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Volume 68,
Issue 1,
Page 001-036
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THE ANALYST F. W. EDWARDS F.I.C. B. S. EVANS M.B.E. M.C. D.Sc. F.I.C. E. HINKS M.B.E. B.Sc. F.I.C. THE JOURNAL OF THE W. H. SIMMONS B.Sc. F.I.C. ERIC VOELCKER A.R.C.S. F.I.C. K. A. WILLIAMS B.Sc. F.I.C. Society of Public Analysts and other S. G. CLARKE DSc. Ph.D. A.I.C. B. S. COOPER B.Sc. F.1nst.P. E. €3. DAW B.Sc. A.I.C. J. GRANT Ph.D. MSc. F.I.C. A. 0. JONES M.A. F.I.C. Analytical Chemists J. W. MATTHEWS Ph.D. F.I.C. E. M. POPE BSc. F. A. ROBINSON M.Sc.Tech. F.I.C. W. R. SCHOELLER Ph.D. F.I.C. D. R. WOOD F.I.C. A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Pubtication Committee : J. R. NICHOLLS D.Sc. F.I.C. K. I,. ALLPORT F.1.C I;. W. F. ARNAUD F.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH M.A. F.I.C. E. B. HUGHES DSc. F.I.C. S. ERNEST MELLING F.I.C.D. M'. KENT-JONES E.Sc.,Ph.D. F.I.C. K. C. CHIRNSIDE F.I.C. I G. W. MONIER-WILLIAMS O.B.E., H . E. COX DSc. Ph.D. F.I.C. BERNARD DYER D.Sc. F.I.C. M.C. Ph.D. F.I.C. A.R.T.C. F.I.C. A. MORE I.S.O. A.R.C.S., @on. 5ecretarg : L. EYNON BSc. F.I.C. ib on. Grea~urer : G. TAYLOR F.I.C. Ebitor C. AINSWOKTH MITCHELL M.A. DSc. F.I.C. Secretarg nnb Beeietant %bitor J. H. LANE B.Sc. F.I.C. VOL. 6 8 1943 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. 4 PETTY CURY CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND I94 ADVICE TO AUTHORS THE Council has approved the following notice by the Publication Committee which is here given in condensed form. The Society publishes papers concerned with all aspects of analytical chemistry, inorganic and organic as for example food and drugs analysis analysis of water (including its bacteriological examination) gas analysis metallurgical assays biological standardisation and micro-analysis.Papers on these and allied subjects may be submitted for presentation and publication; they may: (1) Record the results of original investigations into known methods or improvements therein ; (2) Record proposals for new iiiethods and the investigations on which the proposals are based; (3) Record analytical results obtained by known methods where these results by virtue of special circumstances such as their range or the novelty of the materials examined make a useful addition to analytical information ; (4) Record the application of new apparatus and new devices in analytical technique and the interpretation of results.Communications.-Papers (which should be sent to the Editor) will normally be sub-mitted to at least one referee on whose advice the Publication Committee will be guided as to the acceptance or rejection of any communication. Papers or Notes accepted by the Publication Committee may not be published elsewhere except by permission of the Commit tee. Abstracts.-The MS. should be accompanied by a brief abstract of about 100 to 150 words indicating the scope and results of the investigation. Manuscri+t.-Papers and Notes should preferably be typewritten. Notes on the writing of papers for THE ANALYST The title should be descriptive and should set out clearly the scope of the paper. Conciseness of expression should be aimed a t ; clarity is facilitated by the adoption of a logical order of presentation with the insertion of suitable paragraph or sectional headings.Generally the best order of presentation is as indicated below: (a) General including historical introduction. (b) Statement of object of investigation. (c) Description of methods used. Working details of methods are usually most concisely and clearly given in the imperative mood and should be given in this form a t least while economy of paper is pressing e g . “Dissolve 1 g in 10 ml of water and add . . .”. Well-known procedures must not be described in detail. ( d ) Presentation of results. (e) Discussion of results. (f) Conclusions. To be followed by a short summary (100 to 250 v\-ords) of the whole paper items (e) and ( f ) can often be combined.Illustrations diagrams etc.-The cost of setting up tabular matter is high and columns should therefore be as few as possible. Column headings should be brief or repiaced by a number or letter to be used in combination uith an explanatory footnote to the table. Sketches or diagrams should be on white Bristol board not larger than foolscap size, in Indian ink. Tables or graphs may be used but normally not both for the same set of results. Graphs should have the co-ordinate lines clearly drawn in ink. References.-References should be numbered serially in the test and collected in that order under “REFEREKCBS” a t the end of the paper. They should be given in the following form: Lettering should be in light pencil. 1. 2. I h n n J .T. and Noxam H. C. L. J . SOL Chem. Ind. 1933 52 1891’. Allen A. € I . “Conzwevcinl Organic Analysis,” Churchill London 1882. Notes on the Presentation of Papers before Meetings of the Society are appended to the “ADVICE,” copies of which may be obtained on application to the Secretary 7/8 Idol Lane, London E.C.3 ERRATA : VOL. 67 1942: p. 179. VOL. 68. 1943: Line 26-28 f o r “Europium as lanthanide . . . other metals” read “Hence europium can be separated from the other lanthanides (i.e. rare-earth metals) by the following procedure.” p. 47. p. 74. p. 81. p. 194. p. 203. p. 246. p. 211. 5th item Table VII for “4.5” read “4.6.” Footnote for “Professor A. F. Todd” read “Professor A. R. Todd.” Line 11 from bottom f o r “ANALYST 1938 63 542” read “ANALYST 1933 58 542.” Line 11 from bottom for “Overholzer” read “Overholser.” Delete the last line.Line 5 from bottom insert the words “the figure” after “correct,” Line 8 from bottom f o r “ANALYST 1933” Tend “ANALYST 1938.” Date a t end f o r “1941” read “1942.” INDEX TO VOLUME 68 INDEX TO NAMES * Denotes authors of original papers and notes that have been published in The Analysf. A Adams D. F. et al. Detmn. of selenious acid 127. Agahd -. Differentiation of bleached pulps in U.V. light 292. ‘Agnew W. J. Detmn. of chromic oxide in pre-sence of chromium trioxide 182. *- Titrating pptd. arsenic 111. Akerlund F. E. et al. Turbidimetric detmn. of Alexander B. et al. Estmn. of urinary aneurine “Alexander W. A, et al. Use of aminosulphonic Allinson M.J. C. Enzymatic detmn. of nicotinic Allport N. L. - Review of Spectrophotometry in Medicine 267. - et al. Colorimetric data for assay of alkaloidal hypodermic tablets and injections 22. Alper P. Wet combustion method for detmn. of carbon in soils 61. Amon F. H. et al. Identification of carbon black by surface area measurements 292. *Anderson E. B. Detcn. of traces of hypochlorites in milk 246. Anderson S. Detmng. free and acetylated sulphani-lamide 187. Andrews E. D. et al. Estmng. the iron and copper contents of butter 253. Andrews J. R. et al. Analysis of tin-base bearing metal (for antimony and copper) 94. Andrews J. T. et al. Analytical properties of some ally1 nitrophenyl thiosemicarbazides 126. Arnaud F. W. F. Re-appointment as Agricultural Analyst for Kent 52.- Report of Kent County Analyst 150. Arnold E. A, et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of *Aschaffenburg R. et al. Mastitis and the f.p. of Asenjo C. F. et al. - Expressed tropical almond (Talisay) oil 310. Ashworth M. R. F. Fractionation of organic matter of soils in relation to their quality 61. Atkin L. et al. Detmn. of sugar in starch hydro-lysates by yeast fermentation etc. 336. - Niacin-niacinamide differentiation in micro-biological assay 260. chlorides 316. by the Prebluda-McCollum reaction 157. acid in detmn. of nitrites 273. acid in blood 257. Review of Materia Medica 348. sodium 264. milk 302. Guanabana seed oil 155. Atkins W. R. G. Detmn. of water in wood etc. by means of ternary azeotropic mixtures 262.- Vitamin C saturation test 123. *Austin G. J. Manganese separation for the phosphate method etc. 274. Aykroyd W. R. Stability of ascorbic acid in de-hydrated vegetables 122. B Bacharach A. L. Review Vitamins in Medicine 295. - et al. Vitamin P activity of British fruits and vegetables 286. Bagchi K. N. Bengal Report of the Chemical Examiner for 1941 252. Bagnall D. J. T. Report of Kingston upon HulI Analyst 151 216 333,53. - Review of Text-Book of Bacteriology 61i. “Bagnall H. H. - Report of Birmingham City Analyst 17, 185 251 308. Bailey J. Detmn. of soya flour in sausages and other meat products 154. Baker I. et al. Analysis of cuprous oxide pig-ments 345. - Detmn. of sp.gr. of dry paint pigments 347. Baldwin H. B. et al. Chemical detmn.of nicotinic - Distribution of nicotinic acid in feeds 157. Baranger P. IN. et al. Colour reaction between Barkas W. W. ef al. Electrical resistance of Barker H. D. et al. Detmng. deterioration of Barnes R. B. et al. Detmn. of potassium by its - Spectroscopy of hydrocarbon mixtures 264. Barnes W. C. E. et al. Polarographx detmn. of Barrick E. R. et al. Nutritive values of fish *Barritt J. et al. Detmn. of fluorine in wool Barron H. Modern Synthetic Rubbers (Review), Barthel W. F. et al. Tobaccos classified according Goat’s milk 148. acid in plant materials 222. ergosterol and methyldichlorarsine 60. wood 128. cellulose caused by fungi 92. natural radio-activity 163. lead in lead-bearing steels 193. meals 287. treated with fluorides 298.97. to their alkaloids 282 iv INDEX TO VOLUME 68 Barton-Wright E. Estmn. of rope spores in - et al. Assay of riboflavin in cereals etc. 339. - Detmn. of endosperm content of wheat 336 - Riboflavin and vitamin B in 19th Century buns and ale 339. Bartram M. T. et al. Bacteriological and physical changes in frozen eggs 225 Bates F. L. ef al. Amylose and amylopectin in starches detd. by iodine complex formation 192. Baumgartner,. J. G. Canned Foods Introduction to their Microbiology (Review) 198. Baxter G. P. International atomic weights 372. Beahm E. H. Streptococci isolated from raw retail milk 91. Beatty C. Anhydrous copper sulphate in the Kjeldahl nitrogen detmn. 315. Becker a. C. ef al. Sugar analysis by alkaline ferricyanide method. Iodinietric detmn.of ferrocyanide 254. "Beckett E. G. et al. Detmn. of small quantities of boric acid in organic substances 306. Beckley V. A. et al. Ascorbic acid content of sweet peppers 224. Behr E. A. et al. Susceptibility of wood to decay; decay tests 124. "Belcher R. et al. Detmn. of sulphur in steels by combustion 305. Bender A. J. et al. Analysis of tin-base bearing metal (for antimony and copper) 94. Bendix G. H. et al. Detmn. of tin coating on tin plate 345. Benham G. H. Detmng. the degree of cooking in cereal products 83. *Bennett A H. et al. Detmn. of sulphur dioxide in citrus juices 140. Benoit G. J. Jr. et aZ. Effect of formaldehyde on the volatilisation of ammonia mono- di- and trimethylamines 58. Bernhart F. W. et al. Iron in human haemoglobin, 188.Besley A. K et al. Detmng. distribution of salt and water in cured hams 55. Betts R. L. et al. Detmn. of wax in asphalt 384. Beyer G. F. Spectrophotometric examination of brown Lovibond glasses in Brewers' scale 195. Bicknell I?. et a2. Vitamins in Medicine (Review), 295. Bickoff E. et al. Detmn. of carotene in vegetable oils without saponification 285. Bigger J. W. e t al. Growth of coliform bacilli in distilled water 124. *Biggs N. B. Distillation receiver for Tate and Warren apparatus 147. Bina A. F. et al. Estmn. of pyridoxine in foods, 256. Bloom P. et al. Detmn. of cellulose content of wood by extraction with monoethanolamine 27. *Bodenstein J. .C. Detmn. of canthandin in beetles and native medicines 238. Bolomey R. A.et al. Detmn. of vitamin A and oil in soupfin shark livers 338. Booth R. G. Assay of riboflavin in cereals etc., 339. Bose B. C. et al. Physiologically-active fractions of Indian hemp 311. *Box F. W. et al. Analysis of tungsten carbide tips 203. Boyd 1. J. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of serine, 221. Bradford E. A. M. ef al. Winter sources of vita-min C 224. Bradley J. A. Kjeldahl distillation without ab-sorbing acid 28. wheaten flour and other products 226. *Bradshaw W. N. et al. Colorimetric test of pH in alkaline solns. (electroplating solns.) 244. Bratz M. J. et al. Detmn. of iodine in tetraiodo-phenolphthalein 2 83. Brodie W. R. ef al. Application of thiocyanogen value to detmn. of linolic and linolenic acids 92. Britton H. T. S. Hydrogen Ions.Their Detmn, and Importance in Chemistry (Review) 30. Brown B. M. Volume occupied by husk in analysis of flaked oats and malt 309. Brown E. B. et al. Pyridoxine in foods 256. Brown J. B. et al. Application of thiocyanogen value to detmn. of linolic and linolenic acids 92. - Isolation of linolic acid from vegetable oils by low temp. crystallisation 192. - Separation of linolic and oleic acids 25. Browne C. A. et al. Physical and Chemical Methods of Sugar Analysis (Review) 66. Bruger M. et al. Fractionation of iodine in blood 257. Brumberg E. M. U.V. colour microscopy 385. Brunson A. M. et al. Carotenoids of yelow corn grain 89. Buhs R. P. et al. Estinn. of tocopherols and toco-pherylquinones by the colorimetric oxidation-reduction method 90.Bullock F. C. Report of Leicester Analyst 53, 371. Bunbury H. M. et al. Dictionary of Organic Compounds Vol. I (Review) 386. Bunting A. H. Precaution in use of takadiastase for estmn. of maltose 56. Burnet J. Outlines of Industrial Medicine Legis-lation and Hygiene (Review) 386. Burns A. C. et al. Silage composition 185 333. Bushill J. H. et al Solanine of the potato I. Isolation; 11. Distribution 219. Buswell R. J. et al. Iodine value detmns. 260. C Cahn F. J. et al. Mayonnaise and salad dressing yolk content 254. Calamari J. A. et al. Electrographic detcn. of molybdenum in steel alloys 194. Caley E. R. et al. Detmn. of lithium as periodate, 229. *Callow H. J. ef al. Detmn. of j3-indolyl acetic acid 351. *- Microdetmn. of calcium in serum 35.Campaigne E. et al. Identification of o- and p-sulphobenzoic acids as S-benzylthiuronium salts 134. Cardini C. E. et al. Coiorimetric estmn. of choline, 258. - Estmn. of phospholipids in blood 259. Carle A. H. et al. Detmn. of tin coating on tin plate 345. Carlene P. W. et al. Rapid identification of arylamine residues in compounds of Naphthol AS series 343. Carroll F. et al. Detmng. distribution of salt and water in cured hams 55. Carruthers C. Microdetmn. of magnesium with the polarograph 312. - Photometric method for ascorbic acid 90. - Polarographic microdetmn. of sodium in bio-logical material 158. Casey R. S. et al. Testing writing inks with rubber fountain-pen sacs 30. Cassidy H. G. et al. Chromatography for separat-ing amino acids 221.Chace W. C. et al. Culture medium for Chaetom-izim globosunt 91 INDEX TO VOLUME 68 V "Chalker C. A, et al. Examination of the milk of cows in Somerset for tubercle bacilli during Chamberlain N. H. et al. Evaluation of scaliness *Chambers W. P. Assay of euflavine muslin and - Detmng. mercury in phenylmercuric nitrate 255. Charley V. S. e t al. Spray-dried rose hip powder, 381. Cheng A. L. S. et al. Estmn. of flavones or quer-cetin-like substances in natural products 338. Cherry W. B. et al. Occurrence of Salmonella in retail meat products 190. Childs H. Appointment as Deputy Public Ahalyst for Scunthorpe Borough and for Sheffield County Borough 213 249; and for Earnsley Doncaster and Rotherham County Boroughs 249. Review of Spot-Tests for the Idmti-ficatiota of certain Metallic Coatings and of certain Metals in B u l k 231.*:- et al. Separation of copper and cadmium by quinaldinic acid 244. - Separation of metals by the mercury cathode: chromium 175. Chisholm R. D. et al. Detmn. of p-dichloroben-zene in soil 256. Cholak J. et al. Detmn. of aluminium in biological material 189. Cholnoky L. et al. Principles and Practice of Chromatography (Review) 266. Churchill J. R. et al. Electrographic detcn. of metals 344. Clark E. P. Rotenone and related substances in berebera seeds. Chromatographic separation of deguelin and tephrosin 158. 1938-42 247. of animal fibres 30. lint 14. Chirnside R. C. Clark J. d'A. - Measuring specific surfaces of fibres 265. Clark N. G. et al. Mechanical detmn.of juiciness of meat 336. Clark R. 0. Rust identification on iron and steel 345. Clark W. G. et al. Titriinetric microdetmn. of chloride sodium and potassium in a single tissue or blood sample 86. Colorimetric test of pH in alkaline solns. (electroplating solns.) by per-manent colour standard solns. 244. Clayton W. Theory of Emulsions and their Technical Treatment (Review) 98. Clendenning K. A. Polarimetric detmn. of starch in cereal products 18. Clevenger J. F. Coates M. E. et al. Vitamin P activity of British fruits and vegetables 286. *Cocking T. T. Two new colour standards for stilboestrol 144. Codwise P. W. Resistance of sized papers and paperboard to water a t elevated temps. 292. Cohen A. Detmn. of zinc in aluminium alloys, 227.- Detmn. of zinc in magnesium alloys 228. Cohn G. et al. Amperometric titration of picro-lonic acid and indirect volumetric detmn. of calcium 343. - Detmn. of calcium by pptn. with picrolonic acid and polarographic measurement of the residual acid 291. - Detmn. of pyrophosphate by pptn. with cad-mium and polarographic measurement of cadmium in the ppt. 195. *Colgate R. T. et al. Methods of analysis for the Cake and Flour Confectionery (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1942 48 77. Collins E. et al. Measurement of fibre length 196. "Clarke S. G. et al. Volatile oils in fennel seed 119. Indian belladonna 336. Conway E. J. ef al. Micro-diffusion methods. Ammonia and urea using buffered absorbents 57. - Micro-diffusion methods. Blood glucose 346.Cooper B. S. Review of X-Ray Crystal Analysis in Corfield C. E. et al. "Cowan R. et al. Abnormal and watered milk, 146. Cowles E. J. et al. Detmn. of ammonia by a diffusion method 128 Cox H. E. Review of Dictionary of Organic Corn-pounds Vol. I 386. - Review of Textile Fiber Atlas 231. - Review of W a r Gases. Their Identifzicatiolz and Decontamination 65. *- et al. Limit for fluorine in certain foods 233. Crane R. M. et al. Use of denatured alcohol in alkali detmns. 195. Crawford D. C. et al. Chemical composition of some S. African cereals and their milling products, 152 373. Crews S. K. Review Practical Pharmacognosy 266, Crocker G. J. et al. Electrometric titration of alkali carbonates sulphides hydroxides and acetates 63. Cross E.J. et al. Identification of arylamine residues in compounds of the Naphthol AS series 343. Crossley E. L. et al. Bacteriological aspects of manufacture of spray-dried milk and whey powders; moisture content and solubility 91. Winter sources of vitamin C, 224. Use of aminosulphonic acid in the detmn. of nitrites 273. Detmn. of butadierie in pre-sence of other gaseous hydrocarbons 342. Works Control 165. Indian belladonna 336. Crowe H. W. et al. "Gumming W. M. et al. Cuneo J. F. et al. D Dalphin C. et al. Microdetmn. of pyruvic acid Dalton D. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of car-Daniel E. P. et al. Spectrographic analysis of rat *Dauncey L. A. et al. Separation of metals by Davis G. K. et al. Chemical detmn. of nicotinic - Distribution of nicotinic acid in feeds 157.Davis T. W. Solubility of strontium chromate; Davis W. B. Dean J. C. ef al. Coloui- index for petroleum De Gray R. J. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of - Colour index for petroleum products 317. - Extraction of metallic constituents from oils 160. - Separation of iron from cobalt and nickel 194. *Delory G. E. Prepn. and analysis for iron of baemin and haemoglobin 3. de Moraes Bastos W. C. Detmn. of aluminium with phenylhydrazine 345. Denice E. C. et al. Turbidimetric detmn. of chlorides 316. Dermer 0. C. ef al. Identification of organic acids by partition between ether and water 383. Dermer V. H. et al. Do. do. 383. Devlin H. B. et al. Chemical detmn. of toco-Dewberry E. B. and of glucose 291. bonate in presence of bicarbonate 195.tissues for ingested vanadium 157. the mercury cathode chromium 175. acid in plant materials 222. detcn. of strontium 95. Field test for peroxidase 222. products 317. cobalt 162. pherols in muscle tissue 123. Food Poisoning (Review) 349 vi INDEX TO VOLUME 68 Dewey B. T. et al. Identification of organic bases by optical properties of diliturates 341. Dicken D. M. et al. Microbiological estmn. of f-amino-benzoic acid 122. *Dickinson D. Colorimetric detmn. of boron 106. Dietert H. W. et al. Spectrographic analysis of stainless steels 293. Dijk J. W. Detmn. of mannan and starch in paper 193. Diller I. M. et al. Colour index for petroleum products 3 17. "Dodd A. S. et al. Abnormal and watered milk, 146. *Dodd F. R. *- Estmn.of paraan adulterants in turpentine 79. Dolin B. H. Detcn. and detmn. of benzene in presence of tolucne xylene etc. 261. Dollar A. T. J. Recording low relief in metallic surfaces by cellulose acetate moulds 347. *Donovan F. K. et al. Detmn. of sulphur dioxide in citrus juices 140. Douthwaite A. H. et al. Materia Medica (Re-view) 348. Dow. L. A. et al. Electrometric titration of alkali carbonates sulphides hydroxides acetates 63. *Dracass W. R. et al Assay of oil solns. of stil-boestrol dipropionate 181. Duckert R. et al. Qualitative silver reactions 384. - Qualitative thallium reactions 194. - Reagents for detcn. of cerium 225. Duncan I. J. Detmn. of furfural 226. Duncan J. et al. Apparent vitamin C in certain foodstuffs 286. - Vitamin C in rose hip syrup 24.Wunnicliff H. B. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of du Pan R. M. Widmark's detmn. of alcohol in Dyer W. J. Detmn. of sodium chloride in presence Lint in cottonseed meals 112. narcotic power of hemp drugs 70. blood 226. of protein 376. E Eckert H. W. Micro-colorimetric methods for "Eden A. Photometric estmn. of potassium 167. Eisenberg G. M. Colorimetric detmn. of hydrogen peroxide 291. Eisenberg W. V. ef al. Microscopic identification of ferrous sulphate in mixtures 347. "Elder W. Detcn. and detmn. of molybdenum 14. Eliason 0. C. Testing and rating air filters 318. Elitsur A. Use of calcium hydride in detmn. of water 28. Elizer L. H. Estmn. of carboxyl groups in com-mercial starches 61. Elliott E. et al. The spectrograph in steelworks analysis 3 17.Elliott R. T. et al. Microscopical detcn. of insect excreta in flour and meal 281. Ellis R. H. Appointment as Public Analyst for Cheltenham Borough 52. Elsdon G. D. et al. Richmond's Dairy Chemistry (Review) 164. *el Shamy H. K. et al. Analytical studies on 12-heteropoly-acids 2 40. "Elsworth F. F. et al. Detmn. of fluorine in wool treated with fluorides 298. Elvehjem C. A. et al. Nutritional significance of grass 311. Englis D. T. et al. Sugar analysis by alkaline ferricyanide method 254. Epstein A. K. et al. Mayonnaise and salad dressing yolk content 254. estmn. of tryptophan 259. *Evans B. S. Separation of nickel and cobalt from *- et al. Analysis of tungsten carbide tips 203. - Spot-tests for Identification of Metallic Coatings Evans H.J. Appointment as Agricultural Analyst iron and of nickel from cobalt 67. and Certain Metals in Bulk (Review) 231. for Carmarthen and Pembrokeshire 52. F Fairbairn J. W. Fairbrother R. W. Text-Book of Bacteriology (Review) 65. Fearon W. R. et al. Oxidation of ascorbic acid by o-dinitrobenzene ; detcn. of dehydroascorbic acid 381. Feigl F. et al. Detcn. of lead as rhodizonate 62. Fenske M. R. et al. Analysis of hydrocarbon mixtures by Raman spectra 96. Fenyo I. et al. Detmn. of carbonate in carbonate-sulphite mixtures 386. Ferguson W. S. et al. Teart pastures of Somerset. I. Cause and cure of teartness 191. Fernelius W. C. et al. Separation of zirconium and hafnium 346. Ferrey G. J. W. Detmn. of calcium as oxalate 23. Field H Jr.et al. Photoelometric estmn. of trigonliiine 222. *Field V. H. et al. Finch R. A. Review of Spectroscopy and Corn-bustion Theory 64. Fischbach H. et al. Spectrophotometric study of green colour in peas 186. Fischer E. B. et al. Pharmacognosy of Potentilla anserina L. and P. avgentea L. 83. Fisher R. A, et al. Detmn. of sugar in starch hydrolysates by yeast fermentation and chemical means 336. Fisk P. M. et al. Volumetric detmn. of lead in brass 161. Fitch W. K. Fitzgerald O. et al. Micro-diffusion methods. Blood glucose 346. Fletcher F. W. et al. Fabric pest-deterrent tests, 337. Flickinger L. C. et al. Detmng. boron in steel 384. Flink E. B. et al. Estmn. of haemoglobin etc. in *Foster G. E. et al. Assay of oil solns. of stil-*Fox J.J. Fox S. W. et al. Photoelometric estmn. of trigo-nelline 222. Frame E. G. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of amino nitrogen in blood 378. Frankel J. et al. Separation of linolic and oleic acids 25. Frankel J. S. et al. Isolation of linolic acid from vegetable oils by low temp. crystallisation 192. *Fraser L. S. et al. Methods of analysis for the Cake and Flour Confectionery (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1942 48 7'7. French D. et al. Amylose and amylopectin con-tent of starches detmnd. by their iodine complex formation 192. Frey C. N. et al. Detmn. of sugar in starch hydrolysates by yeast fermentation and chemical means 336. - Niacin-niacinamide differentiation in micro-biological assay procedure 260. "Frost H. F. Acriflavine as internal indicator for sulphanilamide-nitrite titratiolis 51.*- o-Dianisidine as internal indicator for zinc-ferrocyanide titrations 5 1. Furlong J. R. Colour test for ergot 310. Estmn. of cocoa shell 112. Gas Warfare (Review) 131. facccs urine and blood plasma 122. boestrol dipropionate 181. Obituary of F. G. H. Tate 1. Nigerian cassava starch 125 INDEX TO VOLUME 68 vii G Garner W. E. Review of Theovy of Emulsions and Garrett 0. F. ef al. Measuring the concn. of dis-Gaydon A. G. Spectroscopy and Combustion Geddes B. W. et al. N-Methylaniline point of Geiger E. et al. Substituted dithiocarbamic acid Genung L. B. et al. Detmn. of free hydroxyl in Gerencser J. Gibbs R. S. et al. Analysis of cuprous oxide pig-Gilbertson L. I. ef al. Detmng. selenious acid 127.Gilbreath G. R. ef al. Detmn. of copper with 8-quinoline-carboxylic acid 161. Gilman H. ef al. Colour test for some highly reactive organometallic compounds 227. Gladding E. K. ef al. Detmn. of carbonyl and carboxyl groups in chromic anhydride oxystarch and osycdlulose by hydroxylamine 289. Gleason D. F. ef al. Titrimetric microdetmn. of chloride sodium and potassium 86. Glock G. E. et al. Azo colour reaction for the detmn. of vitamin B in national flour 380. Goddin A. H. et al. Tentative fabric pest-deter-sent tests 337. Goldman F. H. et al. Collection and estmn. of traces of formaldehyde in air 287. Goll H. et al. Gonzales T. New York Report of Chief Medical Exammer for 1941 335. Gordon A. H et al. Amino acid composition of gramicidin 284.- Partial hydrolysis of cow-hide gelatin 284. - Partition chromatography of protein con-stituents 283. Gortner R. A. et al. Isolation of photosensitising agents from buckwheat 382. Goyco J. A. et al. Expressed tropical almond (Talisay) oil 310. - Guanabana seed oil 155. Graham D. G. M. et al. Detmn. of oxide copper in ores 63. Granit R. Physiological theory of colour per-ception 129. Grant J. Laboratory Handbook of Pulp and Paper Manufacture (Review) 130. Greathouse G. A. et al. Detmng. deterioration of cellulose caused by fungi 92. *Green A. *- et al. Estmng. added prepared chalk in national flours 142. Greenberg -. et al. Titrimetric microdetmn. of chloride sodium and potassium 86. Greenberg L. A. Acetoin. Polarographic detmn.of disappearance from the blood after adminis-tration 188. Grey P. H. H. Staining soln. for micro-organisms 25. Grimaldi F. S. ef al. Colorimetric detmn. of molybdenum in ores 290. Grinstein 1M. et al. Photoelectric and fluoro-photometric detmn. of protoporphyrin in blood, 258. *Guthrie A. H. S. et al. Detmn. of diethylaniline in ethylaniline 328. Guttag A. et al Production of furfural from d-lyxose and d-ribose 159. Guyer A, et al. Separating salts by flotation 163. Gysel H. Microdetmn. of chlorine bromine and thew Teclznzcal Treatment 98. solved oxygen in dairy products 20. Theory (Review) 64. viscous petroleum oils 383. reagents for copper 289. cellulose derivatives 125. Ammonia content of meat 84. ments 345. Colour test for citrinin 57.Added prepared chalk in flour 11 1. hydrogen in organic compounds 291. H Haag E. et al. Microdetmn. of pyruvic acid and glucose 291. Haendler H. M. et al. Detmn. of copper with 8-quinoline-carboxylic acid 161. Hahn F. L. Alkalimetric standardisation of iodine soln. 64. Haim G. ef al. Polarographic detmn. of lead in lead-bearing steels 183. *Haines R. T. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of vitamin A in fish-liver oils 8. Halbrook N. H. et al. Use of maleic anhydride method in testing tung oil 92. Hale C. H. Detmn. of sodium in presence of molybdenum 346. Hale E. B. ef al. Chemical detmn. of nicotinic acid in plant materials 222. - Distribution of nicotinic acid in feeds 157. Hale F. ef al. Detmn. of free gossypol in cotton-Hale-White W.et al. Materia Medica (Review) 348. Hall T. C. Rapid test for bromide in blood and urine 338. Hallsworth E. G. et al. Detmn. of moisture in living tissue 21. Halton P. et al. Detmn. of endosperm content of wheat 336. "Hamence J. H. Detcn. and estmn. of auxins in organic manures 356. - Fluorescence test for P-indole acetic acid 13. Hilmersma P. J. ef al. Chemical composition of S. African cereals and milling products 152 373. Hammond R. N. et al. Detmng. viscosity of cellulose in cuprammonium solns. 96. Hand W. C. et al. Hankins 0. G. et al. ness of meat 336. Hannay N. B. et crl. Hardwick P. J. Colorimetric estmn. of phosphoriis as molybdenum blue 183. Harlow W. M. Microchemistry of pulp fibres. The fibre-ballooning test 316. - Swelling-staining reagent for studying fibre structure 292.Harris J. C. Colorimetric detmn. of alkyl benzene sulphonates 261. Harris IT. L. et al. Microscopical detcn. of insect excreta in flour and meal 281. Harris L. J. Vitamin C saturation measurements, 123. Harris R. S. et al. Micro-fermentation estmn. of thiamine 59. Harrison H. A. Review of Labovatory Handbook of Pulp and Paper Manufacture 130. *Hartley A. W. e f al. Estmng. added prepared chalk in national flours 142. Hartman G. H. et al. Measuring concn. of dis-solved oxygen in dairy products 20. Harvey C. E. et al. Spectrographic analysis of stainless steels 293. "Harvey C. 0. - Detmn. of tin 373. *Haslam J. ef al. Detmn. of diethylaniline in ethylaniline 328. Hasler M. F. et al. spectrographic analysis of stainless steels 293.Hassid W. Z. et al. Identification of sugars as crystalline osazones 21. - Separation and estmn. of amylose and amylo-pectin in potato starch 281. Hatch R. S. et al. Detmng. viscosity of cellulose in cuprammonium solns. 96. *Haward R. N. Detmn. of solubility of plasticisers in water 303. seed meal 3-12. Detmn. of sulphate 63. hlechanical detmn. of juici-Detmn. of sulphate 63. Micro-analysis of boracite 211 viii INDEX TO Haywood F. W. et al. Photometric detmn. of cobalt in steels 263. *- Photometric detmn. of copper in ferrous materials 206. Hearmon R. F. S. et al. Electrical resistance of wood 128. Heilbron I. M. et al. Dictionary of Organic Com-pounds Vol. I (Review) 386. Heilmeyer L. Spectropliotometry in Medicine (Review) 267.Heisig G. B. Pyrex glass wool filtering medium, 62. Henry A. M. et al. Detcn. of caramel in cider vinegar 310. *Herd C. W. et al. Visual method for vitamin B, assay in flour 174. Hess W. C. ef al. - Detmn. of cystine and cysteine in mixtures 58. Hewston E. M. et al. Spectrographic analysis of rat tissues for ingested vanadium 157. Heyn A. H. A. et al. Volumetric detmn. of bromide in brine 291. Higgs D. G. et al. Spot-tests for Identification of Metallic Coatings and of Certain Metals in Bulk (Review) 231. "High J. H. Amount of periodate required to oxidise manganese 368. *- Setting the Spekker absorptiometer 78. Hilditch T. P. et al. Component fatty acids of vegetable seed phosphatides 310. - hlixed unsaturated glycerides of liquid fats.Low temp. crystallisation of whale oil 288. Hill D. C. et al. Removal of lipid material from bones of chicks 225. - Factors influencing the A.O.A.C. chick method of vitamin D assay 340. Himus G. W. Fuel Testing Laboratory Methods in Fuel Technology (Review) 165. Hi& E. Appointment as Public Analyst for Mitcham Borough 213. - Resignation from Analytical Methods Com-mittee 167. - Review of Exanzination of Waters and Water Supplies 197. *Hinton J. J. C. Estmn. of oat flour in wheat flour 180. Erst F. Review of Canned Foods Introduction to their Microbiology 198. Hobbs B. C. et al. Cleaning and sterilisation of milk bottles 312. - Disinfectant activity of caustic soda 312. Hochberg M. et al. Photometric detmn. of ascorbic acid 224.Hockett R. C. et al. Production of furfural from d-lyxose and d-ribose 159. Holland B. R. et al. Detmn. of free gossypol in cottonseed meal 342. Holland 1. 0. Effect of method of manufacture on milk of magnesia 84. Holler A. C. et al. Detmn. of aluminium in man-ganese and aluminium bronzes 95. Holman W. I. M. Estmn. of phosphorus as molyb-denum blue 346. "Holt P. F. et al. Detmn. of 13-indolyl acetic acid 351. *- Microdetmn. of calcium in serum 35. Hopkins R. H. Riboflavin and vitamin B in war-time beers 339. Horvath S. M. et al. Gasometric estmn. of carbon monoxide in blood 85. *Houghton G. U. Detmn. of small amounts of aluminium in water with haematoxylin 208. Howard H. W. et al. Detmn. of cystine and cysteine in mixtures 58.Detmn. of lanthionine 88. VOLUME 68 Hubacher M. H. chocolate 187. Hubata R. et al. denum in steel alloys 194. Hubbard D. M. e t al. biological material 189. Hubbard R. S. et aZ. Hudson C. S. et al. Alkaline degradation of phenylglycosides 159. Huggett W. E. Synthetic menthols 23. "Hughes E. B. Detmn. of crude fibre in national flour 276 331. *- e2 al. Methods of analysis for the Cake and Flour Confectionery (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1942 48 7 7 . Estmn. of chlorides in biological fluids by adsorption indicators. Detmn. of plasma volume of blood 155. Hughes R. C. Prepn. of purified. inorganic com-pounds for spectrographic standards 163. Hulett H. R. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of iron with o-phenanthroline 163. Hume D.N. et al. Detmn. of iodate in presence of bromate and chlorate 229. Humoller F. L. Titrimetric estmn. of glucose 257. Hunter M. S. et al. Electrographic detcn. of metals 344. Hurst H. Principles of insecticidal bio-assay 382. Hybbinette A. G. et al. Detmn. of germanium in Detmn. of phenolphthalein in Electrographic detcn. of molyb-Detmn. of aluminium in Detmn. of inulin 59. Hughes J. ef al. silicate rocks 94. I "Illing E. T. ef al. Examination of milk of Ingram A. R. ef al. Reactions of morpholine 57. Inman 0. L. et al. Isolation of photosensitising Isaacs M. L. Colorimetric detmn. of vitamin C 123. Somerset cows for tubercle bacilli 247. agents from buckwheat 382. J Jackson E. M. et al. Isolation and distribution of solanine in potato 219.Jackson R. F. et al. Contamination of cuprous oxide in reducing-sugar analysis 119. Jacobs M. B. War Gases. Their Identification and Decontamination (Review) 65. Jacoby F. C. ef al. Apparent vitamin C in certain foodstuffs 286. - Vitamin C in rose hip syrup 24. - Vitamins in rose hips 157. Jaffe F. W. M. Appointment as Deputy Agricul-tural Analyst for Dewsbury 52. Jaffe W. G. Approx. estmn. of the isoelectric point of sol. proteins 256. Jahn E. C. et al. Detmn. of cellulose content of wood by extraction with monoethanolamine 27. Jany J. ef al. Detmn. of carbonate in carbonate-sulphite mixtures 385. Jaycox E. K. et .al. Use of powders in spectro-chemical analysis 3 17. Jenkins G. N. Ascorbic acid in mashed potatoes, 224. Johnson C. R. et al.Chromogenic reagent for vitamin C detmns. 223. - Spectrophotometric detmn. of magnesium by means of Titan yellow 191. Johnson E. H. et al. Vitamin C in rose hip syrup, 24. - Vitamins in rose hips 157. Johnson R. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of car-bonate in presence of bicarbonate 195. Johnson W. A. et al. Bacteriological aspects etc., of manufacture of spray-dried milk and whey powders 91 INDEX TO VOLUME 68 ix Johnson W. W. A. et al. Spectrographic detcn. and detmn. of halogens 265. - Spectrographic limit of identification of potas-sium 293. Jones A. 0. Review of Annual Reports of the Progress of Chemistry f o r 1042 349. Jones H. A. et d. Buffalo gourd seed oil 375. "Jones J. I. M. ef al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of vitamin A in fish-liver oils 8.Jones N. R. ef aZ. Colorimetric data for assay of alkaloidal hypodermic tablets and injections 22. Jordan L. A. Review of Handbook of Shellac Analysis 294. Josephson E. S. ef al. Micro-fermentation estmn. of thiamine 59. K Kallmann S. Analysis of Bolivian tin concen-Kaplan E. False positive phosphatase tests 282. Kassner E. W. et al. Indian belladonna 336. Kaufert F. H. et al. Susceptibility of wood to decay decay tests 124. Kawerau E. et al. Oxidation of ascorbic acid by o-dinitrobenzene and detcn. of dehydroascorbic acid 381. Kay H. D. Review of Richmond's Dairy Chemistry, 164. Keenan G. L. et al. Microscopic identification of ferrous sulphate in mixtures 347. Kendall J. Kerr R. Testing continuity of thin tin coatings on steel 161.Kies M. W. et al. Spectrographic analysis of rat tissues for ingested vanadium 157. Kirch E. R. et al. Estmn. of nicotinic acid 340. Kirrett 0. Separating viscose rayon from cotton 92. Klemme D. E. ef al. Detmng. deterioration of cellulose caused by fungi 92. Koblitsky L. et al. Detmn. of p-dichlorobenzene in soil 286. Koenig R. A. et al. Chromogenic reagent for vitamin C detmns. 223. Kolb J. J. et al. Detmn. of hydroxy and analogous groups in amino acids 85. Kolthoff I. M. et al. Amperometric titration of picrolonic acid and indirect volumetric detmn. of calcium 343. - Detmn. of calcium by pptn. with picrolonic acid and polarographic measurement of the residual acid 291. - Detmn. of iodate in presence of bromate and chlorate 229. - Detmn.of pyrophosphate by pptn. with cad-mium and polarographic measurement of cad-mium in the ppt. 195. - Polarographic detmn. of manganese 194. Kosterlitz H. W. ef al. Estmn. of glucose-l-phosphate and galactose-l-phosphate in liver 378. Krauss W. et al. Textile Fiber Atlas (Review), 231. Krewson C. F. Kuether C. A. et al. Detmn. of ascorbic acid in Kurtz L. T. Colorimetric detmn. of phosphate in - et al. Simplified technique for liquid amalgam trates 227. Separation of isotopes etc. 129. Detmn. of nicotinamide 340. whole blood and urine 260. presence of fluoride 162. reductors. 227. L Lacy A. M. et al. glassware. 60. Bacterial count on restaurant L z B. B. et al. "Activated" oxalic acid 385. i' *Lambie D. A. Studies in the analytical chemistry of tungsten 11.Separation of tungstic and phos-phoric acids 74. Lampitt L. H. et al. Isolation and distribution of solanine in potato 219. Landy M. ef al. Microbiological estmn. of p -aminobenzoic acid 122. Lane J. H. Review of Physical and Chemical llIethods of Sugar Analysis 66. - Review of Starch and Sugar Derivatives 318. Ladder J. G. et al. Quantitative evaluation of Larsen E. M. et al. Separation of zirconium and Lauchlan A. D. E. et al. Modified calomel cell Laudermilk J. D. et al. New microchemical stain Laufer S. et al. Colour reaction for natural pig-- Colour test for p-aminobenzoic acid 24. - Colour test for citrinin 57. Launer H. F. et al. Photochemical stability of papers 230. Leach B. E. et al. Detmn. of iodine in tetra-iodophenolplithalein 283.Lee S. W. et al. Detmn. of sulphate 63. Leibowitz J. Lenk E. Quantitative strength detmn. of amylase Lepper H. A. et al. Bacteriological and physical Lerner 1. Leva $. ef at. Estmn. of acid-sol. phosphoglycerol in liver 377. Levi J. E. et al. Estmn. of urinary aneurine 157. Levin H. Detmn. of olefines in gaseous hydro-carbons 159. Levitan N. I. .ef al. Titrimetric micro-detmn. of chloride sodium and potassium in tissue or blood, 86. Levy 0. B. et al. Acidity in alcoholic beverages, 374. Lewis A.H. Teart pasturesof Somerset. 11,111. 191. - ef al. Teart pastures of Somerset. I. 191. Lewis J. C. Lactobacillus assay method for p -aminobenzoic acid 156. Liddel U. et al. Spectroscopic analysis of hydro-carbon mixtures 264.Liebhafsky H. A. et al. Analysis and composition of crude boron 127. Liebmann A. J. ef al. Changes in whiskey while maturing 375. Line A. Prepn. of phosphomolybdic acid from phosphoric acid and pure molybdic acid 346. Lipson H. et al. Absolute X-ray wave-lengths as fundamental units of measurements 264. Logan M. A. et al. Estmn. of serine 221. Loomis T. A. et al. Detmn. of inulin 59. Love M. M. Appointment as Agricultural Analyst for Burnley County Borough 249. - Appointment as Public Analyst for Colne Borough 52. Lowenstein 0. Physiological assay of pyrethrum extracts 121. Luce E. N. et al. Turbidimetric detmn. of small amounts of chlorides 316. Luder W. F. et al. Reactions of morpholine 57. Ludwig E. E. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of Lugg J.W. H. Use of formaldehyde in detmn. of Lundegardh H. Leaf analysis as guide to soil metal-cleaning compounds 30. hafnium 346. for pH measurements 128. for cellulose 289. ments and phenols 262. New source of trehalose 374. (diastase) preps. 88. changes in frozen eggs 225. Detcn. of gold in plating 344. magnesium by means of Titan yellow 191. ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acid 25. fertilitv. 190 x INDEX TO VOLUME 68 Lyman C. M. et al. Detmn. of free gossypol in cottonseed meal 342. I McArdle E. H. et al. N-Methylaniline point of viscous petroleum oils 383. McCance R. A. et al. Food tables scope and limitations 164. McClellan G. Detmn. of acid-insol. constituents of face powders 121. *McCrae J. Diln. process for detmng. hydrogen ion concn.with one-colour indicators 183. McCready R. M. et al. Identification of sugars as crystalline osazones 2 1. - Separation and detmn. of amylose and amylo-pectin in potato starch 281. McDonald E. J. et al. Contamination of cuprous oxide in reducing-sugar analysis 119. "Macdonald F. J. Detmn. of original f.p. of milk preserved with formalin detmn. of formaldehyde in milk 171. lacdonald R. ef QZ. Testing writing inks with rubber fountain-pen sacs 30. MacFadyen D. A. Detmn. of amino acids in plasma by the nlnhydrin- CO reaction 87. HcHard J. A. ef al. Detmn. of alkoxyl groups in cellulose ethers 27. McKinney R. S. et al. Use of maleic anhydride method in testing tung oil 92. McEachlan T. Appointment as Public Analyst for St. Marylebone Metropolitan Borough 213.- Report of Chelsea Public Analyst 279. "McLellan B. G. et al. Estmn. of vitamin A in vitaminised cocoa and chocolate by means of Carr-Price tat 109. MacMahon P. S. et al. "hctivated" oxalic acid, 385. McNabb W. M. et al. Volumetric detmn. of iron and titanium 94. McNair J. J. et al. Detmng. viscosity of cellulose in cuprammonium solns. 96. McNeill E W. et al. Photoelometric estmn. of trigonelhnc 222. Maddison L. ef al. Mixed unsaturated glycerides of liquid fats. Low temp. crystallisation of whale oil 288. Majumdar A. K. Organic sulphur compounds as reagents for metals 289. *- Quinaldinic acid as a reagent for separation of copper and cadmium 242. Malm C. J. ef al. Detmn. of free hydroxyl content of cellulose derivatives 125.- Detmn. of combined sulphur in cellulose deriva-tives 159. lanley C. H. Report of Leeds City Analyst 371. Warm T. B. Separation of vitamin A from xan-thophylls in presence of egg yolk sterols 233. Mapson L. W. ,Qscorbic acid in dehydrated foods, 285. - et at. Stability of ascorbic acid in meta-phosphoric acid extracts 190. Marcellus F. N. et al. Removal of lipid material from bones of chicks 225. Marenzi A. D. et al. - Estmn. of phospholipids in blood 259. Markham R. Steam distillation apparatus for micro-Kjeldahl analysis 128. Markwood L. N. Detmn. of nicotine and norni-cotine in mixtures 283. - et al. Tobaccos classified according to their alkaloids 282. Marloth B. W. e t al. Chemical composition of S. African cereals and milling products 152, 373.Estmn. of choline 258. Marsh J. K. Separation of ytterbium from thulium and lutecium 127. Marteny W. W. Fluorescence of the extractives of wood 128. Martin A. J. P. et al. Amino acid composition of gramicidin 284. - Partial hydrolysis of cow-hide gelatin 284. - Partition chromatography of protein constitu-ents 283. Martin B. B. ef al. Influence of buffer and glucose in the Lactobacillus helveticus assay for panto-thenic acid 259. Martin G. et al. Detmn. of sp.gr. of dry paint pigments 347. Martin J. et al. Detmn. of solids in molasses 56. Martinek R. G. et at. Estmn. of nicotinic acid, Masen J. M. Natthews N. L. et al. Thiocyanogen value and Mattill H. A. et a2. Chemical detmn. of toco-Mawson C. A. et al. Stability of ascorbic acid in Meadoe J.R. et al. Pseudo-saccharin chloride, Mears R. B. et al. Electrographic detcn. of Medawar P. B. Review of Biochemistry and Mehlig J. P. et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of Meikeljohn J. \'itamin Bl content of potatoes 380. Mellon M. G. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of cobalt with terpyridyl 194. - Colour reactions with 1 10-phenanthroline derivatives 126. Melnick D. et al. Photometric detmn. of ascorbic acid 224. Member S. et al. Fractionation of iodine in blood 257. Menotti A. R. Detcn. and detmn. of 4-amino-2-methyl-l-naphthol 124. Menzinsky G. Detmn. of fermentable sugars 342. Mercier J. M. et al. Colour reaction of ergosterol with methyldichlorarsine 60. Merrill J. F. et al. Detmn. of calcium in mineral mixed feeds 340.Merrington A. C. Measurement of anomalous viscosity by the capillary tube method 385. "Middleton A. W. Detmn. of pH of bitumen and tar emulsions etc. 368. Milder B. ef al. bficrodetmn. of vitamin A and carotenes 338. Miller C. Semi-micro analysis of the aluminium group of Noyes and Bray's system 2G2. Miller L. B. Dispersion of pigments and fillers for microscopical examination 229. Mills M. R. et al. Chromatographic segregation of component glycerides of linseed oil. Detmn. of thiocyanogen value 342. *Milner M. N. et al. Detmn. of ascorbic acid in prepns. of iron and ammonium citrate 272. lKilos C. *Mitchell @. A. Ink in relation to crime 103. - Review of National Paint Dictionary 294. - Review of War-Time Information for Pharma-cists 166. - Review of Outlines of Industrial Medicine, Lecislation and Hygiene 386.Mitchell J. L. et al. Detmn. of monoalkyl ethers of ethylene glycol 288. Mitchell R. L. et al. Concn. methods in spectro-scopic analysis 3 13. 340. Mepacrine in blood and urine 379. the detmn. of linolic and linolenic acids 92. pherols in muscle tissue 133. metaphosphoric acid extracts 190. reagent for identification of alcohols 191. metals 344. Morphogenesis 97. iron with o-phenanthroline 163. Detmn. of caramel in wines 21 INDEX TO VOLUME 68 xi Mix A. E. et al Volumetric detmn. of iodine in Moeller T. Colorimetric detmn. of indium 263. - Colorimetric detmns. by means of 8-hydroxy-quinoline 290. Moir D. D. Appointments as Deputy Public Analyst for Malden and Coombe Borough 52; for Guildford and Mitcham Boroughs 213.Moir G. M. ef al. Detmn. of iron and copper in butter 253. Montgomery E. M. et al. Alkaline degradation of phenylglycosides. r etmng. configuration of gly-cosides and sugars 159. Moore L. A. Activation of dicalcium phosphate for chromatographic detmn. of carotene 59. Moran T. et al. Riboflavin and vitamin B in 19th Century buns and ale 339. Morgan 0. M. et al. Evaluation of metal-cleaning compounds 30. *Morgan R. H. Simple inexpensive separator 330. Morgareidge K. Influence of solvent on the 1J.V. absorption max. of vitamin A 90. MOSS M. L. ef al. Colour reactions with 1 10-phenanthroline derivatives 126. Moss W. L. ef al. Colorimetric detmn. of cobalt with terpyridyl 194. 1VIotzok I. et al. Removal of lipid material from bones of chicks 225.- Factors influencing the A.O.A.C. chick method of vitamin D assay 340. Mukerji B. et al. Physiologically-active fractions of Indian hemp 31 1. *Mukhopadhyay B. K, ef al. Colorimetric estmn. of narcotic power of hemp drugs 70. Mull J. E. et al. Detmn. of solids in molasses 56. Mullen J. W. et al. Prepn. of certain derivatives of starch 21. Muller H. G. ef al. Substituted dithiocarbamic acid reagents for copper 289. *Mundy L. M. et al. Visual method for vitamin B assay in flour 174. Murti A. L. N. et al. Bitter principles of neem oil 56. Mushett C. W. et al. p H Change as a measure of growth of Lactobacillus casei in vitamin assays, 128. N Naidu S. R. Madras Report of the Chemical Examiner for 1941 81.Nechampkin H. Adulteration of ethylvanillin with vanillin 282. - Identification of commercial plastics 193. Needham J. Biochemistry and Morphogenesis (Review) 97. Neill R. B. Volumetric detmn. of antimony with dichromate 126. Nelson J. H. et al Growth of coliform bacilli in distilled water 124. Neuberger A. et al. Nitrogen of the potato 58. Neuhaus C. J. Pressed pellet electrode method for spectrographic analysis of nickel alloys 31 7. Newburger S. H. et al. Spectrophotometric study of green colour in peas 186. Nicholls J. R. Review of Hydrogen Ions. Their Detmn. and Importance in Pure and Industrial Chemistry 30. "Nicholls J. R. et al. Methods of analysis for the purposes of the Cake and Flour Confectionery (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1942 48 77.Nicolet B. H. et al. Detmn. of methylpentoses in presence of pentoses 27. Nield C. H. et al. Modified antimony trichloride reagent for estmn. of sterols and vitamins D, and D, 260. iodised salt 376. Nielsen J. P. Detmn. of starch. Index to maturity *Nierenstein M. Nolan W. J. et al. Electrometric titration of alkali carbonates sulphides hydroxides and acetates 63. Norman D. P. et al. Spectrographic detcn. and detmn. of halogens 265. - Spectrographic identification of potassium 293. Norris E. R. et al. Effect of formaldehyde on volatilisation of ammonia mono- di- and tri-methylamines 58. Norris F. A, et al. Iodine value detmns. 260. North V. et al. from cobalt 162. Notley V. A. et al. 224. Novak M. et al. glassware 60.in starchy vegetables 220. First chemical reagent 212. Separation of iron as phosphate Ascorbic acid in sweet peppers, Bacterial count on restaurant 0 *Qglethorpe C. C. et al. Detmn. of copper volu-metrically by the iodine-thiocyanate method 325. Okell F. L. Review of Fuel Testing Laboratory Methods in Fuel Technology 165. - Review of Principles and Practice of Chromato-graphy 266. Olliver M. Ascorbic acid values of fruits and vegetables 189. - Review Introduction to Industrial Mycology 131. O'Malley E. et al. Micro-diffusion methods. - Micro-diff usion methods. Blood glucose 346. Organ J. et al. Organ J. G. et al. Apparent vitamin C in certain foodstuffs 256. - Vitamin C from green tomatoes 24. - Vitamins in rose hips 157. Qrmsby A.A. Estmng. urea in blood and urine 156. Osborn R. A. Chlorine in ash of fruit products 376. - et al. Volumetric detmn. of iodine in iodised salt 376. Oser B. L. et al. Photometric detmn. of reduced and total ascorbic acid 224. Overholser L. G. ef al. Colorimetric cobalt detmn., 290. - Colorimetric detmn. of phenothiazine with palladous chloride 26. - Spot test for zirconium 194. Revised methods for ammonia and urea 57. Vitamin C in rose hip syrup 24. P Pacsu E. et al. Prepn. of derivativcs of starch 21. Page J. E. et al. Modified calomcl cell for p H *- Polarographic detmn. of vanadium 269. Partridge M. W. Particle size distribution of kaolin for internal administration 256. Paulley W. M. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst for Stepney 52. Pavcek P.L. et al. Inactivation of biotin by rancid fats 156. Pearce D. W. et al. Rare-earth fractipnation by zeolite action 229. Pearl I. A. Perkins A. T. et al. Detmn. of calcium in mineral mixed feeds 340. Perren R. et al. Separating salts by flotation 163. Philbrook W. 0. Spot test for chromium 290. Phillips R. F. et al. Xsnthydrol as reagent for Pierce J. S. Assay of mercury in organic com-Piper C. S. Soil and Plant Analysis (Review) 230. measurements 128. Detmn. of iodides in urine 258. primary amides 316. pounds 155 xii INDEX TO VOLUME 68 Pitt B. M. et al. Xanthydrol as reagent for *Pith F. Detmn. of magnesium in aluminium Platt B. S. et at. Azo colour reaction for detmn. Plein E. M. et al. Identification of organic bases Poll& F.F. et al. Volumetric detmn. of lead in Pollard A. - et al. Pollard A. a. et al. Detmn. of sodium in soil solns. and extracts 315. Ponting J. D. Suitability of acids for extraction of ascorbic acid from plant materials 311. Post E. E. et al. New niicrochemical stain for cellulose 289. *Postlethwaite R. et al. Detmn. of sulphur in steels by combustion 305. Poxon D. W. et al. Detcn. of acid or basic sub-stances in damaged fabrics 160 288. Prater A. N. et al. Detmn. of ammonia by a diffusion method 128. Pratt G. H. et al. Electrical resistance of wood, 128. Pray A. R, et at. Spectrophotometric detmn. of sodium 264. Preising M. J. et al. Detcn. of perchlorate and chloride after ignition with manganous nitrate, 162. Psescott F. et al. Vitamins in Medicine (Review), 295.*&itchard C. F. et al. Separation of copper and cadmium by quinaldinic acid 244. *Proffitt P. M. C. et al. Separation of metals by the mercury cathode chromium 175. Puddington I. E. Prepn. of high-temperature stopcock greases 265. Purves C. B. et al. Detmn. of carbonyl and carboxyl groups in chromic anhydride oxystarch and oxycellulose by hydroxylamine 289. "Pyne GT. Micro-detmn. of calcium and mag-nesium in milk 330. primary amides 316. alloys 133. of vitamin B in national flour 380. by optical properties of diliturates 341. brass 161. Vitamin P in blackcurrants 25. Spray-dried rose hip powder 381. Q Qazilbash AT. A. Quill L. L. ef al. hafnium 346. Indian Artemisia 23. Separation of zirconium and R *Radley J.A. Fluorescence tests for gallium and aluminium 369. - Starch and its Derivatives (Review) 318. Ramsey L. L. et al. Volumetric detmn. of iodine in iodised salt 376. Rangaswami M. et al. Handbook of Shellac Analysis (Review) 294. Rangaswami S. et al. Bitter principles of neem oil 56. Rank D. H. et al. Analysis of hydrocarbon mix-tures by Raman spectra 96. Rapoport S. et al. Estmn. of acid-sol. phospho-glycerol in liver 377. *Raynes E. G. et al. Estmn. of vitamin A in vitaminised cocoa and chocolate by the Carr-Price test 109. Reedy .J. H. et al. Detcn. of perchlorate and chlonde 162. Reid E. E. Pseudo-saccharin chloride reagent for identification of alcohols 191. Reid R. L. et al. Detmn. of moisture in living tissue 21. Reimers L.Detmng. added salt in ground feeds 382. Reznek S. *Rheinlander A. H. et al. Estmng. cocoa shell 112. Richtmyer N. K. et al. Alkaline degradation of phenylglycosides ; configuration of glycosides and sugars 159. *Ridyard H. N. et al. Visual method for vitamin B assay in flour 174. Riley D. P. et al. Absolute X-ray wave-lengths as fundamental units of measurements 264. Rinehart R. E. et al. Reaction of ninhydrin with ascorbic acid etc. 90. Ripanti N. F. et al. Electrometric titration of alkali carbonates sulphides hydroxides and acetates 63. Ritchie C. M. et al. Estmn. of glucose-l-phosphate and galactose-l-phosphate in liver 378. Rittershausen E. P. et al. Detmn. of cobalt 162. - Extraction of metallic constituents from oils 160. - Separation of iron from cobalt and nickel 194.Roberts M. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst for Southport 52. Roberts W. H. Appointment as Public A4naIyst for Widnes 52. Robertson G. R. Detmn. of water in alcohol with aid of dicyclohexyl 315. Robinson F. A. Review of Chromatographic Ad-sorption Analysis 3 1. *- et al. Polarographic studies. Detmn. of vanadium 269. Roe J. H. Detmn. of ascorbic acid in whole blood and urine 260. Rogers L. B. et al. 229. Rogers .T. H. Breakdown of paraffin wax by bacteria source of error in corrosion tests 313. Rooke H. S. et al. Determination and distribu-tion of solanine in potato 219. Bosenblatt M. et al. Acidity in alcoholic bever-ages 374. - Changes in whiskey while maturing 375. Rosenblum H. et al. Colour reaction for methio-ROSS W.G. et al. Use of the Ellis-Jones maleic Roth P. B. ef al. Electrographic detcn. of molyb-Roughton F. J. W. ef al. Gasometric estmn. of Rowe H. W. Fibre staining by iodine stains 126. *Rowland S. J. ef al. Mastitis and the f.p. of milk 302. Rowson J. M. Significance of stomatal index as a differential character. I. Statistical investiga-tion of the stomatal indices of senna leaflets 255. Rudolph G. A. et al. Detmn. of boron in steel 384. Rudra 1. N. Ascorbic acid in recently-harvested cereals and legumes 311. Rue S. 0. Ruehle,*A. E. et al. Use of powders in spectro-chemical analysis 317. Rundle R. E. et al. Detmn. of amylose and amylopectin in starches by their iodine complex formation 192. Rusk H. W. Detmn. of copper on apples in presence of lead arsenate 120.Russell J. A. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of amino nitrogen in blood 378. Russell R. G. et al. Rare-earth fractionation by zeolite action 229. Russell W. C. et al. Antimony trichloride reagent for estmn. of sterols and vitamin D 260. Ruthven C. R. J. Assay of iron and ammonium citro-arsenite for arsenic trioxide 155. Semi-micro detmn. of silver 193. Detmn. of lithium as periodate, nine 221. anhydride method in testing tung oil 92. denum in steel alloys 194. carbon monoxide in blood 85. Standardising thiosulphate soh. 63 INDEX TO Estmn. of chlorides in biological fluids by adsorption indicators. Detmn. of plasma volume of blood 155. S Saifer A. et al. St. John J. L. Salley D. J. et al. Detmn. of potassium by radio-activity 163.Samsel E. P. et al. Detmn. of alkoxyl groups in cellulose ethers 57. 27. Sandell E. B. et al. Detmn. of germanium in silicate rocks 94. Sanders J. W. Jr. et al. Detcn. of caramel in cider vinegar 310. Sanger F. et al. Sarma M. L. Extraction of phytin of foodstuffs with trichloroacetic acid 58. Sarson H. S. et al. Riboflavin and vitamin B in 19th Century buns and ale 339. Schall E. D. et al. Detmn. of fat in dog food, 376. Schergo M. et al. Occurrence of Salmonella in retail meat products 190. Schiefelbusch T. L. et al. Chromogenic reagent for vitamin C detmns. 223. Schmidt E. G. Ether extraction method for urine phenols 88. Schneiter B. et al. Bacteriological and physical changes in frozen eggs 225. Schoch T. J.Fractionation of starch by selective pptn. with butanol 119. - Separation of non-carbohydrate substances from cereal starches 119. Scholander P. F. Detmng. gas in animal tissue 84. Schultz A. S. et al. Detmn. of sugar in starch hydrolysates by yeast fermentation etc. 336. - Niacin-niacinamide differentiation in micro-biological assay 260. Schultz R. C. et al. Reaction for methionine 221. Schwartz L. Detmng. tetraethyl lead in gasoline 345. Schwartz M. C. Photometric detmn. of silica in presence of phosphates 162. Schwarzenbach G. Remarkable indicator 227. Scobie A. G. Spectrochemical assay for traces of tungsten 196. Scott A. W. ef pl. Analytical properties of ally1 nitrophenyl thiosemicarbazides 126. Scott R. O. et al. Concn. methods in spectro-scopic analysis 313.Scott R. W. et al. Analysis of hydrocarbon mixtures by Raman spectra 96. Scudi J. V. et al. Estmn. of the tocopherols and tocopherylquinones by colorimetric oxidation-reduction 90. Seil G. E. Detmn. of ferrous oxide in chromite 228. Sen M. K. et al. Handbook of Shellac Analysis (Review) 294. Seshadri T. R. et al. Bitter principles of neem oil 56. Shakrokh B. I(. Micro-detmn. of iodine in bio-logical materials 189. Shawarbi M. Y. et al. Detmn. of sodium in soil solns. and extracts 315. Shennan R. J. 5-Bromo-2-aminobenzoic acid as analytical reagent 29. *Sherratt J. G. Composition of some varieties of onions 200. Shinn L. A. et al. Detmn. of methylpentoses in presence of pentoses 27. Shirley H. T. et al. Applications of the spectro-graph to steelworks analysis 317.Shrewsbury C. L. et al. Nutritive value of fish meals detmnd. in tests with swine and rats 287. Shrikhande J. G. Detmn. of total phosphoric acid in soils 91. Ash “free from carbon,” 158. Kitrogen of the potato 58. VOLUME 68 xiii Inactivation of biotin by rancid Shull G. M. et al. fats 156. Shupe I. S. Fenton reaction for tartrates 383. Sideris C. P. Colorimetric micro-detmn. of (ferrous) iron in plant tissue 29. - Colorimetric micro-detmn. of phosphorus 95. Siegbahn M. Absolute X-ray wave-lengths as fundamental units of measurements. 11 264. Silber R. H. et al. I ~ H Change as a measure of growth of Lactobacillus casei in vitamin assays, 122. Colorimetric detmn. of titanium in chromium steels 63.Silverman L. - et al. *Singer J. H. Bibliography of metals in foods and *- et al. Detmn. of ascorbic acid in prepns. con-Skeggs E. et,al. Iron content of crystals of human Skolnik M. et al. Detmn. of iron and titanium 94. Slinger J. S. et al. Factors influencing the A.O.A.C. chick method of vitamin D assay 340. Slinger S. J. et al. Removal of lipid material from bones of chicks 225. *Smith C. G. et al. Detmn. of copper volu-metrically by the iodine-thiocyanate method 325. Smith ,C. R. et al. Separation of alkaloids in certain species of Nicotiana 120. Smith G. Introduction to Industrial Mycology (Keview) 13 1. Smith G. F. et a&. Colour reactions with 1 10-phenanthroline derivatives 126. - Simplified technique with liquid amalgam reductors 227.Smith M. H. et al. Separation of alkaloids in certain species of Nicotiana 120. Smith J. et al. Smith Ivp. E. et al. Production of furfural from *Smith W. R. Analysis of oxygen and carbon - et al. Identification of carbon black by surface Sober H. A. et al. Nutritional significance of Sofin E. H. et al. Colour test for methionine 221. Solomon M. E. Tyroglyphid mites in stored products 335. Speakman J. B. et al. Evaluation of scaliness of animal hbres 30. Stainsby W. J. Stammer W. C. ef al. Detmn. of tin coating on Stanerson B. R. et al. Detmn. of olefines in Steams E. I. Applications of near infra-red spec-Stedman E. et al. Chromosoniin protein con-Steigmann A. New colour reactions of phenols 26. - Reactions of gelatin impurities important photo-“Stern I.Beverages containing citrus juices 44. Stevens C. F. B. Micro-detmn. of free sulphur dioxide sulphites and organic compounds of sulphur dioxide 347. Stewart J. A. et al. War-Time Information for Pharmacists (Review) 166. Stewart J. R. National Paint Dictionary (Review), 294. Stokes J. L. et al. Influence of buffer and glucose in Lactobacillus helveticus assay for pantothenic acid 259. Rapid detmn. of small gas flows 128. biological materials VI. Bismuth 115 217. taining iron and ammonium citrate 272. haemoglobin 188. Silage composition 185 333. d-lyxose and d-ribose 159. dioxide resuscitation gas mixtures 213. area measurements 292. grass 311. Review of Gas Warfare 131. tin plate 345. gaseous hydrocarbons 159. trophotometry 317.stituent of chromosomes 379. graphically 28 xiv INDEX TO Stoneburner W. et al. Isolation of linolic acid from oils by low temp. crystallisation 192. Story R. V. et al. Detmn. of aluminium in bio-logical material 189. Stotz E. Colorimetric estmn. of acetaldehyde in blood 337. "Strafford N. et al. Separation and detmn of aluminium and iron in water 319. Strain H. H. Chromatographic Adsorption Ana-lysis (Review) 31. Strea R. P. et al. Detmn. of ammonia by a diffusion method 128. "Subramanian K. S. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of narcotic power of hemp drugs 70. Suckling E. V. Examination of Waters and Water Supplies (Review) 197. Sullivan J. T. Sugar analysis differential action of permanganate and ceric sulphate on cuprous oxide 373.Sullivan M. X. et al. Quantitative detmn. of lanthionine 88. - Estmn. of cystine and cysteine in mixtures 58. Sumesford W. T. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of carbonate in presence of bicarbonate 195. Suter C. M. et al. Identification of o- and p -sulphobenzoic acids as S-benzylthiuronium salts, 124. Suter H. A, et al. Detcn. of lead as rhodizonate, 62. Switzer R. L. et al. Detmn. of butadiene in presence of other gaseous hydrocarbons 342. Synge R. L. M. et al. Amino acid composition of gramicidin 284. - Partial hydrolysis of cow-hide gelatin 284. - Partition chromatography of protein con-T stituents 283. "Tabor H. J. Colorimetric detmn. of bismuth in tin 305. Tanghe L. J. et al. Detmn. 01 combined sulphur in cellulose derivatives 169. Tannor B.et al. Mechanical detmn. of juiciness of meat 336. Tauber H. e f aZ. Colour reaction for natural pig-ments and phenols 262. - Colour test for p-aminobenzoic acid the chro-motrichia factor 24. - Colour test for citrinin 57. Taylor A. McM. Application of Spekker absorptio-Taylor G. Review of Soil and Plant Anal.ysis 230. Taylor R. E. et al. Ergot in cereal crops. Sepa-ration of ergot from contaminated grain 25. Telang M. S. et al. Separation of calcium from strontium 29. Temperton H. Feeding values of horse chestnuts and elderberries 382. Thomas J. M. et al. Pyridoxine in foods 256. Thomson R. M. et al. Detmn. of small gasflows 128. Thornhill F. S. ef al. Identification of carbon black by surface area measurements 292. Thornton M. H. et al. Detmn.of fat in dog food, 376. Tau M. M. ef al. Separation of calcium from strontium 29. Tobie W. C. Qualitative test for methoxy and other alkoxy groups 341. Todd J. R. et al. Detmn. of magnesium in plants and soils 314. Toennies G. et al. Detmn. of hydroxy and ana-logous groups in amino acids 86. Tompkins P. C. et al. Extraction and detmn. of vitamin A and oil in soupfin shark livers 338. meter to detmn. of vitamin C 285. VOLUME 68 Toribara T. Y. et al. Volumetric method for *Tourkey A. R. et al. Analytical studies on some *Tritton S. M. Sugar titration end-point in the Tucker I. W. Estmng. phenols in meat and fat 55. detmng. tin 93. 12-heteropoly-acids 2 40. Lane and Eynon method 147. U Urban F. et al. carotenes 338. Urech P. Urlaub G.S. et al. ium globosum 91. Microdetmn. of vitamin A and Colorimetric detmn. of fluorine 96. Culture medium for Chaetom-V Vance E. R. Detmn. of molybdenum in steel 127. Van Plant D. S. Unsaturated fat oxidase in plant tissues 269. *Veinoglou B. C. et al. Mastitis and the f.p. of milk 302. Venkatachalam V. Report of Madras Public Analyst 251. Vestal C. M. et al. Nutritive value of fish meals, 287. Vidyarthi N. L. *Voelcker E. et al. foods 233. von Bergen W. et al. view) 231. Glycerides of safflower oil 310. Limit for fluorine in certain Textile Fiber Atlas (Re-W Wachtel J. L. et al. Waldbauer L. et al. Walker F. T. et al. Chromatographic separation of amino acids 221. Detmn. of cobalt and man-ganese by photometric methods 127.Chromatographic segregation of glycerides of linseed oil. Detmn. of thio-cyanogen value 342. Walker G. H. Report of Salford City Analyst 114. - et al. Richmond's Dairy Chemistry (Review), 164. Wallace J. H. et al. Volumetric detmn. of sul-phate 63. Wallis T. E. Practical Pharmacognosy (Review), 266. Ward A. L. Location of vitamin B in wheat 89. Ward N. M. et al. Detmn. of cobalt and man-ganese by photometric methods 127. Watson C. J. et al. Detmn. of protoporphyrin in blood 25s. - Estmn. of haemoglobin etc. in faeces urine and blood plasma 122. Watson S. J. et al. Teart pastures of Somerset. I. Cause and cure of teartness 191. Watters J. M. et a'. Polarographic detmn. of manganese as tri-dihydrogen pyrophosphato-manganate 194. *Waygood W.A. Xaturally occurring flavours of foodstuffs 33. Weatherby L. S. et al. Estmn. of flavones or quercetin-like substances 338. Weaver R. H. et al. Occurrence of Salmol.rella in retail meat products 190. Webster G. L. et al. Estnin. of nicotinic acid 340. 'Webster M. F. H. et al. Detmn. of boric acid in organic substances 306. Webster P. A. eC al. Use of denatured alcohol in alltali detmns. 196. Weeks M. E. ef al. Detmn. of magnesium in plants and soils 314. Weiner S. et al. Detmn. of iodine in tetraiodo-phenolphthalein 283 INDEX TO Estmn. of chlorides in biological fluids by adsorption indicators. Detmn. of plasma volume of blood 155. Wells R. C. et al. Colorimetric detmn. of small amounts of molybdenum in ores 290. - Separation of iron as phosphate from cobalt 162.Wender S. H. ef al. Isolation of photosensitising Wenger P. Detmn. of zinc and cadmium with - et al. - Qualitative silver reactions 384. - Qualitative thallium reactions 194. *Werner A. E. A. Autoxidation impurities in ethyl alcohol 365. Werner H. W. et al. Detmn. of monoalkyl ethers of ethylene glycol 288. West E. S. et al. Reaction of ninhydrin with ascorbic acid and other endiol compounds 90. "West T. F. Some aspects of the chemistry of flavour 34. Weston W. A. R. D. et al. Ergot in cereal crops. Separation of ergot from contaminated grain 25. "Wheeler W. C. G. White J. W. Jr. et al. Carotenoids of yellow corn grain 89. "White T. Apparatus for semi-micro halogen or alkoxyl detmns. 366. *Whittle E. G. Goats' milk and human milk 247.Whitworth C. et al. Detcn. of basic or acid sub-Widdowson E. M. et al. Food tables scope and Wilcox L. Z. et al. N-Methylaniline point of Wilhelmi A. E. et al. Colorimetric estmn. of Willard H. H. et al. Volumetric detmn. of - Volumetric method for detmng. tin 93. Williams E. G. Appointment as Deputy Public Analyst for St. Helens 213. - Appointment as Deputy Agricultural Analyst for St. Helens 249. *Williams H. A. Estmn. of hydrocyanic acid from almonds 50. Williams I(. T. et al. Detmn. of carotene in vegetable oils without saponificaticn 255. Williams R. F. Jr. et al. Detmn. of free hydroxyl content of cellulose derivatives 125. Williams V. Z. et al. Spectroscopic analysis of hydrocarbon mixtures 264. Williams W. L. ef al.Kiacin-niacinamide diff erentiation in the microbiological assay pro-cedure 260. Wilson A. J. C. Abs. X-ray wave-lengths as funda-mental units of measurements. Wilson G. S. et al. Cleaning and sterilisation of milk bottles 312. - Disinfectant activity of caustic soda 312. *Wilson H. N. Wilson J. B. wines 374. Wilson J. W. et al. products 317. *Wilson W. K. et al. papers 230. Weiss E. et al. agents from buckwheat 382. anthranilic acid 316. Reagents for the detcn. of cerium 228. Detmn. of tin in steel 246. stances in damaged fabrics 160 288. limitations 154. viscous petroleum oils 383. amino nitrogen in blood 378. bromide in brines 291. IV 264. Detmn. of arsenic in glass 361. Detmn. of monochloracetic acid in Colour index for petroleum Photochemical stability of VOLUME 68 XV Analysis and composition Detmn.of wax in asphalt 354. Detmn. of cellulose in wood 27. Apparent vitamin C in certain Winslow E. H. et al. of crude boron 127. Wirsig H. D. et al. Wise L. E. et al. Wokes F. et al. foodstuffs 286. - Vitamin C from green tomatoes 24. - Vitamin C in rose hip syrup 24. - Vitamins in rose hips 157. Wood A. A. R. ef al. Photometric detmn. of - Photometric detmn. of copper in ferrous *Wood D. R. Growth of coliform bacteria in - Review of Food Poisoning 349. *- ef al. Examination of milk of Somerset cows for tubercle bacilli 247. Wood J. W. et al. Fatty oil from buffalo gourd seed 375. Woods L. A. et al. Colour test for reactive organonietallic compounds 227. Wordsworth C.H. Appointments as Deputy Public Analyst for Finsbury Holborn and St. Pancras 2 13. Wright R. F. Appointment as Agricultural Analyst for East and West Sussex and for Brighton and Eastbourne 249. - Appointment as Public Analyst for Brighton, Eastbourne Hove West Sussex and Worthing, 213. cobalt in steels 263. materials 206. water 147. - Obituary of S. -4. Woodhead 297. Wyatt G. H. *Wyatt P. F. et al. Review of iWodern Synthetic Rubbeys, Separation and detmn. of 97. aluminium and iron in water 319. Y Yagoda H. Colorimetric detmn. of aliphatic - et al. Yeager J. P. et al. Detmn. of aluminium in man-Yoe J. H. et al. Colorimetric cobalt detmn. 290. - Colorimetric detmn. of phenothiazine with - Spot test for zirconium 194. Young R.S. et al. Detmn. of oxide copper in Youngken H. W Jr. ef al. Pharmacognosy of nitrate esters 187. Estmn. of formaldehyde in air 287. ganese and aluminium bronzes 96. palladous chloride 26. ores 63. Potentalla ansenna L. and P. argentea L. 83. Z Zaky Y. A. H. ef al. Fatty acids of some vegetable seed phosphatides 310. Zechmeister L. et al. Principles and Practice of Chromatography (Review) 266. Zerban F. W. et al. Detmng. solids in molasses 56. - Physical and Chemical Methods of Sugar Analysis (Review) 66. Zirnmerli A. et al. Antimony trichloride reagent for estmn. of certain sterols and vitamin D 260. Zscheile F. P. et al. Carotenoids of yellow corn grain 89. Zucker L. and T. F. Nutritive value of cotton seeds peanut and soya seeds 341 xvi INDEX TO VOLUME 68 INDEX TO SUBJECTS * Denotes original papers and notes published in The Analyst A *Absorptiometer Setting Spekker -.High 78. Accidents Blood-alcohol concn. in highway -. Chief Medical Examiner New York 335. Acetaldehyde Colorimetric estmn. of - in blood. Stotz 337. Acc tates Electrometric titration of alkali carbon-ates sulphides hydroxides and -. Crocker, Dow Ripanti and Nolan 63. Ace toin l’olarogrdphic detmn. Disappearance from blood after administration. Greenberg 188. Acetylated Sulphanilamide Detmng. free and -. Anderson 187. Acidity in alcoholic beverages. Levy and Rosen-Watt 374. Acid(s) Detcn. of - or basic substances in damaged fabrics. Whitworth and Poxon 160, 288. Identification of organic __ by partition be-tween ether and water.0. C. Dermer and V. H. Dermer 383. Suitability of various - for extraction of as-corbic acid from plant materials. Yonting, 311. “Acriflavine as internal indicator for sulphanilamide-nitrite titrations. Frost 51. “Activated” oxalic acid The question of -. MacMahon and Lal 385. Aiding and Abetting Limitation of Time for Pro-ceedings. (Legal Notes) 307. Air Collection and estmn. of traces of formaldehyde in -. filters Testing and rating -. Goldman and Yagoda 287. Eliason 318. *Alcohol(s) Autoxidation impurities in ethyl --. Werner 365. Blood- __ concn. in highway accidents. Chief Medical Examiner New York 335. Detmn. of water in ~ with aid of dicyclohexyl. Robertson 315. Modification of Widmark’s method for the detmn.of __ in blood. Pseudo-saccharin chloride reagent for the identi-fication of -. Use of denatured - in alkali detmns. Webster and Crane 195. Alcoholic Beverages Acidity in -. Levy and Rosenblatt 374. Ale Riboflavin and vitamin B in 19th Century buns and -. Barton-Wright Moran and Sarson 339. Aliphatic Nitrate Esters Colorimetric detmn. of __ Yagoda 187. Alkali Use of denatured alcohol in - detmns. Webster and Crane 104. Alkaloidal Hypodermic Tablets Colorimetric assay of certain - and injections. Allport and N.R. Jones 22. Alkaloids Separation of - in certain species of Nicotiana. H. H. Smith and C. R. Smith 120. Tobaccos classified according to the nature of their -. Markwood and Barthel 282. *Alkoxy Detmns. Apparatus for semi-micro halogen or -.T. White 366. Alkoxyl Groups Detmn. of - in cellulose ethers. Samsel and McHard 27. Qualitative test for methoxv and other -. du Pan 226. Meadoe and Reid 191. Tobie 341. -. J. C. Harris 261. (diastase) prepns. Lenk 88. Alkyl Benzene Sulphonates Colorimetric detmn. of Amylase Quantitative strength detmn. of -Ally1 Nitrophenyl Thiosemicarbazides Some - ; *Almond(s) Estmn. of hydrocyanic acid produced H. A. Williams 50. Expressed tropical - (Talisay) oil. Asenjo *Aluminium alloys Detmn. of magnesium in -. analytical props. Scott and Andrews 126. by -. and Goyco 310. Pitts 133. alloys Detmn. of zinc in -. bronzes Detmn. of aluminium in manganese and -. Holler and Yeager 95. Detmn. of - in biological material. Cholak, Hubbard and Story 189.Detmn. of - with phenylhydrazine. de hIoraes Bastos 345. *I>etmn. of small amounts of __ in water by means of haematoxylin. Houghton 208. *Fluorescence tests for gallium and -. Radlep, 369. group Qualitative semi-micro analysis of the -of Noyes and Bray’s system. “Separation and detmn. of small amounts of -and iron in water. Strafford and Wyatt 319. Amalgam Reductors Simplified technique in the use of liquid -. Amer. Assoc. Text. Chemists and Colorists Fastness to perspiration test for coloured fabrics. 160. Tentative fabric pest-deter:-ent tests as stan-dardised by a Joint Xsscn. Cttec. Fletcher and Goddin 337. American Oil Chemists’ SOC. Standards for oils and fats. 84. Amides Xanthydrol as a reagent for the characteri-sation of primary - .Phillips and Pitt, 316. Amino Acid(s) Chromatography as a means of separating -. composition of gramicidin. Gordon Martin and Synge 284. Detmn. of - in plasma by the ninhydrin-carbon dioxide reaction without removal of proteins. MacFayden 87. Detmn. of hydroxy and analogous groups in -. Toennies and Kolb 85. p-Aminobenzoic Acid Colour test for - chromo-trichia factor. Lactobacillus assay method for -. Lewis 156. Microbiological estmn. of - . Landy and 4-Amino-2-methyl-l-naphthol Detcn. and detmn. Amino Nitrogen Colorimetric estmn. of - in *Aminosulphonic Acid in the detmn. of nitrites. Ammonia content of meat. Cohen 227. Miller 262. G. F. Smith and Kurtz 227. Wachtel and Cassidy 221. Tauber and Laufer 24.Dicken 122. of -. Menotti 124. blood. Cumming and Alexander 273. Frame Russell and Wilhelmi 378. Gerencsdr 84. Detmn. of ~ by a diffusion method. Prater, Cowles and Straka 128. Effect of formaldehyde on the volatilisation of - mono- di- and trimethylamines. Benoit and Norris 58. Microdiffusion methods. __ and urea using buffered absorbents (for more than 1Opg of nitrogen). Conway and O’Malley 57. Amperometric Titration of picrolonic acid and in-direct volumetric detmn. of calcium. Cohn and Kolthoff 343 INDEX TO Amylopectin Amylose and - content of starches detmnd. by their iodine compIex formation. Bates French and Rundle 192. Separation and quantitative estmn. of amylose and - in potato starch. McCready and Hassid 281. Amylose and amylopectin content of starches detmnd.by their iodine complex formation. Bates French and Rundle 192. Separation and quantitative estmn. of - and amylopectin in potato starch. McCready and Hassid 281. (Re-view) H. H. Strain 31. Concn. methods in spectroscopic -. Scott and R. L. Mitchell 313. Use of powders in spectrochemical -. Ruehle and Jaycox 317. Aneurine Estmn. of urinary - by the Prebluda-McColluni reaction. Animal Tissue Detmn. of the gas content of -. Scholander 84. Anthranilic Acid Detmn. of zinc and cadmium with -. Wenger 316. Antimony Analysis of tin-base bearing metal for - and copper. Volumetric detmn. of - with dichromate. Neill 126. Antimony Trichloride reagent Modified - for the estmn. of certain sterols and vitamins D and D,.Apparatus Distillation receiver for use with the Tate and Warren -. *for semi-micro halogen or alkoxyl detmns. T. White 366. Steam distillation - for micro-Kjeldahl analysis. Markham 128. Apples Rapid detmn. of copper on - in presence of lead arsenate. Rusk 120. Appointments Official -. 52 213 249. *Arsenic Rapid detmn. of - in glass. H. N. *Titrating pptd. -. Agnew 111. Arsenic Trioxide Assay of iron and ammonium citro-arsenite for -. Ruthven 155. Artemisia Indian -. Qazilbash 23. Arylamine Residues Rapid identification of -in compounds of the Naphthol AS series. Cross and Carlene 343. Ascorbic Acid content of recently-harvested cereals and legumes. Rudra 311. content of sweet peppers. Beckley and Notley, 224. ‘Detmn. of - in prepns.containing iron and ammonium citrate. Detmn. of - in whole blood and urine through the 2.4-dinitrophenylhydrazine derivative of dehydroascorbic acid. in dehydrated foods. Mapson 285. in mashed potatoes. Jenkins 224. Oxidation of - by o-dinitrobenzene and the detcn. of dehydroascorbic acid. Fearon and Kawerau 381. Photometric detmn. of reduced and total -. Hochberg MeInick and Oser 224. photometric method for -. Reaction of ninhydrin with - and other endiol Suitability of various acids for extraction of -Stability of - in dehydrated vegetables. Stability of - in metaphosphoric acid extracts. Analysis Chromatographic Adsorption -. Alexander and Levi 157. Andrews and Bender 94. Zimmerli Nield and Russell 260. Biggs 147. Wilson 361. Singer and Milner 272.Roe and Kuether 260. Carruthers 90. compounds. West and Rinehart 90. from plant materials. Ponting 311. Aykroyd 122. Mapson and Mawson 190. VOLUME 68 xvii Ascorbic Acid-continued Use of formaldehyde in detmn. of - and de-hydroascorbic acid. Lugg 25. values of fruits and vegetables for dietary sur-veys. Olliver 189. Ash Chlorine in fruit products -. Osborn 376. “free from carbon.” Asphalt Detmng. wax in-. Betts andliirsig 384. Asscn. of Official Agricultural Chemists Factors influencing the - chick method of vitamin D assay. Atmospheric Pollution investigating - 1941-43. Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research 17. Atomic Weights International - 1943. Baxter, 372. *Autoxidation impurities in ethyl alcohol. Werner, 365.*Auxins Detcn. and estmn. of - in organic manures. I. 8-Indolyl acetic acid or hetero-auxin. 8-Indolyl-propionic acid and B-indolyl butyric acid. Hamence 356. Azeotropic Mixtures Detmn. of water content of wood etc. by ternary -. Azo Colour Reaction for the detmn. of vitamin B in national flour. St. John 158. Motzok D. C. Hill and Slinger 340. Atkins 262. Platt and Glock 380. B Bacilli Growth of coliform - in distilled water. Bigger and Nelson 124. Bacteria Breakdown of paraffin wax by -. Source of error in corrosion tests. Rogers 313. *Growth of coliform - in water. D. 13 Wood, 147. Bacterial Count Detmn. of the - on restaurant glassware. Novak and Lacy 60. Bacteriology Text-book of -. (Review), Fairbrother 65. Bases Organic Identification of - by the optical props.of diliturates. Basic Substances Detcn. of acid or - in damaged fabrics. Bearing Metal Analysis of tin-base - for anti-mony and copper. Andrews and Bender 94. Beef Sausages Low fat soya products for - and pork sausages and sausage meat. Ministry of Food. 250. Beers Riboflavin and vitamin B in war-time -Hopkins 339. *Beetles Detmn. of cantharidin in - and native medicines. Bodenstein 238. Belladonna Indian -. Corfield Kassner and Collins 336. Bengal Report of the Chemical Examiner for 1941. Bagchi 252. Benzene Detcn. and detmn. of - in presence of toluene xylene etc. Dolin 261. sulphonates Colorimetric detmn. of alkyl __ J. C. Harris 261. S-Benzylthiuronium salts Identification of o- and p-sulphobenzoic acids as their - .Cam-paigne and Suter 124. Berebera Seeds Rotenone and related substances in - . Chromatographic separation of deguelin and tephrosin. Beverages Acidity in alcoholic -. Levy and Rosenblatt 374. Bicarbonate Colorimetric detmn. of carbonate in presence of - . Sumerford Dalton and R. Johnson 195. Hurst, 383. Plein and Dewey 341. Whitworth and Poxon 160 288. E. P. Clark 158. *Analysis of citrus juice -. Stem 44. Bio-assay Principles of insecticidal -XViii INDEX TO VOLUME 68 Biochemistry and Morphogenesis. (Review) Need-ham 97. Biological Fluids Estmn. of chlorides in - by adsorption indicators. Detmn. of plasma vol. of blood. Saifer Hughes and Weiss 153. Biological Material(s) Bibliography of metals in foodsand-.VI. Bismuth. Singer 115,217. Detmn. of aluminium in -. Cholak Hub-bard and Story 189. Microdetmn. of iodine in -. Shahrokh 189. Polarographic microdetmn. of sodium in -. Carruthers 158. Biotin Inactivation of - by rancid fats. Pavcek and Shull 156. Birmingham City Analyst’s Reports. H. H. Bagnall 17 185 251 308. Bismuth Bibliography of metals in foods and biological materials. VI. -. Singer 115 217. Tabor 305. *Bitumen Detmn. of the PH of - and tar emul-sions etc. Middleton 368. Blackcurrants Vitamin 1’ in -. Blood Acetoin. Polarographic detmn. Disappear-ance from the - after administration. Greenberg 188. -alcohol concn. in highway accidents. Chief Medical Examiner New York 335. Colorimetric estmn. of acetaldehyde in -. Stotz 337. Colorimetric estmn.of amino nitrogen in -. Frame Russell and Wilhelmi 378. Detmn. of ascorbic acid in whole - and urine through the 2.4-dinitrophenylhydrazine deri-vative of dehydroascorbic acid. Roe and Kuether 260. Estmn. of chlorides in biological fluids by ad-sorption indicators. Detmn. of plasma volume of -. Estmng. mepacrine in - and urine. Masen, 379. Estmn. of phospholipids in -. Marenzi and Cardini 259. Estmn. of urea in - and urine. Ormsby 156. Fractionation of iodine in -. Bruger and Member 257. Gasometric estmn. of carbon monoxide in -. Horvath and Roughton 85. Micro-diffusion methods. - glucose. O’Malley, Conway and Fitzgerald 346. Modification of Widmark’s method for the detmn. of alcohol in -. Photoelectric and fluorophotometric quantitative detmn.of protoporphyrin in -. Grinstein and C. J. Watson 258. Quantitative estmn. of haemoglobin and related haeme pigments in faeces urine and -plasma. Flink and Watson 122. Rapid test for bromide in __ and urine. T. C. Hall 338. Specific enzymatic estmn. of nicotinic acid in -. Allinson 257. Titrimetric micro-detmn. of chloride sodium and potassium in a single tissue or - sample. Clark Levitan Gleason and Greenberg 86. Blood Groups Detmn. of -. Medical Research Council 280. Bolivian Tin concentrates Analysis of -. Kallmann 227. Bones Removal of lipid material from - of chicks. Motzok D. C. Hill Slinger and Marcellus 225. *Borncite Micro-analysis of -. *Boric Acid Detmn. of small quantities of - in Beckett and Webster 306. *Colorimetric detmn.of - in tin. Pollard 25. Saifer Hughes and Weiss 155. du Pan 226. Harvey 21 1. organic substances. Boron Analysis and composition of crude Winslow and Liebhafsky 127. inger 384. Hobbs and Wilson 312. and Pollak 161. *Colorimetric detmn. of -. Detmn. of - in steel. Rudolph and Flick-Bottles Cleaning and sterilisation of milk -. Brass Volumetric detmn. of lead in -. Fisk Bread (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1943. 114. National flour and - 2nd Report from Scientific Adviser’s Divn. Ministry of Food. 16; 3rd Report 306. Vitamin R content of National flour and -; results of comparative tests by various methods. Vitamin B Sub-Cttee. of the Accessory Food Factors Cttee. of the Medical Research Council and the Lister Institute.379. Brines Volumetric detmn. of bromide in -. Willard and Heyn 291. British Pharmaceutical Codex 1934. Fifth Supple-ment. 54. British Pharmacopoeia 1932 Alterations and amend-ments. 82. Sixth Addendum. 280. British Standards Handbook of -. 55. British Standards Institution Code No. 1041. Temp. British Standards Institution Specifications: No. 987c. Camouflage colours. 152. No. 987. Camouflage paints. 152. No. 1042. Flow measurement. 219. K O . 1079. Haemoglobinometers (Haldane Type). 55. Bromate Detmn. of iodate in presence of - and chlorate. Kolthoff and Hume 229. Bromide Rapid test for - in blood and urine. T. C. Hall 338. Volumetric detmn. of - in brines. Willard and Heyn 291. Bromine Micro-detmn. of chlorine - and hydro-gen in organic compounds.5-Bromo-Zaminobenzoic Acid as an analytical reagent. Shennan 29. Bronzes Detmn. of aluminium in manganese and aluminium -. Holler and Yeager 95. Buckwheat Isolation of photosensitising agents from -. Wender Gortner and Inman 382. Buffalo Gourd Seed Fatty oil from - J . W. Wood and H. A. Jones 375. Buffer Influence of - and glucose in the Lacto-bacillus helveticus assay for pantothenic acid. Stokes and Martin 259. Buns Riboflavin and vitamin B in 19th Century _I and ale. Barton-Wright Moran and Sarson 339. Butadiene Detmn. of - in presence of other gase-ous hydrocarbons. Butanol Fractionation of starch by selective pptn. with -. Schoch 119. Butter Estmng. the iron and copper contents of --. Moir and -4ndrews 253. Dickinson 106.measurement. 186. Gysel 291. Cuneo and Switzer 342. C Cadmium Detmn. of pyrophosphate by pptn. with - and polarographic measurement of ~ in the ppt. Detmn. of zinc and - with anthranilic acid. Wenger 316. * Quinaldinic acid as reagent for the separation of copper and -. *Separation of copper and - by means of quinaldinic acid. Pritchard and Chirnside 244. Cohn and Kolthoff 195. Majumdar 242 INDEX TO VOLUME 68 xix *Can!-Price Test Estmn. of vitamin A in vitamin-Prices) Order 1942 Amendments. 79 250. ised cocoa and chocolate by the -. Raynes Colgate Fraser and Hughes 48 77. Cassava starch Nigerian -. Cases Stated Time limit in applications for -. and indirect volumetric detmn. of -. (Legal Notes) 372. Cohn and Kolthoff 343. Casts Prepn.of - of footprints etc. New York Detmn. of - as oxalate. State Police Criminal Investigation Bureau 381. Detmn. of - by pptn. with picrolonic acid and Caustic Soda Disinfectant activity of -. Hobbs polarographic measurement of the residual acid. and Wilson 312. Cohn and Kolthoff 291. Cellulose Capillary flow and falling sphere methods Detmn. of - in mineral mixed feeds. Perkins of detmng. viscosity of - in cuprammonium and Merrill 340. solns. Hatch Hammond and McKair 96. 'Micro-detmn. of - and magnesium in milk. content Detmn. of the - of wood by extrac-Pyne 330. tion with monoethanolamine. Bloom Jahn Microdetmn. of - in serum. Holt and Callow, 35. Detmng. the deterioration of - caused by Separation of - from strontium. Tillu and fungi. Greathouse Klemme and Barker 92.Telang 29. Microchemical stain for -. Post and Lauder-Calcium Hydride Use of - in the detmn. of milk 289. water. Elitsur 28. Cellulose Acetate moulds Recording low relief in Calomel Cell Modified - for pH measurements. Lauchlan and Page 128. Cellulose Derivatives Detmn. of free hydroxyl Camouflage colours B.S.I. Specn. for -. 152. content of --. Malm Genung and R. I;. Canada National Research Council of - . Detmn. of small amounts of combined sulphur in Polarimetric detmn. of starch in cereal pro- -. Malm and Tanghe 159. ducts. 18. Cellulose Ethers Detmn. of alkosyl groups in -. Canned Foods Introduction to their Microbiology. (Review) Baumgartner 198. Cereal(s) Ascorbic acid content of recently-har-*Cantharidin Detmn. of __ in beetles and native medicines.Bodenstein 238. Assay of riboflavin in - etc. Barton-Wright Capillary Flow and falling sphere methods of detmng. viscosity of cellulose in cuprammonium solns. Chemical composition of some S. African - and Hatch Hammond and McNair 96. their milling products. Crawford Hamersma Capillary Tube method Measurement of anomalous viscosity by the -. crops Ergot in -; separation of ergot from Caramel Detcn. of - in cider vinegar. Henry contaminated grain. Weston and Taylor 25. and Sanders 310. Fillers (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1943. 185. Carbon Accurate wet combustion detmn. of - products Detmng. degree of cooking in -. in soils. Alper 61,. Benham 83. products polarimetric detmn. of starch in -. Carbon Black Identification of - by surface area Clendenning 18.measurements. Amon W. R. Smith and Ceric Sulphate Sugar analysis. Differential action Thornhill 292. of permanganate and - on cuprous oxide Carbonate(s) Colorimetric detmn. of - in prepared in presence of iodide. Sullivan 373. presence of bicarbonate. Sumerford Dalton Cerium Critical study of reagents for the detcn. of and R. Johnson 195. -. Wenger and Duckert 228. Detmn. of - in __- -sulphite mixtures. Chaetomium globosum Culture medium for -. Jany and Fenyo 385. Electrometric titration of alkali - sulphides *Chalk Added prepared ___ in flour. A. Green 11 1. hydroxides and acetates. Crocker Dow *Estmng. the added prepared - B.P. (Creta) in Ripanti and Nolan 63. national flours. Hartley and -4. Green 142. "Carbon Dioxide Analysis of oxygen and - Chelsea Analyst's Report.McLachlan 279. resuscitation gas mixtures. W. R. Smith *Chemical Reagent First -. Nierenstein 212. 213. Chemistry Annual Reports of Progress of --, Carbon Monoxide Gasometric estmn. of - in 1942. Vol. XXXIX. (Review) Chemical blood. Horvath and Roughton 85. Society 349. Carbonyl Groups Detmn. of - and carboxyl Chestnuts Feeding values of horse - and elder-groups in chromic anhydride oxystarch and berries. Temperton 382. oxycellulose by hydroxylamine. Gladding and Chick@) method Factors influencing the A.O. A.C. Purves 289. - of vitamin D assay. ilIotzok D. C. Hill Removal of lipid material from bones of --. by oxidation. Elizer 61. Motzok D. C. Hill Slinger and Marcellus 225. Chlorate Detmn. of iodate in presence of bromate chromatographic detmn.of -. Moore 59. and - Kolthoff and Hume 229. Detmn. of - in vegetable oils without sapeni- Chloride Detcn. of perchlorate and - after fication. Bickoff and K. T. Williams 285. ignition with manganous nitrate. Preising and Micro-detmn. of vitamin A and -. Urban Reedy 162. and Milder 338. Estmn. of - in biological fluids by adsorption Carotenoids of yellow corn grain. J . W. White indicators. Detmn. of plasma volume of Zscheile and Brunson 89. blood. Saifer Hughes and Weiss 155. Cake and Flour Confectionery (Control and Max. "Methods of analysis for the - Order. Nicholls, Calcium Amperometric titration of picrolonic acid and McLellan 109. Furlong 125. Ferrey 23. and Wise 27. metallic surfaces by -. Dollar 347. paints B.S.I. Specn. for -. 152. Williams Jr.135. Samsel and McHard 37. vested - and legumes. and Booth 339. Rudra 311. and Marloth 152 373. Merrington 385. Detmn. of __ in wines. Milos 21. Amendment. 215. Ash "free from -. St. John 158. Chace and Urlaub 91. Carboxyl Groups Do. do. and Slinger 340. Estmn. of - in commercial starches modified Carotene(s) Activation of dicalcium phosphate fo xx INDEX TO VOLUME 68 Chloride-continued Titrimetric micro-detmn. of - sodium and potassium in a single tissue or blood sample. Clark Levitan Gleason and Greenberg 86. Turbidimetric detmn. of small amounts of -. Luce Denice and Akerlund 316. Chlorine in ash of fruit products. Micro-detmn. of - bromine and hydrogen in organic compounds. Gysel 291. *Chocolate Estmn. of vitamin A in vitaininised cocoa and - by the Carr-Price test.Raynes and McLellan 109. prepns. Detmn. of phenolphthalein in -. Hubacher 187. residues Cocoa and - including cocoa shell, for stock feeding. Ministries of Agriculture and Food. 216. Choline Colorimetric estmn. of -. Marenzi and Cardini 268. Chromatographic Adsorption Analysis. (Review), H. H. Strain 31. Chromatography as a means of separating amino acids. Wachtel and Cassidy 221. Partition - in the study of protein constituents. Gordon Martin and Synge 283. Principles and Practice of - . (Review), Zechmeister and Cholnoky 266. Segregation of component glycerides of linseed oil by -. 11. Detmn. of thiocyanogen value. Walker and Mills 342. *Chrome Steel Gravimetric detmn. of tin in steel (other than -).Wheeler 246. Chromic Anhydride oxycellulose Detmn. of car-bony1 and carboxyl groups in chromic anhy-dride oxystarch and - by hydroxylamine. Gladding and Purves 289. *Chromic Oxide Detmn. of - in presence of chromium trioxide. Agnew 182. Chromite Detmn. of ferrous oxide in -. Seil 228. *Chromium Separation of metals by means of the mercury cathode - . Chirnside Dauncey and Proffitt 175. Spot test for -. steels Colorimetric detmn. of titanium in -. Silverman 63. Chromium Trioxide Detmn. of chromic oxide in presence of -. Agnew 182. Chromosomes Chromosomin a protein constituent of -. Chromosomin Do. do. Chromotrichia Factor Colour test for p-amino-benzoic acid -. Cider Vinegar Detcn. of caramel in -. Henry and Sanders 310. Citrinin Colour test for -.Tauber Laufer and Goll 57. "Citrus Juices Analysis of beverages containing -. Stern 44. "Detmn. of sulphur dioxide in -. Bennett and Donovan 140. Coatings Spot-tests for the Identification of certain Metallic - and of certain Metals in Bulk. (Review) Evans and Higgs 231. Cobalt Colorimetric - detmn. Overholser and Yoe 290. Colorimetric detmn. of - . De Gray and Rittershausen 162. Colorimetric detmn. of - with terpyridyl. Moss and Mellon 194. Detmn. of - and manganese by photometric methods. Waldbauer and Ward 127. Photometric detmn. of - in steels. Haywood and A. A. R. Wood 263. Osborn 376. oxystarch Do. do. Philbrook 290. E. Stedman and E. Stedman 379. Tauber and Laufer 24. Cobalt-continued Separation of iron as phosphate from -North and Wells 162.Separation of iron from ~ and nickel. De Gray and Rittershausen 194. "Separation of nickel and - from iron and of nickel from -. Evans 67. *Cocoa Estmn. of vitamin A in vitaminised ~ and chocolate by the Carr-Price test. Raynes and McLellan 109. residues - and chocolate residues including cocoa shell for stock feeding. Ministries of Agriculture and Food. 216. shell Do. do. shell Estmn. of -. Rheinlander and Field, Cod Liver Oil and Veterinary Oil (Control) Order, Coffee (Retail Prices) Order 1943. Coliform Bacilli Growth of - in distilled water. Bigger and Kelson 124. *Coliform Bacteria Growth of __ in water. D. R. Wood 147. Colorimetric Detmns. by means of S-hydroxy-quinoline. Mocller 290. Colour Index for petroleum products.Diller Dean, De Gray and J. W. Wilson 317. Colour Microscopy in U. V. rays. Colour Perception Physiological theory of -. Granit 129. *Colour Standard Solns. Colorimetric test of pH in alkaline solns. (electroplating solns.) by per-manent -. Combustion Theory Spectroscopy and -(Review) Gaydon 64. Concentration Methods in spectroscopic analysis. Scott and R. L. Mitchell 313. Condensed Milk (Control and Max. Prices) Order, 1943. 332. Cooking Detmng. degree of - in cereal products. Benham 83. Copper Analysis of tin-base bearing metal for antimony and --. Andrews and Bender 94. *Detmn. of __ volumetricaliy by the iodine-thiocyanate method. Oglethorpe and C. G. Smith 325. Detmn. of - with 8-quinoline-carboxylic acid. Gilbreath and Haendler 161.Detmn. of oxide - in ores. Young and Graham 63. Estmng. the iron and __ contents of butter. Moir and Andrews 253. *Quinaldinic acid as reagent for the separation of - and cadmium. Majumdar 242. apples in presence of lead arsenate. materials. nic acid. Pritchard and Chirnside 244. -. Geiger and Mhller 259. nitrogcn detmn. Beatty 315. Prices) (Great Britain) Order 1942. Zscheile and Brunson 89. Britain) Order 1943. 307. bacteria. Error in -. Rogers 313. Kirrett 92. 112. 1943. 150. 307. Brumberg 385. Clarke and Eradshaw 244. Rapid detmn. of small quantities of - On Rusk 120. *Rapid photometric detmn. of __ in ferrous Haywood and A. A. R. Wood 206. *Separation of - and cadmium with quinaldi-Substituted dithiocarbamic acid reagents for Copper Sulphate Anhydrous __ in the Kjeldahl Corn Dredge Home Grown (Control and Max.grain carotenoids of yellow -. J. W. White, Yome Grown - (Control and Prices) (Great Corrosion Tests Breakdown of paraffin wax by Cotton Separation of viscose rayon from -. 15 INDEX TO VOLUME 68 xxi Cotton Seed(s) Nutritive value of - peanut Lyman, F. R. Dodd 112. 'kCows Routine examination of the milk of - in Somerset for tubercle bacilli during 1938-42. Illing Challter and D. R. Wood 247. Cow-hide Gelatin Partial hydrolysis of -. Gordon Martin and Synge 284. *Greta Estmng. the added prepared chalk B.P. (-) in national flours. Hartley and A. Green 142. "Crime Ink in relation to -. C. A. Mitchell 103. Culture Medium for Chaetomium globosum.Chace and Urlaub 91. Cuprous Oxide Contamination of - in reducing sugar analysis. Jackson and McDonald 119. Sugar analysis Differential action of permanga-nate and ceric sulphate on - prepared in presence of iodide. Sullivan 373. pigments Analysis of --. Baker and Gibbs 345. Cysteine Quantitative estmn. of cystine and -Sullivan Hess and Howard 58. Cystine Do. do. D Dairy Chemistry Richmond's - . 4th Ed. (Review) Elsdon 164. equipment Cleansing and sterilising -. Ministry of Health. 216. products Measuring concn. of dissolved oxygen in __ . Voltammetric method. Hartman and Garrett 20. Decay Susceptibility of wood to -. - tests. Kaufert and Behr 124. Deguelin Rotenone and related substances in berebera seeds. .Chromatographic separation of ___ and tephrosin.Dehydrated Foods Ascorbic acid in -. Mapson, 255. Dehydroascorbic Acid Detmn. of ascorbic acid in whole blood and urine through the 2.4-dinitro-phenylhydrazine derivative of -. Roe and Kuether 260. Oxidation of ascorbic acid by o-dinitrobenzene and detcn. of -. Fearon and Kawerau 381. Use of formaldehyde in detmn. of ascorbic acid and -. Lugg 25. Department of the Secretary of State €or Scotland. Statutory Rules and Orders etc. Feeding stuffs 148 370. Fertilisers 148 370. and soya seeds. Holland and Hale 342. T. F. and L. Zucker 341. meal Detmn. of free gossypol in -. *meals Estmn. of lint in -. in mixtures. E. P. Clark 158. Dextrine Starch and - (Control) Order 1943, 215. *o-Dianisidine as internal indicator for zinc-ferrocyanide titrations.Frost 51. Diastase Quantitative strength detmn. of amylase (-) prepns. Lenk 88. Dicalcium Phosphate Activation of - for chro-matographic detmn. of carotene. Moore 59. p-Dichlorobenzene Detmn. of - in soil. Chis-holm and Koblitsky 286. Dichromate Volumetric detmn. of antimony with - Neill 126. Dictionary of Organic Compounds. Vol. I. Abietic Acid-Dypnone. (Review) Heilbron and Bun-bury 386. Dicyclohexyl Detmn. of water in alcohol with aid of -. G. R. Robertson 315. Dietary Surveys Ascorbic acid values of fruits and vegetables for -. Olliver 189. "Diethylaniiine Detmn. of - in ethylaniline. Haslam and Guthrie 328. Diliturates Identification of organic bases by the optical props. of - Plein and Dewey 341.o-Dinitrobenzene Oxidation of ascorbic acid by - and the detcn. of dehydroascorbic acid. Fearon and Kawerau 381. 2.4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine Detmn. of ascorbic acid in whole blood and urine through the ~ derivative of dehydroascorbic acid. Roe and Kuether 260. Disinfectant Activity of caustic soda. Hobbs and Wilson 312. Distillation apparatus Steam - for micro-Kieldahl analysis. Markham 128. *receiver for use with the Tate and Warren ap-paratus. Biggs 147. Dithiocarbamic Acid reagents Substituted - for copper. Geiger and Miiller 289. Dog Food Detmn. of fat in --. Schall and Thornton 376. Drinks soft see Soft drinks. Dripping (Mas. Prices) Order 1943. *Drug(s) Colorimetric estmn of narcotic power of hemp __ . hlulrhopadhyay Subramanian.and Dunnicliff 70. 275. with misleading label. (Legal Notes) 251. E Egg(s) Bacteriological and physical changes in frozen -. Schneiter Bartram and Lepper, 225. *yolk Separation of vitamin A from xantho-phylls in presence of - sterols. Mann 233. Elderberries Feeding values of horse chestnuts and - Temperton 382. Electrical Resistance of wood. Barkas Hearmon and Pratt 128. Electrographic Detcn. of metals. Hunter Churchill and Mears 343. *Electroplating Solns. Colorimetric test of $H in alkaline soln. (-) by permanent colour stan-dard solns. Clarke and Bradshaw 244. Ellis-Jones maleic anhydride method in testing tung oil. McKinney Halbrook and ROSS 92. Emulsions Theory of ~ and their Technical Treatment. (Review) Clayton 98. Endiol Compounds Reaction of ninhydrin with ascorbic acid and other - .West and Rinehart 90. Endosperm content Detmn. of ~ of wheat. Halton and Barton-Wright 336. Enzymatic Method Specific - for the detmn. of nicotinic acid in blood. Ergosterol Colour reaction of - with methyldi-chlorarsine. Baranger and Mercier 60. Ergot in cereal crops; separation of - from con-taminated grain. Weston and Taylor 25. Fairbairn 310. Essences Flavouring - (Current Prices) Order, 1943. 149. Esters Colorimetric detmn. of aliphatic nitrate -. Yagoda 187. Ether Identification of organic acids by partition between - and water. 0. C Dermer and V. H. Dermer 383. *Ethyl Alcohol Autoxidation impurities in -. Werner 365. *Ethylaniline Detmn. of diethylaniline in --. Haslam and Guthrie 328.Ethylene Glycol Detmn. of monoalkyl ethers of -. Werner and J. L. Mitchell 285. Ethylvanillin Detcng. adulteration of - with vanillin. Nechamkin 282. *Euflavine lint assay of euflavine muslin and -. Chambers 14. Allinson 257. Qualitative colour test for -xxii INDEX TO VOLUME 68 Enflavine-continued Chambers 14. Excreta Microscopical detcn. of insect - in flour F fibric(s) Detcng. acid or basic substances in dam-aged -. Whitworth and Poxon 160 288. Fastpass to perspiration test for coloured -Amer. Assfm. Text. Chemists and Colorists. ,160: Tentative - pest-deterrent tests as standard-ised by a Joint Asscn. Cttee. Fletcher and Goddin 337. Face Powders Decomposition and detmn. of acid-insol. constituents of -. Factories Report of Chief Inspector 1941 19.Report for 1942 332. Faeces Quantitative estmn. of haemoglobin and related haeme pigments in - urine and blood plasma. Falling Sphere Xethod Capillary flow and - of detmng. viscosity of cellulose in cuprammon-ium solns. Hatch Hammond and McNair 96. Fastness to perspiration test for coloured fabrics. Amer. Assoc. Text. Chemists and Colorists 160. Fat(s) Detmn. of - in dog food. Schall and Thornton 376. Edible Oils and - (Control of Sales) Order, 1943. 278. Estmng. phenols in meat and -. Tucker 55. Inactivation of biotin by rancid -. Pavcek and Shull 166. temp. crystallisation of whale oil. Hilditch and Maddison 288. oxidase Unsaturated - Distribution func-tion and histochemical identification in plant tissues.Van Plant 259. Portugal Official methods for the analysis of edible oils and -. 118. Standards for oils and - . American Oil Chemists’s SOC. 84. Tatty Acids Component - of some vegetable seed phosphatides. Patty Oil from buffalo gourd seed. J . W. Wood and H. A. Jones 376. Feeding Stuffs Canning of Foods and - (Control) Order 1942. 15. Fertilisers and - Regulations Amendment Order 1942. Ministry of Agriculture and Department of the Secretary of State for Scotland. 148 370. *muslin assay of - and lint. and meal. Harris and Elliott 281. McClellan 121. Flink and Watson 122. Mixed unsat. glycerides of liquid - Low Hilditch and Zaky 310. (Max. Prices) Order 1942 Amendment. (Rationing) Order 1942 Amendment. 184. (Regulation of Manufacture) Order 1942 Amend-(RFgulation of Manufacture) Order 1943.331. F&ng Values of horse chestnuts and elderberries. Feeds Detmn. of added salt in finely ground -. Detmn. of calcium in mineral mixed -. Distribution of nicotinic acid in -. Hale, Fennel Seed Volatile oils in -. Clevenger 119. Fenton Reaction for tartrates. ‘Fermentation Detmn. of sugar in starch hydroly-sates by yeast - and chemical means. Schultz Fisher Atkin and Frey 336. Fdcyanide Method Sugar analysis by alkaline - Iodimetric detmn. of ferrocyanide. En& and Becker 254. Ferrocyanide Do. do. 214. ments. 15 79. Temperton 382. Reimers 382. Perkins and Merrill 340. G. K. Davis and H. R. Baldwin 157. Shupe 383. *Ferrous materials Rapid photometric detmn. of copper in -. Haywood and A.A. R. Wood, 206. Ferrous oxide Detmn. of - in chromite. Seil, 228. Ferrous sulphate Microscopic identification of -in mixtures. Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Regulations Amend-ment Order 1942. Ministry of Agriculture and Department of the Secretary of State for Scotland. 148 370. National compound -. Ministry of Supply. 371. Fibre(s) Detmn. of the crude - in national flour. Society of Public Analysts Analytical Methods Cttee. 276 331. Evaluation of the scaliness of animal -. Chamberlain and Speakman 30. length Measurement of -. J. d’A. Clark 196. Measuring specific surfaces of -. J. d’A. Clark 265. Microchemistry of pulp -. Significance of the fibre-ballooning test. Harlow 316. staining Nature of - by iodine stains. Rowe, 126.structure Swelling-staining reagent for studying -. Harlow 292. Textile - Atlas. (Review) von Bergen and Krauss 231. Fillers Dispersion of pigments and - for micro-scopical examination. Miller 229. Filtering Medium Pyrex brand glass wool as -. Heisig 62. Filters Testing and rating air -. Eliason 318. Fish (Distribution) Order 1943 215. (Max. Prices) Order 1943. 184 Fish Cakes (Max. Prices) Order 1942. *Fish-liver Oils spectrophotometric detmn. of vitamin A in -, Fish Meals Nutritive value of certain - as detd. with swine and rats. Barrick Vestal and Shrewsbury 287. Flavones Estmn. of - or quercetin-like sub-stances in certain naturally-occurring products. Weatherby and Cheng 338. Flavouring Essences (Current Prices) Order 1943. 149. *Flavour(s) The naturally occurring - of food-stuffs.Waygood 33. West 34. Flotation Separation of salts by -. Guyer and Perren 163. *Flour Added prepared chalk in -. Green 11 1. Azo colour reaction for the detmn. of vitamin B, in National -. Detmn. of soya - in sausages and other meat products. Bailey 154. Detmn. of the crude fibre in National -. Society of Public Analysts Analytical Methods Cttee. 276 331. ‘Estmn. of oat - in mixtures with wheat -. Hinton 180. Estmn. of rope spores in wheaten - etc. Barton-Wright 226. Estmng. the added prepared chalk B.P. (Creta) in National -. Microscopical detcn. of insect excreta in - and meal. Harris and Elliott 281. National - and bread 2nd Report from Scientific Adviser’s Divn. Ministry of Food. 16.3rd Report. 306. Order 1943. 113. Amendment. 215. *Visual method for vitamin E$ assay in -. Herd Mundy and Ridyard 174. Keenan and Eisenberg 347. 249. Jones and Haines 8. *Some aspects of chemistry of -. Platt and Glock 380. Hartley and A. Green 142 INDEX TO VOLUME 68 XXih Flour-coNtinued Vitamin B content of national - and bread-results of comparative tests by various methods. Vitamin B Sub-Cttee. of the Accessory Food Factors Cttee. of the Medical Research Council and the Lister Institute. 379. Flow Measurement B.S.I. Specn. for -. Fluorescence of extractives of wood. Marteny 128. *tests for gallium and aluminium. Radley 369. *test for @-indoh acetic acid. Fluoride(s) Colorimetric detmn. of phosphate in presence of -. Kurtz 162. ‘Detmn.of fluorine in wool treated with -. Elsworth and Barritt 298. Fluorine Colorimetric detmn. of -. Urech 96. *Detmn. of - in wool treated with fluorides. Elsworth and Barritt 298. Map-son 285. Bibliography of metals in - and biological materials. VI. Bismuth. Singer 115 217. Canned - . Introduction to their Micro-biology. (Review) Baumgartner 198. Canning of - and Feeding Stuffs (Control) Order 1942. 15. Defence (Sale of -) Regulations 1943. Privy Council. 371 387. Detmn. of fat in dog -. Schall and Thornton, 376. Estmn. of pyridoxine in -. Bina J. M. Thomas and E. B. Brown 256. (Inspection of Undertakings) Order 1943. 149. Manufactured and Pre-packed - (Control) Order 1942; Order prescribing an appointed day under the -. 52,149,249,331.General Licence 33 1. 219. Hamence 13. Food(s) Ascorbic acid in dehydrated -. Poisoning. (Review) Dewberry 349. rationed Procuring samples of rationed and points or personal points rationed foods. Ministry of Health. 332. (Restriction on Dealings) Order 1941 Gemral Licence. 15. Appointed day prescribed. 307. Sampling of - Order 1942 16 52. Foodstuffs Apparent vitamin C in certain -, Wokes Organ Duncan and Jacoby 286. Extraction of phytin of - with trichloroacetic acid. Sarma 58. *The naturally occurring flavours of -. Waygood 33. Food Tables Their scope and limitations. Wid-dowson and McCance 154. Footprints Prepn. of casts of - etc. New York State Police Bureau of Criminal Investi-gation. 381. Formaldehyde See also formalin. Collection and estmn.of traces of -- <I m 2 - L . Goldman and Yagoda 287. Effect of - on the volatilisation of ammonia, mono- di- and trimethylamines. Benoit and Norris 53. Use of - in detmn. of ascorbic acid and de-hydroascorbic acid. Lugg 25. *Formalin Detmn. of the original f.pt. of milk preserved with -. Detmn. of formaldehyde in milk. MacDonald 171. Fountain Pen Sacs Testing writing inks with rubber -. Casey and Macdonald 30. *Freezing-pt. Detmn. of the original - of milk preserved with formalin. Detmn. of formal-dehyde in milk. MacDonald 171. *Mastitis and the - of milk. Rowland, Aschaffenburg and Veinoglou 302. Fruit(s) Ascorbic acid values of - and vegetables for dietary surveys. Oliiver 189. Fruit (s) -continued (Canning Bottling and Freezing) (Control and Max.Prices) Order 1943. 149. products Chlorine in ash of -. Osborn 376. Vitamin P activity of some British - and vegetables. Bacharach and Coates 286. Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Station Report for 1941. 53. Report for 1942. 308. Fuel Technology Fuel Testing Laboratory Methods in -. 2n.d Ed. (Review) Himus, 165. Fungi Detmng. the deterioration of cellulose caused Greathouse Klemme and Barker 92. Furfural Detmn. of -. Production of - from d-lyxose and d-ribose. Testing Do. do. by -. Hockett Guttag and M. E. Smith 159. Duncan 226. G Galactose-1-phosphate Estmn. of glucose-l-phos-phate and - in liver. Kosterlitz and Ritchie 378. *Gallium Fluorescence tests for-and aluminium. Radley 369. Gas(es) content Detnin.of the - of animal tissue. Scholander 84. flows Rapid detmn. of small -. Silverman and Thomson 128. War -. Identification and Decontamination. (Review) M. B. Jacobs 65. Warfare. (Review) Fitch 131. Gasoline Detmn. of tetraethyl lead in -. Schwartz 345. Gelatin impurities Reactions of - important photographically. Partial hydrolysis of cow-hide -. Gordon, Martin and Synge 284. Germanium Detmn. of - in silicate rocks. Hybbinette and Sandell 94. *Glass Detmn. of arsenic in -. wool Pyrex brand - as filtering medium. Heisig 62. Glassware Detmn. of the bacterial count on restaurant -. Glucose Influence of buffer and - in the Lacto-bacillus helveticus assay for pantothenic acid. Stokes and Martin 259. Micro-detmn. of pyruvic acid and of -. Haag and Dalphin 291.Micro-diffusion methods. Blood - O’MaI-ley Conway and Fitzgerald 346. Titrimetric estmn. of small amounts of -. Humoller 257. Glucose-1-phosphate Estmn. of - and galactose-1-phosphate in liver. Kosterlitz and Ritchie; 378. of safflower oil. Glycerides Component -Vidyarthi 310. Mixed unsat. - of liquid fats. Low temp. crystallisation of whale oil. Hilditch and Maddison 288. Segregation of component - of linseed oil by chromatography. 11. Detmn. of thiocyanogen value. Walker and Mills 342. Glycosides Alkaline degradation of phenylglyco-sides. Detmng. configuration of - and sugars. Montgomery Richtmyer and Hudson 159. *Goat% Milk. H. H. Ragnall 148. *and human milk. Whittle 247. Gold Detcn. of - in plating. Lerner 343.Gossypol Detmn. of free - in cottonseed meal. Grain Ergot in cereal crops; separation from con-S t eigmann 28. Wilson 361. Novak and Lacy 60. Lyman Holland and Hale 342. taminated -. Weston and Taylor 25 xxiv INDEX TO Gramicidin Amino acid composition 05 -. Grass Nutritional significance of -. Elvehjem Greases Prepn. of high-temp. stopcock -. Guanabana Seed oil Characteristics and composi-*GCums Metallic contamination in - etc. Gordon Martin and Synge 284. and Sober 311. Puddington 265. tion. Asenjo and Goyco 156. Morgan 331. H +Haemstoxylin Detmng. small amounts of alumini-um in water by means of -. Houghton 208. Hseme Pigments Quantitative estmn. of haemo-globin and related - in faeces urine and blood plasma. *Haemin prepn. and analysis for iron of - and haemoglobin.Delory 5. Haemoglobin Iron content of crystals of human -._ Bernhart and Skeggs 183. *Prepn. and analysis for iron of haemin and -. Delory 5. Quantitative estmn. of - etc. in faeces urine . and blood plasma. Haemoglobinometers (Haldane type) B.S.I. specn. for -. 55. Hafnium Separation of zirconium and -. Larsen Fernelius and Quill 346. *Halogen(s) Apparatus for semi-micro - or alkoxy detmns. T. White 366. Spectrographic detcn. and detmn. of the -. W. W. -4. Johnson and Norman 265. Hams Detmng. distribution of salt and water in cured -. Harris and Abbasy Vitamin C saturation test of -. Atkins 123. *Hemp drugs Colorimetric estmn. of narcotic power of -. Mukhopadhyay Subraman-ian and Dunnicliff 70. Physiologically-active fractions of Indian -.Bose and Mukerji 311. *Hetero-auxin Detcn. and estmn. of auxins in organic manures. I. j3-Indolyl acetic acid or - . j3-Indolyl propionic acid and /3-indolyl butyric acid. Hamence 356. Tourky and el Shamy 2 40. berries. Temperton 382. 247. flaked oats and of malt. of other gaseous -. and Levin 159. spectra. Liddel and V. 2. Williams 264. almonds. H. A. Williams 50. - in organic compounds. and Industrial Chemistry. Bntton 30. - with one-colour indicators. Eisenberg 291. Flink and Watson 122. Flink and Watson 122. Besley and Carroll 65. *12-Heteropoly-acids analytical studies on -. ' Horse Chestnuts Feeding values of - and elder-*Human Milk Goats' milk and -. Whittle, Husk Volume occupied by - in the analysis of B.M. Brown 309. Hydrocarbon(s) Detmn. of butadiene in the presence Cuneo and Switzer 342. Detmn. of olefines in gaseous -. Stanerson mixtures Analysis of - by means of Raman mixtures Spectroscopic analysis of -. Barnes, *Hydrocyanic Acid Estmn. of - produced by Hydrogen Micro-detmn. of chlorine bromine and Hydrogen Ions Detmn. and Importance in Pure (Review) H. T. S . *Hydrogen Ion Concn. Dilution process for detmng. McCrae 183. Hydrogen Peroxide Colorimetric detmn. of -. Rank Scott and Fenske 96. Gysel 291. VOLUME 68 Hydroxides Electrometric titration of alkali car-bonates sulphides - and acetates. Crocker, Dow Ripanti and Nolan 63. Hydroxy Groups Detmn. of - and analogous groups in amino acids. Toennies and Kolb 85.Hydrosyl Content Detmn. of free'- of cellulose derivatives. Malm Genung and R. F. Williams, Jr. 125. Hydroxylamine Detmng. carbonyl and carboxyl groups in chromic anhydride oxystarch and oxycellulose by -. Gladding and Purves 289. 8-Hydroxyquinoline Colorimetric detmns. by means of -. Moeller 290. Hygiene Ou t h e of Industrial Medicine Legisla-tion and -. *Hypochlorites Detcn. of traces of - in milk. Anderson 246. Hypodermic Tablets and injections Colorimetric assay of -. I *Impurities Autoxidation - in ethyl alcohol. Reactions of gelatin - important photo-belladonna. Corfield Kassner and Collins 336. hemp Physiologically-active fractions of -. *Indicator(s) Dilution process for detmng hydro-McCrae, Estmn. of chlorides in biological fluids by ad-Detmn.of the plasma volume Remarkable -. Schwarzenbach 227. Indium Colorimetric detmn. of -. Moeller 263. *P-Indole Acetic Acid fluorescence test for -. Hamence 13. */3-Indolyl Acetic Acid Detcn. and estmn. of auxins in organic manures. I. - or hetero-auxin. /3-Indolyl propionic acid and fl-indolyl butyric acid. Hamence 356. *j?-Indolyl Butyric Acid Detcn. and estmn. of auxins in organic manures. I. fl-Indolyl acetic acid or hetero-auxin. P-Indolyl pro-pionic acid and -. *fi-Indolyl Propionic Acid Do. do. Infra-red spectrophotometry Applications of near -. Stearns 317. Injections Colorimetric assay of certain alkaloidal hypodermic tablets and -. Allport and N. R. Jones 22. *Ink(s) in relation to crime. Testing writing - with rubber fountain pen sacs.Casey and Macdonald 30. Inorganic Qompounds Prepn. of purified - for spectrographic standards. R. C. Hughes 163. Insect excreta Microscopical detcn. of - in flour and meal. Insecticidal Bio-assay Principles of -. Hurst, 383. Inspectors of Weights and Measures Sampling of Food by -. Ministry of Food. 16. Institute of Petroleum Standard methods of testing petroleum and its products. 20. hulin Detmn. of -. Hubbard and Loomis 59. Iodate Detmn. of - in presence of bromate and chlorate. Kokhoff and Hume 229. Iodide(s) Detmn. of - in urine. Differential action of perman-ganate and ceric sulphate on cuprous oxide prepared in presence of -. Sullivan 373. (Review) Burnet 386. Allport and N. R. Jones 22. Werner 365. graphically.Steigmann 28. Indian Artemisia. Qazilbash 23. Bose and Mukerji 311. gen ion concn. with one-colour -. 183. sorption -. of blood. Saifer Hughes and Weiss 155. *Detmn. of -. Holt and Callow 351. Hamence 356. C. A. Mitchell 103. Harris and Elliott 281. Pearl 258. Sugar analysis INDEX TO Iodine Alkalimetric standardisation of - soh. Hahn 64. complex Amylose and amylopectin content of starches detmnd. by their - formation. Bates French and Rundle 192. Detmn. of - in tetraiodophenolphthdein. Weiner Leach and Bratz 283. Fractionation of - in blood. Bruger and Member 257. Microd- of - in certain biological ma-terials. Shahrokh 189. stains Nature of fibre staining by -. Rowe, 126. *-thiocyanate method Detmn. of copper volu-metrically by the - .Oglethorpe and C. G. Smith 325. value Rapid - detmns. Norris and Buswell, 260. Volumetric detmn. of - in iodised salt. Osborn Mix and Ramsey 376. Ionic Migration Separation of isotopes etc. by - and thermal diffusion. Iron Colorimetric microdetmn. of ferrous - in plant tissue. Sideris 29. content of crystals of human haemoglobin. Bernhart and Skeggs 188. Estmng. the - and copper contents of butter. Moir and Andrews 253. Identification of rust on - and steel. R. 0. Clarke 345. “prepn. and analysis for - of haemin and haemoglobin. Delory 5. *Separation and detmn. of very small amounts of aluminium and - in water. Strafford and Wyatt 319. Separation of - as phosphate from cobalt. North and Wells 162. Separation of - from cobalt and nickel.De Gray and Rittershausen 194. *Separation of nickel and cobalt from - and of nickel from cobalt. Evans 67. phenanthroline. Mehlig and Hulett 163. Volumetric detmn. of - and titanium. McNabb and Skolnik 94. *Iron and Ammonium Citrate Detmn. of ascorbic acid in prepns. containing - Singer and Milner 272. Iron and Ammonium Citro-arsenite assay of -for arsenic trioxide. Ruthven 155. Iron and Steel Institute First report of Marine Corrosion Sub-Cttee. 218. 80. Kendall 129. Spectrophotometric detmn. of - with O-2nd report of Moulding Materials Sub-Cttee. Isoelectric Point .Approx. estmn. of the - of soluble proteins. Jaffe 256. tion and thermal diffusion. Isotopes Separation of - etc. by ionic migra-Kendall 129. J * Jacobs-Hoffman method Photometric estmn.of potassium by a modification of the -. Eden 167. Jam and Marmalade (Max. Prices) Order 1942. 52. Juiciness Mechanical detmn. of the - of meat. Tannor N. G. Clark and Hankins 336. K KaoIin Particle size distribution of - for internal Kent County Analyst’s Reports. Kingston upon Hull City Analyst’s Reports. administration. Partridge 256. Arnaud 160. D. J. T. Bagnall 53 151 216 333. VOLUME 68 XXV Kjeldahl analysis Steam distillation apparatus for micro- - . Markham 128. distillation without absorbing acid. Bradley 28. nitrogen detmn. Anhydrous copper sulphate in the -. Beatty 315. L Label Drug with misleading -. (Legal Notes), Vitamin B. Misleading -. (Legal Notes) 279. Lactobacillus assay method for p-aminobenzoic acid Lewis 156.casei PH Change as a measure of growth of -in vitamin assays. helveticzas Influence of buffer and glucose in the - assay for pantothenic acid. Stokes and Martin 259. *Lane and Eynon method Sugar titration end-pt. in the -. Tritton 147. Lanthionine Quantitative detmn. of -. Hess and Sullivan 88. Lead Detcn. of - as rhodizonate. Feigl and Suter 62. Polarographic detmn. of - in lead-bearing steels. Haim and Barnes 193. Volumetric detmn. of - in brass. Fisk and Pollak 161. Lead Amenate Rapid detmn. of copper on apples in presence of -Leaf Analysis as a guide to soil fertility. Lunde-gArdh 190. Leeds City Analyst’s Report. LegalNotes 16,80 115 151 216 251,279,307 372. Legislation Outlines of Industrial Medicine -and Hygiene.(Review) Burnet 386. Legumes Ascorbic acid content of recently-harvested cereals and -. Rudra 311. Leicester City Analyst’s Reports. Bullock 53 371. Linolenic Acid Application of the thiocyanogen value to the detmn. of linolic and -. Matthews Brodie and 3. B. Brown 92. Linolic Acid Do. do. Isolation of - from vegetable oils by low temp. crystallisation. Frankel Stoneburner and J. B. Brown 192. Separation of - and oleic acids. Frankel and J. B. Brown 25. Linseed Oil Segregation of component glycerides of - by chromatography. 11. Detmn. of thiocyanogen value. Walker and Mills 342. Lint Assay of euflavine muslin and -. Chambers, 14. *Estmn. of - in cottonseed meals. F. R. Dodd 112. Lipid Material Removal of - from bones of chicks. Motzok D.C. Hill Slinger and Marcellus 225. Lister Institute Estmn. of vitamin A. Vitamin B content of national flour and bread-results of comparative tests by various methods. Vitamin B Sub-Cttee. of the Accessory Food Factors Cttee. of the Medical Research Council and the -. 379. Lithium Detmn. of - as periodate. Rogers and Caley 229. Liver Estmn. of acid-sol. phosphoglycerol in -. Leva and Rapoport 377. Estmn. of glucose-l-phosphate and galactose-l-phosphate in -. Kosterlitz and Ritchie, 378. Lovibond Glasses Spectrophotometric detrnn. of Lovibond No. in brown - Series No. 52, Brewers’ Scale. Beyer 195. Lovibond No. Do. do. 251. Silber and Mushett 122. Rusk 120. Manley 371. 281 xxvi INDEX TO Low Temp. Cryshllisation Isolation of lindic acid from vegetable oils by -.Frankel Stone-burner and J. B. Brown 192. - of whale oil. Hilditch and Maddison 288. Lutecium Separation of ytterbium from thulium and -. Marsh 127. d-Lyxose Production of furfural from - and d-ribose. Hockett Guttag and M. E. Smith 159. Mixed unsat. glycerides of liquid fats. M Madras Report of the Chemical Examiner for 1941. Ven-Magnesia Effect of method of manufacture on milk Magnesium alloys Detmn. of zinc in -. Cohen, Detmn. of - in aluminium alloys. Pitts 133. Detmn. of - in plants and soils. Weeks and J . R. Todd 314. *Micro-detmn. of calcium and - in milk. Pyne 330. Micro-detmn. of - with the polarograph. Carruthers 312. Spectrophotometric detmn. of - by means of Titan yellow. Ludwig and C. R.Johnson 191. Maleic Anhydride method Use of the Ellis-Jones - in testing tung oil. McKinney Halbrook and Ross 92. Malt Volume occupied by husk in the analysis of flaked oats and of -. Maltose Precaution in the use of takadiastase for the estmn. of -. *Manganese Amount of periodate required to oxidise -. High 368. bronzes Detmn. of aluminium in - and alu-minium bronzes. Detmn. of cobalt and - by photometric methods Waldbauer and Ward 127. Polarographic detmn. of - as tri-dihydrogen pyrophosphatomanganate. Kolthoff and Watters 194. *separation for the phosphate method and for general use. Austin 274. Manganous Nitrate Detcn. of perchlorate and chloride after ignition with -. Preising and Reedy 162. Mannan Detmn. of - and starch in paper. Dijk 193.*Manures Detcn. and estmn. of auxins in organic -. I. p-Indolyl acetic acid or hetero-auxin. @-Indolyl propionic acid and #I-indolyl butyric acid. Hamence 356. Marine Corrosion Sub-Cttee. First Report of the - Iron and Steel Institute. Marmalade Jam and - (Max. Prices) Order, 1942. 52. *Mastitis and the f.p. of milk. Rowland Aschaffen-burg and Veinoglou 302. Materis Medica. 25th Ed. (Review) Hale-White, revised by Douthwaite 348. Maturing Changes in whiskey while -. Lieb-mann and Hosenblatt 375. Mayonnaise and salad dressing yolk content. Cahn and Epstein 254. Meal Microscopical detcn. of insect excreta in flour and -. Bleat Ammonia content of -. cooked Meat Products and Cooked Meat (Con-trol and Max. Prices) Order 1942 General Licence 79.Amendments 250 307. Naidu 81. katachalam 251. of -. Holland 84. 228. Report of the Public Analyst for 1941. B. M. Brown 309. Bunting 56. Holler and Yeager 95. 218. Harris and Elliott 281. Gerencsbr 84. VOLUME 68 Meat-continued Estmn. of phenols in - and fat. Tucker 56. (Max. Retail Prices) Order 1942 Amendment. 150. Mechanical detmn. of the juiciness of -. Tannor N. G. Clark and Hankins 336. Meat products and cooked meat (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1942. General Licence. 79. Amendments. 250 307. Detmn. of soya flour in sausages and other -. Bailey 154. Occurrence of Salmonella in retail -. Cherry, Schergo and Weaver 190. Medical Research Council Detmn. of blood groups. 280. Estmn. of vitamin A. 281, Vitamin B content of national flour and bread-results of comparative tests by various methods.Vitamin B Sub-Cttee. of the Accessory Food Factors Cttee. of the - and the Lister Institute. 379. Medicine Outlines of Industrial - Legislation and Hygiene. (Review) Burnet 386. Spectrophotometry in -. (Review) Heil-meyer 267. Vitamins in - . (Review) Bicknell and Prescott 295. *Medicines Detmn. of cantharidin in beetles and native -. Bodenstein 238. Menthols Synthetic -. Huggett 23. Mepacrine Estmn. of - in blood and urine. Masen 379. Merchandise Marks Act Food and drugs prosecu-tions under the -. Mercury Assay of - in certain organic o m -pounds. Pierce 155. Detmn. of - in phenylmercuric nitrate. Chambers 255. *Mercury Cathode Separation of metals by means of the - chromium.Chirnside Dauncey and Proffitt 175. Metallic coatings Spot-tests for the Identiiication of certain - and of certain Metals in Bulk. (Review) Evans and Higgs 231. constituents Extraction of - from oils. Rittershausen and de Gray 160. contamination in gums and similar substances. Morgan 331. Metal(s) Bibliography of - in foods and bio-logical materials. VI. Bismuth. Singer 115, 217. Electrographic detcn. of -. Hunter Churchill and Mears 344. Organic sulphur compounds as reagents for -. Majumdar 289. Scrap - identification tests. 93. Spc t-tests for the Identification of certain Metallic Coatings and of certain - in Bulk. (Review) Evans and Higgs 231. Metal-cleaning Compounds Quantitative evalua-tion of -. Metaphosphoric Acid extracts Stability of ascorbic acid in -.Methionine Colour reaction for - . Sofin, Rosenblum and Schultz 221. Methoxy Groups Qualitative test for - and other alkoxy groups. Tobie 341. Methylamines Effect of formaldehyde on the volati-lisation of ammonia mono- di- and tri- -. Benoit and Norris 68. N-Methylaniline point of viscous petroleum oils. Geddes Wilcox and McArdle 383. Methyidichlorarsine Colour reaction between ergo-sterol and -. (Legal Notes) 80. Morgan and Lankler 30. Mapson and Mawson 190. Baranger and Mercier 60 INDEX TO VOLUME 68 wvii Methylene Chloride in the extraction and detmn. of vitamin A and oil in soupfin shark livers. Tompkins and Bolomey 338. lethylpentoses Detmn. of - in presence of pentoses. Nicolet and Shinn 27.Microbiological Assay procedure Niacin-niacina-mide differentiation in the - . Atkin, Schultz W. L. Williams and Frey 260. lKicrobiology Canned Foods. Introduction to their -. (Review) Baumgartner 198. Mitxo-diffusion Methods Ammonia and urea using buffered adsorbents. (For more than 10pg of nitrogen). Conway and O'Malley 57. Blood glucose. O'Malley Conway and Fitz-gerald 346. Micro-Kjeldahl analysis Steam distillation ap-paratus for -. Markham 128. Micro-organisms Staining soh. for -. Grey 25. Xicroscopical examination Dispersion of pigments and fillers for -. Microscopy Colour - in U.V. Hidland Agricultural College Chemistry Depart-*Milk Abnormal and watered -. ' A. S. Dodd bottles Cleaning and sterilisation of -. condensed see Condensed milk.*Detcn. of traces of hypochlorites in -. Anderson 246. *Detmn. of the original f.p. of - preserved with formalin. Detmn. of formaldehyde in -. MacDonald 171. *Goat's -. H. H. Bagnall 148. "Goats' - and human -. 'Mastitis and the f.p. of - . Rowland, Aschaffenburg and Veinoglou 302. (Max. Prices) (England and Wales) Order 1943. 184. 'Micro-detmn. of calcium and magnesium in -. Pyne 330. Pasteurised - not as described. (Legal Notes). 216. Phosphatase test for heat-treated - Ministry of Health 185. powders Bacteriological aspects of the manufac-ture of spray-dried - and whey powders; moisture content and solubility. Crossley and W. A. Johnson 91. Public Health (Dried and Condensed -) Regu-lations 1943. Ministry of Health.251. *Routine examination of the - of cows in Somerset for tubercle bacilli during 1938-42. Illing Chalker and D. R. Wood 247. Streptococci isolated from raw retail -. Beahm 91. of Magnesia Effect of method of manufacture on -. Holland 84. Mineral Mixed Feeds Detmn. of calcium in -. Perkins and Merrill 340. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Cocoa and chocolate residues including cocoa shell for stock feeding. 216. Statutory Rules and Orders etc.: Feeding stuffs 148 370. Fertilisers 148 370. 3rd Report. 306. Agar-agar 52. Beef sausages 250. Bread 16 114. Cake and flour confectionery 79 250. Miller 229. Brumberg 385. ment Silage Composition. 185 333. and Cowan 146. Hobbs and Wilson 312. Whittle 247. Ministry of Food 2nd report from the Scientific Adviser's Divn.National flour and bread. 16. Ministry of Food Orders Circulars etc.: Ministry of Food Orders-continued Canned vegetables 15. Canning of feeding stuffs 15. Canning of food 15. Cereal fillers 185 215. Chocolate residues 216. Cocoa residues 2 16. Cocoa shell 216. Cod-liver oil 150. Coffee 307. Condensed milk 332. Cooked meat 79. Corn home grown 307. Dextrin 215. Dredge corn home grown 15. Dripping 278. Edible oils and fats 278 371. Feeding stuffs 15 79 184 214 331. Fish 184 215. Fish cakes 249. Flavouring essences 149. Flour 16 113 215. Food 15 52 149 249 307 331. Fruit 149. Gelatine 52. Gelatine products 52. Isinglass 52. Jam 52. Marmalade 52. Meat 150 250 307. Meat products 79 250 307.Milk 184. Mustard seed 52. Pork sausages 250. Rye home grown 15. Saccharin 15 249 250. Sampling of food 16 52. Sausage meat 250. Sausages 250. Soap 79. Soap substitutes 215. Soft drinks 52 278. Soya products 250. Starch 215. Stock feeding 216. Suet 52. Threshed feeding peas 79. Vegetable products 184. Vegetables 184. Veterinary oil 150. Wheat home grown 15. lYLinistry of Health Milk and Dairies Regulations. Cleansing of Dairy Equipment. 216. Phosphatase test for heat-treated milk. Procuring samples of rationed and points or personal points rationed foods. 332. Provisional arrangements under Food and Drugs Act (sterilising etc. dairy equipment). Public Health (Dried and Condensed Milk) Regulations 1943. 251. Ministry of Labour and National Service Report of Chief Inspector of Factories 1941 19.Report for 1942 332. Ministry of Supply Control of Toluene (No. 3) Order 1943. 332. 185. 216. National compound fertilisers. 37 1. Raw Material Guide. 150. Mites Tyroglyphid - in stored products. Moisture Detmn. of - in living tissue. Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research. 335. Halls-worth and Reid 21. content Bacteriological aspects of the manu-facture of spray-dried milk and whey powders ; - and solubility. Crossley and Johnson 91 xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME 68 Molasses Detmn. of solids in blackstrap and high "Molybdate Potentiometric titration of - in Tourky Molybdenum Colorimetric detmn. of small amounts "Detcn. and detmn. of small amounts of -. Detmn.of - in steel. Detmn. of sodium in presence of -. Hale 346. Electrographic dectn. of __ in steel alloys. Calamari Hubata and Roth 194. Molybdenum Blue Colorimetric estmn. of phos-phorus by reduction of phosphomolybdate to -. Hardwick 183. method Estmn. of phosphorus by the -. Holman 346. "Molybdic Acid detmn. of silica in presence of-. Tourky and el Shamy 2. Prepn. of phosphomolybdic acid from phosphoric acid and pure -. EYIonoalkyl Ethers Detmn. of - of ethylene glycol. Monochloroacetic Acid Detrnn. of - in wines. J. B. Wilson 374. Monoethanolamine Detmn. of the cellulose content of wood by extraction with -. Bloom, Jahn and Wise 27. Morphogenesis Biochemistry and -. (Review), Needham 97. Morpholine Reactions of - . Ingram and Luder 57.Moulding Materials Sub-Cttee. 2nd report of the - Iron and Steel Institute 80. Muscle Tissue Chemical detmn. of tocopherols in -. Devlin and Mattill 123. Muslin Assay of euflavine - and lint. Chambers, 14. Mustard Seed (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1942. 52. Mycology Introduction to Industrial -. (Re-view) G. Smith 131. test -. presence of silicic or phosphoric acid. and el Shamy 40. of ___ in ores. Elder 14. Zerban Mull and Martin 56. Grimaldi and Wells 290. Vance 127. Linz 346. Werner and J . L. Mitchell 288. N Naphthol AS series Rapid identification of aryl-amine residues in compounds of the -. Cross and Carlene 343. *Narcotic Power Colorimetric estmn. of - of hemp drugs. Mukhopadhyay Subramanian and Dunnicliff 70. Neem Oil Bitter principles of -.Murti S. Rangaswami and Seshadri 56. New York Report of the Chief Medical Examiner for 1941. 335. State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation : Prepn. of casts of footprints etc. New Zealsnd Estmng. the iron and copper contents of butter. Moir and Andrews 253. Niacin-niacinamide differentiation in the micro-biological assay procedure. Atkin Schultz, W. L. Williams and Frey 260. Niacinamide Do. do. Nickel alloys Pressed pellet electrode method for spectrographic analysis of -. Neuhaus 317. Separation of iron from cobalt and -. De Gray and Rittershausen 194. steels Rapid tests for -. *Separation of - and cobalt from iron and of Nicotiana Separation of alkaloids in certain species 381. 161. - from cobalt. Evans 67.of -. H. H. Smith and C. R. Smith 120. Nicotinamide Detmn. of -. Krewson 340. Niacin-niacinamide (nicotinic acid- -) diff eren-tiation in the microbiological assay procedure. Atkin Schultz W. L. Williams and Frey 360. Nicotine Quantitative detmn. of - and nornico-tine in mixtures. Markwood 253. Nicotinic Acid Chemical detmn. of - in plant materials. Hale G. I<. Davis and H. R. Baldwin 222. Distribution of - in feeds. Hale G. I<. Davis and H. R. Baldwin 157. Estmn. of -. Martinek Kirch and Webster, 340. Niacin-niacinamide (- -nicotinamide) diff eren-tiation in the microbiological assay procedure. Atkin Schultz W. L. Williams and Frey 260. Specific enzymatic detmn. of - in blood. Allinson 257. Nigerian cassava starch. Furlong 125. Ninhydrin Reaction of - with ascorbic acid etc.West and Rinehart 90. carbon dioxide reaction Detmn. of amino acids in plasma by the _I without removal of proteins. MacFayden 87. *Nitrites Aminosulphonic acid in the detmn. of -. Cumming and Alexander 273. Nitrogen Colorimetric estmn. of amino - in blood. Frame Russell and Wilhelmi 378. detmn. Anhydrous copper sulphate in the Kjeldahl -. Beatty 315. Fractionation of organic matter including - of soils in relation to their quality. Ashworth 61. of the potato. Neuberger and Sanger 58. Non-carbohydrate Substances Separation of from cereal starches. Schoch 119. Nornicotine Quantitative detmn. of nicotine and - in mixtures. Markwood 283. Noyes and Bray's system Qualitative semi-micro analysis of the aluminium group of -.Miller 262. Nutritive Value of fish meals as detd. with swine and rats. T. F. Zucker and L. Zucker 341. Barrick Vestal and Shrewsbury 287. of cotton seeds peanut and soya secds. 0 Oat(s) flaked Volume occupied by husk in analysis *flour Estmn. of - in mixtures with wheat of - and of malt. flour. Hinton 180. B. M. Brown 309. Obituary : Clark Robert Macfarlane 319. Cooksey Leo 319. Crocker Charles 1. Golding John 319. Jaffe Adolph 199. Macnair John Aitken 319. Messenger Walter George 319. O'Brien Frederick 1. Redgrove Herbert Stanley 199. Rosier Charles Henry 1 . Smith Henry Llewellyn 319. Tate Francis George Henry 1. Woodhead Samuel Allinson 297. Oil(s) Characteristics and composition of Guana-bana seed -.Detmn. of carotene in vegetable - without saponification. Bickofl and K. T. Williams, 285. Edible - and Fats (Control of Sales) Order, 1943. 278. Extraction of metallic constituents from -Rittershausen and de Gray 160. Asenjo and Goyco 155 INDEX TO Fatty - from buffalo gourd seed. J. W. Wood and H. A. Jones 375. Isolation of linolic acid from vegetable - by low temp. crystallisation. Frankel Stone-burner and J. B. Brown 192. N-Methylaniline point of viscous petroleum -. Geddes Wilcox and McArdle 383. Methylene chloride in the extraction and detmn. of vitamin A and - in soupfin shark livers. Tompkins and Bolomey 338. Portugal Official methods for the analysis of edible - and fats. 118. Standards for - and fats. American Oil Chemists’ Society 84.Volatile ~ in fennel seed. Clevenger 119. Olefines Detnm. of - in gaseous hydrocarbons. Stanerson and Levin 159. Oleic Acid Separation of linolic and -. Frankel and J . B. Brown 25. “Onions Composition of some varieties of -. Sherratt 200. Optical Props. Identification of organic bases by the __ of diliturates. Plein and Dewey 341. Ores Colorimetric detmn. of molybdenum in -. Grimaldi and Wells 290. Detmn. of oxide copper in -. Young and Graham 63. Detmn. of tin with special reference to tin -. Department of Scientific and Industrial Re-search. 373. Organic bases Identification of - by the optical props. of diliturates. Compounds Dictionary of -. Vol. I. Abietic Acid-Dypnone. (Review) Heilbron and Bun-Organometallic compounds Colour test for some highly reactive - .Gilman and L. A. Woods 227. Osazones Identification of sugars by the microscopic appearance of crystalline -. Hassid and McCready 21. Oxalic Acid The question of “activated” -. MacMahon and Lal 385. Oxidase Unsaturated fat __ . Distribution, function and histochemical identification in plant tissues. Van Plant 259. Oxycellulose Detmn. of carbonyl and carboxyl groups in chromic anhydride oxystarch and -by hydroxylamine. Gladding and Purves, 289. *Oxygen Analysis of - and carbon dioxide re-suscitation gas mixtures. W. R. Smith 213. Measuring concn. of dissolved - in dairy products. Voltammetric method. Hartmann and Garrett 20. Oxystarch Detmn. of carbonyl and carboxyl groups in chromic anhydride - and oxycellulose by hydroxylamine.Gladding and Purves 289. Oil(s)-continued Plein and Dewey 341. bury 386. P Paint National - Dictionary. 2nd Ed. (Re-view) Stewart 294. pigments Detmn. of the specific gravity of dry -. Baker and Martin 347. Palladous Chloride Colorimetric detmn. of pheno-thiazine with -. Overholser and Yoe 26. Pantothenic Acid Influence of buffer and glucose in the Lactobacillus helveticus assay for -. Stokes and Martin 259. Paper(s) Detmn. of mannan and starch in -. Dijk 193. Laboratory Handbook of Pulp and - Manu-facture. (Review) J. Grant 130. VOLUME 68 xxix Photochemical stability of -. Launer and Resistance of sized - and paperboard to water Paper (s)-continued W. K. Wilson 230. a t elevated temps. Codwise 292. Paperboard Do.do. “Paraffin adulterants Rapid estmn. of c__ in turpentine. F. R. Dodd 79. Source of error in corrosion tests. Particle Size distribution of kaolin ior internal ad-ministration. Partridge 256, Pasture(s) Teart ~ of Somerset. I. Cause and cure of teartness. 11. Relation between soil and teartness. 111. Reducing teartness of -herbage. Ferguson Lewis and Watson 191. Peanut Nutritive value of cotton seeds - and soya seeds. T. F. Zucker and L. Zncker 341. Peas Spectrophotometric study of the green colour in --. Pentoses Detmn. of methylpentoses in presence of -. Nicolet and Shinn 27. Perchlorate Detcn. of - and chloride after ignition with manganous nitrate. Preising and Reedy 162. *Periodate Amount of - required to oxidise manganese. High 365.Permanganate Sugar analysis. Differential action of ___ and ceric sulpliate on cuprous oxide prepared in presence of iodide. Sullivan 373. Peroxidase Field test for the estmn. of -. W. B. Davis 223. Perspiration test Fastness to __ for coloured fabrics. Amer. Assoc. Test. Chemists and Colorists. 160. Pest-deterrent tests Tentative fabric __ as standardised by a Joint Asscn. Cttee. Fletcher and Goddin 337. Petroleum oils N-Methylaniline point of viscous -. products Colour index for -. Diller Dean, De Gray and J. W. Wilson 317. Standard methods for testing ___ and its pro-ducts. Institute of Petroleum. 20. pH Change as a measure of growth of Lactobacillus casei in vitamin assays. Silber and Mushett, 122. *Colorimetric test of - in alkaline soh.(elec-troplating solns.) by permanent colour stan-dard solns. Detmn. of the - of bitumen and tar emulsions, etc. Middleton 368. Modified calomel cell for - measurements. Lauchlan and Page 128. Pharmacists War-Time Information for -. 2nd Ed. (Review) 166. Pharmacognosy Comparative __ of PotetztilEa anserina L. and P. argentea L. Youngken and Fischer 83. wax Breakdown of - by bacteria. Rogers 313. Fischbach and Xewburger 186. Geddes Wilcox and McArdle 383. Clarke and Bradshaw 244. Practical -. (Review) Wallis 266. 1.10-Phenanthroline derivatives Colour reactions Moss Mellon and G. I;. Smith 126. o-Phenanthroline Spectrophotometric detmn. of Mehlig and Hulett 163. Phenolphthalein Detmn. of __ in chocolate Phenols Colour reaction for natural pigments and with-.iron with -. prepns. Hubacher 187. -. Tauber and Laufer 262. Colour reactions of -. Estmn. of - in meat and fat. Ether extraction method for the detmn. of urine Phenothiazine Colorimetric detmn. of - with Steigmann 26. Tucker 55. -. E. G. Schmidt 88. palladous chloride. Overholser and Yoe 26 XXX INDEX TO VOLUME 68 Phenylglycosides Alkaline degradation of -. Detmng. configuration of glycosides and sugars. Montgomery Richtmyer and Hudson 159. Phenylhydrazine Detmn. of aluminium with -, de Moraes Bastos 345. Phenylmercuric Nitrate Detmn. of mercury in -. Chambers 255. Phosphatase False positive - tests. Kaplan, 282. Ministry of Health, 185. Phosphate(s) Colorimetric detmn. of - in presence of fluoride.Kurtz 162. *method Manganese separation for the __ and general use. Austin 274. Photometric detmn. of silica in presence of -. Schwartz 162. Phosphatides Component fatty acids of some vegetable seed -. Hilditch and Zaky 310. Phosphoglycerol Estmn. of acid-sol. ~ in liver. Leva and Rapoport 377. Phospholipids Estmn. of the - in blood. Marenzi and Cardini 259. Vhosphomolybdate Colorimetric estmn. of phos-phorus by reduction of __ to molybdenum blue. Hardwick 183. Phosphomolybdic Acid Prepn. of __ from phos-phoric acid and pure molybdic acid. I h z 346. Phosphoric Acid Detmn. of total - in soils. Shrikhande 91. Potentiometric titration of molybdate in presence of silicic or -. Prepn. of phosphomolybdic acid from - and pure molybdic acid.Linz 346. *Separation of tungstic and -. Lambie 74. *Phosphorus Colorimetric estmn. of - as molybdenum blue. Hardwick 183. Colorimetric micro-detmn. of -. Sideris 95. Estmn. of - by the molybdenum blue method. Holman 346. Photosensitising agents Isolation of - from buckwheat. Wender Gortner and Inman 382. Physiological Theory of colour perception. Granit, 129. Phytin Extraction of - o€ foodstuffs with tri-chloroacetic acid. Sarma 58. Picrolonic Acid Amperometric titration of - and indirect volumetric detmn. of calcium. Cohn and Kolthoff 343. Detmn. of calcium by pptn. with - and polaro-graphic measurement of the residual -. Cohn and Kolthoff 291. Pigments Analysis of cuprous oxide -. Baker and Gibbs 345. Colour reaction for natural - and phenols.Tauber and Laufer 262. Detmn. of the specific gravity of dry paint -. Baker and Martin 347. Dispersion of - and fillers for microscopical examination. Miller 229. (Review) Piper, 230. Detmn. of magnesium in ___ and soils. Weeks and J. R. Todd 314. materials Chemical detmn. of nicotinic acid in -. Hale G. I<. Davis and H. R. Baldwin, 222. material Prepn. of extractive-free - for analysis. 62. materials Relative suitability of various acids for the extraction of ascorbic acid from -. Ponting 3 1 1. tissue Colorimetric microdetmn. of ferrous iron test for heat-treated milk. Tourky and el Shamy 40. Plant (s) Analysis Soil and -. Plant (s) -continued tissues Unsaturated fat oxidase. Distribution, function and histochemical identification in - .Van Plant 239. Plasma Detmn. of amino acids in - by the ninhydrin-carbon dioxide reaction without removal of proteins. MacFayden 87. Quantitative estmn. of haemoglobin and related hacme pigments in faeces urine and blood -. Flink and Watson 122. volume Estmn. of chlorides in biological fluids by adsorption indicators. Detmn. of thc _I of blood. *Plasticisers Detmn. of the solubility of __ in water. Haward 303. Plastics Scheme for identification of common commercial -. Nechamltin 193. Plating Detcn. of gold in --. Poisoning Food -. (Review) Dewberry 349. Polarograph Micro-dctmn. of magnesium with the *Polarographic studies 111. Detmn. of vanadium. Pollution in air; see Atmospheric pollution. Pork sausages 1,ow fat products for beef and __ and sausage meat.Ministry 01 Food. 250. Portugal Official methods for the analysis of edible oils and fats. 118. Potassium Detmn. of - by its natural radio-activity. Barnes and Salley 163. *Photometric estmn. of __ by a modification of tlic Jacobs-Hoffman method. Eden 167. Spectrographic limit of identification of -. Korman and W. W. A. Johnson 293. Titrimetric micro-detmn. of chloride sodium and ___ in a single tissue or blood sample. Clark, Levitan Gleason and Greenberg 86. Potato(es) Ascorbic acid in mashed -. Jenkins, 224. Saifer Hughes and Weiss 165. Lerner 343. -. Carruthers 312. Page and Robinson 269. Food value of the -. Nitrogen of the -. Neuberger and Sanger 58. Solanine glycoside of the -. I. Isolation and detmn.11. Distribution. Lampitt Rooke, Bushill and Jackson 219. starch Separation and quantitative estmn. of amylose and amylopectin in -. McCready and Hassid 281. 21. Vitamin B content of -. Meilieljohn 380. Potentilla anserivln L. Comparative pharmacognosy of - and P. argentea L. Youngken and Fischer 83. argenten L. Do. do. Powders Decomposition and detmn. of acid-insol. constituents of face --. McClellan 121. Ruehle and Jaycox 3 17. Prebluda-McCollum reaction Estmn. of urinary aneurine by -. Pressed Pellet electrode method for spectrographic analysis of nickel alloys. Privy Council Statutory Rules and Orders Defence (Sale of Food) Kegulations 1943. Proceedings Limitation of time €or -. Aiding and abetting. (Legal Notes) 307. Prosecution Date of “Institution of a -.” (Legal Notes) 151.Protein@) hpprox. estmn. of the isoelectric pt. of soluble --. Jaffe 256. constituents Partition chromatography in the study of -. Gordon Martin and Synge, 283. Detmn. of amino acids in plasma by the ninhydrin-carbon dioxide reaction without removal of Use of - in spectrochemical analysis. Alexander and Levi 157. Neuhaus 317. 371 387. in -. Sideris 29. -. MacFayden 87 INDEX TO VOLUME 68 xxxi Protein(s)-continued Rapid detmn. of sodium chloride in presence of -. Dyer 376. Protoporphyrin Photoelectric and fluorophoto-metric quantitative detmn. of - in blood. Grinstein and C. J. Watson 258. Pseudo-saccharin chloride reagent for the identifica-tion of alcohols. Public Analysts Reports of See Birmingham, Chelsea Kent Kingston upon Hull Leeds, Leicester Madras Salford.Pulp(s) Differentiation of bleached - in U.V. light. Agahd 292. Laboratory Handbook of - and Paper Manu-facture. (Review) J. Grant 130. fibres Microchemistry of -. Significance of the fibre-ballooning test. Harlow 316. Pyrethrum Physiological assay of - extracts. Lowenstein 121. Pyrex brand glass wool as filtering medium. Heisig, 62. Pyridoxine Estmn. of - in foods. Bina J. M. Thomas and E. B. Brown 256. Pyrophosphate Detmn. of - by pptn. with cadmium and polarographic measurement of cadmium in the ppt. Cohn and Kolthoff 195. Pyruvic Acid Micro-detmn. of - and of glucose. Haag and Dalphin 291. Meadoe and Reid 191. Q Quercetin-like substances Estmn. of flavones or - in certain naturally-occurring substances.Weatherby and Cheng 338. *Quinaldinic acid as a reagent for the separation of copper and cadmium. Majumdar 242. *Separation of copper and cadmium by means of -. Pritchard and Chirnside 244. Quinine prepns. British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1934 Fifth Supplement. 54. 8-Quinoline-carboxylic Acid Detmn. of copper with -. Gilbreath and Haendler 161. R Radioactivity Detmn. of potassium by its natural - Barnes and Salley 163. Raman spectra Analysis of hydrocarbon mixtures by -. Rare earth fractionation by zeolite action. Russell and Pearce 229. Rationed Foods Procuring samples of rationed and points or personal points -. Ministry of Health. 332. Rat(s) ; Nutritive value of certain fish meals as detd.with swine and -. Barrick Vestal and Shrewsbury 287. tissues Spectrographic analysis of ~ for in-gested vanadium. Daniel Hewston and Kies, 157. Rank Scott and Fenske 96. Raw Material Guide. Ministry of Supply 150. Rayon Separation of viscose - from cotton. Kirrett 92. “Reagent First chemical -. Nierenstein 212. Reductors Simplified technique in the use of liquid G. F. Smith and Kurtz 227. Relief low Recording - in metallic surfaces by “Resuscitation gas mixtures Analysis of oxygen an& Rhodizonate Detcn. of lead as -. Feigl and Riboflavin and vitamin B in 19th Century buns and Barton-Wright Moran and Sarson 339. Hopkins 339. amalgam --. cellulose acetate moulds. Dollar 347. carbon dioxide -. Suter 62. ale. W. R. Smith 213. and vitamin B in war-time beers.Riboflavin-continued Barton-Wright and Booth 339. &Ribose Production of furfural from d-lyxose and -. Hockett Guttag and M. E. Smith 159. Richmond’s Dairy Chemistry. 4th Ed. (Review), Elsdon 164. Rope Spores Estmn. of - in wheaten flour etc. Barton-Wright 226. Rose Hip(s) Spray-dried - powder. Charley and Pollard 381. syrup Vitamin C in - . Wokes E. H. Johnson J. Duncan Organ and Jacoby 24. Vitamins in ___ . Wokes E. H. Johnson, Organ and Jacoby 67. Rotenone and relatcd substances in berebera seeds. Chromatographic separation of deguelin and tephrosin. E. P. Clark 158. Rubber(s) Modern Synthetic ___ . (Review), Barron 97. Testing writing inks with - fountain pen sacs. Casey and Macdonald 30. Rust Identification of - on iron and steel.R. 0. Clark 345. Rye Home Grown (Control and Max. Prices) (Great Britain) Order 1942 Amendment. 15. Assay of - in cereals etc. S Saccharin (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1942. 15. Amendment 249. General Licence 250. Safflower Oil Component glycerides of -. Vidyarthi 310. Salad Dressing Mayonnaise and - yolk content. Cahn and Epstein 254. Salford City Analyst’s Reports. G. H. Walker 114. Salmonella Occurrence of - in retail meat pro-ducts. Cherry Schergo and Weaver 190. Salt Detmn. of added - in finely ground feeds. Reimers 382. Detmng. distribution of - and water in cured hams. Besley and Carroll 55. Volumetric detmn. of iodine in iodised -. Osborn Mix and Ramsey 376. Salts Separation of - by flotation. Guyer and Perren 163.Sample Sub-division of retained -. (Legal Notes) 115. Sampling of food by Inspectors of Weights and Measures. Ministry of Food. 16. Amend-ment. 52. Sausage(s) Detmn. of soya flour in - and other meat products. Bailey 154. meat Low fat soya products for beef and pork sausages and --. Ministry of Food. 250. Scaliness Evaluation of the - of animal fibres. Chamberlain and Speakman 30. Scientific and Industrial Research Dept. of Detmn. of tin with spccial reference to tin ores. 373. Investigation of Atmospheric Pollution. 17. Tyroglyphid mites in stored products. 335. Scrap Metal identification tests. 93. Selenious Acid Detmn. of ~ . Adams and Gilbertson 127. Senna leaflets Significance of stomatal index as a differential character.I. Statistical investiga-tion of stomatal indices of -. Kowson 255. *Separation of metals by means of the mercury cathode ; chromium. Chirnside Dauncey and Proffitt 175. *Separator Simple inexpensive -. Wokes and Organ 330. Serine Colorimetric estmn. of -. Boyd and Logan 221 xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME 68 "Serum Rlicrodetmn. of calcium in -. Holt and Callow 35. Shellac Analysis Handbook of -. (Review) M. Rangaswami and Sen 294. Silage composition. Burns and J. Smith 185 333. "Silica Detmn. of - in presence of molybdic acid. Photometric detmn. of __ in presence of phos-phates. Schwartz 162. Silicate rocks Detmn. of germanium in -. Hybbinette and Sandell 94. "Silicic Acid Potentioinetric titration of moIybdate in presence of - or phosphoric acid.Tourky and el Shamy 40. Silver Qualitative __ reactions. Wenger and Duckert 384. Tourky and el Shamy 2. Semi-micro detmn. of -. Reznek 193. Soap General Licence under ~ (Licensing of Manufacturers and Rationing) (No. 2) Order, 1942. 79. substitutes (Labelling and Prices) Order 1943. 215. Society of Public Analysts Analytical Methods Cttee. Detmn. of the crude fibre in national flour. 276 331. Analytical Methods Cttee. Retirement of Mr. Hinks from -. 167. -1nnual Report of Council 1943. 100. Sodium Detmn. of small quantities of - in soil solns. and soil extracts. Shawarbi and Pollard, 315. Detmn. of - in presence of molybdenum. Hale 346. Polarographic microdetmn. of - in biological material. Carruthers 158. Spectrophotometric detmn.of - . Arnold and Pray 264. Titrimetric micro-detmn. of chloride - and potassium in a single tissue or blood sample. Clark Levitan Gleason and Greenberg 86. Sodium Chloride Rapid detmn. of - in presence of protein. Dyer 376. Sodium Sulphide Detmn. of - sulphite and thio-sulphate in presence of one another. Sodium Sulphite Detmn. of sodium sulphide -and thiosulphate in presence of one another. 29. Sodium Thiosulphate Do. do. Soft Drinks (Current Prices) Order 1942 Amend-(Licensing and Control) Order 1942 Amend-Order 1943. 278. Soil@) Accurate wet combustion detmn. of carbon in -. Alper 61. and Plant Analysis. Detmn. of p-dichlorobenzene in -. Chisholm and Koblitsky 286. Dctmn. of magnesium in plants and -. Weeks and J. R. Todd 314. Detmn.of small quantities of sodium in -solns. and ~ extracts. Shawarbi and Pollard 315. Detmn. of total phosphoric acid in -. Shrilihande 91. fertility Leaf analysis as a guide to -. Lundegbrdh 190. Fractionation of organic matter including nitrogen of - in relation to quality. Ashworth 61. Teart pastures of Somerset. 11. Relation between - and teartness. Ferguson Lewis and Watson 191. I. Isolation and detmn. 11. Distribution. Lampitt Rooke, Rushill and Jackson 219. 29. ment. 52. ment. 52. (Review) Piper 230. Solanine glycoside of the potato. Solubility Bacteriological aspects of manufacture of spray-dried milk and whey powders; moisture content and - . Crossley and W. A. Johnson 91. Solvent Influence of - on the U.V. absorption max.of vitamin A. Morgareidge 90. *Somerset Routine examination of the milk of cows in - for tubercle bacilli during 1938-42. Illing Chalker and D. R. Wood 247. Teart pastures of -. I. Cause and cure of teartness. 11. Relation between soil and teartness. 111. Reducing the teartness of pasture herbage. Ferguson Lewis and Watson, 191. Soupfin Shark livers Methylene chloride in the extraction and detmn. cf vitamin A and oil in -__ Tompkins and Bolomey 338. South African cereak Chemical composition of some __ and their milling products. Craw-ford Hamersma and Marloth 1.52 373. Soya flour Detmn. of - in sausages and other meat products. Bailey 154. products Low f a t ~ for beef and pork sausages and sausage meat. Ministry of Food. 250. seeds Nutritive value of cotton seeds peanut and -.Specific Gravity Uetmn. of - of dry paint pig-ments. Baker and Martin 347. Specific Surfaces Measuring - of fibres. J. d'A. Clark 265. Spectrochemical analysis Use of powders in -. Ruehle and Jaycox 317. Spectrograph Applications of the - to steelworks analysis. Spectrographic standards Prepn. of purified in-organic compounds for use in --. R. C. Hughes 163. Spectrophotometry Applications of near infra-red -. Stearns 317. Spectroscopic analysis Concn. methods in -. Spectroscopy and Combustion Theory. (Review), "Spekker absorptiometer Setting -. High 78. photoelectric absorptiometer Application of the __ to the detmn. of vitamin C. Taylor 285. Spot-tests for the Identification of certain Metallic Coatings and of certain Metals in Bulk.(Review) Evans and Higgs 231. Post and Laudermilk 289. T. F. Zucker and L. Zucker 341. Shirley and E. Elliott 317. in Medicine. (Review) Heilmeyer 267. Scott and R. L. Mitchell 313. Gaydon 64. Stain Microchemical - for cellulose. Staining Soh. for micro-organisms. Starch(es) Amylose and amylopectin content of ~ detmnd. by their iodine complex forma-tion. Bates French and Kundle 192. and Dextrine (Control) Order 1943. 215. and its Derivatives. 2nd Ed. (Review) Radley, Detmn. of mannan and __ in paper. Dijk 193. Dctmn. of sugar in - hydrolysates hy yeast fermentation and chemical means. Schultz, Fisher Atkin and Frey 336. Estmn. of carboxyl groups in commercial -modified by oxidation. Elizer 61. Fractionation of - by selective pptn.with butanol. Schoch 119. Nigerian cassava -. Furlong 125. Polarimetric detmn. of - in cereal products. Prepn. of certain derivatives of -. Pacsu and Rapid detmn. of -. Index to maturity in Grey 25. 318. Clendenning 18. Mullen 21. starchy vegetables. Nielsen 220 INDEX TO Starch(es)-continued Separation and quantitative estmn. of amylose and amylopectin in potato -. McCready and Hassid 281. Separation of non-carbohydrate substances from cereal -. Schoch 119. $teel(s) alloys Electrographic detcn. of molybde-num in -. Calamari Hubata and Roth, 194. Colorimetric detmn. of titanium in chromium -. Silverman 63. Detmn. of boron in -. Rudolph and Flick-inger 384. Detmn. of molybdenum in --. "Detmn. of sulphur in ___ by the combustion method.Belcher and Postlethwaite 305. ;xGravimetric detmn. of tin in - (other than chrome --). Wheeler 246. Identification of rust on iron and -. R . 0. Clark 345. Photometric detmn. of cobalt in -. Haywood and A. A. R. Wood 263. Polarographic detmn. of lead in lead-bearing --. Haim and Barnes 193. Quantitative spectrographic analysis of stainless -. lZapid tests for nickel -. Testing of continuity of thin tin coatings on -. Kerr 161. Steelworks analysis Applications of the spectro-graph to -. Sterols Modified antimony trichloride reagent for the estmn. of certain - and vitamins D and D,. Zimmerli Nield and Russell 260. *Separation of vitamin A from xanthophylls in presence of egg yolk -. Mann 233. *Stilboestrol Two new colour reacticns for -.Cocking 144. dipropionate Assay of solns. of ~ in oil. Dracass and Foster 181. Stock Feeding Cocoa and chocolate residues in-cluding cocoa shell for -. Ministries of Agriculture and Food. 216. Stornatal Index Significance of - as a differential character. I. Statistical investigation of the ~ of senna leaflets. Stopcock greases Prepn. of high-temp. -. Puddington 265. Stored Products Tyroglyphid mites in -. Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research. 336. Streptococci isolated from raw retail milk. Beahm, 91. Strontium Separation of calcium from -, Tillu and Telang 29. Solubility of __ chromate and detcn. of -. T. W. Davis 95. Strontium Chromate Do. do. Sugar@) Alkaline degradation of phenylglycosides. Detmng.configuration of glycosides and -. Montgomery Richtmyer and Hudson 159. Iodo-metric detmn. of ferrocyanide. English and Becker 254. analysis Differential action of permanganate and ceric sulphate on cuprous oxide prepared in presence of iodide. Sullivan 373. Analysis Physical and Chemical Methods of -. 3rd Ed. (Review) C A. Browne and Zerban 66. Contamination of cuprous oxide in reducing -analysis. Jackson and McDonald 119. Detmn. of - in starch hydrolysates by yeast fermentation and chemical means. Schultz, Fisher Atkin and Frey 336. Vance 127. Hasler Harvey and Dietert 293. 161. Shirley and E. Elliott 317. Rowson 255. analysis by alkaline ferricyanide method. VOLUME 68 xxxiii Identification of ~ by the microscopic appear-ance of crystalline osazones.Hassid and McCready 2 1. Rapid detmn. of fermentable --. Menzinsky, 342. *titration end-pt. in the Lane and Eynon method. Tritton 147. Sulphanilamide Detmng. free and acetylated -. Anderson 187. *-nitrite titrations Acriflavine as internal in-dicator for -. Frost 51. Sulphate Volumetric detmn. of -. Lee Wallace, Hand and Hannay 63. Sulphides Electrometric titration of alkali car-bonates - hydroxides and acetates. Crocker Dow Ripanti and Nolan 63. Sulphite(s) Detmn. of carbonate in carbonate- -mixtures. Jany and Fenyo 355. Micro-detmn. of free sulphur dioxide - and organic compounds of sulphur dioxide in presence of one another. Sulphoberizoic Acids Identification of o- and p - -as their S-benzylthiuronium salts. Campaigne and Suter 124.Sulphur Detmn. of small amounts of combined __ in cellulose derivatives. Malm and Tanghe 159. "Detmn. of - in steels by the combustion method. Belcher and Yostlethwaite 305. Sulphur Compounds Organic - as reagents for metals. Majumdar 289. *Sulphur Dioxide Detmn. of __ in citrus juices. Bennett and Donovan 140. Micro- detmn. of free - sulphites and organic compounds of sulphur dioxide in presence of one another. Stevens 347. Summons Use of trade name in a -. (Legal Notes). 372. Surface Area measurements Identification of carbon black by -. Amon W. R. Smith and Thornhill 292. Surfaces metallic Recording low relief in - by cellulose acetate moulds. Dollar 347. Sweet Peppers Ascorbic acid content of -. Beckley and Notley 224.Swelling-staining Reagent for studying fibre struc-ture. Harlow 292. Swine Nutritive value of certain fish meals as detd. with __ and rats. Barrick Vestal and Shrewsbury 287. Synthetic Rubbers Modern -. (Review) H. Barron 97. T Tablets Colorimetric assay of alkaloidal hypodermic __and injections. Allport and N. R. Jones 22. Takadiastase Precaution in the use of - for the estmn. of maltose. Bunting 56. Talisay Expressed tropical almond (-) oil. Asenjo and Goyco 310. *Tar Detmn. of the pH of bitumen and __ emulsions etc. Middleton 368. Tartrates Fenton reaction for -. *Tate and Warren apparatus 13istillation receiver for use with the -. Teart pastures of Somerset I. Cause and cure of teartness. 11. Relation between soil and teartness.111. Reducing teartness of pasture herbage. Ferguson Lewis and Watson 191. Temperature measurement. B.S.I. Code 1041. 186. Tephrosin Rotenone and related substances in berebera seeds. Chromatographic separation of deguelin and -. Sugar(s)-continued Stevens 347. Shupe 383. Biggs 147. E. P. Clark 158 xxxiv INDEX TO Terpyridyl Colorimetric detmn. of cobalt with -. Moss and Mellon 194. Tetraethyl lead Detmn. of - in gasoline. Schwartz 345. Tetraiodophenolphthalein Detmn. of iodine in -. Weiner Leach and Bratz 283. Textile Fiber Atlas. (Review) von Bergen and Krauss 231. Thallium Qualitative - reactions. Wenger and Duckert 194. Thermal Diffusion Separation of isotopes etc. by ionic migration and -. Kendall 129. Thiamine Micro-fermentation estmn.of -. Josephson and R. S. Harris 59. Thiocyanogen Value Application of the - to the detmn. of linolic and linolenic acids. Matthews, Brodie and J . B. Brown 92. Segregation of component glycerides of linseed oil by chromatography. 11. Detmn. of -. Walker and Mills 342. Thiosemicarbazides Some ally1 nitrophenyl -; analytical props. Scott and Andrews 126. Thiosulphate Standardising - soln. Rue 63. Threshed Feeding Peas (Control and Max. Prices) (Great Britain) Order 1942 Amendment. 79. Thulium Separation of ytterbium from - and lutecium. Marsh 127. Time Limit in applications for cases stated. (Legal Notes) 372. Tin-base bearing metal Analysis of - for antimony and copper. Andrews and Bender, 94. *Colorimetric detmn. 01 bismuth in -. Tabor, 305.concentrates Analysis of Bolivian -. Kall-mann 227. Detmn. of thickness of - coatings. Tin Research Institute 161. Detmn. of - coating on - plate. Bendix, Stammer and Carle 345. Detmn. of - with special reference to -ores. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research 373. "Gravimetric detmn. of - in steel (other than chrome steel). Wheeler 246. Testing of continuity of thin - coatings on steel. Kerr 161. Volumetric detmn. of - . Willard and Toribara 93. Tin Research Institute Detmn. of thickness of tin coatings. 161. *Tips Analysis of tungsten carbide -. Evans and Box 203. Tissue(s) Chemical detmn. of tocopherols in muscle - . Colorimetric microdetmn. of ferrous iron in plant -. Sideris 29. Detmn. of the gas content of animal -.Scholander 84. Detmn. of moisture in living -. Hallsworth and R. L. Reid 21. Spectrographic analysis of rat - for ingested vanadium. Titrimetric micro-detmn. of chloride sodium and potassium in a single - or blood sample. Clark Levitan Gleason and Grcenberg 86. Unsaturated fat oxidase. Distribution function and histochemical identification in plant -. Van Plant 259. Titanium Colorimetric detmn. of - in chromium steels. Silverman 63. Volumetric detmn. of iron and -. McNabb and Skolnik 94. Devlin and Mattill 123. Daniel Hewston and Kies 157. VOLUME 68 Titan Yellow Spectrophotometric detmn. of mag-nesium by means of -. Ludwig and C. r\. Johnson 191. Tobaccos classified according to the nature of their alkaloids Markwood and Barthel 282.Tocopherols Chemical detmn. of - in muscle tissue. Devlin and Mattill 123. Estmn. of - and tocopherylquinones by the colorimetric oxidation-reduction method. Scudi and Buhs 90. Tocopherylquinones Do. do. Toluene Control of __ (No. 3) Order 1943. Ministry of Supply. 332. Detcn. and detmn. of benzene in the presence of -- xylene etc. Dolin 261. Tomatoes Vitamin C from green --. Wokes and Organ 24. Totaquine Source and uses. Revised U.S.P. XI1 Standards. 84. Trade Name Use of - in a summons. (Legal Notes) 372. Trehalose New source of -. Trichloroacetic Acid Extraction of phytin of food-stuffs with -. Sarma 58. Tri-dihydrogen Pyrophosphatomanganate Polaro-graphic detmn. of manganese as -. Kolthoff and Watters 194. Trigonelline Photoelometric estmn.of -. Fox, McNeill and Field 222. Tropical Almond Expressed - (Talisay) uil. Asenjo and Goyco 310. Tryptophan Micro-colorimetric estmn. of -. Eckert 259. *Tubercle Bacilli Routine examination of cows in Somerset for - during 1938-42. IIIing, Chalker and D. R. Wood 247. Tung Oil Ellis-Jones maleic anhydride method in testing -. McKinney Halbrook and Ross, 92. *Tungsten carbide tips Analysis of -. Evans and Box 203. Leibowitz 374. Spectrochemical assay for -. Scobie 196. *Studies in the analytical chemistry of --. 11. Lambie 74. "Tungstic Acid Separation of - and phosphoric acids. Lambie 74. *Turpentine Kapid estmn. of paraffin adulterants In --. Tyroglyphid Mites in stored products. Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research.335. F. R. Dodd 79. U Ultra-violet absorption Influence of solvent on the light 1Xfferentiation of bleached pulps in -. rays Colour microscopy in -. Brumberg 385. Union of South Africa Uepartment of Agriculture and Forestry. Chemical composition of S. African cereals and milling products. 152 373. United States Pharmacopoeia XI1 Revised standards for totaquine. 84. Units of measurement Absolute X-ray wave-lengths as fundamental -. Lipson Riley, Siegbahn and A. J . C. Wilson 264. Urea Estmn. of __ in blood and urine. Ormsby, 156. Microdiffusion methods. Ammonia and ~ using buffered absorbents. (For more than lOpg of nitrogen.) Conway and O'Malley 57. Urinary aneurine Estmn. of - by the Prebluda-McCollum reaction. Alexander and Levi 157.- max. of vitamin A. -. Agahd 292. Morgareidge 90 INDEX TO Urine Detmn. of ascorbic acid in whole blood and __ through the 2.4-dinitrophenylhydrazine derivative of dehydroascorbic acid. Roe and Kuether 260. Detmn. of iodides in -. Pearl 258. Estmn. of mepacrine in blood and -. Masen, Estmn. of urea in blood and -. Ormsby 166. Ether extraction method for the detmn. of -phenols. E. G. Schmidt 88. Quantitative estmn. of haemoglobin and related haeme pigments in faeces - and blood plasma. Flink and Watson 122. T. C. Hall 338. 379. Rapid test for bromide in blood and -. V *Vanadium Polarographic studies. 111. Detmn. of -. Page and Robinson 269. Spectrographic analysis of rat tissues for ingested -Vanillin Detcng. adulteration of ethylvanillin with - Nechamkin 282.Yegetableis) and Vegetable Products (Canning, Bottling and 'Freezing) (Control and Max. Prices) Order 1943. 184. Ascorbic acid values of fruits and - for dietary surveys. Olliver 189. Canned (Prohibition of Retail Sales) Order 1942. 15. oils Detmn. of carotene in - without saponifi-cation. oils Isolation of linolic acid from __ by low temp. crystallisation. Frankel Stoneburner and J. B. Brown 192. Rapid detmn. of starch. Index to maturity in starchy -. Nielsen 220. seed phosphatides; Component fatty acids of -. Hilditch and Zaky 310. Stability of ascorbic acid in dehydrated -. Daniel Hewston and Kies 157. Bickoff and K. T. Williams 285. Aykroyd 122. Vitamin P activity of some British fruits and -. Bacharach and-Coates 286.Veterinary Oil Cod Liver Oil and - (Control) Order 1943. 150. Vinegar Artificial -. Invoice not a warranty. (Legal Notes) 16. Detcn. of caramel in cider Henry and Sanders 310. Viscose Rayon Separation of ~ from cotton. Kirrett 92. Viscosity Capillary flow and falling sphere methods of detmng. - of cellulose in cuprammonium solns. Hatch Hammond and McNair 96. Measurement of anomalous __ by the capillary tube method. Merrington 385. Vitamin(s) assays pH Change as a measure of growth of Lactobacillus casei in-. Silber Znd Mushett 122. in Medicine. (Review) Bicknell and Prescott 295. in rose hips. Wokes E. H. Tohnson Organ and Jacoby; 157. Vitamin A Estmn. of - Lister Institute and Medical Research Council. 281. *Estmn. of - in vitaminised cocoa and choco-late by the Carr-Price test.Raynes and McLellan 109. Influence of solvent on the U.V. absorption max. of -. Morgareidge 90. Xethylene chloride in the extraction and detmn. of __ and oil in soupfin shark livers. Tomkins and Bolomey 338. Urban and Milder 338. ,Micro-detmn. of - and carotenes. VOLUME 68 xxxv *Separation of - from xanthophylls in the *Spectrophotometric detmn. of - in fish-liver J. I. M. Jones and Haines 8. Vitamin B Misleading label. (Legal Notes) 279. Vitamin B, Azo colour reaction for the detmn. of - in national flour. Platt and Glock 380. content of National flour and bread; results of comparative tests by various methods. Vitamin B Sub-Cttee. of the Accessory Food Factors Cttee. of the Medical Research Council and the Lister Institute.379. Vitamin A-continzred presence of egg yolk sterols. oils. Mann 233. content of potatoes. Meikeljohn 380. Location of - in wheat. Ward 89. Riboflavin and - in 19th Century buns and ale. Barton-Wright Moran and Sarson 339. Riboflavin and - in war-time beers. Hopkins, 339. Visual method for - assay in flour. Herd, Mundy and Ridyard 174. Vitamin C Apparent - in certain foodstuffs. Wokes Organ Duncan and Jacoby 286. Application of the Spekker photoelectric absorp-tiometer to the detmn. of --. Chromogenic reagent for - detmns. Koenig, Schiefelbusch and C. R. Johnson 223. Colorimetric detmn. of -. Isaacs 133. from green tomatoes. in rose hip syrup. Wokes E. H. Johnson, saturation Standardisation measurements a t Harris 123.saturation test of Harris and Abbasy. Atkins, Winter sources of --. Crowe and Bradford, Vitamin D Factors influencing the A.O.A.C. chick Motzok D. C. Hill and Taylor 285. Wokes and Organ 24. Duncan Organ and Jacoby 24. graded levels of intake. 123. 224. method of - assay. Slinger 340. Vitamin D, Modified antimony trichloride reagent . for thk estmn. of certain sterols and -and Do. Zimmerli. Nield and Russell. 260. vitaluih D, DO. do. Vitamin P activity of some British fruits and vegetables. Bacharach and Coates 286. in blackcurrants. Pollard 25. W Warfare Gas __ (Review) Fitch 131. War Oases. Identification and Decontamination. War-Time Information for Pharmacists. 2nd Ed. (Review) M. B. Jacobs 65. (Review) 166.Water(sl Calcium hvdride in the detmn. of -. Elitsur 28. of ternary azeotropic mixtures. by means of haematoxylin. Haward 303. G. R. Robertson 315. hams. Besley and Carroll 55. (Review) Suckling 197. Wood 147. Bigger and Nelson 124. content Detmn. of ~ of wood etc. by means Atkins 262. *Detmn. of small amounts of aluminium in -*Detmn. of the solubility of plasticisers in -. Detmn. of -in alcohol with aid of dicyclohexyl. Detmng. distribution of salt and - in cured Examination of - and Water Supplies. *Growth of coliform bacteria in -. D. R. Growth of coliform bacilli in distilled --. Houghton 208 xxxvi INDEX TO Water(s)-continued Identification of organic acids by partition between ether and -. 0. C. Dermer and V. H. Dermer 383.Resistance of sized papers and paperboard to - a t elevated temps. *Separation and detmn. of very small amounts of aluminium and iron in -. Strafford and Wyatt 319. Wax Detmn. of - in asphalt. Betts and Wirsig 354. Whale Oil Mixed unsat. glycerides of liquid fats. Low temp. crystallisation of -. Hilditch and Maddison 288. Wheat Detmn. of the endosperm content of -_ Halton and Barton-Wright 336. *flour Estmn. of oat flour in mixtures with -. Hinton 180. Home Grown (Control and Prices) (Great Britain) Order 1942. Amendment. 15. Location of vitamin B in -. Wheaten Flour Estmn. of rope spores in - etc. Barton-Wright 226. Whey Powders Bacteriological aspects of the manu-facture of spray-dried milk and -; moisture content and solubility. Crossley and W. A. Johnson 91. Whiskey Changes in I_ while maturing. Lieb-mann and Rosenblatt 375. Widmark’s method Modification of - for the detmn. of alcohol in blood. Wines Detmn. of caramel in -. Codwise 292. Ward 89. du Pan 226. Milos 21. Detmn. of monochloracetic acid in -. J. B. Wilson 374. Wood Detmn. of the cellulose content of __ by extraction with monoethanolamine. Bloom, Jahn and Wise 27. Detmn. of the water content of - by means of ternary azeotropic mixtures. Atkins 262. Electrical resistance of -. Barkas I-Iearmon and Pratt 128. Fluorescence of extractives of -. Marteny 128. Susceptibility of - to decay. Decay tests. Kaufert and Behr. 124. VOLUME 68 *Wool Detmn. of fluorine in - treated with Works Control X-Ray Crystal Analysis in -fluorides. Elsworth and Rarritt 295. (Review) 165. X *Xanthophylls Separation of vitamin A from -Xanthydrol as reagent for characterisation of X-Ray Crystal Analysis in Works Control. (Re-wavelengths Absolute __ as fundamental units Lipson Riley Siegbahn and Xylem Detcn. and detmn. of benzenein the presence in presence of egg yolk sterols. primary amides. view) 165. of measurement. A. J . C. Wilson 264. of toluene - etc. Mann 233. Phillips and Pitt 316. D o h 261. Y Yeast fermentation Detinn. of sugar in starch hydrolysates by - and chemical means. Schultz Fisher Atkin and Frey 336. Yolk content Mayonnaise and salad dressing -. Cahn and Epstein 254. Ytterbium Separation of ___ from thulium and lutecium. Marsh 127. Z Zeolite action Rare earth fractionation by -. Zinc Detmn. of __ and cadmium with anthranilic Detmng. __ in aluminium alloys. Cohen 227. Detmn. of ~ in magnesium alloys. Cohen 228. *-ferrocyanide titrations o-Dianisidine as internal indicator for -. Frost 51. Zirconium Separation of - and hafnium. Larsen Fernelius and Quill 346. Russell and Pearce 229. acid. Wenger 316. Spot test for -. Yoe and Overholser 194. ___- _ ~ - - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -PRiNTED BY w. HEFFER & S O N S LTD. CAMBRIDGE. ENGLAN
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