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Titles of chemical papers in British and foreign journals, published in the year 1853




期刊: Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London  (RSC Available online 1854)
卷期: Volume 6, issue 1  

页码: 321-372




年代: 1854




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS PUBLISHED IN THE YEAR 1853. A. Acetates.-On the acetates and other compounds of alumina by Walter Crum. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 217. Acetimetry.-On acetimetry by C. G. Williams. J. Pharrn. [3) xxiv 288. Acetone.-Chemical examination of acetone by G. StudeZer. Nachr. von der Gesellsch. d. Wiss. zu Gottingen 1853 No. 9 p. 121 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 341. -On the presence of methylamine in the products accompanying acetone by C. G. Villiams. Chem. Gaz. 1853 409. Acid Acetic.-New process for manufacturing pure acetic acid by C?iristl and Yolckel. Chem. Gaz. 1853 96. .. .. New method of manufacturing pure acetic acid. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 176. Anthrani1ic.-On anthranilic benzamic and carbanilidic acids by B.W.GwZund. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 143. Arsenious.-On arsenious acid its salts and the arsenio-sulphides by 0.B. KuAn. Arch. Pharm. cxix 267 and cxxi 1 ; Chem Gaz. 1853 364. . .. On compact transparent sulphur and vitreous arsenious acid by C. Brame. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 217. .. .. On vitreous arsenious acid by C. Brame. Comp. rend. xzixvii 90. Boracic.-On the influence of water on boracic acid in borates by H. Rose. Chem. Gaz. 1853 65. .. .. On the compounds of boracic acid and water with protoxide of cobalt protoxide of nickel and oxide of zinc by 31.Rose. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 299. .. . . On the compounds of boracic acid and water with sesquioxide of iron by H. Rose. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 473. .. .. On the compounds of boracic acid and water with oxide of copper by H.Rose. Pogg. Ann. lxxxvii 598. .. .. On the compounds of boracic acid and water with oxide of lead by H. Rose. Pogg. Ann. lxxxvii 470. .. . . On the compounds of boracic acid and water with oxide of silver by H. Rose. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxviii 482. .. .. Action of boracic acid on tincture of litmus by Malagutd. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 206. VOL. V1.-NO. XXIV. Y TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Acid Boracic.-Note on the existence of boracic acid in several mineral waters and in various natural suhstances by 13. Pilhol. Compt. rend. xxxvi 3.27 ; Chem. Gaz. 1833 113. .. .. On the presence of boracic acid in the mother-liquor of the salt-springs of Bex by M. Baup. J. Pharrn. [3] iiiii 43... . . On the presence of boracic acid in the alkaline sulphureous thermal waters of Olette (Pyre‘ne‘es Orientals) by J. Bouis. Compt. rend. xxxvi 229. .. .. On the presence of boracic acid in the mineral waters of Wiesbaden and Aiu-la-Chapelle by P’resenius and Wi1dele;zstein. J. pr. Chem. lv 163; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 7G. Camphomethy1ic.-On camphomethylic acid hy A. Loir. Ann Ch Phys. [3] sxxvii 196 uxviii 483. Cam phori c.-On hvo-camphoric acid and laevocamphor by J. C/mutard. Compt. rend. xxxvii 166. Caproic.-Note on the preparation of propionic and caproic acids by A. W. Villiamson. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 204. Capry1ic.-On anhydrous caprylic acid by 1;. Chiozza. Compt. rend. xxxv 865 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxsv 229 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 88. Carbonic.-Action of carbonic acid on tincture of litmus by J.Malagufi. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxsvii 206. .. .. Apparatus for the determination of carbonic acid by Max. Scltefner. Chem. Gaz. 1853 37. . . . Action of carbonic acid on quinine and cinchonine ; form;ltbn of crystallized carbonate of quinine by 31. Lunglois. Compt. rend. xxsvii 727. .. .. Note on an apparatus for estimating carbonic acid by M.de Luca. Compt. rend. xxxvii 730. Citric.-Researches on the fermentation of citric acid by J. Persome. Compt. rend. xxsvi 197 ; Chem. Gaz. 1553 147. . . .. Improvements in the manufacture of citric and tartaric acid (Price’s Patent!. Pharrn. J. Trans. xiii 46. Formic.-On the presence of formic acid in the human secretions by D.Campbell.Chem. Gaz. 1853 310. Fumaric.-On the occurrence of fumaric acid in Corydalis bulbosa by W.FYicke. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvii 225. Gallic.-On the preparation of gallic acid from Chinese gall-nuts by G. C. Wittstein. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 444. Hippuric.-Reproduction of hippuric acid by i7r. Dessaignes. Compt. rend. xxxvii 251 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 325. Hydroc h1oric.-Volumetrical determination of sulphuric and hydrochloric acid by JL Levol. Chem. Gaz. 1853 378. Hydr0cyanic.-Determination of the strength of hydrocyanic acid by J. Robertso,?. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 105. .. .. On the estimation of iron cyanogen hydrocyanic acid and hydrosulphocyanic acid by volume analysis ; and on the quantitative determination of the sulphocyanide of potassium in saliva by T.J.Herapath. Chem. Gaz. 1833 294. Mydroferr0cyanic.-Preparation of hydroferrocjmic acid. Ann. Cli Pharm. lxxxvii 127 IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. 323 Acid Hydrof1uoric.-On the preservation of hydrofluoric acid by G. Stiide-kr. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 137. Hydros u1phuric.-On the action of sulphuretted hydrogen on picric acid by A. Girurd. Compt. rend. xxxvi 421. Kyanurenic.-On kyanurenic acid by J. Liebig. Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vi 112; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 125 ;Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 488. Meconic.-On meconic acid and its derivatives by H. How. Ed. Phil. Trans. xx pt. 3 401 ; ubstr. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 72. Moritannic-On the formula of moritannic acid by R. Wugner. Chem. Gaz. 1853 175. Nitric.-On the preparation of chemically pure nitric acid and of the nitrates of potash and soda by C.Weber. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 596. .. . . On the manufacture of nitric acid. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 428. .. .. On nitric acid as a source of the nitrogen found in plants by G. WiZson. Trans. Roy. SOC.Edinb. sx 591. .. . Were the ancient Egyptians acquainted with nitric acid? by T.J. Herapath. Phil. Mag. [4] v 339. .. .. On the supposed conversion of ammonia into nitric acid in the animal organism by C. Jafi. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 232. .. .. Xew test for nitric acid and the nitrates by E. W. D~J. Phil. Mag. [4] v 330 ; J. Yharm. [3] xxiv 205. 0leic.-Purification of oleic acid and application to manufacturing purposes (Wilson’s Patent). l’harm. J. Trans. xii 551.0xalic.-On the volumetric determination of osalic acid by F. Lieshing. Chem. Gaz. 1853 472. 0xylizaric.-On oxylizaric acid (purpurin) by H. Dcbus. Ann. Ch. Pharrn. lxxxvi 117. Paracitric-On paracitric acid and the paracitrates by F. L. Winckler. Jahrb. f. pr. Pharm. xxv 65 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 32. .. .. On the identity of Winckler’s paracitric acid with malic acid by L. Pasteur. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 75. Pe1argonic.-On anhydrous pelargonic acid by L. Chiozza. Compt. rend. xxxv 865; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 231 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853,88. a. .. On a compound of pelargonic acid with nitric oxide by L. Chiozza. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxv 225 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 123. Permanganic-On permanganic acid. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 373. Phosphoric.-On the apparent volatilization of phosphoric acid from acid solutions and on the action of hydrochloric acid on phosphate of soda by H.Freseniw. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 216. .. .. Estimation of phosphoric acid and the phosphates by means of nitrate of uranium by M. Leconte. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 80. .. .. On the determination of phosphoric acid by E. T.Bennett. Chem. Gaz. 1853 17. Picric.-Action of sulphuretted hydrogen on picric acid by A. Girard. Compt. rend. xxxvi 421. .. .. Means of detecting picric acid in beer by .J. L. Lassnigne. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 139. . . . . On the me of picric acid for distinguishing vegetable and animal fibres in stuffs by J. J.PoRl. Sitzungsber. d. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wien ix 387; l’harm. J. Trans. xiii 183; Chem. Gaz. 1853 320.Y2 TITLES 01 CHEMICAL I’APEICb Acid Propionic.-Note on the preparation of propionic and caproic acids by A. IT.Williamson. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 204. Pyrogal1ic.-Pyrogallic acid in wood-vinegar. Ann. Ch. Pharm. l?rxxvii 256. Pyromeconie.-On some salts and products of decomposition of pyro- meconic acid by J. Brown. Phil. Mag. [4]iv 16; abstr. Chem. SOC. Qu. J-vi 78. Pyromucic.-Preparation of pyroinucic acid by A. 14. Arppe. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lsxxvii 237. Racemic.-Ne\v facts relating to the history of racemic acid by M. Kestner. Cornpt. rend. xxxvi 17.-Remarks on the preceding by M. Biot. Ibid. 1s. .. .. Notice respecting the origin of racemic acid by M. Pnsteur. Compt. rend. xxxvi 19. .. . . On racemic acid. Pharm. J. Trans.xiii 110. Salicylic.-On the sensibility of the reactions of ealirylous and salicylic acids on sesquioxide of iron by A. Dollfus. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 202. Sa1icylous.-On the formation of salicylous acid in the flowers of Spirea ulmaria by L. A Buchner. J. Pharm. [33 xsiii 321; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 87. Sebacic.-On sebacic acid by X. Curlet. Compt. rend. xxxvii 128; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 176. .. . . On an apparently new mode of formation of sebacic acid 2nd on the constitution of the acids Cn H,-,O,. by R. Wugner. Chern. Gaz. 1853 155. Stearic.-On the solid compound obtained by distilling stearic acid with lime by T. H. .Rowny. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 97. S u1phuric.-Researches on the congelation and ebullition of the hydrates of sulphuric acid by C.Marignac. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 184. .. .. On the analysis of oils by means of sulphuric acid by N.Maurnen6 .. On the manufacture of sulphuric acid by M. Gautier. Compt. rend. xxxvii 177. .. .. Improvements in the manufacture of sulphuric acid (Bell’s Patent). Pharm. J Trans. xii 45 1. Tannic.-On the preparation of the tannic acid by B. Sandrock. Chem. Gaz. 1853 199; Pharm. J. Trans. xii 597. Tartaric.-Transformation of the two tartaric acids into racemic acid. Discovery of inactive tartaric acid. New method of separating racemic acid into dextro- and Izvo- tartaric acid by L. Pasteur. Compt. rend. xxxvii 162 ; Chem. SOCQu. J. vi 77. Uric.-Preparation of uric acid by A. E. rlrppc. Ann. Ch. Pharm. hxxvii 237. Va1erianic.-On anhydrous valerianic acid by L.Cliiozza. Chem. Gaz. 1853 52. .. .. On the cacodyl of valerianic acid by W. Gibbs. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 223 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 1‘25. Acids.-On the acids contained in fungi I)y P. Zlolley. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 44 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 291 IN BRITISH AND FOBEIQN JOURNALS. 325 Acids.-On the compounds of glycerine with acids by M. Berthelot. Compt. rend. xxxvi 27 ; Chem Gaz. 1853 121. -On the acids of raye-oil by G. Sliidcler. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 133. L_ On the acid formed when potash acts on oil of bitter almonds by Prof. Gregory. Proc. Roy. Soc. of Edinh. 1853-53 195. -Action exerted by acids and by alkaline and earthly chlorides on oil of turpentine sugar alcohol and wood-spirit by AL Berthclot.Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 38. Acids Anhydrous.-Researches on the anhydrous organic acids by C Gerhardt. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 285; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 57 129. . .. On anhydrous organic acids by A. Chiozzn. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lsxsiv 106 ; lsxcv 229 ; lxxxvi 259 ; Compt. rend. xxxvi 632; Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xssix lC6; Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 184. .. .. Additional researches on the anhydrous acids by C. Gerhardt and L. Chiozza. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1050; Ann. Ch.Pharm. lxxxvii 290 .. .. Report on a memoir by M. Gerhardt entitled “ Researches on the anhydrous organic acids” by M. Dumus. Compt. rend. xxxvi 505 ; J. Pharin. [s] xxiv 81 ; Pharin. J. Trans. xiii 71. .. .. On Gerhardt’s discovery of anhydrous organic acids by A. W. TYilliamsoii.Chem. Gaz. 1853 137. Fatty.-Researches on the fatty acids by W. Heintz. Chem. Gaz. 1853 41. .. .. On the use of the fatty acids as a source of light by J. Curnbaci?res. Chem. Gaz. 1853 175. lsoineric.-Facts relating to the history of the isomeric acids by J. Goltlieb. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxiii 227; Ann. Ch. Yhys. [3] xxxviii 363. Farther Ann. Ch. Pharin. Ixxxv 17. Organic. -On certain organic acids by L. Ghiozza. Compt. rend. xxxvi 701. lEsculin.-Addendurn to the inemoir on aesculin by Fr. Roclrledw. Ann. Ch. Pharrn. Ixxxvii 200. -On teesculin by F. Hochleder and R. Schwarlz. Ann. Ch. Phys [31 xxxviii 373 ; J. Pharm. (3) xxiv 292. Affinity.-Researches on chemical affinity by R. Bunsen. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 137 ; Ann. Ch. Phys.[3] xxxviii 344 ; Chern. SOC.Qu. J. vi 82. -On chemical affinity by H. Dcbus. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxv 103; lxxxvi 156 ; Ixuxvii 238. Air.-Researches on the composition of atmospheric air :by V.Regnault. Ann. Ch. Phys. xxxvi 385. -On the composition of the air contained in vegetable mould by Bouss.’ngault and Lkwy. Ann. Ch. Phys. (31 xxxvii 5. -Specific heat of air by IV. J. M.Raukine. Phil. Mag. [4) v 437. Air-pump.-Improvements in the air-pump by M. Brelon. Compt. rend. xxsvi 567.-Report thereupon by 171. Reyiier. Ibid. 1068. A1bumin.-On albumin and casein by N. Lieberkiihn. Pogg. Ann. IxxxVi 117 296 ; ahst?.. J. I’harm. [3] xxiii 395. -On the presence of albumin in inilk in the normal state by M. Quhpnne. .J. Pharm. 13) xxiv 94. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Albumin.-New observations on a1l)umino’idal substances by M.Panurn. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 237 ;J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 238. -Researches on albumino’idal substances :by C. Leronte and A. de Gournuens. Compt. rend. xxxvi 837 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 17. Alco ho1.-New process for recognizing the presence of alcohol in essential oils by M. 06erdorfer. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 73. -Action exerted by acids and by alkaline and earthy chlorides on alcohol by 111. Bertlielot. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 38. Alcohols.-On the acidification of alcohols by oxygen gas or atmospheric air by R. Ruilton. Chem. SOC.Qu. J vi 205. -On the atomic weight and constitution of the alcohols by F. WrigAtson. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 88. -On butylic alcohol by A.Wurtz. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxw 197. -On caproic alcohol by M. Fuget. Compt. rend. xxxvii 730. -On caprylic alcohol by WZadimir Mosclinin. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 11 1. -On propionic alcohol by G. Chancel. Compt. rend. xxxvii 410; Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 287. Aldehyde.-On the occurrence of aldehyde among the products of the distil- lation of sugar by C. Yolckel. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 303. -On aldehyde-ammonia. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 375. Aldeh ydes.-On a new mode of formation of the aldehydes by L. Chiazza. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 232. Alkali.-Improvements in the manufacture of alkali (Greenshield’s Patent). Chem. Gaz. 1853 438. A1 ka1ies.-New and ready method of determining the alkalies in minerals by J. L. Smith. Sill. Am.J. [a] xv 234; xvi 53; Chem. Gaz 1853 252 333. -Researches on the cinchona alkaloyds by L. Pustezcr. Compt. rend. xxxvii 110 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 16 ; Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 273. -On the tests for the cinchona alkaloids by 3’. L. Winckler. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 422. -Researches on a new alkali (piperidine) derived from piperine by A. Cuhours. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 38. -Production of the ethylic and methylic alkaloids by mearis of chloride of ammonium by 131. Uerthelot. Ann. Ch. Phys. [33 xxxviii 38. -On some new basic products obtained by the decomposition of the vegetable alkaloxds by II. How. Chem. SOC. Qu. J. vi 125. -Action of alkalis on sugar. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 348 393. -General process for the detection of the alkalo’ids in cases of poisoning by G.Slas. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 132. Alloxan.-On a spontaneous metamorphosis of alloxan by Prof. Gregory. Proc. Roy. SOC. Edinb. 1832-53 197 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxviii 126. Alloys -On alloys considered with reference to their chemical constitution by A. Leuol. Ann. Ch. Phys. [33 xxxix 163. -On the position of alloys and amalgams in the thermo-electric series by W.Rollmanir. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 90. -On the analysis of alloys of copper and zinc by 11.Spivyntis. J. pr. Chem. vii 184 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 260. -Note on a new alloy of silver by (-I. RnriwZ. Chem. Gaz. 1853 15. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. Alloy s.-Improvements in depositing alloys of metals (Marris and Johnston's Patent). Pharm. J. Trans.xiii 233. Alum.-Note on cubic alum by 11. Loeml. Compt. rend. xxxvi 595. Alumina.-On the presence of alumina in Bog-head coal and on the use of the ashes of the latter in the manufacture of alum He?-apath. Chem. Gaz. 1853 169. -2'. by J. On the acetates and other compounds of alumina by JVaZter Crum. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 217. -New reagent for precipitating alumina from its acid solutions by M. ?'issin.. Compt. rend. xxxvii 245. -On the separation of alumina from oxide of chromium :by Dexter. Pogg. Ann. lxsxix 143. Amalgamation.-On the reactions on which the American amalgamation process depends and on the extraction of silver by means of arnal-gamation by Dr. Knrsten. Chem. Gaz. 1853 141. Amber.-On cavities in amber containing gases and liquids by D.Brewster Phil. Mag. [4] v 233. Amides.-Researches on the amides by C. Gerhardt and L. Chiozza. Ann. Ch. I'harm. Ixsxvii 296 ; Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 193. -Note on the theory of the amides by A. Wurtz. Compt. rend. xxxvii 246 357. -Note on the theory of the amides by C. Gerhurdb. Compt. rend. xxxvii 28 1. Ammonia.-Note on the use of graduated solutions for determining the quantity of ammonia in waters by JI. Bineau. Compt. rend. xxwi 1039. -Method of getting rid of sal-ammoniac in analysis by J. L. Smith. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 94. -New researches on the ammonia in the atmosphere by J. Pierre. Compt. rend. xxxvi 694. -On the quantity of ammonia in rain-water collected at a distance from towns by ill. Boussingazclt.Compt. rend. xxxvii 207. -On the action of ammoniacal bases upon oil of mustard by 2'. Hinter- bergw. Chem. Gaz. 1853 71. -On the combustion of ammonia &c. by the green oxide of chromium by J. E. AsJdy. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 97. -On the reaction of ammonia on certain metallic arsenites by A. Girard. Compt. rend. xxxvi 793. -Actiori of ammonia on sulphamylate of lime by 31. Berthdot. Compt rend. xxxvi 1098. -On the supposed conversion of ammonia into nitric acid in the animal body by C. Juflk'. J. pr. Chem. lix 238 ; J. Pharm. (31 xxiv 373 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 232. -On the determination of the ammonia contained in waters by M. Bous-sinymlt. Compt. rend. xxxvi 814 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 319. -Manufacture of ammonia and ammoniacal salts.Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 29 63 112. -On the fabrication of sal-ammoniac by JfX. Mohrlin and Stall. Bull. de la SOC.industr. de Mulhouse xxiv 375. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Ammonia.-On the estimation of ammonia in waters by Jf. Boussingault. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 257. Amygda1in.-On the presence of amygdalin in various plants. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 450. Amy1.-On the preparation of carbonate of amyl by J. A. Bruce. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 16. -On the action of ammonia on sulphamylate of lime by M. Berthelot. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 372. Anzesthe tic Agent s.-Consideration's on amsthetic agents by M. Jobert. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1031. Analysis.-New general method of chemical analysis by 22'. Suinte-CZaCe DeviZZe. Ann. Ch.Phys. [3] xxxviii 5. -On a method of volumetric analysis of very general application by R,Bunsen. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 265. -A method of getting rid of sal-ammoniac in analysis by J. L. Smith. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 94 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 115. -Note on the use of chlorine in analysis by NM. Rivot Beudunt and Daguin. Compt. rend. xxxvii 126 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 169. I_ On the use of cyanide of potassium in analytical chemistry by H. Rose. Pogg. Ann. xc 193. -AnaIytical notes by A. B. Northcote and A. H. CJiurch. Chem. SOC. Qu. J. vi 53. 1. Action of caustic potash on the phosphates. 2. On the behaviour of some oxides with caustic potash in the presence of oxide of chromium. -Contributions to analytical chemistry by W. Gibbs.Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvi 52. Separation of manganese from potash and soda; from baryta atrontia lime magnesia and alumina ; from zinc and nickel. -On volumetrical analysis. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 284. Aniline.-Test for aniline. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvii 376 -Test for aniline by F. BeissenJiirtz. Chem. Gaz. 1853 434. An t.-Chemical investigation of the Mexican honey-ant by C. M. Wetherill. Chem Gaz. 1853 72. Antimony.-On the isomeric compounds of sulphur and antimony by H Rose. Ber. d. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berlin 1853 242; Chem. Gaz. 1853. 290. -On the isomeric modifications of sulphide.of antimony by H. Row. Pogg. Ann. lxxsix 122. -On the compounds of sulphide of antimony with antimonic oxide by H. Rose. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 316.-Action of antimony upon certain classes of salts by J. W. Slater. Chem. Gaz. 1853 329. -On the fluorine-salts of antimony by F. A. Fliirkiger. Chem. Gaz. 1853. 1. -On the sulphide of antimony by F. Wackenroder. Arch. Pharm. [2] luxi 207; J. Pharm [3] xxiii 156. -Note on the sulphantimoniate of copper and zinc by Prof Etlling. Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vi 140. IN BRITTSIX AND FOREIGN JOUIINALS. Antimony.-On the preparation of lakes by means of chloride of antimony Schweiz. Gewerbeblatt xi 2 17 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853,275. Antiquities.-Analyses of several artificial products of high antiquity by N. Girardin. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 165 252 324. Aqua-regia -Use of aqua-regia in testing for poisons by Gaultier de Clauby. J. Pharrn. [3] xxiii 27 209.-Remarks on the same by Mdaguti and Sarzeaud.Ibid. 296. Arbutine.-on arbutine by M. KawaEier. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xsxviii 375. -On arbutine by BochZedet* and Sclzwartz. J.Pharm. [3] xxiv 293. Arctostaphy1os.-Examination of the leaves of Arcfostapphylos Ura UrSa by A. KawaEier. Chem. Gaz. 1853 61. Arnica.-Adulteration of arnica leaves. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 400. Arsenic.-On arsenious acid its salts and the arsenio-sulphides by 0. B. Kuhn. Arch. Pharm. cxix 267 and cxxi 1 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 364. -On vitreous arsenious acid by C. BramP. Compt. rend. xxxvii 90. -Action of arsenic upon certain classes of salts by J. h? Draper. Chem. Gaz. 1853 329. -On the use of molybdate of ammonia as a test for arsenic in medico-legal investigations by H.Struve. J. pr. Chem. lviii 193; J. Pharm. [3'] xxiv 371 ; Pharrn. J. Trans xiii 182. -On the toxicological relations of arsenious and arsenic acids by M Sclwof. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 294. -On the reduction of arsenic and antimony by means of cyanide of potassium by H. Rose. Bericht d. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berlin 1853 441 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 400. -On the use of aqua-regia in searching for arsenic localized in the viscera by Mulaguti and Sarzeaud. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 27. -Comparative experiments on the use of hydrate of magnesia and hydrated sesquioxide of iron as antidotes for arsenic by it7. D. Schroy, N. Repert. Pharm. i 447; 5. Pharm. [a] xxiii 230; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 38. -Insolubility of native realgar (As S2)in carbonate of ammonia by C.G Williams. Chem. Gaz. 1853 252. Arsen ites.-On the action of ammonia on certain metallic arsenites by A. Girard. Compt. rend xxxvi 793. Ashes.-Analysis of the ashes of Erica carneu and Calluma vulgaris SaZisb. and of the soils on which they grow by C. F. Rolhe. Ann. Ch. Pharin. lxxxvii 118 -Analysis of the ashes of vetch-seed from Neufchatel by J. Cohen. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxiv 288. Asphalt.-On asphalt from Canton Neuenburg by C. VoZckeZ. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxsvii 139. Aspirator.-New gasometer serving as a pneumatic trough and as an aspirator by &I. Tiferau. Compt. rend. xxxvii 51. -On a new aspirator by T. Aitdrem. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 603 ;Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 263. Assaying.-Abstract of the assays performed at the &ole des Mines by MM.Rivot Beudatit Duguin and Boziqurt. Ann. Min. [Fi] iii 521. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Atomic Weights.-Addition to a memoir entitled " Researches on the relations between the atomic weights and specific heat of elementary bodies" by M. Graniw. Compt. rend. sxxvii 130. -On the relations between the atomic weights of analogous elements by J. 11. Gkdstone. Phil. Mag. [4] v 313. Azobenzide.-Note upon azobenzide and seminaphthalidine by N. Zinin. Bull. de St. Yetersb. Phys. Math. C1. x 345; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxsxv 328 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 32. 13. Balance.-On an improved assay balance by G. H. Makins. Chem. SOC. Qu. J. vi 36. -On a new baIance for taking the tare of vessels. J. Pharm. [3) xxiv 354. Balsams.-Adulteration of Peru and Tolu balsams ; by G.Ulex. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 549. Bark.-On a bark called Heetoo used in Abyssinia with some remarks on the Korarima and on Koussoo by J. Vaughan. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 587. Barmin.-On the equivalent weights of platinum and barmium by T. Andrews. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 255. Baryta.-Manufacture of caustic baryta from the carbonate by MM. LPpEay and Dubrunfaut. Chem. Gaz 1853 388. Bases.-Contributions to the history of the volatile bases; by A. v. Planla and A. KekuX Ann. Ch. Yharm. lssxvii 1. Bee.-Chemical examination of the food of the queen-bee by C. M. Wetherill. Chern. Gaz. 1853 91. Beer.-Means of detecting picric acid in beer by J. L. Lassaigw. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 139. Bees.-Remedy for the stings of bees.Chem. Gaz. 1553,36. Beet.-Kote on the chemical composition of the beet-root cultivated in the alumino-siliceous soils of the Loire-Inf4rieure by M. Bobierre. Compt. rend. xxxvi 31 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 154. Benzoates.-On benzoate of potash by 7Y. Gregory Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxsvii 125. Bismuth.-Researches on bismuth by R. Schneider. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 46; xc 166. -On mngistery of bismuth and certain other compounds of nitric acid with oxide of bismuth. J. Pharm. [3] sxiii 319. Bitter Principles.-On certain bitter principles by Fr. Rochkder and R. Schwartz. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 186 ; J. Yharm. [3] xxiii 474. Blast Furnaces. -On the arrangement of the materials in the blast furnace and the application of the waste gases by S.H. Blackmore. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxv 188 243. Bleaching.-On the mode of testing the strength of bleaching liquors by F. Lieshing. Chem. Gaz. 1853 139. Blood.-On the crystallizable matter of the blood by M. Leltmann. J. pr. Chem. lviii 95 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 365. IN BRTTESM AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. nlood.-On a new method of coagulating blood in the arteries and its application to the cure of aneurisms by M. Yrevaz. Compt. rend. xxxvi 88. -Further observations of the crystallizable method of the blood by C. G. Lphmunn. Ber. d. Gesellsch. d. Wiss. zu Leipzig. Math.-Phys. Classe 1852 78 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 447. Boiler.-Note on a new steam-boiler by M. Boutigny. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 53. Bo n e.-Improvements in producing ornamental surfaces in metal ivory or bone (Skinner’s Patent).Chem. Gaz. 1853 59. Bones.-On the alteration of bones in the soil by Kindlet-. Pogg. Ann. Ixsxvii 61 1. Berates.-Examination of a natural product imported from America and partly consisting of the borates of soda and lime by L. 22. Lecanu. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 22; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 184; Compt. rend. xxxvi 5SO. Brain.-Comparative investigation of the quantities of water and fat in the brain by .T. Huufland R.Walther. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 42. -On the brain by E. v. Bibra. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 201. -On the brain of the new-born infant by J. Schlossbergw. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvi 119. Bran.-On the chemical composition of bran hy M. Poggiale. Compt. rend. xxxviiJ 171 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 198.-On the influence of the glucosic ferments contained in bran on the process of panification by M. Mouri4s. Compt. rend. xxxvii 427. -Report by M. Chevreul on a memoir by M. Mourie‘s entitled “On the proximate principles of wheat-bran of their action in panification and in the nutrition of animals.” Compt. rend. xxxvii 775. Brandy.-Means of detecting and separating copper from brandy. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 294. Brass.-Fire-proof bronze-colour for copper and brass by M. UiensC. Chem. Gaz. 1853 119. Bread.-Examination of the bread supplied to the troops of the various European powers and of the chemical composition of bran by M. Poggiak. Comi’t. rend. xxxvii 171 ; J. Pharm. [S] xxiii 198. -Experiments to determine the cause of the difference between new and stale bread by M.Boussinguult. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvi 490 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 47. Bromine.-On a process for determining the equivalents of certain fluid hydrocarbons by means of bromine by C. G. Williums. Chem. Gaz. 1853,365. Bronze.-On the alteration of bronzes used for the sheating of the ships. Compt. rend. xxxvii 131. Burette.-On a new burette by R.Kerstiny. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 33. Butter.-On butter by W. Heintz. Pogg. Ann. xc 137. -On the composition of butter by W.Heinfz. Ber. d. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berlin 1553 303; Chem. Gaz. 1853 44 1. Buty1.-On butylic alcohol by A. 7Vut.t~. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 197. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS C. Cacody1.-On the cacodyl of valerianic acid by 7Y. Gibbs. Chem.Gaz. 1853 125. Cadmium.-On an artificial production of Greenockite and of some other compounds of cadmium by E. SchiiZer. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvii 31. Calico-printing.-On the applicability of molybdic acid and the molybdates in dyeing and calico-printing by W. H. Kuww. Chem. Gaz 1853 435. -Analysis of a new alloy for the plates for calico-printing. J. pr. Chem. 192 ; J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxv 68. Cal1una.-Analysis of the ashes of Erica curnea and Cullma vulgaris Salisb. and of the soils on which they grow by C. F. Rothe. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvii. 118. Camphor.-On the different kinds of camphor and on oil of camphor by Th.Jfurtius. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 472. -On lzvocamphoric acid and laevocamphor by J. Chuutard. Compt. rend. xxxvii 166 ; J.Pharm. [3] xxiii 168. Camphors.-Caniphor from oil of sassafras. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 376. Cantharides.-On the nature of the fat of Cantharides by Dr. Gossmann. Ann. Ch . I’harm. lxxxvi 3 17. Caoutchouc.-On caoutchouc and gutta percha by f? C. Culvert. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 423. Capro y1.-On caproic alcohol by M. Fu!pt. Compt. rend. xxxvii 730. C apry1.-On caprylic alcohol by Wladimir Moschnin. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 11 1. C arbon.-Observations on carbon and on the difference of temperature of the induced luminous poles by M. Despretz. Compt. rend. xxxvii 369. -On the detection of sulphide of carbon by A. J’oyel. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 369. Carbonates.-On the occurrence of crystallized carbonate of lanthanum by W. 0. BZuke. Sill.Am. J. [2] xvi 228. -Improvenients in the manufacture of carbonates of soda (W. E. Newton’s Patent). Chern. Gaz. 1853 359. -On the preparation of carbonate of potash by C. Weber. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 45. -On the preparation of carbonate of amyl by J. A. Bruce. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 16. Casein.-On albumin and casein by N. Lieberkiihn. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxvi 117 298 ; abstr. J. Pharm. [3] xsiii 398. CataIysis.-Additional observations on catalytic combustion by J. E. Ashby. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 77. Cellulose.-Discovery of a substance in the human body which gives the same reactions as vegetable cellulose by M. Virchow. Compt. rend. xxxvi 492. Cement.-Improved cement for resisting fire (Reale’s Patent). Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 234.IN BRITISIF AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. Charcoal.-New process for determining the commercial value of animal charcoal by M. Corerrwinder. Compt. rend. xxxvii 610. -Memoir on wood-charcoal by M. Violetle. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 291. -Second memoir on charcoal by M. Yioldte. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 172. Chemical Action.-Researches on the quantities of heat disengaged in chemical and molecular actions (3rd 4th and 5th parts-Conclusion) by P. A. Favre and J. T. Silbermann. Ann. Ch. Phys. L3] xxxvii 406. -Note on the chemical compounds produced by slow action at the contact of solids and liquids by M. Becquercl. Compt. rend. xxxvi 209. -Considerations on the theory of chemical changes and on the law of equivalent volumes by 7'.S. Hzcnt. Sill.Am. J. [a] xv 226. Chemical Chang es.-Considerations on the theory of chemical changes and on equivalent volumes by T. S. Hunt. Phil. Mag. [4] v 326. Chemical Combination.-On the heat of chemical combination by 5". roods. Phil. Mag. [43 v 10. Chemical Composition.-New researches on the relations which may exist between crystalline form chemical composition and rotatory power by L. Pastew. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 437.-Report thereupon by H. de Senarmont. Compt. rend. xxxvi 757. Chemical Forces.-On the economical production of mechanical effect from chemical forces by J. P. Joule. Phil. Mag. [4] v I. -On the mechanical effect of heat and chemical forces by T.J. Rankine. Phil. Mag. [4] v 6 Chicory.-On the means of detecting chicory in coffee by J.L. Lussaigne. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 224. Chlorides.-Action exerted by acids and by alkaline and earthy chlorides on oil of turpentine sugar alcohol and wood-spirit by LM.Berthelot. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 38. -Compounds of the sulphides of ethyl and methyl with certain metallic chlorides by A. Low. J. Pharm. [3] xxxv 251 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 363 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 361 ; Compt. rend. xxxvi 1093. -On the analysis of mineral waters containing chloride of magnesium by M. Tillmanns. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 234. Chlorine.-On a new method of determining the amount of available chlorine contained in hypochlorites of lime potash or soda by A. P. Price. Chem. Gaz. 1853 4 19. -Note on the use of chlorine in analyses by NLW. Rivot Beudunt and Daguin.Cornpt. rend. xxxvii 126 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 169 -Improvements in the manufacture of chlorine (Pattinson's Patent} Yharm. J. Trans. xii 354. Chloroform.-On the nature of the oily substance existing in commercial chloroform by H. Peatberton. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 599 Chromium.-On the behaviour of certain oxides with caustic potash in the presence of oxide of chromium by A. 13. Northcofe and A. N.Church. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 54. -On minerals accompanying chromic iron by 7'. H. Garret. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 332. -On the separation of alumiria from oxide of chromium by Deder. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 142. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Chromium.-On the toxicology of bichromate of potash by M. Jaillard. J. Pharm. [5] xxiv 39. -On the combustion of ammonia &c.by the green oxide of chromium by J. E. Ashby. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 97. -On the preparation of chrorne-yellow by 1lfJf. Biot and Belisse Pharm. J. Trans. siii 139. -Cheap method of preparing chrorne-red by Prof. Runye. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 90. Cinch ona.-Manufacture of chromate and bichromate of potash from chromic iron or chrome ore (J. Booth's Patent). Chem. Gaz. 1853,475. -Researches on the cinchona-alkaloids by L. Pusteur. Compt. rend. xxxvii 110; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 161 ; Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 273. Cinchonine.-Action of carbonic acid on quinine and cinchonine by M. Langlois. Compt. rend. xxxvii 727. Citrates.-On the crystalline forms of certain citrates by J. C. Heusser. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 121.-On the adulteration of commercial citrate of iron and quinine by C. G. Williams. Chem. Gaz. 1853 269. Clay.-Analysis of light-grey clay from Wiesloch by J. Moser. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxsxv 99. -On plastic clay (terre molle) by 3f.Bni*resxiE. J. Pharm. [3] xxii 444. Coal.-Description of a brown coal deposit in Brandon Vermont U.S. by E. IIitchcock. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 95. -On the presence of alumina in Bog-head coal and on the use of the ashes of the latter in the manufacture of alum by T. J. Hempath. Chem. Gaz. 1853 169. -Improved method of treating coal and bituminous substances and improvements in the treatment of their volatile products (W. Brown's Patent). Chem. Gaz. 1853 4713. Cobalt.-On an allotropic modification of cobalt by F.A. Genfh. Chem. Gaz. 1853 91. -On the new compounds for cobalt described by Fre'my and others by Prof. Gregory. Proc. Roy. SOC.Edinb. 1852-53 193; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 125. -Researches on cobalt by E. Fdmy. Ann. Ch. Phys. xxxv 257 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 201. -On a new saline compound of cobalt by E. St. Ewe. Ann. Ch. Phys. [S] xxxviii 177. -Cobalt-yellow. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 496. -On the compounds of boracic acid and water with protoxide of cobalt by H. Rose. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxviii 299. -On the passive state of nickel and cobalt by J. Nickle's. Compt. rend. xxxvii 284. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 128. On the presence of nickel and cobalt in ferruginous waters and Separation of nickel from cobalt. on a process for isolating them by 0.Henry. J Pharrn. [3] xxiv 305. Coca,-On coca leaves by H. 7Furkenroder. Pharrn J. Trans. xiii 224. -On the pr0pertiF-s and composition of the coca-leaf by Prof. Jolmstow. Chem. Gaz. 1653 438. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. Codeine.-On the rotatory power of codeine by Bouchardut and F. BoudeL. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 288. Coffee.-On coffee as a beverage comidered in a chemico-physiological point of view by 3. Lehmttnn. Ann. Ch Pharm. lxxxvii 205 275. -Examination of the chicoried coffees found in commerce by A. Xarquis. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 210. Cohesion.-Memoir on cohesion by N Sepin. Compt. rend. sxxvii 698. Coke.-On the purification of iron and coke from sulphur. J. Fr. Inat. [3] xxv 47. Colouring Matter.-On the constitution of the colouring matters of madder by E.Schunck. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 187. -On a new yellow colouring matter in the root-bark of Rhamnus frctngulu by L. A. Biichner. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 218 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 50. -Wurrus a dye from Rofllera tinctoria by z). Huubwy. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 589. -Fire-proof bronze-colour for copper and brass by M. Dienst. Chem. Gaz. 1853 119. -Report on English colours by E. Ehrmann. Bull. SOC.Ind. de Mul- house. No. 115 p.. 400. Copper.-On copper smelting by J. Napier. Phil. Mag. [4] v 30 175 345 486. -On the compounds of boracic acid and water with oxide of copper by H. Xosc. Pogg. Ann.lxxxvii 587. -On the chemical compounds of copper and tin and on mixtures of these metals constituting non-chemical alloys by M.Riefel. Compt. rend. xxsvii 450. -On the analysis of alloys of copper and zinc by H. Spirgatis. J. pr. Chem. lvii 84 ;Chem. Gaz. 1853 260. -Note on sulphantimoniate of copper and zinc by Prof. Eftling. Chem. Sac. Qu. J. vi 140. -On certain compounds of copper with cyanogen by A. Dufau. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1099. -On several new sulphites of cuprous oxide by L. Pe‘an de St. G2ka. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 45 Compt. rend. xxxvi 1086-Remarks thereupon by M. Chevreul. Ibid. 1089. -On grey copper (probably a new mineral) from Cabarras County N. C. by F. A. Genth. Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 83. -Chloride of zinc as a solvent for copper. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 233. -On the determination of copper and nickel in quantitative analysis by L).Forbes. Chem. Gaz. 1853 276. -Means of detecting and separating copper in brandy. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 294. -On the volumetric determination of copper by F.Lieshing. Chem. Gaz. 1853 472. Coryda1is.-On the occurrence of fumaric acid in Corydulis budbosa by TK Vicke. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lsxxvii 225. Cotton.-On the nature of cotton and on a peculiar fibre of that plant not capable of taking colours by ?V. Crurn. Bull. de la SOC.Industr. de Mulhouse xxiii 277. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Cotton.-On the detection of silk wool linen and cotton fibres in textile fabrics by G. C. Fittstein. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 181. -On the detection of cotton in unbleached linen by 0. Zimmermanii. Chern. Gaz. 1853 99.Crayons.-Crayons for writing on glass by R. BrunnqueZZ. Chem. Gaz. 1853 193. Creosote -Contributions to the history of creosote and of some of its pro- ducts of decomposition by Gorup-Besanez. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 223. -On the behaviour of creosote with lime at a high temperature by C. Yiilckel. Ann Ch. Pharm. lxuxvii 306. -On creosote by Gorup-Besauez. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 289. Crystallography.-New researches on the relations which may exist between crystalline form chemical composition and rotatory power by L. Pasteur. Ann. Ch. Phys. [33 xxxviii 437.-Report on the same by H. de Seriarmont. Compt. rend. xxxvi 751. -On pseudomorphoses with consideration of the method of dis-tinguishing certain varieties of them by Th.Scheerer.Pogg. Ann. xc 315. -Chemico-crystallographical investigations by C. Rammekrberg. Pogg. Ann. xc 12. -Researches on the slow formation of crystals at ordinary temperatures by M. Lmalle. Compt. rend. xxxvi 493. -On the production of crystalline structure in crystallized powders by compression and traction by D. Brewster. Trans. Roy. SOC.Edinb. xx 335; Phil. Mag. [+I] vi 260; abstr. Proc. Roy. SOC. Edinb. 1852-53 578. -On circular crystals by D. Brewster. Trans. Roy. SOC.Edinb. xx 607; ~b~tr. Proc. Roy. SOC.Edinb. 1852-53 188. -On the optical phenomena and crystallization of tourmaline titanium and quartz within mica amethyst and topaz by D. Brewster. Trans. Roy. SOC.Edinb. XY 547; Proc. Roy. SOC.Edinb. 1852-53 158; ' Phil.Mag. [4] vi 265. -Report on six memoirs by M. Brame on the phenomena which accom-pany the crystallization of sulphur phosphorus and several other bodies by M. Dufre;Zoy. Compt. rend. xxxvi 463. -On some crystals from the sea-coast of Africa by J. PearsaZZ. Chem. Gaz. 1853 418. Cyanides.-Method of estimating the value of cyanide of mercury by F. Lieshing. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 279. -On some double salts of cyanide of mercury by G. Kohl and A. Swoboda. Chem. Gaz. 1853 70. -On the manufacture of cyanide of potassium by means of atmospheric nitrogen. Pharm. J. Trans. siii 291. Cyanogen.-Analysis of commercial cyanide of potassium by MM. Fordos and Ge'lis. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 48. -On the use of cyanide of potassium in analytical chemistry by H.Rose. Pogg. Ann. xc 193. -On certain compounds of copper with cyaiiogen by A. Dufuu. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1099. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURN.4LS. CyanOKen.-On the analysis of difficultly decomposible cyanogen-compounds by P.BolZey. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 254. -On the estimation of cyanogen by volume-analysis hy T.J. Herapalh. Chem. Gaz. 1853 294. -On the preparation of alkaline cyanide for technical purposes by R. Wagner. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 141. -On the fabrication and valuation of various cyanogen-compounds by R. BrzcnnquelE. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 226. -On the decomposition of the cyanic ethers by A. Vurlz. Compt. rend. xxxvii 180. D. Did ymium.-Researches on didymium and its principal compounds by C.Marignac. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 148; Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vi 260. Digestion.-New researches on the digestion of amylaceous matters followed by considerations on digestion in general by M. BZondZot. Compt. rend. xxxvii 753. Dis tillation.-Further examination of the products of the dry distillation of organic bodies by C. VoZckel. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 59. D yeing.-Chemical researches on dyeing. Ninth memoir On the action which solid bodies while they retain the solid state may exercise on a liquid which holds a solid or a gas in solution by M. Chevrezd. Compt. rend. xxxvi 981. -On the introduction of sulphopurpurate of soda (carmin d’indzgo rouge) into wool and silk dyeing by E. Huefely. Bull.de la SOC.Industr. de Mulhouse xxiv 32 l.-Report thereupon by C. KoechZin. Ibid. 328. -Method of detecting the dyes which have been used in the dyeing of stuffs. Cheru. Gaz. 1853,218. -Improvement in the production of the (‘Bleu de France” on wool. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxv 69. -On the applicability of molybdic acid and the molybdates to dyeing and calico-printing by 7T. H. Zurrer. Chem. Gaz. 1853 435. Dye-stuff.-& a new dye-stuff from China by W. Stein. Chem. Gaz. 1853 221. Dye-stuffs.-Importation of Wurrus. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 284. Dye-woods.-Preparation of dye-woods (Brazil’s Patent). Chem 1853 19. Earths.-On edibfe earths by Dr. Ehrenherg. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 142. Electrici ty.-Distribution of electricity on the surface of bodies by ’ M.Bourbouze. Compt. rend. xxxvi 616. -On the law of electrolysis by H. Bufi Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 1 i Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 47. -On some anomalous cases of electrical decomposition by ?K R. Grove. Phil. Mag. [4] v 203. X‘OL. V1.-NO. XXLV. z TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Electricity.-On the motion of liquids in the closed voltaic circuit by G. Wiedemann. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxvii 321. -On silver as a unit of measure for resistance to electric conduction by W.hngsdorf. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 155. -Researches on the electric conducting power of gases at high tempera- tures by E. Becquerel. Compt. rend. xxxvii 20. -On the proper conducting power of liquid-circuits without a metal by L. Foucault. Compt. rend. xxxvii 580, -Note on the calorific effects of the voltaic circuit considered with regard to the chemical action by which the current is produced by P.A. Fawe. Compt. rend. xxxvi 342. -Researches on the conductibility of minerals for voltaic electricity and on the electric light by E. Vurtmann. Phil. Mag. [4] v 12. -The electrical relations of iron and copper in solutions at different temperatures by G. Gorp. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 110. -On the position of alloys and amalgatns in the thermo-electric series by W.RoZlmann. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 90. -Production of dynamic electricity by the heating and evaporation of liquids by M.de Chenod. Compt. rend. xxxvi 624. -On the electric phenomena attributed to the motion of heat by J. M. Gaugain. Compt. rend. xxxvii 82. -Note on the cause of the development of electricity by rise of temperature by M.Leroua. Compt. rend. [3] xxxvii 500. -On electric phenomena attributed to the motion of heat; in reply to the objections of M. Leroirx by M. Gaugain. Compt. rend. xxxvii 653. -Researches on thermo-electric currents by M Gaugain. Compt. rend. xxxvi 612 645. -Note on the influence of temperature on the electric state of bodies by M. Zaliwski. Compt. rend. xxxvi 138. -On the temperatures of the conductors of electric currents by R.Adie. Phil. Mag. [4] v 46 193. -On the dependence of galvanic ignition on the nature of the surrounding gas as observed by Grove by R. Clausius. Pogg. Ann. lxxxvii 501 ; Phil. Mag. [4] v 209. -On transient electric currents by F.TJiornson. Phil. Mag. [4] v 393. -On certain effects of electric currents by A. Masson. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1130. -On the intensity and quantity of electric currents. Phil. Mag. [4] v 363. -Facts relating to the electric current and the electric light by M. Quef. Compt. rend. xxxv 949. -On a new class of gaseous couples by M. Gaugain. Compt. rend. xxxvii 584. -On electric differences and on Faraday's sulphide of potassium circuit by B. Kohhausch. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 464. -Substitution of chlorine for oxygen in Bunsen's battery. Reaction which takes place when hydrochloric is substituted for nitric acid in the Comyt. rend. xxxvii 588, ordinary battery by M. LQ~OUX. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. Electricity.-On the use of heated sulphuric acid and bioxide of manganese in Bunsen’s battery by M.Lerouz. Compt. rend. xxxvii 355. -New arrangement of the voltaic battery by M. Guignet. Compt. rend. xxxvii 174. -Cheap method of constructing a galvanic battery by ?KSymons. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 391. -Tangent-galvanometer with long wire by H. Buj? Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 1. -Description of a new galvanometer for the absolute measurement of weak as well as of strong currents by M. Lamont. Pogg. Ann. hxxviii 230. -Description of an electroscope with double condenser by M. Guugain. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1084. -On inductive electrical machines and a means of increasing their effect by M. Fizeau. Compt. rend. xxxvi 418. -On the direction of the induced current produced by the discharge of friction-electricity by H.Buf. Ann. Ch. Pharm. hvi 293. -On the strength of galvanic polarization by ?K Beetz. Pogg. Ann. xc 42. -Observations on the electro-chemical properties of hydrogen by 3.Becquerel. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 365. -On the eiectro-chemical deportment of oxygen by M. Kurd. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 241. -An experimental inquiry undertaken with the view of ascertaining whether any and what signs of current force are manifested during the organic process of secretion in living animals by H. F. Baztw. Phil. Trans. 1852 ii 279. -On the solution of urinary calculi in dilute saline fluids at the temperature of the body by the aid of electricity by H. Bence Jones.Chem. Gaz. 1853 99. 7 On the reduction and electro-chemical application of tungsten molyh- denum titanium and siliciurn by Junot de Busty. Compt. rend. xxxvi 540. -Inductive view of electro-metallic deposition by G. Gore. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 21. -Note on the electric light. Compt. rend. xxxvi 255. -On various electrical phenomena by M. Quet. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1012. -Method of arranging the batteries of Grove Bunsen &c. so that they may be always ready for immediate action and that the substances by whose action the current is produced may not suffer alteration when the battery is inactive by Th. du Moncel. Compt. rend. xxxvii 713. -Description of a new electrical machine by M. Symons. Pharm. J. Trans xxxiii 288. -Note on a fact relating to the heating of a conducting wire by the electric current by F.de la Provostaye and P. Desains. Compt. rend. xxxvii 749. Electrolysis. -On the transference of the irons during electrolysis by W.Hittorf. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 177. 22 340 TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Electroplating.-Process for electroplating China-ware. J. Fr. Inst. 131 xxvi 137. -On the recovery of gold and silver from the liquids employed in electro- plating and gilding by P. Bolley. Chem. Gaz 1853 354 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 231. Endoarnose.-On the permeability of porous vessels of inorganic material by A. Morin. J. Pharm. [3) xxiv 100. -Cause of electric endosmose by M. Raoult. Compt. rend. xxxvi S.26. Equivalent Volumes.-On the constitution and equivalent-volume of some mineral species by T.S.Huwf. Sill. Am. J. [2] svi 203. -Considerations on the theory of chemical changes and on the law of equivalent volumes by T. S. JIunt. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 226. Equivalents.-Remarks on certain equivalent numbers by R. Schneider. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 314. Ergot.-On ergot of rye by F. L. Vinckler. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 86. Erica.-Analysis of the ashes of Erica carnea and Calluna vulgaris Salisb. and of the soils on which they grow by C. 3’.Rothe. ,4nn. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 1 18. Ericacez.-On the proximate principles contained in the ericaceous family. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 476. -Chemistry of the plants of the ericaceous family by F. Rochleder. Chem. Gaz. 1853 189. Ether.-On the preparation of ether.Pharm. J. Trans. xii 486. Eth en.-On ethers intermediate between the cenanthylic and the methylie ethylic and amylic series ;and on the constitution cf castor-oil alcohol by A. W. Fills. Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vi. 307. -On the decomposition of the cyanic ethers by A. ?’urtz. Compt. rend. xxxvii 180. Ethy1.-Combinations of the sulphides of ethyl and methyl with certain metallic chlorides by A. Loir. J. Fharm. [3] xxiv 25 1 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 369; Chem. Gaz. 1853 361 ; Compt. rend. xxxvii 1095. -Researches on the stannethyls a series of new organic radicals formed of tin and ethyl by C.Lowig. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 343; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 234 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 101 126 149 170. -On the preparation of crude pelargonate of ethyl by R.Wagner. Chem. Caz. 1553 144. -On selenide of ethyl by C. A. Joy. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 35. -On some new compounds of tellurethyl by Prof. Wiihler. Chem. SOC. Qu. J. vi 40; Chem. Gaz. 853 149. -Preparation of ethylamine. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 374. -On a decomposition-product of tetrethylammonium by Prof. Weltzien. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 292. Evaporation.-Researches on evaporation by Prof. Marref. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 385 ; Compt. rend. xxxvi 339. Explosive Compound s.-Improvements in explosive compounds and fuses for mining and other purposes (Davey and Chance’s Patent). Pharrn J. Trans. xii 354. Extracts.-Apparatus for the preparation of extracts iu vacuo by MM. Soubeircrn and Goblpy. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 5. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS.F. Fats.-On the contractions of glycerine with acids and on the synthesis of the proximate principles of animal fats by M. Berlhelot. Gmpt. rend. xxxvii 398 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 410; Chem. SOC. Qu. J. vi 280. -Facts relating to the history of fats by J. Lefort. Compt. rend. xxxvii 28 ; J. Pharrn. [3] xxiii 113. -On the composition of mutton-fat human fat and spermaceti (hddendum) by W. Heintz. Pogg. Ann. lxxxvii 553. -On the composition of beef-suet by W. Heintz. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxvii 579. -On Yela or Chinese wax and on the Chinese vegetable fat called Fat of Stillirgia :by C. Murtius. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 224. -On the constitution of various fats by J. J. Pohl. Chem. Gaz. 1853. 384. -On the nature of the fat of cantharides by DT.Gijssmann.Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 317. -Comparative examination of the quantities of water and fat in the brain by J. Havfand R. ?Vugner. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 42. -On the preparation of medicinal oils and fats by M. Lhermite. J. Pharm. [33 xxiv 349 -Fat for tempering steel. Rev. Sci. xlii 396. Ferm entation,-Researches on gallic fermentation by C. Robiquet. J. Pharm. [3) xxiii 241. -Researches on the fermentation of citric acid by J. Personne. Compt. rend. xxxvi 197. -On chemical substitutes for the fermentation of bread. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 173. Ferr0cyanide.s.-On the mutual action of the two ferrocyanides of potassium and of the nitrate and the simple combustion-products of silver by 0.B. A’iihn. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvii 84. -On the red colouring of quinine by ferrocyanide of potassium by A. Yogel. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 122. Fire.-Cheap red fire. Jahrb. f. pr. Pharm. xxvi 321 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853,385. Fish.-Some observations on fish in relation to diet by 3. Duty. Proc. Roy. SOC.Edinb. 1852-53 197. Flax.-On the gases evolved in steeping flax by Prof. Hodges. Chem. Gaz. 1853 419. Fluorine.-On the fluorine-salts of antimony by F. A. Fluckiger. Chem. Gaz. 1853 1. Foren sic Chemistry.-On the errorswhich may be introduced into chemico- legal investigations by the use of charcoal to decolorize liquids con- taining poisonous substances by H. Bonnernuins. Compt. rend. xxxvi 150. -Remarks on this communication by Gaulthier de Claubry.Ibid. 224. Fossils.-Chemical investigation of the remains of fossil mammalia by B’. V. Greene. Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 16. Frog.-On the constituents of the flesh of the frog by Fr. &oh4 Ann. Ch. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 233. 342 TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Fuel.-Mode of preparing mineral combustibles so as to give them the same chemical properties as charcoal by A. Chenot. Compt. rend. xxxvi 152. Fungi.-On the acids contained in fungi by P. BoEZey. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 44 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 291. -On the acids contained in certain fungi by M. Bessaignes. Compt. rend. xxxvii 782. Furfuro1.-On the preparation of furfurol by H. Debus. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 100. Fusel-oil.-Examination of the fuseGoil from Indian corn and rye by C.M. Wetherill. Chem. Gal;. 1853 281 ; J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxv 385. G. Galls.-Examination of Bassorah galls by L. F.BZey. Arch. Pharm. Ixxv 138 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 468. Gallstones.-Analysis of gallstones by A. ‘v. Yluntu and A. Kekulk. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 367. Gases.-On the Fourth law of the relations of the elastic force density and temperature of gases by R.Potter. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 161. -Researches on the specific heat of elastic fluids by K Regnault. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxix 335 ; Phil. Mag. L4] v 473. -Memoir on the consequences which may be deduced from Regnault’s experiments on the law of compressibility of gases by M. Avogadro. Ann. Ch. Phys. [31 xxxix 140; J. Fr. Jnst. [3] xxv. 44. -Researches on the electric conducting power of gases at high temperatures by E.BecpuereE. Compt. rend. xxxvii 20. -Condensation of gases at the surface of solid bodies by J. Jumi?c and A. Bertrand. Compt. rend. xxxvi 994; Phil. Mag. [4] vi 156. -On the condensation of gases at the surface of smooth bodies by G. Mugnus. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 604 ; Phil. Mag. [4] vi 334. -On an improved apparatus for the analysis of gases by E. Frunklund and W. J. Turd. Chem. SOC. Qu. J. vi 197. -On the gases evolved in the distillation of sugar by C. VoZckeZ. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 63. -Analysis of gases contained in the soil. Pogg. Ann. lxxxvii 616. -Contributions to the knowledge of the manufacture of gas by E. Frank-land. Pharm. J.Trans. xii 431. -Improvements in the purification of coal-gas (Losh‘s Patent).Pharm. J. Trans. xii 355. -Improvements in the manufacture of coal-gas (Kirkham’s Patent). Pharm. J. Trans. xii 453. -Improvements in the manufacture of gas (Vegetable gas) [Booth’s Patent]. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 355. -The manufacture of gas from wood or turf by J. Aylife. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 129. -On the use of gas as fuel in organic analysis by A. W. Hofmann. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 209. IN BRTTISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. 343 Gases.-New gasometer serving as a pneumatic trough and as an aspirator by M. Tifleernu. Compt. rend. xxxvii 51. -Description of an apparatus for collecting gases over water or mercury by W. M. Williams. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 44. Ginger.-On essential oil of ginger by A.Papoasek. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 601. Glue.-Note on the preparation of liquid glue by S. Dumoulin. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 392. Glycerine.-On the compounds of glycerine with acids and on the synthesis of the proximate principles of animal fats by M. Berthelot. Compt. rend. xxxvii 398 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 410 ; xxiv 259 ; Chem. SOC. Qu. J. vi 280 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 121. -On the preparation of glycerine by C. Morjitt. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 357 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii $4. -On the purification of glycerine and its employment in the arts. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 137. Gold.-On the exploitation of gold. Ann. Min. [5] iii 816 830. -On the situation and working of gold in Australia by M. Bdessc. Ann. Min. [5] vi 179. .-On the occurrence ofgold in Pennsylvania by J.W.Mallet. PhiI. Mag. [4] v 150. -On the distribution of gold by J. Percy. Phil. Mag. [4] v 310. -On auriferous quartz by A. B. iVortlicote. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 390. -Separation of gold from arsenical pyrites according to Plattner's method by 7V. Guettfer. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxvi 180. -On the recovery of gold and silver from the liquids employed in electro- plating and gilding by P. Bolley. Chem. Gaz. 1853 354. -Large nugget of gold found in Australia. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 176. Graduated Solutions.-On improvements in the use of graduated solutions by Ilr. Mohr. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 129. Grain.-On the value of nutritive grain by J. Reiset. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 22 ; Compt. rend. xxxvi 872. Granite.-Researches on granite by A.Delesse. Phil. Mag. [4) vi 206. Grape-disease.-On the use of pentasulphide of calcium as a means of preventing the grape-disease by A. P. Price. Chem. Gaz. 1853 4 14. Guano.-Examination of guano by M. Melsens. Chem. Gaz. 1853 120. -The nitre caverns of the Indian Archipelago a probable source of guano. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 136. -On commercial guano by M. Girardin. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 1IS. Guiacum.-Note on extract of guiacum by M. Monigcrut. J. Pharm. [33 xxiv 130. -Adulteration of guiacum wood. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 450. G um.-Chemical and pharmacological investigation of gum-kino by C. Hennig. J. Pharrn. [3] xxiv 96. G un -bar r el s.-On the colouring of gun-barrels and on processes for working on iron and steel.Rev. Sci. xlii 398. Gun-cotton.-On the preparation of gun-cotton by C. Mann. Bull. de St. Petersbourg xi 210 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 71 ; J. pr. Chem. lix 141 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 371. TITLES OF CHEMTCAL PAPERS G unpomder.-On a method of determining the quantity of nitrate of potash contained in gunpowder by Jf. Uebntius. Chem. Gaz. 1853 433. G utta Percha.-On caoutchouc and gutta percha by 1’. C. Culvert. Pharm J. Trans. xii 423. -Improvements in the preparation of gutta percha (Rider’s Patent). J. Trans. xii 452. H. Heat.-On the mechanical effect of heat and of chemical forces by M7. J. 21. Runkine. Phil. Mag. [4] v 6. -On the mechanical action of heat by K J. M. Rankine. Trans. Roy. SOC.Edinb. xx 591 ; abs/r. Proc.Roy. SOC.Edinb. 1852-53 162. -Mechanical theory of heat.-Specific heat of air by W. J. 2l. Rankine. Phil. Mag. [4] v 437. -Mechanical theory of heat.-Velocity of sound in gases by V.J. M. Rankine. Phil. Mag. [4] v 483. -Observations on heat and its theories by A. J. Angslrom. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 165. -On the elevation and depression of temperature produced in permanent gases by compression and dilatation and by contact with bodies at various temperatures by J. IT. Koosen. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 437. -Hassler’s experiments on the expansion of water at various temperatures by J. H. Alexander. Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 170. Addition to a memoir entitled “Researches on the relations between the atomic weight and specific heat of elementary bodies” by M.Granier. Compt. rend. xxxvii 130. -Researches on the specific heat of elastic fluids by V. Regnault. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxix 335 ; Phil. Mag. [4] v 473 ; Compt. rend. xxxvi 676. -On the specific heat of red phosphorus by V.Xynnult. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 495 ; Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 131. -Researches on the quantities of heat disengaged in chemical and molecular actions (3rd 4th and 5th parts-Conclusion) by P. A. Fuvre and J. T. Silbermann. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 406; abstract of the whole series Chem. SOC.QU. J. vi 235. -Thermo-chemical researches on compounds formed in multiple pro- portions by P. A. Fuvre. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 241. -On the heat of chemical combination by T. W(~ods. Phil. Mag [4] v 10. -On the heat evolved when sulphur-crystals obtained by fusion pass into the other form by E.Mifscherlich. Pogg. -4nn. lsxxdii. 328. -Equilibrium of temperature within envelopes. Researches on the radiating power of rock. salt by Provostaye and Desnins. Cornpt. rend. xxxvi 84. -Researches on diathermanous bodies by M. Melloni. Compt. rend. xxxvi 709. Researches on diatliermanous snhstances. Remarks on a communication by MM. de la Provostaye and Desains by M. Melloni. Compt. rend. xxxvii 590. -Observations on M. Melloni’s communication by AfM. de la Provosfnyr and Desni?is. Ibid. 669. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. F1 e n t.-Reflection of invisible heat from glass and rock-salt by Provoslrrye and Desains. Compt. rend. xxxvii 168.-Note on the preceding by A[.Mdoni. Ibid. 293. -Reply to a letter of M. Melloni on the transmission of heat through rock- salt by Provostaye and Desains. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1073. -On the heat-conducting power of metals by G. Fiedermann and R. 3'ran.z. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxix 497. -Thermic conduction in metals by G. Gore. Phil Mag [4] vi 382. -On the heat-conduction of metals by 1.. J. Gouillaud. Pogg. Ann. Ixsxviii 163. -Experiments on the relative heat-conducting power of certain rocks by G. v. Hdmerspn. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxviii 461. -Researches on the temperature of the earth at great depths by M.Wulferdin. Compt. rend. xxxvi 250. -On the absolute zero of the perfect gas thermometer being a note to a paper on the mechanical action of heat by W. J. M. Ruizkiice.Trans. Roy. SOC. Edinb. XY 561 ; a33tr. Proc. Roy. SOC.Edinb. 1852-53 160. -Proof of a sensible difference between the mercurial and air-thermometers from 0" to looo C. by J. ?Vaterston. Phil. Mag. [4] v 63. -Fundamental principles of a system of thermo-chemistry by J. Thomson. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 349. -On the electric phenomena attributed to the motion of heat by J. M. Gawgain. Compt. rend. xxxvii 82. -On the temperatures of the conductors of electric currents by R. Adie. Phil. Mag. [4] v 46 209. -On the dependence of the heating power of the galvanic current on the nature of the surrounding gas by R. Cluusiup. Phil. Mag. [4] v 209. -Note on the influence of temperature on the electric state of bodies by M. Znliwski. Compt. rend. xxxvi 138.Action of heat on oil of turpentine by X. Berthelof. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 5. -On the precautions to be observed in heating substances in close vessels by If. Uerthelot. J. Pharm. [3] suiii 357. -Temperature at the bottom of the artesian well at Mendorff by 111. Wulferdin. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 349. Helix.-Analysis of the operculum of the shell of Helix pomntia :by 3f.Wicke. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxsrii 22 1. Hell ebore.-On the occurrence of a crystallizable substance in black helle- bore by 7K Buslick. l'harm. J. Trans. sii 174; J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 159. Hops.-On oil of hops by R. 7Vugner. J. pr. Chem. lviii 6; Chem Gaz. 1853 272. Horn.-On the products of the decomposition of certain horny substances by A. C. Lqer and d-ollei.. J. pr.Chem. lviii 273; Chem. Gaz. 1853. 348. €1nmu1ine.-On the manufacture of huinaline. Pharm J. Trans. xiii 231. Hydrocarbons.-On a process for ascertaining the equivalents of some fluid hydrocarbons by means of bromine. Chem. Gaz. 1853 365. 34t6 TTTLES OF CHEMTCAL PAPERS Hydroch1orates.-On hydrochlorate of oil of turpentine by M. Rerthelot. Ann Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 223. Hydrogen.-Observations on the electro-chemical properties of hydrogen by X.Becquwel. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 385. -On a new oxide of hydrogen and its relation to ozone by M. Bnumert. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxix 37 ; Phil. Mag. [4] vi 51 ; absfr. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 169. -On the use of hydrogen in determining vapour-densities and on the acidification of alcohols by oxygen gas or atmospheric air by R.Railton. Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vi 205. -On the formation of hydrogen and its homologues by B. C. Brodie. Chem. Gaz. 1853 297. -On a modification of hydrogen by G. Osaan. J. Pr. Chem. lviii 385 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 385. Hygiene.-On certain chemical reactions connected with the hygihe of populous cities by M. Clievreid. Compt. rend. xxxvi 553. Hygrometry. -Researches on hygrometry by K Regnctult. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 257 ; Compt. rend. xxxv 930 ; Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 420. Hypoch1orites.-On a new method of estimating the value of chloride of lime by Dr. Peaot. Bull. de la SOC.Ind. de Mulhouse xxiv 246 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 217. -On a new method for detertnining the amount c,f available chlorine in hypochlorites by A.P. Price. Chem. Gaz. 1553 419, -On hypochlorite of magnesia as an antidote to phosphorus by M. Bechert. J.Pharm. [3] xxiv 352 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xii 603. I. I ncrustation.-Simple means of preventing the formation of incrustations in boilers by R. Presenius. J. pr. Chem. lviii 65; Chem. Gaz. 1853 333. I ndigo.-On the introduction of sulphopurpurate of soda (camin d’indigo rouge) into wool and silk dyeing by E. Hwfely. Bull. de la SOC. Industr. de Mulhouse xxiv 3~1.-Report thereupon by C. Koechlin. Ibid. 328. -On the action of soda on the sulphuric compounds of indigo by C. Gvos-Renaud Jun. Bull. de la SOC.Industr. de Mulhouse. xxiv 343. -Process for impartinq greater liveliness to indigo-blue in stuffs by L.Guillonet. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxv 55. -On the determination of the value of commercial indigo by E. Fillstein. -On the frequent occurrence of indigo in human urine and on its chemical Chem. Gaz. 1853 135 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xii 449. and physiological relations by A. H. Hassall. Chem. Gaz. 1853 355 ; Pharm J. Trans. xiii 2 19. Ink.-Ink for steel pens by F. Runge. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 57. -Red ink. Pharm. J. Trans. sii 601. Iodides.-On the constitution of iodide of nitrogen by B. Bunsen. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxiv 1 ; Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 74 ; abstr. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 90 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 393. IN BRITISH AND FORELQN JOURNALS. I o d id e s.-Proto-iodide of tin. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 374. I odine.-On the general distribution of iodine by Stevenson JIacadum.Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vi 166 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 178. -On the distribution of iodine by Prof. Siywart. Wurt. Natur. Jahresber. xix 43 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 228. -On the existence of iodine in various plants by Stevenson Macadam. J. Pharm. [3] xsiii 317. -On the pretended occurrence of iodine in milk eggs and the atmosphere by C.Lohmqer. Phil. Mag. L4] vi 237; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 179. -Note on the small quantity of iodine contained in the water of the Almendares River (Havannah) and in the land-plants and the atmosphere of that country by M. Cusaseca:. Compt. rend. xxxvii 348. -Facts relating to the history of iodine by M. Barreswil. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 346. -Preliminary notice on a mineral water containing iodine by P.Bolley.Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 51. -On the qualitative and quantitative determination of iodine and its separation from bromine and chlorine by E. Boride. Chem. Gaz. 1853 75. -On the determination of iodine by R Kersting. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 19. -On a quick approximative method of estimating minute quantities of iodine by T.J. Herapatk. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 185. -On tests for iodine by A. Overbeck. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 72 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 180. _I Method of detecting the presence of water in iodine. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 181. -On the estimation of water in commercial iodine by M. Bolley. Chem. Gaz. 1853 119. -Reproduction of engravings and drawings by means of iodine-vapour .by Nippce'de St.Victor. Compt. rend xxxvi 58 1. -On the iodoquinine compound investigated in its optical relations by Dr. Herapath and Prof. Stokes by W. Haidinger. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 273. -On the preparation of hydriodate of ammonia. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 35. -Presence of iodine in rain-water running water and in plants from the Antilles and from the coasts of the Mediterranean by Ad. Chatin. Compt. rend. xxxvii 723. Iridium.-On some new compounds of iridium by M. Skoldikof. Bull. de St. Petersb. Ch. Phys. Math. Classe xi 25 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 29. -On a probably new element with iridosmine and platinum; by A. 3'. Genth. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 246; Chem. Gax. 1853 145. Iron.-Native iron in the Miihlhausen Keuper formation by J. G. Bornemann.Pogg. Ann. Ixxxviii 145 325. -On the meteoric iron of Gutersloh. Pogg. Ann. lxxxvii 500. -Notice of meteoric iron near Lion River Great Namaqualancl S. Africa and on the detection of potassium in meteoric iron by C. U.Shephard. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 1. 348 TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS I r o n.-Analysis of meteoric iron from Cosby's Creek by C. A. Joy. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvi 39. -Notice of the meteoric iron found near Seneca River Cayuga County N. Y. by C. U. Sheplmd. Sill. Am. J [2] xv 363; Pogg. Ann. lxxrviii 176. -On a new iron-deposit from Obergrund near Zuckmantel by E. F. GEocker. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 48. -On minerals accompanying chromic iron by T. H. Garrett. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 332. -On the analysis of cast-iron by C.Mor$tf and J. C. Booth. Chem. Gaz. 1853 368 388 411 ; J. Fr. Inst. [S] xxv 193 247. -Analysis of pig-iron and bog-iron-ore by H. L.Bu#. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxiii 376 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 276. -On an iron-ore containing vanadium. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 127. -On the new method employed for the manufacture of iron in the forests of Carinthia by Jf. le Pluq. Ann. Min [5] iii 46. -Remarks on the structural conditions of iron by T. R. v. Fuchs. Phil. Mag. [4] v 389 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 94. -On the increased strength of cast-iron produced by the use of improved coke by W. Puirbairn. Chem. Gaz. 1853 158 ; J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxv 375. -On the separation of manganese from iron and nickel by 7'. Schie2. Chem. Gaz.1853 413. -On the purification of iron and coke from sulphur. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxv 47. Chem.Herapath.J. 7'. by:the estimation of iron by volume-analysis On-Gaz. 1853 294. -Passive state of nickel and iron by J. Nickl2s. Pogg. Ann. xc 351. -On the efitimation of protoxide of iron by the method of volumes; by 31. Oppermann. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 294. .-On the compounds of boracic acid and water with sesquiovide of iron by H. Rose. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 473. -Action of protosalts of iron on pyroxylin and its congeners by M. Be'champ. Compt. rend. xxxvii 134. -On the impurities in commercial oxide of iron by M. Wackenroder. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 240. -Comparative experiments with hydrate of magnesia and hydrated sesqui- oxide of iron as ant.idotes for arsenic by K.D.Schrof. N. Repert. Pharm. i 47 ; J. Pharm. [33 xxiii 230 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 38. -Preparation of arn~nonio-chloride of iron. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 450. -Preparation of lactate of protoxide of iron by ThirauEt de St.-Etienne. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 183. -On the adulteration of the citrate of iron and quinine of commerce by C. G. Filliamu. Chem. Gaz. 1853 269. -On iron and some improvements in its manufacture by J. D. Stirling. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxvi 36 93. -Processes for working on iron and steel. Rev. Sci. xlii 398. -Composition for engraving on iron and steel. Rev. Sci. xlii 405. I-Syrup of pyrophosphate of iron by M. Soubeircin. J. Pharm. 131 xxiii 62. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNSLS. Isomerism.-Contributions to the chemical history of isomeric acids by J.GotfZieb. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 17. -On the isomeric modifications of sulphide of antimony. Pogg. ,4nn. lxxxix 122. Isomorphism.-On the isomorphism of Sphene and Euclase by J. D.Dana. Sill. Am. J. "4 xvi 96. Ivor y.-Improvements in producing ornamental surfaces in metal ivory or bone (Skinner's Patent). Chem. Gaz. 1853 59. J. Jalap.-On jalap-root by G. Mqw. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvi 495; J. Pharm. [3] xxii 463. K. Kino.-Chemical and pharmacological examination of kino. Pharm. J. Trans. xxii 80. -On a new source of kin0 by R.Christison. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 377. L. Lactates.-Preparation of lactate of protoxide of iron by Thirault de St.-Elienne. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 183.-On the preparation of lactate of protoxide of iron by Jf. ThibauEt. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 85. Lakes.-On the preparation of lakes by means of chloride of antimony. Schmeiz. Gewerbeblatt xi 127 ;Chem. Gaz. 1853 276. Lan thanurn.-On the occurrence of crystallized carbonate of lanthanum by 7T.P. Blake. Sill. ,4m. J. [?I xvi 228. Lard.-American lard by F. C. Calvert. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 388. Lead.-On tunastate of lead or Scheeletine by E. J. Chapman. Phil. Mag [4] vi 120. -On the compounds of boracic acid and water with oxide of lead by H. Rose. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxvii 470. -On the desilverizing of argentiferous lead by means of zinc by Dr. Karsten. Chem. Gaz. 1853 132. Ledurn.-On Ledum palustre by F. Rochleder and R. Schwartz.Chem. Gaz. 1853 13. Leucin.-Test for leucin and tyrosin by ReinhoM Hofmann. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 123. Light.-On the change of refrangibility of light by 0.Stokes. Phil. Trans. 1852 ii 463. -On the chemical action of the solar radiations by 8.Ziunt. Chem. Gaz. 1853 415. -On the cause of the luminosity of certain bodies when heated by Prof. Schrotler. Chem. Gaz. 1853 312. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Li g h t.-On the optical phenomena and crystallization of tourmaline titanium and quartz within mica amethyst arid topaz by D. Urewster. Trans. Roy. SOC.Edinb. xx 547 ; Phil. Mag. [4] vi 265 ; abstr. Proc. Roy. SOC. Edinb. 1852-53. 158. -Observations ecocomical and sanitary on the employment of chemical light for artificial allumination by E.Frankland. J. Fr. Inst. [3) xxvi 21. -On the cause of the luminosity of certain bodies when heated by A. Schrotter. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 293. Lignites.-On peculiar lignites containing wax :by L.Bruckner. J. pr. Chem. lvii 1 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 391. Lime.-Note on the consolidatio~i of stalactites and of calcareous strata by M. Fournet. Compt. rend. xxxvi 387. -On the use of burnt lime instead of limestone as a flux in blast-furnaces by E. Montejore-levi and E. Schmidt. Chem. Gaz. 1853 76. 7 New method of determining the value of chloride of lime by Dr.Penot. Bull. de la SOC.Industr. de Mulhouse 1852 No. 118; Chem. Gaz. 1853,217. On the effect of sulphate of lime on vegetable substances by M. Cluusen. Chem. Gaz. 1843 437.Limestone.-Analysis of two limestones by A. v. Planta and A. Kekult!. Ann. Ch. Yharm. Ixxxvii 366. -On the saccharoidal limestone of the gneiss of the Vosges by M Delesse. Bull. de la SOC. Industr. de Mulhouse xxiv 55. Linen.-On the detection of cotton in unbleached linen by 0. Zimmcrmann. Chem. Gaz. 1853 99. 7 On the detection of silk wool linen and cotton fibres in textile fabrics by G. C. IVittulein. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 181. Liquids.-Phenomena exhibited by certain liquids when thrown in drops on the surface of an ether by JE Sire. Compt. rend. xxxvii 657. Lithia.-On the preparation of lithia from triphyline by Hugo MuZZer. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 251. Litmus.-Action of carbonic and boracic acid on tincture of litmus by J. Mulaguti.Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 206. Litter.-Third note on litters and on the effects of lime by ilf. Payen. Compt. rend. xxxvii 93. -On earthy litter for cattle by X.Pnyen. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1017. -On marly litter by C. Brame. Compt. rend. xxxvii 17. Lucifers.-Manufacture of Iucifer matches. J. Fr. Inst. [33 xxvi 138. -On the composition of instantaneous light matches. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 426. M. Madder. -On the constitution of the colouring matters of madder by E. Schunck. Phil. Mag [4] vi 187. -On madder-root by li. RochEeder. J. pr. Chem. hi 85 ; J. Pharm. [S] xxii 470. -New method of purifying and concentrating the colouririg matter of madder (Hughes' Patent). Chem. Gaz. 1853 380. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS.351 Magnesia.-On the preparation of pure magnesia by 31. ?Yurfz. J. Pharm. [3J xxiv 208. -Comparative experiments with hydrate of magnesia and hydrated sesqui- oxide of iron as antidotes for arsenic by K. D.Scitrof. N. Repert. Pharm. i 47; J. Pharm. L3] xxiii 230; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 38 -On hypochlorite of magnesia as an antidote to phosphorus by M. Bechert. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 362. -Note on the hydrate of chloride of magnesium melted and in powder by M. Casaseca. Cornpt. rend. xxxvii 350. -On the analysis of mineral waters containing chloride of magnesium by M. Tillmatms. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 234. Magnetism.-On the action of magnetism on a rectilineally polarized ray in its passage through compressed glass by Prof. Edbrund.Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 3313. Ma1ates.-On the presence of malate of lime in the leares of the common ash by M. Garot. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 308. M anganese.-On the volumetric determination of manganese-compounds by G. Krieger. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 257. -On a new method for determining the commercial value of oxide of manganese by A. P. Price. Chem. Gaz 1853,416. -On the separation of manganese from nickel and iron by T. Schicl. Chem. Gaz. 1853,415. -Note on the colour exhibited by protosalts of manganese by A. Gergen. Compt. rend. xxxvi 851. -On phosphide of manganese and permanganic acid. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 371. -Preparation of permanganate of potash. Pharm. J.Trans. xiii 45. -Separation of manganese from other metals by 7K Gibbs.Ann. Ch. Pharm lxxxv 52. -On the occurrence of Munganspath. in Nassau by P.Sandberye?.. Pogg. -On the volumetric determination of manganese by G. Kripger. Ann. Ann. lxxxviii 491. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 257. Manure.-Fourth note on various agents for preserving urine and components of the blood for manure by &I Puyei~ Compt. rend. xxxvii 473. -On the power of soils to absorb manure by J. T. ?Kay. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 542 ;xiii 32. -On the influence of iodized manure (marine manure) in preserving the vine from the attacks of the Oidium Tuckeri and on the peculiar properties of the mine produced by vines thus treated by M. Rivet. Comyt. rend. xxxvii 724. M embrane.-Observations on the mucous membrane of the intestines by Br.Prevost. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii,25. M emb ranes.-Experiments on the permeabi!ity of membranes by nutritive substances by M. Morin. J. Pharm. xxiii 10. Mercury.-On the compounds of the two acids of selenium with the two oxides of mercury and on native mercurous selenite (Onofrite) by F. Kohlrr. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 146. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS M ercury.-On several new sulphites of mercuric oxide by L. Pe‘nn de St. Gilles. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 45 ; Compt. rend. xxxvi 1086.-Remarks thereupon by M. Cheureul. Ihicl. 1099. -On the compounds of basic mercurous nitrate with other nitrates by G. Stadeler. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 129. -On the composition of phosphate of mercury by 22. Brandes. J. Pharm.[3] xxiv 80. -On selenide of mercury from the Hartz by C. Rammelsberg. Pogg. Ann. lxxviii 319; Phil. Mag. [4] vi 272. -Method of estimating the value of red cyanide of mercury by F. Lieshiny J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 272. -On some double salts of cyanide of mercury by 13. Kohl and A. Swobodu. Chem. Gaz. 1853 70. -On Hahnemann’s mercurial precipitate. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 415. -On the permeability of metals to mercury by J. Nicklks. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 50; Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 335; Chem. Gaz. 1853 89. Metals.-On the heat-conduction of metals by H. J. Gouillaud. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii. 163. -On the heat-conducting power of metals by G. Wiedemann and 22. Franz. Pogg. Ann lxxxix 497. -Thermic conduction in metals by G. Gore.Phil. Mag. [4] vi 382. -Note on the nature of metals by M. i’lfereau. Compt. rend. xxxvii 579. -On some peculiar reduction of metals in the humid way. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 253. -On the permeability of metals to mercury by J. Nickl2s. Compt. rend. xxxvi 154; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 50; Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 333; Chem. Gaz. 1853,89. -On a new series of organic bodies containing metals by E. Frankland. Phil. Trans. 1852 ii 417; Phil. Mag. [4] v 153 239; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 329; abstr. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 57. -On the metalliferous veins of Aveyron and their relation to various products of plutonic action by A. Boise. Ann. Min. [5] iii 467. -Improved compositions for preventing the oxidation of metals &c. (Cook’s Patent).Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 234. -Improretnents in producing ornamental surfaces in metal ivory or bone (Skinner’s Patent). Chem. Gaa. 1553 59. -Improvements in saline and metallic compounds (Claussen’s Patent). Chem. Gaz. 1853 20. -On the principal metallic compositions useful to the armourer. Rev. sci. xlii 390. Meteorite -On the meteoric iron of Gutersloh. Pogg. Ann. lxxxvii 500. -Analysis of meteoric iron from Cosby’s Creek by C. A. Joy. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 39. -Nature of the meteoric iron found near Seneca River Cayuga County N.Y. by C. U. ShepAard. Sill. Am. J. [a] xv 363. -Notice of meteoric iron near Lion River Great Karnaqualand S. Africa and on the detection of potassium in meteoric iron by C. U. Shephard. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 1. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS.Meteorite.-On a supposed meteoric stone alleged to have fallen in Hampshire in September 1852 by G. Wilson. Proc. Roy. SOC.Edinb. 1852-53 147. -Notice of Prof. Clark’s theRis on metallic meteorites. Sill Am. J. [2] xv 7. Methyl.-On the compounds of the sulphides of ethyl and methyl with certain metallic chlorides by A. Loir. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 251 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 369 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 361 ; Compt. rend. xxxvi 1095. -Researches on stanmethyl a new organic radical by A. Cahours and A. Riche. Compt. rend. xxlivi 1001. Methylamine.-On the presence of methylamine on the products accompanying acetone by C. G. Villinms. Chem. Gaz. 1853 409. Mildew.-On mildew by F. C. Cdwrt. Pharm. J. Trans xiii 283.Milk.-Facts relating to the chemical history of milk by J. Gimrdin. {3] xxiii 401. -On the composition of milk by XH. Yernois and A. Becquerel. Compt. rend. xxxvi 187 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 164. -On the reaction of fresh milk by J. Schlossberger. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvii 3 17. -Note on the presence in healthy milk of an albumindid principle which turns the plane of polarization to the left by Dovere and Poggiale. Compt. rend. xxxvi 430. -On the presence of albumin in milk in the normal state by M. Quguenne. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 94. -Note on milk abnormal secretion of albumin by the mammary gland by J. Girnvdin. Compt. rend. xxxvi 753. -Remarkable examples of lacteal secretion.-Analysis of the milk in two abnormal cases by MM.Joly and Fdhol. Compt. rend. xxxvi 57 1. -On the so-called Hexenmilch a secretion from the mammary glands of new-born infants by J. Scldossberger. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 324. -Note on the estimation of sugar of milk and on the means of detecting adulterations in milk. Minerals.-On the classification of minerals by E. J. Chapman. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 175. -On the constitution and equivalent volume of some mineral species by T. S. Hmt. Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 203. -Artificial formation of minerals by N. J. Munross. Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 186. -On the formation of crystallized minerals by A. Drevermann. Ann. Ch Pharm. lxxxvii 126. -Researches on the conductibility of minerals for voltaic electricity by E. Yurtmann. Phil. Mag. [4] v 12.-New and ready method of determining the alkalis in minerals by J. L. Smith. Part. I. Sill. Am. J. [2) XY 234 ; xvi 53 ; Chem. Gax. 1853 252 333. -Mineralogical notices On Staurolite Calcite ;on absorption of water by chalk ;on Tungstate of Lead or Scheeletine ; and on Tinstone pseudo- morphs by E. J. Chapman. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 115. VOL. V1.-NO. XXIV. AA TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Minerals.-Contributions to mineralogy On Tetradymite Grey Copper Apo-phyllite Allanite Owenite Kammererite (emerald nickel) by F. A. Genth. Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 81 167. -Re-examination of American minerals by J. L. Smith and G. J. Brush. Part. I. Emerylite Euphyllite Litchfield Mica Unionite Kerolite Bowenite Williamsite Lancasterite Hydromagnesite Magnesite :Sill.Am. J. [2] XI' 207.-Part 11. Chesterlite Loxoclase Danbury Fclspars Haddarn Albite Greenwood Mica Biotite Margarodite Chesterlite Talc Rhodophyllite Cummingtonite Hydrous Antho-phyllite Mourolite Ozarkite Dysyntribite Gibbsite Emerald Nickels Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 41. -Notices of the rarer minerals and new localities in Western North Carolina Diamond Gold Emery Amethyst Chalcedonic Quartz Lazulite Kyanite Leopardite by C. A. Hunter. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 373. -New minerals from Norway. Pt. IV. (Tachyaphalite and Erdmannite) by N. J.Berlin. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 160. -Chemico-mineralogical researches by B. Schmid.-On the basaltic rocks of the Rhon. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 291. 7On minerals accompanying chromic iron by T. H. Oarrett. Sill.Am. J. [2] xv 332. Basal t.-On the structure and composition of certain Basaltic and Metamorphic rocks by T. Andrew. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 172 ; Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 321. .. .. Examination of the basaltic rocks of the Rhon by E. Schmid. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 291. Cerite.-On the composition of Cerite by Theodor Gem& Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 12. Chiviatite.-On Chiviatite a new mineral from Peru by C. Rammekrbwg. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 320 ; Phil. Mag. [4] v 457. Copper.-On the crystalline form of the Grey Copper of Monzdia by M. Delesse. Ann. Min. [5] iii 657. D olomi te.-Additional observations on the Dolomite of the Franconian Jura and on the transformation of minerals by F.Pfufl. Pogg. Ann. lxxxvii 600. Eu c 1 as e.-Monograph on Euclase by J.Schabus. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 608. .. .. -4nalysis of euclase by J. W.Mallet. Phil. Mag. [4] v 127. .. .. On the isomorphism of Sphene and Euclase by J. D. Dana. Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 96. Granite.-On the Granite of the Vosges by M. Delesse. Ann. Min. [5] iii 369. Grauwacke.-On the Grauwacke of the Vosges by M. Delesse. Ann. Min. [5] iii 747. Greenocki te.-On an artificial production of Greenockite and of some other compounds of Cadmium by E. Schiifer. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 34. Hayesine.-Analysis of Hayesine by A. Deck. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 50. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. Minerals Manganese-spar.-On the occurrence of Manganese-spar in Nassau by F. Snndberyer. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 491. %losandrite.-On the composition of Mosandrite by N.J.BerEin. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 156. Oligoclase -Analysis of Oligoclase from the neighbourhood of Wolfach in the Kinzigthal by J. Moser. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 97. Onofrite.-On native mercurous Selenite (Onofrite) by F. KohZer. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 146. 0wenite.-On Owenite a new mineral from the Potomac River by F. A. Genth. Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 167. Phono1ite.-Examination of Phonolite from the Rhon by E. Schmidt. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxix 291. Quartz.-On auriferous Quartz by 4. B. Northcote. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 390. Realgar.-Insolubility of native Realgar (As S,) in carbonate of ammonia by C. G. William. Chem. Gaz. 1853 252. Romeine.-New researches on the composition of Romeine by $1.Da-niour. -4nn. Min. [5] iii 179.Sphene.-On the isomorphism of Sphene and Euclase by J. D. Dana. Sill. Am. J. [Z) xvi 96. Spodumene.-On the composition of North American Spodumene by C Bammelsberg. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 144. Tellurium.-Analysis of Foliated Tellurium by P.H. Schonlein. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 201. Thierschite.-On Thierschite by J. Liebig. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 113; Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 112. Tin-pyrites.-On the chemical composition of Tin-pyrites by C.Rum-melsbery. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 603. Topaz.-Account of a remarkable fluid cavity in Topaz by D. Brewster. Phil. Mag. [4] v 235. Trachi te.-On a metamorphosis of Icelandic Trachyte whereby it is converted into quartz by 5%. KjerulJ Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxv 257. Trona.-On some supposed crystals of Trona by H.J. Brooke with an analysis by A. Dick. Phil. Mag. [4] v 373. W ernerite.-On the composition of Wernerite and its products of decom-position by Gerhurdt v. Ruth. Pogg. Ann. xc 62 288. Molasses.-On the increase in weight of molasses casks which occa-fiionally arises from absorption by W. Ferywon. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 122. Molecular Action.-Researches in the quantities of heat disengaged in chemical and molecular actions 3rd 4th and 5th parts (conclusion) by P. A. Fuvre and J. 2'. Silbernzunn. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 406. Molybdenum.-On the reduction and electro-chemical application of molybdenum by Junot de Bussy. Compt. rend. xxxvi 540. -On the applicability of molybdic acid and the molybdates to dyeing and calico-printing by F. I€. Kurrer.Chem. Gax. 1853 435 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 225. AA2 TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPER8 Molybdenum.-On the use of moIybdate of ammonia as a test for arsenic in medico-legal inquiries by H. Struve. J. pr. Chem. lviii 493; J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 375; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 82. -Note on a red variety of molybdate of lead from Phoenixville U.S. by C.M. Wetherill. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 236. M ordants.-Improvements in the manufacture of certain mordants used in preparing woven or textile fabrics for printing staining or dyeing (Higgins’ Patent). Chem. Gaz. 1853 440. N. Narceine.-On the rotatory power of narceine by Bouchardak and 3’.Boudet. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 288. Nickel.-Note on the presence of nickel and cobalt in certain ferruginous waters and on a process for isolating them by 0.EIenry. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 305. -Separation of nickel from cobalt. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 128. -On the compounds of boracic acid and water with protoxide of nickel by H. Rose. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 361. -Analysis of a slag obtained in the smelting of nickel at the Dorothea Works at Dillenburg by 7V. ?inter. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 221. 7 Passive state of nickel and iron by J. NickZ2s. Pogg. Ann xc 351. -On the passive state of nickel and cobalt by J. XichZ2s. Compt. rend. xxxvii 284. -On the separation of manganese from iron and nickel by T.Schiel. Chem. Gaz. 1853 413. -On the determination of copper and nickel in quantitative analysis by B. Forbes. Chem. Gaz. 1853 276.Nitrates.-New test for nitric acid and the nitrates by E. W,Dnvy. Phil. Mag. [4] v 330 ; J. Pharrn. [3] xxiv 206. -On the preparation of chemically pure nitrates of potash and soda by C. Veder. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 596. -On a method of determining the quantity of nitrate of potash contained in gunpowder by Jf. liebatius. Chem. Gaz. 1853,433. -On the compounds of basic mercurous nitrate with other nitrates by G. Stadeler. Ann. Ch. Pharm lxxxvii 129. Nitric Oxide.-On a compound of pelargonic acid with nitric oxide; by I;. Chiozza. Ann. Ch. Pharrn. lxxxv 225 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 123. Nitrogen.-On two new methods for the determination of nitrogen in organic and inorganic compouuds by iWarweZZ Simpson. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 289.-New method of forming the protoxide of nitrogen by J. 1;. Smith. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 234 ; Chern. Gaz. 1853 250. Yl On nitric acid as a source of the nitrogen found in plants by G. Wilson. Trans. Roy. SOC. Etlinb. xx 591. -On the constitution of iodide of nitrogen by R. Bunsen. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxiv 1 ; Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 74 ; udstr. Chem. SOC. Qu. J. vi 90; .I.Pharm. [3] xxiii 393. Nitr0prussides.-On some new methods of forming the nitroprussides by E. 7V. Davy. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 11. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. 357 Nu tri tion.-Note on the chemical properties of certain proximate principles of wheat and their effect in the feeding of animals by M. Mouriks. Compt. rend. xsxvii 351. 0. (Enan thy1.-On ethers intermediate between the cenanthylic and the me-thylic ethylic and amylic series ; and on the constitution of castor-oil alcohol by A.W. WiZZs. Chem. Soc.'Qu. J. vi 307. Oils.-On a method of distinguishing the volatile oils of the series C,H4 by C. G. JViilZiams. Phil. Mag. [4] v 536; J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 134. -Researches on fixed oils of vegetable origin by M. Lefort. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 278 350. -On the preparation of medicinal oils and fats by M. Llermite. J. Pharm. [3] xsiv 349. -Report presented to the Socidtte' de Pharmacie on a method proposed by M. Behrens for detecting adulteration in oils by MM. Guibourt and Reveil. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 349. -On a method of testing edible oils by E. Marchand. J.Pharm. [3]xxiv 267. -On the analysis of fixed oils by means of sulphuric acid by M.Maument?. Chem. Gaz. 1853 58 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 187. -On the fixed vegetable oils of Southern India. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 598. -New process for recognizing the presence of alcohol in essential oils by $1 Oherdorfer. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 73. -On essential oil of bitter almonds by D. Muclayan. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 277. -Preparation of a drying oil for zinc paint. Yharm. J. Trans. xiii 294. -Means of detecting turpentine in mineral naphtha and in oil of amber by Dr. Bolley. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 292. -On the compounds of certain volatile oils with the alkaline bisulphites by C. Bertagnini. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 179 265 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 46. -Improvements in preparing oils for lubricating and burning (Hutchison's.Patent). Pharm. J. Trans. xii 551. -On the disturbing action exerted by certain metallic salts on drying oils when exposed to air and light by BarrueZ and Jean. Compt. Rend. xxxvi 577. -On the action of phosphorus on drying oils chiefly on linseed-oil by L. E. Jonas. Arch. Pharm. [2] lxxx 139; J. Pharm. [3] xxii 469. -On the volatile oil of beech-tar by C. YoZcheZ. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxsxvi 331. -Adulteration of oil of cassia with oil of cloves by G. Ules. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 602. I_ On oil of camphor by Th.Madens. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 473. -On cod-liver oil. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 426. -On the constitution of cod-liver oil. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 450. -Improvements in deodorizing cod-liver oil by Sir Jumes Murray.Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 188. -On the adulteration of olive-oil by J. Jfacfiuy. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 484 ; also by JfaumenB. Ibid. 497. -Soluhilityof biniodide of mercury in cod-liver oil. Pharm. J.Trans. xiii I 89. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Oils.-On essential oil of coriander. J. Pharm. [s] xxiii 479 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 16 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xii 396. -On oil of cummin by C. Ydckel. Ann Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 246. -On volatile oil of ginger by Jf. Pupusk. J. Pharm. 133 xxiii 465; Chem. Gaz. 1853 12 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xii 601. -On oil of hops by R.Wagner. J. pr. Chem. lviii 6 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 272. -Note on the ozonization of the oils of lemons and turpentine by C. G. WilZiums. Chem. Gaz. 1853 331. -On the action of ammoniacal bases upon oil of mustard by F.Hinfer-belyey. Chem. Gaz. 1853 71. -_ On the preparation of oil of morphine by M. St. Lager. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 358. -Note on the rectification of essential oil of Nerole‘ by H Dunney. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 204. -Physiological action of the essential oil of oranges by J. Goutheye. Compt. rend. xxxvi 623. -On the acids of rape-oil by G. Stadeler. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvii 133. -Improvements in bleaching palm-oil (Dixon’s Patent). Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 46. -Manufacture of resin and of rcsin-oil. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 345 389. -On the manufacture of oil of roses. Chem. Gaz. 1853 98. -Camphor from oil of sassafras. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 376. -On essmtial oil of thyme by A. Lallenimd. Compt. rend. xxxvi 498 ; J.Pharm. [3] xxiv 274. -Action of heat on oil of turpentine by M. Rerthelot. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 5. -On the oil of Wwmsame by C. YoZckel. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 312. Olefiant Gas.-On the production of tar from olefiant gas by G. Mu,qnus. Pogg. Ann. xc 1 ; Phil. Mag. [4] vi 420. Opium.-On some of the crystalline constituents of opium by 2’. Anderson. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 179. Organic Analysis.-On the use of gas as fuel in organic analysis by A. W. Hofmunn. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 209. Organic Bases.-Contributions to the history of volatile bases by A. Pluntu and A. KekuM Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 1. Organic Bodies.-On a new series of organic bodies containing metals by E. Frunkkund. Phil. Trans. 1852 ii 417; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 329 ; Phil.Mag. [4] v 159 239 ; abstr. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 296 ; Chem. SOC.Qu. J. ri 57. Organic Raci ica1s.-Researches on the oxygen-radicals by L. Chiozza. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxiv 102 ; Compt. rend. xxxv 225 ; Chem. SOC. Qu. J. vi 182. -Researches on stanmethyl a new organic radical by A. Cahours and A. Riche. Compt. Rend. xxxvi 1001. 0thy1.-Remarks on Professor Williamson’s othyl-theory by F. Vrightson. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 418. Oxides.-Note on the separation of some metallic oxides by M. Flajolot. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1090; Chem. Gaz. 1853 379; Ann. Min. [5] iii 652. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. 359 Oxides.-On the behaviour of certsin oxides with caustic potash in the presence of oxide of chromium by A. B. Northcote and A.H. Church. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 51. Oxygen.-On the electro-chemical deportment of oxygen by M. Piard. Phil. Mae;. [4] vi 241. -On the function of oxygen in the life of plants and the action of manure by 3. Robin. Rev. Sci xlii 407. Ozone.-On a new oxide of hydrogen and its relation to ozone by M. Bau-mert. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 37 ; Phil. Mag. [4] vi 51 ; Chem. SOC. Qu. J. vi 169. -Note on the ozonization of the oils of lemons and turpentine by C. G. Villiams. Chem. Gaz. 1853 331. P. P a1ladium.-Facts relating to the analytical history of palladium and silver by A. Be'cham?. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 413. -On palladamine by Hugo Muller. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvi 341. Papaveri ne.-On the rotatory power of papaverine by Bouehardat and F.Boudet.J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 288. pa pier-mach6.-Substitute for papier-mache' (Warren's Patent). Chem. Gaz. 1853 439. Pelargonates -On the preparation of crude pelargonate of ethyl by R Wagner. Chem. Gas. 1853 144. Phosphate.-On the composition of phosphate of mercury by R.Brundes. J. Pharm. C3]. xxiv 804 Phosphates.-Action of caustic potash on the phosphates by A. B. Northcote and A. H. Church. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 53. Phosphides.-On phosphide of manganese. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 371. -On phosphide of titanium by Vohler. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 376. Phosphorescence -On the phosphorescence of some marine invertebrata by A. de QuutreJages. Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 69. Phosphorus.-On the specific heat of red phosphorus by V.Regnadt. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 49 ;Ann.Ch. Phys. [3] xxrviii 129. -On the discovery of phosphorus by J. Ince. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 280. -On the so-called amorphous phosphorus by A. Putqarcken. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxr 136 ;Chem. Gaz. 1853,447. -Action of phosphorus sulphur arsenic and antimony upon certain classes of salts by J. F. "leer. Chem. Gaz. 1853,329. -On the crystallization of sulphur and phosphorus. Compt. rend. xxxvi 463. -Action of phosphorus on drying oils chiefly on linseed-oil by L.E. Jonas. Arch. Pharm. [2] lxx 139; J. Pharm. [3] xxii 469. -On hypochlorite of magnesia as an antidote to phosphorus by M. Bechert. J. Pharm. [S] xxiv 352 ;Pharm. J. Trans. xii 603. -Observations on sulphide of phosphorus by W. Ficke. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvi 115. -Note on the oxide of phosphorus by A.Schrotfer. Ann. Ch. Phys. C31 xxxviii 148. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Photography-Method of obtaining direct positive photographic impressions on plates of any kind whatever especially on those which serve for engraving by A. Martin. Compt. rend. xxxvi 703. -New method of obtaining positive impressions of any dimensions and of equal delicacy with the negative by 91. Heilfiiunn. Compt. rend. xxxvii 136. -On the best mode of focussing the photographic apparatus by A. Clau- det. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxvi 201. -On certain causes of failure in photographic operations and on the pre- cautions to be taken to avoid them by Jf. Bertsch. Compt. rend. xxxvii 135. -On the cause of the occurrence of abnormal figures in photographic impressions of polarized rings by G.G. Stokes. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 107. -Fixation of colours. J. Fr. Inst. [I XYV 141. -Process for taking photographic landscapes on paper by J. Stewart. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxv 402. -On the application of photography to the study of certain phenomena of polarization by W. Crookes. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 73. -Photographic engraving on steel by H. F. Talbot. Compt. rend. xxxvi 780 also by M. ATiepci de St. Yictor. Ibid. 908. Remarks on the latter by Jf. Chevreul. Ibid. 908. Remarks on both memoirs by M. Biot. Ibid. 801. -Process for photographic engraving by H. F. Tulbot. J. Fr. Inst. [3J xxvi 121. -Application of the microscope to photography by W. T.Kinpley. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxvi 188.-Photography on stone by NM. Burreswil and Zemercier. Chem. Gaz. 1853 275. Phycite.-On phycite the saccharine matter of Pro€ococcus vuZgaris by JI.Lamy. Compt. rend. xxxv 665. Chem. Gaz. 1853 200. Physe1ine.-On physaline by T. Dessaignes and J. Chaulard. Chem. Gaz. 1853 15 Physical Propertie s.-Observations on certain physical properties of bodies by J. GrosAans. Pogg. Ann. Erganzungsband iii 4 596 ; further lxxxviii 29 1. Physiological Chemistry.-On the causes of old age and of death in ad- vanced life by 27. Robin. Compt. rend. xxxvi 147. Picrotoxine.-On the rotatory power of picrotoxine by Bouchrdut and 3'. Boudet. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 288. Piperinem-Researches on a new alkali derived from piperine by A. Cahours. Ann. Ch.Phys. [3] xxxviii 38; ubstr. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 175. Plants.-On the absorption of inorganic salts by plants by Xchulz-FZeetA. Pogg. Ann. luxxviii 177. -On the existence of iodine in various plants by Stevenson Jfacadum. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 294; Chem. SO~. Qu. J. vi 168. Platinum.-On the equivalent weights of platinum and barium by F. Aiz-drezcs. Ann. Ch. Pharm lxxxv 255. -On a probably new element associated with iridosmine and platinum by A. 3'. Gedh. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 246; Chem. Gaz. 1853 145. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. Poisons.-On the use of upa-reyia in testing for poisons by Gaultier de CZuubry. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 209. Remarks on the same by NuZu-guti and Surzeaud. Ibid. 296. -New mode of analysis for detecting organic poisons by C.PZandin. Compt. rend. xxxvi 517 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 39. -Nature of some of the approved processes for the detection of poisons by B. Muclayan. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 379. Polarized Light.-New researches on the relations which may exist between crystalline form chemical composition and rotatory power by L. Pus-teur. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 437. -Report on a memoir by M. Pasteur entitled “New researches on the relations which may exist between crystalline form chemical compo- sition and rotatory power” by H. de Senarmont. Compt. rend. xxxvi 757. -On the action of magnetism on a rectilineally polarized ray in its passage through compressed glass by Pro$ Edbrund. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lsxxvii 338. -Detection of small quantities of soda by means of polarized light by 2%.Anclrews. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 171. -Note on the rotatory powers of quinidine codeine narceine papaverine and picrotoxine by Bouchardat and 3’.Boudet. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 288. Polymorphism.-Researches on polymorphism by J. iVickZ&. J. Pharm. [S] xxiii 417 ;xxiv 5. Popp y.-Researches on the composition and medicinal properties of the dif- ferent kinds of white poppy by M. Meurien. J. Yharm. [3] xxiii 176 262 332. Porcelain.-American porcelain. J. Fr. Inst. [3] sxv 43. Porphyry.-On the composition of quartz-porphyry by Dr.n. Z’hbolet. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 327. Potash.-Preparation of pure hydrate of potash by Vohler. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 373. -On the preparation of carbonate of potash by C.Veber. Yharm. J. Trans. xiii 43. -On the behaviour of cartain oxides with caustic potash in presence of oxide of chromium by A. B. Northcote and A. H. Church. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 54. -Action of caustic potash on the phosphates by A. B. Northcote and A. H. C’hurch. Chem. SOC. Qu. J. ri 53. -On a compound sulphate of potash and soda by J. H. Gladstone. Chem. Sac. Qu. J. vi 106. Potassium.-Detection of potassium in meteoric iron by C. U. Shepard. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 1. -On a new concrete sulphide of potassium by 31.Gobley. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 350. Potato.-Remarks on the potato disease by i”. J. Herapaih. Chem. Gaz. 1853 362 382. Propy1.-On propionic alcohol by G. Chancel. Compt. rend. xxxvii 410 ; Chem. SOC.Qu. J.vi 287. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Protean Stone.-On protean stone or artificial ivory. J. Pharm. [S] xxii 444. Yrussiates.-On the mode of estimating the value of red prussiate of potash by 3'. Lieshing. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 31 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 139. Pseudomorphoses.-On pseudomorphoses. with observations on the mode of distinguishing certain kinds of them by 5". Scheerer. Yogg. Ann. lxxxix 1 ; xc 315. Yurpurin.-On oxylizaric acid (purpurin) by €I. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Debus. Ixxxvi 117. Pyrophosphates.-Syrup of pyrophosphate of iron by Jf. Soubeiran. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 62. Pyrotartrat es.-On pyrotartrate of ammonia and its transformation by heat by A. 3. Arppe. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 237. Pyroxy1ine.-Researches on pyroxyline by A.Be'chanq. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] sxxvii 206; J. Pharm. [3] xxii 410. -Action of protosalts of iron on pyroxylin and its congeners by A. Be'-chanbp. Compt. rend. xxxvii 134. Pressure.-Influence of pressure on the permanence of compounds. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 374. Q. Quinidine.-Note on quinidine by L. Pasteur. Compt rend. xxxvi 26 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 123; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 123. -Observations on quinidine by JfM. Bussy and Guidourt. J. Pharm. [S] xxii 401. -On the rotatory power of quinidine by Bouchardat and F Boudet. 3. Pharm. [3) xxiii 288. Quinine.-On the manufacture of large available crystals of sulphate of iodo-quinine (Herapathite) for optical purposes as artificial tourmalines by W. B. Herayuth. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 346. -Action of carbonic acid on quinine and cinchonine; formation of crystallized carbonate of quinine by M.Langlois. Compt. rend. xxxvii 727. 7 On the iodo-quinine examined by Dr. Herapath and Prof. Stokes in its optical relations by 77. Huidinger. l'ogg. Ann lxxxix 250 ; Phil. Mag. [4] vi 273. -Sulphate of quinine. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 209. L_ On the diecovery of quinine and quinidine in the urine of patients under medical treatment with the salts of these mixed alkaloyds by W. B. Berapalh. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 171 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 2 16. -On the adulteration of the citrate of iron and quinine of commerce by C. G. FiZlims. Chem. Gaz. 18.53 269. -On the red colouring of quinine by ferrocyanide of potassium by A. Yogel. Ann.Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 122. -Pharmacological researches on tannate of quinine. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 158. IN BRITISH AND FOREIQN JOURNALS. R. Resin.-Manufacture of resin and of resin-oil. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 345 389. -On a new fossil resin by J. T.Mallet. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 135. -On the resin of jalap by F.Mayer. Chem. Gaz. 1853 21. Rhamnu s.-On rhamnoxanthene a new yellow coloaring-matter extracted from the root-bark of Rhamnus frangula :by L. A. Buchner. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 50 293. Rhododendron.-Examination of the leaves of Rhododendron ferrugineum by B. Schwartz. Chem. Gaz. 1853 44. Rocks.-Researches on the formation of volcanic rocks in Iceland by B. Bunsen. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 2 15. -On the structure and composition of certain basaltic and metamorphic rocks by F.Andrews. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 172; Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 32 1. -Researches on the products of the decomposition of rocks by hot sul-phurous waters by M. Bouis. Compt. rend. xxxvii 234. -On the theory of the formation of volcanic rocks by H. Streng. Ann. Ch. Phys. xxxix 52 ; Pogg. Ann. xc 103. -On the mineralogical and chemical composition of the rocks of the Vosges by M. Belesse. Ann. Min. [5] iii 369 747. Rotten-stone.-On the origin and composition of rotten-stone by Prof. JoAnsfon. Chem. Gaz. 1853 418 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 222. Rubian.-On rubian and its products of decomposition by E. Schunk. Phil. Mag. [4] v 410 495 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 344. S. Saccharometer.-On Soleil’s saccharometer by W.P.Riddell. Sill. Am J. [2] xv 175. Sal-ammoniac.-A method of getting rid of sal-ammoniac in analysis by J. 1;. Smith. Sill.Am. J. [2] xv 94; Chem. Gaz. 1854 115. Salicy1.-On the formation of hydride of salicyl in the flowers of meadow-sweet (Spirea ulmaria) :by LA. Buchner. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 73. Saline Solu tions.-Observations on the supersaturation of saline solutions by H. Liizcell. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 155 179. Saliva.-On the quantitative determination of the sulphocyanide of potassium in saliva by T.J. Herapath. Chem. Gaz. 1853 294. Salt.-Note on the probable existence of saliferous strata in the north of France by M. DQhnoue. Compt. rend. YXXV 850. -Examination of the Orber BadesaL by Freiherr v. Bibra. Ann. Ch.Pharm. lxsxvii 179. -Salt of Western Pennsylvania by J. C. Boolh and T. H. Garrett. J. Frank. Tnst. [3] xxv 48. Sal tyetre.-Remarks on the artificial productions of saltyetre by R.Reichen-bach. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 136. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Saltpetre.-Exposition of certain facts relating to the reciprocal action of soluble salt by J. MaZuyuti. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 198 ;Compt. rend. xxxv 945. -On the relation between the constitution of salts and the quantity of water contained in them by P. Kremers. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 337. -On the absorption of inorganic salts by plants by Schulz-Fl~eth. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 177. -Action of phosphorus sulphur arsenic and antimony upon certain classes of salts by J.W. Draper. Chem. Gaz. 1853 329. -Improvements in the manufacture of certain salts of potash soda ammonia lime and baryta (Price's Patent). Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 46. -Improvements in saline and metallic compounds (Claussen's Patent). Chem. Gaz. 1853 20. Sarsaparilla.-On a species of smilax and a new sort of sarsaparilla obtained from it by R.Bentley. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 470. -On Guatemala sarsaparilla by 3.Bentley. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 45. Scammony.-On virgin-scammony and on the characters of scammonyresin by V.Ball. J. Pharm. [3] xxii,446. 7 Production of scammony in the neighbourhood of Smyrna by I€..Maltass. Pharm. J. Trans. xjii 264. -Note on some specimens of scammony by D. HUI~~UTYJ. Pharrn. J. Trans. xiii 268. Scil1a.-Memoir on scillu by M.ZIZZoy. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 406. Selenium.-On the specific gravity of selenium by F.G. Scl~&"otsch. Pogg. Ann. xc 66. -On the compounds of the two acids of selenium with the two oxides of mercury and on native mercurous selenite (Onofrite) by F. Kohlw. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 146. -On selenide of mercury from the Hartz by C. Rammelsberg. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 319 ; Phil. Mag. [4] vi 272. -On selenide of ethyl by C. A. Joy. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 35. Seminaphtha1idine.-On azobenzide azoxybenzide and seminaphthalidine according to N. Zinin. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 328. Silic a.-On the quantitative determination of the alkalis in siliceous minerals not soluble in acids by J. L. Smith. Sill. Am. J. [2J xv 94 ;Chem. Gaz. 1853 252. _-On deposits of soluble or gelatinous silica in the lower beds of the chalk formation by J.I! Way. Chem. SO~. Qu. J ri 102 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 174. -Analysis of a siliceous deposit from the hot volcanic springs of Taupo New Zealand by J. h? Jfullet. Phil. Mag. [4] v 285. Si1icium.-On the reduction and electro-chemical application of silicium by Junot de Bussy. Compt. rend. xxxvi 540. Silk.-On the detection of silk wool linen and cotton fibres and textile fabrics by G. C. Vittstein. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 181. Silver.-On silver as a unit of measure for resistance to electric conduction by W. Langsdorf. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 155. -Facts relating to the analytical history of palladium and silver by A. Be'cl~~~p. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 413.IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. Silver.-On the compounds of boracic acid and water with oxide of silver by N.Rose. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 482. -Hard silver. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxviii 176. -On the mutual action between the two ferrocyanides of potassium and the nitrate and the simple combustion-products of silver by 0.B. Kuhn. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 84. -On the reactions on which the amalgamation process depends and on the extraction of silver by amalgamation by Dr. Karsten. Chem. Gaz. 1853 141. -On the desilverizing of argentiferous lead by means of zinc by Dr. Karsten. Chem. Gaz. 1853 132. -Note on a new alloy of silver by G. Barruel. Chem. Gaz. 1852 15. -On the recovery of gold and silver from the liquids employed in electro- piating and gilding by P.Bollpy. Chem. Gaz 1853 354. Sinapine.-Researches on sinapine by L.v. Bubo and M. Hirschbrunn. Chem. Gaz. 1853 81; Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vi 187; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 39a ; Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 104. Soap.-On soaps and their employment in manufactures by F. C. Culvert. Chem. Gaz. 1853 115. -Process for determining the value of soap by Dr. Bolley. Chem. Gaz. 1853 55. Soda.-Detection of small quantities of soda by means of polarized light by TIL.Aiidrews. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 171. -On the action of soda on the sulphuric compounds of indigo by C. Gros-Renuud. Jan. Bull. de la SOC.Industr. de Mulhouse xxiv 343. -Improvements in the manufacture of carbonates of soda (W. E. Newton's Patent). Chem. Gaz.1853 359. -On the presence of soda in commercial potash by C.G. Willianu. J. Pharm. C33 xxiv 290. -On a compound sulphate of potash and soda by J. €I. Gladstone Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 106. -Notice of a native carbonate of soda found in the territory of Nizam India by W. H. Bradlpy. Pharm. J. Trans xii 515. Soils.-Analysis of the ashes of Erica carnea and Calluna vulgaris Sulisb. and of the soils on which they grow by C. F. Rothe. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii I I 8. -Report on a memoir by MM. Verdeil and Rissler entitled ''Researches on the composition of the soluble matters extracted by water from fertile soils" by M. de Gaspnrin. Compt. rend. xxxvi 765. Sperm ace ti.-On the composition of mutton-fat human fat and spermaceti (Addendum) by W. Heiniz.Pogg. Ann. lxxxvii 553. -Means of powdering spermaceti. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 550. Stalactites.-Note on the consolidation of stalactites and of calcareous strata by M. Fournet. Compt. rend. xxxvi 987. Stanne th y1.-Researches on the stannethyls a new series of organic radicals formed of ethyl and tin by C. Lowig. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 343; abstr. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 234; Chem. Gaz. 1853 101 126 149 170. TlTLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Stearin.-On the manufacture of stearin candles by M&’. Larnasse and CO. Bull. de la SOC.Industr. de Mulhouse xxiii 314,-Report thereupon by Dr. Penot. Ibid. 317. Steel.-On the manufacture of cast steel by Dr. Kursten. Chem. Gaz. 1853 233. Strychnine.-New method of detecting strychnine and its salts by T.Davy.J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 204. -On the effects of acetate of strychnine (2nd memoir). Compt. rend. xxxvi 289. Suet.-On the composition of beef-suet by W.Beintz. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 579. Sugar.-On the processes connected with the manufacture of sugar from beet-molasses. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 229. -Improvements in refining sugar (Bessemer’s Patent). Pharm J. Trans. xii 453. -Improvements in the manufacture of raw and refined sugar (Brandris’ Patent). Pharm. J. Trans. xii 355. -Improvements in the manufacture of sugar (Egan’s Patent). Pharm. J. Trans. xii 453. -On MM. Leplay and Dubranfaut’s improvements in the manufacture of sugar by J. Nickles. Chem. Gaz. 1853 387. -Action of alkalis on sugar. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 348 393. -On the occurrence of aldehyde among the products of the distillation of sugar by C.Yolckel. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 303. -On the gases formed in the distillation of sugar by C. Yolckel. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 63. -Action exerted by acids and by alkaline and earthy chlorides on sugar by M.Berthelot. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 3s. -On the seat of the sugar formation in the animal body by J. Moleschott. Chem. Gaz. 1853 351. -Note on the estimation of sugar of milk and on the means of detecting adulterations in milk by M. PoggiaZe. Compt. rend. xxxvi 265. -Note on the presence of sugar in the urine of epileptic patients by Michea and Reynoso. Compt. rend. xxxvi 230. Sulphamy1ates.-Actionof ammonia on sulphamylate of lime by M.Berthelot. Ann. Ch.Pharm. lxxxvii 364 ; Compt. rend. xxxvi 1098. Su1phates.-Process for making sulphate of soda. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 601. -On a compound sulphate of potash and soda by J. H. CZacEsione. Chem. Sac. Qu. J. vi 102 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxi 1205. -On the preparation of chemically pure sulphate of magnesia by C. Weber. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 59 76. -On the effect of sulphate of lime on vegetable substances by M. CZuusen. Chem. Gaz. 1853 437. Sulphide 5.-Researches on sulphides decomposible by water followed by general considerations on the production of sulphurous and siliceous waters by M. Fremy. Compt. rend. xxxvi 178; J. Pharm. [S] xxiii 161 ; Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 312. -On the sulphide of antimony by Vuckenroder. Arch. Pharm. [2] lxxi 207 ; J.Pharrn. [S] xxiii 156. IN BRITISH AND FOREIQN JOURNALS. Su1phides.-On the compounds of the sulphides of ethyl and methyl with certain metallic chlorides by A. Lorn'. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 251 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 369; Chem. Gaz. 1853 361 ; Compt. rend. xxxxi 1095. -On a new concrete sulphide of potassium by M. GobZe. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 350. Sulp hi t e s.-On several new sulphites of mercuric oxide and cuprous oxide by L. Pian de St. Gillps. J. Pharm. [3] xsiii 45 ; Compt. rend xxxvi 1086.-Remarks thereupon by M. Chevreul. Ibid. 1089. -On the compounds of certain volatile oils with the alkaline bisulphites by C. Bertagnini. Ann. Ch. Pharm. luxxv 179 268; Chem. Gaz. 1853 46. Su1phopurpurates.-On the introduction of sulphopurpurate of soda (carmin d'indigo rouge) into wool and silk-dyeing by R.Baefely.Bull. de la SOC. Industr. de Mulhouse xxiv 321.-Report thereupon by C. Koeclilin. Ibid. 328. Sulphur.-On the amorphism and polymorphism of sulphur by C. Brame. Compt. rend. xxxvii 334. On compact transparent sulphur and vitreous arsenious acid by C.Brame. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 217. On the heat evolved when crystals of sulphur obtained by fusion pass into the other form by E. Mitschcrlich. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 328. On the crystallization of sulphur. Compt. rend. xxxvi 463. On the isomeric compounds of sulphur and antimony by H. Rose. Ber. d. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berlin 1853 242 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 290. Action of sulphur on certain classes of salts by J.W.Skder. Chem. Gaz. 1853 329. On the purification of iron and coke from sulphur. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxv 47. Blue sulphur I Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 373. On the detection of sulyhide of carbon by A. Yogel. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 371. Observations on sulphides of phosphorus by 7T. Vicke. Ann. Ch. Yharm. lxxxvi 115. On crystallized sulphur of utricular origin from Guadaloupe and Vulcano by M. Brame. Compt. rend. xxxvii 754. Sulphure tted Hydrogen.-Apparatus for disengaging sulphuretted hydro- gen by R.Presenius. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 131. Syrups.-On syrup of violets by F. Ketadull. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 18. -On syrup of iodide of iron and manganse by W. Proctor. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 88. T. Tallow.-Purification of tallow and grease.Pharm. J. Trans. xii 518. 7'ungues.-Researches on the tangues of Lower Normandy by J. I. Pierre. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 81. Tannates.-Pharmacological researches on tannate of quinine. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 158. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Tar.-On the production of tar from olefiant gas by G. Mugnus. Pogg. Ann. xc 1 ; Phil. Mag. [4] vi 420. -Improvements in the distillation of tar (Shand and M‘Clean’s Patent). Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 46. Tea.-On the adulteration of tea. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 228. Tellurium.-On the action of tellurium on the animal economy by K. Hansen. Ann Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 208. -Analysis of foliated tellurinm by Ph. Schomlein. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 201. -On some new compounds of tellurethyl by Prof. VohEer. Chem.SOC. Qu. J. vi 40; Chem. Gaz. 1853 49. Tetrethylamm oniu m.-On a decomposition-product of tetrethylammonium by Prof. Feltzien. Ann. Ch. Pharm lxxxvi 292. Tha1ia.-On the supposed new element Thalia by J. L. Smith. Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 95 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 353. Thermo-chemistry. -Fundamental principles of a system of thermo-chemistry by J. Thomson. Pogg. Ann. xc 261. -Thermo-chemical researches on combinations formed in multiple pro-portions by P. A. Fuvre. J. Pharm. [3] xsiv 311. Thermometer.-On the absolute zero of the perfect gas-thermometer ; being a note to a paper on the mechanical action of heat by TV. J. 111. Rankine. Trans. Roy. SOC.Edinb. xx 561 ; abstr. Proc. Roy. SOC. Edinb. 1852-53 160. Thierschite.-Note on Thierschite by J. Liehig.Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 112 ; Ann. Ph. Pharm. lxxxvi 113 ; Ann Ch. Phys. [3] xxxxiii 490. Thorina. -Additional observations on the thorina (oxide of donarium) obtained from Orangite by N. J. Berlin. Pogg. Ann. lsxxvii 608. Ti n.-Improvements in the manufacture of tin (,Michell’s Patent). Pharm. J. Trans. xii 550. -Estimation of tin by means of graduated solutions by Jf. Sf. Lgyg~r. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 20. -On Tinstone Pseudomorphs by E. J. Chapman. Phil. Mag. [4] ri 121. -On the chemical compounds of copper and tin and on mixtures of these metals constituting non-chemical alloys by Jf. Riefel. Compt. rend. xxxvii 450. -On the chemical composition of tin-pyrites by C. Ramrnelsberg. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 603. Protiodide of tin. Ann.Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 374. c--Researches on stannethyl by A. Cuhours and A. Riche. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1001. -Researches on the stannethyls a series of new organic radicals formed of ethyl and tin by C. Lowig. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 343 ; J.Pharm. [3] xxiii 234; Chem. Gaz. 1653,101 126 149 170. Ti tanium.-On the reduction and electro-chemical application of titanium by Junot dc Bussy. Compt. rend xxxvi 510. -On phosphide of titanium by 7GhZPr. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxusvii 375. To1uidine.-On a new mode of formation of toluidine by Jf. C/iautard. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 166. Toxicology.-On the toxicology of bichromate of potash by M. JuiEZard. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 38. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. Trochue.-Analysis of the operculum of a trohciis by ?V.7tTicke. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lsxsvii 225. Tungs ten.-On the reduction and electro-chemical application of tungsten by Junot de Bussy. Compt. rend. xxxvi 540. _I On tungstate of lead or Scheeletine by E. J Chapman. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 120. Turpentine.-On the various kind of oils of turpentine by iW. Berliielot. Compt. rend. xxxvi 425. Action of heat on oil of turpentine by 111. Berthelot. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxis 22. Action of acids and of alkaline and earthy chlorides on oil of turpentine by M. BertheZot. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 38. -On a product of the action of sulphuric acid on resinized oil of turpen- tine by F. Kuberth. Chem. Gaz. 1853 385. -On bihydrochlorate of oil of turpentine by X. Berthdot. Ann.Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 223. 'l'yrosin.-Test for leucin and tyrosin by Reinhold Hofmann. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 123. U. U1tramarine.-On commercial ultramarines by JI. Barreswil. J. Pharm. [3] xxii 443. .__ Test of the purity of ultramarine. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 40. Urea.-On some compounds of urea and on a new method for the detertni- nation of chloride of sodium and of urea in urine by J. Lie&?. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 289; Chern. SOC. Qu. J. vi 1 ; Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 86 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 299. -Experiments on the production of urea by Prof. Bischof. Compt. rend. xxxvi 875 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 289. -On a new method for the determination of urea by J. V.Draper. Phil. Mag. [3] vi 290. Urine.-Note on the presence of sugar in the urjne of epileptic patients by Jlichea and Beynoso.Compt. rend. xxxvi 230. -On the discovery of quinine and quinidine in the urine of patients under medical treatment with the salts of these mixed alkaloids by 7K B. Heropath. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 171. -On the frequent occurrence of indigo in human urine and on its chemical and physiological relations by A. H. HassaEE. Chem. Gaz. 1853,355. -011the solution of urinary calculi in dilute saline fluids at the tempera- ture of the body by the aid of electricity by H. Bence Jones. Chem. Gaz. 1853 99. V. Vacuum.-On a method of obtaining a perfect vacuum under the receiver 2'. by:an air-pump of Andrews. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 309. -$ Vanadium.-On an iron-ore containing vanadium. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 127.VOL. V1.-NO. XXlV. uu TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Vapours.-On the use of hydrogen in determining vapour-densities by R.Railton. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 205. Varnishe s.-Composition for varnishing iron and steel and protecting them from oxidation. Rev. Sci. xlii 405. -Tinctures and varnishes for the wood-work of fire-arms. Rev. Sci. xlii 385. Vegetable Substances.-On the effect of sulphate of lime upon vegetable substances by M. Cluussen. Chem. Gaz. 1853 437. Vegetation.-Experimental researches on vegetation by M. Ville. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 489. Vetch.-Analysis of the ashes of vetch-seed from Neufchatel by J. Cohera. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 288. Vinegar.-l’yrogallic acid in wood-vinegar. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 256. Volcanic Phen omena.-Researches on the intrinsic relations of the pseudo- volcanic phenomena of Iceland by R.Bunsen. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 385. Volcanic Rocks.-On the theory of the formation of volcanic rocks by Dr. Streng. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 52 ;Pogg. Ann. xc 103. Vol umes.-Considerations on the theory of chemical changes and on equiva- lent volumes by T.S. Hunt. Phil. Mag.[4] v 526. Volumetric Analysis.-On a method of volumetric analysis of very general application by R.Bunsm. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 265. W. W at ere-Hassler’s experiments on the expansion of water at various tempera. tures by J. A. Alexander. Sill. Am. J. xvi 170. -On the influence of water in chemical reactions by H. Rose. 5. On the compoiinds of boracic acid and water with oxide of lead.Pogg. Am. Ixxxvii 470. 6. On the compounds of boracic acid and water with oxide of copper. Pogg. Ann lxxxvii 587.-Observations in reply to M.Laurent. p. 598. 7 8 9. On the compounds of boracic acid and water with protoxide of cobalt protoxide of nickel and oxide of zinc. Pogg.Ann. Ixxxviii 299. 10. On the compounds of boracic acid and water with oxide of silver. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxxviii 482. 11. On the action of boracic acid and water on sesquioxide of iron. Pogg. Ann lxxx1x 473. -On the influence of water on boracic acid in borates by H. Rose. Chem. Gaz. 1853 65. -Report on a memoir by A. Reynoso (‘On the action of water on various bodies at high temperatures and pressures” by M.Dumas. Compt. rend. xxxvi 411. -On the relations between the constitution of salts and the qriantity of water contained in them by P. Kremers. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 337. -Comparative examination of the quantities of water and fat in the brain by J. Huufand R. Wugner.. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 42. -Researches on sulphides decornposible by water ; followed by general considerations on the production of sulphurous and siliceous waters by $1.Fremy. Compt. rend. xxxvi 178 ; J. Ybarm. [3] xxiii 161 ; Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 312. 1N IlRITlSH AND IFOREION JOURNALS. Water.-On the estimation of water in commercial iodine by fife BoEley. Chem. Gaz. 1853 119. -Researches on the absorption of atmospheric water by mineral substances by M. Durocher.Compt. rend. xxxvi 870. -Absorption of water by chalk by E. J. Chapman. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 108. -Report on a memoir by MM. Verdeil and Rider entitled “Researches on the composition of the soluble matters extracted by water from fertile soils” by M. de Gusparin. Compt. rend. xuxvi 765. _I On stagnant waters in general and on “eaux de mares” in particular by M. MurcAaiid. Compt. rend. xxxvii 719. -Researches on the products of the decomposition of rocks under the influence of sulphureous thermal waters by M. Bouis. Compt. rend. xxxvii 234. -Note on aerated waters by 111. Cliatin. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 56. -On the analysis of rain-water collected and distilled in vessels of platinum by M. Barral. Compt. rend. xxxvi 184. -On the chemical analysis of rain-water by M.1Cfurtin. Compt. rend. xxxvi 487. -On the determination of the ammonia contained in waters by ilL Uoussi:rgauEt. Compt. rend. xxxvi 814 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 319. -On the quantity of ammonia in rain-water collected at a distance from towns by Boussinyault. Compt. rend. xxxvii 207. -Note on the presence of nickel and cobalt in certain ferruginous waters and on a process for isolating them by 0. Henry. J Pharni. [3] xxiv 303. _-Existence of boracic acid in various mineral waters by E. FiEhoZ. Compt. rend. xxxvi 327; Chem. Gaz. 1853 113. -.-On the presence of boracic acid in the mineral waters of TViesbaden and Ajx-la-Chapelle by Frrsenius and Wikiensdein. Yharm. J. ‘l’rans xii 548. -On the analysis of mineral waters containing chloride of magnesium by M.Tilluianns. J. I’harm. [3] xxiii 234. -Preliminary notice on mineral water containing iodine by P. Bulky. Ann. Ch. I’harm lxxsvi 51. -Water from the marshes and subsoil of the LantEev of Gironde by 11.1; I”aure‘. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 83. -Chemical examination of the mineral spring at Langenbrucken in the Grand-Duchy of Nassau by F. Wandesleben. Ann. Ch. I’hann. lxxxvii 248. -Note on the presence of the boracic acid in the alkaline sulphureous hot springs of Oletto (Yyre‘ne‘es Orientales) by J. Bouis. Cornpt. rend. xsxv 230. -On the mineral water of Orezza in Corsica by N. Poygiule. J. Pharin. [3] xxiv 277. -New analysis of the mineral water of Saxon in the Canton of Valois Switzerland by P.Morin. J. I’harm. [3] xxiii 183. -Analysis of the sulphur-spring of Serneus by A. w. Planta and A. Kekuk‘. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 364. -Analysis of the Soullzrnatt water (Haut-Kllin). Compt. rend. XXXV~ 495. BE2 T[TLES OF CI-IEAIICAL PAPERS. Water.-Mineral waters of Viterbo by Jif. Puyyiale. J. l’harm. [3] xxiii J 14. -Analysis of the waters from the deep wells of Westbourne Park and Ru~sell Square and the artesian well of the Hanwell Lunatic Asylum by C. H. Clark and 13.JIedhck Cheln. SOC.Qu. J. vi I 15. -On the mineral waters of Wiesbaden by C. Bruun. J. Yharin. [3] ssiv 145. -Analysis of the Wolkenstein mineral water by A. Spyferth Ann. Ch. Phaim. lxxxv 373. Wax.-On Yela or Chinese wax and on the Chinese vegetable fat called Fat of S&iZZiugia by C.Xurtins. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 224. -On the insect white wax of China by D. Huiabury. Yharm. .J. Trans. xii 476 ; J. Yharm. [3] xxiv 136. -On peculiar lignites containing wax by L. Brucknw. J. pr. Chem. Ivii 1 ; J. Pharrn. [3] xxiii 391. -On the manufacture of wax candles. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 399. Wheat.-Note on the chemical properties of certain proximate principles of wheat and of their effect in the nutrition of animals by M. Mouriks. Cornpt. rend. syvii 331. Wines.-On the chemical constitution of wines and on paracitric acid and the paracitrates by E’. L. TVinckler. Jahrb. f. pr. Pharm. xxv 65 ; Chem. Gaz. 1653 32; J. Pharm [3] xxiii 469 Wood.-Formation of wood by the bark of dicotyledonous trees by A.Tre‘cul. Compt. rend. xssvi 138. -On the prodncts of the distillation of wood by C. Yolckel. Ann. Ch. I’harm. lsxsvi 66. Wood-spirit.-Action exerted by acids and by alkaline and earthy chlorides on wood-spirit by ill. Berthelot. Ann. Ch. Phys. xssviii 38. Wool.-On the detection of silk wool linen and cotton fibres in textile fabrics by G. C. 7jriitstein. Yharm. J. Trans. xiii 181. JVurr us.-Importation of Wurrus. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 284. X. X y1o‘idin.-On the spontaneous decomposition of xyldidin by J. H. Glad-stone. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 21 5. Z. Zinc.-On the estimation of zinc in hrass and bronze and on the separation 4 oxide of zinc from oxide of copper by X. Bobihe. Compt. rend. ssxvi 224. -Note on amalgamated zinc by J.Nicklb. J. Pharm. [3] xsiii 124. -On the analysis of alloys of copper and zinc by €1.Spirgatis. J. pr. Chem. lvii 84 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 260. -Note on sulphantimoniate of copper and zinc by Prof. EttEiiig. Chem. SO~. Qu. J. vi 140. -On the desilverizing of argentiferous lead by means of zinc by DP.Karsten. Chem. Gaz. 1853 132. _-Chloride of zinc as a solvent for copper. Yharm. J. Trans. xiii 233. -_ On the compounds of boracic acid and water with oxide of zinc by €I. HOSP. Pogg. Ann. Ixssviii 303. -J’reparation ofa drying oil for zinc paint. I’harm. J. ‘l’rans. Aiii 294.


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