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A study of electron irradiation damage in single crystals of molybdenum


作者: M. Biget,   P. Vajda,   A. Lucasson,   P. Lucasson,  


期刊: Radiation Effects  (Taylor Available online 1974)
卷期: Volume 21, issue 4  

页码: 229-234




年代: 1974




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


数据来源: Taylor



High-purity zone-refined molybdenum single crystals of the orientations (100),(110),(111) and (112) have been irradiated with electrons of 0.8-1.7 MeV energy at liquid helium temperatures. The lowest energy for atomic displacement was observed for the (100) specimen atEd= 850 ± 20 keV, which corresponds to a maximum transmitted energy ofTd(100)= 36 ± 1 cV. For the other crystals, the apparent thresholds varied betwecn 860 and 890 keV. Near Td, maximum damage rates were obtained for the (100) sample, followed by (110), (111) and (112); at T ≳ 2.5Td, the damage rates were iargest for (110), followed by (111),(100) and (112). Strong anisotropy effects were noted during annealing stage 1 as concerns thc four substages after low aiid high encrgy irradiation for the various orientations.


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