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Adis is a well-established and respected global brand and has been publishing high quality research, focusing on translating research into clinical practice, for over 40 years. The Australasian Drug Information Service (ADIS) was established in New Zealand in the late 1960s and pioneered the introduction of a suite of first-in-class drug review journals. http://www.springer.com/adis/
高级检索 期刊浏览

共 45 种期刊

序号 刊名 ISSN 收录起止年
1 Adverse Drug Reactions and Toxicological Reviews 0964-198X 2002-2002
2 American Journal of Cancer 1175-6357 2002-2005
3 American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs 1175-3277 2001-2005
4 American Journal of Clinical Dermatology 1175-0561 2000-2005
5 American Journal of Drug Delivery 1175-9038 2003-2005
6 American Journal of PharmacoGenomics 1175-2203 2001-2005
7 American Journal of Respiratory Medicine 1175-6365 2002-2003
8 Applied Bioinformatics 1175-5636 2004-2005
9 Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 1175-5652 2004-2005
10 BioDrugs 1173-8804 1997-2005
11 Clinical Drug Investigation 1173-2563 1995-2005
12 Clinical Immunotherapies 1172-7039 1994-1996
13 Clinical Pharmacokinetics 0312-5963 1976-2005
14 CNS Drugs 1172-7047 1994-2005
15 Disease Management & Health Outcomes 1173-8790 1997-2005
16 Drug Investigation 0114-2402 1989-1994
17 Drug Safety 0114-5916 1990-2005
18 Drugs 0012-6667 1971-2005
19 Drugs & Aging 1170-229X 1991-2005
20 Drugs & Therapy Perspectives 1172-0360 1993-2005
21 Drugs in R & D 1174-5886 1999-2005
22 Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine 1176-2330 2003-2005
23 Genesis Report/Rx 1061-2270 1999-2001
24 High Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Prevention 1120-9879 2003-2005
25 InPharma 0156-2703 1975-1989
26 Inpharma Weekly 1173-8324 1990-2005
27 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Medicine 1364-9027 2000-2004
28 Medical Toxicology 0112-5966 1986-1986
29 Medical Toxicology and Adverse Drug Experience 0112-5966 1987-1989
30 Molecular Diagnosis 1084-8592 2000-2005
31 Paediatric Drugs 1174-5878 2000-2001
32 Pediatric Drugs 1174-5878 1999-2005
33 Pharmaceutical & Diagnostic Innovation 1176-3469 2003-2005
34 Pharmaceutical Innovation 1061-2270 2001-2003
35 PharmacoEconomics 1170-7690 1992-2005
36 PharmacoEconomics & Outcomes News 1173-5503 2004-2005
37 PharmacoEconomics & Outcomes News Weekly 1173-5503 1996-2003
38 PharmacoResources 1172-8299 1994-1995
39 Reactions 0157-7271 1980-1989
40 Reactions Weekly 0114-9954 1990-2005
41 Sports Medicine 0112-1642 1984-2012
42 The Genesis Report/Dx 1061-2289 2001-2001
43 Toxicological Reviews 1176-2551 2003-2005
44 Treatments in Endocrinology 1175-6349 2002-2005
45 Treatments in Respiratory Medicine 1176-3450 2004-2005