T H E ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 88 1963 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & S O N S , LTD. 4 PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLANDT H E ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 88 1963 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & S O N S , LTD. 4 PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLANDTHE ANALYST EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Chairman: K. A. WILLIAMS, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.Inst.P., F.R.I.C. I3. BAGSHAWE, A.Met., F.I.M., M.1nst.F. H. E. BROOKES, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. S. G. BURGESS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C., R. A. CHALMERS, B.Sc., Ph.D. H. J. CLULEY, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. B. S. COOPER, B.Sc., F.1nst.P.W. T. ELWELL, F.R.I.C. C. H. R. GENTRY, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. F.Inst.Pet. J. F. HERRINGSHAW, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.C. S. W. C. JOHNSON, M.B.E., F.R.I.C. J. I. M. JONES, D.Sc., F.R.I.C. E. Q. LAWS, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. R. F. MILTON, BSc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. F. H. POLLARD, Ph.D., DSc. R. E. STUCKEY, Ph.D.,D.Sc., F.P.S., F.R.I.C. T. S. WEST, B.Sc., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. D.I.C., F.R.I.C. AND THE PRESIDENT AND HONORARY OFFICERS President of the Society D. C. GARRATT, Ph.D., DSc., Hon.M.P.S., F.R.T.C. Hon. Secretary of the Society S. A. PRICE, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. Hon. Treasurer of the Society D. T. LEWIS, C.B., Ph.D. D.Sc., F.R.I.C. Hon. Assistant Secretaries of the Society C. A. JOHNSON, R.Pharm., B.Sc., F.P.S., F.R.I.C.; D. W. WILSON, M.Sc., F.R.I.C. Editor J. B. ATTRILL, M.A., F.R.I.C.Assistant Editor S. D. L. KEATING, B.Sc.Tech.THE ANALYST EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Chairman: K. A. WILLIAMS, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.Inst.P., F.R.I.C. I3. BAGSHAWE, A.Met., F.I.M., M.1nst.F. H. E. BROOKES, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. S. G. BURGESS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C., R. A. CHALMERS, B.Sc., Ph.D. H. J. CLULEY, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. B. S. COOPER, B.Sc., F.1nst.P. W. T. ELWELL, F.R.I.C. C. H. R. GENTRY, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. F.Inst.Pet. J. F. HERRINGSHAW, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.C. S. W. C. JOHNSON, M.B.E., F.R.I.C. J. I. M. JONES, D.Sc., F.R.I.C. E. Q. LAWS, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. R. F. MILTON, BSc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. F. H. POLLARD, Ph.D., DSc. R. E. STUCKEY, Ph.D.,D.Sc., F.P.S., F.R.I.C. T. S. WEST, B.Sc., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. D.I.C., F.R.I.C. AND THE PRESIDENT AND HONORARY OFFICERS President of the Society D.C. GARRATT, Ph.D., DSc., Hon.M.P.S., F.R.T.C. Hon. Secretary of the Society S. A. PRICE, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. Hon. Treasurer of the Society D. T. LEWIS, C.B., Ph.D. D.Sc., F.R.I.C. Hon. Assistant Secretaries of the Society C. A. JOHNSON, R.Pharm., B.Sc., F.P.S., F.R.I.C.; D. W. WILSON, M.Sc., F.R.I.C. Editor J. B. ATTRILL, M.A., F.R.I.C. Assistant Editor S. D. L. KEATING, B.Sc.Tech.INDEX TO VOLUME 88 INDEX TO A Abbott, D. C. - et al. Adams, C. A. Rapid test for anionic detergents in Detmng. orthophosphate in water, 814. Review of Kleinfeld and Kaplan’s U.S. Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic A c t (Judicial and Administrative Recovd), 1958-1960, 485. drinking water, 240. Adey, K, A. Cryoscopic assay for pyridine, 359. Adiga, P. R., et al. Sensitive microbiological assay for magnesium in biological materials, 534.Agarwal, D. P., et al. Paper-chromatographic separation of sugar phosphates using borate- immeenated oauer. gtig. Alcoik, 5. Ob;t(dry, 335. Alexander, W. A,, et al. Quantitative Chemical 2nd Edn. Analysis and Inorganic Preparations (RFview), 406. - Alexits, G., et af, Mathematik fur Chemiker. (Publication received), 72. Ali, E., et al. Volumetric detmn. of sulphur in organic compounds b y oxidation with hypo- bromite solution, 140. Alimarin, I. P., et al. Xnorganische Ultramikro- analyse. (Publication received), 330. Allen, H. C., jun., et al. Afolecular Vib-Rotors: Theory and Interpretation of High Resolution Infrared Spectra. (Publication received), 741. Allport, N. L. Review of KakaE and VejdBlek’s Handbuch der Kolorimetrie. Translated by E.Hachova. Vol. I, 246. - et al. Colorimetric Analysis. Vol. 11. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 822. Almeida, N. F., et al. Quimica Dos Pesticidas. (Publication received), 489. Ambrose, D., et al. Gas Chromatography Abstracts, 1962. (Publication received), 657. Amos, A. J. Review of Barton-Wright’s Practical Methods for the Microbiological A s s a y of the V i t a m i n B-Complex and Amilzo A c i d s , 901. - The Society yesterday, to-day and to-morrow. Address of Retiring President, 344. Anderson, D. M. W. Infrared and microchemistry. (Summary), 748. - et al. Applications of infrared spectroscopy. Part X. Zeisel detmn. of t-butoxyl groups, and anomalous reactions of t-butylphenols, 353. Anderson, J. H. Formation of nitrous oxide from hyponitrite, 494. Anslow, G.W., et al. Polarographic detmn. of lead in steels and copper - zinc alloys, 963. Ariel, M., et al. - 2,2’-Thiodiethanethiol as colorimetric reagent for detmng. nickel, 314. Ashbrook, A. W. Detmng. scandium in uranium compounds by solvent extraction with 2-thenoyl- Detmng. thallium in urine, 30. trifluoroacetone, 113. Ashworth, V., eb al. Detmng. tantalum and niobium in high-grade minerals and ores, 142. B Bach, D., et al. Detmng. thallium in urine, 30. Backes, J. J. V. Obituary, 335. Ball, T. K., et al. Detmng. silica in rocks and minerals by isotope dilution with silicon-31, 891. AUTHORS Balmforth, L. Obituary, 824. Barakat, M. Z., et al. Micro-detmn. of hydrazine salts and derivatives, 59; Erratum, 330. Bark, L. S. Review of Hais and Macek’s General Problems of Paper Chromatography, 741.- et al. Review of methods for detcng. and detmng. small amounts of cyanide, 751. Barkley, J. H., et al. Routine detmn. of biphenyl and 0-phenylphenol on and in citrus fruit, 36. Barrow, G. M. Structure of Molecules: Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy. (Publication re- .. ceived), 741. Bartecki, A,, et al. Absorption Spectra in the Ultraviolet and Visible Region. 5-01. 111. (Publication received), 330; V$, IV, 901. Barton-Wright, E. C. Practical Methods for Micro- biological assay of Vitamin B-Complex and Amino Acids. (Publication received), 408 ; (Review), 901. Bassett. J. Volumetric detmn. of phosphate and . . arsenate in a mixture, 238. Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds.(Publication received), 658. Detmng. lead in carbon and low-alloy steel according to British Standard 1121 : Part 41 : 1960, 67; Erratum, 152. Translator of Nalimov’s Application of Mathematical Statistics to Chemical Analysis. (Publication received), 741. Strahlungsmessung im optischen Spek- tralbereich : Messung elektromagnetischer Strah- lung von Ultraviolett bis zum Ultrarot. (Re- view), 71. Bauer, H. H., et al. Chemical Analysis. Vol. XIII. Alternating Current Polarography and Tensam- metry. (Publication received), 902. Baumann, R. P. Absorption Spectroscopy. (Re- view), 327. Beaven, G. H. Review of Baumann’s Absorfition Bassler, G. C., et al. Bastings, L., et al. Basu, P. Bauer, G. Spectroscopy, 327. Beekett. A. H.. et al. Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry : Quantitative Analysis.(Review), 245. Behrndt, K. H. Vacuum Microbalance Techniques. Vol. 3. (Publication received), 658. Belcher, R. Status of microgram analysis. (Sum- mary), 749. BeMiller, J. N., et al. Methods in Carbohydrate Chemistry. Vol. I. Analysis and Preparation of Sugars. Vol. 11. Reactions of Carbohydrates. (Publication received), 489. Bencze, K. Spectrophotonietric detmn. of penta- chlorophenol in air, 622. Bennett, H., et al. Separation and detmn. of chromium sesquioxide in chrome ores and chrome- bearing refractories, 877. Berry, E. G. N. Constituents of Tobacco Smoke: Annotated Bibliography. 2nd Supplt. (Pub- lication received), 570. Berry, R., et al. Detmng. hydrogen in magnesium allow, 280. Berg, -E. W. Physical and Chemical Methods of Separation.(Publication received), 330. Berthon, R. Reprisentation des gquilibres de SolubilitCs et Utilisation des Diagrammes (Publication received), 489.vi INDEX TO VOLUME 88 Beynon, J. H., et al. Mass and Abundance Tables for Use in Mass Spectrometry. (Publication received), 82 1. Biemann, K. Mass Spectrometry : Organic Chemical Applications. (Publication received), 72. Birks, L. S., e f al. Chemical Analysis. Vol. XVII. Electron Probe Microanalysis. (Publication received), 902. Bishop, E. Differential electrolytic potentiometry : survey and appraisal of analytical applications. (Summary), 491. Silver- and halide-ion responsive elec- trodes. Part I . Preparation, treatment, dura- bility and zero-current response in aqueous media, 424; Part 11. Behaviour in mixed solvent - water media, and effect of restoring currents on elec- trode response, 433; Part 111.Ionic and electron transfer interaction and effect of supporting electrolytes, 442. Bitter, F., et al. Lectures in Materials Science. (Publication received), 489. Blinn, R. C., et al. Routine detmn. of biphenyl and o-phenylphenol on and in citrus fruit, 36. Bloembergen, N., et al. Lectures in Materials Science. (Publication received), 489. Bloemendal, H. Zone Eletrophoresis in Blocks and Columns. (Publication received), 741. Bolliger, H. R., et al. Diinnschicht-Chromato- graphie : Laboratoriumshandbuch. (Publication received), 72 ; (Review), 483. Bond, G. C. Principles of Catalysis. (Publication received), 82 1. Bod, A. L. Rapid detmn. of iodine-131 in milk, 64.Booth, V. H. Detmng. tocopherols in plant tissues, 627. - Polyethylene wash bottles for volatile solvents, 655. Bowen, H. J. M., et al. Detmng. selenium in biological material by radioactivation, 721. - Radioactivation Analysis. (Publication re- ceived), 570. Bradshaw, G. Volumetric detmn. of antimony in antimony - lead and antimony - tin - lead alloys, 599. Braithwaite, B., et al. Detmng. 4-methyl-2,6-di- t-butyl phenol in liquid paraffin B.P., 297. Brenner, M., et al. Diinnschicht-Chromatographie : Laboratiumshandbuch. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 483. Brenner, N., et d l . Gas Chromatography. (Pub- lication received), 489; (Review), 979. Brewer, F. M. Obituary, 249. Breyer, B., et al. Chemical Analysis. Vol. XIII. Alternating Current Polarography and Tensam- metry.(Publication received), 902. Briggs, R. Polarographic detmn. of oxygen by (a) wide-bore dropping-mercury electrode and (b) solid electrodes. (Summary), 492. Broadbank, R. W. C., et al. Rapid assay of radio- active caesium in milk, 43. Broadbent, J. H., et al. Detcng. and estmng. aflatoxin in groundnuts and groundnut materials. Part 11. Thin-layer chromatographic method, 214 ; Erratum, 330. Brocksopp, J. E., et al. Colorimetric Analysis. Vol. 11. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 822. Brooks, M. S., e f al. Ultrapurification of Semi- conductor Materials. (Publication received), 72 ; (Review), 564. Bunton, C. A. Nucleophilic Substitution at a Saturated Carbon Atom. (Publication received), 742. - et al. Busev, A. I. Analytical Chemistry of Indium Translated by J. T.Greaves. (Publication re- ceived), 152; (Review), 569. Bush, E. L. Polarographic detmn. of copper, cadmium, thallium, lead, tellurium and iron in selenium, 614. Bush, G. H., et al. Detmng. oxygen in vacuum- melted steels, molybdenum and single-crystal silicon by vacuum fusion, 771. Byme, J. H. N., et al. Pyrethrum analysis : infrared method, 538; Erratum, 822. C Callen, J. E., et al. Gas Chromatography. (Pub- lication received), 489 ; (Review), 979. Callis, C. F., et al. Particle Size: Measurement, Interpretation and Application. (Publication received), 82 1. Calvet, E., et al. Recent Progress in Microcalori- metry. Edited and translated by H. A. Skinner. (Publication received), 984. Carasso, J. I. Translator and Editor of Nes- meyanov’s Vapour Pressure of the Elements. (Publication received), 902.Caven, R. M., et al. Quantitative Chemical Analysis and Inorganic Preparations. 2nd Edn. (Re- view), 406. Cawse, P. A., et al. Detmng. selenium in biological material by radioactivation, 721. Chalmers, R. A. Review of Caven, Crawford and Alexander’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis and Inorganic Preparations. 2nd Edn., 406. Chargaff, E. Essays on Nucleic Acids. (Publication received), 82 1. Charlesworth, A. Review of B N P Analytical Conference, Malvern, 1961, 488. Charlot, G. Analyse Qualitative et les Rdactions en Solution. 5th Edn. (Publication received), 984. - et al. Rdactions Chimiques dans les Solvants et les Sels Fondus. Cheronis, N. D. Microchemical Techniques. Micro- chemical Journal Symposium Series. Vol.11. (Publication received), 570; (Review), 820. - et al. Identification of Organic Compounds. (Publication received), 82 1. Chirnside, R. C. Review of Brooks and Kennedy’s Ultrapuri$cation of Semicoxductor hfaterials, 564. - Review of Strouts, Wilson, Barry-Jones and Gilfillan’s Chemical Analysis: The Working Tools. Vols. I, I1 and 111. - et al. Detmng. small amounts of iron and chromium in sapphire and ruby for maser applications, 851. Christensen, H. N. Biological Transport. (Pub- lication received), 152. Christian, H. W. Obituary, 335. Claassen, A., et aZ. Detmng. lead in carbon and low-alloy steel according to British Standard 1121 : Part 41 : 1960, 67; Erratum, 152. Clifford, D. R., et al. Compact unit for detmng. carbon and hydrogen by VeCeFa method, 68.Clipson, J. L., et al. Field test for aniline vapour in air, 971. Cluley, H. J. Review of Radiochemical Manual. Part 2. Radioactive Chemicals, 740. - et al. Analysing 14C0 - 14C0, mixtures by gas- chromatographic separation and aqueous solution counting, 761 ; Erratum, 984. - Detmng. small amounts of iron and chromium in sapphire and ruby for maser applications, 861. - Detmna. small amounts of iron. New colori- (Publication received), 489. 2nd Edn., 482. BGroughs, L. F., et al. Detmng. total sulphur dioxide content of ciders, 304. metric methods, 3.INDEX TO VOLUME 88 vii Goats, A. W., et al. Thermogravimetric analysis : review, 906. Cohen, A,, et al. Analytical Standards for Trace Elements in Petroleum Products. (Publication received), 72 ; (Keview), 486.Micro-detmn. of sulphur in organic compounds by fusion with sodium peroxide and titration of sulphate with barium perchlorate, 791. - Modified Kipp’s apparatus suitable for elec- trolytic generation of oxygen, 243. - Removal of phosphate in barium perchlorate titration of sulphate. Application to oxygen- flask combustion technique, 26 ; Erratum, 330. Commins, B. T. Detmng. particulate acid in town air, 364. Connolly, J. F., et at. Chromatographic detmn. of trace elements in foodstuffs, 125. Coomes, T. J., et al. Detcng. and estmng. aflatoxin in groundnuts and groundnut materials. Part I. Paper-chromatographic procedure, 209. Cooper, B. S. Review of Thewlis’s Encyclopaedic Dictioizary of Physics. Cooper, P. Poisoning by Drugs and Chemicals: Index of Toxic Effects and their Treatment.2nd Edn. (Review), 245. Cornelius, J. A., et al. Detcng. and estmng. aflatoxin in groundnuts and groundnut materials. Part 11. Thin-layer chromatographic method, 214; Erratum, 330. Corner, M. Obituary, 155, 335. Cornfield, A. H., et al. in water extracts of soils, 321. Cornwall, C. W, Obituary, 335. Coulson, E. H., et al. Experiments for Young Chemists. (Publication received), 901. Courts, A., et al. Practical Analytical Methods for Connective Tissue Proteins. (Publication re- ceived), 657. Cowell, D. B., et al. Titrating weak bases in acetic anhydride, 974. Cowle, B. C., et al. Detmng. free sulphur dioxide in soft drinks by desorption and trapping method, 394; Erratum, 570. Crawford, A. B., et al. Quantitative Chemical Analysis and Inorganic Preparations.2nd Edn. (Review), 406. Critchfield, F. E. Organic Functional Group Analysis. (Publication received), 570. Crompton, T. R., et al. Analysing aluminium alkyls, 713. Cropton, R. W. G., et al. Detmng. low concentra- tions of sodium dodecylbenzenesulphonate, 516. Cross, P. C., et al. Molecular Vib-Rotors: Theory and Interpretation of High Resolution Infrared Spectra. (Publication received), 741. Crouthamel, C. E. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series IX. Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 3. (Publication received), 247 ; (Review), 565. Crump, G. B. Analysing edible oils contaminated with synthetic ester lubricants, 456. Curry, D. R. Information retrieval in the analytical laboratory : review, 829 ; Errata, 984. Colson, A. F. Vols. I to VI, 983. Rapid detmn. of sulphate D David, D.J. Aspects of atomic absorption analysis. (Summary), 75. Davies, G. R. Davies, L., et al. Obituary of M. Corner, 155. Improved identification in gas - liquid chromatographic analysis of agricultural samples for residues of chlorinated pesticides. I. Improved resolution on single columns and application of multi-column spectrochromato- gram, 941 ; 11. Halogen-sensitive detector in complementary or alternative use to electron- capture ionisation detector, 951. Davies, M. Infra-red Spectroscopy and Molecular Structure. (Publication received), 983. Dawoud, A. F., et al. Quantitative detmn. of nitro- glycerin by Schultze - Tiemann method, 809. Debras-Gubdon, J., et al. analyse des Silicates. (Publication received), 72. Debye, P. J. W., et al. Lectures in Materials Science.(Publication received), 489. Deer, W. A., et al. Rock-Forming Minerals. Vol. 2. Chain Silicates. (Publication received), 152; (Review), 406; Vol. 4. Framework Silicates. (Publication received), 490; (Review), 820; Vol. 5. Non-Silicates. (Review), 246. Detmng. small amounts of long-chain aliphatic tertiary amines in aqueous solution, 322. DeVoe, J. R. Application of Distillation Techniques to Radiochemical Separations. (Publication received), 901. Silver- and halide-ion responsive electrodes. Part I. Preparation, treatment, durability and zero-current response in aqueous media, 424; Part 11. Rehaviour in mixed solvent - water media, and effect of restoring currents on electrode response, 433 ; Part 111. Ionic and electron transfer interaction and effect of supporting electrolytes, 442.Di Gleria, J., et al. Rodenphysik und Bodenkol- loidik. (Publication received), 247. Dixon, J. P. Review of Isbell, Tipson, Hague, Scribner, Smith, Wade and Cohen’s Analytical Standards -for Trace Elements i n Petroleunt Products, 486. Desai, M. W., et at. Dhaneshwar, R. G., et al. Dodd, F. R. Obituary, 335. Donovan, P. D., et al. Detmng. oxygen in vacuum- melted stecls, molybdenum and single-crystal silicon by vacuum fusion, 771. Doran, T., et al. Inexpensive sampling device for gas chromatography, 738 ; Erratum, 902. Drewry, J. Qualitative examination of detergents by paper chromatography, 225. Drysdale, D. J., et al. “Water minus” in natural glasses, 131. Duncan, J. L., et al. Applications of infrared spectroscopy. Part X.Zeisel detmn. of t-butoxyl groups, and anomalous reactions of t-butylphenols, 353. Duncombe, R. E., et al. Continuous automatic microbiological assay of antibiotics, 694. D u d , C. Inorganic Thermogravimetric Analysis. Translated by R. E. Oesper. 2nd Edn. (Pub- lication received), 570. Dvoracsek, M., et al. Bodenphysik und Boden- kolloidik. (Publication received), 247. Dym,. A. Direct spectrophotometric detmn. of antimony in gold - antimony alloys and white metals, 232. E Eanes, R. D., et al. Analysis Instrumentation: 1963. (Publication received), 822. Eastoe, J. E., et al. Practical Analytical Methods for Connective Tissue Proteins. (Publication received), 657. Edmundson, I. C., et al. Detmng. specific surface area by air-permeation a t low porosities, 805.Egan, H. Review of Gunther’s Residue Reviews. Vol. 1, 486; Vol. 2, 819. Elahi, M., et al. Volumetric detmn. of sulphur in organic compounds by oxidation with hypo- bromite solution, 140. Elliott, R. M. Advances in Mass Spectrometry. Vol. 2. (Publication received), 658.viii INDEX TO VOLUME 88 Ellis, B. A. Review of Tinley’s Naming Organic Compounds, 245. Elson, L. A. Radiation and Radiomimetic Chemi- cals : Comparative Physiological Effects. (Pub- lication received), 490. Elving, P. J., et al. Chemical Analysis. Vol. XII[. Alternating Current Polarography and Tensam- metry ; Vol. XVII. Electron Probe Microanalysis. (Publication received), 902. - Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Part IT. Vol. VIII. (Publication received), 742. Elwell, W. T. Review of Griffiths and Lee’s Elec- tronics of Laboratory and Process Instruments, 149.- et al. Detmng. boron in zirconium, hafnium and titanium, 475. Emsden, G. E., et at. Detmng. orthophosphate in water, 814. Entrikin, J. B., et al. Identification of Organic Compounds. (Publication received), 821. Evans, A. J., et al. Bibliography of the Tabletting of Medicinal Substances. (Publication received), 822. Detmng. oxygen in vacuum- melted steels, molybdenum and single-crystal silicon by vacuum fusion, 771. Quantitative detmn. o f glucose and maltose in enzyme reaction mixtures, 204. Evans, J. L., et al. Evans, W. A. L., et ul. F Fay, M., et al. Advances in X-ray Analysis. Vol. 6. (Publication received), 821. Feigl, F. Analytical Chemistry 1962. Proceedings of International Symposium, April, 1962, In honour of -.(Publication received), 658. Feinberg, J. G., et al. Chromatography and Elec- trophoresis on Paper : Teaching Level Manual. (Publication received), 247 ; (Review), 568. Feitknecht, W., et al. Solubility Constants of Metal Oxides, Metal Hydroxides and Metal Hydroxide Salts in Aqueous Solution. (Publica- tion received), 490. Fenyo, S., et al. Mathematik fur Chemiker. (Publication received), 72. Ferguson, L. N. Modern Structural Theory of Organic Chemistry. (Publication received), 984. Ferraro, J. R., et al. Developments in Applied Spectroscopy. Vol. 2. (Publication received), 657. Filby, R. H., et al. Detmng. silica in rocks and minerals by isotope dilution with silicon-31, 89 1. Finar, I. L. Organic Chemistry. Vol. I. Funda- mental Principles.4th Edn. (Publication received), 489; (Review), 979. Detmng. glucose in presence of maltose and isomaltose by stable, specific enzymic reagent, 967. Flett, M. 8t. C. Characteristic Frequencies of Chemical Groups in the Infra-Red. (Publication received), 901. Florkin, M., et al. Comprehensive Biochemistry. Vol. 10. (Publication received), 658. Flory, P. J., et ~ l . Lectures in Materials Science. (Publication received), 489. FoIsom, T. R., et al. Gamma-ray spectrometric detmn. of radioactive caesium in sea water by nickel ferrocyanide method, 105. Fowler? E. W. Detmng. arsenic in germanium dioxide, 380. Fowler, L., et al. Analysis Instrumentation: 1963. (Publication received), 822. Frankel, E. Obituary, 743. Fraser, J. R., et al. Calcium chloride starch- dispersing media, 558.Fleming, I. D., et al. Fresenius, W., et al. Handbuch der Analytischen Chemie. Part 2. Vol. IVacc. (Publication received), 822. Fribbins, E. A., et al. Compact unit for detmng. carbon and hydrogen by VeEefa method, 68. Friess, S. L., et at. Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol. VIII. Part 11. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 741. Fromherz, H., et al. German - English Chemical Terminology : Introduction to Chemistry in English and German. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 330; (Review), 565. Fryer, F. A., et al. Furildioximes. I. Structure of isomeric furildioximes, 188 ; 11. Analytical behaviour of purified a-furildioxime, with par- ticular reference to detmng. rhenium in presence of molybdenum, 191. Furmidge, C. G. L. Application of flying-spot scanning to particle size analysis in formulation of pesticides, 686.G Galliford, D. J. B., et al. Detmng. antimony in titanium dioxide, 653. - Furildioximes. Part I. Structure of isomeric furildioximes, 188; Part 11. Analytical behavioui- of purified a-furildioxime, with particular refer- ence to detmng. rhenium in presence of molyb- denum, 191. Ganshirt, H., et al. Diinnschicht-Chromatographie : Laboratoriumshandbuch. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 483. Gardner, K., et al. Detmng. maneb in presence of copper, 242. Garratt, D. C. Review of Beckett and Stenlake’s Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry: Quantitative Analysis, 246. Gasparit, J., et al. Bibliography of Paper Chromato- graphy 1957-1960 and Survey of Applications. (Publication received), 408.Gasser, J. K. R. Substitute reagent for titanous sulphate for reducing nitrate-Nu’, 237. Gautier, J.-A., et al. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Organique, Pharmaceutique et Broma- tologique. 1 l t h Series. (Publication received), 984. Complex Compounds of Transuranium Elements. Translated by C. N. Turton and T. I. Turton. (Publication received), 489. Gibbons, D., et al. Radioactivation Analysis. (Publication received), 570. Gidley, J. A. F. Review of Kroonen and Vader’s Line Interference ilz Emission Spectrographic Analysis, S19. Gillillan, J. H., et al. Chemical Analysis: The Working Tools. Vols. I, I1 and 111. 2nd Edn. (Review), 482. Gillard, R. D. Circular dichroism: review, 825. Glick, D. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. X. (Review), 328; Vol.XI. (Publication received), 490; (Review), 977. Goering, H. L., et al. Compound Semi-conductors. Vol. I. Preparation of III-V Compounds. (Pub- lication received), 408. Goldsmith, A., et al. Handbook of Thermo- physical Properties of Solid Materials. Vol. 111. Ceramics. (Publication received), 152. Improved identification in gas - liquid chromatographic analysis of agricul- tural samples for residues of chlorinated pesticides. I. Improved resolution on single columns and application of multi-column spectrochromato- gram, 941 ; 11. Halogen-sensitive detector in complementary or alternative use to electron- capture ionisation detector, 951. Gel’man, A. D., et al. Goodwin, E. S., et al.INDEX TO VOLUME 88 ix Goulden, R. Dectng. and detmng. chlorinated pesticide residues in crops, soils and animal tissues by gas - liquid chromatography.(Sum- mary), 414. - et al. Improved identification in gas - liquid chromatographic analysis of agricultural samples for residues of chlorinated pesticides. I. Improved resolution on single columns and application of multi-column spectrochromatogram, 941 ; 11. Halogen-sensitive detector in complementary or alternative use to electron-capture ionisation detector, 951. Gowenlock, A. H., et al. West-European Symposia on Clinical Chemistry. Vol. 2. (Publication received), 82 1. Graham, R. J. T. Paper chromatography of sub- stituted cinnolines with aqueous solvents, 222 ; Part 11. With aqueous hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide as solvents, 643. Review of Mark, McKetta, Othmer and Standen’s Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology.Vol. I. 2nd Edn., 899. Grant, J. A,, et a2. Detmng. carbon dioxide by non-aqueous titrimetry, 134. Grassmann, H., et al. Handbuch der Analytischen Chemie. Part 2. Vol. IVacc. (Publication received), 822. Gray, A. L. Detmng. oxygen in metals by fast- neutron activation analysis. (Summary), 904. Greaves, F. W. Obituary, 411. Greaves, J. T. Translator of Busev’s Analytical Chemistry of Indium. (Publication received), 152 ; (Review), 569. Green, D. E., et al. Detmng. silicon, zinc and magnesium in gallium arsenide by neutron- activation analysis, 522. High-pressure plasmas as emission sources. (Summary), 904. Conductimetric micro method for simul- taneous detmn. of carbon and hydrogen in organic compounds, 886. Greenwood, N.N., et al. Translators of Seel’s Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding: Non- Mathematical Introduction. (Publication received), 822. Griffiths, V. S., et al. Electronics of Laboratory and Process Instruments. (Review), 149. Gross, D. High-voltage paper electrophoresis. (Summary), 2. Gunn, A. H. Introduction to Fluorimetry. (Pub- lication received), 658. Gunther, F. A. Residue Reviews: Residues of Pesticides and Other Foreign Chemicals in Foods and Feeds. Vol. 1. (Publication received), 152; (Review), 486 ; Vol. 2. (Publication received), 489; (Review), 819; Vol. 3. (Publication received), 822. et al. Routine detmn. of biphenyl and o-phenyl- phenol on and in citrus fruit, 36. Gupta, P. C. Detmng. N-substituted aromatic thioureas, 896. Guy, K. Laboratory Organisation and Adminis- tration.(Review), 69. Grant, J. Greenfield, S. - et al. H HachovA, E. Translator of KakAC and Vejdglek’s Handbuch der Kolorimetrie. Vol. I. (Review), 246. Hague, J. L., et al. Analytical Standards for Trace Elements in Petroleum Products. (Publication received), 72 ; (Review), 486. Hahn, R. B., et al. Inorganic Qualitative Analysis. (Publication received), 490. Hais, I. M., et al. Bibliography of Paper Chromato- graphy 1957-1960 and Survey of Applications. (Publication received), 408. - General Problems of Paper Chromatography : Relations Between Paper Chromatographic Be- haviour and Chemical Structure : Attempts a t Systematic Analysis. (Publication received), 408; (Review}, 741. Hall, R. J. Diffusion bottles for detmng. fluorine, 899.- Spectrophotometric detmn. of sub-microgram amounts of fluorine in biological specimens, 76. Hampel, B. Absorptionsspektroscopie im U1 tra- violetten und Sichtbaren Spektralbereich. (Re- view), 71. Hampson, B. L. Detmng. zirconium-95 and nio- bium-95 in seaweed and sea water, 529. Handler, J. A. Liquid-scintillation method for detmng. tritium in tissues of animals dosed with tritium-labelled vitamin A, 47. Hands, J. D., et al. Rapid assay of radioactive caesium in milk, 43. Harding, R. D., et al. Rapid assay of radioactive caesium in milk, 43. Harris, J. R., et al. Detmng. orthophosphate in water, 814. Harrison, R. B. Detcng., detmng. and identifying furfuraldehyde in hydrocarbon oil, 644. Hashmi, M. H., et al. Volumetric detmn. of sulphur in organic compounds by oxidation with hypo- bromite solution, 140.Haslam, J. Review of Guy’s Laboratory Organisation and Administration, 69. - Review of Schroter and Metzner’s Gas Chrornato- gvaphie 1961, 484. Hayes, M. R., et al. Detmng. traces of boron in zirconium and zirconium alloys, 47 1. Headridge, J. B., et al. Volumetric detmn. of iron, molybdenum and tungsten in fluoride solutions, 590. Henriksen, A. Modified stannous chloride reagent for detmng. orthophosphate, 898. Herber, R. H. Inorganic Isotopic Syntheses. (Review), 982. Herbich, M. A,, et al. Applications of infrared spectroscopy. Part X. Zeisel detmn. of t-butoxyl groups, and anomalous reactions of t-butyl- phenols, 353. Herington, E. F. G. Zone Melting of Organic Compounds. (Publication received), 657. Herz, W. Shape of Carbon Compounds: Introduc- tion to Organic Chemistry.(Publication re- ceived), 741. Detmng. silicon, zinc and magnesium in gallium arsenide by neutron- activation analysis, 522. Higson, H. G., et al. Review of methods for detcng. and detmng. small amounts of cyanide, 751. Hill, T. L. Thermodynamics of Small Systems. Part I. (Publication received), 742. Hills, J. M., et al. Detmng. tantalum and niobium in high-grade minerals and ores, 142. Hinton, C. L. Obituary, 335. Hirschhorn, H. J., et al. Heslop, J. A. B., et al. Handbook of Thermo- physical Properties of Solid Materials. Vol. 111. Ceramics. (Publication received), 152. Erst, E. L., et al. Structural Carbohydrate Chemistry. 2nd Edn. (Review), 981. Holman, R. T., et al. Progress in Chemistry of Fats and Other Lipids.Vol. 6. (Publication received), 570. Hoodless, &. A., et al. Calcium chloride starch- dispersing media, 558.x INDEX TO VOLUME S8 Horsley, L. H., et al. Azeotropic Data-11. (Pub- Horton, H. V. Obituary, 335. Howard, G. E. Analysing geranium oil by gas chromatography, 633. Howie, R. A., et al. Rock-Forming Minerals. Vol. 2. Chain Silicates. (Publication received), 152 ; (Review), 406; Vol. 4. Framework Silicates. (Publication received), 490 ; (Review), 820 ; Vol. 5. Non-Silicates. (Review), 246. Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry. Vol. 1. Nucleophilic Substitution a t a Saturated Carbon Atom. Bunton. (Publica- tion received), 742. Hughes, J. T. Colorimetric detmn. of low concentra- tions of 2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate in the atmosphere, 318.Hunt, J. P. Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution. (Publication received), 984. Hunter, J. A., et al. Detmng. carbon dioxide by non-aqueous titrimetry, 134. Hunter, W. M. Heterogeneity studies on protein hormone. (Summary), 251. Hutchinson, Miss P. E. Appointment as Secretary of the Society for Analytical Chemistry, 571. lication received), 247. Hnghes, E. D. I Ingram, G. Methods of Organic Elemental Micro,- analysis. (Review), 70. Irani, R. R., et al. Particle Size: Measurement, Interpretation and Application. (Publication received), 82 1. Isbell, H. S., et al. Analytical Standards for Trace Elements in Petroleum Products. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 486. J Jaff6, H. H., et al. Theory and Applications ol Ultraviolet Spectroscopy. (Review), 656.James, A. T. Separating long-chain unsaturated fatty acids: review, 572. Jander, G., et al. Handbuch der Analytischen Chemie. Part 2. Vol. IVaa. (Publication received), 822. Jeffery, P. G., et al. Detmng. constituents of rocks and minerals by gas chromatography. Part 11. Detmng. gaseous constituents, 266. Jerrard, H. G., et al. Dictionary of Scientific Units. (Publication received), 741. Johnson,, C. A. Review of Ingram’s Methods of’ Organzc Elemental Microanalysis, 70. Johnson, W. C. Review of Thorn and Ludwig’s Dithiocarbamates and Related Compounds, 69. Jolly, S. C. Official, Standardised and Recom- mended Methods of Analysis. Society for Analytical Chemistry. (Editorial), 73. Jones, A. G. Review of Kline’s Analytical Chemistry of Polymers. Parts I1 and 111, 407.- Review of Lever and Rhys’s Properties and Testing of Plastics Materials. 2nd Edn., 329. Jones, J. I. M. Review of Finar’s Organic Chemistry. Vol. I. 4th Edn., 979. - Review of King and Fromherz’ German-English Chemical Terminology. 4th Edn., 565. - Review of Meites‘s Handbook of Analytical Chemistry, 980. - Review of Posternak’s Cyclitols: Chimie, Bio- chimie, Biologie, 406. Jones, R. E. Obituary, 1, 335. Joy, A. S., et al. Detmng. low concentrations of sodium dodecylbenzenesulphonate, 5 16. K Kaiser, R. Gas Phase Chromatography. Vols. 1, 2 and 3. Translated by P. H. Scott. (Publication received), 983. Rapid micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen with magnesium oxide - catalyst oxide mixture, 816. KakBE, B., et al. Handbuch der Kolorimetrie. Vol. I. Kolorimetrie in der Pharmazie.Trans- lated by E. Hachovk. (Review), 246. Kaplan, A. H., e f al. U.S. Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (Judicial and Administrative Record), 1958-1960. (Review), 485. Kavanagh, F. Analytical Microbiology. (Publica- tion received), 489; (Review), 739. Kehoe, T. J., et al. Analysis Instrumentation: 1963. (Publication received), 822. Kelly, F. H. C. Practical Mathematics for Chemists, (Publication received), 742. Kennedy, J. K., et al. Ultrapurification of Semi- conductor Materials. (Publication received), 72 ; (Review), 564. King, A., et al. German - English Chemical Terminology : Introduction to Chemistry in English and German. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 330; (Review), 565. King, E. L. How Chemical Reactions Occur: Introduction to Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Mechanisms.(Publication received), 741. Kakabadse, G. J., et al. King, J. Obituary, 335. Kipping, P. J., et al. Detmng. constituents of rocks and minerals by gas chromatography. Part 11. Detmng. gaseous constituents, 266. Introduction to Theory of Flotation. Translated by J . Leja and G. W. Poling. (Publication received), 247. US. Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act (Judicial and Administrative Record), 1958-1960. (Review), 485. Klimes-Szmik, A,, et al. Bodenphysik und Boden- kolloidik. (Publication received), 247. Kline, G. M. Analytical Chemistry of Polymers. Parts I1 and 111. (Review), 407. Knapman, C. E. H., et al. Gas Chromatography Abstracts 1962. (Publication received), 657. Kolthoff, I. M., et al. Chemical Analysis.. Vol.XIII. Alternating Current Polarography and Tensam- metry; Vol. XVII. Electron Probe Micro- analysis. (Publication received), 902. - Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Part 11. Vol. VIII. (Publication received), 742. Konrath,. J. H., et al. Analysing 14C0 - 14C02 mix- tures by gas-chromatographic separation and aqueous solution counting, 761 ; Erratum, 984. Bibliography of Paper Chromato- graphy 1957-1960 and Survey of Applications. (Publication received), 408. Kortiim, G. Kolorimetrie, Photometrie und Spek- trometrie. (Publication received), 152; (Review), 657. Kramer, A. A. Russian - English Chemical Reader. (Publication received), 658. Krell, E., et al. Handbook of Laboratory Dis- tillation. Translated by c . G. Verver. (Publica- tion received), 742. Krishnan, P. S., et al.Paper-chromatographic separation of sugar phosphates using borate- impregnated paper, 969. Line Interference in Emission Spectrographic Analysis. (Publication received) 490; (Review), 819. Klassen, V. I., et al. Kleinfeld, V. A., et al. Kopeckf, J., et al. Kroonen, J., et al.INDEX TO VOLUME 88 xi L Lacy, E. D., et at. “Water minus” in natural glasses, 13 1. Lambie, , D. A. Review of Herber’s Inorganic Isotopzc Syntheses, 982. Lhg, L., et at. Absorption Spectra in the Ultra- violet and Visible Region. Vol. 111. (Publica- tion received), 330; Vol. IV, 901. Larson, D. B. Case Against the Nuclear Atom. (Publication received), 408. Leahy, J. S., et al. Detmng. residues of “Ruelene” in milk, 882. Lederer, M. Chromatographic Reviews. Vol. 4. (Review), 15 1 ; Vol.5. (Publication received), 82 1. Lee, W. H., ef al. Electronics of Laboratory and Process Instruments. (Review), 149. Lees, J. F., et al. Quantitative detmn. of active hydrogen by modification of Zerewitinoff method, 782. Leja, J., et al. Translators of Klassen and Mokrou- sov’s Introduction to Theory of Flotation. (Pub- lication received), 247. Leonard, M. A. Detmng. fluoride by complexo- metric titration, 404. Lester Smith, E. See Smith, E. L. Leurgans, P., et al. Lectures in Materials Science. (Publication received), 489. Lever, A. E., et al. Properties and Testing of Plastics Materials. 2nd Edn. (Review), 329. Lby, R: Methods of organic microanalysis: com- parative and critical study. (Summary) , 746. Lewis, D. T. Review of Crouthamel’s Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series I X .Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 3, 565. - et al. Application of uranyl salt method to detmng. arsenic by oxygen flask technique, 510. - n-Propyl gallate as gravimetric reagent for bismuth and antimony, 585. Lewis, E. S., et al. Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol. VIII. Part 11. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 741. Linskens, H. F., et al. Modern Methods of Plant Analysis. Vol. V. (Publication received), 247 ; Vol. VI, 490. Lionnel, L. J., et al. Detmng. sulphur in silicate rocks by wet oxidation, 138. Lipscomb, W. N. Boron Hydrides. (Publication received), 984. Little, J., et al. Use of constricted rubber bulb for obtaining average sample of an atmosphere during a working period, 973. Lloyd, W. J. W., et al. Detmng. free sulphur dioxide in soft drinks by desorption and trapping method, 394; Erratum, 570.Lobeck, R. T., et al. Quantitative detmn. of active hydrogen by modification of Zerewitinoff method, 782. Review of Bolliger, Brenner, Ganshirt, Mangold, Seiler, Stahl and Waldi’s Diinnschicht- Chromatographie, 483. Lothian, G. F. Beer’s law and its use in analysis: review, 678. - Review of Kortiim’s Kolorimetvie, Photowzetrie und Spektrometrie, 657. Louvrier, J., et al. Analyse des Silicates. (Pub- lication received), 72. Ludwig, R. A., et al. Dithiocarbamates and Related Compounds. (Review), 69. Lumb, E. C., et al. Handbook of Laboratory Distillation. Translated by C. G. Verver. (Pub- licatior, received), 742. Progress in Chemistry of Fats and Other Lipids. Vol. 6. (Publication received), 570.Long, A. G. Lundberg, W. O., et al. Lunt, T. G. Rapid alkaline reduction of nitro-groups M and Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen, 466. Mabon, R. M. Rapid detmn. of alcohol in body fluids, 320. McCallum, L. F. Obituary, 411. McDonald, A. J., et al. Application of Auto- Analyzer to detmng. zinc in soils and sediments, 608. Macdonald, A. M. G., et al. Analytical Chemistry 1962. (Publication received), 658. Macek, K., et al. Bibliography of Paper Chromato- graphy 1957-1960 and Survey of Applications. (Publication received), 408. - General Problems of Paper Chromatography : Relations Between Paper Chromatographic Be- haviour and Chemical Structure : Attempts a t Systematic Analysis. (Publication received), 408; (Review), 741. McEvoy-Bowe, E. Modification of Scott method for detmng.indole, 893. McGugan, W. A., et al. Collection of gas-chromato- graphic fractions for identification by infrared spectrophotometry, 147. Mack, D. L. Spectrographic detmn. of trace im- purities in arsenic, 481. Mackereth, F. J. H. Methods of Water Analysis for Limnologists. (Publication received), 490. McKetta, J. J., jun., et al. Kirk-Othmer Encyclo- pedia of Chemical Technology. Vol. I. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 489; (Review), 899. McLafferty, F. W. Mass Spectral Correlations. (Publication received), 82 1. McNeill, D. B., ef al. Dictionary of Scientific Units. (Publication received), 741. Maddison, R. E. W. Translator of Schmidt and von Stackelberg’s Modern Polavographic Methods. (Publication received), 822. Maguire, M. F., et al. Chromatographic detmn.of trace elements in foodstuffs, 125. Mahan, B. Elementary Chemical Thermodynamics. (Publication received), 741. Malangeau, P., et al. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Organique, Pharmaceutique et Broma- tologique. 1 l t h Series. (Publication received), 984. Progress in Chemistry of Fats and Other Lipids. Vol. 6. (Publication received), 570. Mandleberg, C. J. Topics in Modern Chemistry. (Publication received), 822. Mangold, H. K., et .al. Diinnschicht-Chromato- graphie : Laboratoriumshandbuch. (Publication received), 72 ; (Review), 483. Mann, S., et al. Solvents Guide. 2nd Edn. (Pub- lication received), 490. Manohin, B., et al. Rapid micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen with magnesium oxide - catalyst oxide mixture, 816. Mansford, K. R. L. Detmng. maltotetraose in starch conversion products, 649.- et al. Glucose oxidase method for rapid detmn. of glucose in starch conversion products, 646. Margolis, E. J. Qualitative Anion - Cation Analysis : Interpretative Laboratory Text of Semimicro Procedure in Basic College Chemistry. (Publica- tion received), 247; (Review), 655. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Vol. I. 2nd Edn. (Pub- lication received), 489 ; (Review), 899. Marsden, C., et al. Solvents Guide. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 490. Marshall, F. C. B. Mdkin, T., et al. Mark, H. F., et al. Obituary, 335.xii INDEX TO VOLUME 88 Marshall, K., et al. Separation and detmn. of chromium sesquioxide in chrome ores and chrome-bearing refractories, 877. Martin, A. J. P. Future possibilities in micro- analysis.(Summary), 745. Martin, J. L. Elimination of water effect on argon ionisation detectors fitted to Pye chromatographs, 326. - et al. Hydroxocobalamin : examination and detmn. in parenteral injection solutions by paper chromatography, 202. Martin, J. T. Mercury residues in plants. (Sum- mary), 413. Massie, W. H. S., ef al. Detmng. carbon dioxide by non-aqueous titrimetry, 134. Massoumi, A,, et al. Rapid detmn. of sulphate in water extracts of soils, 321. Mattock, G. Electrochemical approaches in auto- matic analysis. (Summary), 492. Mefod’eva, M. P., et al. Complex Compounds of Transuranium Elements. Translated by C. N. Turton and T. I. Turton. (Publication received), 489. Meites, L. Handbook of Analytical Chemistry. (Publication received), 570; (Review), 980.Metcalfe, J., et al. Detmng. traces of boron in zirconium and zirconium alloys, 471. Metzner, K., et al. Gas Chromatographie 1961. (Review), 484. Meyling, A. H., et al. Modified zirconium - alizarin method for detmng. fluoride in natural waters, 84. Meyling, J., et al. Modified zirconium - alizarin method for detmng. fluoride in natural waters, 84. Middleton, K. R. Iodimetric detmn. of milligram amounts of rubber hydrocarbon, 368. - et al. Detmng. rubber in vegetative parts of Hevea brasiliensis, 544; Erratum, 742. Milner, G. W. C. Controlled-potential coulometric analysis. (Summary), 492. Milton, R. F. Review of Cooper’s Poisoning by Drugs and Chemicals: Index of Toxic Eflects and their Treatment. 2nd Edn., 245. - Review of Varley’s Practical Clinical Biochem- istry.3rd Edn., 149. Mitchell, A. D. Obituary, 411. Mitchell, W., ef aZ. Pyrethrum analysis : infrared method, 538; Erratum, 822. Mohanrao, G. J., et al. Gamma-ray spectrometric detmn. of low concentrations of radioactive caesium in sea water by nickel ferrocyanide method, 105. Introduction to Theory of Flotation. Translated by J. Leja and G. W. Poling. (Publication received), 247. Mixed nitric and perchloric acids as solvent in controlled oxidation of cellulose by boiling perchloric acid, 476. Moore, A. H. Obituary, 249. Moore, W. J. Physical Chemistry. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 902. Morrison, I. R., et al. Absorptiometric detmn. of silicon in water. I. Formation, stability and reduction of cc- and 13-molybdosilicic acids, 88; 11. Detmng. “reactive” silicon in power-station waters, 100; 111.Detmng. total silicon content:, 446. Morton, R. A. Review of Bauer’s Strahlungsmessung im optischen Spektralbereich: Messung elektro- magnetischer Strahlung vom Ultraviolett bis zwn. Ultrarot, 7 1. - Review of Glick’s Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. X, 328; Vol. XI, 977. - Review of HamDel’s A bsorBtionssBektrosco#ie im MO~~OUSOV, V. A., et al. Monk, R. G. Morton, R. A. Review of Jaffk and Orchin’s Theory and Applications of Ultraviolet Spectroscopy, 656. - Review of Wells’ Spectroscopy, 150. Moses, A. J. Analytical Chemistry of the Actinide Elements. (Publication received), 741. Moskvin, A. I., et al. Complex Compounds of Transuranium Elements. Translated by C. N. Turton and T. I. Turton. (Publication received), 489.Mueller, W. M., et al. Advances in X-ray Analysis. Vol. 6. (Publication received), 821. Muggleton, D. F. Ordinate scale expansion tech- niques in infrared analysis of pesticide residues. (Summary), 412. Modular gas-chromato- graphy system for analysing exit streams from reactors, 551. Detmng. small amounts of long-chain aliphatic tertiary amines in aqueous solution, 322. Mustafa, A,, et al. Quantitative detmn. of nitro- glycerin by Schultze - Tiemann method, 809. Munday, C. W., et al. Murthy, T. K. S., et al. N Nalimov, V. V. Application of Mathematical Statistics to Chemical Analysis. Translated by P. Basu. (Publication received), 741. Nash, J. R., et al. Polarographic detmn. of lead in steels and copper - zinc alloys, 963. Nautrup, E. P. Standardmethoden der praktischen Chemie.Part 2. Grundverbindungen 1. (Pub- lication received), 901. Necharnkin, H. Problems in Inorganic Chemistry. (Publication received), 490; (Review), 821. Nesmeyanov, A. N. Vapour Pressure of the Elements. Translated and edited by J. I. Carasso. (Publication received), 902. Newman, E. J. Precipitation of cuprous thiocyanate from homogeneous solution, 500. - et al. Detmng. magnesium in calcium salts, 506. - Detmng. small amounts of iron. New colori- metric methods, 3. Nicholls, J. R. Review of Joz4rnal of The Association of Public AnaZysts. Vol. 1, No. 1, First Quarter, 1963, 900. Nir-Grosfeld, I., et al. Isolation and separation of dyes from foodstuffs by column chromatography, 872. 0 O’Dea, D. R. Obituary, 824. Oesper, R. E. Translator of Duval’s Inorganic Thermogravimetric Analysis.2nd Edn. (Publica- tion received), 570. O’Kelleg, G. D. Applications of Computers to Nuclear and Radiochemistry. (Publication re- ceived), 570. Opie, .R. K., et al. Glucose oxidase method for rapid detmn. of glucose in starch conversion products, 646. Orchin, M., et al. Theory and Applications of Ultraviolet Spectroscopy. (Review), 656. Othmer, D. F., et al. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Vol. I. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 489; (Review), 899. Otting, W. Spektrale Zuordnungstafel Der Infrarot- Absorptionsbanden. (Publication received), 984. P Padmanaban, G., et al. Sensitive microbiological assay for magnesium in biological materials, 534. Paech. K.. et al. Modern Methods of Plant Analvsis.Ultvavioletten uni Sichtbarek Spekiralbereici, 7 1. Vol: V.- (Publication received), 247; Vol. VI, 290.INDEX TO Quantum Theory of Molecular Elec- tronic Structure. (Publication received), 742. Chemical Analysis: The Working Tools. Vols. I, I1 and 111. 2nd Edn. (Review), 482. Detcng. and detmng. glycerol in tobacco, Use of paper and cellulose-column chromatography for detmng. glycerol in presence of sugars, 387. Pane, D. W., et al. Quantitative detmn. of glucose and maltose in enzyme reaction mixtures, 204. Peake, D. M. Review of Feinberg and Smith’s Chromatogvaphy and Electrophoresis on Paper, 568. Peck, P. F., et al. Extracting lanthanide elements from perchloric acid by di-(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate, 217. - Rapid solvent-extraction sampling technique for neutron-activation analysis, 603.Pegler, H. F., et al. Detmng. glucose in presence of maltose and isomaltose by stable, specific enzymic reagent, 967. Penketh, F. G., .et al. Use of constricted rubber bulb for obtaining average sample of an atmos- phere during a working period, 973. Penketh, G. E., et al. Detmng. 4-methyl-2,6-di- t-butylphenol in liquid paraffin B.P., 297. Percival, E., et al. Structural Carbohydrate Chemistry. 2nd Edn. (Review), 98 1. Percival, E. G. V., et al. Structural Carbohydrate Chemistry. 2nd Edn. (Review), 981. Perkins, J. Detmng. sodium in halo-phosphate phosphors by atomic-absorption spectroscopy, 324. Petrikova, M. N., et al. Anorganische Ultramikro- analyse. (Publication received), 330. Piedade, J. R., e f al. Quimica Dos Pesticidas.(Publication received), 489. Pierce, T. B., et al. Extracting lanthanide elements from perchloric acid by di-(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate, 217. - Rapid solvent-extraction sampling technique for neutron-activation analysis, 603. Pitt, E. E. H. Flame photometric detmn. of sodium, potassium and calcium in nickel - alumina cata- Physical Inorganic Chemistry. (Publication received), 742. Translators of Klassen and Mokrousov’s Introduction to Theory of Flotation. (Publication received), 247. Pollard, W. B. Obituary, 571. Posternak, T. Cyclitols : Chimie, Biochimie, Bio- (Publication received), 72 ; (Review), 406. Potter, J. A. Detmng. dinoseb in potatoes, 651. Powell, R. J., et al. Detmng. small amounts of iron and chromium in sapphire and ruby for maser applications, 851.Prat, H., et al. Recent Progress in Microcalori- metry. Edited and translated by H. A. Skinner. (Publication received), 984. PHbil, R. Komplexometrie. Part 1. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 742. - Komplexone in chemischen Analyse. (Review), 70. Price, S., A. Review of Kavanagh’s Analytical Microbaology, 739, Priestley, P. T. Automatic digital thermometric titrator, 194. - et al. Automatic thermometric titration, 797. Primavesi, G. R., et al. Modular gas-chromato- graphy system for analysing exit streams from reactors, 551. Pringle, W. J. S. Obituary, 1, 335. Pmr, R. G. Parry-Jones, R. T., et at. Patterson, S. J. lysts, 399. Plane, R. A., et al. Poling, G. W., et al. logic. VOLUME 88 xiii Profitt, P. M. C., et.al. Detmng. small amounts of iron and chromium in sapphire and ruby for maser applications, 85 1.Pryce, J. D. Titrating water in plasma or red cells with Karl Fischer reagent, 560. Purnell, H. Gas Chromatography. (Publication received), 247; (Review), 567. Q Quayle, A. Mass spectrometry as microanalytical technique. (Summary), 747. R Rhbek, V., et al. Bibliography of Paper Chromato- graphy 1957-1960 and Survey of Applications. (Publication received), 408. Rahman, A. Detmng. thorium and phosphorus pentoxide in solution and in insoluble thorium phosphate, 727. Rajzman, A. Quantitative micro-detmn. of bi- phenyl in citrus fruit, 117. Raphael, R. A., et al. Advances in Organic Chem- istry : Methods and Results. Vol. 3. (Publication received), 822. Rashbrook, R. B., et al. Detmng. trace amounts of chloride in sodium bromide, 479.Redfern, J. P., et al. Thermogravimetric analysis : review, 906. Redman, H. N. Weight burette for volumetric analysis, 654. Reed, R. H. Detmng. small amounts of sulphur in toluene by reduction with Raney nickel, 735. Rees, D. I., et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of caffeine in coffee and tea products, with special reference to coffee and chicory mixtures, 310. Reid, V. W., et al. Analysing aluminium alkyls, 713. Reilly, D. A. Field method for detmng. 2,4-tolylene di-isocyanate vapour in air, 732. Reynolds, G. F. Chromatopolarography and its application to chemical analysis. (Summary), 493. Rhodes, M., e f al. Chromatographic separation of chlorinated propionic and acetic acids, 136. Rhys, J., et al. Properties and Testing of Plastics Materials.2nd Edn. (Review), 329. Rice, C. B. F., et al. Chromatographic Methods. (Publication received), 901. Rodicker, H. Analytische Chemie. Parts I and 11. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 742. Rooke, H. S. Reports on the Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XLVII. (Publication received), 822. Rooney, R. C. Detmng. tin in beer, 959. Rose, B. A. Review of Van Swaay’s Gas Chromato- gra$hy 1962, 567. Russell, E. Obituary, 335. Ryschkewitsch, G. E. Chemical Bonding and the Geometry of Molecules. (Publication received), 330. S Salt, H. B. Obituary, 335. Samuelson, 0. Ion Exchange Separations in Analytical Chemistry. (Publication received), 821. Sandell, E. B., et al. Treatise on Analytical Chem- istry. Part 11. Vol. VIII. (Publication received), 742. Sanders, J.C., et al. Detcng. and estmng. aflatoxin in groundnuts and groundnut materials. Part I. Paper-chromatographic procedure, 209.xiv INDEX TO Sanwal, G. G., et al. Paper-chromatographic separation of sugar phosphates using borate- impregnated paper, 069. Sarma, P. S., et al. Sensitive microbiological assay for magnesium in biological materials, 534. Sastry, K. S., et al. Sensitive microbiological assay for magnesium in biological materials, 534. Scaife, D. B. Precise micro-detmn. of zinc and cadmium by photometric titration with disodium ethplenediaminetetra-acetate, 6 18. Solubility Constants of Metal Oxides, Metal Hydroxides and Metal Hydroxide Salts in Aqueous Solution. (Publication re- ceived), 490. Schmeiser, IC. Radionuclide. 2nd Edn. (Publica- tion received), 901.Schmidt, H., et al. Modern Polarographic Methods. Translated by R. E. W. Maddison. (Publication received), 822. Schoen, H. M. New Chemical Engineering Separa- tion Techniques. (Publication received), 490. Scholes,I. R. Review of Busev’s Analytical Chemistry of Indium, 569. - et al. lletmng. arsenic in copper and copper- base alloys, 374. Scholes, P. H., et al. Automatic colorimetric analysis of iron- and steel-making slags, 702. Schroter, M., et al. Gas Chromatographie 1961. (Review), 484. Scott, P. H. Translator of Kaiser’s Gas Phase Chromatography. Vols. 1, 2 and 3. (Publication received), 983. Scribner, B. F., et al. Analytical Standards for Trace Elements in Petroleum Products. (Pub- lication received), 72 ; (Review), 486. Seaman, A. Bacteriology for Dairy Students.(Publication received), 490. Sebba, F. Ion Flotation. (Publication received), 330. Sebborn, W. S., et al. Automatic thermometric titration, 797. Seel, F. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding: Non-Mathematical Introduction. Translated and revised by N. N. Greenwood and H. P. Stadler. (Publication received), 822. 2,2’-Thiodiethanethiol as colori- metric reagent for detmng. nickel, 314. Diinnschicht-Chromatographie : Laboratoriumshandbuch. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 483. Selby, B. D., e f al. Titrating weak bases in acetic anhydride, 974. Selman, R. F. W., et al. Automatic thermometric titration, 797. Sergeant,. G. A., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of aluminium in minerals by pyrocatechol violet, 109. - Detmng. total sulphur in silicate rocks by wet oxidation, 138.Shafizadeh, F., et al. Methods in Carbohydrate Chemistry. Vol. I. Analysis and Preparation of Sugars. (Publication received), 489. Shaker, M., et al. Micro-detmn. of hydrazine salts and derivatives, 59; Erratum, 330. Shallis, P. W. Appointment as Secretary of the Analytical Methods Committee, Society for Analytical Chemistry, 57 1. Shalon, Y., et al. Isolation and separation of dyes from foodstuffs by column chromatography, 872. Sharp, A. G., et al. Advances in Fluorine Chemistry. Vol. 3. (Publication received), 152. Shaw, w. H: C., et al. Continuous automatic microbiological assay of antibiotics, 694. - Hydroxocobalamin : examination and detmn. in parenteral injection solutions by paper chromato- graphy, 292. Schindler, P., et al. Segall, J., et al.Seiler, H., e f al. VOLUME 88 Shearer, D. A., et al. Collection of gas-chromato- graphic fractions for identification by infrared spectrophotometry, 147. Sheppard, W. L. Review of Purnell’s Gus Chromato- graphy, 567. Shone, G., et al. Detcng. and estmng. aflatoxifi in groundnuts and groundnut materials. Part 11. Thin-layer chromatographic method, 214 ; Erra- tum, 330. Shorr, L. M., et al. 2,2’-Thiodiethanethiol as colorimetric reagent for detmng. nickel, 314. Sienko, M. J., et al. Physical Inorganic Chemistry. (Publication received), 742. Siggia, S. Quantitative Organic Analysis via Functional Groups. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 658. Spectrometric Identifica- tion of Organic Compounds. (Publication re- ceived), 658. Skinner, H. A. Editor and translator of Calvet and Prat’s Recent Progress in Microcalorimetyy .(Fublication received), 984. Smith, E. L. Review of Lederer’s Chromatographic Revzews. Vol. 4, 151. Smith, I., et al. Chromatography and Electro- phoresis on Paper : Teaching Level Manual. (Publication received), 247 ; (Review), 568. Smith, R. A. D., et al. Conductimetric micro method for simultaneous detmn. of carbon and hydrogen in organic compounds, 886. Smith, R. F., et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of caffeine in coffee and tea products, with special reference t o coffee and chicory mixtures, 310. Smith, R. W. Technical Writing. (Publication received), 408. Smith, W. H., et al. Analytical Standards for Trace Elements in Petroleum Products. (Pub- lication received), 72 ; (Review), 486. Souchay, M.P. Polyanions et Polycations. (Pub- lication received), 489. Souza, D. de A., et al. Quimica Dos Pesticidas. (Publication received), 489. Sparks, A. H., et al. Detmng. total sulphur dioxide content of ciders, 304. Sperrin, A. D., et al. Inexpensive sampling device for gas chromatography, 738; Erratum, 902. Spiegler, K. S. Salt-Water Purification. (Publica- tion received), 247. Stacey, M. Review of Percival and Percival’s Structural Carbohydrate Chemistry. 2nd Edn., 98 I . - et al. Advances in Fluorine Chemistry. Vol. 3. (Publication received), 152. Stadler, H. P., et al. Translators of Seel’s Atomic Structwe and Chemical B o d i n g : Non-Mathe- matical Introduction. (Publication received), 822. Stahl, E., et al. Diinnschicht-Chromatographie : Laboratiumshandbuch.(Publication received), 72; (Review), 483. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Vol. I. 2nd Edn. (Pub- lication received), 489 ; (Review), 899. Stanton, R. E., et al. Application of AutoAnalyzer t o detmng. zinc in soils and sediments, 608. Stenlake, J. B., et al. Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry : Quantitative Analysis. (Review), 245. Stephen, H., et al. Solubilities of Inorganic and Organic Compounds. Vol. 1. Part I. (Pub- lication received), 657. Solubilities of Inorganic and Organic Compounds. Vol. 1. Part I. (Pub- lication received), 657. Quantitative detmn. of non-ionic detergents of the type formed by condensation of nonyl phenol with ethylene oxide, 468. Silverstein, R. M., et al. Standen, A,, et al. Stephen, T., et al. Stewart, R.G.INDEX TO VOLUME 88 XV Stock, R., et al. Chromatographic Methods. (Publication received), 901. Stone, B. C., et al. Collection of gas-chromato- graphic fractions for identification by infrared spectrophotometry, 147. Stone, R. G. Detmng. strontium in tap-water by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, 56. Stots, E. H., et al. Comprehensive Biochemistry. Vol. 10. (Publication received), 658. Stout, G. H. Composition Tables: Data for Com- pounds Containing C, H, N, 0, S. (Publication received), 90 1. Straw, H., et al. Spectroscopy. Vol. 2. Ultra- violet, lTisible, Infra-red and Raman Spectro- scopy. (Publication received), 72. Stross, W. Obituary, 824. Strouts, C. R. N., et al. Chemical Analysis: The Working Tools. Vols. I, I1 and 111. 2nd Edn. (Review), 482. Swift, S.V., et al. Detmng. maneb in presence of copper, 242. Szoke, J., et al. Absorption Spectra in the Ultra- violet and Visible Region. 1701. 111. (Publica- tion received), 330; Vol. IV, 901. Szymanski, H. A. Infrared Band Handbook. (Publication received), 984. - Lectures on Gas Chromatography 1962. (Pub- lication received), 489. T Tamplin, W. S., et al. Azeotropic Data-11. (Publication received), 247. Tarey, J., et al. “Water minus” in natural glasses, 13 1. Tatlow, J. C., et al. Advances in Fluorine Chemis- try. Vol. 3. (Publication received), 152. Taylor, A. F. Conductimetric adaptor for recording titrator, 145. Taylor, E. A., et al. Chromatographic separation of chlorinated propionic and acetic acids, 136. Taylor, E. C., et al. Advances in Organic Chemistry : Methods and Results.Vol. 3. (Publication received), 822. Volumetric detmn. of iron, molybdenum and tungsten in fluoride solutions, 590. Taylor, T., et al. Detmng. residues of “Ruelene” in milk, 882. Theobald, L. S. Review of Deer, Howie and Zussman’s Hock-forming Minerals. Vol. 2, 406 ; Vol. 4, 820; Vol. 5, 246. - Review of Nechamkin’s Pgfoblems in Inorganic Chernistvy, 821. Thewlis, J. Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Physics. Vols. I to VI. Thiers, H. Cosmktiques : Pharmacologie et Biologie. (Publication received), 152. Thomas, L. C., et al. Field test for aniline vapour in air, 971. Thorn, G. D., et al. Dithiocarbamates and Related Compounds. (Review), 69. Thulbourne, C., et al. Automatic colorimetric analysis of iron- and steel-making slags, 702. Tinley, E. H.Naming Organic Compounds: Guide to Nomenclature Used in Organic Chemistry. (Review), 245. Tipler, G. A. Rapid detmn. of carbon in steel by infrared gas analysis, 272; Erratum, 570. Tipson, R. S., et al. Analytical Standards for Trace Elements in Petroleum Products. (Pub- Taylor, M. S., et al. (Review), 983. Tollert, H. Analytik des Kaliums. (Publication received), 152; (Review), 487. Tootill, J. P. R., et al. Detmng. specific surface area by air-permeation a t low porosities, 805. Tracey, M. V., et al. Modern Rfethods of Plant Analysis. Vol. V. (Publication received), 247 ; Vol. VI, 490. Train, D., et al. Bibliography of the Tabletting of Medicinal Substances. (Publication received), 822. Trbmillon, B., et al. Rkactions Chimiques dans les Solvants e t les Sels Fondus. (Publication received), 489.Tresadern, F. H., et al. Pyrethrum analysis: infra- red method, 538; Erratum, 822. Trinder, A. E. J., et al. Experiments for Young Chemists. (Publication received), 901. Truter, E. V. Thin Film Chromatography. (Pub- lication received), 330 ; (Review), 566. Turner, R. Modification to two-column chromato- graphic apparatus used in detmng. vitamin A in edible fats, 895. Turton, C. N., et al. Translators of Gel’man, Moskvin, Zaitsev and Mefod’eva’s Complex Compounds of Transuranium Elements. (Pub- lication received), 489. Turton, T. I., et al. Translators of Gel’man, Moskvin, Zaitsev and Mefod’eva’s Complex Compounds of Transuranium Elements. (Pub- lication received), 489. v Vader, D., et al. Line Interference in Emission Spectrographic Analysis. (Publication received), 490; (Review), 819.Van Ligten, J. W. L., et al. Quantitative Chemical Micro-analysis. Translated by C. G. Verver. (Publication received), 490. Van Nieuwenburg, C. J., et al. Quantitative Chemical Rlicro-analysis. Translated by C. G. Verver. (Publication received), 490. van Swaay, M. Gas Chromatography 1962. (Pub- lication received), 247; (Review), 567. Varley, H. Practical Clinical Biochcmistry. 3rd Edn. (Review), 149. - et al. West-European Symposia on Clinical Chemistry. Vol. 2. (Publication received), 82 1. Varshny, G., et al. hbsorption Spectra in the Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Vol. 111. (Pub- lication received), 330; Vol. IV, 901. Vaughan, M. F. Gel filtration as a method of polymer fractionation. (Summary), 25 1.Veibel, S. Recent developments in functional-group analysis on micro scale. (Summary), 748. VejdElek, Z. J., et al. Handbuch der Kolorimetrie. Vol. I. Kolorimetrie in der Pharmazie. Trans- lated by E. HachovA. Verver, C. G. Translator of Krell and Lumb’s Handbook of Laboratory Distillation. (Publica- tion received), 742, - Translator of Van Nieuwenburg and Van Ligten’s Quantitative Chemical Micro-analysis. (Publica- tion received), 490. Vizesy, M., et al. Absorption Spectra in the Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Vol. 111. (Pub- lication received), 330; Vol. IV, 901. Voinovitch, I. A., et al. Analyse des Silicates. (Publication received), 72. von Stackelberg, M., et al. Modern Polarographic Methods. Translated bv R. E. W. Maddison. (Review), 246. lication received), 72; (Review), 486. (Publication received), 822.xvi INDEX TO W Wade, C.W. R., ef al. Waldi, D., et al. Analytical Standards for Trace Elements in Petroleum Products. (Pub- lication received), 72; (Review), 486. Diinnschicht-Chromatographie : Laboratoriumshandbuch. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 483. Walker, J. A. J., et al. Detmng. hydrogen in magnesium alloys, 280. Walker, S., et al. Spectroscopy. Vol. 2. Ultra- violet, Visible, Infra-red and Raman Spectro- scopy. (Publication received), 72. Wallace, F. J. Detmng. magnesium in aluminium alloys by atomic-absorption spectroscopy, 259. Waterman, T. E., et al. Handbook of Thermo- physical Properties of Solid Materials. Vol. 111. Ceramics. (Publication received), 152. Waterman, W. R., et at. Detmng. arsenic in copper and copper-base alloys, 374.Watkins, P. V. Standard Methods for Testing Tar and its Products. 5th Edn. (Publication re- ceived), 152. Watson, C. A., et al. Detmng. magnesium in calcium salts, 506. Weaver, E. A. Detmng. phosphorus in different leathers by oxygen-flask combustion, 736. Webb, H. W., et al. Detmng. tantalum and niobium in high-grade minerals and ores, 142. Weiss, M. D., et al. Gas Chromatography. (Pub- lication received), 489; (Review), 979. Weissberger, A., et al. Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol. VIII. Part 11. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 741. Weissenberg, E., et al. Isolation and separation of dyes from foodstuffs by column chromatography, 872. Welcher, . F. J. Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis. Vol. 11. Parts A and B.6th Edn. (Publication received), 82 1. - et al. Inorganic Qualitative Analysis. (Pub- lication received), 490. Wells, M. J. Spectroscopy. (Review), 150. West, P. W., et al. Analytical Chemistry 1962. (Publication received), 658. West, T. S. Review of Piribil’s Komplexone in chem- ischen Analyse, 70. - ef al. Analytical Chemistry 1962. (Publication received), 658. Westgarth, D. R., et at. Detmng. rubber in vege- tative parts of Hevea brasiliensis, 544; Erratum, 742. Westiio, G. Dithizone method for detmng. zinc in organic material, 287. Whistler, R. L., et al. Methods in Carbohydrate Chemistry. Vol. I. Analysis and Preparation of Sugars. Vol. 11. Reactions of Carbohydrates. (Publication received), 489. Detmng. silicon, zinc and magnesium in gallium arsenide by neutron- activation analysis, 522.Compound Semiconduc- tors. Vol. I. Preparation of III-V Compounds. (Publication received), 408. Williams, A. E., et al. Mass and Abundance Tables for Use in Mass Spectrometry. (Publica- tion received), 821. Williams, A. F. Review of Brenner, Callen and Weiss’s Gas Chromatography, 979. Williams, K. A. Review of Truter’s T h i n Film Chromatography, 566. Williams, M. Review of Cheronis’ Microchemical Technzques. Vol. 11, 820. Whitley, J. E.,. et al. Willardson, R. K., et al. VOLUME 88 Williams, M. Translation Editor of Nalimov’s Application of Mathematical Statistics to Chemical Analysis. (Publication received), 741. Wilson, A. D. Quantitative analysis of phosphate rock, including benzoate separation, 18. - et al. Application of uranyl salt method to detmng.arsenic by oxygen flask technique, 510. - Colorimetric detmn. of aluminium in minerals by pyrocatechol violet, 109. - Detmng. total sulphur in silicate rocks by wet oxidation, 138. - n-Propyl gallate as gravimetric reagent for bismuth and antimony, 585. Wilson, A. L., et al. Absorptiometric detmn. of silicon in water. Part I. Formation, stability and reduction of cc- and p-molybdosilicic acids, 88; Part 11. Detmng. “reactive” silicon in power- station waters, 100; Part 111. Detmng. total silicon content, 446. Wilson, D. W. Review of Margolis’ Qualitative Anion - Cation Analysis, 655. Wilson, H. N. Review of Tollert’s Analytik des Kaliums, 487. - ef al. Chemical Analysis: The Working Tools. Vols. I, I1 and 111. 2nd Edn. (Review), 482. Wolfrom, M.L., et al. Methods in Carbohydrate Chemistry. Vol. I. Analysis and Preparation of Sugars. Vol. 11. Reactions of Carbohydrates. (Publication received), 489. Wood, D. F., et al. Detmng. boron in zirconium, hafnium and titanium, 475. Wool, E. C. Journal of the Association of Public Analysts. Vol. 1, No. 1, First Quarter, 1963. (Publication received), 667 ; (Review), 900. Woodger, S. C., ef al. Detmng. trace amounts of chloride in sodium bromide, 479. Wronski, M. Detmng. cysteine, thioglycollic acid, cyanide and dithioglycollic acid, 562. Wynberg, H., et at. Advances in Organic Chemis- try: Methods and Results. Vol. 3. (Publication received), 822. Y Yanuka, Y., et al. Isolation and separation of dyes from foodstuffs by column chromatography, 872. Yardley, J.T., et al. Detmng. antimony in titanium dioxide, 653. - Furildioximes. Part I. Structure of isomeric furildioximes, 188 ; Part 11. Analytical behaviour of purified cc-furildioxime, with particular refer- ence to detmng. rhenium in presence of molyb- denum, 191. Z Zaidi, S. S. H., et al. Applications of infrared spectroscopy. Part X. Zeisel detmn. of t-butoxyl groups, and anomalous reactions of t-butyl- phenols, 353. Zaitsev, L. IYL., et al. Complex Compounds of Transuranium Elements. Translated by C. N. Turton and T. I. Turton. (Publication received), 489. Developments in Applied Spectroscopy. Vol. 2. (Publication received), 657. Zussman, J., et al. Rock-Forming Minerals. Vol. 2. Chain Silicates. (Publication received), 152 ; (Review), 406; Vol. 4. Framework Silicates.(Publication received), 490; (Review), 820; Vol. 5, Non-Silicates. (Review), 246. Zweig, G. Analytical Methods for Pesticides, Plant Growth Regulators, and Food Additives. Vol. 1 . (Publication received), 901. Ziomek, J. S., ef al.INDEX TO VOLUME 88 xvii INDEX TO A Acetic acid : Chromatographic separation of chlor- Taylor and Acid(s) : Detmng. particulate - in town air. Actinide Elements : Analytical Chemistry of -. Moses. (Publication received), 741. Additives, feed : Reports prepared by Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub-committee, 835, 925, 935. Aflatoxin: Detcng. and estimating - in ground- nuts and groundnut materials. Part I. Paper- chromatographic procedure. Coomes and Sanders, 209; Part 11.Thin-layer chromato- graphic method. Broadbent, Cornelius and Shone, 214; Erratum, 330. Agricultural chemicals : Semi-micro detmn. of chlorine in agricultural technical organic chemicals and their formulations. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Chlorine in Organic Compounds Sub-committee, 415. Air : Colorimetric detmn. of low concentrations of 2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate in the atmosphere. Hughes, 318. Detmng. particulate acid in town -. Commins, 364. Field method for detmng. 2,4-tolylene di-iso- cyanate vapour in --. Field test for aniline vapour in -. Clipson and Thomas, 971. Spectrophotometric detmn. of pentachlorophenol in -. Bencze, 622. inated propionic acid and -. Rhodes, 136. Commins, 364. See also Fatty acids.Reilly, 732. Alcohol : See Ethyl alcohol. Alcohols : Cyclitols : Chimie, Biochimie, Biologie. Posternak. (Publication received), 72 ; (Re- view), 406. Aldehydes : Titration of weak bases (including derivatives of -) in acetic anhydride. Cowell and Selby, 974. Alizarin complexan : See 3-[Di- (carboxymethyl) - aminomethyl]-1,2-dihydroxyanthraquinone. Alkali metals : Quantitative analysis of phosphate rock, including benzoate separation. Wilson, 18. Alkanolamines : Qualitative examination of deter- gents by paper chromatography. Drewry, 225. Alumina : Automatic colorimetric analysis of iron- and steel-making slags (detmng. -). Scholes and Thulbourne, 702. Flame photometric detmn. of sodium, potassium and calcium in nickel - ~ catalysts. Pitt, 399. Aluminium : Colorimetric detmn.of - in minerals by pyrocatechol violet. Wilson and Sergeant, 109. Detmng. magnesium in - alloys by atomic- absorption spectroscopy. Wallace, 259. Quantitative analysis of phosphate rock, including benzoate separation. Wilson, 18. Spectrographic detmn. of trace impurities in arsenic. Mack, 481. Aluminium alkyls: Analysis of -. Crompton and Reid, 713. SUBJECTS Amide hydrolysates : Qualitative examination of detergents by paper chromatography (and separation of amines from -). Drewry, 225. Amines : Detmng. small amounts of long-chain aliphatic tertiary - in aqueous solution. Desai and Murthy, 322. Qualitative examination of detergents by paper chromatography (and separation of - from amide hydrolysates) . Drewry, 225. Amino Acids : Practical Methods for Microbiological Assay of Vitamin B-Complex and -.Barton-Wright. (Publication received), 408 ; (Review), 901. 4-Aminophenazone : Spectrophotometric detmn. of pentachlorophenol in air (with -) . Bencqe, 622. Analox: Detmng. oxygen in metals by fast-neutron activation analysis. Gray. (Summary), 904. Analysis : Advances in X-ray ---. Vol. 6. Mueller and Fay. (Publication received), 821. Analyse Qualitative et les Rkactions en Solution. Charlot. 5th Edn. (Publication received), 984. Analytical Chemistry 1962. West, Macdonald and West. (Publication received), 658. Analytical Chemistry of the Actinide Elements. Moses. (Publication received), 741. Analytical Standards for Trace Elements in Petroleum Products. Isbell, Tipson, Hague, Scribner, Smith, Wade and Cohen.(Publica- tion received), 72; (Review), 486. Analytische Chemie. Part I. Massanalyse. Part 11. Gewichtsanalyse. Rodicker. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 742. Anorganische Ultramikroanalyse. Alimarin and Petrikova. (Publication received), 330. Application of Mathematical Statistics to Chemi- cal -. Nalimov. Translated by Basu. Translation Editor, Williams. (Publication received), 741. Applications of infrared spectroscopy. Part X. Zeisel detmn. of t-butoxyl groups, and anoma- lous reactions of t-butylphenols. Anderson, Duncan, Herbich and Zaidi, 353. Atomic absorption -. David. (Summary), 75. Automatic digital thermometric titrator. Priest- ley, 194. Automatic thermometric titration. Priestley, Sebborn and Selman, 797. Beer’s law and its use in -. BNF Analytical Conference, Malvern, 1961.British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Assn. (Review), 488. Chemical -. Elving and Kolthoff. Vol. XIII. Alternating Current Polarography and Tensam- metry. Breyer and Bauer. Vol. XVII. Electron Probe Microanalysis. Birks. (Pub- lication received), 902. Vols. I, I1 and 111. Strouts, Wilson, Parry-Jones and Gilfillan. 2nd Edn. (Review), 482. Chemistry of Natural Products. 2nd Inter- national Symposium. (Publication received), 741. Lothian, 678. Chemical -: The Working Tools. Circular dichroism : review. Gillard, 825. Colorimetric -. Vol. 11. Allport and Brock- sopp. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 822. Composition Tables : Data for Compounds Con- taining C, H, N, 0, s. Stout. (Publication received), 901.xviii INDEX TO VOLUME 88 Analysis-continued Conductimetric adaptor for recording titrator.Taylor, 145. Controlled-potential coulometric -. Milner. (Summary), 492. Detmng. carbon dioxide by non-aqueous titri- metry. Differential electrolytic potentiometry : survey and appraisal of analytical applications. Bishop. (Summary), 491. Electrochemical approaches in automatic -. Mattock. (Summary), 492. Future possibilities in micro- - . Martin. (Summary), 745. Handbook of Analytical Chemistry. Meites. (Publication received), 570; (Review), 980. Handbuch der Analytischen Chemie. Fresenius and Jander. Part 2. Vol. IVaa. Grassmann. (Publication received), 822. High-pressure plasmas as emission sources. Greenfield. (Summary), 904. Identification of Organic Compounds : Student’s Text Using Semimicro Techniques.Cheronis and Entrikin. (Publication received), 821. Information retrieval in the analytical laboratory : review. Curry, 829; Errata, 984. Infrared and microchemistry. Anderson. (Sum- mary), 748. Inorganic Qualitative -. Hahn and Welcher. (Publication received), 490. Inorganic Thermogravimetric - . Duval. Translated by Oesper. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 570. Instrumentation : 1963. Fowler, Eanes and Kehoe. (Publication received), 822. Introduction to Fluorimetry. Gunn. (Publica- tion received), 658. Ion Exchange Separations in Analytical Chemis- try. Samuelson. (Publication received), 821. Kolorimetrie, Photometrie und Spektrometrie. Kortiim. (Publication received), 152; (Re- view), 657. Komplexometrie. Part 1. Pi-ibil. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 742.Komplexone in chemischen Analyse. Pi-ibil. (Review), 70. Line Interference in Emission Spectrographic -. Kroonen and Vader. (Publication received), 490; (Review), 819. Mass spectrometry as microanalytical technique. Quayle. (Summary), 747. Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution. Hunt. (Pub- lication received), 984. Methods of Biochemical -. Vol. X. Glick. (Review), 328; Vol. XI. (Publication received), 490; (Review), 977. Methods of Organic Elemental Micro--. Ingram. (Review), 70. Microchemical Techniques. Cheronis. Vol. 11. (Publication received), 570; (Review), 820. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Organique, Pharmaceutique et Bromatologique. Gautier and Malangeau. 1 l t h Series. (Publication received), 984. Mixed nitric and perchloric acids as solvent in controlled oxidation of cellulose by boiling perchloric acid.Monk, 476. Modern Methods of Plant -. Vol. V. Paech and Tracey. Continued by Linskens and Tracey. (Publication received), 247; Vol. VI, 490. Official, Standardised and Recommended Methods of -. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Jolly. (Editorial), 73. Organic Functional Group -. Critchfield. (Publication received), 570. Grant, Hunter and Massie, 134. Analysis-cotztivzued Organic micro- : comparative and critical study. Ldvy. (Summary), 746. Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry : Quantitative -. Beckett and Stenlake. (Review), 245. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series IX. Analyti- cal Chemistry. Vol. 3. Parts 1-3. Crouthamel. (Publication received), 247 ; (Review), 565. Qualitative Anion - Cation __ .Margolis. (Publication received), 247; (Review), 655. Quantitative Chemical - and Inorganic Preparations. Caven, Crawford and Alexander. 2nd Edn. (Review), 406. Quantitative Chemical Micro--. Van Nieuwen- burg and Van Ligten. Translated by Verver. (Publication received), 490. Quantitative detmn. of active hydrogen by modification of Zerewitinoff method. Lees and Lobeck, 782. Quantitative Organic ~ via Functional Groups. Siggia. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 658. Radioactivation - . Bowen and Gibbons. (Publication received), 570. Rapid solvent-extraction sampling technique for neutron-activation --. Pierce and Peck, 603. Recent developments in functional-group __ on micro scale. Veibel. (Summary), 748. Standard Methods of Chemical -. Vol. 11. Parts A and B.Welcher. 6th Edn. (Pub- lication received), 82 1. Status of microgram -. Belcher. (Summary), 749. Thermogravimetric - : review. Coats and Redfern, 906. Titration of weak bases in acetic anhydride. Cowell and Selby, 974. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Part 11. Vol. VIII. Kolthoff, Elving and Sandell. (Publication received), 742. Vacuum Microbalance Techniques. Vol. 3. Behrndt. (Publication received), 658. Analyst: Development of -. Editorial, 331; Further development of -, 823. Anatase : Detmng. antimony in titanium dioxide. Galliford and Yardley, 653. Aniline : Field test for - vapour in air. Clipson and Thomas, 971. Antibiotics : Continuous automatic microbiological assay of -. Report prepared by Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub- Committee, 835.Antimony: Detmng. - in titanium dioxide. Galliford and Yardley, 653. Direct spectrophotometric detmn. of - i n gold - - alloys and white metals. Dym, 232. n-Propyl gallate as gravimetric reagent for bismuth and -. Volumetric detmn. of - in ---lead and -- tin - lead alloys. Bradshaw, 599. Antioxidants : Analysing edible oils contaminated with synthetic ester lubricants. Detection and Determination of __ in Food. Assn. of Public Analysts. (Publication re- ceived), 489. Apparatus : Analysing 14C0 - 14C0, mixtures by gas- chromatographic separation and aqueous solu- tion counting (gas sampling __ and counting cell). Cluley and Konrath, 761 ; Erratum, 984. Analysis Instrumentation : 1963. Fowler, Eanes and Kehoe.(Publication received), 822. Analysis of aluminium alkyls (hydrolysis alco- holysis -). Crompton and Reid, 713. Shaw and Duncombe, 694. Wilson and Lewis, 585. Crump, 456.INDEX TO Apparatus-continued Application of AutoAnalyzer to detmng. zinc in soils and sediments. Stanton and McDonald, 608. Application of flying-spot scanning to particle size analysis in formulation of pesticides (flying-spot particle resolver). Furmidge, 686. Automatic colorimetric analysis of iron- and steel-making slags (AutoAnalyzer flow systems). Scholes and Thulbourne, 702. Automatic digital thermometric titrator. Priest- ley, 194. Automatic thermometric titration. Priestley, Sebborn and Selman, 797. Classification of methods for detmng. particle size : review. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Xethods Committee, Particle Size Analysis Sub-committee, 156; Errata, 984.Collection of gas-chromatographic fractions for identification by infrared spectrophotometry. Shearer, Stone and McGugan, 147. Compact unit for detmng. carbon and hydrogen by VeCeFa method. Clifford and Fribbins, 68. Conductimetric adaptor for recording titrator. Taylor, 145. Conductimetric micro method for simultaneous detmn. of carbon and hydrogen in organic compounds. Greenfield and Smith, 886. Continuous automatic microbiological assay of antibiotics. Shaw and Duncombe, 694. Detcng. and estimating aflatoxin in groundnuts and groundnut materials. Part 11. Thin-layer chromatographic method. Broadbent, Corne- lius and Shone, 214; Erratum, 330. Detmng. carbon dioxide by non-aqueous titri- metry (--- for absorption and titration).Grant, Hunter and Rlassie, 134. Detmng. constituents of rocks and minerals by gas chromatography. Part 11. Detmng. gaseous constituents (- for fusion or ignition of samples). Detmng. free sulphur dioxide in soft drinks by desorption and trapping method. Lloyd and Cowle, 394; Erratum, 570. Detmng. hydrogen in magnesium alloys (- for extracting hydrogen in metals, and furnace tube for gettering experiments). Berry and Walker, 280. Detmng. 4-methyl-2,6-di-t-butyl phenol in liquid paraffin B. P. (continuous liquid extraction -). Uraithwaite and Penketh, 297. Detmng. oxygen in metals by fast-neutron activation analysis (Analox -) . Gray. (Summary), 904. Detmng. oxygen in vacuum-melted steels, molyb- denum and single-crystal silicon by vacuum fusion (vacuum fusion -).Donovan, Evans and Bush, 771. Detmng. rubber in vegetative parts of Hevea brasiliensis (extraction -) . Middleton and Westgarth, 544; Erratum, 742. Detmng. thallium in urine (- for storing and dispensing bromine water), Ariel and Bach, 30. Detmng. tocopherols in plant tissues (self-filling curved micropipette). Booth, 627. Detmng. total sulphur dioxide content of ciders. Burroughs and Sparks, 304. Diffusion bottles for detmng. fluorine. Hall, 89!3. Electronics of Laboratory and Process Instru- ments. Griffiths and Lee. (Review), 149. Elimination of water effect on argon ionisation detectors fitted to Pye chromatographs. Martin, 326. Jeffery and Kipping, 266. VOLUME 88 xix Apparatus-contimed Field method for detmng.2,4-tolylene di-iso- cyanate vapour in air (all-glass absorber). Reilly, 732. Improved identification in gas - liquid chromato- graphic analysis of agricultural samples for residues of chlorinated pesticides. I. Improved resolution on single columns and application of multi-column spectrochromatogram. Goul- den, Goodwin and Davies, 941; 11. Halogen- sensitive detector in complementary or alterna- tive use to electron-capture ionisation detector, 951. Improved weight burette for volumetric analysis. Redman, 654. Inexpensive sampling device for gas chromato- graphy. Doran and Sperrin, 738; Erratum, 902. Modified Kipp’s - suitable for electrolytic generation of oxygen. Colson, 243. Modified two-column chromatographic __ used in detmng. vitamin A in edible fats.Turner, 895. Modular gas-chromatography system for analysing exit streams from reactors. Munday and Primavesi, 551. Polarographic detmn. of copper, cadmium, thallium, lead, tellurium and iron in selenium (beaker heater with down-draught assembly). Bush, 614. Polarographic detmn. of lead in steels and copper - zinc alloys (feeder funnels). Nash and Anslow, 963. Polythene wash bottles for volatile solvents. Booth, 655. Precise micro-detmn. of zinc and cadmium by photometric titration with disodium EDTA (titration cell). Scaife, 618. Quantitative detmn. of active hydrogen by modification of Zerewitinoff method (constant- temperature -). Lees and Lobeck, 782. Quantitative detmn. of nitroglycerin by Schultze - Tiemann method. Mustafa and Dawoud, 809. Quantitative micro-detmn.of biphenyl in citrus fruit (distillation - and graduated tube). Rajzman, 117. Routine detmn. of biphenyl and o-phenylphenol on and in citrus fruit (modified Clevenger trap). Gunther, Blinn and Barkley, 36. Rapid detmn. of carbon in steel by infrared gas analysis. Tipler, 272; Erratum, 570. Rapid detmn. of iodine-131 in milk (- and ion-exchange column). Boni, 64. Rapid micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen with magnesium oxide - catalyst oxide mixture (combustion tube and heating units). Kaka- badse and Manohin, 816. Semi-micro detmn. of chlorine in agricultural technical organic chemicals and their formula- tions. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Chlorine in Organic Compounds Sub-committee, 415. Spectrophotometric detmn.of pentachlorophenol in air (bubbler). Bencze, 622. Use of a constricted rubber bulb to obtain average sample of an atmosphere during a working period. Little and Penketh, 973. Aquocobalamin salt : See Hydroxocobalamin. Argon : Detmng. constituents of rocks and minerals by gas chromatography. l’art 11. Detmng. gaseous constituents. Jeffery and Kipping, 266. ionisation detector : Eliminating water effect on - fitted to Pye chromatographs. Martin, 326. Arsenate : Volumetric detmn. of phosphate and - in a mixture. Bassett, 238.xx INDEX TO VOLUME 88 Arsenic : Application of uranyl salt method to Bismuth : n-Propyl gallate as gravimetric reagent detmn. of - by oxygen flask technique. for - and antimony. Wilson and Lewis, 585. Wilson and Lewis, 510. Spectrographic detmn.of trace impurities in arsenic. Mack, 481. Detmng. - in copper and copper-base alloys. Scholes and Waterman, 374. Detmng. - in germanium dioxide. Fowler, 380. Spectrographic detmn. of trace impurities in -. Mack, 481. Aspergillus pauus Link: Detcng. and estimating aflatoxin in groundnuts and groundnut materials. Part I. Paper-chromatographic procedure. Coomes and Sanders, 209; Part 11. Thin-layer chromatographic method. Broad- bent, Cornelius and Shone, 214; Erratum, 330. Association of Public Analysts : Detection and Determination of Antioxidants in Food. (Publication received), 489. Journal of -. Vol. 1, No. 1, First Quarter, 1963. Wood. (Publication received), 657; (Review), 900. Atmosphere : See Air. AutoAnalyzer : Application of - to detmng.zinc in soils and sediments. Stanton and McDonald, 608. Automatic colorimetric analysis of iron- and steel- making slags. Scholes and Thulbourne, 702. Continuous automatic microbiological assay of antibiotics. Shaw and Duncombe, 694. Azeotropes : Azeotropic Data-11. Horsley and Tamplin. (Publication received), 247. B Bacteriology for Dairy Students. Seaman. (Pub- lication received), 490. Barium perchlorate : Removing phosphate in __ titration of sulphate. Application to oxygen- flask combustion technique. Colson, 26 ; Erratum, 330. Bathophenantbroline : See 4,7-DiphenyI-l,lO-phen- anthroline. Bee€: Nitrogen factors for ---. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Meat Products Sub-Committee, 422. Beer: Detmng. tin in -. Beer's law and its use in analysis: review.Lothian, 678. Benzene : Cryoscopic assay for pyridine (effect of - on freezing point of pyridine). Adey, 359. Benzylpenicillin: Continuous automatic micro- biological assay of antibiotics. Shaw and Duncombe, 694. Beryllium : Spectrographic detmn. of trace impuri- ties in arsenic. Mack, 481. Beverages : See Drinks. Bile Acids : Comprehensive Biochemistry. Vol. 10. Sterols, - and Steroids. Florkin and Stotz. (Publication received), 658. Sterols, Bile Acids and Steroids. Florkin and Stotz. (Publication received), 658. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. X. Glick. (Review), 328; Vol. XI. (Publication received), 490; (Review), 977. Practical Clinical -. Varley. 3rd Edn. (Review), 149. Biology : Biological Transport. Christensen. (Pub- lication received), 152.Biphenyl : Quantitative micro-detmn. of - in citrus fruit. Rajzman, 117. Routine detmn. of - and o-phenylphenol on and in citrus fruit. Gunther, Blinn and Barkley, 36. Rooney, 959. Biochemistry : Comprehensive ~ . VOl. 10. Blood : Detmng. selenium in biological material by radioactivation. Bowen and Cawse, 721. Liquid-scintillation method for detmng. tritium in tissues of animals dosed with tritium- labelled vitamin A. Handler, 47. Rapid detmn. of alcohol in body fluids. Mabon, 320. Spectrophotometric detmn. of submicrogram amounts of fluorine in biological specimens. Hall, 76. Blood cells : Titrating water in plasma or - with Karl Fischer reagent. Pryce, 560. Blood plasma: Titrating water in __ or red cells with Karl Fischer reagent. Body fluids: Rapid detmn.of alcohol in -. Mabon, 320. Pryce, 560. Book reviews : Barton-Wright. Practical Methods for the Microbiological Assay of the Vitamin B- Complex and Amino Acids, 901. Bauer. Strahlungsmessung im optischen Spek- tralbereich : Messung elektromagnetischer Strahlung vom Ultravioletten bis zum Ultrarot, 71. Baumann. Absorption Spectroscopy, 327. Beckett and Stenlake. Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 245. Bolliger, Brenner, Ganshirt, Mangold, Seiler, Stahl and Waldi. Dunnschicht-Chromato- graphie, 483. Brenner, Callen and Weiss. Gas Chromatography, 979. Brooks and Kennedy. Ultrapurification of Semi- conductor Materials, 564. Busev. Caven, Crawford and Alexander. Quantitative Chemical Analysis and Inorganic Preparations. 2nd Edn., 406. Cheronis. Microchemical Techniques. Vol.11, 820. Cooper. Poisoning by Drugs and Chemicals. 2nd Edn., 245. Crouthamel. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series IX. Vol. 3. Parts 1-3, 565. Deer, Howie and Zussman. Rock-forming Minerals. Vol. 2, 406; Vol. 4, 820; Vol. 5, 246. Feinberg and Smith. Chromatography and Electrophoresis on Paper, 568. Finar. Organic Chemistry. Vol. I. 4th Edn., 979. Glick. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. X, 328; Vol. XI, 977. Griffiths and Lee. Electronics of Laboratory and Process Instruments, 149. Gunther. Residue Reviews. Vol. 1, 486; Vol. 2, 819. Guy. Laboratory Organization and Administra- tion, 69. Hais and Macek. General Problems of Paper Chromatography, 741. Hampel. Absorptionsspektroscopie im Ultra- violetten und sichtbaren Spektralbereich, 7 1.Herber. Inorganic Isotopic Syntheses, 982. Ingram. Methods of Organic Elemental Micro- analysis, 70. Isbell, Tipson, Hague, Scribner, Smith, Wade and Cohen. Analytical Standards for Trace Elements in Petroleum Products, 486. Jaffk and Orchin. Theory and Applications of Ultraviolet Spectroscopy, 656. Analytical Chemistry of Indium, 569.INDEX TO VOLUME 88 xxi Book reviews-continued British Focd Manufacturing Industries Research Jolly. Official, Standardised and Recommended Association : Extraction and identification of Society for Analytical permitted food colouring matters with special reference to changes undergone during pro- Kak% and VejdElek. Handbuch der Kolori- cessing and subsequent storage, -, Trace British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association : BNF Analytical Conference, Malvern, 1961.Kavanagh. Analytical Microbiology, 739. (Review), 488. King and Fromherz. Terminology. 4th Edn., 565. British Standards Institution : British Standards Kleinfeld and Kaplan. U S . Federal Food, Drug Yearbook 1963. (Publication received), 570. and Cosmetic Act (Judicial and Administrative ~~~~i~~ water: D ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ thallium in urine (appara- Record), 1958-1960, 485. tus for storing and dispensing ----). Ariel Kline. Analytical Chemistry of Polymers. Parts and Bach, 30. I1 and 111, 407. Bronze : Detmng. arsenic in copper and copper-base Kortum. Kolorimetrie, Photometrie und Spek- trometrie, 657. Burette: Improved weight - for volumetric Xroonen and Vader. Line Interference in analysis. Redman, 654. Emission Spectrographic Analysis, 819.t-Butoxyl groups : Applications of infrared spectro- Lederer. Chromatographic Reviews. Vol. 4, scopy. Part X. Zeisel detmn. of -, and 151. anomalous reactions of t-butylphenols. An- Lever and Rhys. Properties and Testing of derson, Duncan, Herbich and Zaidi, 353. Plastics Materials. 2nd Edn., 329. 0-4-t-Butyl-2-chlorophenyl methyl methylphosphor- Margolis. Qualitative Anion - Cation Analysis, amidate : Detmng. residues of Ruelene in milk. 655. Leahy and Taylor, 882. Mark, McKetta, Othmer and Standen. Kirk- 2-s-Butyl-4,6-dinitpophenol: Detmng. dinoseb in Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. potatoes. Potter, 651. Vol. I. 2nd Edn., 899. t-Butylphenols : Applications of infrared spectro- Meites. Handbook of Analytical Chemistry, 980. scopy.Part X. Zeisel detmn. of t-butoxyl Nechamkin. Problems in Inorganic Chemistry, groups, and anomalous reactions of -. Percival and Percival. Structural Carbohydrate Posternak, Cyclitols, 406. Pfibil. Komplexone in chemischen Analyse, 70. Purnell. Gas Chromatography, 567. Schroter and Metzner. Gas Chromatographie Society for Analytical Chemistry. Official, 618 Methods of Analysis. Chemistry, 73. metrie. Vol. I, 246. Materials (Colours) Committee, 864. German - English Chemical alloys. Scholes and Waterman, 374. 821. Anderson, Duncan, Herbich and Zaidi, 353. Chemistry. 2nd Edn., 981. C Cadmium : Polarographic detmn- of copper, - 1 thallium, lead, tellurium and iron in selenium. Bush, 614. Precise micro-detmn. of zinc and ___ by photo- metric titration with disodium EDTA.Scaife, 1961, 484. Standardised and Recommended Methods of Spect;ographic detmn. of trace impurities in arsenic. Mack, 481. Analysis. Jolly, 73. Strouts, Wilson, ParrY-Jones and Gilfillan. Caesium : Gamma-ray spectrometric detmn. of low Chemical Analysis : The Working To-01s. concentrations of radioactive ~ in sea water I, I1 and 111. 2nd Edn., 482. by nickel ferrocyanide method. Mohanrao and Thewlis. Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Physics. Folsom, 105. Vols. I to VI, 983. Rapid assay of radioactive caesium in milk. Thorn and Ludwig. Broadbank, Hands and Harding, 43. lated Compounds, 69. Caffeine : Spectrophotometric detmn. of - in Tinley. Naming Organic Compounds, 245. coffee and tea products, with special reference Tollert. Analytik des Kaliums, 487. to coffee and chicory mixtures.Smith and Truter. Thin Film Chromatography, 566. Rees, 310. Van Swaay. CdCiUm : Flame photometric detmn. of sodium, potassium and - in nickel - alumina cata- Varley. Practical Clinical Biochemistry. 3rd lysts. Pitt, 399. Quantitative analysis of phosphate rock, including Wells. Spectroscopy, 150. BNF Analytical Conference, Malvern, 1961, 488. salts : Detmng. magnesium in -. Newman Journal of the Association of Public Analysts. Calcium chloride starch-dispersing media. Fraser Radiochemical Manual. Part 2, 740. and Hoodless. 558. Vols. Dithiocarbamates and Re- Gas Chromatography 1962, 567. Edn., 149. benzoate separation. Wilson, 18. and Watson, 506. Vol. 1, No. 1, First Quarter, 1963, 900. Symbols, Units and Nomenclature in Physics, See also Publications received.408. Boron: Detmng. __ in zirconium, hafnium and Detmng. traces of - in zirconium and zir- Boron Hydrides. Lipscomb. (Publication received), Brass : Detmng. arsenic in copper and copper-base Brilliant green : Detmng. thallium in urine (using titanium. Elwell and Wood, 475. conium alloys. 984. alloys. Scholes and Waterman, 374. -). Ariel and Bach, 30. Hayes and Metcalfe, 471. Calcium halo-phosphate phosphors : Detmng. sodium in halo-phosphate phosphors by atomic- absorption spectroscopy. Perkins, 324. Calorimetry : Recent Progress in Micro-. Calvet and Prat. Edited and Translated by Skinner. (Publication received), 984. Carbohydrate(s) : Methods in ~ Chemistry. Vol. I. Analysis and Preparation of Sugars, Whistler, Wolfrom, BeMiller and Shafizadeh.(Yublica- tion received), 489; Vol. 11. Reactions of -. Whistler, Wolfrom and BeMiller, 489. Structural - Chemistry. Percival and Percival, with Foreword by Hirst. 2nd Edn. (Review), 981.xxii INDEX TO VOLUME 88 Carbon : Compact unit for detmng. - and hydro- gen by VeCei-a method. Clifford and Fribbins, 68. Conductimetric micro method for simultaneous detmn. of - and hydrogen in organic com- pounds. Greenfield and Smith, 886. Rapid detmn. of - in steel by infrared ga!; analysis. Tipler, 272; Erratum, 570. Rapid micro-detmn. of - and hydrogen with magnesium oxide - catalyst oxide mixture. Kakabadse and Manohin, 816. Carbon dioxide : Analysing 14C0 - 14C0, mixtures bp gas-chromatographic separation and aqueous solution counting. Cluley and Konrath, 761 ; Erratum, 984.Detmng. ____ by non-aqueous titrimetry. Grant, Hunter and Massie, 134. Detmng. constituents of rocks and minerals by gas chromatography. Part 11. Detmng. gaseous constituents. Jeff ery and Kipping, 266. Carbon monoxide : hnalysing 14CO - 14C0, mixtures by gas-chromatographic separation and aqueou:; solution counting. Cluley and Konrath, 761 ; Erratum, 984. Detmng. constituents of rocks and minerals by gas chromatography. Part 11. Detmng. gaseous constituents. Jeffery and Kipping, 266. Carbonate : Quantitative analysis of phosphate rock, including benzoate separation. Wilson, 18. Card Index : Information retrieval in the analytical laboratory : review. Curry, 829 ; Errata, 984. Catalysis : Principles of -. Bond. (Publication received), 821. Catalysts : Flame photometric detmn.of sodium, potassium and calcium in nickel - alumina -. Pitt, 399. Cellulose: Mixed nitric and perchloric acids a s solvent in controlled oxidation of - by boiling perchloric acid. Monk, 476. Cephalosporin C : Continuous automatic micro- biological assay of antibiotics. Shaw antl Duncombe, 694. Ceramics : Handbook of Thermophysical Properties smith, Waterman and Hirschhorn. (Publica- tion received), 152. Cerium : Extracting lanthanide elements from per- chloric acid by di-(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate. Pierce and Peck, 217. Chelates : See Complexes. Chemistry : Advances in Organic -: Methods antl Results. Vol. 3. Raphael, Taylor and Wyn- berg. (Publication received), 822. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding: Non- mathematical Introduction.Seel. Translated and revised by Greenwood and Stadler. (Pub- lication received), 822. Chemical Bonding and Geometry of Molecules. Ryschkewitsch. (Publication received), 330. Composition Tables : Data for Compounds Con- taining C, H, N, 0, S. Stout. (Publication received), 901. Co-ordination -. I. U.P. A.C. (Publication received), 490. Experiments for Young Chemists. Coulson and Trinder. (Publication received), 901. German - English Chemical Terminology : Intro - duction to __ in English and German. King and Fromherz. 4th Edn. (Publication re- ceived), 330; (Review), 565. How Chemical Reactions Occur: Introduction to Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Mechanisms. King. (Publication received), 741. of Solid Materials. Vol. 111. - . Gold- Chemistr y-con t inued Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Tech- nology.Vol. I. Mark, McKetta, Othmer and Standen. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 489; (Review), 899. Laboratory Organization and Administration. Guy. (Review), 69. Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution. Hunt. (Pub- lication received), 984. Modern Structural Theory of Organic -. Ferguson. (,Publication received), 984. Naming Organic Compounds : Guide to Nomen- clature Used in Organic -. Tinley. (Re- view), 245. Nucleophilic Substitution at a Saturated Carbon Atom. Bunton. (Publication received), 742. of Natural Products. 2nd International Sym- posium. (Publication received), 741. Organic -. Vol. I. Finar. 4th Edn. (Pub- lication received), 489; (Review), 979. Physical -. Moore. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 902. Physical Inorganic -.Sienko and Plane. (Publication received), 742. Polyanions et Polycations. Souchay. (Publica- tion received), 489. Practical Mathematics for Chemists. Kelly. (Publication received), 742. Practical Pharmaceutical - : Quantitative Analysis. Beckett and Stenlake. (Review), 245. Problems in Inorganic -. Nechamkin. (Pub- lication received), 490; (Review), 82 1. Pure and Applied -. I.U.P.A.C. (Publica- tion received), 72. Quantitative Chemical Analysis and Inorganic Preparations. Caven, Crawford and Alexan- der. 2nd Edn. (Review), 406. Rkactions Chimiques dans les Solvants et les Sels Fondus. Charlot and Trkmillon. (Pub- lication received), 489. Reports on the Progress of Applied -. Vol. XLVII. Rooke. (Publication received), 822. Russian - English Chemical Reader.Kramer. (Publication received), 658. Shape of Carbon Compounds : Introduction t o Organic -. Herz. (Publication received), 741. Standardmethoden der praktischen Chemie : Praparative Methoden der organischen Chemie. Part 2. 1. Nautrup. (Publication received), 901. Technique of Organic -. Vol. VIII. Part 11. Friess, Lewis and Weissberger. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 741. Topics in Modern -. Mandleberg. (Publica- tion received), 822. Chicken: Nitrogen factors for -. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Meat Products Sub-committee, 583. Chicory : Spectrophotometric detmn. of caffeine in coffee and tea products, with special reference to coffee and __ mixtures. Smith and Rees, 310. Chloride : Detmng. traces of - in sodium bromide.Rashbrook and Woodger, 479. Chlorine : Semi-micro detmn. of - in agricultural technical organic chemicals and their formula- tions. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Chlorine in Organic Compounds Sub-committee, 415. Chloroacetic acid : Chromatographic separation of chlorinated propionic and acetic acids. Taylor and Rhodes, 136.Chlorophenols : Spectrophotometric detmn. of penta- chlorophenol (and other -) in air. Bencze, 622. Chloropropionic acid : Chromatographic separation of chlorinated propionic and acetic acids. Taylor and Rhodes, 136. Chlortetracycline : Detmng. penicillin, ___ and oxytetracycline in diet supplements and com- pound feeding stuffs. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub- Committee, Antibiotics Panel, 836.Chromatographs : Elimination of water effect on argon ionisation detectors fitted to Pye - Martin. 326. Chromatography and Electrophoresis on Paper : Teaching Level Manual. Feinberg and Smith. (Publication received), 247; (Review), 568. Bibliography of Paper - 1957-1960 and Survey of Applications. Macek, Hais, Gas- pariC, Kopeck9 and RAbek. (Publication received), 408. Chromatographic Methods. Stock and Rice. (Publication received), 901. Chromatographic Reviews. Vol. 4. Lederer. (Review), 151; Vol. 5. (Publication received), 821. Chromatographie Symposium I1 : 1962. (Pub- lication received), 901. Chromatopolarography and its application to chemical analysis. Reynolds. (Summary), 493. Collection of gas-chromatographic fractions for identification by infrared spectrophotometry.Shearer, Stone and McGugan, 147. Diinnschicht-Chromatographie : Laboratoriums- handbuch. Bolliger, Brenner, Ganshirt, Man- gold, Seiler, Stahl and Waldi. (Publication received), 72 ; (Review), 483. Gas Chromatographie 1961. Schriiter and Metzner. (Review), 484. Gas -. Brenner, Callen and Weiss. (Publica- tion received), 489 ; (Review), 979. Gas -. Purnell. (Publication received), 247 ; (Review), 567. Gas -- 1962. van Swaay. (Publication re- ceived), 247; (Review), 567. Gas - Abstracts 1962. Knapman and Am- brose. (Publication received), 657. Gas Phase -. Vols. 1, 2 and 3. Translated by Scott. (Publication received), 983. General Problems of Paper -. Hais and Macek. (Publication received), 408; (Review), 741.Improved identification in gas - liquid chromato- graphic analysis of agricultural samples for residues of chlorinated pesticides. I. Im- proved resolution on single columns and appli- cation of multi-column spectrochromatogram. Goulden, Goodwin and Davies, 941 ; Halogen- sensitive detector in complementary or alterna- tive use to electron-capture ionisation detector, 951. Inexpensive sampling device for gas -. Doran and Sperrin, 738; Erratum, 902. Lectures on Gas - 1962. Szymanski. (Pub- lication received), 489. Modular gas-- system for analysing exit streams from reactors. Munday and Primavesi, 551. Separation of long-chain unsaturated fatty acids : review. James, 572. Thin Film -. Truter. (Publication received), 330; (Review), 566.VWLUlVlr, 88 XXlll Chromium: Detmng. small amounts of iron and - in sapphire and ruby for maser applications. Chirnside, Cluley, Powell and Proffitt, 851, Separating and detmng. chromium sesquioxide in chrome ores and chrome-bearing refractories. Bennett and Marshall, 877. Spectrographic detmn. of trace impurities in arsenic. Mack, 481. Chromium sesquioxide : Separating and detmng. - in chrome ores and chrome-bearing refractories. Bennett and Marshall, 877. D-trans-Chrysanthemic acid : Pyrethrum analysis : infrared method (infrared spectrum of -). Mitchell, Byrne and Tresadern, 538; Erratum, 822. Ciders : Detmng. total sulphur dioxide content of -. Burroughs and Sparks, 304. Cinnolines : Paper chromatography of substituted __ with aqueous solvents. Graham, 222; 11.With aqueous hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide as solvents, 643. Circular dichroism : review. Gillard, 825. Citrus fruit : Quantitative micro-detmn. of biphenyl in -. Rajzman, 117. Routine detmn. of biphenyl and o-phenylphenol on and in -. Gunther, Blinn and Barkley, 36. Clevenger trap: Routine detmn. of biphenyl and o-phenylphenol on and in citrus fruit (modified -). Clinical Chemistry : West-European Symposia on -. Vol. 2. - of Monoamines. Varley and Gowenlock. (Publication received), 821. Coal tar: Standard Methods for Testing Tar and its Products. Watkins. 5th Edn. (Publica- tion received), 152. Cobalt : Chromatographic detmn. of trace elements in foodstuffs. Spectrographic detmn. of trace impurities in arsenic. Mack, 481. Coffee : Spectrophotometric detmn. of caffeine in - and tea products, with special reference to - and chicory mixtures. Smith and Rees, 310.Vol. I. Kolorimetrie in Pharniazie. KakAC and Vejd6lek. Translated by HachovA. (Review), 246. Kolorimetrie, Photometrie und Spektrometrie. Kortiim. (Publication received), 152; (Re- view), 657. Gunther, Blinn and Barkley, 36. Trials. (Publication received), 72. Connolly and Maguire, 125. Colorimetry : Handbuch der Kolorimetrie. Colouring matters : See Dyes. Columbium : See Niobium. Complex(es) Compounds of Transuranium Elements. Gel’man, Moskvin, Zaitsev and Mefod’eva. Translated by Turton and Turton. (Publica- tion received), 489. Komplexometrie. Part 1. Pi-ibil. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 742. Komplexone in chemischen Analyse. Pi-ibil. (Review), 70.Connective Tissue : Practical Analytical Methods for __ Proteins. Eastoe and Courts. (Pub- lication received), 657. Coordination Chemistry. I.U. P.A.C. (Publication received), 490. Copper : Chromatographic detmn. of trace elements in foodstuffs. Connolly and Maguire, 125. Detmng. arsenic in __ and --base alloys. Scholes and Waterman, 374. Detmng. maneb in presence of -. Gardner and Swift, 242.xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 88 Copper-continued Detmng. small amounts of - in organic matter. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Metallic Impurities in Organic Matter Sub-committee, 253. Detmng. small amounts of iron. New colori- metric methods (detmng. iron in - and -- alloys). Cluley and Newman, 3. Polarographic detmn. of -, cadmium, thallium, lead, tellurium and iron in selenium.Bush, 614. Polarographic detmn. of lead in steels and - - zinc alloys. Nash and Anslow, 963. Precipitation of cuprous thiocyanate from homo- geneous solution. Newman, 500. Cosmetic(s) : Cosmdtiques : Pharmacologie et Bio- logie. Thiers. (Publication received), 152. U.S. Federal Food, Drug and - Act (Judicial and Administrative Record), 1958-1960. Klein- feld and Kaplan. (+view), 485. Coulometry : See Analysis. Crops: See Plants. Crystal violet : Rapid test for anionic detergents in drinking water (removal of - from methyl green). Abbott, 240. Cupro-nickel : Detmng. arsenic in copper and copper-base alloys. Scholes and Waterman,, 374. Cuprous thiocyanate : Precipitation of - frorn homogeneous solution. Newman, 500. Cyanide : Detmng.cysteine, thioglycollic acid, -- and dithioglycollic acid. Wronski, 562. Review of methods for detcng. and detmng. small amounts of -. Bark and Higson, 751. Cyanocobalamin : Hydroxocobalamin : Examination and detmn. in parenteral solutions by paper chromatography. Martin and Shaw, 292. Cyclitols : Chimie, Biochimie, Biologie. Posternak. (Publication received), 72 ; (Review), 406. Cycloses : Cyclitols : Chimie, Biochimie, Biologie. Posternak. (Publication received), 72; (Re- view), 406. Cysteine : Detmng. -, thioglycollic acid, cyanide and dithioglycollic acid. Wronski, 562. Czechoslovak Chemical Society : General Problems of Paper Chromatography. Hais and Macek. (Publication received), 408; (Review), 741. D Di- (2-e th ylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate : Extracting lanthanide elements from perchloric acid by -.Pierce and Peck, 217. Diffusion bottles for detmng. fluorine. Hall, 899. 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydazones: Titration of weak bases (including --) in acetic anhydride. Cowell and Selby, 974. Dinoseb : See 2-s-Butyl-4,6-dinitrophenol. 4,7-Diphenyl-l, 1 O-phenanthr oline : De tmn g . small amounts of iron. New colorimetric methods. Cluley and Newman, 3. Distillation : Application of -- Techniques to Radiochemical Separations. DcVoe. (Pub- lication received), 901. Handbook of Laboratory -- . Krell and Lumb. Translated by Verver. (Publication received), 742. Dithiocarbamates and Related Compounds. Thorn and Ludwig. (Review), 69. Dithioglycollic acid : Detmng. cysteine, thioglycollic acid, cyanide and -. Wrohski, 562. Dithizone method for detmng.zinc in organic material. Westoo, 287. Drinks, soft: Detmng. free sulphur dioxide in - by desorption and trapping method. Lloyd and Cowle, 394; Erratum, 570. Drug(s) : Report prepared by Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub-Com- mittee, 835, 925, 935. U.S. Federal Food, __ and Cosmetic Act (Judicial and Administrative Record), 1958- 1960. Kleinfeld and Kaplan. (Review), 485. Dyes : Extraction and identification of permitted food colouring matters with special reference to changes undergone during processing and subsequent storage. British Food Manufac- turing Industries Research Assn., Trace Materials (Colours) Committee, 864. Isolation and separation of - from foodstuffs by column chromatography.Yanuka, Shalon, Weissenberg and Nir-Grosfeld, 872. Dysprosium : Extracting lanthanide elements from perchloric acid by di- (2-ethyhexyl) hydrogen phosphate. Pierce and Peck, 217. E Dairy : Bacteriology for - Students. (Publication received), 490. Dalapon : See Dichloropropionic acid. Density, optical : Beer’s law and its use in analysis : Detergents : See Surface-active agents. Dextrose : See Glucose. 3- [Di- (carboxymethy1)aminome thyl] -1,2-dihydroxy- anthraquinone : Spectrophotometric detmn. of sub-microgram amounts of fluorine in biological specimens (- as reagent). Dichloroacetaldehyde : Colorimetric detmn. of low concentrations of 2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate in the atmosphere (and detmn. of __ also present). Hughes, 318.Dichloroacetic acid : Chromatographic separation of chlorinated propionic and acetic acids. Taylor and Rhodes, 136. Dichloropropionic acid : Chromatographic separation of chlorinated propionic and acetic acids. Taylor and Rhodes, 136. 2,2-Dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate : Colorimetric detmn. of low concentrations of __ in the atmosphere. Hughes, 318. Dictionary : Encyclopaedic - of Physics. Thew- lis. Vols. I to VI. (Review). 983. Seaman. review. Lothian, 678. Hall, 76. Editorials: Accent on youth, 153. Development of The Analyst, 331; Further de- Official, Standardised and Recommended Methods Society for Analytical Chemistry. velopment of The Analyst, 823. of Analysis. Jolly, 73. EDTA : See Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid. Electrodes : Silver- and halide-ion responsive -.Part I. Preparation, treatment, durability and zero-current response in aqueous media. Bishop and Dhaneshwar, 424; Part 11. Behaviour in mixed solvent - water media, and effect of restoring currents on - response, 433 ; Part 111. Ionic and electron transfer inter- action and effect of supporting electrolytes, 442. Electronics of Laboratory and Process Instruments. Griffiths and Lee. (Review), 149. Electrophoresis : Chromatographic Reviews : Pro- gress in Chromatography, ~ and Related Methods. Vol. 4. Lederer. (Review), 151; Vol. 5. (Publication received), 821. Chromatography and - on Paper: Teaching Level Manual. Feinberg and Smith. (Pub- lication received), 247; (Review), 568. High-voltage paper -. Gross, (Summary), 2. Zone - in Blocks and Columns.Bloemendal. (Publication received), 741.INDEX TO VOLUME 88 XXV Erbium : Extracting lanthanide elements from perchloric acid by di- (2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate. Pierce and Peck, 217. Escherichia coli: Continuous automatic micro- biological assay of antibiotics (using -). Shaw and Duncombe, 694. Ester(s) lubricants : Analysing edible oils contami- nated with synthetic -. Separation of long-chain unsaturated fatty acids (as -): review. James, 572. Ethyl alcohol : Rapid detmn. of ~ in body fluids. Mabon, 320. Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid : Detmng. small amounts of iron. New colorimetric methods. Cluley and Newman, 3. Precise micro-detmn. of zinc and cadmium by photometric titration with disodium EDTA. Scaife, 618. Europium : Extracting lanthanide elements from perchloric acid by di-( 2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate.Pierce and Peck, 217. Explosives : Quantitative detmn. of nitroglycerin by Schultze - Tiemann method. Mustafa and Dawoud, 809. Crump, 456. F Faeces : Liquid-scintillation method for detmng. tritium in tissues of animals dosed with tritium- labelled vitamin A. Handler, 47. Fats : Modified two-column chromatographic appara- tus used in detmng. vitamin A in edible -. Turner, 895. Progress in the Chemistry of - and Other Lipids. Vol. 6. Holman, Lundberg and Malkin. (Publication received), 570. Fatty acids : Separation of long-chain unsaturated -: review. James, 572. Feeding Stuffs: Reports prepared by Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub-committee, 835, 925, 935.Residue Reviews : Residues of Pesticides and Other Foreign Chemicals in Foods and Feeds. Vol. 1. Gunther. (Publication received), 152; (Review), 486; Vol. 2. (Publication received), 489; (Review), 819; Vol. 3. (Publication received), 822. Fertilisers : Detmng. selenium in biological material by radioactivation. Filtration: Gel - as method of polymer frac- tionation. Vaughan. (Summary), 251. Flotation; Introduction t o Theory of -. Klassen and Mokrousov. Translated by Leja and Poling. (Publication received), 247. Ion -. Sebba. (Publication received), 330. Fluoride: Detmng. - by complexometric titra- tion. Leonard, 404. Modified zirconium - alizarin method for detmng. - in natural waters. Meyling and Meyling, 84. Quantitative analysis of phosphate rock, including benzoate separation.Wilson, 18. Volumetric detmn. of iron, molybdenum and tungsten in __ solutions. Headridge and Taylor, 590. Fluorimetry : See Analysis. Fluorine: Advances in - Chemistry. Vol. 3. Stacey, Tatlow and Sharp. (Publication received), 152. Diffusion bottles for detmng. -. Hall, 899. Spectrophotometric detmn. of submicrogram amounts of - in biological specimens. Hall, 7 6. Bowen and Cawse, 721. Food Additives : Analytical Methods for Pesticides, Plant Growth Regulators, and --. Zweig. Vol. 1. (Publication received), 901. Chromatographic detmn. of trace elements in - Connolly and Maguire, 125. Detection and Determination of Antioxidants in -. Assn. of Public Analysts. (Publication received), 489. Dithizone method for detmng.zinc in organic material. Westoo, 287. Extraction and identification of permitted - colouring matters with special reference t o changes undergone during processing and sub- sequent storage. British Food Manufacturing Industries Research Assn., Trace Materials (Colours) Committee, 864. Isolation and separation of dyes from foodstuffs by column chromatography. Yanuka, Shalon, Weissenberg and Nir-Grosfeld, 872. Residue Reviews : Residues of Pesticides and Other Foreign Chemicals in - and Feeds. Vol. 1. Gunther. (Publication received), 152; (Review), 486; Vol. 2. Publication received), 489 ; (Review), 8 19 ; Vol. 3. (Publica- tion received), 822. U.S. Federal -, Drug and Cosmetic Act (Judicial and Administrative Record), 1958- 1960. Kleinfeld and Kaplan. (Review), 485.Formulary: British National -: 1963. (Pub- lication received), 902. Fructose-phosphates : Paper-chromatographic sep- aration of sugar phosphates using borate- impregnated paper. Agarwal, Sanwal and Krishnan, 969. Fruit : Quantitative micro-detmn. of biphenyl in citrus -. Rajzman, 117. Routine detmn. of biphenyl and o-phenylphenol on and in citrus -. Gunther, Blinn and Barkley, 36. Furfuraldehyde : Detcng., detmng. and identifying ~ in hydrocarbon oil. Harrison, 644. Furildioxime(s) : Part I . Structure of isomeric -. Fryer, Galliford and Yardley, 188; Part 11. Analytical behaviour of purified a--, with particular reference t o detmng. rhenium in presence of molybdenum, 191. G Gadolinium : Extracting lanthanide elements from perchloric acid by di- (2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate.Pierce and Peck, 217. Gallium arsenide: Detmng. silicon, zinc and mag- nesium in - by neutron-activation analysis. Green, Heslop and Whitley, 522. Gas chromatography : See Chromatography. Gas oil : Detcng. and identifying furfuraldehyde in hydrocarbon oil. Harrison, 644. Gel filtration as a method of polymer fractionation. Vaughan. (Summary), 251. General Medical Council. British Pharmacopoeia 1963. (Publication received), 657. Geranium oil: Analysing __ by gas chromato- graphy. Howard, 633. German - English Chemical Terminology : Introduc- tion to Chemistry in English and -. King and Fromherz. 4th Edn. (Publication re- ceived), 330; (Review), 565. Germanium dioxide: Detmng. arsenic in -. Fowler, 380. Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker: Gas Chromato- graphy 1962.van Swaay. (Publication received), 247; (Review), 567. Glass(es): Water minus (H,O-) in natural -. Drysdale, Lacy and Tarney, 131.xxvi IX’DEX TO VOT,U,lfE 88 Glucose: Detmng. ~ in presence of maltose and isomaltose by stable, specific enzymic reagent. Fleming and Pegler, 967. oxidase method for rapid detmn. of glucose in starch conversion products. Mansford and Opie, 646. Quantitative detmn. of -- and maltose in enzyme reaction mixtures. Evans and Payne, 204. Glucose oxidase : Detmng. glucose in presence of maltose and isomaltose by stable, specific enzymic reagent. method for rapid detmn. of -- in starch con- version products. Glucose-phosphates : f’aper-chromatographic sep- aration of sugar phosphates using borate- impregnated paper.Agarwal, Sanwal and Krishnan, 969. Glycerol: Uetcng. and detmng. - in tobacco. Paper and cellulose-column chromatography for detmng. ~ in presence of sugars. I’at- terson, 387. Gold : Direct spectrophotomctric detmn. of antimony in antimony alloys and white metals. Dym, 232. Grapefruit : Quantitativc micro-detmn. of biphenyl in citrus fruit. Rajzman, 117. Routine detmn. of biphenyl and o-phenylphenol on and in citrus fruit. Gunther, Rlinn and Barkley, 36. Grsundnut(s) : Uetcng. and estimating aflatoxin in - and - materials. Part I. I’aper- chromatographic procedure. Coomes and Sanders, 209; Part 11. Thin-layer cliromato- graphic method. Rroadbent, Cornelius and Shone, 214; Erratum, 330. Fleming and Pegler, 967. Mansford and Opic, 646. Hydrocarbon(s) : Detmng. constitucnts of rocks and minerals by gas chromatography. Part II.Uetning. gaseous constituents. Jeffery and Kipping, 266. oil : Uetcng., dctmng. and identifying furfuralde- hyde in ---. Harrison, 644. Hydrogen: Compact unit for detmng. carbon and _- by T’cEci-a method. Clifford and Frib- bins, 68. Conductimctric .micro method for simultaneous detmn. of carbon and -- in organic com- pounds. Greenfield and Smith, 886. Iktmng. constituents of rocks and minerals by gas chromatography. Part 11. Detmng. gaseous constituents. Jeffery and Kipping, 266. Detmng. - in magnesium alloys. Berry and Walker, 280. Quantitative detmn. of active -- by modifica- tion of Zerewitinoff method. Lees and Lobeck, 782. Rapid micro-detmn. of carbon and -- with magnesium oxide - catalyst oxide mixture.Kakabadse and Xlanohin, 816. Hydroxocobalamin : Examination and detmn. in parenteral injection solutions by paper chromatography. Xartin and Shaw, 292. 4-Hydroxycinnolines : Paper chromatography of substituted cinnolines with aqueous solvents. Graham, 222 ; 11. M’ith aqueous hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide as solvcnts, 643. Hydroxyl groups : Quantitative detmn. of active hydrogen by modification of Zerewitinoff method (detmng. -- in silanols). Lees and Lobeck, 782. Hyponitrite : Formation of nitrous oxide from -. Anderson, 494. Hafnium: Detmng. boron in zirconium, __ and titanium. Elwell and VVood, 47.5. Halide : Silver and --ion responsive electrodes. Part I. Preparation, treatment, durability and zero-current response in aqueous media. Bishop and Dhaneshwar, 424; Part 11.Rehaviour in mixed solvent - water media, and effect of restoring currcnts on electrode response, 433 ; Part 111. Ionic and electron transfer inter- action and effect of supporting electrolytes, 442. Helium : Detmng. constituents of rocks and minerals by gas chromatography. Part IT. Detmng. gaseous constituents. Jeffery and Kipping, 266. Hevea brasiliensis: Uetmng. rubber in vegetative parts of -. Middleton and hyestgarth, 544; Erratum, 742. Hexoestrol : Detmng. stilboestrol and - in compound feeding stuffs. Socicty for hnalyti- cal Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in .\nimal Feeding Stuffs Sub- Committee, €formones Pancl, 925. Holmium : Extracting lanthanide elements from perchforic acid by di-(2-ethyhexyl) hydrogen phosphate.Hormone(s) : Hetcrogencitp studies on protein -. Hunter. (Summary), 251. Reports prepared by Society for ilnalytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub- Committee, 835, 925. Human growth hormone : Heterogeneity studies on protein hormone. Hunter. (Summary), 251. Hydrazine : Micro-detmn. of ~- salts and dcriva- tives. Barakat and Shaker, 59; Erratum, 330. I’icrcc and I’eck, 2 17. I Indium : Analytical Chemistry of Busev. Translated by Greaves. (Publication received), 152; (Review), 569. Spectrographic detmn. of trace impurities in arsenic. Mack, 481. Indole: Modified Scott method for detmng. --. Information retrieval in the analytical laboratory : Insecticides : See Pesticides. Institute of Petroleum : Gas Chromatography Abstracts 1962.Knapman and Ambrose. (Publication received), 657. Gas Chromatography 1962. van Swaay. (Pub- lication received), 247 ; (Review), 567. Spectroscopy. Wells. (Review), 150. Instrumentation : Analysis --: 1963. Fowler, Eanes ancl Kehoe. (Publication received), 822. Instruments : Electronics of Laboratory ancl Process __ . Griffiths and Lee. (Review), 149. Instrument Society of America. Gas (’hromato- graphy. Brenner, C‘allcn and Weiss, (Pub- lication received), 489. International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis: Report of Proceedings of Thirteenth Session of __ . (Publication received), 822 ; Correction, 902. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry : Coordination Chemistry. (I’ublication re- ceived), 490. Microchemical Techniques.Vol. 11. Cheronis. (Publication received), 570; (Review), 820. Pure and Applied Chemistry. (Publication received), 72. McEvoy-I%we, 893. review. Curry, 829; Errata, 984.INDEX TO VOLUME 88 XXL ii International Union of Pure and Applied Physics : Symbols, Units and Nomenclature in Physics. (Review), 408. Iodine-131: Rapid detmn. of -in milk. Boni, 64. Ion Exchange Separations in Analytical Chemistry. Samuelson. (Publication received), 821. Iron : Automatic colorimetric analysis of ~- and steel-making slags. Scholes and Thulbourne, 702. Detmng. small amounts of - and chromium in sapphire and ruby for maser applications. Chirnside, Cluley, Powell and Proffitt, 851. Detmng. small amounts of -. New colori- metric methods. Cluley and Newman, 3.Yolarographic detmn. of copper, cadmium, thallium, lead, tellurium and in selenium. Bush, 614. Quantitative analysis of phosphate rock, including benzoate separation. Wilson, 18. Volumetric detmn. of -, molybdenum and tungsten in fluoride solutions. Headridge and Taylor, 590. Isomaltose : Detmng. glucose in presence of maltose and - by stable, specific enzymic reagent. Fleming and Pegler, 967. Isotopes : Inorganic Isotopic Syntheses. Herber. (Review), 982. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series IX. Analyti- cal Chemistry. Vol. 3. Parts 1-3. Crouthamel. (Publication received), 247 ; (Review), 565. Radionuclide. Schmeiser. 2nd Edn. (Publica- tion received), 901. IUPAC: See International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. IUPAP: See International Union of Pure and Applied Physics.J Journal : Development of The A nalyst. Editorial, 331 ; Further development of The Analyst, 823. of the Association of Public Analysts. Vol. 1, No. 1, First Quarter, 1963. Wood. (Pub- lication received), 657 ; (Review), 900. K Karl Fischer reagent : Titrating water in plasma or red cells with --. Pryce, 560. Ketones : Titration of weak bases (including deriva- tives of -) in acetic anhydride. Cowell and Selby, 974. Kinetics : How Chemical Reactions Occur : Intro- duction to Chemical - and Reaction Mechan- isms. King. (Publication received), 741. Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol. VIII. Part 11. Investigation of Rates and Mechan- isms of Reactions. Friess, Lewis and Weiss- berger. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 741. Kipp’s apparatus: Modified - suitable for elec- trolytic generation of oxygen.L Colson, 243. Laboratory Organization and Administration. Guy. (Review), 69. Lanthanide elements : Extracting - from per- chloric acid by di-(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate. Pierce and Peck, 217. Lanthanum : Extracting lanthanide elements from perchloric acid by di- (2-eth ylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate, Pierce and Peck, 217. Lead: Detmng. - in carbon and low-alloy steel according to British Standard 1121 : Part 41: 1960. Claassen and Bastings, 67; Erratum, 152. Lead-continued Polarographic detmn. of copper, cadmium, thal- lium, -, tellurium and iron in selenium. Bush, 614. Polarographic detmn. of - in steels and copper - zinc alloys. Spectrographic detmn. of trace impurities in arsenic. Mack, 481. Volumetric detmn.of antimony in antimony - - and antimony - tin - ~ alloys. Brad- shaw, 599. Leather: Detmng. phosphorus in - by oxygen- flask combustion. Weaver, 736. Lemons : Quantitative micro-detmn. of biphenyl in citrus fruit. Rajzman, 117. Routine detmn. of biphenyl and o-phenylphenol on and in citrus fruit. Gunther, Blinn and Barkley, 36. Limnologists: Methods of Water Analysis for -. Mackereth. (Publication received), 490. Lipids: Progress in the Chemistry of Fats and Other -. Vol. 6. Holman, Lundberg and Malkin. (Publication received), 570. Liquid paraffin B.P. : Detmng. 4-methyl-2,6-di- t-butyl phenol in -. Braithwaite and Pen- keth, 297. Literature : Information retrieval in the analytical laboratory : review. Curry, 829; Errata, 984. Lubricants : Analysing edible oils contaminated with synthetic ester -. Crump, 456.Lutetium : Extracting lanthanide elements from perchloric acid by di- (2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate. Pierce and Peck, 217. 2,GLutidine : Cryoscopic assay for pyridine (effect of -- on freezing point of pyridine). Adey, 359. Nash and Anslow, 963. M 4M26B : See 4-Methyl-2,6-di-t-butyl phenol. Magenta : Detmng. low concentrations of sodium dodecylbenzenesulphonate (complex between - and sodium dodecylbenzenesulphonate) . Cropton and Joy, 516. Magnesium : Detmng. hydrogen in ~ alloys. Berry and Walker, 280. Detmng. ~ in aluminium alloys by atomic- absorption spectroscopy. Wallace, 259. Detmng. - in calcium salts. Newman and Watson, 506. Detmng. silicon, zinc and - in gallium arsenide by neutron-activation analysis.Green, Heslop and Whitley, 522. Quantitative analysis of phosphate rock, including benzoate separation. Wilson, 18. Sensitive microbiological assay for ~ in bio- logical materials. Sastry, Padmanaban, Adiga and Sarma, 534. Spectrographic detmn. of trace impurities in arsenic. Mack, 481. Maltose: Detmng. glucose in presence of - and isomaltose by stable, specific enzymic reagent. Fleming and Pegler, 967. Quantitative detmn. of glucose and - in enzyme reaction mixtures. Evans and Payne, 204. Maltotetraose : Detmng. - in starch conversion products. Mansford, 649. Maneb : See Manganese ethylene-1,2-bisdithiocar- bamate. Manganese : Chromatographic detmn. of trace Connolly and Maguire, Quantitative analysis of phosphate rock, including elements in foodstuffs. 125.benzoate separation. Wilson, 18.xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME 88 Manganese-continued Spectrographic detmn. of trace impurities in arsenic. Mack, 481. Manganese ethylene-1,2-bisdithiocarbamate : Det- mng. maneb in presence of copper. Gardner and Swift, 242. Manganese oxide : Automatic colorimetric analysis of iron- and steel-making slags (detmng. -). Scholes and Thulbourne, 702. Margarine : Modified two-column chromatographic apparatus used in detmng. vitamin A in edible fats. Turner, 895. Maser: Detmng. small amounts of iron and chrom- ium in sapphire and ruby for - applications. Chirnside, Cluley, Powell and Proffitt, 851, McLaf- ferty. (Publication received), 821. Spectrometry : Advances in -. Vol. 2. Elliott. (Publication received), 658. spectrometry as microanalytical technique.Quayle. (Summary), 747. Spectrometry : Mass and Abundance Tables for Use in -. Beynon and Williams. (Publica- tion received), 82 1. Spectrometry : Organic Chemical Applications. Biemann. (Publication received), 72. Materials Science: Lectures in ~ . Debye, Bloembergen, Flory, Bitter and Leurgans. (Publication received), 489. Mathematics : Mathematik fur Chemiker. Alexits and Fenyo. (Publication received), 72. Practical - for Chemists. Kelly. (Publication received), 742. Meat: Nitrogen factors for beef. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Com- mittee, Meat Products Sub-committee, 422. Society for Anal- ytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Com-. mittee, Meat Products Sub-committee, 583. Medicine(s) : Bibliography of the Tabletting oji Medicinal Substances.Evans and Train. (Publication received), 822. Clinical Trials. (Publication received), 72. Practical Clinical Biochemistry. Varley. 3rd Edn. (Review), 149. West-European Symposia on Clinical Chemistry. Vol. 2. Clinical Chemistry of Monoamines. Varley and Gowenlock. (Publication received), 821. Mercury residues in plants. Martin. (Summary), 413. Methyl green: Rapid test for anionic detergents in drinking water (purification of -). Abbott, 240. Methyl violet : See Crystal violet. 4-Methylcinnolines : Paper chromatography of sub- stituted cinnolines with aqueous solvents. Graham, 222; 11. With aqueous hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide as solvents, 643. 4-~ethyl-2,6-di-t-butyl phenol : Detmng. - in liquid paraffin B.P. Braithwaite and Penketh, 297.Metropolitsn Microchemical Society : Microchemical Techniques. Vol. 11. Cheronis. (Publication received), 570; (Review), 820. Microbiology : Analytical -. Kavanagh. (Pub- lication received), a; (Review), 739. Milk: Detmng. residues of Ruelene in -. Leahy and Taylor, 882. Rapid assay of radioactive caesium in -. Broadbank, Hands and Harding, 43. Rapid detmn. of iodine-131 in -. Mass spectra : Mass Spectral Correlations. Nitrogen factors for chicken. Boni, 64. Minerals : Detmng. constituents of rocks and ~ by gas chromatography. Part 11. Detmng. gaseous constituents. Jeffery and Kipping, 266. Minerals-continued Detmng. silica in rocks and - by isotope dilution with silicon-31. Filby and Ball, 891. Report prepared by Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub- Committee, 835.Rock-Forming -. Vol. 2. Deer, Howie and Zussman. (Publication received), 152 ; (Re- view), 406 ; Vol. 4. (Publication received), 490; (Review), 820; Vol. 5. Molybdenum : Chromatographic detmn. of trace elements in foodstuffs. Connolly and Maguire, 125. Detmng. oxygen in vacuum-melted steels, - and single-crystal silicon by vacuum fusion. Donovan, Evans and Bush, 771. Furildioximes. Part 11. Analytical behaviour of purified a-furildioxime, with particular reference to detmng. rhenium in presence of -. Fryer, Galliford and Yardley, 191. Spectrographic detmn. of trace impurities in arsenic. Mack, 481. Volumetric detmn. of iron, - and tungsten in fluoride solutions. Headridge and Taylor, 590. Molybdosilicic acids : Absorptiometric detmn.of silicon in water. Part I . Formation, stability and reduction of a- and /3- -. Morrison and Wilson, 88; Part 11. Detmng. reactive silicon in power-station waters, 100; Part 111. Det- mng. total silicon content, 446. Monoamines : West-European Symposia on Clinical Chemistry. Vol. 2. Clinical Chemistry of -. Varley and Gowenlock. (Publication received), 821. (Review), 246. N Natural Products: Chemistry of -. 2nd Inter- national Symposium. (Publication received), 741. Neodymium : Extracting lanthanide elements from perchloric acid by di-( 2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate. Pierce and Peck, 217. Neomycin : Continuous automatic microbiological assay of antibiotics. Shaw and Duncombe, 694. Neurospora crassa : Sensitive microbiological assay for magnesium in biological materials.Sastry, Padmanaban, Adiga and Sarma, 534. Neutron activation analysis : Detmng. oxygen in metals by fast---. Gray. (Summary), 904. Rapid solvent-extraction sampling technique for -. Pierce and Peck, 603. Nickel : Chromatographic detmn. of trace elements in foodstuffs. Connolly and Maguire, 125. Flame photometric detmn. of sodium, potassium and calcium in - - alumina catalysts. Pitt, 399. Raney: Detmng. small amounts of sulphur in toluene by reduction with - (activation of -). Reed, 735. Spectrographic detmn. of trace impurities in arsenic. Mack, 481. 2,2’-Thiodiethanethiol as colorimetric reagent for detmng. -. Niobium: Detmng. tantalum and - in high-grade minerals and ores. Webb, Ashworth and Hills, 142.Niobium-95: Detmng. zirconium-95 and - in seaweed and sea water. Hampson, 529. Nitrate : Substitute reagent for titanous sulphate for reducing N. Gasser, 237. Segall, Ariel and Shorr, 314.Nitric acid : Mixed __ and perchloric acid as solvent in controlled oxidation of cellulose by boiling perchloric acid. Monk, 476. Nitrofurazone : Detmng. - in compound feeding stuffs. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub-Committee, Prophy- lactics Panel, 935. Nitrogen : Conductimetric micro method for simul- taneous detmn. of carbon and hydrogen (and -) in organic compounds. Greenfield and Smith, 886. Detmng. constituents of rocks and minerals by gas chromatography. Part 11. Detmng. gaseous constituents.Jeffery and Kipping, 266. factors for beef. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Meat Products Sub-committee, 422. factors for chicken. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Meat Products Sub-committee, 583. Quantitative detmn. of nitroglycerin by Schultze - Tiemann method (detmng. __ content of explosives). Mustafa and Dawoud, 809. Rapid alkaline reduction of nitro-groups and Kjeldahl detmn. of -. Substitute reagent for titanous sulphate for reduc- ing nitrate-N. Gasser, 237. Nitroglycerin: Quantitative detmn. of - by Schultze - Tiemann method. Mustafa and Dawoud, 809. Nitro-groups : Rapid alkaline reduction of __ and Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen. Lunt, 466. Nitrophenols : Rapid alkaline reduction of nitro- groups and Kjeldahl detmn.of nitrogen. Lunt, 466. 4-Nitrophenylhydrazones : Titration of weak bases (including -) in acetic anhydride. Cowell and Selby, 974. Nitrous oxide : Formation of __ from hyponitrite. Anderson, 494. Nomenclature : German - English Chemical Ter- minology : Introduction to Chemistry in English and German. King and Fromherz. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 330; (Review), 565. Naming Organic Compounds: Guide to - Used in Organic Chemistry. Tinley. (Review), 245. Symbols, Units and - in Physics. I.U.P.A.P. (Review), 408. Novobiocin : Continuous automatic microbiological assay of antibiotics. Shaw and Duncombe, 694. Nuclear Chemistry : Applications of Computers to Nuclear and Radiochemistry. 0’ Kelley. (Pub- lication received), 570. Energy : Progress in -.Series IX. Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 3. Parts 1-3. Crouthamel. (Publication received), 247 ; (Review), 56.5. Nucleic Acids: Essays on -. Chargaff. (Pub- lication received), 82 1. 0 Lunt, 466. Obituaries : Alcock, A., 335. Backes, J. J . V., 335. Balmforth, Id., 824. Brewer, F. M., 249. Christian, H. W., 335. Corner, M., 155, 335. Cornwall, C . W., 335. Dodd, F. R., 335. Frankel, E., 743. Greaves, F. W., 411. V U L U l V l b 88 xxix Obituaries-contilzued Hinton, C. L., 335. Horton, H. V., 335. Jones, R. E., 1, 335. King, J . , 335. McCallum, L. F., 411. Marshall, F. C. B., 335. Mitchell, A. D., 411. Moore, A. H., 249. O’Dea, D. R., 824. Pollard, W. B., 571. Pringle, W. J. S., 1, 335. Russell, E., 335. Salt, H. B., 335. Stross, W., 824. Oil@) : Analysing edible ~ contaminated with synthetic ester lubricants.Crump, 466. Detcng., detmng. and identifying furfuraldehyde in hydrocarbon -. Harrison, 644. Optical absorption : Beer’s law and its use in analysis : review. Lothian, 678. activity : Circular dichroism : review. Gillard, 825. Oranges : Quantitative micro-detmn. of biphenyl in citrus fruit. Rajzman, 117. Routine detmn. of biphenyl and o-phenylphenol on and in citrus fruit. Gunther, Blinn and Barkley, 36. Organic chemistry : See Chemistry. Orthophosphate: Detmng. - in water. Abbott, Emsden and Harris, 814. Modified stannous chloride reagent for detmng. -. Henriksen, 898. Oxidation: Mixed nitric and perchloric acids as solvent in controlled ~ of cellulose by boiling perchloric acid. Monk, 476. Oxygen : Detmng.constituents of rocks and minerals by gas chromatography. Part 11. Detmng. gaseous constituents. Jeffery and Kipping, 266. Detmng. -in metals by fast-neutron activation analysis. Gray. (Summary), 904. Detmng. - in vacuum-melted steels, molyb- denum and single-crystal silicon by vacuum fusion. Modified Kipp’s apparatus suitable for electrolytic generation of -. Colson, 243. Polarographic detmn. of - by (a) wide-bore dropping-mercury electrode and ( b ) solid elec- trodes. Briggs. (Summary), 492. Oxytetracycline: Detmng. penicillin, chlortetra- cycline and - in diet supplements and com- pound feeding stuffs. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub- Committee, Antiobiotics Panel, 836. Donovan, Evans and Bush, 771.P Paper chromatography : See Chromatography. Particle diameter : Detmng. specific surface area (and -) by air-permeation a t low porosities. Edmundson and Tootill, 805. size: Application of flying-spot scanning to - analysis in formulation of pesticides. Fur- midge, 686. size: Classification of methods for detmng. -: review. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Particle Size Analysis Sub-committee, 156; Errata, 984. Size : Measurement, Interpretation and Applica- tion. Irani and Callis. (Publication received), 821.xxx INDEX TO VOLUME 88 Penicillin: Detmng. - , chlortetracycline and oxytetracycline in diet supplements and com- pound feeding stuffs. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub- Committee, Antibiotics Panel, 836.Pentachlorophenol : Spectrophotometric detmn. of - in air. Bencze, 622. Perchloric acid : Extracting lanthanide elements from - by di-(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phos- phate. Pierce and Peck, 217. Mixed nitric acid and - as solvent in controlled oxidation of cellulose by boiling -. Monk, 476. Pesticide(s) : Analytical Methods for -, Plant Growth Regulators, and Food Additives. Zweig. Vol. 1. (Publication received), 901. Application of flying-spot scanning to particle size analysis in formulation of -. Fur- midge, 686. Detcng. and detmng. chlorinated - residues in crops, soils and animal tissues by gas - liquid chromatography. Goulden. (Summary), 414. Improved identification in gas - liquid chromato- graphic analysis of agricultural samples for residues of chlorinated -.I . Improved resolution on single columns and application of multi-column spectrochromatogram. Goulden, Goodwin and Davies, 941 ; 11. Halogen-sensitive detector in complementary or alternative use to electron-capture ionisation detector, 951. Ordinate scale expansion techniques in infrared analysis of - residues. Muggleton. (Sum- mary), 412. Quimica Dos Pesticidas. Almeida, Piedade and Souza. (Publication received), 489. Residue Reviews: Residues of - and Other Foreign Chemicals in Foods and Feeds. Vol. 1. Gunther. (Publication received), 152; (Re- view), 486; Vol. 2. (Publication received), 489; (Review), 819; Vol. 3. (Publication received), 822. Semi-micro detmn. of chlorine in agricultural technical organic chemicals and their formula- tions.Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Chlorine in Organic Compounds Sub-committee, 415. Petroleum Products : Analytical Standards for Trace Elements in -. Isbell, Tipson, Hague, Scribner, Smith, Wade and Cohen. (Publica- tion received), 72; (Review), 486. Pharmaceutical Codex: British -, 1963. (Pub- lication received), 657. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain : British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1963. (Publication re- Calendar of -, 1962-1963. (Publication re- Clinical Trials. (Publication received), 72. ceived), 657. ceived), 152. Pharmacopoeia : British - 1963. (Publication received), 657. Pharmacy : Bibliography of the Tabletting of Medi- cinal Substances. Evans and Train.(Pub- lication received), 822. Handbuch der Kolorimetrie. Vol. I. Kolori- metrie in Pharmazie. KakAC and Vejdclek. Translated by HachovA. (Review), 246. Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Beckett and Stenlake. (Review), 245. Phenols : Spectrophotometric detmn. of penta- chlorophenol (and -) in air. Bencze, 622. Phenothiazine : Analysing edible oils contaminated with synthetic ester lubricants. Crump, 456. syn-Phenyl 2-p-yridyl ketoxime : Detmng. small amounts of iron. New colorimetric methods. Cluley and Newman, 3. Phenylhydrazine hydrochloride : Micro-detmn. of hydrazine salts and derivatives. Barakat and Shaker, 59; Erratum, 330. Phenylhydrszine-p-sulphonic acid : Micro-detmn. of hydrazine salts and derivatives. Barakat and Shaker, 59; Erratum, 330. Phenylhydrazones : Titration of weak bases (in- cluding -) in acetic anhydride.Cowell and Selby, 974. o-Phenylphenol : Routine detmn. of biphenyl and - on and in citrus fruit. Gunther, Blinn and Barkley, 36. Phosphate: Detmng. ortho- in water. Abbott, Emsden and Harris, 814. Modified stannous chloride reagent for detmng. orthophosphate. Henriksen, 898. Removing __ in barium perchlorate titration of sulphate. Application t o oxygen-flask com- bustion technique, Colson, 26; Erratum, 330. rock : Quantitative analysis of -, including benzoate separation. Wilson, 18. Volumetric detmn. of - and arsenate in a mixture. Bassett, 238. Phosphors : Detmng. sodium in halo-phosphate - by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. Perkins, 324. Phosphorus: Detmng. - in leathers by oxygen- flask combustion.Weaver, 736. Phosphorus pentoxide : Automatic colorimetric analysis of iron- and steel-making sla.gs (de- tmng. -). Detmng. thorium and - in solution and in insoluble thorium phosphate. Rahman, 727. Photometry : Kolorimetrie, Photometrie und Spek- trometrie. Kortum. (Publication received), 152; (Review), 657. Physics : Encyclopaedic Dictionary of -. Vols. I t o VI. Thewlis. (Review), 983. Symbols, Units and Nomenclature in -. I.U.P.A.P. (Review), 408. Thermophysical Properties of Solid Materials. Vol. 111. Ceramics. Goldsmith, Waterman and Hirschhorn. (Publication received), 152. Picoline : Cryoscopic assay of pyridine (effect of - on freezing point of pyridine) . Adey, 359. Plant(s) : Detcng. and detmng. chlorinated pesticide residues in crops, soils and animal tissues by gas - liquid chromatography.Goulden. (Sum- mary), 414. Detmng. selenium in biological material by radioactivation. Bowen and Cawse, 721. Detmng. tocopherols in - tissues. Booth, 627. Growth Regulators : Analytical Methods for Pesti- cides, __ , and Food Additives. Zweig. Vol. 1. (Publication received), 901. Mercury residues in -. Martin. (Summary), 413. Modern Methods of __ Analysis. Vol. V. Paech and Tracey. Continued by Linskens and Tracey. (Publication received), 247 ; Vol. VI, 490. Ordinate scale expansion techniques in infrared analysis of pesticide residues. Muggleton. (Summary), 412. Plasma : See Blood plasma. Plasmas : High-pressure - as emission sources. Greenfield. (Summary), 904. Plastics : Properties and Testing of __ Materials.Lever and Rhys. 2nd Edn. (Review), 329. Poisoning by Drugs and Chemicals: Index of Toxic Effects and their Treatment. Cooper. 2nd Edn. (Review), 245. Scholes and Thulbourne, 702.INDEX TO VOLUME 88 xxxi Polarised light : Circular dichroism : review. Gillard, 825. Polarography : Chromatopolarography and its appli- cation to chemical analysis. Reynolds. (Sum- mary), 493. Modern Polarographic Methods. Schmidt and von Stackelberg. Translated by Maddison. (Publication received), 822. Pollutants : Detmng. particulate acid in town air. Commins, 364. Poly-alcohols : Cyclitols : Chimie, Riochimie, Bio- logie. Posternak. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 406. Polymer(s) : Analytical Chemistry of -. Parts I1 and 111. Kline. (Review), 407. fractionation: Gel filtration as method for -.Vaughan. (Summary), 251. Properties and Testing of Plastics Materials. Lever and Rhys. 2nd Edn. (Review), 329. Potassium : Analytik des Kaliums. Tollert. (Pub- lication received), 152 ; (Review), 487. Flame photometric detmn. of sodium, - and calcium in nickel - alumina catalysts. Pitt, 399. Potatoes: Detmng. dinoseb in -. Potentiometry : See Analysis. Powders: Detmng. specific surface area by air- permeation a t low porosities. Edmundson and Tootill, 805. Praseodymium : Extracting lanthanide elements from perchloric acid by di-( 2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate. Promethium : Extracting lanthanide elements from perchloric acid by di- (2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate. Pierce and Peck, 217. Propionic acid : Chromatographic separation of chlorinated - and acetic acid.Taylor and Rhodes, 136. n-Propyl gallate as gravimetric reagent for bismuth and antimony. Propylene glycol : Detcng. and detmng. glycerol (and -) in tobacco. Paper and cellulose- column chromatography for detmng. glycerol in presence of sugars. Protein(s) hormone : Heterogeneity studies on -. Hunter. (Summary), 251. Practical Analytical Methods for Connective Tissue --. Eastoe and Courts. (Publication received), 657. Publications received : Alexits and Fenyo. Mathematik fur Chemiker, 72. Alimarin and Petrikova. Anorganische Ultra- mikroanalyse, 330. Allen and Cross. Molecular Vib-Rotors : Theory and Interpretation of High Resolution Infrared Spectra, 741. Almeida, Piedade and Souza. Quimica Dos Pesticidas, 489. Allport and Brocksopp. Colorimetric Analysis.Vol. 11. 2nd Edn., 822. Barrow. Structure of Molecules, 741. Barton-Wright. Practical Methods for Micro- biological Assay of Vitamin B-Complex and Amino Acids, 408. Behrndt. Vacuum Microbalance Techniques. Vol. 3, 658. Berg. Physical and Chemical Methods of Separation, 330. Berry. Constituents of Tobacco Smoke. 2nd Supplt., 570. Berthon. ReprCsentation des gquilibres de Solubilit4s et Utilisation des Diagrammes, 489. Beynon and Williams. Mass and Abundance Tables for Use in Mass Spectrometry, 821. Potter, 651. Pierce and Peck, 217. Wilson and Lewis, 585. Patterson, 387. Publications received-continued Biemann. Mass Spectrometry : Organic Chemical Applications, 72, Bloemendal. Zone Electrophoresis in Blocks and Columns, 741. Bolliger, Brenner, Ganshirt, Mangold, Seiler, Stahl and Waldi.Dunnschicht-Chromato- graphie, 72. Bond. Principles of Catalysis, 821. Bowen and Gibbons. Radioactivation Analysis, Brenner, Callen and Weiss. Gas Chromatography, Brooks and Kennedy. Ultrapurification of Semi- Bunton. Nucleophilic Substitution a t a Saturated Busev. Calvet and Prat. Recent Progress in Micro- Chargaff. Charlot. Analyse Qualitative et les R4actions en Solution. 5th Edn., 984. Charlot and TrCmillon. RBactions Chimiques dans les Solvants et les Sels Fondus, 489. Cheronis. Microchemical Techniques. Vol. 11. 570. Cheronis and Entrikin. Identification of Organic Compounds, 82 1. Christensen. Biological Transport, 152. Critchfield. Organic Functional Group Analysis, 570. Crouthamel. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series IX.Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 3. Parts 1-3, 247. Davies. Infra-red Spectroscopy and Molecular Structure, 983. Debye, Bloembergen, Flory, Bitter and Leurgans. Lectures in Materials Science, 489. Deer, Howie and Zussman. Kock-Forming Minerals. Vol. 2, 152; Vol. 4, 490. Di Gleria, Klimes-Szmik and Dvoracsek. Boden- physik und Bodenkolloidik, 247. Duval. Inorganic Thermogravimetric Analysis. 2nd Edn., 570. Eastoe and Courts. Practical Analytical Methods for Connective Tissue Proteins, 657. Elliott. Advances in Mass Spectrometry. 1’01. 2. (Publication received), 658. Elson. Radiation and Kadiomimetic Chemicals, 490. Evans and Train. Bibliography of the Tabletting of Medicinal Substances, 822. Feinberg and Smith. Chromatography and Electrophoresis on Paper, 247.Feitknecht and Schindler. Solubility Constants of Metal Oxides, Metal Hydroxides and Metal Hydroxide Salts in Aqueous Solution, 490. Ferguson. Modern Structural Theory of Organic Chemistry, 984. Ferraro and Ziomek. Developments in Applied Spectroscopy. Vol. 2, 657. Finar. Organic Chemistry. Vol. T . 4th Edn., 489. Florkin and Stotz. Comprehensive Biochemistry. Vol. 10, 658. Fowler, Eanes and Kehoe. Analysis Instrum- entation : 1963, 822. Fresenius, Jander and Grassmann. Handbuch der Analytischen Chemie. Part 2. Vol. IVacx, 822. Friess, 1,ewis and Weissberger. Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol. VIII. Part 11, 741. Gautier and Malangeau. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Organique, Pharmaceutique et Bromatologique. 1 l t h Series, 984. 570. 489. conductor Materials, 72. Carbon Atom, 742.Analytical Chemistry of Indium, 152. calorimetry, 984. Essays on Nucleic *4cids, 821.xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME 88 Publications received-continued Gel’man, Moskvin, Zaitsev and Mefod’eva. Complex Compounds of Transuranium Elements, 489. Glick. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. XI, 490. Goldsmith, Waterman and Hirschhorn. Hand- book of Thermophysical Properties of Solid Materials. Vol. 111, 152. Gunn. Introduction to Fluorimetry, 658. Gunther. Residue Reviews. Vol. 1, 152; Vol. 2, Hahn and Welcher. Inorganic Qualitative Hais and Macek. General Problems of Paper Herington. Zone Melting of Organic Compounds, Herz. Hill. Thermodynamics of Small Systems. Part I, 742. Holman, Lundberg and Malkin. Progress in the Chemistry of Fats and Other Lipids.Vol. 6, 570. Horsley and Tamplin. Azeotropic Data-11, 247. Hunt. Irani and Callis. Particle Size : Measurement, Isbell, Tipson, Hague, Scribner, Smith, Wade and Analytical Standards for Trace Ele- Jerrard and McNeill. Dictionary of Scientific Kaiser. Gas Phase Chromatography. Vols. 1, Kavanagh. Analytical Microbiology, 489. Kelly. Practical Mathematics for Chemists, 742. King. How Chemical Reactions Occur, 741. King and Fromherz. German - English Chemical Terminology. 4th Edn., 330. Klassen and Mokrousov. Introduction to Theory of Flotation, 247. Knapman and Ambrose. Gas Chromatography Abstracts 1962, 657. Kolthoff, Elving and Sandell. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Part 11. Vol. VIII, 742. Kortiim. Kolorimetrie, Photometrie und Spek- trometrie, 152.Kramer. Russian - English Chemical Reader, 658. Krell and Lumb. Handbook of Laboratory Distillation, 742. Kroonen and Vader. Line Interference in Emis- sion Spectrographic Analysis, 490. Lhng, Bartecki, Szoke, Varshnyi and Vizesy. Absorption Spectra in Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Vol. 111, 330. 489; Vol. 3, 822. Analysis, 490. Chromatography, 408. 657. Shape of Carbon Compounds, 741. Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution, 984. Interpretation and Application, 82 1. Cohen. ments in Petroleum Products, 72. Units, 741. 2 and 3, 983. Larson. Lederer. Chromatographic Reviews. Vol. 5, 821. Lipscomb. Boron Hydrides, 984. Macek, Hais, GaspariC, Kopeck9 and RAbek. Bibliography of Paper Chromatography 1957- 1960 and Survey of Applications, 408. Mackereth. Methods of Water Analysis for Limnologists, 490. McLafferty.Mass Spectral Correlations, 821. Mahan. Elementary Chemical Thermodynamics, Mandelberg. Topics in Modern Chemistry, 822 Margolis. Qualitative Anion - Cation Analysis 247. Mark, McKetta, Othmer and Standen. Kirk- Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology Vol. I. 2nd Edn., 489. Case Against the Nuclear Atom, 408. 741, Publications received-continued Marsden and Mann. Solvents Guide. 2nd Meites. Handbook of Analytical Chemistry, 570. Moses. Analytical Chemistry of the Actinide Edn., 490. Elements, 741. Mueller and Fay. Vol. 6, 821. Advances in X-ray Analysis. Nalimov. Application of Mathematical Statistics to Chemical Analysis, 741. Nechamkin. Problems in Inorganic Chemistry, 490. O’Kelley. Applications of Computers to Nuclear and Radiochemistry, 570.Otting. Spektrale Zuordnungstafel Der Infrarot- Absorptionsbanden, 984. Paech, Tracey and Linskens. Modern Methods of Plant Analysis. Vol. V, 247; Vol. VI, 490. Parr. Quantum Theory of Molecular Electronic Structure, 742. Posternak. Cyclitols : Chimie, Biochimie, Bio- logic, 72. Pi-ibil. Komplexometrie. Part 1. 2nd Edn., 742. Purnell. Gas Chromatography, 247. Raphael, Taylor and Wynberg. Advances in Organic Chemistry. Vol. 3, 822. Rodicker. Analytische Chemie. Parts I and 11. 2nd Edn., 742. Ryschkewitsch. Chemical Bonding and Geometry of Molecules, 330. Samuelson. Ion Exchange Separations in Analytical Chemistry, 82 1. Schmidt and von Stackelberg. Modern Polaro- graphic Methods, 822. Schoen. New Chemical Engineering Separation Techniques, 490.Seaman. Bacteriology for Dairy Students, 490. Sebba. Ion Flotation, 330. Seel. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding, 822. Sienko and Plane. Physical Inorganic Chemistry, 742. Siggia. Quantitative Organic Analysis via Functional Groups. 3rd Edn., 658. Silverstein and Bassler. Spectrometric Identi- fication of Organic Compounds, 658. Smith. Technical Writing, 408. Souchay. Polyanions et Polycations, 489. Spiegler. Salt-Water Purification, 247. Stacey, Tatlow and Sharp. -4dvances in Fluorine Chemistry. Vol. 3, 152. Stephen and Stephen. Solubilities of Inorganic and Organic Compounds. Vol. 1. Part I, 657. Szymanski. Infrared Band Handbook, 984. Szymanski. Lectures on Gas Chromatography 1962, 489. Thiers. Cosm6tiques : Pharmacologie et Biologie, 152. Tollert.Analytik des Iialiums, 152. Truter. Thin Film Chromatography, 330. Van Nieuwenburg and Van Ligten. Quantitative Chemical Micro-analysis, 490. van Swaay. Varley and Gowenlock. West-European Sym- posia on Clinical Chemistry. Voinovitch, Debras-Gukdon and Louvrier. Analyse des Silicates, 72. Walker and Straw. Spectroscopy. Vol. 2, 72. Watkins. Standard Methods for Testing Tar and its Products. 5th Edn., 152. Welcher. Standard Methods of Chemical Analy- sis. Vol. 11. Parts A and B. 6th Edn., 821. West, Macdonald and West. Analytical Chem- istry 1962, 658. Gas Chromatography 1962, 247. Vol. 2, 821.INDEX TO VOLUME 88 xxxiii Publications received-continued Whistler, Wolfrom and Behliller. Methods in Whistler, Wolfrom, BeMiller and Shafizadeh. Vol. I, Willardson and Goering.Compound Semi- British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1963, 657. British Pharmacopoeia 1963, 657. British Standards Yearbook 1963, 570. Calendar of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 1962-1963, 152. Chemistry of Natural Products. 2nd Symposium, 741. Clinical Trials, 72. Coordination Chemistry, 490. Detection and Determination of Antioxidants in Journal of the Association of Public Analysts. Pule and Applied Chemistry, 72. Radiochemical Manual. Part 2, 489. Report of Proceedings of Thirteenth Session of the International Commission for Uniform Nethods of Sugar Analysis, 822. Reports on the Progress of Applied Chemistry. See also Book reviews. Carbohydrate Chemistry. Vol. 11, 489. Methods in Carbohydrate Chemistry. 489. conductors. Vol. I, 408. Food, 489.Vol. 1, No. 1, First Quarter, 1963, 657. voi. XLVII, 822. Pyrethrin : Pyrethrum analysis : infrared method. Mitchell, Byrne and Tresadern, 538 ; Erratum, 822. Pyrethrum analysis : infrared method. Mitchell, Byrne and Tresadern, 538; Erratum, 822. Pyridine: Cryoscopic assay for -, Pyrocatechol violet : colorimetric detmn. of alu- minium in minerals by -. Wilson and Sergeant, 109. Adey, 359. R Radioactivation Analysis. Bowen and Gibbons. (Publication received), 570. Radiochemistry : Application of Distillation Tech- niques to Radiochemical Separations, DeVoe. (Publication received), 901. Applications of Computers to Nuclear and -. O’Kelley. (Publication received), 570. Progress in Kuclear Energy. Series IX. Analyti- cal Chemistry. Vol. 3. Parts 1-3. Crouthamel. (1:ublication received), 247 ; (Review), 565.Radiation and Radiomimetic Chemicals : Com- parative Physiological Effects. Elson. (Publi- cation received), 490. Radiochemical Manual. Part 2. Radioactive Chemicals. (Publication received), 489 ; (Re- view), 740. Radionuclide. Schmeiser. 2nd Edn. (Publica- tion received), 901. Rapid solvent-extraction sampling technique for neutron-activation analysis. Pierce and Peck, 603. Raney nickel: Dctmng. small amounts of sulphur in toluene by reduction with __ (activation of -). Reed, 735. Reaction Mechanisms : How Chemical Reactions Occur : Introduction to Chemical Kinetics and -. King. (Publication received), 741. Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol. VIII. Part 11. Investigation of Rates and Mechan- isms of Reactions. Friess, Lewis and M‘eiss- berger.2nd Edn. (Publication received), 741. Reviews, book : Sce Book reviews. Rhenium : Furildioximes. Part 11. Analytical behaviour of purified a-furildioxime, with particular reference t o detmng. -in presence of molybdenum. Fryer, Galliford and Yardley, 191. Ribose-5-phosphate : Paper-chromatographic separ- tion of sugar phosphates using borate-impreg- nated paper. Agarwal, Sanwal and Krishnan, 969. Rock(s) : Detmng. constituents of - and minerals by gas chromatography. Part 11. Detmng. gaseous constituents. Jeffery and Kipping, 266. Detmng. silica in - and minerals by isotope dilution with silicon-31. Filby and Ball, 891. Detmng. total sulphur in silicate - by wet oxidation. Wilson, Sergeant and Lionnel, 138. -Forming Minerals. Vol.2. Deer, Howie and Zussman. (Publication received), 152 ; (Re- view), 406 ; Vol. 4. (Publication received), 490 ; (Review), 820; Vol. 5. (Review), 246. Quantitative analysis of phosphate -, including benzoate separation. Wilson, 18. Rubber: Detmng. - in vegetative parts of Hevea brasiliensis. Middleton and Westgarth, 644; Erratum, 742. hydrocarbon : Iodimetric detmn. of milligram amounts of -. Middleton, 368. Ruby: Detmng. small amounts of iron and chrom- ium in sapphire and - for maser applications. Chirnside, Cluley, Powell and Proffitt, 85 1. Ruelene : See 0-4-t-Butsl-2-chlorophenyl methyl methylphosphoramidate. Russian - English Chemical Reader. Kramer. (Pub- lication received), 658. S Samarium : Extracting lanthanide elements from perchloric acid by di-(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate.Pierce and Peck, 217. Sampling apparatus : Use of constricted rubber bulb t o obtain average sample of an atmosphere during a working period. Little and Penketh, 973. Sapphire: Detmng. small amounts of iron and chromium in __ and ruby for maser applica- tions. Chirnside, Cluley, Powell and Proffitt, 851. Scandium : Detmng. - in uranium compounds by solvent extraction with 2-thenoyltrifluoro- acetone. Ashbrook, 113. Scott method: Modified - for detmng. indole. McEvoy-Bowe, 893. Sea water : Detmng. zirconium-95 and niobium-95 in seaweed and -. Gamma-ray spectrometric detmn. of low con- centrations of radioactive caesium in -- by nickel ferrocyanide method. Mohanrao and Folsom, 105. Salt-Water Purification. Spiegler. (Publication received), 247.Seaweed : Detmng. zirconium-95 and niobium-95 in ~ and sea water. Selenium: Detmng. - in biological material by radioactivation. Bowen and Cawse, 721. Polarographic detmn. of copper, cadmium, thallium, lead, tellurium and iron in -. Bush, 614. Semicarbazones : Titration of weak bases (including -) in acetic anhydride. Cowell and Selby, 974. Semiconductor(s) : Compound -, Vol. 1 . Pre- paration of III-V Compounds. Willardson and Goering. (Publication received), 408. Hampson, 529. Hampson, 529.xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 88 Semiconductor (s)-continued Ultrapurification of - Materials. Brooks and Kennedy. (Publication received), 72 ; (Re- view), 564. Separation : Physical and Chemical Methods of -. Berg. (Publication received), 330. Techniques : New Chemical Engineering -.Schoen. (Publication received), 490. Silanols : Quantitative detmn. of active hydrogen by modification of Zerewitinoff method (de- tmng. hydroxyl groups in -). Lees and Lobeck, 782. Silica: Detmng. __ in rocks and minerals by iso- tope dilution with silicon-31. Filby and Ball, 891. Quantitative analysis of phosphate rock, including benzoate separation. Wilson, 18. Voinovitch, Debras- Gut5don and Louvrier. (Publication received), 72. Rock-Forming Minerals. Vol. 2. Chain -. Deer, Howie and Zussman. (Publication received), 152; (Review), 406; Vol. 4. Frame- work __ . (Publication received), 490; (Review), 820. rocks: Detmng. total sulphur in - by wet oxidation. Wilson, Sergeant and Lionnel, 138. Silicon: Absorptiometric detmn. of - in water, Part I.Formation, stability and reduction of m- and p-molybdosilicic acids. Morrison and Wilson, 88; Part 11. Detmng. reactive - in power-station waters, 100; Part 111. Detmng, total silicon content, 446. Detmng. oxygen in vacuum-melted steels, molybdenum and single-crystal- by vacuum fusion. Donovan, Evans and Bush, 771. Detmng. -, zinc and magnesium in gallium arsenide by neutron-activation analysis. Green, Heslop and Whitley, 522. Spectrographic detmn. of trace impurities in arsenic. Mack, 481. Silicon-31: Detmng. silica in rocks and minerals by isotope dilution with -. Filby and Ball, 891. Silver- and halide-ion responsive electrodes. Part I. Preparation, treatment, durability and zero- current response in aqueous media. Bishop and Dhaneshwar, 424; Part 11. Behaviour in mixed solvent - water media, and effect of restoring currents on electrode response, 433 ; Part 111.Ionic and electron transfer inter- action and effect of supporting electrolytes, 442. Rapid solvent-extraction sampling technique for neutron-activation analysis (separating and detmng. -). Slags : Automatic colorimetric analysis of iron- and steel-making -. Scholes and Thulbourne, 702. Smoke : Constituents of Tobacco - : Annotated Bibliography. 2nd Supplt. Berry. (Publica- tion received), 570. Soaps : Qualitative examination of detergents by paper chromatography. Drewry, 225. Societe Belge Des Sciences Pharmaceutiques : Chromatographie Symposium I1 : 1962. (Pub- lication received), 90 1. Society €or Analytical Chemistry : Accent on youth. Editorial, 153. Analytical Chemistry 1962.West, Macdonald and West. (Publication received), 658. Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub-Committee. Re- ports prepared by ---, 835, 925, 935. Silicate(s) : Analyse des -. Pierce and Peck, 603. Society €or Analytical Chemis try-con tin ued Analytical Methods Committee, Chlorine in Organic Compounds Sub-committee. Semi- micro detmn. of chlorine in agricultural tech- nical organic chemicals and their formulations, 415. Analytical Methods Committee, Meat Products Sub-committee. Nitrogen factors for beef, 422. Analytical Methods Committee, Meat Products Sub-committee. Nitrogen factors for chicken, 583. Analytical Methods Committee, Metallic Im- purities in Organic Matter Sub-Committee. Detmng. small amounts of copper in organic matter, 253.Analytical Methods Committee. Official, Stan- dardised and Recommended Methods of Analy- sis. Jolly. (Editorial), 73. Analytical Methods Committee, Particle Size Analysis Sub-committee. Classification of methods for detmng. particle size: review, 156; Errata, 984. Analytical Methods Committee. Report, 1961- 1962, 659. Anniversary Dinner, 352. 89th A.G.M., 332. Annual Report of Council, 334. Appointment of Miss P. E. Hutchinson as Secretary of -, 571. Appointment of P. W. Shallis as Secretary of the Analytical Methods Committee, 571. Biological Methods Group. 18th A.G.M., 75. Microchemistry Group. 19th A.G.M., 250. Midlands Section. 8th A.G.M., 333. North of England Section. Physical Methods Group. Scottish Section. 28th A.G.M., 154.The Society Yesterday, To-day and To-morrow. Address of Retiring President. Western Section. 8th A.G.M., 154. Society of Chemical Industry. Reports on the Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XLVII. Rooke. (Publication received), 822. Sodium : Detmng. ~ in halo-phosphate phosphors by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. Perkins, 324. Flame photometric detmn. of -, potassium and calcium in nickel - alumina catalysts. Pitt, 399. Sodium bromide : Detmng. traces of chloride in -. Rashbrook and Woodger, 479. Sodium dodecylbenzenesulphonate : Detmng. low concentrations of -. Cropton and Joy, 516. Sodium hyponitrite : Formation of nitrous oxide from hyponitrite. Anderson, 494. Soil(s) : Application of AutoAnalyzer to detmng. zinc in - and sediments. Stanton and Arc- Donald, 608.Bodenphysik und Bodenkolloidik. Di Gleria, Klimes-Szmik and Dvoracsek. (Publication received), 247. Detcng. and detmng. chlorinated pesticide residues in crops, - and animal tissues by gas - liquid chromatography. Goulden. (Summary), 414. Rapid detmn. of sulphate in water extracts of -. Massoumi and Cornfield, 321. Solubility(ies) Constants of Metal Oxides, Metal Hydroxides and Metal Hydroxide Salts in Aqueous Solution. Feitknecht and Schindler. (Publication received), 490. of Inorganic and Organic Compounds. Vol. I. Part I. Stephen and Stephen. (Publication received), 657. 38th A.G.M., 154. 18th A.G.M., 2. Amos, 344.INDEX TO VOLUME 88 xxxv Solubiltiy (ies)-continued Reprksentation des Gquilibres de Solubilitks e t Utilisation des Diagrammes. Berthon. (I’ub- lication received), 489.Solvents Guide. Marsden and Mann. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 490. Specific surface area : Detmng. __ by air-permea- tion a t low porosities. Edmundson and Tootill, 805. Spectra : Absorption ~- in Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Vol. 111. LAng, Bartecki, Szoke, VarsAnyi and Vizesy. Loose-leaf. (Publication received), 330; Vol. IV, 901. Characteristic Frequencies of Chemical Groups in the Infra-Red. Fiett. (Publication re- ceived), 901. Infrared Band Handbook. Szymanski. (Pub- lication received), 984. Molecular Vib-Rotors : Theory and Interpretation of High Resolution Infrared -. Allen and Cross. (Publication received), 741. Spektrale Zuordnungstafel Der Infrarot-Absorp- tionsbanden. Otting. (Publication received), 984. Strahlungsmessung im optischen Spektralbereich : Messung elektromagnetischer Strahlung vom Ultraviolett bis zum Ultrarot.Bauer. (Re- view), 71. Spectrography : High-pressure plasmas as emission sources. Greenfield. (Summary), 904. Line Interference in Emission Spectrographic Analysis. Kroonen and Vader. (Publication received), 490 ; (Review), 8 19. Spectrometry : Kolorimetrie, Photometrie und Spek- trometrie. Kortiim. (Publication received), 152; (Review), 657. Spectrophotometry : High-pressure plasmas as emis- sion sources. Greenfield. (Summary), 904. Spectroscopy. Wells. (Review), 150. Absorption -. Baumann. (Review), 327. .4bsorptionsspektroscopie im Ultravioletten und Sichtbaren Spektralbereich. Hampel. (Re- view), 7 1 . Applications of infrared -. Part X. Zeisel detmn.of t-butoxyl groups, and anomalous reactions of t-butylphenols. Anderson, Dun- can, Herbich and Zaidi, 363. Developments in Applied ---. Vol. 2. Ferraro and Ziomek. (Publication received), 657. Infra-red __ and Molecular Structure. Davies. (Publication received), 983. Spectrometric Identification of Organic Com- pounds. Silverstein and Bassler, 658. Structure of Molecules : Introduction t o Molecular -. Barrow. (Publication received), 741. Theory and Applications of Ultraviolet -. Jaff6 and Orchin. (Review), 656. Vol. 2. Ultra-violet, Visible, Infra-red and Raman -. Walker and Straw. (Publication received), 72. Standardization of Tar Products Tests Committee: Standard Methods for Testing Tar and its Products. Watkins. 5th Edn. (Publication received), 152.Standards: Analytical - for Trace Elements in Petroleum Products. Isbell, Tipson, Hague, Scribner, Smith, Wade and Cohen. (Publica- tion received), 72; (Review), 486. Stannous chloride : Modified -reagent for detmng. orthophosphate. Henriksen, 898. Starch : Calcium chloride ~ dispersing media. Fraser and Hoodless, 558. conversion products : Detmng. maltotetraose in -. Mansford, 649. Starch-continued conversion products : Glucose oxidase method for rapid detmn. of glucose in -. Mansford and Opie, 646. Statistics : Application of Mathematical __ t o Chemical Analysis. Nalimov. Translated by Rasu. Translation Editor, Williams. (Pub- lication received), 74 1. Steel(s) : Automatic colorimetric analysis of iron- and - making slags. Scholes and Thul- bourne, 702. Detmng.lead in carbon and low-alloy ___ accord- ing to British Standard 1121 : Part 41 : 1960. Claassen and Bastings, 67; Erratum, 152. Detmng. oxygen in vacuum-melted -, molyb- denum and single-crystal silicon by vacuum fusion. Donovan, Evans and Bush, 771. Polarographic detmn. of lead in - and copper - zinc alloys. Rapid detmn. of carbon in - by infrared gas analysis. Tipler, 272; Erratum, 570. Steroids : Comprehensive Biochemistry. Vol. 10. Sterols, Bile Acids and -. Florkin and Stotz. (Publication received), 658. Stilboestrol : Detmng. - and hexoestrol in com- pound feeding stuffs. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub- Ccmmittee, Hormones Panel, 925. Streptomycins : Continuous automatic micro- biological assay of antibiotics.Shaw and Dunscombe, 694. Strontium : Detmng. __ in tap-water by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Stone, 56. Structure : Atomic ~ and Chemical Bonding : Non-Mathematical Introduction. Seel. Trans- lated and revised by Greenwood and Stadler. (Publication received), 822. Case Against the Nuclear Atom. Larson. (Pub- lication received), 408. Chemical Bonding and Geometry of Molecules. Ryschkewitsch. (Publication received), 320. Infra-red Spectroscopy and Molecular -. Davies. (Publication received), 983. Modern Structural Theory of Organic Chemistry. Ferguson. (Publication received), 984. of Molecules : Introduction t o Molecular Spectro- scopy. Barrow. (Publication received), 741. Quantum Theory of Molecular Electronic -. Parr. (Publication received), 742.Sugar(s) : Methods in Carbohydrate Chemistry. Vol. I . Analysis and Preparation of --. Whistler, Wolfrom, BeMiller and Shafizadeh. (Publication received), 489; Vol. 11. Reactions of Carbohydrates. Whistler, Wolfrom and BeMiller, 489. Report of Proceedings of Thirteenth Session of International Commission for Uniform Methods of - Analysis. (Publication received), 822 ; Correction, 902. Nash and Anslow, 963. See also individual sugars. Sugar phosphates: Paper-chromatographic separa- tion of - using borate-impregnated paper. Agarwal, Sanwal and Krishnan, 969. Sulphate: Rapid detmn. of -- in water extracts of soils. Massoumi and Cornfield, 321. Removing phosphate in barium perchlorate titration of -. Application to oxygen-flask combustion technique.Colson, 26 ; Erratum, 330. Sulphonates : Qualitative examination of detergents by paper chromatography. Drewry, 225. Sulphur: Detmng. small amounts of - in toluene by reduction with Raney nickel. Detmng. total ~ in silicate rocks by wet oxidation. Wilson, Sergeant and Lionnel, 138. Reed, 735.xxxvi INDEX TO VOLTJME 88 Sulphur-continued Micro-detmn. of - in organic compounds by fusion with sodium peroxide and titration of the sulphate with barium perchlorate. Colson, 791. Quantitative analysis of phosphate rock, including benzoate separation. Wilson, 18. Removal of phosphate in barium perchlorate titration of sulphate. Application to oxygen- flask combustion technique (detmng. - in organic compounds containing phosphorus), Colson, 26; Erratum, 330. Volumetric detmn.of - in organic compounds by oxidation with hypobromite solution. Hashmi, Elahi and Ali, 140. Sulphur dioxide: Detmng. free - in soft drinks by desorption and trapping method. Lloyd and Cowle, 394; Erratum, 570. Detmng. total __ content of ciders. Burroughs and Sparks, 304. Sulphuric acid: Detmng. particulate acid in town air. Commins, 364. Surface-active agent (s) : Detmng. low concentrations of sodium dodecylbenzenesulphonate. Cropton and Joy, 516. Qualitative examination of detergents by paper chromatography. Drewry, 225. Quantitative detmn. of non-ionic detergents of the type formed by condensation of nonyl phenol with ethylene oxide. Rapid test for anionic detergents in drinking water. Abbott, 240. Surface area: Detmng. specific - by air-per- meation a t low porosities.Edmundson and Tootill, 805. symbols, Units and Nomenclature in Physics. I.U.P.A.P. (Review), 408. Stewart, 468. T Tabletting: Bibliography of the __ of Medicinal Substances. Evans and Train. (Publication received), 822. Tangerines: Routine detmn. of biphenyl and o- phenylphenol on and in citrus fruit. Gunther, Blinn and Barkley, 36. Tantalum: Detmng. ___ and niobium in high- grade minerals and ores. Webb, Ashworth and Hills, 142. Tar: See Coal-tar. Tea : Spectrophotometric detmn. of caffeine in coffee and - products, with special reference to coffee and chicory mixtures. Smith and Rees, 310. Tellurium : Polarographic detmn. of copper, cad- mium, thallium, lead, - and iron in selenium. Bush, 614. Terbium : Extracting lanthanide elements from perchloric acid by di- (2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate.Pierce and Peck, 217. Terminology: See Nomenclature. Thallium : Detmng. __ in urine. Ariel and Bach, 30. Polarographic detmn. of copper, cadmium, __ lead, tellurium and i r w in selenium. Hush: 614. 2-Thenoyltrifluoroacetone : Detmng. scandium in uranium compounds by solvent extraction with -. Ashbrook, 113. Thermal analysis : See Analysis. Thermodynamics : Elementary Chemical -. of Small Systems. Part I. Hill (Publication Mahan. (Publication received), 741. received), 742. Thermophysics: Handbook of Thermophysical Properties of Solid Materials. Vol. 111. Ceramics. Goldsmith, Waterman and Hirsch- horn. (Publication received), 152. 2,2'-Thiodiethanethiol as colorimetric reagent for detmng. nickel. Segall, Ariel and Shoor, 314.Thioglycollic acid : Detmng. cysteine, -, cyanide and dithioglycollic acid. Wroriski, 562. Thioureas : Detmng. N-substituted aromatic - . . Gupta, 896. Thorium : Detmng. - and phosphorus pentoxide in solution and in insoluble thorium phosphate. Rahman, 727. Thorium phosphate : Detmng. thorium and phos- phorus pentoxide in solution and in insoluble -. Rahman, 727. Thulium : Extracting lanthanide elements from perchloric acid by di-(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate. Pierce and Peck, 217. Tin : Detmng. ~ in beer. Rooney, 959, Modified stannous chloride reagent for detmng. orthophosphate. Henriksen, 898. Volumetric cletmn. of antimony in antimony - lead and antimony - -~ - lead alloys. Brad- shaw, 509. Tissues, animal : Liquid-scintillation method for detmng.tritium in __ of animals dosed with tritium-labelled vitamin A. Handler, 47. Titanium : Detmng. boron in zirconium, hafnium and -. Elwell and Wood, 473. Quantitative analysis of phosphate rock, including benzoate separation. Wilson, 18. Spectrographic detmn. of trace impurities in arsenic. Mack, 481. Titanium dioxide: Detmng. antimony in --. Galliford and Yardley, 653. Titanous sulphate: Substitute reagent for - for reducing nitrate-N. Gasser, 237. Titrations: See Analysis. Titrator : Automatic digital thermometric --. Priestley, 194. Conductimetric adaptor for recording -. Taylor, 145. Tobacco: Detcng. and detmng. glycerol in -. Paper and cellulose-column chromatography for detmng. glycerol in presence of sugars. Patterson, 387. Smoke : Constituents of - : Annotated Biblio- graphy.Berry. 2nd Supplt. (Publication received), 570. Tocopherols: Detmng. ___ in plant tissues. Booth, 627. Toluene : Detmng. small amounts of sulphur in - by reduction with Raney nickel. Toluenesulphonates : Qualitative examination of detergents by paper chromatography. Drewry, 225. 2,4-Tolylene di-isocyanate : Field method for detmng. ~ vapour in air. Tomatoes : Detmng. selenium in biological material by radioactivation. Bowen and Cawse, 721. Toxicity : Poisoning by Drugs and Chemicals : Index of Toxic Effects and their Treatment. Cooper. 2nd Edn. (Review), 245. Triehloroacetic acid: Chromatographic separation of chlorinated propionic and acetic acids. Taylor and Rhodes, 136. Trichloropropionic acid : Chromatographic separa- tion of chlorinated propionic and acetic acids. Taylor and Rhodes, 136. Tritium : Liquid-scintillation method for detmng. - in tissues of animals dosed with -- labelled vitamin A. Handler, 47. Reed, 735. Reilly, 732.INDEX TO VOLUME 88 xxxvii 'ritolyl phosphate : Analysing edible oils con- taminated with synthetic ester lubricants. Crump, 456. 'ungsten : Volumetric detmn. of iron, molybdenum and - in fluoride solutions. Headridge and Taylor, 590. U r.S. Public Health Service : Microchemical Tech- niques. Vol. 11. Cheronis. (Publication received), 570; (Review), 820. Jerrard and McNeill. (Publication received), 741. Symbols, - and Nomenclature in Physics. I.U.P.A.P. (Review), 408. 'ranium compounds : Detmng. scandium in ___ by solvent extraction with 2-thenoyltrifluoro- acetone. Ashbrook, 113. Quantitative analysis of phosphate rock, including benzoate separation. Wilson, 18. 'rea : Qualitative examination of detergents by paper chromatography. Drewry, 225. 'rine: Detmng. thallium in __ . Ariel and Bach, 30. Spectrophotometric detmn. of submicrogram amounts of fluorine in biological specimens. Hall, 76. inits: Dictionary of Scientific ---. V anadium : Spectrographic detmn. of trace impuri- ties in arsenic. Mack, 481. apour Pressure of the Elements. Nesmeyanov. Translated and edited by Carasso. (Publication received), 902. &era method: Compact unit for detmng. carbon and hydrogen by -. Clifford and Fribbins, 68. egetables : See Plants. itamin A : Liquid-scintillation method for detmng. tritium in tissues of animals dosed with tritium-labelled -. Handler, 47. Modified two-column apparatus used in detmng. __ in edible fats. Turner, 895. itamin B : Practical Methods for Microbiological Assay of __- Complex and Amino Acids. Barton-Wright. (Publication received), 408 ; (Review), 90 1. itamin Bu : See Cyanocobalamin and Hydroxo- itamin E : See Tocopherol. itamins : Report prepared by Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Additives in Animal Feeding Stuffs Sub- committee, 835. cobalamin. W rash bottles: Polythene - for volatile solvents. Booth, 655. rater@) : Absorptiometric detmn. of silicon in ---. Part I. Formation, stability and reduction of a- and /?-molybdosilicic acids. Morrison and Wilson, 88; Part 11. Detmng. reactive silicon in power-station -, 100; Part 111. Detmng. total silicon content, 446. body - : Rapid detmn. of alcohol in body fluids (and detmn. of total -). Detmng. orthophosphate in - . Abbott, Emsden and Harris, 814. Detmng. strontium in tap-- by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Stone, 56. Methods of - Analysis for Limnologists. Mackereth. (Publication received), 490. Modified zirconium - alizarin method for detmng. fluoride in natural -. Meyling and Meyling, 84. Mabon, 320. Water(s)-continued Polarographic detmn. of oxygen (in -) by ( a ) wide-bore dropping-mercury electrode and (b) solid electrodes. Briggs. Summary), 492. Quantitative analysis of phosphate rock, including benzoate separation. Wilson, 18. Rapid test for anionic detergentsi n drinking -. Abbott, 240. Salt __ Purification. Spiegler. (Publication received), 247. sea: See Sea water. Spectrophotometric detmn. of submicrogram amounts of fluorine in biological specimens (and in -). Hall, 76. Titrating - in plasma or red cells with Karl Fischer reagent. Pryce, 560. Water minus (H,O-) in natural glasses. Drysdale, Lacy and Tarney, 131. Wetting agents : See Surface-active agents. White metals : Direct spectrophotometric detmn. of antimony in gold - antimony alloys and -. Dym, 232. Writing : Technical -. Smith. (Publication received), 408. X X-ray Analysis : Advances in -. Vol. 6. Mueller and Fay. (Publication reckived), 821. Xylenesulphonates : Qualitative examination of de- tergents by paper chromatography. Drewry, 225. Y Ytterbium : Extracting lanthanide elements from perchloric acid by di-( 2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate. Pierce and Peck, 217. Yttrium : Extracting lanthanide elements from per- chloric acid by di- (2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate. Pierce and Peck, 217. Z Zeisel determination : Applications of infrared groups, and anomalous reactions of t-butyl- phenols. Anderson, Duncan, Herbich and Zaidi, 353. Zerewitinoff method: Quantitative detmn. of active hydrogen by modification of -. Lees and Lobeck, 782. Zinc : Application of AutoAnalyzer to detmng. - in soils and sediments. Stanton and McDonald, 608. Detmng. silicon, - and magnesium in gallium arsenide by neutron-activation analysis. Green, Heslop and Whitley, 522. Dithizone method for detmng. - in organic material. Westoo, 287. Polarographic detmn. of lead in steels and copper - - alloys. Nash and Anslow, 963. Precise micro-detmn. of - and cadmium by photometric titration with disodium EDTA. Scaife, 618. Spectrographic detmn. of trace impurities in arsenic. Mack, 481. Zirconium : Detmng. boron in -, hafnium and titanium. Elwell and Wood, 475. Detmng. traces of boron in - and - alloys. Hayes and Metcalfe, 471. Spectrographic detmn. of trace impurities in arsenic. Mack, 481. Zirconium-95 : Detmng. - and niobium-95 in seaweed and sea water. Zone Melting of Organic Compounds. Herington. (Publication received), 657. spectroscopy. Part X. - of t-butoxyl Hampson, 529.xxxviii INDEX TO VOLUME 88 VOL. 88, 1963: ERRATA: p. 28, 25th line. p. 61, 8th line. p. 67, 23rd line from bottom. pp. 162, 163 (twice), 164 and 165, references. For “British Standard 3406 : Part 2 : 1962” yea “British Standard 3406 : Part 2 : in the press.” pp. 174, last line, and 175, 13th line. For “British Standard 3406 : Part 3 : 1962” read “Britis Standard 3406 : Part 3 : 1963.” p. 179, 7th line. For “British Standard 3406 : Part 4 : 1962, p. 196” read “British Standard 3406 Part 4 : in the press.” p. 215, 13th line. For ‘‘K 6 litres” read “K 6 changes.” p. 273, Fig. 3 (a). The connection to the cathode of the EN 91 valve should be shown joined to tl right-hand heater connection by the insertion of a dot a t the point where the two connections cros p. 397, 21st line from foot of page. p. 540, line 3. p. 546, line 2. p. 547, Fig. 3. The equation “Y = 0.272 - 0.935~” should read “Y = 0.272 + 0.935x.” p. 738, foot of page, present address of T. Iloran. For “Sunbury-on-Thames, Surrey,” read “Sunbur p. 768, penultimate line. p. 822, lines 22-24. The “Report of the Proceedings of the Thirteenth Session of the Internation p. 829, author’s address. p. 833, reference 10. p. 834, reference 23. p. 899, reference 2. For “0.1 N” read ‘‘0.01 br.” For “130.13 VC/178” read “130.13 VC/356.” For “0.7 mg” read “0-07 mg.” For “sodium hydroxide” read “iodine.” For “0.1-mm cells” read “1.O-mm cells.” For “differences” read “difference.” on-Thames, Middlesex.” For “specific gravity” read “specific activity.” Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis” is obtainable only from M. R. Saunier. For “64-68” rsad “64-78.” For “26” (the page number of the reference) read “36.” Delete “Berry, M. IM., and Kent, A.” For “71” (the page number of the reference) read “76.” ~~~ PRINTED BY W. HEFFECR & S O N S LTD.. CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND.
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