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Adjustment of the Myelin Sheath to Axonal Atrophy in the Rat Spinal Root by the Formation of Infolded Myelin Loops


作者: G. Krinke,   E. Froehlich,   M. Herrmann,   K. Schnider,   F. Da Suva,   J. Suter,   K. Traber,  


期刊: Cells Tissues Organs  (Karger Available online 1988)
卷期: Volume 131, issue 3  

页码: 182-187




年代: 1988




出版商: S. Karger AG


关键词: Axonal atrophy;Rat;Spinal root;Myelin sheath;Infolded myelin loops;Atrophy


数据来源: Karger



Atrophy of the L4 dorsal and ventral spinal roots was experimentally induced by unilateral sciatic neurectomy in groups of young (2 and 4 months) and older (12 months) albino rats. During the 4 months following neurectomy, the occurrence of infolded myelin loops (IMLs) was quantitatively examined in transverse sections prepared using perfusion fixation with glutaraldehyde and embedding in epoxy resin. The number of IMLs was higher on the operated side and increased with the time of survival and the age of the animals.The formation of IMLs is a characteristic early response of a large-caliber myelin sheath to axonal atrophy, probably reflecting the presence of redundant myelin.


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