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Computer simulation of single-crystal and polycrystal sputtering—III


作者: V.I. Shulga,  


期刊: Radiation Effects  (Taylor Available online 1984)
卷期: Volume 84, issue 1-2  

页码: 1-25




年代: 1984




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


数据来源: Taylor



This part of the work completes the discussion of the results of computer simulation of Cu single-crystal and polycrystal sputtering by 27-keV Ar ions. Sputtering due to <110> linear collision chains is investigated here in detail. The effects of thermal vibrations and simultaneous collisions (lens focusing) on the parameters of the <110> collision chains are discussed. The energy spectra of atoms sputtered by the <110> collision chains of various types and the data concerning the initial formation stage of the <110> collision chains are presented. The characteristic energies in the spectra of atoms sputtered by pure focused and mixed (focused-defocused) collision chains have been shown to be different. Collision chains along an isolated Cu <110> atomic row are calculated as a subsidiary problem. The ranges of initial angles and energies pertaining to various types of collision chains have been found. The hard-sphere approximation and the many-body integration method were also used in some of the calculations for the sake of comparison. The angular dependence of the single-crystal sputtering yield studied in Part 1 of the work is discussed again in the light of new experimental data.


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