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Ferroelectrets: Soft Electroactive Foams for Transducers


作者: Siegfried Bauer,   Reimund Gerhard‐Multhaupt,   Gerhard M. Sessler,  


期刊: Physics Today  (AIP Available online 1904)
卷期: Volume 57, issue 2  

页码: 37-43




年代: 1904




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



Picture yourself sitting in a fast car, boat, train, or plane and hearing almost no noise. Suppose that you and friends are in your house, apartment, or office and that the living or working space can unobtrusively determine where everyone is. Imagine that the poster or projection screen on your wall can play music and that the pad on your desk can hear you and your visitors. These and similar visions might soon come true with internally charged cellular polymer foams—a novel class of soft electromechanical transducer materials that can be used in sensors and actuators.


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