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A multiplexible bistable nematic liquid crystal display using thermal erasure


作者: G. D. Boyd,   Julian Cheng,   R. N. Thurston,  


期刊: Applied Physics Letters  (AIP Available online 1982)
卷期: Volume 40, issue 11  

页码: 936-938




年代: 1982




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



A new concept for matrix addressing a bistable nematic liquid crystal display with a potential writing capacity of several hundred lines per second is described. The bistability of two optically differentiable configurations provides permanent memory without refresh. The use of uniform electrodes provides a switching threshold that is very sharply defined and suitable for large scale multiplexing. Erasure is achieved by selectively heating any row to a temperature above the clearing point and allowing preferential relaxation to the lower energy configuration. The pulse switching characteristics of ’’writing’’ and the thermal properties of ’’erasure’’ are described. The physical processes involved and their implications for display applications are discussed.


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