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The Growth of a GaAs–GaAlAs Superlattice


作者: L. L. Chang,   L. Esaki,   W. E. Howard,   R. Ludeke,  


期刊: Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology  (AIP Available online 1973)
卷期: Volume 10, issue 1  

页码: 11-16




年代: 1973




出版商: American Vacuum Society


数据来源: AIP



An ultra high vacuum epitaxy system is described, including special features such as computer control. The system is capable of preparing sophisticated structures requiring a high degree of precise control. GaAlAs films have been grown and evaluated by various techniques; He-ion backscattering and Raman spectroscopy have been shown to be particularly valuable for periodic structures. A structure with a very narrow period has been made, and its transport properties measured and interpreted by the superlattice mechanism.


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