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A Moessbauer Study of the Glass-ceramic Formation of BaFe12O19Particles


作者: K. Melzer,   O. Knauf,   R. Ruβbüldt,  


期刊: Isotopenpraxis Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies  (Taylor Available online 1988)
卷期: Volume 24, issue 11-12  

页码: 423-427




年代: 1988




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: ceramics;fine particles;iron 57;moessbauer effect;powder technology;structural chemical analysis;vitreous state


数据来源: Taylor



The individual steps of the preparation of M-type Ba-hexaferrite particles by the glass crystallization method were studied by means of Moessbauer spectroscopy. As starting materials, three different compositions of the system Fe2O3-BaO-B2O3were used. The amorphous base materials were prepared by the twin roller quenching method. In these materials Fe3+ions occupy both the tetrahedral and the octahedral sites in the glassy network. At high annealing temperatures not only the crystalline Ba-hexaferrite phase, but also an amount of approximately 16% of glassy phase can be found. The Fe3+content at octahedral sites in the glassy phase rises from about 25% at an annealing temperature of 300°C to about 70 to 90% in annealing above 780°C.


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