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A simple procedure for testing linear hypotheses about the parameters of a nonlinear model using weighted least squares


作者: Paulette Johnson,   George A. Milliken,  


期刊: Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation  (Taylor Available online 1983)
卷期: Volume 12, issue 2  

页码: 135-145




年代: 1983




出版商: Marcel Dekker, Inc.


关键词: Jacobian;cross-classified design;covariance analysis;reparameterization;growth model


数据来源: Taylor



Suppose the same nonlinear function involving k parameters is fit to each of t populations. Suppose further it is of interest to compare a specific parameter of the models across the populations. Such comparisons can be expressed as linear hypotheses about the parameters of the nonlinear models. A weighted linear least squares (WLLS) procedure is proposed to test these linear hypotheses. The advantages and disadvantages of the WLLS procedure are discussed. This procedure is also compared to a nonlinear least squares procedure for testing these hypotheses in nonlinear models.


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