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Results and Tolerance of Prolonged Rifampicin Treatment in Recent and Chronic Forms of Pulmonary Tuberculosis


作者: V. Nitti,  


期刊: Respiration  (Karger Available online 1971)
卷期: Volume 28, issue 1  

页码: 57-69




年代: 1971




出版商: S. Karger AG


关键词: Rifampicin tolerance and side effects;Therapeutic effectiveness of Rifampicin;Tuberculosis chemotherapy;Original treatment of tb;Retreatment of tb


数据来源: Karger



In the original treatment of recent cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, the R AMP-+INH regimen has given definitely better therapeutic results than the standard INH+SM regimen. The R AMP+EMB regimen was also more effective than the standard regimen the activity of which was similar to the R AMP+SM regimen. No relapses were observed among the cases treated with regimens containing R AMP, even when the treatment periods did not exceed 8 months. In the retreatment of chronic forms, the R AMP+PAS regimen produced stable sputum conversion in 67% of the cases, while the R AMP+EMB regimen was more effective (stable sputum conversion in 91% of the case). The first long-term controls confirm the good stability of the results produced by both treatments. Tolerance appeared excellent even though the length of treatment ranged from 8 to 24 months. Clinical signs of liver impairment were only observed in 3 of the cases treated (1.3%), but it was not clear in all cases whether these signs were linked to administration of R AMP.


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