Circulation Research

ISSN: 0009-7330        年代:1991
当前卷期:Volume 68  issue 1     [ 查看所有卷期 ]

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     Volume 69  issue 5   
     Volume 69  issue 6   
1. Decreased Hydrodynamic Resistance in the Two‐Phase Flow of Blood Through Small Vertical Tubes at Low Flow Rates
  Circulation Research,   Volume  68,   Issue  1,   1991,   Page  1-17

Giles Cokelet,   Harry Goldsmith,  

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2. Oxidation of Membrane Cholesterol Alters Active and Passive Transsarcolemmal Calcium Movement
  Circulation Research,   Volume  68,   Issue  1,   1991,   Page  18-26

Michael Kutryk,   Thane Maddaford,   Bram Ramjiawan,   Grant Pierce,  

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3. Mathematical Models of Myosin Heterodimer Formation in the Rat Heart During Thyroid Hormone Alterations
  Circulation Research,   Volume  68,   Issue  1,   1991,   Page  27-37

Heniz Rupp,   Klaus Dietz,  

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4. Significance of the Number of Stimuli to Institute Ouabain‐Induced Arrhythmias in the Intact Heart
  Circulation Research,   Volume  68,   Issue  1,   1991,   Page  38-44

Marc Vos,   Anton Gorgels,   Jet Leunissen,   Ronald van Deursen,   Hein Wellens,  

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5. [Ca2+]iTransients in the Cardiomyopathic Hamster Heart
  Circulation Research,   Volume  68,   Issue  1,   1991,   Page  45-51

Joan Wikman-Coffelt,   Thomas Stefenelli,   Shao Wu,   William Parmley,   Gaetan Jasmin,  

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6. Different Activation of the Endothelial L‐Arginine and Cyclooxygenase Pathway in the Human Internal Mammary Artery and Saphenous Vein
  Circulation Research,   Volume  68,   Issue  1,   1991,   Page  52-60

Zhihong Yang,   Ludwig Segesser,   Erwin Bauer,   Peter Stulz,   Marko Turina,   Thomas Lüischer,  

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7. Effect of Preconditioning Ischemia on Reperfusion Arrhythmias After Coronary Artery Occlusion and Reperfusion in the Rat
  Circulation Research,   Volume  68,   Issue  1,   1991,   Page  61-68

James Hagar,   Sharon Hale,   Robert Kloner,  

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8. Mechanical Alternans During Acidosis in Ferret Heart Muscle
  Circulation Research,   Volume  68,   Issue  1,   1991,   Page  69-76

C. Orchard,   E. McCall,   M. Kirby,   M. Boyett,  

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9. Isoproterenol Antagonizes Prolongation of Refractory Period by the Class III Antiarrhythmic Agent E‐4031 in Guinea Pig Myocytes Mechanism of Action
  Circulation Research,   Volume  68,   Issue  1,   1991,   Page  77-84

Michael Sanguinetti,   Nancy Jurkiewicz,   Ann Scott,   Peter Siegl,  

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10. Two Arterial Effective Reflecting Sites May Appear as One to the Heart
  Circulation Research,   Volume  68,   Issue  1,   1991,   Page  85-99

Roberto Burattini,   Grant Knowlen,   Kenneth Campbell,  

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