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Contents pages |
Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London,
Volume 6,
Issue 1,
Page 001-004
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THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. 6IIIIImittIE of Tjab1i1:at.iDII. B. C. BRODIE P.R.S. THOMAS GRAHAM F.R.S. W.A. MILLER M.D. F.R.S. A. W. WILLIAMSON PH.D. \"-. VOL. VI. \"-. LONDON HIPPOLYTE BAILLIERE 219 REGENT STREET AND 290 BROADWAY NEW YORK U.S. PARIS J. B. BAILLIERE RUE HAUTEFEUILLE. MADRID :' BAILLY BAILLIERE CALLE DEL PRINCIPE. 1854. LONDON Printed by Schrilze arid Co. 13; Poland Stwet. CONTENTS OF THE SIXTH VOLUME. PAOE On some Compounds of Urea and on a New Method for the Determination of Chloride of Sodium and of Urea in Urine. By Justus Liebig . 1 On the mode of estimating the value of Red Prussiate of Potash. By Francis Lieshing 31 On an Improved Assay Balance.By George H. Makins . 36 On some New Compounds of Tellurethyl. By Professor Wohler 40 Description of an Apparatus for Collecting Gases over Water or Mercury. ByW. M. Williams 44 On the Law of Electrolysis. By Professor H. Buff 47 Analytical Notes. By A. B. Northcote and A. 1%.Church . 53 Proceedings at the Meetitigs of the Chemical Society 54 Notices of Papers contained in other Journals On a New Serles of Organic Bodies containing Metals By Dr. E. Frank1 nnd . 57 On Meconic Acid and its Derivatives. By Henry How . 72 On some Salts and Decomposition-Products of Pyromeconlc Acid. By James Brown 78 Researches on Chemical Affinity. First Memoir. By R. Bunsen . 82 On the Constitution of Iodide of Nitrogen. By R.Bunsen . 90 On the Solid Compound obtained by Distilling Stearic Acid with Lime. By T. H. Rowney Ph.D. F.C.S. 97 On Deposits of Soluble or Gelatinous Silica in the Lower Beds of the Chalk For- matioa. By J. T. Way 102 On a Compound Sulphate of Potash and Soda. By J. €1. Gladstone Ph.D. F.R.S. F.C.S. 106 Note on Thierschite. By J. Liebig 112 On Kyanurenic Acid. By J. Liebig . 113 Clarke Eaq. B.A. F.S.A. and 11. hletllock Esq. F.C.S . 115 On the Increase- in Weight of Molasses Casks which occasionally arises from absorption. By W. Ferguson Esq. F.C.S . 122 On some New Basic Products obtainec! by the Decotnposition of Vegetable Alka- loids. By H. How Esq. F C.S. 125 Analysis of the Waters from the Deep Wells of \T7'estbouriie Park and Russell Square and the Artesian Well of the Iianwell Lnnatic Asylum.By C. H. 1V CONTENTS. PACE Note on Siilphantimoniate of Copper and Zinc by Professor Ettling . . 140 Proceedings at the Meetings of the Chemical Society . 141 Annual General Meeting . . 147 President's Address . 150 Notices of Papers contained in other Journals On the general distribution of Iodine. By SteHenson Macadam . 166 On a new Oxide of Hydrogen and its relation to Ozone. By M. Baumert 169 On Piperidine a new Alkali derived from Piperine. By A. C ahours . . 175 Researches on the Oxygen-Radicals. By L. Chiozza . 182 On Anhydrous Organic Acids. By L. Chiozza . 184 On Sinapine. By MM.Baboand Hirschbrunn . 187 On the Amides. By C. Gerhardt .. 193 On an Improved Apparatus for the Analysis of Gases. By Dr. E. Frankland F.R.S and W. J. Ward Esq. . 197 On the use of Hydrogen in determining Vapour-Densities and on the Acidification of Alcohols by Oxygen-gas or Atmospheric Air. By Robert Railton of University College . 205 On the use of Gas as Fuel in Organic Analysis. By A. W. Hofmann Ph.D. F.R.S. . 209 On the Acetates and other Compounds of Alumina. By Walter Crum F.R.S. 217 Notices of Papers contained in other Journals Researches 011 the Quantities of Heat disengaged in Chemical and Molecular Actions. By P. A. Favreand J. T.Silbermann . 235 Researches on Didymium and its Principal Compounds. By C. M a r i g n a c . 260 Researches on the Citichona Alknloi'ds. By L. P as t e u r 273 Transformation of the two kinds of Tartaric Acid into Racemic Acid.Discovery of Inactive Tartaric Acid. New Method of separating Racemic Acid into the two Tartaric Acids Right and Left. By L. P a s t e ur . 277 On the Compounds of Glycerine with Acids and on the Yyntheais of the proximate principles of Animal Fats. By M. Be rf h e lo t 280 On Propionic Alcohol. By G. C ha n c e 1 . 287 On two New Methods for the Determination of Nitrogen in Organic and Inorganic Compounds. By Maxwell Simpson M.D. Dublin F.C.S. . 289 On Ethers intermediate between the (Enanthylic and the Methylic Ethylic and Amylic Series and on the constitution of Castor-oil Alcohol. By A. W. Wills of University College London 307 Proceedings at the Meetings of the Chemical Society . 317 Titles of Chemical Papers contained in British and Foreign Journals . 321 Index 3 73
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II.—On the mode of estimating the value of red prussiate of potash |
Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London,
Volume 6,
Issue 1,
Page 31-36
Francis Lieshing,
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ON THE VALUE OF RED PRUSSIATE OF POTASH. 11.-On t?ie Mode of Estimating the Value of Red Prussiate of Potash. BY FR-4 N c Is LIEs H INo. If the red prussiate were always sold in the form of large crystals as it usually occurs the valuation of it would scarcely be required. Since however large quantities of this salt are prepared by saturating the powdered yellow prussiate with chlorine and the product ob-tained (which necessarily must contain a certain amount of chloride of potassium and besides frequently contains a portion of undeconi-posed yellow prussiate) is sold in a powdered state it beconies a matter of importance to have an casy method of determining the real amount of pure ferricyanide of potassium it contains and likewise of checking any adulteration with other ingredients.The methods of valuation which on account of facility and quick- ness of performance have lately become very useful are the so-called alkalimetric methods of estimation ; and it is this direction that 1 have followed to obtain a test for the ferricyanide of potassium. If the object is merely to compare several samples of red prussiate as to their relative value or to compare them with a standard of a pure BLR. LIESEIING ON THE MODE OF ESTIMATING and carefully dried drug a diluted solution of sulphide of sodium containing a considerable excess of the alkali may be employed. h certain weight say 50 or 100 grains of the pure ferricyanide is dis- solved in a few ounces of water and into this a diluted alkaline solution of sulphur is poured in small portions from an alkalimeter.By each addition a quantity of sulphur is precipitated forming a miIky liquid which is of the purest white at the very point of satura-tion-that is to say when all the ferricyanide has been converted into ferrocyanide. To determine however this point more accurately a strip of white filtering paper dipped beforehand into a solution of acetate of lead and dried is introduced into the liquid. So long as any red prussiate is present the paper will remain white but the slightest excess of the sulphide will give it a brownish tinge. After noting the number of measures consumed the same solution of sulphur is applied to the samples about to be tested; or it may be diluted before this so that each measure shall correspond to 3 grain or t grain of pure prussiate.If any of the samples should contain metallic admixtures this would at once be indicated by the test. The liquid would in this case appear white at the very point of the complete transformation of the ferricyanide but the next drop of the sulphuret added would colour it. The reaction which takes place in the process described is the following 1equiv. of ferricyanide of potassium= K Fe Cy decom-poses 1 equiv. of sulphide of sodium by taking up I equiv. of sodium and thus forming 2 cquivs. of ferrocyanide of potasssium= 3K } Fe Cys+ 6H0 in which 1 equiv. of K is replaced by 1 equiv. Na of Na. The soluble iodides are likewise decomposed by red prussiate in the same way as the sulphides and iodine is set free.This is especially the case when the mixture is heated. In order to obtain however a test of more stability and better fitted for preservation than the sulphide of sodium I prepared and tried the following three compounds Sulphantimoniate of sodium (3NaS . Sb S + 18 HO) Sulphostannate of sodium (NaS . SnS,) and Terbasic sulpharseniate of sodium (3NaS . ASS + 15 HO). But although these three compounds exercise the same decom- posing action upon the red prussiate I found only the sulpharseniate to possess sufficient stability to remain quite unchanged in stoppered bottles for a long period of time. THE VALUE OF RED PRUSSIATE OF POTASH. This compound may be easily prepared either by dissolving penta- sulphide of arsenic in liquid sulphide of sodium or by dissolving arsenious acid in caustic soda at boiling heat and adding from time to time a concentrated solution of sulphur in caustic soda con-tinuing the additions to the boiling liquid till no further precipita- tion of sulphur takes place.* After filtering and cooling a large crop of pale yellow crystals is obtained which should be separated from the mother-liquor washed with cold water dissolved and crystallized again repeatedly until they dissolve without leaving any residue and appear perfectly transparent.They are then to be dried upon filtering paper at the common temperature and preserved for use in a stoppered bottle. The crystals are usually short rhomboidal tables but they assume a longer columnar form and become at the same time more transparent when a little carbonate of soda has been added to the solution.When dried at the common tempe- rature and afterwards heated to loo0 C. they lose 33.1 per cent of water of crystallization and dissolve again without leaving any residue or having undergone any decomposition. The solution is pale yellow and may be kept for a long time without decomposition especially when mixed with pure carbonate of soda or potash. The sulpharseniate of sodium is readily decomposed by all acids as well as by chlorine and by red prussiate of potash. By the action of acids pentasulphide of arsenic is immediately precipitated with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen gas. A neutral solution of red prussiate of potash when mixed with small portions of a solution of the sulpharseniate becomes at first only opalescent; by further additions it turns acid and yellow sulphide of arsenic is then likewise precipitated with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen.If however either the prussiate or the sulpharseniate has been mixed with a certain quantity of pure carbonate of soda the pentasulphide of arsenic likewise undergoes decomposition. The liquid becomes milky from separation of pure sulphur and its green tint turns whiter by each addition until after complete transformation of the ferri- cyanide it exhibits the purest white. This point of saturation may easily be recognised from the purity of the white; but to be sure that all the ferricyanide has been converted into ferrocyanide a few drops of a cochineal-decoction are added which will imme- diately be bleached if any ferricyanide is yet present but in its absence will impart to the liquid a red tinge.In this decoinposi- * It must be remembered here that a much larger quantity of sulphur is required than would appear from the constitution of the salt j since the As O, as well as the Ka 0 is to be deoxidized at tlie expense of the sulphur. VOL. VI.-NO. XXI. D 34 NR. LIESHING ON THE 3IQ)I)E OF ESTIBIIITIK’C; tion no formation of sulphurous or sulphuric acid is observed the precipitate consists of pure sulphur whilst the pentasulphide of arsenic is apparently only converted into arsenious acid. The pro- cess when the liquid is not alkaline is probably as follows :3 equivs.of ferricyanide of potassium=3 (3 K .Fe Cy,) will take from 1 equiv. of sulpharseniate of sodium = 3 Na S .As S +15 HO 3 equivs. of sodium setting free 3 equivs. of sulphur and 1 equiv. of 3” ta} pentasulphide of arsenic and forming Fe6Cy, + 18 HO = 6 equivs. of ferrocyanide of potassium in which 3 equivs. of K are replaced by 3 equivs. of Na. If however the liquid be made alka- line the carbonate of soda added furnishes 3 more equivs. of sodium again to form with 3 equivs. of ferricyanide of potassium } Fe Cy, +18 HO =6 equivs. of yellow prussiate the 3equivs. of oxygen separated from the soda joining with I equiv. of arsenic and forming 1 equiv. of arsenious acid which again will combine with 1 equiv.of soda. Assuming thus that 6 equivs. of red prussiate would furm by the action of 1equiv. of sulpharseniate of sodiam and 3 equivs. of soda 12 equivs. of yellow prussiate of potash calculation shows that for every 100 grains of pure red prussiate 20 grains of crystallized 3 Na S .As S +15 HO are required ; and this is the exact propor-tion which has also been found by experiment. We weigh therefore on the one hand 100 grains of the red prussiate to be tested and dissolve it in 2 ounces of water; on the other 20 grains of the sulpharseniate and from 40 to 60 grains of pure carbonate of soda or potash; these are dissolved together in the alkalimeter in 400 measures of water so that each measure consumed (containing &th of a grain of sulpharseniate) would indicate per cent of pure red prussiate.When after gradual addition the mixture has acquired a pure white the complete transformation may be ascer- tained by a drop of cochineal liquor. Attention must be paid to the circumstance that all cornrnercial soda contains small quantities of sulphur which would interfere with the exactness of the test. This is less the case with pearl-ash; but it will be best to employ carbonate of soda or potash especially purified for the purpose. Whilst in the above process the pentasulphide of arsenic contained in the sulpharseniate of sodium is converted by red prussiate into arsenious acid it is on the contrary converted into arsenic acid by the action of hypochlorite of lime. This will appcar from the follow- THE VALUE OF RED PRUSSIATE OF POTASH.ing experiment If to a solution of arsenious acid in an excess of soda which has been coloured by a few drops of cochineal-decoction the slightest quantity of red prussiate be added the colour will be destroyed immediately the arsenious acid not serving here as a protection; the same liquid will however keep its tint after con- siderable additions of hypochlorite of lime. The same behaviour towards hypochlorite of lime is exhibited by a solution of red prus- siate after complete transformation by sulpharseniate whilst an alkaline cochineal-decoction alone or mixed with yellow prussiate is immediately bleached by the hypochlorite. It is besides a pecu-liarity of an alkaline solution of cochineal that its decolorization by red prussiate or chlorine is instantaneous and much easier to discern than that of an acid solution.Amongst a number of colouring matters I found only indigo-carmin in connection with carbonate of soda equally sensible for the above two agents; and this may easily be accounted for if we remember that indigo-carmin as well as cochineal is acted upon and gradually discoloured by alkalies alone. As to objections which may be made against the sulpharseniate- test I remark first that the alkalimetric methods of valuation in general are not sufficient of themselves and should always be pre- ceded by a qualitative examination of the drug; otherwise the most injurious admixtures might frequently be overlooked. As an illustration of this I need only refer to the otherwise very accurate test lately proposed by Dr.Penny* for the valuation of tin in the “ crystals of tin” and the ((double muriate of tin” of commerce which is based upon the conversion of the protochloride of tin into bichloride by bichromate of potash. In this instance the liquid I‘double muriate of tin” might contain a very considerable admixture of protochloride of iron without even changing its external appearance; and this in practice highly obnoxious admixture would by the sole application of the bichromate of potash test not only escape detection but the iron would actually be calculated as tin. Supposing then that certain impurities might occur in the red prussiate which in acting alike upon the sulpharseniate might give rise to errors the agents which would require attention are principally acids chlorine and hypo- chlorites chlorates sulphides and sulphites and metallic combina- tions.As to the acids it is evident that their action will be neutralized by the excess of alkali in the test-liquor and any acidity in the * Chern. SOC. Qu J. IV 239. D2 RIR. G. H. MAKINS ON prussiate might besides be saturated beforehand by an addition of alkali. The presence of free chlorine and of hypochlorites would be indicated by the smell and could only occur in a fresh preparation of the powdered kind of red prussiate the chlorine being neutralized in a short time by the action of the prussiate itself. Chlorates do not seem to have any effect upon the test.Sulphides and sulphites could could not coexist with red prussiate. Metallic compounds would with few exceptions either be indicated in dissolving the prussiate or by the test itself; and as the red prussiate is always first decom- posed by the sulpharseniate the metallic bases would only combine with the sulphide after the point of saturation and therefore not come into calculation. Another objection which might be started is that the carbonated alkali alone might decompose the red prussiate and that conse-quently the quantity to be added is not indifferent. Such a decomposition does in reality take place; but when the mixed so-lutions are not heated the action is so slow that it is scarcely to be observed after a day or two. It must however be allowed that the preparation of the sulphar- seniate of sodium and especially the drying of the crystals requires much attention; and it would perhaps be preferable to dry them at once at 100" C. and to employ the anhydrous powder.
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III.—On an improved assay balance |
Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London,
Volume 6,
Issue 1,
Page 36-40
George H. Makins,
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RIR. G. H. MAKINS ON 111.-On an Improved Assay Balance. BY GEORGEH. MAKINS. Having occasion some little time since for an assay balance and being well aware of the points wherein those in use here are deficient I applied myself to the task of so arranging existing materials as to produce if I could a more effective instrument. Two forms of assay balances are most common in England. The first is very little more than an exceedingly delicate pair of ordinary scales; in fact a very light scale-maker‘s beam adjusted as they are accustomed to do by carefully ‘‘setting” it so as to obtain correct length of arm and straight line of fulcrum and points of suspension. The second is an instrument imported from France or better made here upon the French plan.Of these tbc French are but an improvement upon thc first class; the hcams (of almost all) being permanently adjusted whcii finished. Thosc however> ma& by AN IMPROVED ASSAY BALANCE. Mr. Oertling upon this plan are furnished with the requisite adjust- ments and are very superior in point of detail and workmanship. But the beams of all contain too much metal and that especially in parts where its presence interferes with their action by imparting a certain amount of inertia. And lastly their stands and move-ments are very far from convenient. The essentials in an assay balance appear to be these first that it should be constant so that certain differences of value in weights should always produce the same difference of indication ; secondly it should be exceedingly quick in indicating; and thirdly very sen- sible and consequently well affected by slight differences.These two last requirements are sonicwhat incompatible for in proportion as you increase quickness of action you must diminish sensibility by lowering the centre of gravity of the system ;and it is in the union of these two necessary qualifications that the value of the balance now before the Society lies. The beam of this balance is what is called a skeleton-beam 10 inches long an inch deep at the fulcrum tapering off to 5 at each end. It is about -&of an inch thick in the centre decreasing in the same way to of an inch. As little metal as possible is left in it; thus in the centre there is but just enough to allow of secure fixing for the knife-edge; and at the ends for the adjustments for length of arm &c.The latter are effected very much in the same way as in Robinson’s balance in which an oblique saw-cut is made nearly through the metal at the ends of the beam which cut is capable of being opened or closed by pressing-screws In the present case a loose piece is put on and made similarly adjustable by screws. Thus we obtain the adjustment for length of arm. The bearings for the pendants are two hard steel points at each end adjustable for the straight line by having a fine screw cut on each and provided with fixing-nuts. By these the points can be screwed vertically up or down through the horizontal plate formed at the end of the beam. The pendants are hung on these points by a small steel plate in the underside of which a cup-shaped cavity is turned for the one and a groove hollowed out from the back towards the front for the other.Had two cups been employed it would have been next to im-possible even by the most careful workmanship to have secured their concentricity with the points. A small steel hook for the pan- chains passes vertically down in a notch in the horizontal plate at the end of the beam. MR. G. H. MAKINS ON This last arrangement is due to Mr. O$rtling whom I employed to make this instrument; for in the drawings I sent to him I had put but a single point at each end being fully persuaded how much quickness and delicacy are ensured by the least possible friction of the pendants.I had provided against their swinging round which was almost sure to take place upon a single point by having the edges of the notches through which they were to pass worked to a kind of knife-edge on each side. Mr. Oertling how- ever thought that two would be necessary and that the friction in them would be less than even if one were used. The weight of the beam with all its fixed appendages is only 103 grains. Its bearings are of agate worked to elliptical surfaces instead of being as usual plain. Here again but a point of the knife-edge is allowed to bear upon the agate. Bearing in mind the very small weight these balances would have to carry (and I never load mine with more than 25 grains) I had no hesitation in thus reducing all parts of contact where friction during action occurs to the sniallest possible dimensions virtually indeed to points.Nor have these parts been found to fail from blunting by wear as might have been anticipated; at least in the case of one which I have daily in use I know that I havernade more than ten thousand weighings in it and not the least diminution of sensibility is as yet observable. The stand is massive in its construction in order that when rapidly put into action no tremulousness may be communicated to the beam. 1 give here an outline drawing of the instrument (made to a scale) in order to exhibit its solidity in contrast with the delicacy of the beam and its appurtenances. It corisists of two stout pillars of + an inrh diameter and 62 inches long fixed on a base a of an inch thick.Upon the upper end of these is fixed a table which has two upright pieces rising from it to which are cemented the agate bearings. A second corresponding table is attached to the movement rods which pass down the pillars. This table has two mortices in it for the passage of the upright pieces which carry the agates and upon these uprights it slides up and down. On the outside of this second table is a crutch on each side ; these lift off the beam from its bear- ings when throwing it out of action. The movement lever on being depressed first however acts upon the arms of two rollers which are fixed under the lantern and whose opposite arms depress the ivory tables which support the pans ; AN IMPROVED ASSAY BALANCE.this roller motion is partitularly free and pleasant in use. By the time the tables are well away the lever has reached a connecting II I C.H.M. stirrup between the movement rods and begins to drop the beam upon the agates.* In order to have the smallest possible contact between the under side of the pans and the tables the latter have hemispherical eminences turned upon them and the pans themselves have a curve given to them of a radius just equal to the distance between the ivory table and the point of suspension ; whereby should they swing out of the perpendicular during weighing they will nevertheless be caught by the tables when they rise up to them. There are adjustments both for the amount of fall of the fulcrum to the agates and of rise of the ivory tables to the pans; the former is however very small in amount By the pillars being fixed at a distance of 13 inch from each other a good space is obtained for a scale; while by prolonging the index-needle to rather more than 6 inches downwards very open degrees are obtained.And besides this great advantage the motions of the index-needle are brought nearly upon a level with the pans. To those who are used to a descending index (as in all good * The movement and "rider" apparatus are both omitted in the above drawing for t.he sake of greater distinctness. PROFESSOR W0€1I ER 0N chemical balances) the comfort of this arrangement will be at once apparent ;for the eye has not to travel a distance between the pans and ir?dex (as is the case in the balances to which I just now alluded) but the whole are under view at once.Much praise is due to the maker for the very beautiful work-manship he has put into these instruments and that more especially in the beams. Without this perfect degree of execution of the work they would be uncertain in action and possess less capa- bility than a heavier instrument. I haw been encouraged by several members who have had appor-tunities of witnessing its performance to put a brief description of this instrument before the Society in the form of a notice and hope that by so doing I have not been occupying time unprofitably. I should have done so last season but had not one sufficiently long in use to fairly put its powers to the test before the close of the Society’s meetings.
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IV.—On some new compounds of tellurethyl |
Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London,
Volume 6,
Issue 1,
Page 40-44
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PROFESSOR W0€1I,ER 0N IV.-On some New Compounds of Tellurethyl. (FROM A LETTER OF PROFESSOR W~~HLER TO DR. HOFMANN.) You are already acquainted with the fact that some experiments performed at my instigation by Dr. Mallet on telluride of ethyl,* have proved this body to comport itself like an organic radical like a metal in fact and to form both a basic oxide C H Te 0 and a cor-responding chloride C H Te C1. From the results you obtained by studying the action of iodide of ethyl upon ammonia the idea sug- gested itself that this new radical like ethyl methyl &c. might form a tellurethylamine corresponding to ethylamine. This idea has not up to the present time been confirmed by the experiments I have made 011this subject ; these experiments have led however to the discovery of various compounds which may be con- sidered as additional proofs of the radical character of telluride of ethyl and of which I now propose giving you a short account.may at the same time remark that there appears now a prospect of a more detailed investigation of these remarkable relations inas- much as Mr. A. Lowe of Vienna whom I also have to thank for * Ann. Ch.Pharm. LXXIX 223. SOME NEW COMPOUNDS OF TELLURETHYL. the material employed in these researches has invented an advan-tageous process by which tellurium till now so rare is obtained as a by-product in the working of the Transylvanian gold ores and can thus be introduced in commerce in larger quantity. 1. Oxychloride of Tellurethyl C H Te 0 +C H Te C1.-This body is produced when chloride of tellurethyl is dissolved in caustic ammonia or potash and the solution evaporated to crystallization.It is best to use ammonia as an excess does not decompose the product. The salt crystallizes easily as the excess of ammonia evaporates. Chloride of ammonium or of potassium remains in the mother-liquor. Oxychloride of tellurethyl forms very lustrous colourless six-sided prisms which on heating are decomposed tellurethyl being separated and metallic tellurium remaining behind. From hot alcohol parti- cularly it may be obtained in beautiful crystals. Hydrochloric acid precipitates from solutions of this substance colourless oily chloride of tellurethyl a small quantity of which with the excess of acid remain in solution.Sulphuric acid also precipitates chloride of tel- lurethyl while sulphate of oxide of tellurethyl remains in solution from which hydrochloric acid separates another portion of chloride of tellurethyl. Sulphurous acid precipitates from solutions of this oil a heavy dark yellow transparent oil a mixture of chloride of tellurethyl and of tellurethyl. From this behaviour and from the mode of its formation the composition of this body might have been anticipated; it was how-ever confirmed by analysis. This gave the following numbers Experiment. Theory. C H, Te C10. Carbon . . 19.94 20.89 Hydrogen . . 4-96 4.35 Tellurium . . 56-22 55.87 15.419 15-43 Chlorine . Oxygen . . 3.39 3.43 This body is therefore formed by the alkali replacing in two equivalents of chloride of tellurethyl half the chlorine by oxygen.2. Bromide of Tellurethyl,C H Te Br is formed when a solution of the above chlorine-compound or of nitrate of tellurethyl is mixed with hydrobromic acid. It separates as a pale yellow very heavy colourless oil. 3. Oxybromide of Tellwethyl C H Te 0+C H Te Br is ob- PROFESSOR W~~HLER 42 ON tained by dissolving the bromide in ammonia. It crystallizes in shining colourless prisms of the same form as the corresponding chlorine-compound with which it is perfectly analogous. 4. Iodide of Tellurethyl C H Te I may be formed by mixing a solution of nitrate or of oxychloride or oxybromide of tellurethyl with hydriodic acid. It is also formed when free chloride of tellur-ethyl is supersaturated with this acid a reaction which explains why in the decomposition of the oxychloride iodide of tellurethyl alone is produced instead of a compound of this body with the chloride.The salt separates in the form of a very fine yellow precipitate which on washing and drying becomes an orange-yellow powder. When heated in water it melts at 50' C. to a heavy yellowish-red liquid which on cooling solidifies to a yellowish-red opaque scaly frangible mass soluble in hot alcohol from which it crystallizes in long thin orange- yellow prisms. It is only sparingly soluble in water. When heated above its fusing-point it decomposes yielding a yellowish-red oil a black sublimate and metallic tellurium. If in its preparation a partially decomposed solution of h ydriodic acid is employed an almost blood-red precipitate is obtained containing most probably a higher iodide.5. Omjiodide of Tellurethyl C H Te 0+C H Te 1.-This body is prepared by dissolving the iodide in ammonia and allowing it to evaporate spontaneously. It crystallizes readily as the excess of ammonia volatilizes being readily soluble in this but only sparingly so in water; it forms pale yellow transparent prisms isomorphous with the corresponding chlorine and bromine-compounds ; the sur- face becomes orange-yellow on exposure to air. Hydrochloric acid separates from an aqueous solution of this body a yellowish-red heavy mixture of chloride and iodide of tellurethyl. Sulphuric acid precipitates orange-yellow iodide of tellurethyl ; from the filtrate hydrochloric acid afterwards separates colourless chloride of tellur- ethyl.Sulphurous acid precipitates from the solution of the com-pound an easily fusible semi-solid mixture of iodide of tellurethyl and tellurethyl. It was considered superfluous to analyse these compounds as their composition is clearly established by their behaviour and from their mode of formation. No compound could be obtained with cyanogen. 6. Hydrofluoric acid added to solutions of the oxychloride throws down chloride of tellurethyl a soluble fluorine-compound remaining in solution which may be crystallized by evaporation; the same com- pound is obtained from free oxide of tellurethyl and liydrofluoric SOME NEW COMPOUNDS OF TELLURETHYL.acid; a deportment in which fluorine again deviates much from the other salt-radicals. 7. Subhate of Oxide of TeZZurethyl,C,H,TeO.HO+ C,H,TeO. SO,. -This compound was obtained by adding a neutral’hot saturated solution of sulpbate of silver to a solution of recrystallized oxychloride of tellurethyl as long as chloride of silver was formed. The new salt crystallizes in groups of small short colourless prisms easily soluble in water. Sulphurous acid precipitates from its solution a yellow oily body of a most disagreeable odour. Chloride of barium preci- pitates sulphate of baryta and reproduces the oxychloride. The per- centage of sulphuric acid found was 15.10 the above formula requiring 15.91 per cent. 8. Oxalate of Oxide of Tellurethyl C H Te 0.HO +C H5Te 0.C 0, was obtained by digesting a hot saturated solution of the oxychloride with excess of oxalate of silver. The salt crystallizes in small groups of short colourless prisms difficultly soluble in water. On heating it fuses boils gives off much tellurethyl and a crystalline sublimate and leaves metallic tellurium. The percentage of oxalic acid found was 14.86 that of tellurium 51.31 ;the above formula requires respectively 14.56 and 51.87 per cent. These two salts which exhibit an acid reaction may therefore be considered as double salts consisting of the neutral sulphate or oxalate combined with hydrated oxide of tellurethyl. I leave it for the present undecided whether the base contained in them is identical with the one obtained by Mallet by direct oxidation of tellurethyl with nitric acid or by decomposition of the chlo- ride with oxide of silver or whether its atomic weight is doubled and the sulphate should be expressed thus C H, Te 0 +HO .SO,.9. Ozide of TeZ2urethyZ.-It appears impossible to solate the base without partial decomposition. It was tried in two ways-namely first by decomposing the oxychloride with freshly precipitated oxide of silver and secondly by precipitating the sulphate with hydrate of baryta. In both cases an alkaline solution of hydrated oxide of tellurethyl free from baryta and oxide of silver was obtained which however on evaporation on a water-bath always evolved an odour of tellurethyl and left at last a thick viscid mass of the consistence of turpentine which would not become solid and which at this stage of concentration suddenly decomposed with effervescence as if carbonate had been formed and was decomposed under these circumstances.When treated with acid the mass evolved carbonic acid at first but not after some time; it did not altogether dissolve again in water. With chloride of ammonium it evolved ammonia. Hydrochloric acid MR. W. M. WILLIAMS ON AN APPARATUS FOR precipitated from its solution oily chloride of tellurethyl. The oxide appears to be insoluble in a concentrated solution of potash; for if some of the crystalline oxychloride is heated with the latter colour- less oily drops separate which possess the odour of tellurethyl and redissolve on addition of water. In the next number of the ‘CAnnalen” you will find my researches on this subject in detail. As it is to be foreseen that these relations will recur with methyl and the other alcohol-radicals I have in consideration of the fecundity of this subject given a full account of the method of preparing telluride of potassium tellurethyl and chlo-ride of tellurethyl as a guide to those who may wish to pursue this investigation.
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V.—Description of an apparatus for collecting gases over water or mercury |
Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London,
Volume 6,
Issue 1,
Page 44-46
W. M. Williams,
PDF (176KB)
MR. W. M. WILLIAMS ON AN APPARATUS FOR V.-Description of an Apparatus for Collecting Gases over Water or Mercury. BY W. M. WILLIAMS. This apparatus is intended to supersede the cumbrous and expen- sive pneumatic trough and its appendages. It is constructed on the principle of a common wash-bottle a flask or tube for generating the gas being fitted to the tube corresponding to that to which in the wash-bottle the mouth is applied. It may be constructed either with a three-necked bottle as in Fig. 1 or a common wide-mouthed bottle of sufficient size as in Fig. 2. In both figures A represents the bottle used as a receiver; B the tube to which the generating flask is attached which ter- FIG. 1. minates in the upper part of the receiver and may be called the gas-tube ; C is the tube through which the water is forced; this tube which dips to the bottom of the vessel we may call the water-or mercury -tube.Besides these there is in the appa- ratus represented in Fig. 2 a short straight tube D fitted into the cork of the receiver COLLECTING GASES OVER VATER OR MERCURY. PIG. 2. its lower part terminating like the gas-tube in the upper part of the receiver. This tube which is corked or stoppered may be called the Jilling-tube. The mode of using the apparatus is very simple and obvious. Suppose we wish to prepare oxygen gas and de- monstrate its properties. The receiver is filled with water and the flask or tube con-taining the mixture of chlorate of potash and oxide of manganese fitted by a cork to the gas-tube and heat applied; as the gas is generated it passes through the gas-tube into the receiver displacing the water by forcing it up the water-tube.The use of the filling- tube D is to get rid of the atmospheric air which comes off at first; this is done by taking out the stopper and refilling the receiver with water after the first portion of the gas has been evolved. In the three-necked apparatus Fig. 1 the middle stopper is used for this purpose. This may be used for demonstration without removing the gas- and water-tubes (on which account the water-tube should be kept as close to the side of the receiver as possible) by simply taking out the middle stopper which should be large enough to admit the spoon &c.required in the experiments. In the apparatus Fig. 2 the cork and all the tubes must be moved together; and when the gas is to be used immediately it will be found convenient to slip a piece of plate-glass over the neck of the receiver with the left hand at the moment the cork holding the tubes is removed with the right. When the gas is to be kept for any length of time of course a stopper will be requred. A number of bottles may be thus filled with gas by connecting them as a series of receivers the water-tube of the first being attached by a caoutchoucitube to the gas-tube of the second and so on. The first only need be filled with water or mercury which successively fills all the rest asitthe gas displaces it. In constructing the apparatus care should be taken not to make the gas-tube too long in order that it may easily bear the weight of the generating flask ;also to bcnd it at such an angle as to place the flask at a convenicrit height for thc spirit-lamp the retort-stand as well as the retort and pneumatic trough being thus dispensed with.46 APPARATUS FOR COLLECTING GASES OVER WATER ETC. The water- or mercury-tube should not be carried too high before bending in order to avoid unnecessary pressure from the column of fluid to be raised. The outer end of the water- or mercury-tube should dip into the fluid contained in the vessel which receives the water or mercury driven out in order to prevent regurgitation of air which would otherwise take place when the gas in the flask and receiver is cooling after the generation of gas has ceased.One of the advantages of this apparatus is the facility with which varying quantities of gas may be collected in the same receiver as the generation of the gas may be stopped at any stage when the receiver is a fourth a third or half full and this small quantity of gas experimented upon without disturbing the apparatus ;the receiver may then be filled again more gas made and so on any number of times. By taking advantage of this a mixture of gases in any proportions may be easily made. I have fitted up on this prin- ciple a small bottle for exploding the mixture of oxygen and hydrogen gases. For demonstrating the properties of oxygen on a large scale a globe might be fitted up on this principle a layer of sand being kept at the bottom to prevent cracking by ignited iron &c.The difficulty of keeping sand at the bottom of a globe which is to be inverted when filled is by this arrangement obviated. For collecting gases over mercury an apparatus fitted up on this principle enables us to attain the minitnum of expenditure of mer-cury ; since the quantity required is only equal to the volume of the vessel receiving the gas and with this any number of such vessels may be filled by connecting them as a series. The precautionsbefore referred to for preventing undne pressure of course require especial attention in using mercury. This pressure however may be reduced to nothing after the mercury-tube is .once filled by keeping the level of the fluid the same both in the vessel in which the gas is being received and that into which the mercury driven out is being col-lected; for when the mercury-tube is filled and its outside end dips into this vessel it acts as a syphon. In order to do this some additional mercury will of course be required. If however care be taken to make all the fittings tight this will not be necessary except in a very high apparatus.
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VI.—On the law of electrolysis |
Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London,
Volume 6,
Issue 1,
Page 47-53
H. Buff,
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PKOFESSOR H. BUFF ON THE LAW OF ELECTROLYSIS. VL.-On the Law of Electrolysis. BY PROFESSOR H. BUFF. The law of definite electrolytic decomposition if not hitherto decidedly opposed has yet been regarded as doubtful by many physicists. Others have considered it only as approximatively true ; among those inclined to this view are Martius," Schoenbein,? de la Rive,$ &c. Jacobi who as late as last year published -some experiments on the electrolysis of sulphate of copper,§ is disposed to consider that the intensity of the action depends on the concen-tration of the solution. The celebrated discoverer of the electrolytic law has admitted in the 12th series of his experimental researches on electricity that fluid electrolytes may possibly conduct currents under a certain strength without being decomposed by them; and that this conducting power though not equal in different fluids capable of decomposition by electricity yet in all cases obtains only in very weak currents.As definite electric decomposition if rigorously proved pre-sents a capital method of determining the unit of electricity inas-much as this unit would then become identical with the unit of chemical action it appeared to me of great interest to ascertain by accurate measurements the limits between which the law of Faraday holds good. From the results of an investigation undertaken for this purpose I consider it as proved that even the smallest amount of electricity cannot pass through a liquid capable of being decom- posed without producing an equivalent amount of decomposition.According to the view generally adopted at present I regard as electrolytes all chemical compounds which like water hydrochloric acid chloride of lead &c. consist of an electro-positive radical which under galvanic influence collects at the negative electrode and of an electro-negative radical which is disengaged at the positive electrode. Thus sulphate of copper consists of the positive radical Cu and the negative one SO,; nitrate of silver of the positive radical Ag and the negative NO ; sulphate of ammonia of the positive radical NH * Pogg. Ann. LVIII 281 ; Inst. 1850 30. t Pogg. Ann. XLITI 238. Pngg. Ann. LIV 403. 5 Peiersb. Acad. Bull. IX,333. PROFESSOR H. BUFF ON the negative one SO, &c.According to this view the electro- lytic action remains the same whether the current liberates an equivalent of hydrogen from water or an equivalent of the radical NH from a salt of ammonia. The question which I proposed to solve was whether this action is only attendant on currents of certain strength or whether it takes place proportionately with the weakest currents. In order to apply very weak currents to electrolytic processes and yet to separate a quantity of substance sufficient for weighing it was necessary that a galvanic battery shoiild be arranged as to give a weak but perfectly constant current for some days at least. None of the known batteries answered this purpose. But as this want of uniform action in the so-called constant batteries arises more from deteriorating influences than from the principle of their construction I tried to obviate the former as much as possible and I succeeded best by a modification of Daniell’s battery.A little loss of power is produced in this battery by the zinc being gradually converted by the surrounding acid into sulphate of zinc. This evil may however as is well known be easily avoided by filling the zinc cell at once with sulphate of zinc. It is true that the resistance to conduction is increased in this way but this is scarcely worth corisideration with a current which has to traverse a long distance. The principal cause of variation in Daniell’s battery when currents of long duration but small power are required is caused by the copper solution gradually passing over by endosmosis into the zinc solution.Not only is copper precipitated chemically by this means and consequently the equivalent amount of zinc lost for the process ;but the copper precipitated on the surface of the zinc of course alters the state of the surface of the electro-positive metal while it gives rise at the same time to secondary currents which hasten the precipitation of copper and consequent loss of zinc. These local currents are moreover the cause of the deposition of copper in the pores of the cells and of its appearing even on the outer surface of the same. By the following contrivance of which the accompanying sketch represents a section the influence of endosmosis was reduced to a minimum.A glass vessel with ground edges is provided with a well-fitting cover dd having three apertures into which are introduced three glass tubes. The middle one rr which should be as wide as possible is closed at the lower end with bladder; of the two other tubes ss and tt the tube ss desceiids into a laycr of mcrcury covering the E I,E CTROLYSJ S. bottom of the vessel while the other tt has its lower aperture at the sulphate of zinc so that the liquid inoistens the porous dia- phragm of the tube rr. In this tube a solution of sulphate of copper together with some crys-tals is introduced. By intro-ducing a strip of copper c into the tube rr and a piece of zinc x into the tube ss and connecting c with z by means of a con-d?zctor a perfectly constant cur-rent is produced inasmuch as the mercury continually dissolves as much zinc as is necessary to keep up a steady action.Endos-mosis is certainly not quite pre- vented by this arrangement; but it takes place very slowly the zinc solution being more dense than that of the copper. As the lower extremity of the zinc is dissolved by the mercury the rod gradually falls. In order to facilitate the renewal of the sulphate of copper without deranging the current the strip of copper is held in its place by a cork which half fills the opening. The tube tt serves to remove from time to time a little sulphate of zinc by means of a pipette and to replace what is removed by water. Batteries of this description have been in use since the middle of July without their action having varied up to the 1st of October and without the necessity of disconnecting them; towards the middle of the latter month a slight diminution of the current was perceptible.Upon closer examination it was found to have arisen from a deposition of oxide of iron in the pores of the bladder which wits otherwise perfect. Although this battery when in action presents a considerably greater resistance to conduction than the ordinary Daniell’s bat-tery it is nevertheless well adapted for working the electric tele- graph and I have no doubt that when once applied to this purpose it will replace all other arrangements. The advantages it possesses over the ordinary Daniell’s battery may be easily seen froin the following experiment.One element of the latter was connected with one wire of a galvanometer by means VOL. VI.-NO. XXI. E PROFESSOR. H. BUFF ON of two wires of equal length. A deflection of 78O was produced on the galvanometer. A second element of the modified construction when connected with the other wire of the galvanometer caused a deflection of 77O.5. When both currents were passed simultaneously but in opposite directions through the coil of the galvanometer a deflection of 8O.5 was produced in favour of Daniell’s battery. This decreased in two hours to 8O in twenty hours to 7’-5 and continued constantly diminishing. After nine clays the Daniell’s battery only caused a deflection of 33O while that of the modified arrangement remained constant at 77O.5.The equivalent of zinc electrolytically consumed for a current of this strength during an action of 13085 minutes’ duration is 164.6 milligrammes. The actual amount consumed in the constant battery however was 1140 milligrammes or 7 times that quan-tity while in Daniell’s battery 27700 milligranimes or 168 times the quantity of zinc were consumed. These great losses were occasioned by local actions and would consequently appear less considerable with stronger currents. The constant battery described above has been exclusively used for the following experiments. One and the same pair served throughout the whole investigation which lasted several nionths without its being necessary to discon- nect them once; nothing was done to them excepting that from time to time small pieces of sulphate of copper were added.To determine the relation which the electrolytic action bears to the strength of current 1 employed a neutral solution of nitrate of silver. In this were immersed two strips of chemically pure silver so that under the influence of the battery silver was dissolved from one strip while it was depositred upon the other. For the pure metal as well as for a perfectly pure and neutral solution of nitrate of silver I am indebted to the kindness of Professor von Liebig who prepared both himself expressly for this investigation. The alteration of the strength of the current was effected by interposing wires of various lengths. For this purpose I employed two copper wires perfectly eqiial and very thin of such a length that each presented a resistance to conduction equal to that caused by a silver wire of 1.5 millimetres in thickness and 1,800,000 metres in length.It is evident that in comparison to such an immense resist,ance that of the galvanic element together with that of the decomposing cell would form only a small fractiou. Both were however specially measured arid it was found that together they only were equal to ,+th of that pro- duced by the whole length of wire. According as the wires r and r THE LAW OF ELECTROLYSIS. mere introduced successively or singly or both together (representing a wire of double section) into the galvanic circuit three currents were produced the strexigth of which bore almost exactly the proportion of 1 2 4.The weight of silver electrically deposited bore the same proportion as will be seen from the following table Resistance of the Duration of Weight of deposited silver in milligrammes wire. current. Found. Calculated for GOO0minutes. r + 3/ 22547 minutes 55.5 130.74 1- 1393 , 60.1 258.87 r‘ 1411 , 60.95 259.17 The weakest current employed was capable of precipitating in 100 hours 130.74 niilligrarnmes of silver. The equivalent amount of hydrogen is 1.2milligrammes or 13.42 cub. cent. which quantity would therefore have been liberated by the same current in 100 hours. This gas being somewhat soluble in water as well as in acids and in solutions of salts it is evident why the electrolysis of water by weak currents has escaped observation and why some physicists have been led to believe that water can conduct small quantities of electricity without suffering decomposition.In order to ascertain whether the decoinposing power of weak currents is the same in different parts of the circuit two cells filled with silver solution of the same composition were connected by the whole length of wire r + r’ with the constant battery. The current was passed with unvarying strength for nearly 9 days or 12538 minutes. The following were the results 1st. cell. Loss of weight of the positive silver strip =267 mllgrms. Gain of weight of the negative silver strip = 266.6 , 2nd. , Loss of weight of the positive silver strip =267-6 , Gain of weight of the negative silver strip =267*4 , 1 cub.cent. of the solution employed contained 25 milligrammes of neutral nitrate of silver. To ascertain whether the state of concentration of the fluid had any influence a more dilute solution was prepared of which 1 cub. cent. contained 10 milligrammes of salt. Two cells filled with these solu- tions were introduced together with the wire P’ into the circuit. The experiment lasted 51.5 hours. After this time the negative strip of silver in the stronger solution had gained 124.66 milligrammes in weight ; while the corresponding strip in the more dilute solution had E2 gained 124.16 milligraninies. The state of dilution has therefore no influence on the results of‘ the electrolysis.To obtain comparative results it is necessary that the solutions should be perfectly pure. Less silver is apparently deposited from acid solutions than is re-quired by the law and in alkaline solutions of cyanide of silver some of the precipitated silver is also redissolved. When the weakest current was employed that is when the whole length of wire r+r’ was iiicluded the aiiiount of silver dissolved in 10 hours was greater than that deposited. Acid solutions of sulphate of copper likewise yield on galvanic decomposition too little copper ; this is caused by the siniultaneous action of the atmospheric oxygen and of the free acid on the negative copper plate. When a galvanic current was passed at the same time through a perfectly pure neutral solution of sulphate of copper and through a solution of nitrate of silver the results of the electrolysis of these two solutions showed a close coincidence in the metals deposited.The following are a few of the numbers obtained Duration of Amount of esperinieut in silver in Amount of copper Strength of minutes. milligrammes. Found. Calculated. current. 2669 107.4 33.9 31.44 1-85 1236 534.5 157.9 156.5 19.88 1397 683.85 200.6 200.2 22.5 1029 535.7 157-6 156.82 245 458 862.4 25 7.8 252.5 86.6 The strength of the current produced when the whole length of wire r+7” was introduced has been assumed as the unit of strength. After each experiment was ended the copper was deposited on a strip of platinum was freed from adhering sulphate by was’hing with boiled water and then dried in vacuo over concentrated sulphuric acid.It was always covered with a thin coating of suboxide from which it was freed by ignition in a current of hydrogen. In order to prevent this oxidation of the copper as much as possible during the experi- ment. the solution was previously freed from air. Some decompo- sitions were effecte.d entirely under the air-pump. During the experiment hydrogen was frequently passed through the solution ; none of these precautions were however quite effectual. Even that copper which had been ignited in hydrogen and was consequently perfectly pure soon became covered with a thin film of oxide sonie- times even during the time occupied in weighing. ANALYTICAL NOTES.The facility with which galvanically deposited copper absorbs oxygen from the air is the reason why in all cases a little more copper was obtained than corresponds to the equivalent of silver. It would scarcely be possible to prove the law of definite electro- lytic action with other bodies capable of galvanic decomposition as readily as with copper- or silver-salts. I consider myself however justified in concluding from the foregoing experiments that wherever deviations from the law have been observed they have been caused by local actions which however it may not always be possible to obviate.
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VII.—Analytical notes |
Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London,
Volume 6,
Issue 1,
Page 53-54
A. B. Northcote,
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ANALYTICAL NOTES. VII.-Analytical Notes. BY A. B. NORTHCOTE AND A. II. CHURCH. 1. On the Action of Caustic Potash on the Phosphates. Experiments were undertaken on this subject with the view of discovering a bctter method than that generally adopted for esti- mating phosphoric acid,-the results obtained when the iron preci- pitate suspected to contain phosphoric acid is dissolved in hydrochloric acid the solution treated with tartaric acid and ammonia and subse- quently a salt of magnesia added to precipitate the phosphoric acid being frequently found to give erroneous conclusions because the tartaric acid solution often produces a precipitate in magnesia-salts probably of arnmonio-tartrate of magnesia without a trace of phos-phoric acid being present.It has hitherto been supposed that the phosphate of sesquioside of iron is but imperfectly attacked by solutions of the caustic alkalies but the extent of the decomposition which can be thus effected had not been submitted to a careful experimental inquiry. From the authors’ experiments it appears that by boiling the precipitate of iron with a sufficient excess of potash the phosphoric acid is completely transferred to the latter base; this method of proceeding is therefore recommended in the quantitative determi-nation of phosphoric acid It is proposed that the alkaline solution be deprived of alumina which might be introduced with the potash by the addition of silicate of potash and subsequently of excess of hydrochloric acid and ammonia. The filtered solution will then con- taiii the whole of the phosphoric acid which may be readily precipi..tated by a salt of magnesia. PROCEEDINGS OF THE CHElMlCAL SOCIETY. 2. On the behaviour of some Oxides with Caustic Potash in the presence of Oxide of Chromium. The influence of the association of sesquioxide of chromium with metallic oxides which by themselves are insoluble in solution of caustic potash is well known; the insoluble oxides being in some cases rendered soluble when thus associated while in the other cases they communicate their insolubility to the otherwise soluble oxide of chromium. The object of the inquiry instituted with reference to these results was to ascertain the exact conditions under which complete solution 01’ precipitation of the associated oxides occurs.It was found that com- plete solution takes place when the chromium as sesquioxide is associated with 40 per cent of iron as seaquioxide with 12.5 per cent of manganese 20 per cent of cobalt or 25 per cent of nickel as protoxides ;and that complete precipitation takes place when the chromium as sesquioxide is associated with 80 per cent of iron 60 per cent of manganese 50 per cent of cobalt or 50 per cent of nickel as protoxide. When cobalt and nickel however are. thus rendered soluble the result is not permanent; and ultimately not only does the oxide of cobalt or nickel become insoluble but it carries down with it some of the oxide of chromium. The other metallic oxides soluble in caustic potash were not found to be influenced in their relations with caustic potash by the pre- sence of sesquioxide of iron or to exert any influence upon that oxide.
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Proceedings at the Meetings of the Chemical Society |
Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London,
Volume 6,
Issue 1,
Page 54-56
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PROCEEDINGS OF THE CHElMlCAL SOCIETY. PROCEEDINGS AT THE MEETINGS OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY. January 17 1853. DR.DAUBENY, President in the Chair. John Carty Esq. of Bond Street was duly elected a Fellow of the Society. Dr. Miller described a new forin of Pipette for transferring gases. PROCEEDINGS OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Dr. H. Bence Jones explained a cew process which he has recently pkoposed for dissolving Calculi in the Bladder through the agency of Electricity. February 7 1853. COLONELYHILIP YORKE,Vice-president in the Chair. The following donations were announced “ Denkschriften der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften :” Vol. 111 Parts 1 and 3. “ Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften :” Vol.VII Parts 3 4 and 5 ; and Vol. VIII Parts 1 2 and 3 from the Imperial Academy of Vienna. ‘‘Berichte iiber die Mittheilungen von Freunden der Naturwissen- schaften in Wen;” von Wilhelm Haidinger VIIter and letzter Band. “ Naturwissenschaftlische Abhandlungen gesammelt und durch Subscription herausgegeben ;” von Wilhelm Haidinger Vol. IV in 4Parts from the Author. “Abhandlungen der mathemat. -ph ysikalischen Classe der koniglich- bayerischen Akademie der Wissenchaften,” Vol. VI Parts 2 and 3 ; from the Royal Academy of Bavaria. “Ueber die Siedepunkte mehrerer alkoholhaltiger Fliissigkeiten und die darauf gegrundeten Verfahren &c.,” von J. J. Yohl. “ Nachtrag zur thermo-ariiometrischen Bierprobe,” von J. J. Pohl. “Beitrag zur Statistik des Studiums der Chemie am k.k. polytech-nischen Institute zu Wien :” von J. J. Pohl. “ Physikalish-chemische Notizen,” von J. J. Pohl. “Ueber die Zusammensetzung und Eigenschaften zweier Legier- ungen von Zinn und Blei,” von J. J. Pohl. ‘‘ Errnittelung des technischen Werthes der Kartoffeln,” von J. J. Yohl from the Author. “Barometrical Tables,” by J. J. Pohl and J. Schabus. “Calendar of the Flora of Prague during an observation of nearly ten years,” by Karl Fritsch from the Author. ‘‘ A new Theory of the Central Heat of the Earth &c.” “On the Cause of the Phenomena exhibited by the Geysers of Iceland,” and other pamphlets by Stevenson Macadam from the Author. “Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society :” from the Society.“The Journal of the Society of Arts :” from the Society. Frank Clarke Hill Esq. of the Chemical Works Deptford; PROCEEDINGS OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Dr. Rlarcet of 88 Cadogau Place; and J. J. Pohl Esq. Professor of Applied Chemistry in the Polytechnic School of Vienna were duly elected Fellows of the Society. A paper was read ‘(On the Mode of Estimating the Value of Red Prussiate of Potash and of Testing the strength of Bleaching Liquors,” by Francis Lieshing. February 21 1853. DR. DAUBENY, President in the Chair. Alfred Coleman Esq. Bridgefield Wandsworth ; John Gotch Hepburn L.L.B. Clapham j Stevenson Macadam Esq. Phi-losophical Institution Edinburgh ; and George Foord Esq. Mel-bourne were duly elected Fellows of the Society.The President declared the names of the Officers and other Members of Council proposed by the Council to retire from Office and of the Officers and other Members of Council proposed to be sub- stituted for them at the ensuing Anniversary Meeting. Ah. John Arthur Phillips made a communication on the sub- ject of Ancient Metallurgy. March 7 1853. PROFESSOR in the Chair. GRAHAM Alfred Coleman Esq. was admitted a Fellow of the Society. William Cr owder Esq. 21 Northumberland Street Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Dr. William Charles Henry F.R.S. of Hatfield near Ledbury; and Christopher R. James Esq. of Ebbw Vale Iron Works Abergavenny were duly elected Fellows of the Society. Mr. Redwood made a communication on the Optical Properties of the Alkaloids found in the Cinchona Barks and on some facts re-cently elicited relating to the History of Racemic Acid. March 21 1853. DR.D AU BE N Y President in the Chair. H. Pollock Esq. of Queen Square House Guildford Street was duly elected a Fellow of the Society. Dr. William son made a comniunication on the Atomic Thcory.
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Notices of papers contained in other journals |
Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London,
Volume 6,
Issue 1,
Page 57-95
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NOTICES OF PAPERS CONTAINED IN OTHER JOURNALS. On a new series of Organic Bodies containing Metale. By Dr. E. Frankland. (From the '' Philosophical Transactions," abstracted by the Author.) Under the above title I described more than three years ago some preliminary experiments," which proved the existence of certain organic compounds highly analogous to cacodyl and like that body consisting of a metal or in some cases of phosphorus associated with the groups C31& C4H5 &C. and possessing in some instances highly remarkable powers of combination. I fixed the composition and studied some of the reactions of two of these bodies to which the names zinc-methyl (C 13 Zn) and zinc-ethyl (C 13 Zn) were provisionally assigned besides giving methods for procuring similar compounds containing tin arsenic and phosphorus by acting upon the iodides of the alcohol-radicals with these elements and expressing a belief founded upon the similarity of functions existing between hydrogen and the groups of the form C &,+I) that most if not the whole of the compounds contained in the following series might be formed those marked thus * being at that time already known.Hydrogenseries. Butylseries. Valylseries. series.Amyl I series.Phenyl Zn H As €I,* Sb H3* P H,* More recently Lowig and Schweit zer? have commenced labour- * Ann. Ch. Pharm. LXXI 213; Chem. SOC. Qu. J. 11 297. -f Ann. Ch. Pharm. LYXV 315. DR. E. FRANKLSND ON A NEW SERIES OF ing in the same field and have filled up one of the gaps in the foregoing table by the foririation of stibethyl Sb (C H5)3 by acting UPGU iodide of ethyl with an alloy of antimony and potassium.The same chemists state also the probable formation of siinilar com-pounds contaiuing methyl and ainyl in the place of ethyl and bismuth and phosphorus instead of antimony. The agents which I have employed in the formation of these organo-metallic bodies are two-viz. heat and light ;in many cases either of these can be used in others only one can be made to effect the desired combination whilst more rarely the assistance of both appears to be essential. In those experiments in which heat was employed the materials were subjected to its action in sealed glass tubes about 12 inches long and varying in diameter from 4 inch to 1inch the thickness of the glass being about + inch.To preserve the gaseous products of the operation in a state of perfect purity for subsequent investigation the tubes were well exhausted before being sealed; they were then immersed to about half their depth in an oil- batb and heated to the required temperature. In cases where the influence of light was employed the materials confined in tubes of precisely similar dimensions were exposed to the sun's rays concen- trated in most instances by an 18-inch parabolic reflector near the focus of which the tubes were placed either naked or surrounded by a solution of sulphate of copper to absorb the calorific rays. By this arrangement the light and heat could be increased diminished or modified at pleasure which was found very convenient in several of the operations.ACTION OF TIN UPON IODIDE OF ETHYL. When iodide of ethyl and metallic tin are exposed to the action of either heat or light the tin gradually dissolves in the ethereal liquid which finally solidifies to a mass of nearly colourless crystals. This reaction is effected most conveniently by the action of light an excess of tin-foil cut into narrow strips being employed. The sealed tubes containing these ingredients should be placed near the focus of a large parabolic reflector the temperature being prevented if neces-sary from rising too high by immersing them in water or in a solution of sulphate of copper The unconcentrated rays of the sun or even diffused daylight are quite sufficient to determine the formation of the crystalline body; but an exposure of several weeks or even months would be necessary for the completion of the change which is effected by the use of the reflector in a few days of bright sunshine.The liquid gradually assumes a straw-yellow colour but its solidification is prevented as long as possible at the close of the operation by allowing the temperature to rise to 35O or 40' C. ; thus ncarly the wholc. of the iodidc of cthyl bcconws ORGANIC BODIES CONTAINING METALS. united with tin. When heat instead of light is employed to effcct the combination the tubes should not he more than 4 inch in diameter and to avoid the risk of explosion should only be one-fourth filled with the materials the combination takes place at about 180' C.The agency of heat is therefore much less convenient than that of light in the production of this reaction which is also never so complete as when the latter agent is employed. I have however satisfied myself that the results are the same in both cases. I. Exurnination of Solid Products.-The capillary extremities of the tubes in which the foregoing reaction has taken place were broken off under sulphuretted water and beneath a jar filled with the same liquid :* the gases evolved were preserved for eudiometrical investi- gation. The crystalline product was then withdrawn from the tubes and after being exposed to a gentle heat for a few minutes to expel the iodide of ethyl that had escaped Combination was treated with alcohol in which the crystals readily dissolved leaving only a small residue of a bright red colour which proved to be protoiodide of tin.The filtered alcoholic solution was then placed over sulphuric acid in vacuo where it soon deposited a large crop of long needle- like crystals which when freed from the mother-liquor washed with a small quantity of dilute alcohol dried between folds of bibulous- paper and finally over sulphuric acid in zlacuo yielded analytical results corresponding closely with the formula C H Sn I. This body is therefore the iodide of a new organo-metallic radical for which I propose the name STANETHYLIUM Iodide of Stanethykium crystallizes in transparent slightly straw- coloured needles which are right-rectangular prisms frequently & inch broad and 2 or 3 inches in length.They are very soluble in ether and in boiling alcohol less so in cold alcohol and in water; the watery solution is decomposed on boiling oxide of stanethylium being precipitated and hydriodic acid formed. Iodide of stanethy- lium fuses at 42O C. and boils at 240' C. undergoing at the same time partial decomposition ;it possesses at common temperatures a peculiar pungent odour somewhat resembling the volatile oil of mustard and which irritates the eyes and lining membrane of the nose causing a discharge which continues for several hours or even days especially if the vapour from the heated iodide of stanethylium be inhaled; yet this compound can scarcely be said to be volatile at common temperatures since a few gTains may be exposed to the air for several weeks without any appreciable loss of weight.Oxide of StanethyZium.-In contact with solutions of the alkalies iodide of stanethylium is immediately decomposed oxide of stan-ethylium and an alkaline iodide being formed * Chem. SOC. Qn. J. 11 267. DR. E. FRANKLAND ON A NEW SERIES OF c H sn I } = { c €€; Sll 0. KO KI. With solutions of potash and soda the oxide of staiiethyliuiii dissolves in an excess of the precipitant but is reprecipitated unchanged by cautious neutralization. The precipitated oxide is almost completely insoluble in an excess of amiiionia. A quantity of the oxide of stanethylium prepared by precipitation with an excess of ammonia and submitted to analysis yielded results agreeing with the above formula.Oxide of stanethylium presents the appearance of a somewhat cream-white amorphous powder closely resembling peroxide of tin but less heavy than that oxide; it has a peculiar though slight ethereal odour and a bitter taste ; it is insoluble in water alcohol and ether but readily dissolves in solutions of the acids and of the fixed alkalies; with acids it forms salts which are however for the most part difficultly crystallizable ; those with strong acids exhibit an acid reaction. The nitrate deflagrates when heated to about 120' C. and on the application of a hlgher heat becomes pure peroxide of tin. The salts of the oxide of stanethylium behave with reagents so nearly like the salts of peroxide of tin that the two are very difficult to distinguish from each other.Sulphide of StanethyZiurn.-When sulphuretted hydrogen is passed through an acid solution of a salt of stanethylium a cream-culoured precipitate falls which is insoluble in dilute acids and ammonia but soluble in concentrated hydrochloric acid solutions of the fixed alkalies and alkaline sulphides; from its solutions in the fixed alkalies and alkaline sulphides it is reprecipitated unchanged on the addition of an acid. Its formula is C H5Sn S and it is produced by the following reaction C4H,SnO) = {C,H,SnS HS HO. Sulphide of stanethylium presents the appearance of an aniorphous cream-coloured powder having a pungent and very nauseous smell resembling that of decaying horseradish ; when heated I't fuses froths up and decomposes cmitting vapours of a most insupportable odour.Heated with nitric acid it is decomposed with the forniation of peroxide of tin. Chloride of Stanethylium C H Sn C1.-This salt is best pre-pared by dissolving oxide of stanethylium in dilute hydrochloric acid; on evaporation at a gentle heat or over sulphuric acid in cacuo the chloride crystallizes out in long colourless needles isomorphous with the iodide which salt it also closely rescniblea in all its proper- ties; it is however more volatile and therefore emits a niore intensely pungent and irritating odour than the iodide. Stanethyliurn.-TVhcii a strip of' zinc is inimcrscd in a solution 01' ORGANIC l3OI)IES CONTAINING METALS.a salt of stanethylium (a solution of the chloride of stanethylium is the best for this purpose) it speedily becomes covered with denw oily drops of a yellow colour which finally separate from the lower extremity of the zinc and accumulate at the bottom of the vessel; the formation of the oily liquid is much favoured by gentle heat. The yellow oil well washed with water dried over chloride of calcium and submitted to analysis yielded results agreeing with the formilla C 1-15Sn and showing that stanethylium is formed by the following sirnule reaction C,H,SnCl} -(C,H5Sn -Zn zn c1. Stanethylium is a thick heavy oily liquid of a yellow or brownish-yellow colour and an exceedingly pungent odour resem-bling that of its compounds but much more powerful.It is inso-luble in water but soluble in alcohol and ether. At about 150' C. it enters into ebullition a quantity of metallic tin is deposited and a colourless liquid distils over having a peculiar odour containing a considerable quantity of tin and exhibiting no tendency to combine with iodine or bromine. I have not yet further examined this liquid; but it possibly consists of or contains binethide of tin Sn (C H5)?. In contact with air stanethyliuni rapidly attracts oxygen and is converted into a white powder which has all the properties of oxide of stanethylium. Chloride iodide and bromide of stanethyliuni are instantaneously formed by the action of chlorine iodine and bromine or their hydrogen acids respectively upon atanethylium ; the two first are in every respect identical with the salts above described and the bromide which closely resembles them yielded analytical results in harmony with the formula C H Sn Br.Thus stanethylium perfectly resembles cacodyl in its reactions combining directly with the electro-negative elements and regenerat- ing the compounds from which it has been derived. 11. Examination of Gaseous Products.-The examination of the gases evolved on opening the tubes in which iodide of ethyl and tin had been exposed to the action of heat or light showed that they consisted of hydride of ethyl and olefiant gast in proportions indicated by the following percentage numbers I. and 11. 111. I-lydride of Ethyl. Olefiant gas . Nitrogen .. . . 81-61 16.82 1-57 81*43 17.28 1.29- c-- 100~00 100~00 The presence of hydride of ethyl aud olefiant gas amongst the UR. E. FRANKLAND ON A NEW SERIES OF products of the action of heat or light upon iodide of ethyl and tin shows that the direct combination of these latter bodies is not the only reaction which takes place but that a portion of the iodide of ethyl is also decomposed by the tin with the production of iodide of tin and ethyl the latter body being transformed at the moment of its liberation into hydride of ethyl and olefiant gas a catalysis to which this radical is so prone. The large excess of hydride of ethyl exhibited in the above analy- tical results may have been caused either by the greater solubility of olefiant gas in iodide of ethyl (a further and considerable amount of gas being expelled from the tubes by a gentle heat) or by the presence of moisture in the materials which would give rise to the formation of oxyiodide of tin and hydride of ethyl.C,H I C H I€ H50\ = ./ ftsn J [SnO+SnI. Both these causes probably contributed to produce the excess of hydride of ethyl; but the very small amount of gaseous products compared with the solid ones shows that the production of the former is only an accidental circumstance which however it may be interpreted does not at all affect the principal reaction-viz. the formation of iodide of stanethylium. STANMETHYLIUM are formed when the iodides and STANANYLIURI of methyl and amyl respectively are exposed to the action of light in contact with tin.Their salts are isornorphous with those of stan-ethyliuni; but I have not completed the investigation of these bodies. ACTION OF ZINC UPON IODIDE OF METHYL. When iodide of methyl and zinc are exposed to a temperature of about 150' C. in a sealed tube the zinc gradually dissolves with the evolution of gas whilst a mass of white crystals and a colourless mobile liquid occupy after a few hours the place of the original materials. The gas evolved on breaking off the capillary extremity of the previously exhausted tube was collected and preserved over sulphuretted water. I will refer to this gas again under the name of a. On cutting off the upper portion of the tube and pouring cold distilled water upon the mobile liquid and white mass of crystals just mentioned a very violent action ensued and a column of flame ORGANIC BODIES CONTAINJNG METALS.several feet high shot up momentarily from the mouth of the tube; but the action soon became more moderate and a cork and gas- delivering tube being fitted into the decomposition-tube the gas was collected and preserved. I will call this second gas p. Zr NCAlETHYLIUM.-FrOm a preliminary experiment it was ascer-tained that the gas evolved on opening the decomposition-tube possessed before contact with water a most insupportable and very peculiar odour arid that when ignited it burnt with a greenish-blue flame producing dense white fumes; when a porcelain plate was held in this flame it immediately became coated with a jet-black deposit surrounded with a white ring! this black deposit dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid with evolution of hydrogen gas and the solution was found to contain chloride of zinc.Hence it was evident that a gaseous or volatile compound of zinc was present amongst the products of decomposition and this was soon found to reside in the mobile liquid above mentioned; for on inverting the tube and allowing a few drops of the liquid to escape it inflamed sponta-neously the instant it came in contact with the air and produced by its combustion large quantities of oxide of zinc. In order to obtain this liquid in a state of purity another tube was charged with iodide of inethyl and excess of zinc and subjected to a heat of 350' to 160' C.until every trace of iodide of methyl was decomposed. The drawn-out extremity of the tube being broken off the included gas was allowed to escape and the liquid contents were then separated from the solid ones by distillation at a gentle heat in an atmosphere of dry hydrogen. The analytical operations upon this liquid proved it to be a new radical for which zincmethyliuin (C H Zn) will be a convenient name and that it is forined by the following reaction Zincmethylium is a colourless transparent and very mobile liquid ref;.acting light strongly and possessing a peculiar penetrating and insupportable odour; it is very volatile but I have not yet been r:ble to determine its boiling-point with accuracy. Zincmethylium corn- bines directly with oxygen chlorine iodine &c.forming somewhat unstable compounds a description of which I reserve for a future communication. Its affinity for oxygen is even more intense than that of potassium ;in contact with atmospheric air it instantaneously ignites burning with a beautiful greenish-blue flame and forming white clouds of oxide of zinc; in contact with pure oxygen it burns with explosion and the presence of a small quantity of its vapour in combustible gases gives them the property of spontaneous inflamma- bility in oxygen. Thrown into water ziricmethyliuni decomposes that liquid with explosive violence and with the evolution of heat and liTht; when the action is moderated the sole products of the decomposition are oxide of zinc and hydride of methyl.The extraordinary affinity of zincmethylium for oxygen and electro-negative elements in general its peculiar composition and the facility with which it can be procured cannot fail to cause its employ- ment for a great variety of transformations in organic compounds. By its agency there is every probability that we shall be able to replace oxygen chlorine &c. atom for atom by methyl and thus produce an entirely new series of organic compounds and obtain clearer views of the constitution of others. I intend to pursue this branch of the subject whilst studying the compounds of zincmethyl- ium and the corresponding bodies containing ethyl and amyl. An examination of the gas a proved it to consist of equal volumes of methyl (C HJ and hydride of methyl (C H3 €1) no trace of the first term of the olefiant gas series (C H,) was present although tlie analogous decomposition of the iodides of ethyl and amyl by zinc,* led me to search very carefully for it.The occurrence of methyl amongst the products of the decomposition shows that a portion of the iodide of methyl is decomposed according to the following equation The origin of the hydride of methyl is readily perceived when the volatility of zincrnethylium and the method of collecting the gas are taken into consideration. On opening the decomposition-tube beneath water a copious effervescence was observed wherever the evolved gas came in contact with water ; and as this effervescence n7as accompanied by the formation of a flocculent precipitate of oxide of zinc it could only be caused by the presence of the vapour of zinc-methylium which on coming in contact with water would be instantaneously decomposed into oxide of zinc and hydride of methyl.The gas ,8 evolved by the action of water upon the solid and liquid products of the decomposition was found as might have been anticipated to be pure hydride of methyl derived from the dccom- position of the zincmethylium with which the crystalline residue of iodide of zinc was saturated. ZTNCETEIYLIUM (c,H zn) and ZINCAMYLrUnl (Clo€Il1Zn) are formed under precisely similar circumstances the iodides of ethyl and arnyl being respectively substituted for iodide of methyl. They are colourless and transparent liquids refracting light strongly and * Chem.SOC. Qu. J. 11 265; 111 30. 65 0R G AN IC T3 0l31 E S COYT.\1 N 1NG AX ET .4T.S. possessing a peculiar penetrating odoiir. They arc less volatile than zincmethyliuni and are also somewhat weaker in their powers of combination. They uhite directly with oxygen chlorine kc. and are decomposed in contact with water in a manner perfectly analo- gous to zincmethylium producing oxide of zinc and the hydrides of ethyl and amyl respectively. ACTION OF MERCURY UPON IODIDE OF ME'I'HYL. When iodide of niethyl is exposed to sunlight in contact with metallic mercury it soon becomes coloured red from the separation of free iodine ;after several hours' exposure this coloration disappears and a small quantity of the yellow iodide of mercury subsides to the bottom of the liquid.After the action of sunlight for several days the bulk of the mercury is obscrved to have considerably diminished; white crystals begin to be deposited around the sides of the glass vessel ;and finally after about a week's exposure the liquid solidifies to a colourless crystalline mass ; when this is digested with ether the new compound dissolves and is thus separated from metallic mercury and a small quantity of iodide of mercury which is col- laterally formed. Only a very small quantity of gas is evolved during the forination of this white crystalline compound. By spon- taneous evaporation the ethereal solution solidifies to a mass of minute colourlcss crystalline scales ; these dried iii z'acuo and submitted to analysis yielded results closely corresponding with the formula C €1 Hg I.This compound is therefore evidently the iodide of a iiew organo- metallic radical consisting of one atom of methyl and one atom of mercury and for which I propose the name HYD~~ARGY~~ORIETHYLIUM its iodide is formed by the direct union of one atom of mercury with one atom of iodide of methyl under the influence of light. 'gH3'} = C,H,HgI. fk Iodide of hydrargyromethylium is a white solid crystallizing in minute nacreous scales which are insoluble in water moderately soluble in alcohol and very soluble in ether and iodide of methyl; by the spontaneous evaporation of these solutions the crystds are again deposited unchanged. Iodide of' hydrargvroniethylium is slightly volatile at ordinary temperatures and exhales a slight but peculiarly unpleasant odour which leaves a nauseous taste upon the palate for several days; at 100' C.the volatility is much greater and the crystals are rapidly dissipated at this temperature when exposed to a current of air. At 143' C. it fuses and sublimes without decomposition condensing in brilliant and extremely thin crystalline plates. In contact with solutions of the fixed alkalies and ammonia I'OL. V1.-NO. XXI. P DR.. E. FRANKLAND ON A NEW SERIES OF it is converted into oxide of hydrargyromethylium which is dissolved in excess of all these reagents; from these solutions snlphide of ammonium throws down sulphide of hyilrargyromethylium as a slightly yellow flocculent precipitate having a most insupportable odour.I have not yet further examined the reactions of this remarkable body nor have I attempted the isolation of the hydrar- gyromethylium. A corresponding cornpound containing amyl is formed though with difficulty under similar circumstances; but I have not yet succeeded in producing one containing ethyl the iodide of this radical yielding as I have shown,* when exposed to sunlight in contact with mercury iodide of mercury and a mixture of ethyl hydride of ethyl and olefiant gases. I have also made some preliminary experiments with other metals and find that most of them are capable of thus entering into com- bination with the organic groups methyl ethyl and amyl amongst those which thus combine under the influence of light most readily and seem to promise the most interesting results I may mention arsenic antimony chromium iron manganese and cadmium.Imperfect as our knowledge of the organo-metallic bodies may yet appear I am unwilling to close this memoir without directing atten- tion to some peculiarities in the habits of these compounds which promise at least to throw some light upon their rational constitu- tion if they do not lead to extensive modifications of our views respecting chemical compounds in general and especially that interesting class termed conjugate compounds. That stanethylium zincmethylium hydrargyromethylium &c. are perfectly analogous to cacodyl there can be no reasonable doubt inasmuch as like that body they combine directly with the electro- negative metalloids forming true salts from which in most cases and probably in all the original groups can be again separated unaltered; and therefore any view which may be taken of the new bodies must necessarily be extended to cacodyl.The discovery and isolation of this so-called organic radical by 13 unsen was certainly one of the most important steps in the development of organic chemistry and one the influence of which upon our theoretical views of the constitution of certain classes of organic compounds can scarcely be too highly estimated. It was impossible to consider the striking features in the behaviour of this body without finding in them a most remarkable confirmation of the theory of compound radicals as propounded by Berzelius and Liebig.The formation of cacodyl its habits and the products of its * Chem. Sac. Qu. J. 111 331. OEtGSNIC BODIES CONTAINING METALS. decomposition have for some time left no doubt of the existence of methyl ready formed in this body; and Kolbe,* in developing his views on the so-called conjugate compounds has proposed to regard it as arsenic conjugated with two atoms of methyl (C,H,; As. So long as cacodyl was an isolated example of an organo-metallic body this view of its rational composition harmonizing as it did so well with the facts elicited during the route of cacodyl through its various combinations and decompositions could scarcely be con-tested; but now since we have become acquainted with the proper- ties aud reactions of a considerable number of analogous bodies circumstances arise which I consider militate greatly against this view if they do not render it absolutely untenable.According to the theory of conjugate radicals just alluded to cacodyl and its congeners so far as they are at present known would be thus represented Cacodyl . Oxide of cacodyl . Cacodylic acid . Stanmethylium . Stanethylium . Oxide of stanethyliuni . Stanamylium . Zinc met hyliuni . Zincethylium . Zincam vlium StibethLe (Stibethyl) . Binoxide of stibethine Oxide of stibmethylium . Hydrargyromethylium . Iodide of hydrargyromethylium . It is generally admitted that when a body becomes conjugated its essential chemical character is not altered by the presence of the conjunct; thus the series of acids C,H,O, formed by the con-junction of the radicals C Hc,,+l)with oxalic acid have the same neutralizing power as the original oxalic acid and therefore if we assume the organo-metallic bodies to be metals conjugated with various hydrocarbons we might reasonably expect that the chemical relations of the metal to oxygen chlorine sulphur &c.would remain unchanged. A glance at the formula of these compounds will however suffice to show that this is far from being the case. It is true that cacodyl forms protoxide of cacodyl and cacodylic acid corresponding the one to a somewhat hypothetical protoxide of arsenic which if it exist does not seem to possess any well-defined * Chem.SOC. Qu. J. 111 372. P2 Dn. E. FRANKLAND ON A XEW SERTES OF basic character and the other to arsenious acid; but no compound corresponding to arsenic acid can be formed; and yet it cannot be urged that cacodylic acid is decomposed by the powerful reagents requisite to producc further oxidation for concentrated nitric acid may be distilled from cacodylic acid without decomposition or oxidation in the slightest degree. The same anomaly presents itself even more strikingly in the case of stanmethyliurn which if n-e are to regard it as a conjugatc radical ought to combine with oxygen in two proportions at least to form compounds corresponding to protoxide and peroxidc of tin. Stanethylium rapidly oxidizes when exposed to the air and is converted into pure protoxide; but this compound exhibits none of that powerful tendency to combine with an additional equivalent of oxygen which is so characteristic of grotoxide of tin; nay it may even be boiled with dilute nitric acid without evincing any signs of oxidation.I have been quite unable to form any higher oxide than that described above it is only when the group is cntirely broken up and the ethyl separated that the tin can be induced to unite with another equivalent of oxygen. Stibethyl also rcfuses to unite with more or less than two equivalents of oxygen sulphur iodine &c. and thus forins conipounds which are not at all represented amongst the combinations of the simple metal anti-mony. When the formulz of inorganic chemical compounds are con-sidered even a superficial observer is struck with the great symmetry of their construction ; the coinpounds of nitrogen phosphorus an-timony and arsenic especially exhibit the tendency of these elements to form compounds containing three or five equivalents of other elements and it is in these proportions that their affinities are best satis-fied ;thus in the ternal group we have NO, NH, NI, NS,,.PO, PH3 PCl, Sb 0,,Sb H, Sb Cl, As O, As H, As Cl, &c. and in the five-atom group NO, NH,O NH I PO, YH I &c. Without offering any hypothesis regarding the cause of this symmetrical grouping of atoms it is sufficiently evident from the examples just given that such a tendency or law prevails and that no matter what the character of the uniting atoms may be the cornljining power of the attracting element if I may be allowed the term,is always satisfied by the same number of these atoms.It was probably a glimpse of the operation of this law amongst the more complex organic groups which led Laurent and Dumas to the enunciation of the theory of types; and had not those distinguished chemists extended their views beyond the point to which they were well supported by then existing facts had they not assumed that the properties of an organic compound are dependant upon the position and not upon the nature of its single atoms that theory would undoubtedly have contributed to the de- velopment of the science to a still greater extent than it has already done.Such an assumption could only have been made at a time ORGANIC BODIES COKTAINING METALS. when the data upon which it was founded were few and imperfect and as the study of the phenomena of substitution progressed it gradually become untenable and the fundamental principles of the electro-chemical theory again assunied their sway. The formation and examination of the organo-metallic bodies promises to assist in effecting a fusion of the two theories which have so long divided the opinions of cheniiets and which have too hastily been conceived irre- concileable; for whilst it is evident that certain types of series of cornpounds exist it is equally clear that the nature of the body derived from the original typc is essentially dependent upon the electro-chemical character of its chemical atoms and not merely upon the relative position of those atoms.Let us examine for instance the compounds formed by zinc and antimony by com-bination with one equivalent of oxygen the electro-negative quality of the zinc is nearly annihilated and it is only by the highly oxidizing peroxide of hydrogen that the metal can be made to form a very instable peroxide ; but when zinc combines with one equivalent of methyl or ethyl its positive quality so far from being neutralized is exalted by the addition of the positive group and the compound now exhibits such intense affinity for the electro-negative elements as to give it the property of spontaneous inflammability. Peroxide of antimony has also little tendency to pass into a higher state of oxi-dation; but when its three atoms of oxygen are replaced by the electro-positive ethyl as in stibethine that affinity is elevated to the intense degree which is so remarkable in this body.Taking this view of the so-called conjugate organic radicals and regarding the oxygen sulphur and chlorine compounds of each metal as the true molecular type of the orgario-metallic bodies derived from it by the substitution of an organic group for oxygen sulphur &c. the anomalies above mentioned entircly disappear and we have the following inorganic types and organo-metallic derivatives Inorganic types. Organo-metallic derivatives. . . . As{ E Cacodyl. < [C Hi . . . ,4s{ C,H Oxide of Cacodyl. lo $52 H3 I c H3 .. . As4 0 Cacodvlic Acid. J 10 10 . . . Zn (C H,) Zincmethylium. . . . Zn{ ',OH Oxide of Zincmethylium. DR. E. FRANKLAND ON A NEW' SERIES OF Inorganic types. Organo-metallic derivatives. (0 :c4 H5 SbcO . . . . Zn( C €1 Stibethine. Lo tc'i H5 f0 ,C Hi C H, lo SbcO . . . . Sbl C H5 Binoxide of Stibethine. lo lo 10 1 SbO.. . [: SnO.. . . Sn (C,N,) Stanethylium. sn{E . . . . Sn{ 'c'5 Oxide of Stanethylium. Hg{ '2:3 The only compound which does not harmonize with this view is ethostibilic acid to which Lowig assigns the formula C,H5Sb05 ; but as that chemist has not yet fully investigated this compound it is .possible that further research may satisfactorily elucidate its appa- rently anomalous composition.It is obvious that the establishment of this view of the constitution of the organo-metallic bodies will remove them from the class of organic radicals and place them in intimate connection with am-monia and the bases of Wurtz Hofmann and Paul Thenard; in-deed the close analogy existing between stibethine and ammonia first suggested by Gerh ardt has been most satisfactorily demonstrated by the behaviour of stibethine with the haloid compounds of methyl and ethyl. Stibethine furnishes us therefore with a remarkable example of the law of symmetrical combination above alluded to and shows that the formation of a five-atom group from one containing three atoms can be effected by the assimilation of two atoms either of the same or of opposite electro-chemical character ; this remark- able circumstance suggcsts the following question.Is this behaviour common also to the corresponding compounds of arsenic phos- phorus and nitrogen; and can the position of each of the five atoms with which these elements respectively combine be occupied indif- ferently by an electro-negative or an electro-positive element ? This question so important for the advance of our knowledge of the organic bases and their congeners cannot now long remain tin- answered. If the views which I have just ventured to suggest should be as Hg( . . . . Iodide of Hydragyromethylium. ORGANIC BODIES CONTAINING METALS. well supported by future researches as they are by the facts already known they must occasion a profound change in the nonicnclature of the extensive series of compounds affected by them.I have not however ventured to introduce this new system of nomenclature even in the case of the new bodies described in this memoir ; since hasty changes of this kind unless absolutely necessary are always to be deplored. In accordance with the suggested view of the constitution of the organo-metalic compounds the following plan of nomenclature would probably be found most convenient. ARSENIC COMPOUNDS. (C,H3 )2As . . Bimethide of Arsenic (Cacodyl). (C H3 )2 As0 . . Birnethoxide of Arsenic (Oxide of Cacodyl). (C H )z AsO . . Bimetharsenic Acid (Cacodylic Acid). ZlNC COMPOUNDS. Methide of Zinc (Zincmethyliurn). Ethide of Zinc (Zincethylium).Amylide of Zinc (Zincamylium). TIN COMPOUNDS. (C H,) Sn . . Methide of Tin (Stanmethylium). (C H3) SaI . . Alethiodide of Tin (Iodide of Stanmetliylium). (C €I5) SnO . . Ethoxide of Tin (Oxide of Stanethylium). (CloH1,) SnCl . . Amylochloride of Tin (Chloride of Stanamylium). ANTIMOXY COMPOUNDS. (C €13)3Sb . Termethide of Antimony (Stibmethine). (C H,),SbO . . Quadromethoxide of Antimony (Oxide of Stibmethylium). (C W5) SbO . . Terethobinoxide of Antimony (Binoxide of Stibethine). MERCURY COMPOUNDS. Methide of Mercury (Hydrargyromethylium). Methiodide of Mercury (Iodide of Hydrargyromethylium). In naming the new bodies described in the present paper I have in conformity with the nomenclature of the organic bases adopted the principle of employing the termination ‘‘ium,” when the body unites with one equivalent of oxygen chlorine &c.like ammonium and the terminal “ine,” when like ammonia it combines with two additional atoms. ME. HENRY HOW UN On Meconic Acid and its Derivatives. BY Henry HOW.* This investigation was undertaken with the view of determining whether compounds analogous to those already described by the author? as derived from conieriic acid could be obtained under similar circuinstances from meconic acid. To obtain pure nieconic acid the crude acid-prepared by treating meconate of lime three times in succession with 20 parts of boiling water and 3 parts of strong hydrochloric acid-is mixed with about twice its weight of water and heated over the water-bath with con- stant agitation and caustic ammonia added till the whole is dissolved; the ammoniacal salt thus formed is very soluble in boiling water and solidifies on cooling.The solid mass is subjected to strong pres- sure to remove the mother-liquid and purified by three crystalliza- tions from the smallest possible quantity of boiling water the mother-liquor being expressed at each crystallization. The product is a perfectly white salt frorii the solution of which in hot water the iiieconic acid may be separated by hydrochloric acid in colourless shining lamin=; and on washing the precipitate a little with cold water and dissolving in the smallest possible quantity of boiling. water the solution on cooling yields the acid in a state of perfect purity.Bihasic Meconate of Arnrnonia.-The salt whose preparation has just been described crystallizes from moderately dilute solutions after standing in radiated groups of fine silky needles having an acid reaction. The salt dried at 100" has the composition EIO,2NH 0 . C, €loll. It is very hygroscopic. The crystals appear to contain variable quan- tities of water of crystallization. An aqueous solution of this salt may be boiled without change; but when kept boiling for some time with an excess of ammonia it becomes altered. Action of Heat on Meemate of Ammoniu.-Comenumic Acid.-Some of the highly coloured mother-liquors of the purifying process were retained at or near the boiling teniperature aniriionia being present in excess and hydrochloric acid added after cooling.Carbonic acid was then copiously evolved and a considerable precipitate formed coiisisting of comenarnic acid C, 1-1 NO, which by repeated crystal- lization from boiling water and the use of animal charcoal was ob- tained in colourless shining scales. Its formation from bibasic rne-conate oi ammonia may be represented by the following equation HO .2NH 0 . C, H . O, =C, H NO + NH + 2EIO + 2C0,. * Edirib. Plril. Trans. XX Pt. 111 101 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. LXXXIII 330. .f-Chem. SOC. Qn. J. IV 362. MECONIC ACID AN11 1TS DERIVATIVES. This reaction offers a convenient source of comenamic acid as very impure meconic acid may be used. Action oj Chlorine on Bibusic Meconate of Ammonia.-Chlorine passed through the coloured mother-liquor deprives it of colour con- siderably and causes a deposit of hard granular crystals which may be purified by recrystallization from boiling water.Hard crystals are then deposited which when magnified appear to consist of thick needles radiating from a centre. The salt thus formed contains no chlorine but is a monobasic meconate of ammonia 2H0 .NH,O .C, HO,,. The crystals likewise contain 7.70 per cent of water of crystallization =2Aq. The original mother-liquor of this salt deposited a further quantity of the same on being concentrated but by continued evaporation crystals of a different character were obtained; and these when re- crystallized from boiling water presented themselves in the form of square prismatic needles having the properties and composition of chlorocomenic acid 2H0 .C, { El> 0 The last mother-liquors of this process contain oxalic acid.Action of Bromine on Meconic Acid.-When bromine-water is poured upon powdered meconic acid carbonic acid is evolved with lively effervescence arid the acid dissolves forming a solution which after a while deposits long prismatic crystals of great beauty; a much more copious product is however obtained by gentle evapo- ration. By recrystallization from hot water brilliant square prismatic crystals are obtained which when dried at 100’ C. have the com-position of dry bromocomenic acid. 2HO .C, {B” 0,. The nature of the reaction is shown by the equation Crystals of oxalic acid were obtained by evaporating the mother- liquors to a small bulk The action of bromine on meconate of ammonia would doubtless be found similar to that of chlorine.OF MECONIC ETHERS Acm.-\”7en a current of dry hydrochloric acid gas is passed through an alcoholic solution of meconic acid till it fumes strongly and the liquid is set aside to cool there appears after a time shorter or longer as the alcohol is stronger or weaker a deposit of feathery crystals. If absolute alcohol has been used the filtered liquid yields no further deposit; but if rectified spirit has been used another less crystalline substance appears after a time. On evaporating the liquid which has ceased to give deposits to cotn-plete dryness the chief constituent of the residue is found to be a substance which fuses under boiling water.It is more or less accompanied by the other bodies according to the strength of the alcohol used. Ethylomeconic Acid-This is the first deposit above mentioned ; it is formed most abundantly and in the state of greatest purity when absolute alcohol is used. One crystallization from hot water is sufficient to render it perfectly pure and uniforni and it then crystallizes in brilliant short needles. It is composed of C, H8014 and is an acid ether analogous to phosphovinic ether its rational formula being -2 HO .C H 0 .C1 HO,, or H Ethylomeconic acid when pure crystallizes from boiling water in which it is very soluble in brilliant small crystals which when magnified are seen to be square prismatic needles.It likewise dissolves readily in ether and commoii alcohol when warmed less readily in absolute alcohol. It separates from concentrated solu- tions in these three liquids in groups of stellate crystals and when left to spontancous evaporation in long needles. It is anhydrous; its crystals lose no weight either in vacuo or at 100' C. It fuses at about 158'-159' C. to a transparent yellowish liquid a sublimate of very brilliant rhombic crystals being formed at the same time. The aqueous solution has a strongly acid reaction imparts a deep- red colour to pcrsalts of iron and decomposes carbonates with effer- vescence. It is bibasic forming two series of salts; the acid salts are readily crystallizable. Its salts are very stable the acid being recoverable from them by decomposition with stronger acids.Acid Ethylorneconateof Baryta BaO .HO .C Hb0 .C14HO,, is formed on adding carbonate of baryta in successive small portions to water covering solid ethylomeconic acid. Lively effervescence ensues and the acid quickly disappcars a small quantity of an insoluble yellow salt being formed at the same time. If the liquid be filtered as soon as the effervescence ceases and the vesscl be placed in vacuo a considerable quantity of carbonate of lime previously held in solu- tion by the carbonic acid is deposited. By a second filtration a clear yellowish liquid is obtained which when evaporated in wacuo or at a gentle heat yields well-defined brilliant rhombic crystals of a yellow colour.The crystals contain water which they lose on drying. Acid Ethylomeconate of Silver Ago . HO .C H 0 .C, HO,,.-Obtained by adding an aqueous solution of the baryta-salt to nitrate of silver dissolving the washed precipitate in boiling water and crystalliziug. Forms groups of fine small stcllate crystals brilliant RIECONIC ACID AND ITS DERIVATIVES. '75 arid white It is remarkably stable remaining perfectly unchanged when exposed for a long time to the diffused daylight of summer. The crystals contain 2 atoms water which they give off at 100OC. An aqueous solution of acid ethylomeconate of baryta forms wi t acetate of lead a yellowish-white with sulphate- of copper a pale green and with perchloride of iron a red-brown precipitate; the last is readily soluble in an excess of the iron-salt forming with it a dark red liquid.Neutral Salts of Ethylorneconic Acid.-These salts have not yet been obtained quite pure. By saturating ethylomeconic acid with carbonate of baryta at 100°C. and filtering a salt was obtained in small short yellow needles which when dried at looo yielded 41.89 per cent baryta. The formula BaO .C H 0 .C, HO,, requires 42.19. The salts obtained by treating the acid with excess of carbonate of baryta were found to contain from 42 to 44.5 per cent baryta; whence it would appear that the acid forms basic in addition to neutral and acid salts. Similar results were obtained with the other alkaline earths. The acid when heated with excess of car-bonate of silver remains almost wholly undissolved in the form of some basic compound; heated with excess of potash or soda it yields meconutes of these bases.An excess of caustic ammonia decomposes it very readily. Meconumidic Acid.-When ethylomeconic acid is dissolved in warm water or alcohol and an excess of strong aqueous or alcoholic ammonia is added the liquid assumes a deep-yellow colour and becomes very soon filled with a yellow semi-gelatinous substance which after being washed with dilute spirit dries up in the air to an amorphous mass reducible with some difficulty to a very fine yellow powder. It appears to be the ammonia-salt of a peculiar acid; for on treating its solution in hot water with hydrochloric acid a white precipitate is formcd which on being recrystallized from boiling water is found to have the composition C H,? N 07!.It appears to be formed by the action of 7 atoms ammonia on 6 atoms of the acid ether thus 6 C, H 0l4-I-7 NH3+6 HO=C H3g N OY8+6C H 0 c-c-y-2 L-y-> y-Ethylomeconic acid. Meconainidic acid. Alcohol. If we suppose that the acid contains 6 atoms water of crystal-lization which are not given off at 100' C. its formula will be C H, N 072; which contains the elements of 6 atonis normal amidomeconic acid + 1 atom ammonia. C, H3 N OY2=6(2HO .NH2.C14H Ole) +NH,. The numbers obtained by analysis do not agree very well with this view of its constitution ; but that it is really an amidogen-compound resulting from meconic acid may be inferred from the fact that when MR.HENRY HOW ON it is heated with a solution of potash ammonia is evolved in con-siderable quantity and the liquid gives with hydrochloric acid a crystalline precipitate consisting of bimeconate of potash which upon subsequent treatment in the same manner is converted into meconic acid. The appropriation of the atom of ammonia among the 6 atoms of amidomecoiiic acid (if indeed this be the constitution of the com-pound) appears to have much diminished the basicit,y of the complex atom or else the yellow salt is not a neutral one. The amidomeconic acid being bibasic 6 of its atoms should in forming a neutral salt take up 12 atoms ammonia; but it appears to contain only 9 atonis its forniula as deduced from analysis being 9 NH 0 .C, H, N 0, +3 Aq.; and the acid itself considered with regard to its amount of basic water as indicated in the salt is represented thus 9 HO .C, H, N 0, +6 Aq. The yellow salt when examined by the microscope does not present any appearance of crystalline structure but appears to consist of round translucent granules which when deposited slowly from dilute solutions look like small yellow vesicles or air-bubbles. It dissolves readily in hot water exhaling a decided smell of ammonia; it is very sparingly soluble in hot alcohol insoluble in cold alcohol. It gra-dually gives off ammonia when heated in the dry state to ZOO0 C.; at a higher teniperature it blackens and fuses. Attempts were made to prepare the other salts of the acid by pre-cipitating metallic solutions with the ammonia-salt ; but no definite products were obtained.Coupled Ether of Meconic Acid.-Mecono-ethylomeconic Acid.- This is the substance already described as occurring in the process of making the ethers of meconic acid when rectified spirit is employed ; it is deposited gciierally after the first product of ethylomeconic acid is filtered off. On redissolving it in hot watcr two or three times and cooling the liquid a white amorphous powder is obtained the analysis of which agrees pretty nearly with the formula C, II, OZ8,which contains the elements of 1 atom meconic and 1 atom ethylorneconic acid C,,H,20,,=3H0.C,,H0,,+2 HO.C,H,O. C,,HO,,. That the substance is more than an accidental mixture appears from its behaviour with ammonia.On adding alcohol to a concentrated aqueous ammoniacal solution of the substance a deposit appears con- sisting of small radiated silky tufts; and when such an aqueous solution is evaporated to dryness at 100' C. a crystalline residue remains which is very sparingly soluble in boiling water; the more MECONIC ACID AKD ITS DERIVATTT'ES. '77 soluble portion gives with hydrochloric acid a crystalline precipitate in the form of needles. Want of material prevented the further examination of these products. Biethylomeconic Acid HO .2C H 0 .C, HO,,. -This sub-stance is found in considerable quantity in thc acid mother-liquors froni which the bodies before described have been deposited espe- cially when absolute alcohol has been used its proportionate amount appearing to depend on that of the hydrochloric acid gas passed through the solution.It remains on evaporating the liquid till acid ceases to be evolved at 10QoC. in the form of a thick oil or viscid mass which becomes a crystalline solid on cooling. It may be purified by recrystallization. The same compound may be obtained by distilling meconic acid with absolute alcohol and strong sulphuric acid. Alcohol and ether distil over and a syrupy mass remains which when poured into a comparatively large quantity of cold water yields after a while a crystalline precipitate of a rose-pink colour. On recrystallization from water it formed colourless flattened prisms which when dried at looo were found to be identical in composition with the above.Rectified spirit cannot be substituted for absolute alcohol in this process. Biethylorneconic acid in its pure state as crystallized from water occurs in the forin of long flattened colourless prisms ;under boiling water it fuses before dissolving. It is very soluble in alcohol. In the dry state it fuses at about 110' C. to a yellowish transparent liquid. Its aqueous solution readily coagulates white of egg has an acid reaction and decomposes carbonates with effervescence. It imparts a red colour to ferric salts. It is monobasic. Biethylomeconale of Ammonia.-When ammoniacal gas is passed through a solution of the ether in nearly absolute alcohol the whole becomes a yellow nearly solid mass; and this when freed by pressure from the ammoniacal alcohol and dissolved in hot spirit crystallizes in tufts of radiated yellow silky needles.This salt contains no water its colriposition being expressed by the formula NH 0.2C H 0.C, HO,,. Biethylomeconate of ammonia dissolves readily in cold water forming a yellow solution from which acids throw down the un- changed ether. The solution gives the following reactions With nitrate of silver a yellow gelatinous precipitate insoluble in boiling water and apparently unaltered by elevation of temperature ; with sulphate of copper a green gelatinous precipitate ; with acetate of lead a heavy yellowish-white; with sulphate of magnesia a crys-talline precipitate ; with the chlorides of barium strontium and calcium it produces pale yellow semi-gelatinous precipitates inso- AIR.JAMES BROWN ON SOME S.4LTS AKD luble in boiling water but readily soluble in excess of the earthy salts. The baryta-salt dried at loo" C. hits the coinposition Ba0.2 C H 0 .C, HOll. Biethylomeconic acid den heated with ammonia appears to un-dergo a change the result of which is probably an acid amide. On some Salts and Decomposition-Products of Pyromeconic Acid. By James Brown." Pyromeconic acid was discovered by Scr turn e r and long regarded as sublimed meconic acid till Robiquet in 1832 obtained meconic acid the substance from which pyromeconic acid is formed and showed that the acid obtained from opium exhibits characters different from those of the sublimed acid. He prepared the lead-salt of pyromeconic acid and showed that its formula is PbO.C, H 0,. Liebig pointed out that pyronieconic acid has the same composition as pyromizcic acid and regarded it as probable that the two acids were identical. This supposition however has been completely refuted by Stenhouse. The pyromeconic acid used in the following investigation was pre- pared by distilling impure meconic acid (prepared by twice treating crude meconate of lime with hydrochloric acid) at a temperature between 260' and 315' C. It was purified by once pressing it between bibulous paper and then subliniing at rather a low temperature in a cylindrical vessel fitted with a number of transverse diaphragms of filtering-paper. By this treatment the acid was obtained colourless and pure enough for the preparation of all its salts and products of decomposition.The acid thus obtained assumes the form of large beautiful trans- parent tables which dissolve readily in water and alcohol both at high and at low temperatures from which solutions it again crystallizes in tolerably large four-sided prisms. It is slightly acid to litmus-paper and retains this acid reaction even after three crystal- lizations from boiling water. It volatilizes completely at 100' C. a property which may be used to test its purity from paranieconic acid (with which it is always contaminated at the first sublimation), inasmuch as the latter requires a much higher temperature to vola- talize it. Pyrorneconic acid gives a deep red colour with ferric salts and forms no precipitate with the chlorides of calcium barium and man- * Phil.Mag. [a] IV 16. ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. LXXXIV 32. ~ECOMPOSITION-PRODUCTS OF PY ROMECONIC ACID. ganese or with sulphate of magnesia either at high or at low temperatures even on the addition of ammonia. With corrosive sublimate it forms after a while a white amorphous precipitate which redissolves on boiling. On treating a hot aqueous solution of pyro-meconic acid with strong caustic potash in excess and leaving it to stand for some hours it soon yields crystals consisting of the acid in its original state. A similar experiment was made with ammonia bixt it led to the Bame result in both cases the liquid became nearly black. The formula of pyromeconic acid is HO .C, H 0,.or C, H 0,. Pyroinecoizate of Baryta.-Obtained by mixing a warm amnio-niacal solution of pyromeconic acid with acetate of baryta the salt being then deposited after a short time in small colourless silky needles. In dilute solutions they do not form immediately but their formation goes on very quickly when once begun. This baryta-salt is the most soluble of all the earthy pyromeconates water at 15.5' C. dissolves 2.50 per cent of it. It is but slightly soluble in alcohol. Like all the pyromeconates it has a strong alka- line reaction and gives with sesquichloride of iron a faint red colour- ing which however is stronger when crystals of the salt are used instead of the solution. On evaporation in vacuo the salt is deposited in short prisms of a yellowish colour.It loses nothing in weight by exposure to a temperature of loo" but when more strongly heated it burns with slight incandescence without previously melting. The salt when thoroughly washed with alcohol and dried at 100"C. was found to contain BaO .C, H 0, or BaO . C, H 0 +HO. Pyromeconate of Strontia SrO . C, 11 0 + H0.-On mixing an alcoholic solution of nitrate of strontia with an alcoholic solution of pyromeconic acid which has been made ammoniacal a precipitate is immediately formed consisting of small silky needles which by recrystallization from water may be obtained in stellate groups having a ycllowish colour. The salt obtained by precipitation is colourless slightly soluble in water and alcohol at ordinary temperatures more solubie at higher temperatures and has a strong alkaline reaction.Water at 20' C. dissolves 1.3per cent of it. It does not lose weight at 100'; at higher temperatures it does not melt but burns with a slight explosion. Pyromeconate of Lime CaO. C, H 0 +H0.-Obtained in the form of small colourless silky needles by adding an excess of a solu- tion of acetate of lime to a warm ammoniacal solution of pyromeconic acid. It is slightly soluble in warm alcohol somewhat more soluble in water from which it crystallizes as the solution gradually cools in crystals of considerable magnitude. Water at 15.5' C. dissolves 0.31 per cent of it. Pyromeconate ~f Magnesia Mg0. C, H O,.-A warm aqueous solution of pyromeconic acid forms with acetate of magnesia a white SO MR.JAMES BROWN ON som SALTS AXD amorphous precipitate insoluble in water and alcohol. The reactions of this salt are exactly like those of the other pyromeconates. It does not lose weight at 100'. It appears to be the only earthy pyromeconate which contains no water. Pyromeconate of Lead PbO. C, H O,.-Robiquet obtained this salt by adding hydrated oxide of lead to a hot solution of pyromeconic acid. It may also be formed by adding a warm concentrated ammo- niacal solution of pyromeconic acid to acetate of lead whereupon thcre is immediately deposited a dense crystalline powder which rapidly increases if the liquid be briskly stirred. The crystals are but sparingly soluble in hot water and still less soluble in alcohol whether hot or cold.The precipitated salt is colourless but when exposed to daylight quickly turns yellow. It does not lose weight at looo even in the course of three or four hours. Pyrorrtecoiiate of Copper CuO. C, H O,.-S tenhouse obtained this salt by boiling the acid with hydrated oxide of copper, and leaving the filtered solution to cool. It may also be formed by mixing ammonis-sulphate of copper with a warm aqneous solution of pyromeconic acid ; a precipitate is then formed consisting of green shining crystalline needles which are very brittle and easy to pnl- verize. The crystals require a tolerably large quantity of hot water to dissolve them; in cold water and in alcohol they are but very slightly soluble. Pyrorneconate of Ferric Oxide Fe O,3.C, H 05.-This salt has been fully described by Stenhouse who obtained it by boiling pyrorneconic acid with hydrated ferric oxide or with ferric sulphatc. It may likewise be formed by adding sesquichloride of iron to a hot concentrated aqueous solution of the acid ; cinnabar-coloured crystals then gradually appear and attach thcmselves to the sides and bottom of the vessel. DECOMPOSITION-PRODUCTS OF PYKOMECONIC ACID. When a few crystals of pyromeconic acid are moistened with strong nitric acid they immediately assume a white gelatinous appearance and bubbles of nitrous acid are soon given off. On applying a moderate heat the action becomes extremely violent and remains so even if the application of heat be discontinued ; oxalic acid and hydrocyanic acid are simultaneously produced.-Sulphuric acid does not act on pyro- meconic acid in the cold but dissolves it at a gentle heat forming a colourless liquid from which the pyromeconic acid is again deposited on cooling.-W'hen chlorine is passed into a solution of pyromeconic acid no substitution-product is formed the action being apparently too violent for that result; in fact the acid is completely decom- posed and the liquid is afterwards found to contain oxalic acid though not in large quantity.-The author did not succeed in form- DECOMPOSITION-PRODUCTS OF PYROMECONIC ACID.ing an ether by passing dry hydrochloric acid gas through a solutioii of the acid in absolute alcohol the crystals which separated out from the liquid proving to be nothing but the unaltered acid.Action of Bromine on Pyromeconic Acid-M'hen bromine water is added to a strong aqueous solution of pyromeconic acid the latter being in excess the bromine is quickly taken up and there remains a colourless liquid which after standing for an hour or less de- posits beautiful small colourless crystals of Bromupyromeconic Acid C, 0,. This acid is slightly soluble in cold water somewhat more soluble in hot water and reddens litmus slightly. It dissolves readily in boiling alcohol and crystallizes from this solution in beau- tiful tables which however if the cooling be carefully conducted are replaced by short prisms. With ferric salts the acid gives a deep purple-red colour totally distinct from the red produced by the original acid.Nitric acid decomposes it with effervescence but sul-phuric acid dissolves it without visible decomposition. When sub- jected to dry distillation it fuses and afterwards blackens giving off hydrobromic acid in large quantity. If the heat be allowed to act upon it for a longer time a white crystalline substance begins to collect in the cold part of the tube; but the quantity of this substance obtained was too small for examination. The acid gives no precipitate with nitrate of silver and does not reduce the oxide to metallic silver on boiling; neither does it produce any precipitate in solutions of chloride of barium chloride of calcium or sulphate of magnesia even in presence of ammonia. With ammonio-sulphate of copper it exhibits no reaction in the cold but on the application of heat a bluish precipitate is formed.Bromop yromeconic acid is monobasic like pyromeconic acid. Lead-salt PbO. C, H Br 0,+ H0.-A warm alcoholic solution of the acid forms with an alkaline solution of acetate of lead a white precipitate consisting of small dense crystalline needles which quickly settle down to the bottom of the vessel. This salt may also be obtained by mixing the aqueous solutions of the acid and of acetate of lead and adding ammonia; but when thus prepared it is very dark-coloured. It does not lose weight at 100'. The author has likewise obtained a substitution product of pyro- meconic acid with iodine. VOL. VI.-NO. ?[XI. PROFESSOR BUNSEN ON Researches on Chemical Afllnity.By R. Bunsen.’ FIRST MEMOIR. The force which is regarded as the cause of chemical affinity may as is well known be increased and diminished by various influences. Its magnitude varies under the influence of light heat and elec- tricity; it changes with the proportion of the acting masses and is esseiitially modified by the state of aggregation of matter as well aq by the contact of the acting body with bodies substantially different. It may therefore be regarded as a function of all these influences. If the mathematical form of this function could be determined it would afford a measure of the absolute magnitude of the force itself. Claude Berthollet the celebrated author of the “Statique Chi- mique,” was the first to regard the cause of chemical phenomena from this point of view.JIis sagacious contempla.tions led him to assume that particular law of the action of masses which was named after him and is still at the present day regarded as valid and by which he thought he could express the relation of the force of chemical affinity to the mass of the combining bodies. According to this law a body to which two different substances capable of uuiting chemically with it are presented in different proportions divides itself between these substances in the ratio of the products of their relative masses into the absolute strengths of their chemical affinities for it. Thus if the masses of the two bodies which are present in excess be denoted by A and B the respective coefficients which denote their absolute affinities for the body C by cc and p and the quantities of A and R which actually combine with C by a and b; then will these quantities be to another as uA,PB i.e. a b=aA PB. Hence the rates of the absolute affinity of A to C and B to C is given by the equation CL -aB P bA It appeared to me a matter of great interest to subject this law which as yet is destitute of any experimental support to an exact investigation. The result of this exauiination has been to establish not Berthollet’s but a totally different law which promises to exert a not unimportant influence on our views of the mode of action * Ann. Ch. Pham. LXXXV. 137. RESEARCHES ON CHEMICAL AFFINITY. of chemical affinity. The substance of this new law may be corii- prised in the following theorems.1. When two or more bodies B B’ are presented in excess to the body A under circumstances favourable to their combination with it the body A always selects of tlie bodies B 23’ . . . . quantities which stand to one another in a simple stoYchiometrica1 relation; so that for 1,2,3.. . . atoms of the one compound there are always formed 1,2 3 4. . . . atoms of the other. 2. If in this manner there is fornied an atom of the compound A’ +B’ in conjunction with an atom of A + B the mass of the body R may be increased relatively to that of B‘ up to a certain limit without producing any change in that atomic proportion. 3. When a body A exerts a reducing action on a compound B+ C present in excess so that A and B conibine together and C is set free; then if G can in its turn exert a reducing action on the newly formed compound the final result of the reaction is such that the reduced part of B+ C is to the unreduced portion in a simple atomic proportion.4. In these reductions also the mass of the one constituent may without altering the existing atomic relation be increased up to a certain limit above which that relation undergoes changes by definite steps but always in the proportion of simple rational numbers. It is not surprising that these remarkable relations have hitherto passed unobserved seeing that they only arise when the phenomena of combination which are regulated by them take place quite simultaneously.For even if the body A were originally to select for combination from the bodies B and C quantities bearing to one another a simple atomic relation but the combination of &4 and B were to take place in shorter time than that of A and C it would follow of necessity that during the whole term of the process the ratio of B to C and consequently also the mutual atomic relation of the associated compounds would change so that the observed pro- portion would be no longer definite but mixed. The same result must follow if the bodies which are combining side by side be not homogeneously mixed in the beginning. Thc law will therefore be most easily recognisable when these relations do not exert a disturbing action as for example in combustible gases which before combus- tion exist in a condition of static equilibrium.I shall therefore in the following investigations chiefly avail myself of such mixtures. When carbonic oxide and hydrogen are exploded with a quantity of oxygen not sufficient to burn them completely the oxygen divides itself between the two gases according to the law above mentioned in such a manner that the quantitics of carbonic acid and water pro-duced stand to one another in a simple atomic proportion. The conibustions were made in a eudiometer which allowed the 62 PROFESSOR BUNSEN ON pressure to be varied at pleasure. (For the description of the apparatus see the original Memoir). The hydrogen used in the experiments was obtained by electrolysis and the carbonic oxide by the action of sulphuric acid upon formiate of magnesia; the latter after being washed with potash-ley was found to be quite pure.I. A mixture of detonating gas (2 vol. H + 1 vol. 0 obtained by electrolysis) and carbonic oxide containing in 100 parts Carbonic oxide . . . . 72.57 Hydrogen . . . . . 18.29 Oxygen . . . . . . 9-14 100~00 was divided into two portions. The first portion burnt in the dark at Om-7338and 22 3OC. gave for the proportions of CO and H con-sumed Found. Calculated. Carbonic oxide . . . 12.28 2 vols. 12-19 Hydrogen . . . . 6.00 1 vol. 6-09 7 7 18.28 18.28 11. The second portion burnt in the dark at Om*7324 and 22.5' C. gave Found. Calculated. Carbonic oxide . . . 12-09 2 vols. 12.19 Hydrogen .. . . 6.19 1 vol. 6-09 -18-28 18-28 111. A similar mixture containing in 100 parts Carbonic oxide . . . . 59-93 Hydrogen . . . . . 26.71 Oxygen . . . . . 13-36 when burned in daylight at O"03952 and 22*5OC. gave for the quantities consumed in 100 parts Carbonic oxide . . . 13.06 1 vo1. 13.36 Hydrogen . . . . . 13.66 1 , 13.36 In Exp. I. and II. the ratio of the oxygen to the combustible gases was 10:99.4 and that of the hydrogen to the carbonic acid 10:39.7. The mixture gave in two combustions the proportions of 1 vol. hydrogen burned to 2 vols. carbonic oxide. RESEARCHES ON CHEMICAL AFFINITY. In Exp. III. a gaseous mixture containing only 64.9 vols. combustible gases to 10 vols. oxygen and only 22.2 vols. carbonic oxide to 10 vols.hydrogen gave equal volumes of the gases consumed. In the following experiments a mixture was used containing Carbonic oxide . . . . 36-70 Hydrogen . . . . . 42-17 Oxygen . . . . . 21.13 100*00 IV. The gas was burned in three portions; the first burned in sunshine at Om*7264 and 22.5' C, gave for the quantities consumed Found. Calculated. Carbonic oxide . . 11.01 1 vol. 10.56 Hydrogen . . . . . 31-25 3 vols. 31.70 -42-26 42.26 V. The second portion burned in the dark at Omg723O and 22.6' C. ,gave Pound. Calculated. Carbonic oxide . . . 10.65 1 vol. 10.57 Hydrogen . . . . . 31-61 3 vols. 31-69 42.26 42.26 VI. The third portion burnt in daylight at Om.3169and 22' C. gave Carbonic oxide . . . 10.71 1 vol.1059 Hydrogen . . . . . 31.55 3 vols. 31.67 -42-26 42-26 VII. The next experiment was made with a mixture containing in 100 vols. Carbonic oxide . . . . 40.12 Hydrogen . . . . . 47.15 Oxygen . . . . . . 12.73 lQO*OO Burned in daylight at 23' C. and Om*7200 it gave for the quan-tities consumed Found. Calculated. Carbonic oxide . . 4.97 1 vol. 5.09 Hydrogen . . . . . 20.49 4 vols. 20.37 c1 -25-46 25.46 PROFESSOR BUNSEN OS VIII. Another mixture of unknown composition gave Found. Calculated. Carbonic oxide . . . 4-95 I vol. 5.07 Hydrogen . . . . . 10.27 2 vols. 10.15 In the mixture with which the Experiments IV. V. and VI. were made the oxygen was to the combustible gases as 10 37.3 and the hydrogen to the carbonic oxide as 10 :8.7.The three experiments show that the voluines of €I and CO consumed were as 3 1 whether the pressure to which the gases were subjected was 01"*7264 or Om.3169,and whether the combustion took place in the dark or in daylight. In Exp. VII. the oxygen was to the combustible gases as 10 (23.5 and the hydrogen to the carbonic oxide as 10:8.5. From this mixture the oxygen took 4 vols. H to 1vol. CO. Lastly in Exp. VIII. the combustion produced 2 vols. vapour of water to 1 vol. carbonic acid. The proportions of hydrogen and carbonic oxide consumed on these several gaseous mixtures correspond to five hydrates of carbonic acid of the following forms 130. 2C0,; HO. CO,; 2 HO. CO,; 3 HO. CO,; 4HO. CO,. Hence it might be imagined that the cause of the combustion taking place in these atomic proportions is to be found in the actual forma- tion of these hydrates.Closer consideration however will show that such a supposition is wholly untenable. It may indeed be easily shown that carbonic acid does not form any definite compound with water-at least at ordinary temperatures. The author has shown (in a research not yet published on the absorption of gases by liquids) that the coefficient of absorption of carbonic acid by water which is 0 8545 at 19.6' C. and 1.4698 at 4.4' C. varies exactly in proportion to the density of the gas at least within the limits observed and consequently exhibits a relation which is totally inconsistent with the formation of a hydrate of carbonic acid.Hence it is impossible to believe that carbonic acid can form as many as four or five definite compounds with water. But even if this sup- position were admissible it would still be contrary to all chemical experience that the compound 2 HO. CO should be formed at the lowest the componnd 3 HO. CO at a higher and the -hydrate 4 HO. CO at the highest temperature. We find on the contrary in all cases hitherto observed that the lower hydrates of acids bear with- out decomposition much higher temperatures than those which contain a larger quantity of water. We cannot therefore suppose that the conipound 4HO. CO, formed at the highest temperature is incapable of existing at a lower temperature and that instead of it only the compounds 3 HO.CO, 2 HO. CO, or HO. CO, are formed. But there is yet another circumstance which speaks most decidedly against this hypothesis. All the known compounds of acids with several RESEARCHES ON CHEMICAL AFFINITY. atoms of water are incapable of existing at very high temperatures whereas these hydrates of carbonic acid if they exist must be formed only at the highest temperatures and must on cooling be again resolved into carbonic acid and water. And even if all these contradictions could be reconciled by the assumption that at the high temperatures at which the combustion of the gases takes place the combining tendencies may be the reverse of those which are observed at lower degrees of heat we should still only encumber ourselves with new difficulties; for there are other phenomena relating to the same point which even this assumption is unable to explain.When oxygen is passed over red-hot charcoal carbonic acid is formed; but this gas by the further action of the charcoal is completely converted into carbonic oxide. If the oxygen gas be replaced by vapour of water the charcoal is likewise oxidized and hydrogen separated. The action does not however proceed to the complete formation of carbonic acid but stops when for every 4 vols. hydrogen separated there have been formed exactly 1vol. carbonic acid and 2 vols. carbonic oxide. A gaseous mixture obtained by this process gave by analysis the following results Found. Calculated. Hydrogen . . . . . 56-52 4 vols. 57.14 Carbonic oxide .. . 28.71 2 , 28.57 Carbonic acid . . . . 14.77 1 vol. 14.29 looooo 100~00 The same composition is found in a similar gaseous mixture analysed more than fifty years ago by Clement and Desormes Hydrogen . . . . . 56.22 Carbonic oxide . . . . 28.96 Carbonic acid . . . . 14.63 Marsh-gas . . . . 0.19 100~00 If now we suppose that the simple atomic relation of the simul- taneously formed products of decomposition results from a eombina- tion formed according to the same proportion we are met by an irreconcilable contradiction. For since the products of oxidation thus formed contain 4 atoms oxygen to 3 atoms carbon we should on the hypothesis just mentioned be obliged to admit that a body having the composition of mesoxalic acid is formed at a red heat and resolved on cooling into carbonic oxide and carbonic acid,-unless indeed we were to take refuge in the still more absurd supposition that an organic compound C3H O? corresponding in composition to the decomposition-products obtained has actually existed at the red heat but has been resolved on cooling into hydrogen carbonic oxide and carbonic acid YROFESSOR BUNSEN ON Especially remarkable is the behaviour of cyanogen when imper- fectly burned.Nitrogen is then set free and carbonic acid and carbonic oxide produced in quantities which hear to one another as the law requires a simple atomic relation. The experiment is diffi- cult inasniuch as the combustion must be made at a temperature low enough to prevent any partial oxidation of the nitrogen.To this end it is necessary to ascertain by preliminary experiments the limits of inflammability of cyanogen and then having made a mixture in proportions near that limit to compress it so far that the limit of inflammability may be just passed and the combustion in the eudi- ometer may take place without sublimation of mercury. In this manner a mixture of cyanogen free oxygen and atniospheric air con- taining in 100 parts Cyanogen . . . . . 18.05 Oxygen . . . . . . 28.87 Nitrogen . . . . . 53.08 100-00 yielded by combustion the following products Nitrogen . . . . . 17.42 3 vols. 17.42 Carbonic oxide . . . 11.93 2 vols. 11-61 Carbonic acid . . . 22-90 4 vols. 23-22 52.25 52-25 Hence it appears that the oxygen unites with the carbon of the cyanogen not to form carbonic acid or carbonic oxide alone but both together and moreover in a simple atomic proportion as if the compound CO .2 CO or C30,had been formed.As it is not possible by altering the proportions of this mixture to attain the limit at which this particular proportion passes into another without incurring the disturbing effect of a simultaneous oxidation of the nitrogen I have been obliged to give up the further prosecution of the experiments with mixtures containing cyanogen. A wider range is afforded by experiments with a mixture of carbonic acid with hydrogen and oxygen in the combustion of which the carbonic acid is exposed at the same time to the reducing action of the hydrogen and the oxidizing action of the oxygen.These experiments demonstrate the remarkable fact that the phenomena of reduction likewise take place in such a manner that the reduced and unreduced portions of the compound bear to each other a simple atomic relation. The contraction which a mixture of carbonic acid and hydrogen suffers by combustion with detonating gas is equal to the volume of the carbonic oxide formed. Moreover as the latter is equal to that of the carbonic acid reduced we have only to deduct the observed contraction from the volume of carbonic acid originally present in the ItESEhRCNES ON CHEMICAL AFFINITY. mixture and the difference will give the portion of carbonic acid which has escaped reduction. A mixture of carbonic acid hydrogen and detonating gas contain- ing 8.52per cent carbonic acid 70.33 hydrogen and 21-15 oxygen yielded in this manner 3 vols.carbonic oxide to 2 vols. carbonic acid just as if 5 atoms CO had been reduced to the compound C 0, or as if the compound 3 CO. 2CO had been formed. The gas remaining after the combustion in the last experiment was again niixed with detonating gas in such proportion as to form a mixture containing 4.41 per cent carbonic oxide 2-96carbonic acid 68.37 hydrogen and 24.26oxygen. The combustion produced an expansion showing that a portion of carbonic oxide had been burnt and converted into carbonic acid; and the quantity of CO thus oxidized was to that which remained unaltered as 1 vol. to 3 vols. corresponding to the compound C 0 or 3 CO CO,.On collecting the results of all these experiments it appears that the reducing and oxidizing actions of oxygen are exerted as if the following conipounds were thereby produced 2 CO. CO,; 3CO. GO,; 3 CO. 2 CO,; HO. 2 CO,; HO. CO,; 2 HO. CO,; 3 HO. 2 CO,; 4 HO. 2 CO,. If the formulae thus determined nearly all of which correspond to unknown compounds could be regarded as the expressims of really existing substances a mode would be found of determining before- hand by experiment the atomic relations of compounds yet unknown. But whatever signification may be attached to these remarkable formulae an6 whatever other relations may lie hid in them they must even now be regarded as the expression of a peculiar mode of action of chemical affinity; and the numbers which enter into them must be distinguished as coeficients of uflnity from the atomic numbers which are coeflcients of combination.Although the results of the preceding investigation must modify considerably our ideas of the mode of action of chemical affinity I refrain for the present from any interpretation of the law above enumerated. It appears to me to be essential to ascertain whether the same law holds good for liquids and to assign the conditions which determine the alteration of the coefficients of affinity. The limits at which these coefficients suddenly pass from one rational proportion to another and at which therefore the force of affinity is as it were in a state of instable equilibrium promise to afford the most important revelations respecting the influence of other forces which are here certainly to be detected in their minutest workings namely of light and heat and likewise of mass and contact.These relations will form the subject of a future Memoir. PROFESSOR BUNSEN ON On the Constitution of Iodide of Nitrogen. By R. nunsen.* That the elements of water are not concerned in the formation of iodide of nitrogen follows from the simple fact that a concentrated solution of iodine in absolute alcohol on being saturated with anhy- drous ammonia yields iodide of nitrogen without any decomposition of the solvent. Hence we may conclude that iodide of nitrogen contains no oxygen but only nitrogen iodine and hydrogen. More-over since in the formation of this compound from iodine and ammonia there is but one secondary product obtained viz.hydriodic acid it follows that the so-called iodide of nitrogen must be a substi-tution-product of ammonia in which the hydrogen is wholly or partially replaced by ammonia viz. 1. NH3+61+xI= N 13+3HI + XI 2. NH,+41 =NH12+2HI 3. NH3+21 =NHJ + HI Either of the compounds 1 2 or 3 might however contain am- monia or hydriodic acid in addition. But it is easily shown that hydriodic acid cannot enter into the composition of iodide of nitrogen ; for this substance dissolves in hydrochloric acid without evolution of gas forming a liquid which contains ammonia and protochloride of iodine but no hydriodic acid. This reaction shows indeed that iodide of nitrogen is a compound of the form NI NHI or NHJ either alone or combined with the elements of ammonia.Which of these two alternatives is the correct one may be easily decided if we can find the atomic proportion which the products of the decomposition of iodide of nitrogen by hydrochloric acid bear to each other. For if ammonia and protochloride of iodine are the only products thus formed the decomposition must take place in one of the following ways 4. N I,+3 HCl=3IC1+NH3 5. NH 12+2HC1=2 ICl+NH 6. NH,I + HC1= ICl+NH Hence it appears that the so-called iodide of nitrogen must be so to speak a nitrile an imide or an amide of iodine according as 3 2 or 1 atom of protochloride of iodine is separated for each atom of ammonia.Similarly we may infer that the separation of 2 atoms of ammonia to 3 atoms of protochloride of iodine would correspond to * Ann. Ch. Pharm. LXXXLV 1. THE CONSTITUTION OF IODIDE OF NITROGEN. the compound NH +NI, and the separation of 2 atoms of ammonia to 1atom of protochloride of iodine to the compound NH,+NH,I. It follows that the composition of iodide of nitrogen may be deter- mined by the products of its decomposition by hydrochloric acid viz. I. By the quantity of ammonia formed. 11. By the composition and quantity of the chloride of iodine. The ammonia is determined as usual by precipitation with chloride of platinum.-To determine the chloride of iodine the following method was used Two equal volumes of the hydrochloric solution of iodide of nitrogen are taken.In the one the iodine is precipitated by chloride of palla-dium after the chloride of iodine has been converted by sulphurous acid into hydrochloric and hydriodic acid. Let the quantity of iodine thus found be i. A known volume of an aqueous solution of sul- phurous acid is then taken in which the quantity of iodine i required to decompose the sulphurous acid has been determined by a prelimi- nary iodometric experiment. To this solution the second portion of the hydrochloric acid solution of the iodide of nitrogen is added and the quantity of iodine i then required to decompose the sulphurous acid then determined by similar means. The quantity of chlorine c contained in the chloride of iodine is then given by the equation C1 -(i -i, -i) =c.I Lastly another equal volume of the hydrochloric acid solution is evaporated over the water-bath till all the chloride of iodine is driven off and the ammouia is determined by precipitation with chloride of platinum. The iodide of nitrogen used for the analysis. was prepared by mixing cold saturated solutions of iodine and ammonia in absolute alcohol. A black powder was precipitated which could be washed with absolute alcohol without suffering the slightest decomposition. The product thus obtained was dissolved while yet moist in dilute hydrochloric acid it dissolved readily and without evolution of gas. From the resulting solution three equal volumes were measured out. The first gave 0.3290 grm.chloroplatinate of ammonium. The second gave 0.1156 grrn. palladium by ignition of the precipitated iodide of palladium. The third was added to a qiiantity of sulphurous acid which according to a preliminary experiment required 241.6 cub. cent. of iodine-solution (containing 0.005 grm. in a cub. cent.) to decompose it and the quantity of iodine still required for that purpose after the addition of the hydrochloric acid solution was found to be 131.4 cub. cent. Hence the quantity of ammonia =0.02508; also i=0-27551; PROFESSOR BWNSEN ON i,=1*2080;i,,=0.6570;whence we find for the products of the decomposition Experiment. Atomic proportion. Ammonia . . . 0.02508 2.04 Iodine . . . . 0.27551 3.00 Chlorine.. . . 0.07701 3.00 that is to say 2 atoms ammonia to 3 atoms protochloride of iodine. Consequently iodide of nitrogen can be nothing else than a compound of ammonia in which the whole of the hydrogen is replaced by iodine with an atom of undecornposed ammonia as expressed by the formula NH,,NI, this will appear more plainly from the following coni- parison of the analytical and calculated results Protochloride of Iodine. t’--A 7Atoms. Calc. Found. Iodide of Nitrogen. _.up-A--Atoms. Calc. 7 Found. C1 1 21.85 21.85 N 1 3.40 3.46 I 1 78.15 78.15 I 3 92-46 92.33 NH 1 4-14 4-21 ___- CII 100.00 100.00 NH,. NI I 00~00 100~00 Results nearly of equal accordance were obtained frotn the analysis of an iodide of nitrogen prepared by the use of less concentrated alcoholic solutions of iodine and ammonia.To determine whether iodide of nitrogen precipitated from aqueous solutions has the same coiriposition as that obtained with alcoholic solutions a dilute solution of iodine in aqua-regia was mixed with ammonia and the resulting precipitate washed as quickly as pos-sible with such a quantity of cold water that the remaining mother- liquor could not contain more than 0.01 milligrm. aminonia. The analysis of the washed precipitate conducted as before led to the formula NH,. 4NI Protochloride of Iodine. Iodide of Nitrogen. --’A. --7 -____ A--7 Atoms. Calc. Found. Atoms. Calc. Found. C1 1 21.85 21.94 N 4 3.51 3.54 I 1 78.15 78.06 I 12 93.43 95-31 NH 1 1-06 1.15 ~ ~___ _. CII 100*00 100.00 NH,.44 NI 100~00 100~00 The great facility with which the ammonio-iodide of nitropi de- composes with separation of iodine and nitrogen when continuously washed with water renders it difficult to decide directly whether the quantity of ammonia actually found in it is really chemically coni- biued or merely mechanically mixed. But an examination of the de- THE CONSTITUTION OF IODIDE OF NITROGEN composition-products obtained from ammonio-iodide of nitrogen by the action of water leads inevitably to the conclusion that the ammonia is really chemically combined. To establish this conclusion it is merely necessary to continue the washing till the greater part of the compound is decomposed with separation of iodine and nitrogen then dissolve the remaining impure iodized compound in hydrochloric acid and examine the solution as before.If by continued washing the compound NI, free from ammonia were at last produced together with free iodine separated as a pro-duct of decomposition the hydrochloric acid solution could not contain more than 1 atom ammonia to 3 atoms chloride of iodine; but if the iodide of nitrogen can only exist in combination with ammonia then however long the washing may have been continued the hydrochloric acid solution will always contain more than 1 atom ammonia to 3 atoms IC1; thus in the former case 21+NI +3 HCl=xI +3 ICl+NH and in the latter z1+XI +zNH3+3 HC1= 21+3 IC1+ NH +ZNH, To decide the question therefore a portion of the iodide of nitrogen used for the analysis was washed for several hours longer with distilled water and then left to stand for a while suspended in water.On the addition of hydrochloric acid a considerably quantity of free iodine remained undissolved The solution which besides ammonia and protochloride of iodine must likewise have contained free iodine gave when analysed as above results corresponding to 1 atom am- monia and 3 atoms protochloride of iodine together with free iodine. We may conclude then that the ammonia forms an essential con- stituent of the so-called iodide of nitrogen and that besides the compound NH .NI, there probably exists another having the composition NH .4 NI,. The manner in which these compounds are formed directly from iodine and ammonia is easily seen from the following equations 2NH3+61=NH,,NI,+3 HI and 4(NH,.NI,) $3 HO=NH, 4N13+3 NH,O. On the other hand their formation from the chloride of iodine obtained by the action of iodine in aqua-regia would be in direct contra- diction to the formula NH, NI, if that chloride were really IC13 as sometimes supposed and not IC1. For the action of ICl on ammonia could not produce NI, but only NI. This discrepancy led the author to suspect that the chloride of iodine obtained in the manner just mentioned is not really a terchloride but a protochloride,- ON THE CONSTITUTION OF IODIDE OF NITROGEN. a supposition which has been fully confirmed by experiments made in the author’s laboratory by Mr. Cohn. The formation of ammonio-iodide of nitrogen by the action of ammonia on chloride of iodine niay therefore be expressed by the following equation 2NH3+31Cl=NH,.N13+3 HCl.The view here given of this compound likewise gives an easy account of the changes which take place when it explodes. The first products of the explosive decomposition are nitrogen and hydri- odic acid NH,.NI3=3HI+2N; but the latter at the higher temperature which accompanies the decomposition must be resolved for the greater part into iodine and hydrogen; while another part of the acid must unite with another part of the compound to form iodide of ammonium and thereby set free quantities of iodine and nitrogen equivalent to this ammonia. PAGES MISSING FROM 95-96
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10. |
Titles of chemical papers in British and foreign journals, published in the year 1853 |
Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London,
Volume 6,
Issue 1,
Page 321-372
PDF (3161KB)
TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS PUBLISHED IN THE YEAR 1853. A. Acetates.-On the acetates and other compounds of alumina by Walter Crum. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 217. Acetimetry.-On acetimetry by C. G. Williams. J. Pharrn. [3) xxiv 288. Acetone.-Chemical examination of acetone by G. StudeZer. Nachr. von der Gesellsch. d. Wiss. zu Gottingen 1853 No. 9 p. 121 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 341. -On the presence of methylamine in the products accompanying acetone by C. G. Villiams. Chem. Gaz. 1853 409. Acid Acetic.-New process for manufacturing pure acetic acid by C?iristl and Yolckel. Chem. Gaz. 1853 96. .. .. New method of manufacturing pure acetic acid. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 176. Anthrani1ic.-On anthranilic benzamic and carbanilidic acids by B.W.GwZund. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 143. Arsenious.-On arsenious acid its salts and the arsenio-sulphides by 0.B. KuAn. Arch. Pharm. cxix 267 and cxxi 1 ; Chem Gaz. 1853 364. . .. On compact transparent sulphur and vitreous arsenious acid by C. Brame. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 217. .. .. On vitreous arsenious acid by C. Brame. Comp. rend. xzixvii 90. Boracic.-On the influence of water on boracic acid in borates by H. Rose. Chem. Gaz. 1853 65. .. .. On the compounds of boracic acid and water with protoxide of cobalt protoxide of nickel and oxide of zinc by 31.Rose. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 299. .. . . On the compounds of boracic acid and water with sesquioxide of iron by H. Rose. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 473. .. .. On the compounds of boracic acid and water with oxide of copper by H.Rose. Pogg. Ann. lxxxvii 598. .. .. On the compounds of boracic acid and water with oxide of lead by H. Rose. Pogg. Ann. lxxxvii 470. .. . . On the compounds of boracic acid and water with oxide of silver by H. Rose. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxviii 482. .. .. Action of boracic acid on tincture of litmus by Malagutd. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 206. VOL. V1.-NO. XXIV. Y TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Acid Boracic.-Note on the existence of boracic acid in several mineral waters and in various natural suhstances by 13. Pilhol. Compt. rend. xxxvi 3.27 ; Chem. Gaz. 1833 113. .. .. On the presence of boracic acid in the mother-liquor of the salt-springs of Bex by M. Baup. J. Pharrn. [3] iiiii 43... . . On the presence of boracic acid in the alkaline sulphureous thermal waters of Olette (Pyre‘ne‘es Orientals) by J. Bouis. Compt. rend. xxxvi 229. .. .. On the presence of boracic acid in the mineral waters of Wiesbaden and Aiu-la-Chapelle by P’resenius and Wi1dele;zstein. J. pr. Chem. lv 163; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 7G. Camphomethy1ic.-On camphomethylic acid hy A. Loir. Ann Ch Phys. [3] sxxvii 196 uxviii 483. Cam phori c.-On hvo-camphoric acid and laevocamphor by J. C/mutard. Compt. rend. xxxvii 166. Caproic.-Note on the preparation of propionic and caproic acids by A. W. Villiamson. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 204. Capry1ic.-On anhydrous caprylic acid by 1;. Chiozza. Compt. rend. xxxv 865 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxsv 229 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 88. Carbonic.-Action of carbonic acid on tincture of litmus by J.Malagufi. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxsvii 206. .. .. Apparatus for the determination of carbonic acid by Max. Scltefner. Chem. Gaz. 1853 37. . . . Action of carbonic acid on quinine and cinchonine ; form;ltbn of crystallized carbonate of quinine by 31. Lunglois. Compt. rend. xxsvii 727. .. .. Note on an apparatus for estimating carbonic acid by M.de Luca. Compt. rend. xxxvii 730. Citric.-Researches on the fermentation of citric acid by J. Persome. Compt. rend. xxsvi 197 ; Chem. Gaz. 1553 147. . . .. Improvements in the manufacture of citric and tartaric acid (Price’s Patent!. Pharrn. J. Trans. xiii 46. Formic.-On the presence of formic acid in the human secretions by D.Campbell.Chem. Gaz. 1853 310. Fumaric.-On the occurrence of fumaric acid in Corydalis bulbosa by W.FYicke. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvii 225. Gallic.-On the preparation of gallic acid from Chinese gall-nuts by G. C. Wittstein. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 444. Hippuric.-Reproduction of hippuric acid by i7r. Dessaignes. Compt. rend. xxxvii 251 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 325. Hydroc h1oric.-Volumetrical determination of sulphuric and hydrochloric acid by JL Levol. Chem. Gaz. 1853 378. Hydr0cyanic.-Determination of the strength of hydrocyanic acid by J. Robertso,?. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 105. .. .. On the estimation of iron cyanogen hydrocyanic acid and hydrosulphocyanic acid by volume analysis ; and on the quantitative determination of the sulphocyanide of potassium in saliva by T.J.Herapath. Chem. Gaz. 1833 294. Mydroferr0cyanic.-Preparation of hydroferrocjmic acid. Ann. Cli Pharm. lxxxvii 127 IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. 323 Acid Hydrof1uoric.-On the preservation of hydrofluoric acid by G. Stiide-kr. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 137. Hydros u1phuric.-On the action of sulphuretted hydrogen on picric acid by A. Girurd. Compt. rend. xxxvi 421. Kyanurenic.-On kyanurenic acid by J. Liebig. Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vi 112; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 125 ;Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 488. Meconic.-On meconic acid and its derivatives by H. How. Ed. Phil. Trans. xx pt. 3 401 ; ubstr. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 72. Moritannic-On the formula of moritannic acid by R. Wugner. Chem. Gaz. 1853 175. Nitric.-On the preparation of chemically pure nitric acid and of the nitrates of potash and soda by C.Weber. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 596. .. . . On the manufacture of nitric acid. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 428. .. .. On nitric acid as a source of the nitrogen found in plants by G. WiZson. Trans. Roy. SOC.Edinb. sx 591. .. . Were the ancient Egyptians acquainted with nitric acid? by T.J. Herapath. Phil. Mag. [4] v 339. .. .. On the supposed conversion of ammonia into nitric acid in the animal organism by C. Jafi. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 232. .. .. Xew test for nitric acid and the nitrates by E. W. D~J. Phil. Mag. [4] v 330 ; J. Yharm. [3] xxiv 205. 0leic.-Purification of oleic acid and application to manufacturing purposes (Wilson’s Patent). l’harm. J. Trans. xii 551.0xalic.-On the volumetric determination of osalic acid by F. Lieshing. Chem. Gaz. 1853 472. 0xylizaric.-On oxylizaric acid (purpurin) by H. Dcbus. Ann. Ch. Pharrn. lxxxvi 117. Paracitric-On paracitric acid and the paracitrates by F. L. Winckler. Jahrb. f. pr. Pharm. xxv 65 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 32. .. .. On the identity of Winckler’s paracitric acid with malic acid by L. Pasteur. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 75. Pe1argonic.-On anhydrous pelargonic acid by L. Chiozza. Compt. rend. xxxv 865; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 231 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853,88. a. .. On a compound of pelargonic acid with nitric oxide by L. Chiozza. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxv 225 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 123. Permanganic-On permanganic acid. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 373. Phosphoric.-On the apparent volatilization of phosphoric acid from acid solutions and on the action of hydrochloric acid on phosphate of soda by H.Freseniw. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 216. .. .. Estimation of phosphoric acid and the phosphates by means of nitrate of uranium by M. Leconte. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 80. .. .. On the determination of phosphoric acid by E. T.Bennett. Chem. Gaz. 1853 17. Picric.-Action of sulphuretted hydrogen on picric acid by A. Girard. Compt. rend. xxxvi 421. .. .. Means of detecting picric acid in beer by .J. L. Lassnigne. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 139. . . . . On the me of picric acid for distinguishing vegetable and animal fibres in stuffs by J. J.PoRl. Sitzungsber. d. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Wien ix 387; l’harm. J. Trans. xiii 183; Chem. Gaz. 1853 320.Y2 TITLES 01 CHEMICAL I’APEICb Acid Propionic.-Note on the preparation of propionic and caproic acids by A. IT.Williamson. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 204. Pyrogal1ic.-Pyrogallic acid in wood-vinegar. Ann. Ch. Pharm. l?rxxvii 256. Pyromeconie.-On some salts and products of decomposition of pyro- meconic acid by J. Brown. Phil. Mag. [4]iv 16; abstr. Chem. SOC. Qu. J-vi 78. Pyromucic.-Preparation of pyroinucic acid by A. 14. Arppe. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lsxxvii 237. Racemic.-Ne\v facts relating to the history of racemic acid by M. Kestner. Cornpt. rend. xxxvi 17.-Remarks on the preceding by M. Biot. Ibid. 1s. .. .. Notice respecting the origin of racemic acid by M. Pnsteur. Compt. rend. xxxvi 19. .. . . On racemic acid. Pharm. J. Trans.xiii 110. Salicylic.-On the sensibility of the reactions of ealirylous and salicylic acids on sesquioxide of iron by A. Dollfus. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 202. Sa1icylous.-On the formation of salicylous acid in the flowers of Spirea ulmaria by L. A Buchner. J. Pharm. [33 xsiii 321; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 87. Sebacic.-On sebacic acid by X. Curlet. Compt. rend. xxxvii 128; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 176. .. . . On an apparently new mode of formation of sebacic acid 2nd on the constitution of the acids Cn H,-,O,. by R. Wugner. Chern. Gaz. 1853 155. Stearic.-On the solid compound obtained by distilling stearic acid with lime by T. H. .Rowny. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 97. S u1phuric.-Researches on the congelation and ebullition of the hydrates of sulphuric acid by C.Marignac. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 184. .. .. On the analysis of oils by means of sulphuric acid by N.Maurnen6 .. On the manufacture of sulphuric acid by M. Gautier. Compt. rend. xxxvii 177. .. .. Improvements in the manufacture of sulphuric acid (Bell’s Patent). Pharm. J Trans. xii 45 1. Tannic.-On the preparation of the tannic acid by B. Sandrock. Chem. Gaz. 1853 199; Pharm. J. Trans. xii 597. Tartaric.-Transformation of the two tartaric acids into racemic acid. Discovery of inactive tartaric acid. New method of separating racemic acid into dextro- and Izvo- tartaric acid by L. Pasteur. Compt. rend. xxxvii 162 ; Chem. SOCQu. J. vi 77. Uric.-Preparation of uric acid by A. E. rlrppc. Ann. Ch. Pharm. hxxvii 237. Va1erianic.-On anhydrous valerianic acid by L.Cliiozza. Chem. Gaz. 1853 52. .. .. On the cacodyl of valerianic acid by W. Gibbs. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 223 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 1‘25. Acids.-On the acids contained in fungi I)y P. Zlolley. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 44 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 291 IN BRITISH AND FOBEIQN JOURNALS. 325 Acids.-On the compounds of glycerine with acids by M. Berthelot. Compt. rend. xxxvi 27 ; Chem Gaz. 1853 121. -On the acids of raye-oil by G. Sliidcler. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 133. L_ On the acid formed when potash acts on oil of bitter almonds by Prof. Gregory. Proc. Roy. Soc. of Edinh. 1853-53 195. -Action exerted by acids and by alkaline and earthly chlorides on oil of turpentine sugar alcohol and wood-spirit by AL Berthclot.Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 38. Acids Anhydrous.-Researches on the anhydrous organic acids by C Gerhardt. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 285; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 57 129. . .. On anhydrous organic acids by A. Chiozzn. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lsxsiv 106 ; lsxcv 229 ; lxxxvi 259 ; Compt. rend. xxxvi 632; Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xssix lC6; Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 184. .. .. Additional researches on the anhydrous acids by C. Gerhardt and L. Chiozza. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1050; Ann. Ch.Pharm. lxxxvii 290 .. .. Report on a memoir by M. Gerhardt entitled “ Researches on the anhydrous organic acids” by M. Dumus. Compt. rend. xxxvi 505 ; J. Pharin. [s] xxiv 81 ; Pharin. J. Trans. xiii 71. .. .. On Gerhardt’s discovery of anhydrous organic acids by A. W. TYilliamsoii.Chem. Gaz. 1853 137. Fatty.-Researches on the fatty acids by W. Heintz. Chem. Gaz. 1853 41. .. .. On the use of the fatty acids as a source of light by J. Curnbaci?res. Chem. Gaz. 1853 175. lsoineric.-Facts relating to the history of the isomeric acids by J. Goltlieb. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxiii 227; Ann. Ch. Yhys. [3] xxxviii 363. Farther Ann. Ch. Pharin. Ixxxv 17. Organic. -On certain organic acids by L. Ghiozza. Compt. rend. xxxvi 701. lEsculin.-Addendurn to the inemoir on aesculin by Fr. Roclrledw. Ann. Ch. Pharrn. Ixxxvii 200. -On teesculin by F. Hochleder and R. Schwarlz. Ann. Ch. Phys [31 xxxviii 373 ; J. Pharm. (3) xxiv 292. Affinity.-Researches on chemical affinity by R. Bunsen. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 137 ; Ann. Ch. Phys.[3] xxxviii 344 ; Chern. SOC.Qu. J. vi 82. -On chemical affinity by H. Dcbus. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxv 103; lxxxvi 156 ; Ixuxvii 238. Air.-Researches on the composition of atmospheric air :by V.Regnault. Ann. Ch. Phys. xxxvi 385. -On the composition of the air contained in vegetable mould by Bouss.’ngault and Lkwy. Ann. Ch. Phys. (31 xxxvii 5. -Specific heat of air by IV. J. M.Raukine. Phil. Mag. [4) v 437. Air-pump.-Improvements in the air-pump by M. Brelon. Compt. rend. xxsvi 567.-Report thereupon by 171. Reyiier. Ibid. 1068. A1bumin.-On albumin and casein by N. Lieberkiihn. Pogg. Ann. IxxxVi 117 296 ; ahst?.. J. I’harm. [3] xxiii 395. -On the presence of albumin in inilk in the normal state by M. Quhpnne. .J. Pharm. 13) xxiv 94. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Albumin.-New observations on a1l)umino’idal substances by M.Panurn. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 237 ;J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 238. -Researches on albumino’idal substances :by C. Leronte and A. de Gournuens. Compt. rend. xxxvi 837 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 17. Alco ho1.-New process for recognizing the presence of alcohol in essential oils by M. 06erdorfer. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 73. -Action exerted by acids and by alkaline and earthy chlorides on alcohol by 111. Bertlielot. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 38. Alcohols.-On the acidification of alcohols by oxygen gas or atmospheric air by R. Ruilton. Chem. SOC.Qu. J vi 205. -On the atomic weight and constitution of the alcohols by F. WrigAtson. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 88. -On butylic alcohol by A.Wurtz. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxw 197. -On caproic alcohol by M. Fuget. Compt. rend. xxxvii 730. -On caprylic alcohol by WZadimir Mosclinin. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 11 1. -On propionic alcohol by G. Chancel. Compt. rend. xxxvii 410; Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 287. Aldehyde.-On the occurrence of aldehyde among the products of the distil- lation of sugar by C. Yolckel. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 303. -On aldehyde-ammonia. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 375. Aldeh ydes.-On a new mode of formation of the aldehydes by L. Chiazza. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 232. Alkali.-Improvements in the manufacture of alkali (Greenshield’s Patent). Chem. Gaz. 1853 438. A1 ka1ies.-New and ready method of determining the alkalies in minerals by J. L. Smith. Sill. Am.J. [a] xv 234; xvi 53; Chem. Gaz 1853 252 333. -Researches on the cinchona alkaloyds by L. Pustezcr. Compt. rend. xxxvii 110 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 16 ; Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 273. -On the tests for the cinchona alkaloids by 3’. L. Winckler. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 422. -Researches on a new alkali (piperidine) derived from piperine by A. Cuhours. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 38. -Production of the ethylic and methylic alkaloids by mearis of chloride of ammonium by 131. Uerthelot. Ann. Ch. Phys. [33 xxxviii 38. -On some new basic products obtained by the decomposition of the vegetable alkaloxds by II. How. Chem. SOC. Qu. J. vi 125. -Action of alkalis on sugar. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 348 393. -General process for the detection of the alkalo’ids in cases of poisoning by G.Slas. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 132. Alloxan.-On a spontaneous metamorphosis of alloxan by Prof. Gregory. Proc. Roy. SOC. Edinb. 1832-53 197 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxviii 126. Alloys -On alloys considered with reference to their chemical constitution by A. Leuol. Ann. Ch. Phys. [33 xxxix 163. -On the position of alloys and amalgams in the thermo-electric series by W.Rollmanir. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 90. -On the analysis of alloys of copper and zinc by 11.Spivyntis. J. pr. Chem. vii 184 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 260. -Note on a new alloy of silver by (-I. RnriwZ. Chem. Gaz. 1853 15. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. Alloy s.-Improvements in depositing alloys of metals (Marris and Johnston's Patent). Pharm. J. Trans.xiii 233. Alum.-Note on cubic alum by 11. Loeml. Compt. rend. xxxvi 595. Alumina.-On the presence of alumina in Bog-head coal and on the use of the ashes of the latter in the manufacture of alum He?-apath. Chem. Gaz. 1853 169. -2'. by J. On the acetates and other compounds of alumina by JVaZter Crum. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 217. -New reagent for precipitating alumina from its acid solutions by M. ?'issin.. Compt. rend. xxxvii 245. -On the separation of alumina from oxide of chromium :by Dexter. Pogg. Ann. lxsxix 143. Amalgamation.-On the reactions on which the American amalgamation process depends and on the extraction of silver by means of arnal-gamation by Dr. Knrsten. Chem. Gaz. 1853 141. Amber.-On cavities in amber containing gases and liquids by D.Brewster Phil. Mag. [4] v 233. Amides.-Researches on the amides by C. Gerhardt and L. Chiozza. Ann. Ch. I'harm. Ixsxvii 296 ; Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 193. -Note on the theory of the amides by A. Wurtz. Compt. rend. xxxvii 246 357. -Note on the theory of the amides by C. Gerhurdb. Compt. rend. xxxvii 28 1. Ammonia.-Note on the use of graduated solutions for determining the quantity of ammonia in waters by JI. Bineau. Compt. rend. xxwi 1039. -Method of getting rid of sal-ammoniac in analysis by J. L. Smith. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 94. -New researches on the ammonia in the atmosphere by J. Pierre. Compt. rend. xxxvi 694. -On the quantity of ammonia in rain-water collected at a distance from towns by ill. Boussingazclt.Compt. rend. xxxvii 207. -On the action of ammoniacal bases upon oil of mustard by 2'. Hinter- bergw. Chem. Gaz. 1853 71. -On the combustion of ammonia &c. by the green oxide of chromium by J. E. AsJdy. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 97. -On the reaction of ammonia on certain metallic arsenites by A. Girard. Compt. rend. xxxvi 793. -Actiori of ammonia on sulphamylate of lime by 31. Berthdot. Compt rend. xxxvi 1098. -On the supposed conversion of ammonia into nitric acid in the animal body by C. Juflk'. J. pr. Chem. lix 238 ; J. Pharm. (31 xxiv 373 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 232. -On the determination of the ammonia contained in waters by M. Bous-sinymlt. Compt. rend. xxxvi 814 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 319. -Manufacture of ammonia and ammoniacal salts.Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 29 63 112. -On the fabrication of sal-ammoniac by JfX. Mohrlin and Stall. Bull. de la SOC.industr. de Mulhouse xxiv 375. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Ammonia.-On the estimation of ammonia in waters by Jf. Boussingault. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 257. Amygda1in.-On the presence of amygdalin in various plants. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 450. Amy1.-On the preparation of carbonate of amyl by J. A. Bruce. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 16. -On the action of ammonia on sulphamylate of lime by M. Berthelot. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 372. Anzesthe tic Agent s.-Consideration's on amsthetic agents by M. Jobert. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1031. Analysis.-New general method of chemical analysis by 22'. Suinte-CZaCe DeviZZe. Ann. Ch.Phys. [3] xxxviii 5. -On a method of volumetric analysis of very general application by R,Bunsen. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 265. -A method of getting rid of sal-ammoniac in analysis by J. L. Smith. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 94 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 115. -Note on the use of chlorine in analysis by NM. Rivot Beudunt and Daguin. Compt. rend. xxxvii 126 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 169. I_ On the use of cyanide of potassium in analytical chemistry by H. Rose. Pogg. Ann. xc 193. -AnaIytical notes by A. B. Northcote and A. H. CJiurch. Chem. SOC. Qu. J. vi 53. 1. Action of caustic potash on the phosphates. 2. On the behaviour of some oxides with caustic potash in the presence of oxide of chromium. -Contributions to analytical chemistry by W. Gibbs.Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvi 52. Separation of manganese from potash and soda; from baryta atrontia lime magnesia and alumina ; from zinc and nickel. -On volumetrical analysis. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 284. Aniline.-Test for aniline. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvii 376 -Test for aniline by F. BeissenJiirtz. Chem. Gaz. 1853 434. An t.-Chemical investigation of the Mexican honey-ant by C. M. Wetherill. Chem Gaz. 1853 72. Antimony.-On the isomeric compounds of sulphur and antimony by H Rose. Ber. d. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berlin 1853 242; Chem. Gaz. 1853. 290. -On the isomeric modifications of sulphide.of antimony by H. Row. Pogg. Ann. lxxsix 122. -On the compounds of sulphide of antimony with antimonic oxide by H. Rose. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 316.-Action of antimony upon certain classes of salts by J. W. Slater. Chem. Gaz. 1853 329. -On the fluorine-salts of antimony by F. A. Fliirkiger. Chem. Gaz. 1853. 1. -On the sulphide of antimony by F. Wackenroder. Arch. Pharm. [2] luxi 207; J. Pharm [3] xxiii 156. -Note on the sulphantimoniate of copper and zinc by Prof Etlling. Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vi 140. IN BRITTSIX AND FOREIGN JOUIINALS. Antimony.-On the preparation of lakes by means of chloride of antimony Schweiz. Gewerbeblatt xi 2 17 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853,275. Antiquities.-Analyses of several artificial products of high antiquity by N. Girardin. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 165 252 324. Aqua-regia -Use of aqua-regia in testing for poisons by Gaultier de Clauby. J. Pharrn. [3] xxiii 27 209.-Remarks on the same by Mdaguti and Sarzeaud.Ibid. 296. Arbutine.-on arbutine by M. KawaEier. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xsxviii 375. -On arbutine by BochZedet* and Sclzwartz. J.Pharm. [3] xxiv 293. Arctostaphy1os.-Examination of the leaves of Arcfostapphylos Ura UrSa by A. KawaEier. Chem. Gaz. 1853 61. Arnica.-Adulteration of arnica leaves. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 400. Arsenic.-On arsenious acid its salts and the arsenio-sulphides by 0. B. Kuhn. Arch. Pharm. cxix 267 and cxxi 1 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 364. -On vitreous arsenious acid by C. BramP. Compt. rend. xxxvii 90. -Action of arsenic upon certain classes of salts by J. h? Draper. Chem. Gaz. 1853 329. -On the use of molybdate of ammonia as a test for arsenic in medico-legal investigations by H.Struve. J. pr. Chem. lviii 193; J. Pharm. [3'] xxiv 371 ; Pharrn. J. Trans xiii 182. -On the toxicological relations of arsenious and arsenic acids by M Sclwof. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 294. -On the reduction of arsenic and antimony by means of cyanide of potassium by H. Rose. Bericht d. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berlin 1853 441 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 400. -On the use of aqua-regia in searching for arsenic localized in the viscera by Mulaguti and Sarzeaud. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 27. -Comparative experiments on the use of hydrate of magnesia and hydrated sesquioxide of iron as antidotes for arsenic by it7. D. Schroy, N. Repert. Pharm. i 447; 5. Pharm. [a] xxiii 230; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 38. -Insolubility of native realgar (As S2)in carbonate of ammonia by C.G Williams. Chem. Gaz. 1853 252. Arsen ites.-On the action of ammonia on certain metallic arsenites by A. Girard. Compt. rend xxxvi 793. Ashes.-Analysis of the ashes of Erica carneu and Calluma vulgaris SaZisb. and of the soils on which they grow by C. F. Rolhe. Ann. Ch. Pharin. lxxxvii 118 -Analysis of the ashes of vetch-seed from Neufchatel by J. Cohen. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxiv 288. Asphalt.-On asphalt from Canton Neuenburg by C. VoZckeZ. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxsvii 139. Aspirator.-New gasometer serving as a pneumatic trough and as an aspirator by &I. Tiferau. Compt. rend. xxxvii 51. -On a new aspirator by T. Aitdrem. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 603 ;Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 263. Assaying.-Abstract of the assays performed at the &ole des Mines by MM.Rivot Beudatit Duguin and Boziqurt. Ann. Min. [Fi] iii 521. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Atomic Weights.-Addition to a memoir entitled " Researches on the relations between the atomic weights and specific heat of elementary bodies" by M. Graniw. Compt. rend. sxxvii 130. -On the relations between the atomic weights of analogous elements by J. 11. Gkdstone. Phil. Mag. [4] v 313. Azobenzide.-Note upon azobenzide and seminaphthalidine by N. Zinin. Bull. de St. Yetersb. Phys. Math. C1. x 345; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxsxv 328 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 32. 13. Balance.-On an improved assay balance by G. H. Makins. Chem. SOC. Qu. J. vi 36. -On a new baIance for taking the tare of vessels. J. Pharm. [3) xxiv 354. Balsams.-Adulteration of Peru and Tolu balsams ; by G.Ulex. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 549. Bark.-On a bark called Heetoo used in Abyssinia with some remarks on the Korarima and on Koussoo by J. Vaughan. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 587. Barmin.-On the equivalent weights of platinum and barmium by T. Andrews. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 255. Baryta.-Manufacture of caustic baryta from the carbonate by MM. LPpEay and Dubrunfaut. Chem. Gaz 1853 388. Bases.-Contributions to the history of the volatile bases; by A. v. Planla and A. KekuX Ann. Ch. Yharm. lssxvii 1. Bee.-Chemical examination of the food of the queen-bee by C. M. Wetherill. Chern. Gaz. 1853 91. Beer.-Means of detecting picric acid in beer by J. L. Lassaigw. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 139. Bees.-Remedy for the stings of bees.Chem. Gaz. 1553,36. Beet.-Kote on the chemical composition of the beet-root cultivated in the alumino-siliceous soils of the Loire-Inf4rieure by M. Bobierre. Compt. rend. xxxvi 31 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 154. Benzoates.-On benzoate of potash by 7Y. Gregory Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxsvii 125. Bismuth.-Researches on bismuth by R. Schneider. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 46; xc 166. -On mngistery of bismuth and certain other compounds of nitric acid with oxide of bismuth. J. Pharm. [3] sxiii 319. Bitter Principles.-On certain bitter principles by Fr. Rochkder and R. Schwartz. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 186 ; J. Yharm. [3] xxiii 474. Blast Furnaces. -On the arrangement of the materials in the blast furnace and the application of the waste gases by S.H. Blackmore. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxv 188 243. Bleaching.-On the mode of testing the strength of bleaching liquors by F. Lieshing. Chem. Gaz. 1853 139. Blood.-On the crystallizable matter of the blood by M. Leltmann. J. pr. Chem. lviii 95 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 365. IN BRTTESM AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. nlood.-On a new method of coagulating blood in the arteries and its application to the cure of aneurisms by M. Yrevaz. Compt. rend. xxxvi 88. -Further observations of the crystallizable method of the blood by C. G. Lphmunn. Ber. d. Gesellsch. d. Wiss. zu Leipzig. Math.-Phys. Classe 1852 78 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 447. Boiler.-Note on a new steam-boiler by M. Boutigny. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 53. Bo n e.-Improvements in producing ornamental surfaces in metal ivory or bone (Skinner’s Patent).Chem. Gaz. 1853 59. Bones.-On the alteration of bones in the soil by Kindlet-. Pogg. Ann. Ixsxvii 61 1. Berates.-Examination of a natural product imported from America and partly consisting of the borates of soda and lime by L. 22. Lecanu. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 22; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 184; Compt. rend. xxxvi 5SO. Brain.-Comparative investigation of the quantities of water and fat in the brain by .T. Huufland R.Walther. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 42. -On the brain by E. v. Bibra. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 201. -On the brain of the new-born infant by J. Schlossbergw. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvi 119. Bran.-On the chemical composition of bran hy M. Poggiale. Compt. rend. xxxviiJ 171 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 198.-On the influence of the glucosic ferments contained in bran on the process of panification by M. Mouri4s. Compt. rend. xxxvii 427. -Report by M. Chevreul on a memoir by M. Mourie‘s entitled “On the proximate principles of wheat-bran of their action in panification and in the nutrition of animals.” Compt. rend. xxxvii 775. Brandy.-Means of detecting and separating copper from brandy. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 294. Brass.-Fire-proof bronze-colour for copper and brass by M. UiensC. Chem. Gaz. 1853 119. Bread.-Examination of the bread supplied to the troops of the various European powers and of the chemical composition of bran by M. Poggiak. Comi’t. rend. xxxvii 171 ; J. Pharm. [S] xxiii 198. -Experiments to determine the cause of the difference between new and stale bread by M.Boussinguult. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvi 490 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 47. Bromine.-On a process for determining the equivalents of certain fluid hydrocarbons by means of bromine by C. G. Williums. Chem. Gaz. 1853,365. Bronze.-On the alteration of bronzes used for the sheating of the ships. Compt. rend. xxxvii 131. Burette.-On a new burette by R.Kerstiny. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 33. Butter.-On butter by W. Heintz. Pogg. Ann. xc 137. -On the composition of butter by W.Heinfz. Ber. d. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berlin 1553 303; Chem. Gaz. 1853 44 1. Buty1.-On butylic alcohol by A. 7Vut.t~. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 197. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS C. Cacody1.-On the cacodyl of valerianic acid by 7Y. Gibbs. Chem.Gaz. 1853 125. Cadmium.-On an artificial production of Greenockite and of some other compounds of cadmium by E. SchiiZer. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvii 31. Calico-printing.-On the applicability of molybdic acid and the molybdates in dyeing and calico-printing by W. H. Kuww. Chem. Gaz 1853 435. -Analysis of a new alloy for the plates for calico-printing. J. pr. Chem. 192 ; J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxv 68. Cal1una.-Analysis of the ashes of Erica curnea and Cullma vulgaris Salisb. and of the soils on which they grow by C. F. Rothe. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvii. 118. Camphor.-On the different kinds of camphor and on oil of camphor by Th.Jfurtius. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 472. -On lzvocamphoric acid and laevocamphor by J. Chuutard. Compt. rend. xxxvii 166 ; J.Pharm. [3] xxiii 168. Camphors.-Caniphor from oil of sassafras. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 376. Cantharides.-On the nature of the fat of Cantharides by Dr. Gossmann. Ann. Ch . I’harm. lxxxvi 3 17. Caoutchouc.-On caoutchouc and gutta percha by f? C. Culvert. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 423. Capro y1.-On caproic alcohol by M. Fu!pt. Compt. rend. xxxvii 730. C apry1.-On caprylic alcohol by Wladimir Moschnin. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 11 1. C arbon.-Observations on carbon and on the difference of temperature of the induced luminous poles by M. Despretz. Compt. rend. xxxvii 369. -On the detection of sulphide of carbon by A. J’oyel. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 369. Carbonates.-On the occurrence of crystallized carbonate of lanthanum by W. 0. BZuke. Sill.Am. J. [2] xvi 228. -Improvenients in the manufacture of carbonates of soda (W. E. Newton’s Patent). Chern. Gaz. 1853 359. -On the preparation of carbonate of potash by C. Weber. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 45. -On the preparation of carbonate of amyl by J. A. Bruce. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 16. Casein.-On albumin and casein by N. Lieberkiihn. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxvi 117 298 ; abstr. J. Pharm. [3] xsiii 398. CataIysis.-Additional observations on catalytic combustion by J. E. Ashby. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 77. Cellulose.-Discovery of a substance in the human body which gives the same reactions as vegetable cellulose by M. Virchow. Compt. rend. xxxvi 492. Cement.-Improved cement for resisting fire (Reale’s Patent). Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 234.IN BRITISIF AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. Charcoal.-New process for determining the commercial value of animal charcoal by M. Corerrwinder. Compt. rend. xxxvii 610. -Memoir on wood-charcoal by M. Violetle. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 291. -Second memoir on charcoal by M. Yioldte. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 172. Chemical Action.-Researches on the quantities of heat disengaged in chemical and molecular actions (3rd 4th and 5th parts-Conclusion) by P. A. Favre and J. T. Silbermann. Ann. Ch. Phys. L3] xxxvii 406. -Note on the chemical compounds produced by slow action at the contact of solids and liquids by M. Becquercl. Compt. rend. xxxvi 209. -Considerations on the theory of chemical changes and on the law of equivalent volumes by 7'.S. Hzcnt. Sill.Am. J. [a] xv 226. Chemical Chang es.-Considerations on the theory of chemical changes and on equivalent volumes by T. S. Hunt. Phil. Mag. [4] v 326. Chemical Combination.-On the heat of chemical combination by 5". roods. Phil. Mag. [43 v 10. Chemical Composition.-New researches on the relations which may exist between crystalline form chemical composition and rotatory power by L. Pastew. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 437.-Report thereupon by H. de Senarmont. Compt. rend. xxxvi 757. Chemical Forces.-On the economical production of mechanical effect from chemical forces by J. P. Joule. Phil. Mag. [4] v I. -On the mechanical effect of heat and chemical forces by T.J. Rankine. Phil. Mag. [4] v 6 Chicory.-On the means of detecting chicory in coffee by J.L. Lussaigne. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 224. Chlorides.-Action exerted by acids and by alkaline and earthy chlorides on oil of turpentine sugar alcohol and wood-spirit by LM.Berthelot. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 38. -Compounds of the sulphides of ethyl and methyl with certain metallic chlorides by A. Low. J. Pharm. [3] xxxv 251 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 363 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 361 ; Compt. rend. xxxvi 1093. -On the analysis of mineral waters containing chloride of magnesium by M. Tillmanns. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 234. Chlorine.-On a new method of determining the amount of available chlorine contained in hypochlorites of lime potash or soda by A. P. Price. Chem. Gaz. 1853 4 19. -Note on the use of chlorine in analyses by NLW. Rivot Beudunt and Daguin.Cornpt. rend. xxxvii 126 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 169 -Improvements in the manufacture of chlorine (Pattinson's Patent} Yharm. J. Trans. xii 354. Chloroform.-On the nature of the oily substance existing in commercial chloroform by H. Peatberton. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 599 Chromium.-On the behaviour of certain oxides with caustic potash in the presence of oxide of chromium by A. 13. Northcofe and A. N.Church. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 54. -On minerals accompanying chromic iron by 7'. H. Garret. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 332. -On the separation of alumiria from oxide of chromium by Deder. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 142. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Chromium.-On the toxicology of bichromate of potash by M. Jaillard. J. Pharm. [5] xxiv 39. -On the combustion of ammonia &c.by the green oxide of chromium by J. E. Ashby. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 97. -On the preparation of chrorne-yellow by 1lfJf. Biot and Belisse Pharm. J. Trans. siii 139. -Cheap method of preparing chrorne-red by Prof. Runye. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 90. Cinch ona.-Manufacture of chromate and bichromate of potash from chromic iron or chrome ore (J. Booth's Patent). Chem. Gaz. 1853,475. -Researches on the cinchona-alkaloids by L. Pusteur. Compt. rend. xxxvii 110; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 161 ; Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 273. Cinchonine.-Action of carbonic acid on quinine and cinchonine by M. Langlois. Compt. rend. xxxvii 727. Citrates.-On the crystalline forms of certain citrates by J. C. Heusser. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 121.-On the adulteration of commercial citrate of iron and quinine by C. G. Williams. Chem. Gaz. 1853 269. Clay.-Analysis of light-grey clay from Wiesloch by J. Moser. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxsxv 99. -On plastic clay (terre molle) by 3f.Bni*resxiE. J. Pharm. [3] xxii 444. Coal.-Description of a brown coal deposit in Brandon Vermont U.S. by E. IIitchcock. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 95. -On the presence of alumina in Bog-head coal and on the use of the ashes of the latter in the manufacture of alum by T. J. Hempath. Chem. Gaz. 1853 169. -Improved method of treating coal and bituminous substances and improvements in the treatment of their volatile products (W. Brown's Patent). Chem. Gaz. 1853 4713. Cobalt.-On an allotropic modification of cobalt by F.A. Genfh. Chem. Gaz. 1853 91. -On the new compounds for cobalt described by Fre'my and others by Prof. Gregory. Proc. Roy. SOC.Edinb. 1852-53 193; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 125. -Researches on cobalt by E. Fdmy. Ann. Ch. Phys. xxxv 257 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 201. -On a new saline compound of cobalt by E. St. Ewe. Ann. Ch. Phys. [S] xxxviii 177. -Cobalt-yellow. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 496. -On the compounds of boracic acid and water with protoxide of cobalt by H. Rose. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxviii 299. -On the passive state of nickel and cobalt by J. Nickle's. Compt. rend. xxxvii 284. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 128. On the presence of nickel and cobalt in ferruginous waters and Separation of nickel from cobalt. on a process for isolating them by 0.Henry. J Pharrn. [3] xxiv 305. Coca,-On coca leaves by H. 7Furkenroder. Pharrn J. Trans. xiii 224. -On the pr0pertiF-s and composition of the coca-leaf by Prof. Jolmstow. Chem. Gaz. 1653 438. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. Codeine.-On the rotatory power of codeine by Bouchardut and F. BoudeL. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 288. Coffee.-On coffee as a beverage comidered in a chemico-physiological point of view by 3. Lehmttnn. Ann. Ch Pharm. lxxxvii 205 275. -Examination of the chicoried coffees found in commerce by A. Xarquis. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 210. Cohesion.-Memoir on cohesion by N Sepin. Compt. rend. sxxvii 698. Coke.-On the purification of iron and coke from sulphur. J. Fr. Inat. [3] xxv 47. Colouring Matter.-On the constitution of the colouring matters of madder by E.Schunck. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 187. -On a new yellow colouring matter in the root-bark of Rhamnus frctngulu by L. A. Biichner. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 218 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 50. -Wurrus a dye from Rofllera tinctoria by z). Huubwy. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 589. -Fire-proof bronze-colour for copper and brass by M. Dienst. Chem. Gaz. 1853 119. -Report on English colours by E. Ehrmann. Bull. SOC.Ind. de Mul- house. No. 115 p.. 400. Copper.-On copper smelting by J. Napier. Phil. Mag. [4] v 30 175 345 486. -On the compounds of boracic acid and water with oxide of copper by H. Xosc. Pogg. Ann.lxxxvii 587. -On the chemical compounds of copper and tin and on mixtures of these metals constituting non-chemical alloys by M.Riefel. Compt. rend. xxsvii 450. -On the analysis of alloys of copper and zinc by H. Spirgatis. J. pr. Chem. lvii 84 ;Chem. Gaz. 1853 260. -Note on sulphantimoniate of copper and zinc by Prof. Eftling. Chem. Sac. Qu. J. vi 140. -On certain compounds of copper with cyanogen by A. Dufau. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1099. -On several new sulphites of cuprous oxide by L. Pe‘an de St. G2ka. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 45 Compt. rend. xxxvi 1086-Remarks thereupon by M. Chevreul. Ibid. 1089. -On grey copper (probably a new mineral) from Cabarras County N. C. by F. A. Genth. Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 83. -Chloride of zinc as a solvent for copper. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 233. -On the determination of copper and nickel in quantitative analysis by L).Forbes. Chem. Gaz. 1853 276. -Means of detecting and separating copper in brandy. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 294. -On the volumetric determination of copper by F.Lieshing. Chem. Gaz. 1853 472. Coryda1is.-On the occurrence of fumaric acid in Corydulis budbosa by TK Vicke. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lsxxvii 225. Cotton.-On the nature of cotton and on a peculiar fibre of that plant not capable of taking colours by ?V. Crurn. Bull. de la SOC.Industr. de Mulhouse xxiii 277. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Cotton.-On the detection of silk wool linen and cotton fibres in textile fabrics by G. C. Fittstein. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 181. -On the detection of cotton in unbleached linen by 0. Zimmermanii. Chern. Gaz. 1853 99.Crayons.-Crayons for writing on glass by R. BrunnqueZZ. Chem. Gaz. 1853 193. Creosote -Contributions to the history of creosote and of some of its pro- ducts of decomposition by Gorup-Besanez. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 223. -On the behaviour of creosote with lime at a high temperature by C. Yiilckel. Ann Ch. Pharm. lxuxvii 306. -On creosote by Gorup-Besauez. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 289. Crystallography.-New researches on the relations which may exist between crystalline form chemical composition and rotatory power by L. Pasteur. Ann. Ch. Phys. [33 xxxviii 437.-Report on the same by H. de Seriarmont. Compt. rend. xxxvi 751. -On pseudomorphoses with consideration of the method of dis-tinguishing certain varieties of them by Th.Scheerer.Pogg. Ann. xc 315. -Chemico-crystallographical investigations by C. Rammekrberg. Pogg. Ann. xc 12. -Researches on the slow formation of crystals at ordinary temperatures by M. Lmalle. Compt. rend. xxxvi 493. -On the production of crystalline structure in crystallized powders by compression and traction by D. Brewster. Trans. Roy. SOC.Edinb. xx 335; Phil. Mag. [+I] vi 260; abstr. Proc. Roy. SOC. Edinb. 1852-53 578. -On circular crystals by D. Brewster. Trans. Roy. SOC.Edinb. xx 607; ~b~tr. Proc. Roy. SOC.Edinb. 1852-53 188. -On the optical phenomena and crystallization of tourmaline titanium and quartz within mica amethyst and topaz by D. Brewster. Trans. Roy. SOC.Edinb. XY 547; Proc. Roy. SOC.Edinb. 1852-53 158; ' Phil.Mag. [4] vi 265. -Report on six memoirs by M. Brame on the phenomena which accom-pany the crystallization of sulphur phosphorus and several other bodies by M. Dufre;Zoy. Compt. rend. xxxvi 463. -On some crystals from the sea-coast of Africa by J. PearsaZZ. Chem. Gaz. 1853 418. Cyanides.-Method of estimating the value of cyanide of mercury by F. Lieshing. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 279. -On some double salts of cyanide of mercury by G. Kohl and A. Swoboda. Chem. Gaz. 1853 70. -On the manufacture of cyanide of potassium by means of atmospheric nitrogen. Pharm. J. Trans. siii 291. Cyanogen.-Analysis of commercial cyanide of potassium by MM. Fordos and Ge'lis. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 48. -On the use of cyanide of potassium in analytical chemistry by H.Rose. Pogg. Ann. xc 193. -On certain compounds of copper with cyaiiogen by A. Dufuu. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1099. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURN.4LS. CyanOKen.-On the analysis of difficultly decomposible cyanogen-compounds by P.BolZey. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 254. -On the estimation of cyanogen by volume-analysis hy T.J. Herapalh. Chem. Gaz. 1853 294. -On the preparation of alkaline cyanide for technical purposes by R. Wagner. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 141. -On the fabrication and valuation of various cyanogen-compounds by R. BrzcnnquelE. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 226. -On the decomposition of the cyanic ethers by A. Vurlz. Compt. rend. xxxvii 180. D. Did ymium.-Researches on didymium and its principal compounds by C.Marignac. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 148; Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vi 260. Digestion.-New researches on the digestion of amylaceous matters followed by considerations on digestion in general by M. BZondZot. Compt. rend. xxxvii 753. Dis tillation.-Further examination of the products of the dry distillation of organic bodies by C. VoZckel. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 59. D yeing.-Chemical researches on dyeing. Ninth memoir On the action which solid bodies while they retain the solid state may exercise on a liquid which holds a solid or a gas in solution by M. Chevrezd. Compt. rend. xxxvi 981. -On the introduction of sulphopurpurate of soda (carmin d’indzgo rouge) into wool and silk dyeing by E. Huefely. Bull.de la SOC.Industr. de Mulhouse xxiv 32 l.-Report thereupon by C. KoechZin. Ibid. 328. -Method of detecting the dyes which have been used in the dyeing of stuffs. Cheru. Gaz. 1853,218. -Improvement in the production of the (‘Bleu de France” on wool. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxv 69. -On the applicability of molybdic acid and the molybdates to dyeing and calico-printing by 7T. H. Zurrer. Chem. Gaz. 1853 435. Dye-stuff.-& a new dye-stuff from China by W. Stein. Chem. Gaz. 1853 221. Dye-stuffs.-Importation of Wurrus. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 284. Dye-woods.-Preparation of dye-woods (Brazil’s Patent). Chem 1853 19. Earths.-On edibfe earths by Dr. Ehrenherg. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 142. Electrici ty.-Distribution of electricity on the surface of bodies by ’ M.Bourbouze. Compt. rend. xxxvi 616. -On the law of electrolysis by H. Bufi Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 1 i Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 47. -On some anomalous cases of electrical decomposition by ?K R. Grove. Phil. Mag. [4] v 203. X‘OL. V1.-NO. XXLV. z TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Electricity.-On the motion of liquids in the closed voltaic circuit by G. Wiedemann. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxvii 321. -On silver as a unit of measure for resistance to electric conduction by W.hngsdorf. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 155. -Researches on the electric conducting power of gases at high tempera- tures by E. Becquerel. Compt. rend. xxxvii 20. -On the proper conducting power of liquid-circuits without a metal by L. Foucault. Compt. rend. xxxvii 580, -Note on the calorific effects of the voltaic circuit considered with regard to the chemical action by which the current is produced by P.A. Fawe. Compt. rend. xxxvi 342. -Researches on the conductibility of minerals for voltaic electricity and on the electric light by E. Vurtmann. Phil. Mag. [4] v 12. -The electrical relations of iron and copper in solutions at different temperatures by G. Gorp. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 110. -On the position of alloys and amalgatns in the thermo-electric series by W.RoZlmann. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 90. -Production of dynamic electricity by the heating and evaporation of liquids by M.de Chenod. Compt. rend. xxxvi 624. -On the electric phenomena attributed to the motion of heat by J. M. Gaugain. Compt. rend. xxxvii 82. -Note on the cause of the development of electricity by rise of temperature by M.Leroua. Compt. rend. [3] xxxvii 500. -On electric phenomena attributed to the motion of heat; in reply to the objections of M. Leroirx by M. Gaugain. Compt. rend. xxxvii 653. -Researches on thermo-electric currents by M Gaugain. Compt. rend. xxxvi 612 645. -Note on the influence of temperature on the electric state of bodies by M. Zaliwski. Compt. rend. xxxvi 138. -On the temperatures of the conductors of electric currents by R.Adie. Phil. Mag. [4] v 46 193. -On the dependence of galvanic ignition on the nature of the surrounding gas as observed by Grove by R. Clausius. Pogg. Ann. lxxxvii 501 ; Phil. Mag. [4] v 209. -On transient electric currents by F.TJiornson. Phil. Mag. [4] v 393. -On certain effects of electric currents by A. Masson. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1130. -On the intensity and quantity of electric currents. Phil. Mag. [4] v 363. -Facts relating to the electric current and the electric light by M. Quef. Compt. rend. xxxv 949. -On a new class of gaseous couples by M. Gaugain. Compt. rend. xxxvii 584. -On electric differences and on Faraday's sulphide of potassium circuit by B. Kohhausch. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 464. -Substitution of chlorine for oxygen in Bunsen's battery. Reaction which takes place when hydrochloric is substituted for nitric acid in the Comyt. rend. xxxvii 588, ordinary battery by M. LQ~OUX. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. Electricity.-On the use of heated sulphuric acid and bioxide of manganese in Bunsen’s battery by M.Lerouz. Compt. rend. xxxvii 355. -New arrangement of the voltaic battery by M. Guignet. Compt. rend. xxxvii 174. -Cheap method of constructing a galvanic battery by ?KSymons. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 391. -Tangent-galvanometer with long wire by H. Buj? Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 1. -Description of a new galvanometer for the absolute measurement of weak as well as of strong currents by M. Lamont. Pogg. Ann. hxxviii 230. -Description of an electroscope with double condenser by M. Guugain. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1084. -On inductive electrical machines and a means of increasing their effect by M. Fizeau. Compt. rend. xxxvi 418. -On the direction of the induced current produced by the discharge of friction-electricity by H.Buf. Ann. Ch. Pharm. hvi 293. -On the strength of galvanic polarization by ?K Beetz. Pogg. Ann. xc 42. -Observations on the electro-chemical properties of hydrogen by 3.Becquerel. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 365. -On the eiectro-chemical deportment of oxygen by M. Kurd. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 241. -An experimental inquiry undertaken with the view of ascertaining whether any and what signs of current force are manifested during the organic process of secretion in living animals by H. F. Baztw. Phil. Trans. 1852 ii 279. -On the solution of urinary calculi in dilute saline fluids at the temperature of the body by the aid of electricity by H. Bence Jones.Chem. Gaz. 1853 99. 7 On the reduction and electro-chemical application of tungsten molyh- denum titanium and siliciurn by Junot de Busty. Compt. rend. xxxvi 540. -Inductive view of electro-metallic deposition by G. Gore. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 21. -Note on the electric light. Compt. rend. xxxvi 255. -On various electrical phenomena by M. Quet. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1012. -Method of arranging the batteries of Grove Bunsen &c. so that they may be always ready for immediate action and that the substances by whose action the current is produced may not suffer alteration when the battery is inactive by Th. du Moncel. Compt. rend. xxxvii 713. -Description of a new electrical machine by M. Symons. Pharm. J. Trans xxxiii 288. -Note on a fact relating to the heating of a conducting wire by the electric current by F.de la Provostaye and P. Desains. Compt. rend. xxxvii 749. Electrolysis. -On the transference of the irons during electrolysis by W.Hittorf. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 177. 22 340 TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Electroplating.-Process for electroplating China-ware. J. Fr. Inst. 131 xxvi 137. -On the recovery of gold and silver from the liquids employed in electro- plating and gilding by P. Bolley. Chem. Gaz 1853 354 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 231. Endoarnose.-On the permeability of porous vessels of inorganic material by A. Morin. J. Pharm. [3) xxiv 100. -Cause of electric endosmose by M. Raoult. Compt. rend. xxxvi S.26. Equivalent Volumes.-On the constitution and equivalent-volume of some mineral species by T.S.Huwf. Sill. Am. J. [2] svi 203. -Considerations on the theory of chemical changes and on the law of equivalent volumes by T. S. JIunt. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 226. Equivalents.-Remarks on certain equivalent numbers by R. Schneider. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 314. Ergot.-On ergot of rye by F. L. Vinckler. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 86. Erica.-Analysis of the ashes of Erica carnea and Calluna vulgaris Salisb. and of the soils on which they grow by C. 3’.Rothe. ,4nn. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 1 18. Ericacez.-On the proximate principles contained in the ericaceous family. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 476. -Chemistry of the plants of the ericaceous family by F. Rochleder. Chem. Gaz. 1853 189. Ether.-On the preparation of ether.Pharm. J. Trans. xii 486. Eth en.-On ethers intermediate between the cenanthylic and the methylie ethylic and amylic series ;and on the constitution cf castor-oil alcohol by A. W. Fills. Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vi. 307. -On the decomposition of the cyanic ethers by A. ?’urtz. Compt. rend. xxxvii 180. Ethy1.-Combinations of the sulphides of ethyl and methyl with certain metallic chlorides by A. Loir. J. Fharm. [3] xxiv 25 1 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 369; Chem. Gaz. 1853 361 ; Compt. rend. xxxvii 1095. -Researches on the stannethyls a series of new organic radicals formed of tin and ethyl by C.Lowig. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 343; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 234 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 101 126 149 170. -On the preparation of crude pelargonate of ethyl by R.Wagner. Chem. Caz. 1553 144. -On selenide of ethyl by C. A. Joy. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 35. -On some new compounds of tellurethyl by Prof. Wiihler. Chem. SOC. Qu. J. vi 40; Chem. Gaz. 853 149. -Preparation of ethylamine. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 374. -On a decomposition-product of tetrethylammonium by Prof. Weltzien. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 292. Evaporation.-Researches on evaporation by Prof. Marref. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 385 ; Compt. rend. xxxvi 339. Explosive Compound s.-Improvements in explosive compounds and fuses for mining and other purposes (Davey and Chance’s Patent). Pharrn J. Trans. xii 354. Extracts.-Apparatus for the preparation of extracts iu vacuo by MM. Soubeircrn and Goblpy. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 5. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS.F. Fats.-On the contractions of glycerine with acids and on the synthesis of the proximate principles of animal fats by M. Berlhelot. Gmpt. rend. xxxvii 398 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 410; Chem. SOC. Qu. J. vi 280. -Facts relating to the history of fats by J. Lefort. Compt. rend. xxxvii 28 ; J. Pharrn. [3] xxiii 113. -On the composition of mutton-fat human fat and spermaceti (hddendum) by W. Heintz. Pogg. Ann. lxxxvii 553. -On the composition of beef-suet by W. Heintz. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxvii 579. -On Yela or Chinese wax and on the Chinese vegetable fat called Fat of Stillirgia :by C. Murtius. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 224. -On the constitution of various fats by J. J. Pohl. Chem. Gaz. 1853. 384. -On the nature of the fat of cantharides by DT.Gijssmann.Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 317. -Comparative examination of the quantities of water and fat in the brain by J. Havfand R. ?Vugner. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 42. -On the preparation of medicinal oils and fats by M. Lhermite. J. Pharm. [33 xxiv 349 -Fat for tempering steel. Rev. Sci. xlii 396. Ferm entation,-Researches on gallic fermentation by C. Robiquet. J. Pharm. [3) xxiii 241. -Researches on the fermentation of citric acid by J. Personne. Compt. rend. xxxvi 197. -On chemical substitutes for the fermentation of bread. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 173. Ferr0cyanide.s.-On the mutual action of the two ferrocyanides of potassium and of the nitrate and the simple combustion-products of silver by 0.B. A’iihn. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvii 84. -On the red colouring of quinine by ferrocyanide of potassium by A. Yogel. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 122. Fire.-Cheap red fire. Jahrb. f. pr. Pharm. xxvi 321 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853,385. Fish.-Some observations on fish in relation to diet by 3. Duty. Proc. Roy. SOC.Edinb. 1852-53 197. Flax.-On the gases evolved in steeping flax by Prof. Hodges. Chem. Gaz. 1853 419. Fluorine.-On the fluorine-salts of antimony by F. A. Fluckiger. Chem. Gaz. 1853 1. Foren sic Chemistry.-On the errorswhich may be introduced into chemico- legal investigations by the use of charcoal to decolorize liquids con- taining poisonous substances by H. Bonnernuins. Compt. rend. xxxvi 150. -Remarks on this communication by Gaulthier de Claubry.Ibid. 224. Fossils.-Chemical investigation of the remains of fossil mammalia by B’. V. Greene. Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 16. Frog.-On the constituents of the flesh of the frog by Fr. &oh4 Ann. Ch. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 233. 342 TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Fuel.-Mode of preparing mineral combustibles so as to give them the same chemical properties as charcoal by A. Chenot. Compt. rend. xxxvi 152. Fungi.-On the acids contained in fungi by P. BoEZey. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 44 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 291. -On the acids contained in certain fungi by M. Bessaignes. Compt. rend. xxxvii 782. Furfuro1.-On the preparation of furfurol by H. Debus. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 100. Fusel-oil.-Examination of the fuseGoil from Indian corn and rye by C.M. Wetherill. Chem. Gal;. 1853 281 ; J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxv 385. G. Galls.-Examination of Bassorah galls by L. F.BZey. Arch. Pharm. Ixxv 138 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 468. Gallstones.-Analysis of gallstones by A. ‘v. Yluntu and A. Kekulk. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 367. Gases.-On the Fourth law of the relations of the elastic force density and temperature of gases by R.Potter. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 161. -Researches on the specific heat of elastic fluids by K Regnault. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxix 335 ; Phil. Mag. L4] v 473. -Memoir on the consequences which may be deduced from Regnault’s experiments on the law of compressibility of gases by M. Avogadro. Ann. Ch. Phys. [31 xxxix 140; J. Fr. Jnst. [3] xxv. 44. -Researches on the electric conducting power of gases at high temperatures by E.BecpuereE. Compt. rend. xxxvii 20. -Condensation of gases at the surface of solid bodies by J. Jumi?c and A. Bertrand. Compt. rend. xxxvi 994; Phil. Mag. [4] vi 156. -On the condensation of gases at the surface of smooth bodies by G. Mugnus. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 604 ; Phil. Mag. [4] vi 334. -On an improved apparatus for the analysis of gases by E. Frunklund and W. J. Turd. Chem. SOC. Qu. J. vi 197. -On the gases evolved in the distillation of sugar by C. VoZckeZ. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 63. -Analysis of gases contained in the soil. Pogg. Ann. lxxxvii 616. -Contributions to the knowledge of the manufacture of gas by E. Frank-land. Pharm. J.Trans. xii 431. -Improvements in the purification of coal-gas (Losh‘s Patent).Pharm. J. Trans. xii 355. -Improvements in the manufacture of coal-gas (Kirkham’s Patent). Pharm. J. Trans. xii 453. -Improvements in the manufacture of gas (Vegetable gas) [Booth’s Patent]. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 355. -The manufacture of gas from wood or turf by J. Aylife. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 129. -On the use of gas as fuel in organic analysis by A. W. Hofmann. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 209. IN BRTTISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. 343 Gases.-New gasometer serving as a pneumatic trough and as an aspirator by M. Tifleernu. Compt. rend. xxxvii 51. -Description of an apparatus for collecting gases over water or mercury by W. M. Williams. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 44. Ginger.-On essential oil of ginger by A.Papoasek. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 601. Glue.-Note on the preparation of liquid glue by S. Dumoulin. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 392. Glycerine.-On the compounds of glycerine with acids and on the synthesis of the proximate principles of animal fats by M. Berthelot. Compt. rend. xxxvii 398 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 410 ; xxiv 259 ; Chem. SOC. Qu. J. vi 280 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 121. -On the preparation of glycerine by C. Morjitt. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 357 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii $4. -On the purification of glycerine and its employment in the arts. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 137. Gold.-On the exploitation of gold. Ann. Min. [5] iii 816 830. -On the situation and working of gold in Australia by M. Bdessc. Ann. Min. [5] vi 179. .-On the occurrence ofgold in Pennsylvania by J.W.Mallet. PhiI. Mag. [4] v 150. -On the distribution of gold by J. Percy. Phil. Mag. [4] v 310. -On auriferous quartz by A. B. iVortlicote. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 390. -Separation of gold from arsenical pyrites according to Plattner's method by 7V. Guettfer. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxvi 180. -On the recovery of gold and silver from the liquids employed in electro- plating and gilding by P. Bolley. Chem. Gaz. 1853 354. -Large nugget of gold found in Australia. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 176. Graduated Solutions.-On improvements in the use of graduated solutions by Ilr. Mohr. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 129. Grain.-On the value of nutritive grain by J. Reiset. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 22 ; Compt. rend. xxxvi 872. Granite.-Researches on granite by A.Delesse. Phil. Mag. [4) vi 206. Grape-disease.-On the use of pentasulphide of calcium as a means of preventing the grape-disease by A. P. Price. Chem. Gaz. 1853 4 14. Guano.-Examination of guano by M. Melsens. Chem. Gaz. 1853 120. -The nitre caverns of the Indian Archipelago a probable source of guano. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 136. -On commercial guano by M. Girardin. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 1IS. Guiacum.-Note on extract of guiacum by M. Monigcrut. J. Pharm. [33 xxiv 130. -Adulteration of guiacum wood. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 450. G um.-Chemical and pharmacological investigation of gum-kino by C. Hennig. J. Pharrn. [3] xxiv 96. G un -bar r el s.-On the colouring of gun-barrels and on processes for working on iron and steel.Rev. Sci. xlii 398. Gun-cotton.-On the preparation of gun-cotton by C. Mann. Bull. de St. Petersbourg xi 210 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 71 ; J. pr. Chem. lix 141 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 371. TITLES OF CHEMTCAL PAPERS G unpomder.-On a method of determining the quantity of nitrate of potash contained in gunpowder by Jf. Uebntius. Chem. Gaz. 1853 433. G utta Percha.-On caoutchouc and gutta percha by 1’. C. Culvert. Pharm J. Trans. xii 423. -Improvements in the preparation of gutta percha (Rider’s Patent). J. Trans. xii 452. H. Heat.-On the mechanical effect of heat and of chemical forces by M7. J. 21. Runkine. Phil. Mag. [4] v 6. -On the mechanical action of heat by K J. M. Rankine. Trans. Roy. SOC.Edinb. xx 591 ; abs/r. Proc.Roy. SOC.Edinb. 1852-53 162. -Mechanical theory of heat.-Specific heat of air by W. J. 2l. Rankine. Phil. Mag. [4] v 437. -Mechanical theory of heat.-Velocity of sound in gases by V.J. M. Rankine. Phil. Mag. [4] v 483. -Observations on heat and its theories by A. J. Angslrom. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 165. -On the elevation and depression of temperature produced in permanent gases by compression and dilatation and by contact with bodies at various temperatures by J. IT. Koosen. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 437. -Hassler’s experiments on the expansion of water at various temperatures by J. H. Alexander. Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 170. Addition to a memoir entitled “Researches on the relations between the atomic weight and specific heat of elementary bodies” by M.Granier. Compt. rend. xxxvii 130. -Researches on the specific heat of elastic fluids by V. Regnault. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxix 335 ; Phil. Mag. [4] v 473 ; Compt. rend. xxxvi 676. -On the specific heat of red phosphorus by V.Xynnult. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 495 ; Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 131. -Researches on the quantities of heat disengaged in chemical and molecular actions (3rd 4th and 5th parts-Conclusion) by P. A. Fuvre and J. T. Silbermann. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 406; abstract of the whole series Chem. SOC.QU. J. vi 235. -Thermo-chemical researches on compounds formed in multiple pro- portions by P. A. Fuvre. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 241. -On the heat of chemical combination by T. W(~ods. Phil. Mag [4] v 10. -On the heat evolved when sulphur-crystals obtained by fusion pass into the other form by E.Mifscherlich. Pogg. -4nn. lsxxdii. 328. -Equilibrium of temperature within envelopes. Researches on the radiating power of rock. salt by Provostaye and Desnins. Cornpt. rend. xxxvi 84. -Researches on diathermanous bodies by M. Melloni. Compt. rend. xxxvi 709. Researches on diatliermanous snhstances. Remarks on a communication by MM. de la Provostaye and Desains by M. Melloni. Compt. rend. xxxvii 590. -Observations on M. Melloni’s communication by AfM. de la Provosfnyr and Desni?is. Ibid. 669. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. F1 e n t.-Reflection of invisible heat from glass and rock-salt by Provoslrrye and Desains. Compt. rend. xxxvii 168.-Note on the preceding by A[.Mdoni. Ibid. 293. -Reply to a letter of M. Melloni on the transmission of heat through rock- salt by Provostaye and Desains. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1073. -On the heat-conducting power of metals by G. Fiedermann and R. 3'ran.z. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxix 497. -Thermic conduction in metals by G. Gore. Phil Mag [4] vi 382. -On the heat-conduction of metals by 1.. J. Gouillaud. Pogg. Ann. Ixsxviii 163. -Experiments on the relative heat-conducting power of certain rocks by G. v. Hdmerspn. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxviii 461. -Researches on the temperature of the earth at great depths by M.Wulferdin. Compt. rend. xxxvi 250. -On the absolute zero of the perfect gas thermometer being a note to a paper on the mechanical action of heat by W. J. M. Ruizkiice.Trans. Roy. SOC. Edinb. XY 561 ; a33tr. Proc. Roy. SOC.Edinb. 1852-53 160. -Proof of a sensible difference between the mercurial and air-thermometers from 0" to looo C. by J. ?Vaterston. Phil. Mag. [4] v 63. -Fundamental principles of a system of thermo-chemistry by J. Thomson. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 349. -On the electric phenomena attributed to the motion of heat by J. M. Gawgain. Compt. rend. xxxvii 82. -On the temperatures of the conductors of electric currents by R. Adie. Phil. Mag. [4] v 46 209. -On the dependence of the heating power of the galvanic current on the nature of the surrounding gas by R. Cluusiup. Phil. Mag. [4] v 209. -Note on the influence of temperature on the electric state of bodies by M. Znliwski. Compt. rend. xxxvi 138.Action of heat on oil of turpentine by X. Berthelof. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 5. -On the precautions to be observed in heating substances in close vessels by If. Uerthelot. J. Pharm. [3] suiii 357. -Temperature at the bottom of the artesian well at Mendorff by 111. Wulferdin. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 349. Helix.-Analysis of the operculum of the shell of Helix pomntia :by 3f.Wicke. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxsrii 22 1. Hell ebore.-On the occurrence of a crystallizable substance in black helle- bore by 7K Buslick. l'harm. J. Trans. sii 174; J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 159. Hops.-On oil of hops by R. 7Vugner. J. pr. Chem. lviii 6; Chem Gaz. 1853 272. Horn.-On the products of the decomposition of certain horny substances by A. C. Lqer and d-ollei.. J. pr.Chem. lviii 273; Chem. Gaz. 1853. 348. €1nmu1ine.-On the manufacture of huinaline. Pharm J. Trans. xiii 231. Hydrocarbons.-On a process for ascertaining the equivalents of some fluid hydrocarbons by means of bromine. Chem. Gaz. 1853 365. 34t6 TTTLES OF CHEMTCAL PAPERS Hydroch1orates.-On hydrochlorate of oil of turpentine by M. Rerthelot. Ann Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 223. Hydrogen.-Observations on the electro-chemical properties of hydrogen by X.Becquwel. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 385. -On a new oxide of hydrogen and its relation to ozone by M. Bnumert. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxix 37 ; Phil. Mag. [4] vi 51 ; absfr. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 169. -On the use of hydrogen in determining vapour-densities and on the acidification of alcohols by oxygen gas or atmospheric air by R.Railton. Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vi 205. -On the formation of hydrogen and its homologues by B. C. Brodie. Chem. Gaz. 1853 297. -On a modification of hydrogen by G. Osaan. J. Pr. Chem. lviii 385 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 385. Hygiene.-On certain chemical reactions connected with the hygihe of populous cities by M. Clievreid. Compt. rend. xxxvi 553. Hygrometry. -Researches on hygrometry by K Regnctult. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 257 ; Compt. rend. xxxv 930 ; Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 420. Hypoch1orites.-On a new method of estimating the value of chloride of lime by Dr. Peaot. Bull. de la SOC.Ind. de Mulhouse xxiv 246 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 217. -On a new method for detertnining the amount c,f available chlorine in hypochlorites by A.P. Price. Chem. Gaz. 1553 419, -On hypochlorite of magnesia as an antidote to phosphorus by M. Bechert. J.Pharm. [3] xxiv 352 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xii 603. I. I ncrustation.-Simple means of preventing the formation of incrustations in boilers by R. Presenius. J. pr. Chem. lviii 65; Chem. Gaz. 1853 333. I ndigo.-On the introduction of sulphopurpurate of soda (camin d’indigo rouge) into wool and silk dyeing by E. Hwfely. Bull. de la SOC. Industr. de Mulhouse xxiv 3~1.-Report thereupon by C. Koechlin. Ibid. 328. -On the action of soda on the sulphuric compounds of indigo by C. Gvos-Renaud Jun. Bull. de la SOC.Industr. de Mulhouse. xxiv 343. -Process for impartinq greater liveliness to indigo-blue in stuffs by L.Guillonet. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxv 55. -On the determination of the value of commercial indigo by E. Fillstein. -On the frequent occurrence of indigo in human urine and on its chemical Chem. Gaz. 1853 135 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xii 449. and physiological relations by A. H. Hassall. Chem. Gaz. 1853 355 ; Pharm J. Trans. xiii 2 19. Ink.-Ink for steel pens by F. Runge. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 57. -Red ink. Pharm. J. Trans. sii 601. Iodides.-On the constitution of iodide of nitrogen by B. Bunsen. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxiv 1 ; Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 74 ; abstr. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 90 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 393. IN BRITISH AND FORELQN JOURNALS. I o d id e s.-Proto-iodide of tin. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 374. I odine.-On the general distribution of iodine by Stevenson JIacadum.Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vi 166 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 178. -On the distribution of iodine by Prof. Siywart. Wurt. Natur. Jahresber. xix 43 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 228. -On the existence of iodine in various plants by Stevenson Macadam. J. Pharm. [3] xsiii 317. -On the pretended occurrence of iodine in milk eggs and the atmosphere by C.Lohmqer. Phil. Mag. L4] vi 237; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 179. -Note on the small quantity of iodine contained in the water of the Almendares River (Havannah) and in the land-plants and the atmosphere of that country by M. Cusaseca:. Compt. rend. xxxvii 348. -Facts relating to the history of iodine by M. Barreswil. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 346. -Preliminary notice on a mineral water containing iodine by P.Bolley.Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 51. -On the qualitative and quantitative determination of iodine and its separation from bromine and chlorine by E. Boride. Chem. Gaz. 1853 75. -On the determination of iodine by R Kersting. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 19. -On a quick approximative method of estimating minute quantities of iodine by T.J. Herapatk. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 185. -On tests for iodine by A. Overbeck. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 72 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 180. _I Method of detecting the presence of water in iodine. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 181. -On the estimation of water in commercial iodine by M. Bolley. Chem. Gaz. 1853 119. -Reproduction of engravings and drawings by means of iodine-vapour .by Nippce'de St.Victor. Compt. rend xxxvi 58 1. -On the iodoquinine compound investigated in its optical relations by Dr. Herapath and Prof. Stokes by W. Haidinger. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 273. -On the preparation of hydriodate of ammonia. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 35. -Presence of iodine in rain-water running water and in plants from the Antilles and from the coasts of the Mediterranean by Ad. Chatin. Compt. rend. xxxvii 723. Iridium.-On some new compounds of iridium by M. Skoldikof. Bull. de St. Petersb. Ch. Phys. Math. Classe xi 25 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 29. -On a probably new element with iridosmine and platinum; by A. 3'. Genth. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 246; Chem. Gax. 1853 145. Iron.-Native iron in the Miihlhausen Keuper formation by J. G. Bornemann.Pogg. Ann. Ixxxviii 145 325. -On the meteoric iron of Gutersloh. Pogg. Ann. lxxxvii 500. -Notice of meteoric iron near Lion River Great Namaqualancl S. Africa and on the detection of potassium in meteoric iron by C. U.Shephard. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 1. 348 TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS I r o n.-Analysis of meteoric iron from Cosby's Creek by C. A. Joy. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvi 39. -Notice of the meteoric iron found near Seneca River Cayuga County N. Y. by C. U. Sheplmd. Sill. Am. J [2] xv 363; Pogg. Ann. lxxrviii 176. -On a new iron-deposit from Obergrund near Zuckmantel by E. F. GEocker. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 48. -On minerals accompanying chromic iron by T. H. Garrett. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 332. -On the analysis of cast-iron by C.Mor$tf and J. C. Booth. Chem. Gaz. 1853 368 388 411 ; J. Fr. Inst. [S] xxv 193 247. -Analysis of pig-iron and bog-iron-ore by H. L.Bu#. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxiii 376 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 276. -On an iron-ore containing vanadium. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 127. -On the new method employed for the manufacture of iron in the forests of Carinthia by Jf. le Pluq. Ann. Min [5] iii 46. -Remarks on the structural conditions of iron by T. R. v. Fuchs. Phil. Mag. [4] v 389 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 94. -On the increased strength of cast-iron produced by the use of improved coke by W. Puirbairn. Chem. Gaz. 1853 158 ; J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxv 375. -On the separation of manganese from iron and nickel by 7'. Schie2. Chem. Gaz.1853 413. -On the purification of iron and coke from sulphur. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxv 47. Chem.Herapath.J. 7'. by:the estimation of iron by volume-analysis On-Gaz. 1853 294. -Passive state of nickel and iron by J. Nickl2s. Pogg. Ann. xc 351. -On the efitimation of protoxide of iron by the method of volumes; by 31. Oppermann. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 294. .-On the compounds of boracic acid and water with sesquiovide of iron by H. Rose. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 473. -Action of protosalts of iron on pyroxylin and its congeners by M. Be'champ. Compt. rend. xxxvii 134. -On the impurities in commercial oxide of iron by M. Wackenroder. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 240. -Comparative experiments with hydrate of magnesia and hydrated sesqui- oxide of iron as ant.idotes for arsenic by K.D.Schrof. N. Repert. Pharm. i 47 ; J. Pharm. [33 xxiii 230 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 38. -Preparation of arn~nonio-chloride of iron. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 450. -Preparation of lactate of protoxide of iron by ThirauEt de St.-Etienne. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 183. -On the adulteration of the citrate of iron and quinine of commerce by C. G. Filliamu. Chem. Gaz. 1853 269. -On iron and some improvements in its manufacture by J. D. Stirling. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxvi 36 93. -Processes for working on iron and steel. Rev. Sci. xlii 398. -Composition for engraving on iron and steel. Rev. Sci. xlii 405. I-Syrup of pyrophosphate of iron by M. Soubeircin. J. Pharm. 131 xxiii 62. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNSLS. Isomerism.-Contributions to the chemical history of isomeric acids by J.GotfZieb. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 17. -On the isomeric modifications of sulphide of antimony. Pogg. ,4nn. lxxxix 122. Isomorphism.-On the isomorphism of Sphene and Euclase by J. D.Dana. Sill. Am. J. "4 xvi 96. Ivor y.-Improvements in producing ornamental surfaces in metal ivory or bone (Skinner's Patent). Chem. Gaz. 1853 59. J. Jalap.-On jalap-root by G. Mqw. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvi 495; J. Pharm. [3] xxii 463. K. Kino.-Chemical and pharmacological examination of kino. Pharm. J. Trans. xxii 80. -On a new source of kin0 by R.Christison. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 377. L. Lactates.-Preparation of lactate of protoxide of iron by Thirault de St.-Elienne. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 183.-On the preparation of lactate of protoxide of iron by Jf. ThibauEt. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 85. Lakes.-On the preparation of lakes by means of chloride of antimony. Schmeiz. Gewerbeblatt xi 127 ;Chem. Gaz. 1853 276. Lan thanurn.-On the occurrence of crystallized carbonate of lanthanum by 7T.P. Blake. Sill. ,4m. J. [?I xvi 228. Lard.-American lard by F. C. Calvert. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 388. Lead.-On tunastate of lead or Scheeletine by E. J. Chapman. Phil. Mag [4] vi 120. -On the compounds of boracic acid and water with oxide of lead by H. Rose. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxvii 470. -On the desilverizing of argentiferous lead by means of zinc by Dr. Karsten. Chem. Gaz. 1853 132. Ledurn.-On Ledum palustre by F. Rochleder and R. Schwartz.Chem. Gaz. 1853 13. Leucin.-Test for leucin and tyrosin by ReinhoM Hofmann. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 123. Light.-On the change of refrangibility of light by 0.Stokes. Phil. Trans. 1852 ii 463. -On the chemical action of the solar radiations by 8.Ziunt. Chem. Gaz. 1853 415. -On the cause of the luminosity of certain bodies when heated by Prof. Schrotler. Chem. Gaz. 1853 312. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Li g h t.-On the optical phenomena and crystallization of tourmaline titanium and quartz within mica amethyst arid topaz by D. Urewster. Trans. Roy. SOC.Edinb. xx 547 ; Phil. Mag. [4] vi 265 ; abstr. Proc. Roy. SOC. Edinb. 1852-53. 158. -Observations ecocomical and sanitary on the employment of chemical light for artificial allumination by E.Frankland. J. Fr. Inst. [3) xxvi 21. -On the cause of the luminosity of certain bodies when heated by A. Schrotter. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 293. Lignites.-On peculiar lignites containing wax :by L.Bruckner. J. pr. Chem. lvii 1 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 391. Lime.-Note on the consolidatio~i of stalactites and of calcareous strata by M. Fournet. Compt. rend. xxxvi 387. -On the use of burnt lime instead of limestone as a flux in blast-furnaces by E. Montejore-levi and E. Schmidt. Chem. Gaz. 1853 76. 7 New method of determining the value of chloride of lime by Dr.Penot. Bull. de la SOC.Industr. de Mulhouse 1852 No. 118; Chem. Gaz. 1853,217. On the effect of sulphate of lime on vegetable substances by M. Cluusen. Chem. Gaz. 1843 437.Limestone.-Analysis of two limestones by A. v. Planta and A. Kekult!. Ann. Ch. Yharm. Ixxxvii 366. -On the saccharoidal limestone of the gneiss of the Vosges by M Delesse. Bull. de la SOC. Industr. de Mulhouse xxiv 55. Linen.-On the detection of cotton in unbleached linen by 0. Zimmcrmann. Chem. Gaz. 1853 99. 7 On the detection of silk wool linen and cotton fibres in textile fabrics by G. C. IVittulein. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 181. Liquids.-Phenomena exhibited by certain liquids when thrown in drops on the surface of an ether by JE Sire. Compt. rend. xxxvii 657. Lithia.-On the preparation of lithia from triphyline by Hugo MuZZer. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 251. Litmus.-Action of carbonic and boracic acid on tincture of litmus by J. Mulaguti.Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 206. Litter.-Third note on litters and on the effects of lime by ilf. Payen. Compt. rend. xxxvii 93. -On earthy litter for cattle by X.Pnyen. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1017. -On marly litter by C. Brame. Compt. rend. xxxvii 17. Lucifers.-Manufacture of Iucifer matches. J. Fr. Inst. [33 xxvi 138. -On the composition of instantaneous light matches. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 426. M. Madder. -On the constitution of the colouring matters of madder by E. Schunck. Phil. Mag [4] vi 187. -On madder-root by li. RochEeder. J. pr. Chem. hi 85 ; J. Pharm. [S] xxii 470. -New method of purifying and concentrating the colouririg matter of madder (Hughes' Patent). Chem. Gaz. 1853 380. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS.351 Magnesia.-On the preparation of pure magnesia by 31. ?Yurfz. J. Pharm. [3J xxiv 208. -Comparative experiments with hydrate of magnesia and hydrated sesqui- oxide of iron as antidotes for arsenic by K. D.Scitrof. N. Repert. Pharm. i 47; J. Pharm. L3] xxiii 230; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 38 -On hypochlorite of magnesia as an antidote to phosphorus by M. Bechert. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 362. -Note on the hydrate of chloride of magnesium melted and in powder by M. Casaseca. Cornpt. rend. xxxvii 350. -On the analysis of mineral waters containing chloride of magnesium by M. Tillmatms. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 234. Magnetism.-On the action of magnetism on a rectilineally polarized ray in its passage through compressed glass by Prof. Edbrund.Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 3313. Ma1ates.-On the presence of malate of lime in the leares of the common ash by M. Garot. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 308. M anganese.-On the volumetric determination of manganese-compounds by G. Krieger. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 257. -On a new method for determining the commercial value of oxide of manganese by A. P. Price. Chem. Gaz 1853,416. -On the separation of manganese from nickel and iron by T. Schicl. Chem. Gaz. 1853,415. -Note on the colour exhibited by protosalts of manganese by A. Gergen. Compt. rend. xxxvi 851. -On phosphide of manganese and permanganic acid. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 371. -Preparation of permanganate of potash. Pharm. J.Trans. xiii 45. -Separation of manganese from other metals by 7K Gibbs.Ann. Ch. Pharm lxxxv 52. -On the occurrence of Munganspath. in Nassau by P.Sandberye?.. Pogg. -On the volumetric determination of manganese by G. Kripger. Ann. Ann. lxxxviii 491. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 257. Manure.-Fourth note on various agents for preserving urine and components of the blood for manure by &I Puyei~ Compt. rend. xxxvii 473. -On the power of soils to absorb manure by J. T. ?Kay. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 542 ;xiii 32. -On the influence of iodized manure (marine manure) in preserving the vine from the attacks of the Oidium Tuckeri and on the peculiar properties of the mine produced by vines thus treated by M. Rivet. Comyt. rend. xxxvii 724. M embrane.-Observations on the mucous membrane of the intestines by Br.Prevost. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii,25. M emb ranes.-Experiments on the permeabi!ity of membranes by nutritive substances by M. Morin. J. Pharm. xxiii 10. Mercury.-On the compounds of the two acids of selenium with the two oxides of mercury and on native mercurous selenite (Onofrite) by F. Kohlrr. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 146. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS M ercury.-On several new sulphites of mercuric oxide by L. Pe‘nn de St. Gilles. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 45 ; Compt. rend. xxxvi 1086.-Remarks thereupon by M. Cheureul. Ihicl. 1099. -On the compounds of basic mercurous nitrate with other nitrates by G. Stadeler. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 129. -On the composition of phosphate of mercury by 22. Brandes. J. Pharm.[3] xxiv 80. -On selenide of mercury from the Hartz by C. Rammelsberg. Pogg. Ann. lxxviii 319; Phil. Mag. [4] vi 272. -Method of estimating the value of red cyanide of mercury by F. Lieshiny J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 272. -On some double salts of cyanide of mercury by 13. Kohl and A. Swobodu. Chem. Gaz. 1853 70. -On Hahnemann’s mercurial precipitate. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 415. -On the permeability of metals to mercury by J. Nicklks. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 50; Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 335; Chem. Gaz. 1853 89. Metals.-On the heat-conduction of metals by H. J. Gouillaud. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii. 163. -On the heat-conducting power of metals by G. Wiedemann and 22. Franz. Pogg. Ann lxxxix 497. -Thermic conduction in metals by G. Gore.Phil. Mag. [4] vi 382. -Note on the nature of metals by M. i’lfereau. Compt. rend. xxxvii 579. -On some peculiar reduction of metals in the humid way. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 253. -On the permeability of metals to mercury by J. Nickl2s. Compt. rend. xxxvi 154; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 50; Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 333; Chem. Gaz. 1853,89. -On a new series of organic bodies containing metals by E. Frankland. Phil. Trans. 1852 ii 417; Phil. Mag. [4] v 153 239; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 329; abstr. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 57. -On the metalliferous veins of Aveyron and their relation to various products of plutonic action by A. Boise. Ann. Min. [5] iii 467. -Improved compositions for preventing the oxidation of metals &c. (Cook’s Patent).Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 234. -Improretnents in producing ornamental surfaces in metal ivory or bone (Skinner’s Patent). Chem. Gaa. 1553 59. -Improvements in saline and metallic compounds (Claussen’s Patent). Chem. Gaz. 1853 20. -On the principal metallic compositions useful to the armourer. Rev. sci. xlii 390. Meteorite -On the meteoric iron of Gutersloh. Pogg. Ann. lxxxvii 500. -Analysis of meteoric iron from Cosby’s Creek by C. A. Joy. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 39. -Nature of the meteoric iron found near Seneca River Cayuga County N.Y. by C. U. ShepAard. Sill. Am. J. [a] xv 363. -Notice of meteoric iron near Lion River Great Karnaqualand S. Africa and on the detection of potassium in meteoric iron by C. U. Shephard. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 1. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS.Meteorite.-On a supposed meteoric stone alleged to have fallen in Hampshire in September 1852 by G. Wilson. Proc. Roy. SOC.Edinb. 1852-53 147. -Notice of Prof. Clark’s theRis on metallic meteorites. Sill Am. J. [2] xv 7. Methyl.-On the compounds of the sulphides of ethyl and methyl with certain metallic chlorides by A. Loir. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 251 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 369 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 361 ; Compt. rend. xxxvi 1095. -Researches on stanmethyl a new organic radical by A. Cahours and A. Riche. Compt. rend. xxlivi 1001. Methylamine.-On the presence of methylamine on the products accompanying acetone by C. G. Villinms. Chem. Gaz. 1853 409. Mildew.-On mildew by F. C. Cdwrt. Pharm. J. Trans xiii 283.Milk.-Facts relating to the chemical history of milk by J. Gimrdin. {3] xxiii 401. -On the composition of milk by XH. Yernois and A. Becquerel. Compt. rend. xxxvi 187 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 164. -On the reaction of fresh milk by J. Schlossberger. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvii 3 17. -Note on the presence in healthy milk of an albumindid principle which turns the plane of polarization to the left by Dovere and Poggiale. Compt. rend. xxxvi 430. -On the presence of albumin in milk in the normal state by M. Quguenne. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 94. -Note on milk abnormal secretion of albumin by the mammary gland by J. Girnvdin. Compt. rend. xxxvi 753. -Remarkable examples of lacteal secretion.-Analysis of the milk in two abnormal cases by MM.Joly and Fdhol. Compt. rend. xxxvi 57 1. -On the so-called Hexenmilch a secretion from the mammary glands of new-born infants by J. Scldossberger. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 324. -Note on the estimation of sugar of milk and on the means of detecting adulterations in milk. Minerals.-On the classification of minerals by E. J. Chapman. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 175. -On the constitution and equivalent volume of some mineral species by T. S. Hmt. Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 203. -Artificial formation of minerals by N. J. Munross. Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 186. -On the formation of crystallized minerals by A. Drevermann. Ann. Ch Pharm. lxxxvii 126. -Researches on the conductibility of minerals for voltaic electricity by E. Yurtmann. Phil. Mag. [4] v 12.-New and ready method of determining the alkalis in minerals by J. L. Smith. Part. I. Sill. Am. J. [2) XY 234 ; xvi 53 ; Chem. Gax. 1853 252 333. -Mineralogical notices On Staurolite Calcite ;on absorption of water by chalk ;on Tungstate of Lead or Scheeletine ; and on Tinstone pseudo- morphs by E. J. Chapman. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 115. VOL. V1.-NO. XXIV. AA TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Minerals.-Contributions to mineralogy On Tetradymite Grey Copper Apo-phyllite Allanite Owenite Kammererite (emerald nickel) by F. A. Genth. Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 81 167. -Re-examination of American minerals by J. L. Smith and G. J. Brush. Part. I. Emerylite Euphyllite Litchfield Mica Unionite Kerolite Bowenite Williamsite Lancasterite Hydromagnesite Magnesite :Sill.Am. J. [2] XI' 207.-Part 11. Chesterlite Loxoclase Danbury Fclspars Haddarn Albite Greenwood Mica Biotite Margarodite Chesterlite Talc Rhodophyllite Cummingtonite Hydrous Antho-phyllite Mourolite Ozarkite Dysyntribite Gibbsite Emerald Nickels Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 41. -Notices of the rarer minerals and new localities in Western North Carolina Diamond Gold Emery Amethyst Chalcedonic Quartz Lazulite Kyanite Leopardite by C. A. Hunter. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 373. -New minerals from Norway. Pt. IV. (Tachyaphalite and Erdmannite) by N. J.Berlin. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 160. -Chemico-mineralogical researches by B. Schmid.-On the basaltic rocks of the Rhon. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 291. 7On minerals accompanying chromic iron by T. H. Oarrett. Sill.Am. J. [2] xv 332. Basal t.-On the structure and composition of certain Basaltic and Metamorphic rocks by T. Andrew. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 172 ; Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 321. .. .. Examination of the basaltic rocks of the Rhon by E. Schmid. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 291. Cerite.-On the composition of Cerite by Theodor Gem& Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 12. Chiviatite.-On Chiviatite a new mineral from Peru by C. Rammekrbwg. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 320 ; Phil. Mag. [4] v 457. Copper.-On the crystalline form of the Grey Copper of Monzdia by M. Delesse. Ann. Min. [5] iii 657. D olomi te.-Additional observations on the Dolomite of the Franconian Jura and on the transformation of minerals by F.Pfufl. Pogg. Ann. lxxxvii 600. Eu c 1 as e.-Monograph on Euclase by J.Schabus. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 608. .. .. -4nalysis of euclase by J. W.Mallet. Phil. Mag. [4] v 127. .. .. On the isomorphism of Sphene and Euclase by J. D. Dana. Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 96. Granite.-On the Granite of the Vosges by M. Delesse. Ann. Min. [5] iii 369. Grauwacke.-On the Grauwacke of the Vosges by M. Delesse. Ann. Min. [5] iii 747. Greenocki te.-On an artificial production of Greenockite and of some other compounds of Cadmium by E. Schiifer. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 34. Hayesine.-Analysis of Hayesine by A. Deck. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 50. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. Minerals Manganese-spar.-On the occurrence of Manganese-spar in Nassau by F. Snndberyer. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 491. %losandrite.-On the composition of Mosandrite by N.J.BerEin. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 156. Oligoclase -Analysis of Oligoclase from the neighbourhood of Wolfach in the Kinzigthal by J. Moser. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 97. Onofrite.-On native mercurous Selenite (Onofrite) by F. KohZer. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 146. 0wenite.-On Owenite a new mineral from the Potomac River by F. A. Genth. Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 167. Phono1ite.-Examination of Phonolite from the Rhon by E. Schmidt. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxix 291. Quartz.-On auriferous Quartz by 4. B. Northcote. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 390. Realgar.-Insolubility of native Realgar (As S,) in carbonate of ammonia by C. G. William. Chem. Gaz. 1853 252. Romeine.-New researches on the composition of Romeine by $1.Da-niour. -4nn. Min. [5] iii 179.Sphene.-On the isomorphism of Sphene and Euclase by J. D. Dana. Sill. Am. J. [Z) xvi 96. Spodumene.-On the composition of North American Spodumene by C Bammelsberg. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 144. Tellurium.-Analysis of Foliated Tellurium by P.H. Schonlein. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 201. Thierschite.-On Thierschite by J. Liebig. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 113; Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 112. Tin-pyrites.-On the chemical composition of Tin-pyrites by C.Rum-melsbery. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 603. Topaz.-Account of a remarkable fluid cavity in Topaz by D. Brewster. Phil. Mag. [4] v 235. Trachi te.-On a metamorphosis of Icelandic Trachyte whereby it is converted into quartz by 5%. KjerulJ Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxv 257. Trona.-On some supposed crystals of Trona by H.J. Brooke with an analysis by A. Dick. Phil. Mag. [4] v 373. W ernerite.-On the composition of Wernerite and its products of decom-position by Gerhurdt v. Ruth. Pogg. Ann. xc 62 288. Molasses.-On the increase in weight of molasses casks which occa-fiionally arises from absorption by W. Ferywon. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 122. Molecular Action.-Researches in the quantities of heat disengaged in chemical and molecular actions 3rd 4th and 5th parts (conclusion) by P. A. Fuvre and J. 2'. Silbernzunn. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 406. Molybdenum.-On the reduction and electro-chemical application of molybdenum by Junot de Bussy. Compt. rend. xxxvi 540. -On the applicability of molybdic acid and the molybdates to dyeing and calico-printing by F. I€. Kurrer.Chem. Gax. 1853 435 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 225. AA2 TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPER8 Molybdenum.-On the use of moIybdate of ammonia as a test for arsenic in medico-legal inquiries by H. Struve. J. pr. Chem. lviii 493; J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 375; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 82. -Note on a red variety of molybdate of lead from Phoenixville U.S. by C.M. Wetherill. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 236. M ordants.-Improvements in the manufacture of certain mordants used in preparing woven or textile fabrics for printing staining or dyeing (Higgins’ Patent). Chem. Gaz. 1853 440. N. Narceine.-On the rotatory power of narceine by Bouchardak and 3’.Boudet. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 288. Nickel.-Note on the presence of nickel and cobalt in certain ferruginous waters and on a process for isolating them by 0.EIenry. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 305. -Separation of nickel from cobalt. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 128. -On the compounds of boracic acid and water with protoxide of nickel by H. Rose. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 361. -Analysis of a slag obtained in the smelting of nickel at the Dorothea Works at Dillenburg by 7V. ?inter. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 221. 7 Passive state of nickel and iron by J. NickZ2s. Pogg. Ann xc 351. -On the passive state of nickel and cobalt by J. XichZ2s. Compt. rend. xxxvii 284. -On the separation of manganese from iron and nickel by T.Schiel. Chem. Gaz. 1853 413. -On the determination of copper and nickel in quantitative analysis by B. Forbes. Chem. Gaz. 1853 276.Nitrates.-New test for nitric acid and the nitrates by E. W,Dnvy. Phil. Mag. [4] v 330 ; J. Pharrn. [3] xxiv 206. -On the preparation of chemically pure nitrates of potash and soda by C. Veder. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 596. -On a method of determining the quantity of nitrate of potash contained in gunpowder by Jf. liebatius. Chem. Gaz. 1853,433. -On the compounds of basic mercurous nitrate with other nitrates by G. Stadeler. Ann. Ch. Pharm lxxxvii 129. Nitric Oxide.-On a compound of pelargonic acid with nitric oxide; by I;. Chiozza. Ann. Ch. Pharrn. lxxxv 225 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 123. Nitrogen.-On two new methods for the determination of nitrogen in organic and inorganic compouuds by iWarweZZ Simpson. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 289.-New method of forming the protoxide of nitrogen by J. 1;. Smith. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 234 ; Chern. Gaz. 1853 250. Yl On nitric acid as a source of the nitrogen found in plants by G. Wilson. Trans. Roy. SOC. Etlinb. xx 591. -On the constitution of iodide of nitrogen by R. Bunsen. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxiv 1 ; Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 74 ; udstr. Chem. SOC. Qu. J. vi 90; .I.Pharm. [3] xxiii 393. Nitr0prussides.-On some new methods of forming the nitroprussides by E. 7V. Davy. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 11. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. 357 Nu tri tion.-Note on the chemical properties of certain proximate principles of wheat and their effect in the feeding of animals by M. Mouriks. Compt. rend. xsxvii 351. 0. (Enan thy1.-On ethers intermediate between the cenanthylic and the me-thylic ethylic and amylic series ; and on the constitution of castor-oil alcohol by A.W. WiZZs. Chem. Soc.'Qu. J. vi 307. Oils.-On a method of distinguishing the volatile oils of the series C,H4 by C. G. JViilZiams. Phil. Mag. [4] v 536; J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 134. -Researches on fixed oils of vegetable origin by M. Lefort. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 278 350. -On the preparation of medicinal oils and fats by M. Llermite. J. Pharm. [3] xsiv 349. -Report presented to the Socidtte' de Pharmacie on a method proposed by M. Behrens for detecting adulteration in oils by MM. Guibourt and Reveil. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 349. -On a method of testing edible oils by E. Marchand. J.Pharm. [3]xxiv 267. -On the analysis of fixed oils by means of sulphuric acid by M.Maument?. Chem. Gaz. 1853 58 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 187. -On the fixed vegetable oils of Southern India. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 598. -New process for recognizing the presence of alcohol in essential oils by $1 Oherdorfer. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 73. -On essential oil of bitter almonds by D. Muclayan. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 277. -Preparation of a drying oil for zinc paint. Yharm. J. Trans. xiii 294. -Means of detecting turpentine in mineral naphtha and in oil of amber by Dr. Bolley. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 292. -On the compounds of certain volatile oils with the alkaline bisulphites by C. Bertagnini. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 179 265 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 46. -Improvements in preparing oils for lubricating and burning (Hutchison's.Patent). Pharm. J. Trans. xii 551. -On the disturbing action exerted by certain metallic salts on drying oils when exposed to air and light by BarrueZ and Jean. Compt. Rend. xxxvi 577. -On the action of phosphorus on drying oils chiefly on linseed-oil by L. E. Jonas. Arch. Pharm. [2] lxxx 139; J. Pharm. [3] xxii 469. -On the volatile oil of beech-tar by C. YoZcheZ. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxsxvi 331. -Adulteration of oil of cassia with oil of cloves by G. Ules. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 602. I_ On oil of camphor by Th.Madens. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 473. -On cod-liver oil. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 426. -On the constitution of cod-liver oil. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 450. -Improvements in deodorizing cod-liver oil by Sir Jumes Murray.Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 188. -On the adulteration of olive-oil by J. Jfacfiuy. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 484 ; also by JfaumenB. Ibid. 497. -Soluhilityof biniodide of mercury in cod-liver oil. Pharm. J.Trans. xiii I 89. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Oils.-On essential oil of coriander. J. Pharm. [s] xxiii 479 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 16 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xii 396. -On oil of cummin by C. Ydckel. Ann Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 246. -On volatile oil of ginger by Jf. Pupusk. J. Pharm. 133 xxiii 465; Chem. Gaz. 1853 12 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xii 601. -On oil of hops by R.Wagner. J. pr. Chem. lviii 6 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 272. -Note on the ozonization of the oils of lemons and turpentine by C. G. WilZiums. Chem. Gaz. 1853 331. -On the action of ammoniacal bases upon oil of mustard by F.Hinfer-belyey. Chem. Gaz. 1853 71. -_ On the preparation of oil of morphine by M. St. Lager. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 358. -Note on the rectification of essential oil of Nerole‘ by H Dunney. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 204. -Physiological action of the essential oil of oranges by J. Goutheye. Compt. rend. xxxvi 623. -On the acids of rape-oil by G. Stadeler. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvii 133. -Improvements in bleaching palm-oil (Dixon’s Patent). Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 46. -Manufacture of resin and of rcsin-oil. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 345 389. -On the manufacture of oil of roses. Chem. Gaz. 1853 98. -Camphor from oil of sassafras. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 376. -On essmtial oil of thyme by A. Lallenimd. Compt. rend. xxxvi 498 ; J.Pharm. [3] xxiv 274. -Action of heat on oil of turpentine by M. Rerthelot. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 5. -On the oil of Wwmsame by C. YoZckel. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 312. Olefiant Gas.-On the production of tar from olefiant gas by G. Mu,qnus. Pogg. Ann. xc 1 ; Phil. Mag. [4] vi 420. Opium.-On some of the crystalline constituents of opium by 2’. Anderson. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 179. Organic Analysis.-On the use of gas as fuel in organic analysis by A. W. Hofmunn. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 209. Organic Bases.-Contributions to the history of volatile bases by A. Pluntu and A. KekuM Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 1. Organic Bodies.-On a new series of organic bodies containing metals by E. Frunkkund. Phil. Trans. 1852 ii 417; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 329 ; Phil.Mag. [4] v 159 239 ; abstr. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 296 ; Chem. SOC.Qu. J. ri 57. Organic Raci ica1s.-Researches on the oxygen-radicals by L. Chiozza. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxiv 102 ; Compt. rend. xxxv 225 ; Chem. SOC. Qu. J. vi 182. -Researches on stanmethyl a new organic radical by A. Cahours and A. Riche. Compt. Rend. xxxvi 1001. 0thy1.-Remarks on Professor Williamson’s othyl-theory by F. Vrightson. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 418. Oxides.-Note on the separation of some metallic oxides by M. Flajolot. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1090; Chem. Gaz. 1853 379; Ann. Min. [5] iii 652. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. 359 Oxides.-On the behaviour of certsin oxides with caustic potash in the presence of oxide of chromium by A. B. Northcote and A.H. Church. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 51. Oxygen.-On the electro-chemical deportment of oxygen by M. Piard. Phil. Mae;. [4] vi 241. -On the function of oxygen in the life of plants and the action of manure by 3. Robin. Rev. Sci xlii 407. Ozone.-On a new oxide of hydrogen and its relation to ozone by M. Bau-mert. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 37 ; Phil. Mag. [4] vi 51 ; Chem. SOC. Qu. J. vi 169. -Note on the ozonization of the oils of lemons and turpentine by C. G. Villiams. Chem. Gaz. 1853 331. P. P a1ladium.-Facts relating to the analytical history of palladium and silver by A. Be'cham?. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 413. -On palladamine by Hugo Muller. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvi 341. Papaveri ne.-On the rotatory power of papaverine by Bouehardat and F.Boudet.J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 288. pa pier-mach6.-Substitute for papier-mache' (Warren's Patent). Chem. Gaz. 1853 439. Pelargonates -On the preparation of crude pelargonate of ethyl by R Wagner. Chem. Gas. 1853 144. Phosphate.-On the composition of phosphate of mercury by R.Brundes. J. Pharm. C3]. xxiv 804 Phosphates.-Action of caustic potash on the phosphates by A. B. Northcote and A. H. Church. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 53. Phosphides.-On phosphide of manganese. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 371. -On phosphide of titanium by Vohler. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 376. Phosphorescence -On the phosphorescence of some marine invertebrata by A. de QuutreJages. Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 69. Phosphorus.-On the specific heat of red phosphorus by V.Regnadt. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 49 ;Ann.Ch. Phys. [3] xxrviii 129. -On the discovery of phosphorus by J. Ince. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 280. -On the so-called amorphous phosphorus by A. Putqarcken. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxr 136 ;Chem. Gaz. 1853,447. -Action of phosphorus sulphur arsenic and antimony upon certain classes of salts by J. F. "leer. Chem. Gaz. 1853,329. -On the crystallization of sulphur and phosphorus. Compt. rend. xxxvi 463. -Action of phosphorus on drying oils chiefly on linseed-oil by L.E. Jonas. Arch. Pharm. [2] lxx 139; J. Pharm. [3] xxii 469. -On hypochlorite of magnesia as an antidote to phosphorus by M. Bechert. J. Pharm. [S] xxiv 352 ;Pharm. J. Trans. xii 603. -Observations on sulphide of phosphorus by W. Ficke. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Ixxxvi 115. -Note on the oxide of phosphorus by A.Schrotfer. Ann. Ch. Phys. C31 xxxviii 148. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Photography-Method of obtaining direct positive photographic impressions on plates of any kind whatever especially on those which serve for engraving by A. Martin. Compt. rend. xxxvi 703. -New method of obtaining positive impressions of any dimensions and of equal delicacy with the negative by 91. Heilfiiunn. Compt. rend. xxxvii 136. -On the best mode of focussing the photographic apparatus by A. Clau- det. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxvi 201. -On certain causes of failure in photographic operations and on the pre- cautions to be taken to avoid them by Jf. Bertsch. Compt. rend. xxxvii 135. -On the cause of the occurrence of abnormal figures in photographic impressions of polarized rings by G.G. Stokes. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 107. -Fixation of colours. J. Fr. Inst. [I XYV 141. -Process for taking photographic landscapes on paper by J. Stewart. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxv 402. -On the application of photography to the study of certain phenomena of polarization by W. Crookes. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 73. -Photographic engraving on steel by H. F. Talbot. Compt. rend. xxxvi 780 also by M. ATiepci de St. Yictor. Ibid. 908. Remarks on the latter by Jf. Chevreul. Ibid. 908. Remarks on both memoirs by M. Biot. Ibid. 801. -Process for photographic engraving by H. F. Tulbot. J. Fr. Inst. [3J xxvi 121. -Application of the microscope to photography by W. T.Kinpley. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxvi 188.-Photography on stone by NM. Burreswil and Zemercier. Chem. Gaz. 1853 275. Phycite.-On phycite the saccharine matter of Pro€ococcus vuZgaris by JI.Lamy. Compt. rend. xxxv 665. Chem. Gaz. 1853 200. Physe1ine.-On physaline by T. Dessaignes and J. Chaulard. Chem. Gaz. 1853 15 Physical Propertie s.-Observations on certain physical properties of bodies by J. GrosAans. Pogg. Ann. Erganzungsband iii 4 596 ; further lxxxviii 29 1. Physiological Chemistry.-On the causes of old age and of death in ad- vanced life by 27. Robin. Compt. rend. xxxvi 147. Picrotoxine.-On the rotatory power of picrotoxine by Bouchrdut and 3'. Boudet. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 288. Piperinem-Researches on a new alkali derived from piperine by A. Cahours. Ann. Ch.Phys. [3] xxxviii 38; ubstr. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 175. Plants.-On the absorption of inorganic salts by plants by Xchulz-FZeetA. Pogg. Ann. luxxviii 177. -On the existence of iodine in various plants by Stevenson Jfacadum. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 294; Chem. SO~. Qu. J. vi 168. Platinum.-On the equivalent weights of platinum and barium by F. Aiz-drezcs. Ann. Ch. Pharm lxxxv 255. -On a probably new element associated with iridosmine and platinum by A. 3'. Gedh. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 246; Chem. Gaz. 1853 145. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. Poisons.-On the use of upa-reyia in testing for poisons by Gaultier de CZuubry. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 209. Remarks on the same by NuZu-guti and Surzeaud. Ibid. 296. -New mode of analysis for detecting organic poisons by C.PZandin. Compt. rend. xxxvi 517 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 39. -Nature of some of the approved processes for the detection of poisons by B. Muclayan. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 379. Polarized Light.-New researches on the relations which may exist between crystalline form chemical composition and rotatory power by L. Pus-teur. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 437. -Report on a memoir by M. Pasteur entitled “New researches on the relations which may exist between crystalline form chemical compo- sition and rotatory power” by H. de Senarmont. Compt. rend. xxxvi 757. -On the action of magnetism on a rectilineally polarized ray in its passage through compressed glass by Pro$ Edbrund. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lsxxvii 338. -Detection of small quantities of soda by means of polarized light by 2%.Anclrews. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 171. -Note on the rotatory powers of quinidine codeine narceine papaverine and picrotoxine by Bouchardat and 3’.Boudet. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 288. Polymorphism.-Researches on polymorphism by J. iVickZ&. J. Pharm. [S] xxiii 417 ;xxiv 5. Popp y.-Researches on the composition and medicinal properties of the dif- ferent kinds of white poppy by M. Meurien. J. Yharm. [3] xxiii 176 262 332. Porcelain.-American porcelain. J. Fr. Inst. [3] sxv 43. Porphyry.-On the composition of quartz-porphyry by Dr.n. Z’hbolet. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 327. Potash.-Preparation of pure hydrate of potash by Vohler. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 373. -On the preparation of carbonate of potash by C.Veber. Yharm. J. Trans. xiii 43. -On the behaviour of cartain oxides with caustic potash in presence of oxide of chromium by A. B. Northcote and A. H. Church. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 54. -Action of caustic potash on the phosphates by A. B. Northcote and A. H. C’hurch. Chem. SOC. Qu. J. ri 53. -On a compound sulphate of potash and soda by J. H. Gladstone. Chem. Sac. Qu. J. vi 106. Potassium.-Detection of potassium in meteoric iron by C. U. Shepard. Sill. Am. J. [2] xv 1. -On a new concrete sulphide of potassium by 31.Gobley. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 350. Potato.-Remarks on the potato disease by i”. J. Herapaih. Chem. Gaz. 1853 362 382. Propy1.-On propionic alcohol by G. Chancel. Compt. rend. xxxvii 410 ; Chem. SOC.Qu. J.vi 287. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Protean Stone.-On protean stone or artificial ivory. J. Pharm. [S] xxii 444. Yrussiates.-On the mode of estimating the value of red prussiate of potash by 3'. Lieshing. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 31 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 139. Pseudomorphoses.-On pseudomorphoses. with observations on the mode of distinguishing certain kinds of them by 5". Scheerer. Yogg. Ann. lxxxix 1 ; xc 315. Yurpurin.-On oxylizaric acid (purpurin) by €I. Ann. Ch. Pharm. Debus. Ixxxvi 117. Pyrophosphates.-Syrup of pyrophosphate of iron by Jf. Soubeiran. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 62. Pyrotartrat es.-On pyrotartrate of ammonia and its transformation by heat by A. 3. Arppe. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 237. Pyroxy1ine.-Researches on pyroxyline by A.Be'chanq. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] sxxvii 206; J. Pharm. [3] xxii 410. -Action of protosalts of iron on pyroxylin and its congeners by A. Be'-chanbp. Compt. rend. xxxvii 134. Pressure.-Influence of pressure on the permanence of compounds. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 374. Q. Quinidine.-Note on quinidine by L. Pasteur. Compt rend. xxxvi 26 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 123; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 123. -Observations on quinidine by JfM. Bussy and Guidourt. J. Pharm. [S] xxii 401. -On the rotatory power of quinidine by Bouchardat and F Boudet. 3. Pharm. [3) xxiii 288. Quinine.-On the manufacture of large available crystals of sulphate of iodo-quinine (Herapathite) for optical purposes as artificial tourmalines by W. B. Herayuth. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 346. -Action of carbonic acid on quinine and cinchonine; formation of crystallized carbonate of quinine by M.Langlois. Compt. rend. xxxvii 727. 7 On the iodo-quinine examined by Dr. Herapath and Prof. Stokes in its optical relations by 77. Huidinger. l'ogg. Ann lxxxix 250 ; Phil. Mag. [4] vi 273. -Sulphate of quinine. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 209. L_ On the diecovery of quinine and quinidine in the urine of patients under medical treatment with the salts of these mixed alkaloyds by W. B. Berapalh. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 171 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 2 16. -On the adulteration of the citrate of iron and quinine of commerce by C. G. FiZlims. Chem. Gaz. 18.53 269. -On the red colouring of quinine by ferrocyanide of potassium by A. Yogel. Ann.Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 122. -Pharmacological researches on tannate of quinine. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 158. IN BRITISH AND FOREIQN JOURNALS. R. Resin.-Manufacture of resin and of resin-oil. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 345 389. -On a new fossil resin by J. T.Mallet. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 135. -On the resin of jalap by F.Mayer. Chem. Gaz. 1853 21. Rhamnu s.-On rhamnoxanthene a new yellow coloaring-matter extracted from the root-bark of Rhamnus frangula :by L. A. Buchner. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 50 293. Rhododendron.-Examination of the leaves of Rhododendron ferrugineum by B. Schwartz. Chem. Gaz. 1853 44. Rocks.-Researches on the formation of volcanic rocks in Iceland by B. Bunsen. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 2 15. -On the structure and composition of certain basaltic and metamorphic rocks by F.Andrews. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 172; Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 32 1. -Researches on the products of the decomposition of rocks by hot sul-phurous waters by M. Bouis. Compt. rend. xxxvii 234. -On the theory of the formation of volcanic rocks by H. Streng. Ann. Ch. Phys. xxxix 52 ; Pogg. Ann. xc 103. -On the mineralogical and chemical composition of the rocks of the Vosges by M. Belesse. Ann. Min. [5] iii 369 747. Rotten-stone.-On the origin and composition of rotten-stone by Prof. JoAnsfon. Chem. Gaz. 1853 418 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 222. Rubian.-On rubian and its products of decomposition by E. Schunk. Phil. Mag. [4] v 410 495 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 344. S. Saccharometer.-On Soleil’s saccharometer by W.P.Riddell. Sill. Am J. [2] xv 175. Sal-ammoniac.-A method of getting rid of sal-ammoniac in analysis by J. 1;. Smith. Sill.Am. J. [2] xv 94; Chem. Gaz. 1854 115. Salicy1.-On the formation of hydride of salicyl in the flowers of meadow-sweet (Spirea ulmaria) :by LA. Buchner. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 73. Saline Solu tions.-Observations on the supersaturation of saline solutions by H. Liizcell. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 155 179. Saliva.-On the quantitative determination of the sulphocyanide of potassium in saliva by T.J. Herapath. Chem. Gaz. 1853 294. Salt.-Note on the probable existence of saliferous strata in the north of France by M. DQhnoue. Compt. rend. YXXV 850. -Examination of the Orber BadesaL by Freiherr v. Bibra. Ann. Ch.Pharm. lxsxvii 179. -Salt of Western Pennsylvania by J. C. Boolh and T. H. Garrett. J. Frank. Tnst. [3] xxv 48. Sal tyetre.-Remarks on the artificial productions of saltyetre by R.Reichen-bach. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 136. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Saltpetre.-Exposition of certain facts relating to the reciprocal action of soluble salt by J. MaZuyuti. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 198 ;Compt. rend. xxxv 945. -On the relation between the constitution of salts and the quantity of water contained in them by P. Kremers. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 337. -On the absorption of inorganic salts by plants by Schulz-Fl~eth. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 177. -Action of phosphorus sulphur arsenic and antimony upon certain classes of salts by J.W. Draper. Chem. Gaz. 1853 329. -Improvements in the manufacture of certain salts of potash soda ammonia lime and baryta (Price's Patent). Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 46. -Improvements in saline and metallic compounds (Claussen's Patent). Chem. Gaz. 1853 20. Sarsaparilla.-On a species of smilax and a new sort of sarsaparilla obtained from it by R.Bentley. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 470. -On Guatemala sarsaparilla by 3.Bentley. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 45. Scammony.-On virgin-scammony and on the characters of scammonyresin by V.Ball. J. Pharm. [3] xxii,446. 7 Production of scammony in the neighbourhood of Smyrna by I€..Maltass. Pharm. J. Trans. xjii 264. -Note on some specimens of scammony by D. HUI~~UTYJ. Pharrn. J. Trans. xiii 268. Scil1a.-Memoir on scillu by M.ZIZZoy. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 406. Selenium.-On the specific gravity of selenium by F.G. Scl~&"otsch. Pogg. Ann. xc 66. -On the compounds of the two acids of selenium with the two oxides of mercury and on native mercurous selenite (Onofrite) by F. Kohlw. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 146. -On selenide of mercury from the Hartz by C. Rammelsberg. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 319 ; Phil. Mag. [4] vi 272. -On selenide of ethyl by C. A. Joy. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 35. Seminaphtha1idine.-On azobenzide azoxybenzide and seminaphthalidine according to N. Zinin. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 328. Silic a.-On the quantitative determination of the alkalis in siliceous minerals not soluble in acids by J. L. Smith. Sill. Am. J. [2J xv 94 ;Chem. Gaz. 1853 252. _-On deposits of soluble or gelatinous silica in the lower beds of the chalk formation by J.I! Way. Chem. SO~. Qu. J ri 102 ; Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 174. -Analysis of a siliceous deposit from the hot volcanic springs of Taupo New Zealand by J. h? Jfullet. Phil. Mag. [4] v 285. Si1icium.-On the reduction and electro-chemical application of silicium by Junot de Bussy. Compt. rend. xxxvi 540. Silk.-On the detection of silk wool linen and cotton fibres and textile fabrics by G. C. Vittstein. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 181. Silver.-On silver as a unit of measure for resistance to electric conduction by W. Langsdorf. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 155. -Facts relating to the analytical history of palladium and silver by A. Be'cl~~~p. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 413.IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. Silver.-On the compounds of boracic acid and water with oxide of silver by N.Rose. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 482. -Hard silver. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxviii 176. -On the mutual action between the two ferrocyanides of potassium and the nitrate and the simple combustion-products of silver by 0.B. Kuhn. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 84. -On the reactions on which the amalgamation process depends and on the extraction of silver by amalgamation by Dr. Karsten. Chem. Gaz. 1853 141. -On the desilverizing of argentiferous lead by means of zinc by Dr. Karsten. Chem. Gaz. 1853 132. -Note on a new alloy of silver by G. Barruel. Chem. Gaz. 1852 15. -On the recovery of gold and silver from the liquids employed in electro- piating and gilding by P.Bollpy. Chem. Gaz 1853 354. Sinapine.-Researches on sinapine by L.v. Bubo and M. Hirschbrunn. Chem. Gaz. 1853 81; Chem. Soc. Qu. J. vi 187; J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 39a ; Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 104. Soap.-On soaps and their employment in manufactures by F. C. Culvert. Chem. Gaz. 1853 115. -Process for determining the value of soap by Dr. Bolley. Chem. Gaz. 1853 55. Soda.-Detection of small quantities of soda by means of polarized light by TIL.Aiidrews. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 171. -On the action of soda on the sulphuric compounds of indigo by C. Gros-Renuud. Jan. Bull. de la SOC.Industr. de Mulhouse xxiv 343. -Improvements in the manufacture of carbonates of soda (W. E. Newton's Patent). Chem. Gaz.1853 359. -On the presence of soda in commercial potash by C.G. Willianu. J. Pharm. C33 xxiv 290. -On a compound sulphate of potash and soda by J. €I. Gladstone Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 106. -Notice of a native carbonate of soda found in the territory of Nizam India by W. H. Bradlpy. Pharm. J. Trans xii 515. Soils.-Analysis of the ashes of Erica carnea and Calluna vulgaris Sulisb. and of the soils on which they grow by C. F. Rothe. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii I I 8. -Report on a memoir by MM. Verdeil and Rissler entitled ''Researches on the composition of the soluble matters extracted by water from fertile soils" by M. de Gaspnrin. Compt. rend. xxxvi 765. Sperm ace ti.-On the composition of mutton-fat human fat and spermaceti (Addendum) by W. Heiniz.Pogg. Ann. lxxxvii 553. -Means of powdering spermaceti. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 550. Stalactites.-Note on the consolidation of stalactites and of calcareous strata by M. Fournet. Compt. rend. xxxvi 987. Stanne th y1.-Researches on the stannethyls a new series of organic radicals formed of ethyl and tin by C. Lowig. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 343; abstr. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 234; Chem. Gaz. 1853 101 126 149 170. TlTLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Stearin.-On the manufacture of stearin candles by M&’. Larnasse and CO. Bull. de la SOC.Industr. de Mulhouse xxiii 314,-Report thereupon by Dr. Penot. Ibid. 317. Steel.-On the manufacture of cast steel by Dr. Kursten. Chem. Gaz. 1853 233. Strychnine.-New method of detecting strychnine and its salts by T.Davy.J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 204. -On the effects of acetate of strychnine (2nd memoir). Compt. rend. xxxvi 289. Suet.-On the composition of beef-suet by W.Beintz. Pogg. Ann. lxxxix 579. Sugar.-On the processes connected with the manufacture of sugar from beet-molasses. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 229. -Improvements in refining sugar (Bessemer’s Patent). Pharm J. Trans. xii 453. -Improvements in the manufacture of raw and refined sugar (Brandris’ Patent). Pharm. J. Trans. xii 355. -Improvements in the manufacture of sugar (Egan’s Patent). Pharm. J. Trans. xii 453. -On MM. Leplay and Dubranfaut’s improvements in the manufacture of sugar by J. Nickles. Chem. Gaz. 1853 387. -Action of alkalis on sugar. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 348 393. -On the occurrence of aldehyde among the products of the distillation of sugar by C.Yolckel. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 303. -On the gases formed in the distillation of sugar by C. Yolckel. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 63. -Action exerted by acids and by alkaline and earthy chlorides on sugar by M.Berthelot. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 3s. -On the seat of the sugar formation in the animal body by J. Moleschott. Chem. Gaz. 1853 351. -Note on the estimation of sugar of milk and on the means of detecting adulterations in milk by M. PoggiaZe. Compt. rend. xxxvi 265. -Note on the presence of sugar in the urine of epileptic patients by Michea and Reynoso. Compt. rend. xxxvi 230. Sulphamy1ates.-Actionof ammonia on sulphamylate of lime by M.Berthelot. Ann. Ch.Pharm. lxxxvii 364 ; Compt. rend. xxxvi 1098. Su1phates.-Process for making sulphate of soda. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 601. -On a compound sulphate of potash and soda by J. H. CZacEsione. Chem. Sac. Qu. J. vi 102 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxi 1205. -On the preparation of chemically pure sulphate of magnesia by C. Weber. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 59 76. -On the effect of sulphate of lime on vegetable substances by M. CZuusen. Chem. Gaz. 1853 437. Sulphide 5.-Researches on sulphides decomposible by water followed by general considerations on the production of sulphurous and siliceous waters by M. Fremy. Compt. rend. xxxvi 178; J. Pharm. [S] xxiii 161 ; Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 312. -On the sulphide of antimony by Vuckenroder. Arch. Pharm. [2] lxxi 207 ; J.Pharrn. [S] xxiii 156. IN BRITISH AND FOREIQN JOURNALS. Su1phides.-On the compounds of the sulphides of ethyl and methyl with certain metallic chlorides by A. Lorn'. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 251 ; Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 369; Chem. Gaz. 1853 361 ; Compt. rend. xxxxi 1095. -On a new concrete sulphide of potassium by M. GobZe. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 350. Sulp hi t e s.-On several new sulphites of mercuric oxide and cuprous oxide by L. Pian de St. Gillps. J. Pharm. [3] xsiii 45 ; Compt. rend xxxvi 1086.-Remarks thereupon by M. Chevreul. Ibid. 1089. -On the compounds of certain volatile oils with the alkaline bisulphites by C. Bertagnini. Ann. Ch. Pharm. luxxv 179 268; Chem. Gaz. 1853 46. Su1phopurpurates.-On the introduction of sulphopurpurate of soda (carmin d'indigo rouge) into wool and silk-dyeing by R.Baefely.Bull. de la SOC. Industr. de Mulhouse xxiv 321.-Report thereupon by C. Koeclilin. Ibid. 328. Sulphur.-On the amorphism and polymorphism of sulphur by C. Brame. Compt. rend. xxxvii 334. On compact transparent sulphur and vitreous arsenious acid by C.Brame. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 217. On the heat evolved when crystals of sulphur obtained by fusion pass into the other form by E. Mitschcrlich. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 328. On the crystallization of sulphur. Compt. rend. xxxvi 463. On the isomeric compounds of sulphur and antimony by H. Rose. Ber. d. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berlin 1853 242 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 290. Action of sulphur on certain classes of salts by J.W.Skder. Chem. Gaz. 1853 329. On the purification of iron and coke from sulphur. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxv 47. Blue sulphur I Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 373. On the detection of sulyhide of carbon by A. Yogel. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 371. Observations on sulphides of phosphorus by 7T. Vicke. Ann. Ch. Yharm. lxxxvi 115. On crystallized sulphur of utricular origin from Guadaloupe and Vulcano by M. Brame. Compt. rend. xxxvii 754. Sulphure tted Hydrogen.-Apparatus for disengaging sulphuretted hydro- gen by R.Presenius. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 131. Syrups.-On syrup of violets by F. Ketadull. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 18. -On syrup of iodide of iron and manganse by W. Proctor. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 88. T. Tallow.-Purification of tallow and grease.Pharm. J. Trans. xii 518. 7'ungues.-Researches on the tangues of Lower Normandy by J. I. Pierre. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 81. Tannates.-Pharmacological researches on tannate of quinine. J. Pharm. [3] xxiii 158. TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Tar.-On the production of tar from olefiant gas by G. Mugnus. Pogg. Ann. xc 1 ; Phil. Mag. [4] vi 420. -Improvements in the distillation of tar (Shand and M‘Clean’s Patent). Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 46. Tea.-On the adulteration of tea. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 228. Tellurium.-On the action of tellurium on the animal economy by K. Hansen. Ann Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 208. -Analysis of foliated tellurinm by Ph. Schomlein. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 201. -On some new compounds of tellurethyl by Prof. VohEer. Chem.SOC. Qu. J. vi 40; Chem. Gaz. 1853 49. Tetrethylamm oniu m.-On a decomposition-product of tetrethylammonium by Prof. Feltzien. Ann. Ch. Pharm lxxxvi 292. Tha1ia.-On the supposed new element Thalia by J. L. Smith. Sill. Am. J. [2] xvi 95 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 353. Thermo-chemistry. -Fundamental principles of a system of thermo-chemistry by J. Thomson. Pogg. Ann. xc 261. -Thermo-chemical researches on combinations formed in multiple pro-portions by P. A. Fuvre. J. Pharm. [3] xsiv 311. Thermometer.-On the absolute zero of the perfect gas-thermometer ; being a note to a paper on the mechanical action of heat by TV. J. 111. Rankine. Trans. Roy. SOC.Edinb. xx 561 ; abstr. Proc. Roy. SOC. Edinb. 1852-53 160. Thierschite.-Note on Thierschite by J. Liehig.Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 112 ; Ann. Ph. Pharm. lxxxvi 113 ; Ann Ch. Phys. [3] xxxxiii 490. Thorina. -Additional observations on the thorina (oxide of donarium) obtained from Orangite by N. J. Berlin. Pogg. Ann. lsxxvii 608. Ti n.-Improvements in the manufacture of tin (,Michell’s Patent). Pharm. J. Trans. xii 550. -Estimation of tin by means of graduated solutions by Jf. Sf. Lgyg~r. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 20. -On Tinstone Pseudomorphs by E. J. Chapman. Phil. Mag. [4] ri 121. -On the chemical compounds of copper and tin and on mixtures of these metals constituting non-chemical alloys by Jf. Riefel. Compt. rend. xxxvii 450. -On the chemical composition of tin-pyrites by C. Ramrnelsberg. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 603. Protiodide of tin. Ann.Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 374. c--Researches on stannethyl by A. Cuhours and A. Riche. Compt. rend. xxxvi 1001. -Researches on the stannethyls a series of new organic radicals formed of ethyl and tin by C. Lowig. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 343 ; J.Pharm. [3] xxiii 234; Chem. Gaz. 1653,101 126 149 170. Ti tanium.-On the reduction and electro-chemical application of titanium by Junot dc Bussy. Compt. rend xxxvi 510. -On phosphide of titanium by 7GhZPr. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxusvii 375. To1uidine.-On a new mode of formation of toluidine by Jf. C/iautard. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 166. Toxicology.-On the toxicology of bichromate of potash by M. JuiEZard. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 38. IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN JOURNALS. Trochue.-Analysis of the operculum of a trohciis by ?V.7tTicke. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lsxsvii 225. Tungs ten.-On the reduction and electro-chemical application of tungsten by Junot de Bussy. Compt. rend. xxxvi 540. _I On tungstate of lead or Scheeletine by E. J Chapman. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 120. Turpentine.-On the various kind of oils of turpentine by iW. Berliielot. Compt. rend. xxxvi 425. Action of heat on oil of turpentine by 111. Berthelot. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxis 22. Action of acids and of alkaline and earthy chlorides on oil of turpentine by M. BertheZot. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 38. -On a product of the action of sulphuric acid on resinized oil of turpen- tine by F. Kuberth. Chem. Gaz. 1853 385. -On bihydrochlorate of oil of turpentine by X. Berthdot. Ann.Ch. Phys. [3] xxxvii 223. 'l'yrosin.-Test for leucin and tyrosin by Reinhold Hofmann. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 123. U. U1tramarine.-On commercial ultramarines by JI. Barreswil. J. Pharm. [3] xxii 443. .__ Test of the purity of ultramarine. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 40. Urea.-On some compounds of urea and on a new method for the detertni- nation of chloride of sodium and of urea in urine by J. Lie&?. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 289; Chern. SOC. Qu. J. vi 1 ; Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 86 ; J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 299. -Experiments on the production of urea by Prof. Bischof. Compt. rend. xxxvi 875 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 289. -On a new method for the determination of urea by J. V.Draper. Phil. Mag. [3] vi 290. Urine.-Note on the presence of sugar in the urjne of epileptic patients by Jlichea and Beynoso.Compt. rend. xxxvi 230. -On the discovery of quinine and quinidine in the urine of patients under medical treatment with the salts of these mixed alkaloids by 7K B. Heropath. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 171. -On the frequent occurrence of indigo in human urine and on its chemical and physiological relations by A. H. HassaEE. Chem. Gaz. 1853,355. -011the solution of urinary calculi in dilute saline fluids at the tempera- ture of the body by the aid of electricity by H. Bence Jones. Chem. Gaz. 1853 99. V. Vacuum.-On a method of obtaining a perfect vacuum under the receiver 2'. by:an air-pump of Andrews. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 309. -$ Vanadium.-On an iron-ore containing vanadium. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 127.VOL. V1.-NO. XXlV. uu TITLES OF CHEMICAL PAPERS Vapours.-On the use of hydrogen in determining vapour-densities by R.Railton. Chem. SOC.Qu. J. vi 205. Varnishe s.-Composition for varnishing iron and steel and protecting them from oxidation. Rev. Sci. xlii 405. -Tinctures and varnishes for the wood-work of fire-arms. Rev. Sci. xlii 385. Vegetable Substances.-On the effect of sulphate of lime upon vegetable substances by M. Cluussen. Chem. Gaz. 1853 437. Vegetation.-Experimental researches on vegetation by M. Ville. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 489. Vetch.-Analysis of the ashes of vetch-seed from Neufchatel by J. Cohera. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 288. Vinegar.-l’yrogallic acid in wood-vinegar. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 256. Volcanic Phen omena.-Researches on the intrinsic relations of the pseudo- volcanic phenomena of Iceland by R.Bunsen. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 385. Volcanic Rocks.-On the theory of the formation of volcanic rocks by Dr. Streng. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 52 ;Pogg. Ann. xc 103. Vol umes.-Considerations on the theory of chemical changes and on equiva- lent volumes by T.S. Hunt. Phil. Mag.[4] v 526. Volumetric Analysis.-On a method of volumetric analysis of very general application by R.Bunsm. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvi 265. W. W at ere-Hassler’s experiments on the expansion of water at various tempera. tures by J. A. Alexander. Sill. Am. J. xvi 170. -On the influence of water in chemical reactions by H. Rose. 5. On the compoiinds of boracic acid and water with oxide of lead.Pogg. Am. Ixxxvii 470. 6. On the compounds of boracic acid and water with oxide of copper. Pogg. Ann lxxxvii 587.-Observations in reply to M.Laurent. p. 598. 7 8 9. On the compounds of boracic acid and water with protoxide of cobalt protoxide of nickel and oxide of zinc. Pogg.Ann. Ixxxviii 299. 10. On the compounds of boracic acid and water with oxide of silver. Pogg. Ann. Ixxxxviii 482. 11. On the action of boracic acid and water on sesquioxide of iron. Pogg. Ann lxxx1x 473. -On the influence of water on boracic acid in borates by H. Rose. Chem. Gaz. 1853 65. -Report on a memoir by A. Reynoso (‘On the action of water on various bodies at high temperatures and pressures” by M.Dumas. Compt. rend. xxxvi 411. -On the relations between the constitution of salts and the qriantity of water contained in them by P. Kremers. Pogg. Ann. lxxxviii 337. -Comparative examination of the quantities of water and fat in the brain by J. Huufand R. Wugner.. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxv 42. -Researches on sulphides decornposible by water ; followed by general considerations on the production of sulphurous and siliceous waters by $1.Fremy. Compt. rend. xxxvi 178 ; J. Ybarm. [3] xxiii 161 ; Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxviii 312. 1N IlRITlSH AND IFOREION JOURNALS. Water.-On the estimation of water in commercial iodine by fife BoEley. Chem. Gaz. 1853 119. -Researches on the absorption of atmospheric water by mineral substances by M. Durocher.Compt. rend. xxxvi 870. -Absorption of water by chalk by E. J. Chapman. Phil. Mag. [4] vi 108. -Report on a memoir by MM. Verdeil and Rider entitled “Researches on the composition of the soluble matters extracted by water from fertile soils” by M. de Gusparin. Compt. rend. xuxvi 765. _I On stagnant waters in general and on “eaux de mares” in particular by M. MurcAaiid. Compt. rend. xxxvii 719. -Researches on the products of the decomposition of rocks under the influence of sulphureous thermal waters by M. Bouis. Compt. rend. xxxvii 234. -Note on aerated waters by 111. Cliatin. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 56. -On the analysis of rain-water collected and distilled in vessels of platinum by M. Barral. Compt. rend. xxxvi 184. -On the chemical analysis of rain-water by M.1Cfurtin. Compt. rend. xxxvi 487. -On the determination of the ammonia contained in waters by ilL Uoussi:rgauEt. Compt. rend. xxxvi 814 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 319. -On the quantity of ammonia in rain-water collected at a distance from towns by Boussinyault. Compt. rend. xxxvii 207. -Note on the presence of nickel and cobalt in certain ferruginous waters and on a process for isolating them by 0. Henry. J Pharni. [3] xxiv 303. _-Existence of boracic acid in various mineral waters by E. FiEhoZ. Compt. rend. xxxvi 327; Chem. Gaz. 1853 113. -.-On the presence of boracic acid in the mineral waters of TViesbaden and Ajx-la-Chapelle by Frrsenius and Wikiensdein. Yharm. J. ‘l’rans xii 548. -On the analysis of mineral waters containing chloride of magnesium by M.Tilluianns. J. I’harm. [3] xxiii 234. -Preliminary notice on mineral water containing iodine by P. Bulky. Ann. Ch. I’harm lxxsvi 51. -Water from the marshes and subsoil of the LantEev of Gironde by 11.1; I”aure‘. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xxxix 83. -Chemical examination of the mineral spring at Langenbrucken in the Grand-Duchy of Nassau by F. Wandesleben. Ann. Ch. I’hann. lxxxvii 248. -Note on the presence of the boracic acid in the alkaline sulphureous hot springs of Oletto (Yyre‘ne‘es Orientales) by J. Bouis. Cornpt. rend. xsxv 230. -On the mineral water of Orezza in Corsica by N. Poygiule. J. Pharin. [3] xxiv 277. -New analysis of the mineral water of Saxon in the Canton of Valois Switzerland by P.Morin. J. I’harm. [3] xxiii 183. -Analysis of the sulphur-spring of Serneus by A. w. Planta and A. Kekuk‘. Ann. Ch. Pharm. lxxxvii 364. -Analysis of the Soullzrnatt water (Haut-Kllin). Compt. rend. XXXV~ 495. BE2 T[TLES OF CI-IEAIICAL PAPERS. Water.-Mineral waters of Viterbo by Jif. Puyyiale. J. l’harm. [3] xxiii J 14. -Analysis of the waters from the deep wells of Westbourne Park and Ru~sell Square and the artesian well of the Hanwell Lunatic Asylum by C. H. Clark and 13.JIedhck Cheln. SOC.Qu. J. vi I 15. -On the mineral waters of Wiesbaden by C. Bruun. J. Yharin. [3] ssiv 145. -Analysis of the Wolkenstein mineral water by A. Spyferth Ann. Ch. Phaim. lxxxv 373. Wax.-On Yela or Chinese wax and on the Chinese vegetable fat called Fat of S&iZZiugia by C.Xurtins. J. Pharm. [3] xxiv 224. -On the insect white wax of China by D. Huiabury. Yharm. .J. Trans. xii 476 ; J. Yharm. [3] xxiv 136. -On peculiar lignites containing wax by L. Brucknw. J. pr. Chem. Ivii 1 ; J. Pharrn. [3] xxiii 391. -On the manufacture of wax candles. Pharm. J. Trans. xii 399. Wheat.-Note on the chemical properties of certain proximate principles of wheat and of their effect in the nutrition of animals by M. Mouriks. Cornpt. rend. syvii 331. Wines.-On the chemical constitution of wines and on paracitric acid and the paracitrates by E’. L. TVinckler. Jahrb. f. pr. Pharm. xxv 65 ; Chem. Gaz. 1653 32; J. Pharm [3] xxiii 469 Wood.-Formation of wood by the bark of dicotyledonous trees by A.Tre‘cul. Compt. rend. xssvi 138. -On the prodncts of the distillation of wood by C. Yolckel. Ann. Ch. I’harm. lsxsvi 66. Wood-spirit.-Action exerted by acids and by alkaline and earthy chlorides on wood-spirit by ill. Berthelot. Ann. Ch. Phys. xssviii 38. Wool.-On the detection of silk wool linen and cotton fibres in textile fabrics by G. C. 7jriitstein. Yharm. J. Trans. xiii 181. JVurr us.-Importation of Wurrus. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 284. X. X y1o‘idin.-On the spontaneous decomposition of xyldidin by J. H. Glad-stone. Pharm. J. Trans. xiii 21 5. Z. Zinc.-On the estimation of zinc in hrass and bronze and on the separation 4 oxide of zinc from oxide of copper by X. Bobihe. Compt. rend. ssxvi 224. -Note on amalgamated zinc by J.Nicklb. J. Pharm. [3] xsiii 124. -On the analysis of alloys of copper and zinc by €1.Spirgatis. J. pr. Chem. lvii 84 ; Chem. Gaz. 1853 260. -Note on sulphantimoniate of copper and zinc by Prof. EttEiiig. Chem. SO~. Qu. J. vi 140. -On the desilverizing of argentiferous lead by means of zinc by DP.Karsten. Chem. Gaz. 1853 132. _-Chloride of zinc as a solvent for copper. Yharm. J. Trans. xiii 233. -_ On the compounds of boracic acid and water with oxide of zinc by €I. HOSP. Pogg. Ann. Ixssviii 303. -J’reparation ofa drying oil for zinc paint. I’harm. J. ‘l’rans. Aiii 294.
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