Circulation Research

ISSN: 0009-7330        年代:1985
当前卷期:Volume 56  issue 1     [ 查看所有卷期 ]

     Volume 56  issue 1
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     Volume 56  issue 4   
     Volume 56  issue 5   
     Volume 56  issue 6   
     Volume 57  issue 1   
     Volume 57  issue 2   
     Volume 57  issue 3   
     Volume 57  issue 4   
     Volume 57  issue 5   
     Volume 57  issue 6   
1. Two Distinct Effects of Oxygen on Vascular Tone in Isolated Porcine Coronary Arteries
  Circulation Research,   Volume  56,   Issue  1,   1985,   Page  1-10

Gabor Rubanyi,   Richard Paul,  

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2. Effects of Pressure Gradients between Branches of the Left Coronary Artery on the Pressure Axis Intercept and the Shape of Steady State Circumflex Pressure‐Flow Relations in Dogs
  Circulation Research,   Volume  56,   Issue  1,   1985,   Page  11-19

Louis Messina,   Frank Hanley,   Paul Uhlig,   Robert Baer,   Mark Grattan,   Julien Hoffman,  

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3. Transmission of Intrathoracic Pressure to the Intracranial Space during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Dogs
  Circulation Research,   Volume  56,   Issue  1,   1985,   Page  20-30

Alan Guerci,   An-Yun Shi,   Howard Levin,   Joshua Tsitlik,   Myron Weisfeldt,   Nisha Chandra,  

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4. Relationship between Myocardial Fiber Direction and Segment Shortening in the Midwall of the Canine Left Ventricle
  Circulation Research,   Volume  56,   Issue  1,   1985,   Page  31-39

Gregory Freeman,   Martin LeWinter,   Robert Engler,   James Covell,  

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5. Pulmonary Artery Constriction Produces a Greater Right Ventricular Dynamic Afterload Than Lung Microvascular Injury in the Open Chest Dog
  Circulation Research,   Volume  56,   Issue  1,   1985,   Page  40-56

James Calvin,   Robert Baer,   Stanton Glantz,  

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6. Limitations of Tracer Oxygen Uptake in the Canine Coronary Circulation
  Circulation Research,   Volume  56,   Issue  1,   1985,   Page  57-71

Colin Rose,   Carl Goresky,  

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7. The Role of Free Radical‐Mediated Processes in Oxygen‐Related Damage in Cultured Murine Myocardial Cells
  Circulation Research,   Volume  56,   Issue  1,   1985,   Page  72-77

James Scott,   Ban Khaw,   Elizabeth Locke,   Edgar Haber,   Charles Homcy,  

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8. The Economy of Isometric Force Development, Myosin Isoenzyme Pattern and Myofibrillar ATPase Activity in Normal and Hypothyroid Rat Myocardium
  Circulation Research,   Volume  56,   Issue  1,   1985,   Page  78-86

Ch. Holubarsch,   R. Goulette,   R. Litten,   B. Martin,   L. Mulieri,   N. Alpert,  

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9. A Dihydropyridine (Bay k 8644) That Enhances Calcium Currents in Guinea Pig and Calf Myocardial CellsA New Type of Positive Inotropic Agent
  Circulation Research,   Volume  56,   Issue  1,   1985,   Page  87-96

Gunter Thomas,   Minn Chung,   Charles Cohen,  

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10. Mechanism of Action of Angiotensin II and Bradykinin on Prostaglandin Synthesis and Vascular Tone in the Isolated Rat KidneyEffect of Ca++Antagonists and Calmodulin Inhibitors
  Circulation Research,   Volume  56,   Issue  1,   1985,   Page  97-108

Christy Cooper,   Joel Shaffer,   Kafait Malik,  

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