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Conditioned for a helically transported electrom beam


作者: Changbiao Wang,  


期刊: AIP Conference Proceedings  (AIP Available online 1992)
卷期: Volume 279, issue 1  

页码: 126-142




年代: 1992




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



The kinetic theory is developed to investigate a conditioner for a helically transported electron beam. Linear expressions for axial velocity spread are derived. Numerical simulation is used to check the theoretical results and examine nonlinear aspects of the contitioning process. The results show that in the linear regime the action of the beam conditioner on a pulsed beam mainly depends on the phase at which the beam enters the conditioner and depends only slightly on the operating wavelength. In the nonlinear regime, however, the action of the operating wavelength. In the nonlinear regime, however, the action of the conditioner strongly depends on the operating wavelength and only slightly upon the entrance phase. For a properly chosen operating wavelength, a little less than the electron’s relativistic cyclotron wavelength, the conditioner can decrease the axial velocity spread of a pulsed beam down to less than one‐third of its initial value.


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