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Temperature dependence of the absorption coefficient of GaAs and ZnSe at 10.6 &mgr;m


作者: L. H. Skolnik,   H. G. Lipson,   B. Bendow,   J. T. Schott,  


期刊: Applied Physics Letters  (AIP Available online 1974)
卷期: Volume 25, issue 8  

页码: 442-445




年代: 1974




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



The temperature (T) dependence of the absorption coefficient &bgr; at 10.6 &mgr;m of Czochralski‐grown high‐resistivity GaAs and chemical vapor deposited (CVD) ZnSe is measured by laser calorimetry. Experimental data are compared with theoretical curves for intrinsic multiphonon absorption. The temperature dependence of &bgr; for GaAs is found to possibly exhibit multiphononlike behavior below ∼450°K, but deviates rapidly from theoretical predictions above ∼500°K. The latter effect may be attributed to an increase in free‐carrier density via thermal ionization from a level near 0.37 eV. The absorption coefficient of CVD ZnSe is found to be independent ofTover the temperature range investigated, and therefore this material appears to be impurity or surface loss dominated.


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