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Influence of Tetrachlorodecaoxide (Ryoxon®) on the Development of Leukemia after Total-Body Gamma-Irradiation


作者: Susanne R. Kempf,   Klaus Blaszkiewitz,   Rüdiger E. Port,   Stan Ivankovic,  


期刊: Oncology  (Karger Available online 1994)
卷期: Volume 51, issue 6  

页码: 510-514




年代: 1994




出版商: S. Karger AG


关键词: Tetrachlorodecaoxide;Ryoxon®;Total-body irradiation;γ-Rays;Prevention of leukemia;Survival rate


数据来源: Karger



The effect of tetrachlorodecaoxide (TCDO) treatment after total-body irradiation (TBI) with γ-rays (single dose, about LD 50) on the development of radiation-induced leukemia was tested in rats. TCDO was applied intravenously from day 4 through day 11. The control group was exposed to the same dosage of X-rays (TBI), but received physiological saline solution instead of TCDO. Compared to the control group, TCDO therapy initially markedly increased the survival rate: 72 versus 44% (6 months after TBI) and 36 versus 20% (1-year survival rate). The overall survival, however, was not significantly prolonged. TBI caused leukemia in 36% of the rats in the irradiation control group without TCDO treatment, however, none of 24 rats treated with TCDO after X-ray exposure developed leukemia. Since in this study TCDO was only administered for 8 days during the acute phase of radiation syndrome, we suppose that additional TCDO treatment at various times later on would lead to even better results


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