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Volume 104,
Issue 1,
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ANALAO 1 04 (1 234-1 245) 1-1 21 6 (1 979) ISSN 0003-2654 The Analvst The Analytical Journal of The Chemical Society Volume 104 1979 Published by THE .CHEMICAL SOCIETY BURLINGTON HOUSE LONDON WIV OB THE ANALYST THE ANALYTICAL JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD "Chairman J. M. Ottaway (Glasgow) R. Belcher (Birmingham U.K.) E. Bishop (Exeter U.K.) L. R. P. Butler (South Africa) *H. J. Cluley (Wembley U.K.) E. A. M. F. Dahmen (The Netherlands) A. C. Docherty (Billingham U.K.) D. Dyrssen (Sweden) G. Ghersini (Italy) "P. Gray (Leeds U.K.) R. Herrman (West Germany) J. Hoste (Belgium) M. T. Kelley (U.S.A.) H. V. Malmstadt (U.S.A.) "J. N. Miller (Loughborough U.K.) G. W. C. Milner (Harwel! U.K.) G. H. Morrison (U.S.A.) E.J. Newman (Poole U.K.) H. W. Nurnberg (West Germany) "G. E. Penketh (Wilton U.K.) "T. B. Pierce (Harwell U.K.) E. Pungor (Hungary) D. I. Rees (London U.K.) P. H. Scholes (Middlesbrough U.K.) "W. H. C. Shaw (Greenford U.K.) S. Siggia (U.S.A.) "D. Simpson (Thorpe-le-Soken U.K.) A. A. Smales O.B.E. (Thornaby U.K.) *A. Townshend (Birmingham U.K.) A. Walsh K.B. (Australia) T. S. West (Aberdeen U.K.) * J . White head (Stockton- on- Tees U. K,) A. L. Wilson (Medmenham U.K.) P. Zuman (U.S.A.) "Members of the Board serving on The Analyst Publications Committee REGIONAL ADVISORY EDITORS Dr. J. Aggett (New Zealand) Professor L. Gierst (Belgium) Professor H. M. N. H. Irving (South Africa) Professor W. A. E. McBryde (Canada) Dr. G. Rossi (Italy) Dr.I. Rubeika (Czechoslovakia) Professor J. ReiiEka (Denmark) Professor K. Saito (Japan) Professor P. C. Uden (USA.) @ The Chemical Society 1979 Printed by Heffers Printers Ltd Cambridge Englan PUBLICATIONS AND INFORMATION BOARD Chairman C. Kemball M.A. Sc.D. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. M.R.I.A. F.R.S.E. F.R.S. "K. W. Bagnall B.Sc. Ph.D. D.Sc. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. A. K. Barbour B.Sc. PhD. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. F.I.M.M. "J. W. Barrett C.B.E. Ph.D. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. F.Eng. F.1.Chem.E. "F. J. Bryant BSc. Ph.D.,A.R.C.S. D.I.C. "K. C. Bryant M.A. B.Sc. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. H. J. Cluley MSc. Ph.D. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. C. F. Cullis M,A. DSc. D.Phil. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. E. A. V. Ebsworth M.A. Ph.D. Sc.D. CChem. F.R.I.C. F.R.S.E. "P. Gray M.A. Ph.D. Sc.D. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. F.R.S. "A.K. Kent B.Sc. Ph.D. F.l.lnf.Sc. C. W. Rees Ph.D. DSc. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. F.R.S. "J. R. Ruck Keene C.B.E. M.A. "A. Spinks B.Sc. Ph.D. M.A. C.Chem.,. F.R.I.C. "T. M. Sugden C.B.E. Sc.D. Sec.R.S. K. W. Sykes M.A. BSc. D.Phil. W. B. Whalley D.Sc. Ph.D. C.Chem. 1F.R.I.C. D. W. Wilson M.Sc. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. "Ex officio members JOURNALS COMMITTEE Chairman P. Gray M.A. Ph.D. Sc.D. CChem. F.R.I.C. F.R.S. E. W. Abel D.Sc. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. T. W. Bentley BSc. Ph.D.,A.R.C.S. H. J. Cluley M.Sc. Ph.D. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. A. J. Downs M.A. Ph.D. C. R. Ganellin Ph.D. B.Sc. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. D. Husain BSc. M.A. Ph.D. D.Sc. Sc.D. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. F.1nst.P. "C. Kemball M.A. Sc.D. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. M.R.I.A. F.R.S.E. F.R.S. G. W. Kirby M.A. Ph.D. Sc.D. C.Chern. F.R.I.C. F.R.S.E.G. J. Leigh BSc. Ph.D. J. N. Murrell B.Sc. Ph.D. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. J. M. Ottaway B.Sc. Ph.D. DSc. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. G. E. Penketh B.Sc. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. H. Suschitzky D.Sc. Ph.D. B.Sc. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. I. 0. Sutherland M.A. Ph.D. H. R. Thirsk DSc. Ph.D. B.Sc. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. D. A. Young Ph.D. D.Sc. "Ex officio members "I. A. Williams M.A. Ph.D. M.l.lnf.Sc. C.Chem. M.R.I.C. Editor The Analyst Aissistant Editors P. C. Weston BSc. C.Chem. F.R.I.C. Mrs. J. Brew B.Sc. C.Chem. M.R.I.C. RI. W. Hazell BSc. Grad.R.1.C. R. A. Young M.I.1 nf.Sc Abdel Ghani N. T. 576-9 Abdel-Hamid M. E. 568-72 Abdine H. 568-72,919-27 Abdine Hassan 620-5 Abou Ouf A. 566-8 Addison J. B. 76670,84652 Agrawal Y. K. 873-5 Amin M. 407-1 1 Analytical Methods Committee, Chemical Society 434-50, Analytical Quality Control (Harmonised Monitoring) Committee 290-8 Aoki Yuzi 4 1 4 Arshad M.977-9 Azad J. 23240 Aziz-Alrahman A. M. 944-51 Baeckman Svenerik 101 7-29 Baker P. G. 457-61 Bandi W. R. 812-21 Bashir W. A. 466-9 Basketter F. B. 83745 Basson W. D. 419-24 Beg M. M. 148-51 Beg M. Mohtashim 977-9 Beg M. Nasim 977-9 Begheijn L. T. 1055-61 Belal F. 566-8 Belal Saied F. 620-5 919-27 Belling G. B. 469-71 Bergamin Filho H. 371-5 Betteridge D. 348-57 Birch B. J. 853-9 Bogdanski S. L. 88&90 Boley N. P. 472-3 Bore P. 1062-9 Broadbridge R. A. 201-7 Brookes B. I. 698-9 Brown L. 391-9 1165-70 Bruno P. 1083-7 Buckley R. A. 469-71 Burns D. Thorburn 626-36 Burns I. W. 265-8 . Caddy B. 328-33 Campbell W.C. 177-95 Capelli R. 1197-200 Cdrrondo M. J. T. 831-6,937-43 Caruso Joseph A. 35-40 Caselli M. 1083-7 Cdtterick T. 516-24 Chalk P. M. 53844 Chiu Chung H. 1 159-64 Choi K. K. 455-7 Choi P. 451-5 Chow C. 1546 Christian Gary D. 680-3 Chroneos Ioannis 1 17-23 Clark E. R. 1129-34 Clark Ferrers R. S. 358-66 Corfield G. C. 73&8 Cotterill E. G. 878-80 778-87 1070-4 1075-82 ANALYST AUTHOR INDEX (1979) I AUTHOR INDEX 1979 Craggs A. 412-18,961-72 Cresser Malcolm S. 792-6 Criddle W. J. 451-5 Crosby N. T. 472-3 1171-5 Cruickshank Z. 1050-4 Cyganski A. 167-7 I Dajer de Torrijos L. A. 801-1 1 Dalal R. C. 1514 1100-1 Davidson J. W. 683-7 Davison W. 385-90 Dawson Alan P. 481-90 Deane P. G. 696-7 Debska W. 11914 Dellar Dorothy 1 &34 Desai B.J. 160-3 Diaz V. Gonzalez 10914 Di Fano A. 1083-7 Dikshit A. K. 1 185-8 Dornemann A. 1030-6 Drummond I. 875-7 Ebdon L. 73&8 Edijala J. K. 6 3 7 4 Efstathiou C. E. 11814 Ellis A. T. 730-8 Elsayed M. Abdel-Hady 568-72, Elwalily A. 9 19-27 Elwalily Abdel Fattah M. 620-5 Evans A. C. 461-6 Evans W. H. 16-34 Everett G. L. 461-6 Farrington D. S. 11 1-16 Favretto L. 241-7 Feher Zs. 560-5 Fell G. S. 491-504 505-15, Fernandez T. 73949 Fezia C. 1197-200 Flint F. O. 1135-7 Florence Eric 378-8 1 Franchi A. 1197-200 Fricke Fred L. 3540 Fung K. W. 455-7 Gains Nigel 48 1-90 Gallego M. 613-19 Ganesan M. 258-61 Garcia Luis A. 73949 Garcia Montelongo F. 73949 Garcia-Vargas M. 613-19 Garg B. S. 1188-91 Gataud P.1062-9 Gawell G. B.-M. 10&10 Gibson Ernest P. 582-3 Gine M. F. 371-5 Girgi-Takla Pamela 1 17-23 Gnusowski B. 11914 Goel B. K. 1204-7 Goetz N. 1062-9 Gonzdlez C. R. Tallo 109 I 4 Goodfellow G. I. 1105-18, 620-5.9 19-27 687-9 1 Fogg A. G. 723-9 1087-90 11 19-23 Gorog Sandor 196-200 Goulden J. D. S. 756-65 Gowda H. Sanke 400-6 Greenhow E. J. 801-1 1 Groningsson Kerstin 367-70 Gupta C. M. 883-6 Gupta P. L. 788-92 Hadjiioannou T. P. 1 18 1 4 Hall M. L. 491-504 505-15 Hall R. J. 1097-100 Hamada Shoichi 880-2 Handa S. K. 1185-8 Hangos Magdolna 973-6 Hansen E. H. 47-54 Hardy Horace L. 890-1 Harris J. R. 457-61 Hart J. P. 853-9 Hassenbach M. 407-1 1 Headridge J. B. 944-51 Henderson K. 1097-100 Hickman D.A. 334-47,5 1 &24 Hilborn John C. 1 159-64 Hilliard Edward P. 3 13-22 Hopkins R. G. 11 1-16,457-61 Hunt D. C. 11 7 1-5 Isaacson P. 201-7 Iwasaki Iwaji 41-6 Jackson F. J. 16-34 Jagadeesh K. S. 400-6 Jain P. 1 188-9 1 Jane I. 334-47 Johansson Axel 601-1 2 Johansson Sten 593-600,601- 12 Johnson Michael K. 694-6 Johnson R. F. P. 1135-7 Jones A. 201-7 Jones A. D. 265-8 Jones Dilys L. 973-6 Jones G. B. 469-71 Kapel M. 124-35 Karlsson Rune W. 1017-29 Kavitha V. S. N. P. 12014 Kawase Jiro 750-5 Khalifa H. 576-9 Khan T. H. 261-5 Kibble-White R. 136-42 Kirkbright G. F. 232-40 Kitagdwa K. 822-30 Kleist H. 1030-6 Koh Tomozo 41-6 Kojima Shigeo 660-7 Komaitis M. E. 124-35 Korany Mohamed A. 146-8 Kovatcheva E. G. 79-82 Koyama T.822-30 Krapf George 8 12-2 1 Krug F. J. 47-54 Kulshreshtha H. 572-5 Kumar Pradeep 788-92 Kwan S. Y. 143-6 Langmyhr F. J. 993-1016 Idowu R. 328-3 2 ANALYST AUTHOR INDEX (1979) Lauko Anna 196-200 Lawellin David W. 73-8 Lees T. P. 696-7 Leonard M. A. 705-22 Lester J. N. 831-6 937-43 Leung C. P. 143-6 Libaert D. F. 1 1 19-23 Lightbown J. W. 201 -7 Littlejohn D. 208-23 1138-50 Loxley Roy 860-4 Lutze R. L. 979-82 Mackay Christeen 626-36 MacKenzie A. B. 1 15 1-8 MacPherson Hart B. 358-66 Majewski T. 167-71 Marsh J. A. P. 1 3 M 2 Marshall G. B. 55-62 Michel R. G. 491-504,505-15, Midgley D. 55-62,63-72 Midgley Derek 248-57 Milner B. A. 474-5 Milner Douglas Frank 378-81 Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries Miyata Haruo 1195-7 Montelongo F.Garcia 10914 Moore R. A. 771-7 Motomizu Shoji 880-2 Munro H. C. 105W Muraoka Motomu 87-90 Murata Akira 985-8 Nagy G. 560-5 Nakamura Motoshi 985- 8 Nakashima Susumu 172-3 Nassory N. S. 348-57 Natesan S. 258-61 Nath P. 10947 Nema S. N. 691-3 Nieboer Evert 103749 Nikolelis D. P. 11814 Okada Mieko 1195-7 Osteryoung Janet G. 73-8 687-9 1 and Food 425-33 Moody G. J. 1-1 5,348-57, 412-18,961-72,973-6 Ottaway J. M. 208-23,491-504, 505-1 5,645-59,687-9 1, 1 138-50 Ourno Paul R. 103749 Padbury C. E. 1176-80 Patriarche Gaston J. 680-3 Perry R. 83 1-6,93743 Philp Lesley A. 1171-5 Pinches M. A. 928-36 Poole C. F. 82-6 Powell F. E. 531- 7 Prasad Gur 1094-7 Prasad R. 164-7 Price W. J. 474-5 Pungor E. 560-5 Pyare Ram 1094-7 Qazi I.A. 1129-34 Quin B. F. 552-9 Qureshi G. Ali 705-22 Rahim S. A. 466-9 Ranganathan V. 258-6 1 Rao K. Rama 12014 Rennie P. J. 83745 Rhead M. 391-9 Rizk M. 566-8 Rizk M. S. 5 7 6 9 Robbins Wayne B. 3 5 4 0 Rocha J. M. 739-49 Roper P. 472-3 Rosenfeld H. J. 983-5 Rowland S. A. K. 505-15 Rowston W. B. 645-59 Roy S. S. 1204-7 Rufino N. 73949 Rukmini N. 12014 Ruzicka J. 47-54 Salter D. N. 756-65 Sanke Gowda H. 865-72 Sarowha S. L. S. 788-92 Schwarz R. R. 952-60 Sellings S. G. 265-8 Selmer-Olsen A. R. 983-5 Shah S. K. 883-6 Shakir Issam M. A. 886-90 Shakunthala R. 865-72 Sharpe J. E. 201-7 Shinde V. M. 160-3 Shukla I. C. 148-51 Shyam R. 977-9 Siddiqui Fasih A. 977-9 Singh R. B. 572-5 1188-91 Singh R. P. 572-5 1 188-9 1 Singh Saryoo Prasad 1094-7 Singhawangcha S.82-6 Skidmore P. R. 952-60 Smith C. J. 538-44 Smith Christopher J. 897-918 Smith J. David 3 13-22 Smith Peter J. 897-9 18 Smith R. A. 875-7 Smyth Malcolm R. 73-8 Smyth W. Franklin 853-9 Sneddon J. 505-15,687-91 Snook R. D. 23240 Stancher B. 241-7 Stanley-Wood Nayland G., Stent C. J. 13642 Stephen W. I. 886-90 Subrahmanya U. 865-72 Scott R. D. 1151-8 97-105 Suett D. L. 1176-80 Sumner A. M. 83745 Suyan K. M. 883-6 Svehla G. 705-22 Szepesvary P. 348-57 Sziklay Zsofia 196-200 Takeshima Tatsuo 87-90 Takeuchi T. 822-30 Teien G. 580-2 Thomas J. D. R. 1-15,348-57, Thomas Judith 451-5 Thompson K. C. 224-3 1,668-79 Thompson Michael 299-3 12 Tillman J. 626-36 Toei Kyoji 880-2 1195-7 Torrance K.63-72 Toth A. 560-5 Toth K. 56&5 Townshend Alan 886-90 Traini A, 1083-7 Truesdale Victor W. 897-91 8 Tunis F. 241-7 Turnbull James H. 582-3 Ulsaker G. A. 580-2 Upadhyaya K. N. 375-7 Usmani Q. S. 148-51 Valcarcel M.;-613-19 Van Den Bulcke A. 525-30 Van Staden J. F. 419-24 Verma R. M. 691-3 Villa Albert0 Enrique 545-5 1 Wagstaff K. 224-31 668-79 Wahbi Abdel Aziz M. 146-8 Walash M. I. 566-8 Walker R. F. 928-36 Walker Ronald F. 890-1 Walton Stephen J. 299-312 Watkins P. J. 1124-8 Webber H. M. 1105-18 1 1 19-23 Wedzicha Bronislaw L. 694-6 Wheatley G. A. 1176-80 Whiteside P. J. 474-5 Willekens G. J. 525-30 Wilson A. L. 273-89 Wittmann Zsuzsa 156-60 Wood Shirley J. 299-312 Woof C. 385-90 Wright B.J. 348-57 Yamamoto Tatsuo 87-90 Yamanaka Makoto 750-5 Zagatto E. A. G. 371-5 Zanicchi G. 1 197 -200 Zenki M. 323-7 Zlatkis A. 82-6 Zygmunt B. 1191-4 412-18,961-72,973-6 Woods P. H. 552-9 YOO K. S. 723-9 1087-9 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX ( 1979) 3 SUBJECT INDEX 1979 ABSORPTION Method for the rapid detection of organic pollutants in water by vapor-phase ultraviolet absorption spectrometry Relevance of the approximately hyperbolic relationship between fluorescence and concentration to the Novel reagent for the determination of atmospheric isocyanate monomer concentrations 89& 1 Approach for achieving comparable analytical results from a number of laboratories 273-89 Accuracy of determination of chloride in river waters analytical quality control in the harmonized monitoring Spectrophotometric determination of acetaldehyde in acetic acid 466-9 Spectrophotometric determination of acetaminophen salicylamide and codeine phosphate in tablets 620-5 Spectrophotometric determination of acetaminophen and salicylamide through nitrosation and subsequent Spectrophotometric determination of acetaldehyde in acetic acid 4669 Determination of mercaptoacetic acid in hair waving and depilatory products 1062-9 Fluorimetric determination of acetohexamide in plasma and tablet formulations using I-methylnicotinamide, Determination of nitrate and nitrite in river waters 1195-7 Determination of bifunctional compounds.Part IV. 4Iodobutaneboronic acid as a selective reagent for the trace Spectrophotometric determination of acetaldehyde in acetic acid 466-9 Simplification of the mathematical evaluation of titration results by regarding complexes of the type A,B as n Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant.Part IV. General-purpose program for Iodimetric determination of milligram amounts of certain aliphatic acids 69 1-3 A variation of the Monier-Williams distillation technique for the determination of sulfur dioxide in ginger ale, Ionic polymerization as a means of end-point indication in non-aqueous thermometric titrimetry. Part X. Naphthidines and o-dianisidine as redox indicators in titrations with N-bromosuccinimide 865-72 Non-aqueous titration of substituted N-o-tolylbenzohydroxamic acids 873-5 Determination of trace amounts of sulfate by molecular emission cavity analysis using a vaporization system, Kinetics of a- and p-molybdosilicic acid formation 897-91 8 Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of boron in solutions containing large amounts of nitrate, Determination of mercaptoacetic acid in hair waving and depilatory products 1062-9 An improvement in the determination of available lysine in carbohydrate-rich samples 1097-1 00 CaKbration of proposed wet-combustion procedure with drysombustion method for the determination of total Determination of mercury in smelter flue dusts by acid digestion methods 1 159-64 High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of acrylic acid monomer in natural and polluted Electrochemical studies of strongly chelating anthraquinone derivatives 705-22 Liquid chromatographic determination of acrylamide monomer in natural and polluted aqueous environments, High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of acrylic acid monomer in natural and polluted Determination of acrylonitrile monomer in plastic nackaping and beverages by headspace gas chromatography, 668-79 ABSORPTIVITY determination of quantum efficiencies 48 1-90 ACCURACY scheme 29&8 ACETALDEHYDE ACETAMINOPHEN chelation 9 19-27 ACETIC ACETOHEXAMIDE I 17-23 ACETYLAZOBENZENE ACID determination of bifunctional compounds 82-6 complexes of the type AB 593-600 evaluating potentiometric acid-base titrations 601-12 694-6 Acrylonitrile indicator reactions in the determination of acids 80 1-1 1 886-90 983-5 carbon in soils 1 lO&l aqueous environments and polyacrylates 1 165-70 ACIDITY ACRY LAMIDE 391-9 ACRYLIC aqueous environments and polyacrylates 1 165-70 ACRYLONITRIL 4 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) ACRY LONITRI LE(con td) 10&10 Acrylonitrile indicator reactions in the determination of acids SOIL1 1 Ionic polymerization as a means of end-point indication in non-aqueous thermometric titrimetry.Part X. ACTIVATED ADDITIVE Determination of nitrate in raw potable and waste waters by ultraviolet spectrophotometry 837-45 Direct determination of calcium magnesium and zinc in lubricating oils and additives by atomic-absorption High-frequency microtitrimetric determination of acidic and basic constituents in lubricating oils. Part 11. Sources of error in the flame photometric determination of sodium and potassium in Portland cements 696-7 Determination of conjugated diolefins in cracked naphtha 1204-7 Gas analysis using an internal standard in adsorption tubes 698-9 Separation of bismuth-210 and polonium-2 10 from aqueous solutions by spontaneous adsorption on copper foils Polarographic study of aflatoxins B I B2 GI and G2 application of differential-pulse polarography to the Determination of styrene in the atmosphere near industrial sites by gas chromatography 455-7 Gas analysis using an internal standard in adsorption tubes 698-9 Trace determination of carbonyl compounds in air by gas chromatography of their 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones, Spectrophotometric determination of aliphatic isocyanates in the occupational atmosphere.Part 1. Determination Ionic polymerization as a means of end-point indication in non-aqueous thermometric titrimetry.Part X. Trace determination of carbonyl compounds in air by gas chromatography of their 2,44initrophenylhydrazones, A variation of the Monier-Williams distillation technique for the determination of sulfur dioxide in ginger ale, Iodimetric determination of milligram amounts of certain aliphatic acids 69 1-3 Spectrophotometric determination of aliphatic isocyanates in the occupational atmosphere. Part I . Determination Determination of conjugated diolefins in cracked naphtha 1204-7 Sources of error in the flame photometric determination of sodium and potassium in Portland cements 696-7 Polarographic determination of some linear alkylbenzene sulfonates. 853-9 Polarographic determination of some linear alkyibenzene sulfonates 853-9 Evaluation of calcium ion-selective electrodes based on di(n-alkylpheny1)phosphate sensors and their calibration Spectrophotometric method for the rapid determination of microgram amounts of platinum 400-6 Spectrophotometric determination of cobalt(I1) with 2,2’-pyridil bis(2-quinolylhydrazone) 572-5 Determination of lead bismuth zinc silver and antimony in steel and nickel-base alloys by atomic-absorption Selective spectrophotometric determination of zinc with 2,2’-dipyridyl-2-quinolylhydrazone.I 188-9 1 lon--selcctive polymeric-membrane electrodes with immobilized ion-exchange sites Part I . Devclopment of a Analysis of steroids. Part XXXII. Determination of‘allylestrenol by titrimetric polarographic and gas-Rapid spcctrophotometric mcthod for the determination of arscnic(lI1) in borate glasses 1094-7 Sources of error in the flame photometric determination of sodium and potassium in Portland cements 6 9 6 7 Determination of aluminum calcium iron and magnesium in sewages and sewage effluent by a rapid electrother-spectrometry using a mixed solvent system 156-60 Determination of total base number 739-49 ADDN ADSORPTION 1151-8 AFLATOXIN B1 determination of aflatoxin B1 in various foodstuffs 73-8 A1 R 875-7 of total isocyanate concentration 928-36 ALC Acrylonitrile indicator reactions in the determination of acids 80 1-1 1 ALDEHYDE 875-7 ALE 694- 6 ALIPH of total isocyanate concentration 928-36 ALKADIENE ALKALI ALKYLBENZENE A LKYLBENZENESULFONATE ALK Y LPHENY LPHOSPHATE with ion buffers 412-18 ALLOY spectrometry using direct atomization of solid samples in a graphite furnace 101 7-29 ALLYL calcium electrode 730-8 ALLY LESTRENOL chrotnatographic methods 196-200 ALUMINOBORATE ALlJMINUM mal atomic-absorption spectroscopic method 83 1 -f ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) 5 AMARANTH Direct differential-pulse polarographic determination of mixtures of the food coloring matters tartrazine-Sunset Continuous solvent-extraction method for the spectrophotometric determination of cationic surfactants 750-5 Determination of the amino acid contents of coalworkers’ lungs after correction for blood fat dust and collagen, Determination of nitrate and nitrite in river waters 1 195-7 Determination of small amounts of selenium in organic matter 778-87 Spectrophotometric determination of iodide ion using palladium and 2-nitroso-5-diethylaminophenol 880-2 Determination of ammonia in low concentrations with Nessler’s reagent by flow injection analysis 47-54 Assay of nicotinamide in multivitamin preparations using an ammonia gas-sensing electrode 1 I8 1-4 Spectrophotometric determination of silver with ammonium 2-cyano-3-iminodithiobutyrate 87-90 Determination of chromium in natural waters and sewage effluents by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry Direct differential-pulse polarographic determination of mixtures of the food coloring matters tartrazine-Sunset Continuous solvent-extraction method for the spectrophotometric determination of cationic surfactants 750-5 Effect of ammonium nitrate on the gasxhromatographic determination of some pesticide residues in soils 878-80 Determination of small amounts of nickel in organic matter by atomic-absorption spectrometry 1070-4 Determination of oxycarboxin residues in medicinal plants 1 I9 1-4 Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant.Part IV. General-purpose program for Determination of conjugated diolefins in cracked naphtha 1204-7 Non-aqueous titration of substituted N-o-tolylbenzohydroxamic acids 873-5 Determination of residues of organochlorine pesticides in animal fats and eggs 425-33 Microbiological assay of avoparcin in animal feeds and premixes 1075-82 Gas analysis using an internal standard in adsorption tubes 698-9 Electrochemical studies of strongly chelating anthraquinone derivatives 705-22 Diffusion assay by an automated procedure 201- 7 Microbiological assay of avoparcin in animal feeds and premixes 1075-82 Evaluation of a method for determination of total antimony arsenic and tin in foodstuffs using measurement by Yellow FCF tartrazine-Green S and Amaranth-Green S in soft drinks 723-9 AMINE AMINO ACID 860-4 AMINOACETYLAZOBENZENE AMINONAPHTHALENE AMINOPHENOL AMMONIA AMMONIUM using an air-acetylene flame 224-3 1 Yellow FCF tartrazine-Green S and Amaranth-Green S in soft drinks 723-9 AMPHOLYTE evaluating potentiometric acid-base titrations 60 1-1 2 ANHYDRIDE ANILINE ANlMAL ANISOLE ANTHRAQUINONE ANTIBIOTIC ANTIMONY atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with atomization in a silica tube using the hydride generation technique, 1634 microwave-induced plasmma atomic-emission spectrometry 3 5 4 0 Determination of germanium arsenic selenium tin and antimony in complex samples by hydride generation -Determination of trace amounts of arsenic and antimony in zinc powder 474-5 Determination of antimony and other trace elements in irons and steels by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry Determination of lead bismuth zinc silver and antimony in steel and nickel-base alloys by atomic-absorption Single reagent method for the spectrophotometric dctermination of phosphorus in silicates 1 124-8 Detcrmination of antimony(II1) by titration with manganese(ll1) and manganese(IV) 1201-4 Sequential multielement analysis of small fragments of glass by atomic-mission spectrometry using an with introduction of solid samples into an induction furnace 944-51 spectrometry using direct atomization of solid samples in a graphite furnace 101 7-29 ARGON inductively coupled radio frequency argon plasma source 5 16 24 A ROY L Pyridine-2arbaldehyde 2-hydroxybenzoylhydrazonc as a selective reagent for the cxtraction and spectrophoto-metric determination ofiron(II) 613-19 AROY LHYDRAZONE Pyridine-2-carbaldehyde 2-hydroxybenzoylhydrazone Evaluation of a method for determination of total antimony arsenic and tin in foodstuffs using measurement by selcctive reagent for the extraction and spectrophoto-metric determination of iron(II) 6 13-1 9 ARSENIC atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with atomization in a silica tube using the hydride generation technique, 16- 3 6 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1 979) A RSEN IC(contd) Determination of germanium arsenic selenium tin and antimony in complex samples by hydride generation -Selective determination of arsenic(II1) and arsenic(V) by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry following arsine Determination of trace amounts of arsenic and antimony in zinc powder 474-5 Rapid spectrophotometric method for the determination of arsenic(II1) in borate glasses 1094-7 Non-aqueous titration of substituted N-o-tolylbenzohydroxamic acids 873-5 PolarograDhic determination of some linear alkvlbenzene sulfonates 853-9 microwave-induced plasma atomic-emission spectrometry 35-40 generation 172-3 ARYLHY DROXAMIC A RY LSULFONATE ASCO RKIC~ NaDhthidines and o-dianisidine as redox indicators in titrations with N-bromosuccinimide 865-72 ATOM Mechanism of atom excitation in carbon furnace atomic+mission spectrometry 208-23 Evaluation of a method for determination of total antimony arsenic and tin in foodstuffs using measurement by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with atomization in a silica tube using the hydride generation technique, 16-34 Determination of lead in columbite concentrates by atomic-absorption spectrometry after sulfide separation, 154-6 Direct determination of calcium magnesium and zinc in lubricating oils and additives by atomic-absorption spectrometry using a mixed solvent system 156-60 Selective determination of arsenic(II1) and arsenic(V) by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry following arsine generation 172-3 Minimum sample preparation for the determination of ten elements in pig feces and feeds by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry and a spectrophotometric procedure for total phosphorus 3 13-22 Determination of noble metals by carbon furnace atomic-absorption spectrometry.Part 1. Atom formation processes 645-59 Separation of organotin compounds by using the difference in partition behavior between hexane and methanolic buffer solution. Part 1. Determination of butyltin compounds in textiles by graphite furnace atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 660-7 Determination of aluminum calcium iron and magnesium in sewages and sewage effluent by a rapid electrother-mal atomic-absorption spectroscopic method 83 1-6 Influence of conditioning agents on the determination of metallic content of sewage sludge by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with electrothermal atomization 93743 Determination of antimony and other trace elements in irons and steels by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with introduction of solid samples into an induction furnace 94451 Implementation of a sensitive method for determining mercury in surface waters and sediments by cold-vapor atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 979-82 Direct analysis of solids by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry.A review 993-1 01 6 Determination of lead bismuth zinc silver and antimony in steel and nickel-base alloys by atomic-absorption spectrometry using direct atomization of solid samples in a graphite furnace 101 7-29 Determination of small amounts of nickel in organic matter by atomic-absorption spectrometry 1070-4 Extraction of methylmercury from fish and its determination by atomic-absorption spectroscopy 1 197-200 Sequential multielement analysis of small fragments of glass by atomic-emission spectrometry using an Determination of selenium in soil digests by non-dispersive atomic-fluorescence spectrometry using an argon-Determination of cadmium in blood and urine by flame atomic-fluorescence spectrometry 49 1-504 Effect of stray light in monochromators on detection limits of flame atomic-fluorescence spectrometric Preparation and operation of selenium electrodeless discharge lamps for use in atomic-fluorescence flame Determination of small amounts of selenium in organic matter 778-87 Correction system for spectroscopic determination of trace amounts of cadmium using the atomic Faraday effect Determination of noble metals by carbon furnace atomic-absorption spectrometry.Part 1. Atom formation Correction system for spectroscopic determination of trace amounts of cadmium using the atomic Faraday effect Determination of lead bismuth zinc silver and antimony in steel and nickel-base alloys by atomic-absorption Investigation of atomizer tube design for carbon furnace atomic%mission spectrometry 1 138-50 ATOMIC ABSORPTION ATOMIC EMISSION inductively coupled radiofrequency argon plasma source 5 I &24 ATOMIC FLUORESCENCE hydrogen flame and the hydride generation technique 232-40 measurements 505-1 5 spectrometry 687-91 ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY with electrothermal atomization 822-30 ATOMIZATION processes 645-59 with electrothermal atomization 822-30 spectrometry using direct atomization of solid samples in a graphite furnace 1017-29 ATOMIZE ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) 7 AUGER SPECTRUM AUTOMATED AUTOMATIC Interference films on the sensor membranes of solid-state copper(I1) ion-selective electrodes 348-57 Direct determination of calcium in milk on a nonsegmented continuous-flow system 419-24 Apparatus for the automatic preparation of soil extracts for mineral-nitrogen determination 13642 Absorptiometric determination of low oxygen concentrations in power-station waters.Part 11. Continuous Automated catalytic method for the routine determination of molybdenum in plant materials 552-9 Continuous solvent-extraction method for the spectrophotometric determination of cationic surfactants 750-5 Automatic emission spectrometer for the determination of nitrogen-15 756-65 Internal standardization and its value in the assessment of the suitability of the column for quantitative high-automatic method using the Technicon AutoAnalyzer 11 19-23 AUTOMATION performance liquid chromatography 77 1-7 AVOPARCIN BARIUM BASE Microbiological assay of avoparcin in animal feeds and premixes 1075-82 Interferences of a barium ion-selective electrode used for the potentiometric titration of sulfate 973-6 Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant.Part IV. General-purpose program for High-frequency microtitrimetric determination of acidic and basic constituents in lubricating oils. Part 11. High-frequency microtitrimetric determination of acidic and basic constituents in lubricating oils.Part 11. An improvement in the determination of available lysine in carbohydrate-rich samples 1097- 100 Gravimetric determination of copper(I1) and cobalt(l1) by selective precipitation with benzimidazole 375-7 Determination of acrylonitrile monomer in plastic packaging and beverages by headspace gas chromatography, Direct differential-pulse polarographic determination of mixtures of the food coloring matters tartrazine-Sunset Direct differential-pulse polarographic determination of mixtures of food coloring matters Chocolate Brown Determination of bifunctional compounds. Part IV. 4Iodobutaneboronic acid as a selective reagent for the trace evaluating potentiometric acid-base titrations 60 1 - 12 Determination of total base number 739-49 BAS I CI TY Determination of total base number 739-49 BENZENESULFONIC BENZIMIDAZOLE BEVERAGE 10610 Yellow FCF tartrdzine-Green S and Amaranth-Green S in soft drinks 723-9 HT Tartrazine and Green S 1087-90 BIFUNCTIONAL determination of bifunctional compounds 82-6 BIOL Recovery of iodine as iodine-125 from biological materials prior to assay 469-7 1 Cathode-ray polarographic determination of molybdenum in serum plasma and urine 68&3 Automatic emission spectrometer for the determination of nitrogen-15 75665 Determination of lead bismuth zinc silver and antimony in steel and nickel-base alloys by atomic-absorption Modified colorimetric method for the determination of malathion 1129-34 Separation of bismuth-2 10 and polonium-2 10 from aqueous solutions by spontaneous adsorption on copper foils Determination of germanium arsenic selenium tin and antimony in complex samples by hydride generation -Oxidative determination of dextromoramide (palfium) in body fluids 328-33 Determination of cadmium in blood and urine by flame atomic-fluorescence spectrometry 49 1-504 Cathode-ray polarographic determination of molybdenum in serum plasma and urine 68&3 Determination of the amino acid contents of coalworkers’ lungs after correction for blood fat dust and collagen, BISMUTH spectrometry using direct atomization of solid samples in a graphite furnace 10 17-29 1151-8 BLOOD microwave-induced plasma atomic-emission spectrometry 35-40 860-4 BOILER BORATE BORON Assessment of glass electrodes for determining pH in boiler feed water 63-72 Rapid spectrophotometric method for the determination of arsenic( 111) in borate glasses 1094-7 Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of boron in solutions containing large amounts of nitrate, Determination of bifunctional compounds.Part IV. 44odobutaneboronic acid as a selective reagent for the trace Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of polyethylene bottle packed intravenous solutions 983-5 BORONIC determination of bifunctional compounds 82-6 BOTTL 8 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) BOTTLE(contd) BROMINE contaminated with N+thylaniline from the rubber part of the two-component closure 580-2 bromimetric titration in flowing solutions 560-5 Determination of the prostaglandin Determination of phenindione using organic brominating agents 566-8 Application of difference spectrophotometry to the determination of dipyrone 568-72 Determination of phenindione using organic brominating agents 566-8 Ion-selective polymeric-membrane electrodes with immobilized ion-exchange sites.Part 1. Development of a calcium electrode 730-8 Separation of organotin compounds by using the difference in partition behavior between hexane and methanolic buffer solution. Part 1. Determination of butyltin compounds in textiles by graphite furnace atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 6 6 6 7 Separation of organotin compounds by using the difference in partition behavior between hexane and methanolic buffer solution. Part I . Determination of butyltin compounds in textiles by graphite furnace atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 660-7 content of pharmaceutical preparations with triangle programmed BROMOHYDANTOIN BUTADIENE BUTYL BUTYLTIN CADMIUM Interference studies in the batch determination of nitrate in freshwater by reduction with cadmium to nitrite, Determination of cadmium in blood and urine by flame atomic-fluorescence spectrometry 49 1-504 Effect of stray light in monochromators on detection limits of flame atomic-fluorescence spectrometric Correction system for spectroscopic determination of trace amounts of cadmium using the atomic Faraday effect Extraction of methylmercury from fish and its determination by atomic-absorption spectroscopy I 197-200 Direct determination of calcium magnesium and zinc in lubricating oils and additives by atomic-absorption Evaluation of calcium ion-selective electrodes based on di(n-alkylpheny1)phosphate sensors and their calibration Direct determination of calcium in milk on a nonsegmented continuous-flow system 419-24 Sources of error in the flame photometric determination of sodium and potassium in Portland cements 696-7 Ion-selective polymeric-membrane electrodes with immobilized ion-exchange sites.Part 1. Development of a Determination of aluminum calcium iron and magnesium in sewages and sewage effluent by a rapid electrother-Calcium ion-selective electrode measurements in the presence of complexing ligands 96 1-72 Hydrocarbon analysis of naphtha using capillary-column gas chromatography under isothermal conditions, Spectrophotometric method for the determination of residues of carbaryl in water 1 185-8 Identification and determination of titanium sulfide and carbosulfide compounds in steel 81 2-21 An improvement in the determination of available lysine in carbohydrate-rich samples 1097-100 Simple procedure for the determination of total carbon and its radioactivity in soils and plant materials 15 14 Determination of noble metals by carbon furnace atomic-absorption spectrometry.Part I . Atom formation Determination of nitrate in raw potable and waste waters by ultraviolet spectrophotometry 837-45 Calibration of proposed wet-combustion procedure with drysombustion method for the determination of total Investigation of atomizer tube design for carbon furnace atomic-emission spectrometry 1 138-50 Spectrophotometric determination of microgram amounts of hydroquinone pyrogallol and resorcinol 148-5 1 Identification and determination of titanium sulfide and carbosulfide compounds in steel 8 12-21 Iodimetric determination of milligram amounts of certain aliphatic acids 69 1-3 Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of boron in solutions containing large amounts of nitrate, Automated catalytic method for the routine determination of molybdenum in plant materials 552-9 3 8 5-90 measurements 505-1 5 with electrothermal atomization 822-30 CALCIUM spectrometry using a mixed solvent system 156-60 with ion buffers 41 2-1 8 calcium electrode 730-8 mal atomic-absorption spectroscopic method 83 1 -6 CAPILLARY 788-92 CARBARYL CARBIDE CARBOHYDRATE CARBON processes 645-59 carbon in soils 110&1 CARBONATE CARBOSULFIDE CARBOXYLIC CARMINIC 983-5 CATALYSI ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) 9 CATHODE RAY CATION Cathode-ray polarographic determination of molybdenum in serum plasma and urine 680-3 ~~~~-~ Continuous solvent%xtraction method for the sDectroDhotometric determination of cationic surfactants.750-5 CEMENT Sources of error in the flame Dhotometric determination of sodium and Dotassium in Portland cements. 696-7 CETRIMIDE CHELATE Determination of cetrimide in typical pharmaceutical preparations using pyrolysis-gas chromatography 45 1-5 Electrochemical studies of strongly chelating anthraquinone derivatives 705-22 CHELATION Spectrophotometric determination of acetaminophen and salicylamide through nitrosation and subsequent Extraction of nanogram amounts of cadmium and other metals from aqueous solution using hexamethyleneamm-Determination of chloride in high-purity waters in the range 0-20 pg L 1 of chloride using ion-selective Spectrophotometric determination of dequalinium chloride in pharmaceutical preparations 143-6 Accuracy of determination of chloride in river waters analytical quality control in the harmonized monitoring Interference films on the sensor membranes of solid-state copper(I1) ion-selective electrodes 348-57 Direct differential-pulse polarographic determination of mixtures of the food coloring matters tartrazine-Sunset Naphthidines and o-dianisidine as redox indicators in titrations with N-bromosuccinimide 865-72 Interferences of a barium ion-selective electrode used for the potentiometric titration of sulfate 973-6 Rapid spectrophotometric method for the determination of arsenic(II1) in borate glasses 1094-7 Determination of oxycarboxin residues in medicinal plants 1 191-4 Extraction of methylmercury from fish and its determination by atomic-absorption spectroscopy 1 197-200 Dicarboxidine [y,y’-(4,4‘-diamino-3,3’-biphenylylenedioxy)dibutyric acid] as a reagent for the spectrophotometr-Determination of bifunctional compounds.Part IV. 44odobutaneboronic acid as a selective reagent for the trace Pyridine-2-carbaldehyde 2-hydroxybenzoylhydrazone as a selective reagent for the extraction and spectrophoto-Method for the rapid detection of organic pollutants in water by vapor-phase ultraviolet absorption spectrometry Direct differential-pulse polarographic determination of mixtures of food coloring matters Chocolate Brown Detection of LLcysteine methionine thiourea allylthiourea and a-naphthylthiourea in submilligram amounts Extractions and separations with foamed plastics and rubbers.A review 1-15 Gas analysis using an internal standard in adsorption tubes 698-9 Effect of ammonium nitrate on the gas-chromatographic determination of some pesticide residues in soils 878-80 Determination of mercaptoacetic acid in hair waving and depilatory products 1062-9 Calibration of proposed wet-combustion procedure with dry-combustion method for the determination of total Potentiometric method for the rapid determination of sulfate in the presence of chromium(VI) 164-7 Determination of chromium in natural waters and sewage effluents by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry Electroanalytical study of zinc-Lxitrulline complex at a dropping-mercury electrode 883 -6 Modified fluorimetric procedure for the simultaneous determination of thiamin and riboflavin in cowpea 637-44 Determination of the amino acid contents of coalworkers’ lungs after correction for blood fat dust and collagen, Gravimetric determination of copper(I1) and cobalt(l1) by selective precipitation with benzimidazole 375-7 Spectrophotometric determination of cobalt(I1) with 2,2’-pyridil bis(2-quinolylhydrazone) 572-5 Spectrophotometric determination of acetaminophen and salicylamide through nitrosation and subsequent chelation 919-27 onium hexamethylenedithiocarbamate as the chelating agent 1030-6 CHLORIDE membrane electrodes incorporating mercury(1) chloride 55-62 scheme 290-8 Yellow FCF tartrazine-Green S and Amaranth-Green S in soft drinks 723-9 CHLORINE ic determination of cyanide and chlorine 367-70 determination of bifunctional compounds 82-6 metric determination of iron(II) 613-19 CHLOROBENZENEBORONIC CHLOROFORM 668-79 CHOCOLATE BROWN HT HT Tartrazine and Green S 1087-90 using acidified potassium chromate solution 977-9 CHROMATE CHROMATOG CHROMIC carbon in soils 1100-1 CHROMIUM using an air-acetylene flame 224-3 1 CITRULLINE CLhRASE COALWORKER 860-4 COBALT chelation.9 19-2 10 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) CODEINE COLLAGEN 860-4 Spectrophotometric determination of acetaminophen salicylamide and codeine phosphate in tablets 620-5 Determination of the amino acid contents of coa1,workers’ lungs after correction for blood fat dust and collagen, Use of enzymes for the release of synthetic colors in foods 472-3 Direct differential-pulse polarographic determination of mixtures of the food coloring matters tartrazine-Sunset Determination of lead in columbite concentrates by atomic-absorption spectrometry after sulfide separation, Hydrocarbon analysis of naphtha using capillaryycolumn gas chromatography under isothermal conditions, Calibration of proposed wet-combustion procedure with dryycombustion method for the determination of total Determination of bifunctional compounds.Part IV. 4-Iodobutaneboronic acid as a selective reagent for the trace Identification and determination of titanium sulfide and carbosulfide compounds in steel 8 12-21 Detection of ucysteine methionine thiourea allylthiourea and a-naphthylthiourea in submilligram amounts Calcium ion-selective electrode measurements in the presence of complexing ligands 961-72 Simplification of the mathematical evaluation of titration results by regarding complexes of the type A,B as n complexes of the type AB 593-600 Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant.Part IV. General-purpose program for evaluating potentiometric acid-base titrations 601-1 2 Influence of conditioning agents on the determination of metallic content of sewage sludge by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with electrothermal atomization 937-43 Gas analysis using an intcrnal standard in adsorption tubes 698-9 Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of polyethylene bottle packed intravenous solutions Direct determination of calcium in milk on a nonsegmented continuous-flow system 419-24 Direct quantitative thin-layer chromatographic determination of levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol in oral Ion-selective polymeric-membrane electrodes with immobilized ion-xchange sites.Part 1. Development of a Interference films on the sensor membranes of solid-state copper(I1) ion-selective electrodes 348-57 Gravimetric determination of copper(I1) and cobalt(I1) by selective precipitation with benzimidazole 375-7 Spectrophotometric determination of acetaminophen and salicylamide through nitrosation and subsequent Modified colorimetric method for the determination of malathion 1 129-34 Separation of bismuth-2 10 and polonium-2 10 from aqueous solutions by spontaneous adsorption on copper foils Correction system for spectroscopic determination of trace amounts of cadmium using the atomic Faraday effect Determination of the prostaglandin F2a content of pharmaceutical preparations with triangle programmed Electrochemical studies of strongly chelating anthraquinone derivatives 705-22 Spectrophotometric determination of nitrite using 4,54ihydroxycoumarin 985-8 Modified fluorimetric procedure for the simultaneous determination of thiamin and riboflavin in cowpea 637-44 Ion-selective polymeric-membrane electrodes with immobilized ion+xchange sites.Part 1. Development of a COLOR COLORANT Yellow FCF tartrazine-Green S and Amarant h-Green S in soft drinks 723-9 COLUMBITE 154-6 COLUMN 788-92 COMBUSTION carbon in soils 1100-1 COMPD determination of bifunctional compounds 82-6 using acidified potassium chromate solution 977-9 COMPLEXATION COMPUTER CONDITIONER CONTAMINANT CONTAMINATION contaminated with N-thylaniline from the rubber part of the two-component closure 580-2 CONTINUOUS FLOW CONTRACEPTIVE contraceptives by diffuse reflection and fluorescence methods 407-1 1 calcium electrode 730-8 COPOLYMER COPPER chelation 9 19-27 1151-8 CORRECTION with electrothermal atomization 822-30 COULOMETRY bromimetric titration in flowing solutions 560-5 COUMARIN COWPEA CROSSLINK calcium electrode.730-ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) 1 1 CUPRIC CUTTING CYANIDE Titrimetric determination of reducing sugars with copper(I1) sulfate 26 1-5 Determination of nitrite ion in unused cutting fluids and cutting oils using a gas-sensing electrode method 358-66 Dicarboxidine [y,y’-(4,4‘~iamino-3,3’-biphenylylenedioxy)dibutyric acid] as a reagent for the spectrophotometr-Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of free cyanide in Prussian blue 525-30 Dicarboxidine [y,y’-(4,4’-diamino-3,3’-biphenylylenedioxy)dibutyric acid] as a reagent for the spectrophotometr-Ionic polymerization as a means of end-point indication in non-aqueous thermometric titrimetry. Part X. Naphthidines and owdianisidine as redox indicators in titrations with N-bromosuccinimide 865-72 Spectrophotometric determination of silver with ammonium 2Zcyano-3-iminodithiobutyrate 87-90 Determination of micro-amounts of polythionates.Part XI. Spectrophotometric determination of two species of Detection of LLcysteine methionine thiourea allylthiourea and a-naphthylthiourea in submilligram amounts Extraction of methylmercury from fish and its determination by atomic-absorption spectroscopy 1 197-200 Determination of thiocyanates by thermal decomposition of silver thiocyanate 167-7 1 Determination of mercaptoacetic acid in hair waving and depilatory products 1062-9 Spectrophotometric determination of dequalinium chloride in pharmaceutical preparations 143-6 Investigation of atomizer tube design for carbon furnace atomicxmission spectrometry 1 138-50 Separation of bismuth-21 0 and polonium-2 10 from aqueous solutions by spontaneous adsorption on copper foils ic determination of cyanide and chlorine 367-70 CYANOCOBALAMINE ic determination of cyanide and chlorine 367-70 Acrylonitrile indicator reactions in the determination of acids 801-1 1 CY ANOETHYLATION CY ANOFERRATE CYANOIMINODITHIOBUTY RATE CYANOLYSIS polythionates in their mixtures by cyanolysis and solvent extraction 41-6 CYSTEINE using acidified potassium chromate solution 977-9 DECOMPN DEPILATORY DEQUALINIUM DESIGN DESORPTION 1151-8 DETERGENT Polarographic determination of some linear alkylbenzene sulfonates 853-9 Determination of small amounts of nickel in organic matter by atomic-absorption spectrometry 1070-4 Oxidative determination of dextromoramide (palfium) in body fluids 328-33 Determination of ochratoxin A in pig’s kidney using enzymic digestion dialysis and high-performance liquid 3-(2’-Thiazolylazo~2,6-diaminotoluene as a selective and sensitive reagent for the spectrophotometric DEXTROMORAMIDE DIALYSIS chromatography with postcolumn derivatization 1 17 1-5 determination of palladium 10914 DIAMINOTOLUENE DI ANISIDINE DICARBOXIDINE Naphthidines and owdianisidine as redox indicators in titrations with N-bromosuccinimide 865-72 Dicarboxidine [y,y’-(4,4’-diamino-3,3’-biphenylylenedioxy)dibutyric acid] as a reagent for the spectrophotometr-ic determination of cyanide and chlorine 367-70 DIELS ALDER DIFFERENCE SPECTROPHOTOMETRY DIFFRACTOMETRY DIFFUSION DIG EST1 ON Determination of conjugated diolefins in cracked naphtha 1204-7 Application of difference spectrophotometry to the determination of dipyrone 568-72 Quantitative determination of lead dioxide polymorphs by x-ray powder diffractometry 952-60 Diffusion assay by an automated procedure 201-7 Determination of vitamin D2 in multivitamin tablets by high-performance liquid chromatography 626-36 Improved method for the determination of mercury in fish tissue using 50% hydrogen peroxide in a hot block, Determination of iron(I1) in rock soil and clay 1055-61 Calibration of proposed wetxombustion procedure with dry-combustion method for the determination of total Determination of mercury in smelter flue dusts by acid digestion methods 1 159-64 Determination of ochratoxin A in pig’s kidney using enzymic digestion dialysis and high-performance liquid 683-7 carbon in soils 110&1 chromatography with postcolumn derivatization 1 17 1-12 ANALYST SlJBJECT INDEX (1979) DIMETRIDAZOLE DINITROPHENYLHYDRAZONE Determination of dimetridazole in pig and poultry feeds by high-performance liquid chromatography 265 -8 Trace determination of carbonyl compounds in air by gas chromatography of their 2,4dinitrophenylhydrazones, A variation of the Monier-Williams distillation technique for the determination of sulfur dioxide in ginger ale, Fast and simple polarographic method for the determination of free and total sulfur dioxide in wines and other Simplification of the mathematical evaluation of titration results by regarding complexes of the type A,B as n Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant.Part 1V. General-purpose program for Application of difference spectrophotometry to thc determination of dipyrone 568-72 Preparation and operation of selenium electrodeless discharge lamps for use in atomic-fluorescence flame The impact cup a simple aid in flame spectrometric analysis at high analyte concentrations 792-6 Investigation of atomizer tube design for carbon furnace atomic-emission spectrometry 1 138-50 Detemination of nitrogenous gases evolved from soils in closed systems 538-44 A variation of the Monier-Williams distillation iechnique for the determination of sulfur dioxide in ginger ale, Sub-micrometer particle size characterization and distribution by mercury penetration 97-1 05 Determination of small amounts of nickel in organic matter by atomic-absorption spectrometry 1070~4 Determination of conjugated diolefins in cracked naphtha 1204-7 Spectrophotometric determination of acetaminophen salicylamide and codeine phosphate in tablets 620-5 Identification and determination of titanium sulfide and carbosulfide compounds in steel 81 2-21 Determination of the amino acid contents of coalworkers’ lungs after correction for blood fat dust and collagen, Determination of mercury in smelter flue dusts by acid digestion methods 1 159-64 Polarography of Green S 53 1-7 Direct differential-pulse polarographic determination of mixtures of the food coloring matters tartrazine-Sunset Direct differential-pulse polarographic determination of mixtures of food coloring matters Chocolate Brown Relevance of the approximately hyperbolic relationship between fluorescence and concentration to the Identification and determination of titanium sulfde and carbosulfide compounds in steel 8 12-21 Determination of residues of organochlorine pesticides in animal fats and eggs 425-33 Polarography of Green S 53 1-7 Determination of chloride in high-purity waters in the range k 2 0 pg L 1 of chloride using ion-selective membrane electrodes incorporating mercury(]) chloride 55-62 Assessment of glass electrodes for determining pH in boiler feed water 63-72 Limit of detection in analysis with ion-selective electrodes 248-57 Interference films on the sensor membranes of solid-state copper(I1) ion-selective electrodes 348-57 Determination of nitrite ion in unused cutting fluids and cutting oils using a gas-sensing electrode method 358-66 Evaluation of calcium ion-selective electrodes based on di(n-alky1phenyl)phosphate sensors and their calibration Rapid method for determining fluoride in vegetation using an ion-selective electrode 545-5 1 Ion-selective polymeric-membrane electrodes with immobilized ion-xchange sites.Part 1 . Development of a Calcium ion-selective electrode measurements in the presence of complexing ligands 961-72 Interferences of a barium ion-selective electrode used for the potentiometric titration of sulfate 973-6 875-7 DIOXIDE 694-6 common beverages 1083-7 complexes of the type AB 593-600 evaluating potentiometric acid-base titrations 601-1 2 DIPROTIC DI PY RONE DISCHARGE spectrometry 687-9 1 DISSOCN DISTN 694-6 DISTRIBUTION DITHIOCARBAMATE DODECANETHIOL DRUG DTA DUST 8 6 W DYE Yellow FCF tartrazine-Green S and Amaranth-Green S in soft drinks 723-9 HT Tartrazine and Green S 1087-90 EFFICIENCY determination of quantum efficiencies 48 1-90 EGA EGG ELECTROCHEM ELECTRODE with ion buffers 412-18 calcium electrode 730-ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX.( 1979) 13 ELECTRODE(contd) ELECTRODELESS Assay of nicotinamide in multivitamin preparations using an ammonia gas-sensing electrode 1 18 1-4 Preparation and operation of selenium electrodeless discharge lamps for use in atomic-fluorescence flame Studies in gas chromatography-chemical ionization mass spectrometry of some silicate anions.766-70 Electroanalytical study of zinc-LcArulline complex at a dropping-mercury electrode 883-6 Determination of aluminum calcium iron and magnesium in sewages and sewage effluent by a rapid electrother-Minimum sample preparation for the determination of ten elements in pig feces and feeds by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry and a spectrophotometric procedure for total phosphorus 3 13-22 Energy-dispersive x-ray emission analysis 177-95 Mechanism of atom excitation in carbon furnace atomic-emission spectrometry 208-23 Determination of trace amounts of sulfate by molecular emission cavity analysis using a vaporization system, Automatic emission spectrometer for the determination of nitrogen-15 756-65 Use of enzymes for the release of synthetic colors in foods 472-3 Determination of vitamin D2 in multivitamin tablets by high-performance liquid chromatography 626-36 Modified fluorimetric procedure for the simultaneous determination of thiamin and riboflavin in cowpea 637-44 Determination of ochratoxin A in pig’s kidney using enzymic digestion dialysis and high-performance liquid Calcium ion-selective electrode measurements in the presence of complexing ligdnds 96 1-72 Sources of error in the flame photometric determination of sodium and potassium in Portland cements 696-7 Combined gas chromatographyxhemical ionization mass spectrometry of some phthalate esters 846-52 Investigations on reaction mechanisms in the determination of non-ionic surfactants in waters as potassium spectrometry 687-9 1 ELECTRON IMPACT ELECTROREDN ELECTROTHERMAL mal atomic-absorption spectroscopic method 83 I ~ 6 ELEMENT EMISSION EMISSION CAVITY ANALYSIS 88690 EMISSION SPECTROMETER ENZYME chromatography with postcolumn derivatization 1 17 1-5 EQUIL ERROR ESTER ETHER picrate active substances 241L7 contraceptives by diffuse reflection and fluorescence methods 407- I I ETHINYLESTRADIOL Direct quantitative thin-layer chromatographic determination of levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol in oral ETHYLAMINOPHENOL ETHY LANILINE Spectrophotometric determination of iodide ion using palladium and 2-nitroso-5-diethylaminophenol 880-2 Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of polyethylene bottle packed intravenous solutions contaminated with N-thylaniline from the rubber part of the twoxomponent closure 580-2 ETHYLENEBISDITHIOCARBAMATE Determination of ethylenethiourea in ethylenebisdithiocarbamate fungicides comparison of high-performance liquid chromatography and gas-liquid chromatography 1 1 1- I6 liquid chromatography and gas-liquid chromatography I I 1-1 6 ETHY LENETHIOUREA Determination of ethylenethiourea in ethylenebisdithiocarbamate fungicides comparison of high-performance EXCITATION EXT EXTN Mechanism of atom excitation in carbon furnace atomic-emission spectrometry 208-23 Determination of ammonia in low concentrations with Nessler’s reagent by flow injection analysis 47-54 Extractions and separations with foamed plastics and rubbers.A review 1-15 Determination of micro-amounts of polythionates. Part XI. Spectrophotometric determination of two species of polythionates in their mixtures by cyanolysis and solvent extraction 41-6 Determination of lead in columbite concentrates by atomic-absorption spectrometry after sulfide separation, 154-6 Spectrophotometric determination of iron by synergistic extraction with isonitrosobenzoylacetone and pyridine, 16&3 Use of enzymes for the release of synthetic colors in foods 472-3 Rapid method for determining fluoride in vegetation using an ion-selective electrode 545-5 1 Pyridinee2-carbaldehyde 2-hydroxybenzoylhydrazone as a selective reagent for the extraction and spectrophoto-Method for the rapid detection of organic pollutants in water by vapor-phase ultraviolet absorption spectrometry metric determination of iron(II) 613-19 668-7 14 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1 979) EXTN(contd) Continuous solvent+!xtraction method for the spectrophotometric determination of cationic surfactants 750-5 Extraction of nanogram amounts of cadmium and other metals from aqueous solution using hexamethyleneamm-Correction system for spectroscopic determination of trace amounts of cadmium using the atomic Faraday effect Determination of residues of organochlorine pesticides in animal fats and eggs 425 -33 Determination of the amino acid contents of coalworkers’ lungs after correction for blood fat dust and collagen, Continuous solvent-extraction method for the spectrophotometric determination of cationic surfactants 750-5 Minimum sample preparation for the determination of ten elements in pig feces and feeds by atomic-absorption Assessment of glass electrodes for determining pH in boiler feed water 63-72 Determination of dimetridazole in pig and poultry feeds by high-performance liquid chromatography 265-8 Minimum sample preparation for the determination of ten elements in pig feces and feeds by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry and a spectrophotometric procedure for total phosphorus 3 1 3-22 Routine determination of nitrogen by Kjeldahl digestion without use of catalyst 378-8 1 Determination of 5-vinyloxazolidine-2-thione in feeding stuffs by high-performance liquid chromatography, Microbiological assay of avoparcin in animal feeds and premixes 1075-82 An improvement in the determination of available lysine in carbohydrate-rich samples 1097-1 00 Titrimetric determination of reducing sugars with copper(I1) sulfate 261-5 Recommended general methods for the examinal ion of fish and fish products 434-50 Improved method for the determination of mercury in fish tissue using 50% hydrogen peroxide in a hot block, Extraction of methylmercury from fish and its determination by atomic-absorption spectroscopy 1 197-200 Sources of error in the flame photometric determination of sodium and potassium in Portland cements 696-7 The impact cup a simple aid in flame spectrometric analysis at high analyte concentrations 792-6 Preparation and operation of selenium electrodeless discharge lamps for use in atomic-fluorescence flame Determination of germanium arsenic selenium tin and antimony in complex samples by hydride generation -Determination of ammonia in low concentrations with Nessler’s reagent by flow injection analysis 47-54 Semiautomatic determination of manganese in natural waters and plant digests by flow injection analysis 371-5 Determination of the prostaglandin F2= content of pharmaceutical preparations with triangle programmed Determination of mercury in smelter flue dusts by acid digestion methods 1 159-64 Relevance of the approximately hyperbolic relationship between fluorescence and concentration to the Luminescence characteristics of tubocurarine chloride 582 -3 Determination of microgram amounts of precious metals using x-ray fluorescence spectrometry 1037-49 X-ray fluorescence determination of platinum and palladium in platinum concentrates using a solution technique Rapid method for determining fluoride in vegetation using an ion-selective electrode 545-5 I Fluorimetric determination of acetohexamide in plasma and tablet formulations using I-methylnicotinamide, Effect of stray light in monochromators on detection limits of flame atomic-fluorescence spectrometric Modified fluorimetric procedure for the simultaneous determination of thiamin and riboflavin in cowpea 63744 Determination of small amounts of selenium in organic matter 778-87 spectrophotometric determination of aliphatic isocyanates in the occupational atmosphere.Part 1. Determination onium hexamethylenedithiocarbamate as the chelating agent 1030-6 with electrothermal atomization 822-30 FARADAY EFFECT FAT 8 6 W FATTY FECES spectrophotometry and a spectrophotometric procedure for total phosphorus 3 13-22 FEED 457-6 I FEHLING FISH 683-7 FLAME PHOTOMETRY FLAME SPECTROMETER FLAME SPECTROMETRY spectrometry 687-91 microwave-induced plasma atomic-emission spectrometry 35-40 FLOUR FLOW INJECTION FLOWING bromimetric titration in flowing solutions 560-5 FLUE FLUORESCENCE determination of quantum efficiencies 48 1-90 105W FLUORIDE FLUORIMETRY 1 17-23 measurements 505-1 5 FLUORODINITROBENZENE of total isocyanate concentration 928-3 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) 15 FLUOROPHORE Relevance of the approximately hyperbolic relationship between fluorescence and concentration to the Extractions and separations with foamed plastics and rubbers.A review 1-15 Separation of bismuth-21 0 and polonium-2 10 from aqueous solutions by spontaneous adsorption on copper foils Evaluation of a method for determination of total antimony arsenic and tin in foodstuffs using measurement by Polarographic study of aflatoxins Bl Bz GI and G2 application of differential-pulse polarography to the Polarographic determination of trace elements in food from a single digest 124-35 Use of enzymes for the release of synthetic colors in foods 472-3 Polarography of Green S 53 1-7 Kinetics of a- and B-molybdosilicic acid formation.897-91 8 Calcium ion-selective electrode measurements in the presence of complexing ligands 96 1-72 Determination of ethylenethiourea in ethylenebisdithiocarbamate fungicides comparison of high-performance Mechanism of atom excitation in carbon furnace atomic-emission spectrometry 208-23 Determination of noble metals by carbon furnace atomic-absorption spectrometry.Part 1. Atom formation processes 645-59 Separation of organotin compounds by using the difference in partition behavior between hexane and methanolic buffer solution. Part 1. Determination of butyltin compounds in textiles by graphite furnace atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 660-7 Investigation of atomizer tube design for carbon furnace atomic-emission spectrometry 1 138-50 Gas analysis using an internal standard in adsorption tubes 698-9 Determination of bifunctional compounds. Part IV. 4-Iodobutaneboronic acid as a selective reagent for the trace Determination of acrylonitrile monomer in plastic packaging and beverages by headspace gas chromatography, Analysis of steroids. Part XXXII. Determination of allylestrenol by titrimetric polarographic and gas-Determination of cetrimide in typical pharmaceutical preparations using pyrolysis-gas chromatography 45 1-5 Determination of styrene in the atmosphere near industrial sites by gas chromatography 455-7 Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of polyethylene bottle packed intravenous solutions contaminated with NtAhylaniline from the rubber part of the two-component closure 580-2 Studies in gas chromatography-chemical ionization mass spectrometry of some silicate anions 766-70 Hydrocarbon analysis of naphtha using capillary-column gas chromatography under isothermal conditions, Combined gas chromatography-chemical ionization mass spectrometry of some phthalate esters 84652 Trace determination of carbonyl compounds in air by gas Chromatography of their 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones, Effect of ammonium nitrate on the gas-chromatographic determination of some pesticide residues in soils 878-80 Determination of mercaptoacetic acid in hair waving and depilatory products 1062-9 Determination of ethylenethiourea in ethylenebisdithiocarbamate fungicides comparison of high-performance Determination of residues of organochlorine pesticides in animal fats and eggs 425-33 Implementation of a sensitive method for determining mercury in surface waters and sediments by cold-vapor Statistical appraisal of interference effects in the determination of trace elements by atomic-absorption Determination of germanium arsenic selenium tin and antimony in complex samples by hydride generation -A variation of the Monier-Williams distillation technique for the determination of sulfur dioxide in ginger ale, determination of quantum efficiencies 48 1-90 FOAM FOIL 1151-8 FOOD atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with atomization in a silica tube using the hydride generation technique, 1 &34 determination of aflatoxin B in various foodstuffs 73-8 FORMATION FORMATION CONST FUNGICIDE liquid chromatography and gas-liquid chromatography 1 1 1-1 6 FURNACE GAS ANALYSIS GAS CHROMATOG determination of bifunctional compounds 82-6 10&10 chromatographic methods 19&200 788-92 875-7 GAS LIQ CHROMATOG liquid chromatography and gas-liquid chromatography 1 I 1-1 6 GENERATION atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 979-82 spectrophotometry in applied geochemistry 299-3 12 microwave-induced plasma atomic-emission spectrometry 35-40 GINGER 694-6 GEOCHEM GERMANIU 16 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) GLASS Assessment of glass electrodes for determining pH in boiler feed water 63-72 Sequential multielement analysis of small fragments of glass by atomic+mission spectrometry using an Rapid spectrophotometric method for the determination of arsenic(II1) in borate glasses 1094-7 Histochemical identification of commercial wheat gluten 1 135-7 Determination of the amino acid contents of coalworkers’ lungs after correction for blood fat dust and collagen, Mechanism of atom excitation in carbon furnace atomic-emission spectrometry.208-23 Separation of organotin compounds by using the difference in partition behavior between hexane and methanolic buffer solution.Part 1 . Determination of butyltin compounds in textiles by graphite furnace atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 660-7 inductively coupled radiofrequency argon plasma source 5 1 6 2 4 GLUTEN GLYCOPROTEIN 8604 GRAPHITE GRAVIMETRY GREEN S Gravimetric determination of copper(I1) and cobalt(I1) by selective precipitation with benzimidazole 375-7 Polarography of Green S 53 1-7 Direct differential-pulse polarographic determination of mixtures of the food coloring matters tartrazine-Sunset Direct differential-pulse polarographic determination of mixtures of food coloring matters Chocolate Brown Determination of osmium(VI11) alone or in binary mixtures with some Group VIII cations by potentiometric Determination of microgram amounts of precious metals using x-ray fluorescence spectrometry 103749 Determination of mercaptoacetic acid in hair waving and depilatory products 1062-9 Determination of thiocyanates by thermal decomposition of silver thiocyanate 167-7 1 Extraction of nanogram amounts of cadmium and other metals from aqueous solution using hexamethyleneamm-Extraction of nanogram amounts of cadmium arid other metals from aqueous solution using hexamethyleneamm-Method for the rapid detection of organic pollutants in water by vapor-phase ultraviolet absorption spectrometry Determination of ethylenethiourea in ethylenebisdithiocarbamate fungicides comparison of high-performance Determination of dimetridazole in pig and poultry feeds by high-performance liquid chromatography 265-8 Determination of 5-vinyloxazolidine-2-thione in feeding stuffs by high-performance liquid chromatography, Use of enzymes for the release of synthetic colors in foods 472-3 Determination of vitamin D2 in multivitamin tablets by high-performance liquid chromatography 62636 Internal standardization and its value in the assessment of the suitability of the column for quantitative high+ Novel reagent for the determination of atmospheric isocyanate monomer concentrations 890- 1 High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of acrylic acid monomer in natural and polluted Determination of ochratoxin A in pig’s kidney using enzymic digestion dialysis and high-performance liquid Histochemical identification of commercial wheiit gluten 1 135-7 Determination of aluminum calcium iron and magnesium in sewages and sewage effluent by a rapid electrother-Improved method for the determination of mercury in fish tissue using 50% hydrogen peroxide in a hot block, Determination of phenindione using organic brominating agents 5668 Trace determination of carbonyl compounds in air by gas chromatography of their 2,4dinitrophenylhydrazones, Naphthidines and o-dianisidine as redox indicators in titrations with N-bromosuccinimide 865-72 Yellow FCF tartrazine-Green S and Amardnth-Green S in soft drinks 723-9 HT Tartrazine and Green S 1087-90 GROUP VIII titration of iodide 5769 HAIR HALIDE H EXAMETHYLENEAMMONIUM onium hexamethylenedithiocarbamate as the chelating agent 1030-6 HEXAMETHYLENEDITHIOCARBAMATE onium hexamethylenedithiocarbamate as the chelating agent 1030-6 HEXANE 668-79 HIGH PERFORMANCE liquid chromatography and gds-liquid chromatography 1 1 1-1 6 457-6 1 performance liquid chromatography 77 1-7 aqueous environments and polyacrylates 1 165-70 chromatography with postcolumn derivatization 1 171-5 HISTOCHEM HOMOGENIZATION mal atomic-absorption spectroscopic method 83 1-6 HOT BLOCK 683-7 HYDANTOIN HYDRAZINE 875-7 H Y D RAZINI U ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1 979) 17 HYDRAZONE Spectrophotometric determination of cobalt(I1) with 2,2’-pyridil bis(2-quinolylhydrazone) 572-5 Pyridine-2xarbaldehyde 2-hydroxybenzoylhydrazone as a selective reagent for the extraction and spectrophoto-Trace determination of carbonyl compounds in air by gas chromatography of their 2,44initrophenylhydrazones, metric determination of iron(II) 61 3-19 x75-7 Selective spectrophotometric determination of zinc with 2,2’-dipyridyl-2-quinolylhydrazone 1 188-9 1 YDRIDE GENERATION Evaluation of a method for determination of total antimony arsenic and tin in foodstuffs using measurement by Determination of germanium arsenic selenium tin and antimony in complex samples by hydride generation -YDROCARBON Hydrocarbon analysis of naphtha using capillary-column gas chromatography under isothermal conditions, atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with atomization in a silica tube using the hydride generation technique, 16-34 microwave-induced plasma atomic+mission spectrometry 35-40 788-92 HYDROGEN Improved method for the determination of mercury in fish tissue using 50% hydrogen peroxide in a hot block, Modified fluorimetric procedure for the simultaneous determination of thiamin and riboflavin in cowpea 637-44 Ion-selective polymeric-membrane electrodes with immobilized ion+xchange sites.Part 1. Development of a Spectrophotometric determination of microgram amounts of hydroquinone pyrogallol and resorcinol 148-5 1 Naphthidines and o-dianisidine as redox indicators in titrations with N-bromosuccinimide 865-72 Non-aqueous titration of substituted N-o-tolylbenzohydroxamic acids 873-5 Pyridine-2xarbaldehyde 2-hydroxybenzoylhydrazone as a selective reagent for the extraction and spectrophoto-Spectrophotometric determination of nitrite using 4,5-dihydroxycoumarin 985-8 Naphthidines and o-dianisidine as redox indicators in titrations with N-bromosuccinimide 865-72 Ionic polymerization as a means of end-point indication in non-aqueous thermometric titrimetry.Part X. Naphthidines and o-dianisidine as redox indicators in titrations with N-bromosuccinimide 865-72 Non-aqueous titration of substituted N-o-tolylbenzohydroxamic acids 873-5 Preparation and stability of dilute insecticide analytical standards for gas chromatography 1 176-80 Statistical appraisal of interference effects in the determination of trace elements by atomic-absorption Interference films on the sensor membranes of solid-state copper(I1) ion-selective electrodes 348-57 Interference studies in the batch determination of nitrate in freshwater by reduction with cadmium to nitrite, Influence of conditianing agents on the determination of metallic content of sewage sludge by atomic-absorption Interferences of a barium ion-selective electrode used for the potentiometric titration of sulfate 973-6 Approach for achieving comparable analytical results from a number of laboratories 273-89 Accuracy of determination of chloride in river waters analytical quality control in the harmonized monitoring Gas analysis using an internal standard in adsorption tubes 698-9 Internal standardization and its value in the assessment of the suitability of the column for quantitative high-Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of polyethylene bottle packed intravenous solutions Iodimetric determination of milligram amounts of certain aliphatic acids 691-3 Determination of osmium(VII1) alone or in binary mixtures with some Group VIII cations by potentiometric Iodimetric determination of milligram amounts of certain aliphatic acids 691-3 Spectrophotometric determination of iodide ion using palladium and 2-nitroso-5-diethylaminopheno1 880-2 683-7 HYDROLYSIS calcium electrode 730-8 H Y DROQUINONE HYDROXAMIC HY DROXY BENZOY LHYDRAZONE metric determination of iron(II) 61 3-19 HY DROXYCOUMARIN HYDROXYLAMMONIUM INDICATOR Acrylonitrile indicator reactions in the determination of acids 80 1-1 1 INSECTICIDE INTERFERENCE spectrophotometry in applied geochemistry 299-3 12 3 8 5-90 spectrophotometry with electrothermal atomization 93743 INTERLAB scheme 290-8 INTERNAL performance liquid chromatography 771-7 contaminated with N+thylaniline from the rubber part of the twcxomponent closure 580-2 INTRAVENOUS IODATE IODIDE titration of iodide 576-18 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX ( I 979) IODINE Recovery of iodine as iodine-125 from biological materials prior to assay 469-71 Rapid spectrophotometric method for the determination of arsenic(II1) in borate glasses 1094-7 Determination of bifunctional compounds.Part IV. 4-Iodobutaneboronic acid as a selective reagent for the trace Automated catalytic method for the routine determination of molybdenum in plant materials 552-9 Iodimetric determination of milligram amounts of certain aliphatic acids 69 1-3 Limit of detection in analysis with ion-selective electrodes 248-57 Interference films on the sensor membranes of solid-state copper(I1) ion-selective electrodes 348-57 Rapid method for determining fluoride in vegetation using an ion-selective electrode 545-5 1 Ion-selective polymeric-membrane electrodes with immobilized ion-exchange sites.Part 1. Development of a Mechanism of atom excitation in carbon furnace atomic-emission spectrometry 208-23 Studies in gas chromatographyxhemical ionization mass spectrometry of some silicate anions 766-70 Spectrophotometric determination of iron by synergistic extraction with isonitrosobenzoylacetone and pyridine, Pyridine-2xarbaldehyde 2-hydroxybenzoylhydrazone as a selective reagent for the extraction and spectrophoto-Determination of aluminum calcium iron and magnesium in sewages and sewage effluent by a rapid electrother-Naphthidines and odianisidine as redox indicators in titrations with N-bromosuccinimide 865-72 Determination of antimony and other trace elements in irons and steels by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry Determination of iron(I1) in rock soil and clay 1055-61 Novel reagent for the determination of atmospheric isocyanate monomer concentrations 890-1 Spectrophotometric determination of aliphatic isocyanates in the occupational atmosphere.Part 1. Determination Trace determination of carbonyl compounds in air by gas chromatography of their 2,44nitrophenylhydrazones, Spectrophotometric determination of iron by synergistic extraction with isonitrosobenzoylacetone and pyridine, Spectrophotometric determination of isoprenaline sulfate and methyldopa using chloranil 1468 Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of free cyanide in Prussian blue 525-30 Determination of small amounts of nickel in organic matter by atomic-absorption spectrometry 1070-4 Trace determination of carbonyl compounds in air by gas chromatography of their 2,Minitrophenylhydrazones, Determination of ochratoxin A in pig’s kidney using enzymic digestion dialysis and high-performance liquid chromatography with postcolumn derivatization 1 17 1-5 Electroanalytical study of zinc-L-citrulline complex at a dropping-mercury electrode 883-6 Kinetics of a- and P-molybdosilicic acid formation 897-9 I8 Preparation and operation of selenium electrodeless discharge lamps for use in atomic-fluorescence flame Determination of lead in columbite concentrates by atomic-absorption spectrometry after sulfide separation, Quantitative determination of lead dioxide polymorphs by x-ray powder diffractometry 952-60 Determination of lead bismuth zinc silver and antimony in steel and nickel-base alloys by atomic-absorption Determination of antimony(II1) by titration with manganese(II1) and manganese(IV) 12014 Determination of germanium arsenic selenium tin and antimony in complex samples by hydride generation -Determination of oxycarboxin residues in medicinal plants 1 1914 Absorptiometric determination of low oxygen concentrations in power-station waters.Part 1. Manual method, IODOBUTANEBORONIC determination of bifunctional compounds 82-6 IODOMETRY ION SELECTIVE calcium electrode 730-8 IONIZATION IRON 160-3 metric determination of iron(II) 613-19 mal atomic-absorption spectroscopic method 83 1-6 with introduction of solid samples into an induction furnace 944-51 ISOCYANATE of total isocyanate concentration 928-36 ISOMERISM 875-7 ISONITROSOBENZOYLACETONE 160-3 ISOPRENALINE ISOPU RPURATE KALE KETONE 875-7 KIDNEY a KINETICS LAMP spectrometry 687-91 LEAD 154-6 spectrometry using direct atomization of solid samples in a graphite furnace 101 7-29 LEAF microwave-induced plasma atomic-emission spectrometry 35-40 LEUCOMETHYLENE BLU ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) 19 LEUCOMETHYLENE BLUE(contd) 1105-1s automatic method using the Technicon AutoAnalyzer 1 1 19-23 contraceptives by diffuse reflection and fluorescence methods 407-1 1 measurements 505-1 5 Absorptiometric determination of low oxygen concentrations in power-station waters.Part 11. Continuous Direct quantitative thin-layer chromatographic determination of levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol in oral Effect of stray light in monochromators on detection limits of flame atomic-fluorescence spectrometric LEVONORGESTREL LIGHT LIMIT Limit of detection in analysis with ion-selective electrodes 248-57 Effect of stray light in monochromators on detection limits of flame atomic-fluorescence spectrometric Determination of ethylenethiourea in ethylenebisdithiocarbamate fungicides comparison of high-performance Determination of dimetridazole in pig and poultry feeds by high-performance liquid chromatography 265-8 Liquid chromatographic determination of acrylamide monomer in natural and polluted aqueous environments, Determination of 5-vinyloxazolidine-2-thione in feeding stuffs by high-performance liquid chromatography, Use of enzymes for the release of synthetic colors in foods 472-3 Determination of vitamin D2 in multivitamin tablets by high-performance liquid chromatography 626-36 Internal standardization and its value in the assessment of the suitability of the column for quantitative high-Novel reagent for the determination of atmospheric isocyanate monomer concentrations 890-1 High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of acrylic acid monomer in natural and polluted Determination of ochratoxin A in pig’s kidney using enzymic digestion dialysis and high-performance liquid Determination of nitrite ion in unused cutting fluids and cutting oils using a gas-sensing electrode method 358-66 Direct determination of calcium magnesium and zinc in lubricating oils and additives by atomic-absorption High-frequency microtitrimetric determination of acidic and basic constituents in lubricating oils.Part 11. Determination of the amino acid contents of coalworkers’ lungs after correction for blood fat dust and collagen, An improvement in the determination of available lysine in carbohydrate-rich samples 1097-1 00 Direct determination of calcium magnesium and zinc in lubricating oils and additives by atomic-absorption Determination of aluminum calcium iron and magnesium in sewages and sewage effluent by a rapid electrother-Modified colorimetric method for the determination of malathion 1 129-34 Determination of conjugated diolefins in cracked naphtha 1204-7 Semiautomatic determination of manganese in natural waters and plant digests by flow injection analysis 37 1-5 Determination of antimony(II1) by titration with manganese(II1) and manganese(IV) 1201-4 Determination of oxycarboxin residues in medicinal plants I 1914 Studies in gas chromatography-chemical ionization mass spectrometry of some silicate anions 766-70 Combined gas chromatography<hemical ionization mass spectrometry of some phthalate esters 846- 52 Reproducibility of pyrolysis-mass spectrometry using three different pyrolysis systems 334-47 Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of polyethylene bottle packed intravenous solutions Cathode-ray polarographic determination of molybdenum in serum plasma and urine 68&3 Automatic emission spectrometer for the determination of nitrogen-] 5 756-65 Determination of small amounts of selenium in organic matter 778-87 measurements 505-1 5 liquid chromatography and gas-liquid chromatography 1 1 1-1 6 LIQ CHROMATOG 391-9 457-6 1 performance liquid chromatography 77 1-7 aqueous environments and polyacrylates 1 165-70 chromatography with postcolumn derivatization 1 171-5 LUBRICANT LUBRICATING spectrometry using a mixed solvent system 156-60 Determination of total base number 73949 LUBRICATION LUNG 860-4 LYSINE MAGNESIUM spectrometry using a mixed solvent system 156-60 mal atomic-absorption spectroscopic method 83 1-6 MALATHION MALEIC MANGANESE MARSHMALLOW MASS SPECTRA MASS SPECTROMETRY contaminated with N+thylaniline from the rubber part of the two-component closure 580-2 MATERIA 20 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) MEAL Determination of 5-vinyloxazolidine-2- thione in feeding stuffs by high-performance liquid chromatography, Histochemical identification of commercial wheat gluten 1 135-7 Determination of chloride in high-purity waters in the range &20 pg L I of chloride using ion-selective Ion-selective polymeric-membrane electrodes with immobilized ion+xchange sites.Part 1. Development of a A variation of the Monier-Williams distillation technique for the determination of sulfur dioxide in ginger ale, 457-6 1 MEAT MEMBRANE membrane electrodes incorporating mercury(1) chloride 55-62 calcium electrode 730-8 MERCAPTO 694-6 MERCAPTOACETIC Determination of mercaptoacetic acid in hair waving and depilatory products 1062-9 MERCAPTONITROBENZOIC A variation of the Monier-Williams distillation technique for the determination of sulfur dioxide in ginger ale, Determination of chloride in high-purity waters in the range 6 2 0 pg L 1 of chloride using ion-selective membrane electrodes incorporating mercury(1) chloride 55-62 Sub-micrometer particle size characterization and distribution by mercury penetration 97- I05 Determination of trace amounts of mercury in silver metal 461-6 Improved method for the determination of mercury in fish tissue using 50% hydrogen peroxide in a hot block, Implementation of a sensitive method for determining mercury in surface waters and sediments by cold-vapor Determination of mercury in smelter flue dusts by acid digestion methods 1 159-64 Extraction of methylmercury from fish and its determination by atomic-absorption spectroscopy 1 197-200 Polarographic determination of trace elements in food from a single digest 124-35 Direct determination of calcium magnesium and zinc in lubricating oils and additives by atomic-absorption Sequential multielement analysis of small fragments of glass by atomic-emission spectrometry using an Determination of osmium(VII1) alone or in binary mixtures with some Group VIII cations by potentiometric Determination of noble metals by carbon furnace atomic-absorption spectrometry.Part 1. Atom formation Sources of error in the flame photometric determination of sodium and potassium in Portland cements 696-7 Determination of aluminum calcium iron and magnesium in sewages and sewage effluent by a rapid electrother-Influence of conditioning agents on the determination of metallic content of sewage sludge by atomic-absorption Determination of lead bismuth zinc silver and antimony in steel and nickel-base alloys by atomic-absorption Determination of microgram amounts of precious metals using x-ray fluorescence spectrometry 103749 Investigation of atomizer tube design for carbon furnace atomic-mission spectrometry 1 138-50 Detection of ucysteine methionine thiourea allylthiourea and a-naphthylthiourea in submilligram amounts Modified colorimetric method for the determination of malathion 1 129-34 Spectrophotometric determination of acetaminophen salicylamide and codeine phosphate in tablets 620-5 Direct differential-pulse polarographic determination of mixtures of the food coloring matters tartrazine-Sunset Spectrophotometric determination of isoprenaline sulfate and methyldopa using chloranil 146-8 Absorptiometric determination of low oxygen concentrations in power-station waters.Part I . Manual method, Absorptiometric determination of low oxygen concentrations in power-station waters. Part 11. Continuous Extraction of nanogram amounts of cadmium and other metals from aqueous solution using hexamethyleneamm-Extraction of nanogram amounts of cadmium and other metals from aqueous solution using hexamethyleneamm-694-6 MERCURY 683-7 atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 979-82 METAL spectrometry using a mixed solvent system 156-60 inductively coupled radiofrequency argon plasma source 5 16-24 titration of iodide 576-9 processes 645-59 mal atomic-absorption spectroscopic method 83 1-6 spectrophotometry with electrothermal atomization 93743 spectrometry using direct atomization of solid samples in a graphite furnace 101 7-29 METHIONINE using acidified potassium chromate solution 977-9 METHYL METHYL ORANGE METHYLAMMONIUM Yellow FCF tartrazine-Green S and Amaranth-Green S in soft drinks 723-9 METHYLDOPA METHYLENE BLUE 1105-18 automatic method using the Technicon AutoAnalyzer I 1 19-23 onium hexamethylenedithiocarbamate as the chelating agent 1030-6 M ETHYLENEAMMONIUM M ETHY LENEDITHIOCARBAMAT ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) 21 METHY LEN EDITHIOCARBAMATE(c0ntd) METHYLENETHIOCARBAMATE METHYLMERCURY M ETHY LMETHIONINE M ETHYLNICOTINAMIDE onium hexamethylenedithiocarbamate as the chelating agent 1030-6 Determination of small amounts of nickel in organic matter by atomic-absorption spectrometry 1070-4 Extraction of methylmercury from fish and its determination by atomic-absorption spectroscopy 1 197-200 Determination of S-methylmethionine in plant products by use of an automatic amino-acid analyzer 79-82 Fluorimetric determination of acetohexamide in plasma and tablet formulations using 1-methylnicotinamide, Studies in gas chromatographyxhemical ionization mass spectrometry of some silicate anions 766-70 Luminescence characteristics of tubocurarine chloride.582- 3 117-23 M ETHY LSILY L METHYLTUBOCURARINE METOL MICROBIOL MICROTITRN Naphthidines and o-dianisidine as rcdox indicators in titrations with N-bromosuccinimide 865-72 Microbiological assay of avoparcin in animal feeds and premixes 1075-82 High-frequency microtitrimetric determination of acidic and basic constituents in lubricating oils.Part 11. Direct determination of calcium in milk on a nonsegmented continuous-flow system 41 9-24 Determination of small amounts of nickel in organic matter by atomic-absorption spectrometry 10704 Spectrophotometric method for the rapid determination of microgram amounts of platinum 400-6 Single reagent method for the spectrophotometric determination of phosphorus in silicates 1 1248 Automated catalytic method for the routine determination of molybdenum in plant materials 552-9 Cathode-ray polarographic determination of molybdenum in serum plasma and urine 68&3 Kinetics of CI- and P-molybdosilicic acid formation 897-91 8 Effect of stray light in monochromators on detection limits of flame atomic-fluorescence spectrometric Simplification of the mathematical evaluation of titration results by regarding complexes of the type A,B as n Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant.Part IV. General-purpose program for Determination of germanium arsenic selenium tin and antimony in complex samples by hydride generation -Determination of total base number 73949 MILK MINERAL MOLYBDATE MOLYBDENUM MOLYBDOSILICIC MONOCHROMATOR measurements 505- 1 5 MONOPROTIC complexes of the type AB 593-600 evaluating potentiometric acid-base titrations 601-12 MULTIELEMENT microwave-induced plasma atomicxmission spectrometry 35-40 MULTIVITAMIN Determination of vitamin Dz in multivitamin tablets by high-performance liquid chromatography 626-36 NAPHTHA Hydrocarbon analysis of naphtha using capillary-column gas chromatography under isothermal conditions, Determination of conjugated diolefins in cracked naphtha 1204-7 Determination of small amounts of selenium in organic matter 778-87 Naphthidines and odianisidine as redox indicators in titrations with N-bromosuccinimide 865-72 Spectrophotometric method for the determination of residues of carbaryl in water 1 185-8 Determination of oxycarboxin residues in medicinal plants 1 19 1-4 Determination of phenindione using organic brominating agents 566-8 Naphthidines and odianisidine as redox indicators in titrations with N-bromosuccinimide 865-72 Determination of ammonia in low concentrations with Nessler’s reagent by flow injection analysis 47-54 Electroanalytical study of zinc-Lxitrulline complex at a dropping-mercury electrode 883-6 Determination of lead bismuth zinc silver and antimony in steel and nickel-base alloys by atomic-absorption Determination of small amounts of nickel in organic matter by atomic-absorption spectrometry 1070-4 788-92 NAPHTHALENE NAPHTHIDINE NAPHTHOL N APHTHY LETHY LENEAMMONIUM N BS NESSLERS NICKEL, spectrometry using direct atomization of solid samples in a graphite furnace 101 7-2 22 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) NICOTINAMIDE NIOBIUM NITRATE Assay of nicotinamide in multivitamin preparations using an ammonia gas-sensing electrode 1 18 1 4 Identification and determination of titanium sulfide and carbosulfide compounds in steel 8 12-21 Interference studies in the batch determination of nitrate in freshwater by reduction with cadmium to nitrite, Determination of nitrate in raw potable and waste waters by ultraviolet spectrophotometry 83745 Effect of ammonium nitrate on the gas-chromatographic determination of some pesticide residues in soils 878-80 Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of boron in solutions containing large amounts of nitrate, Determination of nitrate and nitrite in river waters 1195-7 NITRATION -1 Polarographic determination of some linear alkylbenzene sulfonates 853-9 NITRIDE Identification and determination of titanium sulfide and carbosulfide compounds in steel 81 2-21 NITRITE Determination of nitrite ion in unused cutting fluids and cutting oils using a gas-sensing electrode method 358-66 Spectrophotometric determination of nitrite using 4,5dihydroxycoumarin 985-8 Determination of nitrate and nitrite in river waters 1195-7 Non-aqueous titration of substituted N-o-tolylbenzohydroxamic acids 873-5 An improvement in the determination of available lysine in carbohydrate-rich samples 1097-1 00 A variation of the Monier-Williams distillation technique for the determination of sulfur dioxide in ginger ale, Spectrophotometric determination of aliphatic isocyanates in the occupational atmosphere.Part 1. Determination Apparatus for the automatic preparation of soil extracts for mineral-nitrogen determination 136-42 Routine determination of nitrogen by Kjeldahl digestion without use of catalyst 378-8 1 Detemination of nitrogenous gases evolved from soils in closed systems 53844 Automatic emission spectrometer for the determination of nitrogen-l5,756-65 Trace determination of carbonyl compounds in air by gas chromatography of their 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones, Spectrophotometric determination of acetaminophen and salicylamide through nitrosation and subsequent Spectrophotometric determination of iodide ion using palladium and 2-nitroso-5-diethylaminophenol 880-2 Trace determination of carbonyl compounds in air by gas chromatography of their 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones, Determination of noble metals by carbon furnace atomic-absorption spectrometry.Part 1. Atom formation Determination of microgram amounts of precious metals using x-ray fluorescence spectrometry 103749 Spectrophotometric determination of cobalt( 11) with 2,2’-pyridil bis(2-quinolylhydrazone) 572-5 Investigations on reaction mechanisms in the determination of non-ionic surfactants in waters as potassium Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of boron in solutions containing large amounts of nitrate, Determination of ochratoxin A in pig’s kidney using enzymic digestion dialysis and high-performance liquid Direct determination of calcium magnesium and zinc in lubricating oils and additives by atomic-absorption Method for the rapid detection of organic pollutants in water by vapor-phase ultraviolet absorption spectrometry High-frequency microtitrimetric determination of acidic and basic constituents in lubricating oils.Part 11. Determination of small amounts of nickel in organic matter by atomic-absorption spectrometry 10704 3 8 5-90 983-5 NITROANILINE NITROBENZENESULFONIC NITROBENZOIC 694-6 NITROFLUOROBENZENE of total isocyanate concentration 928-36 NITROGEN NITROPHENY LHYDRAZINE 875-7 NITROSATION chelation 9 19-27 NITROSODIETHYLAMINOPHENOL NMR 875-7 NOBLE METAL 0 processes 645-59 NONBASE NONYLPHENYL picrate active substances 241-7 NUTRIENT 983-5 OCHRATOXIN chromatography with postcolumn derivatizdtion 1 171-5 spectrometry using a mixed solvent system 156-60 OIL 668-79 Determination of total base number 7394 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) 23 OLEFIN ORAL Determination of conjugated diolefins in cracked naphtha 1204-7 Direct quantitative thin-layer chromatographic determination of levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol in oral Determination of germanium arsenic selenium tin and antimony in complex samples by hydride generation -Determination of microgram amounts of precious metals using x-ray fluorescence spectrometry 103749 Determination of residues of organochlorine pesticides in animal fats and eggs 425-33 Preparation and stability of dilute insecticide analytical standards for gas chromatography 1 1 7 ~ 3 0 Separation of organotin compounds by using the difference in partition behavior between hexane and methanolic buffer solution.Part 1. Determination of butyltin compounds in textiles by graphite furnace atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 660-7 titration of iodide 57&9 contraceptives by diffuse reflection and fluorescence methods 407-1 1 microwave-induced plasma atomic-emission spectrometry 3540 ORCHARD ORE ORGANOCHLORINE ORGANOPHOSPHORUS ORGANOTIN OSMIUM Determination of osmium(VII1) alone or in binary mixtures with some Group VIII cations by potentiometric Detemination of nitrogenous gases evolved from soils in closed systems 53844 Quantitative determination of lead dioxide polymorphs by x-ray powder diffractometry 952-60 Detemination of nitrogenous gases evolved from soils in closed systems 5 3 8 4 Application of difference spectrophotometry to the determination of dipyrone 568-72 Determination of small amounts of selenium in organic matter 778-87 Determination of small amounts of nickel in organic matter by atomic-absorption spectrometry 1070-4 Determination of oxycarboxin residues in medicinal plants 1 19 1 4 Absorptiometric determination of low oxygen concentrations in power-station waters.Part 1. Manual method, Absorptiometric determination of low oxygen concentrations in power-station waters. Part 11. Continuous Determination of acrylonitrile monomer in plastic packaging and beverages by headspace gas chromatography, Reproducibility of pyrolysis-mass spectrometry using three different pyrolysis systems 334-47 Spectrophotometric determination of iodide ion using palladium and 2-nitroso-54iethy1aminopheno1 880-2 X-ray fluorescence determination of platinum and palladium in platinum concentrates using a solution technique 3-(2’-Thiazolylazo)-2,6-diaminotoluene as a selective and sensitive reagent for the spectrophotometric Spectrophotometric determination of acetaminophen and salicylamide through nitrosation and subsequent Spectrophotometric method for the determination of paraquat 258-6 1 Sub-micrometer particle size characterization and distribution by mercury penetration 97-105 Selective determination of arsenic(1 I I) and arsenic(V) by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry following arsine Determination of oxycarboxin residues in medicinal plants 1 19 1 4 Spectrophotometric method for the rapid determination of microgram amounts of platinum 400-6 Determination of chromium in natural waters and sewage effluents by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry Improved method for the determination of mercury in fish tissue using 50% hydrogen peroxide in a hot block, Determination of residues of organochlorine pesticides in animal fats and eggs 425-33 Effect of ammonium nitrate on the gasxhromatographic determination of some pesticide residues in soils 878 80 OXIDE OXIDN OXYCARBOXIN OXYGEN 1105-18 automatic method using the Technicon AutoAnalyzer 11 19-23 PACKAGING 10&10 PAINT PALLADIUM 1050-4 determination of palladium 109 1 4 chelation 91 9-27 PARACETAMOL PARAQUAT PARTICLE PENTAVALENT generation 172-3 PEPPERMINT PERAZINE PERCH LORATE using an air-acetylene flame 2243 1 PEROXIDE 683-7 PESTICID 24 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) PH PHARMACEUTICAL Assessment of glass electrodes for determining pH in boiler feed water 63-72 Spectrophotometric determination of dequalinium chloride in pharmaceutical preparations 1 43-6 Determination of cetrimide in typical pharmaceutical preparations using pyrolysis-gas chromatography 45 1-5 Determination of the prostaglandin Fza content 01’ pharmaceutical preparations with triangle programmed Determination of phenindione using organic brominating agents 566-8 Application of difference spectrophotometry to the determination of dipyrone 568-72 Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of polyethylene bottle packed intravenous solutions Spectrophotometric determination of acetaminophen salicylamide and codeine phosphate in tablets 620-5 Internal standardization and its value in the assessment of the suitability of the column for quantitative high-Determination of iron(I1) in rock soil and clay 1055-61 Determination of phenindione using organic brorninating agents 566-8 Direct differential-pulse polarographic determination of mixtures of the food coloring matters tartrazine-Sunset Spectrophotometric determination of acetaminophen salicylamide and codeine phosphate in tablets 620-5 Ion-selective polymeric-membrane electrodes with immobilized ion+xchange sites.Part 1 . Development of a Modified colorimetric method for the determination of malathion 1 129-34 Direct differential-pulse polarographic determination of mixtures of the food coloring matters tartrazine-Sunset Luminescence characteristics of tubocurarine chloride 582-3 Determination of trace amounts of sulfate by molecular emission cavity analysis using a vaporization system, Single reagent method for the spectrophotometric determination of phosphorus in silicates 1 1268 Sources of error in the flame photometric determination of sodium and potassium in Portland cements 696-7 Combined gas chromatography-chemical ionization mass spectrometry of some phthalate esters 84652 Investigations on reaction mechanisms in the determination of non-ionic surfactants in waters as potassium Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of free cyanide in Prussian blue 525-30 Determination of ochratoxin A in pig’s kidney using enzymic digestion dialysis and high-performance liquid Determination of antimony(II1) by titration with rnanganese(II1) and manganese(IV) 1201-4 Novel reagent for the determination of atmospheric isocyanate monomer concentrations 890- 1 Determination of S-methylmethionine in plant products by use of an automatic amino-acid analyzer 79-82 Simple procedure for the determination of total carbon and its radioactivity in soils and plant materials 15 1-4 Automated catalytic method for the routine determination of molybdenum in plant materials 552-9 Determination of oxycarboxin residues in medicinal plants 1 191-4 Fluorimetric determination of acetohexamide in plasma and tablet formulations using 1-methylnicotinamide, Sequential multielement analysis of small fragments of glass by atomic-mission spectrometry using an Cathode-ray polarographic determination of molybdenum in serum plasma and urine 680-3 Extractions and separations with foamed plastics and rubbers.A review 1-1 5 Determination of acrylonitrile monomer in plastic packaging and beverages by headspace gas chromatography, Spectrophotometric method for the rapid determination of microgram amounts of platinum 400-6 X-ray fluorescence determination of platinum and palladium in platinum concentrates using a solution technique bromimetric titration in flowing solutions 560-5 contaminated with N-ethylaniline from the rubber part of the two+omponent closure 580-2 performance liquid chromatography 771-7 PHENANTHROLINE PHENINDIONE PHENYLPHOSPHONIUM Yellow FCF tartrazine-Green S and Amaranth-Green S in soft drinks 723-9 PHOSPHATE calcium electrode 730-8 PHOSPHONIUM Yellow FCF tartrazine-Green S and Amaranth-Green S in soft drinks 723-9 PHOSPHORESCENCE PHOSPHORIC 88690 PHOSPHORUS PHOTOMETRY PHTHALATE PICRATE picrate active substances 241-7 PIG chromatography with postcolumn derivatization 1 17 1-5 PIPERAZINE PLANT PLASMA 1 17-23 inductively coupled radiofrequency argon plasma source 5 16-24 PLASTIC 106-10 PLATINUM 1050-ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) 25 PNEUMOCONIOSIS Determination of the amino acid contents of coalworkers’ lungs after correction for blood fat dust and collagen, Polarographic study of aflatoxins BI Bz GI and G2 application of differential-pulse polarogrdphy to the Polarographic determination of trace elements in food from a single digest 124-35 Analysis of steroids.Part XXXII. Determination of allylestrenol by titrimetric polarographic and gas-Polarography of Green S 53 1-7 Cathode-ray polarographic determination of molybdenum in serum plasma and urine 680-3 Electrochemical studies of strongly chelating anthraquinone derivatives 705-22 Direct differential-pulse polarographic determination of mixtures of the food coloring matters tartrazine-Sunset Polarographic determination of some linear alkylbenzene sulfonates 853-9 Electroanalytical study of zinc-Lt5trulline complex at a dropping-mercury electrode 883-6 Fast and simple polarographic method for the determination of free and total sulfur dioxide in wines and other Direct differential-pulse polarographic determination of mixtures of food coloring matters Chocolate Brown Method for the rapid detection of organic pollutants in water by vapor-phase ultraviolet absorption spectrometry Separation of bismuth-21 0 and polonium-2 10 from aqueous solutions by spontaneous adsorption on copper foils High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of acrylic acid monomer in natural and polluted Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of polyethylene bottle packed intravenous solutions Reproducibility of pyrolysis-mass spectrometry using three different pyrolysis systems 33447 Ionic polymerization as a means of end-point indication in non-aqueous thermometric titrimetry.Part X. 8 6 W POLAROG determination of aflatoxin BI in various foodstuffs 73-8 chromatographic methods 196-200 Yellow FCF tartrazine-Green S and Amaranth-Green S in soft drinks 723-9 common beverages 1083-7 HT Tartrazine and Green S 1087-90 POLLUTANT 668-79 POLONIUM 1151-8 POLYACRYLATE aqueous environments and polyacrylates 1 165-70 contaminated with N-ethylaniline from the rubber part of the two-component closure 580-2 POLYETHYLENE POLYMER POLYMN Acrylonitrile indicator reactions in the determination of acids 801-1 1 picrate active substances 241-7 polythionates in their mixtures by cyanolysis and solvent extraction 4 1-6 POLY OXY ETHY LENE Investigations on reaction mechanisms in the determination of non-ionic surfactants in waters as potassium Determination of micro-amounts of polythionates.Part XI. Spectrophotometric determination of two species of Sub- micrometer particle size characterization and distribution by mercury penetration 97-105 Sources of error in the flame photometric determination of sodium and potassium in Portland cements 696-7 Investigations on reaction mechanisms in the determination of non-ionic surfactants in waters as potassium Sources of error in the flame photometric determination of sodium and potassium in Portland cements 696-7 Detection of LLcysteine methionine thiourea allylthiourea and a-naphthylthiourea in submilligram amounts POLYTHIONATE PO ROSI M ETRY PORTLAND POTASSIUM picrate active substances 241-7 using acidified potassium chromate solution 977-9 titration of iodide 5769 POTENTIOMETRIC Determination of osmium(VII1) alone or in binary mixtures with some Group VIII cations by potentiometric Potentiometric method for the rapid determination of sulfate in the presence of chromium(VI) 164-7 Rapid method for determining fluoride in vegetation using an ion-selective electrode 545-5 I Interferences of a barium ion-selective electrode used for the potentiometric titration of sulfate 973-6 Absorptiometric determination of low oxygen concentrations in power-station waters.Part I . Manual method, Absorptiometric determination of low oxygen concentrations in power-station waters. Part 11. Continuous Determination of vitamin D2 in multivitamin tablets by high-performance liquid chromatography 62636 Simplification of the mathematical evaluation of titration results by regarding complexes of the type A,B as n POTENTIOMETRY POWER STATION 1105-18 automatic method using the Technicon AutoAnalyzer 11 19-23 PREV ITAM IN PROGRAM complexes of the type AB 593-60 26 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) PROGRAM(con td) PROSTAGLANDIN Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant.Part IV. General-purpose program for Determination of the prostaglandin Fza content of pharmaceutical preparations with triangle programmed evaluating potentiometric acid-base titrations 601-12 bromimetric titration in flowing solutions 56&5 PROTEIN Histochemical identification of commercial wheat gluten 1 135-7 PRUSSIAN BLUE Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of free cyanide in Prussian blue 525-30 Spectrophotometric determination of cobalt(I1) with 2,2’-pyridil bis(2-quinolylhydrazone) 572-5 PYRIDIL PY RIDINE Spectrophotometric determination of iron by synergistic extraction with isonitrosobenzoylacetone and pyridine, 160-3 PY RIDINECARBALDEHYDE Pyridine-2-carbaldehyde 2-hydroxybenzoylhydrazone as a selective reagent for the extraction and spectrophoto-Novel reagent for the determination of atmospheric isocyanate monomer concentrations 89&1 Novel reagent for the determination of atmospheric isocyanate monomer concentrations 890- 1 metric determination of iron(II) 61 3-19 PYRIDYL PY RIDYLPIPERAZINE PY RIDYLQUINOLYLHY DRAZONE Selective spectrophotometric determination of zinc with 2,2’-dipyridyl-2-quinolylhydrazone 1 188-9 1 Spectrophotometric determination of microgram amounts of hydroquinone pyrogallol and resorcinol 148-5 1 PY ROGALLOL PYROLYSIS Reproducibility of pyrolysis-mass spectrometry using three different pyrolysis systems 334-47 Determination of cetrimide in typical pharmaceutical preparations using pyrolysis-gas chromatography 45 1-5 Approach for achieving comparable analytical results from a number of laboratories 273-89 Accuracy of determination of chloride in river waters analytical quality control in the harmonized monitoring Relevance of the approximately hyperbolic relationship between fluorescence and concentration to the Continuous solvent-xtraction method for the spectrophotometric determination of cationic surfactants 750-5 Spectrophotometric determination of cobalt(I1) with 2,2’-pyridil bis(2-quinolylhydrazone) 572-5 Selective spectrophotometric determination of zinc with 2,2’4ipyridyl-2~uinolylhydrazone 1 188-9 1 Simple procedure for the determination of total carbon and its radioactivity in soils and plant materials 15 1 4 Determination of 5-vinyloxazolidine-2-thione in Feeding stuffs by high-performance liquid chromatography, Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of free cyanide in Prussian blue 525-30 Determination of ammonia in low concentrations with Nessler’s reagent by flow injection analysis 47-54 Novel reagent for the determination of atmospheric isocyanate monomer concentrations 890- 1 Recovery of iodine as iodine-125 from biological materials prior to assay 469-7 1 Interference studies in the batch determination of nitrate in freshwater by reduction with cadmium to nitrite, Effect of stray light in monochromators on detection limits of flame atomic-fluorescence spectrometric Polarography of Green S 531-7 Electrochemical studies of strongly chelating anthraquinone derivatives 705-22 The impact cup a simple aid in flame spectrometric analysis at high analyte concentrations 792-6 Electroanalytical study of zinc-L<itrulline complex at a dropping-mercury electrode 883-6 Determination of trace amounts of sulfate by moltmlar emission cavity analysis using a vaporization system, QUALITY QUALITY CONTROL scheme 29&8 determination of quantum efficiencies 48 1-90 QUANTUM QUATERNARY QUINOLY LHYDRAZONE RADIOACTIVE RAPE 457-6 1 REACTION REAGENT RECOVERY REDN 385-90 measurements 505-15 886-90 REDUCING REPRODUCIBILITY Titrimetric determination of reducing sugars with copper(I1) sulfate 26 1-5 Reproducibility of pyrolysis-mass spectrometry using three different pyrolysis systems 334-4 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) 27 RESORCINOL REVIEW Spectrophotometric determination of microgram amounts of hydroquinone pyrogallol and resorcinol 148-5 1 Extractions and separations with foamed plastics and rubbers.A review 1-15 Energydispersive x-ray emission analysis 177-95 Direct analysis of solids by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. A review 993-101 6 Modified fluorimetric procedure for the simultaneous determination of thiamin and riboflavin in cowpea 63744 Approach for achieving comparable analytical results from a number of laboratories 273-89 Accuracy of determination of chloride in river waters analytical quality control in the harmonized monitoring Determination of nitrate and nitrite in river waters 1195-7 Single reagent method for the spectrophotometric determination of phosphorus in silicates 1 124-8 Extractions and separations with foamed plastics and rubbers.A review 1-15 Determination of chromium in natural waters and sewage effluents by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry Determination of osmium(VII1) alone or in binary mixtures with some Group VIII cations by potentiometric Method for the rapid detection of organic pollutants in water by vapor-phase ultraviolet absorption spectrometry Extraction of nanogram amounts of cadmium and other metals from aqueous solution using hexamethyleneamm-Spectrophotometric determination of acetaminophen salicylamide and codeine phosphate in tablets 620-5 Spectrophotometric determination of acetaminophen and salicylamide through nitrosation and subsequent Gas analysis using an internal standard in adsorption tubes 698-9 Determination of chloride in high-purity waters in the range 0-20 pg L-I of chloride using ion-selective Evaluation of calcium ion-selective electrodes based on di(n-alkylpheny1)phosphate sensors and their calibration Determination of germanium arsenic selenium tin and antimony in complex samples by hydride generation -Determination of selenium in soil digests by non-dispersive atomic-fluorescence spectrometry using an argon-Effect of stray light in monochromators on detection limits of flame atomic-fluorescence spectrometric Preparation and operation of selenium electrodeless discharge lamps for use in atomic-fluorescence flame Determination of small amounts of selenium in organic matter 778-87 Determination of antimony and other trace elements in irons and steels by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with introduction of solid samples into an induction furnace 944-51 Evaluation of calcium ion-selective electrodes based on di(n-alkylpheny1)phosphate sensors and their calibration with ion buffers 412-18 Extractions and separations with foamed plastics and rubbers.A review 1-15 Determination of S-methylmethionine in plant products by use of an automatic amino-acid analyzer 79-82 Separation of bismuth-2 10 and polonium-2 10 from aqueous solutions by spontaneous adsorption on copper foils Deteirmination of chromium in natural waters and sewage effluents by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry Determination of aluminum calcium iron and magnesium in sewages and sewage effluent by a rapid electrother-Determination of nitrate in raw potable and waste waters by ultraviolet spectrophotometry 837-45 Polarographic determination of some linear alkylbenzene sulfonates 853-9 Influence of conditioning agents on the determination of metallic content of sewage sludge by atomic-absorption Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of boron in solutions containing large amounts of nitrate, Studies in gas chromatography-chemical ionization mass spectrometry of some silicate anions 76&70 RIBOFLAVIN RIVER scheme 290-8 ROCK RUBBER SAFETY using an air-acetylene flame 22431 titration of iodide 5 7 6 9 668-79 onium hexamethylenedithiocarbamate as the chelating agent 1030-6 SALICYLAMIDE chelation 9 19-27 SAMPLING SELECTIVE membrane electrodes incorporating mercury(1) chloride 55-62 with ion buffers 41 2-1 8 SELENIUM microwave-induced plasma atomic-emission spectrometry 3 5 4 0 hydrogen flame and the hydride generation technique 23240 measurements 505-1 5 spectrometry 687-91 SENSOR SEPN 1151-8 SEWAGE using an air-acetylene flame 224-3 1 mal atomic-absorption spectroscopic method 83 1-6 spectrophotometry with electrothermal atomization 93743 983-5 SILICAT 28 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX ( I 979) S I LICATE(con td) SILVER Determination of iron(I1) in rock soil and clay 1055-61 Single reagent method for the spectrophotometric determination of phosphorus in silicates 1 124-8 Spectrophotometric determination of silver with ammonium 2-cyano-3-iminodithiobutyrate 87-90 Determination of thiocyanates by thermal decomposition of silver thiocyanate 167-7 1 Determination of trace amounts of mercury in silver metal 461-6 Determination of lead bismuth zinc silver and antimony in steel and nickel-base alloys by atomic-absorption Studies in gas chromatographyxhemical ionization mass spectrometry of some silicate anions 76670 Sub-micrometer particle size characterization and distribution by mercury penetration 97- 105 Influence of conditioning agents on the determination of metallic content of sewage sludge by atomic-absorption Determination of mercury in smelter flue dusts by acid digestion methods 1 159-64 Method for the rapid detection of organic pollutants in water by vapor-phase ultraviolet absorption spectrometry Spectrophotometric determination of microgram amounts of hydroquinone pyrogallol and resorcinol 148-5 1 Sources of error in the flame photometric determination of sodium and potassium in Portland cements 69&7 Determination of ammonia in low concentrations with Nessler's reagent by flow injection analysis 47-54 Apparatus for the automatic preparation of soil extracts for mineral-nitrogen determination 13642 Simple procedure for the determination of total carbon and its radioactivity in soils and plant materials 151-4 Determination of selenium in soil digests by nondispersive atomic-fluorescence spectrometry using an argon-Detemination of nitrogenous gases evolved from soils in closed systems 53844 Effect of ammonium nitrate on the gas-chromatographic determination of some pesticide residues in soils 878-80 Calibration of proposed wet-combustion procedure with dryxombustion method for the determination of total Determination of antimony(II1) by titration with manganese(II1) and manganese(IV) 1201-4 Iodimetric determination of milligram amounts of' certain aliphatic acids 69 1-3 Direct analysis of solids by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry.A review 993-101 6 Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of polyethylene bottle packed intravenous solutions Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of boron in soluticns containing large amounts of nitrate, Preparation and stability of dilute insecticide analytical standards for gas chromatography 1 17680 Histochemical identification of commercial wheat gluten 1 135-7 Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of free cyanide in Prus5ian blue 525-30 Statistical appraisal of interference effects in the determinatim of tracc elements by atomic-absorption Automatic emission spectrometer for the determination of nitrogen- 15.75665 spectrometry using direct atomization of solid samples in a graphite furnace 101 7-29 SILYL SIZE SLUDGE spectrophotometry with electrothermal atomization 93743 SMELTING SOAP 668-79 SODIUM SOIL hydrogen flame and the hydride generation technique 232-40 carbon in soils 1 100-1 SOLDER SOLID SOLN contaminated with N+thylaniline from the rubber part of the two-component closure 580-2 983-5 SOYA SPECTRA SPECTROCHEM spectrophotometry in applied geochemistry 299-3 12 SPECTROMETER The impact cup a simple aid in flame spectrometric analysis at Ggh analyte concentrations 792 -6 SPECTROMETRY Determination of germanium arsenic selenium tin and antimony in complex samples by hydridc gcncration -Mechanism of atom excitation in carbon furnace atomic-emission spectrometry 208-23 Determination of selenium in soil digests by non -dispersive atomic-fluorescence spectrometry using an argon-Determination of noble metals by carbon furnace atomic-absorption spectrometry.Part 1 . Atom formation Method for the rapid detection of organic pollutants in water by vapor-phase ultraviolet absorption spectrometry Investigation of atomizer tube design for carbon furnace atomic-mission spectrometry I 138-50 Extraction of methylmercury from fish and its determination by atomic-absorption spectroscopy 1 197-200 Spectrophotornetric determination of trace amounts of boron in solutions containing large amounts of nitrate, microwave-induced plasma atomic-emission spectrometry 35-40 hydrogen flame and thc hydride generation technique.232-40 processes 645-59 668-79 SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC 983 -ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) 29 SPECTROPHOTOMETRY Evaluation of a method for determination of total antimony arsenic and tin in foodstuffs using measurement by Determination of micro-amounts of polythionates. Part XI. Spectrophotometric determination of two species of Spectrophotometric determination of silver with ammonium 2-cyano-3-iminodithiobutyrate. 87-90 Spectrophotometric determination of dequalinium chloride in pharmaceutical preparations 143-6 Spectrophotometric determination of isoprenaline sulfate and methyldopa using chloranil 1468 Spectrophotometric determination of microgram amounts of hydroquinone pyrogallol and resorcinol 148-5 1 Determination of lead in columbite concentrates by atomic-absorption spectrometry after sulfide separation, Spectrophotometric determination of iron by synergistic extraction with isonitrosobenzoylacetone and pyridine, Selective determination of arsenic(lI1) and arsenic(V) by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry following arsine Determination of chromium in natural waters and sewage effluents by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry Investigations on reaction mechanisms in the determination of non-ionic surfactants in waters as potassium Spectrophotometric method for the determination of paraquat 258-6 I Minimum sample preparation for the determination of ten elements in pig feces and feeds by atomic-absorption Sulfochlorophenol N as a spectrophotometric reagent for vanadium(V) 323-7 Oxidative determination of dextromoramide (palfium) in body fluids 328-33 Dicarboxidine [y.y’- (4,4‘-diamino-3,3’-biphenylylenedioxy)dibutyric acid] as a reagent for the spectrophotometr-Spectrophotometric method for the rapid determination of microgram amounts of platinum 400-6 Spectrophotometric determination of acetaldehyde in acetic acid 466-9 Determination of trace amounts of arsenic and antimony in zinc powder 4745 Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of free cyanide in Prussian blue 525-30 Application of difference spectrophotometry to the determination of dipyrone 568-72 Spectrophotometric determination of cobalt(I1) with 2,2’-pyridil bis(2-quinolylhydrazone) 572-5 Pyridine-2-carbaldehyde 2-hydroxybenzoylhydrazone as a selcctive reagent for the extraction and spectrophoto-metric determination of iron(II) 61 3-19 Spectrophotometric determination of acetaminophen salicylamide and codeine phosphate in’tablets 620-5 Separation of organotin compounds by using the difference in partition behavior between hcxane and methanolic buffer solution.Part I . Determination of butyltin compounds in textiles by graphite furnace atomic-absorption spect rophotome t ry ,660-7 atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with atomization in a silica tube using the hydride generation technique, 16-34 polythionates in their mixtures by cyanolysis and solvent extraction 41-6 1546 160-3 generation 172-3 using an air-acetylene flame 224-3 1 picrate active substances 241-7 spectrophotometry and a spectrophotometric procedure for total phosphorus 3 13-22 ic determination of cyanide and chlorine 367-70 .Improved method for the determination of mercury in fish tissue using 50%) hydrogen peroxide in a hot block, A variation of the Monier-Williams distillation technique for the determination of sulfur dioxide in ginger ale, Continuous solvent-extraction method for the spectrophotometric determination of cationic surfactants 750-5 Determination of nitrate in raw potable and waste waters by ultraviolet spectrophotometry 83745 Spectrophotometric determination of iodide ion using palladium and 2-nitroso-5-diethylaminopheno1 880-2 Spectrophatometric determination of acetaminophen and salicylamide through nitrosation and subsequent Spectrophotometric determination of aliphatic isocyanates in the occupational atmosphere.Part I . Determination Influence of conditioning agents on the determination of metallic content of sewage sludge by atomic-absorption Determination of antimony and other trace elements in irons and stcels by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry Spectrophotometric determination of nitrite using 4,5-dihydroxycoumarin 985-8 Direct analysis of solids by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. A review 993- 101 6 Determination of lead bismuth zinc silver and antimony in steel and nickel-base alloys by atomic-absorption spectrometry using direct atomization of solid samples in a graphite furnace. 101 7-29 Determination of iron(I1) in rock soil and clay 1055~61 Dctermination of small amounts of nickel in organic matter by atomic-absorption spectrometry 1070-4 3-(2’-Thiazolylazo)-2,~diaminotoluene as a selective and sensitive reagent for the spectrophotometric Rapid spectrophotometric method for the determination of arsenic(lI1) in borate glasses 1094-7 Single reagent method for the spectrophotometric determination of phosphorus in silicates 1 124-8 Spectrophotometric method for the determination of residues of carbaryl in water 1 185-8 selective spcctrophotometric determination of zinc with 2,2’-dipyridyl-2-quinolylhydrazone 1 188-9 I Determination of nitrate and nitrite in river waters 1195-7 Determination of aluminum calcium iron and magnesium in sewages and sewage effluent by a rapid electrother-683-7 694-6 chelation 91 9-27 of total isocyanate concentration 928-36 spectrophotometry with electrothermal atomization 937-43 with introduction of solid samples into an induction furnace 944-51 determination of palladium 109 1-4 SPECTROSCOPY mal atomic- absorption spectroscopic method 83 1 30 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) SPECTRUM SQUALANE Sulfochlorophenol N as a spectrophotometric reagent for vanadium(V) 323-7 Hydrocarbon analysis of naphtha using capillary-column gas chromatography under isothermal conditions, Preparation and stability of dilute insecticide analytical standards for gas chromatography 1 176-80 Simplification of the mathematical evaluation of titration results by regarding complexes of the type A,B as n Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant.Part IV. General-purpose program for Naphthidines and d i a n i s i d i n e as redox indicators in titrations with N-bromosuccinimide 865-72 Gas analysis using an internal standard in adsorption tubes 698-9 Internal standardization and its value in the assessment of the suitability of the column for quantitative high-Preparation and stability of dilute insecticide analytical standards for gas chromatography 1 176-80 Detemination of nitrogenous gases evolved from soils in closed systems 5 3 8 4 Sulfochlorophenol N as a spectrophotometric reagent for vanadium(V) 323-7 Identification and determination of titanium sulfide and carbosulfide compounds in steel 8 12-21 Determination of antimony and other trace elements in irons and steels by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry Determination of lead bismuth zinc silver and antimony in steel and nickel-base alloys by atomic-absorption Effect of stray light in monochromators on detection limits of flame atomic-fluorescence spectrometric Determination of styrene in the atmosphere near industrial sites by gas chromatography 455-7 Ion-selective polymeric-membrane electrodes with immobilized ion-xchange sites.Part 1. Development of a Titrimetric determination of reducing sugars with copper(I1) sulfate 261-5 Potentiometric method for the rapid determination of sulfate in the presence of chromium(VI) 1 6 4 7 Titrimetric determination of reducing sugars with copper(I1) sulfate 261-5 Naphthidines and d i a n i s i d i n e as redox indicators in titrations with N-bromosuccinimide 865-72 Determination of trace amounts of sulfate by molecular emission cavity analysis using a vaporization system, Interferences of a barium ion-selective electrode used for the potentiometric titration of sulfate 973-6 Identification and determination of titanium sulfide and carbosulfide compounds in steel 8 12-21 788-92 STABILITY STABILITY CONST complexes of the type AB 593-600 evaluating potentiometric acid-base titrations 601-1 2 STANDARDIZATION STD performance liquid chromatography 77 1-7 STEAM STEEL with introduction of solid samples into an induction furnace 9 4 4 5 1 spectrometry using direct atomization of solid samples in a graphite furnace 101 7-29 STRAY measurements 505-1 5 STYRENE calcium electrode 730-8 SUGAR SULFATE 886-90 SULFIDE SU LFOCHLOROPHENOL Sulfochlorophenol N as a spectrophotometric reagent for vanadium(V) 323-7 Polarographic determination of some linear alkylbenzene sulfonates 853-9 SULFONATE SULFUR A variation of the Monier-Williams distillation technique for the determination of sulfur dioxide in ginger ale, Identification and determination of titanium sulfide and carbosulfide compounds in steel 812-2 1 Determination of trace amounts of sulfate by molecular emission cavity analysis using a vaporization system, Fast and simple polarographic-method for the determination of free and total sulfur dioxide in wines and other Direct differential-pulse polarographic determination of mixtures of the food coloring matters tartrazine-Sunset Investigations on reaction mechanisms in the determination of non-ionic surfactants in waters as potassium Continuous solvent-extraction method for the spectrophotometric determination of cationic surfactants 750-5 Use of enzvmes for the release of synthetic colors in foods.472-3 694-6 886-90 common beverages 1083-7 Yellow FCF tartrazine-Green S and Amaranth-Green S in soft drinks 723-9 SUNSET YELLOW SURFACTANT picrate active substances 241-7 SYNTHETIC TABLET Fluorimetric determination of acetohexamide in plasma and tablet formulations using I-methylnicotinamide, 1 17-2 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1 979) 3 1 TABLET(contd) Spectrophotometric determination of isoprenaline sulfate and methyldopa using chloranil 146-8 Dicarboxidine [y,y’-(4,4‘-diamino-3,3’-biphenylylenedioxy)dibutyric acid] as a reagent for the spectrophotometr-Spectrophotometric determination of acetaminophen salicylamide and codeine phosphate in tablets 620-5 Determination of vitamin D2 in multivitamin tablets by high-performance liquid chromatography 626-36 Modified fluorimetric procedure for the simultaneous determination of thiamin and riboflavin in cowpea 637-44 Direct differential-pulse polarographic determination of mixtures of the food coloring matters tartrazine-Sunset Direct differential-pulse polarographic determination of mixtures of food coloring matters Chocolate Brown Determination of antimony and other trace elements in irons and steels by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry Mechanism of atom excitation in carbon furnace atomic+mission spectrometry 208-23 Separation of organotin compounds by using the difference in partition behavior between hexane and methanolic buffer solution.Part I . Determination of butyltin compounds in textiles by graphite furnace atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 660-7 processes 645-59 Acrylonitrile indicator reactions in the determination of acids 80 1- 1 1 ic determination of cyanide and chlorine 367-70 TAKADIASTASE TART RAZIN E Yellow FCF tartrazine-Green S and Amaranth-Green S in soft drinks 723-9 HT Tartrazine and Green S 1087-90 with introduction of solid samples into an induction furnace 944-5 1 TELLURIUM TEMP TEXTILE THERMOGRAVIMETRIC Determination of noble metals by carbon furnace atomic-absorption spectrometry. Part I . Atom formation Ionic polymerization as a means of end-point indication in non-aqueous thermometric titrimetry.Part X. Modified fluorimetric procedure for the simultaneous determination of thiamin and riboflavin in cowpea 637-44 3-(2’-Thiazolylazo)-2,~iaminotoluene as a selective and sensitive reagent for the spectrophotometric THERMOMETRY THIAMIN THIAZOLY LAZODIAMINOTOLUENE determination of palladium 109 1-4 contraceptives by diffuse reflection and fluorescence methods 407- I 1 using acidified potassium chromate solution 977-9 onium hexamethylenedithiocarbamate as the chelating agent 1030-6 polythionates in their mixtures by cyanolysis and solvent extraction 4 1-6 THIN LAYER CHROMATOG Direct quantitative thin-layer chromatographic determination of levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol in oral Detection of ucysteine methionine thiourea allylthiourea and a-naphthylthiourea in submilligram amounts Extraction of nanogram amounts of cadmium and other metals from aqueous solution using hexamethyleneamm-Determination of micro-amounts of polythionates.Part XI. Spectrophotometric detcrrnination of two species of Determination of thiocyanates by thermal decomposition of silver thiocyanate 167-7 1 Determination of conjugated diolefins in cracked naphtha 1204-7 Determination of micrwamounts of polythionates. Part XI. Spectrophotometric determination of two species of A variation of the Monier-Williams distillation technique for the determination of sulfur dioxide in ginger ale, TH 1 0 THlOCARBAMATE THIOCYANATE THIOL THIONATE polythionates in their mixtures by cyanolysis and solvent extraction.4 1-6 TH ION ITROB EN ZOIC 694-6 THIOPHOSPHATE THIOUREA Modified colorimetric method for the determination of malathion 1 129-34 Detection of ucysteine methionine thiourea allylthiourea and u-naphthylthiourea in submilligram amounts using acidified potassium chromate solution 977-9 atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with atomization in a silica tube using the hydride generation technique, TIN Evaluation of a method for determination of total antimony arsenic and tin in foodstuffs using measurement by 16-34 Determination of germanium arsenic selenium tin and antimony in complex samples by hydride gcneration -microwave-induced plasma atomic-emission spectrometry 35 4 0 Separation of organotin compounds by using the difference in partition behavior between hexane and methanolic buffer solution.Part I . Determination of butyltin compounds in textiles by graphite furnace atomic-absorption spect rop ho tome t ry ,660-7 Determination of trace amounts of sulfate by molecular emission cavity analysis using a vaporization system, 886- 9 32 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) TI N(contd) TISSUE TITANIUM TITRN Extraction of methylmercury from fish and its determination by atomic-absorption spectroscopy 1 197-200 Recovery of iodine as iodine-1 25 from biological materials prior to assay 469-7 1 Identification and determination of titanium sulfide and carbosulfide compounds in steel 8 12-21 Potentiometric method for the rapid determination of sulfate in the presence of chromium(VI) 164-7 Analysis of steroids.Part XXXII. Determination of allylestrenol by titrimetric polarographic and gas-Titrimetric determination of reducing sugars with copper(I1) sulfate 261-5 Detemination of nitrogenous gases evolved from soils in closed systems 538-44 Determination of the prostaglandin F l a content of pharmaceutical preparations with triangle programmed Determination of phenindione using organic brominating agents 566-8 Determination of osmium(VII1) alone or in binary mixtures with some Group VIII cations by potentiometric Simplification of the mathematical evaluation of titration results by regarding complexes of the type A,B as n Automatic titration by stepwise addition of equal volumes of titrant. Part IV. General-purpose program for Iodimetric determination of milligram amounts of certain aliphatic acids 69 1-3 High-frequency microtitrimetric determination of acidic and basic constituents in lubricating oils.Part 11. Ionic polymerization as a means of end-point indication in non-aqueous thermometric titrimetry. Part X. Naphthidines and o-dianisidine as redox indicators in titrations with N-bromosuccinimide 865-72 Non-aqueous titration of substituted N-o-tolylbenzohydroxamic acids 873-5 Interferences of a barium ion-selective electrode used for the potentiometric titration of sulfate 973-6 Determination of antimony(II1) by titration with manganese(II1) and manganese(IV) 12014 3-(2’-Thiazolylazo~2,6-diaminotoluene as a selective and sensitive reagent for the spectrophotometric Histochemical identification of commercial wheat gluten 1 135-7 Polarographic determination of trace elements in food from a single digest 124-35 Statistical appraisal of interference effects in the determination of trace elements by atomic-absorption Determination of antimony and other trace elements in irons and steels by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry chromatographic methods 196-200 bromimetric titration in flowing solutions 56&5 titration of iodide 5769 complexes of the type AB 593-600 evaluating potentiometric acid-base titrations 601-1 2 Determination of total base number 73949 Acrylonitrile indicator reactions in the determination of acids 801-1 1 TOLUENE determination of palladium 10914 TOLUIDINE BLUE TRACE ELEMENT spectrophotometry in applied geochemistry 299-3 12 with introduction of solid samples into an induction furnace 944-5 1 inductively coupled radiofrequency argon plasma source 5 16-24 spectrophotometry with electrothermal atomization 93743 onium hexamethylenedithiocarbamate as the chelating agent 1030-6 TRANSITION METAL Sequential multielement analysis of small fragments of glass by atomic-emission spectrometry using an Influence of conditioning agents on the determination of metallic content of sewage sludge by atomic-absorption Extraction of nanogram amounts of cadmium and other metals from aqueous solution using hexamethyleneamm-Selective determination of arsenic(II1) and arsenic(V) by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry following arsine TRIVALENT generation 172-3 TRYPSIN TUBE Determination of vitamin D2 in multivitamin tablets by high-performance liquid chromatography 626-36 Gas analysis using an internal standard in adsorption tubes 698-9 Investigation of atomizer tube design for carbon furnace atomic-mission spectrometry 1 138-50 Luminescence characteristics of tubocurarine chloride 582-3 Determination of ammonia in low concentrations with Nessler’s reagent by flow injection analysis 47-54 Oxidative determination of dextromoramide (palfium) in body fluids 328-33 Determination of cadmium in blood and urine by flame atomic-fluorescence spectrometry 49 1-504 Effect of stray light in monochromators on detection limits of flame atomic-fluorescence spectrometric Cathode-ray polarographic determination of molybdenum in serum plasma and urine 680-3 Oxidative determination of dextromoramide (palfium) in body fluids 328-33 Method for the rapid detection of organic pollutants in water by vapor-phase ultraviolet absorption spectrometry TU BOCU RARINE TU RBI DI M ETRY URINE measurements 505-1 5 uv 668-7 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) 33 UV(contd) Determination of nitrate in raw potable and waste waters by ultraviolet spectrophotometry 837-45 Novel reagent for the determination of atmospheric isocyanate monomer concentrations 890-1 Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of boron in solutions containing large amounts of nitrate, Modified colorimetric method for the determination of malathion 1 129-34 Spectrophotometric method for the determination of residues of carbaryl in water 1 185-8 Selective spectrophotometric determination of zinc with 2,2’-dipyridyl-2-quinolylhydrazone 1 188-9 1 Determination of conjugated diolefins in cracked naphtha 1204-7 Sulfochlorophenol N as a spectrophotometric reagent for vanadium(V) 323-7 Spectrophotometric method for the determination of residues of carbaryl in water 1 185-8 Implementation of a sensitive method for determining mercury in surface waters and sediments by cold-vapor Method for the rapid detection of organic pollutants in water by vapor-phase ultraviolet absorption spectrometry Determination of trace amounts of mercury in silver metal 461-6 Rapid method for determining fluoride in vegetation using an ion-selective electrode 545-5 1 Determination of 5-vinyloxazolidine-2-thione in feeding stuffs by high-performance liquid chromatography, Determination of vitamin D2 in multivitamin tablets by high-performance liquid chromatography 626-36 Modified fluorimetric procedure for the simultaneous determination of thiamin and riboflavin in cowpea 637-44 Assay of nicotinamide in multivitamin preparations using an ammonia gas-sensing clectrode 1 I8 1-4 Electrochemical studies of strongly chelating anthraquinone derivatives.705-22 Determination of ammonia in low concentrations with Nessler’s reagent by flow injectioon analysis 47-54 Determination of chloride in high-purity waters in the range 0-20 p g L I of chloride using ion-selective Assessment of glass electrodes for determining pH in boiler feed water 63-72 Determination of chromium in natural waters and sewage effluents by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry Approach for achieving comparable analytical results from a number of laboratories 273-89 Semiautomatic determination of manganese in natural waters and plant digests by flow injection analysis 371 -5 Interference studies in the batch determination of nitrate in freshwater by reduction with cadmium to nitrite.Liquid chromatographic determination of acrylamide monomer in natural and polluted aqueous environments, Effect of stray light in monochromators on detection limits of flame atomic-fluorescence spectrometric Determination of nitrate in raw potable and waste waters by ultraviolet spectrophotometry 837-45 Polarographic determination of some linear alkylbenzene sulfonates 853-9 Implementation of a sensitive method for determining mercury in surface waters and sediments by cold-vapor Absorptiometric determination of low oxygen concentrations in power-station waters.Part 1 . Manual method, Absorptiometric determination of low oxygen concentrations in power-station waters. Part 11. Continuous High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of acrylic acid monomer in natural and polluted Spectrophotometric method for the determination of residues of carbaryl in water 1 185-8 Determination of nitrate and nitrite in river waters I 195-7 Histochemical identification of commercial wheat gluten 1 135-7 Fast and simple polarographic method for the determination of free and total sulfur dioxide in wines and other Energy-dispersive x-ray emission analysis 177-95 Determination of noble metals by carbon furnace atomic-absorption spectrometry.Part 1. Atom formation Quantitative determination of lead dioxide polymorphs by x-ray powder diffractometry 952-60 983-5 VALUE VANADIUM VANILLIN VAPOR atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 979-82 VAPOR PHASE 668-79 VAPORIZATION VEGETATION VINY LOXAZOLIDINETHIONE 457-6 1 VITAMIN VOLT AM METRY WATER membrane electrodes incorporating mercury(1) chloride 55-62 using an air-acetylene flame 224-3 1 385-90 39 1-9 measurements 505-1 5 atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 979-82 1105-18 automatic method using the Technicon AutoAnalyzer 1 1 19-23 aqueous environments and polyacrylates 1 165-70 WHEAT WINE common beverages 1083-7 X RAY processes 645-5 34 ANALYST SUBJECT INDEX (1979) X RAY(contd) Determination of microgram amounts of precious metals using x-ray fluorescence spectrometry 1037-49 X-ray fluorescence determination of platinum and palladium in platinum concentrates using a solution technique Direct determination of calcium magnesium and zinc in lubricating oils and additives by atomic-absorption Determination of trace amounts of arsenic and antimony in zinc powder 474-5 Electroanalytical study of zinc-L-citrulline complex at a dropping-mercury electrode 883-6 Determination of lead bismuth zinc silver and antimony in steel and nickel-base alloys by atomic-absorption Selective spectrophotometric determination of zinc with 2,2’-dipyridyl-2-quinolylhydrazone 1 188-91 1050-4 ZINC spectrometry using a mixed solvent system 156-60 spectrometry using direct atomization of solid samples in a graphite furnace 10 17-2 ANALYST BOOK REVIEW INDEX (1979) BOOK REVIEWS 1979 35 ASTM.Manual on Hydrocarbon Analysis (Formerly STP 332 A) 174 Ballard. Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Molecular Orbital Theory 700 Barnes. Applications of Inductively Coupled Plasmas to Emission Spectroscopy 896 Benarie. Atmospheric Pollution 1978 94 Bock. A Handbook of Decomposition Methods in Analytical Chemistry 121 1 Boltz and Howell. Colorimetric Determination of Nonmetals. 2nd Edn 892 Boniface. Analytical Notes A Summary of Inorganic Methods of Chemical Analysis 93 Borchardt Cleland Redman and Olivier. Viruses and Trace Contaminants in Water and Waste-water 95 Braun Bujdos6 Henkelmann Kin Lux Stark and Zeisler.Proceedings of the 1976 International Conference on Modern Trends in Activation Analysis Munich Federal Republic of Germany, 13 to 17 September 1976. Vols. I and 11 703 Cairns Dickson and Maki. Estimating the Hazard of Chemical Substances to Aquatic Life 797 Cattabeni Cavallaro and Galli. Dioxin Toxico-logical and Chemical Aspects 271 Chapman. Computers in Mass Spectrometry 584 Charlot. Dosages AbsorpJiometriques des €%merits Mineraux. Troisieme Edition 476 Cheremisinoff and Morresi. Air Pollution Sampling and Analysis Deskbook 1209 Commisariat A 1’Energie Atomique. Statistique AppliquCe a 1’Exploitation des Mesures. Tomes 1 and 2 894 Cooks. Collision Spectroscopy 476 Cresser. Solvent Extraction in Flame Spectroscopic Analysis 1208 Crook and Johnson.Liquid Scintillation Counting. Vol. 5 798 Dachs. Neutron Diffraction 479 Dawson. Annual Reports on Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy Reviewing 1977. Vol. 7 797 DeVoe. Validation of the Measurement Process, 175 Ettre and Zlatkis. 75 Years of Chromatography-A Historical Dialogue 895 Ferraro and Basile. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Applications to Chemical Systems. Freiser. Ion-Selective Electrodes in Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 1 896 Frigerio and Renoz. Recent Developments in Chromatography and Electrophoresis. Pro-ceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Chromatography and Electrophoresis Riva del Garda 15-17 May 1978 1210 GaspariE and ChurACek. Laboratory Handbook of Paper and Thin-Layer Chromatography 91 Goulden. Environmental Pollution Analysis 701 Griffiths.Transform Techniques in Chemistry 591 Gross. High Performance Mass Spectrometry : Chemical Applications 382 Grunwald Dever and Keehn. Megawatt Infrared Laser Chemistry 479 Hakkila. Nuclear Safeguards Analysis. Non-destructive and Analytical Chemical Technique, 477 Hamilton. Manual on Water. 4th Edn 989 Harrison. Handbook of Analytical Control of Iron and Steel Production 1103 Vol 1 95 Hercules Hieftje Snyder and Evenson. Contem-porary Topics in Analytical and Clinical Chemistry. Vol. 2 590. - Contemporary Topics in Analytical and Clinical Chemistry. Vol. 3 1209 Horiik and Vitek. Interpretation and Processing of Vibrational Spectra 893 Huber. Instrumentation for High-Performance Liquid Chromatography 799 International Agency for Research on Cancer.IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcino-genic Risk of Chemicals to Humans. Vol. 17. Some N-Nitroso Compounds 383 - Environmental Aspects of N-Nitroso Compounds, 480 - IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Vol. 16. Some Aromatic Amines and Related Nitro Compounds-Hair Dyes Colouring Agents and Miscellaneous Industrial Chemicals 702 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Equilibrium Constants of Liquid - Liquid Distribution Reactions. Part IV Chelating Extractants 476 King. Developments in Food Analysis Tech-niques-1 92 Kirchner. Thin-Layer Chromatography. 2nd Edn 798 Knapman. Developments in Chromatography-1,94 Knox Done Fell Gilbert Pryde and Wall.High-Performance Liquid Chromatography 587 Kolthoff and Elving. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Part 11. Analytical Chemistry of Inorganic and Organic Compounds. Section A. Systematic Analytical Chemistry of the Elements. Vol. 10. Antimony Arsenic Boron Carbon, Molybdenum and Tungsten 96 Laitinen and Ewing. A History of Analytical Chemistry 591 McIntyre. Quantitative Surface Analysis of Materials 585 Malvegar. Resonance Raman Spectroscopy as an Analytical Tool 704 Masterton and Slowinski. Chemical Principles with Qualitative Analysis 174 Mehrotra Bohra and Gaur. Metal p-Diketonates and Allied Derivatives 1104 Michaels and Chissick. Asbestos. Vol. 1. Prop-erties Applications and Hazards 1102 Mikeg. Laboratory Handbook of Chromatographic and Allied Methods 892 Moses.The Practicing Scientists’ Handbook. A Guide for Physical and Terrestrial Scientists and Engineers 586 Nriagu. Sulfur in the Environment. Part I The Atmosphere Cycle. Part I1 Ecological Impacts, 99 1 Osborne and Voogt. The Analysis of Nutrients in Food 585 Pal. Enzyme Labelled Immunoassay of Hormones and Drugs 989 Perrin and Dempsey. Buffers for pH and Metal Ion Control 892 Pinta. Modern Methods for Trace Element Analysis 992 Price and Smith. Handbuch der Analytischen Chemie. Dritter Teil. Quantitative Analyse. Band 4 q . Elemente der Vierten Hauptgruppe. Zinn 27 36 Pryde and Gilbert. Applications of High Snell. Photometric and Fluorimetric Methods of Performance Liquid Chromatography 893 Analysis. Parts 1 and 2 1212 Pungor and Buzis. Ion-Selective Electrodes. Toribara Coleman Dahneke and Feldman. Conference Held at Budapest Hungary 5-9 Environmental Pollutants Detection and September 1977 384 Measurement 799 Pye and Weetall. Enzyme Engineering. Vol. 3,478 Torok Mika and Gegus. Emission Spectrochemical Reeves and Brooks. Trace Element Analysis of Analysis 272 Geological Materials 1208 Touchstone and Dobbins. Practice of Thin Layer Risby. Ultratrace Metal Analysis in Biological Chromatography 271 Sciences and Environment 1102 Tsutsui and Ugo. Fundamental Research in Roberts. Radiochromatography. The Chromato- Homogeneous Catalysis 269 graphy and Electrophoresis of Radiolabelled Valkovic. Trace Elements in Human Hair 382 Compounds 91. VeselS; Weiss and Stulik. Analysis with Ion-Rochow and Rochow. An Introduction to Micro- selective Electrodes 589 scopy by Means of Light Electrons X-Rays or Wanninen. Essays on Analytical Chemistry in Ultrasound 700 Sawicki Mulik and Wittgenstein. Ion Chromato- Weinstein and Wagman. Antibiotics Isolation, graphic Analysis of Environmental Pollutants, 5 84 Wiseman. Topics in Enzyme and Fermentation Schneider Koning and Brasser. Air Pollution Biotechnology. Vol. 2 269 Reference Measurement Methods and Systems Wolfram. Inelastic Electron Tunnelling Spectro-990 scopy. Proceedings of the International Con-Schuetzle. Monitoring Toxic Substances 990 ference and Symposium on Electron Tunnelling, Sklarz. Mass Spectrometry of Natural Products University of Missouri-Columbia USA May Smith and Carson. Trace Metals in the Environ- Wunsch. Handbuch der Analytischen Chemie. ment. Vol. 1. Thallium 588 Dritter Teil. Quantitative Bestimmungsund - Carson and Hoffmeister. Trace Metals in the Trennungsmethoden. Band 6by. Elements der Environment. Vol. 5. Indium Ah Appraisal of Sechsten Nebengruppe. Wolfram 270 Environmental Exposure 1210 Young. The Chemical Analysis of Manganese 478 ANALYST BOOK REVIEW INDEX (1979) Memory of Professor Anders Ringbom 587 Separation and Purification 586 894 25-27 1977 9
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