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The Electrooculogram and Its Interindividual and Intraindividual Variability


作者: A. Zonneveldt,   G. van Lith,  


期刊: Ophthalmologica  (Karger Available online 1980)
卷期: Volume 181, issue 3-4  

页码: 165-169




年代: 1980




出版商: S. Karger AG


关键词: Electrooculogram


数据来源: Karger



The EOG was determined in 130 normal subjects. The mean value was 2.42, the interindividual standard deviation 0.42. The difference between the right eye and the left eye was not significant, neither was the difference between a group of youngsters (20–30 years) and an older age group (50–55 years). In another group of 48 normal subjects, 10 or more EOGs were determined per individual. The intraindividual standard deviation was not a fixed number, but appeared to be dependent on the height of the EOG, being approximately 10% of the EOG value. This is a confirmation of one of our previous observations.


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