol. 34. Johnson. (Pub- lication received) , 322; (Review), 570. Organic -. Collective Vol. 3. Horning. (Publication received), 572. T *Tantalum: Analysing binary molybdenum-base alloys. Bush and Higgs, 536. *Application of paper-chromatographic analysis to geochemical prospecting. Hunt, North and Wells, 172. "Detmng. niobium or - in uranium and zirconium-base alloys.Milner, Barnett and Smales, 380. *Simultaneous absorptiometric detmn. of - and niobium in ores. *Tetraethylammonium hydroxide : New reagents for colorimetric detmn. of Atropa alkaloids. Freeman, 520. *Tetraphenylboron : Detmng. potassium as - salt. Sporek and Williams, 347; Erratum, 572. *Detmng. potassium by pptn. as potassium - and application to silicate analysis. Cluley, 354. Textile Fibres : Microscopy of Animal -. Wild- man. (Publication received) , 322. Thermometer(s) : Cheese vat -. B.S. 2555 : 1954. 319. Clinical maximum -. B.S. 691 : 1953. Amend- ment slip, 486. *Thiamine : Detmng. - in vitamin concentrates containing Creta Praeparata. Ridyard, 834; Erratum, 912. *Thioglycollic acid : Detmng. methylpentoses. Gib- bons, 268. *Thorium: Detmng.small quantities of - by radioactivation. Jenkins, 301. "Thorium-232 : Detmng. small quantities of thorium by radioactivation. Jenkins, 301. *Thorium-283 : Detmng. small quantities of thorium by radioactivation. Jenkins, 301. *Tin : Absorptiometric'detmn. of - with dithiol. Ovenston and Kenyon, 566. *Diethylammonium diethyldithiocarbamate for separating and detmng. smallamounts of metals. 11. Isolating and detmng. arsenic, antimony and - in organic compounds. Wyatt, 368; Erratum, 780. "Lithium hydroxide for qualitative separation of copper and arsenic groups. James and Woodward, 825. Marzys, 194.xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME 80 *Titanium : Analysing binary molybdenum-base alloys. Bush and Higgs, 536. *Simultaneous absorptiometric detmn. of tantalum and niobium in ores (correction for -).Marzys, 194. *Titrimeter : Portable high-frequency -. Dow- dall, Sinkinson and Stretch, 491. *Titrimetry : High-frequency -: Titration of organic bases, phenols and enols. Lane, 675. Palit, Das and Soma- yajulu. (publication received) , 240. *Tobacco : Composition of - smoke: minor organic constituents. Lindsey. (Summary) , 164. Toxic Chemicals in Agriculture: Risks to Wild Life. (P-ublication received), 636. *Toxicity: Detmng. - of effluents to fish. Her- bert, 896. *Race element(@ : Detmng. - in plant material and soil with As@ergiZZus nifer. Nicholas. (Summary), 782. "Detmng. - status of plants. Hewitt. (Sum- mary), 782. *in archaeology, Fryd. (Summary) , 782. *Trichloroethylene : Detmng. - in air by Ray- leigh interferometer.Jahn, 700. Triketohydrindene hydrate : See Ninhydrin. *Trimethylene glycol: Detmng. - in crude glycerine. Lazarus and Newlove, 276. *Triphenylene : Detcr.g. and detmng. traces of poly- nuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. 111. Examination of gasworks effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 652. Tritolyl phosphate : B.S. 1999 : 1953. Amendment slip, 157. Tswett : Michael Tswett's First Paper on Chromato- graphy. Hesse and Weil. English translation. (Publication received), 160. *Tungsten : Analysing binary molybdenum-base alloys. Bush and Higgs, 536. U Non-Aqueous Titration. U.S. National Bureau of Standards : Permissible Dose from External Sources of Ionizing Radiation. Recommendations of National Committee on Radiation Protection. (Publication received), 80.Protection Against Radiations from Radium, Cobalt-60 and Cesium-137. (Publication re- ceived), 80. *Uranium : Analytical applications of Barker square-wave polarograph. Ferrett and Milner, 132. "Application of paper-chromatographic analysis to geochemical prospecting. Hunt, North and Wells, 172. *Detrnng. niobium or tantalum in - and zirconium-base alloys. Milner, Barnett and Smales, 380. *Detrnng. -* Potentiometric reduction of uranyl chloride solutions. El-Shamy and El-Din Zayan, 65. * - zirconium alloys: Volumetric detmn. of zir- conium. Milner and Edwards, 879. *Uranium-235 : Detmng. - by radioactivation. Seyfang, 74. *Urmyl chloride : Potentiometric reduction of - solutions. *Urine : Absorptiometric detmn. of mercury in -. Rolfe, Russell and Wilkinson, 523.*Colorimetric detmn. of silicon in micro-analysis of biological material and mineral dusts. King, Stacy, Holt, Yates and Pickles, 441. El-Shamy and El-Din Zayan, 65. Urins-continued. *Detmng. freezing points of biological fluids. Hervey, 204. * 1 : 2-Diamino-4-nitrobenzene for detcng. and detmng. a-keto acids in blood and -, Taylor and Smith, 607. *Fractionating and detmng. corticosteroids in -. Cook, Dell and Wareham, 215. v *Vacuum drying oven: Design and operating tech- nique of -. 111. Solids in mixtures of cane and beet molasses, and in beet molasses. Gardiner and Farmiloe, 557. *Vanadium : Analysing binary molybdenum-base alloys. Bush and Higgs, 536. *Identifying fuel oils polluting coastal waters (- in oils). Johaiinesson, 840. *Vitamin A, all-trans and neo- : Chromatographic separation of vitamin-A-active compounds in cod-liver oil. Bro-Rasmussen, Hjarde and Porotnikoff, 418. *Detmng. - in natural products, especially cod-liver oils. Morton and Bro-Rasmussen, 410. *Spectrophotometric detmn. of - in margarine. Lord and Bradley, 429. *Tables for rapid application of Morton-Stubbs correction in - assay. Rogers, 903. *Vitamin A,, all-trans and neo-: Detmng. vitamin A in natural products, especially cod-liver oils. Morton and Bro-Rasmussen, 410. 'Vitamin Az : Chromatographic separation of vita- min-A-active compounds in cod-liver oil. Bro-Rasmussen, Hjarde and Porotnikoff, 418. *Detmng. vitamin A in natural products, especially cod-liver oils. Morton and Bro- Rasmussen, 410. Vitamin B : Einfuhrung in mikrobiologische Bestim- mungsverfahren : Quantitative Bestimmung von Aminosiiuren und Vitaminen des B-Komplexes. Mucke. (Publication received), 636. Vitamin B,: See Thiamine. *Vitamin B,, : Detmng. error in slope-ratio assays arranged in randomised blocks. Two large molecules and their structures. Bacharach, 709. Vitamin C: See Ascorbic acid. Vitamin(s) : Chemistry, Physiology, Pathology. Vol. I. Sebrell and Harris. (Review), 159; Vol. 11, 405; Vol. 111. (Publication received), 160; (Review), 571. *concentrates : Detmng. thiamine in - con- taining Creta Praeparata. Ridyard, 834; Erratum, 912. Clarke, 396. W Washing machines: Milk can -. B.S. 2616 : 1955. *Water@: Analysis of sea -. Barnes, 573. 778. *Bacteriological examination of -. Taylor. (Summary), 165. *Biochemical oxygen demand test : variable results from use of stored standard dilution - . Wheatland and Smith, 899. *Boell and Shen method for detmng. nitrogen in -. Vallentyne, 841. Chemistry and Fertility of Sea -. Harvey. (Publication received), 780. *Detmng. anionic detergents in sewage, sewage effluents and river -. Longwell and Maniece, 167.INDEX TO VOLUME 80 xxxiii Water (s)-continued. *Detmng. by radioactivation small amounts of rubidium and caesium in sea-- and related materials of geochemical interest. Smales and Salmon, 37. 'Detmng. iodine in natural -. DubravCiC, 295. Detmng. -by Karl Fischer method. B.S. 2511: 1954. 79; Amendment slip, 569. *Identifying fuel oils polluting coastal -. Johannesson, 840. *Sea -. Barnes. (Summary), 3. *Storing sea-- samples for detmn. of silicate. Mullin and Riley, 73. Weights : Precision Laboratory Standards of Mass and Laboratory -. Lashof and Macurdy. (Publication received), 80. Wetting agents : See Surface-active agents. *Writings: Comparison of inks and - by paper chromatography. Coldwell, 68. Workshop: Laboratory and - Notes 1950-1952. Lang. (Publication received), 160. X X-Ray Diffraction by Polycrystalline Materials. Peiser, Rooksby and Wilson. (Publication received), 488. *Xylenols : Analysing mixtures of phenols by parti- tion chromatography and U.V. spectrophoto- metry. Pearson, 656. Y Yearbook : British Standards Institution -, 1954. Chemists' -, 1952-64. Atack. (Publication (Publication received), 912. received), 160. Yearbook-continued. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, Calen- Ingram. dar, 1954-55. (Publication received), 80. (Publication received), 322. Yeasts: Introduction to Biology of -. Z *Zinc, detmng. : Analytical applications of Barker square-wave polarograph. Ferrett and Milner, 132. *Detmng. trace elements in plant material and soils with Aspergillus niger. Nicholas. (Sum- mary), 782. *Polarographic detmn. of - in copper sul- phate. Menary, 908. *Separating - from cadmium, with special .reference to detmng. - in cadmium metal. Baggott and Willcocks, 53. *Studies on oxine and derivatives : Selectivity and sensitivity of 7-allyloxine and 7-allyl-5- nitroso-oxine to metals. Hollingshead, 729. *Zinc dibenzyldithiocarbamate : Detmng. copper in plant materials with -. *Zinc phosphate : Analysing phosphating prepns. used for protecting steel surfaces. Bush, Higgs and Box, 885. "Zirconium : Analysing binary molybdenum-base alloys. Bush and Higgs, 536. *Detmng. niobium or tantalum in uranium and -- base alloys. Milner, Barnett and Smales, 380. *Detmng. oxygen in beryllium by vacuum fusion ?n micro scale, with note on detmng. oxygen in -. Gregory and Mapper, 230. *Volumetric detmn. of - . Milner and Edwards, 879. Andrus, 514.xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 80 ERRATA: VOL. ’79, 1954: p. 129,,,5th Eolumn, last figure but one (Laboratory 9, Operator B, Assay NO. 1). p. .131, Table I, 3rd column (Urine, Sum), 2nd line (Operator 1B). Ibzd., foot of same column. For “195” read “193.” Ibid., 4th column (Urine, Mean), 2nd line. Ibid., foot of Table I. For “Mean 9-75’’ read “Mean 9.65. Insignificant consequential errors, not affecting any conclusions drawn or statements made in the paper, occur in the standard error and fiducial limits of the Cavetf: method given on p. 131, in the standard error on p. 132, 9th line below the Table, and in the analysis of variance on p. 133 (Table 111). Ibid., p. 135, line 18 (twice) and line 20. p. 520, 2nd line of “Procedure.” p. 680, 2nd line of “Reagents.” p. 731, 5th line of synopsis. p. 781, Table I, column 4 (Protein, 9.5y0), last line (Fat, 10-5). Fou “166” ~ e a d 170. For “13” read “11.” For “6.5” raad,:‘5.5.” For “mg per ml” read “mg per 100 ml.” For “20 pg” read “200 pg.” For “55 g” read “5.5 g.” For “0.005 p.p.m.” read “0.05 p.p.m.” For “32.73” read “37.32.” Vor. 80, 1955: 51, 6th and 7th lines of “Reagents.” For “Dilute 75 ml of 0.1 N iodine solution to 250 ml with Under “Ministry of Food,” the number of the circular “Food and Drugs Amendment Act, For “0.578 mg” read “5.3 mg.” After “then 2.0 ml in excess” insert “Add 0.5 ml of bromine water, boil off com- For “+ 0.1” water” read “Dilute 75 ml of 0.1 N aqueous iodine solution to 250 ml with isopropanol.” 1954” should read “22/54.” pletely all excess of bromine and cool.” read - 0.1. 240. 348, line 28. 374, line 21. 831, Tabk 111, ?;th column (Error, yo), 6th line (adjacent to 9.9 in 4th column). 837, line 23. The last words shouZd read “dilution I1 D.” PRINTED BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD.. CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND
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