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A patient education program for a continuous infusion regimen on an outpatient basis


作者: Roos Nieweg,   Janke Greidanus,   Elisabeth de Vries,  


期刊: Cancer Nursing  (OVID Available online 1987)
卷期: Volume 10, issue 4  

页码: 177-182




年代: 1987


出版商: OVID


数据来源: OVID



A Phase I study of continuous intravenous administration of 4'-epidoxorubicin (4-ED) over 21 days was performed. The aim of this study from the nurse's point of view was to achieve optimal patient instruction to make continuous intravenous infusion via an Infuse- A-Port possible on an outpatient basis. The nurse explained the treatment to the patients. They were specifically taught how to dissolve the 4-ED and how to handle the pump. Once a week the patients were seen in the outpatient department; their performance state was then reassessed and the system changed. Patients knew they could call the staff day and night in case of problems. At the end of the study, 22 patients had entered and were given a total of 57 completed cycles over 1,197 infusion days. Serious complications due to the infusion (for example, septicemia) were not observed. The advantages of the procedure are that patients do not have to be admitted to the hospital for the infusion period, patients and their relatives are actively involved in the therapy, and patients are free to go where they wish. They are almost independent of the hospital. The nurse developed appropriate policies and procedures for the use of the pump, the mixing of the 4-ED, and an educational program for patients and their relatives.


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