THE ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF The Society. for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 85 1960 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & S O N S , L T D . 4 PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLANDTHE ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF The Society. for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 85 1960 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & S O N S , L T D . 4 PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLANDTHE ANALYST PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Chairman: K. A. WILLIAMS, BSc., Ph.D., A.Inst.P., F.R.I.C. N. I,. ALLPORT, F.R.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH, M.A., F.R.I.C. B. BAGSHAWE, A.Met., F.I.M., M.1nst.F. H. E. BROOKES, BSc., F.R.I.C. B. A. ELLIS, O.B.E., M.A., F.R.I.C. W. T. ELWELL, F.R.I.C. D. C. GARRATT, Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.I.C.C. H. R. GENTRY, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. J. H. HAMENCE, MSc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. J. HASLAM, DSc., F.R.I.C. H. M. N. H. IRVING, M.A., DSc., D.Phil., W. C. JOHNSON, M.B.E., F.R.I.C. J. I. M. JONES, D.Sc., F.R.I.C. E. Q. LAWS, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. R. F. MILTON, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. J. G. SHERRATT, B.Sc.Tech., F.R.I.C. L. S. THEOBALD, MSc., A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C. D. W. WILSON, MSc., F.R.I.C. F.R. I.C. AND THE PRESIDENT AND HONORARY OFFICERS President of the Society R. C. CHIRNSIDE, F.R.I.C. Hon. Secretary of the Society R. E. STUCKEY, D.Sc., Ph.D., F.P.S., F.R.I.C. Hon. Treasurer of the Society A. J. AMOS, BSc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Hon. Assistant Secretaries of the Society L. BREALEY, B.Sc., F.R.I.C.; S. A. PRICE, BSc., F.R.I.C. Editor J. B. ATTRILL, M.A., F.R.I.C. Assistant Editor P.W. SHALLISTHE ANALYST PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Chairman: K. A. WILLIAMS, BSc., Ph.D., A.Inst.P., F.R.I.C. N. I,. ALLPORT, F.R.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH, M.A., F.R.I.C. B. BAGSHAWE, A.Met., F.I.M., M.1nst.F. H. E. BROOKES, BSc., F.R.I.C. B. A. ELLIS, O.B.E., M.A., F.R.I.C. W. T. ELWELL, F.R.I.C. D. C. GARRATT, Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. C. H. R. GENTRY, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. J. H. HAMENCE, MSc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. J. HASLAM, DSc., F.R.I.C. H. M. N. H. IRVING, M.A., DSc., D.Phil., W. C. JOHNSON, M.B.E., F.R.I.C. J. I. M. JONES, D.Sc., F.R.I.C. E. Q. LAWS, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. R. F. MILTON, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. J. G. SHERRATT, B.Sc.Tech., F.R.I.C. L. S. THEOBALD, MSc., A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C. D. W. WILSON, MSc., F.R.I.C. F.R. I.C. AND THE PRESIDENT AND HONORARY OFFICERS President of the Society R.C. CHIRNSIDE, F.R.I.C. Hon. Secretary of the Society R. E. STUCKEY, D.Sc., Ph.D., F.P.S., F.R.I.C. Hon. Treasurer of the Society A. J. AMOS, BSc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Hon. Assistant Secretaries of the Society L. BREALEY, B.Sc., F.R.I.C.; S. A. PRICE, BSc., F.R.I.C. Editor J. B. ATTRILL, M.A., F.R.I.C. Assistant Editor P. W. SHALLISINDEX TO VOLUME 85 INDEX TO NAMES A Abbott, D. C., et al. Correlation of anticholin- esterase effect with solanine content of potatoes, 375. Abdalla, A., et al. Titrimetric detmn. of arsenite in presence of arsenate, 288. Adams, R. Organic Reactions, Vol. X. (Publica- tion received), 232; (Review), 614. Adrian, J. Dosage Microbiologique des Vitamines du Groupe B. (Publication received), 303. Allen, B., et al.Composite procedure for analysis of aluminium bronze alloys, 731. Allport, N. L. Review of Snell and Snell’s Colori- metric Methods of Analysis: Including Photo- metric Methods. Vol. IIA, 78. - Review of British Veterinary Codex 1953: Supplement 1959, 613. - Review of Pharmaceutical Pocket Book. 17th Edn., 694. Anderson, D. 1. W. Application of G.L.C. - infra- red spectroscopy technique. (Summary), 163. Anderson, E. L. Centrifugal filtration apparatus, 228. Antoszewski, R., et al. Impregnation test for detcng. traces of orthophosphate, 527. Amaud, F. W. F. Obituary, 233, 388. Ashtan, F. C. Modified colorimetric detmn. of dichlorophen, 685. Athavale, V. T., et al. Separating niobium and tantalum together from titanium, 208. Audubert, R., ef al. Principles of Electrophoresis.Translated by A. J. Pomerans. (Review), 157. B Bacharach, A. L. Review of Kritchevsky’s Choles- Bacon, A. Obituary, 777. Badoz-Lambling, J., et al. RBactions Glectro- chimiques. (Review), 690. Bagshawe, B. Review of Westwood, Mayer, Clarke and Green’s Chemical Analysis of Cast Iron and Foundry MateriaEs. Baker, C. A. Flame as source of atoms. (Sum- mary), 461. Baker, E. A., et al. - Micro-detmn. of endrin, 148, 606. Balchin, L. A., et al. Detmng. niobium in titanium ores and pigments, 503. Ballou, N. E., et al. Radiochemistry of Molyb- denum. (Publication received), 616. Bamford, C. H., et al. Polymer. Vol. I, No. 1, March, 1960. (Publication received), 383. Barakat, M. Z., et al. Titrimetric detmn. of arsenite in presence of arsenate, 288.Bark, L. S., et al. Effect of substituent groupings on chromatographic behaviour of phenoxyacetic acids. I. Methyl-substitu ted phenoxyacetic acids, 663; 11. Chloro-substituted phenoxyacetic acids, 905; 111. Effect of nature of substituent, 907. Barnard, A. J:, . jun., et al. Thioacetamide as Sulfide Precipitant : Annotated Bibliography. (Publication received), 456; (Review), 775. terol, 155. 2nd Edn., 853. Detmng. dieldrin, 184. Barnard, G. P. Review of Waldron’s Advances an Mass Spectrometry, 454. Barnes, W. J., ef al. Fluorimetric detmn. of boron. Application to silicon, sea water and steel, 828. - Spectrofluorimetry of lubricating oils. Detmng. oil mist in air, 3. Bartlett, A. F. F., et al. Field detmn. of sulphur dioxide in air, 147. Bassiri, T. Introduction a I’ctude des Parfums: MatiBres Premihres Aromatiques d’Origine Natur- elle et de Synthhse.(Publication received), 616. Bauer, E. L. Statistical Manual for Chemists. (Publication received), 456; (Review), 692. Bawn, C. E. H., et al. Polymer. Vol. I, No. 1, March, 1960. (Publication received), 383. Bayer, F., et al. Gasanalyse: Methoden der Arbeitspraxis. (Publication received), 303; (Review), 533. Beard, H. C. Radiochemistry of Arsenic. (Publica- tion received), 456. Beaven, G. H. Review of Thompson’s Advances in Spectroscopy. Vol. I, 532. Belcher, R. Techniques and scales of analysis. (Summary), 857. - et at. Volumetric Analysis. Vol. 111. (Review), 156. Bell, H. R., et al. Detmng. calcium and mag- nesium in rat liver, 519. Bell, a. P. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry.Vol. 33, No. 7, July, 1959. (Publication received), 384. BelIamy, L. J. Applications of infra-red spectro- scopy. (Summary), 162. Bender, A. E. Dictionary of Nutrition and Food Technology. (Publication received), 696. Benedetti-Pichler, A. A., et al. Handbuch der mikrochemischen Methoden. Band I, Teil 2. (Publication received), 232. Bennett, c3. P. Obituary, 308. Bentley, H. R., ef ul. Constituents of Tobacco Smoke : Annotated Bibliography. First Supple- ment. (Publication received), 616. - Polynuclear hydrocarbons in tobacco and tobacco smoke. 11. Origin of 3 : 4-benzopyrene found in tobacco and tobacco smoke, 723; 111. Inhibition of formation of 3 : 4-benzopyrene in cigarette smoke, 727. Berger, K. G., et al. Detmng. chemical antioxidants in fats after separation by partition chromato- graphy, 341. Berl, W.G. Physical Methods in Chemical Analysis. Vol. 1. 2nd Revised Edn. (Publication re- ceived), 534. Berry, A. J. Henry Cavendish: His Life and Scientific Work. (Publication received), 456 ; (Review), 615. Berry, E. G). N., et al. Constituents of Tobacco Smoke : Annotated Bibliography. First Sup- plement. (Publication received), 616. Bessell, C. J., et al. Detmng. vitamin B12: Critical review, 389. Beynon, J. H. Mass Spectrometry and Applica- tions to Organic Chemistry. (Publication re- ceived), 928. Bier, M. Electrophoresis : Theory, Methods and Applications. (Review), 157.vi INDEX TO Bishop, E. Differential electrolytic potentiometry. 111. Examination of variables of the method applied to inactive reductants, 422.- Review of Charlot, Badoz-Lambling and TrC- millon’s RGactions Glectrochimiques, 690. Blackwell, I. G., et al. Detmng. calcium and magnesium in waters by automatic titration, 27. Blake, A. J., et al. Rapid detmn. of toluene and styrene vapours in atmosphere, 442. Bobtelsky, 1. Heterometry. (Publication re- ceived), 383; (Review), 853. Bockris, J. O’M., et al. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Vol. 1, No. 1, August, 1959. (Pub- lication received), 80. Bolton, W. Detmng. digestible carbohydrates in poultry foods, 189. Bombosch, S., et al. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to Institut fur Pflanzenpathologie und Pflanzenschutz. Need- ham, 799. Bourne, G. H. World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics. Vol. I. (Publication received), 303.Bouaa, A. P., et al. Aplicaciones Analiticas del AEDT y Similares. (Publication received), 616; (Review), 927. Bradfield, E. G. Detmng. magnesium in plant material with Titan yellow, 666. Bradshaw, G., et al. Detmng. iron in tin of 99-999 per cent. purity, 76. Brailsford, F. Magnetic Materials. (Publication received), 927. Bridge, E.P., et al. Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids, 97. Brindley, D. 3. Polarographic detmn. of niobium in highly alloyed steels, 877. Britton, S. C., et al. Tinplate Testing: Chemical and Physical Methods. (Publication received), 856. Broad, W. C., et al. Thioacetamide as Sulfide Precipitant : Annotated Bibliography. (Publica- tion received), 456; (Review), 775. Broadbank, R. W. C., et al. Ammonium 12- molybdophosphate for assaying radioactive fission products in water, 365.Brodaty, E. Obituary, 458. Brooks, R. R. Ion-exchange enrichment in detmng. Brunink, H. Bioassay for pesticide residues in Visit to Keuringsdienst van Waren. - et al. Colorimetric detmn. of triphenyltin - Detmng. l-naphthyl methylcarbamate (S evin) Buchan, J. L., et al. Dextrose and maltose Buckle, A. L. J. Auto Analyzer. (Summary), 386. Bune, A. J. Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. (Publication received), 928. Burden, E. H. W. J., e f al. Composition of New Zealand skimmed-milk powder and influence on detmn. of milk-solids-not-fat, 839. Burgan, J. G., et al. Polynuclear hydrocarbons in tobacco and tobacco smoke. 11. Origin of 3 : 4-benzopyrene found in tobacco and tobacco smoke, 723; 111. Inhibition of formation of 3 : 4-benzopyrene in cigarette smoke, 727.Burt, J. R., et al. Separating and detmng. sugar phosphates, with particular reference to extracts of fish ti!;sue, 810. Busev, A. I., et al. Use of Organic Reagents in Inorganic Analysis. Translated by J. T. Greaves. (Publication received), 856. trace elements in sea water, 745. foodstuffs. Needham, 797. residues, 847. residues in apples, 187. contents of commercial liquid glucose, 75. VOLUME 85 Butler, D., ef al. Detmng. a-(4-chloro-2-methyl- phenoxy)propionic acid in chloromethylphenoxy- propionic acids by gas - liquid chromatography with internal standard, 657. Separating total rare earths and thorium from multiple-oxide minerals, 149. Translation from Russian for Scientists. (Publication received), 927.Butler, J. R., et al. Buxton, C. R., et al. C Cahn, R. S. Introduction to Chemical Nomen- clature. (Review), 693. Camber, B. Oxosteroids. Use of Phenolic Hydra- zides for Detection, Characterisation and Estima- tion. (Publication received), 232; (Review), 612. Cannon, C. G. Electronics for Spectroscopists. (Publication received), 303. Carey, A. Obituary, 308. Carlos, A. S. Obituary, 538. Carruthers, A., et al. Removal of interfering ions in detmng. betaine in sugar-beet juices and plant material, 272. Cartmight, P. F. S. Precipitating basic bismuth formate from homogeneous solution and detmng. bismuth in presence of lead, 216; Erratum, 303. Cassidy, W,, et al. Detmng. gallates in edible fats, 295. Cavendish, Henry. His Life and Scientific Work. Berry. (Publication received), 456 ; (Review), 615.Chalmers, R. A., e f al. Chancellor, 5. F. Review of Kappelmeier’s Chemical Analysis of Resin-based Coating Mater- ials, 383. Chandler, R. D. T. E. Charlot, G., et at. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Vol. 1, No. 1, August, 1959. (Publication received), 80. - Rgactions Electrochimiques. (Review), 690. Cheronis, N. D., et al. Semimicro Experiments in General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis. (Publication received), 232 ; (Review), 690. Chirnside, R. C. Review of Davies’s Principles of Electrolyszs, 301. - Review of Selected Methods of Analysis of Foundry Materials. Part 1, 230. Choppin, G. R. Radiochemistry of Rhodium. (Publication received), 616. Cipera, J. D. Ultra-violet spectrophotometric detmn. of 2-amino-2-deoxyhexoses, 51 7.Clark, D. S., e f al. Colorimetric detmn. of ferro- cyanide ion, and application to molasses, 574. Clark, R. M., et al. Qualitative test for mono- nitrotoluenes with trisodium pentacyano- amminoferrate, 683. Clark, R. T. Polarographic detmn. of small amounts of tin and lead in zirconium and its alloys, 245. Clarke, W. E., et at. Chemical Analysis of Cast Iron and Foundry Materials. 2nd Edn. (Pub- lication received), 456; (Review), 853. Cleverley, B. Identifying barbiturates from infra- red spectra, 582. Clifford, J. Detmng. trimethylene glycol in glycerol by gas chromatography, 475. Cluley, H. J., e f al. Analysis of bismuth telluride and related thermoelectric materials, 815. Coates, G. E. Organo-Metallic Compounds. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 928.Cocks, L. V. Codd, L. W. Review of Martinez and Rouza’s Aplicaciones Analiticas del A EDT y Similares, 927. Precision burette, 226. Obituary, 233. Evaluation of crude glycerine, 686.INDEX TO Codell, M Analytical Chemistry of Titanium Metals and Compounds. (Publication received), 616; (Review), 854. Coleman, R. F. Isotopic detmn. of lithium by neutron activation, 285. - ef al. Apparatus for routine detmn. of oxygen content of beryllium metal by activation, 154. Cooper, D. G. Periodic Table. 2nd Edn. (Pub- lication received), 695. Cosgrove, J. D., et al. Detmng. nitrogen in boron nitride, 448. Coulson, C. B., et al. Quantitative paper chromato- graphy of inorganic ions in soils and plants, 203. Cowan, G. A., et al. Radiochemistry of Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine.(Publication received), 534. Croft, P. G. Introduction to Anaesthesia of Laboratory Animals. (Publication received), 534. Cross, A. D. Introduction to Practical Infra-red Spectroscopy. (Publication received), 303 ; (Review), 612. Cross, A. H. J., et al. Detmng. nitrofurazone in feed mixes, 355. Cullum, D. C., et al. Detmng. total P,O, and total B,O, in detergent powders, 922. - Flame-photometric detmn. of barium and sulphate, 688. D Darmois, E., et al. Electrochimie ThCorique. (Publication received), 456. Darmois, G., et al. glectrochimie ThCorique. (Publication received), 456. Daudel, P. Radioactive Tracers in Chemistry and Industry. Translated by U. Eisner. (Publica- tion received), 384; (Review), 692. David, D. J. Application of atomic absorption to chemical analysis : Review, 779. - Detmng.exchangeable sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium in soils by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry, 495. Dsvies, C. W. Principles of Electrolysis. (Review), 301. Davies, R. I., et I al. Quantitative paper chromato- graphy of inorganic ions in soils and plants, 203. Davis, J. G. Milk Testing. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 159; (Review), 532. De, A. K., et al. Rapid extraction and spectro- photometric detmn. of uranium with 2-thenoyl- trifluoroacetone, 376. Dean, J. A. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis: Review, 621. - Flame Photometry. (Publication received), 775. de Bruin, A. S., ef at. Presumptive detcn. of preservatives in canned cured-meat products by yeast-growth test, 410. de Mende, S., et al.Principles of Electrophoresis. Translated by A. J. Pomerans. Desty, D. H. Review of Keulemans Gas Chroma- tography. 2nd Edn., 382. DeVoe, . J. R. Radiochemistry of Cadmium. (Publication received), 456. Dewberry, E. B. Food Poisoning. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 159; (Review), 855. Dhabanandana, S., et al. Ammonium 1 2-molyb- dophosphate for assaying radioactive fission products in water, 365. Dhont, J. H. Polarographic detmn. of nitrite in meat-curing baines, 144. - et al. Isolation and detmn. of volatile com- pounds by adsorption on charcoal, 419. Dickinson, D., et al. Sand in canned strawberries, 521. (?view), 157. VOLUME 86 vii Diehl, H., et at. Iron Reagents: Bathophenan- throline, 2,4,6-Tripyridyl-S-triazine, Phenyl-2- pyridyl Ketoxime. (Publication received), 534.Dixon, B. E., et al. Field detmn. of total air-borne lead, 122. Dixon, S. Obituary of C. A. Seyler, 83. Dougall, B. M., et al. Principles of Dairy Science. (Publication received), 776. Douglas, R. W. Glass Technology. Vol. I, No. 1, Feb., 1960. (Publication received), 303. - Physics and Chemistry of Glasses. Vol. I, No. 1, Feb., 1960. (Publication received), 303. Dowson, B. A., et al. Detmng. small amounts of bromide in presence of mercuric ions, 528. Dresden, D., et al. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to Laboratorium voor Insecticiden onderzoek. Needham, 797. Driver, J. E. Bentley and Driver’s Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 7th Edn. (Pub- lication received), 383. Dryerre, H. Obituary, 308. Duke, J. F., et al.Separating palladium from niobium and zirconium, 671. Dunstone, J. R., et al. Detmng. calcium and magnesium in rat liver, 519. Duphe, L. F., et al. Detmng. 00-dimethyl S- (N-methylcabamoylmethyl) phosphorothiolothi- onate in technical Rogor and its formulations, 177, 924. Durre, A. J. Obituary, 308. Dyer, B. Sixth Memorial Lecture. Chemical analysis and medical progress. Frazer, 332. E Eaborn, C. Organosilicon Compounds. (Publica- tion received), 456; (Review), 773. Edwards, J. W., et al. Analytical chemistry of zirconium : Review, 86. Egan, H., et al. Application of total organic chlorine method t o detmng. endrin and thiodan residues in blackcurrants, 842. Eichenberger, J. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to Chemische Laboratorium der Stadt Zurich.Needham, 800. Eisner, U. Translator of Daudel’s Radioactive Tracers i n Chemistry and Industry. (Publication received), 384; (Review), 692. Elliott, D. B. L., et al. Automatic titrator as applied to Winkler’s method for dissolved oxygen, 508. Ellis, B. A. Review of Cahn’s Introduction to Chemical Nomenclature, 693. - Review of Organic Syntheses. Elwell, W. T. Review of Codell’s Analytical Chemistry of Titanium Metals and Compounds, 854. Evans, W. H., et aZ. Application of total organic chlorine method to detmng. endrin and thiodan residues in blackcurrants, 842. Evered, D. F. Detmng. ascorbic acid in highly coloured solutions with N-bromosuccinimide, 5 15. Evers, N. Review of Bvitish Pharmaceutical Codex, 1959, 455. - Review of X V Congresso Internacional de Quimica Pzira e Aplicada.Ewing, G.. W. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 303 ; (Review), 775. Vol. 39, 614. Vol. 11, 45.5. F Farquhar, R. M., et al. Lead Isotopes in Geology. (Publication received), 776.viii INDEX TO VOLUME 85 Fayard, M. Translator of Ketelaar's Liaisons et Proprihtds Chimiques : Introduction d la Thdorie de la Liaison Chimique. (Publication received), 303. Ferrett, D. J. Application of broad-line nuclear magnetic resonance to inorganic analysis. (Summary), 859. Field, K,, et al. Correlation of anticholinesterase effect with solanine content of potatoes, 375. Fieser, L. F., et al. Style Guide for Chemists. (Publication received), 775. Fieser, M., et al. Style Guide for Chemists. (Publication received), 775.Fill,-M. A., et al. Electromagnetic burette valve with two rates of delivery, 609. Fisher, A. J., ef al. Detmng. gallates in edible fats, 295. Fisher, K. H., et al. Principles of Nutrition. (Publication received), 159. Forster, W. A., et al. Rapid titration of calcium in tricalcium phosphate with EDTA, 608. Fraser, J. R., et al. Detcng. oxidised starches, 150. hazer, A. C. Chemical analysis and medical progress. Sixth Bernard Dyer Memorial Lecture, 332. heegarde, M., et al. Composite procedure for analysis of aluminium bronze alloys, 731. Fuchs, W. H., et al. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to Institut fur Pflanzen- pathologie und Pflanzenschutz. Needham, 799. Fuqua, M. E., et at. Principles of Nutrition. (Publication received), 159.G Gage, J. C. Efficiency of absorbers in industrial hygiene air analysis, 196. GarLrdner, E. Analysis of organo-phosphorus pesti- cides. (Summary), 619. - et al. Detmng. 00-dimethyl S-(N-methyl- carbamoylmethyl) phosphorothiolothionate in technical Rogor and its formulations, 177, 924. me, G., et al. Polymer. Vol. I, No. 1, March, 1960. (Publication received), 383. Gidley, J. A. F. Application of atomic-absorption spectrophotometry to metallurgical analysis. (Summary), 462. - et al. Detmng. zinc in metallurgical materials by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, 249. GF, C. E. Obituary, 81, 308. Gjems, 0. Stoicheiometry of titration of calcium, magnesium and manganese a t low concentration with EDTA, with metal indicators murexide and Eriochrome black T, 738.Glick, D. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. VIII. (Publication received), 616; (Review), 925. Goldsmith, H. A., ef al. Systematic Analysis of Surface-active Agents. (Publication received), 456. Gordon, L., ef al. Precipitation from Homo- geneous Solution. (Review), 79. Gorsuch, T. T. Separating lead-212 from thorium, 225. Graham? R. J. T., ef al. Effect of substituent groupings on chromatographic behaviour of phenoxyacetic acids. I. Methyl-substituted phenoxyacetic acids, 663 ; 11. Chloro-substituted phenoxyacetic acids, 905; 111. Effect of nature of substituent, 907. Gray, C. H. Laboratory Handbook of Toxic Agents. (Publication received), 856. - Review of Camber's Oxosteroids. Use of Phenolic Hydrazides for Detection, Characterisation and Estimation, 612.Greaves, J. T. Translator of Busev and Polianskii's Use of Organic Reagents in Inorganic Analysis. (Publication received), 856. Green, H., et al. Chemical Analysis of Cast Iron and Foundry Materials. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 456 ; (Review), 853. Greenfield, S. Conductimetric micro-detmn. of carbon in organic compounds, 486. Gregg, S. J. Oxidation of metals by oxygen a t high temperatures. (Summary), 458. Gross, D. Review of Audubert and de Mende's Principles of Electrophoresis, 157. - Review of Bier's Electrophoresis, 157. Guggenheim, E. A., et al. International Encyclo- pedia of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics. Topic 6, Vol. 1. (Publication re- ceived), 695. Bunew, D. Detmng. phenothiazine in commercial preparations by chromatography, 360. Gurd, F.R. N., et al. Lipide Chemistry. (Publica- tion received), 384. Guy, J. B., et al. Concise Organic Chemistry. (Publication received), 303. Guyer, H. VIII Colloquium Spectroscopicum Inter- nationale. (Publication received), 927. H Hackett, C. B., et al. Qualitative test for mono- nitrotoluenes with trisodium pentacyanoammino- ferrate, 683. Haddock, L. A. Analysis of herbicides. (Summary), 618. Haines, D. M., et al. Detmng. chemical anti- oxidants in fats after separation by partition chromatography 341. Hais, I. M., et al. Handbuch der Papierchromato- graphie. Band I. (Review), 611; Band 11. (Publication received), 696. Halfhide, P: F., et .al. Potentiostat for electro- gravimetric analysis, 69. Hall, J. C. Bioassay for pesticide residues in food- stuffs. Visit to Murphy Chemical Co.Needham, 795. Hall, R. A., ef al. Separating total rare earths and thorium from multiple-oxide minerals, 149. Hall, R. J. .Detmng. microgram amounts of fluorine by diffusion, 560. Halliday, J. H., et al. Composition of New Zealand skimmed-milk powder and influence on detmn. of milk-solids-not-fat, 839. Hamence, J. H. Hamill, W. H., et al. Principles of Physical Chemistry. (Publication received), 856. Hamilton, J. B., ef al. Detmng. chlorine by oxygen flask combustion method. Single unit for electrical ignition by remote control and potentio- metric titration, 556. Hanahan, D. J,, et al. Lipide Chemistry. (Pub- lication received), 384. Hands, G. C. Field test for nitrobenzene vapour in air, 843. - et al. Field detmn. of sulphur dioxide in air, 147.Harding, R. D., et aZ. Ammonium 12-molybdo- phosphate for assaying radioactive fission products in water, 366. Hardman, J. A,, et al. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to National Vege- table Research Station. Needham, 796. Hardon, H. J., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of triphenyltin residues, 847. - Detmng. l-naphthyl methylcarbarnate (Sevin) residues in apples, 187. Obituary of G. Taylor, 539.INDEX TO Harman, H. W. Obituary, 308. Harrap, F. E. G. Detcng. phosphate esters on paper chromatograms, 452. Harrison, I. R. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to Boots Pure Drug Co. Needham, 796. Hartley, R. S., ef al: Detmng. non-ionic surface- active agents in oils and solvent extracts from wool, 193. Haskew, R. S. Obituary, 308.Haslam, J. Review of Ewing’s Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis. 2nd Edn., 775. - Review of Hetman’s Trace Techniques Using KlOOO Cathode Ray Polarograph. Vol. I, 611. - Review of Phillips’ Automatic Titrators, 691. - Review of Ion Exchange Resins. 4th Edn., 691. - et al. Detmng. calcium and magnesium in waters by automatic titration, 27. - Detmng. chlorine by oxygen flask combustion method. Single unit for electrical ignition by remote control and potentiometric titration, 556. Hawkins, E. M. Obituary, 161. Headridge, J. B. Complexometric detmn. of molybdenum, 379. Hearn, W. E., et al. Test for detcng. aromatic amines, 766. Hebbs, L. G. S. Hecht, F., et al. Handbuch der mikrochemischen Methoden. Band I, Teil 2. (Publication re- ceived), 232. Hendey, R.A,, et aZ. Detmng. nitrofurazone in feed mixes, 355. Herringshaw, J. F., et al. Potentiostat for electro- gravimetric analysis, 69. Hetman, J. Trace Techniques Using KlOOO Cathode Ray Polarograph. Vol. I. (Publication received), 232 ; (Review), 6 1 1. Heyrovslfg, A. Gravimetric detmn. of mercury by precipitation with sodium tetraphenylboron, 432. Hibbs, J. M., et al. Flame-photometric detmn. of sodium in alkaline-earth carbonates, 846. Higgs, D. G. Spectrophotometric detmn. of boron in molybdenum alloys with carmine, 897. Higson, H. G., et al. Detmng. cc-(4-chloro-2- methy1phenoxy)propionic acid in chloromethyl- phenoxypropionic acids by gas - liquid chroma- tography with internal standard, 657. Hill, A. Q., et aZ. Detmng. small amounts of sulphate, 2 11. Hill, R., et aZ.Polymer. Vol. I, No. 1, March, 1960. (Publication received), 383. Hoare, W. E., et al. Tinplate Testing: Chemical and Physical Methods, (Publication received), 856. Hoather, R. C. Review of Martinet’s Notes du Service de Giologie et de Prospection Minidre : Analyse des Eaux, 79. Hobson, B. C., et al. Detmng. non-ionic surface- active agents in oils and solvent extracts from wool, 193. Hoffman, I., et al: Bromide-distillation method for detmng. arsenic, 161. Holmes, D. C., et aZ. Detcng. oxidised starches, 150. Holness, .H. Review of Cheronis and Stein’s Semimzcro Experiments in General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis, 690. Hora, F. B., et al. Source of serious error in detmng. nitrates by phenoldisulphonic acid method, and remedy, 567. Hougen, 0.A., et al. Chemical Process Principles. Part 11. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 169. Hough, C. D. Detmng. methanol in biological fluids, 921. Houpt, P. M., et al. Dissolving highly pure alu- minium for analytical purposes, 924. Obituary, 538. VOLUME 85 ix Hudson, J. R. Development of Brewing Analysis: Hunter G. Micro detmn. of calcium and magnesium Hutchinson, R., et al. Detmng. zinc in indium and Hyde, E. K. Radiochemistry of Francium. (Pub- - Radiochemistry of Thorium. (Publication re- ceived), 534. Historical Review. (Publication received), 928. in biological material, 12. nickel, 769. lication received), 456. I Ince, A. D., et al. Rapid titration of calcium in Ingram, G., et al. Detcng. elementary sulphur by Irving, H. Supervisor of Pierce’s Detmng. traces of - et aZ.Detmng. molar extinction coefficients of Ivanovszky L. Wachs-Enzyklopadie. Vol. 11, Ives, D. J. G. Principles of Extraction of Metals. tricalcium phosphate with EDTA, 608. means of acetone, 766. silver in trade e@uents, 166. metal dithizonates, 860. Part I. (Publication received), 616. (Publication received), 384. J Jablonski, W. Z:, et al. Specific masking by acetylacetone in titrations with ethylenedi- aminetetra-acetic acid, 297. Jackman, L. M. Applications of nuclear magnetic resonance in organic chemistry. (Summary), 859. - Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry. (Publica- tion received), 232; (Review), 613. Jackson, E. W. Obituary, 308. Jackson, H. S., ef al. Translation from Russian for Scientists. (Publication received), 927.Jacobs, I. B. Chemical Analysis of Air Pollutants. (Publication received), 303; (Review), 614. Jacobs, S. Detmng. nitrogen in organic compounds by indanetrione hydrate, 257. James, G. S., ef al. Electrometric detmn. of dissolved oxygen in aqueous solution, 35. James, G. V. Jeffery, P. G., e f aZ. Closed-circulation systems for detmng. water, carbon dioxide and total carbon in silicate rocks and minerals, 749. - Combined gravimetric and photometric detmn. of silica in silicate rocks and minerals, 478. Jennings, V. J. Detmng. copper and lead in indium arsenide, 62. Johnson, C. A., ef aZ. Effect of oxygen on detmn. of 17 : 21-dihydroxy-20-oxosteroids with tetra- zolium salts, 714; Erratum, 856. Johnson, E. A., et al. Specific masking by acetyl- acetone in titrations with ethylenediaminetetra- acetic acid, 297.Johnson, E. I., et al. Correlation of anticholin- esterase effect with solanine content of potatoes, 375. Johnson, W. C. Review of Bobtelsky’s Heterometry, 853. - Review of Broad and Barnard’s Thioacetamide as Sulfide Precipitant: Annotated Bibliography, 775. Joliot-Curie, I. Foreword to Daudel’s Radioactive Tracers in Chemistry and Industry. (Publication received), 384; (Review), 692. Jones, C. E. R., et al. Detmn. in vinyl esters of mercury derived from mercuric acetate catalyst, 768. Jones, J. I. M. Review of Bauer’s StatisticaZ Manual for Chemists, 692. Note on vanadium poisoning, 851.X INDEX TO VOLUME 85 Jones, J. T., et al. Detmng. zinc in metallurgical materials by atomic-absorption spectrophoto- metry, 249. Jones, N.R. Separating and detmng. free purines, pyrimidines and nucleoside in cod muscle, 11 1. - et al. Separating and detmng. sugar phosphates, with particular reference to extracts of fish tissue, 810. Jung, H. F., et al. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs, Visit to Farbfabriken Bayer. Needham, 798. K Kappelmeier, C. P. A. Chemical Analysis of Resin-based Coating Materials. (Review), 383. Keenan, T. K., et at. Radiochemistry of Americium and Curium. (Publication received), 616. Kember, N. F. Application of cellulose phosphate to testing high-purity water and development of spot test of high sensitivity, 449. Kerr, J. R. W. Spectrophotometric detmn. of microgram amounts of calcium, 867. Ketelaar, J. A. A. Liaisons et Propridtds Chimiques : Introduction L la Thdorie de la Liaison Chimique.Translated into French by M. Fayard. (Pub- lication received), 303. Keulemans, A. I. M. Gas Chromatography. Edited by C. G. Verver. 2nd Edn. (Review), 382. Khopkar, S. M., et al. Rapid extraction and spectrophotometric detmn. of uranium with 2- thenoyltrifluoroacetone, 376. Journal of Forensic Science Society. Vol. I, No. 1, Sept., 1960. (Publication re- ceived), 927. King, E. J. Qualitative Analysis and Electrolytic Solutions. (Review), 231. King, R., .et al. Effect of oxygen on detmn. of 17 : 21-d1hydroxy-20-oxosteroids with tetrazolium salts, 714; Erratum, 856. Kinghorn, R., et al. Test for detcng. aromatic amines, 766. Kirkwood, K. C., et al. Occurrence of honeydew in honey, 412. Kimchenbauer, H.G. Fats and Oils: Outline of Chemistry and Technology. 2nd Edn. (Pub- lication received), 776. Review of Rodier’s L’Analyse Chimique et Physico-Chimique de I’Eau : Eaux Naturelles; Eaux Uskes. 2nd Edn., 694. meinberg, J., et ul. Radiochemistry of Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine. (Publication re- ceived), 534. Knapman, C. E. H., et al. Gas Chromatography Abstracts 1958. (Publication received), 456; Abstracts 1959, 695. Knypl, J. S., et al. Impregnation test for detcng. traces of orthophosphate, 527. Eolthoff, I. M., et al. Volumetric Analysis. Vol. 111. (Review), 156. Kritchevsky, D. Cholesterol. (Review), 155. Kiikenthal, . H., et al. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to Farbfabriken Bayer. Needham, 798. Kunin, R. Elements of Ion Exchange.(Publica- tion received), 534. Kind, S. S. Klein, L. L Laitinen, H. A. Chemical Analysis : Advanced Text and Reference. (Publication received), 303. Lamont, J. J., et al. Composition of New Zealand skimmed-milk powder and influence on detmn. of milk-solids-not-fat, 839. Lardy, H. A. Biochemical Preparations. Vol. 7. (Publication received), 456. Leahy, J. S., et al. Quantitative detmn. of low concentrations of warfarin in aqueous solution, 492. Chromatographie en Chimie Organique et Biologique. Vol. I. (Publication received), 232; (Review), 773; Vol. 11. (Publication re- ceived), 456; (Review), 774. Lederer, M. Chromatographic Reviews : Progress in Chromatography, Electrophoresis and Related Methods. Vol. I. (Review), 302; Vol. 11. (Pub- lication received), 456; (Review), 852.Lench, A., et al. Detmng. microgram amounts of nitrate in chromic acid, 564. Lessner, C. Obituary, 1, 308. Lester Smith, E. See Smith, E. L. Lewis, J., et al. Lewis, S. J. Obituary, 308. Lima, F. W., et al. Statistical analysis of spectro- photometric detmns. of boron, 909. Lockyer, R. Factors affecting performance in atomic-absorption spectroscopy. (Summary), 461. Lovett, T. W. Obituary, 308. Lowe, H. Obituary, 697. Luna, C., et al. Quantitative paper chromato- graphy of inorganic ions in soils and plants, 203. Lederer, E. Modern Coordination Chemistry: Principles and Methods. (Publication received), 232. M McCrae, J. Obituary, 458. Macdonald, A. M. G. Elementary Titrimetric Analysis. (Publication received), 776. - Review of Niederl and Sozzi’s Microanalisis Elemental Organico, 158.McDonald, G. W., et al. Flame-photometric detmn. of sodium in alkaline-earth carbonates, 846. McDonald, I. G., et al. Detmng. microgram amounts of nitrate in chromic acid, 564. Macek, K., et al. Handbuch der Papierchromato- graphie. Band I. (Review), 611; Band 11. (Publication received), 696. Madhava Menon, V. P. See Menon, V. P. 1. Madsen, N. P., et al. Detmng. calcium and magnesium in rat liver, 519. Majer,. J. R. Analysts Pocket Book. (Publication received), 232. Marier, J. R., ef al. Colorimetric detmn. of ferro- cyanide ion, and application to molasses, 574. Marsden, W. Obituary, 777. Marshall, P. G. . Detmng. 2 : 6-dichloro-4-nitro- aniline in ditranil and fungicidal formulations by infra-red spectroscopy, 681. Martin, A.J. P. Review of Lederer’s Chromato- graphic en Chimie Orga9aique et Biologique. Vol. I, 773. Martin, J. T. Detmng. insecticide and fungicide deposits on plants. (Summary), 618. Martinet, B. Notes du Service de Gkologie e t de Prospection Rlini&re : Analyse des Eaux. (Review), 79. Ilbartinez, F. B., et al. Aplicaciones Analiticas del AEDT y Similar=. (Publication received), 616; (Review), 927. Marvel, C. S. Introduction to Organic Chemistry of High Polymers. Matsuyama, G., et al. Volumetric Analysis. Vol. 111. (Review), 156. Matthews, G. C. Obituary, 308. Mattock, G. E.I.L. model 24 automatic titrimeter. (Summary), 386. (Publication received), 232.INDEX TO Tables pour Calcul Direct des Con- stantes d’fiquilibre des Systhmes Chimiques aux Hautes Tempkratures.(Publication received), 232. Mayer, A., et al. Chemical Analysis of Cast Iron and Foundry Materials. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 456; (Review), 853. Mayer, J. E., et al. International Encyclopedia of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics. Topic 6, Vol. 1. Mehlenbacher, V. C. Analysis of Fats and Oils. (Publication received), 456. Menon, V. P. M., et al. Separating niobium and tantalum together from titanium, 208. Metson, P., et al. Field detmn. of total air-borne lead, 122. Michael, S. E. Review of Lederer’s Chromato- graphie en Chirnie Organique et Biologique. Vol. 11, 774. Middleton, A. W. Cosmetic Science. (Publication received), 159. Miller, E. J. Safe use of pesticides, with special reference to consumer protection. (Summary), 618. Milner, G.W. C., et al. Analytical chemistry of zirconium: Review, 86. Milton, R. F. Review of Dewberry’s Food Poisoning. 4th Edn., 855. Minkoff, G. J. Micro gas analysis. (Summary), 164. Mitchell, R. L. Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in soils and plants. (Summary), 617. Mitchell, T. J., et aZ. Occurrence of honeydew in honey, 412. Monk, H. E. Montgomery, H. A. C. Ethylenediaminetetra- acetic acid in separating radioactive barium and strontium, 524. - Hexachlorotellurous acid as precipitant for caesium, 687. Montgomery, R., et al. Chemistry of Plant Gums and Mucilages and Related Polysaccharides. (Publication received), 303. Morton, R. A. Review of Glick’s Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. VIII, 925. Mosebach, E., et al. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs.Visit to Biologische Bundesanstalt fur land- und Forstwirtschaft. Mossel, D. A. A., et al. Presumptive detcn. of preservatives in canned cured-meat products by yeast-growth test, 410. Mukherji, S. P., et aZ. lunday, C. W. D.C.L. null-balance magnetic oxygen analyser. (Summary), 387. Murphy, F. E. Routine detmn. of sucrose in sweetened condensed milk, 720. Murphy, P. Obituary, 308. Murthy, A. R. V., et al. Mauras, H. (Publication received), 695. Obituary of F. W. F. Arnaud, 388. Needham, 798. Detmng. saccharin, 25. Detmng. sulphide sulphur in minerals, 299. N Nmh, T. Direct colorimetric detmn. of traces of chloride, 5 15. Needham, P. H. Investigation into use of bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs, 792. Neuhaus, K., et aZ. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to Biologische Bundesanstalt fur land- und Forstwirtschaft.Newman, J. F. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to I.C.I., Ltd. Needham, 795. Newton, D. C., et aZ. Detmng. boron in silicon by isotope dilution, 870. Newton, J. Extractive Metallurgy. (Publication received), 159. Needham, 798. VOLUME 85 xi Newton, P., et al. Detmng. 00-dimethyl S-(N- methylcarbamoylmethyl) phosphorothiolothion- ate in technical Rogor and its formulations, 177, 924. Nicholls, H. A., et al. Polarographic detmn. of trace amounts of lead in zirconium and its alloys, 139. Nichols, P. N. R. Photometric detmn. of titanium with tiron, 452. Nickolls, L. C. Modified Cavett method for detmng. alcohol in body fluids, 840. Niederl, J. B., et aZ. Microanalisis Elemental Organico. (Review), 158.0 Oaten, A. B., et al. Automatic titrator as appIied Ochynski, F. W. Absorptiometric detmn. of phenol, Okell, F. L. Obituary, 308. Oldfield, J. F. T., et al. Removal of interfering ions in detmng. betaine in sugar-beet juices and plant material, 272. Oldfield, J. H., et aZ. Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids, 97. Oliver, J. H. Obituary, 538. Oppernoorth, F. J., et al. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to Laboratorium voor Insecticiden onderzoek. Needham, 797. Osborn, E. M., et al. Colorimetric micro-detmn. of copper in water: survey of available methods, 105; Erratum, 232. O’Sullivan, D. G. Extension of gradient elution principle, 434. Othmer, D. F., et al. Fluidization and Fluid- Particle Systems.(Publication received), 695. Owen, A. G., et aZ. Modified aluminon reagent solution, 221. P to Winkler’s method for dissolved oxygen, 508. 278. Pagano, C., et al. Statistical analysis of spectro- photometric detmns. of boron, 909. Page, J. E. Review of Cross’s Introduction to Practzcal Infra-red Sfiectroscopy, 61 2. - Review of Contributi Teorici e Sperimentali de Polarografia. Vol. IV, 159. Parikh, P. M., et al. Park, T. O., ef al. Obtaining weighed micro samples of moisture- or oxygen-sensitive com- pounds, 126. Parker, C. A,, et al. Correction of fluorescence spectra and measurement of fluorescence quantum efficiency, 587. - Fluorimetric detmn. of boron. Application to silicon, sea water and steel, 828. - Spectrofluorimetry of lubricating oils. Detmng. oil mist in air, 3.Partington, J. R. History of Greek Fire and Gun- powder. (Publication received), 303. - Review of Berry‘s Henry Cavendish: H i s Life and ScientiJic Work, 615. Paterson, D. A. Translator of Yatsimirskii and Vasil’ev’s Instability Constants of Complex Com- fiounds. (Publication received), 534. Patterson, S. J., et al. Dextrose and maltose contents of commercial liquid glucose, 75, Payne, S. T. Separating and detmng. platinum metals, 698. Peacocke, T. A. H. Small Scale Experimental Chemistry, (Publication received), 928. Peaker, F. W. Light-scattering methods for chemical characterisation of polymers : Review, 236. Detmng. saccharin, 25.xii INDEX TO VOLUME 85 Pearson, R. M. Automatic analysis in chemical industry. (Summary), 462. Pecsok, R.L. Principles and Practice of Gas Chromatography. (Review), 382. Pedley, E. Obituary, 308. Penneman, R. A,, ef al. Radiochemistry of Americium and Curium. (Publication received), 616. Perkin, J. L., ef al. Apparatus for routine detmn. of oxygen content of beryllium metal by activa- tion, 154. PheMah, P. J., et al. Detmng. beryllium metal in air, 347. Phillips, J. P. Automatic Titrators. (Publication received), 159; (Review), 691. Phipers, R. F. Detmng. additives t o animal feeding stuffs, with special reference to pro- phylactics. (Summary), 619. Pierce, T. B. Detmng. traces of silver in trade effluents, 166. Pijck, J. Radiochemistry of Chromium. (Pub- lication received), 534. Pinder, A. R. Chemistry of Terpenes. (Publica- tion received), 928. Pittwell, L. R. Detmng.low concentrations of aluminium and chromium, 849. Plowman, R. A., et al. Polarographic detmn. of thiocyanate ion, 222. Polianskii, N. G., et al. Use of Organic Reagents in Inorganic Analysis. Translated by J. T. Greaves. (Publication received), 856. Pollard, F. H. Review of Hais and Macek’s Handbuch der Papierchromatogyaphie. Band I, 611. Polson, C. J., et al. Clinical Toxicology. (Pub- lication received), 232. Pomerans, A. J. Translator of Audubert and de Mende’s Principles of Electrophoresis, 157. Poucher, W. A. Perfumes, Cosmetics and Soaps, with Special Reference to Synthetics. Vol. 11. 7th Edn. (Publication received), 159; Vol. 111, 384. Powell, R. J., et al. Detmng. beryllium metal in air, 347. Price, J. W., et al. Paper chromatography of organo- tin compounds, 5 7 9.Price, W. J., et al. Modified aluminon reagent solution, 22 1. Rofltt, P. M. C., et al. Analysis of bismuth telluride and related thermoelectric materials, 815. Q Quartermain, P. G., ef al. Detmng. small amounts of sulphate, 211. R Badford, A. 3. Absorptiometric detmn. of pal- ladium as 2-mercapto-4 : 5-dimethylthiazole com- plex, 445. Ragatz, R. A., et al. Chemical Process PrincipIes. Part 11. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 159. Rajzmsn, A. Quantitatwe micro-detmn. of di- phenyl: detmn. in paper wrappers, 116. Ramakrishna, It: El., et al. Detmng. molar ex- tinction coefficients of metal dithizonates, 860. Rands, J., et aL. Detmng. iron in tin of 99.999 per cent. purity, 76. Raven, T. W., ef aZ. Sand in canned strawberries, 521. Ravenscroft, 116.J., et al. Detmng. copper in lead and lead cable-sheathing alloys, 735. Redfearn, M. W. Mervyn-CERL automatic sulphur dioxide recorder. (Summary), 387. Rees, W. T., et al. Correction of fluorescence spectra and measurement of fluorescence quantum efficiency, 587. Reid, C. E. Principles of Chemical Thermodynamics. (.Publication received), 695. Reid, R. L. Detmng. ketone bodies in blood, 265. Reilley, C. N., et al. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Vol. 1, No. 1, August, 1959. (Pub- lication received), 80. Reynolds, G. E. J., et al.. Detmn. in vinyl esters of mercury derived from mercuric acetate catalyst, 768. Richards, R. E. Nuclear magnetic resonance: General introduction. (Summary), 859. Richardson, A. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to “Shell” Research Ltd.Needham, 793. Richmond, D. V., et al. Detmng. captan in plant extracts, 440. Ridley, J. E., et al. Automatic titrator as applied to Winkler’s method for dissolved oxygen, 508. Roberts, F. Introduction to Human Blood Groups. (Publication received), 534. Robertson, R. H. S. Mineral Use Guide: Or Robertson’s Spiders’ Webs. (Publication re- ceived), 695. Rodier, J. L’Analyse Chimique et Physico- Chimique de L’Eau: Eaux Naturelles; Eaux Us6es. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 384; (Review), 694. Rook, J. A. F. Analytical chemistry in study of milk secretion. (Summary), 619. Rooke, H. S. Reports on Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XLIII : 1958. (Publication re- ceived), 232; Vol. XLIV: 1959, 856. Rooksby, H. .P. X-ray studies of metal oxidation and corrosion problems.(Summary), 459. Rose, B. A. Review of Pecsok’s Principles and Practice of Gas Chromatography, 382. - et al. Rapid detmn. of toluene and styrene vapours in atmosphere, 442. Rotten, IYL. J., et al. Systematic Analysis of Surface-active Agents. (Publication received), 456 Ross, S. D., et al. Differential method of photo- metric analysis. I. Application to solutions containing one component, 51 ; 11. Application to solutions containing more than one component, 276. :Rowsome, M., et al. Bromide-distillation method for detmng. arsenic, 151. :Roy, J. IC. Sensitive method for detcng. sugars on paper chromatograms, 294. Russell, R. D., et al. Lead Isotopes in Geology. (Publication received), 776. Ryan, D. E. Colorimetric detmn. of vanadium with benzoylphenylhydroxylamine. 569.Rydon, H. N. Review of Adams’ Organic Re- actions. Vol. x , 614. S Saggers, D. T. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to Chesterford Park Research Station. Needham, 795. 8alutsky, M. L., et al. Precipitation from Homo- geneous Solution. (Review), 79. Sammons, H. G., et al. Quantitative separation of fatty acids from unsaponifiable matter, 417. Sanders, J., ef al. Detmng. boron in silicon by isotope dilution, 870. Sanderson, R. T. Chemical Periodicity. (Pub- lication received), 695.INDEX TO VOLUME 85 xiii Savidge, R. A. Kjeldahl detmn. of nitrogen. Scadden, E. M., et al. Radiochemistry of Molyb- Schidrowitz, P. Obituary, 458, 620. Schneiderman, B., et aZ. Statistical analysis of spectrophotometric detmns.of boron, 909. Scholes, P. M. Microbiological assay of thiamine : Methods for small amounts of material, 883. Schultz, OPE., e f aZ. Quantitative Bestimmung der Alkaloide in Drogen und Drogenzubereitun- gen. (Publication received), 695. Schuphan, W., et aZ. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to Bundesanstalt fur QualitBtsforschung Pflanzlicher Erzeugnise. Needham, 799. Scott, C. G., et aZ. Gas Chromatography Abstracts 1958. (Publication received), 456 ; Abstracts 1959, 695. Seyler, C. A. Sharada, K,, et al. Detmng. sulphide sulphur in minerals, 299. Sharpe, A. G., et aZ. Advances in Fluorine Chem- istry. Vol. I. (Publication received), 856. Shaw, W. B. Obituary, 697. Shaw, W. H. C., et al. Detmng. vitamin BIZ: Critical review, 389. Shears, E. C., et al.Detmng. nitrogen in boron nitride, 448. Sheppard, N. Review of Jackman’s Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry, 6 13. Sherratt, J. Gc. Review of Jacob’s Chemical Analysis of A i r Pollutants, 614. Sillibourne, J. M., e f aZ. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to East Malling Research Station. Needham, 794. Simpson, c). R. Obituary, 308. Sinclair, H. 1. Essential Fatty Acids. (Review), Skerrett, E. J., et al. - Micro-detmn, of endrin, 148, 606. Smales, A. A. Review, of Daudel’s Radioactive Tracers in Chemistry and Industry, 692. - et al. Methods in Geochemistry. (Publication received), 534. Smith, D., et aZ. Occurrence of honeydew in honey, 412. Smith, E. L. Review of Lederer’s Chrornatogra$hic Reviews : Progress in Chromatography, Electro- phoresis and Related Methods.Vol. I, 302; Vol. 11, 852. Smith, F., et al. Chemistry of Plant Gums and Mucilages and Related Polysaccharides. (Pub- lication received), 303. Smith, G. F., et al. Iron Reagents: Bathophenan- throline, 2,4,6-Tripyridyl-S-triazine, Phenyl-2- pyridyl Ketoxime. (Publication received), 534. Smith, I. Chromatographic and Electrophoretic Techniques. Vol. I. Chromatography. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 928; Vol. 11, 928. Smith, J. C. B. Analysis of organo-silicon com- pounds, with special reference to silanes and siloxanes : Review, 465. - Review of Eaborn’s Organosilicon Compounds, 773. Smith, L. H. Obituary, 458. Snell, C. T., et aZ. Colorimetric Methods of Analysis : Including Photometric Methods.Vol. IIA. (Review), 78. Snell, F. D., et al. Colorimetric Methods of Analysis : Including Photometric Methods. Vol. IIA. (Review), 78. Somers, E., et aZ. Detmng. captan in plant extracts, 440. (Summary), 82. denum. (Publication received), 616. Obituary, 83, 308. 80. Detmng. dieldrin, 184. Sozzi, J. A., et al. Microanalisis Elemental Organico. (Review), 158. Squirrell, D. C. M., et al. Detmng. calcium and magnesium in waters by automatic titration, 27. - Detmng. chlorine by oxygen flask combustion method. Single unit for electrical ignition by remote control and potentiometric titration, 556. Stacey, M., et aZ.. Advances in Fluorine Chemistry. Vol. I. (Publication received), 866. Stawpert, W., et at. Separating palladium from niobium and zirconium, 671. Steele, T.W. Separating apparatus for solvent extractions with solvents lighter than water, 153. - Volumetric detmn. of uranium after reduction by lead in dilute perchloric acid solution, 55. Stein, H., e f aZ. Semimicro Experiments in General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis. (Publication received), 232; (Review), 690. Steinberg, E. P. Radiochemistry of Zirconium and Hafnium. (Publication received), 776. Steiner, P., et al. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to Biologische Bundesan- stalt fur land- und Forstwirtschaft. Needham, 798. Stenger, V. A., et al. Volumetric Analysis. Vol. 111. (Review), 156. Stephen, M. J., e f . al. Electrometric detmn. of dissolved oxygen in aqueous solution, 35. Stern, H. J. Obituary of P. Schidrowitz, 620. Stevens, 5.G. E., et aZ. Detmng. nitrofurazone in feed mixes, 355. Still, J. E., et aZ. Detmng. beryllium metal in air, 347. Stock, J. T., ef al. Electromagnetic burette valve with two rates of delivery, 609. Strobel, H. A. Chemical Instrumentation : Systematic Approach to Instrumental Analysis. (Publication received), 695. Sully, B. D. Detmng. terminal epoxides, particul- arly styrene oxide, 895. Sunderman, D. N., et aZ. Radiochemistry of Barium, Calcium and Strontium. (Publication received), 695. - Radiochemistry of Indium. (Publication re- ceived), 856. Sykes, A. S., et aZ. Analytical Applications of Diamino-Ethane-Tetra-Acetic Acid. 2nd Edn. (Publication received) , 856. Sylvester, N. D., et aZ. Detmng. chemical anti- oxidants in fats after separation by partition chromatography, 341.T Tatlow, J. C., et aZ. Advances in Fluorine Chemistry. Vol. I. (Publication received), 856. Tattersall, R. N., et al. Clinical Toxicology. (Publication received), 232. Taylor, G. Obituary, 161, 539. Teagae, H. J., et aZ. Removal of interfering ions in detmng. betaine in sugar-beet juices and plant material, 272. Tew, R. P., et al. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to East Malling Research Station, Needham, 794. Theobald, L. S. Review of Gordon, Salutsky and Willard’s Precipitation from Homogeneous Solu- tion, 79. - Review of Kolthoff and Belcher’s Volumetvic Analysis. Vol. 111, 156. - Review of Wilson and Wilson’s Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. IA, 530. - Review of Analysis of Titanium and its Alloys. 3rd Edn., 924.XiV INDEX TO Thomas, A.C. Modified apparatus for micro- detmn. of moisture in organic compounds, 771. Thomas, D. B., et aZ. Detmng. total P,O, and total B,03 in detergent powders, 922. - Flame-photometric detmn. of barium and sulphate, 688. Thomas, G. Obituary, 306. Thomas, R. Detcng. and detmng. diphenyl and o-phenylphenol in concentrated orange juice by gas chromatography, 551. Thompson, H. W. Advances in Spectroscopy. Vol. 1. (Publication received), SO; (Review), 532, Thompson, J. H., et aZ. Detmng. copper in lead and lead cable-sheathing alloys, 735. Thomson, D. A,, et aZ. Tishler, M. Organic Syntheses. Vol. 39. (Pub- lication received), 303; (Review), 614. Tompkins, F. C., et aZ. International Encyclopedia of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics.Topic 6, Vol. 1. Toms, B. A., et aZ. Detcng. elementary sulphur by means of acetone, 766. Towndrow, E. G., et aZ. Detmng. boron in alu- minium and silicon - aluminium alloys, 850. - Detmng. zinc in indium and nickel, 769. Townley, C. W., et aZ. Radiochemistry of Barium, Calcium and Strontium. (Publication received), 695. - Radiochemistry of Indium. (Publication re- ceived), 856. Tdmillon, B., et aZ. Rdactions Electrochimiques. (Review), 690. Trinder, P. Colorimetric micro-detmn. of calcium in serum, 889. Tuck, B., et aZ. Colorimetric micro-detmn. of copper in water: survey of available methods, 105; Erratum, 232. Tyler, C. Assay of acetylcholine with isolated semi- spinalis cervicis muscle of chick, 8. -ell, A. C., et aZ. Detmng. boron in silicon by isotope dilution, 870.-ell, H: J.. V., et aZ. Detmng. small amounts of bromide in presence of mercuric ions, 528. Precision burette, 226. (Publication received), 695. U Umbreit, W. W. Advances in Applied Micro- biology. Vol. 2. (Publication received), 695. Unterstenhofer, G., et aZ. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to Farbfabriken Bayer. Needham, 798. v van .der Pol,.E. W., et aZ. Colorimetric detmn. of triphenyltm residues, 847. - Detmng. 1-naphthyl methylcarbamate (Sevin) residues in apples, 187. Vanstone, E., et aZ. Principles of Dairy Science. (Publication received), 776. Vasil’ev, V. P., et aZ. Instability Constants of Complex Compounds. Translated by D. A. Paterson. (Publication received), 538. Vasudeva Murthy, A. R. Veale, C. R. Detmng. traces of selenium in tel- lurium, 130.- Separating and detmng. traces of quadri- and sexavalent selenium in telluric acid, 133. - et aZ. Detmng. traces of lead in telluric acid, 371. Venkateswarlu, Ch., et aZ. Separating niobium and tantalum together from titanium, 208. See Murthy, A. R. V. VOLUME 85 Verver, C. G. Editor of Keulemans’ Gas Chroma- tography. 2nd Edn., 382. Vickers, C., et aZ. Effect of oxygen on detmn. of 17 : 2 l-dihydroxy-20-oxosteriods with tetra- zolium salts, 714; Erratum, 856. Vickery, R. C. Chemistry of Yttrium and Scandium. (Publication received), 695. Vouk, V. B., et aZ. Extraction constant of lead dithizonate, 46. - Molar extinction coefficients of dithizone and lead dithizonate in carbon tetrachloride, 40. W Wadsworth, N. J. Constant cathode potential electro-deposition apparatus, 673.Wager, L. R., et aZ. Methods in Geochemistry. (Publication received), 534. Wagner, G., et aZ. Gasanalyse: Methoden der Arbeitspraxis. (Publication received), 303; (Re- view), 533. Wahlstrom, E. E. Optical Crystallography, with Particular Reference to Use and Theory of the Polarizing Microscope. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 6 16. ‘Waksman, S. A. Actinomycetes. Vol. 1. (Pub- lication received), 534. Waldron, J. D. Advances in Mass Spectrometry. (Publication received), 159 ; (Review) , 454. Wallis, T. E. Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 4th Edn. (Publication received) , 695. Waterhouse, C. E., et aZ. Quantitative detmn. of low concentrations of warfarin in aqueous solu- tion, 492. Watson, K. M., et aZ. Chemical Process Principles.Part 11. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 159. Webb, H. W,, et aZ. Detmng. boron in aluminium and silicon - aluminium alloys, 850. -- Detmng. zinc in indium and nickel, 769. Webber, P. J., et aZ. Source of serious error in detmng. nitrates by phenoldisulphonic acid method, and remedy, 567. Weber, 0. A., et aZ. Extraction constant of lead dithizonate, 46. -- Molar extinction coefficients of dithizone and lead dithizonate in carbon tetrachloride, 40. Weedon, B. C. L. Pure and Applied Chemistry. Vol. I, No. 1, 1960. (Publication received), 856. Weinmann, W., et aZ. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to Bundesanstalt fur Qualitiitsforschung Pflanzlicher Erzeugnise. Needham, 799. West, T. S. Review of King’s Qualitative Analysis and Electrolytic Solutions, 231.- et aZ. Analytical Applications of Diamino- Ethane-Tetra-Acetic Acid. 2nd Edn. (Publica- tion received), 856. Westwood, W., et aZ. Chemical Analysis of Cast Iron and Foundry Materials. 2nd Edn. (Pub- lication received), 456; (Review), 853. Weurman, C., et aZ. Isolation and detmn. of volatile compounds by adsorption on charcoal, 419. Wheatley, G. A., et al. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to National Vege- table Research Station. Needham, 796. Wiggs, S. M., et aZ. Quantitative separation of fatty acids from unsaponifiable matter, 417. Wilkins, R. G., et aZ. Modern Coordination Chemistry : Principles and Methods. (Publica- tion received), 232. Wilkinson, H. C. Detmng. nitrogen in coal and coke by Kjeldahl method. (Summary), 82.Willard, €I. H., et aZ. Precipitation from Homo- geneous Solution. (Review), 79.INDEX TO VOLUME 85 xv Williams, A. F., et al. Williams, A. W. Obituary, 308. Williams, D. I., et al. Williams, D. J., et al. Williams, G. H. WUms, K. A. - Review of Sinclair’s EssentiaE Fatty Acids, 80. - Review of Separation and Identification of Food Colours Permitted by Colouring Matters an Food Regulations 1957, 532. Williams, R. R., jun., et al. Principles of Physical Chemistry. (Publication received), 856. Williams, R. T. Detoxication Mechanisms. 2nd Edn. (Publication received) , 80. Wilson, A. D. Micro-detmn. of ferrous iron in silicate minerals by volumetric and colorimetric methods, 823. - e f al. Closed-circulation systems for detmng. water, carbon dioxide and total carbon in silicate rocks and minerals, 749.- Combined gravimetric and photometric detmn. of silica in silicate rocks and minerals, 478. Wilson, C. L. Techniques and scales of analysis. (Summary), 857. - et al. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. IA. (Review), 530. Wilson, D. W., et al. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. IA. (Review) , 630. - Differential method of photometric analysis. I. Application to solutions containing one component, 51; 11. Application to solutions containing more than one component, 276. Wilson, E. D., et al. Principles of Nutrition. (Publication received), 159. Wilson, H. N. Changing aspect of chemical analysis, 540. - Review of Bayer and Wagner’s Gasanalyse: Methoden der A rbeitspraxis, 533. Wilson, I. R., et al. Polarographic detmn.of thiocyanate ion, 222. Winia, .R. A. F., e f al. Dissolving highly pure aluminium for analytical purposes, 924. Obtaining weighed micro samples of moisture- or oxygen-sensitive com- pounds, 126. Detmng. niobium in titanium ores and pigments, 503. Paper chromatography of organo-tin compounds, 579. Homolytic Aromatic Substitution. (Publication received), 695. Review of Davis’s Milk Testing. 2nd Edn., 532. Wood, D. F., e f al. Polarographic detmn. of trace amounts of lead in zirconium and its alloys, 139. Wood, P. R. Rapid micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen in fluoro-organic compounds, 764. Wood, R. Detmng. hexachlorocyclohexane residues in foodstuffs, 21. Wood, R. G., et al. Detmng. traces of lead in telluric acid, 371, Woods, S. D., et al. Concise Organic Chemistry.(Publication received), 303. Wootton, I. D. P. Automation in clinical bio- chemistry. (Summary), 463. Wright, R. F. Obituary, 161. Wrohski, 1. Detmng. sodium sulphide and mer- captans in presence of each other, 526. Wyniger, R. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to J. R. Geigy A.G. Needham, 801. Y Yallop, H. J. Staining of cast high explosives for observation of crystalline structure, 300. Yamagata, N., et al. Rapid radiochemical detmn. of caesium-137. 282. Yamagata, T., et al. Rapid radiochemical detmn. of caesium-137, 282. Yatsimirskii, K. B., et al. Instability Constants of Complex Compounds. Translated by D. A. Paterson. (Publication received), 534. Z Zabin, I., et al. Lipide Chemistry. (Publication received), 384. Zenz, F. A,, et al.Fluidization and Fluid-Particle Systems, (Publication received), 695. Zeumer, H., et al. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Visit to Biologische Bundesanstalt fur land- und Forstwirtschaft. Zwart, H., et al. Presumptive detcn. of preserva- tives in canned cured-meat products by simple yeast-growth test, 410. Zymalkowski, F., et al. Quantitative Bestimmung der Rlkaloide in Drogen und Drogenzubereitun- gen. (Publication received) , 695. Needham, 798.xvi INDEX TO VOLUME 85 INDEX TO A Absorbers : Efficiency of - in industrial hygiene Acetic acid : Spectrographic analysis of high-purity Acetoacetic acid : Detmng. ketone bodies in blood. Acetone : Detcng. elementary sulphur by means Ingram and Toms, 766. 3-(a-Acetonylben~l)-4-hydroxgcoumarin : Quantita- tive detmn, of low concentrations of warfarin in aqueous solution.Leahy and Waterhouse, 492. Acetylacetone : Specific masking by - in titrations with EDTA. Acetylcholine: Assay of - with isolated semi- spinalis cervicis muscle of chick. Acids : Spectrographic analysis of high-purity -. Oldfield and Bridge, 97. Actidione : Bioassay for pesticide residues in food- stuffs. Needham, 792. Actinomycetes. Vol. 1. Nature, Occurrence and Activities. Waksman. (Publication received), 534. Acyrthosiphon pisum : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Aedes aegypti: Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Air : Chemical Analysis of - Pollutants. Jacobs. (Publication received), 303; (Review), 614. Detmng. beryllium metal in ~ .Powell, Phennah and Still, 347. Efficiency of absorbers in industrial hygiene - analysis. Gage, 196. Field detmn. of sulphur dioxide in -. Hands and Bartlett, 147. Field detmn. of total __ -borne lead. Dixon and Metson, 122. Field test for nitrobenzene vapour in -. Hands, 843. Rapid detmn. of toluene and styrene vapours in atmosphere. Blake and Rose, 442. Spectrofluorimetry of lubricating oils : detmng. oil mist in -. Alcohol : See Ethyl alcohol. Alcohols: Analysis of Fatty Acids and Fatty -. (Publication received), 384. Isolation and detmn. of volatile compounds by adsorption on charcoal. Dhont and Weurman, 419. Aldrin : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Alkali metals : Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis : Review. Alkaline-earth carbonates : Flame-photometric detmn.of sodium in -. Hibbs and McDonald, 846. Alkaloids : Assay of rauwolfia. Pharmaceutical Society and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 755. Quantitative Bestimmung der Alkaloide in Drogen und Drogenzubereitungen. Schultz and Zymalkowski. (Publication received), 695. Allisan : Detmng. 2 : 6-dichloro-4-nitroaniline in ditranil and fungicidal formulations by infra- red spectroscopy. Marshall, 681. air analysis. Gage, 196. acids. Oldfield and Bridge, 97. Reid, 265. of -. Detmng. ketone bodies in blood. Reid, 265. Jablonski and Johnson, 297. Tyler, 8. See also Fatty acids. Parker and Barnes, 3. Dean, 621. SUBJECTS Aluminium : Analysing - bronze alloys. Free- garde and Allen, 731. Detmng. boron in - and silicon- -alloys.Towndrow and Webb, 850. Detmng. low concentrations of - and chromium. Pittwell, 849. Dissolving highly pure - for analytical purposes. Houpt and Winia, 924. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis : Review. Dean, 621. Modified aluminon reagent solution. Owen and Price, 221. Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids. Oldfield and Bridge, 97. Aluminon : Modified - reagent solution. Owen and Price, 221. American Society for Testing Materials : Advances in Mass Spectrometry. Waldron. (Publica- tion received), 169; (Review), 454. Americium : Radiochemistry of - and Curium. Penneman and Keenan. (Publication re- ceived), 6 16. Amines: Detcng. aromatic - , Hearn and Kinghorn, 766. 2-Amino-2-deoxyhexoses : Ultra-violet spectro- photometric detmn. of -. Ammonia : Detmng. nitrogen in organic compounds by indanetrione hydrate.Jacobs, 257. Ammonium 12-molybdophosphate for assaying radioactive fission products in water. Broad- bank, Dhabanandana and Harding, 365. Anaesthesia : Introduction to - of Laboratory Animals. Croft. (Publication received), 534. Analysis : Advances in Mass Spectrometry. Waldron. (Publication received), 159; (Re- view), 454. Advances in Spectroscopy. Vol. 1. Thompson. (Publication received), 80 ; (Review), 532. Analysts Pocket Book. Majer. (Publication received), 232. Analytical Standards for Laboratory Chemicals and Reagents 1960. May & Baker Ltd. 6th Edn. (Publication received), 695, Application of atomic absorption to chemical -: Review. David, 779. Application of cellulose phosphate to testing high- purity water, and spot test of high sensitivity.Kember, 449. Applications of infra-red spectroscopy. Bellamy. (Summary), 162. Auto Analyzer. Buckle. (Summary), 386. Automatic - in chemical industry. Pearson. (Summary), 462. Automation in clinical biochemistry. Wootton. (Summary), 463. Changing aspect of chemical -. Wilson, 540. Chemical -: Advanced Text and Reference. Laitinen. (Publication received), 303. Chemical - and medical progress. Sixth Bernard Dyer Memorial lecture. Chemical Instrumentation : Systematic Approach to Instrumental -. Strobel. (Publication received), 695. Colorimetric Methods of -: Including Photo- metric Methods. Vol. IIA. Snell and Snell. (Review), 78. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. IA. Wilson and Wilson. (Review), 530.Cipera, 517. Frazer, 332.INDEX TO Analysis-con t inued . XV Congress0 Internacional de Quimica Pura E Aplicada. Vol. 11. (Publication received), 159; (Review), 456. Destruction of organic matter. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Metallic Impurities in Organic Matter Sub-committee, 643. Differential electrolytic potentiometry. 111. Examination of variables of method applied to inactive reductants. Bishop, 422. Differential method of photometric -. I. Application to soh tions containing one com- ponent. Ross and Wilson, 51; 11. Application to solutions containing more than one com- ponent, 276. Elementary Titrimetric -. Macdonald. (Pub- lication received), 775. Gasanalyse : Methodea der Arbeitspraxis. Bayer and Wagner. (Publication received) , 303 ; (Review), 533.Handbuch der mikrochemischen Methoden. Band I, Teil 1. Benedetti-Pichler and Hecht. (Publication received), 232. Heterometry. Bobtelsky. (Publication received), 383; (Review), 853. Instrumental Methods of Chemical -. Ewing. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 303; (Re view), 775. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Vol. 1, No, 1, August, 1959. (Publication received), 80. Microanalisis Elemental Organico. Niederl and Sozzi. (Review), 158. Micro gas -. Minkoff. (Summary), 164. Obtaining weighed micro samples of moisture- or oxygen-sensitive compounds. Williams and Park, 126. Physical Methods in Chemical -. Vol. 1. Berl. 2nd Revised Edn. (Publication re- ceived), 534. Potentiostat for electro-gravimetric -. Herringshaw and Halfhide, 69.Precipitation from Homogeneous Solution. Gor- don, Salutsky and Willard, Proceedings of International Symposium on Microchemistry, Birmingham, 1958. (Publica- tion received) , 383. Qualitative - and Electrolytic Solutions. King. (Review), 231. Semimicro Experiments in General Chemistry and Qualitative -. Cheronis and Stein. (Publication received), 232; (Review), 690. Techniques and scales of ---. Belcher; Wilson. (Summaries), 857. Thioacetamide as Sulphide Precipitant. Broad and Barnard. (Publication received), 456; (Review), 775. Use of Organic Reagents in Inorganic -. Busev and Polianskii. Translated by Greaves. (Publication received), 856. Volumetric -. Vol. 111. Kolthoff, Belcher, Stenger and Matsuyama. (Review), 156. Analyst: Review articles.Editorial, 537. Animals : Introduction to Anaesthesia of Laboratory -. Croft. (Publication received), 534. Anopheles gambiae : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Antibiotics : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Detmng. additives to animal feeding stuffs, with special reference to prophylactics. Phipers. (Summary), 619. (Review), 79. VOLUME 85 xvii Anticholinesterase : Correlation of - effect with solanine content of potatoes. Abbott, Field and Johnson, 375. Antimony : Analysis of bismuth telluride and related thermoelectric materials. Cluley and Proffitt. 815. Antioxidants: Detmng. chemical - in fats after separation by partition chromatography. Berger, Sylvester and Haines, 341. Aphids : See Acytthosiphon pisum and Megoura uiciae.Apparatus : Analysis of organo-silicon compounds, with special reference to silanes and siloxanes : Review (distillation unit). Smith, 465. Application of cellulose phosphate to testing high-purity water, and spot test of high sensi- tivity. Kember, 449. Auto Analyzer. Buckle. (Summary), 386. Automatic titrator as applied to Winkler’s method for dissolved oxygen. Ridley, Elliott and Oaten, 508. Automatic Titrators. Phillips. (Publication re- ceived), 159 ; (Review), 69 1. Centrifugal filtration -. Anderson, 228. Chemical Instrumentation : Systematic Approach to Instrumental Analysis. Strobel. (Publica- tion received), 695. Chemical Plant Instrumentation : Notes on Use of Measuring Instruments. Association of British Chemical Manufacturers. (Publication received), 695.Closed-circulation systems for detmng. water, carbon dioxide and total carbon in silicate rocks and minerals. Conductimetric micro-detmn. of carbon in organic compounds. Greenfield, 486. Constant cathode potential electro-deposition -. Wadsworth, 673. D.C.L. null-balance magnetic oxygen analyser. Munday. (Summary), 387. Destruction of organic matter. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Metallic Impurities in Organic Matter Sub-committee, 643. Detmng. beryllium metal in air (constant-volume dispenser). Detmng. boron in silicon by isotope dilution (electrolysis cell). Newton, Sanders and Tyrrell, 870. Detmng. calcium and magnesium in waters by automatic titration (reference electrode). Haslam, Squirrel1 and Blackwell, 27.Detmng. chlorine by oxygen flask combustion method. Single unit for electrical ignition remote control and potentiometric titration. Haslam, Hamilton and Squirrell, 556. Detmng. hexachlorocydohexane residues in food- stuffs (bubbler). Wood, 21. Detmng. ketone bodies in blood (distillation -). Reid, 265. Detmng. microgram amounts of fluorine by diffusion. Hall, 560. Detmng. nitrogen in organic compounds by indanetrione hydrate. Jacobs, 257. Detmng. phenothiazine in commercial prepara- tions by chromatography. Gunew, 360. Detmng. small amounts of arsenic in organic matter. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Metallic Im- purities in Organic Matter Sub-committee, 629; Erratum, 928. Detmng. small amounts of DDT in flour and foodstuffs (Extraction - and evaporator).DDT Panel, 600. Jeffery and Wilson, 749. Powell, Phennah and Still, 347.xviii INDEX TO Apparatus-continued. Detmng. traces of silver in trade effluents (micro- separator). Pierce, 166. Efficiency of absorbers in industrial hygiene air analysis. Gage, 196. E.I.L. model 24 automatic titrimeter. Mattock. (Summary), 386. Electromagnetic burette valve with two rates of delivery. Stock and Fill, 609. Electrometric detmn. of dissolved oxygen in aqueous solution (titration cells). James and Stephen, 35. Fluorimetric detmn. of boron. Application to silicon, sea water and steel (fluorimeter and high-vacuum still). for routine detmn. of oxygen content of beryllium metal by activation. Coleman and Perkin, 154. Ion-exchange enrichment in detmng.trace elements in sea water. Isolation and detmn. of volatile compounds by adsorption on charcoal. Dhont and Weurman, 419. Light-scattering methods for chemical characteri- sation of polymers: Review. Peaker, 235. Mervyn-CERL automatic sulphur dioxide re- corder. Redfearn. (Summary), 387. Micro-detmn. of calcium and magnesium in biological material (tissue grinder and ex- tractor). Hunter, 12. Modified ~ for micro-detmn. of moisture in organic compounds. Thomas, 771. Molar extinction coefficients of dithizone and lead dithizonate in carbon tetrachloride (- for evaporating solvent). Obtaining weighed micro samples of moisture- or oxygen-sensitive compounds. Williams and Park, 126. Polynuclear hydrocarbons in tobacco and tobacco smoke. 11. Origin of 3 : 4-benzopyrene found in tobacco and tobacco smoke (- for collecting smoke and ash).Potentiostat for electro-gravimetric analysis. Herringshaw and Halfhide, 69. Precision burette. Separating and detmng. platinum metals. Payne, 698. Separating - for solvent extractions with solvents lighter than water. Separating total rare earths and thorium from multiple-oxide minerals. Butler and Hall, 149. Spectrofluorimetry of lubricating oils (air sam- pler). Parker and Barnes, 3. Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids. Oldfield and Bridge, 97. Volumetric detmn. of uranium after reduction by lead in dilute perchloric acid solution (- for reduction of uranium). Steele, 55. Apples : Detmng. l-naphthyl methylcarbamate (Sevin) residues in -. Hardon, Brunink and van der Pol, 187.Arsenate : Titrimetric detmn. of arsenite in presence of -. Barakat and Abdalla, 288. ksenic : Detmng. small amounts of - in organic matter. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Metallic Im- purities in Organic Matter Sub-committee, 629; Erratum, 928. Modified bromide-distillation method for detmng. -. Hoffman and Rowsome, 151. Radiochemistry of -. Beard. (Publication received), 456. Arsenite : Titrimetric detmn. of - in presence of arsenate. Barakat and Abdalla, 288. Artemia salina : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Parker and Barnes, 828. Brooks, 745. Weber and Vouk, 40. . Bentley and Burgan, 723. Chalmers and Thomson, 226. Steele, 153. VOLUME 85 Ascorbic acid: Detmng. - in highly coloured solutions with N-bromosuccinimide. Evered, 515.Association of British Chemical Manufacturers : Chemical Plant Instrumentation : Notes on Use of Measuring Instruments. (Publication re- ceived), 695. Association of British Insecticide Manufacturers : Now Association of British Manufacturers of Agricultural Chemicals, 4.". Association of British Manufacturers of Agricultural Chemicals: DDT Panel. Detmng. small amounts of DDT in flour and foodstuffs, 600. Malathion Panel. Detmng. malathion residues in cereals and oilseeds, 915. Association of Public Analysts : Separation and Identification of Food Colours Permitted by Colouring Matters in Food Regulations 1957. (Publication received), 303; (Review), 532. Atmosphere : See Air. Atomic absorption : Application of - to chemical analysis: Review.David, 779. metallurgical analysis. Gidley. (Summary), 462. spectroscopy : Factors affecting performance in -. Lockyer. (Summary), 461. spectroscopy: Flame as source of atoms. Baker, (Summary), 461. Autoclaves : Operation of Sterilising -. (Pub- lication received), 80. spectrophotometry : Application of - to B Bacteria : Bioassay for pesticide residues in food- stuffs. Needham, 792. Barbiturates : Identifying - from infra-red spectra. Cleverley, 582. Barium: Flame-photometric detmn. of - and sulphate. Cullum and Thomas, 688. Radiochemistry of -, Calcium and Strontium. Sunderman and Townley. (Publication re- ceived), 695. Barium-137m : Ammonium 12-molybdophosphate for assaying radioactive fission products in water. Broadbank, Dhabanandana and Hard- ing, 365.:Barium-140 : Ammonium 12-molybdophosphate for assaying radioactive fission products in water. Broadbank, Dhabanandana and Hard- ing, 365. EDTA in separating radioactive barium and strontium. Montgomery, 524. Barium carbonate : Flame-photometric detmn. of sodium in alkaline-earth carbonates. Hibbs and McDonald, 846. Bathophenanthroline : Iron Reagents : -, 2,4,6- Tripyridyl-S-triazine, Phenyl-2-pyridyl Ket- oxime. Diehl and Smith. (Publication re- ceived), 534. Beet, sugar: See Sugar beet. Benzene hexachloride : See Hexachlorocyclohexane. Benzoic acid : Presumptive detcn. of preservatives in canned cured-yeast products by simple yeast-growth test. Mossel, Zwart and de Bruin, 410. 3 :4-Benzopyrene : Polynuclear hydrocarbons in tobacco and tobacco smoke.11. Origin of - found in tobacco and tobacco smoke. Bentley and Burgan, 723; 111. Inhibition of formation of - in cigarette smoke, 727. Benzoylphenylhydro~la~e : Colorimetric detmn. of vanadium with -. Ryan, 569.INDEX TO VOLUME 85 xix Beryllium : Apparatus for routine detmn. of oxygen content of - metal by activation. Coleman and Perkin, 154. Detmng. - metal in air. Powell, Phennah and Still, 347. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis : Review. Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids. Oldfield and Bridge, 97. Betaine : Removal of interfering ions in detmng. - in sugar-beet juices and plant material. Carruthers, Oldfield and Teague, 272. Dean, 62 1. BHC : See Hexachlorocyclohexane. Biochemistry : Automation in clinical -. Wootton. (Summary), 463.Biochemical Preparations. Vol. 7. Lardy. (Publication received), 456. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. VIII. Glick. (Publication received), 616; (Review), 925. Biologische Bundesanstalt far land- und Forstwirt- schaft : Bioassay for pesticide residues in food- stuffs (visit to -). Biology : Chromatographie en Chimie Organique et Biologique. Vol. I. Lederer. (Publication received), 232; (Review), 773; Vol. 11. (Publica- tion received), 456; (Review) 774. Bismuth : Ion-exchange enrichment in detmng. trace elements in sea water. Precipitating basic bismuth formate from homo- geneous solution and detmng. - in presence of lead. Specific masking by acetylacetone in titrations with EDTA (detmng. -). Jablonski and Johnson, 297. Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids.Oldfield and Bridge, 97. Bismuth formate : Precipitating basic - from homogeneous solution and detmng. bismuth in presence of lead. Cartwright, 216; Erratum, 303. Bismuth telluride: Analysis of - and related thermoelectric materials. Cluley and Proffitt, 815. Blackcurrants : Application of total organic chlorine method to detmng. endrin and thiodan residues in -. Egan and Evans, 842. juice: Detmng. ascorbic acid in highly coloured solutions with N-bromosuccinimide. Evered, 515. Reid, 265. Detmng. methanol in biological fluids. Hough, 921. Modified Cavett detmn. of alcohol in body fluids. Nickolls, 840. Blood Groups: Introduction to Human -. Roberts. (Publication received), 534. Blood serum : Colorimetric micro-detmn. of calcium in -. Trinder, 889.Quantitative separation of fatty acids from un- saponifiable matter. Sammons and Wiggs, 417. Needham, 792. Brooks, 745. Cartwright, 216; Erratum, 303. Blood: Detmng. ketone bodies in -. Book reviews : Adams. Organic Reactions. Vol. X, 614. Audubert and de Mende. Principles of Electro- Bauer. Bayer and Wagner. Gasanalyse : Methoden der Berry. Henry Cavendish, 615. Bier. Electrophoresis : Theory, Methods and Bobtelsky. Heterometry, 853. Broad and Barnard. Thioacetamide as Sulfide phoresis, 157. Statistical Manual for Chemists, 692. Arbeitspraxis, 533. Applications, 157. Precipitant, 775. Book reviews-continued. Cahn. Introduction t o Chemical Nomenclature, 693. Camber. Oxosteroids. Use of Phenolic Hydra- zides for Detection, Characterisation and Estimation, 612.Charlot, Badoz-Lambling and TrCmillon. R& actions Glectrochimiques, 690. Cheronis and Stein. Semimicro Experiments in General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis, 690. Codell. Analytical Chemistry of Titanium Metals and Compounds, 854. Cross. Introduction to Practical Infra-red Spectroscopy, 612. Daudel. Radioactive Tracers in Chemistry and Industry, 692. Davies. Principles of Electrolysis, 301. Davis. Milk Testing. 2nd Edn., 532. Dewberry. Food Poisoning. 4th Edn., 855. Eaborn. Organosilicon Compounds, 773. Ewing. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis. 2nd Edn., 775. Glick. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. VIII, 925. Gordon, Salutsky and Willard. Precipitation from Homogeneous Solution, 79. Hais and Macek. Handbuch der Papierchro- matographie. Band I, 611.Hetman. Trace Techniques Using KlOOO Cathode Ray Polarograph. Vol. I, 611. Jackman, Application of Nuclear Magnetic Re- sonance Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry, 613. Jacobs. Chemical Analysis of Air Pollutants, 614. Kappelmeier. Chemical Analysis of Resin-based Coating Materials, 383. Keulemans and Verver. Gas Chromatography. 2nd Edn., 382. King. Qualitative Analysis and Electrolytic Solutions, 231. Kolthoff, Belcher, Stenger and Matsuyama. Volumetric Analysis. Vol. 111, 156. Kritchevsky. Cholesterol, 155. Lederer. Chromatographic Reviews. Vol. I , 302; Vol. 11, 852. Lederer. Chromatographie en Chimie Organique et Biologique. Vols. I and 11, 773, 774. Martinet. Notes du Service de GCologie et de Prospection MiniCre : Analyse des Eaux, 79. Martinez and Bouza.Aplicaciones Analfticas del AEDT y Similares, 927. Niederl and Sozzi. Microanalisis Elemental Organico, 158. Principles and Practice of Gas Chroma- tography, 382. Phillips. Automatic Titrators, 691. Rodier. L’Analyse Chimique et Physico- Chimique de L’Eau. Sinclair. Essential Fatty Acids, 80. Snell and Snell. Colorimetric Methods of Analysis : Including Photometric Methods. Vol. IIA, 78. Thompson. Advances in Spectroscopy. Vol. I, 532. Waldron. Advances in Mass Spectrometry, 454. Westwood, Mayer, Clarke and Green. Chemical Analysis of Cast Iron and Foundry Materials. 2nd Edn., 853. Wilson and Wilson. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. IA, 530. Analysis of Titanium and its Alloys. 3rd Edn., 924. British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1959, 455. Tecsok. 2nd Edn., 694.xx INDEX TO VOLUME 85 Book reviews-continued.British Veterinary Codex 1953 : Supplement 1959, XV Congress0 Internacional de Quimica Pura e Contributi Teorici e Sperimentali di Polarografia. Ion Exchange Resins, Organic Syntheses. Vol. 39, 614. Pharmaceutical Pocket Book. Selected Methods of Analysis of Foundry Materials. Part 1, 230. Separation and Identification of Food Colours Permitted by Colouring Matters in Food Regulations 1957, 532. See also Publications received. Boots Pure Drug Co. : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs (visit to -). Boric acid : Presumptive detcn. of preservatives in canned cured-meat products by simple yeast- growth test. Mossel, Zwart and de Bruin, 410. Boron: Detmng. - in aluminium and silicon- aluminium alloys.Towndrow and Webb, 850. Detmng. - in silicon by isotope dilution. Newton, Sanders and Tyrrell, 870. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis : Review. Dean, 621. Fluorimetric detmn. of -. Application to silicon, sea water and steel. Parker and Barnes, 828. Spectrophotometric detmn. of - in molyb- denum alloys with carmine. Statistical analysis of spectrophotometric detmns. of -. Lima, Pagano and Schneiderman, 909. Boron nitride : Detmng. nitrogen in -. Cosgrove and Shears, 448. Boron trioxide: Detmng. total P,O, and B,08 in detergent powders. Cullum and Thomas, 922. Brewing: Development of - Analysis. Hudson. (Publication received), 928. Brines: Polarographic detmn. of nitrite in meat- curing-. Dhont, 144. British Cast Iron Research Association : Selected Methods of Analysis of Foundry Materials.Part 1. Pig Iron and Cast Iron. (Review), 230. British Drug Houses Ltd.: Ion Exchange Resins. 4th Edn. (Review), 691. British Standards . Institution. Annual Report 1959-60. (Publication received), 775. Bromide: Detmng. small amounts of - in presence of mercuric ions. Tyrrell and Dow- son, 528. Bromine : Radiochemistry of Fluorine, Chlorine, - and Iodine. Kleinberg and Cowan. (Publication received), 534. N-Bromosuccinimide : Detmng. ascorbic acid in highly coloured solutions with -. Evered, 515. Bronze, aluminium : Analysing - alloys. Free- garde and Allen, 731. Bundesanstalt fur . Qualitatsforschyg Pflanzlicher Erzeugnise : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs (visit to -). Needham, 792. Burette : Precision -.Chalmers and Thomson, 226. valve: Electromagnetic __ with two rates of delivery. Stock and Fill, 609. Bntylated hydroxyanisole : Detmng. chemical anti- oxidants in fats after separation by partition chromatography. Berger, Sylvester and Haines, 341. 613. Aplicada. Vol. 11, 455. Vol. IV, 159. 4th Edn., 691. 17th Edn., 694. Needham, 792. Higgs, 897. Yearbook 1960. (Publication received), 384. Butylated hydroxytoluene : Detmng. chemical anti- oxidants in fats after separation by partition chromatography. Berger, Sylvester and Haines, 341. C Cable-sheathing alloys : Detmng. copper in lead and lead -. Cadmium : Flame-photometric methods in metal- lurgical analysis : Review. Ion-exchange enrichment in detmng. trace elements in sea water. Radiochemistry of -. DeVoe.(Publication received), 466. Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids. Oldfield and Bridge, 97. Caesium : Flame-photometric methods in metal- lurgical analysis : Review. Hexachlorotellurous acid as precipitant for -. Montgomery, 687. Caesium-137 : Ammonium 12-molybdophosphate for assaying radioactive fission products in water. Broadbank, Dhabanandana and Hard- ing, 365. EDTA in separating radioactive barium and strontium. Montgomery, 524. Rapid radiochemical detmn. of -. Yarnagata and Yamagata, 282. Calcium : Colorimetric micro-detmn. of - in serum. Trinder, 889. Detmng. - and magnesium in rat liver. Dunstone, Madsen and Bell, 519. Detmng. - and magnesium in waters by automatic titration. Haslam, Squirrel1 and Blackwell, 27. Detmng. exchangeable sodium, potassium, - and magnesium in soils by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry.David, 495. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis : Review. Dean, 621. Micro-detmn. of - and magnesium in bio- logical material. Hunter, 12, Radiochemistry of Barium, - and Strontium. Sunderman and Townley. (Publication re- ceived), 696. Rapid titration of - in tricalcium phosphate with EDTA. Ince and Forster, 608. Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in soils and plants. Mitchell. (Summary), 617. Spectrophotometric detmn. of microgram amounts of ---. Ken, 867. Stoicheiometry of titration of -, magnesium and manganese a t low concentration with EDTA, with metal indicators murexide and Eriochrome black T. Gjems, 738. Calcium carbonate : Flame-photometric detmn. of sodium in alkaline-earth carbonates.Hibbs and McDonald, 846. Candida brumptii : Presumptive detcn. of pre- servatives in canned cured-meat products by simple yeast-growth test. Mossel, Zwart and de Bruin, 410. Captan : See N-Trichloromethylthio-4-cyclo-hexane- 1 :2-dicarboxyimide. Carbohydrates : Detmng. digestible - in poultry foods. Bolton, 189. Carbon : Closed-circulation systems for detmng. water, carbon dioxide and total - in silicate rocks and minerals. Jeffery and Wilson, 749. Conductimetric micro-detmn. of - in organic compounds. Greenfield, 486. Rapid micro-detmn. of - and hydrogen in fluoro-organic compounds. Wood, 764. Thompson and Ravenscroft, 735. Dean, 621. Brooks, 745. Dean, 62 1.INDEX TO VOLUME 85 xxi detmng. water, - and total carbon in Liaisons et Propri6tCs Chimiques : Introduction & silicate rocks and minerals.Jeffery and la Thkorie de la Liaison Chimique. Ketelaar, Wilson, 749. Translated by Fayard. (Publication received). Carbonates, alkaline-earth : Flame-photometric 303. detmn. of sodium in - . Hibbs and Mass Spectrometry and Applications to Organic McDonald, 846. -. Beynon. (Publication received), 928. Carmine : Spectrophotometric detmn. of boron in Modern Coordination . Principles and molybdenum alloys with -. Methods. Lewis and Wilkins. (Publication Carrasius auratus : Bioassay for pesticide residues received)* 232* Organic Reactions. Vol. X. Adams. (Pub- in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. lication received), 232 ; (Review), 6 14. Cast iron : See Iron. Organic Syntheses. Vol. 39. Tishler. (Pub- Cavendish : Henry -.His Life and Scientific lication received), 303; ( ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ) , 614. Work. Berry. (Publication Received), 456; Periodic Table. Cooper. 2nd Edn. (Publica- tion received), 695. (Review), 615. Principles of Physical -. Hamill and Williams. in body fluids. Nickolls, 840. (Publication received), 856. Cellulose phosphate: Application of - to testing Pure and Applied -. Vol. I, No. 1, 1960. high-purity water, and spot test of high sensi- (Publication received), 856. tivity. Kember, 449. Radioactive Tracers in - and Industry. Cereals: Detmng. malathion residues in - and Daudel. Translated by Eisner. (Publication oilseeds. Malathion Panel, 915. received), 384; (Review), 692. Cefium-144 : Ammonium 12-molybdophosphate for RBactions glectrochimiques. Charlot, Badoz- assaying radioactive fission products in water.Broadbank, Dhabanandana and Harding, 365. Reports on Progress Of -Applied -. VOl. EDTA in separating radioactive barium and XLIII : 1958. (Publication received), 232; Vol. strontium. Montgomery, 524. XLIV: 1959, 856. Vol. 33, No. pounds by adsorption on -. Dhont and 7, July, 1959. Bell. (Publication received), Weurman, 419. 384. Chemical Society: Annual Reports on Progress of - and Chemistry for 1959. vol. LvI. (publication Qualitative Analysis. Cheronis and Stein. received), 856. (Publication received), 232 ; (Review), 690. . Peacocke. International Conference on Co-ordination Chem- - istry. (Publication received), 80. (Publication received), 928. periodicals in - Library. (Publication re- Chick: Assay of acetylcholine with isolated semi- spinalis cervicis muscle of -.ceived), 928. Chemicsis : Analytical Standards for Laboratory Chloranil : Detmng. 2 : 6-dichloro-4-nitroaniline (and -) in ditranil and fungicidal formulations by infra-red spectroscopy. Marshall, 681. - and Reagents 1960. May & Baker, Ltd. Chlordane : Bioassay for pesticide residues in food- 6th Edn. (Publication received), 695. Chemische Laboratorium der Stadt Zurich : Bioassay stuffs. Needham, 792. for pesticide residues in foodstuffs (visit to Chloride: Direct colorimetric detmn. of traces of -). Needham, 792. -. Nash, 515. ChedstW and Chemical Engineering. Bune. Chlorinated acids : Analysis of herbicides. Haddock. (Publication received), 928. (Summary), 618. Chlorine : Detmng. - by oxygen flask combustion Vol. LVI.(Publication received), 856. method. Single unit for electrical ignition by Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance remote control and potentiometric titration. Spectroscopy in Organic - . J ackman. Haslam, Hamilton and Squirrell, 556. (Publication received), 232; (Review), 613. Radiochemistry of Fluorine, --, Bromine and Chemical Periodicity. Sanderson. (Publication Iodine. Kleinberg and Cowan. (Publication received) , 695. received), 534. Chemical Process Principles. Part 11. Thermo- PChloro-%methyl acids : Analysis of herbicides. dynamics. Hougen, Watson and Ragatz. 2nd Haddock. (Summary), 618. Edn. (Publication received), 159. Chloromethylphenoxspropionic acids : Detmng. Chromatographie en Chimie Organique et a-(4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)propionic acid in Biologique. Vol.I . Lederer. (Publication - by gas - liquid chromatography with received), 232; (Review), 773; Vol. 11. (Publica- tion received), 456; (Review), 774. 2-Chloro-4-nitroaniline : Detmng. 2 : 6-dichloro-P Concise Organic -. Guy and Woods. (Pub- nitroaniline (and -) in ditranil and fungi- lication received), 303. cidal formulations by infra-red spectroscopy. glectrochimie ThBorique. Darmois and Dar- Marshall, 681. mois. (Publication received), 456. Chlorophenoxyacetic acids : Effect of substituent Homolytic Aromatic Substitution. Williams. groupings on chromatographic behaviour of (Publication received), 695. phenoxyace tic acids. I I. Chloro-substitu ted International Conference on Co-ordination ---. Bark and Graham, 905. (Publication received), 80.6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10 : 10-Hexachloro- International Encyclopedia of Physical - and 1 : 5 : 5s : 6 : 9 : 9a-hexahydro-6 : 9-methano-2 : 4 : 3- Chemical Physics. Guggenheim, Mayer and benzodioxathiepin-%oxide and Thiodan. Tompkins. Topic 6, Vol. 1. (Publication Cholesterol. Kritchevsky. (Review), 155. received), 695. Chromatography : Application of G.L.C. - infra-red Introduction to Chemical Nomenclature. Cahn. spectroscopy technique. Anderson. (Sum- (Review) , 693. mary), 163. Carbon dioxide : Closed-circulation systems for Chemistry-continued. Higgs, 897. CaVett method : Modified - for detmng. alcohol Lambling and Trkmillon. (Review), 690. charcoal: Isolation and detmn, of volatile corn- Russian Journal of Physical -. Semimicro Experiments in Tyler, 8.on Progress of - for 1959. internal standard. Higson and Butler, 657. phenoxyacetic acids. Chlorthiepin : Seexxii INDEX TO VOLUME 85 Chromatography-continued. Chromatographic and Electrophoretic Tech- niques. Vols. I and 11. Smith. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 928. Chromatographic Reviews : Progress in - Electrophoresis and Related Methods. Vol. I: Lederer. (Review), 302; Vol. 11. (Publication received), 456; (Review), 852. Chromatographie en Chimie Organique et Biolo- gique. Vol. I. Lederer. (Publication re- ceived), 232; (Review), 773; Vol. 11. (Publica- tion received), 456; (Review), 774. Extension of gradient elution principle. O’Sullivan, 434. Gas -. Keulemans and Verver. 2nd Edn. (Review), 382. Gas - Abstracts 1958. Knapman and Scott. (Publication received), 456; Abstracts 1959, 695. Handbuch der Papierchromatographie.Band I. Hais and Macek. (Review), 611; Band 11. (Publication received), 696. Isolation and detmn. of volatile compounds by adsorption on charcoal. Dhont and Weurman, 419. Principles and Practice of Gas -. Pecsok. (Review) , 382. Third Gas - Symposium. Chromic acid : Detmng. microgram amounts of nitrate in -. Chromium : Detmng. low concentrations of alu- minium and -. Pittwell, 849. I. Application to solutions containing one com- ponent. Ross and Wilson, 51 ; 11. Application to solutions containing more than one component, 276. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis: Review. Dean, 621. Radiochemistry of -. Pijck. (Publication received), 534. Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in soils and plants.Mitchell. (Summary), 617. Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids. Oldfield and Bridge, 97. Cigarette smoke : Polynuclear hydrocarbons in tobacco and tobacco smoke. 11. Origin of 3 : 4-benzopyrene found in tobacco and tobacco smoke. Bentley and Burgan, 723; 111. In- hibition of formation of 3 : 4-benzopyrene in Coal: Detmng. nitrogen in - and coke by Kjeldahl method. Wilkinson. (Summary), 82. Coating Materials : Chemical Analysis of Resin- based -. Kappelmeier. (Review), 383. Cobalt : Differential method of photometric analysis. I. Application to solutions containing one component. Ross and Wilson, 51; 11. Applica- tion to solutions containing more than one component, 276. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis : Review. Dean, 621.Quantitative paper chromatography of inorganic ions in soils and plants. Coulson, Davies and Luna, 203. Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in soils and plants. Mitchell. (Summary), 617. Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids. Oldfield and Bridge, 97. Cod muscle : Separating and detmng. free purines, pyrimidines and nucleoside in -. Jones, 111. Coke : Detmng. nitrogen in coal and- by Kjeldahl method. Wilkinson. (Summary), 82. Colouring matters : See Dyes. Editorial, 457. McDonald and Lench, 564. Differential method of photometric analysis. -, 727. Columbium : See Niobium. Condensed milk.: See e. Copper : Analysing aluminium bronze alloys. Free- garde and Allen, 731. Application of cellulose phosphate to testing high-purity water, and spot test of high sensi- tivity.Kember, 449. Colorimetric micro-detmn. of - in water: survey of available methods. Tuck and Osborn, 105; Erratum, 232. Detmng. - and lead in indium arsenide. Jennings, 62. Detmng. - in lead and lead cable-sheathing alloys. Thompson and Ravenscroft, 735. Detmng. insecticide and fungicide deposits on plants. Martin. (Summary), 618. Differential method of photometric analysis. I. Application to solutions containing one com- ponent. Ross and Wilson, 51 ; 11. Application to solutions containing more than one component, 276. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis : Review. Dean, 621. Quantitative paper chromatography of inorganic ions in soils and plants. Coulson, Davies and Luna, 203. Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in soils and plants. Mitchell.(Summary), 617. Corrosion : Oxidation of metals by oxygen at high temperatures. Gregg. (Summary), 458. X-ray studies of metal oxidation and - problems. Rooksby. (Summary) , 459. Cosmetic(s) : Perfumes, - and Soaps, with Special Reference to Synthetics. Vol. 11. Poucher. 7th Edn. (Publication received), 159; Vol. 111, 384. Science. Middleton. (Publication received), 159. Crystal Growth. (Publication received), 80. Crystallography : Optical - , with Particular Reference to Use and Theory of Polarizing Microscope. Wahlstrom. 3rd Edn. (Pub- lication received), 616. Curium : Radiochemistry of Americium and -. Penneman and Keenan. (Publication re- ceived), 6 16. Cyanocobalamin : See Vitamin BIZ. cycZoHeximide : See Actidione. D 2 : 4-D : See (2 : 4-Dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid.Dairy: Principles of - Science. Vanstone and Dougall. (Publication received), 776. Daphnia : Bioassay for pesticide residues in food- stuffs. Needham, 792. DDT : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Detmng. insecticide and fungicide deposits on plants. Martin. (Summary), 618. Detmng. small amounts of - in flour and food- stuffs. DDT Panel, 600. Delnav : Bioassay for pesticide residues in food- stuffs. Needham, 792. Dentistry : Dental Practioners’ Formulary 1960. (Publication received), 616. Detergents : See Surface-active agents. Detoxication Mechanisms. Williams. 2nd Edn. (Publication received) , 80. Dextrose : See Glucose. Diazinon : Bioassay for pesticide residues in food- stuffs. Needham, 792. 2 : 4-Dichloro acids : Analysis of herbicides.Haddock. (Summary), ,618.INDEX TO VOLUME 85 xxiii 1 : l-Dichloro-2 : 2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane : Bio- assay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. 5 : 5’ - Dichloro - 2 : 2’ - dihydroxydiphenylmethane : Modified colorimetric detmn. of dichlorophen. Ashton, 685. 2 : 6-Dichloro-4-nitroaniline : Detmng. - in di- tranil and fungicidal formulations by infra-red spectroscopy. Marshall, 681. Dichlorophen : See 5 : 5’-Dichloro-2 : 2’-dihydroxydi- phenylme thane. Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid(s) : Bioassay for pesti- cide residues in foodstuffs. Effect of substituent groupings on chromato- graphic behaviour of phenoxyacetic acids. 11. Chloro-substituted phenoxyacetic acids. Bark and Graham, 905. Dieldrin : Bioassay for pesticide residues in food- stuffs.Needham, 792. Needham, 792. Detmng. -. Detmng. insecticide and fungicide deposits on plants. Martin. (Summary), 618. Dietetics: World Review of Nutrition and -. Vol. I. Bourne. (Publication received), 303. S-1: 2-Di (ethoxycarbonyl) ethyl dimethyl phosphoro- thiolothionate : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Detmng. malathion residues in cereals and oil- seeds. Malathion Panel, 915. 0 : O-Diethyl O-p-nitrophenyl thiophosphate : Bio- assay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. 17 : 21-Dihydroxy-20-oxosteriods : Effect of oxygen on demn. of - with tetrazolium salts. Johnson, King and Vickers, 714; Erratum, 856. Dilan : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs, Needham, 792. 0 : O-Dimethyl S-(N-methylcarbamoylmethyl) phos- phorothiolothionate : Detmng.- in technical Rogor formulations. DupCe, Gardner and Newton, 177; Correction, 924. Dimethylphenoxyacetic acids : Effect of substituent groupings on chromatographic behaviour of phenoxyacetic acids. I. Methyl-substituted phenoxyacetic acids. Bark and Graham, 663. 4 : 6-Dinitro-o-cresol : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Dinitrophenols, substituted : Analysis of herbicides. Haddock. (Summary), 618. Diphenyl: Detcng. and detmng. - and o-phenyl- phenol in concentrated orange juice by gas chromatography. Thomas, 55 1. Quantitative micro-detmn. of - . Detmng. - in paper wrappers. Dipterex : Bioassay for pesticide residues in food- stuffs. Needham, 792. Disodium 1 : 2-dihydroxybenzene-3 : 5-disulphonate : Photometric detmn.of titanium with tiron. Nichols, 452. Ditranil : Detmng. 2 : 6-dichloro-4-nitroaniline in - and fungicidal formulations by infra-red spectroscopy. Marshall, 681. Dithizonates : Detmng. molar extinction coefficients of metal -. Irving and Ramakrishna, 860. Dithizone : Molar extinction coefficients of ~ and lead dithizonate in carbon tetrachloride. Weber and Vouk, 40. Dodecyl gallate : Detmng. chemical antioxidants in fats after separation by partition chromato- graphy. Detmng. gallates in edible fats, Cassidy and Fisher, 295. Drosophila melanogaster : Bioassay for pesti- cide residues in foodstuffs. Baker and Skerrett, 184. Rajzman, 116. Berger, Sylvester and Haines, 341. Needham, 792. Drugs : Detoxication Mechanisms. Williams.2nd Edn. (Publication received), 80. Quantitative Bestimmung der Alkaloide in Drogen und Drogenzubereitungen. Schultz and Zymalkowski. (Publication received), 695. Dyer, Bernard: Sixth - Memorial lecture. Chemical analysis and medical progress. Frazer, 332. Dyes : Separation and Identification of Food Colours Permitted by Colouring Matters in Food Regulations 1957. (Publication received), 303; (Review), 532. E East Malling Research Station : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs (visit to -). Needham, 792. Editorials : Review articles, 537. Effluents: Detmng. traces of silver in trade -. Pierce, 166. Electrochemistry : RCactions €?lectrochimiques. Charlot, Badoz-Lambling and Trdmillon. (Re- view), 690. Electro-deposition : Constant cathode potential - apparatus.Wadsworth, 673. Electrolysis : Differential electrolytic potentiometry. 111. Examination of variables of method applied to inactive reductants. Bishop, 422. Electronics for Spectroscopists. Cannon. (Pub- lication received), 303. Electrophoresis: Chromatographic and Electro- phoretic Techniques. Vols. I and 11. Smith. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 928. Chromatographic Reviews : Progess in Chroma- tography, - and Related Methods. Vol. I. Lederer. (Review), 302 ; Vol. 11. (Publication received), 456 ; (Review), 852. Principles of -. Audubert and de Mende. Translated by Pomerans. (Review), 157. Theory, Methods and Applications. Bier. (Re- view), 157. Elution : Extension of gradient - principle. O’Sullivan, 434. Endothion : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs.Needham, 792. Endrin : Application of total organic chlorine method to detmng. - and thiodan residues in blackcurrants. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Detmng. insecticide and fungicide deposits on plants. Martin. (Summary), 618. Micro-detmn. of -. Skerrett and Baker, 148, 606. Engineering : Chemistry and Chemical -. Bune. (.Publication received), 928. Epoxides : Detmng. terminal -, particularly styrene oxide. Sully, 895. Equilibrium Constants : Tables pour le Calcul Direct des Constantes d’gquilibre des Systkmes Chimiques aux Hautes TempCratures. Mauras. (Publication received), 232. Eriochrome black T : Stoicheiometry of titration of calcium, magnesium and manganese a t low concentration with EDTA, with metal indica- tors murexide and -.Essential Oils : Fiore method for detmng. linalol. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, - Sub-committee, 165. Esters : Isolation and detmn. of volatile compounds by adsorption on charcoal. Dhont and Weur- man, 419. Third Gas Chromatography Symposium, 457. Principles of -. Davies. (Review), 301. Egan and Evans, 842. Gjems, 738.xxiv INDEX TO Ethyl alcohol: Modified Cavett detmn. of alcohol in body fluids. Nickolls, 840. Ethyl monobromoacetate : Presumptive detcn. of preservatives in canned cured-meat products by simple yeast-growth test. Mossel, Zwart and de Bruin, 410. Ethyl sulphates : Analysis of herbicides. Haddock. (Summary), 618. Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid: hnalytical Applications of Diamino-Ethane-Tetra-Acetic -kid.West and Sykes. 2nd Edn. (Publica- tion received), 856. Aplicaciones Analiticas del AEDT y Similares. Martinez and Bouza. (Publication received), 616; (Review), 927. in separating radioactive barium and strontium. Montgomery, 524. Rapid titration of calcium in tricalcium phosphate with -. Specific masking by acetylacetone in titrations with -. Stoicheiometry of titration of calcium, magnesium and manganese a t low concentration with -, with metal indicators murexide and Eriochrome black T. Gjems, 738. Europium : Flame-photometric methods in metal- lurgical analysis : Review. Explosives: History of Greek Fire and Gunpowder. Partington. (Publication received), 303. Staining cast high - for observation of crystal- line structure. Yallop, 300. Vouk and Weber, 46.Ince and Forster, 608. Jablonski and Johnson, 297. Dean, 621. Extraction constant of lead dithizonate. ‘OLUME 85 Fish : Separating and detmng. sugar phosphates, with particular reference to extracts of - tissue. Jones and Burt, 810. Fison’s Pest Control : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs (visit to -). Flame Photometry. Dean. (Publication received), 775. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis : Review. Dean, 621. Flour: Detmng. small amounts of DDT in __ and foodstuffs. DDT Panel, 600. Fludrocortisone: Effect of oxygen on detmn. of 17 : 21-dihydroxy-20-oxosteroids with tetra- zolium salts. Johnson, King and Vickers, 714; Erratum, 856. Fluidization and Fluid-Particle Systems. Zenz and Othmer. (Publication received). 695. Fluorescence : Correction of - spectra and measurement of - quantum efficiency. Parker and Rees, 587.Fluorine: Advances in - Chemistry. Vol. I. Stacey, Tatlow and Sharpe. (Publication re- ceived), 856. Detmng. microgram amounts of - by diffusion. Hall, 560. Radiochemistry of -, Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine. Kleinberg and Cowan. (Publication received), 534. Rapid micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen in fluoro-organic compounds. Wood, 764. Fluoroacetamide : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Fodders : See Feedingstuffs. Food(s): Bioassay for pesticide residues in -. Needham, 792. Detmng. hexachlorocyclohexane residues in -. Wood, 21. Detmng. small amounts of DDT in flour and -. DDT Panel, 600. Dictionary of Nutrition and - Technology. Bender. (Publication received), 695.Isolation and detmn. of volatile compounds by adsorption on charcoal. Dhont and Weurman, 419. Poisoning. Dewberry. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 159; (Review), 855. Quantitative separation of fatty acids from un- saponifiable matter. Sammons and Wiggs, 417. Separation and Identification of - Colours Permitted by Colouring Matters in - Regulations 1957. (Publication received), 303; (Review), 532. Forensic Science Society: Journal of the -. Vol. I, No. 1, Sept., 1960. (Publication re- ceived), 927. Formulary: British National - 1960. (Publica- tion received), 383, 534. Foundry Materials: Chemical Analysis of Cast Iron and -. Westwood and Mayer. 2nd Edh. (Publication received), 456 ; (Review), 853. Part I. Pig Iron and Cast Iron. Francium: Radiochemistry of -.Hyde. (Pub- lication received), 456. Fructose: Sensitive method for detcng. sugars on paper chromatograms. Roy, 294. Fructose 1 : 6-diphosphate : Detcng. phosphate esters on paper chromatograms. Harrap, 452. Separating and detmng. sugar phosphates, with particular reference to extracts of fish tissue. Jones and Burt, 810. Fructose l-phosphate : Separating and detmng. sugar phosphates, with particular reference to extracts of fish tissue. Fruit-fly : See Drosophila melanogaster. Needham, 792. Selected Methods of Analysis of -. (Review), 230. Jones and Burt, 810. F Faeces : Quantitative separation of fatty acids from unsaponifiable matter. Sammons and Wiggs, 417. Farbfabriken Bayer : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs (visit to -).Fats: Analysis of - and Oils. Mehlenbacher. (Publication received), 456. and Oils: Outline of Chemistry and Technology. Kirschenbauer. 2nd Edn. (Publication re- ceived), 776. Detmng. chemical antioxidants in - after separation by partition chromatography. Berger, Sylvester and Haines, 341. Detmng. gallates in edible -. Cassidy and Fisher, 295. Detmng. hexachlorocyclohexane residues in food- stuffs. Wood, 21. Lipide Chemistry. Hanahan, Gurd and Zabin. (Publication received), 384. Fatty Acids: Analysis of - and Fatty Alcohols. (Publication received), 384. Essential -. Sinclair. (Review), 80. Quantitative separation of - from unsaponifi- able matter. Feedingstuff s : Detmng. additives to animal -, with special reference to prophylactics. Phipers. (Summary), 619.Detmng. digestible carbohydrates in poultry foods. Bolton, 189. Detmng. nitrofurazone in feed mixes. Cross, Hendey and Stevens, 355. Ferrocyanide : Colorimetric detmn. of - ion, and application to molasses. Marier and Clark, 574. Anderson, 228. Needham, 792. Sammons and Wiggs, 417. Filtration : Centrifugal - apparatus.INDEX TO VOLUME 85 XXV Fungicideits) : Bioassay for pesticide residues in food- €I stuffs: ' Needham, 799. Martin. (Summary), 618. Detmng. insecticide and __ deposits on plants, Hafnium : Radiochemistry of Zirconium and -. Helminthospotium savitum : Bioassav for Desti- Steinberg. (Publication received), 776. G Galactose : Sensitive method for detcng. sugars on paper chromatograms. Roy, 294. Gallates : Detmng. chemical antioxidants in fats after separation by partition chromatography.Berger, Sylvester and Haines, 341. Detmng. - in edible fats. Cassidy and Fisher, 295. Gallium : Flame-photometric methods in metal- lurgical analysis : Review. Dean, 62 1, Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in soils and plants. Mitchell. (Summary), 617. Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids. Oldfield and Bridge, 97. Gammatus pulex : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Gas chromatography : See Chromatography. J. R. Geigy A. G. : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs (visit to -). Geochemistry : Methods in -. Smales and Wager. (Publication received), 534. Geology: Lead Isotopes in -. Russell and Farquhar. (Publication received), 776. cSlass(es) : Physics and Chemistry of -. Vol. I, No.1, Feb., 1960. Douglas. (Publication re- ceived), 303. Technology. Vol. I, No. 1, Feb., 1960. Douglas. (Publication received), 303. Glomerella cingulata : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Glove-box : Obtaining weighed micro samples of moisture- or oxygen-sensitive compounds. Williams and Park, 126. Glucose: Dextrose and maltose contents of com- mercial liquid -. Patterson and Buchan, 75. Sensitive method for detcng. sugars on paper chromatograms. Roy, 294. Glucose l-phosphate : Detcng. phosphate esters on paper chromatograms. Harrap, 452. Separating and detmng. sugar phosphates, with particular reference to extracts of fish tissue. Jones and Burt, 810. Glucose 6-phosphate : Detcng. phosphate esters on paper chromatograms. Harrap, 452.Separating and detmng. sugar phosphates, with particular reference to extracts of fish tissue. Jones and Burt, 810. Glycerol: Detmng. trimethylene glycol in - by gas chromatography. Clifford, 475. Needham, 792. Evaluating crude -. Cocks, 686. Gold : Ion-exchange enrichment in detmng. trace Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in soils and elements in sea water. Brooks, 745. plants. Mitchell. (Summary), 617. Goldflsh : See Carrusius autatus. Greek Fire: Historv of - and Gunpowder. cide resiaues in foodstuffs. Heptachlor : Bioassay for pesticide residues in food- stuffs. Needham, 792. Herbicides : Analysis of -. Haddock. (Sum- mary), 618. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Heterometry. Bobtelsky. (Publication received), 383; (Review), 853. Hexachlorocyclohexane : Bioassay for pesticide resi- dues in foodstuffs.Needham, 792. Detmng. - residues in foodstuffs. Wood, 21. Detmng. insecticide and fungicide deposits on plants. Martin. (Summary), 618. 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10 : 10-Hexachloro-l : 5 : 5a : 6 : 9 : 9s-hexa- hydro-6 : 9-methano-2 : 4 : 3-benmdioxathiepin- %oxide : Application of total organic chlorine method to detmng. endrin and thiodan residues in blackcurrants. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Hexschlorotellurous acid as precipitant for caesium. Montgomery, 687. Hexamethylenetetramine : Presumptive detcn. of preservatives in canned cured-meat products by simple yeast-growth test. Mossel, Zwart and de Bruin, 410. Hexose phosphates : Separating and detmng. sugar phosphates, with particular reference to ex- tracts of fish tissue. Honey: Occurrence of honeydew in -.Kirk- wood, Mitchell and Smith, 412. in honey. Kirk- Honeydew: Occurrence of - wood, Mitchell and Smith, 412. Hormones : Detmng. additives to animal feeding stuffs, with special reference to prophylactics. Phipers. (Summary), 619. Howe-fly : See Musca domestica. Hydraides : Oxosteroids. Use of Phenolic - for Detection, Characterisation and Estimation. Camber. (Publication received), 232; (Re- view), 612. Hydrocarbons : Polynuclear - in tobacco and tobacco smoke. 11. Origin of 3 : 4-benzopyrene found in tobacco and tobacco smoke. Bentley and Burgan, 723; 111. Inhibition of formation of 3 : 4-benzopyrene in cigarette smoke, 727. Hydrochloric acid : Spectrographic analysis of high- purity acids.Oldfield and Bridge, 97. Hydrocortisone : Effect of oxygen on detmn. of 17 : 2 l-dihydroxy-20-oxosteroids with tetra- zolium salts. Johnson, King and Vickers, 714; Erratum, 856. Hydrofluoric acid : Spectrographic analysis of high- purity acids. Oldfield and Bridge, 97. Hydrogen: Rapid micro-detmn. of carbon and - in fluoro-organic compounds. Wood, 764. p-Hydro-butyric acid : Detmng. ketone bodies in blood. Reid, 265. Needhim, 795. Egan and Evans, 842. Jones and Burt, 810. I Ice-cream : Composition of New Zealand skimmed- Partington. (PGblication received), 303. milk powder and influence on detmn. of milk- Gums : Chemistry of Plant - and Mucilages and solids-not-fat. Halliday, Burden and Lamont, Related Polysaccharides. Smith and Mont- gomery.(Publication received), 303. 839. Gmpowder: History of Greek Fire and -a Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.: Analysis of Partington. (Publication received), 303. Titanium and its Alloys. 3rd Edn. (Review), Guppy: See Lebistes reticulatus. 924. CfnsaWon : Bioassay for pesticide residues in food- Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs stuffs. Needham, 792. (visit to -). Needham, 792.xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 85 Indsnetrione hydrate : Detmng. nitrogen in organic compounds by -. Jacobs, 257. Indium : Detmng. zinc in - and nickel. Townd- row, Hutchinson and Webb, 769. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis : Review. Dean, 621. Radiochemistry of -. Sunderman and Town- ley. (Publication received), 856. Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids. Oldfield and Bridge, 97.Indium arsenide : Detmng, copper and lead in -. Jennings, 62. Industrial wastes : See Efiluents. Insecticide(s) : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Detmng. - and fungicide deposits on plants. Martin. (Summary), 618. htability Constants of Complex Compounds. Yatsimirskii and Vasil’ev. Translated by Paterson. (Publication received), 534. Institut fur Pflanzenpathologie v d Pflanzenschutz : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs (visit to -).. Needham, 792. Institute of Bremng: Development of Brewing Analysis. Hudson. (Publication received), 928. Institute of Petroleum: Advances in Mass Spec- trometry. Waldron. (Publication received), 159; (Review), 454. Gas Chromatography Abstracts 1958. Knapman and Scott.(Publication received), 456; Ab- stracts 1959, 695. Institution of Water Engineers : Approved Methods for Physical and Chemical Examination of Water. - , Royal Institute of Chemistry, Society for Analytical Chemistry and Society for Water Treatment and Examination. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 695. Instrumentation : Chemical - : Systematic Approach to Instrumental Analysis. Strobel. (Publication received), 695. Chemical Plant -: Notes on Use of Measuring Instruments. Association of British Chemical Manufacturers. (Publication received), 695. nterdepartmental Advisory Committee on Poison- ous Substances Used in Agriculture and Food Storage, DDT Panel. Detmng. small amounts of DDT in flour and foodstuffs, 600. Malathion Panel. Detmng. malathion residues in cereals and oilseeds, 915.International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis: Report of Proceedings of Twelfth Session of -, Washington, 1958. (Publication received), 159. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry : International Conference on Co-ordination Chemistry. (Publication received), 80. Proceedings of International Symposium on Microchemistry, Birmingham, 1958. (Pub- lication received), 383. Vol. I, No. 1, 1960, (Publication received), 856. Iodine : Analysis of bismuth telluride and related thermoelectric materials, Cluley and Proffitt, 815. Radiochemistry of Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine and -. Kleinberg and Cowan. (Publica- tion received), 534. Ion Exchange: Elements of -. Kunin. (Pub- lication received), 534. Resins. British Drug Houses, Ltd.4th Edn. (Review), 691. Iridium : Separating and detmng. platinum metals. Payne, 698. Pure and Applied Chemistry. Iron : Analysing aluminium bronze alloys. Free- garde and Allen, 731. Application of cellulose phosphate to testing high- purity water, and spot test of high sensitivity. Kember, 449. Chemical Analysis of Cast - and Foundry Materials. Westwood and Mayer. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 456; (Review), 853. Detmng. - in tin of 99.999 per cent. purity. Bradshaw and Rands, 76. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis: Review. Dean, 621. Micro-detmn. of ferrous - in silicate minerals by volumetric and colorimetric methods. Wilson, 823. Reagents : Bathophenanthroline, 2,4,6-TripyridyI- S-triazine, Phenyl-2-pyridyl Ketoxime. Diehl and Smith.(Publication received), 534. Selected Methods of Analysis of Foundry Mater- ials. Part 1. Pig - and Cast -. (Review), 230. Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in soils and plants. Mitchell. (Summary), 617. Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids, Oldfield and Bridge, 97. J Journal(s) : Glass Technology. Vol. I, No. 1, Feb., 1960. Douglas. (publication received), 303. of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Vol. 1, No. 1, August, 1959. (Publication received), 80. of the Forensic Science Society. Vol. I, No. 1, Sept, 1960. (Publication received), 927. Periodicals in Chemical Society Library. (Pub- lication received), 928. Physics and Chemistry of Glasses. Vol. I, No. 1, Feb., 1960. Douglas. (Publication received), 303. Polymer. Vol. I, No, 1, March, 1960. Bamford, Bawn, Gee and Hill.(Publication received), 383. Pure and Applied Chemistry. Vol. I, No. 1, 1960. (Publication received), 856. Russian - of Physical Chemistry. Vol. 33, NO. 7, July, 1959. Bell. (Publication re- ceived), 384. K Ketone bodies : Detmng. - in blood. Reid, 265. Eeuringsdienst van Waren : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs (visit to -). Needham. 792. L Laboratorium voor Insecticiden onderzoek : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs (visit to -). Needham. 792. Lactobacillus ferment i 36 : Microbiological assay of thiamine. Scholes, 883. Lactobacillus uitidescens : Microbiological assay of thiamine. Scholes, 883. Lactose: Sensitive method for detcng. sugars on paper chromatograms. Roy, 294. Lanthanum : Flame-photometric methods in metal- lurgical analysis : Review.Lanthanum-140 : Ammonium 12-molybdophosphate for assaying radioactive fission products in water. Broadbank, Dhabanandana and Hard- ing, 365. EDTA in separating radioactive barium and strontium. Montgomery, 524. Dean, 621.INDEX TO VOLUME 85 xxvii Lead : Analysing aluminium bronze alloys. Free- garde and Allen, 731. Detmng. copper and - in indium arsenide. Jennings, 62. Detmng. copper in - and - cable-sheathing alloys. Thompson and Ravenscroft, 735. Detmng. traces of - in telluric acid. Veale and Wood, 371. Field detmn. of total air-borne -. Dixon and Metson, 122. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis: Review. Dean, 621. Isotopes in Geology. Russell and Farquhar. (Publication received), 776. Polarographic detmn. of small amounts of tin and - in zirconium and alloys. Clark, 245.Polarographic detmn. of traces of - in zircon- ium and alloys. Precipitating basic bismuth formate from homo- geneous solution and detmng. bismuth in presence of -. Cartwright, 216; Erratum, 303. Specific masking by acetylacetone in titrations with EDTA (detmng. -). Jablonski and Johnson, 297. Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in soils and plants. Mitchell. (Summary), 617. Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids. Oldfield and Bridge, 97. Lead-212 : Separating - from thorium. Gorsuch, 225. Lead dithizonste : Extraction constant of -. Vouk and Weber, 46. Molar extinction coefficients of dithizone and - in carbon tetrachloride. Weber and Vouk, 40. Lebistes teticulatus : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs.Needham, 792. Linalol: Fiore method for detmng. -: Amend- ment. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Essential Oils Sub-committee, 165. Lindane : Bioassay for pesticide residues in food- stuffs. Needham, 792. Lipide Chemistry. Hanahan, Gurd and Zabin. (Publication received), 384. Liquid glucose: Dextrose and maltose contents of commercial -. Lithium : Flame-photometric methods in metal- lurgical analysis : Review. Isotopic detmn. of - by neutron activation. Coleman, 285. Liver : Detmng. calcium and magnesium in rat -. Dunstone, Madsen and Bell, 519. Lubricating oils : Spectrofluorimetry of - : detmng. oil mist in air. Parker and Barnes, 3. Wood and Nicholls, 139. Patterson and Buchan, 75. Dean, 621. Magnesium: Detmng. calcium and - in rat liver.Dunstone, Madsen and Bell, 519. Detmng. calcium and - in waters by automatic titration. Haslam, Squirrel1 and Blackwell, 27. Detmng. exchangeable sodium, potassium, cal- cium and - in soils by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. David, 495. Detmng. - in plant material with Titan yellow. Bradfield, 666. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis: Review. Dean, 621. Micro-detmn. of calcium and - in biological material. Hunter, 12. Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in soils and plants. Mitchell. (Summary), 617. Magnesium-con tinued. Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids. Oldfield and Bridge, 97. Stoicheiometry of titration of calcium, __ and manganese a t low concentration with EDTA, with metal indicators murexide and Erio- chrome black T.Gjems, 738. Magnetic Materials. Brailsford. (Publication re- ceived), 92 7. Malathion : See S-1: 2-Di(ethoxycarbonyl)ethyl dime thy1 phosphor0 thiolo thiona t e . Maltose : Dextrose and - contents of commercial liquid glucose. Manganese : Analysing aluminium bronze alloys. Freegarde and Allen, 731. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis: Review. Dean, 621. Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids. Oldfield and Bridge, 97. Stoicheiometry of titration of calcium, magnesium and - a t low concentration with EDTA, with metal indicators murexide and Eriochrome black T. Gjems, 738. Mannose: Sensitive method for detcng. sugars on paper chromatograms. Roy, 294. Mass Spectrometry : Advances in -. Waldron. (Publication received), 159 ; (Review), 454.and Applications to Organic Chemistry. Beynon. (Publication received), 928. May & Baker Ltd.: Analytical Standards for Laboratory Chemicals and Reagents 1960. 6th Edn. (Publication received), 695. Meat-curing brines : Polarographic detmn. of nitrite in-. Dhont, 144. Presumptive detcn. of preservatives in canned cured - products by simple yeast-growth test. Mossel, Zwart and de Bruin, 410. Medicine : Chemical analysis and medical progress. Sixth Bernard Dyer Memorial lecture. Frazer, 332. Megoura uiciae : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Memorial lecture: Sixth Bernard Dyer -. Chemical analysis and medical progress. Frazer, 332. Mercaptans: Detmng. sodium sulphide and - in presence of each other. 2-Mercapto-4 : 5-dimethylthiazole : Absorptiometric detmn.of palladium as - complex. Radford, 445. Mercury: Detmn. in vinyl esters of - derived from mercuric acetate catalyst. Jones and Reynolds, 768. Detmng. insecticide and fungicide deposits on plants. Martin. (Summary), 618. Detmng. small amounts of bromide in presence of mercuric ions. Tyrrell and Dowson, 528. Gravimetric detmn. of - by precipitation with sodium tetraphenylboron. Heyrovskj., 432. Mercury dithizonate : Detmng. molar extinction coefficients of metal dithizonates. Irving and Ramakrishna, 860. Metal(s): Oxidation of - by oxygen at high temperatures. Gregg. (Summary), 458. Principles of Extraction of -. Ives. (Pub- lication received), 384. X-ray studies of - oxidation and corrosion problems. Rooksby. (Summary), 459. Metallurgy: Application of atomic-absorption spectrophotometry to metallurgical analysis.Gidley. (Summary), 462. Extractive - . Newton. (Publication re- ceived) , 159. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis: Review. Dean, 621. Patterson and Buchan, 75. Wronski, 526.xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME 85 Methanol : See Methyl alcohol. Methoxychlor : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Methyl alcohol : Detmng. methanol in biological fluids. Hough, 921. Methylphenoxyacetic acids : Effect of substituent groupings on chromatographic behaviour of phenoxyacetic acids. I. Methyl-substituted phenoxyacetic acids. Bark and Graham, 663; 11. Chloro-substituted phenoxyacetic acids, 905; 111. Effect of nature of substituent, 907. Microbiology: Advances in Applied -. Vol.2. Umbreit. (Publication received), 695. Microchemistry : Proceedings of International Sym- posium on -, Birmingham, 1958. (Publica- tion received), 383. Micrococcus pyogenes var. epidermis : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Wcroscope : Optical Crystallography, with Particu- lar Reference to Use and Theory of Polarizing -. Wahlstrom. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 6 16. Milk: Analytical chemistry in study of - secre- tion. Rook. (Summary), 619. Composition of New Zealand skimmed - powder, and influence on detmn. of milk-solids- not-fat. Detmng. sucrose in sweetened condensed -. Murphy, 720. Testing. Davis. 2nd Edn. (Publication re- ceived), 159; (Review), 532. Minerals : Closed-circulation systems for detmng. water, carbon dioxide and total carbon in silicate rocks and -.Jeffery and Wilson, 749. Combined gravimetric and photometric detmn. of silica in silicate rocks and -. Jeffery and Wilson, 478. Detmng. additives to animal feeding stuffs, with special reference to prophylactics. Phipers. (Summary), 619. Detmng. sulphide sulphur in -. Murthy and Sharada, 299. Micro-detmn. of ferrous iron in silicate - by volumetric and colorimetric methods. Wilson, 823. Separating total rare earths and thorium from multiple-oxide -. Use Guide: Or Robertson’s Spiders’ Webs. Robertson. (Publication received) , 695. Halliday, Burden and Lamont, 839. Butler and Hall, 149. Moisture : See Water. Molar extinction coefiicients : Detmng. - of metal dithizonates. 860. chloride. Weber and Vouk, 40.and application to -. 574. in sugar-beet juices and plant material. ruthers, Oldfield and Teague, 272. Headridge, 379. (Publication received), 616. plants. Mitchell. (Summary), 617 Oldfield and Bridge, 97. with carmine. Higgs, 897. dues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Irving and Ramakrishna , of dithizone and lead dithizonate in carbon tetra- Molasses : Colorimetric detmn. of ferrocyanide ion, Marier and Clark, Removal of interfering ions in detmng. betaine Car- Holybdenum : Complexometric detmn. of -. Radiochemistry of -. Scadden and Ballou. Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in soils and Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids. Spectrophotometric detmn. of boron in - alloys Monilinia fructicola : Bioassay for pesticide resi- Mononitrotoluenes : Qualitative test for - with trisodium pentacyanoamminoferrate. Hackett and Clark, 683.Mucilages : Chemistry of Plant Gums and - and Related Polysaccharides. Smith and Mont- gomery. (Publication received), 303. Murexide : Stoicheiometry of titration of calcium, magnesium and manganese a t low concentra- tion with EDTA, with metal indicators - and Eriochrome black T. Gjems, 738. Murphy Chemical Co. : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs (visit to -). Musca domestica : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Needham, 792. N Nabam : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. 1-Naphthyl methylcarbamate : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Detmng. - (Sevin) residues in apples. Hardon, Brunink and van der Pol, 187.National Vegetable Research Station : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs (visit to -). Needham, 792. New Zealand : Composition of - skimmed-milk powder and influence on detmn. of milk-solids- not-fat. Nickel : Analysing aluminium bronze alloys, Free- garde and Allen, 731. Detmng. zinc in indium and -, Towndrow, Hutchinson and Webb, 769. Differential method of photometric analysis. I. -4pplication to solutions containing one com- ponent. Ross and Wilson, 51; 11. Application to solutions containing more than one component, 276. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis : Review. Dean, 621. Quantitative paper chromatography of inorganic ions in soils and plants. Coulson, Davies and Luna, 203. Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in soils and plants.Mitchell. (Summary), 617. Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids. Oldfield and Bridge, 97. Niobium: Detmng. - in titanium ores and pig- ments. Balchin and Williams, 503. Polarographic detmn.. of - in highly alloyed steels. Brindley, 877. Separating - and tantalum together from titanium. Athavale, Menon and Venkates- warlu, 208. Separating palladium from - and zirconium. Duke and Stawpert, 671. Niobium-95 : EDTA in separating radioactive barium and strontium. Montgomery, 524. Nitrate(s) : Detmng. microgram amounts of - in chromic acid. McDonald and Lench, 564. phenoldisulphonic acid, and remedy. Hora and Webber, 567. Nitric acid : Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids. Oldfield and Bridge, 97. Nitrite: Polarographic detmn. of - in meat- curing brines.Dhont, 144. Nitrobenzene: Field test for - vapour in air. Hands, 843, Nitrofurazone : See 5-Nitrofurfurylidene semicarba- zone. 5-Nitrofurfurylidene semicarbazone : Detmng. nitro- furazone in feed mixes. Cross, Hendey and Stevens, 355, Halliday, Burden and Lamont, 839. Source of serious error in detmng. - byINDEX TO VOLUME 85 xxix Nitrogen : Detmng. - in boron nitride. Cosgrove and Shears, 448. Detmng. - in coal and coke by Kjeldahl method. Wilkinson. (Summary) , 82. Detmng. - in organic compounds by indane- trione hydrate. Jacobs, 257. Kjeldahl detmn. of -. Savidge. (Summary), 82. Nitrotoluenes : Qualitative test for mono- - with trisodium pentacyanoamminoferrate. Hackett and Clark, 683. Nomenclature : Introduction to Chemical -. Cahn. (Review), 693.Nuclear magnetic resonance : Application of broad- line - to inorganic analysis. Ferrett. (Summary), 859. Applications of - in organic chemistry. Jackman. (Summary) , 859. Introduction. Richards. (Summary), 859. Spectroscopy : Applications of - in Organic Chemistry. J ackman. (Publication received), 232; (Review), 613. Nucleoside : Separating and detmng. free purines, pyrimidines and - in cod muscle. Jones, 111. Nutrition : Dictionary of - and Food Technology. Bender. (Publication received), 695. Principles of -. Wilson, Fisher and Fuqua. (Publication received), 159. World Review of - and Dietetics, Bourne. Vol. I. (Publication received) , 303. 0 Obituaries : Arnaud, F. W. F., 233, 388. Bacon, A., 777. Bennett, G. M., 308. Brodaty, E., 458. Carey, A., 308. Carlos, A.S., 538. Chandler, R. D. T. E., 233, Dryerre, H., 308. Durre, A. J., 308. Gill, C. E., 81, 308. Harman, H. W., 308. Haskew, R. S., 308. Hawkins, E. M., 161. Hebbs, L. G. S., 538. Jackson, E. W., 308. Lessner, C., 1, 308. Lewis, S. J., 308. Lovett, T. W., 308. Lowe, H., 697. McCrae, J., 458. Marsden, W., 777. Matthews, G. C., 308. Murphy, P., 308. Okell, F. L., 308. Oliver, J. H., 538. Schidrowitz, P., 458, 620. Seyler, C. A., 83, 308. Shaw, W. B., 697. Simpson, G. R., 308. Smith, L. H., 458. Taylor, G., 161, 539. Thomas, G., 306. Williams, A. W., 308. Wright, R. F., 161. Octyl gallate : Detmng. chemical antioxidants in fats after separation by partition chroma- tography. Detmng. gallates in edible fats. Cassidy and Fisher, 295. Berger, Sylvester and Haines, 341.Oil(s) : Analysis of Fats and -. Mehlenbacher. (Publication received), 456. Detmng. gallates in edible fats. Cassidy and Fisher, 295. Detmng. hexachlorocyclohexane residues in food- stuffs. Wood, 21. Detmng. non-ionic surface-active agents in - and solvent extracts from wool. Hobson and Hartley, 193. Fats and -: Outline of Chemistry and Tech- nology. Kirschenbauer. 2nd Edn. (Publica received), 776. Spectrofluorimetry of lubricating -: detmng. - mist in air. Oilseeds : Detmng. malathion residues in cereals and -. Malathion Panel, 915. Orange juice: Detcng. and detmng. diphenyl and o-phenylphenol in concentrated - by gas chromatography. Thomas, 551. Organic chemistry : See Chemistry. Organo-Metallic Compounds. Coates. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 928. -phosphorus : Analysis of - pesticides.Gard- ner. (Summary), 619. -silicon Compounds. Eaborn. (Publication re- ceived), 456; (Review), 773. -silicon compounds: Analysis of -, with special reference to silanes and siloxanes : Review. Smith, 465. -tin compounds : Paper chromatography of -, Williams and Price, 579. Orthophosphate : Impregnation test for detcng. traces of -. Osmium : Separating and detmng. platinum metals. Payne, 698. Oxidation of metals by oxygen a t high temperatures. Gregg. (Summary), 458. and corrosion X-ray studies of metal - problems. Rooksby. (Summary), 459. Oxosteroids. Use of Phenolic Hydrazides for Detection, Characterisation and Estimation. Camber. (Publication received), 232 ; (Re- view), 612. Oxygen: Apparatus for routine detmn. of - content of beryllium metal by activation.Coleman and Perkin, 154. Automatic titrator as applied to Winkler’s method for dissolved -. Ridley, Elliott and Oaten, 508. D.C.L. null-balance magnetic - analyser. Munday. (Summary), 387. Electrometric detmn. of dissolved - in aqueous solution. James and Stephen, 35. Parker and Barnes, 3. Antoszewski and Knypl, 527. P Paint : See Coating materials. Palladium : Absorptiometric detmn. of - as 2-mercapto-4 : 5-dimethylthiazole complex. Rad- ford, 445. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis: Review. Dean, 621. Separating and detmng. platinum metals. Payne, 698. Separating - from niobium and zirconium. Duke and Stawpert, 671. Paper : Quantitative micro-detmn. of diphenyl. Detmng. diphenyl in - wrappers. Rajzman, 116. Paramecium multimicromeleatum : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs.Needham, 792. Parathion : See 0 : O-Diethyl O-p-nitrophenyl thio- phosphate.xxx INDEX TO Pentaerythritol tetranitrate : Staining cast high explosives for observation of crystalline struc- ture. Yallop, 300. Pentose phosphates : Separating and detmng. sugar phosphates, with particular reference to ex- tracts of fish tissue. Perfumes, Cosmetics and Soaps, with Special Reference to Synthetics. Vol. 11. Poucher. 7th Edn. (Publication received), 159; Vol. 111, 384. Introduction a l’Etude des Parfums : MatiBres Premieres Aromatiques d’Origine Naturelle et de Synthkse. Bassiri. (Publication received)] 616. Periodic Table. Cooper. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 695. Pesticide(s) : Analysis of organo-phosphorus -.Gardner. (Summary), 619. Bioassay for ___ residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Safe use of -, with special reference to consumer protection. Miller. (Summary), 618. Pharmaceutical Codex: British -, 1959. (Pub- lication received), 80; (Review), 455. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain : Assay of rauwolfia. __ and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 755. Calendar of --, 1959-60. (Publication re- ceived), 232. Pharmaceutical Pocket Book. 17th Edn. (Pub- lication received), 456 ; (Review), 694. Poisons and T.S.A. Guide for Pharmacists in Retail and Hospital Practice. 6th Edn. (Pub- lication received), 534. Pharmacognosy: Textbook of -. Wallis. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 695. Pharmacy: Bentley and Driver’s Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry.Driver. 7th Edn. (Publication received), 383. Operation of Sterilising L4utoclaves. (Publication received), 80. Pharmaceutical Pocket Book. 17th Edn. (Pub- lication received), 456; (Review), 694. Poisons and T.S.A. Guide for Pharmacists in Retail and Hospital Practice. 6th Edn. (Pub- lication received), 534. Phenkaptone : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Phenol : Absorptiometric detmn. of -. Ochynski, 278. Phenoldisulphonic acid : Source of serious error in detmng. nitrates by --, and remedy. Hora and Webber, 567. Phenothiazine : Detmng. - in commercial prep- arations b: chromatography. Gunew, 360. Phenoxyacetic acids : Effect of substituent groupings on chromatographic behaviour of ---. I. Methyl-substituted -. Bark and Graham, 663; 11.Chloro-substituted -, 905; 111. Effect of nature of substituent, 907. Phenyl carbamates : Analysis of herbicides. Haddock. (Summary)] 618. o-Phenylphenol : Detcng. and detmng. diphenyl and - in concentrated orange juice by gas chromatography. Thomas, 551. Phenyl-2-pyridyl Ketoxime : Iron Reagents : Batho- phenanthroline, 2,4,6-Tripyridyl-S-triazine, -. Diehl and Smith. (Publication received), 534. Phosdrin : Bioassay for pesticide residues in food- stuffs. Needham, 792. Phosphate : Impregnation test for detcng. traces of ortho-. Antoszewski and Knypl, 527. esters: Detcng. - on paper chromatograms. Harrap, 452. Jones and Burt, 810. VOLUME 85 Phosphorus : Analysis of organo- - pesticides. Gardner. (Summary), 619. Phosphorus pentoxide : Detmng. total P,O, and total B,O, in detergent powders.Cullum and Thomas, 922. Photometry, flame : See Flame. Physics : International Encyclopedia of Physical Chemistry and Chemical --. Guggenheim, Mayer and Tompkins. Topic 6, Vol. 1. (Pub- lication received), 695. Phytic acid: Detcng. phosphate esters on paper chromatograms. Harrap, 452. Pig iron : See Iron. Pimaricin : Presumptive detcn. of preservatives in canned cured-meat products by simple yeast- growth test. Mossel, Zwart and de Bruin, 410. Plant(s): Chemistry of ___ Gums and Mucilages and Related Polysaccharides. Smith and Montgomery. (Publication received), 303. Detmng. captan in - extracts. Somers and Richmond, 440. Detmng. hexachlorocyclohexane residues in food- stuffs. Wood, 21. Detmng. insecticide and fungicide deposits on -.Martin. (Summary), 618. Detmng. magnesium in ___ material with Titan yellow. Bradfield, 666. Quantitative paper chromatography of inorganic ions in soils and --. Coulson, Davies and Luna, 203. Removal of interfering ions in detmng. betaine in sugar-beet juices and - material Carru- thers, Oldfield and Teague, 272. Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in soils and -. Mitchell. (Summary), 617. Platinum : Flame-photometric methods in metal- lurgical analysis : Review. Separating and detmng. - metals. Payne, 698. Poisoning: Food __ . Dewberry. 4th Edn. Publication received), 159; (Review), 855. Poisons and T.S.A. Guide for Pharmacists in Retail and Hospital Practice. 6th Edn. (Publication received), 534. Polarograph : Trace Techniques Using KlOOO Cathode Ray -.Vol. I. Hetman. (Pub- lication received), 232 ; (Review), 61 1. Polarography : Contributi Teorici e Sperimentali di Polarografia. Vol. IV. (Review), 159. Pollution : Chemical Analysis of Air Pollutants. Jacobs. (Publication received), 303; (Review), 614. Polymer(s): Vol. I, No. 1, March, 1960. Bamford, Bawn, Gee and Hill. (Publication received), 383. Detmng. chlorine by oxygen flask combustion method. Single unit for electrical ignition by remote control and potentiometric titration (detmng. chlorine in -) . Haslam, Hamilton and Squirrell, 556. Introduction to Organic Chemistry of High -. Marvel. (Publication received), 232. Light-scattering methods for chemical characteri- sation of -: Review. Polysaccharides : Chemistry of Plant Gums and Mucilages and Related -.Smith and Montgomery. (Publication received), 303. Potassium : Detmng. exchangeable sodium, --, calcium and magnesium in soils by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry. David, 495. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis : Review. Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in soils and plants. Mitchell. (Summary), 617. Dean, 62 1. Note on vanadium -. James, 851. Peaker, 235. Dean, 62 1.INDEX TO VOLUME 85 xxxi Potatoes : Correlation of anticholinesterase effect with solanine content of -. Abbott, Field and Johnson, 375. Potentiometry : Differential electrolytic -. 111. Examination of variables of method applied to inactive reductants. Bishop, 422. Potentiostat : Constant cathode potential electro- deposition apparatus. Wadsworth, 673. for electro-gravimetric analysis.Herringshaw and Halfhide, 69. Poultry foods : Detmng. digestible carbohydrates in -. Bolton, 189. Praseodymium-144 : Ammonium 12-molybdophos- phate for assaying radioactive fission products in water. Broadbank, Dhabanandana and Harding, 365. Precipitation from Homogeneous Solution. Gordon, Salutsky and Willard. (Review), 79. Prednisolone : Effect of oxygen on detmn. of 17 : 21- dihydroxy-20-oxosteroids with tetrazolium salts, Johnson, King and Vickers, 714; Erratum, 856. Preservatives : Presumptive detcn. of - in canned cured-meat products by simple yeast-growth test. Mossel, Zwart and de Bruin, 410. Propane-1 : 3-diol : See Trimethylene glycol. PFopyl gallate : Detmng. chemical antioxidants in fats after separation by partition chromato- graphy. Detmng.gallates in edible fats. Cassidy and Fisher, 295. Protozoa : Bioassay for pesticide residues in food- stuffs. Needham, 792. Publications received : Berger, Sylvester and Haines, 341. Adams. Organic Reactions. Vol. X, 232. Adrian. Dosage Microbiologique des Vitamines du Groupe B, 303. Bassiri. Introduction a I’Gtude des Parfums, 616. Bauer. Bayer and Wagner. Gasanalyse : Methoden der Beard. Radiochemistry of Arsenic, 456. Bender. Dictionary of Nutrition and Food Benedetti-Pichler and Hecht. Handbuch der Band I ; Teil 2, Bentley and Berry. Constituents of Tobacco Berl. Physical Methods in Chemical Analysis. Berry. Henry Cavendish, 456. Beynon. Mass Spectrometry and Applications to Organic Chemistry, 928. Bobtelsky. Heterometry, 383. Bourne. World Review of Nutrition and Di- etetics.Vol. I, 303. Brailsford. Magnetic Materials, 927. British Standards Institution. Annual Report British Standards Institution. Yearbook 1960, 384. Broad and Barnard. Thioacetamide as Sulfide Precipitant, 456. Bune. Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 928. Busev and Polianskii. Use of Organic Reagents in Inorganic Analysis, 856. Buxton and Jackson. Translation from Russian for Scientists, 927. Camber. Oxosteroids : Use of Phenolic Hydra- zides for Detection, Characterisation and Estimation, 232. Statistical Manual for Chemists, 456. Arbeitspraxis, 303. Technology, 695. mikrochemischen Methoden. 232. Smoke, 616. Vol. 1. 2nd Revised Edn., 534. 1959-60, 775. Cannon. Electronics for Spectroscopists, 303. Publications received-continued. Cheronis and Stein. Semimicro Experiments in General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis, 232.Choppin. Radiochemistry of Rhodium, 616. Coates. Organo-Metallic Compounds. 2nd Edn., 928. Codell. Analytical Chemistry of Titanium Metals and Compounds, 616. Cooper. Periodic Table. 2nd Edn., 695. Croft, Introduction to Anaesthesia of Laboratory Animals, 534. Cross. Introduction to Practical Infra-red Spectroscopy, 303. Darmois and Darmois. Electrochimie Th&orique, 456. Daudel. Radioactive Tracers in Chemistry and Industry, 384. Davis. Milk Testing. 2nd Edn., 159. Dean. Flame Photometry, 775. DeVoe. Radiochemistry of Cadmium, 466. Dewberry. Food Poisoning. 4th Edn., 159. Diehl and Smith. Iron Reagents : Bathophen- anthroline, 2,4,6-Tripyridyl-S-triazine, Phenyl- 2-pyridyl Ketoxime, 534.Driver. Bentley and Driver’s Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 7th Edn., 383. Eaborn. Organosilicon Compounds, 456. Ewing. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Fieser and Fieser. Style Guide for Chemists, 775. Glick. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. VIII, 616. Gray. Laboratory Handbook of Toxic Agents, 856. Guggenheim, Mayer and Tompkins. International Encyclopedia of Physical Chemistry and Chem- ical Physics. Guy and Woods. Concise Organic Chemistry, 303. Guyer. VIII Colloquium Spectroscopicum Inter- nationale, 927. Hais and Macek. Handbuch der Papierchroma- tographie. Band 11, 696. Hamill and Williams. Principles of Physical Chemistry, 856. Hanahan, Gurd and Zabin. Lipide Chemistry, 384. Hetman. Trace Techniques Using KlOOO Cathode Ray Polarograph.Vol. I, 232. Hoare and Britton. Hougen, Watson and Ragatz. Chemical Process Principles. Part 11. 2nd Edn., 159. Hudson. Development of Brewing Analysis, 928. Hyde. Radiochemistry of Francium, 456. Hyde. Radiochemistry of Thorium, 534. Institution of Water Engineers, Royal Institute of Chemistry, Society for Analytical Chemistry and Society for Water Treatment and Examina- tion. Approved Methods for Physical and Chemical Examination of Water. 3rd Edn., 695. Ivanovszky. Wachs-Enzyklopadie. Vol. 11, Part 1, 616. Ives. Principles of Extraction of Metals, 384. Jackman. Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry, 232. Jacobs. Chemical Analysis of Air Pollutants, 303. Ketelaar. Liaisons et PropridtCs Chimiques, 303. Kirschenbauer.Fats and Oils. 2nd Edn., 776. Kleinberg and Cowan. Radiochemistry of Fluor- Analysis. 2nd Edn., 303. Topic 6, Vol. 1, 695. Tinplate Testing, 856. ine, Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine, 534.xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME 85 Publications received-continued. Knapman and Scott. Gas Chromatography Kunin. Elements of Ion Exchange, 534. Laitinen. Chemical Analysis : Advanced Text and Reference, 303. Lederer. Chromatographic Reviews. Vol. 11, 456. Lederer. Chromatographie en Chimie Organique et Biologique. Lewis and Wilkins. Modern Coordination Chem- istry, 232. Macdonald. Elementary Titrimetric Analysis, 775. Majer. Analysts Pocket Book, 232. Martinez and Bouza. Aplicaciones Analiticas del AEDT y Similares, 616. Marvel. Introduction to Organic Chemistry of High Polymers, 232.Mauras. Tables pour le Calcul Direct des Con- stantes d’gquilibre des Systkmes Chimiques aux Hautes Tempdratures, 232. Mehlenbacher. Middleton. Cosmetic Science, 159. Newton. Extractive Metallurgy, 159. Partington. History of Greek Fire and Gun- Peacocke. Small Scale Experimental Chemistry, Penneman and Keenan. Radiochemistry of Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Calen- Phillips. Automatic Titrators, 159. Pijck. Radiochemistry of Chromium, 534. Pinder. Chemistry of Terpenes, 928. Polson and Tattersall. Poucher. Abstracts 1958, 456; Abstracts 1959, 695. Vol. I, 232; Vol. 11, 456. Analysis of Fats and Oils, 456. powder, 303. 928. Americium and Curium, 616. dar 1959-1960, 232. Clinical Toxicology, 232. Perfumes, Cosmetics and Soaps, with Special Reference to Synthetics.Vol. 11, 159; Vol. 111, 384. Reid. Principles of Chemical Thermodynamics, 695. Roberts. Introduction to Human Blood Groups, 534. Robertson. Mineral Use Guide : Or Robertson’s Spiders’ Webs, 695. Rodier. L’ Analyse Chimique et Physico-Chimique de L’Eau. 2nd Edn., 384. Rosen and Goldsmith. Systematic Analysis of Surface-active Agents, 456. Russell and Farquhar. Lead Isotopes in Geology, 776. Sanderson. Chemical Periodicity, 695. Scadden and Ballou. Radiochemistry of Molyb- denum, 616. Schultz and Zymalkowski. Quantitative Bestim- mung der Alkaloide in Drogen und Drogenzu- bereitungen, 695. Smales and Wager. Methods in Geochemistry, 534. Smith. Chromatographic and Electrophoretic Techniques. Vols. I and 11. 2nd Edn., 928. Smith and Montgomery. Chemistry of Plant Gums and Mucilages and Related Polysac- charides, 303.Stacey, Tatlow and Sharpe. Advances in Fluorine Chemistry. Vol. I, 856. Steinberg. Radiochemistry of Zirconium and Hafnium, 776. Strobel. Chemical Instrumentation, 695. Sunderman and Townley. Radiochemistry of Barium, Calcium and Strontium, 695. Sunderman and Townley. Radiochemistry of Indium, 856. Publications received-continued. Thompson, Advances in Spectroscopy. Vol. 1, 80. Umbreit. Advances in Applied Microbiology. Vol. 2, 695. Vanstone and Dougall. Principles of Dairy Science, 776. Vickery. Chemistry of Yttrium and Scandium, 695. Wahlstrom. Optical Crystallography, with Par- ticular Reference to Use and Theory of Polar- izing Microscope. 3rd Edn., 616. Waksman. Actinomycetes. Vol. 1, 534.Waldron. Advances in Mass Spectrometry, 159. Wallis. Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 4th Edn., 695. West and Sykes. Analytical Applications of Diamino-Ethane-Tetra-Acetic Acid. 2nd Edn., 856. Westwood and Mayer. Chemical Analysis of Cast Iron and Foundry Materials. 2nd Edn., 456. Williams. Detoxication Mechanisms. 2nd Edn., 80. Williams. Homolytic Aromatic Substitution, 695. Wilson, Fisher and Fuqua. Principles of Nutri- tion, 159. Yatsimirskii and Vasil’ev. Instability Constants of Complex Compounds, 534. Zenz and Othmer. Fluidization and Fluid- Particle Systems, 695. Analysis of Fatty Acids and Fatty Alcohols, 384. Analytical Standards for Laboratory Chemicals Annual Reports on Progress of Chemistry for Biochemical Preparations. Vol. 7, 456. British National Formulary 1960, 383, 534.British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1959, 80. British Pharmacopeia 1958 : Addendum 1960, British Veterinary Codex 1953 : Supplement 1959, Chemical Plant Instrumentation : Notes on Use XV Congress0 Internacional de Quimica Pura e Crystal Growth, 80. Dental Practioners’ Formulary 1960, 616. Glass Technology. Vol. I, No. 1, Feb., 1960, 303. International Conference on Coordination Chem- istry, 1959, 80. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Vol. 1 , No. 1, August, 1959, 80. Journal of the Forensic Science Society. Vol. I, No. 1, Sept., 1960, 927. Operation of Sterilising Autoclaves, 80. Organic Synthesis. Vol. 39, 303. Periodicals in Chemical Society Library, 928. Pharmaceutical Pocket Book. Physics and Chemistry of Glasses. Vol. I, No. 1, Feb., 1960, 303.Poisons and T.S.A. Guide for Pharmacists in Retail and Hospital Practice. Polymer. Vol. I, No. 1, March, 1960, 383. Proceedings of International Symposium on Microchemistry, Birmingham, 1958, 383. Pure and Applied Chemistry. Vol. I , No. 1, 1960, 856. Report of Proceedings of Twelfth Session of International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis, 159. Reports on the Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XLIII: 1958, 232; Vol. XLIV: 1959, 856 and Reagents 1960. 1959. Vol. LVI, 856. 6th Edn., 695. 856. 159. of Measuring Instruments, 695. Aplicada. Vol. 11, 159. 17th Edn., 456. 6th Edn., 534.INDEX TO VOLUME 85 xxxiii Publications received-continued. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. Vol. 33, No. 7, July, 1959, 384. Separation and Identification of Food Colours Permitted by Colouring Matters in Food Regulations 1957, 303. See also Book reviews.Purines : Separating and detmng. free -, pyrimi- dines and nucleoside in cod muscle. Jones, 11 1. 2-Pyridinethiol-l-oxide : Bioassay for pesticide resi- dues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Pyridylium compounds Analysis of herbicides. Haddock. (Summary), 618. Pyrimidines : Separating and detmng. free purines, - and nucleoside in cod muscle. Jones, 111. R Radioactive fission products : Ammonium 12- molybdophosphate for assaying - in water. Broadbank, Dhabanandana and Harding, 365. Tracers in Chemistry and Industry. Daudel. Translated by Eisner. (Publication received), 384; (Review), 692. Raffinose: Sensitive method for detcng. sugars on paper chromatograms. Roy, 294.Rare earths : Flame-photometric methods in metal- lurgical analysis: Review. Dean, 621. Separating total - and thorium from multiple- oxide minerals Butler and Hall, 149. Rat : Detmng. calcium and magnesium in - liver. Dunstone, Madsen and Bell, 519. Rauwolfia : Assay of -. Pharmaceutical Society and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 755. Reagents : Analytical Standards for Laboratory Chemicais and - 1960. May & Baker, Ltd. 6th Edn. (Publication received), 695. Rescinnamine : Assay of rauwolfia. Pharmaceu- tical Society and Society for Analytical Chem- istry, 755. Reserpine : Assay of rauwolfia. Pharmaceutical Society and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 755. Resin(s) : Chemical Analysis of - -based Coating Materials. Kappelmeier. (Review), 383. Reviews, book: See Book reviews. Rhamnose: Sensitive method for detcng.sugars on paper chromatograms. Roy, 294. Rhodium : Flame-photometric methods in metal- lurgical analysis : Review. Radiochemistry of -. Choppin. (Publication received), 616. Separating and detmng. platinum metals. Payne, 698. Ribose l-phosphate : Separating and detmng. sugar phosphates, with particular reference to ex- tracts of fish tissue. Ribose !%phosphate : Separating and detmng. sugar phosphates, with particular reference to ex- tracts of fish tissue. Rocks : Closed-circulation systems for detmng. water, carbon dioxide and total carbon in silicate - and minerals. Combined gravimetric and photometric detmn. of silica in silicate - and minerals. Jeffery and Wilson, 478. Rogor : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792.0 : O-dimethyl S- (N-methylcarbamoyl- methyl) phosphorothioIothionate in technical - and formulations, DupCe, Gardner and Newton, 177; Correction, 924. See also Polymers. Dean, 621. Jones and Burt, 810. Jones and Burt, 810. Jeffery and Wilson, 749. Detmng. Rothamsted Experimental Station : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs (visit to -). Needham, 792. Royal Institute of Chemistry : Approved Methods for Physical and Chemical Examination of Water. Institution of Water Engineers, -, Society for -4nalytical Chemistry and Society for Water Treatment and Examination. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 695. Laboratory Handbook of Toxic -4gents. Gray. (Publication received), 856. Principles of Electrolysis. Davies. (Review), 301.Principles of Extraction of Metals. Ives. (Pub- lication received), 384. Royal Society of London : Presentation of Address from Society for Analytical Chemistry, 538. Rubidium : Flame-photometric methods in metal- lurgical analysis: Review. Dean, 621. Russia : Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. Vol. 33, No. 7, July, 1959. Bell. (Publication received), 384. Buxton and Jackson. (Publication received), 927. Ruthenium : Flame-photometric methods in metal- lurgical analysis : Review. Dean, 621. Separating and detmng. platinum metals. Payne, 698. Rnthenium-106 : EDTA in separating radioactive barium and strontium. Montgomery, 524. Translation from Russian for Scientists. S Saccharomyces pastorinus : Bioassay for pesti- cide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792.Saccharin: Detmng. -. Parikh and Mukherji, 25. Sand in canned strawberries. Dickinson and Raven, 521. Scandium: Chemistry of Yttrium and -. Vickery. (Publication received), 695. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis: Review. Dean, 621. Scandium-46 : Ammonium 12-molybdophosphate for assaying radioactive fission products in water. Broadbank, Dhabanandana and Hard- ing, 365. Sea water : Fluorimetric detmn. of boron. Applica- tion to silicon, - and steel. Parker and Barnes, 828. Ion-exchange enrichment in detmng. trace elements in -. Brooks, 745. Selenium : Analysis of bismuth telluride and related thermoelectric materials. Cluley and Proffitt, 815. Detmng. traces of - in tellurium. Veale, 130. Separating and detmng. traces of quadri- and sexavalent - in telluric acid.SemispinaIis cervicis muscle : Assay of acetylcholine with isolated __ of chick. Serum : See Blood serum. Sevin : See l-Naphthyl methylcarbamate. Sheep blow-fly, larvae of: Bioassay for pesticide Shell Research Ltd. : Bioassay for pesticide residues Needham, 792. Shrimp, brine : See Artemia salrna. Silanes: Analysis of organo-silicon compounds, with special reference to - and siloxanes: Review. Smith, 465. Silica : Combined gravimetric and photometric detmn. of - in silicate rocks and minerals. Jeffery and Wilson, 478. Veale, 133. Tyler, 8. residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. in foodstuffs (visit to -1. freshwater: See Gammarus pulex.xxxiv INDEX TO Silicate : Closed-circulation systems for detmng. water, carbon dioxide and total carbon in - rocks and minerals.Combined gravimetric and photometric detmn. of silica in - rocks and minerals. Jeffery and Wilson, 478. Micro-detmn. of ferrous iron in - minerals by volumetric and colorimetric methods. Wilson, 823. Silicon : Analysing aluminium bronze alloys. Freegarde and Allen, 731. Analysis of organo- - compounds, with special reference to silanes and siloxanes : Review. Smith, 465. Detmng. boron in aluminium and - -alumin- ium alloys. Detmng. boron in - by isotope dilution. Newton, Sanders and Tyrrell, 870. Fluorimetric detmn. of boron. Application to ---, sea water and steel. Parker and Barnes, 828. Organo- Compounds. Eaborn. (Publication received), 456; (Review), 773. Silicones : Analysis of organo-silicon compounds, with special reference to silanes and siloxanes : Review.Smith, 465. Siloxanes : Analysis of organo-silicon compounds, with special reference to silanes and -: Revie rv. Smith, 465. Silver: Detmng. traces of - in trade effluents. Pierce, 166. Flame-p hotometric methods in metallurgical analysis : Review. Dean, 621. Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in soils and plants. Mitchell. (Summary), 617. Silver dithizonate : Detmng. molar extinction co- efficients of metal dithizonates. Irving and Ramakrishna, 860. Skimmed-milk : See Milk. Smoke : Constituents of tobacco -: Annotated Bibliography. Bentley and Berry. (Publica- tion received), 616. Polynuclear hydrocarbons in tobacco and tobacco __ . 11. Origin of 3 : 4-benzopyrene found in tobacco and tobacco -- . Bentley and Burgan, 723; 111. Inhibition of formation of 3 : 4-benzopyrene in cigarette ----, 727.Soaps: Perfumes, Cosmetics and -, with Special Reference to Synthetics. Vol. 11. Poucher. 7th Edn. (Publication received), 159; Vol. 111, 384. Society for Analytical Chemistry : Analytical Methods Committee, DDT Panel. Detmng. small amounts of DDT in flour and foodstuffs, 600. Analytical Methods Committec. Detmng. traces of silver in trade effluents. Analytical Methods Committee, Essential Oils Sub-committee. Fiore method for detmng. linalol: Amendment, 165. Analytical Methods Committee, Malathion Panel. Detmng. malathion residues in cereals and oil- seeds, 915. Analytical Methods Committee, Metallic Im- purities in Organic Matter Sub-committee. Destruction of organic matter, 643. Analytical Methods Committee, Metallic Im- purities in Organic Matter Sub-committee.Detmng. small amounts of arsenic in organic matter, 629; Erratum, 928. ,4nalytical Methods Committee, Pesticides Resi- dues in Foodstuffs Sub-committee. Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Analytical Methods Committee. Report, 1959, 318. Jeffery and Wilson, 749. Towndrow and Webb, 850. Pierce, 166. VOLUME 85 Society for Analytical Chemistry-continued. 86th A.G.M., 305. Annual Report of Council, 307. Approved Methods for Physical and Chemical Examination of Water. Institution of Water Engineers, Royal Institute of Chemistry, - and Society for Water Treatment and Examina- tion. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 695. Pharmaceutical Society and -, 755. Assay of rauwolfia. Biological Methods Group.Microchemistry Group. 16th A.G.M., 234. Midlands Section. 5th A.G.M., 307. North of England Section. Physical Methods Group. Presentation of Address to Royal Society of London, 538. Proceedings of International Symposium on Microchemistry, Birmingham, 1958. (Pub- lication received), 383. Scottish Section. 25th A.G.M., 163. Western Section. 5th A.G.M., 163. 15th A.G.M., 83. 35th A.G.M., 161. 15th A.G.M., 2. Society for Water Treatment and Examination : Approved Methods for Physical and Chemical Examination of Water. Institution of Water Engineers, Royal Institute of Chemistry, Society for Analytical Chemistry and ---. 3rd Edn. (.Publication received), 695. Society of Chemical Industry : Reports on Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XLIII : 1968.(Publication received), 232; Vol. XLIV : 1959, 856. Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Great Britain: Cosmetic Science. Middleton. (Publication received), 159. Society of Glass Technology : Glass Technology. Vol. I, No. 1, Feb., 1960. Douglas. (Publica- tion received), 303. Vol. I, No. 1, Feb., 1960. Douglas. (Publication received), 303. Sodium : Detmng. exchangeable -, potassium, calcium and magnesium in soils by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry. David, 495. Flame-photometric detmn. of - in alkaline- earth carbonates. Hibbs and McDonald, 846. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis: Review. Dean, 621. Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in soils and plants. Mitchell. (Summary), 617. Sodium sulphide : Detmng. ~ and mercaptans in presence of each other.Sodium tetraphenylboron : Gravimetric detmn. of mercury by precipitation with -. Hey- rovskg, 432. Soils : Detmng. exchangeable sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium in - by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry. David, 495. Quantitative paper chromatography of inorganic ions in - and plants. Coulson, Davies and Luna, 203. Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in ___ and plants. Mitchell. (Summary), 617. Solanine : Correlation of anticholinesterasc effect with __ content of potatoes. Abbott, Field and Johnson, 375. Solvent extraction : Separating apparatus for -s with solvents lighter than water. Steele, 153. Sorbic acid : Presumptive detcn. of preservatives in canned cured-meat products by simple yeast- growth test. Mossel, Zwart and de Bruin, 410. Spectroscopy: Advances in -.Vol. 1. Thomp- son. (Publication received), 80; (Review), 532. Application of G.L.C. - infra-red - technique. Anderson. (Summary), 163. Physics and Chemistry of Glasses. Wronski, 526.INDEX TO Applications of infra-red -. Bellamy. (Sum- mary), 162. VIII Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale. Guyer. (Publication received), 927. Electronics for Spectroscopists. Cannon. (Pub- lication received), 303. Factors affecting performance in atomic-absorp- tion -. Lockyer. (Summary), 46 1. Flame as source of atoms (atomic-absorption --). Baker. (Summary), 461. Introduction to Practical Infra-red -. Cross. (Publication received), 303; (Review), 612. Staphylococcus auteus : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Starch(es) : Detcng.oxidised ___ . Fraser and Holmes, 160. Detmng. digestible carbohydrates in poultry foods. Bolton, 189. Statistics : Statistical Manual for Chemists. Bauer. (Publication received), 456; (Review), 692. Steel@) : Colorimetric detmn. of vanadium with benzoylphenylhydroxylamine. Ryan, 569. Fluorimetric detmn. of boron. Application to silicon, sea water and - . Parker and Barnes, 828. Polarographic detmn. of niobium in highly alloyed -. Brindley, 877. Sterilising: Operation of - Autoclaves. (Pub- lication received), 80. Steroids: Effect of oxygen on detmn. of 17: 21- dihydroxy-20-oxosteroids with tetrazolium salts. Johnson, King and Vickers, 714; Erratum, 866. Oxosteroids. Use of Phenolic Hydrazides for Detection, Characterisation and Estimation. Camber, (Publication received), 232 ; (Review), 612.Strawberries : Sand in canned -. Dickinson and Raven, 521. Strontium : Radiochemistry of Barium, Calcium and -. Sunderman and Townley. (Publication received), 695. Strontium-89 : Ammonium 12-molybdophosphate for assaying radioactive fission products in water. Broadbank, Dhabanandana and Hard- ing, 365. EDTA in separating radioactive barium and strontium. Montgomery, 524. Strontium-90 : Ammonium 12-molybdophosphate for assaying radioactive fission products in water. Broadbank, Dhabanandana and Hard- ing, 365. Strontium carbonate : Flame-photometric detmn. of sodium in alkaline-earth carbonates. Hibbs and McDonald, 846. Style Guide for Chemists. Fieser and Fieser. (Publication received), 775. Styrene : Rapid detmn. of toluene and - vapours in atmosphere.Styrene oxide : Detmng. terminal epoxides, partic- larly -. Sully, 895. Sucrose: Detmng. - in sweetened condensed milk. Murphy, 720. Sensitive method for detcng. sugars on paper chromatograms. Roy, 294. Sugar(s) : Detmng. digestible carbohydrates in poultry foods. Bolton, 189. Report of Proceedings of Twelfth Session of International Commission for Uniform Methods of - Analysis, Washington, 1958. (Publica- tion received), 159. Sensitive method for detcng. - on paper chromatograms. Roy, 294. Spectroscopy-continued. Blake and Rose, 442. VOLUME 85 xxxv Sugar phosphates : Separating and detmng. -, with particular reference to extracts of fish tissue. Jones and Burt, 810. Sugar-beet juices : Removal of interfering ions in detmng. betaine in - and plant material.Carruthers, Oldfield and Teague, 272. Sulphate: Detmng. small amounts of -. Quarter- main and Hill, 21 1. Flame-photometric detmn. of barium and -. Cullum and Thomas, 688. Sulphide sulphur: Detmng. ___ in minerals. Murthy and Sharada, 299. Broad and Barnard. (Publication received), 456 ; (Re- view), 775. Sulphur: Detcng. elementary - by means of acetone. Ingram and Toms, 766. Detmng. insecticide and fungicide deposits on plants. Martin. (Summary), 618. Detmng. sulphide __ in minerals. Murthy and Sharada, 299. Sulphur dioxide: Field detmn. of ___ in air. Hands and Bartlett, 147. Mervyn-CERL automatic - recorder. Red- fearn. (Summary), 387. Surface-active agents : Detmng. non-ionic __ in oils and solvent extracts from wool. Hobson and Hartley, 193.Detmng. total P,O, and total B,O, in detergent powders. Cullum and Thomas, 922. Systematic Analysis of -. Rosen and Gold- smith. (Publication received), 456. Syntheses: Organic -. Vol. 39. Tishler. (Pub- lication received), 303; (Review), 614. Thioacetamide as - Precipitant. T Tantalum : Separating niobium and __ together from titanium. Athavale, Menon and Ven- kateswarlu, 208. TDE : See 1 : l-Dichloro-2 : 2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)- Telluric acid: Detmng. traces of lead in --. Veale and Wood, 371. Separating and detmng. traces of quadri- and sexavalent selenium in -. Tellurium : Analysis of bismuth telluride and re- lated thermoelectric materials. Cluley and Proffitt, 815. Veale, 130. Terpenes : Chemistry of -. Pinder. (Publica- tion received), 928. Tetramethylthiuramdisulphide : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792.Tetrazolium salts: Effect of oxygen on detmn. of 17 : 21-dihydroxy-20-oxosteroids with -. Johnson, King and Vickers, 714; Erratum, 856. Tetryl : Staining cast high explosives for observation of crystalline structure. Yallop, 300. 2-Thenoyltrifluoroacetone : Extraction and spectro- photometric detmn. of uranium with - Khopkar and De, 376. Thermodynamics : Chemical Process Principles. Part 11. - . Hougen, Watson and Ragatz. 2nd Edn. (Publication reccived), 159. Principles of Chemical -. Reid. (Publica- tion received), 695. Thermoelectric materials : Analysis of bismuth telluride and related -. Cluley and Proffitt, 815. Thiamine : hlicrobiological assay of -. Two methods for small amounts of material.Scholes, 883. ethane. Veale, 133. Detmng. traces of selenium in -.xxxvi INDEX TO Thioacetamide as Sulfide Precipitant. Broad and Barnard. (Publication received), 456; (Re- view), 776. Thiocyanate : Polarographic detmn. of - ion. Plowman and Wilson, 222. Thiodan : See 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10 : 10-Hexachloro-l : 5 : 5a : 6 : 9 : 9a-hexahydro-6 : 9-methano-2 : 4 : 3-benzo- dioxathiepin-3-oxide and Chlorthiepin. Thorium: Radiochemistry of -. Hyde. (Pub- lication received), 534. Separating lead-2 12 from -. Separating total rare earths and - from multiple-oxide minerals, Butler and Hall, 149. Thulium : Flame-photometric methods in metal- lurgical analysis : Review. Tin : Analysing aluminium bronze alloys. Free- garde and Allen, 731. Detmng. iron in - of 99.999 per cent.purity. Bradshaw and Rands, 76. Paper chromatography of organo- - com- pounds. Williams and Price, 579. Polarographic detmn. of small amounts of - and lead in zirconium and alloys. Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in soils and plants. Mitchell. (Summary), 617. Tin Research Institute : Tinplate Testing: Chemical and Physical Methods. Hoare and Britton. (Publication received), 856. Tinplate Testing : Chemical and Physical Methods. Hoare and Britton. (Publication received), 856. Tiron : See Disodium 1 : 2-dihydroxybeneene-3 : 5- Titanium : Analysis of - and its Alloys. 3rd Edn. (Review), 924. Analytical Chemistry of - Metals and Com- pounds. Codell. (Publication received), 616; (Review), 854. Detmng. niobium in - ores and pigments. Balchin and Williams, 503. Photometric detmn.of - with tiron. Nichols, 452. Separating niobium and tantalum together from -. Athavale, Menon and Venkateswarlu, 208. Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in soils and plants. Mitchell. (Summary), 617. Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids. Oldfield and Bridge, 97. Titrations : See Analysis. Titrimeter(s) : Automatic titrator as applied to Winkler's method for dissolved oxygen. Ridley, Elliott and Oaten, 508. Automatic Titrators. Phillips. (Publication re- ceived), 159; (Review), 691. E.I.L. model 24 automatic - . Mattock. (Summary), 386. Tobacco : Constituents of - Smoke : Annotated Bibliography. Bentley and Berry. (Publica- tion received), 616. Polynuclear hydrocarbons in - and - smoke. 11. Origin of 3 : 4-benzopyrene found in - and - smoke. Bentley and Burgan, 723; 111.Inhibition of formation of 3:4- benzopyrene in cigarette smoke, 727. Toluene : Rapid detmn. of - and styrene vapours in atmosphere. Toxaphene : Bioassay for pesticide residues in food- stuffs. Needham, 792. Toxic Agents: Laboratory Handbook of -. Gray. (Publication received), 856. compounds : Efficiency of absorbers in industrial hygiene air analysis. Gage, 196. Substances : Detoxication Mechanisms. Williams. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 80. Gorsuch, 225. Dean, 62 1. Clark, 245. disulphonate. Blake and Rose, 442. VOLUME 85 Toxicology : Clinical -. Polson and Tattersall. (Publication received), 232. T r u e s : Analysis of herbicides. Haddock. (Summary), 618. Tricalcium phosphate : Rapid titration of calcium in - with EDTA.Ince and Forster. 608. 1 : 1 : 1-Trichloro-2 : 2-di(p-chlorophenyl)ethane : See DDT. N-Trichloromethylthio-4-cyclohexene-l : 2-dicarb- oxyimide : Detmng. captan in plant extracts. Somers and Richmond, 440. Detmng. insecticide and fungicide deposits on plants. Martin. (Summary), 618. 2 : 4 : 5-Trichlorophenoxy acids : Analysis of herbi- cides. Haddock. (Summary), 618. Trichlorophenoxyacetic acids : Effect of sustituent groupings on chromatographic behaviour of phenoxyacetic acids. 11. Chloro-substituted phenoxyacetic acids. Trimethylene glycol : Detmng. - in glycerol by gas chromatography. Clifford, 475. syrn.-Trimethylene trinitramine : Staining cast high explosives for observation of crystalline struc- ture. Yallop, 300. Trimethylphenoxyacetic acids : Effect of substituent groupings on chromatographic behaviour of phenoxyacetic acids.I. Methyl-substituted phenoxyacetic acids. Bark and Graham, 663. Trinitrotoluene : Staining cast high explosives for observation of crystalline structure. Yallop, 300. Triphenyltin : Colorimetric detmn. of - residues. Hardon, Brunink and van der Pol, 847. 2 : 4 : 6-Tripyridyl-S-triazine : Iron Reagents : Batho- phenanthroline, -, Phenyl-2-pyridyl Ketox- ime. Diehl and Smith. (Publication received), 534. Bark and Graham, 905. U Universities Federation for Animal Welfare : Intro- duction to Anaesthesia of Laboratory Animals. Croft. (Publication received), 534. Unsaponifiable matter : Quantitative separation of fatty acids from -. Sammons and Wiggs, 417. Uranium : Extraction and spectrophotometric detmn. of - with 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone. Khopkar and De, 376. Volumetric detmn. of - after reduction by lead in dilute perchloric acid solution. Steele, 65. Ureas, substituted : Analysis of herbicides. Haddock. (Summary), 618. Urine : Colorimetric micro-detmn. of calcium in serum (and -). Trinder, 889. Detmng. methanol in biological fluids. Hough, 921. Modified Cavett detmn. of alcohol in body fluids. Nickolls, 840. v Vanadium: Colorimetric detmn. of - with benzoylphenylhydroxylamine. Ryan, 569. Note on - poisoning. James, 851. Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in soils and plants. Mitchell. (Summary), 617. Vegetables : See Plants. Veterinary Codex : British - 1953 : Supplement 1959. (Publication received), 159; (Review), 613. Vinegar-fly : See Drosophila melanogasfer.INDEX TO VOLUME 85 xxxvii Vinyl esters: Detmn. in - of mercury derived X from mercuric acetate catalyst. Jones and Reynolds, 768. Xylose: Sensitive method for detcng. sugars on Shaw and Bessell, 389. Vitamin B, : See Thiamine. paper chromatograms. Roy, 294. Vitamin Biz: Detmng. - : Critical review. Vitamins : Detmng. additives to animal feeding stuffs, with special reference to prophylactics. Y Phipers. (Summary), 619. €3. Adrian. (Publication received), 303. stuffs. Needham, 792. Dosage Microbiologique des Vitamines du GroLlpe YeaSt(S) : Bioassay for pesticide residues in food- Presumptive detcn. of preservatives in canned W Warfarin : See 3-(a-Acetonylbenzyl) -4-hydroxycou- marin. Wastes : See Effluents. Water(s) : Ammonium 12-molybdophosphate for assaying radioactive fission products in -. Broadbank, Dhabanandana and Harding, 365. Application of cellulose phosphate to testing high-purity -, and spot test of high sensi- tivity. Kember, 449. Approved Methods for Physical and Chemical Examination of -, Institution of Water Engineers, Royal Institute of Chemistry, Society for Analytical Chemistry and Society for Water Treatment and Examination. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 695. Closed-circulation systems for detmng. -, carbon dioxide and total carbon in silicate rocks and minerals. Jeffery and Wilson, 749. Colorimetric micro-detmn. of copper in - : Survey of methods. Tuck and Osborn, 105; Erratum, 232. automatic titration. Haslam, Squirrel1 and Blackwell, 27. Detmng. traces of silver in trade effluents. Pierce, 166. L’Analyse Chimique et Physico-Chimique de L’Eau : Eaux Naturelles; Eaux UsCes. Rodier. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 384; (Re- view), 694. Modified apparatus for micro-detmn. of moisture in organic compounds. Thomas, 771. Notes du Service de Gdologie et de Prospection Minihe: Analyse des Eaux. Martinet. (Re- view), 79. rain : Spectrophotometric detmn. of microgram amounts of calcium. Kerr, 867. sea: See Sea water. Waxes : Wachs-Enzyklopiidie. Vol. 11, Part 1. Ivanovszky. (Publication received), 616. Weighing : Handbuch der mikrochemischen Methoden. Band I; Teil 2. Waagen und Wiigung. Benedetti-Pichler and Hecht. (Pub- lication received), 232. Obtaining weighed micro samples of moisture- or oxygen-sensitive compounds. Williams and Park, 126. Wool : Detmng. non-ionic surface-active agents in oils and solvent extracts from -. Hobson and Hartley, 193. Wrappers : Quantitative micro-detmn. of diphenyl. Detmng. diphenyl in paper -. Rajzman, 116. Writing: Style Guide for Chemists. Fieser and Fieser. (Publication received), 775. Detmng. calcium and magnesium in - by Wetting agents : See Surface-active agents. cured:meat products 6y simple - -growth test. Mossel, Zwart and de Bruin, 410. Yellow fever mosquito : See Aedes aegypfi. Ytterbium : Flame-photometric methods in metal- lurgical analysis : Review. Dean, 621. Yttrium : Chemistry of - and Scandium. Vickery. (Publication received), 695. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis : Review. Dean, 621. Yttrium-90 : Ammonium 12-molybdophosphate for assaying radioactive fission products in water. Broadbank, Dhabanandana and Harding, 365. EDTA in separating radioactive barium and strontium. Montgomery, 524. Yttrium-91: Ammonium 12-molybdophosphate for assaying radioactive fission products in water. Broadbank, Dhabanandana and Harding, 365. Z Zinc : Analysing ahminiurn bronze alloys. Free- garde and Allen, 731. Detmng. - in indium and nickel. Towndrow, Hutchinson and Webb, 769. Detmng. - in metallurgical materials by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Gidley and Jones, 249. Flame-photometric methods in metallurgical analysis : Review. Dean, 621. Quantitative paper chromatography of inorganic ions in soils and plants. Coulson, Davies and Luna, 203. Specific masking by acetylacetone in titrations with EDTA (detmng. -). Jablonski and Johnson, 297. Spectrochemical detmn. of metals in soils and plants. Mitchell. (Summary), 617. Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids. Oldfield and Bridge, 97. Zineb : Bioassay for pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Needham, 792. Zirconium: Analytical chemistry of -: Review. Milner and Edwards, 86. Polarographic detmn. of small amounts of tin and lead in - and alloys. Polarographic detmn. of traces of lead in - and alloys. Radiochemistry of - and Hafnium. Steinberg. (Publication received), 776. Separating palladium from niobium and -. Duke and Stawpert, 671. Spectrographic analysis of high-purity acids. Oldfield and Bridge, 97. Zirconium-95 : EDTA in separating radioactive barium and strontium. Montgomery, 524. Clark, 245. Wood and Nicholls, 139.xxxviii INDEX TO VOLUME 85 ERRATA : VOL. 84, 1959: p. 619, Fig. 1. Replace lower part of figure (“Side view”) by- Side view u ‘Clamp 1st line of text under Fig. 1. For “ 8 inches” read “6 inches.” 2nd line of text under Fig. 1. For “3 inches in diameter” read “46 mm outside diameter”; for “dimensions” read “outside diameter”; omit “wall”; for “2 inches greater” read “60 mm.” After “splash-head” insert “, which incorporates a drain-back hole, H,” 3rd line of text under Fig. 1. VOL. 85, 1960: p, 108, 15th line from foot of page. p. 217, Fig. 1, label on vertical axis. p. 632, Table 11. For “60 = 1” read “601.” For “mg per 100 ml” read “mg per 10 ml.” An incorrect factor was used for converting As203 to As. Sample 1 : procaine hydrochloride with 6 p.p.m. of added As203 (= 3.8 p.p.m. of As) Sample 2: Antrycide Sample 3: tobacco powder The Table should read- Arsenic (As) found in- A 7- 7 Laboratory Sample 1, Sample 2, Sample 3, A 3.4 0.08 - €3 3-7 0.0 - C 3.4 0.9 1 2.1 D 3.4 0.11 1.1 3.4 0.08 p.p.m. p.p.m. p.p.m. 3.6 p. 714, title of paper, 2nd line of synopsis and 1st line of text of paper. For “17-Ketosteroids” read “17 : 21-Dihydroxy-20-oxosteroids.”
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