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Electroconvulsive Shock Does Not Increase Plasma Insulin in Rats


作者: Arun,   Thiagarajan Christoph,   Gleiter David,  


期刊: Convulsive Therapy  (OVID Available online 1988)
卷期: Volume 4, issue 4  

页码: 292-296




年代: 1988


出版商: OVID


关键词: Electroconvulsive shock;Seizures;Insulin;Glucose;Rat


数据来源: OVID



This study examines the time course of plasma insulin and glucose concentrations following a single electroconvulsive shock (ECS) and the last of 10 once-daily ECS in rats. In contrast to a report in humans, neither single nor repeated ECS leads to an increase of plasma insulin. There was only a slight increase in blood glucose concentrations following either treatment.


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