T H E ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 81 1956 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. H E F F E R & SONS, LTD. 4, PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLANDT H E ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 81 1956 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. H E F F E R & SONS, LTD. 4, PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLANDTHE ANALYST PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Chairman: J. R. NICHOLLS, C.B.E., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. A. J. AMOS, BSc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH, M.A., F.R.I.C. R. C. CHIRNSIDE, F.R.I.C. L. EYNON, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. D. C. GARRATT, Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. J . HASLAM, D.Sc., F.R.I.C. G. ROCHE LYNCH, O.B.E., M.B., B.S., R.F. MILTON, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. F. L. OKELL, F.R.I.C. A. A. SMALES, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. GEORGE TAYLOR, O.B.E. , F.R.I.C. L. S. THEOBALD, M.Sc., A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C. D.P.H., F.C.G.I., L.M.S.S.A., F.R.I.C. H. M. N. H. IRVING, M A . , D.Phil., F.R.I.C. W. C. JOHNSON, M.B.E., F.R.I.C. c, WHALLEY, B.s~., ~ ~ ~ - 1 . c . E. C. WOOD, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C. AND THE PRESIDENT AND HONORARY OFFICERS. President of the Society I(. A. WILLIAMS, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.Inst .P., F.R.I.C. Hon. Secretary of the Society N. L. ALLPORT, F.R.I.C. Hon. Treasurer of the Society J. H. HAMENCE, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Hon. Assistant Secretary of the Society R. E. STUCKEY, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C., F.P.S. Advisory Editor F. L. OKELL, F.R.I.C. Editor J. B. ATTRILL, M.A., F.R.I.C. Assistant Editor N.C. FRANCISTHE ANALYST PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Chairman: J. R. NICHOLLS, C.B.E., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. A. J. AMOS, BSc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH, M.A., F.R.I.C. R. C. CHIRNSIDE, F.R.I.C. L. EYNON, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. D. C. GARRATT, Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. J . HASLAM, D.Sc., F.R.I.C. G. ROCHE LYNCH, O.B.E., M.B., B.S., R. F. MILTON, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. F. L. OKELL, F.R.I.C. A. A. SMALES, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. GEORGE TAYLOR, O.B.E. , F.R.I.C. L. S. THEOBALD, M.Sc., A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C. D.P.H., F.C.G.I., L.M.S.S.A., F.R.I.C. H. M. N. H. IRVING, M A . , D.Phil., F.R.I.C. W. C. JOHNSON, M.B.E., F.R.I.C. c, WHALLEY, B.s~., ~ ~ ~ - 1 . c . E. C. WOOD, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C. AND THE PRESIDENT AND HONORARY OFFICERS. President of the Society I(.A. WILLIAMS, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.Inst .P., F.R.I.C. Hon. Secretary of the Society N. L. ALLPORT, F.R.I.C. Hon. Treasurer of the Society J. H. HAMENCE, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Hon. Assistant Secretary of the Society R. E. STUCKEY, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C., F.P.S. Advisory Editor F. L. OKELL, F.R.I.C. Editor J. B. ATTRILL, M.A., F.R.I.C. Assistant Editor N. C. FRANCISINDEX TO VOLUME 81 INDEX TO NAMES A Aebersold, P. C., et al. International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. I, Nos. 1/2, July, 1956. (Publication received), 560. Allport, N. L. Review of Extra Pharmacopoeza (Martindale). 23rd Edn. Vol. 11, 70. - Review of Gassner and Bothe’s Ilfikroskopisclze Untersuchung pflanzlicher Nahrungs- und Genuss- mittel. 3rd Edn., 444. - Review of National Formulary.10th Edn., 559. - Review of Wallis’s Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 3rd Edn., 247. Allsopp, H. J. Detmng. magnesium oxide in mag- nesium, 469. Andrew, T. R., et al. Photometric detmn. of silicon in steels, 339. Amino, J. S. Clinical Chemistry : Principles and Procedures. (Publication received), 732. Archer, E. E. Detmng. small amounts of sulphate by reduction to hydrogen sulphide and titration with mercuric or cadmium salts with dithizone as indicator, 181. Armstrong, A. W. Detmng. potassium bromatc in flour, 616. Ashton, G. C. Detmng. griseofulvin in fermentation samples, 11. Isotope-dilution assay, 228. - Isotope-dilution assay of antibiotics in fermenta- tion liquors with particular reference to benzyl- penicillin and griseofulvin. (Summary), 438. Correcting for irrelevant absorption in u.v.spectrophotometric analysis, 232. Detmng. griseofulvin in fermentation samples. I . Spectrophotonietric assay, 220 ; Appendix, 225. International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. I, Nos. 1/2, July, 1956. (Publication received), 560. Athavale, V. T., et al. Modified ethylenediamine- tetra-acetic acid - tannic acid dctmn. of niobium, tantalum and titanium in minerals, 239. Audubert, R. Prhcipit6s Colloi’daux aux Macro- xnol6cules. (Publication received), 1 84. - et al. Aten, A. H. W., jun., et af. B Bacharach, A. L. Review of Finney’s Experimental Design and its Statistical Basis, 559. - Safety in numbers (statistics), 73. Bacon, A., et al. Detmng. uranium by high- precision spectrophotometry, 456. Bagshawe, B., et af.Detmng. low carbon contents in steel by multiple factor weight combustion, 153. Ballantyne, H. Ballard, D. G. PI., et al. Titration of N-carboxy- a-amino-acid anhydrides in non-aqueous solution, 305. Bamford, C. H., et af. Titration of N-carboxy- a-aniino-acid anhydrides in non-aqueous solution, 305. Banister, A. J., et af. Quantitative inorganic chromatography. 11. Detmng. vanadium in presence of excess dichromate, 577. Obituary, 129, 188, 253. Barber, A., et al. Analysis of mixtures of surfacc- active quaternary ammonium compounds and polyethylene oxide type of non-ionic surfacc- active agents, 18. Barnett, E. de B. Mechanism of Organic Chemical Reactions. (qublication received), 126. Barrett, F. B. Micro-detmn. of mercury in biological materials, 294.Barton, 9. L., et al. Simultaneous volumetric detmn. of cadmium and chloridc, 245. Bather, J. M. Micro-detmn. of chlorinc in poly- merised and copolymerised vinyl chloride, 536. Baumgartner, 3. G., e f al. Canned Foods: Intro- duction to their Microbiology. 4th Edn. (Pub- lication received), 732. Bauminger, B. B. Vanadium pentoxide and 4- aniino-4’-chlorodiphcnyl hydrochloride in com- bustion detmn. of total sulphur in rubber, 12. Belcher, R. Microvolumetric analysis : primary standards. (Summary), 381. - Sub-micro methods in inorganic and organic analysis: introduction. (Summary), 679. - et al. New Methods in Analytical Chemistry. (Review), 379. - Reduction of nitro groups in organic compounds before Kjeldahl digestion, 124. - Titrimetric detmn. of sulphate with 4-amino- 4’-chlorodiphenyl hydrochloride, 4. Benedetti-Pichler, A.A. Essentials of Quantitative Analysis. Introduction to Basic Unit Operations. (Publication received), 320; (Rcvicw), 731. Berman, S. S., et al. Absorptiometric detmn. of iridium, 566. Bhstty, M. K. Sub-micro detmn. of alkoxyl. (Summary), 680. - et al. Reduction of nitro groups in organic compounds before Kjeldahl digestion, 124. Biddiscombe, D. P., et af. Inorganic complexes in colour reactions for organic compounds. 11. Detmng. total concentration of non-cr-substituted alkylpyridines in presence of a-substituted alkyl- pyridines, 71 1 ; 111. Detmng. isoquinoline in presence of quinoline and quinaldine, 718. Bilham, P. Obituary, 250. Binns, V. Obituary, 129. Bishop, E. Microvolumetric analysis : end-point location.(Summary), 382. Bishop, J. R. Detmng. aluminium in iron and steel with chromatographic separation, 291. Blinn, R. C., et al. Analysis of Insecticides and Acaricides. (Review), 7 1. Bloom, H., et al. Simultaneous volumetric detmn. of cadmium and chloride, 245. Borrow, A., ef aZ. Aniline acetate - furfural method of detmng. pentose, 598. Bothe, F. Reviser of Gassner’s Mzkroskopische Untersuchung pflanzlicher Nahrungs- und Genuss- mittel. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 72 ; (Revicw), 444. Supplement to Mellor’s Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theo- retical Chemistry. Supplt. 11. Part 1. (Pub- lication received), 676. Briscoe, H. V.. A., ef a!.via INDEX TO VOLUME 81 Britton, H. T. S. Hydrogen Ions: Detmn. and Importance in Pure and Industrial Chemistry.Vol. I. 4th Edn. (Review), 247; Vol. 11. (Pub- lication received), 732. Detmng": griseofulvin in fer- mentation samples. I. Spectrophotometric assay, 220. Brown, J. F., et al. Automatic Fischer titration unit for laboratory use, 308. Bryde, R. J. W., et al. Factors in planning of fungi- toxicity experiments in laboratory. (Summary), 76. Bugher, J. A., et al. International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. I, Nos. 1/2, July, 1956. (Publication received), 560. Brown, A. P., et al. Burstall, F. H. Obituary, 1, 253. Butler, E. J., et al. Butler, G. H. Obituary, 250. Contamination during micro- detmn. of magnesium with 8-hydroxyquinoline, 615. C Carman, P. C. Flow of Gases through Porous Media. (Publication received), 504. Cassidy, N.G. Electrometric detmn. of sulphate ion, 169. Chalkley,. D. E. Vapour-phase chromatographic analysis of hydrocarbon mixtures. (Summary), 55. Challis, H. J. G., et al. Turbidimetric detmn. of chlorine in titanium, 703. Chalmers, R. A. Quantitative Chemical Analysis, by Cuming and Kay. 11th Edn. (Publication received), 6 1 6. Chamberlin, G. J. Colour Measurement and Public Health. (Publication received), 380. Charlton, F. E. ,4pparatus for quantitative micro- detmn. of carbon and hydrogen in organic com- pounds, 582. Analysis of mixtures of surface-active quaternary ammonium compounds and polyethylene oxide type of non-ionic surface- active agents, 18. - Detmng. quaternary ammonium compounds as phosphotungstates, 100. Clark, S, J. Quantitative Methods of Organic Microanalysis.(Publication received), 248. Clarke, Q. M., et al. Factors in planning of fungi- toxicity experiments in laboratory. (Summary), 76. Clarke, H. T. Essays in Biochemistry. S. Graff. (Publication received), 504. Clasper, M., et al. Analysing mixtures of hydro- chlorides of hexamethylenediamine, p-diamino- dicyclohexylmethane and e-aminocaproic acid, 587; Erratum, 732. Chinnick, C. C. T., et al. Clifford, 3. Obituary, 253. Clinch, J. Detmng. sulphate in thorium nitrate, 358. Coates, G. E. Organo-Metallic Compounds. (Pub- Collett, R. L. Obituary, 253. Collier, H. 6). J., et al. lication received), 676. Laboratory evaluation of drugs for clinical trial against dermatomycoses. (Summary), 75. Cook, R. M., et al. Detmng. small amounts of carbon in steel by low-pressure analysis, 144; Erratum, 320.Jktcng. and detmng. traces of polyiiuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. IV. Quantitative examination of cfflucnts, 42. Cooper, R. L., et al. Coursaget, J., et al. International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. I, Nos. lj2, July, 1956. (Publication received), 560. Cresswell, W. T., et al. Alkali hydroxides in separat- ing copper and arsenic groups in qualitative in- organic analysis, 244. Crowder, M. M., et al. End-point in iodimetric titrations, 730. drowhurst, B. Detmng. milk solids-not-fat in ice- cream, 123. Crowther, A. B., et at. Sodium phenoxide - sodium hypochlorite detmn. of ammonia, 64. Curtin, D. Y., et al. Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 380.D .Dack, G. M. Food Poisoning. 3rd Edn. (Publica- tion received), 380. :Daniel, J. W., et al. Detmng. epichlorhydrin in air, 594. Darbre, A., et al. Microbiological assay of inositol with Schizosaccharomyces pornbe, 394. :Das, M. S., et al. Modified ethylenediaminetetra- acetic acid - tannic acid detmn. of niobium, tantalum and titanium in minerals, 239. :Davies, E. J., et al. Detmng. oleic acid and potas- sium oleate in white spirit, 121. Davies, I., et al. Detmng. calcium in rain-water, 551. - Detmng. dissolved oxygen in water containing reducing substances, 113. Davis, J. G. Laboratory Control of Dairy Plant. (Publication received), 248. Deag, E. W. Obituary, 1,253. Deite, V. R. Bibliography of Solid Adsorbents, 1943 Doyle, T. F. Driver, J.E. to 1953. (Publication received), 380. Obituary, 1, 253. Bentley and Driver's Textbook oi Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 6th Edn. (Publica- tion received), 72. Duval, C. Trait6 de Micro-Analyse MinCrale : Quali- tative et Quantitative. Vol. 11. (Review), 504; Vol. 111. (Publication received), 676. Dyer, B. 4th Memorial Lecture. Evolution of agricultural research. Slater, 276. Dyson, G. M., et al. Supplement to Mellor's Com- prehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry. Supplt. 11. Part 1. (Publication received), 676. E El Darawy, Z. I,, et al. Detmng. alkaloids in bio- logical material by compound formation with indicators, 601. Eldridge, A. A., et al. Supplement to Mellor's Comprchensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theo- retical Chemistry. Supplt. 11. Part 1.(Pub- lication received), 676. Ellis, B. A. Review of Mitchell, Kolthoff, Prosksuer and Weissberger's Oyganic Analysis, Vol. 11, 676. - Review of Organic Syntheses. Collective Vol. 3, 447. Ellis, C. M., et al. Hypovanadous salts as analytical reagents, 693. El-Sadr, M. M., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of blood glucose, 430. Elwell, W. T., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of phos- phorus in steel and copper-base alloys, 136.INDEX TO VOLUME 81 vii Evans, H. J., et al. Sucrose loss from ice-cream on Evers, N. Review of Garratt’s Quantitative Analysis - Review of Pharmacopoeia of the United States of storage, 204. of Drugs. 2nd Edn., 125. America. 15th Revision, 183. F Farina, P. E. L., et al. Improved sampling appara- tus for water containing dissolved oxygen, 377.Feigl, F., et al. Specific test for cobalt, 709. Ferrett, D. J., et al. Analytical applications of Barker square-wave polarograph. 11. Analysis of copper-base alloys and steels, 193. - Three recent polarographs, 506. Field, A. C., et al. Contamination during micro- detmn. of magnesium with 8-hydroxyquinoline, 615. Fieser, L. F., e f al. Organic Chemistry. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 560. Fieser, M., et al. Organic Chemistry. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 560. Finar, I. L. Organic Chemistry. Vol. 11. Stereo- chemistry and Chemistry of Natural Products. (Publication received), 732. Finney, D. J. Experimental Design and its Statis- tical Basis. (Publication received), 72 ; (Review), 559. Fleck, H. R. Synthetic Drugs. (Review), 319. Fogg, D. N., et al. Detmng.selenium in effluents, 525. Franks, F. Paper chromatography with continuous change in solvent composition. I. Separating fatty acids, 384; 11. Separating surface-active agents, 390. Freeman, F. M. Colorimetric detmn. of chloram- phenicol, 299. Fudge, A. J., et al. Isolating and detmng. pro- tactinium-233, 417. -Rapid detmn. of radioactivity due to caesium-137 in mixed fission products by anion exchange and gamma-ray spectrometry, 570. Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 380. FuSon, R. C,, e t al. G Gage, J. C., et al. Detmng. epichlorhydrin in air, Garratt, D. C. Quantitative Analysis of Drugs. 2nd - Review of Fleck’s Synthetic Drugs, 319. Gassner, G. Mikroskopische Untersuchung pflanz- licher Nahrungs- und Genussmittel.3rd Edn. Revised by Bothe. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 444. Gentry, C. H. R., e t al. Photometric detmn. of silicon in metals, 339. Giblin, J. C. Qualitative and Volumetric Analysis. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 126. Glascock, R. F. Detmng. radioactive isotopes in biological samples. (Summary), 433. Glick, D. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. I. Goldstein, D., et al. Gorsuch, T. T. Semi-micro detmn. of sulphur in cystine and methionine, 501. Graff, S. Essays in Biochemistry. (Publication received), 504. Grant, J. Review of Whiteley’s Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XII. 4th Edn., 446. 594. Edn. (Review), 125. (Publication received), 320; (Review), 558. Specific test for cobalt, 709. Green, A. Obituary, 263. Griffith, D.A. Obituary, 187. Guerin, B. D. Nitroso-R salt method for detmng. cobalt in ores, 409. Gunther, F. A., et al. Analysis of Insecticides and Acaricides. (Review), 7 1. H Hamence, J. H. Review of Gunther and Blinn’s Analysis of Insecticides and Acaricides, 71. Hancock, W., et al. Simultaneous detmn. of traces of benzene and toluene, 37. Hanna, S., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of blood glucose, 430. Harrop, D., et al. Colour reagent for cations (tri- sodium pentacyanoamminoferrate and rubeanic acid), 499. Hartman, L. Analysis of technical monoglycerides with potassium periodate, 67. Harvey, D. Katharometers as recorders in gas chromatography. (Summary), 58. Haslam, J. Visit to Cambridge, 186. - et al. Analysing mixtures of hydrochlorides of hexamethylenediamine, p-diaminodicyclohexyl- methane and eaminocaprolc acid, 587 ; Erratum, 732.Hayden, K. J. Spot test for detcng. ascorbic acid in flour, 376. Haywood, F. W., e t al. Metallurgical Analysis by means of Spekker Photoelectric Absorptiometer. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 732. Haywood, L. J. A., et al. Detmng. copper in steel, 651. Hemingway, R. G. Detmng. calcium in plant material by flame photometry, 164. Herington, E. F. G., et al. Colour reagent for cations (trisodium pentacyanoamminoferrate and ru- beanic acid), 499. - Inorganic complexes in colour reactions for organic compounds. 11. Detmng. total concen- tration of non-cc-substituted alkylpyridines in presence of a-substituted alkylpyridines, 71 1 ; Detmng. isoquinoline in presence of quinoline and quinaldine, 7 18.Hershenon, H. M. Ultraviolet and Visible Absorp- tion Spectra. Index for 1930-1954. (Publication received), 560. Hersom, A. C., et al. Canned Foods: Introduction to their Microbiology. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 732 Hetman, J. S. Heyrovskg, J. Development of polarographic analysis, 189 Higgs, D. G. Polarographic detmn. of chromium in molybdenum - chromium alloys, 656 Hilditch, T. P. Chemical Constitution of Natural Fats. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 320. Hill, R. Detmng. 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid in MCPA by differential refractometric method, 323. Hodgkin, D. C. X-ray analysis of structure of vitamin BIZ. (Summary), 2. Hodgman, C. D., et al. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 37th Edn. (Publication received), 184. Inorganic Qualitative Analysis : Semi- micro Methods.2nd Edn. (Publication received), 676. Detmng. calcium in rain- Coulometric titration, 543 Holness, H. Hopkinson, G., et al. water, 551. (Review), 447. Homing, E. C. Organic Syntheses. Collective VOl. 3.viii INDEX TO VOLUME 81 Horwitz, W. Official Methods of Analysis of Assoc. of Official Agricultural Chemists. 8th Edn. (Review), 319. Houlihan, J. E., et al. Improved sampling appara- tus for water containing dissolved oxygen, 377. House, M. A. Polarometric detmn. of lactose in concentrated whey products, 486. Hull, C. J., ef al. Advanced Analytical Chemistry. (Publication received), 447. Hummel, R. W., et al. Detmng. strontium in sea water by radioactive and stable isotopes, 110. Hunter, J. A., et al. Separation of zinc by anion exchange and solvent extraction, and its titri- metric determination with disodium ethylene- diaminetetra-acetate, 79.I Ingold, C. K. Introduction to Structure in Organic Ingram, D. J. E. Investigation of chemical systems Chemistry. (Publication received), 732. by electron-spin resonance, 681. J Jackson, W. H. Obituary, 561. Jacobs, S. Detmng. amino acids by indanetrione hydrate, 502. Jeffery, G. H., et al. Alkali hydroxides in separating copper and arsenic groups in qualitative inorganic analysis, 244. Jeffery, P. G. Simultaneous photometric detmn. of molybdenum and tungsten in silicate rocks, 104. Jefferys, E. G., et al. Aniline acetate-furfural method of detmng. pentose, 598. Jelinek, J., et al. Czechoslovak Fine Chemicals Standards. Vol. I. (Publication received), 320. Jenkins, D.C., et al. Sucrose loss from ice-cream on storage, 204. Jenkins, E. N., et al. Rapid detmn. of radioactivity due to caesium-137 in mixed fission products by anion-exchange and gamma-ray spectrometry, 570. Jenkins, M. H. Obituary, 561. Jennings, F. W., et al. 13110dine-labelled serum albumin in detmng. intercellular plasma in centri- fuged red cells. (Summary), 441. Rapid detmn. of traces of nickel in copper salts, 318. Organic Reagents for Metals, and Other Reagent Monographs. Vol. I. 5th Edn. (Review), 183. - Review of Rosin’s Reagent Chemicals and Standards. 3rd Edn., 731. Jones, A. G. Review of Britton’s Hydrogen IONS: Detmn. and Importance in Pure and Industrial Chemistry. Vol. I. 4th Edn., 247. Jones, A. S., et al. Spectrophotometric detmn.of sub-micro quantities of sulphur with 4-amino- 4’-chlorodiphenyl, 15. Jones, J. T., et al. Turbidimetric detmn. of chlorine in titanium, 703. Jones, N. R. Tentative detmn. of grade strength of agars, 243. Jones, 0. Obituary, 78, 253. Jones, R. N., et al. Assay of aldosterone and other Johnson, E. A., et al. Johnson, W. C. adrenal steroids by 24Na/4ZK method, 439. K Kakabadse, G. J., et al. End-point in iodimetric titrations, 730. Kaye, G. W. C., et al. Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants. 1 l t h Edn. (Publication received), 447. Kent-Jones, D. W. Obituary of H. Ballantyne, 188. Keulemans, A. I. M. Katharometers as recorders in gas chromatography. (Summary), 57. King, E. J., et al. Micro-Analysis in Medical Bio- chemistry. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 732.Kinnear, T. Assay of TSH based on rate of dis- charge of radioactive iodine from chick thyroids. (Summary), 440. Kolthoff, I. M., et al. Organic Analysis. Vol. 11. (Review), 676. Kondratiev, V. N., ef al. International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. I, Nos. 112, July, 1956. (Publication received), 560. Kwantes, W., et al. Sucrose loss from ice-cream on storage, 204. L Laby, T. H., et al. Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants. 1 l t h Edn. (Publication received), 447. Lander, I. M., et al. 13110dine-labelled serum albumin in detmng. intercellular plasma in centri- fuged red cells. (Summary), 441. Large, R. S., ef al. Sodium phenoxide - sodium hypochlorite detmn. of ammonia, 64. Laws, E. Q., et al. Simultaneous detmn. of traces of benzene and toluene, 37.Lees, K. A. ~ Practical considerations of micro- biological assay. (Summary), 25 1. -- et al. Microbiological assay of penicillin in feeding stuffs, 562. Leicester, J., et al. Alkali hydroxides in separating copper and arsenic groups in qualitative inorganic analysis, 244. Lester Smith, E. See Smith, E. L. Letham, D. S., et af. Spectrophotometric detmn. of sub-micro quantities of sulphur with 4-amino- 4’-chlorodiphenyl, 15. Polarographic detmn. of boron, 531. Influence of physical factors on microbiological assay of antibiotics. (Summary), 250. Lincoln, P. A., et al. Analysis of mixtures of surface-active quaternary ammonium compounds and polyethylene oxide type of non-ionic surface- active agents, 18. -- Detmng. quaternary ammonium compounds as phosphotungstates, 100.Ling, E. R. Textbook of Dairy Chemistry. Vol. I. Theoretical. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 447. Littlewood, A. B. Techniques used in study of boron and silicon hydrides. Lock, J. A. Automatic apparatus for isolated prepns., suitable for assay of oxytocin and similar assays. (Summary), 3. Loutit, J. F. Measurement of health hazards. (Summary), 442. Luis, P. Micro spot-test for nicotine, 548. Lewis, D. T. Lightbown, J. W. (Summary), 55. M McBryde, W. A. E., et al. Absorptiometric detmn of iridium, 566. McCallum~ E. S. R., et al. Detmng. calcium and magnesium in plant material with disodium ethylenediaminetetra-acetate, 160. ndacDonald, A., et al. Detmng. deuterium by mass- spectrometric method, 401.INDEX TO AllcFarlane, A. S. Bioassay of radio-iodinated plas- McLaren, J.Obituary, 253. McOmie, J. F. W., et al. Quantitative analysis of alkaline-earth metals by paper chromatography, 353. Magat, M., et al. International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. I, Nos. l/2, July, 1956. (Publication received), 560. Manohin, B., e f al. End-point in iodimetric titra- tions, 730. Markle, G. E., et al. Advanced Analytical Chemistry. (Publication received), 447. Martin, A. J. P. Gas-liquid chromatography. (Sum- mary), 52. Martin, G. Modern Soap and Detergent Industry. Vol. 111. Manufacture of Glycerol. 2nd Edn., by H. J . Strausz. Martin, J. V., et al. Quantitative analysis of alkaline-earth metals by paper chromatography, 353. ma proteins for clinical use. (Summary), 436. (Publication received), 447.- Spectrophotometric detmn. of alkaline-earth metals with murexide. Eriochrome black T and o-cresolphthalein complexone, 348. Martin, R. W. Chemistry of Phenolic Resins. (Publication received), 560. Biller, C. C., et al. Separation of zinc by anion exchange and solvent extraction, and its titri- metric detmn. with disodium ethylenediamine- tetra-acetate, 79. Milner, G. W. C. Direct analysis of uranium - gal- lium alloys, 367. - Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Review, 619. - et al. Analytical applications of Barker square-wave polarograph. 11. Analysis of copper-base alloys and steels, 193. - Detmng. uranium by high-precision spectro- photometry, 456. - Three recent polarographs, 506. - Volumetric detmn. of plutonium with ethylene- diaminetetra-acetic acid, 427 ; Erratum, 504.Minshall, E. Systematic Semi-micro Qualitative Analysis Tables for Inorganic Substanccs. Part I, Part I1 and Combined. (Publication received), 676. Mitchell, J., jun., et al. Organic Analysis. Vol. 11. (Review), 676. Mitchell, S. C., et al. Detmng. oleic acid and potas- sium oleate in white spirit, 121. Monnier, D., et al. Analyse Qualitative Mindrale. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 557. Mooney, E. F., et al. Analysing mixtures of hydro- chlorides of hexamethylenediamine, p-diamino- dicyclohexylniethane and E-aminocaproic acid, 587; Erratum, 732. Moore, V. J. Detmng. small amounts of bismuth in copper mattes and concentration products, 555. - Separating and detmng. traces of lead in presence of bismuth, 553. - Physical chemistry.2nd Edn. (Publication received), 248. More, A. Obituary, 253. Moritz, H. Spektrochemische Betriebsanalyse. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 126. Norton, R. A. Review of Glick’s iWethods of Bio- chemical Analysis. Vol. 111, 558. Mulligan, W., et al. 13110dine-labelled serum albu- min in detmng. intercellular plasma in centrifuged red cells. (Summary), 441. Murthy, A. R. V., e t al. Detmng. sulphide sulphur in minerals. 373. VOLUME 81 ix N Nagelschmidt, G. Inter-laboratory trials on detmn. of quartz in dusts of respirable size, 210. Narayan, V. A., et al. Detmng. sulphide sulphur in minerals, 373. Nedeljak, N. J., et al. Czechoslovak Fine Chemicals Standards. Vol. I. (Publication received), 320 Nelson, H. R., et al. International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes.Vol. I, Nos. 1/2, July, 1956. (Publication received), 560. Newman, E. J., et al. Rapid detmn. of traces of nickel in copper salts, 318. Nickless, G., et al. Quantitative inorganic chromato- graphy. 11. Detmng. vanadium in presence of excess dichromate, 577. Nimmo-Smith, R. H. Physiological and biochemical background of microbiological assay. (Summary), 250. Norris, F . W., et al. Microbiological assay of ino- sitol with Schizosaccharomyces pombe, 394. North, A. A. Geochemical field methods for de tmn. of tungsten and molybdenum in soils, 660. Nutten, A. J., et al. Titrimetric detmn. of sulphate with 4-amino-4’-chlorodiphenyl hydrochloride, 4. Nyholm, R. S. Renaissance of Inorganic Chemistry. (Publication received), 616. O O’Donovan, D. G., et al. Quantitative Inorganic Analysis : Student’s Handbook.(Publication received), 676. Oesper, R. E. Translator of Speci$c test f o r coba2t. Feigl and Goldstein, 709. Qkell, F. L. Review of Addendum 1955 to British Pharmacopoeia 1953, 246. - Review of Oficial Methods of Analysis of Assoc. of Oficial AgYicultwal Chemists. 8th Edn., 319. - Review of Organic Reagents for Metals, and Other Reagent Monographs. Vol. I. 5th Edn., 183. Osborn, G. H. Synthetic Ion-Exchangers : Recent Developments in Theory and Application. (Pub- lication received), 126. Detmng. serum-protein fractions by zone electrophoresis on paper and direct reflection photometry, 26. Owen, J. A. P Packman, G., et al. Elimination of interference by arsenic in polarographic detmn. of antimony and tin, 49. Page, J. E.Documentation of molecular spectra, 185. Parry, E., et al. Titrimetric detmn. of sulphate with 4-amino-4’-chlorodiphenyl hydrochloride, 4. Peach, 8. M. Nitrosoresorcinol monomethyl ether as reagent for iron and cobalt, 371. Phillips, @. Gas Chromatography. (Publication received), 380. Phillips, C. S. G. Adsorption and partition methods (chromatographic). (Summary), 56. Phillips, J. I., et al. Sucrose loss from ice-cream on storage, 204. Pinder, R. H., et al. Detmng. low carbon contents in steel by multiple factor weight combustion, 153. Pollard, F. H., e f al. Quantitative analysis of alkaline-earth metals by paper chromatography, 353; 11. Detmng. vanadium in presence of excess dichromate, 577. - Spcctrophotometric detmn. of alkaline-earth metals with murexide, Eriochrome black T and o-cresolphthalein complexone, 348.Absorptiometric detmn. of beryllium Pollock, J. B. , - in beryl, 45.x INDEX TO Powell, A. R., et al. Analysis of Minerals and Ores of Rarer Elements. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 72. Proskauer, E. $., et al. Organic Analysis. Vol. 11. (Review), 676. Putnam, J. L., ef aZ. International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. I, Nos. lj2, July, 1956. (Publication received), 560. R Ranson, S. L., et al. Plant Physiology. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 126. Rao, M. R. A., et al. Detmng. sulphide sulphur in minerals, 373. Ray, N. R. Rapid chromatographic detmn. of bromine-inert impurities in ethylene. (Summary), 56. Ray Sarkar, B. C. See Sarkar, B. C. R. Redfearn, M. N., et al. Detmng.dissolved oxygen in water containing reducing substances, 11 3. Reed, R. I., ef al. Detmng. deuterium by mass- spectrometric method, 401. Rees, H. G. Obituary of 0. Jones, 78. Reilly, J., et al. Quantitative Inorganic Analysis : Student's Handbook. (Publication received), 676. Remer, D. E. Y., e t al. Detmng. dissolved oxygen in water containing reducing substances, 11 3. Reynolds, G. F., et al. Elimination of interference by arsenic in polarographic detmn. of antimony and tin, 49. Richards, N. E., et al. Simultaneous volumetric detmn. of cadmium and chloride, 245. Richardson, J. A., et al. Plant Physiology. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 126. Robinson, J. B. D. Rapid Kjeldahl nitrogen diges- tion of coffee-leaf material by permanganate method, 316. Robinson, R.Perspectives in Organic Chemistry. Todd. (Publication received), 616. Rose, A., et al. Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 5th Edn. (Publication received), 732. Rose, E., et al. Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 5th Edn. (Publication received), 732. Rosin, J. Reagent Chemicals and Standards. 3rd Edn. (Review), 731. Rusconi, Y., et al. Analyse Qualitative Minerale. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 557. S Sankar Das, M. Sarkar, B. C. R., et al. Non-stationary platinum electrodes for amperometric detmn. of cysteine and cystine, 668. Satterfield, C. N., et al. Hydrogen Peroxide. (Publication received), 184. Sawyer, R., et al. Routine detmn. of admixed chalk in flour, 362. Schoeller, W. R., ef al. Analysis of Minerals and Ores of Rarer EIements. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 72.Scholes, P. H. Detmng. iron in iron ores, slags and refractories by thioacetamide reduction, 688. Schumb, W. C., ef al. Hydrogen Peroxide. (Pub- lication received), 184. Scott, W. G., et al. Vitamin-A and carotene potency of National (household) butter detmnd. by chro- matographic-u .v. spectrophotometric assay, 1 17. Segar, G. A. Titrimetric detinn. of cadmium with potassium ferrocyanide, 65. Selby, S. M., et al, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 37th Edn. (Publication received), 184. Seligman, H., et al. International Journal of Radiation and Isotopes. Vol. I, Nos. 1/2, July, 1956. (Publication received), 560. See Das, M. S. VOLUME 81 Sellers, K. C. Cattle ringworm: problems in evalu- ation of treatment. (Summary), 77. Shah, A. R. Sub-micro detmn.of iodine. (Sum- mary), 681. Shalgosky, H. I. Polarographic detmn. of uranium, 512. - et al. Three recent polarographs, 506. Sherratt, J. G. Detmng. volatile oil in effluents, 518, Shrimpton, D. H. Detmng. vitamin-B,, activity in feeding stuffs with Lactobacillus leichmannii and Ochronzonas malhavnensis, 94. Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 380. Siggia, S., et al. Introduction to Modern Organic Analysis. (Publication received), 560. Simpson, J. S., et al. Microbiological assay of peni- cillin in feeding stuffs, 562. Simpson, S. A. ef al. Assay of aldosterone and other adrenal steroids by 241\uTa/42K method, 439. Sivaraman, R., et al. Non-stationary platinum elec- trodes for amperometric detmn, of cysteinc and cystine, 668.4th Bernard Dyer Memorial Lecture. Evolution of agricultural research, 276. Shriner, R. L., et al. Slater, W. Slee, L. J., et al. Three recent polarographs, 506. Sniales, A. A., et al. Smith, A. M., et aZ. Detmng. strontium in sea water by radioactive and stable isotopes, 110. Detmng. calcium and mag- nesium in plant material with disodium ethylene- diaminetetra-acetate, 160, Principles of isotope-dilution assay with special reference to vitamin BIZ. (Summary), 435. Laboratory evaluation of drugs for clinical trial against dermatomycoses. (Summary), 75. Smith, J., et al. Direct micro-alkalimetric titration detrnn of sulphur in organic compounds, 302; Erratum, 560. Speight, G. E., et al. Detmng. small amounts of carbon in steel by low-pressure analysis, 144; Erratum, 320.Sporek, K. F. Detmng. mercury in fungicides con- taining organo-mercury compounds. I. Detmng. organo-mercury compounds by direct titration, 474 ; 11. Detmng. organo-mercury compounds after decomposition to mercuric sulphide, 478. - Detmng. moisture in dieldrin and aldrin by Karl Fischer titration, 728. - Gravimetric detmn. of potassium in sea water as potassium tetraphenylboron salt, 540. Stephen, W. I., et al. Titrimetric detmn. of sulphate with 4-amino-4'-chlorodiphenyl hydrochloride, 4. Stolten, HI. J., et aZ. Introduction to Modern Organic Analysis. (publication received), 560. Strafford, N., et aZ. Detmng. Toxic Substances in Air; Manual of I.C.I. Practice. (Publication received), 248. Strausz, H. J. Reviser of Martin's Modern Soap and Detergent Industry.Vol. 111. Manufacture of Glycerol. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 447. Strouts, C. R. N., et al. Detmng. Toxic Substances in Air: Manual of I.C.I. Practice. (Publication received), 248. Stubbings, W. V., et al. Detmng. Toxic Substances in Air: Manual of I.C.I. Practice. (Publication received), 248. Sutcliffe, P., et al. Sykes, G. Constituents of Bacteriological Culture Sykes, P. W. Detmng. lithium in ores, 283. Syme, A. C., et al. Direct micro-alkalimetric titra- tion detmn. of sulphur in organic compounds, 302; Erratum, 560. Smith, E. L. Smith, G. K. A., et al. Detmng. copper in steel, 651. Media. (Publication received), 184.INDEX TO VOLUME 81 xi T Tait, J. F., et al. Assay of aldosterone and other adrenal steroids by 24Na/42K method, (Summary), 439.Taylor, C. G. Detmng. small quantities of nickel with a-furildioxime, 369. Taylor, R. J., et al. Vitamin-A and carotene potency of National (household) butter detmnd. by chromatographic u .v. spectrophotometric assay, 117. Theobald, L. S. Review of Belcher and Wilson’s New Methods in Analytical Chemistry, 379. Thomas, M., et al. Plant Physiology. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 126. Thompson, S. S. Colorimetric detmn. of nitrofura- zone in poultry feeds, 443. Tingle, A. Obituary, 253. Todd, A. R. Perspectives in Organic Chemistry. (Publication received), 616. Tompsett, S. L. Detmn. and distribution of lead in human tissues and excreta, 330. - et al. Detmng. alkaloids in biological material by compound formation with indicators, 601. Tootill, J. P.R., et al. Correcting for irrelevant absorption in U.V. spectropliotometric analysis, 232. - Detmng. griseoIulvin in fermentation samples. I . Appendix, 225. Tweedie, T. S. Obituary, 1, 253. Tyler, J. F. C., et al. Fluorine content of flour and creta, 375. - Koutine detmn. of admixed chalk in flour, 362. V van Ligten, J. W. L., e t al. Kwalitatieve Chemische van Nieuwenburg, C. J. Modern qualitative analysis - et al. Kwalitatieve Chemische Analyse. 4th Vasudeva Murthy, A. R. Venkateswarlu, Ch., et al. Modified ethylenedi- aminetetra-acetic acid - tannic acid detmn. of niobium, tantalum and titanium in minerals, 239. Vickers, A. E. J. Obituary, 617. Vogel, A. I. Alkali hydroxides in separating copper and arsenic groups in qualitative inorganic analysis, 244. - Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, including Qualitative Organic Analysis.3rd Edn. (Publication received), 248. - et all. Hypovanadous salts as analytical re- agents, 693. Volume, W. F., et al. Automatic Fischer titration unit for laboratory use, 308. voa Loesecke, H. W. Drying and Dehydration of Foocls. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 184. Analyse. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 560. and industrial practice, 450. Qdn. (Publication received), 560. See Murthy, A. R. V. W Wagner, W., et al. Advanced Analytical Chemistry. (Publication received), 447. Wahba, N., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of blood glucose, 430. Wallis, T. E. Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 3rd Edn. (Review), 247. Weast, R. C., et al. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 37th Edn. (Publication received), 184. Weatherley, E.G. Chromatographic separation, detcn. and detmn. of selenium, 404. Wedgwood, B., et al. Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial efflu- ents and sewage. IV. Quantitative examination of effluents, 42. Weissberger, A., et al. Organic Analysis. Vol. 11. (Review), 676. Wemz, H. Ring-oven technique and application in archaeology. (Summary), 130. Wenger, P.-E., et al. Analyse Qualitative Mindrale. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 557. Wentworth, R. L., et al. Hydrogen Peroxide. (Publication received), 184. Werner, A. E. A. Microchemical techniques in art gallery and museum. (Summary), 129. West, T. S. General review of sub-micro methods. (Summary), 680. Westerfeld, W. W. Biochemical Preparations. Vol. 4. (Publication received), 126.Weston, R. E., et al. Fluorine content of flour and creta, 375. -- Routine detmn. of admixed chalk in flour, 362. Weymouth, F. J., et al. Titration of N-carboxy- a-amino-acid anhydrides in non-aqueous solution, 305. Wheland, G. W. Resonance in Organic Chemistry. (Publication received), 248. Whiteley, M. A. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. 4th Edn. Vol. XII. General Index. (Publication received), 184; (Review), 446. Wilkinson, H. C. 4-Amino-4’-chlorodiphenyl hydro- chloride for detmng. sulphur in coal, 9. Wilkinson, N. T., e t al. Detmng. selenium in effluents, 525. Williams, A. F. Katharometers as recorders in gas chromatography. (Summary), 57. Williams, K. A. ?‘he Analyst (increase in subscrip- tion), 321. Williams, M. Sub-micro detmn.of nitrogen. (Sum- mary), 680. Wilson, C. L. Review of Duval’s Traite’ de Micro- Analyse Mine’yale: Qualitative et Quantztative. Vol. 11, 504. - Review of Wenger, Monnier and Rusconi’s Anulyse Qualitative MineYule, 557. - et al. Yew Methods in Analytical Chemistry. (Review), 379. Wilson, D. W. Microvolumetric analysis : apparatus and technique. (Summary), 381. - Review of Henetietti-Pichler’s Essentzals of Quantitative Analysts. Introduction to Baszc Unit Operations, 731. Wilson, H. N., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of yhos- phorus in steel and copper-base alloys, 136. Wilson, W. Obituary, 505. Winteringham, F. P. W. Labelled metabolic pools for quantitative study of toxic action. (Sum- mary), 440. Wood, A. A. R., et al. Metallurgical Analysis by means of Spekker Photoelectric Absorptiometer. 2nd Edn.(Publication received), 732. Woodhead, J. L., e t al. Isolating aild detmng. protactinium-233, 417. - - Rapid detmn. of radioactivity due to caesium- 137 in mixed fission products by anion exchange and gamma-ray spectrometry, 570. - Volumetric detmn. of plutonium with ethylene- diaminetetra-acetic acid, 427 ; Erratum, 504. Wootton, I. D. P., et al. Micro-Analysis in Medical Biochemistry. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 732. Z Zentner, H. Detmng. non-fat dry milk solids in bread by paper chromatography, 483.xii INDEX TO VOLUME 81 INDEX TO A Absorptiometer : Metallurgical Analysis by means of Spekker Photoelectric -. Haywood and Wood. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 732. Acaricides: Analysis of Insecticides and -. Gunther and Blinn.(Review), 71. Acidity : Recommended methods for analysing trade effluents. Detmng. organic carbon, chloride, -, alkalinity and manganese. Society for Analytical Chemistry and Association of British Chemical Manufacturers, 721. Acids, organic: Detmng. deuterium by mass spectro- metry. MacDonald and Reed, 401. Paper chromatography with continuous change in solvent composition. I. Separating fatty -. Franks, 384. Adrenal steroids : Assay of aldosterone and other - by 24Na/42K method. Tait, Jones and Simpson. (Summary), 439. Adsorbents: Bibliography of Solid -, 1943 to 1953. Deitz. (Publication received), 380. Agars : Tentative detmn. of grade strength of ---. Jones, 243. Agriculture : Evolution of agricultural research. Fourth Bernard Dyer Memorial Lecture.Slater, 276. Air: Detmng. epichlorhydrin in -. Daniel and Gage, 594. Albumin : 13110dine-labelled serum - in detmng. intercellular plasma in centrifuged red cells. Mulligan, Jennings and Lander. (Summary), 441. Aldosterone: Assay of - and other adrenal steroids by 24Na/42K method. Tait, Jones and Simpson. (Summary), 439. Aldrin: Detmng. moisture in dieldrin and - by Karl Fischer titration. Sporek, 728. Alkali hydroxides for separating copper and arsenic groups in qualitative inorganic analysis. Vogel, Cresswell, Jeffery and Leicestcr, 244. Alkaline earths : Quantitative analysis of - by paper chromatography. Pollard, McOmie and Martin, 353. Spectrophotometric detmn. of - with murexide, Eriochrome black T and o-cresolphthalein com- plexone. Pollard and Martin, 348.Alkalinity : Recommended methods for analysing trade effluents. Detmng. organic carbon, chloride, acidity, - and manganese. Society for Analytical Chemistry and Association of British Chemical Manufacturers, 721. Alkaloids: Detmng. - in biological material by compound formation with indicators. El Darawy and Tompsett, 601. Micro spot test for nicotine. Luis, 548. Alkoxyl groups : Sub-micro detmn. of -. Bhatty. (Summary), 680. Alkylpyridines : Inorganic complexes in colour re- actions for organic compounds. 11. Detmng. total concentration of non-cc-substituted - in presence of a-substituted -. Biddis- combe and Herington, 711. Aluminium: Detmng. - in iron and steel with chromatographic separation. Bishop, 29 1. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 619.Vegetable-parchment - - -foil laminates (Parchfoil) for wrapping dairy and other food products. B.S. 2758 : 1956, 557. America: See United States of -. SUBJECTS Amino acids: Detmng. - with indanetrione hydrate. Jacobs, 502. E-Aminocaproic acid : Analysing mixtures of hydro- chlorides of hexamethylenediamine, p-diamino- dicyclohexylmethane and -. Clasper, Has- lam and Mooney, 587; Erratum, 732. 4-Amino-4'-chlorodiphenyl hydrochloride for de- tmng. sulphur in coal. Wilkinson, 9. Spectrophotometric detmn. of sub-micro quanti- ties of sulphur with -, Jones and Letham, 15. Titrimetric detmn. of sulphate with -. Bel- cher, Nutten, Parry and Stephen, 4. Vanadium pentoxide and - in combustion detmn. o€ total sulphur in rubber. Bauminger, 12. Ammonia : Sodium phenoxide - sodium hypochlorite detmn.of -. Crowther and Large, 64. Ammonium purpurate : See Murexide. Ampoules. B.S. 795 : 1953. Amendment slip, 379. ,Analysis : Advanced Analytical Chemistry. Wag- ner, Hull and Markle. (Publication rcceived), 447. Alkali hydroxides for separating copper and arsenic groups in qualitative inorganic -. Vogel, Cresswell, Jeffery and Leicester, 244. Analyse Qualitative Minkrale. Wenger, Monnier and Rusconi. (Publication received), 72 ; (Review), 557. Colour reagent for cations. (Trisodium penta- cyanoamminoferrate and rubeanic acid.) Har- rop and Herington, 499. Correcting for irrelevant absorption in U.V. spectrophotometric -. Ashton and Tootill, 232. Determination of Toxic Substances in Air: Manual of I.C.I. Practice. Strafford, Strouts and Stubbings.(Publication received), 248. Introduction to Basic Unit Operations. Benedetti-Pichlcr. (Publication received), 320; (Review), 731. General review of sub-micro methods. West. (Summary), 680. Inorganic complexes in colour reactions for organic compounds. 11. Detmng. total con- centration of non-a-substituted alkylpyridines in presence of a-substituted alkylpyridines. Biddiscombe and Herington, 711 ; 111. Detmng. isoquinoline in presence of quinoline and quinaldine, 718. Inorganic Qualitative - : Scmi-micro Methods. Holness. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 676. Introduction to Modern Organic -. Siggia and Stolten. (Publication received), 560. Investigation of chemical systems by electron- spin resonance. Ingram, 681. Kwalitatieve Chemische Analyse .van Nieuwen- burg and van Ligten. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 560. Metallurgical - by means of Spekker Photo- electric Absorptiometer. Haywood and Wood. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 732. Methods of Biochemical --. Vol. 111. Glick. (Publication received), 320; (Review), 558. Micro- - in Medical Biochemistry. King and Wootton. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 732. Microchemical techniques in art gallery and museum. Werner. (Summary), 129. Essentials of Quantitative -.INDEX TO VOLUME 81 xiii Analysis-continu e d . Microvolumetric - : Apparatus and technique. Wilson. (Summary), 381. Microvolumetric - : End-point location. Bishop. (Summary), 382. Microvolumetric --: Primary standards. Bel- cher. (Summary), 381. Modern qualitative __ and industrial practice. van Nieuwenburg, 450.Kew Methods in Analytical Chemistry. Belcher and Wilson. (Review), 379. Non-ferrous metallurgical --. Review. Nilner, 619. of Minerals and Ores of Rarer Elements. Schoeller and Powell. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 72. Official Methods of - of Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 8th Edn. (Review), 319. Organic -. Vol. 11. Mitchell, Kolthoff, Pros- kauer and Weissberger. (Review), 676. Organic Reagents for Metals, and Other Reagent Monographs. Vol. I. Hopkin and Williams, Ltd., and Johnson. 5th Edn. (Review), 183. Physical Aspects of Absorptiometric -. British Iron and Steel Research Association. (Publication received), 320. Qualitative and Volumetric -. Giblin. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 126. Quantitative Chemical -, by Cuming and Kay.Chalmers. 1 l t h Edn. (Publication received), 616. Quantitative Inorganic -: Student’s Hand- book. Reilly and O’Donovan. (Publication received), 676. Quantitative Methods of Organic Micro -. Clark. (Publication received), 248. Ring-oven technique in archaeology. Weisz. (Summary), 130. Simplified coulometric titration. Hetman, 543. Spektrochemische Betriebsanalyse. Moritz. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 126. Sub-micro methods in inorganic and organic -: Introduction. Belcher. (Summary), 679. Symposium on use of radioactive materials in biological assay, 433. Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds. Shrjner, Fuson and Curtin. 4th Edn. (Pub- lication received), 380. Systematic Semi-micro Qualitative - Tables for Inorganic Substances. Part I, Part I1 and Combined.Minshall. (Publication received) , 676. Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, includ- ing Qualitative Organic - Vogel. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 248. Trait6 de Micro-Analyse Minkrale : Qualitative et Quantitative. Vol. 11. Duval. (Review), 504; Vol. 111. (Publication received), 676. Analyst: Increase in subscription. Williams, 321. Anhydrides : Titrating N-carboxy-a-amino-acid - in non-aqueous solution. Ballard, Bamford and Weymouth, 305. Aniline acetate : Modified - - furfural method for detmn. pentose. Anthracene: Detcng. and detmng. traces of poly- nuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. IV. Quantitative examination of effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 42. Antibiotics : Influence of physical factors on micro- biological assay of - Isotope-dilution assay of - in fermentation liquors, particularly benzylpenicillin and griseo- fulvin.Ashton. (Summary), 438. New address, 677. Borrow and Jefferys, 598. Lightbown, 250. Antibiotics-continued. Practical considerations of microbiological assay. Lees. (Summary), 251. Antimony : Elimination of interference by arsenic in polarographic detmn. of - and tin. Pack- man and Reynolds, 49. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 619. Apparatus : Ampoules. B.S. 795 : 1953. Amend- ment slip, 379. Analytical applications of Barker square-wave polarograph. 11. Analysing copper-base alloys and steels. Automatic - for isolated prepns., suitable for assay of oxytocin and similar assays. Lock. (Summary), 3. Automatic Fischer titration unit for laboratory use.Brown and Volume, 308. Boiling flasks (narrow-necked) : conical, flat bottom and round bottom. B.S. 2734: 1956, 379. Burettes and bulb burettes. B.S. 846 : 1952. Amendment slip, 70. Clinical maximum thermometers. B.S. 691 : 1953. Amendment slip, 504. Copper laboratory autoclaves. B.S. 2646 : 1955, 182. Coulometric titration. Hetman, 543. Micro-detmn. of chlorine in small samples of poly- merised and copolymerised vinyl chloride. Bather, 536. Crucibles for microchemical analysis. B.S. 1428 : Part El : 1953. Amendment slip, 70. Detmng. deuterium by mass spectrometry. MacDonald and Reed, 401. Detmng. low carbon contents in steel by multiple factor weight combustion. Bagshawe and Pinder, 153. Detmng. magnesium oxide in magnesium. All- sopp, 469.Detmng. serum-protein fractions by zone electro- phoresis on paper and direct reflection photo- metry. Owen, 26. Detmng. small amounts of carbon in steel by low-pressure analysis. Cook and Speight, 144; Erratum, 320. Detmng. sulphide sulphur in minerals. Murthy, Narayan and Rao, 373. Detmng. vitamin-B,, activity in feeding stuffs with Lactobacillus leichmannii and Ochvomonas malhamensis. Shrimpton, 94. Detmng. volatile oils in effluents. Sherratt, 518. Development of polarography. Heyrovsk9, 189. Dipping thermometer. Drawing conventions for laboratory glass -. B.S. 2774: 1956, 730. for detmn. of distillation range. B.S. 658 : 1952. Amendment slip, 730. for quantitative micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen in organic compounds. Charlton, 582. Gas washing bottles.B.S. 2461 : 1954. Amend- ment slip, 730. Graduated measuring cylinders. B.S. 604 : 1952. Amendment slip, 70. Hypovanadous salts as analytical reagents. Ellis and Vogel, 693. Investigation of chemical systems by electron- spin resonance. Ingram, 681. Iodine flasks. B.S. 2735 : 1956, 444. Katharometers as recorders in gas chromato- graphy. Keulemans; Williams ; Harvey. (Sum- maries), 57. Microvolumetric analysis : - and technique. Wilson. (Summary), 381. Ferrett and Milner, 193. B.S. 2720 : 1956, 557.XiV INDEX TO VCILUME 81 Apparatus-continued. Non-stationary platinum electrodes for ampero- metric detmn. of cysteine and cystine. Sarkar and Sivaraman, 668. Paper chromatography with continuous change in solvent composition. I. Separating fatty acids. Franks, 384; 11.Separating surface- active agents, 390. Performance requirements for electrically-heated laboratory drying ovens. B.S. 2648: 1955, 182; A4mendment slip, 557. Petri dishes. B.S. 611 : 1952. Amendment slip, 557. Rapid chromatographic detmn. of bromine-inert impurities in ethylene. Ray. (Summary), 56. Recommended methods for analysing trade effluents. Society for Analytical Chemistry and Association of British Chemical Manufacturers, 59, 492; Erratum, 616; 607, 721. Rees-Hugill powder density flask. B.S. 2701 : 1956, 444. Reference thermometers for field use. B.S. 2736: 1956, 379; Amendment slip, 730. Sampling - for water containing dissolved oxygen. Houlihan and Farina, 377. Separating zinc by anion exchange and solvent extraction, and detmn. with disodium EDTA.Hunter and Miller, 79. Spherical ground glass joints. B.S. 2761 : 1956, 557. Three recent polarographs. Ferrett, Milner, Shal- gosky and Slee, 506. Ubbelohde - for flow and drop points. B.S. 894: 1956, 675. Arsenic: Elimination of interference by - in polarographic detmn. of antimony and tin. Packman and Reynolds, 49. group : Alkali hydroxides for separating copper group and - in qualitative inorganic analy- sis. Vogel, Cresswell, Jeffery and Leicester, 244. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 619. Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Society for Analytical Chemistry and Association of British Chemical Manufac- turers, 59. Ascorbic acid: Dectng. -- in flour. Hayden, 376. Association of British Chemical Manufacturers : Recommended methods for analysing trade effluents.Prepn. of sample and detmng. copper and arsenic. Society for Analytical Chemistry and -, 59; Detmng. iron, mer- cury and nickel, 176; Sampling and physical examination of sample, 492; Erratum, 616; Detmng. chromium, lead and selenium, 607; De tmng. organic carbon, chloride, acidity, alkalinity and manganese, 721. Supplement to British Chemicals and their Manu- facturers. (Publication received), 560. Association of Official Agricultural Chemists : Official Methods of Analysis of ---. 8th Edn. (Re- view), 319. Autoclaves : Copper laboratory -. B.S. 2646: 1955, 182. Azobenzene : Hypovanadous salts as analytical reagents. Ellis and Vogel, 693. B Bacteriology: Constituents of Bacteriological Cul- ture Media. Sykes. (Publication received), 184.Barium : Quantitative analysis of alkaline earths by paper chromatography. Pollard, McOmie and Martin, 353. Narium-continued. Spectropho tome tric de tmn. of alkaline earths with murexide, Eriochrome black T and o-cresolphthalein complexone. Pollard and Martin, 348. Barium sulphate : Micro-alkalimetric titration method for detmng. sulphur in organic com- pounds. Smith and Syme, 302; Erratum, 560. Barker square-wave polarograph : Analytical appli- cations of -. 11. Analysing copper-base alloys and steels. Benzene: Simultaneous detmn. of traces of - and toluene. Hancock and Laws, 37. 1 : 12-Benzperylene: Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. IV. Quantitative examination of effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 42.3 : CBenzpyrene: Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. IV. Quantitative examination of effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 42. Benzylpenicillin : Isotope-dilution assay of anti- biotics in fermentation liquors, particularly - and griseofulvin. Ashton. (Summary), 438. Beryl : Absorptiometric detmn. of beryllium in --. Pollock, 45. Beryllium : Absorptiometric detmn. of - in beryl. Pollock, 45. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 6 19. Biochemistry : Biochemical Preparations. Vol. 4. (Publication received), 126. Essays in -. Graff. (Publication received), 504. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. 111. Glick. (Publication received), 320; (Review), 558. Micro-Analysis in Medical -. King and Wootton. 3rd Edn.(Publication received), 732. Biscyclohexanone oxdyldihydrazone : Detmng. cop- per in steel. Bismuth: Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Herington, 499. Detmng. small amounts of -- in copper mattes and concentration products. Moore, 555. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. .Milner, 619. Blood: Colorimetric detmn. of -- glucose. Wah- ba, Hanna and El-Sadr, 430. Detmn. and distribution of lead in human tissues and excreta. Tompsett, 330. Micro-detmn. of mercury in biological materials. Barrett, 294. Blood cells : 13110dine-labelled serum albumin in detmng. intercellular plasma in centrifuged red -. Mulligan, Jennings and Lander. (Sum- mary), 441. Blood plasma : Bioassay of radio-iodinated -- pro- teins for clinical use. McFarlane. (Summary), 436. Detmng. alkaloids in biological material by com- pound formation with indicators.El Darawy and Tompsett, 601. Blood serum: Detmng. - -protein fractions by zone electrophoresis on paper and direct reflection photometry. Owen, 26. 13110dine-labelled -- albumin in detmng. inter- cellular plasma in centrifuged red cells. Mulli- gan, Jennings and Lander. (Summary) , 44 1. Bane: Detmn. and distribution of lead in human tissues and excreta. Tompsett, 330. Book reviews : Belcher and Wilson. Wew Methods in Analytical Chemistry, 379. Ferrett and Milner, 193. Haywood and Sutcliffe, 651.INDEX TO VOLUME 81 xv Book reviews-continued. Benedetti-Pichler. Essentials ot Quantitative Analysis. Introduction to Basic Unit Opera- tions, 731. Britton. Hydrogen Ions : Determination and Importance in Pure and Industrial Chemistry.Vol. I, 4th Edn., 24’7. Duval. Trait6 de Micro-Analyse Minekale. Vol. 11, 504. Finney. Experimental Design and its Statistical Basis, 559. Fleck. Synthetic Drugs, 319. Garratt. Quantitative Analysis of Drugs. 2nd Edn., 125. Gassner and Bothe. Mikroskopische Unter- suchung pflanzlicher Nahrungs- und Genuss- mittel. 3rd Hdn., 444. Glick. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. 111, 558. Gunther and Blinn. Analysis of Insecticides and Acaricides, 7 1. Hopkin and Williams, Ltd. Organic Reagents for Metals, and Other Reagent Monographs. 5th Edn., 183. Mitchell, Kolthoff, Proskauer and Weissberger. Organic Analysis. Vol. 11, 676. Rosin. Reagent Chemicals and Standards. 3rd Edn., 731. Wallis. Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 3rd Edn., 247.Wenger, Monnier and Rusconi. Analyse Quali- tative MinCrale, 557. Whiteley. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XII. 4th Edn., 446. Addendum 1955 to British Pharmacopoeia 1953, 246. Extra Pharmacopoeia (Martindale). 23rd Edn. Vol. 11, 70. National Formulary (US.). Official Methods of Analysis of Association of 8th Edn., 319. Organic Syntheses. Pharmacopoeia of United States of America. See also Publications received. 10th Edn., 559. Official Agricultural Chemists. Collective Vol. 3, 447. 15th Revision, 183. Boric acid : Polarographic detmn. of boron. Lewis, Boron : Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 531. 619. Polarographic detmn. of -. Lewis, 531. Boron hydrides: Techniques used in study of -- and silicon hydrides. Littlewood. (Summary), 55.Bottles: Capacity of cylindrical glass milk - (other than -- for sterilised milk). B.S. 1925 : 1953, 730. Gas washing -. B.S. 2461 : 1954. Amendment slip, 730. Bread (Amendment No. 2) Order, 1956, 557. Detmng. non-fat dry milk solids in - by paper chromatography. Zentner, 483. British Iron and Steel Research Association : Physical Aspects of Absorptiometric Analysis. (Pub- lication received), 320. British Medical Association : Recognition of Intoxi- cation. Correction, 447. British Standard Specifications : 245 : 1956. White spirit, 246. 332: 1956. Liquid driers for oil paints, 504. 391 : 1949. Tung oil. Amendment slip, 70. 604 : 1952. Graduated measuring cylinders. 611 : 1952. Petri dishes. Amendment slip, 557. 658 : 1952. Apparatus for detmng. distillation Amendment slip, 70.range. Amendment slip, 730. British Standard Specifications-continued. 691 : 1953. Clinical maximum thermometers. Amendment slip, 504. 718 : 1953. Density hydrometers and specific gravity hydrometers. Amendment slip, 675. 795 : 1953. Ampoules. Amendment slip, 379. 846 : 1952. Burettes and bulb burettes. Amend- ment slip, 70. 894 : 1956. Ubbelohde apparatus for flow and drop points, 675. 903 : 1956. Methods of testing vulcanised rubber and soft cellular rubber, 444. 1328: 1956. Methods of sampling water used in industry, 730. 1425 : 1954. Cleanliness of fillings and stuffings. Amendment slip, 557. 1427:1949. Tests for water used in steam generation. Amendment slip, 557. 1428 : Part E l : 1953. Crucibles for microchemical analysis. Amendment slip, 70.1911 : 1953. Genuine hard soap. Amendment slip, 70. 1912 : 1953. Soap flakes. Amendment slip, 7.0. 1925 : 1953. Capacity of cylindrical glass milk bottles (other than bottles for sterilised milk). Amendment slip, 730. 2005 : 1953. Glossary of terms applicable to fillings and stuffings. 2461 : 1954. Gas washing bottles. Amendment slip, 730. 2533 : 1954. Chlorobenzene. Amendment slip, 379. 2646 : 1955. Copper laboratory autoclaves, 182. 2648 : 1955. Performance requirements for elec- trically-heated laboratory drying ovens, 182 ; Amendment slip, 557. Amendment slip, 70. 2690 : 1956. industry, 2701 : 1956. 444. 2710 : 1956. 2711 : 1956. 2712 : 1956. 2713 : 1956. 2714 : 1956. 2720 : 1956. 2734 : 1956. Methods of testing water used in Rees-Hugill powder density flask, Bromomethane, 319.cycZoHexanone, 3 19. Dipentene, 319. 2-Ethoxyethanol, 504. Methylc.ycZohexano1, 504. Dipping thermometer, 557. Roiling flasks (narrow-necked) : coni- 246. cal, flat bottom and round bottom, 379. 2735 : 1956. Iodine flasks, 444. 2736 : 1956. Reference thermometers for field use, 379; Amendment slip, 730. 2756 : 1956. Recommendations for use of deter- gents in dairying industry, 730. 2758 : 1956. Vegetable-parchment - aluminium- foil laminates (Parchfoil) for wrapping dairy and other food products, 557. Drawing conventions for laboratory glass apparatus, 730. British Standards Institution : Annual Report 1955- 1956. (Publication received), 560. 2774 : 1956. Yearbook 1956. (Publication received), 380. Bromomethane: B.S. 2710: 1956, 319. Brucine : Detmng.alkaloids in biological material by compound formation with indicators. El Darawy and Tompsett, 601. Burettes and bulb -. B.S. 846: 1952. Amend- ment slip, 70. Butter : Food Standards (- and Margarine) Regu- lations, 1955, 69. Vitamin-A and carotene potency of National (household) butter detmnd. by chromato- graphic - U.V. spectrophotometric assay. Scott and Taylor, 117.xvi INDEX TO VOLUME 81 received), 72. Gas-liquid. Mirtin. {Summary), 52. C Cadmium: Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 61 9. Titrimetric detmn. of - with potassium ferro- cyanide. Segar, 65. Volumetric detmn. of - and chloride. Barton, Bloom and Richards, 245. Caesium-137 : Detmng. radioactivity due to - in mixed fission products by anion exchange and gamma-ray spectrometry.Woodhead, Fudge and Jenkins, 570. Calcium: Detmng. - and magnesium in plants with disodium EDTA. Sinith and McCallum, 160. Detmng. - in plants by flame photometry. Hemingway, 164. Detmng. - in rain-water. Davies and Hop- kinson, 551. Quantitative analysis of alkaline earths by paper chromatography. Pollard, McOinie and Mar- tin, 353. Spectrophotometric detmn. of alkaline earths with murexide, Eriochrome black T and o-cresolphthalein complexone. Pollard and Martin, 348. Calcium carbonate : Detmng. admixed chalk in flour. Sawyer, Tyler and Weston, 362. Cambridge: Visit to -. Haslam, 186. Carbon: Apparatus for micro-detmn. of - and hydrogen in organic compounds. Charlton, 582. Herington, 499. Detmng. low __ contents in steel by multiple factor weight combustion.Bagshawe and Pinder, 153. Detmng. small amounts of - in steel by low- pressure analysis. Cook and Speight, 144; Erratum, 320. organic : Recommended methods for analysing trade effluents. Detmng. -, chloride, acidity, alkalinity and manganese. Society for Analyti- cal Chemistry and Association of British Chemical Manufacturers, 721. Carbon-14 : Labelled metabolic pools for studying quantitatively biochemistry of toxic action. Winteringham. (Summary), 440. N-Carboxy-a-amino-acid anhydrides : Titrating - in non-aqueous solution. Ballard, Bamford and Weymouth, 305. Carotene : Vitamin-A and - potency of National (household) butter detmnd. by chromato- graphic - U.V. spectrophotometric assay. Scott and Taylor, 117. Cerium: Colour reagent for cations.Harrop and Herington, 499. Chalk: Detmng. admixed - in flour. Sawyer, Tyler and Weston, 362. Chemical Society. Annual Reports on Progress of Chemistry for 1955. (Publication received), 61 6. Chemicals : Czechoslovak Fine -. Standards. Czechoslovak Standard Institution. (Publica- tion received), 320. Reagent -- and Standards. Rosin. 3rd Edn. (Review), 731. Supplement to British - and their Manufac- turers. Association of British Chemical Man- ufacturers. (Publication received), 560. Chemistry : Annual Reports on Progress of - for 1955. Chemical Society. (Publication re- ceived), 6 16. Bentley and Driver’s Text-book of Pharma- ceutical -. Driver. 6th Edn. (Publication Chemistry-continued. Clinical -: Principles and Procedures. Annino. (Publication received), 732.Handbook of - and Physics. Hodgman, Weast and Selby. 37th Edn. (Publication received), 184. Introduction to Structure in Organic -. Ingold. (Publication received), 732. Mechanism of Organic Chemical Reactions. Barnett. (Publication received), 126, Organic -. Fieser and Fieser. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 560. Organic -. Vol. 11. Stereochemistry and Chemistry of Natural Products. Finar. (Pub- lication received), 732. Organic Syntheses. Collective Vol. 3. (Review), 447. Organo-Metallic Compounds. Coates. (Publica- tion received), 676. Perspcctives in Organic -. Todd. (Publica- tion received), 616. Physical -. Moore. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 248. Renaissance of Inorganic -. Nyholm. (Pub- lication received), 6 16. Resonance in Organic ---.Wheland. (Publica- tion received), 248. Supplement to Mellor’s Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical -. Supple- ment 11. Part I. Briscoe, Eldridge and Dyson. (Publication received), 676. Textbook of Practical Organic -, including Qualitative Organic Analysis. Vogel. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 248. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied -. Vol. XII. Whiteley. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 184; (Review), 446. Chilean Iodine Educational Bureau : Geochemistry of Iodine : Annotated Bibliography 1825-1954, 447. Chlorarnphenicol : Colorimetric detmn. of -. Freeman, 299. Chloranilic acid : Detmng. admixed chalk in flour. Sawyer, Tyler and Weston, 362. Chloride : Recommended methods for analysing trade effluents. Detmng. organic carbon, -, acidity, alkalinity and manganese. Society for Analytical Chemistry and Association of British Chemical Manufacturers, 721.Volumetric detmn. of cadmium and --. Barton, Bloom and Richards, 245. Ghlorinated rubber : Micro-detmn. of chlorine in small samples of polymerised and copolymerised vinyl chloride. Bather, 536. Chlorine: Micro-detmn. of - in small samples of polymerised and copolymerised vinyl chloride. Bather, 536. Turbidimetric detmn. of - in titanium. Challis and Jones, 703. Chlorine-36 : Detmng. griseofulvin in fermentation samples. 11. Isotope-dilution assay. Ashton, 228. Chlorion : See Chloride. Chlorobenzene: B.S. 2533 : 1954. Amendment slip, 379. 4-Chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid : Detmng. - in MCPA by differential refractometric method. Hill, 323. Chloromycetin : See Chloramphenicol.Chromatography : Adsorption and partition methods. Gas -. Phillips. (Publication received), 380, Gas -. Svmnosium. 52. Phillips. (Summary), 56.INDEX TO VOLUME 81 xvii Chromatography-continued. Katharometers as recorders in gas -. Keule- mans; Williams; Harvey. (Summaries), 57. Paper - with continuous change in solvent composition. I. Separating fatty acids. Franks, 384; 11. Separating surface-active agents, 390, Quantitative inorganic -. -11. (New spray reagent). Pollard, Nickless and Banister, 577. Rapid chromatographic detmn. of bromine-inert impurities in ethylene. Ray. (Summary), 56. Techniques used in study of boron and silicon hydrides. Littlewood. (Summary), 55. Vapour-phase - of hydrocarbon mixtures. Chalkley. (Summary), 55.Chromium : Analytical applications of Barker square-wave polarograph. 11. Analysing copper-base alloys and steels. Ferrett and Milner, 193. Coulometric titration (detmng. - in steel). Hetman, 543. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 619. Polarographic detmn. of ___ in molybdenum - __ alloys. Higgs, 656. Recommended methods for analysing trade effluents. Methods for detmng. --, lead and selenium. Society for Analytical Chemistry and Association of British Chemical Manu- facturers, 607. Cleanliness of fillings and stuffings. B.S. 1425 : 1954. Amendment slip, 557. Coal: 4-Amino-4’-chlorodiphenyl hydrochloride for detmng. sulphur in -. Cobalt: Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Herington, 499. Nitroso-R salt method for detmng. - in ores. Guerin, 409.Nitrosoresorcinol monomethyl ether as reagent for iron and -. Peach, 371. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 619. Quantitative inorganic chromatography. 11. Specific test for -. Feigl and Goldstein, 709. Coffee leaf: Rapid Kjcldahl nitrogen digestion of - by permanganate method. Robinson, 316. Colloids : ’ Prkcipitks Collo’idaux aux Macro- moldcules. Audubert. (Publication received), 184. Colour Measurement and Public Health. Chamber- lin. (Publication received), 380. Colouring matters : See Dyes. Constants : Table of Physical and Chemical -. Kaye and Laby. 11th Edn. (Publication received), 447. Copper : Analytical applications of Barker square- wave polarograph. 11. Analysing - alloys and steels. Ferrett and Milner, 193. Colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus in steel and __ alloys.Elwell and Wilson, 136. Colour. reagent for cations. Harrop and Hering- ton, 499. Detmng. ___ in steel. Haywood and Sutcliffe, 651. Detmng. small amounts of bismuth in - mattes and concentration products. Moore, 555. Food Standards (Tomato Ketchup) (Amendment) Regulations, 1956, 556. group : Alkali hydroxides for separating - and arsenic group in qualitative inorganic analysis. Vogel, Cresswell, Jeffery and Leicester, 244. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 6 19. Quantitative inorganic chromatography. 11. Pollard, Nickless and Banister, 577. Rapid detmn. of nickel in - salts. Johnson and Newman, 318. Wilkinson, 8. Pollard, Nickless and Banister, 577. Copper-continued. Recommended methods for analysis of trade effluents. Society for Analytical Chemistry and Assoc.of British Chemical Manufacturers, 59. Revised recommendations for limits for copper in foods. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Food Standards Committee, 182. Coulornetry : Simplified coulometric titration. Het- man, 543. o-Cresolphthdein complexone : Spectrophotometric detmn. of alkaline earths with murexide, Eriochrome black T and -. Pollard and Martin, 348. Sawyer, Tyler and Weston, 362. Tyler and Mieston, 375. Crucibles for microchemical analysis. B.S. 1428 : Part El : 1953. Culture Media : Constituents of Bacteriological -. Sykes. (Publication received), 184. Curry powder : Food Standards (-) (Amendment) Regulations, 1956, 556. Cyanocobalamin : Detmng. vitamin B12. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Com- mittee, Vitamin-B,, Panel, 132.Cysteine : Non-stationary platinum electrodes for amperometric detmn. of - and cystine. Sarkar and Sivaraman, 668. Cystine : Non-stationary platinum electrodes for amperometric detmn. of cysteine and -. Sarkar and Sivaraman, 668. Semi-micro detmn. of sulpfiur in -- and methionine. Gorsuch, 501. Czechoslovak Standard Institution : Czechoslovak Fine Chemicals Standards. Vol. I. (Publica- tion received), 320. Creta: Detmng. admixed chalk in flour. Fluorine content of flour and --. Amendment slip, 70. D Dairy(ies) Chemistry: Textbook of -. Vol. I. Theoretical. Ling. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 447. Laboratory Control of Plant. Davis. (Publication received), 248. Milk and - (Channel Islands and South Devon Milk) Regulations, 1956, 503.Recommendations for usc of detergents in dairy- ing industry. Dehydration: Drying and - of Foods. von Loeseclie. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 184. Density hydrometers and specific gravity hydro- meters. B.S. 718 : 1953. Amendment slip, 675. B.S. 2701 : 1956, 444. Dermatomycoses : Laboratory evaluation of drugs for clinical trial against -. Collier and Smith. (Summary), 75. Detergents : See Surface-active agents. Deuterium: Detmng. - by mass spectrometry. MacDonald and Reed, 401. Diacetylmonoxime p-nitrophenylhydrazone : Specific test for cobalt. p-Diarninodicyclohexylrnethane : Analysing mix- tures of hydrochlorides of hexamethylenedia- mine, - and E-aminocaproic acid. Clasper, Haslam and Mooney, 587; Erratum, 732. o-Dianisidine : Titrimetric detmn. of cadmium with potassium ferrocyanide.Segar, 65. 2 :5-Dichloro-3 :6-dihydroxy-l:4-benzoquinone : See Chloranilic acid. B.S. 2756 : 1956, 730. Rees-Hugill powder - flask. Feigl and Goldstein, 709.xviii INDEX TO VOLUME 81 4 :6-Dichloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid : Detmng. 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid in MCPA by differential refractometric method. Hill, 323. 5th Edn., revised by Rose and Rose. (Publication received), 732. Vol. XII. Whiteley. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 184; (Review), 446. Dieldrin: Detmng. moisture in __ and aldrin by Karl Fischer titration. Sporek, 728. rn-Dinitrobenzene : Simultaneous detmn. of traces of benzene (as -) and toluene. Hancock and Laws, 37. Dipentene: H . S . 2712: 1956, 319. Distillation range : Apparatus for detmng. ----.B.S. 658 : 1952. Dolomite : Quantitative analysis of alkaline-earths by paper chromatography. Pollard, McOmie and Martin, 353. Drawing conventions for laboratory glass apparatus. B.S. 2774: 1956, 730. Driers: Liquid - for oil paints. B.S. 332: 1956, 504. Drop point: Ubbelohde apparatus for flow point and -. B.S. 894: 1956, 675. Drugs: Food and - Amendment Act, 1954 (Appointed Day) Order, 1955, 69. Formation of Joint Committee on methods of assay of crude -. Society for Analytical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Society, 322. Laboratory evaluation of - for clinical trial against dermaZomycoses. Collier and Smith. (Summary), 75. Quantitative Analysis of -. Garratt. 2nd Edn. (Review), 125. Synthetic --. Fleck. (Review), 319. von Loesecke. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 184.ovens : Performance requirements for electrically- heated laboratory -. B.S. 2648 : 1955, 182; Amendment slip, 557. Dusts : Inter-laboratory trials on detmng. quartz in ___ of respirable size. Kagelschmidt, 210. Dyer: Fourth Bernard - Memorial Lecture. Evolution of agricultural research. Slater, 276. Dyes : Recommendations relating to use of colouring matters in foods. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 69. Dictionary : Condensed Chemical -. Thorpe’s - of Applied Chemistry. Amendment slip, 730. Drying and Dehydration of Foods. E Editorial: New address of The -4nalyst, 677. Effluents : Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial - and sewage. IV. Quantitative examination of --. Wedg- wood and Cooper, 42.Iletmng. selenium in -. Fogg and Wilkinson, 525. Detmng. volatile oils in --. Sherratt, 518. Recommended methods for analysing trade --. Prepn. of sample and detmng. copper and arsenic. Society for Analytical Chemistry and Association of British Chemical Manufacturers, 59; Detmng. iron, mercury and nickel, 176; Sampling and physical examination of sample, 492; Erratum, 616; Detmng. chromium, lead and selenium, 607 ; Detmng. organic carbon, chloride, acidity, alkalinity and manganese, 721. Elastomers : See Polymers. Electrodes : Non-stationary platinum __ for am- perometric detmn. of cysteine and cystine. Sarkar and Sivaraman, 668. Electrolytic-slime : Chromatographic separation, de- tcn. and detmn. of selenium. Weatherley, 404. Electron-spin resonance : Investigation of chemical systems by -. Ingram, 681.Electrophoresis : Detmng. serum-protein fractions by zone - on paper and direct reflection photo- metry. Owen, 26. Emulsifying agents : Report on - and stabilising agents. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Food Standards Committee, 675. Epichlorhydrin : Detmng. ~ in air. Daniel and Gage, 594. Eriochrome black T : Spectrophotometric detmn. of alkaline earths with murexide, - and o-cresolphthalein complexone. Pollard and Martin, 348. Ethanol: Recognition of intoxication. British Medical Association. Correction, 447. 2-Ethoxyethanol. B.S. 2713 : 1956, 504. Ethylene : Rapid chromatographic detmn. of bromine-incrt impurities in . Ray. (Summary), 56. Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether : See 2-Ethoxy- ethanol. F Faeces : Detmn.and distribution of lead in human tissues and excreta. Tompsett, 330. Fats : Chemical Constitution of Natural -. Hil- ditch. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 320. Fatty acids : Paper chromatography with continuous change in solvent composition. I. Separating -. Franks, 384. Feeding stuffs : Colorimetric detmn. of nitrofurazone in --. Thompson, 443. Detmng. vitamin B,, activity in - with Lacto- bacillus leichmannii and Ochromonas malhamen- sis. Shrimpton, 94. Microbiological assay of penicillin in --. Simp- son and Lees, 562. Fillings: Cleanliness of - and stuffings. B.S. 1425 : 1954. Glossary of terms applicable to - and stuffings. B.S. 2005 : 1953. Fischer reagent : Automatic Fischer titration unit for laboratory use. Brown and Polume, 308. Fission products : Detmng.radioactivity due to caesium-137 in mixed ___ by anion exchange and gamma-ray spectrometry. Woodhead, Fudge and Jenkins, 570. FXask(s) : Boiling -- (narrow-necked) : conical, flat bottom and round bottom. B.S. 2734 : 1956, 379. Amendment slip, 557. Amendment slip, 70. Iodine --. B.S. 2735: 1956, 444. liees-Hugill powder density -. B.S. 2701 : 1956, 444. Flour (Composition) Regulations, 1056, 557. Detcng. ascorbic acid in -. Detmng. admixed chalk in -. Sawyer, Tyler Detmng. potassium bromate in -. Arnistrong, Fluorine content of ___ and creta. Tyler and (Revocation) Order, 1956, 557. Flow point : Ubbelohde apparatus €or - and drop point. B.S. 894: 1956, 675. Flue dusts : Chromatographic separation, detcn. and detmn. of selenium. Weatherley, 404.Fluoranthene : Detcng. and detmng. traces of poly- nuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. IV. Quantitative examination of effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 42. Hayden, 376. and Weston, 362. 616. Weston, 375.IXDEX TO Fluorine content of flour and creta. Tyler and Weston, 375. Food(s) and Drugs Amendment Act, 1945 (Appointed Day) Order, 1955, 69. Canned ~ : Introduction to their Microbiology. Baumgartner and Hersom. 4th Edn. (Pub- lication received) 732. Drying and Dehydration of -, von Loeseclie. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 184. Labelling of - (Amendment) Regulations, 1955, 69. Mikroskopische Untersuchung pflanzlicher Nahr- ungs- und Genussmittel. Gassner. Revised by Bothe. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 444. Mineral Oil in - (Amendment) Regulations, 1955, 69.Poisoning. Dack. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 380. Recommendations relating to use of colouring matters in -. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 69. Revised recommendations for limits for copper in -. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Food Standards Committee, 182. Use of Chemical Additives in - Processing. (Publication received), 560. Formulary: National -(U.S.) 10th Edn. (Publica- tion received), 72; (Review), 559. National - (U.K.) 1955: First Amendment 1956. (Publication received), 184. Fuel oils: Detmng. volatile oils in effluents. Sher- ratt, 518. Fungi : Factors in planning of fungitoxicity experi- ments in laboratory. Byrde and Clarke. (Summary), 76. Laboratory evaluation of drugs for clinical trial against dermatomycoses.Collier and Smith. (Summary), 75. Fungicides: Detmng. mercury in - containing organo-mercury compounds. I. Direct titra- tion of organo-mercury compounds. Sporek, 474; 11. Detmng. organo-mercury compounds after decomposition to mercuric sulphide, 478. Factors in planning of fungitoxicity experiments in laboratory. Byrde and Clarke. (Summary), 76. Furfural: Modified aniline acetate - - method for detmng. pentose. Borrow and Jefferys, 598. a-Furildioxime : Detmng. small quantities of nickel with -. Taylor, 369. G Gadolinium : Colour reagent for cations. Gallium : Analysing uranium - - alloys. Harrop Milner, and Herington, 499. 367. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 619. Gas(es): Flow of - through Porous Media. washing bottles.B.S. 2461 : 1954. Amendment Carman. (Publication received), 504. slip, 730. Gas chromatography : See Chromatography. Glossary of terms applicable to fillings and stuffings. Amendment slip, 70. Glucose: Colorimetric detmn. of blood -. Wah- Gold: Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Quantitative inorganic chromatography. 11. B.S. 2005 : 1953. ba. Hanna and El-Sadr, 430. Herington, 499. Pollard. Nickless and Banister, 577. VOLUME 81 XiX Griseofulvin : Correcting for irrelevant absorption in U.V. spectrophotometric analysis. Ashton and Tootill, 232. Detmng. - in fermcntation samples. I. Spec- trophotometric assay. Ashton and Brown, 220 ; Appendix. Seven-point correction procedure. Ashton and Tootill, 225; 11. Isotope-dilution assay. Ashton, 228. Isotope-dilution assay of antibiotics in fermenta- tion liquors, particularly benzylpenicillin and -.Ashton. (Summary), 438. Gypsum : Electrometric detmn. of sulphate ion. Cassidy, 169. H Hafnium: Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Herington, 499. 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 10 : 10-Hexachloro-6 : 7-epoxy-1 : 4 : 4a : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8 : 8a-octahydro-1 : 4 : 5 : 8- endo, exodimethanonaphthalene : See Dieldrin. 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 10 : 10-Hexachloro-1 : 4 : 4a : 5 : 8 : 8a-hexahydro-1 : 4 : 5 : 8-endo, exodimethano- naphthalene : See Aldrin. Hexamethylenediamine : Analysing mixtures of hydrochlorides of -, P-diaminodicyclohexyl- methane and eaminocaproic acid. Clasper, Haslam and Mooney, 587; Erratum, 732. cycZoHexanone: B.S. 2711 : 1956, 319. Holmium: Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Herington, 499.Hopkin and Williams, Ltd. : Organic Reagents for Metals, and Other Reagent Monographs. - and Johnson. 5th Edn. (Review), 183. Hydrocarbon(s) : Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear __ in industrial effluents and sewage. IV. Quantitative examination of effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 42. Detmng. volatile oils in effluents. Sherratt, 618. Vapour-pha se chromatography of - mixtures. Chalkley. (Summary), 55. Hydrometers : Density - and specific gravity -. B.S. 718: 1953. Amendment slip, 675. Hydrogen : Apparatus for micro-detmn. of carbon and - in organic compounds. Charlton, 582. Ions : Their Determination and Importance in Pure and Industrial Chemistry. Vol. I. Britton. 4th Edn. (Review), 247; Vol. 11. (Publication received), 732. Hydrogen Peroxide.Schumb, Satterfield and Went- worth. (Publication received), 184. Hydroxylamine : Hypovanadous salts as analytical reagents. Ellis and Vogel, 693. 1- (l-Hydroxy-2-naphthylazo) -2-hydroxy-5 - nitro - 4 - naphthalenesulphonic acid : See Eriochrome black T. 8-Hydroxyquinoline : Contamination during micro- detmn. of magnesium with -. Butler and Field, 615. Ellis and Vogel, 693. Hypovanadous salts as analytical reagents. I Ice-cream : Detmng. milk solids-not-fat in -. Crowhurst, 123. Sucrose loss from - on storage. Evans, Kwantes, Jenkins and Phillips, 204. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. : Determination of Toxic Substances in Air: Manual of - Practice. Strafford, Strouts and Stubbings. (Publication received), 248.xx INDEX TO VOLUME 81 Indanetrione hydrate : Detmng.amino acids with Indium : Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, Industrial wastes : See Effluents. Infra-red spectra : Documentation of molecular Inorganic chemistry : See Chemistry. Inositol : Microbiological assay of - with Schizo- saccharomyces $ombe. Norris and Darbre, 394. Insecticides : Analysis of - and Acaricides. Gunther and Blinn. (Review), 71. Labelled metabolic pools for studying quantita- tively biochemistry of toxic action. Wintering- ham. (Summary), 440. International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis : Report of Proceedings of Eleventh Session of --, Paris, 1954. (Pub- lication received), 184. Intoxication : Recognition of -. British Medical Association. Correction, 447. Iodimetry : Improved end-point in titrations.Mano- hin, Kakabadse and Crowder, 730. Iodine flasks. B.S. 2735 : 1956, 444. Geochemistry of -: Annotated Bibliography 1826-1954. (Publication received), 447. Sub-micro detmn. of -. Ingram. (Summary), 681. Iodine-131: Assay of TSH based on rate of dis- charge of - from chick thyroids. Kinnear, 440. Bioassay of radio-iodinated plasma proteins for clinical use. McFarlane. (Summary), 436. 131Iodine-labelled serum albumin in detmng. inter- cellular plasma in centrifuged red cells. Mulli- gan, Jennings and Lander. (Summary), 441. Ion-Exchangers : Synthetic - : Recent Develop- ments in Theory and Application. Osborn. (Publication received), 126. Iridium : Absorptiometric detmn. of -. Berman and McBryde, 566. Iron: Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Herington, 499.Detmng. aluminium in ___ and steel, with chromatographic separation. Bishop, 291. Detrnng. - in - ores, slags and refractories by thioacetamide reduction. Scholes, 688. Nitrosoresorcinol monomethyl ether as reagent for - and cobalt. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 619. Quantitative inorganic chromatography. 11. Pollard, Nickless and Banister, 577. Recommended methods for analysing trade effluents. Detmng. -, mercury and nickel. Society for Analytical Chemistry and Associa- tion of British Chemical Manufacturers, 176. Iron and Steel Institute: Physical Aspects of Absorptiometric Analysis. (Publication re- ceived), 320. Isotope(s)-dilution assay : Principles of - with special reference to vitamin B12. Smith. (Summary), 435. International Journal of Applied Radiation and -.Vol. I, NOS. 1/2, July, 1956. (Publica- tion received), 560. - . Jacobs, 502. 619. spectra. Page, 185. Peach, 371. J Joints: Spherical ground glass -. B.S. 2761: 1956, 357. Journal, new: International - of Applied Radi- ation and Isotopes. Vol. I, Nos. 1/2, July, 1956. (Publication received), 560. K Katharometers as recorders in gas chromatography. Keulemans; Williams; Harvey. (Summaries), 57. L Labelling of Food (Amendment) Regulations, 1955, 69. Lactobacillus leichmannii: Detmng. vitamin-B,, activity in feeding stuffs with -- and Ochromonas malhamepzsis. Shrimpton, 94. Lactose : Factors influencing polarimetric detmn. of - in concentrated whey products. House, 486. Lanthanum : Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Herington, 499. Lead : Analytical applications of Barker square- wave polarograph. 11.Analysing copper-base alloys and steels. Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Hering- ton, 499. Detmn. and distribution of - in human tissues and excreta. Tompsett, 330. Focd Standards (Curry Powder) (Amendment) Regulations, 1956, 556. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 619. Recommended methods for analysing trade effluents. Methods for detmng. chromium, - and selenium. Society for Analytical Chemistry and Association of British Chemical Manu- facturers, 607. Separating and detmng. traces of ___ in presence of small amounts of bismuth. Moore, 553. Limestone : Quantitative analysis of alkaline-earths by paper chromatography. Pollard, McOmie and Martin, 353. Ferrett and Milner, 193. Lithium: Detmng.- in ores. Liver : Micro-detmn. of mercury in biological materials. Barrett, 294. Sykes, 283. See also Tissues. M Macromolecules : Prdcipith Colloidaux aux -. Magnesia : See Magnesium oxide. Magnesium : Contamination during micro-detmn. of __ with 8-hydroxyquinoline. Butler and Field, 615. Detmng. calcium and - in plants with di- sodium EDTA. Smith and McCallum, 160. Detmng. magnesium oxide in -. Allsopp, 469. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 619. Quantitative analysis of alkaline earths by paper chromatography. Pollard, McOmie and Martin, 353. Spectrophotometric detmn. of alkaline earths with murexide, Eriochrome black T and o- cresolphthalein complexone. Pollard and Martin, 348. Magnesium oxide: Detmng. - in magnesium. Allsopp, 469. Manganese : Colour reagent for cations.Harrop and Herington, 499. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 6 19. Recommended methods for analysing trade effluents. Detmng. organic carbon, chloride, acidity, alkalinity and -. Society for Analytical Chemistry and Association of British Chemical Manufacturers, 721. Audubert. (Publication received), 184.INDEX TO VOLUME 81 xxi Margarine: Food Standards (Butter and -) Regulations, 1955, 69. MCPA : Detmng. 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid in - by differential refractometric method. Hill, 323. Measuring cylinders: Graduated -. B.S. 604: 1952. Amendment slip, 70. Medical Research Council : Inter-laboratory trials on detmng. quartz in dusts of respirable size. Nagelschmidt, 210. Memorial lecture : Fourth Bernard Dyer -.Evo- lution of agricultural research. Slater, 276. Mercury: Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Herington, 499. Detmng. - in fungicides containing organo- - compounds. I. Direct titration of organo- - compounds. Sporek, 474; 11. Detmng. organo- - compounds after decom- position to mercuric sulphide, 478. Micro-detmn. of __ in biological materials. Barrett, 294. Recommended methods for analysing trade effluents. Detmng. iron, -- and nickel. Society for Analytical Chemistry and Associa- tion of British Chemical Manufacturers, 176. Metalphthalein : See o-Cresolphthalein complexone. Methionine: Semi-micro detmn. of sulphur in cystine and --. Gorsuch, 501. 3-Methoxy-5-nitrosophenol: See Nitrosoresorcinol monomethyl ether. Methyl bromide : See Bromomethane. Methylcyclohexanol: B.S.2714 : 1956, 504. 2-Methylphenoxyacetic acid : Detmng. 4-chloro-2- methylphenoxyacetic acid in MCPA by differen- tial refractometric method. Hill, 323. Microbiological assay : Detmng. vitamin BIZ. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Vitamin-B,, Panel, 132. Influence of physical factors on - of anti- biotics. Lightbown. (Summary), 250. of inositol with Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Nor- ris and Darbre, 394. of penicillin in feeding stuffs. Simpson and Lees, 562. Physiological and chemical background of -. Kimmo-Smith. (Summary), 250. Practical considerations of -. Lees. (Sum- mary), 251. Microbiology : Canned Foods : Introduction to their - . Baumgartner and Hersom. (Publication received), 732. Milk and Dairies (Channel Islands and South Devon -) Regulations, 1956, 503.Capacity of cylindrical glass - bqttles (other than bottles for sterilised -). B.S. 1925: 1953. Amendment slip, 730. solids-not-fat : Dctmng. - in bread by paper chromatography. Zentner, 483. solids-not-fat : Detmng. - in ice-cream. Crow- hurst, 123. Mineral Oil in Food (Amendment) Regulations, 1955, 69. Minerals: Analysis of - and Ores of Rarer Ele- ments. Schoellcr and Powell. 3rd Edn. (Pub- lication received), 72. Detmng. sulphide sulphur in -. Murthy, Narayan and Rao, 373. Modified EDTA - tannic acid detmn. of niobium, tantalum and titanium in -. Das, Venka- teswarlu and Athavale, 239. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Food Standards Committee : Report on emulsifying and stabilising agents, 675. Food Standards Committee : Revised recommend- ations for limits for copper in foods, 182.Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Statu- tory Instruments, etc. : Bread, 557. Butter, 69. Chewing compounds, 69. Colouring matters in foods, 69. Cream, imitation, 69. Curry powder, 556. Dairies, 503. Flour, 557. Labelling of food, 69. Margarine, 69. Milk, 503. Mineral oil in food, 69. Tomato ketchup, 556. Ministry of Health: Milk and Dairies (Channel Islands and South Devon Milk) Regulations, 1956, 503. Moisture : Automatic Fischer titration unit for laboratory use. Brown and Volume, 308. Detmng. ~ in dieldrin and aldrin by Karl Fischer titration. Sporek, 728. See also Water. Molecular spectra : Documentation of -. Page, Molybdate : Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Molybdenum : Geochemical field detmn.of tungsten Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 619. Polarographic detmn. of chromium in -- chromium alloys. Higgs, 656. Simultaneous photometric detmn. of -- and tungsten in silicate rocks. Monoglycerides : Analysis of technical - with potassium periodate. Hartman, 67. Murexide : Spectrophotometric detmn. of alkaline earths with -, Eriochrome black T and o- cresolphthalein complexone. Pollard and Martin, 348. 185. Herington, 499. and - in soils. North, 660. Jeffery, 104. N National Bureau of Standards: See U.S. National Bureau of Standards. National Formulary (U.K.) 1955 : First Amendment 1956. (Publication received), 184. (U.S.). 10th Edn. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 559. Neodymium : Colour reagent for cations.Harrop and Herington, 499. Neoprene : Micro-detmn. of chlorine in small samples of polymerised and copolymerised vinyl chloride. Bather, 536. Nickel : Analytical applications of Barker square- wave polarograph. 11. Analysing copper-base alloys and steels. Ferrett and Milner, 193. Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Hering- ton, 499. Detmng. small quantities of - with a-furildi- oxime. Taylor, 369. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 61 9. Quantitative inorganic chromatography. 11. Pollard, Nickless and Banister, 577. Rapid detmn. of - in copper salts. Johnson and Newman, 318. Recommended methods for analysing trade effluents. Detmng. iron, mercury and -. Society for Analytical Chemistry and Associa- tion of British Chemical Manufacturers, 176.Nicotine: Micro spot test for -. Luis, 548. Ninhydrin : See Indanetrione hydrate.xxii INDEX TO VOLUME 81 Niobium : Modified EDTA - tannic acid detmn. of -, tantalum and titanium in minerals. Das, Venkateswarlu and Athavale, 239. Milner, 61 9 Nitrate : Hypovanadous salts as analytical reagents. Ellis and Vogel, 693. Nitro compounds : Hypovanadous salts as analytical reagents. Ellis and Vogel, 693. groups: Reducing - in organic compounds before Kjeldahl digestion. Belcher and Bhatty, 124. p-Nitrobenzeneaxo-orcinol : Absorptiometric detmn. of beryllium in beryl. 5-Nitro-2-furaldehyde semicarbazone : See Nitro- furazone. Nitrofurazone : Colorimetric detmn. of - in poultry feeds. Thompson, 443. Nitrogen: Rapid Kjeldahl __ digestion of coffee- leaf by permanganate method.Robinson, 316. Reducing nitro groups in organic compounds before Kjeldahl digestion. Belcher and Bhatty, 124. Sub-micro detmn. of -. Williams. (Sum- mary), 680. Nitroguanidine : Hypovanadous salts as analytical reagents. Ellis and Vogel, 693. p-Nitrosodimethylaniline : Inorganic complexes in colour reactions for organic compounds. 11. Detmng. total concentration of non-a-sub- stituted alkylpyridines in presence of a-substi- tuted alkylpyridines. Riddiscombe and Hering- ton, 711; 111. Detmng. isoquinoline in presence of quinoline and quinaldine, 718. 2-Nitroso-l-naphthol-4-sulphonic acid, sodium salt: Quantitative inorganic chromatography. 11. Pollard, Nickless and Banister, 577. Nitroso-R salt method for detmng. cobalt in ores. Guerin, 409. Nitrosoresorcinol monomethyl ether as reagent for iron and cobalt.Peach, 371. 2-Nitro-rn-xylene : Hypovanadous salts as analytical reagents. Ellis and Vogel, 693. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Pollock, 45. 0 Obituaries : Ballantyne, H., 129, 188, 253. Bilham, P., 250. Binns, V., 129. Burstall, F. H., 1, 253. Butler, G. H., 250. Clifford, J., 253. Collett, R. L., 253. Deag, E. W., 1, 253. Doyle, T. F., 1, 253. Green, A., 253. Griffith, D. A., 187. Jackson, W. H., 561. Jenkins, M. H., 561. Jones, O., 78, 253. McLaren, J., 253. More, A., 253. Tingle, A., 253. Tweedie, T. S., 1, 253. Vickers, A. E. J., 617. Wilson, W., 505. Ochromonas malhamensis: Detmng. vitamin B12. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Vitamin-B,, Panel, 132. Detmng. vitamin-B,, activity with Lactobacillus leichmannii and -.Shrimpton, 94. Sherratt, 518. Oils : Detmng. volatile - in effluents. Qleic acid: Detmng. - and potassium oleate in white spirit. Mitchell and Davies, 121. Ores: Analysis of Minerals and - of Rarer Ele- ments. Schoeller and Powell. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 72. Detmng. iron in iron -, slags and refractories by thioacetamide reduction. Scholes, 688. Detmng. lithium in -. Nitroso-R salt method for detmng. cobalt in -. Guerin, 409. Organic chemistry : See Chemistry. Organo-Metallic Compounds. Coates. (Publica- tion received), 676. Ovens : Performance requirements for electrically- heated laboratory drying -. B.S. 2648: 1955, 182; Amendment slip, 557. Oxine : See 8-Hydroxyquinoline. Oxygen : Detmng. dissolved - in water contain- ing reducing substances.Davies, Redfearn and Remer, 113. Sampling apparatus for water containing dissolved -. Houlihan and Farina, 377. Oxytocin : Automatic apparatus for isolated prepns., suitable for assay of -. Lock. (Summary), 3. Sykes, 283. P Paints: Liquid driers for oil -. B.S. 332 : 1956, 504. Microchemical techniques in art gallery and museum. Werner, 129. Palladium : Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Herington, 499. Quantitative inorganic chromatography. 11. Pollard, Nickless and Banister, 577. Paper chromatography : See Chromatography. Parchfoil : Vegetable-parchment - aluminium foil laminates (-) for wrapping dairy and other food products. B.S. 2758 : 1956, 557. Parchment : Vegetable - - aluminium-foil lami- nates (Parchfoil) for wrapping dairy and other food products.B.S. 2758 : 1956, 557. Penicillin : Microbiological assay of - in feeding stuffs. Simpson and Lees, 562. Pentose : Modified aniline acetate - furfural method for detmng. -. Petri dishes. B.S. 611 : 1952. Amendment slip, 557. Pharmaceutical Chemistry : Bentley and Driver’s Text-book of -. Driver. 6th Edn. (Pub- lication received), 72. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain : Calendar of -, 1955-1956. (Publication received), 126. Formation of Joint Committee on methods of analysis of crude drugs. Society for Analytical Chemistry and -, 322. Pharmacognosy : Textbook of -. Wallis. 3rd Edn. (Review), 247. Pharmacopoeia: Addendum 1955 t o British - 1953. (Review), 246. Extra - (Martindale). 23rd Edn. Vol. 11. (Review), 70.of United States of America. 15th Revision. (Review), 183. Phenoxyacetic acids : Detmng. 4-chloro-2-methyl- phenoxyacetic acid in MCPA by differential refractometric method. Hill, 323. Phosphoric acid : Improved end-point in iodimetric titrations. Manohin, Kakabadse and Crowder, 730. Phosphorus: Colorimetric detmn. of - in steel and copper-base alloys. Elwell and Wilson, 136. Borrow and Jefferys, 598.INDEX TO VOLUME 81 xxiii Phosphorus32 : Labelled metabolic pools for study- ing quantitatively biochemistry of toxic action. Winteringham. (Summary), 440. Phosphotungstates : Detmng. quaternary ammonium compounds as -. Lincoln and Chinnick, 100. Physical chemistry : See Chemistry. Physics : Handbook of Chemistry and -. Hodg- man, Weast and Selby. 37th Edn. (Publica- tion received), 184.Physiology: Plant -. Thomas, Ranson and Richardson. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 126. Picolines : Inorganic complexes in colour reactions for organic compounds. 11. Detmng. total concentration of non-cc-substituted alkylpyri- dines in presence of a-substituted alkylpyridines. Biddiscombe and Herington, 7 11. Plants: Detmng. calcium and magnesium in -- with disodium EDTA4. Smith and McCallum, 160. Detmng. calcium in -- by flame photometry. Hemingway, 164. Electrometric detmn. of sulphate ion. Cassidy, 169. Plasma : See Blood plasma. Platinum electrodes : Non-stationary - for am- perometric detmn. of cysteine and cystine. Sarkar and Sivaraman, 668. Quantitative inorganic chromatography. 11. Pollard, Nickless and Banister, 577. Plumbism: Detmn. and distribution of lead in human tissues and excreta.Tompsett, 330. Plutonium: Volumetric detmn. of - with EDTA. Milner and Woodhead, 427; Erratum, 504. Poisoning : Food -. Dack. 3rd Edn. (Publica- tion received) , 380. Labelled metabolic pools for studying quantita- tively biochemistry of toxic action. Wintering- ham. (Summary), 440. Bolarograph(s) : Analytical applications of Barker square-wave -. 11. Analysing copper-base alloys and steels. 1 hree recent -. Ferrett, Milner, Shalgosky and Slee, 506. Visit to Cambridge. Haslam, 186. Polarography : Development of -. Heyrovsky, 189. Polyacrylonitrile : Micro-detmn. of chlorine in small samples of polymerised and copolymerised vinyl chloride. Bather, 536. Polychloroprene : See Neoprene. Polyethylene, chlorinated : Micro-detmn. of chlorine in small samples of polymerised and copoly- merised vinyl chloride.Bather, 536. Polyethylene oxide : Analysis of mixtures of qua- ternary ammonium compounds and - type surface-active agents. Barber, Chinnick and Lincoln, 18. Polymers : Vanadium pentoxide and 4-amino-4’- chlorodiphenyl hydrochloride in combustion detmn. of total sulphur in rubber Bauminger, 12. Poly(viny1 acetate) : Micro-detmn. of chlorine in small samples of polymerised and copoly- merised vinyl chloride. Bather, 536. Poly(viny1 chloride) : Micro-detmn. of chlorine in small samples of polymerised and copoly- merised vinyl chloride. Bather, 536. Poly(viny1idene chloride) : Micro-detmn. of chlorine in small samples of polymerised and copoly- merised vinyl chloride.Bather, 536. Potassium : Gravimetric detmn. of - in sea water as potassium tetraphenylboron salt. Sporek, 540. Ferrett and Milner, 193. *. Potassium bromate: Detmng. -- in flour. Arm- strong, 616. Potassium oleate: Detmng. oleic acid.and - in white sprit. Mitchell and Davies, 121. Potassium periodate : Analysis of technical mono- glycerides with -. Hartman, 67. Potassium tetraphenylboron : Gravimetric detmn. of potassium in sea water as -. Sporek, 540. Potentiometer : Coulometric titration. Hetman, 543. Praseodymium : Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Herington, 499. Protactinium-233 : Isolating and detmng. -. Fudge and Woodhead, 417. Protein(s) : Bioassay of radio-iodinated plasma - for clinical use. McFarlane. (Summary), 436. Protein : Detmng. serum-- fractions by zone electrophoresis on paper and direct reflection photometry.Owen, 26. Publications received : Annino. Clinical Chemistry : Principles and Procedures, 732. Association of British Chemical Manufacturers. Supplement to British Chemicals and their Manufacturers, 560. Audubert. Pr6cipit6s Colloi‘daux aux MacromolC- cules, 184. Barnett. Mechanism of Organic Chemical Re- actions, 126. Baumgartner and Hersom. Canned Foods : Intro- duction to their Microbiology. 4th Edn., 732. Benedetti-Pichler. Essentials of Quantitative Analysis, 320. Briscoe, Eldridge and Dyson. Supplement to Mellor’s Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry. Supplement 11. Part I, 676. British Iron and Steel Research Association. Physical Aspects of Absorptiometric Analysis, 320.British Standards Institution. Annual Report British Standards Institution. Yearbook 1956, 380. Britton. Hydrogen Ions : Determination and Importance in Pure and Industrial Chemistry. Vol. 11. 4th Edn., 732. Carman. Flow of Gases through Porous Media, 504. Chalmers. Quantitative Chemical Analysis, by Cuming and Kay. Chamberlin. Colour Measurement and Public Health, 380. Clark. Quantitative Methods of Organic Micro- analysis, 248. Coates. Organo-Metallic Compounds, 676. Czechoslovak Fine Chemicals Standards. 320. Dack. Food Poisoning. 3rd Edn., 380. Davis. Laboratory Control of Dairy Plant, 248. Deitz. Bibliography of Solid Adsorbents, 1943 to 1953, 380. Driver. Bentley and Driver’s Text-book of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 6th Edn., 72. Duval. Trait6 de Micro-Analyse MinBrale : Qualitative et Quantitative.Vol 111, 676. Fieser and Fieser. Organic Chemistry. 3rd Edn., 560. Finar. Organic Chemistry. Vol. 11. Stereo- chemistry and Chemistry of Natural Products, 732. Finney . Experiniental Dcsign and its Statistical Basis, 72. Gassner. Miliroskopische Untersuchung pflanz- licher Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. 3rd Edn., 72. 1955-6, 560. 11th Edn., 616. Vol. I,XXlV INDEX TO VOLUME 81 Publications received-contznued. Giblin. Qualitative and Volumetric Analysis. Glick. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. Graff. Essays in Biochemistry, 504. Haywood and Wood. Metallurgical Analysis by means of Spekker Photoelectric Absorptio- meter. 2nd Edn., 732. Hershenon. Ultraviolet and Visible Absorption Spectra. Index for 1930-1954, 560.Hilditch. Chemical Constitution of Natural Fats. 3rd Edn., 320. Hodgman, Weast and Selby. Handbook 01 Chemistry and Physics. Holness. Inorganic Qualitative Analysis : Semi- micro Methods. 2nd Edn., 676. Ingold. Introduction to Structure in Organic Chemistry, 732. International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis. Report of Proceedings of Eleventh Session, Paris, 1954, 184. Kaye and Laby. Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants. 11th Edn., 447. King and Wootton. Micro-analysis in Medical Biochemistry. 3rd Edn., 732. Ling. Textbook of Dairy Chemistry. Vol. I. 3rd Edn., 447. Martin. Chemistry of Phenolic Resins, 560. Martin. Modern Soap and Detergent Industry. Vol 111. Manufacture of Glycerol. 2nd Edn., by Strausz, 447. Minshall. Systematic Semi-micro Qualitative Analysis Tables for Inorganic Substances.Part I, Part I1 and Combined, 676. Moore. Physical Chemistry. 2nd Edn., 248. Moritz. Spektrochemische Betriebsanalyse. 2nd Nyholm. Renaissance of Inorganic Chemistry, Osborn. Synthetic Ion-Exchangers, 126. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Calendar Phillips. Gas Chromatography, 380. Keilly and O’Donovan. Quantitative Inorganic Analysis : Student’s Handbook, 676. Rose and Rose. Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 5th Edn., 732. Schoeller and Powell. Analysis of Minerals and Ores of Rare Elements. 3rd Edn., 72. Schumb, Satterfield and Wentworth. Hydrogen Peroxide, 184. Shriner, Fuson and Curtin. Systematic Identi- fication of Organic Compounds. 4th Edn., 380. Siggia and Stolten. Introduction to Modern Organic Analysis, 560.Strafford, Strouts and Stubbings. Determination of Toxic Substances in Air: Manual of I.C.C. Practice, 248. Sykes. Constituents of Bacteriological Culture Media, 184. Thomas, Ranson and Richardson. Plant Physio- logy. 4th Edn., 126. Todd. Perspectives in Organic Chemistry, 6 16. van Nieuwenburg and van Ligten. Kwalitatieve Chemische Analyse. 4th Edn., 560. Vogel. Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, including Qualitative Organic Analysis. 3rd Edn., 248. von Loesecke. Drying and Dehydration of Foods. 2nd Edn., 184. Wagner, Hull and Markle. Advanced Analytical Chemistry, 447. Wenger, Monnier and Rusconi. Analyse Quali- tative XlinBrale, 72. 2nd Edn., 126. 111, 320. 37th Edn., 184. Edn., 126. 616. 1955-1956, 126. Publications received-continued.Wheland. Resonance in Organic Chemistry, 248. Whiteley. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XII. 4th Edn., 184. Annual Reports on Progress of Chemistry for 1955, 616. Biochemical Preparations. Vol. 4, 126. Geochemistry of Iodine, 447. International Journal of Applied Radiation and National Formulary (U.K.) 1955: First Amend- National Formulary (U.S.). 10th Edn., 72. Use of Chemical Additives in Food Processing, See also Book reviews. Isotopes. Vol. I, Nos. 1/2, July, 1956, 560. ment 1956, 184. 560. Pyrene : Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclcar hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and sewage. IV. Quantitative examination of effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 4 2 . Pyridines : Inorganic complexes in colour reactions for organic compounds. 11.Detmng. total concentration of non-a-substituted alkyl- __ in presence of a-substituted alkyl. -. Biddis- combe and Herington, 711; 111. Detmtig. zsoquinoline in presence of quinoline and quinaldine, 7 18. Q Quartz : lnter-laboratory trials 011 de tmng. in dusts of respirable size. Nagelschmidt, 21 0. Quaternary ammonium compounds : Analysis of mixtures of surface-active - and poly- ethylene oxide type non-ionic surface-active agents. Detmng. as phosphotungstates. 1,incoln and Chinnick, 100. isoQuinoline : Inorganic complexes in colour re- actions for organic compounds. 111. Detmng. - in presence of quinoline and quinaldine. Biddiscombe and Herington, 718. Barber, Chinnick and Lincoln, 18. R Radiation : International Journal of Applied and Isotopes. Vol. I, Nos. 1/2, July, 1956.(Publication received), 560. Radioactive isotopes : Detmng. in biological samples. Glascock. (Summary), 433. Labelled metabolic pools for studying quantita- tively biochemistry of toxic action. Wintcring- ham. (Summary), 440. See also Caesium-137, Carbon-14, Chlorine-36, Iodine-131, Isotopes, Phosphorus-32, Protactin- ium-233. Radioactive materids : Measurement of health hazards. Loutit. (Summary), 442. Symposium on usc of - in biological assay, 433. Radioactivity : Detmng. - due to caesium-137 in mixed fission products by anion exchange and gamma-ray spectrometry. Woodheacl, Fudge and Jenkins, 570. Radiocarbon : See Carbon-14. Radio-iodine : See Iodine-131. Radiophosphorus : See Phosphorus-32. Rarnan spectra: Documentation of molecular spectra.Page, 185. Reagents : Organic ___ for Metals, and Other - Monographs. VoI. I. Hopkin and Williams, Ltd., and Johnson. Refractories: Detmng. iron in iron ores, slags and __ by thioacetamide rcduction. Scholes, 688. 5th Edn. (Review), 183.INDEX TO VOLUME 81 xxv Resins : Chemistry of Phenolic ---. Martin. (Publication received), 560. Resonance in Organic Chemistry. Wheland. (Pub- lication received), 248. Reviews, book: See Book reviews. Ring-oven technique in archaeology. Weisz. (Summary), 130. Ringworm: Cattle -: problems in evaluation of treatment. Sellers. (Summary), 77. Rocks : Simultaneous photometric detmn. of molyb- denum and tungsten in silicate -. Jeffery, 104. Rubber, chlorinated : Micro-detmn. of chlorine in small samples of polymerised and copoly- nierised vinyl chloride.Bather, 536. Methods of testing vulcanised - and soft cellular -. B.S. 903: 1956, 444. Vanadium pentoxide and 4-amino-4’-chlorodi- phenyl hydrochloride in combustion detmn. of total sulphur in -. Rubber hydrochloride : Micro-detmn. of chlorine in small samples of polymerised and copolymerised vinyl chloride. Bather, 536. Rubeanic acid : Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Herington, 499. Bauminger, 12. S Samarium: Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Herington, 499. Sarcina Zutea: Microbiological assay of penicillin in feeding stuffs. Schizosacc ha ro myces p o m be : Microbiological assay of inositol with -. Norris and Darbre, 394. Sea water: Detmng. strontium in - by using radioactive and stable isotopes. Hummel and Smales, 110.Gravimetric detmn. of potassium in - as potassium tetraphenylboron salt. Sporek, 540. Selenium : Chromatographic separation, detcn. and detmn. of -. Weatherley, 404. Detmng. ~ in effluents. Fogg and Wilkinson, 525. Recommended methods for analysing trade effluents. Detmng. chromium, lead and -. Society for Analytical Chemistry and Associa- tion of British Chemical Manufacturers, 607. Simpson and Lees, 562. Serum : See Blood serum. Sewage : Detcng. and detmng. traces of polynuclear hydrocarbons in industrial effluents and -. IV. Quantitative examination of effluents. Wedgwood and Cooper, 42. Silicate : Chromatographic separation, detcn. and detmn. of selenium. Weatherley, 404. rocks : Simultaneous detmn. of molybdenum and tungsten in -. Jeffery, 104. Silicon : Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 619.Photometric detmn. of - in steels. Andrew and Gentry, 339. Silicon hydrides : Techniques used in study of boron and -. Littlewood. (Summary), 55. Silver: Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Herington, 499. Milner, 61 9. Slags: Detmng. iron in iron ores, - and refrac- tories by thioacetamide reduction. Scholes, 688. Soap flakes. B.S. 1912 : 1953. Amendment slip, 70. Genuine hard -. B.S. 1911 : 1953. Amend- ment slip, 70. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Soap-continued. Modern - and Detergent Industry, Vol 111. Manufacture of Glycerol. Martin. 2nd Edn., by Strausz. (Publication received), 447. Society for Analytical Chemistry : 82nd A.G.M., 249. Analytical Methods Committee, Report, 1955, and Analytical Methods Committee, Vitamin B,, Annual Report of Council, 252.Biological Methods Group. Formation of Joint: Committee on methods of assay of crude drugs. - and Pharmaceutical Society, 322. Reports of Sub-Committees, 261. Panel. Detmng. vitamin B,,, 132. 1 l t h A.G.M., 3. Increase in subscription. Williams, 321. Microchemistry Group. 12th A.G.M., 75. Midlands Section. 1st A.G.M., 74. North of England Section. Presentation of Address to Society of Chemical Industry, 449. Recommended methods for analysing trade effluents. Prepn. of sample and detmn. of copper and arsenic. - and Association of British Chemical Manufacturers, 59 ; Detmng. iron, mercury and nickel, 176; Sampling and physical examination of sample, 492 ; Erratum, 616; Detmng. chromium, lead and selenium, 607 ; Detmng.organic carbon, chloride, acidity, alkalinity and manganese, 721. Scottish Section. 21st A.G.M., 74. Western Section. 1st A.G.M., 1. 31st A.G.M., 381. Society for General Microbiology : Constituents of Bacteriological Culture Media. Sykes. (Pub- lication received), 184. Society of Chemical Industry : Presentation of Address by Society for Analytical Chemistry, 449. Sodium hypochlorite - sodium phenoxide detmn. of ammonia. Crowther and Large, 64. Sodium 2-nitroso-l-naphthol-4-sulphonate : Quanti- tative inorganic chromatography. 11. Pollard, Nickless and Banister, 577. Sodium phenoxide - sodium hypochlorite detmn. of ammonia. Crowther and Large, 64. Soil: Geochemical field detmn. of tungsten and molybdenum in -. North, 660. Specific gravity : Density hydrometers and - hydrometers.B.S. 718 : 1953. Amendment slip, 675. See also Density. Spectra : Documentation of molecular --. Page, 185. Investigation of chemical systems by electron- spin resonance. Ingram, 681. Ultraviolet and Visible Absorption -. Index for 1930-1954. Hershenon. (Publication received), 560. Spectrochemical analysis. See Analysis. Spectrophotometry : Correcting for irrelevant absorp- tion in U.V. -. Ashton and Tootill, 232. Spekker : Metallurgical Analysis by means of - Photoelectric Absorptiometer. Haywood and Wood. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 732. Stabilising agents : Report on emulsifying and -. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Food Standards Committee, 675. Standards : Czechoslovak Fine Chemicals -. Czechoslovak Standard Institution.(Publica- tion received), 320. Statistics : Experimental Design and its Statistical Basis. Finney. (Publication received), 72 ; (Review), 559. Steel : Analytical applications of Barker square- wave polarograph. 11. Analysing copper- base alloys and -. Ferrett and Milner, 193. Safety in numbers. Bacharach, 73.xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 81 Steel-continued. Colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus in -- and copper-base alloys. Coulometric titration (detmn. of chromium and vanadium). Hetman, 543. Detmng. aluminium in iron and with chromatographic separation. Bishop, 291. Detmng. copper in -. Haywood and Sutcliffe, 651. Detmng. low carbon contents in - by multiple factor weight combustion. Bagshawe and Pinder, 153. Detmng. small amounts of copper in __ by low-pressure analysis.Cook and Speight, 144; Erratum, 320. Photometric detmn. of silicon in -. Andrew and Gentry, 339. Steroids : Assay of aldosterone and other adrenal - by 24Na/42K method. Tait, Jones and Simpson. (Summary), 439. Strontium: Detmng. - in sea water by using radioactive and stable isotopes. Hummel and Smales, 110. Quantitative analysis of alkaline earths by paper chromatography. Pollard, McOmie and Martin, 353. Spectrophotometric detmn. of alkaline earths with murexide, Eriochrome black T and o- cresolphthalein complexone. Pollard and Martin, 348. Strychnine : Detmng. alkaloids in biological material by compound formation with indicators. El Darawy and Tompsett, 601. Stufflngs: Cleanliness of fillings and -. B.S. 1425 : 1954. Amendment slip, 557. Glossary of terms applicable to fillings and -.B.S. 2005 : 1953. Amendment slip, 70. Sucrose loss from ice-cream on storage. Evans, Kwantes, Jenkins and Phillips, 204. Sugar: Report of Proceedings of Eleventh Session of International Commission for Uniform Methods of - Analysis, Paris, 1954. (Publication received), 184. Sulphate: Detmng. small amounts of - by reduction to hydrogen sulphide and titration with mercuric or cadmium salts with dithizone as indicator. Archer, 181. Detmng. - in thorium nitrate. Clinch, 358. Electrometric detmn of - ion. Cassidy, 169. Titrimetric detmn. of - with 4-amino-4’-chloro- diphenyl hydrochloride. Belcher, Nutten, Parry and Stephen, 4. Sulphide: Detmng. - sulphur in minerals. Murthy, Narayan and Rao, 373. Sulphur : 4-Amino-4’-chlorodiphenyl hydrochloride for detmng.- in coal. Detmng. sulphide - in minerals. Murthy, Narayan and Rao, 373. Direct micro-alkalimetric titration method for detmng. - in organic compounds. Smith and Syme, 302; Erratum, 560. Semi-micro detmn. of - in cystine and methionine. Gorsuch, 501. Spectrophotometric detmn. of sub-micro quanti- ties of - with 4-amino-4’-chlorodiphenyl. Jones and Letham, 15. Vanadium pento- le and 4-amino-4’-chlorodi- phenyl hydrocl, Jride in combustion detmn. of total - in rubber. Bauminger, 12. Surface-active agents : Analysis of mixtures of surface-active quaternary ammonium com- pounds and polyethylene oxide type non-ionic -. Detmng. quaternary ammonium compounds as phosphotungstates. Lincoln and Chinnick, 100. Elwell and Wilson, 136. Wilkinson, 9.Barber, Chinnick and Lincoln, 18. Surface-active agents-continued. Modern Soap and Detergent Industry. I’oL IZI. Manufacture of Glycerol. Martin. 2nd Edn., by Strausz. (Publication received), 447. Paper chromatography with continuous change in solvent composition. 11. Separating -. Franks, 390. Kecommendations for use of detergents in dairy- ing industry. B.S. 2756 : 1956, 730. Syntheses: Organic -. Collective Vol. 3. (Re- view), 447. Synthetic rubber : Vanadium pentoxide and 4-amino- 4’-chlorodiphenyl hydrochloride in combustion detmn. of total sulphur in rubber. Rauminger, 12. T Tantalum : Modified EDTA - tannic acid detmn. of niobium, -- and titanium in minerals. Das, Venkateswarlu and A4thavale, 239. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 61 9. Tate and Lyle Research Laboratories: Report of Proceedings of Eleventh Session of Inter- national Cornmission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis, Paris, 1954.(Publication received), 184. Thallium: Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Herington, 499. Thermometers : Clinical maximum --. B.S. 691 : 1953. Amendment slip, 504. Reference -- for field use. B.S. 2736: 1956, 379; Amendment slip, 730. Thioacetamide : Detmng. iron in iron ores, slags and refractories by - reduction. Scholes, 688. Thorium: Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Herington, 499. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 619. Thorium nitrate : Detmng. sulphate in -. Clinch, Thyroid stimulating hormones: See TSH. Tin : Analytical applications of Barker square-wave polarograph. 11. Analysing copper-base alloys and steels. Colour reagent for cations.Harrop and Hering- ton, 499. Elimination of interference by arsenic in polaro- graphic detmn. of antimony and -. Pack- man and Reynolds, 49. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 61 9. 358. Ferrett and Miher, 193. Tissues : Detmn. and distribution of lead in human ~ and excreta. Tompsett, 330. Detmng. alkaloids in biological material by com- pound formation with indicators. El Darawy and Tompsett, 601. Titanium : Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Herington, 499. Modified EDTA - tannic acid detmn. of niobium, tantalum and - in minerals. Das, Venkate- swarlu and Athavale, 239. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 6 19. Turbidimetric detmn. of chlorine in -. Challis and Jones, 703. Tobacco: Micro spot test for nicotine.Luis, 548. Toluene : Simultaneous detmn. of traces of benzene and ___ . Hancock and Laws, 37. Tomato ketchup : Food Standards (-) (Amend- ment) Kegulations, 1956, 556. Toxic Substances: Determination of - in Air: Manual of I.C.I. Practice. Strafford, Stouts and Stubbings. (Publication received), 248. Triketohydrindene hydrate : See Indanetrione hydrate.INDEX TO VOLUME 81 xxvii 2 :4 :&Trinitrotoluene : Simultaneous detmn. of traces of benzene and toluene (as -). Han- cock and Laws, 37. Trisodium pentacyanoamminoferrate : Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Herington, 499. Inorganic complexes in colour reactions for organic compounds. 11. Detmng. total con- centration of non-a-substituted alkylpyridines in presence of a-substituted alkylpyridines.,iddiscombe and Herington, 711 ; 111. Detmng. isoquinoline in presence of quinoline and quinaldine, 718. TSH: Assay of - based on rate of discharge of radioactive iodine from chick thyroids. Kin- near. (Summary), 440. Tung oil. B.S. 391: 1949. Amendment slip, 70. Tungsten: Geochemical field detmn. of - and Simultaneous photometric detmn. of molybdenum molybdenum in soils. North, 660. and - in silicate rocks. Jeffery, 104. U Ubbelohde apparatus for flow and drop ppints. B.S. 894: 1956, 675. U.S. Ntational Bureau of Standards : Bibliography of Solid Adsorbents, 1943-1953. Deitz. (Publication received), 380. United States of America: Pharmacopoeia of -. 15th Revision. (Review), 183. Uranium : Analysis of - - gallium alloys. Milner, 367. Detmng.- by high-precision spectrophoto- metry. Bacon and Milner, 456. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 619. Polarographic detmn. of -. Quantitative inorganic chromatography. 11. Pollard, Nickless and Banister, 577. Uranyl ion: Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Herington, 499. Urine: Detmn. and distribution of lead in human tissues and excreta. Tompsett, 330. Detmng. alkaloids in biological material by com- pound formation with indicators. El Darawy and Tompsett, 601. Micro-detmn. of mercury in biological materials. Barrett, 294. Micro spot test for nicotine. Shalgosky, 512. Luis, 548. V Vanadium : Coulometric titration (detmng. - in steel). Hetman, 543. Hypovanadous salts as analytical reagents. Ellis and Vogel, 693. Quantitative inorganic chromatography.11. Detmng. - in presence of excess dichromate. Pollard, Nickless and Banister, 577. Vanadium pentoxide and 4-amino-4’-chlorodiphenyl hydrochloride in combustion detmn. of total sulphur in rubber. Bauminger, 12. Vinyl chloride : Micro-detmn. of chlorine in small samples of polymerised and copolymerised -. Bather 536. Vitamin A and carotene potency of National (house- hold) butter detmnd. by chromatographic-u:v. spectrophotometric assay. Scott and Taylor, 1 1 m Vitamin B12: Detmng. -. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Vitamin-B,, Panel, 132. Detmng. - activity in feeding stuffs with Lactobacillus leichmannii and Ochromonas malhamensis. Shrimpton, 94. Principles of isotope-dilution assay with special reference to -. Smith. (Summary), 435.X-ray analysis of structure of -. Hodgkin. (Summary), 2. W Wastes : See Effluents. Water : Automatic Fischer titration unit for labora- tory use. Detmng. calcium in rain -. Davies and Hopkinson, 551. Detmng. dissolved oxygen in - containing reducing substances. Davies, Iiedfearn and Kemer, 1 13. Detmng. volatile oils in effluents. Sherratt, 518. Electrometric detmn. of sulphate ion. Cassidy, 169. Methods of sampling - used in industry. B.S. 1328 : 1956, 730. Methods of testing - used in industry. B.S. 2690: 1956, 246. Sampling apparatus for - containing dissolved oxygen. Houlihan and Farina, 377. sea: See Sea water. Tests for - used in steam generation. Brown and Volume, 308. B.S. 1427 : 1949. Amendment slip, 567. Wetting agents : See SurEace-active agents.Whey : Factors influencing polarimetric detmn. of lactose in concentrated - products. House, 486. White spirit: B.S. 245 : 1956, 246. Mitchell and Davies, 121. Detmng. oleic acid and potassium oleate in -. X Xylose : Modified aniline acetate - furfural method for detmng. pentose. Borrow and Jefferys, 598. 2 :6-Xylenolphthalein-a :a’-bis (imino) diacetic acid : See o-Cresolphthalein complexone. Z Zinc : Analytical applications of Barker square-wave polarograph. 11. Analysing copper-base alloys and steels. Ferrett and Milner, 193. Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Hering- ton, 499. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 619. Separation of - by anion exchange and solvent extraction, and titrimetric detmn. with di- sodium EDTA. Hunter and Miller, 79.Titrimetric detmn. of cadmium (and -) with potassium ferrocyanide. Segar, 65. Zirconium : Colour reagent for cations. Harrop and Herington, 499. Non-ferrous metallurgical analysis. Milner, 619.xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME 81 ERRATA: VOL. 81, 1956: p. 152, 11th line of “Discussion.” p. 303, Table 11. The name of the substance in the 4th line should read “7 : 8-Dimethoxy-l-oxo-l : 2- The formula for toluene-p-sulphonchloride should reEd “C,H,O,ClS.” The volume of 0.01N sodium The following corrections should be made to the values for “Sulphur found, %” and “Sulphur required For “1 mg” read “1 pg.” dihydro-2-thianaphthalene-3-carboxylic acid.” hydroxide used for this substance should read in theory, yo”- Sulphanilic acid, C,H,03NS . . .. .. . . for 18.5 read 18.9 for 18.4 read 18.5 Thiourea, CH,K,S . . .. .. .. .. f o r 41-6 read 42.1 Thiosemicarbazide hydrochloride, CH,N3C1S . . f o r 25.7 read 25-1 Methyl ester . . ., C,,H,,O,S . . .. .. . . f o r 11.5 read 11.4 4-Methyl-l-nitrothioxanthone, C1,H,03NS . . . . for 12-3 read 12.2 for 12.5 read 11.8 3.25.” Found Required p. 427, authors’ names. In some copies of this issue the initials of G. W. 6. Milner appear incorrectly as C. W. C. p. 497, 4th line of text from foot of page (2nd line of “Procedure”). “at a relative force of 1400 to 3000*.” I b i d . “ *The relative centrifugal force = 1.12 x p. 593, 4th line from foot of page For “at 1400 to 3000 g*” read The first 2 lines of the footnote should read -. x rN2,” For “ E-Aminocaproic acid dihydrochloride” read “Hexamethylene- diamine dihydrochloride.” -- PRINTED BY W. HEFFER & S O N S LTD.. CAMBRIDGE. ENGLANDErrata The errata listed in the 1966 Index of The Analyst are repeated below in a form in which they may be cut out and stuck over the incorrect matter. Vol. 81, 1956: March, p. 152. Replace the 11th line below the heading “DISCUSSION” by- equivalent to 1 pg of carbon) were essential, and on 20-mg samples or less they had obtained standard Vol. 81, 1956: May, p. 303. Replace the body of Table I1 by- Sulphanilic acid, C,H,O,NS . . .. . . . . . . 4.558 Thiourea, CH,N,S . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.300 Thiosemicarbazide hydrochloride, CH,N,ClS . . . . 4.231 7 : 8-Dimethoxy-l-0~0- 1 : 2-dihydro-2-thianaphthalene-3- carboxylic acid, C,,H1,O,S . . . . .. . . 2.945 Methyl ester of above acid, Cl,Hl,05S . . . . . . 4.921 4-Methyl-l-nitrothioxanthone, C14H,0,NS . . . . 3.517 Aminophenol sulphonic ester, C,H,O,NS I . .. . . 3.126 Toluene-9-sulphonchloride, C,11,02C1S . . .. . . 3.046 5.39 11-20 6.74 2.20 3.49 2.68 3-11 3-25 Vol. 81, 1056: Jtily, p. 427. Replace the line giving the authors’ names (if imorrect) by- BY G. W. C. MILNER AND J. L. WOODHEAD 18.9 41.7 25-5 12-0 11.4 12.2 16.0 17-1 18-5 42.1 25.1 12.0 11.4 11-8 15-8 16.8 Vol. 81, 1956: August, p. 497. Replace the last 4 lines of text and the first 2 lines of the footnote by- usual way and centrifuge the liquid for not less than 5 minutes at a relative centri- fugal force of 1400 to 3000.* Decant the supernatant liquid, refill the tube with distilled water to the mark and centrifuge again for a further period of 5 minutes. Again decant the supernatant liquid and transfer the sediment with the aid of a wash-bottle to a weighed silica, porcelain or platinum dish. Dry the residue at 100” * The relative centrifugal force = 1.12 x x rN2,Errata The errata listed in the 1966 Index of The Analyst are repeated below in a form in which they may be cut out and stuck over the incorrect matter. Vol. 81, 1956: March, p. 152. Replace the 11th line below the heading “DISCUSSION” by- equivalent to 1 pg of carbon) were essential, and on 20-mg samples or less they had obtained standard Vol. 81, 1956: May, p. 303. Replace the body of Table I1 by- Sulphanilic acid, C,H,O,NS . . .. . . . . . . 4.558 Thiourea, CH,N,S . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.300 Thiosemicarbazide hydrochloride, CH,N,ClS . . . . 4.231 7 : 8-Dimethoxy-l-0~0- 1 : 2-dihydro-2-thianaphthalene-3- carboxylic acid, C,,H1,O,S . . . . .. . . 2.945 Methyl ester of above acid, Cl,Hl,05S . . . . . . 4.921 4-Methyl-l-nitrothioxanthone, C14H,0,NS . . . . 3.517 Aminophenol sulphonic ester, C,H,O,NS I . .. . . 3.126 Toluene-9-sulphonchloride, C,11,02C1S . . .. . . 3.046 5.39 11-20 6.74 2.20 3.49 2.68 3-11 3-25 Vol. 81, 1056: Jtily, p. 427. Replace the line giving the authors’ names (if imorrect) by- BY G. W. C. MILNER AND J. L. WOODHEAD 18.9 41.7 25-5 12-0 11.4 12.2 16.0 17-1 18-5 42.1 25.1 12.0 11.4 11-8 15-8 16.8 Vol. 81, 1956: August, p. 497. Replace the last 4 lines of text and the first 2 lines of the footnote by- usual way and centrifuge the liquid for not less than 5 minutes at a relative centri- fugal force of 1400 to 3000.* Decant the supernatant liquid, refill the tube with distilled water to the mark and centrifuge again for a further period of 5 minutes. Again decant the supernatant liquid and transfer the sediment with the aid of a wash-bottle to a weighed silica, porcelain or platinum dish. Dry the residue at 100” * The relative centrifugal force = 1.12 x x rN2,Vol. 81, 1956: August, p. 498. Replace the first 2 lines by- to 105" C for 1 hour and weigh. solids per litre of sample. Express the result as milligrams of suspended Vol. 81, 1956: October, p. 593. Replace the 4th line from the foot of the page by- Hexamethylenediamine dihydrochloride in sample = 023 x 100 = 16.7 per cent. 0.1 8Vol. 81, 1956: August, p. 498. Replace the first 2 lines by- to 105" C for 1 hour and weigh. solids per litre of sample. Express the result as milligrams of suspended Vol. 81, 1956: October, p. 593. Replace the 4th line from the foot of the page by- Hexamethylenediamine dihydrochloride in sample = 023 x 100 = 16.7 per cent. 0.1 8
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