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To our readers and subscribers




期刊: Analyst  (RSC Available online 1884)
卷期: Volume 9, issue 12  

页码: 213-213




年代: 1884




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



THE ANALYST. DECEMBER, 1884. TO OUR READERS AND SUBSCRIBERS. OWING to the change of editorship, we beg to inform our readers that the following alterations will, in future, be made in the arrangement of the contentsof THE ANALYST. First in each number mill come the recoi*d of the work of that small, but admirable organisation, the Society we especially claim to represent. It will be headed Proceedings of the Society of Public Analysts,” and will, me hope, maintain in the future the high position with regard to the advancement of the Analysis of Food and Drugs, so markedly taken by British chemists since the passing of the Hale of Food and Drugs Act. At the end of such papers will come, as heretofore, the words (I Goncluaion of the Proceedings of the Society,” and for all the rest of the contents of this paper, the Society, or its officers, are in no may responsible.The remainder of the journal (for which the editor is alone responsible) will contain a record of all advances in analytical chemistry, whether British or €oreign, which the editor can collect, and in this dqartment he will be assisted by a staff of foreign correspondents. The usual system of not quoting from the other home chemical papers will not be followed, but anything interesting will be duly recorded, even if not contributed directly to our columns, as we consider that such petty jealousy is altogether unworthy of the scientific press. The matter will be arranged under the following heade :- (a) Monthly record of Analytical Researches into Food. (6) Monthly record of Analytical Researches into Drugs.( 0 ) Monthly record of General Researches in Analytical Chemistry. Following the atrictly ohemical portion of the paper, wig be found reviews of all such new works in Chemistry, or the allied sciences, as m&y be submitted by the authors or publishers. Particular attention will be paid to this department, a just opinion being earnestly sought after without fear or favour, and no undue. delay will occur in the appearance of review8. A new feature of the journal willthen be introduced, whichhas been decided upon after much careful consideration, via, an occasional record of advances or novelties in the preparation of food and drugs. Public analysts, and our readers generally, who are specially interested in the subject of food, require of all men to be placed arzl oozcralzt with what is going on in this respect, and special articles submitted by the proprietors will be referred to under this heading. Lastly, the journal will contain such legal reports as contain any novel point in the working of the Sale of Food and Drugs Act. Original articles by gentlemen, not members of the Society, will be paid for at a liberal rate of remuneration, to be ascertained on application to the Editorial Depart- ment, and members of the Society contributing papers will have a certain number of A~ALY~Ts$,o8t!edfree to such lists of friendfil as they may send in, according to the length of the article, and on this point information may alsQ be had on application a8 above.


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