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Effect of Diet on Experimental Hypertension and on the Development of Polyarteritis Nodosa in Rats


作者: Walter Kempner,   Ernst Peschel,   Bernard Black-schaffer,  


期刊: Circulation Research  (OVID Available online 1955)
卷期: Volume 3, issue 1  

页码: 73-78




年代: 1955


出版商: OVID


数据来源: OVID



Rats with experimental renal hypertension were fed various diets differing in sodium and protein content. Marked prolongation of life was achieved by rice diet. Polyarteritis nodosa developed, as a result of the experimental procedures, in 23.5 per cent of the animals. Its incidence was closely correlated to sodium ingestion: 4 per cent in rats on low sodium intake, 36 per cent in rats on normal or slightly higher sodium intake. Protein intake showed no effect on incidence of polyarteritis but distinct effect on survival time. Except for one rat where a sarcoma destroyed almost all kidney tissue, no animal on rice diet developed polyarteritis nodosa.


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