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Volume 35,
Issue 1,
Page 001-070
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T H E EDWARD J. BEVAN F.I.C. BERTRAM BLOUNT F.I.C. A. CHASTON CHAPMAN F.I.C. CECIL H CRIBB B.Sc. F.I.C. BERNARD DYER D . S c F.I.C. THOMAS FAIRLEY F.I.C. ANALYST: OTTO HEHNER F.I.C. J . T. HEWITT D.Sc. PH.D. M.A. F.1i.S. F. G. HOPKINS M.A. M.B. D.Sc. F.R.S. ARTHUR R. LING F.I.C. P. A. ELLIS RICHARDS F.I.C. H. DROOP RICHMOND F.I.C. THE ORGAN OF THE G. C. JONES A.C.G.I. F.I.C. C . A. MITCHELL M.A. F.I.C. Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists W. 1’. SKERTCIILY F.I.C. A . J i TANKARD F.I.C. A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY lpubllcation aommlttee : VOL. xxxv. 1 9 1 0 TRADE AGENTS : SIMPKIN MARSHALL HAMILTON KENT 4 CO. LTD., 2 4 6 8 ORANGE STREET LONDON S.W. 191 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.INDEX OF NAMES. ACKERMANN E. Analysis of Petroleum from Russian Turkestan 322 Acree S. F. and Marshall E. K. junr. Estimation of Diazo-Alkyl Compounds 487 Agulhon H. Influence of Reaction of the Medium on the Formation of Melanins by Alexandrow W. Burette without Glass Cock or Rubber Connection 378 Allernann O. Estimation of Formaldehyde in Formalin-Soap Preparations 250 Allen E. T. and Johnston J. Exact Determination of Sulphur in Pyrites and Mar-- - ~- Soluble Sulphates, Aller F. D. Rapid Method of Determining Copper in Slags 140 Alway F. J. Files E. K. and Pinckney R. M. Determination of Humus 495 And& L. Drying Properties of Sunflower Oil 32 Andrk - and Leulier - Volumetric Estimation of Monobromcamphor 411 Andrews E. R. Note on the Analysis of Ultramarine Blue 157 Anneler E.Estimation of Theobromine in Theobromine-Sodium Salicylate 254 Annett H. E. m d Kar S. C. Amount of Copper in Tea Sprayed with Bordeaux Antropoff A. von A Simplified and Improved Form of the Tijpler Mercury Pump, Archbutt L. Improved Method for the Estimation of Titanium 201 Enzymic Oxidation 360 casite 332 331 and Coste J. EL The Composition of Painters’ Driers 154 Mixture 524 504 - The Examination of Turpentine Substitutes and the Determination in Turpentine of Hydrocarbons Other than Terpenes 115 Means of Formaldehyde 182 Armani G. and Barboni J. Detection of Small Quantities of Silver and Gold by Arnaud F. W. F. and Russell E. Notes on the Milk-Supply of Two Large Towns 8 Artmann P. Iodimetric Estimation of Phosphoric Acid 221 Ashley H.E. Colloid Matter of Clay and its Measurement 272 Astruc A. and Bouisson J. Estimation of Ferripyrine 249 Autenrieth W. and Beuttel F. Estimation of Phenol Salicylic Alcohol (Saligenin), Salicylic Acid and p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid as Tribromophenol Bromide 218 _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ and Tesdorpf T. Colorimetric Estimation of Sugar in Urine 528 Auzinger A. Enzymes Occurring in Honey and the Value of their Detection in the -- The Enzymes Occurring in Honey 259 Azzarello E. Estimation of Arsenic in Copper 75 Analysis of Honey 165 Bach A. Method for Rapid Preparation of Oxidising Enzyinos from Vegetable Extracts 16 iv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. Backe A. The Presence in Certain Foods of a Compound which may be mistaken for Salicylic Acid 253 Backus C.F. and Comey A. M. Coefficient of Expansion of Glycerol 263 B&covescu A. and Vlahuta E. Indirect Volumetric Estimation of Chromium, Copper Nickel Cobalt Zinc and Lead 178 Bagster L. S. An Improved Mouth Blowpipe 458 Baker J. L. and Hulton H. F. E. The Estimation of Lactose in the Presence of the Commonly-Occurring Sugars 512 Ball W. C. Detection of Sodium Czsium and Rubidium 81 Bandisch O. Quantitative Separation by Means of ‘‘ Cupferron,” 78 Bang I. and Bohmannsson G. Bang’s Xethod of Estimating Sugar in Urine 70 Barboni J. and Armani G. Detection of Small Quantities of Silver and Gold by Eardach B. and Silberstein S. Use of Sodium Perborate in the Guaiacum Reaction Barille A. The Presence of Carbonophosphates in Milk their Precipitation by Barnebey 0.L. and Isham R. M. Estlimation of Titanium 456 Barraclough C. E. and Herz A, A Method of Distinguishing between Wool Gelatin Bsrral I<. A Source of Error in the Estimation of Ammonia 178 Barthel C. Methods Used in the Examination of Milk and Dairy Products Recieio, -- The Reductase Test for Milk 207 Bartlett E. H. and Gill A. H. Estimation of Carbonic Oxide in Illuminating Gas by Iodine Pentoxide 175 Baskerville C. and Stevenson R. Electrical Drying Apparatus for Flasks etc. i3.36 Beadle C. and Stevens H. P. Analysis of Vulcanised Rubber Goods 11 -_--- Machine for Mechanical Testing of Indiarubber 45 Beckett E. G. Estimation of Antimony 451 Behneke W. and Kickton .4. Occurrence of Fluorine in Wines 478 Benedict F. G. and Higgins H. L. An Adiabatic Calorimeter for Use with the Beneker J.C. nnd Waters C. E. The Adamkiewicz-Senex Test for Casein in Paper, Benner R. C. Rapid Determination of Lead in Ores by Electrolysis with Stationary Means of Formaldehyde 182 for the Detection of Blood 439 Pasteurisation 22 and Animal Size 28 341 Calorimetric Bomb 283 268 Electrodes 498 ~- Copper Silver Cadmium and Bismuth by Means of the Mercury Cathode and Stationary Anode 544 Berl E. and Delpy M. Quantitative Colorimetric Estimation of Small Quantities of _____- and Jurissen A. W. Gasometric Analysis with the (( Decomposition Flask ” and Nitrogen Estimation in Smokeless Powders, 173 - Analysis of Calcium Carbide Sodium Amalgam and Bernhart R. Quantitative Determination of Ergot in Flour 357 Bertheaume J. Estimation of Methylamines in the Presence of a Large Quantity of - - - New Method of Estimating the Three Methylamines in Admixture Besson A, New Specific Gravity Bottle 460 Beuttel F.mtl Autenrieth W. Estimation of Phenol Salicylic Alcohol (Saligenin), Hydrocyanic Acid 362 -Zinc Dust with the. ‘I Decomposition B’lask,” 172 Ammonia 410 with Ammonia 363 Salicylic Acid and p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid as Tribromophenol Bromide 21 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. Y Beys C. Estimation of Tartaric Acid 357 - - New Method of Estimating Glycerol in Wines 404 Beythien A. and Simmich P. Detection of Denatured Alcohol in Spirits of R. and Bremer W. Detection of Formaldehyde in Flesh Foods The Camphor 248 Untrustworthiness of Certain Tests 124 Bierling E. Pape I<. and Viehover A.Analysis of Coca-Leaves 397 Bigelow W. D. Detection of Cinnamic Acid in Foods 2 1 ----- Estimation of Salicylic Scid in Wine 19 Biltz H. and Hodtke O. Quantitative Precipitation of Iron and Copper by Mesnrs Bird F. C. J. and Lucas E. W. The Fats Oils and Waxes of the British Pharnia-Birkner K. and Frank F. Estimation of Vermilion and Antimony Pentasulphide in Bjerregaard A. P. aizd Hare R. I!. Candelilla Wax 322 Bjorn-Andersen H. and Lauritzen M. Estimation of the Acidity and Ammonia Blasdsle W. C. and Cruess W. Conditions Affecting the Electrolytic Determination Bleeker I. B. Effect of Continued Grinding on Water of Crystallisation 145 Blichfeldt S. H. Estimation of Butter and Cocoanut Oil in Margarine 399 Bohmannsson G. aizd Bang I. Bang's Method of Estimating Sugar in Urine 70 Bolland A.Microchemical Studies 381 Bollenbach S. Volunietric Estimation of Ferric Iron (by I-lydrosulphite) 140 Bolton E. R. The Uses of Trichlorethylene in Analytical Chemistry 244 Bonis A. Composition of Martinique Rums 62 Borghesio G. New Adulteration of Rice 208 Borliel C. Fendler G. and Reidemeister W. Refraction of the Serum Obtained Bornemann E. Analysis of Asphalt Products 26 of Nitrosophenyl-hydroxylamine 327 copceia Suggested Monographs 562 Indiarubber Articles 131 Content of Urine 170 of Copper 545 - and Revis C. Some Analyses of Ghee 343 from Milk by the Use of Calciuni Chloride 441 ~ - F. m d Ruff O. Estimation of Osmium 181 __ J. and Litterscheid %. M. Use of Arsenious Acid in Volumetric I. Estimation of Dextrose particularly in Urine by the Iodimetric Bosshard E.and Zwicky I<. I~M,imation of Active Oxygen in Washing-Powders Bosworth A. W. and Van Slyke L. I,. A Volumetric Method for the Determination Bottger W. Apparatus for Rapid Electrolysis 428 Bottu H. Detection of Glucose in Urine 23 Bouisson J. awl Astruc A. Estimation of Ferripyrine 249 Bou\-eault L. Still-Head for Use in Distillation under Reduced Pressure 287 Bomser L. T. Accelerated Method for Detection of Small Quantities of Potassium 1 $1 Brand J. Detection of Sulphuring 310 Brandis R. Iodimetric Estimation of Phosphoric Acid and of Magnesium 278 Bransky 0. E. and Gilpin J. E. Diffusion of Crude Petroleum through Fuller's Bray W. C. Source of Error in Perrnanganate Titrations 548 Analysis. Method 133 containing Perborate 372 of Casein in Milk 53 Earth 491 and Mackay G.M. J. Volumetric Estimation of Iodide in Presence of Bremer W. aizd Beythien R. Detection of Formaldehyde in Flesh Foods The Chloride Bromide or Free Iodine 547 Cntrustworthiness of Certain Tests 12 vi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. Brigl P. Behaviour of Histidin towards Picrolonic Acid 215 Brioux C. Calcium Cyanamide Its Analysis and the Changes it undergoes when Britland W. J. and Potts H. E. Use of Pyridine in Rubber Analysis 539 Brooks R. T. Oleoresin of Pinus Insularis Endl 493 Brown H. T. The Specific Heat of Malt and the Calculation of the ‘‘ Initial Heat ” J. A. The Estimation of Small Quantities of Essential Oil in Spices etc. 392 James Campbell Death of 153 L. A. Estimation of Free Acid in Hydrogen Peroxide Solutions 497 Exposed to the Atmosphere 486 of the Mash 206 Browning E.and Palmer H. E. Gravimetric Estimation of Vanadium as Silver Brownlee G. Irish Butter and the Reichert-Wollny Standard 381 Bruno A. Proposed Method of Analysis of Sulphur Used for Agricultural Purposes 279 Buchanan G. S. On the Work of Inspectors of Foods 186 Budde T. Estimation of Caoutchouc as Tetrabromide 267 Bull H. and Saether L. Recognition of the Nature of the Vegetable Oil Used with Burgess M. J. and Wheeler R. V. Volatile Constituents of Coal 531 Burgstaller A. and Rothmund V. Estimation of Perchlorates by Reduction with Burmann J. Estimation of Caffeine in Tea and Coffee 202 Burr A. and WOE A. Bxamination of Parchment Paper as a Wrapping for Butter, Burrell B.A, Food-Testing Review 562 Cahen El. A Comparison of Pozzi-Escot’s and Devarda’s Method for the Estimation -_ and Little H. F. V. The Separation of Bismuth from Lead and the Cameron A. T. and McEwan B. C. Determination of Malonic Acid by Potassium Campbell E. de M. and Griffin C. E. Volumetric Estimation of Uranium and Cappenberg H. Viscosimeter for Comparing Hot Starch Pastes 226 Carlinfanti E. and Levi-Malvano M. Melting and Solidification Points of Mixtures Carpiaux E. and Grkgoire A. Apparatus for the Estimation of Cellulose 335 423 Casolari A. Quantitative Analysis of Certain Inorganic Sulpho-Acids 500 Cassal N. C. Estimation of Salicylic Acid by Distillation 366 - - and Gerrans B. H. Estimation of Cocoanut Oil in Admixture with Cavazza L.E. New Method of Estimating Potassium 222 Caven R. M. Systematic Qualitative Analysis Review 88 Cazenave P. Estimation of Free and Combined Sulphurous Acid in Wine 254 Ceccarelli O. and Giolitti F. Electrolytic Corrosion of Bronze 138 Centnerszwer M. The Use of Phosphorus Solutions in Gas Analysis 329 Chamot E. M. and Pratt D. S. Study of the Phenolsulphonic Acid Method for the Estimation of Nitrates in Water-IT. Composition of the Yellow Compound 321 Chapman A. C. Analysis of Tea and Tea Infusiocs 111 Coloured Malts and on the Desirability of Securing Uniformity in the Methods Adopted for the Determination of their Extracts and Colour Values, 305 Vanadate 554 Sardines 400 Simple Bromination Apparatus 378 Titanous Salts 38 435 of Nitrates 307 Analysis of Bismuth-Lead Alloys 301 Permanganate 364 Vanadium 141 of Stearic Palmitic and Oleic Acids 30 Butter-Fat 51 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.vii Chapman A. C. Improved Method for the Estimation of Titanium 201 -- The Colorimetric Estimation of Hydrogen Cyanide 469 The Composition of Milk 235 -- The Composition of Painters’ Driers 156 __- The Estimation of Lactose in the Presence of the Commonly-Occur-ring Sugars 515 -- The Uses of Trichlorethylene in Analytical Chemistry 244 H. G. and Welsh D. A. Differentiation of Proteins of Closely Related Charaux C. Chlorogenic Acid Its Occurrence in Certain Plants and its Xstimation, Charitschkoff Hapid Method for the Estimation of Paraffin Wax in Crude Petro-- K. W. Use of Naphthenic Acid in the Detection of Copper and Cobalt, Charnass D.and Von X r t h O. Estimation of Lactic Acid Based on the Formation Chick O. Howard D. L. and Howard B. F. Quinine Sulphate Comparison of Species by the Precipitin Reaction 483 529 leum 30 329 of Aldehyde 445 Official Tests for Purity 312 Christensen H. R. Process for Estimating the Cellulose-Disintegrating Property of Soils 495 Cibulka,‘ J. Estimation of (Pyritic) Sulphur in Graphite 418 Cirelli D. Estimation of Formaldehyde in Formalin Tablets 204 Clacher W. A Convenient Fat Extraction Apparatus 349 Clark E. D. Sherman H. C. and Kendall E. C. Studies on Amylases-. Examina-Ciarke F. W. Analyses of Rocks and Ninerals from the Laboratory of the U.S. Clkment L. and Nicolardot P. Estimation of Petroleum Spirit in Turpentine 217 -Collins S.H. Milk Analyfiis iimplified Milk Scale 227 Colman H. G. Analysis of Ferrocyanides 295 Comey A. M. Melting-Point of Trinitrotoluene 268 - and Backus C. P. Coefficient of Expansion of Glycerol 263 Corm H. W. Agricultural Bacteriology Review 190 Cooper L. H. and Dibdin W. J. The Colorimetric Estimation of Small Quantities of Bromine in the Presence of Large Quantities of Chlorine and Small Quantities of Iodine 159 Copthorne H. N. and Eisenschiml O. Detection of Fish Oil in Vegetable Oils, 249 Coste J. H. The Examination of Turpentine Substitutes and the Determination in tion of the Methods for the Determination of Diastatic Power 481 Geological Survey 1880 to 1908 Review 468 - Examination of Spirits of Turpentine 178 -- - Turpentine Oil 209 Turpentine of Hydrocarbons Other than Terpenes 112 - The Influence of Solvents on the Drying of Linseed Oil 197 - and Andrews E.R. The Composition of Painters’ Driers 154 Covelli E. Detection of Arsenious Acid in Presence of Arsenic Acid by Electrolysis, Cribb C. H. The Composition of Painters’ Driers 156 Cripps R. A. The Colorimetric Estimation of Small Quantities of Bromine in the Presence of Large Quantities of Chlorine and Small Quantities of Iodine 161 Cronheim W. Detection of Free Hydrofluoric Acid in the Presence of Fluorides 78 Cruess W. und Blasdale W. C. Conditions Affecting the Electrolytic Determination of Copper 545 Cumming A. C. Method for Measurement of Vapour Pressures 42 3 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. _. . v11 L Cumming A. C. New Gas-Washing Bottles 144 Curtel G.New Method of Adulterating Flour 398 Davenport A. F. Estimation of Small Quantities of Nitrogen by Pelouxe’s Reaction, Davis W. A and Leffmann H. Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis V O ~ . I., Day F. E. and Hulton H. F. E. The Estimation of Gypsum and Other Salts in Deerr K. Determination of Sucrose in Cane Molasses 540 Deiler A. C. and Fraps G. S. Pecan Oil 134 Delahaye H. Estimation of Formic Acid in the Presence of Acetic Acid 488 Delpy M. and Berl E. Quantitative Colorimetric Estimation of Small Quantities Del Rosario M. V. Estimation of Aldehydes in Distilled Liquors 350 Demorest D. J. Analysis of Babbit Metals Solders and Journal Brasses 270 Deussen E. Detection of Minute Quantities of Sulphur in Inorganic and Orgauic Substances 418 Dibdin W.J. and Cooper L. H. The Colorimetric Estimation of Small Quantities of Bromine in the Presence of harge Quantities of Chlorine and Small Quantities of Iodine 159 Diefenthiiler O. a7zd hliiller E. Volumetric Estimation of Verrocyanide and FerrL cyanide 414 Dieterich K. Examination of Bees’ Resin (Propolis) 493 Dmochowski R. and Tollens B. New Method for the Quantitative Estimation or Donan J. and Enrich F. Manipulation of B’Iinute Quantities of Precipitates in Doring T. Estimation of Alkalis in Silicates by the Method of Lawrence Smith 280 Doroszewski A. and Roshdestwenski M. Specific Gravit’ies of Alcoholic Solutions-noseher H. and Marcusson tJs Estimation of Halogens in Organic Bodies 319 Dover M. V. and Holmcs MI. E. Use of Organic Electrolytes in Cadmium Selma-Uubois W.L. Estimatiou of Starch in Cocoa Products 21 Duboux M. and Dutoit P. The Actual Acidity of Wine 254 Dudy F. A Still-Head for Use in Estimations of Nitrogen by Kjeldahl’s Method 87 Dumitrescow - and Nicolau E. Detection of Minute Quantities of Manganese in Dunne W. P. and Lowenstein - Influence of Method of Heating on Non-Volatile Uutoit P. and Duboux If. The Actual Acidity of Wine 254 Lijer B. Note on the Analysis of Ultramarine Blue 158 The Composition of Painters’ Driers 156 The Uses of Trichlorethylene in Analytical Chemistry 244 Spear E. B. and Wells E. E. Electrolytic Determination of Zinc 282 549 Eeczezu 146 Treated Brewing Waters 37 of Hydrocyanic Acid 362 Cellulose 408 Qualitative and Quantitative Micro-Analysis 137 I.Mixtures of Methyl Alcohol and Water 127 tion 544 Foods 478 Ether Extract of Spices 253 Eibner A. and Hue O. Turpentine Oil and its Substitutes. Eisenschiml O. awl Copthorne H.N. Detection of Fish Oil in Vegetable Oils 249 Eisenstein A. and Ziffer F. Apparatus for Filtrations at Constant Temperatures 83. Ekins The Composition of Milk 235 Elliott A. H. Apparatus for Determining Sulphur in Spent Oxide 225 --- Apparatus for the Analysis of Illuminating Gas 224 I. Estimatioii of PetroIeum Derivatives in Turpentine and Wood Turpentine Oils 35 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. 1x Elvove E. Application of Volhard’s Method to the Estimation of Alkoloids 128 Elze F. Occurrence of Nerol and Thymol in French Lavender Oil 491 Enrich F. and Donan J. Manipulation of Minute Quantities of Precipitates in Erdmann E.and Stoltzenberg H. The Analysis of Gases by Condensation 376 Etard A. and Vila A. Analysis of Proteins 366 Ewers E. Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter and Lard and of Lard in Butter 353 Qualitative and Quantitative Micro-Analysis 137 Fahrion W. Valuation of Soap Stock 447 Fairley T. The Composition of Milk 235 Faitelowitz A. Estimation of Catalase in Milk and its Application to the Control Falco F. Separation of Manganese and Chromium 35 Farcy L. Estimation of Nitrates by the Method of Grandval and Lajoux in Waters Farmer R. C. A Graphic Method for the Correction of Gas-Volumes 308 Fellenberg T. von Estimation of Salicylic Acid in Jams Jellies etc. 437 Fendler G. Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter and Lard 354 ~ - - Frank L.und Stiiber W. Detection of Apricot Kernels and Peach - Borkel C. and Reidemeister W. Refraction of the Serum Obtained of Milk Supplies 526 Containing Chlorides or Nitrites 81 -_ Komarowsky’s Colour-Reaction for Fuse1 Oil 403 - and Kuhn O. Estimation of Dirt in Milk 126 Kernels in ‘‘ Marzipan,” 248 from Milk by the Use of Calcium Chloride 441 Fernhdez O. Spanish Turpentine Oil 74 Fichter F. and Sahlbom N. Capillary Analysis of Colloidal Solutions 543 Files E. K. Alway F. J. and Pinckney R. M. Determination of Humus 495 Finch G. New Apparatus for the Estimation of SO in Fuming Sulphuric Scids 337 Fiori Q. Identification of Stoxyl 397 Fischer F, and Thiele K. Separation of Tin and Antimony 413 -- aizd Maxted I”. B. Estimation of Lead (Electrolytic and -- W.M. Estimation of Manganese by Volhard’s Method SO Fleury P. Identification of Wine Vinegars by the Detection of Inositol 480 Fluteaux G. and Goris A. Composition of a Natural Scammony Resin 266 Folin O. and Wentworth A. H. New Method for the Estimation of Fats and Forbes A. aid Henderson L. J. Estimation of Intensity of Acidity and Alkalinity Foresti G. aizd Raffo N. Characteristics of the Fat of Different Animals 68 Formhek J. and Pee F. Aluminium Dishes and Certain Other Contrivances for Fortini V. and Tortelli N. Detection of Rape Oil in Olive and Other Edible Foster W. Composition of the Glazes of Some Greek Vases 553 Foucar J. L. Analysis of Ferrocysnides 300 Francis C. K. and Trowbridge P. F. Estimation of Glycogen in Beef Flesh 258 ___ --- -- Glycogen Content of Beef (and Horse) Frank E.uizd Moeckel K. Estimation of Sugar in Blood 260 -__ F. and Birkner K. Estimation of Vermilion and Antimony Pentasulphide -- L. Fendler G. and Stiiber W. Detection of Apricot Kernels and Peach Volumetric) 416 Fatty Acids in Fzces 482 with Dinitroquinol 316 Electro-Analysis 83 Oils 401 Flesh 311 in Indiarubber Articles 131 Kernels in I ‘ Marzipan,” 348 x INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. Franzen H. and Greve G. Quantitative Estimation of Formic Acid 29 - and Lohmann E. Quantitative Estimation of the Decomposition of - Biochemistry of Micro-Organisms. I. Quantitative Potassium Nitrate by Micro-Organisms 24 Studies of Nitrification 169 Fraps G. S. and Deiler A. C. Pecan Oil 134 Fraser A. aizd Roberts R.W. Estimation of Water in Petroleum 217 Frehse M. Oils Coloured with Auramine 400 Friend J. A. N. Estimation of Hydrogen Peroxide with Permanganate. Fritsch R. Detection of Bile Acids 210 Fritz F. Analysis of Linoleum 362 Fuller H. C. Separation of Strychnine and Brucine from Tropeines and the Influence of Per sulp ha t es 326 Alkaloids contained in Cocoa-Leaves 524 Fulweiler W. H. and Olsen T. Y. Machine for Testing the Adhesive Quality of Pitch 459 Fiirth 0 von and Charnass D. Estimation of Lactic Acid Based on the Formation -- Estimation of Lactic Acid in Animal Organs and Fluids 211 of Aldehyde 445 Ganassini D. and Mamelli E. Toxicological Detection of Savin 528 Ganghofer A. and Paal C. Estimation of Potassium Nitrate in Meat by the Use of Gautier A.Apparatus for the Collection of Gases from Volcanic Fissures etc. 44 Gemmell A Improved Method for the Estimation of Titanium 198 Gerrans B. H. and Cassal N. C. Estimation of Cocoanut Oil in Admixture with Gill A. H. and Bartlett E. H. Estimation of Carbonic Oxide in Illuminating Gas by ‘‘ Nitron,” 206 Butter-Fat 519 Iodine Pentoxide 175 - - F. W. and Grindley H. S. Determination of Total Nitrogen by Kober’s Method 29 Gilpin .J. E. and Bransky 0. E. Diffusion of Crude Petroleum through Fuller’s Giolitti F. and Ceccarelli O. Electrolytic Corrosion of Bronze 138 Girdwood G. P. Note on an Apparatus for Evaporating Ethereal Solutions 16 Gjaldbak J. I<. and Henriques V. Estimation of Peptide Compounds in Proteins Glyn-Jones W. S. The Law Relating to Poisons and Pharmacy Review 90 Golding J .Analyses of Vulcanised Rubber Goods 15 -__ The Composition of Milk 234 -___ aizd Paine S. G. Note on the Composition of Milk yielded by Cows Fed Gooch F. A. aizd Read H. L. Electrolytic Estimation of Chlorine in Hydrochloric Gore H. C. Apparatus for Use in the Determination of Volatile Acids in Wines and Goris A . and Fluteaux G. Composition of a Natural Scammony Resin 266 Gorner P. and Rosenthaler L. Aromatic Nitro Compounds especially Nitrophenols, as Precipitating Agents for Alkaloids etc. 317 Goske A. Estimation of Husk in Cocoa Powders 162 Goutal E. Escimation of Carbon Monoxide in Air 130 Gowing-Scopes L. The Uses of Trichlorethylene in Analytical Chemistry 238 Grabe A. and PetrBn J. Estimation of Selenium in Pyrites 418 Earth 491 or in their Decomposition Products 492 on Pasture Manured with Phosphates and Potash 246 Acid with the Use of a Silver Anode 77 Vinegars 43 Grandmougin E.Spectroscopic Identification of Simple Lake-Dyestuffs on the Fibre 53 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. xi Greaves J. E. and Stewart R. Influence of Chlorine upon the Estimation of - R H. The Estimation of Cuprous Oxide in Copper and its Alloys 36 Grbgoire A. mzd Carpiaux E. Apparatus for the Estimation of Cellulose 335 423 Gregory A. W. Colorimetric Estimation of Small Quantities of Vanadium 42 Greve G. and Franzen H. Quantitative Estimation of Formic Acid 29 Griffin C. E. aizd Campbell E. de M. Volumetric Estimation of Uranium and Grimaldi C. Colour Reactions of Turpentine Oil Wood Turpentine Oil and Rosin Application in the Analysis of Varnishes 412 Grimme C.Characteristics of Certain Little-Known Vegetable Oils 536 Grindley H. S. aizd Gill F. W. Determination of Total Nitrogen by Kober’s Grossrnann H. Volumetric Estimation of Nickel and Cobalt 371 -______- and Holter L. Volumetric Estimation of Cyanide in Presence of -_- and Schiick B. Note on the Estimation of Nickel in Nickel-Steel, Nitrates 372 Vanadium 141 Essence. - and Prussia L. Oil of Colocynth Seed 73 Method 29 Thiocyanate and Halides 213 247 Griinhut L. and Hintz E. Analysis of Gases Derived from Mineral Springs 215 Griiter R. Estimation of Mercury in Galenical Preparations 499 Guerry E. and Toussaint E. Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in Basic Slag and Giinther A.Wine Statistics for the Years 1907 and 1908 64 G utmann L. Improved Kipps’ Spparatus 286 Giittich A. and Reckleben H. The Properties of Antimony Hydride (Stibine) and Guttmann Oscar Death of 433 Natural Phosphates by the ‘‘ Citro-Mechanical ” Method 40 - Wine Statistics for the Year 1908-1909 526 its Estimation 219 Habermann J. Detection of Writing on Charred Paper 136 Hackman C. A. Improved Water-Heater for the Refractometer 559 Hahn A. Fractional Distillation Arrangement 379 New Fractionating Column 185 Hale H. mad Hughes H. H. Crude Petroleum as a Reducing Agent for Zinc Haller A. and Lassieur A. Occurrence of Odorous Substances in Cocoanut Oil. Hancock W. C. “ Rational ” Analysis of Clays 271 Handy J. O. Convenient Method of Attaining Low Temperatures for Analytical Haniland F.New Electrical Thermostat 226 Hanus J. a?zd Soukup A. Separation of Copper from Cadmium and Zinc by Means Harcourt A. G. V. Approximate Estimation of Small Quantities of Lead 328 Harding E. P. and Taylor C. Comparison of Bolling’s Method for the Estimation of Sulphur in Gas with Harding’s Modification of Drehschmidt’s Method 489 - Comparison of Pfeifer’s Method for the Estimation Ores 143 Essence of Cocoanut Oil 356 Researches 287 of (‘ Cupferron,” 453 --Hare R. IF. and Bjerregaard A. P. Candelilla Wax 322 Harkins W. D. The Marsh Test and Excess Potential 276 Harris F. W. Annual Report of the Public Analyst Glasgow (for Year ending of Benzene in Illuminating Gas with that of Dennis and McCsrthy 489 May 31 1909) 28 xii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.Harrison J. B. P. The Determination of the Acid Radical and its Relation to t,he Hart E. B. and Suzukii S. Estimation of Lactic Acid in Cheese 53 Hartmann W. and Paal C. Liquid Absorbent for Hydrogen in Gas Mixtures 139 Hartwich C. and Jama A. Quino-Quino Balsam from Myroxylon Balsamum, Hehner O. Analyses of Vulcanised Rubber Goods 16 Heide C. von der and Jacob F. Detection of Renzoic Cinnamic and Salicylic Heidelberger M. and Metzger F. J. Volumetric Determination of Cerium in Heimod G. W. and Levene P. A. The Tryptophane-Aldehyde Reaction 324 Hempel W. and Von Klemperer L. Quantitative Analysis by Means of the Henderson L. J. and Forbes A. Estimation of Intensity of Acidity and Alkalinity Eenrich F. Estimation of Small Quantities of Hydrocarbons in Gas Mixtures 215 I'ienriques V.and Gjaldbtik J. K. Estimation of Peptide Compounds in Proteins - and Sdrensen S. P. L. Estimation of Amino Acids Polypeptides, and Hippuric Acid in Urine by Titration in the Presence of Formaldehyde 211 Hepburn J. S. and Pennington M. E. Determination of the Acid Value of Crude Fat and its Application in the Detection of Aged Foods 348 Herold J. Valuation of Gelatine by the Melting-Points of Jellies of Known Concentration 174 Herz A. and Barraclough C. E. A Method of Distinguishing between Wool Gelatin and Animal Size 28 Herzfeld E. and Winterstein E, X Simple Method of Estimating Iodine 180 __- Yon Wyss H. and Rewidzoff O. Reaction of Amy1 Alcohol 212 Hetpur J. Polarisation of Sugars 366 Hewlett XI. T. Bacteriological Standardisation of Disinfectants Note on the Modification of Woodhead and Ponder 440 -I Villar S.and Revis C. Nature of the Cellular Elements Present Heyer R. and Zsigmondy R. Purification of Colloids by Dialysis ; Estimation of Higgins H. L. and Benedict F. G. An Adiabatic Calorimeter for Use with the ____-- and Johnson A. Elementary Analysis by Means of a Calorimetric Rillebrand W. F. The Analysis of Silicate and Carbonate Rocks Review 466 Hillyer W. E. and Tolman L. M. Methods of Analysis of Distilled Spirits 18 Hiltner R. S. Determination of Citral in Lemon Extracts and Lemon Oils 125 Hinrichsen F. W. and Marcusson J. Estimation of Loadings in Caoutchouc The Properties of Caoutchouc '' Resins," - W. and Kindscher E. Differentiation of Para and Ceylon Caoutchoucs Hintz E.and Griinhut L. Analysis of Gases Derived from Mineral Springs 215 Hirschberg Z. von and Wiihler L. Detection of Cadmium in the Presence of Hladik J. Vacuum Desiccator with Heating Attachment 507 Constitution of Commercial Bismuth Subnitrate 118 Var. Punctatum 19 Acids in Wine 166 Cerite and Monazite 325 Spectroscope 502 with Dinitroquinol 316 or in their Decomposition Products 493 -__ Simple Method for the Estimation of Iodine 37 in Milk 23 Chlorine in Colloidal Silica 542 Calorimetric Bomb 283 Bomb 260 Mixtures 446 131 from Other Varieties 213 Copper by Means of Hydrogen Sulphide 21 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. xiii Hodgson T. R. and Russell E. The Composition of Malt Vinegar 346 Hiidtke O. aizd Biltz H. Quantitative Precipitation of Iron and Copper by Means HOE J.H. van't Apparatus for Testing Gypsum 330 Holde D. and Marcusson J. Detection of Rape Oil in Other Oils 401 Holleman A. F. Van der Linden T. and Valeton J. J. P. Method for the Analysis Holmes M. E. a d Dover M. V. Use of Organic Electrolytes in Cadmium Holter L. and Grossmann H. Volumetric Estimation of Cyanide in Presence of Houghton A. C. Estimation of Pyridine in Ammonia Solutions 32 Houston A. C. Metropolitan Water Board 429 Howard B. F. Howard D. L. aid Chick O. Quinine Sulphate Comparison of ___- D. L. Howard B. F. aizd Chick O. Quinine Sulphate Comparison of ~- H. Heat of Chemical Reactions as a Basis for a New Analytical Method liub A. aizd Meyer FI. Aromatic Fluorine Compounds and the Estimation of Hubbard P.a?zd Reeve C. S. Estimation of Soluble Bitumen 443 Hiibener G. Analysis of Vulcanite. I. Simple Method for the Estimation of Hudson C. S. Quantitative Determination of Cane-Sugar by the Use of Invertase 262 nizd Paine H. S. Influence of Acids and Alkalis on the Activity of Hue O. a7zd Eibner A . Turpentine Oil and its Substitutes. I. Estimation of Hughes H. H. a d Hale H. Crude Petroleum as a Reducing Agent for Zinc ____- W. E. and Perkin F. M. Electro-Deposition of Metals 180 Hull T. E. Estimation of Carbon in Iron and Steel and in Iron Alloys by Direct I-Iiilsenbeck C. Transportable Gas-Sampling Bottle 558 Hulton H. F. E. mid Baker J. L. The Estimation of Lactose in the Presence of - - - ~ - CC'IICE Day F. E. The Estimation of Gypsum and Other Salts in Humphrey J.mzd White E. Pharmacopedia Beziew 149 Tiumphreys T. C. and Price T. S. Rapid Electro-Analysis with Stationary Hunter A. Estimation of Small Quantities of Iodine Especially in Thyroid Huntly G. N. Accuracy Obtainable in Fuel Calorimetry 444 - New Gas-Sampling Tube 285 - The Uses of Trichlorethylene in Analytical Chemistry 244 Huybrechts M. Estimation of Sulphate and Estimation of Sulphur in Pyrites 333 of Nitrosophenyl-hydroxylamine 327 of Ternary Mixtures 367 Separation 544 Thiocyaoate and Halides 213 Official Tests for Purity 312 OEcial Tests for Purity 312 (Assay of Fuming Sulphuric Acid) 139 Fluorine Therein 489 Sulphur of Vulcanisation in Hot Vulcanised Rubber 266 Invertase 320 Petroleum Derivatives in Turpentine and Wood Turpentine Oils 358 Ores 143 Coin bu s t io n 3 2 5 the Commonly-Occurring Sugars 512 Treated Brewing Waters 37 Electrodes 272 Glands 483 Isham R.M. and Barnebey 0. L. Estimation of Titanium 456 Jacob F. and Von der Heide C. Detection of Benzoic Cinnamic and Salicylic Jager L. de Estimation of Total Nitrogen by Means of Formaldehyde Titration 487 Acids in Wine 16 xiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. Jager L. de Influence of Urea on the Estimation of Amino Acids by the Formalde-hyde Method 488 Red Colouring Matter Occurring in Urine 171 Jago W. Forensic Chemistry and Chemical Evidence Review 50 Jahn S. An Ozonometer 504 Jama A. aizd Hartwich C. Quino-Quino Balsam from Myroxylon Balsamum, Jamieson G. S. Volumetric Estimation of Cobalt and Nickel 370 Jannasch P.and Seidel T. Quantitative Volatilisation of Arsenic after Reduction Jannopoulos S. P. Detection of Mercuric Chloride in Compressed Gun-Cotton 174 Jedlicka J. Analysis of Crude Calcium Acetate 213 Jenkins - The Separation of Bismuth from Lead and the Analysis of Bismuth-Jodidi S. L. Organic Nitrogenous Compounds in Peat Soils 216 Johnson A. and Higgins H. L. Elementary Analysis by Means of a Calorimetric Johnston J. and Allen E. T. Exact Determination of Sulphur in Pyrites and Marcasite 332 - in Soluble Sul-Jong A. W. K. de Estimation of Benzoic and Cinnamic Acids in the Presence of Jorgensen G. Detection of Morphine in Animal Organs 406 Jorissen W. P. Estimation of Dissolved Oxygen in Water 372 --_- a i d Rutten J. Naphthalene Picrate and the Estimation of Joseph A.F. Estimation of Formic Acid 537 Jurissen A. W. and Berl E. Analysis of Calcium Carbide Sodium Amalgam and - Gasometric Analysis with the “ Decomposition Var. Punctatum 19 by Means of Hydrazine Salts 324 Lead Alloys 306 Bomb 260 , phates 331 Each Other 129 Napthalene 74 Zinc Dust with the “ Decomposition Flask,” 172 Flask,” and Nitrogen Estimation in Smokeless Powders 173 Kahan M. Accra Copal 444 Kar 5. C. and Bnnett H. E. Amount of Copper in Tea Sprayed with Bordeaux Kauffmann M. and Vorliinder D. Detection of Choline and a Note on Trimethyl-Kelsey V. V. Gas Generator for a Chemical Laboratory 427 Kemmerer G. Electrolytic Determination of Zinc in Ores 501 Kendall E. C. and Sherman H. C. Studies on Amylases. 11. A Study of the Action - Sherman H.C. niad Clark E. D. Sudies on Amylases. I. Examina-Keyes F. G. Improved Method of Collecting Gases from the Mercury Pump 84 Kickton A. aizd Behneke W. Occurrence of Fluorine in Wines 478 Kiebtreiber F. Analysis of Tin Alloys 456 Kindscher E. aizd Hinrichsen W. Differentiation of Para and Ceylon Caoutchoucs Kirby 0. F. Substitute for Platinum Wire in Qualitative Analysis 286 Kissling R. Examination of Commercial Parafin Wax 29 Klemperer L. v. and Hempel W. Quantitative Analysis by Means of the Spectroscope, - Characteristics of Benin Copal 444 Mixture 524 amine 530 of Pancreatic Amylase 482 tion of the Methods for the Determination of Diastatic Power 481 from Other Varieties 213 50 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV XV Kling A. New Method for the Estimation on Dextro-Rotatory Tartaric Acid 323 - K.Screw Clip for Jets of Burettes or Outlets of Separators 184 Klotz W. C. Apparatus for Taking Density of Strong Ammonia Solutions 375 Knapp A. W. Influence of Age on Oil of Anise 397 - and Shrewsbury H. S. A Short Method for Detecting and Estimating Ihorre G. von Estimation of Sulphate by Means of Benzidine especially in Knox J. Voluiiietric Estimation of Mercury and Estimation of Silver i n Presence of Kob E. Two New Condensers 185 Kober P. *4. Quantitative Distillation of Ammonia by Aeration 316 Koch W. Quantitative Chemical Analysis of Animal Tissues 65 Koller G. The Uses of Trichlorethylene in Analytical Chemistry 245 Kollock L. G. a i d Smith E. F. Determination of Indium with the Use of a 3lercury Koninck L.L. de Modification of Nowicki’s Pipette for the Absorption of Gases, Roppe P. and Miiller E. Titration of Manganese by Volhard’s Method in Presence I<ossowicz X. Chemical Composition and Bacterial Flora of ‘‘ Lsctomaltose,” 170 Icreikenbaum A. Constants of Chinese Wood Oil 321 Kreis H. Xustard Preparations Estimation of Starch in 479 firuys M. J. van’t Estimation of Sulphuric Acid as Barium Sulphate 374 Iiuhn O. and Fendler G. Estimation of Dirt in Milk 126 Kiihn B. and Riihle J. Estimation of Sulphurous Acid in Meats 400 Cocoanut Oil in Butter and Margarine 385 Presence of Chromium 331 418 Mercury 38 Cathode 546 376 of Fluorides 498 Landholt Professor Hans Death of 191 Langer J. Serum for Distinguishing Honey from Artificial Honey 165 Lasserre A Estimation of Butyl and Amy1 Acohols in Alcoholic Liquids 477 Lassieur A.and Haller A. Occurrence of Odorous Substances in Cocoanut Oil. Lauriteen M. uitd Bjorn-Andersen H. Estimation of the Acidity and Ammonia Leach A. E. Food Inspection and Analysis Review 259 Leavitt S. Soil Humus as Determined by Different Methods 362 Lecco 31. T. Detection of Alcohol in Animal Organs 255 Leffmann H. nizd Davis W. A. Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis Vol. I., Lehmann F. and Rupp E. Volumetric Estimation of Mercury and Silver 220 Lemeland P. Method for the Polariimetric Estimation of Sucrose in the Presence of Leo I<. New Nitrometer 85 Lessing R. Analysis of Ferrocyanides 300 -__ Improved Nethod for the Estimation of Titanium 201 Leulier - and AndrB - Volumetric Estimation of Monobromcamphor 411 Levene P.A. uizcl Heimod G. TV. The Tryptophane-Aldehyde Reaction 324 Levi-Malvano M. and Carlinfanti E. Melting and Solidification Points of Mixtures Levy M. Relation of the Mineral Constituents to the Proteins in Cereals as a Factor Essence of Cocoanut Oil 356 Content of Urine 170 - 9 - Mercury and Mercury Compounds in Animal Organs 259 Review 146 Certain Reducing Sugars 539 of Stearic Palmitic and Oleic Acids 30 for Determining the Quality of Cereals 162 Liebschutz &I. Collection of Colloid Precipitates 544 P. Note on American Rosin 1 xvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. Linden T. Van der Holleman A. F. and Valeton J. J. P. Metvhod for the Analysis Linder S. E. Analysis of Ammoniacal Liquors 461 Lindet L. Use of Phenols in the Analysis of Alkaline Earths 373 Ling A.R. Determination of Diastatic Power of Malt and Malt Extract 360 Lipman J. G. Bacteriological Methods for Estimating the Available Nitrogen in Lissner A. Elementary Analysis of Coal in Adtnixture with Clay 133 Litterscheid F. M. and Bornemann J. Use of Arsenious Acid in Volumetric I. Estimation of Dextrose particularly in Urinc by the Iodimetric Little H. I?. V. a d Cahen E. The Separation of Bismuth from Lead and the Liverseege J. F. Annual Report of the Public Analyst Birmingham (1909) 288 Lloyd L. L. and Parr G. W. Comparison of Different Types of Calorimeters for Lobeck - Catalase Tube for Testing Milk 460 --_ Glass-Tube Cutter 505 Lockemann G. Detection of Small Quantities of Cyanogen Compounds in Mixtures, Loczka J.Estimation of Fluorine in Fluorspar by Jannasch’s Method 326 Lohmann E. cmd Franzen H. Biochemistry of Micro-Organisms. I. Quantitative -____-_- Quantitative Estimation of the Decomposition of Liitsch E. and Scheunert A. Estimation of Cellulose by Lange’s and Simon and Lombardo C. Microchemical Detection of Mercury in Urine 70 Lott C. I. nml Winton A L. hlethod of Distinguishfng between Vanilla Extract Louise E. Analysis of Turpentine Oil by Means of its Miscibility Curve 322 Lowe W. F. and Taylor J. G. Faced Rice as a Danger to Health 479 Lowenstein - and Dunne W. P. Influence of Method of Heating on Non-Volatile Lowinger B. Rapid Estimation of Bicarbonates in Admixture with Normal Lowy S. Estimation of Tar in T-dean Oils (Axle-Greases for Railways) 136 Lucas E.W. and Bird F. C. J. The Fat’s Oils and Waxes of the British Pharma-Lumpp H. a d Schmidt J. New and Delicate Colour-Reaction for Iletection of Lunge G. Coal-Tar and Ammonia I-leview 189 of Ternary Mixtures 367 Fertilisers 257 Analysis. Method 133 Analysis of Bismuth-Lead Alloys 301 Solid Fuels 407 408 Studies of Nitrification 169 Potassium Nitrate by Micro-Organisms 24 Lohrisch’s Methods 263 and its Imitations 524 Ether Extract of Spices 253 Carbonates 34 copceia Suggested Monographs 562 Nitric Acid and Nitrates 278 - The Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid and Alkali with the Collateral Branches Vol. II. Iieriezu 228 Liippo-Cramer - Detection of Traces of Chloride in Gelatin 28 Lutz L. and Oudin G. Parsley Apiols Their Characters and Adulterations 397,433 O.and Swinne B. Detection of Arsenic Acid in Presence of Arsenious Acid by Means of Magnesia Mixture 76 Mackay G. &I. J. and Bray W. C. Volumetric Estimation of Iodide in Presence of MacNider G. M. Determination of Crude Fibre 361 Maderna ’ G. Precipitation of Ammonium Phosphoinolybdate in the Presence of Chloride Bromide or Free Iodine 547 Organic Acids 48 INDEX TO VOLUME .XXXV. xvii Mai C. and Rothenfusser S. The Refraction of Milk Serum 126 Xajima R. and Wilistiitter R. Quantitative Estimation of Quinones 265 Malaquin P. A New Colour-Reaction of Strychnine 75 Mamelli E. and Ganassini D. Toxicological Detection of Savin 528 Mann J. C. The Testing of Coal Tar Creosote 409 ~- W. Estimation of Small Quantities of Lead in Antimony-Copper-Tin Alloys Marchlewski L.and Marlaski H. Estimation of Chlorophyll in Plants 404 Marcille R. Composition of Tunisian Olive Oils 479 (Bearing Metal) 452 - Detection of Cottonseed Oil iu Olive Oil. Use of Sealed Tubes in Halphen's Test 356 Marcusson J. and Diischer H. Estimation of Halogens in Organic Bodies 319 and Hinrichsen F. W. Estimation of Loadings in Caoutchouc - The Properties of Caoutchouc '' re sins,'^ 131 Margaillan L. Separation of Sucrose from Lactose by Means of the Bulgarian Marino L. Volumetric Estimation of Selenious Acid by Means of Potassium Marlaski H. and Marchlewski L. Estimation of Chlorophyll in Plants 404 Marr F. S. Estimation of Calcium Carbonate in Soils 77 Marriot McK. and Wolf C. G. L. Estimation of Ammonia and Urea in Blood 43s ITarshall E.K. Junior and Acree S. F. Estimation of Diazo-Alkyl Compounds 487 Masino G.? Volumetric Estimation of Thiocyanic Acid by Means of Permanganate 33 Masuda N. Estimation of Cholesterol and Fat in Brain Substance 314 Mathieu L. Estimation of Sulphurous Acid in Wines 523 Matkou K. New Apparatus for Determining Melting-Points 227 Maxted E. B. Fischer I?, m 2 t Z Thiele K. Estimation of Lead (Electrolytic and Mazzoli C. ~ ~ 1 2 ~ 1 Pelet L. Decolorising Action of I>ifYercnt Varieties of Amorphous McCay L. W. Analysis of Tin-Antimony Alloys 552 McCrackan R. F. and Metzger F. J. New Volumetric Nethod for Determination McDermott F. A. Preparation of Platinum Black 222 McDonnell R. P. h Manual of Sanitary Law I?eviezo 563 McEwan 13. C. am1 Cameron A.T. Determination of Malonic Acid by Potassium Mears B. Parr S. W. c m d Weathershed D. L. Chemical Examination of Asphaltic Mecklenburg W. Iodimetric Estimation of Ferricyanide and k'errocyanide of Meininger E. Characteristics of Certain Kinds of Gum 264 hleissner W. Influence of Errors in the Diniensions of Engler's Viscosimeter upon Nenzies ,4. W. C. C i ? d Smith A. Studies on Vapour Pressure. I. Method for Deter-mining the Boiling-Points of Minute Quantities of Liquids and Non-Fusing Solids 449 11. Simple Dynamic Method for Determining Vapour Pressures and Boiling-Points at Standard Pressures 450 Merrirnan R. W. C L ~ C Z Wade J. Correction of the SpesiGc Gravity of Liquids for the Buoyancy of +4ir 8G l k t u r e s 446 - and Holde D. Detection of IZape Oil in Other Oils 401 Ferment 315 Permang an ate 2 2 3 Volumetric) 4 16 Carbon 27 of Manganese 546 Permanganate 364 Material 25 Potassium 413 the Results of Estimations 504 -____- Studies on Vapour Pressure.xviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. Metzger F. J. and Heidelberger M. Volumetric Determination of Cerium in Cerite -_ and NcCrackan R. F. New Volumetric Method for Determination of lleyer H. and Hub A. Aromatic Fluorine Compounds and the Estimation of and Monazite 325 Manganese 546 Fluorine therein 489 R. J. and Speter nl. Estimation of Thorium in Monazite Sand 281 Meyerfeld J. Pyrogalloldimethyl Ether a Sensitive Reagent for Chromic Acid Ferric Michel R. Estimation of Free Lime in Basic Slag 455 Micko K. The Isolation of Creatinine from Meat Extracts 250 Migault W.Moist Combustions by Means of ‘‘ Caro’s Acid,” 262 Mitchell A. D. and Smith C. Volumetric Estimation of Sulphates 82 - C. A. Oil Animal Vegetable Essential and Mineral Beview 431 - ~ - a i d Smith C. R. Estimation of Fuse1 Oil by Alkaline Perman-Moeckel K. a d Frank E. Estimation of Sugar in Blood 260 Moir J. New Sensitire Test for Hydrocyanic Acid 320 Noor C. G. The Recognition of Minerals Being a Collection of Notes and Simple With Monographs Salts and Nitrous Acid 492 Typical Aromatic Substances Present in Rums Brandies etc. 208 ganate 17 Tests for the Use of Travellers and Prospectors. on Geology Ore-Deposits etc. by D. A. MacAlister Review 152 - aid Partridge W. Aids to the Analysis of Food and Drugs Beview 49 Moore C.J. Purification of Mercury 424 Rforrell R. S. Modification of Armstrong’s Method of Testing Turpentine Oil 218 Miiller A. and Spitta - Development and Quantitative Estimation of Bacteria on E. and Diefenthliler O. Volumetric Estimation of Ferrocyanide and Ferri-__-_. mzd Koppe P. Titration of Manganese by Volhard’s Method in Presence the Surface of Nutrient Media 168 cyanide 414 of Electrodes 498 11. J . A, Estimation of Chromium in Chrome Ironstone 77 O. and Troger J. Angostura (Cusparia) Alkaloids 161 Murrnann E. Separation of Lime and Magnesia 455 Mylius F. The Eosin Reaction of Glass at Freshly Broken Surfaces. to Disintegration of Heavy Glasses 368 ___.-_ L L Weathering ” of Glass 414 11. Tendency Nash L. M. Note on the Analysis of Ultramarine Blue 158 _____- The Composition of Milk 235 7 Painters’ Driers 156 -.- The Examination of Turpentine Substitutes and the Determination in( The Influence of Solvents on the Drying of Linseed Oil 197 -- The Uses of Trichlorethylene in Analytical Chemistry 244 Nelson B.E, An Introduction to the Analysis of Drugs and Medicines Beview 383 Nimehk J. and VotoGek E. Differentiation of Aldoses and Ketoses by Means of Neumann D. Estimation of Bitter Principles in Hops of Various Qualities and! Nicloux IT. Separation and Estimation of Chloroform Vapour in the Air 361 Nicolardot P. and Clitment L. Estimation of Petroleum Spirit in Turpentine 217 --- ____-___-Turpentine of Hydrocarbons other than Terpenes 116 E. R. Capsaicin and the Detection of Capsicum 518 Bromine Water 316 Origins 352 ~ _ _ _ _ _ Examination of Spirits of Turpentine 17 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.xix Nicolardot P. and Clbment L. Examination of Turpentine Oil 209 Nicolau E. awl Dumitrescou - Detection of Minute Quantities of Manganese in Noyes A. A, Quantitative Application of the Theory of Indicators to Volumetric Foods 478 Analysis 415 Olivier S. C. J. Estimation of Phenol by Lloyd’s Modification of Koppeschaar’s Olsen J. C. Van Nostrand’s Chemical Annual Review 89 - T. Y. and Fulweiler W. H. Machine for Testing the Adhesive Quality of Onslow A. W. High-pressure Gas for Furnace Use 285 Oppler B. Estimation of Dextrose in Blood 211 Oudin G. a d Lutz L. Parsley Apiols Their Characters and Adulterations 397,433 Method 134 Pitch 459 Paal C.cmd Ganghofer A Estimation of Potassium Nitrate in Meat by the Use of - and Hartmann W. Liquid Absorbent for Hydrogen in Gas Mixtures 139 Paine H. S. and Hudson C. S. Influence of Acids and Alkalis on the Activity of S. G. and Golding J. Note on the Compositiou of Milk Yielded by Cows fed ‘‘ Nitron,” 206 Invertase 320 on Pasture Manured with Phosphates and Potash 246 Palitzsch S. am? Sorensen S. P. L. New Indicator a-Naphtholphthale’iii 216 Palladin A, Quantitative Estimation of Trypsin 529 Palmenberg 0. W. Accurate Method for Colorimetric Determinations on Anthracite Palmer H. E. Volumetric Estimation of Antimony Arsenic and Tin by Means of - Volumetric Estimation of Chromium and Vanadium by Means of - and Browning E. Gravimetric Estimation of Vanadium as Silver Coal 531 Ferricyanide in Alkaline Solution 412 Ferricyanide in Alkaline Solution 421 -I’ape K.Bierling E. and Viehover A. Analysis of Coca-Leaves 397 Parker J. G. and Paul M. Commercial Analysis of Egg Oil in Yolk of Egg 204 -- Error in Estimation of Degree of Tannage of Leathers 264 Parkes A. E. The Composition of Milk 235 Parr G. W. and Lloyd L. L. Comparison of Different Types of Calorimeters for Vanadate 554 Solid Fuels 407 S. W. New Gas Calorimeter 503 Material 25 - &fears B. and Weathershed D. L. Chemical Examination of Asphaltic Parry E. J. Refractive Indices of Essential Oils 490 Partridge W. and Moor C. G. Aids to the Analysis of Food and Drugs Review 49 Patterson G. W. Detection of Mercury in Explosives 73 Paul &I.and Parker J. G. Commercial Analysis of Egg Oil in Yolk of Egg 204 . _ ~ Error in Estimation of Degree of Tannage of Leathers, Pee F. C L P L ~ Formhnek J. Aluminium Dishes and Certain Other Contrivances for Pelet L. and Mazzoli C. Decolorising Action of Different Varieties of Amorphous Pennington &I. E. and Hepburn J. S. Determination of the Acid Value of Crude Perkin F. &I. and Hughes W. E. Electro-Deposition of Metals 180 264 Electro- Analy sis 83 Carbon 27 Fat and its Application in the Detection of Aged FoDds 24 XX INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. Yerkins C. C. Use of Metallic Silver in Estimating Molybdenum Vanadium Selenium, Petersen J. Concerning the Filtrate from the Hydrogen Sulphide Precipitate (Scheme l’etrb J. a?zcZ Grabe A. Estimation of Selenium in Pyrites 418 Petrow S.and Tanatar S. New Reagent for Thallium 381 Pettit J. H. Contribution to the Analysis of Soil 177 Pfenning F. a d Rupp E. New Volumetric Methods for the Estimation of Cobalt Phelps J. Accuracy of Gold Bullion Assay 369 Piazza E. and Tortelli &I. Detection and Estimation of Saccharin (and Dulcine) in Piccard J. A New Test for Titanium 41 Pickel J. &I. Rapid Method of Determining Crude Fibre 361 Pilcher 1%. B. A List of Officid Chemical Appointments lieview 91 Pinckney R. &I. Alway 3’. J. and Files E. K. Determination of Humus 493 Pinsker J. aszd Rosenheim A. Estimation of Phosphoric Acid Hypophosphorous Plato W. Separation of Antiniony and Tin by Distillation 451 Pleissner If. Portable Apparatus for Measuring the Electric Conductivity of Water, Pleus 1; .Modifications of Obermiiller’s Manometric Apparatus for Testing Nitro-Yoetschke P. Estimation of Chlorides in Milk 311 Polenske E. Estimation of Fat in Foods 203 Yonder C. and Woodhead S. Bacteriological Standardisatioxl of Disinfectants 405 Potlts H. E. c~rztl Britland W. J. Use of Pyridine in Rubber Analysis 539 Pouget I. Estimation of Nitrites and Nitrates by Means of Phenolsulphonic Acid 37 1 i’ower I?. B. a d Rogerson H. Chemical Examination of Jalap 126 Powney TV. E. F. The Colorimetric Estimation of Small Quantities of Bromine in the Presence of Large Quantities of Chlorine and Small Quantities of Iodine 161 and Tellurium 416 of Qualitative Analysis) 369 and Nickel 220 Foods Rich in Fats Starch and Proteins 436 Acid Phosphorous Acid and Hypophosphoric Acid in Mixtures of the Same 39 Sewage Saline Solutions etc.183 celluloscs 339 Kew Thermo-Regulator for Use with Gas 87 The Influence of Solvents on the Drying of Linseed Oil 192 Pozzi-Escot li;. Estimation of Nitric Nitrogen 81 Steel 252 f Vanadium Molybdenum and Chromium in Iron and -__ - Use of Dimethyl Brown as a Sensitive Indicator 216 Prager A. Extraction Apparatus 47 Pratt D. S. aizd Chamot E. M. Study of the Phenolsulphonic Acid Method for the Estimation of Nitrates in Water. 11. Composition of the Yellow Conipound 321 Precht J. A Burner for Use in Spectrum Analysis 145 Yreuss G. Apparatus for the Estimation of Carbon Arsenic and Sulphur in Iron and Steel 554 - Estimation of Silicon in High-C rade Ferrosilicons 180 - New Apparatus for the Estimation of Sulphur 45’7 Price T.S. and Humphreys T. C. Hapid Electro - L4nalysis with Stationary Prochnow A. Estimation of Fat in Cocoa etc. 203 Procter H. R. New Method of Colour Measuremerit 379 Prussia L. Mulberry-Seed Oil 435 Pnschel -4. Preparation of Pure Litmus Solution 490 Electrodes 272 Estimation of Xanthin Bases in Cocoa and Chocolate 125 - and Grimaldi C. Oil of Colocynth Seed 7 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. xxi Quenxu A. L. and Wologdine S. Conductivity Porosity and Permeability for Gases of Fireproof Materials 35 Raaschou P. E. Microchemical Method for the Estimation of BIercury 276 Raffo fit and Foresti G. Characteristics of the Fat of Different Animals 68 Read H. L. and Gooch F. A. Electrolytic Estimation of Chlorine in Hydrochloric Reckleben H.a d Giittich A. The Properties of Antimony Hydride (Stibine) and its Reeve C. S. and Hubbard P. Estimation of Soluble Bitumen 443 Reidemeister W. Fendler G. and Borkel C. Refraction of the Serum Obtained Reinhardt F. Analysis of Honey. Ley’s Fiehe’s and Jiigerschmid’s Reactions for Renker M. Method for Determination of Cellulose in Lignified Materials 71 Renshnw R. R. cmd Ware 3’. C. Action of Heat on Milk 207 Revis C. Catalase of Milk afi an Indicator of Disease 359 Acid with the Use of a Silver Anode 77 Estimation 219 from Milk by the Use of Calcium Chloride 441 the Detection of Artificial Honey 433 The Estimation of Lactose in the Presence of the Commonly-Occurring Sugars 514 -- nizd Bolton E. R. Some Analyses of Ghee 343 Hewlett R.T. and Villar S. Nature of the Cellular Elements Present in Milk 23 Rewidzoff O. Von Wyss H. nnd Herzfeld E. Reaction of Amy1 Alcohol 212 Rhead E. L. Report on Gravimetric Methods for the Determination of Nickel in Nickel Steel 97 Richards P. A. E. The Colorimetric Estimation of Small Quantities of Bromine in the Presence of Large Quantities of Chlorine and Sinall Quantities of Iodine 161 Richardson F. W. Extraneous Nineral Matter in Rice 393 - IV. D. Methods of Testing Commercial Anhydrous Liquid Ainmonia 269 Richniond G. F. Manila Copal 535 H. U. ,4 Short Method for Detecting and Estiniating Cocoanut Oil in - Tayabas Petroleum 365 Butter and Margarine 391 -__ Note on Commercial Detergents 237 -_- Some Analyses of Ghee 346 -~ The Composition of Milk 231 -_ The Polarimetric Estimation of Milk-Sugar 516 Riggs L.W. Determination of Iodine in Protein Combinations 320 Koberts N. Extraction Apparatus 338 Robertson R. and Smart B. J. Significance of the Abel Heat Test of Gun-Cotton Eoemer H. Methods of Analysis of the Potash Salts 417 -__ -- Volumetric Estimation of Sulphate by the Barium Chromate Method 417 Rcier E. Estimation of Titanic Acid in Ilmenite 41 h e s l e r H. A. Friction in the Bomb Calorimeter 422 Roettgen T. Estimation of Volatile Acids in Wine by Means of Botticher’s Apparsr (is, Kogerson H. and Power F. B. Chemical Examination of Jalap 126 Roman G. F. Apparatus for Measuring and Regulating the Quantity of Steam Riimer P H. ~ 7 2 d Sames T. Schardinger’s Reaction for the Detection of Heated --- The Uses of Trichlorethylene in Analytical Cheinistrg 244 R.W. nitd Fraser A. Estimation of Water in Petroleum 217 and Nitroglycerine 171 313 Delivered from a Steam Generator 47 Milk 40 xxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. Rosario M. V. del Estimation of Aldehydes in Distilled Liquors 350 Rose J. D. An Adjustable Automatic Burette 334 Rosenheim A. and Pinsker J. Estimation of Phosphoric Acid Hypophosphorous h i d Phosphorous Acid and Hypophosphoric Acid in Mixtures of the Same 39 Rosenthaler L. Notes on Halphen's Reaction for Cottonseed Oil 536 -_ Volumetric Estimation of Hydrocyanic Acid Especially in the -- CL'IZC. Giirner P. Aromatic Nitro Compounds Especially Nitrophenols, Roshdestwenski M. uizd Doroszewski A. Specific Gravities of Alcoholic Solutions.BOSS R. The Examination of Turpentine Substitutes and the Determination in Turpentine of Hydrocarbons Other than Terpenes 116 _ - The Influence of Solvents on the Drying of Linseed Oil 197 Bothenfusser S. Detection of Sucrose in Wine Beer etc. 208 - - __ - and Mai C. The Refraction of Milk Serum 126 Rothrnund V. and Burgstaller A. Estimation of Perchlorates by Reduction with Titanous Salts 38 Royer J. Colour Reactions of Oils Especially the Reactions Given by Certain Specimens of Poppyseed Oil 490 Rubke K. and Wiegand O. Adulteration of Bergamot Oil with Esters of Citric Acid 352 Ruff O. Electric Vacuum Furnace 380 - So-called Sulphammoniuni. Spectroscopic Method of Detecting New Compounds 500 - and Bornemann F. Estimation of Osmium 181 Ruble J.and Kuhn B. Estimation of Sulphurous Acid in Meats 400 Rupp E. Estimation of Hydrastine in Liquid Extract of Hydrastis 124 - New Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Zinc and Lead 183 -_ and Lehmann F. Volumetric Estimation of Mercury and Silver 220 - and Pfenning F. New Volumetric Xethods for the Estimation of Cobalt Russell E. and Arnaud F. W. F. Notes on the Milk Supply of Two Large Towns 8 -___ and Hodgson T. R. The Composition of Malt Vinegar 346 -- E. J. Ammonia in Soils 540 -__ William James Death of 2 Rutten J. and Jorissen W. P. Napthalene Picrate and the Estimation of Napthalene, Presence of Benzaldehydecyanhydrin 537 as Precipitating Agents for Alkaloids etc. 317 I. Mixtures of Methyl Alcohol and Water 127 9 - and Calcium Sucrate in Milk and Cream 312 - -and Nickel 220 74 Sacher J.F. Rapid Methods for Estimating Lead 79 Sackur O. Molecular Weight Determinations in Fused Alkali Carbonates 180 Saether L. uizd Bull H. Recognition of the Nature of the Vegetable Oil Used with Sardines 400 Sahlbom N. and Fichter F. Capillary Analysis of Colloidal Solutions 543 Sames T. mzd Riimer P. H. Schardinger's Reaction for the Detection of Heated Sanchez J *4. New Method of Estimating Tin in Presence of Antimony 551 -__ - New Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Copper 179 Sand H. J. S. The Electro-Analytical Estimation of Lead as Peroxide 78 Sanders J. M. Improved Form of Extraction Apparatus 556 Sarthou J. Indirect Estimation of the Growth of Bacteria in Milk 167 -I_____- Simple Bromination Apparatus 378 Milk 407 Vacuum-Tight Seals between Iron and Glass 507 - Study of the Catalytic Method of Estimating the Freshness of Milk 25 INDEX TO VOLUME .XXXV.x xi ii Sasaki T. A Sensitive Reaction for Scatole 177 Saul J. E. Zinc and Temporary Hardness in Water 51 Schaer E. Reactions of Alkaloids with Hydrogen Peroxide (Perhydrol) 442 Scheunert A. and Lijtsch E. Estimation of Cellulose by Lange’s and Simon and Schidrowitz P. Analyses of Vulcanised Rubber Goods 15 Schjerning H. Nitrogenous Substances in Barley and Malt 11. Transformation of Proteins during Malting and Malt Storage (Analytical Methods for Valuation of Malt) 350 Schmidt E. Volumetric Estimation of Antimony 324 -- J. and Lumpp H. New and Delicate Colour-Reaction for Detection of - - &I.R. Colorimetric Determination of Manganese in Presence of Iron 454 Schmitz L. Gas-Burner with an Accurate Adjustment of Gas and Air 144 Schoeller W. and Schranth W. Use of Aniline to Effect Precipitation of Chromium Schoep A. Filtration of Colloidal Sols by Means of a New Filter 541 Schranth W. and Schoeller W. Use of Aniline to Effect Precipitation of Chromium Schreiber €I. Estimation of Total Sulphur in Organic Matter 448 Schubert F, Estimation of Starch 497 Schiick B. and Grossmann H. Note on the Estimation of Nickel in Nickel-Steel, Schiirmann E. Estimation of Tin in White Metals by Electrolysis 551 Schwalbe C. G. Estimation of the Degree of Bleaching of Cellulose 318 Schwarz F. and Weber O. Rye-Flour Containing Eosine 252 Seidel T. and Jannasch P.Quantitative Volatilisation of Arsenic after Reduction Seidell A. Estimation of Iodine in Thyroid Glands 69 Solubilities of the Pharmacopceial Organic Acids and Salts 520 Self S. A. W. Estimation of Strength of Glacial Acetic Acid 70 Seliber G. Estimation of Volatile Acids by Duclaux’s Method in the Fermentation Shedd 0. M. Volumetric Estimation of Potassium by the Cobaltinitrite Method 499 Sherman H. C. Source of Error in the Examination of Foods for Salicylic Acid 252 11. A Study of the I. Exam-Lohrisch’s Methods 263 Nitric Acid and Nitrates 278 as Sesquioxide 34 as Sesquioxide 34 247 -- New Process for the Analysis of White Metals 500 by Means of Hydrazine Salts 324 Products of Certain Bacteria 359 - - -.__-_ and Kendall E. C. Studies on Amylases.Action of Pancreatic Amylase 482 _ _ - ~ - _ - ) Kendall E. C. and Clark E. D. Studies on Rmylascts. ination of the Methods for the Determination of Iliastatic Power 481 Shimer P. W. Simplified Combustion Crucible 144 Shimidzu Y. Kumagawa-Suto Method for the Estimation of Fat in Animal Tissues, etc. 527 Shrewsbury H. S. acrzd Knapp A. W. A Short Method for Detecting and Estimating Cocoanut Oil in Butter and Margarine 385 Sidersky D. New Process for the Rapid Determination of Alcohol 127 Siebenrock E. von Drying Moist Ethyl Ether 176 Silberstein S. and Bardach B. Use of Sodium Perborate in the Guaiacum Reaction Simmich P. a d Beythien A Detection of Denatured Alcohol in Spirits of Simon A. Classification of Rums 9ccording to the Quantity of Secondary Products Sinclair St.C. O. Chemical Composition of Milk in Cape Colony 251 for the Detection of Blood 439 Camphor 248 they Contain 6 xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. Sinnatt F. S. The Use of Methylene Blue as an Indicator in Iodimetric Titrations, Skirrow F. W. The Analysis of Ferrocyanides 274 Slawik P. Detection and Colorimetric Estimation of Small Quantities of Vanadium Smart B. J. and Robertson R. Significance of the Abel Heat Test of Gun-Cotton Smetham A. Some New Feeding Stuffs and Their Relative Value as Cattle Foods 54 Smith A. and Menzies A. W. C. Studies on Vapour Pressure. I. Method for Determining the Boiling-Points of Minute Quantities of Liquids and Non-Fusing Solids, 449 ___- --__ Studies on Vapour Pressure. 11. Simple Dy-namic Method for Determining Vapour Pressures and Boiling-Points a t Standard Pressures 450 309 in Steel 375 and Nitroglycerine 171 ___- - C.and Mitchell A. D. Volumetric Estimation of Sulphates 82 C. R. and Mitchell A. S. Estimation of Fuse1 Oil by Alkaline Perman-- - E. F. aiid Kdlock L. (3. Determination of Indium with the Use of a S o h C. E. Centrifugal Precipitating and Filtering Vessel 158 Solonina A. Ilercury Fulminate 214 Sorensen S. P. L. n?zd Henriques V. Estimation of Amino Acids Polypeptides and Hippuric Acid in Urine by Titration in the Presence of Formaldehyde 211 ganate 17 Mercury Cathode 546 ~- andLPalitzsch S. New Indicator a-Naphtholphthale’in 216 Soukup A. and Hanus J. Separation of Copper from Cadmium and Zinc by Means Spear E. B. Causes of the High Results in the Electrolytic Determination of Zinc, of ‘‘ Cupferron,” 453 383 - Wells E.E. aizt7 Dyer B. Electrolytic Determination of Zinc 282 Spence E. Estimation of Caoutchouc a6 Tetrabromide Influence of the Protein, Speter M. and Meyer R. J. Estimation of Thorium in Monazite Sand 281 Spica &I. Estimation of Citric Acid in Citrates and Lemon Juices 519 Spiethoff B. Method of Distinguishing between Iodine Indican and Scstole by Means of Jaffe’s Indican Eeaction 407 Spitta - aud Miiller A. Development and Quantitative Estimation of Bacteria on the Surface of Nutrient Media 168 Stanley L. and Trowbridge P. F. Phosphorus in Flesh (Differentiation of Organic and Inorganic Phosphorus) 311 Starkenstein E. The Quantity of Glycogen in Tunicates (Ascidia Sea-Squirts) and the Influence of Iron on the Estimation of Glycogen 483 Steele B.D. Automatic Topler Pump for Collecting Gases 424 Steinfels W. Estimation of Glycerol 445 Stephenson H. H. Simple Burette for the Estimation of Carbon Dioxide 154 Stevens F. L. a i d withers IV. A. Methods for Estimating the Nitrifying and __- H. P. and Beadle C. Analyses of Vulcanised Rubber Goods 11 Stevenson R. and Baskerville C. Electrical Drying Apparatus for Flasks etc. 336 Stewart R. and Greaves J. E. Influence of Chlorine upon the Estimation of Stillman J. B. Engineering Chemistry Review 508 268 Ammonifying Powers of Soils 560 Machine for Mechanical Testing of Indiarubber 45 Nitrates 37 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. xxv Stoeber E. The Flash-Point of Waxes and its Use in the Analysis of Waxes 72 Stoecklin E.de New Method of Detecting Traces of Alcohols 127 Stoltzenberg H. Apparatus for Analysis of Gases by Condensation 377 - Apparatus for Determination of Melting-Points and the Solubility -- and Erdmann E. The Analysis of Gases by condensation 376 of Small Quantities of Substances 46 Storm C. G. Potassium-Iodide Starch Paper 135 Street J. P. Detection of Inferior Nitrogenous Compounds in Commercial Fertilisers, Stiiber W. Fendler G. and Frank L. Detection of Apricot Kernels and Peach Suchy P. Centrifuge Burette for Bacteriological Purposes 555 Surre L. Detection of I-Iesamethylenetetramine and Formaldehyde in Wine 403 Sutherland E. C. Rapid Estimation of Bicarbonates in Admixture with Normal Suto T. New Reactions of Thiourea 69 Sutthoff W.nizd Tillmans J. Occurrence of Sulphuric Acid (Sulphates) in Milk 434 Suzukii S. nizd Hart E. B. Estimation of Lactic Acid in Cheese 53 Swett 0. D. Apparatus for the Estimation of Arsenic 459 Swinne. R. ami Lutz O. Detection of Arsenic Acid in Presence of Arsenious Acid 496 Kernels in ‘‘ Marzipan,” 248 Carbonates 34 by Means of Magnesia Mixture 76 Tamayo A. E. Analysis of Gastric Juice 315 Tanatar S. and Petrow S. New Reagent for Thallium 281 Tassilly E. Ylang-Ylang Oil from Reunion 268 Tatlock R. R. and Thomson R. T. Analysis and Composition of Coffee Chicory and ____ The Composition of Cream 5 Taylor C. nizd Harding E:. P. Comparison of Bolling’s Method for the Estimation of Sulphur in Gas with Harding’s Modification of Dreyschmidt’s Method 459 Comparison of Pfeifer’s Method for the Estimation of Benzene in Illuminating Gas with that of Dennis and McCarthy 489 Coff‘ee and Chicory 13ssences 163 - - - Analysis of Tea and Tea Infusions 103 --- J.G. and Lowe VV. F. Faced Rice as a Danger to Health 479 -- J. If. Determination of Zinc in Presence of Iron 143 Tesdorpf T. nizd Autenrieth W. Colorimetric Estimation of Sugar in Urine 528 Testoni G. Estimation of Saccharin in Foods etc. 63 Thiele K. and Fischer F. Separation of Tin and Antimony 413 ~ - - Fischer F. aid Maxted E. B. Estimation of Lead (Electrolytic and Thomson R. T. and Tatlock R. R. Analysis and Composition of Coffee Chicory, Volumetric) 416 and Coffee and Chicory Essences 163 Analysis of Tea an4 Tea Infusions 103 -__--__ The Composition of Cream 5 Tillmans J.and Sutthoff W. Occurrence of Sulphuric Acid (Sulphates) in &lilli, Toggenburg - Fermentation Saccharoinetei 555 Tollens B. aizd Dmochowslii R. New Method for the Quantitative Estimation of Tolman L. M. and Hillyer W. E. Methods of Analysis of Distilled Spirits 18 Tortelli M. and Fortini V. Detection of Rape Oil in Olive and Other Edible Oils, 434 Cellulose 408 401 t xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. Tortelli M. and Piazza E. Detection and Estimation of Saccharin (and Dulcine) in Toussaint E. and Guerry E. Estimation of Phosphoric Acid in Basic Slag and Tower 0. F. Precipitation of the Iron Group and the Composition of Certain Ferric Trautmann W. Estimation of Molybdenum in Calcium Molybdate 547 Troger J. and Rluller O.Angostura (Cusparia) Alkaloids 161 Trowbridge P. F. Moisture Estimations without the ,4id of Heat 22 --____-_ and Francis C. K. Estimation of Glycogen in Beef Flesh, - Glycogen Content of Beef (and Horse) Flesh, - aid Stanley L. Phosphorus in Flesh (Differentiation of Organic Foods rich in Pats Starch and Proteins 436 Natural Phosphates by the (‘ Citro-Mechanical ” Method 40 Formates 453 258 311 ~ - ~ -.____ Trunkel H. Gelatin and Tannin 444 Tschirch A. and Werdemuller J. O. Characteristics of Honduras Balsam 442 Turrentine J. W. A Rotating Graphite Anode 506 and Inorganic Phosphorus) 311 Uhlenhuth R. A New Reaction of Copper 453 Uhlig E. C. Oil-Gas Analysis Apparatus 225 Urbasch S. Hydrogen Sulphide Apparatus 558 Ury H. Presence of Enzymes in Faeces 69 - The Elliott Gas Apparatus 223 Vdeton J.J. P. Holleman 8. F. n7zcZ Van der Linden T. Method for the Analysis Van der Linden T. Holleman A. F. and Valeton J. J. P. Method for the Analysis Van Slyke L. L. and Eosworth A. W. A Volumetric Method for the Determination TTan’t Hoe J. H. Apparatus for Testing Gypsum 330 Van’t I<ruys 11. J. Estimation of Sulphuric Acid as Barium Sulphate 374 Vaubel W. Analysis of Shellac 494 -.i .- - Iodine and Bromine Values of Certain Resins Copals etc. 493 Veley The Colorimetic Estimation of Hydrogen Cyanide 475 Vernon R. H. Estimation of SO in Fuming Sulphuric Acids 420 Viehover A. Bierling E. and Pape K. Analysis of Coca-Leaves 397 Vila A. and Etard A. Analysis of Proteins 366 Villar S. Hewlett R. T.and Revis C. Nature of the Cellular Elements Present in Virchow C. Estimation of Caffeine in Roasted Coffee 51’; Vlahuta E. aid Bacovescu A. Indirect Volumetric Estimation of Chromium, Voelcker E. W. Note on the Analysis of Ultramarine Blue 158 J. A. Analysis of Tea and Tea Infusions 110 of Ternary Mixtures 367 of Ternary Mixtures 367 of Casein in Milk 53 hlilk 23 Copper Nickel Cobalt Zinc and Lead 178 - The Composition of Milk 234 Voisenet E. New Colour Reaction of Acrolein 485 Von Antropoff A. A Simplified and Improved Form of the Topler Mercury Pump, Von der Heide C. and Jacob F. Detection of Benzoic Cinnamic and Salicylic Von Fellenberg T. Estimation of Salicylic Acid in Jams Jellies etc. 437 304 Acids in Wine 166 - Komarowsky’s Colour Reaction for Fuse1 Oil 40 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.x x vii Von Fiirth O. and Charnass D. Estimation of Lactic Acid Based on the Formation - Estimation of Lactic Acid in Animal Organs and Fluids 211 of Aldehyde 445 Von Hirschberg Z. aizd Wohler L. Detection of Cadmium in the Presence of Von Klemperer L. mzd Hempel W. Quantitative Analysis by Means of the Von Knorre G. Estimation of Sulphate by Means of Benzidine especially in Presence Von Siebenrock E. Drying Moist Ethyl Ether 176 Von Wyss H. Herzfeld E. a d Rewidzof O. Reaction of Amy1 Alcohol 212 Vorliinder D. and Kauffmann M. Detection of Choline and a Note on Triinethyla-Votocek E. and N&meck J. Differentiation of Aldoses and Ketoses by Means of Copper by Means of Hydrogen Sulphide 219 Spectroscope 502 of Chromium 331 418 mine 530 Bromine Water 316 Wade J.and Merriman R. W. Correction of the Specific Gravity of Liquids for the Walker P. H. Some Technical Methods of Testing Ahcellaneous Supplies Review, Waller ,4. D. New Method for the Quantitative Estimation of Hydrocyanic Acid in Ward I?. G. The Coloriinetric Estimation of Hydrogen Cyanide 476 Ware F. C. and Renshaw R. R. Action of Heat on Milk 207 Warren W. H. Apparatus for the Preparation of Absolute Alcohol 334 Waters C. E. and Beneker J. C. The L4damkiewicz-Senex Test for Casein in Paper, Watts H. F. Estimation of Vanadium 142 Weathershed D. L. Parr X. W. aizd Mears B. Cheniical Examination of Asphaltic TI7eber O. and Schwarz F. Rye-Flour Containing Eosine 252 Weil H. On the Application of Lead Peroxide to Elementary Analysis 141 Weitz R.Behaviour of Urobilin towards Various Zinc Salts 367 Wells E. E. Spear E. B, and Dyer B. Electrolytic Determination of Zinc 282 Welsh D. A. and Chapman H. G. Differentiation of Proteins of Closely Related Welwart - and Wittels - Biological Method for Detecting the Presence of Horse Wentworth A. H. and Folin O. New Method for the Estimation of Fats and Fatty Werdeiniiller J. O. aid Tschirch A. Characteristics of Honduras Balsam 449 Weyl T. Precipitation of Proteins from Solutions by Means of Acetone 210 Wheeler R. V and Burgess 31. J. Yolatile Constituents of Coal 531 Whitby G. S. Estimation of Very Sinall Quantities of Silver 321 White E. aizd Humphrey J. Pharmacopedia Revieui 149 I_ - J. The Examination of Turpentine Substitutes and the Determination in Widemann M.Wet Combustioii of Carbon in Iron and Steel 34 Wiegand O. a d Riibke I<. Adulteration of Bergamot Oil with Esters of Citric Kiegner W. Physical Cheiiiistry of the Calcium Chloride Serum of Milk 440 Wilkie J. M. Xstimation of Phosphoric Acid by Silver Nitrate 455 Williams K. Effect of Varying Amounts of Litharge in the Fire Assay for Silver, Buoyancy of Air 86 342 the Blood and Tissues of Animals Post-Mortem 406 268 Material 25 Species by the Precipitin Reaction 483 Fat in Other Animal Fats 527 Acids in Faxes 482 Turpentine of Hydrocarbons Other than Terpenes 116 Acid 352 55 xsviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. Willner M. Loango Copal 319 Willstiitter R. and Majima R. Quantitative Estimation of Quinones 264 Windhaus A.Estimation of Cholesterol and Cholesterol Esters in Normal and Winterstein E. cmd Herzfeld E. Simple Method of Estimating Iodine 37 180 Winton A. L. A Modification of the Bahrnil Test for Detecting Wheat Flour in Rye and Lott C. I. Method of Distinguishing between Vanilla Extract, Withers W. A, mzd Stevens F. L, Methods for Estimating the Nitrifying and Witte - Analysis of Honey 61 Wittels - and Welwart - Biological Method for Detecting the Presence of Horse Wohler L. and Von Hirschberg Z. Detection of Cadmium in the Presence of Copper Wohlgemuth J. Method for the Quantitative Estimation of the Fibrin Ferment and Wolf C. G. L. and Marriot Mc. K. Estimation of Ammonia and Urea in Blood 438 Wolff A aizd Burr A. Examination of Parchment Paper as a Wrapping for Butter, - J.Influence of Disodium Phosphate on Tyrosinase and in the Estimation of Wologdine S. t i d Quenau A. L. Conductivity Porosity and Permeability for Gases Woodhead S. mzd Ponder C. Bacteriological Standardisstion of Disinfectants 405 Wysor R. J. Determination of Phosphorus Retained with Ferric Chloride in the Wyss €I. Von Herzfeld E. and Rewidzoff O. Reaction of Amy1 Alcohol 212 -- Sierra Leone Copal 319 Diseased Kidneys 256 and Other Flours 21 and its Imitations 524 Ammonifying Powers of Soils 560 Fat in Other Animal Fats 527 by Means of Hydrogen Sulphide 219 of Fibrinogen in Secretions and Organs 314 435 Melanins 260 of Fireproof Materials 35 Ether Separation 279 Yietz W. B. Rapid Estimation of Antimony Tin and Copper in Babbitt Metal and Y oshimura I< Occurrence of Certain Organic Basic Substances in Tree-Fungi 441 Solders 552 - Toxic Bases Present in Decoinposed Soya Beans 4S4 Zehetniayr A.New Method for the Estimation of Sulphur in Pyrites Slags and Ziffer F. and Eisenstein A, Apparatus for Filtrations at Constant Temperatures 83 Zsigmondy R. and Heyer R. Purification of Colloids by Dialysis Estimation of Zwicky K. and Bosshard E. Estimation of Active Oxygen in Washing Powders Sulphates 421 Chlorine in Colloidal Silica 542 Containing Perborate 37 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. xxix INDEX OF SUBJECTS. A~IEL Heat Test of Gun-Cotton and Nitroglycerine Significance of 171 Absolute Alcohol the Preparation of Apparatus for 334 ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PUBLISHED IN OTHER JOURNALS 17 53 124 161 202 248, Accra Copal 444 Accuracy Obtainable in Fuel Calorimetry 444 Acetic Acid Glacial Estimation of Strength of 70 - Estimation of Formic Acid in the Presence of 488 Acetone Precipitation of Proteins from Solutions by Means of 210 Acid Acetic Estimation of Formic Acid in the Presence of 488 - -_- Glacial Estimation of Strength of 70 _- Arsenic Detection of Arsenious Acid in Presence of by Electrolysis 33 - in Presence of Arsenious Acid Detection of by Means of Magnesia _- Arsenious in Presence of Arsenic Acid Detection of by Electrolysis 33 - Use of in Volumetric Analysis.I. Estimation of Dextrose Particu-310 350 397 433 477 517 Mixture 76 9 larly in Urine by the Iodometric Method 133 - “ Caro’s,” Moist Combustions by Means of 262 Chlorogenic Its Occurrence in Certain Plants and its Estimation 529 Chromic Ferric Salts and Nitrous Acid Pyrogalloldimethyl Ether a Sensitive Cinnamic in Foods Detection of 21 Citric Esters of Adulterztion of Bergamot Oil with 352 - - in Citrates and Lemon Juices Estimation of 519 Dextro-Botatory Tartaric the Estimation of New Method for 323 Formic Estimation of 5.37 ,- Quantitative Estimation of 29 Free in Hydrogen Peroxide Solutions Estimation of 497 Rippuric Amino Acids and Polypeptides in Urine Estimation of by Titration Hydrochloric Electrolytic Estimation of Chlorine in with the Use of a Silver Hydrocyanic in the Blood and Tissues of Animals Post-Mortem New Method Reagent for 492 7 in the Presence of Acetic Acid Estimation of 488 - _____ in the Presence of Formaldehyde 211 Anode 77 for the Quantitative Estimation of 406 New Sensitive Test for 320 Especially in the Presence of Benzaldehydecyanhydrin Volumetric > Small Quantities of Quantitative Colorinietric Estimation of, ___ _-___--- 9 Estimation of 537 - -I__-_-_ 362 - Hydrofluoric Free Detection of in the Presence of Fluorides 78 Hypophosphoric Phosphoric Acid Hypophosphorous Acid and Phosphorous Lactic Estimation of Based on the Formation of Aldehyde 445 in Animal Organs and Fluids Estimation of 211 Acid in Mixtures of the Same Estimation of 39 -- - Malonic Determination of by Potassium Permanganate 364 9 in Cheese Estimation of 53 - Naphthenic Use of in the Detection of Copper and Cobalt 329 Nitric and Nitrates Detection of New and Delicate Colour-Reaction for 27 xxx INDEX TO VOLUME .XXXV.Acid Nitrous Chromic Acid and Ferric Salts Pyrogalloldimethyl Ether a Sensitive - p-Hydroxybenzoic Phenol Salicylic Alcohol (Saligenin) and Salicylic Acid, Reagent for 492 Estimation of as Tribromophenol Bromide 218 Phenolsulphonic Estimation of Nitrites and Nitrates by Means of 371 Y Method for the Estimation of Nitrates in Water Study of - --_ the. 11. Composition of the Yellow Compound 321 Phosphoric and Magnesium Iodometric Estimation of 278 9 Estimation of by Silver Nitrate 455 - -~ - ? ~- Hypophosphorous Acid Phosphorous Acid and Hypophosphoric Acid in Mixtures of the Same Estimation of 39 " Citro-Mechanical " Method 40 - - ) i n Basic Slag and Natural Phosphates Estimation of by the - Iodometric Estimation of 221 Phosphorous Phosphoric Acid Hypophosphorous Acid and Hypophosphoric Picrolonic Behaviour of Histidin towards 215 Radical The Determination of the and its Relation to the Constitution of ) Salicylic a Compound which may be Mistaken for The Presence of in Certain Acid in Mixtures of the Same Estimation of 39 Commercial Bismuth Subnitrate 118 Foods 253 - 9 Estimation of by Distillation 366 in Jams Jellies etc.Estimation of 437 in Wine Estimation of 19 - ____- Phenol Salicylic Alcohol (Saligenin) and p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid, the Examination of Foods for Source of Error in 252 9 ? - ~ - -- --Estimation of as Tribromophenol Bromide 218 ? - Selenious Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Potassium Permanganate, Sulphuric as Barium Xulphate Estimation of 374 223 (-- - Fuming Assay of) Heat of Chemical Reactions as a Basis for a New Analytical Method 139 (Sulphates) in Milk Occurrence of 434 in Meats Estimation of 400 in Wines Estimation of 523 - -- Sulphurous Free and Combined in Wine Estimation of 254 9 9 --___ --- Tartaric Estimation of 357 Thiocyanic Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Permanganate 33 Titanic in Ilmenite Xstimation of 41 Value of Crude Fat Determination of and its Application in the Detection of' Aged Foods 248 Acidity and Alkalinity Intensity of Estimation of with Dinitroquinol 316 - and Ammonia Content of Urine Estimation of 170 - The Actual of Wine 254 Acids Amino Polypeptides and Hippuric Acid in Urine Estimation of by Titration - - the Estimation of by the Formaldehyde Method Influence of Urea - Benzoic and Cinnamic in the Presence of Each Other Estimation of 129 -- - Cinnamic and Salicylic in Wine Detection of 166 - Bile Detection of 210 - Fatty and Fat in Fzces the Estimation of New Method for 482 -- Oleic Palmitic and Stearic Mixtures of Melting and Solidification Points of 30 in the Presence of Formaldehyde 211 on 488 and Alkalis Influence of on the Activity of Invertase 32 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.xsxi Acids Organic Precipitation of Ammonium Phosphomolybdate in the Presence of 485 - - and Salts the Pharmacopeial Solubilities of 520 - Palmitic Oleic and Stearic Mixtures of Melting and Solidification Points -- - Sulphuric Fuming Estimation of SO in 420 -- Volatile in the Fermentation Products o€ Certain Bacteria Estimation of by - ~- in Wine Estimation of by Means of Botticher’s Apparatus 313 - ~- in Wines and Vinegars ,4pparatus for Use in the Determination of, Acrolein New Colour Reaction of 485 Adamkiewicz-Senex Test for Casein in Paper 268 Adhesive Quality of Pitch Machine for Testing 459 Adiabatic Calorimeter for Use with the Calorimetric Bomb 283 Adulterating Flour New Method of 398 Adulteration New of Rice 208 Aeration Quantitative Distillation of Ammonia by 316 African Palm-Oil Industry Investigations in the 166 Bge Influence of on Oil of Anise 397 Aged Foods the Detection of Determination of the Acid Value of Crude Fat and its Agricultural Purposes Sulphur Used for Proposed Method of Analysis of 279 Agriculture Department of Cape of Good Hope 466 - U.S.Department of 48 Air and Gas Gas-Burner with an Accurate Adjustnient of 144 - Carbon Monoxide in Estimation of 130 - Chloroform Vapour in the Separation and Estimation of 361 - the Buoyancy of Correction of the Specific Gravity of Liquids for 86 Alcohol Absolute Apparatus for the Preparation of 334 - Denatured in Spirits of Camphor Detection of 248 - -. in Animal Organs Detection of 255 - ~- Methyl and Water Mixtures of. Specific Gravities of Alcoholic Solutions, ~- Salicylic (Saligenin) Phenol Salicylic Acid aiid p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid, ~- the Rapid Determination of New Process for 127 Alcohols Amyl and Butyl in Alcoholic Liquids Estimation of 477 - Traces of New Method of Detecting 127 Aldehyde Estimation of Lactic ,4cid Based on the Formation of 445 - Tryptophane- Reaction 324 Aldehydes in Distilled Liquors Estimation of 350 Aldoses and Ketoses Differentiation of by Means of Bromine Water 316 Alimentary Hygiene Second International Congress of and of the Rational Feeding Alkali Carbonates Fused ilfolecular Weight Determinations in 180 Alkaline Earths the Analysis of Use of Phenols in 373 ____- Permanganate Estimation of Fuse1 Oil by 17 -- Solution Volumetric Estimation of Antimony Arsenic and Tin by Means -_- Solution Volumetric Estimation of Chromium and Vanadium by Means of of 30 -> - the Estimation of SO in New Apparatus for 337 Duc1aux7s Method 359 43’ Rubbers 25 Application in 248 Amyl Reaction of 212 127 Estimation of as Tribromophenol Bromide 218 of Man 292 of Ferricyanide in 412 Ferricyanide in 42 xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.Alkalinity and Acidity Intensity of Estimation of with Dinitroquinol 316 Alkalis and Acids Influence of on the Activity of Invertase 320 in Silicates Estimation of by the Method of Lawrence Smith 280 Alkaloids Angostura (Cusparia) 161 -____ etc. Aromatic Nitro Compounds especially Nitrophenols as Precipitating ~ - contained in Coca-Leaves and Tropeines Separation of Strychnine and Agents for 317 Brucine from 524 Reactions of with Hydrogen Peroxide (Perhydrol) 442 -____ the Estimation of Application of Volhard’s Method to 128 Alloys Antimony-Copper-Tin (Bearing Metal) Small Quantities of Lead in Estima-__- Bismuth-Lead the Analysis of and the Separation of Bismuth from Lead 301 - Copper and its the Estimation of Cuprous Oxide in 36 -- Iron and Iron and Steel Carbon in Estimation of by Direct Combustion 325 - Tin Analysis of 456 ~- Tin-Antimony Analysis of 552 Aluminium Dishes and Certain Other Contrivances for Electro-Analysis 83 American Rosin Note on 17 Amino Acids Polypeptides and Hippuric Acid in Urine Estimation of by Titration the Estimation of by the Formaldehyde Method Influence of Urea tion of 452 in the Presence of Formaldehyde 211 on 488 Ammonia and Urea in Blood Estimation of 438 Anhydrous Liquid Commercial Methods of Testing 269 - Content and Acidity of Urine Estimation of 170 - in Soils 540 -_____ Quantitative Distillation of by Aeration 316 -- Solutions Pyridine in Estimation of 32 - the Estimation of a Source of I3rror in 178 - Strong Apparatus for Taking Density of 375 the Three Methylamines in Admixture with New Method of Estimating, 368 Amnioniacal Liquors Analysis of 461 Amrnonifying and Nitrifying Powers of S d s Methods for Estimating the 560 Ammonium Phosphomolybdate Precipitation of in the Presence of Organic Acids 485 Arriorphous Carbon Different Varieties of Decolorising Action of 27 Amy1 Alcohol Reaction of 212 - and Butyl Alcohols in Alcoholic Liquids Estimation of 477 Amylase Pancreatic a Study of the Action of Studies on Amylases 482 Amylases Studies on I .Examination of the Nethods for the Determination of Diastatic Power 481 7 11. A Study of the Action of Pancreatic Amylase 482 -- -Analysis Capillary of Colloiclal Solutions 543 ~- - Volumetric Quantitative Application of the Theory of Indicators to 415 Analytical Chemistry the Uses of Trichlorethylene in 238 Angostura (Cusparia) Alkaloids 161 Anhydrous Liquid Ammonia Commercial Methods of Testing 269 Aniline Use of to Effect Precipitation of Chromium as Sesquioxide 34 Animal Fats Other the Presence of Horse Fat in Biological Method for Detecting, - Researches Low Terriperatures for Convenient Method of Attaining 287 527 Organs Alcohol in Detection of 255 -- and Liquids Lactic Acid in Estimation of 21 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.xxxiii Animal Organs Mercury and Mercury Compounds in Detection of 259 --_____ Morphine in Detection of 406 ~ Size and Wool Gelatin a Method of Distinguishing between 28 Tissues Quantitative Chemical Analysis of 65 etc.the Estimation of Pat in Kumagawa-Suto Method for 527 Post-Mortem the Blood and Tissues of the Quantitative Estimation of Animals Different the Fat of Characteristics of 68 Hydrocyanic Acid in New Method for 406 Anise Oil of Influence of Age on 397 Annual Address of the Retiring President 94 Anode a Rotating Graphite 506 -Use of 77 Silver Electrolytic Estimation of Chlorine in Hydrochloric Acid with the Stationary and Mercury Cathode Rapid Determination of Copper Silver, Cadmium and Bismuth by Means of 544 Anthracite Coal Calorimetric Determinations on L4ccurate Method for 531 Antimony and Tin Separation of 413 I by Distillation 451 ~- - Arsenic and Tin Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Ferricyanide in _ _ . ~ -Copper-Tin Alloys (Bearing Metal) Small Quantities of Lead in Estima-~- Estimation of 451 - Hydride (Stibine) the Properties of and its Estimation 219 - Pentasulphide and Vermilion in hdiarubber Articles Estimation of 131 - Tin and Copper in Babbit Metal and Solders Rapid Estimation of 552 ___- Volumetric Estimation of 324 Apiols Parsley Their Characters and Adulterations 397 433 - - -Alkaline Solution 412 tion of 452 ___- -_ in Presence of New Method of Estimating 551 &‘PARATUS ABSTRACTS 43 83 144 183 223 283 334 375 422 457 502 554 an for Evaporating Ethereal Solutions Note on 16 __ _ _ _ Botticher’s Estimation of Volatile Acids in Wine by Meana of 313 _ _ Electrical Drying for Flasks etc.336 - - Extraction 47 338 Improved Form of 556 - ~ - Fat Extraction a Convenient 349 --~ ___ for Analysis of Gases by Condensation 377 - - for Continuous Filtration under Reduced Pressure 422 - - for Determination of Melting-Points and the Solubility of Small Quan-tities of Substances 46 ~ __ -- - - for Measuring and Regulating the Quantity of Steani delivered from a - _- -_ - -.for Rapid Electrolysis 428 ~ ~ _ _ €or taking Density of Strong Ammonia Solutions 375 for the Analysis of Illuminating Gas 224 ~~ __ for the Collection of Gases from Volcanic Fissures etc. 44 - __ - __ for the Estimation of Arsenic 459 - _ _ _ ~ for Determining Sulphur in Spent Oxide 2% - for Filtrations at Constant Temperaturcs 83 Steam Generator 47 -- Carbon Arsenic and Sulphur in Iron and Steel, 554 __ Cellulose 335 423 for the Preparation of Absolute Alcohol 334 for Use in the Determination of Volatile Acids in Wines and Vinegars 43 -__ xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.APPARATUS Gas the Elliott 223 - Hydrogen Sulphide 558 - Kipps’ Improved 286 New for Determining Melting-Points 227 > for the Bstimation of SO in Funiing Sulphuric Acids 337 ___-____ -~ - -___ - Sulphur 457 ____-__ Obermiiller’s Manometric for Testing Nitrocelluloses Modifications of, 339 -__- -_ Oil-Gas Analysis 225 . _ ~ - Portable for Measuring the Electric Conductivity of Water Sewage, -- Simple Bromination 378 Apricot Kernels and Peach Kernels in ‘‘ Marzipan,” Detection of 248 Armstrong’s Method of Testing Turpentine Oil Modification of 218 Aromatic Fluorine Compounds and the Estimation of Fluorine therein 489 Saline Solutions etc.183 Nitro Compounds especially Nitrophenols as Precipitating Agents for Blkaloids etc. 317 - Substances Typical Present in Rums Brandies etc. 208 Arsenic Acid Detection of Arsenious Acid in Presence of by Electrolysis 33 in Presence of Arsenious Acid Detection of by Means of Magnesia after Reduction by Means of Hydrazine Salts Quantitative Volatilisation of, Antimony and Tin Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Ferricyanide in ____ Carbon and Sulphur in Iron and Steel the Estimation of Apparatus for, -__ in Copper Estimation of 75 Arsenious Acid Detection oi Arsenic Acid in Presence of by Means of Magnesia ____-__ in Presence of Arsenic Acid Detection of by Electrolysis 33 -__-_- in Volumetric Analysis Use of. I.Estimation of Dextrose par-Artificial Honey Ley’s Fiehe’s and Jiigerschmid’s Reactions for the Detection of. ___._- Serum for Distinguishing Honey from 165 (Ascidia Sea-Squirts) Tunicates the Quantity of Glycogen in and the Influence of Asphalt Examination of 266 ~- Products Analysis of 26 Asphaltic Material Chemical Examination of 25 Atomic Weights International 1910 1 Atoxyl Identification of 397 Auramine Oils coloured with 400 Automatic Adjustable Burette 334 _ _ _ ~ - Siphon Rose’s 429 (Axle-Greases for Railways) Vulcan Oils Estimation of Tar in 136 Mixture 76 324 Alkaline Solution 412 554 the Xstimation of Apparatus for 459 Mixture 76 titularly in Urine by the Iodometric Method 133 Analysis of Honey 434 Iron on the Xstimation of Glycogen 483 Topler Pump for Collecting Gases 424 Babbit Metal and Solders Antimony Tin and Copper in Rapid Estimation of 552 ~- Metals Solders and Journal Brasses Analysis of 270 Bacteria Certain the Fermentation Products of Estimation by Duclaux’s Method of Volatile Acids in 35 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.xxxv Bacteria on the Surface of Nutrient Media, Development and Quantitative Estima--- the Growth of in Milk Indirect Estimation of 167 Bacterial Flora and Chemical Composition of ‘ I Lactomaltose,” 170 Bacteriological Nethods for Estimating the Available Nitrogen in Fertilisers 257 BACTERIOLOGICAL PHYSIOLOGICAL ETC. AHSTKACTS 22 65 167 210 255 314 359, tion of 168 404 438 481 526 - Purposes Centrifuge Burette for 555 - S t a ndardisation of Disinfectants 405 __ _ _ _ _ _ Note on the Modification of Bahmil Test for Detecting Wheat Flour in Rye and Other Flours a Modification of Balsam Honduras Characteristics of 442 - Quino-Quino froni Myroxylon Balsamum Var.Punctatum 19 Bang’s Method of Estimating Sugar in Urine 70 Barium Chromate Method Volumetric Estimation of Sulphate by the 417 ____- Sulphate Estimation of Sulphuric Acid as 374 Barley and Malt Nitrogenous Substances in. Bases Xanthin in Cocoa and Chocolate Estimation of 125 Basic Slag and Natural Phosphates Phosphoric Acid in Estimation of by the I‘ Citro-Bean Soya 20 Beans Soya Decomposed Toxic Bases Present in 484 (Bearing Metal) Antimony-Tin-Copper Alloys Small Quantities of Lead in Estima-Beef (and Horse) Flesh Glycogen Content of 311 - Flesh Glycogen in Estimation of 258 Beer Wine etc.Sucrose in Detection of 208 Bees’ Resin (Propolis) Examination of 493 Benin Copal Characteris’cics of 444 Benzaldehydecyanhydrin Volumetric Estimation of Hydrocyanic Acid Especially in Benzene in Illuminating Gas Comparison of Pfeifer’s Method for the Estimation of, Woodhead and Ponder 440 the 21 11. Transforination of Proteins during Malting and Malt Storage (Analytical Methods for Valuation of Malt) 350 Mechanical ” Method 40 - Free Lime in Estimation of 455 tion of 452 the Presence of 537 with that of Dennis and McCarthv. 489 Benzidine Estimation of Sulphate b i bxeans of Especially in Presence of Chromium, 331,418 Benzoic and Cinnamic Acids Estimation of in the Presence of Each Other 129 - Cinnamic and Salicylic Acids in Wine Detection of 166 Bergamot Oil Adulteration of with Esters of Citric Acid 352 Bicarbonates in Admixture with Normal Carbonates Rapid Estimation of 34 35 Bile Acids Detection of 210 Biochemistry of Illicro-Organisms.Biological Method for Detecting the Presence of Horse Fat in Other Animal Fats, Bismuth Copper Silver and Cadmium Rapid Determination of by Means of the - -Lead Alloys the Analysis of and the Separation of Bismuth from Lead, -- Subnitrate Commercial the Constitution of Determination of the Acid Bitter Principles in Hops of Various Qualities and Origins Estimation of 352 I. Quantitative Studies of Nitrification 169 527 Mercury Cathode and Stationary Anode 544 301 Radical and its Relation to 11 xxsvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.Bitumen Soluble Estimation of 443 Bleaching of Cellulose the Degree of Estimation of 318 Blood Ammonia and Urea in Estimation of 438 - and Tissues of Animals Post-Mortem the Quantitative Estiniation of Hydro-- Dextrose in Estimation of 211 - Sugar in Estimation of 260 - the Guaiacum Reaction for the Detection of Use of Sodium Perborate in, Blowpipe Mouth an Improved 458 Blue Ultramarine the Analysis of Note on 157 Boiling-Points at Standard Pressures and Vapour Pressures Simple Dynamic Method for Determining Studies on Vapour Pressure 450 -- of Minute Quantities of Liquids and Non-Fusing Solids Method for Bolling’s Method for the Estimation of Sulphur in Gas Comparison of with Bomb Calorimeter Friction in the 422 - Calorimetric an Adiabatic Calorimeter for Use with the 283 BOOKS NEW 92 188 230 432 564 - REVIEWS OF : cyanic Acid in New Method for 406 439 Determining Studies on Vapour Pressure 449 Harding’s Modification of Drehschmidt’s Method 489 - Elementary Analysis by Means of a 260 A List of Official Chemical Appointments 91 Agricultural Bacteriology 190 Aids to the Analysis of Food and Drugs 49 Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis Vol.I. 146 An Introduction to the Analysis of Drugs and Medicines 383 Analyses of Rocks and Minerals from the Laboratory of the U.S. Geological J3ritish Standard Specification for Portland Cement 509 Coal Tar and Ammonia 189 Engineering Chemistry 508 Food Inspection and AnalysiP 289 Food-Testing 562 Manual of Sanitary Law 563 RIethods Used in the Examination of Milk and Dairy Products 341 Oil Animal Vegetable Essential and Mineral 431 Pharmacopedia 148 Some Technical Methods of Testing n/Iiscellaneous Supplies 342 Systematic Qualitative Analysis 88 The Analysis of Silicate and Carbonate Roclis 466 The Law Relating to Poisons and Pharmacy 90 The Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid and Alkali with the Collateral Branches The Public Health Service Directory and Year-Book 291 Van Nostrand’s Chemical Annual 89 Survey 1880 to 1908 468 Vol.II. 228 Bordeaux Mixture Tea Sprayed with Amount of Copper in 524 Botticher’s Apparatus Estimation of Volatile Acids in Wine by Means of 313 Bottle Gas-Sampling Transportable 558 -- Specific Gravity New 460 Bottles Gas-Washing New 144 Brain Substance Cholesterol and Fat in Estimation of 314 Brandies Rums etc.Typical Aromatic Substances Present in 208 Brasses Journal Babbit Metals and Solders Analysis of 27 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV+ xxxvii Brewing Waters Treated Gypsum and Other Salts in the Estimation of 37 Bromide Chloride or Free Iodine Volumetric Estimation of Iodide in Presence of, Brornjnation Apparatus Simple 378 Bromine and Iodine Values of Certain Resins Copals etc. 493 ___ _- Small Quantities of the Colorimetric Estimation of in the Presence of _____ - - Use of in the Analysis of Turpentine Oil 33 Bronze Electrolytic Corrosion of 138 Brucine and Strychnine Separation of from Tropeines and the Alkaloids Contained Bulgarian Ferment Separation of Sucrose from Lactose by Rfeans of the 315 Bullion Gold Assay Accuracy of 369 Burette an adjustable Automatic 334 ~.Centrifuge for Bacteriological Purposes 555 _-I___ without Glass Cock or Rubber Connection 378 Burettes Jets of or Outlets of Separators Screw Clip for 184 Burner for Use in Spectrum Analysis 145 Butter and Cocoanut Oil in Margarine Estimation of 399 547 Large Quantities of Chlorine and Small Quantities of Iodine 159 Water Dift’erentiation of Aldoses and Ketoses by Means of 316 in Coca-Leaves 524 Simple for the Estimation of Carbon Dioxide 184 Gas with an Accurate Adjustment of Gas and Air 144 and Lard Cocoanut Oil in Detection of 354 7 7 and of Lard in Butter 353 - - - - - ~ - _ _ _ _ _ -__ and Margarine Cocoanut Oil in A Short Method for Detecting and Estimating 385 -Frtt Cocoanut Oil in Admixture with Estimation of 519 Irish and the Reichert-Wollny Standard 381 Parchment Paper as a Wrapping for Examination of 435 Cutyl and Amy1 Alcohols in Alcoholic Liquids Estimation of 477 Cadmium and Zinc Sepamtion of Copper from by Means of _ _ ~ - -? Copper Silver and Bismuth Rapid Determination of by Means of the - Detection of in the Presence of Copper by Means of Hydrogen Sulphide, Cupferron,” 453 Mercury Cathode and Stationary Anode 544 219 Separation Use of Organic Electrolytes in 544 Caesium Sodium and Rubidium Detection of 81 Caffeine in Roasted Coff‘ee Estimation of 517 -__ -.__ in Tea and Coffee Estimation of 202 Calcium Acetate Crude Analysis of 213 -_____ Carbide Sodium Amalgain and Zinc Dust Analysis of with the ‘‘ Decom-position Flask,” 172 Carbonate in Soils Estimation of 77 Chloride Serum of Milk Physical Chemistry of the 440 .____- the Serum Obtained from Milk by the Use of Refraction of 441 ___- Cyanamide I t s Analysis and the Changes it Undergoes when Exposed to ~ Calorimeter An Adiabalic for Use with the Calorimetric Bomb 283 -~ - Bomb Friction in the 422 --_ New Gas 503 Calorimeters for Solid Fuels Different Types of Comparison of 407 the Atmosphere 486 Nolybdate Estimation of Molybdenum in 547 Sucrate aud Sucrose in Milk and Cream Detection of 31 xxxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.Calorimetric Bomb An Adiabatic Calorimeter for Use with the 283 - Elementary Analysis by Means of a 260 - Determinations on Anthracite Coal Accurate Method for 531 Calorimetry Fuel Accuracy Obtainable in 444 Camphor Spirits of Detection of Denatured Alcohol in 248 Candelilla Wax 322 Cane Molasses Sucrose in Determination of 540 Cane-Sugar Quantitative Determination of by the Use of Invertase 262 Caoutchouc Estimation of as Tetrabromide 267 - 9 9 Influence of the Protein 268 - Mixtures Loadings in Estimation of 446 _- ‘‘ Resins,” the Properties of 131 Caoutchoucs Para and Ceylon Differentiation of from Other Varieties 213 Cape Colony Chemical Composition of Milk in 251 Cape of Good Hope Department of Agriculture 466 Capillary Analysis of Colloidal Solutions 543 Capsicum The Detection of and Capsaicin 518 Carbon Amorphous Different Varieties of Decolorising Action of 27 Arsenic and Sulphur in Iron and Steel the Estimation of Apparatus for 554 Dioxide the Estimation of Simple Burette for 184 in Iron and Steel and in Iron Alloys Estimation of by Direct Combus-- in Iron and Steel Wet Combustion of 34 Monoxide in Air The Estimation of 130 Carbonates Alkali Fused Molecular Weight Determinations in 180 - Normal Bicarbonates in Admixture with Rapid Estimation of 34 Carbonic Oxide in Illuminating Gas Estimation of by Iodine Pentoxide 175: Carbonophosphates in Milk The Presence of ; their Precipitation by Pasteurisa-“ Caro’s Acid,” Moist Combustions by Means of 262 Casein in Milk the Determination of A Volumetric Method for 53 Catalase in Milk Estimation of and its Application to the Control of Milk - of Milk as an Indicator of Disease 359 -- Tube for Testing Milk 460 Catalytic Method of Estimating the Freshness of Milk Study of the 256 Cathode Mercury and Stationary Anode Rapid Determination of Copper Silver, Cattle Foods Some New Feeding Stuffs and their Relative Value as 54 Ceara Rubber from Nyassaland Analysis of 447 Cellular Elements Present in Milk Nature of the 23 Cellulose-Disintegrating Property of Soils Process for Estimating the 495 tion 325 tion 22 in Paper The Adamkiewicz-Senex Test for 268 Supplies 526 Cadmium and Bismuth by Means of the 544 Determination of Indium with the Use of a 546 - 1 Estimation of by Lange’s and Simon and Lohrisch’s Methods 263 the Estimation of Apparatus for 335 423 the Quantitative Estimation of New Nethod for 408 Centrifugal Precipitating and Filtering Vessel 458 Centrifuge Burette for Bacteriological Purposes 555 Cereals Factor for Determining the Quality of Relation of the Mineral Constituents Cerite and Monazite Cerium in Volumetric Determination of 325 9 - of the Degree of Bleaching of 318 in Lignified Materials Method for Determination of 71 to the Proteins in Cereals as a 16 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV xxxix Ceylon and Para Caoutchoucs Differentiation of from Other Varieties 213 Charred Paper Detection of Writing on 136 Cheese Lactic Acid in Estimation of 53 Chicory and Coffee Essences Coffee and Chicory Analysis and Composition of 163 Chinese Wood Oil Constants of 321 Chloride Bromide or Free Iodine Volumetric Estimation of Iodide in Presence of, - Detection of Traces of in Gelatin 28 Chlorides in Milk Estimation of 311 547 Mercuric in Compressed Gun-Cotton Detection of 174 or Nitrites Waters Containing Estimation of Nitrates by the Method of Chlorine in Colloidal Silica Estimation of Purification of Colloids by Dialysis 542 __-- in Hydrochloric Acid Electrolytic Estimation of with the Use of a Silver -- Large Quantities of and Small Quantities of Iodine The Colorimetric Chloroform Vapour in the Air Separation and Estimation of 361 Chlorogenic Acid.Chlorophyll in Plants Estimation of 404 Chocolate and Cocoa Santhin Bases in,'Estimation of 125 Cholesterol and Cholesterol Esters in Normal and Diseased Kidneys Estimation Grandval and Lajoux in 81 Anode 77 Influence of upon the Estimation of Nitrates 3'72 Estimation of Small Quantities of Bromine in the Presence of 159 Its Occurrence in Certain Plants and its Estimation 529 of 256 - and Pat in Brain Substance Estimation of 314 Choline Detection of and a Note on Trimethylamine 530 Chrome Ironstone Chromium in Estimation of 77 Chromic Acid Ferric Salts and Nitrous Acid Pyrogalloldimethyl Ether a Sensitive Chromium and Manganese Separation of 35 and Vanadium Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Ferricyanide in -__ Copper Nickel Cobalt Zinc and Lead Indirect Volumetric Estimation Reagent for 492 Alkaline Solution 421 of 178 Estimation of Sulphate by Means of Benzidine especiallyin Presence of, 331 418 -- in Chrome Ironstone Estimation of 77 _ _ ~ - Precipitation of as Sesquioxide Use of Aniline to EBect 34 Cinnarnic Acid in Foods Detection of 21 -___ Benzoic and Salicylic Acids in Wine Detection of 166 Citral in Lemon Extracts and Lemon Oils Determination of 125 Citric Acid Esters of Adulteration of Bergamot Oil with 352 - in Citrates and Lemon Juices Estimation of 519 Clay Coal in Admixture with Elementary Analysis of 133 Clays '' Rational " Analysis of 271 Clip Screw for Jets of Burettes or Outlets of Separators 184 Coal Anthracite Colorimetric Determinations on Accurate Method for 531 - Tar Creosote The Testing of 409 -~ Volatile Constituents of 531 Cobalt and Copper the Detection of Use of Naphthenic Acid in 329 Vanadium and Molybdenum in Iron and Steel Estimation of 282 - and Benzoic Acids Estimation of in the Presence of Each Other 129 Colloid Matter of and its Measurement 272 in Admixture with Clay Elementary Analysis of 13 xl INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.Cobalt and Nickel the Estimation of New Voluiuewic Methods for 220 Volumetric Estimation of 370 371 - Chromium Copper Nickel Zinc and Lead Indirect Voluinetric Estimation of 178 Cobaltinitrite Method Volumetric Estimation of Polassiurn by the 499 Coca-Leaves Analysis of 397 and Brucine from 524 the Alkaloids Contained in and Tropeines Separation of Strychnine Cocoa and Chocolate Xanthin Bases in Estimation of 125 - Fat in Estimation of 203 Powders Husk in Estimation of 162 -- Products Starch in Estimation of 21 Cocoanut Oil and Butter in Margarine Estimation of 399 - -_ in Admixture with Butter-Fat Estimation of 519 -__ in Butter and Lard Detection of 354 Essence of.Occurrence of Odorous Substances in Cocoanut Oil 356 - - and of Lard in l-lutter 353 __-_- in Butter and Nargarine A Short Method for Detecting and Estimating, 3s5 CoeEcient of Expansion of Glycerol 263 Coffee and Chicory Essences Coffee and Chicory Snalysis and Composition of 163 -- and Tea Caffeine in Estimation of 202 Roasted Caffeine in Estimation of $17 Colloid Matter of Clay and its Measurement 272 Colloidal Silica Estimation of Chlorine iii Purification of Colloids by Dialysis 542 Precipitates Collection of 544 Sols Filtration of by Means of a Kew Filter 541 Solutions Capillary Analysis of 543 Colocynth Seed Oil of 73 Colorimetric Estimation of Srnall Quantities of Vanadium 42 -- Estimation of Sugar in Urine 528 Colour Measurement New Method of 379 Reaction Koniarowsky’s for Fuse1 Oil 403 New and Delicate for Detection of Nitric Acid and Nitrates 278 J of Acrolein 485 of Strychnine 75 --- Reactions of Oils Especially the Reactions Given by Certain Specimens of of Turpentine Oil Wood Turpentine Oil and Rosin Essence.Coloured Malts and on the Desirability of Securing Uniformity in the hkthods Colouring Matter Red Occurring in Urine 171 Column New Fractionating 185 Combustion Crucible Simplified 144 - Direct Estimation of Carbon in Iron and Steel and in Iron Alloys by, _ _ _ ~ Wet of Carbon in Iron and Steel 34 Combustions Moist by Means of (‘ Caro’s Acid,” 262 Commercial Analysis of Egg Oil in Yolk of Egg 204 Poppyseed Oil 490 Application in the Analysis of Varnishes 412 Adopted for the Determination of their IGxtracts and Colour Values 205 325 *4nhydrous Liquid Ammonia Methods of Testing 269 Bisniuth Subnitrats The Determination of the Acid Radical and its Relation to the Constitution of 118 -- Detergents Note on 23 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.xii Commercial Fertilisers Inferior Nitrogenous Compounds in Detection of 496 -- Paraftin Wax Examination of 29 Compound which may be Mistaken for Salicylic Acid The Presence of a in Certain Condensation The Analysis of Gases by 376 Condensers Two New 185 Conductivity Porosity and Permeability for Gases of Fireproof Materials 35 Congress Second International of Alimentary Hygiene and of the Rational Feeding Constant Temperatures Filtrations at Apparatus for 83 Constants of Chinese Wood Oil 321 Constituents Volatile of Coal 531 Continuous Filtration under Reduced Pressure Apparatus for.422 Copal Accra 444 -_ Benin Characteristics of 444 Foods 253 7 -_- Apparatus for 377 of Man 292 - Loango 319 Manila 535 - Sierra Leone 319 Copals Resins etc. Certain Iodine and Bromine Values of 493 Copper A New Heaction of 453 - and Iron Quantitative Precipitation of by Means of Nitroso-phenyl-- and its Alloys Cuprous Oxide in The Estimation of 36 ~- Antimony and Tin in Babbitt Metal and Solders Rapid Estimation of 552 ___- Arsenic in Nstimation of 75 and Cobalt the Detection of Use of Naphthenic Acid in 329 hydroxylaniine 327 Chromium Nickel Cobalt Zinc and Lead Indirect Volumetric Estimation Detection of Cadmium in the Presence of by Neans of Hydrogen Sul-of 178 phide 219 __- in Slags Rapid Xethod of Determining 140 - - in Tea Sprayed with Bordeaux Nixture Amount of 524 - New Volumetric Method for the Estimation of 179 Separation of from Cadmium and Zinc by >ileaas of ‘‘ Cupferron,” 453 _- Silver Cadmium and Bismuth Rapid Determination of by Means of the - - the 13lectrolytic Determination of Conditions Meeting 545 Correction of Gas-Volunies A Graphic RIethod for the 3023 Corrosion Electrolytic of Bronze 138 Cottonseed Oil Detection of in Olive Oil.Use of Sealed Tubes in Halphen’s Mercury Cathode and Stationary Anode 544 - of the Specific Gravity of Liquids for the Buoyancy of Air 86 Test 356 - Halphen’s Reaction for Notes on 536 Cream and Milk Sucrose and Calcium Sucrate in Uetrction of 312 ___ - The Composition of 5 Creatinine The Isolation of from Meat Extracts 250 Creosote Coal-Tar The Testing of 409 Crucible Simplified Combustion 144 Crude Calcium Acetate Analysis of 213 Fibre Ileteymination of 361 Rapid Method of Determining 361 - Petroleum as a Reducing Agent for Zinc Ores 143 -- Diffusion of through Fuller’s Earth 49 xlii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.Crude Petroleum the Estimation of Paraffin Wax in Rapid Method for 30 Cryoscope for the Analysis of Peptones 557 Crystallisation Water of Effect of Continued Grinding on 145 “ Cupferron,” Quantitative Separation by Means of 78 - ~ _ _ _ Separation of Copper from Cadmium and Zinc by Means of 453 Cuprous Oxide in Copper and its Alloys The Estimation of 36 (Cusparia) Alkaloids Angostura 161 Cutter Glass-Tube 505 Cyanamide Calcium Its Analysis and the Changes it Undergoes when Exposed to the Atmosphere 486 Cyanide Hydrogen the Colorimetric Estimation of 469 _- Volumetric Estimation of in Presence of Thiocyanate and Halides 213 Cyanogen Compounds in Mixtures Small Quantities of Detection of 408 Decolorising Action of Different Varieties of Amorphous Carbon 27 Decomposition of Potassium Nitrate by hficro-Organisms Quantitative Estimation Products Estimation of Peptide Compounds in Proteins or in of the 24 their 492 Degree of Bleaching of Cellulose Estimation of the 318 Denatured Alcohol in Spirits of Camphor Detection of 248 Dennis and McCarthy Comparison of Pfeifer’s Method for the Estimation of Benzene Density of Strong Arninonia Solutions Apparatus for Taking 375 Desiccator Vacuum with Heating Attachment 507 Detergents Commercial Note on 237 Devarda’s and Pozzi-Escot’s Uethod for the Estimation of Nitrates A Comparison Destro-Rotatory Tartaric Acid the Estimation of New Method for 323 Dextrose Estimation of particularly in Urine by the Iodometric Method.- in Blood Estimation of 211 Dialysis Purification of Colloids by Estimation of Chlorine in Colloidal Silica 542 Diastatic Power of Nalt and Malt Extract Determination of 360 -__-- the Determination of Examination of the Methods for Studies on Diazo-Alkyl Compounds Estimation of 487 Dimethyl Brown as a Sensitive Indicator Use of 216 Dinitroquinol Estimation of Intensity of Acidity and Alkalinity with 316 Dirt in Milk Estimation of 126 Disease Catalase of Milk as an Indicator of 359 Dishes Aluminium and Ceriain Other Contrivances for Electro- Analysis 83 Disinfect ants Bacteriological St andardi sat ion of 405 in Illuminating Gas with that of 489 of 307 Use of Arsenious Acid in Volumetric Analysis 133 Amylases 481 - Note on the Modification of Wood-head and Ponder 440 Disodium Phosphate Influence of on Tyrosinase and in the Estimation of Melanins, 260 Dissolved Oxygen in Water Estimation of 372 Distillation Arrangement Fractional 379 Estimation of Salicylic Acid by 366 - Separation of Antimony and Tin by 451 -- under Reduced Pressure Still-Head for Use in 287 Distilled Liquors Aldehydes in Estimation of 350 -- Spirits Methods of Analysis of 1 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.xliii Drehschmidt’s Method Harding’s Modification of Comparison of Bolling’s Method for the Estimation of Sulphur in Gas with 489 Driers Painters’ The Composition of 154 Drugs and Plants Medicinal Determination of Total Alkaloids 382 Drying Apparatus Electrical for Flasks etc.336 - Moist Ethyl Ether 176 Duclaux’s Method Estimation of Volatile Acids in the Fermentation Products of Certain Bacteria by 359 (Dulcine) and Saccharin in Foods Rich in Fats Starch and Proteins Detection and Estimation of 436 Dyestuff’s Lake- Simple on the Fibre Spectroscopic Identification of 538 Earth Fuller’s Diffusion of Crude Petroleum through 491 Earths Alkaline Use of Phenols in the Analysis of 373 Egg Oil in Yolk of Egg Commercial Analysis of 204 Electric Conductivity of Water Sewage Saline Solutions etc. Portable Apparatus for Measuring 183 - Vacuum Furnace 380 Electrical Drying Apparatus for Flasks etc.336 -- Thermostat New 226 Electro-Analysis Aluminium Dishes and Certain Other Contrivances for 83 - Committee Report of 545 ~ - - _ _ Rapid with Stationary Electrodes 272 Electro-Analytical Estimation of Lead as Peroxide 78 Electro-Deposition of Metals 180 I<lectrodes Stationary Rapid Determination of Lead in Ores by Electrolysis with, Electrolysis Detection of Arsenious Acid in Presence of Arsenic Acid by 33 - Estimation of Tin in White Metals by 551 - Rapid Apparatus for 428 Zlectrolytes Organic Use of in Cadmium Separation 544 Electrolytic Determination of Copper Conditions Affecting the 545 - of Zinc 282 Properties of Sunflower Oil 32 498 in Ores 501 Causes of the High Results in the 283 - - - ~ - - _ -___-- -__ Elements Cellular Present in Milk Nature of the 23 Elliott Gas Apparatus 223 Engler’s Viscosimeter Errors in the Dimensions of Influence of upon the Results of Enzymes in Feces Presence of 69 - Occurring in Honey 259 ___---_ and the Value of their Detection in the Analysis of ~- Oxidising Rapid Preparation of from Vegetable Extracts Method for 169 Enzymic Oxidation the Formation of Melanins by Influence of Reaction of the Eosin Reaction of Glass at Freshly Broken Surfaces.11. Tendency to Disintegration Eosine Rye-Flour Containing 252 Ergot in Flour Quantitative Determination of 357 Errata 152 190 396 Essences Coffee and Chicory Coffee and Chicory Analysis and Composition of 163 Essential Oil in Spices etc. The Estimation of Small Quantities of 392 Estimations 504 Honey 165 Medium on 360 of Heavy Glasses 36 xliv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.Essential Oils Refractive Indices of 490 Esters Cholesterol and Cholesterol in Normal and Diseased Kidneys Estimation ~- of Citric Acid Adulteration of Bergamot Oil with 352 Ether Ethyl Moist Drying 176 __- Pyrogalloldimethyl a Sensitive Reagent for Chromic Acid Ferric Salts and Ethereal Solutions an Apparatus for Evaporating Note on 16 Bxcess Potential The Marsh Test and 276 Explosives Mercury in Detection of 73 Extract Liquid of Hydrastis Estimation of Hydrastine in 124 - Malt and Malt Diastatic Power of Determination of 360 - Vanilla and its Imitations h1ethod of Distinguishing between 524 Extracts Lemon and Lemon Oils Determination of Citral in 125 -_ Meat The Isolation of Creatinine from 250 -___ Vegetable Rapid Preparation of Oxidising Enzymes from Method for 169 Extraction Apparatus 47 338 of 256 Extract Non-Volatile of Spices Influence of Method of Heating on 253 Nitrous Acids 492 Fat A Convenient 349 Improved Form of 556 --__ Faced Hice as a Danger to Health 479 Faces Enzymes in Presence of 69 - Fat and Fatty Acids in the Estimatiop.of New Method for 482 Fat and Cholesterol in Brain Substance Estimation of 314 - and Fatty Acids in Faces the Estimation of New Method for 482 - Crude Determination of the Acid Value of and its Application in the Detectioii - Horse in other Animal Fats Biological Method for Detecting the Presence of 327 - - in Foods Estimation of 203 - of Different Animals Characteristics of 68 - the lhtimation of in Animal Tissues etc.The Kumagawa-Suto Method for 527 Fats Starch and Proteins Foods Rich in Detection and Estimation of Saccharin of Aged Foods 248 in Cocoa etc. Estimation of 203 (and Dulcine) in 436 Waxes and Oils of the British Pharmacopceia Suggested Monographs 562 Fatty Acids and Fat in Fzces New Method for the Estimation of 4S2 Feeding Stuffs Some New and their Relative Value as Cattle Foods 54 Ferment Bulgarian Separation of Sucrose from Lactose by hleans of the 315 Fibrin Method for the Quantitative Estimation of and of Fibrinogen Fermentation Products of Certain Bacteria Estimation of Volatile Acids i n by ~- Saccharometer 555 Ferric Chloride in the Ether Separation Determination of Phosphorus Retained Formates Certain the Composition of and Precipitation of the Iron Group, in Secretions and Organs 314 Duclaux’s Method 359 with 279 453 - - Iron Volunietric Estimation of (by Hydrosulphite) 140 -Ferricyanide and Ferrocyanide of Potassium Iodometric Estimation of 413 ~ - ~ - in Alkaline Solution Volumetric Estimation of Antimony Arsenic and Salts Chromic Acid and Nitrous Acid Pyrogalloldimethyl Ether a Sensitive Reagent for 492 ~ - ~ - - Volumetric Estimation of 414 Tin by Means of 41 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.xlv Ferricyanide in Alkaline Solution Volumetric Estimation of Chromium and Vanadium Ferripyrine Estimation of 249 Ferrocyanide and Perricyanide of Potassium Iodimetric Estimation of 413 Ferrocyanides Analysis of 295 ~ - - The Analysis of 274 Ferrosilicons High Grade Silicon in Estimation of 180 Fertilisers Commercial Inferior Nitrogenous Compounds in Detection of 496 Fibre Crude Determination of 361 by Means of 321 the Available Nitrogen in Bacteriological Methods for Estimating 257 - - - _- Bapid Xethod of Determining 361 -- Simple Lake-Dyestuffs on the Spectroscopic Identification of 535 Fibrin Ferment Method for the Quantitative Estimation of and of Fibrinogen in Fiehe’s Ley’s and Jtigerschmid’s Beactions for the Detection of Artificial Honey.Filter New Filtration of Colloidal Sols by Means of a 541 Filtering and Precipitating Vessel Centrifugal 458 Filtrate from the Hydrogen Sulphide Precipitate Concerning the. (Scheme of Filtration Continuous under Reduced Pressure Apparatus for 422 Filtrations at Constant Temperatures Apparatus for 83 Fire Assay for Silver Effect of Varying Amounts of Litharge in the 550 Fireproof Materials Gases of Conductivity Porosity and Permeability for 35 Fish Oil in Vegetable Oils Detection of 249 Fissures Volcanic etc.the Collection of Gases from Apparatus for 44 F‘lash-Point of Vaxes and its Use in the Analysis of Waxes 72 E’lasks etc. Electrical Drying Apparatus for 336 Flesh Beef (and Horse) Glycogen Content of 311 ___- ____ Kstimation of Glycogen in 258 Secretions and Organs 314 Analysis of Honey 434 Qualitative Analysis) 369 __- Foods Detection of Formaldehyde in The Untrustworthiness of Certain ___- Phosphorus in (Differentiation of Organic and Inorganic Phosphorus) 311 - New Method of Adulterating 398 Tests 124 Flo-w Ergot in Quantitative Determination of 357 - __- Rye- Containing Eosine 252 -___- Wheat in Rye and Other Flours the Eahinil Test for Detecting A Modifica Fluorides Detection of Free Hydrofluoric Acid in the Presence of 78 - Titration of Manganese by Volhard’s Method in Presence of 498 Fluorine Compounds Aromatic and the Estimation of Fluorine Therein 489 ~ - - in Fluorspar Estimation of by Jannasch‘s Method 326 - - in Wines Occurrence of 478 Fluorspar Estimation of Fluorine in by Jannasch’s Method 326 tion of 21 FOODS -4ND DRUGS ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 17 53,124,161 202 248,310,350 397 433, 477 517 Imperial Institute Part III.560 Application in 248 Foodstuffs Selected Reports from the Scientific and Technical Department of the Foods Aged the Detection of Determination of the Acid Value of Crude Fat and its -_ ~ Cattle Some New Feeding Stuffs and their Relative Value as 54 - Certain The Presence of a Compound which may be mistaken for Salicylic Acid in 253 Cinnamic Acid in Detection of 2 xlvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.Foods etc. Saccharin in Estimation of 63 ___- Fat in Estimation of 203 - Inspectors of On the Work of 186 - Minute Quantities of Manganese in Detection of 478 - Rich in Fats Starch and Proteins Saccharin (and Dulcine) in Detection aud ~- the Examination of for Salicylic Acid Source of Error in 252 Farmaldehyde and Hesamethylenetetramine in Wine Detection of 403 - Detection of Small Quantities of Silver and Gold by Means of 182 b‘CkYlfp Estimation of 436 - I l j __ in Flesh Foods Detection of The Untrustworthiness of Certain Tests, 124 - _ _ _ _ ~ in Formalin-Soap Preparations Estimation of 250 - - - ______ in Formalin Tablets Estimation of 204 _ _ ~ _ _ _ Method the Estimation of Amino Acids by the Influence of Urea on, 488 -_- Titration Estimation of Total Nitrogen by Means of 487 - Titration in the Presence of Estimation of Amino Acids Polypeptides, Formates Certain Ferric the Composition of and Precipitation o€ the Iron Group, Forinic Acid Estimation of 537 and Hippuric Acid in Urine by 211 453 ? in the Presence of Acetic Acid 488 _ _ _ ~ - Quantitative Estimation of 29 Fractional Distillation Arrangement 379 Fractionating Column New 185 Free Acid in Hydrogen Peroxide Solutions Estimation of 497 and Combined Sulphurous Acid in Wine Estimation of 254 _ - Hydrofluoric Acid Detection of in the Presence of Fluorides 78 Iodine Chloride or Bromide Volumetric Estimation of Iodide in Presence of, Lime in Basic Slag Estimation of 455 547 French Lavender Oil Occurrence of Nerol and Thymol in 491 Freshness of Milk the Catalytic Method of Estimating Study of 256 Friction in the Bomb Calorimeter 422 Fuel Calorimetry Accuracy Obtainable in 444 Fuels Solid Different Types of Calorimeters for Comparison of 407 Fuller’s Earth Diffusion of Crude Petroleum through 491 Fulminate Mercury 214 Fungi Tree- Occurrence of Certain Organic Basic Substances in 441 Furnace Use High-pressure Gas for 285 - Vacuum Electric 380 Fuse1 Oil Estimation of by Alkaline Permanganate 17 ___- Komarowsky’s Colour Reaction for 403 Galenical Preparations Blercury in Estimation of 499 Gas Analysis the Use of Phosphorus Solutions in 329 _- Apparatus The Elliott 223 - -Burner with an Accurate Adjustment of Gas and Air 144 - Calorimeter New 503 - Generator for a Chemical Laboratory 427 - Illuminating Carbonic Oxide in Estimation of by Iodine Pentoxide 175 - -- the Analysis of Apparatus for 224 - - ~ - the Estimation of Benzene in Comparison of Pfeifer’s Method for, with that of Dennis and McCarthy 48 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.xlvii Gas-Meter New 427 - Mixtures Hydrogen in Liquid Absorbent for 139 - -_ Small Quantities of Hydrocarbons in Estimation of 215 - New Thermo-Regulator for Use with 87 - Oil- Analysis Apparatus 225 - -Sampling Bottle Transportable 558 - -Sampling Tube New 285 - the Estimation of Sulphur in Comparison of Bolling’s Method for with Harding’s - Thermo-Regulator 557 - -Washing Bottles New 144 Gasometric Analysis with the ‘( Decomposition Flask,” and Nitrogen Estimation in Smokeless Powders 173 Gases Automatic Topler Pump for Collecting 424 - Derived from Mineral Springs Analysis of 215 ~- from Volcanic Fissures etc.the Collection of Apparatus for 44 Modification of Drehschrnidt’s Method 489 -Volumes the Correction of A Graphic Method for 308 Improved Method of Collecting from the Mercury Pump 84 - the Absorption of Nowicki’s Pipette for Modification of 376 - the Analysis of by Condensation 376 Gastric Juice Analysis of 315 Gelatin and Tannin 444 ___- Traces of Chloride in Detection of 28 -_ Wool and Animal Size a Method of Distinguishing between 28 Gelatine Valuation of by the Melting-Points of Jellies of Known Concentration 174 Generator Steam the Quantity of Steam Delivered from a Apparatus for Measuring Ghee Some Analyses of 343 Glands Thyroid Estimation of Iodine in 69 Glass and Iron Vacuum-Tight Seals between 507 - at Freshly Broken Surfaces The Eosin Reaction of.- Cock or Rubber Connection Burette without 378 - Tube Cutter 505 ‘‘ Weathering ” of 414 Glazes of Some Greek Vases Composition of the 553 Glucose in Urine Detection of 23 Glycerol Coeficient of Expansion of 263 -- Estimation of 445 - - in Wines New Method of Estimating 404 Glycogen Content of Beef (and Horse) Flesh 311 ~- in Beef Flesh Estimation of 258 -- the Influence of Iron on the Estimation of and the Quantity of Glycogen in Tunicates (Ascidia Sea-Squirts) 483 Gold and Silver Small Quantities of Detection of by Means of Formaldehyde IS2 Government Laboratory the Work of for the Year Ending March 31 1910 Report Grandval and Lajoux Estimation of Nitrates by the Method of in Waters Containing Graphic Method for the Correction of Gas-Volumes 308 - of Fireproof Materials Conductivity Porosity and Permeability for 35 Apparatus for 377 - -_- -and Regulating 47 7 9 Small Quantities of Iodine especially in 483 ~ - --11.Tendency to Disinte-gration of Heavy Glasses 368 Bullion Assay Accuracy of 369 of the Principal Chemist upon with Appendices 464 Chlorides or Nitrites 8 xlviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV, Graphite.Anode a Rotating 506 -- Estimation of (Pyritic) Sulphur in 418 Greek T7ases Composition of the Glazes of Some 553 Grinding Continued Effect of on Water of Crystallisation 145 Guaiacurn Reaction for the Detection of Blood Use of Sodium Perborate in 439 Gum Certain Kinds of Characteristics of 264 Gun-Cotton and Nitroglycerine the Abel Heat Test of Significance of 171 __- Compressed Detection of Mercuric Chloride in 174 Gypsum and Other Salts in Treated Brewing Waters The Bstimation of 37 ____- - Apparatus for Testing 330 Halides and Thiocyanate Volumetric Estimation of Cyanide in Presence of 213 Halogens in Organic Bodies Estimation of 319 Halphen’s Reaction for Cottonseed Oil Notes on 536 - Test Use of Sealed Tubes in Detection of Cottonseed Oil in Olive Oil 356 Harding’s Modification of Drehschmidt’s Method Comparison of Bolling’s Method Hardness Temporary in Water and Zinc 51 Health Faced Rice as a Danger to 479 Heat Action of on Milk 207 Heat Noisture Estimations withoilt the Aid of 22 ~ _ _ - of Chemical Reactions as a Basis for a New Analytical Method (Assay of Heated Milk the Detection of Schardinger’s Reaction for 407 Heating Attachment Vacuum Desssicator with 507 -.- Method of Influence of on Non-Volatile Ether Extract of Spices 253 Hexainethylenetetramine and Formaldehyde in Wines Detection of 403 High-pressure Gas for Furnace Use 285 High Results in the Electrolytic Determination of Zinc Causes of the 283 Hippuric Acid Amino Acids and Polypeptides in Lrine Estimation of by Titration in the Presence of Formaldehyde 211 Histidin Behaviour of towards Picrolonic Acid 215 Honduras Balsam Characteristics of 442 Honey Analysic; of 61 for the Estimation of Sulphur in Gas with 489 Fuming Sulphuric Acid) 139 9 -- Ley’s Fiehe’s and Jiigerschmid‘s Reactions for the Detection of Artificial Honey 434 ___-_ 7 - Serum for Distinguishing Honey froin 165 ____ Enzymes Occurring in and the Calue of their Detection in the ,4nalysis of Honey 165 the Enzymes Occurring in 259 Hops of Various Qualities and Origins Bitter Principles i n Estimation of 352 Eorse Fat the Presance of in Other Animal Fats Biological Method for Detecting, Humus Determination of 495 ~- Soil as Determined by Different Methods 362 Husk in Cocoa Powders Estimation of 162 Zydrastine in Liquid Extract of Hydrastis Estimation of 124 Hydraaine Salts Quantitative Volatilisation of Arsenic after Reduction by Means of, H ydrocarbons other than Terpenes the Determination in Turpentine of and the -- Small Quantities of in Gas Mixtures Estimation of 215 Hydrcchloric Acid Chlorine in Electrolytic Estimation of with the Use of a Silver t?27 324 Examination of Turpentine Substitutes 112 -\node 7 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.xlix Hydrocyanic Acid 3:specially in the Presence of Benzaldehydecyanhydrin Volumetric in the Blood and Tissues of Animals Post-Illortern the Quanti-Estimation of 537 tative Estimation of New Method for 406 -~ 112-drofiuoric Acid Free Detection of in the Presence of Fluorides 79 Hydrogen Cyanide the Colorimetric Estimation of 469 New Semitive Test for 320 Small Quantities of Quantitative Colorimetric Estimation of 362 - in Gas Mixtures Liquid Absorbent for 139 Peroxide Estimation of with Permanganate-Influence of Persulphates, 326 - (Perhydrol) Reactions of Alkaloids with 442 - - Solutions Free Acid in Estimation of 497' - Sulphide Apparatus 558 -__ Precipitate Concerning the Filtrate from.-_- Detection of Cadmium in the Presence of Copper by Means of 219 (Scheme of QualitLt-(Hydrosulphite by) Volumetric 13stimation of Ferric Iron 140 pHydroxybenzoic Acid Phenol Salicylic Alcohol (Saligenin) and Salicylic Acid, Hypophosphoric Acid Phosphoric Acid Hypophosphorous Acid and Phosphoroue tive Analysis) 369 Estimation of as Tribromophenol Bromide 218 Acid in Mixtures of the Same Estimation of 39 Illuminating Gas Benzene in Coniparison of Pfeifer's Method for the 1l:stimation of, with that of Dennis and McCarthy 489 - Carbonic Oxide in Estimation of by Iodine Pentoxide 175 ~- the Analysis of Apparatus for 224 Ilmenite Titanic Acid in Estimation of 41 Imperial Institute the Scientific and Technical Department of Selected Reports from, Indiarubber Articles Vermilion and Antimony Pentasulphide iii Estimation of 131 -___ Tvlechanical Testing cf Machine for 45 Indicau Iodine and Scatole Method of Distinguishing between by Means of JaEe's I d c a t o r in Iodiinetric Titrations the Use of Methylene Blue as an 309 _____ of Disease Catalase of Milk as an 359 Indicators the Theory of Quantitative Application of to Volumetric Analysis 415 Indices Refractive of Essential Oils 490 Indium Determination of with the Use of a Mercury Cathode 546 Infusious Tea and Tea Analysis of 103 ISOI:GANIC ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 33 75 137,178 219 269,324 365,412 4-51? 497 540 __- Sulpho-Acids Certain Quantitative Analysis of 500 Inositol Identification of Wine Vinegars by the Detection of 4SO Iuspectors of Foods On the Work of 186 ILVSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY 92 187 227 384 Invertase Quantitative Determination of Cane-Sugar by the Use of 262 -~ the Activity of Influence of Acids and Alkalis on 320 Iodiinetric Titrations the Use of Methylene Blue as an Indicator in 309 Iodine and Bromine Values of Certain Hesins Copals etc.493 ~ - - _ Free Chloride or Bromide Volumetric Estimation of Iodide in Presence of 547 Part III.Foodstufls 560 Indican Reaction 407 New a-Naphtholphthalein 216 Sensitive Use of Dimethyl Brown as a 216 - Method Estimation of Dextrose particularly in Urine by the Use of Arsenious Acid in Volumetric Analysis 13 1 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. Iodine Indican and Scatole Method of Distinguishing between by Means of Jaffe‘s ~- in Protein Combinations Determination of 320 -- in Thyroid Glands Estimation of 69 -___- Yentoxide Estimation of Carbonic Oxide in Illuminating Gas by 175 -_- Simple Method of Estimating 180 Indican Reaction 407 Small Quantities of and Large Quantities of Chlorine the Colorimetric Estimation of Small Quantities of Bromine in the Presence of 159 -_- the Estimation of Simple Method for 37 Irish Butter and the Reichert-Wollny Standard 381 Iron illloys and Iron and Steel Estimation of Carbon in by Direct Combustion 3% and Copper Quantitative Precipitation of by Means of Nitroso-phenyl-7 Estimation of Especially in Thyroid Glands 483 ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hydroxylamine 327 and Glass Vacuum Tight Seals between 507 __ and Steel and! Iron Alloys Estimation of Carbon in by Direct Combustion 385 -- Carbon Arsenic and Sulphur in Apparatus for the Estimation of 554 --_____ Vanadium Molybdenum and Chromium in Estimation of 282 - - Wet Combustion of Carbon in 34 ___ ? Determination of Zinc in Presence of i43 -__ Ferric Volumetric Estimation of (by Hydrosulphite) 140 Colorimetric Determination of Manganese in Presence of 454 Group the Precipitation of and the Composition of Certain Ferric Formates, the Influence of on the Estimation of Glycogen and the Quantity of Glycogen 453 in Tunicates (Ascidia Sea-Squirts) 483 Ironstone Chrome Estimation of Chromium in 77 Jafte’s Indican Reaction Method of Distinguishing between Iodine Indican and Jagerschmid’s Ley’s and Fiehe’s Reactions for the Detection of Artificial Honey.Jalap Chemical Examination of 126 Jams .Jellies etc. Salicylic Acid in Estimation of -137 Jannasch’s Illethod Estimation of Fluorine in Fluorspar by 326 Jellies of Known Concentration the Melting-Points of Valuation of Gelstine by 174 Journal Brasses Babbit Metals and Solders Analysis of 270 Juice Gastric Analysis of 315 Juices Lemon and Citrates Estimation of Citric Acid in 519 Scatole by Means of 407 Snalysis of Honey 434 Kernels Apricot and Peach Kernels Detection of in ‘‘ Marzipan,” 248 Ketoses and Aldoses Differentiation of by Means of Bromine Water 316 Kidneys Normal and Diseased Cholesterol and Cholesterol Esters in Estiniation Kipp’s Apparatus Improved 286 Kjeldahl’s Method Estimations of Nitrogen by A Still-Head for Use in 87 Kober’s Method Determination of Total Nitrogen by 29 Xomarowsky’s Colour Reaction for Fuse1 Oil 403 Koppeschaar’s Nethod Lloyd’s Modification of Estimation of Phenol by 134 Kumagawa-Suto Method for the Estimation of Fat in Animal Tissues etc.527 of 256 Laboratory Chemical Gas Generator for a 424 Lactic Acid Estimation of Based on the Formation of -Aldehyde 44 INDEX TO VOLUME .XXXV. li Lactic Acid in Animal Organs and Fluids Estimation of 211 “ Lactomaltose,” Chemical Composition and Bacterial Flora of 170 Lactose in the Presence of the Commonly-Occurring Sugars The Estimation of 512 - Separation of Sucrose from by Means of the Bulgarian Ferment 315 Lajoux and Grandval Edimation of Nitrates in Waters containing Chlorides or Lake-Dyestuffs Simple Spectroscopic Identification of on the Fibre 538 Lange’s and Simon and Lohrisch’s Methods Estimation of Cellulose by 263 Lard and Butter Detection of Cocoanut Oil in 354 Lavender Oil French Occurrence of Nerol and Thymol in 491 Lead and Zinc the Estimation of New Volumetric Method for 183 - in Cheese Estimation of 53 Nitrites by the Method of 81 9 and of Lard in Butter 353 - --.Chromium Copper Nickel,‘ Cobalt and Zinc Indirect Volumetric Estimation of 178 -_ Estimation of (Electrolytic and Volumetric) 416 - in Ores Rapid Determination of by Electrolysis with Stationary Electrodes 498 - Peroxide On the Application of to Elementary Analysis 141 - Rapid hlethods for Estimating 79 - Small Quantities of Approximate Estimation of 328 - The Electro-Analytical Estimation of as Peroxide 78 - The Separation of Bismuth from and the Analysis of Bismuth-Lead Alloys 301 Leathers Degree of Tannage of Error in Estimation of 264 Leaves Coca Analysis of 397 Lemon Extracts and Lemon Oils Determination of Citral in 125 Juices and Citrates Citric Acid in Estimation of 519 Oils and Lemon Extracts Determination of Citral in 125 - 9 - in Antimony-Copper-Tin Alloys (Bearing Metal) Estima-tion of 452 ~- the Alkaloids Contained in and Tropeines Separation of Strychnine and Brucine from 524 Ley’s Fiehe’s and Jilgerschmid’s Reaction for the Detection of Artificial Honey.Lignified Materials Determination of Cellulose in Method for 71 Iime and Magnesia Separation of 455 - Free in Basic Slag Estimation of 455 Linoleum Analysis of 362 Linseed Oil the Drying of The Influence of Solvents on 192 Liquid Absorbent for Hydrogen in Gas Mixtures 139 Liquids Alcoholic Butyl and Amy1 Alcohols in Estimation of 477 ~- and Non-Fusing Solids Minute Quantities of Method for Determining the Boiling-Points of Studies on Vapour Pressure 449 - Correction of the Specific Gravity of for the Buoyancy of Air 86 Liquors Ammcsniacal Snalysis of 461 - Distilled Estimation of Aldehydes in 350 Litharge Varying Amounts of in the Fire Assay for Silver Effect of 550 Litmus Solution Pure Preparation of 490 Lloyd’s Modification of Koppeschaar’s Method Estimation of Phenol by 134 Loadings in Caoutchouc Mixtures Estimation of 446 Loango Copal 319 Low Temperatures for Analytical Researches Convenient Method of Attaining 287 Analysis of Honey 434 Machine for Mechanical Testing of India-Rubber 45 -- Testing the Adhesive Quality of Pitch 45 lii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.&Iagnesia and Lime Separation of 455 bIagnesium and Phosphoric Acid Iodimetric Estimation of 278 Jlalonic Acid Determination of by Potassium Permanganate 364 Malt and Barley Nitrogenous Substances in. - and Malt Extract Diastatic Power of Determination of 360 - Mixture Detection of Arsenic Acid in Presence of Arsenious Acid by Means of 76 11.Transformation of Proteins during Malting and Malt Storage (Analytical Methods for Valuation of Malt) 350 the Specific Heat of and the Calculation of the ‘‘ Initial Heat” of the blash, 206 ~- Vinegar The Composition of 346 hlalts Coloured and on the Desirability of Securing Uniforinity in the Methods Manganese and Chromium Separation of 35 Adopted for the Determination of their Extracts and Colour Values 205 - Deterinination of New Volumetric Method for 546 - Estimation of by Volhard’s Method SO - in Presence of Iron Colorimetric Determination of 454 - Minute Quantities of in Foods Detection of 478 - Titration of by Volhard’s Method in Presence of Fluorides 495 Manila Copal 535 Manometric Apparatus Oberiniiller’s for Testing Nitrocelluloses Modifications of, Marcasite and Pyrites Sulphur in Exact Deterinination of 332 Margarine and Butter Cocoanut Oil in a Short Method for Detecting aud Estiniating, 339 385 Butter and Cocoanut Oil in Estimation of 399 Marsh Test and Excess Potential 276 Martinique Rums Composition of 62 “ Marzipan,” Detection of Apricot Kernels and Peach Kernels in 248 Material Asphaltic Chemical Examination of 25 Materials Fireproof Gases of Conductivity Porosity and Permeability for 35 Measuring and Regulating the Quantity of Steam Delivered from a Steam Generator, Mea~ureinent Colour New Method of 379 Ueat Extracts The Isolation of Creatinine from 250 Xeats Sulphurous Acid in Xstimation of 400 Media K-utricnt Bacteria on the Surface of Development; and Quantitative Estima-Medicinal Plants and Drugs.Melanins the Estimation of Influence of Disodiuni Phosphate on Tyrosinase and the Formation of by Enzymic Oxidation Influence of Reaction of the Melting and Solidification Points of Mixtures of Stearic Palmitic and Oleic Acids 30 - Point of Trinitrotoluene 268 ~- Points Apparatus for Determination of and the Solubility of Small Quantities Lignified Determination of Cellulose in Method for 71 ,4pparatus for 47 of Vapour Presses Method for 42 Potassium Nitrate in Estimation of by the Use of Nitron 206 tion of 168 Determination of Total Alkaloid 382 in 260 Mediuiii on 360 of Substances 46 New Apparatus for Determining 227 - of Jellies of Known Concentration Valuation of Gelatine by the 174 Mercuric Chloride in Compressed Gun-Cotton Detection of 174 Mercury and Mercury Compounds in Animal Organs Detection of 25 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.liii Mercury and Silver Volumetric Estimation of 220 - ~ - - Determination of Indium with the Use of 546 Cathode and Stationary Anode Rapid Determination of Copper Silver, Cadmium and Bismuth by Means of the 544 Estimation of Silver in Presence of and Volumetric Estimation of Mercury 38 - ~ - Fulminate 214 __ -_ in Explosives Detection of 73 in Galenical Preparations Estimation of 499 in Urine Microchemical Detection of 70 Pump Improved Method of Collecting Gases from 84 ___ -____ -____ I’urification of 424 Netal Babbit and Solders Rapid Estiniation of Antimony Tin and Copper in 552 Metals Babbit Solders and Journal Brasses Analysis of ,270 ____ White the Analysis of New Process for 500 Xethyl Alcohol and Water Mixtures of Specific Gravities of Alcoholic Solutions 127 Methylamines Estimation of in the Presence of a Large Quantity of Ammonia 410 - the Three in Admixture with Bmmonia New Method of Estimating, _ _ _ _ the Topler a Simplified arzd Improved Form of 504 the Estimation of ;Illicrochemical Method for 376 Electro-Deposition of 180 9 Tin in the Estimation of by Electrolysis 5S1 - -363 Methylene Blue the Use of as an Indicator in Iodimetric Titrations 309 Netropolitan Water Board (Reports) 429 Nexico Vegetable Waxes from 178 Micro- Analysis Qualitative and Quantitative Ihanipulation of Minute Quantities of Microchemical Detection of Mercury in Urine 70 _.-- Studies 381 Micro-Organisms Biochemistry of.-I.Quantitative Studies of Nitrification 169 Precipitates in 137 - Xethod for the Estimation of Mercury 27G the Decomposition of Potassium Nitrate by Quantitative Estime-tion of 24 Milk Action of Heat on 207 - Analysis Simplified E l k Scale 927 - and Cream Sucrose and Calcium Sucrate in Detection of 312 ~~ Chlorides in Estimation of 311 Dirt in Estimation of 126 Heated the Detection of Schardinger’s Reaction for 407 - Calcium Chloride Serum of Physical Chemistry of 440 ___ Catalase of as au Indicator of Disease 359 - Tube for Testing 460 ___ _--_ in Cape Colony Chemical Cornposition of 351 Scale Simplified Milk Analysis 227 -Sugar the Polarimetric Estimation of 516 - - Serum the Refraction of 126 Xulphuric Acid (Sulphates) in Occurrence of 434 ___ Supply of Two Large Towns Notes on the S _ _ _ Supplies the Control of Estimation of Catalase in Milk and its Application to 526 the Cellular Elements Present in Nature of 23 the Determination of Casein in a Volumetric Method for 53 __- the Composition of 23 liv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.Milk the Estimation of Catalase in and its Application to the Control of Nilk Supplies 526 the Freshness of Study of the Catalytic Method of Estimating 256 the Presence of Carbonophosphates in their Precipitation by Pasteurisation 22 the Reductase Test for 207 the Serum Obtained from by the Use of Calcium Chloride Refraction of 441 Yielded by Cows Fed on Pasture Manured with Phosphates and Potash Note Nineral Constituents Relation of to the Proteins in Cereals as a Factor for Deter-_____- Matter Extraneous in Rice 293 - Springs Gases Derived from Analysis of 215 Minute Quantities of Manganese in Foods Detection of 478 -- of Precipitate Manipulation of in Qualitative and Quantitative _-____ of Sulphur in Inorganic and Organic Substances Detection of 418 ___ the Growth of Bacteria in Indirect Estimation of 167 on the Composition of 246 mining the Quality of Cerezls 162 Micro-Analysis 137 Miscibility Curve Analysis of Turpentine Oil by Means of its 322 Moist Coinbustions by Means of (‘ Caro’s Acid,” 262 Moisture Estimations without the Aid of Heat 22 Molasses Cane Determination of Sucrose in 540 Molecular Weight Determinations in Fused Alkali Carbonates 180 Molybdenum in Calcium Molybdate Estimation of 547 Vanadium and Chromium in Iron and Steel Estimation of 282 - Selenium and Tellurium Use of Metallic Silver in Estimating 416 Monazite and Cerite Volumetric Determination of Cerium in 325 Monobromcamphor Volunietric Estimation of 411 Morphine in Animal Organs Detection of 406 Mouth Blowpipe An Improved 458 Mulberry-Seed Oil 435 Mustard Preparations Estimation of Starch in 479 Myroxylon Bslsamum Var.Punctatum Quino-Quino Balsam from 19 Sand Thorium in Estimation of 281 Naphthenic Acid Use of in the Detection of Copper and Cobalt 329 ~ _ _ _ a-Naphtholphthaleyn New Indicator 216 Napthalene Picrate and the Estimation of Napthalene 74 Natural Phosphates and Basic Slag Phosphoric Acid in Estimation of by the ‘‘ Citro-Mechanical ” Method 40 - Scammony Resin Composition of a 266 Nerol and Thymol in French Lavender Oil Occurrence of 491 New Nitrometer 85 Reactions of Thiourea 69 Test for Titanium 41 Nickel and Cobalt the Estimation of New Volumetric Methods for 220 - - ~ - Volumetric Estimation of 370 371 ___- Chromium Copper Cobalt Zinc and Lead Indirect Volumetric Estimation in Nickel-Steel Gravimetric Methods for the Determination of Report on 97 of 178 - the Estimation of Note on 247 Nitrate Silver Estimation of Phosphoric Acid by 455 Nitrates and Nitrites Estimation of by Means of Phenolsulphonic Acid 371 Nitric Acid Detection of New and Delicate Colour Reaction for 27 INDEX TO VOLUME .XXXV.lv Nitrates Estimation of by the Method of Grandval and Lajoux in Waters Contain - in Water the Eskimation of Study of the Phenolsulphonic Method for : - the Estimation of a Comparison of Pozzi-Escot’s and Devarda’s Method ing Chlorides or Nitrites 81 11.Composition of the Yellow Compound 321 for 307 > - Influence of Chlorine upon 372 ~- -Nitric Acid and Nitrates Detection of New and Delicate Colour Reaction for 278 - Nitrogen Estimation of 81 Nitrification Quantitative Studies of. I.-Biochemistry of Micro-Organisms 169 Nitrifying and Ammonifying Powers of Soils Methods for Estimating the 560 Nitrites and Nitrates Estimation of by Means of Phenolsulphonic Acid 371 - or Chlorides Nitrates in Waters Containing Estimation of by the Method Nitrocelluloses Obermiiller’s Manometric Apparatus for Testing Modifications of 339 Nitrogen Estimation in Smokeless Powders and Gasornetric Analysis with the Estimations of by Kjeldrthl’s Method a Still-Head for Use in 87 - in Fertilisers Bacteriological Methods for Estimating the Available 25‘7 Nitric Estimation of 81 _ _ ~ Small Quantities of Estimation of by Pelouze’s Reaction 549 - Total Determination of by Kober’s Method 29 Nitrogenous Compounds Inferior in Commercial Fertilisers Detection of 496 ---___ Organic in Peat Soils 216 ___- Substances in Barley and Malt.Malting and Malt Storage (Analytical Methods for Valuation of Malt) 350 Nitroglycerine and Gun-Cotton Significance of the Abel Heat Test of 171 Nitrometer New 85 “ Nitron,” Estimation of Potassium Nitrate in Meat by the Use of 206 Nitrophenols Aromatic Nitro Compounds especially as Precipitating Agents for Nitrosophenyl-hydroxylamine Quantitative Precipitation of Iron and Copper by Nitrous Acid Chromic Acid and Ferric Salts Pyrogalloldirnethyl Ether a Sensitive Non-Fusing Solids and Liquids Minute Quantities of Method for Determining the Studies on Vapour Pressure 449 Non-Yolatile Ether Extract of Spices Influence of Jlethod of Heating on 253 Normal Carbonates Bicarbonates in Admixture with Rapid Estimation of 34 Note on American Rosin 17 of Grandval and Lajoux 81 ‘( Decomposition Flask,” 173 9 - Estimation of by Means of Formaldehyde Titration 487 11.Transformation of Proteins during Alkaloids etc. 317 Means of 327 Reagent for 492 Boiling-Points of. on an Apparatus for Evaporating Ethereal Solutions 16 on the Composition of Milk Yielded by Cows Fed on Pasture Manured with on the Estimation of Nickel in Nickel-Steel 247 Phosphates and Potash 246 Notes on the Milk-Supply of Two Large Towns 8 Nowicki’s Pipette for the Absorption of Gases Modification of 376 N yassaland Ceara Rubber from Analysis of 447 Tobacco 32 Obermuller’s Manometric Apparatus for Testing Nitrocelluloses Modifications of 339 013ITUARY NOTICES Brown James Campbell 153 Guttmann Oscar 43 Ivi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.OBITUARY NOTICES : Landolt Hans 191 Russell William James 2 Ofiicial Tests for Purity Comparison o f Quinine Sulphate 312 Oil Bergamot Adulteration of with Esters of Citric Acid 352 - Chinese Wood Constants of 321 - Cocoanut and Butter in Margarine Estimation of 399 , , , 1 Essence of Occurrence of Odorous Substances in Cocoanut Oil 356, in Admixture with Butter-Fat Estimation of 519 in Butter and Lard Detection of 354 in 13utter and Lard Detection of and of Lard in Butter 353 9 7 Margarine a Short Method for Detecting and Estima- Occurrence of Odorous Substances in.Essence of Cocoanut Oil 356 Use of Sealed Tubes in Halphen’s Test, _- -_I__ -_ ___I__ -_ __ -~ __ _______ ting 385 7 - --- Cottonseed in Olive Oil Detection of. 35G Notes on Halphen’s Reaction for 536 __ -__ -- Egg in Yolk of Egg Commercial Analysis of 204 - Essential in Spices etc. the Estimation of Small Quantities of 392 - Fish in Vegetable Oils Detection of 249 - Fusel Estiination of by Slkaline Permanganate 17 Komarowsky’s Colour Reaction for 403 __ -__-- -Gas Analysis Apparatus 225 - Linseed the Drying of the Influence of Solvents on 192 - Lavender French Occurrence of Nerol and Thyinol in 491 - Mulberry-seed 435 of Anise Influence of Age on 397 - of Colocynth Seed 73 --.Olive Detection of Cottonseed Oil in. Use of Sealed Tubes in Halphen’s Test 356 - Pecan 134 - Petroleum or Derivative Recognition of the Origin of 411 - Poppyseed Colour Reactions of Oils especially the Reactions given by Certain -- Hape in Olive and Other Edible Oils Detection of 401 - Sunflower Drying Properties of 32 -- Turpentine Analysis of by Xeans of its Miscibility Curve 322 - - Palm Industry Investigations in the African 166 Specimens of 490 7 in Other Oils Detection of 401 -J ~ and its Substitutes.I. Estimation of Petroleum Derivatives in Esaininntion of 209 ____. Turpentine and Wood Turpentine Oils, 358 -. -- ,4rmstrong’s Xethod of Testing Modification of 218 _. - Spanish 74 -_ -- Wood Turpentine Oil and Rosin Essence Colour Reactions of. __ _ - 1 the Analysis of Use of Bromine in 33 Application in the Analysis of Varnishes 412 -- Vegetable Used with Sardines Recognition of the Nature of 400 - - Ylang-Ylang froin Rdunion 268 Oils Colour Reactions of especially the Reactions given by Certain Speciniens of Poppyseed Oil 390 Coloured with Auramine 400 -- . Essential Hefractive Indices of 490 -- Fats and Waxes of the British Pharmacopceia Suggested Monographs 563 l,srnon and Lemon Extracts Determination of Citral in 12 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.lvii Oils Olive and other Edible Oils Rape Oil in Detection of 401 - Other Detection of Rape Oil in 401 -- Tunisian Olive Composition of 479 -- Vegetable Certain Little-known Characteristics of 536 -- Vulcan (Axle-Greases for Railways) Tar in Estimation of 136 Oleic Stearic and Palmitic Acids Mixtures of Melting and Solidification Poin tfi Oleoresin of Finus Insularis Endl 493 Olive and Other Edible Oils Rape Oil in Detection of 401 - Oil Detection of Cottonseed Oil in. Use of Sealed Tubes in Halphen’s Test, - Oils Tunisian Composition of 479 Ores Lead in Rapid Determination of by Electrolysis with Stationary Electrodes 498 Organic Acids and Salts the I’harinacopceial Solubilities of 520 Precipitation of Ammonium Phosphomolybdate in the Presence of 435 ORGANIC ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 25 70 127,171,212 260 316 361 407 442 485,329 Organic Basic Substances Certain in Tree-Fungi Occurrence of 441 - - Electrolytes Use of in Cadmium Separation 544 -_ Nitrogenous Compounds in Peat Soils 216 Osmium Estimation of 181 Oxidation Enzymic the Formation of Melanins by Influence of Reaction of the Oxide Spent Sulphur in Apparatus for Determining 235 Oxidising Enzymes Rapid Preparation of from Vegetable Extracts Method for 169 Oxygen Active in Washing Powders containing Perborate Estimation of 372 - Dissolved in Water Estimation of 372 Ozonometer an 504 ? - Detection of Fish Oil in 249 -of 30 356 Zinc Crude Petroleum as a Reducing Agent for 143 in Electrolytic Determination of 501 ~-Medium on 360 Painters’ Driers the Composition of 154 Palm Oil Industry the African Investigations in 166 Palmitic Stearic and Oleic Acids Mixtures of Melting and Solidification Points of 30 Pancreatic Amylase a Study of the Action of Studies on Amylases 482 Paper Casein in the Adarnkiewicz-Senex Test for 269 ____ Charred Detection of Writing on 136 - Parchnient as a Wrapping for Butter Examination of 435 - Starch Potassium-Iodide 135 Para and Ceylon Caoutchoucs Differentiation of from Other Varieties 213 Paraffin Wax Commercial Examination of 29 in Crude Petroleum Rapid Method for the Estimation of 30 Parsley Apiols Their Characters and Adulterations 397 433 Pastes Hot Starch Viscosimeter for Comparing 226 Pasteurisation the Presence of Carbonophosphates in Milk their Precipitation by 22 Peach Kernels and Apricot Kernels in ‘‘ Marzipan,” Detection of 248 Peat Soils Organic Nitrogenous Compounds in 216 Pecan Oil 134 Pelouze’s Reaction Estimation of Small Quantities of Nitrogen by 549 Peptide Compounds in Proteins or in their Decomposition Products Estimation of 492 Peptones the Analysis of Cryoscope for 557 Perborate Washing Powders containing Active Oxygen in Estimation of 372 Perchlorates Estimation of by Reduction with Titanous Salts 38 (Perhydrol) Hydrogen Peroxide Reactions of Alkaloids with 44 lviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.Permanganate Alkaline Estimation of Fuse1 Oil by 17 - Estimation of Rydrogen Peroxide with-Influence of Persulphates 326 - Titrations Source of Error in 548 - Volumetric Estimation of Thiocyanic Acid by Means of 33 Permeability Conductivity and Porosity for Gases of Fireproof Materials 35 Pe,roxide Hydrogen Estimation of with Permanganate-Influence of Persulphates, 326 7 -- Solutions Estimation of Free Acid in 497 -- Lead On the Application of to Elementary Analysis 141 - The Electro-Analytical Estimation of Lead as 78 Persulphates Influence of-Estimation of Hydrogen Peroxide with Permanganate 326 Petroleum Crude as a Reducing Agent for Zinc Ores 143 -- - Diffusion of through Fuller’s Earth 491 -7 - the Estimation of Paraffin Wax in Rapid Method for 30 - Derivatives in Turpentine and Wood Turpentine Oils Estimation of.Turpentine Oil and its Substitutes 358 -- from Russian Turkestan Analysis of 322 -_ Oil or Derivative the Origin of Recognition of 411 Spirit in Turpentine Estimation of 217 -- Water in Estimation of 217 Pfeifer’s bhthod for the Estimation of Benzene in Illuminating Gas Coinparison of, Pharmacopeia British the Fats Oils and Waxes of Suggested Monographs 562 Pharmacopaeial Organic Acids and Salts Solubilities of the 520 Phenol Estimation of by Lloyd’s Modification of Iioppeschaar’s Method 134 Phenols Use of in the Analysis of Alkaline Ihrths 373 -- Salicylic Alcohol (Saligenin) Salicylic Acid and p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid, Estimation of as Tribromophenol Bromide 218 Phenolsulphonic Acid Estimation of Nitrites and Nitrates by Means of 371 -- Method for the Estimation of Nitrates in Water Study of.11. Composition of the Yellow Compound 321 Phosphates and Potash Pasture Nanured with the Composition of Milk Yielded by Cows Fed on Note on 246 Phosphornolybdate Ammonium Precipitation of in the Presence of Organic Acids, 485 Phosphoric Acid and Magnesium Iodimetric Estimation of 278 - Tayabas 365 with that of Dennis and NcCarthy 489 Estimation of by Silver Nitrate 455 Hypophosphorous Acid Phosphorous Acid and Hypophosphoric in Basic Slag and Natural Phosphates Estimation of by the “ Citro- Iodimetric Estimation of 221 Phosphorous Acid Phosphoric Acid Hypophosphorous Acid and Hypophosphoric Acid in Mixtures of the Same Estimation of 39 -- Solutions The Use of in Gas Analysis 329 Phosphorus in Flesh.Phosphorus Retained with Ferric Chloride in the Ether Separation Determination Picrolonic Acid Rehaviour of Histidin towards 215 Pinus Insularis Endl Oleoresin of 493 Pipette Nowicki’s for the Absorption of Gases Modification of 376 Pitch the Adhesive Quality of Ilachine for Testing 459 Plants and Drugs Medicinal.Determination of Total Alkaloid 382 Acid in Mixtures of the Same Estimation of 39 Mechanical ” Method 40 (Diiferentiation of Organic and Inorganic Phosphorus) 311 of 27 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. lix Plants Certain the Occurrence of Chlorogenic Acid in and its Estimation 529 - - Chlorophyll in Estimation of 404 Platinum-Black Preparation of 222 -_ Wire in Qualitative Analysis Substitute for 286 Polypeptides Amino Acids and Hippuric Acid in Urine Estimation of by Titration Poppyseed Oil Colour Reactions of Oils Especially the Reactions Given by Certain Porosity Conductivity and Permeability for Gases of Fireproof Material 35 Potash and Phosphates Pasture Manured with the Composition of Nilk Yielded by Potassium Ferricyanide and Ferrocyanide of Iodimetric Estimation of 413 in the Presence of Formaldehyde 211 Specimens of 490 Cows Fed on Note on 246 Salts Methods of Analysis of the 417 - Iodide Starch Paper 135 - New Method of Estimating 222 - Nitrate in Meat Estimation of by the Use of Nitron 206 -I____ -_ Permanganate Determinatioc of hlalonic Acid by 364 the Decomposition of by Micro-Organisms Quantitative Estima-- Volumetric Estimation of Selenious Acid by Means of 223 tion of 24 - Small Quantities of Accelerated Method for Detection of 141 - Volumetric Estimation of by the Cobaltinitrite Method 499 Powders Cocoa Estimation of Husk in 162 -_ Smokeless Nitrogen Eotimation in and Gasometric Analysis with the -- Washing Containing Perborate Active Oxygen in Estimation of 372 Pozzi-Escot’s and Devarda’s Method A Comparison of for the Estimation of Nitrates, I’recipitates Colloid Collection of 544 - Minute Quantities of Manipulation of in Qualitative and Quantitative Precipitating Agents for Alkaloids etc.Aromatic Nitro Compounds Especially - -- and Filtering Vessel Centrifugal 458 Precipitin Reaction Diff’erentiation of Proteins of Closely Related Species by the, Preparations Galenical Estimation of Mercury in 499 Pressure Reduced Distillation under Still-Head for Use in 287 -- Vapour Studies on. (Propolis) Bees’ Resin Examination of 493 Protein Combinations Iodine in Determination of 320 Proteins Analysis of 366 - in Cereals Relation of the Mineral Constituents to as a Factor for Deter-- of Closely Related Species Differentiation of by the Precipitin Reaction, - or their Decomposition Products Peptide Compounds in Estimation of 492 -- Starch and Fats Foods Rich in Detection and Estimation of Saccharin - Transformation of during Malting arid Malt Storage (Analytical Methods “ Decomposition Flask,” 173 307 3Iicro-Analysis 137 Nitrophenols as 317 483 11.Simple Dynamic Method for Deterniining Vspour Pressures and Boiling-Points at Standard Pressures 450 Influence of the Estiiiiation of Caoutchouc as Tetrabromide 268 mining the Quality of Cereals 162 483 Precipitation of from Solutions by Means of Acetone 210 (and Dulcine) in 436 for Valuation of Malt).Nitrogenous Substances in Barley and Malt 35 lx INDEX TO VOLUME .XXXV. Public Analyst Birmingham Annual Report of the 288 Glasgow Annual Report of the 288 Pump Automatic Topler for Collecting Gases 424 - the Topler A Simplified and Improved Form of 504 Purification of Mercury 424 Pyridine in Ammonia Solutions Estimation of 32 - in Rubber Analysis Use of 539 Pyrites and Marcasite Sulphur in Exact Determination of 332 - Mercury Improved Method of Collecting Gases from 84 Estimation ,of Sulphur in and Estimation of Sulphate 333 Selenium in Estimation of 418 Slags and Sulphates Sulphur in New Method for the Estimation of 421 (Pyritic) Sulphur in Graphite Estimation of 418 Pyrogalloldimethyl Ether a Sensitive Reagent for Chromic Acid Ferric Salts and Nitrous Acid 492 Qualitative Analysis Platinum Wire in Substitute for 286 Quinine Sulphate Comparison of Official Tests for Purity 312 Quinones Quantitative Estimation of 265 Quino-Quino Balsam from Myroxylon Balsamum var.Punctatum 19 Rape Oil in Olive and Other Edible Oils Detection of 401 - in Other Oils Detection of 401 “ Rational ” Analysis of Clays 271 Red Colouring Matter Occurring in Urine 171 Reduced Pressure Continuous Filtration under Apparatus for 422 Reducing Agent for Zinc Ores Crude Petroleum as a 143 Reductase Test for Milk 207 Refraction of Milk Serum 126 Refractive Indices of Essential Oils 490 Refractometer Improved Water-Heater for the 559 Reichert-Wollny Standard and Irish Butter 381 Report Annual of the Public Analyst Birmingham 1909 2H8 Sugars Certain Method for the Polariinetric Estimation of Sucrose in the Presence of 539 7 Glasgow 1909 255 - -- Government 186 of Department of Agriculture for Ireland 1910 381 of the Principal Chemist upon the Work of the Government Laboratory for ___ .- on Gravimetric Methods for the Determination of Nickel in Nickel Steel 97 RXPORTS 288 381 461 ~ - - Metropolitan Water Board 429 -- Selected from the Scientific and Technical Department of the Imperial Institute Part III.Foodstuffs 560 Resin a Natural Scammony Composition of 266 Bees’ (Propolis) Examination of 493 ‘‘ Resins,” Caoutchouc the Properties of 131 Resins Copals etc. Certain Iodine and Bromine Values of 493 Rkunion Ylang-Ylang Oil from 268 Rice Extraneous Mineral Matter in 293 - Cape of Good Hope 1909 466 - of Electro-Analysis Committe’e 545 the Year ending March 31 1910 with Appendices 464 U.S.Department of Agriculture 382 56 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. lxi Rice Faced as a Danger to Health 479 - New Adulteration of 208 Rose’s Automatic Siphon 429 Rosin American Note on 17 -_ Essence Turpentine Oil and Wood Turpentine Oil Colour Reactions of, Rotating Graphite Anode 506 Rubber Analysis Use of Pyridine in 539 Application in the Analysis of Varnishes 412 Ceara from Nyassaland Analysis of 447 Connection or Glass Cock Burette without 378 Goods Vulcanised Analyses of 11 ____ from the West Indies Analyses of 447 Hot Vulcanised Sulphur of Vulcanisation in Simple Method for the Estima-tion of Analysis of Vulcanite 266 Rubbers African 25 Rubidium Sodium and Caesium Detection of 81 Rums Brandies etc.Typical Aromatic Substances Present in 208 ~- Nartinique Composition of 63 Russian Turkestan Petroleum from Analysis of 322 Rye and Other Flours Detecting Wheat Flour in a Modification of the Bahmil Test - -Flour Containing Eosine 252 - Classification of According to the Quantity of Secondary Products they Contain 62 for 21 Saccharin (and Dulcine) in Foods Rich in Fats Starch and Proteins Detection and Saccharometer Fermentation 555 Salicylate Theobromine- Sodium Estimation of Theobromine in 254 Salicylic scid a Compound which may be Mistaken for the Presence of in Certaia Estimation of 436 - jn Foods etc. Estimation of 63 Foods 253 Estimation of by Distillation 366 ~- in Jams Jellies etc.Estimation of 437 __- in Wine Estimation of 19 ~- Phenol Salicylic Alcohol (Saligenin) and p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid, - the Examination of Foods for Source of Error in 252 Estimation of as Tribromophenol Bromide 218 - Benzoic and Cinnamic Acids in Wine Detection of 166 Saline Solutions Water Sewage etc. the Electric Conductivity of Portable Apparatus Salts and Organic Acids Solubilities of the Pharmacopteial 520 Ferric Chromic Acid and Nitrous Acid Pyrogalloldimethyl Ether a Sensitive for Measuring 183 Reagent for 492 ___ Hydrazhe Quantitative Volatilisation of Arsenic after Reduction by Means of, 324 -~ Potash Methods of Analysis of the 417 Titanous Estimation of Perchlorates by Reduction with 38 Zinc Various Behaviour of Urobilin towards 367 Sand Monazite Estimation of Thorium in 281 Sardines the Vegetable Oil Used with Recognition of the Nature of 400 Savin Toxicological Detection of 528 Scale Simplified Milk Milk Analysis 227 Scammony Resin a Natural Composition of 26 lxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.Scatole a Sensitive Reaction for 177 Schardinger’s Reaction for the Detection of Heated Milk 407 Screw Clip for Jets of Burettos or Outlets of Separators 184 Sealed Tubes Use of in Halphen’s Test. Detection of Cottonseed Oil in Olive Oil 356 Seals Vacuum-Tight between Iron and Glass 507 Selenious Acid Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Potassium Permanganate 223 Selenium in Pyrites Estimation of 418 -- Molybdenum Vanadium and Tellurium Use of Metallic Silver in Sensitive Reaction for Scatole 177 Reagent for Chromic Acid Ferric Salts and Nitrous Acid Pyrogalloldimethyl Test New for Hydrocyanic Acid 320 Iodine and Indican Method of Distinguishing between by Means of Jaffds Indican Reaction 407 Estimating 416 Ether a 492 Separators Outlets of or Jets of Burettes Screw Clip for 184 Serum for Distinguishing Honey from Artificial Honey 165 -__ - Obtained from Milk by the Use of Calcium Chloride Refraction of 441 - - the Calcium Chloride of Milk Physical Chemistry of 440 Sesquioxide Precipitation of Chromium gs Use of Aniline to Effect 34 Sewage Water Saline Solutions etc.the Electric Conductivity of Portable Apparatus for Measuring 183 Shellac Analysis of 494 Silica Colloidal Estimation of Chlorine in Purification of Colloids by Dialysis 542 Silicates Alkalis in Estimation of by the Method of Lawrence Smith 280 Sierra Leone Copal 319 Silicon in High-Grade Ferrosilicons Estimation of 180 Silver and Gold Small Quantities of Detection of by Means of Formaldehyde 182 - Anode Electrolytic Estimation of Chlorine in Hydrochloric Acid with the Use - Copper Cadmium and Bismuth Rapid Determination of by Means of the - Estimation of in Presence of Mercury and Volumetric Estimation of Mercury, ~- Metallic Use of in Estimating Molybdenum Vanadium Selenium and - Nitrate Estimation of Phosphoric Acid by 455 - the Fire Assay for Effect of Varying Amounts of Litharge in 550 - Vanadate Gravimetric Estimation of Vanadium as 554 - Very Small Quantities of Estimation of 331 Simon and Lohrisch’s and Lange’s Methods Estimation of Cellulose by 263 Siphon Rose’s Automatic 429 Size Animal and Wool Gelatin a Method of Distinguishing between 28 Slags Copper in Rapid Method of Determining 140 - - Pyrites and Sulphates Sulphur in New Method for the Estimation of 421 Smith Lawrence the Method of Estimation of Alkalis in Silicates by 280 Smokeless Powders Nitrogen Estimation in and Gasometric Analysis with the SO in Fuming Sulphuric Acids the Estimation of 420 Soap Formalin Preparations Formaldehyde in Estimation of 250 Milk the Refraction of 126 - Mercury Volumetric Estimation of 220 of a 77 Mercury Cathode and Stationary Anode 544 38 Tellurium 416 “ Decomposition Flask,” 173 9 New Apparatus for 337 - Stock Valuation of 44 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.lxiii SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS AND OTHER ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS PROCEEDINGS OF, Sodium Amalgam Calcium Carbide and Zinc Dust Adalysis of with the “ Decom-- Caesium and Rubidium Detection of 81 ~- Perborate in the Guaiacum Reaction for the Detection of Blood Use of, 439 Soil Humus as Determined by Different Xethods 352 - ? the Analysis of Contribution to 177 Soils Ammonia in 540 5 51 93 154 191 231 293 343 385 469 511 position Flask,” 172 Calcium Carbonate in Estimation of 77 Peat Organic Nitrogenous Compounds in 216 the Cellulose-Disintegrating Property of Process for Estimating 495 the Nitrifying and Amrnonifying Powers of Method for Estimating (United States Department of Agriculture) 560 Solders and Babbit Metal Antimony Tin and Copper in Rapid Estimation of 552 Babbit Metals and Journal Brasses Analysis of 270 Solid Fuels Different Types of Calorimeters for Comparison of 407 Solidification and Melting-Points of Mixtures of Stearic Palmitic and Oleic Acids 30 Solids Non-Fusing and Liquids Minute Quantities of Method for Determining the Sols Colloidal Filtration of by Means of a New Filter 541 Soluble Bitumen Estimation of 443 Solubility of Small Quantities of Substances and Apparatus for Determination of Solution Pure Litmus Preparation of 490 Solutions Ammonia Estimation of Pyridine in 32 Boiling-Points of.Studies on Vapour Pressure 449 Melting-Points 46 Colloidal Capillary Analysis of 543 Ethereal an Apparatus for Evaporating Note on 16 Hydrogen Peroxide Free Acid in Estimation of 497 Phosphorus the Use of in Gas Analysis 329 -___ Precipitation of Proteins from by >leans of Acetone 210 - Saline Water Sewage etc.the Electric Conductivity of Portable Appar-atus for Measuring 183 Strong Ammonia Density of Apparatus for Taking 375 Solvents the Influence of on the Drying of Linseed Oil 192 Soya-Bean 20 Beans Decomposed Toxic Bases Present in 484 Spanish Turpentine Oil 74 Specific Gravities of Alcoholic Solutions. 127 - Gravity Bottle New 460 -- of Liquids Correction of for the Buoyancy of Air 86 - Heat of Malt and the Calculation of the (‘ Initial Heat ” of the Mash 206 Spectroscope Quantitative Analysis by Means of the 502 Spectroscopic Identification of Simple Lake-Dyestuffs on the Fibre 538 -- Method of Detecting New Compounds.So-called Sulphammonium 500 Spectrum Analysis a Burner for Use in 145 Spent Oxide Sulphur in Apparatus for Determining 225 Spices etc. Small Quantities of Essential Oil in the Estimation of 392 - Non-Volatile Ether Extract of Influence of Method of Heating on 253 Spirit Petroleum in Turpentine Estimation of 217 Spirits Distilled Methods of Analysis of 18 -- of Camphor Denatured Alcohol in Detection of 248 I. Mixtures of Methyl Alcohol and Water lxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. Spirits of Turpentine Examination of 178 Springs Mineral Gases Derived from Analysis of 215 Standardization Bacteriological of Disinfectants 405 Note on the Modification of Wood- - -- --head and Ponder 440 Starch, -Estiination of 497 Fats and Proteins Foods Rich in Detection and Estimation of Saccharin in Cocoa Products Estimation of 21 in Mustard PreDarations.Estimation of. 479 (and Dulcine) in 436 Paper PotassiGm-Iodide 135 Pastes Hot Viscosimeter for Comparing 226 Stationary Anode and Mercury Cathode Rapid Determination of Copper Silver, - Electrodes Rapid Determination of Lead in Ores by Electrolysis with, Stearic Palmitic and Oleic Acids Nixtures of Melting and Solidification Points Steel and Iron and Iron Alloys Carbon in Estimation of by Direct Combustion 335 _ _ _ ~ - - Carbon in Wet Combustion of 34 - .-- Estimation of Vanadium Ilolybdenum and Chromium in 282 --I_- Sulphur Carbon and Arsenic in Apparatus for the Estimation of 554 - Nickel the Determination of Nickel in Report on Gravimetric Methods for 97 __- Small Quantities of Vanadium in Detection and Colorimetric Estimation of, (Stibine) Antimony Hydride the Properties of and its Estimation 219 Still-Head for Use in Distillation under Reduced Pressure 287 Estimations of Nitrogen by Iijeldahl’s Method 87 Strychnine :L New Colour Reaction of; 7 5 - and Brucine Separation of from Tropeines and the Alkaloids Contained Subnitrate Bismuth Commercial the Constitution of The Determination of the Acid Substances Odorous in Cocoanut Oil Occurrence of Essence of Cocoanut Oil 356 Sucrose and Calcium Sucrate in Milk and Cream Detection of 312 ~- in Cane Molasses Determination of 540 ~- Separation of from Lactose by Means of the Bulgarian Ferment 315 ____- the Polarimetric Estimation of in the Presence of Certain Reducing Sugars, Sugar Cane- Quantitative Determination of by the Use of Invertase 262 - in Blood Estimation of 260 in Urine Bang’s Method of Estimating 70 ~- - Colorimetric Estimation of 528 - Milk- the Polarimetric Estimation of 516 Sugars Polarisation of 366 Cadmium and Bismuth by Means of 544 499 Electro-Analysis with 272 -- -of 30 375 in Coca-Leaves 524 Radical and its Relation to 118 in Wine Beer etc.Detection of 208 Method for 539 Reducing Certain Method for the Polarimetric Estimation of Sucrose in the Spectroscopic Uethod of Detecting New Compounds, by Means of Benzidine especially in Presence of Chromium, Presence of 539 300 Sulphammoniurn So-Called. Sulphate Estimation of and Estimation of Sulphur in Pyrites 333 -- ,-391 41 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.lxv Sulphate Volumetric Estimation of by the Barium Chromate Method 41‘7 Sulphates Pyrites and Slags Sulphur in New Method for the Estimation of 421 (-- ) Sulphuric Acid in Milk Occurrence of 434 Sulpho-Acids Certain Inorganic Quantitative Analysis of 500 Sulphur. Carbon and L4rsenic in Iron and Steel Apparatus for the Estimation of, - in Gas Bolling’s Method for the Estimation of Comparison of with -____ in Pyrites and Marcasite Exact Determination of 332 -- Estimation of and Estimation of Sulphate 333 - -___-____ Slags and Sulphates the Estimation of New Method for 421 -- Soluble Exact Determination of Sulphur in 331 - Volumetric Estimation of 82 554 Harding’s Modification of Drehschmidt’s Method 489 - in Soluble Sulphates Exact Determination of 331 _ _ - in Spent Oxide Apparatus for Determining 225 Minute Quantities of in Inorganic and Organic Substances Detection of, ~ - -.New Apparatus for the Estimation of 457 - __ - of Vulcanisation in Hot Vulcanised Rubber Simple Method for the Estima--- (Pyritic) in Graphite Estimation of 418 -- Total in Organic Matter Estimation of 448 -- -._ Used for Agricultural Purposes Proposed Method of Analysis of 279 su lphuric Acid Estimation of as Barium Sulphate 374 (-418 tion of Analysis of Vulcanite 266 Fuming Assay of) A New Analytical Method Heat of Chemical Reactions as a Basis for 139 - (Sulphates) in Milk Occurrence of 434 - Acids Fuming Estimation of SO in 420 - -- - the Estimation of SO in New Apparatus for 337 Sulphuring Detection of 310 Sulphurous Acid Free and Combined in Wine Estiinatioii of 254 --_ in Meets Estimation of 400 - ~ _ _ _ _ _ in Wines Estimation of 523 Suntlower Oil Drying Properties of 32 Tannage of Leathers Degree of Error in Estimation of 264 Tannin and Gelatin 444 Tar in Vulcan Oils (Axle-Greases for Railways) Estimation of 136 Tartaric Acid Dextro-Rotatory the Estimation of New Method for 323 Estimation of 357 Tayabas Petroleum 365 Tea snd Coffee Caffeine in Estimation of 202 - and Tea Infusions Analysis of 103 - Sprayed with Bordeaux Mixture Amount of Copper in 524 Tellurium Molybdenum Vanadium and Selenium Use of Metallic Silver in Esti-Temperatures Consbant Filtrations at Apparatus €or 53 Low for Analytical Researches Convenient Method of Attaining 287 Ternary Mixtures the Analysis of Method for 367 Terpenes Eydrocarbons other than the Determination of in Turpentine and the Examination of Turpentine Substitutes 112 Test Xbel’s Heat of Gun-Cotton and Nitroglycerine Significance of 171 - Adamkiewicz-Senex for Casein in Paper 268 mating 416 Halphen’s Use of Sealed Tubes in Detection of Cottonseed Oil in Olive Oil 35 Ix vi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.Test the Bahmil for Detecting Wheat Flour in Rye and Other Flours A Modifi-Testing Commercial Anhydrous Liquid Ammonia Methods of 269 -____ Nitrocelluloses Obermuller’s Manometric Apparatus for Modifications ofy Tests Certain The Untrustworthiness of Detection of Formaldehyde in Flesh -_ Official for Purity Comparison of Quinine Sulphate 312 Tetrabromide Estimation of Caoutchouc as 267 Thallium New Reagent for 281 Theobromine in Theobromine-Sodium Salicylate Estimation of 254 Theory of Indicators Quantitative Application of to volumetric Analysis 415 Thermo-Regulator Gas 557 Thermostat New Electrical 226 Thiocyanate and Halides Volumetric Estimation of Cyanide in Presence of 213 Thiocyanic Acid Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Permanganate 33 Thiourea New Reactions of 69 Thorium in Monazite Sand 281 Thymol and Nerol in French Lavender Oil Occurrence of 491 Thyroid Glands Estimation of Small Quantities of Iodine Especially in 483 Tin Alloys Analysis of 456 - and Antimony Separation of 413 -_--- -Antimony Alloys Analysis of 552 - 9 -- and Arsenic Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Ferricyanide in -- in Presence of Antimony New Method of Estimating 551 - in White Metals Estimation of by Electrolysis 551 Tissues and Blood of Animals Post-Mortem the Quantitative Estimation of Hydro-- Animal Quantitative Chemical Analysis of 65 - ~- etc.the Estimation of Fat in Kumagawa-Sutij Method for, Titanic Acid in Ilmenite Estimation of 41 Titanium A New Test for 41 the Estimation of Improved Method for 198 Titanous Salts Estimation of Perchlorates by Reduction with 38 Tobacco Nyassaland 32 Tcipler Mercury Pump A Simplified and Improved Form of the 504 - -___ Pump Automatic for Collecting Gases 424 Toxic Bases Present in Decomposed Soya Beans 484 Toxicological Detection of Savin 528 Traces of Alcohols New Method of Detecting 127 of Chloride in Gelatin Detection of 28 Tree-Fungi Occurrence of Certain Organic Basic Substances in 441 Tribromophenol Bromide Estimation of Phenol Salicylic Alcohol (Saligenin) Salicylic cation of 21 The Marsh and Excess Potential 276 Mechanical of India-Rubber Machine for 45 339 Fooda 124 9 - Influence of the Protein 268 - New for Use with Gas 87 -_- Iodine in Estimation of 69 - 9 -- by Distillation 451 Alkaline Solution 412 - and Copper in Babbitt Metal and Solders Rapid Estimation of 552 cyanic Acid in New Method for 406 527 ’ Estimation of 456 Acid and p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid as 21 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.lxvii Trichlorethylene The Uses of in Analytical Chemistry 238 Trimethylamine A Note on and Detection of Choline 530 Trinitrotoluene Melting-Point of 268 Tropeines and the Alkaloids Contained in Coca-Leaves Separation of Strychnine and Trypsin Quantitative Estimation of 529 Tryptophane- Aldehyde Reaction 324 Tube Catalase for Testing Milk 460 - New Gas-Sampling 285 Tunicates (Ascidia Sea-Squirts) the Quantity of Glycogen in and the Influence of Tunisian Olive Oils Composition of 479 Turpentine and Wood Turpentine Oils Estimation of Petroleum Derivatives in.-__ Hydrocarbons Other than Turpenes in The Determination of and the -- Oil Analysis of by Means of its Miscibility Curve 322 -- Armstrong’s Method of Testing Modification of 218 Brucine from 524 Iron on the Estimation of Glycogen 483 Turpentine Oil and its Substitutes 358 Examination of Turpentine Substitutes 112 _ - Examination of 209 Spanish 74 the Analysis of Use of Bromine in 33 Wood Turpentine Oil and Rosin Essence Colour Reactions of, Application in the Analysis of Varnishes 412 - Petroleum Spirit in Estimation of 217 ~ _ _ _ _ Spirits of Examination of 178 Tyrosinase Influence of Disodium Phosphate on and in the Estimation of Melanins, 260 Ultramarine Blue the Analysis of Note on 157 United States Department of Agriculture 48 Uranium and Vanadium Volumetric Estimation of 141 Urea and Ammonia in Blood Estimation of 438 Influence of on the Estimation of Amino Acids by the Formaldehyde Method, Estimation of Amino Acids Polypeptides and Hippuric Acid in by Titration 488 Urine Bang’s Method of Estimating Sugar in 70 in the Presence of Formaldehyde 211 -_ Glucose in Detection of 23 ~- Mercury in Microchemical Detection of 70 -__- Red Golouring Matter Occurring in 171 -- Sugar in Colorimetric Estimation of 528 - the Acidity and Ammonia Content of Estimation of 170 Urobilin Behaviour of towards Various Zinc Salts 367 Vacuum Desiccator with Heating Attachment 507 ~- -Tight Seals between Iron and Glass 507 Values Iodine and Bromine of Certain Resins Copstls etc.493 Vanadium and Chromium! Volumetric Estimation of by Means of Ferricyanide in -- and Uranium Volumetric Estimation of 141 -- Gravimetric Estimation of as Silver Vanadate 554 Furnace Electric 380 Alkaline Solution 421 Estimation of 142 Molybdenum and Chromium in Iron and Steel Estimation of 28 lxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV. 1-anadium Molybdenum Selenium and Tellurium Use of Metallic Silver in Esti-mating 416 - Small Quantities of Colorimetric Estimation of 42 -.__ ?-- in Steel Detection and Colorimetric Estimation of 375 h-anilla Extract and its Imitations Method of Distinguishing between 524 I'apour Chloroform in the Air Separation and Estimation of 361 ~- Pressure Studies on.I. Method for Determining the Boiling-Points of Miuute ~- Pressure Studies on. 11. SimpIe Dynamic Method for Determining Vapour - Pressures Measurement of Method for 42 Varnishes Application in the Analysis of. Colour Reactions of Turpentine Oil Wood. J-ases Greek the Glazes of Some Coniposition of 553 1-egetable Extracts Rapid Preparation of Oxidising Enzymes from Method for 169 -- Oil Used with Sardines Recognition of the Nature of 400 -_ Oils Certain Little-Known Characteristics of 536 -- Fish Oil in Detection of 249 -- Waxes from Mexico 178 l'ermilion and Antimony Pentasulphide in Indiarubber Articles F:stiination of 13 L l'essel Centrifugal Precipitating and Filtering 458 J-inegar Malt The Composition of 346 l-inegars and Wines I'olatile Acids in Apparatus for Use in the Determination of 43 ~- - Wine Identification of by the Detection of Inositol 480 I-iscosimeter Engler's Xrrors in the Dimensions of Influence of upon the Results of -_ for Comparing Hot Starch Pastes 226 J-olatile Acids in the Fermentation Products of Certain Bacteria Estimation of, Quantities of Liquids and Non-Fusing Solids 449 Pressures and Boiling-Points at Standard Pressures 450 Turpentine Oil and Rosin Essence 412 E s t imat ions 504 by Duclaux's Method 359 in Wine Estimation of by Means of Botticher's Apparatus 313 -- in Wines and Vinegars Apparatus for Use in the Determination of 43 - Constituents of Coal 531 I-olcanic Fissures etc.the Collection of Gases from Apparatus for 44 \-olhard's Method Application of to the Estimation of Alkaloids 128 --_- Estimation of Manganese by 80 1-olunietric Analysis Quantitative Application of the Theory of Indicators to 4 15 --_ Estimation of Iodide in Presence of Chloride Bromide or Free Iodine 547 - of Mercury and Silver 220 _ _ _ _ ~ - ~ of Potassium by the Cobaltinitrite Method 499 of Sulphates 82 - ___- Method New for Determination of Manganese 546 -- Methods New for the Estimation of Cobalt and Kickel 230 Vulcan Oils (Axle-Greases for Railways) Tar in Estimation of 136 Vulcanised Rubber Goods Analyses of 11 Vulcanite Analysis of.I. Simple Method for the Estimation of Sulphur of Vulcanisa-tion in Hot Vulcanised Rubber 266 - Titration of Manganese by in Presence of Fluorides 498 Washing Powders Containing Perborate Active Oxygen in Estimation of 372 Water and Methyl Alcohol Mixtures of, - Board Metropolitan (Reports) 429 -- Dissolved Oxygsn in Estimation of 372 -- -Heater Improved for the Refractometer 559 Specific Gravities of Alcoholic Solutions, 12 INDEX TO VOLUME .XXXV. lxix Water in Petroleum Estimation of 217 - - - of Crystallisation Effect of Continued Grinding on 145 - - Sewage Saline Solutions etc. the Electric Conductivity of Portable ~- Temporary Hardness in and Zinc 51 Apparatus for Measuring 183 the Estimation of Nitrates in Study of the Phenolsulphonic Method for.Waters Containing Chlorides or Nitrites Estimation of Nitrates by the Method of ~- Treated Brewing Gypsum and Other Salts in The Estimation of 37 Wax Candelilla 322 11. Composition of the Yellow Compound 321 Grandval and Lajoux in 81 Paraffin Commercial Examination of 29 Waxes Fats and Oils of the British Pharmacopoeia. -~ 7 ~- in Crude Petroleum the Estimation of Rapid Method for 30 Suggested Monographs 562 the Flash-Point of and its Use in the Analysis of Waxes 72 Vegetable from Mexico 178 d L Weathering ” of Glass 414 West Indies Analyses of Rubber from the 447 Wheat Flour in Rye and Other Flours theBahmil Test for Detecting A Modification White Metals Estimation of Tin in by Electrolysis 551 ______- the Analysis of New Process for 500 Wine Beer etc.Sucrose in Detection of 208 - Benzoic Cinnamic and Salicylic Acids in Detection of 166 - Free and Combined Sulphurous Acid in Estimation of 254 -_ Hexamethylenetetramine and Formaldehyde in Detection of 403 ___- Salicylic -4cid in Estimation of 19 ~- Statistics for the Years 1907 and 1908 64 ___-_ - Year 1908-1909 526 -_ the Actual Acidity of 254 _ - Vinegars Identification of by the Detection of Inositol 480 - Volatile Acids in Estimation of by Means of Botticher’s Apparatus 313 Wines and Vinegars the Determination of Volatile -kids in Apparatus for Use in, of a1 43 Fluorine in Occurrence of 478 Glycerol in New Method of Estimating 404 -- Sulphurous Acid in Estimation of 523 Wire Platinum in Qualitative Analysis Substitute for 286 Wood Turpentine and Turpentine Oils Estimation of Petroleum Derivatives iu.Turpentine Oil and its Substitutes 358 ___ - Oil Turpentine Oil and Rosin Essence Colour Reactions of. -\pplication in the Analysis of Varnishes 412 TVool Gelatin and Animal Size X Method of Distinguishing between 28 Writing Detection of on Charred Paper 136 Xanthin Bases in Cocoa and Chocolate Estimation of 135 Ylang-Ylang Oil from RBunion 268 Zinc and Cadmium Separation of Copper from by Means of ___ and Temporary Hardness in Water 51 Cupferron,” 453 and Lead the Estimation of New Volumetric Method for 183 Chromium Copper Nickel Cobalt and Lead Indirect Volumetric lhtimation of 17 lxx INDEX TO VOLUME XXXV.Zinc Dust Calcium Carbide and Sodium Amalgam Analysis of with the ‘( Decom-- Electrolytic Determination of 282 - --position Flask,” 172 - Causes of the High Results in the 283 in Ores Electrolytic Determination of 501 in Presence of Iron Determination of 143 Ores Crude Petroleum as a Reducing Agent for 143 - Salts Various Behaviour of Urobilin towards 367 BILLING AND SONS LTD. 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