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Determination of Residence Time Dispersion of Polymer Melts in Spinning Machines by Tracer Application


作者: H. Vocke,  


期刊: Isotopenpraxis Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies  (Taylor Available online 1987)
卷期: Volume 23, issue 2  

页码: 72-74




年代: 1987




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: chemical industry;industrial plants;mixing;pilot plants;polymers;sodium 24;textiles;tracer techniques


数据来源: Taylor



Low scatter of residence time between the single spinning units, mixing effect down to the microranges and space-and time-invariant behaviour of all system properties are important demands on modern spinning plants. Experimental results of residence time analysis in a pilot plant for production of synthetic fibres were discussed with respect to demands, which were mentioned. Experimental determination of residence time dispersion of spin tows and single filaments was explained and its effect on quality of spinning material was discussed.


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