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Review of psychometric features of the Medical School Learning Environment Survey


作者: G. I. FELETTI,   R. M. CLARKE,  


期刊: Medical Education  (WILEY Available online 1981)
卷期: Volume 15, issue 2  

页码: 92-96




年代: 1981




出版商: Blackwell Publishing Ltd


关键词: Students;Medical/*psychol;*Questionnaires;*Learning;Psychometrics;Education;Medical;Undergraduate;Perception;Australia


数据来源: WILEY



SummaryGrowing concern over the stresses imposed on medical students by their undergraduate educational programme has led to a proliferation of surveys designed to measure students' global perceptions of the medical school as a learning environment. The present study aimed at a comprehensive analysis of the psychometric features of a recently‐introduced questionnaire.Students at four Australian medical schools completed the Medical School Learning Environment Survey (Marshall, 1978). Data on the retest reliability, internal consistency and factorial validity of the MSLES are presented. Its potential usefulness for future evaluations within and between medical schools is discusse


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